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No. 178883

Previous thread

His social media accounts

Onision drama:

Latest news:
-He released his new edgy book on September 11th
-During the livestream with his wife, he constantly shoved her off and pushed her away from him.

No. 178885

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No. 178886

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Even some of his fans got pissed at the way he treated lamo

No. 178887

New book reading

No. 178889

Oh god, I know the OP pic is going to end up infuriating me every time I see it on the first page.
I already feel myself going mad.

No. 178893


I'm probably reaching a bit here, but I wonder if he's afraid of becoming old.
I mean, most of his teenage fans like him because for god knows what reason, they actually find him attractive, right?

And he doesn't seem to realise he's not a child or young teen anymore, he's an adult who is expected to take responsibility for his actions. (For example, turtle video)
And he still has that angsty teenage boy haircut

Surely he knows an unflattering screencap from his videos compared to a carefully angled and photoshopped selfie doesn't mean he actually looks younger now than he did then?


Holy fuck, look at the pure hatred in his eyes
Hasn't he done this before and she just defended him? I'm sure it's in one of the other threads

Oh jesus christ yes

No. 178895

So much this!! Few people can make me rage like Gerg, and this image especially angers me.

No. 178902

It just disgusts me tbh. Like bitch, close your mouth. You aren't cute, ew.

No. 178904

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Something about his mouth grosses me out.
His lips are grossly pale but big and puffy in a weird way.
Reminds me of a snub-nosed monkey's lips.

No. 178909

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not to mention his teeth look as if he files them into points

No. 178979

Back in the saddle. Let’s jump right in.

"My name is Arthur Gale. I am a 17 year old in high school. I’m starting this journal because I feel like no one knows me for who I am. My father is intentionally oblivious to the things I’ve been going through. It’s impossible to have a normal human-to-human conversation with him. Not that I’d want to talk to that Balding delusional self-loathing freak. I have no one to talk to,, no one to hear me and not automatically say something dreadfully idiotic in response. This reality leaves me with a void in my life. I need to vent to someone but the problem is I hate most everyone I’ve ever met."

Okay, first impressions. We’re only on the first paragraph of this god-forsaken book and he’s already trying way too hard. We’re like 9 sentences in and six of them were about how much Arthur hates everything. He obviously didn’t hear any of us desperately screaming “show don’t tell” as we read STA. He could’ve saved himself a lot of time and effort by just typing “My name is Arthur Gale, I am a 17 year old in high school, and I hate everything and everyone.” I have a feeling that’s what this whole book will amount to at the end of the day. Watch. We’ll read over a hundred pages of this kid’s irrational hatred of everyone around him and probably never find out why he’s such a prick.

"How do you express yourself to people when you don’t feel they’re worth the time? They wouldn’t even begin to understand me if I tried. if I even began to try and explain what was going on in my mind on a daily basis to the average person I would be thrown in a padded cell."

"How do you express yourself to people when they’re living in an entirely different world than you? They’re living a goddamn lie and they can’t help it because they barely qualify as self aware."

Oh, for fuck’s sake, Greg. We get it. Nobody understands Arthur. Arthur is misunderstood. The number of people who have an understanding of Arthur is zero. There are only so many ways to say it before it becomes redundant. Nobody understands Arthur and Arthur hates everyone. It shouldn’t have taken you three paragraphs to make those two points.

I’d also like to point out that there are already parallels to Stones to Abbigale in this book. James said in STA that he felt like an alien submerged in human culture. Arthur says here that he feels like everybody is living in an entirely different world from him. Both characters seem to think that even though they’re the odd ones out, everybody else is in the wrong. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is actually how Greg sees the world.

"This book will serve as my friend to talk to; my trash to dump my garbage in and if anything, this is proof the days I endure even existed. This is my escape from the prison of thoughts that scream to get out of my head on a regular basis. I would speak my thoughts aloud to others, but I don’t want them to give me another reason to hate them more than I already do. I can handle criticism but stupidity is contagious, I’ll have nothing to do with them."

Holy hell this book is as poorly written as the first one if not worse. “My trash to dump my garbage in?” Really? It’s just as needlessly verbose and badly punctuated as STA as well. It’s as if he thinks using more words will make him sound smarter and it has the opposite effect. But hey, look on the bright side; it looks as though he’s finally found his semicolon key!

“I can handle criticism.” Pretty big words coming from a man who refuses to let someone edit his books. And if what you say is true and stupidity really is contagious I better stop reading this book with a quickness or I’ll have no brain matter left by the end of the next paragraph.

"For the sake of not boring anyone who may read this, I’m going to do my best to explain the events in my life in a somewhat hybrid format. This will be half a normal book, and half a normal journal."

Wait… What? How the fuck– “Half a normal book, and half a normal journal”? What could you possibly mean by that? What reason does he have to believe that other people will be reading his journal? And even if they were, If he hates everybody on god’s green earth as much as he says he does, then why the hell would he care if he’s boring them?

"I realize I am insignificant. Me acknowledging that is somewhat ironic considering I feel most everyone I encounter is beneath me. I ask you, knowing my life is so meaningless, what does that make the lives of people who have not once stopped and questioned their existence? Who are these meaningless flesh puppets? These wasted human shells born like cattle only to wither like fruit and die as if they never existed to begin with? What is fame other than the recognition of a pointless person by a bunch of other pointless people? We succeed in life, why? It all ends in death, it’s all forgotten. Your massive house, your nice car, your trophy wife, it’s all temporary, once it’s gone you’re left with little more than memories. How do we find ourselves willing to continue living considering the true nature of our pathetic existence?"

God, the way all of this is worded is so disgusting. It just doesn’t roll off the tongue at all. It’s awkward and clunky and difficult to follow. I’m going to say what we all said about STA one more time; nobody fucking talks this way. This whole plot is asinine enough without Greg fucking it up the ass with more horrible syntax.

Setting the grammar and syntax aside for now, I don’t understand the point of any of this. You’ve already spent an unreasonable number of pages shoving the fact that Arthur hates everybody down our throats over and over again. This intro probably could’ve ended after the first paragraph but instead we’re being bombarded with lazy similes and pessimistic bullshit. Like, okay. We get it. Everybody dies. Life is pointless because it ends in death. We’re going to wither like fruit and then nothing we’ve ever accomplished will have mattered. I heard you the first time, asshole. Can I get a single paragraph where this guy does something other than endlessly repeat his own redundant observations?

"Something I find incredibly laughable is we still manage to have a self esteem, we still feel like our opinions matter and some are so foolish as to even write their thoughts down like I am now. Why? I am a walking talking contradiction. The real point of me writing this is to keep myself from combusting. If for some reason someone reads this outside myself, maybe they will feel the same as I do. Maybe they’re also sick of most everyone they’ve encountered. We are a curse this planet, but fortunately for Earth, our presence here will no doubt be brief. You, reading this now, admit your life is meaningless and admit you don’t matter. If you have any truth within yourself at all, just admit you can be replaced and the world won’t even blink as your body rots. Take an honest look our species. Admit humanity is a disease to this planet, admit what we are and wonder why you even bother trying."

Oh my god this guy is exhausting. Does he really think he’s better off for having spent his entire life stewing in his own rage? None of this is as deep or as thought-provoking as Greg thinks it is. Arthur doesn’t sound like an intellectual, he sounds like a misanthropic 12 year old who’s listened to too much Simple Plan and thinks it’s cool and funny to hate everything. How has this kid not gotten sick of himself yet? Like shut the fuck up and just play Mario Kart for 5 minutes, god damn.

"I confront our fragile and overrated existence every day. I see people smile and I feel sick. I see people praying in front of my school in the morning and am overwhelmed with disgust. Just think of the obsession a person must have with their own importance to think the creator of our infinite universe has time to grant their little wishes. Those same wishes are rarely about anything bigger than their little superficial lives. You’re pretending you’re talking to an all powerful being and all you’re asking is that they allow you to pass your math test or score the winning touchdown? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You’re not just unforgivably insane for believing some magical being is listening to your every thought, that’s not enough stupidity for you. No, you’re so dumb you use this imaginary connection to focus on your idiot little life over real issues like world peace, ending hunger and generally making anything outside your own mundane life better."

Oooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooood we get it, Greg. We fucking get it. You hate Religion. We understand. We know. You’ve said it a thousand times. You hate religion. You hate people who practice religion. We fucking know. We understand. If you think god is real you’re an insane piece of selfish shit. You’ve already told us. Everyone sucks but you. Okay.

That aside, Arthur is also like James in that he already thinks he knows what everybody else is thinking. How the fuck would he know what other people are praying for? Who the hell does this kid think he is telling people to be ashamed for wanting good things to happen to them? Could it be that people are able to take an interest in their own lives while also hoping for a solution to things like war and famine? I guess that nobody but Arthur Gale has ever taken those problems into consideration.

"I’m done talking for today. You know my name, you know my obvious pessimism and disdain for society. Most importantly you know there’s a good chance even if this book is some day published, even if you’re it’s biggest fan, there are likely hundreds of ways in which I hate you."

Am I the only one who feels like this is actually what Greg thinks of his fans? I mean we know for sure that he doesn’t love them or even like them. I wouldn’t doubt it if he flat out hated them as well.

Anyway, that marks the end of the intro, so here are some thoughts; this book is unbelievably condescending. It’s not exactly a surprise but it’s still obnoxious. He breaks the fourth wall way too much and 9 times out of 10 it’s to blatantly insult the reader. This is supposed to be a private journal and yet he’s still speaking as though he’s talking to an audience. Is that what Greg meant by “hybrid?” It’s repetitive as hell and boring to boot. I can’t judge it too harshly being that it’s just the intro. Maybe once the plot kicks up it’ll be more exciting. Still, I sure did have a hard time staying awake through this chapter, which is never a good sign.

No. 178985


Lmao I agree, I know what you mean. Pic confirms it all

No. 178987

Why does she have a semi-colon tattoo? Has she attempted suicide in the past?

No. 178999


No in her stream she said it was for the suicide prevention day where kids draw that on their wrists with sharpie.

And of course Greg made fun of it and called it stupid.

If you want to watch the full stream: www.younow.com/laineybot

No. 179016

Greg writes shitty fanfiction about himself, again - the book.

I can write the summary of his whole book in one sentence:
>Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal

No. 179020

>Surely he knows an unflattering screencap from his videos compared to a carefully angled and photoshopped selfie doesn't mean he actually looks younger now than he did then?

He also wears makeup (foundation)

No. 179022


Wow, didn't know that.
I he doesn't look like he cakes it on a la Suzy, but considering how poor his hygiene is, I doubt he bothers with removing it every night. Have fun fucking your skin up even more, Greg.

No. 179031

Ha! He WISHES he was the Devil – the Devil is smooth, clever and charming. Gerg is just a pretentious douche nozzle with a gullible fan base.

No. 179033

ITT Satan white knighting himself

No. 179043

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No. 179044

No. 179062

Wow, he respects women so much!

No. 179090

The devil only does deals for ten years, tops. How long has he done this shit?

No. 179098

At 0:43 that male pattern baldness - Kek

No. 179108


WTF? he's so not funny even his obsessed child bride is side eyeing him

No. 179116

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No. 179143

Gerg Onionsan is every self absorbed, obnoxious, holier than thou, manipulative, sociopathic pussy immature piece of shit guy Ihave ever known. He is an edgy 14 year old who thinks he is so special and above everyone else, he believes he is the only one who has ever felt misery or hopelessness, he thinks he understands everyone while no one understands him. Its fucking sickening and obnoxious and makes me rage so fucking hard.

Onion is the worst sort of edgy try hard. The ones that actually hurts people and has influence over stupid children.

No. 179144

I hope balding hits him harder so he loses all his teenage girl fans

No. 179146

Excellently put – you GO anon!!

No. 179157

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those look like liver spots

No. 179159

It got an ew reaction from me.

No. 179161

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No. 179243

That fucking Klingon forehead is even more revolting!

No. 179355

God, just five minutes into that livestream is painful. Lainey obviously hates him at this point, and Gerg is the exact narcissist he writes his "characters" to be in his books.

No. 179363

link to the stream?

No. 179368

No. 179424

Lel. if I was Lainey I'd take the baby, take the prenup money, and fuckin run to like, England or something. fuck, how can she even tolerate him for this long? I can't even make it through on of his videos anymore.

No. 179426

She probably thinks she can't get any better since Gurg is being worshipped by so many girls

No. 179427


plus shes pretty homely

No. 179437

She and Greg look like they could be related

No. 179490


She could EASILY get someone who would respect and cherish her, but she has a shit personality and doesn't want that she just wants to be "_____'s wife" instead of her own person even if that means sacrificing her integrity.

It's hard to feel sorry for that, and I feel empathy towards those in abusive relationships, but tbh I can't feel bad for someone that won't get out of a relationship like that when they have a CHILD with an abuser. That child's life and future should come before how good she feels from being in a relationship with an abuser that happens to have an online following.

No. 179507

Yeah that would be reasonable. Lainey is mentally still a teenager. She is married to a manchild, she interacts with teenagers who are big fans of her husband. There is hardly anyone mature in her life except her parents who she probably doesn't listen to. Maybe she is scared of what would Onision do if she were to break up with him. Most of her precious fans who call her "mom" would turn up against her. She's still a dumbass tho, but what can you expect from an Onision fangirl.

No. 179509

hes emotionally abusive, not physically. there is a chance he prob wont abuse their son at all, just lainey herself.

No. 179514

he probs doesn't interact with his kid at all, totally neglects it and leaves lainey to deal with him

No. 179516

Its funny/sad how when lainey and greg started dating she always talked about wanting to become a surgeon and was going to start school for it. But now she got knocked up by a sociopath and she's totally dependant on him or become a broke single mother. I wouldn't be surprised if gerg pressured her into getting pregnant or poked holes in the condoms…

No. 179520

This. Greg has perfected the pick up an insecure 4/10 teen girl to completely control and emotionally abuse.

She could do matter if she did a serious attitude overhaul but without that she is just a below average girl with a dumpy body so its not like decent guys will be crawling all over her.

No. 179529

File: 1442200105285.jpg (39.01 KB, 500x500, gregory-myspace-photo-x11.jpg)

he's so much better than everyone else!!

No. 179530

File: 1442200163064.jpg (50.29 KB, 500x500, gregory-myspace-photo-x15.jpg)

where's his fedora?

No. 179540

his huge head is disgusting

No. 179543


I HIGHLY doubt he's not physical, considering his physical violence history with Shiloh and how he subtly treats Lainey in videos.

In that new ones where he pretends to get his period (wtf) he's spitting things out and throwing things at her and she doesn't even flinch. She just stares at him blankly and walks out keeping up a facade so he can't react to her negatively.

Imagine how stupid she must feel after birthing his child to have him very publicly make fun of having to take a pregnancy test.

No. 179544


Also subjecting their kid to her being abused is child abuse in itself. That's such a destructive environment, good luck not being a fucked up product of that.

No. 179558

File: 1442207216256.png (86.6 KB, 712x600, gergrecp.png)

In his new book the main character is really turned on by a girl asking him to impregnate her.

This seems oddly familiar hmmmm.

No. 179559

Watch out you don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Wait… I can't tell if this is from a book, or someone recounting their past experiences with Gerg.

No. 179561

The image relate is a past encounter, here's what he said in his book:

"…I've already began to gratify myself to her[girlfriend in the book] I regularly imagine unleashing inside her, having kids with her. And I actually feel authentic admiration from such an outcome. Sometimes I think about her begging me to impregnate her. That mere notion ignites arousal in both my body and mind."

Mind you his self insert and his self inserts girlfriend are both 17 in this book.

No. 179562

This makes >>179561 probably one of the creepiest things I've read.

No. 179564

This. I don't understand idiots who don't think a parent abusing their spouse doesn't affect a child. Especially if it is happening in their home. So many kids who see their parents get hit grow up to become violence themselves.

No. 179565

meant violent*

No. 179568

This is revolting

No. 179570

My god, tweens look up to this sociopath.

No. 179572

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No. 179579

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This + OP's image =

No. 179589

File: 1442218126500.jpg (59.47 KB, 560x600, 1358183169001.jpg)

So I guess this is his fetish. I bet that's why he got those girls pregnant in the first place, he has no impulse control in the slightest.

No. 179623

Holy fucking shit. What a psychopath. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how he thinks real adults act.

No. 179626

That's what gets me the most as well, doesn't she realise that if she did break up with Onion, his fans would tear her to shreds; just like they did to Shiloh.

She has no "fans" they just like her because of Gerg.

No. 179711

They went the entire video without even mentioning their child once…

No. 179726

Do you think they might of put it up for adoption? Why else would they now pretend it doesn't exist anymore?

No. 179735

How are they even looking after the baby? When he isn't working on shitty videos, he's ALL over social media every single minute of the day… Same goes for Taylor.

There's no way they're not neglecting that baby, when it learns to walk and needs constant attention at ALL times, they're in for a huge lifestyle change or it will be safe to assume the child will be fucking locked up in their basement with nothing but a light switch, a bed and a smattering of toys, a'la Gerg's own childhood.

No. 179741

Does this baby really exist? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of it. New parents are all sorts of spergy regarding their babies usually. Or are they really that narcissistic that the only thing they want to document is themselves?

No. 179749

I don't get why he doesn't show his child. I heard youtubers that show their children get more views. Unless it's that will destroy his. young image

No. 179798

>I always wore black… so in the moment I was trying to talk to her, I gave up, I stood up hastily in the middle of the lunch room, and began to walk away… she asked where I was going in a loud voice, and so I raised my arm half bent snapping like a switch blade, my middle finger high…
>When she found me after school, she asked why I did what I did, I told her she disrespected me, and I was enraged by it ~ she asked how she could fix it, so I told her to prove she was not ashamed… I asked her to show up as gothic as possible (her being quite preppy) to school the next morning…

Onision confirmed for Tara Gilesbie.

No. 179803

I think they said at some point that they didn't want anyone making fun of the baby? Also, wasn't he born with a lot of issues? There have been videos where you can see glimpses of him.

I think it's reasonable not to show him. I mean, look at foreverkailyn's kid, people rip on that poor thing worse than Kai sometimes. That would absolutely break my heart. And onionsan's ego is too huge to put up with people makin fun of his kid.

I bet they have a nanny or someone who takes care of him, though.

No. 179804

It does exist.
If I remember correctly, in one of his video, during his check-up and the doctors or whatever, he accidentally shows a bit of the child with Lainey holding it. If I could find the picture, i'd post it.

No. 179806

When you take into account the fact that he made Shiloh shave her head for him because of his fetish for controlling girls, this shit gets pretty creepy.
>"Prove you are not ashamed"
Honestly, Onision is fascinating in a disturbing way. He's mastered the art of making emotionally damaged teenage girls think he's the cute, relatable, blunt, no-bullshit emo boy of their dreams, when in reality he's some narcissistic creep in his fucking 30s, as well as a textbook abuser.
He's like a villain from a movie or a cartoon. I wonder how many people have this much dirty laundry on them (without having online presence or receipts for people to openly call them out on).

No. 179807

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No. 179808

someone have a tl;dr for this guy?

No. 179810

read links, previous threads

No. 179816

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No. 179833

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Every time he releases a book he tells his fans to spam them with joke reviews to cover up all the negative reviews.

No. 179850

Wow, what a tool.

No. 179851

Samefagging to add that at this point, the only thing he could do that would surprise me is change into a decent human being. But we all know that's never going to happen.

No. 179861

Gines is still getting these things out like crazy.
The timestamp for the jerk off scene is 27:20

No. 179863

Chapters 4 + 5

The fucking goth vs preppy shit is making me weak. It's literally My Immortal.

No. 179864

File: 1442270742208.png (101.29 KB, 1130x368, QqCGVwo.png)

Screenshot and archive link of this shit. I don't even know how he thinks what he's writing is fiction anymore.


No. 179880

Ooh, thanks, I love her readings. I listen to them to go to sleep lol. I like her cat too.

No. 179882

I also think that he doesn't want the kid to hog the attention from fans.

No. 179883

I don't think that is the real reason for him not showing the kid (it's gotta be a more egocentric reason), but it's actually a good thing he doesn't!

No. 179885

I mean, not showing the kid for "privacy" and shit it's okay but the fact that they didn't even mention him on the "how we met and marry and we are OH SO HAPPY rn" story is kind of disturbing.

No. 179890

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This is especially pathetic since HS anon said the exact opposite happened.

No. 179901

Next few chapters. Behold the worse sex scene you will ever listen to.

No. 179904

She lost a lot of weight. Looks good.

No. 179934


Yeah so when her reading Gerg's book was first posted and everyone was all over it I thought there was no way it was that good but Gines is fucking awesome.

I literally just want Gerg to keep writing only so she can read it.

No. 179966

So while the first book was a fanfiction, he is basically writing an autobiography now?

No. 179969

I feel like it's a manifesto with his murderer-porn-fantasy interwoven in.
like, after hearing gines read it I legit believe Greg wanted to shoot up his school or actually murder his classmates

No. 180071

"Is Onision a sociopath?"


Grog obsesses over internet definitions again as if that makes him not a sociopath and as if he doesn't manipulate people with his "Poor me :'((" tweets.

No. 180074

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Lainey tweeted this picture of the baby's toys.

No. 180246

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Looks like someone's been visiting r/TheRedPill

No. 180252

>I am an Alpha

Fucking lost it.

No. 180280

please continue posting gines' videos since they're unlisted :*

No. 180299

They're all available on her tumblr, though. The url is supgina.tumblr.com

No. 180303

Chapter 8 + 9

No. 180304

Someone on his forums interviewed him, someone please mirror this incase it's removed. Apparently it gets good. Holy shit.


No. 180306

No it's not. It's a waste of time. It's just some admin from his forum trying to impress gregg for an hour then the admin tries to advertise his book and podcast. This guy sent a copy and paste message about this interview posing as an anon to almost every anti blog to get more viewers. It was obvious Greg and this guy were trying really hard to be offensive so they could get people talking. It wasn't even that bad.. just a tad cringey on the guy's part.

No. 180308

It really wasn't much to watch. The guy just tries to out-edge Gerg by joking about child molestation and murder. He also begged Gerg to unblock him on twitter and kept asking Gerg what his opinion of him was, desperately trying to get his attention. It was really just super cringe-y to see how much this guy adores Gerg.

No. 180316


He called MrRepzion and Shane Dawson a faggot, called Caitlyn Jenner a whore lmao

but yeah the dude was cringe as fuck and clearly wanted to impress onion by out-edging him.

No. 180319

Is someguy a cow? He obsesses over Greg more than anyone. He claimed he killed his turtle to get a rise out of him. Now he's claiming he stole his oc "Chris" and the description of Chris' girlfriend?

No. 180320

Wow Greg, you are so alpha you can't get a woman your age but aim at 12-17 year olds instead.

No. 180336

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No. 180343

Someguy is pretty paranoid but I would be paranoid too if Greg put my address on his imdb page

No. 180390

God bless this woman lmao

No. 180399

>My body has needs
rapists say this shit
and so much nice guy/fedora stuff happening with "Whaaa, friend zoned, wahaa nice guys. Why do women like jerks?" jfc. Go outside.

No. 180427

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Holy fucking shit, this entire book is just the masturbatory rantings of a madman
At least Stones to Abbifail tried to have a plot

No. 180442


yeah if you go through his old videos he's ALL about fedoras and has autistic rage videos. He's also literally obsessed with Gerg, even though they have really similar styles. I feel like if they were in the same high school, Someguy would be in the slightly cooler nerd/hot topic group, and would bully Gerg only to show how different he is. Gerg would be too busy trying to validate his pathetic existence by trying to stick his little dick into anything that moves tho.

Idk Someguy is pretty lolcow-y, but he's matured a little. Really needs to shave his pube beard though, other than that he's pretty qt.

No. 180470

No. 180602

the male youtuber is totally onision

No. 180603

File: 1442479036088.jpg (48.86 KB, 708x605, hahaha.jpg)

They even mention him in the comments. I died laughing.

No. 180606

File: 1442479543910.jpg (106.41 KB, 930x600, ew.jpg)

This is gross. Who takes a photo like this to upload publically?

No. 180608

Is this literally written by a 15 year old? it sounds like My immortal.

No. 180610

File: 1442480858288.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, ugrghhgh.gif)

>mfw she's licking his white, bacteria coated tongue

No. 180611

No. 180612

perfect gif

No. 180976

What is the context for this?

No. 180980

File: 1442554885493.jpg (63.69 KB, 936x509, teef.jpg)

He really does. wtf

No. 180983

File: 1442555323183.jpg (40.47 KB, 885x472, Clipboard03.jpg)

His face looks so bloated and disgusting.

No. 180992

I don't understand how this is attractive to teenage girls.
His face looks like the one you'd make when you try to purposely look ugly and you pull your eyes down while pulling the corners of your mouth up.

No. 181025

when i was a teenager, any guy with that type of haircut was hot to me lmao. that's probably what's happening here

No. 181028

Same. As long as he had that type of hairstyle and wasn't fat was attractive to me. But I started gaining actual taste in men when I was around 18.

No. 181041

lol that was the soccer mom cut when soccer moms were transitioning from gosselin/MySpace mom hair

No. 181086

Yeah but guys with this hair cut tended to be morons or arseholes though. Glad you grew out of it!

No. 182996

File: 1442632190927.png (774.85 KB, 1182x1359, Onision body shaming again.png)

Onision body shamed again on Twitter and had another fight with his wife.. kek

There's been a few other twitter disagreements we've seen recently. The other one was over him not "loving himself" and feeling empty and that upset Taylor a lot. It's a week or so back I believe if you didn't see it.

No. 183007

File: 1442632640596.png (422.6 KB, 1340x1517, Onision says he feels dead ins…)

And here's the twitter fight they had a few weeks ago when Gerg said he felt "dead inside"

God he's such a tool, even Lainey is getting sick of attention whoring.

No. 183066

Ugh, this reminds me of having play dates with friends as a kid and the friend's parents would start fighting. Awkward.

No. 183085

Nothing like airing your need for extensive marriage counseling over Twitter. Smdh

No. 183121

Gotta go with lainey on this one. Why does Onision act like a fucking 13 year old boy? he's so embarrassing.

No. 183122

>Why do women care what men think?
>why are women (nice generalization there) so obsessed with their self image? is it because of men?

i want to punch this guy through my screen

No. 183124

He is a literal child with those responses. holyshit, I actually feel really bad for lainey. She needs to run.

No. 183126

How can you be this stupid? Why do he act like everything that women do is to please men??? Why don't he understand that anorexia is not a freaking choice? Wtf? is it some sort of message to Lainey??

No. 183131

He's one of the reasons I hate men discussing certain topics, like wow… You honestly think women revolve around men so much? fuck off with your ego. I honestly dont know how people are fans of this piece of shit

No. 183132

Men get anorexia too though. It isn't a gender specific disorder.

No. 183137

Yeah, he doesn't acknowledge it at all. Every single video he make about woman is the same "you like this? Guess what I don't like, my penis don't like it, you must look like you can carry baby"

No. 183147

He's so disgusting. Aren't most of his retarded fans women? I guess they wouldn't be women, since they're all underaged.

No. 183227

No. 183241

>"the fat chick is still able to produce offspring"

Once again, he sees women as baby factories.

No. 183259


Probably an unpopular opinion (idk) but I love his canines, I really love sharp looking teeth. I used to think he was good looking back in 2011… but then I grew up and realized he's an ugly mother fucker

No. 183261

If any 17 year olds or anyone underage is lurking this thread, please flirt with greg and help lainey leave him. She's starting to realize what a huge mistake shes made, so lets try help her.

sistas before mistas, amirite?

No. 183289

File: 1442690774020.jpg (122.97 KB, 500x750, gerg in 10 years.jpg)

He really looks like he has a birth defect. His doughy face, cromagnon forehead and droopy eyes remind me of a mastiff, except uglier. Also, Lainey should help him find a better matching foundation.

No. 183291

this is LITERALLY the funniest of all the readings, I was rolling on the floor. gines is the best!

No. 183292

the sickest part is where gerg's character thinks he is doing his grieving ex a favour but having lots and lots of sex with her.

No. 183293

wait. is he wearing foundation regularly ?

No. 183294


He never used to regularly until late 2013 when he realized how ugly he was.

No. 183295


"My Suicide Attempt (Goodbye)"

God he's such an unfunny attention whore. What a fucking cunt.

No. 183297

File: 1442691788544.bmp (295.51 KB, 528x191, kek.bmp)

No. 183299

>I literally gratify myself to the thought of her on a regular basis, but that's literally the limitation of our relationship beyond friendship.

This is literally the worst sentence in the world.

No. 183301


Wait until the part where his ex goes through a serious trauma and he takes advantage of this by railing her left, right and center

No. 183303


Reminder that his man is 29 years old.

No. 183304


Real talk, I would give it a go if I had more of a way with words, knew how to go about doing it, and wasn't firmly convinced the psycho would end up trying to destroy someone's life once he found out they were bullshitting. I wouldn't be surprised if he or some of his fans lurk here anyway.

Didn't someone try catfishing him as a 17 year old a while ago and he just backtracked the whole thing?

I'd be very surprised if he isn't used to people trying to pull a Bluespike/JULAY on him at this point.

No. 183312

File: 1442694204309.jpg (41.18 KB, 856x480, Capture.JPG)

Who wouldn't want to be kissed by this beautiful man?

No. 183331

ugh. he looks like he smells of week old frying oil and sweat. :(

No. 183334


vomit And this is why he puts on so many filters, uses good angles and wears tons of makeup, the guy is so revolting and knows his teenage fanbase would hate how he looks naturally.

No. 183337

does no one else find this bitch annoying? it could be so much funnier

No. 183340


Yeah, I sort of agree. I'd rather read the book in PDF format, if anyone here has it that'd be a "fun" read to see how awful it is. I don't really like watching hour long videos either.

No. 183342


Get out greg.

No. 183344

really? that's weak. i just find her vocalizations annoying, she's too loud, makes too many grating commentd about her cat, calls her cat stupid and shit… what does that add to making fun of gerg? it detracts from the inherent laughfest of this shit "book".

No. 183346


"Get" "out" "greg"

No. 183347


Nah, I appreciate her commentary on the books, it's not awful or anything but I just don't like long videos and yeah her voice/coughing/cat comments are a bit distracting for me. I need the PDF, like how I read the first one.

No. 183363

lol, you can watch To Catch a Predator for inspiration.

No. 183378

File: 1442700612884.jpg (73.28 KB, 757x431, gregs scalp.jpg)

How do we spread this to his fanbase? I feel like he would lose alot of young female followers if this got out.

No. 183392

Anyone got contact details for him?

This farmers going catfishing ~

No. 183394


He has this page for contacting him. When someone catfished him the first time pretending to be a minor, they contacted his work email saying they were a young actress who wanted to appear in his videos.

Or you could do it the ol' Lainey way and tweet him obsessively for a couple months til he notices you and then proposes days after.

There's no doubt in my mind that he's cheating on her so I think you have a good shot. GL, anon.

No. 183395

He looks like a burn victim.

No. 183396


Good luck and godspeed, anon.

Please try to stay safe and don't give him any real information he can use against you

No. 183397

God bless your little cotton socks. here's hoping you don't lose too many brain cells having to converse with him.

No. 183550

File: 1442738508356.jpg (38.8 KB, 620x342, eww.jpg)

idk, might wanna point out that he thinks that doctors are scam artist and won't even begin to get his acne treated by a GP?

No. 183565

File: 1442742986273.png (491.8 KB, 483x561, ss (2015-02-21 at 02.09.38).pn…)

tell me I'm pretty

No. 183578

well….he looks his age alright haha I love how the comparison pics always have filters and makeup. you don't look young for your age greg, you look your age!

No. 183624

File: 1442760098960.png (9.45 KB, 181x71, vein.png)



No. 183679

Noob gains + skinny fat body. Eat a steak and try again gorg.

No. 183703

WTF, I have no clue who this guy is, but are teenage girls really fans of him when he is a rapist?! What the hell?!

I'm going to read the old thread now… This is disgusting…

No. 183815


No. 183902


Gerg doesn't use condoms. He thinks the pull-out 'method' is the best prevention against pregnancy. Seriously.

No. 183904

the herp

No. 183915


is he wearing fucking light cream colored eyeshadow?????????

No. 183918

He wears foundation for sure so maybe he blends it up on his eyes and hadn't sweated it off yet. Would also explain why he's getting zits there lol.

No. 183934

Lmao still doing his absolute best to hide the decaying state of his rancid physical form. Dont pretend we cant see your acne and wrinkles just because you changed the lighting and angled your face better, you greasy fuck.

No. 183940

Are those varicose veins? Seriously, I've never seen veins like that outside of muscle mags at the groccery check out. Would be great if Greg has been so straight-edge over the years and has been found to be dosing.

No. 183942

They seem like they're just sticking out because he's tensing them. Varicose veins are a lot more extreme as they never "go down/deflate".

No. 184019

I know they're just veins because he's flexing, but how the shit do they stick out sooooo bad? I have a friend who is a legit competitive lifter, lean and his veins don't pop out anywhere near that bad. It's disgusting!

No. 184069

yeah, he's been trying hard not to mention the makeup, but as someone with a half working brain, you can clearly see where his foundation ends and his neck (non makeup area) begins.

No. 184070

He needs a good beat down.

No. 184072

You are doing god's work, anon.

No. 184074

Those eye wrinkles.

No. 184075

A vegan diet is super healthy and all doctors are shills. ^_^

No. 184081

Him and his child bride also claim that skin care products are bad for you too.

Meanwhile I use Korean skin care routine and my face has never been better, Onision's "skin care-free" vegan regimen gives him a literal pizza face.

No. 184085

File: 1442862950604.jpg (16.99 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

For anyone new to this drama, here are the letters from Gerg's ex-gf, who was mature enough to realize he was an abuser


No. 184096

He's not even a vegan, he's a vegetarian. Here's a video of him after he killed his pet turtle where he blames meat eaters. He says only vegans have a right to judge him because they're morally better than him.

No. 184105

Is HS Anon still friends with Greg?
I just came across this video, and at the five minute mark he's listing all his personal friends (not from yt), and the name "Michael" comes up briefly.
It's probably a different Michael, since Greg mentioned a few different people with that name in his old archived "important people" list he made. But yeah.

No. 184177


I'm going to have to create a fake account for this because I'm way too old for him… by 2 years… This is going to be fun

No. 184179


How is A doing these days?
She must be about early 30's now, I hope she's happy

No. 184185

HS anon was never his friend, I believe and Michael is a common name so definitely not him.

No. 184189

Be careful, anon. and godspeed.

No. 184222

Physically or metaphorically?
Because I feel like he probably should've ended up on an episode of Willam's Beatdown at some point.

No. 184263


Why is there no doubt in your mind? Jw

No. 184265

Besides the fact that he's a serial cheater and has cheated on basically every girl he's been with?

>constantly has young actresses over at his old house for filming all day

>the girl who parodies Hannah Minx recently tweeted about how she hasn't ever met his wife
>someone sent him nudes, pretending to be a 17 year-old girl and he asked for her facebook in response

There's been weird things too like Lainey hating that girl he used to collab with (Anna I think?) because of how she acted around him, and various stories of people having camsex with him (probably false but oh well).

No. 184347

No. 184348

Chapters 18, 19

No. 184719

So Onion is trying to call out Mark for loving his fans. Perfect timing to try and shit on someone: right after their friend commits suicide.


Also Onion's fake suicide video was uploaded the SAME DAY that Cyndago announced Daniel's death.

Seriously fuck him for trying to make bank off of someone's death ugh. I know it's not the first time he's done this, but it's the first time he's also tried to create a shitstorm of drama with the friends of the deceased.

I'm praying for Mark to rip him a new one.

No. 184727

Wow. Fucking unbelievable. I don't see Mark responding, Gerg is pretty much openly mocked in the YouTube community and I'm sure he knows he would just give Onion the flamewar he wants if he responds. He's just doing it for attention by attacking a popular YouTuber while he's vulnerable. Fuck any of his fans who support him after that kind of shit, that's disgusting.

No. 184728

if mark plays this smart he won't acknowledge onion at all.
Greg's just a bottom feeder.

No. 184735

Holyshit, what a lowlife piece of garbage. i mean, what the hell is up with that status? Is he seriously comparing Mark to hitler? I mean, plenty of celebs exist. Look at Justin beiber. His fans are called beliebers or something. Fuck, onision. he's disgusting. I hope Mark doesn't reply.

No. 184750

File: 1442983362670.png (64.68 KB, 613x361, Untitled.png)

No. 184766

I hope doesn't reply to Greg at all. Greg just wants someone with a huge following to talk about him

No. 184776

Well at least people are shitting all over Greg after that tweet

No. 184778

Poor cosplayer being dragged into onision's insane bullshit.

No. 184853

File: 1443022569256.png (527.04 KB, 601x453, tumblr_nv2u2o4msT1rgyhcpo1_128…)

Gurg criticizes filling eyebrows in his newest video, meanwhile his wife does it every day

No. 184887

Thank god her eyebrows don't look like sperms any more

No. 184907

File: 1443034941790.png (34.87 KB, 610x247, gerg.png)

Man she really has some daddy issues…

No. 184912

>thinks that onision is cosplaying as my husbando


No. 184913

Please lord, don't let this fool ruin Jojo for me.

No. 184938

What the fuck is wrong with filling in your eyebrows? Why do people pay attention to what this piece of shit has to say? Whenever a man criticizes a woman, esp on makeup related subjects, i just kind of laugh. Seriously, he's a cheating, underage girl chasing scumbag. He has zero say.

No. 184939


No. 184943

Well age-wise he could be. Gross.

No. 184960

>striped shirt
>shitty red wig
>cigarette in mouth
I seriously hope Onion's not supposed to be cosplaying Matt from Death Note in his profile pic. Jesus fuck.

No. 184965

No. 184966


His "YouTubers without makeup" video got a lot of dislikes (Over 50k and still 50k likes too though from his fangirls) and looks like it's received a ton of backlash… I wonder why. /s

What a tool. He calls random people ugly and calls his unfunny bullying edgefest "comedy" as an excuse to be a tool on the internet and do what literally anyone could do but 10 times less funny.

Apparently one of the YouTubers he made fun of and that he called "The OTHER duckling" commented on it and said "…" What a dick.

No. 184994

I watch less then the first minute of that video, not realizing it was him (for some reason.) He goes after beauty gurus in that time. They should be showing their bare faces for fucks sake.

No. 185000

Is he shaming women for not wearing makeup? because he's a literal piece of shit for doing that.

No. 185005

>Woman wears a lot of makeup
>"You're a fucking liar"
>Woman wears barely any makeup
>"What's the point you basically look the same"

There's no winning.

Also I'm laughing my fucking ass off at his eyebrow video. He shits on basically every kind of eyebrow (except Miley's jfc) and then points at his own ungroomed-gorilla brows and says "SEE THIS IS NATURAL, THIS IS WHAT A REAL EYEBROW IS, PERFECTION".

No. 185013

How about people wear makeup if they want and dont if they dont want? i dont know how hard that is to understand. And once again men should have zero say in what a woman does with her makeup or body. I want to hack his pc and expose all the porn he probably has on it.

No. 185015

I feel like he's just trolling for views at this point

He's the matt Walsh of youtube

No. 185152

He trolls for views but also believes in a lot of the shit he spews out.

It's pathetic how he tries to get attention from the more famous youtubers, but nobody gives a shit about him because they know he is a crazy loser.
I wonder if he will ever try to attack Game Grumpsm

No. 185174

I want to see him and Suzy duke it out.

No. 185220

No. 185224

He lived in South Korea with his first wife

No. 185225

No. 185229

Wow. That's actually… Pretty fucking abusive on Gayg's part. Throwing all of that personal shit out for all of his fans and the public to see in order to shame, embarrass, and belittle his woman just shows how little of a man he actually is. A true testament to how much he cares more for himself than he does for the mother of his own fuckin' child…

One things for sure… If he really did care, he'd do whatever it took to defuse the situation and take back what he said. If I were him, accidentally posting about how I feel dead inside and my girl called me out, I'd remove the tweet and go to my woman immediately with an apology and a home cooked SOMETHING, even if she was at work or doing something important… What a selfish sack of dog shit this guy is…

How can this sociopath find a woman at all?

No. 185232

File: 1443103060090.jpg (18.13 KB, 491x280, Bernard-black-books-8377107-49…)

"his woman"
"my woman"

No. 185234

Because he preys on underage, impressionable girls. With the exception of that one woman who spilled on what a psycho he is, all his other relationships have started out with younger girls. Usually from his fanbase.

No. 185242

Wow. If someone could make a charge stick on this dude, he'd REALLY hate it in jail. Well, not as much as everyone else in jail would hate him.

I don't understand how somebody with such obvious bullshit like this guy gets away with so much… I watched this video >>184105 and his wife can't even be honest with him about ANY of his mistakes… It's like she's scared as fuck to say anything to him… I BET you he hits her… I've seen a lot of OLD friends do this to their women and I hated seeing the girls never wanting to do anything serious about it, like pressing charges. And I CANT be the first person noticing this, either. This dude's confirmed for woman beater in my book, as low as you can get in my book.

She can't have a single honest word with him, it seems. She even had to suppress her responses with heavy hesitation in that video… I dunno, it's sad how a person can be so fortunate and can't appreciate a single thing they have in life like Gayg. I have to work full time to pay the bills like everyone else and this sociopathic little fuck gets it for free… Irritating… Sorry I had to let it out…

No. 185273

File: 1443116313490.jpg (56.32 KB, 1024x576, Bernard-black-books-8375843-10…)

"their women"

No. 185362

i like you, youre a good person

No. 185382

File: 1443140118855.png (968.31 KB, 825x858, gurg.png)


This video is so odd, Watch greg the entire time. He seems to be smiling, then after his mom gets a birthday kiss he turns to look at the camera as if to say 'This is awkward, then when his mom is holding the little figurine he just grabs it straight out of her hands without asking if he could see it first. It just shows his weird alpha male ego with a sense of entitlement which he doesn't have…

Sorry if im reading into this too much

No. 185385

he looks so fucking weird with facial hair

No. 185386

Wow. This is truly one of his best videos ironically enough. Of all his teen wives I think she brought out the best in him. But of course being Onision, nothing is good enough.

No. 185388


he did seem comfortable with her, but in this video you can see his abusive ways.

'dont look at the camera'
>he keeps looking into it

No. 185411


Yeah he was definitely the most tolerable when he was with Skye, I remember the only things that happened were his vegetarian rants and then the Shay Carl thing. Otherwise he seemed a lot less edgy for the most part. Then once he divorced his wife, he started the relationship drama and started to put up tons of edgy tweets and then acted like a total tool from then on. Although in 2013 for like almost a year he put on this "LOL XD CUTE TUMBLR boy" act when he got with Lainey I think to impress her or something or act her age… Obviously the super nice guy act didn't get him the views he wanted so he got edgier than ever and started making the awful UhOhBro videos and his main channel videos went to complete shit.

No. 185420

His mom is partially responsible for how much of a woman hater he turned out to be, but yeah, he def has an alphamale bullshit type attitude.

No. 185421

Wait, how many fucking times was this piece of shit married? So many damaged women. damn.

No. 185429

well. no wonder everyone hated him at school. He's irritating af.
I have no idea how skye lasted more than a day with him.

No. 185430


Well he was only married to Skye, but he was engaged to Shiloh for a brief period of time before they broke up.

No. 185439

For anyone interested, Gines is going to livestream the last three chapters of Gerg's book Friday evening (maybe?). She still hasn't clarified exactly when oops.

No. 185455

I thought he married Lainey too.

No. 185458

No. 185467


Well yeah, I meant before Lainey.

No. 185469

Fucking LEL. Read through some of this shit. Onion’s actual military life was just as pathetic as his fictional one from his book. Even on a website he created to document his own military experiences so that they may encourage other people to enlist, he still cannot be arsed to refrain from looking down on everything and everyone.

Here a section where Onion describes to the world that he’s totally unaware that certain pythons/other snakes actually need to eat small rodents, like rats. Source: owned all kinds of snakes and reptiles throughout my life. My apologies for the shit formatting, wasn’t my fault.

“Posted on: 07-05-2005 @ 07:15 pm

I saw something really offensive today… I’m going to be very inspecific because I don’t want to get anyone in trouble however…

An unsupervised group of young men were told to feed a reptile, I was in CQ, answering phones and working on a web site, when they were instructed to grab a rat, and toss it in to be fed with the snake… to do this they would have to kill it first… though I have never killed anything other than a few bugs to my knowledge, I felt extremely encouraged to volunteer for the death blow as I foresaw the mornicism that was about to take place.

One of the young men picked up the rat (no matter what creature it is, if it has never hurt a soul, it deserves a painless end) and flicked it on the back of the head, assuming it would kill it. NO! I knew it would no doubt injure it, and to every extent, it would continue to live if he were to keep that up… AND HE DID! As the other young men laughed around the rat dangling helplessly by it’s tail fearing what might happen and wondering violently why such things were happening to it, the young man flicked it again, in the same manner, with no avail! No death, just morepain!

Glaring deeply and furiously I scanned the room full of these boys laughing, hysterically so at the rat’s pain, at the idiocy that bloomed from the abuser. Realizing, finally, that the rat was not going to die if he were to continue flicking so gently, he changed… no! He did not change anything, he only flicked it harder, and this time the rat SCREAMED in pain.


These “men”! Where were they raised!? I wonder… by WHO!? Clinching my fists, pulling away from my lap top mouse I could only witness this take place as I could see no resolve as the rat was too far gone for repair, and I could not help but feel a continued stray in me from death by my hands…

Another young boy, child, old in age, young in mind, took over, he tried to kill it, and only ended up flinging it against the wall… for what reason? I’m not certain, at that point I was too far gone in my breathing, my upset…

When they threw the twitching rat into the snake container, not even yet fully gone… the snake lashed out, and strangled it, finally, the pain had ended…


I then gave the boys a stern speech, a loud speech, a clear speech… I told them that their behavior was inexcusable. I told them that if they were going to do that again, kill the animal right, or have me do it instead. For although I would suffer a guilty conscious at least I could eliminate the life with much less pain… a better, less-terrified transfer to whatever realm a rat would go to after death…

It’s all such a pity this happened, and the boys did not understand my concern. However they do know I cringe at the thought of harmless animals receiving harm…

I hope you are all with me in my upset, for if you are not, you are truly removed from what respect for life is, and in this, I am saddened by your mistaken eyes.

[sighs] Other than this event, my day went well… I just don’t know why they laughed, I don’t understand how someone can be so moronic as to find enjoyment out of another creature’s pain, or realize that it feels pain… and it should be respected… no matter what its purpose is here, in this world.

We are men of prehistoric minds in a world of advanced technology…nothing has changed but our tools. “

Again, words from a man who a revenge fantasy where he breaks arms and noses, kicks his father in the face, rips out someone else’s eye, and even manipulates his ex to have sex with him by using the shock of the death of her brother. Excuse while I vomit, and then proceed to post some of this shit in a veterans forum. I think he could do with a virtual kick in the ass from some true veterans.

No. 185472


and the truth is that he couldn't kill a rabbit while being a survival specialist. He never kicked anyone's ass. No interracial three-way with a lesbian.

Arthur is another Mary Sue of his. If Arthur was in the RL army he would be in RL therapy.

No. 185475

"never said you don't make me feel anything, I said a soundtrack makes me feel alive. You: blowing this oiut of proportion"
I'm with him on this one

No. 185478

Anyone here have a pdf of his new book 'This is Why I hate You' I can't find one online and I don't wanna pay him for his stupid book and I don't feel like sitting through hours of someone reading it

No. 185479

To be fair, I hate when people have snakes as pets since they need rats to live and some guys love to see a snake just eat a rat- that poor rat is just in there to live with no chance of escaping, unlike in the wild. It's pretty awful.

No. 185490

Sorry dude, should I stop saying that? I don't mean to offend you ladies, 'cause after all this is your home, not mine.

He's not alpha. He's not alpha at all. I'd mop the floor with this queerbait and then beat his ass into the street right after. He hasn't worked out a day in his life.

No. 185491

This fuckhead needs a curbstomping. Bad.

No. 185500

Are you the same guy in every thread referring to the female population as "ladies"? Chill the fuck out

No. 185503

his clothes are so ugly my god

No. 185506

Confirmed for a fedora.

No. 185508

pls stop taking the bait, pulltards

No. 185549

File: 1443208424576.png (405.17 KB, 1000x800, laineymerch.png)

Half of Lainey's new merch is fucking bases from deviantArt.

No. 185550


Why tha fuck does it matter to you? stfu about it.

No. 185551

holy fuck the eyeliner

No. 185560

oh my lordt

No. 185563


No. 185567

Well, her fans drew it, so she doesn't know. And it also doesn't really matter because her fans are paying money for it. She's not selling herself for something she's not, so - I'm actually jealous, I can't make money off of things people sent me.

No. 185573

considering how gerg treats her, the one on the right is just sad on so many levels

No. 185581

File: 1443225444071.jpeg (65.32 KB, 323x460, image.jpeg)

Am I the only one that sees carrot top when I look at his face? Is my age showing?

No. 185582

Nope, I've always seen carrot top too

No. 185583

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

No. 185594


Someone shooooop pls…..PLEASE!!!!

No. 185595

Holy shit, I knew his ugliness was familiar!

No. 185598

What the fuck does she have merch for? What has she done other than marrying gerg to deserve her having her own merch?

No. 185601

ughhhh fucking OT i'm so sorry.

after reading the whole thread i realized the guy i'm seeing is a lot like gerg in the manipulative/egotistical way. he's well known in his field, and about 15 years older than me and i'm in my young 20s. I'm going to throw up.

No. 185602

no one cares, go to livejournal

No. 185607

let him go, honey. I've dated a douchebag like him and it brought me nothing but pointless drama

No. 185615

stop having daddy issues and get out now.

No. 185616

who would buy and wear this shit anyway?

No. 185641

I believe it's fan art


No. 185648

File: 1443257126008.jpg (40.17 KB, 1280x720, eww.jpg)

Nah, let's just post pictures of when Greg dyed his hair red and looked like Carrot Top. I think Carrot Top could be redeemable with a ball gag and a paper bag. I don't know how Greg could be tolerable with his body acne.

No. 185656


oh god his aged old man body……

No. 185657

There are people who look like they are smelling bad. You don't have to be near them to tell. I bet he's one of them.

No. 185666

Somehow it's still better than a Suzy tutorial and half as long

No. 185680

he dyed his hair red? i never knew this. i would like to see more

No. 185685

Dad bod

No. 185688


He copied charlieissocoollike, who was a youtuber popular with teenage girls back then

No. 185741


"YouTuber Awards (Best And Worst of YouTube)" God, he's such an attention whore.

No. 185744

File: 1443303033295.png (2.52 MB, 1984x1656, lol.png)

How Gerg Wants To Look Vs. How He Actually Looks

No. 185749

that top photo is totally what boys in the sixth grade wore from walmart. holy shit

No. 185773

He looks like Chucky in human form. I feel like I'm insulting the doll by saying that but he does. Also looks like a guy who smells strongly of piss.

No. 185795

His eyes are so droopy and gross.

No. 185836

Damn, and here i thought it was because people legit didn't like his works and were mocking it.

No. 186014

No. 186018

File: 1443388816282.png (561.6 KB, 697x424, Onion.png)

No. 186101

He must of put on foundation with his fingers. It's so streaky.

No. 186167

he legit has serial killer eyes, its beyond unsettling

No. 186347

his skin has so much acne for someone who's 30. does he not take off the make up o something?????

No. 186842

File: 1443495840885.png (392.2 KB, 424x489, 2.png)

No. 186995

I bet he smells like dish water

No. 187045


this is prob why Lainey starves herself out of self hatred. I'm betting she lied to herself about accepting his appearance and putting up with all of his dumb shit because she was 18 and "celebrity"ism is common at that age- but now she probably feel obligated to stay with him and pretend everything is ok because she's not strong enough to get out and get someone that doesn't treat her like shit while looking more and more like Carrot Top every day.

Pouring one out for every sugar baby who's daddy aged to shit. Sucks she has a kid with this psychopath.

No. 187443

File: 1443653671068.png (185.08 KB, 587x602, Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 6.49…)

They had a great argument on twitter. I didn't screenshot everything, but that summarizes it well.

No. 187454

Why does this nigga always look so moist?

No. 187460


>waking up to this staring at you in the morning.

Laniey, girl…

No. 187461

wtf are you on about

No. 187463


No. 187467

jesus christ. why do they air out their dirty laundry infront of everyone like this? it's so embarrassing and immature. do they know how to talk one-on-one at all?

No. 187471


No. 187476

their twitter fights are honestly awful. wtf is wrong with them? (Especially gerg onion.)

No. 187480

They're attention whores. Why talk to each other face to face when you can have arguments on twitter?

No. 187483

Why do they even try anymore?
Why is she still with him lol she can take that kid no fuck right off and maybe get her life on track.

No. 187484

Damn iPad

No. 187494

bitch needs to shut up. Humans are omnivores. I am all for animal rights, esp in farms, but you cannot deny we can't all live as vegetarians. It doesn't work for everyone.

No. 187513

Vegan Gains and Onision should be best friends.

No. 187528

If she is trying to be vegetarian and to be on a diet, no wonder why she has difficulties… So many people go vegan / vegetarian without having any idea how to eat properly.

No. 187643

File: 1443734901091.png (381.1 KB, 591x629, Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 5.26…)

Just to post how the argument ended… haha.

No. 187649

Can onion NOT be a gigantic cunt for like… A minute?
Or is he seriously "always right" he's so insufferable why stay with him???

No. 187650

GOD he is such a whiny cunt. It's SO obvious he cares so little for her as well if her iron deficiency is a complete mystery to him; it means he doesn't even care enough about her to notice what she eats…… like wow

No. 187654


They live in the same fucking house too, you think they could just do the normal thing and fucking talk to each other irl

No. 187655

What a fuck head

No. 187656

I like how they argue out in the open on social media

No. 187671

-you can't deny most people could make it work, but don't because they prefer the comfort of not making any effort or change
-humans are behaviourally omnivores, but physiologically herbivores (flat teeth and nails, long intestines, etc)
-animal rights are bullshit. after 200 years of welfarism, animals are treated worse than ever. you can't have rights when your status is property

to stay on topic, is he even a vegetarian still? what's going on with "arthur's" hatred of vegetarians in the book and in the tweet? I haven't tuned in in a while

No. 187729

According to highschool anon/common lore, he has never, nor will he ever be, a vegetarian/vegan. He just likes using it as a platform to argue from.

No. 187731

Wow. Not everyone is able to adapt to vegetarianism easy peasey. I mean, we didn't claw our way to the top of the food chain munching on oats and tree bark. If humans never ate meat, they wouldn't have developed such an amazing brain compared to the rest of the animal kingdom.
Onision makes me /want/ to kill animals.

No. 187732

Oh lordie, is that the 'vvvegan vagina' guy?

No. 187734

I'd argue that humans are physiologically omnivores. Sharp eyesight and canine teeth are predatory.

No. 187735

No need for killing animals, anon. Greg has already starved a dog and a chicken to death, baked a turtle, and ran over a deer.

No. 187896

>starved a dog and a chicken
i don't think i was here for that
care to elaborate?

No. 187901

For those who missed his live broadcast from a few weeks ago (which was mostly him trying to out-edge some fat moderator who kept kissing his ass and trying to impress him and saying he hates everything and has no time) here's the clip where he calls MrRepzion and Shane Dawson 'faggots': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEizHLrDw8M

No. 187923

HSanon said he starved his dog to death. Greg said he starved a chicken to death in his draw my life video.

Greg didn't say faggot, that other jackass did. I'm surprised Greg used any restraint. He used to do those "I can say retard and faggot all I want and if you don't like it you're a faggot retard!" tweets.

No. 187964


He still says retard and sometimes faggot on twitter but for some reason lately in videos he hasn't been swearing and has been over the top with censorship… wonder why? Maybe cause he's a father? Or because of YouTube's guidelines?

No. 188053

How does this piece of shit have fans? I have zero sympathy for animal abusers. He should be in jail for abusing animals and dating underaged girls.

No. 188072

Pretty sure he isn't even vegan, he wouldn't have so much acne if he was a true vegan.

No. 188076

He's vegetarian. If all the stuff he talks about would be really important to him, he should have turned vegan a long time ago.

And yeah, veganism helps a lot of people with acne, but not all of them. He should just look more into skincare in general…

No. 188080

No. 188089

It's so that if people point out that he's a discriminatory sack of shit, he can just say "UM no that was in my past I've ~changed~ haven't you seen my new videos?? I don't use any no no words~~~"

No. 188247

File: 1443945089964.jpg (10.95 KB, 150x150, onision_swear_word_translation…)

I think it's because he's turning 30 and realizes how middle age and edgy he tries to be. I wonder if he runs around his house going, "Fluck my life! Shane Dawson is much more famous than me but he is a flaggot. Stop crying child bride, you're finally turning 21 this year, have a beer with your blitch friend/nanny, please let the lesbian sex I let you have complete you."

No. 188421

>>187443 anon with anemia here. what onision doesn't tell you is that your body takes more iron from meat than it does vegetables. there have been studies.

No. 188508

There are a LOT of things that animal products give easily to the human body that was significantly more difficult to get from veggies. Like yeah, there are some veggies that have the same minerals or vitamins, but there is no replacement or equivalent that is the same. And that's why all vegans are pale and translucent looking and semi unhealthy and drowning in pills.

No. 188511

It's a humiliation tactic he uses to control her through a certain form of guilt. He's sufficiently learned what shameful experiences she's had in life or what she's felt shameful for in her past and he's figured out how to exploit those shameful feelings into a form of guilt that he can use to keep her in his twisted parameters. He's an abuser, a very emotionally abusive mentally ill fuck. The strange thing is, is that guys like this used to be really rare, it's usually girls that are manipulative in this way. But with more and more feminization of men in society being accepted, indoctrinated, and made exceptions for, it's becoming more frequent as more men no longer turn to physical means of accomplishing things, even when it comes to controlling their girlfriends in abusive relationships. Pathetic as fuck.

No. 188561

Yeah, it's not about eating meat. It's about humiliating her publicly.

No. 188562

Are you saying you'd prefer for him to beat Lainey instead of being passive-aggressive because being passive aggressive is weak and feminine? Wth did I just read?

No. 188570

If he physically beat her, it would obviously be wrong. With emotional abuse, she is never quite sure if it really is abuse; she always questions whether it's her that's wrong.

No. 188577

What? Nigga, stop. Men have been emotionally abusive to women for centuries. Don't try to act like only women get passive aggressive.

No. 188578

That anon seriously sounds like a robot tbh.

>feminization of men in society being accepted

like what the fuck am I reading? Not to get too personal, but my mom was involved in a abusive relationship for year. The guy never beat her, but always called her ugly and worthless and that she'd never find someone better than him. There are tons of guys who pull that shit to women with low self esteem to keep them around. It isn't a new tactic.

No. 188593

that's true

No. 188686

http://venitaspeaks.tumblr.com/post/63229954254/epic-fail-venitaspeaksjannahart Can anyone tell me more about this? Jana Hart aka venitaspeaks said that many girls had told her all about Greg trying to cyber them while they were underaged. She made a live stream talking about the evidence and then deleted it and any reference on her tumblr. Some anti-o blog called her out but everyone said they were crazy? venitaspeaks bowed out of the anti-o community after stating she got the FBI involved.

Is this chick a fake or why isn't Greg in jail? It's been 2 years, I would expect results by now.

No. 188745

File: 1444050080703.jpg (34.11 KB, 602x385, horse-teeth-anatomy-canines_th…)

many herbivores have canines
dull, short canines that are useless for ripping through skin

No. 189865

File: 1444290571134.png (53.85 KB, 622x335, Onision Shane Drama.png)

Oh look, Gerg started more shit with Shane again… big fucking surprise.

No. 189945

>all those retweets and favs on onision's post


No. 189947

He always does but Shane and his fans just ignore him and move on…so it makes him look even more pathetic.

No. 189949

Those are his preteen/teenage fans

No. 189996

File: 1444296685080.png (864.99 KB, 932x572, Untitled.png)

Just bring your own bags, holy shit

No. 189997

Well I don't know about sharp eyesight, how many people do you know that don't wear contacts/glasses or have had their eyes lasered?

No. 189999

How'd he break it perfectly on the counter? Bitch please.

Also any vegan that has a sense of taste knows tofurkey products are literally the most disgusting products in the entire world.

>My veganaise!

No. 190002

He's probably angry because he's vegan. That all looks like garbage. And he should just bring his own canvas bag like most people. Idiot.

No. 190003

How is this giant man child 30 and has so many fans? This is why natural selection needs to be more of a thing.

No. 190009

what idiot puts all that into a paper fucking bag. here's an idea, get another bag or two.

No. 190130

File: 1444330857910.jpg (72.42 KB, 540x463, heh.jpg)

>drives a Tesla
>says meat eaters ruin the environment
>refuses free reusable bags

No. 190159

this little shit, oh my fucking god.
I'd expect this guy to have 500 bags. Literally everyone here uses reusable bags now.

No. 190161

Actually they are very convenient, and just take up the offer, I store mine right next to the door on the top shelf of my shoe rack, they don't take up space at all. Whole food ones are expensive, just take them!

No. 190176

who the fuck doesn't own a reusable bag?

No. 190194

I like tofurkey. :(

No. 190203

nobody cares.

No. 190204

lmao, right he's yelling at whole foods to magically make paper bags more durable. As if the design of paper bags haven't reach their quality limit- get reusable bags and save the environment.

It's like he doesn't want to admit to himself recycling doesn't solve everything, that process still requires energy. What a lazy asshole.

No. 190205

Oh on the topic of Lainey fighting publicly with Gerg, I'm 99% positive he does that because people feed on the gossip (obv) and want to create publicity about them ~fighting.

He prob thinks in his deranged little mind that he puts his wife on the spot publicly about eating meat he looks more authentic, that he doesn't have a biased about his beliefs even towards his wife.

No. 190253

couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

No. 190258

Doesn't gerg have a massive boner for Shane? Why is he always trying to start shit with him?

No. 190324

probably, they've kissed once. Onion looked happy and excited while Shane looked very disgusted….

No. 190331

Yeah, Shane's face seemed in pain when Onision kissed him.

No. 190332

There are a tons of teenagers who think 30 year old man acting like them is cool.
>Onision is a grown up man and he understands us! He is so cool!

No. 190333

But it just makes him look more idiotic when he publicly throws his wife under the bus because she eats fish. Oh, and everyone knows he used to claim he is okay with that.

No. 190341

dont worry, one day they'll regret it.
i used to watch pewdiepie…

No. 190362


No. 190365

He's a vegetarian, not a vegan. I point this out because deefizzy who is a vegan, can't stand him because of his blind hatred of meat eaters.

No. 190472

Yeah? Like how the fuck does that happen. Also its only like one broken jar…
Oh my god, just keep the re-usable bags in your car, bring groceries in, next time you use the car put the bags in the trunk and don't be a fucking baby.
Yeah, p sure onion is just mad that Shane doesn't really like him anymore, so he just hates him back. It's really stupid.

No. 190518


Is that Talenti Gelato? That sure isn't vegan.

No. 190522

Definitely looks like Talenti to me, and their only vegan option that I know of is Roman Raspberry. That doesn't look like anything raspberry flavored to me.

No. 190523

Throw back to this video!

No. 190528


How come there isn't a Trisha thread here?

No. 190543

She kinda mocks herself anyway, why bother? She's not really a lolcow, in my opinion, if she already calls herself a fat, money grubbing hoe in both satire and being real about herself. Nothing to dig up and mock that can't already be found on her channel.

No. 190580

I loveee trish.

No. 190583

i actually really liked this video, shane and trisha were both really funny. a++

No. 190665

Mostly because she changed her ways of behaving online, I used to follow trish drama… There not much there anymore…

No. 190951

I LOST it at 3:30
Hahaha. Have some respect for Shane for that comment.

No. 190962


he did the onion face so well.

No. 190970

File: 1444466914209.jpg (27.89 KB, 484x508, onionface.jpg)

It was beautiful

No. 190977

There actually was, but everyone commented saying they liked her. I guess it's been purged.

No. 191084



That is priceless

No. 191360

"Draw My Wife" AKA I retell history to make myself look good when really I'm a creepy desperate loser


No. 191428

File: 1444650621415.jpg (94.86 KB, 919x593, onisions daddy issues.jpg)

Except if they want to eat meat, right grog? I actually worry about his sons nutritional health. Especially since his recent twitter spergouts show he cares more about fish than his wife's anemia.

No. 191523

remember this anyone???

Onision looks so greasy ewwww

No. 191525


"he really wanted to kiss me"
He's such a narcissist>>191523

No. 192204

His first videos are pretty disturbing

No. 192205

No. 192210

Too many fucking issues to count on this one, can't help but feel bad for this Shane person.

No. 192215

Ew. Poor Shane.

No. 192218

curious…why does he use "gregory jackson" and not his actual/changed name "gregory avaroe"?

No. 192219

Haha. wtf. Shane looked terrified that entire video when they did kiss. Onion is a self centered freak.

No. 193596

File: 1445117895982.jpg (78.81 KB, 1024x576, CRgPMbPUwAAfTBO.jpg)

He just posted this and said "Like I said, my instagram is all lighting, filters & makeup."


No. 193603

File: 1445120213346.jpg (64.47 KB, 538x482, tumblr_inline_nw8jz3lql41r9n9m…)

>people mentioning this thread on a certain other website
I see you, you fuckers

No. 193609

Ew, those pores. Why does he think he looks so young? The only thing connecting him to youth is his teenage acne and wife.

No. 193653


he looks like a acne ridden serial killer

No. 193654

What? Is it a onion fanpage?

No. 193655

So basically Lainey's dad or a relative was against her marrying Gurg.

No. 193672

No, just a random status update I saw on MPA

No. 193700

Why do I find him attractive in this video oh god guys what's wrong with me

No. 193718

Not going to tell you who you should be attracted to, anon. Just wanna remind you that he looks like shit without the filters
also he pays attention to his haters.

No. 193726


Yes it was confirmed her dad, he posted subtle statuses about disliking her father before and lainey has said in livestreams how she dislikes him and how he dislikes Greg.

Also, he doesn't actually look good, only somewhat decent with tons of lighting, filters and makeup.

Check out the unfiltered picture he posted… barf he looks old, leathery, huge pores and greasy. Not to mention his hair/eyebrows are going grey.

No. 193728

ew his face
and his sense of humor is just boring

No. 193749

slight rant. ahem.

this entire situation skeevs me out. i was a fan of onion about 7 or 8 years ago and it slowly turned in to hatred. i've seen people speak of him on here with direct quotes i/my friends have used to describe some narcissistic people with bipolar and BPD that we know. taylor pretending she's genderqueer pisses me off, because i'm actually non binary. she's just furthering stereotypes and embarrassing herself. they both act like children and argue on social media. who does that? what kind of mature, level headed person behaves in such a way? none. onion and lamo don't understand the concept of "privacy" or "counseling".

i only just recently dipped back in to the drama because i got bored. the first thread was absolutely legendary and i became several hundred times more repulsed and appalled by these people. the sooner they leave the internet, the better, but i'm having doubts that will ever happen.

i also noticed he reopened his forums even though he closed them because he claimed it cost too much. that's unfortunate for everyone involved because that community is a cesspool of attention whoring, drama, and jerking off onion's dick. jesus christ.

i submitted this video to some drama tumblr a few years ago and i felt it was well suited here.


No. 193751

woops. here's the inline.

No. 193752


Omfg WKUK, classic

No. 193807

Look at this - although he was still an ass, he had some kind of compassion then. What would he say today if someone sent him this? "Oh my god a size 0?! Fucking listen to you "bullies" they are only trying to give you LIFE SAVING ADVICE! Why do you want to be a skeleton anyway, stupid bitch. Go eat some carbs! insert rant on not fattening herself up with meat Be a REAL WOMAN with CURVES!"
Yeah, 3 years has changed him a lot, which is bad as he was a dick head anyway.

No. 193811

He just acts in a way that brings him attention. There is a lot of compassionate youtubers nowadays so he acts like a dick to be noticed. His fanbase will eat everything he shits out anyway.

No. 193826

>i'm actually non binary

No. 194150

i'm not a special snowflake that categorizes their closet by men clothes and women clothes, or insists on some third gender pronouns, or interjects every conversation with "ACTUALLY gender is a social construct created to drive rape culture and oppress the masses" or some bullshit like that but i never have and never will identify as a man or a woman. in the end it's not even that important but lamo makes us look like 13 year olds going through some new counter culture phase to be edgy.

No. 194154


>but lamo makes us look like 13 year olds going through some new counter culture phase to be edgy.

Yeah, no, 'non-binary' was totally a serious thing before Lainey came along

No. 194163


Actually, as someone who has been aware of Onision's online presence since mid 2009, that whole "nice guy/im so quirky :3" thing was just a phase. He was basically somewhat normal when he started but then he started doing vegetarian videos and QNA's where he acted a bit like a douche but claimed it was comedy. Then had a bit of drama with Shaycarl and then the girlfriend thing. Then randomly around April 2012-2013 (shortly after he started dating lainey) he acted all "nice" just to get more fangirls. It's an act. He realized he hated that version of himself more so he went into his worst ever phase; being a total douche. Honestly, he's insane. I remember in one of the debates he claimed it's not a persona but he "does what he feels like portraying" in videos… yeah right. He just wants attention so sometimes he acts like a "nice guy" to get more emo fangirls and sometimes he acts like a douche. Nuff Said.

No. 194179

don't forget about the old videos when he was still with Skye where he would freak the fuck out and rant in 20-30 minute videos about meat eaters, christians, etc. remember that creepy ass stare he used to do after he would make some bold statement?? the one that was like "i just said the smartest, deepest shit EVER" because that always made me lol.

No. 194430

Why won't you identify as man/woman?

No. 194433

>i'm not a special snowflake
>i never have and never will identify as a man or a woman.

Total contradiction

No. 194434

Why do you write like a moron? I'm genuinely curious.

No. 194442

It's incredibly common to type with all lowercase including proper nouns these days. You look dumb for trying to call someone out on it.

No. 194480

Are you new?

No. 194482

I'm a huge gramamr nut myself, but even I'm ok with not capitalizing the first letter in sentences or proper nouns for certain Internet media. It conveys a more laid back tone.

Abbreviating "you" or "your" is still awful though.

No. 194483

Doesn't make it any less pathetic if a lot of people are doing it.

No. 194484

File: 1445307566903.jpg (70 KB, 699x409, autinaction.jpg)

No. 194488

People who get mad about informal writing styles on the internet are just intellectually insecure. You are not impressing anyone by being able to follow the rules you were taught in kindergarten. You are just showing that you don't understand the role that register and style plays in written communication.

No. 194493

I'm not even the same anon who mentioned the grammar. I just consider the whole "it's common" argument a fallacy. But yeah, I think that writing without capitalization doesn't make you look chill or laid-back. It makes you look lazy.

No. 194497

Don't you think there are better ways to express these nuances? Abbreviations and word choices have a much larger impact than choosing to forgo capitalization of important words. It just complicates the readers task, don't you agree? In any case, I'll stop derailing the thread. Let's get back to Onionshit.

No. 194502

Talking about his shit videos, did you guys notice how he always casts pretty attractive women, who are trying to get some youtube fame but can't act for shit?

I wonder how many times Lainey has been cheated on.

No. 194504

Also this is the girl Onision does lots of collabs with


No. 194531


Oh god.. yes. That was the worst. So dramatic.

No. 194538

Are you REALLY going to complain about people looking lazy on a fucking imageboard you're no-lifing on? If you're that pressed on not looking lazy, go do something productive.

No. 194572

Nice fallacy right there! Maybe if you took more of an interest in grammatical rules and logic, you'd learn how to make a more solid argument. But you just keep being you, honey. I'm sure you're more than happy with your lackluster intelligence. Understandable, considering how long it must have taken you to muster even that. Now let the fucking thread get back to what it's meant to be about. Stop defending something so asinine.

No. 194593

You don't know what the word "fallacy" means or how to write a sentence that flows naturally and fluidly. Your diction reads like a 13 year old trying to sound erudite for their English class book report, and you look much less intelligent than the people you're criticizing.

No. 194601

Amen, anon.

Also getting pretty sick of people who reply to an argument and end their post with stuff like "lets get back on topic ffs" for the sake of getting the 'last word' without actually posting anything to move the on-topic conversation along or even bothering to at least use sage.

(Also sage for contributing to the mountain of bullshit autistic grammar posts with fuck all to do with Onision)

No. 194614

File: 1445356831452.jpg (77.29 KB, 1280x480, nope-youscumbag.jpg)

He really is the most delusional piece of shit if he thinks he looks anywhere near as good as Gerard Way. Damn, onion

No. 194622

File: 1445357994544.jpg (4.71 KB, 224x225, ohwell.jpg)

First of all, I'm not the same anon you people have been bashing. I'm posting this because this kind of tumblr high school behaviour is something most of you should probably have outgrown by now, to be blunt.

Go ahead and ban me if you think I'm shitposting, mods. I never posted here before anyway, nor do I feel like posting beyond this discussion anyway.

If you don't recognize the bandwagon fallacy in the anon's argument, then you are overestimating your understanding of logical fallacies. I'm referring to this:

> It's incredibly common to type with all lowercase including proper nouns these days. You look dumb for trying to call someone out on it.

Saying that, since everyone else is typing in a certain way, it makes it correct to do the same, is an appeal to popularity. And I don't know about you, but I couldn't give two shits about people that fear looking dumb instead of actually being dumb. But hey, you already support seeking validation/avoiding disapproval on the internet anyway, with your bandwagoning. Can't get much dumber than that.

> People who get mad about informal writing styles on the internet are just intellectually insecure. You are not impressing anyone by being able to follow the rules you were taught in kindergarten. You are just showing that you don't understand the role that register and style plays in written communication.

Your attempt to judge one's personality instead of one's arguments is also a fallacy called Ad Hominen. I'm surprised that you don't recognize such a simple example of false logic, since you took the liberty of policing other people's notion of fallacy. Also to assume that one only follows simple, basic guidelines to impress may say a lot about your maturity, but I digress. Besides, to cripple written communication and call it a writing style can serve as an excuse to justify any shortcoming. So dyslexia and functional illiteracy are also stylistic choices, based on your "logic".

Also, the intelligence of the anon (or anyone) who values "seeming laid back" over applying proper, clear communication and maintaining a healthy language parameter, is clearly questionable. Of course nobody can master the guidelines of the written form of any language (I, for one, obviously make mistakes at a regular basis and probably made grammar mistakes in this post!). The problem is when you ridicule those who strive towards that direction and encourage others to do the same, for the sake of socio-linguistic progress. Making sentences that are intentionally lacking in structure and form and calling it a "style" is a blatant sign of not knowing what style is and of anti-intellectualism. What next? Organizing the Uneducated Walk or Brainless Pride? Labal someone calling on someone's pretentious pseudo-style "shitbrain shaming"? If your argument is that appearing laid back is more important than making your writing effortless and concise, it's a mere exercise of rationality to conclude that whoever said that advocates stupidity. That in itself defines someone as stupid and is fully contained in the anon's argument.

Let's see if you're going to surprise me in your next post by not attempting to address the way you think I sound and instead focus on my arguments. You know, like real grown-ups do. Can't say I'm holding my breath for it, though! Nothing reeks more of desperation than attacking the messenger and not the message.

No. 194625



No. 194627


How many people has he claimed to look like at this point?

No. 194628

>making reading your writing


No. 194632

That's right, keep giving Onision popularity by talking shit about him. He totally doesn't aim to remain popular by provoking people in the most potato ways.

No. 194636

File: 1445359241480.jpg (55.09 KB, 392x500, 43453.jpg)

Settle down, sperglord. You are not intelligent or interesting in the least.

No. 194642


You could do better than that, but then again… Lowcow.

Deserves the reputation.

No. 194645

You criticize my writing for not having a natural flow, meanwhile defending someone who can't even capitalize words. Proud of you!

> Doesn't even put in the effort to read the text
> Comes to the conclusion that anon is not intelligent or interesting
Develop some self-awareness. Your accusations are reflecting back at you.

No. 194647

Come to think about it, I'd be worried if you were the kind of person that I interest.

No. 194648

File: 1445360953704.gif (222.71 KB, 500x148, fSymsOGXO7393hychhzfk2Ew_500.g…)

What's with the grammar autist faggotry in here jesus

No. 194651

Too many. He's just a washed up psychopath. Does he ever take care of his skin? it looks like he never washes his face.

No. 194657

Dude, I know exactly how you feel. The users on this site are just really catty bitches and really are just here to talk shit. The 'community' frequently turn on one another and eats itself. A lot of hypocrisy and judgement from young people with no real life experience or knowledge to begin with. I made it a habit to type properly when I was 10 years old and after the second month of making that decision, it became a habit and I stopped paying attention to it. I understand the value in clear communication and proper punctuation.

"Being laid back" seems to be the 'thing' for the drones that listen to top 40's and think it's a good idea to date niggers while ignoring rape and femicide statistics as well as common knowledge because racism and such progressive.

Sorry. I had to rub one out as well.

No. 194658

Hell yeah bro this thread wasn't derailed enough, let's get some race discussion in here too

No. 194660

I was actually thinking about this a while ago, do you think Lainey avoids sex? 'cus Gurg hates contraception and has a impregnation fetish. If they had sex regularly she'd probably be pregnant again, right? So is he just having sex with other girls and Lainey knows but doesn't care 'cus she's just THAT done with him?

Oh my god no1 curr pls stop.
What the fuck, who on earth gave him the idea he looks like Gerard Way? Is it only because of the red wig he wore that one time? Ugh.

No. 194661

I'm not even a part of this conversation, but I like to shitpost and make autists angry, so I'm going to respond too

>Saying that, since everyone else is typing in a certain way, it makes it correct to do the same, is an appeal to popularity.
That doesn't make it wrong. If I argue that vegetables are healthy because fit people sometimes eat them, that would be a shitty argument, but it wouldn't change the fact that vegetables are healthy. This isn't a good parallel to the subject at hand, but I think you get my point.
>And I don't know about you, but I couldn't give two shits about people that fear looking dumb instead of actually being dumb.
So, why should anybody care about looking dumb in your eyes? Some of the most intelligent people in the world may be horrible typists.
>But hey, you already support seeking validation/avoiding disapproval on the internet anyway, with your bandwagoning. Can't get much dumber than that.
You try so hard. What do you want us to do? Clap for the individual who dares to type whilst paying attention to grammar and spelling on the internet? You go, non-conformist.
>Your attempt to judge one's personality instead of one's arguments is also a fallacy called Ad Hominen. I'm surprised that you don't recognize such a simple example of false logic, since you took the liberty of policing other people's notion of fallacy.
As I said above, crappy debate skills don't magically make you wrong.
>Also to assume that one only follows simple, basic guidelines to impress may say a lot about your maturity, but I digress.
Who's trying to impress who by typing lazily? Are you projecting?
>Besides, to cripple written communication and call it a writing style can serve as an excuse to justify any shortcoming.
How is it "crippled"? The message of the text still gets across even when u typ lyk dis.
>So dyslexia and functional illiteracy are also stylistic choices, based on your "logic".
Nope, both are disabilities that impair the person's ability to understand. If you can switch between lowercase letters and shortened grammar and "normal" grammar easily, that actually shows a good understanding of the English language and its mechanics.
>Also, the intelligence of the anon (or anyone) who values "seeming laid back" over applying proper, clear communication and maintaining a healthy language parameter, is clearly questionable.
"Seeming"? Does it take effort for you personally to type in lowercase letters? It literally is just easier, you big fat bitch.
>Of course nobody can master the guidelines of the written form of any language (I, for one, obviously make mistakes at a regular basis and probably made grammar mistakes in this post!). The problem is when you ridicule those who strive towards that direction and encourage others to do the same, for the sake of socio-linguistic progress.
No one is trying to make socio-linguistic process on an obscure forum.
>Making sentences that are intentionally lacking in structure and form and calling it a "style" is a blatant sign of not knowing what style is and of anti-intellectualism
How is it anti-intellectualist in the least? If I called you a retarded, gay baby for caring this much about how people type when delivering messages one can look at in a two-dimensional, rectangular box on a glowing screen, it would still have the same meaning if I typed "tbh you're a retarded gay baby for caring THIS MUCH about how ppl type when delivering msgs you look at in 2D rectangles on a glowing screen lol". Either way, it's clear that I am insulting you. You know what I'm saying.
>What next? Organizing the Uneducated Walk or Brainless Pride? Labal someone calling on someone's pretentious pseudo-style "shitbrain shaming"?
What's really pretentious is you putting this much importance on how to type in an informal setting. Textbook psuedo-intellectualism.
>If your argument is that appearing laid back is more important than making your writing effortless and concise,
uhh, i'm pretty sure typing like this is pretty effortless and concise m8. less time holding down the shift key, at least :^))))
>it's a mere exercise of rationality to conclude that whoever said that advocates stupidity. That in itself defines someone as stupid and is fully contained in the anon's argument. Let's see if you're going to surprise me in your next post by not attempting to address the way you think I sound and instead focus on my arguments. You know, like real grown-ups do.
This is the internet (and an imageboard where we laugh at those worse off than ourselves, no less), not a grammar school or your term paper. Real grown ups don't spend time writing essays about how other people type, mate.

No. 194663

Why not leave? No one invited you here, and no one will miss you. If anything, the fact that you weren't disgusted by our catty behavior and retreated to any available hugbox just proves you're one of us (in fact, you're probably worse because you felt the need to add in some dumb shit about race and Top 40 music where it's completely unrelated). :^)

No. 194664

What utter haberdashery have you just uttered in response to me, you illiterate slattern? I’ll have you know that I graduated summa cum laude from Oxford's prestigious English Grammar program, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on linguistic descriptivists, and I have over 300 confirmed proper uses of the semicolon. I am trained in grammar warfare and I’m the top writer on the entire lolcow site. You are nothing to me but just another uneducated prole. I will annihilate you with grammar and spelling the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Do you believe that you can make such sophomoric declarations on the Internet and yet escape my scorn? Think again, catamite. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of writers and linguists across the world and your IP is being traced right now, so you should steel yourself against the inevitable maelstrom of destruction that has been called down upon you. The maelstrom that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your grammar. You’re fucking dead, child. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can write a sentence in over seven hundred ways, and that’s only using words that don't contain the letter "e". Not only am I extensively trained in grammar and style, but I have access to every textbook of English grammar ever made, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you tasteless plebeian. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “capitalization” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you third-rate hack. I will shit grammar all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

No. 194666

I died.

No. 194674


No, you don't know how I feel. Just from being a racist, you can't know how anyone really feels.

No. 194704

The 13 year old emo kid in me really wants to PUNCH HIM IN THE CROTCH NUB RIGHT NOW

No. 194709


Are you new? Nobody gives a shit whether this thread hurts or bruises his ego. He's such a fucktard that he's sometimes amusing, therefore we're going to keep discussing him.
It's so fucking dumb when people throw out "b-but they want you to discuss them!!!!" as if it matters in the slightest.


Fucking lol'd

No. 194711


>That doesn't make it wrong. If I argue that vegetables are healthy because fit people sometimes eat them, that would be a shitty argument, but it wouldn't change the fact that vegetables are healthy. This isn't a good parallel to the subject at hand, but I think you get my point.

You're underestimating how bad a parallel this is, because there's no "point" to be gotten in what you said.
>So why should anybody care about looking dumb in your eyes?
They shouldn't. It's not about my eyes, I believe I have demonstrated an objective point.
>Some of the most intelligent people in the world may be horrible typists
Nobody is intelligent in all fields. The horrible typists are not verbally intelligent (or they're just dyslexic, but dyslexia isn't a style, haha). Also my criticism aims at people who VALUE typing like a mentally challenged dingus, as if that wasn't a defficiency but rather a virtue. George Washington, and other brilliant people with communication impairments, didn't flaunt his dyslexia just because he was smart in other fields. Most of them wish they didn't have that.
>Do you expect us to clap our hands
No, all anyone with a shred of rational decency expects from you people is that you stop making communicational incompetence and verbal mediocrity seem like a choice, not a result of ignorance and peer pressure disguised as informality. Anti-intellectualism at the service of the insecurities of the uneducated.
>doesn't magically make you wrong
No, defending grammatical incorrectness makes them wrong. Shitty debate skills only ice the cake.
>Who's trying to impress who
As was stated before by the other anon I'm objecting to, they do it to _give the impression_ of being laid back, which obviously is a quality. In other words, they type like 2nd grade dropouts as an attempt to impress.
>How is it "crippled"?
It doesn't cripple the content, but it cripples the form. Crippling the form makes the content less quickly understandable.
>Nope, both are disabilities
No shit, sherlock. That's what conventional logic demonstrates. I'm addressing the logic in the anon's argument.
>"Seeming"? Does it take effort for you personally to type in lowercase letters? It literally is just easier, you big fat bitch.
Again, you anencephalic bitch, the point is not about typing in lowercase letters to save the effort. It's about pretending that's a style. You're already being a waste of effort, don't make it worse by being repetitive in your mistakes. You might as well just post teenage comeback memes like the other shitbirds in here. I can pretend that I'm offended by them, if it makes you and your friends feel better.
>No one is trying to make socio-linguistic process on an obscure forum.
We are all taking the language we speak somewhere every time we communicate. English, as with any other known language, has been shaped by every single one of the most casual interactions. Just because it doesn't sound casual when you call it "socio-linguistic", doesn't mean it's not the most common daily activity we all perform.

Don't be scared by big words. It's alright if you can't say them out loud without looking like you're taking a thick, rocky shit.
>How is it anti-intellectualist in the least? If I called you a retarded, gay baby for caring this much about how people type when delivering messages one can look at in a two-dimensional, rectangular box on a glowing screen, it would still have the same meaning if I typed "tbh you're a retarded gay baby for caring THIS MUCH about how ppl type when delivering msgs you look at in 2D rectangles on a glowing screen lol". Either way, it's clear that I am insulting you. You know what I'm saying.
As I've explained above, you're missing the point again. If you're gonna fail to address the meaning of my critique, you might as well do like the others here and just try really hard to offend me with things that only offend them (and therefore exposes their insecurities).I find it way more fun to read than your mouth-breathing, spoon-fed, saliva-choking level of retardation trying to pluck out an argument.
>What's really pretentious is you putting this much importance on how to type in an informal setting. Textbook psuedo-intellectualism.
See above. Not even worth wearing out the painting on my keyboard's letters at this point. Can't believe you typed this much just to miss the point I took an entire paragraph to make clear. Your efforts are better off maintaining your self-despise projected on the lolcows here, like all the other frequent users here. I'm glad I'm not welcome in this septic hole of overindulged female-typic personality disorders. Gives me hope, even :)
>uhh, i'm pretty sure typing like this is pretty effortless and concise m8. less time holding down the shift key, at least :^))))
You held the shift key for at least 4 seconds at one go just for those parenthesis, the two dots and the circumflex accent. At this point, I'm almost amused.
>This is the internet (and an imageboard where we laugh at those worse off than ourselves, no less), not a grammar school or your term paper. Real grown ups don't spend time writing essays about how other people type, mate.
Which is why I didn't do that. Another asinine misrepresentation that your brain wet-farted while endeavoring to formulate responses to my arguments. Also, to relish at the assumption that those people (people you don't even know or ever had a conversation with to know) are worse off than you show how much of a shitty person you are and -the truly shitty part- like to be. But don't worry, most people here are like that and I'm sure it makes you feel normal.

No. 194717

>You're underestimating how bad a parallel this is, because there's no "point" to be gotten in what you said.
The "point" is that you can be correct while making a bad argument. Your problem is that you're not only incorrect, you're complete shit at arguing as well.
>They shouldn't. It's not about my eyes, I believe I have demonstrated an objective point.
Then stop looking. Everyone here has no problem understanding one another, regardless of the way they type or what they capitalize. You are literally the problem.
>Nobody is intelligent in all fields.
No one said they were
>Also my criticism aims at people who VALUE typing like a mentally challenged dingus, as if that wasn't a defficiency but rather a virtue.
It's neither. It's just a way of typing that your anus is bleeding over.
>George Washington, and other brilliant people with communication impairments, didn't flaunt his dyslexia just because he was smart in other fields. Most of them wish they didn't have that.
You're still trying to draw comparisons between a deliberate typing style and a disability. You're fucking retarded.
>No, all anyone with a shred of rational decency expects from you people is that you stop making communicational incompetence and verbal mediocrity seem like a choice, not a result of ignorance and peer pressure disguised as informality. Anti-intellectualism at the service of the insecurities of the uneducated.
It's a choice to give in to virtual peer pressure, and you can still make inherently intellectual posts while typing in lowercase. You're just so buttblasted and stupid you think the two are mutually exclusive.
>No, defending grammatical incorrectness makes them wrong. Shitty debate skills only ice the cake.
Too bad in this case, I'm right. In an informal setting, there is n o t h i n g wrong with typing with less regard for grammar.
>As was stated before by the other anon I'm objecting to, they do it to _give the impression_ of being laid back, which obviously is a quality. In other words, they type like 2nd grade dropouts as an attempt to impress.
Why would they give that impression if it weren't true to some extent? To be fake on an anonymous forum? Top kek.
>It doesn't cripple the content, but it cripples the form. Crippling the form makes the content less quickly understandable.
Um, no. It's immediately understandable if you have a basic grasp of the English language and are not dyslexic, even when you type in lowercase. don't tell me it's hard for you to read this, that would be very sad
>No shit, sherlock. That's what conventional logic demonstrates. I'm addressing the logic in the anon's argument.
Nice work pretending the rest of my point isn't there to hide the fact that you can't deny that being able to switch between casual typing and formal typing means you have a good grasp of the language.
>Again, you anencephalic bitch, the point is not about typing in lowercase letters to save the effort. It's about pretending that's a style.
It is a style. You've already admitted that it's a deliberate effort, so how is it not a style?
>You're already being a waste of effort, don't make it worse by being repetitive in your mistakes. You might as well just post teenage comeback memes like the other shitbirds in here. I can pretend that I'm offended by them, if it makes you and your friends feel better.
wew lad, you sound like literally so upset tbh fam. maybe you should stop replying????? smh
>We are all taking the language we speak somewhere every time we communicate. English, as with any other known language, has been shaped by every single one of the most casual interactions. Just because it doesn't sound casual when you call it "socio-linguistic", doesn't mean it's not the most common daily activity we all perform.
Yes, I'm sure that because I type in lowercase on Skype and sometimes here, I will eventually start doing it when writing formal reports, essays and/or studies. Maybe the bestselling novels in the world will be written in lowercase within 40 years. Wouldn't that make you upset?
>Don't be scared by big words. It's alright if you can't say them out loud without looking like you're taking a thick, rocky shit.
Personally, I don't talk while I'm on the toilet, but I'm not going to judge your habits, anon.
>As I've explained above, you're missing the point again. If you're gonna fail to address the meaning of my critique, you might as well do like the others here and just try really hard to offend me with things that only offend them (and therefore exposes their insecurities).I find it way more fun to read than your mouth-breathing, spoon-fed, saliva-choking level of retardation trying to pluck out an argument.
Saying "Y-You're just missing the point!" doesn't give you a point.
>See above. Not even worth wearing out the painting on my keyboard's letters at this point. Can't believe you typed this much just to miss the point I took an entire paragraph to make clear. Your efforts are better off maintaining your self-despise projected on the lolcows here, like all the other frequent users here. I'm glad I'm not welcome in this septic hole of overindulged female-typic personality disorders. Gives me hope, even :)
And yet, you proceeded to type your entire post as if anyone would care.
>You held the shift key for at least 4 seconds at one go just for those parenthesis, the two dots and the circumflex accent. At this point, I'm almost amused.
>Which is why I didn't do that. Another asinine misrepresentation that your brain wet-farted while endeavoring to formulate responses to my arguments.
But you did.
>Also, to relish at the assumption that those people (people you don't even know or ever had a conversation with to know) are worse off than you show how much of a shitty person you are and -the truly shitty part- like to be.
Yes, not being an obese woman in her 30s who lives with her parents and takes erotic photos at childrens' playgrounds and being aware of that fact makes me a shitty person. Please go on.
>But don't worry, most people here are like that and I'm sure it makes you feel normal.
And crying about how other people type online makes you feel normal, I imagine.

No. 194718

>You're underestimating how bad a parallel this is, because there's no "point" to be gotten in what you said.
The "point" is that you can be correct while making a bad argument. Your problem is that you're not only incorrect, you're complete shit at arguing as well.
>They shouldn't. It's not about my eyes, I believe I have demonstrated an objective point.
Then stop looking. Everyone here has no problem understanding one another, regardless of the way they type or what they capitalize. You are literally the problem.
>Nobody is intelligent in all fields.
No one said they were
>Also my criticism aims at people who VALUE typing like a mentally challenged dingus, as if that wasn't a defficiency but rather a virtue.
It's neither. It's just a way of typing that your anus is bleeding over.
>George Washington, and other brilliant people with communication impairments, didn't flaunt his dyslexia just because he was smart in other fields. Most of them wish they didn't have that.
You're still trying to draw comparisons between a deliberate typing style and a disability. You're fucking retarded.
>No, all anyone with a shred of rational decency expects from you people is that you stop making communicational incompetence and verbal mediocrity seem like a choice, not a result of ignorance and peer pressure disguised as informality. Anti-intellectualism at the service of the insecurities of the uneducated.
It's a choice to give in to virtual peer pressure, and you can still make inherently intellectual posts while typing in lowercase. You're just so buttblasted and stupid you think the two are mutually exclusive.
>No, defending grammatical incorrectness makes them wrong. Shitty debate skills only ice the cake.
Too bad in this case, I'm right. In an informal setting, there is n o t h i n g wrong with typing with less regard for grammar.
>As was stated before by the other anon I'm objecting to, they do it to _give the impression_ of being laid back, which obviously is a quality. In other words, they type like 2nd grade dropouts as an attempt to impress.
Why would they give that impression if it weren't true to some extent? To be fake on an anonymous forum? Top kek.
>It doesn't cripple the content, but it cripples the form. Crippling the form makes the content less quickly understandable.
Um, no. It's immediately understandable if you have a basic grasp of the English language and are not dyslexic, even when you type in lowercase. don't tell me it's hard for you to read this, that would be very sad
>No shit, sherlock. That's what conventional logic demonstrates. I'm addressing the logic in the anon's argument.
Nice work pretending the rest of my point isn't there to hide the fact that you can't deny that being able to switch between casual typing and formal typing means you have a good grasp of the language.
>Again, you anencephalic bitch, the point is not about typing in lowercase letters to save the effort. It's about pretending that's a style.
It is a style. You've already admitted that it's a deliberate effort, so how is it not a style?
>You're already being a waste of effort, don't make it worse by being repetitive in your mistakes. You might as well just post teenage comeback memes like the other shitbirds in here. I can pretend that I'm offended by them, if it makes you and your friends feel better.
wew lad, you sound like literally so upset tbh fam. maybe you should stop replying????? smh
>We are all taking the language we speak somewhere every time we communicate. English, as with any other known language, has been shaped by every single one of the most casual interactions. Just because it doesn't sound casual when you call it "socio-linguistic", doesn't mean it's not the most common daily activity we all perform.
Yes, I'm sure that because I type in lowercase on Skype and sometimes here, I will eventually start doing it when writing formal reports, essays and/or studies. Maybe the bestselling novels in the world will be written in lowercase within 40 years. Wouldn't that make you upset?
>Don't be scared by big words. It's alright if you can't say them out loud without looking like you're taking a thick, rocky shit.
Personally, I don't talk while I'm on the toilet, but I'm not going to judge your habits, anon.
>As I've explained above, you're missing the point again. If you're gonna fail to address the meaning of my critique, you might as well do like the others here and just try really hard to offend me with things that only offend them (and therefore exposes their insecurities).I find it way more fun to read than your mouth-breathing, spoon-fed, saliva-choking level of retardation trying to pluck out an argument.
Saying "Y-You're just missing the point!" doesn't give you a point.
>See above. Not even worth wearing out the painting on my keyboard's letters at this point. Can't believe you typed this much just to miss the point I took an entire paragraph to make clear. Your efforts are better off maintaining your self-despise projected on the lolcows here, like all the other frequent users here. I'm glad I'm not welcome in this septic hole of overindulged female-typic personality disorders. Gives me hope, even :)
And yet, you proceeded to type your entire post as if anyone would care.
>You held the shift key for at least 4 seconds at one go just for those parenthesis, the two dots and the circumflex accent. At this point, I'm almost amused.
>Which is why I didn't do that. Another asinine misrepresentation that your brain wet-farted while endeavoring to formulate responses to my arguments.
But you did.
>Also, to relish at the assumption that those people (people you don't even know or ever had a conversation with to know) are worse off than you show how much of a shitty person you are and -the truly shitty part- like to be.
Yes, not being an obese woman in her 30s who lives with her parents and takes erotic photos at childrens' playgrounds and being aware of that fact makes me a shitty person. Please go on.
>But don't worry, most people here are like that and I'm sure it makes you feel normal.
And crying about how other people type online makes you feel normal, I imagine.

No. 194727

Are you two seriously writing essays over someone not capitalising I one time

No. 194734

>like a mentally challenged dingus

>as if that wasn't a defficiency

Weren't. And it's spelled deficiency.

>George Washington, and other brilliant people with communication impairments, didn't flaunt his dyslexia

Number agreement. Their dyslexia.

>communicational incompetence

Terribly awkward. "Communicational" is rarely used at all, and even more rarely in this context.

>you anencephalic bitch

Cringeworthy attempt at showing off your Wikipedia skills.

>has been shaped by every single one of the most casual interactions

Awkward almost to the point of incoherence. Try "English is shaped by even the most casual interactions".

>try really hard to offend me with things that only offend them (and therefore exposes their insecurities)

Number agreement. "Expose their insecurities".

>Not even worth wearing out the painting on my keyboard's letters at this point

Paint, not painting. Is English your first language?

>your self-despise

Self-hatred. Damn, I really hope you're not a native speaker.

>just for those parenthesis


>to relish at the assumption

It's just "to relish". No "at".

>Also, to relish at the assumption that those people.. are worse off than you show how much of a shitty person you are

Shows. This entire sentence is a trainwreck.

This isn't even addressing general issues with style. With such a shaky grasp on the English language, you should not feel qualified to criticize others' writing at all. I would rather read a thousand no-caps posts than one of your semi-literate attempts at sounding intelligent.

No. 194735

File: 1445375339912.jpg (9.22 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

I'll only thoroughly address one point here, since all the rest is just you completely missing the point (and assuming that doing so makes the point I made cease to exist.)

I'll admit that I wasn't clear in what I meant by typing like a retard. It's not just about using only lowercases, it's about the general disregard for syntax and grammar as a "stylistic choice". Deliberate acts don't create a style and no, it's not a choice when it's made through peer PRESSURE, you sad little batshit. There is a tendency on the internet now that looks down upon people who write correctly and mimics mistakes as stylistic choices. Ain't nothing to do with informal writting or none o'that (example of informal writing). Google examples of informal writing and you'll se shit ain't got nothing to do with lowercase or not using periods or what have you (another example of informal writing).

Since you tend to repeatedly miss the point, I'll break it down:
It has little to do with just using lowercase and a lot to do with simply finding grammar and syntax "too serious" and even "pretentious". I simply developed towards this starting from two things:

1: The observation made by another anon that complained about someone here's post being all on lowercases.
2: The response to that observation, being identical to that of other teenagers and young adults online who shit on syntax and grammar as an attempt to make people think they're cool.

An example (a REAL one, for the matter) of posts where teenagers disregard syntax often on purpose and claim it's a "stylistic choice":
"im at the hospital wit my grandpa i hav 2 watch him all weekend fucking a man"

Because this brainfucked shitling considers proper usage (or even just the presence) of punctuation "too serious" or "pretentious", the sentence reads as if he'd be watching his grandpa sodomize a man in the hospital at the same time as it reads "I have to watch him all weekend. Fucking A, man.". While it's obvious what he actually mean, the ridiculousness that ensues from this "stylish" functional illiteracy has a two-fold effect. Not only contributes to further degenerating the already degenerated modern english language, but also does so while telling that writing properly in informal situations is ___frowned upon____. Expecting others to do the same is also frowned upon, while expecting others to type like the example above is encouraged. This is basically what has been defended here, although over non-capitalization.

Now if you still misrepresent my point, I'm not gonna keep pretending that you shouldn't have been aborted due to cerebral death. That implies dignifying your nonsensical retorts such as "Saying 'you're just missing the point doesn't give you a point" (you can't be accused of missing a point if I haven't presented it to you three times prior to that, you fucking ridiculously ignorant cunt) or the utterly eloquent reply "But you did" followed by not a single word of elaboration. Another spat of horseshit and you might as well go talk to the voices in your head instead, I don't have time for this anymore.

What's pretty hilarious is that you assume that I'm annoyed at you and it's because you have a point, while I'm impatiently bored and midly disappointed by your endless stream of non sequitur and strawman arguments. And, under this nigh schizophrenic delusion, you keep talking more idiotic shit thinking that being embarrassingly unintelligent to the point of angering your interlocutor equals winning at a debate.

No. 194736

Way to ruin the fucking thread with all this off topic walls of texts you niggers

No. 194737

You are both the definition of "typing like a retard".

No. 194740


This is why autists shouldn't have computer rights
Now shut up and stop shitting up onions thread

No. 194741

By typing paragraphs to shit on someone over not typing the way you approve of, you are annoyed and retarded

No. 194742

>using only lowercases
Lowercase, no plural.

>I simply developed towards this starting from two things:

Very awkward. Try "developed this theory based on two things" or something.

>on lowercases

In lowercase.

>teenagers disregard syntax often on purpose and claim it's a "stylistic choice"

You need commas around "often on purpose". Or you can just leave it out, as it doesn't add anything to the sentence. Also, the syntax in that quote is fine. It's the spelling, punctuation and capitalization that's off. And furthermore, nothing in that quote indicates that the writer thinks he's making a stylistic choice. He is probably just dumb and/or lazy.

>Not only contributes to

Not only does it contribute to

>but also does so while telling that writing properly in informal situations is ___frowned upon____.

Very awkward. I'm not actually sure what you're trying to get across here. Maybe "gives the impression that writing properly in informal situations is frowned upon"?

>Expecting others to do the same is also frowned upon

What is "the same" referring to? I can deduce that you mean typing properly, but that's not clear from the previous sentence. The referent needs to be obvious.

>impatiently bored


No. 194743

y r u still hurr?

No. 194744

File: 1445377210117.jpg (25.48 KB, 315x466, images.jpg)

stop this shit

back to onision pls

No. 194747

>Number agreement.
It's agreeing with George Washington, a single person, not the other people that fall under his contextual category.
>Communicational is rarely used
>Cringeworthy attempt at showing off your Wikipedia skills.
Sure, picture me as it suits you.
How can awkwardness be reprehensible?
>Number agreement. "Expose their insecurities".
True. I stand corrected.
>Is English your first language?
No, nor have I ever claimed to have superior grammatical knowledge. All I'm advocating is the respect for those who try to respect grammar and syntax. Not admiration, just respect.
>It's just "to relish".
Relish can also be used with "at". Prove that it can't be used in this case.
>Shows. This entire sentence is a trainwreck.
Inattention. I'm actually quite satisfied with it, considering that I've slept less than 4 hours last night.

>This isn't even addressing general issues with style. With such a shaky grasp on the English language, you should not feel qualified to criticize others' writing at all. I would rather read a thousand no-caps posts than one of your semi-literate attempts at sounding intelligent.

I truly wish you were nearly as good at text interpretation as you are with grammar, ortography and syntax, because what I did there had nothing to do with that. I can even show you where I admit I make mistakes at a regular basis:
In this post >>194622
>(I, for one, obviously make mistakes at a regular basis and probably made grammar mistakes in this post!)

With that said, maybe the only one trying to sound intelligent here is you. A partially failed endeavour, since grammatical evaluation is not as intellectually demanding as investigating one's arguments and you failed to do the latter.

No. 194749

File: 1445377530528.gif (622.52 KB, 500x256, tumblr_ntejvoH1721ueqovjo1_500…)

No. 194750

What are these pseudo intellectual passages.

No. 194757

Please refrain from derailing the thread further.

No. 194758

>mfw I replied twice and left for an hour and this shit is still going

No. 194759

>It's agreeing with George Washington, a single person, not the other people that fall under his contextual category
You mentioned "George Washington, and other brilliant people with communication impairments,"; it needs to agree with everyone mentioned.


It is not a word that any educated native speaker would use in this context. It is jarring to read.

>How can awkwardness be reprehensible?

It makes the sentence difficult to understand - much more so than using improper capitalization.

>Relish can also be used with "at". Prove that it can't be used in this case.

No, it cannot. You can search Google for "to relish at", et cetera, with quotes. It is never once used in your context. The only results are sentences like "A dish to relish at this new restaurant". This is something that a fluent English speaker knows naturally.

>Inattention. I'm actually quite satisfied with it, considering that I've slept less than 4 hours last night.

would u accept the same xcuse if i typed like this??

I'm not really that interested in your arguments. I'm just trying to help you out with your grammar, since you seem very passionate about it, but your skills aren't up to par. ;)

No. 194788

No. 194805

jesus fucking christ, who let these assholes in? wasnt this thread about onion, not grammar and spelling?

No. 194823

I saw textwalls and assumed HS anon had returned and we had juicy shit to discuss

I was clearly mistaken :(

No. 194827

Mods pls clean up the shit from this thread and can we pls go back to Onision.

People are speculating that him and his wife are now "separated" since there was a good while that neither of them were wearing their rings.
But of course since someone called em out on it, Taylor posted a ring selfie.

No. 194844

Greg probably spends most of the time in the other house and tells her it's for the sake of his job as video maker.
But you know he is fucking those women he pays to be in his videos there.
Lainey probably sits at their new house, all alone.

No. 194857

File: 1445408918277.jpg (140.8 KB, 700x647, g7wflp9.jpg)

>would u accept the same xcuse if i typed like this??
I surely wouldn't complain. I only did because people now seem to do this on purpose, not only out of inattention or lazyness.
>It makes the sentence difficult to understand - much more so than using improper capitalization.
If it's not grammatically incorrect, it doesn't matter. At that point, it's up to the reader to have a broader linguistic background and interpretation, since one is respecting as many rules as one can.
>No, it cannot. You can search Google for "to relish at", et cetera, with quotes. It is never once used in your context. The only results are sentences like "A dish to relish at this new restaurant". This is something that a fluent English speaker knows naturally.
You seem to be right, indeed.
>It is not a word that any educated native speaker would use in this context. It is jarring to read.
That's subjective. If it doesn't break the rules, it's up to the reader.
>I'm not really that interested in your arguments. I'm just trying to help you out with your grammar, since you seem very passionate about it, but your skills aren't up to par. ;)
Sure, one can always improve and I appreciate your help (while ignoring your childish and ineffective passive-aggressiveness). Also, I can rely on the (many) tests I took (in different language instites) to know I am "up to par" based on international standarts. Considering this, I'm afraid your assessments are pretty useless to me.

No. 194862

File: 1445409482390.png (197.32 KB, 508x358, 1421835906613.png)

No. 194863


Wasn't paying attention.



No. 194864


Yeah, man, I'm sooo mad. Tee-hee~

No. 194876

File: 1445417531081.png (25.48 KB, 529x120, brokedick.png)

ya'll just mad cause you have broke dicks that you need to blame your parents for.

No. 194878

What is this achieving?
He's just trying to make guys that are circumcised feel bad for no reason.

No. 194882

That was my first reply in this fucking thread, Thartan. Get help.

No. 194889

Fuck this guy.

No. 194892

he has a really unhealthy obsession with uncircumcised penis.
Is shane uncircumcised or something?

No. 194893

For a man who supposedly isn't a pedo, he sure spends an awfully long time thinking about children's penises.

No. 194894


Ahahaha, he's such a sexual noob… I know plenty of guys who are uncircumcised who love stroking their dicks with a palm covered in lube because its fucking enjoyable.

His orgasms must be seriously bland.

No. 194915

I agree with what this anon has said but disagree with it being a new thing. I grew up watching this. My dad would always say very cruel and hurtful things and then come back and say "I never beat any of you, and I've never laid a hand on you". And he is far from feminine. But I digress, it's sad to see women allowing themselves to be manipulated in this way.

No. 194916


No. 194917

Don't ever reply to my posts again, dipshit. I know who you are.

No. 194919

Not the anon you're replying to, but…wat.
What's going on here?

No. 194921

Lol, no you don't, but okay.

No. 194927

Keep pretending, bitch.

No. 194931


Jesus fucking christ, stop. You've already been told to cut this shit out.


What the fuck
Why has this thread become a goldmine of autism all of a sudden?

No. 194943

Nothing ever came of the Venita shit. I question if there was anything to begin with, since Venita used a platform of hating Greg to talk about herself, her surgery/weight loss, etc.
She's been called out on this multiple times and I think that's why she's not active against Greg anymore.
I don't think any formal charges were ever made and Venita probably made up a lot of the shit she was spewing.

No. 195016

PLOT TWIST: both of these autists are Onision arguing with himself to try and kill his thread

No. 195138

damn. that sucks. I somewhat enjoyed a few of her videos and then followed her on tumblr, but unfollowed once she started posting a lot about weight loss and surgery as you mentioned. I didn't know she'd dropped off the radar completely. I wonder if she still lurks anti-o sites.

No. 195162

Yeah but Gurg doesn't care about correct writing everyone who has heard of his books knows that much.
He's not circumcised? What an odd thing to have a holier than thou mentality towards.

No. 197156

File: 1445912828027.png (865.08 KB, 958x617, qui.PNG)


No. 197160

I feel sorry for her - he uses her as a toy to play out his fantasies.

No. 197162

I thought that was Greg

No. 197164

File: 1445915506317.png (349.5 KB, 605x490, xdfghj.png)

No. 197165

lol i thought the same, she looks like a man in drag

No. 197167

File: 1445916189485.jpg (78.81 KB, 840x540, onion.JPG)

A 30 year old man shooping himself to look 14.

Greg is going all out.

No. 197179

Is that really him? Could be his nephew/cousins. I can't tell, the Bieber hair style is hiding the caterpillar brows.

No. 197181

Of course she'd be basic enough to be Harley Quinn.

No. 197197

What in the fuck.
This looks nothing like him. He really does look like a 14 year old boy here. wat.

No. 197203

nope, he shooped himself
he's getting crazier every day

No. 197217


Onion is actually good at shopin'. He should give some of our other cows a lesson in looking 14

No. 197248

File: 1445963197635.jpg (197.05 KB, 500x375, greatvalue-vs-real-02.jpg)

lainey vs shiloh

No. 197261


This reminds me of that thing he posted about one of the girls (I forget who but it was in a hotel iirc) and he said something like "she spit on my penis and it wasn't erotic at all" lol

No. 197359


It's not that complicated, he even gave a secret to how he warps his face like that in certain photos. He was on a warped face binge a while ago.

He uses a Samsung s6 I believe which was a wide angle camera and one of the camera options is wide angled/high angled and he raises it above his face which makes his eyes look bigger/face look different. It's all an illusion, (proven when you see him normally) I've even messed around with the same phone camera and it can really change the way you look.

And of course, makeup, filters and photoshop play a big part.

No. 197360



He was less of a douche with Shiloh, more fun and she was more fun too. Lainey is boring as fuck and her looks are overrated. She kind of looks like a man and has weird lips too. And she still acts like a little hipster tumblr girl.

No. 197363

Besides the obvious shoop to make his hair and eyes bigger, it's easy for Onion to look young when most of his face is covered in fake blood.
Remember when he photoshop'd abs onto himself? lmao

No. 197365

I'm sorry If this video has been brought up before but its my first time seeing and and seriously does he really think people will fall for this crap? This is so embarrassing its like something a 12 year old would do!

No. 197409

I'm glad his shit is ending up on cringe channels

No. 197411

What I've always found hilarious about Shiloh is the fact she was kind of famous here in Canada for her shitty 'punk rock' Avril-wannabe music for awhile. Like, played on every radio station and her music videos were on TV all the time. I assume everyone's already aware of this, though!

No. 197412

I think he was trying to fame leech. Same with his relationship with AJ, since her dad is a rock star.

No. 197413

this video hurts my soul

No. 197435

One hit wonders dont make you that famous, but she could have probbably dont more with tht path if she didnt fuck it up with him.

No. 197463

Could anyone explain what was the drama with Siloh and Onion? How did they meet? What happened? I have only seen that "truth" video which makes me super confused.

No. 197500

They met on his forum. iirc she asked for advice about a boyfriend? things are a bit fuzzy after that but i believe he went to visit her in canada (when i read the divorce papers from skye it said he hit the deer ad crashed the car while he was in canada and hmmm what could he be doing there?) anyway they SUPPOSEDLY met in places where 17 was the legal age of consent and when she was 18 he moved her into his house in Washington. Basically what he did with Taylor, yet somehow creepier.

No. 197714

Excuse my lazyness and thank you. It hadn't come to me to check his ED page. I wanted a different perspective of the events other than Onision's. I saw most of the vids of him explaining what happened and it all sounds like he was the victim in the whole thing. ED doesn't really go into details about her though.

I didn't understand what he said that he has to pay money to her now. Why is that? Also, is what he said about her stealing his stuff true? He said that the cameras were covered with shirts?? Sounds a bit wonky to me…
Is everything else that happened also true or is he making things up to look like the victim? (Memory loss, sepsis, miscarriage)

No. 197730

TBH I think Lainey (in spite of her man face) is probably the best looking girl he's been with. Skye was kind of frumpy and Shiloh was chubby and weird looking. If Lainey did her makeup better and didn't have a 35 year old mom haircut she'd be genuinely pretty.

No. 197786

The memory loss waa revealed to be an attempt for views. Apparently Shiloh told Someguy and he brought it up in a video. I think the "sepsis" was her excuse to get away from Greg. Also with the moscarriage, she still asserts that happened but when she was talking about her pregnancy on facebook she used a ultrasound photo she found on google so that could go either way seeing as she has claimed to be prwgnant twice.

No. 197789

Also about Shiloh stealing from him I believe he is refering to the money he gave her to go back to Canada when she was talking about sepsis.

No. 197809

You're thinking of Skye.
Greg pays her alimony and she took her stuff with her when she left, which according to Greg is stealing and comparable to slavery.

Shiloh just cheated Greg out of a few hundred dollars or something for rent in Canada and I don't blame her tbh.

Lainey by far has been the most expensive wife/gf he's had, considering he moved to her state, pays for her college, all the baby shit, and her iphones and apple watch shit.

No. 197890

his hair always looks disgusting no matter what. sucks to suck

No. 197914

Drama update, Onion tweeted about Shane Dawson again saying that the video someone tweeted him of Freelee talking about how Shane defended meat made him look ignorant… who cares. Besides that, he took a douchey selfie or too. I'm too lazy to post this shit though. Feel free to.

No. 197928

I'm glad Shane is in a better place now. Onion will never stop being a douchenozzle. I'm sure Shane regrets deeply the time Onion force kissed him.

No. 197954

is there a freelee thread? i haven't been able to find one.

No. 197960

I think there's one in Snow.

No. 198180

File: 1446249986017.png (267.32 KB, 535x480, bb.png)

Taylor looks like she has a baby bump in her latest video, might be the way she's standing.

No. 198181

This video is so creepy and cringey.

No. 198182

Yeah I noticed that too.

And note that Onion bought those costumes for her, and 2/3 are not even Harley Quinn. He straight up ordered "naughty harlequin" costumes.

When he was showing off something that actually looked like Harley, he was so apathetic and bored, and went right back to the sexy costumes.

His wife was literally like a real doll he was dressing up to have fun with.

>Also is it ironic or what that Onion chose one of the most blatantly abusive relationships to dress up as


No. 198187

I think Onion guy is reading this thread since the video has been pulled off for copyright infringement.


No. 198215


She legit looks like a dude trapping it up, greg must love it.

No. 198245

>His wife was literally like a real doll he was >dressing up to have fun with.

Imagine how he treats his kid

No. 198248

Honestly, i question the fuck out of couples who want to glorify the extremely abusive relationship of Harley Quinn and The Joker. It's so cringy to me.

No. 198249

She really does.

No. 198302

How is this bitch cosplaying? LOL, she doesn't know shit about the character and chooses the harlequin outfit instead of the Harley Quinn costume because she doesn't know jack shit.

Is this girl still in college? I hope so because she'll never get by on looks. She looks like a trap and I hope Greg doesn't get by in his post 30 year olds by being married to an underage fan that managed to become a doctor.

No. 198343

> his post 30 year olds by being married to an underage fan that managed to become a doctor.


No. 198369

what the hell is going on with his face in this video??

No. 198569

I was thinking the same thing. His face is red and he looks high.

No. 198581

File: 1446359541006.jpg (67.64 KB, 600x600, CSsqVRjVAAAuJpX.jpg)

She looks 15 and he looks like her dad.
This is just… fucking awful.

No. 198582

she looks like a 25 year old man

No. 198594

File: 1446362499570.png (21.6 KB, 581x246, qq.PNG)

Onion is literally white-suburban, "can I speak to the manager", bob-haircut mom.

No. 198596

His hair is killing me. I can feel my face breaking out just looking at it.

No. 198626

Why does this bitch have gross man hands?

No. 198630

I wonder if Onion has the balls to be anti-Muslim.

No. 198738

File: 1446405048325.png (47.09 KB, 613x323, qqq.PNG)

>muh free speech!!!
>used to insta-ban people on his forums for mentioning meat, the divorce, adrienne's letter, etc.

ok onion

No. 198759


And block everyone on twitter/facebook/youtube

No. 198760

No. 198768

his face looks sunburned as hell.
Lainey looks so unenthusiastic throughout the whole thing.

No. 198771

Yeah facebook is a wee bit shite at times w/r/t what can and cannot be posted, but honestly.
Also it's funny as hell that onion should call anyone a douchebag or an ugly nerd. ffs look in a mirror.

No. 198821

Are y'all seeing this racism stuff on his twitter? It's fucking hilarious, people are tearing him apart.

No. 198846

File: 1446423164379.png (863.67 KB, 1768x1668, 2.png)

Oh boy, Onion pissed off the internet again with some racist tweets… "MUH WHITE PRIVILEGE"

No. 198848

I think the reverse racism argument is dumb as fuck so I kind of agree with Onion but he's going about it terribly and I love seeing people rip him apart so whatever.

No. 198850


He's right though.

No. 198851

Facebook is kinda messed up with what they censor. For example, I once reported a meme post showing real people being hanged off a bridge and they didn't do shit. Literally one of their TOS is to not use gore for the sake of making a joke. Meanwhile, they're removing people's personal photos because their knees happen to look like boobs.

No. 198852

I agree as well, but honestly I think he is just being a try hard hopping on the bandwagon.

No. 198862

What the hell is going on with her lower lip here?! That's not how lips are supposed to work.

No. 198869

Someone should get on him for saying that Hitler wasn't so bad.

No. 198892

Even though I agree with him on this one, it would be real fun if he pisses off the SJW machine.

No. 198895

File: 1446438162855.png (223.3 KB, 1200x916, Lainey Onion FIGHT #234244.png)


Oh the SJW's were extremely pissed off. He got tons of backlash.

Even his wife mentioned she didn't agree with him and then joined in and then said when they "disagree" they're not fighting… lol k

No. 198896

He's getting a lot of backlash because he's talking out of his ass and claiming it as "fact" again. He knows nothing about racism and has zero personal experiences to go off of. The whole "I don't see color" shit is so annoying and just white people acting like they're not racist when they really are.

He seriously thinks someone owning a "white people tears" mug is oppressing him. Just, no.

No. 198901

I actually agree 100% with everything he says here.

No. 198923

Gotta hand it to him on this one. He's right, in my opinion.
But he shouldn't keep feeding the backlash on it, or it wil keep erupting. But whatever, though.

No. 198935

I agree with him and I also agree with him with anti-circumcision stuff, but he just presents his view points as incredibly stupid. Blah blah blah yes, racism exist against white people but we shouldn't look at people by race…that's a bit stupid. People are going to identify racially and instead of calling people to do racist, he just wants to point out that if you believe anyone is a race, that is racist.

No. 198946

whenever someone says white people can't experience racism, I just fucking laugh so hard because you KNOW they've never taken a history course in their lifetime. The fucking holocaust, does that ring a bell Tumblr?

No. 198998

Sad day when I actually agree with Onision.

No. 199001

If Jews and homosexuals are races for you, anon.

No. 199006

Jews are white, anon. Especially German-born. Also in places like the eastern Europe, whites have been killed and/or oppressed for their ethnicity. Brown Ottomen murdered millions of white Christians in Armenia during the Armenian genocide during the early-mid 1900's. The Caucasian world isn't just the western English-speaking world.

No. 199007

Don't know if you're the same anon or not but Jews were discriminated against because of antisemitism, not simply because they were white (which would be racism). The other anon should have mentioned your examples.

No. 199008

The Nazis certainly treated them as one, they went after people who didn't even follow the faith. Don't be a mong.

No. 199028


"Listen Edward Scissorhands"



Jewish people were killed for their religion, not for being white.

No. 199039

I hope y'all realize that Greg is racist as all fuck and this tantrum is just him hating on black people because it's topical and will give him views.
A good chunk of my twitter feed was people going "I never heard of this onion before but…". He got what he wanted. Controversy and views which means more money for him.

Greg has said MANY times that he doesn't find black people "beautiful", he made a list ranking each race on his old forums and banned people when they didn't agree with him. Not to mention a lot of ignorant things he said about Africa and diseases and religion.
And let's not forget when Greg said blackface was a form of comedy so it's okay and not racist at all. He's done blackface several times and used offensive stereotypes to portray black people in his videos.

I'm not going to try and explain the difference between racism and discrimination to you guys because you're all in agreement with this fuck getting triggered over a coffee mug. But this whole rant was racially motivated because he has been known to hate black people, and also he has fucking dollar signs in his eyes when he tweets this shit.

No. 199045

>I-I-It's just making fun of stereotypes!
It's like he's pretending blackface wasn't originally made to mock and degrade black people, and that the stereotypes supposedly being mocked are what's partly responsible for the "real life" racism situation he described with the white and black guy. Painting yourself black and acting like a moron does not challenge or attack racism or stereotypes, either, I don't get where he gets that narrative from.
Not to mention it's usually just fucking unfunny. "White people drive like this, black people drive like that xDDD" isn't anything humorous or original.
Fuck him for trying to tell people they're "out of line" for not liking or supporting shitty humor.

No. 199065

File: 1446491964547.jpg (29.74 KB, 620x444, Sharon1.jpg)

Onision legit looks like Sharon Osbourne in OP GIF.

No. 199077

the op gif seriously triggers me I wish y'all would make a new thread so I wouldn't have to see this shit every time I'm on this website

No. 199087

Of course he's racist, that's really obvious. But he's hiding behind "reverse racism isn't real" because it's a sentiment a lot of people have and will sympathize with him as a result. He does this shit all the time.

No. 199130

Yeah, you're right anon but they weren't killed for their race at all. I hope I'm not seen as a SJW for this but I can't help but find it cringey when rich white people are like "YEAH? Well what about US!?" when they see something as silly as a cup that says "white people", not everything is about you and you just have to suck it up and deal with it instead of whining like a baby.

No. 199146

Agree anon, that's some horror movie shit

No. 199147

File: 1446504960550.jpg (15.78 KB, 333x250, 23f94d07442a1e84a63d28c368590d…)

I've been watching gilmore girls again and am grossed out by how much he looks like David Suttcliffe.
I never liked that character anyway.

No. 199159


lel, he looks like if onion was vaguely attractive. Onion has a sloppier mouth and low caveman brow bone and droopy eyes.

No. 199161


I mean like that guys but x10

No. 199200

Too lazy to take screencaps but hes fighting with his wife again, this racist shit is still going on ugh. Fucking hate Onion

No. 199233

hide the thread, you shit.

No. 199308

File: 1446527650315.jpg (447.32 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_nwvyda0XLk1r1kiq7o1_128…)

Shiloh talking about why she made her insta private and talking more about the abuse she endured.

No. 199329

Wasn't the miscarriage and sepsis a hoax tho?

No. 199334

Shiloh explained that she never had sepsis, the doctors told her she went septic and she THOUGHT she had sepsis and freaked the fuck out.
And the miscarriage was because he slammed her into a door frame when she refused to sleep on the hall floor outside his bedroom.

No. 199344



No. 199348

File: 1446541268931.jpg (18.28 KB, 454x301, jazvqfgsd5ojo5g.jpg)

every time I read 'Shiloh'

No. 199350

I knew Onion was crazy, but what the heck?

No. 199351

File: 1446542487356.png (565.94 KB, 848x487, tumblr_n2cameNdZ01r1kiq7o2_r1_…)

No. 199402


OMG holy shit.
Scary that teenagers look up to this dude honestly.

No. 199403

I thought I was the only one

No. 199428

Wow… about the miscarriage, was that a different situation than when she posted a photo of someone else's baby saying they lost it and got called out for being a liar? I am getting a little mixed up with this dramasaga.

No. 199441


Same here, like I know Shiloh had a kid with another guy as she began getting her life in order (on her YouTube channel) but then lost the kid, possibly cot death or something (not sure of the cause). But I did hear that she lied about being pregnant. However I'm really confused now because I know Onion's fucked up, but I also know Shiloh was a bit of a liar. Whether it was influenced by Onion or not, again I'm not sure. I just know her mother knew Onion was manipulating her

No. 199442

*lied about being pregnant while with Onion

No. 199516

As an update he's still raging on twitter about the racism bullshit and has fought with his wife AGAIN today and now a mod from his forums for 6 years…

Whether he's right or not is debatable, he's being a total douche not to mention he's been proven racist. He tried to look good but it backfired.


No. 199522


Reading the replies are hilarious.
This is just one giant mess for views and the fact that he's thrown his wife under the bus THREE times over this in the past two days is just amazingly tragic.
Such relationship goals.

No. 199564

This might be a far reach, but is this the same Onision who used to be "Bebo-famous" way back, and made a lot of skins and stuff? I vividly remember someone like that with the same/very similar name. We'd be talking anywhere from 2006-2009 here.

No. 199570

Google doesn't say anything about that, but I wouldn't doubt it. Greg's been active on the internet for more than a decade and he also fancies himself some kind of "web designer" kek.

No. 199572

That'd line up. I sort of want to do some snooping now. I'll report back if I actually come up with anything.

No. 199649

Briana Wu and Greg are going at it on twitter, so glad I have popcorn.

No. 199657

Screencaps pls, I can't find it!

If it's true then oh man, it's gonna be a goldmine

No. 199659

File: 1446608135519.png (38.06 KB, 588x148, cof.png)

Also, Peter Coffin is mad at Onision too.

Bring in the Lolcow All-star Battle Royale.

No. 199668

File: 1446611249646.jpg (177.39 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 199671

God, he is such a raging twat, I want to punch him square in his ugly melting face. He's so condescending and acts like he's better than you. It's disgusting that he talks to his wife this way.
Run Lainey, take your child and fucking run.

No. 199672

File: 1446613673573.jpg (368.62 KB, 627x1119, Untitled image77.jpg)

No. 199675

This guy's asshole smile and asshole behaviour reminds me of Dieter Bohlen.(famous German asshole and band leader of Modern Talking)
Maybe he's his younger clone.

No. 199679

No. 199680

File: 1446615530824.png (39.66 KB, 568x360, tumblr_nx9no7JEI91r1kiq7o1_128…)

And here is a member of one of Taylor's favorite bands (Of Mice and Men) shaming Onion for calling cutters criminals.
I'm sure she's over the moon over this kind of attention.

No. 199692

I hope this faggot keeps on tweeting. I know he is enjoying attention, even though it's negative, but the idiot doesn't realize that negative attention is what made him lose popularity and subscribers before.

No. 199697

File: 1446620253752.jpg (28.8 KB, 528x188, jkj.JPG)

Time to get forcibly pushed into doorframe :^)

No. 199698

File: 1446620317094.jpg (42.51 KB, 527x452, lklk.JPG)

Full convo.
Great marriage you guys.

No. 199699

File: 1446620469286.jpg (65.02 KB, 535x578, 66.JPG)

top dramu

No. 199700

Jesus what is this, the fifth fight they've had in only a couple of days?

Lainey pack your bags.

No. 199702

File: 1446620600349.jpg (39.92 KB, 567x346, top kak.JPG)

No. 199704

File: 1446620714038.png (42.86 KB, 618x288, Capture001.PNG)

No. 199705

lmao, this is pure gold
lainey, your husband a shite

No. 199707

File: 1446620804117.png (62.53 KB, 617x421, Capture002.PNG)

Also this is what Greg is throwing a tantrum over just for context.
What a great husband.

No. 199709

so many abusive tactics in these tweets
so much manipulation omfg

No. 199711

Everyone is tweeting laineybot how she doesn't have to be emotionally abused like that.

No. 199713

File: 1446621569592.png (39.15 KB, 613x310, Capture003.PNG)

Is it happening

No. 199716

someone needs to tell her you shouldn't have to tiptoe around your stupid boyfriend all the time. dump him and get on with your life.

No. 199718

File: 1446622464781.jpg (12.78 KB, 575x81, 1.JPG)

Well this is the most favorited reply to her tweet.

No. 199719

File: 1446622550885.jpg (39.07 KB, 534x352, 11.JPG)

No. 199720

onision is fucking insane i feel so bad for lainey :/

No. 199722

I'm glad that tides are turning, apparently.

Before, when Onision shat on his wife/gf, he would get support from his fans and they would harass them too.
Now when he tried to shit on Lainey, most of his fans took Lainey's side. That's why he ran away like a coward.

No. 199723

Omfg who fights over twitter like this when theyre in the same vicinity

No. 199724

It's hard for me to feel bad for people who willingly stay in abusive relationships. I do hope she gets out though.

No. 199726

rofl, they're both insane. They live together and yet they publically share their dirty laundry on twitter. fuck

No. 199727

HolySHIT, what a man child.

No. 199728

File: 1446623224997.jpg (19.52 KB, 539x93, aaron.JPG)

No. 199729

Has xmas come early, lolcow?

No. 199731

Ahhh, me too. I'm glad it isn't just me.

No. 199732

This poor band dude has no idea the shitstorm he's getting into.

No. 199733

File: 1446623552979.png (399.59 KB, 638x2307, WTF.png)

Holy shit. What a manipulative asshole.

Lainey was happy a guy from her favorite band tweeted her and Onision collectively lost his SHIT on her. What is this the fucking fith fight this week? This guy needs therapy. Lainey needs to RUN.

Here's the full fight.

No. 199735


what a piece of shit.

No. 199736

Seriously. Her tweet was innocent like "I'm so happy this dude from a band I like tweeted me." Anyone would be excited, but Onion is fucking insane. How in god's name does he keep manipulating these girls to get with him with all this evidence that he's abusive and fucked up??

I really hope Lainey gets out of this relationship and moves away.

No. 199740


It's really fucked up and sad.

She was warned by a lot of people… people even tried to send letters to her parents.

I guess she was young (17) and easily manipulated by Onion and probably thought "Oh those are just some crazy haters and hes different in real life" then she probably has realized now he's a total piece of abusive trash but now it's probably too late to leave since she has a kid… she should try to though for her and her kid's sake. He would be a terrible parent for a kid to have.

What a mess. Fuck Onision and everyone who stands by him. He's done so many awful things. He's beyond a "troll" as some people call him. He's GARBAGE. He has ruined so many young girls. He needs to be stopped.

No. 199741

It's never too late to leave, it' better for the kid to grow up with no father than having Onion as a father.

No. 199743


Oh for sure. I'm just saying it must be difficult for her… it'd be hard for her probably since she's so attached to him and now he's a father.

But she definitely should try. I hope she does leave.

No. 199745

i think onion's real problem is that he's a homosexual

No. 199746

Best scenario would be her moving back home, finishing her degree (she's pretty close from what I've seen), and getting those child support checks in the mail every month.

No. 199748


If you look at her most recent tweet that says "I don't know what to do" there's tons of replies from her fans telling her to leave Greg.

That says it all. Even they realize he's an abusive fuck now.

It would be sooo good if she left the asshole. I really hope she does.

He deserves to be alone & she can do so much better.

No. 199756

i can't believe they argue the way they do over twitter of all places?? they're probably in different rooms in the same house!

No. 199758

I'm pretty sure his issue is that he's a fucking psychopath…

No. 199760

>ShitthelBat ‏@shittheldam 47m47 minutes ago
@clumsytongue @laineybot this is literally their first twitter fight calm down people

No. 199762

File: 1446626934472.png (71.38 KB, 571x441, Capture004.PNG)

He's fronting on twitter real bad.

No. 199765


Oh fuck him. What a manipulative asshole. I knew he'd pull that bullshit. She really needs to leave. If she doesn't… not a smart move. It can and WILL get worse.

No. 199766


He's still going. Make sure to screencap it all. I'm going to bed soon.

No. 199767

What a bastard. He really is manipulative and she's stupid for sticking around despite everything

No. 199768


Agreed. Honestly, if she doesn't leave now… like come on.

No. 199769

File: 1446627802943.png (72.64 KB, 576x518, Capture005.PNG)

I got u.
I'm just wondering who he is trying to fool.

No. 199770

File: 1446627882536.png (390.68 KB, 589x412, e935c55d42e3fbdfb031cad1db2466…)

He literally looks like he wants to kill her for saying he's not normal for having a voice inside his head

No. 199771

File: 1446627901151.png (72.25 KB, 650x452, Cycle-of-Abuse.png)

onion and lamp 2015

No. 199772


~ ium sorry honey i won't publicly humiliate u again u know how i get with my sharp intellect i don't deserve u look how humble ~

No. 199773

remember when this happened
omg goals

No. 199774

File: 1446628363665.png (47.18 KB, 611x323, Capture006.PNG)

Taylor hasn't said a word since the fight and I'm thinking Greg is just doing damage control for the moment.

Also I like how he's acting like what he did wasn't abusive and was just that he made a mistake and misspoke.

No. 199775

Looks like Lainey deleted her tweets to him… hmm.

Probably forced to by Greg because of the tons of backlash.

Glad we took screenshots, good work guys. Keep it up.

No. 199776

yeah seriously, good archiving.

No. 199778

Wow I'm actually seriously bothered by this.
Like I can understand how embarrassing it must have been to publicly argue like that, airing all sorts of dirty laundry.
But at the same time, this was the first real time that his fans have supported his wife during a fight.
Almost always he puts whatever gf/wife/fiance under the bus and the fans attack maliciously, but in this instance everyone sided with Taylor and told her to leave his ass rightfully so.
And now the tweets are gone. (I mean obviously we have the receipts but still)

The cycle carries on to another day.

No. 199779

File: 1446628911829.png (48.27 KB, 609x351, Capture007.PNG)


No. 199781

it makes me wonder if he hits her because he feels embarrassed and out of control and needs to assert himself. abusers need to feel powerful and having so many people telling her to leave him at once must be the worst for his ego…. and shiloh has talked about him being forceful and rough with her

No. 199783


I feel disgusted too… What a psycho, honestly. And now his fans will buy his BS tweets and probably be like "lol just a little fight heheh no big deal greg, oh well" and move on soon and Lainey will probably act like everything is fine or say it wasn't a big deal.

What a joke.

No. 199785

Also make sure you spread those screencaps guys. Post to tumblr, twitter etc so people will see.

No. 199788

It's all speculation but there was a rumor that he hit her once and promised it would never happen again. It was never confirmed so take it as you will.

But yes Greg is VERY controlling, and it seems when he doesn't have complete control, he lashes out on everyone.

I imagine he like firmly grasps her wrists, yanks her by the hips, pushes her, etc. during arguments, like very violent actions, but not full on beating.

He's ALWAYS had anger issues. Him yelling for like five minutes about something so trivial his chest zits always comes to mind when I think of his outbursts.

No. 199790


i know that i'm gunna get some heat for this, but greg is such an asshole and i find it hilarious. he's such a dick, it's not even comprehensible. like he's just ruining everything and im laughing, i must be the biggest prick lool….

then again, im a pretty big prick :(

No. 199797

muscle mass causes your veins to push towards the surface and requires more blood flow to nourish and fill the muscles

hence bigger veins. there's also hydration and bodyfat content which he seems to have little of

also forearms have very thin skin on them, same as the tops of your hand. it's not weird at all. having large veins is completely normal for muscular people

No. 199798

I knew this bastard would do this. He basically had no one on his side and that's the only reason he did it. The situation reminds me of stuff described in Adrienne's letter, he used the same emotional manipulation tactics on her.

And when he gets called out on it in future, he'll be like "But I apologized publicly and my wife forgave me and deleted her tweets! I'm completely innocent now!"
What a shithead. I hope he dies.

No. 199801

I hope he dies too tbh. There are way too many scumbags who need to vacate this earth already.

No. 199802

People are still shitting all over him on Twitter, even after apology.

I bet he will try to present himself as a victim now.

No. 199811

I would question my gender too if I had slept with and had a child with someone like him honestly. Gender Identity Disorder caused by mental trauma and abuse is a thing I'm sure.

No. 199815

Has anyone like. Personally talked to her? Does anyone know if she knows all the shitty things he's done in his past and whatnot? Like sending her the things that his ex claims he's done.

No. 199818

Surprised I didn't see this linked to in the thread.
How is she so delusional? Maybe after all of this she'll start to come to her senses. Or maybe onion put her up to making that video? I don't know.

No. 199825

I'm sure she knows, but I'm betting Greg told her all his exs are crazy bitches and are lying.

No. 199892

Oh my god, he is such a fucking CHILD! Who the fuck makes their partner feel bad for not fighting their own battles?

Shiloh was right, I don't doubt what he did to her in the slightest, he's a controlling, manipulative psycho fuck who has literally no common-sense and feels he needs to have his hand held for the rest of his adult life.

I can't fucking stand him.

No. 199907

Pauley seems like a really good person

No. 199919

I always want to armchair psychology him so bad.
What the hell is going on ? Is he BPD super insecure and needing real reinsurance or is it an ego problem ?

No. 199924

I wouldn't call emotionally abusing your wife a "mistake" … i mean unless you are referring to her choice to stay with you … then yeah. A mistake would be forgetting a date, or accidentally bringing something bad up or maybe even looking at another lady without realizing it. No what you did onion is actively manipulate and hurt your wife and then only feeling kinda bad about it after people sided with her instead.

according to other youtubers, onision likes to start shit. Like he will contact youtubers and tell them to get in a fight with him so it will raise both their views. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts this shit online with anyone, doesn't matter who, just to get people to talk about him. I mean… this is his lively hood after all. It's his only source of income and it's a big one and it's only big because he was controversial so he knows in order to really get people to talk he has to keep going bigger and bigger with who and what he argues about and starts fights over.

I feel like people are giving him exactly what he wants by contacting him and talking about him. as is usual with all subjects on this board. but with PT and kota and venus, they don't have to dramatically negatively effect other people in order to get attention. So I'm willing to indulge in them. This guy … just really isn't worth it …

No. 199927

Possibly jealousy, he probably thinks of his wife as no more than a "starfucker" and seeing her get excited because a famous band member talked to her, probably stirred up some old feelings for him considering he himself was able to bag her so easily.

Hence him whining about "GO MARRY HIM THEN!" ect, he saw the guy as competition and figures it must be easy for his wife to nail semi-famous stars.

No. 199971

File: 1446666727205.jpg (12.55 KB, 240x240, 1446628995820.jpg)

God is good.

No. 199990

File: 1446669780426.png (53.69 KB, 621x364, Capture008.PNG)

Quick! Gotta use this attention from abusing my wife positively! Buy my merch!

No. 199991

Love it when cows cross paths. Peter's downright likable compared to the Onion though.

No. 199992

wtf. Who would buy this creep's shirts? And where does all the profit go?

No. 199999

It mostly pays make-up. For both of them.

No. 200007

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No. 200010

didn't something similar like this happen with one of his ex wives?…. AJ maybe?
I can't remember, but his "I'd never talk to someone who doesn't like YOU" shtick sounds familiar.

No. 200011

It might have been AJ's friends. They didn't really approve of Greg, so Greg tried countless times for AJ to cut contact with them.
He also does the same thing to Taylor's family, since they all hate him he's been trying to sever that as well.

No. 200015

That's textbook abuse behavior.

No. 200017

File: 1446673364456.png (40.26 KB, 570x272, Capture010.PNG)

No. 200018

Get off twitter and seek therapy damn

No. 200027

This is actually disgusting.

No. 200034

I don't really see how he can recover from this.

No. 200037

There will always be a new wave of fresh 13 year olds to worship him. And there will always be young girls thirsty for his d.

No. 200039

Would you just think for a second? Great if you've been in an abusive relationship that you could get out off, but Lainey has a kid with this guy. They're married. Because of Greg, her relationship with her parents is shit (or at least w/ her father). He's paying for everything, rent, groceries, her stuff AND her college. Where is she supposed to go without money, anyone to go to and a child?! She couldn't even finish college. It's not that easy to get out of a relationship like this, don't act like that.

Especially if you have low self-esteem and are being brainwashed. It's not that easy, dickhead.

No. 200041

I know Lainey has a separate banking account from her husband that all the money she's made off of younow, youtube, poshmark, and her tshirt sales have gone to. She publicly talked about it in the stream with Greg, and Greg seemed really bothered that she was saving her money.

No. 200042

File: 1446677513824.png (50.28 KB, 625x448, Capture011.PNG)

No. 200043

>divorce lainey
>13 year old fans think they have a chance
>flava of love, onion style

No. 200046

greg prob wont let her have one lol

No. 200050

Wow then pick up the phone and make an appointment. This girl is a mother right? Wow. I cannot even comprehend being so childish to broadcast your problems on twitter and not even take the initiative to get a therapist. You are a mom! Get help for you and your child. What a stupid bitch.

If the abuse is real she needs to get out and seek help.

No. 200052

Man I feel like Onion probably monitors the shit out of her phonecalls, spending, etc though. He'd probably hit the roof if she went to a therapist, especially after this episode. He knows he abuses her, he knows they have problems, and he knows it'll be bad for him if she gets outside help.

No. 200054

Whoops, didn't see this post before making >>200050. If she's got her own bank account then what is she fucking doing? I'm glad she's smart enough to at least have that, but she's so stupid and immature in every other way. I think being with Onion helped stunt her growth, and if he's really abusive to her, she's probably super cowed, but…it's so hard to feel bad for her when it seems like she has the resources to escape. If everything in her possession was in her husband's name, it'd be more understandable.

No. 200057


Its easy for an outsider looking in to say that. To us she has everything she needs to leave greg, but he's a manipulative piece of shit. He's probably the only person she really gets to talk to (since I'm pretty sure her relationship with her parents is shot).

He's probably whispering about how useless, ugly and dumb she is, she'll never amount to anything, he loves her so much, blah blah blah. Money doesn't matter if you aren't emotionally strong enough to leave someone. People usually get that courage from friends and family.

No. 200058

She's so trapped, it's pathetic. I almost feel bad for her, except she willingly walked into this situation.

No. 200065

I've heard her say it in a livestream with Onion. He was mad she was saving and laughed at her when she said she participed in paying her own tuition. He reecked of comptent and fear she could actually be in the least able of supporting herself.

No. 200066


you know what? she hasn't fucking tried to get out of it. she went along with it and isn't good in with her parents? well time to get over it, if you need help, ask for it. what could she possibly do, and with a child no less? well here are about a million things:
>save money
>document abuse

>ask parents for help

>ask government for help
>ask women's shelter for help
>ask friends for help
>ask public for help

>stop being a pussy and divorce onion

>document abuse, get kid
>use resources
>get child support

good on you for being sympathetic but if women in abusive relationships never make an effort to get out of them THEY WILL NEVER GET OUT OF THEM. that is literally what they have to do. so no, you can't just say 'well she can't' because she has to. she literally has to start somewhere. people are allowed to be frustrated.

No. 200069

File: 1446682710618.png (574.17 KB, 922x591, Fucking stupid.png)

He just put this on his instagram.

"Oh guys look at me I'm like so caring and I love my wife so much! Arent I a good husband? Let's ignore the abuse that occurred yesterday! I'm so nice and loving!"

I hate him. I hate him SO FUCKING MUCH.

No. 200070


Jesus fucking Christ. If this isn’t emotional abuse I don’t know what is. She’s allowed to like whatever band members she wants.
I mean if the tables were turned and let’s say Andy Biersack had blocked Lainey, I don’t think Onision would have told him to “fuck off.” What a fucking power struggle.
You go girl for standing up for yourself against that abusive monster.

No. 200071

I really feel sorry for her - I bet even if she wanted to leave him, he would make her life hell. She is still so young and maturing mentally; she doesn't need his shit.

No. 200073


No. 200078

Onion is the fucking worst. He's a disgusting, manipulative, immature abuser, he doesn't deserve to be a father.

Get the FUCK out of there, Lainey. Take your son and get the fuck out. Move in with your parents. Love yourself. Don't be publicly abused by a sick, ugly, pimply fool.

(also sorry for OT but >>199733 and
>>199771 really sounds like this guy I've involved with and holy shit it's kind of a wakeup call. shudders)

No. 200080

Anybody have the video of hom angrily showing off his body bc people were making fun of his zits?? I can't find it

No. 200085

Here you go

No. 200089

Damn, that's crazy scary, it's like he is inches away from a massive massacre.

No. 200090

This. People who allow themselves to be abused for years and years when they have the resources to save themselves are tiresome as fuck. She KNOWS he's abusive. People tell her all the time. She experiences it. She talks about being unhappy constantly on social media. She's an adult with a bank account, she is far better off than most people in abusive situations but because she's got some cluster B shit going down she won't. Is she really going to allow her child to watch daddy warbucks emotionally abuse his mother constantly, or worse?

No. 200092

it looks like he's just trying to check out his body in the viewfinder.
All that tryhard tensing.

No. 200093

Thank you!
Holy shit, you would think in your late twenties you would have your zit problem figured out. He is so gross

No. 200094

she probs won't leave until he starts hurting their baby, that's usually a catalyst for most women in abusive relationships

No. 200095

Her livelihood is tied to Onion, she doesn't have a degree and there's a fucking small child in the mix. She's not an adult, she's a teen who never had to exeperimente the world by herself. He keeps her locked out and probably severed any deep connections she had.
Stop talking out off you asses. Leaving is never easy. Fucking battered women don't leave and there's a reason.

No. 200101

File: 1446687595042.png (20.02 KB, 638x547, 1411481899085.png)

>I don't judge people for their bodies

No. 200102

y'all are forgetting she is a kid. she met onion when she was young. what, 15 or 16? jesus i can't imagine how hard it must be. he basically robbed the cradle. tbh i won't be surprised if she'll never live a normal life again because of him, and when she does separate from him (when he inevitably leaves her) i think that she will go through immense amounts of trauma tbh.

this is ignoring the fact that she is financially tied to him, has no other family and has a fucking kid. jesus christ.

No. 200103

I think she was 17 actually, but yeah she was too young and he was too old for her.

No. 200111

Isn't she 20 now? Not saying that's worldly adult, but she's not exactly a child anymore. Not that her husband helped her mature at all.

Did her parents disown her or something, or are they just on bad terms because Onion forced her to cut ties? Would they really turn away their daughter and grandchild in a dire situation?

No. 200112

I honestly feel bad for her. Abused women always have a hard time leaving for many reasons. Only God knows how much onion has warped her mind

No. 200114

onisiondrama tumblr says her parents disprove of the relationship and onion and them have a mutual dislike of each other, but they still visit/talk to Lainey, so if she wanted to leave her parents would probably (gladly) help her out. maybe onion monitors her phone use so she can't call them - but how would she get away with "mouthing off" on social media about him in that case?

i think onion is def abusive to her, emotionally/verbally, hopefully not physically but obviously he's rough with her. but it also seems like he doesn't have as much control over her as he wants to and that's what drives him into these rages.

No. 200139

I'm waiting for the screenshot of her forgiving him …

guys … it's an abusive relationship. You know she isn't just gonna move on at the drop of a hat. He is prolly gonna leave her … ugh this is so sad and angering to watch but I can't look away.

No. 200148

she's mentally NOT an adult because he stunted her growth by literally turning her into his childbride.

so yeah, she might be 20 or whatever but so long as she's with onion she's going to have the emotional maturity of a kid. i mean ffs look at the way she tweets, that is not the way a functioning adult tweets. she sounds like an overemotional teenager STILL.

No. 200156

It's so frustrating watching her stay with him. I feel awful for her because she probably knows she needs to "get away" but she's got a baby with him and I'm not sure if she really has anywhere immediate she can just go. She needs to get out of there, not just for herself but for her kid too. It's not ok for a kid to be raised around a person like him.

No. 200179

If you haven't already, read Adrienne's letter:


It's so obvious he is doing the same manipulative shit to Lainey.

No. 200189

Her livelihood would be tied to Greg if she didn't have her own separate oh-shit fund just in case.

She's in a far well off position since all her dirty laundry with Gerg is out there for all of her fans to see, let alone it's clear that she has support fron fans to leave the piece of shit she is with.

Don't give this girl excuses. Especially when she even knows she needs help, yet tries to then play hopeless.

No. 200191

File: 1446702580797.jpg (80.52 KB, 840x540, klklk.JPG)

>my beatutiful le wife lainey ^_____^ <33 xDDD

I fucking hate him and his cocksuckers that enable him.

No. 200194

File: 1446703149877.png (230.82 KB, 1176x1004, Tweets.png)

Some more tweets from Lainey

No. 200197

This is why people should be screened for mental illness to have children. They're both unstable.

No. 200198

So much this. I'm sick of the farmers here like "Well, you dont know what it's like. whaa whaa" stop fucking saying it's okay for her to do nothing. She can do it. Women should be encouraging other women to get out of these situations. Some men are fucking crazy- and Onion is someone who will mentally abuse someone until it moves to physical. She has a child now for fucks sake. She cant afford to halt and only think of herself. Now that her kid is born, she has to get up and go.

No. 200199

She's just as fucking insane as he is. So now she's a fucking snowflake who is genderfluid or what? dumb cunt. Maybe they deserve each other.

No. 200202

She's an adult now. Once you chose to have a kid, you need to grow the fuck up. Stop making excuses for her.

No. 200205

And remember the leaked voicemails he left for Adrienne? Shows how manipulative and creepy and abusive he is:


No. 200227

File: 1446705796882.jpg (77.29 KB, 720x405, 12121.jpg)

Look at it this way: Before Taylor met Onision, she was just a typical dumb teenage girl. And it's not a big deal, most of us were. But as you later grow up and tackle life, you mature, become independent and hopefully realize which people are bad for you.

But take a look at Taylor's situation. She's 16, more of a emo/hipster but still typical teen, kind of awkward, insecure and fangirls over vloggers- one of the being Onision.
He's so charming, totally understands teenagers and a pretty edgy guy- doesn't afraid of anything! And one day, a dream come true! Onision replies to her tweets!

He is interested in her. This great man with so many fans (fangirls) is interested in her, who is basically a nobody! And he calls her perfect for him, his soulmate. Taylor can't believe someone like her is so lucky.
Her parents don't understand though. So what if he is in his late twenties? Don't they see he loves her? Don't they see how smart (opinionated and edgy) he is? Greg says true love know no age. And that Disney cartoon couple has even a big age difference then them and nobody cares. Old people are so dumb. As her beloved Greg says, they are the reason why the world is so bad now. Oh and they are meat-eaters too, ugh.

But Greg shows how serious he is about her, he marries her in less in a year, just about when she turns legal. He must love her, otherwise he wouldn't marry her, right? And he wanted to have a child with her too, so she becomes pregnant for him. Must be true love. Greg said it is.
Her father is still against her marriage, but Greg solves that problem for her too. He makes Lainey completely financially dependent on him! He is willing to spend money on her so she can minimize contact with her parents. Onision willing to spend money…on her…he is sacrificing for love as he says.

As time passes, Taylor feels like she is not enough. Greg spends most of his time in garage filming videos. He gives her compliments, but criticizes her too. Not good enough. Greg comments how a girl who makes youtube videos with him has bigger boobs. And is more prettier. Taylor feels like she isn't feminine enough, maybe she shouldn't have been actually a girl. Greg leaves her sleeping alone at night. She has no friends. Again, she is not enough for the great Greg who has so many fans (fangirls). Well now, she has lots of fans too. But as Greg says, she would be nothing if it wasn't for him. If he replaces her, where will she and oh, her son, go?

So yeah, what I was trying to portray here is that as Taylor got involved with Onision and became financially dependent on him, he became not only her lover, but some sort of guru. Her involvement with him also mentally stunted her growth, because he is a manchild, stuck being a teenager. She was his fangirl and he made her believe everything he says is right. That's why she can't simply let go. She is still mentally an insecure teenager, even though she is actually an adult and a mother.

Pic related: Greg's logic he sells to Taylor and other fangirls.

No. 200240


Her best friend, Selena moved to the same city as her, and she has her own place. Her family cares about her and doesn't like Greg at all. She can take the kid over to Selena's and call her parents and ask for some cash. I think they'd be really happy to fund her getting the fuck away from Greg.

No. 200252

gerg is definitely unstable but like…. shut up

No. 200261

Is Flynn supposed to be in his late 20s?? I thought he was also 19 or something.

No. 200268


Spot on. Really is quite sad though.

No. 200282

It's so very plainly obvious Onion is a sociopath.

No. 200283

I actually agree.

No. 200286

Yeah and his self-insert fanfiction…I mean books confirm it.

No. 200288

oh. my. god. he's so creepy, literally all my alarm bells are ringing right now. get the hell away taylor. (does him 'changing' her name remind anyone else of the psychopath christian grey?)

No. 200301

Honestly though, getting out of an abusive relationship is hard, their judgement of you means a lot, and even though you know they are mean to you, you feel as if they are the only one who will ever have you or love you so deeply. It's mental too, but obviously she has money so she could actually get out a little easier, but I think she's afraid of the shitstorm that will happen if/when she does leave him, I mean, having to go to court against him is gonna be shit and he might fight for the right to be allowed to see the child and she can't deny him that without proof of him being abusive.

No. 200303

No one here is saying getting out is easy. Getting out is like a fight for survival, but you go on and do it. Especially when you have an newborn or child with this person who is going to abuse the shit out of your child as well. It's not easy, but women in America are able to get out, unlike most other countries. she needs to go.

No. 200307

"This is my vegetarian BODDDYYYYY HYAAAAHHHH!!"
I am fucking dying - this is gold, what a total knob head.

No. 200330


No. 200338

Because he is not mentally right in the head.

No. 200346

I hope Lainey reads this tbh. I needed multiple people to tell me that my relationship was abusive before I realized something was wrong.

Get away from Onion. He's a fucking sociopath and you don't need to be around him.

No. 200356

Perhaps you don't consider the fact he has groomed her since she was like 16. He's done the vegan equivalent of Twilight imprinting. She doesn't realize it's abusive, she's likely never experienced a truly healthy romantic relationship. And if she does, she has a dozen justifications he's given her as responses without her even knowing it. In discussions "if this happened I would totally expect…" during formative times in their "relationship."

No. 200362

If she's 100% groomed and cut off then why does she have money in a bank account that onion does not have access to? Why does she still have contact with her parents? You guys are giving her no credit. She's in a better spot than those housewives that literally have nothing in their own name and then are destitute when their husbands divorce them. She obviously knows that things either are going wrong or could go wrong if she is saving money. If she divorced onion, even if he got away with not paying her a cent (unlikely), she could finish her degree. Her parents would not abandon her and her child if they are still on speaking terms and visit. She can rebuild the bridges onion forced her to burn, or make new relationships. She is not 100% helpless. She is immature and twisted by onion, but she was still aware enough to go out and get a bank account in her own name instead of signing all of her life and money over to him. That speaks volumes.

I am not saying it will be easy by any means but I believe she is capable. I just hope it doesn't take a serious beat down or the baby getting hurt for her to do it. It seems like the gender fluid shit was the first step in breaking onions control of her, and there's nothing he can do about it but pretend that he's ok with it when you know he probably feels like the biggest cuck in the world.

No. 200365

because housewives who have nothing usually weren't groomed as children. she was 16 and he was prob her first "love" or bf. that anon has it right. he stunted her MENTAL development, its not about money or family. its the fact that even though she is 20, she has the mental capacity of a stupid teenager still

No. 200374

Do we know she isn't making plans or trying to leave?

No. 200402

anon you can't seriously be saying she's literally mentally retarded. she might be immature but people can grow up.

No. 200467

You are still completely ignoring the fact she has a bank account and contact with her family. These are not things 100% groomed and controlled child brides have. These are things people with exit plans have.

No. 200477

Shut up, anon. Most of us already dislike Greg, we don't need you lying about basic shit. She was cheating on her rl boyfriend when she got with him when she was 17. She's mentally capable enough to go to college and she's 21.

No. 200480

I think it's really great everyone is sympathetic to her!

Let's not pretend there isn't a middle ground between 'strong independent woman' or a 'child bride'

No. 200488

Why exactly couldn't her parents stop her from moving out and marrying a disgusting pervert?

No. 200495

Her parents didn't know anything until she was 18. They thought she was living in college dorms when she was staying with Greg and still 17.

No. 200496

Also something to take in to consideration is the fact that Gerg works from home, yes? There's no ideal moment for her to actually take her shit, her kid and leave. He's always there. If he'd have a 9-5 job she'd know when he's gone and how much time she has to get ready. But yeah. Just my two cents.

No. 200502

I saw some marriage records a while back, and he snatched her up 1 month after she turned 18. Very calculated and shady.

No. 200505

she will grow up when she is away from greg. how do you expect her to grow up when he's constantly surrounded by fucking greg, who acts like a toddler and treats her like one? it's her own condition. she's lazy as shit and childish and has never had to work for her own. she's only going to change when he dumps her.

No. 200526

Lmao that body is nothing to write home about. He's just skinny, not muscular at all. He had to scream and flex to even look sort of buff. And i love how he couldn't decide whether he was going to be body positive or flat out hateful. "U guys are prob way fatter than me anyway…but ladies if u have tummy rolls ur beautiful and ur fat bf needs to step up xoxo"

No. 200562

I thought they have 2 houses. One Lainey lives in and one Greg films in. Which would explain why they have twitter fights instead of just going to whatever room their in. I could be 100% wrong though.

No. 200578

fuuuuuuuuck ooooffffffffffffffff

No. 200622

File: 1446772018879.png (35.63 KB, 595x238, Lainey.png)

New tweet from Lainey… Hmm.

No. 200644


No. 200656

I just want to hug her aw, she seems such a lovely girl and she has to put up with so much shit.

No. 200667

it's good people are supporting her, maybe it will motivate her to figure stuff out and ask for help

No. 200686


No. 200695

I don't think she is lovely, she seems kind of spoiled and immature but I still want her to get out of the emotional abusive relationship and get a chance to actually mature and experience what an actual good relationship is like.

No. 200697

From what I heard: Greg bought a new house, where his wife and son live, and kept the old house where he films most of his videos.

No. 200701


Onion likes to crossdress a lot, doesn't he?

No. 200709

What in the fuck.
Why does he own a pair of realistic fake tits?
Is he just doing this because Taylor is questioning her gender?

No. 200715

He has a breast plate he got off amazon so he can play super awful female characters in his skits.
He basically portrays every fat, black, republican, female, etc character as being the devil in his videos, while his own persona is the "level-headed" voice of reason.
It's very Family Guy.

No. 200716

He is doing that since forever. And the female characters he portrays are always a dumb blonde stereotype.

No. 200721

That video was awful
All his fangirls responding:
>well I guess i'm a guy then XDD
How dumb can you bitches get?

No. 200747

What the actual fuck?

No. 200754

What a fucking weirdo. And those comments that are "Onision makes a prettier girl than me!"
Are you a dog, bitch?

No. 200771

Damn, is he fourteen ?

No. 200774

Mentally? Yes.

No. 200779

Honestly, though, he realises his 14-year-old mentality based videos get views. I don't doubt that he's a manipulative woman hating racist piece of shit, but he's not stupid. He's not stupid at all.

No. 200796

File: 1446792140353.jpg (15.79 KB, 532x95, 64.JPG)

She keeps tweeting like this.
And apparently, she will have a broadcast tomorrow. I wonder if Onion will appear…or if she will defend him.

No. 200797

File: 1446792229013.jpg (31.14 KB, 529x336, 970.JPG)

Also retweeting stuff that's making fun of Onision

No. 200799

Why the fuck does anyone type like this? What is it even supposed to convey (besides retardation)?

No. 200800

Mentally stuck in a retarded teen phase.

No. 200802

I feel like onion could play handsome jack, something about his face and special kind of retard would make it believable for me. maybe not long enough face though.


No. 200805

No. 200808


Dramatic re-enactment

No. 200816

good god he takes a lot of selfies.

No. 200817


What's with this blog? I think it's Onision behind it, not Taylor.

No. 200822

yep, plenty of people suggested that.

No. 200828

No, she's a cunt. Even being a cunt doesn't mean she deserves to be mistreated/abused.

THIS!!! That's probably why he fucking loves youtube and loves to trap his partners in his home.

No. 200835

Flynn was confirmed to be about 24

No. 200836

File: 1446804682998.png (691.65 KB, 936x599, lump.png)

heard you guys like skinnyfat

No. 200857

File: 1446819561572.jpg (23.65 KB, 317x330, 1400024457464.jpg)

>Store bought shit
>Skinny fat
where ur abs at tho

No. 200873

His body is so flabby looking, even in that costume.

No. 200908

A better example would be the case of the White Zimbabweans (or Rhodesians, if you'd rather). The Vumba Massacre was gruesome.
Some people attribute this to why the Apartheid started: many of the white Rhodesians were forced to flee and they were bitter over everything, and well, you know what happened next

That said, I really don't like pitting whites against blacks or whatever skin color shit. Not because "we're all people" (kind of a cop out reason imo) but because delineating race through color in and of itself is faulty. We all know that black pretty much only refers to Africans, yet not all Africans have black skin, nor is black skin only found in African folk. For example, the aetas of the Philippines are also dark skinned but they are excluded from the "black" spectrum. Same goes for the whites. You'll find plenty of non-Westerners with naturally white skin yet no one would dare call them white.

sorry for the autist, this is something that grinds my gears a lot

No. 200928

jesus, I didn't realize the post was 4 days old. saging out of shame

No. 200937

I think it's all part of the America-centrist view that sjws propagate, that every social issue boils down to WHITE V BLACK, specifically African Americans. you can see this clearly when people have literally referred to black people in the UK as African American.

No. 201000


their child is already getting damaged from the relationship dynamic right now, babies retain that tension and viewed abuse. she's just as much to blame for their child inevitably turning out fucked up like greg because she didn't leave.

i don't feel even remotely bad for her, sorry not sorry, she's an adult with a fucking child that depends on her. she needs to leave and stop allowing their child to witness abuse, by default be abused, and in the future continue to cycle of abuse.

i can't stand people neglecting their children.

No. 201001


as soon as she had a child she became a fucking adult, bottom line.

No. 201046

File: 1446847827781.png (16.19 KB, 485x485, Untitled.png)

I just hope she takes what we say into consideration - I really hope it isn't Greg who reads these on her account seeming as he has control over 90% of her social media.

No. 201055

Greg is definitely the type to insist that they both have complete access to each others media. So it's safe to assume he can/does read everything she gets.

No. 201061

nononononononono FATMAN
nononononononono FATMAN

No. 201064

I've personally never felt the need to have access to my partner's social media. I think it's important to designate someone as a password holder in case of an actual emergency, but regular access to one anothers' facebooks and twitters just seems weird, yo.

No. 201066

Yeah. But Gregs logic would basically be "Don't you trust me on your accounts? If you don't have anything to hide, then it should be fine!"

No. 201078

because women want to be attractive for men and men want to be attractive for women.
it's the way humans work whether you like it or not.
now, this video is still retarded tho
he doesnt know what anorexia is

No. 201079

found the feminist

No. 201080

How long do you think his fame will last?

No. 201081

If she applies the foundation directly to her face, isnt that unsanitary?

No. 201082

why doesnt he wear makeup to cover up his shitty skin?

No. 201083

Women have also been emotionally abusive to men for centuries too.
Why are people so one-sided here?
Both genders can abuse. sorry for OTT

No. 201084

damn, those blackheads

No. 201085

it's just dark humor though
nothing wrong with that
ive one seen a black girl painting her face yellow to "look asian"
it was hilarious. you need to lighten up and not take shit seriously.

No. 201086

Looks like she went live a few hours ago: https://t.co/fR8IkFHH3m


No. 201087

>gender is a spectrum
then what are the other genders?
fucking tumblr

No. 201088

they're a perfect match

No. 201090


He does usually, sometimes he doesn't though.

No. 201091


If someone would watch this and let us know if she spoke about anything relating to Greg, that'd be great!

No. 201096


She said she got him a new ring for his birthday. Haven't heard her mention the incident yet… I'm 15 minutes in.

And her friend Sarah is talking with her… kind of boring tbh.

Seems like she's "over it" now… ugh.

Seems like she won't leave. What a joke. Honestly, it's her fault if shes stays. She seems so fake and full of it. Come on. Everyone was telling her to leave, she could have easily. But now she won't? Fuck off.

No. 201097


lol and her friend looks 14 and they're talking about concerts… Man she's 21 and still acting like a 15 year old. Greg really did stunt her mental growth. How sad.

No. 201098

She didn't deny it..

No. 201099


And she's having fans as "guests" and it's awkward as fuck. lmao and they're all like 13

No. 201100

File: 1446857224296.jpg (171.85 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Dropped zee pic

No. 201104


Jesus she's so boring. And this whole livestream is so cringeworthy. She barely mentioned Greg and her talking to her fans is so awkward.

No. 201112

Fuck, she's a 20 yo married mother, why the fuck is she talking with fourteen yo ?

No. 201115


Because she's mentally 14, clearly.

It's so awkward to watch. Literally all her fans/her only friend are all so young. It's creepy.

No. 201116


She said in the stream (As she was streaming with a 13 year old) that she did a poll and most of her viewers were under 15. And then laughed and "But I'm okay with it" Lmao, she knows she's immature. She needs to grow the fuck up. I'm tired of people defending her. She's not as bad as Onion but she's also annoying, bitchy and immature.

No. 201119


Not to mention boring and her looks are overrated/mediocre.

No. 201120

Coincidentally Onion just posted about a dream he had of a father watching his wife and two sons dying in space. We know he already has one son, and he seemed pretty "upset" over it.

I know Lainey said she wouldn't announce her next pregnancy, and in the past she would often put down rumors. It's kind of telling that she's not denying it now.

Yeah I watched it for a bit, she showed off a fresh hickey on her stream then said she and Greg were still working through everything.

No. 201121


She said she's buying Greg a new ring for his birthday and she also mentioned Greg again around 35 minutes saying that her and Greg are "okay" and "working on things" but she didn't want to talk about it any more.

No. 201123


She also said that she's not happy about it which is why she doesn't want to talk about it and that she didn't want anyone to worry about it and be anyone's business but it became that.

No. 201131


She also had a hickey and kept saying it "wasn't a big deal" because she bruised easily, mentioned her mom being oblivious that she's bi and her dad getting mad at her about it and how she won't try to explain her gender thing to them and also how she hasn't read his second book (lol)

Also, I find the sexual shit between her and onion so fucking gross. He's always bragging about giving her multiple orgasms and mentioning how they're always fucking. So classy. I'm so sick of these two immature fuckers.

No. 201132


lel onion probably gave her the hickey and had rough sex to make up for what happened. thats probably what she meant by "working it out"

No. 201133


and lainey said she did a lot of crying this week

No. 201134


Everyone in the broadcast "OMG IM SO AWKWARD LOL XDDD IM EMO HEHEHE"


No. 201136


Near the end when she found out he Greg home, she stopped talking and looked scared.

No. 201137


Found out Greg was home*

And he was slamming doors too. What a dick.

No. 201156

Maybe this is a terrible thing to suggest but does anyone else think that maybe part of the reason Lainey stays is because she enjoys the attention/e-fame/"prestige" of being a jewtuber's wife? It might be a child actor kind of mentality where they crave the attention. Not saying it's 100% why, but it may be a factor.

No. 201160

Maybe he made her sign some shitty prenup.

No. 201162

these people are true lolcows

No. 201164

This all just looks like him trying to isolate her from the things she enjoys/wants etc. it's the typical attempt, yet AGAIN of his desire to have the person depend ENTIRELY on him.

No. 201172

File: 1446869563593.png (13.69 KB, 589x103, wat.PNG)


No. 201174

You can bet on that seeing how much he whined on alimony for his ex wife.

No. 201179

Yeah, I remember them talking about it.

No. 201238


Yeah cause Onion apologized 9003 times and according to her theyre "working through things" mmmhmm

just wait, he'll do some shit like this again… she really is making a mistake by not leaving. smh

No. 201256

did mrrepzion make this screenshot? You can see his twitter icon, lol

No. 201258

Maybe she's really pregnant again after all?

No. 201268

Ya greg logic is gross.

No. 201285

She was a huge fan of him. Meaning she saw how the other relationships went. She even knew bout Shiloh and talked shit about her. And since they were talking long before she turned 17, he was able to groom her into thinking these girls were just lying, like how he gets most of his young fans.

No. 201357

yeah, ignorance is one of my triggers :''''(

No. 201358


No. 201543

No. 201612

Why is Onision still obsessed with emos?

No. 201626

Because he's trapped in 2005.

No. 201634

OMG so progressive this guy is wow like wow so right so knowing
Forgets that there are reasons that black on white crime stats are higher than white on black such as institutionalised racism, lack of educational opportunities for some (mostly of colour) groups, and the judicial system, but like… ya let's forget that because he presents every catch phrase from his side of the argument in a rational calm tone and "vicki" presents all the cathcphrases from "her" side of the argument as a ditzy tumblrina. I'm sure there's something about narcissists and sociopaths arguing like that as well so you think they're always right and everyone else is craycray.
Also the Vicki characature is incredibly sexist, and makes it look like Onion hates women because he does, but lets forget that too because onion is the most progressive right person on the planet who is never ever wrong like ever.
The way he portrays Vicki is probably how he thinks Lainey argues too which really makes me sick tbh.
I can't believe I just watched that video and added to his viewcount.

No. 201639

Yes to all of that! And I wish someone would reupload his videos so I could watch some without giving him views. At least I'm not throwing up so much by not watching them.

No. 201643

So here's a not-so-oldie that I found while clicking around.
What a fucking hypocrite.

No. 201669

Honestly It's funny how onision is so against things like 'black lives matter'….

He seems like the kind of person who would get mad at a 'gay pride' parade and go, 'BUT WHAT ABOUT STRAIGHT PRIDE!!!" or some retard shit

completely misses the point of everything and just makes it all about himself and how self obsessed he is

No. 201682


well yeah lol. all lives have to matter in order for middle class straight white male lives to matter. and middle class straight white male lives are the only ones that are actually important to onion. specifically one. his.

No. 201686

why is he using so much imagery of china/hong kong in his backgrounds?

No. 201790


People do that and he get them taken down like the pussy he is.

No. 201822

Somebody should upload his videos to dailymotion or something. I heard it's impossible to report videos for any sort of copyright on there.

No. 201857

File: 1447049725627.jpg (23.96 KB, 624x506, image676.jpg)

No. 201861

There's already a channel dedicated to that, I can't remember the name right now though. Unless Onion got it taken down by now

No. 201862

File: 1447050075111.jpg (289.04 KB, 1024x576, Onision.jpg)

"onision is so hot!"

No. 201930

Fucking barf. He is one of the most disgusting looking men I have ever seen in my life. His facial features are serial killer tier and his skin looks like the surface of mars.

No. 201932


spoiler that shit for the love of god

No. 201962


No. 202007

oh wow! his skin condition is really similar to my almost-50-yo mother
isnt he like 30?

No. 202028

No. 202039

I need to go home and wash my face RIGHT NOW. Gonna use my dermaroller as well. He looks like grease in human form.

No. 202069

just catching up on the other thread, fucking lol at 'It's ok. Look, I-I'm going on youtube, watch' and the shaking.. so ridiculous

No. 202089

Wow. Every comment on YouTube says that she was in the wrong and that she was emotionally abusing Onion. What's wrong with his fans.

No. 202097

they both sound like lolcows…….

No. 202111

I saw that. He was baiting her to make her look crazy and acting like an immature child; filming her breakdown, not looking her in the eye, giving her all these short 'reasonable' responses. Seems to me like a woman who has pretty clearly been pushed to the edge by his bullshit.

No. 202140


[text] In the last 24 hours I have been publicly slandered by my ex.
The time for talking is over. Decide for yourself who is right.

Shiloh: (sniffs, on phone) A as in Alpha (gasps, etc)… I want to be able to talk. I want people to realize he's been telling people lies. (sobs, sniffs)

[Onision shows his un-amused face from 0:24-0:300]
[Shiloh hands Onision the phone]

Onision: (to phone) Hello? Hi.

S: (To Onision) Get the camera off of me. I swear to god. (louder, directed at phone) He has a camera on me! He has a camera on me right now get the camera off of me! (to Onision) Why do you have a camera on me?

[phone babbles softly]

O: Ok thank you.

S: Get. the camera. off of me.

O: Ok thank you. Bye.

S: Get the camera off of me.

O: Buddy(?), the problem is, is that when I was on the phone with my Aunt Kelly, and my mom, you threatened to kill yourself in the background so that's two witnesses. It's-

S: (sniffs) You know what? No you're going to listen to me. You're going to listen to me because you're never going to see me again

O: (coughs)

S: (cont) so once in your life you're going to listen to me. Okay? Look at me. Look at me Greg. I don't care if you record me you're going to listen to me. I'm going to seriously tell everybody what you've done to me.

O: I haven't done anything to you.

S: I'm going to destroy you.

O: I haven't done anything to you.

S: Yes you have, you've destroyed everything. I'm forced to go back there, he's going to kick me out and I have nothing. Just know, [camera points down at floor showing feet] that when they say on the news that I was found, [camera back up to Shiloh] brutally murdered, that it was because of you.

O: We broke up.

S: Look at me.

O: We broke up.

S: Look at me! I-

O: We broke up.

S: (cont) don't give a shit whether we broke up or not. I do not give a shit. What you have done to me is irreversible. You have destroyed -any- way for me to support myself, I have nothing. You have destroyed me.

O: Can you take a step back?

S: No.

O: I'm backed into a corner.

S: Then you have to promise to listen to me.

O: [Greg uses a low voice]I do not have to promise [back to normal voice] anything but please [?]- excuse me. [walks past Shiloh]

S: You're going to listen to me.

O: [Here I'll?] open the door for the police.

S: (cries)

[door unlocks and opens] [beeping] [4 beeps- alarm code is pressed to deactivate alarm]

S: You've destroyed everything. Everything that you do isn't real. Your career's [?] gonna be finished. Trust me I'm capable of it. Now I actually want to destroy you because you've destroyed me. You're done. And then you'll be left with nothing.

[text] The cops showed up minutes later.
I assume there are two police officers but I'm not going to guess who is talking

[? Police officer says something unintelligible]
[Camera is now against something, facing the wall maybe, no people are shown]

Police officer: What would you like us to do sir? You called.

Onision: auM. I called my sister and she told me to just leave. To just move away. And I mean this is, this is-

P: That's probly a good idea.

O: Yeah. Um. But here's the weird thing, um. Uh-I can't stop paying utilities here, I can't-I can't shut it off cuz that would be illegal eviction according to the people I talked to

P: Mhm, yep.

O: so I'm thinking what I'll do is I'll just have to move to LA um, cuz I-I work, I'm gonna work down there. And keep paying utilities, and hope my house isn't vandalized (laughs).. or anything.

P: Do you rent or own?

O: I own.

P: Mmkay.

O: Yeh..but I mean I -

Shiloh: - - - - your house

O: she refuses to leave so I dunno

S: but I - I don't have money to move out myself[?]

P: Well the only way you can get her out is with an eviction or a court order.

O: Yeah

Police officer 2: Merherlkehrlekhrhlekhr (maybe 'we educated them last night already')

O: Yeah I-I-I have to work every day. I work full time (laugh) every single day.

P: Well you gotta ask- you gotta get your priorities and say 'Hey. Do I want this situation to continue on er end?' And then once you've made that determination-

O: Eehh~ yah

P: (cont) you need to take the step to move either this way or this way.

O:I-in order, in order for me to-to continue doing my job, I have to leave her cuz she's not leaving

P: Ok.

O: so… so I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna go to L.A. as soon as possible an..

P: And what has changed since the cops came out here last night

O: Uhhm. She threatened to kill herself in between that time,

P: Ok.

O: and she got hysterical

P: what did she say.

O: She- she said that

P2: ashda;shd desperate[?]

O: she was.. she said- I was on the phone with my Aunt Kelly and she threatened to kill herself and I an, th- I had to call the cops and she said that she was.. what did you say exactly? You said it- you said something, you said you were gonna make it look really bad? Or something

P: Did u threaten to kill yourself young lady

S: I did.

P2: U did?

S: I'm not going to deny that

P2: How come

S: Um

P: Cuz that's- that's not the - those weren't the statements of a reasonable person

[Text] Now you know the truth

No. 202142

>O: I-in order, in order for me to-to continue doing my job, I have to leave here cuz she's not leaving


No. 202146

I like how he cuts the video off right before she's about to explain herself to the officer. She was taken to a battered woman's shelter right after this so how convenient for Greg to leave out her side.

No. 202158

Found a fruit farms thread w/ accounts of him in high school.

No. 202178

>He's just a higher functioning Chris-chan that actually gets pussy.


No. 202183

Ugh who the f films that sort of thing and uploads it? Like I get that it was revealed later that she was faking, but still… if your partner's behaving that strangely, you phone up an ambulance, not get the camera out and start filming how "well" you're taking care of them to show your youtube audience how "sensitive" you are.
Why would she feel the need to fake something like that anyway. Because she's fragile. It's always the young, fragile girls he goes for. It makes him look like a good guy, a saviour. People with NPD have a huge saviour complex as well, not meaning to be an armchair psychologist but ugh there are so many similarities.

This too. It all reminds me of my ex who probably does have NPD. His collected manner in dealing with her. How he tried so hard to save her probably. How he'll air all the really bad dirty laundry out about her for the world to see, and conveniently leave out anything that would make him look bad. It's all gross and I'm a bit triggered. I just showered and I want another one now to try and wash all the bad feels off of me. And I wish this girl had succeeded in bringing Onion down, and that Lainey, as fucked up and focused on efame as she also seems, manages to get out and run far away.

No. 202215

No non-lolcow would get with Onion.

No. 202419

Why does his child bride/baby momma go by Lainey when her name is Taylor or something?

No. 202420


Because she's a dumb bitch who lets Greg control her, even by changing her name. It's not even a loving or cute nick name. He just straight up changed her name and she allows him to do whatever he wants. It's an abusive relationship

No. 202428

Woah what? He just flat out renamed her? Thats fucked up… I wonder how she feels about this…

Also, where the fuck is their child? Where does it live? Do Taylor's parents have any sort of access to their grandchild?

What is his family like? I think he has a mum and aunt but no dad or something…?

No. 202430

Taylor said she didn't like her name because it was gender neutral (ironic considering her gender identity now), so she had Greg start calling her by her middle name, Elaine. And that turned into Lainey. But her personal facebook is her maiden name "Taylor Anderson" so.

The kid is taken care of by Greg during the day when Taylor is at class, and taken care of at night by Taylor when Greg is editing. Troy lives in that fancy ass house Greg is renting. And as for the grandparents, they visit her like once a year, and sometimes Taylor will visit them with Troy but that seems about it.

Greg and Taylor's step-dad hate each other.

And Greg has a mom, two sisters, and a cousin that shows up in videos time to time. His mom is batshit and his sisters barely tolerate him at this point. His dad was accused of child molestation and left, he's a preacher now, there are some videos of him out there.

Hope that helps.

No. 202434

So he's literally impregnated EVERY girl he's ever dated. How many children do you think he's actually fathered and is just trying to brush under the rug

No. 202435

Skye is rumored to have a child with him kept hidden from him for good reason.
Shiloh had a miscarriage, had a child with another man that died from SIDS.
Adrienne used morning after pill.
And Lainey has Troy and is rumored to be pregnant again.

No. 202436


and he claimed to be sterile lmao

No. 202438

File: 1447183862490.png (45.73 KB, 575x641, tumblr_nxksemDhuu1r1kiq7o1_128…)

No. 202442

Jesus Christ so many babies/pregnancies. That's just plain fucked up.

No. 202444

I'd love to hear more high school dramas and rumours. Anyone have any?

No. 202461

holy mother of jesus oh my god what is this

No. 202463

File: 1447190039878.png (Spoiler Image,375.63 KB, 660x479, tumblr_ltbecz4z5j1r4xqamo1_128…)

No. 202490

speaking of people shouldn't be allowed to have kids.. between his fucking crazy mom and his pedo dad, no wonder he turned out such an asshole. no excuses, just they obviously shouldn't have been parents just like greg shouldn't be.

No. 202518



No. 202587

i love watching people pop white heads

No. 202592

that's nice

No. 202637

Do you watch Dr Sandra Lee's videos?

No. 202962

File: 1447275868094.png (820.85 KB, 964x621, Capture012.PNG)

Greg is officially 30

No. 202963


He really does have a murderous stare.

No. 202972

I feel this guy is a domestic abuser for the sole reason of him looking so much like my ex.

No. 202991

File: 1447280846734.png (463.46 KB, 592x631, onion.png)

At the of the new UhOhBro video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkdN_nVIPNw

He looks so gross when he turns off the lights. lmao nice dead eyes and greasy hair too, looks homeless. Hahaha

No. 202993

Oh my god anon, did we deal with the same person? Because me too.

No. 202994

Not even a birth certificate is going to convince me he isn't six years older than he actually is.

Photoshop can't hide him aging in dog years.

No. 203006

There is no possible way he is 30. He looks at least 40 god damn.

What is his situation with his family? Like … does he ever talk to his parents or hate them or love them? It would be really hard to lie about your age if your parents are ass deep in your online life. Then again his parents have nothing to say about his emotional abuse so …. i guess they'd never point out him lying about his age either …

No. 203009

Genuinely looks like the aggressive homeless man shouting at students who hangs around my college, no lie.

No. 203010

Is he… wearing mascara? Like yeah boys' eyelashes are often longer and thicker but he looks like he's actually wearing mascara.
Also yeah I think he's much older than 30. But staring at the candles like he could kill them for giving an age that is closer to his than he wants us to think he is. Praying for Taylor and that baby tonight honestly.

He doesn't look like anyone I've dated, but he certainly behaves like one of them. The NPD one with the saviour complex, who preys on weaker girls and then spins everything around to look like the good guy so that more weak girls will fall for him.

No. 203090

http://uhohbro.com/ the guy who sent Taylor's parents a letter has made a new domain with some deleted videos.

No. 203142

Yeah, but she talks too much

No. 203151

Yes, he probably is wearing mascara. He talks about wearing makeup a lot, generally foundation + eyeliner + mascara.

No. 203167

He's got to be older than 30. Ugh, also, why is his birthday so close to mine? Mine is next week. At least when I turn 30, I'm not going to look like a greasy wife beater wearing makeup to look younger.

No. 203176

No one cares

No. 203553

damn, who shat in your cereal this morning?

No. 204298

Just a question…

With Amazon recently going on a mass suing spree with fake comments on products, is it possible to get Onion involved in this seeing as he practically told his fans to write stupid reviews for his book even if they didn't purchase it?

No. 204303

the "idgaf" fairy
Now take your birthday announcement to facebook.

No. 204380

Amazon isn't going to do shit about Greg's books. They're suing people who make money leaving 1 star reviews then extorting the people who make the product to change it to 5 stars.

No. 204451

black lives matter and gay prides are cringe-worthy tbh and i'm part of the lgbt community.

No. 204452

it's wrong to hit ladies
it's right to hit bitches

No. 204453

why the fuck does he have fans, with all the shit he said and scandals?

No. 204489

Dumb pre-teen girls.

No. 204570

File: 1447664222550.jpg (67.84 KB, 540x576, edgy.jpg)

How to keep up an edgelord lifestyle in your 30's.

No. 204574

really the only youthful thing about him is his retardedness, maybe his hairstyle and that's about it.
without heavy filters he looks older than he is.

No. 204620

He's so fucking obnoxious and sexist and disgusting. If I ever saw him irl, I would legit find a way to harm him.

No. 204631


pfft all that effort into filters, mascara, and a trip to starbies to get a trendy cup and make it edgy for his stans, and he couldn't even be bothered to wash his fucking face.
seriously he looks dirty in this pic.

No. 204639

His hair is really one mousse application away from Kris Jenner here.

No. 204672

I haven't read this thread nor do I know who this asshole is, but why does his face look so dirty? Don't filters make your face smooth and nice…?

No. 204676

He kinda looks like Bruce Jenner in that photo tbh

No. 204686

File: 1447698795220.png (623.27 KB, 582x589, 1.png)


No. 204786

poor lainey. she has to look at that face completely unfiltered, with in real life definition. he probably smells like dick cheese too.

No. 204795

Christ, those crazed eyes remind me of Ginger.

No. 204796

For me, his ugliest feature is his mouth. It's too big for his face and looks sloppy whenever he talks. Dont even get me started on his crocodile teeth.

Of course if he wasn't such a shit person maybe I wouldn't find him quite so ugly. But he really is a troll. It's true what they say about what's on the inside shows on the outside.

No. 204797

With a brow lift to smoothen his heavy set Neanderthal forehead, a chemical peel and a good fucking wash he could be hot.

No. 204802


Maybe lip fillers to soften that villainous upper lip. Veneers on his teeth to make them normal and not like a piranha's. I think he'd end up looking like Shane Dawson kek. He's pretty much the poor man's Shane as it is.

No. 204809

~unpopular opinion time~ The dude is fucking stupid but sometimes he can pretty funny

No. 204816


It's his eyes for me. He reminds me of Dexter, all cold and evil. Something weird about the guy.

You know when some people have that weirdo look?

No. 204867

The only funny thing about him are his hilariously terrible books and that video with him screeching about his vegetarian greasy BODYYYYY

No. 204876

File: 1447731668576.jpg (64.42 KB, 597x590, hur7.JPG)

Bieber hair on a 30 year old man. Also he shooped himself again.

No. 204888

Honestly I agree with you. I hate him as a whole but some of his less problematic/infuriating UhOhBro stuff is actually alright.

No. 204895

Oh god i found my iPod from highschool and i have some of his stupid songs and videos on there. I liked the 'lol so randum' songs but one of my friends followed his word as law. I lost touch with her after she almost slapped me for laughing that he was vegetarian

No. 204903

File: 1447741109011.jpg (33.58 KB, 401x294, ttyrtyytutyu.jpg)

hes got serial killer eyes, ted bundy had them too

No. 204905

I watched his fat girl cosplay vid incognito the other night and had a soft chuckle and actually agreed with his opinions. If he wasn't such a piece of shit, I wouldn't feel so bad about that.

No. 204910


Onion is only funny if you're an edgy 15 year old scene kid who laughs at LOLRANDUM XD fart and sexual humor with tons of exaggerated facial expressions and weird noises I think perhaps you may want to find a different forum if that's what you're into.

No. 204911

File: 1447743101605.png (11.86 KB, 585x102, lainey.png)

No. 204912

I've been on here for ages, I don't think I have any need to leave.

No. 204924

No, actually I don't.

No. 204931

Now I could be way off here but I feel like Greg was telling her one of his sob stories about his exes or ex-friends, and she just posted a suitably indignant Tweet about it based on what he'd told her. Like the time he got Shiloh involved in his reindeer games and had her talk smack about AJ with him.

No. 204944

i get such a creeper vibe from this photo it is not even funny, like i can easily see this being on the news as the last selfie by a crazed murderer or sth

No. 204946

guys that are this into how they look and their cool sexy internet presence are mostly total weird/gross fukbois

No. 204961

As you shouldn't. Except, I guess she has plenty of sympathy for abusers.

No. 204981

I agree.
He looks like someone who would shoot up a school tbh.

No. 205117

No. 205181

File: 1447814315386.jpg (215.57 KB, 599x539, RichardSimmons.jpg)


No. 205472

i can't watch this to the end, i am PHYSICALLY CRINGING. watching this alone in my house i am literally squirming.

No. 205479


And here you see a grown man taking the piss out of the death of a 13 year old girl. And all of his fandase saying "yeah well it was her own fault she got bullied too". Because 13 year olds are fantastic at making important decisions in Onion's world. 13 year olds have so much emotional maturity too (actually onion probs believs this and that's why it's ok for him to get with barely legal girls). Classy.

No. 205526

Onision is my favorite lolcow bc Im fairly certain his saga will end with him goin to prison

No. 205534

Damn, how can there be so much edge in one video.

No. 205543

What makes you think he will end up in jail? I'd like to see that happen too, but he skirts the legal system by going to states where it's legal to fuck 17 year olds.

No. 205583

not that anon but personally i think he will straight end up murdering someone, but not himself bc he's too egotistical tbh

No. 205861

From what I've seen in his books, young Onion has always dreamed of being a school shooter.

No. 205862

No. 205867

Ugh. His fans in the comments think he's the only person in the world that believes suicide is the result of one's own actions. Well, duh. It's called sui- (self) cide (destruction) for a reason. I blame our cushy PC society for kids latching onto an ass-hat like gerg.

No. 205901

Thats illegal in itself. If the AoC is 18 in your state and you arrange to meet up and fuck a 17 y/o in a state where its legal

No. 205913

No. 206038

File: 1448027989331.gif (938.04 KB, 400x225, canyounot-onision.gif)

this gif is straight up scary. onion boy's killer eyes and plastic face, lainey's dead eyes and chubby cheeks…i just

No. 206057

His eyes are horrifying. The next buffalo bill?

No. 206079


She looks like Connie Nakamura here

No. 206097

he looks like the creepy uncle that's managed to convince the niece that he's been grooming since she was 6, to get with him. And he'd be like "I was only married to her aunt for 20 years." and she'd totally be brainwashed into thinking that she was in love with him.

No. 206108

saying that he looks like a serial killer is a compliment to him. he enjoys being edgy pls

No. 206128


This never fails to crack me up. I could only find one other video of her, there anymore info about her?

No. 206143


I don't speak moonspeak so I can't find much about her, but try searching YouTube for 仲村コニー


sage for OT

No. 206515

Greg did a video with Jaclyn Glenn. It's meh but the comments are amusing.

No. 206532

Such shit acting, couldn't watch more than half a minute. But I love the backlash in the comments.

>People hate Onision so much they had to disguise the nigga


No. 206614

File: 1448175454400.png (40.77 KB, 586x313, lol.png)

I love this tweet.

No. 206924

these are just really fucking unnerving. 16 or not- i would run from that kind of attention.

they both seem unstable as hell.

No. 206927

Taylor told her fans to call her "mom" on Twitter before, now she wants them to call her "daddy".

Just ew.

No. 206937

Confirmed for mentally ill future tranny

No. 206983


she already says she's ~genderfluid~

No. 206987

File: 1448286654741.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-23-22-49-00…)

just ew ew ew

anyone notice how his instagram is 95% just his selfies and nothing else?

No. 206997

He looks like people I know who pick the skin on their faces.

No. 207026

File: 1448304269621.jpg (117.04 KB, 640x416, twoface.jpg)

What the hell is going on with his skin?

No. 207048

I wonder how much he spends on hair gel.

No. 207247

Probably a lot considering it looks like he puts it all over his face as well.

Lol I love how he thinks he looks youthful just because he looks the same as he did in high school, when in reality his high school photos make him look like a 30 year old, and now he looks like a 40 year old with terrible skin.

No. 207256

what the fuck is his skin? jesus fucking christ that looks so nasty. he almost looks like freddy krueger

No. 207258

File: 1448381338268.jpg (27.18 KB, 500x370, Bagul_&_Ashley_Osborne.jpg)

I was trying to put my finger on who he resembles…. and it's Bagul, from Sinister. He literally looks like something out of a horror movie.

No. 207259

HAHAHA Sooooo accurate!

No. 207261


Fuck. Onion is so fucking ghastly looking.

No. 207262

No. 207263

Combination of too much fucking makeup (he's confirmed that he wears makeup, and a few other yters who wear lots of makeup like ForeverKailyn and Snuzy have awful skin as well) plus the aversion that dudes seem to have to basic skincare?

No. 207580

where the fuck is the baby

No. 207632


Good question.

No. 207638


inb4 onion pulls another 'miscarriage' stunt and lainey was never prego to begin with

No. 207641

Onion's mother or Lainey's friend take care of the babby.. Gurg and his wife don't give a shit. Taylor is too busy being a fakeboi for attention and Onision is too busy being Onision

No. 207643

And I always forget Taylor actually has a child. Looking at her social media posts makes you forget that she is an adult woman with a son.

No. 207644


i lol'd

No. 207687

File: 1448441396406.jpg (126.74 KB, 711x650, thanks.jpg)

Greg's mom's crap comic to set us up for the Thanksgiving mood, or just to laugh at a woman with 3 grown kids who still makes vampire comics.

https://www.youtube.com/user/Vamchoir even more shit comics.

She raised Greg as an indigo child, so now we know why he's such a cow.

And this post isn't freaking automated, godammit.

No. 207689

File: 1448441616140.jpg (55.12 KB, 400x310, thanks2.jpg)

No. 207690

she's basically greg in female form

No. 207694

No. 207696

I was looking at onision's mum's shitty channel and saw one of greg's srs face weehhh videos and laughed so hard.

No. 207710

No wonder gerg hates women then. I mean growing up with a female form of his awful self I would too honestly.
that doesn't excuse shit though cos he's so grown and such mature adult now lol.

No. 207714

did her dearest onion boy make the outro?

No. 207756


The part where he grabs his chest… LMAO

10/10 acting Gurgles. He has a bunch of those whiny videos crying too.

Remember Goodbye Shiloh? At the end he gets a "call" and of course it's Shiloh and he starts crying (while he conveniently is filming this all) and says he loves her. Onion is just obsessed with drama and always has been. He's obsessed with being pittied.


No. 207762



i am floored that these are functioning human beings

No. 207766

Did you know that she's also psychic and an exorcist?

No. 207770

eeeeeewwwwww she's also a white person in dreadlocks! So hip! So alt! Such attention! wow.

No. 207771


So dad's a child molester/abusive dick and mom's a weirdo gypsy?

I guess crazy really does run in the family.

The onion really doesn't fall far from the tree.

No. 207778

Explains but really doesn't excuse. He's an adult now and has been for over a decade. He's had opportunities to see the world and get away from his craycray family. Lots of people come from shitty families, but go to college and get into therapy and come out normal.

No. 207780


True. Onion obviously needs therapy very badly but is too far up his own ass to ever consider actually going.

Yes, I know he claims he saw a therapist when he almost killed himself but I think we all know he half-assed a session or two and then moved on. He still has so many issues.

No. 207887

File: 1448510714131.jpg (58.6 KB, 546x700, back2tumblr.jpg)

No. 207910

Who cares? You're cringey and tryhard as fuck with that babby's first meme shit.

No. 208000


Hey guys, it's okay. You can get a haircut, nobody will judge you for cutting off those greasy dreadlocks! :)

No. 208063

File: 1448574832586.png (810.06 KB, 600x598, nopesorry.PNG)

He thinks he made Lainey and himself in Fallout. The gross, greasy looking hair is the only accurate part.

No. 208066

The dude looks more like Lainey than the woman does

No. 208067

wow he really got his eyebrows wrong

No. 208071

Why is he playing Fallout when he has NEVER given a shit about video games until this point? Anything to stay relevant I guess.

No. 208075

He won't be playing it for long. I'm not saying Fallout 4 is particularly drenched in mature lore, but it doesn't have enough rape and fart jokes to hold his attention for an extended period of time.

No. 208138

aren't they the same fucking person?

No. 208140

He's got a few stupid game videos. He had a sims video where he made Shiloh as a fat crazy sim and Taylor as his wife. He should have used a mod to marry teenagers.

No. 208141

Onion confirmed for fake gamur guy~?

No. 208149

I don't think so. If I remember he's a metal gear fan boy. Here's his neighbors calling the cops on him for being too loud while playing games.

No. 208156


>Man, look at all this! How fancy this guy has it.

>It's a little weird.

No. 208171

This was back when he tried to make UhOhBro a gaming channel, right? It's hilarious to go back and see all his failed attempts at gaining more youtube popularity.

No. 208330

I wonder if they had a preachy vegan thanksgiving this year, and I wonder if Lameybot was allowed to eat anything if not… Like can you imagine them visiting Lamey's family and not Onion's crazy preachy hippie mama for a family holiday. Like a normal ass family that serves meat with supper. And then how Onion would probably lecture everyone about how awful it is that they're killing animals.
Like I'm just imagining how terribly awkward family holidays must be, or the one visit per year that Lamey is allowed to have with her family.

No. 208355

I think he would have already whined on Twitter about how inconsiderate and cruel his wife is for forcing him to endure her family carving up a turkey right before his eyes if they had gone to her family for Thanksgiving, haha.

No. 208379

Oh my god I took one look at his skin and laughed. It's so funny watching nasty people crumble and look as bad as their personality. Fucking hilarious!

No. 208381

File: 1448658501064.jpg (48.98 KB, 300x222, onion's final form.jpg)

His hair in the thumbnail is killing me.

No. 208564


God he's so obnoxious and ugly.

(New video with his wife, they play truth or dare, because they're fucking adult-babies)

No. 208628

does onion still hate shane dawson?

No. 208640

Pretty sure he's in love with Shane and senpai won't notice him

No. 208653


He probably still wants to hatefuck him.


No. 208654


Huh? Is that a BPD symptom? Hating someone so much you want to fuck them?

No. 208656


I was taking the piss.

It's kind of disturbing how much he seems to love him and hate him at the same time, but I'm pretty sure it's just jealousy.

No. 208657

>give your partner a hickey
i did not want to see onion giving loon a hickey. i had to scroll down. picturing onion doing anything sensual gives me the creeps

No. 208915

Who is more pathetic?

>Jaclynn Glenn, atheist plagiarizer reduced to collabing with youtube nobodies.

>Greg, vegetarian agnostic reduced to collabing with youtube nobodies.

No. 208924

File: 1448793195662.png (2.59 MB, 1644x1200, Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 10.2…)

Jaclynn is back with Dave Days, and he's still cool in my books. Onion still sucks.

Jaclynn is intelligent enough to get into med school, and knows a bit about being chiropractor… meaning she respects education. Doesn't blag on about not reading a book since high school.

Also, onion is too much of a snowflake to admit that he's an atheist, because the fact is it's theism vs atheism, and gnostic vs agnostic. So a majority of atheists are agnostic atheists. But he's so fucking arrogant he doesn't give a shit about facts. So yeah, he still remains the most pathetic.

No. 209068

File: 1448815343018.png (230.37 KB, 372x383, Onion.png)


God, what an obnoxious video with some annoying ass people. Ugh. And Onion looks like a fucking corpse in that one shot, man he looks old as hell. Funny how he hides behind his filters and makeup though.

No. 209389

He can't just be an atheist. This guy is stupid but he still started a cult. Agnostic with a cult? Whatever. Atheist with a cult? Retarded.

No. 209419

File: 1448885806811.jpg (283.51 KB, 1920x1080, silence-cover-1.jpg)

No. 209479

There's no mention of any sort of god or higher power, by definition atheist.

Theist = believes in god/gods; atheist = doesn't believe in god/gods
gnostic = knowing; agnostic = not knowing

No. 209500


God /= Religion

Also anon said a cult, not a deity.

No. 209507

Awww, Dave Days is a qt.

No. 209510

Dude is waaaaay better looking than Onion. Onion looks like a fucking corpse.

No. 209801

File: 1448991908200.png (498.13 KB, 591x587, onion.png)

Caption from his new instagram pic: ""How can you look at yourself in the mirror?" - I do it like this."

God what a narcissist. He's so damn creepy looking too, like a serial killer.

No. 209814

>""How can you look at yourself in the mirror?" - I do it like this."
Sounds like someone called him out on something, and this is his edgy response. If someone asked him how he sleeps at night, he'd probably say on a pile of subscribers' money. Because coming up with snappy edgy comebacks is more important than making an effort to be a better person.
I can't believe this bitch is like 30+. Honestly.

No. 209815

He really does look like he could shoot up a school too. Because it's not him who's wrong. It's the WORLD. Or somebullshit.

No. 209819

File: 1448996198597.jpg (48.79 KB, 624x480, 106hbundy.jpg)

I knew he reminded me of someone.

No. 209837

Bundy wasn't even a little bit creepy. He was charming as hell and good-looking, and that's how he tricked so many women. But it's easy to imagine Onision's picture on the evening news as the guy who went on a shooting rampage before committing suicide by cop.

No. 209841

Sorry, I should have clarified that I meant some of Onision pictures remind me of how Ted looked during his trial. Nah, that idiot would probably surrender.

No. 209847

Onion is charming as hell too. To dumb teenagers.
That's a bit worrying.

No. 209848

yeah, its like i said here: >>204903
he has the sociopath stare, it looks so empty and evil.

No. 209849


Its official title is "the predatory stare".

No. 210014

I think Greg is more like James Huberty. http://murderpedia.org/male.H/h/huberty-james.htm He's going to lose his followers cause he's old and the filters don't work.

He's gonna have to get a job off of youtube and then he's going to shoot up a McDonalds because he's a loser who can't get anymore views.

I think Greg is a omega attention whore.

No. 210017

He's so obsessed with looking like a teenager.

No. 210030

It's the only way he can keep luring in young girls

No. 210042

I still can't believe he had a real interview with Andy Biersack from Black veil brides. like fuckinhg how?

No. 210047

he looks like he wants to be the dude from high school musical

No. 210067

Onion as Zac efron?

No. 210226

Andys dad is an onision fan and I think Andy just wants to humor him. He likely sees onion as just another crazed autistic fan but he pays attention to him cause of his dad

No. 210233

File: 1449118811154.png (176.09 KB, 340x430, we-r-legun.png)

No. 210255

What the fuck. He looks like straight up white trash.
What self respecting grown man would be a fan of Onision?

No. 210273

The same 'self respecting' grown man who fathered Andy Biersack, duh.

No. 210274

File: 1449128792647.jpg (28.7 KB, 500x376, 5616588_orig.jpg)

No. 210275

Maybe the used a sperm donor? Lmao he's ugly

No. 210278

>wow onion got his harley
This made me lol for some reason.

No. 210294

I really hope you're all trolling/not mentioning the obvious. It's clearly obviously this is not a real interview! It's spliced as fuck.

No. 210295

Okay, clarification: I heartily dislike Onion. However, I actually find him quite attractive. Am I alone on this?

No. 210298

I don't listen to BVB but are you telling me that this guy live through his son's rock career and makes him collab with Greg? That is so fucking sad.

No. 210307

In flattering photos I think he looks quite objectively attractive. He certainly isn't hideous by any normal standards.

No. 210311

No. 210327

oh my god

No. 210349

File: 1449152514071.jpg (32.22 KB, 400x300, no.jpg)

No. 210405

Andy is cute, but his dad looks like a fucking toad. I hope Andy takes care of his skin and doesn't age that badly.

No. 210406

You should feel bad. ew…

No. 210410

It's been deleted now

No. 210432

Holy shit, Did onision report this petition?

No. 210433

I think it's because how vague this petition was. They Could have been more formal with it and share proof on it so others can see its legit.

No. 210457

Andy isn't that bad, I've heard a lot of things about how he's pretty sweet and good dude irl. His dad though is a pretty big manchild who seems to get off on fighting teenagers on the internet for stupid shit

No. 210568

Onision is patetic but I want to suck his dick anyway

No. 210579


Either someone is pretending to be Taylor on reddit, or Taylor is trying to seek advice anonymously and is very bad at it.

No. 210586

File: 1449211323880.png (180.69 KB, 1316x1400, hyehhyeh.png)

You beat me to it. I saw this a second ago, and my mind instantly went to farm.
Which one of you brilliant villains did this?

No. 210597

Please love yourself.

No. 210608

I bet he has zits on his balls.

No. 210609

lmao ew i bet they're the size of grapes and somehow look shriveled like prunes too

No. 210730

File: 1449257298203.png (434.37 KB, 930x594, Onionboy.png)

I hate his retarded sarcastic captions.

No. 210736

He looks like a narcissistic sociopath in every damn picture.

No. 210739


my vegetariaannnNNN BOOODDYYYYYY

No. 210743

File: 1449260397469.gif (982.63 KB, 500x373, anigif_original-grid-image-160…)

Tfw he is being sarcastic but it is actually all true.

No. 210745

>I'm not as hot as I pretend I am
>implying he's still hot

Come on onion, if you're going to make sarcastic "hater" comments, at least be accurate and put "hideous, pock marked, greaseball ape" or something.

No. 210746

So the post got removed. I want to believe.

No. 210750

File: 1449262757594.jpg (64.8 KB, 692x285, ohshit.JPG)

No. 210751


It'd be interesting but I feel like Taylor is too smart to do something like that, especially be that specific… I mean it's possible but I don't know, Onion has a lot of haters (and on reddit) I'm also curious how someone found the post and knew it was Onision right away… Hmm.

No. 210770


It being hers or not, fuck, I just wanna help Taylor so bad.

No. 210796

For all the anons who want to fuck Onion

No. 210823

>that greasy hair
>that face
>that unflushed toilet
>those wet slurping sounds
What. The. Actual. Fuck? This is gross.
Why does he have fans again?

No. 210825


So many filters because his face is fucking disgusting. he looks like someone who would keep you in a basement and torture you.

No. 210826

This definitely has to be her.

No. 210943

i physically cringed, its so bad

No. 210944

God left me unfinished…

No. 210945

oh lord

No. 211000

Yeah, I really think that she's too aware of how things like this work on the internet to have made the post. Plus I think the way she writes is easier to read than that.

I posted the first cap of the post - I'm just a regular reader of the relationships reddit, cuz I like drama (heh). A lot of the posts made there are fake, so I take it with a grain of salt in general.

No. 211158

so she's getting weight loss surgery next year? that'll be interesting to watch..

No. 211237

What the fuck is wrong with his lips?

No. 211301

File: 1449411644605.jpg (33.84 KB, 353x245, image.jpg)

I finally realised what his face reminds me of. Pic related, an Argonian from Elder Scrolls.

No. 211357

Oh, look! It's a Sasha Grey reference, who licks toilets because she's an strong empowered feminist with a genius level iq.

No. 211376

oh look, someone he can relate to.
both just too smart and pretty for this world.

No. 211414

File: 1449440402675.png (322.27 KB, 613x592, 017.png)


All of Onion's clothes look like what an edgy 6th grader would wear if he bought all his clothes from walmart and hot topic.

Very school shooter chic :^)

No. 211418

Are the people who buy this shit too lazy to go to Hot Topic sale rack?

No. 211457

I hope he keeps the clothes unwashed, with all his smell intact

No. 211508



No. 211533

your reply

No. 211546

kek they're selling onision shirts. is that lainey's way of abandoning ship?

No. 211608

Watch from 1:07
It's how Gurg thinks of his wife.

No. 211609

A public dig at your ex wife with kids ? Classy as hell.

No. 211839

I think 5:22 onward was a dig at Lamey too.
Also ugh…
>the only female character is Vicki, who is meant to represent women apparently
>the implication that MCR made good music
>fucking hot topic alt kids shitting all over mainstream music just because it's not the thing they're into
>except this particular hot topic alt kid is 30 years old
Stay classy, onion.

No. 211903


Mmmmmmmmmmm he is so problematic, that's soooo sexist I just can't believe he made that video

No. 211997

He looks like a poor twink. His wife is going to leave him and is going to get a favorable appeal because she's taking care of his baby

No. 212138

File: 1449601009120.png (793.55 KB, 927x582, rotten onion.png)

He posted this on instagram…

So who's paying for this kid's therapy sessions?

No. 212149


What a cuck

No. 212152

I get so much enjoyment out of straight dudes who feel like they hit the jackpot when they marry bisexual girls cause they think they're gonna be getting hot sexy ffm threesomes. Until the girls leaves him for another girl. Toppest of keks.

No. 212164

he has no style whatsoever also the clothes are overpriced

No. 212192

File: 1449615704993.png (1006.05 KB, 1903x2700, gofundme.png)

Taylor's gf is begging for money because she doesn't have a job. She says they won't hire her based on her appearance.
Apparently begging is better than taking off your facial piercings and dying your hair a normal color.

No. 212199


Hell, she wouldn't even have to do that. Unless, maybe, she lives somewhere really old-fashioned, I'm pretty sure most places would be fine with hiring someone with piercings and danger hair.

No. 212201


C u c k




No. 212204

No. 212205

Woops my phone spazzed. Greg is a fucking cuck for sure he's being tricked in some way probably

No. 212206

Because they know people will always donate, apparently. Ugh. Donate to a charity or something instead of someone who makes excuses/is too lazy to get a job/look the part to get one and is asking for a computer to make videos on youtube of all things.

That's not a necessity to live and I highly doubt she's making a living off youtube anyway if she supposedly just started, for it to be /so/ damn important. And if you/your family is so poor, why are you being so selfish?

Of course her "girlfriend" is someone like this.

No. 212210

So it's not okay for her to tweet some random male musician but it's completely okay for her to kiss another woman? OH I SEE

Fuck men who think this way. That is some bullshit right there if I ever did see it.

No. 212211

>fuck men

No. 212212

Bitch deserves it though. I mean he shittalks her and publicly humiliates her all the time, and she should just leave him already.

She could still work at Hot Topic or like the grocery store or something. Sorry but she just doesn't want to work.

It's ok because it's hot in a way that Onionsan can see. Obviously.
>Fuck men who think this way.
lol rather not tho honestly.

No. 212213

Anyone who tries to argue with me about that needs to finish reading the sentence first.

He's a hypocrite with cuck tendencies as long as it's with another woman. As usual, Onionboy's way of thinking is mind boggling.
But then again these are the actions of someone who preached about veganism in high school only to be eating meat himself at lunch.

No. 212222

let's be real, this is hot. lamey, please start a relationship with this girl and leave onion-san. and resort to having to do camsex videos with her for money.

No. 212223

File: 1449621284569.jpg (152.03 KB, 1001x601, sopoor.jpg)

Maybe she could buy a lap top if she stopped buying all the hair dye, wigs, contacts, and assorted crap.

No. 212239

Too much tumblr

No. 212241

MAYBE. lol.
so ratchet.
but honestly even this ratchet ho is better than onion.

No. 212242

Hold on, girlfriend? I thought she was married to Greg?? I'm so lost, anyone care to explain the fuck is going on?

No. 212251

onision is being a cuck so sjw's forgive him

No. 212265

I think he is a closeted gay. For sure he has some kind of weird fetish involving young girls but he may not be sexually attracted to them. It's all about the power he has over laney or the rest of silly bitches, treating them like garbage because that's what he think about women.
I can imagine onision looking to himself dressed as a girl in the mirror and getting a boner.

No. 212273

Maybe he actually likes that Lainey is dressing up as a guy.

No. 212277

Dear God and everyone else up there,

Please, please allow this to happen. If it does, I'll turn my life to the church and do your bidding.

Anon <3

No. 212280

Men like that are disgusting and don't even think real lesbians exist because they are only in their porn fantasies and actually believe women can't live without the company of men in bed. Greg seems like a closet homo anyway or just some piece of shit who likes to control women.

No. 212355

>"a closeted gay"
>"a gay"

No. 212365


And making out with a girl, that makes her more manly

No. 212385

Would still smash.

No. 212388

No, it doesn't??

No. 212395


Maybe in his eyes it does

No. 212435


his face into the porcelain bowl?

No. 212437

Wonder if she was the one who drew the shitty anime pics on her wall hahaha, how old is she??

I hope shit goes down in flames thanks to this new gf thing tbh (inb4 all Gurg wants is a 3some)

No. 212447

File: 1449684834372.png (671.83 KB, 930x597, instagram.png)

Her instagram says she's 18. https://www.instagram.com/billiedawningle/
Greg stuck another picture of her up.

No. 212480

She needs a fucking shower.

No. 212482

Oh onionsan totally is a piece of shit who likes to control women all right. That's why he guns for young ones who are also a bit fragile emotionally. Anyone either grown or who has her head on straight or both would get tired of his shit almost immediately (like A) and bail.

Ya that's gross and you should seek help honestly. Unless you're talking about smashing his head in.

No that just makes her pandering to his fantasies most likely.

I bet she's Lamey and onionsan's new gf tbh. Like he's letting Lamey make out with her, but since she's younger and dumber than Lamey he's actually the one attracted to her, and maybe even the one who drew her in or smth. Cos he's a gross sociopath I wouldn't put that past him.

No. 212511

Eerily similar to the plot of his second 'book'.

No. 212513

What happens in his second book? All I know is that it's edgy trash fanfiction.

No. 212516

his fuckbuddy falls for a lesbian and suddenly all three of them are polyamorous for no reason
theres a lot of gross detail about him thinking about her fucking another woman its weird and creepy

No. 212555

Wow. Much cuter than Laney and of course younger which Greg is all about. Hoping for much drama.

No. 212626

Oh, so it was Gurg's plan all along.
A dough faced man watching his young wife and her barely legal girlfriend have sex. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 212658

What is his obsession with names that start with A and have Gale in them? Abbigale? Arthur Gale? More importantly why aren't there any readings of this shit up yet?

No. 212671

there are readings, gineriella has read both books and all the parts were linked i think in the last thread

No. 212672


All his videos are so awkward and creepy, and not in the way he intended. They are just so disturbing and I can't see exactly why

No. 212681

I want a reading by someone who can keep a straight face.

No. 212682

Bless you, anon! I didn't even think to check Gineriella's channel.

No. 212711

Did he seriously pay for this she-twink to go across the country, cuck him, and swivel in a chair for one of his videos? I hope this does go the same way his book did. The two chicks end up together with him and he's dead…start picking fights Greg.

No. 212722

File: 1449746783045.png (22.28 KB, 729x167, omg.png)

It's happening! The indoctrination of Onision begins!

No. 212728

scene/emo hair hasn't been popular in forever. way to be about eight years behind.

No. 212731

But onision literally lives in 2006's. I mean, who has heard of emos in ten years? Hipsters are new emos. Less depressed but equally "special snowflakes" but I guess Onision finds them in 2026

No. 212736


I give it 3 years maximum before she's in therapy for PTSD because of Greg

No. 212738

lol, i was thinking the same
i'm pretty sure greg is gonna try hooking up with her

No. 212768

I'm pretty sure gerg is already hooking up with her behind lamey's back. I feel like that's the only way he would let her into their little house of horrors, the only way he would let her be a part of lamey's life. She's just another thing for him to control. And he's a narcissist who likes the attention he'll get from two women fighting over him.

No. 212769

Gotta love onionboy talking about how scene/emo kids are conformists (which yeah they are and there were so fuckign many of them back when they actually were popular) like he's some beautiful unique snowflake himself.
But him and his new jailbait gf are different because…?

No. 212801

File: 1449775525441.jpg (326.4 KB, 711x682, coincidence.jpg)


I wouldn't be surprised if he did. She has something familiar in her after all…

No. 212806

I dunno, shiloh is defiently way uglier than her, and that says alot

No. 212812


Why do her eyes and nose look different in every picture? But yeah, onion boy is definitely banging her whether lainey knows or not.

No. 212815

File: 1449779287327.png (604.03 KB, 1082x1920, cuck.png)

have you guys seen this? people are spamming greg's pics and it's amazing.

No. 212821



No. 212826

damn you werent kidding lol. its all over his fb pics. plan backfired i guess

No. 212827

Can we make a new thread with a less creepy photo? Ffs op photo should be a spoiler

No. 212835

No. 212838

cue the video about cuckolding

No. 212845


If you click the (hide) text next to the filename you won't have to see it

No. 212867

I watched the video with the girl and sex dices. 1) the girl is like Shiloh. Maybe less noisy but definately like her little sister 2) Onision isn't acting any mean or telling awkward jokes. He's actually very much like he was when he started dating Shiloh

I think he's in love.

No. 212881

I think its plausible just because this girl seems money desperate and will probably fuck old man acne scars Onion for 300$ laptop money. so pathetic

No. 212919

And he's pathetic enough to cheat on his wife with some greasy haired child in some sort of powertrip.
So yeah they're all pathetic.

No. 212975

File: 1449826092464.png (537.25 KB, 929x593, nipple.png)

Does this asshole have a 3rd nipple or is this really bad acne?

No. 212977

that is kinda suspicious.

>>212801 Shiloh had an interesting personality backing her up. She's just a regular alt girl.

No. 212979


Could be a mole/freckle or just a really big zit.

No. 212988

I think he's just saying 'partner' because Lainey's questioning her gender and all that right now.

No. 212998

It seems like Lainey is having a mid-life crisis in her early 20's… that's pretty sad.

No. 213108

File: 1449870545714.jpg (54.74 KB, 1007x515, cuk't.jpg)

No. 213135

This will probably never happen but hypothetically what if Lainey decides that the gender that feels right for her is male? Would Gerg still stay because he's such a great and supportive mate or would he be like stop das gay and bail?

No. 477443

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

No. 739095

He gonna get raped.

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