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No. 738326
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>>>/ot/545522Share updates, personal experiences, vent, etc
WHO: twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
No. 744253
>>744205This is true for Israel and the UAE, but one of the vaccinated anons said they're from the US. The EU really fucked up its vaccine roll out, there's no denying it.
>>744169NTA, but I'm not American and I'm not particularly keen on Sputnik either. There were issues with the phase 2 trial data and there appear to be some irregularities now, too. I think it'll probably be fine – similar to the AZ vaccine – but no way it's 92% effective.
>But no matter "how beautiful a scientific idea might be," verification is key, and here Sputnik has come up short, he contended. In particular, he pointed to inconsistencies in the published material as well as the Sputnik team's refusal to give independent researchers access to the raw data to double check the anomalies.Source: I'll take any shot, but I want my parents to get one of the mRNA vaccines just to be sure.
No. 747103
>>747092of course theyre more susceptible to it but they are to p much anything else. but we deal with mass amounts of people every day. i work at a university, i deal with employees that end up catching it, the students are retarded and refuse to mask up, employees in the back that i need to kick out cus they are prepping food unprotected. its a cesspool of idiocy and im scared all the time about catching it and bringing it home to family.
then people bitch like im so sick of it i hate masks this is annoying, you know what would make it go by faster? following the fucking rules. youre adults, you should not be able to do adult things like drive and vote and drink and shit if for 10 minutes out of your day when youre shopping for food a fucking piece of cotton ruins your day. you can follow rules, you dont get to play with the rest of us.
No. 753945
>>753941“Chill mate”
Either an Anglo mess, a butch lesbian, or a scrote. Do not engage further.
No. 754026
>>754012I got the AstraZeneca, not the Pfizer, so it wasn't that cold.
A colder vaccine might initially hurt more when injected but it shouldn't be a big difference in whether or not you get a dead arm afterwards since they both go into the same spot and I could be wrong but I think the liquid is a similar thickness.
No. 754384
>>753939>accessiblekek, anon please go to a low income neighborhood, like the literal boonies and come back when you find out how scarce and expensive masks are in these areas. majority of them are not even medically effective, you're just literally wearing cloth and the virus
will seep through the threading.
No. 754928
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I know no restaurant did well during 2020 but in my town the Sonic drive in always had a huge line to the point I didn't go once during 2020 since it was not worth waiting. I was telling my friends that they were made for covid and I don't know why this amuses me so much?
I know it's a less serious topic but I had to get it off my chest.
No. 754955
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>>754945Sure! We'll just have the same level of chemistry as these guys from the commercials.
No. 754975
>>754378Really sorry to hear that anon. A lot of people have been going to work sick where I live because paid sick days are extremely limited here too. There are a lot of deficiencies in our public infrastructure despite the warped image people have of my country as some kind of beacon of social welfare. They've lifted restrictions in my province and the conditions here are similar to what you described (new variants in circulation, inadequate testing and tracing system, slow and inefficient vaccine rollout). At this rate we're headed for another lockdown and it's going to be the death knell for a lot of businesses, all thanks to the tories who are too malicious to invest in people but will probably win the next election anyway.
>>754613This is the most frightening aspect of the virus for me, the fact that even young and otherwise healthy people can suffer long-term consequences from covid, and we know so little about why this happens or how to treat it.
No. 757597
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We straight up don't have ICUs for sick people anymore, in some places it's more than a thousand people waiting for even a single hospital bed.
At least I have this place to keep me happy for a while, even if this farmhouse is falling apart!
No. 757625
>>757597Idk, I don't think it's that bad, everyone that I know is fine, no one got reaaaly sick and usually ICUs are full as fuck anyway.
I'm more concerned about the people literally dying of hunger.
The only reason I still wear masks and comply is because I like how they look and I'm just a passive bitch.
No. 757817
>>757806It's not even that that's most infuriating. Young people who would've otherwise lived are dying because their cancer treatments are postponed indefinitely. People not going to the doctor when they sense a potentially serious issue because only covid matters now. People who would've lived decades longer all so we can squeeze an extra month out of a 90 year old, who doesn't want to spend their last days isolated from the world anyway.
We're killing and financially and socially crippling the young. For what?
No. 757890
>>757817Elderly worship in america is a very real thing, not to mention the fact young people are grasping at whatever medical care they can get or jobs that cut off young people for using their insurance. What's the point of hurting people who are making the future? It's like america wants to be 3rd world
On top of that, boomers, who are mostly republican, spent most of their time denying the virus,being anti mask and so on but want to also soak up all the benefits they get from COVID
No. 758336
>>757980Yes. Why are you asking? Do you think people who frequent lolcow just post in one thread and leave?
>>757981>America has a shitty government>Yeah I agree>Somehow this makes me bad and whining>Somehow it's my fault our government is shitchill
>>757969Lots of places in europe also had bills canceled and didn't need to relay on a shitty stimulus for several months worth of rent stacked up. Not to mention free health care as well as the fact europeans in general are less likely to be in debt. Does europe have issues? Yeah but that doesn't mean you have to get mad when americans talk about their issues. Every country has issues
No. 759017
>>758386This. Plus my cuck country counts "anyone with a positive test 30 days before death as a death by coronavirus". Like if you get a positive and on the way home you get hit by a truck and die, you will be one of the poor coronavirus deaths.
And the fact that the flu which has the same fucking symptoms virtually dissappeared (according to maskfuckers thanks to masks, but the same masks aren't effective against le ebil rona) still annoys me a lot.
No. 759498
>>758342>>758386>>759017Some rational thinking here, I love it. The harm that these lockdowns have done is so much worse than if we built herd immunity early on.
I have an older relative who I love dearly too. Death is the one guaranteed thing anyone will experience sometime in life. It's selfish of us to negatively effect others when she and us as her family should be the ones making sacrifices to keep her alive, not the rest of the world.
She's getting vaccinated this week and I am praying she doesn't get bad side effects.
No. 759935
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Some European countries are rejecting the AstraZeneca vaccine because of possible side effects
No. 760437
I'm as far removed from an expert as possible, but my country's approach to Covid has been one big Retardfest. We were locked up in March like everybody else, essential business only, curfew at 8pm, etc. Then, gradually rules became relaxed to the point where we had a surreal July and August where pubs and clubs had live music and everything was packed, and people went on vacation to the seaside, while people still got infected and died. They restricted the working hours of clubs and restaurants to 10pm, with the only result being people going out earlier than usual. Like, I would go to the store at 8pm and I would see people already hammered walking down the street singing.
And then in September they banned live music but kept the clubs open. They separated school classes into groups (no more than 15 students per group), shortened the classes and put them into 4 different shifts, meanwhile clubs remained (and remain to this day) full of people.
Last week, in a new hilarious decision, they allowed live music again, but with the stipulation that guests are forbidden from singing and dancing lmao. Like, Covid only spreads if you sing to live music, but if the music is from a YouTube playlist, that keeps it at bay? Anyway, the decision only lasted for 3 days before they banned live music again along with closing gyms, which has had the fitness community in an uproar at the moment, and they're throwing shade at the club community, like 'it's fine for people to get drunk, but healthy life is a no-no'. It's just hilarios all round, what is this reality.
No. 761295
>>759522My biggest covid symptom was dizziness and extreme lack of energy which I've never had for any other virus. The virus wasn't bad at all (no sore throat and almost no cough), but the dizziness and fatigue, it felt like it impacted me mentally too. I was sitting in one place and my eyes were moving left and right as if I was losing balance.
Get the test just for peace of mind. You'll be completely fine though.
No. 761377
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I totally agree with everybody here stating that front line workers should get it first. I also hate the fact that everybody is telling me to take care because of the elderly even when most of the older folks I know just doesn't give a shit and celebrate birthday parties and so on? Like, at this point I honestly do not care at all, I just want my own ass not being affected because everybody else has to travel and meeting with friends. My country (germany) is SLOW AF with the vaccine. In April we will start with the 70s yo people. Until I get it, it will be prob 2022 because it is a huge bureaucratic disaster. At the same time the new version of covid B117 is spreading especially among young people really fast and it really worries me. I just want to finally feel safe because it can have such big impact on you for the rest of your life, like heart or lung damage.
And I miss concerts, I just want concerts to return. This is all I want.
No. 761684
>>759935I have gotten the Biontech one and suffered none of the sides while one of my work colleagues got the AstraZeneca one(who is fat and smokes a lot btw not sure if that matters) has a high fever and had to stay home from work tonight.
All this covid shit did to me was make me rethink my lifestyle and lose weight.
No. 761731
Almost everybody in my close circle of colleagues got Covid in the last few months, and also some relatives. I spent 15 days in quarantine in January for being exposed, I tested negative then. I am kinda amazed that I haven't got it yet with all these people around me testing positive. Even though we all wear masks, we still all work closely and share spaces, I'm thinking of doing an antibody test to see if maybe I got it and was asymptomatic, but at the same time I'm afraid of both a negative and positive result? Like, if it's negative, I'm still going to be in fear of catching it, and if it's positive, I'm gonna be obsessively thinking about any possible effects it has had on me in the background. I'm young and healthy but it's doing fuck all for my peace of mind. I'm kind of a hypochondriac a little bit, so everything freaks me out.
I'm also eligible for a vaccine because of my line of work (teaching), but I'm a chicken for that, too. I'm not anti-vaxx by any means, it's just my over-the-top fear of everything.
No. 761744
>>761728Your immune system must be very weak if you were getting sick that often. Masks shouldn't and can't take the place of our immune systems. We're only wearing them to stop the healthcare system from collapsing because covid spreads exponentially. If it were less contagious but still the same disease or if we had enough medical resources in place, we wouldn't be using them. Most people will still get infected, covid isn't going away, it will be around for the rest of our lives, you're sure to catch it at some point. Masks are just to make sure not too many people get infected at the same time but to spread it out so healthcare services can keep up.
Wanting to wear masks all the time instead of training your immune system to do it's thing sounds like wilfully disabling yourself. Like sure, that's a nice disability scooter you got there, but don't stop completely using your legs, they'll atrophy. Nice that you're wearing a mask now, but don't do it all the time or you'll cripple your immune system. Have some sense of measure and balance.
No. 767055
>>766207>>767047Come on, you can't seriously think the difference between ebola and covid is how it was handled or how the media affected it lmao. Ebola is spread by contact with bodily fluids like blood or vomit rather than breathing on someone or touching the same things, it first appeared decades ago in rural Africa where they weren't exactly world travelers, symptoms include bleeding from every orifice rather than flu-like symptoms, chances are you'd be incapacitated or dead before you got a chance to spread it anywhere particularly crowded.
SARS might be a fair comparison but idk much about that.
No. 767090
I'm so sick of how entitled people are about the stimulus checks. I keep seeing Americans whinge and complain about how they're not getting enough money or it's too late, and as a non-burger it baffles me. Like, I get that your government hasn't handled shit too well, but you're literally getting free money while people anywhere outside the US aren't getting anything like that, and you have the nerve to complain about wanting more gibs?
>>767055 said, comparison to ebola is ridiculous. SARS is more similar to the rona but the big difference is the scale; there was a panic about SARS too back when that was a thing. Arguably when it started out people took SARS more seriously than coronavirus, but the difference is that almost nobody actually got it. In total there were something like 8 cases and 0 deaths from SARS in the US, and even then it was taken very seriously. Contrast that with corona, where it took a huge amount of non-Chinese infections and deaths for the media to even consider saying anything but 'it'll be fine guys, nobody needs masks'. I think the media are part of the reason why the pandemic was handled the way it was, but because of the late response rather than overreaction.
No. 767102
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I received an email at work about how two coworkers from another department infected each other by staying very close to each other on purpose without their masks on. They most likely shook hands or kissed each other on the cheeks to greet each other because French people are just autistic like that. And since last week I've noticed that almost nobody I see outside on my way to work or on my way back home after work wear their masks, except sometimes in the subway. I can't even count how many times some boomers were reunited around the bar near the subway station with their "takeaway" beer cups, smoked right in my face or coughed without their masks on right in my face before I could even cross the street and barely apologized. If I get severely sick again and actually die this time at least I'll know why.
No. 773147
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>>7731431 week later after the second shot of the vaccine:
No. 773167
>>773137i guess the only people posting about it are the people who got it bad. but : incredibly sore arm for a week, vomiting, nasty headache, fever, feeling like they had covid over again.
i'm sure it'll be okay, maybe even better since i've already had it and that'll help idk antibodies etc etc
No. 773178
>>773167Fuggg anon I’m getting my first moderna on Friday
I hear the second shot is what lays you out and now I’m so reluctant
No. 773932
>>773889Thank you so much, I'm so scared. Tomorrow I will know. My state and county are a disaster for cases lately and I didn't even realize it. I am simply hoping for the best, even though I feel slightly warm and my throat isn't feeling the best (not sore though).
>>773903I'm not obese, but I take birth control and I know that covid infections are related to blood clots, so I'm scared of that. And I'm scared of organ damage, which appears to be for life and can happen to asymptomatic or young people.
No. 776047
>>776041I had AstraZeneca a week ago, idk about where you are but here it’s the only vaccine my group were offered so I felt I had to take it. I’m not going to sing the praises of AZ but in the U.K. there have been 30 cases of blood clots, including 7 deaths, out of 18 million vaccines. The risks are tiny.
That being said I kinda wish I hadn’t had it done. Your conflicted feelings are understandable, it’s a tough situation.
No. 776203
>>776163I really wouldn't worry about it… The average person is healthy enough to handle a vaccine. Unless you're on a huge maintenance drug cocktail which includes blood thinners like warfarin or Plavix, but I'm assuming your GP would know your health and drug history.
No. 776256
>>775460If you are healthy in general I don't understand why you would get the vaccine. It doesn't prevent the spread, so you're only protecting yourself.
I was also thinking, if the vaccine just helps with your personal symptoms, wouldn't that make it easier to spread? My mother takes care of someone who is immunocompromised. If she got the vaccine, and she did get COVID, she would more likely pass it on to that woman because she wouldn't have symptoms.
None of it makes much sense to me other than pharma is pushing it so they can make more money.
No. 776529
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Dear God, I got lucky and am getting a good vaccine early but the storm onto the vaccination place was some messy Black Friday type of shit and there was no regulated system to guide waiting lines. This old fart and his old fart wife literally ran me over even tho I asked for social distance upon their descent and he was like "sure social distance" and I had to jump out of the way. Few people kept their distance, so many cut in line, then the badly distanced ones krept closer still. Coordination could be better in this town because obviously people can't wait or follow rules for their own safety and everyone else. I get that it's frustrating to have an appointment and still wait in a packed line with whatever you have going on but you could make this easier for everyone and yourself by just waiting.
The doctors and nurses and helpers were awesome tho.
No. 776549
>>776536What about being asymptomatic makes you less likely to spread the rona? Assuming you still have a live viral load, how that affects the next person is literally anyones guess (educated guess with the knowledge of how some pre-existing factors are much more likely to make it worse). Lockdowns owrk because the period of time the virus is transmissable is 7-14 days, so to lock a population down for that length of time is long enough to either weed out people who are obviously sick for treatment/isolation or for the people who are asyptomatioc to pass the infectious stage so they can't unwittingly spread it. Are you being obtuse?
I'm sure China has some more pressing factors, absolutely economical, that precludes them from wanting to pursue that strategy and that's wrong of them too.
No. 776570
>>776566Almost everyone I know on the frontline got the AstraZeneca a couple of months ago and transmissions in the hospital have dropped off massively and staff haven't been needing to isolate as much.
I got it too and had no side effects. I did get a little worried since I am on bloodclotters and the whole blood clot thing came up, but nothing ever happened and it was pointed out that blood clots in general have been on the rise because people who have been furloughed or isolating or working from home haven't been moving around as much. Even if they do find a link, it could probably be offset by simple precautions.
No. 776574
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I'm getting the Fauci ouchie today at noon and I'm kind of scared of getting a blood clot and keeling over because im a shitty NEET but whatever. At least once I'm fully vaccinated Ill be able to fly home and finally get all the fucking dildos I left in storage at my parents' house
No. 776577
>>776519Being asymptomatic doesn't automatically mean you have a lower viral load. The Sang Hyun Ra study showed asymptomatic and symptomatic patients had a similar viral load.
>>776536The vaccine doesn't make people asymptomatic, it lowers their viral load. Asymptomatic is simply not showing symptoms of an illness. You can be asymptomatic with an extremely high viral load.
It's a weird concept but apply it to an illness we know more about - HIV. A person in the second stage of HIV is usually asymptomatic but has a transmissible viral load and pass it on to others. It's the viral load that needs to be dealt with to change transmission rates, not the symptoms.
>>776557Which vaccine makers are claiming this?
No. 777870
So are vaccines dangerous to people who already had the virus? That's a thing that's going around in my country. Apparently you get bad symptoms and high fever (or death) if you get vaccinated and you already had the rona.
>>776570Almost everyone's been affected because of lockdowns though, a lot of people move less because of them. If that's true then we're all fucked kek
No. 777929
>>777927Nope as long as you still wear your mask and keep a distance. I think it's a
valid concern.
No. 778495
Incase it's of any help to anyone I'm the same anon as
>>777504 and they just canceled mine because they're only giving to over 30s right now.
No. 778734
Three of the variants of concern are currently in circulation where I live. The vaccination campaign has been moving really slow here. Most frontline workers are still unvaccinated, and a lot of workers that have received the first dose are being made to wait up to four months for the second dose, against the advise of the vaccine manufacturers. I'm really worried about how the new variants might impact on young people and the working population in general, both in terms of their physical health and their longterm livelihood. Throughout this entire pandemic people have been downplaying the effects of the virus and saying that it's only dangerous to seniors, but the fact is that we don't really understand the long-term effects of covid on the lungs, heart and brain. Not only do I not want to give the virus another opportunity to mutate, but I would hate to get sick and struggle with health complications for months or years to come because of this fucking thing, and there's mounting evidence of this occurring in young adults with no comorbidities.
The way that the government in my region has mishandled the pandemic pisses me off because it's clear that they do not give a fuck about young, working people and our future. If we look at the past we can see that humanity tends to be pretty resilient, societies find a way to scale obstacles and invent new possibilities from the depths of despair, so maybe we can eventually produce something worthwhile out of all this misery.
No. 778927
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Feel free to skip, I'm venting.
I hate the fucking vaccines and I hate this goddamn virus. My pharmacy has been absolutely slammed by the sheer number of vaccines we have to give daily. We're small, we're understaffed, one of the few techs we have is a dead weight who is barely literate. We only have one pharmacist here at a time so there's only one person giving vaccines, and that same person verifying scripts/consulting patient's/handling transfers/essentially working the whole damn pharmacy besides counting product and working the register. We're so fucking backed up. Corporate allocated too many doses for our little ass store. What do we do if a batch is about to expire and we can't find a single person who wants to take it? Who knows! Likely get screamed at by corporate. But hey, if we're barred from giving the vaccine, I really wouldn't fucking care.
I'm so fucking stressed out. At least corporate gave us a whole dollar raise at the start of the year! Boy oh boy. I'm going to goddamn scream.
No. 778970
>>778734Yeah, I had Covid and I have developed an impending sense of doom that constantly hovers above me. I feel like I'm going to die soon, so I have been working non-stop to attain all my goals before I'm struck down by something.
We mainly have AstraZ here, which a lot of people are hesitant to take. Bad press completely shattered people's already dampened interest to get vaccinated.
No. 778973
>>778970>Bad press completely shattered people's already dampened interest to get vaccinated.Someone raised a very good point about AstraZeneca, people are losing their minds about some insanely minuscule risk of blood clots but somehow when hormonal contraception carries much higher risk of the same everyone is like, yeah that's an acceptable risk and we don't need to research it more, women should continue taking these.
I know plenty of people who had AstraZeneca vaccination and were completely fine, but I guess what's done it's done when it comes to panic since some were super sceptical even before. Too bad because the sooner we can have everyone vaccinated the better.
Have you recovered ok from Covid, anon, no lasting side effects - except the worry of course? I hope even that will pass soon and you can relax a bit.
No. 779128
>>778973Yeah, I had a pretty mild case (mostly gastrointestinal symptoms), but I saw my parents go through it, it was horrible.
My younger sister has some olfactory problems five months after, for some reason a lot of people her age are having the same side effects (phantom smells, food smells/tastes like grass or rancid meat).
A good thing about the adrenaline is that I'm finally doing something about my life, so even if something does happen I'll have all my stuff taken care of.
No. 779133
>>779130The truth is that both governments worldwide and international pharmaceutical companies until now didn't give a fuck about people's trust in them and steamrolled all over it when it fit their goals.
It's not tinfoil to distrust governments and companies, it's only tinfoil to distrust science. It would be madness not to be sceptical of their motives, and that pervasive scepticism is the fault of those that toyed with our trust. The way people are behaving now is a reaction to the way governments and companies consistently acted in the past.
I'm lucky to have a family member that is an epidemiologist whom I can badger for info. Those are things I trust - science and family.
No. 779484
>>779420Science =/= pharma companies
Science is the scientific method. It has NEVER, NEVER failed us in the history of mankind.
Companies are for-profit organisations. Nothing to do with science, everything to do with money.
The first is trustworthy. The second isn't.
No. 779496
>>779483 >when they were told that they still have to play by the rules and quarantine in a hotel upon re-entry, they have the gall to cry to the media about how they're being treated unfairlyThis shit. I was just about to post how people in my country are pissing me off with this too. They are staying in some nice looking hotels and kicking up a fuss about 'the inhumane conditions' but the accompanying photos show these conditions and…it's 4 star looking hotel rooms?
I get that they're bored to death but nitpicking the details of a nice hotel room to make yourself out to be a
victim of 'poor conditions' 'inhumane treatment' and showing pics that don't reflect anything like that.. get a grip. The nerve of people who choose to holiday and then choose to whinge about the 4 star accomodation. Wish the newspapers would just stop entertaining it at this point.
No. 779631
>>779449It probably depends on the person but even with the weakness I was still able to walk around (was at the mall for 4 hours after the shot before getting picked up) so you should probably be fine.
You should definitely bring water with you and maybe a snack.
No. 782692
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An acquaintance of mine who's a cancer patient was denied his surgery last minute because there wasn't a place for him on the intensive care- all of it taken by covid patients. I know so many of you don't give a fuck about the regulations and pandemic becuase you don't care about old people or fatties dying of covid -I truthfully don't give a fuck about them either- but please remember that it also affects people who need a place on the intensive care for non-covid related reasons but are pushed out because all the covid patients. For all you know that could be you or a loved one in an emergency situation tomorrow.
No. 782836
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The FDA is recommending a pause for the J&J vaccine in the US after rare blood clots showed up in 6 women. No deaths reported, though. It looks like it's pretty similar to the AstraZeneca risks.
Here's the full article: No. 783378
>>782848My friend's husband who I used to play mixed sports with got covid mid last year and is still bed ridden. Not only is the disdain for chronically ill people shit but it's hubris too, because if you went into covid with no underlying conditions, you won't necessarily come out of it like that.
Some people really are dumb to only care about the death rate, like the only bad thing that could happen is dying.
>>779483All of this is spot on, especially about med sci info.
I have a relative who has been really cavalier about it, because she believes she'll be fine so fuck everyone else, and she's highly active on a FB group dedicated to whinging about hotel quarantine. She's so ridiculously wealthy too, it's not as though she's some battler copping the worst of it. Sorry they want to put you in a Travelodge and not the Marriott, Becky.
No. 783637
I definitely am not getting the vaccine, until it's approved by at least FDA, and I don't even live in US. The vaccines only have EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), which is not approval.
Have you heard any stories similar to what was mentioned in this /pol/ thread? shedding, miscarriages and very long periods after spending time around people who got vaccine.
I wonder if there's any truth to it, but better safe than sorry.
No. 785125
>>785122>>785124What has this to do with the vaccine or corona?
There is a difference if you get a blood clot from shit like the pill, when you know the risks and decide to take it or if you get peer pressured to take an experimental vaccine for a virus you will survive anyway. What the heck.
No. 785147
>>785125Don't get peer pressured then. The point is that it's infinitely more likely you'll die in a car accident than get a blood clot from contraception, and the odds for blood clot from the vaccine are even lower. Unless you live in an oppressive country like this anon
>>784661, you seriously don't have to do anything, there's a lot od people that would love to take your place in line for the vaccine.
No. 787567
>The South African variant, B.1.351, was found to make up about 1% of all the COVID-19 cases across all the people studied, according to the study by Tel Aviv University and Israel's largest healthcare provider, Clalit.>But among patients who had received two doses of the vaccine, the variant's prevalence rate was eight times higher than those unvaccinated - 5.4% versus 0.7%. vaccine.
Coronavirus evolves very fast, it will be like flu. Vaccines will only help it evolve to avoid the immunity given by vaccine, so yearly shots will be necessary.
It's literally better to build up immunity by being infected, because immune system will learn to fight the virus, not just a single characteristic present in a particular variant.
No. 787598
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Got my pfizer today, sore arm and very exhausted but couldn't even feel the needle at all!
No. 787636
>>787567But even if you have caught the flu, you only become immune to that strain or the line of strains which share that antigen the immune system responded to in the first place. The receptors on your immune cells always respond to the antigen structure, not any other characteristic of the virus IIRC, so we'll always be vulnerable if the antigen is somehow different, whether we were exposed to that antigen from getting the vax or natural infection.
I feel like either way the virus will evolve quickly, just because that's a natural outcome of how they replicate. I guess the flu has set a precedent with annual shots and predicting which strains to target, but it's strange to think about what this whole thing will look like in the future.
No. 787659
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>>787598I got my Pfizer shot last week and had no side effects besides the regular sore spot, I feel like I stole my immunity.
No. 787752
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>>787598>>787659>>787718I'm happy for you nonnies. I still have no idea when I will be eligible to get my first dose. There's a stay-at-home order in effect where I am, and the hospitals are overwhelmed. More and more young people are dying every day. This summer is looking pretty grim.
No. 788415
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>>787598Arm is still sore, had a hard time getting up in the morning with a stiff neck and a throbbing shoulder area, but it's been over 24h and it's just now getting normal. Was also freezing all night, had some headaches but now it's fading away!
No. 788448
>>787659Me too, my Pfizer shot was a sore arm and not much else.
>>788441Blood clots are still extremely, extremely rare with the J&J and AZ vaccines. Like, laughably rare. The chance of getting a blood clot from either is literally hundreds of times lower (4 in 1 000 000) than taking birth control (1200 in 1 000 000).
No. 789014
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Somebody talk me into getting the vaccine because I don't find it necessary.
I work from home, leave the house maybe every two weeks for groceries. I live alone.
Be nice pls. Not an anti-masker or anti-vaxxer. Just don't get things I don't need. I don't even get flu shots either unless I travel.
No. 789026
>>789014I'm in your position and got the vax. WFH, don't ever leave usually. I do live with my bf but he's in the same position.
Just know that there are a ton of people exactly in our position. They were safe, never or rarely left.
They died from exposure. It's a simple as that,
Nonny. You can catch it from those little trips to the grocery store or when someone knocks on your door to ask you a question, etc. It can happen. The vaccine is not a promise to prevent it but to stop serious hospitalization. Not to scare you but imagine you did catch it. You can no longer smell or taste food that doesn't smell or taste like shit. You have to stop for 5 minutes when climbing stairs because your lungs and breathing hasn't returned to normal in 5 months. Every few weeks you get sick all over again.
There are many symptoms of covid that have not corrected itself for people. Every day they regret getting sick, even if it's been a year for them. There's a reason I subscribe to /r/COVID19Positive. It motivates me to stay safe and take any and all measures to make sure I'm NEVER in the position of my food smelling or tasting like feces. I'm also willing to bet you can easily access the vaccine. Think of the millions of people that can't, and be grateful.
No. 789041
>>789014Honestly I'm same, still haven't gotten it. I'll get it when my employer requires it. Until then, I'm alright. Even when the pandemic hit, i had no idea there were so many people around my age who were getting the flu shot yearly. I assumed it was just for kids in school and older more at risk senior citizens.
That being said, i heard this vaccination is basically gonna be flu shot 2.0 because it only lasts 6ish months until a new mutation forms? Idk I'm not even sure.
This entire time i never had a lock down and i was waiting for my employer to eventually say they want us to get vaccinated, my bf works the same field and his employer isn't requiring anything either, mainly because we're barely in direct contact with citizens. i feel like we probably got it back in early 2020.
No. 789113
>>789014I know a young, previously healthy woman who's now permanently bound to a wheelchair because of a cerebral haemorrhage she got from catching covid. That shit scared me enough to get the vaccine. Sure the chance of something like that happening to a healthy young person is very small and in your case the chance of catching covid in the first place is rather small but the last thing you want is ending up with serious consequences when you didn't have to.
Also another thing to consider is that your life may not always be as low in social contacts as it is now and the vaccine may not remain free in the future depending on how healthcare is handled where you are.
No. 789171
>>789014Not trying to talk you into or out of it cuz that's not my thing, but just to relate my experience and reasoning…
I'm in the same position as you except that I never get flu shots at all. I've gotten both doses of the pfizer vaccine because:
1) From what I've read, it's unlikely to hurt me* and very likely to help prevent me from having a severe case in the event that I do get covid. I have a list of ways in which I do not want to die, and gasping for breath or drowning in my own fluids are high on that list.
*I do understand that this is a matter of trust and is only based on what we know so far.
2) I cannot in any way afford to be sick, and covid is more contagious and has more long-term negative effects than the flu.
3) The shots didn't cost me anything, I did not have to see a doctor to get them, and the process didn't take much time out of my day. Plus, I rewarded myself with a veggie burger afterwards.
4) I am public-minded. From the beginning of the pandemic, I have been doing what I can not only to reduce risk to myself but also to help protect others, like the people who keep the grocery stores open, post office running, etc. Like wearing a mask, I got vaccinated in part for those who can't.
All of that said, I waited and watched while all of my relatives and other people I knew got the shots before I scheduled my own appointment. I wanted to see if any of them had any bad reactions, and no one did.
No. 789761
>>787752Anonita I think we might live in the same region. I have no idea when I will be eligible either, and in fact neither do most of our frontline workers. Tories have effectively shit all over our summer, that precious little scrap of happiness we get to savour after enduring months of a freezing cold hellscape.
I'm really apprehensive about the future of this province in general, the pandemic has exposed how little interest it has to invest in the future of its young people. Not only is life becoming even more unaffordable here with no signs of stopping, but the amount of people under 40 that are getting infected and the possibility that it could leave them to grapple with long-term disabilities is painting a really grim image of the coming decades. I hope this moment motivates us to push for change.
No. 791324
>>789761> the pandemic has exposed how little interest it has to invest in the future of its young people> I hope this moment motivates us to push for changeI couldn't agree more. everyone in my family has gotten their first dose by now except me. it strikes me as profoundly unfair that I've had to sacrifice more than them this past year, and I have more life left to live, and I actually have legitimate reasons to be out and about instead of cooped up inside for weeks on end, but I can't get a vaccine because I'm too yOuNg aNd HeAlThY.
our premier gets to isolate at home and receive pay while countless lives have been lost due to his decision to not implement paid sick leave. the doofus cried like a baby in his last press conference. our government knew that the modelling predicted disaster months ago and waited to see if it was coming true before doing anything. it's absurd. I've never voted conservative in my life and I never will, yet they still have a good chance of winning because our electoral system is broken, pitting multiple left-wing and centrist parties against one right-wing party that prioritizes the economy over its citizens. and I could rant endlessly about the lockdown protests and anti-maskers and people throwing parties in the midst of all this chaos.
on the bright side, it looks like vaccinations have been ramping up lately. sending you good and healthy vibes, nonnalina. I hope you stay safe out there.
No. 791334
>>789028There have been people over 80 who got two vaccine shots and still got infected.
Research on these vaccines is still insufficient.
No. 793282
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I’m feeling vindicated after all of those tweets scolding vaxxed people for not constantly wearing a mask
No. 794085
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Hope you enjoyed the free trial, are you ready to pay for the annual subscription?
No. 794433
>>794094Except you don't get threatened with being banned from life or told you're killing grandma for not getting your flu shot.
My point still stands. Enjoy being fat and living scared of the rona, I will thrive on my natural antibodies.
No. 794546
>>794521>>794433You're not going to be banned from shit if you can show you've got immunity. Those ubermensch antibodies will show up on a blood test, right? They're identical to the antibodies you'd produce with a vaccine.
Problem is, with millions of active cases right now, mutant strains can arise that you're not immune to. The ideal scenario for you is that mass vaccinations happen soon enough to keep your immunity relevant.
If infections keep happening then yeah, it's going to mutate and you're going to need to either get jabbed or accept that countries aren't going to let you visit them and occupations in contact with vulnerable people aren't going to hire you. That's already a thing. Try visiting Africa or working with immunocompromised people without vaccinations. Either way, you're going to have to quit your bitching.
No. 795192
>>794574> if you can show you've got immunity> If infections keep happening then yeah, it's going to mutateYou can make anything seem like a contradiction if you cut enough if-clauses out.
I'm sorry these concepts are so hard for you. Good luck with finishing high school.
No. 795640
>>795482> menstruation problemsthis is the only article I could find that seems to support the idea that the vaccine could be linked to menstrual changes (although I didn't look for very long lol):, the gynaecologist interviewed in the article says that menstrual changes are a transient reaction to the vaccine, meaning that it's a temporary effect like a sore arm or fatigue. she says:
> It's not a representation of any sort of permanent harm or damage. There is no reason to think there's reason to be concerned over time, and there's no reason to think that there's any impact on fertility.she ultimately recommends that women get vaccinated. I understand your skepticism because the vaccine is so new, but at this point, there is way more evidence of serious long-term effects from the virus than there are for the vaccine.
No. 795711
>>795640nta but
>there is way more evidence of serious long-term effects from the virus than there are for the vaccineThe virus and others like it have been around longer so wouldn't that be why?
No. 795806
>>795711the virus emerged in December 2019. the first vaccine entered human clinical trials in March 2020. so the virus has only been around for a few months longer than the vaccines, which isn't really enough time to be statistically significant.
>>795753> None of the companies can be held responsible for adverse side effects; our government had to offer them that protection before they would release the shotsnot all governments. in the EU, the vaccines are licensed under an agreement which does NOT exempt manufacturers from civil and administrative liability claims. so the pharmaceutical companies can certainly be held liable for negligence in some jurisdictions.
> why on earth would you trust them now when there is so much money to be made?this argument actually cuts both ways. the vaccine is only effective in the short-term and people will need to be re-vaccinated probably on a yearly basis. if you're looking at things from a purely financial perspective, the pharmaceutical companies are incentivized to manufacture safe vaccines so that people will continue to get vaccinated. take AZ an example. its efficacy is lower than others, and it has been linked to blood clots in certain populations (but it's still very rare to develop a blood clot from AZ–about 4 cases in 1 million, whereas birth control blood clot rates are about 900 in 1 million). as a result, the US has not authorized the use of AZ and will be giving away the doses that it has acquired. so there is much more money to be made from vaccines that are effective and safe.
> Medicinal science has never prioritized womenyou're not wrong about this. but interestingly, I found an article by a surgical oncologist who suggests that there is a lot of misogyny behind the anti-vax movement. TL;DR of the article is that the notion that the vaccine could be linked to infertility originated from conspiracy theorists who are incentivized to peddle bullshit claims because they get paid by right-wing think tanks to spew nonsense that will further their cause. the article also contains some scientific evidence breaking down why the infertility claims are bogus.
No. 795837
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Do you guy want better covid-19 criticism? No one worth a grain of salt wants to risk controversy over covid so the only real critiques of the reaction to covid are from digital conspiracy nuts. Their convos are as productive as a redditor looping "wear a mask" for the 25th time.
Like the covid-19 vaccine is a major example of coercive capitalism, "well you don't have to do X, but you can't do important Z without it", leftists are always going on about, but everyone of them is singing "People have choices now! free market". It would also be interesting to see why the "bit paranoid about covid" trope became equal to the "insane anti-vaxxer" and how that affects interaction between the groups. Or maybe how scientism has evolved with covid 19 and the after effects of it?
I'd just like a single discussion on covid critique that doesn't devolve into pic related.
No. 795933
>>795837I'm sick of tired of that crap. You can't have a decent discussion, if you criticize the slightest the political decisions you're a flat-earther anti-vaxxer granny-killer. If you don't believe all the nutsies with their conspiracy theories you're just a sheeple. God fucking damn it, there's gotta be something in between.
Some things I feel iffy about (most of them from my country):
>Almost all the deaths came from elders care homes, reports of the people being denied medication for their cronical conditions and sedated. They slapped covid on the death certificates anyway.>If you go to the hospital for some urgent matter, let's say a stroke, they test you for covid first and won't do anything until you get the results back. Plenty of people died that way.>If you die from freaking anything if you tested positive 28 days before your death they will slap covid on the death certificate.>Recently a 40-something teacher died after a blood clot from the AZ vaccine. Her family sued, judge ruled no liability because she took it by her own will.>Our shitty politicians are too busy fighing each other than actually doing something. The only thing they do are forcing absurd restrictions like having to wear a mask any fucking time, even sunbathing on the beach.>We pay a fuckton of taxes to maintain the healthcare system available to everyone (that money goes to line their pockets) yet we get slapped everyday with "save the healthcare". >They promise lifting restrictions "if we get this or another AI" then massive test every week so we never get a low AI. Ct 45+ and all.Idgaf anymore.
No. 796395
>>795837I think most people in real life are skeptical to some degree, but people who feel strongly one way or the other are going to be the most vocal online especially after covid was made into a partisan issue
keep in mind there's a substantial proportion of lolcow users who are severely mentally ill and veer strongly into either the "we need to wear masks for the rest of our lives and never leave the house again" wing because they were already shut ins and like having an excuse or the "this is a massive government conspiracy and is akin to living in nazi germany maska are muzzles" wing because they were raised by /pol/
so, in short, you probably won't be able to have a discussion on covid critique that doesn't devolve into name calling on an image board lmao
(I could go on for days about how pre-prints of scientific journal articles that did not go through the peer review process were abused by just about everyone, though)
No. 798413
>>798347The clotting thing is less likely to happen in older people whose immune systems are less reactive.
It still requires a very specific set of biological circumstances like low platelet count. You've got more chance of being hit by a car on the way to the vaccination.
It's hard not to feel nervous anyway. Maybe plan something nice for after the jab so you have something to look forward to.
No. 799823
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Worrisome appearance of deaths after start of vaccinations in three tiny countries with little to no prior deaths.
No. 799824
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Also more deaths in India.
No. 800364
It's really unsettling how aggressively pharmaceutical companies and mass media are trying to downplay, even outright deny, the connection between the vaccine(s) and changes in the menstrual cycle. I've never in my life been against vaccines, I've had every vaccine that's mandatory in the countries I've lived in, but the side effects of the COVID vaccines and how reports of side effects are being handled concerns me.
I haven't been called to get either of mine yet, but I've been reading for more than a month testimonies from women in their 20s, 30s, even 40s, saying that the covid vaccine fucked up their menstrual cycle. Women on the subreddit that I read about people's side effects from (r/CovidVaccinated) are saying that their posts with even the slightest mention of side effects are being unexplainably removed by moderators. I've talked to my mother who works in healthcare and got both shots about two months ago (I live in the UK, she lives in the US) and she said her side effects were exactly the same as those being reported. On top of that, I've always noticed that when I'm around female family members for extended periods of time our period timing begins to sync up, and after my husband and I stayed with his mother for a few days and visited cousins (all of which had got their vaccines) my own menstrual cycle has been fucked up. That never happens to me naturally, and I'm not on any kind of birth control or medication.
I wouldn't be surprised if the cause is just pharmaceutical companies being careless and negligent (women have always been neglected in the fields of health and medicine, sadly), but I'd feel more at ease if anyone just knew what was in the vaccine that caused it to have that effect. Thousands of women, possibly more, are reporting that they're having side effects like this, so much so that independent studies are being conducted on it, and yet any mass media article on the subject just accuses the claims of being anecdotal anti-vaxxer fearmongering or says some bullshit about how it's "just stress" or "women being overdramatic". I don't understand what's controversial about asking why a supposedly harmless vaccine is negatively affecting some aspect of our health, or demanding an entire group of people who are routinely disregarded to start being respected a bit more in the medical field.
No. 800760
>>800751nta but she's saying that temporary effects that could potentially be linked to the vaccine, but aren't proven to be, are a
valid reason to not get vaccinated and to continue to put yourself and others in your community at risk. what she's saying is internally inconsistent.
> I've always noticed that when I'm around female family members for extended periods of time our period timing begins to sync up . . . after my husband and I spent time with vaccinated women, my own menstrual cycle has been fucked up . . . that never happens to me naturallylike girl wtf? you literally just said that you've always noticed that spending time with other menstruating women noticeably affects your cycle, and then you claim that it never happens to you naturally?
I haven't received a single dose of the vaccine and my period's been irregular as fuck for no apparent reason. I don't spend time around anyone but my parents who don't menstruate. the pandemic absolutely causes stress that affects menstrual cycles, causing them to be late or heavier than usual.
there is an emergent phenomenon of women getting the vaccine and then having heavier than normal periods. but a lot of people feel sick after getting vaccinated, and their symptoms almost always go away within days. it's the same thing with cyclical irregularities. like just because someone gets a sore arm and a headache after a vaccine doesn't mean they're going to suffer from these ailments for the rest of their life. people need to quit spreading misinformation that isn't backed up by any evidence whatsoever. there's an article linked here
>>795806 that goes into the detail about the science behind the vaccine and why it's extremely implausible to think that it damages women's health.
No. 800765
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>>800364from this article:
> If scientists do eventually find a link between the vaccine and short-term changes in bleeding, experts say that would be no reason to avoid getting vaccinated.
> “The benefits of taking the vaccine certainly way outweigh putting up with one heavy period, if indeed they’re related,” said Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a gynecologist and a professor at the Yale University School of Medicine.none of the reported effects are long-term. it's literally just that you get a heavier period for one cycle and that's it. some of you sound so goddamn ignorant claiming that women are neglected in the fields of health and medicine when there are plenty of female gynecologists, who are educated as fuck about the topic, saying that there's no reason to be concerned. like you really think you know better than doctors and scientists out there studying this shit? gtfo
No. 800786
>>800765Did you read your own source?
They state that they only now started looking into it, how can they then already claim that it's fine?
No. I do not know better than "experts" but historically there were already many fuck ups by the very same experts. I try to be open about getting the vaccine later when there is more data but shitty articles like these do not help.
No. 801035
>>800751A range of side effects have been reported, including early periods, late periods, missed periods, going a month or two without getting a period and then getting a very heavy and painful one, getting menstrual cramps with no period, unusual ovulation patterns, less/more than usual amounts of bleeding, vaginal bleeding that doesn't seem to be caused by a period, and period/PMS symptoms with no period. If I looked for more, I'm sure I could find more, but those have been a majority of the side effects I've read about.
I'm not saying that any of these side effects are life-threatening, but whether they're life-threatening or not isn't the issue. The issue is that there is a noticeable link between the COVID vaccines and changes in menstruation and fertility, and this link is being intentionally downplayed, with mass media referring to all reports of it as "anecdotal" and suggesting that the changes are just caused by the women themselves because they're overdramatic and stressed. I worry that this situation will be similar to the blood clot situation, where at first mass media was hellbent on convincing people that there was no real risk, then were forced to acknowledge that there was a risk but claimed it was rarer than it actually was, and are now forced to accurately acknowledge the risk.
>>800760>nta but she's saying that temporary effects that could potentially be linked to the vaccine, but aren't proven to be, are a valid reason to not get vaccinated and to continue to put yourself and others in your community at risk.See what I wrote above - Whether or not the side effects are temporary and not life-threatening is not the point. The point is that the COVID vaccines seem highly likely to effect menstruation and fertility for reasons the companies producing the vaccines not only don't know, but don't seem to care about or want to look further in to. Many women are saying they're experiencing these effects as a result of the vaccines and are being told, en masse, that their experiences are "anecdotal" (or worse, accused of being fearmongering anti-vaxxers) while the companies producing the vaccines are haphazardly claiming it has no effect whatsoever on menstruation or fertility despite not being able to rule the possibility out.
It shouldn't be controversial to ask why a vaccine effects people's menstruation and fertility. If the companies producing the vaccines can't explain why it does that, or pinpoint what's in the vaccine that causes that reaction, and mass media has decided it will pretend the side effects doesn't exist, how are women in the wrong to be wary of taking it? I don't want to hear about how "missing one period is nothing to worry about", I want to know
why a supposedly harmless vaccine causes women to miss their periods. I'd be so much more at ease and happy to take it if they could even name what ingredient causes it to happen, anything like that, any kind of acknowledgement of the connection other than outright denial.
>like girl wtf? you literally just said that you've always noticed that spending time with other menstruating women noticeably affects your cycle, and then you claim that it never happens to you naturally?I may not have explained it as well as I could, but what I was trying to explain in my post is that women's menstrual cycles can be affected by others' cycles simply by them being in close proximity for an amount of time. The "syncing up" takes a few months, but it does happen. This would happen to me when I was younger and still lived with my mother, or when was staying with friends/cousins for a while. This implies that if the COVID vaccine affects women's cycles - and it seems to - and as a result a vaccinated woman's cycle changes, it could alter the cycle of unvaccinated women around her. When I said that these changes never "naturally" happen, I mean that the "syncing up" has only happened a few times in my life and I can realize when it's happening, and that it's not caused by anything else except that.
The changes in my cycle that I've noticed after staying with my vaccinated mother-in-law for five days in late March and then four days about two weeks ago (during which I visited other vaccinated inlaws) are different from the changes I'd normally expect from a "syncing up", and I can't recall ever experiencing these specific changes before. I wasn't supposed to have a period while staying in late March, but it started immediately after getting back home, and there was no cramping and much less blood than usual (I normally have a heavy flow and a mild amount of cramping.) Only about a week after that ended (earlier than usual) I was experiencing the mild pain I normally experience when ovulating. Over the next week or two I had random bouts of cramps. Then, when I stayed in late April, I had another round of what felt like ovulation pain. I haven't had a period since my last (unusual) period ended and I'm still waiting for it, and as of now there are no signs that it's close. Again, I'm not vaccinated.
If COVID vaccines cause any changes to menstruation and fertility that can't be (or aren't being) explained - even if they are for a majority of women temporary and not life-threatening - this is a point of concern not only for vaccinated women but for unvaccinated women, too. I worry as well about how these side effects could potentially affect unvaccinated pregnant women.
No. 806430
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Got my Pfizer shot today, it did work out to just refuse to get the oriental vaccines my country brought in to "keep up with the numbers", they were pretty much bullied into acquiring more Pfizer shots because a lot of people refused to get vaccinated. When you tell that one type of shot is reserved for teens and pregnant women, people will start to wonder why are those deemed much safer than the rest.
No. 806455
>>806430>>806430Afaik Pfizer is the weakest vaccine of them all, right?
My country would throw AstraZenca at elderly people or people at risk, just to end up giving Pfizer to teenagers and young people. I am not sure if I want to use Pfizer because I barely heard anything about it but weak statistics.
In the end it also turned out that they just ran out of Astra vaccine and everyone who signed up for Astra ended up getting Pfizer
No. 807594
>>807266I don't like it, even without considering covid I was really hoping that masks would become normal here like they are in Asia.
I work at a front desk and the amount of people who ask to borrow a pen and then either cough onto it or chew it before giving it back is obscene. People are gross.
No. 807644
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Personally I'm not taking this vaccine. My main issue is that this thing was clearly rushed out, vaccines take years and constant maintenance to absolutely ensure that it'll be safe for the public, like if there's potential allergies that one can become effected by etc. And the vaccine is only FDA approved under emergency circumstances. So far only obeasts and elderly are being hospitalized and killed from covid.
Most people are just anti-rushed vaxx rather than full on anti-vaxx so that's why they aren't taking it.
We had this sort of thing happen in history too where the Swine flu vaccine was rushed and ended up crippling more people than helping them. It's just people using basic critical thinking. And its telling if 50% of the military and health care workers have declined the vaccine.
I think the schizo conspiracy theories about the vaxx are an absolute meme though.
>bro its a bill gates depopulation plan!!!!1
It was funny the first time but when the ChristLARPers appeared and started spamming "Repent, Jesus is cumming!" then it got annoying really quick.
The reasons is just a greedy company doing greedy shit, its nothing deep.
The one thing I'll be looking out for is how much people are going to become unhinged once the dangers of the vaccine do come out. No one on this Earth can exactly tell what the long term consequences are, and I'm afraid that there'll be a wave of vaccinated young people who'll become unhinged and start attacking innocent strangers.
No. 807663
>>807644nonnie, millions if not billions of ppl have already taken the vaccine, what exactly is going to happen?
I hate this fake ass “oh it was rushed!!” reasoning too.
How long does a vaccine take to develop? When is it acceptable? 4 years? 7 years? Let me know.
No. 807823
>>807594Just gonna say if you go to China ever you will get incredibly sick, masks or no. If you think Americans are gross,
nonny…I'm glad masks won't be normal personally, although I don't care if some people want to keep wearing them. As long as its not a mass thing its all good. I like to see people's mouths and expressions.
No. 807905
>>807711Wrong, flu and zika mRNA vaccines have been used in human trials before this. They and other mRNA vaccines have also been through primate trials and overall the technology has been studied since the 90s.
Things were rushed through now because it was a warlike effort and no one had to wait around for funding. Next time your government drags its feet on shit that people desperately need and talk about red tape and processes, remember that when it was an economic race against China, they revealed they had the ability to go faster when it suited them.
No. 809439
>>807663>millions if not billions of ppl have already taken the vaccine, what exactly is going to happen?NTA, but I think that was that anon's point. We don't yet know of any potential long-term effects of the vaccine or long-term consequences of its side effects, whatever they may be. On a global scale so many people are taking the vaccine at such a fast rate that if there ended up being long-term effects, we wouldn't know until it's too late to have prevented them, so hopefully there are no long-term effects or severe side effects.
I don't think it'd be such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that certain companies and influential groups have financial interests vested in having as many people take the vaccine as possible, and in preventing word of potential side effects or long-term effects from being discussed in the media (see: every past medical scandal where a medication or medicinal product caused disastrous side effects for the consumer, and the companies making the product didn't admit it until they were legally forced to.) For those reasons I'd much more trust a vaccine made in a country with a nationalized healthcare system/medical industry than a vaccine made by privately-owned corporations.
No. 809809
I don't get what the big deal about masks are. I have reduced lung capacity and wearing them has been the least of the inconveniences of this whole thing. Millions of people in Asia have been wearing them for years without being whiney spoilt babies about it. It's fucking embarrassing.
I get why the campaign against vaccines has been so successful, and I kind of feel sorry for the people it has terrified into avoiding vaccination, but I do not understand why people have such wildly different reactions to covid anti-viral treatments compared to covid vaccines.
Like, the antivirals are made by the same Big Pharma companies that make vaccines, and they're fast-tracked just like the vaccines were, and they go into your body, probably by injection if you're in hospital needing covid-19 anti-virals. It's bizarre. People are saying that they'd rather get infected with covid-19, get sick, risk a little lung damage, receive anti-virals and hope they work as promised, rather than train their immune system to fight the infection off before that stage. I swear to god, everything in our culture is just marketing and branding, and it's fucking terrifying.
No. 809884
>>809825And not to mention they take these things for muh health while drinking gallons of diet coke and McDonald's daily
Americans are so ass backwards about everything lmao
No. 809968
>>809825I can't speak for others, but I have definitely stopped medication after learning more about side effects, and I am now very reluctant with what I choose to take. While there are many people who are careless with their health (obesity/smoking) but then pick certain factors to obsess over (vaccines/GMOs, what have you), there are a great many who have not been educated enough to ask questions. Many young people especially do not ask questions. Some of that is because they rely on their parents, which is alright. I know that both my nieces (12 & 14) are chomping at the bit to get the jab. All they want is for life to go back to normal, and they do not have the critical thinking skills to evaluate the possible consequences.
I was put on the pill at 10 because my hormones were so unbalanced I couldn't function in school. I'm pretty sure that the birth control contributed to the depression I have suffered since high school. I finally quit the pill in my early 20s because I was reading up on side effects and I developed cysts after being on estrogen for such a long time.
Funny: doctors didn't know that long term use of birth control can cause ovarian cysts. The drug companies who made it didn't think that women would take the pill for long periods of time because they would want to have babies in their 20s or were just preventing additional children until menopause.
I don't apply my reservations to anyone else. I'm working from home, I shop for essentials early in the morning when there aren't a ton of people around. I'll continue wearing a mask around groups of people. But I won't get the shot until there is long term data available. I really hope that I'm being too cautious. But I find it really unsettling that more people aren't asking questions. I don't trust the corporate media or corporate pharmaceutical companies to value my own wellbeing as much as I do. And I worry at the credulity of the general population.
No. 810367
>>807805It was suspected to be only one of the vaccines and an extremely rare occurrence, in the end it couldn't even really be proven if the illness was actually
triggered by the it or if would've been diagnosed either way since there was no clear difference in the amount of narcolepsy diagnoses in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.
>>809968Anon you seriously can't compare giving synthetic hormones to a child to getting a vaccine. Hormones have a long track record and studies pointing out how damaging they are, vaccines don't. There isn't a simple vaccine made that causes severe side effects.
No. 810641
>>810367I think I read somewhere that most vaccines get 5 years of testing before release to the general public. I will probably reevaluate next year based on news of side effects, infection rates, and required additional doses. Given that I am looking at having children soon, I may wait until I have done that and then get vaccinated.
>>810060I was using the pill as an example of stopping a prescription because of side effects in response to
>>809825 No. 811890
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Sorry if I'm shitting up the thread with this, but I need to vent a little I guess. I got my first AstraZeneca shot today because I wanted to get vaccinated asap (where I live Pfizer is currently a month away at the very earliest) and I'm starting to regret it. I've been having a 38,2C fever for 6 hours now and I can't sleep. I took anti fever medication which helped, but my temperature went back up quickly. I know this is supposed to be a common symptom, but my hypochondriac ass is starting to panic a lil bit.
No. 814700
>>809936Why not?
I got covid in january and it wasn't any worse than the regular flu I had a few years ago.
The main difference was just a lack of taste/smell for almost a week.
I'd say if that's how they'd rather deal with it let em.
No. 814702
>>814700"I was ok so everyone will be"
I wish you could meet my friend who lost her mother to covid.
No. 814703
>>811830In a month or two it won't matter.
All the people that want the vaccine will have it and all those who don't can infect eachother all they want as far as I care.
No. 814714
>>814702Look I never said that.
Obviously older people and people with comorbidities (should) get the vax.
And even if you're young I encourage you to go ahead and get it as well.
But as far as I'm concerned it's an individual's decision to make.
If somebody would rather catch covid than get the vax because they feel they can handle it I'm fine with that.
I know I survived it just fine after all.
They know they're taking a risk and I'm sure many have warned them not too by this point.
If they're determined on getting infected let em.
No. 814719
>>814713Where do you live?
In america most of the vulnerable are already vaxxed (at least once)
I reckon that the teens and twenty year olds don't matter all that much since most of us aren't badly effected.
So once all the middle aged people that want a Vax get one it's pretty much over and I think the masks are going to be dropped soon whether we like it or not.
All the unvaxxed will just claim to be vaxxed and there's not much (in the state's) we can do about it.
The mask will be a personal choice thing for those young people still waiting on a vax.
No. 815663
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>>814747Idk where you are from, but same here. I hate scrolling through my international TL because most of them scream about being fully vaxxed (even with the "good" one Pfizer) and my ass still waits.
If I'm lucky, I will get my this fall/winter. What also pissed me off that here all the safe ones for younger women go to elderly people, who have now two types of vaccines that are classified for being for them, but they can choose and go for the ones that people like me should get, but I can't get it, because of those old fucks. And when I complain about wanting to get my vaccine of choice because to avoid possible health issues, I'm being called selfish and Ignorant but granny can do it and nobody says a word. I hate it this shit so much. My health isn't for debate, if I gave up concerts and shit for them for over a year now, they can suck it up, get what they should get to survive the last two years of their life's and leave me the fuck alone because I'm so close to loose it because if it FUCK.
No. 818449
i just got my appointment for the pfizer vaccine in a week, and idk, i'm kinda worried about it? it just feels like we are the guinea pigs since the vaccine hasn't really been out for a long time. my friends mom recently almost died of a brain aneurysm after her first shot of astra, and i've read some that some women had problems with their periods and such. i do have history of blood clots (? i hope thats it lmao, non-english speaker here) in my family. on the other hand, there are so many experts claiming it's all totally safe, but, god, i'm very anxious when it comes to shit like this lately, i've never been paranoid like this.
sorry if i sound like a dumb conspiracy theorist, i just don't really know what to believe and i'd like to hear some of your experiences and opinions.
No. 818613
>>818449Not to minimize
>>818594 experience but it’s been a couple days since I got my 2nd Pfizer shot and I have no side effects. After the first shot my arm was sore for a couple days afterwards and that was it. Now, nothing. Everyone’s immune system reacts differently and it may be shitty for a while or you may experience almost nothing like me, so try not to stress and just take things as they come.
No. 818646
>>818594It takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to build enough antigens to effectively combat the virus, you're not in the safe zone after just two days. And to add to that you'll still need the second shot for full protection.
That said, my Pfizer shot caused no side effects at all. A sore arm yeah but that's caused by the mechanical insertion of the needle, not the vaccine in itself. One of my friends had light flu-like symptoms and one had a bit of a headache but otherwise all of them were fine.
No. 819397
>>819226This is why I don't want the vaccine
I already have periods from hell that don't seem to follow a consistent pattern and I want more children.
My cycle is sensitive to everything.
I also have Aspergers and strong autoimmune reactions to things. I won't be having the vaccine.
I'm sure covid wouldn't be pleasant either but I still don't want the vaccine.
No. 819403
i was also signed up for the shot by a family member, got pfizer 12 days ago and i have been having really persistent and escalating side effects
they are not unbearable or unmanageable, but i woke up crying a few days ago from being so disoriented and confused. it lasted all day, i kept crying so much that my bf made me call him multiple times so he could talk me through the confusion. the fatigue has been seriously impeding my ability to function. there are an array of physical difficult side effects that have been going on. i tried to see my doctor about them but she is booked solid for two weeks
it's interesting that someone mentioned becoming very emotional, i was swinging wildly between depression and irritability the first several days. i was not really experiencing mood swings like this pre-shot. now i am mostly confused and disoriented, which makes me upset
i'm supposed to get my period soon and i am worried because i am already a lifelong extremely heavy and difficult period type of person
i am not dissuading anyone, but i personally wish i hadn't gotten it. i only go outside to get groceries since i am a naturally solitary person and live alone. i don't think it was worth it for me.
i tend to get weird and difficult (sometimes rare) side effects from various medications and treatments, so i was apprehensive, and i wish i said no.
i can't even get my second dose for two whole months, it's not like it is offering me full protection
i have had internal bleeding before and ongoing bleeding issues so i am at least glad i didn't get the astrazeneca.
it's a little bit scary. i'm trying to keep busy and on my feet. if i stayed in bed, i would literally sleep all day and then sleep all night. happy for people who didn't get side effects though
like i said, not trying to push an agenda or dissuade anybody. but i hadn't seen any experiences like mine before i got it, so idk. maybe someone is experiencing similar right now
No. 819416
>>819397I agree with you. The way I see it is that I probably won't catch covid. It's never been a problem in the area where I live. Even if I did catch it, it's unlikely that I would die from it because I'm fit, healthy, in my 20s and eat a very good diet.
Two shots of a vaccine is guaranteed exposure that will cause a massive inflammatory response and could make me very ill.
It's also impossible to find out what the side effects and risks of the vaccine are. One side repeats "it's safe and effective" like religious dogma and the side claims it's part of a eugenics program.
No. 819435
>>818449i feel you
nonnie, i also didn't want to get the vaccine originally, but the situation in our hospitals is very grim and so far everybody i know that has gotten into the hospital has caught covid, including family members
my mom also frequents the hospital so it's pretty much granted that i'd get infected too eventually no matter how safe i am
i'm not happy about getting an experimental vaccine either, but covid has also fucked up a lot of healthy young people by causing neurological problems, loss of taste, heart inflamation issues, etc so i feel like for now the vaccine is the best choice for me
i was super scared for a week and had a legit panic attack right before my first shot today but i am actually not experiencing any side effects other than a sore shoulder, which is normal after an intramuscular injection and the medical staff was also very understanding when i told them i'm anxious
idk i hope this makes you feel a little better at least
No. 819439
>>819410I had Pfizer in late January/February and didn’t really notice a difference, but I’ve had heavy periods for a couple years now.
I probably would have been alright if I didn’t get the vaccine but I do know some people who had covid and reacted really badly to it or died from complications. Everything about this is like a lose-lose situation.
No. 820214
>>820192Nayrt but Indias new disease is already found in Korea and somewhere else…Scary…
Also, a small rant: they don't allow people who are tested positive for COVID to travel here, hell, we are not allowed to travel at all, not even to diff towns; govt somehow allowed a man to travel from India just for him to end up bringing Indian COVID. Meh
No. 820797
>>820644I work for walgreens and the needles we get come from the government with the vaccines in a care package. There is a shortage of needles so it wouldn't surprise me if you were given a larger needle for your second shot. Big they are not 4 inches lol, for intramuscular vaccines they are 1" to 1-1/2".
>>820723Probably the technique of the immunizizer. The are supposed to go all the way into the muscle. Sometimes they don't want to hurt you so they inject you in the fat between muscle and skin instead. A lot of people got their immunization certification recently so don't have a lot of confidence yet.
No. 823725
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the vaccine symptoms basically Covid-lite, like when you get the regular flu vaccine and it gives mild, temporary flu-like symptoms? And this includes the period stuff. I've read that people who get Covid experience these exact same kinds of irregularities, in which case, you risk this happening to you either way, vaxxed or unvaxxed. Any science fags know more about this than I do?
In my case, I was already on my period when I got my first Pfizer shot, but it was the last day. I thought it was completely finished, but after having the shot I did have discharge (red, like mid-period). It only happened this one time and then my period did truly end. I dunno if this had anything to do with the shot.
No. 826080
>>820644I'm in the UK but thought of this post when I was in line for my Pfizer shot, for a second you had me worried but it seemed like a normal sized needle and I didn't even feel the needle going in at the start.
I had to really pay attention to even see the needle, nurses have such an impressive slight of hand to distract you
The only side effect here is a painful arm nbd
No. 828547
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This is making me so nervous, I’m 25 and have been having some chest pains ever since I got my Pfizer shot. It comes and go and has calmed down the past few weeks but still flares up occasionally.
No. 828574
>>828561I'm not vaccinated yet but I've had some late periods this last year and every time I look it up it talks about stress or illnesses like stomach bugs or the flu having the ability to delay ovulation and the rest of your cycle.
Based on that I could see it maybe affecting one cycle but multiple is worrying
No. 828577
>>828561>>828574The first google result says it is because your immune system is "hard at work" so your period is delayed still get a period when I have a cold or flu, even when under going intense chemo for cancer some women still maintain their cycles. If your mine system is fighting something for that long its your body saying something is wrong.
J&J also caused all of those blood clots in women, and I had a coworker who got Moderna and she suffered an undiagnosed stroke the same month.
Fuck I shouldn't have googled while drunk tinfoiling. I'm that same pharmacy manager anon and I don't want this on my conscious for not warning thousands of women this is an undiagnosed risk. I'm sure the cdc doesn't give two shits so I did my job with the data I had but still.
Maybe it's nothing.
No. 828648
>>828561From the people who have reported missed/delayed/overflowing or light periods, all of their cycles evened out after a couple of months.
I would definitely advise amyone with reproductive health issues to go and see their doctor.
No. 828911
>>828686This is not a given, although I know there have been reports of people having a strong reaction to the first dose of the vaccine if they had a prior infection, while the second dose reaction was negligible in comparison.
Some people just react more strongly to the vaccine and some breeze right through it.
No. 829096
>>828911everyone I've known who's gotten the vax says the second shot is the most potent and gave them the worst side effects. at least people who've had pfizer and moderna
first pfizer shot gave me bad arm ache for a day but I'm fine now, and I have what could be considered "stronger" immunity
No. 829171
>>829138Not me, but my mom
She got Synopharm around 2 months after she got infected and (fortunately) recuperated.
Not much to say about the first dose, the pain on her arm was minimum. The same happened with the second dose, the side effects were hardly present.
No. 829206
>>829138My mother and I had covid in November. We just had our first dose of Pfizer a month ago. I also experienced chest tightness for three days and arm pain for a week or so. I also woke up next night in a sheen of sweat so I might have had a fever during sleep.
My mother had weird symptoms only 24 hrs, very flu-like in nature (low fever, fatigue, arm and underarm pain). She was also highly emotional lol, started crying while I was talking to her about the history between Israel and Palestine.
I want to go through and get the second shot, my mom wants to skip because we are surrounded by antivaxxers and they told her she was going to get cancer or something. Good times.
No. 830167
>>829512 I would always consult a medical professional (if possible) if you are still having side effects from the vaccine.
I found out that one of our close family friends got vaccinated and he had the weird chest feeling. Went to the doctor and they saw that one of his arteries/ventricals has buildup.
He's taking medication and blaming the vaccine for his clogged arteries, nevermind that he drinks like a salmon and eats bacon slathered in butter every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The gall of some people.
No. 831326
First dose of Pfizer, didn't feel anything and not even arm soreness.
Had my second dose today and I feel vaguely nauseous. Arm hurts slightly at the injection area. Took a nap earlier and woke up sweaty.
I have this general feeling of 'unwellness' but not the kind usually associated with having a cold, I just have this hint of something being wrong with me that makes me feel uncomfortable and want to sleep.
All I know is I'm getting my free day off work tomorrow for "side effects" and all those cunts can eat the corn out my ass if they don't like it. I'll never forget this one coworker bitch ~~~coincidentally~~~ scheduling her vaccine to line up when our office was undergoing an external audit that she knew about in advance, and she was out for two days while I hustled ass to try to get her shit done during her absence. No one said shit to her. If my manager gets whiny that I'm out on a no-event Wednesday, I'm gonna raise hell with HR, especially since they were the ones pushing for everyone getting vaccinated in the office. HR kept sending out these emails where they claimed if enough people replied with interest, then they could get a mobile vaccine clinic to come on-site. To no surprise, there was never enough sign-ups so then they'd just send a passive-aggressive email with a link to Walgreen's and told us good luck.
The other lie they told to manipulate more people into getting the vaccine is that if everyone in the company got it, then they'd have a 'raffle' with prizes such as $1000 lmao. Obviously it's impossible that every single person in a company would be vaccinated. They're such petty liars.
Speaking of that, I got vaccine-shamed twice by two conspiritard boomer coworkers today during my shift. One is a grossly overpaid and old remote consultant from Florida (ofc) who remarked "shame on you" when I said I got it today and why I might not be there tomorrow. The other one is a quality engineer that I'm helping train, and while she's a sweet lady she's also a boomer who suffers from the condition of believing whatever article she reads on the fucking internet. She said today 'They're saying the injection site is magnetic…' the FUCK are you on about lady?! Do you either believe the vaccine fluid itself has a magnetized component, or are you insinuating there's a microchip? Not only is it debunked, but it doesn't even make sense. She's blatantly said she's not getting the vaccine and hopes I don't have anything "long term" from this.
Why can't these older folks just be happy that young and healthy people are getting the vaccine so they can be safe in their bubbles?
No. 831327
>>828648I was one of the anons who had a messed up period after my Pfizer shot. Can confirm that now it seems to be basically back to normal, just a little heavier than usual.
I think there is a possibility of something weird with the circulation, or blood, or something for women and the vaccines. I don't know what exactly, but it is odd how J&J caused the clots and how a lot of us report weird periods following, at least for a short time. Truth is this was a real damned if you do damned if you don't think IMO, and I know I was taking a "risk" with the vaccine. But i'd be taking a risk with Covid too, so. Had to risk something, sucks, but it is what it is.
Now getting my child vaccinated is a different story. I think it's a little sketchy how hard they're pushing kids in line next considering the absolutely tiny risk to children that is presented by Covid, and reports of heart issues with 12+s. The long covid shit btw is totally fake in my opinion, this virus is not dissimilar to other coronaviruses or respiratory illnesses from Asia, and none of them report these let's say…very similar to "chronic fatigue syndrome" long lingering side effects. I think it is a lot of medical malingerers. No. 832542
>>832343>what if your kid infects grandma? Or a schoolteacher?I care about my kid more than all the grandmas or schoolteachers in the world, no matter how harsh that sounds. To be clear I will give my kid proven vaccines. But not something that has just come out.
I don't care how much money or research was poured into these vaccines. I care about how long they've been mass injected into people, and what the results are after several years. Others can test it for me first. If the death rate was higher, maybe then I'd take it or inject my kid with it.
>>832325I'm young, I had covid, it did shit all to me.
No. 834855
>>834848I think all the idiots are just really resentful about lockdowns because clearly being alone with their own thoughts causes them a lot of anguish. It's mostly the beer drinkers and pub goers or just idiots that are anti vax. I think they're channeling their annoyance about lockdowns at the government and vaccines.
Then they get told their nuts and prolonging the epidemic and they get mad and start making up conspiracies the government's wants to kill the global population but all the retards that didn't get the vax will be left behind to rebuild society. Even though they can't manage to read research about vaccines.
No. 834857
>>834848They're in real life too. I worked for two separate pharmaceutical companies during the span of covid.
First company had employees who were piss ignorant about covid in general (this is back before we had a vaccine) and would routinely not wear their mandated masks to work. One manager was even using that argument that masks lower your blood oxygen level. There were a lot of covid infection reports there.
Current company is about a 50/50. Some people have vaccinated, however some of the older folks believe the vaccine is literal poison and refuse to get it.
I called out sick for naseau after my second dose just for a day, and all the boomers were patronizing me and wishing me luck while saying that's why they wouldn't get the vaccine. The fuck? How is being slightly nauseous and tired for a day fucking worse than a standard cold, no less a virus that could lay you flat for weeks or kill you?
Whatever, if people wanna act like the vaccine is a microchip then they don't have to get it I guess. As long as they understand they have to keep wearing a mask and social distance. Oh but wait, those are the same people who want to free sneeze in public and get up in someone else's face to socialize without masks on. Ugh.
Also I'm definitely getting my period now when I had my 2nd shot last week. It didn't affect my cycle.
No. 834861
>>834848I saw alot of local anti vaxxers pop up online when this started and I was surprised tbh. Didn't think my country had much of that. Then I took part in some market research where I got to read other peoples opinions on it and I saw alot of statements about how a decent percentage wanted to wait it out and only take the vax after maybe delaying it by a couple of years and watching how it affected others first. To do it at their own pace and let others take the risk that they perceived. It was an alarming percentage claiming they'd do that. Sit it out for years and see..
But now that the vaccine is actually being rolled out the wait time here is behind other countries by quite a bit and if anything people are now inpatient as they're dying for the registration to open up for their age group already. There's been a shift in those few months.
No. 834864
I've read through the thread and I was anti-this-specific-vaccine until I finally gave in and got it. First dose was late May, felt nothing besides my left arm and boob hurting super bad.
Now. The second shot. I got it 6/9 and was dead to the world for three days. Im talking heavy sweats to where I couldn't stand wearing clothes, muscle pain like no other, splitting headache, sleeping on and off, dizziness, and finally nausea that made it hard to keep food down. I was pissed, no one told me how horrid it was going to be. Most everybody compared it to a flu. I've had the flu, I'm nearly 30, I can handle a motherfucking flu. It did not compare to a flu. I live alone, I nearly dialed 911 because I thought I was dying.
Part of what leads people to being anti-vax is the lying I was fed for months about the vaccine being harmless or 'not that bad'. People need to be more honest. I was lucky that I had a job that gave me no-questions-asked PTO, but people like my friends and sister who work service industry type jobs don't get that luxury, and the constant lying or lessening of how bad the shot can actually be leads to more fear and distrust. My experience has made my fiancé say absolutely not to himself getting the shot. I don't blame him. If something is good they shouldn't be shamed into doing it, especially with something as important as medical care.
No. 834881
>>834864I'm months away from my shots but a fair few elderly people that I know have talked about this 3 day spell of sweats and pain and other ailments from the 2nd shot. Just through word of mouth I'm hearing this pretty often.
I live alone with no fam nearby so I'm mantally planning how to deal with 3 bedbound days and trouble moving around if it happens.
No. 835069
>>834884They didn't say anything, I scheduled my vax online through walgreens and the guy who gave me the shots didn't ask me anything, just told me to wait 15 mins after the shot and then go home. The whole process was more like getting a flu shot, very impersonal and quick, which put me in a frame of mind where I was like 'oh, it wont be that bad'. I was very wrong.
Pisses me off too because despite going through all that we still have to wear masks at work while customers get to walk around mask free, and I've proven I'm vaccinated so…it's the indecision for me.
No. 835800
>>832394Vaccins are usually not made this fast because usually there isn't a global population to be vaccinated asap and make a shitload of money off
Getting kinda sick of this B-but vaccins aren't usually made this fast!! When we're, what, over half a year into vaccinating in most countries at this point? You still haven't done your research? You can still question the rapid development of the vaccins and it's safety but the
why shouldn't need to be asked anymore.
No. 840048
>>840040People are free to make their own decisions when they don't impact others.
I don't want people making their own decisions about the literal pandemic or global warming because all evidence points to those decisions being stupid and selfish ones. NTA btw.
No. 840055
>>823306anon, how are the symptoms now? is the taste/smell back or about the same?
i'm thankful they're not requiring masks in majority of places now, i'm still gonna keep my distance though. i just thought it was silly because majority of people weren't wearing or able to afford the masks that actually are effective against the virus. it's smaller than particles of water, the videos of people spraying water at the generic face mask and droplets not going through to "prove effectiveness" doesn't mean shit.
>>834864>Part of what leads people to being anti-vax is the lying I was fed for months about the vaccine being harmless or 'not that bad'there's this… and then there's documented history of doctors abusing, experimenting, and killing patients for their own benefit or the government benefit. i'm not particularly anti, but skeptical, wait-and-see type, about the medical industry in general.
however, i am aware there is a huge and loud subset of anti-vaxers that overlaps with extremist vegans, ableists, and homophobes. they are truly delusional.
No. 850481
>>850469i got moderna a few weeks ago and had a sore arm and some sluggishness for the rest of the day. i just felt a bit tired, but not to the point that i had to lie down and rest at all cost. the next day i had a bit of a sore throat but that went away after two days.
i'm getting my second shot next thursday and that one is supposed to be worse so i'm kinda nervous about it tbh
No. 850516
>>850469I'm due my second pfizer jab in two weeks. I haven't had any side effects apart from the sore arm on the day and then a bit after but it's not that sore.
A lot of the articles that say people are dying more with the vaccines if you read the articles it's talking about the delta variant. The vaccines themselves are about 95% effective and 94% against the delta variant.
Low income areas are being hit hardest and the delta variant is hitting the over 55s more that aren't vaccinated even though its been been available to them. So since vaccination majority of deaths are actually targeting unvaccinated populations more proportionate than vaccinated.
I read a study about the age demographics and about the susceptibility. Someone over 80 that's vaccinated still runs the risk of an unvaccinated 55 year old just because of other factors. Vaccines still are 95% effective.
No. 850587
>>850469I got both pfizer shots and I had pretty much no major side effects. After the 1st one my shoulder was sore and the next day I felt kinda tired and lethargic, but not shitty enough to take a sick day from work.
After the 2nd dose I had chills all night but again, not bad enough to get bedridden and I actually did a lot of physical work that day too.
The worst thing is my period, after the 1st one it came 2 days early and after the 2nd it lasted 1 week instead of my usual 4 days.
My whole fam got the pfizer except my mom who got the AZ vaccine and none of us have experienced anything major. Good luck with your shot, anon!
No. 855500
>>850481 and a dumbass. i never checked my vax card and turns out i actually got biontech and not moderna (even though my gp said i would get moderna). had my 2nd shot yesterday and was fine. i was very tired and hungry, but i also had only a few hours of sleep before i got my shot so that may have contributed to it. my arm feels pretty sore even 30 hours later, but it's bearable. i also had swollen lymph nodes in the arm and, for some reason, in the groin area? but that was also bearable.
No. 864579
>>834855 Langan, a man once called the “world’s smartest man” by the
media for having a 210 IQ, is urging resistance to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Langan made a post in his Facebook group where he addressed his concerns
with the COVID-19 vaccine, the mandatory vaccine regime, and its dire
implications for mankind.
“A mass human die-off would be traumatic and threaten the status quo. If the
human population crashes and the economy follows suit, the elite will have
nothing, no innate superiority or adaptivity, that might protect them and
conduce to their survival. Hence, they prefer mass sterilization and a
slower (but still rapid) population decline,” he wrote.
Langan admitted that population growth concerns are legitimate but felt the
approach of the elite is highly unethical and misinformed. He made some
controversial conclusions as a result of his analysis.
“In short, by virtue of stuffing their pockets and pushing everyone else
around, the elite consider themselves a “Master Race”, a kind of global
livestock breeding association to which the rest of the species is nothing
but a herd of docile cattle to be bred for servility and barely enough
intelligence to follow orders,” he wrote.
“This has been clearly and irrefutably documented by e.g., the “White
Genocide” agenda described a century ago by R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi,
originally funded by the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other international
bankers and now pursued as international policy throughout the Western
world,” Langan continued.
“It’s easy to see where this leads, and it’s nowhere good. Personally, I’m
willing if necessary to do severe physical harm to anyone attempting to
force one of these injections on me, and the same should be true of any
other decent self-respecting person,” he added.
In a followup post, he elaborated on the reasoning behind his conclusions.
“Resisting the ‘vaccine’ helps the elite identify you as someone who is
better killed and therefore eligible for ‘leader vaccination,’” Langan said.
“Any worthwhile slaves who die immediately are acceptable collateral damage;
besides, every death serves the depopulation agenda,” he continued.
“This is a mass-scale operation in which human error makes it impossible to
efficiently select for “quality”, whether quality is defined on objective
merit, or serviceability to the parasitic overclass,” Langan added.
Langan will inevitably be branded as a conspiracy theorist and other slurs
for expressing his point of view against the globalist technocracy, but he
certainly has courage to speak out during a time of increasing censorship
and repression.
No. 864718
>>864665I think that the vaccination scares seem bigger than they are because they're a very American problem, and everything American is amplified as the most important news throughout the rest of the west.
That and crazy people shout the loudest, normal people just want to get on with living again.
No. 865551
Any nonas with autoimmune disease gotten the vaccine? Did you feel pressured into it?
I don't use the word "gaslight" often but reading an article that says "80% of bad side effects happen to women, most autoimmune patients are women, we have zero data about how safe AI patients are long-term after the vax, here's why that doesn't matter and you should definitely get the vaccine" feels like I'm going crazy.
I also know I'd get crucified by my friends if I openly said I'm avoiding it just to be safe. I feel like a year ago we were all taking about how important herd immunity is for people who can't get vaccinated… now the story is so black-and-white, if you don't get the vax you're a monster genocidal flat-earther.
Articles in question: No. 865636
>>865601It is possible to sell them off to other countries, thats how my country got rid of Astra doses. I am also on the fence about the current vaccines due to certain health conditions that run in the family so it's completely reasonable to wait for a suitable vaccine and there are definitely
valid concerns in the side effects in mRna, even when the really bad ones are rare.
No. 865690
>>865612Right? My friend has been struggling with fertility for years and is now on the cusp of starting a family, she says she's not taking anything until there are long-term (4-year) fertility studies done. I don't see how that makes her an asshole. I don't know what decision I'd make in that situation… I'm childfree so it's hard to say.
On the other hand, most 30+ people have at least one health condition or consideration like fertility they could look at and say they'll wait until more data comes. And if everybody did that, the vaccine effort would fall apart.
No. 865703
>>865551>>865612If you can handle tinfoil, it's common tactic by media and gov to excuse authoritarism by divide and conquer through artifically setting up 2 extreme sides (progressive I got my vax right away everything scientists say is true, vs. conservative no mask conspiracy theorists who kill their kids by not vaxxing them). As a result of this if you even question anything you're painted into the latter side.
I actually was going to get my vaccine but didn't in the end because they started pushing it so hard it was sus. When I got word that they were censoring women's side effects like messed up periods and miscarriages I noped out.
No. 865780
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What does everyone think about the twitter bots? It's giving me a weird vibe, like I regret getting the first dose and might just lie and say I've obtained the second.
No. 865818
>>864867The choice is up to you and you shouldn't feel pressured to take the second shot, but as another anon has said you should make your decision based on more than just random anons in a lolcow thread. I got the first and second shot without any side effects at all. My entire family is fully vaccinated, none of them had any problems.
When it comes to long term effects down the road I have fully accepted that there might be some, but if me taking the vaccine means someone else who is afraid doesn't have to, but still benefit from herd immunity, I'm glad to have done it. Also consider if you're a smoker, drink alcohol or eat garbage food, then I believe it's not the vaccine itself you're afraid of, just general fear of the unknown.
No. 865824
>>865813Lmao nice catch. Ligma and sugma are literally channer troll words. "Ligma dick" "Sugma dick" say it out loud. They're literally trolling you tards like boomers.
Anyway, enjoy your circlejerk, enjoy your bat disease, enjoy getting played by literal qanon tier incels, and please stay away from normal people, you selfish, cowardly bat disease carriers.
No. 865848
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I think I'm gonna get the vaccine soon, did anyone here get J&J? I heard it's harsher but the second mrna is also supposed to suck and it would be one and done…
I would actually like to get the novavax but seems like it's not coming to america anytime soon
No. 866040
>>866010>>866032Vaccines still have side effects like blood clots and vaccine shedding. They also have
toxic chemicals.
No. 866044
>>866038i just want to chime in i have been vaccinated for months and my hormones and cycle are both fine. i am just as healthy as before
also pcos is a metabolic disorder and i doubt a vaccine could cause that
if you're worried about hormones stop taking hormonal birth controls which are way more dangerous and unhealthy than a freaking vaccine
No. 866045
>>866044I'm sorry you sound so deluded. You ate up all the scrote propaganda.
>>866042Vaxxers are 100% a cult. Seem like religious freaks to me.
No. 866049
>>866045antivaxxers are 100% a cult. seem like religious freaks to me.
anyways no, i genuinely don't care if you don't want to get vaccinated. it is everyone's own choice and i understant the reluctance because this vaccination thing became too political. i don't trust the government or politicians either, but i come from a family of doctors which is why i have no reason to doubt science at this moment. my sister was among the first one to receive it as she is an oncologist
No. 866053
>>866051i would say schizophrenic, paranoid vaccine posting every day is more worrisome than having a family of doctors but okay
i would advise therapy or some anxiety management like meditation
No. 866068
>>866057anxiety is the inability to regulate emotions which meditation can help with. it can also help people become present and more aware of what's
triggering anxiety, i think it is worth looking into
>>866060if you have underlying medical conditions then yes, the vaccine can cause side effects. everybody should consider their health or discuss this with their doctor.
>>866066the hysteria is mostly about new mutations that can be more deadly than the ones we have currently
>>866067do you live in north korea or what? in the west HIPAA protects your rights. your employer has no right to ask about your vaccination history. getting vaccinated is everybody's own choice.
No. 866079
>>866068>do you live in north korea or what?lol
>>865778 No. 866085
>>866074>>866078the eua says that
Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.
and hipaa also protects your rights against having to disclose your medical or vaccine history
if they will really start forcing vaccines that would mean they're breaking the above mentioned stuff we turn into an authoritarian dystopia right lol
either way, what do you conspiracy nonnies think the endgame is for vaccinating people? is it a chip? 5G? mind-control? i really don't see it
No. 866092
>>866085>authoritarian dystopiaWe're already in one anon idk what you want me to say to convince you, you clearly believe the gov wants what best for everyone.
>What do you conspiracy nonnies think the endgame is for vaccinating people?Do you think all conspiracy nonnies are conservitards parroting fox news? This is the divide I was talking about in
>>865703. It's probably going to do what everything else they lace us with does, make ppl stupider and sicker, and off the "useless" very old/very sick ppl.
No. 866104
>>866092>>866095i mentioned here
>>866049 that i don't trust the government either which is why i understand why people find it suspicious. politicians use the vaccine as a political tool, which just shouldn't be happening. medicine should not be a political debate. i believe we are being controlled and are slaves to corporations and capitalism and are heading towards self-destruction. my question is, what does the vaccine have to do with any of this?
your bodies are already controlled because you're literally dependent on corporations to provide you with clean water and food to survive. you are slave to modern technologies because we cannot even have a job or do taxes and stuff nowadays without internet or smartphones. popular media dumbs you down enough already, processed food and sugar you eat every day makes you dumb and sick too. you really don't need vaccines to make you sicker, you're already sick lol
if anything, this whole vacc-antivacc division is just one big distraction from something (and i don't think it's about becoming a world-wide totalitarian regime or whatever, the world outside of USA exists)
No. 866132
wtf happened to this thread?
>politicians use the vaccine as a political tool, which just shouldn't be happening. medicine should not be a political debate.seconded,
>>866104 has a point. can we stop sperging about muh
toxic foreign alien substances now? anons pls, it’s only a vaccine.
No. 866138
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What the fuck happened to this thread. All you anti vaxxers have no issues with birth control or a polio vaccine but this is where you draw the line? You guys sound fucking stupid. Please take your shit back to
No. 866158
>>866147no offense amerinonita but the FDA is a bullshit organization. they allow known carcinogens that are banned in other parts of the world in your food, medicine and cosmetic products. titanium dioxide, brominated vegetable oil, synthetic growth hormones, etc. are just a few of the many other chemicals that are harmful to humans and are banned in the eu and elsewhere.
not to mention
toxic herbicides such as roundup that are not only dangerous to humans but are also destroying the environment, yet are not regulated by the FDA. but surely the covid vaccine is the real enemy here.
No. 866162
>>866147Retard alert! I guess all the millions that died are crisis actors and the government just wants to kill people that understand science and vaccines.
Wonder what the correlation is with anti vax people and education/employment
No. 866303
>>866156>>866158>admits fda approval can mean shit, so they are effectively giving us drugs that are harmful without a care for our safety>implies that therefore we can trust the OTHER drugs being pushed at us, must be totally vetted for our safetylol you only made the argument in support of vaccines look worse.
>>866162~99% survival rate
No. 866366
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No. 866397
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>>866303Are you stupid? The anon I was replying to implied they wouldn’t take the shot unless it was FDA approved. Also take that “99%” survival rate and shove it up your ass. Millions of people have died and others have a bunch of health problems because of covid. These aren’t people with or existing conditions either before you try to use that as an excuse. It’s embarrassing that you think people surviving it means it’s not that serious and part of me hopes you learn the consequences of your ignorance.
If the death rate was 99%, all of you antivaxxers would be clamoring for that vaccine and begging for it. Y’all talk a big talk but the moment you’re in the ICU with a tube down your throat, you’ll be singing a different tune.
No. 866428
>>866397NTA but
>These aren’t people with or existing conditions eitherBeing a fatass is a condition, fatass.
No. 866465
>>866461Hope you keep your distance from the rest of the world while unvaccinated, anon.
The vaccine is the only safe way back to a normal life.
No. 866469
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>>866293>my coworker said that the delta variant is even more deadly to those who are vaccinated.Really? They're retarded because I've been reading the complete opposite online. at "run".
No. 866475
>>866465You can still get infected even if you're vaccinated though, and recently some doctors have been saying that you'd be just as infectious as a non-vaccinated person. Some are worried that since the vaccines don't properly cover for Delta, the virus will just keep spreading and mutate again and again. (I know I didn't use the right terms, but that's the gist of it)
Get vaccinated if you want, but don't act like you're completely immmune then, because you're really not. If you're unvaccinated, just be extra careful and don't go around so much.
No. 866482
>>866465I never mentioned my own vaccination status. I simply explained why some people might be reluctant.
>>866468If you don't trust the government, media or pharmaceutical industry on anything else, why would you suddenly trust them when it comes to a vaccine with no long term safety data?
>The vaccine is the only safe way back to a normal lifeBut it isn't because it doesn't provide immunity from covid. If it works why are vaccinated people still getting infected and dying of covid? Why are covid infection rates still rising and countries are still going into lock down and issuing mask mandates when the majority of people are vaccinated?
No. 866501
>>866482It works by reducing the severity of the illness. Cases rise in mostly vaccinated countries but deaths rates fall (compared to the amount of death if same freedom to move and no vaccine). We have to put masks back because the people not vaccinated are being put on respiratory help as they get Covid at 100% effectiveness. It is just basic logic and stats… When everyone is vaccinated and the number of deaths dwindles to a ridiculous number, but most of them are from vaccinated people, will you still question the vaccine?
The only logical argument against 100% trust in the vaccine is long term side effects but it's a moot point if you live a shitty lifestyle, also Covid is probably more dangerous long term as the evidence of long Covids suggest.
No. 866587
>>866461My dad has MS and got the vaccines as soon as he could because he's been living in pure isolation before that moment. The unvaccinated are 40% more likely to get covid and then they're without the antibodies to help combat the infection.
Like I know science is difficult and it would take me fucking ages to sit and explain them to some dumbass that doesn't want to read actual research and would rather parrot easy digestible talking points based on misinterpreted science. Like fuck off. The cunts not taking the vaccines due to the "unknown" long term effects probably eat processed food, don't make a point to eat their recommended fruit and veg portions, take drugs, smoke etc.
Honestly it's like some of you cunts have never had real issues or problems now that covids here it's time for some of you cunts to show your personality. And you're useless. You're a massive drain on society.
No. 866598
>>866482genuine request: can you provide me data for your claims?
i am only aware of my country's data. we have 40% of the population vaccinated and new cases are steadily going down, we have had many weeks with days that had no new cases nor deaths. the infection cases started to slowly go up now because a couple weeks ago delta was found in our country.
another country i am aware of is japan because i'm following the olympics. japan is very behind in vaccination and they have record amount of new cases ever since the olympics started. wouldn't these 2 examples prove that vaccines actually work but are less effective against new mutations?
No. 866615
>>866587Nice strawman argument. I am on the fence about the vaccine, I work out every day, eat no processed foods and eat veggies every day and I'm still unsure if I want to get the vaccine anytime soon. (I live in a country with a lower vaccination rate than the US and haven't been called in for vaccination yet either.) Of the people I know, those who are more invested in living a healthy lifestyle are also those who weren't sure about the corona vaccine.
I have no idea why the hardcore vaxxers always need to jump to conclusions and basically make shit up to prove their point.
Also, the vaccine doesn't keep you from spreading the virus so I really don't understand all this hatred. It's people like you who are showing your true personalities.
No. 866621
>>866618None of the arguments in this thread are constructive or informative. How are you all this dumb?
>>866619You're just scared.
No. 866624
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>>866619Lmfao who gave you this info? Q-Anon? Post your reputable source if you truly believe a vaccine is killing people. I only hope you don’t take any kind of medication whatsoever because of all the side effects that COULD happen to less than 1% of the population.
Do you have polio too? And tetanus while you’re at it?
No. 866631
>>866611Show your stats, if you know people personally surely it would be easy to substantive your bullshit.
>>866615The way the vaccine works it reads the fucking viral DNA code and attacks the infectious strains. Yes there is a new variant because people are too thick to wash their fucking hands and stop contamination. I worked with dangerous pathogens in lab conditions and hand washing and wiping down surfaces is standard fucking practice. If the pandemic has shown anything it's how fucking woeful and lazy a lot of people are at basic hygiene. I've religious had hand santizier on me out in public, use it at all the shops use it after touching surfaces, petrol pumps. I see people walk past the free sanitizers all the time because they're too fucking busy to wipe their fucking hands.
The vaccines reduce infection and severity and works with your innate immune system to build up resistance which means if shit evolves we have a basis to combat and then natural immunity can happen faster which increase the survival rate.
Covid is here. It exists. You're not going to avoid it. Vaccines are a free resource to use to combat a disease that has killed millions that otherwise wouldn't have died. It's insurance. Honestly I would not be made if governments order them as like a mandatory insurance. Some are already doing it with the travel restrictions and good on them. It doesn't infringe on your freedoms if you can't travel to another place. Like funny antivaxxers are usually anti immigrants etc, just hypocritical how their fucking minds work.
No. 866632
>>866627Uhm… It's insane to inform about potential side effects? Are you serious?
How is informing about vaccine side effects insane when the pharmaceutical companies are obligated to disclose every potential side effect for medications as well?
No. 866645
>>866638>refusing the means to combat a global threat Refusing a vaccine that 1. doesn't prevent spread and transmission of the global threat 2. has major side effects for a lot of people, worse than the disease itself when it comes to young people 3. is experimental and still has a lot of unknown effects
You literally want to bully people into doing things out of pure spite and hatred, it's scary to think about how many people like you exist out there. Of course, I know lolcow attracts the best of the best.
No. 866646
>>866641Black and white thinking, I worked in a lab with various pathogens to study antimicrobial resistance. Resesrch that you philistine cunt, a disease like this was inevitable and scientists have been looking into it for years. The science of mmr vaccines is well substiantied and versed. Read the research.
The latest stats in my country show currently the ones in ICU are majority unvaxxed males, but younger people are getting admitted now. Finally the unvaccinated and ones fed up with the safety measures are getting proportionally targeted. It's on them if they want to learn the hard way.
No. 866647
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>>866638It’s honestly not worth arguing with antivaxxers. The number of people they claim being affected by heart inflammation from the vaccine is less than 5000 with no definitive proof that it’s from the COVID vaccine. People also get this from a flu vaccine so they’re just grasping at straws to justify their selfishness. Covid will just keep mutating until it kills these weirdos betting on a herd immunity that’ll never come at this point.
No. 866652
>>866639Why would anyone provide links to a mentally ill kid that should be able to use Google? It's so easy to search for.
I am genetically predisposed to blood clots and avoid any risk factors, such as hormonal birth control, nicotine, obesity and so on. Currently, if I wanted to get vaccinated ASAP, I would have to get J&J. The link between COVID vaccines and thrombosis has been proven, so for me to be on the fence about it should be understandable. Thrombosis as a side effect is rare, but as I am more at risk, I sure will think good and hard about it before getting the vaccine. I follow all safety measures and get tested before going anywhere. But sure, I should be stoned by the mob because fuck me.
No. 866657
>>866624The medication and vaccines that I have taken aren't still in their experimental phase. I'll gladly take it once it's considered safe, complete and actually effective.
>>866633>>866631Do you people live under a rock? Do they not tell you about the blood clots and myocarditis in the US? are some, but there are a lot of other articles from official sources. In some states, some particular vaccines are even banned for certain age groups because the correlation between vaccine shot and sudden deaths due to thrombosis or myocarditis is too obvious and needs to be studied (for some it's proven already). And again, you do not know what long term side effects they could have.
No. 866675
>>866669Cases dont equal severity of infections though? The stats of those admitted to icu is more credible and shows that its proportional more detrimental to an unvaccinated person. Like a vaxxed 70 year old has the same probabilities of covid as an unvaxxed 50 year old but its still in their best interests to get vaccinated. It's truly not a difficult concept.
>>866670My black and white thinking, you're just pulling strawmans out of your ass. It's clear to any non autist that antivaxxers are the cunts that attend the anti lockdown protests. Spread misinformation which is extremely ignorant and dangerous. The people that understand the science will understand there are people that are not viable for the vaccine. It's the covid deniers people are venting about. And when you push them they'll start getting out their lamented exempt placards and start saying how their upstanding and follow all the guidelines etc etc and they're being harassed about a vaccine when if they're truly exempt they wouldn't be fucking harassed because literally no one could force them to get it. Pull your head out of your ass
No. 866676
>>866674I bet they're a burger, every single issue has to neatly be divided into two sides that fight each other
Although that attitude is everywhere now
No. 866681
>>866675>The stats of those admitted to icu is more credibleI was talking to the anon who claimed cases are going down because of the vaccine. I do agree with you, deaths from the rona here are really low and I don't doubt it's because of the vaccines. But I do believe it's a mistake rolling them to everyone before even checking they have any condition or allergies or goddamn natural immunity.
For young non-fat not immunocompromised individuals the risks of this crap outweighs the benefits.
>Inb4 but the vaxx makes you asymptomatic so you can't spread itSo…we agree asymptomatic people can't spread the plague? It's either this or vaccines don't do shit for transmission. Can't have the cake and eat it too.
No. 866683
>>866680If you're viable for the vaccine and you're still refusing it at this point you're an ignorant cunt and your friends and family should put pressure on you to stop being such an entitled dumbass.
My shithole country actually has majority of people vaccinated and we have very relaxed restrictions and our cases are managble. We're a low densely populated country and haven't actually been as badly hit as other places. Don't worry about me, I've actually come to respect how my local communities have come together.
No. 866722
>>866681The reason the vaccine helps stop the spread is because it cuts the viral load not because it stops symptoms. Asymptomatic non vaccinated people have the same viral load as symptomatic people, you are by science a lot more fucking contagious
nonny what the fuck are you talking about? This is a bad point. I’m sorry
No. 866729
>>866672>>866674This is because of the media that they think that way, there's tons of people, normies across the political spectrum who are unsure about the
experimental vaccine. Not even anti, but it's totally sane to notice "hm this has not a lot of research yet and they admit we are the test subjects but if you want to wait at all, you're demonized." All the popular narrative wants to tell you is that it's capital storming anti-science trumpers vs. sane sweet angel wokes. I wish we could admit that there are people in between. Attacking them on sight with strawmans is not helping the case, either. Whether it's logical of them or not it will only make any person more upset at you, and suspicious. It's bad faith tactics and it's really prevalent right now in the news even though it's not fair or true.
>>866659If you don't have health reasons that may exacerbate, why is the vaccine shilled as such a solution, they're now saying you can still be a super spreader of covid with it and guess what, covid's death rate of ~1% and majority of those are elderly or with previous conditions. Not saying fuck those people, but if you can spread either way, how on earth is this a solution. "Long covid" is a nebulous concept, I haven't seen any evidence that it lasts longer than a year and I suspect this is actually common with other illnesses. The most cited symptom is fatigue. Sucks, but I had the same problem for months after getting pneumonia. I'm not even shut off to the idea of vaccines but these companies with a sketchy history, who are actively censoring and threatening doctors who ask questions, for an experimental gene therapy with very little research so far especially wrt long-term, how am I supposed to "trust the science" as new information comes out each day making it look worse and worse. Vaccinated may be super spreaders, you still need to quarantine if you're exposed, ohh durr we need another lockdown, gonna delete your post for misinfo if you don't include a "I'm not antivax" disclaimer when reporting side effects — how is any of this not bothersome to you people? It's starting to bother normies. They won't be able to keep stringing us along soon because people are getting tired, even the ones who've been good little followers.
No. 866790
>>866729The current level of discourse isn't going to change anyone's mind about the vaccine. If anything being constantly screeched at for having reasonable concerns is more likely to radicalize people in the other direction. Maybe further polarisation of already extreme political views was the intended purpose.
What I do find bizarre is that it's mostly leftists that have the attitude that everyone must have the vaccine regardless of risks. One minute the government is literally genociding
PoC and now we must all trust them and march to the nearest vaccination centre to be injected with an experimental vaccine. Both sides are retarded but at least the right is consistent in it's retardation.
I guess I'll be wearing my government issued unvaxxed triangle when the time comes.
No. 866820
>>866631>Covid is here. It exists. You're not going to avoid it. It's sounding more and more like you
want people to catch it, but you also claim to want people to be safer and more hygienic. So which is it?
The vaccine is also making people sick in horrible ways, lmao. Just because it didn't affect you doesn't give you the right to attack people for caring about their individual health, asshole.
No. 867284
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how long did it take for arm pain to subside after your first shot?
No. 867357
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>>867292>>867296thanks nonnies hope everything will turn out fine for you!
No. 867414
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>>867409better than spreading literal misinformation
No. 867457
>>867406>>867409this made me literally lol thanks kek
>>867284I got pfizer in the morning, my arm got sore by the evening and lasted throughout the next day. Woke up painfree the day after that.
No. 867733
>>867228but there is a way? not saying it is happening, but there is a basis for it. spike proteins here that are leaking can cross the blood brain barrier. It's these proteins that are suspected of causing the heart inflammation and brain inflammation of covid patients. Initially it was believed that the spike proteins would remain anchored to the cell walls and not break off into the blood stream with the vaccine. But we now know that this is not the case- the most dangerous part of covid actually occurs when you get vaccinated, but in a lower quantity and for less amount of time than with full symptomatic covid infection.
Not saying this is what happened, just saying that there is not "literally no way a vaccine could induce psychosis"
No. 867745
>>867510So wait, do people who got infected with covid and healed actually need the vaccine now?
>>867733Nta but I've also read that apparently the worst symptoms of covid are caused by spike proteins, which are still present in the vaccine. And covid definitely causes damage/inflammation to the brain, so I assume it's not impossible for the vaccine to cause some sort of confused state and psychosis. Then again, people say that the spike proteins in the vaccine are harmless, so who knows.
No. 868092
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>>865848Got the Pfizer today
The actual shot didn't hurt at all and no swelling or anything right now but I did feel lightheaded and such afterwords
I feel ok now, a little bit tired after all the anxiety
Glad I got it over with
No. 868144
>>868143she's my older sis, 34. There is no convincing her either. She said doctors are lying and this podcaster who isn't even a doctor is telling the truth and I'm like "did you read what the FDA, world health organization and the CDC had to say?"
She said they are lying too. Told her that her idol Trump took the vaccine and she said that wasn't true. Then went on how Covid isn't real and how all of this is fake cuz clearly.
No. 868151
>>868149I'm at the "this is stupid, do whatever dumb shit you want"
I'm already heavily considering moving in with my friends next year. This isn't the only time my sister was a dumbass. I'm a decade younger and I feel like I'm baby sitting over here
No. 868159
>>868155I can at least talk about her covid antics here but her other ones I will talk about in other threads. But yup, I live with a crazt anti covid nut. Nothing she says makes sense.
Example, covid isn't real and the vaccine isn't real. But if she takes the vaccine she will die cuz it has the real covid in it. Asking her how people got covid before the vaccines were made will get you the "Covid wasn't real" response and "fake news" even though our uncle and friend died from it. Says the news is trying to scare us but ironically is scared of a shot and "terrorists"
No. 868950
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My fukcing department head at work and one of my other coworkers somehow went and got the D variant despite being vaxxed.
It’s all coming back. I’m so tired of feeling like going out and having fun at a bar or eating indoors at a restaurant is ethically irresponsible. I hate worrying about my aging parents. I wish I lived in S Korea or a similar country with a functioning government that had an appropriate response to the pandemic and a population that isn’t completely brain broken by political polarization
No. 868953
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>>868950I was thinking of getting a real job but now I'm not so sure about it. I'm vaccinated but I do have pretty severe asthma so I don't want to risk it. I just wish all this dumb shit was over.
No. 869093
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>>868950i'm so worried that my vacation plans will go to shit, i'm going to greece at the end of august (i'm also from the eu, greece is close to me). i thought going somewhere close would be a safe choice but i'm not so sure anymore. i just want to go somewhere, i don't care where. i need to take a break from life and work i'm so tired of everything
No. 869674
I'm really interested in how much the dumb will kill themselves this coming flu season and I'm bracing myself for a shut-in winter like a hermit having five kids and not using sunscreen and then dying of covid because you wanted to "see the effects of the vaccine after a year" well buddy you've now seen the effects of covid after a week and you're dead
No. 869842
>>869679Considering at least 80% of the people who tested positive never had any symptoms and long covid is only anxiety renamed…yes
nonnie, it's very possible.
No. 869950
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>>869719shut up stinky doodoo head, i have a long distance bf and we've been trying to meet up for the past 2 years now unsuccessfully. i was just expressing how tired i am of the current world events and wanting to go back to normalcy
No. 870000
nonnie, whatever makes you sleep better. It's not anxiety, it shares only 100% of its symptoms with anxiety.
No. 870173
>>870152>where are the antivaccine, covid denying nonnies now?in special ed, where you also belong
>also what's selfish about wishing the pandemic to go away?nobody's talking about that and you know it, stop playing dumb lol
>are you jealous because nobody loves you?an ldr isn't a real relationship
No. 870199
my mom sent me a wild text message. last night there were fire trucks, ambulance and like 8 cop cars in front of her neighbors house. She thought the druggie wife OD or something.
Nah, the whole family just got covid. So why all the cop cars and fire trucks? Well the husband was a cop so maybe the family was top priority? idk
I guess I find my moms neighbors annoying, especially when I lived with my parents because the wife would always ask if I wanted a hit. But adding that she has two kids and is anti vaxx just made this story more annoying.
I have some hope in humanity and assume they sent in a phone call that they couldn't breath and the fire department and cops were called because they made it sound like a gas leak or somethin.
>>870173I dunno why but you got a chuckle out of me.
No. 870225
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>>870173the internet is also not real, we live in a simulation. now let me whine about not being able to go on a vacation with my internet scrote. i know you need a break from life too
No. 872890
>>872885Do you have no way of getting the other vaccines? If yes, wait. Even though you feel bad. If not, I am so sorry anon.
I don't know if it makes anything better but I heard of many people around me, that got AZ and are fine.
But you'll most likely get a fever and other reactions if you're that young. Better be prepared.
No. 873000
>>872954The numbers of deaths vs cases show the vaccines are effective. Idk if people are desensitised to how many people have died and the case numbers that they cherry pick them. Like there will always be outliers and adverse affects with medication. The numbers of people being adversely by the vaccines are miniscule compared to the death rate.
>>872137People have been lax about restrictions for some time. I live above an air bnb and this summer it's been busier than ever and I've lived here for 4 years. People have been having non stop parties. They drink and party even in the halls of the building.
Barely anyone uses the hand sanitizers when entering shops. Some woman tutted at me the other day for stopping to clean my hands, as if I was slowing her down. Kept bumping into her in all the ailes. Her mask was off.
My town is overrun with tourists. Even one of our roads collapsed due to the increase traffic. People aren't socially distancing and since the bars have been opened here there's been brawls in the streets lol. Just the other week 80 or something teenagers were reported to have had a massive fight in the next town over, kicked off in some beer garden then spilled over to the train station.
If everyone who is eligible to get the vaccine got it, it would increase immunity. It reduces the severity of the infection and while you're not dying of the virus, your body is gaining immunity, which will help when the virus mutates.
The vaccines also reduces the amount of people being admitted to icu.
I've had both jabs, but haven't had the second dose long enough for to be completely effective. And past two days I've developed a cough and woke up today in pain. I had a confrontation with a few dickheads at the weekend who ended up breaking the main door to where I live and I'm going to be so pissed if I have covid lol
No. 873018
>>872997Reposting a link from the tinfoil thread don't personally think that there is intentional malicious intent behind any of the vaccines. The issue is that there was minimal testing and they were rushed to market due to the severity of the pandemic. People need to remember that medical science is not certain and there have been plenty of times throughout history where people with the best of intentions have harmed or killed people because of inadequate research around new treatments. Thalidomide being an example.
No. 873163
>>873149I know that, my point is that medical science has always been iffy when it starts with something new. But if we didn't try it we would still be dying for gangrene or stuff like that.
I know that people are going "well if I get it I will PROBABLY survive it anyway" and how fucking selfish is that? There are a lot of people who will die if the get it. Hell we are all playing russian roulette with it since our shit environment makes sure we all have some underlying condition. In burgerland how much people are fat or have hipertension or asma or are old as fuck? Surely someone you care about falls in any of those categories.
And not to get too apocalyptic but Corona-chan is just a foreshadowing of things to come. With global warming, shoddy farming practices, general contamination and pollution there are probably a lot of viruses and bacteria ready to jump from monkeys to humans. We are in for a ride and you will be choosing between fast and probably not always safe research or death
No. 873282
>>873163The person's health we should be most concerned about is our own selves. I don't want to limit my life or my experiences so some fatty chan or old person won't get sick. That goes to my elderly relatives too.
If you yourself are scared of getting sick, protect yourself and stay home. Simple as that.
No. 873401
>>873381I'm glad you're so concerned about my health and safety and that of others. But again, if you're concerned about their health, maybe you should tell them to stay inside too so they won't even be able to contract the disease.
I hope I'm buried next to someone who got vaccinated but still died from COVID.
No. 873437
>>873401You're not limiting your life getting a vaccine, in fact you're increasing the chance of surviving a fatal illness.
Mental people are dying on a vaccine hill when these vaccines are backed by science. Scientific advancement has been astronomical just from the 90s in regards to DNA and mrna research. The people arguing against vaccines truly do not have a clue or a fundamental understanding of scientific discovery of vaccinations, the mechanisms of vaccines or the physiology of cells and viruses. It's pure ignorance and frustrating af to witness if you do have an understanding. No doubt these same people prolonging a pandemic put trust in objects or anything that have less rigorous testing done. If you don't want to take the vaccine at this point just stfu, there is no space for your daft opinions in civilised society. Fuck off
No. 873460
>>873437>We live in a civilized society, but anyone who doesn't share my opinion can fuck off and dieOkay then. I'm waiting to get the vaccine because I want to see the longer term effects. If it's shown to be safe and actually effective in 2-3 years, I'll consider getting it. Until then, I'm relying on my natural immunity. I've never gotten the flu or the flu shot, get plenty of exercise and vitamin D, and avoid processed foods. I'm pissed vaccines will be mandated to enjoy certain privileges, and I have to come to terms with being banned from those privileges, but I have every right to be upset about having those not available to me because of a medical choice. But it's my choice right?
If I die of COVID, I'll have my family invite you to my funeral so you can laugh and piss on my casket…because everyone who doesn't get vaccinated is guaranteed to die from COVID, right?
No. 873527
>>873512good for them, those wouldn’t have any effects from the vaccine either. You just don’t really know beforehand, so I’d rather go for the safer option.
>$cienceOf course companies want to make money, the worst which can come from this is that the first gen vaccines aren’t as effective as intended but they need to sell them regardless, which isn’t very apocalyptic imo since the benefits for the population still outweigh the risks at large. Idk, it’s your choice. If you want to wait until you catch the real covid to see how you react, I wish you good luck with that.
No. 873721
>>873018I don’t believe that their goal is to make a shit ton of money or intentionally hurt people.
But I know for a fact that the gov gives no shit about us and just want us to get vaccinated as soon as possible so we can re open. We should get vaccinated to protect other citizens but if something happens to one of us, I know they won’t give a shit.
I don’t want to get a potential complication and end up in the hospital with extra bills just for the gov to shrug their shoulders and say “well you signed up for AZ you knew you had a chance to develop blood clots”.
They’re already not paying people on disability or students who lost their jobs due to the lockdown. So if you were already receiving help from the gov, as small as it is, you’re not entitled for any covid relief. My friend is getting $500/month and therefore disqualified from any covid help. They don’t give a single shit about their citizens not being able to pay rent.
Every morning we get a new press release where they now decided my age group was the problem for not getting vaccinated despite:
- Not even being able to get a vaccine weeks ago
- Being told that AZ is not suitable for our age group but having no Pfizer until Sept/Oct
I honestly want to strangle Gladys at this point.
No. 873727
>>873512This is what I don't understand. Most people who get COVID don't get very sick. The chances of getting it are low anyway. Now, with breakthrough infections, it seems to be the very same thing – you probably won't get COVID, but if you do, you won't get very sick. What is the point of getting the vaccine if you just have the same thing happen?
Also, even if you are vaccinated, you need to wear a mask. Masks are a safe and effective way to prevent COVID. So, if I am unvaccinated, I can just wear a mask? I am so fucking confused.
I am about to lose my job because I won't get vaccinated. I work remotely. My boss wants me to visit in September but I have to be vaxxed. I won't get vaxxed. I also don't want to travel to a Delta hotspot, even if I
was vaxxed. HER OWN DAUGHTER, who has the vaccine, got COVID from leisure traveling. What in the world?
Let me make my own fucking decisions. I am so tired, as a woman, of being told what to do by so many fucking people. I am so lucky that I have the means to be unemployed for a while. God.
No. 873744
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>>873727Finally, some like-minded women. Wish there were some to talk to irl.
>>873437It's not about having an understanding of science and cells. It's about having an understanding of politics, human psychology, power, corruption, the true economics of "healthcare" and the absolute importance of fear to the elite.
No. 873745
>>873727AYRT. I'm so sorry you may lose your job because of this. Can you go to a doctor quickly and get some papers and say you have anxiety and that you have to remain remote?
I'm in the same boat as you though. I really hope that my work doesn't require vaccinations. If they do, then they have to fire me. No way am I getting this vaccine for at least a few years.
No. 873759
>>873744AYRT. I get you… I feel so alone irl. Everyone I know is for it, which is fine – that's their choice! But I just wish I had someone to talk to about this other than my partner. Each today I have to remind myself that I am not alone. It's just that those of us who feel this way are likely staying silent.
>>873745I have thought of it. I might try to do this. It wouldn't be lying, either. I definitely have been having intense anxiety over this. Last night, I signed up for two telemedicine websites because I was having panic attacks at 5 AM.
I'll be thinking of you,
No. 873764
>>873761We've been trying to buy food from farmers and different sources but I appreciate your concern.
>>873760Can you read? I said "most people who get COVID don't get very sick." Clearly, there are people who get very ill and die.
No. 873774
>>873761This is also another reason why I don't want to get the vaccine. I also have this concern about processed food so I try to eat healthy. No added sugar and no more than three ingredients in a product are my rules, generally. If I can make something from scratch, I'll do it. I don't do makeup or skincare, and I avoid any pills or medications unless medically necessary. I don't deem a vaccine for a sickness with a 99.7% survival rate necessary.
>>873768Don't be daft. What do farmers grow that isn't healthier than any kind of processed food out there? You need food to live, and fruits and vegetables are scientifically proven to be the among best things you can eat…humans lived off of them for hundreds of years…
No. 873808
>>873774>I don't deem a vaccine for a sickness with a 99.7% survival rate necessary.Literally this. If you are terrified of COVID-19 and you are not an elderly person (or have completely irreparable issues with your immune system), it's time to question the way you live. The vaccine won't save you.
Rather than eat even a little bit healthier, wear a mask, wash their hands, maybe go out a bit less and avoid
toxic shit, some people would rather keep having shitty habits, and then get a vaccine that will end up being worthless once the Delta variant catches up to them. On top of that, the side effects of the vaccine are going ignored and brushed off (even when they kill people). It's not making sense. I know some of you in this thread who were calling people antivaxx Trumpfags don't even eat vegetables regularly.
Most of the population won't do shit to improve the situation on even an individual level, and they refuse the tiniest change to their unhealthy lifestyles (look at obesity rates in the US and UK alone), but they go into an apoplectic rage if anyone even questions the vaccine. Why?
No. 873834
>>873808media is trying. to frame it against as a trumpism or a gop supported balk against fascism is a failing. to put a white woman wearing red white or blue or associated with men in the gop supporting their husband or leader will make it digestible. the same like boomers will fall for guess what rich man says is the next big thing or all heart doctors support this one trick to a longer life. its all a grab for a thinly veiled attempt at securing a demographic.
its not just boomers but the meme is true, make any graphic look believable with a dumb fucking quote from an obscure movie and anyone would believe it.
ive done that for years but genuinely now im sorry ive been a part of that trend
No. 873909
>>873888 anon, I'm not trying to fear monger. I was trying to say I didnt think there was any credence to worries about the vaccine until personal experience that shook me up. I had covid last year and have dealt with long covid & myocarditis. I am scared of the vaccine since Ive had myocarditis for so long. Family friend that died was in good health & had no health/heart issues. They couldn't say for sure if it was vaccine related or not. worry not
nonnie I don't plan to post in this thread again. Good luck to everyone, vaccinated or not!
It is so hard to figure out the right thing to do at this point in time, and it is even harder to have discussions on these topics. Everyone is just so stressed and tired and scared. I was recently downvoted on r/CovidVaccinated for asking if mods required proof of vaccination to post their stories. They don't bbut it was strange getting downvoted just for askings
No. 873911
>>873904>even those were very old and very sick people.Ironically, the same can be said for COVID. 90% of people are not dropping dead from it. So, why do we need a lockdown or a jab? Take care of yourself, be hygienic, put effort into caring for the weak and elderly. Simple as.
>Get that motherfucking vaccine you troglodytesYeah, can't wait for the third shot, then the fourth shot, then the 9000th shot just to get infected anyway because it keeps mutating and people like you you think the vaccine is a cure-all, won't adjust your behavior and keep spreading the shit.
No. 873927
>>873918What exactly does the vaccine do to stop it from mutating? Vaccinated people still have to wear masks. It's at the point where people are ignoring observed, experienced side effects and possible long-term issues of a vaccine that still isn't properly cleared over a flu that can be prevented/healed from by actually following the basic health advice we've all been given since childhood.
>we’re already on our way to the second lockdown in light speed because people are grossSo, you believe we're going to be in lockdown anyway, but people should volunteer as human guinea pigs in the meantime because…? Why is that better than making the effort to not be gross?
>Is it going to take a variant being 99% death rate for people to get vaccinated?This is another rhetorical question that can be spun to talk about the vaccine ("Is it going to take 99% death rate for you to admit the vaccine isn't entirely safe or good for everyone, talk less of efficient?"). Why are you convinced that it'll reach a 99% death rate? That's actual fearmongering, to insane levels. All this because people don't want to wear their masks, drink some orange juice and wash their hands. The infections will just continue until you guys learn.
No. 873932
>>873918Then say that to vaccinated people who think they can go around partying and traveling with no protection because to them vaccine = I can do whatever the fuck I want now
I won't get the vaccine soon, I might not even be eligible (though I already had covid a few months ago) and that's why I still wear masks, avoid crowded places and sanitize as much as I can. Is it that hard for them to keep doing the same? Also, while people are getting vaccinated, new and effective treatments have been developed for covid. Hospitals are ready, effective measures have been discovered, we keep knowing more and more about the virus. In many places it's not as deadly anymore.
No. 873937
>>873909I also had long covid, heart pains headaches brainfog and difficulty breathing for 1 month. Ok now except still some difficulty breathing doing strenuous work. I'm an at risk person bc shit immune system, so I took my supplements wore mask social distanced washed etc, but in the end I still got it. But I still won't get the vaccine, because growing up in poor health taught me just how corrupt the medical system is and how far they will go to make a profit. The vaccine won't save us. Anyone interested, Fauci deliberately halted aids research so more ppl would get infected so he could make more money from more patients.
The fact that they didn't FDA approve vaccines, yet still pushed it on us means ppl have no way of sueing them for damages. Also, why did they not just make a normal vaccine without mRNA? We are guinea pigs for a new medical tech.
No. 873968
>>873937>Also, why did they not just make a normal vaccine without mRNA? We are guinea pigs for a new medical tech.They did. There were numerous traditional adenovirus vaccines made. mRNA vaccines just had a much higher success rate, much lower rate for complications and they were easier and safer to produce.
>>873918>Is it going to take a variant being 99% death rate for people to get vaccinated?Probably yeah, even though the death rate is relatively low compared to terminal cancer or something people still fail to realize that while mostly frail or people of compromised health state die from it or end up in the ICU they still can't be just left to survive on their own. What if the hospital is filled with severe covid patients struggling for their life or receiving the majority of the healthcare resources and you end up being diagnosed with some other fatal illness or end up in an accident that takes you to that hospital which is filled with covid patients already? Your care is delayed because workers are too busy tending to the covid patients. And what if you catch the virus from the hospital and on top of your already worsening condition you now have an active respiratory illness? People who religiously stare at the death rate really fail to see the big picture.
No. 873969
>>873927>What exactly does the vaccine do to stop it from mutating? NTA but I'll try to explain. Vaccination is a way to limit the virus from spreading and the less it spreads the less likely it is to mutate just by the odds of it; it's the most effective when other prevention methods are used alongside but as we know, people like to use no methods at all, so basically, to put it in numbers (not accurate as I'm not a mathematician and I didn't study it enough, but just to illustrate)
chance of getting Covid when:
vaccinated + other means of prevention : 0%
vaccinated and no other prevention : 20%
no vaccine but other prevention used : 50%
no vaccine and no additional prevention : 70%
If the virus gets to mutate, these numbers will rise for everyone, and along with them the odds for even more mutations that will be harder to fight.
No. 873990
>>873911Literally takes no effort to get a free vaccine. Some people take medication every day for other ailments do you think that's an a front to their personal freedoms or modern medicine at work prolonging life expectancy?
>>873774Don't be daft? Can you verify the farmers aren't using chemicals as fertiliser or pesticide? Can you find their methodologies written for food development and able to replicate it for similar results? Are there studies on the exact fertiliser, pesticide, and growth methods the farmer used for your food?
Im happy governments are starting to ostracise the unvaccinated ans reduce services for them. If you don't want to be a part of society then fuck off. There's enough evidence and research out there to show why you're in the minority for fearing medical professionals.
No. 874016
>>873932So you’re blaming the people who went and got vaccinated…. for spreading Covid.. which would not effect you if you did get vaccinated.. Almost as if.. if everyone got vaccinated, the spread would lessen and we could live normal lives… I’m sorry, what’s not clicking for you again? I didn’t realize that it was everyone else’s responsibility to get vaccinated just because you don’t want to. Why do you think we had a measles outbreak a couple of years back? Measles were around but because people refused to vaccinate their children, those who actually need to depend on herd immunity were getting sick.
Vaccines have been a requirement for all public schools for eons and most colleges won’t let you attend if you your shots aren’t up to date. I just can’t understand why everyone is suddenly an expert in the medical field and questioning whether or not they should get a vaccine when they have no issues drinking soda, smoking cigarettes or taking birth control.
This is like speed running Darwinism.
No. 874024
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>>873927Can you not read Anonette? I asked what is it going to take for you to take a vaccine? A 99% death rate? Like are you waiting for covid to mutate to the point that if you’re not vaccinated, you’re going to die from catching it? It’s a question of what the fuck are you waiting for, not fear mongering. Fun fact, orange juice and keeping your hands clean isn’t going to stop you from catching an illness if “flu season” or seasonal colds aren’t enough evidence for you.
Stop comparing COVID to the Flu. Surviving the Flu is nothing compared to the long term side effects that you can get from Covid. You’re obviously not a doctor and just regurgitating whatever bile you’re reading online. Downplaying it is such shit to those who lost loved ones for believing the same asinine thought process you have. People who wore masks, social distanced and followed all the rules still got sick because it doesn’t matter if you do everything right, especially if others aren’t willing to look past their own selfishness to do what’s good for others.
You sound like the type of person to leave your turd floating in a toilet because you can’t be bothered to flush it for the next person.
No. 874028
>>873921>tiktoksno thanks, one of my best friends works as an ICU nurse for the covid station.
>>873940all vaccines and viruses are ”gene therapy”, retard.
No. 874047
>>874016Except the measles vaccine has been approved eons ago and this monkey piss is still under emergency authorization and that's why it can't be mandatory and only try to coerce people into it. They know if they approve it the government will suddenly become liable for any adverse effects.
>>874024So what about the ones of us who got the rona and are still alive and well with none of that long covid bullshit? Will you force me to get a vaccine who at best won't do shit and at worst will kill me? You people don't give a shit about the others, you're just scared for your hambeast ass.
No. 874057
>>874047People that survived covid would survive a vaccine no issue. The vaccine is trying to achieve an optimal baseline for herd immunity so that if mutation occurs we stand a better chance of fighting the infection. A vaccine is a booster in immunity. If people respond poorly to it, it doesn't bode well for how they'd handle covid without it, but now they've got access to a copy of the viral genome to develop antibodies at controlled levels.
Also with advancement in technology and more resources and capital to throw at research we can cut developmental times safely. Even the human genome project finished 2 years early because the technology was advancing with the more data and research available.
Humans should be immensely proud of their technological and medical advancement. Researches and doctors that are implementing therapies for covid should be lauded as heroes.
No. 874066
>>874016>This is like speed running Darwinism.I keep cracking up at this but it's worse, their own nomination for the Darwin award is endangering the rest of us. Where I live a community of antivaxxer parents refused to get their kids vaccinated and boom, measles epidemic appeared immediately after the herd immunity fell.
Honestly fuck the people claiming it's "just a flu" and refusing to take the vaccine because they instead want everyone else to be vaccinated first "to see how it goes". I know healthy people well under their 40s who have been admitted to a hospital because they contracted covid and it just got worse and worse. It's a serious gamble to see if you'll catch the more severe version especially since seeing that in Europe 1/4 of people carry the gene that makes you vulnerable to it. If we didn't have lockdown measures our hospitals would've collapsed hard and people would've been dying in hordes not only due to covid but not being able to be treated for other illnesses either.
No. 874073
>>874067This is already happening in my country, with other therapies and surgeries being cancelled. And a lot of the medical staff are having to isolate because they're catching covid too. People don't seem to understand the fact that nurses and doctors aren't superhuman and can be affected by the virus like anyone else.
Idk what the anon who said their friend is a icu nurse and that wards are empty is on because it's literally the opposite where I live.
No. 874075
>>874072Nope you're the retard because no one who is vaccinated unless they're retarded think that gives them complete immunity to covid. It reduces the impact of infection. You're just showing your ass here.
And again, for those that are literally exempt no one thinks they're assholes. They're at even higher risks and you would hope that everyone who cares about them and can take the vaccine, would.
No. 874090
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this made me wheeze. no wonder we have so many antivaxxers, this is getting insane
No. 874115
>>874107Landwhale chan haha. I must be a fatty because I have an interest in public health and molecular biology.
You understand that the economy had taken a massive hit? I graduated with my masters in biotech just at the start of the pandemic and places just did not have the funding to take on new recruits. It takes time to train people and to work in departments such as icu you need a lot of competence and training. You can't just throw money at a person and expect them to competently and safely perform a task with a ridiculous learning curve? Health care workers are on the front line and taking the brunt of it. They get sick too and can't work while ill. That's why there's a focus on the public doing their part.
No. 874118
>>874073Where I live the covid situation isn't as dire yet our healthcare is still struggling to treat everyone because so many nurses have had to be directed to testing and vaccinating in addition to taking care of the covid patients. People coming to
give birth can barely get admitted because there simply isn't enough personnel for them.
>>874094Are you retarded, a scrote, trolling or all of the above? Serious question.
No. 874119
>>874024You're literally as insane and alarmist as antivaxxfags.
>You sound like the type of person to leave your turd floating in a toilet because you can’t be bothered to flush it for the next person.You shit in public toilets? Not going to make it. Hope you didn't type this much to justify not washing your hands afterward.
No. 874124
>>874115I'm talking about a country with completely free and public healthcare, not burgerland. They are paid fully from our taxes and it's not my issue we are ruled by donkeys who don't know how to manage money.
A lot of healthcare workers in this country have years of experience but they're laid off as soon as there's fewer inpatients because the politicians don't want to pay them. They usually work for a couple months, then fired, then when the situation is too dire they're hired again but in the meanwhile the senior staff with assured positions will complain on twatter about people overwhelming the ER for an ear infection. No shit, if you call your GP the nearest appoinment you can get is a month away but sure, it's people's fault.
No. 874133
>>874127Exactly this. Remembering what happened with thalidomide babies, I think anyone who tries to push women into getting this vaccine (or any new drug) after seeing how it affects periods is either stupid, evil or both.
Since they're not even addressing it right now, I'll most likely end up waiting years before I can comfortably take this vaccine. Meanwhile, people will sperg in this thread, get jabbed, refuse to take any precautions because "It doesn't matter", and then seethe and blame everyone else when the disease doesn't go away.
No. 874140
>>874137>>874139Goddamit I forgot zoomers are a majority on this site. I couldn't find anything in English but hopefully google won't mess up the translation. As for the reason, saving money as usual. It was at the beginning of June when cases were low because they barely performed any tests.
No. 874142
>>874133Right? I think most of all what I hate is the blame game and hostility. It only makes the distrust grow. And it's obviously being encouraged by the media. But anyway, I agree with you as a woman I don't trust this easily knowing history, especially when
right now they are denying what women
are and for what?! Not for science. If someone asks me why I'm not vaxed yet I might just say religious reasons because that usually gets people left alone right? Unless they assume I'm Christian and attack me for it… Idk what to say, I don't want to become someone's bad guy when I live mostly isolated anyway. Maybe I will say I have a health condition (kek, called being a person with a vagina these days)
No. 874144
>>874141Anon, the top dogs admit themselves there is not enough research yet on "pregnant people" but advise to get it just in case due to covid. But even they say it should be a choice left to them (for now). Not to mention that science is having a crisis right now not that I distrust all studies because of this but things are not good. I'm not trusting so easily like an illiterate medieval peasant would have to trust the religious scholars and monks to tell them what to do. I'm just gonna make my own choice, not sorry. It's not like the shit given to make women infertile didn't have "trusted research" behind it also.
No. 874148
>>874144Pregnancy isn't fertility though. Like being pregnant involves an entire different biochemistry than just walking around thinking about having babies. There's studies on the affect on fertility and there's studies on pregnancy.
Scientific studies don't tell you what to do. They present their research. They provide their materials. They state their methodology so other scientists can replicate the experiments and assess the data. They show their research in lit reviews. They analyse the details with discussions. There's peer reviews to make sure the data is sound. Everything is transparent.
No. 874151
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>>874143How about some examples from
after testing regulations were tightened to prevent exactly what happened with those drugs?
No. 874154
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>>874149The citation for the medicine section of that Wikipedia article is depicted in this image. You can read the article like I did. It's not a very large cohort.
It was a survey on a nature article and the results still show majority of data is replicable. It's also preclinical trials so before they're legally allowed to be rolled out to the public.
No. 874185
>>874180>The regulators want to see real-world data on how the vaccine has been working since they authorized it for emergency use in December. That means verifying the company’s data on vaccine efficacy and immune responses, reviewing how efficacy or immunity might decline over time, examining new infections in participants in continuing clinical trials, reviewing adverse reactions to vaccinations and inspecting manufacturing plants.This should be the bare minimum, not sure why anyone would argue otherwise.
>Officials in Contra Costa County, home to 1.1 million people in Northern California, were so eager to offer boosters that on July 23 they told vaccine providers to give extra shots to people who asked for them “without requiring further documentation or justification.”>Then, realizing that policy violated the FDA rules on vaccines authorized for emergency use, the county reversed it this week.Most trustworthy, non-rushed behavior.
No. 874254
>>874072The people who are responsible enough to get vaccinated aren’t the ones fighting every single thing that has been put in place to protect people. Most of the people who have more than two brain cells to rub together are most likely vaccinated AND still wearing a mask. I don’t trust the people who claim they’re vaccinated and feel that it means that they don’t have to wear a mask; chances are they are lying about it.
I feel like you’re taking a small amount of people you’ve seen and applying it to the entire population. No one who is vaccinated thinks they’re 100% protected. They just know on the off chance they get it, they won’t get sick, it’ll be mild or it won’t put them out for months if they succumb to the illness unlike the people who insist on waiting because they are suddenly biochemists and know more than any of those that went to school for years.
I legitimately hope you only eat your own grown vegetables and filter your own water since you’re so worried about what is in this vaccine because boy do I have some news for you.
No. 874271
>>874059The fuck you talkin about? The FDA approved public use of all vaccines.
On the website they actually urge people to get vaccinated
No. 874286
>>874254>No one who is vaccinated thinks they're 100% protectedI beg to differ. I know people who were vaccinated, have symptoms of COVID, but won't get tested to confirm because they were vaccinated.
A large amount of unvaccinated people who do get COVID also will NOT succumb to the illness and may not even get ANY symptoms.
No. 874289
>>874286Your friends not testing and isolating if they have symptoms is moronic and you should call them out on it then.
So why take the RISK if you can get a FREE vaccine and speed up the return to NORMALITY
No. 874310
>>874286>>874296to add on, I don't take the flu shot because I think the flu is going to kill me. It sucks being sick and I don't want to get my family sick. But covid MIGHT. Fuck that
It's like how we wear seatbelts in cars. Getting in a car will not kill me, but I wear the seatbelt anyway because I'm not going to gamble on my life.
No. 874338
>>874320I agree with
>>874333I can't find the video anywhere. Also cases have been suddenly dropping in the UK
>>874335I wouldn't say hysteria. People who have legit reasons for not getting it? That's fine. But I think what gets most people is the conspiracy theorists and the dangerous spread of misinformation. Even if more treatments come you know these guys are going to make up some BS about how any treatment is dangerous and they would rather just get covid. Or the crazies who legit say "Let the old and the weak die. Who cares?"
No. 874350
>>874338to add on current covid treatments are proven to slow the spread. The current spread is mainly due to the unvaccinated. We would be fucked without it. To wait for something better is an excuse to never take it. Because something better is always on the horizon. Do what you can now. I hate repeating this but there are so many people in the hospital now who were antivax and wish they got the shot before. Don't gamble
No. 874357
>>874338>the conspiracy theorists and the dangerous spread of misinformationLike this? should I get a vaccine that doesn't make me immune but the ones pushing it are immune from liability should something go wrong?
No. 874388
>>874357No, not like this. The article is reasonably written, albeit lacking linked sources. It’s just an opinion piece at this point. The conspiracy bullshit is what emerges from the imagination of the people who (speed)read rumours and articles like this and then rabidly spew their personally biased bullshit everywhere, claiming to „know the truth“ just because they want to believe/are scared/don’t trust the guvernment/whatever.
This whole situation is an amalgamation of different kinds of shit.
No. 874416
>>874195Yes it does affect me. It’s called vaccine shedding
>>874197Because the main people pushing the pro vaxx narrative are scrotes who have 0 concern for women’s health
No. 874452
>>874448On the flip side you make no sense. Yes, the vaccine does build up your immunity. If it wasn't effective at all we would all be fucked right now.
It's like a game of Russian roulette. Lets say the chamber has 6/6 bullets but the person playing says they will remove 5 bullets for you. Are you gunna be stupid and say "Naaaah, that isn't 100 percent. Lemme just shoot myself in the head"
see how dumb your logic is?
No. 874454
>>874453then there's no helping people like you. Either way, yes the vaccine does work. It's only a small percent of fully vaxxed people who still get sick. But it's still the un vaxxed that are major spreaders.
It's just like the flu shot, some people who get it will still get the flu. But we still take it cuz it works for most people.
No. 874464
>>874416Please explain "vaccine shedding". Does it work? If so i will go stand by vaccination sites and ask people to spit in my mouth and share needles with me so i can be supervaxxed, take that covid.
Vaccine shedding. Fucking retarded.
No. 874523
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>>874416nonacita none of the covid vaccines use live virus, vaccine shedding isn't a thing…
but wait so you're saying covid is dangerous enough to harm you? maybe u should take the vaccine after all. how do you wanna live your life having to be worried about both the virus and vaccinated people lmao
No. 874596
>>874536Damnit I tagged the wrong anons.
But seriously there needs to be a thorough address to the people about answers to common concerns. Like a national effort to debunk the common talking points. I saw some stupid shit that the vaccinated are the "real" super spreaders and I physically cringed because it made my brain hurt so bad. I don't know how people live comfortably being so ignorant. Like how the fuck did they make it through lif
No. 874671
>>874654Good for you if you have the luxury to do so (and can actually stand by what you preach)
Most people don't. They have immunocompromised loved ones, public facing jobs that they can't afford to quit, etc. I'm sorry but even though i get where you're coming from it does come off really condescending.
No. 875472
>>875465I buy the horse paste version of this and apply it to my skin to help with rosacea. It kills mites on the skin that can help reduce flare ups. Afaik it only kills mites and parasites though?
People look at me funny when I mention using it for rosacea.
No. 875515
>>875488Apple. When I first started using it I had one huge flare up after about a week and I read that's the initial big 'mite die off' and a good thing. I had bumps and texture problems for the 2 years previous to this and tbh yeah after that flare up all the texture problems went away and I'm soft again. I also stopped having a problem with creams or even water burning my skin. It's like it helped the skin barrier repair.
The intense blushing still happens from certain
triggers though. I kept it up for months and it cleared the texture and stinging skin but not the blushing itself.
No. 876561
>>876386>>876396>>876431>>876435Check VAERS for list of side effects and other stats. These injections are purely experimental, there are NO long term studies.
Look up Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej for what's inside the shots and how it could affect you (like ADE: antibody dependent enhancement). Never put something in your body unless you know exactly what's in it and are comfortable with it, even if an "expert" or "authority" tells you it's safe. Follow your instincts.
Listen to those who've experienced side effects, including two who were in the first clinical trial
https://www.vaxlonghaulers.comTake care ladies. Shit's gonna get real real soon. Lots of protests all over the world over this bullshit.
No. 876618
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>>866085>hipaa also protects your rights against having to disclose your medical or vaccine historyToo bad NYC didn't get the memo lol.
No. 876653 yourselves nonnies
Anyway, any underweight anons here who had the vaccine? Does it affect you in other ways? I'm a bit scared and while by law I don't need to take the vaccine now (I had covid), I'm considering it if new variants keep popping up. Also where I live people who already had covid are encouraged to take only one dose of the vaccine, not sure if there's any good reason for that.
No. 876666
>>876386i might have written about my experience already in this thread but whatever. i got my 1st pfizer shot a few days before my period was due. i got my period the next day (which was 2 days early) and it was weirdly light, not like my usual periods.
i got my 2nd shot 1 day before due again, my period lasted 6 days instead of the usual 4 days. both of these feel like very minor issues in my opinion, i haven't experienced any other side effects from the shot btw.
my cycle is completely normalized now, always on time and lasts 4 days again. hearing from friends and family it seems like periods gets affected when you are on some sort of birth control so please be cautious if that's the case.
No. 876678
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>Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported>fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.'ve seen some of the VAERS data. Deaths are so far upwards of 12,000. If VAERS is
underreported then one wonders what that means for the current data set.
No. 876693
>>876431, I didn't get the vax myself (I'm far too blackpilled about the medical industry, plus a 37yo relative of mine living abroad has severe heart troubles since she got the second moderna jab in May). In my case, however, the delayed period would have to be attributed to my partner getting vaccinated. I'm still not sold on that theory, but it's odd that my first delayed period in over a decade happens right at this time when other women are reporting delayed periods due to vaccines or being near vaccinated people.
Anyway, thank you for that link, I'm going to forward it to this relative of mine.
No. 876746
My arm still hurts from the vaccine I had done Friday. Wahh! I chose J&J, did not hurt at all. I was fine, but as evening came I started developing a fever which lasted until next day. Took one paracetamol and was fine afterwards, albeit a bit under the weather. The injection site still hurts, though, it's been almost three days. First world problems, eh? I'm happy it was free and only one dose. I feel fine, no fever, no muscles/joints hurting anymore. Feel a lot safer, too, here's to hoping I don't ever catch the sucker!
No. 877976
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Here's a covid period check.
Got my first dose of pfizer in the 12th May and my second dose on the 21st July.
I can go further back in my cycle just the scrollshot fucked up but my cycles became more regular
No. 878107
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>>877439Assuming you are American, generally speaking voluntarily quitting will not qualify you for unemployment unless you quit with a good reason to. I would double check what falls under "good cause" for your state. Once you file for unemployment your boss will receive a notice and may petition it, but what happens after that I'm not too entirely sure (but at my current job I know one girl did get away with getting unemployment even though she voluntarily quit and HR protested it). Unemployment offices are probably super overwhelmed still, so who knows if you'll be able to talk to an actual person to explain your situation.
No. 879037
in the case of covid the delay was extended not only for the reason last stated, there were also recent studies which showed a higher immunization after a longer period of time. Two-phase vaccinations are praxis for other diseases too, Shingles for example, or Hepatitis B.
No. 879324
>>879172i also don't quite understand what antivaxxers are trying to achieve. they had several protests in my country lately and all they do is block traffick and public transportation, get into fights, harass random locals then get pissy when police try to disperse them and cry about police brutality
i understand not wanting to get vaccinated because 'new vaccine we don't know the long term side effects' etc but why trying to stop all vaccinations? wouldn't it benefit the antivaxxers to have a certain percentage of the population vaccinated? we protect their asses
No. 879513
>>879324I also agree that people shouldn't be forced to get the vaccine but where I live these anti-vaxxers also don't want to get tested, wear masks etc and I'm like??? That's not how a society works though. And then they complain when cases are on the rise again and we're hit with more restrictions. It's getting so tiring at this point and I'm sick of potentially living through 2022 like this again. At least get tested and do your damn part in this pandemic that affects everyone.
It's their body. Fine. But then I also don't care if they potentially die due to COVID if they refuse to do the absolute bare minimum.
No. 887404
>>887135Here it's like a little freedom for the people with a vaccine, without you aren't even aloud to visit the cinema or anything like that. Also, they are talking about the third shot now.
Didn't get the vaccine until now, don't regret it, because I don't go out much and when I will need it, I don't have to get the 3rd shot as soon as the others. I don't mind wearing a mask, but I think that the people getting a vaccine got tricked and I know many people that only got it because they wanted to go on holiday or thought they can go back to what it's been before.
No. 887946
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>be midway through cleaning room and living room
>it's still messy, but decide to finish it tomorrow
>mom decides it's a good idea for me to test myself since I've been feeling weak these past few days
>get tested positive for covid
>somehow the rest of my family doesn't get covid and tests negative
>get shunned into small, crampt bedroom
>still don't have a lot of the stuff I need/want but feel needy asking others (books, hairbrush, writing book etc)
This is my life for 2 weeks. I can't imagine spending ALL day using the internet without my mental health becoming awful but here we are
No. 888164
Between Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen and AstraZeneca, which one would you guys pick? I'm in my twenties and have no illnesses or allergies except for paracetamol allergy. I'm thinking of getting Pfizer just because it's the easiest one to access (can get it done in a walk-in clinic, need to book a time for the others). I don't have a lot of faith in the vaccine's effectiveness either way, just getting it in case I need a vaccine pass for the gym. I'm more worried about the potential serious side effects, even if they're extremely rare.
>>888032Do you mean like everyone should wear a mask during the flu season? Or only the people with flu symptoms should wear a mask?
No. 888229
>>888164I'm just one random on the internet, but if I could choose between any of them I would go with Pfizer or Moderna. AstraZeneca is currently not being used in my country due to side effects they want to investigate before allowing it again.
I got two shots of Pfizer and no side effects. Since it's the easiest option for you I'd say just get that one.
No. 888255
AZ isn't used anymore where I am because of the risk it causes thrombosis, Janssen is only used when people voluntarily choose to take it because Pfizer and Moderna offer better protection and lower risk and between Pfizer and Moderna people tend to want Pfizer but idk why that is. Definitely don't go with AZ or Janssen if you're concerned about the potential side effects, those are higher risk.
No. 888300
>>887982a discord 'friend' recently ranted about how, if you've not gotten the vaccine and go out you should be shot and I'm sitting here with no intention of getting it unless my job forces me to lol
I've also seen local FB posts with the opinion that if you get the virus and aren't vaccinated, you should be at the bottom of the list for hospital admittance or not admitted at all. And, of course, the scare posts of "all ICU beds are full!" when, in reality, there are less than 100 ICU beds the local hospital and only about 30% of them are taken by those with covid.
it's like a damn cult. If I get sick, it's my own fault. I get that. but their mindset is frightening.
No. 888475
>>888255I'm unemployed and in my city they gave everyone getting benefits the possibility to get the Janssen vaccine, without any other choice. I declined, because no, I might be poor, but I'm not taking one of the vaccines which normally would only be given to people 60+.
>>888300In my country there are a lot of people on Twitter that think that you should pay for your treatment when you didn't get the vaccine. Sure thing, then pay for your treatment for cancer if you are a smoker or for your broken leg when you went skiing, etc.
>>888032I will be wearing a mask when I feel like having a cold or flu in the future. Until today I don't understand why people, who are sick and know it, show up for work and infect other people. They could just stay at home and get healthy, it's not like they won't get paid while being sick in my country.
No. 888598
>>888455In burgerland, cigarettes kill about 500,000 people per year very similar to COVID. I would have more respect for the people who say things like this if they didn't pick and choose what illnesses are important.
If people who aren't vaccinated shouldn't get hospital care if they get sick with COVID, anyone who regularly smokes cigarettes shouldn't get medical care because it was their choice to smoke cigarettes.
People can be so hypocritical.
No. 889782
>>889366They mean that the vaccine is less effective over time, not that vaccinated people are faring worse than their unvaccinated counterparts.
This isn't unexpected at all. There are newer variants that are more resistant to the vaccines, hence why people who are vaxxed still need to wear a mask because of delta. The vaccine, while still very effective, is less effective against delta, and seems to be ineffective towards lesser common variants like lambda, hence why booster shots and updated vaccines are on the horizon. Just like the regular flu shot. Built off of existing technology, just tweaked when there's a new strain.
And for the people who are concerned about booster shots, these should be seen as a good sign for anyone concerned about the long-term effects of the MRNA vaccine. It also means that "spike proteins" aren't continually being produced once injected into somebody, and they actually die off. This is what the MRNA/Pfizer manufacturers have said – that from tests, it lasts for at least 6 months.
>>88830030% is significant; I hope you realize this is the reason why people are urging others to get vaxxed. If everyone were fully vaccinated the % would be significantly lower, even if those beds included people experiencing negative reactions from the vaccine. The rate of an adverse reaction to any vaccine, including AstraZeneca/J&J is significantly lower than the likelihood of needing to be admitted to the hospital because of a side effect, much less dying because of one. People who took AstraZeneca had a 1 in 100,000 of having an adverse reaction to it, and a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of actually dying to it in Australia. This figure includes 4 people under 50 who took it as they made it available to their age group in July.
Anti-vaxxers frequently cite the chance of dying to COVID is a measly 1 in 100. Or was it 1 in 200? Either way that means out of 1,000,000 people approximately 5K to 10K people will die, not including the people who will have a severe case of it. Some of those people end up contracting long-COVID, which sounds fantastic! If you get COVID and go to hospital, you risk spreading it to other people. Spreading it to staff, to other patients who are already sick with something else increasing their chance of dying. You reduce the amount of people available to tend to patients. This was all over the news when it was happening in Italy if you recall, they had to use people who were partway through their degrees or in retirement to help with the increased workload and decreased staff capacity. A bad reaction to a vaccine is not contagious and won't have anywhere near as much of a devastating impact a new, highly infectious disease would (has) have on the healthcare systems of several countries at this point.
I genuinely don't think that people who are vaccine hesistant deserve to be shot unless they're
abusive over it. They will be unnecessarily increasing the burden of the medical system, but I don't think that's something that deserves being shot over. Those people who say that probably don't think drug addicts deserve to be shot for overburdening the medical system since we've had time to prepare for that and it's a lot less prevalent than this pandemic.
You aren't an idiot for being scared of the vaccine, but you are an idiot if you spread anti-vaxx talking points without taking a moment to think what these things mean. Everything I wrote in response to you are things we've known for a year now. What happened in Italy happened in March 2020 and people still think COVID is a big deal? Seriously? I was ridiculously busy during that period but it was pretty clear how devastating the impacts of the virus was when hotels were being repurposed as makeshift hospitals back then. If something concerns you ask like
>>889366 did.
No. 889932
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>>783637>>807644>>866147>>873937looks like you guys can get vaccinated now!!
No. 890113
>>889782Thank you for this insightful comment.
Anyway don't want to double post so I'll just continue with my OG comment here. I just got my first dose of Pfizer and get my 2nd end of the month. Hope I don't feel too gross. I have been getting my flu shots the last 2 years and never feel bad after them at all.
Also nonnies, you should definitely get your flu shots as well. People say they do not work if the strain is different, but even IF you still catch the flu, you will get an accelerated course and recover much faster. I wish I knew more about vaccines. I wonder if the Covid shots will help with accelerated courses, for different variants and whatnot.
I wish I had a way to convince my mom to get Pfizer. She has no trust because she is scared of Johnson & Johnson. I don't blame her in that regard. She grew up when that asbestos stuff or whatever was happening with their baby powders. I just wish corporations weren't so fucking evil, man. People would be a lot less scared. I know a lot of anti-vaxx people are just scared and don't trust medical/corp stuff. She was so paranoid about vaccine stuff that me and my sisters did not get the HPV vax when it came out. We also weren't vaxxed for chicken pox, so we just ended up getting it.
I have been reading and listening to some things about old vaccines like for polio and stuff. My uncle caught polio as a kid and cannot walk because of it without crutches. I don't want to be the reason someone gets Covid and gets potentially permanent neurological problems. I won't lie, I am not educated enough to know if the vaccine will have effects, and the period stuff wigs me out, but I will just take whatever comes. I don't want to get someone ill.
No. 890522
>>890124heads up the HPV vaccine made me incredibly sick with every shot I got, there were three I think?
like, full body aches and headaches and shit.
also why I'm dodgy on the covid vaccine just because the side effects sound so horrible.
if I can find the source I'll find it, but apparently the viral load of covid positive and covid negative people is the same so it doesn't actually help stop the spread? I'll look into it for you nonitas. scary times, hope you're all okay. genuinely terrified about the whole miscarriages and heavy bleeding because I have a fair few friends with pcos who had to freeze their eggs as it is so if it fucks with their fertility it'll be a genuine tragedy for them.
stay safe bby girls, hold your loved ones close it's heavy days
No. 891066
>>890160I think you can get the HPV vaccine whenever, here you just have to pay for it after a certain age. I think of getting it and I'm in my 30s, didn't have the option when I was younger and didn't care when I was older.
>>890522>>891037that's still the one thing that is holding me back. My period is very accurate, 28 days, often at the same time of the day. The pain I had while being younger was horrible and I heard of so many women that had heavy, painful and irregular periods after the vaccine and no one is taking these women serious. It just makes me so angry, it's not about stress, I had stress before and my period always has been on point or not more than 3 days late…
No. 891602
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Apparently they are going to be giving $200 to people who are vaccinated at my boyfriend's college tomorrow.
No. 891634
>>891574I know you are but what am I?
>>891582What is it with you americans and muh freedom?
No. 891805
>>891660Honestly it only makes me sceptical about the vaccines. I'm fully vaccinated with 2 shots Pfizer, keep that in mind, but seeing shit like literally paying people to take it, manipulating people to take it, firing people if the don't take it or taking away their rights to visit public and healthcare spaces makes me wonder if there's an agenda after all. Maybe the conspiracy theorists are right. These tactics to get people to take the vaccines go very far and some of them are in my opinion violation of the inviolability of the body.
In my country they were promising that vaccination would lead to letting go of the covid regulations, we're officially over 75% vaccinated adults as of last week but they have no plans to let go of the regulations yet and they're going to make their plans for 3rd shots known in September. I feel fucking cheated and wish I hadn't taken it. My sister is among the (relatively) few in our age category who didn't take it and initially I thought she was inconsiderate and careless, now I wish I hadn't like her.
At least the vaccin didn't fuck up my period nor have I experienced any side effects so far besides a sore arm, I hope it stays that way. But I certaintly won't be getting any 3rd shots.
No. 891817
>>891814pfizer vaccine #1= arm hurt a bit, not problem at all besides that
pfier vaccine #2= some days ago, period supposedly coming sometime in the next 4 days, didnt get any side effects at all, period will probsbly be ok too.
50% of the people who ge tthe pfeizer vaccine has no side effects so you shouldn't worry. If you want to be extra sure just take an ibuprofen every 8 hours and you'll be good.
No. 891863

>>891805> shit like literally paying people to take it, manipulating people to take it, firing people if the don't take it or taking away their rights to visit public and healthcare spaces makes me wonder if there's an agenda after all.there's an agenda but it's not as malevolent as conspiracy theorists think. there is big money in the vaccine rollout, since tax dollars are funding all of the shots even though hyper pro vaxx people love to tout that its 'free.'
in australia, they fucked up the vaxx rollout. the head of the Australian branch of AstraZeneca is a former senior LNP member from 20~ years ago. pfizer offered 40million doses by July but australia chose to put all the eggs in the AZ basket.
then people started getting bloodclots and the bad press scared people away so they're finally getting their hands on pfizer jabs. thanks poland!
now, this isnt to say the vaccine is automatically bad because of LNP corruption. the point of it is that there is a dark financial incentive for some countries. the most significant financial incentive everywhere is keeping people out of ICU considering how expensive it is, not to mention how much more of a pain it is when medical staff start falling sick as the amount of people in critical condition need more help. thats the whole point of flattening the curve - so people have the time to die or recover and free up resourced for the next lot. in the context of australia, hospice care is free for covid and they have been urging people to call the ambulance if they start experiencing breathing difficulty or vertigo, because the longer you wait to call the ambulance, the less chance you have at surviving. that being said, a handful of hospitals in the worst hit areas have stopped accepting covid patients because they simply dont have the resources for them. you can estimate how much it costs to pay for the ambo, emts, nurses, doctors, specialists, ventilators, etc vs. how much a $20 jab is.
and yes, as you may have guessed, most serious cases are of those who are unvaccinated. some have one dose, and im aware of one twice vaxxed 90 y/o who died. the more deaths the worse it looks for the government altho unfortunately for the whole country, the next election isn't for ages. the australian public has an extremely short term memory and a lot of the boomers are brainwashed by our murdoch controlled media but thats not something that can help them forget all of the people who died because the government botched the rollout.
> In my country they were promising that vaccination would lead to letting go of the covid regulations, we're officially over 75% vaccinated adults as of last week but they have no plans to let go of the regulations they promised this because the vaccine was incredibly effective at reducing transmission of the first strain. there were many cases of unvaxxed people not catching it despite living in a home with pozzed people & hugging them. then delta showed up and it became clear that altho the vaccine was still affective against delta in terms of protecting against hospitalizations, it no longer prevented people from catching it and spreading it.
its like some people don't read lol. ive had my first jab jsyk but people like you who get the jab and dont do any research are as stupid as the antivaxxers who refuse to get the jab because someone on twitter used words that seemed scary.
No. 891893
>>891890Samefagging to add that this was all the way back in 2010, and that refusing to vaccinate children on time in my country is illegal. They cannot participate in society without it. Why is this the case you ask?
Because in my country lots of people are uneducated and scared of vaccines, they see bad reactions and think everyone is trying to kill them. Then they likewise resort to cheap trickery to avoid getting their kids vaccinated, often running across the border to neighbouring countries. When they inevitably catch something nasty, they then bring it home with them, infecting many others.
No. 891952
>>891880Then why is there such an uproar in requiring a license to vote in US elections?
The media made me distrustful towards the vaccines. They are picking and choosing which issues are important. So you're telling me it's racist to require someone to go to the DMV one every four years to renew your license, but not go to the doctor every 6-8 MONTHS to get a booster shot? It makes no sense.
No. 891958
>>891954Yeahh I'm not getting vaccinated but people that whine when they have a free option to show a negative test are annoying. Being able to show a negative COVID test is a fair option for the choice of not getting vaccinated.
I'm more nervous for if/when insurance will stop covering the price of testing.
No. 891988
>>891985Hey retard, I'm
>>891954 and no one in this situation is requiring or even asking the non vaccinated to get a shot. Just get a nasal swab and a negative result or a positive result within a certain time frame, or don't attend. Sorry that no one will accept your "I feels it in me antibodies" as a negative covid test result.
No. 891991
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>>891985Different anon, but can someone also explain to me why Israel with a 60% vaccination rate is experiencing almost an all time high positive tests while Palestine, with an 8% vaccination rate, barely has any increase in cases?
No. 892044
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>>892036I got "fired" for not wanting the vaccine but I called their bluff and they never actually went through with it. Still putting in my 2 weeks soon kek
No. 892292
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>>891991It's as
>>891993 said, part of the reason is that Palestine has really low test numbers. Despite Israel being 2x as big as Palestine (pop wise), they're testing 4x more per capita (2m tests per 1m people in total vs palestine's 396k per 1m people) You don't find what you don't test for.
Also, the data you're showing is incomplete for Palestine as it ends at Aug 8. Palestine is beginning to spike in cases.
I just wish to reiterate vaccination at this point is to prevent serious illness and death from Delta. It does not reduce transmission hence why masks and lockdowns were being enforced again once this was discovered.
Even at this point in time, where we're looking at Israel which has already advanced through the Delta wave, their TOTAL deaths per capita are only slightly worse than Palestine's. Palestine has 698 deaths per million while Israel has 741 deaths per million. Bear in mind, one of the reasons why Israel has been so aggressive with their rollout is because they were hit really hard from the pandemic. However, we're only looking at what's happening recently since vaccines are now a part of the equation.
Israel hit 50% fully vaccinated in mid-March, so we can say that almost all of those people were protected starting from the start of April. ~700 people have died since then. That's roughly 75 people per million. Please appreciate how COVID cases were single or double digits until their Delta wave. That is because the vaccine was extremely effective against the original strain and actually reduced transmission against it.
In that same (April - late August) period, Palestine has had ~1000 deaths. That's ~697 people per million. That's a lot of people, but bear in mind Palestine's population is 5.237m and Israel is 9.326m.
A contributing factor as to why Palestines' deaths per capita is so high is because it includes the wave they just got out of which was peaking during April. Also, their healthcare system is significantly less prepared for this, which we already know from their low vaccination and test rates. However, this is all the more concerning for them as they are now entering the Delta wave with low vaccination numbers. I don't know what their government is like, but if appropriate measures aren't put in place, things will spiral out of control like it is in the countries that have been dealing with Delta since June.
No. 892393
>>892365exactly. Everyone that's been sick and recovered I know over the age 40 has fucked up lungs now and there's no cure for this. These people probably lost 10 years of their life and will die sooner because of their weak lungs. Everyone young, on the other hand, had neurological problems, myself included. My memory only now, 9 months after covid, is getting better. My friend gets randomly dizzy to the point she sometimes collapses.
So scary to not know if we lost half of our brains forever.
My bf won't probably get 100% of his smell back. My uncle got out of covid with literal holes in his brain, which came out in a scan.
We are all damaged.
No. 892401
>>892395I've never seen anyone get called a braindead conspiratard for expecting that. I've seen them getting called one for thinking it's some invasion of privacy however, which is perfectly warranted.
I believed (still believe tbh) in the Wuhan lab leak theory last year in March and no one called me a conspiratard for that, although the WHO and other prominent medical figures said it wasn't true at the time.
No. 892410
>>892403>>892408Yeah I already saw this one.
>n-nuuu you can't vouch for this experimental microchip vaccine, it's not approved by the FDA!!!! it's gonna turn u gay and infertile!!!>vaccine gets FDA approved>FDA was bribed to do it, it's all pro-vax propaganda!!!! No way to win with these guys. Well it's not that I care about them contracting the severe form of the disease but they better not be taking any hospital beds if I need them after a near-fatal accident.
No. 892430
>>892427Aren't you
>>892413? Because it's right there.
No. 892769
>>892739Second talking to a doctor about it if you're worried. I know not everyone lives in a country where that's possible or where doctors can be trusted, though. I have some major health issues and got my second vaccine shot last week. No symptoms or side effects. Hope that helps a little bit.
On a positive note, my country is planning to remove all restrictions before christmas because most of the population is vaccinated, and even though the virus still spreads, there's a minimal amount of people being hospitalized for it. I don't know how fair it is to people who aren't vaccinated and still at risk, though, but at least if something happens there'll be a hospital bed for them instead of a tent.
No. 893099
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>>892739Generally, the health advice is that if you're under 50 you shouldn't get AstraZeneca because of bloodclots. I would talk to a doctor first if you want to get it as they'd know what health conditions would exclude you from it.
That all being said, the dangers of dying to AZ, or to any vaccine, even as a young woman are pretty exaggerated. Personally, I'd get Pfizer or Moderna if you're in that age range, I got Pfizer and apart from having a pretty sore arm and feeling tired the next day, it wasn't a big deal. The plus side of AZ is that it does last longer than Pfizer, which is why other countries are discussing boosters for MRNA vaccines.
No. 893372
>>892413>don't demand the same luxuries as the overweight, lazy heroes who are morally superior in virtue of having passively received a medical procedure kek, congrats to this consumerist brain rot,
nonnie. Yes, people putting actual work into their health by eating well and staying active throughout life and thus not requiring a vaccine for a disease that is to them a cold are the ones "not willing".
No. 893577
>>893501Not interested in unfalsifiable fear mongering anecdotes,
nonnie. The statistics paint a different picture, and so do my own experiences and anecdotes. I know of way more people having had creepy and severe reactions from the vaccine than from covid - compared in relative terms. Just this week I was informed about the mindfuckingly surreal reason why my new ~40 years old, wonderful and healthy co-worker hasn't been in the office since two weeks: it's because she had a stroke after her second moderna shot.
No. 893585
>>893577Weird. I know way more people who have had long term problems with covid-19 and absolutely no one who has had any problems with the vaccine. I guess that's what we get when people come from opposite viewpoints. Sorry for your coworker, anon.
Also it's not fear mongering, I was just hoping to help you make a a more informed decision about why you aren't getting the vaccination. Can you link me the statistics you are referring to? I'm interested to see those, could be helpful!
No. 894059
Ugh im getting so annoyed by all the people whining about the vaccine, at first i didnt mind but after getting vaccinated myself i dont understand why people whine so much about it. I was scared for getting my second shot because people online and even here in this thread said how it makes you super ill and they prefer to catch covid totally and regret having to be sick for like a day kek. Because im a dumb bitch i believed them and made sure to get my second shot when i was free but i legit only got a headache and a small cold for only a day. Like i know people might respond to it differently but im honestely starting to think people just aren't used to having a cold or are just exaggerating.
>>893577>Not interested in unfalsifiable fear mongering anecdotes, nonnie. You could say the same thing in response to your post
No. 894337
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I need to get this lil vaccine related rant out here so I don't derail the rant thread with covid talk like I did last time.. but a former high school classmate of mine posted pic related to her instastory today and my patience is really running thin with these damn crybabies. And the best thing : she's hooked up with her own freakin cousin! Someone please get me off of this damn planet.
No. 894520
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Hurricane Ida will be hitting Louisiana soon, and it's expected to be the largest one in the state since the 1850s according to their governor.
In the meantime, Lousiana's hospitals beds are at 68% capacity and their ICU beds are at 84% capacity.
During Hurricane Katrina, thousands of people were trapped in the hospital without power. They tried to evacuate some of their critically ill patients, but they didn't make it. Some were euthanized by doctors with morphine before they were evacuated as well. Back then, they didn't have to worry about COVID.
This is the sad reality of vaccine hesitancy. A portion of injured patients will inevitably catch COVID in hospital.
Stay safe Louisianan farmers.
No. 894932
>>894920Yes. I would rather someone who is denying the vac at the moment be treated over a child because at least they can come back and be of worth to society more quickly.
(I also just don’t like children and feel like we need to lighten the population some, so there is a bias on my end. And be for you comment on that, I also disliked kids when I was one.)
No. 894979
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>>894970Perhaps my wording wasnt exactly correct. They TEACH your DNA to attack spike proteins and create your own spike proteins on your cells for "protection". Some of your cells live in your circulatory system, the spikes they grow catch blood platelets, this causes clotting. Minor at first but progressively worsening over time. As far as attacking other spike proteins, do you know what other beneficial things contain spike proteins? Sperm cells for one…
No. 895031
>>894960You can take the same retarded vapid argument for people who take the vaccine, because hurr durr since they are fine with risking their health with injecting themselves with potentially dangerous substances because twitter told them to, they are don't seem to care about dying, so lets kick them out for the cancer baby who needs an entire adult bed.
I am already sick and tired of this retarded "vaccinated vs unvaccinated" propaganda, we're still all fucking contagious anyway and have to take all the other precautions who are just as important.
No. 895068
>>894967> All of you fail to factor in that nature immunity is stronger then jab immunityWhen did any person you tagged say that? No one is denying that - there are plenty of mainstream articles that say that natural immunity is better than the vaccine.
The problem with unvaxxed natural immunity, which I can't believe I have to explain is that you have to risk being sick. If you're lucky, it's only a week, or you're asymptomatic. But the problem with Delta is that it affects more younger people now, and people who appear to be healthy. I know two people who were very active, one was an athlete and they both ended up in hospital. The athlete was only 20 years old.
If you read past a headline, you would know that the consensus among the medical community is that vaccine + natural immunity is the best protection available against COVID. Not to mention the massive plus side of the vaccine guaranteeing you'll have an easier time beating COVID.
> Some of your cells live in your circulatory system, the spikes they grow catch blood platelets, this causes clotting. Minor at first but progressively worsening over time. As far as attacking other spike proteins, do you know what other beneficial things contain spike proteins? Sperm cells for one…You don't understand how MRNA works at all and have probably read this from Facebook. AstraZeneca isn't an MRNA vaccine to start off with. Also, your risk of blood clots is higher with COVID than any vaccine including AZ and J&J.