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No. 81670
>>81637This is not a meme. Be yourself, show confidence in what you do and people will like you. Some might hate you for being different but if you are secure in your autism even your haters will admire you.
t. 19 year old professional assburger until a few months ago
No. 81724
>>81712They're too idiotic to realize that the assburgers here
are not happy being assburgers and do not want to date other tards.
No. 83546
>>81669A++ advice.
Sometimes I forget to do so and feel like shit afterwards because of how rude and inconsiderate this is. For those who have also struggled with this, one way to remember is to think about how good the other person will feel when you let them share something about themselves without making it about yourself. If you do, apologizing and asking them another question related to the topic or about themselves may help.
No. 83547
>>81700>>81744Wow, I think you're both overthinking what it means to have a conversation with someone. If you don't have anything to compliment someone on, simply asking about their day is fine to get a discussion going or to get them to feel like you care.
When people want to unload their bs on you, you can cut them off when you feel it's too much. Obviously not by telling them to shut up or anything that rude, but by minimally responding. You can agree that something was fucked up, or that you hope things get better, or that you wish you could help but you wouldn't know what to do in that situation.
I don't see this as an issue of power dynamics unless that person is being manipulative. Overthinking usually leads to this, most of the time people are fine by responding with their actual thoughts, or remaining silent and nodding and speaking once that person is done with a simple "wow," or "yeah I agree/disagree".
No. 83738
>>83681no but seriously, what do you mean?
they shooped themselves to look like you? did you mean showed? or that they shoved photoshopped pictures of themselves on you?
No. 83751
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>be friendly
Be yourself. If people don't like it, don't waste time trying to change their opinion. Plenty of fish in the sea.
>small chat
Eh, some people just don't have any shared interest. Also, if you've ever seen Pulp Fiction…the part where Uma tells Travolta it's cool when two people can sit down together without feeling the need to waste breath on conversation.
You might look into Quiet, which isn't a bunch of lefty bullshit like I thought it would be. But it's about introversion, and what you think are spergy personality flaws might simply be introversion.
I feel obligated to tell you I'm a dude, so maybe this shit doesn't apply, but there's your free advice, now pay me.
No. 85614
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Just b yourself :^)
No. 85618
>>85614Never take 4chan advice seriously, the fact we are meming about this might brainwash socially inadept people that this meme should be taken seriously. Of course you should be yourself, at all times, without the ":^)"
No. 85658
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>>85618You just got so meta I didn't even understand what you were saying. I will just be myself. :^)