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No. 60529
Old thread reached limit.
Old thread:
>>51838 No. 60532
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No. 60535
>>60533Tipping posts, not tipping points.
What's with SJW and Islam? Don't they know Islam is more "redpilled" and more misogynistic than Christianity is?
No. 60536
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No. 60580
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>>60532being mixed, not Christian, and lower-middle class are apparently disadvantages now.
also why do so many tumblr users overshare that they're csa or rape survivors? no one needs to know that shit and we all know you're just putting them there to get some sympathy.
No. 60589
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Did I miss something during my various runs of Undertale? because I don't remember it being stated anywhere that Mettaton is trans…
No. 60614
>>60592Aly could literally give him a metal cock tho.
He's be a living sex machine…Charlotte might try to buy him tho.
rundown of the Mett trans theory is:
Ghost are genderless
Metta's ghost was in a pink room before being placed in Mettaton's body.
Mettaton uses male pronouns.
That logic is flowed because a lot of guys like pink. If Mettaton's gender is based on colors shouldn't he like blue since derp derp blue is for boys pink is for girls.
the theory is reaching and easily to debunk if you want to piss off tumblr users.
No. 60633
>>60614….Pink is also a color that has zero to do with gender and sexuality.
I hate people who make a big deal about pink. it's the only color that people want to go 'B-BUT IT'S PINK. PINK IS FOR GURLS'
No. 60636
>>60632>homophobicwho cares
>sexistsomewhat. Muhammad seemed to have a grudge against women and was a man-hoe.
>basically holds us back as a human racehumans hold back humans
No. 60652
>>60632>basically holds us back as a human race.That is something all organised and semi-organised religions do. It's not specific to Islam.
Soz to any bible bashers here.
No. 60656
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No. 60658
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No. 60659
>>60652Yeah, because Atheist leaders or leaders who didn't believe in God didn't use their ideologies to hurt masses of people right?
No. 60660
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>>60614Ugh I agree with you so much. The tumblr undertale fanbase is absolute cancer.
To me honestly mettaton reminds me of a glamorous flamboyant 80s rockstar. Not some ftm fucktard with ginormous hips.
>I'm fucking autistic about this, just because they say he has nice legs DOESN"T MEAN THEY ARE THE SIZE OF TREE TRUNKS>WRRRRRRRRREEE No. 60667
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It's 2016 and the "chihiro is trans uwu" bullshit is STILL going on. Someone please kill me.
No. 60684
>>60672>>60633Obvious fact but, did you know that in the early 20th century (and even before that) pink was considered to be a masculine color, and blue was reserved for girls because it was considered more feminine?
the more you know
No. 60688
>>60687I never mention my mental illness on my tumblr. I guess when you self diagnose you don't need to go through he embarrassing therapy or have to take meds so there's no shame. You just have to tell people not to
trigger you. It makes me so mad.
No. 60692
>>60687I've always been suspicious about these types of people. I believe the majority of them are lying to fit in and be edgelords for sympathy. Otherwise, there's no reason to say that type of personal stuff right off the bat to someone when they're just looking at your page. It's gross how tumblr doesn't have shame and that this is the norm. Imagine someone just walking up to you irl and saying, "I'm a bipolar demisexual but I also have PTSD". That's essentially what this is.
This is saddening because tumblr is giving people who actually have mental illness, a bad reputation.
I bet that overtime, it probably does impact their thinking and their brain makes them believe that they do have such an illness or at least symptoms of it. It could be a cycle of delusion.
That probably sounds retarded but it's just a thought.
No. 60699
>>60692as someone who spent a lot of time with people like this and
cringes forever actually was like this for a time i can confirm its mostly faked for attention and to conform. its super shitty because it devalues people who actually have these conditions, but its ~so edgy~ to be a minority nowadays so you win the privelege olympics
No. 60731
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>>60535This is something I don't get either. In most islamic countries being a homosexual is a punishable offense, in many of them it gets you whipped, jailed or even executed. The people who cry about rape culture defend veiling because it's a "cultural feat" even though in some countries walking without a veil gets you jailed, punished, raped or killed. Capital punishment is prevalent and very brutal, usually the executions are carried out in public. In sub-saharan Africa, girls are circumcised which causes them infections and extreme pain. Rape and sexual harassment is very, very common in islamic countries and women's rights are nonexistent. The muslims are leading the terrorist statistics. The list goes on. Yet they still defend them with all their might. I just don't understand. They try to justify everything with "b-but christians did it too!" like something done 500 years ago could serve as an excuse for others to act barbaric. I guess they'd defend the neo-nazis too if they fought about the evil patriarchy and hated whiteys.
No. 60733
>>60731Because SJW Tumblr community is nothing but teens going through their rebel phase in dumbest way possible.
It's all about being contrarian.
>It's actually our society that is oppressive, not theirs!>lalala i can't hear you!! No. 60745
>>60739Which is stupid as sjw offend other people.
They expect lesbians and gays to want to sleep with trannies.
If you're straight then you should be a pansexual.
If your black then you must hate white people or else you hate yourself.
Fat women is the epitome of female perfection and if you aren't fat then you much have an ED.
Screw what this man did in life he's white so it doesn't matter what good he's done.
If your trans the you just have to say you are no need for dysphoria, therapy or hormones.
If something wrong with you no need to check with a professional when you can self-diagnose yourself.
death to radfems even ones that happen to be trans.
These people or toxic. I was lucky enough to be able to take online courses for most of my classes. I don't think I could handle dealing with these types of people outside the Internet.
No. 60757
>>60754Yeah, I agree. It is just people pay attention to the loudest idiots. And the Internet has a way of making a really small minority of people spouting their bs seem more common than it really is. Even if there are thousands of Tumblr shits like this, the odds of running into them in a world with billions of people is slim. Unless you live in some liberal shithole or something.
Most Tumblr shits are shutins, anyway.
No. 60758
>>60536>>as for my self dx's, i have autism, bpd, dpd, did, adhd, psychosis, hpd, and some othersCan this shit stop? Like, it's not 2010: the fact that they can't even name the other shit they apparently have due to self-diagnosis proves how full of shit they are without even having to read the other paragraphs. And the made up gender shit? Just fucking stop. I'm too old and too jaded to entertain this bollox.
People are being systematically tortured and murdered in the world due to religion and these idiots are agonizing over their made-up genders and pronouns.
No. 60760
lol, Lemonteaflower posting some bullshit excusing her behavior't SHE the one who abused her trans ex?
No. 60763
>>60744I'm not even north american, I'm from a random 3rd world shithole and believe me, this is leaking into real life. I have three friends who're ~genderfluid~ (great people if you disregard that, but still) and personally know many others.
Thing is, tumblr SJW didn't sprout ex nihilo, it's a more hardcore, put-into-practice, teenage drama version of actual academic theories and points of view (see: post-colonialism). It's the most disgusting symptom of a widespread problem.
No. 60766
>>60763"Genderfluidity" is the new emo/scene. Many people who say they are this are just trying to be trendy and get attention.
Most of them will outgrow it, just like most teens that wore side swept bangs and swore it wasn't a phase stopped doing so.
No. 60772
>>60763I'm not from the US or any English speaking country either and this bullshit exists in real life and in actual newspapers etc. It's getting more and more common in Europe at least.
>>60766Emo/Scene people were 14-17. Most of the genderfluid snowflakes and extreme SJWs I know are over 20. That's why it's so fucked up.
No. 60779
>>60772I am not denying it is fucked up, but I think it is a mistake to believe that being the age of an adult means you are wise to bullshit. Probably even less so, with this whole "extended adolescence" thing going on. 20-something year olds are the biggest babies than ever before. And it isn't uncommon for 20 year olds to go through phases. Even more so, as people are still "finding themselves."
idk. I like to observe people (I am guessing most people on lolcow also do with the nature of most threads here), and this kind of shit fascinates me. I kind of want to wait it out and keep watching this "genderfluidity" shit from a safe distance, and see if it stands the test of times like other trendy shit. At worse that would happen, a couple of idiots would do something drastic. Like mistaking trend-following and youthful insecurity for gender dysphoria, getting reassignment surgery, then later regretting it. But I would get a good laugh at those who swore up and down that it wasn't a phase.
No. 60781
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As always her personal blog is better and more enlightening of her lies.
>im totally better now u guys!My ass…
>>60760 No. 60784
>>60779While I agree with you 100%, I still think it'll be somewhat cruel to laugh at these assholes once they wise up (IF they do, though I think they will). A lot of them were seized by the trend before they had a fighting chance to see it's bullshit, and the more SJW are just misguided and genuinely think they're 'fighting' for good things.
Tumblr is a little dangerous in that respect, the internet in general is as well, it stopped segregating people according to age so you see a "chihiro is trans!" or "not having sex with me when I want to is rape too!" and you don't know whether it's serious talk from actual, serious bloggers or just a silly opinion from a 13 yo trying out new things and developing critical thought. They're indiscernible. In order to solve this people could either 'naturally' segregate (as in, separate with clear labels) young people's spaces from actual, serious stuff, and not let younger and more naïve posters be taken seriously… OR, we could need more and more real-life confirmation and fake profile baning à la facebook (which is what I think will happen because people are stupid assholes).
But I digress. I'm being deterministic here, but I do think a lot of people can't help this, because following trends is part of human nature (wanting to be accepted by the group and all) and the actual stronger people setting these thought/personality trends are the real assholes. We're partly to blame too, as we're doing nothing about it - but, really, what is there to do against a group who thinks their ideology is THE right, moral, correct one and anything opposing it, no matter how reasonable, is evil? Ah, I hate them so much.
No. 60786
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Tattooed a uterus on his belly. Only transphobic when biological women talk about their uterus.
>tfw no right to say anything 'cause too privileged
No. 60788
>>60786Fucking disgrace of nature…
You can swear this fag masturbates to the idea of being a ~womyn~. Gross.
No. 60806
>>60801I guarantee you that Christians and White people in Western Europe are incredibly good at hiding that they're racist and homophobic just because it's perceived as bad things by society in general but in private they don't give a shit, and I'm speak from experience.
And what those this picture means anyway? What do they mean by native Christians? White people who celebrate Christmas or Christians who practice their religion not just because of habits but because they really believe in it? I've seen Christians used as an euphemism for "White people" a lot. Same question with "muslim immigrants", what does that mean precisely? Muslims who came from another country themselves or people who are the descendants of those who came from another country? They often have a different experiences, habits and mentality overall. And not every Muslim actually practices their religion in Western Europe, many of them say they're Muslim because of family pressure or similar reasons, and the only thing they do is avoid eating pork. I'm saying this from personal experience too, as well as many people I know.
Were does this chart comes from anyway, what's the source? And are you European? It might also depends on countries themselves too.
No. 60812
>>60806I'm European and I see muslim trash immigrants every day being just as barbaric as you'd stereotypically think. In the US the only muslims are rich immigrants who come to work, not war-hungry refugees looking for an easy life like we have in Europe. Most of Europe is atheist or non-practicing Christians. We are getting cucked by these bastards so hard and then I see tumblrinas defending Islam because their rich neighbor from Lebanon or a non-practicing muslim co-worker from Albania is so nice. The non-fundamentalist and non-praciticing muslims are a minority.
The study is conducted by a professor from the Berlin Social Science Center who surveyed 9000 people from 5 different countries, and the people answering were mostly Moroccan and Turkish who are supposed to be very secular compared to other muslims. Yet they gave answers like these.
Source: No. 60817
>>60812If you think Morocco is supposed to be very secular compared to the other countries you're think of, of course you're going to find "disappointing" results. And I never knew Morocco had such a reputation, because whenever I visit my family who lives there, it really doesn't feel secular at all.
And once again, what do you call an "immigrant", an actual immigrant or someone who is born and raised in a country where their parents or grand-parents immigrated? Because it's very different and people tend not to make a difference.
>The non-fundamentalist and non-praciticing muslims are a minority.And it's one of these differences for example. They're a minority for immigrants but for "muslims" who have lived for a long time in the West or were born and raised there it's definitely not a minority.
It's nice you posted a link, I got to read a little bit and "54 percent of Muslims in these six Western European countries believe that the West is out to destroy Muslim culture" seems vague as fuck, what do they mean by Muslim culture? Written like that it make it seems as if they're not talking about the religion itself or even its believers but maybe also about the Muslim countries themselves or something else. Really, this article isn't precise enough for me. Meh, I'm too lazy to look for other more detailed articles and studies right now.
Also, I don't understand why you're talking about the US because you and I both know it's a bad example, since Americans don't know much about the outside world.
No. 60833
>>60536This is the kind of person with a Japanese and Latina great-grandmother they never got to know but they're
totally mixed and not white at all!!!!
>>60824Because they think it looks cute.
No. 60840
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Is anyone seeing this shit?
No. 60842
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>>60838Too late I'm posting her. Her name is cropped out to protect my identity
No. 60843
>>60840>trans represantationis more importat than canonWhy don't they just fucking take canonically trnas people? for their represantation!? There's plenty to choose from. Maybe not plenty, but animu has quite a few characters with questionable genders, confirmed trans and similar. Why don't they just fucking take these characters to blast about trans rights?!
Oh right, cause it's not their ~fave~. So disgusting and entitled.
>>60841>No it's not. That basically saying I don't care what the creator says, what I want is more important. Sounds a lot like privilege and entitlement.Indeed. But on tumblr, no one is more important than yourself.
No. 60870
>>60840What is ironically hilarious about Tumblrites insisting that a canon boy in girl's clothing character is trans is that they are basically saying trannies are just men in women's clothing.
Also, what happened to gender being a "social construct" and that "clothes have no identity?" I thought Tumblr was all about that. Guess not with how they rigidly reinforce what someone can or cannot wear, or else they are trans.
No. 60886
What a punchable face.
Of course it had to be undertale.
No. 60922
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>>60841>You know I was way more tolerant of trans people pre-tumblr.I'm sorry that Tumblr ruined your perception of trans people, anon. I hope that you'll at least take real trans people who experience dysphoria and are on HRT semi-seriously.
>>60870Kek this
>>60876>Sailor Uranuspic not related but wtf is it with Tumblrinas and overusing the word "toxic"?
Ugh you're so toxic, this site is so toxic, this society is so toxic, my parents are so toxic for not spoiling me to death, everyone is toxic except for me!
No. 60935
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>>60932Like you should be into MtFs?
No. 60949
>>60886She said nothing about undertake
I have no idea why UD stands for
No. 60964
>>60697The fact that there are non-religious ideologies that hold back the human race (of course, if idiotic consumerists and higher technology to make more people lazier and hedonistic is "progress" in your retarded mind) prove that what you said was false.
Btw, even if that wasnt you who cares. You lot are similar enough to be the same person anyway
No. 60970
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>got her old blog deleted due to CP distribution
>repeatedly asks about herself in Himeka's thread
>thought to be a catfish initially but she made proof, guize.
>got buttmad earlier because anons in aforementioned thread said she was "meaty"/"average" in her proof
>posted up video to prove da h8rz wrong
>took a trip to refill her NaCl apparently because she was there not too long ago
Don't know where else to post her. Don't want to give her the satisfaction of getting her own thread and I don't want to further derail the other thread.
No. 60974
>>60970Wow so pink, so barbie, so glad
I feel bad for her and himeka that they have to dedicate themselves to copying someone else.
No. 61029
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>>60840>>60841I once had a discussion with someone on tumblr about another (not Dangan Ronpa) character who is ~*an oppressed transgirl*~ in the minds of the SJWs, and told them the creator of the series always refered and refers to that character with only male pronouns.
The person told me the creator herself must be transphobic, even if she doesn't know it - she made a trans character and tries to erase the character's true identity, after all!
No. 61111
>>61080you're an idiot.
people lie about distant relatives being non-white to try to seem unique and cool. it is terrible for people who are 'white passing' and multiple races. i have to carry around a picture of my japanese grandmother with me just incase someone asks about my family so i can avoid looking like these idiots.
also holy shit these people piss me off. not to try to be a special snowflake or something but as someone who's an actual child rape survivor i want to punch people who lie about it. especially if they parade it around. i only have told 4 or so people in my life because it's personal and not everyone needs to know about it. plus they act like that shit defines them which is disgusting.
No. 61118
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My dash has a lot of gems.
No. 61121
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>>61119are you jelly or something? weebs ruin everything so people are pretty judgemental without proof. i do enjoy how some weebs seem sad that she's not from tokyo or osaka or 'kansai'(i know) but it's not my fault i have a war bride granny.
No. 61124
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"Thymsexual"… Why do people feel the need use this term to denote their sexuality as if it needs to be said, when almost everyone alive experiences fluctuations in their level of sexual feelings?
No. 61132
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>>61118>it's like Santa telling the Easter bunny he's not realSpot on
No. 61160
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>>61124Because saying you are normal person with normal sexual desires is not "special" enough for blog profiles. Flakes gonna flake.
>>61139You sound underaged. Nobody cares about your Nipponese grandma.
No. 61187
>>61180Because she wanted recognition for being "totally skinny!!!" and "85pounds at 5'2!!!"
She's trying for the underage thing that some tumbtards are doing.
No. 61208
>>60970>>61194>>61200>>61201Same whiteknight? Or is it winterrose herself?
She's not "small as hell". She's average.
>>61195>Not stick, not small, but healthy & plumpThis. It's hilarious because literally
no one called her fat, but she's all "NO, I'M SKINNY, 85LBS!"
No. 61212
>>61200I'm not getting them mixed up. Bratcandy posted her school ID on her last blog & she was born in 97 & got deleted bc she posted gross explicit shit before she was legal (ew). Plus, her close friend outed her as being underage. It was a big deal and gross bc she was camming or some shit :/
Anyway. Maybe i'm getting winterrose mixed up with someone else, but even the anon under my post remembers seeing her post that? Maybe she's using her little sisters passport now to go along with her theme. No need to get so defensive? She's just a nobody on tumblr. wtf. Chill.
No. 61214
>>61209Because she
is average. Why are you so defensive about how "skinny and small" she is? It's not like people are saying she's a hambeast.
No. 61224
>>61220>I haven't seen anyone here call her fat or anything, so idk why some of you are claiming that…I think there's only been one anon that's been screeching about how "skinny and small" she is tbh.
>>61221No one said there was anything wrong with being average.
No. 61225
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Sorry for unreadable font color
No. 61245
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>>61242>>61195>Winterrose is 23>>61195>Winterrose is almost 24Also, no one said she wasn't 5'2"?
No. 61269
>>61260>do ur bfs jack off to her?No one knows you though, girly. You get like 0 notes on your shit.
>>61266>that hot>implying she's hotShe's average, like anons said.
No. 61280
>>61272I'm not just on this board, hun. It obviously rustles your jimmies though to not be called "small and skinny" since you're still at it.
>>61278I've been to your blog before you got it deleted. You had no likes then either.
No. 61286
>>61282Pointing out the truth is not lying. You can't just say people are lying because you don't like it.
No. 61295
>>61288>Proof>Deleted blogSorry, no one bothered to archive your blog then. You're irrelevant, hence why you don't even get your own thread.
>ur a ugly ho and a liar thats mad ur bf left you for a skinny girl like winterroseMy boyfriend's sitting next to me laughing at you.
No. 61322
>>61309Confirmed for winterrose. Hey, Meaty-chan! It's okay to be your size and not "small and skinny"!
Boyfriend thinks you're embarrassing and is most definitely laughing at you by the way. He also would like to remark that he doesn't fuck trash.
No. 61355
>>60840When a trans character is not being played by a trans actor tumblr goes nuclear though. But in cartoons and games it's ok? This makes no sense if the character is not canonicaly trans. Because then the representation they are insisting upon does not actually exist and it's much the same as when a trans character in a live action movie/TV show is not played by a trans person.
Good thing they've probably never seen that old Tom Hanks sitcom Bosom Buddies. Oh dear lord.
No. 61356
>>61225What is with SJWs and trying to force lesbians to like dick? Don't they realise that corrective rape was once accepted as being ok by a lot of people? It probably still is in some places. That if only these poor misguided lesbians could find he right man or get rammed with enough dick they'd turn "normal"?
Why should two people be miserable with each other out of guilt because one of them is being told they are transphobic?
It's really pathetic that a group of people who go on and on about rape culture and patriarchy are so intent on forcing dicks into vaginas that don't want them because "muh transphobia".
No. 61359
>>61032>>61035I like Grell, and that's one of the characters I think being a transwoman could actually make sense. Unless Yana Toboso used the pronoun "kare" in Japanese to refer to him, she doesn't actually uses male pronouns because of how Japanese works, but then again I never read Black Butler in Japanese so I have no idea. In one of the guide books Grell calls himself a woman too, in some sort of "interview". But as long as the author herself won't say more I'm going to call him a man, I don't want to get the idea that he could be a transwoman and be disappointed later on. I'll leave it at that since he might reappear after the 20 volume and that's where I stopped reading because I follow the books' releases in my country.
>>61225Preferences aren't a bad things in the first place, and I fail to see how it's anybody's business. Looks like this person got rejected and wants to complain about it, but in a "social justice" way.
No. 61391
>>61271Go back to Tumblr, holy shit.
>>61351This tbh.
No. 61408
>>61271My preferences are mine.
>I'm black and all my boyfriends have been white. That's my preference.>My bother exclusively dates black girls. That's his preference.>My best friend is white and she only dates white guys. That's her preference.We're all entitled to have our preference and to stick to them. Does that make my bother or best friend fucked up? No. Think about this, why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you?
No. 61430
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>>61400Another anon already confirmed it, but now that you say it: where did she say he is an okama? I'm only reading the official French translation and not the scans, and maybe there are interviews and blog posts in which she gives information about the characters that I missed, all this talk makes me want to know more about it. To be honest, as I said earlier, Grell being a transwoman wouldn't bother me at all but knowing that tumblrinas try to defend this headcanon with shit arguments while not taking the original manga and anime into account makes me wonder if they actually care about the series in the first place.
By the way, isn't that funny that SJWs seem to care about a series like Black Butler which could easily count as
problematic and
triggering to them? They want Grell a shinigami and serial killer, to be a transwoman, even though in general they think only the "good guys" should be trans and depicting a "villain" or antagonist as LGBT is offensive.
No. 61434
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>>61298I just realized that Miss No-Notes was that bratz-angel. Had no notes then, have no notes now.
>>>/snow/57234>I don't have anything against trans people i just said she looked trans how is that mean to trans people>>>/snow/57274There's confident… and then there's delusional.
>I wish I could show everyone on here my selfies to totally destroy all of yours confidence with my model appearance>i'm very popular>5'2,80 lbs denise richards lookalike>>61349Du arg, lantis?
No. 61467
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>>61434She posted this on her blog um i think your failing and dying of jealousy anon…
No. 61469
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>>61437It's not exactly new if it's been sitting there for almost two months. Compare it to other tumblrs who remake.
Her old blog didn't get much traffic either. Here's one of her old posts that anons archived, and she had that blog for longer.
>>61438Holy shit, I see you're still on here. You wanted to be talked about so badly on lolcow you kept bringing yourself up. You're obviously mad because people don't give you asspats for being average.
>>61467Oh, you
really got me there. But hey, guess what? She didn't post shit. Good job on outing yourself though. Make sure you actually post it up on your dumblr before you post here next time.
Dropped wrong pic.
No. 61480
File: 1453412338462.png (74.12 KB, 1366x768, nope.png)

>>61473>doesn't seem to be so caring about notesThat's why it rustles your jimmies so much that you had to repeatedly samefag.
>doesn't seem to be an attention hoe telling everyone shes backExcept you are. You made damn sure people knew it in Himeka's thread by bringing yourself up even when people tried to talk about Bibi and Himeka. So you obviously were
dying to get people to talk about you on here.
I actually was outside, thank you very much. You seem to have been on this thread since before last night.
No. 61501
File: 1453417623198.png (82.46 KB, 446x663, Screenshot_2016-01-21-22-51-00…)

Remember kaalashnikov?
So… Which one of y'all farmers did this?
No. 61502
File: 1453417652657.png (45.83 KB, 431x462, god i hate cissies.png)

No. 61503
File: 1453417704073.png (13.94 KB, 408x115, edgy.png)

No. 61504
File: 1453417749994.png (35.86 KB, 422x324, ur stuped.png)

I love gender stereotypes.
No. 61509
>>61482>ugly shit>screencaps of your tumblr with your pictureslol, k.
>>61499Because tumblrs think that it's "empowerment".
No. 61511
>>61504tumblr is full of this
"men r so eveeel"
No. 61513
"how boring do men gotta be if all you ever create are scantily clad women in provocative poses over and over again like honestly, is that the extent of your imagination? You can only conceive masturbation fantasies? You honestly can’t imagine a scenario where you’d draw a woman who didn’t titillate your sex drives? Like, misogyny aside, it’s just so boring? You are so incredibly boring. Draw something else. Please. It’s so boring. There are thousands of drawings of dead-eyed “strong” ladies holding chainsaws in miniskirts. It’s boring. It’s really really really fucking boring. My brain just glazes over and I automatically am gonna skip over your shit because trust me, there’s millions of dudes just like you drawing that exact same picture right now and y’all think you’re hot shit and drawing something cool and edgy and you’re just not. You’re really not. Go find some women and queer artists to follow and see what the heck those folks are up to. Trust me, shit’s gonna blow your narrow little mind. The lack of busty action babes in crop tops and meatslab wifebeater sporting musclemans is so refreshing, and people are drawing and creating things that are like, yanno, actually interesting for a change. Astounding, I know.
There is absolutely nothing interesting about a portfolio that is filled with page after page of the same poses, the same body type, the same concept, the same degrading view of women, the same skin-tight catsuits and exaggerated contra-posta-while-looking-into-the-camera-smirking, the same lovingly rendered and weirdly shiny breasts, the same five haircuts, the same style and ideas of wardrobe, over and over and over again. You know what that shows? You’re boring. You got no ideas. All you can do is draw the same sexy lady in a scant handful of poses with an incredibly limited concept of fashion, or just naked because you think it makes your portfolio look serious and professional, but really you’ve just already drawn all 6 outfits you can think of and clothes are damn hard when you know nothing about them because doing research might damage your fragile sense of masculinity, huh buddy? It shows you don’t bother to try anything new or interesting. It shows you don’t research, you don’t look into fashion of any sort, you have an incredibly narrow grasp of interesting characterization, you don’t have any inspirations beyond what other men-who-draw-sexy-ladies have drawn before you. Go look at lesbian artists, please. I beg you. And not to masturbate to it. There’s so much to learn from looking at what women find attractive and interesting about women that you’ve probably never attempted to think about before. And I don’t just mean physically attractive or interesting! You realize that women are, uh, dynamic and varied people with complex lives, histories, emotions, preferences, and aesthetics, right?
Popular male artists love to go on and on about broadening your horizons and going outside your comfort bubble, but the notion of attempting to leave the comfort of their warped collective sex fantasy filled with idealized pinup girls is apparently too much to ask. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ya guys get so defensive when people point it out, too. It kinda stopped being cute forever ago, just FYI. We know you have a “type”, and I ain’t here to kinkshame, buddy, but come on, your stagnant imagination is depressing as fuck and it might do you some good to blow the dust off the old creative muscles and like, do something different for a change?
Men, you also gotta stop with the excuse of “I draw what I like! What’s wrong with drawing what makes me happy?” or “What have you got against confident women?” when all you ever draw is the same shit men just like you have been jacking off to for decades. It’s not about the women you draw, it’s about how you draw them and why, and why the fuck y’all are so damn boring. Predictable hacks, the lot of you. Come back when you got something other than blonde bombshells in form-fitting chain mail corsets riding dragons in the snow. Trust me, we’ve all seen a thousand of those. There’s nothing interesting you can do there because there’s nothing interesting you will ever attempt to do there. You are never gonna be the next Frazetta, get over yourself.
Y’all are boring as hell."
luv dumblr
No. 61524
>>61480>>61469Not to be off topic, but I just realized from
those pics that this girl is the one who stalked whatshername (cant remember the url). Wow. To see she wasn't exaggerating is scary.
OT: So now winterrose is self posting? It looks like it from half of the replies on here. Does she have a disability? :/
No. 61548
File: 1453426849922.png (98.4 KB, 782x534, WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIN.png)

>>61524Are you talking about the other brat chick? Because yeah, Himeka and winterrose basically want to wear her skin from the looks of things.
Also, yes, she's been trying to WK herself since last night or so.
>>61529Question. If it's your "old blog" and is thus deleted… how tf did you manage to take a screenshot of it today/last night?
Pic related.
>>61539Basically this. Himeka probably gets more attention.
>B-b-b-but anon! She has 5 notes on her NSFW selfies!!11!1! No. 61556
>>61430She posted a picture of Grell self-referring to himself as an okama "Even okama have human rights!" on her blog. I don't get why SJWs started liking Black Butler either, I thought the shotacon fanservice like Ciel crossdressing would push them away.
>>61390Pretty much. I've heard some Japanese men don't want to come out as gay because their peers and family will assume that means they want a sex change.
No. 61557
>>61555We should like post pics of our hands holding a peice of paper w/ lolcow on it of something so she knows we aren't one person. It's really pathetic she can't fathom there's multiple girls on here. Has she never been on this board before? She doesn't know how it works does she :/ She probably just thought it was some unknown board and posted to get attention not realizing it backfired.
Who does she think even we are? Himeka? I thought they were best friends. Himeka and winterrose are the only girls who self post on here and the only ones that know this board (Wait no, Meg knows, but Meg doesnt have a clue who this chick is haha)
No. 61563
>>61555>i keep getting messages how shes all alone writing hateIt's more than one person, hon.
>Get a life & seek help.This, please, do this.
>>61557>post picsAnon, no.
>Himeka and winterrose are the only girls who self post on hereWe've unfortunately had a lot of people self-posting on here. She won't be the first, won't be the last. Maybe she'll even make her own thread in /snow/
>>61558All I see is that you're still on here. Istg, you're a fucking broken record at this point. Are "loser" and "fatty" the only insults you know? Is that what the other girls call you? Is that why you're so obsessed with internet fame?
By the way, please answer my question in
>>61548 while you're here. You say that anons here are lying about you, but then you turn around and prove anons right.
>>61560It's cringy since she stalks the shit out of bratgirl and tries to be her. Pretty sure bratgirl actually does have fans though.
No. 61576 anyone stumbled upon this gem before? you can practically play tumblr bingo with her.
bonus for 'transnigger'.
No. 61583
>>61563bc u all ARE fat. why else wuld u be obsessed with winterrose and make a thread for her if you werent jealous>>61557
u r probs Himeka making posts & thats ehy you cant post pics. bsides you being fat :)
No. 61584
>>61582>dont kno who bratcandy or himeka isThat's why you were shittalking the other girl and said she looks like a trans with Himeka butting in, right?
>>>/snow/57234>>>/snow/67757>"someone who’s been nothing but a sweetiepie to me, mind you"Himeka regarding you
>>>/snow/82191Himeka's screenshot of your conversation
>>>/snow/82498>"shes a really good friend on tumblr"Your words, in regards to Himeka.
>>61583>make a thread for herYou're not special enough for your own thread. Which is why you're posted in Tumblr general thread.
>post picsBecause that would defeat the purpose of an
anonymous imageboard, dumbfuck. Good to see you drag your friend Himeka though.
No. 61585
>>61582>>61583Honestly winterrose, just stop. It's obvious this is all you. All of your posts look the same. You need help. You honestly
need it. You make a thread for yourself just to pretend it's some girl on Tumblr you stalk posting. Then it backfires when users on here respond that you are an average looking healthy 20 something and point out your history on Tumblr. You flip out and spew insults to all of us because we posted the truth. You can't handle it so you pretend it's all one person. It's not. You make posts on your blog about it as if anyone on there even talks to you, they don't.
Your plan backfired completely. You've thoroughly exposed yourself to all of us on here in multiple threads. We know now you are probably the most trashy girl we've ever had on here, up with the likes of Meg.
This is all because you wanted attention on here. Bet you're sad you got it.
No. 61649
File: 1453443946069.jpg (40.76 KB, 475x356, charleston-sc-confederate-monu…)

No. 61651
File: 1453443973066.jpg (178.66 KB, 1024x683, Black-Lives-Matter-Explained-1…)

No. 61660
>>61651All lives matter. I get bitched for tagging post like that and I'm black. Someone left me an Anonymous ask and told me that they feel bad for me because I obviously hate myself and other black people. smh
I thought it was nothing but they way sjw handled David Bowie and Alan Rickman's death( I respect David Bowie, but I LOVE Alan Rickma) left a bad taste in my mouth. Black lives do matter, but not more or less then any other life. What also gets me is when they try to bring the focus of the Black Live Matter movement when it's not appropriate, such as the the incident. People like that make all black people look bad it also makes me want to distance myself from anything dealing with it.
No. 61840
>>61513I'm a woman and I mostly draw handsome anime bishounens because that's just what I like to draw and what I enjoy. I don't give a rat's ass about some whiny tumblrite complaining about sexism, it's just my fantasies and my way of escapism. People draw for different reasons and not everyone wants to make a political stand with every single drawing, some people just want to fulfill their fantasies they couldn't in real life. This is so unbelievably snooty, you're not required to like every kind of art but to make such a self-important post about strawmen drawing girls too pretty is stupid. While the point about people staying inside their comfort zones yet still go on tirades about having to broaden your horizon is valid and I hate it too, I'm quite sure the person who wrote this is no better herself.
I also hate how tumblr somehow assumes that artists owe something to the society and their art has to appeal to everyone and represent everyone even though art has traditionally been about your personal expression. For example, the way they demand artists and other creators to change their character to suit their fetishistic needs is unbelievably rude and self-centered. Like the American SJW who wanted a Czech video game studio to include more PoC people in their game set in the 15th century Czech Republic just because "it's another white cis male game why can't you try something different!!!1". Thank god the studio executive just told them to piss off.
No. 62009
File: 1453504743998.jpg (68.97 KB, 537x399, image.jpg)

>>61999I don't understand how this became a court case. Unless he was threatening bodily harm on them, there is no reason it should be. What happened to shutting off your computer or putting down your phone if something bothers you online?
Pic very related.
No. 62022
>>62014Well, yeah, most threats made online are just typical Internet tough guy bs and they aren't likely to do shit. It is just if he made physical threats, then at least that is more valid of a reason, I guess?
But deeming something as "harassment" just by someone disagreeing with their political standpoint? Ridiculous.
No. 62071
>>62022I'm not super-familiar with the case in question but generally I think SJW are doing way more harm than good regarding 'harassment' and 'abuse'.
I don't doubt there's a problem with harassment online but these idiots that turn any question, reply, doubt into OMGABUSE are making a mockery of it.
No. 62075
>>62071Or deliberately provoking the other party day and night so they can take screenshots out of context to show "how much the other side is harassing meeh".
In other words pulling a Brianna Wu… Or a Randi Harper
No. 62284
>>62258STOP SELF POSTING WINTERROSE. You're not Himeka, you're not bratcandy. It's so obviously you just samefagging and clogging this board. Plz. Stfu. Can'f someone ban her???
>>62013What's a freelance feminist?
No. 62293
>>60928Fellow kiwi!
I'm in wellington, I see it all the time in wellington, all the feminazi's and such are here.
(This is pretty irrelevant rn- ha sorry)
No. 62587
File: 1453639091304.jpg (46.66 KB, 494x731, hermionesweater.jpg)

I'm really tired of seeing black Hermione. It won't be long before you get called a racist for drawing her any other way. I wouldn't be surprised if that's happening already.
I've seen black Ron and black Harry too. Hermione might make more sense in that department but I think it's the overall racebending tend that's getting on my nerves. You can't racebend anyone non-white into white. But you can racebend any white character non-white. I think it just makes for lazy people not bothering to create their own characters. Why do that when you can just make another pre-existing character into whatever you want?
No. 62598
File: 1453643394536.jpg (29.43 KB, 540x286, namestoohard.jpg)

It's not Western people's fault that they can't pronounce your name. English may not have all of the sounds of your native language and that will make your name hard to say. It may sound very awkward without the appropriate accent too.
My name gets butchered all the time both in pronunciation and spelling and it's a Western name. I've just come realise that's the way it is and it's ok. Your super special snowflake name does not define you as a person and no one should be forced to tie their tongues in knots to keep you from being triggered. I'm sure that your real friends aren't intentionally messing with you when they mispronounce your name.
No. 62667
>>62587I fuckin hate this stupid ass trend. The whole "Harry is a middle eastern" and "Hermione is black and if you didn't see her as black while reading the books as a child then YOU ARE A RACIST BIGOT" thing is so dumb. Sure, you wanna pretend that the Golden Trio isn't white? Why not! Make Ron Hispanic for all I care. But don't tell other people how to see the characters. It's not your fucking business to patrol other peoples thoughts.
Unrelated, but ngl I'm kind of irritated at all the people on tumblr who saw Episode 7 and now proclaim themselves to be the biggest Star Wars fans ever, just because there is a black male and female lead in the film. (Which, don't get me wrong, is pretty cool.) Especially when they never saw the original trilogy.
I just hate tumblr in general and I'm glad I deleted my account years ago.
No. 63527
>>62598My name is Southern European, but really long, multi-syllabic and so on.
I feel like I'm troubling people when I have to spell it out for them, and I don't mind at all if they can't pronounce it. I've even thought about anglicizing it just for convenience.
Why are non-white people such hyper-sensitive bitches?
No. 63600
>>62598>>63528My name is 4 letters long, it's phonetically correct in English, and people still can't pronounce it. I've been called some pretty ridiculous stuff. I remember kids crying in elementary school over having their name pronounced wrong, but mine always made me laugh hysterically because it was just so stupid. No one ever spells my name right either but I don't care unless it's official paperwork or something.
Also, my husband is from Mexico and his first name is just pronounced differently here in the US. I asked him if it makes him feel bad. He scoffed at me. His mother calls him by his real name and that's all that matters to him.
No. 63883
File: 1453811532551.png (33.56 KB, 538x321, byf.png)

From the Before You Follow blog.
That's a really narrow age range. How old is this person? Don't follow if you are over 21. Ask to follow if you are over 17. Don't expect the user to follow if you are 16+. Makes me wonder if this person is 13 or so. Which is sad given that they're into self diagnosis.
The thing about BYF pages that get me is that it doesn't really stop people from checking out your blog manually as much as they want. All it does is prevent your blog from showing up on their dashboard. So if they don't want people following them that they know offline their classmates can still look up their blog and share whatever retardation they post with other people.
No. 64374
File: 1453903751820.jpg (148.56 KB, 540x703, tumblr_o1l4xxxuZ81u5z7rbo1_540…)

No. 64402
>>64374We are actually at a point where these children are
triggered by Martin Luther King, of all the fucking people. If he were still alive he would've shot himself at this and all the other bullshit.
No. 64406
>>64403 quote stays but "after hard thought". The director of the student union is "merely excited that important discussions like this are being held on campus again".
Hoooly shit, put the kool-aid down. It doesn't have to be like this.
No. 64414
>>64402I mean he did beat his wife and kids, but tumblr lap up ~~
problematic~~ black men.
No. 64439
>>64374>>64406This is the mindset of SJWs that I don't understand. They feel like they have to be inclusive of every fucking minority or potentially-oppressed group in anything that is said or created. It is the same reason their art is so bad/tryhard. There is always one fat one, one tranny, one with a hijab, etc. The drawings have nothing interesting about them, besides diversity for the sake of diversity.
MLK's quote was about racial equality, so of course there wouldn't be a mention specifically of gender equality. It isn't bad to want equality of all kinds, but it is stupid to expect any quote out there to make a mention of every single group or political issue out there. The quote also didn't suggest anything to say that both genders aren't equal.
It is funny. You would think SJWs would be all about MLK with all of the #BlackLivesMatter things they spout and how they feel the need to give representation by drawing canon white characters black. But it seems they have run out of "injustices" to fight against, so they now shoot themselves in the foot. They pick trivial shit to whine about, and attack things that are already giving voice to the minorities they care so much about.
No. 64610
>>64607dat orange hair
dat fat chub
looks straight up like Garfield
No. 64670
>>64614Place white women who aren't straight higher on the list and you're golden.
You're missing that Tumblr SJWs are actually mostly white teenage girls, not black disabled muslim transwomen.
No. 64706
File: 1454011254851.png (693.73 KB, 584x631, barbie.PNG)

What do you guys think of this?
No. 64710
File: 1454012292210.jpg (65.83 KB, 404x404, insta.jpg)

>>64706I think it's great.
I mean Barbie has been in the game so long it's nice to see change. I also like the update they did last year for Barbie being able to wear flats.
Granted, when I played with Barbie I never felt bad about my body. So I could never relate to that study they do on women/girls. All I ever wanted was her pink dream house and pink car.
No. 64714
File: 1454013185233.jpg (213.04 KB, 809x433, 1323300672446.jpg)

>>64706Where's the trans-doll???
- No muslim barbie wearing a hijab either
I'll give it exactly 24 hours before tumblr melts down
No. 64720
>>64439It was also about the extreme racial tension in the US at the time of the 1960s. Why would any other minority need to be involved when it was mainly civil rights for black men/women?? i fucking hate this.
it's like getting angry everyone in Japan during 1928 was Japanese and there weren't enough *~~kawaii muslims~~* around. fuck dumblr.
No. 64742
>>64724Only adults care about the appearance of a barbie. Kids don't give a shit and just play with the doll no matter how it looks.
Unfortunately kids are not present on social media so mattel only hear from tumblr feminist bitching on twitter
No. 64776
>>79087Late reply but that SJW threw a fit on /cgl/ and disappeared after getting called out to be a 'murican whitey.
The text says:
From this point I will reply in japanese. I would be very happy if you will answer me in japanese too. Stop making a fool of yourself. You don't know a lot about the topic. Obviously.
The person's correct version is a total mess.
Also: No. 64814
File: 1454035531650.jpg (142.59 KB, 525x810, tumblr_inline_nzhzu20mN91r8kbx…)

>>64772Are you talking about this person? It's the only grave robbing related thing I remember from Tumblr.
No. 64818
>>64724Barbie and "unrealistic body expectations" is basically a non-existent problem. As a kid, I never felt bad for not looking like Barbie and I never expected to have a body like this when I grow up. I talked to some of my friends about this, and none of them ever felt "body-shamed" by a fucking Barbie doll.
I think it's a case of adults forgetting how it was to be a kid and not realizing that children basically don't give a fuck about things like that.
No. 64823
File: 1454037488232.png (82.74 KB, 1080x736, d8d8a7a2-06dc-4f1b-ad27-71502b…)

My favorite thing to laugh at on tumblr is the otherkin. They're so dumb it's almost cruel to make fun of them. Pic related, it's from my favorite anti-kin blog.
No. 64900
>>64814What the hell…
Is it okay that im a little bit disturbed about this?
It just makes me uncomfortable knowing that one day my mom's remain's could be used on fuckin curse works and rituals.
No. 64901
>>64842>>64900I'm not a Lousiana law expert, but from reading around, it seems extremely illegal to remove exposed bones from the surface of a graveyard, whether that graveyard is abandoned or not. It is still considered looting. I'm curious where the person got the idea that it was actually legal.
I understand that there were no remains found in their house, but still. They did write that infamous facebook post admitting to doing it.
No. 64914
>>64845I might sound sizist here but I don't really like the idea of body diversity. Little girls shouldn't be encouraged to embrace their fat. Now is the time to work off that weight while you're still young. Not give the kid a fattie Barbie and tell them they're rolls are beautiful. And yeah she's not really fat. Just thicker than the other Barbies. But since curvy=fat now they may have actually been expecting a sperm whale with a purse and high heels.
>>64900That's really disgusting. Sadly I've known people who have stolen from graves. Whether it's remains or jewelry there's nothing lower than stealing from the dead. Especially if you are doing it because edgy majik powers.
No. 64925
File: 1454092539084.png (142.6 KB, 1569x889, bonestealingwhores.png)

Apparently the accused bone thief posted this under a different account and then later deleted it. Was it ever verified as theirs?
>"B-but… everyone else is breaking the law too! Poor me, I'm just a nice kid! You're all bullies!"
No. 64965
>>64949Yeah, it's like that doll that had stickers for acne and stretch marks and flabby tits and hips and was said to be modeled after an "average" 20 year old university student, like, dude no little girl of the ages you claim to be aiming for (6-10) will ever "identify" or feel "validated" with them flaws because they're too young for having skin hanging out or acne scars, and pretty sure once they start having them, they wont be interested in dolls anymore! also in my opinion, giving children "average/realistic" dolls it's like telling them "hey kids, prepare yourselves cause puberty will hit you all like a truck on fire, so you better get used to the idea of being ugly and imperfect now! Here, have your wasted barbie knock off, now with a tiny tampon kit and cramp medicine!", heh, like can you be more transparent about who you're trying to please here? It's obvious that you're trying to feed your own deflated ego through your shitty agenda, you don't give two fucks about kids or their needs so don't pretend you care.
Thing is, no little girl will ever look up to your fat ass, no matter how many haes barbies you try to bribe them with.
No. 64974
>>64818>>64949>>64965>Here, have your wasted barbie knock off, now with a tiny tampon kit and cramp medicine!your transphobia is
triggering me
joking aside: I sorta agree/disagree. I think having options is fine. If enough people want a 'curvy', black doll they should have it. Everybody wins. But the self conscious thing definitely gets blown way out of proportion. I didn't really play with dolls but with stuffed animals. I didn't have an existential crisis because I'm not a small, brown bear though. The people who think children strongly identify with a lump of plastic should probably shut up a bit.
No. 65079
File: 1454142332929.jpg (253.6 KB, 1280x989, 546d6c30-5a4f-4d80-b8b6-9d85b4…)

How to be Super Fucking Rude in a Professional Setting 101
No. 65163
>>65099>Sometimes I think adults are way more shallow and focusing on appearance than kids are.Bingo! Kids are oblivious to our worries as adults, they just live simple lives being who they are and not giving a fuck about the rest unlike us nagging and finding problems everywhere. Yet some desperately want them to worry for stuff at the same level as us
>hey, dont you think that's offensive?>dont you find that sexist?>doesn't this little detail makes you mad?I always thought that people who include kids on that kind of stuff are ruining their innocence on purpose because they can't fathom anyone living peacefully without them or worrying about the shit they do.
No. 65165
>>64901I think that's why the cops confiscated the laptop and phone.
>>64920Yeah there is a facebook post and yeah that shit was stupid and weird but the fact that tumblr whipped it up into a frenzy that the cops came because they thought the whole thing was tied to black market organ selling operations is what's hilarious to me. It was literally some edgelord trying to justify sending people stolen bones, not some black market savvy criminal harvesting organs.
>>64925Yes that's the post. I'm just over here laughing because this is some highschool edgelord level shit.
No. 65183
>>65079What happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will not kill me?" Just talking to people probably give SJWs PTSD, since they seem so keen to censorship and find even find the most non-offensive words
No. 65191
>>65165I see what you're saying. I guess I wasn't on Tumblr enough or following the right blogs to know that people were thinking it was some elaborate scheme, so I had no idea what you were on about.
I'm glad there was an investigation though.
No. 65217
>>65216A lot of the people who think online harassment/cyber bullying are such a big deal are the biggest bullies too. A lot of cows go on about cyber bulling, while also scamming, saying dumb shit, etc.
It is just people wanting the freedom to act gross on public platforms without repercussion.
No. 65224
File: 1454189555284.png (16.95 KB, 496x456, 1318378394610.png)

>>65079I USE ALL THE WORDS ON TOP AT WORK! Hahaha. No one is offended ever. I greet all my customers with Sir and Ma'am. I call my coworkers ladies (since we're mostly women and only a few guys.)
I even call some of the women 'guys' since i view the word 'guys' as a gender neutral word. "Hey guys!!" when I enter a room, etc.
hilarious! fucking hilarious. How will they EVER survive?
No. 65225
File: 1454189693523.jpg (62.98 KB, 523x627, tmblr.jpg)

Why does Mamoru look like a freakin fakeboi?
No. 65272
File: 1454204271795.jpg (88.78 KB, 598x665, haes-bullshit.jpg)

It's like tumblr and HAES both in the same photo. Why are people so happy to see an obese cosplayer? It's really repulsive.
No. 65278
File: 1454205050330.jpg (295.06 KB, 1280x1129, tumblr_inline_o1qo42q3Eo1r4ii2…)

No. 65290
>>65272hah, I was watching a Commander Holly stream where they were playing Sims 4 and they were making fun of "chosen pronouns" by insisting that the alien they made couldn't be called she or her
>morbidly obese>Undertale fansyeah that seems about right
No. 65315
>>65272Is Holly a sjw or something? that's upsetting. she seems really nice.
That Undyne is morbidly obese. I don't know how anyone could leave their house and think they look good. That armor looks like shit too.
No. 65320
>>65278I will never understand shit like this. This black-and-white mindset of "oppreshun" where
these things are good and
these things are evil oppressors who go out of their way in their lives to commit these "atrocities". It's not fucking healthy, it's counterproductive to society to cast good and evil roles.
No. 65409
>>65343It's clearly a super inaccurate coplay. I would have even known it was supposed to be Undyne until I read the comments… B-but she's fat, so she gets a pass.
I wish fatties would only cosplay fat characters. they're out there. Unlike being tan/dark skin or pale, you CAN control being a fat slob by not overeating.
No. 65457
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No. 65459
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No. 65469
>>65079>>65177That reminds me, several years ago I worked at the airport. In my country, public transportation companies (airlines, busses) are required to be super handicap accessible, so they've got to have wheelchairs to move people around the airport and onto planes.
I worked for a company that contracted wheelchairs, and people to push them, to the airlines so they don't have to hire pushers and buy chairs on their own.
I was a dispatcher for the pushers.
One day the CEO of the company was coming to visit our site, and so the head managers were panicking trying to make sure everything was in order and everyone was on their best behavior.
While in the office, I heard one of the pushers says to another: "I don't care who it is, I ain't kissin nobodies ass!"
>Ah, yes, this is why you are a 45 year old woman who gets paid $2 an hour to push wheelchairs at the airport.>tfw I go back to the airport four years later and see she still works there>tfw she still makes $2 an hour>tfw this is still her only full-time jobDon't let idiotic pride do this to you.
No. 65496
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Have some more shit Love Live fanart. The artist says hey're all supposed to be trans girls, but they look so masculine it's clearly fap material of "men in dresses".
No. 65588
>>65502Dark skin=/=Black American, just as pale skin=/=White people. But given what this fanarts looks like it seems like the artist tries to show more "diversity" by making some characters look not Japanese, which could easily count as POC erasure or whatever it's called lmfao.
>>65581Maybe she's the one who has issues if authors describing characters in a somewhat stereotypical way pisses her off so much. Also lol "Asians wan have white skin or yellow skin and be short" and then she shows pictures of two women how have the same skin tone and people who literally have a specific form of dwarfism, which isn't just a body type.
No. 65723
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#BlackHistoryYouDidntLearnInSchool tag is fucking hilarious.
No. 65728
>>65715lol that white bitch gettin salty about the fact that Lincolns birthday is in February thus tainting black history month.
Like, I know black people get underrepresented and stuff, but they are acting like people like Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Nelson Mandel, etc don't exist in history books. Black individuals just didn't fucking DO that much in major US history. I'm sure that if Washington was black he would be on the dollar too. If a black man wrote the national anthem we would still fucking sing it.
No. 65730
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No. 65737
>>65731Most of us had nothing to do with the slaves.
They were sold by AFRICAN slave traders, then brought over here by the Dutch- who were also reselling them in every other country.
Black people were sold by other black people, then resold by Dutch people, but you don't see Black America getting mad at them. It's all white peoples fault.
No. 65741
>>65723Jesus was a Middle Eastern (not an Arab though) and dark skinned Asians exists and aren't black as we understand it today (=sub-saharian African), nice POC erasure.
>>65730He's probably thinking about another musician tbh. There was some confusion one my dash some months ago about how Mozart was actually black. He's actually white, but there was a completely different musician from his era who was nicknamed "the black Mozart" because he was a black guy living in Europe who was a musician. Nothing to do with Beethoven though. Also, when will these stupid Americans will understand that Moor doesn't mean "black people" but "north africans", like, some north Africans look like they're sub-saharian Africans, some don't, it's cringe-worthy.
No. 65762
>>65728>Like, I know black people get underrepresented and stuffHave you taken a look at your music industry recently?
Don't hear anyone calling for representation proportional to population there.
No. 65766
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>>65754holy shit me too anon! I remember even taking out the batteries and hiding it under a pile of clothes in my closet
No. 65768
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No. 65776
>>65775White male here (inb4 MEEEEEEEN screeching), but nice guess auntie /pol/
Two wrongs don't make a right, and two different flavours of retardation don't cancel out, sorry to burst your bubble.
No. 65778
>>65776>two wrongsWhat is the opposing "wrong" here? I'm not in control of US education policy, I'm merely pointing out what is currently being taught and how detached from fact it is.
>White malelol sure thing Cleopatra.
No. 65784
>>65768HAHA WHAT
Oh man. Sure, those africans living in huts were the most hygienic of them all.
No. 65788
>>65749Actually, it has been proven that there was a man named Jesus who had a following. Jesus pretty much was a real person, but the way the Bible depicts him hasn't been proven, and most likely isn't true.
Polite sage for being kind of autistic.
No. 65790
>>65778>le ghetto nigger naemWhat's retarded is sperging out over "muh white race" and "muh joos" when this kind of stupidity affects everyone in the US.
But I wouldn't expect you to give a fuck about anyone else, auntie /pol/
No. 65831
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No. 65832
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No. 65834
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No. 65835
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No. 65837
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No. 65838
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No. 65839
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No. 65846
>>65839She's kind of right though.
A lot of modern western society has inured themselves to the most base and fucked up sexual fetishes. 100 years ago these people who liked the idea of hedgehogs fucking each other, or of their wife fucking a horse, weren't able to "meet" and reinforce each other's dysfunctions.
Nowadays they are, and they use the logic of the sexual revolution to justify it.
No. 65904
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>>65848So much this. And now in the guise of sexual liberation or sexual freedom, we have sick shit like bronies and everything has to be sexual in some way. it's really disturbing… I like sex and have a fiance I love very much and we have our private things, however there is stuff out there that makes me feel physically ill. And then we have shit like normalized porn (like people who dont watch porn and glorify it are the odd ones) as well are sex workers who act like hot shit.
No. 65917
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Anyone else following this mess?
No. 65926
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>>65917Holy shit I laffed
No. 65927
>Women who get turned on by being dominated by someone they call "daddy" have almost always been fucked up by men.Substantiate the claim. If we gonna play the impressions game, to me the prime factor seems to be being raised by a single mother. And I believe my sample is bigger than yours in actually encountering these people.
>it's the men!>it's the men!>it's the men!>actually, it might be the women>woah woah, let's not throw accusations here>it's the men!This site is a gold mine.
No. 65929
>>65904God, this. Women who pretend to be pro-porn so dude's won't think they're "uptight" when it clearly makes them uncomfortable (as it should, considering it's just televised rape) are the saddest invention of this culture.
This excluding the women who actually are pro-porn, they're just incredibly selfish.
No. 65962
>>65961You're just addicted to pornography or have been at some point. I feel sorry for you, genuinely.
>>65906Read "Eros and Civilization", that's where the phrase "if it feels good, do it" came from. That was the buzz-phrase they use and still do use.
Their idea is literally "if it makes your genitals feel good then it's good for you".
>>65904I just wish women were more open about the fact this shit makes them uncomfortable.
No. 65968
>>65967I'm a guy but that makes me so sad.
I really hate what porn does to some people. Not that I'm much better, most of the violent rape and degradation stuff I still occasionally feel turned on by definitely comes from porn.
It seems to affect girls on the chans more than normal girls though.
I hope you haven't gone full whore mode.
No. 65969
>>65968Haha don't worry fam I'm a insecure, anxiety ridden human. Whoring around is pretty much impossible for me, unless you get me extremely drunk. The only time my kink really got me in trouble was in High School, where I hooked up with a 47 year old, married teacher "just because I could" and he nearly beat me dead when I tried to break up with him.
Good times
And it's true, girls on the chans almost all are a little bit fucked in the head. Probably because most of us discovered the "dark side of the Internet" way too early
No. 65971
>>65961I'm in the same boat, anon, but in addition to a daddy kink, I have a really bad rape/degradation/humiliation/whatever kink.
I definitely think it's mostly because I started watching porn when I was like 10 and a bunch of other stuff that made it worse, but I'm in therapy now and it helps so much!
I still struggle with fantasizing about it sometimes but I don't watch porn anymore and I think it's just really gross now. You might want to look into therapy if you're concerned about it.
No. 65976
>>65969>The only time my kink really got me in trouble was in High School, where I hooked up with a 47 year old, married teacher "just because I could" and he nearly beat me dead when I tried to break up with him.Why did you let him do this to you?
>unless you get me extremely drunkTry to avoid drink. Pretty much all sexual trysts that women later regret occur when they get drunk. Drinking on your own in a public place or establishment is especially dangerous.
This is one of those scenarios where women should really look out for other women more, but for some reason never seem to. If you see some guy dragging some half-drunk, stupefied girl out of a bar when he looks pretty sober - step in.
>And it's true, girls on the chans almost all are a little bit fucked in the head. I know from personal experience. I like most of you, I just wish you weren't so slutty. For your own sakes more than anything else.
>>65971>I'm in the same boat, anon, but in addition to a daddy kink, I have a really bad rape/degradation/humiliation/whatever kink. This is what I have, but the reverse. I enjoy inflicting these things on girls, especially degradation/humiliation. The worst thing is the guilt you feel afterwards, you feel this tremendous sense of shame and guilt and you desperately want to "make it up" to the girl in question.
No. 65981
>>65976What the fuck are you doing outside the r9k containment thread you troglodyte?
No. 66026
>>65982Hell yes someone said it.
You bitches are fucking obnoxious and you all have issues that you should not be talking about so openly, nobody here cares about your powerlevel on the Electra complex department, go to some kink forum and let us continue with the thread.
No. 66093
>>66032Love how Americans think they know jack shit about world history.
Go read some eastern european history books you fucking racists.
No. 66094
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>>66032I feel so sorry for that kid. I went to an inner-city black high school and it was exactly like this. You didn't even have to bring up racism for them to lay into it. They literally blamed white people for every problem that ever happened.
>mfw graduated in 2013>mfw it's only gotten worse since then No. 66095
>>66094Embrace your own race. You "White Americans", are EUROPEANS.
That's your root. That's who you are. That's why America is a REPUBLIC (at least in theory) and why it has COMMON LAW and Washington DC's public buildings are Rome 2.0.
Embrace your root, because the blacks, asians and mestizos are only going to become more and more racially tribal the less and less whites there are in America.
No. 66099
>>66096I know that feel. I was one. It was a nightmare. They screamed all the time, were really loud and would run around all the time. They would call me all sorts of names, obsess over my hair etc.
I moved away to a place where black people are very rare. So traumatised I still have nightmares about it now as an adult. It's hard not to be racist when you go through this shit.
No. 66100
>>66095Nah man, not europeans, they don't know shit about europe. They think europe is a country, europeans are quaint and unintelligent, can't find germany on a map and think poland has polar bears.
Americans are failed australians. At least australians gave us steve irwin, kylie and peter allen. America gave us the cold war, SJWs and white guilt.
No. 66104
>>66032>White people have never been systematically discriminated againstSlavs and Greeks under the Ottoman Empire.
The natives of Iberia under the early Caliphate and Emirate.
Rus under the Tartar yoke.
Southern Europeans enslaved by the Barbary Pirates.
I cringed writing that because there's something in me that makes me loathe playing into their "out-victim each other" game, but I can't allow a blatant historical falsehood like that to stand.
>>66100They are Europeans. The reason they embrace SJW is because they're infected with the same pathological altruism that runs through our blood.
People who hate White Americans don't make some special case for Europeans. Hell, they don't even make special cases for Eastern European non-colonial powers.
>>66101Nobody saved anybody's ass in WW2, the bad guys won which is why we're presently being overrun with shitskins while our own governments refuse to do anything about it.
No. 66107
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>>66104also slavs during the past 200 years. Things have only been looking up around the fall of communism, so around the 90s. Yet slavs don't complain anywhere near as much, they're pretty based and fun to hang out with.
I have lots of slav friends, they do tend to have alcohol problems, but are fun to be around and very chill. Euroblacks on the other hand…Holy shit, huge chip on their shoulder, act completely differently when you're with their black friends, whine about MUH MICROAGGRESSIONS and WE WUZ KEENGS N SHEEIT if they're even slightly intelligent. It's unbearable. Maybe I just need to hang out with cooler black people.
No. 66108
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black americans just dont get that the majority of their contributions to american society are't that fucking important and are pretty much irrelevant
No. 66109
>>66107The average Russian circa the breakup of the Soviet Union lived under conditions that would have broken the average coddled Black American fat fuck. I mean just look how fucking obese the average Apefrican American is.
Russians are tough people, like Chinks.
No. 66115
>>66110I just realized niggers have no alcohol of their own group, and they can't hold their drink. In Europe pretty much every damn village has their own type of beer or spirit. Even in the Balkans.
But blacks just have no culture. No food. No drink. No art. No architecture.
Just jealous of the white. That's why I said White American should embrace their European-ness.
No. 66120
>>65942Yes. there are tons of women (esp in the anime comm) who buy sonico figures and other big titted mascots and pretend to love hentai cuz they're not like others gurlssss, even though it's like saying "I'm fine with this level of sexism. tee hee"
>>65929I find it hard to believe a woman is pro-prorn without being ironic. All i can think of all how it makes shit worse for everyone and not to mention the poor women in third world countries forced into that horrible work.
No. 66128
>>66116They are more European than most of the non-white garbage immigrants currently squatting here m8.
>>66120>I find it hard to believe a woman is pro-prorn without being ironic. All i can think of all how it makes shit worse for everyone and not to mention the poor women in third world countries forced into that horrible work.It's mostly young, impressionable white girls. Don't buy into the narrative that just because they're white and occasionally pretty, they aren't victims.
They've been failed by society. Literally.
No. 66129
>>66115"even" in the Balkans? lol you should visit more often
(unless I got that wrong and think were some sort of 3rd world country type…which we almost are lol)
No. 66133
>>66132lmao me too thats why I said it
sage for OT and nice to see someone else from the balkans here lol
No. 66142
Why is being pro porn immediately being pro abuse or whatever the fuck you guys are spouting? If consent is established with the woman and the recording company, etc, what's the problem? If anything, being anti-porn is being misogynistic by policing how a woman should express her sexuality lol. Even if you don't watch or don't like porn yourself, why not tolerate the existence of the industry? If a woman wants to sell a video of herself, why not? Working all day at a boring job, 9-8, 6 days a week for years on end is ok, making porn is not? I can only understand porn actresses (and actors) being victims of the system if we assume labor in general is essentially victimizing, but until then, that's a weird double standard that selling your time and intelligence is ok, and selling your body is not.
No. 66144
>>66142I think the problem is there is a serious lack of consent in porn. and a lot of these women resort to drugs and alcohol to deal with it.
Sorry but not sorry. having sex with tons of strange men is not healthy, no matter how much you want to promote a 'healthy sex lifestyle.'
No. 66146
>>66142I know 18 year old girls. They're way too impressionable to be making a decision to fuck 15 black guys in one go.
>express her sexuality People still use this term unironically?
>and selling your body is not.You're not just selling your body, like an athlete or a manual laborer sells his - you're selling it for the explicit purposes of degradation.
Now fuck off you child.
No. 66154
You do know that a porn movie is just that right? A movie with acting qnd actors playing on a set? How could you know if the girl (or guy there, let's not be retarded) is being genuinely raped and not just following the script?
I mean, it's a pretty big difference between actually fighting for your life whilst some dude is attacking you and just following the orders of the director and shit.
No. 66163
>>66156I worry so much about having a daughter as a father because of shit like this.
How do you even bring a girl up well these days? It's basically you against the entire fucking culture.
No. 66171
>>66099So you felt a small modicum of what the only black kid in a 100% white school in the middle of Bible Belt Incestuous Redneck Town, Bumfuck Nowhere would, and you think that it somehow justifies you perpetuating the same type of racism that others complain about (and you claim to have experienced yourself)?
That makes sense.
No. 66172
>>66109>>66109>>66128>>65855>>66095>>66129Who let in the stormniggers?
>>66115>No alcohol?!?! WTF NO CULTUREIf this isn't the most white trash thing I've ever read in my life.
>BalkansNevermind, that makes sense. You've probably never even seen a black person in real life.
No. 66176
>>66172>If this isn't the most white trash thing I've ever read in my lifeNo alcohol. No art. No architecture. Literature etc of any worth.
>never seen a black person If only… That would be a blessing
No. 66177
>>66176You're incredibly uneducated if you think art, architecture and literature are non-existent in African culture, but you probably realize that and are just trying to bait.
The fact that you had to sweep the fact that your main complaint is that alcohol is generally not an important part of most African cultures is pretty telling, though.
No. 66178
>>66174I wish. Most white Americans are pussies. That's why you are emboldened.
If they are so bad. Go to your own schools or Asian schools.
White people are like father to you children.
No. 66179
>>66177Art architecture and literature of work. Yes.
Where is your Vienna? Your Venice? Even Romania is more beautiful. Monkey.
No. 66180
>>66178You literally don't know anything about America.
>"you">"your own">Anyone who disagrees with me must be part of the "other" group!!!!Kek
No. 66197
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>>66191>>66190>>66189>>66188>>66185>>66184>>66183>>66182>>66180>>66179>>66178>>66177>>66176>>66174>>66173>>66172>>66171Can you guys please exchange emails or whatever and fuck off? Stop derailing the thread, nobody wants to read this shit or have to sort through it to find relevant posts. Please stop.
No. 66199
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ignore the derailers and post SJW stuff guys
No. 66200
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No. 66201
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No. 66202
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They sure like holding up signs.
No. 66203
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No. 66204
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No. 66205
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No. 66206
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drowning the derailers one pic at a time.
No. 66207
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No. 66208
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No. 66209
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No. 66210
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ok that's enough for today. if I come back and this shit is still going on, I'm going to dig into the heavy fat acceptance artillery
No. 66214
>>66206as a girl who lifts the only people who stare are jelly girls riding the adductor machines like retards
No. 66216
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>>66197Sorry, anon, stormfags just
trigger me.
Pls accept my peace offering
No. 66234
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>>65741Niggers have always tried to claim the Moors, it's pathetic. They have no accomplishments of their own, so the leech of others. Same thing with the "we wuz Egyptian" shit.
No. 66235
>>65748Chinese try to claim that they invented fucking everything. It's pushed by their government. They even think they invented pizza, no joke. You can look that up.
Whites invented pretty much everything we use today, electricity, wifi, computers, polio vaccines, ect. We also have the coolest inventors. No. 66237
File: 1454641635258.jpg (450.44 KB, 1536x2048, 860041_164696130346288_6691022…)

>>66234>>66235Why won't you stop derailing? Just curious.
No. 66238
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No. 66240
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No. 66253
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>>66245>And slavs are pretty stupid themselves, they want to mooch off the victories of they white race when they've never done anything to contribute to our glory. Yeah, like all the russian scientists, writers, artists and musicians. You're either trolling or very stupid.
Either way, where are the farmhands? I think it's obvious bait, and needs to be put to pasture.
No. 66259
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>>66209rofl does this bitch not know that being born in Africa automatically makes your nationally African?? Pretty sure Charlize Theron is South African.
No. 66261
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>>66257I blame the word "equality", or rather, people's interpretation of it.
>what about blacks?>what about muslims?>what about fatties?>what about men?>if you don't fight for the cause of absolutely every single demographic under the sun then you're not fighting for equality! No. 66279
>>66277I don't get it. It's a problem with feminism that they only focus on issues (and non-issues) that women have.
And equality would mean looking out for everyone to ensure that they are in fact equal.
No. 66280
>>66269Have you ever seen MRAs complain that unless feminists care about men's issues just as much as their own then they aren't fighting for equality; they're fighting for women to have more rights over men? They act like this pretty much every time things such as alimony and child support is brought up. Same with a lot of those that call themselves egalitarians.
A different example is the "fat is a feminist issue", their stance is slightly different than what I just describe but you should get the drift-
>>66279>It's a problem with feminism that they only focus on issues (and non-issues) that women have.…oh nvm, guess you're one of them.
No. 66289
There are elected feminist politicians. That's all that needs to be said, then.
No. 66305
>>66203wtf… There aren't that many black people in the UK that's why, if only 3% of the population is black of course there's not going to be a lot of them in teaching, there are other professions for them too!
I have sources for that 3% info too, I don't know if its the best but all the places I looked said 3% No. 66315
>>66309I can't tell if you're being retarded or purposely putting words into my mouth. A Muslim/fat woman can have issues both dealing with their religion/weight as well as their gender. Just because they're women doesn't mean every single one of their issues should be applicable/relevant to feminism.
>>66289>>66287You know I'm still unable to make sense of the point you're trying to raise.
No. 66320
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>>66319This. When your only claims of racism is about hair styles and white people liking you music, you don't face any real racism, I'm sorry.
No. 66331
>>66320But they're right.
White girls shouldn't twerk, it's degenerate.
White girls shouldn't listen to black music, none of the values it teaches are good.
And white girls cooing over black hair are self-hating.
No. 66334
>>66331Rock and roll dumb fuck
It came from the "boogie woogie the black people would play"
Heard Little Richard say that and I'm pretty sure he was black.
No. 66339
>>66332Primal rhythmic bullshit.
Learn an instrument. Listen to some instrumental stuff and get back to me.
No. 66348
>>66320This tweets… what the fuck.
Maybe black people should lay off the sugary drinks and fried food and they wouldn't get the beetus either. It has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with diet. Are black people really this fucking stupid?
No. 66361
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No. 66362
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Derail less, post SJW more.
No. 66363
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No. 66365
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No. 66366
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No. 66370
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No. 66373
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No. 66377
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>>66363>as a cashierThat women's studies degree sure paid off.
No. 66399
>>66144Welcome to the wonders of perspective. Your idea of morality is not above some one else's. You sound like a fucking SJW.
>>66145Easily. They're both jobs. How is this not comprehensible?
>>66146Dude, get off your fucking high horse.
>They're way too impressionable.Yes and fucking stupid–what's your point? Why don't we lock all 17-18 year olds in a cell until they reach physical maturity? Or raise the legal age of consent to 27.
If the dumb cunt wants to be a slut let her be a slut. It's so funny to me how SJWs decry slut shaming but still manage to punish women for being sexually active.
>Selling your body for explicit purposes of degradation.What the fuck? It's PORN. That pretty much comes with the territory. And they ARE selling their bodies. They fuck and walk away with a check.
tl;dr how's the view from that very tall horse?
No. 66401
>>66399Shut the fuck up Jew enabler. How the fuck is "white whores rimming black ass #9" not fucking degrading? And that sort of shit is MAINSTREAM now. This isn't the 1990s anymore.
Go shill for the porn industry somewhere else. Anyone who has done a cursory bit of examination of it knows it's filled with abuse and addiction.
No. 66413
>>60786Ugh what is it with tumblrtots taking selfies and not cleaning their rooms? The messy room and gross unkempt mattress on the floor bothers me way more than the uterus tattoo, and the uterus tattoo bothers me a LOT.
>>64814What the fuck edgy shit is this? Honestly. Those bones belonged to someone's relatives.
Let's just stop coddling all the edgelords, and let them fuck up and kill themselves. It's the only way.
>>65469Lol. My bro worked for one of those companies as well. Turns out if you kiss ass (the customer's) you get tipped pretty well sometimes. Wheelchair pushers did a lot of asskissing because of this. And if you kiss the CEO's ass, there's a tiny chance you may find yourself in a better paying position. But yeah, stay making 2$ an hour if that's what you wanna do for the rest of your life.
No. 66415
>>65837Reminds me of my friend's ex who would really casually talk about having a panic attack and all her mental disease all the time, and brag about being on disability.
Like: a bird flew 20 feet over her head? (tell everyone about) panic attack time! missed the bus even though she's unemployed and doesn't have to stick to a set schedule? (tell everyone about) panic attack. Bad hair day? (tell everyone about) panic attack. But never an actual panic attack from her. Was kind of annoying one night as she was loudly complaining about "almost having" a panic attack outside a crowded bar when I was curled up in a ball on the sidewalk actually having one, and my boyfriend had to tell her to fuck off (and ofc she got huffy about this apparently, i dunno).
Also it's annoying when you get them a lot but still manage to go to work and stuff, but lol at least I'm fine at work.
She was also fat and a goffick sort of goth.
I bet she's on tumblr somewhere. I wish I could find her because her blog would totally be worth taking the piss out of if she had one.
No. 66421
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because a person who tends to find attractive people of certain race automatically means they discriminate any other races
No. 66424
>>66421this always bothered me.
to me, being attracted to race (in terms of looks) is the same as being attracted to, say, tall guys or green eyes or something and i just… can't see a problem with it no matter how hard i try.
yes i see a problem when koreaboos/weeaboos expect ANY asian to fit their kpop idol dream and get angry when thats no the reality. but with the exception of such idiots, i dont see a problem simply
feeling attracted to people of another race… like… its internal. i cant control attraction?
No. 66434
>>66421If you only date white people, you're racist and ignorant to PoC beauty in favor of boring mayo.
If you don't date white people, you're a racial fetishist.
No. 66440
>>66435>there's no lack of consent, it's acting.Porn stars have said that they have been pressured into doing scenes they didn't initially agree too. And in porn, if you don't do what you're told, you don't get paid.
It's like working any other job, if you had to do anal in an impossible position with a 8" dick for 30 minutes straight while the camera man adjusted angles.
>it totally undermines the point of what sex is and influences our society with it like a toolRecreational and casual sex would still exist without porn. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem.
>>66436/snow/ only features a small crazy minority of those types of white women. they're fame hungry weeaboos who are guilty of shooping, scamming, lying, or all 3. There are other weebs who date asian guys who aren't assholes.
>>66437It isn't that deep.
No. 66444
>>66440>Porn anon also prefers Asian men to white ones>Thinks having zero attraction to your own kind is normalLol. Absolutely broken.
Fuck Corea.
No. 66449
>>66446I said that a majority of them are weebs, though, but not every weeb is crazy /snow/ material.
>>66444Where did I say that I liked asian men or that I'm not attracted to my own kind?
No. 66459
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Yes, let's all excuse and even encourage toxic behavior. You shouldn't work on your enormous, self-wounding flaws at all because yall my kawaii little goddesses uwu
No. 66462
Dear other black farmers, have you ever met other black people like
>>66320 irl? How the fuck do you even deal with types like that?
No. 66482
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>>66032comment from one of my sjw FB friends
I want to cry
No. 66498
>>66440I feel really bad for those women.i wish they'd love themselves.
>Recreational and casual sex would still exist without porn. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem.Agreed.
No. 66499
>>66435There's tons of lack of consent. Did you ever make mistakes as an 18/19 year old?
probably. Mistakes are worse when they involve older men telling you to have sex with other strange men for money AND be recorded while doing it. I feel bad for these women. People need to stop glamouring the porn industry like it's good for women when it's not.
No. 66506
>>66499They often come out of it with all sorts of dreadful plastic surgery and tattoos. I think some of the people who make porn get off of ruining them.
Many of the girls have low IQs and porn producers make no secret of their contempt for them. Taking advantage of people like that makes it all the worse in my opinion.
No. 66508
>>66506That's rather condescending to them. They didn't decide to get plastic surgery on their own, no, they were FORCED to? Just like celebrities who get awful inflated lips and terrible boob jobs are forced to by the media and have no free will?
They make their own choices. Maybe some are dumb and are exploited to an extent, but come on.
No. 66521
>>66508It depends on if you think low IQ people should be protected.
No. 66563
>>66540This. Video very related.
Also people tend to forget that the Internet is an international protocol, not just limited to America. I live in a country that has virtually no black people and no history with slavery yet I still have to hear how I have to share the white guilt for every country that did get its share of slavery. Just because of my skin tone. That's racist as fuck but nobody gives a shit because white people inherently carry the evil gene or some bullshit like that.
I don't really care about 29daysofblackcosplay or shit like that because I don't see black people outside of American TV shows and movies, I can't relate to their history or problems, I just find it kind of obnoxious and US-centric. Like imagine if there was a #29daysofmaoricosplay and #maorihistorymonth, you wouldn't give a shit because you don't know anything about maoris or see them in your normal life unless you live in New Zealand.
No. 66598
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No. 66619
>>66567Well if no one were racist or oppressive towards X people, then they would not be able to bitch and moan and they will be forced to accept that the real reason people hates them is because of their shit personalities.
So yeah, the "rotten" the society, the longer they can keep getting away with being asshats and screeching OPRESHUM to justificate not wanting to improve themselves.
No. 66632
File: 1454782545634.png (1.11 MB, 1048x2368, polyvore freakout 2016.png)

So I don't know if any other farmers use Polyvore (don't judge me for being active on there as cringy as the community is), but Polyvore recently added a new set category that's causing people to go apeshit.
Before, the set categories were "Fashion", "Home", "Beauty", and "Art and Expression". The "Fashion" category has been split into "Men's Fashion" and "Women's Fashion"
(all sets created before this were automatically tagged as women's fashion I think)
Here are some screenshots of people losing their shit over this and tagging sets of women's clothing as men's to fuck with Polyvore
Names censored to protect my identity
No. 66634
>>66633If I was a FtM, I would
1. not be concerned about bullshit like this
2. be wearing the nicest masculine clothing that one could
3. not write like a whiny bitch, because believe it or not, guys aren't supposed to do that, and if you want to be a guy you should act like you are one
No. 66640
>>66632How do these people deal with shopping for clothing, where everything is categorized by gender? lmao do they get
triggered by walking past Victoria's Secret or Forever 21?
>>66636They read and watch too much yaoi, and want to LARP their favorite femboy fanfics.
No. 66644
>>66640… there are plenty of guys out there who mesh better with other men, sexually, but are still straight; physically attracted to the feminine form. It probably sounds really strange to you and I could explain it if you want to, but it's a very common thing in the circles I am in.
>>66639They would never be attracted to an actual teenaged guy though, would they? Just this ideal.
No. 66647
>>66644>there are plenty of guys out there who mesh better with other men, sexually>but are still straightIf they are sexually attracted to or have sex with men, then they aren't straight. It doesn't matter if the boys are feminine or not. They are gay, or if they like women as well, they are technically bi.
Is this the lie you tell yourself to ease the guilt off fapping to trap porn?
No. 66649
>>66647It's a sliding scale. I really don't have any problem with calling myself bi, y'know, if it weren't for the fact that it felt like lying to guys.
I feel fine after fapping to trap porn, as anyone should after getting off.
No. 66702
>>66696>>66636>>66638What these posters say. These bitches are atracted to the ladyboy kind of aesthetics and the animu yaoi uke physique.
Basically go to the fakeboi thread on snow. You'll see lots of "ftm" who dress in short shorts, knee socks and shit and still they call themselves gay boiz
No. 67299
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And the Polyvore bitching continues, this time with someone who made a set that says "clothes have no gender" that includes hair clips that say "princess" (circled in red)
No. 67305
>>67299imagine a man wearing this outfit.
No. 67307
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Last bit of polyvore shit for a while, this is someone's profile description, which actually doesn't tell me that much about them (like name or age). When did polyvore become tumblr?
Also as an ex-sjw the genderfluid and homoromantic part confuses me because genderfluid means the gender is constantly changing so are they only attracted the gender they are at that moment?
No. 67317
>>67305I'm all in favor of men wearing feminine clothing. I think it's dumb that what's socially acceptable as men's fashion is narrow and boring and that men aren't encouraged to groom and take care of themselves the way women are (and therefore usually look gross when they show a lot of skin).
But the hair clips that say princess are so beyond me.
You're proclaiming you're a girl with those.
No. 67424
>>65831lmao, the longer it goes on, the more their terminology gets messed up
anybody remember when there was a difference between the words "sex" and "gender" for these people?
No. 67475
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>>67471Fuck, I like you.
I don't want to see hairy ass grown men in skirts and halter tops. Men's bodies are different from women's bodies and that shit aint cute to look at.
Married lesbian here too, anon. Awesome to see some other gay farmers on lolcow. No. 67527
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polyvore freakout continues-
this is what my feed looks like right now
i've lost about 20 followers because i haven't been posting in the #clotheshavenogender tag and have continued to tag my sets as women's fashion (they are telling people to tag things as art and expression until polyvore reverts to the old categories)
i haven't even mentioned the change.
i wonder if polyvore is going to cave to their demands? and if so how fast?
No. 67532
>>66399>tl;dr how's the view from that very tall horse?Hows the view from underneath it?
RIP. Mr Hands
No. 67539
>>66567I think they're just in denial about their own racism. And oh, they love when other people are racist, or sexist or anythingophobic, because then they get to stand on their soap box and preach the things they've been told to preach, so like-minded 'individuals' can upboat and reblog so they all know how progressive and tolerant each other are.
And then everyone on the bus stood up and applaud!
No. 67597
>>66632>I am a boy who wears skirts and dresses!so. a girl. who makes no effort to look like a boy, but refers to herself as a boy.
yep that's tumblr alright.
No. 67671
>>66567>>66567Firstly, I don't like the term "SJW".
Secondly, it depends on what kind. Non-White SJWs come from a very different position White SJWs do. The latter are idiotic but probably believe in some sort of racial universalism, the former are often just using the language of postmodernism (fairness, social justice, representation) as a figleaf for their own racial tribalism.
I've always said: How many Asian Americans who vote Dem would be happy with Korea, Japan and China having immigration policies as permissive as America's?
No. 67683
>>67681No, but the share the same principles.
Some liberals/leftists are say, 5-10 years behind the average "SJW", that is, they haven't caught up with their cutting-edge liberalism yet. But they will. Give it time. Even on lolcow you have people saying things like "well, I do thinks trans people deserve to be considered real women" and so on. It won't be long before they're cajoled into supporting things like pronouns - all it takes to convince the herd are a few HBO shows anyway (just look at what putting a few nice pleasant gay people into prime-time shows did for the gay marriage cause).
No. 67712
>>67694Same. I'm female and LOVE being female, but I've always felt like a guy in a girls body. When I was a kid I even cut my hair short and would catfish girls online pretending to be a guy.
Now I'm bi, and more accepting of my femininity, I even love it. But I feel like a male to female transsexual in a weird way. I really identify with their plight even though I'm biologically female because I too feel like I'm 'pretending'.
Or maybe there's no right way to be a woman, and these SJW ideas have made me think you need to like ultra girly everything and b completely straight to be truly female. Who knows.
No. 67714
>>67058I am only really opposed to the neo-gender bullshit because it doesn't make sense to anyone. If you are a guy and tell someone "oh im a demigirl" they're going to be like… are you trans? The words are not intuitive. It's much better just to explain what you're like, and/or having people act accepting of your behavior that might not perfectly align with your gender.
>>67712I think it's the latter. I can seriously empathize with feeling partly like the opposite gender, but if you don't have actual dysphoria (even though I seriously hate having body hair as a guy, it's gross, also im sorry for being a guy here) you don't need to make it into something it's not. I think it's called problematizing or something like that, making a hen out of a feather. If you don't feel like killing yourself because of your gender, you don't need gender reassignment. It took me a lot of work to find a positive way to relate to my own gender, which can be hard when we see both idiots and media giving those bad names.
No. 67739
>>67712What you feel is basically the same thing fakebois who wear long hair and girly clothes do. You don't have dysphoria, you're a girl, they're girls. The problem is that (as another smart anon posted on a thread on /g/ said) there is no "being a female" independent from the male figure - the female 'role' is that of a non-man, woman is basically an Other to the male.
But now you (and most other girls) are independent even as a females and actually have an active role, and a self. So you feel like you should be a man, because psychologically you are not what 'woman' usually means.
And that's why I fucking hate the girly fake boys with a passion. Instead of being women, identifying as women, and helping women build a female "personality" they instead opt to do the easier thing that is borrowing the already existing male one. Fuck them.
No. 67806
>>67712>>67692I think your problem here is your square way of thinking and your shallow beliefs of what's masculine and feminine. Widen those horizons people, being a woman is not just putting on makeup and skirts and being male is not just short hair and baggy clothes. Look down you panties and your genetics, that's all that matters, the rest are preferences.
Also daily reminder, the person who aproved the theory of transgenderism was a pedophilic butcherer who ruined the lives of all his 'patients' and now is burning in hell.
No. 68036
>>67683Oh my god, this.
Liberals and lefties are only closet sjws. It's only matter of time before they cross the line.
And it really worries me what you said about shows and gay marriage. Like, damn, that shit has a ton of power.
No. 68043 bitch is so annoying, everytime I scroll past this video I can't help but play it just so I can imagine punching her face.
Why does she speak so fast? Why is she throwing stuck up, arrogant face everywhere?
No. 68115
>>68043Wonder what could happen if someone just slaped the smug out of her face…
All these tumblr bitches with that annoying "sassy" atitude deserve a good slap in the face honestly.
No. 68137
>>66200Isn't it amazing how, no matter how much white people try to placate them, no matter how much critical theory and other frankfurt school stuff they internalize, no matter how much white people hate their own history and shit on their ancestors, it only emboldens non-white people?
Nothing will ever be good enough for them. Stop apologizing. Stop using the narrative "I know my ancestors did bad things but…"
The moment you use those words, they've won.
No. 68140
>>68138They can't make up their minds. I've heard two completely contradictory narratives from leftist, the first being that black women are presented as hyper-sexual, the second being that black women are presented as being asexual.
As for the white woman thing, of course they're fucking fetishized. They're broadcast as slutty, trashy, insatiable and never likely to say no. Most black men get their opinions on white women from series like "White Trash Whores #23" for goodness sake. No wonder they'll harass anything with blonde hair within a radius of 5 miles.
No. 68143
>>68141I don't know. I really don't know why transsexuals get special treatment even though they are mentally ill.
I don't know why it's okay for Bruce to get fake tits and put on a dress, call himself a woman and win woman of the year award. This world is really sick. I don't think trans people should be murdered or beaten, but I think they should be treated with pills and not hormones or surgery. They are ill.
No. 68155
>>68143They want to morally grandstand and a fundamental part of their ego is being seen to be compassionate by others.
Whether or not this soft love actually benefits the other person is immaterial. Some people really do need tough love, they need to be told they're wrong, they need to be compelled to change self-destructive behavioral patterns. But it's easier to posture at moral superiority by indulging that part of your ego that says "you're the best for caring and sympathizing!"
No. 68195
>>68143It's the best we have right now. We're not very medically advanced.
>>68170You haven't read studies on what treatments work best, have you?
No. 68199
>>68143>>68155It kind of reminds me to this horrible story. cloddle these fucks, seriously.
No. 68210
>>68199Holg shit that was horrifying.
Wonder is there are stories like that but with ftm tumblrinas
Those scare me too. We had one in campus and bitch is batshit insane, she also has a bf and the poor boy looks miserable
No. 68289
>>68263What? It's clear that the person that wrote that is a TERF
I agree with what they're saying on the trans issue just not with the radical feminism
No. 68320
>>68221Not a feminist, so looking at this from the outside:
1) RadFems: Delusional about human nature and pairbonding, but are honest in their desire to help women and are genuinely passionate about women's welfare.
2) Third wavers: Don't really care about women's welfare at all. Entirely concerned with dragging everyone else down to their baseline level of mediocrity ("you aren't allowed to judge me!") so that they don't feel inferior.
On another note, did you see how the article mentioned that trans"women" in relationships with women are considered to be lesbian relationships, so we don't have any hard figures about abuse in them?
Maybe that accounts for part of the high DV incidence among lesbians.
No. 68357
>>68263Shit sorry, I read that in the wrong tone, I had just walked out of a tumblr discussion and this bitch keep calling this other girl a TERF (Girl wasn't even a feminist but bitch insisted "if ya think this way then you ARE a feminist u like it or not and therefore this makes you a terf!!1!")
To be honest I'm also not following most political talk on the blog, but the story itself sounds fucking despairing so I kind of understand her choose to be with the radfems, still kind of shit.
No. 68368
>>68363Actually, that same argument could work in favor of transpeople.
A man doesn't stop being male if he loses his twig and berries. So if a female undergoes hormone therapy and now has testosterone, etc., levels equivalent to a natural born man, why wouldn't they be male, as well? After all, it's not necessarily the genitals that defines a person's sex.
No. 68430
>>68351Actually, some do as far as I know. Well shit, not real ones, but yanno. Neovaginas or some shit
Just food for thought!
No. 68570
No wonder trannies kill themselves with people like y'all around, that's all I know
>Buh. Trannies bad. Muh feels. Am right. We win. TAKE THAT TRANNIES!!! XD WE DID IT REDDITSo! Can we move on now, ladies, or we gon have a food fight?
No. 68587
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>>68570>No wonder trannies kill themselves with people like y'all around, that's all I knowIs that a bad thing?
>So! Can we move on now, ladies, or we gon have a food fight?calm down
No. 68597
>>68593Even trannies hate Jenner, I tell you that much.
Even trannies fucking hate trannies.
No. 68715
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This is a girl in my (lolita) comm. She makes a big fucking deal out of being Buddhist when no one actually cares. Also apparently she got kicked out of a nearby comm in the next state south
No. 68727
>>68715I bet she doesn't know the first thing about buddhism
>>68713pls no
No. 68893
>>65741There was a thing about Beethoven having moorish ancestry on his mother's side. But many people refute it. Like Haydn he was sometimes said to look like a "blackamoor".
I really don't know if it's true or not. I don't think Haydn was a moor. All based on something said by the Prince of Esterhazy. It's hard to tell from portraits because things are often idealised. But Beethoven's favorite portrait of himself had darker skin and more wild hair.
But even if he had moorish ancestry he was more white than anything and the same people celebrating him as a black musical genius would be saying he has white passing privilege if he was alive now.
I vaguely remember hearing of this "black Mozart". But I can't remember who he was.
No. 68899
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>>68893I'm not going to bother looking into it much, but Moor=//= Black. It was collectively used to refer to any Muslim from North Africa whether they be Arab, Berber, European, or Black African. Afrocentrists have taken this as every Moor being black which is just false
Pic related are Moors in Spain.
No. 68901
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>>68899More Moors
Not gonna comment on Mozart because I' not particularly knowledgeable about his ancestry
But when Moors are spoken of in terms of the people who occupied parts of Southern Europe there is an extremely slim chance they're referring to Blacks No. 68907
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I guess sort of Tumblr related
But if you want to go down the Afrocentrist rabbit hole then this would be a good place to start No. 68944
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>>68893>>68899This is why I hate US SJWs so much. When they say white people they mean white Americans and they don't know shit about the rest of the world. The word
moor was used in different languages at different times to mean different things, Arab, North African, muslim, nigger, tan, brunette. But of course for these morons, moor = black.
Delusional afrocentrists claim Beethoven was black because his family was originally from Flandres, which at that time was under Spanish rule, and because the Moors ruled Spain a couple of centuries before that: omg guise Beethoven is totes black & if u dun agree ur racis poc erasure #literallyshaking !!!!!111
sorry for the tl;dr but this shit makes me mad.
No. 68987
It's really ironic that they're the ones who bitch aboht cultural appropriation when white people celebrate cinco de mayo yet they are literally stealing people's history
No. 68989
>>68944It's the same thing as when Europeans hundreds of years ago described someone as "dark" featured or something similar, they mean they had dark har/eyes and maybe olive skin. Basically a Southern European
Not a fucking sub-saharan African
No. 69152
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I use tumblr to see photography and art, but lately a lot (and I mean alot) of blogs that I've been following have been starting to reblog this kind of shit.
I vaguely recall from one of the previous tumblr shit threads that qn anon pretty much summed up the stupidity of these "straight ppl r weird/scary/why aren't they gay lol" posts.
No. 69155
>>69152Honestly, any kind of political-type opinion reblogged onto an otherwise unrelated tumblr makes me unfollow.
It's like geez, I wanted to watch porn, not read your opinion on abortions, numbnuts.
No. 69299
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No. 69325
>>69260The girl in the red glasses was so fucking
I've never watched videos of Tumblerina dipshits before so it was a depressing reality check to realize these things are actually real people walking among us.
No. 69326
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No. 69329
>>69326I bet the white guy actually apologized after this lol
Never ever apologize to SJWs for even the slightest thing
Better not to interact with them at all
I'll never understand why some white people try so hard to gain approval from them. It's just sad
No. 69330
>>69326Isnt it tumblr too to be hurr durrr pro white, "expose" nonwhites etcetcetc since its exactly what tumblr does?
Why is it only tumblr if you're being a black asshole but not a white asshole iow majority of 4chan (i know a lot of racists could be non white bit they are pretending to be a white male at least)
No. 69337
>>69332This is what it looks like to "get in" with the sjws and have their approval. Standing there and being called a cave beast
>>69330>I know a lot of racists could be non white but they are pretending to be a white male at leastHow do you figure that? Is saying racist things online a white male only thing?
No. 69347
>>69337Better example
This is the end goal of sjws
No. 69356
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>>69337>macklemore made a 2 songs about white privilegeHoly shit I didn't know this
No. 69391
>>69358Should Taiwanese give Taiwan back to the Austronesians?
Should Vietnamese give Vietnam back to the Cham?
Should Japanese give Japan back to the Ainu?
Should Arabs apologize to Persians for annihiliating the Zoroastrian religion, among numerous other crimes?
Human nature is the same everywhere, your selective outrage speaks volumes.
>>69361Yeah, because sexual assault hasn't risen dramatically as a result of the refugee influx.
>>69343Non-White "SJWs" are just racial nationalists, so they are the same. You think out of the 75% of Asian Americans who vote dem, the majority support things like birthright citizenship and mass refugee resettlement in China, Korea and Japan?
No. 69394
>>69385What the fuck
>>69349Not oppressed, and I'm not saying 'reverse racism' exists but fuck it's annoying to be white now. If the SJWs goal was to socially torment white people the same way they were tormented, they succeeded. I swear I keep seeing
>ha ha look at this white bitch doing (thing)>lel white ppl dancing>of course you're bad at (thing), yo white!>WHEN WHITES WEAR/DO (thing) (accompanied by picture of laughing/disdainful black)>shut up about (non-SJW issue), yo white>(picture of stupid thing) WHITE PEOPLE LOLeverywhere. It's everywhere.
No. 69395
>>69394Dude white people lmao is mainstream humour now.
Let them continue. Just turns more whites into nationalists anyway.
No. 69396
>>69385I've seen this one. I think in general people these days seem to have a difficult time understanding fetishes of ~~~~
PROBLEMATIC~~~~~ things. Even like 6-7 years ago you could ship a 17 year old with a 20-something year old or a student with a teacher or fuck, even siblings, and it wasn't a big deal. People seemed to get that it was fake, and played on fantasy because the reality was kind of to very messed up. But people acknowledged that you could have those fantasies without having been victimized.
I feel sorry for the weeb teenagers these days. Must suck having to check if something
triggers someone every step of the way.
Either way you can ship whatever you want and just lie and say you're a survivor, which is what I'm sure most of them do.
No. 69426
>>69421>what is pro blackAnyhow, check this fatty WN sjw probably has a blogspot account lel
No. 69430
>>69426Nice deflection.
Non white SJWS claim to be working towards universalism. /pol/ do not.
No. 69472
>>69347Why would anyone do this
It's just sad
No. 69503
>>69472What do you expect? She's been taught to hate her race from the day she first watched a film, TV show and entered a government school.
>>69474No. Go be
triggered somewhere else. lolcow is not your safe space.
>>69489I think it's pretty clear non-whites are generally more sensitive than whites. Asian Americans get
triggered by people asking them where they come from for goodness sake.
No. 69506
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>>69474>muh minorities commit crimesThis is fact though.
No. 69520
>>69510The mispronounciation of names is another one.
Stupid fucks, do you think random people are just supposed to know the 8 tones of Cantonese?
I've never seen a slav, greek or anyone from a romance language country get butthurt about it.
No. 69529
>>69520I also really like the Asian butthurt when you mistake a Vietnamese person for a Laotian for example
I cant tell most people of the same race apart by nationalities. I can't look at someone and tell they're Spanish and not Italian, or Danish and not Swedish. Same thing goes for Asian, African, Arab, and Latino countries
I hate this meme
No. 69530
>>69529Just do it on purpose to enrage them. It's especially fun with historical figures.
>"Oh, Hirohito III? He was my favorite Korean King.">"Why do these Vietnamese banknotes have Mr. Miyagi on them? Is Karate Kid really popular here?"etc.
No. 69550
>>69503So I agree with you that the butthurt is stupid, but I'm going to provide some context behind the whole "white people ask me where I'm from" thing. (I am American, parents immigrated from Asia.)
In the US, sometimes people ask Asians where they are from, which may imply that by virtue of being Asian, they
necessarily had to come from somewhere else. Some people won't believe it when an Asian person answers that they are native-born instead from being from China or something. It's understandable that you'd find that attitude frustrating.
But good God, the social justice people are fucking idiots about the whole thing. So some dumbass thinks you came from Japan, big deal? If you're smarter than them and make a better living,
who cares? We're already on top, and we didn't get there by whining about oppressive white people and demanding bigger and bigger welfare payments.
No. 69552
>>69541Why in particular?
>>69550I unerstand what you mean. In my experiences though it is really fucking easy to distinguish Asian Americans from FOB Asians so I've never had an experience like that
Why don't people believe you're born in America? It's not exactly uncommon…
I also dislike the notion that it's just white people doing this. One of my best friends was Asian and he got the most shit from other nonwhites at school
This goes with most SJW crap
No. 69570
>>69552Some people are ignorant or just plain stupid and can't tell the difference between a fob and a person of Asiatic descent who speaks perfect English. At any rate, who cares? They're stupid. It doesn't warrant majoring in gender studies and holding spergy "protests" at a fancy university where you're supposed to be learning valuable life/career skills.
And you're right, the sjws always ignore bad behavior by non-whites while magnifying the littlest things when it comes to whites. Now that's racist.
No. 69583
>>69503I havent been
triggered you are being
triggered. why cant you read cumskin, too much cum in your eyes?
No. 69646
>>69385They can suck my fucking dick. What I ship is MY fucking business, not theirs. I will not share with any of them if I have gone through any traumas, because it is not their fucking business.
Good lord, it's like I am suddenly elected president with how people rage on about my own personal fucking interests. They do realise that it's not illegal to have fucked up ships? Depending on the country it's not even illegal to depict it.
God it makes me fucking mad.
No. 69653
>>69358>/pol/>a group of fat neckbeard autistsI still fail to see how they've harmed anyone
Also the people who think Europeans were the only ones who did anything bad simultaneously have an extremely Eurocentric view of things. Study any other region and it's the same shit
No. 69676
>>69660That's on purpose though, they're selective Eurocentric in reference to perceived "crimes", and then purposefully ignore or downplay European achievement in the field of science, culture, technology etc.
A good example of this is the "Arabs started the Renaissance" lie, or "Arabs copied all the Greek and Latin books" lie. How many times have you guys heard this one I wonder? It's repeated ad nauseum whenever the subject of the Renaissance comes up.
No. 69715
>>69708Which is very understandable tbf, most people have no concept of history beyond the past hundred years or so (often even less than that), and The Whitey as we commonly understand HAVE been behind the omgatrocities that happened in this short span. They also can't help but think in a western manner, and manichaeism good/evil dichotomy is pretty much the rule.
>the whitey is in power>things are shit>those in power MUST be responsible for this>they must be cruel and do it on purpose or else they would have stopped this long ago since they have the power to do itWhen I put it this way it's actually kind of creepy, they do see white people as a godlike entity. Complete with the whole thinking white people created the world and its evils. I might write an essay on this…
No. 69720
>>69715>Which is very understandable tbf, most people have no concept of history beyond the past hundred years or soThis is a hugely important point. People's time horizon for when history begins these days is, at best, the French Revolution and at worst, the 1960s.
They've got no real conception of how western civilization began, how western civilization isn't a matter of indulgent individualistic excess, LGBT crap and "inclusivity" because they were never taught about Greece and Rome.
>They also can't help but think in a western manner, and manichaeism good/evil dichotomy is pretty much the rule. Bingo. The Russian thinker, Alexander Dugin, has commented on this before:
>According to Dugin, the triumph of liberalism has been so definitive, in fact, that in the West it has ceased to be political, or ideological, and become a taken-for-granted practice. Westerners think in liberal terms by default, assuming that no sane, rational, educated person could think differently, accusing dissenters of being ideological, without realizing that their own assumptions have ideological origins.
>The definitive triumph of liberalism has also meant that it is now so fully identified with modernity that it is difficult to separate the two, whereas control of modernity was once contested by political theory number one against political theories two and three. The advent of postmodernity, however, has marked the complete exhaustion of liberalism. It has nothing new to say, so it is reduced endlessly to recycle and reiterate itself. More broadly, when your conception is history is limited to 60-200 years at most, it's very easy to portray western military and colonial adventures as morally sui generis, because there's no comparable examples within that time frame of other races doing the same thing. Something that comes close is the Qing genocide of the Dzungar people I guess, and various Bantustani groups massacring other tribal confederations in Sub-Saharan Africa perhaps too. But the western conquests predominate in their minds. If they had a broader understanding of history it wouldn't be as easy for race hustlers to present white western activity as morally unique, I mean the first anti-miscegenation laws in the world are recorded in Tang Dynasty China, hah.
No. 69727
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No. 69733
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>>69583>>69582cry moar you eternal children
fucking victim complex
No. 69796
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The Afrocentrist stuff really gets me the most
No. 69805
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No. 69873
>>69805>these raw nude photos will remind you every body is beautiful>every body is beautiful>beautifulwhat does beautiful mean? i seem to have gotten a different idea than the author of this post.
>you need to see theseproper thinspo tbh.
No. 69895
>>69805I'd support this project if it was meant to get people to see the human body as a natural, animalistic form instead of a sexual object.
It fails miserably if the intent is to get people to see that every body is "beautiful", though, lmao. She just looks like a large, sallow blob of unidentifiable flesh in each photo.
No. 69917
>>69911Reminds me of the bring back our girls protests. Dunno if those Nigerians wanted black Americans claiming that the missing girls were "theirs".
ime, Africans can't stand black Americans.
No. 69931
>>69928Some people have raised issues before, for example using tribal makeup relegated to special occasions as means to gain notes on Tumblr. It's an issue that some Africans are concerned with, but it's barely done out of spite or hatred. In fact, people are against that because pitting African and African Americans against each other never gets any results. I can say this from first hand perspective.
It's a tough issue that doesn't get much attention for a reason, there's no simple answer.
No. 69945
>>69799Then get out, /g/ and /b/ are considered off topic in this site dedicated to shit on lolcows.
If you don't know even the basics, you're gonna have a bad time adjusting here.
No. 69981
>>69962 is the documentary
Around the 8 minute mark in the first video is when them not being accepted is addressed. I recommend watching the whole thing though.
No. 70284
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Couldn't decide between posting this in the terrible Art Thread or here kek
No. 70335 people really react like this or is it just media overreacting again as I assume
Anyway I fucking hate race-baiting media shills so much. They create controversy and tension for profit and the general public eat it up
No. 70338
>>70335Any sharp eyed white person could see that Beyonce was a typical tribal black woman from that song she made where she kidnaps some white woman and threatens to kill her unless paid.
She's also married to Jay Z, who is involved in one of those weird niggy things, the 99 percenters or whatever. You know the type: We Wuz Kings etc.
No. 70358
>>70343Watch some Black Israelite videos and read into their beliefs
The Louis Theroux documentary on them is a classic
No. 70505
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Spending Valentines Day looking through sjw tags on Tumblr
I'll share a few I found
No. 70506
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No. 70507
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No. 70508
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Couldn't get the whole post in a screenshot so I'll just adlib the rest
She then says that if black men would stop fucking white men and instead return to their "queens" then they could make a new Egypt and build pyramids n shit
I've noticed a common theme that black women on these blogs are super butthurt by just how hard white women are cucking them
No. 70509
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No. 70528
>>70527I don't know why so many are okay with just being a trophy, but a lot do apparently
>>70526>>>/pol/Or /r9k/
Whichever you came from
No. 70537
>>70536What? You mean like /pol/ mspaint meme graphs with no sources?
Even if it is true you can't make sweeping generalizations like that
No. 70542
>>70541Because it's racist an leaves out a lot of data
Correlation doesnt equal causation, etc.
Poor people probably have shittier relationships and black men are usually poorer than other races and thus their marriages might reflect that
Just don't just to assumptions
No. 70544
>>70541“Fatal Violence among Spouses in the United States, 1976-85,” by James A. Mercy and Linda E. Saltzman.
Interracial marriages are more likely to result in spousal homicide.
No. 70545
>>70542>Because it's racist an leaves out a lot of dataSeriously? It's racist because it doesn't reflect your sympathies?
What data do you suggest has been purposefully left out exactly?
>poverty The divorce rate among poor whites in WV is still lower, and you'd expect BMBW relationships to have the highest divorce rates if it were purely economic.
No. 70546
>>70545You're interpreting it for the wrong reasons
There are still millions of successful and happy BM/WF relationships you're conveniently ignoring
No. 70548
>>70546>There are still millions of successful and happy BM/WF relationshipsThere aren't millions to begin with. Only 1% of WW are married to BM.
You're just asking us to ignore the data and pretend TV show interracial marriages are the norm instead. Get real.
No. 70551
>>70548Are you the /pol/ guy from the other thread?
With the bix nood video?
No. 70558
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No. 70560
>>70557Okay so /pol/ autism
Got it. There's a reason so few of you have gfs tbh
No. 70564
>>70562No I'm white
I see I've struck a nerve. I should have been more considerate considering it's valentines day and for that I apologize
No. 70567
>>70564Not the person you were arguing with and I'm a girl who just got back from seeing deadpool with a guy, try to be more creative with your Ad Hominems.
Also, you're probably a brainwashed white trash whore who's mixed with nigger or Injun who has no connection to her culture, how sad.
No. 70569
>>70565Not in the mood :^)
>>70567Nope not at all
If you're attracted to other races then date other races. I don't see why this is a controversial statement. I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with BM/WF relationships
No. 70572
>>70570Okay they're obviously bad when they take that turn. Same with any relationship
I'm just saying to not make sweeping generalizations and bash the pairing as a whole
No. 70576
>>70569If you like black people so much, then why do you do things to contribute to the extermination of their race and culture? It's not about "loving" other races, it's about making yourself feel better and getting asspats from those around you for being such an enlightened progressive. Mixed raced kids are prone to mental health issues and you can look that up. They have no race or culture to identify with. You don't give a fuck about anything other than making yourself look better to others, you're a selfish cunt.
When you date someone of another race, you're insulting the opposite gender of both the race you're dating and the race you belong to. Humans are tribal animals, deal with it.
No. 70579
>>70574Are we being raided again?
>>70576I haven't dated anyone from another race
That being said I don't see anything wrong with it. "Race-mixing" goes back since the dawn of the human race
No. 70580
>>70579Nope, another liberal arts sociology lie.
The whole reason different races exist is due to a population becoming isolated.
No. 70586
>>70583I love Jim so much
>>70584I'm not autistic enough to get in an argument in real life, but every online interaction I've had with these people goes like this:
Black person says something racist
I say that's kinda racist
Spouts made up definition of racism
"Okay, I'll just pretend you're allowed to change the meaning of words. Doesn't it still make you a bit of an asswipe to berate/make assumptions about someone because of their race?"
No. 70588
>>70585>Thinking early anatomically modern human populations living in Africa 40,000 years ago are the same as the modern humans living there nowEvolution doesn't just halt in Africa you know. And the climate in Africa was very different back then, thus they would have had different adaptations.
>Thinking the archaic admixture of early hominid species doesn't contribute to differences between the races Holy fuck you need to have a book thrown at you. Also, google "Denisova", this shit has a direct connection to race.
No. 70590
>>70588Enlighten me
What I learned in school is that humans originated in Africa, travelled outwards, and some wound up in Europe and interbreeded with Neanderthals. Bam modern Europeans
No. 70596
>>70592Well I was actually curious, but okay
>>70591He literally fucked her during one of his livestreams
How are you just realizing this?
>>70595I take it you're the anon who made the /pol/ thread?
Just flip the genders of your post around and replace asian with black and you have a typical /pol/ and /r9k/ post going
No. 70597
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>>70595I'm an asian dude unsettled by white men taking our women, but you remind me of a certain lady.
No. 70599
>>70596What /pol/ thread are you talking about?
>Can't combat arguments with anything other than "/pol/ /r9k/ You've done this multiple times already, why bother saying anything at all?
No. 70601
>>70596Is this his article?, I hate white men so much sometimes.
No. 70602
>>70599I'm not using it as an insult
I just recall a user from here making a /pol/ thread
>>70597Dude don't feel unsettled by it
It's a meme
He said he was going to make those when he still had his old channel. I'm a bit lost on that whole thing, so I was really looking forward to it
No. 70604
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>>70601That's the group he was in and where his new channel name comes from
He doesn't have an article on ED
>>70603Ask away
No. 70608
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Holy fuck, he's a fat neckbeard. I guess I understand why he preys on ugly frying pan faced monkeys now.
>>70605Yikes, her face is fucking huge. She's not even pretty by gook standards. Why the fuck hasn't she had double eyelid surgery? Her eyes are so small in proportion to her face. Looks like a dude in drag.
No. 70613
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>>70608Well I found this from a google+ page called internetaristocrat
Obviously the same guy
I'm skeptical it's Jim though tbh
>>70612Maybe he likes her? Who knows
No. 70614
>>70612Regardless you're pretty delusional if you think white men are going for asian en masse and dislike white women
Why do you care so much first off?
No. 70620
>>70618>I never knew a single white guy who didn't prefer asians and bitch about white women being shit.I'm curious now
What is your sample size?
Yes I have had white male friends and am white male. No I can't say this is a widespread thing. If you're basing it entirely off of 4chan then you can't act surprised. It's a website centered around Japanese culture. Not a shocker that a minority of users there like Asians
No. 70622
>>70621>boyfriends of girls I was friends withSo are you friends with lots of Asian women then?
Where do you live (state, assuming US)?
I'll just have to take your word for that one. But I'll just say I don't see that being hugely widespread in Illinois
I will admit a few times I've been to Chicago it did seem pretty widespread. Saw lots of interracial couples in general, but that doesn't mean it's the norm though.
No. 70667
>>70597My sister only dates white guys. She is now dating some huge guy that thinks he is going to be some champion body builder. The guy is a big dumb blonde guy and he pisses me off because he comes into my room and asks me how I am enjoying my video games. FUCK YOU. I do more then play video games. I wanted to show my sister how I could throw him around using leverage so she would not keep talking about him. I tried to throw him over my shoulder. He laughed and picked me up and kissed me on the cheek and said "you're a good boy".
My sister was laughing as was my mom. It pisses me off. He comes in plants a big kiss on my mom and then sister and tries to be all "I am your friend" with me. FUCK YOU. This pisses me off so much right now. If I could kick his ass I would. It bothers me that my dad likes him too. Why don't they see him like I do?
No. 70707
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Just let your sister and her bf be
>>70664>I think the image is that they're more pure/loyal than many white womenThis is mostly it tbh. A lot of white women are a bit out there…
Plenty that are fine though
No. 70716
>>70707>plentyIt's really quite hard to keep ones hopes up. There's probably a sufficient amount to get together with one, but man, it feels pretty grim.
>>70667Maybe he didn't want to get thrown by you? You act all angry towards him and then you go like "hey man let me throw you I'm gonna be gentle I promise ;)"
But you enjoy video games, right? You were playing video games, right? He probably has no way to relate.
Assume he is a shitbag. Your sister likes him and it seems like your parents think he treats her with respect. Why shouldn't you do the same? You seem to reacting more hormonally than anything. Trust me, I've had to deal with new people coming into my family. It's not super easy. Try be cautious but open.
No. 70720
>>70524It's not that common, though. Will Smith, Barack Obama, Jay-Z, etc all date black women.
The only black celebrities I know who are with white girls are the """controversial""" ones like Kanye West or that weird ephebophilic rapper who's dating Kylie Jenner or something.
Plus BM/WF relationships are like 2% in America, anyway, or so I read.
I seriously don't know what people from these
>>70508 blogs are on about.
No. 70722
>>70720Nah I'd say most athletes and rappers do. They're also talking about irl in which its super common. I see black men with white women far more than black men with black women
Kind of sad
No. 70723
>>70722Anon, please post some data. Most athletes and musicians seem to overwhelmingly date people of their own race.
>I see black men with white women far more than black men with black womenAre you sure you're not just focusing on the black men with white women more? Because that really doesn't match up with real life statistics.
No. 70731
>>70723Oh, no its completely anecdotal evidence oh my part and I'm not denying that. Black people in general are a rarity here. I'm not focused on BM/WF relationships because I simply dont care, but it is hard not to notice the few black guys here mostly having white gfs.
I dont view this as a good or bad thing, it just is
No. 70733
>>70722What planet are you from? This isn't true at all.
>>70731 if there's very few black people where you're from, logically they're going to date white women because there's probably not very many black women to choose from. Duh.
You're definitely focusing too much on other people's relationships.
Go outside more.
No. 70739
>>70733And in comparison I see single black women all over.
I'm not focusing on it, but that's the discussion at hand so I'm drawing on my personal experiences
It is considered a major problem in the black community and causes a lot of butthurt that most successful black men date white women. Hell, my uni's black student union held a meeting with that as the topic last year. It's super common
No. 70857
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>>70658White men prefer asian women, also treat these asian women they date like complete shit, they're just sex toys for them, so all their bullshit about "traditional values" is a lie, they're just complete scum who hate white women for not letting them treat us like shit. No. 70860
>>70857this so called "white men" from these stats are americans which tbh are the worst among all the men around the world
us is supposed to be so progressive and modern country with women rights and all, but when these men come to my country they're all so rude and condescending toward girls while they talk how they like them because they're nice and submissive. yuck.
No. 70861
>>70857>linking ramzpaul and a body building forumWelp, I'm convinced. Thank you for informing me about my real preference
>>70858I imagine it also has something to do with whites and Asians largely inhabiting suburbs, so there is a lot of natural intermingling there.
No. 70864
>>70863>Then why are most sexpats AustralianI'll just take your word for this one
What's a white man thing? Going on vacations?
European women go to Africa and the Caribbeans in droves for sex tourism so don't try to take the moral high ground here
No. 70865
>>70863for most people australian = canadian = american
they all speak english, act and look the same
No. 71040
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>tfw the SJW ideology is slowly creeping into Europe
Thanks America
No. 71049
>>71048>>71043I just feel like defending someone who is a cow in their own right is too tumblr but fuck. It's like she is their punching bag despite so many tumblrtards overdrawing their lips and making their eyebrows thicccc. Not to mention the amount of white tumblrinas who use poc terms themselves.
The worst thing is that people were picking on Kylie before she even turned 18 and no one on tumblr cared, but I bet if she were a landwhale with a #sjw insta they would be up in arms about her treatment.
No. 71576
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And it fucking begins. There's no way in fucking hell I would EVER allow a man to walk into a locker room and claim he's trans. there would definitely be screaming and shouting. I cannot believe women are still not being protected because 'pooor trans people'
No, fuck this shit. They are STILL MEN. They should not be allowed in a changing room with other women. This is filthy.
No. 71669
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>>71666don't call it a grave.
this is the future you chose.
No. 71675
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>>71576 Facility use. All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.
In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered entities shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.
(2) Cannot require use inconsistent with gender expression or gender identity. A covered entity shall not request or require an individual to use a gender-segregated facility that is inconsistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity, or request or require an individual to use a separate or gender-neutral facility.
(a) If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with the person's gender expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available.
(b) Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender-segregated facility, such as removing a person, should be taken due to that person's actions or behavior while in the facility, and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identity. The same standards of conduct and behavior must be consistently applied to all facility users, regardless of gender expression or gender identity.
(3) Provision of options encouraged. Whenever feasible, covered entities are encouraged to provide options for privacy, such as single-use gender-neutral bathrooms or private changing areas, that are available to any individual desiring privacy.
No. 71695
>>71675lol so any muscular creeper with a dick can just say they are a woman and because of that person's "gender expression" they will be allowed into locker rooms and bathrooms. And the faculty will just wait until someone gets attacked or raped, and then they will remove the man because
>Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender-segregated facility, such as removing a person, should be taken due to that person's actions or behavior while in the facility, and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identityWe have come to a day where snowflake labels, gender roleplaying, and "MUH FEELS AND
PROBLEMATIC TRIGGERS" comes before sound logic.
No. 71699
>>71695in every men's locker room I've been at any gym open to the public, there's always old guys naked, sometimes wearing a towel, weighing themselves or stretching or otherwise loitering. nothing sexual, they're never jerking it or anything. it's pretty normal.
imagine one of those dudes doing that in the women's locker room. he couldn't be removed, because that's fairly normal behavior, and he wishes to do what he did in the men's locker, but identifies as female now.
now your daughters as well as your sons get a nice eyefull of old man dong when you take them to swim lessons.
No. 71706
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>>71700oh jesus I totally missed that.
>homeless or emergency sheltersthose are "gendered spaces" too, aren't they?
so abused women have to go to a shelter with… men. because you know, trans people are assaulted more often and face gender violence blah blah blah
No. 71708
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>>71704oh yeah, I remember that sick fuck
No. 71712
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No. 71713
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No. 71759
>>68210The ftm I was with was basically a horror story and a pedo rapist. She started grooming me when I was twelve-thirteen and using me not long after (nine years older).
Always dying her hair, cutting it short, getting 'anime bangs' like that v cut fringe or a super long fringe that specifically went over her eyes. Would wear dresses and say 'oh I'm so girly today' followed by a complete breakdown of 'muh transgender'
This was far too early for mainstream sjw tumblr stuff, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if her fucked up weeb ass isn't parading around in fake glasses and a rainbow painted BLM sign right now.
No. 71769
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No. 71789
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>>71742some are teenage, bicurious, autogynephilic, married, sissy, perverted fetishists
No. 71790
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No. 71796
>>71790>>71787>>71769 My only question is w h y ?
I'm sure black people somehow contributed important stuff to this world but why make shit up? Aren't they proud of what their ancestors already achieved? Shouldn't they spread the word about that so more people would know? Making shit up is just…ugh
So much to "black excellence"…
No. 71854
>>71787>religious texts speak of thisAnd religious texts say God created the world in 7 days and the first human was white.
No. 71863
>>71796Their ancestors achieved nothing, they lived in mud huts, not civilizations.
What I find funny is how they shit on white people for our conquests and oppression, yet try to claim that blacks did the same thing while taking pride in it.
No. 71889
But you can't control who people date, so you're going to have to make peace with that and move on.
No. 71983
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No. 72022
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Have you guys seen this? Tumblr in real life.
Of course all the progressive tumbrinas are gloating over this, because statues and paintings of whites need to be destroyed.
No. 72042
>>72022reminds me of the book burnings.
so progressive.
No. 72046
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>>72022What the actual fuck
This is terrorism
How long is it until SJW's in Europe and America start setting things on fire and attacking people based on their race
No. 72048
>>72022lmao there's something so divine about these. I love seeing keyboard warriors taking action and being shown to the public as the extreme, hateful extremeists they are.
As for the painting, I feel extremely sorry for wherever this was raided from. It's so regressive to burn history, because it's all we have to learn by. I think it was actually Michelle Obama that said we need to rewrite history or something equally as regressive and pro-censorship.
No. 72058
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>>71790>this absolute butt devastationI need more
No. 72108
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>>72022Holy fuck, I haven't heard of this. I'm foaming at the mouth, I didn't know it was possible for me to become more racist.
No. 72203
>>72194How can It's Always Sunny have an SJW following? You'd think they'd get
triggered over every joke
No. 72218
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>>72215This is why I don't hang out with black (born outside of africa) people man. Some are chill, but so many educated ones are like this it's mind boggling. Like dude, chill, we all had ancestors that went through shit.
Never had a russian lose their shit because of how oppressed they were, nor an eastern european which they could considering they were kept as slaves and still are considered subhuman. Indians (dot no feather), middle easteners, (real) africans are chill as fuark too, even though they could have plenty to whine about. Why are some western blacks so angry? Why can't they just be chill and drink some vodka?
No. 72269
Janice Shaw Crouse had this to say about modern marriage and it really made me think about modern feminism and how it's effected women.
>time was, girls set the cultural morays, the standards, the parameters for intimate activity. The girls were the ones that set those boundaries. And now it’s the guys who do,”
>“And that means the girls have to live by the guys’ demands. And that means less romance. They don’t date.
>Young women who adhere to a moral code and refuse to participate in the “hook up” culture are now considered social misfits, Crouse pointed out. And they face even more daunting odds of finding a husband than their promiscuous sisters.
>And their prospects, if they are not sexually promiscuous, are really low because the guys, if they can sleep around, they’re not interested in going with the girls who don’t put out.
It seems like a lot of feminists advocate things that actually hurt women. Like, they advocate pornography and hate "slut shaming" but really all that has done is give men more power over the way women must behave. We have to abide by their rules now, where it used to be that men had to compete for the favor of women.
No. 72272
>>72269>It seems like a lot of feminists advocate things that actually hurt womenNo shit. They've been doing this for a while anon.
Porn hurts women. Prostitution hurts women. Promiscuity hurts women. Serial monogamy hurts women. Having a baseline expectation from boyfriends that you're meant to do anal hurts women.
No. 72366
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>>72331They won't even let the guy say a single thing. It's just like watching Big Red
No. 72377
>>72331This is so insulting on so many levels I might get sick just by listening to those mothefuckers acting all high and mighty, jesus christ.
What's wrong with these people?
No. 72385
>>72377There's nothing wrong with questioning the veracity of orthodox historical narratives like the holocaust, but yeah, nigs gonna nig.
Don't think of these people, NOI, Black Hebrews or whatever, as harmless kooks either - they've been implicated in various racially motivated murders and serial killings over the years, ones you never hear about because anti-white media.
No. 72419
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No. 72430
>>72419Why live when everything's going to hell anyway.
Real talk, some of this stuff really depresses me.
No. 110454
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tumblr weebs are bizarre