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No. 563462
>>563456You click on the catalog, it opens and you can easily view the threads on here and click on those you want to look at
No. 563599
>>563556Distraction is just what I need. I bought oil paints a while ago etc and I guess I need to bust 'em open and learn to just enjoy my company and not get overwhemled. Thanks anon.
>>563591This is kind of a sweet idea. A throwaway account just for vents. Or maybe a blog or an actual diary or something? I think I could benefit from that. Not childish at all if it helps you. Thank you anon, I greatly appreciate your help.
No. 563603
File: 1591096496758.png (1.08 KB, 306x78, tumblr_d113b99da261eb96c4a8cd8…)

>>563599You're welcome! I hope you will feel better soon ♥
No. 563848
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I feel really dumb asking this, but my dad told me this was a radon detector in my room right above my bed..but I feel suspicious thinking it might be a camera recording me. It's right above my bed. Idk during an incident my dad admitted he knows what I do at least in other parts of the house via cameras that were always recording inside and that he was able to view via his phone and my bf said it hasn't always been there and I have terrible memory and am paranoid…please tell me this doesn't look like some kind of camera and I am just freaking out for no reason lol
No. 563904
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why is the thread pic an emoji
No. 563999
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>>563981Samefag, but in this pic is one of the obvious cameras. I've been up close and seen the lens.
No. 564053
>>564031If you have any privacy at medical/psyche appts you could mention it there, and ask to get a social worker involved in looking into your home.
My dad was pretty sketchy with overstepping boundaries and not allowing me privacy as a teen. It put pressure on him when a social worker was assigned to the family and interviewed him 'just to make sure all was healthy in the home'
No. 564261
>>564193>>564187I have actually heard about families installing baby monitors and such to keep track of family members with epilepsy, just in case they have a nasty fall during seizures, but with consent.
And you should have the right to not be watched in your own room. Do you think you have enough of a relationship with your mom that you could speak to her about the cameras in the rest of the house?
Seconding what everyone else said about talking to a trusted person like a social worker or the family of your bf
No. 564640
>>564635Are you seriously getting
triggered over someone being describes as a hijabi?
No. 564653
>>564598let me fish out the answers out of my ass
ah yes, they looked at you because.. hmm.. uhhhh.. ok there it is
the answer: you're a cunt
No. 564658
Jesus christ
No. 564762
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Why did I get a random "we received your return!" notification and money from asos, yet no email? I haven't returned shit
No. 564779
File: 1591206019244.webm (5.92 MB, 204x300, chivo2121 rage.webm)

>>564767not from chicago but apparently gang members are fighting looters and this angry man is glad. His rage makes me laugh, but of course, it's concerning.
No. 564793
>>564779This is not meant to be race-bait, I won't argue on it anymore.
But christ these machismo idiots make me so ashamed to be fucking Latino. This shit is cultural and I've always tried to see the best in us but it's just not something I can deny anymore.
My uncles are racist my grandparents are racist. I know they had it hard growing up but it's not an excuse.
My dad used to tell me stories about how in highschool, masses of black and Mexican kids would have actual race wars/brawls in the gym. It's just a perpetual cycle because it's just that ingrained in our culture, especially so in burgerland.
We be waitin on that great extinction.
No. 564799
>>564795Crepes is nice (are you french?). It can be eaten at a/the dessert and shared. Nice way to bond.
Maybe bring a topping along (jam, nutella?) so they're not in a spot if they have nothing on hand to spread on them.
No. 564800
>>564793My dad used to be one of the only mexicans in his school in Compton and would get beat up with his sister on black history month lol
Every culture and group has this issue.
No. 564801
>>564787It always has a different effect on me; sometimes I get the lethargy that you mentioned, I feel sort of disconnected from reality and unable to talk to people, sometimes it makes me energetic and I talk like a waterfall. There was a time when I would downright feel depressed and I would have crying fits after drinking like one glass of champagne.
I think it amplifies the mood you were in before drinking
No. 564802
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>>564767>>564779Nah I've seen a lot of positive posts on twitter when searching Chicago keywords. The horse guy rode around in LV and went live on tiktok, there's videos of him waving and talking to random Hispanic bangers, and I believe there was a black/brown solidarity march in Pilsen. Mexicans are racist as fuck though and that's not gonna end any time soon
Did anyone see that demented fake flyer going around about a race war shootout at Cicero? It was funny as hell
No. 564806
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>>564802This is the flyer. It's complete nonsense which makes me think it was made by a cop or some /pol/ agitator
No. 564814
>>564779Reminds me of that article about some paletero man getting shot by black men and all these cholos came out of the woodwork looking for them.
>>564806I love how badly put together it is.
The cowboy boots lmaooo
No. 564819
>>564797>>564799yeah i figured it's better than something bought, it's fairly cheap and everyone enjoys it.
i am french, lmao. i didn't even think of bringing jam myself though; thanks for the tip!
No. 564833
>>564819Ahah, knew it.
Tu peux ramener du cidre doux avec si tu veux vraiment go overboard mais les crêpes et de la confiture, honnêtement, je ne vois pas comment qui que ce soit n'apprécierait pas.
No. 564837
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How do I cope with the fact that people I hate exist
No. 564840
>>564833>>564838haha peut-être si je retourne chez eux! askip ils aiment bien le cidre dans cette famille.
cheese is a good one! i'll make sure to ask for allergies.
No. 564976
>>564886i dm literally anyone at the worst times and when i'm drunk. my fave rapper thinks i'm funny apparently
just do it it's funny as fuck
No. 564994
>>564927Not weird at all, especially if they are donated to begin with
Support local businesses anon!
No. 565087
>>565076I have struggled with maintaining a weight for a long time. I go from ana to obese and back to ana. I'm currently obese again and can't even leave my house. It really sucks because its like this is the only problem that does not evoke sympathy.
>>565080Are weighted blankets worth it? do they actually make you sleep more?
>>565083>does weight correlate to worth in these anons' eyes?Yes, it does. Even I feel like I'm a 'better person' when I'm skinny. Even though nothing has changed personality wise, I feel like I'm bad person when obese and get treated very badly for no reason.
No. 565114
>>565087nta but a weighted blanket is worth it if you have sleep issues. At first your back will hurt until it gets used to it but it's so nice having weight on top without having to use 3-4 blankets.
I got a specific one for summer so I don't have to deal with heating up too much, I use it in winter as well with more blankets and it's heaven.
No. 565115
>>565076I don't usually judge fat people solely for being fat, though deathfats are impossible not to judge out of sheer horror. But I'm always gonna project on people who have noticeably gained weight, because for me gaining weight has always felt like failure and represents my life going downhill. Likewise, losing weight looks like success (obvious anachans excluded). I know it's not fair, but it's so deeply ingrained to feel that way about myself that I'm just going to assume the same about others. Maybe not everyone hates themselves and their lives when they get fat, but I sure af did.
Funny you brought this up because I've been reading old Charms threads today, watching her completely ruin her body over time and it's just miserable. It's worse to see than if she was just fat to begin with.
No. 565121
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>>565119Do robot-chans ever get tired of 'hi bpd-chan'ing everyone who experiences feelings? Get out of /ot/ if you don't like hearing people be candid about their thoughts
No. 565135
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what do u do to get over a dude and enjoy your own company
t. simp
No. 565139
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>>565135There's nothing you really can do, anon. It's in the past and you'll think of him every time you see the literal word "him" and there's not much we can do about it. If it's recent, maybe time will help you but if it's not that recent, I'm afraid it's part of you at this stage and you'll remember him when you're old. Connection can be tragic, I'll always miss his love but it is what it is. Keep good feeling for him in your heart.
>>565138I'm mostly skinny, chubby in the legs/ass and i've never judged anyone on weight because i feel i've never been judged on mine. Maybe skinny women who get praised feel strongly about it and so do chubby-chans if they place value on being THICQUE and get their feelings hurt when people point out that they're still overweight. I don't know, bodies change a lot, I'd hate to throw a stone only to discover i'm living in a glass house when i struggle to get my favourite dress on after a depressive episode.
No. 565144
>>565139That's a nice mindset to have, anon. I really wish I could have thought this way, too. But it's also this weird fact on how whenever I would befriend a chubby woman, they would always start throwing their insecurities at me and jealousy. I don't know why every relationship with chubby-chans would turn into
toxic ones, when I would never do or say anything bad but exist. I don't treat people like garbage, and even if I think they're garbage, I keep it to myself and just not talk to them. So far the only good relationships w fat/chubby-chans that I had were with much older women who are actually sane about it and got their things in mind.
No. 565152
>>565145it's going to be hard for a while, but time heals all wounds. yes you don't want to hear this and just want to get this over with, but you simply have to wait and do your best to keep living and make more memories without him.
also, don't become a shut-in. if you used to go to the restaurant with him, go to the restaurant with a friend or family member. that way your last memory of x activity won't be with him, and some day the last time you did x or went to y with him would be ages ago.
No. 565196
>>565155Second this anon
>>565180 good visual description. I agree for the most part except in selfposters/Erin Painter's case. That farm hand posting her weird thinly veiled threat emails almost killed me.
No. 565321
>>565087weighed blankets are amazing. i'm using mine right now and was literally thinking 10 minutes ago how secure and comfortable i feel.
highly recommend. the only downside is it makes it so much harder to get out of bed in the morning.
No. 565409
>>565401I'm a
toxic person, or maybe I'm not, maybe it's my way of justifying acting bad when I'm already seeing myself as bad. I cannot say no and see myself as good at the same time. Anyway, think about why you have ever said a comment about some girl who was wearing a bad outfit or something like that. Nobody cares about her, it's just funny to point out other's fuck ups. People laugh, we bond in us vs them laughter, certain behavior is rejected and other behavior is accepted to build a sense of community. You are not good, you are not bad. Statistically, you are liked by some and disliked by others. You cannot change this. You can cope with this by adopting fuck you i'm edgy like me, you can "i'm baby" 23 year old woman with pastel hair your way into trying not to receive criticism because you're so openly vulnerable, or just live with the fact that we humans like to pass comment and none of it is actually relevant. i find it interesting that you seem to have used this site before to follow a cow (not knowing about advice threads) but you admit to taking it hard when someone makes a small comment. Do you make those comments about cows too? Do you read and laugh at comments? This isn't necessarily bad behaviour, literally nobody doesn't indulge in this.
No. 565552
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>>565534lobe piercing? are you sure you named a right one? it shouldn't take more than 6-8 weeks and it's still being very generous with time, often 1 month is enough.
No. 565574
>>565565To me unconventionally attractive has a lot to do with personality, and if you’re charming in general people will gravitate towards you and start to find you attractive. I’ve had many crushes where on first glance I wasn’t attracted to them at all but once I got to know them I found them exponentially more attractive.
In terms of just physical features I would say has to do with having one or two non “ideal” features with the rest being conventional kek. Or at least having your other features balance the rest of your face out.
No. 565591
>>565565You have to figure out what aesthetic suits you best. Not to say that if wearing goth style suits you but you feel insecure wearing it you have to deal, because if you feel uncomfortable you'll look it. I think convention is just a term used to describe someone at ease. There's so many conventional beauties that are all styled and look different. They just wear the look so well they become hallmarks.
Although, being thin with curves, having clear skin, thick hair, a symmetrical face with well balanced features can't hurt anyone.
No. 565626
>>565615Most likely, KF is a cancerous cesspool. How old is he? Does he actually post, or just lurk? If it's the latter, it might be not be so bad if he's just looking at cows.
If he's actually involving himself in that community and/or talking about daily life, he's in for a bad time.
No. 565633
>>565626he's 16 and i don't know if he has an account but from the quick glance on his history i just saw him browsing a bunch of threads, that's it. i know i cannot act all high and mighty because i use LC myself but i'm already fucked up and don't want him to read some autistic KF thread and think whatever bullshit they're spouting there is true.
anyway, i will try to look more when i get the chance to see if he actually has an account. i hope he just lurks tho
No. 565692
>>565689It feels good to be "better than" someone I'm interested in, however imaginary and delusional the whole thing is, because largely relationships in my life have been me being abused, lashing out and getting abused again. I know they'd obviously be
abusive too but it's just clinging to an extreme ideal from being made to feel extremely victimised. Sometimes it's just attention seeking though, which is gay
No. 565693
>>565679Idk if this counts but my mom tearfully screeched that I "could care less" about her feelings, and my response was just "It's '
couldn't care less.'"
No. 565747
>>565679Told my mom a few times that she should've aborted me. Harsh I know, but I had a lot of trauma and mental health issues growing up (and still do) and it's clear that my parents had no interest in really dealing with it. "Talk to your therapist" was their go to response whenever I was distressed.
Also called my aunt an cunt once. But it was right after she called me a bitch. My family is fucked up.
No. 565804
>>565679When I was little my mom had the habit to kiss me goodnight with a peck on the lips. When I was 14 I she kept doing it and I remember being half asleep once when she did it and I said "ewww gross".
She never did it again.
No. 565811
>>565647I've gotten additional lobe piercing this year late February and switched to dangly earrings about 3 months later, obviously not 24/7 but these few hours I was wearing them I had zero issue. You are right it's very personal how fast your skin would heal, OP mentioned having surgery so that definitely would prolong the process, but generally I think if the recommended time has passed and you don't feel pain putting in heavier earrings it should be fine.
I still would maybe take something small for a change if necessary if i was going out with biggest and heaviest hoops ever bc im paranoid but generally 3+ months seems optimal, maybe double that time bc of anon's surgery.
No. 565848
>>565829e-girl's whole identity is being fuhmale on the internet which as we all know, isn't for girls.
you're zoomer, literally everyone your age is online. most don't know shit about computer or the internet outside of brain rot for the masses. addicted to twitter? e-girl. 50 hrs in animal crossing? e-girl. ironic blingee edits? e-girl. into revival 90's fash? e-girl.
No. 565894
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>>565799Egirl is an aesthetic started by girls online but
>>565852 makes it really obvious that social definitions and the reflection of them in media is run by men, egirls were a thing on instagram and musicly for a while but guys online only started paying attention to the label when there was a crossover between egirl styles and what they call thots. Now when men look at egirls instead of recognizing an organically female-created aesthetic movement they just see a porn category.
It's like how many normie men only know what cosplay is because they saw it in porn, so they think all cosplayers will readily suck their dick.
>inb4 hi radfem even though I'm not hating on SWs No. 565902
>>565679My dad told me not to have kids because "it's not rewarding like people say it is" Me and my sibling are perfectly fine adults and we weren't particularly difficult kids either so god knows what his problem was. I was 29 and in a long term stable relationship when he said it to me.
Shitty to feel like my own parent would never feel happy for me if I started my own family. My mom died a couple years prior so I had such a moment of just feeling like I had no intimate connection to family and might never get it back.
No. 565909
>>565852>twitch subscrazy how some of the biggest e-girls are actually dudes
don't define women this way
No. 565914
>>565679My dad got cancer and he said that I was the reason due to all the stress I gave him
he died within a few years, like less than 2
I don't even remember if we were on good terms after that conversation
No. 565925
>>565679Mom used to go into extreme detail about her (admittedly) traumatic birth, when I was about 4 or 5, and I felt guilty for causing her that much pain. She used to say that she didn't want children and that just added to the guilt.
Then, when I was about 12, she said that she wished she aborted me when she had the chance.
She used to always call me selfish when I was the one staying awake all night (and failing at school because I was tired) because she'd get stupid drunk and I'd have to put her to bed and clean up after her. It wasn't the worst thing she'd ever said, but it was the projection that drove me kinda insane. She was selfish, not me.
I haven't spoken to her in years and I'm finally happy with my life.
No. 565960
>>565944pretty much. i think european portuguese sounds ugly as shit and québecois french is challenging most of the time, but if they speak in the "official" dialect then it's no biggie.
just like english, if the accent is too thick and the slang is too local, it can be unintelligible.
No. 565965
>>565679my mom was pretty agressive and violent for most of my life, and it got worse when my father passed away. she also hated how my coping mechanism was to bury and hide my emotions, esp sadness. arguments got nastier on her end because she wanted to create an "electric shock" within me so i'd stop whatever behavior and show emotions for her own ego.
relationship got very bitter on my end so i called her fat (she'd always bring up her weight as well as mine), dumb (difficult educational background), and said i didn't care about her weak tears while she was crying.
our relationship is much better thanks to distance, time, and me finding the words to explain how she made me feel for so long.
No. 566012
>>565988its so people don't start using coloreds as shorthand again
people are fine saying whites, blacks, asians
but saying coloreds harkens back to a time where that was shorthand for lesser
No. 566034
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dont need it but i have wanted it for months now…… should i just buy it? its on sale right now
No. 566040
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>>566016True but it's also a genuine race in South Africa, pic related a group of Cape Colored people
No. 566059
>>566050Yes I am old enough to remember black having a negative connotation and the term African American taking its place. Maybe in the 90s. But I feel like there's nothing wrong with black so I went back to using it at some point. Or at least I think there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.
Plus a lot of people are from all over and I can't look at someone and know where they are from. They could be AA, African, Cape Veridian, afro-Latin, etc.
I autistically don't want to offend.
(Reposted to fix typo)
No. 566095
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I've been under the impression for all of my life that to have cold sores, you have to have some from of the herpes virus, because the virus is what causes cold sores. Is that correct or incorrect?
Earlier I was discussing with my husband the stigma around cold sores and how they're inaccurately associated with high sexual activity, sexual promiscuity, bad hygiene, etc. when that's rarely the case, especially with HPV. He mentioned that he'd had cold sores (or a cold sore, I can't remember exactly) before even though he didn't (or thought he didn't) have any form of herpes, STDs, or STIs. I told him that he'd have to have some form of the virus, even if transmitted non-sexually, to have a cold sore. He denied and responded saying that he got tested before we became sexually active (he had a sexual history but I didn't, I lost my virginity to him) and that the results for "everything" came up negative, but he didn't specify "everything" he was tested for. I got my mandatory HPV vaccines as a teenager but it's possible, if I'm correct, that he could be carrying some form of herpes and have no idea. For our own sake, which one of us is correct? Is there anything else that I'm missing?
No. 566104
>>566095I had cold sores way before becoming sexually active, my immune system was shitty.
You should ask this question elsewhere kek
No. 566124
>>566110My father is in a bad way and in a nursing home. I don't tell people though because it gets awkward and they ask questions. I'd rather just not talk about it.
So not weird.
No. 566128
>>566112>>566114Thank you both, I needed to hear that! The friends I told I knew were mature enough to understand I didn't want people to know, the others just get their panties in a twist acting like I am some mysterious bitch. It's not only very unsettling to talk about him but it feels freeing to just not tell, I think I'm gonna carry on with that.
>>566124 sorry about your dad, anon it feels easier to just not tell and have that "space" so to speak where that doesn't exist and no one pities you
No. 566218
>>566217In spirit and skin tone, yes
But he was from the middle east so more than likely tan skinned
No. 566222
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>>566218So something like this?
No. 566243
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>>566195I'm sure they're very proud of you. Hell I'm a high school dropout with a GED. I know I'm not the person my parents expected and wanted me to be, but I don't sweat it. I am making the best of my life so it's fine. I hope you overcome these self-doubts, Anon!
No. 566245
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Why do normies cry/get angry when they get their information leaked when they are openly racist on their public social media accounts where they have their full name, school they go to, and just about anything that you shouldn't even share online? I don't understand. Especially when they see other racists get doxxed, they continue to do it. How much of a dumbass can you be?
No. 566250
>>566246>>566247yeah, kek. "Look at me, total strangers, I'm at this bar right now and will be there for the next two hours"? wtf are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself raped and murdered?
I don't know if it's because I'm from the based generation (early internet, parents told us to never tell information and anybody you talked on internet was actually pedo in hiding out to groom you) but I just want to check some sens into these girls.
No. 566323
>>566300lol I like how you treat men as some interesting alien creatures that can entartain you sometimes maybe. I support this.
>>566298I think that, of all, proves women are attracted to men. Attraction is much more than just "he's good-looking". With women, I think almost every woman is pretty but that's shallow attraction. When I get attracted to a man, it's always deeper and more complicated than just the face. I'm seeing a guy rn and my friend literally told me I don't want to take pictures with him because his face is ugly lol. I can acknowledge he's not objectively handsome but still I'm attracted to him very much, and I genuinely like his features. It's honestly all so complex
No. 566329
>>566298attraction is a complex topic for me but i think more women are attractive than men. women simply are more beautiful and sexier.
while i think my bf is adorable and cute and i like his body, i'm not delusional and don't show him to people more than necessary. but since i find so many men "meh", appearance isn't the main thing for me.
No. 566334
>>566298I'm straight and I would say a lot of my attraction to men relies on non-physical attributes. Most men aren't really that eyecatching to me and if I passed them on the street I wouldn't think twice, but if I got to know them and it turns out that they're funny, charming, kind, etc. then I will start to feel attracted to him even if he's not necessarily a perfect 10/10.
Also men that aren't literal models or actors often photograph terribly lmao. Even cute guys I know IRL always look sort of awkward or goofy in pictures.
No. 566352
>>566298Unfortunately, yeah. But I can admit men (especially the little rat men I find attractive) are less aesthetically pleasing in a conventional sense than almost all women. In fact I'd say the ugliness juxtaposed with just a few harmless/endearing features (small frame, large eyes) is what attracts me to males at all and fascinated me artistically for years.
All of that said, I do prefer women and wish I was also a lesbian. And I enjoy unconventional/"frumpy" women just as much haha.
No. 566454
>>566451from what i’ve seen, karen is a white women who plays
victim, doesn’t mind her business, or is racist. i’m pretty sure it was started by black women after the permit patty thing went viral as a universal name for women like that.
>>566453i heard using a gua sha helps with face fat. never tried it though.
No. 566458
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How do I stop being horny all the time? I feel like a freak.
No. 566483
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>>566222>>566217This is what a typical man from his region and background looked like 2000 years ago. It's not literal rendering of jesus but this is closer to what he would have looked like than a white blonde man with flowing locks or a black man.
No. 566522
>>566499I feel like an idiot cause I can never get it right
>>566500Can you recommend any specific app?
No. 566597
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is there any simple word for these showers with benches? every time I search that in apartments it takes all results away so I have to look through them. also is it impossible to get an apartment with one without it being over priced luxury ones? feels like it
No. 566600
>>566597You could try making one
Something simple out of PVC–but covered in some sort of laminated marble pattern plastic sheet to match the design the shower
The thing you have to look for is some sort of 3/4 bath with only a shower and no tub
No. 566611
>>566610I doubt I'd get a good answer on an imageboard
I was hoping for some sort of lecture or some online video forum
No. 566626
>>566623>I'm wondering if I should limit my bf's calorie intakeUh oh
>I cook all meals and dessertsOh thank god. It's from a place of love.
>>566625He's a shitty man but as you said a neet. You're definitely doing a lot better than him and haven't an obligation to say a word and an olive branch may be snapped by a man whose ego you hurt. Does he deserve an apology? You have to sit with this question with yourself
No. 566629
>>566628These were dark, yes.
He hasn't mentioned them so I guess he doesn't care enough to vocalize but as someone who went from 240 lbs to 140, I worry I only overcook since used to weigh more and feed my siblings
No. 566634
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>>566498If you're on windows is a free image editor or you can pirate Photoshop. There's many ways to add a tint to an image but the quickest way of doing it is by gradient mapping.
No. 566749
File: 1591511875140.jpeg (65.23 KB, 1200x675, 50A504D1-F78C-463E-900D-82FB1B…)

What would you do if imageboards stopped existing?
No. 566872
>>566869Check your hormones, especially thyroid.
I control better my emotions when I started to take HTP-5, it helped with my serotonin levels (but research/read about it if you want to take it). Also work on my emotions/thoughts helped a lot, you will have these strong emotions but you can learn not to fuel these with thoughts, and you don't need to act on them if you don't want to. When you gonna gain control over your emotions, they won't act so strongly anymore.
No. 566903
>>566824not every time someone makes an exagerration or a joke is it bait. like
>HURR DURR IS THIS BAIT?!?!you tell us queen
No. 566919
>>566913Depends if you're alone or with a partner. Loft aren't supposed to have many walls/doors.
I refuse them because I know I would end up murdering my so about videogames noises at 11pm when I'm winding down. I need the damn walls and doors.
No. 566927
>>566924are you sensitive to topics of mental illness, parental/adult expectations on kids, abuse, and less straight forward media? if so yes
i watched it when i was younger with little experience or self awareness and it barely moved me, while others of the same age i was at the time were destroyed…who knows
No. 566934
>>566932be careful, then. if you use it as escapism it's pretty sad overall. make sure not to watch it on bad days, watch it during the day and don't watch too many episodes in one sitting.
it's interesting and iconic but it's not doraemon.
No. 566942
>>566924>>566927I don't think NGE can be fully enjoyed to its best extent until you're closer to 30. Most people say that they saw it as a teen (aged 14-20) and thought it was bland and pretentious, but fell in love after rewatching it at 25+. Happened to me as well. You really need to see it from an adult's perspective to "get" the dialogue, character motivations and narrative it lays at your feet. Hideaki Anno was a clinically depressed, disillusioned 30-35 year old when he was writing the series and that's probably why it resonates with the like-minded demographic so much.
However I don't think NGE is depressing. It's more like peer support fiction for depressed people.
No. 566949
>>566749Become an irl effortposter.
>>566783I know instantly.. I wouldn't bother with someone who doesn't give me that rare, unmistakable, special, seemingly mutual feeling. Maybe this is part of the reason why i'm forever alone.
No. 566972
>>566962IRL I guess mostly being forced to do things, spanking, choking. Never liked anything that was a sharp pain.
But then when I read erotica it is straight up snuff/torture porn. I don’t necessarily feel guilty about it, because I don’t want to be the one doing it. But still pretty fucked up to get off to the idea of getting hanged while being raped anally. Lol obviously most people would not consider that bdsm anymore.
No. 566999
>>566972sounds like suicidal thoughts and self harm based on sexual abuse. go to therapy, anon, before you get trapped in a sexually
abusive relationship.
No. 567014
>>567007You probably wouldn't want your dad or mom to suck your tits–how do people think about getting off when their children get involved?
It SHOULD be the same premise but they are younger, and if them being younger changes things, you've got more to worry about
No. 567068
>>567039look at the self cow thread, there are so many lifelong cum dumps on here
scrotes were right
No. 567073
It feels hopeless but it isn’t. 35 isn’t even that bad, not lolcow approved but not anywhere close to despicable.
>inb4 seething roastie scroteposts Cease all porn use immediately. Cease casual sex. Abstain from masturbation. Only consume relatively wholesome romance that connects with you emotionally. After a month (or longer depending on how much you coomed before), maybe try training yourself to get off using vanilla imagination. However it’s critically important that you stop masturbating immediately if in the middle of it your thoughts start slipping into
abusive fantasies.
It’ll be hard and you’ll relapse but honestly, it changed my life. I was so pornsick I just radiated “worthless bpd fuckhole” energy and guess the type of dudes that get attracted to that. As with all things, through discipline, I think about the fucked up shit less and less. Every now and then I get exposed stimulus, but the chimp like id arousal becomes more and more subdued. I have almost reverted back to a state of being before porn. Kdrama-like romantic gestures excite me, being spoiled and doted on and pursued excite me, holding hands excite me, good long back rubs can almost make me cum. It’s great. It feels fucking good to cum without the “I’m disgusting” afterthought. It feels good to cum when you feel loved.
No. 567210
>>567209Thanks anon. Genuine tinder and letting men fuck because you're bored is terrible but i'm fine with the very few hookups i've had so far. Get in and out if he's sexy and you're up for it, no need to fool around with a relationship for a while for any reason, only thing that still fools me for the relationship meme is consistent good dick and i still bail kek!
>the emotional damage the average person will experience from it really pales compared to the damage of a bad or failed relationshipAbsolutely, some people see sex as so sacred and can't fathom that to some people, a relationship really is just more risky.
No. 567217
File: 1591600620528.gif (500.09 KB, 498x498, IMG_8161.GIF)

For most of my life so far I've never really had a singular 'passion'. My hobbies changed every 3 months, with me obsessing from one and then moving on to the next thing.I often lose the friends I made when I joined a hobby since I often leave them once I leave the hobby . How do I stop doing this?
No. 567226
>>567220I have always been a really empatehic person, but over years I started being more tough and less naive. Basically, I stopped taking anyones bullshit and wiping everyone's asses unless it's a close friend. Over time I also realized that the less people are around you, the better. Internet lets people be lying bastards or dramaqueens because they can't do the same thing IRL.
I feel bad for any sort of a random, sure, but I stopped being a whiteknight in shining armor who would 'slide into dms' to listen to their problems. I'd rather take care of a good, trustworthy friend than a random who would eventually use me as a nothing but shoulder to cry on 24 / 7.
No. 567257
File: 1591609529957.png (655.91 KB, 1171x633, Capture.PNG)

Looking at the Taylor swift clip for you need to calm down.
Is it me or is this supposed to be a swastika at 1:24 ? What the symbolic? Shooting arrow on it ? But it only looks like a swastiska when the arrow get there.
I tried to look it up but I only end up with press about how she was in a picture with a guy in swatiska shirt (accidentally).
No. 567270
>>567258I really don't get it.
The clip has really high production value, it feels really expensive to shoot and edit. It can't be a mistake, it's a choice but I don't get what it means.
No. 567293
>>567257>>567258god i hate that i know this it’s supposed to be a “5” as in track 5, which ended up being “the archer” on that album. she/her team likes to drop hints like this pre-release and “track 5” is like a thing for her as in it’s usually the most emotional off the record
either way they should have definitely gone with a color other than red for the target and definitely not such a black and blocky 5. really confusing
No. 567298
>>567293Oh, thanks for the explanation, anon, it really was a headscratcher.
It was actually even more swastika like to me because of that 5 who really looks like an S (like in SS).
Maybe it's because I'm eurofag so I've seen a lot of this degenerate imagery.
No. 567307
Go outside, to nature especially.
No matter how introverted you are, you need to go outside at least 2 times a week.
I've been in the same situation, sitting all day in room will make you feel worse mentally and physically.
You don't need to socialize, just go to nature and take a deep breath
No. 567318
>>567303yes yes yes and yes.
also, move more. no you don't have to become a fitness legend, but go on walks. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever. especially if you feel anxious or sad.
grab a coffee or even just a small bottle of juice from the store and sit outside for a bit while drinking it.
read a book in a park.
just sit there listening to music.
anything. it really helps.
No. 567372
>>567343I get mine on 1337x. is, it gets me my normie non fiction and fiction english books alike. I'll also give a try to the good old thepiratebay, it still has the odd ebook I can't find anywhere.
If I need something french, I'll go to or fourtoutici .top (dunno if it's your interest but I'll put it out for other anons anyway.
I wish I could find somewhere with textbooks and academic books, so if anyone have that in their pocket, pls share.
No. 567373
I'm not baiting I swear, not a transphobe or super conservative either. Can someone explain to me in plain terms why drag queens aren't cancelled?
I used to love RPDR and follow drag queens, I loved the performance art and the costumes, appreciated the effort they put in and liked the popularisation of sort of blurring gender lines, buuut I think their terms and how they present themselves are really problematic. AFAIK drag queens mainly identify as male, but their representation of women is often bimbo like? And thye'll use female specific slurs like cunt and bitch, and it left a bad taste in my mouth when I realised the term "fish", to indicate someone is female passing, is referencing vagina smell rather than like a fish pout as I previously thought.
And I mean, why is it OK for men to be referencing truly looking like a woman like this? Moreover, why is it accepted as a super progressive thing? If it's FROM men, and ABOUT women, it isn't reclaiming slurs in any way, it just feels like one of many ways women are demeaned.
But it's done in suuuch an overt way and is so widely accepted by progressive people that I feel like I'm missing a trick here, you know?
No. 567376
>>567373because they're men and progressive people love to suck dick
i also think a lot of progressive clueless followers believe drag queens are trans women because they are stupid
No. 567406
>>567381They’re not just like icky straight men,
they’re worse.
No. 567408
>>567392IRC is cool but I don't like the fact you can't really browse.
You have to know the book you want before going in.
… I guess I should go showrooming in libraries but it feels like such a cunty thing to do.
No. 567422
>>567409I Only feel weird about masturbating to someone I haven’t slept with. If we have fucked before it’s fair game tbh.
But I would not give a shit personally if someone wanked off to my pictures.
No. 567427
>>567415Same, anon. I'm a writer and I feel like I'm sexualizing someones perfectly good character and guilt-trip myself over it.
>>567419Well I'm a lesbian so I think it's harder because I have some kind of complex about "perpetuating the male gaze" (stupid, I know).
No. 567478
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Does anyone have tips on writing a good essay? preferably on the argumentative kind of essay. Im stuck on it and i dont know what to do you guys…My writing is bad and i cant form an argument worth shit.
No. 567501
>>567447I'll pee in the bath and stew comfortably in the warmness of it.
What are you, some kind of precious princess?
No. 567610
File: 1591659218428.png (2.07 MB, 1080x2280, PNG image.png)

Is catcalling an America thing? I hear a lot of women say they’ve been catcalled in their life, even saying that getting catcalled at 9/10 is fairly common, but I’m 18 and I’ve never been catcalled in my life (probably because I live in a mainly Muslim area and my family making sure that the only skin I showed was my collarbone and arms). Am I just a very rare exception who’ll probably just get catcalled later in life, or is it not as conman as some women make it out to be?
No. 567617
>>567610That's funny. I'm muslim and wear a hijab and have gotten cat called. Not in my neighborhood though, in the city while at uni. It's not a compliment in any way to be cat called and you should consider yourself lucky to have never had to experience it.
>>567615Muslim countries are notorious for having men come up to you and literally try to marry you while wearing acid wash jeans and having gelled up hair and smelling like a mix of sweat and nicotine, thinking you'd be flattered.
No. 567638
>>563330Why are there so many finnish people on lolcow? I'm just surprised I never see anyone else from Northern Europe poke their heads out much on here but for some reason it's suomi nation up in here.
No hate obviously but really curious.
No. 567644
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>>567638I've noticed this on other imageboards too, I thought it's illusory and I just pay more attention to it since I'm originally Finnish myself but this can't explain it, I have counted and it's like 4 Finns for each Swede or Norwegian anon. Why??
No. 567719
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I don't understand interest rates. If I put $5000 in a savings account with a 2.8% interest rate, do I get 2.8% of the balance every month or every year?
Some bank accounts say interest is paid monthly, does that mean I get 2.8% of the balance monthly, or does it mean over 1 year I will get 2.8% of my average balance back?
No. 567725
>>567610It seems a lot worse in America. I've lived in the UK and around central and eastern Europe, the worst over there was Turkish men staring at you in Vienna, I had a dude pull up by me at night too. It was also the biggest city I lived in though. Oh also when I was 13-16 and a pudgy awkward girl, I had a spike in catcalls then for some reason.
America was terrible. The moment my bf was out of sight I had dudes chasing me down. Once I even speedwalked ahead to get into a shop and the guy FOLLOWED, I snuck around the aisles to lose him. I've wandered around EE shitholes at night, but I have never felt so unsafe due to being a woman as I did in America. I genuinely did not want to go out at night on my own.
I never understood the awful anecdotes about being pursued until I went to America and realised most of those experiences probably came from there.
No. 567744
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>>567649That last part made me wanna scream anon
No. 567752
>>567610I'm 26 and American and I've only gotten catcalle a couple of times in my life. I guess I'm too ugly like
>>567616 said
No. 567983
>>567975seconding this, I have dyscalculia and this is something I experience. It might also be a related thing like dyspraxia.
>>567978Same. I was only diagnosed in my early 20s and I think my life would have been way different if I'd gotten support for it as a child. I was a reasonably smart kid in most areas but my teachers all thought I was lazy or stupid because certain things just wouldn't click for me.
No. 568276
>>568237MexAm anon here, I don't feel like shelling out for genetics tests so I just ask around in my extended family. I found out a few interesting things but typically digging into Mexican heritages is boring because it's like, our options are "Mostly White European" or "Mostly Native" and we all have some small time war general or crooked politician/religious figure in our past lol
If you're interested in your specific genetic makeup more than your family history, the test might be worth it for you. You can also try looking up the population demographics of your parents hometowns! Sorry for blog response
No. 568518
>>568511Because Stacy is a compliment with positive connotations, even if it's used out of resentment/jealousy. Karen is an insult and has been adopted by men as their go to excuse to be sexist.
I don't know who you think is going to be offended by it, but no actual Stacy would be insecure enough to give a fuck about being praised for their top tier looks and popularity with a stereotyped name.
No. 568519
File: 1591845317036.jpg (24.64 KB, 428x494, 1553794204984.jpg)

How come males use a lot of anime girl reaction images but girls don't use cute anime boys reaction images?
No. 568521
>>568519I have spongebob reaction memes
Is he a cute anime boy
No. 568540
>>568537samefag, i found this quote about the foundation
“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America."
can anyone break this down for me. it seems like gibberish to me (i'm not at all discrediting the blm movement by the way)
No. 568544
>>568540It sounds like they give out money to struggling black focused areas
whether it's people attempting to do something for the black community, organizations trying to do something for the black community, or businesses
Think of BLM as the government–the money is going to government organizations like the department of education or the IRS
Only in this case, I'm not as able to talk about specifics because I don't know which places the funds are going.
But if you REALLY wanted to know, you'd ask them directly instead of asking for more information from a fucking imageboard of all places.
No. 568552
>>568486kek, this sounds plausible but too evil for me. I suppose watching the twilight movie together works.
>>568511males are braindead. when they get their hands on an acceptable term to spew misogyny, they go apeshit. people spam karen like boomer now. it's divorced from it's original meaning and is annoying as fuck to hear. otoh, stacy is a piece of lingo that means beautiful and has positive connotation since beauty is valued.
No. 568570
File: 1591854150764.gif (8.53 MB, 637x637, source.gif)

Has anyone seen the 06ep of The Good Fight? It has a story line about transfem getting into women sport competitions, the unfairness of it and how you can't talk about it without getting dogpiled.
Holy shit, I always thought it was a lefty show to the core. Are even leftist peaking?
No. 568668
>>568630I think you can make paper out of hemp so maybe that? Can't think of anything else.
>>568659I only usually close it after I take a dump to be honest. Urine is sterile and it's my urine anyway so I don't fucking care honestly. I'm pretty lax with these things however.
No. 568685
File: 1591874022834.png (1.43 MB, 1191x692, troonfight.PNG)

>>568648It's last season, s4e06. Also they picked a regular looking troon (like he's not ideous, but you see it's an actually troon complete with proeminent lower jaw) with the patented deep voice to play the troon part.
It's like bizarro world. I'm a big fan of the Good Fight (was since The good wife actually) but it has always felt very lefty preachy. This really cam out of the left field for me (no pun intented).
No. 568744
File: 1591884642134.png (592.42 KB, 680x423, pic.png)

>>568739Honestly, the whole fact that she is trying to dress up like me is laughable alone. I wear only dresses because my closet is filled with them, barely having any t-shirts or hoodies, but Im a big fan of shorts.
She is a very fat-chan who seems to be around 70kg if not more, while I am a fit-chan… Dresses that she wears look like pic related on her. But the hands area is veryyyy tight and shorter.
But yeah! I wore shorts today at work, she didn't come today but co-worker took a picture of us. Not gonna be surprised if the next day she will show up with shorts.
I have read about grey treatment earlier, it's pretty nice but It'll be difficult to get used to it ngl.
No. 568745
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>>568519I do use manga dudes reaction images sometimes. Videogame dudes as well.
No. 568764
>>568762I know, right?
I had to cringe hard. Even if that were true, the response was so petty.
No. 568765
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>>568519I try to but they’re not as widely available? I’m gonna curate my own folder lol
No. 568781
File: 1591889406426.png (1.47 MB, 1440x1080, Azumanga Diaoh - Episode 17 [1…)

I'm a lonely girl in Sweden. I don't speak Swedish so I don't have a job. I'd like to make some friends IRL or Online, online would be fine. Anyone have suggestions for how to go about doing this? Thankyou!
No. 568802
>>568796I am dating a guy, that's how I came here, from Australia. He's also introverted, though.
Technically I can get on reasonably well with English, but it's a major barrier to work.
No. 568813
>>568802Ah, I'm jealous. My bf and I want to move to Sweden (or anywhere in EU) but neither of us have any connections there. Do you need to be a citizen to work, or just speak Swedish?
>>568808I'm actually ESL and it's always funny to see what "hi esl"-chans flag as bad English…
No. 568846
>>568732 I compete in international fencing, there is all groups there including old people, we do not fight against them. This one man who would NOT shut up about his sex life to me met a woman at a gangbang orgy, for the first 4 months all he did was make fun of her " Bukkake Queen'. The men would put money in the pint jar, cum on her and she got to keep the COINS, she also pretends she is dinner lady for fun. I told him she is hard up for cash you are wealthy she id doing all this degrading things with you to be IN your life, she made you block many female friends or she won't drink your piss. she was arguing about me with him for 3 fucking years. The dude invited me to an orgy and made is VERY obvious he liked me, after a fencing comp she was giving me evil states I guessed she was a 60 year old cluster B and was super nice to her ( she would have looked insane if she lashed out) she waited till I was in the car park and made threats. I told her step back no one takes a whore seriously are you going to carry on making violent threats or shall i ring the police? I am not rolling around with a 60 year old woman over a man that I made clear I had no interest in. I told him to control her. she put her face into mine and said I will make sure you will NEVER EVER have the chance to speak to him again. I told her HE INVITED ME TO ORGIES, and had a code for when you were about. HE was always contacting ME! she then said I must give up fencing? This year I won silver, before that GOLD, his squad are elderly co can't do much moves nor do they visit other countries etc. i said NOPE NO WAY, He can stay if he stops harassing me, if you come along I will get you banned, we are on CCTV camera and I made a recording of your threats. They both left. The hubris of him thinking I would be interested in his 70 year old cock. kek.
No. 568859
>>568858 stop getting so
triggered, just ignore my posts.
No. 568880
File: 1591903928547.jpg (111.94 KB, 425x282, crime.jpg)

Why do so many women love true crime? 90% of women I've met from the ages of 25-65 just eat it up. I know of famous cases and have read a little about them, but I don't go listening to podcasts or watch true crime channels or read murder mystery books.
No. 568883
>>568880The other anon hit the nail on the head. Women are often the
victims of violent crime so the fascination could probably be linked for their desire to survive.
No. 568901
>>568880Definitely agree with anons, being a woman = having to constantly worry about being raped, killed, kidnapped, attacked, etc. Men don't have to keep safety in the back of their head at all times.
Podcasts and tv shows give women a "safe place" where they can live out their worst fears and try to understand them from every possible angle. It can make us feel neurotic, but we also feel more prepared for the world in a way.
No. 568913
>>568909I just tell guys from the start. I kind of mention it at an appropriate time on the first or second date or while we are texting. I mention it kinda casually, maybe list some symptoms if they aren't too familiar, etc. Then we continue the conversation and see that I am otherwise a pretty normal person.
Telling them as soon as possible also helps to weed out a certain portion of insensitive and dumbass people which is a bonus.
No. 568963
File: 1591922679140.png (38.14 KB, 706x308, sigh.PNG)

I recently found r/TruFemcels on reddit. Just reading through the posts on there make me feel paranoid as hell of men and relationships, like the comment attached here. I'm 18 and I don't have any relationship experience. Is this post and other comments made by femcels true or accurate?
No. 568970
>>568963Men won’t even commit to beautiful women so no, this take isn’t entirely true.
I’m sure there are loving men out there, there must be, but I’ve yet to find one.
Who knows. Wish I could offer comfort.
No. 568975
>>568880Because it's interesting. And because, like others have said, it's a sort of safety in an odd way. Watching true crime stories and the perpetrators getting caught makes women who themselves have been
victims feel slightly better.
No. 568981
>>568963>Is this post and other comments made by femcels true or accurate?Cheating is the cheater's decision and not the other partner's fault. Vent spaces like r/TruFemcels don't offer much. The femcel and lookism subreddits are incredibly autistic, though may have slivers of common sense.
>I'm 18 and I don't have any relationship experience.If you're around average, your looks won't seriously affect your chances. Being wary of men (especially when dating) is necessary, but don't let it balloon into paranoia. Without knowing your personal circumstances, focus on building your career and friendships. Reach a place where you're okay being single. Also read Lundy Bancroft's Why Does He Do That? to learn about
abusive men.
No. 568987
>>568971Exactly this. Incels/Femcels are unable to step outside of themselves and see how their insecurities are affecting how they interact with people, and instead adopt a
victim narrative so they can avoid any self reflection.
No. 568988
File: 1591929834011.jpg (207.23 KB, 750x737, extfU6D.jpg)

Is there a point in getting diagnosed with aspergers? I've suspected for a few years now that I have the 'tism…
Pic related– I was actually being conservative when answering.
No. 569065
>>568982anon it's not worth it, you're just going to wind up injured lol. basic training is the hardest shit I've ever put my body through, and they've made it harder since I was in. Unless you are willing to spend ~6 months training on your own before you even ship out to basic, your bones
will get fucked. The standards are the same for all privates, no matter what job you are enlisting for or what section of the army (regular army/reserve/national guard). You also have to maintain these standards, so you'd have to change your entire lifestyle as well. Just get a retail job and be really really careful about washing your hands and disinfecting your clothing and anything else you bring home, and quarantining anything that cannot be easily wiped down. Be diligent about wearing a mask.
No. 569184
File: 1591976594953.gif (5.62 MB, 320x240, 9BE13D7D-FB94-4C4A-9BC4-F5D1B7…)

>>569174Kek. Share the deetz then anon ffs.
No. 569213
>>569209Are the people who use tumblr now a little… chilled out than before? I wouldn't want to get dogpilled because I said something wrong.
Otherwise I like tumblr better too because IG is pretty image-based while tumblr is good for writing.
No. 569222
>>569210Or don't bother since there's nothing.
One video of a rickety old man playing with a toy and lots of his strange daughter self promoting.
No. 569239
>>569238Well now I know about it. Hasn't been active in a few weeks tho. I didnt mean to get too descriptive but I had to be more specific lol
>>569234I am not coma anon
>>569232This is the plan. Hope it works.
No. 569254
>>569174But anon he's not hooked on benzos..silly. He's having a totally rare and extreme reaction that so isn't addiction.. it just really really looks and sounds like addiction
Isn't he the guy always telling people to own up to their shit and take responsibility? Like it's one of his main spiels. The fucking irony
No. 569286
>>569098you have to be 18 to post here. i got nearly a perfect score on the SAT using the ALEKS college alegbra course & taking practice tests. you can find the course free on edx hosted by arizona state university.
looking at the ALEKS website, they actually have an SAT math course. worth checking out but i still swear by the college algebra one.
i didn't study for the writing part, but if you want to just use practice tests. when are you taking it?
No. 569313
File: 1591997072317.jpg (37.79 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg)

Does anyone here have hyperhidrosis? Is there a natural way to solve it?
I've been suffering from it since I was a teenager. I had guys comment on and make disgusted faces when they touched me and felt that my skin was damp and it makes me feel like a monster
No. 569318
>>569297Thanks for the video!! Super helpful!
>>569298Glad to know others are in the same boat! I thought maybe at first I was just really bad at distinguishing the color of my veins and was going crazy but nah I guess I just lean more towards warm lol.
No. 569542
>>569286Anon, I am 18, I failed a year once.
I'm not taking SAT but the entry test for a university I really want to get in and they structure their tests exactly like SAT. The test will be in late August unless it gets delayed due to the corona situation worsening in our country.
I checked the algebra course on edx and it's self paced with I think is nice. Will look into the ALEKS SAT maths course too. I'm extremely bad at maths so it's overwhelming for me. But I really want to get in. Thank you so much for you help, anon.
No. 569555
>>569535Not very in this current climate, I would say.
In the US, the previous President had committed to at least glancing at them if they get enough signatures. Not the case currently.
No. 569705
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How do I grow a tougher skin? I wanna be able to be yelled at or spoken shit to without going in shock. Problem is I’m socially inept with no IRL friends and often quiet.
>inb4 retail
Planning on getting my first job soon and I know it’ll help tremendously but I’m hoping to learn beforehand so I don’t totally shit myself
No. 569710
>>569705It's something that only comes with experience and always stings a bit even through thick skin.
No advice is really helpful but try to take whomever's bad day they're unloading on you as constructive feedback, as in you'll definitely do better next time.
No. 569722
>>569721Could mean that you are really pretty anon
or maybe really ugly.
No. 569757
>>569656You get out of it what you put in
>>569721>Is it some weird way of asserting dominanceUnironically yes
>>569705Learn to gray rock, alternatively, look down on people
No. 569818
>>569816Sorry *idk
>>569817Yeah exactly, and I kind of also feel like a lot of the time it overlaps with other things, like I feel like a lot of manosphere types are also into it and that they tend to have a lot of pseudoscientific/irrational beliefs about health and body image in general
No. 569847
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>>569845when i pee i pee
when you pee you pee
when she pees she pees
when he pees he pees
when it pees it pees
when we pee we pee
when you pee you pee
when they pee they pee
No. 569850
>>569816There's no point of giving it a go unless you yourself are as obssessed with the gym as they are. A lot of them tend to have severe mental issues stemming frim their body image and possible steroid use and it can get
toxic fast.
No. 569879
>>569877NTA but yeah, the young ones especially can be really skinny. Like, thighs the size of a wrist and even smaller than a Japanese girl's.
That said there is some bias there because I'm more likely to notice and remember a scary skinny guy than an average one. They're not all that tiny but they do seem to get to a size I don't often see on guys at home, and big guys are certainly rarer.
No. 569968
>>569962Femcels carry their anger inside. You won't see a femcel shooting up a gym because they fault themselves for being ugly.
This is the fondamental difference between men and women. Even at their most angry, they go "well just fuck everybody and ignore them.
Here, have a poignant femcel essay : No. 569982
>>569961i saw and met more mixed race people in korea, japanese people kept to themselves more so i didnt talk to strangers long enough to get if they were mixed or not. in korea though it was like i was meeting mixed people left and right, at least in seoul lol
in japan two of my close friends are mixed and it all depends how you look. if you look pretty white or black or whatever, you'd be seen as that first and foremost and not mixed or asian. the half white girl would get mistaken as local japanese every once in a blue moon, but she and my other friend were almost always were treated as foreigners. blasians are definitely treated worse. things can get pretty racist, especially behind closed doors.
all in all, they seemed to have decent lives. if anything they are treated kindly, at worst condescendingly, as a foreigner. again im not mixed though so i cant speak for everyones experience
No. 569990
>>569985if you're attractive, you'll be treated well lol. young people seemed pretty chill around foreigners and mixed people. some cringey people might stereotype you esp if you are half-black and try to show off their rapping or something lmao, but most people i met had interests beyond korea and wanted to learn about other cultures.
no matter what, i found koreans to be very kind and welcoming, at least the young people. i didn't stay in korea for long but i made korean friends within days whereas making japanese friends tooks months, if not years lmao.
No. 570005
>>569893>>569933The average in japan for men is 5'7 and 135lbs, meanwhile in korea it's 5'9 and 160lbs (that's close to europe/usa minus the obesity), so yeah big difference. Plus korea is amongst the fastest growing countries, meaning lower average height but many taller young people.
About dating, there are like a gazillion videos on this on yt (usually titled something like "why i left japan/korea" or "why i would never date again…" kek) but in general japanese people/men seem to keep more to themselves (plus only very few speak english) and it's difficult to know how they really think about you because they tend to put on a polite facade while some koreans might be openly rude to you. Japan has many hapa or white girls on tv or as models but they don't really see them as fellow "humans", I also heard about people (normal ones, not our gaijin cows lol) living there for 10+ years who said they do have acquaintances but making true friends who open up to you is close to impossible. Imo korea appears to be a lot more modern and comfortable to live at as a foreigner, also just by the fact alone that they don't have the same "all women must be housewives" viewpoint that japan still has.
No. 570006
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What is tumblr like now, 6 months after the nudity ban?
No. 570013
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Is there a link between high testosterone and liking fat women, or is it just a /fit/fag meme to justify their taste in women to other men?
No. 570017
>>570013Pretty sure there isn’t. But I’ve always felt like I had to watch my weight, appearance and food intake because my parents would make comments all the time, and my ideal type ended up being bigger bodies (not fat though). I think it might be some kind of projection on the other person? I thankfully didn’t become anorexic but I heard that anas tend to overfeed their partners and live vicariously through them.
Maybe, deep down, fit guys want to see someone eat whatever they please and not manage their appearance the way they do?
No. 570046
>>570006It's still the same es ever to me tbh almost every single one of the active people I see are people who are
of course mixed with races (mostly Asian) to kin anime characters but when they post their selfies they are just white, they still make callout posts with screenshots taken out of context (there is now a new term they keep using aka crypto-fascist or crypto-TERF), it also seems like there is this new trend of being mentally ill + a drug addict (as if just pretending to be mentally ill wasn't enough) so the kinnies rb a picture of the anime character they kin and make a delusional "only I am Naruto uzumaki reincarnated" post 3 minutes later, then boast about how many xannies they took today and yesterday and the day before but then tell people not to do drugs and you shouldn't glorify it, bla bla. Also the people who used to be really popular back in 2015-2017 are still on the site and now 21-23 years old and still kinning and still making callout posts while calling everyone a retard and blaming it on their self dxed autism, which is very embarrassing
The most recent drama I witnessed was this basic white girl (literally, so white looking) got called out for faking her race and pretending to be black/arabic, etc. for so many years and even getting her mother to lie for her to her friends but before everyone called her out, they all used to love her and even her friend (who is also popular as hell and also doing some racefaking) used to defend her whenever someone accused her of faking her race even tho it's so obvious that no black or arabic person looks like that lol
In conclusion: everything is still the same for me but less hornyposting on main
No. 570062
>>570051I had a feeling that someone was gonna know it's Amar I am talking about kek
>>570053I was talking about her friend but yes, Lisa is still acting like this is 2016 tumblr as if she isn't a full grown adult now who is old enough to have a job and not rb the nth tumblr callout of the day and tag Marilyn Monroe posts as #me. I do not know if there is actual proof for her racefaking aka her admitting to it because she also somehow convinced her sisters to follow the entire Blasian Mexican Russian gimmick too lol she is obviously Asian but definitely not the other races she claims to be
>>570059Xiii (god that's literally the most retarded fakeboy name ever) is literally the same as Amar but Lisa is defending her like it's her last lifeline (like she did with Amar when people accused her of faking her race) so I cannot wait for Xiii's Black, Asian and Native ass to get called out in the future
No. 570066
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>>570062>old enough to have a job and not rb the nth tumblr callout of the day and tag Marilyn Monroe posts as #mepic related
Honestly she's been at it for like 5 years, isn't she bored? I have no idea how she cares so much in June 2020 to like edit amvs of amars face and think it's anything but sad. She says she has a job but I kind of doubt it
No. 570068
>>570046>>570062Unironically, how did Lisa even get popular? Some of her shitposts are/were funny, but the constant anons licking her ass are kind of excessive.
Is it really as simple as not being white (but claiming Russian for the aesthetic + racefaking as black too because why not I guess), posting heavily filtered selfies and using slurs every two seconds?
No. 570092
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Captioned 'menace to sobriety'
She moved out and lives with her boyfriend or something right? Tbh her and her sisters were always kind of tragic, they're full of smoke and mirrors but they just seem to have had really shitty lives so I kind of don't blame them for acting out online. If i recall correctly her dad got sent to prison for robbing either a bank or a store. Either way her only followers are Slateresque mindless immature addicts, actual 16 year olds or kinnie oldfags like us who return every so often to examine the mess
No. 570093
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>>570066It's pretty depressing tbh I completely understand if someone also had a phase like that a few years ago (because tumblr communities can fuck with you a lot), even I had one and I grew up but she's still going at it and never really moved on. It's like she cannot live without cheap internet drama that no one outside her little bubble gives a fuck about because life isn't all about woke tumblr politics and which 14 year old
abused their partner. The only difference is that she's not that active like she used to be back in 2016 (which was her prime, the cringy "I can read minds and I am a child of the stars" about pages were really something). One thing that's also depressing is that she also got her little sisters into the entire kinnie Tumblr world. They also act the same way as she does (being edgy, saying slurs, etc.) and I don't know if it was also her who managed to get them into this but she said they both were trans at age 13. I'm sure they'll also start posting about doing drugs in a few years like their beloved big sister.
>>570068She used to be very popular back when she first started her Tumblr (idek which year but her blog used to be She was basically known for "cancelling" everyone and everything and attacking people, but one day she decided to delete and I think she came back a year later with another blog (which was probably -*/ and then ( She said she deleted the old one because people were "using a mentally ill kid as their attack dog" aka basically refusing to own up to her shitty behavior and blindly harassing people over internet drama because she is ~sooo mentally ill~ and it's the peoples fault!1!!1!!
On her newer blogs she also used to get into a lot of drama and she was known for canceling a lot of people with Amar. I think she was also the one who wrote the first callout ever or something like that (which was basically her drama with this Lucas dude and then the entire Ackee thing came ( and so on. Back then she also used to boast about abusing Benadryl (even had her own little gang called Benadryl boys) that probably attracted a lot of other kinnies who wanted to be as cool as Lisa-sama and started worshipping her bullshit.
I swear you can make a documentation about this.
>>570092Sorry, deleted the post to correct some typo I made.
>followers are Slateresque mindless immature addicts, actual 16 year olds or kinnie oldfags like us who return every so often to examine the messThis is so true lol they all behave like she does and it's literally like a religion where they worship the infamous Lisa for no other reason except for cool kinnie points.
No. 570145
>>569990>>570005Wow Koreans/Korea sounds great! I've been meaning to go when I get the chance
>>569990Why didn't you stay in Korea? It must've been hard living in Japan because the people seem awful and unbearable
No. 570185
>>570145Not the anon(s) you're replying to but for short tourism stays I'd recommend Japan over South Korea. They are more hospitable and will not scam you. It is socially acceptable to eat alone in Japan and in SK it is less so.
South Korea seems better compared to Japan for work and social life. SK is similar to America in many ways. It's nationalistic (flags everywhere), lots of cars on the road, a lot of churches, and they look down on foreigners that don't attempt to assimilate. South Koreans do seem like loyal friends to have.
No. 570192
>>570185As an American I've always felt that SK is very similar to the US, but better lol.
>>569933Guess that's just your personal taste because most people prefer guys to look and act like actual men instead of awkward little boys.
No. 570220
>>570192 it's not their body types that were my taste though, they generally just had better faces and dressed like actual adults and not like some eboy or kpop stan. to each their own though
>>570215 yea koreans and even japanese are known to shit on you for looks, weight, acne or other things unwarranted lmao. i'm not fat but my half friend got dunked on weekly by random aunties for being chubby. expect to be roasted for meaningless things and get a shit self image
No. 570231
>>570005the dating thing is spot on. i was approached for a few dates but it never amounted to anything because of language barriers. it was cute seeing guys try, and our conversations were mostly engrish and google translate. it's not impossible to fall in love, but it's hard to joke and vent to someone who gets only half of what you're saying, you know? besides, most japanese boys think that foreigners are fuck, not date material because of traditional values. they only want to show you off if you are a model tbh and whine if you don't wear makeup.
it's not impossible to make friends if you have a brain though. It's easy to make friends from work, who in turn introduce me to locals. All you have to do is be the proactive one, because the japanese person will probably not be the one to step up and ask you to hang out unless it's some big work event or party where they want to show off the foreigner. if you are a austistic introvert in america with no friends, you will be an autistic introvert in japan with no friends. being white or mixed isn't a personality.
No. 570330
>>570320cause they're rich
tiktok actually has a filter which prioritises certain videos gaining more traction. the filter or algorithm can tell if the surroundings in a video look 'clean' and 'well kept' as opposed to 'messy' and 'poor looking' I guess which means you're more likely to see vids with pristine surroundings and not bedrooms with clutter everywhere.
tl;dr there are tiktok teenagers in their poorer looking surroundings, you're just less likely to come across them cause tiktok is biased. also applies to people they deem ugly No. 570346
>>570321Lol, why he should feel offended by that?
Of course I wouldn't be offended, he's not cheating on me.
Also it's understandable that most people don't want to fuck all time, just to masturbate on their own.
No. 570361
>>570279It's even more disturbing knowing that most of the participants in the Nth room were
young people from 10s to 20s. Some as young as 14.
No. 570365
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Anyone here do online sw? How do you keep your online persona hidden from people you might know IRL? How much money do you usually make? What platforms do you use? Is it worth it?
I want to make some side cash but I don’t want my IRL image to implode. Please spill the tea digi-hos
No. 570428
>>570420I'm not necessarily super cheerful all the time but as a mentally healthy person who is not at all prone to depression or low self esteem, it's 99% my parents. idk how but they managed to never make me feel bad about myself for anything, not even by mistake, and I came out of my childhood with zero baggage or trauma. My life is nothing to brag about and probably looks lame on paper (few friends, chronically single, no degree, mediocre job, live at home, average looks), but it's hard to feel bad about things like that when nobody you actually care about is judging you for it, and that you're fortunate in the ways that really matter.
They're also very financially stable and generous, no doubt it's much easier to be happy when you don't have to worry about money.
No. 570430
>>570420I read a self help book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck” a while back and the dude says that happiness is fake and fleeting, you’ll never be able to truly obtain happiness or control when you’ll get those chances to be happy. You know what you can control though? The type of shit you’re willing to put up with. Like a “figure out what type of bullshit you want to sit through for the next 80 years of your life rather than figuring out how to obtain happiness that you’ll never actually get.”
I think I’m pretty happy, or at least more at peace with myself most days. Existing in a neutral state when the alternative is being depressed as fuck with few truly happy high says sprinkled here and there is a very nice place to be. That book helped me change the way I think about a lot of things that affected my happiness, and I also switched up job environments (retail for a boring, office job), and even though I get paid less, it’s done wonders for my mental health. I don’t think my brain is wired this way, most of my life up until maybe this year I went through bouts of depression and was constantly suicidal. Life experiences, slowly figuring out what made life worth putting up with, and what I want to look forward to keeps me going. I know maybe I’ll get shit for taking advice from a self help book, but I don’t have health insurance for therapy and it’s helped me changed my way of thinking for the better so I don’t give a fuck lol. It might be common sense, but when most of my internal thoughts only swung between immense self hatred and nothingness, it’s nice to see that shit laid out for you in words.
No. 570432
>>570421It’s an animal crossing themed one from controller gear lol no idea how the quality of the rest of their stuff is, it was a present!
>>570423Dammit grandma lmao. But thank you anon!
No. 570436
>>570420My family is very negative and it made me a negative person from a young age. As a result I would surround myself with negative people and we would make each other more negative as a result. I was also very depressed. And then I started to realise that most happy people (or seemingly happy) are usually positive about things. I then applied the fake it till you make it strategy and it took a few years to manage to develop positive thoughts without forcing them. I would literally force myself to find a positive thing about every situation I would encounter in real life or see in tv. It felt dumb at first but I got in the habit and like I said it made me more positive on the long run, and I’d go as far as to say I’m a happy person overall now. People also respond way better to you when you’re positive so it’s the opposite of a vicious circle if that makes sense.
Tldr ; fake it till you make it worked for me
No. 570478
>>570467Are you asking in terms of stores or inspiration.
Stores -,, zara, h&m, sephora, ulta
Inspiration - I don't watch her and I know people like to clown on her as a person but BestDressed dresses like an everyday fashion forward young adult. JennieIm, Kelsey Simone.
I'm assuming you're asking for fashion and beauty tips that are appropriate for the real world and not online weeaboo bullshit
No. 570514
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>>570508Lmao yeah, even when I was a frumpy fatty.
Mostly it's just worry instead of hope; the times I've been hit on or flirted with were uncomfortable and weird. Perhaps it's similar for you?
No. 570525
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How do i meet guys my age (19) without using social media/tinder?
I tried going to the public library before the pandemic to see if i could find a cute guy interested in reading but it's always a ghost town.
No. 570555
>>570275Just buy your products locally instead of polluting the planet, dummy
You're not gonna die because you can't get your kawaii uwu plastic makeup palette, I promise
No. 570572
>>570544Most girls just emulate whatever people around them or people they look up to online are doing. One autist I know irl who’s very pretty and has a very nice style, is hyper obsessed with vintage/50s style and will watch hours upon hours of vids and tutorials about that specific time period. But obviously she looks like a weirdo to strangers.
Unironically check out r/femalefashionadvice. Don’t look at the posts at all, they’re terrible. The sidebar/community info has some great resources for learning about fashion for a complete noob.
No. 570585
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does anyone else think naturally ginger/readheaded women look particularly feline and feminine? I've always thought they were striking af but as an adult woman I've been noticing more and more they have more "catlike" facial features? my blonde haired blue eyes ass always envied my cousin growing up and she's a legit ginger angel bombshell at my age whereas I look 12 in the worst way possible.
pic related, I wish I looked like Lauren Ambrose, kill me
No. 570598
>>570587They say it's a honeypot operation, that moot handed the keys over to the FBI years ago, and it's more use to them that way than shut down. Take that with a grain of salt but the FBI have been proven to not only lurk but also post.
Also, look at everything else that inspires deaths every year and continues, nobody important really cares enough to call for it to be shut down.
No. 570825
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Are south East Asian/ Middle Eastern men (or most men who come from religious and/or sexually conservative households/cultures, really) generally more or less porn-sick compared to western men? Their cultures seem to have many eggshell marriages and stigmatise (mainly women) for having sexual experiences before marriage
No. 570877
>>570219>high standards that the entire country is built uponLol what high standards?
>it just felt like home to meHow? If you're American wouldn't Korea feel more like home to you?
No. 570912
>>570877the public transportation and general cleanliness of the cities man. the bullet train system is a genuine work of art and affordable for most people. a woman would sweep the train car every 10 minutes even if there was not even a speck of dust on the floor, lol. no one littered, left shit smeared on public toilets or spat. people actually respected the land and public spaces (which is part of my work). i'd rather live in a place that invests resources into bettering public spaces and technology for healthier quality living. seoul was also very clean but parts of it had trash lining the streets (mostly due to club culture). both cities were immensely cleaner and better maintained than most american cities. love and respect to america, our national parks (until recent) had decent protections and maintenance. but god forbid even a fraction of our taxes or budget goes into practical or even affordable things like bullet trains or fixing basic infrastructure.
no shade to korea, was a lovely place. i just know more japanese and therefore feel more comfortable there. i went to japan knowing how to read and speak basic language so i felt less a fish out of water (even though in seoul EVERYONE speaks english)
No. 570935
>>570908That is hilarious
Classic leg butts
No. 571069
>>570915Don't forget what the LGB stands for, same
sex attraction.
No. 571098
>>571082Dealbreaker. Not only is it disgusting, it's pathetic and betrays a slew of mental issues going on with the male.
It takes someone truly defective in the brain to literally pay to use a woman's holes (or a man's, for that matter).
No. 571133
>>571130you're probably more focused on reality as opposed to anime/kpop/model men?
when i was younger i only had eyes for beautiful feminine men but ever since i started dating for real i can't imagine myself with a skinny guy who will only look pretty until he hits 25 lmao.
No. 571171
>>571097I'm not really overweight anymore but I'm definitely below average in looks/physique, so I'll speak from experience and hopefully it helps someone.
I unironically think being average/ugly can be a dating advantage if you use it to make people focus on the rest of you–even when I was fat all of my bfs have been objectively very good looking, loving, and popular. I've thought about it a lot and I really think it's because they saw me as someone who I has more to offer than looks–in my case it seems to be my "intelligence" and quirks, along with how I present myself and treat them as a partner.
I'm going to try my best not to sound like an annoying tradwife in this next part: the key to dating success for me as a non-Stacy has been taking my mother's lame cultural sexist ideas of female servitude and adapting them to my own values. Even though I think it's bullshit that those expectations exist, men are extremely simple and usually appreciative of (ugh, sorry) traditionally "feminine" behavior. You don't have to be a doormat "sub" like Shoe or something, just little gestures that feel natural to you but seem like you're putting in extra effort. I do very simple things like spritz on some perfume before I go to bed with my bf, and whenever I'm going to meet someone I make sure to grab a pastry or snack for them on my way there. Generally just make sure you're more interesting and desirable than Stacy, and make sure you truly see your own value (because I guarantee you are worth way more than you think)
No. 571199
>>571171As a Stacey with a nerd personality, I have noticed most guys don't go for the hottest girls, they definitely value more homemaking skills and such over looks alone. Very attractive girls have a problem of being considered bang material only, men find it hard to concentrate or see you as a person if their main interest is sticking the dick in you.
Think of the cliche wife, brown or red hair, more demure dress, maybe a more thick or curvy body. The cliche girlfriend, shag or fling is blonde with more feminine clothes and a more slim or athletic body. "Stacey" is an invention by men who have never dated any women, as most normal men find it easier to handle and treat as a human, more average looking girlfriends.
Also Stacey types are unlikely to bother doing kind things for males since they get attention even when putting in no effort, plus kindness is usually ignored when they are predisposed to sex.
No. 571201
>>571150>>571174Glad to hear that ladies. Idek why so many young women are into these types. I'm sure part of it is just personal taste but i also think that society has told us for too long what type of men we should find manly and attractive.
Those ugly ass men are already crying how women aren't attracted to ~real men~ anymore. They've been too confident in themselves so it's their time to know what it feels like to not fit into standards set by the opposite sex.
No. 571207
>>571179It depends on your budget. If I had a shitload of money, I'd definitely get the Dyson dryer. If you spend less than $100, they're all honestly very similar. I have a $50 Chi ceramic dryer that's good enough, but obviously nothing special.
Keep in mind the size/weight, especially if you travel a lot or use it for blowing out your hair. Mine is bulky and gets tiring to hold after a while.
No. 571210
>>571199"go for" meaning date long term, move in etc. The couples I see are usually evenly matched average folk rather than the incel dream of Stacey+ disgusting guy
You definitely get the most "interest" as a Stacey in terms of thousands of "matches" on dating sites, etc, but the vast majority of those people don't want to homemake with you.
No. 571219
>>571201 >i also think that society has told us for too long what type of men we should find manly and attractiveYeah I'm prob going to sound like a cynical oldfag but I reached a point where I realised I was going more by societies standards than my own. I love how an attractive man is basically a man not doing much to improve himself and just being his hairy and smelly self with no worries, meanwhile an attractive woman diets, wears uncomfortable shit, invests money on products and smells like roses at all times, oh and shaves every inch of herself.
I had a friend who would gush over her 'manly' (hairy and fat) hubby so much that tbh she really highlighted it to me. She put so much effort into her own appearance but described loving his manly smell (meaning his b.o) Really feels like we've been duped into accepting that shit as attractive.
No. 571306
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i genuinely cant tell if this is shooped, bad angles, or just weird body proportions… maybe a little bit of the three???
No. 571328
>>571312I mean yeah everyone notices flaws but what kind of comments does he make?
I had an ex who would feel the need to point out fat women to me to just say 'look how fat she is' Noticing is normal but commenting might be the weird part, depending on the context of the comments.
No. 571333
>>571328They're pitted scars that I have from severe acne I had a few years ago, he says that I look like I've been picking at my skin like a d
* addict and that if I used Dove soap it will clear my skin.
Anyways, I just ordered a derma roller from an online pharmacy, so I stop being self conscious in a few months.
No. 571354
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>>571345omg, the fact that people still dont know stuff like this. YES it is 100% possible and can be done on phones in exactly the same way as on PCs by inspecting the html. i just made pic related to show you and it took me 5 seconds.
posted it before & deleted as it had one of my google account avatars in it lmao No. 571363
File: 1592402268901.jpeg (192.43 KB, 1638x2048, 65263C78-95E8-43D8-9B4C-F68E8E…)

Okay so I’ve always lowkey thought about dating a woman and as of lately I’ve been highly considering it. But I’ve always only been attracted to guys but I’ve had times where I’ve gone out and girls have hit on me but I was too dense to realize until after it happened. but thinking back to those moments I always wished I would’ve exchanged numbers and at least got to know them. There was a time where a bi girl was flirting with me and I was flirting back but then my drunk friend ruined it by asking to kiss her so it never went anywhere. But I remember my heart racing and I still think about her even now my heart is beating a little lol.A big reason why I’ve never tried to a date a girl is because I know how hard lesbians have it in finding a partner and I don’t want to feel like I’m experimenting even though I guess I would be? But like I’m not trying to in a bucket list kind of way I truly want to see if I’m at least bi? But I don’t want to use another woman as a test you know? I guess my stupid question is how do you figure out if you truly would be in a relationship with another woman if you saw yourself as straight most of your life and without leading a girl on? That’s my biggest fear I truly don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings. Sorry if it’s so long and so dumb! Be brutally honest and if you have advice please tell me!
No. 571364
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>>571360click on the little line thingy.
No. 571365
>>571346I think you're looking at it from the wrong angle. It's not that men prefer certain traits when they belong to a certain social class, it's just a matter of what kind of women they're exposed to and expected to date. "Upper class" society is expected to be fit and self-disciplined, while it's been proven that poor people are systematically fucked over nutritionally and exploited by trash food companies. So of course poor men will have a dating pool that includes a lot of curvy women.
I don't know why I'm responding to bait anyway, I have a lot of energy this morning
No. 571372
>>571363Why do you think you need to experience relations (sexual or otherwise) with a woman to know you're into banging/marrying them? Did you think you were asexual before experiences with men..?
Can you masturbate and orgasm to the idea of pleasuring a woman? How do you feel about growing old with one? Those answers are a good place to jump off.
No. 571519
>>571499>>571504it's hard to explain w/o giving away my area/identity
anyways i think its $200 i answered my own stupid question
No. 571533
I think Admin-chan just forgets to pay the server bill. Sometimes I wonder why she keeps this site, it doesn't seem like she likes it very much.
No. 571577
>>571566i do have a long history of bottling up my feelings after trauma. he's just a sensitive guy even if he doesn't like to show it.
>>571570…yeah it does. i'm a little embarrassed because now it sounds like we're that asian tumblr couple crying and making out at the same time lmao.
>>571571yeah we're both sensitive. we're big weenies i guess
No. 571583
>>571577I have mental health issues (trauma too) and whenever I'm in a relationship I find it always brings out alot of crying and emotions, opens up a pandoras box of repressed trauma I guess.
At least he's sappy too so he'll understand. I've dated guys who get all angry or who think women cry just to manipulate men.. if you're a crier stay away from men like that.
No. 571645
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How common is it for people to think a lot about something that makes you happy, but not participate in it? I probably won't wear lolita, but think about in depth how to coordinate dresses and what hypothetical blouses, head pieces, legwear etc would look good with it as well as what you could buy within your budget even though I'll never wear or buy any of it (because I don't think I'll look good in it)
No. 571786
>>571761whats wrong with looking at porn while in a relationship? in healthy relationships both parties can admit to each other that they still have eyes and find other human beings attractive without cheating.
i understand where the discord anon is coming from but, man, that’s nothing. "i wish it were me" is almost a meme. it’s not literal. you should probably stop hurting yourself by looking into a private server where he looks at porn lmao.
No. 571804
>>571786looking at porn is not a neutral act, people (men) don't bother examine how evil the industry is because it gets their dicks are hard.
>>571748, i can't infer exactly what she's referring to. but if you find his behavior cringey or gross, just leave him. trying to change other people usually isn't worth your time. imo talking about what makes you horny on a discord server with your friends in it as well as your gf is weird and unattractive.
No. 571806
>>571786The over abundance of porn consumed nowadays isn’t in anyway healthy, nor does it’s consumption equal a healthy relationship. How naive to think that porn exists in a vacuum and that by allowing it, you’re allowing the global exploitation of women.
>>571748Honestly leave him if you’ve expressed it makes you uncomfortable (it should) and he’s responded showing he doesn’t care. Porn is not normal, it’s only in the recent decades that it’s become such a open piece of media, which does have severe consequences for women.
No. 571809
>>571804 and damn sister you are based.
No. 571829
>>571533Bragging rights to discord scrotes
>>571814My country is literally top worst places to live but I feel this sentiment. People there seem to able to live somewhat easily you know? Everyone is kinda poor but as long as you’re not destitute, it’s so easy to make a modest living selling bread and working cafe shops. Attending first world uni I think about this all the time and feel guilty since my homeland peers would kill to trade places.
No. 571858
>>570585No not really. I know a good number of ginger women and most of them are really beautiful but not in a catlike way. I know a few that look like potatoes with a red wig.
More than anything, I wish I had green, grey or blue eyes. Hair color doesn't make me jealous weirdly enough but I always wished for a different eye color.
I find that having a non dark eye color immediately makes you more more attractive and interesting which makes sense considering it's not so common.
No. 571888
>>571876ah yes, the 'you're just insecure' line, perfect for deflecting any responsibility from the man who is acting in a harmful way, and pushing it all onto the girl who is expressing her feelings of upset. If you think of yourself to be below the priority of someones porn addiction then fine, but don't try to bring other girls down to your level with the same tired dismissal those porn addicted men use. It's a bad look.
>>571809love you too anon
No. 571907
>>571786>>571876The only things that separates
your man from fucking that woman he's fapping to on the screen are the physical distance, and his own fears of not being able to have his cake (being secure in a relationship with a woman only committed to him at the end of the day) and eating it too (fucking another woman without consequences).
Men who respect the women in their life don't have wandering eyes and, as a baseline, don't support the porn industry. They exist out there anon, porn is not an inherent instinct.
No. 571952
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So I lost a crazy ton of weight and was on keto for 8 months. Now if I eat something "unhealthy" my body can't take it.
Yesterday I ate an ice cream cone and I was up all night with stomach problems. Is this a thing??
I just want to enjoy things now that I can
No. 571990
>>571930Yes you’re literally the only one, very cool and different
>>571976Plenty of uglies stay ugly anon, and off the internet so you don’t see them
But other uglies probably try harder to glow up to finally experience the validation she craved her whole life
No. 572054
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What is this style of dress called? I think it gives a bit of a 20's or 30's vibe.
No. 572064
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>>572055Thanks anon! You're right, the top makes it look more 60's than 20's, it looks almost the same as the pink dress on the right.
>>572057I bought the dress kek
No. 572102
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who is he?
No. 572134
>>572102This brightens my day every time I see it on the front page
>>572124It's because it's pushed in porn. No different to the current anal obsession.
No. 572138
>>572095I don't know anon… most men aren't self aware and lots of them ask someone out of their league out.
>>572124I don't think it's related to pedo stuff at all, I also like completely shaved men I mean even their armits and pubic hair. I wouldn't want to go down on a hairy pussy either
No. 572209
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>>572138>>572154That could explain why i got asked out by every men i met but they were all ugly and bad people. I envy their self esteem though, i can't even look at an average looking men without feeling he's making fun of me for being ugly.
No. 572213
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>>572210If you are in quarantine then you have no excuse.
No. 572279
>>572261What's the point of dating a giant when I'm 5'3?
I think having to get on your tiptoes to kiss your partner looks dumb af.
No. 572281
>>572261Short guy. I've never cared for height, because since i'm 5'4, the guy more than likely would always be taller. Slightly taller/same height as me is my goldilocks region. Anyone above 6' seems retarded to date to me, based on height alone.
It's strange, because I didn't know "manlet chasers" or women who prefer shorter guys than average existed until I started lurking lolcow.
No. 572299
>>572261short kings forever, unless they have little man syndrome. fine line = fine gentlemen.
also super super dark eyes/eyelashes.
but hands down, short dudes in my experience (emphasis on my experience) short dudes are more sackworthy than tall dudes. tall dudes are big weird and scary.
No. 572332
>>572261Short men 4 lyfe. Current interest is in a guy 2 inches shorter and just generally smaller than me. And I'm average height.
But tbh a guy doesn't even have to be super hot, since I'm a chaser. It just so happened that this guy has a nice face.
If your guy is otherwise nice and appealing (and face doesn't detract much to you) perhaps he's worth a shot.
No. 572340
>>572261I'd rather date tall and a little uglier but that's just me. Height is an attractive quality and being short is hell imo. I'm 5'3 and every guy I've dated around mine has had little man syndrome. One was 5'5 but claimed in seriousness he was 6' and had an inferiority complex in other areas of his life that made him act like a shitbird. I rarely see short men with attractive facial qualities and I have no interest in asian men.
I want a partner to have kids with and I'd feel bad if they had to deal with issues that being short brings. My mother was 5' but luckily my dad was pretty tall so I got a few extra inches but not much. I have a pretty face so it would balance out in our kids who would get the benefit of both worlds.
I'm a professional and it's super discouraging that the tall people are the ones who become c-suite executives and get promotions. While shorties like me are treated like we're still college interns in our early 20s and aren't taken as seriously. Even our anger is minimized and treated patronizingly. We don't have a natural presence in a room and it's hard for people to see us as leaders, and double it when you're a woman. There's a reason why men hate being short and it's because they don't naturally assume the privileges of their tall male cohorts both romantically and professionally.
No. 572345
>>572340Agreed with all your points about the drawbacks of being small. I don't want to be some assholes smol gf fetish, I want to be taken seriously at work without having to resort to power dressing tricks and I want to be able to reach the fucking top shelf at the supermarket without having to ask whatever lanky teenage boy is stacking the shelves to help me.
I have a personal theory that short guys that date tall girls are more likely to be confident and emotionally stable about their height, but short guys that exclusively date short girls are more likely to have small man syndrome because some of them are insecure enough to actively only seek short girls to date. I'm basing this entirely on my own experiences though.
No. 572398
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How do you cope with the fact that you will never meet your celebrity crush and even if you do it will never be like how you daydream it in your head
No. 572411
>>563330>>572398Ya get over 'em. They don't know you exist, and will be very creeped out about how much you'd know about them if you ever met.
Stop consuming media they're in/produce; whenever you think about them, distract yourself; find someone you can crush on in real life, if you can.
Quarantine horniness is a nefarious evil, but if it gets you through it, have the conscience to know when to stop.
>t. someone who has a bit of an obsessive personality and had to do this a few times.If you don't mind, who is it?
No. 572440
>>572398It‘s even worse when you do have the chance to meet him. I‘m crushing on this one musician and he is relatively famous (350k on IG). He always does live-streams; fan meets and stuff and it makes me only love him more. I do react to most of his stories and write him some cute & short messages of support. But he never opens them.
Honestly I’m getting more desperate everyday. And because of Rona I won’t see him this year or any time after.
not going to lie I did cry a few times over the last month… it hurts so bad.
Anon find strength. I wish I could give you advice.
No. 572460
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Should I do my makeup tomorrow? I'm going out for hotpot w my friends, they probably won't wear any heavy makeup though.
No. 572487
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>>572398for my guy it's been trying to avoid media hes in and not looking at any of his shit. luckily since I stopped watching videos of him on youtube it's gotten a little easier to dodge him, but I don't know.
I have a huge gut feeling he's a dick who'd take advantage of me irl so I should never meet him, as if to avoid dooming myself to disappointment, but a part of me still wants to, and it disgusts me
No. 572522
>>572398My celeb crush pretty much gets me wet and that's it. I try not to invest too much in learning about his personality. That way I can enjoy pics of him and if it ever comes out that he's awful.. then my shallowness saved my feelings lol
It helps that mine is an artist with songs about how he's been shitty in past relationships.
No. 572599
>>572566Still a hafu child. It's not a fothu because nothing is "diluting" the Japanese/Caucasian blood that would make it any lesser. Also cannot be full Japanese because it's not like suddenly the caucasian blood isn't being passed down (or the other way either).
>>572572If the cum and the egg are a little Japanese, they're also a little Caucasian. If you double the Japanese blood, you have to double the other blood too, then you're still back at half for each lol.
No. 572645
>>572616oh my god anon I've never heard someone else express those feelings, and so perfectly, jesus. the anxiety is real.
also the fact that even though I've gotten to a pretty good place with body acceptance and conquered most of the bullshit insecurity that plagued me for years, I have no idea if that will hold if/when I gain a significant amount of weight and that thought poisons the pride I have in myself for achieving some degree of body peace.
No. 572674
>>572614idk man, feels good, but I‘m pretty sure that wouldn’t be the case If I didn’t need to walk/ride the bike for multiple kilometers regularly. lose weight, fast, gain weight fast in this case. I quickly turn into a depressed skinnyfat if I stop moving or excercising.
>Do you just eat whenever you feel hungry?yes but sometimes the brain confuses hunger with thirst. what really helps me is restricting not how much, but when you eat so your body has enough time to properly digest everything (for example not start with a big breakfast, instead start eating at noon and have a big meal once a day in the evening and stop eating after). If you don‘t move much, you don‘t need as much food of course.
>>572616also this, if you have a bad time you will always find something to nitpick about your body.
No. 572690
>>572686They are common and normal anon. Not sure if this would be helpful to you but learning about postpartum intrusive violent thoughts really helped me accept and understand mine, even though I'm not a mom or anything. If it's normal and common for new mothers to have intrusive thoughts of hurting or killing their babies, then I can believe I'm not a bad fucked up person for having them.
There's nothing wrong with them but if they're causing you distress you should consider talking to someone about it. But if they don't bother you carry on.
No. 572694
>>572686Anon, idk if this input is even helpful in any way, but I had a really terrible flare up of intrusive thoughts last year that lasted almost 3 months. It started with thoughts about harming others, then myself, then snowballed into hundreds of other strange paranoias. I was beginning to wonder if I was schizophrenic. And it was so bad that I felt hopeless & thought the only way I could be cured was if someone locked me up in a straight jacket in a padded jail sell.
It popped up randomly over Labor Day weekend, and I would like to add that I had just started my period, so there may have been some hormonal fluctuation that
triggered these emotions, but I had NEVER felt like this before. I suddenly realized how easy it would be to kill my boyfriend, family, and coworkers with random objects around me. I remember having the worse panic attack of my life, tried to calm down and nap but couldn’t because I couldn’t stop thinking about knives that were in the kitchen, and ended up calling a suicide hotline. I couldn’t sleep or eat for like two weeks.
I eventually spoke to a therapist and got on some anxiety meds, but I never told anyone the exact thoughts I was having, only a really vague statement of having constant unpleasant thoughts. I was too worried they’d call the police and stick me in a looney bin. The feeling finally went away in the winter; since then I have an intrusive thought every now and then, but my general train of thought and brain fog prevents me from focusing on it too long.
…Anyways, I digress, but I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t the only one who has violent intrusive thoughts, and what I’ve been through, and that I was able to get through it. Please do the best you can to find pleasant things to keep you amused and busy. And most importantly remember that you are not your thoughts, and that you are not an evil person because of your thoughts.
No. 572700
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How do I get over my crush who is 90, and how do I stop being mad about a woman he was with 40 years ago?
No. 572706
>>572700die i guess
>>572699maybe you have shit taste in partners, maybe when single you subconsciously project an image of a fun-loving personality to attract partners
No. 572708
>>572614>How does it feel to be naturally skinny? It feels great, I'm 29 and I never worried once in my life about being too fat yet.
>Do you just eat whenever you feel hungry?Yes, and being hungry makes me cranky.
>Do you ever think about food?Everyday, I love eating good food.
IMO one key point is that I'm not very fond of sweet food. I do like cake and biscuits and eat some everyday but while I can eat a lot of cheese or meat for example, heavily sweet food will make me stop quickly. I tend to buy biscuits with a lowish amount of sugar and when I make cake I also put a lower quantity.
Another thing is that I tend to feel full rapidly. I also get hungry rapidly after my last meal, but it's more complicated to eat 5 small meals a day versus eating 2 big meals.
I've never counted calories but I'm probably eating an average amount of it for my built.
>>572698>it makes me wonder if my body language is giving off bad vibes.It's very possible. The way you act and dress counts for a lot of your perceived attractiveness.
No. 572709
>>572698I feel this. I have a secret suspicion that something about my body language/expression/vibe is off-putting because I feel like I hear constant anecdotes both online and irl of girls getting hit on/harassed, from all over the attractiveness spectrum, and this has essentially never happened to me. I'm not worried about it but the sheer number of times I've heard people talk about being "hit on" compared to the literal 0 occurrences of that I can identify happening to me kind of boggles me. I wonder if it's just that I'm too much of an autist to properly interpret things like that.
fwiw I've never used them either but getting attention on dating apps as a woman doesn't seem very hard if you're trying to
>>572707Not the OP but I am an incredibly reserved person and it's weird to think about how much that might come off to people before even talking to me, because I have no idea.
No. 572871
>>572659I guess it depends. I can imagine it being enjoyable if you're in love with your partner and the guests are supportive of the relationship. I was nervous and stressed out about how my parents were going to behave. It was nice when it was over.
>>572830I'm the only person I know that pays for Spotify. Most people just listen to youtube.
No. 573155
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I wonder if there really are never nude people like our Dr. Fünke here
No. 573361
>>573358>wild parties and dramayes
>fun and interestingno
No. 573362
>>573358Depends on who you are. If you’re kind of a loser, yeah there’s nothing interesting about being in an American high school.
The only interesting thing that happened at my high school was all the seniors contracting chlamydia from sleeping around with each other.