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No. 898344
Release the 'tism it's good for you
>>>/ot/886678 No. 898355
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>>898354Another variation I hate is this like yeah what a common thing girls say, this is so relatable..
No. 898356
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I really like this picture
No. 898366
>>898360it's not a mental disorder they just see women as their property
unless you count being male as a disorder, in which case, fair enough
No. 898377
>>898375No I agree that’s what I meant with “it’s the root of everything they do”. But idk if it could ever be fixed or improved. I feel like you could make a more
valid argument for that being some kind of pathology than a lot of what is and has been considered psychiatric disorders though.
No. 898392
>>898360My longest relationship was with some psycho who thought I was cheating on him the second he turned his back and then when I was caught up in school and work and wasn't able to be his 24/7 text bot he would get pissed and ignore me for days saying stuff like "well I've been busy too" despite him doing nothing but a normal 9-5 and getting shit faced every night kek. My most memorable moment was when he had a DREAM I sent nudes to another guy, expected me to just know that I knew that and ghosted me for valentines day and then finally confessed and apologized. Or the amount of times he thought I was getting gang banged anything I took a 15-30 minute nap. Never met anyone as fucking paranoid as him thank god
and yes of course it was because stacy cheated on him at 15, the usual
No. 898424
>>898394>I even mumble I'm the shit>Need mumble, I can mumble>I can mumble that I'm the shit>I'm the shit!>I'm the shit!>Yeah, I'm the shit!>Ha, I'm the shit!>I know it sound good to you!>Cause it sound excellent to me!>I'm the shit, yeah!>Yeah, I'm the shit!>I do it cause I'm convinced>I do it cause I'm the shit>I'm never on the fence!>Ah! I'm never on the fence!>Yeah! I'm the shit!>Yeah! I'm the shit!>Yeah!>I could even take keys on y'all!>I can even make it a hundred degrees on y'all, I'm the shit!>Yeah, yeah! I'm the shit!>Ah, I'm the shit!>Mumble cause I'm the shit>Yeah, I can mumble cause I'm the shit, I can mumble>I don't have to say shit cause I'm the shit>I don't have to say a goddamn thing cause I'm the motherfucking shit>And you know it!>I'm the shit!>Say it wit' me!>I'm the shit>Sometimes I feel like the shit>Sometimes I feel like the shit, sometimes I feel like I'm shit>Sometimes I wanna stand for somethin', then sometimes wanna sit>I didn't really plan on cussin', but sometime it just slip>Ah! I'm the shit!>I'm the shit!>Yeah, I'm the shit!>Ah! I'm the shit!>Yeah! I'm the shit!>Ahh, yeah! I'm the shit!>I know it sound good to you>'Cause it sound good to meeeeee>I'm the shit!>Yeah, yeah, I'm the shit!>I can even walk away from the mic>'Cause I'm the shit! I did it tonight>I'm the shit! Yeah, I do it riiiight>I'm the shit! I don't even have to sing in key>Ohhh! It's all about me! I'm the shit!>I'm crawling back to the mic! I'm the shit!>I could do this shit all night! I'm the shit!>I could do it in the day, I'm the shit!>I could do it any way, I'm the shit!>Yeah, I'm the shit!>That's it>Yeah, I can say it>Now I can say it, don't you see it?>I don't even sweat!>Ah! I'm the shit!>I'm the shit!>I said I'm the shit!>It might sound good to you>It sound excellent to me>Fuck! I'm the shit!>I'm the shit!>I take a piss cause I'm the shit!>I can fart on it, I'm the shit!>I get smart on it, I'm the shit!>I get dumb on it, I'm the shit!>I make her crumb on it, I'm the shit!>The sum of it; I'm the shit!>The sun love me, I'm the shit!>The moon is jealous of me!>The sun is jealous of me!>The rain is jealous of me!>EVERYTHING IS JEALOUS OF ME!>I'm THE SHIT!>I'm THE SHIT!>I'm THE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAHHHH>AHHHHH-AH-AH-AH-AH, AH-AH-AH-AH, AH-AH-AH-AH>You can't have a piece of my pie! I'm the shit!>I'm that guy! I'm the shit!>I don't know why! But I'm the shit!>Yeah, I'm the shit>Don't even have to scream>I don't even have to dream>I'm the shit, I make you cream>Cause I'm the shit>Yeahhh, I'm the shit>When I stand up, everybody sit, I'm the shit>Assholet. nonna
No. 898451
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Guess I gotta start watching "reality shifting" tiktoks to get tips better my WILD game
No. 898538
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I dreamed I got a boyfriend he looked quite like the russian guy from Tekken, intimidatingly cute. But he was distancing himself from me and would only get jealous if I was talking to any guy, so I considered breaking up with him.
No. 898646
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Some women are really living the dream.
No. 898660
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>>898646Sans the BPD, I would scream at my moid and hit him just because.
No. 898667
My friends are really susceptible to this spiritual mumbo jumbo and now one wants to put shungite in water and drink it, ok shungite is used for purifying water but if your water is drinkable you don't need it, I found a paper that said shungite has antibacterial properties and absorbs copper but releases heavy metals into the water, more than should be drunk. But she says she wants to try it anyway. How do I persuade her against it? I don't mind the putting crystals in water for an hour and then on moonlight or whatever rituals because they are harmless but drinking heavy metals for no reason is not harmless. Just because some "guru" says it's amazing and has sooooo many benefits. I hate those gurus, they're just trying to sell their shit by pretending they're enlightened
No. 898710
how do these aesthetic cafés in SK work? I work at a cafe and it's nowhere near as comfy and nice and clean as the ones in these people's vlogs. I wish it could be, I would love to serve plates this cute.
>>898705If anything it would probably just remove layers of your skin, it's not like pore strips actually remove the gunk in your pores.
No. 898743
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I keep sperging about this BUT GOID NEWS I LOVE ME SOME GOOD NEWS
No. 898763
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>am lazy by nature and hate work
>get a part time job sitting a child
>the job itself is fine the kid is great etc but due to laziness still hate leaving the house
>BUT enjoy the fact that when i get home pretty exhausted and drained i have an excuse to be a lazy piece of shit for the rest of the day and rest
anyone else know this feel
No. 898794
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idk why I made a carrd I'm not even using it
No. 898817
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>>898354I swear there were rage comics like this back then, just with less charm
No. 898865
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I'm not and have never been attracted to short guys but for some reason I find myself captivated with Charlie Day, If he was taller I don't think I'd be attracted to him though
he's like a little human Goblin man,
No. 898875
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Why are americans so retarded, is there something in your burger and marshmallows or what
No. 898886
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>>898875Our water supplies were cursed with retard flu the moment you euro fucks touched the land and gave the natives smallpox.
No. 898926
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>>898900I thought these were the canadians
No. 899019
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i developed a bit of a crush on this guy and it's just funny how i'll never meet anyone this cute irl… cute men only exist [anywhere not in my vicinity]
No. 899035
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Dear God can I get a girlfriend for my birthday, I will treat her well and buy her things and go down on her whenever she wants amen amen insert prayer emojj
No. 899057
>>899053Neither this
>>899019 or any other man on this earth would ever cape for real women's appearances this hard. Hope you realize that.
>"I-I don't care"No one asked, simp
No. 899085
>>899053>"t-they're not real!"Foolish
nonny, this is what gives them their superiority.
No. 899109
>>899070Real boys are honestly unbearably cute. Shitty? Perhaps, but so fucking endearing.
2D boys are also cute. Boys are cute. By God, it is my curse how attracted to men I am, but I will die on this hill.
No. 899124
>>898921>>898918>>898908I mean in actuality, Britain has been America's overseas province for almost 70 years now
both countries are linked forever in each others conflicts, domestic and foreign polices, for e.g the reason US got involved in Iran and the Middle east in the first place was cause of the Britain and then Britain has found its self in every American conflict(except Vietnam) since WW2
In a Century or so the UK and the Commonwealth will be just some pseudo-state part of the American Empire
No. 899148
>>899087kek these types are exactly the ones that are the biggest kpopfags at my uni
kpop threads brought with them a lot of underaged twitterfags and it was getting really noticeable. Personally I wouldn't care if we had a kpop thread if it weren't for that.
No. 899149
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>>899137It's their fault really. Grooming, hygiene, and fashion standards for men used to be much higher in the past but at some point between the 90s and 00s they collectively decided that putting effort into their appearance was too gay and effeminate. They even came up with the retarded term "metrosexual" to label any man who isn't a fucking slob. Don't even get me started on the pick mes who enable their delusions that an unwashed ass is the height of masculinity.
The incel problem could probably be cut in half if men were actually given practical advice on how to be attractive to women, but instead they spend their days victimizing themselves and taking PUA advice from other equally clueless and retarded incels. Females are the sexual selectors and this is true for the vast majority of species, placing higher beauty standards on women than on men is and always has been a disgusting reversal of nature.
No. 899166
>>899053Even if my 2D husbandos were hideous compared to the peak attractive 3Dpig male they would still have a better personality and literally 0 chance of hurting me. Objectively attractive men are always full of themselves and often
abusive because the world around them feeds their ego since birth.
>>899085kek exactly
No. 899195
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I don't think I can ever truly hate men, mostly cause so many women have made my life a living hell and been needlessly cruel to me for no reason other then I was a bit odd, radfems just claim that if any woman bullies you then she's simply doing it for the benefit of the patriarchy but that's all bullshit, human beings abuse those that are different from them any chance they get
I just feel distant from anyone both men and women, If men in the world disappeared I wouldn't care much cause the people who bullied/bully me would still exist and they'd continue to do it
I just want a place where lonely weird people can just hangout together and be ourselves without judgement or fear
No. 899252
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>>899208Despite being mostly musings from a severely traumatized and mentally ill woman, can't deny she had a point.
No. 899254
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>>899187Ok I looked into it and I’m pretty sure this is what happened to me? Just posting it incase it could be helpful to someone else they say like 10% of Caucasian people have this so I’m surprised codeine is prescribed so often/I’ve never heard about this before
No. 899258
>>899195Good post. I grew up with an
abusive mom and it headed me into a huge beginning of hating women and idealizing men. I grew up in 4chan-esque image board spaces pretending to be a man only to eventually realize men are also shitty. I now feel distanced from people in general. I cannot stress to you the painful and shameful amount that I used to over hate women. It wasn't even a need for male validation, just a dumb perception of women being vapid and sadistic. I also realized that at some point male image boards made me feel so shit about myself that I'd be in my room sobbing like a fag. I will probably always have some sort of fucked up identity crisis in my head over it. I feel great lonliness over the concept that I will never know peace from those who hate men or women because I cannot by attachment hate men and I cannot by logic hate women. I just want to go somewhere where people do not obsess over gender in some way.
No. 899288
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>>898865Have the same thoughts with regards to Jason Statham, I aboustetly hate seeing bald and wished they would die off, but with Jason Statham it just fits him for some reason
No. 899323
>>899319Its not that people dress AS Ariana Grande, it is that she dresses like the typical basic bitch. (see also: Avril lavigne)
But to answer your question: Michael Jackson
No. 899339
>>899328If its bed bugs you are fucked, they won't go away by just changing the sheets. Go right now and check the corners of the bottom part of your mattress. That's the place were they generally hide during the day and poop (so check if you can find some brown residue, like dirt).
If it's dust mites then it's easier to take care of, just get a spray online or make some yourself and leave your covers/ mattress if you can in the balcony for half a day and you're good to go
No. 899359
>>899352It's the first link when I googled "how to hypnotize yourself"'m probably going to try it again soon and repeat some affirmations to myself to let it really sink in.
No. 899404
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I've never had Crumbl before, but I cannot stop thinking about picrel. I cannot wait to make these, I swear I could cum just thinking about these cookies. The southern bitch in me also wants the cornbread cookies
No. 899408
>>898344I hate people who over-dress for everything then accuse you of being a slob when you're dressed for the occasion.
No, I'm not putting on a full face of makeup, planning an outfit and doing anything to my hair other than putting it in a ponytail to go walk to the grocery store.
>B-but anon you never know who you're gonna run into, people have gotten jobs just from looking good ALL the time.1. 99.9% of the people I'm going to run into can't to shit to improve my life, and I'll never see most of them again.
2. If someone does see me that could do something for me, I don't want their help if they're basing it solely on how I looked that one day. That's a fucking predator. Best case scenario is that they "hire me" as a secretary they expect will turn into a sexretary.
Y'all go on living your lives worried about what other broke people think. I'll just be over here comfortable in my yoga pants while I run my errands. I'll dress up when the occasion calls for it, like a functional human being that doesn't have to prove shit to people to have self esteem.
No. 899417
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I like John Cho and I would have no problem if they cast Asian decedent actor as Spike Spiegel but this casting decision is so fucking dumb
How do you choose a 50 year old 5'7 actor to play a guy whose thing is being young and impulsive and also having a lanky build
No. 899424
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>>899422I would never guess that's Valentine
No. 899438
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>>899417Spike's appearance was based on Japanese actor Yūsaku Matsuda, why not cast a guy who looks like that
Just get a lanky Asian dude in his late 20's, they exist
>>899433Tall women are rarely cast these days, anon was right she does look like a cosplayer
No. 899439
>>899417>How do you choose a 50 year old 5'7 actor to play a guy whose thing is being young and impulsive and also having a lanky buildBecause Hollywood is run by disgusting old men who hate to see actually attractive young men winning. It's always been this way.
I can't find the screenshot now, but there was some article from 19XX where a woman wrote a letter saying she'd boycott Hollywood if she had to see one more crusty old man romancing a beautiful young woman, and the article was a massive cope saying shit like "The old actors have got to take on those roles, young men just don't have the chops/capacity".
No. 899445
>>899424I take it back. They did valentine dirty.
>>899443Aren't the weebs gonna get mad that they changed a characters race? I don't like it either tbh, seems like pandering. But I guess hollyweird.
No. 899455
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>>899443>>899445Edward definitely should've been played by a mixed girl (or black, dark-skinned Indian or dark-skinned SEA). No one will ever change my mind on this.
Racist weebs would probably seethe, but IDGAF. Even a young Amandla Stenberg double with a red wig would've worked. Makes no sense to have a main dark-skinned character that can be played by multiple races or straight-up multiracial people right there, and just cast a random child actress who doesn't even resemble her in her spot, then racebend another character that has pale-ish skin (Jet). The source material already has diversity, what's the point?
No. 899458
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>>899424Just lol. I wasn’t gonna be watching anyways but isn’t Faye also canonically Taiwanese or something??? The actress looks nothing like her in general and isn’t even her actual race. Netflix is so weird with casting based on race. It reminds me of winx club - making the Latina and Asian white for no reason, one of them is now fat and dressing them in hideous unfashionable middle American outfits
No. 899461
>>899455I always assumed she was a half black girl
>>899458Singaporean, she's even based off some Singapore actress, pretty much all the characters were visually based of real life Asian and European actors or musicians at that time
No. 899469
>>899459Depends on how much you like the guy. It's sexy and amazing if you love him but you feel like less than a hooker if you don't like him (a.k.a
abusive relationships and fucked up situations).
No. 899472
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>>899463>>899455I'm less scared about her racial casting and more about the morons who will try to claim her as "non-binary" or if they actually make her non-binary in the show I will fucking lose it
No. 899476
>>899455So they made a white character black and a black/racially ambiguous but dark skinned character white?
Again, I guess hollyweird.
No. 899485
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>>899424Oh my God they made her look like a cheap cosplayer
No. 899491
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>>899472Ed is simply to much of a free spirt to care about her biological sex
also 64 likes
No. 899513
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Z e l d a w a v e is my safe place
No. 899913
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>>899906for some reason I imagine her making them wear animal skins while she dresses as an 1800s British explorer, complete with monocle mustache and accent
No. 899928
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>>899925Because she's hot?
No. 900014
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So, I am working on this original character, she is a japanese monster girl and I want to draw her in so many cute costumes, like from many eras and styles, even re-desing her as a monster girl from other asian cultures.
There are so many cute costumes I want to draw, but so little time…
No. 900023
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This comic makes me so happy. I love lynda barry, and I miss the old alt comics scene.
No. 900054
Tongue-in-cheek but: petition to ban gifs from being used as thread pics holy shit. Every time I go on /ot/ I get distracted watching the current Vent Thread gif for like 15 seconds.
>>900023God I love that comic. Kind of wanna get a tattoo of the two of them in the last panel.
No. 900066
>>900057For beef burgers I go bottom bun, sauce, cheese slice, patty, juicy vegetables, lettuce, bacon, sauce, top bun. The sauce soaks into the buns so no spillage, the cheese melts under the patty so the vegetables don't make the cheese turn weirdly water logged, and the lettuce protects the top bun from getting soggy from the juicy vegetables, and juicy vegetables ontop of patty helps keep patty moist.
No. 900092
>>900066>>900085You both put sauce on both buns? I'm not judging, but that seems like a bit much to me. I make a simple burger as follows: bottom bun, arugula, patty, cheese, apple slices or tomato, arugula, sauce, arugula, top bun. I like swiss, provolone & white cheddar, in smaller, thicker slices so it doesn't melt much and retains its character as hard cheese. I like only bbqsauce/mustard for sauce, and I abhor wetted bread. Apple slices are a burger revelation, but they must be crisp fuji apples or otherwise the crispest you can find. Also, do try a yellow or heirloom tomato rather than red, it's very different. The upper two arugulas and sauce can be substituted for a green dressed with the sauce, if I am putting an extra like bacon on top of that to prevent top bun moistening.
No. 900128
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>>900014nonnie I love monster girls, could you post her? I hope you have a great time drawing her!
No. 900129
>>900125here in burgerland there is an unspoken age where parents and children stop kissing on the lips, particularly dads and sons/daughters. Personally I think it is up to the child to determine when they're ready to stop, same as saying "mom and dad" instead of mommy and daddy. Acting like its some big deal when a young child still likes to kiss on the lips is way more fucked up than just letting them do it, imo. As a parent I would just follow my kid's lead. I think it is weird when people act like you can't peck someone on the lips, like it's all tongues wagging around or something.
Making a big deal of parents & children being affectionate seems so weird to me. At what age do we decide lip kissing is inherently sexual and tell toddlers to stop assaulting their moms?
No. 900140
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No. 900181
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Since vocaloid is also categorized as troon music when it mainstreamed, what certain songs do troons and vocaloidnewfags listen to? I want to see if I've listen to some or what they're into.
No. 900182
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>>900181Vocaloid is considered troon music now?
No. 900188
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So I have been browsing CahpoChaot(where all the ChapoTrapHouse refuges migrated to after they were banned) and it fucking hilarious
a bunch of trannies acting like this the whole time
No. 900374
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My troon coworker (who calls out, leaves early, and switches work stations all the time because she doesn't deal with the public good– even though the job is 90% public-facing, lol?) is big mad and ignoring me today. Why? Because I refused to switch stations Sunday, from a super public-facing station to an isolated one. I'm always carrying and end up covering her on Sundays anyway since she calls out all the time.
Don't ask me to switch when you're actually demanding my one isolated shift on your two-day work week kek. She's whining about me on Twitter now
No. 900403
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>>900374>she that’s a whole bastard nonnita
No. 900449
>>900277don't think it will ever be an option for me. one way i could do it is to travel to another place to get it done and i don't think i'll ever be able to afford that. kms.
>>900426trust me, anon, i would if i could. i'll see to invest in some good quality bras and sportsbras. going through pms right now and all i can think about are my tender as fuck breasts, they feel a few kilo more heavy during these days.
No. 900531
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I hate coming accross pedo shit on ao3 ahhh it makes me hate everything. I found an author I liked but of course her 2nd most read fic abt this pairing has one of the characters aged down to 15 for absolutely no reason. Ik I should always remember fo filter out the underage tag but I'd just read the comfiest most vanilla fic from her and i didn't expect this
No. 900569
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got another man to delete his account after trying to argue with me. god bless, ladies.
No. 900574
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>>900569thank you, brave soldier
No. 900585
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It's been only a few days but I think Woody left my dreams for good, guys.
He gave me a hug after I helped him leave hell, said "see you around", but I know we ain't seeing each other ever again. Gonna miss him.
No. 900703
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i was reading about guantanamo bay and felt like this was kind of a hashtag girlboss moment
No. 900718
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I'd like to unironically thank Komaeda anon for her sperging, not only do I find her hilarious but her posts also got me to start playing the Danganronpa games. So far I've played Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair and I loved them both, especially Goodbye Despair.
No. 900728
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>>900181Vocaloid is
TERF music
No. 900740
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I just randomly remembered this and my day is much better
No. 900753
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No. 901108
File: 1630855217641.jpg (160.47 KB, 828x1018, tumblr_561263dc8e8b37b9db28f77…)

dios mio
No. 901312
>>901308can you drop some name
nonnie ?
No. 901339
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Can some nonnas share their favorite notion templates, my pages are pretty simple but since they're effective enough I thought about embellishing them a little bit.
No. 901363
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Guess the fb algorithm found out I had a sweet ass
No. 901364
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>>901363Sorry *have. Grammar goes out the window when I'm high.
Anyway, what the fuck are these outfits
No. 901445
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>>901172Tengo familia maracucha.
No. 901481
File: 1630882823114.gif (1.25 MB, 220x220, A2476E33-96CF-42B5-8A26-5DE20E…)

reading a streamer’s twitch chat is always 10x more interesting than the actual stream and the streamer. god I feel like I’m collapsing from laughter right now their fans absolutely have no goddamn chill
No. 901621
File: 1630897325919.png (834.7 KB, 828x1023, Lumither_Art_by_Rin.png)

I don't know shit about genshin impact, but I keep seeing art of these characters and briefly thinking they're rin and len kagamine
No. 901627
>>899393>>899397>>899400Nonny, i had this on in the background and found the part you meant. starts at about 15:21 LOL
this woman is having a heterosexual moment for sure
No. 901653
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I read a WaPo article and the headline made me think it was about people giving up their pandemic pets, but no, it was arguably worse- it was about owners having to say goodbye to their beloved pets as they passed during the pandemic. While reading the article, it mentioned a Reverend in Boston who does pet loss counseling, and I bookmarked the page for the future. My dog is getting up there, she's 17 now, and I know it'll be hard when it's time to say goodbye. I think I have a weird relationship with religion and faith, but I can find comfort in it even if I can't find myself committing fully to it.
For any burger anons interested, this is their website: You can email him so even if you're not a burger, maybe you can still speak with him. I think the service is very low cost and they run mainly through donations.
No. 901720
File: 1630913144232.png (208.11 KB, 376x370, beegashiimeanscow.PNG)

well the sperg thread about americans forming their own language got locked, so I guess I'll share the navajo word for cow here instead
No. 901769
>>900136>>900138I never learned how to properly do this and I just want some advice now. It always seemed fun. Need me some fun exercise
Also can't ride a bike
No. 901854
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>Stuilly is the slash ship between Stuart Macher and Billy Loomis from the Scream fandom.
>Stu and Billy were best friends, going to the same school - Woodsboro High School - and, as revealed by the end of the Scream (1996), the Ghostface.
>We could already see the two boys getting along at the beginning of the movie. From what we saw then, they were spending a lot of time in school in four - Billy, Stu, Sidney (Billy's girlfriend) and Tatum (Stu's girlfriend). We could also see Macher and Loomis associating with only each other in their free time.
>As we find out by the end of the film, there was a good reason for showing them being so often together. Billy and Stu were partners in crime, the Ghostface/Woodsboro Killer. Loomis, despite saying he didn't have a motive, he actually had it - his long-running hate towards Sidney's mother for 'ruining' his family, despite the fact he already killed her. Yet we never find out the Macher's motive. However, when Sid calls the police and asks him what she should say about his motive, he chooses 'peer pressure'. It's possible that it wasn't so far from the truth and he became Billy's partner in crime, just to help him in accomplishing his plan.
>While Macher and Loomis talk with Sidney alone, they mention that they were preparing for being a Ghostface - watching horror movies and taking notes together. The two boys also had the whole, perfect plan in mind, which also means they already talked about the 'ending' a lot.
>Stuilly is the most written ship on AO3 in the Scream (Movies) tag and the most written ship for both of the characters. It's also the only ship with fanarts in the fandom.
>The ship sailed, because of Billy and Stu being partners in crime and because of the especially visible closeness between them, which made a lot of Scream fans think that they were in a relationship.
No. 901898
File: 1630941636138.png (65 KB, 1176x460, ovaritsperg.png)

This is neccessaryspeed isn't it. I remember the celtic warrior obsession from /g/threads.
No. 901902
>>901854128 written works and the rest are just self inserts
No. 901913
>>901861I need to know more
what is the general topic
(don't worry, I'm not a stalker, I only have one course this semester bc I'm writing my dissertation)
No. 901976
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cp in homepage
No. 901983
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I'd like to go there
No. 901997
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>>901976>>901971>>901970why is it happening so often lately?
No. 902005
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>>902001but WHY though? why would a person who is trying to profit from cp post here, a place filled with non-pedo women, aside from a sense of sick pleasure from sending feminist women cp? are they banking on there being pedos lurking here?
No. 902010
>>902005I doubt the bot is aware of what lc is. Just that it's an imageboard and those are usually full of pedo moids.
The question is how to stop the bot.
No. 902125
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>>902073Why tho? Captchas can be solved in a few seconds. Are you a robot?
No. 902131
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No. 902169
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>>902159stop weaponizing anonymous conformity, we can’t have shit in detroit. an anon can’t even enjoy shit
No. 902187
File: 1630959299063.gif (497.41 KB, 250x263, E0AE53B4-2CD4-4492-98A2-A5885B…)

>>902177>>902175>>902180you’re never going to pressure anybody, I’m gonna like what I like hoe
No. 902189
File: 1630959330743.png (780.72 KB, 880x658, 30.png)

>>902169There's an entire thread on /g/ for thirsting over ugly streamers anon. There's even other germ fuckers there.
No. 902195
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Jerma > Forbidden Man
there I said it
No. 902200
File: 1630959786112.png (1.08 MB, 761x496, happy.PNG)

>>902131>>902169Hey now just get in the chair and it will be all over soon, anon
No. 902201
File: 1630959809284.gif (1.7 MB, 476x498, 689.gif)

anons who come to /ot/ to thirstpost are so annoying.
if i wanted to hear you sperg about scrotes you find hot i'd go to /g/ . pls stick to the horny threads kthnks
No. 902204
>>902195both need to stay in their own threads regardless
>>902199even ko-chan was able to handle it better lmao
No. 902237
>>902198It's Jim Carrey
>>902195I think Jerma is a bit more conventional, but he doesn't have half of the allure
No. 902246
File: 1630962560046.png (127.7 KB, 1254x324, 1555750013986.png)

>>902239Samefag, I found it. This is one of necesseryspeed's posts
>>>/g/107776 No. 902249
>>902246This person is so weird, she also claims to have an autistic "Husband" who never uses the internet.
She is on Ovarit now sperging about how awesome male bodies are and STILL goes on about that fucking Greer pedo book.
No. 902266
File: 1630963511443.png (67.13 KB, 1128x503, greerposts.png)

>>902259She can't help herself. I swear I've seen the exact same second post on LC too.
No. 902281
Sometimes I think about what would happen if I went deaf. I love sound so much. I love music, hearing people, hearing silence. Sounds can be good and they can be bad. Sound is my favorite sense. I’d be traumatized if something bad happened to my ears and likely suicidal. Even if it occurred naturally into old age, it’d send me into a panic. I can’t imagine a world where I can’t hear. But then it’d be okay, because I could still feel the beats of the noise through my skin. I could still feel the hums of a vibrating piano as it plays, and the treble of a phat guitar riff. I’d never hear my family’s voices again, or the voices of any of the other people I’ve ever loved. But I’d still have the memories. I’d still retain the muscle memory of rigorous vocal training and be able to feel it from my own voice. It wouldn’t be the same, but it’d be something. All senses are precious but sound is my favorite.
>>902280This should be implemented immediately.
No. 902303
File: 1630966254376.png (23.7 KB, 1198x159, germainegreer.PNG)

>>902288This one's pretty much a match for the second post in the ovarit screencap (it's from the news stories /ot/ thread). I remembered it because it seemed kinda deranged lol
No. 902339
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>>902333No. Based off of her reddit post history necessarysped is an American doomsday prepper who constantly spergs about her retarded husband who has family in the military and apparently doesn't eat fruit. She probably just read pakanon's post and copied it. Also I think she knows we're talking about her and is deleting some of her reddit history because when I went back to find this post after screenshotting it was gone.
No. 902363
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>>902343Well if she's LARPing then this is a weird ass creative writing exercise.
No. 902372
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>>902321>>902335The way to spot her mannerisms was pointed out in a different thread so I'll just repost here.
No. 902379
>>902352this is the true forbidden man
No. 902384
File: 1630974680834.jpeg (Spoiler Image,661.92 KB, 1504x774, 0D2A7874-11E3-4187-A81A-927E16…)

>>902382watch out, you said his name
No. 902391
>>902372Thanks, now saved that (well, I know the mannerisms but I'd missed its confirmation of its shittiness)! My problem isn't with convincing
myself it's the same person, unfortunately…
No. 902403
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>>902382>>902384Never say his name.
No. 902450
>>902429I don’t mean to fuel your paranoia
nonny but I’d tread carefully especially if you’re married
No. 902453
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>>902451Well his chin do be shaped like a dorito.
No. 902508
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>>902476This but instead drinking a little of every alcohol at a wedding.
It was the first time I ever literally went unconscious face first on a table. Of course, only after falling down a double staircase thereby injuring a nerve in my back permanently. At the time I couldn't stop laughing hysterically after I fell. I have literally gotten alcohol poison before without ever acting such a fool.
Wedding parties are cursed.
No. 902516
File: 1630990949362.jpg (121.26 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_16308973473296971.jpg)

Goodbye lolcow, it was nice knowing you all!
I will try to futher my career and instead of coming here I will stop uwasting my time from now on
I will miss all the GC and radfem anons, you are absolutely based and I wish more people irl were like you, I'm quite tired of gendershit everywhere
No. 902517
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>>902516also: matching icons
No. 902545
File: 1630996391772.jpg (138.11 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1493054444775.jpg)

Maybe we'll come full circle and there will be so many people suffering from so many mental disorders and so many genders and sexualities that it will be the new normal, and all the people who crave being special will revert back to being regular fucking people instead of desperately trying to find reasons that they are marginalized and oppressed!
No. 902551
>>902545Isn't that what sort of happened once in the early 2000s? Everyone had ocd and depression, once they had to get a job, poof, all is well.
Honestly it's mostly teenagers and (mentally ill) young adults doing this shit
No. 902557
>>902553That's the biggest part of it if you ask me, it's like trying to totally remove personal responsibility. It's lazy, self absorbed people who think that tacking on as many labels as they can will push them further and further away from any kind of accountability or self reflection. They don't need to better themselves, they're totally
valid and perfect they way that they are, and no they can't get a job how dare you even ask that.
No. 902563
>>902559There's too many people in the world to make broad statements about generations or whatever. The internet has fucked people up for sure, but that doesn't change the fact that my grandma is an entitled, sensitive and unreasonable bitch who will take any opportunity to make herself out of the a
victim. I'm sticking with my narcissist theory
No. 902565
>>902562I really don't know, people are (at least I like to think they are) complex and the smallest shit can impact people's lives. I grew up in an
abusive home with alcoholics and was very head strong and I kind of made promises to myself. That I wouldn't harm myself, that I wouldn't do drugs, that I would have sex until I was absolutely sure, that I would never do something or act a certain way to be accepted. I was being attacked in my own home and I put up a shield to protect myself from other people's potential bullshit, online or offline. I'm not impenetrable and I've definitely done stupid shit and said stupid shit, but I also learned from those mistakes instead of piling them on top of each other and saying "well that's just me and I'm great"
No. 902567
>>902565Samefag but *wouldn't have sex
I should reread things before posting because I am all about the typos today
No. 902570
>>902568Thank you anon, you're so sweet. There has to be some defeatist attitude about it when you get to a certain point. My brother is definitely not a level headed or well rounded person and he's admitted to me that he never intends to be one either. He's lived so long as basically a delinquent that he doesn't see any point in trying to be anything but. Then there is someone like my mom who managed to change her entire attitude about herself and her life in her mid forties. I think it's important to just keep self reflecting and genuinely wanting better from yourself and not looking to be told that you're
valid by other people, mostly strangers, over a screen. And that self reflection sounds like what you're doing, growing doesn't happen overnight and I still think about things I've said and done and cringe and even repeat the same mistakes sometimes, but that's part of the journey n shit.
No. 902580
File: 1631000415353.png (2.96 MB, 1080x2264, sketch1613779775075.png)

>>902575Right back at you
nonnie, rest easy
No. 902606
>>902383>Maybe tsundere-anon is right about radfem infighting kekWhat do you mean?
I think she ever was radfem but wanted a place to sperg. She got mad because the gc fems on reddit didn't want to hear her sperg about her amazing husband. But redscare also made fun of her for it.
No. 902630
>>902609I don't think so, tsundere anon is not the same as Germaine Greer anon. Germaine Greer anon is the one posting on reddit and lolcow
>>902303. There's also another muslim that is not Germaine Greer anon that complains about being born in a muslim country. The Germaine Greer anon is a reddit pedo sperg born in a 1st world country and she's probably white and posts her hot takes on Islam, meanwhile Muslim anon seemed to actually be born there and be oppressed.
No. 902639

>>898344I will never commit HRT and I thoroughly loathe how hormonally and mentally unstable men are (despite being only 49% of the population yadda yadda and you know the rest) so I wouldn't want to bear that burden. Being a man would suck in its own way, sure, but only if I'd want to be a responsible person or some type of a wagecuck. Nowadays though, it's becoming even less and less necessary.
But anyway if I was a guy, first of all, I'd reach my fitness goals with much more ease and I'd have more potential for building strength. If I was ugly people would just shrug it off and expect me to do better in other areas, which I already do and have done all my life. If I refused to get a wife I'd be billed as a based quirky autistic intellectual hermit that pukes at the thought of having to hug a woman. I could be invisible finally and do my own shit without being evaluated whether I'm hot enough to justify my interests. I could throw a get together with my best dudes in the woods where we only listen to black metal, set furniture on fire and drink booze. We'd beat each other with wooden sticks for fun and sperg about our PC rigs. Or hell, I could go serious with the sticks thing and start larping a samurai, take some kendo or iaido classes and receive/deal a weekly beating with a genuine wooden sword. I could then just do a U-turn and become a flamboyant gay fashion icon without an ounce of skill or understanding on how to design for women. The only downside to that would be the butt stuff which is gross, but idk maybe I'd be an uwu asexual ambiguous homo with anxiety and a zero tolerance for meanies who dare question it. I'd get a say on women's rights too and endless seas of dumbasses would take anything I said on the matter seriously. I'd get praise and money for my autistic shit as long as I had a dick and some shock value to provide. I'd post my physique to instantly win debates online. Basically I'd get to do interesting stuff with minimal to no repercussions. I'd do all this random access crap and more without ever once resorting into sexually assaulting a woman. If I felt the urge I'd probably just take some meds for it, take a cold shower, read about stoicism or daoism or some shit and keep doing what I do best. Being a funny haha retard with a dick. I'd wear a suit.
No. 902674
>>902639damn, you need some new friends
>But anyway if I was a guy, first of all, I'd reach my fitness goals with much more ease and I'd have more potential for building strength. understandable, they’ve also got some tard upper body strength, nothing’s stopping you from working hard at the gym though
>If I was ugly people would just shrug it off and expect me to do better in other areas, which I already do and have done all my, if you were ugly you would develop a whole complex about it and REEEE about pretty women who recieved different treatment than you. you’d hyperfixate on your big nose, your asymmetrical eyes, and your soft, almost non-existent jawline. you’d avoid mirrors at all cost, and whenever people would tell to get in the picture and die a little inside, trying to smile but wincing instead. then you’d see that someone posted the picture online, and gag. your insecurity would show up in ways you dont notice through thoughtless words and gestures, and other people would notice.
> If I refused to get a wife I'd be billed as a based quirky autistic intellectual hermit that pukes at the thought of having to hug a, your married friends would constantly push you to get married, and once you hit 40 as a single man you’ll get a crisis and go BUT M-MY ANCESTORS FOUGHT AND CROSSED SEAS RO BE HERE!!!!!! you’ll get married and have retarded kids with your low-quality walmart sperm. you won’t get to enjoy it, because age takes a toll on your body, and soon enough lilly and kyle will notice that daddy is a little older and slower than everybody else.
>I could be invisible finally and do my own shit without being evaluated whether I'm hot enough to justify my interests. why do you care about justifying anything? self-assuredness goes a long way. justifying often hints at insecurity — if you have it, why are you yelling about it?
>I could throw a get together with my best dudes in the woods where we only listen to black metal, set furniture on fire and drink booze. women i know already do this. they get into the desert and get a bunch of rockets and hurl them at each other for fun. i almost lost my eye once. also try to set a bunch of garbage in a barrel on fire and play ABBA, it’s fun
>Or hell, I could go serious with the sticks thing and start larping a samurai, take some kendo or iaido classes and receive/deal a weekly beating with a genuine wooden sword. you want to be a swordswoman? historically women had a thing with swords, actually. julie d’aubginy (or whatever that french (yuck) woman’s name is) comes to mind. looks for some knife fighting lessons in your area.
>I could then just do a U-turn and become a flamboyant gay fashion icon without an ounce of skill or understanding on how to design for women. you’d need a shit ton of connections. not that easy, and certainly not about being a man. i get where you’re coming from because the traits that are concerned with “getting your shit out there” are mostly associated with testesterone, but i dont ser why a woman extremely passionate about design and wants to get out there can’t inhabit the mental landscape of a devious and cold-blooded driven faggot. if you have the passion for it, you will do it.
>I'd get a say on women's rights too and endless seas of dumbasses would take anything I said on the matter seriously. I'd get praise and money for my autistic shit as long as I had a dick and some shockI'd reach my fitness goals with much more ease and I'd have more potential for building strength.
>If I was ugly people would just shrug it off and expect me to do better in other areas, which I already do and have done all my life.
>I'd get praise and money for my autistic shit as long as I had a dick and some shock value to provide. by other retards. the lack of self respect you must have to refuse to hold yourself to a higher standard
>Basically I'd get to do interesting stuff with minimal to no repercussions. you’re projecting at this point, doing the female equivalent of men saying “if i was a woman i would be low ambition and passive and inherently valued, i wouldnt be lonely and retarded”. sounds like learned helplessness to me, you can do plenty of cool shit and strive for greatness but its easy to just lean back and say “i-if only i was a boy!”
No. 902679
>>902639samefag: in retrospect this should've gone into the shitpost thread
hope it was entertaining though
No. 902694
>>902674Bless your heart for replying and breaking it down like that with serious advice on self-improvement. I liked the desert and rockets story, thanks for telling me that.
Yeah, I was doing a "if I was opposite gender I'd be perfect" but from female perspective and wanted to go as ridiculous as possible, starting from semi-understandable complaints and escalating into full on spicy idiocy. You know the mental image of the "uwu autist woman gf qt3.14" that some men seem to froth and seethe over so I probably won't need to explain that one in detail, well, I came up with this superficial understanding of a random quirky male who supposedly gets to be a retard in stereotypically boyish ways with abundance of slack being cut for him. All in good fun, although I have to admit that I did take out my own frustration for ignorant men 'splaining me on how my life's on 'easy mode', essentially trying to evaluate female life through a lens limited by male imperatives and complexes.
No. 902702
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>>898979>I almost want to ask him about it only to make him uncomfortabledo it do it do it
No. 902709
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>>902002>>902010>botI thought it was real alive edgy (perhaps sociopathic) people who do this just to upset others
have I been mistaken all this time?
No. 902716
File: 1631022025810.jpg (650.04 KB, 1200x1600, 4676109.jpg)

I was watching a video about Yona of the Dawn (from 2014) on Youtube yesterday night and today I see a post about this anime, what are the odds lol
It reminds me of Fushigi Yugi
No. 902723
>>902716Damn, I didn't even remember Fushigi Yugi.. I had the manga.
Now I regret selling them.
No. 902747
File: 1631024778529.gif (720.9 KB, 245x180, tumblr_mavu4khLw11r2ybyso6_r1_…)

I dreamed of lolcow again.. it was an actual place like a restaurant or a pub, idk. All the farmers were Seinfeld and Cheers characters for some reason and Elaine was always sperging about some crazy shit. That bald four eyes guy from Seinfeld (forgot his name) was talking about opening a thread for Elaine and they started to fight after Elaine called him a tranny. It was exhausting.
No. 902764
>>902744ntayrt but this is so nice to read as someone else lost in her early 20s. i just graduated and everything is terrifying and i’m so broke kek. thanks
No. 902779
>>902744Me too, anon, I was absolutely retarded from my 18 to my 23 years of age, luckily I somehow managed to stop being retarded and got myself out of the idiotic internet spaces I was before I put my name on stuff that I would regret.
>>902737Don’t worry, anon, just keep everything under a pseudonym and nothing will bite your ass in the future.
No. 902794
>>902786u say Lady Gaga, I say Breaking Benjamin
u say Miley Cyrus, I say Evanescence
u say T-Pain, I say Three Days Grace
u say Rebecca Black, I say Linkin Park
u sau Daft Punk, I say Green Day
u say Flowers, I say Nine Lashes
92 percent of teens have turned to pop and hip-hop. If you are a part of the 8 percent that still listen to real music, copy and paste this message to 5 other videos. DON'T LET ROCK DIE!
No. 902800
File: 1631028097248.jpg (49.2 KB, 510x601, animemo.jpg)

>>902794Wake me up inside (save me)
No. 902802
>>902791i'm in my 20s u fuck
>>902794unironically agree and i love these bands KEK
No. 902808
>>902800I’m 27 and that pic was on every piczo site or MySpace and Xanga page or Msn dp
2005 in a nut shell jfc
No. 902813
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>>902808Mentally im using this pic for my new myspace and playing Hilary duffs so yesterday on my CD player
Hiya 2005
No. 902815
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>>902794Ew, rockhead. Listen to techno and dubstep, you cat eating poser.
No. 902827
File: 1631028968921.jpeg (129.54 KB, 640x640, C993E735-672C-47D3-BD35-AF230C…)

i'm playing nu metal for him because i want him to have nostalgia for a time 20 years before he was born
No. 902842
File: 1631029587097.jpg (9.49 KB, 200x200, mujin wakusei survive.jpg)

Oh man, in a 2005 I was obsessed with this crappy anime called Planet Survival and my favorite bands were mcr and The Academy Is…, school was awful and I was very moody
Thank God I'll never be a teenager again.
No. 902851
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>>902842Wait a second, planet survival wasn’t crappy, it was sweet and cozy, your edgy teen self of the past makes you think otherwise.
No. 902854
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Whomst here listened to Pierce the Veil and other similar terrible bands in early 2010s
No. 902877
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Who was your favorite 1D member and why was it Harry?
No. 902895
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>>902888>you will never be a wine aunt with a qt 17 y.o idol bfwhy even live
No. 902913
i can't follow the conversation ans too lazy too reply to everyone, but do we really have nonnies who unironically think listening to mainstream rock makes them better and more yooneek than the icky preps? also
No. 903002
>>903000Linkin Park were a band of pussies for pussies and I've thought that since their debut.
This thread has turned into a poser kerrang thread and I want to bully so many of you anons but I'm grown and just grateful I was never such a fag
No. 903014
>>903000Not any of the music anons participating in whatever the fuck is going on in here but I agree. I was never into Linkin Park outside of listening to numb and in the end like every other middle schooler out there, but I went back to listen to Hybrid Theory recently and shit slaps. What a good album!
My playlists are a hot mess kek. Every week I beg the spotify AI to give me some good music because my tastes are both very specific but also 'I will listen to everything and anything' so it, for whatever reason, struggles really bad.
No. 903016
>>903000Based LP stan. Though U personally love ATS as much as HT/Meteora. I think it's their mature masterpiece.
>>903002>a band of pussies for pussiesWeird way to say abuse
victims, but ok
no the entire band wasn't abused (I assume), but Chester's many traumas clearly had a profound effect on their music and lyrics. I found it so brave that he told about the sexual abuse he went through when no-one was doing that. Listen to Easier To Run with it in mind and you will see what I mean No. 903039

>>903022Aww anon, we can cry together. I'm so sorry for everything you went through. It makes me happy that Linkin Park brought comfort to many other people in difficult situations. It pissed me off how it was considered cool to shit on them for not being manly enough (I guess it's better to be a typical misogynistic scrote like most other nu-metal bands?) when people genuinely had no idea that no, Chester didn't write those lyrics about his parents not letting him party until 12 AM or some other bullshit. Once he died, everyone suddenly started respecting them (I guess everyone but
>>903002 kek) and writing think pieces about Chester's powerful vulnerability or whatever.
So glad that I saw their last show in my country, a month or so before Chester's death. I could only afford the shittiest tickets and had to sleep at a bus station, but it was so worth it. I would never forgive myself if I didn't go to the show.
Sidenote, I was impressed with vid related when I randomly found it. I don't think they had much to gain from recording that (or their PR team failed, since hardly anyone here in Poland is aware of that - you'd think it would be a big story among fans). Love how Chester is the one person in the band who clearly gives a fuck in that video. Every now and then, I stumble upon another kind thing he did just because he could
No. 903046
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>>903022>>903039also I wanted to use that gif, kek. Remember when bennoda fanfics were a thing, or were you blissfully unaware of that? I don't think that Chester and Mike were fujo baiting, though. Seems to me they were close before fujo baiting was a thing kek
No. 903050
I had a friend who was really into lonkin park in like 3rd grade, i really didn't get it st the time, I wasnt into anything that edgy/crunchy. But in retrospect, his family had a lot of money but he had a tweakery nutso older brother that would beat him up, a stereotype of an in-bed-all-day divorced drinker mom & absent fat ugly dad, and he had one eye (the other was glass & I at least couldn't tell, but it did fall out in class one time, and he wasnt allowed to do sports b/c of it). I wish I was more mature then, if I could go back I would do anything for him. I stopped being close friends with him sometime in middle school when he fell in with some skaters I didnt like, and I feel terrible for kind of resenting him for that, I was a gross geek and I did judge him then for not being very studious. He was so much more gentle than those awful skaters. He married his HS sweetheart right away and I know he is a good guy, he was the only one who would hug & hold hands with his partner in the hallway with eyes only for her, with no fear of douchebag dudes makong fun of him. He would get this look that said I don't care how small I am, if you say shit to me I'll break your teeth in, and those dick heads would slink the fuck away. God I hope he's doing well.
No. 903064
>>903054>not shipping Squidward and SpongeBobSad, it’s the ultimate ship, hell, there’s even songs.
No. 903073
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if you really think about it, all stories ever created are fanfics and all characters are OCs, being part of a published work doesn't make them less of an OC
No. 903082
>>903073I mean, yeah, specially when the lore of the original story isn’t clear, the characters are just original characters that live in a world similar to the original where they come from.
Fanfics are basically parodies and it should be completely legal to publish a fanfic without even changing the names of the characters/places/things because it will never be exactly the same as the source material.
I honestly don’t get why a company would get its feathers ruffled over fanfics or fan comics, if anything, it’s basically free publicity because everyone will be like
>well, this is based on this other thing, I will check the original just to see the differencesEveryone wins.
No. 903097
File: 1631041097127.png (1.16 MB, 1482x765, 1630950549354.png)

The year is 2003, you're just checking your inbox when you gaze upon a strange email, you open it and there's nothing more than this pic, "25-05-2021" is its filename.
No. 903109
>>902877Kek directioners memes were something else. I liked Louis idk why
No. 903122
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>>902941Can't believe I got 2 hours for that lmao
No. 903185
>>903166What? Sorry but that’s retarded.
Everyone who went to school saw the emo and rock kids getting together because they wouldn’t want to hang out with the normie kids because
>muh they only listen to 1D and reggaetón!! They don’t listen to my based BoTF or BVB!!!!11!!1!1Like, if that doesn’t make you cringe, I think it’s time to let go of the past.
No. 903190
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looking at hilary duff just reminded me how popular the "blonde with brown eyes" look was all throughout the 2000s (hilary d, pic related from friday night lights, britney spears, mariah carey, keira knightley, jessica alba…)
No. 903191
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>>903166>and?This was you in middle school, wasn't it?
No. 903193
File: 1631044900770.gif (2.81 MB, 498x334, here-lady-gaga.gif)

this stupid music sperg is still going on
No. 903220
>>903200What's changed though? Earlier anons were REEing about how pop and rap could never be on the same level as their favorite
superior mainstream pop rock band and if you even try to suggest that they are then you're a retarded zoomer who doesn't understand the complexity of What's My Age Again?
No. 903261
>>903246so all you're arguing against is a made up superiority complex just because someone has functioning ears and can tell modern popular music is dogshit… take your meds.
>>903256but i agree with that statement retard-chan
No. 903268
>>903256I slap to the early 2000s for hours, til I'm
sore. Put on the Much Dance CDs bitch it's about to get hot in hurr
No. 903269
File: 1631046363540.png (3.59 MB, 1349x1799,…)

I want this stupid lil makeup pouch so bad but it's $42 and small and I don't even need pouches, for make up or other things… but god I love food themed shit like this and the FORK ZIPPER!!!
No. 903273
>>903269Just get it,
nonnie, do it for both of us.
No. 903285
>>903281AND THE PARTY D-
Wait something isn't right
No. 903291
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Or maybe this
No. 903293
>>903081The characters were previously created, in your mind. And at the time you made them, you may have been a different person from who you were when you actually wrote their stories.
thnik ab0ut it anon…….
No. 903305
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>>903273I'm losing my mind ughhhh it's so fucking cute and I want to have it to pull it out and show it off but I'm being such a fucking cheap ass. It's so small but UGHH
No. 903324
>>903263>>903265damn i kinda want an 80s bully
gf now
No. 903360
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>>898360One of the Manifesto-chans in the MTF thread once wrote a post about cuckold anxiety and how it's a driving force behind transbians (to avoid chad taking away their dream stacey they target lesbians that don't like chad) and it opened my eyes to how real the issue is.
No. 903376
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No. 903377
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No. 903378
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My dog is using my arm as a pillow, this is my new life and I love it.
No. 903487
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There's a lot of japanese yumejoshis who are so devoted its almost insane. I honestly really admire that devotion.
No. 903513
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>>903487Honestly, they're too powerful.
No. 903542
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>>903468Kek that's cute, I'm surprised you had the self awareness to quit stanning at that age.
Meanwhile I got into 1d in my 20s, no shame but I bet it would've been way more fun when I was young. At least at this age I mostly enjoyed them through memes and funny vines, tiktoks etc instead of unironic stanning.
No. 903552
>>903542ntayrt but no shame in that
nonnie! i will say as a 1d stan back when they first came out in 2010, it's fun to see how my favourite songs and stuff have changed as my taste matured (for the most part, the singles like WMYB and kiss you will always slap), but as a fan in your 20s, have you gone through that at all? what are your favourite tracks?
No. 903584
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This stuff smells so bad, it smells like illness. It smells like vomit. I want to die when I use it
No. 903598
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shit like this makes me so glad burgers won the american revolution
No. 903619
>>903611Oh yeah the titles are absurd, but that's because the main character and her friends invent a lot of stupid/funny slang. I don't think it's meant to be normal british language kek.
Honestly I read them when I was a tween so that's prob why I thought they were hilarious, but they're quite witty and relatable considering it's teenage nonsense.
No. 903695
>>903640Every round if i don't start a tab. $3-$5/drink, 30-60% if i keep a tab open.
I'm a bartender though so i consistently over-tip.
No. 903698
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caraway (fennel) seeds can suck my ass!! I'd be so excited for sausages or meatballs and then BAM, fucking caraway seeds here to ruin the entire meal. You can't even tell most of the time either unless you cut the meat so it's always russian roulette. I've been vegetarian for a few years now and vegan meat producers fucking love putting these shit seeds in their meatballs. You can suck my ass too, Gardein. If I wanted to eat licorice for dinner I'd just go to a fucking candy store
No. 903720
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>>903713When there's multiple men, you know they're going to be disgusting because it takes next level betas to tolerate it.
No. 903762
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>>903751Yes! And same. Her dumping the /pol/tard shit was a twist I didn't expect in the least. If I have it right, her Nazi ex had her thrown into a psych ward for abandoning his ideology, and told the staff she had delusions and that he totally wasn't one. I can't even imagine how scary that must've been.
The "COCK NOW" spam is a bit much, but I'm kind of glad. Looking forward to the direction her art/comics go from here.
No. 903776
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>>903769Nah, I agree with you. Her work is very charming in a strange way. I hope she does get better, she's obviously seen some shit.
No. 903842
>>903762>>903751Holy shit, that's wonderful news!!!
I srcond the question of where to follow her, I lost the link to her insane webpage.
>>903777You made me realize WHAT exactly she makes me think of: the Cat Soup lady and her picture diary. Except it's bunnies instead of cats
No. 903848
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Do I got the ‘tism if I try to vary my typing style in order to seem like less of a sperg who posts on here constantly
No. 903888
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Some anon posted this in the bad art thread, but I can't get over the last pic. That lil guy is so cute
No. 904043
>>903994>"I'm not bipolar, I don't need my meds, the doctors are gaslighting me!">"She's right."Sorry about your diagnosis,
No. 904090
>>904052That's the ol dick pass in action. Men act like savages in public but because people are conditioned that male anger is
valid they come up with excuses to justify what they're witnessing. Heck it's not even reserved for public freakouts, whenever a man is violent there's always a reason, they say.
That aside, people are special dicks to airline staff. I know because I used to work for one. People pay a lot of money relative to their earnings, and so get heaps mad when there's any kind of bump in the road. Worse still is when they discover there are in fact rules of contract on top of the ticket prices they paid, and to get any great treatment requires $$$$$ and status that most never come to possess. Mix that together with travel stress, exhaustion, and crowds…it's not a mix. The toddler tier tantrums I've seen are not uncommon.
No. 904117
>>904090>That aside, people are special dicks to airline staff>The toddler tier tantrums I've seen are not uncommon.As a travel agency employee, I've been in an unique situation of experiencing both paxes and airline agents being insufferable (occasionally, when it comes to agents). Having said that, I feel you so much lmfao.
>What do you mean I cannot use my nonref, nonchng ticket on which I've been a noshow to fly on the next flight AND I will get close to zero money back?? What do you mean I've been overbooked by an airline and can't travel??? YOU'VE LIED TO ME, AND YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT.Never been happier to let my hard-earned knowledge rot. Good for you for getting out too.
No. 904119
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why does tyga look like a horse faced incel
No. 904220
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For the first time in years I like a guy. I like him so much that I'm even scared to ask sanic about him. I don't think I could take a negative answer right now.
No. 904252
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>>904249They’re protecting you from their evil house spouses.
No. 904280
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every corpse stan from twitter is a genderspecial alternative emo. just look at "jiggles", the fan that was spamming his thread. they look all the same.
No. 904282
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I kinda want to study, mostly because taking notes with cute stationeries and planning out what to do seem fun now that I finished school. Maybe I want to prove myself I have discipline if I organize myself. I can self-study a language but anything else isn't motivating without a teacher to guide me.
No. 904546
>>904468>>904466Soap comes from fats being heated in the presence of a base, but fats also turn into soap-like compounds over time if they are in sealed containers (if exposed to air or bacteria they decompose in other ways). This happens with corpses where if they are in a sterile environment, body fats decompose into a soapy substance known as "grave wax".
So you probably had a somewhat old but very well-sealed & sterile avocado/container of creamer.
No. 904560
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There was a scrote right in front of me sperging to someone on the phone, call them a bitch threatening to kick their ass multiple times a la navy seal.
This happened in our campus restaurant and I had second-hand embarrassment for him and a tinge of fear.
No. 904572
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Kuroshitsuji & Emilie Autumn's music go together like peanut butter & jelly. Both have edgy victorian aesthetic and both take me right back to highschool
No. 904643
>>904638Damn it's 2021 and someone is getting totally
triggered over people not enjoying kuroshit and shotas
No. 904648
>>904643Well its 2021, is actually very fitting there's someone getting
triggered over fictional shit nowadays
No. 904662
>>904655I used a separate mp3 player for years even after I got a smartphone because I liked the sound quality better and I would run out of space. I finally stopped using them because using my phone is just more convenient, but I would always get mine off of ebay. it seems like the ones with physical buttons last longer than the touch screen ones.
also if you have an android phone you can always get an SD card, or just pay for a streaming service. but I understand if you don't wanna do that. mp3 players are cute ngl.
No. 904901
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>>904884I dislike that term because it's yet another way to pick apart women for a totally normal feature they can't help. same with this roastie shit, from what I can tell no one even cared about that until it got memed. but you could go back years with each nitpick being popularized/recycled and it honestly sucks. there are enough now that every woman falls into having one of these made up flaws, every one of us. I genuinely can't empathize at all with other women who use the terms because they must have something they feel bad about in themselves too.
No. 904913
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>>904906The one real argument I can see for this is that men misuse it. Men have called me it for being fat even though I have extremely wide hips compared to my waist. I think they think it means big like a fridge or something.
As for mapping out male versus female insults- I can't. I have spent too much time around males.
No. 904921
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>>904917Depends on the guy I guess. I have been picked apart on an integral level so hard by men before that I want to take off my skin.
No. 904926
>>904922I'm sick of, even women (even especially women) telling me men age better. The fuck they do. My step mom will say this while she's feeling suicidal about her wrinkles. I try to point out that society is breaking her brain and older men look just as fucking trash as older women if not worse. Gold diggers give too much confidence. When researched, if checked for financial attributes, older men are in fact found just as ugly as older women.
This also bleeds into the concept that only older women give their kids autism. Even Chris Chan of all people knew better than that.
No. 904927
>>904921I'm real sorry nonners. Remember what this anon said
>>904920 and I know we all have our insecurities, but women as a whole are so much more pleasant to look at and be around in every way while scrotes are a lot worse even more than a woman deemed ugly or unpleasant. not even a radfem this is just truth imo. anyway, be well
No. 904938
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>>904926Men don't wear sunscreen, they don't moisturize or use skin care in general, they smoke and drink at higher rates, they're more likely to spend time outdoors, no fucking WONDER they age worse. Even with a slight advantage of thicker skin, they think taking care of themselves is gay and they will age ~like wine~ with zero effort.
Men are allowed to age and women are not, that's the difference. And all we can do is take care of ourselves and raise our standards until they get a fucking clue, I'd rather die alone than date a man who looks or is significantly older than me.
>This also bleeds into the concept that only older women give their kids autism. Advanced paternal age and age gaps are a much bigger factor in autism, men actively support the biggest causes because they don't actually care about the health of children. Manifesto-chan explained their youth obsession best.
No. 904941
>>904934Those scrotes are creepy and only pulling things out of their ass. They also conveniently ignore that in the past, yes mothers were younger but fathers too since young males had jobs much earlier and could provide sooner. The age difference often wouldn't be that great. Regardless, aside from basic moral common sense, all we need is science and like you said similar species to see what is healthiest and sane. Otherwise offspring turn out with higher risk of problems. It's funny since they will point it out with older women, and even the homophobic ones will say gay sex is against nature due to diseases and no reproduction, yet conveniently don't look at the data around older fathers and younger mothers. It's an emotional argument to excuse their own creepiness make no mistake or else they would care about all the data.
>>904935I get you. I think there is a certain distinction too, but it doesn't matter that much to me since it is still bad due to things like power imbalance and like I said, there's more risk to the offspring so it's not really intended by nature.
No. 904945
>>904936You know what's weird that I have noticed. Guys who publicly make a deal about how much they hate people who date teen girls (who are like 17) always are really into this type of porn. I have to wonder if they don't think they can save the girl just to fuck her themselves.
>>904937I guess if you think Americans are the only correct people on earth. I dunno.
>>904941As far as I can tell I see substantial loss of birth problems by 17 years old so I think that part is not so serious. But, yeah. I could see a mental imbalance issue but I also feel that can sustain till like 25 years old. People shouldn't date much older people till over 25 probably. But 18 is mostly just a random ass in between number to me.
No. 904948
>>904944I am surrounded by betas so I often forget this is a thing but I always remember my dad, who is fairly confident with women, is really uncomfortable when very young women flirt with him. Like, he's sort of touched like "Awh, that's sweet" but if they get serious it really freaks him out.
I never thought about it being related to confidence before though.
No. 904952
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>>904949Yeah, I personally still find attraction to people a great deal younger but I'm at an age where I am beginning to notice a serious divide between me and them mentally and I don't think I could see myself dating, like, a 17 year old. I assume people who do that past 25 either care about sex only or are unable to mature themselves. If the last one, it must be by a lot because I consider myself a little behind on emotional experiences/relationships and it's begun to feel weird than me. I do feel sad inside that I didn't really get to date young qts when I actually was young but I suppose life is what it is. I didn't even realize this till recently and I actually spoke to a 17 year old boy after a long time of not and I was like "Oh shit, you're a little retarded, huh."
No. 904962
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>>904958Yeah. I like to think in a sense of emotional mindfulness I am actually quite mature for my age that way (and I'm told I am) but I just have little experience in relationships as I've only dated 2 people. I don't know what is giving enough or too much or what I even consider is ok in a relationship. Especially because the little experience I've had has been very confusing because I have a taste for guys who also have little experience. Not that they're young, but just have also been alone a lot. I can also be a bit naive but I like to believe it's just being nice and not being dumb but I don't know.
No. 904965
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>>904962I hope you find a guy with a similar experience level to you! that is a normal expectation to have and tbh I feel the same. You do sound mature, and probably the naivety will improve when experience comes. We are kind of similar because I'm also naive but everybody is at their own pace and we will get there. love the images
No. 904968
>>904949You're attracted to the person and not the number of years they've been alive. There's people who look the same at 30 as they did at 24, and there's people (men) who start balding and looking haggard by that age too. Your age isn't written on your forehead so obviously it's stupid to say you're not attracted to people exactly 5 years younger because how do you know?
I'm 29, I've had 20 year old college freshmen (before anyone starts sperging, army service is compulsory for men where I live) attracted to me. I found them annoying and obviously too young so the feeling wasn't mutual, and only after I told them did they call me gross and too old.
Obviously this doesn't apply for anyone under 21 because at that age people
do look visibly younger and are still growing mentally and physically, but it's normal to be attracted to someone a few years younger or older than yourself because people in their 20s and early 30s look the same. If someone is way too young for you though, you have a responsibility to let them down because you're supposed to know better even if they insist.
No. 905078
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to the stinky lady who banned me from her discord for being the only other woman in the group, the guy you orbit has offered to unban me and tells me hes sorry about you sperging out! cross me again and ill make him send me pics of his asshole.
No. 905107
File: 1631194410668.jpeg (2.18 MB, 4096x2731, 75BD0A63-C3DA-4540-B6AC-8B9F4A…)

tfw i have two completely different styles;
>middle america bumfuck early 2000's numetal fan core
>flowy european girly clothing with some cottagecore inspiration
its bad because that means i have to shop two completely different wardrobes basically. but then it's good because i can switch between the two on a day by day basis depending on how i'm feeling that day and the ability to do that makes me extremely relaxed and just not having to choose between only one or the other
No. 905172
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I was cleaning out my phone gallery and I found the birth of the first retarded shitpost thread (the one that was locked), it made me weirdly nostalgic now that there's a possibility the site might close. I will miss you retards sm
No. 905230
>>905228I don't know if scrotes want people to call their feet cute. I think I got one guy once to suck my toes and he didn't perform how I'd like him too. Like if I could find a guy to pretend to be super into my feet I'd break all tradition and propose to him lol
I'd post a photo of my feet but they're honestly so nice and a beauty mark and I've shown enough people irl I'd be afraid of doxing myself!
No. 905247
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>>905221>>905231I used to watch what not to wear and always thought Stacy's white hair was the cutest thing
No. 905248
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>tfw finally escaping neetdom and enrolling to new university
>see this
Y-you guys told me this was all only online…
No. 905457
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Fall is the best season, hands down. I can't wait till Thanksgiving comes around, I really want to make some cool fall shit for my family
speaking of fall food, picrel is so good
No. 905468
I used to play this game Kingdoms of Amalur a lot, the crafting and combat was very fun and I remember the beautiful world clearly but I remember only like 4 characters. The one I remember most clearly was a random npc not even related to any quests just an elf noblewoman standing in her mansion lamenting how all that waits for her in her life as a woman of the wywyrn-gifre family is to be married off to some nobleman and be named wywyrn-gifre-mcsomething-or-other. She wanted to fight in the war. I felt bad for her
>>905457I want this god dammit you americans stop inventing useless delicious things I can't try.
No. 905469
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>>905468They also have salted caramel apple cookies but they're trash, imo. I really want to try the pumpkin spice cinnamon rolls, but I don't think they're in my local grocery stores yet. I don't even like cinnamon rolls, but I will destroy any seasonal food.
No. 905623
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I just want some pumpkin spice latte, the last Starbucks one I had was delicious, but I want another and Starbucks isn’t in my country.
What’s your favorite brand of pumpkin spice? I kind of want to buy some online.
No. 905633
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I give every Preppy Kitchen video I see a dislike because he doesn’t put measurements in the description box. I’ll then find the same recipe from another channel and use theirs instead. Fuck you, I shouldn’t have to watch a whole video to find out how much ingredients to use, or click a link to go to a separate website/application full of ads and text to scroll through. Let me bake my cookies with ease.
>>905623It’s easier to buy the ingredients and make it at home. I add caramel and milk foam to mine.
No. 905666
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how i imagine this site
No. 905672
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Back to my keto grind again
I actually really like most keto foods, but I hate how unpractical it is for me to make them. I'm not from the US so I don't have a thousand ready-to-eat options to buy, so I just have to make everything from scratch. Some nights I just wanna cook some easy pasta or put some multi grain rice on the cooker and call it a day it also sucks that I think rice is my favorite food, you can do so much with it like tteokk and vermicelli noodles and summer rolls but alas
That being said I just made a cream stew with carrots, onions, mushroom, bacon, nappa cabbage broccoli and cauliflower and it's honestly amazing
No. 905714
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A woman didn’t make this thread, get this ugly little anime girl shit out of here
No. 905731
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>>905666More like Spinelli
No. 905746
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>>905732God forbid we don't react with le epic bratz or kuromi
No. 905749
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>>905746>bratz or kuromi t. nlog
No. 905769
>>905725>Let me enjoy my yurishit in peaceThen don’t make other anons fall
victim to witnessing your shit taste and pick better threadpics. You’re allowed to like garbage cartoons beloved by scrotes, but you can’t seriously be upset when other people reasonably don’t want to see it. There’s other threads for that.
No. 905788
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I feel a sudden urge to spam anime
No. 905792
>>905769I'm sorry you fell
victim to having to witness a completely sfw drawing of an anime character on an imageboard
No. 905833
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>>905830they can stay MOTI
No. 905862
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nonnie, I actually do it for health reasons mostly (I have a lot of them and keto is the only thing that keeps me healthy, it even cleared my skin), but it's so much work. Especially with dessert. But I honestly love most of the keto meals, picrel is akin to the one I did today and even my non keto boyfriend thought it was delicious. No potatoes nor corn, of course.
But honestly the best thing for me is how much better I feel though, I have no bloating, no cramps, no painful acne, no dermatitis, and I lose weight to boot. Calorie deficit never worked with me after 25, unless I go full ana mode and eat like 800kcal, but I won't even have the other benefits from keto on my body
No. 905866
>>905248I had to do something similar for my job at school and I clicked the equivalent of the last option. If anyone asks just say you're paranoid about companies having your data. No need to play along with this bullshit; I got really excited when I saw that my possibly-
terf friend also didn't check off her pronouns kek.
No. 905885
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>>905469for true patricians only
No. 905897
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have any of you heard that “fancy like applebee’s” song and if so, am i really made to believe this song just /happens/ to be about applebee’s and it’s not 100% a song that applebee’s paid for and that it was meant to be in commercials and shit? i feel like i’m being gaslit.
No. 905992
Horror is TERF territory.
>Frankenstein (1818): A novel, written by a woman in competition with her male colleagues, about how men can never hope of creating and nurturing life on their own, at least without fucking the child up immeasurably.
>Carmilla (1871): A novel about how men treat women as inferior, even if they are equal or superior to men, and how women are incapable of causing the same level of harm as their male counterparts, even women stereotyped as dangerous, like lesbians. Portrays men as useless bastards who project onto women and treat them poorly. Helped pioneer lesbian literature by representing a lesbian relationship as complicated and tender, just like heterosexual relationships are portrayed elsewhere, and the main lesbian character as a genuinely loving and strong woman who gets demonized by males.
>Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886): A novel about how "good men" are capable of hiding their criminal and abusive behavior, particularly affluent men.
>Dracula (1897): A novel about how the upper class and wealthy are parasitic demons, particularly men. Represents a male as the primary, most harmful monster, and females as monstrous only by the influence of much more harmful males.
>Frankenstein (1931): A film about how men cannot create and nurture life on their own, and if they could, it would be deformed, retarded, and dangerous.
>Psycho (1959): A novel about the Madonna/whore complex and mother complex men have, and how men who resent women simultaneously wish to destroy them and become them.
>We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962): A novel that portrays capable men as a source of chaos and abuse, and the only safe environment where love and creativity can flourish as one dominated by women. Of note is how the house was only brought into disarray when one of the sisters allows a male cousin of theirs in due to her emotional inability to refuse him, and how their male cousin tries to assert himself onto her, romantically for his own benefit.
>Rosemary's Baby (1967): A novel about how people in a patriarchal society will always use and abuse women and their wombs for their own selfish purposes, even people that individual women should be able to trust, such as their neighbors, doctors, and husbands.
>Carrie (1976): A film (based on a book by a retard who can't help writing lesser products that are later made superior by other people) about the hellish torment a girl faces in a patriarchal society when she reaches puberty. It confronts the obsession with female moral and sexual purity imposed on young girls, as well as the simultaneous disgust and oversexualization people respond to their maturing bodies with. Ends with the assertion that a girl lashing out at the world, while terrifying, wouldn't be unfair, and that every girl growing up in a patriarchal society knows the terror of their oppression, even if they have female solidarity.
>The Silence of the Lambs (1988/1991): A novel (and film) about how terrible men are, and how poorly and obsessively they treat women. Both the movie and film accurately depect male sociopathy, the flaws in transgender ideology, and the objectification and dehumanization of women by men.
>Fear Street (2021): A film trilogy about systemic oppression mostly centered on women, lesbians, the poor, and addicts. The only character that could be interpreted as trans is a visibly male character who could be a drag queen (gay male) and is introduced to the tune of a song called "(I could never be) Your Woman)", which is a song that insults both straight men seeking out relationships with lesbians and faux-intellectual "communists".
I would've found a more appropriate thread for this, but the last time I checked, the last film thread was dead. Also because this is a sperg. Please respond with your favorite TERFy horror, or even just TERFy fiction.
No. 906108
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He's so ugly in drag
No. 906161
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I hate that Innisfree closed down all of their physical stores, I hate paying $8 shipping on a $6 eyebrow pencil. I could get a different eyebrow pencil but at Target or even Sephora $14 seems to be about average so at least I'd be paying the $14 for a product I actually like. I tried different things for my eyebrows but nothing beats the easy application (I like the shape of it), lightweight feeling, and price of Innisfree's eyebrow pencil ugh.
I'm open to suggestions if anons have any but I think I might be hard pressed to find another one that I like that would be cheaper than me just paying for the shipping for this stupid pencil. I'd wait for a free shipping promo but I'm almost done with my current one.
No. 906169
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>>906161Sorry Nonita I've never tried the Innisfree pencil but I really like the Wet n Wild pencil and it's only like $5
No. 906184
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>>906169I'll try it out!! Thankfully Target is super generous with their return policy… I tried a Nyx eyebrow pencil last year but it felt so heavy and thick and if my eyebrow itched then I worried about it smearing everywhere kek. I don't set my make up either, especially since there's make up out there that works fine even if I don't set it (won't add an extra step if I can help it).
This is also super autistic of me but I don't like this shape haha. The Innisfree one is similar but it's more of an even oval than triangle, but I hope everything else would be good to make me get over it!! Thanks nonna!
No. 906195
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This tweet made me remember back when mom would still work at the public employment agency in my country and was in charge of a project that was supposed to help men that had lost their jobs after previously been working in high-ranking positions. I was only 10 at the time so I don't remember the stories she told me when she got home, but she was basically in a constant state of facepalm because of how she and her colleague had to more or less reintroduce these men to society. Like most of the time of the project went to treating these adult men like kids that couldn't even put the milk away on their own.
No. 906214
>>906195Honestly, I'd love a show like this just to see them get a reality check. Here young people with uni degrees can't get proper jobs they studied for because employers expect you to be underpaid while working way too much and be available 24/7. I mean I get it, that's the case in damn near every job but ffs if you spent years getting a diploma then that shit at least should've paid off.
I hate boomers who complain about young people being more assertive because they're a lot more skilled while these scarecrows wouldn't even be able to compete with them in terms of skill and things that are required for most jobs nowadays. Can't even use a damn excel sheet while most kids in middle school can do that.
Where I live people between the ages of 10 and 30 can speak more than two languages(or are going to learn it in school) and are really tech savvy. Most baby boomers can't even download an app and only speak their mother tongue which is useless when working with international customers.
No. 906391
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i am much more retarded now than i ever was as a child, i truly envy those of you who mature as they get older. i even forgot how to daydream cause i ran outta ideas and i can't remember shit
No. 906560
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>>898354Super late reply but i hate them too. I saw one really similar to this (but it was slightly different because the guy on the right was like "I must become this").
No. 906565
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>>906560Scrotes really thinking their wet dream of bimbo barbie is what we want to become. Our power fantasies are not the same
(For the record I think Alloy from Horizon: ZD is the only female character I could ever actually see myself aspiring to be like from a video game)
No. 906584
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>>906560Better comparison for these flea brains
No. 906595
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>>906588It's the 1900s for me. I want the full on dandy look to come back in fashion. I know most of them were gay but fuck it, sex and relationships with men suck anyway, at least they were pretty to look at
No. 906603
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>>906560But why did men get angry about this? emo boys? And Edward Cullen? And k-pop? And any male otome character ever? And yaoi? And e-boys? The list goes on. Whenever a male design/style appeals to the female gaze, men start seething uncontrollably. What do they mean by that?
No. 906622
>>906603>Whenever a male design/style appeals to the female gaze, men start seething uncontrollably.Really goes to show that as homophobic as most "straight" men are, they will always prioritize the opinions and preferences of other dudes over women. If they really wanted to impress us, they'd be trying to emulate all the romance stories we like, making an effort with skincare and fashion, and actually listening to us when we state our preferences. In reality, they may want to fuck women but will always
love other men
No. 906639
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>>906603They seethe because they are ugly unwashed neanderthals in comparison
No. 906675
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Scrote: you will never be as cute as her
No. 906687
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apparently preferring yourself with minimal makeup is misogyny now
No. 906732
>>906687Maybe I'm giving this girl too much credit, but I think she has a point and just framed it poorly. The nlog pickmes are as she describes. They desperately try to be cool girls by disparaging everything considered feminine to win male approval. The type of makeup she's wearing is decidedly glam/artsy/the sort of blatant style that men would shriek about being "too much" while insisting they like women with hardly any makeup as they point to models wearing three layers of foundation, falsies, overlined lips and snatched brows but in a more "natural" style. It's one thing if you just prefer not to wear makeup, but she's clearly making fun of the sort of women who make it their whole identity to set themselves apart as superior because they're just such chill, laid back, natural beauties and feel the need to mention it every single time they see another woman wearing makeup in their presence.
>>906727I mean, I don't wear makeup at home but I also tend not to wear pants, or really anything outside of a t-shirt and underwear. I wear more interesting stuff outdoors not only for comfort and so I look sane, but because wanting other people to think you look nice is part of being human. (And no I am not saying you
must wear makeup to look nice or sane, I actually don't even wear makeup often myself, but the point being that adorning yourself nicely so both women and men admire you more is not necessarily always an evil bad thing.)
No. 906761
>>906758What the fuck,
nonnie. I would ask for more details, but this already feels like an ID risk, it's so specific. What kind of 9/11 story would a troon be compelled to steal? "I responded to 9/11 in a very girly way"? You have me wanting to know more and not want you to speak, at the same time.
No. 906797
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Watching people dance at a goth club. There's two semi-balds guys that are actually entertaining. No. 906816
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>>906797>>906802They're back, kek.
No. 906829
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>>906797>>906816Goodnight, sweet prince.
No. 912187
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Retarded scrote hot takes no one ever asked for or cared to hear. Pt1
No. 912193
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Retarded scrote hot takes no one ever asked for or cared to hear. Defective Y-Chromosoid was triggered and sperged hard