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No. 956747

I never saw a thread about it,thought it might be fun to have a thread where we post troons and attention whores criticizing our site

No. 956757

Lmao why is the person in that picture so mad?

No. 956765

“Criticizing our site.” I don’t claim this site.

No. 956770

this is only going to embolden the tryhards. if you know they're attention seeking why give them more attention?

No. 956777

I humbly review lolcow as thus: 6/10. Some funny bitches, lots of spergs (good and bad), and a few schizo cunts.

No. 956791

Judging by their profile they look like a male anime fan so they probably got pissed all the way off when anons here said lolicons were pedos or something stupid like that

No. 956799

>implying I am not already working and suffering

No. 961875

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No. 961877

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No. 961878

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No. 961891

KEK the jokes write themselves

No. 961904

File: 1636257756668.png (33.79 KB, 593x169, lc.png)

Shut it down NOW!

No. 961906


>>isn't exactly factually untrue

>>note: she's not exactly mentally stable

Just beautiful.

No. 961910

File: 1636258597747.jpeg (198.15 KB, 750x566, 2A8AEFDD-71F7-4525-B991-0B9DBC…)

even twitter-ridden scrotes approve of the glorious “forums”

No. 961915

File: 1636259099371.png (77.38 KB, 1194x222, Screen Shot 2021-11-07 at 12.2…)


>has she/they as pronouns (in bio)
>goes on twitter.com where many other extremely normal people are

No. 961917

Love when the frumpy white girl calls lolcow racist

No. 961937

When has lolcow been racist?

No. 961939

We definitely have plenty of racist anons, it's just not encouraged here.

No. 961940

File: 1636261305583.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, flrrpbfff.png)

>How bout you put yourself instead….
I do.
On /ot/ and /g/.

No. 961941

Pudgy fingers probably saw race bait and claimed the whole site was racist. She needs to get out of the haunted doll clothes and worry about calories not lolcow and safe spaces

No. 961946

It's so funny that the person in op's picture assume we are just like their gofundme begging trannies when quite a few of us have jobs and are functional people while they're too anxious to call their doctors to make an appointment and ask their parents to do it for them neet anons aside kek

No. 961950

Not that anon but I'm gonna be real here, I feel WAY more respected here than anywhere else online or irl when it comes to racism. On twitter there are way too many people saying the most racist shit I've seen and they don't get banned because I guess they're too subtle for twitter'd bots, like when trannies compare themselves to black women or when Americans sperg over Egypt or sometimes North Africa as a whole and call the native populations "white oppressors" and write conspiracy theories about them, or when they excuse their favorite celebrities' racism all the time, or when they expect people from all over the planet to be perfectly fluent in English and use customized neo pronouns or they get harassed by hypocritical SJWs, or when they imply that all foreigners are all stupid and uneducated so they need help for everything.

No. 961957

That's fine, I'm just saying that there are racist anons this is an imageboard, after all. I don't agree with that tweet saying that LC as a whole is racist, if that's what you think.

No. 961958

Yeah, true but I meant that even if we take into account the racist anons here it's far from the worst because they're not that many and they get banned most of the time anyway.

No. 962113

File: 1636277857923.jpeg (249.02 KB, 1170x742, B2376E77-F200-48AC-B622-D9BD31…)

i only capped one but there’s a surprising number of comments suggesting farmers date incels. i’d say that they’re taking the piss out of misandrists on here but they actually think we’re misandrists because men don’t want us. if only that were truly the case sigh…

No. 962145

>lolcow is tumblr
this person is a degenerate. if lolcow is like tumblr i wonder what they think is good enough

No. 962165

>implying farmers of all people need twitter accounts to be their "safe space"

No. 962236

>I am not a safe space for you
Utter god complex.

No. 962311

Shit like this brings in the twitterfags.

No. 962367

normalfag logic: imageboard = racist

No. 962373

Wasn't she briefly mentioned here? I think she was mentioned in Lori's thread or somewhere on /w/ at some point.

No. 962375

File: 1636306101835.png (134.53 KB, 598x831, 1636210277270.png)

the finnanon thread is stirring some shit in the finnish twitter circles because the whole thread is basically just bunch of twitter mutuals talking shit and gossiping about each other

>i found the forums while googling for a twitter meme, honest!

sure you did. what a suprise that people flock into anonymous forums to talk shit because people have fostered such a culture that you can have absolutely no differing opinions about anything or you'll get cancelled. if only these assholes knew what people are talking about them in discord chats kek

No. 962472

>Calls her straight relationship gay
Typical, Did this retard not get the memo that this board came outta /cgl/?

No. 962610

isn’t that the dude who spends almost all of his time online arguing with strangers over calarts cartoons? I heard he used to name/tripfag on 4chan as busterbeam a while ago too but stopped

No. 963012

because tranny

No. 963013

File: 1636364719530.jpg (46.44 KB, 313x512, mikoko luvs kaiji.jpg)

why? plenty of women like kaiji

No. 963014

tfw onision've just made mistakes

No. 963026

this shit is pretty widespread tbh: plenty of normies want pair up incels/migtoes with ""misandrist"" (literally any woman who is fed up with male bs), the official version is because they think that both things are somehow the same but the truth is that they see the latter as damaged goods that failed males can use as free fleshlights, because they are unvaluable to society as "respectable" mommy bangmaids anymore

No. 963062

I can safely bet that most of these twitterfags post in the Finnish thread to "bully" people themselves but act appalled to save their own asses.

No. 963124

All the time? Judging by this thread a hit dog will holler kek

No. 983097

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No. 1230497

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No. 1230536

Accept women hating men doesn't lead to violence nor do we post child porn like they do, nor do we wish to rape like they do, and simply hate men for doing so and that it is so wide spread.

No. 1230646

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No. 1230724

no but i would unironically tell the same thing to troons.

No. 1230816

File: 1655604093831.png (20.65 KB, 1588x261, idk.png)

This was from the /animu/ board on the webring

No. 1230818

Wish more troons and handmaidens realized this tbh

No. 1231027

>>1230646 well is pretty clear that they are here lol, all over /snow/ & /ot/. For all the trannies digitally self harming here: fix that male autism of yours, that shit makes you behave more like an animal than a person let alone a woman. Also male autism and female autism are 100% different there is no way to work around it.

No. 1231032

>farmers needing a safe space

No. 1231033

What was this in response to?

No. 1520797

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No. 1520804

lolcow division kek

No. 1521065

Is shittalking you 'bullying' now? I guess all celeb gossip is 'bullying' then? Do you even have the guts to say the same thing about Daily Mail and the like? I bet not.

No. 1528004

Too bad this wasn't made a long time ago. I had a collection, but deleted it all when I took a break from here.

No. 1528028

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No. 1528047

Kek I was just in there. That whole thread has turned into an epic shit fire lol. Ana thread on /snow/ if anyone is curious.

No. 1528131

Somebody needs to add Doja's and Ethel Cain's post to the thread too kek

No. 1528167

Doja will throw her phone for the second time and break it once and for all if she sees her tweets reposted here again kek.

No. 1528178

Must be the same old sperg who tried to start infight in the vent thread last night with her ten year old infographics.

No. 1528215

File: 1679249312256.png (8.81 KB, 550x208, Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 18.08…)

AI doesn't approve of lolcor.

No. 1535008

File: 1680016662535.jpg (4.23 MB, 1228x42366, 012864037.jpg)

I suppose this counts as a review in a way, but a paper has been published that interviewed LC and CC users. It discusses anonymous womens spaces and compares the two sites a bit. Sample size is small (12) and half of them are new users

No. 1535075

Huh, I'm kind of surprised but the paper doesn't feel particularly negative, honestly I appreciate the thought towards being anonymous and female. But KEK at the fact of course some tranny or handmaiden "Krystal" felt the need to do an interview and cry about how we're mean to trannies, though at least the article author only gave that a sentence or two. I wish someone being interviewed had pointed out, or if anyone had, I wish the author was based enough to include it, but there are fucktons of open trannies on 4chan, many being regular users who troon out and STILL have all of the same ideas about women. The article says how we're anti-4chan scrotes and anti-tranny as though they're separate categories instead of being one "I identify as a woman now" away from each other. Someone needs to run a study/make an article on 4chan trannies and present to the public how the shit they say is identical to every other 4chan male

No. 1537179

how does this garbage get funded? it's embarrassing.

No. 1537646

Apparently it was done for free. No idea if she tried to apply for funding but it's a completely pointless paper either way

No. 1539709

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No. 1539871

No. 1543841

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Okay, which one of you fuckers was this?

No. 1543849

How is that the other side because what women want ugly men

No. 1543860

File: 1680980985949.jpeg (363.64 KB, 1356x2048, 07DD7EC8-846A-45D1-9B02-C1041F…)

She’s a driverfag, and does cosplay with her husband. Maybe she got mentioned in a cosplay thread or a driverfag thread? Idk, but this is her and the moid

No. 1543864

actually not that bad, I assumed she was that one anon who posted her constriction worker bf, but this one's kinda cute

No. 1543866

File: 1680981440356.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.29 KB, 1356x2048, 991C22E3-8AE4-4149-AAB8-D0E647…)

This is her and the moid husband doing a driverfag cosplay shoot (forgot pic sorry)

No. 1543868

>why do women date ugly guys when I'm right here and a nice guy
First, that isn't what they say at all. Second, no idea who that is but I am sure nothing about her husband matters.

No. 1543869

I have a soft spot for normie millennial fandom women, like there's something endearing about her genuineness.

No. 1543874

File: 1680981932357.jpeg (135.58 KB, 828x1056, 11903C6D-1F5D-49B9-A43B-F440C8…)

Doubleposting with more driverfag sperging that her moid plays along with

No. 1543875

No way she's just a regular farmer. She almost certainly was discussed due to her cosplay shit/in a cosplay cow thread or something

No. 1543877

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No. 1543882

honestly kind of based

No. 1543884

Driver doesn't even have good skin tho

No. 1543890

He's ugly and I hope she reads this.

No. 1543914

I wouldn't be surprised if she posted in the driverfag thread though

No. 1547030

File: 1681297261967.jpg (93.32 KB, 800x539, cc2.jpg)

Miners try lolcow, get called out for being mentally ill, get genocided and banned

No. 1547032

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Part 2

No. 1547034

So this is why the average iq of posters has gone down recently…

No. 1547041

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You've reminded me of this peculiar interaction that I forgot to post before

No. 1547047

They also complain about being accused of being scrotes, kek.
They're right but there's something very weird about how crystalfags obsess about virginity and whether a woman is a virgin or not.

No. 1547051

>obsess about virginity and whether a woman is a virgin or not.
I know one group of people who have this tendency… something to do with scrotums..

No. 1547053

File: 1681299327357.jpeg (67.26 KB, 1369x1070, E93E4A88-AD43-49D6-9A71-943A9F…)

>I’m a slutty lolcor sw bimbo
>instead of uwu forever pure virgin cc princess
One point for you cc fags

No. 1547056

I think most of them are unironically from /r9k/, I searched for cc on desuarchive and it's mentioned almost exclusively on /r9k/ daily. hence the "femcel" "tfw no bf" "I'm a boyfriendless loser please pity me" bullshit and obsession with virginity. They've been on incel 4chan too much.

No. 1547058

Yeah. Incel/4chan males are OBSESSED with virginity of women. If a girl has had sex then she's a whore, they want virgin women since they're inexperienced and don't know what's best for them.

No. 1547062

File: 1681300010690.jpg (81.83 KB, 564x701, 216a1016c6e348cbdaa4a926755b12…)

>I'm a slutty lolcor stacy bimbo

No. 1547096

The femcels in cc probably have higher testosterone than males in /r9k/, kek. The way they obsess about never having been with a man while fantasizing about men 24/7 is so moidlike.
You're based for living your life how you want and not letting random incels influence you.

No. 1547099

There's also the pick-mes who obsess over virginity and humblebrag about being virgins because they spent too much time around incels and have low self esteem so they feel they have no other "redeeming quality".

No. 1547105

it seems lolcow has changed. One year ago you'd be bombarded with hate and anons whining over you being a sw and calling you a slut in the old fashioned radical feminist spirit.

No. 1547120

Hating on shit gets boring pretty fast. How many times can you fling the exact same slur before it makes you feel like groundhog day

No. 1547121

That's not radical feminism luv
Hating pimps and johns is the radfem way

No. 1547133

Staying a virgin is ok if they're traumatized, care about their safety or don't want bad experiences but I feel like the crystal cafe anons aren't virgin by choice. They literally simp for incels and cry about not having a man to fuck 24/7, that's not very virgin sweet innocent maiden of them.
You're mistaking lolcow with crystal cafe, incel-I mean femcel-chan. Everyone hates men who force women into sex work and the men who purchase it, no one but misogynistic men and misogynistic women hate women who are in sw.

No. 1547254

Yeah that's exactly what I meant, they always post "tfw no bf" and simp for incels but also cope by pretending their virginity makes them more valuable because "at least I'm not a roastie!"

No. 1547262

Yeah I got what you meant but wanted to emphasize that they're definitely not virgins because they're scared or want someone they trust, etc. but because they're social rejects.
Any woman who would willingly fuck an incel like those girls admit they would isn't virgin by choice no matter how hard they cope. And them making a deal out of their virginity because it's the only "good" quality they have while putting down other women for having even ONE bf is seriously super sad.

No. 1547272

>lc bimbo
>hasn't had sex in over 3 years
>can barely masturbate without crying

such a slut amirite

No. 1547317

Omg, I'm being featured.

No. 1547504

I'm the op of that post, no I wasn't "called out" nor banned, it was after reading some posts on the unpopular opinions thread

No. 1547597

Are you also the samefagging anon who got banned in /2X/? She was also complaining about how anons make fun of mentally ill women and autists while accusing all anons to be mentally ill just like you did.

No. 1547750

NTAYRT but to be fair there are several anons across the website who act in a similar manner.
In any case I agree with >>1547030 to an extent. Normies don't actively engage with imageboards, so it's kind of ironic to see certain anons REEEE'ing about the mentally ill

No. 1548112

There was even a miner on /b/ once who admitted to using Wizardchan regularly, because she "relates more to them". The thread she posted in was that one where miners draw themselves, she said the wizards were talking about that thread.
All the posts calling her out were deleted but her posts where she admitted to posting in a male-only turbovirgin imageboard weren't.

No. 1548259

I went back onto 4chan for a bit, not even r9k, and realized how much their irrational hatred eclipses any sense of rationale

in desperate need of a mind eraser

No. 1714796

File: 1696357263610.jpeg (723.42 KB, 1170x1641, IMG_0922.jpeg)

This retard reads the Shay threads and has made fanart

No. 2051078

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No. 2051130

>lolcow is next
so who tf is this retard?

No. 2051140

A lipstick alley poster probably a white font

No. 2051151

Hoping he gets banished to the shadow realm

No. 2051172

I recognize that user from that website. They are some random scrote who loves taking up female spaces (because LSA is or was predominantly used by black women) and making typical sexist and misogynistic takes that mirrors a lot of the black manosphere faggotry. I’m tired of sharing the internet with men

No. 2051457

IIRC, that's also a white person. So I guess it's a white scrote who loves to swim around on LSA.

No. 2051950

lipstickalley users criticizing lolcow like they dont do the same shit we do, probably lurks here too

No. 2083693

I’ll always have a soft spot for that HopelessPeaches white knight

No. 2143081

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No. 2143128

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No. 2143139

wheres our fucking royalties gawker you journalist scum

No. 2143223

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No. 2168997

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No. 2168998

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No. 2169007

>literally who tier people
Kek, hard to argue with that…

No. 2169017

Literally where kek that's something people on reddit do

No. 2169030

Cowtipping is frowned upon and ban worthy and we're not trying to cancel these people, usually the opposite actually because we want our milk? Who's brigading retard? I never understand this point they makr

No. 2169033

>100% women
if fucking only

No. 2176053

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No. 2176170

File: 1727101646334.jpg (27.39 KB, 569x353, 687787989.jpg)

newfag contrarians like this ruin this site and will encourage their retarded kin to come here too by posting lolcow screenshots and talking about their favorite threads

No. 2176175

Pretty sure any real farmer wouldn't use "incelpilled"

No. 2177179

File: 1727147281324.png (97.62 KB, 1080x340, @allmystarsalign1.png)

Some people post about lolcow and post their selfies on the same account

No. 2177181

File: 1727147335605.png (798.87 KB, 1080x1491, @allmystarsalign2.png)

No. 2177182

File: 1727147388386.png (417.14 KB, 1080x1392, ana thread.png)

And another screencap.

No. 2177184

No. 2177273

We need to start scaring normalfags off the site NOW. Where’s the nonna that collected emails left by newfags so we can start making a list to spook them. Also how fucking dumb do you have to be to mention an imageboard like lc with your face available WHILE we had raids from moid ibs that love to dox, spam cp, and keep anons selfies to jerk off or make deepfakes of later.

No. 2177277

We need to start attaching anime pics to every post, there's no other way.

No. 2177278

I don't really think this counts as a review

No. 2177282

Kek and she posted this a day after lc went up meaning she didn't even check the site religiously. Retarded larper

No. 2179589

File: 1727306002981.png (271.16 KB, 1080x1119, dog hate thread review.png)

No. 2179594

Kek I still have a list of newfag emails and a short summary of what they posted from the creepshow art debacle.

No. 2179598

File: 1727306772828.gif (1.97 MB, 268x268, 1000018198.gif)

>attention whoring and acting oh so unique and cool for going on an imageboard when she's still a fuckin normiefag
I agree with the other anon. We need to start scaring normies now. We already have retards unironically arguing and posting like low IQ twitterfags that are one inch away from using "whomp whomp" on here.

No. 2179610

I have absolutely seen "whomp whomp" posts, the situation is dire.

No. 2179619

File: 1727307886952.jpg (29.07 KB, 640x393, 1000018243.jpg)

Fuck it, we need to bully them whenever we clock them. Some unfunny faggots shat up one of the TYH threads by spamming "aye caramba" like a fucking bot, two obvious minors arguing across multiple threads about who gets to post what, too many normiefags getting offended when we don't coddle faggot scrotes or even just say "retard", and too many instashit/tiktoktards/twitterfags are immigrants using zoomie behavior by spamming "I ain't readin allat" during infights they started. Too many for my nerves. Enough is enough, we need to make cyberbullying feel real again.

No. 2179622

File: 1727307961923.png (332.01 KB, 585x588, hellnooo.png)

found this on the account kek

No. 2179629

The aye caramba thing was just anons wanting to mess with that person

No. 2179631

Fucking amen. Too many normies trying to be edgy and brain-dead retarded TIFs lurking. I'm getting particularly tired of people complaining about long posts and the idiots who self-censor. I feel like 2020-2022 had the last waves of newfags that actually integrated.

No. 2179644

>people complaining about long posts
Too many people have been treat every thread like a chatroom.

No. 2179648

it was so twitterfaggy and not even funny.
That last part is very true. It's like newfags don't even lurk to understand the "language" here. They just jump in and try to make it like normiefag social media with this "low key, high key, unalive" self censor shit.

No. 2179671

File: 1727310434508.jpg (622.29 KB, 720x6478, ImageMerge_Vertical_20240925_1…)

This is a very retarded woman who used to dress like a sped and identify as "transmasc". And she posted her ass on Twitter for one like because of course she did. Never forget that this is the caliber of newfag that you could be posting with

No. 2179677

why are the ones who constantly talk about sex and how much sex appeal they have are always fat slobs who look like they were picked up from the bottom of the mariana trench like a blobfish. they’re always fat, sloppy, use ridiculous amounts of makeup to cover up their ugliness and dumpiness and leave nothing to desire, only leaving years of obvious child sex abuse and bpd whoredom to be assumed by many. don’t forget, they’re all bisluts too!

No. 2179678

Seeing her butt makes me wanna go vegetarian.

No. 2179681

imagine arguing with this fat retard on lc

No. 2179703

this won't work anon normies love animu

No. 2179706

Normies get scared at anything that isn't FOTM or shounen

No. 2179731

Jfc that permaonline zoomer brainrot. She for sure posted on that stupid closed for good thread of /ot/.

No. 2179735

I'm glad these fags mostly didn't know about the bunker threads. That was peak cozy

No. 2180871

It's funny how their knowledge of 4chan and lc is always so surface level, like your favourite 4chan subject is Idubbbz? How original!

No. 2189014

File: 1727762729771.png (112.96 KB, 1080x383, terfy.png)

No. 2189027

File: 1727763996481.jpg (45.96 KB, 540x344, 105ab06a4baeb186c6c658ba_403b2…)

Tranny fags are literally the worst.

No. 2189040

that place has to be full of trannies and scrotes

No. 2189215

Everywhere is nowadays that's why social media is so shit.
Double kek

No. 2189393

File: 1727798234044.png (354.31 KB, 1170x1630, moonmoonfag_20241001084854.png)

>imageboards for women
Well it’s certainly not fujochan or hellkek

No. 2243362

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No. 2243405

>Minors are allowed to have threads
Please lord almighty kill reddit

No. 2243508

It reads like an AI generated post tbh

No. 2243516

this is the kind of thing you write when you've got one of those mental illnesses like BPD that strip you of any sense of self and allow even the slightest of insults to send you careening every which way

No. 2245542

I like her

No. 2245761

>account on lolcow

No. 2275447

File: 1732492058688.png (162.48 KB, 1503x326, UnbirthOfANation.png)

No. 2275453

Whatever the jannies are doing, good since it seems to be filtering this scrote.

No. 2275465

Why is he bitching about jannies and what you're allowed to say here if he's "never been detected"? Kek what a whiny faggot

No. 2275469

This is why being banned for 'moidfoiling' is a retarded rule cuz he's probably been called out before

No. 2275471

What do moids like this even get out of posting on here besides getting off on the fact that he's on a female site

No. 2275472

They probably got bullied hard by moids and called a fag one too many times

No. 2275477

He's honestly owning himself. If he's posting him undetected it means he acknowledges his gender is nothing but rapist pedophile garbage. He's like a male pickme.

No. 2275493

Don't care for this retarded loser but he's right that this place does cultivate a very misanthropic environment. Like some anons are so fucking aggressive for no reason and it's like they're camping out in threads just to infight about anything. These faggots make this site so unusable I know I'm not the only one irritated by it

No. 2275504

To own tha ladiez tips fedora. He clearly states how he enjoys going undetected but it's very clear that something personal happened to him for him to cry in a paragraph like this.

He's also new as fuck and dooming over nothing. This site's had the exact same culture for over 10 years, nothing will change to suit his personal tastes and there's not going to be some imaginary lolcor apocalypse.

You don't have to respond to anons who post bait or engage in arguments. It's the internet. Not everyone has the same intentions when posting.

No. 2275508

>hasn't been accused of being a scrote
>scrotefoiling is explicitly not allowed
Huh, I wonder why he hasn't gotten called out on it. It's a real mystery.

No. 2275526

>waaaah waaah why are janitors so stict for just posting my opinion
>b-but I've totally never been clocked before, take this roasties
KEKKKK I bet this faggot is also one of the meta moids

No. 2275534

Nta but it drives me up the wall
>you didn't even try to bait
>obvious bait
>low quality bait
>nice bait kek
If it's bait then why are you retards responding?! It should be a bannable offense to make posts like this. All it does is give spergs a venue to start the infight and shit up the threads.

No. 2275542

It is very likely moids being the uber aggressive ones, especially the aggressive comments in response to the very commonly held female opinions/views. That and tiktok zoomer migrants.
Bring back scrotefoiling

No. 2275551

>I'm a male that posts on lolcow and they literally cant [sic] stop me
typical man who loves violating women's boundaries and spaces kek. bet he comes here because the other men are too mean to him on kiwifarms
he's bragging about it to the boys on KF and also coping and seething, so take it with a grain of salt. And in fairness women and men can both be equally retarded in their own ways and can pass as each other online if the conversation doesn't involve obviously gendered perspectives (e.g. sex). Or you have something like Colours on the bpdchan thread who posts milk of other crazies, but she's a crazy herself and occasionally went undetected (not always).

No. 2275556

him complaining about the rules makes me think he got banned and is seething kek

No. 2275563

File: 1732498983435.png (239.84 KB, 1496x608, never go full.png)

I went to check the thread and he's now claiming strict rules are the reason he's able to integate. Which is it, retard?

Anyway he sounds really creepy, so I think he must be like those transwomen who want to masturbate in women's bathrooms– he's getting off on the violation. Probably if you go through his posting history you'd find a lot of incriminating evidence. They admit to a lot of embarrassing shit on the website that curates embarrassing shit.

No. 2275565

the rules are scrotes can't openly swing their dicks around here. you can't ban all men from an anonymous imageboard and most farmers know that, it's retarded to act otherwise. men hate each other (yes they still suck each other off homosocially) and are attention whoring faggots, of course they come here. the newfags from tiktok not integrating, retarded moderation leading to older users leaving and killing threads are the main problem.

No. 2275567

File: 1732499151593.gif (729.16 KB, 220x220, nikocado-avocado-mental-breakd…)

mfw i have to bully some minors ASAP but i can't remember the password from my lolcow.farm account

No. 2275570

Another virgin posting on lolcow. Sad thing is he's seeking Internet points from other men for acting blending in. So they wilfully choose to be ignorant cunts in their male garb for why? Misogyny? Colour me surprised

No. 2275571

File: 1732499356672.png (129.79 KB, 385x429, embarrassing.PNG)

No. 2275575

File: 1732499607445.png (95.48 KB, 377x600, embarrassing2.PNG)

Why do they behave like this on Tumblr of all places

No. 2275577

I guarantee plenty of women here have argued with him on issues and called him retarded and he just sits there tugging on his chode like a monkey. Bet this one has degradation fetishes. He will bitch about everything but still post here which means he's a masochistic tard. The other men on kiwifarms are too autistic to read between the lines and call him out on his retardation.

No. 2275578

Of course these are the kind of people fighting in fandom discourse.

No. 2275580

File: 1732499756475.png (37.28 KB, 1533x181, gotta delete my lolcor account…)

Hope you nonas signed up with a burner email when you made your account!

No. 2275581

I called some cunt out for sounding like a middle aged Redditor trying to be a girl the other day. Like well done on hitting new reply. You better run back to the boys with screenshots. "Broads" is he a fucking boomer?

No. 2275582

They're so ubiquitous on here anymore and it's really fucking with the feel of /ot/. It makes me sad. Then I go through these peoples' blogs and realize they're all retarded nlog teenage tranny sympathizers obsessed with ugly moids like Idubbbz and Moonmoon

No. 2275583

Worst that'll happen is I add it to my email screenshot folder

No. 2275584

I miss when the fandom discussions threads were making fun of retards like these instead of fueling their vendettas and bringing in more normalfags that never touched an ib in their life

No. 2275670

fuckin nerd

No. 2275671

File: 1732503949157.png (189.61 KB, 1510x816, scram.png)

i think this belongs itt

No. 2275676

>moid totally owning the farmers by pretending to hate moids and getting instantly shat on for expressing any pro-moid opinion

farmers resigned

No. 2275677

File: 1732504167320.jpg (462.91 KB, 1079x1963, 1000019210.jpg)

>disappointed that no one made porn of this TIF character, who she ironically still draws with tits despite "aschually being a man"
bitch, go to 4chan and beg for horny attention there.

No. 2275682

File: 1732504468514.png (518.55 KB, 1076x1960, scram1.png)

kekk i just noticed how much shorter she is than the ebil terve

No. 2275688

>nobody has enough self awareness to realize how easy it is for outsiders to exist in their supposedly safe space by just pretending
No it's just retarded kek

No. 2275708

He talks like he thinks he's Hannibal Lecter analyzing some hapless detective, but instead, he's bragging about how he can successfully infiltrate an anonymous site. What does he even do on here that he can't do on Kiwifarms? Does he post his husbando in the husbando threads, and he doesn't want the boys to know?

No. 2275712

>Does he post his husbando in the husbando threads, and he doesn't want the boys to know?
Must be the case. Is a leonfag or a gojofag? Don't tell me he's a shadowfag…

No. 2275726

Anon look at his profile picture, he clearly likes his men to be big (for him).

No. 2275742

Kek they're always so confidently wrong. I'm tempted to say this person is trolling but you never know with redditors. I hope they never find out this place isn't a forum
>they're all retarded nlog teenage tranny sympathizers
I've never seen anything on these women's blogs that indicates they sympathize with trannies

No. 2275765

I can't stand these fucking trad-orbiter newfags who post about LC the same way a 14 year old boy thinks he's cool for looking at gore on /b/.

No. 2275998

Is she talking about my cc…

No. 2276084

Should've clarified I meant fakebois not MtF troons

No. 2276119

I meant fakebois too. But to be fair I don't check Tumblr or their blogs that often so I might've missed it

No. 2276618

You're not being slick.

No. 2276835

"Broads" is a funny word

No. 2276947

To old men maybe

No. 2276951

ofcourse all the annoying yuritards are annoying tumblrfags

No. 2276969

am i being scrotefoiled? we've had the occasional fag and other males expose themselves on accident occasionally, they're certainly here.

No. 2276971

>"Broads" is he a fucking boomer?
I've noticed that some young britbong incels use broad

No. 2276972

I'm British and have never heard anyone under 50 say broad in current day.

No. 2276979

Ayrt, also british and I've mostly heard it online when I've been playing games. You can tell they are on the younger side from everything else they say and their steam profile.
But I do mostly agree with you though. It's usually the double denim, working men's club type that would say it

No. 2276993

File: 1732591953974.jpg (622.44 KB, 1439x1459, 7325916512728275335.jpg)

I don't think he liked what was said about him.

No. 2276997

File: 1732592120078.jpg (13.64 KB, 304x296, 1000019216.jpg)

If it's that hard for him to not get ran out of all these different fuckint forums or imageboards, it will not take long for him to switch up and cry about hating KF too.

No. 2277003

>Invades female-only imageboard
Is it retarded? Just stick to Reddit.

No. 2277015

I agree the rules are way too strict here but yeah if we're being technical moids aren't banned, announcing you're a moid is. Of course you can't tell if someone is a moid over just text assuming they don't announce it.

No. 2277018

I've talked to her before and can confirm she doesn't even read or watch yuri kek. I bet she did this for attention only. Unless she's getting them and not posting them her number of anons has been uncharacteristically low
>is a man
>posts in -allegedly- misandristic ib for women where posters suspected of being men get dogpiled and banned
>"wahh wahhh i can't be myself in lolcor because those bitches hate men wahh"
Nigga dumb as hell

No. 2277024

File: 1732594566900.png (23.76 KB, 627x215, ic.PNG)

From the pickme thread, I'm not sure if this counts?

Moid experiences having to hide his sex on an imageboard to avoid discrimination for the first time and can't take it, boohoo.

No. 2277025

The rules are not too strict

No. 2277030

>disappointed no one's made porn of my sona
Holy shit what a pickme, I didn't think she could get more pathetic

No. 2277088

this looks like 4chan i wonder what board

No. 2277090

guessing by the filename it’s /ic/

No. 2277091

wait how can you guess just by the filename? don't most jpegs or pngs you download from there start with the same digits or am i retarded

No. 2277095

File: 1732599309565.jpeg (130.98 KB, 1172x416, IMG_3454.jpeg)

here nonnie

No. 2277102

omg i am actually retarded and thanks nonners

No. 2277114

>post on website documenting retards
>brag about LARPing as a real girl on lolcow y-y-y-you guise it's so easy
>like James Bond in a spinny skirt
>get mad when this is posted to a different website curating retards
>sperg and bluesoup because you'll never be accepted anywhere except Kiwi Farms who are never bully to you
>but for the fucking stickers

it's like updoots for these boys. No wonder he hates it here

No. 2277118

>because men aren't as cruel
Pickmeisha can't be serious. I'll take catty women ripping into eachother over misogynists, pedophiles and neonazis.

No. 2277126

This is why unhinged misandry should be board culture here. Even if moids are ebinly infiltrating, they'll be forced to read it, bear it and agree with it.

No. 2277133

and also we should make them post jawbone to laugh at them

No. 2277187

>This is gay as fuck
Not as gay as pretending to be a woman on lolcow because you want a bunch of men give you heart stickers on Kiwifarms.

No. 2277337

File: 1732628251221.jpeg (16.36 KB, 275x244, manifesto-chan.jpeg)

We need to scare off normies by posting manifesto-chan screencaps with every post.
Moids and pickmes like
wouldn't last two minutes.
Never forget.


No. 2277346

Because of jannies, we're not even allowed to say that Indian men are rapists without getting banned. We aren't scaring off normies, we've become them.

No. 2277357

Even worse if you claim black males love to rape and kill too, suddenly you’re “racebaiting” for stating reality kek. I’m shocked the ex-muslim thread has existed for that long without getting locked by the triggered farmhands

No. 2277361

This is fueling my anti-fujo sentiments even more. Of course with their male-brained leanings they go to the most male-brained and male occupied website, 4chins, to get validation from the lolicon lovers and age of consent questioners. Getting women to psyop themselves into finding anal faggotry cute and hot is extremely disappointing and disgusting(fujosperging out of containment)

No. 2277435

Funny how a few posts upthread there were anons scoffing at the KF moid who was saying that the rules on here are too strict

No. 2278453

some nlogs seriously don't grow out of it, huh. fucking loser running to 4shit to gargle unwashed basementdweller dick luhmao

No. 2279146

>got red texted

No. 2324494

File: 1735452056549.png (158.56 KB, 1080x914, Screenshot_20240925-121819~2.p…)

No. 2324495

File: 1735452137405.png (64.75 KB, 971x702, Screenshot_20240925-122116~2.p…)

No. 2324497

File: 1735452166803.png (129.72 KB, 972x920, Screenshot_20240925-122147~2.p…)

No. 2324499

File: 1735452249521.png (185.98 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20240925-122633~2.p…)

No. 2324506

what teletubbies is that

No. 2324522

Now that's a website I haven't heard of in a long time.

No. 2324546

>lush soap, old spice deodorant and freshly ground coffee
Kek this reminds me when I was a newfag and was shocked to find no surface level dirt on cows. They're not even microcelebrities yet alone celebrities

No. 2429072

File: 1741135767681.jpg (118.22 KB, 720x758, Screenshot_20250304-164330_Chr…)

I wonder where he got that from

No. 2429074

I have yet to meet a black lolcow users on friendfinder. There's a black women thread but it isnt more active than any other ones.

No. 2429076

Whoever told him that, probably only saw a couple posts in the American thread, kek.

No. 2429077

>black girl threads one of the least posted-in threads on the board
>LC is being invaded
Scrotes are obsessed with invasions. Maybe it's because the whole reason of their existence is due to a deformity invading what should've been their second X chromosome.

No. 2429108

Why do retards constantly parrot the idea that we harass and brigade cows? Did they not read the rules? No cowtipping.

No. 2429137

I think it’s just them projecting and being scared because we keep track of people anonymously. You can see tiktok and instagram cows getting harassed, doxed, and threatened all on their livestreams by followers with their real names attached but the moment you post the same cows here it’s suddenly taking it too far. Tiktokfags reported Tophiachu and sped up the process of her getting kicked out of the apt so she lives in a car now, people on kiwifarms are still actively going to see Barb and constantly interact with Chris on streams, Daniel Larson has a whole brigade of xitter zoomers that tell him to do stupid shit for money while trying to get him arrested, and so many more twitch cows that get poked at to do dumb shit for money online from their own audience.

No. 2429917

File: 1741194144010.png (425.72 KB, 1290x1876, 5267425785346.png)

I refuse to believe this wasn’t written by a kiwifag.

No. 2429926

he should kill himself about it kek

No. 2429946

what site is this?

No. 2429965

Pirate IB by the looks of it

No. 2429969

He's been lurking the black girl problem threads, that's where he got this from. Plus on youtube, you can find a plethora of videos from black women hating on black men and swearing to never date them. Off lolcow and particularly on tiktok, there's a lot of black women who are staunchly celibate and refuse to get married and have kids. That's where a lot of the troll posts we have been plagued with are coming from, but to me it just sounds like they are bitter about a group of women making themselves off limits to men, kek.

No. 2429989

it baffles me that the farmhands haven't done anything about them yet, jesus christ

No. 2429994

they will never ban vpns again. the farmhands enjoy the shitshow this site has become.

No. 2430163

So triggered, ha.

No. 2430170

File: 1741201980852.jpg (9.78 KB, 275x232, 1740602201998.jpg)

No. 2430171

What can the farmhands do about it exactly? It's not their site.

No. 2430174

File: 1741202015604.png (1.91 MB, 1440x11343, review.png)

Seems like there was a whole thread about this site on /tttt/ a few days ago.
Sorry for the horrible massive image. The op pic was just a screenshot of >>>/g/464511

No. 2430176

What are those gender statistics they posted? Where can I find that?

No. 2430177

4chan protects troons?

No. 2430185

File: 1741202291383.png (270.17 KB, 909x874, fuck.png)

No. 2430187

4chan caps for men, seems about right

No. 2430189

File: 1741202451674.gif (309.18 KB, 498x373, pika.gif)


No. 2430190

Wtf? Where is this from and how was this data collected?

No. 2430195

>misandry that goes way beyond 4chan misogyny
Aint No way that retard just said that KEK

No. 2430198

File: 1741202706541.png (194.67 KB, 300x400, 1577302088942.png)

Why do the troons call LC a lesbian website? There is husbando hornyposting on every board.

No. 2430207

Don't forget the constant fujo warfare kek

No. 2430208

Yeah >>2430185 got it, there's also an archive of the one in my screenshot at https://archive.md/vjeOp
It's similarweb.com's best guesses for this stuff, they can't get good data here because this site doesn't have tracking cookies, so it just extrapolates based on stuff like traffic sources on other sites. No idea how it works deeper than that, they closely protect that info. But it's safe to say it's mostly machine learning guesstimates.

No. 2430209

Trannies see the based lesbian posters telling the truth (that they'd rather eat glass than touch their rotpockets) and are haunted by it forever, the other scrotes are just narcissists who think the only reason women could possibly hate them is gayness.

No. 2430211

>bitching about radfems being scawy
we need ramp up the moid hate huh

No. 2430212

>scrote farm user try not to say nigger challenge! (Impossible!)
Is everyone on that site 12 years old?

No. 2430214

doublepost but what thread is the screenshot from? like specific number?

No. 2430217

KF scrotes have to say nigger in every post so they get updoots from other men. All men are faggots and desperately crave male attention and validation.

No. 2430221

the one in the op pic? I thought my crossboard quote worked, but if not, it's the Gold Star Lesbian general on /g/, thread number 462334
The /tttt/ thread is https://boards.4chan.org/lgbt/thread/39084461

No. 2430222

File: 1741203171638.gif (547.3 KB, 427x681, ha.gif)

>the other scrotes are just narcissists who think the only reason women could possibly hate them is gayness
Such scrotish delusions. So queer and totally womanly-brained!

No. 2430223

Null should enact a mandatory "post hand" order and connect every submission to the user's comment history, it would be so fucking funny

No. 2430233

File: 1741203584756.jpg (3.8 KB, 258x195, 1738598646349.jpg)

>60% males
I hope it's what >>2430208 said and it's assuming because many users here also visit KF. How do they know what other websites someone goes to anyway?

No. 2430236

I was banned here on this very site for not saying nigger one time kek

No. 2430247

File: 1741203842135.png (99.48 KB, 1244x470, goldstarthread.png)

I doubt any statistics on here are that accurate but i wouldn't be surprised if moids felt more comfortable being here because of the retarded scrotefoiling troonfoiling rules. turn the radfem shit up and they'll fuck off
>goldstar thread
kek i was asking because i remember this conversation, someone was saying they wished lesbian hitler really existed because women who usually are evil because they're pick mes are boring. also the foid brain moid brain shit is so dumb, moids literally piss themselves in public to humiliate themselves, but at the end of the day it's still scrote brained.
kf users are too fat, their hands wouldn't fit the screen

No. 2430255

It's pretty poetic how they think their weird sissy humiliation shit makes them "fembrained", but the autistic fixation on gender roles and coom makes them as blatantly male as male can be, to the point where they're even clockable as anonymous words on a screen kek

No. 2430258

File: 1741204146731.png (392.75 KB, 1200x638, 1520434490077.png)

>turn the radfem shit up and they'll fuck off
Or just post cute, sexy bishounen whenever you can. They won't be able to stand it for long. Bonus points for homobait.

No. 2430267

Wtf is this post?

No. 2430287

This is why I think having Alfred as the threadpic for Amerifags is essential to site culture. Also your picrel is cute

No. 2430297

File: 1741205369917.gif (2.82 MB, 399x498, night.gif)

That entire thread is just the "bitch about lesbians" thread, "muh goldstars and purity culture", and "why do dur dykes hate menz so much" (they won't even be referring to lesbians mind you, they'll be talking about the ugly man psyop thread women, but man hating = raging dyke). I'm surprised that's what is making them seethe the most though. You'd think it'd be anything that's actually shitty about this site but no, it's all "Why can't I shill chump??? Why do dykes?". Are they butthurt by muff diving so much that they have to dedicate 50% of the thread to how we ackshually ruined the site? Don't use lesbian threads if they hurt your feefees. Damn. the two most recent reviews in this thread have just been retards bitching about lesbians, i hope we can make them seethe more.

No. 2430335

Either a scrote or one of the hetfems that seethes at the existence of lesbianism. I posted in the LC hate thread in the pirate IB about how the posters in radfem cows thread are more misogynistic than most of the cows discussed in it, and one of the responses was someone tinfoiling that a lesbian radblr orbiter who's been inactive since before the first radfem thread would have even been created must be behind the shit stirring (the radfem cows thread on here by the way, is full of people posting the most random of lesbians on radblr to nitpick at milkless posts). LC is full of internalised misogyny in general and god knows how many people post in radfem cows, but okay, the drama obviously must be the doing of an inactive Tumblr lesbian someone probably argued with 5+ years ago.
People in the LC hatebunker also called lesbians "bitchy," "cows," and are currently calling the goldstar thread in /g/ femcels.
It reeks of salty moids or hetfems that hate that not everyone wants to hear them sperging about how they want to rape Luigi.

No. 2430358

>are currently calling the goldstar thread in /g/ femcels.
Why do they seethe over goldstars so hard? I really do think it’s the salty hetfems. We have our own (barely active) thread that we mind our own business in. I don’t have any hatred towards non goldstars unless they’re 100% fakebian like chappig lol. Goldstar’s experiences are very different than non goldstars, that’s not an edgy twittertard thing to say it’s literally just true. of course there’s the goldstars that are super aggro but i don’t even see the issue with that now that we have our own thread. They can just hide it. They’ll call any women who hates men a lesbian too

No. 2430376

File: 1741209323430.gif (2.13 MB, 498x281, spongebob.gif)

Of course random women are going to go to the only few places where they're allowed to vent and end up getting radicalized. lcf is well known for having ftms and theyfabs browsing here because they're still two-faced "female-brained" bitches who hate read threads to get dirt on ecelebs they hate as opposed to mtfs who just spam gore, cp and porn like that one leftypol raid. Nobody cares about /tttt/ self hating autistic women because they're even less confrontational than even the most schizophrenic ban evading lolcow poster. Some of them have even made threads here.

The complaints about lolcow being obsessed with hating on troons could be slowly rectified if we could just have disagreements on the internet without it getting polarized. From the little things like not wanting to read untagged trans fic. Or bigger issues like feeling uncomfortable around a mtf who's clearly too autistic and weird and hasn't had every misogynistic flaw magically zapped by using she/her. Alice she/her who has been obsessed with loli porn since the age of 12 and is a clear autopedo obviously deserves the highest order of good faith in his transition. That's not a strawman when it comes to my own experiences, but I wish it was. These arguments always go down the same route of assuming the other poster of being a transphobic boogeyman and fail to be convincing.

No. 2430394

File: 1741210168411.jpg (89.31 KB, 700x662, starbucks-unicorn-frappuccino-…)

that yugioh protag reminds me this

No. 2430414

>It reeks of salty moids or hetfems that hate that not everyone wants to hear them sperging about how they want to rape Luigi.
I can tell you didn’t actually read the thread if this is what you took from that discussion kek.

No. 2431159

I havent been on 4chan in over a decade but this is unrecognizable to me. 4chan is just reddit and tumblr now?

No. 2431222

File: 1741246218869.jpg (73.22 KB, 700x334, Screenshot_20250306_001035_Chr…)

No. 2431228

Keep in mind that this is literally on /lgbt/, but yeah, the culture has shifted a ton.

No. 2431229

Why do they always assume we hate randos who wear cute fashion or some shit? We hate retards like them because they're 99% of the time autopedophile discord kitten faghags

No. 2431271

When a twittard types like this, you know they're seething. 'Kinda fun to lurk' kek we all know these retards come here to get assmad about women who hate trannies and sperg in the retard threads over an opinion that would get them cancelled by their sped friends.

No. 2431296

And where are these cute girls… I've seen Dex

No. 2431386

I have a burning hatred for all 4chan moids. LC users need to be culled? Nah, 4chan users do.

No. 2431396

Yep, this is the "CAN'T YOU SEE HOW UNBOTHERED I AM?!" typing style kek

No. 2431724

She types like Shayna when she's bitching about the "haters"

No. 2431795

Idk why but the way kiwiscrotes use it makes me cringe so hard. It’s feels tryhard and it’s never used in context.

No. 2431802

They think any place that critics incels and pornbrain scrotes must be full of man hating lesbians. kek.

No. 2431805

Where is this from? They're both cute.

No. 2432363

4chan has become such a normie website. Everyone the last 8 years or so thinks they are edgy and cool for posting on one of the most popular social media sites kek.

No. 2432367

Scrotes don't want to believe that the women they so desperately want hate them.

No. 2432678

>any place that critics incels and pornbrain scrotes must be full of man hating lesbians
So Kiwi Farms is a lesbian forum then? kek

No. 2432727

That's what the troons who use it would like you to believe.

No. 2433133


No. 2436011

Why do twittards and the like always think this is a site to attack random people living their lives and doing their interests? If they took one look at any cows they'd realise they are genuinely shitty and harmful people who deserve the criticism and throw their twitter "cancellations" on them too.

No. 2443692

4chan is no different from reddit nowadays. It's all troons and chasers.

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