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No. 731481
Several English-language Wikipedia articles have had major, inexcusable flaws for many years. Among other issues:
• The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
• The article about simple columnar epithelium explains nothing about its fragility nor lack of somatic innervation (for pain sensitivity).
The article about anal sex …
• lacks a neutral point of view — an essential component of Wikipedia's presentational philosophy. It fails to present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to more balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such scientific perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short-term and long-term health risks for the receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3]
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anoreceptive violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not point out that "hemorrhoid" is an ambiguous term, sometimes referring to pathology and other times to normal anatomy.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.
Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal abuse and misinformation facilitating it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 731482
Continued from >>731448
>>731455> What do you gain from posting this on Lolcow?If you want to know more about why I keep on trying to post here, see this thread:
>>731458> LC is crawling with radfems and women that are already against anal sex and porn.Then this should be an ideal place for me to post such material: I'm trying to raise awareness so that people address the issues covered in the OP of the previous thread (not to mention this one). Plenty of people don't wish to think about anorectal topics, and so they tend to be overlooked in favor of other issues: e.g. choking.
Also, I should note that I am posting about anorectal violence and violent pornography in particular, NOT pornography in general. I am not anti-pornography myself for what that's worth.
No. 731487
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No. 731488
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>>731481Do you know where I can find some decent anal gang bang porn?
No. 731497
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Tbh I agree with you. I'm fucking tired of society pushing the idea on how anal is sexy, good and what not. Like look at this shit, it's from an actual article on cosmo. Big corporations just want to turn us into anal giving sex dolls. And let's not start with the fact that after normalizing anal sex they are also normalizing sucking scrote anus. God why the fuck would you suck the anus of a scrote if they don't even know how to wipe. FUCK
No. 731500
>>731496NTA but I think
in my point of view you can always watch lovey-dovey amateur porn with lots of vanilla kissing and misionary sex -this is the only reason why I haven't gone full on antiporn yet cause idk maybe vanilla amateur porn isnt so bad? please nonnies talk to me-
No. 731501
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No. 731505
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Whoever posted this: I hate you. Imagine getting a nice retro inspired dress only to pair it with a shitty wig, aliexpress maid apron, and whatnot. This and anal should be banned off the internet tbh smh
No. 731507
anorectal-chan, out of curiosity did your mission stem from the anal discussion on the vent thread? starting from here
>>729080 i noticed that this whole thing started right after that convo took place. if that's part of what inspired you my heart swells to have witnessed a piece of history live like that
No. 731512
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>>731505But have you considered how hot it would be getting anal creampied while wearing it?
No. 731513
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Anal's bad
No. 731515
>>731512>anal creampieonly fags like that shit
>pussy creampiejust where it belongs, craving this rn
No. 731519
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>>731512I know you're joking but I see the vision and I agree with you and
>>731515 No. 731523
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>>731519>>731515Its only gay if you creampie my asshole.
No. 731525
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god there's gonna be so much anorectal violence soon smh
ladies remember to use condoms cause the semen can leak inside your pussy when you least expect it
No. 731527
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>How Popular Are Your Anal Sex Habits - Anal Sex Questions
I hate this
No. 731534
I just think she's right lol
No. 731538
>>731529I haven't seen anorectal-chan admit to being male.
>>731533Over five years ago I remember seeing the same posts on the 4chan bans page because someone was posting it on the porn boards.
No. 731542
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>>731528>>731526But thats what ABDL fetishes are for.
No. 731551
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>>731544>>731543OP isn't a doctor. OP is a sperg who used to spam this in any anal threads in /gif/ or /hc/ on 4chan back in the day.
>>731538Pretty much this.
No. 731552
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>>731527Everyone who eats man ass (or asks for their man ass to be eaten) without a dental dam needs to be launched into the sun. I would literally stop being friends with someone if I knew they did this.
No. 731555
>>731551But anorectal anon is right, women should be aware of the dangers of anal. So many girls get their insides torn appart and infected because of it. Yet it is sold to us as something good to do for our partners. I hate anorectal violence so much
>>731552>Everyone who eats man ass (or asks for their man ass to be eaten)dude not even with or without a dental dam, if you tell me you like sucking manhole ass then I'm turning you to the police. Shit's not right
same with pegging, when a male likes pegging I immediately get so disgusted same reason why I don't like bi dudes sorry not sorry No. 731556
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No. 731567
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Posted as recently as 1/26/20. Unless there's a whole brigade of anorectal violence crusaders. That's a man, Maury. No. 731569
>>731567first adam driver with his chair throwing antics
now anorectal
nonnie… I mean, anal violence scrote…
when will this stop. im so disappointed.