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No. 579914
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/571129 No. 579963
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I doodled for 10 minutes after not drawing for a month. I avoid drawing ideas I care about, but maybe I'll take baby steps or at least practice now.
No. 579974
>>579971kek omg
>>579970go back to twitter
No. 579984
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>>579970AYRT, I don't give a fuck about JKR or any of her middle grade novels she's written, but thanks for proving that you guys geniunely can't read.
Her first tweet gave me such a double take… you've been ignoring
No. 579998
>>579984Tbh there's so much porn on Twitter the only thing you can really do is report and move on. You think anyone would listen if she tweeted "pls don't post porn thx"?
That said, I just read the thread and what a fucking queen. Using her platform for change and not afraid of anything.
No. 580005
>>579987When you say you've seen people get good results, do you mean comments on YouTube that say that the video changed their eye colour and helped them grow 3 inches?
I can imagine subliminals helping with purely mental things like developing a positive attitude, because the power of suggestion and visualisation is proven to have some effect, but it's nonsense that a bunch of static is going to clear your skin
No. 580007
>>579999Ayrt, What didn't you like about the burgers specifically?
The sausages and burgers all have similar tastes. I've had the Italian spicy sausage and the bratwurst sausage. The Italian sausage was hot obviously. Other than the spice, it just has that Beyond meat taste.
Bratwurst literally just taste like a beyond burger with a casing on it. Maybe it's a little herbier, but it's pretty much the same.
The texture of both sausages is juicier and meatier than the burgers. The casing is the best part.
Tbh, if you didn't like the burgers, I wouldn't get the sausage. Impossible burgers are always an option, even tho they're still expensive as fuck.
No. 580009
>>579956Being horny isn’t the same as being cumbrain anon,you’re allowed to masturbate lol
>>579998Absolute madwoman. Shits scary when you’re high profile, good thing she can afford security with her millions dollars so she just sits back, peaks normies daily with just a couple of tweets, and laughs at impotent troon rage.
>>579970Seeing that Islam breeds the worst type of men who are 1000x more likely to murder women, gays and precious twans, shouldn’t you bitches be praising her Basedness actually?
No. 580011
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>>579955I got good news for you anon I know a handsome gentleman who loves hands (but I agree with you, feet are just retarded hands so how come hands get no love)
No. 580095
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>tfw i genuinely promised myself that i will start dieting today and i even woke up all motivated and weighed myself etc.
>now my friend messaged me and she wants to go out to eat at a chinese all you can eat buffet with me
>ended up saying yes
the diet can wait but the chow mein?
No. 580143
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Online exams are the worst, no one knows how to do anything.
Can't we just wear hazmat suits or something?
No. 580153
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I feel good rn. Just wanna let you guys know that I hope you guys are doing well!
No. 580199
>>580195I'm happy that it worked out for you in the end, and that you got out of the
toxic situation.
Fortunately, or unfortunately for me both those relationships are going quite well.
I think I might just have to deal with the situation in some way or another.
My bestfriend told me that he likes me a lot, and I said the same thing back, but reminded him that I've got a boyfriend and that I can't just break up with him.
No. 580201
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My 86 year old whore of a grandma put the moves on my boyfriend yesterday.
No. 580207
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>>580201Your boyfriend in the near future tbh
No. 580240
>>580201kek disgusting. is she rich? why'd he leave for an old hag?
>>580214>>580229some anons here have a cougar fetish… barf
No. 580256
>>580227>it's fun to nitpick because you're also kinda nitpicking the people who support them because they see them as hot.That's retarded. You're just projecting your own insecurities about your appearance to someone else and trying to cook up some "well she's not THAT attractive!!!" cope. Bad people can be objectively attractive and still remain bad people. Nitpicking appearances only cultivates a culture of demanding the absolute unachievable perfection when it comes to someone's looks.
>inb4 it's not that deep lmaoooIt literally is that deep, and even if you want to stay at the surface level it's still annoying and diverts the attention away from the actual, interesting drama and encourages random anons to hop in just to shitpost about tit veins and nasolabial folds when everyone else wants to keep the discussion somewhat organized.
>>580233In all honesty this is what I believe as well. I always imagine the same catty, superficial bitches making fun of some camwhore's puffy nipples coming to the vent thread to cry about how ugly they feel.
No. 580258
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Any other Mexican farmers mom make them calabacitas con leche growing up lmao? It sounds super weird but it's super nostalgic.
No. 580260
>>580256You're probably right anon. I can't imagine who would nitpick and inspect assholes for
No. 580261
>>580255T480! I was also looking at a X1 Carbon (Gen 4 and 6) but the Gen 4 only had a 2 quad processor and the Gen 6 with the same specs ended up fetching just over $700 before taxes.
I kept seeing anons talk about thinkpads on here and it persuaded me to get my own!
No. 580291
>>580282I’ve seen a lot of people on the thinkpad subreddit still prefer it over the T490 for some reason! Some computer stuff I don’t really understand tbh lol. There’s apparently an issue with the thunderbolt for this model and I’m hoping my peabrain can troubleshoot it.
I see a lot of people upgrading theirs and there’s some back and forth about whether things can be upgraded or not (since apparently the ram and cpus are soldered on), it tempts me to learn more about computers so I can tinker around and DIY some upgrades for myself.
i think ive seen one of your converts and im hoping ill become one too lol No. 580314
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>>580312Sorry anon. This was the runner up image I was considering
No. 580343
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>>580338shh everything will be ok anon
No. 580355
>>580348I had to look into it myself as I didn't get any either. Apparently my contract specifically had no holiday pay premium. In the US employees aren't entitled to premium holiday pay although most companies do in order to be competitive and not be called out for stiffing their workforce.
I think it's bullshit.
No. 580415
>>580393Home with you, is GOLD. It's like one single song represents the whole album with the voice and beat switches.
>>580398Facts! And I'm pretty sure they both produced a majority of each song on the album.
Tipsy, ROYL, and Busy boy and underrated as fuck btw. No. 580440
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I finally zucc'd my professor's Facebook group
No. 580465
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My actual face when my classmate randomly blurted out that her parents got married when her mom was 10 and her dad was 30 and the 10 year old mom ran away to be with him and a girl next to her in class went "aw that's so cute".
No. 580507
>>580500enjoy living in your peaceful bubble functioning bodied anon!!! I'll be shitting my brains out over just eating the hot sauce in a chipotle burrito bowl, which also has beans which also will double my pain.
But in all seriousness I love spicy food but I can't even put regular hot sauce on my food if I have work the next day. Coffee also gives me the shits. My body doesn't want me to consume any of my favorite things.
No. 580529
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>mfw I just tried to cut up an apple while drunk and cut my finger open and started bleeding profusely
>mfw I came to in my brothers arms bc I passed out in the kitchen and said "lmao its fiiiiine I just passed out for a second why you trippin??" and then proceeded to pass out again
>mfw my mom had to come to the rescue
maybe I'm not ready to move out???
No. 580530
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I came so hard in the shower I pissed myself holy shit what a ride.
No. 580708
>>580694how heavy is your flow? a normal period should not cause blood loss heavy enough to cause anaemia. women are more likely to be anaemic cause we have lower red blood cell numbers to begin with and because of dietary reasons as the average woman eats significantly less meat than the average man.
if this is an issue during the specific time before your period but not at any other time then its most likely not anaemia, but is more likely to be due to the hormonal changes that occur right before you get your period. you'd need some tests done by a doctor to figure out what's actually causing it though.
No. 580777
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I really want to learn calligraphy but it seems like it takes a ton of practice and time to get good at it and I know I can't stick with it
No. 580782
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>>580769I hate the people who put their own face in the thumbnail
No. 580787
I just made kimchi pancakes for the first time and, they came out a little oily and falling apart but they;re still so mfing good. Why is korean food so delish.
>>580761What do you weave baskets with? Genuinely asking cause I know nothing about basket making and knitting but it seems cool. I have old lady hobbies so I like shit like this lol.
No. 580789
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>>580785idk who that is but judging by the title/thumbnail she seems awful
No. 580811
>>580799That's fair, though I disagree. She doesn't make it about her makeup looks. She might mention what she's doing here and there, but it's not a tutorial. She's just talking while doing her makeup, and the looks are far cooler than the boring basic shit on IG or YT. She covers a lot of the crime details and is funny, punching down at the perpetrators. She also makes fun of the truecrime fags that uwu love the criminals and says "pick better idols," and shit like that.
Buuut I also like LPOTL so I'm no stranger to mixing true crime and arguably inappropriate coverage, so big shrug. Like I said, to each their own.
No. 580827
>>580811I don't doubt that it probably varies from one channel to the next in fairness, I think the first make up and true crime vid I ever watched was by a tuber who did it terribly, she put bloody looking halloween make up on while talking about real death. Most have to be at least above that level but it put me off.
I've enjoy some LPOTL too and for a while I listened to an old couple where at the beginning of the podcast they'd crack open a beer like an IPA, review it a little bit and the settle into the case, they were well researched but so many people complained about the beer segments. I think they wanted to create an atmosphere of sitting with them in a bar.
No. 580842
>>580827Oh wow, yeah, that's poor taste. She covered Betty Page's criminal history (which I didn't know about! It was very cool!) and addressed not costuming as the killers or doing things like that out of respect for the
victims, so I think she knows better than that. She did fun Halloween looks, not bloody ones. I get why that would be off putting.
Aw, sucks that people took it that way instead of getting the vibe they were going for, but it's nice that they took the criticism from their audience to heart! Thanks for sharing.
No. 580848
>>580844I feel the same way, but with my senior dog lol. Absolutely love her to bits and she's the light of my life, but damn is it nice to just chill sometimes instead of playing "what do you want now?". Her entire life now is "I want food, no not that food"/"I want to go for a walk. Ok I want to go back in now (haven't been outside for more than 5 min)"/I want to play, NO NOT LIKE THAT. OR THAT. OR THAT ok no more playtime"/"I want attention OK STOP"
She's the love of my life, but she's still got a lot of pep in her step (and a lot of indecision on her mind).
No. 580861
>>580779i'm a zoomer and have never used anything besides facebook or instagram as snapchat makes me feel akin to a boomer, been using the internet since i was 8 or 9 and facebook ever since. the majority of younger folks that stay on facebook are there purely for the memes/facebook groups feature. other than that it's a boomer and karen cesspool.
the way y'all talk about younger people like anyone under the age of 20 is still shitting in diapers is hilarious
No. 580888
>>580878I heard there was another quite respected true crime youtuber who deleted everything and disappeared lately. Some reddit poster started a witch hunt against her saying that one her vids was partly copied from their reddit post?.. something like a few sentences sounded similar. Turns out it was a case with very little info to go on so that's why it sounded a lil bit similar. Limited facts to report on so everyone was essentially quoting one or two existing articles, technically they both just read the same article and quoted it. Anyway she had a breakdown over it and last I saw she was gone over some redditor taking their 'true crime reddit posts' waay too fucking serious.
I only heard of her right as the drama happened and people raved so much about the amount of effort she put into vids. I was dying to watch her back catalogue of vids but it was gone. She apparently listed all her sources and did everything by the book but was hounded out all because that person wanted to be listed in her sources, who even reads the description box? Who wants to visit a reddit profile listed in sources?
No. 580900
>>580782>>580789>>580769i enjoy eleanor, have no idea who the second chick is but i kek everytime i see their faces juxtaposed with morbid titles.
i think the most respectful youtubers that deal with true crime have to be danelle hallen, jon crymes and john lordan. harlowe is good as well but yeah her ads annoy me. they all seem to genuinely care about the
victims and cases. of all the makeup tubers that turned to true crime, i enjoy kendall ray (rae?) not because it's well-researched or overtly sensitive in presentation, but bc she covers cases i usually have no prior knowledge of. not to shame too hard but kendall seems pretty unintelligent, ive listened to parts of her podcast and she doesn't seem to research topics well and relies on hearsay rather than hard facts. i think a lot of these new true crime youtubers just glance wikipedia pages and call themselves detectives lmao.
No. 580912
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Okay anons been watching bridezilla, pretend marriage isn't mostly stupid and pointless and share your ideal wedding makeup. Let's say there's no covid, you have money and the wedding would be taking place like this week. Mine are:
>skin natural to glowy, with my fave wet n wild highlight on high points, very light foundation if not only concealer, powder,light blush draping, light contour
>brows tinted, geled and lightly pencilled in
>lash extensions or perm, light shading on lids, more sparkle for the party
>moist looking lip tint, bold warm red for the party
I used to be such a makeup fanatic but after fixing my skin and realising my shit is okay enough, I think I'd just go very boring with it kek.
No. 580913
if you think snow and pt are lame, wait until you see /w/ lmao
No. 580933
>>580900kendall rae believes in star signs in a big way and back when I stopped watching her she was mentioning them constantly. I didn't really take to her anyway, thought she came out with some really dumb takes all the time and her mixing star signs into real crime cases didn't work for me personally. I looked for better alternatives to her and quickly found some. Same ones you named actually.
I don't get her popularity but her numbers are certainly doing well.
No. 580969
>>580888Shauna rae, i think.
I think georgia marie is okay, although she tends to cover pretty known cases a bit too often. Heavy casefiles, kirsty skye and dark curiosities cover a lot of smaller cases, the latter two go outside america too
No. 580975
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>>580912I love coming up with ideas for wedding looks. Pic related is a shitty collage of my wedding look inspo.
Makeup and hair
>Nude makeup. Pretty boring, but I love it and it fits the look of the overall wedding.I have deep-set eyes, so it's gotta be light in color.>Full coverage foundation, peach blush, light contour, a good amount of highlight but nothing that's "blinding".>Nude peachish-pink lipstick with a brown lipliner and lipgloss on top.>Fenty body lava for my chest and arms.>For my hair, box braids styled into some kind of updo.Dress
>This dress probably doesn't exist anywhere, but I plan on marrying rich so I'll just have it custom made lmao.
>Ballgown dress with transparent bishop sleeves and v neckline.>White color>Since the sleeves would be transparent, it feels right to have a layer of tulle on the skirt to tie it in.>Maybe a lace bodice? idk.>Really simple. No "bling" on the dress at all. Only simple pieces of jewelry.>Lavender plants trailing down the dress like the bottom right photo.>Really long. Shoes will not be visible so it doesn't matter what It looks like. No train tho.>Open back>Opal wedding ring. Opals are just so pretty. You didn't ask, but here are my ideas for a ceremony too lol.
>This may sound childish but I want my wedding to have mystical vibe.>Outside wedding. Somewhere really pretty, ideally near a waterfall.>Whole lotta plants. > Idk if this makes sense, but I would love a bunch of lavender (like the flower) and white veined fittonia hanging down from the ceiling to frame me, my husband, the bridesmaids and groomsmen. >Wooden beams with vines wrapped around them.>Fiddle-leaf fig trees around the venue>Thats all I got cause I can't think of what else you would need for a ceremony. No. 581018
>>580975Adorable. Wedding planning is such a relaxing way to spend time. My dream would be to have a LOTR style wedding kek…
>>581014oopsy poopsy
No. 581029
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>>580975I want a casual vegas wedding with no ceremonial bridesmaid drama, and only close family/friends flown down. A short hotel rooftop ceremony and all night party.
A midi dress with crystal studded heels and a shawl, struting around the town, enjoying the nightlife, maybe smoking some crack
No. 581032
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>>580975oh my gosh, anon, I love this (your dresses are
chef's kiss) and you inspired me to make my own, albeit it's kind of cliche as hell. Wedding planning is so much fun.
>mori girl-esque soft makeup, lots of peach apricot blush>updo with tons of soft-color flowers>possibly low-key antler crown>lacey, flowy, comfy gown with not too much structure>simple titanium wedding bands>autumn/spring weather>afternoon city hall ceremony w/close family>celebration with added friends/family elsewhere>in a forest under canopy of trees or at a nature park if logistically difficult>beer, croissants/doughnuts, fruit, mac&cheese?
>it's dark now>family leave for bedtime>okay everybody break out the drugs No. 581039
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>play some Japanese mobile games for fun
>sometimes they have one or two cute guys
>remember the devs don't care about women as the target audience
>series has very shitty edge and author openly hates beautiful guys
My brain says I should not waste a second more with this but the unique mood in the game baits me.
No. 581043
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I miss Curry House. I sound like an old fart reminiscing about Clifton’s or Marie Callender’s but shit what I wouldn’t give for some tofu katsu curry and that house dressing.
No. 581059
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>>581057i want strawberry cream gummy puffs now
No. 581063
>>581032This is so beautiful anon! Imagine running through the forest bare-foot in that dress! Ugh, what a dream.
>>581029Oooo I love this! The dress has some vintage vibes.
No. 581118
>>581089sometimes when i mean to check on the /cgl/ board on 4chan, i accidentally just type cgl, all by itself, forget to type 4chan.
then urban dictionary reminds me what else it stands for
No. 581135
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if you've never had one of these i'm praying for you. i just had a whole three with my coffee.
No. 581244
>>581224And all users are a singularity right? It's not like we have multiple users trying to tell people to keep the sperging and nitpicking about looks to a minimum.
I swear this fucking "f-femcels here over at lolcow dot farm be like incels and men are bad but then talk shit about women themselves men would never do that!!!!" bait gets posted daily now.
No. 581272
>>581161I've been thinking the same anon!
I was on a nostalgic trip and listened to some britney spears. It makes me sick to my stomach that we saw this woman have serious mental breakdowns in public, and nobody felt bad for her. everyone talked about how much of a "crazy bitch" she was and made fun of her shaking her head. Mental health was really not taken seriously 10-15 years ago (not that it is taken seriously now, thanks to 90% of teens diagnosing themselves as severely depressed)
No. 581274
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>>581050They closed overnight no warning back in February! It made the news because no one could figure out wtf happened. Coco Ichibanya is owned by their original company, House Foods, so I am planning on going there at some point. No. 581461
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I want to dress like this. Basically LARP without the lighting bolts. Just tea.
No. 581482
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Nobody’s posted our boyfriend in a while.
No. 581484
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>>581482he's such a catfish
No. 581603
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I told one of my guy friends when we first started talking that I was a lesbian(mostly true) so we would avoid the whole awkward him possibly liking me romantically or thinking there’s potential for that. After a year or so of being friends he now confessed to me that he has a lesbian fetish and is hinting at being into my by making sexual remarks about me. I hate men so much why even bother befriending one.
No. 581610
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I'm starting to get a huge crush on this guy I'm in a server with. It's pretty much just a big group of friends. He's really cute looking, and his personality is really funny. And something about his presence feels very comfy.. I don't know, ugh! It's so unattainable.. and I don't need a relationship right now. I just wish he could pat my head or something like that.. but it also feels nice to feel this way about someone, and I don't want to ruin it by saying how I feel. It's such an innocent crush that if I confessed, he could reject me or I could come off weird, sigh..
No. 581626
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One of the best burns I've seen in a while
No. 581633
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So we have a huge pandemic since late January/February that could have been handled sooner and better, global warming and just human activities in general that's destroying the environment and entire ecosystems, corrupt or incompetent presidents/leaders almost everywhere, companies fucking everyone and everything over (see the "environment going to shit" part), wars, oppression and genocides in many parts of the world for stupid, petty reasons, manipulation of information for personal gains for corporations online and on TV, poverty and a huge gap between the rich and the poor in many countries, etc. but many of us have access to the internet and technology in general. Are we in the cyberpunk era? Because if that's the case then it's fucking shit.
No. 581657
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After two weeks I finally won the battle against the cornea
No. 581678
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Can someone explain to me how it is getting your nails done? I want to do it but I'm so socially anxious and I'm freaking out at the thought of going to a salon and trying to do small talk with a person who in many cases doesn't speak this country's language. Or just to have to engage in small talk at all, even if they speak the language. I already hate going to the hair dresser because of that.
No. 581684
>>581678depends on your tech, some are more chatty than others, but if you're on your phone or don't reciprocate much chattiness, they won't be chatty, in my experience.
that said, me and my best friend got pedis the other day and i think i'm officially a White Toe Heaux now
No. 581694
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>>581683>>581684>>581686Thanks for your replies! I don't really have anyone who could go with me, except my boyfriend, but I won't do that. We'll see. Maybe they won't even talk much, as
>>581683 said. I just want a nice, natural looking manicure like pic related.
No. 581701
>>581695I see a lot of "hey ladies, what should I wear if I'm a tall girl with wide shoulders and no waist" and other posts that also strike me as odd but not odd enough to call out. It's hard to explain but a lot of posts I see in /g/ and /ot/ look like scrotes trying to integrate and almost but not quite getting it right.
I don't want to shit up the place with pinkpill-rants but I liked having a man-free space on the internet, I don't even mind the kpop-stans and the hardcore radfems that much.
No. 581706
Sometimes I go and read the google reviews for my old highschool. It's been quite a while since I graduated, and shit has gotten significantly worse.
It's a really small school, but was sort of highly regarded for its academics and wasn't the easiest school to get into (I don't think they were a zone school obligated to take in anyone in that zone who applied). It was geared towards medicine (i.e. had a partnership with local hospital where we would take classes once a week), and used to often have alumni get into this prestigious 7 year college program that combined their B.S./M.D. studies together. We used to be in this tiny little building, and eventually moved into a bigger building right behind the hospital during my second year.
Lots of really, really bright kids. Our maximum student body after moving was still only 800 kids, and my graduating class only had 112 kids. Everyone knew everyone (I remember some underclassmen knowing who I was for some reason even though I wasn't that extroverted?? lol), and because there were only so many teachers, we often had the same teachers teaching the same subjects throughout different grades and would get close to them. I was close to my English teacher and often stayed after school to get volunteer hours by doing basic data entry and typing stuff for him. He gave me snacks and on the last day of school when I was graduating, he gave me a beautiful necklace that was a blue topaz on a gold chain. Absolutely unbelievable, all I did was type shit for the man. I still have it and cherish it very much.
We switched school principals mid junior year since our old one was retiring. New principal was awful, notorious for having locked down the bathrooms in her old school to punish students. Kids in my school were probably too smart for their own good, digging up as much shit as they could find and trying to find teachers who would listen to them to try and do something before she would become our principal lmao. We found out that she personally knew the superintendent of our district and we thought it raised up red flags (he was her reference, while also (I'm assuming) being the person to interview/put her in this role?? conflict of interest??), and found out some new unqualified teachers were brought in because they were friends. The year after I left, some of my juniors even went to the news about her constant use of fear tactics (straight up yells and berates teachers and students in the hallways). I've heard through the grapevine of a lot of my former teachers leaving because of her.
It's not really my problem anymore, but I'm sad that the students there now probably won't get the experience I got. High school was a good place for some stability and comfort while I was dealing with depression and shit, teachers really believed in us and always tried to get us to do better. I think my graduating class was probably the last class lucky enough to experience my school at its best. I guess I'm hoping for the day when the google reviews finally talk about a new principal who will bring the school back to its former glory, but I'm not sure that will ever happen.
No. 581715
>>581711I really wonder if it's ground zero for the "people" who sometimes pop up in the vent, unpopular opinion and these threads to come bitch about "anti-trans spergs".
I know for a fact the thread is full of furries and other Twitter retards, so it wouldn't surprise me.
No. 581719
>>581692they have been here for awhile but twitter makes them strong. they absorb the yass queen energy funneled into that god forsaken app and use it to invade spaces they arent welcome.
>>581695you must be new
No. 581724
>>581715The "anti-trans spergs" vents
always happen like clockwork after someone has told them off in the artist salt thread so I think it's safe to assume so. Judging by the passive aggressive whining they're not necessarily full on male hons who tend to be way more rage filled but some nonbinary and fakeboi chimps who soil their diapers over being ~misgendered~.
No. 581738
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>>581704>>581705I'm sorry triange-chans, I'm sure that your time will come again some day and the people will seethe in jealousy over your statuesque frames, just have some faith.
No. 581762
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I keep having sexual dreams about other women
No. 581789
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I have no social media and need someone else to see this, I can't stop laughing at how ugly my mom's dog is
No. 581884
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Whoever's been doing Ashnikko's cover art is pretty impressive, but the music itself just isn't there and I'm salty.
No. 582209
>>582195If it was a male, unfortunately you may have lost most of your allure by sleeping with him as they are focused on novelty.
Though if his most redeemimg quality is really "stable" and not, y'know handome or funny, you're not missing out on much.
Or maybe he's just a slow replier.
No. 582210
>>582204SnakeThing went to jail for 25 years, and so did the Cuban.
KeroTheWolf is being investigated still, and 30 of his devices were taken by the authorities. I don't know about the others, but I hope they're getting got, too.
This is one of those rare cases where the perpetrators actually did get taken in, thankfully.
Retarded KiwiFarms mods/admins tried to fuck up the whole doxxing/reporting scheme, but those people cared enough to continue, and they succeeded.
No. 582251
>>582209yep, male. he's a pretty package deal IMO which is super scary. i guess i highlight stable because that's what matters the most rn esp emotionally and professionally.
we actually didn't sleep together in the sexual sense as much as we fooled around a bit and actually physically went to sleep, if that makes sense.
No. 582254
>>582221There was never a good answer given. I remember there was bitching about random people getting "doxxed and murdered" (never even happened) and trying to censor all discussion of the Cuban abuser in particular.
One of them even came to Lolcow to attempt to chase the people doing the actual legwork away, and convince us they couldn't possibly pull it off, even though they did.
All this didn't stop KF from attempting to take credit for all the work after the zoophiles got identified and arrested, though.
No. 582255
>>582210wasn't it because zed thought it was stupid to use the placemats? that is in fact one of the things that helped track him down, though. that autistic attention to detail is a plus, not a minus.
i'd love to know why that went down the way it did.
No. 582331
>>582301I was just listening to that song
What the fuck
No. 582381
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seriously though who is this man
No. 582496
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Mods are asleep, post booby jesus
No. 582522
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>>582520this is how I feel about japanese food and fancy ramen
No. 582562
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I want a himbo boyfriend.
No. 582564
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>>582562I can't believe Clone High is getting a reboot
No. 582614
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I'm 5'3" (161 cm) and 119 lbs (54 kg) and I have a jowl/doublechin. Any anons know why this is? I've never been overweight, my highest adult weight was 125 (56.5) and my lowest was 110 (49 kg.) That's over the span of years, my weight doesn't fluctuate frequently or anything. I have pretty wideset jaw/cheekbones, could that contribute? I'm still trying to lose a little more weight, I just find it odd because I don't know anyone else whose BMI is 21 but has a jowl/doublechin.
No. 582651
>>582614It’s just genetics. A lot of people in my family have it even if they’re underweight.
Do you happen to have an overbite? I’ve seen some people get rid of it by fixing an overbite because it pulled the extra skin/fat more taut under their chin when they did.
No. 582710
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Just got my hands on enough molly to last 5-10 years, I'm so fucking stoked. Last time I did them was at least three years ago and I still dream about it.
No. 582761
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I'm usually not into Asian men at all (especially not the k-pop guys that get posted everywhere) but I think this guy's kind of cute. I don't even really support BLM that much.
I think it's the jaw, the attitude and the tattoos. I wish I could find out more about him, though I might not find him as attractive if I see him in other photos.
No. 582838
>>582710Have fun in these trying times anon! Tell us about your journey when it’s over.
No. 582879
I'm curious about this because it seems to be a different thing for every person - what do you fantasize about when you really need to fall asleep? Slightly crackhead shit incoming.
If I need to do it quickly, I imagine myself planning for the apocalypse/going off-grid - usually building a bunker or a cabin in the woods - down to the most minute details (measurements, ways of getting and keeping food, ammo, supplies, setting down a water system, building at outhouse, etc. etc.). It's usually pretty effective, somehow.
Sometimes, I'll think of two people who are exact copies of me (or someone extremely similar to me) have a conversation - they'll walk or sit down in a relaxing setting, decked in good clothes. And between those two people, I just voice my thoughts on whatever topic I feel like, but through both of them. It's so much more relaxing than just an inner-monologue type thing. It has a more visual aspect to it, plus you sort of depersonalize and realize things quicker about yourself than if you kept voicing your thoughts only as yourself. I hope I'm making myself clear with this because it's harder than I thought to explain kek.
wacky shit bro
No. 582906
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I just picked out my engagement ring
No. 582915
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>>582908>>582911Thank you! It is a petite moissy cause we’re poorfags. I love it tho and I’m excited to get it
No. 582946
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We should have a thread of nothing but pictures of sperg-outs from anons here.
No. 582950
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I've been up all night waiting for the stores to open so that I can buy some cheap junk food.
No. 582962
>>582946yes, in /cream/ like the gold star thread!
>>582945big mood
No. 583005
>>583000I swear, on every female imageboard I frequent, I've seen
multiple horror stories about anons trying to cut their own bangs and fucking it up… I'm starting to think the short bangs trend is working against us
No. 583104
>>583041They shouldn't be, unless you're specifically using a peel-off underbase. Peeling it off takes away a tiny layer of your nail in the same way that peeling take from clothes takes away some fibres
Peeling nail varnish off in the shower is really satisfying but if you want healthy nails you're better off getting a high quality nail varnish remover
No. 583118
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>>583048I just pick the nail polish until I can peel it off. I use two layers of Essie. As the other anon said, it will still damage your nails but I think it's less damaging then drugstore remover
No. 583210
>>580258I had calabacitas served in milk, cheese, and tomatoes . Sometimes corn and onion.
It was my favorite food growing up.
No. 583337
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I wanna order maccy d's on ubereats but the delivery fee is £4
No. 583345
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Posting this for future generations to see
No. 583367
>>583345I didn't remember that I remembered that. What a trip.
I don't think future generations will even know who Ashton is
No. 583370
>>583353>no marketable skillsLiterally just work at a supermarket
>birth family dramaIsn't it time to start making your own family?
No. 583378
>>583371Yes. It feels like another typically women coded area that men came into and got more credit for. I’m not really familiar with beauty YouTube and even before I started coming here the ones I’d heard of the most were always guys.
I don’t have an issue with guys wearing make up but I wish it’s stop being treated like it’s awe inspiring, especially when women still get shit on for wearing make up (or not wearing make up).
No. 583402
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since lookdown I've been giving my father haircuts semi-regularly and lately I've been doing it every other week, last night he said he wanted a haircut.
I was going back and forth bringing my tools and stuff and setting the place and I wasn't paying attention to anything but doing the haircut, my mum walked in on my father and I was leaving to bring something to use as a cape, after that she's been upset and mad at me all night.
today she came to my room and looked super worried, asked me why do I keep stuff from her, I was super confused and asked what she meant, turned out she thought my father sexually harassed me (to put it mildly) and that I kept it from her because I was ashamed or something…I was speechless and I asked her how she came to this conclusion and she said because when she walked in on my father he was confused and according to her "looked like someone who's been walked on whilst having sex", she then proceeded to say that my father is a sexual predator and how she doesn't trust him with anyone even his own kids.
I was disturbed but also worried, afaik I don't remember being molested by him or anything and I wonder what made her say that. I dislike him already but I won't be able to look at him the same again.
No. 583451
>>583403anon, my
abusive mom accused my dad of molesting me after I moved in with him because of her abuse (they're divorced) some years ago for awhile, and i still don't understand how her train of thought could somehow default to incest because i chose to have a better relationship with my father. i'm sorry this happened to you.
No. 583505
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I want to change my grip style because I use the dynamic quadrupod way of holding my pencil but it's given me the most annoying writing callous on my ring finger. But I never learned that there were better ways to hold a pencil and I've had this callous since I was a child, is it worth even bothering to fix my grip since I doubt it's ever going to naturally go away?
No. 583506
>>583505I actually managed to change my grip from quadrupod to tripod last year. Obviously there's still a slight bump on my ring finger but now that I look at it, I don't think it's very noticeable anymore. Drawing kind of feels easier on the wrist now, too.
Changing your grip can feel weird in the beginning but you get used to holding a pen in a different way pretty fast when you just keep at it.
No. 583567
>>583555Saaaaame. Current boyfriend is extremely sappy and loyal, not to mention extremely shy, and we have talked about cheating multiple times, and I do not think he could ever do it. Esp not the kind of cheating based on hooking up or keeping a side chick. Even then he sees kissing as incredibly intimate, and doesn't understand "casual" drunk kissing.
But I once knew a guy who loved his gf, talked about marrying her and how he saw her as being the one…and ended up cheating on her on and off for months before feeling too guilty to keep the relationship going. This messed me up because not even a guy who wants to marry you and invites you to family events multiple times over the years will be loyal. What the fuck.
No. 583585
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Somewhere along the way I used dummy as a term of endearment as a joke and now I can't stop. I blame Dennis Duffy and regret everything.
No. 583607
>>583555I hate to be a downer but I've never found hard evidence I've been cheated on but I have saw behaviour from different boyfriends that indicated they were shopping around. One was very blatant with his hitting on other women in front of me. One bf I worked 9-5, 5 days a weeks and he was unemployed so fuck knows what he could, but we lived together and I saw emails and shit that I wish I hadn't. Other bfs never as serious as living together but we'd have a lot of separate nights out together so who knows? The older I've gotten and more aware of other friends boyfriends/fiancés/husbands cheating on them it seems like an inevitable fact. If you're dating a guy that's not a complete social retard there's a high chance he'll stray in some form of the other.
I remember when I was younger I would have thought "If he even looks, thinks about other girls that's too far!!", yet the older I've gotten and even with other coworkers and friends there seems to he much more leeway for physicality and social flirting. Drunken kisses on cheeks, pecks on lips that otherwise would never take place have to be tolerated and other such bullshit or you're the jealous type. I don't know if I'm just cynical tho
No. 583612
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I just found out that mercury is supposed to be the intersex/nonbinary whatever symbol so I'm kind of bummed because my dumbass thought it was just a cute female symbol with horns and forgot that mercury is a thing
No. 583659
>>583555I swear, it's always my friends' UGLIEST boyfriends who end up cheating. Like the kind of boyfriend where you go, "Ah, well she probably loves him for his personality…" and then he ends up betraying her. Wtf.
Even worse, is that my friends often end up taking them back. I felt horrible, I found one of my friend's boyfriend on Bumble. This was like a week after she had sold her apartment of several years so she could move into his. This was also right before Christmas break at school, so I'm assuming they had already bought tickets to each other's families for Christmas or whatever. They're still together afaik. It's also shitty that my only proof was a dating app, so he could say "Oh I was just looking" or "It was a lapse in my judgment but I didn't sleep with anyone."
(I mean he was not that cute so he probably didn't sleep with anyone but the intent was there…)
No. 583695
>>583691I never edit my photos, no filters, no clearing up skin, changing facial features, anything like that. The reason why is because I don't want to start mixing it up with my real self, to the point where I feel disappointed when I look in the mirror. Maybe I don't look perfect in every one of my photos, but at least I can see my real self and other people can see my real self, ya know?
Anyways, I figure my perspective is kind of useless at this point if you're already in the habit of editing all photos, but I hope you can get to the point where you're happy with an au natural photo of yourself.
Also, tbh, 90% of people look better irl than photos. Photos do almost no one justice, so don't feel bad if you don't always love your unedited photo self. You are probably much lovelier when you are laughing, talking, smiling, and being a real 3D person.
No. 583704
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>take pictures of myself
>look great
>takes pictures with friends
>looks like a troll that just came out of its cave
I don’t know if they do it on purpose or if they’re just so shit at taking pictures, but I prefer not appearing at all than looking worse than pic related.
No. 583720
>>583712As a photographer, I feel like everybody looks better in real life than they do on camera unless you're purposely misleading the audience with angles and/or trick photography.
If I take a face on, unposed shot of someone with my best camera, it looks almost exactly like them (or at least as close as you can get atm) but the real thing is still more attractive. Obviously I'm not talking about deliberate catfish photos, but just regular candids. If I take a face on, unposed shot of someone with a phone camera or a cheap point and shoot, they will without a doubt look noticeably less attractive in that shot than in real life.
Photos DO lie, especially with facial proportions. I can make someone's tiny button nose look massively oversized just by using the wrong lens. Photos flatten down the things they're capturing and skew them slightly, which is why models and photographers have their own tricks to mitigate this.
I'd say the mirror was more accurate, just flipped around.
No. 583728
>>583721I’m not exactly a professional photographer but lighting is what I feel can change anything, a good natural lighting will make you look really nice while very bright artificial lighting can make things more difficult.
Try taking pictures next to a window around different times of the day and see which time of the day suits you more, I’ve noticed that when I take natural pictures in the morning I look better than in the afternoon unless the sun is really bright that day.
No. 583731
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>>583712The mirror is always more accurate, I always end up looking like a scared goblin in most photos. Lenses are universally known to distort proportions, pic related.
No. 583746
>>583553pls update when you find out anon… I've been looking at account manager roles because I used to have a background in customer service and I think it's something similar (dealing with specific customer accounts, getting ppl to keep their business with you, getting new people to do business with) but I don't really know the specifics lol
But congrats money!! Get that bag
No. 583771
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Still laughing at this sperg in the fakeboi thread. Farmhands shouldn't have banned them, would've been some good quality milk to let those two anons go back and forth.
No. 583824
>>583731otoh, in the mirror you automatically give your best angles and facial expressions. I have a friend who without fail sucks in her cheeks whenever she sees her reflection, I don't even think its conscious anymore.
the truth is somewhere in between.
No. 583924
Joji aka filthy frank
No. 583929
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I'm trying to draw the 80's boy I have a crush on because I don't feel like drawing anything else but when I use references I get all flustered looking at his face.
No. 584043
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Any other new england anons remember building 19? I remembered going there as a kid with my family, makes me sad that it's gone. The signs were great.
No. 584068
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Mfw the cat bit my neck and shacked it
No. 584144
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Annika Victoria has no taste and is kinda trashy. For me the only difference between her and pixielocks is that she can actually sew, but she's still impossible to watch because her videos are filled with "HEEHEE SO QUIRCKY I SING WHILE SEWING", tired jokes, and the tired, puffy, miserable looking faces she pulls. The garments she make look horrible for the most part and I guess I hadn't realized before because her series where she copies weird/insanely expensive clothing was what drew me in at first.
Didn't where else to put this so this thread will do.
No. 584155
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>>584113This is so wholesome. I'm really happy for you. Thank you for adopting
No. 584158
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Every time I see an anon thirst after joji I remember a comment that said Venus was morphing into a genderbent filthy frank and now I can't disconnect the two
No. 584159
>>584143you found a prime specimen of a disgusting male. so gross it sounds like a strawman.
but really, i'm so sorry you had to go through this.
No. 584197
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I managed to give myself my first vaginal orgasm by using a dildo and…it felt just like a regular clit orgasm except without direct clit stimulation. I know the clit has branches going into the vaginal walls so I don't know what I was excepting kek.
Now I wonder if G-spot orgasm is actually a thing.
No. 584323
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I wonder if guys on tinder send me such raunchy messages becuz they think I’m ugly/desperate or if every girl deal with this
No. 584324
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Made me chuckle. Are there any other animals out there with similar scientific names
No. 584357
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This man and the men who comment under his posts are so fascinating to me. Do they have wives and children? Who are they outside of simping for muscle man?
Right now, some dude comments under all his posts calling him big brother and I just find it so odd.
No. 584371
>>584357Jesus His face looks photoshopped on
>Right now, some dude comments under all his posts calling him big brother and I just find it so odd.I'm losin it, this is amazing.
No. 584388
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>>584357Had to take a look at the comments this one account always comments about the brother stuff and even he has some weird ass shit posted, reminds me of the bizarre kid pageant photoshop ig accounts some anon found.
No. 584424
>>584327It's full to the brim of men looking for hookups and women to degrade sexually.
If you're looking for casual dating or an actual relationship, Tinder isn't the place to go.
No. 584449
>>584357I'm screaming, anon. What the fuck is this? It's like he tried to combine twink aesthetics with muscle-man aesthetics. It's so bad I fucked up while trying to make this post twice. How'd you even find this shit?
>>584388Not this guy scaling down a man's body and attaching an actual kid's head to it, jesus.
No. 584625
>>584613I bit the bullet and got a new bra!!
I used to hate bra shopping so would keep it to a minimum (I have big fat tits and they're super sensitive and it just makes me uncomfortable to be topless in a public place), I vented in the vent thread then did a bit more research and realised all the health side effects of a poorly fitted bra (nerve damage, headaches) so decided that for the first time, no matter the cost, I'd get a good bra.
Well even though my first attempted size was pretty close, it took me HOURS to find the right one but it's already changed me.
So I figured I was a DD, and here's a few things I learned;
So you want your band to be tighter than you think. Crazy because I always thought if the band at the back rode up it meant it was too tight but it's actually too loose, like you shouldn't be able to pull it away from your body. Also when I wore the tighter band the huge difference is that the wires didn't dig in in any way BECAUSE I was actually an F cup, so the cup size was bigger. Ultimately I was 2 band sizes smaller and 2 cup sizes bigger than I thought I was.
And it's fucking, it's SO GOOD. I can twist whichever way I want and my tits don't bulge out, they dont go over the sides and THE STRAPS DON'T DIG INTO MY SHOULDERS, I have permanent grooves because my whole life they've dug in. and it's SO LIGHT NOW there and I need to get used to the tighter band I think (though it doesn't leave anything red) because I was used to a looser band but my god.
I guess I always went small as I could because I hated having fat cow tits and it feels like the bras marketed for big tits let them bounce around and I hated it. Anyway got the Triumph minimiser bra and my tits don't get in the way, they don't stick out the sides or bounce or anything and it's made my month AT LEAST.
No. 584631
>>584615That sounds like a real good time anon, I hope you can get more sleep tonight!
>>584625So happy for you! I have always been so so nervous about bra shopping so my mom bought bras for me before and I'm still wearing them even though they definitely are too small for me now. I cannot imagine how good you must be feeling. I can relate about wanting to fit in as small a size as possible, I just don't want to accept that I have absolute udders for tits. But congrats on findinf a great bra anon! Get more goodfitting bras soon
I'll keep your tips in mind because I'm planning on going bra shopping real soon
No. 584683
>>584680Made me laugh tbh
Poor dude was short circuiting.
No. 584695
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>>579914I hate being a dumbass creepy obsessive cumbrain. Just as I get over someone I'll never see irl, I latch onto another person I form a parasocial relationship with and get sad I don't actually get to know them better. I wish I actually had a life so I can
at the very least lust over someone I actually have a chance with. I feel like I never got past the teenage "admiring actors/singers/celebs from afar" stage. Is this even normal behavior?
No. 584897
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>>584892someone hacked multiple big accounts kek
No. 584901
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I want a cat so bad, but my bf is severely allergic, I love him and don't want him to die so no fluffy kitty friend for me..
No. 584916
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Spoilered for sad shit
I found this lady on youtube who's basically one of her mommy vloggers and I've been binge watching her wishing I had a mom like her when I was younger.
She's not even one of the rich mommy-vloggers. She is one foodstamps and lives in public housing. I used foodstamps so I think that's why I gravitate towards her. She just seems like she really cares and tries to make the best for her kids. My mother is mentally ill and didn't work for over a decade after I was born. She didn't really try to hard to make life better for us, just blamed everyone else for the problems she has.
Anyway, this sounds retarded but, I imagine all farmers look like Unnatural Vegan for some reason. Pic related
No. 584986
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I tried this egg replacer a couple months ago and I literally cannot get the taste out of my mind. It's so fucking strong and it ruins everything. I wasted perfectly good black beans trying to make burgers with this once and it still pisses me off. It's literally just ground chia/flax seeds, so why is it so nasty???
No. 585005
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"close the lights"
"good job the ___ is here"
"___ on accident"
No. 585011
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>>585008Speaking of which, I don't understand the concept of "gender-affirming" surgery, which is the most modern term for getting new genitals.
So we've established that sex and gender are separate, right? That you can be a woman with a penis? Or that you can be a man but wear feminine things like skirts and makeups? So how is changing sexual organs "gender-affirming"? If you're a woman but womanhood has nothing to do with vaginas, why do you need to surgically gain a vagina to be more woman?
And if a vagina does not maketh a woman, what IS a woman? Skirts? Flowers? Wait, those are just antiquated gender norms.
What IS gender?
No. 585019
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>>585011They will never, ever be able to satisfactorily answer your questions and will just shout you down with transphobia accusations if you ask
No. 585060
>>585011Gender is a classification of words
>>585019>women are half beings that can't even be defined as "not men"Don't you just love the pessimism of our sex?
No. 585069
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>>585008Believe me, there´s no way to please those people even if you play along with their logic.
>Make a post for pride month>"Support LGBT people">People get mad because didn´t include more letters or a +>Coments are calling said post LGBTWhatever-phobic>Mfw no joke, all the genders/sexualities that the coments were asking to be included are either just going on circles of already existing ones or personality traits>Mfw not even among them there was a concrete idea of what they were talking about but kept calling others X-phobics No. 585070
File: 1594879755726.png (71.81 KB, 1623x304, disadvs of parentification.png)

>>585056>>585065>>585068google "parentification"
No. 585119
>>585111Ah, so that's what I'm missing for finding someone to love me, a mullet.
No thank you, I'd rather die alone.
No. 585122
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I dropped out of the Holly Brown thread last year because it just got too catty and she became a depressing sadcow but decided to dip in out of curiosity for the first time in ages and lmao what the fuck have I missed? Do we really have triggered wokelets like this posting here? I was actually laughing out loud reading these, it's like some retarded false flag samefagging to create a parody of twitterfags.
No. 585127
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Shit like the Metcalf sniper attack scares the fuck out of me.
It fucks with me because this shit is real - it isn’t your usual FEMA camp McDonald’s mind control conspiracy drivel. You can’t walk away and say, oh this is just some retarded fantasy kek. It actually happened.
A group of people planned and executed something that could potentially fuck us all up and it seems someone on the inside did it. Not some foreign agent, but your own fucking people. And who they are, what their crazy ideology is, no one knows. Which makes it even more freaky. No. 585142
My boyfriend is literally the best man alive
He nice, not in a "nice guy" way, like he's genuinely such a good person
He very respectful, and is always trying to understand women's issues (which is important to me )and everyone else's, yet he doesn't take shit from anyone.
He's extremely hardworking but always makes time for me. Everyday he makes me breakfast, and he brought me flowers yesterday
He isn't pornsick. He's extremely vanilla, he basically told me unprompted that he was "me-sexual", which isn't something I look for in my partner but I know some anons here looking for this. He loves cooking, he's clean, he's super fit.
He has a good job, he loooves animals, he never gets angry
At this point idk what to add, he's literally perfect, idk how that's even possible, I'm still looking for the catch
I don't want to brag (okay, I do want to brag a bit), I just have no idea how to give back everything he does for me.
I also feel guilty because when he was pursuing me, before we started dating, I wasn't that interested in him, I accepted to date him mainly because I was bored and discovered later how much of an amazing person he is. It also means that even though I love him to death now, I never got "the butterflies " for him, that kinda sucks
No. 585149
>>585142anon he sounds so dreamy. you really should spoil him.
also even though you said you didn't get "the butterfly" thing at first, it seems like you are getting it now. Like you're bragging about him on an imageboard and you obviously love him.
fuck, now i wish i had a bf like yours.
No. 585187
>>585122since a year or something there has been an obvious influx of woke twitterfags. I‘m all for open debate but they almost never sage, cowtip and love to derail threads, and when someone is telling them to gtfo they do the ‚everybody here has our opinion move on‘ switcheroo.
It seriously reminds me of the time when 4chan got invaded by the alt right, they used the same arguments and brigading tactics.
No. 585200
>>585084they are just paying for the brand and it‘s actually an evidence of incapacity imo. for that price you could pay an artisan and get something actually worth the price.
Jewelry for example. Instead of buying a mass produced collier from a big brand you could commision a goldsmith into crafting you an unique masterpiece.
I mean why tf do you buy a shirt for 1000? is it made from the hair of Louis XIV?
No. 585202
>>585187Are these the same cunts who I keep running into that are just
triggered and rude as fuck? I am getting kind of tired of it tbh.
No. 585221
>>585202yeah, I get that we’re all bitches here but people are noticeably nastier to each other. I phrased something wrong (I guess??) in another thread and a couple people flipped on me. You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells to avoid
triggering people here, there’s enough of that everywhere else
No. 585287
>>585283Good luck anon, I'm rooting for you! In fact, in your support, I will try to improve my habits starting tomorrow too, so we're twinning.
No more being on the internet 11 hours a day, I'll try to do 8 max. Start reading a book I'm looking forward to. Clean my room
No. 585377
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Any other anons here ride horses? I miss being around animals and horseback riding is something I've been doing since I was a little girl. I haven't kept up with it as an adult but I miss it terribly. It's so calming, horses are so sweet and earthy.
No. 585383
>>585377I've been riding for the majority of my life, now on a year long break because I'm still recovering from last year's riding accident… but I love it, being around horses in general, the connection you have to find when you train, and how close you feel with nature when you're on horseback. I did some horse-trekking, like almost two weeks long trip in the caucasus mountains, this type of thing is one of my best horse related experiences.
What's holding you from going back to riding?
No. 585414
>>585383I honestly don't have an excuse! I tried last year to start up again but the trainer I was communicating with wanted to have my classes on the same days as my university lectures so I had to turn her down. Sucks because she had a good price, too. I could pay for them with cash but she wouldn't change her schedule.
>>585387Lucky, I've wanted a horse since I was little. My family could afford it but they just never gave a shit so I gave up lmao. Maybe when I'm older.
No. 585439
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>>585283>>585287Yes farmers, I believe in you!
No. 585488
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I think I may slowly be developing depression.
But I really don't want to tell anyone as it doesn't make me comfortable.
No. 585509
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I really want a cute little moon tat like this, except on my wrist. I don't think with covid there's any tattoo shops open tho
No. 585517
>>585514samefag, was considering getting it done because I have an ugly
self inflicted scar, and I've always felt a connection to? and been calmed by the moon and stars. I might see, I have to find out which tattoo shops are decent, ask my tatted friends and coworkers for recommendations for parlors maybe
multitude of my coworkers in retail have wrist tats despite us having a fairly conservative, older customer base, and it's posed no problems with their job, so I should be fine on that front
No. 585547
>>585527What the hell, this is so messed up. Do you ever have a bigger discussion about it or does it come down to you saying "please stop"? Maybe if you get really upset/angry she would finally realize what is she doing?
Ideally you'd involve a third person (as in, therapist) in this, but it would be a lot of effort, to arrange a meeting, get your mom there and all.
No. 585567
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>>585537Oh my god, I didn't know that this is a thing.
No. 585571
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I spend a chunk of my day photoshopping people for fun and making pinterest boards for specific styles for certain situation and imaginary people. The idea of making someone attractive is just so fun to me, even though I don't have talent for retouching, being a personal stylist or a fucking plastic surgeon lmao. I'm too biased towards my own views of attractiveness and I wouldn't wanna cater it to others. It's so fun tho.
No. 585585
>>585579Dont go, send a gift?
Wedding are not that much fun trust me, and why spend a lot of money For some one that u are not that close with?
No. 585597
>>579924Wow nice, also absolutely cringe of course but you know you've got someone who wants to keep in touch and in your area of study. I'd be honest and say you're having trouble.
I didn't befriend anyone, students or teachers and now I have no career connections.
No. 585607
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>>585365Going through all the twitter accounts who have cowtipped or linking threads to their likeminded friends just in the past two months you can see how many underage SJW teens, degenerate furries and trannies (including salty MTFs bitching about muh evil wahmen committing twansphobia on the site) we have browsing the fucking site. The only reason why I bother even censoring the handles is that one of the furries caught cowtipping was bragging in the artist salt thread how "it was worth it because I got two followers out of it" so there's no way I want to direct more traffic to these crazy ass attention whores.
No. 585616
>>585579I think its much safer and better to send some very nice gift instead with a good letter too, with jazz such as you are hoping the wedding is doing well and you wish you were here.
I think actually sane-in-their-mind people would understand why you didnt go, considering all the cons.
It would have been rude of u imo only if u lived super close, such as: 4 hour car drive. I had husbands sister and her (ex) bf make up a stupid excuse on not going go our wedding which also didn't match to both of their excuses at all. They were 3 hrs away from our city :^)
No. 585714
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>>585607>foreskin advocate >owner of r/transpositive & r/incestKEK
Not surprised. It would explain some of the awful posts that get made in the art thread.
No. 585727
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>>585571I love to do that too
No. 585730
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My "personal cow" of sorts is gradually becoming an unironic kinnie. She's an adult woman in the year of our lord 2020, putting up a list of characters titled "literally me" on her Oh, and of course she decided being a they/them enby wasn't special enough so she's fully trooning out now (with a new boy name that rhymes with Aidan kek), but you could probably already infer that considering these people are all the same.
No. 585797
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>charged over $1k>no charger>no EarPods Guess I’m sticking with my iPhone X Max for awhile
No. 585815
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>>585797Everybody makes fun of me for using cheap android phones, little do they know they be the true clowns.
No. 585833
>>585797 I was never one for Apple but how much longer are Apple fans going to take this shit. They push it further with every new release it seems.
I have a cheap android phone now as opposed to the expensive flagship (android) models I used to buy and it works virtually the same, except that the design's a little less sleek and everything's a little less polished over all. But I no longer have to worry about dropping or damaging my expensive phone (I kept breaking mine) so it's a trade off well worth it.
Life's great with a cheap android phone.
No. 585834
>>585815Word. I've always been an androidfag and I'll stick by it, I saw it coming a mile away that apple will be prizing itself out of the general consumer range at some point and lose the support altogether. Ain't nobody gonna pay $1000+ for a phone that you soon gotta get all the peripherals for an extra charge.
>>585828>Also saw an apple employee openly request only non binary POC to apply for a role she's over seeing. lmfao What in the fuck
No. 585863
>>585830Bitch don't do it
Get some new dick
No. 585908
>>585833I used to be an Apple fag but I am getting bored with them. Ever since Jobs died they just keep pumping out the blandest shit knowing the zombies will go running up to the store to buy one.
Their products are so hit and miss nowadays. The 11 so far is wonderful but I really don’t see the point in buying anymore of their shit until they learn how to be creative and make something new. A lot of their newer phones like the 7+ were duds. The early gen iPhones were clunky but dependable.
The only caveat is I still prefer their computers over anything that uses Microsoft. Too many viruses, shitty interface.
No. 586069
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A personal cow Ive been following for like 8 years has always been my favourite go-to person for online drama. She's 28 (this year) and has no education past age 16 sans some small art college visits, diagnosed with depression and PTSD and overall has that sort of a general artist NEET lifestyle with daddy issues added in. My main source of milk from her has been her blog where she details all sorts of drama in her life and it's always been plentiful, later she opened up a social media account where she documented even more details. I swear to god it's been glorious and the only reason I haven't started a thread on her is that I don't want any retard cowtipping or intervening and ruining it, she already had a fall out with a friend who leaked her private account content and became ultra wary of sharing details.
However last year she switched to full crazy gear and due to a whirlwind romance took in a girlfriend after like 2 months of knowing her, forming a retarded poly relationship with her boyfriend of 6 years she was engaged to and this new girl. Unsurprisingly shortly after she decided she wants to troon out and this was enough for the guy, he walked out right after she started talking about wanting her tits to be removed. Ever since that she hasn't been interesting anymore, just really depressing. Before she was a smug, catty bitch who always thought she was the victim but still had a funny edge that made her posts entertaining. Now she only retweets tranny spergouts, e-begs, fell in with the local antifa SJW group, is visibly depressed and mourning the loss of her fiancé. It's been like this for half a year now and I'm legitimately starting to feel sorry for her. I've never interacted with her during these years but I feel like I should send her an anonymous message to tell her that her happiness isn't found from the operation table. I won't do it because she'd probably just screech about "terfs do not interact!!!" or something but yeesh this hurts to watch. Has anyone else ever started to feel sorry for their personal cow?
No. 586078
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Seeing how the girls from gilmore girls look now is unsettling and I'm not sure why. I'm going to get shit on for saying this but I don't think they aged well (not horribly at all, but not well) that along with weird plastic surgery. I actually mainly think it's unsettling because I'm watching it now on netflix and Rory is just so baby looking and now she looks noticeably older. The juxtaposition is scary and kind of , sad? Regardless I think Alexis Bledel is one of the cutest people to ever walk the earth.
No. 586082
>>586078I think actresses from the early 2000s who haven't had a wealth of plastic surgery and therefore show sings of aging look jarring in todays media where a pore is seen as a blemish and photoshopped out.
Unrelated but I was watching a movie with Ellen Page and some actual model playing the wives of these two buffoons. Guy I was with at the time slated Ellen Page for having expression lines. I politely pointed out her career invokes emotive acting while the model I'm sure he was using as comparison made a career out of being a stoic expressionless mannequin
No. 586113
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>>586069I always feel sorry for my personal cows, they were my friends after all (I don't friend people I don't know IRL). Most of them implode in themselves a la "DELETING MY FB IN A WEEK" (pic related) but some do grow out of it. I follow the same cowtipping rule though; just don't.
My current cow and former roommate unfriended me at one point because her skeevy ex started messaging me right after they broke up. I blocked him immediately but I guess she found out. A year later she added me on again and all she posts are shitty Tasty-style videos (despite her 'career' as a cook). All I remember about us living together were bloody sinks, her loud-ass voice, and the ex she brought over to live with us for a month without any warning.
No. 586136
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it’s my birthday
No. 586141
>>586116I was there for asherbee, voldie's obsession was weird as fuck and the beginning of me losing interest. Cowtipping is the epitome of bitches who brag about being "drama-free" yet can't stay away from stirring it themselves.
>>586136Happy birthday! Treat yo'self today.
No. 586160
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>>586136Happy birthday anon! Hope you have a good day!
No. 586169
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I hate how I'm bombarded every few seconds with PSAs and adverts about staying indoors and shit when I'm trying to distract myself from corona
No. 586206
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Although I know owners who make their cats fat are awful and that obese cats are literally dying, but my stupid lizard brain can't help go 'Hahaha fat cat cute'
No. 586218
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>>586206Even disregarding the health aspect, obese cats aren't cute at all. I just don't get it. Small cats are so much cuter.
No. 586241
I posted a very private vent earlier today but now I can't tell if maybe it just somehow didn't post or if I've gone totally b insane
>>586224Couldn't you say this vice versa? Imo it just makes you average
No. 586266
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My OC has inadvertently become my husbando over the course of two years and just last night I imagined doing wax play on him even though he has a fear of fire. I'm not really into subby guys or seeing my character emasculated but bullying him with candles made something carnal lit up in my heart and I fucking love it.
No. 586288
>>586266I love you and I love this post because I see myself in it.
Godbless other shameless female creators who are OC husbando/waifufags.
No. 586314
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>>586266I thought I was the only one who had crushes on my OC'S,guess I'm not alone
No. 586418
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Do lesbian otomes exist? I’m just a loser too dumb for finding a gf and I want to self-insert into some story. I don’t like things made for scrotes, but I don’t like to constantly change he for she in my brain when I read stuff directed at straight women either. Maybe I should just get into yaoi?
No. 586480
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I wish I had small breasts so I could wear cute tops like this without it looking so gross and slutty ugh
No. 586640
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I avoid Nicole's thread because she makes me feel extremely bad about my appearance, she's legit what I've always dreamed of looking like.
I feel like such a retard because she's a cow.
No. 586658
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hold me anons
No. 586663
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>>586658everything will be okay eventually
No. 586705
>>586688lol you flatter me, pathetically enough im not Nicole, just a sad ugly weeb.
I know she's all shooped and shit but i still wish i looked like she does.
No. 586726
>>586427I'm reading "The Gendered Brain" and it's debunking things even I still thought were true for some reason.
Like I was working off the assumption that even with these "tendencies" it was impossible to tell to what extent what's genetic and what's cultural. Yet I never stopped to consider the studies validity themselves because they just seemed so accepted lol.
Thinking about it, it really makes me angry because it seems since the dawn of science people (men) have been doing their best to justify seeing women as inferior, nowadays it's just under the bullshit guise of "different but equal" and these myths still persist because the public at large just want them to.
No. 586751
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>boobs hurt for a week
>low-key panic about maybe having breast cancer
>suddenly heaviest period in years
No. 586764
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Now I'm sad…
No. 586776
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my best friend finally broke up with her shitty boyfriend!
No. 586789
>>586769I can guarantee the following is an original thought:
>Poo poo pee pee is very, very good for the stinky stinky boy-girl little man pied piper dill pickle MagyarNo other human being that has ever existed thought of this before me
No. 586829
>>586818Cheese tea is soooo good. People are really thrown off by the word "cheese" but it's more like cheesecake or a really thick milkshake. Get it!
I miss living somewhere with cheese tea… There's no good asian food where I live…
No. 586932
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I put in my fucking retainer after forever and I am dying please anons, please help
No. 586950
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anons i'm gonna do it i'm gonna bleach my whole head blonde tomorrow. i only leave the house to go to work anyway who cares if it looks bad or my hair falls out????
No. 586956
>>586925What’s so confusing? You don’t know how to read? Not everyone on here uses drama boards? Half the site is not cow related? I’m a militant childfreefag but nice try. This repetitive sperging about mothers is annoying and lowkey sexist. Oh no a teen mom in her 20s is on an imageboard for women! Someone think of the children! You should be more
triggered about mothers posting nudes on reddit and calling themselves MILFs.
No. 586960
>>586956Bu-b-but anon don't you know that stupid Karens who let a scrote nut in her are only allowed to be on facebook and pinterest while her babydaddy plays fortnite and looks at underaged girls on tiktok???
Frankly, they smell of teenagers who haven't gotten over their resentment of mommy.
No. 586961
File: 1595240196592.jpeg (70.65 KB, 622x572, 1583404397951.jpeg)

how many faggots on tumblr do i have to block now so that my dashboard is free from tranny bullshit and only filled with pretty pictures. i swear i hate that i cannot even follow a normal aesthetic looking blog without them turning out to be some undercover tranny sperger and #1 girlcock lover
No. 586963
>>586956>militant childfreefagI hate the way you write but also thank god for that
>You should be more triggered about mothers posting nudes on redditThe two aren't mutually exclusive kek. Moms can do whatever they want , but this site specifically and the behavior and conversations that go on in the drama boards, on top of the cows being spoken about, makes it disturbing to think that someone raising a child is also raging over Kenna's bad poetry.
No. 586965
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>>586959UM ACTUALLY she said “this site” but feels particularly bothered by /pt/ and /snow/. She’s assuming that those are the same women who autistically analyze girls photoshopped pics and vaginas and circling them is particularly retarded.
No chill I’m just like this, feel free to disengage anytime.
No. 586978
>>586977>A woman's former interests and habits don't just die when she has a baby.I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I was a teen on cgl back in the prime era of that board too
However I feel like eventually I should quit lolcow, just to do other stuff ya get me?
No. 586994
>>586991Yeah, It's like hearing your parent/their friends use chan lingo.
>>586993Snakes are nice to the touch, super dry but satisfying to hold. I remember my friend in middle school had one at her place and I commented on how cool it was to hold her snake and how nice it felt, and she just retorted "Yeah it's kinda like holding a dick innit", lmao.
No. 587008
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This how I am trying be except with those tiny orange and yellow fish eggs.
No. 587009
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what the fuck is happening and why are they now claiming Monsters Inc is about Pizzagate.
No. 587011
>>587008Man that would be a yummy breakfast. Nice dream goal right there
>>587009Haven't heard about this prior to this but I think I get it, in the movie they basically scare children out to harvest their screams to power up a plant, and the substance they mention is from uhhhhh questionable origin
I think it's a veeeery big reach though, I love monsters inc
No. 587028
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Lolcow is the only place online that I fit in, idk what that says about me but I really do love this place.
No. 587035
>>587028Same. I wish we had as much traffic as 4chan sometimes so we could all talk more
Love you nasty bitches, hope you're all here even when you're old
No. 587042
>>586965Ntayrt but
>Low quality Guy Fawkes bitch>feel free to disengage anytimeThis is unironically hilarious ty
No. 587049
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lowkey jelly my friend is a kissless virgin asexual and has never felt romantic attraction to any males, meanwhile im a slutty hoe with shit self esteem thats let a multitude of dudes go in raw despite hating men. why did i not just stay pure, i waited until i was 21 i could have waited longer.
No. 587106
>>587101Bitch don't break the toilet
Seriously though how do you not accidentally slip in the toilet? I would be terrified to bust my ass
No. 587109
>>586888>>586890>>586893As if normies, including parents, didn't ever obsess over celebrity gossip and discuss it.
>>587102You're going to break the toilet seat and/or fall down and hurt yourself anon, don't do it. Get some sort of a stool to squat on instead, there are squatty pottys meant for this purpose. There are literally PSAs about not to do it on regular toilet seats because of this very reason meant for Chinese tourists who have broken toilet seats at hotels when traveling.
No. 587120
>>587028Same. And I feel weird because if y’all met me in real life you would never believe I am such a lonerfag.
But I do genuinely love you guys, because I usually fight too much with normies over dumb shit. No one gets pressed about my opinions here which I like, and I am not even as harsh as some other farmers.
So, thank you for being my spiritual sisters in a way.
No. 587122
>>587105>>587106>>587109I should clarify, it’s not really a squat cuz I’m not lifting my body at all. It’s more like sitting but I have my feet on the seat and my knees are bended up by my ears. So I’m not putting extra pressure on the seat really. It’s not the same position that traveling foreigners break American toilets with lol
And the stool doesn’t really do as much for me,I’m double jointed so the higher stretch might be why it suits me.
No. 587184
>>587173Phone the non-emergency line for your police and state that you would like to officially report an odd occurrence.
If you were actually talking to a kidnapper he probably wouldn't have mentioned a fender bender, he would have just made some excuse and hung up, but you never know how this information might link into something important. in doubt, always lodge a non-emergency report.
No. 587250
>>587241The fact that you’re even asking this means you can do it. Just might take more time if you’re actually mentally deficient. If I can train my dogs to grab a bra and put it in the laundry you can learn how to math/code anon.
Right brain vs left brain is a big old farty farce
No. 587289
>>587173Kek sounds like a scam. Common to phone a random number and act all panicked so you freak out and don't have time to think about logic. They probably thought you'd be an old person and had to switch gears when they realized how young you were.
I had a lady with an indian accent call me telling me I was under investigation by the police… from a station five hours from me. This was like early in the morning so I was very groggy. She passed it off to her supervisor, who suspiciously also had an indian accent. I hung up once he mentioned that my social security number would be deactivated.
No. 587316
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OH NONo no nooo PULL is closing
The they/thems xe/xims kpop wokes are coming! How do we stop them???
No. 587318
>>587317No way it's that little.
I'm sure we have at least 50 or so.
No. 587334
>>587318We get a lot of lurkers more than posters. I know sometimes I just lurk and don’t post anything for a while.
But I do think we have more people posting, just not frequently. Some days are busier than others.
No. 587511
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whispers please don't
No. 587519
>>587514The word woman is getting treated like Voldemort's name. Like I've noticed how any time you're not referring to trans "women" you HAVE to say "cis women", but when people say men they never put the cis at the beginning. Almost like trannies are somehow more like women than actual women. Fucking lunacy.
(sorry for the rant lol that comment just pissed me off big time)
No. 587579
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I want to commission a regency style portrait of myself, mostly because I think they're awesome, it would be hilariously weird, and I'm vain tbh but also to haunt my descendants for generations with a creepy painting that they'll swear has eyes that follow them. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there are many artists who take commissions that paint in this style lmao
No. 587591
>>587580This is so relatable.
Only thing I hate about this is that funk factor goes up no matter how much I scrub my pits on the shower and use deodorant.
No. 587654
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My last day at my current job is this Friday. My coworkers bought me lunch today and today is the only day this week I'll be able to see all of them together (since everyone's been working from home/coming in on alternate days), and another day this week another coworker is taking me out to an expensive restaurant for lunch. One girl I'm close with gave me some nice tea, as a gift from the company.
I think I'm gonna write some cards for everyone and leave it on their desks on my last night here. I took the job because I needed office experience on my resume, but a year ago I never anticipated to actually become close with anyone here (since I'm a lot younger than everyone else lol). I sit at the front by myself, but a lot of people will take breaks from their work and come to chat with me, and it was nice to have that company. Or sometimes while waiting for the elevators to come up we'd just have a nice chat. I'm really gonna miss everyone here. It was never going to be a long term job, nor would I want to stay here long term since there's no room for growth, but fuck I'm sad anyway. It was a nice year to just sit back and chill, especially after years of working in retail and becoming a depressed messed because of it. I feel like I really got to recoup myself here. Covid has fucked everything up, but at the end of the day, I feel hopeful for the future, and I'm grateful for my current company for hiring me. The new girl is very sweet and I'm sure she'll love it here for her next year too.
No. 587737
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Just ate bad tasting warm spinche. Now I'm getting stomach pains. Hopefully I won't vomit
No. 587815
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dios mio
No. 587832
>>587821barely sociable does internet mysteries, not spoopy dark web lore, but actual verifiable happenings that range from the silk road, hitman hirings, abandoned hospitals and plane crashes. it's all well researched as far as i know and the creator does not fuck around with creepypasta shit. he basically did a 2 hr video on the silk roads downfall and how the owner of it got cucked out of thousands of dollars by a fake NON FBI AFFILIATED hitman who just happened to swoop in right as the fbi was beginning to investigate him. peak drama.
scare theaters stuff is..aight. it's not perfect, often too short, but he brings up some internet mysteries that i've never heard of which is always a plus. some of his vids are just so damn short.
lazy masquerade obviously does tons of vids on spooky reddit shit but i enjoy his readings of 4channel posts, often translated from original japanese. it's nice to see stuff that wouldn't be accessible when u don't know the language.
bedtime stories can literally put me to sleep at times and im positive so many of their sources are bunk ass nuts, but i find their content enjoyable. take it with a grain of salt lmao.
same thing above can be said with paranormal scholar, she does similar shit but has a huge focus on history which is fun.
most reign botty internet mystery channels simply have to milk args because real life is unfortunately not as digestible or entertaining for a 12 yr old audience. that's why i moved onto folklore and paranormal channels because i at least can accept most of the stories are fake from the get go lmao
No. 587841
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Vogue España’s May 2020 cover really hit me hard in the feels.
No. 588061
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>>588042Anyone else think that all of these posts about this girl in /snow/ (vivadrag’s thread, is not a regular in that thread but noticed it kept getting bumped. I could be entirely wrong and don’t wanna be one on those anons who thinks everything’s a self post however , there’s so many posts about this girl being so ~smoll snd sickly~ And things like it heard she’s done heroin before , those totes must be trackmarks on her arm …poor girl!’.
Am I crazy /misinterpreting this and turning into to one of those over analytical spergs who yell selfpost for no reason
This probably isn’t the right thread , My apologies (I’m sleep deprived and got stoned, it didn’t work obviously).
No. 588075
>>588072You could brb right.
I just thought she maybe stumbled the thread/saw herself mentioned here and began self posting because some of them are so similarly worded and were posted in pretty quick succession . It just set off alarm bells in my head because the thread (which was pretty irrelevant) abruptly started getting bumped with all of these unsaged posts that were talking about how fragile and ~skelly ~ this bitch is. It could be a pullfag but the sheer volume of posts on that specific thread of some random e- girl makes me think otherwise
( I also think a thread was made of her and subsequently locked The other day )
No. 588079
>>586288He definitely gets most of my attention out of all my characters lately. He's been around since 2014 and used to be such a shit written OC, 'grumpy' with a really forced tragic backstory. It dawned on me that I wanted to make something to be proud of and I couldn't have a major protagonist be so unlikeable or so angsty that my 'audience' (lol) couldn't relate to him so I gave him more likeable, relatable traits and now he's a pretty good guy if I say so myself. Guess I liked the end result too much and now I'm too busy playing with him to write properly, damnit.
Sometimes I RP as him which is crossing so many boundaries but I rarely do it because I don't like taking him out of his canon, it gives me an ego boost though knowing a few people wanted to get into his pants.>>586314>>586319Now I kinda wish there was a OC husbando sperging thread but they're so personal it feels a bit like asking people to dox their character kek
c-can you tell me what your original husbandos are like? No. 588104
>>588079>>588089I think grumpy characters are
hot and cute they got so much potential for character development, even if it’s kind of basic, it’s nice to see a grumpy character come to terms with their anger issues and be a better self
without dropping their anger issues No. 588109
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Hell no, he looks like Hopper more than anyone.
No. 588181
>>588143I'm really nostalgic about Ouran High School Host Club too and I recently rewatched the whole thing with my bf (who had never seen it before) and it unironically holds up great.
It's not as 'uncontrollably laughing' hilarious as it was when I first watched it as a baby weeb, but it's still seriously funny. Even my bf loved it and he's not one for these types of anime at all usually.
No. 588213
>>588143>>588181Rewatched Ouran a few months ago and it's truly a classic. There are some things that just SCREAM 2006 and makes me sort of cringe, but 99% of it is just timeless comedy. I will always hold out that they will remake it and animate the manga's ending. I absolutely love the series with all my heart, it's so damn good.
Having lived in Japan as a student, the changing seasons were nice… but summer was fucking awful and I'm not sure if the fireworks shows and festivals made up for feeling like I was being steamed alive.
No. 588241
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>>588213Same, anon! I've been hoping for a reboot that follows the manga for years. I think I love it primarily because Haruhi is so likable as a shoujo protagonist, she's super down to earth and refreshing.
No. 588281
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>>588280I've seen people unironically advocate that Haruhi is non-binary because of this line.
No. 588295
>>588280Naw, it’s canceled because it appeals to gay fetishizing fujos and has cross dressing which is extremely
>>588281She was basically the poster child for the non binaries ,back when tumblr started dipping its toes into the sjw shit.
No. 588299
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>playfully tease a dude i'm friends with about something silly
>he retaliates by pointing out that my boobs are asymmetrical
I've had it up to here with men.
No. 588364
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I recently got into MSI and all is feel is pain because their music just reminds me of all the times I could’ve spent being a rebellious teen instead of being a NEET
No. 588373
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>Stop drawing for a year because I was insecure regarding my drawing ability and other factors
>randomly get an urge to draw
>be unable to draw the thing I want to draw
No. 588399
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My city is being invaded by Trump RIP.
No. 588445
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God I love Angelika so much lmao. She's the only beauty "drama" (or news or whatever) channel I can stand watching. I love how she openly talks about how shit men are instead of trying to excuse every single thing they do for fear of being criticized. I honestly don't give a shit if she tends to be biased in favor of women regarding drama stuff. I actually think more people like that is needed, tbh.
With how pro-women her views are and the topics she talks about in her videos, I suspect she may be a farmer, kek.
No. 588447
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>>588445I love her too and I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s talked about reading guru gossip but she stopped because they were too mean about her
No. 588567
>>588563I got tired of my boyfriend doing that so I told him to assume that I know everything and if I wanted to know something, I'd ask.
I see it as a win-win in my book. That way I don't feel like he's explaining every single thing to me like a parent would a toddler and at the same time, I always ask him questions so he can nerd out.
No. 588699
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Charlie Rose was such a shitty interviewer, I don't even understand how he got a show in the first place. He made tons of assumptions about his guests, constantly asked loaded question, then promptly interrupted them when they tried to answer. I was also not surprised when he turned out to be a giant creep
No. 588821
>>588770I'm not saying it's worth going into debt for, but it's worth trying out. I hate it when parents pull this shit- they're not going to be the ones living your life nor will they be with you for the rest of your life. You will probably spend a lot of time in the future thinking of "what if"s if you don't go, than if you go and then ultimately decide that it isn't for you. It's a sad reality that a lot of jobs now require a college education. Do all employers need you to have a relevant degree? No, they just want to see that you have a degree. Yes college is stupidly expensive, but nowadays, it's the bare minimum of what a lot of people need to get a job.
If you end up going (which I hope you do), I hope you'll enjoy it. I came out of school with a debt hanging over my head, but I would always choose to go back if I had the choice to redo it. The friends I made, the professors I had, and all the other opportunities that college afforded me were worth it. If you are a burger, see how much CSS/FAFSA will give you. Check if your school has any scholarships. There's always money somewhere. Good luck anon.
No. 589007
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I just spent the past hour and a half on a gossip groupie forum from the early 00’s. Interesting stuff, but like Icarus before me, I have flown too close to the sun. Now I know the (rumoured) sex life (at that time) of multiple rockstars. I’m weirded out and don’t know what to do with all this information.
No. 589015
>>589007spill the beans bitch
>>589013lol I tell mine it is 4chan, because I know he'd be looking out for my posts if he knew of this imageboard.
No. 589016
>>589014not really… i mean you don't stop being deeply affected by things that happened in your life when you become a "real adult" so i doubt it's unheard of to develop phobias later in life.
but i'd say having phobias isn't "normal". you should seek therapy if possible. it's common but it's definitely hindering your daily life.
No. 589037
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>>589031>>589015>>589030> Haha not sure what exactly you girls wanted so theres the site. Enjoy, make use of that search button.
No. 589050
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>>589037Thank you anon this will keep me entertained for a bit
No. 589154
>>589096I always remind myself that stores and companies/brands aren't out to give me good deals or stuff for free; anything they do is to get more money out of me one way or another.
Also I can't believe you're passing on the chance to return that make-up. Where I live you can't return cosmetics, even when it's still sealed, and it sucks when you walk out of the store and realize the foundation is too dark in natural light after all.
No. 589245
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>>586950>mfw I overdid it and some of its gettin stretchypray for my hair anons. I look dope though.
No. 589258
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>>589257The middle ground between higher end of average and chubby
No. 589267
>>589247Anon I don't wanna say you're wrong… but you're wrong
Nothing beats the feeling of putting your head on a skinny af guy's chest and hearing his hearbeat. If their chest bones show a bit too I'd melt.
No. 589275
>>589273It's ok blazed anon, i think youre right maybe i didnt tell him off as harshly… i mean, i blocked the mf but i guess he is just thick in the head. I rejected him like… twice and he's been cool with that and doesn't mention that. But if he tells me about how much some girl wants to bone him again, im blocking again
>Idk but I hate menPeriod
No. 589280
>>589258>>589256>>589257i didn't expect to get replies, much less so many extremely correct ones.
>>589267but where's the tiddy meat tho? not even moobs, just a lil extra cushion in that area. plus you can hear a chubby guy's heartbeat too. if the guy is tall and broad, there's so much real estate to cuddle.
No. 589283
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>>589280Nah, chubby and skinny men can gtfo. I like slightly buff men. Feels nice to be in their arms.
No. 589308
>>589298Yeah, I don't get it.
>thin or fit is gross, I love it when they're a littly chubby, somewhat chunky, like a cushion, so soft and cuddly, with love handles teeheeCongrats, that can't even be called a "preference", you only lowered your standards to the point that you accept males at their absolutely lowest effort and you even try to make yourself believe that this is something positive. Never in my life have I heard a man say that about women, but hordes of attractive girls let themselves get brainwashed into thinking gamer or dad bodies are "hot".
>>589283Even that is not difficult to obtain, not being fat and having a slight muscle tone would be super easy and natural for all males. It's insane what men made everybody believe is the norm, you seriously have to lead a terrible lifestyle to look as low t as your average young dude nowadays does (best example: sceptic with his wide birthing hips getting away with calling himself "alpha").
No. 589323
>>589308It's obviously insecurity most of the time, like
>>589257 said
>you don't find yourself worrying about your own weight all that muchI can sympathize, honestly, cause sometimes it can be hard to admit to yourself that you're thirsting over the sort of dude who wouldn't give you the time of day. And you feel like a less attractive guy will appreciate you more and treat you well. Women are really conditioned to prioritize being desired over desiring someone else, and society constantly tells us to lower our standards, give uggos/fatties/manlets/old creeps a chance, don't be shallow, etc etc. But these days I let myself indulge in fantasies about super hot guys who are way out of my league and it's freeing, men never stop to think about how they compare to the women they fap to so why should we? And if I want a super hot guy irl, it's my responsibility to improve my looks to be on their level. No reason to be in denial over that reality.
No. 589325
>>589308yeah no man has ever said he wants a thick/chubby/fat girlfriend. "but it's not the same if a man says it!!1!1" it is.
also, no one in this thread is attracted to chubby men AND women. that'd just be insane and crazy.
>>589323honestly i thought glowing up would "cure" me of my embarrassing preference for chubby men, which i assumed to be a consequence of my insecurities… nope, i just feel more confident seducing chubby guys.
No. 589340
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>>589337oops forgot the photo
No. 589344
>>589337Definitely in the fit category.
He looks like he has a slender shape in general but is kinda working out I guess?
Not Twink material imo
No. 589348
>>589323>And if I want a super hot guy irl, it's my responsibility to improve my looks to be on their level. You could develop yourself in other areas to compensate even if you cannot, kinda like how men do when they know they can't size up to our physical expectations. Fat women have a good chance to get cute men. Sisters, we choose–not the men. The majority of men aren't meant to go on to reproduce.
I like how some of you think, but sometimes you pickme unintentionally.
Women are free to like and preference physically who we want, however it doesn't mean we should drop our expectations in how we are to be respected.
No. 589363
>>589323>And you feel like a less attractive guy will appreciate you more and treat you wellIt's funny since those guys are usually the biggest
no pun intended type of assholes
No. 589395
>>589369same for me, i'm a 5'9 200lb girl who has exclusively dated dudes who are leaning into being skinny. it's not like i even have big boobs but i've received a lot of compliments from past partners about liking how 'soft' my body is. i've been losing weight recently and my boyfriend keeps getting surprised when we're cuddling and theres less belly fat/my shoulders feel bonier.
An ex lost his virginity to a girl who could have been a model she was so conventionally attractive, one time he cried saying he wish he would have lost it to me instead.
No. 589415
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>>589369>>589395I mean chubby chasers were always a thing, some people have preferences outside of the norm.
No. 589469
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>>589298I know this sounds fucked up but when i was in an ED clinic, there was an anorexic guy (body looked liked in the photo). Before him i was a chubby chaser, but he was so fucking nice to me that he converted me into a skinny-chaser. Idk if this is objectively worse considering its more self destructive but its my guilty pleasure.
No. 589475
>>589469i heard that anas often end up overfeeding their partners or looking for heavier partners because they live vicariously through them and don't compare themselves to them. was that true for you?
looking for thin guys just sounds like yet another way to obsess over thinness.
No. 589483
>>589475I never actually dated a guy thanks to extreme anxiety, but i feel like i wouldn't do the overfeeding thing.
I think i was a chubby chaser because of a chubby-ish guy in a tv show i liked (plus my molester was chubby but idk if there's a link).
There is a very big chance that my "skinny guy kink" is deeply rooted in my ED though. I often dream about an ED bf (i know, fucked up) so he could truly understand. But we'd probably just relapse together so not a good idea.
No. 589565
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No. 589570
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Anons any advice for my drawing?
I've been trying to learn how to draw for the last month (its been exactly 40 days today). I was a complete beginner before so my drawing was shit. So i think there is some progress. But for some reason my drawings always look weird - something about the eyes maybe? This one's the best one I have so far.
Anyways, sorry if this is the wrong thread. This is a "realistic" one.
No. 589571
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>>589570Samefag but i feel like cartoonish ones look better. How would you rate this compared to the other one?
No. 589573
>>589534Yes, millennials do this, but it seems like it started with Gen X, not with millennials. Gen X was extremely nihilistic. Have you ever read any Gen X authors like Brett Easton Ellis?
Hell, imo it seems like Gen Z is kind of nihilistic in the same way that Gen X is. A lot of millennials have maintained this sort of unshakable, naive optimism that everything is going to be fine, because they spent their developmental years in the 90's, a time when middle class America was financially thriving. Gen X grew up in the cold war years, and Gen Z grew up in a post 9/11 war.
Most of Gen Z is also being raised by Gen X, whereas millennials were raised by boomers, another generation that saw some pretty good times in their early childhood (if they were white and middle class).
No. 589575
>>589570it's a small detail, but on most people you don't see any or very little eyewhite below the iris unless they're forcing their eyes open
anyway I don't really see anything especially "weird" for a beginner's drawing
No. 589577
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>>589570I think there is an art thread in the catalogue, you could ask for more help there. But you should use guidelnes for the face if you aren't already. Draw faces from photographs and measure their proportions, the lenght of the nose, the space between the eyes etc etc. In this drawing, the philtrum is too long. Also, the hair don't make a lot of sense. Check out the summary of the artist salt threads. It's got good resources. I also recommend Sycra on youtube. Good luck anon! Every single artist has started from the beginning and you're not bad at all for someone who is just starting out.
No. 589581
>>589570>>589571You have the same issue many beginners have: not understanding form. That's why the drawings "always look weird," because your brain can tell that some of the features look pasted on. As though you've drawn eyes on an inflated balloon, for example. It's important to see lines as delineation of form, and not just collections of things that are "supposed" to be there. Always make sure to note the three-dimensional form of what you're trying to capture.
FWIW, for an absolute beginner, your art is impressive.
No. 589583
>>589571>>589570I hope you enjoy getting into art anon! Other anons have given great advice but I really advise you to avoid any kind of cartoony style like
>>589571 until you develop a stronger foundation. It will be counterproductive in the long run because it won't help you to understand the anatomy of a face (or body, how lighting affects the perceived shape and how to portray that etc. Keep studying from real life examples and draw the head from different angles too to help understand its 3D form. Good luck!
No. 589714
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>>582710Molly anon here, tried it yesterday for my birthday and it was amazing. My boyfriend and I spent a lot of it cuddling/kissing, and looking at trees, fireflies, and katydids.
Still have an "afterglow". Can't wait to do this again on Halloween! I'm thinking we'll take a longer walk then since it'll be cooler weather.
No. 589721
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At 25 years old I finally decided to get over my fear of driving and have scheduled a road test for Monday. I am both nervous and excited; wish me luck cause I may throw up.
No. 589726
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Lol wtf is this
What are neopronouns now??
and >muslim trans woman
No. 589727
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Probably one of the reasons I liked anime is because most characters slept on a matters on the floor and I found that relatable because for most of my life I didn't have a bed and slept on a mattress on the floor instead, it made me feel seen,
No. 589732
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Apparently MJ wrote the Barber of Seville, according to YouTube.
No. 589797
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I wanted to order some walking dead comics so I could read them when I wait for the bus aaand I can't buy them anywhere in my country. The only ones I can get are the thic 6lb complete volumes.
I'm trying to get back into reading, especially in my own language because I REALLY need to increase my vocabulary etc. but it's so difficult to find interesting books since I'm picky af.
No. 590010
>>589570it's a good start anon, practice is literally the only thing that will make you improve, so keep drawing. a few tips:
1. don't blend with your finger (if it's pencil). it makes the skin look muddy. focus on developing finer line and shading skills.
2. the whites of the eyes are never pure white. add some form of shading.
3. you can go a lot darker with your shading. don't be afraid to add more range of value in your drawings. think of an actual light source hitting this drawings face.
4. do warm up gesture drawings before working on a longer piece, understanding the human form is essential.