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No. 673759
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I hate those ripped jeans that are only ripped at the knees. All over I can still kinda understand, but what's with these ugly symmetrical cuts? Why is it just one? You got fat knees? Is it that what it is? Were they normal jeans but you just busted them? Yes???
No. 673761
>>673759Ugh. I loathed them too anon. I remember a lot of people wearing them back in 2016. It pissed the hell out of me because it just looks pointless.
>>673760Yea, they really are. But I think the point of wearing ripped all over jeans is to add a trashy vibe to what your wearing. The neat slits over your knees just look weird and I don't see what it adds to the outfit.
I know, people could wear whatever but it's the things you hate thread so… pls excuse the pants sperg.
No. 673792
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I hate western “kawaii” art/illustration I can’t quite explain what it is about it or why I hate it. Maybe it’s that they always draw the eyes too close together with lashes and the white dots but it’s really obvious when it’s made by a westerner
No. 673793
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>>673792Japanese kawaii for comparison
No. 673795
>>673792Holy shit anon, this has been bugging me for years, and it's so true. When it's western (or just bad western) is just so obvious. Too black eyes, highlight dots, either a ":>" or ":3" face. A wink if they are feeling daring. And some blobs for blush.
There's no experimentation, either because they are too afraid to break the mold or just don't fucking know. It's soulless. And not 1/10 as cute as their japanese counterparts.
No. 673796
>>673790picked the wrong site lol.
Can't mind our business when they are in women spaces and down grade women for the sake of 'feeling more women' than actual women. They gatekeep what a women should be. So no we can't ignore it
No. 673818
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>>673798Down grading women for their fetish
classic men.
No. 673889
>>673792You reminded me about picrel. Funko pops are already really ugly and dumb, but they did the Sanrio characters dirty. Look how dead Hello Kitty's eyes are.
>>673818I know a few trans people irl and none of them are like these disgusting fetishists online. Don't call women "holes", sir.
No. 673890
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>>673889dropped pic for some reason, sorry.
No. 673979
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>>673890>Look how dead Hello Kitty's eyes are.But anon….
No. 673980
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I HATE this movie
No. 673985
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>>673890I was almost excited at them coming out with pokemon. Thought I might actually find one I liked but they sucked the souls out of them
No. 673987
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>>673985I like the bulbasaur one, he's a cute lil fella. But I hate every other funko pop lol.
No. 674069
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I hate uwu bitches who think being smoll and tiny beans are replacements for a personality. Being short sucks absolute ass, you can't reach stuff, people don't take you seriously, every pound you gain makes you look bigger than you really are. I would do anything to at least be 5'5 insteadd of a 5'1 goblin.
No. 674148
>>674130People who depend on animals to an unhealthy degree when they've been traumatised by a person… I'm seeing more of those lately. The classic
>"animals are pure and act on instinct wheareas people are cruel" Yeah no shit. Get therapy for your trust issues.
No. 674151
>>674130I wanted to agree, but this just kind of sounds like you're annoyed that you're not loved as much.
>They spend thousands of dollars on surgeries for their 15 year old dog when that dog dies they act like their child dies even tho every dog is replaceable. I mean what the fuck is this, kek? Sounds way too bitter, or just creepily low empathy.
No. 674159
>>674155I feel the same way about humans, if they're clearly in pain and/or want to die. I don't know about dogs most of the time, because they can't actually express that they're done with living.
It makes sense to want to keep a beloved companion alive, I think, unless they actually want to go, or if it's literally hurting them to remain alive.
No. 674241
>>674130I don't understand why people are so bothered by people who do this. I think they're weird too but the way "dog moms" send people flying into this irrational rage is so weird. The "I have the right to bring my dog here" people are naturally rude and inconsiderate but that's not a traditional "dog mom" trait but instead a "shitty entitled pet owner" trait. You're absolutely right that a lot of women cope with their infertility by treating their dogs like children and I don't know why that's a bad thing. If it makes them happy and they treat the animals well then why not?
>when that dog dies they act like their child dies even tho every dog is replaceableLacking empathy towards animals is a telltale sign of sociopathy anon
No. 674300
>>674069I hate images like this
They’re so obnoxious
No. 674319
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>>674130>millenial women with a misplaced drive to nurture somethingthere's nothing "misplaced" about it unless you think women should only care about shitty babies
anyway, stay seething that i love my dog more than anyone will ever love you
No. 674369
>>674070>>674076I'm 6 feet tall and I feel like every height has its pros/cons Guys treat you like a guy because you're taller than most girls. Look at Megan thee stallion who was told she could have stopped Tory Lanez from shooting her because she's bigger. Another thing that sucks is you can't really share clothes with your friends.
Sum it up its basically people dismissing your femininity and clothes won't fit right.
No. 674380
>>674069I wish I was tall. I'd like to be able to see the band at a show for once kek.
Most of those smol bean bitches are my height too (5'4). That's the average height for most American women and taller than the average height in Latin American countries.
>>674225Same. Do you guys feel that way about trophy hunters too? Not like the people who kill a deer to feed their family. But the weird scrotes who taxidermy deer heads to show off to other scrotes or safari hunters killing lions?
No. 674406
>>674349this but for any kind of exhibitionism
then again, I look at how dead pt and snow are, and even just facebook in general, and I think if people got the message and kept shit to themselves, the internet would be get even more boring
No. 674584
>>674559Um, Pit Bulls don't rip kids' faces off. I work at a shelter and have been bit by labs, chihuahuas, and huskies, but never a Pit. I don't hate any breed or think a breed is more likely to bite than another. And it's always a human's fault if a dog bites. Dogs and other animals have mental illness as well, most commonly anxiety and PTSD.
Yes, I would save a human from a fire over another animal. Your strawman is moot.
No. 674588
>>674309Take your own advice anon
People can dislike whatever they want. If you get
triggered that’s your own problem lmaooo
No. 674614
>>674596yes because the dog should not have been left alone with a kid.
>>674588how am I
triggered when you are the one replying to an hours old post with a desperate lmaooo to show how not bothered you are.
Dislike whatever you want, but if you are like 'fUcK dOg PeOpLe', you clearly have some issues.
I am not a big fan of certain animals, but I don't seethe over people enjoying them.
No. 674676
>>674557>>674563>>674559>>674299>>674588>>674630Mental illness. I wish people like this posted their faces so someone could put together a physiognomy chart and we'd all know who exactly to avoid/block from owning any pets or being left alone with them.
I wouldn't be surprised if these anons are the kind who enter those zoosadist/animal torture rings for money. Disgusting.
No. 674713
>>674706Simply not liking dogs is fine, but this shit right here
>>674630? Essays about rimming them, how their anal glands smell and their noses in crotches? Seek help. Please.
No. 674715
>>674713Lmao this is what these crazy dog ppl do
I know people that’s confessed to having sex with their dogs or putting peanut butter or some shit on their vag or penis and make the dogs lick it off
No. 674717
>>674630why the fuck do you know so much about dog's assholes you fucking sick freak
literally gagged irl
No. 674724
>>674715>>674718Are you a refugee from the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread or something? Can you go back?
Stop pushing your gross dog fantasies here.
No. 674744
>>674725yeah, the person who
isn't you is acting psycho
you clearly need therapy if you're still this traumatized from growing up
also this
>>674730 No. 674760
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>>674757I've never studied anatomy, but wouldn't drawing muscular men mean you have to learn how to draw the actual muscles?
No. 674859
>>674757You gotta follow more gay coomers anon
They usually have some decent tutorials
No. 675260
>>675052seriously, even people that have to deal with their dogs
anal glands are not sperging about them as much. I hate stumbling upon those psycho posts, wish they could stay in their own circlejerk thread.
No. 675312
People that need input on everything. Make a decision for yourself, why do you need a fucking council to tell you how to swipe on a Bumble moid?
>>675009Also this.
No. 675320
>>675009Yes. the hype is so contrived.
And attempted in real life? Disgusting. The cringiest I've ever seen. Every single time.
At least keep that shit 2D.
No. 675466
>>675441There’s this one fanfic writer I’ve been following because she’s so cringe and completely in denial about it. She writes Red Letter Media RPF and is absolutely obsessed with Jay, and is very proud of how “true to life” her fics are. She sprinkles in lots of little details that she claims she’s gotten through thorough research but some of these things I have no idea where she’s gotten them from. I skimmed her latest fic and there’s a point where Jays mom shows up and she uses what I think might be her real name?
Anyways I brought this up because she likes to use the phrase ‘nipples pebbled up’ and it’s so weird kek.
No. 675780
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>>675739Well aren't you special.
No. 676169
>>675879Where I live used to be a comfy somewhat cheap area that still had a lot to offer. In the past 10 years people from other regions have started to move here and they have more money from their higher living areas so realtors and apartments increased prices. It's not possible to have an apartment alone unless you make 20/hour or more. It makes me sad that the original people are being driven out completely or are moving to the outer areas that suck because of the higher prices.
I hate people who's perfume is so strong it fills the room when they walk in.
No. 676198
>>676177I feel the same, I think it stems from me living with my grandparents who had complete rooms (instead of putting it in the basement) filled to the ceiling with boxes and old furniture and me climbing all around and hiding and sleeping in there with our cats kek
Are you really living if you're not hoarding at least a
tiiiny bit?
No. 676218
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>>676198You don't have to hoard for a place to have warmth and personality, you really don't need a lot of tchotchkes strewn about everywhere and bunched up comforters with string lights on the wall, just carefully picking furniture.
No. 676233
>>676177I can see the simple appeal of the mental hospital emptiness. It must free up a lot of time and mental space.
But I do agree about the showing off. The part I find strangest is how some minimalists are so obsessed with things, just as obsessed as very materialistic types. They argue that minimalism gives you freedom from stuff, but defeat that argument by obsessing although in a different way to others.
No. 676250
>>676233I see the minimalists as the anorexics of decorating.
They want to be in control of their spaces and claim they just like to live like this but in the end they are just afraid of things because some objects might not be useful or might show off too much in some distorted way the view the space they live in.
A mug with a funky design instead of your white one won't kill you, dumass, putting a picture with your friends on the wall is not gonna ruin your perfect space.
No. 676284
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i hate they every time i see a cute hoodie or sweater it's a fucking crop top. it's supposed to keep me WARM, why is it exposing half of my belly
No. 676318
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I hate this shot in the new higurashi anime
No. 676332
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>>676327>>676325Nah I don't mind his designs for Higurashi at all, they have some kind of charm and the animation has been better in many other scenes overall. Plus in the old anime they just looked like bratz dolls (huge head small thin body)
No. 676335
>>676325>>676327samefagging but I feel like this is the best Higurashi has ever looked (Higurashi no naku kokoro ni kira). Sadly this is like, a fanservisey ecchi OVA and it makes me uncomfortable in the bad way
But yes I do enjoy the Akio Watanabe designs, even if Akio Watanabe himself is trash
No. 676345
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>>676335Kira looks great, it's just gross as hell. I thought Kai/Rei looked totally fine, but the first season was just the most awful looking DEEN shit. Even fucking Nanoha Strikers (not DEEN) got most of the worst scenes fixed for DVD.
I don't really mind the new styles, R07's art is an acquired taste anyway.
No. 676351
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>>676345the OG style is the best one hands down
No. 676374
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I hate irrationally hateful people.
Like those videos of "Karens" losing their shit over small stuff just give me anxiety.
No. 676378
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I hate how I was reminded Bijuu Mike was a thing
No. 676389
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Long horse faces with bad tooth to gum ratio. Gummy smiles are so weird
No. 676473
>>676433Yeah. You can’t even praise their cosplay because they will laugh at you on your face because you don’t cosplay like their autistic asses.
Like, fuck off, I know I’m petty but I’m glad cons are not happening for a while, those retards need some alone time in a corner or something.
No. 676510
>>676507The funniest part about Twitch is how much of a sellout this place has become over years. Not even just staff giving 'immune' status to popular titty streamers, but also them, throwing DMCA trainwreck at everyone without even taking proper care of it in a first place. You will get banned even if you get VODs deleted because they still keep them.
What's even better is that in order to get 'verified' status on Twitch and earn money from it, you can pay subscription to some spotify rip-off that will increase your chances now. Pay 2 win OP.
No. 676559
>>676507I feel bad because I love twitch, I don't watch titty streamers, I mainly watch Jerma985 (who puts a LOT of effort into his streams at times) and sometimes Joel or Vinny from vinesauce.
And kitboga, I feel like there's some decent people on there imo.
No. 676726
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i hate when people claim no one cares about the appearance of the outer vagina and that labiaplasty isn't obviously based on porno ideals but then call small labia "clean" while bigger is "more mature and fleshy"
No. 676787
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When a neighbour or roommate's thunderous fucking footsteps literally cause the floor to shake. I also hate it when I hear my roommate compulsively snapping his fingers around our small apartment, just snap snap without any rhythm. Noise doesn't typically bother me but the stomping and snapping is really grating for some reason. Also, when moids leave the fucking toilet seat up. Idc how clean the bathroom is, I don't want to touch the toilet lid.
No. 676812
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Bullshit like this. Every fucking week, there's a post on reddit about how men can't talk about their feelings. And wahh wah wahh. The truth is that they could talk about their feelings, they just don't because they're afraid of being seen as weak. The key element is that it's their problem if they are scared to be seen as weak.
THATS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT ABOUT TALKING ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. YOU NEED TO BE VULNERABLE TO DO SO. The shit is fucking retarded and it's EVERY WEEK. Why don't you just make a new fucking subreddit about it instead of constantly bitching. Also maybe go to /r/AskMen instead of AskReddit. Nobody gives a fuck about your sensitive male fee fees if all you're gonna do is whine about how you can't talk about them.
Then they act like it's an act of God that someone wants to hear them talk. Fuckers. Fuck men
No. 677008
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people like this. tumblr is still full of this "As someone who took a class…" posting and then some dumb claim
If they removed that part I could try and take them serious. Well, until I read the rest of their bullshit opinion.
No. 677061
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>>677057>On a related note, i hate fat people.uh oh
No. 677065
>>677057The Southern US is full of them. My aunt is an attractive portly woman that is obsessively clean.
I'm average weight and an absolute slob despite wanting to be better.
No. 677069
>>677057Why do you have to have such weird copes rather than deal with the fact that you married into trash?
Being a filthy slob is all about upbringing and mental illness which has little to do with weight.
Also quit being spineless and put your foot down. Tell your SIL you'll pass on having dinner at her place again cause you found dog hair in your food.
But let me guess, you sat in that revolting house and pretended there wasn't anything wrong because you're a coward who will always be dominated by some fat bitch irl who isn't even a blood relation.
No. 677176
>>677057Do we have the same SIL? On top of all the dust, food crumbs and cat fur all over everything she also leaves her toilet sink covered in what looks like pubic hair and the toilet bowl itself is completely encrusted with shit. I’m not talking about some skidmarks, I mean it’s completely covered to the point that you can barely see the white underneath. How do you even manage that?
Her brother and parents are normal people who keep clean homes so I have no idea how she turned out like this. One good thing about COVID is that I no longer have to come up with excuses for not wanting to go to her place.
No. 677314
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Hideous, disgusting animals. I hate them.
No. 677325
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Even during my weebiest years I never managed to get into Vocaloid, those synthesized voices are so grating. My friends would tell me "they updated the software, the voice is much more natural now" or "you are not listening to the good songs, check this one", nope, it's still the same computer generated text-to-speech program. I can't even take the more emotional songs like Rolling Girl seriously because of Miku's completely unnatural voice. I can say the designs are neat and some music videos are very well done, but I can't understand how people can listen to the songs when they sound like that.
No. 677327
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>>677314i hate their teeth
No. 677335
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>>677331Look at their skull and how alien it looks. I think the babies look cute, but learning that they are the deadliest animal in Africa despite being herbivores really fucked me up.
No. 677339
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>>677314Pygmy hippos are pretty cute. They don't get that big and don't develop giant ass tusks. You kinda have to be into ugly-cute animals though.
No. 677394
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turtles, i hate them. they gross me out, especially the picrel kind. i dont hate the sea ones so much but they still gross me out
No. 677500
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what the fuck is this shit fucking why
No. 677542
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I hate Capybaras. Ugly pig rats. I was so happy to learn they makes the prettiest gloves.
No. 677548
>>677493I like orangutans and gorillas but chimpanzees and bonobos freak me out so much. I almost went into behavioural biology but the department was all about chimps and no thank you.
>>677510I don’t understand that either. When I think an animal is gross I don’t want to see it at all, not go out of my way to watch it being hurt.
No. 677552
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Im a total dog person and I love every dog breed but yorkies are so ugly to me. Their hair looks greasy and stringy and not soft at all fuck them
No. 677754
>>677325I understand anon, vocaloid is something that you can either love or hate, not everyone is just into their text-to-speech-like voices.
Maybe you should just find the covers of their songs made by humans,
some vocaloid songs have some really, really nice lyrics.
No. 677796
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I enjoy fujoshit nonsense and slash but I hate it when the fans expect things out of the writers, even though it was obviously not going to fucking happen. Your ship not happening is not homophobia and you’re drawing attention to us for all the wrong reasons.
I just want to enjoy my gay sex stories in peace. For fuck’s sake.
No. 677808
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Speaking of animals, I kind of hate lions (male). They're kind of jerks and I think they look silly with their mane. Lionesses look way more elegant.
No. 677842
>>677830that's horrible that that exists, but maybe anon meant something else. I used to see monkeys as "uncanny valley" territory. The resemblance to humans clashes a lot with their movements in a way that makes them look fake, like puppets. And the wrinkly, close-eyed faces, they seemed weird at first.
except now I really love those guys and all kinds of primates, thanks primatology class lol. I love how weird they are and find the closeness to humans fascinating
No. 677844
>>677842oops went ot, just meant to say anon doesn't have to like monkey abuse simply because she dislikes them. it was even mentioned how anons dont like it
>>677510Now that I've learned such content exists, thats my thing I hate for this thread
No. 677875
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>>677581I had a friend who hated monkeys. She said they were creepy. I just can't hate any animal. My favourite animals are spiders. Also picrel, do monkey hating anons hate pygmy marmosets?? They're so tiny and cute.
No. 677895
>>677796I agree it's annoying when it's a ship that's obviously never going to happen due to either having no basis or being born in a context where it's unrealistic to expect it (like shonen manga mains probably won't ever be made gay) but sometimes authors just tease the audience and make the relationship glaringly obvious but refuse to turn it 100% canon due to either homophobic male fan or publisher pressure. It's especially grating when the author drops some sort of a vague "It's how the reader interprets it!
winks eye" remark and you're stuck in this weird limbo of both scrotes denying the ship being canon because it's ~not confirmed~ and the author basically dangling it in front of your face.
Don't know why I'm taking it so personally, I guess I just want gay relatioships to be normalized in the media to the point that they wouldn't be just "implied" at best. Sorry for the sperg.
No. 677900
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Seagulls. It's not just hate, it's fear.
I like most birds, but seagulls have too much audacity and scare the ever loving shit out of me. Searching for this image upset me, right next to it there was a news story / pictures of a seagull just plucking a rabbit out of its warren and eating it whole. WTF. Once IRL I saw a pigeon who had been ran over (RIP), and a seagull eating its guts. Good for them for being good predators / scavengers I guess, but I'm genuinely afraid that I'm going to meet my end by a seagull just fly-lunging at me and taking out an eye ball.
No. 677905
>>677900i live in a seaside city and the seagulls in highly populated areas are fucking huge because I guess they have more to eat. The regular ones you see elsewhere in the city are of normal size but the city centre seagulls are the size of two regular seagulls stacked on top of each other.
they're terrifying, but even the big ones will back off if you look intimidating. I've even pet the big ones before and they can be very sweet, they're just extremely dumb and screechy.
No. 677912
>>677900These fuckers are massive too. I don’t mind them because the ones in my area are relatively well behaved, but they are scary looking.
I hate swans. There’s a lake where I live and I like going there to see the ducks because they’re funny and harmless. The swans ruin that though, they’re almost as tall as me and so fat. They just assume you have food and harass you. Arrogant creatures that wouldn’t be afraid to attack if you stand your ground. Strong enough to do some damage, too. I can’t even appreciate their beauty.
No. 677921
>>677914Look bigger, make noise and run at them if they follow you around and get too aggressive. The usual, really.
They usually just screech and beg for food, then leave you alone if you move away though.
No. 678028
>>677900Once a seagull swooped down and tried to grab a half-eaten banana right out of my hand. It was unsettling, but at least I gave the guy across from me a good laugh…
>>677912Swans are evil creatures too.
I think pigeons are the worst bird though. Those ugly, beady eyes. Their ugly feathers. Just sitting there being dirty and waiting to poop on you.
No. 678200
>>677895Agreed. It might sound dramatic but lbr it is homophobia most of the time. Not necessarily the writers or actors or whoever hating gay people, but hesitance to 'take it too far' out of fear of alienating their straight male or self inserting female audience. It might be direction from higher ups or their own personal choice, but there's definitely pressure to avoid offending any delicate sensibilities.
I also feel like writers think they would be sacrificing their integrity if they fully indulged a fujo audience despite not intending to write gay dudes. But it's not fujos fault that male characters and their relationships tend to get the best writing, more depth/complexity and the most interesting dynamics and storylines because people can't write women for shit. Just using Destiel as an example because it's recent, but who the fuck else should people ship Dean with? One of the poorly written, sidelined female characters who got killed off? imo real integrity as a writer would be developing the relationships with the strongest chemistry as a couple, regardless of gender. If it happens to be male characters that's fine, and frankly it often will be because of how people write men.
No. 678238
>>678206Different strokes for different folks. I can't stand small talk and I hate people talking about mundane topics that could be summed up in a few words.
It's not even about having hobbies but interests that don't revolve around family/coonsumerism or some utterly trivial matter that doesn't require much thought or perception. Even if you start an easy topic such as movies or some current (non political) trend, you will always get the most basic bitch tier response. I wouldn't mind "normies" if they weren't insufferable in the sense that they constantly invite you to go somewhere or join some tedious event. After work, I don't want to socialize and I don't care about your life.
No. 678294
>>678206Agreed. And tbh the normies usually do have hobbies, the nerds just don't want to admit that it IS a hobby because they themselves don't like it.
Look, if you want everyone to respect and chat about your niche hobby, you have to have that same energy when they talk about their not so niche hobby. You can't be like "hey I'm gonna ramble on about anime and it's disrespectful if you don't listen but god damn it I will not hear about your yoga."
No. 678309
>>678294>Normies have interesting hobbies and all others are just autistic weebs who ramble about animeLiterally all the normies at my office job couldn't be more boring. They don't have hobbies, not even basic bitch tier yoga, they can't hold an interesting fucking conversation to save their lives. They don't follow current events or have really superficial opinions on them and find stupid celebrity gossip more engaging. I wish I was just parroting a tired stereotype but this is my everyday experience with my normie coworkers aged 20-35 and I'm screaming internally whenever I'm stuck in a situation where I have to try and make small talk with them, even talking about mundane topics with them is a chore. The only topic that gets them going is shit talking people or going to the night club. The 40+ ones only talk about their kids and I can't relate because I don't have children.
The only relatively interesting normies are the 50+ who have older teenage/adult children and have enough life experience and the lack of excessive self-consciousness to talk about whatever. The nerdier people at my work on the other hand are very talkative and can talk about pretty much anything be it movies or food or the weather because they pay attention and are invested enough to make observations they can discuss. Seriously, I just don't understand people who insist that normies are some peak performance of humanity, most of them are just unambitious and painfully mediocre people with no personality and a very narrow look on everyday life. That's why they're normies.
No. 678324
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i cannot stand how the youths talk these days in fandom circles. i know we all had horrible cringy ways of talking as teens ourselves, but i guess i just especially hate this lingo because it reminds me of the way people nowadays react with vicious hate and harassment if others don't agree with them.
No. 678326
>>678309this tbh
stop self-hating, nerds, you can be into geek stuff and still have hobbies. i sometimes wonder what normies who aren't avid outdoorsy even do. how can you live without geeking out about something unless your life is super tech-free/pop-culture-free? that just isn't what i'm interested in, personally.
No. 678365
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>>677552eh all dogs will get greasy like that if you don't wash them. yorkies look cuter with shorter cuts though. i'm biased, every yorkie i've met has been a total sweetheart.
No. 678370
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i like dogs, but i hate "dog people" with the intensity of 5000 suns
No. 678411
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>>678324oh u think u wernt annoying as a teen anon? XP
holds up spork roflz r u suuuuuure? :3
i jus think mebbe u arnt being honest wit urself ^___^
(\ / )
( ^ .^)
O('') ('')
bunny sez rAwR! XDD No. 678417
>>678411Seeing that post makes me realize I want an imageboard where people have usernames, post glitter graphics and type just like that.
It'd be cancerous and amazing.
No. 678419
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>>678380>you’ve been to Tenerife and they’ve been to elevenrife I love you anon, so much.
But yeah, it’s so fucking annoying, bitches need to stop acting like they will get a fucking medal for doing shit, this is why I avoid talking about what I’m doing/I did with my life.
No. 678430
>>678411i literally said that in my post though. the reason the lingo i posted makes me wince is because i associate it with people harassing and doxing others for liking ships they deem
problematic and other insane bullshit.
No. 678447
File: 1605925489947.png (635.81 KB, 635x636, screen-shot-2016-12-02-at-3443…)

Photos of models eating pizzas, and really skinny women doing huge mukbangs.
Everyone knows you heavily restrict, puke all that shit up, or spit it out the moment the camera is cut. Enough with the lies.
No. 678453
i'm not even a normie but god you sound insufferable lol
No. 678457
File: 1605927177726.png (417.44 KB, 812x866, schizo.png)

>>678453>r/imverysmartCan you maybe fuck off with your reddit normalfag bullshit and go kill yourself.
Fuck off my board you faggot
No. 678459
>>678411Fuck you emoticons are still fucking cute
Emojis are retarded and can’t compete
No. 678589
>>678447I think the reaction to photos of models/skinny women eating pizza is usually a projection (not just you anon, it’s widespread). True that EDs are widespread among models, but a photo of someone eating a single slice of pizza is not an accurate insight to their diet. We don’t look at a photo of an obese person eating a banana and assume that their diet is super healthy, so why is it different switched around?
Mukbangs are more indicative of disordered eating if the person maintains a low weight despite doing mukbangs often. But again, it’s supposed to be unrealistic hence why they attract people by eating such huge portions. This is the Internet. Porn is fake, YouTube challenge videos are fake, instagram photos are fake, half of social media accounts are probably fake.
I understand this can be damaging to kids who don’t know any better, or people with severe pre-existing issues. At the same time, I don’t know understand why other people can’t understand how they are viewing this through a (possibly damaged) lense and projecting their shit onto it.
No. 678705
>>678589>a photo of someone eating a single slice of pizza is not an accurate insight to their diet. We don’t look at a photo of an obese person eating a bananaIt's universal that people don't like being lied to.
But the difference between a fat person depicted eating a healthy food is that society generally condones that for health reasons, whereas a thin woman eating something unhealthy that we all know she doesn't eat is just fetish schlock mainly aimed for scrotes, so.
But I agree with everything else you said.
No. 679093
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I hate the Instagram shop shit and the twitter story thing they added. I also hate all the goddamn advertisements everywhere. Ffs leave me alone REEEEE
I also hate that there's no decent site to upload artwork to.
No. 679111
>>679093I recently went back on instagram after deleting in 2015 and jfc. There's more ads than content from people I'm actually following. I don't want to consoom products, also I don't get why every social media app besides snapchat has to have stories now.
Left a sour taste in my mouth, I definitely made the right decision to quit social media.
No. 679117
>>679093God I was just about to make a similar complaint
I decided to start uploading art to insta and my interactions are just absolutely dismal, I really miss having a place catered to art
No. 679168
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>>679111>>679117>>679154nta should I delete my instagram for artwork then? I just made one a couple days ago, after not having any social media since 2015. Like I just hate how corporate everything is. There's no real site for professional artists that is super mainstream and everyone can see and get in contact with artists and get jobs. It has to be fucking instagram, I'm tired. What to do?
No. 679177
>>679168I’ve heard that Instagram engagement is slowing down for some artists and tbh I see it happening to cosplayers too. Some of them have like 20-40k followers but only get 1-2k likes or under that. Twitter might be a little better but it’s also hard to get followers in there too
I miss when tumblr was the best place to post art.
No. 679185
>>679111> I don't get why every social media app besides snapchat has to have stories now. Leading on from this, all the content is reposted between every social media. TikToks, YouTube videos, screenshots of Tweets/Instagram posts, everything. Why is it necessary to have a compilation of XYZ’s best TikToks on YouTube when you could just go on TikTok and watch them?
It’s basically just one massive social media network now, rather than different websites with unique purposes and user bases. Boring.
No. 679188
>>679187I remember when twitter removed the possibility to add your own wallpaper to your profile/tl and made the header bar way to big for most pictures to look good.
>>679178You're not missing much, most artists with a big following on twitter started to gather their audience on tumblr or instagram long ago when it was still possible, then all these people started following them on twitter.
No. 679192
>>679188I really miss old custom-background Twitter, although I guess they removed it to prevent exploitation. Back then there was the option for animated gif profile pics too.
I didn’t notice it until now, but you’re right. A lot of the old popular artists on tumblr just moved platform to twitter with ye Great Porn Purge of the old site. Honestly I miss how nice tumblrs image display options were. Twitter crop sucks. And the ability to sort posts by tags/archive was so much easier to navigate art and inspiration blogs.
No. 679196
>>679193> Is it because all the people yelling about "die terfs" are white so they don't care about real problems?White men yelling about racists would have to do some reflection on themselves and their history of dominance. It’s too close to home. Thank fuck the terfs are now the bad guys because before that the target was cis straight white men so they weren’t allowed to take part.
Very disturbing how now the most hated group is a minority.
People praising these guys are probably the type of deluded Americans who call themselves Commies because they’re slightly/moderately left wing. Laughable.
No. 679208
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No. 679323
>>679168I'm one of those anons and I'm just sticking it out tbh. There really isn't an alternative option out there right now with Tumblr dead and Twitter not being much better with posting art if you don't already have a following, I just might have to start being obnoxious with tags
Actually, I super hate when art shows up on my feed under a tag I follow and it has nothing to do with the tag at all, drives me nuts. They're clearly just just using random tags.
I also hate how Insta seems to hate the color red. lmao compression city augh
No. 679470
Time and time again, I see people sympathize with pedophiles, and every time I die a bit on the inside. I saw a video about a pedophile in this show, where the character masturbated to child pornography and got blackmailed for it (Kenny from Black Mirror, if you're wondering). In the comments were a bunch of people saying: "~uwu pedophiles are different from child molesters, he didn't do anything wrong~" Of fucking course they're different, but do you know how child molesters came to be? I know not all child molesters are pedophiles, but if you ARE a pedo you have a higher chance of molesting a kid than someone who isn't. It's just if they feel so sorry for being attracted to kids, then why can't they just stop surrounding themselves constantly with temptations and harming others indirectly (child pornography [real or fictional], dating a fellow adult despite not being really attracted to them, working with children, even having children themselves)? I get sometimes people can't control their desires/fantasies, but you definitely can control your actions, and watching child porn is definitely a fucking action. Treat pedophilia like a mental disability, and accept that you will never, ever get to live out the """"love"""" you seek, despite seemingly being able to.
No. 679771
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I hate zoomer fashion, this is how my SIL dress for work and she's a daycare worker!
No. 679785
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braindead retards explaining their braindead lyrics like it's Shakespeare and not embarrassing trash libfem is cancer
No. 679801
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I hate that even the lowest tier men feel like they can dictate me what I should be doing/are viewed as above me by other scrotes. Case in point: a couple of months back I was recording a training video for my work and there was this little smarmy cunt that was trying to direct my every move, told me what to say, where to stand, and that I should be smiling all the time. He was not a designated "director" for our shoot, nor did he give any hints to the men that were working with us. I know I was not doing a shit job, so I dont think that was the case, just male entitlement. And he was a short fat little manlet, I felt disgusted with myself but still listened to him.
Another situation that comes to mind is that I was the manager in my previous job, but customers would dismiss me. One time some customer was kicking off at me and he only stopped when a new hire, a 19 year old 5'4" boy, told him to leave me alone. I fucking hate it here.
I hate that I am not confident enough to stand up for myself in those situations, and I am scared to be called a bitch and shunned as a bossy cunt.
No. 679803
>>679795>>679798Apparently, there's a healthy community of people who enjoy watching baby monkeys getting abused and tortured on youtube and other places on the surface web. I don't know if it's just a rumor, because I'm too scared to go look. You can't tell me for a second that they aren't stand-ins for human babies and children. Anyone who enjoys it needs to be put on a wall.
Tinfoil but I feel like the mukbangs with pretty Asian women in caked-on makeup laughing and smiling as they bite into and deep fry living animals falls under the same umbrella. They always have some kind of underlying sexual element to them, with how gleefully they're dominating these defenseless creatures, up to literally devouring them.
No. 679851
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Youtube storytime animators. So fucking annoying.
No. 679940
>>679903I make sure to let turkey "rest" after taking it out of the oven and it's made a huge difference in the meat texture for me. Approximately a half hour at least. Don't carve into it as soon as you take it out or else all the juices spill out and evaporate out of the meat. Most people are too antsy after waiting three hours for their meat to cook and then wanna cut right into it while it's still piping hot. That just isn't necessary.
I will agree that white meat turkey is dry on leftovers reheat (but that's what good gravy is for!) yet the dark meat always tends to be good and not dry.
I'm looking forward to making leftover turkey pot pie.
No. 680082
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Small purses (pic rel). I don't carry a purse in general but I especially don't see the point of purses in this size. What the hell can you even put in them?
No. 680102
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Hi; I'm OP of this thread again
I see many people are using this thread to vent for personal issues and are not following the OP post. Please next time this thread is made put this as a description (if for whatever reason I cant do it myself):
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
No. 680145
File: 1606169014432.png (461.7 KB, 1405x764, 6640106_n.png)

I hate watching people fight. Especially if pregnant women or children in them get hurt.
I especially hate how women fighting is considered "hot" and entertainment to men and is filmed.
I just hate violence
No. 680178
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Piercings in general but facial piercings even more, I find them so nasty, even second earrings. The only ones I like are nip piercings but only on women. I hang out a lot in alternative circles so it's a very unpopular opinion, I look super conservative compared to other people (I love tattoos though).
No. 680186
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>>680171> they literally think painting thick layers of make up is better than their own facesI remember thinking this in the 2000s when pic related look was in fashion. On reflection that style was hardly an issue. Yes it involved heavily changing your appearance to look like everyone else, but there was simplicity. No proper fucking with your features, just slap on the fake tan, bleach your hair, line your eyes, put foundation on your lips. No skills involved. Almost anyone could be transformed into a stunner (at least by the beauty standards back then lol).
Now it’s all contouring, smoky eyes, filling in brows, salon nails, but still never looking perfect enough without a filter. It’s hard to witness.
No. 680195
>>678447I mean they could just eat that way. Everyone is different, you can eat big unhealthy meals and be really skinny, probably something about the frequency of it or how you eat the rest of the day or whatever.
t. always the skinniest and always the one in the group eating the most
No. 680196
>>676812they're trying so hard to hold on to any way they can be a
victim. their problems dont even exist the way they claim but if you keep claiming it everyone will join in to coddle them
No. 680240
>>677875I hate monkeys.
These are cute though.
No. 680308
>>680187AYRT and I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that, when somebody only has one ear pierced? I don't consider traditional ear piercings as "real" piercings since 99% of women have them, same with single
ear, I find the asymetry a bit obnoxious but that's just my autism.
No. 680330
File: 1606185446446.png (395.18 KB, 582x379, ew.png)

I hate this for a variety of reasons.
1.I hate instathot shit.
2.This is fucking wicked and disturbing, so many women are beaten to death for the pleasure of scrotes.
3.I really don't understand how this is a fetish.
This angers me so much.
No. 680336
>>680308Lol sorry for the weird wording, I just meant traditional ear lobe piercings.
>>680193 too, thanks for your input!
No. 680337
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I hate fake lashes
No. 680339
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I hate gauges
No. 680341
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I hate these how do you breathe?
No. 680357
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>>680343cw gross, it can rip if you stretch too much but also the ear lobes are really elastic when you're young. i had gauges for awhile. thank god they closed up after i took them out, and mine were this big. they closed entirely though i still have a little mark that sort of looks like i had an earring pulled out.
No. 680358
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>>680178>>680207i HATE this type. so much. oddly i think piercings on the actual lip are hot, and i don't mind nose piercings so long as they're a ring or large stud (wtf is with the tiny studs?). but these ones always look like a zit. and as i mentioned i do not at all understand the appeal of teensy tiny studs. legit just a shiny blemish
No. 680359
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>>680357Those seem reasonable though compared to those fucking amethyst saucer plates holy fuck. No way the bigger ones shrink down unless it's surgery.
No. 680383
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>>680360tbh all my friends who have had monroes now have a hole in their lip. i mean it's not open or anything but it's just there. forever. it looks even worse than the piercing.
No. 680399
File: 1606191990280.png (1.24 MB, 1637x884, lashes.PNG)

>>680337Wow I came here to post this.
I've noticed more and more women wearing them with no eyeshadow too which just makes them look squinty and weird.
No. 680455
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I hate that skin bleaching is very popular in my country. The skin color always looks so unnatural and it reminds of pig/raw chicken skin.
Also thrifted loose tshirts that get reworked and turned into those ugly crop tops that have garters or turn it into an ugly two piece tube/coat/skirt
No. 680467
>>680178this is why I love hidden piercings like nipple and ones on genitals. (I know that's very unpopular) ones on the face are the worst looking IMO especially ones in obvious places like the lips, its even worse since those piercings can cause corrosion of the teeth.
>>680399Those are usually extensions which are even worse than wearing faux eyelashes with out make up since majority of the time the glue they use causes the natural lash to fall off with the extension.
No. 680505
>>680495Exactly, and a lot of girls mirroring the style even admit that as if it proves it'll make them prettier. Like, ladies, you realize you
already have the features troons have to falsify through bucket loads of exaggerated, garish makeup? They are compensating for what we naturally have so of course it looks ridiculous and fake by its very nature.
No. 680573
File: 1606214533223.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.29 KB, 1436x1808, n10368-1018-4b3zb-web-cropped-…)

>>676762A disorganized vagina is what happens when Georgia O'Keefe and Picasso have a daughter
I hate that the master file in cgl about cross play has NO information on FTM cosplay. I downloaded the file and it's just all about mtf. I remember getting really good information from there years ago when PT was a common thread and when I tried to find some info to give a friend for a Halloween costume she was making all the info for women was just GONE
I hate people breathing on me, it hurts and the temperature change from hot to cold is frustrating
I fucking hate how impossible it is to look up and read scientific articles, like most sites only give the shitty overview, and unless you pay $120/month guess you're just going to be ignorant. Why is it so difficult to get scientific research and general education?
No. 682119
>>682116My guilty pleasure is the super-processed, pre-sliced white shit but whenever I have it I always feel so bad, it makes me bloated and tired.
Doesn’t stop me trying it every few months though.
No. 682245
File: 1606411582968.jpeg (36.7 KB, 335x916, BEE0E4E4-EDEF-4AF6-A09B-EC6B6A…)

Capsule Wardrobes.
Actually scratch that, minimalism in general, i think it attracts tacky, shallow and boring people.
No. 682266
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>>682256Nah I don’t buy tech, my phone is from 2013 lmao.
I just think clothes and your living space are an extension of yourself and having it be the most clean, unpersonal, minimalistic nightmare is at the bare minimum boring and at worse kinda creepy if its too sterile, reminds me of hospitals.
No. 682286
>>682266A capsule doesn't need to be clean, minimalistic or featureless. Most people in the world have "capsule wardrobes" by default because they don't have a lot of money and spend them on a few select pieces that they like and can combine with other things in their wardrobe. Most people on earth don't have a closet or large wardrobe to put lots of tacky rags into.
Calling it a "capsule wardrobe" is just a way to sell this pre-existing concept to rich, frumpy Americans who mindlessly follow trends.
No. 682386
File: 1606425930541.png (222.3 KB, 750x774, b57c289f8b6b2378e3b7220b846585…)

I hate this shitty webcomic, especially the bug-eyed characters and the "so relatable!1" topics. I know it's basically fast-food art for normies, but I can't help being annoyed everytime I come across one of these.
No. 682491
>>682394I just hate how barely anyone is willing to read random shit, so they mostly read the most basic manga. I particularly don’t watch anime as well, so i always end up not talking to anyone because they won’t shut up about yo-yo, neyruto nor whatever flavor of the month anime is out there.
Also, there’s never any sort of discussion? It’s just
oh yeah, i love this yo-yo so much me too!1!1 and that’s it, no theories, no ships, nothing.
No. 682499
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I hate this outfit
No. 682506
>>682457just left my body and tried to read this post from the POV of any person I know, completely indecipherable.
i don't even watch anime, i should not understand this.
must get off the net.
No. 682520
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Yootooz, they're even worse than Funko pops.
No. 682521
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I hate when people get in character and gesture along to trap songs, it gives me secondhand embarrassment
No. 682546
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I hate this comment, I hate when people say "queer has been reclaimed" and "queer is a valid identity". fook troonies long live LGB
No. 682707
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Modern apartment complexes, especially ones with the orangey piss colours. My town has a few of them and they don't blend in with commie-esque blocks at all, I just don't get why this design is so popular in my country right now.
No. 682717
File: 1606487172716.jpg (83.76 KB, 1017x753, fuck you too.jpg)

>>682707I hate modern Finnish architecture with a passion. It's so blocky and bland.
I have a burning hatred for anything Alvar Aalto or any of the other modernist pissheads touch. It's just so debilitatingly ugly, it's like they want people to be even more depressed.
No. 682807
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>>682717I wouldn't go calling the 1960's soviet inspired brutalism "modern Finnish architecture" to be honest. I think something like Oodi is a better example. But I agree the example you posted (Finlandia house) looks absolutely horrible, in photos and in person. Alvar Aalto is overappreciated and everything he designed looked like shit.
No. 682854
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>>682717Shit looks like a pet carrier ew
No. 682870
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>>682862It looks so ugly and oppressive.
I hate this too it looks like a 2005 Dell computer monitor or whatever
No. 682920
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>>682870Here’s the most hideous building in my city… idk, I love looking at shit architecture.
No. 682960
>>682941That's hilarious, it reminds me of the "programming music" which really doesn't even sound particularly evocative of computers or programming or anything. Why does everything have to be labeled in very specific ways that don't even tell anything about the contents
Also obviously the only acceptable programming music is The Algorithm
No. 683168
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i hate how many male cartoon artists i formerly respected have all these weird gross pinups in their catalog
No. 683174
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Why do men always post stuff like this and act like it's women who are irrational for acting this way? Isn't it them who claim to be the intelligent gender always having great thoughts and it's women who are simple minded? No shit acting distant for no reason is going to make someone ask questions. Lesbian relationships are looking better and better every day
No. 683177
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>>683176>>683168He worked in Lilo & Stitch as well on other animated movies (I wish I was joking)also i hate the way he draws feet
Seeing artists draw only females (especially in a sexualized manner)and not males is a red flag in my book
No. 683220
>>682941Exactly. I don't know how many farmers use Tiktok but the same thing is happening over there. Everytime I open it I see people being like "omg what aesthetic am I uwu" and then people start listing a shit ton of aesthetics in the comment section, like cyberghetto, kinderwhore, bathcore, y2kcore, mallgoth, gothcore (why just not say you're goth or like 2000s fashion??)
In the end they all end up with the same Demonias and Aliexpress e-girly clothes because they don't allow themselves to be creative with their style, and when said "aesthetic" isn't considered quirky and cool anymore they move on very quickly, I've seen people who've went from indie to goth to "cybery2kghetto" in less than six months. It's kind of frustrating but then again this isn't really a new thing and some of them are still teenagers, but I don't understand why people feel the need to categorize themself THAT much and need everything about them to be ~aesthetic~ , I like making my life seem prettier too but your whole life can't be a pinterest board bruh, these people need to find out what they actually like.
No. 683240
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>>683206I mean the whole “never believe a woman when she says she’s fine” is a meme even among old people who don’t use the internet. Because a woman can never be just fine. Fine means she’s jealous, suspicious, angry, anything but fine. Women are just permanently negative creatures, and their feelings are a joke no matter how justified they are /s.
They can’t win in this case either. Hide their feelings and pretend to be fine? Wrong. Discuss the problem? Wrong. Actually be fine but a man misunderstands you? Wrong.
No. 683241
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I honestly hate "dark and serious" shounenshit like AoT more than wacky silly shounenshit. All the attempts at being serious are so cringy and embarrassing, the writing in both types are awful but at least with wacky series there's no pretense about it. I feel the same way about "cool, totally different, not like those other anime, 'no trust me this time this one is so much different and not like that kiddie shit honest'" anime and manga that people recommend.
No. 683252
>>683220Feeling the need to categorize and label every aspect of one's "identity" (which is no longer just your physical traits and practical skills, but now the products you like and the media you consume) is an effect of a hyper-individualist society that encourages narcissism under the guise of being "unique", "standing out in the crowd", "being a lone wolf", and other ways of essentially encouraging people to become selfish and prioritize their personal experience over the collective human experience. The majority of people now define themselves according to what they are or aren't and what arbitrary things they like or don't like, rather than what they need to live and what they can give to the world, which has been the driving force behind most human actions and human connections in history. It's not something specific to Gen Z, either, it's just a pot that's been bubbling over for a few decades now.
I could write a paper on this. The whole trend of everything needing to be an "aesthetic" nowadays is a social phenomenon in and of itself, and a direct consequence of capitalism. No true "uniqueness", at least in any valuable sense (unique experiences created by contributions to society, experiences with the ones you love, and memories) can exist in a capitalist society because experiences and memories can't be commodified, marketed, and sold as an "identity" to "get", but media and products can. Having an identity is now about having an aesthetic, which you can't unless you buy a specific shirt, or a specific phone, or have a specific poster in your room, or listen to a specific singer, or watch a specific TV show - that is to say, which you can't have without regimented consumerism. This is the reason why the widespread desire among current-day youth to "be unique" by attaining a specific "aesthetic" results in them, ironically, all looking and acting exactly the same.
Vaporwave was intended to be a critique of this exact thing, and look what's happened to it.
No. 683259
>>683252Posts like this one make me wish there was a site built-in way of saving favorite posts. I love what you said here and you are completely right.
>I could write a paper on thisI wish you did and shared it somewhere I can read it lol.
>Having an identity is now about having an aesthetic, which you can't unless you buy a specific shirt, or a specific phone, or have a specific poster in your room, or listen to a specific singer, or watch a specific TV show - that is to say, which you can't have without regimented consumerism. This is the reason why the widespread desire among current-day youth to "be unique" by attaining a specific "aesthetic" results in them, ironically, all looking and acting exactly the sameDo you think there is any solution for this? It's been bothering me too, even though I sort of fall into the trap. I adore things that are aesthetically beautiful to me and I'm never just interested in something - I become completely obsessed about it. On the other hand, I hate being a consoomer that thinks that experiencing things = spending money on them. I've been trying to find a healthy balance for some time now, but I don't think I'm anywhere close yet…
>Vaporwave was intended to be a critique of this exact thing, and look what's happened to it.Are there any interesting sources on that? I completely believe you. It's a fascinating topic and I would love to read up more about it!
No. 683278
>>683255I mean when people act like their favorite series is above other series that are part of the same genre/demographic/etc they supposedly dislike (or know that other people dislike) and it turns out it's written the exact same way as all those other ones too, just edgier/sadder.
Occasionally I'll see people recommending blatant harem garbage, unironically saying that it's better than all the other harem garbage or how the female characters are more "deep" and it ends up being the same fucking thing except the girls have tragic backstories slapped on. Or sometimes people who claim to hate shounen tropes or want mature series proceed to shill shows made for literal 12 year olds with the same fanfic-tier writing and everything, but it's 'dark' so that makes it different apparently. I wouldn't even mind as much if they were just honest about it.
No. 683282
>>683259Thank you, anon. I really appreciate your kind response.
>Do you think there is any solution for this?In my opinion, what causes this frankly is living in a capitalist society (generally unregulated markets) where people are raised to hold very consumerist and individualist social attitudes. These attitudes are inherently contradictory, but a capitalist ruling class needs both for society to function the way they want it to, as they need to promote consumerism to keep their pockets lined while preventing the overwhelming majority of humanity (us) from realizing that this benefits only them and disadvantages every other living thing. From a logical standpoint, it can be easily understood that someone can't
really be individual or "unique" when they consume the exact same products and media as everyone else, especially when they do so because they're living like everyone else, relegated to a socioeconomic position where they need to consume to live.
The solution requires dismantling the idea (propaganda) that individualism is part of human nature (how can every member a gigantic, extremely social, heavily interactive species that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years all be "naturally individual"? make it make sense!) which is easier said than done, as it also requires dismantling identity politics and the wide range of minor, insignificant physical differences that the ruling class tells us are important that we be divided by, as to prevent collective human understanding and class consciousness. An upside to this is that collectivism, unlike individualism, is actually part of human nature. It takes much longer to get masses to reject their natural love and compassion for other members of their species than it does to reveal and embrace it.
>It's been bothering me too, even though I sort of fall into the trap. I adore things that are aesthetically beautiful to me and I'm never just interested in something - I become completely obsessed about it. On the other hand, I hate being a consoomer that thinks that experiencing things = spending money on them. I've been trying to find a healthy balance for some time now, but I don't think I'm anywhere close yetYou shouldn't feel bad about that. Most of us meet this description, and those of us who are less consumerist probably reached that point after years of consciously evaluating each choice they make in our society, which we aren't taught to do and which most people - whose focus is working monotonous dead-end low-paying jobs, earning barely enough to stay (happily) alive, and maybe feeding and providing for loved ones - don't have time to do. If they have any spare time, it's understandable that in such dire conditions the time would be spent acquiring luxuries (or perceived luxuries) and enjoying them, like comfortable clothing, stuffed animals, junk food, etc., to feel some form of a break from the ruthless consumerist indoctrination and wage-slave labor we've been put through.
You have to remember that we're taught to be consumers, and for our entire lives. We're relegated to positions where we have to consume to live, even if we would otherwise have the ability to sustain ourselves if given land and the means of producing water, food, clothing, shelter, and technology (all of which, and their respective means of production, are privately-owned.) In ideal conditions, we wouldn't be working just to be paid, with the fruits of our labor going to someone else and lining an already-rich person's pockets, but our whole community could work together on the same thing and all take a piece home, enriching our lives and our connections with others. After meeting our basic human needs, maybe we'd produce earrings and necklaces. It's important to remember that "no consumerism" doesn't mean "no products" - even in a planned economy, you could have aesthetically-pleasing-but-otherwise-useless products like fluffy keychains or wall decals. The goal of a planned economy would be to abolish socioeconomic disadvantage (by abolishing private ownership of property and of means of production) with the intent of sustaining the basic needs of all of our people. Basic needs would come first whereas luxuries would come second; Your relation to others would not be separated by differences in economic circumstance, and you can have luxuries while also not having to worry about your basic needs.
>Are there any interesting sources on that?I wouldn't consider myself an expert on vaporwave, but in 2013-2014 I was quite into it. It was the first genre of media specifically focused on recreating feelings of nostalgia, especially for specific economic circumstances, that I'd discovered. Vaporwave's connection to subtle anticapitalism goes back to the 2010 album "Chuck Person's Eccojams: Vol 1", widely considered the first vaporwave album, and its creator (Daniel Lopatin), whose work focuses around the general theme of memories. Almost all vaporwave tropes (sampling specifically late 1980s and early 1990s pop songs, repeated segments, changing pitches and speeds) came from this album. In retrospect, artists from this early vaporwave scene (2010-2012) who were children during the late 80s and early 90s said that the type of music sampled in their work was chosen not for its positive, but rather negative, nostalgic sensations, as they felt that the pop music of the time (The US was in the profit-driven trickle-down-economics Reagan era, economically faring well) promised sparkling, high-class futures of wealth, luxury, and advanced technology, only to not deliver when the era ended without economic prosperity. In its primitive form, the sentiment of vaporwave was similar to the concept of hauntology (which you should look up.) Since vaporwave was one of the first "scenes" in 2010s media to be represented by distinct reoccurring graphic styles and motifs - classical Roman art, fake plants, vast pools, grids, dated electronics, Japanese symbols - the visual elements were commodified into the "aesthetic" of vaporwave (and then marketed to 2010s youth who weren't alive to remember the era itself) throughout the rest of the 2010s. It gained popularity solely for its recognizable, now almost wearable, visual style, leaving behind the actual sentiments expressed in the music.
These articles explain it much better than I can.'s also a section on the Wikipedia page for vaporwave, "Critical interpretations", with two paragraphs about "subversion" and "Capitalism and technology" as a general summary.
Sorry for the long post! I just didn't want to leave you unanswered.
No. 683296
>>683240Yes, this. Being at peace with yourself around a man is like an act of war on him unless he's already perfectly content himself. Men hate women having anything they don't have, even something as small and petty as peace of mind or feeling good about yourself- if he doesn't feel as good as you or better,
you fucked up somehow and are responsible for making it right for him at your expense.
No. 683297
>>683240>>683174Mommycoddled boys always grow into entitled, withholding, selfish scrotes with no restraint, self control or ability to communicate or take care of themselves. They want their GF/wife to fill the mommy role with a sexual bonus, and they want you to
want to be a fuckmommy too. Try to reinforce a boundary or be respected as an equal by a mommycoddled man and you're in for drama and misery.
No. 683301
>>683206I dated a guy who would pick fights over me "acting funny" and accuse me of cheating if I worded something the wrong way, picked up new words or phrases from books or movies, wore my makeup different, said anything other than a typical conversation we had, even claimed that me getting a cold during flu season means I cheated on him or somehow within a 30 minute nap I took I cheated. Instead of discussing his issues with me like an adult he would just ignore me for days and even went as far as ignoring me on holidays and ignoring me when I went to the hospital because of his paranoia about me "acting funny"
Men are the kings of overreacting to everything and everyone, as well as taking up the fact it's them who often randomly distance themselves, go to reddit, their friends or other women to complain about their issues (and they're barely ever told to communicate because it's the woman's job according to most the planet) all while leaving the girlfriends or wife sitting around to play the guessing game of what's wrong but if we do that we're wrong too apparently
No. 683303
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Did lolcow suddenly forget the man hating thread?
>Inb4 muh couple of internet posts
Go to reddit, google, twitter or anywhere else and search "girlfriend has small boobs" or "boyfriend wants me to get implants" and you'll find hundreds of not thousands of women talking about their relationships being on the edge about their boob size as well as the "women with small boobs don't deserve love" klan from Twitter, going as far to wish death on women with small breasts, and petty women who make small boob bashing a personality. Sorry you're sheltered and small boob shaming apparently doesn't exist in your world but for us unlucky ones it's a reality for us
No. 683326
>>683318Nta and I commend you for working on yourself but whether it’s mental illness or just pure
abusive shitheadedness, I do think there’s often a difference between men and women. The post that started this conversation
>>683174 is basically a woman agonising over what she has possibly done wrong to her partner. Would the average man be having the same thoughts if the situation was reversed, wondering what HE did wrong, or would he be thinking ‘what the fuck is this bitches problem’?
In my experience, the latter. Men tend to do things that are unreasonable and upsetting for obvious reasons, for example cancelling a planned date at the last minute to hang out with friends, yet still consider their annoyed gf to be wrong for her reaction. Whereas women are taught to be very self-critical and will analyse their innocent actions to find any unintended offence.
Women are just held to much higher standards so they need to think about their actions more, for fear of being labelled. If I wear this outfit, will I be called a whore? If I say I don’t like that person (for legitimate reasons), does that make me a bitch? Etc, for eternity. But boys will be boys and they don’t give a shit. Self-awareness? They don’t know her.
No. 683332
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Watching a video with a camera that goes underwater. The sound underwater makes me extremely uncomfortable.
No. 683386
>>683334>>683366 >I still see too many posts who encourage OP to work through the issues and say she's unreasonable even though it's obvious her partner's shitThis. I see too many ops who seem terrified of being single again so they put up with years of being miserable and being gaslit into taking all blame in the relationship, then they snap at the thought that maybe it's beyond repair.
Or you have new relationships that are shitty from the get go…and posters want to invest more time in something that has no value to start with
No. 683428
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>>683303>Did lolcow suddenly forget the man hating thread?Never. Miss it so much.
No. 683446
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every fetish has a market but i can't believe girls think this shit is attractive now. nothing against plus size, but why wear things that make your look like a tied, compressed sausage. this is so uncomfortable to look like cause one sneeze and it's over for that dental floss
No. 683456
>>683446I don't have anything against overweight people either, but this just looks uncomfortable and sloppy as hell. Imagine having strings cut into your breasts like that.
I guess what they're trying to do is mimic the appeal of some part of a woman's body being so thick that it kind of bulges out of clothes. Like cleavage. Or when e-girls wear thigh highs that are too tight to make it look like they have thick thighs.
No. 683464
>>683449thanks for your infinite wisdom
>>683456oh yeah for sure that's definitely what the appeal is. this feels so overboard tho but i also know coomers will really like anything
No. 683472
>>683282While I understand the "private business bad" viewpoint it's still something that only works in theory. The human nature is to seek for more and to aim for bigger achievements and forcing everyone to stay on the same level would only discourage people from exceeding themselves. Now I need to say that I'm not American and I think the US ultracapitalist system is broken as hell and I live comfortably in a society built on socialism, but I still recognize the fact that abolishing privately owned business would only make people passive and self-centered. There's no need to try as hard when it amounts to nothing i.e. raising your own living standards. I know people living on social benefits who consider themselves poor despite having a roof over their head, food in their fridge and all the basic needs met but it's all relative.
Part of it is consumerism imposed conditioning to believe you need to fit in with luxury items to build an identity but part of it is how human nature seems to be. You bet cavemen would've been bonking each other over the head to get the shiniest stone. It's the middle ground that we need to reach, people should be allowed to work towards a better life but not be required to sell their soul in order to have their basic needs met.
No. 683509
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I hate people throwing money at twitch streamers just to have their life story come up on screen and make the streamer read it and sympathize with them.
And it's always shit like "my mother just died from cancer and my brother is in prison for tax fraud, you're the only one keeping me alive atm". If your life is falling apart, maybe sharing your misery with a streamer and 5000 other viewers isn't the best place to go for sympathy?
No. 683516
>>683512>>People deadass expecting you to owe them, a complete stranger, hard emotional labor by oversharing all this stuff simply because you paid a couple of simpbux.If you want to dump all your emotional baggage on a stranger, just call any kind of customer service line. The amount of times I've had customers call in and expect me to fix their problems just because they spent 30 minutes giving me their life story. They couldn't be more wrong. They just caused me to get written up for letting a call last over 6 minutes, but if I were to hang up on their ass or make them feel like I'm not listening, I would also get written up for bad customer service.
I hate anyone expecting anyone who isn't friends or family to give a damn about them.
No. 683522
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I hate angel VS devil themed drawings like these. There are so many of them out there, and they all have the same colour scheme, the same style, the same bland titles, it's boring as all hell.
No. 683616
>>683282I love all your posts, anon.
Have you read Mark Fisher's writings on hauntology? If you haven't, I highly recommend
Ghosts of My Life.
No. 683821
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>>683629Here you go! More Braco
No. 683892
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>>683300>>683312so you like this anon? ew
No. 683893
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>>683312or do you mean this lol
No. 683914
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this obnoxious fucking picture
No. 684000
File: 1606653187952.jpg (Spoiler Image,416.32 KB, 1200x900, collage.jpg)

People (mostly men) who can only point out fake body parts/photoshop when it's a woman they want to shame or don't like. I was talking to a guy friend about nice natural asses and he posts this chick going, "yeah, I like asses like this" and i'm like, "Dude thats not natural, thats probably not even a natural woman" and he goes, "Yeah it is, look at her page, it's real"
Shit is so painfully fake.
No. 684003
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Can't stand people who had it so easy in life, that they believe that breaking up with their ex is the BIGGEST TRAGEDY OF THEIR WHOLE DARN LIFE and make it a huge deal as if their life depends on it, and crying for pity points when there are so many more important things to be actually worried about. I always want to punch these kids of people in their face, they always end up being not in touch with reality and believe that the whole world is resolves around them. Same with people who are obsessed about their weight to a point where they say that they cant get anything in life, even a job only bcz of their weight.
No. 684006
>>684000> nice natural asses> naturalThis shit is so meaningless because that would mean preferring the vast majority of asses, as most in the world are natural. The flattest pancake asses to the perkiest curviest asses meet this definition yet he only means the second, which are in the minority.
I hate the whole ‘natural women’ preference because guys don’t mean what they say. They mean the tiny minority of women who won the genetic lottery or, a little more generously, the slightly larger minority of women who have tweaked their looks in a relatively discreet way. They don’t mean natural women with dark circles, body hair, big tits but also a big tummy, wonky teeth, large noses, and so on. They mean naturally beautiful and they should say it.
No. 684055
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Funko pops. They look so fucking cheap and ugly, the people buying these have absolutely no taste. Use that money to buy a much better quality nendoroid instead.
No. 684079
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>>684062well it is time for me to tell you that for that thread's op I went on google and searched for "knowledgeable women" and this was almost that thread's op picture
No. 684085
>>684058Why is complaining about anime the first line of defense for some of you?
Anyway, you say that as if we have no other options than either anime caps or facebook mommy quotes.
Hell, a picture with just the quote would be tons better! Or like a witch or Baba Yaga kek. Just not this pinterest crap. It makes the 'fucking furious' part of the quote sound like a joke.
No. 684086
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I hate when people decide to "review" albums that have been out for 20+ years and are considered classics, without having anything new to say. Picrel this dumb bitch reciting everything that's already been said about babby's first shoegaze record. I think people like this probably just want to let everyone know that they listen to such kewl muzak.
No. 684092
>>684086Unfortunately zoomers just started moving from grunge to shoegaze, /fa/ had some big thread recently with people asking how to dress for “shoegaze aesthetic.”
I hate it
No. 684117
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>>683892Oooh you like this anon
No. 684156
>>684137Iirc the tendency to feel good after exercise releases a rush of endorphins is proven to be genetic. Some people just don't have it. I myself absolutely hate exercising, it makes me feel tired, worn out and like it's a waste of time but I still have to do it to stay in shape. People who won the genetic lottery and sperg about getting the runner's high or shit after intense exercise and shame others for not getting it can suck it.
Also I have a very high stress level job that's causing me a ton of anxiety and talking to the doctor about all the psychosomatic problems I've been having (lost sleep, TMD, headaches, stomach pains etc.) the answer was just to exercise more and eat right. Holy shit should I be working on a treadmill or something so I can be freely abused by my employer some more?
No. 684166
>>684137Seconding. Exercise just makes me feel dirty and self-conscious, probably mixed in with a dash of ptsd due to always being bullied during sports.
Even at my peak fitness in grad school and taking exercise electives, I always hated it and thought it was a huge chore even when it got easier the more I did it. So tedious. And knowing I ought to be doing it just fills me with anxiety.
No. 684218
>>684137I never understood this with running. It felt horrible and was horribly boring. Until i bit the bullet and got my endurance up to the point where i could run for 30 minutes at a relatively comfortable pace. Now coming down from a long run is just about my favorite feeling. It feels like everything is just right and I can simply relax into the moment.
Through I have to add that I also really dislike exercising for the sake of exercising. Have you considered trying a sport? Depending on who you are you might find some activities intrinsically fun. For me that has been climbing and bouldering, which is pretty beginner friendly and social.
No. 684263
>>684255It's just from not exercising regularly. I feel like it's worth noting that I don't get cramps when I'm like, walking around my house or a store or something. Only when I'm actively trying to work out.
I feel like it's stupid to act like people who don't exercise regularly are just gonna feel perfectly fine after doing something their body isn't used to.
No. 684462
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i hate nerds who are always super privileged but claim disability on the internet and beg for handouts and how they get attention and likes and rt's every time
No. 684463

It disturbs me greatly when people use the phrase "consume media." Especially when they imply that the media they consume is what solely defines them as human beings. It sounds autistic, but when I hear "consume" I think about digestion, like how you shit out the food you eat when you are done with it. It's symbolic of how disposable art is right now. The various forms of art are no longer seen as something you go back and appreciate, or something you take time and effort to create. It's viewed as a mass produced product you look at once and then forget about unless it serves your political needs. Which bothers me because what does that say about how we think of other people? Do we just "consume" other people too?
>>684282The moment people start having sympathy for druggies is the moment they become vulnerable to getting addicted and fucking their own lives up. It's an infectious disease and worrisome how accepted it's becoming.
>>684446Ewwww "heckin' hella comfy doggo boomer zoomer low-key birberino."
No. 684466
>>683446girls don't think it's attractive lol, it's men. men are fucking stupid. there was a study done on beetles and how male beetles were presented with colored glass bottles. the male beetles perceived these bottles as "endowed" female beetles and would die attempting to mate with them, starving themselves in the process.
men are hard-wired to be obsessed with exaggerated features no matter how stupid it looks. they're idiots.
No. 684470
File: 1606700481346.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.23 KB, 982x1280, 1606581263262.jpg)

>>684466>men are hard-wired to be obsessed with exaggerated features no matter how stupid it looks. they're idiots.Basically this. It's entirely a male thing. Even with gay males.
No. 684483
>>684463I can't believe some people have the balls to actually be using that argument and sympathize with the addict, in front of the
victim too.
My late grandfather's alcoholism devastated my family to a point where my mother (his daughter) and grandmother (his wife) refuse to walk through the alcohol aisle in the store and my mom still gets nightmares from when her dad used to beat my grandma in drunken stupor. You know what my asshole father said to her one time? "Poor man was a good, gentle soul, too bad his bitch of a wife pushed him to drink by running away from him". She ran away from him because he was beating her and was starting to beat my mom too.
Imagine, an asshole who can't control himself scars you for life and then some random jackoff who doesn't know shit about what happened says you're being mean and excuses away this person's shit behavior because "poor addicts are
victims uwu!". It would straight up drive me to murder, I'm not even kidding.
No. 684665
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Women who go to the gym like this, especially if they work out with long hair untied and fully out like wtf
No. 684837
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when cosplayers do dumbass poses like this trying to achieve cartoon proportions. it just looks stupid. do a normal pose.
No. 685038
>>683177jfc the feet why are they all ballerina-toed lmaoooo
men are deranged
No. 685077
>>685059ayrt and the craziest part is that ime it's usually religious folks' mouths those sentiments come out of too, it's so backwards and i just cannot wrap my head around how they reconcile how they feel with their religion.
I think the majority of people just don't allow themselves think about it. They distract themselves with netflix, social media, videogames, what have you for four five hours before going to sleep early to go back to work the next day. I know i come on here to feel get lols and feel better myself
No. 685096
I thought this anon
>>684697 meant PT as in Pixyteri for a second there lmao
Like wow PT's gains are really paying off
No. 685186
they need their speshul toddler-level explanation instead of communicating like a normal person that they don't have the energy to do things due to depression, anxiety etc
No. 685319
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Basic take but god I’m still so annoyed over how common it for people to upload edited photos of their body or face now. Makes it so much harder to like myself and I hate the scrotes who fall for this shit too. I’m so tired of the pressure on women to look perfect.
No. 685347
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how some people would take any little and ordinary experience as a chance to write just another milk-and-water post that is meant to "inspire" or something. I hate this phony "self-improvement" shit in general
Many people try to appear "perfect" on the internet but nothing annoys me more than those who act like they're enlightened demi-gods. especially when you know people like this, and you know how petty, passive aggressive, self-centered and uptight they are.
No. 685395
>>685390life goes on, let's live on
No. 685430
>>685392This too. These people also love to talk about mental problems like it's no big deal and that "they also had depression for like two days last week but…"
I have someone like that among my relatives and recently they've been struggling with real anxiety and panic attacks, and I feel bad for them, but FUCK, I remember how it was impossible to discuss things like that before because they'd always devalue psychotherapy and even medication. But now that they experienced it THEMSELVES, they've finally understood. It's like a toddler level of comprehension, totally egocentric in nature and it makes me so butthurt. Jeez.
It also makes me mad how they (people like that) always try to look like they have everything under control and they're sooo stronk. It's inbearable to deal with someone this delusional
No. 685497
>>685495Nta but it's the things we hate thread, stuff you hate tends to set you off.
>>685493There's a difference between people who may not know what they're doing in a situation and people who either pretend to be or are legitimately useless in any given situation and don't try to be better. I get what OP is saying, basically. Very annoying.
No. 685614
>>685583This is how I feel about Disney in general. I find it so weird when I meet adults who're engrossed with Disney, to the point of wearing Disney merch and regularly going to Disneyland. It's harmless I guess, but I don't understand this infatuation with a children's franchise that only wants to take your money.
Same thing for Harry Potter. I've been asked on multiple occasions by adults my age what my Harry Potter house(?) was and I'm like… I have no idea what that even is (have never watched HP) and I see no reason to know or identify with it as an adult. Que shock that I don't know and explanations about whichever type they are or phones shoved in my hand with the words "do the test!!".
No. 685652
>>685614>I've been asked on multiple occasions by adults my age what my Harry Potter house(?) wasOh god same, to the point where I eventually adopted the blue one because at least it would shut people up. I understand that people grew up with the series and it’s an important part of their childhood, but it’s still awkward to me when 30+ year old women so actively self insert into the school setting. Isn’t there an entire world outside of the school? Even weirder are the older adults I know who would’ve been adults even when the first book came out yet still wear the school uniforms as costumes and talk about their potions homework or whatever. If Hogwarts were real, they’d be old enough to be the students’ parents. At least self insert as a teacher or something.
The whole thing died down a lot after JKR’s essay though and I’m thankful for that in more than one way.
No. 685655
>>685587It’s everything disney, pixar, marvel, lucas films, and nat geography. This includes documentaries on wildlife, science, and animation. From pixar there’s a lot of short animations also available. And since it’s everything disney that means every disney show and feature, including new stuff they come out with. I think + has released around 6 new movies/shows this year. The lucas films and marvel part also includes lego features.
That being said, I genuinely have no idea why an adult with no family would consider it an essential subscription. Mando can be torrented. Any pixar fix can also be satisfied with a torrent.
No. 685762
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>>685754Have you seen her?
No. 685763
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>>685754I think whatever meme pic related is started it. I could be wrong though. There's also that "Mariah is skinny. Fuck blue lives" tweet that kinda popularized the term. Skinny is just supposed to mean iconic, basically.
No. 685936
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I hate skinny jeans in general, but they are especially terrible on men. I also hate the trend of men's suits with skinny trousers. Just plain ugly
No. 685987
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>>680339>>680357>>680359When I was in high school there this skater with huge open guages that went to hardcore and deathcore shows, and one time in a moshpit some random person got their fingers caught inside the hole and ripped his ears. For a while before getting surgery, he would walk outside with these disgusting hanging ear lobes.
No. 686018
>>686013Boy likes pink and dolls so socially conservative ma and pa correct their broken little boy and make him into an acceptable girl. It’s easier to pretend a person who doesn’t conform to gender norms is sick and fixable with hormones and surgeries than irreversibly different or gay.
Effeminate men say they are really women because being a woman is more acceptable than being a man who lis effeminate.
No. 686041
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>>686027I see that mostly with these moms that treat their kids like the equivalent of toy chihuahuas that they use for attention.
No. 686050
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>>685347Not to you anon, but something that's very similar to what you mention, are regular people who drop psych terms CONSTANTLY to either look smart or avoid accountability. As in when they're or someone they know are having issues with their family, friends, or partner they would do this armchair psychoanalyze thing where they drop these psych terminology incorrectly and with way too little context to describe a person or situation.
No. 686094
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weeb pickmes
No. 686255
>>686063In some regards yes, but when it comes to hair they can be much worse.
A friend of mine lives in a studio with her cat and even though she vacuums regularly, every surface is covered in cat hair at all times. I have some clothes that still have hair coming off them despite washing several times after being at her place for an hour two months ago. Dogs can shed heavily too, but at least they (the ones I know) stay off couches and surfaces so all you have to watch out for is the floor and the dog itself cuddling up to you.
No. 686291
>>686266It sounds weird but I think it depends on the dog breed.
I take my dogs to the groomers fortnightly and they have really good diets, however the wire haired one has nice breath and good teeth but he smells like a bush fire.
Like….smokey. It's so weird. I don't smoke nor do I have a chimney.
And the other one has the smelliest breath despite having the same diet as the other. Her coat doesn't have the smokey smell though.
No. 686297
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>>686259I frequent public spaces, read the news, and have a nose.
Why would i need to 'know someone' to know dogs eat shit, attack people and smell.
it's common knowledge, and the smell is the least of the problems with those creatures
Thank you for all the blogposting about your shit machines though
Here's a list of fundraisers for kids disfigured by these lovable beasts
In case it wasn't obvious enough,
I hate so called "pets" that regularly maul and kill people. But Idk, i'm probably just a psychopath for caring about that
No. 686359
>>686347your dog stinks. dogs don't clean themselves like cats do so any "nice smell" of your dog only lasts a couple days at most. guarantee you've gone noseblind.
also any sort of "dorito smell" is paw bacteria. i feel nauseous everytime someone talks about their dog's frito feet.
No. 686377
>>686359My dog smells nice all the time tbh.
I do love the frito feet smell (not that my dog always smells like this, it's just an example). In order to feel the smell, I need to sniff on purpose because he is not a big creature.
Keep on seething while dog people enjoy the love and companionship our furbabies provide us with kek. I find it so sad how you guys legitimately hate creatures that make lives of so many people richer.
>>686344you know that not all small breeds are prone to barking right?
No. 686401
>>686397negative xp dying would make me happy
i hate incel musicians
No. 686406
>>686359Cats smell, and they "clean" themselves with their saliva and vomit everywhere. Their piss and shit stink and you have to keep it in your house until you clean it. If you're one of those idiots who lets them walk around the neighbourhood and then let them in, they'll bring you dead rats or birds and walk on your bed or counter with their dirty feet. Some dog breeds smell more and need more cleaning, a lot of working dogs have a type of coat that cleans itself after a while. Dogs are trained to shit and piss outside and don't jump on everything. You can teach them not to lick things. My friend who has cats has cat hair on everything she wears, I have a dog and even when she's shedding she doesn't leave much hair in the house, again because she can't jump on literally everything.
Both cats and dogs can smell, they're both animals, and if they're not properly cares for they'll be disgusting. Stop sperging about your dog hate, and there's no need for a thread you can bring your retarded sperging either.
>>686297Dogs attack people only if they're pitts or their owners are retarded. Pitts are bred to attack and fight, they shouldn't even be a pet.
>>686402Eww anon wipe that cat hair off yourself
No. 686411
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I hate Killing stalking and anything else that attracts underage edge lord fujos
The comic itself isn't that good and the fans are super obnoxious.
No. 686444
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>>686406i fucking hate dogfags. no one except your little shitbeast-fellating cult cares about your dog.
No. 686447
>>686423I hate when you get accused of being a "puritan" if you mention how gross it is. Like, if you like looking at characters who are
very obviously depicted as a toddler/child being taken advantage of by an adult how do you think this is going to look to other people?
>>686444Alright anon, we get it. It's true Dogfags are fucking annoying but there's no need to fill the thread up with this.
No. 686448
>>686437you are sick and wrong
>>686444>no one except your little shitbeast-fellating cult cares about your like most people? kek
also seek therapy for your zoophilia obsession before it's too late
No. 686462
>>686451Is that obnoxious zoophile dog hate anon still shitting up this place? I still remember her/him/it waxing poetic about how their anal glands smell.
I really wish they'd fuck off and get permabanned or something, they are cancer.
No. 686465
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>>686444Not everyone wants to fuck animals jesus christ. Absolute 4chan scrote peak behaivor
No. 686472
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>>683522Kek this is so minor and specific but i 100% agree with you. I saw this picture the other day and I just had to stare at it for a minute to think about how much I disliked it
No. 686607
>>686557the animals that we should be redirecting our hateful energy towards are insects.
except for butterflies, ladybugs, and moths fuck bugs
No. 686618
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>>686094All weeb pickmes(but mostly Belle Delphine and her skinwalkers) look like they smell like unwashed vaginas and old spooge.
Anyway, came here to say I hate those "minimalist" interior designs where the living room is just a sofa, a table and maybe a tv and everything is completely white. Like if I walk into someone's apartment and it looks like this shit, I immediately think I'm about to get murdered by Patrick Bateman because only a serial killer would feel comfortable and at home in a room that looks like it will echo every word you say at least 70 times. Like at least buy some plants and pictures to put on walls what are you living in, an IKEA catalog?
No. 686663
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>>686618That reminds me that I absolutely hate minimilistic and monochrome baby and children's rooms. Like correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it's good for the developing brain to have colors and random stuff to look at during the infant stage rather then just a bland blank room
No. 686681
>>686618My apartment is like this, there is a very good reason why people of a certain age like this style. During our childhoods, the interior design trend was towards
massive dark wood pieces, dark and oversaturated colours in general, and lots of ornaments that create clutter. It's not an appealing style to kids, it was too "heavy" and felt suffocating, and when we grew up we arranged our living spaces to be the opposite of what we grew up in - spacious, minimalist, with neutral and light tones.
No. 686733
>>686618Minimalist spaces only work for bedrooms if you don't use it as an office as well. But for places like kitchens and common rooms just makes a house depressing and feel cold and unused. I understand wanting a clean space but you can at least play around with colors, patterns and textures to make the room feel like a home rather than a show room.
>>686663People who do shit like that shouldn't have kids, they seem like the type of parents to beat their kids if they spill their food or have easily fixable accidents.
No. 686804
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I HATE casual sexism like this;
Grimes was an established musician before even meeting Musk, the article is referring to a collaboration she did that is also completely unrelated to Musk yet she's described as "Musk's baby mama"
Can't women become mothers without having this as their main identifying trait after?
No. 686813
>>686663Yes you are absolutely right it's good to have lots of (colorful) stuff in baby's rooms. Colors have an emotional effect on people and having lots of clutter helps children learn, there is a reason mobiles are hung above baby cribs. I hope at least that when the baby arrived they filled the room with toys and didn't stuff them all away in some box.
Also there was an experiment on cats where they made sure some kittens only saw vertical patterns and others horizontal, and when they grew up, the kittens who only saw horizontal lines could not see vertical lines at all and vice versa. It's very important for young children to have a childhood full of learning opportunities because even things like vision are not innate but learned. Sorry, I may have gone overboard because I agree it's really irresponsible of parents to put the design of a room over their child's development. Here is more about the cat experiment (yeah I know it's a bit cruel but we learned something interesting),it%20after%20a%20certain%20period.&text=Kittens%20that%20only%20perceive%20vertical,the%20rest%20of%20their%20life.
No. 686845
>>686663I hate Instagram aesthetics but going against the grain here, I think it makes sense developmentally. Newborn babies have shit eyesight, can’t process colours and when they begin to, still have a difficult time distinguishing between similar shades. The best decor for them is monochrome as black and white are high contrast and gives them a chance of making sense of their surroundings. Babies are also really easily overstimulated; as newborns they are used to the gentle stimulation of the womb (assuming the mother didn’t have high stress or rely on drugs/alcohol). Their brain develops rapidly and is subject to a lot of new information every day, making them easily overwhelmed. A neutral bedroom will help them relax when it’s time to sleep. The ideal sleeping space should not feature toys as that sends the message that the bedroom is a place to play rather than sleep. Even adults struggle with these mixed messages (which is why you shouldn’t do anything but sleep in your bed), so babies have no chance.
That being said it becomes a problem when the aesthetic is used throughout the house and indeed the child’s life. Where the child spends their waking hours should have colourful and stimulating toys. I do think there’s value in the Montessori method etc but often with these kids you can tell they wouldn’t be allowed a Peppa Pig toy if they wanted. Which is fucked up.
No. 686866
>>686862Less of a waste than really old people receiving the same care when they are expected to die soon.
You don’t have to care, anon.
No. 686873
>>686663What's with that singular, bare ass light bulb dangling by a cord over the crib that vaguely resembles a noose? No baby wanted that lmao.
>>686804Hate to break it to you anon, but Grimes didn't spit out a baby for this rich man who belittles her and who treats his exes like shit because she wanted to be seen as an independent woman unconcerned with the status his name would bring to her. This is according to plan because she's a deeply insecure person and she likes this.
No. 686893
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>>686663holy shit my bitches we found Mary's room
No. 687325
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i hate when an autist reads one scholarly article they got googling "X debunked" and uses it to deboonk an arguement that has many sources backing it up too
or when a normie reads one psychology book and thinks they can now read minds and predict everyone
No. 687343
>>687332>>687337Forgive me for not knowing anything about this but isn’t it basically the idea that men should go around spreading their seed because muh instincts? Something I don’t understand is how it’s supposed to be blindly abided by despite evidence that it’s stupid?
Like I can understand why men would just go around fucking every woman they saw in prehistoric times, because they were animals ruled by instinct. But for millennia we’ve been smarter than that and in the interest of passing on your genes, for a long time it’s made sense to be monogamous. To stay with the woman and help her survive pregnancy and birth, to assist in raising the child (providing necessities and later, emotional support), to protect the child from danger. To have multiple other children with the same woman so you can ensure all of your offspring reach adulthood (to the best of your ability).
Doesn’t that make much more sense than the procreating equivalent of slinging shit at a wall and hoping some of it sticks? And this isn’t a new way of doing things, it’s been standard for a long time in some cultures (as a general expectation, of course men still cheat).
Clueless about psych though so sorry about the armchairing.
No. 687431
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Unif. They steal designs from old brands that don't exist anymore as well from small designers, and then go on to sell them at high prices(not anything new but still). Also at some point claiming their products are ethically made in California even though most of the production is in China. I think their clothes are cute but they should be up front and say they replicate old brands instead of claiming the designs as their own. Their recent products look cheap as fuck too. No. 687754
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you can't look at anything nostalgia-related without seeing cumbrains shitting and pissing all over the comments
No. 687756
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>>687343if men should go around spreading their seeds due to ~instinct~ then women should be even pickier and choosier because of the instinct to only raise the best young fit for survival. that means most men are out of the running. these idiots still wouldn't be having any sex.
No. 687826
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I decided to learn guitar as a quarantine hobby and it makes me cringe how when I browse online content related to guitar men are constantly bringing up how they only learned guitar to "impress chicks". Never encountered this in another hobby.
No. 687907
>>687826I'm actually pretty turned off by men who make music. I just find them incredibly pretentious most of the time, and I have no interest in music as an artistic pursuit (beyond bopping to fun catchy music) so I never click with them. The thought of having to sit through music they made or like and want me to listen to is just ughhh no thanks.
This does not apply for musical women at all though, I always assume they are just talented and creative rather than elitist and annoying.
No. 687993
Piercings. It's cute if it's only a couple on your whole body but when someone has their whole ear pierced plus septum, snakebites, eyebrow piercing and nose ring it just looks too busy to me. Just a personal taste though.
>>687907Kek I thought I was a dickhead because I think like this too. A lot of them are weird and creepy too but they feel excused because apparently they're geniuses and "you don't understand my art! My tastes are the best!"
No. 688162
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I already really, really, REALLY dislike the idea of surrogacy. I find it very wrong on so many levels, especially when woman from 3rd world countries are being used as a prop and the entire ethical aspect that surrounds it because of reasons.
But what I find really straight up disgusting are those stories where mothers/sisters and other female family members participate in being a surrogate for another family member. This is straight up incest, not matter how much uwu sob story it contains because their daughter/gay son wants a child but can't and then goes and asks (mostly) their own mother to get pregnant for them wtf. Imagine getting your own mother pregnant? Or being the in-law son and then you find yourself expecting a child with your new in-law mother? Explain this to your friend and family that you and Brandy are expecting a child but her mother is going to birth it and it's totemo not her sibling in a way lmao.
God, it makes me want to vomit every time I come across this ~wholesome~ story how a childless couple god blessed with a kid because who wants to adopt anyways.
here a really recent story about this No. 688168
>>688162Why did the doctors agree to the impregnation of this 51 year old woman? Even if she's not carrying her own genes, I don't think it's very good both for the foetus and the woman to go through a pregnancy at this age.
I also agree with everything you said, I have to bite my tongue everytime my sister talks about her bosses who used the services of a surrogate woman from Eastern Europe (Ukraine I believe), knowing the kind of countries it is, I don't think this woman has much to say in the process.
No. 688246
>>688162I really dislike it too, people are way too flippant about the concept. Like it's not seriously risking an innocent woman's health and even life?? Either it's someone you know and love doing you a favour and you're putting them in danger, or you're paying some poor woman 30k to play russian roulette.
I think, in general, the risks of pregnancy/childbirth are not talked about enough and maybe if people were really, truly aware of how long term the consequences of it can be they wouldn't be comfortable condemning other women to it for their own selfish reasons. I also think people need to accept that biological children are not a human right.
No. 688279
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this shit. yes I know ~it's how some people cope with csa!!!~. It still annoys me because it's so uwu and fake. Maybe the first few people that were doing it had something going on, now it's just a retarded aesthetic
No. 688345
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Ted talk voice. Or when youtubers, some examples Im thinking of are Big Joel, PhilosphyTube, or Vaush, put on that preachy, over-emphatic youtuber voice. Hard to explain but it just sounds so unbelievably fake and cringe to me. Big Joel suffers from it most here. Similarly: when people fake stutter for emphasis, ie: "The suspense, the sophistication… thethethethe… the brilliance!" It's kind of like the 2020 breadtube version of a newscaster voice.
No. 688377
>>688345Hi anon voice-over sperg here to ask all of the other narration features you despise
Mine is the watchmojo voice and the voice all female homestucks and/or fakeboys seem to adopt
No. 688384
>>688345there's a few youtubers i watch because i like their content but i hate their damn voices. they have this.
i have to stop listening to some podcasts or just skip episodes depending on the voices, too. one that sticks out to me is kalila holt. heard her on some episode of heavyweight. horrific. why they thought should she should do an entire story i have no idea. it's the gross voice coupled with this obnoxious "shy quirky girl" thing i cannot stand.
if you're curious you can hear her start here at ~5:00: kind of speech impediment even is this? like, maybe learn to talk properly before you go on radio, yeah?
No. 688748
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i hate when people have these sappy discord status messages. barf
No. 688886
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I hate people who believe in astrology, simpy because of this shit. They take things that literally everyone does and act like they're the only one who does and they're ~sO QuIrkY UwU~. Not to mention most people who post shit like this aren't even actually into practicing astrology, they just like posts like this that stroke their egom
No. 689061
>>689047This, might as well be the Sign of the Fatty at this point
It is a pity because Tauruses are great and give no fucks
No. 689064
>>689041>>689043the funny thing is that sometime within the past year or so they discovered everyone's signs were wrong due to the tilt of the earth or something. i thought i was an aries all these years and never identified much with it, but it turns out i'm actually pisces and i feel like it fits me more.
all these self-described scorpios are actually libras or something. lol.
No. 689075
>>689064That new zodiac thing was actually wrong (well not really but…). I don't feel like explaining it, but read this if you care,
>Astronomy and astrology got mixed up with eachother, nasa was talking about astronomy >Western zodiacs are "artificial" zodiacs, meaning they don't go by the constellations. the zodiac signs are just named after the constellations, not tied to them. The dates the signs have go by seasons.>There are a bunch of constellations but not all of them are zodiac signs.reposted cause spelling errors No. 689092
File: 1607309445579.png (535.07 KB, 835x374, 1554727904907-Screen-Shot-2019…)

Anyone who wears footwear like this
Only trashy,backwards,rude people wear them.wearing close toed shoes is easy for crying out loud
No. 689105
>>688886This. I'm a Cancer and I'm polar opposite of everything anything says about Cancers. I'm intuitive as a rock, not nurturing whatsoever, not sensitive or more emotional than anyone else. All of the cancer memes I see are about reading others emotions and totes intuiting the ~ vibes ~ and I can't think of anything further than my borderline autistic ass.
It always makes me laugh when zodiacfags try to guess my sign because they get all flustered and don't believe me.
it's always the memes like the one you post that piss me off the most because it's just the most applicable shit to literally any human. "Omg that aeries/virgo feel when you cant pick what netflix show to watch!!!"
No. 689139
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>>688279Your example actually doesn't bother me as much, but stuff like pic related makes me cringe really hard.
No. 689142
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>>689139Could they have atleast made this aesthetically pleasing
No. 689146
>>689124Exactly true, idk why so many people have a savior complex about them. If someone gets mauled the comments are filled with “MY LITTLE BABY WOULD NEVER DO THAT LOOK AT HIS SWEET FACE” and they literally call you racist because they think a dog breed is the same as a whole race of people.
I also hate people who send death threats to attack
victims because the dog has to get put down. Or flat out blame the
victim for being attacked because their simple minds can’t handle that all dogs are not innocent uwu doggos that has been ingrained into their thinking. It’s still just a fucking animal at the end of the day and can be dangerous
No. 689150
>>689124i'm a dogfag and pitbulls are the one breed i just don't like. the owners are always massive assholes who can't control them and don't care about the safety of other dogs/people
i saw one crying on twitter about how other dog owners cross the street when they see her and her huge skulled monster coming and i just had to roll my eyes
>>689139i hate both of them
No. 689195
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>>689124Not to mini-mod but, shouldn't this kinda stuff go in the dog hate thread?
Anyway, I hate those peg things in washing machines. Fuck having to manually clean them. Front loading washing machines also suck.
No. 689314
>>689153>>689139once you've seen your hundred trauma doodle scribbled by an adult tumblr user, you get sick of them.
They are always as straightforward as possible too, so anyone can either reblog this shit or pity them.
'how could you? i was just a baby!!! etc>>689153sorry but that's hilarious
No. 689393
>>689356She would talk about the "fact" that "children engage in sexual play all the time!" and how they should be allowed to and not be stopped even if an adult sees it. When we were learning about the botched circumcision that led to parents raising one son as a girl and their other as a normal boy, the psychologist would apparently encourage the boys, siblings! mind you, to simulate sexual play and she was neutral about it (which as a professor, I can understand) but then vehemently defended it when any students were concerned or confused, even though they both ended up severely fucked up and the one ended up committing suicide. She called children "sexual beings" often when we were going through sexual development lessons, like would emphasize that more than adolescents and teens. I completely agree with
>>689345>it's normal for children to be curious or stumble on things about themselvesand yes, even sometimes be curious about each other, but usually if it goes beyond that, it's because one or both children have been sexually assaulted or prematurely exposed to porn or other explicit material without guidance. I may be particularly sensitive and disgusted by the idea of unabashed childhood sexuality because I'm a survivor of CSA, and I recognize that, but yeah. Absolutely hate it as well. Of course kids can and should be curious, but they don't need exposure to fucking
porn, especially with what's on the front page of PH now.
Apologies for venting/sperg, I know that's not what this thread is for and it annoys thread OP but wanted to answer. No. 689395
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everyone suddenly acting super into greek mythology because of this game. this always happens with fandom stuff. when something becomes popular suddenly everyone's an expert on the subject.
No. 689403
>>689393God, you're right to be annoyed on this. and you clearly know better having had experienced it. I haven't but
my friend did and it was exactly like you said, another kid was being sexual because they were being abused themselves. It should never be brushed off as "normal" in that case. I almost wish someone spoke up to her, even if after class or reported her to someone higher up. Might not do anything but that is fucked up and misleading of her to teach that. I'm glad the others at least reacted that way.
I wouldn't worry about discussing it because we are clearly discussing what we hate lol
No. 689505
>>687431Going off this, I also hate Depop scalpers. Some people are really finding tops for $5, typing "y2k fashion cyberpunk deadstock kawaii vintage angelcore webcore" and selling them for $45.
It makes me thankful that I'm sort of adept at finding what I like online for cheap, but also incredibly angry on behalf of naive buyers who get scammed.
No. 689518
>>689507I get that, but some people genuinely don't know how to find shit and are mostly broke, but will shell out for a little bit of happiness from a pair of cool vintage shorts or whatever.
I care less if it's some common Taobao shit they would've found with a reverse image search, but if it's an actual rare-ish item from a dead brand that never even touched those prices, and the seller bought it for cheap from another secondhand seller, it's just nasty.
No. 689530
>>689518> an actual rare-ish item from a dead brand that never even touched those pricesThat’s just the whole market, though? Things are only worth the value people give them. A rare item from a dead brand could be worth $$$ or could be worth nothing, regardless of how much it originally cost. It just depends on what someone’s willing to pay now.
I never understand why people allow this concept to get to them, especially in the modern world where you can usually buy Aliexpress knock offs.
No. 689677
>>689670Feel ya anon.
I live in the opposite climate so it's hot as absolute shit here, & I cannot stand when people take their dogs out for a without giving them dog booties or something.
The sidewalk and ESPECIALLY the black top can get to over 100f, scorching the dogs paws. The worst part is, most tarded animal owners are totally oblivious to this. It's actually torturous
No. 689739
>>689111Slim, muscular, lithe, big boned, there are plenty of non-sexual terms to describe body types. If you're looking for a catch-all term for pretty boys? Bishounen. Or pretty boys. Whatever works for you. I'm just annoyed because fandoms act like a bunch of puritanical turbo-fundies who can't stomach anything other than coffee shop AUs, but then turn around and use porn categories to describe their smol bean precious babies ~uwu~ while doxing artists who drew the "wrong" ship.
I'm mostly salty at the hypocrisy of modern fandom, terminology usage pisses me off the most.
No. 689833
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I hate the slim-thick bimbo plastic body trend. I never understood it's appeal and it's sad it's become the standard. These women are paying thousands to look deformed and girls are getting depressed over not looking like this when it's impossible unless you go under the knife.
No. 689877
>>689587. People should go start their own soulless corporations and compete with the big dogs if they want to do the "Welcome to business" thing, not bring it to indie communities.
No. 689957
>>689511>people that say they're really good at reading people or that they always know what people are thinkingI hate them so much. So often it's a boy/man who watched too much Sherlock and does the bare minimum of listening to what you tell them and then acts really smug about it. They are proud to say "Anon you really like burgers don't you? I can tell" when you literally told them you like burgers.
Women who do it usually call themselves empaths and don't listen to you at all they just impose their own thoughts on you.
No. 690384
>>690353I was referring to the Neolithic Revolution, which led to the development of civilizations. The point in history when humans began to think maybe murder and rape shouldn’t be acceptable. Not ‘cavemen’ era.
Pretty wild that you’re comparing murder and rape to choosing to buy an overpriced shirt on depop anyway.
No. 690503
>>690465>>690384And what's your point with that, exactly? That it's not scummy to try and turn a place for people to sell secondhand clothes for cheap into a Great Value version of whatever you think Jeff Bezos is doing?
Like I said, go start your own store instead of half-assing shit and getting defensive when people talk about how it's shitty behavior on principle. Try competing with actual businesses if you want to do this "B-But it's business" thing.
No. 690696
>>690503Again, you’re projecting. I didn’t say it was wrong or right. I was pointing out that this behavior originated in “indie communities” so the idea that it should be kept out of them is absurd. It’s always been a part of small communities, that’s not something that’s suddenly happened since the invention of depop.
Nice try with the personal attack but I’m not a reseller. It’s generally a lot of effort for little return unless you can dedicate full time hours. They also have to pay tax and register as businesses if they’re not reselling personal items… you do know small businesses exist, right? It’s not just Sarah selling her old clothes vs Amazon? Do you also go into your local indie coffee shop and yell at the manager that he should be competing on the same level as Starbucks if he’s going to be selling coffee?
I used to covet vintage Gunne Sax dresses back in the days when they were cool. I was a broke teen, but if I had saved money like crazy and missed out on other stuff I could have eventually bought one. I didn’t though, because I realized I didn’t value the items to the same level as the sellers and other buyers. That’s how I learned about value being subjective and accepted being a poorfag. You can opt out of a game you don’t like anytime you want.
No. 690708
>>690696Projecting what? No way I'm reading all this shit for what was meant to be a standalone post in a "things you hate" thread, kek.
Being a scalper is scummy. There's no excuse or defense.
No. 690771
>>690696>They also have to pay tax and register as businesses if they’re not reselling personal items…The hell are you talking about, if they'd do that, they wouldn't sell on depop.
All I get from those tl;dr is that you're trying to rationalize scalping, trying to find ways to excuse it and even trying to raise sympathy for those poor "small businesses" exploiting desperate retards and shitting up websites. No matter what the cope is, at the end of the day
>>690708 applies.
No. 690873
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I hate people with these kind of rooms and they horde all this kawaii shit but the only games they ever play are Zelda, Animal crossing, LoL and Pokémon. It’s so transparent and preformative and reminds me of Shayna and her TOTEZ GAMER GURL larp
No. 690880
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>>690873>>690874You look at the IG pages of people with rooms like there’s no games being played it’s all CONSUME PRODUCT. Here is some random ones I found just through the #kawaiigamer tag
No. 690887
>>690873Even though I love cutesy aesthetic, i still feel like room like pic related are "too much of a tryhard" rooms to a point where it would scream fake. The people who have these rooms usually play either only one (or two at best) games, one of which is Overwatch. Or the mainstream casual ones like maplestory and acnh.
I got a very cute set up in my PC room, but I wouldnt go as far.
No. 690910
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>>690873>>690874kek I found a picture of this girl's room in transition from her ~posh girl~ past and her new ultra kawaii gaymur gurl "battlestation" uwu
No. 690954
>>690910>>690873I don't really get what grown women enjoy about this kawaii roomdecor (the ones that don't do it for the attention}. I went through a kawaii phase myself but that was in my early teens. It just seems so childish and uncomfortably cluttered to me now. I guess taste really is subjective af.
Also the word battlestation is really cringy.
No. 690962
>>690910That room screams 'Basic bitch' to me. also Autofull chairs that r on pic related
>>690881 are known for breaking ina few months of use because they are cheap and uncomfortable 'aesthetic only' chairs made in China. Just fyi anons
No. 690972
>>690962Anyone else pissed this is now considered 'basic bitch'? I wish this was considered 'basic' when I was into weeb and kawaii shit but nooo, back then it was weird and nerdy.
This comment is fueled by resentment.
No. 690975
>>690972Anon-chan, lol! I am not bitter. It looks like a 'basic bitch' narrative to me (english is not my first language, cannot explain other way), because you can see everyone on Instagram with the same kind of stuff - Sailor Moon prints, the same pink chairs from chinese companies, and a lot of cluttered shit everywhere for the sake of 'aesthetic'. I even know where to get this hamster from pic related
No. 690984
>>690980>I used to get bullied for wearing cat ears… at home.Good, wearing cat ears should never be a respectable thing.
Saying this from experience.
No. 690990
>>690975Yeah I was talking about my own comment, not yours like
>>690976 said, sorry for being unclear lol.
No. 691027
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>>690972 live your best anon and make your room as cute as you want it and if people dont like it then they can die angry lol. I like the kawaii cute shit aesthetic but seeing the rooms of people who have tons of stuffed animals stress me tf out. They probably get so dusty and must be a pain to keep clean.
No. 691040
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>>691036I've never had one, but that particular cat chair is made my dxracer, which is a pretty big brand alongside gtracing. I think they're known for pic related.
No. 691236
>>691036I bought a gaming chair like
>>691040 a year ago and I kinda hate it. They’re super overrated imo. I thought the built in cushions would be great for my neck/lower back but they don’t do much. The seat cushion is also way too hard if you sit in it for extended periods.
Get a big comfy office chair with a separate back cushion, they’re way better.
No. 691249
I'm happy that gamer girls are following their dreams chasing trends and beta bux but I can't get over how cheap and cheesy these rooms look without the colored lights turned on and the perfect Insta angles.
>>690873>>690910It's like only one corner of their room looks coherent and they know it, and not even that without the aforementioned disguises most the time.
>>691057They're everywhere now, they're lava lamps for zoomers.
Even Target stocks them now, which shows how much of an oversaturated fad it is at this point:'re overpriced to boot. Someone made a killing convincing people that LED geometric shapes on their walls are worth hundreds.
No. 691384
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When people wear their facial masks still folded like that. I'm not a mask nazi and I totally understand that people wear them incorrectly for comfort, but like this, it doesn't look comfortable at all, it just looks like they have no idea how to put it on.
No. 691407
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This, I hate this.
I support enjoying unabashed femininity and rejecting the little games that men try to use to smarter than us, but trying to reclaim "bimbo" as a intellectual statement is too much. I don't find freedom in bolt on breasts and being a giggling idiot
No. 691429
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>>691413I looked them up and they seem to be a woman, but they/them and autistic and ADHD. She says growing up she hated having to perform feminity and talks about wearing a binder so men can't stare at her breasts so I guess what I'm trying to say is that none of this adds up and Twitter is a mental illness
No. 691577
>>691477Agreeing with this anon
>>691515 , it's not "gay sexuality" per se, it's just "male sexuality" and the male tendency to be a slut and a degenerate.
No. 691677
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I only eat yolks, the white part is fucking gross
No. 691820
>>691649you call them boomers but don't seem to understand that hostility is good for relationships because it keeps the spark alive (not when its
abusive ofc)
No. 691884
>>691635fucking agree
It’s especially bad on sites like Pinterest. Fuck, I wish I could disable comments.
No. 691942
>>691919Yes it's so fucking greedy! I will leave normal length ads on because I'm too far away from my screen and it's nice for the creators to be supported, but thirty minutes is taking the piss. Surely the people who make these adverts don't expect them to actually work either, why are they even making them? Don't the people paying for them know they are simply paying for YouTube to deliberately annoy it's users into paying for YouTube Red, not to advertise their product or create a good brand image?
What's even more annoying is a forty minute advert will play without interruption but if I have the nerve to put on music playlists YouTube will automatically pause itself after fifteen minutes.
No. 692034
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any shit that even closely resembles this
No. 692051
>>692048kek multisystems are so fucking strange to me, I will never understand it. Just seems like an excuse to be shitty one day and fine another day.
Kind related… I fucking HATE couples that do this. I have a male friend with a wife and I hate when I ask him a singular question
>"Have you played XYZ game?">"We picked that up last week"no man i fucking asked you if YOU played it. It just feels like his wife is always watching his messages or something and he can never not mention her lmao
No. 692061
>>692058Very true, I've gotten to the point where I vindictively ignore any references of her/"we" from him.
>"Have you played XYZ game?">"We picked that up last week">"Oh yeah, what did you think about it? Who was your favorite character?" as opposed to asking "What did yall think about it?"
Even when I do that, he still finds a way to say "I enjoyed it but she didn't like it that much" it's so cringe.
No. 692096
>>692061Nayrt but I have the same experience, except a lot of the time it’s actually his gf messaging. She’s controlling, has a distinctive writing style and he’s admitted to letting her do it before. I usually ignore references to ‘we’ or her and use his name, like:
>“What did you think of that movie, Johnny?”>”Yeah my opinion is ABC, but Jessica thought XYZ”>”That’s so interesting, Johnny! I thought AB too but the problem I have with opinion C is blah blah blah…” If I wanted to talk to his gf, I’d befriend her. Sometimes I get annoyed and passive aggressive, and say something like “that’s what you did this weekend? Aw, that doesn’t sound like your type of thing at all. Did you get dragged along?” But really I should just say “Fuck off, Jessica”
No. 692278
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A shitty, lazy design for tasteless consoomers.
No. 692342
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>>692104>>692118They're common in the UK too. There are a lot of cute, novelty cups on the market, especially those made for children. There's a range of sizes made for different types of eggs, making it one of the few crockery items that can be bought for a child and kept into adulthood. There are some seriously fancy cups out there due to this, some people like to invest lol. I still eat my breakfast with the cute cup I was given aged 5. Farmers you need one in your life!
No. 692393
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Women’s “fitness” accounts that are basically softcore ass porn on Instagram. Yes, she advertises herself as a fitness coach. I love working out, and seeing these bitches everywhere when trying to find new workouts drives me insane. Fit women are more than just asses, did you know that?
No. 692409
>>692393Genuine question - can you even get a butt like this through working out? Because it’s mostly fat, and I know you can work out the muscles underneath to make it perkier but wouldn’t that not really show if you have a lot of fat on top?
A while back I looked for an breast-lifting exercise routine on YouTube, woman had perky tits and said the exercises had helped - then had the courtesy to mention she’d had a boob job kek.
No. 692448
>>692342I'm an Ausfag and had them all the time as a kid, my parents called it soft egg and soldiers (because the toast was cut into strips like soldiers ig). I don't know if they're common because I just assumed everyone else ate them too and have never asked kek.
But yes I had some really cute cups with little paintings of animals and things like that. It's a super comfy food.
No. 692921
>>692919pity =/= fan
it's like watching a pitbull that ate a toddler's face getting put down
No. 692967
>>692278These things are genuinely atrocious. I think people collecting them is a sign of mental illness, they aren’t even beanie baby tier. Just blocks of lazily ugly landfill.
I hope the creator of funko pops, and all of his collaborators live out the rest of their days destitute and exceedingly unhappy as retribution for bringing funkos into the world. I despise funkos and I hope they face continued lawsuits and the factories permanently close. I hope every funko pop simultaneously melts before the owners eyes so they can suffer through the loss and the funko plastic puddle disappears never to be seen again.
No. 693335
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When bland ugly boring people declare they are bisexual like it matters kek.
No. 693340
>>693335this kind of thing makes me embarrassed to be bi bc someone with a big platform will come out and then never date someone of the same sex or ever even talk about it again. all it does is uphold negative stereotypes about bi people
i respect gay/lesbian coming out videos though, since it's a lot less likely to be performative. it's much harder for a straight woman to pretend to be a lesbian (or a straight guy to pretend to be gay) than it is for them to pretend to be bi
No. 693407
>>693335is that a shooped tranny or does that persons skin naturally look like crinkling paper yikes
No. 693475
>>693335Related, I hate videos of people coming out to their family/friends on camera. Even if they consented before the video was uploaded, it seems exploitative to trick them into reacting on camera. It puts pressure on them to react a certain way, which might not be genuine and could make the memory negative. I don’t necessarily mean that a homophobic person would feel pressured to hide that, but even someone who wasn’t might feel pressured to exaggerate their reaction.
I’ve come out to people and they’ve come out to me, and they’ve almost always been private, trusting, relationship-affirming moments. Recording that on video with the intent of uploading for anyone to see, for the gain of attention and YouTube bucks, is trashy.
No. 693614
>>693600I loathe my babyface because I get carded every time I go beer shopping. That little pause and side-eye I get as they ask "can I see some ID?"
Hopefully as I get wrinkly in the future I can finally booze to my heart's content uncarded.
No. 693622
>>693600Same, the few guys who hit on meare my age and are either disappointed or surprised when I tell them I'm also in my mid20s. It's telling me they expect to have something going on with a teenager so I avoid them everytime they do that. It also always affected me at my jobs, I'm never taken seriously until I tell my age to coworkers, and then they think they offended me so they get awkward and avoid me.
>>693617If I can compare myself to all my female relatives and over half of my male relatives I'll stop having a baby face when I'll be an old fart. Not sure that's soon enough. and my 90s grandma told me all her life she was told she looked younger than her age.
No. 694283
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Genshin fucking impact. I can't stand seeing it everywhere when it has the most horrible character design I've ever seen. I can't wait until the next new thing blows up so I don't have to see it anymore.