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No. 633465
Our collective stupidly has spilled out into yet another thread, go ahead and let your empty cranial cavity do the talking
Last thread
>>>/ot/627219 No. 633479
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I just rejected a guy who asked me out and god i feel so uncomfortable i am sweating
No. 633505
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>surrounded by crazy people in real life
>still surrounded by crazy people on the internet (but by choice)
Really makes you think
No. 633617
>>633614Usually you aren’t talking directly to them. People post on social media about personalities or random people getting plastic surgery as some interesting and great thing that’s happening.
It’s weird that “wow, you look so good from having your bones broken and face cut open, I’m so happy for you” is considered a nice thing to say but “I hope you’re able to accept your perfectly functioning body how it is instead of spending thousands of dollars on a bandaid solution that is likely to cause health issues in attempt to slap a bandaid on the pain inflicted by image obsessed sexist society — you are great just how you are” makes you a huge bitch
No. 633621
>>633617I've never seen that before? Usually people shame celebrities for having ps, and there are social media pages to show before vs afters of celebrities. I think those are supposed to be neutral though. Just to show that celebrities aren't natural a majority of the time. Either way though, no one is forcing you to comment that you like when people get ps so idk what the issue is. It's fine to be anti-surgery, no one is putting a gun to your head and making you say you support it. I think the issue just comes in when people who are anti-ps go out of their way to tell people who have ps that they don't like it.
Also, the way I read op's post, I thought they meant talking to someone about their ps face-to-face or commenting on a social media post of someone they know personally. Maybe that was a misunderstanding on my part.
No. 633623
>>633621>no one is forcing you to comment that you like when people get ps*that you don't like
Oops. there are probably more typos but i'm to lazy to proofread.
No. 633632
>>633621Idk where you hang out but the internet has plenty of liberals and liberals are pro-plastic surgery
> no one is putting a gun to your head I don’t know why you have to be retarded about it. No ones forcing those people to worship cosmetic surgery or reply to people who are sad about it either.
The question was why is being happy/telling someone they look great and made a great choice by getting their face smashed in and reshaped considered a compliment, and being concerned for women’s health/body image makes you a bitch
No. 633634
>>633621Are you good? Most anti-PS people aren't posting in the comments of people with plastic surgery. Those are just called assholes no matter what they're insulting the person on.
Anti-PS people usually talk about it on their own platforms and in their own day to day convos and get told that it's 2020 and that plastic surgery shouldn't be considered a bad thing anymore. Media is FLOODED with pro-ps bullshit. I think it is completely fine to talk about how a celebrity looks botched after surgery, or that they looked better before. It's a matter of opinion. It's not as harmless as putting makeup on to transform your face, people are literally cutting themselves open because they see girls with fake asses and lips on instagram getting a shit ton of followers. It's not normal and people have every right to speak up against it.
No. 633642
>>633632I'm not being retarded about anything, just shared my opinion on it.
>No ones forcing those people to worship cosmetic surgery or reply to people who are sad about it either. I didn't say anyone was so idk what this is even in response to. and I already answered op's question from my perspective.
>>633634I see people who are against ps commenting on social media posts and videos all the time. Go on any video where someone talks about getting ps and it's not hard to find people telling them they shouldn't have done it. I don't think it's right that people tell them to shut up though, cause everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
No. 633645
>>633643Like I said, I responded with my opinion in
>>633614. If you were looking for an answer that aligned with your views you probably shouldn't have asked a subjective question.
No. 633661
>>633654First of all, this is a weak-ass argument. People don't chose to have ed's. You can definitely chose to get cosmetic surgery. Also, not everything is black and white, I can support something and have criticisms for another.
Second, there's a pretty big difference between starving yourself to death or getting extremely overweight, and getting a procedure done, which more times than not, is safe thanks to modern medicine.
No. 633664
>You can definitely chose to get cosmetic surgery. NTA but isn’t that more of an argument that ana-chans shouldn’t get as much hate and that criticism of cosmetic surgery is more justified…?
> which more times than not, is safe thanks to modern medicine.Complications from cosmetic surgery are not rare at all, and you always have to recover and often times have to go for multiple surgeries
No. 633667
>>633664No? I said it's good to respect people's decisions, and anon basically said why aren't we ok with anorexic people being anorexic. My point was that anorexic people don't choose to have an ed so they're not even in the equation of "respect people's decisions". People who get ps choose to get ps, ana people don't choose to be ana. Also, anorexic people don't get hate outside of this website.
Obviously you have to recover from plastic surgery, you have to recover from all surgeries. The actual procedure is typically safe (unless you get a shady back alley doctor), but issues during recovery can have a lot to do with how the area is taken care of. That's not to say surgeons don't fuck up sometimes, lollipop scars for example are caused by the surgeons technique rather than the patients care during recovery. I do know people who want really extreme ps have to go for multiple procedures. I don't know how common it is for people who already have their desired results to go more than once, unless they have issues. I'm not a surgeon tho, so I could definitely be wrong about this stuff.
No. 633676
>>633660So can cosmetic surgery. Something has common as tit job can destroy a woman’s health, just look up how prevalent it is. Most instances of anorexia don’t lead to death.
>>633661Actually, choosing not to eat is a choice. Being body dysmorphic is also mental illness sweaty.
No. 633706
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I feel like I do so much dumb shit on the regular that it’s not even funny anymore. I’m not even trying and random awkward stuff happens to me all the fucking time.
It’s like I’m a sitcom character with the worst luck and there’s an invisible audience laughing at my dumb ass. Even my own friends are impressed.
Like In the past month-ish
> Ghost a dude who was a bit pushy, later goes to a pub, he’s the bartender
> Hit on a cute guy and fail, later my friends reveal he’s a huge milf lover
> Chitchatting at a sister company event, ask the dude what’s his role, he’s the CEO
> Awkward event with random guy #254, decides to avoid his shop, turns out he now works at the one right near my job
Every week, my friends wait for my next “oh shit” story. I don’t even know how I manage to sleep at night. I cringe on the daily.
No. 633717
>>633714If you click on the tiny (hide) text at the very top*, it will hide just the image and not the entire thread.
*this text
>File (hide): 1600476546334.jpeg (19.39 KB, 200x252, 5197C01A-73DD-4FCB-B97A-6DE4F0…) No. 633765
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I envy people who can just wear whatever they like without a care in a would whether or not they look good in the clothing. Part of the confidence I get from wearing nice clothing that I like is the fact that it looks flattering on me, I just can't wear something that I like when it doesn't look good on me
No. 633808
Around two years ago, I downloaded tinder to find a girlfriend or even an fwb, matched with a few ladies but it never really went anywhere. There's one girl I met off tinder that I still message from time to time but she isn't into women really so we basically talk as distant friends. I have no idea why she was even looking for women on there considering she had a thing going with her male friend back then. Anyways, I found another woman there too and as soon as we started talking she started complaining about her on and off boyfriend like I'm supposed to listen to that and give a single fuck. Is tinder not for dating/hookups for women into women? Literally every woman I talked was not into women, or into women in that superficial 'queer' way. Not in a sexual way. I got frustrated and deleted the app but now I'm thinking of making an account again and see if things have changed. I want a gf, who is actually into women!! Thing is, I even live in a place where being gay is illegal, so I was assuming that the women must be into women actually to make an account but no, it was literally all performative, woke bs. I really can't believe it. How else am I supposed to find and date women who are actually attracted to women?
>>633797Wouldn't that give off a bad first impression being so mean? I am considering it now tbh
No. 633812
>>633809Thank you for your concern and I'm sorry you went through that anon.
It's a bit of a stressful time, but the biggest issue is probably that I live alone and tend to eat less when I have to cook myself. I legit feel less hungry. Now I'm back home and will probably gain back now that food is great again!
No. 633817
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So what's the ship name?
No. 633997
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If you went full Aiden, what would you name yourself? I’d probably call myself Jeremy, Thomas or Mathew, or something along those lines
No. 633998
>>633920It doesn't work lol some other conservative dipshit will take his place and if the assassin fails trump will milk it forever
Just look at when bolsonaro got stabbed, it gave him a huge boost in the elections
No. 634005
I just remembered when I was about 12 and tried to make a spyro oc and a comic. She was Malefor's daughter (but she didn't know that because she was abandoned!!) and I made up another dork dragon who was soo in love with her but she kept ignoring him. She also had a dragonfly but it was red. I really wish I could remember it all
>>633997I'd like to be Lars, I don't even live in a country where that's a normal name but I don't care
No. 634012
>>633997I want to be a Zack, Zacks on American children's TV were always the cool ones
Or a fun rapper nickname like Big Chain
No. 634042
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The more time goes on, the more I realise just how ugly I am. Until now, I thought my recessed chin wasn’t too bad, but my mom took a pic of me when the hairdresser was doing my hair from 3/4 behind and when I saw the pic, I realised looked like a goblin from every angle except from the front
No. 634068
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>>634053Something like this but less stiff, gotta curl the hair around the jaw to hide it.
No. 634073
>>634041Why has this been posted in multiple threads?
>>634042>recessed chinMewing
No. 634074
>>634073They are trying to turn it into a copypasta… I guess
>>634067Oh Virgil is a good one. Picking a random name from a book would be nice too, like Saul, or Rodion… I'm gonna name my next rpg character Rodion
No. 634076
>>634073I don't really trust mewing tbh.
My jaw is still shit but my tongue has been in proper mewing position since i was like 11.
I had surgery on the soft palate and there's no space inside of my mouth for my tongue to "hang" like the mewing theory says.
Im not leafy but my jaw isn't defined and I still have a double chin.
No. 634086
>>634083Actually its more like softly clenching your jaw, and making your tongue sit very tightly against the palate.
If you are a kid it will work like an excercise and stimulate bone growth, like kids who plays sports tend to be taller than couch potatoes.
No. 634116
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Got a panic attack because I woke up from my nap with a racing heart beat and convinced myself I was overdosing from magnesium I took this morning. Then my heart beats faster from the panic and my breathing changes so it literally does full circle. What’s wrong with you brain? You’re doing this shit to yourself
No. 634182
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American's obsession with being able to drive is so weird to me.
First of all, letting 16 y/o drive seems kinda… Irresponsible? But alas, different cultures.
Then, not having a driver's license or a car as an young adult is considered pathetic
This is so weird to me, where I live most of my friends don't actually know how to drive and rely mostly on public transportation and that's okay, it's better for the environment
No. 634187
>>634182I think it's because their country is so big and there doesn't seem to be good public transport.
Idk i think having a car would be way better. You can leave at any time you like and it's safer, cleaner and less irritating than the bus.
No. 634205
but racist works too i guess
No. 634240
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Dane Dehaan really aged like milk huh
No. 634296
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got a haircut,removed all the hair dye on my hair and now I look fucking edna from the incredibles
I initially thought black would look suitable like light brown did, horrible mistake.
No. 634297
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I wish I had light eyes so much Im one braincell away from seriously considering that dumbass stroma eye surgery.
My eyes are not even a pretty warm brown they are just black, cold and unfeeling, like its scientifically proven to be the most off putting eye color because you can’t see the pupil dilates so the human brain can’t figure out what someone with “black”(its just really dark brown) eyes is feeling.
Its genuinely one of my few big insecurities , doesn’t help that my crush is in love with a girl with big almost transparent blue eyes.
Im truly a smoothbrain anons.
No. 634316
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Gonna binge watch some of Rob Zombies films. I know what to expect but holy shit this is great so far, “fuck yo mama”
>>634297i think brown / black eyes are sexy. Brown eye supremacy
>>634294Same here, forums especially.. Myspace too tbh
>>634265Hoping the best for you anon, sending hugs your way <3
No. 634317
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Or you know, continuous cooming and even longer exposure to the internet
No. 634318
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so i was really horny this one time and was talking with my boyfriend and i dont remember why but i told him i still remember the first porn video i watched and he asked about it and i told him i wasnt going to tell him the name or show him (felt uncomfortable) and so then he told me he did too and SHOWED me the video ;n; i didnt ask him to show me it and got v upset and told him to leave me alone and masturbate to it and he said he wasnt going to(that he was going to masturbate to me kek). now later i looked up the video and i hate myself sm, she's really pretty and voluptuous and actually has tits whereas im all flat and skinny asf, i wish i could gain weight but i just cannot, and ive always wanted to be healthy weight and the thought he finds meatier girls more attractive than me gives me an even greater reason to feel dissatisfied with my body. I always knew i was inadequate so I also hate him for confirming it. i even told him i was trying to gain weight and asked if he thought love handles were attractive (that's my ideal body type) and he said yeah they're hot. idk why he's with me and always think about it also he even remembered the name of the actress ;;;—-;;; anons i wish i didnt care i really do
No. 634319
>>634318Bby don't feel too bad about being insecure, that's normal in this situation and it was a dick move on his part to show you the video when you already struggle with self esteem issues.
There really isn't anything wrong with your body, you are not inadequate and plenty of people find your body type attractive af. Your boyfriend does too, or he wouldn't be with you.
Maybe talk to him about it? say you're feeling down about your body after seeing the porn actress and ask for reassurance that he likes yours?
No. 634320
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>>634297blue eyes are shit anon, don't worry. dark black eyes are like a still lake at night, so deep and dark that the moon shines far brighter in its reflection than in the sky itself. there's no need for color in an iris when you can literally see every light and star in it's reflection. in fact, large pupils are what as seen as attractive so when your eyes are so dark that the pupil seems to engulf them, it creates a warm and attractive look.
No. 634321
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Lately I often make spelling mistakes which seem to be symptoms of dyslexia. Am I becoming an idiot?
No. 634332
>>634297honestly I find multiple eye colors pretty and multiple types of eyes pretty
don't be insecure anon
No. 634337
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Dadbod is cope from ugly, lazy men and from low value, insecure women who think loving shitty men will mean that they get treated better when in reality the fit men are the ones who will treat you right
No. 634343
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JUST GOT SOMEA THE MOST DIVINE D I'VE HAD IN A LOONG WHILE FROM A 20 YR OLD IMMIGRANT MF WHO ONLY EVER HOOKED UP WITH 1 WOMAN BEFORE ME. he also almost swerved off the highway and into a ditch while driving me home but that's ok we can't all be perfect. anyway following this experience i got home and after a bit of reflection i have noticed that some of the finest men i have hooked up with have all been varying levels of foreign. is it a coincidence, or do american men just have some of the most consistently trash dick game on the planet? i wonder.
No. 634345
>>634341I think preferences are common but it's not gonna be a deal breaker or deal maker. Almost all eye colours are pretty either way, they're kind of an inherently pretty feature.
tbh eye shape/size is a lot more important.
No. 634366
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I took a break from LC for a while and can't help but come back and feel relieved. The lols and sense of solidarity I get is like nothing else, I don't think I'll ever quit imageboards for good unless they all get shut down.
No. 634369
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>>634319he's actually v sweet i think he just thought maybe showing me his vid would make me show him my vid? i also look so sickly, plus idc if everyone in the world found my body attractive, i only care about him finding it attractive :/
and i met him online and talked a ton before he ever saw what i looked like, so i think if we'd met irl he would've never even looked my way, but i agree he must not find my body entirely ugly.
>>634336he doesn't seem to care but i couldn't blame him if he does have a preference he can't help. He does make me feel attractive but i cant reconcile it with the probability that the girl in the video is what he'd prefer i looked like, whether he subconsciously knows it or not. funnily enough
>>634337 is the type of body he has and that i prefer, so there must be some truth to it (the insecure part). I just think guys with that body type look a lot more trustworthy, so i wouldnt be surprised if he thought the same of soft feminine bodies in contrast to bony ones. we both value long term commitment and he checks off my boxes of what i physically envision someone that would be a good partner looks like, whereas i…. dont look like i could handle pregnancy
No. 634397
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as much as it sounds like a meme being alt/goth really helps me cope and feel like myself outside of my alt appearance i can't recognize myself and I hate myself, when im feeling down or shitty or anything i just occupy myself with doing something related to my looks and it makes me feel much better and I'm ashamed of this fact.
No. 634411
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I woke up with the word bio-onmni-trax stuck in my head and I kept wondering what that word ment and what science study it was…. I was fucking thinking of the word omnitrix but my brain made it more complicated.
No. 634477
>>634369I understand how you feel anon, i have the same skinny body type and got boolied by scrotes and my ex for it, just know back in the 90s our body types were considered the ideal standard and soon itll shift back after the thicc craze dies down. Its possible that his taste is varied or changed since he first saw the video, and men dont really care too much when it comes to sex, theyre usually not super picky lol. If he really loves you he will love your body more than anyone's because its yours.
And an upside to being super trim is that you can wear whatever you want without looking frumpy or busting out like a can of biscuits, its an elegant, almost elven looking body type. Long skirts and flowy clothes look super cute. And we can eat whatever we want and still fit into jeans!
No. 634496
>>634491I have the same issue, anon!
Last night I even had a weird dream in which I was asking someone to kill me. It’s weird and to be honest, it’s getting tiresome after so many years of thinking about stuff like that, I prefer nice daydreams.
No. 634526
mad I’m attracted to scrotes, they’re never honest and always let you down. I’m pining for a himbo or nigel though since the last 3 dudes I dated were
>>634337 tier and I want a cuddle and fuck friend after not having shit for months. idk why I keep torturing myself with romantic comedies
No. 634553
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Another anon posted this subreddit and I’m just completely baffled. These people creep me out.
No. 634560
>>634553Pure unfiltered autism
Chef’s kiss
No. 634562
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>>634553It's r/waifuism, right?
I love it. It's hilarious and fun to watch the mental gymnastics everyone is going through. Sometimes they are so close to realizing that they need help, but instead of going to therapy they just go full autismo instead. Sad!
No. 634567
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i was looking up tattoo parlors near me and saw this 5 star review with pic attached. i can’t tell if they were joking or not
No. 634589
>>633477I've done dmt and it sounds like alot of the sounds you hear while tripping too.
Also space invaders type of music.
No. 634592
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I am heartbroken anons, longcat/Nobiko's owner confirmed she died earlier today. 2020 really fucking sucks.
RIP Nobiko, you'll always be a legend!
No. 634627
>>634599This is a little off topic from what you meant but, Some of the classic jokes about white people (and esp white families) I enjoy, but now it seems to be stretched out a little thin like
> ever noticed how white people do this very specific thing? lolNo I haven't tbh
> What about this other totally white thing? hahaNo I haven't noticed that one either
Stereotypes are funny, but only if you can relate to them being somewhat true.
No. 634643
I used to be of the camp that believed that marriage was unnecessary, and I'd just do it for tax purposes. Like, I don't need a piece of paper to prove that I'm in a loving relationship, yknow? But when I dated my ex, something clicked in my head and I couldn't stop thinking "I want to marry her, I want to propose to her and wear wedding rings, maybe have a ceremony and wear matching white dresses, but mostly just want to be able to call her my wife." We aren't together anymore and I'm not really searching for a relationship at the moment, but I like the idea of one day getting married to someone lol.
I feel half lame for feeling that typical "I want to be married!" shit, but also half cringe at my past self cause I feel like I sounded so edgy- what's wrong with whether someone gets married or not? What that paper means to them doesn't matter to anyone outside of the both of them, so… lol.
I also vehemently refused to take on my partner's last name, fuck the patriarchy and all that, but after dating my ex, I thought maybe it'd be nice to do that. I probably won't because name changes are a pain in the ass, but in my head I'd really like to lmao.
No. 634656
>>634643I got married young. It lasted all of two years before he just walked out like it was nothing… I can't see any romance or appeal in a second marriage (other people remarrying is cool but it's not for me) I wish I hadn't married so young and ruined the whole idea for myself.
I learnt that marriage isn't security, if someone wants to walk tomorrow then they will. My other break ups have been bigger events with more communication and consideration for each other.
No. 634672
>>634644Serieux? That was so annoying to read, god something about the French piss me off, and I'm French as fuck.
Guy could have left, but in the end he was a coombrain, even admitted it himself "I just wanted to empty myself"
No. 634687
>>634672Men are trash regardless of sexual orientation and nationality, it's the universal truth.
>j’vs emmerde c’est pas mon dos moi j’veux juste me viderEt après il s'étonne que la meuf pète un câble et lui lance des objets à la gueule ce fils de pute.
>>634678I can't really compare to other guys besides guys from my ethnic group (who are also shit in their own way) but as someone born and raised in France I can't stand the vast majority of men there. I'd rather die of old age as a virgin than even get in a relationship with anyone there.
No. 634729
>>634715 > Most guys just get really quietI'm 32 and I've never been able to voice to my dad that I'm dealing with a rough period without getting total silence as my reply.
He visited me lately for 3 days that coincided with my heavy days. We went out shopping and out for dinner every day so I was needing to find and use public bathrooms and I told him why (I had a leaking incident so used the bathroom twice in 30 mins) I also tend to look a bit sick and pale on my period so after not seeing him for over a year I didn't want him to think that my health was generally suffering. I got met with the same silence that I used to get twenty years ago lol
That silence makes me feel so stupid for even bringing it up, but it was relevant. I was struggling to manage pain and leaks for the whole three days and then I just felt stupid for having the audacity to even mention it. My dad has a stomach condition and he can tell me about it freely and I understand his situation and ask how it is.. I mean they're both bodily functions. My period is somehow way more taboo than diarrhoea! (athough sometimes my period causes diarrhoea too)
No. 634731
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today has been so boring. C'mon life, give me something fun
No. 634737
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longcat passed away…
No. 634751
>>634729Hmm maybe difference is I'm not ashamed at all by my period, but I don't talk about it alot either, just go 'I'm on my period, I don't want to walk too much today'.
Maybe he's a lil bitch about it, maybe he's quiet because he doesn't want to offend. If it's important just ask him, why are you so quiet when my period is brought up? Maybe he's weirded out by talking about his daughters vagina.
No. 634760
>>634751>Hmm maybe difference is I'm not ashamed at all by my periodI'm not ashamed of mine. 20 years into having them so I've lived with long term male partners and been open with other people.
He's the same when it comes to womens forms of cancer even. We have alot of it in the family and he's so insanely awkward hearing about someones cancer surgery just because it includes breasts or a womb. I asked for updates on an aunt who currently has cancer and he "didn't want to ask because that's womens things" He won't discuss these things. Could be his oldschool catholic upbringing
No. 634840
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>>634837I love you, anon.
No. 634841
>>634837 >Whenever I see a post especially cruel to another anon, I hope it's a scroteThose posts where you describe a frustrating situation that happened with a man.. and then that one anon will go to great lengths to find a way to blame you for the way a man acted.. those are my personal fave 'totally not scrote' posts
Hope your period is an easy one this month
No. 634857
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ive been getting into vintage doll collection and today i found a barbie from 1997 at the thrift store. the back of the box has some space to write a message for the gift recipient on it and it was made out to a girl from her aunt and uncle. i didn’t think much of it but as soon as i showed my mom the doll she told me the girl was probably dead and that it was haunted. i thought that maybe the girl grew up and just didn’t want it anymore but now im spooked. can someone please come up with a less scary excuse for how the doll ended up at the thrift store? i kind of want to throw it out.
No. 634872
>>634859Buy the notebooks to satisfy the impulse, then gift or donate them.
There is much need for free school supplies now.
No. 634913
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I will only know if I got an interview on the 14th of October and the anxiety is killing me aaaaa
I never wanted anything more in my life
No. 634923
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I can’t stop thinking about that bag I was wearing in a nightmare I had, I got stoned to death and pushed off a cliff, but damm, that bag was cute and practical, I need it.
No. 634924
>>634914Thanks, anon!
History of Art researcher
No. 634981
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I’ve decided to be an edgelord and shit on the discovery of the new world for my assignment.
E - had to make sure no trace of my name is seen.
No. 634984
>>634982So what’s the point of mtf troons “transitioning” if they’re just shitting on bio women?
Are they…jealous of us? (Kek)
No. 635021
>>634983>>634995Seething slaver whitefags
No. 635029
>>634944The two types of drag fans I've met:
>Born female, nonbinary/transmasculine gender snowflake, screeches about social justice issues, constantly tries to skinwalk her favourite drag queens and posts shitty drag makeup tests on her instagram>Straight girl who thinks the queens are tee hee soooo sassy I love gay ppl!!!! y'all!!!Literally these are the only people I find being really invested in it. The drag scene is notorious for misogyny, drugs, degenerate sex and child grooming, I find it really hard to enjoy even from an artistic point of view. Yeah I guess the costumes are creative and shit but I just can't look past all the bad things happening in the scene and the cringy fanbase.
No. 635045
>>635040What are you talking about? It's boring and cringey because it
is the default standpoint, at least in an university setting. Anon feeling confident in that she's really going to rustle some crusty professor's jimmies and make him pop his monocle off enough that she feels she needs to post it here is the equivalent of some 8th grader writing an essay on how racism is BAD or that plastic straws LITERALLY KILL turtles. It's not like anon was being super insightful or bringing anything new to the discourse, it's just repeating what everyone knows simply for the sake of being "edgy". Is everyone here a teenager or something?
No. 635051
>>635040>and you explain your point wellwhy are you lying to her
topic aside, it was painful to read
No. 635066
>>635029Back when I was obsessed with RPDR I had awful mental health. It was a time that the positivity in that show was the only good thing in my life. I'd become overly invested in the drag queens and cry a couple of times each episode at their self love and confidence. And it was through that lens that I watched Paris is Burning, Priscilla, To Wong Foo and Dragula and was like wow so brave, so subversive and loud.
But then yeah, getting deeper into it I found the terminology troubling, I saw a weak ass video defending the difference between blackface and drag as men do it because they find women inspirational (doubtful in almost all cases) and even that drag queens are punching up so it's not mockery (?!). Explained by a gay dude calling the woman asking that question dumb. Hmm.
I just find it fascinating that there's such a big loophole in wokeness. That because drag queens are oppressed in some way it gives them free reign to shit on another oppressed demographic. Feels like that couldn't be applied in mnay other situations without being called out. And literally every cope they come up with could easily be turned around to excuse racial discrimination.
Funnier even that the straight female fans are actively derided for supporting drag queens.
No. 635074
>>635072Not that I agree with it at all but maybe it's because they see gender as fluid whereas race isn't. Blackfacing is seen as bad because nobody can change the colour of their skin but drag queens are fine cause gender can be presented in many different ways.
I still think it's bad and I hate drag culture but that's maybe how they view it.
No. 635076
>>635074You could argue that visual representations of femininity such as clothes or makeup are just societal constructs and not inherently tied to any gender. Which I agree with to a degree but I still find drag pretty distasteful and downright offensive sometimes.
I still binge watch RPDR though, but I consider it a guilty pleasure. It's trash but sometimes you just want to watch trash you know?
No. 635086
>>635026>>635045>>635051>assumed conservative white male professorOn the contrary, my history professor is a white, liberal feminist who openly supports AOC, RBG and Hillary Clinton and has also started her first lesson bitching about the “ebil wyte man grrr”. I’m hoping to get a good grade on my assignment as it aligns with the liberal agenda my uni follows while still telling the truth on how the new world was discovered.
I mean, it worked when I wrote an English paper on MeToo and got a 90.
>>635040Thank you! At least someone gets it!
No. 635111
>>635108Thanks anon, the intro is like an actual sedative, I feel my thoughts draining.
Kek and when I visited Switzerland a while ago there were huge DJ Bobo billboards for a concert of his and I was like who the fuck is that. Now I know.
No. 635113
>>635111He was huge in the very early 2000s
This was even in a Coca Cola commercial
No. 635190
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I gained some weight and am retaining water right now. My boobs feel giganormous. How am I gonna get anything done today? What if they get in the way of it? I'll have to go on disability after this
No. 635209
>>635190Are you a biological female?
I've never heard a woman worry that her tits would get in the way of her work.
No. 635213
>>634917Auuugh. I never got sleep. Not even in the morning, not even a nap. I've been a bag of nerves. I emailed an hour before the companys closing time and the guy said ""sorry, the person who knows is off today, tell you tomorrow!".
I hate the uncertainty. A lot of shit going on in my life hinges on getting a job right around now. Like I just want to know if I got it or not. I've had such a high heart rate the ENTIRE DAY and god knows if I can sleep tonight, I better.
I can't really aim the frustration at them, though. They don't know I lost sleep over it. They don't know i've been checking my emails literally every 10 minutes since 8am. How do I get over the anxiety?
All this emotion and physiological response for not even a guaranteed position!
No. 635214
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>Don’t brush hair
>Stringy, thin, swamp creatures looking curls begin to form
>Brush hair
>Looks like I have a dirty mop on my head
>Can’t fucking win
No. 635216
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I love pinterest so much cause it's literally free of conversation, except for that lil comment section. You literally just go on their and look at pretty photos.
No. 635267
>>635233thanks lol
>>635234I'm not a native English speaker and not familiar with every chatspeak abbrevation in existence, calm down
No. 635298
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i've only watched one episode of this show, but I love this sorta-crazy bitch
No. 635305
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>>635254>>635221>>635217Thanks anons but I do all of these and it still looks bad. Consequences of shit thin hair genetics and frying it repeatedly in my youth I guess.
No. 635358
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>>635345>inserted into my assHello???? It's toilet paper? I know it goes in a little when wiping to be clean but damn.
Also, here I am replying to it, but NO MORE SHIT ANONS! THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN!
No. 635397
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Midnight Sun is fucking funny. I actually laughed out loud several times. It's been such a nostalgia trip too ! Man, the Twilight really was something.
No. 635408
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>>635375tyrrells beet chips are literally the best shit ever, and I don't even like beets. You gotta try sometime
No. 635437
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I feel like a stupid basic bitch but I found Corpse through Jacksepticeye’s/Pewds Among Us videos and now I’m obsessed with his voice lol. I’m not a fan of horror but the stories he does aren’t nightmare fuel so I can still play them in the background while doing other stuff.
of course I’m really curious about what he looks like and think he’s probably hot af, but after finding out that Cry was ugly as sin, I don’t know what to think anymore so I’ll just appreciate his voice lol
No. 635491
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I'm so addicted to this shit it's insane. I drink so many. I never understood how people could drink more than one soda a day, but now I do. Thank god these are just seltzers otherwise I might be a fat fuck, though I do just tend to drink these over eating sometimes. Liquid lemon cake.
No. 635507
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No. 635518
Aaaaa I'm on the phone with Amazon support (for my job) and the guy helping me has a voice exactly like a VN character or one of those Boyfriend ASMR things, and he's extremely nervous/stutter-y and flirty and I'm sitting at my desk blushing trying my very best not to flirt back so my middle aged coworkers don't bully the absolute fuck out of me
>>635491Ah, a fellow woman of taste. These are delicious
No. 635617
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You assholes really let me go on for this long never telling me there was an artist like girl in red?
No. 635629
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I really want to learn Latin dances and Tango but I don't want to dance with men or touch them/get touched by them.
No. 635630
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>>635599Anon are you me?
Every time I make a friend and we party up I feel this sudden irrational pressure on me and I do horrible and make terrible decisions. Sometimes even saying glhf to randoms makes me feel like this kek.
No. 635647
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>>635629id learn to dance with ya anon
No. 635655
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>>635630we're one and the same anon! what do you play?
No. 635657
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Okay what the FUCK. Facebook keeps sending me notifications whenever my dipshit friend comments on her manchild trollface husband's posts.
I'm SO TIRED. Do I have to unsub from her or something? I ain't subbed to him. It doesn't alert me when she comments on any other mutual friend's posts, just his.
I don't fucking understand this algorithm hijinks. I'm just sick of seeing his ugly narcissist face and their passive aggressive social media fighting within a month of being married.
No. 635664
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I’ve got a houseplant addiction that pisses my roommates off but they literally have put 0 effort into decorating our space so they can suck my croton
No. 635667
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My bf jokingly called me his stoner princess and it made me giddy. I feel pathetic for liking it a little bit kek.
No. 635699
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I used to think i was tougher than my brothers because my mom raised me that way to make up for the fact that I'm the only girl, but today she revealed to me that according to her it's always been that way, and that she "tested" us when we were little (like 3/4)??? she would basically relentlessly pretend to beat us and see how we reacted. both my brothers curled into a ball and shrieked in terror but i just laid there for a few minutes and went mom are you done…now are you done…NOW are you done?? can I have juice when you're done? why did she do that? why have I always had an apparent lack of self-preservation (that would have been before I was sexually abused as a kid so I can't even blame that)?
No. 635741
>>634182Coming of age, it's the best thing to happen to your personal freedom of movement. It doesn't even need to be a car or anything, a small scooter or motorbike like they drive a lot in Asia might be even more nimble.
I can't imagine my life dictated by schedules and set routes, you'd have to live by them every day and waste so many hours of your life when it goes to all the other stops that aren't your destination.
No. 635869
>>635859>>635859Careful anon you might be allergic
>>635851At least she wants to learn, in fact asking such questions is what a smart person would do, most people go trough life not knowing that shit, I’m a chemist and I barely even know tbh
No. 636000
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sometimes i go into /snow/ and am just so lost and confused by the cow threads i don’t follow
No. 636025
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The fucking lawn mowing guys for my apartment building were outside my living room all morning/afternoon yesterday yelling and mowing the lawn loud as shit. Now today they're outside the office room doing the same thing. This shit lasts for like 4 hours and I'm so tired of the loud noises and yelling. That combined with the sounds of fighter jets from the Air Force base flying around all day is making me insane.
No. 636033
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i put too much sugar in my hot chocolate fuck i hate my life
No. 636135
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I'm allergic to cats and my new housemate will be bringing his cat at the end of the month. I want the cat but I severely underestimated my allergies– I stayed at my bf's house (which has a cat) and was wheezing all night.
Pls anons that were in similar situations, tell me it's gonna be okay. On one hand they haven't vacuumed in a long while so I'll be fine if I keep up the vacuuming, right?
No. 636151
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started watching Ratched and damn how I wish it was me, being seduced and spoiled on a date by an older lesbian
IDK what's gonna happen later here but knowing what this series is about, proabably nothing good unfortunately
No. 636179
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I cannot move forward with the fic because this is just fucking me up so much I cannot fucking stop laughing why is this so funny
No. 636385
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almost every night driving home from work I see a young woman on the side of the road a few miles out from my house (in suburbs) either walking slowly or just standing still on the sidewalk. for context I'm in burgerland – she's clearly east asian but doesn't look American, if that makes sense?? her haircut (long and dark with bangs) and clothes (long pleated skirt, long socks with loafers) are an odd combo to see around here. she looks like a background character in a mid-2000s japanese horror movie. plus she stops and watches me drive by sometimes. a few nights ago it was thunderstorming, and before that it was extremely smoggy from the local fires, and she was still out. this is usually around midnight. is she just a weird girl with a specific retro style going on nightwalks or am I seeing a ghost???
No. 636402
>>>636394Literally lol'd
No. 636506
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Fuck borzois for good. This is long face cat territory. Pay your respects
No. 636524
>>636385As a teen I used to go on walks like this in all kinds of weather to escape a dysfunctional household, next time maybe wave at her? I'd have hated it but you never know, you could make a pal! If it's terrible weather maybe offer her a ride to wherever further up? Then she can give you context.
Maybe she IS foreign and has trouble adjusting to the alternative shithole that's the US right now.
No. 636552
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>>636506I love those! Small face huge eyed cats are anime coomer propaganda.
No. 636630
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I make really stupid faces sometimes when I fantasize about my crush. It can get really exiting and embarrassing and I can't contain myself. It's a good time
No. 636632
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I thought that I had avoidant PD, but the more I watch Grande's videos the more it seems I'm a fucking "vulnerable" narc.
It makes a lot more sense. I'm not some scared ~victim~ afraid of the mean world. I'm just a cunt pissed because people don't recognize how great I am.
No. 636712
>>636708I went through this a few months ago, feels amazing congrats anon
Simping is a hell of a drug
No. 636746
>>636745AAAAAAAAH NOOOOO! fuck oooooff!
(i forgive you)
No. 636818
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I have several super niche interests and wish I had someone to talk to about them, but the communities around these interests are filled with screeching adult children and the interests are weird enough that even people here will think I'm retarded. (They're not illegal or dangerous or anything, just stupid stuff.)
No. 636852
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I'm gonna cut my bangs today but I don't know which style to choose. Leaning toward the one in bottom right picture. Votes and picture suggestions are welcome!
No. 636860
>>634917>>635213GOT IT. I GOT IT.
I think someone asked about my interview results like a week ago and to her I say: I GOT IT, THE JOB.
Well I got an offer, that means I got it, right?
It's only temp, but I'll make as much in 4 months as I would working an entire YEAR in my home country.
This site has been such a support to me but maybe I'll have too much going on to visit now. If I knew you guys in person I'd offer you fly over and we can eat fondue in a chalet after skiing all day!
Christ almighty and it's closely related to my degree, I haven't had a position in the 2 years since I grduated and now I'M STARTING YAY
No. 636868
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I think i'm an Aspie.
I have so much weird thing going on in my behavior and with social interactions idk what to think anymore so I just think i'm an aspie.
My boyfriend says I'm normal to him so he doubts it.
I already went two years into a psychiatric ward when I was a teenager and I don't want to see a doctor to be sure about it since I don't feel like i need meds to deal with it. But being on the spectrum would answer so many questions I have. I'm just gathering info alone right now but I'm a bit lost still.
No. 636890
>>636868same, except i’ve gotten over most of my social ineptitude with more practice and less internet. i still notice i’m still more jittery and restless than my peers but not in a stimming tard way. maybe most of my "symptoms" were caused by being sheltered, idk.
if you think support or therapy (is that word even used for autism?) could help, you could reach out. are your symptoms hindering your life in some way or another?
No. 636893
>>636890I'd say my symptoms don't bother me too much but they sure bother my family sometimes. My sister just go off at me from time to time and i tend to not reach out socially to them.
It feels likes I'm in the alien in the family and I don't belong but they still love me in their own way and I do too. I think I'm gonna be alright without docs or therapy since my boyfriend helps me out a lot. It's just that coming to this realization hit me up with a lot of anxiety and I just cry out of nowhere from time to time now.
No. 636928
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I thought this was anna khachiyan for a second kek
No. 636946
>>636831It's not just a suggestion but a must that every mother watch her male relatives closely when she has a child even if they have always been really nice. It's horrible.
But men have always been pedos, now they're just more loud about it because the internet lets you show your sickness to the whole world.
No. 636988
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I really want pet rats but I have a cat and I don't want to stress the rats out, so I'll just be content with looking at pics of cute ones online.
No. 637035
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When I read stuff like this idk how lib fems do it kek yall are strong to be able to deal with this kinda stuff and still feel powerful
No. 637036
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>>636980No (affordable) apartments is a worldwide problem. I will move out soon and I'm honestly worried. Competing with dozens for some tiny shithole and then having to spend half of your paycheck for rent seems to be the norm now.
No. 637061
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IDK how accurate is but voila. I always wondered kek
No. 637065
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Captain's log
It has been 202 days since my bean has been rubbed. We are drifting aimlessly at sea and short on provisions. In order to ration what little we have we have starved for days. The tide is rough out here. My sole companion is the rat on board. I have seen what looks like sea monsters at the horizon. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. Before I go insane, I'll jump the boat.
No. 637067
>>637059I'm about at the same place as you. I think there's value in some aspects of liberal feminism, like I think women should be free to express their sexuality and even be into this shit if they're
actually into it, I guess, but libfems really want to shove female sexuality in the form of brutal and/or free sex in the face of young women, and that's really damaging and gross. They lack the maturity and nuance, and it almost comes across as predatory sex positivity, and I hate it. Anyway, porn is brainrot for everyone, and I thank radfems for teaching me as much. Love y'all.
No. 637080
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I always wanted to move in with a female friend and tackle the world together
No. 637114
Someone added me in an online game a while ago and he turned out to be 13. Felt kinda weird about it, but whatever, we were just playing games. Eventually he said that all of his online friends were much older and they were all involved in furry porn communities. Alarm bells started going off and I told the kid to not talk to those people, adults shouldn't be acting inappropriate with you, don't tell them where you live, don't send pics, etc. He said he knows and brushed me off.
I looked at his profile today and he now identifies as a lesbian, anime catgirl porn everywhere, and follows a ton of hentai communities.
Idk where I'm going with this, I just feel bad for the kid. He said before his parents don't really care about him, and he clearly got groomed by a bunch of older adults. I feel like I should have done more.
No. 637132
>>637124nta but I feel the same way as she does. At least it didn't attract so many fakes and you were more likely to bump into an actual lesbian instead of pretenders whether trannies or (bi) women just experimenting. Also no disgusting couples looking for threesomes. Or maybe I'm just idolizing the past that I was never a part of. lol
>>636852What's the name of the bottom right? She's so beautiful I'm in love.
No. 637152
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>>637065snf snrfI smell…
unrubbed bean? and what is that? a hint of
snmf snf rat flesh? I have not fed in many moons…
No. 637207
>>637204Yeah what the fuck. I'm sorry you had to read this and this
>>637203 galaxy brained take. Retards.
No. 637353
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I was in this thread yelling at you all for not telling me about girl in red before, well I just checked my spotify and turns out I've listened to her for over a year now without knowing.
No. 637355
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I have thought about maybe trying to start a paranormal community drama thread, since there’s a lot of super special magical cows and all seeing eye snowflakes in the community. The problem is that the milk, while enticing, is often hard to connect back to other people, so you end up with a lot of dead ended shit and vagueposting.
No. 637372
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kek i've been beating myself up lately because i've been spending a good deal of time and money on building gundam models, which is a hobby I got into because my current scrote crush is super into Gundam (which I found out via stalking him on twitter). I wanted to have a common interest with him and used it to strike up conversation and an eventual friendship with him at work. Lately I've come to accept that though we have a nice friendship he most likely doesn't like me back, and I've been feeling like a fuckign idiot for really being that stereotypical fake nerd bitch who gets into things to impress men (despite the fact that I genuinely enjoy building the models), especially since I've since discovered that he and I have a ton of OTHER common interests that we could have discovered through normal conversation. Well I was looking through old threads on here and found a post where I talk about my interest in gunpla that's timestamped for over a year ago – a month before I ever fucking met this dude. I ALREADY LIKED GUNDAM and this year has been so crazy that I fucking forgot. I even remembered and subsequently found a .txt file saved on my old laptop that had a list of all the mecha anime I was going to start watching and the mobile suits I liked the best. I feel kind of validated that my pickmeism is not nearly as bad as I thought it was but also kind of spooked that I forgot about that? I read some of my diary entries from that time and I was also really into baking pizzas I guess? I vaguely remember baking one pizza but I talked to my mom and she said I baked pizzas like every other day for two weeks, tf.
tl;dr i'm trying to decide between an rx-79 and a gm ground type for my first master grade model which do you guys like better (picrel)
No. 637394
>>637372I can relate, I've watched entire series earlier this year and then turn around and think to myself "I literally haven't watched a show in years omg" lol
one on the left looks better imo
No. 637476
>>637473To keep the monsters out
I keep mine open just so there's better air flow and the room doesn't get stuffy overnight
No. 637486
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>>637484I did a few hours ago…
No. 637596
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Feels weird seeing people praise D'angelo Wallace because I remember him when he was crappy artist who would lurk the artist salt thread and post who ever dissed him on his twitter, only to delete it.
Saw someone call him the new Shane Dawson. They meant that as a compliment, but I feel like it's going to be some brutal foreshadowing.
No. 637613
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I love this picture and I just wish it was me honestly, delicious and worry-free
No. 637649
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Is it just me or do Jill & Shayna have almost identical faces? Especially in pic related, Shay smiles like that with her tongue near her teeth.
No. 637669
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>>637658Anon please….they're so cute
No. 637845
>>637819You can put some masking tape or sticky notes on the glass to stop them doing that until they get used to it.
Pretty soon they will check to be sure even when it's open
No. 637847
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I was too lazy to get up to get water to dilute my acrylic paint so I just spit in it, my dad is very disappointed
No. 637856
>>637848"It wouldn't happen to me", I've had the weirdest day and this just put me over the EDGE.
>>637854 Exactly, she publically acts very woke but when we actually talk she pulls this shit. It may seem random but there's a lot of talk about abortion rights here and she just seems so annoyed
No. 637868
>>637856Sounds like she's leaning against it but doesn't wanna lose her "woke" points, so she just tries to make the issue irrelevant to her so she doesn't have to risk taking a stance.
Except that still makes her look like she's got a room temp IQ.
No. 637956
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My husband got office supplies for his new job in a comically large box
No. 637972
>>637959When it comes to too many hook ups, not many of them really do it's true. But i think that guy might believe it's fine for his friends but daughters are different because he wants to protect them from danger like diseases, pregnancy and shit men, not because they would be worse people if they're not virgins?
I think nowadays having sex with boyfriends or one or two hook ups is normal and not so scandalous as it used to be, and that's good. I hope things keep evolving.
No. 638001
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I was going through my camera roll when I found this pic of an gross old scrote watching young latinas on tiktok in the waiting room at a car dealership. This is the reason I deleted my social media. I would bet any money that girl would be absolutely disgusted to find this balding, liver spotted old fuck getting a semi in public while watching her content. There were no open seats so I was forced to sit here but thankfully one opened up before he noticed me and started to project his shit onto me. Why are grown men allowed to make accounts online? They should just stick to beer drinking and watching the game(sperg)
No. 638003
>>638002Also I feel like a man simply watching a video that has a young woman in it isn’t
problematic especially on tiktok where it’s just random videos on the fyp that you don’t control. If they were like teenagers or doing some suggestive dance or something maybe but if it’s just a video of them talking I don’t get why anyone would care.
No. 638009
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I just wrote a code I'm very proud of and I'm just so happy and proud of myself for coming up with it,, moments like this make all the hours of coding and frustration worth it, I'm just so happy and I have no one to share this with. I feel great.
No. 638060
>>638001EeewwW I feel offended that fugly old moids are allowed to look at young girls on a screen
>>638050True, put them out to pasture as soon as you’re done, beautiful boys have life span of a house fly
No. 638069
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>>638066Yes. That's about the age they start their metamorphosis into jaded old perverts.
Himbo androids who say nothing but "yes ma'am" when???
No. 638079
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>>638069> Himbo androids who say nothing but "yes ma'am" when???Yes please, life would be so much better.
No. 638081
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My friend showed me this Vtuber she watches and I couldn't stomach more than 5seconds of her voice. I mentioned that the model was cute but her voice is way too played up for my liking and she was like "that's her real voice, she said so in a previous stream". I don't even know what to say because it's very clearly not her real voice and 99% of Vtubers play it up as part of their character anyway.
Sometimes I wish I was that naïve to the ways of the internet so I could stop being bitter about clearly fake people an just enjoy things like she does kek.
No. 638088
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>>638072>Being a terf in SECRETCan't relate.
No. 638126
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what a hideous design
No. 638158
>>638149It’s so eerily tumblr-esque, I can’t believe how often it’s actually bumped.
Some anons are very talented though, I must say.
No. 638245
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I want kare-kare so bad, but there are no Filipino restaurants around me, I don’t live close enough to my mama to ask for her to make it for a Sunday dinner, and I’m worried that I’m too dumb to get it right if I tried to make it myself.
No. 638276
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>longtime friend I've known since we were 11 is venting to me about his recent breakup
>"omg I get so panicky every time she texts me uwu"
>SHE is the one who dumped HIM and she is now requesting in blunt impersonal text messages that he pay her back for all the money she spent on him
>mfw he's actually doing it
>mfw I have to be supportive of him and pretend that I don't think she's fucking based
No. 638287
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>>638245Wasn’t familiar with the dish so i looked it up, it looks sooooo good. I guess these dishes make one feel even more content when made by ur mom though, its why i never cook viet food for myself lol
No. 638290
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My English is getting worse and worse after spending so much time on lolcow. I hope I don't fuck it up irreparably because of this.
No. 638332
I'm back in my hometown after moving out for several years and damn do I not remember it being this shit
The biggest issue it's that everyone are narcissistic as fuck, it's a fairly poor town that's technically a suburb but people here have no issue displaying how shit they are of a person, when I visit my friends their families often have no issue fighting over literally nothing in front of guests but acting like high table manners is the indicator for class, it's practically considered normal for grown ass men in their 20s to date high schoolers that they end up destroying the lives of because most of these girls already have poor self esteem and no life goals therefore are being dragged even more. Ugly fat men who work mediocre jobs think they're hot shit and bash attractive women, everyone here thinks obesity is the pinnacle of attractiveness while also claiming to be health experts when discussing COVID and vaccines, everyone here are compulsive liars and average ass people who went to community college and make below the average income claim that the military or secret service has contacted them and begged them for their intelligence, or that they're in connection with satan, or whatever the fuck else that makes their boring and miserable life seem so speshal, everyone here thinks any sort of communication with people means they're flirting and that everyone is trying to get in their pants, everyone here are raging cheaters they don't even cheat decently, men will have the perfect girlfriends and still cheat with 3/10 women with personalities of cardboard.
What is it about the shitty ass town that turned basic ass people into raging narcs? At least people who live in some places like LA or New York have some sort of bragging rights, these people have sub par lives and put below average effort into everything they do and expect the world to be sucking their ass for it and when they don't get it they just cater their own reality to what they want.
No. 638356
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>be almost 22 years old
>open the door after someone knocks
>it’s a security company
“Hi, are your parents home?”
No. 638364
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Am I the only one who cringes when I see these things? Maybe it's the same face syndrome that makes them so uncanny? Or maybe it's cuz the mouths are so big? Kek idk. The way they look bothers me somehow.
No. 638385
File: 1601037078534.png (1.23 MB, 798x1198, help.png) out TikTok for the first time in forever and first thing I found was this, haven't cringed this hard for a long time. Do we have a TikTok thread?
No. 638386
>>638385We don't because TikTok is also filled with СP and most of its users are underage.
However I remember some weird cows such as adult brother and sister having an account and promoting incest etc etc.
No. 638449
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Male sexuality is such a meme
No. 638490
>>638439 your therapist is an asshole, especially if they know about your food issues. I hope you can get a new one or at least tell this one that the comment was inappropriate.
You don't have to be skinny to be worthy anon, take care of yourself.
No. 638496
>>638459 avoid perfumes with rose, lavender, magnolia or "powder" in the description.
Personally I think Zara's perfumes are wearable and modern at a good price point.
OT we should have a thread for perfumefags No. 638507
>>638490Aw, thank you, anon. She does know. I don't know if that's why she mentioned it, to check in, or what, but it just never feels good. The session ended up being about my ED, and I tried explaining how
triggered I've been lately by my friends and how my cycles work, but I don't think we were clicking. I think I'm going to stop seeing her soon, she's nice, but she seems to think I'm too well adjusted and doesn't know how to help me, weirdly kek.
I am! I'm mindful and very,
very pro-recovery, the thoughts just linger and they're pesky. I appreciate your kindness, and I hope you're always extending that kindness to yourself as well in whatever ways you need ♥
No. 638538
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>>638530Anon, is it rude if i ask how u masturbate??
I worry that I messed up too, I’ve always just gotten off from my rubbing my clit and can only really cum from that and even then only if I’m laying down flat with legs straightened.
No. 638550
>>638538>>638537I do a kegel, hold it and rub the shit out of my clit. It's something I've been doing pretty much since I started masturbating, but I'm pretty sure I used to be able to get off with just a little rubbing. Idk if my clit just isn't very sensitive, but I can't cum any other way, I don't think even vibrations work for me. Also, there's basically no build up to the orgasm so that sucks.
>>638542I don't have the same issue, but maybe abstain from masturbating? That's what I'm doing right now, and I've seen other anons say it helped them get rid of degenerate kinks. Also, try reading erotic stories made by women authors. Those are usually more "sensual".
reposting cause of typos No. 638557
>>638454I think it comes down to the nature of conspiracy theories, in that conspiracies are reliant on narrative/optics than fact. Which isn't to say many conspiracy theories aren't abundantly true – superficially, but, I think the crux of the difference between people like the FSF who said that there was such thing as a universal backdoor well prior to Snowden and conspiracists that might say something to similar affect is that the former don't necessarily believe in what they say /intuitively/, don't tape their webcams up, don't talk about government surveilance at family gatherings; but, they concede to that viewpoint out of necessity because of the logic and ethics that causes someone to reach such a conclusion despite themselves.
Whereas, the whole qboomer audience's definition of truth begins and ends at rejecting whatever's espoused by the mainstream, and their view of free speech begins and ends at deplatforming. If John Oliver said water is wet in that condescending way he does, qboomers would say water is dry. It doesn't matter who's right. Truth doesn't matter as long as you're winning.
No. 638588
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>>638584Awww shit im so tempted to make a nutella mugcake right now
Also thank u fellow clit rubbing anons, i feel like less of a weirdo now.
I just wish i could so stop faking orgasms for guys, despite the fact that PiV does feel REALLY good, i just never get there. And moids just keep going unless ur screaming from the top of ur lungs that i came ugh
No. 638607
>>638248I'll try to facetime her and/or my sister about it soon! Whenever I ask her for a recipe, she's so non-specific…"a little of this…some of that…til it looks right…" like ma WHAT kek, but now this is how I teach people how to cook too, so I get it. When you're comfortable with a recipe, it comes natural, I'm just not there yet with this.
>>638287Exactly! I can make pretty simple Filipino food, and it's close but not the same, but this beast of a dish is probably a mom exclusive.
>>638349Harry Styles, anon.
No. 638625
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>>638611Anon please…be nice…
No. 638646
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No. 638685
>>638666yeeeees anon free vegas is always my default choice, so that's what I'm doing on my current game.
>>638670KEK that's hilarious, I'm gonna do that next time.
No. 638690
>>638582>>638584Thanks anons, it came out actually good! a bit uncooked din the misdle but v nice
I don't know how i fuck the normal ones up, they just come out bad even when following the steps.
No. 638722
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>>638716sending you strong and healing vibes sister
No. 638756
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I miss 2007 youtube shit like this
No. 638802
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>>638787Pic related shows different types of broken hymens. It's not a big deal if yours broke. It was probably already naturally a little worn down.
You should do more research about hymens. Theres so much mis-information out there and most of the stuff we hear about hymens is a fucking joke
No. 638809
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>>638805i know lmaoo I chose the wrong pic. Was gonna keep it up but I just decided to delete it lol
No. 638812
>>638802So a broken one really looks like that last one? it seems so exaggerated but idk, mine looks more like the first one but slightly bigger and uneven.
I don't really mind enough to do research, just got curious after seeing the foot pussy.
No. 638823
>>638802And i forgot but thanks for the answer anon
>>638809holy shit thanks for the laugh too lol
No. 638885
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>>638802Looking at this I’m reminded of how i dont remember tearing my hymnen at all. I was already improvising with objects before I had my first time kek
No. 638905
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>>638802This led me to a weird place anon
It's always bothered me that I couldn't find any medical photos of hymenal remnants that actually looked like mine, google only has weird drawings and close ups that seem to be upsettingly related to
CSA…but TIL there are dedicated subreddits full of high resolution photographs of hymenal remnants, tags and "pussy tongues" with comments like pic related. Rule 34 is absolute.
No. 638919
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I'm so so happy that I can buy this shit now that I'm a grown ass woman. It just dawned on me. Please let me sperg out on foil pencils
No. 638936
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I think they’re gods reward for me. Crazy to think that my own brain just be making me cum no hands in the astral plane. Again!
No. 638942
>>638936Same! I've had 3 in the past.. well, 3 days.
Today's was so good I actually woke up mad because we were going to have a second round but my body decided that one orgasm was enough.
Damn it.
No. 638960
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>>638936I know right! I’m annoyed I barely have dreams like those, so I still remember one I had in which my biggest crush was finally fucking me sideways, it was great, and I miss that.
No. 639012
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becomes a plate
No. 639046
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Oh yeah. The macho man gonna eat your ass, ohhh yeaahhh.
No. 639084
>>639078I don't want to say too much just in case they change their style and I lose the entertainment of being able to track their tard posts lol
I didn't check in for a couple days but I see they've been posting again in some /g threads in that time, If that helps
>>639080You saged so it's definitely not you
No. 639105
>>639100I‘m sure it‘s
No. 639128
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>Go onto pinterest
>'Somebody has saved one of your pins'
>click on the profile
>It's a profile dedicated to women n schoolgirl uniforms getting spanked and schoolboys being forced to crossdress
No. 639139
>>639060I'm sorry to you and all the other anons that are missing landmark summers. We really are all mass grieving like
>>639039 says
I had a breakthrough with my miserable shit in life before all this, I had a summer planned traveling and seeing friends but my country keeps going back into lockdown so I'm just alone in my room like nothing ever got better. I know that when we have freedom again it's going to be amazing and I'm lucky to even have my own room when many people are facing financial ruin, but it's natural to feel depressed. It's like when a kid breaks their leg and can't go to Disney world after waiting all year for it.
No. 639140
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Every time I go to the political side of twitter I get so confused. It is seriously hard to identify who is a fascist, who is a communist and who is an unironic racist. Idc about politics really just want to be protozoa
No. 639166
>>638802Thing is, the hymen doesn't get broken. It's a hole in the body that stretches as needed. If that were not the case, period blood wouldn't be able to escape the body. An imperforate hymen is a birth defect, not a common/natural state.
The whole "broke your hymen" shit always pisses me off because it comes from men jamming their dicks in and us bleeding because they didn't use enough lubricant or go slowly enough. We're not supposed to bleed the first time, they're just that careless.
No. 639193
>>639166My boyfriend was incredibly gentle and I still bled a little bit.
>>639186Second this anon.
No. 639209
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>>639199tru, we’re all gigastacys here
No. 639255
>>639249I didn't say there was a "correct shape", I stated that imperforate hymens are a birth defect. Google it for yourself and find out what happens to you if you're a woman with an imperforate hymen and don't get surgery for it, lmao, holy shit.
The hymen never leaves the body. It opens.
No. 639281
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im going to the cardiologist next week for a possible issue and im so fucking nervous. what if i have a heart disease or something. how will i live.
No. 639293
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I bought a dress yesterday because I thought it was cute and I never wear dresses, try it on today and I feel like I look like a man in a dress. The top half looks okay but the bottom makes my ass look super long and my calves are huge compared to my thighs. I have such a weird mixture of masculine and feminine features and my hair is short rn so I don't know how to wear more feminine clothing. I don't want to look like a transbien in public. Back to sweaters and jeans i guess.
No. 639307
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>>639294>she doesn't knowThis was already a thing, pre-Tumblr.
No. 639338
>>639255Do not Google that.
I googled it and saw a bunch of close upmedical photos of what I'm sure were underage patients. I need eye bleach and I'm waiting for the FBI to come pick me up now any minute fml
No. 639350
>>639347Because it's not.
>>639348Look up the definition of CP again.
No. 639376
>>639294Unbased, everyone knows that the true enemies to lovers in Spongebob is Squidward x Spongebob. Also shipping sponge bob characters has been around for a while now, I remember Deviant Art was filled with pictures of anime Spongebob getting railed by Squidward or Patrick.
>>639354Anon searching medical terms wont get you on a list especially since that deformity is more prevalent in children than it is in adults, most adult women already have had corrective surgeries preformed since they need the perforation in order to have a healthy mensural cycle. You're just being overly paranoid since it involves children.
Also you don't have to use google images, just pull up the wiki article or any medical journal like >>639355 said No. 639416
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>>639374When I hung out on /cgl/ I sometimes used my school's wifi and one day when I tried to post, it showed me as permabanned for cp from years ago, way before I even went on 4chan. Gave me the heebies that a pedo was in my college.
No. 639456
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i want to make shitty cringe vent art especially related to eradicating horrible men
No. 639514
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>>639511Yes I simply have never been in a community discord before
No. 639556
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>>639512Yes, with Pixy. She was the first lolcow I was ever exposed to. I always felt kinda bad for her tho, even more so with watching that recent video of her idiot parents. Was super proud of her for losing all that weight a couple years back.
No. 639577
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>>639576Look at these guys. They creeped me out when I first saw them. They apparently were able to fly as well
No. 639580
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>>639576DUDE imagine huge fucking bugs
No. 639583
>>639577>>639578I love these obscene beasts
also, people who like dinosaurs but get all pissed off about you bringing up dimetrodons or whatever are annoying and wrong
it's like acting like there's no reason to be interested in spiders because you like insects
doesn't make any sense, clearly we're all into this sort of thing here, I can stand to learn more, it's good
No. 639612
>>639604 is adorable.
No. 639625
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>>639621>>639618Semantics bullshit again. This discussion sucks cock. And small cocks at that. I'd rather discuss pic related
No. 639630
>>639593>>639618I don't wanna be a dick, but like
you maybe not feeling so good right now?
you're probably cute
No. 639645
>>639632I agree with the scenario you present (it's cringe when adults do weird ageplay shit), but adults can still be endearing and some can inspire a need to care for them. I find people who are shy and awkward cute because they make me want to stick up for them.
But also, some adults with neotenous features (like short and small people or people with large eyes) just set off that "cute" instinct we have since those traits are child-adjacent.
It's all subjective though ig so this post may be meaningless.
No. 639670
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Texted fwb/guy I'm seeing/fuck if I know that I wanted to cuddle, got left on read. Now my tarot cards are telling me that I'm deluding myself with how this is gonna work out.
No. 639704
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I can’t stop reading these write to a prisoner profiles, all these dudes treating it like a fucking dating profile while serving life in prison
No. 639705
Not trying to race bait but some minorities in my apartment complex had a giant party which involved tons of illegal drugs, fights, loud music, and so on, in a quiet neighborhood where most people work several jobs every day of the week. Mind you this is also a small town where people purposely move to get away from the loudness of the big city and everyone is tired and wants to sleep, they got evicted the following week and went on facebook to claim my landlord, who's a minority, kicked them out in the midst of COVID because they're black and claimed that they were risking getting COVID from having to be homeless even though they had no issue having 200+ people crammed into a tiny area passing around blunts and hennessy??
Seriously not trying to racebait but as a minority it pisses me off when people act out then try to blame everyone else but themselves. Very little times have I seen someone have shit be flung their way genuinely because of their race in America, most of the time it's because they did it to themselves
Schools didn't fail you for being black they failed you because you sat around, screaming and gossiping in class, got in fights, and refused to learn in class
you didn't get COVID for being black you got it because you went to parties with millions of people being crammed into a small space
You didn't get fired or not hired for being black you got it for acting out obnoxiously, getting into fights and refusing to follow the rules.
You didn't get evicted for being black you got it for having loud parties with a million and one drugs in a tiny paper thin complex filled with sleepy people who are tired from work
Anyone denying this or claiming "this is just their culture" is not only stereotyping blacks but also failing them and keeping them in a shitty cycle leaving them fucked for life
No. 639724
>>639723It’s a cycle of gentrification, being born into poverty, treated like a criminal/stereotype from a small age, and compounded by things like in my previous post. There’s only so much black people can do for themselves without access to more resources. No one is justifying that kind of behavior, but you
are saying that because these black people were unruly, everything their entire race endures was brought upon themselves. Absolute retardation.
No. 639731
>>639728>You literally ignored the entire scenario of blacks being clearly unrulyI literally didn’t
> because these black people were unrulyWhether or not they ‘pulled the race card’ doesn’t matter when your actual point is “I rarely see racism, black people are oppressing themselves”
> suspended until a total of five or more fights and acting out in class wasnt disciplinedNot really sure how pointing your school out as ass is supposed to help your argument kek
And those are cute little basic ‘perks’ you listed there, but you clearly know jack shit about black race issues, or you would recognize that that’s practically nothing and you wouldn’t ask the dumb ass question “why isn’t this a problem for the other people labeled bad guys” — because black people faced this specific history of racism? Not race bait my ass
No. 639733
>>639728tell us, o wise one, how we can fix our community, seeing as how your race is perfect and without faults.
i will be taking your advice to the next black delegation meeting. thank u
No. 639744
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I feel like a dumbass as I went to a book bazaar before the pandemic and I saw some manga I read like 10 years ago and I didn't have all the magazines to know exactly what happened and for some fucking reason I passed over it and now I can't find it ANYWHERE as it isn't printed by the publisher anymore and no bookstores I looked into have it either.I've found it on ebay in german(the original language) but I'd rather have it in mine but it seems impossible.And since it wasn't a popular manga it's not like I can find scans online either.
I hate when I decide NOT to by something because I don't like clutter and then I regret it.It isn't even anything important or life changing but it hella bugs me
No. 639761
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>>639593Say it to their faces and break their hearts, I double dog dare you pizdets
No. 639763
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>>639756Go crazy aaaa go stupid aaaa
No. 639853
>>639848>>639848The first sentence is literally "Thing is, the hymen doesn't get broken". Are you okay? Do you have brain damage?
Read the whole conversation again if you still don't understand, I'm sorry about your illiteracy but I can't hold your hand through it.
No. 639866
>>639739Certain aspects about the system are certainly evil, but from my experience (really emphasize this because I know you anons enjoy strawmanning), most of black people's instances of racism are just them paying consequences for shitty actions and then they never stop getting defended by people like yourself who insist that trying to call out this problem is denying racism or saying all blacks are like this
Is there racism? Most definitely, however acting out then getting paid consequences is not that
No. 639878
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>>639822it's called jibun-jishin and it was published in like 2006 originally.It don't even really remember what's up in it since I missed a key-part magazine back in the day and I only have the two last magazines with the story.The story wasn't anything crazy(I think it had to do with bullying) but I loved how clean and pretty the art was and the artist has only gotten better since then(not drawing weeb stuff anymore tho)
No. 639881
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>>639871>says to do research>unironically gets pissed off when people explain how hymens actually workI'm not samefagging, but it certainly looks like you are right now.
Keep pointing to imperforate and microperforate examples as if they're normal and don't require surgery for the other complications that come with them. I swear some of you think this is what a hymen is.
>>639872>hole in body that's literally made to stretch gets stretched (as it does)>"It's broken!">"Actually, it just opened. This is a normal function of the body">"Wow you're being so literal"ok
>It's a hole that gets stretched open wider, either from sex or other causes, end of. The horseback riding example literally boosts my point.
No. 639882
>>639879Read what I said and find out where I stated "easily" at any point. The fact is that a hymen is an opening inside the body.
Bleeding from it being stretched is less common than
not bleeding. Mild genital trauma/bleeding from penetration or physical actions that might affect it is not as normal as people pretend. It's that simple.
No. 639883
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my boyfriend said i wasn't like other girls ……. and ……. i liked it? i swear i'm not a pick-me and hate myself for taking it as compliment but i guess it is what it is
No. 639886
>>639884I didn't say they don't rip, all I've said is that they don't "break" and that bleeding isn't a prerequisite or even the average experience.
I just don't understand how you read "Hymens don't break" and managed to substitute it with "Hymens never bleed or tear" in your mind. That's not even coomer-tier, it's like you're outright seeing things.
No. 639889
>>639886What do you think breaking means? You are set on it meaning breaking off, which yes, by the way, it
can and often does just break off and disappear. It's just a membrane, not an active part of the vagina.
No. 639893
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Watching this hymen conversation like
No. 639895
>>639889You cannot "lose" your hymen unless you're causing other sorts of trauma to the body itself, it's not some kind of shield on the vagina that gets destroyed when you have sex.
Is this the power of American sex ed?
No. 639899
>>639892You just vindicated my entire point. "It just goes off to the side". "Sloughs off" does not mean it melts and disintegrates like slime, sorry to break your headcanon.
By the way>Contrary to popular belief, the hymen is not a flat piece of tissue covering the vagina, which is punctured during intercourse. If it were, girls would not be able to menstruate before they lose their virginity because there would be no outlet for menstrual blood.In case you're still confused.
No. 639903
>>639900Same author/article, literally killing the "broken hymen" myth you're so obsessed with.
You don't read, and this is your problem. You must be autistic like anon's boyfriend.
No. 639904
>>639896Well in that case, you kind of fit together perfectly.
Whenever someone uses the phrase "you're not like - ", it doesn't necessarily mean that they hate that group, but that they dislike people of a certain gender, race or whatever to think that using that phrase is a compliment.
So it just means that he hates women, and you hate men. If none of you have problem with that in your relationship, it's no cause for concern.
No. 639905
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Hymen anon out here like
No. 639906
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Pic related, how farmers think first-time sex works
No. 639911
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Out of all days, they had to release this skin line when worlds 2020 came. This makes me so frustrated because it's such a hard skin to get, and since they put these skins back into the shop im just so mad that i cannot get an iG skin for my feather boy rakan since my cash is low.
I guess i'll just have to wait for next year for this skin line maybe to be put back into the shop, oh how im frustrated.
I already own two skins that are still obtainable, but these skins? fucking hard, unless you buy a big amounts of loot chests and pray to god you get atleast one skin that is not buyable today. I fucking hate riot.
anyway thanks for listening to my dumb sperging about a game, because im that petty.
No. 639925
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This ad keeps coming up on YT videos that I watch in incognito mode and it's horrible
No. 639937
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No. 639940
>>639925I keep getting this ad where the condescending bitch in it thinks that anyone awake watching youtube past midnight must be having an existential crisis. It's some sort of 'lets help you find god' type shit.
"what is playing on your mind and keeping you awake so late?" Bitch it's the weekend and I'm in my thirties. I'm allowed to stay up late on the internet.
No. 639976
>>639889>it can and often does just break off and disappear.Do you really think vagina parts just…fall out? Like bread crumbs? Straight into the void?
This better be bait
No. 640042
>>639925I used to have ad personalization turned off, and there was an ad that
triggered my trypophobia. I have it back on now.
No. 640055
>>640042Diff anon. I think I have mine switched off. I get nothing but online gambling ads? I mean every last ad is for online gambling
Seems shitty that they allow gambling ads tbh. I know someone who is in serious shit right now because of those sites so I hate to think of people getting sucked in
No. 640067
>>640060You know that you might get called into a court case some day over that?
If they abuse a real kid and their devices are seized they'll go through all that.
No. 640078
>>639974I only just realized that the cliche of guys grabbing for lotion jack off is because of all guys being circumcised in the US.
It really is a big turn-off
No. 640103
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Seeing Bettie Pages body has made me feel so much better about my own. Her body type is almost exactly like mine, and even when I lose weight, I never looked like I wanted to. I never had a flat tummy and my ribs always stuck out and made me look..wide? Or just bigger under my chest instead of "smol" like I wanted to look kek. Her body was beautiful, she was beautiful, and her beauty was appreciated by so many people. So I don't need to feel gross and disgusting about my stomach sticking out a little, or my ribs sticking out a little, or not having a perfect enormous ass. My body is nice even with its quirks. It makes me me. And I like it.
It feels good to be able to look at myself in acceptance rather than disgust. Still have issues with my facial appearance but my body is…perfectly fine as it is.
No. 640104
>>640081I thought they would have problems with smell, but that's evidently not the case or maybe I got lucky? Granted I've slept with a whole 1 man with an uncut dick. They look nearly the same when erect anyway, the foreskin makes giving oral more fun and jerking them off easier, plus the head looks smoother.
Genitals and sex related stuff in general can get really disgusting if you're thinking about it too hard in the wrong context, or at least for me.
No. 640151
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The Danny Choo thread reignited my interest in bjds and now I want one to use as a very expensive mannequin and make clothes for it that I can't make for myself due to cost and/or storage issues. Except I fucking hate the bjd community and think owning a bjd is weird/creepy. Doesn't make any sense to me either.
No. 640163
>>640151>and think owning a bjd is weird/creepyHow? It's weird only in that it's uncommon, and only creepy because humans have this stupid reaction to "uncanny valley" shit.
Dolls are based.
No. 640165
>>640151Don't be part of any community, don't be weird/creepy with your doll.
Use it as a mannequin, as you intended. It's fine.
No. 640170
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I sorta want a marriage like Gile and Mary's when I'm old
No. 640197
>>640151bad news, chief, your one of those people who's hobby is frowned upon
bjd, lolita fashion, 4chan-adjacent "feminine" shit is strongly frowned upon by others, especially here
watch how disgusted the replies get, honestly, that's gonna be the reaction you get universally
tbh, just don't shit where you eat
like, get separate social media accounts if you aren't going to outright hide it
happy trails, I too am living my truth under a huge lie
No. 640205
>>640174kinda unrelated but
Old people fuck
No. 640208
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>>640163Idk I guess I strongly associate bjds with those weird-ass people who treat their bjds like their children and am afraid of being perceived as a crazy doll person too. I used to be online friends with this one girl (we met through an online fine arts community) who fell down the bjd rabbit hole and became one of those loony bjd owners who treated her dolls like actual people and shipped them and shit instead of just seeing them as dolls.
>>640197>implying anyone here knows my social mediakek
No. 640211
>>640208I didn't mean for us, retard, I meant don't let your family and friends see, it's embarrassing to them too
Never mind, go fucking be a creep, shit
No. 640252
>>640211Isn't having a separate account for friends/family/coworkers normal nowadays? Pretty much everyone I know has a personal account and a separate hobby account, even if their hobby is super normie friendly like making those resin geode coasters or painting pet portraits.
>>640225There are bjd people like that too. Tbh I am curious about doll spergs who treat their dolls like they're alive, especially for people who own bjds and non-human looking dolls/toys (e.g. Baby Yoda). I understand some people who treat the newborn looking dolls as if they're real kids because it's used as a way to cope with the trauma of miscarrying or losing a baby, but people who roleplay with their bjds and Baby Yoda dolls are a mystery to me.
No. 640319
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>cute gay girl I have a crush on shares my art on her story
Losing my mind
I thought I'd already lost it when she followed me back, but NOW…
Not that I have a chance anyway and she does live across the world, but it feels good.
No. 640340
>>640197Why do you type in a haiku format
>>640227nah they break apart easily
No. 640442
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So, sometime ago I was recomended a couple of videos from Dumbsville, just reviewing the Alpha and Omega movies, I remember watching these movies when I was younger, but looking at them today there´s something off on the way the pups look, I don´t know what it is, I´m usually really into cute baby animals but something about these models and the posters just look strange to me, and was making the second review slightly uncomfortable to watch.
I don´t know what it is.
No. 640452
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Would you be willing to be friends with someone if you found out she couldn't drive and lives with her parents-
if she also always acts happy, always offers money/food/etc, and always wants to help and never wants anything from anyone?
Can I just pretend to be human? I want friends, but I know I'm trash
I don't want to bother anyone, I just can't stand the ringing aloneness anymore, I want to be in the backgrounds of peoples pictures and sit on the couch at parties watching the tv without watching it
No. 640477
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>>640462god, thank you
you want a stick of Juicy Froot or anything?
No. 640510
>>640498I'm single/havent fucked in over 2 years
My ex made me come less than a handful of times in 3 years, all those times were in the first few weeks and then it just stopped once I lost my own place and had to move in with him. It's like how men meme that after you marry women they stop fucking you…once I moved in sex kept happening but orgasms…nah none for me
I should've just found a new place, moved out and dumped him way earlier. Thanks for the cheap rent I guess
No. 640526
>>640518Is it as disgusting as it sounds?
Just thinking about it makes me feel like Mushu when he squeezes a whole tube of toothpaste into his mouth after biting a butt
No. 640541
>>640534Thanks for the clarification. I’m the spearmint anon and cannot fathom wanting to try something so un-minty and so un-fresh.
Might be wrong but can’t help but think there was some sort of coercion/gaslighting involved.
I am truly sorry for your lots