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No. 823069
Discuss former bullies, nerds, Chad’s and Stacy’s acquaintances and/or friends, etc.
The original idea for this thread:
>my class’s here and now Some of the popular ones and alt-chicks became white trash babymommas with sometimes white trash babydaddies, new-age sjw/get the vaxx!!! spergs and mlm hunbots or wagecucks for retail. One chick I know who was formerly a whitewashed Mexican emo who lived passing as another white alt chick and was always embarrassed about speaking Spanish got married to a black guy, returned to her roots and hates white people now while also being a clout-chasing wannabe makeup guru on Instagram because YouTube failed. Some alt chicks pulled a Lauren Southern and married well-off Asian dudes while larping as suburban conservative/rino-Karen’s retaining muh white pride shtick.
Some of the other guys became drug dealers, drug addicts/crackheads; in 2015, someone I knew since elementary school got sentenced to life in prison for shooting up a store over a pair of pants then had the police and swat team chasing him all the way to his house.
The formerly emo/metalhead white guys and Mexicans became faggot soyboys and male feminists or Trump supporters/qtards living off their Uncle Sam money from the military.
No. 823095
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a kid i used to know in middle school got shot to death on my local elementary school. He was such a nice and quiet boy when I first met him but in the end it was found out he was involved in gangs dealing drugs.
No. 823103
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>>823069>class of 2012All the popular kids at my school either got into boring shit like real estate or marketing. Some are starting to get married but no kids yet.
One of them is kinda interesting, she was a horsegirl; a decent pianist and singer but was adamant about getting into theoretical physics and attempted to go to uni for it. She ended up becoming a professional dog trainer. She seems extremely happy being around dogs all the time though, good for her. Doesn't seem to have dated anyone, like ever? The most popular/handsome guy in school had a thing for her but was frienzoned by this girl that didn't brush her hair and dressed masc. Her best friend was just as unkempt and chill as her, I headcanon them as lesbians now.
In general I wonder how many of the women I used to know are queer and repressed as hell, living in a shitty muslim country that will not let them live authentic lives. At least I'm outta there.My bully of 4 shitty years of HS was a manlet who hated women. I have no idea how he is doing because I literally can't even remember his last name. He matters that little now. Feels good, hope teen me can rest easy.
No. 823113
>>823107My school was predominantly white at the time and I live in Texas. Most lived in the ‘burbs and gated communities while I and a few others lived (I still live) in the hood
because the real estate sucks rn. However they still ended up becoming trailer trash sjw/pro-vaxx spergs.
No. 823135
>>823124Not me, took a long time to get well adjusted. I was never cow territory, just bullied for being pathetic in a painful way lol
Last I saw someone from school who bullied me she tried to one up me and I was just shocked at how childish she still was
No. 823140
>>823124I had some cowish behavior, I.e: telling everyone I was a witch and believing it, half of it was to stave off bullies and my asshole stepfather and chasing after guys for love and attention I never really got at home unless it was sardonic remarks. I calmed down during the second half of my junior year.
>>823137I’m really sorry, anon.. don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually! <3
No. 823148>>823149>>823151>>824860
I went to a private middle school. I bullied for being weird and dressing poor, as my family scrounged to send me there.
Those girls who went to private from K-12, preppy cheerleaders since the 4th grade, are now all nurses. They went to private $40k per year universities, for something that is offered at our community college at $180 a class per semester. That private school was $10k a year, $1k to add cheerleading. It shows that private schooling doesn't mean education. One of the cheerleaders in the group was very nice (but snappy). I could sense she didn't fit in because she had a fake aura of positivity and the girls would often go silent when she told a joke. She was very beautiful, a total tomboy, and I had a crush on her so I suspect she might have been bi or gay. She is now out with her girlfriend, but she looks utterly miserable and has an entire Insta dedicated to getting wasted. I need to remind I went to a Christian school where all of these girls were Jesus freaks that policed others, and later went on to trash themselves. Another one of those girls is now married to a divorced man in his 40s, with kids, and is a tattoo artist. This girl looks like busty Courtney Cox and has the heart of Dolly Parton. This poor girl attracts the nastiest men. Another who used to gang up on me and got other girls to stay away from me, including my best friend at the time, has been arrested and imprisoned at least 5 times for robbery, car theft, assault, and possession of hard drugs EACH TIME. I saw her before her last lock-up and she was covered in heroin pock marks and shooting up in a Starbucks bathroom. I genuinely felt sorry for her. One girl got knocked up right after she graduated and is an "austism speaks mom." Her facebook is covered in GoFundMes. Her son just has Aspergers and has mild symptoms.
As for high school, 2 female friends transitioned male and are hardcore kool-aid drinkers, they used Tumblr religiously and were homestuck/otherkin/superwholock. An obnoxious group of 3 GNC lesbians are now "non-binary," poly, and own a tumblrina LGBT+ flag clothing store that's doing rather well. Most have mediocre lives working retail, with useless degrees in history, theatre, English lit, etc. Many are already married with kids, while still living with parents. Some studied their asses off in AP for years and wanted to be engineers. RIP.
Just by being a NEET who invested in crypto I'm better off than all of them. They're all $100k in debt. For fucks sake.
No. 823152>>823455
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>>823079why is this always the case
for me, the girl who threw scissors at me is now working with vulnerable teens as a youth counselor.
No. 823158
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>Bullies either dropped off the face of the earth or have had children. A lot of them aren't married and have just settled with their HS sweethearts and live with their parents.
>Cool alternative girls I knew are now yoga vegans, sjw/woke libfems, or have fallen into some pyramid scheme.
>Weebs and loser kids are either NEETS, wannabe streamers,kpopfags, all of the above, or haven't posted since graduation.
>Only knew maybe 2 or 3 that committed suicide.
I did have a couple a friends that also kinda went off the deep end
>Ex best friend became a religious christfag a couple years ago and now openly hates gay people kek. She would constantly share very graphic anti-gay propaganda and boomer-tier conspiracy theories about microchips.
>Another friend I had who was obese had lost a bunch of weight, but then tried to trap her previous bf with a baby. It didn't work and her bf left her crazy ass. Now she claims to be very spiritual and shares nothing but chakra shit and mask autsim like pic related on FB.
>Last friend I had to block because she would constantly make posts shilling her youtube channel and send me random stock images of women with her face shopped onto them. Like, she would try to convince me and other friends that the pic really was of her, despite the body type being completely different from hers. It was very strange and it turns out lots of people know about her weird antics.
All I have to say is I am very glad I deleted my fb profile and never have to interact with these people again.
No. 823162>>823168
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>>823151If you're only investing $1,400, it's better to diversify in many smaller (semi-established) coins than to go all in BTC which will limit your profit. Hang out on /biz/ as they frequently sift though all the mainstream sludge for you and will let you know which coins are being used for projects. I sold at $17 for my LINK and haven't looked at crypto since. LINK has stagnated and other coins now take the lead. It's really a thing you figure out as you slowly dabble $100 in, see how things move, and then go from there. BTC is heavily manipulated, and ETH always follows it. Right now Elon is toying with it, which is a sign it has use for his personal empire (pic related). Crypto is a way to move massive amounts of money without a middle man, so it's a tool for major corporations/industries to exploit and maniplate prices for project funding, like silver (ask /PMG/ for infographics). BTC will be a good longrun investment, but only if you're willing to wait as much as a few years.
No. 823168
>>823162you need to teach a class anon
i was bullied hs in school until junior year when my mom got a good job and i was able to afford nice clothes and make up. after that they were so nice to me and it made me sick how fucking fake they all are, literally the only thing that changed about me was my clothes. same story as a lot of anon, they are either nurses or stay at home mothers.
No. 823320>>823365
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My middle school bully immediately went to juvie when I was in high school. She's probably in jail or something terrible still, since she was your typical trashy bitch.
Highschool was mostly tame. The only guy mean to me died a few months after graduating in a motorcycle accident. I thought I was a witch
No. 823365>>823410
>>823320That's so weird, my highschool bully was also killed in a motorbike accident soon after graduating. She was a girl though. It's been almost ten years and I still can't gather a shred of sympathy.
Guess we need to form a coven lol.
Besides that, most of my high school class thought they were hot shit, ended up being fat SAHMs and nail techs. Tale as old as time.
No. 823410
>>823365Kek I'd love to form a coven and Weird Sisters the hell out of our enemies
I'm not too in touch with anyone in highschool (my friends and people I care about have migrated offline mostly) so I'm super excited to see what happened to everyone else. My 10-year reunion is this year and I can't wait! Did the musical chick make it in Hollywood? Did the class clown pull himself together? Stay tuned
(Also wow this public IP was temp banned recently. Neat to know a farmer might be on this board near me)
No. 823472>>823501
I went to a prestigious private Catholic middle school as a poor muslim girl, and then went to one of the most prestigious high schools in my country thanks to my grades or something, and I legit cannot remember most people from middle school. I had some weird physical health issues and one of the symptoms was memory loss, and on top of that I wasn't very good at remembering faces back then so I have no way to look up who's doing what now. As for high school, I wasn't treated like shit but more like some weird outsider because most students were from very rich families, most people made sure to make me understand that being poor was super fucking weird in all our conversations.
The few ones I know about now graduated with masters degrees in university and either managed to get good jobs thanks to their parents or parents' friends or because their parents payed for them to study abroad thanks to exchange programs and they stayed there because there are more and better job opportunities. The ones I remember the most are three people who also went to uni with me, among them
>one girl is working as a manager in the UK and is living with her Japanese bf who's probably an engineer, all I know is that he's trying to get a phd
>one girl who's extremely obnoxious and wouldn't stop bragging about her parents' money, only managed to get an entry level job in tourism before covid after just getting a bachelor degree because of some weird circumstances, no idea what she's doing now, she may or may not be trying to get another degree
>one guy who had the reputation of being a perfect genius is struggling to get a job now, his linkedin account shows he's been looking for a marketing job since last year. Which makes me feel better about myself because I've been in a similar situation before, but it also really surprised me
I've also seen a bunch of very judgmental girls who are posting SJW shit on instagram, ironically enough, but that also applies to the people I met in uni. I'm also wondering what that foreign diplomat's daughter is up to now but I don't want to dox myself so I'll stop there. Ironically enough she was less vain than the other classmates despite having her own driver lol.
No. 823567
>>823501That's fucked up, I'm guessing the dad is ok now though? How young was the kid when that happened? I'm sure that would traumatize anyone. I never heard anything that extreme from anyone I know, the girl I'm talking about was just treated like some kind of weirdo without being straight up bullied for being the exact same kind of person as them, except she seemed more like a caricature of them since she had her own driver and was wearing even more expensive brands than them. They seriously lacked self-awareness. She came from the same country my mother is from so the only time we talked it was way more interesting than talking to these upper class kids since we already had something in common. She got kicked out of the school for using her phone all the time in class and arguing with a teacher once about that, but I crossed her path during our final exam so I'm sure she managed to find another high school in the middle of the school year pretty easily.
The funny shit here is that I was in a public high school. I'm reading other posts here and seeing anons shitting on public schools, are they really that bad in America? I'm guessing it's American anons saying this but correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 823626>>823748>>823755>>824915
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Has anyone gone to their high school reunions yet? I haven’t but I was sort of invited to go, except they didn’t give the exact date which have already passed from what I’ve seen on Facebook.
Shame, I had a planned outfit like pic related and pinup-style makeup ready to go. It was probably for the best I didn’t went.
No. 823784
>>823427>>823506Yup, it's ex-yu (Serbia).
Got to correct you on the timeline, I'm 40 and it was a 20 yr reunion. The wars were during the nineties, they ended as we ended high school.
No. 824515
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It's been a little over a decade since I graduated. I came from a city, but it was actually a pretty depressed area and it operated more like a small town with that ~everyone knows everyone~ annoying busybody vibe. I didn't bond well with anyone in my graduating class, my high school was poor and underperforming so I spent my senior year doing only 3 periods in the morning at the high school and then commuting to college to take my advanced courses there which was awesome.
Some bitch and my ex ruined shit for me by my junior year. She got knocked up by my ex and proceeded to bully and hurt me in any way she could and there wasn't any low she wouldn't stoop to. Her antics caused me to lose out on friendships and really hurt my reputation, so being able to go off to college early my senior year was a godsend.
Ofc my ex left her dumbass with the baby. She later apologized to me and admitted a lot of it was due to jealousy, but tbh she ruined a giant chapter of my life so I like to keep her presence on my social media for shits and giggles cause she's a pro at sabotaging herself. I'm glad my past-self never went through with suicidal thoughts after their harassment because it was worth it to see this. Her biggest comeuppance was that I didn't have to do shit back to her for herself to keep on being a loser. She was a big drug addict for a time. She kept losing custody of her kids and they were mostly raised by her mom. Multiple white trash baby daddies. Kids named after retarded flavor of the month fandoms from every era (Twilight, Game of Thrones, etc.) and of course she holds no steady employment and can barely form a coherent sentence. Only know all this cause she's retarded enough to blast it on socials for attention which she barely gets.
But she's not the only one, tons of kids in my class were losers who never left that area. Some kids left and live elsewhere now like myself, cause anyone with an ounce of brain and wanting to live someplace nice fucking got out of there. The biggest retards have never lived anyplace else but that shithole so they can be the shit kings & shit queens of the rubbish dump. They've got super ignorant views and act sheltered af despite fronting that they're mature and hard. If they're not on welfare, then they're in a trade or a nurse because that's all there is as far as employment goes above retail. I'm not hugely successful and I'm pretty average, it's just easy to be better than most drug users, lazy single moms, and idiots. Had I attended nice schools in cities with competitive kids and wealthier backgrounds I might've been a bit insecure. Kids who came from wealth were shipped off to expensive private schools in the next city over, but my parents couldn't afford that so I got called things like "spoiled" because my parents had a working class income and I got some new clothes for my birthday every year.
Honestly it's pretty bleak for them.
One of the WORST things for me to think about is what happened to all the guys I either had a crush on or had been with in some capacity:
He was raised by a black family after his own either died or abandoned him. He was sweet and everyone called him that name. Had a fling with him shortly after graduation and he was a great lay but he wasn't serious about me and I could do better so I ghosted. Years later, I added him on facebook and he'd always make these attention-whoring memes about nobody wanting to talk or hang out with him or whatever. By then I had moved away so it wasn't worth striking up anything. He posted some Rick and Morty memes about being "gone" one day. True to his word, he stepped in front of a train and killed himself. Obviously he had way more mental baggage than anyone realized. He didn't deserve it, it's weird knowing he's dead.
Real funny and cute dude who used to make me laugh in pre-calc class cause he sat by me and cracked jokes. We also shared a Spanish class one year too and he was hilarious then as well. I never really hit on him because I couldn't tell if he liked me or not. I knew his friends definitely didn't like me so it didn't seem worthy to pursue. He gave me a broken housekey of his randomly one day and I kept that on my first car keychain for way too long after high school was over.
I added him on fb last year before the pandemic just to see what he was up to. Had a lot of emotional vulnerabilities because one of his besties accidentally killed his gf by ODing on drugs so he killed himself too. In addition, he's balding, has a gross beard, and was stricken with an illness that reduced his vision. He couldn't prove it to the state to get disability so he's a charity case now and tries way too hard to be slick to the women. But I'm sure it's hard for him because any woman would be signing up to be his caretaker now. He's still a funny guy but he's an absolute shell compared to who he was.
This one is the worst for me because it brings up a lot of 'what-ifs.' Literally my first high school crush, we met in health class and he was a smoking hot alt kid. I got to kiss him once and we hung out a few times, but after that he started to date a chick who despised me and she pretty much poisoned the well. He liked me low key but that's high school politics for you. He dropped out and I never saw him much after that.
Years later when I was finishing my grad degree and was still around town, he replied to me on a mutual's social media and he really wanted to see me. I was feeling more secure at the time because I lost a lot of weight and was feeling hot about myself so the fact that an old high school crush reached out to me was ego boost x1000. But what I got was really sad. He was still cute in the face but gaunt, like he overworked himself at his factory job and didn't have much money to afford good food. He had been married and had two kids but he was going through a divorce so he just had a veil of sadness about him. We smoked weed and had sex for an entire summer but it was just too depressing for me to continue. It was pointless anyway because I didn't want to involve myself with his kids from another woman (oh and his ex hated me in high school too so fuck that), and he was bipolar. He had too much going on that I wasn't equipped to handle. I didn't see our relationship going anyplace so I ghosted. He got remarried a few years later and had another child. He looks happy now and healthy, even though it looks like he's still pretty poor. I just wonder if he had been a guy who'd gotten his shit together, didn't have so many kids, and could have offered me more if we'd had been together. But clearly it's for the best we hadn't.
I'm married now and live in a great city. Plus I have a great quality of life. Having lived in that area and having known people like this doesn't feel real sometimes.
No. 824531
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No idea what people are doing in my grade since I never had a social media presence but I’m still close with my high school friends. All are doing fine except one guy who is getting married to some girl he fucked in college. I was told by my other friends close to him that she’s insane and very crude. Openly talks about their sex life and wanting to fuck all her professors. Suicide threads by the dozen. They both have shit jobs.
Anyways the tastiest milk was two of my close female friends were in a long term committed relationship and never told me. Like throughout highschool and college… they recently broke up. One of them even cheated on the other with one of my other friends. They broke up after one decided to date men. The other is just straight up gay. I just.. I just don’t understand how that all went past me. I think I just ignored it. Signs were there looking back.
I was pretty normal in high school, my siblings were extremely popular and everyone knew me because of them.
No. 824776>>824943
>>824734>Anyway, why do bullies always choose nursing and caring for people anyway?Could be a power thing like what another anon mentioned.
IMO it's because they have a guilty conscience for their misdeeds and want to do something that will make them be perceived as good people so they can eventually convince themselves of it. Nursing is one of those "selfless" professions that is commonly lauded, but everyone knows tons of stupid and mean nurses. On top of that, it's guaranteed pay and hours for people who otherwise don't have other options but can't progress towards anything else in the medical field.
No. 824860
>>824835>I grew up in a hick town though, I could imagine it's very different for inner city schoolsI'm
>>823148, no it's not. In some regards it's worse due to gang culture. There are a lot of race and drug related crimes. Two separate cases of teens driving drunk and dying behind the wheel in my high school; two shootings in the area.
No. 824915
>>823626My sister's reunion was last year and her bf who didn't graduate got invited over her.
Mine is supposed to be next year but I doubt people would invite me. Considering I told them to eat shit when they asked me to help prepare for graduation.
No. 824935
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I was from a very small town… so:
>Girl who bullied me relentlessly for 2 years ended up with a dead-end job in the City Hall, mostly collecting water from dengue. She tried to kill herself over some guy she dated. That's all I know and I try to not know more.
> BFF ended up being a mom at 17, with the school "bad boy" that is in jail now. I was really sad for her, but it seems she has it together now, studying to be a nurse or something like that. And her son is a very cute baby.
> The boys I was friends with ended up with jobs within the city, like sales and accountants. They all seem to be dating and living normal lives.
> The weird girls who did not like me ended up in the church and being nurses LMAO
I ended up being a fairly known artist, making a good chunk of money. Although bullying and previous trauma fucked me, I think I'm a good place compared with some people from my city. Moved to another state and I rarely get contact with them, mostly with BFF wishing her happy birthday lol.
No. 824943
Another rural/hicktown anon here
I felt bad for one of the popular girls because her mom and stepfather passed away, and it happened in a short period of time. Even though we didn’t talk in highschool she invited me to their services because we were childhood friends and our parents got along. Their house looked so sad and empty after she moved out to live with her husband.
Also this weird quiet guy in the grade above me went full schizo and was responsible for starting a bunch of fires that burned down some houses. He was caught when he was trying to start a fire in the building next to where I used to work.
>>824776There are also some jobs in the health field that have really low credentials, and they can be easy to get into if they’re in-demand or high turnover.
No. 825010
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This thread gave me the impulse to check on the ex-best friend who backstabbed me in middle school and tried to turn everyone agaisnt me. She works for a major tobacco company now. Guess she's still a soulless bitch
No. 825069>>825202
gay kid at my school now is a whore tranny since here where I live it's difficult as fuck to get a normal job while being a tranny but it's alright, he used to scam sugar daddies online so no big deal for him anyway, I just find it fascinating when people like him try to say that their trans status "is not a fetish" while acting like sexdolls with inflated lips, butt fillers and insatiable cock thirst. He's gonna regret it in a few years with all the stds and money wasted in skimpy clothes, make up, fillers and overall garbage, since you can't be twink-bodied forever.
A girl I used to know suffered horrible abuse while in school because she was naive and easy-manipulated and now she's being treated like she's handicapped (she's not, she just needs therapy) because muh trauma, her parents and relatives didn't offer her support but rather paid and are still paying her whole expenses like rent, food and everything she wants, while she can't do nothing, she can't even cook. While she's not retarded, nobody loved her to the point of teaching her basic tasks and I'm amazed of how blind her family is. She's touching her 30s and spends all of her time online and her main interests are kpop dudes, yaoi and weird fantasy/violent underground books forum.
Another girl I know went from alt kid to chainsmoker-fake tan prostitute. She posts pictures in her bedroom with only a mattress covered in spray paint graffiti. Yikes.
Other people just went from scene kids to tradmoms and dads and some still spam me with their pyramidal schemes lol
No. 825078>>825486
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I'm in high school rn, but nonetheless there is milk to share
>best friend thriving, has many friends and parties a lot. Decided to cure her autism and tries to speak with current slang and pretend she didn't ever have autism associated hobbies. Still a great person, maybe she moved on.
>Ex girlfriend has no social media, cannot stalk. Accidentally encountered her mom at the book store, proceeded to shit myself and cry, but her mom seems nice and hopefully doesn't know we got down to business together and believes we were gal pals
>Another friend is confident he will join the army and thrive. Has strong principles but a little extreme, have a feeling he's a little not ok.
>Some girl who was really bitchy got a bf who speaks mostly turkish (how do they even communicate) and they are a scamming power couple, scamming friends and acquaintances online
>like a third of my middle school friends went back to poland, apparently thriving but miss them a little, one is sports successful and competes with older people
>the alt girl dropped out (i think) very loud communist online, has been in music videos, excellent fashion and still has a big personality
>old friend looks genuinely happy now, recovered from eating disorder, likes music and stuff
>childhood friend is semi famous on tik tok bc she's very pretty and makes jokes
>my bully: used to announce (loudly) "lesbi ONN" whenever i walked past, lived near me and would ride past me on his scooter and yell "gaeee" in front of my friends, physically bullied my younger sibling, probably pissy because i liked his older sister a little
>he jumped out of windows at school multiple times, got suspended for racism, had friends of all races, would constantly scream and yell, and then decided to stop fooling around and study. Apparently Christian now, so I'm happy for him.
>cringe and will never change
>cooking food instead of dealing with problems(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 825202
>>825069>Other people just went from scene kids to tradmoms What is it with this? I thought it was just my school.
I ran into the mean girl from my high school a few weeks ago, and the first thing she did was apologize to me and then paid for my lunch, which was cool. It's been almost 15 years and she still remembered that. I always figured she had stuff going on and that's why she was so mean. Looking back she clearly had an ED, marks from who knows who hitting her, and hated yelling, loud noises, touching- so fucking obvious. I'm retroactively mad at our teachers for not doing something. She looked happier and healthier, so I hope things are better.
No. 825439
>>825411Yeah I don't really believe that anon either lol.
Also way too many people itt are clutching to the fact that adults!get fat with age. Weren't some of you bullied for being fattie uggos in school and yet you didn't learn a lesson. Just goes to show people turn into massive hypocrites when the shoe is on the other foot. My bullies are underweight to average drug users as adults, they're not better for it just cause they're not fat. That's nuts.
No. 825655
Most notable people from my high school went to college/university out of town/state, graduated, and moved back home to live with their parents again bc they struggle to find work in their fields. I stayed local for university, graduated, and found a fantastic job opportunity fairly quickly & moved out of state to the city I originally wanted to go to university in. I guess having to move back home and not finding much success in job opportunities had them feeling some type of way. Many of them I was on decent, if not good, terms with & they now have weird complexes, removing me from social media, etc. despite not really being in contact with them. I think they’re reverting back to that high school mentality since they’re stuck back home & might be kind of envious of me. It’s kind of weird, but not worth dwelling on. Not my monkeys, not my circus.
No. 825692
I didn’t want to include my partial middle school experience at my state’s boarding school for the blind because don’t like to publicly acknowledge it due to traumatic personal experiences but here’s some tea:
>brief history
The school was founded in 1858 when slavery was still legal in my state, only white students went there until the desegregation process began, probably in the 1960’s-70’s.
A lot of paranormal activity goes there, rumor has it the school was built on native burial grounds.
Many people I knew since 6th grade stayed until they were 22 either by choice or were forced to in their ARD/IEP meetings because they were “not ready” for normie society.
Students were very sheltered and weren’t allowed by themselves outside the school premises unless they had residential instructors with them or were neural typical teenagers who knew how to get around. They have “cooking” nights every week, I had one every Wednesday and most of the RI’s did all the work. I had a homemaking class but didn’t really learn much from it.
We got to go to more than 3 field trips per year, last trip we went camping.
The entire student body was divided into “teams” with different departments:
>teams 2 and 5 were the neural typical kids and teens
>team 6 were the seniors and people who were too old to be there; many were mentally disabled
>team 4 were the deaf-blind, idr if that included the elementary-aged as there were none when I was there.
>teams 1 and 3 were the mentally disabled and on the spectrum: even if they were high-functioning.
I was there since October 2002 to May 2004 and supposed to stay until my sophomore year of high school as this was agreed in my last ARD meeting. However, my mother feared that I would be “dumbed down” by the system so she had secret phone call meetings with my caseworker, had all documents transferred back to my hometown then had me registered back to my former normie middle school before the school year started. I hated her for it because I wanted to stay there with my friends and away from all the problems at home, my parents also forced me to cut off contact with said friends. Months went by and my hatred has subsided by the time I became a freshman.
Looking back, she was right and I’m glad she did it before it was too late and I would’ve become just like my former friends.
>somewhat milk:
Frienemies whom later backstabbed me near the end of my stay got knocked up and are living with their parents or living in the capital where my school was are sitting on their asses collecting tugboat money and working at the local lighthouse for the blind while complaining about having no gud jerb because said school didn’t prepare them for the real world nor is it accredited enough for college. Glad I left.
Acquaintances: same as above probably
Goff-tomboy “not like the other girls frienemy/bully who often accused me of being a lesbian and had friends gang up on me in multiple occasions is now a redneck Trump-supporting tradmom who got preggo really young recently got a new scrote who’s probably there for the tugboat. She left school as she planned during freshman year and attended community college, no jobs whatsoever.
Friend/frienemy whom was new at the time stayed until 2008 because her high school sweetheart was forced to, they were 17 in 2003 when they met. They are currently raising a family with the earnings they make working at the lighthouse and tugboat $$$ as “little California” is so expensive.
Other friends and acquaintances: they now work for the state’s local blind division offices in their respective towns as caseworkers, they left the school before it was too late and graduated in normie schools.
No. 825808>>826906
i'm literally the former gifted child who ended up as the drug addicted high school drop out who stayed in her hometown lol
on one hand i'd be embarressed to meet old classmates, whether they were former friends or bullies, and have to listen to them talk about their educations, jobs, houses, marriage, children, travels around the world etc. i'd probably have to make up lies about my own life. i went into my old fb account recently to see what people are doing, and as far as i could see, they are all living normal lives and have gotten much further than me
on the other hand, even though i wouldn't want anyone to know the truth about me and give them fuel to judge me, i don't really judge myself too hard. i no longer do hard drugs, i'm taking my medication every day, i recently got a job at a fast food chain, and while it doesn't seem like a lot, i like my humble, little life. i like the person i have become
ik this thread was not made for me to talk about me, but people from my past are all living normal lives as far as i know, and if they weren't, i wouldn't really be in the place to judge them
No. 826906
Everyone seemingly became succesful, travelling a ton and having an exciting social life. And then there's me who's basically been stagnating since high school. Feels kinda bad.
>>825808Sounds like you got a good mindset about it anon! Comparing yourself to others doesn't do much good and as long as you're happy with your life and yourself, even if it's nothing spectacular, that's great.
No. 826911>>827171>>827670
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I was friends with this guy in high school, he was known as a really weird kid and was kind of socially isolated due to always being pessimistic to a cartoonish degree. He was a lot of fun to be around though.
Well, apparently he received a huge inheritance just after graduating, bought a fancy house and got some of the most popular girls from our class to live there with him. I have no idea whether he pays them to live there or if there's drugs involved or something, the latter seems likely but still. It's so strange to imagine what that life must be like now. I haven't spoken him after hs but I heard this from a bunch of former classmates.
No. 840956>>841467>>841512>>841543>>841683
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My best friend and I in the 7th grade were bullied by this generic fake blonde preppy girl with parents who were way too lenient with her. I moved away before high school. But a few years after graduation I met back up with my friend because we had both moved back to the city and while we were doing the whole "where are the now song and dance she told me that our bully had died a few weeks before graduation.
She was dating a guy who was 25/26 when she was still in high school and he was driving her around drunk on some country backroads. My friend's grandparents ran the funeral home in the town so they had a lot of the gritty details. What the police think happened was that she rolled the window down and stuck her torso out of the truck while her bf was speeding and he fishtailed his truck and she flew out the window. She was DOA.
I didn't really get any sort of glee out of it and I still feel terrible for her parents even tho they were retarded for letting her date a man that age while she was still in high school but her obituary had some real choice quotes.
No. 841081>>841139>>841158
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I really don't keep tabs on former classmates 'cause I've got better shit to do. I do know a friend of mine in college, who was tall, beautiful, and much more feminine than me, decided she's now intersex. 95% of the kids at my college didn't really get how the real world works. Eventually I got tired of their dumb FB posts of like "Omg these people with a different opinion than me are LITERALLY HITLER IN DISGUISE."
No. 841137
>>823079Same here. If I ever end up hospitalized and get one of them as my nurse I'll probably just drag myself out of there or ask my family to pull the plug.
Speaking of bullies. One of them got pregnant by poking holes in condoms(she has confirmed this herself and proudly told this to anyone who would listen) and in retaliation her druggie baby daddy chased her around trying to hit her with his car. They're both total hillbilly idiots and sociopaths so I feel bad for the baby.
No. 841158>>841655
>>841081Are you saying she's larping as an intersex person without being tested or what?
I know some people do that. They 'feel intersex' and never get tested but lie to people about it being totally confirmed. Pretty hard to prove it though. Some people do discover it late or cover it up for years.
No. 841543>>841580>>841729
>>840956>Kristina was a "white-knight" to those who were bullied.Did she turn over a new leaf while in high school out of guilt for what she did in middle school?
Either way that's pretty tragic, dumbass creep scrote killed her.
No. 841550
>>823079It's a 50/50 between mean girls who want to look like good people versus idiots who didn't have another option except retail but need to make a decent living.
The amount of people I know who went for nursing have filthy home habits and generally lack common sense. It makes me worried that they're in charge of someone else's care. I've felt sorry for their kids at times. At least bullies can be competent.
No. 841580
>>841559>>841512I don't really care. Everyone from that town I care about moved away at some point in time. I also have zero social media presence. Thanks for the heads up though. Next time I post something with rl details o will keep this in mind. Kristina is a really common name.
>>841543I actually have no idea I didn't was time thinking about her after I moved until my friend told me she died. She didn't really seem to have anything good to say about her still other than that she was sad for her family.
No. 841655
>>841158If she was, she hid it really well. I don't think she was, though. It's as
>>841139 said. I also saw she's seeing a therapist. Wonder if the two are correlated.
No. 852467>>872941
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I saw my elementary school bully graduate high school on the schools Insta and have never been so mad. This cunt was not only the most dumbest, meanest, ugliest, fattest person I have ever seen but the richest in the school. No one said shit because she was super rich (I'm talking oil princess-rich, I used to live in the Middle East) and was part of the popular kids group. Our school building was so old I remember the floor always shaking when her whale ass was in the hallway.
I’m so confused as to why she graduated in the end cuz as far as I saw (not very far) she didn’t have any goals in life.
At the end of the day I always stay winning because her parents are divorced, don’t love her and are basically non existent in her life and I know her fucking empty coconut head is in enteral misery because of that.
She also looked like an elephant seal.
No. 872866
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>class of 2015
>suburb outside of LA
Recently charged my iTouch that I used from 2012-2015 and found that a school club instagram account an acquaintance ran was logged in. Hadn't checked on anyone since graduation so I decided to look through it because I was bored…
If posts weren't dated one would think the feed stopped updating Fall 2017. Picrel is from this month kek All are stuck somewhere between 2013-2017 either clutching onto their junior high Hollister shorts, still trying to be insta baddies, or just regular plain janes/joes.
Definitely did not expect much before diving in but expected something instead of the bland and boring that I got out of the 320 people the account was following. Most, including my bullies, have little to no college education and still live in the area or at home doing fuck all with their lives. No babies outside of the few that had them in school. Only three very religious got married. Two became deathfats but most only gained about 20 pounds.
A lot still think going to Vegas once a year and standing in omnia is something to brag about at 24-28 as well as having "future real estate agent" in their bios. Quite a few are turning into their "live laugh love" pill popping mothers. In terms of aesthetic, only one girl stood out because she had a less basic, more colorful burning man/hippie/raver style. I didn't really know her so I'll say good for her. She seems to be the happiest. The biggest douche in school is attempting to be a comedian by doing 2016-tier King Bach reels along with uploading 2009-tier sketches to youtube. The saddest are probably the wannabe musicians who are pushing 30 yet still think their pop punk band is going to make it big.
Growing up I encountered a lot of bullying for being myself like a lot of us here and was, by my own accord, pretty much a loner. Despite that I managed to have a decent amount of acquaintances in classes/passing which I know now was because I'm not vaseline-on-bread boring. At least I was able to use that to get farther in life and in more interesting spaces than them.
No. 872941
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>>852467please don't disparage the seals
No. 894331
>>894302Sometimes it's really hard reading this stuff because it just confirms to me that everyone views twins as freakshows. My twin and I are super different as well despite being "identical", I got into drugs, but graduated college and am super successful (got promoted to main manager within a month of my first serious job), very distrustful, whereas my twin never got into drugs, is super innocent and sweet, has a kid, never completed college, trust everyone etc. However we are still close though our lives just make us not relate a whole lot. People don't even realize we are twins when we hang out in public anymore, they think we're lesbian because she looks like a soft butch and I'm super femme, alt/glam. But it never developed on purpose that way. I always call her my younger sister because I can't stand dealing with all the questions that ensue from me being a twin. Saged for stupid.