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No. 598810
Feel like shit? So does everyone in this thread. Vent to your heart's content.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/590987 No. 598849
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>>598827it's even more funny because they could look as stereotipically femenine as shit and there's still something wrong… something you can't put your finger on… as if they were still males after all the plasic surgery lol
it sucks, I am a generally respectful person too, and respected trans people and their pronouns. not anymore though.
No. 598887
>>598827I'm so happy MTFs are rare in my circles, I know maybe two and they're both absolutely tragic looking (one of them has a really receding hairline too) and literally dress up like 10-year old girls but chill and shy enough not to be disgusting speds creeping on women. I mostly just feel bad for them.
>what the hell do people want?They just want to feel powerful and make others submit. There's no end to their requests, they are constantly inventing newspeak and policing terms simply because they have a neverending hunger for feeling superior to others. Someone once said that when they make the first request you might as well deny it because there will be no last request. And it's scarily accurate. First they demanded sex change surgery to be sex reassignment surgery, now it's gender confirmation surgery and I think I've seen a fourth term making rounds. You can't say "was born as a male/female", you need to say "was assigned as a male/female at birth". The terms keep changing so fast it's hard to keep up. It's just a way of ruling with fear and exhausting people to the point they're reduced to passive listeners, if you slip up because you don't know 20 years of gender theory and woke speak terminology you might as well die right there because there's no coming back from your upcoming cancellation.
No. 598891
I am scared to go to work on Sunday (two days from now).
Over the past month and a half, I've gone on a crusade against my pedophilic, abusive ex-coworker from 5 years ago after finding out he'd been applying to grad school for music with a minor in education — which I didn't even know you could do. When I was 17 and he was 24 and we'd just begun sleeping together, he told me stories of other young girls and teenagers having crushes on him. One of which was a seventh-grader that "tried flirting with him" when he shadowed a teacher in undergrad. No way in hell am I going to let him become a teacher, tutor, anything to do with children.
His apologist girlfriend he'd cheated on with me without my knowledge at the time has broken up with him for good and he's been fired from his job working under her daddy's thumb, but only after I left a negative review on Google after never receiving a response to my email.
I still work at the same place we met. He walked in the other day with sunglasses and a face mask on as a lazy disguise to sneak past our bosses that fucking hate him. I'd know him anywhere. We locked eyes across the store while he hovered in the middle stacks to further avoid being seen by the bosses. I knew it was him even with his sunglasses on by the overwhelming gut feeling I got — one I haven't felt since I'd last seen him, 4 years ago, when I was freshly 18.
I ignored him and joked with my manager, cackled loudly with my coworker, and when I had to help a customer, I sauntered down the aisle opposite where he was standing, cut through a break in the bays so that he could watch me walk away from him with my head held high. On the way back up to the front, this customer who's a favorite of the store almost bumped into him. I was trailing behind him. I caught sight of [pedo]'s eyes because he had his sunglasses off. The customer and I were talking and I made moon-eyes at him while I knew [pedo] was boring holes into me. I carried on about my day as if everything were normal, like he wasn't even there.
Eventually he left without buying anything. He never spoke a word to anyone. I won't tell my bosses about this incident (they never saw him, they were running around preparing for a meeting) unless he comes in again. The owner of the store has regularly flip-flopped between victim-blaming me since finding out and declaring that she'd take him around back and beat the shit out of him if she ever saw him again. I know she'd say, "What did you expect? You just ruined his life. Of course he wants revenge."
One of my old coworkers is going to bring me her extra taser at work on Sunday. The nerves are because it's our slowest day of the week and it's just me and one other coworker, the new guy, all day. I got lucky on Tuesday in that [pedo] came in during our busiest time of the day. I was never alone at the front of the store and there were plenty of customers milking around. I never leave work alone because there's always at least 2 of us closing, and my roommate is a coworker so she typically picks me up. I don't think he'd try anything, considering he's too chickenshit to walk in showing his face, but the fear is still there.
Luckily I have another job lined up so I won't be there much longer. I'm sure if I wanted to quit on the spot for my own safety, they'd understand.
No. 598899
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>>598849dude looks like one of the many faces of farrah abraham
No. 598908
>>598849idk that just looks like a gay man with a bad nosejob.
I do feel bad for them though. Just feels like one giant LARP that everyone has to be in on, or else.
No. 598915
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I don't know why it's this fucking hard for my mom's husband to wash his fucking hands when he gets home. Does it hurt? Is the water too cold for his highness? Is using some fucking soap just too clean for you? He only does it when my mother is around and even then she has to remind him every second time. I'm not in the position to give any commands to him so every day I have to witness him touch fucking EVERYTHING - now in the already sweaty summer - with his public transportation dirtied, booger picking, germ infested, for corona begging hands. Even without corona, how is this not common sense? How does he never feel dirty touching all the shit outside, in our already pigdisgusting neighboorhood? He's been living with us for years now and istg everytime we got flue'd his dumbass was the first to get it, whine and bitch like the baby he is and then throw his germs everywhere.
He comes home. Touches the garderobe. Touches the wall. Straight up goes to the kitchen, touches the table. Touches the garbage bin. Touches the freezer. Touches the drinks including what's potentially mine but only takes out one, touches the packages food without taking it out, touches the drawer within the freezer and digs around in it, touching everything. Touches the freezer again to close it. Touches the deep freezer, repeats the previous. Touches the freshy washed dishes, right next to the fucking dish washer. Goes in the living room, touches the balcony door. Touches the house phone. Touches the Air con and its buttons. Touches the windows. I could go on but I'm already seething enough. I'm this close to burning the whole appartment with his filthy ass in it. He can't even wash his asscrack properly, everytime he goes there's a fucking imprint.
I want to move out already, I can't take this shit anymore.
No. 598923
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>>598899>one of the many faceskek my sides
>>598916This, like, for example, when people say jeffree star looks ambigous I'm like… are we looking at the same person lol
No. 598935
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Yall ever just feel like a walking corpse?
No. 598937
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I'm so frustrated with myself because I keep getting sidetracked on everything.
If I'm studying subject A, I'll do it for a while then something about subject B pops up and I immediately start studying it and keep getting sidetracked until I'm reading about subject W and forgot all about A.
I decided a tracking app would be nice, but then I started thinking I need a calendar app and ended up downloading a billion other things but not what I intended to.
I sometimes start baking things but realise that I started cleaning something random in the middle of it. It's almost unconscious and I don't really notice until I wasted 10+ hours studying tidbits of random shit barely related to what I was supposed to study.
In fact, I was going to google what could this mean and I saw something that reminded me of lolcow so here I am, talking about it instead of searching it. Good lord I hate myself sometimes.
No. 598948
>>598939>>598939Wow this just ruined my day
Terf means a radical feminist that excludes trans people
Jesus christ…
Ah, well. I'll continue being a proud terf.
No. 598963
Idk if this would better fit the personal cows thread, but I just gotta bitch about this photographer I know, her antics are reaching borderline scammy territory and I'm trying to figure out if I should say something or start warning people about her.
>Mainly a boudoir and wedding photographer
>Fairly well known in our area/has a decent following in her facebook group
>Used to post a lot MLM stuff but stopped once the MLM hate train started, but she'll still post occasional photos featuring MLM products and tell people to message her if they're interested so I'm guessing she still does it undercover.
>tries to dip her toes into as many hobbies as she can and always tries to market off of them even when she has no real talent for them.
So far shes tried knitting/selling beanies, making her own dip nail/gel nail business, reselling (as in buying random shit at a thrift store and reselling it)
>Goes on and on about how shes so thin because of keto and always gets tons of comments about it so she writes up a PDF on all her favorite keto recipes and sells it for $30 then she advertised ~Keto coaching~ where she'd tell you exactly what to buy, and eat, and what exercise routines you should do, despite having no qualifications.
Her current money grabbing scheme is why I need to vent about her.
Shes started her 'own' lingerie business, and advertises it as if the lingerie is super exclusive but….It's all from aliexpress…Like on her website for the lingerie its all obvious aliexpress/wish/shein photos, despite being a photographer she couldn't be bothered to take her own pictures of the lingerie??? Also they're all marked up in price, I did some reverse googling and one set she had listed for $50 was on alibaba for $8.
I guess its not exactly illegal as far as I know but its just so scummy to me. Especially because people in her comments ask where she gets the lingerie from and she avoids the question, always says something vague like "My supplier/My warehouse" and she always talks about how high quality the lingerie is and tries to talk her group members into buying them for their boudoir shoots with her when these places like aliexpress/alibaba/wish/shein are known for being absolute shit quality and having horrible sizing. I just imagine some poor woman paying 5X what the cost of the lingerie actually is thinking its a super nice set of lingerie, then getting a scratchy polyester nightmare that doesn't fit right and rips the first time she puts it on.
I haven't seen anyone in the group call her out about this, so I don't know if no one else has mentioned it or if she just heavily moderates her posts/comments. Everyone in the group still kisses her ass and praises how talented and hardworking she is.
These women who try to act like #bossbabes while taking advantage of other women make my fucking blood boil.
No. 598973
>>598961This would be fucking amazing.
>>598948The term isn't even accurate, "TERFs" often include trans males i.e. women into the discussion.
No. 598985
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>>598939The part that stood out the most to me was the illustration they used.
Cancel women!
No. 599031
>>598985Oh hell no, that is pretty blatant. Who approved of this?
>Beware the TERFFuck off. They aren't even the ones in power or the ones who pose a threat. If anything, men are the ones openly violent against trannies, don't see these fucks cancelling all men. Clownworld. I'm not even a TERF and yet I can see how insane this shit is getting.
No. 599046
>>598972 I know anon, you're right, thats why I said it's not exactly illegal. Its just the context of it that bothers me. When you buy stuff from a store you know where its coming from based on the label, whereas I feel like shes being intentionally deceitful about (or at least intentionally avoiding saying) where they come from. I've bought stuff off aliexpress and wish before I knew any better and what you get is almost never whats advertised in terms of sizing, cut, or quality.
But at the end of the day like you said its really no different, I'll just have to die mad about it lmao
No. 599103
>>599100>trans womenlmao
Anon, your friend is upset at scrotes. Not women. She is probably cringe and annoying, but she is also right.
No. 599152
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>>598916>>598923yes! it's the long face and strong forehead that clocks them for me. probably because those are two things that plastic surgery can't fix, so no matter what they do to their noses, lips, brows, etc., they'll always have masculine facial ratios. even when they get their jaws/chins shaved down, you can see the echoes of what used to be there and that's when they start to look uncanny valley, which draws attention to the rest of their unnatural plastic look. plus they can never get rid of their manly bodies. even girls with broad shoulders and a bigger hip:waist ratio (like chloe moretz) are obviously still rounded and feminine, but men are just men. i just think about nikolas tutorials and how he tried to pass off his hyper-masculine features like the heavy brow ridge, massive head (massive everything), strong jaw, big male cheekbones, and bone structure as being "a big-boned dutch woman made from strong european stock!!1!11!1" and laugh. the only reason he "passed" facially in his videos for so long (aside from being under 1000 layers of makeup, studio lighting and filters that he controlled) was because he did extreme close-ups of his eyes or lips as individual features and you were never really able to see his full face without the heavy drag makeup for long periods of time. plus he never showed his body because the second he showed his whole 6'4" body, it was immediately apparent dude wasn't just a big-boned woman but a whole-ass male.
i hate troons on a level i can't even express, but i almost,
almost pity these creatures who actually, truly believe they'll ever "pass" and can't just accept that they are and will always be, men.
No. 599186
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>>599179Not a troon, just messed up. I’m just sso stressed out it is unreal. I hate being a person.
No. 599191
>>599189Oh fuck off.
Also I did not mean baysitter in a weird way, I just van’t deal with this bullshit..
No. 599212
>>599179nta but that was clearly cheeky and not even hi scrote, was it twitter user TransCatGirlRights or 20 jenny who got
triggered this time
No. 599301
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I know its my period talking because i become the most self destructive and suicidal during this time of the month but i seriously want to kill myself. I have nothing to live for and im seriously a waste of space. I just work and go home and thats it ive been doing this since before the pandemic. Today my friend was like i feel bad talking about my other friends with you and i was like ??? bitch why? And then i realized its because I dont have any other friends. But i've never truly tried to maintain friendships after high school because i truly never cared to? Like even now if my best friend and I stopped talking id be sad but i just wouldnt care that much because everyone leaves at some point. Im also talking to this guy who i know is just using me for sex because its like all im good for.He makes me feel super depressed because he is hella social and has so many friends and is constantly doing cool shit. Meanwhile I just dont have the drive or will power to leave my house if its not to go to work because something weird/fucked up always happens to me. Like even going to CVS physically drains me. I have no drive to pursue anything because life just feels pointless. I should say my life not life in general. I want to smoke or drink so badly but i told myself i would sit with my emotions instead of numbing them but this is so ugly. zim pretty sure I have PMDD because i become this suicidal and self destructive literally every time i get my period for as long as i can remember. IM sorry to anyone that had to read this dumb shit.
No. 599302
>>599291My fucking god please remove Hiroshitos dick from your mouth.
>"inaccurate to actual Japanese culture"KEK. Also, you can't talk about shit on here without it getting locked down
No. 599310
>>598810Okay I’m really frustrated and not sure to handle this.
My older sister has gone full pro-Ana and it’s fucking irritating me so much and ~
triggering~ my own past issues with food/body image (I grew up really overweight and in high school dropped all of it and had a slight ED, not skelly territory but I had a calorie fixation and was unhealthy up until almost 2 years ago).
I’m 21 and living at home while enrolled in community college , my sister is 25 and also living at home and working a job at Whole Foods.
She dropped a lot of weight, and she wasn’t overweight to begin with but wasnt ‘thin’, and a little pudgy I guess It never was anything noticeable to me at least. It all started after she entered her first serious relationship this time last year.
She’s now thin, not underweight by any stretch but probably will be because of how unhealthy she is. Due to calorie restriction and lack of all exercise she’s become atrophied looking and has lost a good amount of hair due to malnutrition.
She’ll often list off everything she ate in one day and the calorie amount…every single day and continuously talk about her weight loss /weight related things on a constant basis. Almost like she’s looking for validation and for people to tell her how thin she is (which I know sounds really rude but I used to sorta do the same thing when I was a freshman/sophomore in high school . She’ll often post pictures that are flaunting her collarbones /rib cage and shit too , similar to the posts I’d see in the pro Ana /snow/ threads before hiding them. In addition to that she’ll often ask me or my other family members if she looks fat when her behavior indicates that she knows she isn’t I guess. (Again this probably sounds really awful) In addition to that she’ll talk about how tired she is and her health issues and makes it sound like she’s ‘proud’ of these things and glamorizing the consequences to not eating .
I’ve made it a point to not give into any of it and make any comments about her weight or food intake because I know that it’s just feeding it to it, however my family has taken a completely different approach and has bolstered the attention seeking behavior by commenting on her weight loss and how little she eats. I don’t know how to explain it to them that what they’re doing isn’t helpful because every time I try they claim that I’m insensitive. It’s not like she plans on getting any professional help and they have no plans in helping/convincing her go that route so i really don’t get why they deal with everything this way.
It’s gotten to the point where I’ve been avoiding her 24/7 because of how /incessant she is and how some of her remarks makes me insecure about my own appearance. It took me a while to get over all of that crap and she knows that too.
No. 599313
>>599310I’m kinda sleep deprived and haven’t been feeling well so sorry if I worded this poorly.
Idk how to deal with any of this and I really do feel bad and feel selfish for being angry but because she knows about my weight issues and continues to shove all of this in my face..ugh I’m just fed up I guess.
She kinda keeps her bf a secret and doesn’t talk about him much, she met him at work and I haven’t been able to find his social media sadly and I don’t know if he has something to do with this . It’s probably obvious that he does considering the timing
No. 599323
>>599310you cant change her behavior but try asking her to make an attempt to not discuss weight and things around you because its hurting you.
> I don’t know how to explain it to them that what they’re doing isn’t helpful because every time I try they claim that I’m insensitive.they're gonna do what they do. but your own experience with food may not match up with theirs so they dont see weight loss as disordered until it's too late you know? you cant control others, just focus on making sure you can avoid the discomfort as much as possible
No. 599329
>>599316It forces you to do phone verification if you're using a VPN, or if you don't sign up with an e-mail that's linked to your phone number. Plus, when you give them your phone number, they refuse to remove it from their system.
There's also bots that can scrape your DMs, the fact that deleting your account still leaves up your messages and posts (and they deliberately haven't implemented anything to auto-delete content you post), the fact that they're now collecting birthdays and people have complained about being threatened with having their accounts locked/deleted if they don't send Discord a photo of their ID, etc.
No. 599380
>>598939Fucking blackpill
>>599357Misogyny was more covert and subconscious, men didn’t even know sexism is a thing. Now it’s blatant and malicious because men were allowed to congregate on the internet fueling each other’s mental illness.
No. 599386
Can't sleep, tried for 6 hours. Got anxiety attacks and too scared to take meds because my relatives push some weird "cleansing" pills on me and I'm kinda scared of interactions
>>599282Discord breeds one kind of mentality I hate, also fact they have fucking furry pedos on staff makes me nauseous. Number of porn servers is horrifying too
No. 599422
>>599368nope. you can say that but there were absolutely somewhat less blatantly sexist eras in the past in certain communities/counterculture and you're leaving out how men did not have nearly the same giant platforms to spread and encourage this shit before hence the 90s. i'm not claiming things were magically 100% better, i've just seen experienced etc enough to form this stance. also you can calm down with the assumptions lol
>>599380>>599361yeah this is part of what i was trying to get at, it's being encouraged 100000000x more now which is why it's growing much more rapidly and getting more violent. i'm not saying men used to be angels at all it's just it was not this horrific or fueled in certain past times.
No. 599500
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I'm absolutely convinced I monkey paw'd myself, holy fuck.
>Complain that I work open to close twice, the second day almost 10 hour shift
>Bought myself a good electric scooter, finally try it out
>All good, eat absolute shit going down hill, fuck up both knees and one hand
>Whatever, fuck. This'll hurt and be awful to work with, but whatever
>Got call today. "Hey anon, just uh, needed to call you. Someone we worked with tested positive."
So, I don't work, but there's a high chance I might have it, and my boyfriend is INCREDIBLY immunocompromised
No. 599616
>>599598Same, and it sucks that it really comes down to us to resolve it.
In my case it's really my fault for provoking him, but I'm so sick of his limp-dick shit. Why does basically everything about him have to be perfect except that? Rationally I understand the issue and that it takes time to resolve, but deep down it makes me feel so unloved.
No. 599623
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I feel like shit, I feel like no one likes me. I have an annoying voice, I cannot function in conversations without making it weird because autism, and I just want to be held. My bf of years broke up with me and is spreading lies about me because I dared to request a bit of attention from him. I'm so tired, untalented, lonely and I feel so depressed it is unreal. All of my friends live elsewhere and they have jobs and lovers. I'm here being a useless piece of shit, I want to stop wasting oxygen as it just hurts to live at this point with no goals and nothing to live for.
No. 599638
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Hate how the past few years it’s been impossible to have conversations on anything even vaguely political. Dumbasses are constantly putting words in my mouth when they start suspecting you aren’t on ‘their’ side. For the most part im a stupid left leaning hippy and i had a friend question on whether an online article i was right or left leaning… from my POV it was neither but the way she asked me was just… i hate how all conversations boil down to this them BS. It’s never that simple and the sooner ppl realize the better.
On the bright side I have been unknowingly pink pilling a friend and when i realized that it kinda cheered me up lol.
No. 599677
>>599671 said. Salads don't have to be just lettuce and carrots, there are all sorts things you can add. Nuts and seeds, fresh or dried fruit, chicken and fish, feta, mozzarella, cottage and goat cheese, you can fry the vegetables on a pan (try bell pepper or broccoli), add different seasonings. I eat salads for dinner pretty often and it's way easier to make them filling and not boring than what people think.
>>599675I find the taste a bit unpleasant on it's own, but in a salad mixed with other flavors it's actually pretty good.
No. 599690
>>599689I’ve never had any friends. I was married at one point but I left becuz he was
abusive and that was my only social interaction.
No. 599709 fucking hate everything about this depraved trash. if this shit doesn't make you sick to your stomach, you are lost.
there's literally tiktoks of 16 year olds dancing and lipsyncing to this with tens of millions of views. zoomers seem to have zero issues with the hypersexualization of children.
fuck porn and fuck capitalist vampire pedophiles>>599707
No. 599712
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I'm gonna be moving into a flat and sharing a room with my roommate, the room has 2 beds, a wardrobe, a rack for hanging clothes and 2 tiny bedside tables. I don't know where I'm gonna put my stuff. Sure there's room for clothes but what about school stuff and cosmetics? Where do I put away my laptop? We don't have desks. How do I decorate the room without putting tape on the wall to put up some art or something? It looks so depressing and will probably be worse when filled with our junk.
Now this all wouldn't bother me if the landlords didn't get 500 dollars a month and weren't able to afford getting some new furniture. They could refurbish the whole place with just one month's payment probably. The rest of the apartment also has really old ugly furniture. They get all that money by doing nothing, couldn't they at least try to make the people earning them money a bit more comfortable? Then again if they did refurbish the place they'd demand even more money, so we'll just have to live like it's the 70's again I guess.
Pic related I tried making the room in the sims to try decorating it but I got angry because the only thing I can do is tape things to the wall which the landlords probably won't allow
I just wanted to vent but if anyone has any decorating tips I welcome you
No. 599718
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If "hi troon" is redtext ban worthy, then so it would be "hi femcel", right?
There's definetely SOMEONE calling everyone a femcel lately
Tranny mod confirmed ?
No. 599728
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whyyy are these polymer clay earrings such a big thing right now. they're so ugly and basic and look cheap as hell. they wouldn't make any outfit look better
No. 599780
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>>599759you would be hard pressed to find a concept that hasn't been made into a polymer clay earring
No. 599782
>>599778It’s ok anon, just block him he sounds like a pos. I posted earlier itt about dudes hounding me when I was sad and
>>599572 worded it perfectly.
No. 599790
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>>599780>>599728The thing about clay earrings is that they can be cute if done well but no one cares to ever do them well
No. 599830
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i hate that can't get a fucking break from life, I already lost years of my life to major depression and year and a half ago I actually thought that my life would finally get better since I got medicated and started managing it. this year I have been coming to terms with the fact that I might be gay. i just hate myself. i hate my life. i can't believe i had to battle my mental illness every day just so some other shit is thrown my way once i got better. my whole life i thought that i was bisexual and the only cope i have rn is thinking that this is part of a 'bi-cycle' or some shit or else i am just crying myself to sleep.
'it gets better' and 'gay pride' are massive memes. it doesn't. there's nothing good about being gay. there is nothing but loneliness and isolation for the rest of your life. i can't even call myself the l word without mental breakdown because of how ashamed i am of it. i can't imagine coming out to my parents. my mother. it will basically destroy her whole life. god-forbid the word gets out in the tiny fucking eastern european town she lives in. there are no places of support on the web for ppl like me because everyone is just busy talking about how amazing it is to be 'kweer' while living in ultra-liberal places and being in hetero relationships
I can't imagine i am 22 years old and have to deal with this shit. i feel like a disgusting mistake of nature
No. 599873
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I liked the funny posts of Lolcow thread, and I'm disappointed it went to shit with people infighting too hard and randomly accusing everyone who posted screenshots they didn't personally like of sharing their own posts, or of previously arguing with the anon that made the original post.
It was such a good concept, maybe it would've fared better in /m/.
No. 599877
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got my first ingrown hair on my outer labia
i'm pissed
No. 599950
>>599931i agree with the basic idea but i just find scenecore the single most butt-ugly line of fashion. I just hate it so much and I fear the day it's going to become ironically (and later, of course) unironically worn by kids.
If you want attention with your looks, make it look a little better than atrocious, at least.
No. 599976
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I'm so stupid I want to die
No. 599981
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One of my scrote friends came to me bitching about being lonely and I tell him to lose weight and shave the beard off. Idk why men fight so hard to keep these nasty beards…it looks even worse when you're like 300 lbs
No. 599996
>>599981The fuck, I like beards? Some men need a beard to be attractive
>>599990NTA but it was clearly sarcasm, get some EQ
No. 600039
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I've done it again. My brain made me run away from my apartment. Might sleep outside. AMA
No. 600048
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>Flirting with guy i've been into for a while
>City street, somewhat late at night
>We're standing quite close to each other, i'm leaning against the wall
>I fumble for my lighter
>The conversation suddenly stops as my 1997 Japanese release Tamagotchi Angel hits the floor
>No dick for me
No. 600049
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>>600000/soc/ has always been an inmense shithole, but I agree witht he rest of your post
>4chan used to give me some giggles, forge genuine friendships, and introduce me to cool niche music and hobbies.this, this so much. nowadays you must be lucky to find people like this
>The internet has become so terrible since normies took over.Agree so much, I hate twitter
> I want old cringy deviantart before the anime big-eyed/bloat-lipped/balloon-tit same-face infested all art stylesLike pic related? Yeah. And normies eat that shit up like OMG this looks soooo goood a+. It's annoying, they always have the same face
>I miss life before beige dress drag queen Kim "aesthetic" took over.Before every girl wanted to look like a lifeless sex doll…
No. 600065
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>>599712Plants, anon! Underbed storage is your friend, too. I'd look for a huge mirror to lay on the wall and probably command strip some smaller mirrors to make the room look larger.
No. 600075
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I'm a legit cow. I want to die. I want to kill myself. I just want to die. I'll never stop being a shit head. I want to die.
No. 600085
>>599145let's make a pact to agree to draw for our enjoyment and draw however and whatever we want, and to improve at our own pace! tbh art salt and artcow threads intimidate me as well, but if you can sit down to draw and play some good music or a podcast it can help remind you of why you love it. or maybe you're in a funk and could try something new, or you just don't really want to draw and that's cool too! there are lots of creative hobbies and ways to express yourself.
>>599837I'm sorry to hear that, maybe complain to get some free stuff? Bad restaurant experiences are also depressing to me because I also really look forward to eating out.
No. 600088
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I don't know if there is a thread to go to aside from this but I need to complain about this dumb fucking scrote I've had a thing with. It's kinda condensed but I tried to keep in the important details
>Go to university club
>Meet this cute shy nerdy guy
>Think he's cute and try to hang out with him in the club as much as I can
>At some point take him out for drinks and essentially tell him I wanna fuck him
>Pretty into him, just wanna see where this goes
>He isn't really all that interested but would still do it.
>Fine with me. Can't see us in a relationship
>At some point we fuck and try to keep it at that
>uh oh I catch feelings bad
>Lockdown happens and we don't talk for a month or two. Fair, since we weren't real good friends and busy with univeristy and apparently he's been dealing with stuff.
>He hits me up and we talk again for a while
>Go to party, get drunk and talkative.
>Message him about giving him headpats (what the fuck) and it turns into me coming over and we fuck again.
>He moves and wants me to come over to give him company because he lives alone now
>See him the next day and stay the night a few days after. We have more sex.
>We stop because it won't go anywhere and he feels bad he's "Leading me on"
>Hurts but it's not like I wasn't aware. He knew I'm interested so I guess it's on him
>weeks pass. We talk like friends. Boring convos that aren't interesting.
>Cut to last night
>He'd been drinking and we talked about shit
>Brings up a friend who is interested in me and convo turned into people we simp for.
>I get jealous when he says he finds some other girls cute.
>Suddenly, he decided to tell me that the reason I was so forward was the reason anything happened
> Also says that if I was really desperate I could convince him to fuck me more
>Burst into tears. What the kind of wording is that
>Tell him to fuck off
Anons, what am I doing? What the fuck is going on? I put my faith in a scrote for thinking that because he was nice, nerdy, cute, quiet and shy that this kind of shit wouldn't happen. I've learnt my lesson that it isn't fucking worth it to think that any of them are different.
No. 600093
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Hey, anons.
I'm currently living with my grandparents (they're young grandparents, in their 60s and still active) because a few months back I had to get away from my mother, who I was previously living with and who lives in a different state. They were the only relatives I still had contact with, I'm a bit estranged from my family. Will keep it short. My grandparents have two cats that they've owned since 2010 and the cats are very attached to me, as I am to them, and it's nice that I've been able to spend every day for the past few months with them (I've been trying to move in with my husband who lives overseas, but the pandemic has disrupted our ability to travel and we've been waiting on restrictions to loosen since March.) My grandparents don't like one of the cats as much as the other, though, and they recently told me that they're considering selling her when I leave. She's lived in this house and on this land for 10 years and while I can stomach the idea of moving away from her, with the ability to come back and visit her occasionally, I can't stomach the idea of her suddenly waking up one day only to find out she's being removed from her only home and the only people she knows or trusts. She's terrified of everyone who isn't us, and she doesn't even get along with my grandparents in the same way that she gets along with me. I'm the only person in the house who takes care of her food, water, litter, and toys. This is the only life she's known and it breaks my heart to think of how much she would hurt to be sold.
Of course, I'll be trying to do everything I can to persuade them to let her live out her life her, but how do I cope with the possibility of her being sold? I know it would traumatize her and she doesn't deserve that. Sorry for being so emotional.
No. 600095
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>follows sfw aesthetic accounts
>every 3rd acct is underaged
>every 5th one posts shit like this
Fuck it gives me so much depression
No. 600103
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I just got back from my parents' place after not seeing them since Christmas and fuck. They're so old now. My dad's three years from retirement. Their house is already too much for them to keep up with– the bills are too high for their meager wages and the neighborhood's going to shit.
I keep suggesting that when they retire that they live with my dad's sister and her husband to split the costs, but my mom doesn't want to. I feel so sad cause they came to the US to seek a better life but all they got to show for are two loser kids and muscle pain from working manual labor. I'm studying to get a better job but I feel like I'm in a race against time before their deaths.
No. 600130
>>600126You sure he's not been watching too much of that 'incest' porn and got into his coombrain it's an actual thing?
I'd be on the watch out if I were you and make sure you're NEVER-EVER alone with him.
Try to allude to it to your mom, pointing it when it happens and that's making you uncomfy. Beware tho, (I'm not sure I understand if he's your mom's boyfriend or what) some shitty mom will think you're trying to steal their BF instead of protecting you.
No. 600144
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>>600143aw anon. I'm sorry but I don't have an answer for you. Just wanted to say I know how you feel. Protecting someone from their life while they protect you from yours. I hope things turn out okay for you two.
No. 600149
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>>600094>>600096>>600135Thank you so much anons! You guys seem so lovely and sweet. I hope ya'll are doing well in your relationships. That is, if you are in one. It is taking my willpower not to message him back saying a bunch of shit to him. I unblocked him incase he had a good apology (he did not - shocker) and now I have to wait 48 hours to block him again.
No. 600151
I've had issues in the past of going off too much about stuff I hate, but I've been getting better at keeping my mouth shut unless it's a genuine issue, but last night my boyfriend randomly snapped at me and went off about how I'm too negative, and spend too much time shitting on people, shittalking people to an uncomfortable level, etc, and I'm just genuinely fucking confused, the most I do is "that guy makes me uncomfortable", "this is kinda weird", etc? I have sexual trauma that lies within a lot of things around me, leading to a lot making me feel unsafe in my general life. When I asked him to give me outright examples of what I did, what I said, he just kept giving the "It's just a lot" "It's a bunch of things." It happened last night and I'm still just.. sick and confused feeling because I thought I was doing much better in that regard but I guess I'm not and I can't get a legitimate answer on what I'm doing?
No. 600152
>>600088>Burst into tears. What the kind of wording is thatMind games. He knows he's not all that desirable, and he wanted to maintain power over you so you wouldn't realize you're too good for him. That was his way of saying "I am too low-grade to chase you. It would crush my ego and put me in a state of constant paranoia to do so (and I'd also secretly like to think one day I can do better than you, even though I most likely can't), but I can't really get anyone. Rather than risking getting my feelings hurt or doing any actual work to create a relationship, I'm giving you permission to chase me. I will pretend I'm a prize, and even mildly play hard to get, so you can temporarily feel like you're not wasting your time. Everybody wins, right?", like the pathetic cuck he is. He probably wanted to use you as some sort of practice girlfriend, and kept you as a "friend" for this specific reason.
Unfortunately for him (and very fortunately for you), he's a retard and exposed himself with that one brazen line. IMO, you should actually be glad about this, you've been freed from a fool.
Don't beat yourself up over this, anon, but also, never donate pussy or text a dude first talking about some "headpats" bullshit ever again. If he isn't working hard for your attention, sex and love, he will never appreciate any of it. He'll just think it's a given, and even turn his nose up at it after some time.
No. 600158
>>600155I am so so sorry I meant to reply to
>>600152But, I had a quick read and honestly, fuck when people say you do something but won't give a specific answer. I think he's trying to make what you do seem worse than he really is.
No. 600160
>>600152NAYRT but
anon you radiate very powerful energy what the fuck
No. 600162
>>600158Oh, okay, haha. I wasn't really taken aback, kinda agreed if that
was your intention, but yeah. It just makes me paranoid. I legitimately would rather be given receipts ala callout post style instead of "well you just do it." type shit. We've gotten into arguments about me shitting on series in the past, which, are series that are gross and are big titty 14 year old anime type things, but like, I try to keep my mouth shut about it just to avoid stuff. Just fucking tell me what I did wrong, I already feel like I'm in a negative bubble of depression that I'm DESPERATELY trying to keep from affecting anything other than myself.
No. 600164
>>600144Thank you anon, I really do appreciate it.
He's going to move out soon and then I'll encourage him to report his brother to the FBI. Godspeed
No. 600167
>>598810Ugh I'm so mad at myself for flirting with my Bestfriend while drunk.
So long story short, been besties for 10yrs her & I, dated a couple of times and betrayed each other and ultimately decided years back to just "stay friends". Whale, our dumb asses got into a FWB situation which went okay besides some intense jealousy. She got with this guy last year (been together a year & 1/2) and these past few months she has been talking a lot to me about having sex with me. We've talked about it sober and seriously where she's told me her man is cool with it even with our extensive (read: messy) history and I've always been on the fence about it. Anytime we've partied together, she has put the option out there and I've always declined not even flirting with her.
But I fucked up tonight. I told her she could invite her friends over and her bf to my house for a little pool party, a late bday party bc yesterday had been her birthday and she spent it with me at my grandpas funeral. I got drunk and told her something along the lines of "you make me crazy and I want you" after she had said something about her staying the night so we could do some 'stress relief'. I ended up walking back what I said bc regardless of what I wanted I wasnt staying the night at my house tonight, its my night to watch my Grandma. But separately as I've told her before, I don't think its a good idea for her and I to fall in bed together while she is with her man. I know she says its okay and he's told me its okay but there's a part of me that tells me if I do this it'll cause alot of shit between the three of us, & she had a threesome with a friend of hers & her & her bf a couple of months back. Things didn't work out well. This girl wasn't single like I am granted, but it caused a huge blow out between her and my bestfriend to the point where they aren't on speaking terms and my Bestfriend and her bf call this girl a "hoe" and shit.
Well my Bestfriend had a change in attitude and when I asked her what was wrong she had said that im pushing her away again and quote
"I really really am upset like fr . It’s like I can’t spend the time I want to with you bc I’m not single . You’re telling me that me spending the time I want to with you is gonna make waves between me & (boyfriend), fuck that. It’s not. I’ve told you, (boyfriend) has told you, & the fact that you don’t believe at least me, that really hurts the fuck outta me. That tells me that you don’t want me around. That’s really how I’m feeling. I’m questioning how close we really are now bc I’m tired of people who say they love me not believing my word. I’m so tired of having to prove myself over & over again to people. (Bff's brother) told me to talk to you about this & this is exactly why I didn’t want to do it. Bc I knew I was gonna hear that basically bc I’m not single I can’t spend the time I want with you & I knew I was gonna hear “oh no it’s not a good idea,” when you don’t even know if it’s a bad idea in the first place. I’ve been so patient with not being able to see you like I want to bc we both have shit going on, but now I saw an opportunity & I feel like you’re not taking it bc you just don’t want me around that long."
I don't even know what to do with this situation at this point I wish I hadn't drank tonight I'm such an idiot. I made a mess of things because I'm all lonely and shit and I took what was put out there and like a chicken shit coward walked it all back. I don't even know how to fix this other than apologize for being such a tease which before the quote i put in I had a few times. It sucks that I make her feel like I don't care about what she has to say or that I don't want her around. That really isn't it, I don't want to fuck things up between her & I or her & her man, that's all that it is. Ugggh I know this may be dumb but I've been trying to navigate this for months and its like no matter what I do she is upset by what I do and I don't want that and it sucks.
No. 600173
>>600167She doesn't care about hurting your feelings. She just cares about satisfying her boyfriend's sex fantasies. I bet next step will be her asking you if you want to be in a threesome with them.
>>600164He should report his brother to the FBI like right NOW. Why wait until he moves away?
No. 600197
>>600189I'd call the police and tip them about it so they can come and get everything before he can wipe it clean.
Do it, anon. Think all of the children that were hurt making those images.
No. 600206
>>600189>>600197>>600189It's only the dad and cousin that knew about it. I guess my boyfriend's brother disclosed to the cousin that he was involved in a pedophile ring on telegram or something. He was scared he was going to get caught so the cousin and brother went to shoot his phone to get rid of the evidence. I don't know how the dad knows, I'm guessing the got caught looking at it.
My boyfriend just found out today because of him talking to his cousin about the brother's racism.
My boyfriend's he's adopted and the black sheep of the family, so he is kept in the dark about this stuff. He was a
victim of CSA as well, I know he knows what he needs to do.
If he doesn't want to, I will. I am a mandated reporter so I am legally and morally obligated to. I can't imagine the suffering those poor kids have been through. I will update when we report it tomorrow.
No. 600208
>>600206Good job. Do it for your boyfriend , knowing he's a
victim himself and might feel unequipped mentally. His "family" is fucked. Make sure his life is not at risk by doing this. See if he has somewhere to go if they blame him for it. I agree with anon above you. Don't tell anyone you're going to do it besides your boyfriend. Report it in a way where you know for sure the computer/laptop is at home and not with the brother somewhere out and about. You don't want the police to come by when he's not home, and then the father or mother realize what's going on.
No. 600211
>>600206Your boyfriends brother is not even just a pedo, but a really stupid one. Why would he tell the cousin if he was so afraid of being caught. Obvs good that he did, don’t get me wrong but that is brainlet tier.
It’s good that you found out, bc sometimes families cover too much for eachother.
No. 600285
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I'm so tired of being the one who ends up in the middle whenever there is a fight going on within the family.
Currently there is beef because my little brother (23 yo) is apparently mentally unstable. Honestly I do not really believe it because he has been always somebody who got some sort of issues whenever he had other problems going on (before that he had always accidents now it it's something mental) and he got help from my uncle to get himself into a psychiatry over night because he wanted to (which was also on the big birthday of my grandma) just to tell my uncle to get him out the very next day. My uncle and aunt supported this act and never told my mum about this because idk why maybe to feel good about themselves because they also have problems on their own at home (they are like hoarders in a way). So my mum has no idea up until she realized what really went down on my grandma's bday. Meanwhile my aunt and uncle told the family (except my mum and me) where my brother has been.
So my mum got really angry because she was really worried but everybody down played like it was no big deal. My brother also told her only step by step what the situation is (apparently he has borderline or something like this idk because nobody told me that clearly). Now my brother, who still lives with my mum, sides with my uncle and aunt because he doesn't trust my mum for some reason. At the same time he makes like no afford to better his situation, which drives my mum crazy. I know that they got some appointments at a mental institution but at the same time he needs some sort of certificate of illness for the job center here because otherwise he won't get any more money or be medically insured bc he is without any job since a while. Now he sits all day long in his room, playing fortnite and making shows on his twich account, while my mum always approaches me to vent and ask me for advice because he won't talk to her. My uncle and aunt also get mad at my mum being mad and everybody ask ME why person xy is mad at the other one. Like IDK why ask me, talk to the other person. I don't know the whole deal and on the top of that I work with my uncle so I see him every day so I have this constant "ugghh why is your mum talking to me" like he knows why but doesn't want to really talk to her. It's such a mess because I have no idea how to react to this situation, I'm also not allowed to talk to ANYBODY about this to protect my brother and such things. I have currently my own struggles going on and it's really tiring they all use me as a bridge to be passive aggressive about each UGH
sorry for this messy rent but what di I do here???
No. 600322
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Just found out that an ex-friend is still taking guitar lessons, and I think she's been taking them for two+ years now?. And tbfh, I'm just so fucking jealous. I've never had the motivation to do something for so long, I've never been passionate about something like that for so long. People are actually doing shit like making friends, going outside, getting into relationships. Just being normal fucking people.
I'm such a failure. I"ll never be normal.
No. 600324
>>600249I know. I know that I should of just left it after the first time because that was inevitable and was actually meant to be a one time thing for myself. Be as mean as you want, I need that right now.
I only just realized how I was being used when he moved because he needed company. He didn't want MY company, he just wanted someone to cuddle and fuck because that's all we did when I'd come over.
No. 600328
>>600322Anon it's okay, I've also been there. An ex friend of mine is out there selling her art while I sink more onto depression.
I think the key is stop comparing yourself. Do stuff at your own peace. You are not a failure.
No. 600373
This is gonna be something that the vast majority of women here really can't comprehend, it's something very unique with Pakistani scrotes, particularly a very specific subset of the scrotes in Pakistan, specifically muhajirs and Urdu speaking Punjabis so about 35-40 % of males in the country and this isn't even in the top 10 worst things Pakistani men do but it's something I take issue with personally
So Pakistans entire existence is based on Islam and our identity is based on islam, so the history we are taught is "Islamic" history, so basically only of foreign Arabs and Turks, e.g in the 6th century Arab armies invaded the Sindh region in modern day Pakistan when it was in the midst of a civil war, they looted the region and took tens thousands of Sindhi men and women as slaves, so in any other nation this event would be recorded as a tragedy in their history but that's not the case for Pakistan, the invading generals name "Muhammad bin Qasim" is plastered in Karachi, our main port is named after him, about every street is named after him in Karachi and he is regarded as the first Pakistani and Pakistans first national hero
Move forward to the 10th century Mahmud Ghanznivi raided and looted the Punjab province, would take women and young girls and boys as sex slaves and if you're wondering yes our armed forces have his name on various tanks and military arms
It's gotten so bizzare that Muslim Urdu speaking Pubiabis believe they are more closer to Arabs and Turks then they are to Hindu and Sikh punjabis who are linguistically and genetically the same as them, were not allowed to discuss the history of the people of our region, the Punjab had a great female leaders and even rules many who led arms against these plunders but they are shunned and ignored
I hate this country but I can't even take it seriously cause of how our leaders and intellectual despise our own history and culture, Its really something that's quite odd to hear but here ethnic nationalism is tied to progressivism, women's rights and rights for non-Muslim
No. 600412
>>600400Take classes. You should probably aim to do activities that are common for people of your age, maybe makeup or language lessons. It's very easy to both approach and be approached by the people around you when you share a context, you might start talking to someone about something that relates both of you (such as something you missed or liked from the class) and later the conversation will be wider in topics and whatnot.
I took an intensive italian course before quarantine, started talking with the two girls of my age range before the classes started, exchanged numbers and social media, started hanging out to study before the exams and ended up talking about a variety of things and learnt we shared interests, I'm extremely shy and weird when talking to people, so I'm sure you'll be more than fine anon!
No. 600432
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I hate everything, I hate myself, and I am probably a creepy little bitch who needs to die, also im addicted to lolcow
No. 600436
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I think I'm a sex addict. But I also crave the love and aftercare. I've lost the track of what I want and it is ruining me. I've been severely abused and now I'm just an easy wreck and my hookups don't give a shit about me. I'm het too so my only option is men and I hate them. I feel good while the ride is there but I feel like a piece of shit the next day. I want to die idk.
No. 600454
I'm probably alone in this but I'm fucking done listening to bitches piss and cry about people who got laid off getting the extra $600 unemployment benefit.
I had a really amazing job that was extremely hard work but fairly rewarding in the aerospace field, worked my ass off every day, I wasnt making banko but was making more than most people my age, while living in and paying for an apartment and paying off a car, but even though it was a well paying job I was still lacking the money I needed for several important things. When I got laid off I was devastated because I loved my job, but the extra income from the new benefits allowed me to pay off several things and get a surgery I desperately needed, while looking for a new job in a destroyed job market.
I know you're salty because you hate your job/are making minimum wage/make miles more money than the majority of people and don't have to worry about money troubles, but shut the fuck up and stop shitting on people who got fucking laid off and are trying to their shit together. I completely understand a select few were taking advantage of it and that's shitty, but stop grouping us all together and be grateful you have a job.
I know this is the vent thread but sorry for going off, kek. I hope everyone is doing well right now, whether you have a job or not!
No. 600458
>>600407thanks anon
>>600412classes are a good idea, did you just straight up ask them for their numbers?
>>600420no not really, I've been burnt by this in the past and much prefer to keep social and work life separate
No. 600460
>>600454That’s great but a lot of people don’t get anything so they see people get these increased benefits and they get upset. Everyone is dealing with some kind of change and not everyone is lucky to get those extra finances to be able to pay debt or things they need. This is just worsening financial situations for a lot of people because they can’t get any help so yeah they’re salty because they need assistance and they see some people buying unnecessary shit from benefits. Why does it matter if poor people are upset they don’t qualify to get money when it’s ruining their lives and there’s such an easy fix for others? It’s a pretty
valid situation to vent about and you shouldn’t take it personally just because you know it’s helped you so much.
No. 600474
>>600460I do take it personally when so many people air their grievances about it in a way they group all people on unemployment into the same circle of being lazy, unmotivated moochers. I didn't work my ass off and get laid off for somebody to come along and tell me I don't deserve unemployment while I look for a new job because some john down the street used his extra $600 to buy a gaming PC, and honestly, that person is going to feel the hurt of their purchase down the line when their extra money runs out because they weren't using it correctly and searching for a job. It's not my or anyone else's fault if someone I don't know is poor, that's sad but it doesn't give them the right to shit on other people dealing with their own financial hardships and taking positive advantage of something that's helping a lot of people.
I know I shouldn't take it personally but I do, and this is the vent thread so I'm gonna vent like a bitch kek
No. 600491
>>600476Oof got called a cunt on the internet, that really hurt. You missed the entire point of my post seeing I don't need the extra money or unemployment anymore, but have fun in your mom's basement
>>600475That's very true, and a great way to think about it. I definitely am grateful for being able to use the extra to pay off a few things I desperately needed, and the few other people I know who got laid off and were recieving unemployment feel the same way. Luckily I aced an interview a few days ago with another great company, so any ranting I was doing was just residual annoyance at this point, lol.
No. 600503
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I should just drop dead or something, I wouldn’t mind if I got killed right now. I hurt my dog and now he’s following me around even more than usual.
I was working out, I usually go to the gym, but now I’m working out at home with a small set of dumbbells, I was lifting the smallest pair since it has been a whole quarantine since I started working out again.
I workout in the balcony because I can close the door and avoid my dog from getting close to where I am because he’s curious, but this time I thought
>it’s not like I’m gonna drop a dumbbell or something, I’ve never done that.
But I was wrong, after a few light sets, I felt my arms a bit trembly and I decided to stop, but when I was putting them down, my dog decided to smell them closely and one of them fell on his head, I think it was probably some 5 centimeters over him, maybe less.
He growled at me and he started trembling like crazy, I was really worried about him so I carried him and put him on the couch.
I examined him and he wasn’t growling, just trembling of the shock. I held him, petted him and rubbed his belly until he felt better.
I played for a while with him and I also have him some cookies for being so patient with my stupid bitch ass, but I will keep on monitoring him during these days just in case.
He was following me around the house and now he’s with my parents, I’m glad he seems to be fine, but I still want to fucking die for being such a fucking idiot.
No. 600510
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>>600504it's so hard to get fam. i've tried and have been rejected so many times. what are these autists doing to get accepted??
No. 600517
>>600458After exchanging conversations for some classes, one of the girls was like "Hey, follow yourself on my instagram" so we all ended up following each other and started talking mostly about the classes and the work we had to do and then we did ask for each other's numbers to coordinate a study date. It's common to talk through the dms (maybe you can friendly answer to one of their instagram stories or comment when they post a picture) and after a few days or weeks, you ask their numbers and continue chatting
Fitness classes are also really good imo but just take anything you're actually interested in and you'll make friends + you'll learn so it's a win-win situation. Good luck anon!
No. 600526
>>600432i have had some really devastating news, and
you are not alone anon, i feel for ya for some reason, lolcow helps me cope. i can concentrate and occasionally have a hearty kek, don't feel too bad about being ' addicted to lolcow. just see it as helping you get through a hard time.
No. 600535
>>600501>>600496 and
>>600491 are different people, retard. Get off your ass and stop getting pissy at other essential workers for being grateful for the extra unemployment benefits, your petty insults aren't hurting anyone. When I said I didn't need the money anymore I meant I got a new fucking job because I'm not a lazy asshole who sat on my ass taking in cash. I handed in fuck tons of resumes to different companies while recieving unemployment for a few months and it paid off. And the "frivolties" you're accusing me of spending my unemployment on was an expensive surgery I've needed for months but couldn't afford because the rest of my money was going to bills and other necessities, like, I don't know, food and my rent. You're acting like, as
>>600496 said, other people who are getting the extra $600 after being laid off aren't still struggling in their own right and are going on vacations and buying sports cars.
Learn to fucking read and take your panties out of your ass. You might not be a shit person but you're absolutely an entitled retard salty that you have no one to blame your own lack of success on so you take it out on others who may be facing unfortunate circumstances, but are working their asses off to succeed despite that.
No. 600541
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I've fallen in love with someone and I hate it. I truly don't want to fuck up our friendship- I've loved them for years and kept them kind of at bay for this exact reason, though we've been pretty close the whole time… I just got stricken by the giddiness/anxiousness of falling a few days ago though and my heart has basically felt weird as fuck ever since. I feel like I'm going insane. He's perfect to me, cute, good interests, morally upstanding, anti-porn and troons, but i think we've known each other for too long for him to be interested (I'm probably just "one of the boys" to him by now) and my best friend thinks he's like sort of insane even if he also likes him. I legitimately feel like I'm going insane with this feeling though and i do not know what the fuck to do. I'm not even straight so this is extra humiliating. Someone please put me out of my misery, i just want this sensation to stop so i can be normal again..
No. 600548
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I've had these group of guy friends for about 6 months and I dropped them recently because the level of retardation was fucking with my head. I've had more drama with these guys than I've ever had with girls because of how petty these cumbrains are. Any girl who likes having more male friends because they're supposedly "not as bitchy" is full of shit. Men are fucking stupid. I just want more female friends.
No. 600552
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>tfw male with huge cock cuddled n sexed me up for a few hours and made me cum three times and now about to go get a delicious sushi dinner paid by a simp I have no intention to smash
No. 600571
File: 1597004104810.jpeg (102.86 KB, 844x844, 0AE9C42F-1303-4F04-B8E5-F1A17D…)

>>600552Congrats anon. Hope ya enjoy the sushi!
No. 600590
>>600585The post read to me like she was talking about the same person. Either way that's somehow even worse lmao. Peak
toxic female behavior and y'all support that shit like it's something to be proud of.
>in b4 uR a ScRoTe No. 600599
That anon needs to take a peak at the male dominated image boards and see the shit they post about the girls they play. & it’s univerally acceptable for males to take pride in that behavior so they all had each other up.
But when the player is a female, suddenly there’s a problem. Smh male lurkers make it so obvious when they get their jimmies rustled
No. 600602
>>600531>>600535yeah, you're just going to keep posting and deleting and reposting again when you come up with what you think are new "gotchas", so it's really not worth replying to you any further. but you know absolutely nothing about me and it's laughable that you think you do. you can keep saying i'm salty because i'm unsuccessful or that i live in my mom's basement all you want, but that doesn't make it true, and it sounds like a whole lot of projection to me, anon. i'm not the one who simultaneously thinks she's above "poor people unemploymentbux" but also somehow needs them to live off of but ALSO makes sure everyone knows she never really needed them like those disgusting poor people and has actually utilized them to max out success because she's so uwu~ successful. just seems like you're a bit of a snob who can't cope with the fact that she's had to resort to "poor people" methods of survival and is taking it out on everyone else.
also, you're not an essential worker or you wouldn't be unemployed, so i'm really not sure where the new "stop getting pissy at other essential workers" shit is coming from. i have no problems with essential workers who are upset they haven't been getting neetbux like you worthless laid-off losers who've, by and large, sat on your asses collecting more money than you would have in a normal pre-covid paycheck. meanwhile people who actually contribute to society go out to work every day and put their lives on the line and get no extra money nor recognition like you. you're the one who bitched about how annoyed you were that "poor people" essential workers have been whining over the people on unemployment, or did you forget that?
it's understandable if you forgot what you were even angry about. you sound extremely frazzled about your status and justifying how wealthy and successful you ACTUALLY are, to the point where you needed to make and delete multiple posts on an anon forum all because someone rightfully called you a cunt.
No. 600612
>>600605>I'm treating this group better than they treat me so I can feel a slight emotional high and smugness from being better than them>That includes policing other women who don't do the sameNah. You're working backwards. The smart thing is to ignore this, and if you feel even slightly bad, just look at crime rates.
It's okay to call men simps on the internet. Laugh a little, live.
No. 600615
>>600599Neither of those things are okay. To pretend otherwise is lazy and a cope. If you want to belittle and freeload off of people who are desperate and lonely enough to pay for your shit for nothing, be my guest, but don't brag about it like it's some fucking accomplishment. It's selfish and honestly just horrible behavior that shouldn't be accepted by anybody. Just because men "get away with it easier" doesn't make it okay for women to pull similar stunts.
Complaining about the fucked up shit men say on imageboards while supporting behavior like this from women is just so retarded and hypocritical. I fucking can't with this board sometimes.
No. 600621
>>600609My boyfriend was ready to file a report as well as the cousin.
I was waiting for them to call so we could make the report together. I took an hour long nap and then woke up to my boyfriend texting me the cousin couldn't do it, that the family was destroying everything and now it's all gone.
He's leaving the house and when he does I'm making a report regardless. I don't care if everything is gone, that family deserves to rot. I just want to make sure they don't fucking murder him or something because it seems like they would do anything at this point, especially to someone not their "blood".
Everything sounds so fake, like genuinely nothing feels real anymore holy shit.
No. 600627
>>600603>>600621The thing about deletion is that just because you delete something doesn't mean it's gone. It's just been converted into data that can be overwritten.
That's why so many pedophiles opt to rather destroy their hard drives or keep everything in virtual machines or external drives. If the police do an investigation, they might still be able to retrieve what he's downloaded.
If he's particularly lax, they might be able to look through his devices and see who his online "friends" are and if he's discussed anything, see if he's saved any links to CP sites for future viewing, etc.
Good luck, anon. Continue with the report. Even if nothing comes of it, it's better to create a paper trail in case something else happens.
No. 600628
>>600621Nothing is ever “deleted” btw. It’ll still be on the hard drive. To delete they’d have to
> save files to scrub the hard drives “copy” of it (something has to save over it to 100% delete it) > ISP probably can be petitioned to see where files were moved from the internet/where he got them.Report it, say you know and saw it, family is scrubbing to protect him. Do you have any type of proof? Anything? Petition to the FBI cyber tip line. I’ve gotten calls about reports I did.
No. 600630
>>600615>>600619 is right. That anon
and the simp is pathetic, but what can you do? Honestly doing stuff like that is just ruining your own chances of developing meaningful relationships, imo.
>>600621Send the report! Authorities will still be able to see what he deleted. Idk how often it's done tho or if they will do it without proof.
No. 600631
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Youtube is removing the community-subtitles function so they can fucking monetize that too, I'm so triggered.
No. 600636
>>600633>parents defending their son watching CPI'm going to be sick. This might sound kind of extreme, but can he maybe record them acting this way? Have them admit they helped him delete it all, without knowing they're being recorded? If not face-to-face, through text or something?
That way, he can put them on blast and expose them if anything else develops, and/or if they try to gaslight him later on if he cuts them off.
Technically, they are committing a crime by helping their pedo son avoid the law. That should also be sent to the police for investigation, who knows if the parents are hiding some shit.
No. 600662
>>600643Wait now I'm confused, is the brother who has the cp on his computer your brother or your boyfriends? And is the cousin your cousin? I thought you were saying your family would kill your bf to avoid getting caught. How does his family know about this?
Anyway you need to call the police like yesterday. Stop hesitating and call them now. For your brother and boyfriend.
No. 600663
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>>600659>50% of my steam libraryimagine getting so little for your nudes and bragging. Games are like $60 max kek
No. 600670
Her boyfriend who lives overseas has a brother who watches and circulates CP. Her boyfriend was adopted and is the "weakest link" in the family, meaning the family cares more about the brother and protecting him at all costs. The boyfriend found out about his brother watching cp from their cousin, who mentioned it casually and admitted that he helped the brother destroy evidence on his phone earlier that month. The cousin also admitted that the boyfriend and brother's dad also knew about it. We told anon to call the cops a day ago, and she claimed her boyfriend needed to be the one to call. We told her no, and not to inform the cousin that they were planning on calling the cops, and to make sure the boyfriend was somewhere safe and away from home even if it was just during the initial phone call. The boyfriend fucked it up by trying to get the cousin to help call the police with him (Which is retarded, the cousin was helping the brother hide his porn and should be arrested as well), and the cousin told the brother and the brother's family and now it's all fucked..
No. 600675
>>600670Ty for the spoonfeed lol.
>>600674Not trying to be a bitch but if anything like this happens call the police immediately. Even if someone tells you not too. Not saying it's your fault but when you figured out your boyfriend could be harmed you should have taken action that second.
No. 600702
>>600432 be easier on yourself on Anon, and you are not the only person to use lolcow like this
i have had some really devastating news, and can't follow simple programs , plus i sometimes turn to xanax if things get too bad. ( i am not xanax anon,ESl Anon. I hide the
triggering threads and even managed a few harty keks. find boards like this help don't feel so bad about yourself, some of the bitches here can posses a ot of wisdom and kindness. Hope you feel better soon, in fact u reas a few posts which makes me feel bad for the anons. take care bitches i have a feeling 2021 uus gonna be worse, and i hope this will lead to te end of trabsgerbders and the perpetually offended.
No. 600788
Today the married man that I was involved w/ when I was 19 (I was under the impression that he would be getting a divorce, there's so much manipulative shit that he did and said to me I can't even begin) told me that I had wronged him by exploiting his weakness (sex), essentially claiming that I had seduced him and that I "wasn't as innocent" as I thought. Now I've always been honest that I did a bad thing by getting involved with someone in a relationship. But that's a wrong I've committed towards his wife, not him. So the fucking gall of this man to play the "19 year old beguiled me into cheating on my wife card," after EVERYTHING he did to me. I had somehow managed to maintain a distant friendship with him all these years after moving on but I just went in on him after he said that. Said everything I've really thought all this time. Told him that he strung me along and made me think we were going to be something when he had no intention of ever being with me, and unfortunately 19 year old me tried to be the only thing I could be for him which was jerk off fodder because that's how absolutely desperate I was to hear him vaguely imply one more time that we might be together "one day" or that he was "confused" if he had made the right decision to stay with his wife. I'm nearly 25 now, he was nearly 30 when this all happened, I look back on the stuff he said to me and know without a doubt at this age I could never say those things without being explicitly aware of what I was doing. I told him to say that I manipulated him, that I was doing anything other than to desperately please him, is laughable, and that the only sympathy I have is for his wife. He continued with the "you're not as innocent as you think, whatever helps you sleep at night" so I just told him to never speak to me again. That until he tells his wife what happened he deserves to feel guilty. His parting words were "By the way, I hope you do not plan to spread this" and to tell me that he thought I was delusional lmao.
I feel shitty over 19 year old me's actions, I was naive and maybe I got what I deserved in the end. But for him to make it out like he was at all the victim just pisses me off like you can't even imagine. It's such a relief to finally rid this man from my life.
No. 600808
>>600798>>600788um if he releases those 19-year-old nudes that only he could've had, its more proof that he's a fucking creep. Everybody's got nudes these days. I would go ahead with shaming him but you do you
>>600801Mosquito real estate here, take a few benadryl to help you sleep. Rub some oil (like tea tree) or menthol on them when you're awake. Good luck!
No. 600810
>>600788Spread it gurl. If he retaliates with nudes, hit him with that revenge porn charge. Do it.
His wife deserves better.
No. 600848
>>600845If you can be close friends or something that’s like the only way to confirm you like him. If you can’t I feel you I was obsessed too.
Either you’ll find a replacement, forget about him, or go insane, stalk him and attempt to wear his skin. Choose wisely.
No. 600854
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I feel so empty and I don’t even know how to put it into words. I feel like no one likes me, nothing I do is good enough and anything I partake in is a waste of my time. The future looks so bleak and I have no plans or any idea on how to make it better. Everything I used to love doing seems pointless and draining now. I don’t want to do anything because i’m tired and what difference will it make but if i’m not constantly doing something I get depressed. Someone please cancel my existence.
No. 600868
This is probably shit, but i seriously need to vent.
Why every "adult" in my life has been so ignorant?
I've felt depressed, never had any real friend that i could've talked with about mental health, nobody really cared about me, did stupid shit, became more depressed about that mistake and after some time i finally decided to be strong and tell my mom what happened, she once threatened to tell my dad what i told her because i was having an anxiety attack over something that reminded me of that mistake i made. I went to a psychologist, i told her i had no appetite, that i didn't feel like eating and i was feeling lonely. That unethical bitch didn't keep a basic confidentiality agreement my current psychologist always mentions, "Everything we talk about is between you and me, if i told your parents something and you were uncomfortable, i have a whole reason to lose my degree and my job".
The thing is she told my mom word for word everything i said, and she cried that night asking me
"Why are you acting like a victim?!"
Like two years after that i was trying to self harm, i really wanted to kill myself, i was completely out of my mind, and i was sent to a hospital, a fucking dirty hospital where they put me beside people with non-mental illnesses, and that was really stressful for me. Nurses that didn't even know me only came close to say "You are a smart cute girl, you have a family", basically she told me "You are ungrateful, you have no reason to kill yourself" and of course told me religious shit as if i needed that instead of actually psychological help, everyone treated me poorly on that hospital and i felt even worse, i felt hummilliated.
2 weeks ago a teacher was talking about mental health and she was being so ignorant, she said stuff like " I don't know why would someone be depressed, like just talk to a friend, you don't have to be sad about it all the time" and "If people get hit by their parents it is always probably because they deserve it"
me and other girl were trying to tell her why she was wrong, how mental health couldn't be cured just by not thinking about it, and there's a reason why depression is a mental illness that needs help…
I told her that people that supress depression often end up killing themselves because it doesn't get cured by praying or talking to your mom, and she told me to get a phsycologist… In an insulting manner…
No. 600870
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I HATE DEVILMAN CRYBABY I'm just so fucking sensitive to any media that has some kind of fucked up sexual theme or deviance EVEN WORSE prostitution. I fucking hate it because I know it is praised and I love Yuasa but holy fuck
I have this same problem with Inio Asano. His work is gorgeous, but I couldn't cope with Punpun abusing Aiko and doing what looked like rape to me. Like yes he's a great author but holy shit I'm such a fucking baby I CAN'T deal with this shit. It depresses me to no end
No. 600874
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I think I'm being ghosted by a dude I quite liked, and I feel extra dumb for feeling giddy about finally meeting someone who got my brand of dumb humour.
I've been left on read since I asked a pretty innocent how's your weekend question a few days ago and now I feel like a clown.
No. 600878
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I have a degree in German and since I graduated, I haven't spoken a lick or read a lick and I feel like all the german is gone from my head now fuck… i even studied in germany for a few months and spoke fluent german then… why… why god why
No. 600880
>>600877oh, naive anon… he's probably still fucking prostitutes behind your back. men who have slept with a hooker even once before don't see them as human, so they don't "count" sleeping with one while in a relationship as cheating. that he's clearly got some sort of fetish for them is even more of a red flag.
you should get tested, at the very least.
No. 600882
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>>600874Don’t bother messaging him again anon. He sounds like he’s not worth it.
No. 600891
>>600890Tofu to me tastes like something fermented that has gone bad a long time ago + absolutely no other taste other than bland
I literally do the PT face from the "when life gives you lemons" banner whenever I have eaten tofu
No. 600961
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Last night I couldn't sleep at all anons, my brain went wandering, the usual, thinking about embarassing and sad stuff and then I got the brilliant idea to count how many men I used to talk with and send porn to when I was around 15 till 17. Well, I counted upto 50. And these are the ones I remember! I cannot believe I thought it was a good idea to count it because now I'm definitely sure that self made underage porn of me is out there. Not all of them could've deleted it all or never saved it or didn't upload it somewhere. I've really made myself paranoid now for absolutely zero fucking reasons. Great start of the week.
No. 600968
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my sleeping schedule is FUCKED UP and it's my fault but damn it! how dare i
No. 600996
I've got a recycled phone number and idk how or why but whenever my job search picks up, so do my spam calls.
I'm an anxious person and always hated phonecalls, so I always have to psych myself up to be positive, and it's ALWAYS these random callers. Weird thing is they always ask for the same person, who I presume owned this number before me. It goes like this;
>-silence for a few seconds- hello, is this Mrs. Doe?
>Oh. No, wrong number
>oh, well who is this?
>…uh well not Mrs. Smith, who are you?
>bla bla from credit something, do you have a computer to look us up? (lmao)
>well yeah, but I'm not interested, sorry.
>oh no problem, sorry to disturb you
It's strange they cite the same (uncommon) surname, and they seem polite about it and drop it soon as I say no thanks. A couple have said that the person signed up to be informed about some shit, and I was like well it wasn't me bye.
I don't think it's the standard cold calling and had some degree of involvement from the past owner, but I wish this could be scrubbed or something. And it's just…constantly psyching myself up because what if it's someone wanting an interview and I'm let down each time. And it's just…why prey on people trying to improve or pick up their life? Shit, go for the aready employed my god.
No. 601034
>>600877I agree with
>>600880it's likely he hasn't stopped. Get tested. And question why you are with him. He must have huge issues with women.
No. 601058
>>601052They’re narcs who lack empathy and are trying to meet their own needs of being worshipped by females all over the world. They don’t GAF about people suffering or dying.
>>601006It’s ok anon. I’m so sorry you went through all that too. It’s awful to feel rejected by a parent. You deserve better
>>601045Reject him firmly. Tell your boss. Tell your other coworkers. Tell your family and friends and get a restraining order If he throws a mantrum about muh wun truu luv I deserve pussy abloblo
No. 601102
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I have such an unfortunate bone structure, my shoulders are noticeably wider than my hips and my boobs are 36DDD cups, I have no ass and long skinny legs and a fat pouch on my stomach. It never goes away, I try working out but at the end of the day you can’t change bone structure, I can’t find out how to dress flattering because skinny jeans just roll down and they’re always baggy on my ass, baggy shirts always give me a tent like look, formfitting shirts make me look like a chicken with my fat tits
No. 601104
File: 1597067219941.png (247.88 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200810-064337.png)

I just got this for posting men suck so I went and posted women suck on a bunch of posts and didn't get banned or told to remove the comment.
They have an active fucking filter for men suck but not women. Try it now you will get insta gibbed. I'm not surprised but still
No. 601108
>>601104Remember that instagram doesn’t give a shit about actual pedophilia either
Fuck that piece of shit app and the people who run it.
No. 601135
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I have lost one of my vintage animal graphic shirts, and I am afraid I might have accidentally threw it away when I was cleaning the other day. I hope that isn't the case and I can still find the shirt, because I really liked it and I have hard time believing I would have accidentally put it in the stuff I didn't need anymore. But I have now spend couple of days looking for it again and again from same places and I still haven't found it, last night I even had a dream about the fucking shirt.
No. 601142
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I'm actually lovesick. This isn't fun anymore. Throughout the day, I keep getting anxiety/a highly accelerated heartbeat (you can see it pulsating everywhere from my neck to my stomach to my hands) and my chest and stomach feel bad and I get tired. I want to be open and ready to engage with my crush but at this point, I'd rather go to the hospital. Which I won't as it's pointless and a cop-out and I need to manage outside. My self-esteem is pretty low, too. I don't really wanna let go of this opportunity but I need to manage the anxiety somehow and apparently it's making me more unwell than happy. I crave love so badly and I don't want to let go of this intoxicating feeling but I'm afraid it's making me sick
No. 601143
>>601102Have you thought of wearing something like a fluffier (high waisted) skirt with a form fitting top. Might balance things out. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think though.
Also look up stuff for inverted triangle body type No. 601176
Jesus Christ, I want to break up with my boyfriend just because he's so fucking dirty. Like, I'm messy, I take off my socks in bed and lose them, and leave a cup at my desk, however, he's just gross messy. He uses the counters, doesn't clean them, fucking bathroom is filthy, washes the dishes like an absolute retard, no dish is actually clean. I have to wash everything I take out before I use it. The fucking Oven's a mess because he's such a lazy and bad cook. I told him not to use the oven because I'm gonna clean it soon, and that I sprayed Easy Off in it, he throws a fit. He goes to the beach and leaves sand everywhere, I ask him to take showers every time he comes back because sand is EVERYWHERE. I fucking hate it. I'm going to scream.
Somehow, every time we argue, it's my fault.
No. 601190
>>601148Thank you. I still tried looking for it but it's looking grim, I don't get it, how could I have misplaced it if I really threw it away accidentally, I don't get how I could have been so stupid.
I guess I just have to try find another 90s panda shirt, god dammit.
No. 601192
>>601175Working on yourself is probably better since most sugar daddies are gross old men. I can't imagine even kissing a guy 10+ years older than me, barf.
But true, so many young guys are only interested until they realize you wont fuck them on the first date.
No. 601198
I'm having negative thoughts again. I feel worthless. I feel like I'm completely unlikeable. I have no skills. I can't keep my hobbies, I pick up one thing, do it for a month, then drop it. I always envy everyone else, because they have everything I want but don't have, social skills, confidence, self-love, friends, etc. Whatever I do, there's this underlying feeling of - what is the point??. Like, right now. I could be thinking positive thoughts to counteract these negative ones. I could go for a run to have an endorphine rush. I could call my only friend. But what is the point if I eventually going to end up here in this mental space again, feeling worthless and disgusting and feeling like there's no hope??? I have been in therapy, and got better, but the effect is always temporary. I feel great for a while, then I start feeling worthless again. I feel like if I wanted to feel positive about myself and life in general, I'd have to be in therapy FOREVER.
I just don't know how people do it, get up everyday, get jobs, quit jobs to get different jobs, get in relationships, get out of relationships, have hobbies, feel passionate about hobbies, go to places, have kids, have divorces, move cities, move countries etc. Like, what.the.fuck.drives them??? How do they do all these things?? What makes them get up in the morning???? What makes them want to do things???? I feel like living is a mystery I cannot fucking solve. Sorry for the word vomit, I am not well
No. 601215
>>601213Anon I wish u all the best. How your parents are acting really fucking sucks. Do you have anyone you can
really talk to about your problems?
No. 601226
>>601225samefag, this was in reply to
>>601213lolcow on phone sucks
No. 601230
>>601198I relate anon, leading a functional life is hard. For what it's worth, a lot of people who seem to have it all are often equally fucked up. They're just good at outward efficiency. It's why you hear about rich/famous/beloved people "randomly" killing themselves, because they were just playing the role everyone wanted them to play while feeling unfulfilled.
One thing I can say, that cycle of "Yay I'm better wait now I feel like shit again"? That's life. That's literally it: a big wheel where sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. The sooner you accept the suck, the sooner you can get back to the good parts. No one is happy 24/7 and feels like their most enlightened, confident selves all the time. Truly content and successful people are the ones who think, "Yeah life feels miserable right now, but at some point I'm gonna be okay again."
It's as simple, and as hard, as reversing the way you see things right now. Instead of, "Why try to be happy when I'm gonna be sad again?" it's, "Why dwell on being sad when I'm gonna be happy again?" Hopefully you can remember enough of those moments of happiness that you want to keep fighting for them. It frequently is a struggle. You have to keep going to therapy, maybe for many years. You have to keep forcing yourself to do activities that feel banal in the moment, but find enough good in them you start thinking, "Eh, I guess this is all right." And hopefully the baseline improves from there.
It took me a long time to realize that a continued state of "happiness" is not a normal baseline, not for me and not for most people. Feeling "at peace" is not baseline. Most of the time I'm lucky if just being "pretty okay" is my normal. But hell, I'll gladly take that over feeling self loathing and misery. Building a good life is a struggle, but for most people it's better than being dead.
No. 601235
>>601229Is she "visibly" on the brink of offing herself or just coming across as a typical moody teenager who wants privacy? They have already expressed they'd like to see more of her. At this point they probably think anon finds them annoying and are trying to give her the space she clearly seems to want.
>>601231I'm sorry to hear this anon, but I think you're projecting. Causing physical harm to yourself and slamming a door may both be calls for attention, but one is far more concerning and noticeable than the other.
No. 601254
>>601243>>601247Nice straw man. I'm not assuming anything, I literally just reiterated what the anon said about her situation. You're needlessly arguing semantics. Of course simply getting attention isn't going to cure or help anyone, it should then lead to getting support. But you can't get help for an issue if no one is paying attention to it first, can you?
Slamming doors is nowhere near as serious as self harm. Her parents are not going to see something that 99% of kids, healthy or not, have done at some point in their lives as a "cry for help." Would her parents ideally try to figure out why she's being moody instead of just dismissing it? Sure, but they're not mind readers.
Her texting them specifically about being depressed is more of a blatant and inappropriate dismissal, but we didn't get that story until after the initial post.
No. 601256
>>601246anon said they work ….
Why are people being assholes,gatekeepers, or uncertified psychologists lately?
No. 601257
>>601237You do sound a bit like you’re expecting too much. A lot of people don’t realize someone is serious when they say they’re depressed, or don’t know exactly what that means for you. If you just sent them a text they might not think it’s that serious.
Other people have a lot going on in their minds and lives as well, they may not even know that they should be paying close enough attention to analyze things like door slams. Try sitting down with them and expressing how serious your state is
No. 601261
>>601254nta but stop projecting
>>601256no they didn't
>>601258exactly you sperg, that's the fucking point
some of you are really going hard for a girl whose biggest problem in her life, during a pandemic, is "my parents who I live with tell me to shut the door quieter". this is ridiculous. Just shut the fucking door quieter, they paid for the house they don't want it wrecked.
No. 601275
>>601263Why is this causing a storm? I didn't give the details of my relationship with my parents and my depression because I didn't think they were necessary. I spoke to them once and they told me sorry but also said it's because I don't pray enough.. I told them I was on antidepressants and they told me to go off them because they were going to fry my brain. I don't want to burden my parents with my depression which is why I keep to myself, and also because it's clear they think it's something I am choosing to have. I have only ever slammed the door once and it was because I was mad at something completely unrelated to them or my depression, and they told me to stop slamming doors. They don't want me to talk about my depression, they just want me to talk to them in general because they think it's rude that I don't.
I'm not a teenager and I work 40 hours a week and an additional 10 hours from home to help support my family. I really didn't know I had to explain all this on a vent thread.
No. 601277
>>601275it's literally not worth it. Everyone here is retarded and think they know the answers to someone's problems or try to make it about them being more mature or older and wiser, or apparently more depressed.
I once posted that I was depressed about my dead sister and it was turning into anger and someone genuinely tried to convince me that I was using it to seek attention from my family.
No. 601289
>>601275>I don't want to talk to my parents>My parents don't care about me
>My parents told me not to slam with the doors one time>My parents care more about the doors than they care about meo.k. anon
Try to put yourself in your parent's shoes, they grew up in a day and age where mental health was tabboo and you were just supposed to pray to god and work hard or something. You can hardly hold it against them for having convictions they were born and raised with. They also just sound dumb af on top of that, but not uncaring. But by all means keep convincing yourself your parents don't give a ratsass about you. Someone who's depressed and suicidal has a very realistic and accurate view of what others think about them, I'm sure!
No. 601290
>>601277>I once posted that I was depressed about my dead sister and it was turning into anger and someone genuinely tried to convince me that I was using it to seek attention from my family.I'm sorry to hear that anon, I hope you can heal soon. It sucks to be there. Sending you much love.
Also, people who yell "you're doing it for attention!!!!", usually, want attention themselves. They use your suffering as means to feel better about themselves. Like "haha I called you out!!!". Ignore those pieces of shit. Empathy is better.
No. 601302
>>601289Notice how the original anon hasn't responded to you directly once? She hasn't tried to defend herself once, she just gave information because you were making false assumptions about her life. She never claimed her parents were monsters or that she was a
victim. She doesn't want or need your advice. If she wanted advice she would've asked for it. The point of her original post was to say she's barely surviving and doing it in silence and yet she does one silly but harmless action and that's when her parents finally decide to speak to her. She seems like more of a loving daughter than most considering she's helping support them when she could easily move out and work less and just support herself , and she's not putting her issues on them.
Corny ass.
No. 601349
>>601130>>601104Et tu, instagram? Sigh.
Have you seen that the mods of the GC Reddit sub made a feminist-focused website like Reddit after all those women's subs got banned? You need an invite though. No. 601465
>>601455Me too, I just hate feeling guilty for leeching off of my mother
I wish I could be a financially independent hermit
No. 601518
>>598810I’m so sick of seeing young girls post ddlg shit and really degrading stuff like that. Its completely tainted the love I had for pastel clothes because it’s so heavily associated with the ddlg community. There’s so many problems I have with the ddlg comm but the infantilism of women makes me fucking sick, it’s like they’re setting women’s right decades back. However, at the same time I’m all for women being able to do what they want with their bodies so I’m conflicted - people involved with ddlg are degenerates tho. On that same note deeply concerning to me that 18 year olds are actually wanting to start an only fans.
Sorry this post is a mess I hope you guys get what I’m trying to say.
No. 601538
>>601525Yep, /r/financialindependence, the faq is pretty good. But the OG blog that really kick started it's popularity is
idk if my original post was misleading but FIRE is mostly about investment strategies and finance, not just quitting your job. If you're more interested in the philosophy of not working because it sucks, /r/antiwork is better.
No. 601544
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>>601536Thank you! I was worried I would get shot down in flames, women have fought so fucking hard to be taken seriously and to be seen as equals (and we’re still not there yet!) and it just feels like it’s been for nothing. Pic attached is a post I seen earlier, it made me super uncomfortable. It’s a drawing of a women who looks like she’s been shot in the back and raped? Why would any self respecting woman ever put wear this? And the tags are nothing short of appalling, it absolutely disgusted me.
No. 601556
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>>601538NTA and only tangentially related but, I looked into that reddit community and started reading a post, pic related.
Can I just say that the wave of relief that washed over me upon reading that old teachers have been quitting was immense?? I had no idea I was holding onto so much repressed stress from my school days. Teachers that haven't mentally progressed for the last 40 years are a huge pain in the ass, I'm so vindictively glad this is making them quit. Kudos to those who have kept up with the times though, they are invaluable.
No. 601557
>>601544I feel like only crazy pickmes and mtf weirdos would wear that shit.
Really, why do they do this? This is ridiculous.
No. 601560
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>>601544>>601557I looked up the clothing acct on insta and ofc the shoe skinwalker kiwi sunset models for the brand. Ultimate pickme
No. 601561
>>601544I wonder why we never see any men making International Men's Day posts where they're wearing shirts with drawings of males being shot in the back and bleeding from their assholes, and ballgags or leashes around their necks while they mime licking pussies.
I mean, this is all supposed to be empowering, right?
No. 601575
>>601560I’m genuinely curious as to why these women aren’t being shunned but are being encouraged to degrade themselves by other women?
It just makes me feel really sad, you’re more than your body, surely you have interests in and hobbies out with being a ‘cuddle slut’ or ‘garbage’ as that shitty company puts it. Also very young teenagers or just teenagers in general wanting to be sexworkers is super creepy, they’ve been groomed. They’re not doing sexwork out of desperation but out of greed almost, just to buy some ugly ass designer clothes. It just disturbs me, what 16 year old wants to be a stripper or an only fans member?
No. 601623
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>>601564I've seen a few people wearing shirts like this irl and it's the trashiest thing ever.
>>601612 is probably right in saying it's mostly for edgelords trying to offend people, but it's not really offensive so much as embarrassing as fuck.
No. 601627
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>>601564>>601623Well, I need this image on a shirt
No. 601630
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>>601544God, I hate this coomer pander shit
No. 601645
This sounds shitty but my eating disorder has relapsed hardcore, and my boyfriend fully knows this, except… he tries to help by showering me in "good food," like, he bought a thing of cheesebread, and I tried to nicely say that I'll at least try and pick at it as I can, and he got upset with a like "cool, that's all going to waste then." I get he doesn't know how to like.. help, or work, with my ED, but I just feel really horrible.
No. 601654
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>be me
>working since february to move in with husband, who lives overseas
>keep the family members i'm living with updated on our situation
>family member asks me why it's taking so long to move
>i explain why
>she says i'm not "really" telling her why
>i explain everything to her again
>travel restrictions due to pandemic, slow feedback from immigration lawyer, buying supplies to print documents/records, saving up money, finding out where/when we can book flights
>she accuses me of lying, says i'm not telling her "the real reason"
>no idea why she thinks i'm lying or hiding something
>husband and i have both explained to her why the process is so slow
>tell her she's being rude and i'm done having the conversation, go upstairs
>she throws a fit, refuses to talk to me days
>5 days later, get new information from immigration lawyer, pass it onto her to keep her updated
>she starts the bullshit again
>i explain, once again, that neither of us are lying nor hiding anything, and exactly why the process is so slow
>she starts playing victim, claims i'm "bullying" and "insulting" her
>tell her that holding her accountable for making false accusations when the person has explained how it's false is not bullying or insulting
>she again refuses to talk to me
>still have no idea why she's acting this way
How do you deal with people like this? For reference, this is a 61-year-old woman doing this. I'm 19. (Apologies for the repost, uploaded a completely unrelated image.)
No. 601665
>>601661Because it's an addiction.
I'm a recovering bulimic too, and I dabbled in hard drugs; both of those are sick and I did sick shit along with them, but you get that like, well, craving, and as bad as it sounds, it's normal for that to linger with you for years and years. People don't realize that EDs are just a different form of how an addicted brain works, best of luck to you, I hope you're able to conquer those feelings.
No. 601666
>>601660>you're a teenagerIn the US, as well as in the country my husband lives in, 19 is over the legal age of adulthood. If I'm a teenager, then I'm a teenager who is old enough to work, get a passport, marry, and fly internationally several times without issue.
>getting marriedI've been married to him for a year and have known him for much longer.
>someone living overseasThat has spent weeks at a time traveling with me as well as living with me and my family in the US.
The way you seemingly didn't read either my post or your own reply makes me question if I'm talking to another teenager.
No. 601700
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>>601687>tropeWomen being shot in the back, bleeding and having semen leak from their orifices while they're titled "garbage" is a trope now?
No. 601759
>>601753Never lend money you want to get back, at least.
That said, why are you worried about feeling awkward with a sibling? They're made to fight with because they're stuck with you, I would be pushing them HARD to pay me back and telling on them to my parents if I was you, not worrying about feeling awkward. You're 100% in the right, no need to hold back.
No. 601829
>>601810Oh man, this one’s rough. I got my boyfriend to eat better with me and go for walks at first. Take some baby steps with him, and just increase the intensity of whatever change you’re making. Telling him you’re not attracted to him will only cause problems, unless you plan on breaking up antways.
>>601809Why are you talking to yourself lol
No. 601843
>>601813I know this isn’t the advice thread, but it doesn’t have to be a huge fight precipitating a breakup. Just get your shit ready in secret and leave. Block on everything. Done. You have to gather your ovaries up and be a big woman and do it though. You can live on your own without him and enjoy it and you know it already.
You’re scared? I’d be scared for the alternative future where you stay with this guy.
No. 601889
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I genuinely looks like this when I smile but worse. Why is living suffering?
No. 601938
>>601920I can't imagine how annoying that is. Wonder if he has low self esteem or is just scares he'll ens up alone?
My friend, did exactly that, latched onto the first woman that showed him some attention.
No. 601947
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My parents divorced last week. I haven't spoken to my father in months and he keeps sending me and mom weird and aggressive messages. He is literally crazy. In my eyes he is pure evil - my mom had to call the police 4 times on him because he started threatening her, calling her a prostitute, not letting her leave the house and all of this in front of my younger sister. One time he even tried to break the windows and the front door after my mom locked herself in the house out of fear that he might do something bad to her.
I moved out 2 years ago and I'm currently living with my boyfriend in another city. My father used to fund me since he forced me to study here and rent is high, but after the divorce he stopped giving me money. I can't work since uni is starting soon and if I start working during the semester, I won't be able to go to classes and won't have the time to do my assignments. My boyfriend is working but I do not want to live off his money, we are both struggling and always split all expenses.
Not having money stresses me a lot. My father has traumatized me, my younger sister and my mother. Some people have advised me to visit a therapist but I feel like I'll waste the little money I have left. My boyfriend is my sunshine and he's the only thing bringing happiness in my life right now.
No. 601962
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>>601959Shave your head, wear a cool suit and be that shy shen woman
No. 601966
>>601959My dad used vitamins/biotin to stave off baldness and it worked.
Be warned, he told me the undesirable side effects are: 1) constipation; 2) hair growth is not limited to your head. It becomes denser and thicker all over your body.
No. 601979
>>601976I stopped with therapy a few years ago, when i gained around 45 lbs. I lost half of the weight but it was not by crash dieting, took me a long time.
My bmi is a bit lower than 17 now, so it's not like i'm dangerously underweight. I think the hair loss is because i never gave my body the chance to properly recover even when i did gain. I gained pretty quickly and mostly through eating junk.
No. 601985
>>601978What do you guys usually fight about if you don't mind me asking? Is it just small things?
>told him that he's a disappointmentWell his father seems to be bursting with empathy /s
No. 601986
>>601983>Has anyone else dealt with most of the people their age not wanting to move out/seemingly having no desire to?>it seems like everyone I know has so little ambition to move out and it’s driving me crazyLiterally why does that concern you…? It's none of your business, nothing for you to 'deal with', others not moving has zero (negative) effects on you.
Be glad, it means less competition while apartment hunting.
No. 601994
>>601983Yep, my coworker is in her early thirties and is still living with her parents and acts perplexed whenever someone asks her if she doesn't want to move out already. Her reasoning is that she saves money this way, which I understand, but I cannot imagine not feeling infantilized living like this.
My mother wanted me to stay home until I marry but I gently reminded her that we don't live in the Victorian era anymore
No. 602049
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Why is it that I look fine in the mirror, I even get compliments on my looks from people in real life but on pictures I look like there's something seriously wrong with my skull?
No. 602155
>>602118That was exactly anons point, yes?
I'm jealous too, fuck you NEETs
No. 602165
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>>602155Have a nice day, wage slave-chan
No. 602180
>>602105Depends on what kind of NEET. The ones who still live with their parents and are constantly under their thumbs seem genuinely miserable despite the little scraps of freedom like sleeping in or video games. That's just being a loser on borrowed time since one day their parents will be dead and then they will be forced to step up for themselves.
I'm jealous of NEETs who get free rides from their boyfriends or husbands. Cause they typically have a bit more freedom. They also don't have to deal with the frustration or embarrassment of living with their parents, which makes them seem less like losers on paper.
I'm educated and have a job, but I've always wanted to be a SAHM deep down. I'd love to be able to clean and decorate a house, garden a yard, spend all day planning and cooking delicious meals, and teaching a child everything I know with all the nurturing I never got while knowing a man was turning coin to give me that life. I hate hearing ingrates who complain like spoiled children that they're "bored" with that life when the reality is they're just too dull and dumb to make it work. Makes me want to punch them in their faces and force them to work for shit pay, daily uncertainty, no hope, stress, trying to date when men only want sex and non-commitance, and knowing that no one gives a fuck enough to have their back at the end of the day if a bill goes unpaid. Fuck you cunts.
All that is such a contradiction to my outward appearance of being a cutthroat independent bitch. I just want to do what I'm actually good at and what fulfills me. I'm exhausted.
No. 602202
>>602180If you really think that’s the life of a NEET then you’re a retard. Most NEETs have some kind of disability and the kind of men who want a NEET gf are abusers. There are plenty of people who can’t work who would
love to be able to and have some shred of dignity and freedom, or even just would find work more fulfilling
If you’re going to pull some idealized idea out of your ass, why not just do that for working life. Git gud and get a real job then it won’t be boring and money won’t be a problem.
No. 602207
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Why am I so fucking shy and insecure around people? I really like to hear and talk with other people and when they get to know me, they like me, but I feel so anxious everytime someone even looks at me and my voice gets all shaky goddamnit
No. 602208
>>602202>muh disability Oh I don't mean NEETs like that, spedchan. Sign up for remote work if you want precious dignity so bad, or do your fingers magically pick and choose which places you can type for hours a day?
>>602203>There's still plenty of men around who want a wife like that.It's hard when you're an established woman because men see you as someone who either wouldn't want to be provided for or someone who they feel ought to be at least providing. Spedchan is half right in that many men who'd want a SAHM situation specifically target loser women who've never been educated nor employed cause they're easier to control and abuse. And of course factor in that I'd want someone who's actually attractive and who I could respect, I'm not gonna chase some ugly old man for his fixer upper in the middle of nowhere.
No. 602215
>>602208I actually do remote work but it’s not just that easy. Most work doesn’t have a remote option and a lot of the ones that do require previous experience and/or education. A lot of NEETs dont have education because they’re poor.
> And of course factor in that I'd want someone who's actually attractive and who I could respectThen STFU because that’s not who NEETs are with.
Capitalism sucks from all sides but I’m tired of seeing people on lc acting like being a glorified prostitute bangmaid is some kind of privileged existence
No. 602221
>>602215>most work doesn’t have a remote optionWhich is why people need to specifically look for jobs with remote positions. Do you think you apply for regular jobs and then ask if they can accommodate you remotely? Kek.
>a lot of the ones that do require previous experience and/or educationNot the customer service and data entry ones I've seen, nope.
>Then STFU because that’s not who NEETs are with.Lmao are you like the NEET ambassador, how the fuck do you figure not one is with someone they're actually wanting to be with? Look at the jobless thots on this very website and tell me they aren't choosy.
>being a glorified prostitute bangmaid is some kind of privileged existenceBecause no one thinks sitting in a house and doing things at leisure is particularly hard, it only gets tough when you have kids but most NEETs don't even do that for fear of what hell it would reap upon their cushy lifestyles. You have it good, just own it.
No. 602233
>>602221Try to stay with me. If most work doesn’t allow remote, that means there very few remote jobs. And you aren’t just competing with other disabled people, the competition pool is still big. Disabled people still get discriminated against and if you need any kind of accommodation that encroaches on the 9-5 schedule then you’re fucked.
> how the fuck do you figure not one is with someone they're actually wanting to be with?Then you aren’t mad at NEETs, you’re mad at a fantasy. If the average NEET life is absolute shit, then don’t go saying that they have a good life?
Not all STAHM are NEET, the ones who got to choose are almost always educated. So the only thing holding you back is you.
> You have it good, just own it.Hell no. I used to be NEET and I wanted to kms every day. I got the shit beat out of me and still had to do all the cooking and cleaning when my ribs hurt while being screamed at and threatened to be thrown out. I love working, NEETdom is the worst.
No. 602245
>>602232>that's a SAHM K. It's what I said but ok.
>>602233I'm not the one saying there isn't a lot of remote work, that's your argument.
I said that there are plenty of remote jobs in customer service requiring no experience, which there are, but that simply doesn't appeal to NEETs because then they'd be obligated to be tied to a computer for non-funsie reasons. And remote jobs certainly are more flexible than 9-5 so who knows where you're pulling that from.
>then you aren’t mad at NEETsI'm not "mad" at anyone. My post was about wanting a certain good lifestyle that I see. You're the one trying to virtue signal me about a certain brand of disabled potatoes who make up excuses to not work remote, and
abusive situations, neither of which I said were relevant to me. Seems like you're angered by me saying that the ideal exists out there, because it does.
>So the only thing holding you back is you.Well and the man situation that I've explained for about the third time by now. But okay. Okay.
>I got the shit beat out of me and still had to do all the cooking and cleaning when my ribs hurt while being screamed at and threatened to be thrown out.You're projecting your abuse onto my post and assuming every other NEET and SAHM has it as bad as you did. Sorry for your troubles, but this is why I'm so choosy about the man to begin with and why I'd never NEET under my family.
>>602237If you volunteer and actively work on bettering yourself I don't think anyone would think you're a loser, no.
No. 602257
>>602245> I'm not the one saying there isn't a lot of remote workDid you even read what I said, at all? I never even implied that you said that. Read it again.
> And remote jobs certainly are more flexible than 9-5 so who knows where you're pulling that from. From my experience as a disabled person trying to get these types of jobs??
>I’m not mad> hate hearing ingrates who complain like spoiled children that they're "bored" with that life when the reality is they're just too dull and dumb to make it work. Makes me want to punch them in their facesKek
> assuming every other NEET and SAHM has it as bad as you didYou’re the one who talked about NEETs. That’s just a fact that most NEETs come from shit backgrounds. I never said all but you were out here assuming that NEETs have a great life which is just statistically untrue. STAHM aren’t necessarily NEET, otherwise that word has no useful meaning.
No. 602265
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leftists so fucking dumb lmao
No. 602270
>>602257Are you even reading what I'm typing? Literally everything you've brought up has nothing to do with my post and you are going off cause you're virtue signaling about some shit situations I've already explained I'm not after.
>I never said all And neither did I say that all NEETs have it great, and yet here you are. Arguing about nothing. In true NEET form.
>>602262At least you're honest. Enjoy it anon.
No. 602276
>>602270You never acknowledged that being a NEET is dangerous and that a lot of them may not have a way out.
> I'm jealous of NEETs who get free rides from their boyfriends or husbands. I responded saying that NEETs have their own problems and that many are disabled and you responded with bootstraps try harder bullshit that entirely ignores the reality of being disabled. It’s not virtue signaling to point out that you’re a jackass.
No. 602282
>>602272>You'll always have to hold up your hand to your husband for money. And many women get it and then some, if not they develop side hobbies where they can make some money to squirrel away.
>children will make it so you won't have energy left for those things anywayNot necessarily, but just in case, that's why you bag a man with money so there can be hired help. Don't marry losers.
I think it genuinely bothers some of you that women are out there having it that fucking good.
>>602276>You never acknowledged that being a NEET is dangerous Oh WAH! Why would I when I'm talking about NEETs who aren't in those situations?
Afaik women who have to work for a living can still be married to abusers or have
abusive families. There's a lot of fucking danger when a woman leaves her house everyday. Where's your acknowledgement of that? Where's your acknowledgement that working women have to uphold a job, come home to tend to chores and children, and then maybe eek out some energy for leisure and hobbies that some privileged ass NEET girl gets to take her time with all day?
LMAO. The fact that you responded to me at all tells me you have some struck fucking nerves. NEETs don't have it hard, so go kick rocks.
No. 602287
>>602282> Why would I when I'm talking about NEETs who aren't in those situations? Ok but you didn’t specify that before, you just said you wanted to punch ingrates in the face. So don’t get mad someone thought you meant generally.
> Afaik women who have to work for a living can still be married to abusersAbsolutely, there’s a lot of danger in being with men at all. But if you have your own job and money it’s waaaay easier to get out when you need to. NEETs don’t have that, unless they’re the lucky ones with a supportive and well enough off family.
It’s not going to hurt my feelings for you to call me a NEET and say they have it easy. I’m not a NEET anymore I have a job now. I’ve seen both sides.
No. 602290
>>602278damn i don't want to be mean to you but are you fucking retarded?
Kiwifarms, the same place that posts pics of murdered girls, said an 8-year-old black girl that was shot in the head deserved it so she doesn't #metoo anyone, regularly says that the issue with western civ is that women have too many freedoms. That kiwifarms? How fucking new are you?>>602278
No. 602292
>>602290fuck im sorry anons. i was new to kiwifarms, like been browsing there for a few days (after hearing about it on lolcow) and i mostly browsed tranny threads. they always seemed to be nicer to women there. like saying "male aggression" and shit.
idk it had those kinda scrotes here, sorry. i was misinformed. shouldnt have praised it before i spent more time there.
No. 602302
>>602287>Ok but you didn’t specify that beforeWtf I literally described which NEETs I was and wasn't jealous of. Why would you think I'd be jealous of NEETs in
abusive situations when I'm not even jealous of NEETs living with their parents?
I stated the one specific ideal im jealous of, and that's when you came at me with the disabled and abuser scenarios.
You were trying to virtue signal and don't want to admit it.
No. 602319
>>602318So surely I meant the ones getting beat up by them,
right. Are you done?
No. 602328
>>602321Yep, NEETs complaining about their non-
abusive circumstances are ingrates.
Disabled NEETs who pretend they can't work remote when they can are just lazy.
Nothing incorrect there, doesn't mean I stan for abuse, virtuechan.
No. 602331
>>602328That’s all assumptions you make about their lives.
But why is it ungrateful for a NEET to want to work when you and everyone else says they’re losers for not working? If someone was a NEET by choice they wouldn’t be complaining in the first place…
No. 602334
>>602321Depression is not a disability. I grew up in a third world country and had to go to work every day for 10 years to put food on the table, I was depressed too and nobody asked me.
I shouldn't give my tax dollars to some lazy bastard who is "too sad :(" to work. Kill yourself then, it's not like you're contributing anything to this world.
No. 602342
>>602331>why is it ungrateful for a NEET to want to work Will you quit projecting already? Many NEETs don't want to work and are happy that they don't have to.
>if someone was a NEET by choice they wouldn't be complaining Lol except they do all the time what the hell are you smoking.
No. 602352
>>602341If I'd wanted attention I would've complained about it on the internet like you do.
>your ass deserves to be shipped home to your shithole country Too bad I'm staying forever then. I had a baby and can vote too, does that make you even more mad?
>No one that has actually experienced depression feels like you>>602347How would you know?
No. 602362
>>602334Anon, you shouldn't have been working. That shouldn't have happened to you, but this "If I had to suffer, so do you" logic is ridiculous.
This is the line of thinking that perpetuates
abusive homes and shitty cultural traditions. Just stop.
No. 602375
>>602341>No one that has actually experienced depression feels like you.I do. I've dealt with depression all my life and still had to work because there was no one to coddle me. Funny how things are no longer a "disability" when you're forced to either get shit done or die because the government refuses to put your lazy ass on its payroll.
It would be nice if easy access to therapy was a thing, but the vast majority of mental illnesses are not literally disabling to the point you can't even perform a simple job like washing dishes or being a cashier. First worlders are spoiled as shit and live their lives surrounded by enablers.
No. 602376
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I started using paypal to get art payments bc bank deposit is too much of a hassle but since my account is new i need to wait 21 days
No. 602378
>>602360>want to punch people who complain about staying homeYes.
>and want to work Lol you're full of shit. Anyone who really wanted to work would find a way to work.
You've got zero excuses besides extreme abuse and isolation, and again, no one thinks abused people aren't trying hard enough.
No. 602398
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>Uni student
>join workana and another one of those online job sites
>make profile with anything they ask me for
>wait for the jobs to come
>apply for things like translations and typesetting
>nothing happens
>get someone telling me they need me
>they want me to download weird ass software so they can control my pc
>ah Yeah, no
>never get another job opportunity
No. 602416
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I'm studying for a completely different career and got in contact with a new store owner to help out a few hours a week (and gain experience). I'm came 10mins early to talk about it and it's been 20mins now– he's still on a business call. I'm worried that this will be a trend.
>tfw I'm having second thoughts
No. 602419
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>>602387>no way this idiot thinks she’s going to get a “quality man” as a single mother or that her 1950’s housewife dreams can come true when she’s got a whole ass KID as baggage that no young, wealthy, attractive man would touch with 50 foot poleI'm married, smoothbrain. Hence the baby. And no, I'm not the same person. You also sound like a MGTOW.
>if it’s not a troll, this woman is delusional and her kid should probably taken away from her considering she’s been telling abused, depressed NEETs to kill themselves for hours now.Keep frothing at the mouth because of an anonymous person's post on an imageboard, I beg you, it's great fun.
No. 602424
>>601934A single mother who got divorced from her kid's father in her early twenties. Also uses the kid as a weapon when she sees fit.
Like I said, I've heard this from people close to me who I trust, and all he can tell me is "No she's not like that" or just makes excuses.
No. 602428
>>602419>>602397>i-im better than you job-havers because im not being exploited No. You prefer to exploit other people so you can stay home.
>>602419Don't worry anon, it's laughable that a disabled NEETchan would think she's more desirable than a single mom who works anyway, no less a married one.
No. 602434
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wtf i love ben shapiro now
No. 602448
>>602434anon don't be dense. he's coming at this from the perspective that women should be trad.
>>602419so you gamed the system to get a visa, had an anchor baby, and you think ou're superior to the neets? You are literally a burden on society, too. The rest of us pay taxes so you can have that nice write-off at the end of the year. Go home if you don't like it.
No. 602459
>>602458so? if parents are dumb enough to spend their money supporting their useless NEET child, why does that bother you? It's their money.
Some of you are taking out your anger on NEETs as some kind of cope
No. 602474
>>602453anons are mad so suddenly the us has an amazing welfare system that allows NEETs countrywide to just leech off of it indefinitely
No. 602502
>>602459>why does that bother you?Basic human empathy?
They aren't being 'dumb', they might be spineless enablers but ultimately they just love their shitty ungrateful kids enough to not let them be homeless. Any decent person would repay their parents generosity by getting a job and becoming a functional adult.
No. 602508
>>602504Why are you talking shit to her for being a decent human being?
>>602502Let them be anon. This site is full of NEET scum on the verge of suicide. They don't have empathy for themselves let alone their poor parents.
No. 602509
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>>600541>>600546I talked to him and he's been thinking about me for years too. I'm a little embarrassed about it still, but i feel so much better for having told him… If they turn out to not be right for me to have a relationship with in the end, I at least know I chose the right person to fall for.
It was on short notice, only a 20 minute or so call, but the sweetest thing there could be. The world is terrifying right now. But he's still as wonderful as ever. Thank you for telling me to get it over with, anon- you were just what i needed for this. I love him, and I love you too for helping me realize that.
sorry for interrupting the neetfights this was breaking news lol carry on ladies No. 602523
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>>602517>>602520>tiddie sucking bad>funko Fuckin normalfags man
No. 602524
>>602512I really hate how Facebook twats won’t get that spreading awareness doesn’t mean spreading the thing that causes harm to the people involved in some crime.
It’s not the same posting:
>see this sick fuck in picture attached? He raped someone and he should go to fucking jail, this is his info and you should block/avoid at all cost.And posting:
>CPvideo330303.jpg With a long ass essay about how doing retarded shit is retarded that everyone will ignore because they will be shook/too busy wanking to care.
No. 602535
>>602530Which makes me wonder just how are those idiots not getting arrested left and right, is it just because they’re *~spreading awareness~*? It’s retarded.
If anything I would feel extremely uncomfortable thinking that somebody decided to download and then upload the picture/video of a kid in a shitty situation, if that’s not a huge red flag about them, then I don’t know what it is.
No. 602538
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I'm so lost right now and have been for a few years. I've been unemployed for almost two years after I had a mental breakdown due to some traumatic shit that happened in my personal life.
I went to college, hated it and never want to go back but I have to because I don't want to get stuck working at Mcdonald's flipping burgers for the rest of my life.
I don't know what field to go into because I never really had any aspirations or talents.
I haven't had a proper nights sleep since the incident and I feel like my brain is completely fried from sleeping pills.
It's difficult for me to find jobs because I have a severe stutter so it's an absolute chore to speak with people. I wish I could talk without sounding like a skipping record it's so embarrassing. I'm an anachan too so my health is kinda shit I don't know how I made it through my last job without keeling over.
To anyone that reads all this thank you I really needed to vent and I hope you have a great day or night where ever you are.
No. 602540
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>>602434>i love ben shapiro nowKeep my man’s name out of your fucking mouth you stupid goyim whore
No. 602558
>>602519It was exactly that image I had to go in and explain why they shouldn't use pictures like that and she didn't want to take it down.
>>602524I tired explaining this to the woman who posted it but one of her WK came in and tried saying that it's the "harsh reality of life" as if she didn't understand that I'm fully aware that CP and child exploitation exists and I have enough brain cells to realize that posting those images do more harm than good.
No. 602560
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>>602555Shit taste, this is clearly the superior Sh*piro
No. 602562
>>602558FREE CP
Maybe that bitch is actually peddling cp, but hey that's just a theory
No. 602566
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>>602545Same to you anon, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my troubles.
No. 602596
>>602562I wouldn’t be surprised, there was actually an article, i think on bbc news or something like that, of a woman that received cp along a group of moms of their neighborhood, one of the moms sent it.
they called the police immediately.
It ended up with the mom who sent the video going to jail because she was actually helping some sick fuck with the filming of the cp and she sent the videos *~spreading awareness~* as a way to recruit more people into that shit.
No. 602611
I had to vent here. When I was 9 my mom took me to a female doctor, don't know what for, and the doctor examined my vulva for minutes while my mom watched. Spreading my labia, even going as far as putting a cotton swab up my vagina. To this day I have problems with this, I have no sex drive, I feel bad about masturbating, got broken up with because of my bad relationship with sex. It seems so silly, but I still remember the cold feeling of her rubber gloves touching me, my stomach turning.
Fun thing is, after that day the doctor asked me to write everything I had for my meals for months. I would feel humiliated only writing these things because my child brain figured I had sex with that doctor.
I still remember the doctor saying "gives you goosebumps, doesn't it?", but I don't know if she said this to my mother because she was avoiding looking at me and clearly uncomfortable or if she said that to me because I was flinching at her touch.
I hate it. I hate it still feeling the cool touch of that doctor and at the same time feeling numb when the man I love touches me there.
No. 602618
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im debating breaking up with my boyfriend because instead of spending quality time with me he excused himself to use my washroom and instead he was watching porn and I found out because I had put his wireless headphones on as a prank and overheard the sex sounds now I feel like an idiot for trusting him lol
No. 602635
>>602611Very similar thing happened to me. I remember being scared of the doctor coming in so I wrapped plastic around my waist so they couldn't touch me. The doctor just used brute strength to break it though. I don't see doctors for this reason. I had thought all doctors did this till I described it to a friend.
I've only had sex with one man, and it took a lot of care to get to that point. I'm thankful he was very patient.
No. 602640
>>602628I managed to find it in English, it’s:
No. 602644
>>602634This is what gets me: it's so mundane and still it made me like this. I had social anxiety since young so it did not help I already felt gross and out of place without that.
I asked my mother and she doesn't remember about it. She thinks it was something hormonal, but the journal thing makes me think it had something to do with the fact I was severely underweight, I got hospitalized for that later on.
Anyway, thanks for replying, anon, it made me fell better!
>>602635I'm sorry about this fuckwit of a doctor. Hope he rots.
No. 602646
>>602560a butterface anorexic with cheap implants vs sad ugly manlet who doesn't know how to style himself
there is no superior shapiro
No. 602685
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>>602670>>602674>>602680NSFW – I'm not sure if this picture helps?? I can still see some of the weird stuff, maybe she just has weirdly high areolas?
No. 602690
>>602685holy shit I didn't know her nudes were leaked?? there are ….. so many. tbf I never paid attention to her til recently.
ben shapiro rapping WAP has a whole diff connotation now
No. 602720
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noticed that when i enter a new relationship i feel hyper aware of how my body looks. i've been maintaining a nice healthy weight but the little voice in my head wants me to lose 20 pounds "so he doesn't leave me" as if that makes sense. why are we so mean to ourselves
No. 602748
>>602726>>602726>always told him and myself I'd break up with him for watching porn People who think like this always surprise me, I mean do you really expect men not to watch porn? I understand in situations where they're porn addicted or give you less attention because of it, you'd get mad and even break up over it.
But as long as it's a healthy amoun and not too freaky, I see no problem. Boys gonna be boys.
No. 602753
>>602748>do you really expect men not to watch pornYes.
>Boys gonna be boysDisgusting.
No. 602757
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>>602748>Using the phrase "boys will be boys" unironicallyOpinion discarded
No. 602765
>>602761Nobody cares what they enjoy, people are being abused in that industry.
Also, it's not "human nature", porn wasn't a thing until less than 80 years ago, cavemen didn't whack off to cave paintings of tits, they had sex. They're conditioned into liking it and it's normalized.
No. 602772
>>600659>>600552I hate scrotes, but you guys are being sociopaths (if this isn't bait, that is, which the sushi one probably is given that it's in the wrong thread). This is just bad karma waiting to happen. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you guys treat everyone in your lives like shit regardless of gender. You're just only mentioning the males here because you know you'll get asspats for it.
It's all fun and games until your nudes get leaked.
>>600630They don't care if they never have a meaningful relationship because people like this don't feel love. All they feel is the dopamine rush they get from sex and food. They view relationships as transactions and that's it.
LBR, all of us here on lotsoflovecow are some shade of mentally ill, and that tells you basically everything you need to know. The anons bragging about this sort of shit are probably even more damaged than the NEETs and anachans kek
No. 602773
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>>602769God bless you anon
No. 602774
>>602761>it's basically programmed into their brains If they're worth a shit, they can and will deprogram themselves if they've been brainwashed. Any man that can't is worthless.
>human natureThere's nothing natural about hopping onto your computer to watch an endless stream of women fake-moaning while they're getting brutalized and fucked by other men as you masturbate alone in your room.
If most men are now drooling apes who can't do without their roundabout cuck/abuse rape-on-tape fetish, it's time to shave down the human race and let them die with their dicks in their hands. Don't even worry about them being lonely, there's enough porn already made to keep them company for the rest of their lives.
Human populations should improve over time, not degrade because you felt sorry for them, or are just so desperate for dick and companionship you'll shrug your shoulders and say "It can't be helped".
No. 602779
>>602768You posted this already
>>602772>simps bought anons things in their own accord>s-s-sociopaths!! it’ll be karma when ur nudes get leaked ! As if revenge porn and blackmail for sex aren’t the sociopathic acts here kek I’m against sending nudes but… who let OfJohn here get on the internet
No. 602790
>>602779Jesus Christ, I knew some fucking retard would accuse me of being a scrote.
>As if revenge porn and blackmail for sex aren’t the sociopathic acts hereThose anons' behavior literally fits the fucking medical definition of sociopathic behavior: "Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, and a lack of empathy for others." If you act like a sociopath, don't be surprised if someone acts that way back. You reap what you sow.
Think of it this way: the kind of men buying shit for them probably have the worldview that women are vending machines you put gifts into and get sex out of. They're probably the exact sort of misogynistic scrotes who
would post revenge porn. Men as a whole being shitty might seem like a justification for treating them like shit, but their shitty behavior is the exact reason you
shouldn't go out of your way to piss them off. You're not just "sticking it to the ebil menz," you're putting yourself in danger. Is getting a plate of sushi really worth the possibility of a scorned scrote stalking you and harming you? I'd say no.
No. 602791
>>602782She’s said I am good at covering innocent things
And then I said she’s a pederast
And then she said I’m a non-virgin
And then I said yes your dad took it
No. 602797
>>602795Thinks pedo prudism is meh
Blames me for helping a pedo (?)
Also I don’t mind she made fun of my rape this is actually funny since she’s pathetic it’s likely I’ll forgive her plus I did kinda laugh at the fact she only bathes once a year.
No. 602801
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>>602429I heard that he was forced to come out on public TV is because a newspaper threatened to publish a story about his alleged affair with a very young coworker
No. 602821
>>602819Because I called her childgroomer a pedophile on a website but that was for a joke because i got the vibes. That was before I knew her.
Literally. She said he shamed her with it. I believe her childgroomer is evil but I didn’t know I was. Also she said the other guys she sent nudes to is my fault.
No. 602823
>>602821And now she says I’m just as bad as the guy she sent nudes to as an adult.
I am at lost. Should I laugh or just ignore the girl without expecting a haunting?
No. 602854
>>602825I know. I was panicking. I don’t use drugs. No need to retell the story because people tell me to not have Gods’ complex anymore and to just ignore.
>>602831Yeah, I’ve planned on doing this. God. I need to relax.
No. 602901
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>>602894holy dog shit. keep your room clean and your filthy mother and her dogs out of it.
No. 602906
I've been watching the replies to my post I made three days ago. Some of you are such riots.
>>602772>you guys are being sociopathsBecause a man took me to dinner and paid but I didn't fuck him, or because I chose to fuck the guy willing to please me in bed?
"Sociopathy," everyone.
You sound like a scrote because you think denying a man access to my body because he bought me some food once is an abuse of his rights akin to sociopathy. If he proves himself worthy, I may fuck him. You're acting ludicrous.
>just bad karma waiting to happenOh sis, there's no such thing as karma. Just men waiting to use you for your body for as little investment and effort as possible. The dating game is vicious, have a scrotation and make sure you get yours because little comes out of being a pickmeisha for one man anymore.
>you guys treat everyone in your lives like shit regardless of genderWell I don't and this sounds like cope. What nice things have you done for your female friends lately if you even have them?
>It's all fun and games until your nudes get leakedThis is a scrote-tier threat lmao. Good thing I have an office job and no one cares about nudes anymore and revenge porn laws are a thing.
>>602779>As if revenge porn and blackmail for sex aren’t the sociopathic actsExactly. She thinks it's "deceitful, manipulative, and unempathetic" that I won't necessarily fuck a man over one meal. Anon is a stupid hoe mad that she gave it up for a $7 big mac meal and has gotta put down other women who get theirs as being "loveless sociopaths" so she can feel better about being used by scrotes. Fucking pickmeishas, man.
No. 602910
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Told my crush I liked him in hopes he'd let me down quick and get rid of my unwanted feels. He immediately started discussing how we'd raise our beautiful children and our future home/lifestyle. I'm glad he's so shockingly enthusiastic and it's fairly in-character but please help me.
No. 602911
Half dumbass shit, half vent at myself post.
I post maybe a vent every 2 days in the vent threads and I've done it for a long time. I thought it was cathartic but part of me feels like when I get it out I also kind of let go trying to solve the problem?
And I feel like pity and advice is wasted on me. Just as an example when I'd vent about my ex boyfriend. He'd do something thoughtless and disrespectful and I'd come here and vent. I'd be propped up, told I should break up with him, he's a shit and it gave me some vindication. It made me feel better because I was told I'm not being too sensitive. Then I'd stay strong, and he'd give me a half assed "sorry I wasn't aware I should have basic human decency and empathy, this specific thing won't happen again". And I'd be relieved because I was feeling uncomfortable and bad, and here's my out to ignore the real issue becaus ehe was technically sorry. But then because I let it out on this anonymous board, there were no follow up consequences. When I'd vent to real friends, they'd be like "uhh but what about the issue? Was it actually adressed?" and i'd just want them to fucking stop. After a problem like that I'd actually just not visit here for 1 or 2 days and my post will be out of sight, out of mind.
And yeah, I think it's a real cowardly, ineffective way to deal with my problems. And it's the same with not being able to find friends or a job, or getting fatter and being a leech. I'm told "it's OK" and it's a load off my mind.
And let's say I'm in a negative mindset that's building pressure because it's been roughly a year I haven't been able to get a job. Naturally at some point the desperate/pathetic feelings would come to a head. I'd cry hard and lie down for a while or I'll erratically fire off 20 resumes or actually slowly work on it. At some point that process has been replaced by the vent thread. I'll get to an uncomfortable level of bad thoughts and I'll let it out here. Someone might wish me luck and I'll feel better about it. It's a human problem, I'm not abnormal. But then that also takes away desperate actions that might actually end up with me being employed or something. At least it's more likely than just…venting, you know?
I don't know, maybe these threads are actually stymieing my emotional growth because I'm not letting it get past a certain level and kind of building up resilience? On the other hand when I was in a bad place 2 years ago it was because the negative mindset built up with no relief and I became suicidal. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I should stop posting.
No. 602921
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>>602912I want kids and I'm old enough for it to be reasonable, yes, but also, I need an old priest and a young priest nonetheless.
don't worry about me though, I'm pretty experienced with relationships/never had one end poorly (i just get bored of most of them tbh) and am a fairly self aware so I won't be one of those women who gets shocked when her boyfriend is insane in exactly the way he projected. I wouldn't be comfortable in my career if i wasn't good for being on my toes. I need your prayers nonetheless though everyone, if only for temperance and endurance. Niggas are WEIRD as FUCK out here. Like how are you gonna be excited for this? I get it, we've been friends for like a decade, getting to our mutual "zygotes getting a little retarded" ages, don't know how to relationship, but calm down. Damn.
No. 602969
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I wish it were culturally acceptable for women to shave their head and not be labelled as crazy SJWs. I'm tired of this shit. My hair is so fucking curly and unmanageable, I've probably spent thousands of dollars on products, tools, treatments, etc. in the last few years and it's still a goddamn rats nest. "Oh just use this conditioner, try this hot oil treatment, spend $500 for a keratin treatment," fuck off, nothing works and I hate everything.
No. 603018
>>602906You're using people and acting like it somehow makes you woke. How do you know this guy who took you to dinner just wanted sex and not a relationship? Imagine if you were a lesbian and another girl used you for food or sex and tossed you aside. Pretending to be interested in someone and leading them on so they'll buy you stuff
is manipulative.
>Anon is a stupid hoe mad that she gave it up for a $7 big mac meal and has gotta put down other women who get theirs as being "loveless sociopaths" so she can feel better about being used by scrotes. Lel, imagine assuming other women do the same retarded shit you do and trade food for sex like a goddamn bonobo. I've literally never been used by a scrote, nor have I used anyone myself. I haven't "given it up" for any material crap because I have self respect and empathy for other human beings. If I want something, I buy it with my own money like a goddamn adult. Enjoy your shitty raw fish full of tapeworms. Let's see how that technique works for you when you're sixty and your tits are at your knees.
No. 603029
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>>603010Anon get the fuck over yourself I'm sure you're fine
No. 603030
>>603000It took me a lot of years and two long term relationships with besotted boyfriends. Don’t fall into the trap of getting into
abusive relationships would be my advice to you. I know it’s easier said than done, but with that history it can be easier to get with someone who demeans you. find someone who really loves you, expresses it a lot and expresses what they love about you. Even if it takes years to find someone like that.
For me, hearing a lot of positive things about myself for the first time, and having someone who, even when I’m acting crazy or being annoying, isn’t insulting me or telling me how unlovable I am, is really what got me out of this cycle of self deprecating thoughts.
Alternatively, if you find really good friends who appreciate you, love you and talk you up, it could probably really help you as well.
Basically, having a positive view of yourself coming from an outside source. It’s not magical, it’s not instant and you have to unlearn some patterns, but you’ll get there, one way or another. Even without knowing you, I know there’s no way you’re a worthless person. You’re probably a normal person with flaws and qualities and you can and will be loved unconditionally some day even if your mother failed as a mom. There will always people earning more than you and being prettier than you but that doesn’t reduce your value as a person.
No. 603063
>>603018penis minded people are so pathetic. but i guess i hope the bountiful feasting on male feces sustains you even though it is a diet and habit of life i cannot understand myself, licking the imaginary mana buttholes of a scarred victimized man who bought a drink to a devilish, devilish harlot woman who is the true image of sociopathy by getting some guy to buy her some cheap shit.
No. 603091
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I told a male online acquintance about a guy beating the shit out of me at one point (brainlet move, but I was kinda drunk).
The conversation moved on, and I talked about how I’m socially awkward and always end up saying weird embarrassing shit on dates or when I’m around men I’m attracted to.
He gets annoyed at me me for this ? And asks “How come you don’t act awkward around me, don’t you like me” and “Is it because I haven’t punched you in the liver yet?”. And then proceeds to act like a victim bc I’m the one being rude or something.
I wasn’t even upset because I couldn’t give two shits about this person, he was just mainly entertaining to talk to, but wtf is that reaction.
No. 603095
>>603091Jeez, what a retard. Is he blocked now? And sorry about your assault anon, sounds horrible, hope you're good. I have learned it's better to never tell men anything significant about your past, they always somehow use it against you.
I once told a man how I was molested for 3 years as a kid (tard move ik but i was very stupid and lonely) and some while later he was reeing about how I probably enjoyed it and that I was born to be a whore and deserved it etc etc just because I told him I wasn't a virgin.. whew, lad.
No. 603100
>>603095Yeah honestly I’m not that upset personally about it anymore, it’s been over a week now and I’m fine. But I told that guy about it like a day after.
And when I said I’m blocking him he got even more mad bc ”I don’t care about his feelings”. Yeah I don’t, we had talked maybe 3 times.
No. 603134
>>603018>How do you know this guy who took you to dinner just wanted sex and not a relationship? There are plenty of indicators, and let's just say he didn't tick boxes for "wants a serious relationship." And secondly, just because he wants a relationship with me doesn't mean I want one with him after the date is over.
>Imagine if you were a lesbian and another girl used you for food or sex I've been a straight girl and have been used for food and sex. Dumb lesbo.
>Pretending to be interested in someone and leading them on Are you this attached to someone after a first date? You sound so unstable. And if it matters, the scrote barely texts and hasn't asked for a relationship from me, so apparently there's nothing to be "led on" about here.
>trade food for sexHey retard, that's kind of what you're arguing I ought to be doing! You're angry cause I'm not fucking someone on a date for buying me food lol. You're so upset you're confusing yourself.
>Let's see how that technique works for you when you're sixty and your tits are at your kneesOoooo """"empathetic""" empowered womyn dialogue there. Good to know women are as good as they are youthful. I hope a million lesbians take your money and never touch your nasty yeasty clam for it.
No. 603167
>>603155>bawling my eyes out at the gynowhat the fuck who does that?
kill yourself
No. 603183
>>603155MtFs are massive narcs and I'm not surprised he made his pain about himself.
>>603167Remember when bait used to be funny and not mean all the time..
No. 603199
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I'm so sick of and done with autists. I'm trying my hardest to explain something and this literal retard picks out the tiniest negative crumps and blasts that shit harder than hiroshima. I'm so fucking done with their retarded insecurities even when you tell them the opposite for a thousand times. And they always have to shit on other's joy when it's not about their speshul intewest. And that crybaby bullshit. Just fuck off. I'm never interacting with one except for irl again, because they are insufferable over chat and shit.
I know we have many autists on here, but this one in my friend group is driving me up the wall right now and I need to vent.
No. 603213
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>>603199The other autists can call me an Uncle Hans Asperger all they want, but as an sperg myself, this is correct. Male autists at the very least are genuinely hellish to deal with- either retards or Sociopathy Lite with a side of somehow always being less sexy than an actual crazy person. Liberate yourself from their retardation, anon.
No. 603219
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I hate my shit ass neighbours. The second the two cunts are alone at home they go to the balcony and blast music, take pictures with the flash on and yell… at 11:30 pm on a fucking Wednesday and all adults are protecting them because "they are underage, they are just kids!". They're 14 and fucking 17 not 3 and 5, they should know better than to be fucking cunts and the old folks can't hear them at night because they're so old they're going fucking deaf.
I tried being and and I tried yelling, nothing works on the shitheads and I can't call the police before midnight and I feel retarded for even considering it just because two teens are being fucking assholes. It's 12:30 am right now and I get up at 4am to work and don't get home until 7pm. I can't wait to feel shaky and nauseous all day all because of this.
And of course they went to bed now. Fucking retards. Just enough time to wake me up and the rest of the house and they the leave. Fucking hell I hate these two bitches, I hope mosqiutoes eat them or they get corona.
No. 603223
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No. 603226
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Two people literally stopped talking to me completely with no explanation. Full on ghost. I thought we were good friends and now I feel really horrible.
No. 603228
>>603214Na she has lovely jewess face and great smile, her brother looks like an actual muppet in comparison. I bet she bullies him.
No. 603229
>>603226Oh no anon, I'm so sorry. Internet friends or real life?
It's on them though, please don't tell yourself you're a horrible person or anything. I'm sure you did a lot to pick the convo back up.
No. 603231
>>603229Real life. Female friends too and she’s 37 (I just took her out for her birthday because I’m an idiot like that). Old enough to know better but I’m starting to realize that an asshole is an asshole from ages 0-100.
Thanks for listening though.
No. 603234
I'm inbetween dating and not dating this guy. He's a good guy (for being a stinky male, that is). I think he would be a good partner and dunno, he makes me happy. But I just can't shake it off my head if I'm making a good choice here. In the back of my head I keep asking myself if I would feel better with a woman. If she could make me happier and live a nice life with her, loving her and her loving me.
I feel like I can be happy and have the kind of family and life that I want with him, but I keep having this feeling inside that I will be missing out. That, because he's a guy and all guys have serious issues, I should be grateful that the only biggest issues he has is that he's stinky, dumb, and lazy. But then, if he's lazy, and we get into something more serious, would I be doing everything in the house? While he plays videogames? I don't know.
No. 603263
>be me
>be me using a public multi-person restroom at a tourist park spot
>on my way back from the gym
>wearing full work out clothes
>98 degrees outside
>sweating like a mofo bcuz muh craniofacial hyperhydrosis
>inside women’s room for 2 min
>wash hands and throw water on face
>at furthest sink in back
>minding my own beeswax like good boi
[jogger karen has entered the chat]
>on phone with probably other karen
>me: “excuse me, ma’am?”
>Karen does this 2 more times back to back
>come out of bathroom
>lady is 4ft from door
>me: “uhh….excuse me ma’am b-“
>Karen goes flying in the air 6ft doing this strange backward running stumble while grabbing shit out of purse like I just stabbed and robbed her
>me: “….wtf….uh are ….you okay ma’am?”
>Karen: “DONT COME NEAR ME!!!11”
>me: “I’m s-s-sorry i uhh didn’t m- mean to upset you I just want to tell you it’s a multiperson bathroom, more than one person can use it at a time…”
>Karen: [pulls out her phone and starts recording me]
>me: “….okay?”
>Karen starts giving location on phone to someone, saying “there’s a crazy homeless woman harassing me!”
>me: “….i- I’m not homeless….”
>Karen on phone: “come quickly I’m here!”
>I’m so tired I just want to go home
>me: “okay whatever I’m really not trying to start shit, I’m not homeless ma’am, even if I was that’s not okay to say to someone. It was really rude and inappropriate to do in the women’s bathroom”
>Karen: “I told you to stop talking to me!!1”
>me: “okay….I-“
>Karen: “this is on Facebook live right now! Right now!”
>Karen: [panickingly telling the person on the phone the address and making up shit while zooming phone onto my face]
>why is this my life pls make this stop
>Me: “fine whatever just wanted to say it’s rude to yell that people, who are using a restroom, are homeless with the door open, it’s really not nice and rude.”
>Karen: “STOP TALKING TO ME!!1 I’ve been recording you the whole time!”
>Me: “….kay bye, have a nice day ma’am”
I was talking SO calmly and politely, really really holding back and this classist rude lady still went nuts on me, trying to “expose me on FB”. For throwing water on my face…. in a public bathroom. I know it’s stupid or I’m soft, but it actually upset me. It sucked knowing an older women was publicly humiliating me for using a bathroom. It was just embarrassing. It made me feel super self conscious, I’m already so self conscious about having hyperhydrosis, to get yelled at, called homeless, filmed, and threaten to be posted online for washing my face just made it worse. I don’t even want to go outside. I just keep thinking “do I really look that shitty, weird, or ugly that she thought I looked like a ‘crazy homeless lady’?”. I try really hard to look nice and now I feel… just not good about myself, at all. Kinda feel like shit. Idk it just got under my skin and I wanted to vent. I know this is long, I just wanted to get it out of my head. Sorry.
+she was on Facebook live when she walked into the bathroom yelling that comment, kinda seems fucked up to stream strangers inside of a bathroom
No. 603271
>>603263I'm so sorry that happened to you, anon. You didn't deserve any of that shit, she was just crazy.
Probably saw someone she's jealous of post about their experience almost getting mugged or something, and thought she could one-up them with a "real, recorded encounter". You were just unlucky enough to be the most available person for the role at the time.
No. 603274
>>603134>You sound so unstableSays the anon who places all of her personal value on her sex appeal.
>I've been a straight girl and have been used for food and sexAh, so you're trying to "get back" at the world. People treated you like shit, so you feel justified in acting that way towards everyone else.
Anyway, I'm not saying you have to sleep with or have a relationship with someone who buys you dinner. What I'm arguing against is going on a date with someone you have zero interest in just for food.
>I hope a million lesbians take your money and never touch your nasty yeasty clam for it.I don't give people my money, and I don't enter relationships just so someone will fuck me lmao. You keep steering the discussion back to sex and money because apparently that's all you think about, Projection-chan.
I know that you have value other than your appearance– my point was that your body is all
scrotes care about. When your body goes to hell, the scrotes will disappear.
No. 603277
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>go to make some returns at my workplace
>they're all bras (recently lost weight so rapidly that they no longer fit and I didn't even get a chance to wear them)
>my boss is behind the customer service counter
>so uncomfortable doing a lingerie return for me that he forgets to scan one
>didn't realize it until today when I checked my account
>return window has ended
ffs. I'm only out like nine bucks so I'm not too mad but still.
No. 603280
>>603274NTA but
>People treated you like shit, so you feel justified in acting that way towards everyone else.What do you mean by "everyone else"? It's just a man. Who really gives a shit?
No. 603281
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so tired of the lolita community as a whole. the most active participants are tonedeaf entitled shopping addicts and it's just… boring. i shouldnt expect much from a fashion comm but it's wild how ill adjusted people are. tried to go to meets over the years but they can't handle themselves in public. why
No. 603296
>>603271Thanks anon, makes me feel less shitty. I didn’t think anyone would even read my stupid vent. I was so so confused and it just made me think there was something wrong with the way I looked. It was a big culture shock since I don’t use social media and am not from this country. I’m really, really nervous in public and don’t talk to ppl ever, so it just made me rly not want to go outside anymore. Glad to know she’s just being weird and it’s not some everyday normal thing people do now-a-days. I just kinda froze cuz I’m terrified of confrontation and it was so …shocking, out of the blue?
Yeah, now that I think back to it, it was weird that she had been FB live streaming me in the bathroom before I even said a word and using it as a threat to “expose me” over something some small disagreement. Very extreme? I didn’t want to think she had bad intention, like just had a bad day? But it seemed more suspicious when she started yelling on the phone that I was “attacking” her and saying “she’s coming at me again! help, come here now!” when we were a meter apart.
>>603287I know right. I was like “does she think she owns public restrooms? Where does she think homeless people use the bathroom? Why would it matter if a homeless person was in the bathroom?” I had heard online and seen YT compilations of middle aged karen’s who sound like they desperately need therapy, have no life, or have anger issues, but I never ever thought the bar was set so low on what could set them off. I also notice a lot of them are walking dogs, jogging, etc. There should be a research institute that studies the Karen pattern kek.
No. 603301
>>603280Eh, true. I'm not trying to cape for scrotes, it's just the principle of the thing.
Idk at the end of the day, it's not my business.
No. 603309
>>603274>Ah, so you're trying to "get back" at the world.Lmao, scrote are you baiting? You wanted me to pretend to be a lesbian to "know how it feels" to get used by women for food and sex, and all I pointed out was that I didn't need to because as a straight woman I've been used for just that. It's nothing to do with revenge, it was about answering your bullshit scenario.
>People treated you like shit, so you feel justified in acting that way towards everyone else.Still not understanding how not having sex with a man in exchange for him buying me a meal is "treating everyone like shit." But okay, okay, we allllllll understand your stance by now. We don't give a shit.
Go away tard.
No. 603317
>>603313You just reminded me something shitty that happened to me some time ago
>go to uni >wear short dress>thighs ripped >take them off>mosquito bitten legs galore>someone asks me “hey, anon, are those bruises??”>feel ashamed because I look like an abuse victim >Stop wearing short dresses and shorts for a long timeI started wearing dresses again after a while, but damn, that was kind of sad.
No. 603339
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>>603336Americans did have culture, it just died out since Americans think caring about appearance is prissy. You still find Americans that do care about culture (American architecture, arts, music, clothes, food, activities, etc) but a lot of it got wiped out in the 90s, even rich folk who can easily partake in American culture would rather eat sushi and live in Japanese or European style houses and listen to any music, which is respectable but no one has taught Americans to care for their roots since imported stuff has been glamorized, thus letting culture die out
Oh and the fact corporations have become corrupt
No. 603342
>>603330Even in your culture there must be some kids who abandon ship and leave the parents to fend for themselves, right? It feels like that's going to become more common everywhere in years to come as newer generations put themselves first.
Nursing homes are terrifying.
No. 603350
>>603339nta, i'm really interested in what you would qualify as an american cultural experience ! your pic suggests 50's diner etc, is there anything else ?
i like shitting on americans just like everybody in my country but i have to say you guys do have or used to have a strong sense of identity, ie freedom, and are really attached to the flag etc, and have a strong proportion of patriots.
No. 603373
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>>603339This. Don’t get why ppl start throwing qualifiers or age limits on who gets to have culture and who doesn’t. Depends on the people in that culture. I could start a town rn and 10yrs later ppl could talk about my town’s culture. People talk about “nyc club kid culture”, “Mormon culture”, “LA drag queen culture”, and “atlanta hip hop culture”. I would consider those all a part of American culture. American culture (like American birthed music, food, fashion) is copied and ingrained in other country’s cultures today, setting trends. Culture also includes inventions and achievements. Like the light bulb, peanut butter, whip nae nae, passing women’s right to vote, gay pride parades, etc. When people deny that, they’re denying the achievements and culture of all Americans, including PoC and lgbtq+.
I would argue that America’s culture is black, Hispanic, European, indigenous, asian, etc culture all mixed together with new shit added by modern mixed Americans to create their own unique culture. Don’t know why Americans act weird about acknowledging they have “culture” when, by definition, they do. Every group of people in the world have “culture”.
No. 603377
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I can’t stand people who hate things because they’re popular. Just the snobbiness of it all, the holier than thou attitude burns my biscuits. If it doesn’t hurt anyone, then fuck off and let people enjoy things you wet blankets.
No. 603383
>>603352God thank you. I think we’ve been using the term culture very loosely these days.
When I think of culture I think of rich history, taking advantage of the resources you have, etc. not traveling the world to murder and enslave in order to obtain goods and services lol.
Also I’m an American, not bitter in the least. Just honest. America has no true sense of “freedom.” Destruction has been the foundation of our country.
No. 603415
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I'm so lonely, and nothing fills that void anymore. I feel like nobody really gives a shit about me. I don't want to keep going on in life like this.. but I have to.
I hope I get murdered by a flock of angry magpies or something.
No. 603421
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I am
>>603199 and sorry to vent again, but sleeping it off did not help. I'm so angry over this autist, it's not cute anymore. I can't concentrate, so I need to get this off my chest.
I left an online friend group and explained myself (with the same text) to a normie girl and the retard. The group was all a bunch of cringy, self-centered NEETs and they kept distracting me from progressing in my hobbies and studies. I don't want to end up like them with shit tier art, depression and no irl friends, so I got out. Normie girl understood my message just fine, but autismo-chan went nuclear. I told her the truth that chatting had become a time sink and she took it as me faking our conversations and began cry typing, as you do. I'm just so mad. I consoled her so many times when she had one of her sperg-outs, reassuring her for hours when the other narcissists where roleplaying futa-porn in another channel, not giving a damn. I drew shit for her all the damn time. Read her fanfics.
She is being used for asspats by a moid in that group and I genuinely felt for her, even though she was a sped. Not anymore. I can't believe she'd throw hundreds of hours of us having a good time into the garbage just because I dared to write something remotely negative in my goodbye message. That she can't see my side even a little bit. She's a crab through and through.
I learned my lesson. Autists are genuine retards and I'm not befriending one again. My strong reaction just shows me that I did like her and I can't deny that it hurts a bit. Fuck her. I hope someone shits on her special interest today, I'm done.
No. 603451
>>603424Had to experience the same, so I agree with anon. It breaks my heart seeing these kinds of people, but they are delusional and
toxic as fuck. imagine also knowing them irl, I had to know one. She acted like a teenager going through puberty while being 27.
>>603421I am proud of you anon. I am sure you will find a better company.
No. 603460
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Anons, I'd need some advice on wether I should cut off a friend of my life or not.
I feel horrible that I want to cut off ties with a person who knows me for 9 years now.The reasoning to that is the fact that she would always make mistakes in her life (as if on purpose), would also always let herself be used and fooled by people while never doing anything about it. Whenever she would seek for an advice, I would give her a honest one, but she would never do what I said, instead, she would keep whining and sitting in her corner. No matter of that, I still supported and cherished her even though she ditched me for a person (about whom I warned long time ago) that replaced me in friend's group and shortly after ends up sending nudes and e-sexting with her bf for a year. Bf was also an asshole too, a pornsick virgin about whom I also would have been warning about aswell, but oh well. This sort of drama is long in the past now.
But she never changed ever since. She herself is fully aware (even with visiting a therapist and whatnot) that she always avoids problems in her own mind, instead, she just sits there drawing anime or watching anime or whatever. Anything just to not even try taking care of your own well being. At the beginning of this year I was so proud of her, because damn, she spoke to her mother about what bothered her and said that she wants to quit art uni and later then move out with her new friend group. This short euphoria of being 'strong and indepedent' lasted for only a month max. However I never judged her, I would always give her a pat and support her. However, the friend group that she is in is very toxic. I left it after a year of being there because it is filled with NEETs, fujo-chans, 'depression is my personality' and pornsick men. I left it after one of them tried to convince me to have a threesome with him and some other girl. They also are not the goodest people to spend time with, all of them are so short-tempered in videogames that they ragequit or feed while screaming on mic like babies. But she seemd to be happy with them, so I guess as long as she's happy. Even though one of the people whose head is stuck in politics is trying to slowly convince her to become a trans. All because through her whole life she always was into blue colour, huge hoodies and jeans.
However, my main problem is that she always vents on her twitter. I always support her back and do my best to check out on her, but whenever she sends messages such as 'can anyone please dm me so i could vent to them, i am feeling so suicidal', i am always the first person to come to her. But she leaves me on read or pretends as if I am not there. I do not even know why. It has happened 4 times already, I feel like as if she does not trust me or just does not need me. Anons, I am hoping that I am not sounding overprotective of her, just trying to explain how things are. I never forced her to do anything nor said anything bad to her over years, I am nothing but a walking r/wholesomemes who would take care of her as if I am her caregiver. But seriously, it hurts. And I am so tired of seeing her doing nothing but making up excuses over her life choices (while admitting it) and whining. It feels like it's been going on for too long, but I worry about her too much.
No. 603463
>>603460You don’t need to cut her out completely, but you can distance yourself. You can’t care more than she does, and you can’t help someone that (self-admittedly!) does not want/know how to be helped. She’s seeking therapy and talked to her mom. You can be there for her if she comes to you. You can reach out here and there, but you don’t need to every time. If she starts to notice and get angry or take it out on you/vent about it, ignore it. You have truly done all you can to be a good friend.
You don’t have to go no contact with someone to reduce the stress they cause in your life. Just change the relationship dynamic. Send them funny shit that makes you think of her instead of asking how she’s doing all the time. Just let it be a chill friendship and let her come to you. Good luck!
No. 603495
>>603490I hope you’re not like this anymore!
>>603476If that’s the case, then don’t respond to her wanting to vent anymore. Just say “I’m sorry to hear that,” cut the conversation short, say you’re busy, distance yourself, set boundaries and enforce them, etc. especially if it’s a long distance friendship—it may feel like you’re being a bad friend, but you’ve put your time and energy in, and she didn’t reciprocate. It’s okay to move on and take care of yourself and invest in yourself and/or other friendships!
No. 603501
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Felt vain about going so far to seek help for my hair loss but I'm vindicated about not letting it be because by searching for a cause, my doctors found out I have high testosterone levels and they're still getting higher so that's being investigated. The actual irony of this happening to me, after deprogramming all the troonery in my teens…
No. 603510
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>>603504Are we the same person? Yes absolutely. I want to kms every time I go off on him
No. 603545
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My extremely attractive girl friend just told me she had a crush on me when we first started working together, and I had absolutely no idea. We're good friends now, and she's away indefinitely at the moment. How the fuck did I not notice and why the fuck did she never say anything until NOW, like a year and a half after getting close and while she's away? Lesbians and bis alike are the fucking worst.
No. 603551
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I fucking hate the depression I get after smoking and drinking while on meds. It's way worse than the normal hangover, and the heat doesn't help. I feel kind of worthless and alone even though I know I have friends who care for me.
I hate being so envious of other's relationships showing off online.
No. 603563
So I’m a bit scared that I’m pregnant. My period is usually pretty on schedule. Like every single cycle this year has been 26-27 days long, mostly 27, only 2 were 26. I did however have another scare in December where my cycle was 31 days long which is the only reason I haven’t completely freaked out yet since I assume it could be the same thing happening again. Currently on cycle day 30 and it’s almost midnight, so day 31 soon. On the 17 it will be one week since my period was supposed to start so if I didn’t get my period by then I’ll take a test but it’s so hard to wait. I only have one shitty cheap test right now leftover from back then, and I don’t want to go buy more so I don’t want to take it too early and waste it.
On Monday (10) it was supposed to start and usually it starts in the morning or before 2-3pm at least, but still nothing. Didn’t really take it seriously because it just felt like my period was coming like normal. I got some mild stomach cramps, a bit of a backache, a lot of bloating, tender boobs/nipples. Decided to go out to a bar with my bf for dinner and it really felt like my period would start any minute so I put a tampon in so I wouldn’t have to worry. Took it out like ~6 hours later and I was expecting blood but there was only the TINIEST bit of brown blood mixed with some clear/whitish discharge. Like 2-3 tiny drops. I thought it was kinda weird but just my period was maybe super slow to start and went to bed without using any protection. It’s like 2 full days Later now and there hasn’t been ANY more blood or spotting. I’ve still been having mild-moderate cramps, backache, and pretty bad bloating but no period. I keep thinking it will come any minute because occasionally I’ll get a particularly strong/long wave of cramps but nope, nada. Now I’m worried that maybe the tiny bit of brown on the tampon was like implantation bleeding. It would have been exactly 14 days after the predicted ovulation on my app (but I know that’s not super accurate).
Don’t know if I can hold out until next Monday to test. Will strongly be tempted to tomorrow but it might be too early. Going to the beach tomorrow too so I’d kinda just like to know if I should be cautious of bleeding lol
No. 603568
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I just turned 18 and I really want to go live with my boyfriend in Florida. I'm in the UK and fuck, moving from here to there seems so hard but I want to so bad. I'm so stressed at the thought of it. I feel so silly thinking that it'd be easier than this. Of course corona is making things a little harder but fuck even if corona wasn't a thing it seems so difficult. I just want to be with him anons. The UK is awful I could never find anyone here. Why couldn't I at least have been born in the US? Even if I was on the opposite side of the country to him it'd be so much easier.
No. 603575
>>603568do not move to the fucking US of A at age 18 for a boy. no country is perfect but at least medical debt and college debt as horrible as in the US. not to mention florida is a god damn mess.
there's people for you in the UK, you're just probably a teenage depressed weeb daydreaming about your discord boyfriend.
t. a 22 year old who already cannot relate to her 18 year old self. that bitch was retarded like all 18 year old. she also thought happiness was overseas.
No. 603587
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>>603575>you're just probably a teenage depressed weeb daydreaming about your discord boyfriend.big
oof that's me to a T
No. 603592
>>603582>>603583daydreaming is fine, just don't actually do it. you could have friends in florida one day, and none the next. especially with discord tards, they all fuck each other and have meltdowns over the dumbest shit.
you can make friends anywhere, it's not about the location, it's your mindset. this is coming from someone who is currently lonely but used to have only one friend i knew in real life at some point.
not to mention, if you're an autistic weeb in the UK you won't be more social in florida.
No. 603595
>>603568Anon-chan, for the love of God, do not do it. And how could you even think that America is better than UK. It is much worse, if you are THAT sad about your UK life, go move to some small EU country through scholarships.
You really sound like a desperate and depressed-chan who is e-dating on discord. And trust me, you do not even know a person until you live with them. Meeting does not even count. And I do not think you are THAT ready to be 'settled down' for some e-boy. I would have understood if you were 23 or whatever, but 18… Seriously.
There is no way you would be able to provide yourself a stable living.
And in all honesty, finding yourself a lover off Discord is one of the worst ideas. I've been there. LDRs in general, (especially e-dating) does not last long unless u both are actually stable and commited, rather than 'hu hu muh country sou bad i wish i lllived w mehh bfffff huu'.
No. 603613
>>603604Reached the point a few years ago where I realised that if a guy wont go halves on birth control costs while dating me then I just shouldn't be sleeping with them. I've paid for too many emergency pills here in a country with no legal abortion and overpriced BC.
Fingers crossed for you anon! What kind of tests did you take? The cheap dip in sticks or the early detection ones?
No. 603621
>>603568I feel you anon. My boyfriend lives in Montreal and I live in Kansas. It fucking sucks. Its been more than a year since Ive seen him in person cuz of the virus and I miss him more than ever. I feel so lonely without him. He's my only friend too. Maybe I'll go study there for a year though and see how it goes, when the whole virus is over of course.
If you're going to move to florida make sure you have a lot savings and an education (or have plans to get one there) so that you don't depend on him 100%. Honestly though I cant imagine how florida is better than the UK. From what ive heard theres a lot of drugs and poverty also its really hot and humid.
No. 603644
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had parts of my bike stolen a few nights ago, probably nicked for a quick buck for drugs. covid means bike shops have pretty limited inventory, so now im looking at old stock vintage parts and thinking of just blasting through my savings. biking was the only thing I looked forward to, im absolutely crushed and would wreck the shit out of whoever messed mine up
No. 603742
>>603708I've been seeing "Comic Sans hate is just ableism!!!!" discourse later followed by "Wait nvm Comic Sans isn't that good for dyslexic people" corrections since…2013? It's been 7 years and people still want to defend a shitty overused font because they can pretend to care for disabled people.
Maybe one way to get people to shut up about ableism is to actually make them interact with disabled people. I used to be an annoying SJW type until it was pointed out to me I didn't even have the patience to hang out with my mentally disabled neighbor for even 20 minutes. Maybe they'll be less loud if they realize they aren't /actually/ doing anything for the disabled community.
No. 603818
I recently finished my Master's at one of the best universities in my country and after looking for a job for months, I finally found one. The job itself is just perfect for me, but I feel so stupid for 'negotiating' a salary that is way too low considering my profile and previous experience level, and also way lower than my Master's average.
With many companies currently not hiring due to Covid, I thought it would be impossible to get a job anyway, so instead of negotiating a salary that would fit my actual expectations, I just kind of went with what they offered me out of desperation. I regret this so so much and I'm worried that this mistake will haunt me for a long time, as it will probably take me many years to catch up to a decent salary.
I talked to a friend from school today, who recently got a job offer that is 12k higher than mine.. I'm really happy for her, but hearing this made me feel like such a failure. All my life I worked so hard, did multiple internships at good companies, went to good universities and got good grades, but for some reason I was too stupid to negotiate a salary that actually allows me to have an okay life. I really don't know what to do, I feel so hopeless..
No. 603830
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I fucking hate going by bus when it's currently 35*C and hotter these days. Of course I wear my face mask but fuck I'm dying because it even hotter inside the bus and you can't have a sip of water jfc
No. 603894
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Growing up I always heard men in my family talk about "nagging wives/girlfriends" and wondered why they didn't just date someone else. I even asked my brothers why they cheated on their girlfriends and they looked at me dumbfounded. I was raised in a very conservative family, so it wasn't until recently (as in the last 6 years) that I came to the realization that men really just hate women. It pisses me off that I couldn't understand that before. I'm also annoyed that they can be so open about it and not get any backlash, yet if a woman complains about men's behavior she's labeled as a feminazi/SJW/man-hating lesbian etc.
No. 603900
>>603894Same, my mom was accused of nagging if she asked my dad any basic question, looking back she was barely allowed open her mouth without being humiliated for it.
In my late twenties I found myself walking on eggshells when my partner 'tired after work' would lose his mind over any simple question. I was dealing with that daily 'post work contempt' which somehow also morphed into 'it's the weekend leave me alone I'm tired contempt' and eventually I realised my self esteem had disappeared and that dynamic ain't normal. Your existence in a home that you contribute greatly to.. shouldn't be treated like a burden.
Let's break the cycle of tolerating that.
No. 603909
>>603900This hits so close to home. I'm so, so sad for the millions of women in marriages like that, including my mom. She's so perfect and he's just a disgusting piece of shit.
The truth is really right in front of you, you just have to want to see it.
No. 603929
I feel like I will never grow up and become less shy/socially anxious with the way my father is treating me. I'm nearly 25 and whenever I say just one "wrong" thing it always ends with him scolding me like a little child - scolding meaning I'm crying and trying to apologize while he throws insults at me. I feel like this will never change, he's gonna be 80 and still looking down on 50yo me.
Yesterday he once again belittled my studies. My final exams are next month which stresses me a lot, I'm constantly panicking but he always downplays that while he himself is allowed to complain 24/7. Yesterday for once I decided that I'm not just gonna swallow my sadness/anger and dared to speak up, saying this was "mean" (my literal working, that's the "worst" tone I ever used in front of him). He immediately got so angry, totally missed the point, like always went on about how hard his life is, how easy mine is, how hard he has to work to earn money for us, that construction workers have to work 12 hours daily in the summer heat while I only need to study and so on. He just doesn't stop, doesn't let me explain anything, I barely get a sentence in (ironically he also scolds me for talking too little). I still live at home, but I'm definitely not spoiled, I never asked for anything in my life, I even wear his old clothes. My 15yo sister then also started crying and tried to help me but it only made it worse. He started with his usual guilt tripping "all of you are against me, you don't care about me, you always try to make me out to be the evil one" and so on. He even brought up that I'm already so old to which I responded that I would wish I could talk with him normally like two adults but of course he interrupted me again. I hate this so much. He says such cruel things to me whenever we fight (and a fight can start after any tiny mistake I or another family member might make), how can I believe that he loves me after this? It feels like he's constantly bitter about money, like I don't want any of it if you later on use your fake generosity against us. It's true that my father had to work way too early and he's clearly unhappy with his job but he also drives a porsche, so it's not like he's struggling financially. Both my little sister and I have depression but I guess that's not real in his book.
No. 603951
>>603568Anon I will gladly switch places with you. I'm trapped in Florida with no hope of escaping and regret moving here everyday of my life
Trust me, you don't want to be in Florida
and that has nothing to do with the fact that people down don't believe in Corona No. 603960
>>603563Well I took a test this morning because I couldn’t wait and there’s two strong pink lines on the test. Jesus Christ I want to kill myself. I don’t even think I can get an abortion because there’s only medical abortions here which scares the shit out of me and they’re like $10,000. What the fuck do I do??????? My relationship with my boyfriend has been so good especially recently it just got better and better but we’ve only been dating for like just under a year, and we’re both pretty poor and working like part time jobs and especially with coronavirus we haven’t had many shifts and he’s trying to follow his dream and that’s why he’s working part time at the moment and if I tell him it will ruin his life because he will want to quit his dream I know it. I’m just terrified at being pregnant even if we were financially stable and like already married. Pushing a baby out of my vagina? I want to pass out thinking of all of this.
Are there any traditional methods I can use to induce a miscarriage or something??? Some herb tea or special food or holding my breath or smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol something?? Don’t say fall down the stairs lol. I guess that’s my only hope is that a decent portion of pregnancies end in miscarriage before what? 8-12 weeks or something??
No. 603979
>>603960Okay, so first things first:
>google for methods to induce miscarriagetry the one anon above
>>603971 mentioned, I've heard someone mention parsley as well.
>try to find a place online that sells abortion pills and get them shipped to you ASAPWorst case scenario:
>prepare for a medical abortion if all else fails, but you're still in this very early on so no worries.Call your bf and tell him. Ask if he can cover some of the potential payments, go with you to the appointment if you have to do it, look at your insurance coverage etc.
If he chimps out and tries to babytrap you or guilt you, try to get as much money out of him as possible by saying you want to be healthy for the baby so he should participate, get him to buy you groceries for a while or some shit, just and then dump him and block him because he's trash. Get your mum or a friend to come with you to the appointment if you end up having to do it, but you probably won't have to.
You can do this anon, you're strong. If you're scared at any point come back to this thread and drop a fake email, I'll talk to you if you're scared. Hang on tight.
t. Went through this exact scenario a few years ago alone and freshly dumped in a country where I didn't speak the language all that well.
No. 603988
>>603980Not OP but if you've got solid lines it means there is pregnancy hormones in your pee. No argument around it. The strips only change color when they have a chemical reaction to the hormone, which is why faint positives are a thing because the hormones are barely there but nonetheless cause the paper to capture color.
Take the sign of color very seriously.
No. 603993
>>603960Still couldn't find the pdf, but here's a link.'ll search some more, but I have to sleep now
No. 604038
So I live at home with my parents, I have a job, save money, etc – I take up one room in the house and I literally pay for all my own things. I'm quiet, so noone minds me being there, but I want my presence/footprint to be as small as possible.
My sister though, she's a walking selfish angry yelling hurricane.
Through absolutely no fault of her own, she was let go of her job due to Covid. On top of that, her boyfriend left her. She couldn't afford her apartment by herself, so she came home.
Ok these are normal things that anyone would pity. My parents had no problem letting her come home.
Like I said though, she is explosive. We're not blind to her shortcomings, but she's exactly that kind of person who will admit wrong, try to fix it for a week, and decide it was too hard and go back to the way things were.
She's always always rubbed me the wrong way, even when we were kids. I feel bad about it because we're sisters, but then she pulls the stupidest, 100% preventable shit, then starts screaming about how everything always happens to her. She can be genuinely awful.
Anyway, my actual vent is where she is currently – we cleared out a space for her in the basement to move her apartment stuff into, including her TV. Unfortunately, the TV is directly below my room.
In an effort to save a lot of back-and-forth about it, I experimented with her tv volume levels while she was away and figured out where the volume level is that I stop hearing it through the floor, and asked her to keep it at that level.
God, you'd think I asked her to kill herself.
>if you keep it at 5, you can still hear it, and I can't hear it in my room
>because I can hear everything over 5
etc etc
I'm trying to find a middle ground, but it's "my way or I'm throwing a fit" with her
I suggested a bluetooth headset, which is what normal people with roommates do, but she's not about that. I bought one for her anyway.
I just want to sleep. Or throw the tv on the curb.
No. 604074
>>603960 back again
Thank you so much everybody for the advice!! I didn’t expect to get so many replies. I’m still like so shocked and dead inside but I’m going to consider my options. I’m still kinda scared to do the miscarriage inducing things because if they don’t work I don’t want to end up with like a retarded baby or something tbh. Sorry, sounds cruel but yeah. Still haven’t told my boyfriend. Actually I live with him. We’ve been living together a few months. I snuck to the bathroom in the morning before he woke up to take the test and I hid it afterwards.
God I felt so sick to my stomach when I saw the lines. The pregnancy line is sooooo clear. I’ve taken tests before when I was a couple days late and I thought I saw a tiny faint line if I squinted (but there wasn’t, I wasn’t pregnant before ever) but this one is like undeniable.
Good news is I guess in my panic I misread the cost of an abortion and it’s closer to 1-2k not 10k. But yeah there’s no abortion pill here only the surgical abortion. I guess it’s possible I could find the pill online but I don’t know if it would get confiscated at customs and if I would get in trouble? Also with COVID-19 mail is fucked up here and really delayed and flat out not allowed to enter the country if it comes from certain countries.
>>603979I’m also in a foreign country. Well I’ve been living here like 2.5 years but still don’t know the language super well and I don’t know I’m freaked out. My family isn’t here so I can’t go to them and I can’t just leave and leave my boyfriend. I don’t know how he will react. We discussed what would happen if I got pregnant before because I think that’s an important conversation to have and he said he wouldn’t want me to get an abortion but I’m scared he’ll resent me and start to hate me because he’ll have to stop his dream and get a shitty office job to help out with money.
TMI here but: I’m kinda scared he will maybe even think I cheated because we were using condoms. But I guess we didn’t use them perfectly. I absolutely didn’t cheat. Sometimes he like “almost entered” or rubbed against my outside before he put one on. Or he’d stay inside me after he went soft again and I heard that can cause semen to leak out around the base of the condom.
No. 604131
>>604083I know how you feel. In my experience, forcing myself to get over it had the opposite effect since it’s only repression out of my own complex of perceiving myself as some angry bitter meanie. I wasn’t ready to move on, no amount of LARPing as a happy go lucky forgiving hippie changed that.
Sometimes, time is really the only thing that will make it better. I’ve just radically accepted myself, allowed myself to be angry and bitter and hurt, but at the same time, channeled those feelings in a non-self-destructive way, harnessed the powers of rage toward good goals. One day, I thought about the Bad Stuff and I just felt compassion for myself, not impotent anger anymore. It’ll be okay anon.
No. 604170
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>takes shower for the first time in days
> Does hair, puts on nice clothes
> responds to all work emails
> Goes to make breakfast
> Literally in the middle of pouring my coffee
My brain
> You're a fucking loser who wasted their youth and you'recontinuing to do so with what little of it you have left being in your mid 20s. You have no friends, you're insecure as fuck, you have no hobbies or long term goals, why are you even trying?
>Spills coffee in the sink, changes clothes back into pajamas, watches stupid youtube videos for 8 hours straight to try and avoid a full fledged meltdown.
No. 604213
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anyone else /nofriends/? i end up dedicating all of my energy to myself and my family (and these days a boyfriend) but even when i was a kid i just couldn't keep platonic friends
feels like shit because i love the idea of hanging out with other women but i find it mentally exhausting… it's no fault of theirs. i've had the opportunity to be good friends with so many lovely people but i end up transitioning myself out of their lives every time
No. 604298
>>603611Facebook is allowing propaganda and fake news that gets people killed. And I also wish that website would shut down already…
I stopped using mine a few months ago and I'm just holding on until I graduate from college.
No. 604318
>>604305This sounds like both the funniest and the most horrifying freak show ever. If you feel they'd cancel you over leaving just mute the discord and laugh at them when you need reassurance that you haven't completely lost your mind to the point you act like them.
Honestly sometimes I have a retarded power fantasy that I'd actually start using he/him pronouns as a feminine woman, screech at anyone even slightly misgendering me and start aggressively guilt tripping every woke asshole to tag my obscure
triggers just to show these fucking clowns what absolute buffoons they're being and how insane their behavior is. I feel like they won't learn until they're the ones being cancelled over someone's fragile feelings.
No. 604326
>>604314after watching their last episode of freakouts over the word "anti" being used, I dont. I'm more of a lurker anyway since i only know 1 person out of the 10 that are there.
>>604318It's hilarious and maddening at the same time. I've muted the whole server, I really feel like if I leave they'll get so offended and make a call out post on some social media. I rarely speak and keep lurking to the minimum after watching one of them go off over a certain "
problematic" anime ship they dont like and have a full mental breakdown. They're all over 18 too. I'm only really around to keep my close friend happy, luckily she doesn't act like these people and is really chill, idk how she found them.
>I have a retarded power fantasy that I'd actually start using he/him pronouns as a feminine womanYou and I both anon, it sounds like a blast
No. 604380
>>604377he's not gonna change, at least not with/for you.
No. 604428
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I hate liberal parents but super kek for her being proud but they still go with their normal pronouns lol
No. 604458
casual conversation with 2 friends i hadn't seen in a minute:
>one of them (male) went on a date with a girl; girl revealed she is trans, and currently has a penis
>presents as super-female, tho
>friend politely declined to go on a date with person a second time, the reason being, obviously, the penis
that should have been the end of the conversation, but friend #2 jumps in with
>refusing to go on a second date with that person based on their having a penis is TRANSPHOBIC
>first friend should feel very very bad about this, and should suck it up and has to give the date a second chance to not be forever a horrible person
It's worth noting that Friend #2 is the biggest proponent of consent-education that I've met. Like, she is all about
>if someone asks you for sex you have the right to refuse for ANY REASON
>if you're having sex and you want to stop FOR ANY REASON, your partner must stop
>if someone says "no" it must always be respected
So ^^^these above rules of consent (which I tend to agree with) for some reason do not apply to trans people these days?
You can say no to anyone at any time for any reason, except for someone who is trans, because that's transphobic. If you display a preference about someone's sexual organs, you are a bad person.
Is this twisted to you??? It's like asking people to ignore reality and their gut feelings and say yes to someone they don't want … which seems to be the very opposite of consent.
Anyway, friend #2 blocked friend #1 and I was just like … ok … time to go…
No. 604487
>>604458you should really talk with friend 1 (the guy who went on the date) and assure him that it's not wrong. i remember getting excluded harsh from my friend group because of a similar situation (not dating but talking about preferences) and it fucked me up.
he should be aware that you're on his side so that he doesnt go and fuck a mtf out of pity. smh these sjw's are gonna ruin perfectly good men with their manipulative tactics.
No. 604594
>>603742Same, I get uncomfortable around a select few disabled people because of how repetitive they are. I remember once being on the edge of a panic attack at the gym because the guy on the treadmill next to me kept replaying a 30 second segment of this Michael Jackson music video for about 15 minutes straight.
After that uncomfortable moment, I was just thankful for the people who can handle that shit, it's definitely exhausting.
No. 604659
>>604624i used to have acrylics so i get it. i probably should've used a better example but i don't think anything that terrible is gonna happen if you don't get them filled.
>>604634thank you, i've been telling myself that but it helps hearing it from someone else. i've reached out to a couple friends and most of them never replied. upsetting but i definitely understand.
No. 604695
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>open up depop to sell stuff for the first time in a while
>stalker ex tried to reach out to me there
fuck out of my life you ugly gremlin receding hairline mommy issues scrote, i'm sick of seeing his pathetic profile picture in my dms on every random platform i happen to use. what sane person checks up on their ex via a selling app, absolutely disgusting
No. 604699
>>604697Lmao I am indeed anon.
And yes, I can agree and acknowledge what absolute (hilarious) trash it is. He doesn’t always say anything, but he doesn’t join in on my sweet dance moves, and I just feel hurt.
It’s dumb, I know. But why can’t he just have fun?
No. 604700
>>604695What a desperate loser POS anon. Think of him as a homeless man yelling at you from the sidewalk. He’s not a person, he’s not even there. You forget about him the moment he’s out of your eyeline.
No. 604740
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i made some food for my roommate with an ingredient i'm allergic to because he promised to clean everything super well afterwards and it's been 2 days and guess what has not happened
No. 604745
>>604734I feel for you anon. My home country also has tons of huge flying roaches during summer… My family sprayed poison all around the house so we rarely got them inside but I've had one on my pillow which fell on my foot, and another one flew straight at me when I opened the bathroom door… Along with all those times I saw one and ran away screaming.
Cockroaches being tiny here is the best part about living in a cold country.
No. 604766
This is too embarrassing and humiliating to vent about to anyone I know irl or online so I'll write here.
I'm an adult with an extremely controlling family, my parents went on a vacation and left me and my brother and sister at my grandparents', today there was a little gathering and we youngsters had a little campfire outside and my brother and my cousin kept harassing me, my sister, and my other female cousins, we kept asking them to stop and they didn't. I have anger issues and they were rentless they almost gave my cousin an injury, I got fed up and went to talk to him and he threw a stone at me it made my knee bleed pinned my brother, and kicked him, I hoped things are done here, he played the victim and kept acting sad, I was bored so I grabbed my cousin and we went to my room to watch some netflix and to my surprise I found my creams, sunscreen, oils, and everything on my bedside cabinet thrown around and my creams squeezed and smeared over everything, my bed and pillows were soaked in water, my laptop and speakers were untouched so I wasn't as mad, went and argued with him and people defended him then I went back up to my room only to find out that he also egged my bed but I didn't notice, I hate eggs I don't even eat them and he and my cousin used 4-6 eggs on a small bed, I was furious and went back downstairs and showed everyone an egg shell I found and they acted unbothered, I walked up to my brother who was on his phone and slapped his head with the shell in my hand so he jumped me, I tried to defend myself before everyone pulled me and protected him, everyone was yelling at me and calling me name (everyone in my family hates my guts) only for one of my aunts to come and physically beat me whilst everyone is holding me, she thrown stuff at my face it bruised and flogged me with a wire, I took the wire from her hand and threw it outside and ran back upstairs, my cousin was waiting for me in the room so I got my stuff discreetly and locked myself in the bathroom, I took blades, rubbing alcohol, wipes, band aids, and an almost empty water bottle,, I self-harmed and made a suction with the water bottle and collected blood in it (and some spit), a little later I went back downstairs with my bloody bottle, everyone followed me naturally and spilled my blood over the counter and the dining table whilst everyone was watching, they asked what it was so I told them it was my blood but I didn't tell them the source, things escalated and they followed me upstairs and kept nagging me then tried to lock me inside the room but luckily they didn't find the keys, I told my sister that the blood was from a nosebleed, and I cried my eyes out, I feel like shit, my parents are returning tomorrow and they're just as abusive, I'm scared and almost certain they will confiscate all my stuff and maybe even break my phone, I might not be online for a while and I have enough money for a new phone, I hope they don't kick out my pregnant cat and that they don't lock me up for eternity.
I'm not looking forward what's gonna happen but at least I'm ready, I hope I don't end up killing myself and I hope I'd be able to go to college and finish my school.
IDK if I'm gonna get an response or what I'd eeven want from a response since I know everyone is gonna tell me I'm in the wrong but I'm just typing it here to get it off my chest.
My last hours of this level of freedom I guess even if it wasn't that much it will get even stricter now.
No. 604779
>>604766Bitch tf
How old are you
Where do you live
Fuck these people omg, this hurts my heart to read, I can tell how distraught you are. It’s just word vomit and it- christ
No. 604782
>>604766You need to get the fuck out of there before they kill you. They are insane. You aren't in the wrong.
Take care of your cat. I agree with what the other anons said.
No. 604795
>>604766Wow, anon, I’m so sorry this is happening to you! Those fucking assholes need to die in some really edgy way. They’re fucking disgusting.
Please try seek for help, anon, where do you live? Call the emergency phone of your country, please, the police, anything.
No. 604800
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I wish I wasn't so socially awkward. I love the idea of gooing out and get excited about talking to people but then I get there I have no idea what to say or I come off as bitchy. I never know what to talk about and just sit around feeling out of place. What kills me even more is I'm gonna have to keep going out and being socially awkward to not be socially awkward
No. 604829
>>604821Do you have trouble talking about yourself? I too do fine when discussing impersonal topics. When people are just vibing and getting to know each other, I blank.
Idk I subconsciously feel like saying Anything about myself beyond my major or my pet is oversharing and annoying. Unironically jealous of Aspie/ADHDfags who can sperg out about whatever their ID desires, sure other people find them weird but they seem liberated and unbothered by that.
No. 604832
this is dumb
one of my best childhood friends went to college in a super woke city, then moved there afterwards. she used to be such a genuine, beautiful soul with unique ways of viewing the world and the people around her. she's white, straight, and female, so i think she feels she has to overcompensate in order to have any social standing among her peers (everyone is non-white, trans, disabled, etc). she claims to be bisexual and non-binary, despite dating a girl once and never having sex with her, and being extremely feminine in absolutely every regard. she just hates her tits, they grew very large when we were in middle school. she's gotten a lot of negative attention due to them, and i can't even imagine the back pain.
i'm tired of this shit happening to my friends. the worst part is that i KNOW she means well. she has always been compassionate, so i don't think her virtue-signaling is fake. mine wasn't when i was on tumblr. i cared and thought i had found my identity. i snapped out of it when i stopped using the site. she's stuck in a much more imposing bubble, leaving an echo chamber is a lot easier when it's not a physical place you have to remove yourself from. i think she feels pressured to be this way, and it's really stifling her.
she's still lovely to talk to and a cherished friend so i'm just praying she starts living authentically again. she thinks that's what she's doing now, but i don't think it is. i knew her for years.
No. 604835
>>604829Agreed. I'm stuck in limbo. Like I can't hang with the people who are so extremely weird (weeaboos..for example) , I can't hang with any autists either because…I don't think I have to explain why, but I can't hang out with normal every day people either. It's like I'm a normal person who ,like you said, doesn't feel comfortable talking about myself and just can't relax my mind enough to socialize normally.
People love me through text and online messaging. Literally, the people I can't socialize with in real life will like and retweet my tweets, text me, etc. I think they're weirded out by the fact that I am two different people in real life and online. People make me uncomfortable I guess lol.
No. 604942
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>>604930are you me, anon? I was planning to close the distance too, hoping for October for both of our birthdays, but his country (and most countries I guess) is closed.
Sending you good vibes! we can do it!! we already waited so long, we can wait a little bit more. At the end it will be worth it! If only for the adventure.