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No. 962609

A thread for all muricans and burgers to unite. Discuss all kinds of american shit (no politics/racebaiting please I don’t want this taken down)

No. 962615>>962623

I fucking love Whataburger

No. 962616

You can’t spell America without Texas <3

No. 962618

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No. 962621>>962642>>1020025

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Every time I go to Trader Joe's I need to pick up pic related, which is my weakness.

No. 962623>>962638>>976685

I do too. What’s your go to order? I don’t live in the Whataburger region anymore, so RIP.

No. 962628>>962636>>962643>>962932

Dont you fuckers already have the entire site

No. 962634

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i can't wait for thanksgiving! i have so many ideas for food to make with my boyfriend this year

No. 962636>>962639

This is a EU site, sorry 3rd world

No. 962638

Pattymelt with fries and a Coke. The Pattymelts are so greasy that my body can't handle them well anymore so now when my bf goes he gets me a cranberry grilled chicken salad which is amazing with raspberry vinaigrette. Wish I could send you some anon!

No. 962639

technically this is a beaner site

No. 962640>>962643>>962654>>962673

absolute cringe amount of cope from americans with this thread kek. cant wait for this thread to get taken down in like a day after someone starts ranting about black people 12 hours into the thread in a classic yank move

No. 962642

That looks so good, Trader Joe's is the best

No. 962643

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No. 962646>>962650>>962651>>962655

i want a britbong thread if this is allowed to exist

No. 962650

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No. 962651

The fucking europe thread already exists damn teadrinkers

No. 962654

Leave the thread you greasebal

No. 962655

You guys have a perfectly fine thread calm down tea and biskets chan >>>/ot/944677

No. 962660>>962666>>962672>>962678>>962690>>963987>>964370

Best and worst of the regional accents?
For me
Best: NY and sometimes Boston accents sound fun
Worst: 100% North Dakota / Minnesota

No. 962662

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Ignore British posts
Do not reply to British posters
Australians are cordially invited to post

No. 962666>>962752

Anyone who sounds like a Canadian needs to never speak again

No. 962672

I like Mississippi accents and hate the Southern California accent and vocal fry.

No. 962673

Go complain about gypsies more

No. 962678

I absolutely hate Boston/New England accents. Maybe because I only encounter the worst people who have them, but it sounds like nails on chalkboard to me. The best accents are Southern for me.

No. 962682

yall sounds tacky over text but is endearing irl.

No. 962690

Worst is the dickhead "country" guy accent, like the whole top 40 country radio thing. It's not really constrained to any specific state but rather appears anywhere people own too many atvs.

Every other accent is pretty endearing. I personally like the old school new york and texas accents the most (maybe virginia too).

No. 962692>>962698>>962701

How do you guys feel about it Black Friday? Do you participate or no?

No. 962698>>962703

I feel like most retailers have better deals online these days, although I have always wanted to attend a terrifying walmart black friday just to experience it lol

No. 962701>>962703

Cyber Monday has better deals in my experience.

No. 962702

anyone have a pet house rabbit? I want to order a hay litter box set from Bunny Beds and Beyond but they’re pretty pricey, it is an American company which is pretty neat though

No. 962703

What ar e your favorite websites or things to get? Last year I didn’t get anything because nothing was interesting

No. 962725>>962731>>962741>>962743>>962746>>962748

i've always wanted to visit USA and go to all your wacky regional fast food and chain restaurants.
my only question is, does the food actually TASTE good? i don't mind if it's made from shit ingredients or weird chemicals because i'm not trying to be healthy. i just want to eat all your crazy state fair food. so does it have a good taste?
burgers who have travelled, have you noticed similar foods in other countries tasting any better? will i be disappointed if i make this trip? (am asianon who live in france now)

No. 962726>>962754>>962755>>962782>>965461

i want a moid from texas. how can i attract tall blond cowboy with sexy accent??

No. 962731

Hell yes, the food tastes good. The kicker is that you're going to feel like shit afterwards. Anything fried is bound to be good. Try the fried Oreos and fried pickles.

No. 962741

Not a burger, but I have friends that traveled to burgerland and most say that the sugary stuff is just too sugary and the savory is a mixed bag. It can be completely bland while it still being greasy/fatty, or too salty.
But I guess it depends where you come from, as well.

No. 962743>>962800>>962823

Texas food is amazing, nonnie, I’m not a burger but I went there this year and I loved the food at Texas, that fucking Mac n’ cheese from those grilled food places are amazing, I would give my left kidney to eat that shit every.single.day.
And it’s also fun to go to different burger places and try them out, i did that on this trip and it was interesting to see the differences between them, it was a long trip so I got to eat burgers every week without any issue.
Did I get fat as fuck? Yeah, was it worth it? Fuck yeah.

No. 962746

It's alright, if you have anything resembling a palate more refined than a ten-year-old's you'll probably find it boring with only one flavor note. Watch out for bad food service because that just makes it taste worse.

No. 962748>>962799

Most fast food chains suck ass, and I'm saying this as the daughter of a chef. Anon, you don't want to try our fast food chains. Be classy for once and go to a nice restaurant. C'mon.

No. 962752>>962753

>thinks Canadians and Yoopers sound the same
Wow fuck off you tone-deaf droog

No. 962753>>962759

Canadian, leave

No. 962754>>962782

If you find out how please tell me

No. 962755

Men from Texas are trash

No. 962759

I'm from California, that's even more insulting

No. 962782

Be a tall blond cowgirl from Texas/the South

No. 962784>>962785

Anyone else been on a coast to coast road trip?? I did one a couple years back. Started in Virginia and ended in San Diego. Extra good time. Highlight stops were New Orleans/French Quarter and the Grand Canyon.

No. 962785>>962794

That sounds really fun to do with friends, my only issue is that driving for that long hurts my legs and I hate staying in weird seedy hotels. I drove down the East coast and I was already grumpy and dying on day 3 kek.

No. 962794>>978252

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Amtrak cross-country is the way to go. Leg room, the sleeper cars aren't that bad, and some of the railways go through beautiful remote places that you couldn't see by taking a car.

No. 962799

ayrt, i AM a chef. where i live&have lived there are strict rules about where to get ingredients even for fast food/international chains, so they still have a good taste even though the food is unhealthy. that's why i asked how it is in your country.
i just love trash food like bill clinton did!

No. 962800

i've heard this about texas. i also think texas boyfriend-wanting anon is right. i would love to travel the south

No. 962823>>962841>>962846

I went to Texas a few years ago and was actually amazed at how good of a time I had there . The men were really nice (I never bought myself a single drink.) and I also ended up loving the food. I got caught in a really cool thunderstorm there too, like one I’ve never seen before. Would love to go back someday for a visit .

No. 962841

The south is so fucking mixed, Texas, Tennessee, etc is filled with men who are friendly and respectful and then places like Louisiana and Florida are absolute fucking shitshows towards women kek

No. 962846>>962936

If Texas has anything going for it, it's the crazy ass weather. It's probably the main reason why I wanted to become a meteorologist when I was little - this shit is nonstop and it's so interesting. The thrill you get when it's pitch black outside in the early afternoon with the tornado sirens going is indescribable.

No. 962861>>962877

as a native floridian i love this state so much and i would like to make it illegal and punishable by death for anyone from ca or ny to move here. also deport all NYers that have been here less than 10 years.

No. 962877>>962878>>962891>>962892>>962893>>962924>>967786

Californians should be forced to stay in California so when they fuck up their state they actually have to fix it, instead of fleeing to a new one like rats from a sinking ship that they chewed holes in an caused to sink. Nothing gets fixed otherwise, and they don't change their behaviour, just move somewhere else and start again.

No. 962878>>963234>>967786

Californians always cry when they move another state. No state can compete with California, but they moved to another one just to complain. That’s why your asses are gonna be the first ones to sink when the world ends. Bless.

No. 962879>>962880>>980443

Washington and Oregon have THE worst food in the country. Like I’m convinced people in that part of the country don’t know how to eat (even tho there’s deathfats everywhere) like their tastebuds are different idk man. Sooooooo fucking bland

No. 962880

I moved to Oregon. You’re so fucking right. Where I’m from the food is bomb. I was like “omg I heard the food was good here!!” Then I find out there’s not even one decent taco stand. I hate it..

No. 962891>>962939>>967786

My question has always been why are they like this? Why do they destroy shit without a second thought, act superior to everybody else, but then still end up leaving their shithole?

No. 962892>>963847>>963876

Fuck Californians. They buy houses here and make sure that everything in the house from paint, to floors and countertops, to windows etc is the shittiest quality possible and the sell or rent them for exorbitant amounts, driving up the cost of living. And the ones who actually move here drive like retards

No. 962893>>962896

yes. and its so easy to immediately tell when someone from ca has just moved here. they infect everything with their STEM major money they got over there and make literally everything worse when it comes to housing, traffic, culture, etc. i hate them all with a burning passion.

No. 962894>>962895>>962896>>962916

You guys are jealous that you live in a boring state ♥ I’ll be relaxing in Newport

No. 962895>>962899

No one even said anything.

No. 962896>>962897

i'd like to add that whenever i'm driving behind a CA or NY license plate in tampa fl rush hour traffic i have half a mind to kill us both via good ole FL road rage maneuvers.
lol thats fine anon. just stay right there and never leave

No. 962897>>962901>>962907

I’m sorry that you live in bumfuck nowhere begging for a cig and some quarters. OC is where it’s at baby, only the elite.

No. 962899>>962903

You were shitting on Californians and calling it a shit state

No. 962901>>962905

That's great, anon? Literally no one gives a shit. You're being hostile for no reason.

No. 962903

>lc is all one person

No. 962905

I must have struck a nerve on government baby

No. 962906>>962908

Okay, enjoy your meth or whatever you're on right now.

No. 962907>>962909

i live in a place where i get to experience southern hospitality AKA human decency from ppl from all walks of life, breathtaking natural beauty, and year-round perfect weather. you keep your bum ass in california and choke on the smog hoe

No. 962908>>963236>>963287

I live in Newport. We don’t do meth ♥ name a classier drug dear

No. 962909>>962910>>962912

We got a dog fucker in the chat

No. 962910>>962913

alright this make me cackle but no. i have done meth though its fucking florida AMA

No. 962912>>962915

You sound like a teenager with poor impulse control who thinks this is default imageboard behavior just because you heard stories about scrotes doing it in ye olde times. Please go find a personality of your own.

No. 962913>>962918>>963287

AMA? Sorry I’m new to this side of the internet dear. If you would like to inform me ♥ I just don’t like you rural puppies shitting on the prettiest state. My blood line and riches stay strong there.

No. 962915>>962917>>962940>>963287

I’m 40 years old dear ♥

No. 962916>>965767

idk why they’re so angry lol. Socal’s great, I’m gonna drive out to the beach and eat a fish taco in the moonlight just because.

No. 962917>>962919

That's embarrassing if true.

No. 962918

MODS ban this b for evil emoji usage shes hearting the place up

No. 962919>>962925>>962940>>963671

Embarrassing? I have my own empire and am in the best years of my life. Being from hush puppy gator park will have to do for you, but not me. My age is what makes me hot. You’ll learn.

No. 962924>>962926>>962929>>963239>>963264>>963466>>977144

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I'm joining this train, fuck Californians. I was going to have a good apartment but all of them ran away to my state and have driven the cost of living from 800 for a single room to 1.2k-1.4k. Their driving sucks and they bring in troon koolaid with their weed smog. Literally every state around them hates them. Some people argue california might as well be it's own small country. They seem to fuck up every state that they invade.

No. 962925>>962927

>hush puppy gator whatever

I'm not even the anon from FL? Calm your ass down and realize that no one here thinks you're cool, it's an anonymous site.

No. 962926>>963287

Call out your state ♥ shit on poor Californians but not the ones who are thriving and built their own empire from daddy’s loan. I’m sorry your poor babe but suck it up

No. 962927>>963287

I wouldn’t know ♥ they don’t add names here

No. 962928

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Anyone in Ronald want to meet up

No. 962929

I'm sad that my state doesn't match any color on the chart

No. 962932

tell that to the Europeans

No. 962936

I love the sunshowers we get but I don't love the humidity that comes with it. Texas weather is wack.

No. 962937

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No. 962938>>962945

I always wanted to visit the USA, especially New York, but I'm also interested in the West Coast. I've been told it's near impossible to move anywhere without a car in Los Angeles though, are there any places in the West Coast that are easily accessible for tourists who don't have a driving license? I'm not going now for obvious reasons but I want to plan things ahead of time.

No. 962939

California enjoys the huge rush of money from geographical location from being the place imported supplies and goods flow in on the west coast, and being the home of Silicon Valley. As well as the good weather/farmland over there. My thinking is that because the state has access to so much fucking money it can remain functional (even if barely) and desirable enough as a place to make fortunes (keeping many people around) even when there's a lot of glaring problems. California is the rich kid who inherited a huge fortune but is also spoiled by it and squanders a lot of it. I feel like it would shorten someone's predicted lifespan if they moved to a major California city these days.

No. 962940>>962942

Are you that cringey bitch who was spamming emojis and talking to yourself in the vent thread about the real housewives? Please go back to Facebook

No. 962942>>963287

How did you know I was a housewife? ♥ I’m not on the show but know a few(don't use emojis )

No. 962945>>962948>>963327

San Diego. There’s reasonable public transportation options that’ll take you from the downtown area to all of the major attractions and beaches. It’s also got great food (especially mexican and vietnamese), awesome weather, and there’s lots of different parts of the city to explore. I think the people are also a way nicer than in other parts of southern california although I’m definitely biased

No. 962948>>962952>>963287

Aw bred trash from Mira mesa ♥ oc baby

No. 962952>>962954

North county actually, but keep hitting that meth pipe babe

No. 962954

Meth? The classists only use cocaine and Xanax. Get your information right you. You’re giving me Asian in San Diego who dates fat white guys.

No. 963127>>963128>>963147>>963198>>963850>>978018

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I’ve never been to a waffle house before, is it worth the hype nonnies?

No. 963128>>963129

Hard yes.

No. 963129>>963135

That’s like the fastest response I’ve ever gotten lol. What do you recommend?

No. 963135

Go to a locally owned one if possible, that's the way to get the best grub. I wouldn't have a specific one to recommend, I typically avoid chains cause the food won't be real.

No. 963147

No. 963198>>963214>>963231>>963277

Hell to the fuck no. Go in there if you want subpar breakfast food and some white trash drama. I’ve seen so many fights breakout at waffle houses. Some of them have police posted at night to lower the violence.
If you want good breakfast food don’t. Go. To. Chains.
Find a spot owned locally. Way better experience.

No. 963211

I love americans, they are so nice and friendly. I don't understand why americans complain about their people all the time on the internet

No. 963214

>I’ve seen so many fights breakout at waffle houses
That's what makes it great, anon. The fights are a part of the full Waffle House experience. Food and entertainment.

No. 963231>>963233

Literally nothing wrong with waffle house food.

No. 963233

Nta but they did emphasize that it's chains who have the bad food. I think the wording of the post is misleading. Local waffle houses are the bees knees and have the best comfort breakfast eats.

No. 963234

>No state can compete with California, but they moved to another one just to complain
so they're like the germans of america?

No. 963236

canuck here, you guys are smack dab in the middle of the east coast cocaine shipping route so i know you're on the same shit we have in toronto

No. 963239>>963254

can some explain the texas vs. oklahoma thing to me? it's fucking hilarious to watch but i literally see no difference between them

No. 963249

unpopular opinion: i absolutely love california. northern california is the place to be

No. 963254

Mostly college rivalry between two Texas schools and that methed out tent city they call Oklahoma University. Also they come to Texas and bitch about damn near everything here, almost as bad as the snow birds from NY

No. 963264

kek at florida hating florida

No. 963268>>963278>>963896

Texas anons come thru to bully Austin

No. 963277>>963287

NTA but how would you tell a locally owned one from a chain owned one?

No. 963278

Austin is the California of Texas. Also their breakfast tacos fucking suck.

No. 963287>>963290

Just wanted to let you know that I hate you and your heart emoji spam retardation, stay on Facebook where you belong.

What do you mean how would you tell? It would be pretty obvious. If you're really uncertain just google the name of the place you're interested in checking out?

No. 963290>>963312

Sorry I assumed you meant a Waffle House that was franchised as a local one, so it would bear the name/logo and all the bells and whistles as a chain one, as opposed to just a family owned waffle house

No. 963312>>963321>>1104156

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Ahhh okay, yeah I get ya! The ones I mean are little mom n pops with the old timey lookin signs. I kind of hate that Waffle House itself is a business name because its a good term for a breakfast joint.

No. 963321>>963324

that pic is exactly the kind of USA restaurant experience i want to have! you guys have a beautiful country, it's just getting fucked by the politicians and nutters who sit inside arguing instead of enjoying it.

No. 963324>>963419

>you guys have a beautiful country,
Thanks anon, but what exactly do you think is beautiful about it? Nta.

No. 963327>>963349

Do people actually go to the beach to swim btw? Is it as crowded as the Mediterannean beaches during summer? I hope not.

No. 963349

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yep, I usually see a couple of people swimming. Crowdedness depends on the specific beach, but it's usually pretty empty at the ones I go to (picrel is about average). The nice thing is that there's a ton of different beaches and a lot of them connect, so you can keep walking along the coast until you find a spot that's nice. The water is colder and less calm than in the Mediterranean, but it's tolerable most of the year and great if you like surfing.

No. 963419>>963420

the grand canyon, and lake tahoe, and the rockies, and the southwest deserts, and the mysterious everglades, and death valley, and the giant redwood trees, and the unique architecture of each region
also cowboys

No. 963420

samefag; i am from singapore and america looks interesting to me sorry. i only lived in the city since birth and you have so many different kinds of cities with weird histories and cool aesthetics

No. 963449>>963456>>963630

tell me the best grocery store rotisserie chicken

No. 963456

haven't had that many, but costco's supposed to have the good shit

No. 963466

Nevadafag here, I second this. Everyone I've met from California is fucking retarded and they drive like dicks. I hate them.

No. 963630

publix 100% hands down. everything at the publix deli is amazing.

No. 963633>>963636>>963681>>963687>>963705>>963824>>963876>>963884>>964091>>964143>>965767

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When I visited burgaland I had a deep fried Oreo and I’ve pondered about it since.

So what were y’all doing when 9/11 happened?

No. 963636

Watching Maggie and the Ferocious Beast in my bedroom

No. 963664>>963698

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what do you think about the american bear meme

No. 963671>>963829

Shallon Lester. This is Shallon Lester, don’t you have surveillance and 24/7 commentary about Selena Gomez to run, perhaps another pico lasering and a caftan to purchase. Southern California has some of the highest air pollution on Earth, people from there who travel and can vibe in other parts of the country and world are really cool, but the people that just stay there are really narrow minded, shallow, and uncultured. The way California is portrayed gives people there a really strange false confidence that makes them unable to adapt to other places and find beauty, which is a huge turn off. You’re just a person.

No. 963681

I was in first grade, was a normal morning until we were suddenly told our parents were coming to pick us up because something happened in new york

No. 963687

i was in pre-k learning what colors are. i think growing up with the hysteria it caused in adults but not quite getting why until much later heavily contributed to 9/11 jokes being my favorite brand of comedy

No. 963698

Me and my fellow burgerfag friends would share them. Bretty good meme

No. 963705

I was in first grade and remember the room going silent while the adults were fixated on the TV. I was about a year too young to understand what was happening beyond "bad thing is bad"

No. 963746>>963753

>no politics/racebaiting
What else do we have!? Our society is founded on these inalienable tenets

No. 963753>>963769

you forgot prison rape

No. 963766

Drove for 5 hours on the interstate today, I wish murrica had a good large-scare public transit system but you gotta admit, there's something majestic about driving across all that wilderness.

No. 963769

Why are Americans so obsessed with prison rape though? Is it our fucked justice system? Is it our weird flavor of economics? I've asked two professors but they gave weird and unsure answers

No. 963824

i wasnt born yet but i feel weirdly nostalgic whenever the anniversary rolls around

No. 963829>>964637

I’m not Shallon ♥ funny of you to say that because none of my girlfriends vibe with her

No. 963841

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Why is the East Coast so full of spergs? Fuck's sake no one I've met that comes from that area is chill and the people are fucking mean and petty as hell.

No. 963847>>963876

>Live entire life in country bumfuck western mountain town
>All my family is there
>Californians, Seattle, and Oregon rich people flee and the rich buy up property
>It's now a vacation town for no apparent reason other than the fact ~mountains and a lake~ as if their states didn't have that and more???
>Practically kicked out of my hometown since housing is impossible to get and cheap hotel prices are 200+ dollars for shit tier crack motels
>Moving to bumfuck Kansas in a few months because I have a child on the way and don't feel like bouncing 800 dollar rental rooms

Californians are often the scapegoats but it's selfish rich people everywhere who are destroying communities so let's burn those fuckers too. I swear to God if they come to Kansas I will personally organize a militia to literally murder them all. Stop trying to kill people who are not as rich as you

No. 963850

Waffle house food is mediocre (except their hashbrowns) but it's hyped since most people have great memories of family or fucking around with their friends there when they were teenagers and young adults and the staff there is usually quite chill and most southern Americans have funny stories. If you're not from the south or you don't have many friends as a young adult you probably don't remember goofing off with your friends and eating some waffles

No. 963876

As a Califag who’s probably gonna move out of state soon, I just want to say I’m sorry. We’re not all bad, I promise.
It happened 3 days before my 10th birthday. When I went to school, the principal on the intercom told us that we weren’t gonna talk about it and just go on like a normal day. It became an elephant in the room. We also had a teacher from NYC who freaked out because her parents still lived there. Thankfully, she quickly was informed that they were safe.

I actually visited the WTC a little under a year before the attack with my family. It’s weird to think that the memories, the people I saw, all gone within less than a year. Sometimes I wonder if there was someone like me making the same trip on September 11. Cheesy, I know.

No. 963884

>So what were y’all doing when 9/11 happened?
being a baby, i probably threw up on my mom's shirt or something

No. 963896>>963932>>964960

Austin is like full of pseudo Californians. It's landscape are composed of hills and because of that, I like to call them hillbillies. They like to act like they are above everybody else and reject everything that makes Texas unique. Even the Mexicans there like to pretend they're anything, but Mexican. Their slogan is keep Austin weird, but what even is weird about Austin? It's a basic ass expensive city that has nothing to show. Bunch of dweebs.

No. 963901>>963931

wow its 24/7 rural faggot seethe in here

No. 963931

Cope harder worst state.

No. 963932>>964180

Isn't that the same slogan as Portland? Moral of the story is, keep freaks out.

No. 963956>>963983

Every loser in my state
>I'm moving to California!
>I'm going down South!
No you won't you will keep working at the gas station and shit on our state for the rest of your miserable existence. Must suck to suck because I love it here

No. 963975>>964009

How do you feel about the amount of fast food chains in your country? As an outsider it seems like you guys have so many to choose from that a lot of the restaurants just seem to be the exact same thing and basically redundant.

No. 963983

This post gives off big Connecticut energy

No. 963987>>964040

North/South Carolina


Rhode Island

No. 964009>>964181

> seem to be the exact same thing and basically redundant
pretty much, that’s why we have to find which specific fast food restaurant is actually decent, like there could be 4 mcdonalds in your town but only one makes the food hot & fast.
there’s also some smaller, sometimes local, fast food chains that can be pretty good

No. 964040>>964055

File (hide): 1636463308131.jpeg (5.35 MB, 4032x3024, 7F52DE16-2F41-4BA2-9B90-0C0151…)

North Carolina appreciation
(Taken at a historic mining museum)

No. 964044>>964055>>968134

File (hide): 1636463629142.jpg (84.29 KB, 696x464, Cuyahoga-Valley.jpg)

Any other midwestfags here? I live in Ohio. I like it a lot, only wish I wasn't so far away from the ocean. I would move to the northeast but it seems pretty expensive.

No. 964055>>964272

That's beautiful I'm gonna save those images to paint

No. 964091

I was in first grade, and I remember being walked upstairs with my class to the computer room. We stopped at one of the stair landings so the kids in the back could catch up and so we could stay together like we usually do, and one of the walls was just a big window. While waiting, I remember looking out and I could see the twin towers in the distance, with smoke coming out of it. I remember thinking it was so weird that the smoke didn't look like it was moving at all, though I can't remember if this was before or after the second tower was hit (I think it was before though). We were ushered into our computer class and told we could play whatever games we wanted, while my teacher was watching the news. I looked at it but I didn't understand what was going on. My parents picked me up shortly after and when I got home they were watching TV too, but I still didn't really understand what was going on.

My parents used to live in on Fulton street, in the south seaport area (opposite end of where the WTC towers were in the lower tip of Manhattan) but they moved around the time I was born. Weird to think about what would've happened if they decided to stay.

No. 964092>>964100>>964102>>964399

why did the canada thread get locked but this can stay up?

No. 964100

because Americans are narcissistic, not self-hating

No. 964102

Because it was a hate thread.

No. 964143>>964182

File (hide): 1636472426896.jpeg (348.11 KB, 1281x1000, 46601152-FA04-4739-B627-74F457…)

I was in elementary school and remember everyone having to go back to their home rooms. When my class was walking by the library the lights were off but there was a bunch of staff inside, watching the news on the big tv for recreation/party days. It had the same vibe as this manga page.

No. 964180

portland actually copied them. kek at west coast "uwu me so leftist" amerifags (who STILL can't go to the doctor fr guys all the actual socialist countries are laughing at your portland and san fran so hard) copying texas

No. 964181>>964206>>964292

>only one makes the food hot & fast.
how is that allowed? i live in toronto and it's just not possible to have a location of a chain like that. you'd get fired or shut down by corporate. standards are so fuckin' high even for kids who work at the violent spadina mcdonalds and we're not even a real country.
shit, at non-chain restaurants it's the end of the fucking world if one order goes out less than perfect. you WILL get fired.

No. 964182>>964311

what ito story is the pic from??

No. 964206

There's a timer in the kitchen and a screen with all nearby mickey D's and their time. Basically they all compete for the best time. When I worked at one if you had the best time you didn't get nothing it was just supposed to be motivation to be fast lol

No. 964272>>964715>>968072

Painting nonnie no matter what please share so excited

No. 964292>>964368>>966920>>966959

fast food places in the US almost never fire people, unless you fuck up really bad. to get fired you’d have to no-call no-show several times in a row, or show up naked and fight customers.
seriously though US fast food places will hire anyone who can fog a mirror

No. 964311>>964367

That’s Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezu

No. 964367

thank you!!

No. 964368>>964574>>964624

wild. in toronto we sign three-month trial contracts for any job and if you're late once during the trial period a LOT of paces will fire you right there.

No. 964370>>964635

i like how the southerners talk. i'm not familiar with the regions of the USA but the host at the beginning of this video sounds terrible to my ear. just atrocious english, to me.

No. 964399>>964421

please bring it back lol can someone remake it about “canada love” i just wanna talk

No. 964421>>964505>>966758

the only canadians on the internet are weird reddit libertarians, i don't think it will be much fun if they bring it back. you can come to my knitting shack in gravenhurst if u wanna talk though

No. 964505>>964589

nahh i would say more left than that kek and wow for real? are you actually from gravenhurst?

No. 964574>>964588

fellow toronto anon here and yes it’s true. i literally never take breaks and am never late because i’ve been conditioned to be this way from working in retail for 10+ years (i don’t work in retail anymore tho)

No. 964588>>964602>>964606>>966758

ayrt and i lived in HAMILTON for a year, so not even far from toronto, and the difference in how hard you have to work for the same pay is ridiculous. there's all this talk of "on my break" and people actually get to sit down or read a book during "downtime" it's fucking bizarre. they have "rushes" between which are slow periods where they aren't shouted at to be constantly moving/cleaning/stocking/prepping etc.
i worked at the pilot tavern in yorkville before covid and it took me months of the chef saying "GO SIT DOWN" before i could even believe that i was allowed to eat lunch NOT bent over a trashcan next to my station.
we're not even a real city just wtf. and if we have to work that hard and pay this insane rent why don't we get higher pay than people in brantford??

No. 964589>>964602>>964606

i am actually yet another torontofag and i just moved to my knitting shack in gravenhurst and it is expensive but i like it

No. 964590>>964620

All you Canadians this is an American thread, shoo fly

No. 964602>>964622

thats nuts. i hate watching staff get mistreated anywhere, they dont deserve you in hamilton! i have never been there, but if i ever did go there i would boycott where you worked.

all good! i have never been there but wow why so expensive? more expensive than toronto? i am from the gta kek

No. 964606>>964619

Why are you here? Do we need a wall for Canada too?

No. 964619

we're trying to figure out how to steal all your mexican immigrants so we can have good food too

No. 964620>>964654

you mean shoo blackfly

No. 964622

don't boycott the pilot maybe i was unclear but they are pretty great to work at. i've heard the kitchen is sexist but i didn't have any problems, maybe because i'm a lesbian?

No. 964624

why are the canadians in the American thread kek? i fucking knew canada is just an extension of america like no one actually lives in canada it’s just a simulation

No. 964635

He speaks in an exaggerated announcer voice, not in a specific regional accent as far as I can tell lol

No. 964636>>964654

Can the Canadians shut the fuck up and post anywhere else about this, no one cares and really fucking no one cares about you’re boring ass conversations about work, like please fuck off

No. 964637>>964655

Funny of you to respond because we feel the same way about you Shallon

No. 964654

i feel like >>964620 said it better

No. 964655>>965214

My lawyer will send a defamation over to you if you don’t stop ♥

No. 964656

Minnesotans are just passive aggressive Canadians

No. 964693>>968329

are there any other Alaskans here

No. 964715

Okay but I have to be honest with you it will probably not be any time soon

No. 964960

Like honestly the pretentious people living there have ruined whatever sliver of culture Austin used to have. I think a city priding itself on being full of weirdos sounds charming but all of the things that used to make Austin tolerable has completely been taken over by the people from out of state. Seriously what makes Austin weird anymore? That they charge 13 for brisket?

No. 965019

Leaving California/New York/Seattle/wherever to go fuck up other people's towns is such an American thing to do, stop being sensitive and scared to riot against things other than race related things. I'm honest sick of the whole "if you don't like it just leave instead of trying to fix it" mindset all Americans have

No. 965107>>965121>>965148>>965208

Who is your favorite president?

No. 965121>>965159

File (hide): 1636578270301.png (144.71 KB, 262x272, Fisher-Vickie2-262x272.png)

Vickie Fisher, president of the International Cat Association kekk

No. 965148>>965159>>965178

No. 965159

File (hide): 1636581250680.png (325.49 KB, 541x503, lol.png)

the range of those two answers

No. 965178

I call him daddy trump in my mind

No. 965208>>965281>>965318

File (hide): 1636586029472.jpeg (42.8 KB, 620x459, 3E4EB544-482D-42B6-8652-CCBD61…)

not american (canadanon back at it) but trump

No. 965214>>965216

Shallon it’s an anonymous message board, only Shallon would say something so Shallon

No. 965216

Why do you believe I’m Shallon? I’m not even in the spotlight ♥

No. 965238>>965346

I have a tard question but I always wondered about it. Is our immigration process that much more horrid than any other country’s????? Like say Canada’s.

No. 965281>>965314

drake and josh reboot's lookin pretty good

No. 965314

No. 965318>>965325>>965326

File (hide): 1636601912691.png (413.19 KB, 961x999, F375DEAC-DD6D-494F-B602-44897A…)

trudeau is only use is that he’s fuckable and submissive like the rest of canada

No. 965325>>965327

You can have him, he's turning this nation into a woke hellhole

No. 965326>>965334

File (hide): 1636602704731.png (55.25 KB, 1984x276, Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 10.4…)

he is good for nothing, this is a trudeau hate zone

No. 965327>>965333

samefag but i love you nonny

No. 965333

you dont know what samefag means and neither does half this board

No. 965334>>965401

TIL Matthew Perry is Canadian

No. 965338

America created reality tv ♥

No. 965346

For Canada at least, it's easier to enter Canada now because they are creating different programs to get people in fast. Like accepting them as international students (who pay higher fees) and letting them get PR status faster after they graduate. Or letting them in faster if they accept to live in certain rural areas with declining populations.

No. 965351>>965354>>965360>>965362>>965365>>965382>>967827>>979695

File (hide): 1636605656064.jpg (378.01 KB, 2048x2048, DotxyLZVAAAxZa7.jpg)

>guys my gf is BLONDE with BIG TITS, all of you are just jealous
>pulls up picture of girl who looks similar to this

srs why are so many country, usually southern, american men like this? Not shaming anyone but it just blows my mind how they'll turn down slim and attractive black women, brunettes women, latinas, etc but then treat the fat blonde girl who works at the grocery store like a goddess because they just see big tits and blonde hair? Like are these men blind and stupid and just chase after two attributes that have nothing to do with actual attractiveness ?

No. 965354>>965364

Why are you mad they date fat chicks? You should be glad they aren’t chasing you?

No. 965360

Moids have like 3.5 brain cells and standards below hell. Do you really want a 50 IQ retard drooling over you and following you around all the time? You should be glad the lowest common denominator is preoccupied with the fatties.

No. 965362>>965369

I don't know if white or Hispanic guys do this but its a huge(and somewhat true) meme regarding black males

No. 965364>>965368

Well I'm gay first of all so definitely not mad they're not dating me. Secondly I'm not mad they are dating them, I'm mad that women who are beautiful and put in effort towards their appearance get bashed and put in the dirt and then women who don't do a single thing for their appearance outside of downing donuts and using Walmart hair dye are praised and treated like sex goddesses, I also feel like this pushes down women trying to lose weight and be healthy since Americans often associate being fat to having big tits and big tits are sexy so it's okay to be fat so it causes binge eating disorder, body dysmorphia and creates that bizarre boob culture America has that's caused teenagers to get breast implants after stuffing their bra at 12

No. 965365

rattle rattle

No. 965368>>965370>>965377

Ur mad their boyfriends call them pretty. Of course if a guy is dating a fattie he will be praising her rolls. Nobody is not paying enough credit to hot girls. That’s why they exist because people love them!

No. 965369>>965380

Black guys and black lesbians do this to the tee kek. I remember being in a school with a mostly black population and lower income white population and ugly obese girls with unfortunate body shapes would constantly be praised for being thicc and curvy and then skinny girls with boobs and butt that are large and round compared to their body were often called flat because they weren't complete lard asses like everyone else kek

I know someone will start an infight over this so here's a disclaimer - this is just my experience in the area I grew up in, this may not be your experience and that's okay. I also transferred to like 4 different high schools growing up and the things mentioned happened at all of them. Again this is my experience not saying it's extremely common

No. 965370>>965372

>Literally encouraging women to eat themselves to death because hur dur big tits and ass
True American

No. 965372

I don’t even care or promote fat. It just sounds like the post was mad because she got rejected by someone who preferred fat girls.

No. 965373>>965376

Did you just ignore the part where I mentioned I was a lesbian?

No. 965376>>965379>>965391

A girl + sorrry lesbian

No. 965377>>965381

NTA but you sound fat and kind of offended

No. 965379>>965391

I mentioned men I know doing this and I rarely lesbian women doing this, if women are doing this it's usually just straight women who are fat uggos praising other women for being fat uggos in attempt to make the beauty standard revolve around them

No. 965380

your post proves the american public education system was a mistake in more than 1 way

No. 965381>>965504

I’m not fat lol it just seems she’s mad inbred guys like fatties, like is that so shocking?

No. 965382>>965383>>965384>>965393

I thought this was going to be an anachan bone rattling but I actually agree with what you said, if it's not fat blonde white women it's ugly blonde white women black/white/asian/other men pick over actually attractive non white women.

No. 965383

Aren't most men in the world like that?

No. 965384>>965386>>965387>>965389

The Tribals in my country probably wouldn't

No. 965386

Your tribal is only skinny because it’s 3rd world. It’s okay to cope that you’re skinny because you’re starving. I’m sure army men will rape your woman and give you a biscuit or two

No. 965387

are you that african anon from the fujo thread thats been forgetting to sage all day?

No. 965389

because this is an amerifag threads and thats why we are discussing retardness exclusive to murica (although brits do this too sometimes)

No. 965391

File (hide): 1636608902144.jpg (147.16 KB, 1125x1425, a8t4o9wzz3711.jpg)

>a lesbian that would reject a woman coming onto them because they are not fat
Most lesbians are desperate af, now you're just making this shit all up

No. 965393>>965396>>965398>>965399>>965405

Reminds me of a study I read about poor men being attracted to fatter women
I think if you're broke and/or an ethnic male who's at the bottom of the totem pole, a white woman is an upgrade no matter what. Tyrone from Detroit will definitely link up with 350lb Aryan meth head Clareece because her being Aryan might sorta kinda elevate him, it's just how things work. You also see Asian incels covet white women because they feel emasculated. That's how men are, part of their desire for women is to impress other men, and since white men have a lot of power, being with "their" women is a step up, and it breaks more boundaries than just being with a really hot woman of your race. The more worthless the male, the more he'll want to leech off a woman, and draining a white woman is like the ultimate for these kinds of guys
Also, check out this video of random poor Indian men practically crowding around a white female tourist. It's not that Indian women are undesirable and American white women are otherworldly goddesses, it's that these men want to feed off her perceived wealth and status (+ they think white women are porn stars bc of American media)

No. 965396>>965403

File (hide): 1636609328202.png (773.06 KB, 896x2583, 6x4f2y3neiv31.png)

I mean India is a unique case of a nation with massive issues of self hatred, all their top actors are from very small light skinned minority ethnic groups or are mixed

No. 965398

File (hide): 1636609408129.png (56.31 KB, 901x472, asalwayslmao.png)

hey look who's in the comment section

No. 965399

this + white men who do this also see big tits + blonde hair as a status symbol to other men since most of these men grew up with their dads worshipping playboy, victorias secret, hooters, sterotypical strip clubs and bimbo media in movies pandering to men. The main selling points of the women in question were blonde + big tits but these men never got the memo that the women being grilled as attractive main selling points were fit/slim bodies, perky breasts, pretty face, and nice skin and just choose two of the least important traits in term of attractiveness and think people will give them ass pats for dating crack billie eilish

No. 965401

well obviously, how do you think he got that coke problem? it's like our national sport

No. 965403

File (hide): 1636609562916.jpg (209.09 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Kashmiri_Lady_and_Son_(…)

also funnily enough the most "whitest " looking ethnic group in India don't want anything to do with India cause they are all extremely conservative Muslims


No. 965404>>965412

Why are we talking about indians in the amerifag thread?

No. 965405>>965406

I don't think that's true for all cultures, skinny women are still very much prized in my country
big tits aren't associated with much and obesity is associated with obesity more then anything, I've had my mother tell me to eat less or my breasts will get too big, again this is just a cultural thing
I guess the Ideal woman in my cultural is a skinny woman with a haggard face, who will give many sons and

No. 965406>>965415

where you from?

No. 965412>>965416

americans can’t have shit and contrary to what other country fags say they always try to insert THEIR own problems into america’s culture like we give a fuck. i don’t care if all of them kill each other in their own countries and hate themselves all the indianfags need to leave this thread only canadians and burgers thank you

No. 965415

Baluchistan which is part of Pakistan

No. 965416

i almost agreed with you until you tried to sneak canadians in. Make your own thread syrup head

No. 965418>>965427>>965429>>965442>>965444>>965634>>965862>>968329

File (hide): 1636611608997.jpg (194.34 KB, 1200x1200, 1200x0.jpg)

What's your favorite fast food?
I really like Cane's, it makes me feel like a fucking worthless womanchild chomping down on tendies in her mother's basement and I love them. Rolled tacos at any local dinky Mexican place is a close second.

No. 965420

3rd worlds and Canada wish they were America

No. 965427

Whenever i visited philly for work I went to Ritas italian ice & frozen custard. Idk what they put in it but its really good.

No. 965429>>965443

I fucking hate Raising Cane's because they don't season their tendies and they have stupid ugly unseasoned fries. I prefer taccy bell.

No. 965442>>965450>>965455

>local dinky Mexican place
They get all uppity and think they can slack on the service and quality because "we're authentic". I'd rather eat taco bell or bar mexican than almost crack my tooth on a giant bone in my "authentic" burrito. "We don't take card" ok everyone does nowadays but you're so fucking special huh, local Mexican place? Also, my favorite fast food is Arby's because of the variety of sides and the availability of sandwiches like gyro and reuben

No. 965443

I love Cane's but admittedly it's all in the sauce. Without their sauce they would be nothing. Great toast though.

No. 965444>>965634

Taco Bell
What's everyone's favorite chain restaurant? Mine is Red Lobster

No. 965450>>965456

File (hide): 1636615688293.jpg (72.06 KB, 1200x879, mcdonalds-big-breakfast-hotcak…)

What part of the US are you in? If you're in the south Mexican food is pretty good especially from food trucks. I've noticed when I moved up north you start getting Mexican places with dry tortillas that taste like armpit and tacos the size of a babys hands with little to no filling. The local Mexican place here is amped up for being authentic but their shits always dry and all their burritos are unnecessarily massive and dry.

Oh and fuck Chick-fil-A and their drive thru drivers. I always see so many people waiting so long for mediocre chicken. McDonald's was pretty good until they removed their breakfast all day option which sucked since that's all I ever went there for and fast food keeps inflating like crazy. I remember barely 3 yrs ago you can go to a fast food place with 15 dollars and buy meals for 2-3 people and still have money left over, now that will barely cover a meal for 2

No. 965455>>965457>>965458>>965459>>965499

honky honky honk honk honk

as a white american this thread is so fucking embarrassing. do you fat faggots ever talk about anything but your favprite place to wolf down fried turds

No. 965456>>965463>>965732

What's the deal with Long John Silver? Is the food good and do a lot of people eat there?
I recently saw an article where someone who works for Chick-fil-A corporate said they're aware of the line problem but they're just too popular and can't keep up with the demand. Even opening another store nearby can't help with the demand. And McDonalds removed all day breakfast because it made the menu too complicated and their drive thru times became too high.

No. 965457

You sound like a seething eurofag jealous of all of our food options. Just visit us and try them you orthorexic little cutie

No. 965458>>965462

I'm black

No. 965459

its hard to talk about anything else anon, at least were not racesperging anymore

No. 965461

Americunt here; Excited to celebrate w family friends this Thanksgiving and look forward to a nice Winter as well
Also >>962726
Texans only like other texans usually. Blessed be that, so be Texan or emulate one

No. 965462>>965464>>965499

we know, black newfags are really fucking obvious because they dont know how to integrate on forums without sounding like a 90s tyler perry stage play.

No. 965463

McDonald's lines were fine, I don't understand chick fil a because despite knowing lots of people I've barely met anyone who eats at chick fil a yet someway somehow it's always packed?

No. 965464

Do you often go hunting for black anons on lolcow?

No. 965468>>965473>>965487>>965492>>976508

File (hide): 1636616667549.jpg (8.6 KB, 252x200, asdjohghdtgjdkd.jpg)

Is it true burgers take their kids to this demented place for their birthdays?

No. 965471

Are you telling me you guys don't have arcades? Chuck e cheese is just a child safe arcade, there is even a hand stamp system and employees checking you in at the door so people can't walk off with your kid. Then we have dave & buster's for when you are older. Sometimes I go there just to play guitar hero and drink mojitos

No. 965473>>974334

File (hide): 1636616973497.jpg (347.43 KB, 625x469, enhanced-buzz-3740-1338480457-…)

Id rather that than people who take their kids to Hooters

No. 965483>>965493>>965499

stop posting about fast food for five fucking minutes challenge.

stop letting the rest of the world know the awfil way you live. I live here, I have to see you bitch beasts feeding disgustingly every god damn day, but you don't have to tell the whole world about it.

observers: don't let americans tell you they're only unhealthy because of big corporations. they swallow the shit gladly and love it madly.

No. 965487

They used to but past the 2000s it's not as popular anymore

No. 965492

chuck e. cheese hasn’t been popular for like 20 years, most of those places are pretty abandoned now

No. 965493>>965508

>You will talk about what I want to talk about, whenever I want to talk about it, and wherever I want to talk about it
Fast food is a common American thing and most ameritards have worked in fast food at least once and are usually surrounded by these places, you can't control what people talk about especially since no one is derailing or breaking lolcow rules. Get your entitled ass out

No. 965499>>965508

No1curr stop sperging

No. 965504

Inbred dudes still affect women's body images and destroy actual attractive women's appearance because hot girls now think they need to get fat to be sexy. You can't just excuse issues within communities by saying "well those guys are just stupid therefore it doesn't matter" when young American girls are shoveling down burger king and bleaching their hair because they'll be called ugly and flat otherwise

No. 965508

>i love hog slop
I know

middle one wasn't me lol i'm not racist like the texas honkies in here

No. 965511>>965528>>965530>>965540>>965737

Americans, why do you have the most wealth in the world, yet you still dress the worst?

No. 965528>>965748

Here's some reasons
>Fat washing and having extreme proportions are basically goals for most American women, so even though clothes that would be flattering on most people Americans wouldn't wear them unless it makes their ass/tits look bigger than they actually are as well as hiding their guts and fat arms, this leads to having extremely limited options
>Designers simply just sell ugly items and tell Americans to wear ugly clothes, fashion shows went from flattering hair and makeup and classy outfits to literal clown outfits, and since that's where Americans learn fashion from they think that's what is acceptable to wear
>Troon baiting and obsession with individuality, they don't want to be the millionth girl who shows up in a slightly different black dress they want to be ~different~ and will go to odd extents to achieve that. And girls are often told to troon out if they aren't completely feminine 100% of the time
>The obsession with wish clothes and other shitty knock off sites creating fast fashion to cater to whatever the fuck is in this week so it can be thrown out and replaced for some other kooky outfit
>Body types are a trend for American women and since most American women can't afford to get plastic surgery anytime society dictates if their body is in or not they just wear baggy stuff
>Americans often insult nicely dressed people especially if they are just going out to the movies, grocery store, dinner, etc. If you dress nice you'll get a million stares and questions about how you're super dressed up like you're going to prom but you just didn't wear bleach stained sweatpants and a SpongeBob shirt like everyone else. To add to that people often overly nitpick people who are obviously dressed nice over small things like "oo those shoes do NOT match" "what was she thinking that dress makes her ass look flat""ugh I can't believe they have a single piece of lint on their back how trashy". So it's easier to just dress like a slob since most people will know there's no point to say someone who obviously doesn't care about their outfit that has something wrong where as it's easier to make people feel anxious and self conscious if you nitpick their nice outfit and Americans often get off on other people's anxiety

No. 965530>>965737>>965748

because i like being comfy

No. 965540>>965639>>965748

the top 10% of the american population owns like 80-90% of the wealth. meaning most people aren’t wealthy, so they buy cheap fast fashion clothes or thrift store clothes. also at least 38 million people in the US are food insecure, meaning they don’t know when or where they will get their next meal from.
US is a 2 class society, you’re rich or you’re poor no in between

No. 965568>>965611>>965637

Where do you buy your clothes? Not trying to bait, actually looking for recommendations for new stuff. And don’t say thrifting.

No. 965611

i love stores like dillard’s, nordstrom, or bloomingdales when there are no other options. mostly tho i buy my clothes from small independent boutiques in my city. occasionally i will buy online but i have to really like what im looking at to actually buy it without trying it on first.

No. 965634

In-n-out but I'm an east coaster so I've only had it a few times when I went to Cali. The fries suck but the burgers are good, especially considering how cheap they are. Also loooove Mickey D's.

Outback Steakhouse! The free bread is so fucking good. I'm meh about Red Lobster and didn't get the hype over the biscuits until I found a Red Lobster that doesn't somehow fuck them up and they were actually tasty. All the Outbacks I've been too have always given me good free bread, so Outback reigns supreme for me.

No. 965637

I used to work at Uniqlo so I own a lot of shit from there kek. Not sure how the quality is now though, cause I do hear some people shitting on it. Some of their collabs have really cute stuff (I'm partial to their IDLF collabs). I can also always find cute stuff at Target now too.

No. 965639

This. The middle class is being erased due to inflation and low wages. Rich Americans do generally dress bad though due to the fact they'll just buy designer everything and not look at if it actually flatters them

No. 965732

Long John Silvers is great if you want fish that tastes like chicken or chicken that tastes like fish and the only way you can really tell the difference is by their texture and even then it's questionable.

I love it.

I also love the little 'crispies' which they would toss in and they're just bits of batter. Goodness, this is making me miss it. I don't think I've had it in close to 10 years. It was a little pricy for fastfood, iirc.

No. 965737>>965748

Based anon has taken the cozypill.
I dress for comfort and wearing baggy clothes keeps the unwanted scrote attention away

No. 965748>>965749>>965773>>965775>>965881>>966643

kek i am american i just wanted you all to stop flapping your fat gums about whose fried slime is greasiest. it worked

the real answer is that you dress like shit for the same reason you eat like shit: you are a slovenly dosgusting honky and an embarrassment.

when i'm in deep honkyland, i only patronize asian & jewish businesses because you feedlot waste of space honkies need to be replaced by civilized people. and btw i am white, just not cracker trash.(racebait)

No. 965749>>965781

word salad… plain, lame, stupid sentence like the leaves you eat off the ground in the name of health

No. 965767

I was in the fifth grade and we were sent home from school early after the teacher next door brought our class in with hers and made us listen to what was happening on the radio.

I can do the same in Maryland or on the north shore of Massachusetts. This isn't exactly unique, anon.

No. 965773>>965777

why are you so mad kek

No. 965775>>965781

Not any of the anons you replied to, but I'm curious: How do you expect a person to dress? Your post is reminiscent of /r9k/ commentary from years ago where they complained that women don't "try anymore", but the same people complain that heels and dresses are for whores and women in pants are covert lesbians who should be murdered.

No. 965777

Its probably the same autist who has been sperging out for days across the site, bumping unsaged without milk to either say their opinion or cause infighting.

No. 965781>>965786>>965787

>i hate vegetavles
i know you're an adult baby but you dont have to admit it like this

i expect people to not wear filthy destroyed crocs and literally stained sweatpants to their college classes but i guess that's asking too much of degraded honkies these days

No. 965786>>965812

Interesting. I've only seen crocs worn by children or nurses, because the latter actually favor them as a comfortable shoe for working long hours. Otherwise, I can't say that I've seen anybody wearing those on campus or elsewhere. As for sweatpants, I tend to only see those on those belonging to the athletic teams.

I thought you meant we should all dress like vidrel. Can't say I'm a fan of chelsea boots.

No. 965787>>965830

you give off fat butthurt black woman vibes because of how often you use honkie and
>btw i am white, just not cracker trash.

No. 965812>>965823>>965831

I love chelsea boots tbh.

(probably not) Fun fact, the Crocs store is still the only store I see that still actively enforces a customer limit in the store and I've seen people queuing outside of them. I'm not sure what's more embarrassing, however, wearing crocs as a normal shoe choice (and not for the reasons you mentioned) or being seen waiting in line outside of a Crocs store.

No. 965820>>965853>>965855>>966362

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How’s American dick?

No. 965823>>965976

Are you tall? I feel like they look better on taller people because when I tried on a pair, they just looked 'off' to me.

No. 965830>>965863

oh you've found me out. as a black woman my natural inclination to say honky was too strong to hold in.

are you retarded? i'm white. that's why i know honkies & crackers when I see them.

we can have a little game show. if you shop at the dollar tree on a regular basis, you might be a honky! if your favorite food comes from a chain restaurant, you might be a honky! if you put on makeup to go out in sweatpants, you miiight beee aaa honkyyy!

No. 965831

Trader Joe's also still does this. Line around the building every time I go by. And I will say, I feel like those stores have similar yuppie customers.

No. 965853

Lots of cut dick if you're into that

No. 965855>>966649>>966687

If they're white, circumcised and average around 5 to 7 inches. EU dudes are kinda small from my experience. Ive only dated everything in the eastern and the northern side of EU though. I had a thing for Russian guys when I was younger, but my god, their dicks are small. Also short, except the Balkan kind.

No. 965862

Does starbucks count? I love starbucks so much, i need them to put a restraining order one me for the sake of my waist line and my wallet.

No. 965863>>965867

If anything i have never heard a black woman say the word "honkie". Anon is just racist and seething. I don't know why so many white women can't keep black women out of their minds if they hate them so much.

No. 965867>>965871>>966150>>966710>>966713>>966815

honky is a black slur for whites though, you dont really hear it outside of the rural south though.

Also whats everyones gas prices at rn? the gas station near me is at $4.00 a gallon

No. 965871>>966710

Depending on where you go, 3.25ish to 3.40 and Wawa always has the cheapest.

No. 965881

nice bait now can you gtfo no one cares lol

No. 965976

Ayrt, and I’m 5’4”, so not that tall. Pretty average. I also go for ones with the more pointy toe, though. I don’t like the ones with the more blunt toe and those do have a tendency to make shorter people look a little stubby.

No. 966150

wrong dumbass, honky originated as "hunky" a slur used by white people against eastern europeans & germans. Likewise "cracker" originated as a slur used by civilised white people against backwoods white trash who lived in filth. It's all white on white violence and I am using these terms very correctly

No. 966362

Most American men are porn addicts and completely suck in bed because of it, on top of that they're usually fat and unhygienic

No. 966597>>966600

Any other anons have a Lidl grocery in their area now? I was shopping at a combo of Aldi and local farmers, but now I've switched to Lidl and still stop by farmers who have their stalls open in season.

No. 966600

I love Lidl! I never really go to Aldi though.

No. 966643

Were you not reading anything at all? Americans hate Americans just as much as you the difference is we can discuss living in America without acting like a mentally ill retard. It's not their fault Americans get nitpicked as soon as they don't dress slobby, get called high maintenance and pretentious as soon as they don't want to scarf down fast food daily, and since most Americans get fast food shoved down their throats since they were babies why are we suddenly not allowed to discuss this? No one is saying it's good for us or that our culture is better, it's just making the best of a shit country we live in and I have no idea why you come into the America thread knowing damn well you'll get exactly that and then flip out when you get that because people aren't discussing the businesses you want to discuss and are discussing things that all Americans can relate to or experience

No. 966649>>966660>>966663>>966691>>966774>>966833

Most American dick looks weird af and the last two guys I hooked up with had some weird deformity because of botched circumcision, most guys I've hooked up with aren't able to keep it up long and either cum too easily or aren't able to cum at all due to porn addiction and antidepressants. None of them care for themselves and barely groom or workout and don't know how to act sexy, at least 3 or 4 of them talked about other women, porn, etc for some reason? Which dried me up quick so I just left, a lot of them are nitpicky too which is concerning since American women seem to be use to that and anytime I called them out for that they said their past experiences allowed them to do that or just agreed with them and laughed??? Like how sad are American women?

Foreplay is non existent to most, which is odd considering their obsession with large boobs and butts which I have and then the second they get the chance to touch it most men don't want anything to do with tits or ass despite obsessing over them? Anyway British guys are exactly like this too but with a tiny bit more foreplay and most British guys have decent hygiene. If you want good dick I'd say stay in Europe or fuck east Asian men. Big dick is useless if you turn the woman off every step of the way

No. 966660

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> guys I've hooked up with aren't able to keep it up long and either cum too easily or aren't able to cum at all due to porn addiction and antidepressants. None of them care for themselves and barely groom or workout and don't know how to act sexy, at least 3 or 4 of them talked about other women, porn, etc for some reason?

The absolute state of men

No. 966663

>at least 3 or 4 of them talked about other women, porn, etc

fuckkk i had this happen to me, didn’t realize it was so common i thought the dude was just a fucking weirdo. but literally right as we started to have sex he said “you’re so much better than X” (talking about his ex gf)
i was disgusted, i made him stop and we agreed to pretend that it never happened, like pretend we never partially fucked

No. 966687>>966956

wait! how did you have sex with so many different nationalities

No. 966691>>966697

Imagine all of that but 90% of scrotes being skinny fat i.e skinny arms, moobs and slight stomachs popping out, stinky and 99% having pube beards
that's what I have to look forward in my shithole country for the rest of my life

No. 966697>>966702

Honestly it's a fucking miracle more American women aren't the ones who go out and get mail-order husband's, become sexpats, and go to other countries for the sake of marriage, especially considering most women earn their own money and have to split "50/50" with American men or just support them financially anyway. American men are the biggest spoilt babies on earth in terms of the relationship world by American women and I assume the whole "x nationality of women are so much better!" Towards American women is just negging attempts to make American women more accepting of abuse they get from American men since most Russian, Japanese, Filipino, etc women would never take this from men in a million years

No. 966702

I don't wanna get into this thing but the sad reality is that as awful as american and any western man can be, other men are sadly even worse
In my own nation I see varying degrees of awfulness of different groups of males, you have the Triblas who are just tribal peasants who just care about male children and nothing else, not even the sex aspect, having as many children as possible is all what the Tribal desires and then the Urban population who have all the worst aspects of western men but none of the benefits, while also being skinny fat and having pube beards

No. 966704

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>men who look like this treat sex with women leagues above them likes it's some bizarre competition to impress him and give him a chance to nitpick these women's appearance and performance

Boycott American and British boy-cock

No. 966710

it's $2.90 here

No. 966713

5.85 rip

No. 966758

I don't think it's a big city thing though bc even in small towns
>shouted at to be constantly moving/cleaing/stocking/prepping
Is common. I've been trained like a fucking dog to never stand still or zone out or else I'll get a rush of fear. Even though my new place is chill it still happens.
The based ones go incognito as amerifags so not to get witch hunted for wrong think

No. 966763>>966767>>966777>>966794>>966811>>966830>>967400

Is fast food really that good in america? In Canada frozen shit in the box tastes better than canadian fast food. Is our quality just hsit or are americans really gobbling this horrible food? The few times I did get fast food I got diarrhea/stomach ache, and brainfog.

No. 966767

I think Harveys and Mary Browns are pretty good though… Swiss Chalet sucks except the gravy

No. 966774

>Foreplay is non existent to most, which is odd considering their obsession with large boobs and butts which I have and then the second they get the chance to touch it most men don't want anything to do with tits or ass despite obsessing over them?
It's bc porn, even though they focus on big boobs and ass they never touch them other than honking or slapping them like a tard. I don't think men who watch porn realize they're supposed to actually caress women's bodies and not just act like they're performing for a hidden camera in their own porn.

No. 966777

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Eurobong invading here, it’s not ~good~ as in its high quality or whatever but like sometimes you just want greasy dumb trash food. I was in Vegas once and got high(since it’s legal even for tourists) n went on a fast food binge I’ll never forget.

No. 966794

Popeyes, A&W, and Burger King are amazing imo McDonalds is okay, the main reason healthier people would eat mcdons is just for quality consistency. it's not the best food but the three I mentioned do it right. Popeyes is pretty fucking good

No. 966811

I don’t really eat fast food but I love that so many places do pickup now because of covid. I’d much rather order my stuff ahead and pick it up from the counter than sit down and wait to eat in a restaurant

No. 966815

3.70sh I think

No. 966830

I only like A&W and Taco Bell. Everything else is pretty boring and I prefer cooking at home.

No. 966833

These sorts of comments make me cringe. How many men would someone need to have slept with to make an accurate generalization re nationalities? It's just not possible. Contrary to media obsession, the majority of western men and women have never had casual sex, let alone repeatedly. Google 'hookup culture myth'. Guys who fuck around are and always have been trash.

No. 966920

same with restaurants. i've worked in restaurants where employees were obviously on drugs/would do drugs on the job and ran hours late and management gave zero fucks.

No. 966956>>966976

I was a prostitute when I was 18 till I think 23. Was looking for work to do after I finished high school and this shoddy guy offered me a cleaning gig. The gig actually existed, but the guy who offered me the job quickly escalated our business relationship into a intimate one. Long story short, he became my pimp and I was a prostitute who was blackmailed into doing so. He was a Baltic man and he married me so I could stay in the EU. So forth, I became an international prostitute in Europe sleeping with what I would say about hundreds of men from all over. Our marriage was obviously open and I dated frequently other men. Forgot to add that.
TLDR; I was a prostitute in Europe for roughly 6 years.

No. 966959>>967005>>967048>>967050


Weird, I've lived in the north and south and the turnover rates for fast food were known to be high. Everytime me and my ex went to a certain taco bell the staff would be new, and we went pretty often

No. 966976>>966981

No. 966981>>966995

anon opened up about being coerced into prostitution at 18 and all you have to say is ew? kill yourself

No. 966995>>967017

It’s a lot to process. “Ew” is a summary.

No. 967005

high turnover could also just be people quitting a lot. Not a fast food place but where I used to work people would do orientation and maybe a shift or two and then just never show up again.

No. 967017

Then learn how to speak and properly explain your feelings, retarda.

No. 967048>>967400

It's bizarre since retail, at least for the past few years will fire people any possible reason they can if they don't fit into the work culture. I knew a lot of people who worked in retail who were fired over stupid things like crying on shift, not counting change back to customers, and their friend saying hi to them while shopping (not even distracting, just a quick hello and out). These places also sit around scratching their head as to why they're so understaffed

Restaurants are reliable in terms of job security since Americans in literally any other industry get fired way too easily or they're simply way too picky with the hiring process

No. 967050

Idk about you guys but fast food and chain workers usually stayed since you can get good pay if they're tip based and you're good with people, Everytime I went to the local taco bell or waffle house in the middle of the night with friends the same folks were always working there and I became good friends with all of them and goofed off and stuff.

No. 967386>>967389

How is seattle compared to other big cities? (LA, NY, Dallas etc) Is it worth visiting? How is the food there?

No. 967389

Philly native here and when I visited, I thought it was gorgeous even though it rained the whole week. Everyone was super nice and considerate and the only bad experience was at the airport while waiting for a ride to the airbnb because the homeless people there were screaming at us.

No. 967400>>967833

Fast food quality in general is deteriorating fast while prices keep going up. I had a Big Mac for the first time in a while last week and the patties tasted like burnt shoe soles.
I heard things like this can happen because after a while the employees were supposed to get a raise so they came up with any excuse to fire them. They'd rather replace good employees than raise their wage 25 cents.

No. 967407>>967421>>967670

Is Portlandia accurate to the kind of people living in Portland? I ask because I live in a Canadian city with the same kind of people (even as exaggerated as they are) and I think it's kind of funny to have those parallels. It's like twinsies.

No. 967421>>967433>>967447

Fuck Vancouver

No. 967433>>967437

I wasn't talking about Vancouver.

No. 967437>>967443

Fuck Halifax

No. 967443>>967500

Listen pal, I wanna talk about Portland, not how you hate every city in Canada.

No. 967447>>967450>>967456

Fuck Quebec

No. 967450

Yeah, fuck Quebec

No. 967456

fuck quebec booooooooo

No. 967500>>967530>>967562

fuck canada

No. 967530>>967560>>967781>>967817

We don't need your approval, we're bigger and prettier

No. 967539>>967620>>967829

Anyone taken a DNA ancestry test like 23andme? Any surprises? And have you visited or would you like to visit the countries your ancestors came from?

No. 967560>>967563

enjoy your free healthcare commie

No. 967562

I agree, especially the yucky french ones. I hate living in Michigan and disgusting Canadians constantly come here to take advantage of our lower tax rate. They drive like shit, too, cuz their speed limits are super low and they lack braincells

No. 967563>>967571

They don't even have free healthcare. I lived there for two years and everyone I knew either went without the care they needed because it was too expensive or they had to pay out of pocket for something, whereas I've been taken care of on Masshealth and without copays.

No. 967571>>967600>>967667

doesn’t it take them like a long time to finally get a doctor? compared to our glorious american healthcare we can walk right in or get an ambulance right away and if you can’t pay the 9k hospital bill you’re just a sad envious europoor. if you can’t pay your bills candians and socialists should just move to venezeula they’re so annoying

No. 967600>>967667

From what I had seen living in BC, yeah. I knew someone who took about two months to find a therapist and not because they had to shop around for one they liked. Meanwhile, I've had dental, therapy, general checkups, gyno, medication, etc covered and like I said without a copay. The people I knew while living in Canada were actually bothered that Americans have this idea that their healthcare is free, because it isn't, and they had encountered Americans who sought to move there because they were under the belief that it was.

No. 967620>>967654

I did the Ancestry.com one and it revealed I am outstandingly white and my ancestors only seemed to have left the UK to come to America.

No. 967654>>967681

go back

No. 967667

Yeah you won't get in debt for breaking a bone or getting an infection but that's about it. Wait times are very long, and stuff like dental and vision aren't covered.

No. 967670>>967675

Yes, it is pretty accurate. Portland is so woke that it’s racist. Also boring as hell unless you like meth.

No. 967675>>967778>>967782>>968121

Isn't Portland full of lesbians and had some cults?

No. 967681

I would if I could bb

No. 967778

It's full of fucking rude people, if the woman I met at a recent dinner is anything to go by. She lived in Portland and was incredibly fucking stuck-up. To the point where she wouldn't look at me while we were talking. She wanted to go into broadcasting and got the gap in her teeth fixed just for that. God I hated her.

No. 967781

Okay, Oshawa.

No. 967782>>968121

idk about that but I go there for concerts sometimes and while I’m waiting for my cab there are always homeless people coming up to me. I used to like Portland but it’s kind of a shit hole now.

No. 967786

Holy fuck how do you guys think it's ACTUAL Californians being the troublemakers? You may hate native Californians, but it is as nothing as to how we feel about you guys moving into our state and ruining it. So many midwesterners and east coasters come and DESTROY our state. Look at all the Youtuber superstars who come to LA, try to adopt the LA lifestyle (whatever the fuck that is, and I'm a native myself), and proceed to make everyone miserable. WE HATE THEM. WE WISH THEY HAD NEVER COME HERE. Native Californians love their land, like anyone from any state would. We're proud of being the cool kid's table of the west coast, we really are. And anyone claiming to be a Californian and moving elsewhere, then proceeding to act like a shithead is either A: just a cunt to begin with, or B: not native to California.

No. 967817>>967820

Shouldn’t you people be apologizing to the natives for forcing them into residential schools or something? Y’all are all kinds of fucked up.

No. 967820

No. 967824>>967852>>968531

not reading all these posts so apologies if already discussed. but idg why humid states and states with constant mother nature disasters are considered "good" weather. also feel like the most popular cities here are shit and overrated. also arby's has some of the worst tasting, most disgusting food in existence. taco bell best girl

No. 967827

this is just the billie eilish simps on CC and the celebricow thread

No. 967829

>Ashkenazi Jewish

No. 967833>>967863

>Fast food quality in general is deteriorating fast while prices keep going up. I had a Big Mac for the first time in a while last week and the patties tasted like burnt shoe soles.
I was wondering if it's just me. Taste and smell of things tend to be going down in general, I went to bath and body works the other day and everything either smelled like nothing or medicine and anytime you point out the shitty taste and smell of things retards like to scream about "WeLl YoU pRoBaBlY hAvE cOvId!!". Fast food also keeps getting rid of their main menu items for some reason. If I was crazy I'd think it was a scheme to make people think they have COVID and further light up the fear of COVID, but it just seems like yet another excuse for corporations to not take responsibility

No. 967852>>968064

>idg why humid states and states with constant mother nature disasters
It's okay, you can say the gulf south

you right though, my home state is in the gulf south and when I moved so many tards back home sperged about snow, taxes and gas prices even though the state I was moving to had lower taxes and gas prices were only a few cents higher. Why are southerners fucking retards about taxes? I'm moving to a conservative Midwestern state and my husbands uncle said he should come back home because "they pay good but they're gonna take half the taxes out!" when taxes is lower there kek.

as for snow, sure it can be annoying when it gets heavy but I'd rather deal with like 2-3 months of light snow than half their year being hot as fuck and having to evacuate once a year because of hurricanes and flooding. Mobile, New Orleans, Biloxi, Orlando, Miami are all shitshows. The keys are nice but dumb expensive. Disney and other Florida theme parks are overrated af too I'd rather not sit in the hot sun waiting 5 hours for a ride and paying 20 bucks for a corn dog thank you

No. 967863>>967865>>968535

I'm not the only one!! I seem to be getting more and more damaged/expired/outright fake products when I order online. Especially with health and beauty related stuff. In store shit keeps breaking or like you said has weird smells and is obviously different than before. It's like corps all decided to take a nosedive on quality. I got so fucking sick of it that I forked over the extra cash for small batch small brand shit. Like I'm sorry, why tf is the dandruff shampoo I always use suddenly making my hair fall out? Did you straight up put pink carcinogec goo in it? And the moisturizer I always used to get now has different smell and consistency even though there was no recipe change. And yes I'll take it even further. How the fuck is a country supposed to function on the most basic level if almost every transaction ends up being a scam? Day to day transactions are what make up the economy not some "stock market" (rich people astrology) shit.

No. 967865>>967871

>How the fuck is a country supposed to function on the most basic level if almost every transaction ends up being a scam? Day to day transactions are what make up the economy not some "stock market" (rich people astrology) shit.
because now they have a COVID scapegoat to be cheap and lazy asses while increasing prices. I went laundry detergent shopping and most laundry products hit you in the face yet i barely smelled anything at all (which is also probably a marketing scheme for scent boosters) but now we have to fork out like 30-50 dollars for a couple of months worth of laundry supplies that actually smells half decent

At this point everyone should just start making their own products, it's more reliable and not watered down and you aren't forking out tons of money for lower quality products

No. 967871>>967880

>fork out like 30-50 dollars for a couple of months worth of laundry supplies that actually smells half decent
I've given up on finding shit that smells nice and isn't expensive, straight up borax from a huge tin for me.
>At this point everyone should just start making their own products, it's more reliable and not watered down and you aren't forking out tons of money for lower quality products
I've been getting frustrated enough that I've been considering it, though even the ingredients you buy end up being scams. I bought stuff to make my own toothpaste but the powders either didn't have a safety seal, or they were replaced with a sus looking seal, so I don't trust them. Since powdered shit is sooo easy to cut costs on. Literally have to make everything myself I guess, fuck. So now after that I'm literally looking to burn wood to make my own activated charcoal. Where does it end!? It's like the wild west under a veneer of civility.

No. 967874>>967878>>968065

Is it just my area or are there more and more women with receding hairline these past few years? What tf are they doing to our hormones.

No. 967878>>968037>>968057

Soy and estrogen filled products, birth control, shitty shampoo and constant hair dye, perm and other treatments I guess

most american women have ghoul tier boyfriends and husbands too so stress is also a factor

No. 967880>>968037>>968057

How much more will Americans take before we start a full blown apocalypse? Fast food and everything else we consume was already loaded with carcinogens and now we can't even enjoy these things AND we have to pay even more??? Because forcing young Americans to work 3 jobs to pay rent and forbidding them from buying homes wasn't enough, nor was tricking them into thinking they'll be fine without basic healthcare, our only option now is to get together and form a militia against the rich and take back our right to enjoy life

No. 968037>>968069

How do you even get rid of the excess estrogen from your body?
Nice try cia

No. 968057

My paternal grandmother whose nearing 80 has beautiful healthy straight hair and all she's ever used in her entire life was Oil, meanwhile I wake up with large patches of my hair falling almost every other week, I thought It was just me but my friends have told me similar stories

No. 968064>>968607

orlando is a kind of a shithole but if you're in the right area it can be nice. what makes me laugh is people move here from big/real cities like san francisco or nyc and hate it so much. like yeah, what the fuck were you expecting? orlando is one gigantic horribly planned suburb and you moved here from NYC and can't understand why you hate it?

sage for rant

No. 968065

i blame traction alopecia since having the kim k tight pony special became the basic bitch go to

No. 968069>>968076

It rids itself but your body naturally stops producing as much estrogen because it believes it's getting it daily, and if you stop that then your hair will fall out. I also believe this is why so many women who grew up on lots of fast and processed food seem to have PCOS and tend to be angry, chubby, with bad skin and hair

No. 968072>>968093>>968466

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Here you go it's blurry but the non blurry photo I took has the colors all wrong.

No. 968076>>968238

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No. 968093>>968139

you are so talented anon!!

No. 968121

The cults were like an hour or two out of town, not really a Portland thing.
This place has really crashed and burned in the last ten years. I used to spend most of my time downtown but now I feel like I need a shower if I ever have to get out of my car.

No. 968134

northeast ohioan here. i love that you posted this pic because the parks around here are really what make it worth staying. but i've never seen the ocean so idk what i'm missing there.

No. 968139

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Thank you here is a kiss

No. 968144>>968189>>968199>>968309

any idaho anons here? i lived there for 3 years and hated every second of it. such a shit place to live, and some of the most weird people i’ve ever met.

No. 968189

where did you live in Idaho? I was just looking at other states to possibly move to and I didn’t think Idaho would be bad, not seriously gonna move though.

No. 968199

I live in the booneys up here in the north, moving soon since retarded rich people keep moving here and making studio and 1 bedroom apartments cost several thousand a month in my small little country town

No. 968238>>968286>>968360

Ik this subjects been run my incels who use it as an excuse to hate women but it's not women's fault our hormones are being fucked with regularly, most women simply don't know since as soon as they're old enough to learn we get put on birth control before we even finish puberty and estrogen filled food is always being shoved down our throats and no one is taught the long-term side effects of these things

No. 968286>>968297>>968360

And fluoride in water makes girls get early puberty

No. 968297>>968360

This and most young girls don't see an issue and will down soy milk and birth control because america has a weird obsession with children having big tits until they get in their 20s and become potato shaped and almost bald since they didn't allow their bodies to produce estrogen naturally

No. 968309

I do, and I am a non-US citizen. I like it here, it is safe and with lots of outdoors acitivies year-round. I've never felt discriminated, even though I am obviously non-white. People are generally polite and curious about me.

No. 968322>>968336

File (hide): 1636928687033.gif (1.77 MB, 500x371, ani.gif)

>Amerifags still think soy gives you eestrogen
I know you guys don't have free healthcare, but jeez, you don't have to be this stupid about health

No. 968326>>968532

Anyone from Montana?

No. 968329

AK born and raised so nice to see another Alaskan anon!

Culver's. That was the best fast food I'd ever had and you feel like shit afterward but it's so good. Wisconsin knows what's up.

No. 968336>>968338>>968367

Studies are always contradicting themselves but I stumbled upon a subreddit of men who wanted to grow their breasts and would purposely consume soy products and it worked on increasing their estrogen and having feminizing side effects

Here's some more information from a reliable source

No. 968338>>968367

anon is probably one of those weirdos who thinks that what you eat doesn't affect your body, they seem to lurk around here often

No. 968360>>968363

im not on birth control is that why i have such luscious locks? im still confused b like this still all sounds like retarded woo

No. 968363

why does it sound "like retarded woo"? Obviously everyone's hormones are being fucked with so the root of the issue is diet, medicine and chemicals in our water or other things we use daily. I'd think it was retarded woo to think everyone suddenly has hormone issues for no apparent reason despite the fact we literally evolved for thousands of years to breed out infertility issues

No. 968367>>968375

I'm not that whichever anon that you're referring to, I just don't think that drinking soy notably affects oestrogen levels, especially since many studies, even the reliable ones, vary wildly, as >>968336 said. Are you sure that these men were ONLY drinking soy in order to get boobs? It's likely they were taking other supplements and doing other stuff

No. 968369>>968372>>968529

If soy is bad for your hair, shouldn't people who consume lots of it, like the japanese, have hair problems?

No. 968372>>968375>>968381

Asian soy = fermented, less unhealthy
Western soy = straight up garbage, extracted with hexane, full of anti-nutrients

No. 968374>>968382

attn my fellow americans: you are not unhealthy because of "antinutrients" or soy. you are unhealthy because you are fat, and you do not eat your vegetables.

No. 968375

I'm not sure but I know some of them were exclusively consuming soy products. Diet effects every single aspect about your body, skin, hair, odor, health, and especially hormones. Is more obvious since soybean oil is used in a lot of fast food and processed food. Most American food is hormone pumped garbage anyway so signs also point to soy because of that. Can you draw possibilities relating to the sudden extreme rise in hormone issues like PCOS in western women?

No. 968381>>968384

But how do they become different, isn't the majority of soy products made with the same same soy from the same few countries with massive monocultures?

No. 968382>>968388>>968526>>968534

>Food grown in modern farming practice where they strip the earth of nutrients and grow gmo'd freak shit
>Body does not get enough nutrients even if you eat healthily and the gmo'd stuff ruins immune system and causes inflammation
>Body sends out hunger signals constantly because even though it's consuming calories it's not getting enough nutrients to function
Anyway pls go to america to see how your health is even after you eat veg and avoid sugar/processed shit. I went on vacation to nice euro country where they ban gmo and chemical shit and I lost weight even though I was lazier.

No. 968384>>968396

Growing soy in soil that's been nutritionally managed, seeds used (gmo or not, is it a tasty heirloom type that was develop for hundreds of years?), level and types of pesticides used, processing variations that lessen nutrition in the beans, how many and what types of preservatives, and how long it's stayed in transport.

No. 968388>>968391>>968421>>968506

Fatties' hormones are fucked because they're fat, dumbass. Fat kids go into puberty at like age 8.

>gmo something something
give me two more and we'll have instagram healthtard bingo

euros cook & eat more vegetables it's not that complicated

No. 968391>>968421

Ate the same kind of food bc my mum's from there, but ok. Whatever gives you a sense of superiority without any work.

No. 968396>>968425

But aren't, for example, soy products mass produced in japan, potentially made with the same soy as the soy products produced in western countries? Producers usually just buy what they can get for cheaper, factories in the USA and in Japan could be using the same brazilian soy, or Japan and South Korea could be buying american soy, etc. Unless they have strong regulations for what can be bought? I'm just conjecturing

No. 968398>>968400>>968469

Fuck Minnesota

No. 968400>>968463

Fuck Wisconsin

No. 968421

britbongs gtfo
youre the only one here making sense anon bless you.

No. 968425>>968441

There's strong regulations especially in countries like Japan where they go hard on traditional healthy food. Even in India there's a huge revolt over big companies trying to make farmers use GMO seeds.

No. 968441>>968444


they are just modified plants, most fruits in your local grocery store aren’t the original species of the fruit that you’re eating and without gmos we would not be able to feed such a huge ass populations

No. 968444>>968456>>968498

K eat your tomato spliced with fish genes. Gmo, and breeding plants for desirable qualities, are totally different things.

No. 968456>>968537

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>Gmo, and breeding plants for desirable qualities

what kind of bait is this lmao

No. 968463

this anon knows how to fuck

No. 968466

SA sorry but i would buy this

No. 968469>>968481

FUCK Minnesota

No. 968471>>968483>>968494>>968511

I refuse to pronounce Arkansas the "correct" way. Makes no fucking sense to have a silent s.

No. 968481

FUCK idaho pototao

No. 968483

ar-kansas kek

No. 968494>>968496

you’re from baltimore aren’t you

No. 968496

No? I'm a couple states away from Maryland.

No. 968498

File (hide): 1636946236866.gif (926.44 KB, 275x275, 1622262623952.gif)

stick to your astrological charts or whatever. do not speak unless it improves the silence

No. 968506

>Fat people are unhealthy because they're fat!! What they eat has nothing to do with it, stop bullying fast food companies ur dum!!!
Do you like, choose to be stupid? Is it on purpose?

No. 968511

If anything you should instead pronounce Kansas like "Kansaw." It's more subversive imo (though it is the original pronunciation). The Arkansas River and Arkansas City are pronounced your way outside of Arkansas. Interestingly enough "Arkansas" isn't a derivative of "Kansas."

No. 968526

Fat people are fat because they eat junk and don't work out, at the same time don't pretend like americans food aren't being overloaded with extreme amounts of sugar, salt, hormones, and stripped of nutrients

That being said, fast food and restaurants usually have good job security and most Americans have worked in fast food therefore it's more convenient to eat fast food especially when it's offered for a cheap price or free if you're working there. Fast food is around every corner, most restaurants will load your cup with free sugary soda refills until you pass out in a diabetic coma, normal foods are loaded with sugar, salt and carcinogens (seriously, even "healthy" snacks like nuts, dried fruit, etc are often overloaded with sugars and salts and you literally have to go to specific stores and pay 3 times the average price to get something that isnt fried in heart attack fluid). Some americans are too blame but we live in a culture where fat people are enabled, fat women are called sexy for having big tits and ass, fat men are enabled by everyone claiming they're funny and outgoing even if they're bland, food is constantly loaded with crazy shit and no one cares, people are mocked for being high maintaince if they go to the gym and eat healthy (I'm on a Mediterranean diet and take yoga classes and I'm the butt of jokes among my workplace)

Another thing is there are much more factors making americans fat other than just unhealthy eating habits. One of my closest friend is chubby and anytime I stay the night with her she's healthier than me, there's never any fast food wrappers, she can't have most junk food in the house due to her kids allergies, on top of that I knew several other people who ate quite healthy and were chubby. FAT fat people make it their own fault though. Please do not act like the food and medicine industry had absolutely nothing to do with making americans fat

No. 968529>>969732

I feel like it's because we make our own soy milk or buy Asian brands of it. I haven't noticed problems drinking it for years and it's my alternative because I'm lactose intolerant. It also actually helped with period cramps.

No. 968531>>968561

>taco bell
How can I tell you're from the midwest?

No. 968532

Do preppers and rich elites count? (Also are men from Montana hot? I've seen old pics of actors from the 50's who came from there and hoo boy)

No. 968534

I'm a dumb motherfucker from the west coast but even -I- know what crop rotation is.

No. 968535>>968551

>I seem to be getting more and more damaged/expired/outright fake products when I order online.
I stopped ordering from Amazon altogether partially because of this. The amount of fake products/fake reviews on there is staggering, so many shady brands and counterfeit products.

No. 968537>>968544>>968545

GMO or selecting plants with good qualities isn't bad, it's just the quality of them
>Canned food is overloaded with salt and deprived of nutrients
>fruits and veggies in produce sections are often bad quality and you have to go through a ton just to find one that isn't bruised and rotten
>pesticides, dye, and other things cover foods lowering the quality and destroying the nutritional value
>murican dieticians literally tell people not to eat vegetables https://www.health.com/weight-loss/should-you-cut-nightshade-veggies-from-your-diet (inb4 americans should just know! - it confuses people when ~doctors~ tell people not to eat vegetables, especially since americans are taught to never question doctors or else you're narcissistic for thinking you know better. Things like broccoli, eggplant, peas and corn are also blasted by doctors and other people who discuss diets so it confuses americans and causes a weird complex around eating healthy
>culture, it's retarded if a group of friends go out for burgers and fries and someone suggests something healthier or wants to bring their own food they're mocked and told stupid shit like "Girl just get a damn burger!". Completely healthy and skinny women are told to eat burgers and stuff
>"expertS" lie to americans tell them things like vegan diets aka eating french fries and oreos with coca cola and keto diets which are just bacon and butter are super duper healthy and can totally unlock a part of your body that was locked when you didn't eat vegan/keto

I remember for a while the local radio station would come up with weird fun facts and claim things like pizza is healthier than chinese food for takeout

No. 968544>>968547>>968548

nta but I thought the whole point of GMOs being bad is that theyre bred to be resistant to tons of toxic pesticides that we end up eating, and that they just taste worse because frankenberries are designed to be massive as quickly as possible and lack scent and flavor.

No. 968545>>968572

it’s not the “quality” of the vegetables, it’s the processing and transportation of the vegetables is why it’s always bad quality. it’s slightly hard to maintain the freshness of a vegetable which is why frozen vegetables are good choice as well

No. 968547

they use pesticides to get rid of the pests that are attracted to the plants and actually can give the plants a variety of diseases. they don’t make it pesticide-resistant it’s just cross-breeding to make them more resistant to pests

No. 968548

GMOs aren't inherently good or bad, the crops are just engineered to get a better yield. Crops have been 'naturally' developed for pest resistance, size, and shelf stability over taste for a long time which is why heirloom varieties almost always taste much better.

No. 968551

Not even Amazon, but trusted websites I used before.

No. 968561

nope, further up and way towards the right

No. 968572

True, but as I've mentioned it's mostly what americans are taught

No. 968607

The rich just keep using the entire country as their playground and feel they just need to ~start new~ every few months then move around and fuck up prices of everything until locals are forced to move out the place they grew up in until they can't take it and go back to California. Even worse when they come here and brag about how good california life is the entire time

No. 969243>>969244

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When will the anticalifornia seething end? I love every american state and I wish you all would talk positively about your state instead of spending your posts crying about commiefornia like a boomer, it's sad.

Anyway I think the most underrated american food is hot dogs. Delicious crispy & browned, with the mustard and toasty bun.

No. 969244>>969321

>When will the anticalifornia seething end?
When Californians stop being annoying.

No. 969273

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I feel like North Carolina is a kind of underrated state.

I grew up there on the coast and hated it but not that I'm older I think I appreciate it more. You have beaches, mountains, cities, and tons of rural areas of course but that's avoidable.

Asheville, Raleigh, Charlotte, and Wilmington are all pretty decent places to live imo. I'm thinking of moving to Raleigh because I have a lot of friends there and I'd like to live in a bit smaller city that still has stuff going on in it, and be closer to my family. Plus, from what I've read and heard there are a ton of tech jobs here that pay well and the cost of living is relatively low.

Picrel is blue ridge parkway in fall, so beautiful

No. 969287>>969298

ladies, how are we feeling about the fact Arby's is releasing a vodka flavored like their fries?


No. 969298>>969301

>Only available (…) to residents aged 21+ in CA, CT, DC, FL, ID, LA, MN, NE, NV, OR, WV, and WY
Betrayed. Angry. Sad. I'd try it but I can't

No. 969301

my coworker's mom lives in Louisiana, so she has agreed to buy it (if able) and have it sent to her mom's house. I'll just pay her back for it + shipping.

fingers crossed I can get some

No. 969321>>969344>>969374

Cope more with the fact that you'll never meet a real Californian, not with that attitude

No. 969344

what? when people think ca its stupid la and shit. the popular areas. same that ny is only nyc and ga is only atlanta. colorado is only denver you get it. the south park episode isnt wrong. that awful pocket of smug is an indelible part of your shit state.

No. 969374

>Cope more with the fact that you'll never meet a real Californian

I don't need to even try to meet a Californian. They arrive in droves with U-hauls, buying any property available

No. 969485>>969549>>969618>>969684>>969741

Do you guys experience American pride? Sometimes it's easy to hate it here especially after our horrible, botches handling of covid, but sometimes I feel a bit proud to be American.

No. 969549>>969618

Yes. I think this is the best place to live. Most people I know feel this way, it's a self-assured pride that's innately American. I'm not a liberal I don't get hung up on petty shit or guilt

No. 969618>>969642

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No. 969642

please for the love of god don't use a tranny/drag queen reaction image, I hate seeing their disgusting faces

No. 969684

Americans are pretty embarrassing but the actual landscape of America is hard to beat (including Alaska and Hawaii)

No. 969698

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this is all I know

No. 969705

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No. 969732>>972871

I never knew there was a real difference down to the soy beans used, I just buy homemade soy milk from the Asian store near me that makes their own because it's delicious as fuck. I hate the taste of American soymilk. My mom tells me I'm gonna have issues from consuming so much soy, but tofu is one of my favorite things to cook with (and also the Asian store makes tofu pudding which is my favorite dessert).

No. 969741>>969945

Sometimes. I know there's better places to live out there, but I also know there's worst places to live out there too. It's sort of a begrudging, "yes it's a shithole country but it's MY shithole country" sort of feeling. I feel hopeless when I listen to the news and see what kind of garbage is going on in the political sphere, but that's just politics everywhere. My parents have brought me back to their home country a bunch of times, and while it is beautiful and fun to visit, I'm glad I was raised in the US (despite our mediocre public education system). I really want to see more of the US. I travel a lot internationally but I've never really travelled around the US. I'm planning on either doing a roadtrip with a friend or riding Amtrak across the country one day, vidrel.

No. 969749>>969864>>969869>>969910

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I don't hate Americans or Liberals but the "exportation" of american wokeism in the 3rd world has been a disaster for any online discussion of politics in these communities and it leads to aboustetly cringy results case in point this, these MENA people are trying to "own" an Israeli whose cooking a dis that was introduced to Israel by North African Jews and try to frame the whole thing as "white appropriation" of POC food, even though no one IRL fucking cares about this shit, even the most fervent Jew hating Palestinian who declares openly that he wants to genocide all Jews wouldn't give a shit
seriously this is an evil worse then bombings that Americans have exported to the rest of the world

No. 969848>>969860

File (hide): 1637086376719.jpg (99.16 KB, 696x522, sandy.jpg)

They brought back the Sandy ponies at Meijer and it makes me smile. They took them away because of covid. I'm glad they are there I used to love to ride it, kids should have the option, parents can just lysol wipe it first. It's cute how people will leave a penny for the next kid

No. 969860>>969867

From what I've seen.. american supermarkets often have claw machines and arcade stuff at the entrances alot of the time?

Kinda jealous when I see that

No. 969864

Why do they speak "snow roach" and live in their countries

No. 969867>>969941

Some of our grocery stores have actual arcades, from old-style dark nooks with machines and racing games to professional businesses where it's basically a gaming cyber cafe. I rarely see people in the latter ones for some reason

No. 969869

The tight hold America has on the rest of the world is insane.
My sister is still in hs and has an entire subject about the US there, in which they talk about stuff like trans rights in the south (of the US, not of our unimportant country…)

No. 969910>>969926

Not American here, to be fair you have to be extremely retarded to say "Berber and Amazigh" like they're not literally the same thing. And let's be real, I've never seen one North African jew identifying with us. These people are equally retarded because native North Africans are NOT Arabs and many of us will straight up be offended by being called Arabs, and it's Arabs and not Jews who invaded North Africa and fucked it up with their shit religion. I'll stop right there, I don't want to bring Pakistani-chan here.

>these MENA people

America fucked up by constantly grouping two different groups together to begin with.

No. 969926>>969987

Most North African Jews identity as Sephardic though and all the Israeli guy is saying that these dishes were brought over by these north african communities

No. 969941>>969946>>970084>>970794

Walmart's back in the day were lit. They had birthday party studios, full arcades with things other than claw machines, nail salons, hair salons, photo studios, etc. My Walmart use to have all of these and then there was an ice cream place but now it's a build a bear which I'm not complaining about. What kinda stuff do you guys have in your Walmarts?

No. 969945

I really relate to the "it's a shithole, but it's MY shithole" feeling. Sometimes even when other countries make fun of us burgers I think, heh, yeah, that's us.

No. 969946

I'm jealous, I don't have a Walmart near me. My dad used to live in other states near one and used to just stroll around in them all the time, I want to do that kek.

No. 969987

>Most North African Jews identity as Sephardic though
You're not even trying to contradict me, what's the point of your post?

No. 970084

I remember mine having a Movie Gallery. Now the most exciting thing there is a Fedex lmao The clothes have definitely gotten more stylish though.

No. 970794

You just made me nostalgic my super kmart had a giant book section and a restaurant in it my family ate at all the time. Now it's closed.

No. 972793

>kyle cleared of all charges

No. 972804

kyle's verdict says that a kid could walk around school with a gun and then shoot anyone who jumps him while claiming self defense. exactly like how he walked into a high tension situation with a military grade weapon and provoked three people into attempting to disarm him.

No. 972827

he wasnt legally allowed to have the rifle, he was 17 at the time so underage. Do you really not see the fucking issue with a system that says "if 2 guys point a gun at each other because they feel threatened it's fine and whoever has the faster trigger finger wins".
Yeah he got a gun pulled on him, right after he shot the first guy. So everyone was in the right legally to pull their guns. Legally it's a fucking free-for-all and they can all murder each other and no charges will stick.
Like, do you really want to live in that type of society? Where I can just come to your area and walk around with a gun and start shooting if I feel threatened?
and btw, the system is so fucked Rittenhouse didn't even have to prove he acted in self-defense. The prosecution had to prove he didn't. He was always going to walk his fat piggy ass away from his unscathed. This was never about liberals/conservatives and you're a dense fuck if you think it is.

No. 972829>>972831>>972837>>973707>>974138

personally i don’t care about the kyle case, but what pisses me off is the fact that if/when a woman kills someone in self defense, she almost never gets away with it. a woman kills her rapist/abuser, gets prison time. white boy kills 3 people in MuH SeLf DEFeNse, gets off free

No. 972831

File (hide): 1637356770055.png (465.16 KB, 647x582, 554526.png)

remember this when moids start reeing about women getting off easy for crimes

No. 972837>>972851>>972859

I was just thinking about this, like everyone's main thing with kyle is that "he killed a pedophile!!!" and like so? so many women have killed their pedo husband/boyfriend/father/cousin/brother and they still get thrown in prison, why does one little fat boy get to walk away free.

No. 972847

nta but get out the borgor thread then

No. 972851

>like everyone's main thing with kyle is that "he killed a pedophile!!!"
I haven't been following the case at all, but wtf this sounds like a ridiculous excuse. If this happened at the riots then how would he have even known that?

No. 972857>>973484

not murican but i just read about this case and wtf? moids in my country seem to be happy about this too…
in any other country a guy owning and leaving the house with such a weapon would immediately rightfully get him sniped, it must be so scary to live amongst such lunatics

No. 972859>>973230>>973710

And it’s not like Kyle targeted the guy because he knew he was a pedo. He was just another retarded scrote (if you genuinely think a 17 year old boy can’t be violent like adult men are you are in denial) who had no business being there, like most of the dumbass dudes there hitting each other with skateboards and punching each other like retards

No. 972871>>972893

>I just buy homemade soy milk from the Asian store near me that makes their own because it's delicious as fuck
i might do this, i hate most premade soy milk. is the homemade stuff better than oat milk? i love it but the calories kill me

No. 972874>>973230

the crazy thing about it is that there's actual video evidence of him shooting people. how can he be cleared of even an "accidental" killing when there's a fucking VIDEO of him murdering someone

No. 972893

If you, no joke, like the taste of plain tofu, I think you’ll like homemade soymilk. They sell it sweetened and unsweetened, and I do buy the sweetened version. It tastes like the tofu pudding dessert I like.

No. 973230>>973502

someone in the tinfoil thread alluded to this case being a win for women. like in what world does a scrote getting to walk free and be lauded as a hero for killing 2 people do anything for women. in fact i think this case puts women in MORE danger. >>972859

No. 973484

It's not scary at all. I love our freedom to bear arms. I am getting a gun eventually, I just don't have the funds right now.

No. 973502

lmao that derail is such a shit show, the anon who was acting as if that was a good thing for women (or at least I think it was the same anon) just backpedaled and said it wasn't a men vs women thing when counter arguments were made.

No. 973570>>973667>>973689

A punky ass civilian having a dick measuring contest with his fellow wanna-be militia, branidishing an ar-15 in front of a crowd is only going to incite violence. This is some dumb shit. He should have been charged with manslaughter.

No. 973667

Everyone involved is a shit head. The “victims” were there to burn things down. Kyle saw their violence as an excuse for counter violence. It was not his job to get involved. One of the men had a firearm he wasn’t legally allowed to have due to a violent criminal record.

All this proves to me is that nearly all men are reactionary, destructive, and violent.

No. 973686>>973690>>973842>>973850

anonas i’ve had it with this god forsaken country and am seriously considering relocated to Puerto Rico what are you thoughts?

No. 973689

Another fool who didn't watch the trial but has a lot to say

No. 973690

Why Puerto rico

No. 973707

>white boy
Okay racist

No. 973710

>who had no business being there
His dad lived in Kenosha and Kyle worked there. He was asked, along with others, to defend a car lot from being destroyed by the rioters. Keep in mind the riot had been going on for 2 DAYS before Kyle showed up. But God forbid people ask others for help, especially when the cops stood down and the governor of Wisconsin refused to bring in the national guard, right, anon?

No. 973813>>973837>>973847

Are American cities considered beautiful? Like when people say America is beautiful do they only mean the wilderness? Compared to some European cities like Barcelona, Rome and even London places like LA, Seattle and Chicago are fuggo. But maybe that’s because none of the architecture is as historic.

No. 973837

> Are American cities considered beautiful?
fuck no, american cities are covered in piss & shit, heroin needles, and homeless people sleeping in the streets

No. 973842

why would you move to puerto rico it's just south florida but shittier

No. 973847

Unfortunately, a lot of them are filled with homeless, rioters, and the like right now. But yes, the buildings are beautiful; the people, not so much.

No. 973850

Just go to an European country with your privileged passport. Going to a third world country when you live in a first world country is Uber retarded.
But if you really want some adventures in your life, move to Ethiopia or Cuba.

No. 973854>>973877>>973947>>974118

is this thread made simply because of the eurofag thread? why do Americans have to get involved with everything kek

No. 973877

We've had continent and country threads since before the Eurofag thread, dummy.

No. 973947>>973955

why do non-americans have to complain about everything americans do is the better question at this point

No. 973955

True, not American but i don’t get why people are pressed.

No. 974118

Well before the eurofag thread there were threads for Mexico, Finland, Germany etc. I think there was even a USA general thread that got locked because of infighting. So it's not like the eurofag thread was extremely original anyway.

Also threads are always being spawned out of other threads with anons riffing off each other and getting ideas, it happens all the time. No need to be a whiny bitch about it.

No. 974138

This. and there's always the "She lied!!!" thing where as men are always believed no questions asked.

Btw can we talk about the woody allen case? the fact that there's records from Dylans sexual abuse in literal hospitals and people still think he's innocent smh

No. 974334

the black girl in the middle is gorgeous my word.

No. 976485>>976642>>976664>>976719

Is moving to nyc worth it these days nonnies? I've always wanted to live in manhattan and I finally have the income and career flexibility to make the move, but the type of new yorkers I constantly see online (retarded media types in the leftcows vein) kind of bums me out. Are these people at all representative, or are they just an annoying minority?

No. 976508

I went there when I was a kid and it's still open now. I liked the arcade games but the animatronics scared me lol.

No. 976642>>976664

I listen to a podcaster from New York and she says it's getting dangerous, like bail being lowered or certain crimes not needing it. So, depends on what part, how much safety you want.

No. 976664

NYC has any type of person you would or wouldn't want to hang out with. If you're looking at Manhattan outside of the LES then they're easier to avoid than they would be in Brooklyn.
That podcaster is watching too much news. Crime is rising in NYC just as it is across the country, but outside of certain neighborhoods NYC is much safer than the average city.

No. 976685>>976693

The answer is always the patty melt

No. 976693


I also really love the spicy ketchup. Glad HEB sells it.

No. 976719

i moved to brooklyn recently from long island and i just want to say that the whole "nyc is mean" is BS. its long islanders that are mean. Born and bred new yorkers fromt he city are some of the sweetest people. Since moving here, ive been helped accross the street, asked if i needed help carrying my groceries, and if guys "catcall" its usually "you look very beautiful today ma" and they keep it pushing. If you go to the touristy areas like in manhattan its going to be douchebags for sure and you'll experience the catcall meme in full effect. I'm also black though and moved to a majority black area from a majority white neighborhood so that could also be why i find it to be so friendly and nice. Everyone finally looks like me for once LMAO. As long as you mind your business and have a mean mug/powerwalk you'll be gucci. If you can afford to do so and always wanted to why not? One thing though the traffic is ridiculous since everyone takes ubers now instead of the subway i stg, everything stinks and you will see crazies on the subway. Just dont make eye contact.

No. 976886>>976917>>976958

which state is the best to live in?

No. 976903>>976934

The roads in South Carolina are insane.

No. 976917>>976939


No. 976934

Roads all over America have been getting retarded. Service roads are fucking stupid especially when it's dark out, weird turns are a pain, roundabouts no one knows how to use and takes forever in traffic. Why can't we just have left, right or straight?

No. 976939>>976945

Fuck canada

No. 976945

Naaaaaaaah, love you

No. 976950>>976955>>976957>>976965>>977136>>977337>>977345

Why is it considered cool to hate on America and Americans on the internet these days, especially among 3rd worlders and eurofags?

No. 976955

I don't know if you noticed, but it's "cool" to hate on everyone. It's cool to hate Canada, it's cool to hate British people, it's cool to hate Americans, it's cool to hate.

No. 976957

Samefag but you kind of answered your own question with the end there
>3rd worlders and eurofags
America is the land of obesity, extravagant materialism and self obsession, and you wonder why the people living in poverty and filth hate you?

No. 976958

A lot of them are similar. The answer depends on what weather you like

No. 976965>>976979>>977044>>977337

Jealousy. Especially from Britbongers. Everyone hates America for doing what nobody else could. And becoming wealthy (well, up until recently).

No. 976979

>Everyone hates America for doing what nobody else could.
Committing war crimes and destabilizing third world countries?

No. 976991>>977038>>977110>>977125

You guys think it's just trendy to hate america? This is not new and there are reasons why so many 3rd world countries hate you guys, it's not simple envy because you guys are so amazing lmao

No. 977005>>977038

I came in to defend Amerifags and then I'm instantly reminded of your retardation. Why is everything reduced to envy, status battles and paternalism? So repugnant.

No. 977038

So get the fuck out of our thread

No. 977044

To be fair, America is only rich because all other countries got fucked by two world wars largely compromising all of the rich European countries, leaving America the only one with any real money just because they used less because they got into the war later and were further away from any potential damage. America wasn't particularly smart, just lucky.

No. 977110

I will personally call Biden and bribe him with halloween candy to drop a bomb on your shitty country.

No. 977125>>977151

>it's not simply envy
Sure poorfag

No. 977136

im glad its cool its what america deserves. I want more foreign countries to air out their first hand experiences of how america single handedly fucked over their entire country and dipped. america is a joke and im glad people are starting to be bold enough to say it.

No. 977144>>977145>>977146>>977174>>977347>>977422

File (hide): 1637768594158.jpg (141.06 KB, 1024x682, timberland-giant-boot.jpg)

i love how no one but racist misogynistic whack ass Massachusetts hates new york. Its because new york is the best state with the best city and best people. every other state sucks except for hawaii. the rest of you can eat a dick!!

No. 977145


No. 977146>>977179

hawaii is expensive as hell though, and the tourists are really entitled

No. 977151

Thank god I have free health care and free college.

No. 977174

idk. I think Texas is pretty good. Except for Austin.

Fuck Austin.

No. 977179>>977190>>978292

And the locals are surprisingly racist.

No. 977190

Yeah, most hawaiian locals are typical rural trash. Outside of the major cities, it's not that different from alaska.

No. 977223>>977232

File (hide): 1637783653047.jpg (452.73 KB, 2048x1451, 1553751648424.jpg)

This is such a weird year for Thanksgiving, did anyone else notice all the panic shopping that happened 3 weeks ago because of all the news reports warning shortages? But every grocery store I visit is fully stocked. But I see people whining online about people unable to find stuff. I live in a major city. Is this a boonies concern?

No. 977232>>977233>>977261>>977265>>977270>>977294

There isn't a shortage of goods where I live but things sure as hell cost a lot now. Bread used to be 5-7 dollars but now it's 10-12 dollars. rip but i'll be starving this thanksgiving because of inflation

No. 977233

Bread, like a loaf of bread, like a loaf, for 5 dollars? And that was low? What's happening over there jeez

No. 977261

>$7-12 bread
What brand are you buying?

No. 977265>>977272

Bread costs like $2 stop buying schmancy shit if you are poor. Boom problem solved

No. 977268>>977288>>977295

Fellow amerifatties I just want public healthcare im so sad. I used to live in a state that did not have expanded Medicaid so basically anyone who was uninsured and did not have children/was already disabled/old could not get Medicaid. I had an accident and broke my toe (it sounds dumb but it was SUPER broken like at a 30° angle broken I’m cringing just remembering it) and I had to go to the ER. I was way more scared of the bill than having to get the bone set I actually asked my roommate if she would set it for me because I was so desperate to not have to go to the ER but she of course said hell no. Anyways the bill ended up being $23k and all they did was take an X-ray give me a Tylenol and set the bone (took 10 seconds to do). I remember sobbing all week about the bill. I called the hospital and pleaded with them to give me a discount for being a poor minimum wage gal and they ended up lowering it to just 10k gee thanks.

No. 977270

wtf I just bought a sliced bakery loaf for $3.98? Are you living in a food desert?

The only shortages I see are, weirdly, 12-oz cans of the no-sugar/zero Red Bulls or low-cal/sugar juices.

No. 977272

Now that's a reasonable price for bread

No. 977288>>977967

Ask for an itemized bill and be super annoying about all the charges.

No. 977294

Bread costs like 50 cents to make and homemade bread is delicious.

No. 977295

I'm so sorry anon. I wish all of us would band together and protest for free healthcare. I wish we could make a change. I want to make a change but don't know how. I'm sick of people suffering.

No. 977337

Because your woke politics and media are spreading to the rest of the world

No. 977345

I've wondered this myself because my ex who used to visit his family in Ireland always got people asking about America, what its like, and how they wanted to visit/move here and this was back in the 2000s. My dad and aunts also have similar stories about the 80s and tourists who wished they could either stay longer or live here.

No. 977347

I'm from PA and most of us hate you. Especially when you come to other states and drive like assholes.

No. 977422

Your states almost as bad as California. Rejoice that there is someone worse so you are only second from the bottom.

No. 977800>>977967

Happy Thanksgiving

No. 977887>>977913>>977967>>977985>>978012>>978038>>978250

not from America but I thought that California and New York are wealthy? Why do you call them as bad? I thought they have the biggest cities, Los Angeles and New York City? You do not like the people there? What state do you live? What state do you think is the best if I want to move there?

No. 977913>>977944>>977967>>977975

California and New York aren't wealthy, they're expensive. There are a lot of really rich people living there since they're so popular, but there are also tons of poor and homeless people, and have lots of crime and tend to be dirty. They're fun places to visit IMO, but probably not worth moving to.
I'm from Arizona for the record. Which state you would wanna move to depends what kind of evironment you'd like to be in (city vs country and the literal weather), and what kind of politics you can tolerate. I'd reccomend looking into cities less popular states, like Colorado or North Carolina.

No. 977944

>I'm from Arizona

No. 977967

File (hide): 1637869326247.jpg (73.52 KB, 700x700, cute-turkey.jpg)

Gobble gobble, bitches!

A lot of New Yorkers and Californians think they're better than everyone else. They also dominate the media and push their retardation and wokeshit onto everyone else. They're like the America of America.

Seconding North Carolina and Colorado. I've been to 45/50 states and those were two of the ones I could most see myself living in in the future. I'm from Florida and I think it's just okay (good weather, lots of beaches, low taxes, biggish cities, but people are crazy and anywhere you'd actually want to live is expensive relative to wages).

Do this. I got a $30k hospital bill down to $10k by annoying the hospital into submission. Also ask about a payment plan + if they have any resources for charity care.

No. 977975

>less popular states
Kek I wish

No. 977985

They WERE wealthy. I'm from California, from Los Angeles. Most people in LA are not wealthy by a long shot. Most idiots who move here from other states think they'll get a high-paying job in the movie industry. In reality, they live with 4 other people in an expensive apartment in Long Beach or Glendale and think they're living the life.

No. 978008

The nobody ass state I live in is changing. The area I live in is getting gentrified and I hate it.
I there's one thing I have a burning prejudice against its wealthy pieces of shit who think they're better than everyone else and complain about the area they moved their twink ass to.
I love being bullied out of my own hometown by rising living costs and having to live in some drug town just so I can afford rent.
Gentrification doesn't solve anything it's just a tool used to bully the poor out of an area so rich scumbags can take it over.

No. 978012>>978038

My only complaint about those two areas is that people reaaaallly like to make a big about being from there. And while I don’t hate California I feel like it’s the complete opposite culture of where I live so the people get on my nerves sometimes

No. 978018

I haven't been to a waffle house in a long ass time, but I have a good memory from waffle house and just genuinely dont want to hate the chain.
When I was a poor asf kid riding home once our car ended up running out of gas on the side of the highway. Luckily we were near a waffle house. One of the workers came out and asked us if we needed help. They let us come inside and one of the servers gave us big ass waffles the size of the damn plate and chocolate milk. I remember even though I was a tiny ass kid I was hungry as hell and downed the whole thing.
One of the other workers also drove my stepdad to a gas station.
The workers were just very nice and friendly and genuinely seemed to care. It's a memory I'll never forget.

No. 978028>>978244

random question, but best desert state?

No. 978038

both cites are riddled with homeless druggies and dirty as someone else mentioned
same and their weather sucks

No. 978243>>978360>>978507>>978534>>979126

Were you taught in school where all the states are?
I’m always so gagged when millennial/zoomers have no idea where anything is except the obvious states (Texas, Florida & California) but nothing else. I swear my school from 5th to 12th grade drilled it into my mind. Every US history class there would be a inevitably test where we had to label the map. I had a roommate from Texas who could barely name a state other than Oklahoma that shared a border with Texas. I also had a tard coworker who thought Montana was in the Deep South and I’m still so baffled.

No. 978244

Nevada but only Vegas area. Or even New Mexico it’s kind of being shilled right now as a cheaper Colorado.

No. 978250>>978253

I wish. I’m a Califag (live in San Francisco) and I’m poor as fuck. Both New York and California have a lot of rich people but it’s not like everyone there is rich.

No. 978252>>978270


AMTRAK is slow af and always late. Not worth it.

Has anyone ever been on a Greyhound? I feel like it's mostly homeless drifters that ride that because they never check for ID when you board.

No. 978253>>978297

Do you step on human feces as soon as you walk out your front door?

No. 978270

greyhound up & down the east coast: mostly normal. greyhound from east coast to my midwestern college city: homeless as hell. halfway through the 6hr trip the guy next to me took his knit cap off and had some kind of festering sore on the back of his head. but it's cheap.

But be prepared for the manhattan bus terminal either way. Hourly hobo roundup, hobos calling the cops jewfags, crazy lady wearing a sweater on top and an identical sweater as pants, genuinely saw a troon in a homestuck hat have 2 plushes (one mlp and one umbreon) fall out of his open backpack. I picked up the mlp one like a dirty diaper and was like "sir you dropped something." And then he sat on the ground showing massive plumber crack to the whole place for the 4 hours i was waiting there (bus driver didn't show up and they had to find another at 2am).

likewise, amtrak service in the northeast is mostly good because that's the only area where amtrak actually makes money. Amtrak in the rest of the country loses money already, they're just mandated to serve a bunch of small rural places by their regulations, so they don't really give a shit on quality of service to those places.

No. 978292>>978293>>984704

Id be racist too do you guys not know Hawaii’s history? It never wanted to be a part of America they were basically forced to join. And tourists/non natives are the reason why Hawaii is so expensive they literally buy up all the land for their vacation homes and resorts and then fuck off till their next anniversary celebration.

No. 978293>>978296

There are places filled with just empty houses that the rich own as vacation homes that they rarely visit. it’s fucked up.

No. 978296

Mark zucc literally bought islands in Hawaii because he could. Let's not get into casinos and the sex tourism there…

No. 978297

No but I see poop quite often

No. 978307

File (hide): 1637910468644.gif (3.34 MB, 640x482, thanksgiving-happy-cats.gif)

>have to go to work today.
>pass by three apartments on my way to the car.
>all of them contain people yelling at each other.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

No. 978360

I deleted a lot of info from my brain that involved rote memorization (bible verses, geography I never use), I can just google it or look at a map. I don't give a crap that I can't tell where some random states are I'm in one of the iconic ones

No. 978507>>978509

I understand forgetting the precise location of states but if someone can't remember the general area they're in I'd judge them. I never had to memorize them for school but I know where they are just from the process of living in this country and occasionally looking at a map.

No. 978509

nobody memorizes your area because it sucks

No. 978528>>978704>>978719

hi texanons I see u~

fuck Austin

No. 978534

We were taught in elementary school and even had multiple tests on naming all the states and where they were but I've forgotten a lot of it, especially the states in the middle. I don't have the money to travel much at all but the fact that I've forgotten is pretty embarrassing so I should really memorize it all again.

No. 978562>>978611>>978625

I think Obama is the most fuckable president not JFK.

No. 978611>>978620>>978627>>978658

You americans are weird for thinking about presidents as anything but 'the guy that ruined my life in some way'. Is that brainwashing that comes with the burguer? Why don't you guys put eggs in the burguers? Why are you guys always catching salmonella? Why is your pizza so disgusting? Why don't you guys drink water? Why do the younger generation claims to be commies but are way to lazy to work in the factories? Why the same generation claims to hate the rich but thinks pirating skyrim or the sims is a heinous crime? Why do you guys think 5 dollars for bread or a cup of coffee is 'cheap cheap cheap' when most of you don't even make minimum wage? What is wrong with you? Was it the british fault?

No. 978620

A lot of the shit you said in this post isn't even true, sperg.

No. 978625>>978640

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Both of them got nothing on Franklin Pierce

No. 978626>>978638

File (hide): 1637959734648.jpeg (49.33 KB, 963x481, CC478BAF-7B91-4378-9EEA-BE7E00…)

y’all I love this thread man

No. 978627

>Why are you guys always catching salmonella?
Are they?

No. 978638>>978642

File (hide): 1637961105291.jpg (159.25 KB, 1200x678, icedollar.jpg)

Same, comfy and funny just like our great country

No. 978640

I had a really weird sexual dream about him years ago and I still haven't gotten over it

No. 978642>>978657

Kek nice joke anon!

No. 978657

Hate us because you anus

No. 978658>>978694

>Why don't you guys put eggs in the burguers?
We do we just call them Egg Mcmuffins
>Why are you guys always catching salmonella?
I think the last big outbreak was like 2 decades ago and less than 1k people died?
>Why is your pizza so disgusting?
Bitch NYC pizza is superior to every pizza across the planet, don't speak about what your pie hole hasn't experienced
>Why don't you guys drink water?
Because soda
>Why do the younger generation claims to be commies but are way to lazy to work in the factories?
This is just gen z who has been raised on a steady diet of performative corporate empathy and porn
>Why the same generation claims to hate the rich but thinks pirating skyrim or the sims is a heinous crime?
See above
>Why do you guys think 5 dollars for bread or a cup of coffee is 'cheap cheap cheap' when most of you don't even make minimum wage?
No one thinks that's cheap

No. 978694>>978707>>978747

File (hide): 1637965044682.jpg (32.44 KB, 486x318, you cant spell nasty without N…)

Your pizzas are nasty you can't change my mind. Maybe enlist some zoomer commies to learn how to make proper pizza but not from italians, they don't know what they're doing. Since youre safe from salmonella dont forget the eggs

No. 978704

Yay another Texas anon!!!! Here's to surviving the state with the world's worst drivers

No. 978707>>978747

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Whatever lady

No. 978714>>978721>>979211

Why are liberal west coast cities like Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco so delusional that they convince themselves that the homeless problem is about housing issues rather than the drug problem they've enabled for years?

It's nuts you pay $1k to live in a prison cell size "studio" just to walk outside and step on human shit while seeing a junkie smoking crystal meth out in the open.

No. 978719>>978745

hell yeah another texas anon here who also thinks austin is retarded. it's where all the losers i knew in high school moved to. good luck living in our overrated shitty version of the CA bay area, i'm just gonna be over here enjoying cheap tacos on the beach

No. 978721>>978770

I was born and raised in LA and always had to take the bus (poorfag family, no car) and I have so many horror stories. The LA Metro is just a homeless shelter on wheels but it has been for decades at this point.
It makes me sick tho the amount of times my friends have told me about being sexually harassed/flat out assaulted on the bus by homeless men and NO ONE does anything to help. Even if you yell at the bus driver for help they’ll just go on like nothing is wrong because they don’t want to get involved. I can’t believe there hasn’t been a major class action lawsuit toward the metro it’s horrific the shit they let happen.

No. 978745>>978770

Based as fuck, anon. One of my friends keeps squawking about how great Austin is and claims it's the epitome of progression in Texas despite not even living there. She just hears about it from some shitty tech bros on FB she met through her bf's wow guild and takes their word as law. I love her but she's so retarded it hurts sometimes.

No. 978747>>978952>>978989

when i lived in europe pizza was my favourite food, since living in the US i stopped eating it. Americans think a 1lb of cheese is a good pizza and the more oil it leaks the tastier. See >>978707

No. 978770>>978812>>978839>>978886


What an overrated shit-hole. I can't imagine anyone willingly moving there for anything except trying to be a famecow.


Not a Texan, but I been to Houston. That whole state is waaaay too spread out and big. Do you guys enjoy driving 1-2 hours just to go anywhere ?

No. 978812>>978938

Do you guys enjoy driving 1-2 hours just to go anywhere ?

No. We just have no choice.

No. 978839>>978918

Driving 1-2 hours to get anywhere is fun when you work from home, aren't living with a shitty family and are introverted. I love being away from everyone and everything personally, I live in a PNW city that supposedly has 50k people and it's hell in earth, traffic is terrible, lines are terrible, it feels like im going to wreck anytime I leave my house. I don't think I wanna live in a town with more than 1k people ngl

No. 978886>>978930

Americans in the UK will often travel that far (and further) into work each day which is considered insane to most of us. Admittedly, I wouldn't want to travel that far everyday, but seeing friends do it did reevaluate my sense of distance. They were shocked I hadn't ever visited a major city 2.5 hours away. I felt as if I needed to stay overnight and make a weekend trip out of it, ergo cost me a lot of money, which they found funny. I travel much more now.

No. 978918>>978929


Do you live in Bellevue ?

No. 978924>>978926>>978928>>979091

Are Americans generally interested in the ethnic background of romantic partners? I don't mean race. I mean for a White American, being German or Italian descent etc. Do some groups mix more willingly? On 23andme, my American matches will be generally mixed up, but not the Irish ones who have been in the States just as long. I thought that was interesting. But maybe it has something more to do with geographic location.

No. 978926>>978931

Amerimutts breed with anyone.
Majority of white Americans will list out being several European nationalities and be like "im also 2% native" lol

No. 978928

Culture plays a big part regardless of the "all white is white" think, Italians tend to be more party- oriented but also pretty family oriented and very playful, Germans I've noticed tend to be more stern but traditional and focused on education, Irish and french decent families tend to be white trash with the same values

No. 978929>>978935

Lol no, I'm in Idaho

No. 978930

This. It feels bizarre that it's normal to hear "my commute is 1 hour" and people think it's fine, even worse when I see people who work low paying jobs do this just because it's impossible finding work in their town. Does it feel like employers are doing this on purpose sometimes?

No. 978931>>978933


that 2% is always Cherokee too, as if no other tribes existed lol

No. 978933>>978935

Why do white people do this?/how would they even know that far down their family tree?

I guess it's interesting if you have a legitimate 23andme, but I feel like white people neglect their own culture to the point where they forget how interesting and cool Irish/German/Russian/French culture actually is for the most part

No. 978935

Mam Idaho is NOT PNW.

Cuz everyone wants to be American sweetie, nobody cares about Europoors. You guys are irrelevant now.

No. 978938>>978939

that's a short commute for texas nonita. all our major cities are 3-6 hours from austin. i have a 9 hour drive to visit my parents and they're not even in a different state kek

No. 978939>>979784


Only good thing I can say about TX is that the culture over there isn't as insufferably "WOKE" like it is in the Libtard troon filled city that I'm in but damn.. it seems lame as hell to live there. I enjoy the beauty of nature and actually being able to walk to places , not just drive and drive for 9 hours staring at dirt.

No. 978940>>978949>>979242

File (hide): 1637994131357.jpg (386.82 KB, 720x480, images_38-39_Road.jpg)

Texas mfers will be like YEEHAW we are so much better than the north our houses are so cheap!! Meanwhile they live in this.

No. 978944>>978946>>978950

File (hide): 1637995079853.jpg (1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20211127_000714.jpg)

in america lately they just be flavoring snacks like other snacks

No. 978946

Cereal flavored snacks and birthday cake are vomit tier flavors

No. 978949>>978988

t. canadafag who doesn't know beauty lol

No. 978950

File (hide): 1637996355233.jpg (9.71 KB, 200x200, lmao.jpg)

cinnamon toast anything is now everywhere

No. 978952

>thinks everywhere in America is exactly the same when it comes to food
Holy fuck you're dumb. There's no way you're from Eastern Europe, you'd have been exposed at birth… I'm gonna guess Spain. Spain or Belgium.

No. 978965>>978970

What is it like to live in a food desert?

No. 978970>>980307

There's two different types of food deserts there's the boonies where you're 25 min - an hour away from any food and you're a long ways from an actual grocery store but surrounded by fast food

I lived in both and personally it gets a bit exhausting but you become more aware of your shopping habits since if you forget important parts of meals you were going to make that week you can't always just leave and just run down to the store. I lived an hour and a half away from a grocery store (not including gas stations where everything was hella inflated). It really struck me how careless I was with grocery shopping since I use to live in a place where if you forgot your chicken or milk at the shop you can just run down and get it no big deal, I also live in a place where gas is 4/gal so it would be 8-16 dollars out my pocket if I forgot something. If you're able to just grow produce, and have some sort of way to get meat (fishing, having chickens for eggs, etc) it would help you cut costs. My husband fishes a lot and he usually just spends 30 minutes and it's enough to feed the family for dinner and breakfast. It gets better during hunting season especially since turkeys are retards and will just commit suicide trying to fight your car. im guilty of cooking roadkill before

>t.hillbilly anon

No. 978988

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I don't live in Canada. I live in WA. Even if I did live in Canada, most of it would still look better than Texas..

No. 978989

It's Detroit style, the crust is light and fluffy on the inside and buttery and crunchy on the outside, the pepperonis are crunchy, the cheese is caramelized, it's not "greasy" as any other pizza. It's special and you'd love it

No. 979011>>979094>>979107>>979114

the eurofags saying european pizza is better are fucking LYING, i’m in finland right now and they put fucking shrimp and mayonnaise on the pizza, paper thin crust, barely any cheese or sauce, and little square chunks of flavorless meat. i’ve traveled a few different european countries and haven’t had good pizza once! these people don’t know what pizza is. also burgers, you can’t get a decent burger in europe, they charge €23 for a shitty grey, cold, dry, burger-shaped object.

pizza on the east coast is the best, florida and new york make some bomb pizza.

No. 979091>>979147

generally, no
most european-descended americans are extremely distant from their original cultures. why bother caring about someone being 30% italian when they have virtually no cultural connections to italy?

No. 979094

open up a burger or pizza restaurant then

No. 979107>>979112>>979115>>979140

File (hide): 1638024723668.jpg (257.32 KB, 800x1219, uma delicia.jpg)

Bitch why go to Finland of all places to taste European food? They eat literal tree bark, what is wrong with you? If you want good food stay out of Northern Europe

No. 979112

saw this on the main page and assumed it was human skin

No. 979114

why would you visit northern europe for pizza??? go south for that you dumbass. try actual finnish or other scandinavian food instead while you are staying there

No. 979115

>uma delicia.jpg

No. 979126

I can name them in alphabetical order and get about half of the capitols… but on the map, the eastern half of the US gets muddled in my mind because I never travel there so I never really learned.

No. 979140

This looks like someone performing a black magic ritual, not cooking.

No. 979147

I know it’s pathetic but I do feel kind of better than most amerimutts because both my mom and dad are from Europe. So I get to tell people I’m half Lithuanian and half Portuguese while they’re like “well I’m 12% French and 30% Italian and 10% French Canadian!!!!” It’s a weird flex on my part

No. 979165

I'm American and I've actually had my best pizza at a random side of the road place in Croatia

No. 979166>>979329

I love how though we may disagree on some things, all TexAnons agree on hating Austin.

No. 979195

Im not american but i want to know why americans only wipe their asses with dry toilet paper.

No. 979208

File (hide): 1638032613119.jpg (866.13 KB, 2560x1704, shutterstock_517369813-1-scale…)

When the spanish came to texas they pretty much saw picrel. They didn't really explore it because it was basically a swamp in the part they were in. Too unstable to build anything and a ton of mosquitoes. The french then wanted it, but spain was stingy. They managed to find oil in another part eventually. Buuut imagine if france got a hold of texas instead of the spanish. We would have some hon hon mexicans and canadian accent cowboys.

No. 979211>>979237

File (hide): 1638032789656.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.09 KB, 828x1261, A37767EB-735F-4035-BB4C-A35642…)

How do people just put up with this? I honestly don’t even know what can be done with the especially mentally insane homeless. There are organizations out there that go out on streets and offer housing to the homeless and many of them refuse the help because a lot of the restrictions of the housing is they can’t do drugs. Or the reject the offer because they’re so chronically mentally ill they don’t even know what’s good for them and you can’t just force someone into accepting shelter. I do have a lot of empathy for women who are on the street but 90% of the time the visible homeless are severely mentally ill drug addicted men.

No. 979214>>979307

Do you think there’s ever going to be a bill that makes it so women have to enroll in the draft? I saw some people on twitter sperging about how it’s a possibility but it just sounds so implausible.

No. 979237

We need better mental health care, as well as cheaper mental and physical healthcare. On top of that, we need services like VA to suck less. A lot of homeless men are veterans.

No. 979242>>979367>>979784

Texas nonnas, are there any natural spots of beauty or does this make up 80% of the state?

No. 979267>>979283>>979391

I think some zoomers go way too over the top to express how much they don’t care about 9/11. They’re way more cringe to me than the “Never forget!” crowd.
I know a lot of them just have SJW brain rot and they’ll sperg about how the war in the Middle East is bad as if they know anything about it. I’ve seen so many people on twitter conflate the Taliban, ISIS, al-qaeda and the mujahadeen and it just shows how little they care about the actual people who live in these countries. When we were learning about 9/11 in high school a lot of people were rolling their eyes and making snide comments about how the military killed x amount of people during the wars in the Middle East so who cares about the x amount of people who died during 9/11. It’s just so cringe. Of course two things can be tragic at once as if there is no room for nuance. 9/11 is the biggest historical event in recent US history and it changed so much of how life is today vs pre 2001 and maybe this all just gets to me because it shows how little people care about history and I’m a historyfag.

No. 979283

Yeah, you can critique and stand against all the terrible shit the US has done at home and abroad but also recognize the tragedy of 9/11 and respect the victims and the victims' families. These zoomer sjw types need to be shown those photos of people jumping to their deaths from the twin towers in order to gain a little bit of empathy.

No. 979307

Maybe, they can just use immigrants to repop and you know how spiteful scrotes are. But I don't think so, men get triggered when women get to have guns and armor and training.

No. 979329

Cause these niggas are ruining the state for everybody. Give a fuck about it being liberal since most cities are left wing it's just attracting too many people from out of state that drives the rent up. That, and traffic.

No. 979367>>984715>>984720

most beaches south of galveston are pretty and not overdeveloped, and unlike california great for swimming in and not completely full of things that will kill you. go to corpus or south padre in the late summer and it's awesome. kind of cool and unique wildlife in the area because of migration patterns, hardcore birdwatchers from canada come down here just for that lol.

the hill country area a couple hundred miles around san antonio is green and colorful esp during wildflower season. there's crystal clear springs and rivers and lakes around there. one of the only redeeming things about austin is that all the parks and nature spots around there are like that, one reason why it became popular.

west texas is the stereotypical desert, but imho it looks pretty fucking cool when you get into the mountainous big bend area. some peyote grows naturally out there too kek

its dallas/ft. worth and houston that are super ugly to me tbh. the panhandle and anything north of waco is just flat plains region terrain with nothing remarkable unless you really hate trees and really like tornadoes. houston gets flooded by hurricanes all the time. it has a lot of oil refineries and industrial pollution on top of louisiana coast style swamp. if there's going to be any kind of major ecological disaster in texas that's where it'll probably happen.

everywhere is hot/humid as balls in the summertime tho, most of the country definitely has our asses beat there. everything is bigger in texas, including your chance of heatstroke

No. 979391

Sometimes I forget how many zoomers who are technically adults now weren't even born yet when 9/11 happened. My elderly millennial ass was in high school at the time. I remember we watched the news all day in class and everyone was wondering what the fuck was going to happen next. It was more surreal than scary… helps that I live in a flyover state and never met anyone who'd even been to NYC.

There was MASSIVE political sperging about the war on terror/islam/etc. at the time, too. Zoomers inherited that worldview from the virtue signallers of my generation. The nuance-free discourse of the George W. Bush years kind of set the tone for both the right wing retards and annoying SJWs of today.

No. 979685>>979699>>1082090

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If this girl is referring to the us, I'm seriously baffled.
I know yall think we're backwards as hell but it doesn't mean we're a third world country. Like damn, some of yall seriously say we're worse than CHINA. Yall are seriously out of fucking touch.

No. 979695>>979856

You're making it out like the guys who make those posts are fucking Fabio sex symbols with dozens of pretty women throwing themselves at their feet. When usually those guys are rednecks who only get hit on by chubby redneck/country women.
It also just goes into personality. Country dudes like country women, and country women are usually fat.

No. 979699>>979701

You’re putting serious thought into what someone said in a YouTube comment? Maybe there is something in your drinking water.

No. 979701

I read plenty of comments from Europeans who seem to think they know everything about America talk about how we have shitty water standards and have to rely on bottle water to survive. Like we all are on flint Michigan levels of water treatment.

No. 979784>>980431

Texas is beautiful as fuck in a lot of places not sure where you just see dirt. I spend a lot of time working in the country passing through small sleepy cities and it’s a very gorgeous place. I love my state.

No, probably like a small portion of a drive thru PART of the state looks like this.

The large cities are pretty libtarded, where I live is kinda gentrified and all the young university kids are trooning out. A bunch of people started a hate campaign against a girl at a college here because she was a trump supporter or something, they wanted her banned from the school. Like what? I just don’t think that’s grounds to make someone a pariah or kick them out.

No. 979788>>979818>>979821

Why do americans like spaghetti so much? Are you all italians and thats why you can't make good pizza?

No. 979790

At least it's not the south where everyone is fat and ugly with 20 lbs of makeup and 10 push up bras

No. 979799

Lol what? Diabetes doesn't always mean fat and ugly

No. 979818

Cause it's cheap. I have like 10 different packs of spaghetti noodles and five 98 cent cans of sauce

No. 979821

It ticks a lot of boxes people love. Heavy carbs, pasta sauce usually semi sweet with some herb flavors, meatballs. Easy to prepare, fun/easy to eat, good for leftovers.

No. 979822>>979826>>980424>>980427

What do you think of people who join the military? I know a lot of people see them as bootlickers which is fair. Most of the people I have met who enlisted just did it for the free college and cheap housing not because they’re in any way patriotic.

No. 979826

I feel sympathy for them. American military operations are notoriously morally bankrupt and pointless. Most people I've ever met in military were poor and/or too "academically challenged" for college.

No. 979856>>980477

Country women deserve to have healthy body image too. No one deserves to live in a culture where they have to kill their own body in order to feel attractive to their partner. Just because it's not widespread doesn't mean it's not an issue that doesn't deserve to be talked about.

No. 980307>>982556

>cooking roadkill
This is unironically the best way to eat meat. No hormones or abusive factories, no packaging, and it rids the road of carcasses. Becareful obviously and don't eat anything that's been dead for more than a couple of hours

No. 980424

Everyone I know did it to pay for college or because they didn't have any direction to go in in life. I don't mind them at all, as long as they aren't the type who talks up wanting to shoot up people in the desert lel

No. 980427

Most my age that enlisted joined because they had nothing else to do - couldn’t go to college, didn’t have a decent job to save money. From what I heard a lot of soldiers get stationed at bases and just sit around playing video games and drinking all day.

But I’ve run into people that joined because their parents were in the military, and one old veteran said he used being drafted as an opportunity to escape from his abusive parents

No. 980431>>980503

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So much of the southwest United States looks like this. Barely any trees. Im sure not all of TX looks like this , like Houston had a lot more greenery and was humid AF but I would never want to drive 9-10 hours and still be in the same state. If I had to live in the south I'd go Tennessee.

No. 980436>>980439

File (hide): 1638149020703.jpg (33.89 KB, 480x423, 55e33b663ad6c.jpeg.jpg)

When people think of California, they think of San Diego surfing or Bay Area. I grew up in CA for most of my life and it was not the Cali west coast avocado hippie dream that everyone outside imagines.

The coastal cities are way too expensive to live in but when you go more in land, it's poor and more republican. Went to school near the Fresno area for 3 years and most of my classmates were self-hating Mexicans. Then moved more north and many of my classmates were openly racist white people who's family all voted Trump.

There's always wildfires and droughts. One year Pg&E shut off electricity in several counties for days, like wtf I thought blackouts like this only existed in the "Third World" ?

No. 980439>>980442

Sounds like growing up in Colorado kek

No. 980442>>980471

Can you tell us more about Colorado? Looks like a very nice place actually but it seems like it's only known for skiing.

No. 980443>>980454>>980476>>980491>>980529

File (hide): 1638149795327.png (845.6 KB, 800x800, C9414A67-3B33-416F-8475-CA3DC5…)

are you really being serious? i was thinking of moving to washington and i am from wv and even here in this shit state we have some delicious food, even actual good mexican food sometimes. asian food here usually sucks tho

tudors biscuit world supremacy

No. 980454

Tag yourself I'm Peppi

No. 980471>>980490

Oddly enough I've never been skiing before kek. The major cities are nice but are getting way too crowded recently. Anything east of Denver is basically just Kansas 2, and Pueblo is a godforsaken land except for when the state fair is happening. I do like Fort Collins, Colorado Springs and Boulder. Imo Colorado is the most beautiful and unique state but I may be a bit biased.

No. 980476

holy shit i can taste the salt through the screen

No. 980477

I'm anon you were replying to, and I agree

No. 980490

I'm from California and I never been surfing. I moved to Washington state 4 years ago and definitely fit in with the PNW stereotype of being into hiking and coffee.

There's some downsides to living here but I definitely don't regret coming here. The nature is amazing.

No. 980491>>980514

what is this from? I love biscuits but live in an area of Texas that isn’t culturally southern and have to make them myself

No. 980503

looking at this photo immediately made me feel as if I'd been riding in a car for 6 hours

No. 980514>>980527

Nta, but it says Tudor Biscuit World

No. 980527

Yeah, it just didn’t sound like a real place to me lol

No. 980529>>980537>>980541

just looking at that cold plastic cheese makes me want to vomit, why can't midwesterners learn how to cook?

No. 980537

>the only place to get a good pizza besides NYC and literally anything you desire
Hm…doesn't add up
Why do

No. 980539>>980540>>983197

which is the one that makes the disgusting deep dish pizza? That must sauce is absolutely revolting.

No. 980540>>983360

GTFO. How dare you, nona. They have regular pizza too and it's amazing.

No. 980541>>980925

first off what even makes you think west virginia is midwestern? gross

also i don't get anything on my biscuit just a plain butter biscuit with a side of tater rounds, i don't like american cheese
they are super crunchy on the outside and super soft on the inside literally the most perfect biscuit in existence i won't eat them from anywhere else because it's not the same. all fast food restaurant biscuits are complete trash

No. 980925>>980928

I want to have real southern biscuits. I'm from the Northeast and the only time I ever get biscuits is from KFC kek. I read an interesting article a while ago that biscuits outside of the south are different because of the flour used, and the flour used in the south isn't widely available so there's a huge difference in biscuits.

No. 980928

No. 982195>>982226>>982232>>984380

I don’t know if any other 1st gen Americans here feel this way but I just don’t think I could ever date/marry someone that has two American parents. People who are just so culturally American are so hard for me to connect with. Growing up in a city where it seemed most people were children of immigrants and it was so normal to me that when I moved away to the Midwest where 97% of people are SO American it was such a culture shock. Maybe it more so has to do with my Zoomer gen. but people like that are so fucking retarded when it comes to thinking about any kind of culture that exists outside of the US.

No. 982206>>982210>>982226

It's the millennials too. I can't be friends with American-american ppl either, they have so many weird hangups and views and customs that they think are the only right way and get freaked out if you have a different way. I get along much better with any immigrant (except Islams which are 99% insane).

No. 982210>>982220


No. 982220>>982274

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No. 982226

To me, people that have the most nuanced views of America are people who are first gen or immigrants themselves. The younger gen of American-Americans really fall for the American exceptionalism of thinking America is a kin to a 3rd world fascist hellhole or that America is the best country to ever exist in the world.

No. 982232

Not American but 1st gen of the country above you. My close friends have usually been 1st/2nd gen immigrants as well, though I've dated people who weren't immigrants. I feel more relaxed around those who are immigrants than those who aren't because we have been othered many times and share that same feeling of isolation. They're usually more understanding and less quick to judge.

No. 982235

I wish we didn’t get so many natural disasters. Earthquakes and hurricanes are a huge bummer.

No. 982274>>982287

where to buy this?

No. 982287

goodwill or bass pro shop(depending on state)

No. 982323>>982327>>982343

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Tell me your experiences [living]in Tennessee?

No. 982327>>982329>>982671

File (hide): 1638319825044.png (9.18 KB, 80x80, 1638305374059.png)

I've lived here for over 15 years so heres my take

>memphis is a cesspool of wannabe rappers and poverty.

>Nashville is pretty ok, lots to do but drunks can get a bit dangerous at night. The city is growing really fast because of the people fleeing New York and California.(which menas increased prices)

>anything countryside or in the middle of nowhere is qanonland rn, beautiful but the people are a very weird.

>Do not move to clarksville, franklin, knoxville, chattanooga or Gatlinburg. Its full and they need to stop building houses and build more sidewalks, invest in public transportation schools, and local businesses.

East TN is very pretty and the cabins on the mountains are cheaper in the winter.

Overall it's hell here, and we're basically Texas to the left.

No. 982329


No. 982343>>982350>>982370>>982373>>982381

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Does anyone have opinions about South Carolina? A job I’m interested in is based out of there but I’ve never lived in the east before.

No. 982350

It's boring over here, don't come.

No. 982370

I wouldn’t even consider it unless being able to legally ride a motorcycle without a helmet is a huge priority in your life. Whole state is either grimy or annoyingly gentrified with no in between.

No. 982373

hilton head island is nice but that’s literally the only redeeming quality

No. 982381>>982387>>982549>>982554>>982632>>983195>>984148

The East coast is dogshit and I'm not afraid to say it

No. 982387

Then where in America is it not shit, shithead?

No. 982549

The east coast is just like the west coast without a bunch of weird rules and fear of everything. I swear to god the wind blows to hard and Californians will shut down every but east coast folks will live it up in the middle of a hurricane and pandemic

No. 982554

You should be and if you aren’t I have methods to make you afraid

No. 982556>>982614>>983163

Nasty hoes no wonder other countries feel so bold to make fun of us. People are eating road kill that’s sick. No wonder we in a pandemic rn

No. 982614

It's really not gross there is a whole thing set up for this with permits or you can sign up for a deer call where you will get called when there is a fresh deer to get picked up by the highway. Free meat for your family if you have someone with the skill to clean it for you and a deep freezer

No. 982632>>983185

>t. someone that wears a Patagonia puffer when it’s 50 degrees outside

No. 982671

I used to live in a small town just outside of Chattanooga to the north for 5 years. Am I delusional or does that area have some of the worst drivers imaginable? I don't mean just asshole drivers, but literally dangerous.

It seemed like every 6 months there was some kind of horrific pileup that took out 5-10 people at a time. I would routinely see 18-wheelers mangled on the side of highway 75. Right before I moved out a speeding truck driver killed an entire family: 2 parents, 3 kids and even grandma. wtf

No. 982674>>982757

so how famous are we among the rest of the world for our school shootings?

No. 982757

Once my dad greeted me and said "guess what happened in the US? It's something that happens there all the time" and I jokingly answered a mass shooting and yeah, it was a mass shooting. I'm from latam btw

No. 982817>>982827>>982878>>983131>>983147>>984155

is anyone else scared shitless that they’ll overturn roe v wade? this is literally making me sick to my stomach, i can’t believe all this is happening
is there any chance they won’t?

No. 982827

Same, was not a pleasant news day to wake up to

No. 982878>>983346

this might be retarded but i started crying when i saw it. American men are already deranged and violent and if this happens theyre just going to get worse. I hate it here nonnies but i cant afford to leave.

No. 983125

Idk if I should ask here or the Stupid Questions thread or even the tinfoil thread but when people sperg about Obama being a war criminal what do they even mean?

No. 983131

Yeah, I literally just won't have sex if that happens. Not that I even have sex but still kek. I can't believe this is happening in this day and age though, it's fucked up.

No. 983147>>983180

its not happening, stop watching fear porn distraction psyop drivel

No. 983158

Why does American food fuck up your bowels to oblivion? I swear to god everything here either constipates you for weeks or gives you the shits into oblivion, especially food from institutions such as schools or hospitals. I respect any college student who eats at the cafeteria often and doesn't have any GI issues wtff

No. 983163>>983189

No, this is common in rural areas in other countries that rely on hunting food
>Make you sick/pandemic causing
No, people who live it rough like so objectively have better immune systems than city folks who are afraid of their own water, my county literally only had 4 cases of COVID throughout the entire pandemic which all of them recovered from

If you know how to clean and prepare the meat there shouldn't be any issues, you're just assuming the worst without knowing what you're actually talking about

No. 983180

Seeing as a majority of the Supreme Court justices seem eager to overturn Roe I don’t see this ending well. I don’t think there will be a flat out abortion ban but I can see it going either “leave it up to the states” or there being a 15 week limit. But maybe I’m just being pessimistic pls nonnies change my mind

No. 983185

I'm from somewhere with worse winters and I do not wear trash bags my dear anon

No. 983189>>983196

>my county literally only had 4 cases of COVID throughout the entire pandemic which all of them recovered from
nta but that sounds too good to be true lol, which country/part of the world?

No. 983195>>983234>>984159

I live in the east coast and I agree with you, it’s shitty everywhere in this country but the east coast especially florida is near uninhabitable

No. 983196

Rural West
My county is also only a couple of thousand people, most of which live miles apart from each other. Obviously there's other factors as to why COVID isn't common here but being exposed to animals, dirt, farming materials, etc since most of us were kids strengthens immune systems by a lot, on top of that there is literally not a single fast food chain within an hour from where I live, so families are forced to cook meals every night or go to one of the 5 restaurants here + connection is awful here so the only people who really run to taco bell and binge netflix are rich people who can afford better wifi and have enough time on their hands to waste a 2 hour round trip for a cheap burrito

No. 983197>>983223

>where is that disgusting deep dish pizza from

it’s called chicago you ignorant pepperoni pussy pecking ass italian bitch

No. 983220>>983223>>983292

Is Philadelphia a good city?

No. 983223

I went there for a weekend and was in the little district that was near the liberty bell. People were nice. Food wasn't bad. I'd like to go back.

Ah. It can Chicago-away.

No. 983234

Kek finally someone understands, the only reason I say it is because I moved here too. I just don't like how old and dirty a lot of places are and the fact that there's significantly less niche hobby events and shops. It's also terrible for anyone with allergies and people are combative as hell for no reason. One thing I don't mind at all is the weather, I actually like it a lot. People look at me like I'm insane when I say I like the humidity or the snow. I haven't been to Florida though, I get the feeling that Florida has a lot of trashy areas.

No. 983292

I've never been there so I can't speak from experience but vidrel makes it look like a ghetto shithole

No. 983346

Del em machines for easy diy abortion. Don't need any fucking permission.

No. 983360

Chicago makes better thin crust than deep dish

No. 984148

California pansy spotted

No. 984149>>984294

Can someone explain why the US government was about to shut down? How do they not have enough money to stay open wtf.

No. 984155

try living in one of the states that already banned abortion after six weeks and it's even worse

i hope Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, and all the other conservitard scrote governors and senators spontaneously combust into flames!

No. 984159>>984171>>984193

Hey fuck you man. At least I don’t have to wear a mask every fucking place, and I can carry a gun, and I can not wear a mask and carry a gun at the beach. “Oooh, oooh, I live in the ~city~“ fag

No. 984171>>984182

I'm convinced this is someone larping as a stereotypical southern white trash american, it's just too on the nose, lmfao

No. 984182>>984992

Larping? Anon plenty of white trash southerners are perfectly capable of lurking lolcow kek

No. 984193>>984218>>984994>>990847

Idk how people live in the city for the past 2 years without going psychotic. City people are absolutely scared of everything and often extremely egotistical. I knew several city people who thought they were too good for anything that wasn't related to a big famous city, it's even funnier how many millennials and gen z will get an apartment the size of a box for 2000 a month when you could get a big 3 bedroom apartments with 5 times as many amenities for way less than that 15 minutes outside of the city. Way too many Americans, usually city folks, live way above their means and then complain about how "they're barely scraping by". Like no Sarah you're not barely scraping by because the economy is bad you're barely scraping by because you order door dash 5 times a week, got that 07 BMW regardless of the issues it causes just to say you have a BMW, pay you and your shitty boyfriends rent and spend the rest of the pennies you have on clothes, makeup, and trips.

No. 984218>>984994

I'm glad they think they're too good to move away. I hope they stay in their shitholes.

No. 984294

They need to agree on the budget each year, they have the actual money but they haven't agreed on where to spend it. If they don't agree on where to spend the money, non essential services will be shut down until they pass a budget or pass temporary funding to last until the real budget is passed.

No. 984303>>984304>>984340>>984813

Just an aside, if they were from the south, they’d be using the term “Yankees” instead of “city people.”

No. 984304

Themdamnyankees, it’s actually all one word

No. 984340>>984353

dont forget city folk. BUt yeah theres an alarming amount of third worlders who larp as americans online. Its creepy and they should stop.

No. 984353

It's funny as hell, I've talked about this on other websites and even got some to admit they larp as Americans to "troll". I can pick them out in an instant because they can't hold back their seethe. It's like that one meme, "I was just pretending to be retarded teehe!" and everyone is like, ok retard. There is even one in this thread that was screeching about our food, glad she got banned. Get a life or pray that you will reincarnate as American in your next one

No. 984380

I think it's about Obama's drone program. He authorized over 500 drone strikes over his two terms, can't be assed to find an estimate of how many dead as a result of it.

No. 984596>>984675>>984710

What state would you least want to live in(if money wasn’t a factor)?
For me it would have to be Indiana. Literally the trashiest people I’ve ever encountered and it has some of the ugliest cities/towns ever.

No. 984625>>984636>>984708>>984817>>984998>>991677

Any rednecks here? I have many questions, starting from do you actually eat roadkill?

No. 984636>>984649>>984727

Not a redneck myself, but I come from a place with a lot of them and have a fair few amount of them in my family. And the answer is no. I’ve never heard of anyone eating anything dead from the road. They just go shoot something in the woods if they want game meat. Next question.

No. 984649>>984660>>984727

Why do rednecks insist on hunting with lead bullets instead of safer but slightly more expensive steel ones that don't give you lead poisoning? Eating game hunted with lead bullets (which it 99% is) gives you a significant dose of lead, and actually should never ever be eaten by children or pregnant women for that reason. Roadkill would be safer

No. 984660

I actually have no idea and have only heard of that just now. I don’t hunt and have never cared to talk about it at all with people who do, so unfortunately I can’t answer that one.

No. 984675

If it trashy why would you want to live there?
Texas btw

No. 984704

I think you need to read up on your history, specifically the Democratic Revolution of 1954. Also Hawaii has a huge child-trafficking problem.

No. 984708

depends on how far in the backwoods you are and how poor.

No. 984710>>984725

Arizona, New Mexico, or Florida. I really hate dry heat and something about the people from there isnt normal.

No. 984715>>991692

>unlike california great for swimming in and not completely full of things that will kill you
Ah yes, Galveston, known for its world-famous surfing. Oh wait, no that's California. Man up, pussy, we do the stingray shuffle before we get in the water because we're smart and not clodhopping retards who trample sea creatures.

No. 984720

the one time I went to Galveston the beaches were complete shit and covered with seaweed

No. 984725

Does Florida have dry heat? I thought it got humid as fuck down there

No. 984727>>984737

As long as the meat where the bullet hit is cut out, it's safe. Shotgun not recommend.
Are they religious?
Do they really eat mostly processed foods?
Is it true their dental hygiene is bad?
Is there any hot rednecks?
Are they happy and carefree or just as miserable as poor city ppl?

No. 984737

>Are they religious?
Beyond imagination. There’s almost 1 to 1 ratio of churches to people. Those who don’t attend, still typically own at least 4 bibles and claim to believe in god.

>Do they really eat mostly processed foods?

Depends on if a family hunts or not, or how poor they are, or if they’re too prideful to get on foodstamps.

>Is it true their dental hygiene is bad?

Again, depends on their level of poor, but typically. Most can’t afford a dentist around here.

>Is there any hot rednecks?

A few, but not many where I’m from.

>Are they happy and carefree or just as miserable as poor city ppl?

Honestly? I’d say much happier. They like living simply, in most cases.

No. 984813>>984839

>Rednecks don't exist anywhere in the north
Have you ever been to Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, etc? Kek Yankee rednecks do exist.

Also, big cities exist in the south and southerns hate them. You don't sound like you get around much

No. 984817

No. 984839>>985047

Your reading comprehension skills are dog shit.

No. 984919>>991699

hillbillies > southern rednecks

No. 984992

Thank you, Nonnie.

No. 984994


In my science fiction fantasy, the city is alive and brainwashes them all to stay there and feed its insatiable hunger for garbage and smog.

No. 984998

I never have, but I can imagine there’s a lot of people who would take home and eat a deer they hit. Running up on some lukewarm roadkill? Hell no.

No. 985047

Claiming someone is lying about being southern is stupid af in the first place. It's not even north vs south anymore for most Americans, if you talk to most rural Texans, Tennesseans, Floridians, etc. Almost all of them mock people who live in the nearest city. Also assuming that country = always southern is dumb and just makes it sound like they have lack of travel

No. 985492>>985497

Why are Americans so weirdly hostile towards every little thing?

No. 985496

It makes me uncomfortable when people from other countries (mostly I’ve seen Canadians do this) think it’s a sweet burn or dunk on us to bring up mass shootings. Kind of in the context of “Oh, you think we suck?? Well at least I won’t get shot going to school”.

No. 985497>>985501>>985502

i think europeans are debatably more hostile about most topics

No. 985501>>985525>>991702

What kind of things anon? Americans just seem to freak out over everything, it's so weird since Americans get so weirdly offended if you do good human things like stand up for yourself, compliment them, etc. You can always tell who the American farmers are on here since they're the first ones to hound anons who vent about their life being shitty

No. 985502>>985508

wow instant hostility and bringing up euros who no one even mentioned… what a surprise. and i'm american so don't come at me cracker

op, americans are hostile because we're trained from birth to fight & kill. I have to swing a stick at cars to cross the street because otherwise they dont yield to pedestrians even at signs. it's brutal here (for a 1st world nation anyway). roosevelt doctrine in this bitch city

No. 985508>>985516>>985650

>I have to swing a stick at cars to cross the street because otherwise they dont yield to pedestrians even at signs.
What the fuck kind of shithole podunk do you live in?

No. 985516>>985650

Sounds like Chicago

No. 985525>>985534

new generation has been raised on edge because of shootings and constant economic instability. Mix that with our shitstorm politics, individualistic and egocentric cultures and you get the average on edge american.

No. 985534>>985544

Zero tolerance has seem to fucked up everyone's moral compass, most Americans I know will stand up for something that's objectively wrong and then bash something that's harmless

No. 985544

once again, because we're raised with individualistic and egocentric ideals. Normal things that benefit people as a whole are demonized and things that only benefit an individual or company are praised. Foreigners usually ask questions about america with a mocking tone and thats why we get so defensive.

No. 985650

not chicago but a midwestern midsize city. classic midwest really, nice to your face but will drive their big car right at pedestrians like they own the street. my city recently started a billboard campaign about curbing aggro driving so this isnt just me.

Certain intersections, I can watch someone wait to cross and car after car after car cuts them off. Pick up a big stick though and they pussy right up thpugh. Oh no please dont scratch my paint!!! I was just going to run you down if you didn't dodge me!!!

this place isn't civilized yet but i'm doing my white duty of teaching these indigenous honkies how to live in a society one by one. the real white burden is teaching dumb crackers how to behave tbh

No. 985902

I hate everything about that picture kek.

No. 988493>>988868>>989311>>989350>>989763>>997161>>997182

What's your favorite American saying? Mine is "wake up, daylight in the swamp", my mom would shout it to wake us up sometimes along with the good morning song and I always found it funny. I looked it up and the swamp phrase originated from old timey logging camps. I live in one of the major states in which this was a huge industry

No. 988868>>989350

i've literally never heard this saying in my life

No. 989306>>989309

All the batshit Aussie and Britbongs from the proana thread almost make me thankful we don’t have public healthcare (not really please please please just give me free healthcare) . Seeing them malinger to the degree they do, going in and out of psych wards and taking up resources with self harm stints. No one here would be able to afford the hospital bills those girls would cook up, especially as regularly as they go to the ER.

No. 989309

You really think americans aren't scarfing down junk food to the point of obesity and using it medicaid to pay for all their physical health issue AND mental health issues? if not more than the psycho anas in bri'ian and kangaroo land?

No. 989311

>bless your heart
I love insulting people and sounding like a sweet southern yankee
>aww shucksh
>sweatin like a whore in church

No. 989350

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No. 989727>>989730>>989789>>990306

Teachers that freak out at students for not standing during the pledge need to get a grip. I honestly hate that kids have to say the pledge every morning. Children should get to decide how patriotic or not they want to be. I know that legally everyone is protected from any recourse they would face from not doing the pledge because of the 1st amendment, but I wish schools would stop doing it all together. And also the anthem at every sporting event it’s so cringe.

No. 989730>>989736

Once I discovered that you couldn't be forced to say the pledge, I didn't do it anymore, simply because I didn't want to stand up and do it kek. I'm thankful that none of my teachers ever gave a shit, except one teacher, a spanish teacher I had, who hassled all of us over it and how we had to do the pledge. I still never did it because fuck her. I didn't even really process or understand what I was saying until maybe late middle school/highschool. When we first learned the pledge I would just repeat the words, it was just like memorizing numbers. Indoctrinating young children to say it is definitely fucking weird.

No. 989736>>991565

Texas is even more fucked to me. They have to say the pledge to the Texas flag as well.

No. 989763>>989767

Bless your heart is my favorite, shady but can be reassuring with the right people.

No. 989767

my grandma was a southern black woman so whenever we would get into arguments and i would threaten to leave she would say "dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya" couldnt even be mad anymore because those were BARS.

No. 989789>>989867

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It's so pointless, too. The pledge was created in the 1800s to encourage immigrants to leave their old nationalities behind and start identifying as simply American. Obviously it didn't work, but it did serve a purpose. But nowadays there are more Americans born on U.S. soil than 1st gen immigrants, and it's socially acceptable for immigrants to be proud of and connected to their cultures anyway. So now it's just another stupid thing of the past (like 21 being the drinking age) that should be thrown out but people would rather sit around and argue about instead.

Could be worse, though. Kids used to have to do pic related.

No. 989867

I’ve seen so many twitterfags use pictures of school children like this one to say that America was purposefully mirroring Nazi Germany and of course tankies eat that shit up. Fucking retards don’t know that the roman/bellamy salute has been around forever.

No. 989870>>989872>>989888>>990175

HOAs, vastly American social networks censoring people they don't like, forcing the pledge, having to work several jobs to pay rent, everyone harassing you if you go against the government

America has become the most fascist free nation ever kek

No. 989872>>989883

HOAs are so retarded I don’t even know how they’re allowed. Are they uniquely American though? I feel like I’ve heard Canada having them too, but I might be imagining that.

No. 989883

they have similar institutions in other countries

No. 989888>>989912>>989917>>989918

only positive experience i've had with an HOA is the historical association in my parents neighborhood that keeps people from painting their houses hideous colors and tearing historic homes down. thats about as far as an HOA should go imo

No. 989912>>989977

Let people paint their homes whatever colour they want, damn

No. 989917

My street is full of yellows and greens, one house has both and it makes me think of lemon and lime drinks whenever I pass by it. I don't mind what people choose.

No. 989918>>989965

But now they just police people over stupid shit like plant pots and doors

No. 989926>>989953

Why the fuck isn't anyone allowed to be a moderate anymore? If you aren't ~*using your voice*~ to push the furthest left/right ideologies (depending on which circles you run in) then you're complacent in oppressing citizens. I'm not just referring to twitter users either, there are so many normal people irl who unironically believe this

No. 989953>>989961

I ask the same thing nona. Progressive lefties are too blind to see that their extremeism is just a different side on the same coin as hardcore Trump-suckers. I'm relatively quiet about my stance on politics but some of my friends will turn red in the face screaming about how moderates are party traitors and are just as bad as the opposing party. I hate how black and white everything has become, when politics is supposed to be extremely muddled because people themselves are complicated.

Also, lefties are so eager to eat each other alive just make sure they are being politically correct that it's no wonder the right can snatch back/hold onto power so damn easy. It's a fucking bleak mess here, and the farther each side strays from each other, the more I wonder where we can possibly go from here.

No. 989961

Also to add to this, I read a NYTimes article recently about how a county in Long Island, NY flipped from blue to red. I thought it must've been an article about gerrymandering, but nope. People really just went out and decided to vote red instead because they were sick of how the democratic party was handling itself. A county where there are 100,000 more democrats than republicans.

No. 989965

They also make ppl rip down vegetable patches, spray herbicides on ppls gardens, and go after tiny home/trailer living ppl.

No. 989977

historical houses need to be kept looking historic… there's no need for a house built in the 19th century to be painted a neon color.

No. 990038>>990040>>990080

File (hide): 1639088503984.jpg (6.52 KB, 280x180, download.jpg)

Hello Americans! I am an AMEROPHILE. I fell in love with your culture after I saw your hit shows, The Big Bang Theory and Family Guy. Now I understand your whole society, based off of watching just two TV shows! I know your “language” and find it beautiful! Bazinga! I love America because you really mean it when you say “I love you”! I declare freedom to football, 1776!

No. 990040>>990045

Heck yeah I love me some family man and american father they are two of my very favorite American syndicated television network shows

No. 990045>>990058

File (hide): 1639088896311.jpg (94.12 KB, 625x900, 10160251-0-the_family_man-dvd_…)

Outstanding taste, my fellow compatriot!

No. 990058

Ahhhh, the perfect American family

No. 990080

Welcome aboard, we recruit you as an honorary burger! Thanks for spreading the love anon!!!

No. 990098>>990106>>990115>>990970>>991230>>991643

Canadians are so mean… I feel like when you ask the average burger what they feel about our neighbors to the north they usually say positive things about them like
> They’re so polite!
> If things ever get bad here I want to go there.
> Our friendly northern neighbors/allies
> So peaceful
And when Canadians get to talking about Americans it’s all
> Haha they have school shootings
> Fatties (they’re also fat)
> Healthcare-less losers
> Retards (even tho they flock to our universities)

No. 990106>>990118

Isn't it popular right now to treat Canadians like a disease?

No. 990115>>991061

They're not wrong though? How is that even mean though? Having justifiable criticisms doesn't make you mean. What IS mean is how cheap Canadians (usually Québécois) are that come here to save money and enjoy our weather yet don't tip for shit but seem to enjoy working servers to death.

No. 990118

Oh god I hope so because they are diseased

No. 990175

I like my HOA when they maintain the neighborhood park. But they're pretty annoying outside of that.

No. 990306>>990677

Speaking of the pledge, I used to have to do it every day in elementary school, then once every week (on Monday) for nearly all of middle school, but in the middle of 8th grade my school suddenly stopped doing it, and in high school we never did it at all (I went to two different high schools and this was the case in both). Has anyone else experienced this also? Idk I find it very weird, like don't get me wrong the pledge of allegiance is retarded and I never missed it after we stopped doing it but I do wonder. I'm 21 and a Californian for reference.

No. 990677

Also from CA, from a very liberal shall we say school district, and we said the pledge every day from k-12. However, once we got to middle and high school teachers really did not care if students didn’t participate in doing it. We would do the pledge when the morning announcements were being broadcast.
I did a brief stint at Catholic school in elementary and they were very strict about us doing it we would line up outside next to the flag and do the pledge while gazing upon it. Kek

No. 990790>>991195

I think the definition of war criminal is starting to lose its meaning thanks to lefties. I see them constantly calling every person involved in any war a war criminal. Anyone who enlists is doing war crimes. All the union soldiers are war criminals and no better than confederate soldiers. I’ve seen people say that every single American president is a war criminal, and that we should round up the remaining presidents who are alive and put them on Nuremberg-esque trials. In the case of Bush I do think he is a war criminal and criticism toward him is the most valid. I think a lot of them do have valid points but a lot of it does just boil down to “war is bad”. Is it even possible to have a war and not have something that could be deemed a war crime by how broadly painted this subject is?

No. 990847

It really depends on what city you're living in. For context
>moved to a nearby major metro city after 18 y/o
The reasons I cannot simply up and move into a nearby town are thus:
>If I were to move outside the city, my commute into the city to work would double if not triple because of everyone else in the burbs and outlying towns also going into the city. That would add wear and tear to my already 4 year old used car. When my father worked in the city and lived in our hometown, his commute was nearly 1.5 hours because of traffic. Longer if he got out of work late. The town itself with no traffic was maybe 20 mins out.
>All of the good jobs are in the city. Anything paying above 10/hr is in the city. I work in state gov jobs and there is almost never spots in the towns because Mary and Ethel and Tom won't retire and they definitely won't quit. And even those gov jobs pay less in towns than they do in the city. I saw my position hiring at 12 in my hometown, 22 in my city.
"So why dont you move out to a town and pay 900 for a 1 or 2 bedroom and commute into the city?" (don't come for me, those are the prices in the towns around my city)
>I am going to get the same quality apartment in the city in a nicer neighborhood within the city than I am in any of the outlying towns, and walk to a nice shopping center.
>Ah yes, so I can grocery shop at the single Food King/Mart/Store that smells like hot seafood and serves only the worst in brands, when I can take that same money and go to 1 of 10 grocery stores that sells food from all over the world. I'll take HEB, Central Market, and H-Mart.
>I also love live music, and go to shows all the time. All within a 10-15 min drive.

I also visit my family in the town around the city, and I have watched it's steady decline into a hellscape that makes the 'scary, expensive' city look like heaven.

No. 990970

File (hide): 1639165719359.jpg (39.19 KB, 290x371, 20140308_USD002_0.jpg)

florida anon. nothing is worse than stupid old fucking canadians who come here and make traffic 10x worse because they dont know how to drive and act like assholes to everyone they interact with. last winter was so nice because they couldn't cross the border to get here. non snow bird canadians seem pretty cool tho

No. 991061

I am from Québec and we also mock them. You really do get the worst of the worst of our population.

No. 991167>>991191

Don't you guys love local fairs? For me it's my local 4H. I lived in the country so I had some classmates that raised livestock for it and it always made me giddy to visit the fair. Least favorite would be llamas, most favorite for me are the bunnies. I agree with an anon that said that keeping bunnies is basically torture but darn are they cute suckers. 10/10 would pet

No. 991191

I love the cows and horses that are there they're usually sweethearts. My county fair this year had a reptile section and a cute little alligator that was fun to play with the chickens get freaked over stuff so it's fun to win prizes at games and show them the prizes because they look mind blown

No. 991195

Well, just to name a few war crimes: Unjustified destruction of property, intentional murder of innocent people, willfully causing injuries and suffering, attacking civilians and buildings used for religious, education, health services purposes.
It's pointless to have war laws and established war crimes because there are no repercussions. We have known about many instances of soldiers committing these crimes, sexually abusing little girls and women, killing their families, attacking civilians. Now imagine all of those we don't know. And presidents are aware of it

No. 991230>>991336

I agree, it really confuses me when people buy into the stereotype of them being super polite. I've visited Canada numerous times and I swear on multiple occassions I've overheard or even been engaged in conversations where a Canadian would start shit-talking Americans citing the stereotypes you noted, not even realizing I was one. Ironic. Then again anyone who fully buys into stereotypes on either side is an idiot. I prefer Montreal the most because at least they're equal opportunity assholes to everyone without the pretense, but if you at least attempt French they become really sweet.

No. 991336

how are school shootings and lack of healthcare a "stereotype" when it's true. am also american

No. 991533>>991588

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Exactly how many other Texas anons are there?

No. 991539>>991586

doing study abroad in england and i miss the US nonnies….

No. 991565

Yep. Originally, we said it with our hand out but eventually that switched to hand-over-heart. I forget why. And, at least at my elementary/intermediate schools, we sang the national anthem everyday, too.

No. 991586>>991591

imagine getting to study abroad and using it to go to the one euro country with even worse food & uglier people than the US kek

tbf my sister went to ireland and that might be worse, even less to do. honestly doing study-abroad in any english speaking country is just cowardly, the point is to immerse yourself in a very different culture.

No. 991588


No. 991591>>991596>>991601>>991629

My brother studied abroad in germany and he was very lonely and apparently the people there aren't very friendly. He's a boisterous attention-whore theater type and it was a shock to him to be so alienated. I kind of found it funny. What did he expect? The Germans to fawn? He can barely speak German

No. 991596>>991825

>He's a boisterous attention-whore theater type
>it was a shock to him to be so alienated
lmaoo based germans

No. 991601>>991634>>991825

germans are very passive-aggressive in general and hate loud attention-whore theater types more than anything. i had a german neighbor once and she called the cops on me because i had the audacity to turn on the hair dryer at 8pm

No. 991606>>991611>>991639>>991643>>991676>>991691

File (hide): 1639241268299.jpeg (117.7 KB, 680x1020, E496673D-6A68-4C62-A8BE-BE6F53…)

discuss the best and worst american fried foods

No. 991611

i don't understand corndogs. if i am honest i kinda find them gross

No. 991629>>991635

Germans are autistic assholes who are also racist towards people from 'bad' countries like most places in Eastern Europe, but I won't lie he sounds obnoxious.

No. 991634

Sounds autistic, but everyone knows Americans, Anglos, and Germans are weirdo autists anyways

No. 991635>>991641

lmao eurofag-chan newsflash but germans can’t be racist against Eastern Europeans get the fuck out of here

No. 991639>>991644

Worst: Fried oreos. Oreos are good for their crunch. When they are fried in batter they turn into cake and are super greasy. Any kind of fried dough is gross.
Chicken fingers can be hit or miss. The ones with the thick breading taste good for the first few bites then they make me sick. It's disappointing because those first few bites are really good.
Best: Not sure if it counts, but Air Fryers make everything taste delicious. Otherwise, onion rings are pretty good.

No. 991641>>991651

Okay, substitute racist with "prejudiced against". Does this satisfy your autism?

No. 991643

I live in Canada, not Canadian but not American either. I have yet to find someone that talks shit about Americans like that. We have touched most of those subjects in conversation but not in a mocking way.

Like school shootings are a huge problem and when we talk about it is more in shock and in disbelief than anything. The fatty stuff we really don't attribute that to Americans only. Granted I consider the people I surround myself with very down to earth so I don't doubt other Canadians talk shit like that. In my experience, Canadians can be passive aggressive and non-confrontational if anything and it is annoying. If they have a problem with you not doing the dishes on time, they will go to the sink, stare at it and sigh, making sure you saw that and then leave. Bruh just ask.

An American friend made these once and despite being a little put off by the idea of frying oreos, they were good!

Also I remember once I went to a buffet in cali when I was in elementary school, saw some fried shit that I assumed were savory hash browns or something so I put ketchup on top of them and a lot of people around me were looking at me weird. When I started eating them, they were actually sweet. Don't remember exactly what they were but I thought it was funny.

No. 991644

>Any kind of fried dough is gross
I can't believe you'd do my girl doughnuts like that

No. 991651>>991655>>991683

Not even prejudice, anyone who hates eastern europeans is doing the world (and arguably Jesus Christ) a favor. Begone this is not your thread you musky vodka guzzler

No. 991655>>991660

File (hide): 1639245572357.jpg (592.86 KB, 1280x1683, 1280px-Quentin_Matsys_-_A_Grot…)

>Self proclamed eurofag shitting up the thread
>"This is not your thread"

No. 991657

Nta but it's clearly meant to be a generalized observation, doesn't mean they think literally every single person is that way

No. 991660

sometimes I really wonder if you people even read or just absorb information or think

No. 991676

File (hide): 1639246502579.jpg (243.13 KB, 1200x1723, buckeyes-9.jpg)


Worst food would probably be chicken parmesan. I've never seen one that wasn't dripping with grease and a pound of cheese.

I'm praying that none of you ever have to visit Ohio but if you do eat some buckeyes. They're what Reese's Cups would be if Reese's weren't shit.

No. 991677

Only if you're the one to hit and kill it (so you know it hasn't been laying on the road for hours) and it's also not something that's wildly inappropriate or dangerous to eat.

Like for example if you kill something like a deer or a wild hog, NOT taking it home to eat makes no sense since that's a shit ton of decent meat you can freeze for later and at least it would sort of be a consolation prize for the resulting damage to your vehicle. Same if you accidentally kill some farm animal if you can manage to transport it.

If you kill a possum, skunk, raccoon or something gross like that, not worth touching whatsoever. And obviously most americans are not going to consider eating pets like cats and dogs. My family's been poor and struggling, but not to the point where that would be considered a good meal.

No. 991683

nikita never texted back, huh?

No. 991691

I love Nashville style fried chicken. Gives me a stomach ache usually but so good and tasty.
Donuts are so good too.

Worst: not a fan of funnel cake or typical festival fried food.

No. 991692

lol we have stringrays too, first thing you learn is to shuffle while wade fishing in the bay

best of luck not getting crushed to death against rocks, dying of hypothermia, or losing a limb to sharks badass cali nonna, some of us are perfectly happy with beaches that are pleasant and relaxing <3

No. 991699

Agreed, there's a big difference between the white trash you'll find in some remote mountain area vs. like a small town in Alabama. The former is more likely to actually get into a shootout with the ATF, the latter just likes to larp as being anti government rebels.

No. 991702

Blame it on our Puritan founders.

No. 991733

I think we have way scarier animals than Australia does.
Brown bears, Polar bears, Black bears, Mountain Lions, Sharks, Alligators, Moose, rattlesnakes, 50 shades of scary desert bugs, wolves, BISON and wild boar.
Vid rel: Mountain lion following some guy hiking in Utah fucking terrifying

No. 991780>>997378

File (hide): 1639250969236.jpg (56.23 KB, 720x967, df1ettm4fcc51.jpg)

LOVE these guys

No. 991790>>991836

this is probably not uniquely an American sound but i love bluegrass and the sound of a fiddle in any type of music
like if a song just throws in a little hoe down or just has the sound of a fiddle somewhere im fucking there
Thomas Dolby had an album where he went to the swamps in the south and recorded actual swamp sounds for his album then had a bunch of old southern musicians play and I love it - the intro to I love you goodbye exemplifies what I’m talking abt irt to fiddles (although he is a Brit and mixes it into this fiddle orchestra and if you like old swamp music you might enjoy it)
idk maybe im just a swamp redneck but love me the sound of a fiddle

No. 991825

kek i swear that on the last season of GBBO, Jurgen got eliminated solely for getting annoyed at Noel Fielding. He got first place like 6 times, then in the semifinal they showed this clip of him like ignoring Noel Fielding's comedy bits & walking away… and then in that round everyone got handshakes but him, and he got sent home. His showstopper was kind of weird but idk, that indian girl kept making the same my-grandma's-roses themed cake every round and getting praised every time like it was new.

Germany seems based to live in for autists like me tbh, everyone just goes about their business and weirdos are more tolerated because everyone is a weirdo. And they have a sneakers brand explicitly made by sneaker ferishosts so it's definitely the place for me tbh

No. 991836

I love bluegrass and I can't let some lame ass Brit stand as the only mentioned artist here… so i'm going to post some real bad music ie the Oak Ridge Boys' Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVjXYjyxWTg) which sucks in the sense that it's terrible, but is a bop and has good fiddling.

and vidrel is an actually good song with fiddle (was in the soundtrack for Winter's Bone but the artist is really interesting actually, she was an aspiring musician who wanted to be a professional classical musician, but she got pushed into being a music teacher instead because women weren't accepted as professional classical musicians when she went to college in the 50s).

No. 992048>>992086

Minnesota doesn't know how to drive. Every single time I'm behind a Minnesota liscence plate I know they're going to go under the speed limit by 10mph, take forever to turn, and some stop deadass in the middle of a lane because they missed a turn. I hate everytime I'm in a one or two lane street where I can't just go around them.

No. 992086

Not as bad as truckers going 80 mph on fucking iced up roads. Especially when your car is small and they push you around, scary as shit

No. 996314>>996341>>997432>>1004236

File (hide): 1639633665283.jpeg (558.32 KB, 2500x1875, FBD83C6D-9433-4297-8C08-D931E9…)

Wyoming and Montana have such an odd aura about them. I don’t know if it has to do with how low density their population is or what. I drove through both of them and driving for 50+ miles and not seeing a lick of civilization is both nice and jarring. Every once in a while you’ll see a single sprawling livestock property but it just made me think wtf how is someone living out here? If there was a serious emergency what would they do? How do they have utility services?
And the people who live out in the small towns you only spot in for gas are like no one I've ever interacted with. Like these people haven’t evolved at all from the 1960s kek its maybe offensive to say but Brokeback Mountain really captured the essence of these kind of people well.

No. 996341

Westers and northern states rural areas look a million times nicer than rural areas of southern states. It's refreshing to actually see nature and not 10 gas stations and a dollar general around every damn corner

No. 997161

"jumpin' jehosaphat!"
and the word 'ornery'

No. 997182

Knee high by the 4th of July.

No. 997378

File (hide): 1639746690062.jpg (32.85 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f…)

the American holy trinity

No. 997432

I've had the same questions on roadtrips. Thought I'd developed agoraphobia, but honestly I think the anxiety is absolutely justified.

No. 997740

What pieces of legislature would you like to see in your lifetime the most and how realistic are they?
My biggest hope is for major gun reform. I hope that the zoomers who had to grow up with school shootings will make this country better. I don’t think we’ll ever get to a place in my lifetime where we have a flat out ban though.
I think marijuana decriminalization will happen within the next ten years and that would be huge in terms of civil rights.
I also just hope there will be better mass transit between states and major cities in the form of high speed rails.

No. 1003315>>1003317>>1003319>>1003321>>1003435>>1012628>>1019979

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No. 1003317

I hate HAES I hate HAES I hate HAES
But really America is getting fucking fat and people here are really trying to act like their oppressed because of it

No. 1003319

I'd love to go to one of the red or purple states for a nice ego boost.

No. 1003321>>1003323

fatties are going to tip us over into the atlantic. good lord

No. 1003322>>1003349>>1003352>>1003356>>1004221

File (hide): 1640318850952.jpg (162.54 KB, 1024x678, xmas.jpg)

Christmas decorations: love them? Hate them? Personally I've never known how to feel about them.

No. 1003323>>1003340

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No. 1003340>>1003627>>1004094

File (hide): 1640321187870.jpg (665.88 KB, 1000x634, Tumblr_l_10395091341711.jpg)

I want to play club penguin with all of you and hang out together with cute little avatars, and getting banned together for saying "you will never be a female penguin"

No. 1003349>>1003352

File (hide): 1640321968039.jpeg (75.55 KB, 615x409, F8A242A5-3682-41DE-A9B0-8F990C…)

I like hanging Christmas lights specifically. Blowups and a few deers are cute too. Once you get to picrel and anything more, I’m sorry it’s fucking ugly lol

No. 1003352

I love decorations! I don't do much for my own place, but I love seeing other people's decorations and looking at the lights put up in my city every year. I even love stuff like >>1003349. I like when people make Christmas over-the-top, gaudy, and "camp".

No. 1003356

Personally, I would never decorate my house but there's an old Portuguese couple down the street that decorated their house and it's cool. If it makes them happy, that's cool.

No. 1003435

southern food is very calorie heavy because we used to tend to the farm all day long, now that most people dont farm we're just eating ourselves to death.

No. 1003627

The beef I used to get into on this game was unreal

No. 1004094>>1004204

Well if we can meet up for movie night, why not meet up on Club Penguin and get banned together? I for one would love that.

No. 1004204

Anon I hate to be the one to tell you but club penguin no longer exists

No. 1004221

To me it just looks cheap, like Aliexpress jewelry for your house. It looks exactly like the dark recessed corners of Kmart or Sears they were purchased from.

No. 1004236

This is precisely why I want to live in those states; they're at the top of my list since Idaho got shit up. PA is too political for me, but damn is it pretty.

No. 1004237>>1004250>>1004259>>1004282

File (hide): 1640382791328.jpg (156.16 KB, 877x547, dQNulEJ.jpg)

I am going to be moving from Europe to America with my Amerimutt bf hopefully in the next year (depending on covid and visa stuff). I can't wait to go do all the American things like eat "cheese" products, go to Walmart and shoot guns.

No. 1004250

Hope you love it here… I mean, FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL

No. 1004259>>1004396>>1004596

Honestly depending on the region certain places will be closer to certains regions of Europe(both in culture and geography)

No. 1004282>>1004596

Shooting guns is a good feel 10/10 find a shooting range in your area. What general region in America, may I ask?

No. 1004396

Nta but which ones?

No. 1004596


Yeah I plan to stay far away from California, New York and all big cities with Universities that are crawling with trannies. I really hate how pozzed Europe has become and I can't wait to have some freedumz.

No. 1012628>>1012633>>1012644>>1012645>>1012730>>1012745

File (hide): 1641093289150.jpeg (374.62 KB, 3836x1273, 62D03BB2-ACC2-4BE8-AD11-E565D9…)

What the fuck are we doing

No. 1012633

Delicious burgers

No. 1012644>>1012668>>1012687>>1012705>>1016819

This biggest issue most people will deny? Obesity fetishzing. Europe, Asia, etc never fetishize obesity and therefore have low obesity rates. If Americans are still able to have a wide variety of partners that find them sexually attractive there is no reason for them to lose weight
>Inb4 but it's so small!! Women and men who say they like being obese are just coping
Call it what you want. As long as fat girls are refusing to lose weight because they think they're sexy and curvy this issue. Fat guys do this to with the "dad bod" meme which is also fueled by fat girls
>Inb4 you posted Joe Rogan that means you're a scrote regardless of context
No, I don't care that it's Joe Rogan, it's just the only indept video I can find on the subject since I know anytime you bring up obesity fetishization you can spammed with the "that doesn't happen" anons

No. 1012645

This is awful but at least my home state is the least obese

No. 1012668>>1012705

>guys do this to with the "dad bod" meme
Dating apps are filled with men of 30 or less proudly declaring this on their bios. They're chasing slim women but playing their own weight off as cuddly. I hate it.

No. 1012687>>1012696>>1012719

It's literally just because food is plentiful now due to industrialisation, food is fucked with to make it last longer/have more calories due to cheapness, and that work has become less physical. Stop tinfoiling about not being attractive.

No. 1012696

Just say you disagree and go kek. You don't have to use words you don't know the meaning of just because we disagree on the root of America's obesity issue

No. 1012705>>1012793

File (hide): 1641100954351.png (370.69 KB, 587x511, 1621193704039.png)

I have talked about this before but I swear to God I remember that "Dod bod" used to mean something completely different in the 2000's

it used to describe a physically fit build due to chores and exercise but still having some slight fat due to the lower metabolism cause of age and dad stuff, not in perfect shape but not out of shape
now dad bod is just polite way of saying middle aged fat ass

No. 1012719>>1012729>>1013201

>Stop tinfoiling about not being attractive.
Yeah I swear to god it's one particular anon who is ALWAYS sperging about how Americans all find fatness sexy and get fat as a fetish and it's ruining society and blah blah. Her bf must have cheated on her with a fat chick or watched BBW porn because it's sheer paranoid delusion.

Most people look down on fatties and there is consistent unconscious bias against them (as has been proven in many studies). Men are repulsed by fat women and go out of their way to be cruel to them for daring to exist. Thin, fit and thicc but with a small waist, are and always have been considered the ideal bodies and this is evident in every part of the entertainment industry and on social media. The diet industry is massive and the desire to lose weight is pretty much universal. A few chubby chasing men and fat girls bluffing about how their big tits are soooo much better than being conventionally attractive don't fucking change that lmao.

No. 1012729

Kek. It’s like anon things big breasts and ass is fat. No way society fetishises actual fat people and not just exaggerated sexual features. Pure lunacy. We just exercise less and eat more.

No. 1012730>>1012743>>1012753

what is that mysterious square state that has somehow resisted the fat? what's going on there?

No. 1012743>>1012756

I think it's either Nebraska or Colorado but don't quote me on that

No. 1012745

i’m not obese, but i am overweight, a.k.a, still fat. i need to lose some fucking weight, nonnas

No. 1012753

It’s Colorado.

No. 1012756>>1017014

it is colorado. Guess legalizing weed is the answer. How many states with legalized weed are in the lower ranges? is this the solution? Cali and Colorado are low. How many NE states is it legal in that are light ones? Mass? I've not really paid attention to weed laws, if I'm honest, bc idk if texas will fully legalize it. (I'm mainly looking at the current map vs 2030)

I will say, I often forget that despite being the average height for an american woman, I am apparently close to 70 pounds less than the average weight for one, which is really fucking frightening. What the actual fuck.

No. 1012793

I remember this too, it meant a slightly less than ideal body but still a pretty decent one for like a 40 plus year old. Someone who stays fit but without a gym membership. Now obese single 25 year old guys are latching on to the term thinking its a cutesy way to skip over the fact that they're fat. And they're always chasing much slimmer women which is just the cherry on top.

No. 1013201

I think you underestimate how much "a few" is and making up a hypothetical situation isn't changing that. It's a literal meme for Facebook Karen's who are 200 lbs to spam "real men like curves" and everyone cheers them on

No. 1016741>>1016825

Is anyone else getting snow out the ass this year? I live in the north west and it’s been fucking miserable with the amount of snow we’ve gotten.

No. 1016819>>1016954>>1022148

>If Americans are still able to have a wide variety of partners that find them sexually attractive there is no reason for them to lose weight.

Yeah this isn't about affordable healthcare, access to healthy affordable food varities, good familial and social support circles, and proper worklife balances with minimal stressors.
No, no. People are getting fat because they want to appeal to coomers and female chubby chasers.

Fucking really ..?

No. 1016825

Northeasterner here, barely any snow where I live. We had a sprinkling of it the other day but none of it stuck.

No. 1016931

The only solutions that come to mind are forced drug rehabs and then halfway houses. And asylums but that didn’t turn out well back in the day…

No. 1016954

right lmao. girl needs to step away from the joe rogan. obviously there are obesity fetishists but they're not that common.

No. 1017014

I'm from CO and my theory is that most people like to go hiking and are generally outdoorsy. Also colorado has a lot of dog owners and they spend time walking and playing with their dogs.

No. 1019979>>1020013

We gotta go back to doing heroin like they were doing in the 90s, I totally agree anon

No. 1020013

Aren’t more people junkies now than ever?

No. 1020025

Ate this today and thought of you anon

No. 1022148>>1022311>>1022341

Yeah this isn't about
>affordable healthcare
Most of Americans who are fat are poor and are usually on Medicaid, which has 0$ copays and free stuff, in fact my Medicaid gives me $10 vouchers to farmers markets. Other than that most jobs provide insurance
>access to healthy affordable food varities
Yes? Unless you live in Hawaii or Alaska it's quite easy to find cheap and healthy food. Bags of frozen veggies from Walmart is 88 cents, in fact most fruits and veggies are less than a dollar a pound. Come on now
>good familial and social support circles
This is the only thing you have a decent point over but this is also the point we can agree on - Americans often encourage obesity among their friends and family. Fat parents make their kids fat, fat people's social circles are often filled with people calling them sexy and curvy or straight up ignoring their obesity, sure it's debatable but if all of these things truly made people fat then why are where working all day, no healthcare, and little access to healthy food is the norm, why are they not fat?
>and proper worklife balances with minimal stressors
If stress made people fat than Asian countries filled with stressful pressures would be loaded with obese people, saying "stress makes you fat" is cope.
>People are getting fat because they want to appeal to coomers and female chubby chasers.
Yes? Using internet terms doesn't make a difference. This is my experience but I have siblings in high school and definitely seen the social pressure to gain weight

No. 1022305

QUIT being fat y'all

No. 1022311>>1022362

It's insane to me that a lot of people.. including apparently you ? Don't realize how accessible cheap healthcare is in this country now, after obamacare. It absolutely blows my mind. I have pretty descent healthcare actually and I have a lowish income. I don't know why people still act like it doesn't exist? Just how many people are really out of the loop and suffering needlessly for it?? I can't keep track of how many people I've had to inform about it's existence. Maybe it's not perfect but it's saved my but countless times. I pay 65 a month.. no deductable … Max 1500 out of pocket. It really saved my ass last year when I had to get surgery because of broken bones.

No. 1022341>>1022367>>1022568>>1024250

Ok but what's with your obsession with it? So you can fuck more attractive people ? I'm genuinely curious. Personally idgaf what people do, as long as they aren't shitheels and thy are not in denial about their health. Still there are so many really thin people who.. NOTHING they'll ever do can save them from the fact that they're also grating entitled shitheels. No amount of looking good changes that for me. Vain people are usually overcompensating for the fact that they have nothing else to offer so it makes them really insecure. I didn't say naturally pleasant attractive people I said vain people obsessed with nitpicking themselves & others. I mean if you're really happy and doing great why is it hard to focus on yourself???

I get people should slim down, me for instance! But I eat healthy and drink a ton of water I just hate exercise sometimes and I HATE where I live. It's so fucking boring. I used to live in a town where walkability and public transport were so reliable. There was no fast food, it was all mostly banned from the region save a few restaurants! I got normal exercise from getting to walk normally in life. I never felt bored to tears.. I had no problem with weight back then I was 140. (Haha btw I didn't want to loose anymore because screw people who nitpick like they know how to enjoy nothing)

Eventually I had to move back to save money. I gained weight because it was the exact opposite sort of place. I eat healthy but then I don't a lot too. I'm so fucking bored to tears here. Eventually I will get out though. I tweak what I do all the time. But I understand people who feel stuck being in a place like this. Eating healthy all the time would drain the excitement of living to zero.

I think your comments are obsessive and clueless. Most people's lives in the USA are really depressing and boring. It's the culture in certain places to surround you with less natural exercise, and more shitty food, less culture, more mundane existence. I hate all of it, but maybe you should actually acknowledge it for once instead of talking like you know nothing?? The cumulative effect of a place like I'm describing.. the culture.. all adds up to this uncanny psychological drain people spin around eventually. You can't escape it. America really isn't that great in a lot of places and it can look like a 2nd even 3rd world country.
I'm lucky I don't live in a really bad place, you know like a tiny town in Oklahoma? It could be way worse. Some places the options are even slimmer! But I'm healthier than a lot of people I know. It's really a matter of getting out from under that mindset and the tedium of that sort of existence and that sort of place because you have something that motivates you which I'm blessed as fuck I have. Still that kind of community reinforces it and expectation for how local life is, is generally universal.

No. 1022362>>1034014>>1034023>>1034299


What is it called?
I’m self employed and going to lose my Medicaid

No. 1022367

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Damn anon that sucks, USA is truly a boring shithole. Unlike you guys we never get bored here, is actually a cultural tradition to run every morning from 5 dudes trying to kidnap you, such activity helps you burn a lot of fat and is certainly pretty entertaining (and healthy, exercise is very healthy) it also makes you think about life (and death), very philosophical stuff. Losing weight here is pretty easy too, hell, i haven't eaten in 3 days! my bmi is at it lowest, as you can see, this is like a "Fitnesstopia", we are all chads and stacys, you should join us aha

No. 1022568

Well I'm a young socially active woman so these social pressures obviously affect me. Sorry I don't like being told to "eat a burger and get curves" despite having a 24 BMI, nevermind seeing young girls being pressured to ruin their health. I don't know why you anons think the only reason why women don't like these pressures are about sex

No. 1024250

>Most people's lives in the USA are really depressing and boring. It's the culture in certain places to surround you with less natural exercise, and more shitty food, less culture, more mundane existence. I hate all of it, but maybe you should actually acknowledge it for once instead of talking like you know nothing?? The cumulative effect of a place like I'm describing.. the culture.. all adds up to this uncanny psychological drain people spin around eventually. You can't escape it.
Just figure out something interesting to think about and go for a walk you fuckin' dummy

No. 1025148>>1025166

If all hell broke loose and the government actually had to implement the draft I wonder what would happen given everyone is such a fatso and their obesity would disqualify them from being able bodied enough.

No. 1025166

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When asked about this before, military leadership have basically admitted that there's no possibility of a draft in the foreseeable future. Too many draft-age people are unfit, and the size of that age demographic keeps shrinking because people are having fewer children. Drone and tech assisted warfare with limited personnel is probably the future.

No. 1030216>>1030231>>1033877

File (hide): 1642394595856.jpeg (621.58 KB, 828x1254, 885E12D3-5DE7-40A6-91B2-CDE653…)

We need to bring back mental asylums I don’t care anymore

No. 1030231

This is exactly why I never leave my house

No. 1033321>>1033346>>1033880

I’m starting to feel very doomer-y about the future of the Democratic Party and the left in general. I think once a lot of people established that the founding of the country is based on white supremacy (whether you believe it or not it’s the narrative right now on the left) I don’t know how the republic comes back from that. I think identity politics have actually made people a lot more conservative in a way where what matters is how different people are, therefore, they need different rights and responsibilities. I don’t know exactly how to reverse that trend but it would take people on the left embracing patriotism and having faith in this country which I just dont see.
The politicians on the left we currently have are all elite and very bad at rallying the working class and middle America. The left is run by a gerontocracy that won’t go away for a good decade I think. In 2024 there is going to be a conservative wave I just feel it.

No. 1033346>>1033369>>1033878

Both sides are straying farther and farther into their respective extremes, so we're sure to be doomed no matter which party is in power. Being moderate is terrible because it looks like you're just "giving in to the other side" but god fucking dammit I want some fucking good change to happen in this stupid fuck ass country. We're in a tight gridlock and the country is doomed imo. I'm democratic but I hate everyone who represents our party. There is no one I want to vote for. I can't see anyone being a worthwhile leader. It'd be great to have a perfect candidate but too bad everyone is human which means we are inherently flawed, but a lot of people on the left don't seem to find it acceptable and are willing to eat their own under the guise of "keeping them accountable" and it leaves us with basically no one to rally behind.

So many conservatives are hypocrites and are fine with being hypocrites instead of always being morally/ethically/politically correct so they can stray from their posted morals and views and not be eaten by their peers for it so no wonder they can keep themselves in power. Democrats eating themselves is also pushing people away from the party too because people are tired of it. We are in a lose-lose situation.

No. 1033369

The infighting on the left is insane. And their inability to rally behind one figure. The republicans will never work with the dems to get anything done in congress/the senate so anytime we do get a Dem president they don’t do shit, which in turns makes the dems look completely incompetent.
I think if all hell broke loose and we had a civil war it would be in the style of what happened in Spain. The republic losing because of all their infighting (the commies vs anarchists vs normie republicans who just don’t want to go back to feudalism). I do doubt that at least in our lifetime we’ll actually get a civil war but a lot of what I see today does remind me of 1930s Spain. So idk maybe it’ll take a post-autocrat ruling to get some semblance of normalcy.

No. 1033877

there's nothing wrong with mental institutions. you can thank reagan for the lack of them. he started it all in the name of "fiscal responsibility" in your(?) state and brought it over to the rest of us

No. 1033878

the democratic party hasn't gone anywhere, they're still primarily the center. it's the right that has shifted further and further and further, giving the illusion that the left has moved further left. there are retards on the left but as a whole the left hasn't gone anywhere, they're still solidly centrists. agree with you though that the infighting keeps the right in power though. idc i take voting seriously i will still back the lesser of two evils no matter how much the "left" with no perspective or consideration for the most vulnerable tries to claim it's inconsequential or doesn't matter

No. 1033880

troon shit has alienated a lot of independents, for real, that didn't help a party claiming the right is being anti-science (they are, but now the left is too). but really it doesn't matter, so many are easily brainwashed and until the fairness doctrine is re-instated the populace won't come back from 30 years of far right wing disinfotainment/brainwashing

No. 1034014>>1034023

anyone have an answer to this? >>1022362
i need to know too

No. 1034023

anons, just call insurance agents and they will help you work through the obamacare process. you can always also view the plans yourselves and just ask the agent to forward you the summary of benefits on multiple plans to see what's best for you

No. 1034299

Just FYI because of the public health emergency going even if you make more money than the Medicaid income limit you will get to keep your insurance. No one is being thrown off of Medicaid rn and Biden said he will give a 3 month notice for when people will start getting kicked off for going over the income limit.

No. 1034508>>1034512>>1034514>>1034517>>1034559>>1034948

File (hide): 1642708559420.jpeg (105.49 KB, 925x541, B72D6B77-95ED-419B-B7E8-5D6CE5…)

What state out of the ones I haven’t visited yet (picrel) would you most recommend I try to get to someday? What part of the state and what’s the best thing it has to offer?

No. 1034512>>1034531

why are all the first letters missing

No. 1034514>>1034529

is it the non circled or the circled ones you haven't visited nona?

No. 1034517>>1034582>>1034802

>ew york

go to south florida

No. 1034529

I haven’t visited the circled ones.

No. 1034531>>1034539

Idk, thought it was funny.

No. 1034539

It is indeed funny
They sound kinda cutesy

No. 1034559

Ashington is nice just avoid the city or the entire eastern half. Not to be a twilighttard but the area of Forks and around is beautiful.

No. 1034566>>1034603>>1034948>>1035163

Jimmy Carter is my favorite post ww2 president. He did the most for conservation and tried to make America more energy efficient and wanted a majority to be driving hybrid cars by the end of the 80s. But the consoooooooomer boooooomers couldn’t believe the audacity of him god forbid they have to consoom less energy and turn their thermostat down. They are the most greedy generation by far. The only reason they protested the Vietnam draft was so that they could stay and indulge in sex drugs and rock n roll. Nixon knew that and as soon as he did away with the draft the anti war protesters couldn’t get anyone to show up to protests kek.

No. 1034582>>1034802

why would you even remotely recommend south florida?

No. 1034603>>1034796

agree, he was fine. people shit on him for… his peanut farm? the anti-carter criticisms are mostly meritless. i don't care for his foreign policy but he is one of the few christians that seems to know what it is allegedly meant to be christian, too.

No. 1034796>>1034799>>1034948

I appreciate that even though he was on the more religious side that he was very strict and forward about the need of separation of church and state. There were many in his circle who wanted him to overturn Roe V Wade and he never caved, even though he is pro life himself. It’s also funny to me how self aware he is that boomers hate him kek I know his own boomer son disagrees with him but Carter said something along the lines of not caring what boomers think only what his grandchildrens gen thinks.

No. 1034799

Also he was all for decriminalizing marijuana even back in the day when it was extremely unpopular. Very based.

No. 1034802>>1034950

Seconded, I’m in south florida and there is nothing here unless you like gators and crackheads.

No. 1034948>>1034965

Go to Nashville and New Orleans. They both have a lot of character and fun history. Tennessee also is where Dollywood is IIRC (which is really fun) and has pretty good hiking if you're into nature.

Agreed. He was the best president since FDR. His foreign policy wasn't even that bad, it's just that in hindsight we know not to trust fundamentalist Muslims.

No. 1034950>>1034964

Are there any nice parts of Florida to visit? I’m into reptiles and nature so I do genuinely want to see the gators.

No. 1034964

AYRT, I would probably recommend the general south florida area, Miami is pretty nice but touristy and hot, it’s close to the everglades so you can drive there to see the gators and other wildlife and personally I like it (bring bug repellent), you also have the beaches (Sunny Isles and the Keys are nice) which are not so crowded if you come this time of year, I highly recommend not visiting during spring and summer it gets insanely busy and trashy because college kids, not to mention the insane high temperatures. In the north of florida there are some really nice places too like springs (Rainbow springs, Devils den, etc.) and other state parks I personally like. Avoid Tampa and Fort Myers there’s literally nothing to do there.

No. 1034965

>New Orleans
Omg YES. I’ll admit I’ve never been to New Orleans myself, but every now and then I remember it exists and think it’s wild that a place with such beautiful history, architecture, and culture exists in this country. It seems so underrated as a domestic travel destination.
Not to mention that I’m fascinated with haunted places and supernatural activity, and the city gets mentioned a lot in conversations about that stuff.

No. 1034980

Have a conniption every time I walk by McDonald’s and think of going in but remember the discontinued their chicken selects, literally the ONE thing I enjoyed from that godforsaken establishment. If Taco Bell can have chicken wings amongst the supply chain shortage, why can’t they have chicken selects again? Absolute pain.

No. 1035163>>1035200>>1035215>>1035357>>1035459

File (hide): 1642743381202.jpeg (328.67 KB, 1080x1238, 9F2A9AA1-1D00-417D-84A4-C3A93E…)

Dare I say he is pinkpilled?

No. 1035200

surprisingly good take

No. 1035215

Wow actually pretty based

No. 1035357

wow, surprisingly great. it's too bad everyone in this country is too insane to listen to anything he has to say.

No. 1035459

They don't make politicians like they did in the old days huh

No. 1037786

I personally can't think of any way struggling regions can have life injected back into them unless manufacturing jobs start coming back in large numbers. Life seems to only grow increasingly complex, and not everyone in the population is going to be fit to go through college or even go into a trade that requires knowing complex tools and technical knowledge. Those kinds of jobs used to provide either an always present fallback or an easy entry into the workforce. The way several parts of the country were stripped of their optimism and vibrancy after the factories moved away has been devastating to morale

No. 1040332>>1040334

Cookout trays? Anybody?
Tell me ur combo

No. 1040334>>1040347>>1040348>>1040358>>1040398

File (hide): 1643084138491.jpeg (Spoiler Image,746.15 KB, 828x1553, 48538A9A-1908-4FD9-926C-80FCDF…)

No. 1040347

Chicken quesadilla , fries, sweet tea bb

No. 1040348

oh FUCK yes now i wanna get in my car and drive 8hrs to get cookout
>double burger, hush puppies and corndog, peach shake or sweet tea
if you disagree, die

No. 1040358

Ladies, it’s the big double cheddar style, Cajun fries, chicken quesadilla and blueberry cheesecake milkshake
Damn I’m about to get my period kek

No. 1040398

Two corn dogs, slaw and a huge tea please

No. 1040483>>1042060

What do you think it will take to solve the US obesity crisis? Fewer cars? Junk food tax? Feels like it's a permanent problem

No. 1040576>>1042371>>1042387

File (hide): 1643109648985.jpeg (122.41 KB, 1443x1082, gremlin.jpeg)

I wish my mom would stop talking about Russia and Ukraine. What am I supposed to do or say? Yeah that suck :( sorry to hear that

It's not like I'm against being aware of global news, but she's mentioned it like five times in the past week. I literally only want to hear about Russia when Finland retakes Karelia. I don't actually care about Ukraine.

No. 1042060

Affordable healthcare, better infrastructure, better access to healthy foods at an affordable price, maybe financial incentives.


I know we have obamacare and it's great for a lot of people but even when I was on it and on a high deductible plan I still found it to be pretty expensive, plus a lot of shit wasn't covered anyway. More access to affordable healthcare would mean people being able to talk with doctors and maybe get a nudge in the right direction in terms of health, or allowing people access to nutritionists and whatever to help them.


Making places more walking/cycling friendly (and car unfriendly) would be great.


I've read in some places that junk food is just cheaper than vegetables and other fresh foods, maybe even moreso in food deserts, so it's no wonder people would pick a cheaper and tastier option.

>financial incentives

My old health insurance plan had a program where if you were a member at an eligible gym and clocked in hours, you could get money back. I forgot how they would actually check the time (maybe self report or something) but nothing better than giving people money for going to a gym to walk on a treadmill.

A lot of this comes down to the person to ultimately make the choice to have a healthier lifestyle, but making it easier on them to take that first step is better than nothing.

No. 1042298

nonnas, which websites are the best for looking for apartments?

No. 1042355>>1042624>>1046605

File (hide): 1643220588704.png (1.11 MB, 640x763, 9837E2CA-3947-4CF5-BC0E-AF6375…)

Does anyone know of really nice, outdoorsy places in Washington? Ideally somewhere safe enough that I can walk alone at night.

Somewhere like Snoqualmie seems ideal but it also looks very expensive there. We were looking at Bellingham but I’ve heard the crime rate is really bad there and that it’s basically Little Seattle.

I don’t care about night life but a decent nerd scene would be neat.

No. 1042371>>1042532

Your mum rocks! Global news is people news. Can't we all just get along! Let's hold hands across the world

No. 1042387>>1043108>>1043215

peeople are litteraly gonna die there, your soldiers come from eastern eaurope too anon but you just don't care about ukraine lmao

No. 1042532

>tfw I don't even know of this is sarcasm anymore

No. 1042624

Don't fucking move here, especially if your're from California or the South. Everywhere is going to be expensive, everywhere you're gonna have to deal with homeless people/tweakers breaking into your car.

No. 1042920

File (hide): 1643239552550.jpg (11.87 KB, 236x236, 3e9813588b7fb890c9fa21fc01f696…)

>Admin is gay. Mods are asleep. KP0P Supremacy!(sperg)

No. 1043007>>1043493

I have a couple more months before I have to resign my lease for my apartment. It’s a newly built corporate owned complex and it has a BUNCH of vacancies because a lot of people moved out and they’re having trouble it seems filling the 3 new buildings on the property they just finished. I’m really paranoid they’re going to raise my rent, but given the high vacancies what the chances of that happening? I know a lot of peoples moved out because of the rent hiking up. I’m really scared I like where I live but if they raise the rent to an insane degree I’m completely screwed.

No. 1043108

nta, but there’s no reason to. it’s none of my business

No. 1043215>>1043362>>1044001

People are literally dying everywhere at all times. I care as much about Russians killing Ukrainians as I do about Kajikistan committing genocide on their own people or Colombian guerrillas using car bombs to kill innocents.

No. 1043362>>1043974

>People are literally dying everywhere
Kek I'm gonna say the same the day burgerland gets nuked or wrecked by natural catastrophes.

No. 1043493

I hope they won't raise your rent nonna, but I read an article on NYTimes about the housing issue and I wouldn't be surprised if they raised your rent to make up for the lost rent from vacancies. But they'd probably be better off getting some money from you instead of driving you away. Crossing my fingers for you!

Housing seems so bleak, I don't even know if I'll ever be able to afford to move out of my parents home. It doesn't particularly bother me to stay at home (no rent but will give my parents money whenever they need, great location, decent neighborhood) but our apartment is full of hoarded up shit from my dad. It'd be nice to finally live with my best friend again in a nice space, but at this rate, we might have to find extra roommates to find a good place with rent we can afford but we really don't want to live with other/extra people besides each other. At least I have the roommate situation figured out when the time comes kek

No. 1043970

Is Utah becoming less… Mormon-y? I know a lot have moved to Vegas and Arizona.
I really want to move to Salt Lake but I’m nervous being in the land of the Mormons. Any nonnies not religious and lived in Utah? How was it?

No. 1043974

File (hide): 1643315772987.png (470.98 KB, 598x741, 1642984329572.png)

I hope we do

No. 1043981>>1043992

File (hide): 1643315953528.jpeg (52.59 KB, 480x360, 7BBC9AA5-B546-48BC-9D90-5F314D…)

THIS is the best fast food chain anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know how to eat food

No. 1043992

Why is he making that face, did he get his cock righteously stomped on

No. 1044001>>1044015>>1044018

PFAHAHAHAH, here comes the american psycho table talk. kajit'kistan, everyone

No. 1044015

they mixed Kazakhistan and Tajikistan together lmao

No. 1044018>>1046287

File (hide): 1643317063788.jpg (655.86 KB, 1552x956, Khajiit_femmina.jpg)

Don't disrespect my country

No. 1046183>>1046202>>1046205>>1046336>>1046341>>1050155

I’m really interested in the way people are taught in high school about the Atomic bomb dropping during WW2. In my World History class we were going to basically larp a criminal trial for Truman and decide if dropping the bombs were worthy of him being a war criminal as our final. We ended up not doing it because my teacher was on maternity leave but everyone was really excited to do it. We ended up just writing research essays on if the bombs were justified or not. I know some people had class debates and for some the bomb was just mentioned as a “and that happened” kind of thing. How were you nonnies taught about it?

No. 1046202

That Hirohito started it via pearl harbor and was an egomaniac hellbent on never surrending at the cost of every living being in his country

No. 1046205>>1046381

When I learned about it, my History teacher had taught in Japan for a few years before and he started crying in class when he recalled visiting memorial gardens for the bombs there. Him and other teachers at my school pretty much talked about it as an unfortunate necessity, like taking out Japan with one big hit now, as to prevent future violence. We usually handed it pretty gravely and respectfully but usually didn't go too deep on the ethics of it, beyond acknowleging how fucked up it was.

No. 1046287

I mean there really isn’t that much info on the politics of elsweyr

No. 1046336>>1046341>>1046439

I remember mostly learning about it in Elementary school and it was basically like
“The japanese thought they could get away with bombing Pearl Harbor…. well surprise surprise THEY fucked up cause little did they know we had a big ASS motha fuckin bomb heya!!”
They were far more apologetic to the blacks

No. 1046341>>1046386>>1062258

Forgot to say
Look I love Japanese culture
But they were so fucked up before we WW2
They absolutely turned it around in every way after that, economically and morally.
They did some of the worst war crimes imaginable many times over.
If we wouldn’t have bombed them they probably wouldn’t be the Japan we know today, they wouldn’t be nearly as beloved and could have easily gone off to fight a lot more wars. The whole “well we kind of needed to bomb them to keep them from doing more fucked up stuff” wasn’t entirely illogical.

No. 1046381

My history teacher was an old Korean guy and he made the bombing seem pretty justified. He said that the American worship from his parents generation is insane just because they dropped the bombs and got the Japanese to fuck off out of mainland Asia. It did make for some awkward classes though because there were a few Japanese American students that would be in their feelings when he would go into detail about the way the Japanese army brutalized Korean civilians.

No. 1046386

>They did some of the worst war crimes imaginable many times over.
Some of the stuff they did was absolutely insane, Unit 731 for example.

No. 1046439>>1046576

>the blacks

No. 1046576>>1046587

Lmfao what do u want her to say the African Americans? It's the same shit

No. 1046587

I mean, if you're looking to acclimate to 2022, you could just go with calling them black people.

No. 1046605

We’re full, sorry.

No. 1050155

To be honest, I don't really remember learning much about it at all. Of course I knew it happened, but I mostly did world studies in high school and when we did cover WWI/WWII, the emphasis was mainly on the Holocaust. The bomb was just sort of mentioned.

I went to study in Nagasaki for a semester in college and visited the bomb site and museum. Absolutely horrific shit.

No. 1062251>>1062277

It bums me out how bad drug addiction has gotten here. I grew up in a family of junkies. All of our family friends were junkies. Seeing these people’s kids one by one fall into opioid addiction just like them makes me sick. Just since COVID started I’ve lost 2 people close to me to fentanyl ODs and things just seem to be getting rapidly worse. I just feel so fucking hopeless and like nothing can be done about it. No one cares, the government, the city, doctors and the people who are addicts don’t care about themselves to save their own fucking lives. I’m just going to slowly watch one by one people I grew up with fuck their entire lives up.

No. 1062258

Agreed. In fact there was a general in the U.S. Air Force who predicted Japan would attack the U.S. His name was William Mitchell (in case anyone's interested):
"In 1924, Gen. Patrick again dispatched him on an inspection tour, this time to Hawaii and Asia, to get him off the front pages. Mitchell came back with a 324-page report that predicted future war with Japan, including the attack on Pearl Harbor. Of note, Mitchell discounted the value of aircraft carriers in an attack on the Hawaiian Islands, believing they were of little practical use because they could not operate effectively on the high seas or deliver "sufficient aircraft in the air at one time to insure a concentrated operation". Instead, Mitchell believed a surprise attack on the Hawaiian Islands would be conducted by land-based aircraft operating from islands in the Pacific."
Also most people nowadays forget that Japan was brainwashed. Militarism mixed with xenophobia resulted in schoolchildren reading that white people were "white devils" who ate Asians. The Japanese Army and Navy ministries ran the education system.

No. 1062277>>1062403

I'm so sorry nonnie. I've been watching a lot of documentaries about the drug industry here in America and its just heartbreaking. I just wish the government, especially local ones, would just take the time to address the root problems that enables this sort of shit. But instead they'd rather waste their money on stupid shit.

No. 1062403

It's not that they are preoccupied with stupid shit, it's that they are paid to turn a blind eye by drug companies via donations. They will only act when it's too loud to ignore the outcry when things are exposed, pretend they're innocent. Till then they do their best to silence people and stop people being made aware.

No. 1073283>>1073387>>1077058

Why are the left wing and right wing in this country sooo fucking stupid?

It's amazing how divided they are, like anything one side does the other side decides it's against or for it just to purposely be contrarian. Like how right wingers started liking Russia because left wingers started disliking it. Or how they purposely pit groups of people against each other by assigning them to an individual parties so the slimey politicians can use it as their talking points to win their dick measuring contest wars.

I can't imagine the US staying a super power for any longer in this decade. We're constantly having internal conflict and can't come together as Americans for one fucking thing. That's me not even getting into how the average American is as smart as a brick and education is taken for granted. Or how a lot of Americans are brainwashed to extremism regardless of whether they identify as "left" or "right" because it's seen as a normal fabric of the country.

No. 1073387>>1073725

I read an interesting book called "How Democracies Die." I think it can be viewed as pretty left leaning since its main focus is shitting on Trump, but I think it did a good job on explaining how we've gotten to where we are today and how all the gatekeepers (the political parties themselves) have failed their job of keeping extremists out of power. It's been a while since I read it but I highly recommend it. The author gave an example of someone in the Democratic party who was an absolute nutjob but could've won some race and put them in power but the party said "no he's fucking nuts" and cut him off even though it meant giving up power in the government or something. Forgot the dude's name.

I really don't know how we're going to come back from where we are now. Being a moderate is looked down upon because "that just makes you no better than (opposite side)". Of course there are things I don't want to compromise on or agree with, but no one wants to give a little (or give an inch and they'll shamelessly take a mile) so instead we'll just be torn apart from the inside.

No. 1073725

Yeah, that's also a real issue.
The current regime in America currently gives no fucks and enjoys seeing its populace cannibalize each other, however.

What will come of this country…?

No. 1073729

Hey fatties, I’m planning a vanlife road trip across the USA next year, what places should I check out and where should I absolutely avoid like the plague?

No. 1073730>>1073734>>1073736

should this become our designated current events thread

No. 1073734>>1073741

Why would this be? Just make one instead of asking everywhere.

No. 1073736

But I'm Eurofag. I don't belong here

No. 1073741>>1073748>>1073777

>make one
mods are in the midst of censoring current events on /ot/

No. 1073748

What are you even talking about

No. 1073777

it was locked temporarily, also that's the eurofag thread not the current events thread

No. 1076834

So our military is sending some men over to either Poland's or Hungary's border to Ukraine. My father's coworker has a relative being sent off.

No. 1076963

bump so you can fantasize about trump and biden here instead of the euro thread

No. 1077058

The only people who allow it to split people are media NPCs who just parrot whatever fox/cnn says, no one else really cares that much. It was a smart media tactic though to divide people in order to prevent them from coming together and attacking against all the bullshit the government is doing and now they're trying to prevent conveys by attempting to convince everyone that it's only redneck nazis who are anti mandate + giving Americans health issues so they become lazy and won't riot

No. 1080305>>1081254>>1081961>>1082010>>1083777

I love the nonnies in the Euro thread but my god anytime they derail and go into Burgerland topics it’s a mess. They honestly sound like a lot of the lefty people I went to school with in that they spout off the same America Bad misinformation. There are a lot of valid and real things America has done that is deplorable but when someone brings up things that are either extremely overstated or just completely incorrect it makes me cringe. Why can’t they just stick to real examples of America bad? It really is like a weird form of American Exceptionalism the way some people can put the US at the center of every thing. It’s so common to see online someone bring up “America literally created ISIS/Taliban/Al-Qaeda” “America only goes to war in the Middle East for Oil” “America has killed x (insert insanely incorrect number only god knows where it came from) abroad!” I know that the conflicts in the Middle East are very complicated and drawn out since the 50s and onward and it can very nicely be explained away as ‘Muricas fault but it’s never as simple as that.

No. 1081152>>1081164>>1081177>>1081226>>1081996

I know it's past our bedtime, but what do you all think is better on a burger, mozzarella or American cheese?

No. 1081164>>1081166>>1081194

american means kraft singles? that's my burger choice

No. 1081166

wait i'm not even american, just excited about burger talk

No. 1081177

american all the way

No. 1081194

Yeah, like the bright yellow (or white if you wanna be fancy) Kraft or Velveeta singles.

No. 1081226

Swiss with mushrooms

No. 1081254

>it’s never as simple as that
Even though America was the main perpetrator for Iraq, it's also Europe's fault. No one stood up against you against you apart from France and Germany, most Euro countries gobbled Powell's bullshit. I think it's a bit dumb to say "oh it's defo x country's fault, and only theirs" while wars are always a group effort.
American navel gazing is a real thing, but so is Eurocentricism. The way Europe regards the USA is a borderline object/subject relationship; a lot of people treat memerica the same way they do with ex-colonies aka regarding them as stupid, uneducated, fat savages with a broken system. I doubt it's going to change anytime soon

No. 1081265>>1081329>>1081339>>1081735>>1081744>>1081859>>1082834

File (hide): 1646298566221.png (245.87 KB, 512x512, icon-512-512-true-7bee37194166…)

americans may I ask, cheese in a can?? do any nonas actually partake in spray butter or cool ranch flavoured gum or crunchwrap frappes etc.?
the war for who has the most insane flavours for no reason has to be USA vs Japan. especially when it comes to liquor.

I miss america just for the sheer abundance of EVERYTHING. they're like rule 34 for products, if it exists someone has commodified it. get home and those weird and wonderful tastes were but a dream

massive sage for curiosity and nostalgia. hope my american sisters are chillin up in the north ilu all

No. 1081329

>do any nonas actually partake in spray butter or cool ranch flavoured gum or crunchwrap frappes etc.?

no, I've never heard of those things, except cheese in a can. I think it's called easy cheese? I tried it once out of curiosity and hated it lol. as for crazy flavors of things, I don't think I see those too often, and when I do they're usually limited edition, like pumpkin spice flavored marshmallows. I don't actually see bizarrely flavored things on my regular trips to the grocery store, I think it might be more of a big city thing.

No. 1081339>>1081345>>1081859>>1081928>>1082017

File (hide): 1646300738138.jpg (33.92 KB, 480x322, heinz-flav-mayo-1594031261.jpg)

I know you're joking about the last two, but nah I don't think most of us actually use cheese in a can. I think I've only ever had that once in my life, idk who's keeping EZ Cheese in business. I do use cooking spray, but only when I'm too lazy to use actual butter to grease a pan, or if I just ran out. You're right about us having crazy flavors though.

This just reminded me of those fairly recent Heinz condiment combinations like "Mayochup" and "Mayocue". Picrel is some Willy Wonka shit.

No. 1081345

File (hide): 1646300900268.jpg (116.27 KB, 634x750, 51160249-10259149-image-m-22_1…)

Samefag, but the "Seriously GOOD" on those bottles is so funny. Heinz is pushing those mayo products hard. Some of them probably aren't bad though.

No. 1081735

File (hide): 1646312404774.jpg (1.95 MB, 3024x4032, disgusting janke.jpg)

Isabella Janke eats spray cheese, on oreos, next to litter boxes

No. 1081744>>1081777>>1081859>>1081888

People are just snobs. Spray cheese tastes fine it's just a smooth cheddar. I buy it to put inside kongs and on lickmats for my dogs. Also it's good on ritz crackers. I hate uppity people that think they are too good for spray cheese, dinty moore, bologna, spam, hotdogs, koolaid, sloppy joes, etc.

No. 1081777>>1081785

Nona, it is not "smooth cheddar" it's super processed and is less than 50% actual cheese and its incredibly stupid of you to feed it to your dog. Most spray cheeses have sodium phosphate in them to keep the ingredients from separating, and it can lead to serious health problems in your pooch. Just because nothing bad has happened so far, doesn't mean that it won't or isn't already happening. Instead of spray cheese, use peanut butter that is not sweetened with xylitol. I don't care if you put that trash in your body, but your dog deserves better.

No. 1081785>>1081807>>1081891

You're a big baby, I meant it tastes like cheddar and the consistency is smooth. You're pedantic and annoying. I don't give it to my dog daily either. You're just the sort of person I was talking about.

No. 1081807

How am I being pedantic? Don't give it to your dog at all, retard. Have fun with your spray cheese, fattie.

No. 1081859>>1081927

File (hide): 1646317171410.jpg (210.25 KB, 678x509, Burger-King-Set-Launch-Flamin’…)

We bought spray cheese once for my dog who loves cheese, but it immediately gave her the shits so we stopped. Threw it out after that. I do think it'd be good on ritz crackers like >>1081744 says though. I eat shitty cheese products because sometimes I just want shitty cheese flavored products. There's a time and a place for good cheese and questionable cheese. I can't eat kraft singles anymore though, they started giving me the shits for some reason.

I think Lays stil has their flavor competition thing but one year they had cappucino chips. My dad and I bought a small bag to try and it was jarring and I hated it kek. I've read a lot of people say it sucks because it doesn't taste like coffee but it sucked to me because it tasted too much like coffee, but with the texture of a chip. It was the most jarring experience for my brain and mouth. This flavor? But this texture? What's happening. Some flavor combos sound straight up gross but sometimes I'm very intrigued lol, like these flamin hot mac and cheese bites from Burger King that I'm still sad I never got to try.

I hate that I want to try these lol. I'm pretty meh on mayo though. I only ever buy kewpie mayo.

No. 1081888

i'm no snob and i love shit like spam but sorry spray cheese is nothing like regular cheese. it's not even like crappy kraft cheese, it's definitely way different with a way worse taste

No. 1081891

nah sorry, you are the annoying one. anon is just trying to inform you. your overly defensive response is markedly more obnoxious

No. 1081927

I didn't try those, but I did make flamin hot mozzarella sticks one time, and tbh they weren't that good. The chips don't provide that much flavor, I would definitely prefer regular mozzarella sticks with just well seasoned breadcrumbs. I'm not someone who's a huge fan of hot cheetos though, so maybe if I was I would have liked it more.

No. 1081928

The bottles in that pic could actually be good, mayo is a base for lots of yummy sauces and dressings, and these types of flavors work well with it.

No. 1081931>>1081934>>1081937

america is asking congress to give 10 BILLION dollars of aide to help Ukraine. 10 BILLION DOLLARS. let that shit sink in. Gas prices are through the roof, most people my age still live at home/are struggling to pay their bills. Insane amounts of student loan debt thats about to kick back up if it hasnt already and millions of homeless people on the streets left to die. But yes lets give 10 billion dollars to fucking Ukraine.

No. 1081933

dont be Annie Gur, flamin hot foods are yum

No. 1081934

File (hide): 1646321767184.png (52.03 KB, 660x354, Screenshot 2022-03-03 103512.p…)

No. 1081937>>1081942>>1081948

Is it just me that thinks it’s not that much? Government typically deals in trillions

No. 1081942>>1081949>>1082834

its the fact that most people right now are fucking struggling in this country to afford anything. We are constantly being told that we can't forgive student loans but we can give billions to other countries at the drop of a dime.

No. 1081948

nah i also think its not that much. they spend thousands per second on military. thats at least 6 million an hour and 144 milion a day. it adds up quick. they have no worth to thier money the way they spend.

No. 1081949

do you know how many homeless people i see just on my way to work next to empty apartment complexes. shit is fucking bleak in this country if you arent in the top 20%

No. 1081958

lets make our own govt program guys. well call it the relief program from now on no student will join university unless its fully paid off. also we will delete credits and imaginary money systems. nothing will be bought on imaginary digits. everyone will be debt free. happy, and in relief

No. 1081961>>1081963>>1081985>>1082027>>1082649

Western Europe is already bought by America and your shitty country and culture has created sjw bullshit, furries and pronouns and your cancerous culture of mental illness and obesity is spreading all around the world

No. 1081963


No. 1081985

No. 1081996>>1082205

Mozzarella has too delicate of a flavor, Kraft singles are the true American choice

No. 1082010

Because America is bad. Next!

No. 1082017

I would totally try the garlic and lemon. I feel like I would become addicted to the garlic.

No. 1082027


No. 1082032>>1082084>>1082204>>1082270>>1082678

File (hide): 1646325320569.jpeg (213.89 KB, 1920x1080, heinznewsaucemashups-161583015…)

Ok so you guys would eat the Heinz mayo sauces, but would you eat Hanch and Tarchup? ngl, I would be open to trying these once if it weren't for the disgusting names

No. 1082084

I would definitely try the wasaboli and the hanch.

No. 1082090>>1082096

idk if all someone hears about US water quality are the horrific stories of government failure and the flint michigan water poisoning that is still effecting citizens to this day, or the countless american indian reservations that are getting cut off from their access to clean water from oil pipeline companies, its understandable why a non-westerner would come to this conclusion.

No. 1082096

who drinks water anyway. that stuff is gross

No. 1082204

wasaboli sounds amazing

No. 1082205>>1082262

you're a real sicko. neither is the obvious answer. muenster or swiss are the only options, maybe sometimes bleu or gorgonzola

No. 1082245>>1082249>>1082260

Why do so many restaurants (mostly fast food) here decide to take thousand island dressing and call it a secret sauce? Like they just use the same exact sauce for their "secret sauce".

No. 1082249

idk but thousand island dressing literally tastes like cold vomit.

No. 1082260

My boss' secret sauce is mayo, ketchup and mustard mixed together. Fucker even had the nerve to name it after the restaurant.

No. 1082262

None of those are American silly billy, now eat your Kraft singles

No. 1082270

Thirding other anons answers! Wasabioli and hanch sound good. Not sure about tarchup… I like Tartare sauce but I've never had it with ketchup. I like both on their own but I'm really not sure if putting them together makes them even better.

No. 1082312

I desperately need wasaboli or I'll never be happy

No. 1082574>>1082582>>1082649>>1082670>>1082719>>1082851

I love how the eurofag/int threads are talking about race and war and the burgerfags in here are talking about their favorite food being completely unbothered kek, I sometime love being an American <3

No. 1082582>>1082587>>1082834

File (hide): 1646340560327.jpeg (138.57 KB, 900x600, charlie-diner.jpeg)

Someone's gonna come in here and call us uneducated fatties but so be it kek.

Anyway, I wanna go to a diner soon. I haven't been in a while.

No. 1082587>>1082596>>1082606

eurofags wish their breakfast could actually have some flavor like that diner food, all they eat is their brittle ass cookie crackers and sad scrambled eggs, no wonder the always seem like they have a stick up their ass all the time. enjoy your breakfast nonna

No. 1082589>>1082592>>1082902

What is your favorite fast food chicken? go!
For me it’s Canes I’m sad there’s not more of them. Chick fil a is a close 2nd.
Shoutout to Panda Express’ mandarine chicken RIP queen

No. 1082592>>1082663

File (hide): 1646340793368.jpg (55.63 KB, 1080x1080, KFC-Pot-Pie.jpg)

Will KFC's chicken pot pie count? It's so good. I also like Popeyes! We don't have a Canes where I live but damn I'd like to try them.

No. 1082596

I had some of the worst food of my entire life on my trip to Europe (special shout-out to the Norway, Netherlands and Czech for being especially prison-tier) The only place that had good food were the countries in the south but that was expected.

No. 1082606

oi dont mind this heffa. musta neva had a chip butty amiright mate

No. 1082649

Even posts like >>1081961 basically got ignored lol. I hope they keep their bait/infighting/shitflinging/moids/whatever over there, I just wanna chill with my burger sisters.

No. 1082663

Omg I forgot about these!
Cane's all the way tho.

No. 1082670

the eurofag thread is chilling

No. 1082671


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1082678

File (hide): 1646342963118.png (609.94 KB, 1000x1000, wasabi_plant.png)

Apparently most Wasabi outside of where it's grown (northern Japan, parts of China, Taiwan, Korea) is actually a mixture of horseradish and mustard seed with food coloring. Not that anyone thought there would be quality Wasabi inside a Heinz sauce (those sauces are all a crime against humanity, def cause cancer, and are embarrassing), but interesting nonetheless.

No. 1082719>>1082738

eurotards constantly sperg about how dumb burgers are when it comes to anything happening in a different country but reading that thread made me know 100% sure they are exactly as retarded as us. Seeing them try to piece together US foreign policy is just bananas idk if it’s just because they get all their info from tinfoilers on the internet though but a lot of what they say is just not based in reality and or extremely overstated. I’d be curious as to what would happen if we just went full isolationist like before WW1 and europe went back to being a multipolar nation. We’d probably get some UK vs France vs Germany slap fighting for the 800th time in history.

No. 1082731>>1082834

File (hide): 1646344901772.jpeg (278.43 KB, 980x551, 4B0BF8D1-4E8D-46BF-A530-D416A1…)

i miss cracker barrel

No. 1082738>>1082757

File (hide): 1646345181898.jpg (762.58 KB, 638x791, 1645184078295.jpg)

>We’d probably get some UK vs France vs Germany slap fighting for the 800th time in history.
This would be preferable to what is happening right now. The former European powers don't have empires anymore so they can't drag the rest of the world into their conflicts. Just leave the island monkeys, the surrender monkeys and wurst monkeys to throw bananas at each other in their little part of the world.

No. 1082757

I nominate this for next threadpic

No. 1082802

I miss when people made protest/political music.

No. 1082834>>1083019

I use spray butter to grease baking pans sometimes. I used to use it to cook with too when I was ana because it has so few calories.
I really like trying those weird junk food mashups though. They range from being amazing (like fried oreos or crunchwrap supremes) to overpoweringly sweet or salty.

We shouldn't forgive student loans. No one forced you to take out loans you couldn't pay back and there are already a lot of student loan forgiveness programs. Join Americorps, teach, or get a job with the government.
It'll never happen anyway because it's an insanely unpopular political position outside of Twitter.

Diners are possibly America's greatest contribution to global culture. Nothing better than a full breakfast with french toast, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and as much coffee as you can drink.

Did something happen to cracker barrel?

No. 1082851

> I sometime love being an American <3
kek okay anon

No. 1082902

cane’s is for sure my favorite but i don’t have any near me. i have to be honest here, i fucking love culvers chicken tenders. especially with a side of cheese curds and a milkshake oh my god that will make your pussy THROB. i love being an american we really do have the best food. even if it makes me a little fattie kek

No. 1082932>>1082978>>1083008

File (hide): 1646350256705.jpg (141.46 KB, 1500x1500, 81AdbD29 uL._SL1500_.jpg)

I love this shit FUCK. The one that comes in the little blue tin doesn't even taste the same, it has to be the French onion dip that comes in a glass jar. I love being American because it means I get to eat this. I'm literally about to go make some carmelized onion dip right now.

No. 1082978>>1083035

>I'm literally about to go make some carmelized onion dip right now.
Is that dip one of the ingredients or do you just make one that is similar? This is important

No. 1083008

oh fuck I love this shit with baby carrots. Its just saw they make it in bigger jars but sometimes I forget that I have it and buy another jar or it goes bad (like turns brown)

No. 1083019>>1083399

File (hide): 1646352096842.jpeg (62.86 KB, 975x833, 59A0618D-D1DD-4FD9-A040-A62D2B…)

>Did something happen to cracker barrel?
No they just don’t have it where I live now

No. 1083035

No the dip is not an ingredient lol. I'm just craving onion dip and too lazy to get up and buy some. Plus, it's nice to learn how to actually make shit yourself with few ingredients instead of buying everything Also, the lays dip makes me sick if I eat more than like, 10 chips with it

No. 1083081>>1083211>>1083443>>1083560

File (hide): 1646353131779.jpg (43.13 KB, 340x640, s-l640.jpg)

Girlscout cookies don't taste the same, I finally decided to splurge and buy a box and I'm extremely disappointed

No. 1083177>>1083182>>1083188>>1083311

File (hide): 1646354560341.jpeg (455.41 KB, 770x400, 5D02E746-FBAC-44B3-BCAB-9E7A64…)

I could never live without her.
I’d rather die.

No. 1083182

I get you.

No. 1083188>>1083327>>1083434

This place makes me feel nauseous every time I walk into it. It feels so alien and out of place of humanity to be able to go to a Costco, people act like rude animals there

No. 1083211

There are knock offs that cost half as much and taste the same

No. 1083311

My family goes here maybe twice a week. I'm a big fan too.

No. 1083327>>1083399

That’s how I feel about IKEA. Without the rude part though, it just feels unnerving like a dystopian utopia

No. 1083399

I really like going to IKEA. It's fun to walk through the little fake apartments they set up and imagine how I'd live if I were from somewhere else. Half of them are smaller than my bedroom.

I'm gonna go buy some chicken and dumplings and overpriced candy in your honor tomorrow nona.

No. 1083434>>1083463>>1083484

People go feral for free samples. It's disturbing how people are willing to run over others with a cart just for a small sample of popcorn. There was only one Costco I liked. The reason was it was never truly busy on the week days. I could actually walk around and not get trampled on. Kek.

No. 1083443

Those are the worst ones

No. 1083463

last time i visited a costco i remember watching some asshole walk up and pick up 5 samples for their fatass family. totally avoided the gaze of everyone waiting in line behind them.


No. 1083465>>1083644

I don’t want to be a yankee as retarded as the south is I love it here. I saw more confederate flags up north than I did in the deep south. please someone tell me what things there are to do that are nice in the far north eastern states. I’m crying over my favorite grocery store

No. 1083484

People rarely eat free samples at my nearest Costco, actually the person behind the kiosk is constantly harassing people to get them to try it and everyone just ignored them. Even I ignore them like a little shy retard and I feel so bad but I’m so busy on trying to maneuver my fucking cart around this psychos and get out. I remember shopping at Publix one time and this nasty-looking impatient scrote in shorts and flip flops said “excuse me” and put his nasty ass hands on the cart we were using and pushed it so he can go to the automatic cash register quickly. Americans have no fucking decorum, it’s always go go go, and never wait your turn you subhuman animal

No. 1083560>>1083642>>1084743

Everything is declining in quality and flavorless, how did they manage to make literal fruits and veggies flavorless? My bananas taste like straight water and my bombpops are watered down frozen juice

No. 1083642>>1084743>>1084746

seriously, i always joke about moving off grid and growing my own fruits and vegetables but i've been disappointed by shitty overpriced produce often enough that i might actually do it

No. 1083644>>1083708>>1083843

I moved from the (deep) south to the North West area and my god the amount of insanely racist bumper stickers I’ve seen… people up here feel very attacked by Native Americans I’ve seen multiple “save a salmon smoke an Indian” stickers on peoples tard trucks. Lots of confederate flags and other shit like “Not stolen. Conquered!” With the outline of the US. The most I ever saw in the south was a rare confederate flag and lots of pro guns stuff.
But apparently in the NW there’s a lot of white nationalist groups. It’s certainly very white here. Also, some of the worst food I have ever had but maybe that has to do with the lack of cultural cuisine.

No. 1083649>>1089642

The American Song Contest (American packaged EuroVision) just released the lineup! Thots?

No. 1083708>>1083753>>1083808

Your fault for moving up here thinking it's a liberal paradise. Outside of the few big cities by the water it's mostly rural farm country. Especially on the other side of the mountains.

No. 1083753

What exactly is my fault retarda?

No. 1083777

File (hide): 1646376035386.jpeg (53.17 KB, 350x310, 2CE6FCB0-BB79-4A8B-8543-3B61D1…)

>America Bad misinformation
lmao, seething libtard. this country deserves a hundred 9/11s

No. 1083808

everyone knows that rural areas tend to be red regardless. anons with no taste though that can't appreciate being near metro northern areas with far more to offer are irredeemable though. southern grocery stores suck too btw.

No. 1083843>>1083867>>1084017>>1084159

This is literally me, from the south to PNW. Food fucking SUCKS, especially asian and mexican food? it's weird. In the south I would be able to go to any old chinese restaurant and get some bomb food, now it seems like I had to go through 5-7 different asian restaurants to find lo mein that wasn't fucking dry and flavorless. Don't even get me started on the mexican food here.

No. 1083867

I'm not a foodie and don't have the money to eat out anyway so I don't care.
But there's reason why we don't have 'authentic' Mexican and Chinese here considering how far from the border we are and what they did to drive out the Chinese back in the 1800's.

No. 1084017>>1084088>>1084841

File (hide): 1646394395439.jpg (4.79 KB, 194x259, download.jpg)

Idk if it's like this for anyone else, but I also noticed that in my southern state some Chinese restaurants will literally give you a mountain of food and those cups of sweet tea that are damn near a bucket. It's so crazy. They know what we muricans want. There was literally a video going around not to long ago of a Chinese place piling food on a to-go plate, and the lady couldn't even close it.

No. 1084088

in the south, never been given a large container full of sweet tea or any tea from chinese restaurants. you might just be lucky.

No. 1084159>>1085657

I can’t even find decent pizza here + the produce from the grocery store sucks ass. I don’t know how people up here are just as obese as they are down south, there’s not even a good variety of fast food. NorthWest people have schizo tastebuds.

No. 1084743

It' gotten so bad this past year, I can't wait until the amish/mennonite start their veg stands in spring. Even the fancy organic shit in stores tastes worse.

No. 1084746

Let me introduce you to the magic of growing beans on the side of your house/balcony

No. 1084783>>1084793>>1084794>>1084816>>1087050

the eurofags have Napoleon as their husbando so who is our burger husbando girlses?

No. 1084793

File (hide): 1646420027612.jpeg (23.03 KB, 194x259, 28ED3359-42BF-48A6-8364-D7C23A…)

Brad Pitt?

No. 1084794>>1084804

Ben Franklin of course

No. 1084799>>1086419

File (hide): 1646420209377.jpg (10.53 KB, 255x281, lindsey.jpg)

One of the coworkers in my office is from a foreign country and worked in Europe during the beginning of her career. She told me when she was done at that company, she didn't want to go back to her home country so she decided to come to the US. She chose to come to NYC because the mayor at the time (John Lindsey) was hot kek. I want to make major life choices like that.

No. 1084804

File (hide): 1646420399662.jpeg (80.82 KB, 403x500, 21318601-2F53-4D20-9839-D9B4A1…)

Turtle looking fatso?
Well I guess the fat part represents us well kek

No. 1084816>>1085157>>1086412

File (hide): 1646420682020.png (1.94 MB, 2048x1549, 97B2FD72-B3BF-4486-88CB-7BD12C…)

No. 1084841

my local vietnamese restaurant has giant portions, when you open the to go container the noodles are packed into the shape of it lol. and it’s super cheap, around $10-13 for what lasts me 3 meals.

No. 1085157

Oh my god

No. 1085657

It's the middle of winter, of course produce isn't great. That's why you cook in season or buy frozen stuff.

No. 1086390>>1086396>>1086409

Which states have the best food selection/variety and restaurants in your opinion? Florida is hell state but their restaurants are insane IMO.

No. 1086396

never been, but everybody says Chicago

No. 1086409

At least in terms of Mexican food and any Asian cuisine you could want LA is god tier. However, LA has truly AWFUL Italian food. Like by far some of the worst I’ve ever had in my life.
Dallas has good Mexican food, BBQ, desserts and a surprisingly good amount of quality Korean places.

No. 1086412

File (hide): 1646497690604.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1594, F61BADF2-4AB0-4EEA-B566-C0B2D3…)

No. 1086419>>1086427

I was reading a discussion about foreign students on reddit and some of them wind up in American states because they misspelled the name of where they wanted to go, or they picked the first state at the top of the alphabetized list (Alabama). I wonder how true this is because it was pretty funny

No. 1086427>>1087070

that doesn't make sense, foreign students are like domestic students have to directly apply to whatever school, so they'd know the location the school is in.

No. 1086458>>1086937>>1087111

File (hide): 1646500277405.jpg (34.64 KB, 930x558, 4398.jpg)

I literally forgot Mount Rushmore existed until today wtf why did our country spend millions to carve our leaders faces into rocks? Are there any other countries that did this?

No. 1086937

they. look. amazing!
love the detail on
lefts coat collar

No. 1087050

it’s actually genuinely Teddy Roosevelt. I wish I was Edith Roosevelt bc i want to be his wife

No. 1087070

they're more careless since in foreign countries there's usually just couple colleges and are spelled/formed completely different. In american you get like 5 different colleges that are just "state university" in different formats

No. 1087111>>1088311>>1088363

Supposedly to attract tourism in South Dakota. The more interesting story is the fact it's carved out of the Black Hills. It's still a ongoing battle between the Lakota and the government.

No. 1088311

>Supposedly to attract tourism in South Dakota.
Well it must not have worked because nobody cares about either of the Dakotas.

No. 1088363

well I forgot south dakota existed too so

No. 1088987>>1088995>>1089001>>1089268

File (hide): 1646667488836.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1080x6753, FD544AAD-B472-43F1-9B7C-B75403…)

tbh I think most of our man made landmarks are boring and not even worth visiting. We def make up for it in terms of landscape and national parks though.

No. 1088995>>1088997

I will be honest, as a tourist, the only breathtaking views are those of the national parks. I wonder why is it that there aren’t new things that could be considered iconic in the USA, unlike Dubai where they create new buildings all of the time, is it money issues?

No. 1088997

It might be because Dubai is a little more of a tourist country (at least imo).

No. 1089001>>1089004

File (hide): 1646668328057.jpeg (2.3 MB, 1080x6414, CB1EB659-68E3-478C-B52F-85F43A…)

The nature on the other hand…I don’t think any other country comes close.

No. 1089004

I forget that we have a lot of amazing natural destinations. I think I should start focusing more on places I would like to travel to in the country.

No. 1089268

I travel around the US for work and I can attest
>every landmark has the same gift shop, consisting of the tourist fudge, wines, and the exact same gifts just with different names on it. Oh and the tea + fake crystal things
>same tourist activities such as the "old time pictures"
>overpriced restaurant with bison burgers
>helicopter/ horse/ cruise tour

No. 1089642

I’m an americunt who’s a big fan of Eurovision. I’m going to watch every second of the American version, but I don’t really have high hopes. A big part of the appeal of Eurovision is seeing so many different cultures and languages represented (even though half the songs are in English at this point anyway)

America always gets referred to as a melting pot of culture because of how many people immigrate here, but our pop culture is very homogenized. I highly doubt we’ll see much variety. The only thing I can think of is maybe Hawaii and the territories could bring something interesting to the table. Other than that, there’ll probably just be a handful of Spanish language music, then the rest will be same old generic American pop culture.

I’m also really wondering about the atmosphere. Eurovision has a strong sense of camaraderie between the different countries. But most American competition shows like to pit people against each other

No. 1092066>>1092068>>1092177

File (hide): 1646849536227.jpeg (279 KB, 828x1015, ABB4ECCF-49BF-40B0-9028-3B100E…)

Here is some fresh bill from Idaho. I doubt it will pass even considering how conservative Idaho can be. What do you make of all these recent anti-troon bills being written? I know Florida just passed some “don’t say gay” bill.

No. 1092068>>1092155

I hope it will pass. So tired of kids being thrown on hormones with long-term effects just because they "felt different". Hopefully they'll make performing plastic surgery on 21 and under punishable by jail as well

No. 1092155

Kids really need to be given the chance to grow up and realize if it's just a stupid ass phase or not, kids are dumb as shit. I remember having a phase when I was very young where I really wanted to be a boy but in hindsight it was a combination of harmless shit like being a tomboy and growing up around boys, and trauma shit like being a CSA victim (and porn sickness/addiction that stemmed from that).

But only twannies feelings are valid kek. Since I'm a happy cis woman, I'm just conservative propaganda instead.

No. 1092177

I dunno, even the most lib of libs are wondering if this trooning of kids stuff is too far. But I get the impression that for them, the moral qualm is that they're supposed to be open-minded, not that this is being done to kids. If you want to ban this shit, you're a bible thumper or something.

No. 1099182>>1099200

File (hide): 1647392522341.jpeg (166.5 KB, 990x1237, F8DE933F-8020-4228-8F21-4855FF…)

Petition for this to be the next thread pic

No. 1099200>>1099217>>1102666

File (hide): 1647394432860.png (332.35 KB, 660x365, deeheave.png)

what about this kek

No. 1099217


No. 1102637>>1102674>>1102697>>1102707>>1102820

File (hide): 1647629090870.jpg (140.15 KB, 620x319, 138037.jpg)

Have any nonnies ever done a cross country road trip? What was it like? Who did you go with? Where did you visit? How did you plan out your trip? I'm a born and raised American and I've travelled internationally since I was a kid, but I've barely seen much of America. I really want to do a cross country road trip one day to see the rest of the US! I'm from a city so I'm just used to skyscrapers day in and day out. I wanna see some mountains or wide open fields, they feel so otherworldly to me.

No. 1102666

thirding, it's extremely accurate

No. 1102674

Plan out exactly what landmarks you want to see because most of the open road is literally just nothing for miles. I went to the four corners monument and it really is out in the middle of nowhere. A lot of landmarks are like that, especially if you want mountains and fields in the "great American desert" out west or something.

No. 1102697>>1102707>>1102727

roadtrips are fucking awful. just fly where you want to go.

No. 1102707>>1102721>>1102820

I love driving the scenic route through the south to Florida since the mountains are beautiful, plus the beaches are gorgeous once you get there
I don't feel like getting my crotch fondled by a perverted TSA agent again but enjoy.

No. 1102721>>1102837

has that happened to you? i think that's less likely than you're trying to make it tbh. i know people bitch about TSA but i've never been fondled, just scanned by the small metal detector

No. 1102727>>1102734

I want to drive or at least do it through amtrak trains! I'm used to flying and it's quick and easy, but I really want to be able to see the sights rather than just fly out above them. Yadda yadda it's about the journey, not the destination type of shit lol.

No. 1102734>>1102902

i think the train idea is really good, a happy medium between the two. my issue with roadtrips are SHITTY AGGRESSIVE american drivers, me needing to peein the middle of nowhere, losing service in the middle of nowhere, being forced to pee outside if you can't find a spot, it's all just like actually lowkey traumatic for me. it's so much chaos for "fun". i really like the security of basic necessities

No. 1102820>>1102841>>1102902

A full cross country road trip is a pretty big time commitment if you're not sure you like road tripping. There are some good itineraries for partial road trips available though. Some good beginner ones might be Seattle-Oregon-San Fran-LA-San Diego or Florida-Georgia-South Carolina-North Carolina. You generally want to pick a few cities and national parks that are near each other that you would be interested in and then work out what is between them or within a reasonable radius of each location.

Road trips are definitely better in the South or in coastal areas in general. Things inland and west of Tennessee are just way too far apart. I did a road trip just across Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas one time and it was honestly miserable. Just 12 hours at a time of unchanging desert.

No. 1102837

It’s usually a race thing. When I travel with brown friends they get fondled every time.

No. 1102841

If you want to see pretty things frequently you just gotta road-trip in the right parts of the west, not indiscriminately.
> I did a road trip just across Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas
Like I think that’s the last one I’d want to do.

No. 1102902

Good point nonna. The longest car ride I've ever been in is just 2 hours. The longest bus ride was 5, but at least there's a bathroom on the bus. I'd definitely want to do train over bus if I do it, just seems a little more fun, plus I've watched some videos and the viewing car looks so cool! I'd probably splurge for a nicer seat or sleeper car thing.

I'm on the Northeast coast so maybe a roadtrip along the coast to Florida might be nice. My coworker used to live in Colorado and was telling me how much she loved and missed the mountains and it makes me want to really go see them, but I also really enjoy being by the water. I'll work my way up to a full cross country trip!

No. 1104156

File (hide): 1647735640636.jpg (105.16 KB, 768x512, OLNEYVILLE-NY-SYSTEM_PROVIDENC…)

I know this is an old post but I'm only now reading through the whole thread and I thought this was a New York System for a second. Where the other RI anons at, ilu. Same vibe. We have no Waffle Houses here, like at all. But mom and pop places like these are so cozy and make me feel a certain way. Like all the serious stuff melts away and you just enjoy some simple good food with friends / alone at peace. American diners are charming and it's one of the few nice parts of our culture. What are other parts of American culture that you nonnies think are nice or positive? I'd love to hear since we already know there's so much bad. Anons are absolutely right about the nature in America. I'm glad that despite the destruction of nature so common now that a lot of the natural beauty in the country is still here and still available to visit to admire.

No. 1104391

File (hide): 1647759293216.jpg (54.22 KB, 750x607, 4t90.jpg)

>tfw every road trip you've been on has been a complete fucking disaster no matter the mode of transportation
almost made me hate trains for good maybe I'm just not made for wheels

No. 1112516>>1112835

We really do have some of the most disgusting chocolate. Even our “good” chocolate like Ghirardelli is nasty. Sad.

No. 1112550>>1112551>>1112555>>1112563>>1112615>>1112758

File (hide): 1648340657176.jpeg (108.54 KB, 530x404, AE867257-C495-4404-8AD5-F9A572…)

anons did you walk the mile? yes or no

No. 1112551


No. 1112555

My teacher wouldn’t let us walk. I think I ran it in like 10:30. Those exercises fostered a lifelong hatred of running in me, thanks PE!

No. 1112563

I would run the first few laps and then tire out and walk/slow jog the rest. I do remember a girl having an asthma attack in middle school during the mile and the teacher not noticing until he saw people cutting across the track to run and tell him

No. 1112615

Ours was 4 miles and I cried

No. 1112758

No. 1112759


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1112835

I guess I'm used to our shitty chocolate. I love chocolate bars and a plain milk bar from hershey's or cadbury fills the void inside of me.

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