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/ot/ - off-topic

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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 906232

No theme, no venting, no discussion about anything, you come here to be an absolute retard and shitpost. Post whatever you want. Bark if you want to. However, global rules still apply, don't infight, don't post nsfw shit, don't be racist, etc

Previous mental impairments: >>>/ot/867542

No. 906233

We already have a new one nonny >>>/ot/905996

No. 906236

Whups, trying to delete but my password’s not working. Jannies?

No. 906238

You don't need a password, leave it blank and click delete

No. 906293

newfags gonna newfag

No. 2389303

Why did this get bumped

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