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No. 818392
release your vexed dumbassery
previous thread:
>>>/ot/811045 No. 818396
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i got my tongue pierced three days ago and i miss being able to eat like the ravenous autist that i am. at least it looks cute
No. 818424
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My friend finally got rid of her shitty cringy genderspecial roommate! Her roommate is one of the single most infuriating people I have had the dishonor of knowing and following on social media, self diagnosed autistism/DID/BPD/allergies/every other mental illness, vtuber, and has to act she has the worst parents in the world, how dare they offer her free housing! Buy her things! Aboosive. My friend got in such a weird, toxic rut living with this bitch, now she can thrive.
No. 818427
>>818398I don't really have outside hobbies apart from jogging, but I don't think jogging makes for great friend-dates. I don't have much money to expend now either (in middle of buying my apartment).
Those friendships were broken like 6-7 years ago now, and I don't want to play catch-up, since the main reason I rejected everyone was because I was falling so far behind on becoming an adult and I still don't have an adult mentality while some of them I think even have children now. I don't want to return into their lives only for it to inevitably fall apart again. I can usually get along with certain types of people really well, but I am incredibly bad at actually initiating meetups or deepening surface level friendships, so I feel awkward hanging out 1on1. I also never talk about myself IRL, only if I really must, because I'm always afraid I'll overshare, since I was a fuckup for so long.
No. 818463
>>818452the procedure will work, if a professional is certain it will resolve the issue then trust in the process. if possible i would highly recommend looking into getting some over the phone counselling arranged, you clearly have things you need to offload. i doubt every bad thing that’s ever happened to you is actually your fault, but even if it is you still deserve an outlet for how you’re feeling and you still deserve to be listened to. even if the bare minimum is hard right now i would focus all your energy into recovering and seeking out professional help, you can even call a suicide hotline and just vent about things there if counselling is too daunting
i hope things work out for you anon, if it means anything, i want you to feel better physically and mentally. don’t be afraid to reach out to a service that can offer you even the slightest bit of relief from how you’re feeling, that’s what they exist for
No. 818473
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>>818463those are the nicest things anyone has ever said to me
No. 818482
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What the fuck, I hate 3D men, they’re disgusting, fucking retarded and pathetic.
>be me
>have smartest, beautiful best friend ever
>her family is shit
>3 siblings
>one is a violent retard, 2 times her size
>a dumbass little sister, probably autistic
>a dumbass little brother, most surely autistic
>distant mom
>picke grandma
>absolute shit scrote moid dad
She had a tough life the moment her retarded parents thought they could have a second child, which came out retarded as fuck, like, he can’t even wipe his own ass, an absolutely abhorrent drooling retard.
Things in our third world country got worse and worse economically and what did they do? Have two more children that miraculously came out “fine”.
The thing that makes me fucking hate the guts of her dad is
>my bff is making dinner
>she even sends me a picture of the stuff she’s cooking
>she told me she said something to her grandma
>who is her dad’s mother
>and her grandma took it personally
>and her dad too
>he threw a tomato at her
>her mom probably said something like “yo what the fuck”
>he proceeded to hit bff’s mom hard enough to draw blood
>he looked for a knife but couldn’t find one
>proceeded to choke his own mom
Like, what the fuck, right now theyre “fine” but obviously traumatized, except her pickme grandma who tells bff’s mom to not say anything about her son being a violent chimp.
I fucking hate men, I can’t wait to have a job so I can get an apartment where my bff and me can live peacefully.
No. 818507
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it seems like a manipulative bitch thing to sh again but I cannot think of a better cope right now
No. 818522
>>818508The only time I’ve been called BPD (at least that I remember) is by one anon who got mad at me for not somehow reading and replying to a post she made
after mine. Then she started typing long-ass rants and spamming “hug” gifs saying she "forgave me"(?). Things like that are why I think anons who constantly jump to accusing internet strangers of having BPD must have it themselves, or some other mental issue.
It seems to have this weird cultural (or maybe just personal) baggage, too. I've literally never seen it used as an insult or even really talked about on a daily basis except here.
It really gives "I/my mom/my sister/some bitch who was in my life was diagnosed with BPD, so now I have a fixation around it. I know all the pills, all the therapy methods, every point on the checklist for diagnosis, and now I see the world through BPD-vision". Either that, "All I do is watch YT videos with titles like "Top 10 Narcissistic Traits" and now I think every person who's a dick (or that I just personally disagree with) must have a personality disorder", or "I'm copying other anons' vernacular because "sperg", "autist" or "take your meds" isn't a hard enough insult".
>inb4 some salty anon feels targeted by this and says "you have BPD" Lol
No. 818523
>>818490I hope he dies too, he’s a fucking asshole and deserves anything bad that happens to him.
>>818521I don’t think so because I’m straight, I just think she’s too good for this world.
No. 818538
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>>818508I’ve done it because it seemed appropriate. Not that anon seemed to genuinely have bpd, but in response to the energy in the writing of her post and the fact that it was a shitpost. I do regret it, though. I feel bad if my comment hurt her and I’d imagine it’d be feel worse for her if she actually had a personality disorder.
But I could have been overthinking it so I stopped in case I ruined the fun.I’ve never been accused of bpd though. I assume when anons make the claim that it’s mostly humor motivated since usually the posts are funny. It’s not as if we can see each other’s psyche evaluations and prescription lists, so I hope as a general rule of thumb anons don’t take it to heart.
No. 818581
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I find myself jealous of someone that's way better at a game than I am, despite me having played it for longer.
Basically, I stared last year – played for five months, didn't do very well, dropped it (because I sucked). I come back to the game, I've been playing for roughly a few weeks, and I still…suck.
But this guy, within his first month, has managed to establish himself as a ~figure~ within the community because he's just that good. Five months later and people are still talking about the stuff he's done in game (and the stuff he's doing, currently).
It's dumb but I'm mad. Why do I suck so much at this game
>inb4 what game XD
An old-ass role-playing MMO on this client called "Byond". It literally won't affect me IRL ever and I do have stuff going on IRL/in other places related to this hobby, but I don't know! I'm just jealous. It's silly.
No. 818648
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posted on the last thread about the guy I felt got too attached to me in just under a week, and after re-reading my post I was like yep… just stop talking to him.
So I did. Two days ago I only sent him one group of messages, yesterday I didn’t send him any messages, and today I removed him from the social media’s I had him on. At first it felt like a relief. Right before I removed him i re-read our messages, and it’s CLEAR he got attached way too fast- he was talking about the future he was already imagining us having (and not in a joking/playful way) and in retrospect some messages came off a bit manipulative or pick me sounding being like “I’m gonna be all alone lol… at least if I have you I won’t be alone I hope”.
So tell me why now I feel a little bad about ghosting :| I think we needed to stop talking for both of our sakes tbh but it’s kinda feeling like maybe he got attached so fast because he has attachment issues and an anxious attachment style or the root of it was confidence or something (I thought he was handsome, but he seemed not to fully believe that). Kinda wish I just sent him a message before I removed him explaining a little because if the roles were reversed, even though I know I wouldn’t have acted the way he did in less than a week of talking, I wouldn’t have liked to be on the other end of it still :( I know I don’t really “owe” him anything but… I hate the thought that if his self image is not the best that I hurt it a little more.
Oh well, I guess I learnt from this experience. I want experience a normal romance again. Deleted my dating apps and hopefully I’ll meet someone in person to keep it that way. Why is dating difficult!
No. 818655
I'm mentally ill and like working. I go into employment when I can and due to my problems I regularly get laid off.
Most employers like me but they lay me off after my depressive slump because I only come into work 3 days a week. It's typically "sorry, you're a good worker and we understand you have problems, but we need someone more reliable". I've gone through like 8 jobs over the last two years. I'm pretty qualified in many trades and I get glowing reports when I'm not in a slump, I get called in for casual jobs regularly for people too.
However, sometimes I get employed into places that chronically abuse their staff. They try that shit to me and I just don't come in the next day or bail after my first pay. It's unreal to me that these people take it. They've all been gaslit hard into it, and it's the most depressive thing to see. Like wtf, just go on unemployment and get another job? They're not bad workers and they're not stupid, it's pure gaslighting that induces it, plain and simple. The company always, ALWAYS, without fail tries to hit you with "We're the best company around and we expect the best!". Yet all the stuff about high standards is always an excuse to treat their workers like garbage.
That shit is sadder than NEETdom, a more depressive fate. And I just can't understand why these people put up with it. Imagine being middle aged and being constantly demeaned by someone at work. In the third world, yeah, you have no choice, but you're not exactly going to die because you quit your job.
No. 818673
>>818671Where are these people dying on the street in the west of starvation? There are chronic NEETs in every developed society that get by not working just fine, even if it is tight. Even if you're homeless momentarily you can bounce back.
This is the sort of cowardly mentality that just opens you up to abuse, grow a spine.
No. 818675
>>818673Wow anon, you sure are an entitled brat.
Say that to fucking service and food workers that can't even afford rent and are literally living out of their cars while caring for children.
Life can go bad fast the older and the fewer safety nets you have, and you obviously have a lot of them.
Why don't you pick Empathy as one of your new multiple trades you judgy zoomer?
No. 818676
>>818648Honestly, the description you gave in your OP had me worried this guy was up to no good but the discussion had moved on.
Lots of people have a tendency to get ahead of themselves with new romantic prospects, but the vast majority of those people know they're supposed to play it cool and keep it under their hat. I don't think the red flag here is that he was so smitten with you; I think the red flag is that he wanted you to know about it.
Email scammers leave really obvious mistakes in their emails to make sure only the most suitable targets respond. Acting out an anxious attachment style like this dude has was sure to push away most people except 2 kinds: people who feel sorry for him and stick around out of obligation, and people who have that same attachment style so they think it's just a whirlwind romance and don't see the problem.
If he just wants to milk your pity, then he doesn't really care about what you want or feel or need. If he wants a clingy girl, then he most likely wants someone easy to control.
Either way, sounds pretty manipulative.
No. 818678
>>818648Good on you,
nonny. It's OK to feel bad, but guys like these will attach themselves to anyone who gives them the time of day because they're so unhappy and put everything on some imagined future, then they'll be mad when just getting into a relationship didn't magically solve all their problems.
No. 818679
>>818675If you lived in the third world you'd have a point, but after being chronically broke I know the hysteria about being one pay from ruin is just that, hysteria.
Renting a room is almost universally covered by NEETbux/temporary unemployment in any developed western society. If you have your own place and are paying power and other assorted bills, you can juggle them around several times and be in the red -$100 a week for about 3 months before things come crashing down. They don't switch off your power after a single missed payment. And if it comes to it you can downsize your life significantly.
I've had more experience in these things than most people and I'm independent. It's not that bad being fired, you can pick yourself up pretty easily. There's absolutely no reason to stay at a place where you're being bullied and any reason you tell yourself is a cope short of having several children dependent on you.
No. 818684
>>818679>if you lived in a third world countryHow do you know I don't live in a third-world country anon?
You do know that we poor lowly third-worlders also get the same internet your so very enlighten western bootstraps picker all trades knowledgeable believer of the true meritocracy and in the universal simplicity of scalling down ass does, right
No. 818692
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Shit, anons, what do you make of this?
About 3 years ago I took uber to work, driver was nice, we talked but then he started to be very pushy about me taking his number and then calling him, I didn't know what to do as I didn't want to anger the man I'm stuck in a car with for a bit more while so I did; and then immediately after leaving the car I one-stared him and blocked his number. Nothing came after, and I'd only mention it when someone talks about bad uber experiences. UNTIL TODAY. 3 years have passed and this fucker messaged me from a different number; the message was innocuous in tone, "Hey, Anon, do you remember me?", but it's so weird he'd go through the effort of messaging me so many years after especially since I've blocked him immediately that day and we didnt interact at all except for the ride; not to mention how tf he remembers my name? I wouldn't remember any person i've interacted with for such a brief moment; even if I had it saved in my phone memory I wouldn't know who that is anymore.
I know PUAs have this thing where they message every girl on their list or whatever, but even for a pua it doesnt make sense to use a different number message someone who blocked you years ago. What do you think is his deal? Am I in danger??
No. 818693
>>818655This is so childish, you blame your mental health problems for getting fired regularly but your attitude is clearly not great either. Imagine if someone with kids and responsibilities just quit for any reason and burned a bridge while they were at it, or didn't turn up to work. Not everyone has whatever luxury you do to not work regularly.
If a responsible person doesn't like a job, they will just stay there until they find a new job. If you can't get a job quickly, then you'll be glad you stuck around and won't be unemployed for too long. If you get a job quickly, then problem solved with minimal drama. Quitting jobs without a backup is either risky or necessitates leeching off people who do work.
No. 818697
>>818673You are either very young or very trust funded.
Kids and other responsibilities are the main reason people don't leave their jobs whenever they just feel like it. The job didn't necessarily suck when they started and abandoning your family, dreams, and creditors because you're fed up feels bad to most non-sociopaths.
Kids need a certain standard of living or the government takes them away, just FYI. Most parents don't even need the threat of child protection to want to provide for their kids.
I guarantee you won't feel so cavalier about it in a decade or two. Even if you float about avoiding responsibility all that time, I guarantee you'll get tired of being broke and all that comes with it. It wears you down.
No. 818700
>>818692How do you know it's the driver?
My friend had a stalker and the police advised her to never respond, never engage in any discussion no matter what he said. Don't even pretend it's a wrong number. Just block again.
No. 818704
>>818700I didn't give my number to anyone else except of course people I know well and would immediately recognize, it was on whatsapp so he has a photo set up and looks how I remember he looked like, I'm gonna say I'm 99,99% sure.
Thanks for the advice, blocked already and I'm gonna ignore and hope for the best, it's a huge city so there's a solid chance I'll never run into him again.
No. 818705
>>818684That's why my advice is tailored to first worldies in modern welfare states. Of course I feel bad for Pajeet and Chang working in dangerous conditions in order to look after their kids.
>>818697I'm in my early thirties. I've been a wagie cuck on minimum wage, built myself up to around $80,000 a year around 2017 and now since my problems I'm back down on minimum wage. I felt deathly afraid of being fired and having to find work but after having to pick myself up and running the gauntlet I've worked out it's no big deal.
I don't know, I have an uncle I talked to about it who runs a business and he agreed with me. When he was younger, even when he had children, he had the sense to walk out. The one time he didnt' he ended up putting the boss in hospital and being taken away in handcuffs, he snapped when he was denied his pay after two weeks of work arbitrarily. He's fine, his kids grew up healthy, his business is doing well. Staying and taking that abuse would just induce depression and chronic mental problems, stunting your future.
No. 818719
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sometimes I don’t think anons read posts properly because some of you are a little dumb ngl
No. 818722
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>>818719You only need to read the first paragraph and then assume what the next 5 paragraphs are about. I mean, it's only a jumping board to further my agenda or to tell my own story anyway.
No. 818772
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I have to drive my husband to the airport once a week, and everytime someone pulls up right next to me to drop someone off while I'm trying to leave. And they are never quick. Always have to get out and hug, help them to the side walk, then sit in their car and think about what they just did. Why do people think the world revolves around them so much. I'm just some background character with no places to be to them. Its not busy at the time I usually am there at,, they could easily just pull up a little further to find an empty space. I hate rude people.
No. 818773
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Sometimes I wonder what great and amazing things I could accomplish if I was born as a man into this bullshit society and didn't have to worry about performing femininity at fucking all.
I spend way too much energy on beauty routines, fashion bullshit, skincare, etc. - and truthfully, I don't need any of the things I do for the most part. I'm starting to think it's okay if I stay ugly, I don't care, just let me be an individual anstead of working on painting my face. God I've become such an (albeit moisturized and thinner) hull of a person. I want to create things, I want to make stuff, I wanna explore ideas, but my stupid brain turns on beauty routine autopilot when things get too hard because researching fashion, skincare and other things like that that I resort to when I'm under stress. Why can't I accept being the frump that I really am inside and actually do the art that I want to but am to afraid to make? Why do i have to focus all of my great creative efforts to please semen deposits? Why and how am i stopping myself?
All I'd ask for in my next life is to have the same personality but in a male's body so I can just focus on being perhaps physically unremarkable but artistically successful, because then I'd get 50x the respect from my art than the recognition any gorgeous woman gets for her looks in this hellhole.
No. 818778
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Gotta go to work in a few hours and ive just, hit a wall.
Im a barmaid, the jon itself is fine and the pays good but talking to customers and coworkers is just so draining. I wouldn't consider myself a introvert but my god, I feel mentally tired after. Takes me about 1-3 days to charge my social energy back but by then I have another shift. Sucks ass my dudes.
No. 818779
>>818773You can't get a new life anon, just accept yourself.
You don't need to be "pretty", you don't need to spend time and money and energy on your hair, face, etc.
It's ok to just be yourself.
I haven't done any makeup, shaved my airpit, legs, don't care about a piece of clothe "fitting" my figure, etc, in years and if anything it had a positive impact in my life.
I have more time, spend less time looking in the mirror, have less creepy scrote attention.
You are way more than your looks, you have the right to live life like you want now.
No. 818780
I really want to focus more on the things that make me happier. I don't want to care anymore. I'm gonna reread The Beauty Myth, I think…
Wish I could get to where you are now anonushka
No. 818781
>>818780You can do it anon.
Feminist media helps, and therapy can help too you have access to that.
No. 818786
>>818778Yeah, work like that drains energy like nothing else. I used to do the same kind of work and having to spend 8 hours talking to customers while simultaneously remembering and making orders, keeping an eye on potential fights, knowing which ashtrays are full and need cleaning, etc etc etc is tiring as fuck.
I only managed it for about 3 months until I called it quits because I would be mentally and physically drained for a full day after every shift.
No. 818823
>>818817He's not even 4. There's no way he's going to understand that and not take it personally.
I don't see why you can't just straight up tell the family though. If they're really adamant on still thinking you dislike the kid maybe throw in a 'I'm sensitive to sound because of autism/hsp/whatever' as long as you don't mind them thinking that's true.
No. 818829
>>818823i've been telling them that several times yet they still insist on "getting me used to it" because "what will happen when you have your own???" lmao
i hate myself for this because he's actually a cute and usually well-behaved child but when he's loud he's loud and i have to leave the room everytime my ears can't handle.
No. 818844
nonnie… I don't feel guilty though, that's just zoom university for you
No. 818907
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I am barely functioning honestly. Living with my mother and family gives me so much anxiety and makes it hard to get up and get out of my room. The only way I can somewhat-function without wanting to die is due to Xanax, and I'm heading towards addiction but I honestly don't care. I'm really struggling and I've just lost the will to live. I'm trying to get a job and move but I have very little money because I stupidly spent it all. I just want a comfy office job, a good life, independence, etc. But that will never happen due to my mother, my family, how I grew up. I've kind of accepted this and either will get addicted to Xanax or just kill myself eventually. Without Xanax I can barely get out of bed and want to kill myself. I'm only a little better today because it's the weekend but otherwise weekdays are the worst because my family's horrible shit is amplified. I'm just so fed up with the shitty life I've been given and every day I want to die.
No. 818908
>>818852Yep, porn ruins scrotes, grass is green.
You're right to be bothered by it because it is a huge problem. It's still getting worse too, I bet we haven't yet seen the height of the men desentizised by porn era.
No. 818954
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>>818908Just saying anon, porn is not just a moid problem anymore. Its affecting us too.
No. 818955
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this is such a dumb thing to get upset over but my favorite series might not get an animated conclusion. it's just an adaptation, but a really damn good one and i love seeing the characters more. i feel like i should be happy that it even got those first two seasons, but i really want it concluded somehow. not only that but we live in a post molcar world and that's super sad
No. 818970
>>818948Yeah, I don't know when being "kinky" became something to brag about instead of something to hide, but I hope that people will start to see the downsides of this kind of mindset soon enough.
>>818954>>818964That's a good point, I really do wonder what percentage of that statistic is made up of troons. It seems likely that it's a significant portion, but god knows that statistics like that aren't going to be made public anytime soon. Even if it is mostly actual women increasingly getting ruined by porn, I wonder if that's a result of men normalizing porn and even making it into the trendy thing to be into more than anything else.
No. 818987
>>818970My best friend got involved in pornography and it severely damaged her.
Also a lot of these moids got exposed to pornography when they were 12, 11 or even younger. That's an age where they don't have impulse control or any real idea of the long term consequences.
It's incredibly evil and I don't care what libfems or sex positives say.
No. 818991
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I hate when people don't take two seconds to check to see if someone's behind them when opening a door. Are you really that busy? Theres no excuse for it since its just a habit. People say women are guilty of this but every time I go to the post office a man lets the door hit my face. Fuckin animals
Its nothing to do with wanting to be treated like a lady, I always check behind me man or woman
No. 818999
>>818988Just curious, but did you grow up with abuse?
I've noticed a lot of abused people including myself tend to conflate how other people treat us to our value and if we're deserving of actual love.
Don't let it get to you. Like another anon said, that behavior isn't healthy or normal. It's not a reflection on you, you're worthy to be treated with love.
No. 819013
>>818999Yeah, I was abused by my parents, esp father when growing up. I’ve always known it had an impact on my relationships, I’m just trying to let myself feel like I can be a
valid human being without a man right now.
No. 819031
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Whyyyyy do I ever have any expectation of men that's ever above the absolute bare minimum. Why. It only ever sets me up for massive disappointment. I'd write a more detailed version of what pissed me off today but it all boils down to that.
No. 819080
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>>819067Gotta abandon ship soon. If kiwifarms goes under this place is done for.
No. 819122
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"pregnant people" shut the fuck up. you know what a pregnant person is? a woman. they're pregnant women you fucking coward
No. 819124
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He came quick
No. 819141
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so fucking tired of 3DPD males pretending they're 2D and the blind people encouraging them. you will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER be cute. EVER. stop it. you are ugly and fleshy like all males. die
every """cute""" scrote is ugly
every """hot""" scrote is ugly
every ugly scrote is ugly, obviously. just stop pushing this shit on me
No. 819166
I finally decided that even though I don't have insurance anymore, I'd try and pay for a few appointments out of pocket this summer. I called my therapist's office on thursday and asked if he would be able to see me, and the receptionist said she didn't know because the last time he saw me was in august. I know that therapist's go through periods where they don't take new patients and I figured he might have replaced me with another patient since he knew I lost my insurance. I feel like checking would have been really fast, and they never called back.
but that being said, back when I was still seeing him he had me do this thing where I wrote in a journal and he was going to read it during sessions (this is because I always told him I thought my thoughts were really weird, and he said reading them out loud would make me feel less weird). we only ended up doing that once, couldn't continue it because it made me cringe too much.
I'm scared that he read it, and now doesn't want to see me after being disturbed at what's in it. even though I barely remember what I wrote in there it's probably just mundane shit and schizo ramblings, it's extremely embarrassing at best, possibly horrifying at worst. I'm really hoping he just threw it away, wish I had never agreed to that.
No. 819195
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I'm 200% mad. I bought a book on eBay for 40 dollars. I get a message from the seller stating that they are "out of stock". I looked up the book on eBay so I could buy another copy. Found the same fucking seller, selling the book for 65 dollars. I'm irate. Fucking bastards.
My response:
>Then why are you selling the book at an upcharge of 20 dollars now? I find that hard to believe. Please be a decent human being and sell me the book for the original price that I paid for.
This is fucking ridiculous. They better fucking send it or I'm going to buy it on a fake account with a different address and chargeback the card.
No. 819214
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>>819211then perish
jk nonnie, please continue existing. I hope whatever is plaguing you improves soon. just remember life is always changing. I'm sorry I hope you at least know I care you and wish the best, despite being strangers No. 819237
>>819141Thank you,
nonny. Also fuck that most "soft" men just look like the same soyboy mouth agape guy from the meme template. Why must testosterone destroy their hairline so much?
No. 819267
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I did that Google Arts and Culture thing to see what painting you look like and they gave me a self-portrait of a dead soyboy. kill me
No. 819278
>>819268dont patronize me
(thank you)
No. 819301
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Celebrating mom's birthday, nothing better than playing the mediator and trying to move along the conversation while my parents scream at each other in the parking lot over absolutely meaningless shit.
No. 819310
>>819301Lol, you're a champ for trying anon. The last mom birthday I was present for was when my dad drove us to a fancy estate tour. She lashed out at me after getting angry about something in the car and tried to claim I was only going along with the trip for myself.
Parents are petty.
No. 819332
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the girl that diddled me is having a kid.
No. 819360
>>819346It was an interior design book from the 80s that I guess they noticed was being sold at a higher price everywhere else.
They immediately initiated the refund this morning. Fucking absolute dickbags. I reported them and will be giving them negative feedback in a few days.
No. 819377
nonny. We the same person? The difference is my boyfriend is patient but I feel our relationship is slowly becoming ruined. I can't have sex with him without thinking about my abuser at least once so when we finish I disgustingly push him aside. It's hard to kiss him sometimes without feeling like I'm being abused. I love him but it's really hard for me to be intimate. But this has NEVER happened to me before with any other partners. I feel like this stems from the fact that I sought protection and comfort in my abuser and he ruined it by molesting me, and I currently seek protection and comfort in my boyfriend, more than any other previous guy. So I guess this is life's sick way of being funny.
At the same time, I can go on masturbation sprees for hours and am super hypersexual. Please never try to reason with a moid over your own sexual history and experience, fuck those assholes. I posted my story in the traumatic experiences/ptsd thread over in /g/ if you want more info or if you want to speak with more survivors over there.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you and that you're having difficulties. (hug)
No. 819383
>>819377Oh hey DA but I've posted there as well
I promise it gets better if you keep trying it just takes forever
No. 819386
>>818432My husband has an office space he goes to. My kids have plenty of toys so they can occupy themselves. I'm not saying we don't all spend time together, but I'm not someone who can be constantly talking to and interacting with other people.
Just do whatever works for your household.
No. 819396
>>818432When I was married I think I almost ended up acting like I hated the guy when all I was feeling was this, cramped and overwhelmed by constant comapnay. We lived in a tiny apartment together and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. Add on to that I was grieving the loss of a parent and I wanted to be alone to essentially ugly cry without any fuss. Could just never get that time to myself.
Next relationship went the same way and I decided I wanted to move out of the city and get my own place that was bigger than the stupidly small apartments filling the city I'm from. Thank fuck I got out of there before lockdown started.
I feel for anyone either in a rocky relationship during that or anyone just dying for more space and quiet time. Has to be hard.
No. 819426
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Why are /meta/ posters the worst on the site? Idk why I keep voluntarily reading that shit and submitting myself to torture. It's so fucking cringe. People will just argue for days and weeks about shit they don't like instead of moving on. Who is so invested in that they just infight for hours and hours and hours about muh GC and muh MTF thread and aboo boo bad radfems out to destroy the site. MY PURE GOSSIP BOARD EXPERIENCE IS BEING DESTROYED OH NOoooOOoooOooO where WILL I GO TO TALK ABOUT SHAYNA'S VAGINA. Fuckers. No one cares. People have real life problems. I hate you all.
No. 819432
>>819426the truth is that the only rational reason why someone would be
that triggered by radfem spergery is if it offends them personally, ie they're male or genderspecial themselves. We're not allowed to "hi scrote" or "hi tranny" then but we know it's the truth kek
(not a gc thread) No. 819456
>>819432I'm ultimately convinced that they're male. Not even the royal pickme queen of handmaidenstan or the most dutiful Aiden would be
that personally offended by all the "radfem" boogeymen like the anons there are. They're always extremely
triggered by scrote accusations while most women would just brush them off because they know they're not male, they can never offer concrete examples of "manhate spergery" shitting up any other thread than maybe the unpopular opinion one. Which in itself is an oxymoron to complain about that particular thread being controversial, and it's in /ot/ to begin with.
Either way, the site is constantly monitored by moids from Kiwifarms who have trouble hiding their male aggression and pretending otherwise is dishonest, just a few days ago a vigilant anon posted about that one literal incel typing out identical posts on KF regarding Lolcow terfs as the people complaining about them on /meta/. We're also well aware that /tttt/ posters hateread the site to seethe over women. Make of that what you will, I myself am standing by the statement that the people complaining the loudest are scrotes, end of. They don't complain about the FTM thread despite it being just as filled with "GC derailing" as the MTF one because that's just "laughing at ugly dykes" to them. It's not offensive because it's not dedicated to calling out pornsick men.
(not a gc thread) No. 819506
why are ALL scrotes so fucking useless and annoying??
i agreed to move to a bigger city and room together with a gay male friend, but it's spiraled into me doing everything - searching for apartments in a city that's notoriously difficult to find housing in, spending hundreds of dollars in apartment application fees, doing all the interviews, etc etc etc. He's 25, white, upper middle class, and has never lived away from his parents or paid any bills or rent. And if we get a place together everything has to be in my name financially (which is a big risk because he's a messy alcoholic who's always breaking shit and ruining carpets) because he has a shit credit score and no savings AT ALL despite making $3000 a month at his cushy job. Whenever i ask him to contribute he just goes 'but i don't know how :(' and leaves it at that. doesn't even try to learn.
he's always complaining about how much he hates our town and how he'll kill himself if he has to stay here any longer, but hasn't made any effort to actually get out or get ready to leave. he keeps procrastinating asking for a transfer for his job (which they'll readily do), we were supposed to move in June but now we can't until at least august IF he puts in the request, and I've had to let go of 3 different nice apartments I qualified for. I can't afford to pay rent on my own in this city, so I can't just go ahead and move into one.
at this point I'm really regretting this and want to back out, but I know if I do he'll have a bpd meltdown and threaten to kill himself. I'm stupid for getting into this and letting our friendship go on this long smh
No. 819510
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>>819432>>819447>>819456Idk what the context is but she's absolutely right
No. 819584
>>818392I went out with one guy twice and he decided to leave things there because he "really liked me" and didnt want to start a relationship again with someone because he was really discouraged from his previous one. it sucked because I really liked him, I kind of kept talking but he was really cold and left me on read twice. Now like onw month later hes liking some stuff I upload on insta. Like what do you want dude? If you changed your mind start a conversation damn…
Im also kind of seeing a younger guy too and he sends mixed signals a lot too, hes also kind of bad at giving compliments or praising me on anything I mention/my hobbbies etc. Why are men so sucky at that? It feels on purpose, like they compare themselves and dont want to give you praise because of it. I always give compliments and Im very happy when someone does anything cool or related to their interests.
I guess my rant is men send mixed signals all the time and they suck. They give the minimum and then leave people like me that go all in really confused and annoyed. Im just tired of the way people act so apathetic nowadays in terms of liking someone, like the advise is always "don't talk to him, wait for him to do it first, act cold, don't do that" and I hate it.
Fuck all of you, I'm sweet, I like to give gifs, ask how you are, worry about you and if you feel that's too "intense" then suck it and stop stringing me along.
No. 819609
>>819034That's a shame, I hope she's all right. There are some other resources about Youtube radfems here: And I wish I could remember her exact username, but there's a black woman I think called "youvegottobekiddingme" who does a lot of radfem breakdowns, esp on trans issues.
No. 819622
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there is nothing to praise about me. i don’t understand people who want you to have a high-esteem of yourself lmao, there’s only so much you are capable of. i’m a replaceable person, everyone is and being confident and putting on such a stupid act is time-wasting and exhausting. i’m quite literally nothing, i’m pretty sure I don’t exist. shut the fuck us with your dorky positive “aw anon we got this!” like bitch die and embrace chaos
No. 819641
>>819622I think you're cool anon.
>>819034Are there any youtubers that specifically address trans madness? I never did find someone that could replace Magdalen Berns, not that she could be replaced truthfully.
No. 819677
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I sat outside in the sun reading a book all day and now I've got sunburns all over despite using tons of sunscreen. The worst part is my scalp being burnt pretty badly, at least in places where my hair is parted. My headphones hurt like fuck but I don't have any way to play audio except for these.
No. 819686
>>819681I don't know he's just not… into hugging and stuff in general I guess. Can't understand it because I love to cuddle, not too much but a good moment would definitely be after sex. I've talked to him about it and he's just like "but we already do that [aftercare] enough" and to him 'enough' is a kiss and then sitting back on the couch with his arm around my shoulder.
>>819683Stuff like cuddling after sex, kissing, pillow talk, etc.
No. 819704
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briefly met my bf's parents today and i feel like such a dumb fucking autist. i wanted to impress them and for them to like me so bad but i don't think it worked. i'm so embarrassed
No. 819709
>>819274Letting people self-diagnose was a mistake. Most of them are not too poor to get a diagnosis, they're middle class teenagers who are looking for identities to put in their bio. There's actual methods and rules to diagnosing mental disorders, which I'm not saying are perfect, but far more likely that a psychiatrist would know than a teenager reading symptoms on Tiktok. For example, I'm pretty sure there are rules around which disorders can be comorbid, the age and circumstances around their emergence, etc.
t. someone who used to be an angsty teen who read wikipedias for mental illness and related to all of them, but just had anxiety and depression which is enough to give you overlapping symptoms.
No. 819783
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I just remembered how back in 5th grade or so I bought a friend pic related (but a lot smaller) for valentines day and a few days later she stopped beong friends with me because she was scared that I was a lesbian. Still makes me sad because it was very much a platonic gift, even if I knew I liked women back then.
No. 819806
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I want the early 2010s back!! I want a re-do DAMMIT
This timeline is all wrong!!!
No. 819811
>>819736Ngl lol, I wanna do the test.
You can always just..not kill yourself and really work at the therapy. It’s not a death sentence unless you choose.
No. 819848
>>819506Anon please back out.
I have bpd and i threatened to kill myself when my ex broke up with me..i was 17 and im still alive.
People who do that are very mentally unstable and arent ready to do anything. Please back out and dont move in with a bpdfag especially a male one
No. 819858
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I'm legit too stupid to hold down any kind of job. I've been in my current position for almost 2 ywars now but only because no one actually monitors my work. Pretty sure that next month I'll get fired because the bosses are coming over.
My 100% are most peoples 30% or 50% and at this age I'm more than embarrassed by it. Why can't I be normal.
No. 819864
>>819674>you literally cannot have healthy self-esteem without feedback from othersThat's not self esteem. That's just esteem.
Self esteem is what you reckon other people should think of you if they knew you well enough and weren't dickheads.
No. 819867
>>819864I think self esteem can and should come from within. Anyone can reasonably judge themselves based on their own values, regardless of how other people treat them.
I see it like, self confidence is thinking 'yeah, I'm hot and awesome and everyone likes me'. Self esteem is thinking 'I might not be that hot or awesome and not everyone likes me, but I have value as a human being no matter what people think of me'.
No. 819907
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I am seeing red, I had a dusty bag and I stepped outside to scrape the dust off of it and I leaned over the fence. The neighbor opens his window and says hello?? and I look at him confused. He says "that's my garden, and you're throwing your, something, into my garden." His "garden" is a 2 metre wide incline overgrown with weeds and I was throwing dust into it. I said "alright if it bothers you so much I will move" and he says "do you do that at home too?" Motherfucker, if I did that at home, my neighbors are not anal fuckers that would take some dust as a personal attack and go tell me off. Fuck this city fuck those rich ass neighbors FUUUUUUUUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I hope he falls off that window into the weeds
No. 819917
I'm sick of liberal men whining about TERFs under the guise of being woke, when really they're just upset that women are still making fair criticisms of society and men. Every single time a conversation devolves into male screeching, they always slip and say, "And they all hate men!" As if that's some horrible, idiotic thing. Misogyny is the oldest prejudice, and women having a rational distaste for their oppressors is not and never will be the same as a man hating women. We are not killing, maiming, and raping men in droves, the same way men do to women, and we don't want to. If you cannot come to terms with the fact that women disliking men is rational, and that you are among the caste oppressing women (even if you are gay, nerodivergent, disabled, non-white, etc), you are dooming yourself to be the uneducated bigot you're so afraid of being seen as. Maybe think about why you're so predisposed to consider the feelings and thoughts of "male-born women" over those of "female-born women," before you voice your stunning commentary on what qualifies as "good" feminism.
No. 819924
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I hate my scrote manager, pretty sure he’s definitely on the spectrum, he’s white as hell, and mumbles rude shit under his breath while pretending to help. Literally just wishing and hoping God or whatever cosmic force strikes him down and he catches on fire or the entire store combusts into flames. I hate my fucking work schedule and this job is already fucking up my fragile mental health
No. 819957
>>819087I'm so sorry for you nonna, I've been there with bipolar depression. I was the perfect patient, going to therapy, trying my best to do the right things (eat healthy, exercise, socialize, sleep the right amount) and nothing seemed to work.
Have you considered ECT? It sometimes helps with treatment-resistant depression. It didn't help me but I found a good mix of pills later and ECT did ease things for few months. I went through it twice, my then psychiatrist hoped the second time would be permanent and it didn't work anymore but it was a relief for those brief months to taste the food again and feel the sun on my skin like a living person.
I wish you good luck and hope everything turns out well! You deserve to be happy!
No. 820023
>>819955>Men complaining about terfs to disguise their hatred for any kind of feminism that doesn't center scrotes to avoid losing the woke crowdftfy
>>819937>Sure I'm replaceable and this job isn't anything spectacular that I can put in my resume and be proud of, but it'll stump their progress. I feel so bad I can't even give my resignation letter. They really are nice people and I'm sure they'd pay me more if they had the moneyNona! Never think like this. You should have zero loyalty and sentiments toward your employer since they have neither for you. They will manage just fine if you resign. Worry about your ass only, since they wouldn't hesitate firing you even if it meant you would end up on a street with nowhere to go. Be polite to your managers and fellow coworkers, do a reasonably good job, but please don't cuck yourself into feeling guilty for centering YOU instead of some heartless company. That's some slave mentality.
No. 820055
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I guess it's not ok to criticize men for being narcissists and cheaters now
yes it's my fault for being on tumblr dot com at all
No. 820059
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I just can't stand scrote logic when they try to "gotcha" about sexism on men, literally all of their examples I've come across are just superficial shit, nothing about their security and safety
>booo women in military get to keep their hair long while we have to shave double standard!!
>look men shirtless on TV show and women get to touch, yet they complain about objectification
>"what if the roles were reversed…"
God I hate men they don't have a thick skin. Like they pretend to care.
No. 820078
>>820059It's basically why most social media, especially reddit is hard to read, even on female-centric subreddits.
>OP posts about rape/sexual assault>oh, OP, your story reminded me of how male victim of SA don't get taken seriously obviously paraphrasingREALLY? That's what it reminded you of? A story about a woman being abused by a man reminded you of that?
No. 820082
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Me not knowing whether to feel good because I can make my bf cum in minutes or bad because maybe he just wants to get his nut as quick as possible
No. 820093
>>820078I don't get it. They act like
victim blaming doesn't exist and female
victims always get taken seriously. 90% of the time it's women who are supportive of each other. It's not our fault that your bros don't care that you got diddled by your babysitter.
No. 820161
>>820154Agree with
>>820158 , a Nigel obsessed with begging his girlfriend to peg him is 100% going to troon out in the near future. Not even memeing, so many transwidow stories start with that note.
No. 820168
>>820161>start seeing a seemingly normal guy>we hook up after a few dates>the next day he texts me>"peg me next time?">confused because he had never even so much as hinted at being interested in that >reply "haha what no">he immediately blocks me on all social media>forget about it>2 years later a random troon requests me on instagram>it's him, and his name is luna nowI dodged a massive bullet.
>>820154 break up with him before it's too late
No. 820195
>>820168Similar thing happened to me.
>had a fling in college, but remained friends>mediocre artistic type who wanted to do comics>first red flag>always wanted to insert his character as a female >second red flag>threw some shade and immature negs at my appearance as if we were in competition>third red flag>had zero masc energy in bed which is why I stopped hooking up with himNever asked me to peg him but I'm sure it was building up to it. Remained friends with him on facebook to see him troon out and turn his name into something feminine. It's super cringe.
Now he hates white people and has a special hatred for anyone who fucks up his pronouns because he doesn't pass. Uses his trans status as leverage to boost his still mediocre comics.
No. 820201
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Why is zoom presentation anxiety 100x worse than normal presentation anxiety
No. 820221
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This drawing that I've been working on for almost two months now is driving me crazy, yet I can't let myself to draw anything else because I finally want to get this shit over with. I am so sick of it and it makes me feel incredibly sad. Art is nothing but pain.
No. 820235
>>818392Can my mother stop mentioning my fucking weight?
I recently gained weight because of a medication change not too noticable unless you see me 24/7 i've also already started losing it but my mother cannot stop bringing it up, she's the type of women to talk shit about the way someone looks in public within earshot
she's also the reason I have such disordered eating with her constent comments about my body since I was young, I've never been obease even at my heaviest it was still healthy for my height/age but her issue is probably my bodyshape, I'm quite curvaceous bust/hip wise so when I was going through puberty she would only buy me baggy clothing so I didn't look "lewd" whilst also constantly saying shit about me dressing normally being "slutty"
anyway if she doesn't stop borderline insulting me i'm going to start fucking biting people
No. 820257
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My sister’s moved in with me after graduating until she finds a job. I haven’t lived with her since she left for college and she’s developed the worst eating habits. At any given meal she eats 50-100% more than a normal person, super quickly, and she snacks constantly throughout the day into the late night. She’s gained a bunch of weight to the point of now being either overweight or obese but seems to see no reason to change. I don’t bring it up directly with her but, like, can’t you see what you’re doing to yourself?
I go on a hike every morning because I’ve been wanting to get healthier myself. I always invite her to come along but she keeps turning me down, instead preferring to watch Netflix in bed for the next 6 hours.
No. 820397
>>820379hear hear, FUCK LANDLORDS
glad you're getting out!
No. 820411
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it's finals week and one of my profs hasn't graded 1/3 of my work. i need to know how hard i can bomb the final, damnit
No. 820443
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>asks questions in tarot thread
>keeps getting ignored
>asks questions in the same fashion as the other anons
Okay fuck you, your mom, and your stupid inaccurate tarot cards, I hope all of your toast burns in the morning and you have hot coffee breathe for the rest of your life. I wish all of you a very nice explode in an electric fire, the vent place is the only thing I enjoy in this ungodly place (also /meta/ is funny)
No. 820470
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I wasn't born with a fucking job so you can't keep making me do it
I'm an embarrassing mistake my dad wants to hide because I got raised trashy by the woman he chose to leave me alone with, and I'm a disappointing broken Furby to my mom because I don't "worship" her anymore, which like, what a fucking disgusting, creepy way to describe your child's relationship with you
I don't have to do shit.
I keep getting put back in the psychward every time I talk to my doctors even though I haven't said I'm going to hurt myself, and every fucking time they put me in, I get even fucking worse while I'm there and I don't get better again anymore when I get back out. Jsut leave me the fuck alone, is this not enough for me to be dealing with? I haven't slept a solid five hours in years, I am fucking exhausted.
The last antipsychotic they put me on made it feel like my skin was going to come away from my bones like slow cooked pork.
I spent over 20 years telling you how perfet your were and that you've never done anything wrong and I packed you hysterectomy wound and I washed your ass and it was all fuckign worthless becasue I still couldn't make you better, andthat was BEFORE I went crazy, how the fuck do you think I can do it now when I couldn't in over two sane decades? Why the fuck is it not good enough that I jsut sit quietly and watch Malcolm in the Middle with you? Why is my company not good enough? Why do you still want me to dance for you? I don't fuckign like talking, please god jsut let me be quiet, I am fuckign dying over here
No. 820521
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I wish I didn't delusionally believe the world revolves around me. It's so exhausting feeling like everything is a personal slight towards me. Even things that total strangers do feel like some form of cosmic mockery sometimes.
I want to believe it's irrational, but in the moment it feels so very real. I hate people so much and I hate that I'm reliant on them.
No. 820581
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>>820566Become an eco-terrorist and be admired by all
No. 820602
I tried so hard, i don't get it. you promised you would tell me if things were getting sour for you before you brought up breaking up. you even told me yesterday how you didn't want me to leave you when it was brought up. you kept bringing up unprompted that you enjoyed spending time with me and calling me. now out of nowhere you were unhappy, you never enjoyed any of it, you only stayed because I was too emotional and you felt guilt tripped by my crying the last time you tried to end things apparently. i feel like such a fool. i tried so hard to make things work this time, i feel like such a failure. i feel so dumb too. you never even gave me warnings, you didn't even act distant. why do you always lie and toy with me. why does my heart love you so much. i want you to be gone forever and forgotten from my heart. then you had the audacity to text me today asking why I was talking to someone in a game, we arent even dating anymore, why does it matter?! please just let me be in peace, i blocked you everywhere else, please… yet i so badly want to apologize for not being good enough even though i tried so hard, i went above and beyond for you when you never even came anymore close. i want to stop crying now please.
No. 820614
>>820607It's not your fault
nonny. The human brain is easily manipulated by abuse and shitty people. It's not your fault you love him and it's not your fault he hurts you. You're in a position millions of smart, capable, 100% innocent women have also been stuck in. It's not your fault that he's an
abusive shithead and I promise someday you'll find the strength to leave
♥️ No. 820624
>>820607I'm sorry anon. Today is my 3rd anniversary of getting away from someone just like that. I no-joke celebrate this day every year. I buy myself something and just treat myself extra well for the day.
I hope you get out soon and I hope that you learn to treat yourself with more kindness than this guy has shown you. The effects of that treatment tend to stay with you for years and it's rough but you have to look after yourself.
No. 820641
Well what is your question? I asked you and you didnt tell me
No. 820674
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>>820664Me! Bless art thou strike you down, heretic
No. 820681
>>820658It isn't a trick, I legit will read for you if you let me, seriously
>>820659I'm not a a white eurofag, I'm a mixed mexican. Give me your query and I'll read for you, I've read on 4chan's /div/ as well.
Either way if you don't want your query answered then I can't go and beg for you to tell me, it's your choice but I'm sad that you are an atsushifag and acting like this, cause I was going to read for you because I love atsushi too.
No. 820690
>>820663>I hate tarotfagsIf you hate tarotfags so much then why the fuck do you even go and ask a question on a tarot thread on the first place?
Do you know how many queries get ignored on 4chan on the daily even when they're adressed to a certain reader? It sucks but that's how it is. No one is entlitled to a free read, sucks that you didn't get picked up but you're just acting entlitled over it and assuming it's the fault of the reader when they simply could had skipped you over by mistake. It's an imageboard with multiple replies, shit happens. On /div/ people who get skipped over just politely tell the reader and they reply back, they don't immediately go and act like an immature little piss baby and I can't believe 4channers can be more mature than you in this case. Honestly reading cards is just a dumb fun hobby, you pinning it on the tarot readers doing it out of goodwill instead of going within and seeing how insufferable you are is such as stupid thing to do.
>>820659then grab a mop and stick it up your butthole
(infighting) No. 820693
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>>820443ok well open your 3rd eye pussy and read for yourself, bitter-chan
No. 820696
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>infighting over magic yugi-oh cards
No. 820776
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My mother in law uploaded a really gross candid of me. I have no ass and a big belly. I thought my period bloating was slight but someone commented that I kinda looked pregnant. I feel like such shit I dont even wanna get dressed cause I didnt know my body was that ugly. I'm so sad cause I didnt know I was that gross looking .
No. 820803
>>820566Holy shit I think about this all the time and it feeds into my depression
Fucking can't stand myself
No. 820832
>>820819Perhaps a personal safe with all your most irreplaceable/expensive
Unfortunately I think other anon might be onto something by getting a friend to pull a fake heist, sometimes people only learn when bad shit happens to them.
No. 820858
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I am so extremely disappointed
I was going to go out with a girlie soon-ish but then we got into an argument because she told me she likes having mysogynistic attitudes and also thinks prostitution is a choice
and idk, it just goes on top of the things that I already didn't like about her. I guess my life lesson out of this is telling me that no one is perfect, everyone has skelletons in their closet, and that I should focus on myself instead of finding a romance right now because I should chose myself and more people who are right for me will come in the future. Idk
No. 820872
>>820592No because I'm lazy and depressed, and because the likelihood of failing if I was to try scares me so so much. I'm not a good person, I want to be admired because I'm famous and beautiful and not because I was good to many people.
>>820803It makes me so depressed, any time it crosses my mind I immediately start crying and feel like I'm about to vomit.
My new vent is that after 6 years of having mental problems it's gotten so bad that I felt that I must seek professional help but now my doctor is on vacation and I feel like I won't make it til he comes back.
No. 820892
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My sister has adhd she refuses to acknowledge and get treatment for, she almost uses her kids like photo props only, constantly snaps at the boy for everything. If he isn't playing, that's worth being snappy, if he does play, snappy. Now her baby ended up in the hospital with an UTI and it may be in her kidneys already, I know how painful that is but I also know for a fact that you would notice it even from the smell alone. Her husband said she had been acting sick a few days, my sister claims only today she acted weird. I am so pissed off, she is such an adhd hellbitch with anger issues, I know the cps are always notified of stuff like this where I'm from but I am gonna combust soon.
No. 820919
>>820910Thanks for your insight. I agree that grief isn't something to be rushed, especially since they were so close and the way she went was horrible
He has a therapist that he talks it out with thankfully
No. 820923
>>820915Thank you… I was looking forward for it, but you saved me time.
> American commieI hate these fucking people.
No. 820937
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he went full Vaush
No. 820948
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>>820943This picture is from his comedy special in 2016…
No. 820985
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i can't smile with my lips closed. when i do it looks like i've got stuff in my mouth, like i'm holding in water and about to spit it out all over you. it is literally one of the worst, most annoying and crippling things about my appearance. women always look good when they present a closed lip smile… except me. so if i want to smile i have to do a smile with teeth showing, a full duchenne smile, which isn't appropriate for every situation, what if i just want to smile a little bit, a nice non-duchenne smile. jesus fucking christ how annoying
picture absolutely not related
No. 820999
>>820996I've never liked Bo but I don't think he looks bad here at all (he's only the top two photos).
He looked ugly and like a wimpy gross soyboy piece of shit back in the day.
No. 821066
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I really regret not having a cringe phase as a kid. I was really creative and I wanted to write and draw but I would get so scared of it being bad that I wouldn't even practice. My mom made me take art classes as an after school thing a couple times a week and I hated it, the teacher was super serious and we were only allowed to do realistic illustrations. Like she had a big file cabinet full of pictures and at the start of each class we'd pick one and then reproduce it as a drawing. Which is maybe how real art works but it's not fun for a 9-year old, I couldn't even put a unicorn horn on my otherwise realistic horse sketch you know? Then I got on the internet and cringe culture ruined me, couldn't even write privately for fun anymore because I would obsess about whether or not my OCs were Mary Sues and it just became stressful. I wish I had just drawn dumb shit and written dumb fanfiction and had dumb childhood fun.
No. 821087
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>>821066You can be cringe,
nonnie, just make do it in an alternate account. I honestly wish I wasn’t cringe when I was a teen, I wouldn’t have gotten bullied so much.
No. 821089
>>820892She sounds shitty but what does adhd have to do with it?
>>820999Beards make everything worse tho
No. 821104
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I've been talking to this qt boy from work lately and although things between us have been growing and getting steamy, nearly every time I talk to him he insists on bringing up the resident Stacy at work who everyone seems to have a hard on for. Our latest call featured a comment about how sexy she looked sitting in her work chair… Instead of directly calling him out, all I could muster was some vague responses that I hoped would tell him that I was not in the least bit impressed but it seems to have gone over his head. Next time we talk, I'll probably make a passive-aggressive joke at him because I really can't stand the though of having a serious talk about this (he's the type of guy that would drop an argument for the sake of keeping things peaceful and I'd rather not get painted as hysterical). Hopefully he'll get the idea then but god damn I feel like knee-dropping this scrote in the balls. This is killing my interest in him and I find myself questioning why the fuck I'm going along with this.
No. 821150
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>tfw your parents take a literal child more seriously than youmaybe my classmates were right, maybe i really am retarded
>>821066i have no advice but i strongly relate to this. i used to be extremely paranoid about my OCs ending up in a cringe compilation or on one of those many anti-mary sue and bad oc tumblr blogs/IG accounts. tbh i'm still paranoid about it despite keeping everything private. kind of sucks the fun out cause sometimes i want to commission art or short stories with mine but i don't want anyone to see them. even with it private i keep imaging how people would react if it was an actual published character and i just know she would end up in a 'characters you hate thread' or smth, i'm unfortunately just drawn to cliches and shit taste. it's hard finding a balance between making something good/well written/designed but also something that appeals to my taste at the same time.
No. 821178
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I’m going on a family trip to Miami very soon; idk if it’s this week or by the end of the month, depending on my sister’s job situation atm but it has been confirmed and I am very anxious yet excited to go.
I’ve never been out of state before and I don’t really like long drives but I tolerate them whenever we go out of town. We know it’ll be worth it in the end but still…
Maybe I’ll meet some cute Cubanos there, who knows.
No. 821210
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my boyfriend has been nonstop playing dota for the past week. every time i ask him to do something with me it’s always “but my friend just got off work!”, or “my friend just got back from a camping trip!”, or “but we have the whole squad on!”. i have to wait for him to play 1-2 games to get him to do anything with me, and then he’ll hang out with me for less than an hour and then go play more games! i’m so sick of it anons.
No. 821256
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I just want to take a vacation but all this back and forth on planning is almost ruining the experience for me. My first choice is off the table because it's overcrowded with tourists and I wouldn't be able to do the main hike I wanted. Second choice has shitty weather this time of year. Third choice is almost impossible to get around without a car, and all the cheap rentals are gone and I can't afford shit going for like $300 a day. I get that everyone is rushing to do something now that people are getting vaccinated and travel guidelines are loosening up, but ffs. I'm not wholly against doing something in state, but I really wanted to zone out on a nice beach and I'm on the wrong coast for that. Maybe I should just look for a place I can Uber to then plop down and not move for the rest of the week, car be damned. Privileged problem I know, but I'm so tired of thinking after all these 14 hour work days and little sleep. Just want head to be empty.
No. 821275
>>821104Is he a mega autist? I really wouldn't date a guy who is this socially unaware and doesn't know how to behave around women. Unless he is actively trying to turn you off him.
How old is he? If he is older than 25 you are going to have a hard time training that sort of behavior out of him and should probably look for a guy who is either not a thirsty coomer or can keep it to himself.
No. 821292
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Im so over going on online dating websites, seeing a cute girl and then it’s “teehee looking for a gf because they’ll give me what my boyfriend can’t” or “I’m in an open relationship”. Poly fucks are a cancer to society, what’s the point of having established romantic relationships with people when you’re just gonna try and fuck a bunch of randos anyway? Just don’t have boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives and just have fuckfriends.
No. 821324
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No. 821415
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>really trying to get my life together and feel motivated
>brain actively working against me and making me anxious about simple shit
>Parents also throwing in their negativity and problems at me
Oh my god fuck off with this shit. It’s embarrassing to admit but I have been suicidal the past couple of days. Still, I refuse to give into my shitty thoughts and want to turn my life around. I’m making progress step by step.
I really hope everything works out for me farmers. And I hope everything works out for everyone here too.
No. 821419
>>821271What’s wrong with Miami? Is it ghetto and crime-ridden? Hopefully we’ll be in the safe areas if so.
And thank you for your prayers anon, God bless
No. 821431
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how the FUCK do you message someone first on bumble BFF this is way harder than online dating or hookups what are you even supposed to say other than just immediately launching into the interests they post about
No. 821496
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>>821417Thank you anon. REALLY needed that ♥
No. 821677
>>821642I read a lot about adopting one and specifically tried to go for a cat with a temperament that matched mine. It's an adult cat, not a kitten.
>>821660>>821669That's what I was thinking, will do.
No. 821686
>>821679i've been making music but i'm just too focused on this
>>821682it's midnight here sorry burger sisters
some of my friends are chatting and joking with me so it's slowly going away, i think i'm overreacting because of my pms or something
it's not about our relationship so it's okay
good day/night to you all!!
No. 821694
I’ve posted before about wanting to quit my job, and I haven’t yet but draw nearer every day. My bf will be GM of the place in a week, and I told him, “Just to be clear, I’m not joking when I say I either want to be fired or quit. I hate this job.” I happen to have severe stomach issues as well, usually linked to stress, and they’ve gotten worse the past few months. His response to me saying I legitimately want to quit included, “sometimes I worry that this job is what’s impacting you, stomach-wise,” and I’m so fucking pissed if he actually thinks that but won’t let me quit or take how much I hate it seriously. I haven’t quit yet bc I don’t want to leave the shop in even worse condition/short staffed and fuck him over, but I’m like livid rn.
No. 821700
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I'm fucking graduating tomorrow! I'm so nervous holy shit I want to go back.
No. 821706
>>821704and to continue on this, why is it so hard to find a decent guy that is open to casual sex but shows at least SOME interest in me and is fun to hang with? am I asking for something that weird? Because I'm not looking for a "don't talk let's fuck and then leave" type of man, and it seems if you show even one crumb of attention besides what they assume is casual they label you as "getting attached" or something. No dude I'm just being friendly and want at least the minimun in terms of a connection with you.
Like I get casual is different for every person but damn is it boring to just see each other once every month and then have the most superficial talk ever, fuck and then leave the next day awkwardly.
No. 821715
>>821699Same, men keep reporting me for misandry and stalking my timeline way back to find where I wrote something joking alluding to the phrase kill all men.
There's so many annoying moids retweeting tweets of "misandry" and how "misandry" like how #KAM isn't being taken seriously enough kek. Imagine if we had an actual "femcel" or an extreme pinkpill board where we copied and pasted the same shit as those other incel boards but replacing 'women' and 'girls' with men. The website wouldn't even last a day. Not even actual femdom can exist without centering the dude, idk how CBT videos exist when men are literally such fucking babies.
No. 821731
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I'm so fucking tired of trannies in everything. They have ruined everything that I loved. I can't play video games, watch anime or shows, use social media without being exposed to trannies on some level. Also fuck zoomers and their identity politics. I just wanna go back to like 10+ years ago when no one cared about this shit! Maybe deleting all of my social media will help, I was somewhat more sane when I did that before. I mostly just post here and 4chan anyway
No. 821733
This is going to sound petty af but after more than years of dealing with the same shit I need to get it off my chest.
My best friend never gets actually happy when good things happen to me unless I’m always one step behind her. This applies to studies, jobs, relationships, even friendships.
Every time I got a new job, she always has to ask how much will I gain, how my schedules will be, what exactly I’ll be doing. If by any chance I’m earning more than her and with better schedules, she will comment how happy she is in her job and how she’s glad she’s been working so much years than me.
Every time I started a new relationship, of course she had to judge every bf or gf, asking me questions about the future and if we’re similar or not, just to find any flaw to rejoice. Truth is people have always been more interested in me than in her, so I had no trouble finding someone to hook up when she practically had to beg for a little bit of attention (she even admitted so many times that’s she tired of not being the “chosen one”), so I know it’s due to her jealousy, as always has been. And it upsets me because I truly wish all the best for her all the time and I really mean it but I know it’s not the same for her.
Have you ever told anyone something knowing almost perfectly how their answer will be? That’s what happens with her since I can remember.
“You’re right anon but…”
“I’m glad that you’re happy but you have to remember…”
“That’s awesome but I need to tell you…”
I wish she would just stop because she’s one of the few people I trust with all my heart and I’m always happy about telling her good or different news but what I get from her makes me feel all deceived.
No. 821736
>>821731I know. I was just watching TV and an ad came on, it was some kind of HIV drug. I wasnt even listening very closely ane then i hears "something something assigned female at birth". Like holy fuck. And dont get me started on "birthing people". They're trying to change laws, language and everything else to fit their ideology and feelings. And then when you try to argue with them about it they go all "but twanz people are such a small portion of the population:( we dont wanna impact other peoples lives we just wanna live our lives quietly in peace uwu:( why do u care so much about what we do with our bodies:(" the amount of gaslighting coming from trans people and TRAs is fucking insurmountable.
Also i respect that lolcow is not w gc haven but i don't understand why some anons posting on /meta/ get so fucking
triggered at gc opinions. Like, shredding women's looks apart day in and day out is perfectly acceptable/encouraged but if you say something remotely negative about a trans person/trans people suddenly its "derailing"
No. 821762
>>819093YOOOO the police ended up showing up at my house to ask ME about the construction, I was outside smoking a joint at the time and almost pissed myself when they showed up but it's perfectly legal here anyway
I don't know the full story because I mind my business but I think my across-the-street neighbors had their shed/garage condemned and so they knocked it down and have been doing construction for the past few weeks
and the police started grilling me about it! the construction crew left a weird little plywood hut thing on one side of the road and my street is already pretty narrow and curved, so they were like "do you think the neighbors had anything to do with the electric work happening underground" and I was like holy shit no I don't poke my nose if I don't NEED to and she was like well I wish more people had your attitude and left
are my neighbors criminals? did they damage underground power lines? the plot thickens
No. 821788
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My bf has a habit of either closing or commandeering an already open tab of my stuff and it annoys me. He just came home super tired from work, we decided to watch a show on my computer, and he IMMEDIATELY CLOSES 5+ TABS I had open one by one. I admit it, I lost my temper and snapped at him, and he immediately slinked back into his room to "rest," aka not be where I am. Now I'm mad and upset that he basically ran away from me, but also tired too so I guess I'm going to go bed now.
No. 821822
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My dad kicked my mom and I out of my childhood home back in October and I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress in a living room since. I know it’s better than not having a place to stay but even here we have to leave for a few weeks sometimes and hotel hop. I have no fucking privacy, and no space for myself to decompress. My mom will stay downstairs until 10 o clock at night and I have to wait until she’s done before I can even go to bed. I’m so tired from sleeping on something with no support for 7 months. I don’t even have any place to put my stuff, it’s all in bags and my ‘closet’ is a cardboard box will all my clothes thrown in. The small area I do have my mom will still leave her stuff all around it. I just want a fucking bedroom.
No. 821860
I'm not in the mood to type out the details of the situation that have made me feel this way tonight, but damn I just feel absolutely shat on from every angle in society for being an average working person.
I get taken advantage of by greedy people, receive no assistance cause I'm deemed not poor or hard up enough, am expected to keep on truckin' or else lose everything, have few luxuries on account of not being rich, constantly worried about debt, and the list goes on.
I'm basically a working servant to make someone else's life enriched. My life by itself doesn't really have a grand purpose save for personal enjoyment for enjoyment's sake, but I don't have access or ability to seek enjoyment most times because the majority of time is spent stressing & working to "earn" those morsels of enjoyment. I ask for scraps and get punched in the mouth for it. I have little confidence that I will either live to retirement age and/or have enough saved to live a comfortable life when I cannot work any longer. Admittedly, I have come a long way from how I grew up (tl;dr we evolved from second generation immigrants to trailer trash to working class and would have had more money if my parents weren't financially irresponsible with unhealthy marriages). It would make me feel like my strife was worth a damn if I had kids who might go on to have an even better life than mine, but that's quite a gamble and not guaranteed either.
I want this suffering to mean something. I want all these tears and this despair to have at least amounted to something. But so often it doesn't. I'm really, really depressed. All I wanted was a place to live so I could stop being financially raped in increasing rent and shitty landlords every year This vent was prompted by a bank deeming I need to cough up $30k extra in order to close on a place to live, and if I walk away I lose the $20k in cash I took out of my retirement that I already put into it..looking hopeless.
I just don't like this gay earth right now.
No. 821869
>>821860Sorry about your situation and I hope it gets better anon but just for reference pls do not use the term "financially raped". It's scrotespeak and tbh fucking degrading to people who have actually been raped, at least it is to rape
victims like me and other women that I know
No. 821881
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>>821860I'm really sorry anon, if you're also in your late 20s the financial crisis really struck us the hardest.
Likewise, I just have no hope for anything. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford a home, I've given up on having a family because I got married too early and got burnt by my ex being an unwashed, useless incel who did nothing but insult my culture and beg for sex.
I know some of my friends will recognise me here but I don't want to bother anyone with my bullshit again and be tiresome so I'll just scream into the void here for a bit, if you'll allow.
I also have the absolute ballache of being an immigrant thrown into the mix. I come from a poor country, and I moved to a much richer place as a teen. I got my Bachelor's here despite the limited options (you need an IB diploma to be able to attend normal uni here if you're foreign, IB programmes in my country are super expensive and I'm poor), now going for postgrad.
I somehow landed a full-time job after years of cleaning various assorted toilets and flipping burgers, and they know full well I can't quit so I'm being bled dry by my employer. I can't quit because my visa is tied to my job, and you can't get a new visa unless you've worked at a place for at least 6 months. I don't know if I'll be able to study in autumn because I'll have to work until I get citizenship, or else my citizenship application is revoked (student visas don't count).
I have no time for learning new skills, hobbies or socialising because my job is holding me hostage. I have no decent friends because most moved out of the country after graduation, and the few that remain are all men who I'm pretty sure just want to fuck me, not that I'd ever let them. Recently my job cucked me out of a holiday I'd waited on for 2 years by giving me too little time off, so I wasn't even able to go see my family.
I used to have a family visa which was a lot more flexible, but depending on a man sucked and he'd hold it over my head all the time in order to get things out of me, and people really looked down on me for being a "mail order bride". Even his own family, who said nasty things about me, which is why we broke up. I don't want to get a bf because there's always a risk his family will think I'm after their money, it's happened twice now and those relationships never go anywhere.
Recently I found out they'd been bumping back my citizenship application and I haven't moved in the queue for nearly a month.
I can't go back home because in my home country jobs pay peanuts and I'd simply never be able to get one because my family is dogshit poor and has no political connections. I can't get a job abroad either (and I've tried) because at the interview stage they always ask me which passport I've got and say they can't sponsor my visa when I tell them. I can't get a (career) job here because I'm not a native. I have no experience doing what I studied and will probably not ever be able to do it here because I don't fit the profile. Without the citizenship I basically can't do anything, which sucks because I got so many job offers from other countries and all were rescinded once they learned where I'm from.
I pay so much in taxes but I can't vote, get national healthcare, buy a home or find work I actually like, meanwhile I pass by at least one druggie/alcoholic on the metro every day who gets shitfaced on the government dime and beats his kids. My ex's parents were rich as fuck but he still qualified for welfare when he moved out, and I don't.
I want off this ride.
No. 821932
>>821911not US anon but as a teenager i hated working as a waitress, but I would get groped by men alot and my staff would always tell me I should just get over it, the other place would have misogyny from other women. The amount of times you would get yelled at by some random Karen or a man for a thing that's not even your fault is crazy.
Meanwhile my mentally ills 'friend' new bf ended up yelling at a barista (who was wearing a facemask) for not telling them 'Hi' before order…
No. 821933
>>821928Plenty of jobs have to deal with shitty customers. Like
>>821916 said retail has shitty customers too. Also when I worked fast food I made way less while also having to deal with customers.
I'm working a summer job. Idk if I will work here for two months much less "years." I'm not really planning on making bffs with anybody here.
And if I started complaining about anything with my job people would laugh in my face. How is it "culture" if it's just one sided? idk where else this is accepted. I was working as a tutor in a school, and it would be so weird if a teacher started ranting at the first day about how difficult it is when they made way more than I did.
No. 821951
>>821928>the disrespect from customers is more death by a thousand cutsTell me about it. That’s the perfect way to describe it. It’s even worse now we have to enforce mask rules. I’m literally scared for my safety every time a customer gets aggressive about being asked to wear a mask, I’m scared I’ll be physically attacked, coughed at or spat on. What also irritates me is the raised eyebrows and the sudden change in attitude when I do. No matter how polite, they will visibly show their irritation and act like I’m being unreasonable or crazy. A few times I’ve even been sworn and shouted at and accused of being rude, just because I’m not smiling or engaging enough, or in the right way.
I’ve always vowed that if a customer lays a hand on me, I am going to fight back with everything I have. Staff have the right to physically defend themselves if there is no security available, and i will take full advantage of that if I have to.
No. 822022
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>>822016samefag, the anon who made these cringey wojacks knows what I'm talking about
No. 822033
>>822028It's more because of my schedule at the time than purposefully doing intermittent fasting, but I have done a 14h fast/ 10h eating window type thing. That might not be long enough to count as fasting though.
What kind of intermittent fasting schedule would you recommend? I'm the type of person who gets hungry easily but is also full easily, so it might work.
No. 822046
>>821699shut the fuck up redtext its the vent thread
i hate retarded mods and the trannie jannies. you put a fuckin space between e and ) like an absolute noob. look at my post history you fuckin degenerate, this is not my first rodeo, sorry I didn't use enough chanspeak in the fucking VENT thread that is here to VENT about stupid shit, now im venting about YOU
No. 822057
>>822049It's incredibly obnoxiously written, has way too much reddit spacing, and the overuse of line breaks and all caps makes it feel spammy.
I don't quite agree with it being redtexted but I do understand it.
No. 822058
>>822033There are lots of methods, here are a few and decide which one fits you the better've found the most success with the 16/8 one when it comes to weight loss but I've read that the 14/10 is still effective.
Maybe your eating habits are alright but you might need a different type of exercise? HIIT workouts and lifting/body weight exercises will boost your metabolism. Harsh calorie deficit in the long term will slow you down, is not sustainable and imo not very healthy
No. 822066
>>822058>>822060Thank you for the info! I'll be trying the 16/8 one for now, since a full 24 hour fast might be a bit tough to start out with. Is it important to keep the windows at the same time every day too, or is it possible to switch them around a little? (eg, having your eating window from 1pm to 9pm one day and 4pm to midnight the next)
I'm also going to look into HIIT, because I suspect that part of the problem is my sedentary lifestyle. I used to get more exercise but since lockdowns hit I've been sitting on my ass all day.
No. 822083
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>>822076It's definitely the band, considering the context and their image lol
No. 822094
>>822052>>822057They redtexted me because I hate men and the janitors are trannies, nobody said you couldn't all caps REEE in the fucking vent thread, in fact thats exactly what you would expect from goddamn /ot/ blogpost threads.
Nobody wants your disgusting tranny dick mods
No. 822106
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I wish I had a best friend. I'm so lonely, I'm so envious of people who always have people around. I have 0 notifications, I try to get close to people but they don't seem to want me. I'm not unpleasant, I'm fun to talk they say. Yet no one really cares.
No. 822131
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I have an exam this weekend and I'm seriously doubting that I'll pass. Just looking at the work other people have submitted for review to our professor makes me feel hopeless, they are all so much better at figuring out the problems and finding good solutions… I'm seriously considering dropping out because I lack the motivation to even do anything about this. But I'm already getting so much help from my parents with rent and such, it would feel wrong, especially because I could probably do better if I just tried more. My head is just so fucking empty all the time and I can't concentrate or make sense of anything. Thinking feels like carefully detangling headphones with tweezers, if I drop the cord the entire thought process is gone.
Yesterday I deactivated all social media so I wouldn't keep getting distracted but I still manage to find ways to keep myself from thinking. I will try to get some studying done but it all just feels so useless. Going to uni might have been a stupid and rushed decision but I graduated highschool with very bad grades and with no prior job experience no one would have hired me for any office job, which is ultimately my goal. My grades in the first semester were pretty good also, I just feel myself slipping. Maybe I need someone to tell me that it's okay to take less classes and more time, but if I did that and still failed I would feel even worse. I want to hurry up and make as much money as possible so I can live as a neet for at least a few years and focus on art but at the same time I don't want to do anything or be anywhere
No. 822144
>>822118Same here, I watch them so the constant grind and I know I'll never want that for myself. Trying to keep up with them was so exhausting so I made myself a small normie life and I dabble in art but my next step is just to accept that it's okay to have chosen this path
We're now unsuccessful art friends, cheers to us both
No. 822145
>>822118anon don't be too hard on yourself. i don't know your situation but anyone who hasn't figured out how to make their career choice sustainable for their physical and mental health, is doing it wrong. i wouldn't call such a person successful lol
art is difficult to get established in but take it from someone who's had it rough in art (because my country is the worst possible place to choose this line) AND is now able to make a living off it, i'd rather be making a little less money or have fewer followers than kill myself and completely burn out within a couple years to go back to the "shitty boring day job" most artists try so hard to avoid. if you don't hate your existence, if you enjoy the art you make, and if you're happy with the balance you've struck - congratulations! you're likely doing better than your successful friends
No. 822162
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I thought I'd be able to make friends for once and stop being a hiki by enrolling in college but classes are online-only and I literally can't even focus when I'm at a computer, like at all.
No. 822184
>>822066You don't need to have the fasting/eating window at the same time, ketosis (the process happening in your body) will be there as long as you fast for more than 12 hours. Good luck
nonnie! Hope it helps
No. 822203
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god anon i hope you mean soon-to-be-ex-bf.
life's too short to be shackled to a passive-aggressive brainlet who can't admit when he's wrong like that. you deserve better.
No. 822228
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Looking in a full length mirror while stoned on shrooms gave me a better grasp of what my body dysmorphia really makes me feel like I look like. (Bad MS Paint drawing related)
It's a weird feel
No. 822255
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I've noticed a few other Anons in this thread and other vent threads venting about how they don't have any friends at all/no best friend and I think I have a problem that's kind of the opposite? I have only 7-8 friends that I only occasionally talk to and have a slightly higher than acquaintance relationship with, and 16-18 friends that I talk to everyday, watch movies with almost every week, and am constantly playing games with. The problem I have though is that I have a very skewed idea of what a friend is and am only calling all of these people "friends" because I can only assume being with a group of people so often would make them your friends. I just feel very apathetic towards any relationships I have at all including family relationships and I don't know why. I wasn't always like this and when I was much younger I would have feelings for others and would've cared a lot if everyone were to hypothetically leave me, but now that hypothetical sounds enticing. Do you think I have some heavily repressed traumatic incident that might've happened that's caused me to be so apathetic? From the time between when I was more emotionally in tune and now it feels like there's a huge blur, I don't know what happened. I keep hoping that if I wait everything out I'll feel happy with life and reobtain stronger emotions again but that seems like a shitty idea
No. 822279
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>>822255There's different levels of "friendship" anon, and I doubt your feelings about these relationships have anything to do with trauma on your end.
It just sounds like you have a lot of casual friends, and it's perfectly find to want one of those fabled "close" or "intimate" friends. You're not alone if you don't have that type of friendship, but just know that for most people it is hard to obtain that kind of closeness to begin with. Not to mention it can always change with age and natural drift.
No. 822308
>>822295Just something I found on google images when I searched for friendship types. There are many like it. I was looking for something more basic. When I was in grade school we talked about the kinds of friends one has in life.
For example I remember "fair-weather" friends being depicted as a weather vane. Imagery like that really stuck with me, and at least it comforted me knowing that just because someone wasn't close with me didn't mean they weren't a friend. It's just that different friendships carry different expectations and that's fine.
No. 822320
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I have cripplingly bad ADHD. I, for the life of me, cannot get myself to focus on anything and I haven't for my whole life. I think I went under the radar because I would always do pretty alright in school (I'd never do homework but I always managed to get perfect A's on tests so my grades were fine) but now
I'm older and IDK how to go about getting an actual diagnosis. Whenever I want to do anything, like draw or focus on one thing, I just fucking can't. I sit there and maybe do it for five minutes and then think, oh shit, let me see what's on Youtube. Then twitter. Then here, and any other website. I get lost for an hour or two and then I draw for another 2 minutes and repeat the same fucking process. This isn't just for drawing, it's for anything I genuinely want to do. Idk why it's so easy for me to get lost in youtube videos but not art, which is productive and something I always want to improve. I'm not yet in college (decided to take a gap year because of covid) and I genuinely don't think I will be able to survive it without being medicated. My mind's constantly racing with thoughts, I always forget what I'm saying as I'm saying it, and shit like that. The only reason I'm so sure it's ADHD is because it runs in the family (both mom and dad have it) but whenever I mention the possibility of me having it, they kind of ignore me.
No. 822328
>>820892So apparently the baby has pneumonia too, no covid but I can't help but to think how hanging out with people who go to house parties with no masks just days ago wasn't the best idea. I am so tired of spending my days feeling scared wtf my sister will ignore next, her husband is a fucking wuss but at least he cares about the kids.
>>821089She cannot focus on anything and it ends up with her getting frustrated and agressive, it's been like this since she was a kid. She was diagnosed after getting ordered to take anger management courses, please do not try me on this, anon.
No. 822392
>>822347one time I got assigned to a group project in english class, the project was that we had to find a problem in our city and propose a way to fix it. the other girl in the group had already decided to make the project about homelessness before I even got assigned to the group, then when we were trying to propose ways to fix it and having problems she was like "WelL nO OnE ElSE HaD ANy IdEaS" even though she didn't even give us a chance.
then one day after class on monday (or project was due on friday) she said "I'll text you" and she never did. they changed the idea of a project to something else entirely (they changed it to "our city's first jobfair" because of unemployment, but there are literally job fairs all the time that she was just unaware of because she's so rich and sheltered) and didn't let me know and did the presentation without me, which made me look lazy in front of our teacher (who already hated me). I should have tried texting her beforehand but all the finals were due that week and I didn't know if they were busy with those, plus I had never been in a group project before as I had never been to HS and am socially retarded.
tl;dr fuck group projects, they are literally just a way so that professors can spend less time grading, as they only have to grade one project per every 5 students instead of grading each student individually.
No. 822403
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>>822382I was this person the other day. I was trying to fix part of a bookcase and a particular nut would just
not come loose and I ended up shrieking like a maniac, hurling my wrench across the room and shoving a shelf against the wall. I'm normally nowhere near so psychotic but it'd been a rough day and that was just the cherry on top. On behalf of all angry noisy people in apartments, I apologize.
No. 822416
>>822194do you wear a headscarf
what does your bf think of you being a secret ex-muslim
sorry i'm so curious because i've been contemplating a lot lately
No. 822421
>>822299I can relate to you Anon, My mother had a role in mine too, she'd would constantly talk about the food I ate and how it was bad because she used to be a food writer
It's hard to deal with, I hope things get better for you soon
No. 822471
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>>822467Think of it this way: I genuinely can’t remember a specific cringeworthy moment from someone I’ve met. I’ve met people who were overall cringey shitheads, but I can’t recall a singular incident from someone I found otherwise cool.
I can recall some incredibly embarrassing shit I did (accidentally sent gay porn to my new roommate, at my boss’ food by mistake, farted on a date), but I can’t remember anything anyone else did, though logically I have to had witnessed at least a few things that people sit up at night remembering.
I’m shit at explaining things but what I’m saying is that she’s probably going to totally forget it really fast, because we’re far more critical and self conscious of ourselves.
No. 822482
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I do look younger than my age, but I’m pretty unattractive so it’s honestly a waste.
I’m not talking plain or Hollywood homely, I literally look like Eric Warehaims blonde sister
No. 822513
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>>822482Are you Kombucha girl?
No. 822563
>>822561>I project that "all men are ignorant coomers" mentality onto my boyfriend.But it's true. Even the cute and nice ones are this.
>I've become sex-averse in the last few months and I think lolcow might be a contributor.Maybe take a small break anon. I'm rooting for you.
No. 822615
>>822604I'm very sorry to hear about all that misfortune
nonnie. It is very understandable you have temper problems in a situation like that. You're still a med student, which seems to be like a promising future at least. And nostalgia is a fucking liar, try to snap yourself out of the nice memories whenever you feel yourself slipping and focus on the rational decisions regarding your bf.
You're not ungrateful for being annoyed with your situation, they're your parents and they're supposed to support you. When you're feeling better you can make it up to them. Meanwhile, try to ease your stress in small ways, don't shoot for the biggest comfort. Maybe keep one room in your house clutter-free and try to do your activities there? If your country is more open, maybe taking strolls can be nice. It's cliche advice but it works. Talk with your professors about your situation to ease your schoolwork, they'll most likely be understanding. Don't be afraid to reach out of shortcuts and resources if you're overwhelmed. Sending lots of hugs.
No. 822719
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I work from home and its my second last shift at this job after I handed my notice in. 3 hours left of my 11 hour shift and I so badly want to just pretend there's a power cut and fuck off but I was already "late" this morning (just didn't want to get out of bed.) I have a one-to-one meeting tomorrow with my manager who's already had me written up for work avoidance lol. I just cant be bothered I want to go enjoy the rest of my day before it's finally all over tomorrow aaaaa!!! I dont know why I feel like I owe these people anything as i've had no AWOLS or latenesses before and they're a huge megacorp with thousands of employees anyway.
No. 822739
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Cannot stand bisexuals who insist on calling themselves lesbians while happily fucking men. Die.
No. 822743
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>>822739that person is male apparently
No. 822762
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going on /g/ be like(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 822786
>>822762you could apply "repressed irl and possibly virgin" to all 3 of them, I've known camwhores who haven't even kisses boys IRL, I've known sub/dom women who have never even interacted with males longterm
still I don't get these people, I'm literally autistic and have a hard time socializing with people and understand social stuff but I still have normal healthy sex
No. 822812
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>>822798not too much focus on the feet unfortunately but they're there
No. 822815
>>822797Yeah you can be a horny weeb without being shotacon or a fujo. In fact seeing shotacons here is very rare. It's not connected to the femdom threads either.
No. 822847
>>822778Because conversations work with the expectations that the other will react, so just blurting out "I'm so beautiful" or "I'm so ugly" don't exist in a vacuum. What other context could it even be mentioned in where it isn't self-conceited or fishing for a reaction?
>I'm being hit on because I'm so beautiful>I'll never be loved because I'm so ugly>women hate be because I've been so beautiful all my life>I got hit on even though I'm so fat and unattractive!Most of the time you can either leave it out because the other person can also understand where you stand in terms of attractiveness. Keep it for your diary.
No. 822855
>>822850saying you're ugly is always a move for asking for the other party to deny it, or at least you have to understand and keep in mind that it comes across that way. By social contracts of politeness, you can NOT agree with that unless you're looking for a fight. Maybe letting it slip like you didn't hear it is an option, but only for people you're not reall close with.
I had a high school classmate who constantly went to check herself out in the mirror, and sighed
I'm so ugly, so her friends would circle around her and praise her. She was actually unattractive. But obviously it's even more annoying when said by a very beautiful person.
No. 822860
>>822854>If someone dropped "I'm so beautiful" in any context in the middle of a conversationI'm not saying it could never be socially awkward in any scenario ever or something? That's obviously not what I'm talking about. I'm just saying I find it odd we're all supposed to pretend we have no concept of our own attractiveness and I think there are some conversations where it could be interesting.
>>822855I know, again I'm aware of the social norms around it. That was the whole point of my post. I don't disagree that that's the way it is, I'm saying I just don't think that's the way it necessarily should be. If being ugly wasn't seen as the worst thing ever people could probably talk about it easier. People can talk about other short comings and it doesn't come off so inherently fishing for compliments as the ugly thing does.
No. 822876
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>>822810yes the carreychans have been here, just more subtly, ironic considering it's carreychans
No. 822877
>>822856>you you youi'm not the fujo you were arguing with
and no it's not the same argument because she's not a male
>fetishizing male homosexualitythe only use a homosexual male has is as fetish fodder for straight women
No. 822879
>>822843it's not that deep anon
No. 822885
>>822843>you're just women who fetishize male homosexualityyes stacy dot jpg
>you're no better than males who blah blah blahI dont care about males
No. 822924
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>When you want to bring up the subject of hygiene to one particular coworker but he's been here way longer than you have and no one else seems bothered by it.
I've dealt with homeless men who smell better than this dude. It's horrendous. One other coworker agrees with me but I've started in February and this guy has never once smelled decent.
No. 822950
>>822856>you'll bring up the abuse women face globally just to justify idk porn of an adult raping a 16 year old job cause as said you meme'd yourself into fetishizing male homosexuality>porn of an adult raping a 16 year old jobYou mean cartoons of two characters who look like butch/tomboy lesbians with dicks? It's actually so disgusting to liken that to actual humans being raped because of your "muh poor homosexual men" fixation. Not a single actual gay man gives a fuck about this fujo shit, either.
People who argue things like this always seem like they're compensating hard.
No. 822972
>>822969They have this wholesome image but I've heard that there is absolutely no help if your husband is
abusive or you've been raped.
No. 822982
trannies are autogynephiles, imagine "coming out" as a sexual deviant
And what she meant was that her 17 year old COUSIN (incest) came ONTO HER (as in hitted on her, or worse) when she was just 14. Age difference is also a factor here. Learn to read
No. 823001
>>822963Yeah mostly going to avoid referring to him at all if I can
>>822973If it comes up I will definitely explain to my parents why I'm not going to pander to it, though we rarely see him/his family and he's well into his 20s now so I probably won't interfere with however they choose to handle it
>>822991I'm not necessarily more bothered by the trans thing than the incest thing, it's just that it happened some time ago and I've dealt with it, but this news of him coming out just brings up some feelings about what happened and frustration about how nonsensical it is I suppose
No. 823002
>>822435Thank you anon, I have been branching out and joined some fb groups but most of the time I end up being socially awkward or quiet in big group chats or meet up (unless theres an activity I can engage with them with). I know so many people from different groups and yet I struggle to form connections.
Actually I'm going to a solo meetup tomorrow for a festival I'm going to in August and I'm so nervous because of how difficult it has been to fit into the group chat. But yeah I've blocked my manipulative ex and I don't talk to my other exes anymore so thats one thing I'm doing right.
No. 823063
I really hate having to eat, enjoying food should be catalogued as some sort of mental illness because it ruined my life. I hate enjoying the food I eat and I hate that I wish I didn’t like eating.
I know the whole “there’s people out there literally dying” stuff, I’ve seen it and I feel bad for them. But I still wish I was some extreme picky eater and that the only thing that made me happy was eating salads and drinking water, I wish I was never shown as a kid the different kinds of nice food that there is and that I could go back to when I had self-control, you know, before the pandemic.
It was just a year ago when I still had the will to stop myself from eating food that is unhealthy, and that I could do exercise every day and feel motivated because I actually saw results, hell, the clothes I bought back then don’t fit me anymore, what the hell.
And I’ve been really trying, not buying sweets, eating small portions, drinking lots of water, but I relapsed today and got a fucking burger for dinner, I haven’t been losing any weight even though I’ve been eating properly, and I know I haven’t done as much exercise and the same quality of exercise as before, but I’m doing something.
I just want it to be tomorrow so I can go back to working out and feeling like I can do it.
No. 823074
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I hate when you get pimple-pregnant, where it gets swollen and painful but you can’t pop it yet no matter how hard you try.
No. 823077
>>823071>Stop enjoying things!>wow, you’re over a random age and you’re still doing this? Lol>>823021Nonnie, you better give her your adulthood card and your mother card because you’re totally a
toxic narc or something like that.
No. 823081
>>823077>implying being a farmer doesn't inherently make you toxic afOh,
nonnie, most of us have long since accepted what we are. Join us. It's liberating.
No. 823099
>>822282Girl just get a vibrator or one of those fucking machines
>>822959Imo if you can, say something. They're as successful as they are partially because women aren't speaking out. If you just bring up that he's a child predator and you have enough experience with him being predatory when you were 14 then you aren't necessarily ~twansphobic~ imo. You could even frame it as "I'm scared for trannies to be around him"
We need to start exposing these predators. The more we do it the more evident the rapey incel to troon pipeline will become. I'd recommend you do it now before he gets some footing in the troon community.
No. 823172
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No. 823201
this is going to be long but i'm really upset so whatever, i'm currently living with my bf and his mom, older sister and little brother. this is EVERYTHING i need to get off my chest.
his mom:
>lazy as fuck. will cook dinner and leave the pots/pans out until they're moldy. leaves her dirty underwear all over the bathroom floor, never bothers to clean the house or buy groceries.
>2 faced. i told her some sensitive things in confidence and afterwards she told her daughter for some reason. (i haven't told her anything personal since, even if she asks)
>horrible taste in men. her ex-bf would lay around the house 24/7, never help her clean or anything. he had food stamps but wouldn't buy groceries either.
>her and her bf broke up because he was drunk and punched her dad in the face, but they don't stay apart for long.
>alcoholic. she's always coming home late at night drunk as fuck. this isn't really of my business, i drink too, but the time she spends passed out on the couch could be spent doing something more productive.
>has a dog that she neglects.
>said she would be home with dog food yesterday. just came home at 12:54 am. the dogs ran out of food 3 days ago.
>will buy beer but not laundry detergent.
his sister:
>threatened to kill me. (she owns a gun)
>is cool with me one day then hates me the next. she's this way with my bf too.
>slams her door every time it's just us in the house. (lol)
>threatened to kill my bf after accusing him of never taking out the trash. (he's the only one who takes it out)
>has directly said that my bf is using their mom for money. (what money?)
>recently got a gf, when mom introduced me to her, i said hello and they laughed in my face and no one said anything.
his brother:
>15, already a father.
>has owned several dogs and treats them all like shit. his last dog's name was oreo, she was really attached to him but he spends most of his time at his gf's house (that's why he's a teen father kek) so he couldn't take care of her. she kept pissing and shitting in her cage because he refused to take her outside, so he threw her cage outside with no cover and stopped feeding her as "punishment". i could hear her crying at night but couldn't do anything because i'd tried to intervene before, got into a huge fight with bf's mom, he defended me then she fucking kicked us out of the house.
>got ANOTHER dog after that, also threw it in the cage.
>mom gave both dogs away.
>SUPRISE, he has ANOTHER fucking dog. he is still never home so my bf and i take care of him. an hour ago, he pissed in his cage so i cleaned it out and gave him a bath. seconds later my bf got an xbox notification that his brother was online, at his gf's house. that really pissed me off.
>left a used condom in the bathroom then accused my bf of it being his, then "covered" for us and said it was actually his, so their mom wouldn't get mad at us. (his girlfriend confessed that it was theirs)
>will probably give this dog away then get another one. he keeps him in his cage constantly and rarely lets him out. he doesn't pet him, walk him or spend time with him.
>called his mom a bitch when she took his xbox away after he failed all his classes, she gave him his xbox back after. (idiot)
>makes his gf sleep on the floor when he's mad at her. (sociopath)
btw, the only reason that i'm bringing up his mom's shortcomings as far as $$ and groceries go, is because she spends all her money on her youngest son, buying him food, expensive shoes and such, then tells us, "sorry i don't have enough money to pay the electric bill this month. i'm broke." "i couldn't buy dish soap because i'm broke" then i see she bought him another $70 game. that's all.
No. 823203
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>>823172I'm sorry nona, I hope you will have another chance to get the merch some day.
No. 823227
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lately i’ve been having reoccurring memories from when I was about 12 and my father would drunkenly get in bed with me in the middle of the night and it happened more than once. what was even weirder is he slept nude except for his underwear. it stopped when one night I got up to leave as soon as he got in my bed and I left to sleep in the other empty guest room next to mine and he followed me again. I screamed at him to stop following me and he left and slept in my bed anyway but ever since then i’ve never slept with my bedroom door open for any reason. it wasn’t unusual to find him passed out on my bed after that but he did stop getting in bed with me. I don’t remember or know if he touched me or anything but he was a horrible alcoholic and he has physically assaulted my mom and i but he’s out of my life for good but i’m too scared to talk to anybody about it in person 15 years later because idk if he diddled me or not maybe it’s not even a big deal and it and I feel like I use my boyfriend as a therapist too much and he gets sick of hearing my shit
it’s been eating away at me for the last two weeks it’s fucking me up I feel like i’m being stupid thinking about the past
No. 823277
>>823262I suppose you should be thankful that you no longer have someone like her in your orbit. Similar goes for me. It sounds like you have a drive in you to pursue your freelance career, whatever that may be, so I hope you focus on that because time and time again I find myself in this pit and I've realized just how important it is to have something you're passionate of to fall back on and give you your own source of fulfillment. I also hope you're not like me and secretly hope for retribution or karma, because as badly as I've wanted to see that asshole suffer and feel the emotional pain he caused me and relish in that sweet delicious schadenfreude, it's only a temporary bandaid and eventually their "ups" will come around and possibly send you back into the pit.
>she blamed all the problems on me in one final messageI did something similar with the asshole I mentioned, so this hits a sort of sore spot for me. I didn't necessarily pin all the blame on him as I let my emotions get the better of me sometimes, but I do wish I could've been more honest about saying the painful things and not be so afraid to let him speak before making up my mind.
No. 823287
>>823269tbh the only thing that
the yakuza series is missing is big crotch bulges on the guys. unfortunately the world is not ready
No. 823297
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I'm sick of my little sister having panic attacks for being dumped by her fiance three months ago. He's a useless dumbass and should have never proposed to her because he absolutely was not psychologically and financially ready for marriage, but I can't really blame him for dumping her when I think about how they were together for 7 years and the most they've done is kissing on the cheeks and hugging because of our family's retarded religion, and she's super stressful in general. Imagine having having panic attacks because of how stressed you are but you can't believe your ex when he says you stressed him out too. She also thought arguing everyday for months over petty shit was perfectly normal, probably because of how we were raised.
The more time passes and the less empathy I feel for her. I know her love life sucks but move on already. She came home tonight in tears and hyperventilating and I had to listen to her saying she tried to contact her ex a few ago and could only go to sleep at 3:30 AM.
No. 823315
>>818424yeah im amazed that mfs who live with their parents into their 20s can claim their parents are '
abusive' lmfao come on man
No. 823321
>>818424I'm curious what kind of "vtuber" she is kek
A bit reminds me of a weirdo who is not a vt but draws lame Chibi commissions with completely ripped off artstyle, she bullshits about her whole life for pity, and lied to people that she needs commissions to pay rent because she's leaving her parents just to spend them on hooking up with random people in a hotel. "Wholesome kawaii uguu loli" btw
No. 823328
I was drinking vitamin C solution and thinking about how I'll always be the weird one and the outsider even in my more mature years, as the sour taste of the solution went through my throat I burst into tears, I'll always be the one with no family to go to, I will be alone on holidays, and having committed relationships is gonna be awkward because I don't have any ties with my family, I'm so regretful, I wish I had normal accepting parents instead that I can grow alongside them and be their friend, and not whatever this is.
I hate them so much for both being incredibly stupid but also for making me feel like an alien always and forever, I never felt like I belonged anywhere and it's always and forever because of them. in my early years they alinated me from everyone else and now and in the upcoming years I'll be always resentful and envious of people who have a relationship with their parents, I'll always feel like an outsider with no roots or family, forever the child with abandonment issues. fuck this shit man.
No. 823329
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Why do we have a reputation for being a hive mind? Men are the true NPCs.
No. 823335
>>823333office job >>>>> retail/ customer service
wayy better pay, better hours, and you don't have to deal with costumers, plus other benefits.
people who say 9-5 office jobs are bad are just conning you so they can have better chances at securing an office job.
No. 823343
>>823325>(remain anonymous)Yeah this shit is silly. It’s just Discord, not your fucking social security number, lmfao.
Anons, should I make a thread on Crystal Cafe for farmers who want to befriend each other? We can just leave our usernames and stuff there, then link that specific thread to each other for when we want to trade contact info. It won’t be the same as breaking anonymity here because it’s completely offsite, plus no one can actually prove it’s you.
(Do note that CC doesn’t allow linking to Discord servers, though, just one on one contact info.)
No. 823441
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I miss my old friends. I know it's only my fault that I grew myself out of them, I moved out to a place at age of 19 all by myself and would do everything, spend sleepless nights without money and food just to reach my goal. These past years were extremely tough to me and still are because I am alone without parental or anyone elses guidance, trying my best to survive in this world.
As for them, they are mid 20s-close to 30s NEETs (there's nothing wrong to live with your parents or if you are incapable of not being a NEET, but they sit on their parents neck, doing nothing but playing videogames) who would even drop out of university because Twitter told them it's the right thing to do, even though that made their mother cry. I distanced myself from them because they would do nothing but complain and play mental health card. But I miss them. I miss all the fun, old times when we were kids and things were simple.
I tried reaching out to them again, because God, I am finally free and It took me a long time to gather money to buy myself a PC again. They ghosted me. I feel sad. I know it's my fault and I know it's pathetic of me that I am on a verge of crying because of how lonely I am, but then again it's only my fault for not talking to them, even though the reason to that was that I've always been a person who wouldn't throw emotional baggage at anyone and deal with my shit. They don't know what I gone through and that's okay. I didn't want to hurt them with my issues. I miss them a lot.
I am thinking of just drawing my old closest friends OC, sending it to her on Twitter and stopping using this account altogether. I know they don't want to talk to me, after all they don't owe me anything. But it just sucks so much being left without at least a small explanation. I know it will hurt me a lot but I want to say a silent goodbye like that, deactivate account and call it a day. I kept this account just to talk to them, which I did, but that contained nothing but me responding to all of their venting tweets.
I've got friends with whom we talk once a year, or reconnect after many years just to act like we never randomly stopped talking, but here… I don't know. I am just too overlyemotional right now because of all the stress around me.
No. 823449
I wish there was a way to help my friend more. I listen to her whenever she’s depressed and I try to reach out, I try to make her playlists and things we can do in the future, but I feel like she’s so depressed it makes no difference. I was reading old messages looking for a link to something from awhile ago and it felt so long ago even though it has only been a few months because even though she was depressed we were still able to talk about other things. One of her dogs died early this year and they’ve had him since she was very young so it just made everything worse. I don’t blame her or feel resentful about it, it’s more that I just feel like I can’t help her at all and it makes me feel frustrated with myself.
We talk less these days because I’ll message her to check in and she’ll ignore it or vent, I’ll reply and then she’ll stop responding. I know it’s hard and I have depression as well, it just sucks that I feel like every day I’m nervous I’ll find out she’s commit suicide. I hate to feel overbearing when I ask her to check in with me to make sure she is okay, like I’m treating her like a child so it’s natural she doesn’t talk to me much anymore. Therapy isn’t an option because of insurance reasons, but even when she went it didn’t seem to help. I get it, it didn’t help me either.
I try to be there for her but I feel like she hates me now. It really hurts. I feel evil because I think this will end badly and I have no way to reach out and help. If she killed herself I don’t know what I’d do, it makes me have a panic attack when I think of how I fail her. I can’t even vent to anybody about this, I used to be able to vent to her but now it feels so impersonal.
No. 823461
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>>822505update on the $200 pants! they finally updated shipping this morning, after i filed a paypal dispute. the seller already left me 1 star review! hurray for fair depop ratings! can’t wait to write my own review back!
No. 823485
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I know this is a stupid vent but I’m angry because an ED account I followed on Twitter got suspended for “transphobia”. Context? She’d post fat people’s bodies to make fun of them, or people with awful fat distribution. One day, she posted a tranny without realising (he had an apple shaped body). Twitter mob got on her ass, and now she’s gone. She made amazing art and actually posted tips on how to fast healthily (I know that sounds like an oxymoron), too.
Even if we’re talking purely from the “Don’t body shame anyway” standpoint, I just love how it’s okay to make fun of cis women’s bodies, but not trans ones, lmao.
Fuck them all. Nowhere is safe for mentally ill women.
No. 823543
>>823504I'm sorry for you anon. I've had lovely meals cooked for me before and been so excited to eat it it'd be only halfway through I'd think enough to stop and remember to compliment and take a photo to commemorate it. Like those first momemts are just brain off time, you know?
Was he appreciative at least?
No. 823548
>>823524OP here, this is my point. I know it’s not good to follow those kinds of accounts, but that's not the important part.
It makes me seethe that even in the most
toxic, mentally ill, destructive spaces for women, we must make exceptions for troons. Like, fuck off. The pickmeism makes me rage. Troons want to be treated like women, but not when it comes to the not-so-nice things that they can’t fetishise, and all these dumbasses are happy to concede for the 5 seconds of “I’m being a good person [by doing absolutely nothing of value]” dopamine in their brains they get.
No. 823555
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I bought a lot of things in the mail that were on my wish list for the longest time and I am very excited
No. 823584
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I know this is dumb, but God, I hate having a chubby face so much. It's always been my biggest insecurity, and I feel a tiny bit jealous of women who have skinnier faces.
Also, I just scratched the fuck out of my thigh with carpet trim
No. 823592
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you fucked yourself over with your paranoia, and I’m thriving on it to be honest! You were so convinced everyone fucking hated you from the start, and that wasn’t true at all then, but it is now. Have fun spiraling for no goddamned reason, learn to quit playing the victim.
No. 823614
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Dont know what to do anymore, im sick of being surrounded by extremely woke losers on twit but i know if i tried going on moid/alt-right sites like 4chan of kf id probably kill myself from self hate. I dropped out of college twice and quit my retail job because i thought i would be dead by now. Im too scared to go outside and am slowly the ability to communicate with real people. fml
No. 823617
>>823614I understand,
No. 823680
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something about gnosticism is so comforting. our bodies are an actual prison of evil and cruelty, seeking happiness is actually impossible, god is locked in a prison. human beings are incapable of realizing this because our realm including earth and the rest of the universe is not or has no longer been touched by divinity. why do you think there are disturbing creatures down in the bottom trenches of the sea? it resembles something less excavated than space. humans were never terrified of space or aliens, they are terrified of seeing things that are divine madness
No. 823681
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Too many things I like are exclusively enjoyed by twitter kids and are considered too cringe/detested on lolcow. I've never felt more alone. Who else am I gonna sperg with?
No. 823683
What do you like nonner? Give me your list and I'll give you mine.
No. 823690
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I can feel myself on this destructive spiral, my friend group consists of mostly nerdy young professionals with a high disposable income and I'm the only woman in the group. It feels nice being the stallion but it really reinforces how autistic I am around normies and that I'm forever forced to hang out with terminally online faggots because I can't get it together. At least the sex and gifts are somewhat decent.
No. 823693
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I'm spotting only two weeks after my last cycle ended, which isn't normal. I dealt with a lot of stress before my last period hit. is my body keen on punishing me? have I not been through enough torment?
No. 823702
>>823683I'm still too embarrassed tbh. Just think of any anime, manga, webcomic, show, etc. that's considered both popular and bad at the same time with questionable fans.
>>823685Well that is the group who likes it, what other word should I say? Just children in general? Anyway I'm not mad at them, the point was that there was not that many other people to discuss with. I don't think I'm going to connect with a child or someone who inserts politics into things.
No. 823703
>>823614I feel some of this pain. And now I'm obsessed with scenarios and things I can't have. I wanna have a little thrill in a way I never have before, do something that'll fuck up my life, have a motive to die, then I'll gladly die, is that too much to ask?
god if he actually has plans for me and doesn't want me to kms or won't give me my last ride before I die… I have to ask, why he made me a dumb crazy dysfunctional bitch who is constantly held back by her trauma and has trouble getting anything done. someone like me should not be allowed to exist
No. 823764
holy shit my parents are so loud, they are always screaming and bickering at each other, and if they're not they're watching the TV having it turned up really loud, that or they're doing both at the same time. I just want to fucking read and relax on my day off for fucking once, holy fuck.
>>823461shit like this is why I don't buy from people who aren't professional sellers. I don't use depop/poshmark/letgo etc because I have heard way too many stories like this one. fuck that bitch, hope she goes out of business soon.
No. 823799
>>823797>women would get pregnant on purpose, just to abort itThat's fucking insane, why on earth would anyone do that?
But yeah I really hate when people think of abortion as avoiding responsibility or getting off easy, it's fucked up enough that people think you should have a baby as punishment for a mistake but they ALSO seem to forget that having an abortion isn't a good time… Like, it's a medical procedure that costs money and has a stigma, anyone would want to avoid that even if they were totally emotionally fine with the idea.
No. 823810
>>823799>why on earth would anyone do that?Forgot to mention that the context was that women would do/do this as a "political statement".
On another well-known forum here I read their seething over that valedictorian speech and that the high schooler(!) only wants abortion rights so she can ride the "cock carousel" in uni. Like at that point, your mask slipped off, and it's clear you're just angry that young people (read: women) are having sex and aren't being heavily punished.
No. 823820
>>823764My parents are like that too!
My dad loves to blast his damn music and watch tiktoks super loud. I hate it!! I just want to sleep dammit
No. 823860
>>823485holy shit i never thought i would come across someone who also witnessed that shit
i really hate that her account got suspended she was based as fuck hope she will make a comeback
No. 823869
>>823485>I just love how it’s okay to make fun of cis women’s bodies, but not trans ones, lmao.Because male feefees are more important than women's feelings.
And to be fair, considering emotionally maladjusted men are behind stunts like mass shootings, I guess society really does have to cater to them to an extent or else. Until parents start raising boys to be mature earlier like they do girls, then they're just going to be that fragile.
I read a huge blog social post with thousands of shares the other day about a gay man being too fat to get sized for a suit and how he felt "body shamed." He went to cry because the associate politely informed him as such and it's embarrassing to weigh almost 400 pounds uwu. Meanwhile women have to deal with shops not carrying their sizes all the time, even many bespoke stores won't size certain women and ofc sales associates can get away with being rude to us if we're too fat or thin for their wares. But we'd be called "Karens" if we made a stink about those experiences. I can't imagine a woman making a blog and receiving any amount of sympathy for the same issue this screeching fag had got.
No. 823875
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I'll probably cop a ban for this, but fuck I need to rant. Why are there no places online to discuss this amongst women? Why is it men are able to be honest about this? Every site I go on has this topic banned. A certain "mouth-wand passageway" site has made me start to hate a certain demographic. I've had nothing but terrible, aggressive experiences with them in real life, but rationalised it as just being the demo where I live, even tho deep down I always knew better, as I experienced it in other countries too. (Oh and the enormous rate of crime in what was once a nice place to live. Thanks!)
But holy shit the women on this site… They celebrate when women of my demo are raped, beaten unprovoked, murdered. They talk openly about how we deserve genocide. I have never heard such fucking hate coming from my demographic to theirs, ever. Yet we're villains, apparently? kek. Crime stats say otherwise… not that they are able to confront that, seeing as they are incapable of having an honest conversation about pretty much anything, disregarding any information that doesn't confirm their priors.
I still don't wish them harm in any way, it's not that ugly, but I can no longer give a flaming fuck about their "group struggle". It's clear from the research that most of their problems are their own fucking fault. My country spends 100s of millions trying to sort out their lives, to no avail. They're just double digit IQ dumb fucks who can't help but fail at life. Why the fuck should I care?
99% of women where I live are huge libfem tards for them, and you're literally hitler if you ever suggest they might need to take even partial responsibility for their own fucking failings. They are such retards they make excuses when my demo is physically attacked by them. It's funny how they say hate stems from not knowing a people, reaaaaally fucking untrue in my case…(racebait)
No. 823882
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>>823878To most of the libfem retards where I live pointing out their racism make me racist kek. Picrel a delivery woman lied about a package, when questioned by the recipient, dw insulted the woman, the recipient said "you don't need to be a bitch about it", delivery woman then beat the shit out of her and claimed self defence. Ofc they are THRILLED.
No. 823886
>>823885>mouth wandlipstick
No. 823898
>>823892I think that anon knows. She's just racist and looking for any excuse to "justify" it. She literally said in her OP "I've had nothing but terrible, aggressive experiences with them in real life, but rationalised it as just being the demo where I live, even tho deep down I always knew better".
I've seen LSA users bash African women, Caribbean women, any African-American women who don't have the same opinions or life choices as themselves, animals, plants, colors, countries, old people, young people, smells, fruits, vegetables, dead people, dinosaurs, aliens, demons, the sky, etc. I've heard a lot of them are weird white gay dudes LARPing, too, so go figure.
No. 823899
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>>823893I'm European. France. Italy. I just want somewhere to discuss this issue without the racism. All places that discuss it are full of hateful men, that's not the conversation I want.
>>823892Picrel, yeah they hate asians too.
No. 823902
>>823898Deep down I knew better cos I kept having terrible experiences with a single group, I'm taking thousands of people. I'd be a retard not to notice a pattern, don't twist my words. And you know the hate is stronger for WW on that sit.
>>823901No, I read the site to get a broader perspective than the people in these 2 cities (one I live in), and it was more of the same shit. Reddit, youtube, twitter, all the same. It's frustrating, and I want somewhere to talk about it.
No. 823906
>>823902You've met "thousands of black people"? Okay.
>celebrity gossip site>to get a broader perspective of an entire racial groupThis makes you sound even more sheltered and prejudiced, ironically.
No. 823907
>>823906I live in a city…
It's a site dedicated to a single demographic, perfectly logical. I just said I read in other places too. Look, this is the shit I mean. You want to discuss their racism and how it effects you (I have stressed so many times I LIVE with this demo, and they behave this way to me in real life) and all you do is get accused of being a bigot. It's clownworld.
No. 823915
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>>823910Is this an elaborate bait or did you already forget your OP?
No. 823918
>>823907You admit that people are varied, but then you go on to claim an entire group attacks and victimizes you.
For some reason, you can't just say "I've mostly had bad experiences in my city with some demographics", you somehow feel the need to make it a global issue, and then you cherrypick insane people from the internet to confirm your biases.
It's extra dumb because the same can be done with literally any demographic, including yours. There are shitty people everywhere, and bad experiences amok. Lots of good people too, though. But I think you already know that, it's like talking to a brick wall.
No. 824000
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I don't know what to do. First of all, I feel extremely guilty for something I already know isn't my fault, so I'm trying to make sure I'm not acting purely on those feelings.
Basically, my boyfriend and I just moved to a different area of our city (major US city, known for violence) and we chose this neighborhood because I lived here on my own 3 years ago, and it seemed quiet and safe with no issues then. He really liked this area and we did our research before moving, all of that. However, last night we were kept awake by several rounds of gunshots our block, one of which sounded like a drive by. I'm not a stranger to targeted violence and he grew up here, but neither of us have experienced that at such close proximity and I feel soooo bad, like it's my fault for dragging us to this part of the city and putting us in danger. While I was tossing in bed last night my bf offered to look for a new apartment, but I feel stupid and bad about that too–we /just/ finished unpacking. I'm literally from a third world country, I shouldn't let myself be shaken by a little gunfire, but at the same time my gut feeling tells me that if we have the means to leave, then we should. I feel like one of those annoying yuppies who sees some dudes on a corner and is like "oh this is a bad neighborhood, I should go" but also my parents did not dig us out of my violent home country for me to be losing sleep over stupid little shootouts. I just hope I can take a walk alone at night someday, somewhere
No. 824004
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i know im acting like a total Karen here but these spastics are gonna ruin my graduation because they can't be fucked to take a fuckin parcel to the Post office?
how THE FUCK do you run a business like this?
No. 824012
>>824004You do actually sound entitled as fuck though
They have told you they don't have international shipping and you haven't bought it yet so they haven't done anything wrong, you're just mad that a business in another country doesn't cater to you. If your graduation is this important then why did you leave it until three weeks before? They responded to you very politely, too.
You're the one who is rude an absolutely full of shit, not them
No. 824015
>>824004Int'l shipping for merchandise involves customs and export regulations and shit, it's not as simple as shipping a parcel from a to b. If a company gets caught shipping an order labelled as personal post, customs will fuck them up.
If anything you're the one being super rude to them, it's not exactly unheard of for a copmany to only do domestic orders.
No. 824023
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>>824004what do you anons think about this as an alternative? doesnt exactly scream academic and my tits are probs too small for it but …
No. 824028
>>824012passively aggressively copy pasting a previous answer instead of civilly explaining why they discriminate against certain territories, like a normal person, is very rude and NOT good customer service.
What shithole do you hail from where you think that's appropriate communications for a retailer?
No. 824031
>>824027reeeeeeee its so sparkly though :( my Bachelor's grad dress was very modest, covered arms and legs, i was my Master's dress to be a bit sexier.
Yes, that is a good point but this dress is only £40 and if i go to john lewis or whatever they won't have anything formal or reasonably priced. it is a good point though, i should make use of living in a big city.
No. 824052
>>824040Needle & Thread does gorgeous dresses and skirts. May not be your thing style-wise but thought it was worth mentioning since they're based in the UK. Don't know if they have physical stores though.
You could also replicate that first dress by finding a cream/champagne tulle skirt (at least, it looks like tulle?) and a black sweatheart neckline top, shouldn't be too hard since the individual pieces are fairly basic.
No. 824057
>>824028They clearly aren't being passive aggressive, it's one of their previously prepared responses for dealing with English speaking customers because they themselves won't be fluent enough in English to give complicated answers. I don't know how you have a masters because you sound like a child wtf
I'm unfortunately sharing the same shithole kingdom as you.
No. 824060
>>824052thanks for the suggestion
nonny! i will check it out rn.
>>824050ok i feel bad now lol
No. 824062
>>824028ThEy DiScRiMiNaTe AgAiNst CeRtAin TeRrItOrIeS
Based Svetlana not wanting to deal with inbred retard island
No. 824075
>>824004Fortunately anon the dress design is so basic–in a good way–that I don't think it would be hard to commission. A lot of these shops are dropshippers anyway, they get all their shit from China.
I empathize, it sucks to really want something for a special event and it just can't happen. 3 weeks is cutting it very close for international shipping anyway. It wouldn't have been a wise move had it been possible.
No. 824081
>>824075ya you're right, this wasn't a drop shipper though, it was a legit business who make their own stuff.
lots of my girl friends ended up with fake chinese prom dresses and some girl in my class roasted me on facebook for trying to warn other girls about these scam sites, for some reason
No. 824085
>>824075well, i cant have it anyway.
i might get this one instead?
>>824023i worked my arse off doing a notoriously difficult postgraduate degree which has a 50% dropout rate so i thought id go a little nuts on the dress
No. 824095
>>824085Anon don't wear a club dress to your graduation lol
>>824089What would you wear then?
No. 824097
>>824093if you'd read the thread you would know i can't get the dress anyway. i'm going for this one instead
>>824023 what do you think?
also, there are very few occasions on which a girl gets an opportunity to wear a pretty, tulle dress.
No. 824106
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>>824100Do you live on Mars or something? If you have autism at least stop being so aggressive with people who are giving you advice.
Have you taken the time to use google like a normal human being? I found this by literally googling "graduation dress". How did you even manage to graduate with that one-digit IQ, damn bitch!
No. 824125
>>824120um. attending nightclubs is frowned upon in most of my social circles.
yeah you're probably right, it may not look good on me
No. 824129
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>>824125These styles could be sexy enough for you or there's thousands of dinner dresses too.
No. 824132
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>>824131I think that red dress would look nice on a small chest, but there's loads of options.
No. 824143
>>824136So many big UK retailers never ship to my
Slavic shithole, I think I'm gonna order a dress from that store now just to support them
No. 824150
>>824143wait, really?
thats mean… also this retailer only delivers to russia, but even that is unclear on the site. let me know how you get on, they're a good price, too.
No. 824156
>>824145nta but
>recentlythat's been going on for at least a year lmao
No. 824160
>>824150>thats meanNo that's perfectly normal in most non-Anglo countries, sometimes things just aren't available to you for reasons out of your control. Most French retailers don't ship outside of France and maybe Benelux.
Sometimes I wonder how you people managed to colonize half the world.
No. 824162
>>824143based, we Slav girls need to support each other. Would also buy something from that shop but I'm sadly from a neighborouring
Slavic shithole lmfao.
I have to say that from my experience, Russia has the best artists. Any time I find some gorgeous artwork, art doll or plushie, they are created by Russians. So at least I supported artsy Russian ladies 3 times No. 824177
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>looking for a roommate to rent an apartment with in a new city
>a girl makes a post in housing group, she seems cool
>apartment is beautiful and affordable
>message her with some info about myself and what I'm looking for
>she replies with a few paragraphs about herself, seems friendly and mature so far
>"I want the home to be a SW inclusive environment"
>mfw I have known women who were trafficked at a young age, am deeply anti SW for ideological and personal safety reasons
Ffs. I don't even know how to respond. I assume she's suggesting that the apartment could be used for full service sw at some point. I feel like you must be incredibly naive to open your home up to that level of risk. Even if she means that she's just looking for a roommate who takes a pro sw position ideologically, I just can't accept that. Oh well, at least she was upfront about it.
No. 824198
>>824146>>824147Fair points, it does give a nice girly sleepover vibe to the board
>>824151But nonna, salt keeps these threads moving
No. 824217
>>824186Jfc I sympathize with your friend. I briefly lived in a place like that too. I remember once trying to have a serious discussion with a close friend while the sw roommate was hollering in the next room. It was dark and sad. I can't believe people idealize this lifestyle, nobody should be coerced into selling their sexual consent. People will completely misconstrue that position as some kind of misogynistic argument though.
The woman I was just messaging with also mentioned that she's queer and polyamorous, which…I understand wanting to live with someone that won't hate on you for your sexual orientation. I'm bi, I get that. But I also just feel like that stuff doesn't concern me? And to make it a point when introducing yourself to someone gave me twitter rad lib vibes. Makes me a bit apprehensive that she would tell me I'm transphobic for being bisexual lol.
No. 824220
>>824212That's so hard anon I'm sorry for your family
I don't know how your family dynamic works but I would just focus on providing as much stability for your parents as possible by helping with chores, making sure they are eating properly and gently reminding them that you are there for them when they need you and that you love them
No. 824239
>>824155who tf has a graduation ceremony for HIGH SCHOOL? We don't do that in this country.
the bar is so low for Americans. Do you realise that graduating high school isn't an achievement?
No. 824246
>>824244>>824245From what I see in films and on social media, Americans do seem to regard completing high school as a cause worthy of celebration and as an achievement, even though typically job prospects will be just as poor if you didn't complete high school compared to just having a high school education.
Even funnier is that they think an 'associate's degree' is anything more than a booby prize.
No. 824254
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>>824239Finland does them too, we can wear a cute cap
and from there on every wappu as well No. 824304
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i wish i had girl friends to play video games with. every place to meet ppl online to play games is infested with scrotes
No. 824309
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the frequency with which i see obvious, brazen and downright shitty and unrealistic absurd photoshops on instagram really bothers me. i keep it to stay in touch with friends and family but seem to be unable to stop habitually checking my feed.
i mean come on this is just ridiculous i can’t believe people abide such bullshit
No. 824328
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>>824304Same, I've just come to accept that trying to make friends in the vg community is pointless. I gave up and I just keep to myself at this point.
No. 824361
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i’ve been feeling super confident with my weight loss the past few months because im finally seeing results from working out daily for about 6 months so i wore something i wouldn’t normally be comfortable wearing (literally a short sleeved shirt and jeans lmao) to go and celebrate my sister’s birthday and let my family take pictures of me for once. i’ve been looking at the photos today and i look absolutely awful, it’s put me in a horrible mood because it reminds me of photos i saw of myself in 2019 on holiday with my family when i was noticeably chubby and it ruined the whole trip for me. i’ve never considered myself to be fat or anything, but i’m like 4’6/4’7 and pear shaped so weight distributes weirdly on me and seeing these new photos of me has taken a huge hit to my confidence. i keep telling myself it’s because i’m on my period and more bloated than usual but it doesn’t make me feel any better about it. i’ll just have to keep working out until i get to where i want to be and avoid photos like i usually do lmao
No. 824376
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>>824361aw nona i'm proud of you for working hard and losing weight. i can relate to you a lot about hating how i look in pictures, even when i think irl i look okay. i think some people are just not very photogenic (while others just really know how to pose for the camera). i'm sure irl you didn't look as terrible as you think you did. either way, exercising daily for six months is definitely something to be confident and proud of! not many people can stick to something like that and i'm sure your efforts will pay off (and that they already have to some degree).
No. 824382
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>>824361Fellow short(5ft) and pear shaped anon here, first just wanna say congrats on the weight you've lost so far its not easy for people like us so always keep that in mind to remind yourself that you've worked hard! Cameras are shit and always add pounds to people, also it could be that you are adjusting to your weight loss. When I was losing weight it took me a while to catch up with being able to see the difference.
No. 824384
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>>824361>>824376it's actually because we are overexposed to our own reflections. when we see something a lot, we start to approve of it/get used to it. we only ever see our reflection, which is not how we look irl, because the image is flipped around. that's why we think we look bad in pictures (when we look the way other people see us).
nonny, maybe start taking pics of yourself every day (and flip them around so they look how other people perceive you) so you get more used to your actual appearance. you're doing great on the weight loss and working out part, so build up your confidence while you're at it. you already came so far so don't let some silly psychological trick mess with you.
No. 824416
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I lost 10kg but now my tits are uglier then ever literally can’t ever win at this fucking game.
No. 824483
>>824476>theylet >kinning That’s pretty bad
>35 years oldThat’s a grown ass woman, anon, if she wants to chop her tits and self harm, that’s because she needs a therapist or to log off the internet, preferably both tbh.
No. 824498
I had to move back home with my parents to save money while I'm waiting to move across the country, and it's just terrible. I have a vocal tic, and yeah it's obnoxious, but I've had it for 14 years now and most people in my life have learned just to ignore it. It's gotten worse since I started a new medication, but the benefits of the meds out way the annoyingness of the increase in tics, at least to me.
My dad though, he just won't stop insulting me about it. Every time I do it, and I mean every time, he tells me I have to stop that. I've explained to him multiple times that it's a neurological disorder, and while I can hold them in for short periods of time, I cannot just stop. Today though, he really tore into about them. I told him he is the only one who gets annoyed by them, and he said he is the only one that is willing to say something about it and that everyone thinks I'm annoying and rude. And now I'm just crying in my room because I'm already anxiety-ridden with low self-esteem, and now I think every one hates me for something I can't even help.
No. 824500
It's really just dumb jealousy, but it is demoralizing and easy to spiral when it feels like you're never anyone's best friend, exclusive or tied for that title, in a friend group. There are a few people that definitely care about me which I think just makes the contrast worse with everyone else. The good part of me wants to blame myself and that I need to put more effort into it, the bad part says I've already done that and I could only wish to get the same amount of good faith and second chances as the other people in the group. It's that feeling of wondering how much people would even care if you just up and left without a word, yet they'll chase after other people in the group a thousand times over. I feel like I need to go off and make new friends, but in this context it feels selfish and self-serving. I've tried being nicer and more interested in people, but rarely am I ever asked how I'm doing.
Maybe it's part of getting older, but I feel increasingly cynical about it all. No matter how I act, everyone's behavior and opinions feel set in stone now. I just wish someone would want to do something with only me for once. Being a good group friend isn't satisfying anymore, I need someone to convince me I'm a worthwhile part of their lives just by myself.
>>824498That's beyond shitty of him, but no matter how shitty he is he's still wrong. You know the people in your life far better than he ever could, and if they've all been okay with it, he has no idea what he's talking about. Sending you a hug, I hope you can get out of there soon.
No. 824502
i thought next year i could save money but i think im moving out to my own apartment instead. my roommate refuses to let go of getting a new dog probably because his childhood one died and he has no idea how to cope other than just immediately replace it after this lease. i grew up in a house with hoarding, animal piss, animal shit everywhere so i refuse to ever go back to wandering animals that can shit where they please. there was also so much freedom to eat wherever i wanted in this apartment without an animal jumping on me to steal food or put slobber n fur on me. i didnt have to put my clothes on high places to avoid being pissed in and my bedroom door always locked so nothing could wander in to ruin my stuff. he wanted to bring in a 3rd roommate too, but this guy smokes weed which i also refuse to possibly lose a nice apartment because of breaking anti-smoke rules. the dog would also limit where we could live since it has to be a 3 bedroom, 2-3 bathroom, dog allowed, plus all the things we want. if i get my own place i can get exactly what i want i'll just be crying about the price im paying per month on my own. i wont be doing practically x2 the housework on top of my own life anymore though. im sick of doing basically all the laundry, dishes, kitchen, floor cleaning, recycling. it just fucking sucks cause there's no way im moving back with my family's shithole but my roommate could easily move back to his family's nice home if he wanted to save money. haven't told him i'm planning on leaving since i dont need him chimping out for problems hes brought in. just started looking at apartments that are affordable in the towns i like.
No. 824504
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Doing a "stop talking about men unless it's necessary" challenge for myself.
No. 824516
>>824513Tbh I don't have very many bc most of the stuff I've found is weird bdsm shit ("daddy" blegh) but here's one dude whose voice I kind of like.
It's a reupload of auralescent. Apparently he deleted all of his 18+ videos off of yt randomly, he used to have a lot more.
No. 824527
>>824511I don't think anon would have written all of that if it was just cosplay. Also play as =/= cosplay.
Learn to sage and integrate better by the way.
No. 824546
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>>824536It is polite to do this
>>824537>>824542>FfxivI've been wanting to play that, but I'm a little too nervous to start out so I've just been watching gameplays on YouTube kek.
No. 824553
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>>824549Aaah okay this gave me the motivation to get on it. Thank you for the advice, anon!
No. 824555
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can i stop being an annoying pos to the few people i am actually friends with and find new friends so that i dont feel this alone?cant i have healthy relationship with myself and others??????
No. 824664
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Nobody go in /w/ it's full of CP
I repeat
>Nobody go in /w/ it's full of CP
>Nobody go in /w/ it's full of CP
>Nobody go in /w/ it's full of CP
No. 824666
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Bumping it off front page
No. 824667
>>824664Also /meta/ is full of CP too
See you all another day it's time to stay away
No. 824669
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>>824664>>824667report that if you see one
No. 824675
>>824674No he didn't, they got deleted by a janny.
That janny has no power in /meta/, so she can't delete anything on that board and it fucking sucks
No. 824681
>>824672>>824673It's insane that he probably thinks he's accomplishing something by spamming csa material, must be having a breakdown because a waitress didn't smile at him or he saw a photo of a happy woman or something. Disgusting scrotes and their impotent rage
>>824677If you Google it there are ways that you can report child sex abuse material but afaik the mods are the ones who should file a report on it since they have his IP and stuff. The best thing we can do is block images or stay away for the day so that our devices don't download those images
>>824668Hope your day gets better
nonnie No. 824686
>>824664It never gets posted early in the morning European time when I usually browse. It's the time when there's the least trolls and idiots, my browsing experience improved drastically when I started browsing in the morning instead of in the afternoon.
Well I'm on in the afternoon today because I can't keep my eyes off the fresh crepshow milk. I see that was a mistake.
No. 824875
>>824864very doubtful I'm ever gonna marry anyone let alone a man, and if I did I would not take his last name on principle. we could choose a new name for our new family together though
I was just venting, I know I could change it if I really wanted to, I do like my name and its roots
besides the fact it was passed to me from my shithead father it just sucks sometimes to be one of four out of 8 billion
No. 824961
A coworker of mine is moving out of her parents house and I want to move out too and asked her to keep me in mind but now that the prospect of it is closer and closer to reality I feel like a bad flake because I realized I'm actually too pussy to move out. Part of it is that I don't pay rent right now so a massive chunk of my abysmal paycheck is put into savings, and another reason is that our salaries are garbage and places in my city are ass expensive unless you live in bumfuck. A huge part of me is also worried about my parents, and moving out would mean that any money I can give to them to help them out would be turned into rent money. I know I'm not responsible for my parents or their debt, but the thought of them being evicted and having nowhere to go really freaks me out. I shouldn't let them treat me like a piggy bank, but I feel like I can't just tell them to fuck off and fend for themselves when I know that I could ask them for money at any given moment in time and they would always find a way to get it to me even when they're desperately struggling themselves. They don't really treat me like an endless piggy bank to buy dumb things for themselves, but on occasion my mom will ask me for money to help cover any bills that she doesn't have the money for.
Selfishly, the apartment we currently live in is my inheritance. Yes, they've made it a long time with my dad's irresponsible money habits even before I was able to contribute some money, but something deep inside of me is just so, so fearful. Covid validated all of my fears and I had to drain half of my savings to keep us afloat. If something like that happens again, I want to be able to provide for my parents, but I fear that I won't be able to if I have to think about having funds to cover myself after moving out.
My coworker might end up hating me for being a flake and I know I'm being a flake and I shouldn't have offered myself as a roommate to begin with without seriously thinking about it. My stupid brain just thought "parents inconvenience me, want to move out and be free." I know with these thoughts of worrying about my parents that I might never feel ready to move out and I'll keep making excuses in the future so I should just bite the bullet but ugh. I wish I was smart enough to get myself a high paying job so I could support my parents and myself on my salary but nope.
No. 824982
>>824974I know that feel, anon, are you me? I barely even check any Yume fanart of my husbandos because most of the times I can’t really get into it, and I’m salty because I’m shit at drawing fanart so I could draw myself with my husbandos for my own entertainment.
I also can’t really talk with people in any fandom of my husbandos because i just don’t want anyone to give me their dumbass sheeple headcanons about my husbands, I like mine and they’re the only headcanons I will accept.
No. 825004
>>824987Trans headcanons are fucking cancer, hell, I prefer the other mentally ill headcanons like
>ptsd~>depressed~>autistic~Other than fucking trans bullshit, just to justify getting clout for drawing or writing a straight fanart/fanfiction as if that was such a big brain progressive move.
Like yeah retard, your fanfic will become a part of your country’s literary history, go get your fucking Nobel, fucker.
No. 825023
>>824987Nayrt but it depressed me how most of the fanart with my husbando is sissy fetish (labeled as him being a trannie tho kek) and fujo art. At least fujo artists are decent, unlike genderspecials. It still sucks over how little there are people out there who actually care about him, instead with fandom popularity all I see are people who saw a bunch of short YouTube videos and they act like they know everything about him, when he is much more than that.
I see fujo and troonery on Tumblr, but once I go to twitter all I see are horrible tranny headcanons and greasy tranny fanarts. It's like these people know nothing about JP character tropes.
No. 825062
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I miss old 2channel(japanese imageboard),i miss old school forums,i miss super active imageboards,i miss super active imageboard threads,i miss the old net so fucking much..
No. 825074
I'm scared I will die alone. I spent most of my life in isolation, I was a pretty autistic kid, I got bullied, then I was homeschooled, and then I was a neet. I never had any friends, except the few internet ones who shared my autistic fixations with me. Without taking my teachers into account, I haven't had an irl conversation with a man until I was like 21. But I can't talk to women either. I wish a had a friend. My aunt helped me find a job and I was out with her a couple of times and every time it was the same situation: other people talking and me sitting there completely quiet like a moron. When someone finally asked me something, I was stuttering or talking too quietly. I'm always analyzing in my head what I should say next since I can't be spontaneous, but it usually ends up being gibberish or something so weird it causes awkward silence. After a couple of such situations I had a breakdown and I spent like two hours crying on the bathroom floor and contemplating suicide because the more I try to be around other people the more I feel like I'm never going to be normal. I can't even describe the physical and mental discomfort, I feel sick, every muscle in my body hurts from tension, my breathing is so short I feel like I'm about to fait. And I feel everything at once, loneliness, anger, hate for people, but also curiosity for them, jealousy because I can't be like them etc. It doesn't help that some people don't even take me seriously and they assume I have nothing to say because I look and behave like a lost kid, everyone thinks I'm like 17-19 at most. I've always hated my body and I had severe dysphoria, been through an aiden phase etc. But nów people tell me I'm attractive and I just don't see it. Also now that I'm finally going out more, I get attention from men and I don't even know if I want it? Especially that I get openly hit on by gross dudes, the decent ones usually start conversation only once and then stop when I don't respond at all, and sometimes they're just nervous around me. When I started my job, which is my first ever, like 3 different dudes ran to help me. Everyone was so nice and I didn't know how to react to it. Today I asked some guy for help and he was visibly nervous and a little shaky around me, couldn't look me in the eyes but smiled and then almost walked into a chart while passing me. I wish I could talk to him because I'm curious about him and I see he's open and chatty with basically everyone except me, but I just don't know how to start a conversation, what to say etc. I never talk until someone talks to me, with the only exception being when I have to ask my superior for help when I can't figure something out. Today was the first time I asked a coworker for help and it was this guy. Fuck I cringe so hard when I think about my behavior at work. Everyone assumes I'm 18 and I'm taking a gap year before going to uni and I don't want to tell them I'm older because I don't want them to think I'm ever more pathetic than they already think I am, my behavior doesn't match my actual age at all. I've been working for two weeks now and I cry every day before or after work. I have like 3 people I'd like to talk to, one girl and two guys, but I just don't know how and it's killing me. Every attempt at smalltalk is an embarrassment. Even when someone smiles and talks to me, my inability to smile back and be as responsive as a normal person casues them to stop any attempts at inreaction, because they probably think I'm just not interested in them or I don't like them, and over time they start treating me like I'm not even there at all, which is happening with my housemates right now. I feel like I'm disappearing. I'm scared the same thing will happen at work. If people only knew how much I suffer around them and how much I wish I could talk to them like a normal person
No. 825084
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i am so fucking shy and i have no idea how to get over it. i am scared of being judged by other people so i judge myself before i can even get to know them and assume they won’t like me. i don’t reach out to anyone because of this, but i’m actually really lonely and i want friends. i’m just so scared of being disliked.
the one time i reached out to someone at my college, i followed her on social media… and waited too long to accept her follow request back (i have a private account) because i thought she would think i was weird… so she canceled the request. i just want friends.
No. 825085
>>825074So use that fear to do something. You're always going to make mistakes socially, we're autists, that's ok. But you will get better. Life is a joke, only treat it like a joke. I recommend speaking without thinking or giving yourself time to worry. You will get desensitised with interaction, I promise.
You're not a loser if you're trying. And like anon above, we're quite similar, so please try hard for us all and prove that sperg girls can make it. Don't give up, laugh at your autism, and go easy on yourself. These things helped me, and I really believe you can do this.
No. 825107
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>>824376>>824382>>824384thank you anons, these cheered me up a lot! i take progress pictures every two months just to compare to older ones and i only weigh/measure myself yearly so i get a clear idea of how much weight i’ve actually lost. i was around 128/130 pounds in 2019 (i know that’s standard for someone who’s like 5’5 but i’m nowhere near that height and the comparison is pretty jarring lmao) and now i’m around 111/113, i’ve been very slowly working off the weight i gained being on medication two years ago and i’m nearly back to how i looked before taking them so i know that a few unflattering pictures aren’t a representation of how hard i’ve worked
thank you for cheering me up, your posts helped me get back to feeling proud of myself again. ily
No. 825155
Over quarantine my boyfriend put on easily 60-80lbs, and now has that roll that goes from front to back under his tits. When I first dated him six years ago, he was twinky and ate really well. Now he eats shawarma and passes out. Even his boss told him he was porking up and he thought it was kinda funny, and I think my grandma said something too. I can't see him changing anytime soon despite wanting to. It makes me feel awful for him but holy fuck, when I cook anything he's never full and just orders fast food after anyway, like the dude will eat six chicken breasts and five full pieces of naan bread and still eat double dessert. I just feel like he's developed an eating disorder or something. Like one time he was eating SO MUCH my mum and I just kept looking at each other confused. Like we had been finished eating for about ten minutes at this point and he was still going. His BMI is like 31 right now and he's unhappy/hasn't been in a photo for over a year yet still won't change his behaviours. I'll be at the grocery store and get a notification that Aqmood is picking up my shawarma order from uber eats, or find a little ceasars box under the couch the next day while cleaning. I just wish he'd get his shit together and stop eating like a fucking pig, but if I say something he'd probably cry or at the very least be very uncomfortable and upset, and he didn't do anything to deserve that, really. But I am annoyed by his spending habits on fast food and his widening body. He looks like Shayna, tbqh. He's sooooo lucky he has zero stretchmarks though, he could snap back and nobody would ever know he had a big boobie year
No. 825160
>>825155Is his blood sugar okay? Binging fast food for a solid year can spell disaster and he could be pre-diabetic which would explain his insatiable appetite.
He's deep in denial anon, and he's a secret eater. Definitely some kind of mental problem that he's taking out through eating.
You need to tell him that you're really worried. You'll be his support but he's gotta make the effort to get serious. At least cut back on fast food and be more conscious about portions. If he can't talk to you then he needs a therapist. If he doesn't show signs of change then it's best to leave the relationship cause he wouldn't be ready and you wouldn't be with the partner you need.
No. 825163
>>825155You should actually break up with him anon. Not only does he just bring lard and stress into your life, but the net 'profit' of costs/benefits of being with this moid inevitably is a loss. You're dating a fat scrote who likely isn't going to get better. Men rarely have the self discipline to but when they do, they're crazy motivated. Point is, I don't see your bf changing any time soon. Are you okay with that? How would you feel if you knew you would be with him for five more years and still by then his bmi would be even higher, his disordered eating would be an issue, and his willingness to treat it wouldn't result in any significant improvements.
Basically, if I said that you have one choice: stay with him and know it's not going to get any better or leave him now, what would you do? Imagine it as if this is your friend's situation and not your own.
No. 825165
>>825155The fatter you get the more slothful you feel which reduces the chances of him being bothered to lose it (especially as you age)
Give him a reality check or time limit to actually get this under control, otherwise get out of there if it continues to bother you a lot anon
No. 825175
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I'm 16 years old and i have a boyfriend. before i had a boyfriend i was rlly excited about having one and doing cute relationship things and i honestly thought i never had one because i thought boys saw me as ugly or not sexually attractive because i didnt have boobs and i was relativly skinny almost underweight and i thought that was unattarive,but now that i actually have a boyfriend its honestly so draining and i really care about him he's very nice and treats me nicely, he makes me feel good. I'm scared im going to end up hurting him because i cant catch up and cant give him what he wants, and that doesnt mean in a weird perveted way its more in a support way i'm scared i cant give him the support he needs when i cant even support myslef, he is always there for me and supports what i do but its rlly difficult for me to do the same for him and i dont know why. Also, he always wants to see me and he always texts/ft me and that's fine but it's so difficult for me to get out of bed and do things and when he always wants to see me i feel bad because my body doesn't want to go i feel cemented in my bed most times i can't even get out of bed to take a shower, brush my teeth, or even feed myself. i dont want to ft because im too lazy to have a conversation but i have too i feel so meloncony and i dont want him to think im boring or anything i just dont have the energy to even talk to him. Honestly im probably not ready for a relationship but i dont want to let it go i dont think i can, i believe teens/tweens shouldnt have relationships because its just shit if you are reading this and your a teen thats thinking of getting a relationship dont youll just hurt the person and yourself and it will probably not even last dont take it so seriously and be idiot dumbass you arent getting married, your arent soulmates, you're not special. Be selfish and think about yourself. i promise you sooner or later you will break dont be a fucking idoit like me where you cant even fucking leave becuz you care too much about the person and now im too attached to get out of the relationship. i prob love him but fuck it(bait)
No. 825178
>>825175leave the name and subject fields blank and do not fill in an actual email, just "sage" in the email field if you don't want your post to bump a thread.
newfaggotry aside, just end the relationship. i know it seems like it would be upsetting to him and breaking someone's heart sucks but it is clear you're unhappy and not as into it as he is. in the long run, stringing him along will only intensify what you're feeling now and the end result will be the same (you breaking up with him), he will just be even deeper committed so it will probably hurt him more. i promise you his life will not be over because a high school relationship fell through. you'll both eventually get over it and find people who are more compatible with you. worry about yourself and seek therapy because it sounds like you're dealing with severe depression.
(don't interact with bait or underaged idiots) No. 825187
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I'm so fucking sick of never getting enough sex in my relationships. Every guy acts like it's great I'm horny until they never are able to maintain having sex as much as I would like. Like, usually my bf and I have sex 2x a day when I'm over at his place and on our anniversary weekend, I only got fucked 3x, 2x 1 day, 1x the next, and not at all on the night I arrived or the morning I left and it makes me want to rage (though obviously I don't) and seethe. Like, my sex drive always is playfully made fun of and yeah, shits and giggles okay, but I feel like my bf doesn't understand how important it is for me even though I've articulated how important it is for me. I don't care if I don't like him in a moment, I will have sex with him because I never know if I'll get it again, and it frustrates me so. And, this relationship is the most I've ever had sex in. I hate myself, it's like all the people I date are the more submissive, soft type because I hate masculine men, but I wonder if more masculine men would fuck me more at least. I try to initiate but often get rejected in the morning, I have to wait until my bf decides to initiate in the morning after I've initiated usually, and I'm sick of it. He'll say some nights he doesn't want to initiate because he feels I'm mad at him but even if I were mad, I'd not reject him and I just feel so angry because I've told him this before but he doesn't remember or believe me, I think.
I'm just so fucking sad I'm never going to have a relationship where I have sex enough, like, 2x is acceptable but I really want more. I just want to hang myself over it at times because sex with a warm body is genuinely the only thing that makes me happy, I have bad anhedonia so all my "hobbies" and life goals don't bring me any pleasure or happiness, it's always an uphill battle to force myself to do those things. I feel so much bitterness at my boyfriend but I feel like if I complain it'll just become a pointless, fruitless argument and I feel like if I were to complain I'm an unfeeling asshole so I don't. Watching porn is disgusting to me and I don't like masturbating.
I've been struggling with mental illness and as much as I've improved my concrete actions, I still feel as empty as before and I only feel excited at the prospect of sex. I've never whored around, only been in long-term relationship for 3+ years or more, it's such a damn meme male horniness and long-term relationship sexual compatibility.
No. 825193
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I’m feeling really sorry for the lady shouting outside, i hope she’s okay, she seems to be talking by the phone or something like that because I can’t hear another person talking.
No. 825197
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>>825187I FEEL YOU!!!!! except i don't even have really have the time to meet anyone for real sex, and settle for erping with this dude, i like him but it feels extremely cringe, i can't even finish anymore, it's really sad. let's both ditch the boys and just fuck each other instead
what do you feel about threesomes?
No. 825399
>>824982I feel so much better thanks to you and other anons replying. I'm still wondering how the fuck is this bitch 'legally married' to a fictional character. I know it's most likely a joke, but she talks about it in a way that doesn't sound like she is joking. She's also not Japanese and neither is the character (mentioning this cause it reminds me of the Love Plus sperg that went all over the news 10 years ago or so).
>I also can’t really talk with people in any fandom of my husbandos because i just don’t want anyone to give me their dumbass sheeple headcanons about my husbands, I like mine and they’re the only headcanons I will accept.Absolutely based. I'm retarded enough that it
triggers me even if someone has the same mental illness headcanon as I do, because I just don't want to know about other spergs slobbering all over my one true love. I guess I'm bizzarely territorial, I just want this fictional, world-famous character to just be mine. As retarded as this is, that sperg made me want to daydream about him more kek.
No. 825409
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>>825399Nta but when other people have the same husbando as me i find it easier to imagine that there's "copies" of my husbando and whichever one I picture in my head is the one that's mine, even if someone has the same headcanons I doubt the way we fantasize about them is 100% the same.
Pic is made by a scrote but it kind of gets the point across.
No. 828350
>>825409creating references to objects does not create new instances
i am mutably pissing on your husbando