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No. 766899
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank youCommentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
previous thread:
>>>/ot/723449 No. 766918
>>766902I’ve been considering adopting a dog for a while and now I really want a borzoi because of lolcow. Their little snouts are just so long and adorable.
Anyway, I hate when people insist they look a lot younger than their age. It comes off as cringe and desperate. I seem to always read this on reddit, “I’m 29 but I look 16,” I guarantee you do not kek. I’m sure you look great, but you can still look great for your age without looking like a high schooler.
No. 766922
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>>766919Wait, you're right! Look at the ears. Pic rel, left is a collie. We need a new thread, smh
No. 766924
>>766918>Anyway, I hate when people insist they look a lot younger than their age.Same. People who look much younger than their age are super rare irl, so why does nearly every grown adult online claim to look like a teenager? They're no doubt delusional, and even when they read posts like this I'm sure they're thinking 'well obviously I'm one of those super rare ones who actually does have a babyface' and the delusion continues. Chances are they look young because they ARE young and just look their age, not like a 12 year old.
People are generally retarded about age and perception can be affected by a tonne of factors. Lots of people think women turn into old swamp hags at 30, we see women in their mid 20s playing teenagers on tv and forget that irl 16 year olds still look like kids, and without closely observing someone's face we're still gonna make judgements based on clothes, mannerisms, life stages etc. There's this new coworker I have who I assumed was in her mid-late 30s, turns out she's early 20s. But I hadn't even looked at her face for more than a passing glance, it was her voice, clothes and body shape that lead me to the wrong conclusion. It definitely happens in reverse too.
No. 766933
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I hate this thread because it was made before the old one had over 1200 posts and has no borzoi as thread pic.
No. 766978
>>766975Or maybe she really don't know the difference between breeds, a
nonny confused a greyhound and borzoi before, it happens again
No. 767065
>>767026It's absolutely baffling how repetitive youtube comment sections are. I genuinely wonder what is the tought process of those people. Do they really see 100+ comments all the exact same and yet still think "mm yes I defenitely should make the exact same comment again too".
If they do it for likes then that's just sad. Imagine being adicted to dopamine from freaking youtube comment likes.
No. 767219
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this fucking picrew avi
No. 767221
>>767123Literally how? Scrotes have ridiculously oversexualized balloon tit waifus and obviously under age 10 lolis meant solely as fap material and the girls desperately pretending like they're super into those characters for male validation, how is that "just as bad" as lusting after husbandos? Come back to me when men are the main subject of fetishization and sexual abuse IRL and at the same time there are moids selling themselves out for female validation talking about how Husbando McBigBalls is totally their kinnie and 9001 year old shota dragons who look like kindergarten kids are
valid. "You have no right to judge" my ass, waifufags are pathetic.
No. 767238
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super cheesy mac n' cheese
>there is no such thing as a lot of cheese
there is, a few bites into mac and cheese and you get over it pretty quickly, it's just shit loads of milk and fat on carbs
it's delicious but also people make their mac and cheese like this? do you not know how to cook? lol
No. 767251
>>767238YES anon. Absolutely shit taste murrican type of meal preferences.
Plus if you looked up them garbage tasty recipe of pot pie/deep fried/burger mac and cheese.
The fuck is wrong with y'all
No. 767261
>>767238Anon, you just havent had my peepaws baked smoked bacon mac n cheese. He uses the big shells and everything, it's real good.
Also in my opinion mac n cheese should be like a side dish on thanksgiving, not a dish you eat on it's own for lunch or dinner.
No. 767369
>>767362Nta, but I'm southern and I think peepaw and meemaw sound ridiculous.
>>767367Sorry lmao. I wasn't trying to racebait.
No. 767473
>>767458This post is so funny to me, cause even though I hate "peepaw", her post made perfect sense to me. I wouldn't have even realized how nonsensical it looks lol
>>767261>Using shells instead of elbowsYour grandpa sucks
No. 767724
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No. 767822
>>767808Seriously. We live rent free in these freak's minds.
Even when we try to make our own spaces, they just hate-follow us to sperg out anyway. I wish they'd drop off like flies. The vent thread is a shitshow.
No. 768050
>>767971Back when I first started watching true crime I remember shows covering crimes from say the 80s, maybe 90s would feature footprints alot. Back then alot of people would only own one or two pairs of shoes total. A daily wear shoe and a work/fancy shoe. If friends or family were asked they'd all be able to say
>Ah yes, john, he had a pair of Nike fghgh model in a size 8 and he wore them every day, they had a mark on this part of the left shoe, I noticed he then bought new shoes recently!Now you wouldn't get that. People own more shoes and switch them around more. At least science has improved to make up for that lol. It was all about the shoes for a while though
No. 768120
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>>768102Yeah I can't believe she went from
"All the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you
Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you
Heartache would stay with you
Fly great escapes with you"
to a fucking onlyfans whores commercial.
this is fucking disgusting. I hate how being a hoe is seen as something good. God I hate this world.
No. 768125
>>768118I'll summarize it for you:
two edgy white trailer trash teens that look like their feet smell and their hair has lice make blip blop music, and it's an instant hit with twitter kinnies with fursonas that claim to have DID/BPD and think it's deep cause it sounds like crap
No. 768355
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>>768354I'd love a free tarot reading myself, nonnette
No. 768367
>>768282>Ask a Mortician I want to like Caitlin but she panders like fucking crazy.
Also I hate youtuber skits. They're never funny and rarely contribute anything to the content being discussed. Their only purpose is to stretch out videos under the guise of entertainment with nonsense so creators can stuff more ads in the runtime. More youtubers need to be told their skits and voices aren't funny.
No. 768526
>>768524I also hate gay men who do that crap. I guess women can't peak soon enough
We owe nothing to fags who make fun of our womanhood and try to imitate us.
No. 768527
>>768524Libfems and women in general are like: Men calling me names? Unforgivable
But when it comes to a gay man or a troon: I'm sorry queen/king. Here's your crown. Do you want a massage? Yasss you rock, you're one of the girls. Yes keep calling me a stanky puss I will love you and gossip about shit with you regarless.
No. 768549
>>768524I genuinely don't understand women who worship drag queens and simp for gay men.
What is it about men who assfuck each other that I need to revere so much? Why should I not give the same wide berth I give other kinds of men?
No. 768765
>>768763NTA, but how did you misinterpret that from
>>768756. Through men not for men.
No. 768785
>>768766I agree with you. it's like that with cooking and fashion design too. Women cooking is seen as a stereotypical, female obligated duty, but when men cook, it's seen as amazing and awesome, and male chefs are hailed more in the media. See fashion designers too. Nobody cares about female designers but people, both genders, always simp over male designers.
P.S why do we have male designers in female fashion, but no female designers in men's fashion? where is the female Tom Ford????
No. 769086
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Pewdiepie & Marzia.
Marzia comes from a rich family and isn't self made.
Pewdiepie acts like his channel is a sekrit club but millions watch his low effort videos.
No. 769089
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>>769086Also wtf, he has these weird age(??) imperfections and now he blurries them out with a filter so he looks less crusty
No. 769163
>>769153Why would you assume everything women wear is a political statement. Do you get mad when people wear batman merch
>>769162That’s some autistic level reach.
without liking batman?
No. 769337
>>769307Thank you. I've never expected to see this opinion on lolcow.
Fatphobia is a big word that I dislike being fat myself, but there's deifnetely some discrimination when you are fat, no matter if you are losing weight or not. Someone who is fat would never wish another person to get fatter, at least not in my case. If you are a woman and fat you are practically invinsible (or, thanks to new media, sexualized and still mocked). If you are fat you won't be taken seriously, you won't get the same jobs, and you're made to feel like you should just not live at all, sometimes. Even if you're actively losing weight.
No. 769370
>>769360"Introvert" is one of their new super special labels that make them feel unique and quirky but they don't actually know what it means, like when they use random illness names without suffering from them.
Kinda related, I hate that if you're shy or an introvert people feel the need to talk to you like you're a baby. If you don't interact with people a lot for some reason or another then that means you must be a child or retarded apparently.
No. 769376
>>769337Ayrt and yeah. I wish being fat only affected superficial things like fashions and dates.
But unfortunately being fat can affect women unfairly in many ways when it isn't justified. There are studies that show that medical practicioners are more biased against fat women and are more likely to not look into or address medical problems because they'll prescribe just losing weight as a cure-all. They do this to women in general but especially to fat women, it literally kills women so it isn't trivial.
Then there are studies that show a fat woman is less likely to be hired, and sure for some job titles it would make sense. However the studies account the bias for roles like basic desk jobs where weight doesn't matter. People still skew towards favoring conventional women. Why does someone not deserve to support themselves just because of their weight if they can do the job? It's shitty.
Not to mention that people are just overall more rude, and attribute more negative associations to fat women regardless if they have evidence for each individual they judge. So yeah, it's shitty but I guess hating people indiscriminately is just a new form of modern religion.
No. 769605
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>>769551>Harry PotterNot what I thought you were gonna say kek.
No. 769761
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It's not something to aspire to
It's not something worth putting on a pedestal
It's not somehting worth gatekeeping
It's not something to be PERIOD
No. 769762
>>769761Like imagine wanting to be a woman dressing like a fuckdoll outside.
We need more women to peak into radical feminism. I want all the women to snap out this shit and stop staring at the void for male validation. This isn't something to admire, this isn't something you should aspire to. I'm tired.
No. 769835
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I don't know if there's a name for this phenomenon but I hate it, like annoying ass gay men who make predatory comments and then act offended when you call them out on it, "oh you're just a homophobic if you call me out when I act predatory and misgonystic"
No. 769845
>>769829Having kids in the age of the internet is parenting on nightmare mode. Social platforms will exploit your child for data and then expose them to every coomer material and groomer available. When your child eventually gets fucked up and you rightfully call out the social media platform for allowing this to happen they'll blame you for not "parenting better".
So either don't have kids or move your family off the grid.
No. 769849
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>>769835Why are fags like this
No. 769892
>>769867I swear I'm not homophobeChan, but theres a lot of
problematic aspects of western gay male culture that no one questions or call outs for fear of being accused of homophobia
A historical example, during the early gay rights movements NAMBLA(the national man boy love association) was openly accepted by gay male activists, they claimed it was homophobic to have any concerns about this, and that It was normal for gay sexuality. The only ones who pushed back against the inclusion were the lesbians, many lesbians were mothers who didnt want to see pedophiles included in the liberation movement
It was one of the earliest drifts between gay men and lesbians, most second wave feminists didnt have a problem with male homosexuality but rather the increasing degenerate and predatory nature of gay male culture
No. 769911
>>769360I fully agree. People don't differentiate between social anxiety, shyness and introversion at all.
>Guys I'm an intellectual introvert bean because I got a panic attack talking to a person I didn't know!!! god fuck extroverts am i rightYou can be an introvert without being an autistic mess, you can communicate just fine with the people around you and be talkative but the difference comes from if social interaction (including with your friends you get along with) is draining to you or gives you energy.
No. 769916
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>>766899I hate this person
No. 769919
>>769916One person can't be to blame, there are plenty of complaints that don't result in entire topics being banned.
Mods banned pp/
terf threads despite a survey proving that the majority of users wanted to keep them, they're the only ones at fault and to this day I cannot fathom their thought process. Either there was really a tranny janny, or they just wanted to spite 3/4 of their userbase for daring to presume the board had a collective political leaning.
No. 769985
I hate that I’m afraid of asking for a female doctor & being denied. I hate that being uncomfortable at best & downright afraid at worst around males while I’m in a vulnerable position, either physically or emotionally (often because of them), is considered hateful & discriminatory. I hate that asking for female only spaces, somewhere to go that’s completely devoid of male influence, will get women stonewalled, banned, doxxed, harassed, & threatened with rape & murder. I hate that this is considered “progress.” I hate that lesbians are being cajoled & coerced into straight relationships for fear of social ostracism. I hate that straight women are pressured into calling themselves lesbians because their male partners woke up one day & decided that they’re a woman just like any other! Because…why, again? What’s a woman anyway, right? I fucking hate that female oppression now has nothing to do with being female & everything to do with how a person feels about themselves.
There’s so much more and I hate it all. I hope 10 or 20 years from now, if I’m not murdered by some psychotic man, that I can look back at this time as a fever dream.
No. 770005
>>769994Yeah, I know. The doctor part is a bit more of an anxiety thing. Seeing all this TRA “transwomen are women, just like you & you can’t say no!” infecting everything is bugging me & ofc itnaturally figures into everything else I’m worried about. I already hate going to the clinic/hospital & suddenly I’m now worried that I’ll go, ask for a female & get a transwoman instead…like what if things actually get that bad. I hate that (currently) irrational fear.
The rest is just true.
No. 770013
>>769892The people going on about how being a gay male is synonymous with being a pedo because of muh nambla and australian adoptive couple are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, gay culture is full of admiration of hypersexuality which is why it's criticized by a lot of gay men themselves as young questioning gay boys are often groomed and abused by older men. However it's still not inherently caused by being gay, it's because they're degenerate scrotes chasing the next taboo high. The Hollywood executives drugging and raping young men aren't exactly identifying with the LGBT community except to escape claims of child abuse like Kevin Spacey did. And misogyny in the gay culture? That's male shit again.
As much as I can't stand troons and consider it pseudoscience I still feel for the HSTSs who are being bulldozed by and forcibly associated with all the perverted pedo AGPs who screech about how they need to associate with little girls and molest them because it's validating their gender and making up for the sexy fantasy sleepovers they never had, and everyone who calls them out is a transphobe. It's the similar situation with gay men, I honestly feel bad for the gay teenagers who are bullied and denied love so severely that they get creeped on by older men and then repeat the cycle after that because they believe that's "all they can get", they're
victims of male degeneracy just as young girls being abused are. I know the "no true scotsman" fallacy is such a copout but still playing into the "gays are predatory pedos by nature" narrative helps nobody but the actual nazis who want to get rid of all of the "freaks" under the LGB umbrella.
No. 770015
>>770013Again second wave feminists didnt say there was anything wrong with Male homosexuality its self, rather that the gay male culture that was devoleping was increasingly
problematic and predatory, I and even other gay men share this opinion
No. 770018
>>770016Yeah she sucks, and like you I feel bad for the gay teenage boys who get bullied only in turn to get abused by adult men who tell that is a normal part of gay sexuality
Any talks of reform get labbaled as homophobia or wanting to destroy gay culture and that's not true at all, I have gay male friends who speak out against this culture and many are feminist allies but their opinions are barely listened with in the community
No. 770168
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>Natalie Barelli can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely than not be a psychological thriller. Writing a novel was always on her bucket list, and eventually, with Until I Met Her, it became a reality. After He Killed Me is the second and final book in her Emma Fern Series. When not absorbed in the latest gripping page-turner, Natalie loves cooking, knits very badly, enjoys riding her Vespa around town, and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer. She lives in Australia, with her husband and extended family.
>John Scalzi writes books, which, considering where you’re reading this, makes perfect sense. He’s best known for writing science fiction, including the New York Times bestseller Redshirts, which won the Hugo Award for Best Novel. He also writes non-fiction, on subjects ranging from personal finance to astronomy to film, was the Creative Consultant for the Stargate: Universe television series. He enjoys pie, as should all right thinking people. You can get to his blog by typing the word “Whatever” into Google. No, seriously, try it.
I know it's probably some form of autism on my side, but I really hate third person bios. They make me feel some special kind of rage I didn't even know I have in me. All those people seem so goddamn uninteresting, despite desperate attempts to sound quirky or relatable. Those descriptions make want to never read anything by the author ever again. If someone might have any idea why those are so unsufferable to me, please explain. The closest I come is that they are disgustingly calculated despite attempts to look anything but.
No. 770187
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When I'm eating an orange and get the white shit stuck in my teeth
No. 770554
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I hate pleather Amazon chokers like picrel and also those similar looking garters that have the same cheap ewhore style. If you're gonna wear a goddamn collar in the name of fashion, at least get a real leather one with something unique on it. On that same note, I absolutely hate skater skirts
No. 770618
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This exact ugly Amazon pink girly gaming chair that every camgirl/twitch thot/aspiring ho has. I swear everyone has this fucking thing.
No. 770620
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these dudes ofc
No. 770621
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This shit. I'm just so tired, i thought people left this ""test"" in 2015 but apparently they need their bullshit, snowflake labels way too much, i wouldn't give a fuck about it if only people weren't treating me like shit because they assumed I'm "ehjp-x" or whatever. If i find out you unironically judge people based on this I'm going to avoid you like a bullet, literal highschool-tier stereotypes.
No. 770658
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>>770621I'm personally into the MBTI and I love reading about the theory but I absolutely hate what it became and how people talk about it. People nowadays just take the 16personalities test, memorize the result and then don't even bother to look up the underlying theory or what the functions even mean. Also I hate that people call it the '16personalities' test. It is officially called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and it was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers during WW2 (based on Jung's writings), but people nowadays assume it's a hip, recent thing because some scrote made a website with edgy illustrations for each type
No. 770667
I really hate the “sanrio bitches” I’m baby shit. I also hate those try hard trauma core and mental illness images that use Sanrio characters. Must be so embarrassing for the brand to see all this garbage being made of their characters.
>>770618Most Gaming chairs are so ugly
No. 770715
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>>770667Somehow I doubt the employees and shareholders of Sanrio Company, Ltd. are offended by traumacore tumblr, much less aware of its existence. If anything it's free marketing.
No. 770720
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>>770719Lol I didn't make the meme and I doubt whoever did actually cares about moid feelings. It's just making fun of girls who claim they're vulnerable liddol babies yet perpetuate the most
toxic disingenuous shit. Anyway, maybe you'll like this Cinnamoroll one better?
No. 770755
>>770695>Don't internalize buzzfeed quizes>It's not that deepYou should tell this to them mfs because I'm not the one telling people to kys and having fandom drama over a literal quizz, i just want them to stop trying to involve me in their retarded label wars.
>MBTI/Astrologyfags aren't judging you more than you judge them sisThe Mbti community, albeit annoying, is relatively new but astrologyfags have years worth of infamy for being insufferable over fictional shit, that's bs and you know it.
No. 770985
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I hate men who play video games
No. 771002
they are subhuman
No. 771037
>>771029lol, same. this isn't exactly the same thing but it reminds me of when my friend (who is no longer my friend) commented on my page (this was some myspace knockoff site) being like "FUCK MY LIFE". then I asked her if I should ask her what's wrong and she rudely replied that it was non of my business and she didn't want to talk about it. like??? if you don't want to talk about it don't be leaving comments like that. also I didn't even ask, I just asked
if I should ask.
No. 771048
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>>771044nvm I was thinking pic rel, the ones posted on the ftm thread are super long because of how much T they got
The ones I'm posting are uncommon, but normal
No. 771058
>>771052Red dead redemption 2 online (been playing for over a year now) and World War Z (currently.)
I want to try to get into more fun team shit but dont want to deal with gross scrotes.
No. 771291
>>771161I wish I could play them too, it's an ultimate coin toss. Sometimes you find well behaved men, but often times it's angry edgy scrotes or vapid scrotes who's endgame is a "possible" romantic relationship. I honestly just want to get a good voice changer to be able to play normally without standing out like a sore thumb.
>>771236> (and will proclaim you as their gf)This is so fucking cringe why do they do this? Dudes will do this day in and day out and wonder why they have no female friends ingame or in real life. Or better yet, no female friend who is open to them about being a woman. Some dudes just aren't emotionally mature enough to know.
No. 771320
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>>770618I think this one is worse because of how ugly it is IRL (compared to its store photos, the differences are too big and it looks like a knock-off china chair), but I keep seeing everyone on Instagram buying it.
No. 771368
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I hate how Americanised non-US places become due to the internet. Not just politics but also culturally. I'm tired of the US being the centre of the earth. It's like young people adopt the worst sides of what US has to offer, all artificial and vapid elements. I also fucking hate how ignorant some people from the US are, I'm tired of being looked down like I'm some savage or exoticised by moids. How can someone be so entitled yet to ignorant is beyond me. They all think their issues are universal and whatever happens in their shitty society is a matter of international concern. I normally avoid those kinds of people but at this point it's becoming a challenge. Like why is it so hard to be respectful and considerate. I'm not saying the rest of the world doesn't have its own issues and everything will be daijoubu if the US gets nuked, but things could definitely be better if all the superficiality and retardness oozing out of the US would stop.
No. 771894
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I hate that brits call everything "pudding". For me pudding is just sweet. Get fucked
No. 772389
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i hate "femboy" anime characters so much. any male character who's girly enough to be mistaken for a female. something about them disgusts me
No. 772459
>>772389I didn’t care about them until troons
Now I hate them too
No. 772896
I fucking hate ASMR. All those """relaxing""" sounds are grating on the ears, I actually feel angrier after hearing it.
>>772603Traps were always ugly and annoying even long before 3D scrotes got into them.
No. 773163
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I'm tired of the internet. The internet made it possible for people who are absolute nobodies to reply to others and talk them down like they're hot shit and better than you. So this is why you have some artists that are professional and good being cancelled by a fucking otherkin with a trans fursona. Who the fuck gave you permission to tell me your opinion? I don't want to interact with you, keep your nose out of my business.
No. 773170
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>>773148Same. I hate the effect that misinformation and conspiratorial thinking has had on people. I wish I could hide the thread but I only browse LC on incognito so it doesn't save custom settings
No. 773185
>>773163You’re right anon.
Tbh That’s what I think about these kind of sites sometimes too. Especially with PULL and kiwi farms since so many of them have been outed as loser autists themselves.
No. 773225
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I hate the new pringles logo so so much. will buy one while the old logo's still in stock
No. 773457
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Adults in “fandoms” for children’s media (MLP, Owl House, Gravity Falls for example) especially drawing lewd / shipping art. It’s gross.
Even aging up the characters is gross. I’m probably the dirtiest fujo I know but if I’m watching say…Over the Garden Wall, I’m not going to imagine Wirt or Greg grown up at all so I can sexualize them. They’re children. I wanna blame this on scrotes but too many fujos do it too.
No. 773465
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>>773457People ship Greg and Wirt??
No. 773520
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unresolvedmysteries is my fave subreddit but I hate hate hate anything involving the death of an abandoned baby
>rape and murder of a child
>omg I hope whoever did this rots in hell forever
>dead baby found innawooods or trashcan or something
fuck all those assholes who think women deserve sympathy for tossing an infant in the trash to slowly suffer before dying
No. 773527
>>773520Unrelated but fuck I hate smarmy female led true crime podcasts like Crime Junkie and the like.
People with little / no background in law enforcement and no firsthand knowledge of any cases is bad enough but they always have to interject their stupid ass theories and opinions too. The only one I really like is Criminal, mainly because it explores all kinds of true crime rather than the same murders and disappearances, plus Phoebe Judge rarely injects her own personal opinion, she just tells the story.
No. 773535
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>>773482Original post and I absolutely love OiTG, I find Wirt and Greg super adorable. Hell I’m not opposed to some well done innocent fanart, but what the hell is this shit?? I want to murder these people.
No. 773556
>>773228>StaxI have only had Doritos Stax but they have no crunch, they feel perpetually stale and despite that the packaging is still somehow harder to dismantle for recycling than the pringles tubes
What's worse is that both Doritos and Pringles are already commonplace here so they only brought Doritos Stax over so that the mega company Lays can compete with the market share that Pringles occupies. All that new waste and energy use involved in bringing a product to the shelves has been generated just so that a big company can compete with another pre-existing item from another big company, they didn't even bring anything new to the table. Maybe regular Staxs are better but imo they can fuck off
I'm not even shitposting I'm genuinely mad about some flat crisps
No. 773599
>>773556I've never had a Doritos Stax, I didn't even know those existed. I can't imagine they would be good, though. The main things that make me favor Stax is that they have stronger flavors (imo. Although the flavor range is not as wide, and nothing will ever be as flavorful as Pringles BBQ) and the chips aren't as badly crushed as Pringles are when you open the package.
>>773575Nta, but ew what the fuck.
No. 773695
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Minors on Twitter and other social medias (but mostly Twitter). I don't like to use these terms, but they get triggered by literally everything. If you call out one for being a fucking cunt, well you should be the bigger person because they are 17 and you're 18/19/20 and picking on kids is a no-no. Post something without a quadrillion of "tw"? Oh no "Emma•16•blm•acab•black/latina•she/they" had a panic attack seeing your fucking pomegranate post and basically it's your fault for not "tagging" it properly. It's okay if they send you death treats because you don't headcanon this character as trans but the moment you tell them to shut up, you're a pedophile because you're in a "child" DMs.
I'm fucking sure that if most social medias were 17+ we wouldn't have stupid cancellations over nothing every 2 days. Internet is not fun anymore and I partially blame it on late zoomers.
No. 773708
>>773695How the fuck does a pomegranate looks like a fucking heart? Has that retard ever seen a real heart? If anything, you could say they somewhat would resemble a rotting injury? I don’t even know how the hell can anyone jump straight to
gore when looking at a fucking fruit.
Jesus Christ I hate the children of the internet.
No. 773728
>>773695Parenting teens must be a special type of hell these days.
Minors are told that every single little feeling they have is
valid and a big deal.
They’re told they’re smarter than adults and that they have a right to tell adults what to do on the virtue of “we are going to inherit this planet so we get a say in what happens!”
They hide in little fantasy realms, have never had a job, and refuse to face/overcome negative emotions. Yet adults are stupid enough to listen to these children because making them grow up is “meeean and invalidating”
No. 773792
>>773695Play the world's smallest violin for me but I actually stopped using social media solely due to all the minors shitting up the place and attacking people just for shits and giggles. It's gotten especially bad during the pandemic, the schools are closed so they have an unlimited time to be online at all times. Anything you tweet can be twisted around to be
problematic and offensive, literally anyone can wake up to 2000 mentions attacking them for whatever bullshit claim being made against them. Shipped the wrong ship? Surprise, someone just spread the word that you're a pedo with no context and everyone took it at face value. Drew fanart of a character? Now you're a nazi white supremacist because you colored in the skin half a shade too light. Existed in the same fandom space as a 25+ year old as a 16-year old? Grooming's your thing now. I'm not even exaggerating about the last one, that one disturbed anon was going on in another thread about how some woman was totally grooming her because she drew fanart in some fandom without ever even interacting with her.
It's fucking bananas, these kids never have to face the consequences because they don't have careers to lose and they flaunt it in front of everyone's faces. These fucking brats need to be deplatformed immediately for their own good as well, someone older than them is feeding them warped ideas and tons of adults are using their naivety to slide closer to them by agreeing with the crap they pull.
No. 773795
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I hate you
No. 773807
>>773792Kids on the internet is the worst thing about the world wide web, and I
was a kid on the internet once, but before social media took off so hard. I don't interact with fandoms at all usually, but the rare time I maybe comment somewhere and it clearly becomes clear they're underage just from how black and white their thinking is, I feel like I committed a crime just for talking with a high schooler about music or anime. And to be fair, the latter is obviously going to be full of kids, but I also see them on relationship forums or subreddits, saying OP is groomed because they're dating a 22 year old at age 18 and shit (and screaming about even 5 year age gaps between adults in entertainment media), yet they can't recognize when they're being taken advantage of. They're everywhere and they're always convinced they're right.
No. 773809
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This design gives me a gross feeling.
I know this brand is all about 3edgy5u but this pic reminded me of the horrible shit i read on the zoo-masochist thread here
No. 773833
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>>773809ah, the age old technique of just lifting drawings straight from the Preston Blair book.
No. 774536
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People who think how you act online = how you act IRL
I'm sure that can be true for some people but c'mon lmao
No. 774555
>>774536This, I go online and I have no problems talking about my stuff but in real life I just nap all day and go for long walks with my boyfriend and do my job.
Often the people who believe that shit are the ones with no other personality aside they literally being online 24/7, so they project. I can speak from experience, the ones who were stalking my social media profile claimed that I stalked them when I confronted them and I was just "go waste your time somewhere else lol" and they were online personality who barely had anyone to talk to irl.
No. 774563
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Random reboots of movies, but this time FEMALE
The fuck? Who asked for a female version of the Mask? I have zero interest in that, I’d rather see original stories with original female leads, not weird rehashes of mediocre 90s movies
No. 774566
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The word boymom and boymom memes about how hard it is to be a fucking boymom
It’s because you’re raising a spoiled little protoscrote shithead Rebecca
No. 774567
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I always get char limit and word limit confused because I'm a retard who can't read. Hours spent stretching out that 1,000 word essay on dogs only to get "error: over 1,000 characters".
Just kill me.
No. 774687
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I hate those oversized eyeglasses. They're ugly and scream either "annoying ~quirky~ bitch" or "vapid trend chaser with no taste" to me. I also hate people wearing literal pedo glasses unironically, there's no way I will ever consider them good looking.
No. 774704
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>>774697Oversized glasses with rectangle shaped lenses and a double bridge like this. The term comes from the fact that creepy middle aged pedos, serial killers and other creeps are often seen wearing them for some reason.
No. 774705
>>774697Clear aviator style glasses, iirc
I think the stereotype started because people starting paying more attention to pedos and kidnappers in the 70s
tbh I kinda like it depending on the person. It mostly reminds of elton john and my dad
No. 774859
>>774620Agree with him but also, he should choke
And yes, it’s literally old franchises that have soured being thrown like a bone. The industry has no idea what we want and then when their garbage fails because it’s poorly made tripe, it gives incels more fuel to say female led movies aren't viable.
No. 774902
>>774859I also don't know why they'd make a female led mask reboot when the sequel to the original was disastrous, the concept just doesn't work. I don't think they can replicate it without faltering hard. I'll admit it's not high art cinema, but the original is part of my childhood so I fail to see what the point is. honestly the same as the original ghostbusters being rebooted with all women.
we're not men's leftovers, it's possible to either adapt something that hasn't been adapted to screen yet that has a woman protagonist or create something new, and instead they choose to assume we want to see rebooted movies where we replace men?
tired of it seeming like everyone is so bereft of ideas
No. 775130
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When authors write out dialogue, but they describe a bunch of shit in between the lines so it seems like the characters are taking huge pauses in the conversation I feel like I'm describing this horribly, and I would give an example, but I'm embarrassed to post what I read that made me come to this conclusion so I hope pic conveys what I am trying to say lol
No. 775171
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its only spring and it is so fucking hot outside already.
No. 775183
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Him, his fanbase, and his awful "female" voice
No. 775790
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artists who draw nothing but this kind of thing over and over. white model faces again and again. overwhelmingly, it's dudes drawing young white/asian girls and it's creepy
No. 776035
>>776025>and I've been accused of being a scrote because I said trannies will never be womena comment by one lunatic anon isn't representative of the board in general, I mean for fuck sake we have several threads laughing at trannies for not being women.
The scrote-label thread is a shit thread because it's fully of anons like you who use an outlier opinion to act as if the entire site is against you.
No. 776215
>>776025>>776035Kek is this banjo and kazooie anon? It was ONE comment calling you unfunny, and you got salty for being called a scrote. Reminds me of the total meltdown another anon had for being called a scrote. Unfunny banjo anon, you made the nlog thread right? Cause it appeared right after you got huffy lol.
>>776035Exactly this.
No. 776286
>>776083They’re not as awful but I’m honestly truly bored and tired of glamorizing serial killers and murder and awful things happening to women. It’s not usually something that draws attention to a case or gets them justice—that’s reserved for scrotes like Adnan Syed.
Phoebe Handsjuks killer is still running around free and even killed another woman and she’s had multiple podcasts dedicated to her case entirely
No. 776300
>>776272>Literally the most pornsick male coomer game you can get.Not that I disagree with you but sadly Huniepop isn't even close when it comes to being
>the most pornsick male coomer game you can getand I kinda hate myself for knowing that.
No. 776347
>>776312I agree, I don't think I could be friends with someone who is super loud, especially in public.
>I don't give a fuck if you can't help it.I think you can help it though. Literally unless you're deaf, disabled, or have a broken back you can hold back your sneeze from sounding like a gunshot and be considerate about your overall volume. Even if youre from a culture where people are super loud you should be able to adapt to the space you're in and the people youre with.
No. 776506
>>776312God, I hate loud people. Not as in talkative, but like really loud volume. It's so obnoxious.
>>776372>but even then what exactly stops it? I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth and it keeps my mouth mostly shut while I sneeze. I do it to avoid spraying germs everywhere but it also makes it very quiet.
No. 776515
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bitches who start their videos by sipping their drink or even dare to bring it up "prepare ur drink and let's get started~" i hope you shoke on your iced coffee
No. 776600
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why do men have affairs with their exes?
No. 776810
>>776793God you sound just like a Capricorn.
>just playing, I think astrology is stupid too. I hate the Instagram posts about diet culture = bad, eating what you want = good. That only works for people who know how to eat healthy, otherwise it's an excuse so fatties can eat more sugar and validate themselves.
No. 776904
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Probably going to get me banned but I sincerely hate being black. I hate waking up as a black female, I hate commuting everywhere as a black female, I hate not fitting in anywhere because I’m a black female, I hate being the ugly black female.
No. 776905
>>776902You probably get banned cause of shit like
>people who believe in it should die thoughkek. I wish i had the balls to complain about the same thing every week cause I always feel like people will know its me if I always complain about it. Also kpopfags who are posting in the conventional attra and cute girl threads, go back to your containment website ccc.
No. 776917
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I saw this puppy posted in a group I'm in and couldn't thinking of Borzoi anon. I can't believe they are even ugly as puppies.
No. 776936
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>>776925>>776922I am
>>776917 anon
I had no idea there were other freak horse dogs. At least the silken windhound gets cuter when it grows up.
No. 776994
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>>776936you ever see a scottish deerhound?
No. 777682
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>>777680Found this in lolcow caps lol.
No. 777731
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Bucket hats
No. 778539
>>777983I agree with everything you’ve said but for some reason I don’t mind eating them when I don’t think about it, and I even like the flavor majority of the time. I like raw and cooked mushrooms.
But mushrooms are sincerely repulsive. The first human to eat them must have been covered in filth with the mind of an inhuman beast. The fact that they are so parasitic and sprout abruptly is both terrifying and abhorrent. I don’t mean to sound like I’m over exaggerating but anything with mushrooms sprouting on it should be thrown away, including the plant, except the mushrooms would probably grow spores on the garbage you put it with. The only thing more disgusting than mushrooms is fluffy/hairy mold, and both are more disgusting than feces or decaying flesh as they are sickening fungi. I say this as a former butcher. The mere idea of how mushrooms form is disgusting. I said I eat mushrooms but I avoid eating some types of them because the stalks sprout too close together or the underside of the cap looks unsettling. There’s no fucking way some sort of insect didn’t make its home in there. The fact that people will sit and eat fungi is vomit inducing. Ugh. When I’m cooking and eating them, it’s really disconnected from the fact that they are what they are.
I fucking hate olives and pickles nearly to death but those make more sense as food than the edible infection that is mushrooms. If anyone says “you’re overreacting, mushrooms aren’t that bad.” as them how they would feel if they woke up and a zucchini was growing under their bed. No big deal, right? That’d even be kind of cool. Now what if it was a mushroom? I hate imagining this. Fuck mushrooms.
No. 778727
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I hate seeing this show on TV, I hate seeing that beautiful woman next to that ugly man it makes me so mad, it's not fair she should have the entire show for herself and not have him impinge on her beauty
No. 779068
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>>779059I find the last thing to be harmless (and it can be funny later like pic related) but I hate those headcanons too. Only sometimes is it accurate, but with adhd and autism they spring it on any character who's energetic or god forbid socially withdrawn.
No. 779192
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Slash Shippers who claim a typical friendship is way more deep then it actually is just cause the characters happen to be males
I'm really starting to despise slash shippers more and more lately, cause many times they often just write off healthy male/female canon relationships for their retarded fantasies cause of fujo brain rot or whatever, I think we overall need better straight and more healthier straight ships
No. 779233
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These fucking uwu emojis, it's always discord troons who use them.
No. 779993
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Littering. I’m always completely fucking blown away when I’m driving and I see someone casually throw trash out their car window. How the fuck do you even consciously do that? Just thinking, “oh these used napkins and cups and my entire Arby’s meal sure is taking up space in my car, let me just chuck it out onto the street because the world is my dumpster and I just can’t wait until I get to my destination to find a bin.”
I’d love to chuck them out of a moving car.
No. 780083
>>780075Calling things she to be cute or quirky is something that I've seen rise in popularity in recent years with online-leaning girls and gays. Not sure but I kind of get the feeling it's another thing that bubbled up from drag culture through various layers of the internet.
Idk maybe this is autistic but I call things he or she sometimes when it feels appropriate because the change in pronoun communicates information about the object. Like, I might call my laptop he because it's an everyday item that I'm very attached to.
>>780077I can see the weird angle on calling ships/planes/etc she but I can't bring myself to be mad about it, I've always kinda thought the feminine designation was like a sign of respect to these amazing things that do things men cannot and that we trust with our lives.
No. 780101
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>>780100I found this explanation and I don't like it
No. 780141
>>777172tbh sometimes watching a short video is easier to me than having to research myself, but yeah, I'm starting to get a bit peeved when people make videos that are basically just reading the wikipedia page.
triggers me more is when they do small but basic errors in the middle of that.
Semi unrelated but one time I was watching a vid about the Algerian civil war and the guy had very bad pronounciation. Now, I'm not gonna pretend I know how to pronounce Arab names in the correct pronounciation native, but that guy legit sounded like he wasn't even actually reading the names. He pronounced Boumediene as "Budamin" and Bouteflika as "Boudefek". Bugged me so much
>>778533Isn't it like the number one food safety rule that you should never eat raw mushrooms?
No. 780180
Snotty ass, scrote bartenders.
I'm a pretty good bartender. Ive placed in a few competitions and used to work for a pretty famous bar. But I just read an article about bartenders least favorite drinks to make. Almost all the scrotes said, "long island iced tea", because "it's a white girl drink and they don't appreciate the flavour of alcohol". No shit. Alcohol tastes like ass to most people who haven't forced themselves to like it like us. They are just girls who want to get drunk and have a good time. It's not a hard drink to make. Like men always act sophisticated when they order a Jameson on the rocks for $15, when a 750 only costs about $25 and they could drink at home. Fuck off.
>>779993Uhg, there's a recycling bin like every 5 feet in my city, so no one really litters. But when I go hiking, I'll find beer bottles and bags for snacks. Not everywhere, but it'll be there. You're fucking retarded if you can't just put something in your backpack or pocket until you can throw it away/recycle it.
No. 780294
>>780180Isn't the purpose of drinks to cover the taste of alcohol to begin with? Like who the fuck actually
wants their drink to taste like alcohol? You might as well be drinking nail polish remover.
No. 780403
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Overly specific sperg but I hate when educational outlets use fake photos of historical figures that lived before photography. (pic rel, Madame Ching was a real pirate) Using a actor wearing makeup and props kind of cheapens and almost makes the historical figure feel fake, especially when we don't know what they looked like and are just doing guess-work. It puts a misinformed image in peoples heads. Just use paintings that were made at the time.
I just generally hate TV reenactments too, they usually don't aid the viewer that much. Just read the sources and historical facts and have faith that your viewers can learn without flashy actors and camerawork.
No. 780418
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>>780392>he looked and sounded demented. And to this day I hate if any man raises his voice. They should be discouraged to do so by law.This is exactly it, I agree completely. When men get loud and angry it's like they transform into some kind of monstrous caricature of a person, like they lose some aspect of their humanity. They lose the ability to reason when they're under the influence of rage.
No. 780507
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I hate this (picrel) thread. The moment riri was posted I knew it was going to get worse.
Also hate anons who shit on completely normal, common things (usually hairstyles, certain clothing items, things related to that) just because some groups they dislike also wear some of those things and then act like literally anyone who looks/wears something even vaguely similar is exactly the same, even when those groups didn't start it in the first place and it's something that even the biggest turbo normies wear/do.
No. 780610
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>>780522Those are some of my favorite threads. I post in them all the time and it's really interesting what specific things gets anons interested. Conventionally attractive people with nothing of substance are the worst.
Semi-related but I fucking hate the idea that excessive attention from the opposite sex is something worthy of achieving. A majority of the time it's empty and meaningless and people just trying to butter you up with hollow compliments for a chance to get some. It's really depressing trying to have a real conversation with someone and they just keep shrugging off everything you say because they want you to sit there and look pretty. Having someone you can really connect with emotionally will always be better than having hordes of braindead scrotes vying for your attention.
No. 780703
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>>780641i was thinking these disgusting pieces of crap, not just "kinda long natural nails." these shits are hobbling yourself for male attention. they make you a less capable human, which i thought we worked pretty hard to not be seen as.
No. 780736
>>780727Why are you so mad anon? The reason why it could be an issue is because sometimes it can be hard to slide the button through the hole on the pants. It's really not a big deal to me and it's not that much of an inconvenience in my day. My main hobbies are art, and I've been learning 2 languages. Doing my nails is also kind of a hobby for me.
>how do you relaxI'm not even sure what you're asking
No. 780768
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>>780623>you can't comfortably do any type of manual labour or fine electronics work with them, can't work as a chef, can't work in construction or movingNta, but… so? I'm a programmer, why would whether or not I could theoretically work construction or as a chef factor into my cosmetic decisions? I've been getting my nails done like pic related for years and have never had any issue with day to day tasks.
And comparing slightly inconvienient nails you can get removed at any time to losing the right to vote is… a reach to say the least…
>>780742It depends on the person. Some people adapt to them easier than others. Like, if you go from short to long ass acrylics it's likely gonna be rough, but if you go from already long to acrylics it just makes your nails prettier and stronger. You don't have to want them or like them, but I don't get what's hard to believe that they're not this weird handicap like some of you seem to think.
No. 780793
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>>780768There is no convincing them anon, people either "get" long nails or they don't. I have no interest in manual labor, I can do normal cooking at home, and what the fuck, fine electronics work? kek is chef, laborer, and microchip designer the only jobs available to women now? My job is basically just typing, and I type 100+ wpm with nails this long, sometimes longer. I certainly don't keep them long to hobble myself, I just like the look of long nails. and TBH the only people who have ever made negative comments have been men, so I sure as hell don't do it for them.
They didn't let me into my polling location last year though, because I couldn't put tiles down in a kitchen or fix a roof with these nails. damn maybe you're right…
No. 780800
>>780793>fine electronics work? kek is chef, laborer, and microchip designer the only jobs available to women now?This and the statement about voting makes me think that poster was definitely a scrote. Sperging about manual labor and voting rights to shit on anything conventionally feminine are peak r9k talking points. If it's not a moid, then
Nonny really needs to stop lurking incel sites and internalizing their idiocy.
No. 780816
>>780806The internet has 1000% made me a worse person. Not saying that to relieve myself of accountability, just saying I went from kinda
toxic to a fucking monster to an extent I doubt I would have had I touched grass more.
No. 781453
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When guys mimic female moaning. They all sounded fucking retarded and every time I want to punch their teeth in.
No. 781463
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i hate men
No. 781464
>>781453what the fuck does being trans have to do with it
is this that weird agp shit?
No. 781490
>>781472>>781468Nonnie, nonita and nonette are all
valid fight me
No. 782312
File: 1618269357350.jpg (37.37 KB, 640x360, 618d512f57af51bfe4183847520e0e…)

I hate when people copy drawings and act like hot shit for doing so and everyone praises them like… Holy shit shut up
No. 782337
File: 1618270924079.png (53.89 KB, 360x383, tumblr_pgku96Bh8j1xjznmzo1_400…)

Tiktok. I also hate anons that use it, fuck you.
No. 782339
>>782337>tumblr file nameloooooool okay
nonny. anyways, i can't wait til you eventually download it and become addicted
No. 782341
>>782339>all lowercaseOkay zoomer. I'm not a braindead scrooler and I have better things to do than be hunched over my
phone all day mindlessly scrooling on an app owned by the Chinese government. I also got this off google images, so idk what your point is trying to make about it being a tumblr filename??
No. 782358
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Don't get me wrong she made some great songs but she was a piece of shit. She can jump off a bridge with her gay baiting and homophobia
No. 782508
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Senseless tattoos splayed out like this. Looking like a motherfucking 8 year old's sticker journal.
No. 782511
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>>782508Looking like she raided the goddamn 25¢ tattoo machine.
No. 782861
>>781453My coworker who is 28 still does this.
Thankfully I have found a new job and I am leaving in two days.
No. 782937
>>781298>middle class people To be fair they're the new indentured servitude being beholden to wage slavery to afford the massive debts. To pay for their cars that won't break down during their multi-hour commutes everyday, and houses in low crime areas with opportunities. If they didn't take out loans they couldn't actually 'afford' anything, not even their college educations. One missed paycheck could mean financial devastation for the lot of them and they'd lose everything.
It's a different kind of poverty. Just not the "ghetto" poor that's been romanticized for the past 30+ years.
No. 782941
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>>782898nta but there is
some decent content on there. I use it purely for selling shit tho because of its decent algorithm.
You're not missing out on much tbh. If a vid is good enough on there it usually ends up on other sites anyway.
No. 784182
File: 1618512896005.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.05 KB, 1200x900, darryn-lyons-image-2-744411117…)

>>784180What do you mean? I immediately thought of pic, but I would like an example
No. 784271 dont see why fucked up kids like this should be teachers problems. if u can do a better job, then keep them at home, they’re your problem
i hope their bogus lawsuit is laughed out of court, what a disgrace
No. 784279
>>784271story is from the US, you literally can't keep your kids home or you get sent to prison
yeah i think restraining her made sense, but why didn't they allow her to use the restroom to begin with? always hated that bullshit in school, fuck teachers who do that
No. 784295
>>784286>On the other hand why is the mother wasting everyone's time with putting a retarded child who can't even speak to a school, unless it's a school for mentally disabled kids only?it's a regular school but the school's webpage says they have an "autism program" that is meant to teach autistic kids basic communication skills and the like
what else do you do with a child like that anyway
>>784289>>784291maybe you should read the article instead of clamoring to say whatever inflammatory bait-worthy thought first pops up in your mind
No. 784298
>>784295That makes more sense if she was in the autism program then, but in that case I assume the teachers should have known what to expect from the students.
>what else do you do with a child like that anywayKeep them at home away from normal kids so they don't bother or endanger other kids who are just trying to learn at school. I don't care how the parents would do it, but some of them think normal classes are just there so they can dump their kids there and everyone else should have to deal with their violent outbursts. I'm speaking from experience as someone who had two autistic classmates because their rich parents thought the prestigious private middle school would miraculously make their kids normal.
No. 784301
>>784286It's difficult because everybody should be able to use the restroom but it might be that she requires supervision on the way to the bathroom, which can't always be instantly provided. Classrooms in the average school don't have the faculty to provide 1to1 supervision for most of the children. Plus the girl was non verbal so there might have been some confusion about what she actually needed. They definitely shouldn't have put her in time out knowing she really needed the toilet
>>784271I think the suit will fail - the situation has already been investigated by the police and they determined no criminal wrongdoing on behalf of the school. They might get a slap on the wrist for not correctly filling in the paperwork for a restraint, but ultimately they restrained a child that was throwing faeces and trying to bite people. Most people would agree that, although you never WANT to do it, sometimes you will have to restrain a child if the safety of other children is in question. The parents might argue that the biting allegation was false but they've admitted that the shit throwing happened, which is a danger to other kids and isn't a behaviour that you can just assume won't turn to violence.
No. 784752
>>784193If it gives you any hope the body has 2 fats. The fat that goes over the body which makes someone big like a sumo wrestler and the fat thats hard sticks to the body like their pic.
The latter fat is the most deadly one
No. 784775
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Hate to give them the satisfaction, but the /mu/ "tranny music" meme is real. Anything slightly hyperpop, 100 gecs, black dresses, etc, related gets the most austsitc tumblerite. I find msot of the music OK, but holly shit are their fans annoying. Even emo's in the 2000's weren't as annoying as them
Also any song that gets a slowed and reverb remix has a fandom that is 100% full of annoying shitheads
No. 785135
File: 1618615886175.jpg (43.46 KB, 960x653, 1618565051433.jpg)

Posting this here not to derail the art salt thread, but this has happened to me an odd amount of times and it irks me because it's such an easy fix. I cycled on and off DA making/deleting an account every time and every time I'd get a weird ass image appear when I signed up. It wasn't just the log in, but also the 'You finished your account you can explore this!" which showed me inflation and a guy who liked drawing mutated woman, as a fetish.
It irks me because this is any easy fix. Don't randomly choose whats on your damn log in page just pull from a database your cleared. No one will notice if 1-2 photos are repeated. The only way this could happen multiple times is if you literally didn't give a single fuck
No. 785158
>>785135>join the largest art community>largest>inflated chef Hatchet from tdikek
But yeah anon I agree, they don't even try to hide the fact that their entire platform is used for fetish coomer art
No. 785649
File: 1618688637729.jpg (144.63 KB, 1280x720,…)

Fucking medical YT's. I google some 1 hour medical lecture to learn, but these stupid fuckers always pop up in my feed with their 5 minute brain dead videos. They don't even say anything interesting it's either basic facts or "How could you say something so controversial yet so brave"
The Dr. Oz of zoomers
No. 785827
>>784937Don’t bring vaporwave into this
nonny, it’s a pretty enjoyable genre to listen to when you want to clear your brain but they always listen to the most basic bitch tracks like Macintosh 420. Trannies avoid black-dominated genres like the plague, they usually like Hamilton-esque musical soundtracks, metal, hyperpop, and as you said anime music like Moe Shop and shirt unfunny meme music like Cum town.
No. 785844
>>785766I learnt about attachment styles and attachment injuries from him and that was some almost life changing info that helped me piece together my own problems better than actual therapy I've attended. Still stopped watching him after a while because there's only so much of that content you can watch and learn from. Gets repetitive.
I remember seeing the amount of female fans he had. He dedicated an episode to talking about people crushing hard on their therapists and why that happens. Even through a screen I think a portion of his audience gets that experience with him. Like omg he's so gentle and he understands all my trauma!! That kind of thing. Parasocial relationship meets therapist crush.
No. 786097
>>786092A lot of people on discord do this.
Deffo a zoomer thing. I know so many people who will interrupt a pretty serious conversation with their whining or bragging about something unrelated, or replying halfway to things they don't know the context of without letting the other finish.
No. 786619
File: 1618793024219.jpg (238.37 KB, 1300x866, 79157735-bullets-in-a-world-wa…)

Call me an autistic baby but there are few things I find more nasty to look at than ammo belts, except maybe medieval torture devices. It's like all hostility and conflict condensed into an object. I hate that they look like rows of teeth and were created specifically to make killing fast and efficient. I hate scrotes who think wearing them as accesories is the coolest shit ever.
No. 786622
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>>786619i make an exception for the battery belt (AAA batteries because "they'll look like bullets from far away")
No. 786632
File: 1618794270207.png (92.85 KB, 848x316, Screenshot 2021-04-18 205210.p…)

Fucking alt right channers latching onto orthodox Christianity for some reason. They don't even bother following the basic tenets of it and instead use weird arguments to justify how 'visual novels are christian'. If it keeps growing at this rate I'll have to explain to people I know how I'm not one of those 'orthodox Christians'
Boy will they be depressed when they learn the country with the second biggest orthodox population is in Africa.
No. 786847
>>786814I hate anglos, especially cultureless and frustrated new world anglos who latch onto random things out of dissatisfaction with their life and lack of identity.
I got bullied for years for being an eastern european orthodox christian immigrant and called racist for being against islam despite coming from a country that was quite literally enslaved and tortured by the ottoman empire for almost 500 years, and now there's bored alt right americans larping as communists or orthodox christians and various edgy internet personalities escaping to my country to leech off of us some more because the west is cucked, according to them.
Fuck off, nobody likes you here.
No. 786886
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honestly, all people who make content specifically for companies on snapchat. but this bitch has such ugly thick makeup she looks like a tranny. this screenshot is actually the best she’s looked, which is really not saying much.
No. 787701
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I really hate allergies and they make me dislike spring in general. Even though I love spring weather and how the days are getting longer, allergies are ruining it for me. My main symptoms are itchy eyes, sinus pain, and feeling extremely fatigued. My fatigue is so bad that it's caused me to fail multiple semesters of college. (I probably wouldn't have passed with allergies, but the allergies made it impossible) So in general I feel pretty depressed during allergy season and I feel like I can barely do anything.
No. 788177
>>788142This. I think that anon is salty that this person with zero talent is living her best life as an artist while OP has problem doing whatever she wants because she's self-critical. So like the other anon(s) (maybe OP is one of them, but IDK) said in
>>787751. Honestly I relate because I used to feel like this, but at some point you need to realize that the other person is not a problem, your unfulfilled ambitions are. Feeling
triggered by others shamelessly doing what you want is a cope in order to not face your true problem.
No. 788443
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>>788440dropped my nasty pic
No. 788464
>>788440>>788443>I know I could never become a veterinarian solely because these creatures exist and I would have some implicit racism thing going on with themKek
Agree with you though, staring into eyes like this is real life horror. I don't hate them and I don't really mind yappy small dogs and I'll love and respect them just as I would any dog but jesus they're just so ugly. Especially the Chinese crested dog, and the nude variety in particular. It literally looks diseased, I don't understand how people can look at them and not see them as some horrible abomination that shouldn't exist.
No. 788592
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>>788440I feel this way but about pugs.
Most are the ugliest inbred fuckers in the world with severe underbite and breathing problems. Why would I think these abominations are cute? They're suffering and they don't even look good for it.
No. 788639
File: 1619070203228.png (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20210421-214126(1).…)

I hate when thots do "sexy" cosplays of childrens characters
The same chick did a sexy Wednesday Addams cosplay
No. 788655
>>788592Every time I see pug skulls I can't believe people willingly pick this breed. They're ugly as hell and not cute at all and riddled with health problems. I couldn't live with myself knowing my dog can't breathe properly. It's awful, the breed should be banned.
>>788595Borzois are lovely, no idea why the original Borzoi hater hated them so much. Maybe she was jealous of their majestic snout.
No. 788666
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>>788664I don't know but you inspired me to look up the anti borzoi posts again and KEK
No. 788684
File: 1619082514381.png (2.98 MB, 1457x3989, dog.png)

>>788663Have you seen that recent viral chihuahua adoption post? it's hilarious and on point with what this breed is like
No. 788842
>>788684>there't not a very big market for neurotic, man hating, (…) children hating dogs that look like gremlinsLiterally my dream dog, except for the 'animal hating' part. Prancer clearly doesn't like competition for his human's affection and I can respect that tho.
>Prancer wants to be your only childHow adorable that is?♥ I hope a sweet childfree lesbian couple adopts him! I confess to genuinely liking Prancer more than all the animalhate anons combined lmfao
No. 788950
>>788943What makes you think anons don't share the same opinion about celebrities and other overpaid entertainments?
I feel bad for some of you. Society has got you gaslit that being entertaining entitles people to more extravagant forms of living than people who perform functions that keep society civil and operational on the daily.
No. 788991
File: 1619113712513.jpg (59.82 KB, 750x725, zwixqh9u6ti51.jpg)

>>788987Anon don't you know, monogamy was created by the Evil white colonizer to control us
No. 789290
File: 1619145083466.png (1.05 MB, 1484x1484, jjmccullough.png)

His videos are unwatchable because of the annoying fake accent.
No. 791833
File: 1619397709512.gif (5.31 MB, 460x344, gay.gif)

seeing an anime thing being patted on the head instantly fills me with rage
No. 791906
File: 1619407709405.png (1.32 MB, 1226x686, why.png)

niche but can "kpop in public" dance groups stop dancing in the middle of walkways? idc how good you are when you're forcing people who are just trying to get to places to watch your narcissistic display
at least dance on one side of the walkway jesus christ.
pic-related, Ahyon Unit from Spain and K-UA from Australia are the worst at this, their whole channels are filled with creating forks in walkways
No. 791987
>>791958That’s genuinely sick. As in, you sound ill.
>>791982There’s an infographic exposing that community, likely the same one providing anon with the violent content she watches.
No. 792002
>>791982yeah those people are fucking creepy and obsessive, this whole phenomenon freaks me out
like is it just zoosadism or is there something more?
No. 792152
>>792131I come from a poor parisan suburb and my teachers told me i was their only hope to have a student go in a high class parisian prépa. I trusted them and now i have to go back to the first year of uni bc i want to pursue history and geography to tell my students to never attend this shit.
>La passion n'est-elle que désordre ? omfg i want to end it all
No. 792346
>>792187it may be stupid but it made feel really good reading this. i've been feeling like shit for some time because i thought that not getting into ENS meant my entire school life was a lie and that i was worth nothing but hearing that makes me feel great.
I don't know where you are in your studies/ work life but i wish the best and i hope you get better mentally and physically (i wish i could post a heart emoji rn)
No. 792639
File: 1619479966057.jpg (58.66 KB, 1040x761, Ez3WTzPUcAErkiK.jpg)

anytime a movie comes out with a controversial take on women gaining their power through violence, everyone rushes in to talk about how actually the movie is bad and harmful and apparently racist according to this?? so what if i like seeing a piece of shit man get killed and a woman starting her life anew in a cult where she's queen. it's a movie
No. 792659
>>792645fight club is misinterpreted by scrote, but it is, at its core very critical of
toxic masculinity
No. 792675
>>792645>fight club is a dumb power fantasy for men in the same way midsommar is for womenI liked midsommar and felt happy for Dani to get rid of her bf, but tbh, it doesn't feel that way to me. It doesn't feel powerful to see a woman be manipulated (and iirc drugged?) by a cult.
Also, why has midsommar been coming up so much on this board lmao
No. 792687
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Rap lines in pop music. I get it, appeal to the masses yadda yadda but I want to enjoy things like Dua Lipa singles without having fucking DaBaby shitting up the song. If I wanted to listen to someone rapping I'd listen to a rap song. Get out of my saccharin sweet silly pop diva tracks Kanye, Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, Kendrick Lamar, Nickle Minjagz, fucking Drake…
No. 792695
File: 1619484318964.jpeg (102.06 KB, 499x385, hy0gzllm2m131.jpeg)

>>792639>being drugged and indoctrinated into a cult>gaining power>film directed by a scrote>female power fantasyAlso, the cult in the film literally was racist. Read the full script, read interviews by the director. They were intended to be Nazis. They literally killed an innocent woman, by the way, why do you "women's power!!1" Midsommar fans switch off and act like you're blind whenever this is mentioned? Did you even watch the movie, or did you just see the intro, fall asleep and wake up at the end? It's not a bad film, but it is not the empowerment tale you took it to be, either. I am tired.
No. 792979
>>792187I went to a prepa and it was great. I loved being intensely focused on my studies and having excellent teachers to guide me. It was fucking stressful but so worth it, the grandes ecoles after are easy peasy (boring honestly,I wish I had gotten in a better one) and I'll finish my masters degree at 22 and get myself a starting salary of 45k in six months. You don't struggle and just have to go with the flow when you go for the prépa/grande ecole combo.
It's completely worth it if you're in economics and probably science as well. Humanities probably not as there is only the ENS basically.
No. 793691
File: 1619587801160.jpeg (48.97 KB, 828x603, 425FBD21-C30E-4561-B32C-E96C6F…)

When people say ‘you need to love yourself ’. What in the actual fuck does that mean. ‘Love yourself’ is not advice it is a nebulous term that is massive in scale and extremely overwhelming. It means nothing and is a way of people politely telling you to shut up about your problems.
No. 793698
>>793691It means to develop your self-esteem and stop treating yourself like shit by willfully staying in
toxic situations that degrade you.
>It means nothing and is a way of people politely telling you to shut up about your problems.That's because you are never actually interested in solving any of your problems. It gets frustrating watching people allow themselves to get ran over like a steam engine over and over and over again while in actuality they have the power to stand up for themselves.
No. 793873
File: 1619618655992.jpg (126.75 KB, 1400x1630, 610O4MLOT2L.jpg)

Tired of seeing this scrote's book promoted everywhere. He seems like an asshole and I really don't know why I should care about his memoir.
No. 794452
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I don't get it
No. 794458
>>793873I didn't know he was putting out a book but I just want to vent in solidarity with you
nonny. Ever since I first saw this guy I've absolutely loathed him. I don't even have a specific reason, I don't know if he's done horrible things (though as a scrote, especially in Hollywood, he probably has) but he's always come across super greasy and conniving to me. There also seemed to be a period where he was really being pushed as the new hunk of Hollywood and I hated it, as if we women should be falling over ourselves to want a man looking like his scraggly hobo ass.
No. 794537
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Hate how this quote became an excuse for retarded assholes to be hypocrites while they mercilessly witch-hunt other people for smaller thoughtcrimes
No. 794594
>>794550Lmao ikr. I even told them I thought she was ugly too but they're just overreacting and then they went on to call me ugly for "defending ugly bitches like her"
Also the way they talk reminds me of how
abusive trailer trash boyfriends talk to their girlfriends in my white trash booney hometown. They say "bitch" like every other word. Very spooky
No. 795782
File: 1619833814538.jpg (121.65 KB, 720x549, 20210501_034548.jpg)

When women end up going NLOG just to get attention (especially from men). Shit like picrel is so embarrassing to look at.
No. 795812
>>795782Is this that anituber that regulary does hentai reviews?
Tbh I feel like pretty much the majority of female anitubers (at least the female ones) are already NLOGs by default (otherwise they wouldn't be anime reviewers)
>>794811My slighty related thing I hate is when I find an interesting video from youtube's recommended and I look at the comments because there's some question I have that I'm hoping someone talks about and maybe answers in the comments but then the comments are just the same exact 3 meme formatted jokes over and over again. It's even worse when it's not even meme formatted things and it's just people quotting the video and adding "lol" or "I'm dead" in front of it like some tumblr quote ass.
It makes me wish I could get a time machine so I could watch all videos before they become famous.
No. 795877
>>795782I will never be able to forget when she appeared in every cringe comp, the pearler bead hello kitty bow, the shittier than bodyline seifuku
Cannot believe she didn't go into internet hiding as an adult
No. 796105
File: 1619885935441.jpeg (6.2 KB, 227x222, images.jpeg)

>people who post pictures of themselves, their kids, or anything else not related to the food or the establishment in the restaurant reviews online
Fuck off.
No. 797109
File: 1619987212975.jpg (29.37 KB, 480x481, IMG_20210502_162042.jpg)

These type of posts. I want to feel comfortable with my body, but don't lie to me saying it's "sexy", it's not, it's not sexy it's just normal, stretch marks don't have to be sexy to be accepted.
No. 797121
>>797109Yeah, it's weird we went in the direction where everything needs to be fuckable, hot or
valid. Now you can come across posts praising men with unwashed dad bods being praised in some "public service announcement" and if you say that they're not, but what the hell does it help to lie to people?
No. 797462
>>793691Don’t listen to the other anons because I agree with you, there is no loving yourself and there is no getting out of
toxic relationships until it’s too late. It’s meaningless advice, don’t be yourself and never love yourself because you’re settling for mediocrity
No. 797684
File: 1620053102119.jpg (239.25 KB, 819x1428, 1615717415858.jpg)

I dunno, but something about the "ha ha fuck that anti-vaxxer, natural healing, pseudoscience nonsense" trend irks me. I know pesudoscience is bad, but since I don't live near extreme pseudo science, most use natural healing along medication, I get no catharsis from watching them be debunked. It's like watching someone box their shadow to me.
I also hate how it's been taken over by "I fucking love science bro's" who wipe all nuance from the conversation. In all honesty most people who pursue pseudo-science do it for multiple reasons, ranging from uneducation on the specific subject to actual failures of the medical system (nothing helping chronic condition or lack of money for real treatment), and out of those reasons "being stupid" is rarely it, a normally rational person can fall for pseudo science. To add on most people just dabble in it and would stop pseudo-science practices if they were just calmly told while they were wrong instead of be called retard online 24/7 by science bro's.
The main people obsessed with "fuck pseudo science" also are still prone to their own pseudo-science and don't get the complex nature of science. How many "fuck goop" people also believe nofap gives you super powers?
No. 797710
>>797698nta but samefagging is like one person pretending to be multiple people in a conversation, usually to try to reinforce some kind of point of view as being more popular than it actually is or to help it gain traction.
double-posting is just multiple posts by the same person with no ill intent by someone that was too lazy to delete and resend their post with whatever additional info they wanted to add.
No. 797711
>>797548I guess it's just the quirk of internet language how one imageboard term can change in another community.
>>797698Probably because samefag is used in the context where a person accuses another of samefagging, ie. replying to their own post, pretending it's a different person, to support their own opinion. You're not really "samefagging" if you just add onto the post you just made, you're just double-posting.
No. 800642
File: 1620336900416.jpg (32.17 KB, 597x589, 1615818951457.jpg)

I hate it when I (not arab) am researching arab politics topics on youtube and I find some video with the title in english or french but then the actual video is 100% in arabic with no subtitles
I get tricked every single time and it makes me feel trolled
No. 800679
File: 1620339124445.png (262.85 KB, 508x527, sigh.png)

The saying "birthing people" or any other weird language to be "inclusive". Just say women ffs
You don't have to include everyone goddammit. A lot of things aren't inclusive.
No. 800703
File: 1620340844925.jpg (133.43 KB, 1080x766, x4mspi8qohk61.jpg)

I hate the umzu commercials and I hate the owner of the company. I don't know why youtube is plaguing me with this guys commercials about balls and 20 pounds of toxic poop. But I get filled with range whenever I see it. I don't know why youtube allows this snake oil BS.
No. 800705
>>800681Maybe I can't understand it cuz I'm not black or american (I think it's mostly african-americans doing that) but people saying "black bodies" to refer to people is so iffy to me because it's literally dehumanising yourelf.
Woke language in general is so weird. I still don't understand "folx".
No. 800769
>>800722I think even the woke people started realising that latinx sounds weird af so now I notice more people calling themselves "latine" instead of latinx.
I come from a country where idpol wise we're like 5 years behind the us so just now I'm starting to see some weirdo idpol people from my country use the x thing (online) and I think I might actually have to endure it for a bit longer
No. 801458
File: 1620422318487.png (419.62 KB, 348x581, disgusting.PNG)

I don't use tiktok but I like watching those cleaning compilations, and seeing people mix together a ton of random products and basically making a mess pisses me off so much. picrel also used that mixture inside of the toilet to clean the outside of the toilet.
No. 801515
>>800769Latine is retarded as well, why does only Latine exists? Where’s the other “~inclusive~” words? Why don’t we have a neutral for chair or car and what even makes them feminine or masculine?
It’s just retarded, no one can answer these questions properly because the Spanish language is fucking arbitrary.
Unless someone comes up with a whole ass new grammar with neutral words for the Spanish language, I will never understand the need for them, this will feel like the most retarded fad in the history of language, even worse than writing “khe ay bb” during my messenger times.
No. 801568
>>801515I'm a portuguese speaker so I relate.
In my case I actually laugh when people try to do that because writting "amigue" instead of "amigo" just makes it sound like you're saying amigo in one of the regional accents (including my own) so my internal voice just reads it as male.
People really be writting like Azorean boomers on facebook to be woke.
No. 801593
>>800703Thank you I hate this motherfucker so fucking much
I wish youtube would let you block diet/exercise related ads, I know it's snowflakey but come on, it would be a great "we care about people with EDs" virtue signalling opportunity for them
No. 801598
File: 1620443441508.png (30.62 KB, 430x1077, 83b87935_1280.png)

I hate ED communities and how rampant they are on all platforms.
>>801578Based. Being offline more often was the best thing I did.
No. 801605
>>801578>The overwhelming negativity and black and white thinking… It's always about extremes>The internet is a toxic shithole Kek. I generally agree with you and think people spend way too much time on the internet and social media, but it's ironic that you're doing the same thing you're complaining about. The internet has its upsides too. We have a vast array of knowledge literally at our fingertips where looking into a specific topic would take hours if not days to access through libraries and archives if we were even able to find what we wanted locally at all, we can make friends and connect with people halfway across the world, and being able to share events quickly on a mass scale has helped us find support and hold governments accountable for things that would've gone unnoticed before. There are
toxic groups online but there are also a lot of positive ones that can even lead to in-person meetings, it really just depends on where you're spending your time.
No. 801674
File: 1620464083601.jpg (351.68 KB, 1080x1706, IMG_20210508_104209.jpg)

I hate having to find this bitch's bullshit spot reduction workouts on tiktok (on top of not being effective, the contorting stomach ones have to be done with 100% perfect technique or you'll get back pain for a whole week) and not being able to escape them in any way because she makes 1738228 accounts just to make sure her videos reach everywhere.
No. 802089
File: 1620520259049.jpeg (513.14 KB, 960x800, cw-blog-stratolaunch-collier-1…)

This airplane makes me mad everytime I see it.
No. 803575
File: 1620667805967.jpeg (381.55 KB, 750x510, 8F436923-3731-43B3-A1DB-C9E826…)

I hate teenybopper shows where they make the teenagers who are played by actors that are in their mid-20s where hooker pinterest clothing that would in no way be realistic to how high school teenagers would dress. Also peep the troon in the white dress wearing angel wings kek
No. 804168
File: 1620737524790.jpg (87.43 KB, 1300x975, 6163889-woman-tying-hair-with-…)

This, no woman does this irl, we keep hair ties around our wrist, but coomers and troons in particular are obsessed with this pose.
No. 804258
File: 1620752280553.gif (851.64 KB, 522x321, 1555476789777.gif)

God himself would come down from the heavens and plant a kiss on Jack's forehead if he permanently deleted twitter and banished it and anything like it from ever returning. I fucking
No. 804259
>>804210My bad anon.
>>804234I've seen a lot of dudes in anime circles on Tumblr going "omg so cute when girls hold their hair tie in their mouth", that's why I jumped to coomer lol. I've personally never witnessed it, it never seemed very practical to me but whatever
No. 804438
File: 1620770558374.jpeg (16.4 KB, 310x163, download (1).jpeg)

whatever this is supposed to be or pretty much any tiktok recipes that get viral because some american had an epiphany and acknowledged the existence of foreign cuisines.
it's also most likely shit considering how expensive grocery shopping is in the united states and how subpar the ingredient quality is
No. 804534
File: 1620781972433.jpg (45.24 KB, 438x438, IMG_20160623_145230.jpg)

>>804512>tfw a two-faced bitch I used to talk to is an admin for a large discord serverYou described him to a T and a lot of people have left and joined a different server for the same interest because they hate his fucking guts. Feels good that other people can see through him too.
No. 804735
File: 1620813504260.png (367.72 KB, 588x574, autism.png)

I hate this level of internet terminally autistic scrote tier humor that relies on shock value and a group of bored mostly American moids as a fanbase saying "well no, its actually talented and super funny!" because it excites their mentally retarded scrote brain. this pic is a weird example but my dislike for this genre of internet comedy goes a long way back
No. 804808
>>804550That's why this website is refreshing. Everyone's shittiness and real nature is unleashed anonymously, and it feels a lot more real than discord, and there's no elitism of users, just honest infighting and autism.
>>804550This, everyone is over socialised and more obsessed with the image of being a good person rather than actually being a good person and following their conscience.
No. 804868
File: 1620831474646.png (Spoiler Image,617.37 KB, 720x1280, spoiler.png)

I hate this lineplay event. I actually hate every disney lineplay event relating to star wars. I hate star wars.
No. 804945

I hate how this video has a thinly veiled message of "look how evil these mothers are for hiring maids and and not paying attention to their kids!!1" when having nannies for their kids is probably the only reason these mothers are able to have jobs.
Who would take care of their children if they didn't hire nannies? Their husbands? In a especially patriarchal culture, at that? Not even in the most "feminist" countries do men do as much housework / take care of their kids as much as women do. Hell, women were the ones who lost the most jobs in the US during the pandemic ( and a good deal of women who quit their jobs "voluntarily" did so because their scrotes were too lazy to take care of their kids (
Worst of it is only a couple of comments call the video out for focusing only on mothers and not featuring fathers.
No. 805106
File: 1620847928191.jpg (305.05 KB, 861x1601, What.jpg)

This anon and anyone thinking like this
No. 805115
File: 1620848444726.webm (2.58 MB, 640x640, 1620823741452.webm)

Hair systems are apparently becoming more and more popular. Don't be fooled by this!!
No. 805130
File: 1620848834735.png (859.6 KB, 668x521, cheese.PNG)

Fat acceptance shit
A lot of them are starting to sound like trannies when they complain about fetishists and no one wanting to fuck their disgusting bodies
No. 805139
>>805115good for him
scrotes are already ugly, if we dont let them improve their appearances all straight women will have to date is bridge trolls. i hope they start wearing concealer soon too
No. 805369
File: 1620869274785.jpeg (32.47 KB, 721x220, B8174BCD-CE31-4312-ACCF-DB8F02…)

>>805285not sure whether troons or not but being in a large "girl" server where people would attempt to attention seek by posting this shit. such a hard life she lives… she's scared of taking a shower during a rainstorm!
No. 805517
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What the fuck is this?
No. 805536
File: 1620890731366.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.49 KB, 474x651, c2fec295b039dfc48f6c718ae02d89…)

>>805522It's from an actual thing
No. 805539
>>805520That's an extremely rare instance. It'd probably be likelier for someone to die in a plane crash than for someone to get shocked by lightning while showering during a thunderstorm.
Either way the girl who posted that was attention seeking for people to give her sympathy for something retarded, it was posted in the servers vent thread. You'd see people post about their
abusive awful and cruel environments and situations begging for people to help them, at least those seemed like
valid complaints, and then you'd see people like her who'd post petty and dumb shit for attention.
No. 805764
File: 1620917918723.jpg (109.23 KB, 1000x541, 23.jpg)

I hate how ugly and unfit the men in my country are, like their misogynistic Muslim scrotes and that sucks but their not even good to look at,
see there is no culture of exercise here and combine that with shitty diets of oiled up desi foods and now western fast foods. you end up skinny fat(like 90% of them) males with shitty beards
No. 806011
>>804756Uhhh.. move out maybe?
Thing I hate. NEETs acting like they have NO CHOICE but to live at home.
No. 807121
>>807096Every American I've ever seen is fucking dying because they eat a solid diet of instant ramen to afford a shitty apartment when they're like 19 to 25. "Enough money" my ass
I'll never understand the gtfo of my house mentality American families have. Like what even is that all about?
No. 807170
>>807149I feel like it was only a few years ago that 'Theys' always came with this really androgynous look to match the title. Now your presentation and your identity have nothing to do with each other and I don't get it.
Then again..I'm a butch woman so maybe there's an irony in me not getting it.
No. 807804
File: 1621146573802.png (199.54 KB, 416x441, 3247038274032974320.png)

The hell, I didn't know the TikTok winky face chick was now making "music." Guess I shouldn't be surprised that she'd eventually be monetized in other ways, just hate that no talent people like this get deals and exposure where others more deserving go unnoticed. Unsurprisingly, the song is trash but at least it disses scrotes I guess.
No. 807818
File: 1621148781753.png (147.31 KB, 566x622, Screen Shot 2021-05-16 at 3.05…)

>>807817samefagging to add Mia Khalifa looking like a straight up pinhead in this video
No. 807866
>>807813This song feels very Melanie Martinez, but without the adbl aesthetic which i guess is a good thing
>>807818She always looks like that.
No. 808614
File: 1621219105759.jpg (1.07 MB, 2000x2000, fuckyou.jpg)

Black watermelon seeds. Crunchy as hell for no reason and largely inferior to their harmless white seed counterparts. What's the point of using GMO's if every watermelon isn't grown to phase these terrible ass seeds out?
No. 810015
File: 1621363352224.jpg (21.64 KB, 522x587, f30ee4d9-ee75-484b-b4c1-fdfade…)

I hate how in lolcow:
If you like adult female anime characters, you get called out for being a waifufag
And if you like younger characters, you get called a problematic (even if I don't like them like that)
There's no winning for anime fans
Only fujos allowed it seems
No. 810028
>>810015kek wtf. Anons post their shitty waifus in the waifu and retarded crush threads all the time. Either for some reason you’re posting anime shit in other threads, or you don’t use the anime and manga threads very much. I can’t see what other way you’re actually getting “called out” let alone with the word
problematic (which is rarely used seriously here)
The only losers are the retards who post obvious scrotey anime pics and expect no pushback as if that’s normal. I don’t think farmers care otherwise.
No. 810772
File: 1621444825739.png (236.47 KB, 720x1256, Screenshot_20210519-222042.png)

I don't hate the movie, but I hare the libfems who like it for the wrong reasons and I hate the fags who like it
Also the people who shit on her friends and boyfriend, like "wow her friends show concern about her physical and mental Heath and how she was being emotionally abused by a petty cruel egomaniac, well their just holding her back and don't want her to be successful"
I feel like the people who praise her have never endured the horror of having a nightmare boss, One who likes seeing you squirm for the fun on it, that finds excuses to berate you publicly and ultimately is nothing more then a bully
No. 810801
>>810772Her friends kept her from answering a call from her boss immediately after she gifted them designer items. That’s shitty behavior, that’s not being concerned about her having an
abusive boss.
No. 811095
>>810772the entire stupid ass “i hate nate!!!!!” thing become retarded when you switch it around. if andy met a guy who wasn’t her type at all, made her increasingly stressed out and depressed, and only liked her when she changed everything about herself (after consulting a close friend of his he actually likes more than her), everyone would love it if she picked her job that was always there for her.
who the fuck picks a job over a relationship? that’s some fake ass woke shit. fuck that job. i’d rather get some dick from a cute ass chef.
No. 811354
File: 1621511190512.jpeg (15.22 KB, 191x264, images.jpeg)

this ugly piece of shit
No. 811368
File: 1621513104120.png (365.86 KB, 803x705, 75y73mf3tkc41.png)

Drew Gooden pisses me off. He's so pretentious. Kinda cute face, tho
No. 812341
File: 1621616120686.jpg (98.02 KB, 1024x662, Beard-1024x662.jpg)

Beards. I hate beards.
Just shave that pubic hair off your chin you stupid moid.
I hate how it has become a trend now, even worse with this lockdown bullshit.
No. 812348
File: 1621616639770.jpeg (5.92 KB, 225x224, blegh.jpeg)

>>812341Scrotes barely wash their hands after peeing imagine all the shit stuck in those greasy beards
No. 812352
>>812341God same. Though I still hate moustaches the most.
Men barely take care of their facial hair, said hair irritates and hurts partner's skin, but they still are not willing to unshave. so annoying
No. 812384
>>811368I like his humor, but I find it a bit weird that he married a fan of his, like just someone in his comments.
I feel like he'd be an asshole in real life, mainly because I don't actually know what his real perosnality is like, and if it wa pleasant, wouldn't it show? I haven't seen a drop of it in any of his videos.
No. 812392
File: 1621620660648.png (97.06 KB, 810x453, 65439858340854-35345.png)

This chart is based on a review of 21 studies conducted between 1994 and 2010. Fun fact: The percentage of men who paid for prostitutes in the U.S. used to actually be comparable to Cambodia, the current highest country on this chart (69% of Americans in a study from 1948, 80% in 1964).
No. 812393
File: 1621620885640.jpg (66.6 KB, 566x850,…)

>>812341goatees upset me an irrational amount. I don't wanna see your pubes landscaped on your face into some weird stripe blegh
No. 812399
>>812396This was mostly an analysis of existing studies, you may be able to find more conclusions in the pieces they're citing: I had to hazard a guess I'd agree though, porn is so prevalent and easily accessible, it's just the most convenient way for men to commodify us these days. For me it's depressing to note that the reason places like S. Asia have such a booming sex trade is primarily because of outside military and even NGO intervention, the ones who are supposed to "help" and be the good guys. Prostitution did of course exist before then, but it became this widespread because of soldiers looking to abuse local women.
No. 812436
>>812372All faces look better without a beard.
>>812392Why did you post this here?
You want more men to visit prostitutes?
No. 812443
File: 1621626559667.png (51.58 KB, 429x774, Rocknose.png)

>>811354Tsurugi did nothing wrong!!
No. 812583
File: 1621639674402.png (567.76 KB, 1280x1862, bleh.png)

I hate this particular art style (not all anime). The far apart eyes on a really wide face make the characters look disabled.
No. 812796
File: 1621662784213.jpeg (91.29 KB, 990x912, 4B80E9A8-F3A2-44FA-839D-4A5670…)

>>812583cannot disagree harder. The ugliest art style is the common anime style alternative (picrelated)
No. 813268
File: 1621723865168.png (158.19 KB, 916x350, dsd.png)

>>812460It is a rock nose obviously
No. 813359
File: 1621733171571.jpg (62.2 KB, 357x432, 1519854997601.jpg)

>>813260ngl this bitch makes me seethe like the dickens
No. 813577
>>813260I don't understand her, but with her making over 10k in Patreon every month I would probably sprout the same shit.
Its just weird since she's a
victim of DV from her ex boyfriend. Also used to do an onlyfans.
No. 813615
File: 1621768978750.jpg (1.14 MB, 2560x1920, 21-05-23-07-21-52-974_deco.jpg)

I want to like Anna Kendrick as an actor, but I just can't. Every movie she's in she plays the exact same character, the awkward rat-faced horse-teethed girl from Pitch Perfect who is just awkwardly trying her best yet also so amazing at it while acting like a middle schooler around other adults in the scene. She never delivers a line without that choppy, "quirky" uncertainty and apologizing for awkwardly handling props like she's playing a kid on a fieldtrip helping the chaperone instead of playing a doctor on a space mission.
Idk who decided to let her be an actress bc she's just awful. I love her voice in PP (if that was even her) but all I can see is an awkward, quirky horse girl who looks like Joel O'Steen when she makes that ugly, pained looking "confused" face she pulls in every movie she's in where she squints, bares her giant teeth and shakes her head slightly, which is basically just her stock """smile""" with a thin film of confusion laid on top. She has no versatility as an actress and she looks like a rat.
No. 816604
File: 1622052707510.jpg (74.86 KB, 640x640, 1_640.jpg)

The "kink" community
Also that we can't have a women's only space without having to include disgusting trannies.
No. 816998
File: 1622078604187.jpg (52.42 KB, 1000x500, 5e4fb580fee23d0e3c428893.jpg)

claire grimes boucher is so unbelievably fucking ugly and nasty to me. inside and out. she looks dirty and smelly. i fucking hate when millionaires look filthy. they can afford the best treatment and hygiene yet they refuse. every time i see her putrid fucking face i feel violent. i am manifesting energy hoping to make her trip and fall down a flight of stairs
No. 817009
File: 1622079284019.jpg (46.01 KB, 564x564, 1613416726054.jpg)

people who hate cyclists
I don't understand it; you see people who genuinely and openly hate people who ride bikes
Today is the second time I've been purposefully pushed off of the shoulder on my bike
I have epilepsy, I am legally not allowed to drive, I just wanted groceries and now my fucking nose is broken
No, I wasn't out in the middle of the street, I was on the shoulder, I was so close to the edge that it was very easy to push me all the way off
I don't want to ride the fucking bike, I don't want to fuckign have seizures, I am fuckign sorry that I was born defective, of I jsut wanted fucking bananas and baked chips
I don't get it, you see people all the time online saying how much they hate cyclists, I don't get it, I wasn't doing anything wrong, this is my only choice
No. 817063
File: 1622085946682.png (467.93 KB, 565x563, intro-1581544679.png)

>>817048>at least poppy is prettyNTA, but I mean… even Poppy is "eh". She's not notably ugly like Grimes is, but she's certainly not much better-looking.
No. 817151
>>817009Im so sorry
nonny, people are literal trash. Wish i could buy you those banas and baked chips
No. 817734
File: 1622156774310.png (1.22 MB, 1982x1036, screen-shot-2020-06-27-at-10.2…)

>>817239exactly what
>>817562 said. i hate shane dawson for the same reason. ugly, unkempt frumpy fuck who can afford to spend so much time and money on themselves yet refuse. and jfc she doesn't have to look "perfect" but she looks like a dirty mess. don't parade yourself around while being the wife of a billionaire and styling yourself like a clumsy teenager, it's gross and obnoxious. besides that, grimes fully supports elon and his shitty company and the way he's killing the earth so she can go fuck herself too. eat the rich.
No. 817864
File: 1622177457254.jpeg (47.51 KB, 728x485, F33B1C51-F0A2-448A-9B9C-BA115C…)

The autism of boygroup stans has now officially irked me to the point of no return.
No. 817999
File: 1622197708419.jpg (112.18 KB, 1080x1332, 0b6e9bb6efe9cd76e5b32933fd6141…)

These oversized dresses and other similar ones. They fit only fat or shapeless women (eg Japan).
No. 818000
File: 1622198052404.jpg (65.66 KB, 720x928, 821895040_1_720x928.jpg)

>>817999They are SO ugly, I also hate the toned down versions like pic related. They are flattering on literally nobody, no matter how thin they are, and it would take so little (a fitted waist) to make it reasonably cute.
No. 818012
File: 1622199211890.jpg (73.12 KB, 600x600, Noname_Room25.jpg)

The way the mouth is drawn on this album cover. It annoys me a little bit every time I listen to a song from this album. Who saw that and thought it looked ok?
No. 818022
File: 1622199895092.jpg (320.9 KB, 1200x1200, algleymi.jpg)

>>818012she looks like a clown. I hate this album cover. The contrast is too high, it's confusing, the clouds look painted on with a sponge. It doesn't look spacious and epic like they probably intended, I just smh tbh
No. 818109
File: 1622208247585.jpg (11.51 KB, 235x231, 0a70fd9ff0aaaf536fe0bdeb1af49e…)

>>766899Totally quirky guys!!!1
Why do males over use the word quirky against women? I just see it a lot these days. And if they said it about men, ok I'm not pissed, but so many times a woman will just express interest in something, make a joke, or maybe mess around, she gets called 'quirky' kind of sarcastically.
And then guys can goof off and like unique things and it's just 'built different' or they're having fun?
Idk, it feels off tbh
No. 818173
>>818144enlightened opinion mam
>>818152 I'm ready to brawl the next person who says the q word
>>818112Exactly how the boys vs girls memes are, guys are self posting about how random and special they are, absolute hippo crates.
No. 818686
>>818563imo it's not an inherently awkward phrase, it's just a little more expressive or formal maybe? It has nuance that 'native language' or 'first language' lacks, like it emphasizes the connection between yourself and that language. If a native eng speaker used it in casual convo it might sound weird, but it could be very natural in a speech or piece of writing etc.
I remember one time a Japanese girl came up to my family in a cafe to practice english and asked us what our mother tongue is, it sounded very out of place in that sort of conversation and that's why I still think about such a random and otherwise boring encounter kek.
No. 818713
>>818702nta but anon said
>and the "good" part of Europe.Those are mostly countries that don't have English as an official language
No. 818727
>>818674Uncle Roger?
Sometimes I cringe at stuff like this but I'm white so I figure it's not my place to judge, and better that people make money lampooning themselves than leaving it all to South Park and Family Guy.
No. 818842
File: 1622301416889.jpeg (261.72 KB, 750x899, BB5DB07B-7C74-45A4-AC18-ABD973…)

Anons who are unreasonably rude to cows or other people about things they have no responsibility for and aren’t a big deal in the first place. I.e. someone has a very slightly larger than average nose and the anon goes crazy saying it’s a disgusting horrific beak.
No. 819052
>>817009Saw a post on reddit today shitting on bike riders and thought of you, so the kind of person who would intentionally hit a cyclist is also a redditor, and it all makes sense now
Hope you managed to see their license plate and they have to pay out of pocket for your recovery
No. 819085
>>818842this is classic lolcow
you could post a photo of the most classically hot woman and someone would respond complaining about how her flyaways make her look like she smells or something
No. 819091
File: 1622337628622.jpg (63.11 KB, 447x701, SUpdR6P4NCcNUUzbMIouAMoNj_cCfK…)

>>818842i think this has to do with the fact that said cows are often nasty, awful people, so we think about that when judging their looks. for instance i think keeks is very pretty, but i also remember how much of a rancid asshole she is so i can say things like "wow she looks fucking haggard" instead. it's a perception thing
No. 819132
File: 1622346084478.jpeg (49.09 KB, 480x600, E25FEC83-BDF0-4CA9-BC9D-38024A…)

>>819126nta but agreed, I hate when anons are dishonest like that out of nastiness. it discredits the threads a little bit, because while the other criticisms of the cows are often correct, the exaggerated ones break the pattern and call the posters' motives into question. it becomes easier to dismiss all of lolcow as "jealous bitter uglies" when it is just those posters being unreasonable. it looks so pathetic of them
but I honestly don't bother with that side of lc much so meh.
No. 819169
File: 1622352893038.png (343.96 KB, 720x1534, Screenshot_20210530-103445.png)

I hate this whole "x is top" "x has bottoms energy" twitter speak bullshit, especially when its applied towards straight characters cause it weirdly enforces sexist stereotypes
If a woman is sassy or confident well that means she's a dominatrix who can never enjoy normal balanced sex, or If a guy is a bit shy or not traditionally masculine in someway well that means he's totally a sub who gets pegegd and likes to be bondage
Like seriously have normal healthy sex
No. 819236
>>819208i got called prude a lot in my teens by older men because i wasn't receptive to their shit. kek between this and the anon who brought up quirky i am
triggered as hell.
No. 819242
>>819208fr, people think that everyone should feel like sharing and openly talking about their sexual tastes/experiences at all times. If you like to keep things private you're a prude, if you get thrown off by people suddenly mentioning nasty details about sex in a normal conversation you're a prude, if you're not kinky and always thinking about fucking someone you're also a prude. Even if you have traumas and don't like sex for
whatever reason.
No. 819245
>>819242What kind of people do you hang out with?? I've been near celibate for a decade and nobody knows or cares about my sex life. Being private about sex is a pretty normal personality trait as far as I can tell.
ia with
>>819208 that prude is overused but it's usually in response to feminists raising issues with BDSM and porn and so on, or women who don't want to do every sex act a man requests of them. Not to keeping quiet about your sex life in casual conversation.
No. 819320
File: 1622377436953.jpeg (12.36 KB, 225x318, images (14).jpeg)

No. 819353
>>819091This image should be banned at this point, it's such a loser cope I can't look at it without physically cringing. This anon
>>819126 is absolutely right, it's only because anons associate good looks with being a good person and refuse to accept that someone could be attractive and also a bad, malicious human being. For example, Lori is unquestionably beautiful from an objective point of view and that's exactly why she keeps getting away with her shit, people are willing to forgive her due to her good looks. People overall need to stop equating beauty with being a good person and ugliness with being a bad one.
No. 819373
>>819353>Lori is unquestionably beautifulLMAO.
Here's another "cope" you hate: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
That bitch hides behind so many filters and shoop in her filthy hoarder den, how the fuck do you even know what she looks like these days? She's not "getting away" with anything, she's a fucking loser who begs for money on the internet.
No. 819878
File: 1622452174900.jpeg (668.16 KB, 2000x1270, wax museum display.jpeg)

>>819873they really do look incredibly similar from all their bogged plastic surgeries, trying to tell them apart as a non-fan is like a faceblindness simulator
No. 819884
File: 1622452806749.jpg (202.08 KB, 1280x720, nba best players 2.jpg)

>>819878this photo literally proves
>>819873 point.
they look nothing alike, you are just not used to asian faces.
except jin and jimin lol they shoped the multiple-colored-hair one to be similar to brown hair, whiete shirt when irl they look nothing alikepersonally for me for example these guys look the same
No. 819886
File: 1622452960528.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1000, 0a69a3cdde62acc47f14a4c6f24594…)

>>819878Sure thing if you look at them with makeup, styling and photoshop, just like the American ~~racially ambiguous~~ look, drag makeup and overfilled faces they all look the same as well. With no makeup and just their sugeries the BTs guys don't look the same, just like a bunch of Koreans.
They are groups that were especially selected to look the same like Red Velvet, which are quite uncanny. BTS get dunked on for their bad looks though kek
No. 819889
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>>819884compare the pic I posted to this pic of an entire crowd of average young south korean men being drafted into the military who all look fairly unique with differing face shapes and features despite having been given the same haircut and wearing facemasks because professor pyg hasn't turned them into featureless dollotrons to sell more albums
you can only tell them apart since you know them well enough to know their names ,idk jack about american basketball but can tell all those men apart by the varying sizes and shapes of facial features and skin tone
No. 819891
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>>819884>>819886Yeah, if I keep staring at two closely identical paintings, I'll learn to differentiate them too, there's a whole genre of games built around this concept. Since you know their names I assume you spent a long time watching them, but for someone who's only exposed to them in a random commercial it's like you're posting this.
No. 819892
>>819883Yeah Korean beauty standards are notoriously strict and narrow, and they are a ridiculously trend driven society. It's not just idols, regular people will all wear the same things (see: and get the same surgery and aim for the same cookie cutter look.
I don't find their faces hard to recognize but I can see why they'd look the same at a glance if someone isn't familiar with them.
>>819891>not being able to tell the matsus apartsmh
No. 819903
>>819878I remember being a teen and thirsting over Gackt and Miyavi who were both more handsome than all of these mofos combined
Pink haired guy looks like Voldemort kek
No. 819913
>>819905BTS members don't look the same to me
I don't understand how people can even be koreaboos. When you strip away SK from its popculture there's not really a lot or it's incredibly dull, so I always doubt when people say they like SK for its "culture" and "not only bc of kpop and dramas"
No. 819919
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>>819873K-poopie-chan, you should feel ashamed of supporting a horrible industry. Your poor bias-nyans are slaves. It's not /only/ their faces that tend to look alike (after all, they all lay under the same PS knife for the rest of their careers), it's also styling and everything else. K-pop idols are literally nothing but souless, starving robots or plastic dolls that are only there just to earn millions off idiots like you. Literal modern slavery.
No. 820162
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I hate badly behaved children and their useless parents. I swear nowadays you go to the grocery store or whatever and theres brats running around everywhere. Boys are the worst offenders. I wish more places had adults only hours (in a non sexual way) so I wouldn't have to be around the shites. Parents today really don't discipline their children enough
No. 822093
>>821875Its rather interesting, its mostly white girls and white gays who ship this and also insist that its written to be gay, while black girls ship Bucky with Sam's sister and want Sam to end up with one of his comic canonical love Interests who are all mostly Black
It would actually be move revolutionary to have a white heartthrob be with Dark skinned black female love Interest, and for a depiction of a healthy black and black Loving relationship
No. 824877
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When influencers have babies and take photos like this. Support your babies head you fucking narcissist
No. 825881
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putting this shit in the public eye where children can see is so fucking creepy to me