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No. 660422
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I hate y2k fashion so much
No. 660431
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>>660412Awesome thread anon.
Tomatoes. They make everything taste soggy and tomatoey-ish. I've tried to like them, but I can only eat them if they're chopped up in teeny tiny pieces.
No. 660441
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I hate cotton balls because anytime I touch one I get an absolutely horrible feeling down my spine. I'm not afraid of them like that one woman who was on Maury but I just always avoid touching them.
No. 660454
File: 1603764437261.png (237.92 KB, 505x341, 7986439857346.png)

I hate "modern" decor. It seems like most people into it think it's classy, minimalist, perhaps a bit futuristic. All I see is a bunch of clashing, ugly ass neutrals, blocky furniture and an inability to decorate disguised by mind-numbing pretension. It's pathetic that this hideous, soulless shit is what we consider the defining style of our era.
No. 660455
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I hate greasy bangs. I hate eyebrow zits. I also hate when the comforter gets crumpled under the duvet. I hate the feeling of stepping on crumbs indoors. I hate fruit flies. I hate audible open mouth chewing. I hate when you take a steam bag out of the microwave and hot vegetable water dribbles out of the little steam pocket. I hate the new season of British Baking Show. I hate when you can hear how dehydrated a person is when they talk - bitch, drink some water. I hate when the volumes for YouTube videos are all different levels so you have to keep actively adjusting them all the time. I hate when you get high and start cringing at things you like. I hate when cats pick at their nails with their teeth. I hate the douchey default commercial voice for Comedy Central. I hate night sweats. I hate when you find tiny sweater fibers on makeup . I hate when fridges groan. I hate the sound of trumpets.
No. 660507
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>>660504Oh anon, I know that one…
No. 660517
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I hate Okra. Its insides are literal snot. Same with other slimy veg. I hate them all.
No. 660523
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I hate the smell of Elizabeth Taylor perfume. White diamonds, to be exact. Every bitchy old lady in America wears that perfume I stg.
No. 660525
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I don't understand the appeal of something that spends it's life living next to a sewage outlet. Also they smell disgusting.
No. 660536
>>660523THIS, my mom loves this shit, she even buys the roll on knock offs from the corner stores/beauty supplies store.
I hate the smell of this shit now.
No. 660606
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I work in retail and I have to stock stuff all the time, i hate folding the boxes and throwing them away or when my fingernails scratch the box. I just scream internally. I hate folding boxes, the sound of cardboard scraping itself gives me such disgust I wanna crawl out of my body. I want to instinctively lick my fingers after I hear it(i never do, i know its unsanitary, but I did it as a child because it helped for some reason) it just seems so dry
No. 660614
>>660606This reminded me of my dad. He doesn't own or use moisturizer despite having dry skin on his hands. For as long as I can remember he has licked his fingers randomly throughout the day (in front of people) when his hands feel dry..
Now that he's getting older he seems to catch every cold, flu and bug going around and it's no wonder why
No. 660619
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No. 660633
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>>660619Fuck you, caramelized onions are based.
Women's short sleeved shirts. The sleeves are too short, who the hell thought they looked good. The fact the outer part rises up just looks terrible. It brings out that fat flab that forms right at the armpit. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 660635
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I hate bras
No. 660638
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>>660633Hard agree.
You know what else sucks in female clothing?
Who the fucks has the use for them? So you want to appear to have pockets but have none of the utility of them? For what reason even? I hate fast fashion.
No. 660653
will taste it, that's why i hate them
i can't fucking escape them
>>660638what would you even use pockets for
No. 660667
>>660542I've seen a few comments lately where people describe the winter as being their fave season because they love 'sweater weather' and I don't get it. It costs me a fortune to heat my house in the winter. It's dark, I either get pissed rain on walking to work or I have to be careful about slipping on ice. I live in a country where nobody owns or has room for clothes dryers in the home (weird given it's a cold wet country) so in the winter I struggle to dry my clothes. Wearing several layers or sweaters is just an added drying obstacle to me. I put them on the radiators and then worry about it causing dampness in the house.
Maybe if I had lots of money for a car (tho I have epilepsy that stops me anyway) and unlimited heating and a dryer and all that I'd love it too. But for me winter is mostly an expense and inconvenience.
No. 660668
>>660638Because women have been memed into believing that they need to value looks over functionality so all female trend clothing is uncomfortable to wear, flatters nobody and is often too thin and revealing during the colder seasons. All the fashion designers are men and they treat the female body (and the consumer) as a dress-up doll instead of a person with basic needs such as idk pockets and shoes that don't kill your feet.
Additionally it's due to the handbag industry as well, if women started using pockets only like men then they wouldn't have the need for all the accessories.
No. 660682
>>660670When I see people saying that whole 'but sweaters and hot chocolate' thing I assume that they either live at home with parents and don't pay heating bills or they live quite a comfortable life where they drive everywhere and don't actually interact with the elements or have outdoor work.
I'm 30 and I already have joint pain in the winter, that's a new development that has me extra grouchy
No. 660688
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Peanuts, I feel disgusted everytime I have the misfortune to catch the smell, and if I accidentally eat something peanut flavored I go feral. The only way I can stand it is in Thai cooking, where the taste compliments the whole meal rather than being at the frontpiece.
Can't stand the smell of sea food as well, especially shrimps, it got unbearable to me after becoming vegetarian. Everytime my dad eats some, my brother (who's a regular omnivore) and I go eat in the kitchen, the smell makes us gag.
No. 660701
File: 1603804714657.jpg (162.13 KB, 960x960, 0_k4HrPiqbUJNn5yr3.jpg)

I hate ugly ass disney obsessed adults. Disney world is overpriced and the lines are insane and it's not a personality trait.
No. 660731
>>660688Wow I'm kind of the opposite. I
hate peanuts in my food, and when I get thai food, I always ask them not to put in the peanut toppings because it ruins the rest of the dish for me (before someone calls me stupid, I get shit like soups and whatever where the peanuts are an additional topping just like scallions and shit and aren't an integral ingredient) but I'm okay with them only when they are on their own or in the form of peanut butter lol.
People putting peanut butter into their noodles to make some sort of pad thai is fucking gross though.
No. 660758
File: 1603808860629.png (233.4 KB, 519x255, bitchifyouwhistleonemoretime.P…)

I hate whistling. If someone just sits there and whistles it drives me nuts. I also cannot stand the feeling of whistling.
No. 660772
>>660472I hate this too. And when people moan while eating "mmmmhhhh this soooo gooood mmmmmmmHHH OOOHHH YEAAHHHH HMMMM SO GOOOOD MMMHHHH!"
fucking obscene and disgusting, keep your foodgasms to yourself. I literally can't eat when someone does this.
No. 660779
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No. 660838
>>660770>Even if you take it out it just seeps into the food and makes everything taste like soap.If I take it out the food won't taste like soap because not everyone has the same genetic anomaly that makes cilantro taste like soap to you.
On that topic I hate the idea that not liking spicy things makes you a pussy. It doesn't matter how much I push myself to get used to spicy food it makes me feel unwell, why should I have to get the shits just because some Brad wants to make a meal that hurts to eat?
No. 660859
>>660770>>660840>>660838Cilantro smells
exactly the same as stink bugs.
My reaction to both is the same.
No. 660864
>>660838I don’t judge people for being spice babies too often, but I hate “white people spicy” and all the false advertising that goes with it. I love hot food (idk maybe I’m masochistic, but I enjoy the sensation) and when I sit down for a meal advertised as “flaming hot!! warning only for real spice lovers xxx BURN” and bite into it to get, like, a single fucking jalapeño and some dried red pepper, my sense of disappointment is immeasurable. I usually rely on islander or Asian food for that real shit with Thai chilis, Scorpion peppers and so on but even there they’ll often water it down for the burger masses. It’s a treasure to find a place with food that actually provides a nice burn.
Similarly, I hate when spice babies hand me something and spend 5 hrs explaining how it’s the hottest thing they’ve ever had and how it’ll rip me a new asshole and it ends up having a mild Tobasco flavor. If that’s what you consider hot then whatever but don’t hype me up like that. It’s gotten to the point where I always just assume I’ll be disappointed regardless of what people say.
No. 660947
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I hate going to the beach and the feeling of sand on the skin, especially when you get out of the water and the sand gets stuck to your body, when you get rid of it it leaves a very unpleasant feeling on the skin.
No. 660953
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Brie cheese. Smells like a fungal infection and tastes like a dilapidated wall. Hard pass.
No. 661015
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I hate both anime and furries (both are equally worst)
No. 661028
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>>661015I also don't respect bitches who use ugly white people cartoon memes
No. 661061
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>>661016Ew wtf the video is literally him creeping on lolis at the beach
(Ngl I kinda like the colorful and cute pixelated aesthetic but the way it's framed by him perving is gross)
No. 661067
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>>661028The guy on the drawing looks like an ugly white person to me kek
No. 661080
I hate when you empty the bin and it stinks and all the liquid type material has migrated to the bottom and it kinda sloshes about as you move it
>>660533>>660539I was just today thinking how bony my chest looked and how I dislike it but my thighs are still huge.
>>660638I fucking hate fake pockets. those bastards. I read it's so women have to still buy new handbags. I remember going apeshit once when I realised my new trousers had fake pockets before my mum calmly showed me there was a small piece of thread you cut and they were in fact real pockets. the thread was to just keep the pockets nicely in place before purchase
>>660639whenever I feed my cat and get the tiniest amount of wet food on my hand I run to sink to wash it off immediately. gross
>>660997when I was suicidal someone from the crisis team came to my home and suggested I listen to this song. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, like how was this her job and this was the advice she was giving. I felt like saying I WANT TO KILL MYSELF a fucking song isn't going to help especially not one so shitty
No. 661124
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>>660953Anon your pic is a coulommiers and not a Brie. What should we believe ?
>>660972You're supposed to eat the rind wtf is wrong with you. So wasteful.
No. 661152
>>661108I hate Adele's music and I hate her accent even more, she has a way of pronouncing words that is so irritating, and her songs are overplayed on the radio, I wanted to blow my brains out everytime I heard Skyfall and Hello.
I can't stand Ed Sheeran's normie music and his disgusting mug, it looks like he relishes in looking like the ugliest motherfucker ever.
No. 661154
>>660772my mom does that and it makes me feel dead inside. She also talks during meals nonstop. I don't want to talk woman, I want to eat. Can't I have peace for one moment
Also something funny that I'm glad I can't experience: my male friend told me some guys grunt when they piss in the urinal. He named some including a teacher we had, it's horrifying. I would hate those people if I were male
No. 661168
>>660972>not eating the rindBlasphemous.
I hate pleb anons.
No. 661177
>>661052>complaining about weirdos>on lolcow>on fucking /ot/>>661118yeah this is just yet another contrarian thread
Anyway fuck eggs, they stink
No. 661421
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I hate egirls they ruin alternative fashion
No. 661446
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>>661421This shitty haircut is part of the package, I have no idea why it took off like that, I've always associated it with Rogue from X-Men. Also those overdrawn thick eyebrows.
No. 661467
>>660779Kek a few years ago I was walking with a huge suitcase and this bitch was walking towards me looking at her phone. I didn't have room to move since I already was brushing a fucking wall so I just rammed the suitcase into her legs. Bitch had the audacity to scream at me to look where I'm going but I didn't even look back.
Yeah I hate those people too.
No. 661468
I hate the way the internet makes initially fine phrases make me want to tear my hair out with the repetition. The first that comes to mind is 'x isn't a personality trait'. It's so bad YouTube comment tier.
>>660454Yes! It's so impersonal and not at all inviting. I can't imagine ever feeling comfortable in a living room like that tbh
No. 661479
>>661472i normally wore a lotta early 2000s emo stuff (im 20 btw) but even though i never did the cringe makeup, 5-9 people told me i look like an egirl. and now i dont feel like wearing it anytime.
same with goth clothing. i dont want people to think im cosplaying as the "goth gf" meme so the enjoyment from wearing alternative fashion has died down quite a bit.
No. 661486
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>>661446It's how egirls interpret doomer girl's haircut, it exploded after the meme became popular.
No. 661520
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>>661479>>661475kek, I hate egirl instagram shit too. I wear really baggy early 2000's alternative fashion with either no makeup or weird black raccoon eyes and no one ever says anything like that to me anymore. It really has to do with how you go about it, just don't wear the super stereotypical egirl shit, don't show skin, and be genuinely fucking weird with how you dress and accessorize, and scrotes will fuck right off with the weird comments and unwanted attention.
No. 661531
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This is incredibly autistic but I hate when superheroes in movies wear face paint around their eyes. Am I supposed to believe Batman applies a shitload of eyeliner every time he puts his mask on? Why can't more movies just have the eyes covered with white like they did with Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool?
No. 661740
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>>661727How do you do, fellow woman?
No. 661747
>>661654Me too, anon. Also, the colors for the rastafari flag got ruined for me because a girl from my class kept saying it was “qweerty” and that “only lesbians wear it” for fuck’s sake, it was a wholesome gift i got from someone in an island, not a gay parade souvenir.
Ever since then, the kids from my class asked me if I was into her and whatnot.
No. 661935
>>661931Rightfully so, it hurts with an average dick. Just imagine a big dick, no thank you. Sex would legit seem like a hell marathon with awkward foreplay and taming a snake.
To be fair anon, your vagina can stretch when you are turned on but some girls are only 4-6 inches deep. I don't want my hate to scare you from having sex, just big dicks are my nightmare.
No. 661958
>>661944you can ease into average dick because the average vagina happens deep as the length of an average dick. There is a dick out there for every depth of vagina. Just measure your depth if you are really concern about it, make sure to do it while really turned on.
Sorry to spook you
No. 661964
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>>661929Same kek. Any dick that's even hurt SLIGHTLY bigger than average just hurts my cervix. Actually it's one of the reasons I enjoy anal (with proper foreplay ofc), because my ass can take more dick… I grew up reading hardcore BL Manga so I never considered anal to be an issue… Also big dicks just look grotesque. Say no to big dicks!!!
No. 661976
>>661929I own one sex toy and it's a dildo with 4 inches of insertable length. I can take up to 6inches (like I've fucked average sized guys before) but it bothers my cervix when I do. Trial and error while playing with toys taught me that 4 inches is the sweetspot where I can enjoy it and not hurt my cervix
Visually bigger ones can be impressive, that's more the bulge than bare dick tho
No. 661982
>>661935>>661944>>661958>>661962>>661963>>661964>>661976Enough with the dick derailing. You seriously want scrtors to feel better about themselves.
Sorry dicklet, big dicks are better regardless of what these anons are saying. The chances of your girlfriend
kek as if you'd have one anyway being happy with your 5 inch dick is unlikely. She will at most be "just okay" with it.
No. 661983
>>661982Fuck off
I am fucking woman, I am allowed to hate big dicks just like I hate small dicks.
I can prefer Average dick over big or small.
Stop fucking speaking for all women, speak for yourself.
No. 661988
>>661983Great, I don't care. I was saying stop derailing and since you're a woman, then I was not talking to you about your dick size, sperg.
Let me make this clear that I was not implying that anyone that I was talking to was a scrote. It was more like "the scrote reading this". Now stop fucking talking about dicks or take it to /g/.
No. 662002
>>661976This in spades. That massive cheesecake with all the doodads and berries at cheesecake factory looks incredible, but if I eat the entire thing (or probably more than a few bites) I'll spend the whole night barfing because my stomach doesn't have the capacity.
Large dicks can look really pretty, but it's something that I can only pat the dude on the back for and tell him to have a nice day. No fucking thanks beyond that.
No. 662025
I hate sleeveless dresses, rude old people who dont say excuse me at the store, buttons that fall off easily, fire alarms beeping until they get batteries, acne products which hurt people more than help, just missing an item you saved for, family that snore loud as hell on vacation, people who bring kids to late showings and adult movies, people who wont stop being loud during whatever you paid to see, plush blankets that wear out over time, touchy car or fire alarms, places that wont let food in so they can make profit (some people have deadly allergies), loud car engines, spam calls, getting a stain on your clothes when you still have other places to go, phones gaining problems with each update that doesnt fit the model, your size being common so its sold out for a lot of items, items that just don't do their purpose right, expensive items where you got a defective model so now you have to try using warranty or return it, expensive items built to break in 3 years these days, birds shitting on cars, people blasting music out their car, people claiming their opinion on music is the right one, spiders or flies in the house, coats with no pockets, swim goggles that leak, sandals that detach while walking, heels that break off, creases that set into shoes, sore boobs each time you move, scratchie sweaters, not enough outlets in a room, and nuts in chocolate
No. 662039
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>>662025>creases that set into shoesFuck that shit, really.
No. 662151
>>662148Oh yes this
Only sort of related, but the fact that diet dr pepper cream soda had such a limited run has left me heartbroken and without purpose. It was the best soda I've ever had in my life, hands down.
No. 662196
>>662151Diet Dr. Pepper Cream soda was amazing! I've seen a few cases of the regular pop up recently but no diet for months, I think it's gone. At least Fresca is back. When will soda companies get it together? I feel like I know way more diet soda drinkers then regular, but maybe it's just the circles I run in?
Another for the thread: Soda fountains that have ONE diet option, and no caffeine free diet option at all! This is like 90% of them! If the diet is out of order I will march back up to the counter and ask politely for a refund. I don't even care so much about the calories, maybe a semi-unpopular opinion but I know I'm not alone in it, regular soda is too sweet, it's disgusting.
No. 662200
>>662198Or if they leave contradictory reviews.
>"I love this place/item!!! So good!! Perfect.">only 1 starWat. How. Why.
No. 662376
>>662354Am also bi btw, just ignore them who cares lol.
No. 662402
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I hate these hoodies with the zipper in the middle, they make you look tacky, unhinged, underdressed, unbathed, ans lumpy. The zipper is so goddamn distracting, I hate them, they're not even good for working out because they feel like shit
It also pisses me off that for a while growing up this is all they sold on the mall at my tiny ass town. Just stupid zipper hoodies or tracksuits. Honestly they look so bad that I want whoever thought this was a good idea to burn in hell. Zipperless hoodies FTW. I love a good NORMAL LOOKING hoodie, fuck these abominations.
No. 662405
>>662396Yawn. There are only a couple of tranny posts and the bishit thing was an obvious bait. Most of the thread is just "I hate yelp reviews" "I hate cheese" or something. The dick size sperging took way more posts than any of the troon/bi discourse.
Anyway I hate people who don't keep the door open for those coming out behind them.
No. 662413
File: 1603979913986.png (Spoiler Image,401.46 KB, 492x404, godno.png)

Before anything, a clarification: I'm bi, not a scrote
I hate getting horny at almost anything to do with naked women. I see a good round bootie and I feel my vagina tingling and getting warmer immediately. I even get horny at things I know I shouldn't or feel uncomfortable to feel horny at, pic related: pixielocks just posted her first onlyfans-esque picture, and god that round butt with those cute panties are making me so fucking wet, I fucking hate it!!! I hate it because she has the ugliest bloated face and ugliest nose ever, she literally dresses like a stupid womanchild and her makeup is so clownish, god she even looks like her crazy mom, I hate this so much, but then my vagina is like "yess mmm hot bootie mmm let's just touch ourselves for a bit" but then I'm like "NO PLEASE NO HELP I DON'T WANT TO BE A COOMER FOR PIXIELOCKS" god I want to die
It also makes me wonder if I was sexually assaulted as a child because I started masturbating when I was 3 and never stopped since. Sorry for this long crazy post
No. 662416
>>662410I never wear makeup and I love my messy hair, checkmate
Tbh I feel like a cardigan is better to just throw on when it starts getting chilly
No. 662422
>>662413speaking of regretful fapping sessions, I have gotten horny to so many cows here, I just never say anything on the thread. God I regret it so much. My list goes as follow: momokun, venus, micky moon, shayna, and that one weird tattoed girl. Never with Lillie Jean though, I have standars.
I hate being a horndog lol.
No. 662427
>>662422All the other cows are despicable but for some reason Venus is extremely sexually attractive to me and I hate myself for it because I feel sorry for her and don't want to enable her thotting around.
>>662423>the women aren't visual!!! memeleave
No. 662433
>>662423Anon: says she gets horny quickly because she probably was molested as a kid therefore she regrets being horny
you: omg a scrote???
You sound like you have a scrotum yourself
No. 662439
>>662413When I'm horny fat women start looking good to me based purely on them having fat in 'the good places' too. It is what it is.
Do you come and then snap back to reality?
No. 662448
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I used to hate ketchup and mustard as a kid, heavily chosing mayo instead. Then I became a teen, and I started to hate mayo and love ketchup and mustard. But now I just realized that I hate mustard and ketchup again and would rather have mayo on things.
Why does this happen? anyone with a similar experience?
No. 662456
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I hate cold shoulders on tops. They're even more stupid on jumpers.
No. 662467
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I hate these, it's weird seeing someone having fake jewlery on their asshole… it looks tacky
No. 662468
>>662467I used to work in the sex toy industry and I just love how gendered sex toys are especially when it comes to anal toys.
Mens toys have to be black, womens plugs need to be hot pink or sparkly, Both are going in a shithole but you gotta make people feel secure that their ass play is famme enough or masc enough.
No. 662480
>>662470Very little expense goes into toys being made ergonomic or from safe materials.
Plugs with practically no base on them are often approved and sold because the design looks pretty and once it sells well that's all that matters, first time toy buyers are pretty visual and make those poor choices like jelly toys and baseless plugs. Small sellers that make their own silcione toys put more thought into safety than those main manufacturers.
Jelly toys, pvc, TPE, none of that should be legal but it's just not regulated and the loophole of calling toys novelties is shitty and irresponsible. I mean you buy a dildo intending to insert it.
No. 662483
>>662480what would be a good butt plug then?
Anon I admire you
No. 662487
>>662402Zipperless hoodies take at least 5 minutes to take off.
>>662416Cardigans aren't snug enough tbh
No. 662489
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i hate overdone lip fillers, it's so grotesque
No. 662544
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I hate the internet lingo, shut the fuck up and speak like a normal human being
No. 662651
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I hate the whole semiotics bullshit and all of those annoying literary theories. I feel like I’m just reading some word puke written by someone who took too much aderall.
I also hate how I find it mildly interesting but not interesting enough for me to read all of that shit.
No. 662712
File: 1604002789349.jpg (290.06 KB, 1000x667, 1603016886731.jpg)

Spotted this abomination again on Unpopular Opinions (I'm not the anon who posted it there). Fugly. Universally flattering? Try universally flattering to no one. SO. HIDEOUS.
No. 662722
>>662707Can't speak for you but it disturbs me because men know that for the majority of women, anal causes pain, discomfort, and medical issues. It's like they get off on causing us pain all for the sake of their cocks having another hole to smash like in their pornos where women are paid to harm their bodies. Not to mention it's filthy and idgaf if women claim to enema every time, that doesn't take care of the bacteria. Women are known to get anal and vaginal infections from tearing, or if the dumb moids try to go from the back door to the front.
Every man that has ever wanted or tried anal on me didn't respect me and were really mean if not
abusive. I own a butt plug because it was the only way I could get some of them to shut up and stop trying to root me in the ass. Sane, non-pornsick men rarely want anything to do with it cause they know it's dirty.
No. 662727
>>662722>Every man that has ever wanted or tried anal on me didn't respect me and were really mean if not abusive. This is so fucking true my god I never realized. The exes that I did anal with were always pornsick and downright physically
abusive with me.
No. 662750
>>662720The old poophole loophole; a classic case example of Christian hypocrisy.
>>662707Personally I find ass play fun and pleasurable - on my terms. That does not involve shit-witted straight manchildren who whine about it.
Most of the straight dudes who want to fuck women in the ass want to do it because they have a deathgrip while wanking, so they think anal sex is the solution to their self-made pornsick problems. Don't let a fuckboy fuck you up the ass, anons.
No. 662753
>>662483NTA, but you want something made out of medical-grade silicone and with a flared (preferably rectangular) base; you might want to get a set of three, with differently sized plugs. And good quality anal lube - water-based, thick, unscented, no glycerine.
Have fun, stay safe, and remember it is not supposed to hurt even a little bit if you're doing it right - take your time and back right off if you get even a little bit of pain. Your ass will still be there for you for the rest of your life.
No. 662774
>>662712Holy fuck same anon. Everyone screaming about how cute the dress was but this ugly fucking tulle nightmare deserves to be burned en masse. Only fashion-blind autists still clinging to their childhood would think this was acceptable to go out in public in.
The only person it looks even remotely ok on is the blonde woman on the right and even then it's just because she's slim and above a 5. The rest just look retarded, particularly the one in the full-body suit under the dress. If you can't handle wearing a dress that shows even a little bit of skin (be it for religious and/or insecurity reasons), keep wearing your full-body condom and save yourself from looking more retarded than you already do. (Not that the other two are any better, with that greasy pink flat mane and failed attempt at harlequin curls.)
No. 662822
>>662544I've only heard people say "cringe" or "cringey" irl. Though, anybody who types poggers or says poggers irl, should have their thoughts and opinions ignored.
I hate anybody who draws loli art or claims "porn is art!!", please have your hands smashed.
I hate people who worship voice actors, it's just as cringey as people worshipping youtubers.
I also hate stupid weebs who wanna claim their hanna barbera-tier animation is superior to any other form of animation.
No. 662833
File: 1604013393609.png (228.43 KB, 800x450, pogchamp.png)

>>662826It's basically the new age "epic" or to show amazement. It comes from an emote on Twitch that's derived from a Youtube video of the guy in pic related.
No. 662850
File: 1604015068241.jpeg (156.09 KB, 458x462, 7961510B-BD48-4FFE-9679-31B130…)

>>662847I’m convinced the body shot he posted is shooped, in his interview with Andy he wore a jacket that was extremely baggy and he was careful to make sure the fabric never went concave, I think he’s got a porker belly and that’s why his fingers are so fat. I was sure he was a manlet at first, but in this you can see he’s at least 5’7.
No. 662855
>>662850sis, that IS a manlet.
>>662847His songs are also really bad compared to 1nonly, who is actually not bad-looking and makes way better music, IMO. If you want fast-paced flow, listen to 1nonly instead. (But everyone has different tastes, Corpse's lyrics are kind of cool!)
1nonly songs I would recommend: One Night, Bunny Girl, Stay With Me (this one is my favorite song rn and it's amazing!)
No. 662856
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>>662855Let me share the uncropped. Andy is 5’10. 5’7 was me being a skeptic. He’s not a manlet, I was shocked.
No. 662858
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>>662856He also has really feminine shoulders
No. 662860
>>662841lmaoooo that song is always playing in a grocery store somewhere I hate it too
>>662846corspe husband's voice isn't even hot. my bfs voice is way deeper and hotter imo. I can't imagine simping for a guy who has no face. especially knowing cry and his allegations. can't believe 12 year old me had a crush on him in 2012
No. 662862
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>>660422Some Y2k fashion can be cute but that decade has the ugliest trends. Mini skirts and flip phones were cute. Juicy Couture track suits as well (depends on the color and fit. These pants are cute imo
No. 662878
File: 1604019005502.jpg (307.61 KB, 1242x959, corpse-cringe.jpg)

>>662855>Corpse's lyrics are kind of cool!Time to post this again
>>662862I always hated those type of pants and anything that has words on the ass.
No. 662898
>>662892I haven't answered the calls at all. Oddly enough they haven't sent anything by mail either except for the bills I got directly from the x-ray company. But now that it's been passed onto collections the collections agnecies themselves haven't sent any mail (yet).
>>662884I think the itemized thing only works for the hospital bill itself but thankfully that's the bill I got waived. The x-ray and physicians bill are their own unique bill.
No. 662927
>>662920Cabury chocolate (US) was delicious until they fucked with the ingredients. It's barely chocolate anymore
>>662926UK never changed the ingredients that's why it's superior.
No. 662939
File: 1604028371590.jpg (59.4 KB, 800x521, subway-car-1973.jpg)

I hate the 1970s. Everything seemed so ugly and depressing. I hate watching movies made in the 70s because they always look so grimy.
No. 662943
>>662939>>662940I feel this way about both but yet I love 40s and 50s films.
Something about 70s and 80s is depressing and makes me feel uncomfortable.
No. 663037
File: 1604047502543.jpg (60.11 KB, 600x600, stickers-covering-louis-vuitto…)

I hate Louis Vuitton, I hate their ugly print they cover their entire bags with, the quality is shit and the people who love this brand tend to be huge bitches.
No. 663041
>>663037I love you
It's so ugly and tacky I don't care how expensive it is, it's tacky
No. 663075
File: 1604057281178.png (747.63 KB, 942x680, mallette lv.PNG)

>>663037The print only looks good on old suitcases and briefcases, the rest looks bad and sometimes even trashy or tacky. The only thing I really liked when going in one of the Louis Vuitton stores was this, and even then it would look better without the red things and it's too small to hold anything anyway.
You can so easily buy good looking, high quality bags for way cheaper I don't see the point of luxury bags anyway, unless you want to invest and sell them for more money once they're officially considered vintage. I keep hearing rich women on LSA saying the quality of a lot of brands, not just Louis Vuitton, is severely declining.
No. 663076
>>663075I bought a replica burberry because it was so hard to find an offbrand version with the same bag shape/design at the time, and I’ll probably keep buying replicas now kek. The bag wasn’t cheap by any means, but it was $150 vs $1500 and no one, not even my snobby luxury brand loving parents who own authentic Burberry, could even tell.
The bag you posted is cute as hell though. The LVxMurakami collab items are probably the only LV items that don’t look tacky as all hell to me.
No. 663080
File: 1604058639787.png (587.88 KB, 2048x2048, louis-vuitton-nano-monogram-br…)

Am I the only one who would be inclined to NOT purchase something just because it is a designer brand? Not that I have the money to buy a lot of designer but this also goes for more accesible brands like CK or something like that. I don't want to be someone who looks like she cares a lot about designer or brands, there's just something negative about that to me. I don't want to wear a brand's image, I want to wear my own, if that makes sense?
The only LV/designer thing in general I've ever liked enough to consider buying was this particular bracelet. I saw a girl irl wear it and really liked it a lot. I didn't realize it was LV until I saw the logo pattern upclose. Then I looked it up and it's 200 euro for a bracelet made out of canvas and brass. For 200 euro I want a bracelet made out of leather and gold(plated) clasps. Genuinely do not understand why anyone would pay 200 euro for basically fashion jewelry. Even if you can easily spend that kind of money, wouldn't you want something made out of higher quality materials?
No. 663081
File: 1604058823291.jpeg (66.02 KB, 691x444, E1AEBB02-57CF-4DC5-8D9E-FDAE96…)

i really fucking hate promare. i have a genderist mutual on twt i keep around for the lolz and god. i don’t understand how she’s so goddamn attached to it at 30 years old. the art style is ugly as fuck and the storyline and setting seem so extraordinarily boring… weebs eat up the dumbest shit don’t they?
No. 663086
>>663081The aesthetic of it is amazing imho but the story as shallow as a puddle, you watch it and immediately forget. It's typical for Studio
Trigger though, all style no substance.
No. 663087
>>663076As long as you don't get in legal trouble for buying replicas then go for it. Since most fashion brands get "inspired" or straight up copy luxury brands one way or another I just buy original stuff that just look like luxury products from far away if I really want to and I know the quality will be worth it.
>>663080I don't have that kind of money to begin with but even if I were a billionaire I wouldn't buy luxury shit out of principle. I'd rather buy good looking, high quality products that don't have a specific dead or old man's name plastered on them and focus on supporting small businesses. If anything I'm waiting for eventual Fenty's handbags to see if that could make me change my mind but even then only some of the sunglasses looks cute and fun.
No. 663119
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>>663087An old coworker who had a cute bag recommended Callitspring to me and their handbags are so cute but also remind me of the style of some luxury bags (e.g. their sanmarcos bag looks like chanel's classic bag). Terrible discovery for my wallet because they're reasonably priced and so, so cute. I've been eyeing pic related but I know I shouldn't buy more bags because I don't need them lol.
No. 663203
>>663019Did you miss the scrote bunny saga the other week?
>>663067I disagree, my bun takes much more work than my cat, but dogs are definitely not worth any of the hassle.
No. 663250
File: 1604077988977.jpg (94.47 KB, 1000x1000, 01c6e309f1e8d7ee19e59503549c22…)

I hate the cigarette and condom song.
No. 663308
>>663127Because it’s grammatically incorrect or because you’d rather people exclusively speak in toddler english?
>>663276>>663241So what do you use in place of those expressions?
No. 663310
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I HATE mommy bloggers/insta influencers.
Obviously not all are exploitative but I just wonder how much damage they’re are doing to their poor kids by never allowing any moment to just be natural, everything has to be fucking curated or caught on camera. Also, none of these kids can consent to have their most personal experiences blasted all over the internet to see…I honestly think most of these women view their kids as props and accessories for attention, validation and money.
No. 663311
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>>661355Literally me anon I despise banda music it's so goddamn loud and annoying. Fuck everytime my family has a fiesta I know going to be bed is going to be next to impossible. I love mariachi music and old groupos like los temerarios, but banda can just fuck off.
No. 663312
>>663310The desire to be seen as the best moms ever is numero uno.
The money, validation, and attention are just the delicious after perks.
It'll get interesting in 18 more years, when some of the very first kids where their every lifestage is available online for public view, become adults too.
What repercussions will it have for them? Do they deserve restitution from having their information published and sold online without their true consent?
No. 663421
valid cartoon is the amazing world of gumball
No. 663482
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Comics that have gorgeous cover art but it's done by a guest/feature artist so when you check out the insides the regular art in the panels is hideous. So disappointing.
Alternately: Comics that have beautiful art throughout but the stories are uninspired, derivative and ridden with plot holes because the artist think they're capable of writing or they hired someone to write who's too far up their own ass.
No. 663491
File: 1604101821570.jpeg (67.2 KB, 480x640, 96DD8B88-AA25-45C8-A9A1-7B2F0F…)

>>663486This is exactly how I felt as a kid saving up to buy the Labyrinth manga online.
No. 663496
>>660523anon my boyfriends stepmom (currently staying with family, poorfag who lost home lul) wears fucking white diamonds and it's disgusting. we sleep in the living room and many a morning I wake up choking on that nasty fucking perfume.
I also hate White Diamonds.
No. 663661
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Moschino ripped off rose of Versailles art and it pisses me off.
No. 663666
File: 1604125736751.jpeg (103.05 KB, 625x491, images (70).jpeg)

This brand is so overrated
No. 663692
>>662101Orangutans are very gentle and intelligent. But for real, fuck chimpanzees.
>>662483Good advice from
>>662753 I personally use mostly glass toys. They're easy to clean and can be heated in the microwave for a couple of seconds (make sure it's made for that first) or frozen for temperature play.
No. 663708
File: 1604133826818.jpg (140.62 KB, 453x467, away we go.jpg)

I hate people who feel the need to find a moral justification for all the shit they like. I'm mostly talking about autists on Twitter and Tumblr who feel the need to write essays on why something is or is not "problematic." Why the fuck can't they just relax and enjoy something without shoe-horning into their political ideology? Sure, it's occasionally interesting to read about the impact art has on society, but nobody wants to read your fucking essay on why Spyro the Dragon is secretly transmisogynistic or whatever.
No. 663713
>>663708I hate it, as well as those youtubers analyzing and poring over disney cartoons, fashion styles and dumb movies, looking for a deeper meaning.
If I wanted to listen to Giggles the clown here giving me a lecture on why some movie or fashion is
problematic and stare at her garishly painted face for 30 minutes, I'd go to clown college.
No. 663725
>>663713>If I wanted to listen to Giggles the clown here giving me a lecture on why some movie or fashion is problematic and stare at her garishly painted face for 30 minutes, I'd go to clown college.I'm in tears anon
Anyway I agree with you both. It's because you can't just "not like" anything anymore, there always has to be a moral justification for something you dislike or something you like. Everything has to be a big brain political debate now and it's exhausting.
No. 663748
I hate crumbs and dirt in the sheets. I hate when I feel a tickle and think it's a hair but it's really a bug. Also, I hate bangs that get greasy faster than my hair. I hate jeans where the crotch is too low or blouses that require a safety pin. I hate games that force you to press a button repeatedly for crafting. I hate long, unskippable tutorials. I hate off-leash dogs or pet dogs at work. I hate cheezits and goldfish and think they taste like the smell of unwashed penis. I hate coffee. I hate menstrual cups. I hate dry shampoos that makes hair look greasier. I hate Black Ice air freshener. I hate people that walk in the road when a sidewalk is there. I hate essential oil diffusers. I hate LinkedIn. I hate stepping in dog piss with socks on
>>663669That's a good one. I hate when parents do their kid's homework or art project for them. You could always tell who had a lot of extra "help".
No. 663865
>>663607"investment" by definition is something that you spend a shitton of money on but can get that back.
Everyone who says that fashion is an investment is stupid as shit since the bags just….stay there like paperweights
No. 663880
File: 1604157356646.jpg (453.39 KB, 750x813, b2ac693.jpg)

Not to sound like r/nicegirls but why do men complain about this even though women who treat men badly are actively supported and encouraged by other men and women who support men are always the ones getting cheated on and left for younger? Srs if men want to be respected so much start with their own men. Half of business men and hollywood men had some poor lady to mooch off of just to leave her when they got on top, even Stephan Hawking left the wife who had to wipe his ass for years for another woman, even all the teens men end up leaving their wives for end up cheating on them and I'm all for it. meanwhile women like anfisa from 90df actively get loyal and supporting men kek. Lurking males, want women to treat you better? Fix this shit
No. 664078
File: 1604180521297.jpg (60.36 KB, 748x500, 9c5941e033e30e71b1bf56ca554a36…)

>>664072>I hate dry tasteless donuts (aka every donut I've ever had)It's the opposite for me. People always bring these Krispy Kreme assorted boxes into work and they're just disgustingly rich and sweet, and there's nothing dry about them because they're covered in a thick glaze/icing as well as filled with it. I feel sick just thinking about them and it makes me want plain dry cinnamon donuts instead. Original glazed are fine though.
No. 664091
I hate rich people, how they justify the money they have by pointing out they work hard, the custom of putting plastic flowers and lanterns on graves and polluting the world unnecessarily, people who get extravagant gravestones, people who take an arm when you offer them a finger, pickled vegetables, how we common people are made to feel obligated to give our money to help those in need in our and other countries when the government won't do anything about it, corrupt politicians, politicians in general, how my roommates are unable to talk at a volume under 100 decibels, people who argue abortion is immoral, men who absolutely cannot see women as anything other than a vessel to fulfill their sexual desires, Tooru from Jojolion, and how comments on every social media are just rehashed jokes from 10 years ago.
>>664078I want to try just a tiny slice from each
No. 664121
>>664091All of this, excepting the pickled vegetables though.
I hate those plastic T-shaped strings that tags hang off of on clothing and textiles. They're see-through and thin so they always get lost in the actual garment, and they're stiff so when they
do get lost you only find out when they prick the ever loving shit out of you. And god help you if you drop one of those things on the floor and later step on it.
Literally no purpose to them, a string would do the job just as well if not better, not be a pain in the ass to remove, and not pollute the planet.
No. 664150
>>663968Exactly, it's projection. Despite all the screaming about how men making entire communities, glorifying, begging for, and manipulating women to like (inb4 are you saying women are stupid??? Scrot) rape play, child molestation roleplay, knife play, pregnancy fetish, bondage, anal, fisting, choking, mental humiliation, body shaming fetishing, reverse fucking, deep throating, breast bondage and everything else, defending it as "just a niche fetish! That's the equivalent to crazy Christian's who say video games cause school shooters", are now upset because they have this ~crazy~ idea that some women who seek out men willing to endure abuse, humiliation, cucking, etc, are ACTUALLY mentally ill and want to hurt men
Nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine
No. 664185
>>664152the only one that makes sense imo is the thumb one. bald men with wide ass necks
do look like thumbs
No. 664237
>>664234This is so funny, calling
me an autist for saying you adult babies are autistic
No. 664817
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>>660748 I hate tori stupid basic boring bitch if it weren't for trina she'd've been the untalented one.
I hate rich people that pretend they give a damn about the working classes. I respect openly evil sleazy materialistic frackers so much more than any champagne socialist that tweets about knowing their privilege uwu. Like that one Jameela Jamil essay in the comments lmao, every time I see shit like that I want to go into a vegan cafe and shank every bitch with a kanken. If you really care about the plight of the common man give me some of that fucking money you inherited instead of doctor shopping for valium.
No. 664839
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No. 664925
>>664906Some anons even started defending him, like "noooo aha he looks skinny…"
My man dresses like an autistic sixteen year old and looks fat as fuck with a cringe voice and even cringier rap lyrics. Gross.
No. 664965
File: 1604297503071.jpeg (41.22 KB, 379x441, A2DF72DA-5B10-4227-9FE7-02B7FE…)

I hate these stupid fucking drawings. Everyone and their mother who draws these think they ooze artistic talent. I also hate seafood, it smells and looks disgusting, good lord
No. 665120
>>664893LIDLs garlic baguette from the fresh bakery was heavensent.
Someone tell me why dutch supermarkets have such lack of: garlic bread anything/sweetsour and onion chips/lactose free products
No. 665397
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>>664965oh my fucking got I hate seeing them on jewlery so much, I don't understand how people can like them
No. 665447
>>665435Nah older women use partner because they're ashamed to admit they aren't married or engaged or anything more than a fucking gf
Younger women do it bc they think they sound sophisticated lol
No. 665461
>>665444NTA I agree with that anon though. Intelligence has nothing to do with maturity, she didn't say that. It doesn't sound more intelligent, but saying "uwu me and my boyfriend" is the same term you used since you were 12 years old.
>>665447>older women use partner because they're ashamed to admit they aren't married or engaged or anything more than a fucking gfimplying all a woman wants in life is to be married and engaged and is ashamed of anything else. scrote-like mentality. tsk tsk
No. 665487
>>665479Hmm. Can't say I agree with this. It's fine if you try and provide people with information but at a certain point, people literally don't care about whatever facts you present. And if they have gotten to the point where they are constantly arguing with people anyway, they have probably heard enough "If that's true, then why did [dumb ass thing that didn't actually happen] happen?!" and then you get into a circling of stupid shit with people who don't actually care about learning.
If you aren't in a retarded shouting match with someone and they're mature enough to explain to you, then try and sound earnest? Because I've gotten into my fair share of twitter bullshit and tried to "educate" people, only to have them say "That didn't happen" or "that's not true" or "I'm not clicking that link" or to completely ignore the post after I've said something, basically making it pointless. If I have to waste my time to educate someone, then I just won't do it to begin with. It's a clear tactic to tire out your opponent. Make them talk in circles by asking them to explain stuff and then tire them out. I've done it myself. People that say "It's not my job to educate you" have likely been there or don't want to be there. Plus, if it's something simple that you could google, just do it. That's also fucking lazy if you expect to be spoonfed everything.
But hey, what do I know.
No. 665524
>>665458>>665461I think the reason I hate it is because I
don’t see mature women use the term partner in my vicinity, I only ever see tumblrinas and pretentious hipsters say tha like they’re afraid people will know they’re in a heterosexual relationship. I should clarify I don’t think everyone does it to sound more intelligent, I think these particular types of annoying girls do it because it feels more special to them to say partner, god forbid everyone know they’re a heterosexual that only pretends to like girls every now and again when watching Jennifer’s Body and arguing on Twitter.
No. 665558
>>665553im not a native english speaker so im thinking of bf/gf but translated into my language, to me it sounds kind of childish.
>>665555> establish that it's a long-term/serious relationshipi think what anon said here illustrates my point further. saying bf/gf kind of dimishes the relationship in a way, at least in my opinion
No. 665774
>>664246NTA but I agree with them
I don't know who Pixielocks is though
No. 666323
File: 1604456838974.png (138.27 KB, 676x449, fogged-safety-glasses.png)

When your safety goggles/glasses fog up. This annoyed me so much when I took chemistry.
No. 666397
>>666384When I was cashiering at my job there was this one regular coupon abuser who would spend like 30 minutes ringing up a handful of items because she wanted to abuse coupons. I was supposed to deny her but I would usually just let her get away with it because she always brought her admittedly very cute but horribly behaved toddler daughter and I wanted to interaction over as fast as possible. The amount of times this kid directly projectiled a toy at my face and her mom went "ha sorry" and nothing else infuriated me. Again the kid was really cute, very friendly, not bratty at all – she genuinely didn't know she was crossing a line and her mother was doing nothing to teach her.
also on Halloween I got to watch a 12 year old dressed as Naruto have a full blown fight with his mom in the seasonal section. Highlight of my night tbh.
No. 666429
File: 1604472347033.png (34.56 KB, 1024x160, low testosterone.png)

I hate males who like anime girls. I hate weak, simpering, beta boys who squeal and coo over their "waifus". It causes a physical disgust in me that even the cringiest fangirl could never compare to.
Men should never speak about women like this, fictional or otherwise. They should never "fanboy". They should be confident and attract women that way, not by groveling at their feet and begging for attention. Do they even have a pair of balls? Did they drop? It's nauseating.
No. 666493
File: 1604483842013.jpeg (114.12 KB, 750x621, 4FB2B20D-1797-4B95-AF1A-BD41F2…)

Personally love a Borzoi but couldn’t help but see this Gal Gadot photo shoot for Vanity Fair and laugh thinking about all the anons that are going to HATE this.
No. 666563
I hate the concept of "white guilt" and I hate it even more when some dipshit acts like you are racist if you don't have it. I hate pit bulls. I hate chest tattoos, especially on women. I hate raccoons. I hate animal rights obsessed people in general. I hate when someone chews loudly or slaps their lips. I hate the sound of a small group applauding. I hate people who spend 20 minutes in line buying lottery tickets, knowing there is an ever growing line behind them but just keep throwing their money away in the hopes of winning when they will likely only break even if lucky. I hate the smell of cigarettes. I hate big fat fake asses that look like loaded diapers. How does anyone find that attractive? I hate winter. Is a gloomy hellscape, it's cold, I fucking hate having to go outside in the morning to shovel my driveway, and having to spend give minutes preparing myself just to step out the door to take the fucking trash out cuz it's so cold and gross. I hate that the Swype feature on my phone is retarded. I hate those fucking big trucks with loud exhaust and I hate the tiny dick chodes that drive them even more. I hate the far left leaning liberals and the far right leaning repubs, and all the annoying shit both sides spew. I hate Brad Jones. I hate property taxes. I hate when people have lots of pets in their house. It will smell like a fucking farm, I don't care how much you claim you "clean up." I hate youtube ads. I hate youtube. I hate cancer (cliche as fuck, yeah, but it killed my family and it's killing me). I hate going to the doctor. I hate tumblr and the people who use it. Honestly, this would probably be shorter if I write the things I do not hate. Oh well(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 666571
>>666291Doggo is fine imo but I think only because it’s the least used.
Also on the topic of people’s ill behaved children, I hate people who don’t train their pets properly or don’t have them on a leash when they’re supposed to. Or don’t clean after their damn dogs. No one wants dog poop encrusted sidewalks ffs people
No. 666609
>>666597what dating site do lesbians prefer? bumble? asherahs garden?
No. 666670
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I hate this blush trend. It makes you look like you were wearing ski goggles for a while and they left a pink indentation/outline in your skin.
No. 666742
File: 1604513850757.jpeg (120.29 KB, 1160x1017, FDA3CB78-03FF-4F97-B19A-33A9F0…)

>>666734She got viral on Tiktok from a lip syncing video, and panders to scrotes by acting like a dumb uwu anime girl even though she used to be in the army, and her previous posts on ig show that she used to dress and act like an ig baddie. She also got cancelled because she had a rising sun tattoo.
No. 666779
>>666741I just hate that in a time when any kind of porn can be found online that people have to still post borderline porn on every non-adult site too.
I use Insta for nothing else than following accounts connected to a hobby that I collect, I've no idea what I accidentally liked because now my recommended feed keeps showing vids of expensive cars and women with huuge asses hanging around them with captions like 'would you give her a ride?'
Cars and ass… you can imagine the high IQ community that is. Oh and I saw one post of a woman damaging a car and when the caption asked 'what would you do if this was your car?' The responses were literally men saying they'd grab the hammer from her and rape her with it.
No. 666815
>>666758Exactly. I guess I said it in an easy way, what I mean is that sex should be private again and kids should be more rightly educated about it. In my country our sex education is absolute shit if we even have it, everyone's first contact with sex is through porn which is always more and more accesible and that's fucked up in so many ways
>>666779Jesus, that's just repulsive. It genuinely drives me mad, really tired of women being objectified and violented by men everywhere at any time
No. 666862
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I hate tweets like picrelated. They really make it sound like as if you don't have genuine intentions behind things, as if you are some sort of a manipulative cuck.
More than that, after years I have realized how much I hate it when someone opens up to me about something really personal over short time of knowing me. They would start venting to me all the time as if I am their pocket therapist, while doing nothing about their own issues. Neverending whining that makes you feel like as if they don't care about you as a friend. Don't get me wrong, its okay to vent to friends as long as you understand that you shouldn't do that all the time, or almost all the time, making it your own personality while rarely having any good, normal convos.
No. 666924
>>666912Announcing that you're new should be a bannable offense. I get really annoyed by posts like
>this is my first time posting so let me know if I do it wrong!You can tell they're just sincerely trying to join in and aren't causing trouble but it's obnoxious. Lurk more if you don't know how to post, don't advertise it.
No. 667049
File: 1604543282279.jpg (50.14 KB, 606x454, olivertwistmain.crop_606x454_0…)

>>667044where was kendall jenner when anon needed her most
No. 667137
>>666426You clearly have never been involved with the snake "community". Especially dumbasses with their super special, one-of-a-kind ball python morphs with neurological problems.
>>666437What game is it?
>>667044I kek'd so hard. Thank you.
No. 667208
>>667173Everyone changes their voice depending on the situation they're in and who they're around. It's a human mechanism.
>>667200I didn't get yelled at by a dyke. She's got a boyfriend and she was giving a presentation but being so abrasive and brutish. I had to turn the volume to zero.
No. 667223
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>>661692Sage for autismo but when I see aluminum foil my brain automatically goes "imagine biting that" and I always do. Just typing this makes my teeth hurt and my palms sweaty
No. 667241
File: 1604578266262.jpg (58.05 KB, 762x762, dr-pepper-330ml.jpg)

This is the nastiest thing I've ever tasted, I don't get how people can drink it with pleasure. I'm not big on sodas in the first place, but I can see why people like Coke or Fanta. This shit? Simply awful, I drank one can once and I never digested something so fast, my entire body had a visceral rejection of it.
No. 667258
>>667241 lol we don't have Dr Pepper in my country so when I saw it at an import shop I got excited to try it. Come to discover it tastes like Jagermeister mixed with a little vomit.
I paid so much for it and didn't even finish the can, still salty about it.
My contribution to Things I Hate is licorice. I have a friend who bakes amazing things but she'll sneak fucking licorice in everywhere and it makes our potlucks feel very high stakes
Fucking unholy flavor. Hey let's mix tar, coins and petrol into our sweets woo fuckin hoo
No. 667304
>>660412This guy. I think it's his punchable face caked in badly applied makeup and irritable voice
>says he's interrested in makeup>can't apply it for shit>doesn't research about it>washes his face with dishsoapI have no words. Classic scrote I guess
No. 667363
File: 1604588540724.jpg (18.29 KB, 428x534, EfaP3SAX0AU4c_p (1).jpg)

this specific wojak and anything else that came from tiktok. It's basically tumblr 2nd gen.
as an ex-fakeboi this wojak as a profile pic is 100% means you are a fakeboi in my experience.
tiktok has been creating these new fakebois left and right and it's really dangerous for getting kids who are lost in their identity to be pumped with medication that will have irreversible consequences for the rest of their life.
No. 667432
File: 1604593564052.png (894.51 KB, 934x935, 7f61a8f5a2036678d1b9e35949966d…)

>>667417posting the lyrics just for you anon, no need to thank me
[Verse 1]
There's a man who has artistic vision
He's showing up Nintendo with each decision
He makes it in a flash
And all the assets clash
Do his artistic skills know no boundaries?
Nintendo, hire this man
Nintendo, hire this man
He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can
[Verse 2]
Take Mario's model for the first step
And put him in a field filled with stock assets
Then adjust the lighting gain
And though it runs at 40 frames
This man's still a master of the medium
Nintendo, hire this man
Nintendo, hire this man
He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can
[Verse 3]
Make a model's textures look realistic
With no regard for artstyle or the aesthetic
Oh, crank the bloom and then
It'll really look next gen
This man truly is a fucking genius
Nintendo, hire this man
Nintendo, hire this man
He's using Unreal Engine in any way he can!
No. 667454
File: 1604594705056.jpeg (46.52 KB, 425x642, 9B2D69E5-FC04-478E-91AE-EB0F6F…)

>>667445Use these after you try the shoes at home and find where it hurts, then it won’t be as horrible.
No. 667575
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I hate chickens.
No. 667598
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>>667575no bigotry allowed
No. 667709
File: 1604621524852.jpeg (842.2 KB, 1242x685, 3D049BD9-2525-433A-BC71-A6206C…)

STRONG hatred of chitlins. People who think durian stinks haven’t smelled the scent chitterlings cookings
literally nothing compares to the sort of feeling you get when you came home from school as a kid and saw a plastic red bucket by the sink. my parents were the strict sort that you’d have to prepare an essay for just to ask to go to a friends house for an hour just to told no anyway, but they let me leave the house when they cooked chitterlings.
just thinking about it makes me feel like sick.
No. 667712
>>667710pig intestines. my parents would by it 2 or 3 times a year when i was growing up. they had to stand over a sink and clean the literalshit off of the folds piece by piece. It smells like boiling shit.
i never tried it but i don’t trust anything that has actual shit on it
No. 667714
>>667709Anon that’s literally intestines, of course they’re going to smell like rotting shit
I don’t understand why people eat such gross food if they have a choice. In my country it’s quite common to eat kidneys but I stopped when I realised what it was and that it tasted like pee
No. 667779
File: 1604630127640.jpg (164.73 KB, 720x350, 00.jpg)

>>667575but baby chickens are so cute and ducklings are ugly
No. 667785
>>667174kek. I see where you're coming from. I even used to say "doggo", but only around my boyfriend. I think it's probably how I feel whenever I post a picture of one of snakes on ig and someone has to comment "danger noodle".
>>667304Ew, why does he remind me so much onision?
No. 667905
>>667044holy shit I almost snorted my drink out
>>667007I was about to say this, even our ages match up kek
No. 668227
>>668168Was reading their pyrocynical thread earlier and some autistic furfag had come onto the thread sounding a little too invested in defending furry shit, wasnt defending the underage stuff but he was still a
triggered furry. With each new post it became apparent that this guy might just fill the entire fucking spectrum by himself. Annoying but too retarded to take seriously.. so naturally there was threats to basically find out his identity and make him regret posting..
No. 668250
File: 1604694240048.jpg (47.73 KB, 1000x685, fuckyou.jpg)

fuck this stupid fucking game
>takes forever to set up
>anxiety ramps up with every turn in anticipation
>loud as FUCK when everything comes crashing down
>clumsy? go fuck yourself because you won't last more than 2 rounds (thereby ruining the game for everyone else)
>have to set everything back up again just to play
>nine million variations (truth or dare jenga! lava jenga for some god damn reason!!) basically acknowledging that the original game is inherently boring and pointless
seriously you could tell me that jenga was invented by our ruling overlord species as a sort of rat maze for us to complete and see how many times our dumb asses would set up the blocks over and over again just to be knocked down, and I'd fully believe it. as a species, we've failed.
No. 668365
File: 1604712367035.jpeg (245.13 KB, 1242x1394, 0FCCE443-BC76-47F3-B242-0CD3D8…)

I can't stand internet beggars who want to be paid just for existing. How fucking embarassing and shameless.
No. 668491
>>667375I think that's an interesting thing to point out. I always thought it was funny when /r9k/, /mu/, et al. made those satirical wojaks that made fun of a specific type of person. I really enjoyed it when I could find myself in those images, because it made me realize I wasn't special, and it kind of pushed me to discard my pretensions. The big difference, of course, is that the halfchan wojacks are extremely vulgar and don't pull punches.
Now that I think of it, that's precisely what those doomer wojacks are, in principle. It's just that the Reddit/tumblr bottom feeders were forced omit the obscene parts in order to fit it into their community, and the core sentiment is watered down by consequence.
I think this can be said of a lot of 4chan memes.
No. 668815
>>668758Sucks! I wanted to try that too! But I'm too scared of getting outted.
>>668786Why's that?
No. 668897
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>>660441>>660444>>661692Similar, but the sound when a dry broom sweeps a dry floor - I get that horrible shivery feeling. But not when it's on wet ground, then I don't. There must be something to explain this feeling, right?
No. 668964
File: 1604787708512.jpg (65.11 KB, 500x684, 2a1a353cefc35ba4ec4a872516075f…)

I hate this shitty fucking comic. It's not funny and the art syle is hideous yet somehow redditors think it's peak dark humour
No. 669027
File: 1604797207127.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.23 KB, 604x491, 50471f66-1189-4b49-abc4-d46e42…)

>>669026queen shit. fatties stay seething
No. 669028
>>669023I think you just mean the fat positive stuff. Body positivity (although they overlap often)shit usually just calls anything a flaw then says "embrace it" in a weird,passive-aggressive way. A lot of body positivity nowadays people will see one stretch mark on a relatively average woman and say "embrace your flaws"
as if stretch marks are some serious flaw and not just a normal bodily reaction they even do it with pregnant women too and it always makes me think that without this constant "embrace your
flaws" they'd just shrug them off as normal. they imply anything as retarded as a birthmark is a flaw. ive always found it funny how they do that. i wonder if a lot of it is projection or some shit.
No. 669029
File: 1604797886262.jpg (433.35 KB, 2000x1601, 111716-Over-The-Knee-Boots-LEA…)

I hate over the knee boots. They look extremely fugly and don't match with anything at all.
No. 669031
>>669023It's about giving people a baseline of respect and not being a dick.
Are you really such a child that you can't handle fat women having spaces on the internet where they can boost themselves and tell each other they're pretty even if YOU don't think so?
Yes, yes you are.
I don't visit those spaces and I literally do not care. Body positivity has not impacted my life in any form except for males feeling a bit less comfortable to make negative comments about women's bodies that they don't like. I have no problem with people like you being told to take a backseat as if your opinions about what you find attractive is important.
Hate away, sis.
No. 669040
>>669028The whole movement is really for fat people. If it was the goal they set it out to be then it would be more on natural healthy body types not overly fat and anorexic bodies that are clearly not healthy. They don't even touch on stretch marks, birth marks, etc. It was jump started for 'natural body issues' like the whole embrace your flaws but more of "I'm fat, accept me." Fat girls are poster child of the whole movement, not women with acne, stretch marks,etc. The movement itself was a good idea but it harbors fat people who want a pat on their back for being fat which is controllable compared to other things you mentioned as flaws.
>>669031There is nothing attractive about someone who let themselves go, pretending that hugboxes is going to change majority of people's views on fatties when it won't. I won't play along to boost an ego of someone who can change and get healthy. Such laziness that hides behind body positivity. If People want to be dick to people who let themselves go then I am fine with that. Fat people actively can get better and improve themselves. Only a small minority actually suffers from weight gain to conditions outside their control even then they aren't fat as these obese girls claiming to be "curvy". That isn't curves, it's just lumps. Of course I am going to hate away, this is what this thread is for.
No. 669043
>>669031Are you the same anon from like months ago who tried to argue that a woman who went from being death-mode obese to normal and attractive was actually "ugly" and that she "hated herself" after she lost weight (then got angry at the idea that all fat people hate themselves)?
Stop typing essays and do some sit-ups lol
No. 669045
>>669043Imagine being such a void brain that several sentences is an "essay." Defend your fellow essayists like
No. 669050
>>669045You're calling someone else a void brain, but you don't even understand hyperbole?
I mean, I have read before that obesity has negative effects on the mind. Also, that anon is making points, while you just typed some rant that could've been lifted off of 2015 Twitter.
Most right-minded people simply don't support addicts glorifying their addiction. There definitely shouldn't be this kind of energy for ana-chans, and the same extends to the other extreme.
No. 669052
>>669050I've read that anger clouds judgment and renders people ineffective speakers due to their exaggerated belief system, my condolences.
>>669051This website is cringe, embrace it.
No. 669053
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>>660412>>669026>>669031>>669052tfw you will never be skinny and perfect like this majestic creature
No. 669057
>>669049>>669048Not a niche, if it was then it wouldn't be on fucking posters and promoted by every company that even has a small market for fat women. Body positivity could have been good for other areas but it didn't do shit. People still photoshop and still lie but hey now we have to accept fat people. I am not even being dishonest, fat people can change.
"The fuck cares." Kek you do because you wouldn't have commented on it in the first place. Thanks for reading.
You don't have anything to add to this convo other than who cares, get off this thread then.
No. 669058
>>669056I do have an argument, though. Can't you read? Also, that's not what samefagging is. Are you new or something?
Sit-ups are good for you. What's wrong?
No. 669061
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>>669056anon stop being fat and you won't get so twisted over ~bodyposi discourse anymore, I promise
No. 669068
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>>669064borzoi is dainty and angelic and makes anas weep. you take that back
No. 669069
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>>669067Does Polly want a cracker? Wait, nevermind.
No. 669070
>>669067"projection! projection!"
take your insulin shots already you fat fucking tubby wubby nikocado avocado kin big
No. 669072
File: 1604801483418.jpg (130.69 KB, 800x600, Borzoi-dog-wallpapers-6-e14569…)

>>669069borzoi does not partake in the eating of carbohydrates. Be like borzoi
No. 669077
File: 1604801723612.gif (2.36 MB, 640x360, na.gif)

>>669070>nikocado avocado kin big bitchAnon wtf
No. 669080
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>>669076NTA, but why would
you know about his asshole and its blow status, anon? Are you projecting?
>being fat and a fujoshiPick a struggle
No. 669084
File: 1604802128146.png (209.66 KB, 421x236, Jabba_the_Hutt_in_Return_of_th…)

My sisters lied to me about the body acceptance movement and told me it was about amputees and veterans with scars from war being normalized and accepted but then I figured out it was just….y'know :/
No. 669087
>>669056>>669031Can you be
more twitter jfc fat cunts go, you're slowing my internet with all that waistbandwidth
No. 669103
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>>669026>>669031>>669088>>669091beautiful borzoi does not go on twitter
>>669099seethe. you wish you looked like this
No. 669121
File: 1604804581013.png (1.02 MB, 1200x923, 6bebad46-dce4-457c-81ff-d2a830…)

>>669119go cry me a river of bacon fat tears
No. 669127
>>669113Obesity doesn't just happen on its own. It causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and the myriad of shit that comes with diabetes, higher risk of cardiac events, etc.
Obese people are a walking handbag full of doctors bills. When healthcare plans are out there, the goal is for you to need preventive care and maybe some maintenance drugs. The obese population has a constant strand of health issues that insurance companies can't outright count as preexisting conditions anymore, so they raise the costs for everyone else so that they're able to max money.
No. 669128
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>>669124borzoi does not abide by the societal contruct that is basedness. borzoi is forever
No. 669138
File: 1604805174129.jpg (19.22 KB, 412x357, a2436a44480cd8acc7eb506bcd469a…)

The fats are fatting it up on this /ot/ thread tonight.
No. 669167
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>>669142>>669141>>669140>>669139This is a very long-winded argument. I'm intrigued by the many different points that I've gathered from such fine examples of human communicational exchange over the internet. That being said, all of this chatter has motivated me with equal determination to add my own input.
>>669445I just want to fuck him and I don't know much about him as a person outside of the little he shows now.
I do know his pink guy era songs have messages underneath them about racism, sexism, police profiling and all that so I get that frank was him purposely playing ignorant characters just to highlight ignorance.
No. 669456
>>669454One of my fave pink guys songs is him singing about dora the explorer being a sexy 4 year old
> "that's not illegal cos she's an animation.. and I'm a human"Perfect imitation of the map community
No. 669488
File: 1604861789886.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.18 KB, 1200x1200, CF852279-2D7C-4F93-A036-567C75…)

Cow lingerie. Borderline zoophilia. Same goes for calling boobs ”mommy milkers”.
No. 669616
File: 1604877850365.png (534.41 KB, 572x656, ewqeqw.PNG)

I hate how people think this is what is feminine, no this is what a drag queen looks like. A normal female doesn't wear this much makeup nor is this feminine. I hate how all these beauty gurus and media are pushing this retarded amount of makeup as if this is normal or looks good..
No. 669620
>>669616Nobody likes beauty guru makeup except beauty gurus and wannabe beauty gurus who consider makeup their hobby. And coomers who would fap to anything ig.
Light, natural makeup (and having skin good enough to pull it off) is still widely accepted as the most attractive look.
No. 669624
>>669621I never said that light makeup wasn't, the point of my post is this is what certain groups think is feminine when this is clearly not. The picture references Nikki's new Video which is a whole ass mess.
>>669620No shit sherlock. I legit mentioned beauty gurus, the point of it was the picture as said above.
No. 669626
>>669616Anon the sad truth is a lot of women are conditioned into thinking this is an acceptable amount of makeup to wear so it's normal to them. During my most insecure years I was mortified to leave the house without foundation, eyeliner, and mascara in the least. The whole contouring and 'baking' aspect of makeup was a bit after my peak so I never got into heavier makeup but still, I definitely felt I had to wear a cakeface to feel normal and seen as a woman. On days when I wouldn't wear it people would say I looked "tired" and even mean.
I'm just too old anymore to care lel. Now I just accept my acne-scarred bitchface. But I realize if I started to fall back into old habits tomorrow that people would consider me more feminine and approachable.
No. 669633
>>669616I don't own any make-up so by my standards all those beauty youtubers just look insecure and like they're promoting the same insecurity in the women watching them
Covering up some skin blemishes is one thing but attaching massive fake hairs to your own existant lashes…gluing them into place, lining your lips to look twice their actual size. So much of it is clown shit.
No. 669639
>>669632Thots always get disproportionate amounts of attention regardless of the many traits they have which men claim to hate (sluttiness, skimpy clothes, fake hair and nails, heavy makeup, plastic surgery, etc) and even if they're not very attractive in general. I dont think that necessarily means men find it more attractive, they just see them as easy and glamorous, high maintenance girls are a status symbol.
That said, their preference wont be for low maintenance girls either. They want the illusion of natural beauty, not the reality.
No. 669667
File: 1604881674668.jpg (157.78 KB, 1200x1200, 0_NikkieTutorials.jpg)

>>669654He's 6'4. How the fuck his bf didn't realise he was banging a tranny i'll never understand.
No. 669690
>>669686Unbelievably fucking rare lol. A 6'4 female is taller than 99.999% of women (actual stat, not pulling that out of my ass). Nikki is taller than 99% of men. Then we have the manly hands, hips, fridge body, intonation (Nikki sounds like a gay male to me) & NEOVAG.
His bf is either faggy and lying out of his ass or a sheltered, low libido (minimal to no porn use) virgin before meeting N. Tho, to be fair, not everyone is clued up on troons. I feel sorry for masculine-looking heterosexual females, I bet things are harder for them now, esp re online dating.
No. 669785
File: 1604898546364.jpg (58.47 KB, 563x688, IMG_20201107_181303887.jpg)

Hey I'm OP of this thread,
Next time it's made (if I can't get to do it myself for some reason) please put this as a description
Post random things you hate and why.
Please don't vent about your life here. Only physical things are allowed. A picture is always appreciated.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
I would also like to make the borzoi OP picture a tradition.
That's all. Thank you.
No. 669792
File: 1604899896752.png (127.77 KB, 355x603, Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 11.3…)

>>669785even the front page laughs at borzois
No. 669807
>>669785Ok, but you've gotta use this one.
>>669068I don't give a shit about this dog breed, but that dog is beautiful and looks like it gaited whimsically right out of Ancient Magus Bride.
I hate math. It makes me seethe that something so simple for others takes so frickin long to do.
No. 669835
>>669827tl;dr is she’s mostly blamed for breaking up the Beatles, but it’s definitely an exaggerated claim. The band had numerous other problems. Yoko’s an easy target for hate because she does experimental hipster “art,” like gluing a hammer to a wall or screeching into a microphone. Her art is basically useless rich people art that gets displayed at art shows and everyone pretends to like it to look cultured.
John Lennon’s also been weirdly deified among boomers, but he wasn’t a great guy at all. He talked a big ~love and peace~ game while treating his family like shit. He pretty much abandoned his young son for several years to run off with Yoko.
No. 669843
>>669841same, i hate how it's seeped onto here too
>>669805but what is the point of pantyhose if not to hide unshaven legs
No. 669857
>>669849There are some interviews where he openly admits to abusing his first wife and several other women. I’m on mobile but they’re easy to find.
It’s pretty gross how people act like he’s so great when he did pretty much nothing in terms of activism. He pretended to be some uwu peace and love hippie while living it up as a millionaire from all his Beatles money and ignoring his son. He never did shit. He was a massive hypocrite and would likely have a /pt/ thread if he were alive today.
No. 669887
>>669849How he treated his son Julian makes me so mad. He didn't just leave his wife, but he estranged himself from his child just as a way of cutting off his old life. Kid was 5 years old.
Even Paul McCartney had more compassion for John's family and wrote Hey Jude based off knowing how bad things were for Julian during the divorce.
And then when Lennon died, he had the gall to leave Julian much less in his will than Sean and Yoko. A final fuck you to his own kid. Ugh.
No. 669895
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Cakes Covered in Fondant and while i'm at it…
No. 669899
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>>669895How to Cake it, makes beautiful cakes, all of them are covered in fondant but whatever. My biggest issue with her is SHE RUINS EVERY VIDEO with her seasame street corny ass joke and commentary.
I watch her on mute now, becaue it's so fucking annoying.
She's a sweet lady though
No. 670229
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Fuck kiwis.
Just looking at a picture of kiwis makes me me salivate and hurts my tonsils. Why this trash fruit does that? It stings in the weirdest way possible
No. 670246
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I fucking hate age regression and all it portrays. I tried reading about it so I could understand why and such, but it’s fucking gross and whoever falls into the muh coping mechanism meme should just get themselves thrown into a looney bin forever without any sort of human interaction because they’re a fucking lost cause.
I hate the whole theme of am baby shit in music and media and seeing a character go from adult to child makes my skin crawl like I had a thousand millipedes walking on every single inch of my body.
No. 670275
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Ever done a bug collection, for fun or school? When you stick the pins in the styrofoam it makes this horrible squeaking noise, and also vibrations that you can feel through the pin. I think that’s one of my most hated things.
Very similar is the occasional piece of popcorn that nasty-squeaks in your mouth as you bite down on it. Gives me shivers just thinking about it.
No. 670289
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>>670275on the topic of bugs, i don’t collect them but i like entomology. but i absolutely hate one and only one bug- the robber fly.
one got into my house before, i picked it up with a paper towel, could feel the thing vibrate through it and it made me gag. not to mention, they are huge.
No. 670309
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Speaking of entomology, here's someone I don't like:
I used to be a big fan, he still posts relatively interesting stuff and his writting style is fun to read. I love the pokemon reviews and other miscelaneous things he pulls out.
But he's such a huge snowflake. He thinks being fat as fuck (as well as bald) and eating fast food is absolutely healthy, hoards a bunch of shit like toys and random halloween decorations ala chis chan, is quite frankly neurotic and has a veeeeeery weird fascination with ticks, lice, and fleas, out of any other bug. He also has weird fetishes, but I'm unaware of wich ones they are. Both his roomate and his wife are troons as well.
But what irks me the most is the roomate he has. I have talked about her on the personal cows thread, and again, I have nothing against her lol she's just super entretaining. Basically a ftm troon who is "a DID system" and BPDfag with at least 2 furry personalities that use the it/its pronouns, one that is called "Teddy" who is an eboy psychopath serial killer with no empathy that likes trenchcoats and has its own "traumacore" blog, she's delusiona, and has hit her mom before, and I'm sure she came to whiteknight herself on the personal cow thread and I ended up looking super dumb lol (I'm sorry about that, I was new to posting about cows). She documents everything, every single thing in her tumblr. Like I wish more anons saw her blog and laughed like I do because I personally don't know her yet I think she's deranged, but she's kinda too self aware.
No. 670314
>>670309spoiler this fucking image I want to die after seeing this fucking thing
my contribution: I hate bedbugs most of all, they're disgusting little fuckers
No. 670425
>>670275My sis had to collect bugs and make a board like this for her summer project. Yes, yes, the squeaking is bad. But do you know what's worse?
The fact that you have to keep the collection in the tightest display case you can. If there are any gaps, tiny bugs appear and start munching their way through the display insects.
Our family found out the hard way. Absolutely revolting discovery
No. 670429
>>670425Supposed to reply to
>>670289 soz
No. 670494
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I hate Trump omegaverse
No. 670500
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I love jam, but I hate jam with seeds. I don’t mind the texture, I just autistically hate the way they get stuck in the gaps of my teeth.
No. 670565
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>>670229You should try a golden kiwi. Normal green kiwis are ok but a bit too tart for my liking, the gold ones are sweet af and sooooooo delicious my god. I only discovered them this year and I feel like I've really missed out.
Though yeah obviously not if you're allergic like anons have suggested.
No. 670830
Speaking of bugs, I hate those creepy fetish drawings people make of bugs fucking humans. It’s the worst.
>>670806Same. I barely wear it anymore unless I go to a job interview. It’s nice not having to worry about rubbing my eyes and smearing it lmao
No. 670843
>>670833Life sized ones! I’m pretty sure if there are small ones involved tho it’s usually torture porn shit which I also hate. Just nightmare fuel all around.
>Can’t imagine someone desiring thatYou’d be surprised anon.
No. 670883
>>670874>>670878I don't disagree that anon should have called sooner, especially if her dog was still exhibiting symptoms, but I'd 100% expect the vet office to call back with negative results, ya know? My doctors, human and vet, call me back even when things are fine, much less really bad.
>>670868Anyways, I'm really sorry about your dog, anon. That suuuucks.
No. 670884
>>670874>>670872>>670870No shit, I should've called but this is still not at all on me. Just like they're busy, I'm also fucking busy. If they say they'll call me I expect a call from them within that time frame, otherwise I will assume it came back negative, and you as a professional shouldn't be surprised when they do.
>>670878It wasn't going to be ready that same day.
you guys sound like morons who don't know how biopsies work, why am i even surprised. I was in that clinic more than enough times, well after the bipsy should've been done.
>>670882no, they were able to call me for other prescriptions when they were rdy for pick up, they're a small clinic, tyhey should've been able to some time in the day.
>>670883thanks sweet anon
No. 670891
>>670884>No shit, I should've called but this is still not at all on me. Just like they're busy, I'm also fucking busyThat is
your dog, so that is
your responsibility. If you can't take a couple minutes out of your day to call the clinic concerning your dog's health when it has a growth, then you shouldn't be taking care of animals. And why would you just assume it came back negative? If you really thought hospitals were supposed to call the patient back, then you should have also thought they would update them on the results whether or not they were bad. You need to use your common sense.
No. 670976
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Polyamory. It’s so retarded.
No. 671074
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I want to bully those retards so bad… and not in any ~kinky~ way. Someone needs to beat sense in to them, I swear
No. 671076
>>671066Reminds of the time I tried playing Dishonored because I loved the universe and the designs, I didn't manage to escape the prison (the first level) without
triggering the alarm and having to kill a dozen guys, which you were definitely not supposed to do kek. Iirc I also played Skyrim on third person most of the time, I really don't like not seeing my character.
No. 671158
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I hate coworkers who can’t shut up and ask you “why are you so quiet” when you’re busy. Bitch, why are YOU so loud? I’m concentrating on my job, hbu?
Wish they would fuck off. Just because you’re anxious and insecure and you hate silence doesn’t mean others should have to bend to your whims and cater to you. Even worse is when they loudly announce “gosh it’s so quiet in here!” Or some other inane thing that distracts us all from our tasks. We’re working, motherfucker.
No. 671175
>>671158I used to have several coworkers who’d come into the room where I was working by myself, exclaim “Wow it’s so quiet in here!” and turn on the radio, then grab whatever it is they came for and leave. Motherfuckers it’s quiet in here because
I like it that way. Surely you can brave the silence for those five seconds it takes to grab your stuff.
Imagine if I did the same thing in reverse, walking into rooms just to turn the radio off and then leave. People would think I was a total asshole.
No. 671207
>>671165Same. My sister is a huge extrovert too, so she’d always bother me or get upset when I didn’t want to hang or go out with her. It’s like, nothings wrong, it’s just not my jam!
>>671198You do? I’ve never felt like I had to do that around other introverted friends. They’re the ones I feel most comfortable around, whether we’re staying in or going out. It probably depends on how clear you make your social battery, though.
No. 671212
>>671160I have a friend like this. even talks during movies! we went for a picnic in the park and she talked the whole time, like damn can we just chill and enjoy nature for a second. plus she interrupts me constantly.
she's naturally sooooo loud too. I cant invite her over to my apartment anymore to hang out because my neighbor literally complained.
i've come to realize that some friends are for different purposes - I love going out to bars and parties and stuff with her (well not know bc covid but before), I am super introverted and shy so it's nice to have someone who is more outgoing to cling to lmao
on a similar subject, how the fuck do you make friends with other introverts, especially as a post-college adult?
No. 671214
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I am an introvert who hates being around them too, I’m an autistic level of shy that requires 70% of interaction from the other person in order for me to open up and when I am forced into a situation with another quiet person, it’s just awkward. Both of us would rather be alone and here we are. Not making eye contact and shit.
Adding to the thread by saying that I hate toilet paper and wiping my ass in general. Does nobody realize how much time it takes up? I feel like I never get the job done right and I wind up having to shower after every shit and I take like 3 shits a day. Toilet paper sucks and wipes are always better.
No. 671219
>>671212Omg for sure. My extrovert friends are the best for when I’m feeling fully charged and really want to have a good night. My introvert friends always want to go home early (though I can’t complain bc if I’m not in the mood I’m that friend).
> on a similar subject, how the fuck do you make friends with other introverts, especially as a post-college adult?Well I’ve met my closet introvert friend and best friend in general in college, but we didn’t get close until 2 years after. I just reached out to her after a bad breakup, asked for lowkey hangs like lunch and coffee a few times, and the rest is history. Other introvert friends I’ve made post college are from work(!) or online.
No. 671220
>>671214Anon are you me??
Fuck toilet paper and fuck my fellow introverts.
No. 671230
>>671222I poop once a day with maybe one random day of the week where I just don't for some mysterious reason.
I think twice a week still sounds better than say twice a day. I like to feel clean at all times in case of spontaneous sex. Poop too often and that starts being an issue you have to work around
No. 671313
>>671222>I poop twice a week don't you feel bloated and uncomfortable?
if i don't poop for a day i get extremely uncomfortable and irritable
No. 671332
>>671198sounds like projection.
>>671207>I’ve never felt like I had to do that around other introverted friends. They’re the ones I feel most comfortable aroundthis. introverts are chill as hell
No. 671333
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i hate how male characters are allowed to have wildly varied proportions and looks and emotes but female characters all have to be cute and pretty and wrinkle-free
No. 671342
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>>670289i'm a bug nerd and i hope this helps you like them a little more. robber flies are expert predators who prey on other insects, even ones quite a bit larger than themselves. they'll attack wasps, hornets, grasshoppers and dragonflies and they have a high success rate. they're amazing predators who are harmless to humans.
No. 671438
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i hate how men are allowed to write/say/do extremely sexist shit under the guise of "it's just a joke" but god forbid women make fun of men, then they're just hateful misandrist feminazis.
No. 671441
>>671438I really hate that too. I was thinking about this when I saw Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue the other night. All his jokes were things he really meant, like pro-Black messages and viewpoints, but then as soon as he got to the topic of women he started insulting women. Then he pulled the “calm down ladies it’s just a joke” card. But like I said, all his other jokes were coming from a place of truth. How come it’s just when talking about women that we are suddenly expected to believe the jokes aren’t meant at all? Even though all of the other jokes are things he actually meant, phrased humorously? It’s just when it’s women that men suddenly take the gloves off and hurl abuse. Same with that white dude comedian who hosted SNL a few weeks ago and randomly started talking shit about “white women” unprompted.
“Calm down it’s just a joke.”
No. 671482
>>671438> coded in men’s MNAThe D in DNA doesn’t refer to anything gender specific? Why are men so fucking stupid? They could at least ensure their shit jokes make sense
Also men are pissbabies when they are the butt of jokes because they’re not used to it. Women are subjected from childhood so it’s just seen as normal
Jokes about women are not funny because I’ve heard them all before. It’s like being subjected to knock-knock jokes for years. You would quickly go from ‘heh’ to ‘ok can you stop that’ to ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP, IT’S ANNOYING AND UNFUNNY’
Except at least knock-knock jokes don’t make light of the oppression of a social group
No. 671483
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Moids. I just hate them. They’re all so fucking hideous and low effort.
No. 671512
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>>671333whenever I point things like this out it's a resounding "eh" since I guess it's the expectation
No. 671649
>>671476Tbh I never really found him funny
He has a few good jokes here and there but woof
No. 671661
>>671657Idk why
>the beef with Columbusmade me kek so hard
No. 671664
>>671662500 years ago is not the same as a modern genocide.
In the Middle Ages you can't really say the people even had the concept of respect, in the 1900's people were assholes just because.
No. 671668
>>671657The Germans didn't keep statues of Nazis up.
>>671667> barely apes> 15th centuryPls, take anthropology 101.
No. 671672
>>671668The barely apes concept was in as human rights. We could've been clothed and had ships but other than that everyone went "oh cool land googoogaagaa", muslims did that thing for centuries to spain and then shit on Sardinia, but aside some cultural references, you don't see anybody getting angry at muslims but oh no let's bash Columbus in 2020.
Never been to Europe uh?
No. 671693
>>671530Also top tiers for sorority
white, blonde girls
Inb4 racebaiting No. 671811
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>>671541Sure fam
The main account is there's so much venting and troonery there (there's times you need to dig a bit, because this person also tends to reblog a bunch of shit, but it's likely that their venting and BPD talk is in between those reblogs inside read mores) active tags are psycho split personality is yeah, and this person 27.
There's a big reason why this tumblrina womanchild is a personal cow to me. Failed trolling attempt aside (sorry, I was dumb) I wish more people saw this.
No. 671890
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>>671333I kind of share your opinion, but with the exact opposite solution in mind.
I don't want ugly female characters with "varied proportions", I want male characters to also be cute and pretty. More bishonen characters, less bullshit. Anime and many JRPGs have always had the right idea in this regard.
You can still design creatively and show variety in features without doing the grotesque shit on the left. Even Jack Frost was better than those male examples.
No. 672035
>>671890I want both! Nowadays cute boy characters are only allowed to be underaged “femboy” pedobaits for men once again, unacceptable.
>>672006>Associating hot boys with yaoiInteresting. Very illustrative of a straight male’s creative mindset: drawing hot guys is gay and makes me feel cucked.
No. 672046
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>>672043I'd normally agree, but when the point of comparison for western animation is this…
No. 672067
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>>672047The "looks like a lesbian xd" thing seriously seems like a massive male cope about their skin being too shitty and their features too neanderthal-looking to be attractive.
They won't stop until we're LARPing that 2020 Johnny Depp is as attractive as 90s Johnny Depp, all because they refuse to take care of themselves.
No. 672116
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>>672067Fucking accurate. I hate when moids talk about women “hitting the wall” as they age, while pretending men don’t age ten times worse.
Like I’m supposed to believe Rachel True, Lisa Bonet, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Angela Bassett are all hideous for being over age 50… but somehow Matt Damon, Leo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, and Johnny Depp are all still as hot as they were in the nineties?
>picrel No. 672124
>>671985I even hate how they call other people “vanilla” for not being into BDSM. They’ll sometimes claim it’s not meant to be negative, but “vanilla” is obviously being used to mean “boring” so yeah it actually is a neg.
Yeah it’s apparently “boring/vanilla” to like pleasurable sex and foreplay with a partner who respects you and cares about your pleasure. Anyone who doesn’t want to be slapped, choked, punched, and restrained while being forced to endure whatever their “dom” puts them through is just “too vanilla.”
I really wouldn’t care if they just kept their degeneracy behind closed doors, but they not only feel the need to constantly talk about it in public and label others for not being into it.
No. 672125
>>672120Bishounens don't necessarily equate to yaoi, anon. There are plenty of bishounen characters in shoujo and even shounen anime lmao.
And even if you are a lesbian, I still don't get why you would prefer ugly men over cute/pretty boys.
No. 672140
>>672138I hate the word "mouth feel"
reminds me of
troons No. 672158
>>672133Oh for sure. They think Native Americans these days have only a drop? And they misunderstand the Columbus beef to be that everyone is literally just angry at a singular dead man, rather than angry at the fact that American holidays and school curricula continue to glorify a false version of him.
To add to the hate thread:
I hate when people talk like Native Americans don’t exist anymore. Visit a fucking rez.
I mean, shit. Even in the hypothetical where they really don’t exist anymore. If that were true, the implication is that they’ve all been exterminated by now, a process which started with Columbus’s actions and led to centuries of disenfranchisement (at best) and full-on genocide (at worst). If natives were actually extinct, that wouldn’t exactly be a
valid reason to defend the glorification of Christopher Columbus.
I hate that Christopher Columbus has his own holiday and I hate that Andrew Jackson’s face is on money.
No. 672169
>>672125because they at least look cool and have cool character designs and are not uwubishonen
People defend bishonens so much here jesus christ lol your 2D husbando will not fuck you
No. 672174
>>672133NTA but I hate the dumb hatred towards Cristobal Colón as well, and I'm Mexican. We also celebrate the day Columbus arrived to the american continent soil but here it is called day of the races or something like that. It's whatever, let it go, that guy is dead, history already happened. Spaniards did a lot of damage yeah but people who think Colón was the worst example of racism don't know about other figures like Hernán Cortéz. What next, get mad at the whole country of Spain? lol. Pissbabies
And in the case of my country, Colón just helped mix both main cultures (various types of mexican indigenous people and spaniards) into the culture we are today. So I really don't get it. Americans are just dumb and like fighting over anything. I wish I could elaborate more but I'm thinking in spanish and it's difficult to really explain things to ameridumbs.
No. 672182
>>672133NTA, but like, it’s retarded.
Without Christopher Columbus all of America would be fucked thanks to the tribe wars and we wouldn’t even have a drop of the technology we have nowadays. Also, I’m pretty sure my country wouldn’t exist.
So it’s kind of retarded that people are so pissy about him discovering America when a decade ago they were still sucking his ass, like, I still remember the Christopher Columbus song we sang on kinder, that shit can’t be made up.
No. 672262
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>>672169>NooOoOO women stop liking beautiful fictional men !!Haha bishounen printer go brrrr
No. 672315
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>>671512I fucking HATE this. I don't begrudge scrots their cute girls if we get an equal amount of similarly cute boys, but nooo. Unattractive/old/unusual looking women aren't allowed to exist, they're a waste of space and don't deserve any screen time. But men have value outside of their looks so obviously they can have diverse appearances, even though they're all literally fictional characters and can have any value their writers choose to give them.
Pic related was one example that really pissed me off. And it wasn't just the character designs, it was also the personalities - the guys had flaws, they could be annoying and obnoxious and rude, they had arguments and caused problems, they were funny and entertaining. The girls were just… nice. Sweet, hardworking, helpful, supportive and fucking BORING, even when there was conflict they were as nice as possible about resolving it. God fucking forbid women be anything less than cute perfect uwu waifus, though I guess anime is a particularly egregious example of that shit.
No. 672339
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>>672324Delete this slander, anon
No. 672344
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>>671483second from the right
No. 672384
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I really really hate those pink-black kind of clothes especially from Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge it looks so tacky like „cute“ lingerie that pink but with black ruffles. Drives me up the wall.
No. 672400
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There is a new thing where bimbos are considered empowering or some shit cause they support sex work it is annoying and backwards
No. 672402
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there's this streamer Shenpai and I don't her personally I despise her peson, she tries way too hard to appeal to dumb ass scorte memes, I mean she doesn't sexualize herself which I respect but the amount of forced anime community memes of whatevers is beyond cringy
No. 672465
good to see sexy Leon again farmers
No. 672472
>>672158Wait, I'm from Europe and…you have a Holiday for Columbus? Are you all fucking retarted? You're shooting yourselves in the foot then cry about it….? Europe doesn't have anything of the sort and we birthed him….You're calling white europeans bad but you literally celebrate him and ignore that the people that decimated the natives are the first americans???
You do shit to yourselves then cry about it…? Sounds american enough
No. 672502
>>672472>implying Native people are the ones who created the holiday and can now stop it from happeningObviously not anon.
And the white people who disagree with it clearly are disagreeing with a) their ancestors from the 1700s and b) stubborn people who stand by the holiday. Do you agree with everyone in your country? This shit is built on genocide and slavery, of course we disagree with each other. It's the continent of disagreement.
Also basically what
>>672158 said. It's the symbolism, not necessarily Columbus himself.
No. 672593
>>672589I get you anon, I agree.
I just get so pissed off so much about bimbofication, gendershit, slut stuff, BDSM and prostitution so much. I try not to think about these things because they overwhelm me so much to the point that I feel like some women or this world or this timeline or society can't be fixed, it's trendier and more accepted to be some lefthot bimbo or whatever than anything… It just makes me sad and have no idea how to help without people yelling at me
No. 672946
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Motherfucking strobe lights on TV shows, movies or videogames.
If you need them in your boring ass documentary about fat people or people trafficking drugs, then maybe you shouldn’t have done the fucking documentary because it’s shit. Asshole.
And why the fuck can’t we have an option to disable flashing lights on videogames? I swear I had to play way too many games while constantly shutting my eyes because I swear I was about to have a stroke looking at some flashing effects while a fucking boring ass character does some random attack. Shit.
No. 672985
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>>672400there's literally a woman named alicia amira who started a "movement" and shop called #beabimbo that encourages women to call themselves bimbos because it's "empowering" No. 673080
>>673074Eh, I might have exaggerated there, I just dislike Gibi.
Aside from doing everything opposite of asmr, she's taken on herself to act like some sort of asmr authority and you can totally see her lapdogs joining in her fight.From what I've figured, Gibi and her husband manage a lot of other asmrtists including karuna satori. I miss ASMR when it was an obscure thing.
No. 673097
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I fucking hate drag queens.
No. 673136
>>673117My thoughts too. Okay, blackface is another serious thing on its own, but being a drag queen aka an exaggeration of womanhood and painting your face in obnoxious makeup isn't any better
>b-but muh represed gays used drag queens as a copeThey could do whatever they want for what I care, but they chose to imitate women in the most annoying way possible. They're just one step ahead of troons, sissies & fembois, only slighty because at least in their regular life they admit to being normal men… at least when they aren't mocking women, that is.
No. 673140
>>673117i feel like it's comparable as a fellow european girl, but sjws are way too rigid and way too protective of tims to care as much as they care about blackface.
i just find drag queens boring, samey, and cringe.
No. 673209
>>673172I'll never understand Gibi, Darling, or Glow's popularity. They're pretty but so are other asmrtists that are so much better at doing asmr. I never get tingles with the most popular asmrtists save for TingTing, Latte or Gentle Whispering though not so much lately.
Out of curiosity, which asmr channels do you follow?
No. 673226
>>673209I usually watch Zeitgeist ASMR, Suna ASMR, Stacy Aster, ASMR Sita Sofia, Vito ASMR, TingTing ASMR (only watch her hair videos though and Hatumogi ASMR, Suzevi ASMR, ASMR Emiko Ffjio, IceBall ASMR and some Beauty Point videos. My favorites are
trigger compilations. I can't stand talking ASMR so I only watch sound videos with little to no talking. Mukbangs are gross and not ASMR to me at all.
No. 673356
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I know it's petty but I hate how ridiculously popular they are and how they're shoved in everywhere (especially in movies) they're just huge lizards with wings,what's so majestic or unique about that?the dragonfags are such weird fucks too often sexual deviants as well
Never met anyone obsessed with Mermaids or Vampires like this,just the ones fixated with dragons
No. 673401
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Whatever scrotes do this shit.
No. 673413
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I hate animes, mangas and comics that has same face syndrom. It's so lazy and dumb.
No. 673451
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These and the weird obsession people have with these
I see so many zoomer teens wanting them, Billie Eilish just released a video wearing stupid nails like these too, they're a disease. How do you even wipe your butt? How do you masturbate? They're so uncomfortable looking, and unsanitary too, eugh.
No. 673467
>>673451I get mine a little shorter than the ones in your pic, and tbh they're not as bad as so many anons seem to believe
>How do you even wipe your butt?Unless you have Cardi B nails, it's no different than how you wipe without them.
>How do you masturbate? Internal is obviously not an option. External could be ok depending on how long they are
> They're so uncomfortable looking, and unsanitary too, eugh.If you clean underneath your nails when you wash your hands (which you should be doing whether or not they're fake) then they will not be anymore dirty than regular nails.
Also I think Billie has been getting acrylic nails? Like since the beginning of her career
No. 673478
>>673097>>673117>>673136Can pinkpilled radfems stfu sometimes? I hate where drag culture has gone, thanks to straight girls and ig. Drag is not a mockery of women. How is Divine eating dog shit even remotely a female ting? Women have more interesting outfits and makeup. And Drag Kings are a part of drag too, just because they don't have a TV show. You hate mainstream drag, that's it.
>>673389As a DJ for a goth club, can confirm.
No. 673481
>>673478>thanks to straight girls and instagramLol like it wasn't shitty before sure
And are you oblivious? this is clearly a mockery of women.
About drag kings though, that's different. They're GNC women that are making fun of misogyny and male stereotypes. Not of men as a class. A lot of drag kings are lesbians. Like, again, very different things under the same label
No. 673492
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I hate when people accuse actual fit women (not borderline anachan instagram "fitness" models) of being trannies, i've seen both moids and feminists do this, its like their little brain can't comprehend a woman having defined muscles.
picrel is serena williams, who posted enough pregnancy pictures to never have her womanhood doubted again but alas.
No. 673512
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>>673500imo she has a combo of both botched fillers and having unfortunate facial features, but i've seen plenty of people also accuse Martina, who is just a butch lesbian, and the whole Michelle Obama debacle.
No. 673534
Hating drag isn't a radfem/pink pill thing, I've seen troons getting mad because they feel like drag mocks them and it's transphobic.
>>673451The other day I saw Meg Thee Stallion with this fucking Freddy claws painted violet, they were so fucking long and ugly. All the rappers/insta-thots are getting them.
I don't even know how they don't break or how they can do anything in them.
No. 673545
>>673532Women mocking beauty standars would be revolutionary. Unfortunately, drag queens (men) and their fans (stupid people) view women attempting drag as the worst sin you could commit, because only gay-ornot- men can be drag queens, in their eyes. I think they even call them bioqueens, or something. Plus, it would just been seen as "empowering" but in the wrong way (you know, the
yass queen slay be a hoe slut way, not the "See? This is what society is making us do, isn't it ridiculous?")
No. 673556
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>>673532I think the closest women's fashion got to drag fashion (atleast modern drag fashion, I have no idea how it was before) is Thierry Mugler. Mugler was kinda camp + sex appeal, which is what I see queens wearing these days. The only thing is, if a women dressed like that, it wouldn't be seen as poking fun at beauty standards.
No. 673570
>>673566I love the word
nonnie, it's so intrinsecal to lolcow. It feels cute and warm inside when someone calls me
nonnie. Idk, I even blush. Not kidding.
No. 673575
>>673570samefag but I want someone to stroke my hair to sleep while saying "shhh it's okay
nonnie, sleep now"
No. 673589
>>673566Hard agree, it's the most obnoxious garbage. I mostly saw it on failfandom-anon and they are the worst, so passive aggressive and fake.
>>673570>>673575Posters like you are the exact reason I hate it, the uwu cutesy faux intimacy of it is what makes it so pathetic and cringe. I have never seen it being used frequently lolcow because if I did I would have left, you're imagining that it's "intrinsecal" tbh.
No. 673595
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>>673575I'll give you nudggies and cuddles fellow
nonnie No. 673637
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>>673631Who said it isn’t anymore
No. 673735
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I’m not one of those sensitive twitterfags who ask for trigger warnings on everything but this popped up on my feed and it has a memey song like what the fuck is the point of posting videos like “hehe my dad molested me #coping” I didn’t need to see this shit. Get help. I’m sorry your dad is a disgusting piece of shit but why are you putting it as a joke on an app for singing and dancing and memes.
>inb4 “we all cope differently anon”
Ok idc it still annoys me.
No. 676729
>>660412borzoi are good dogs, I like thier
I hate ankle socks.