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No. 526217

Pink Pill General #2
Previous thread which has reached the maximum number of replies: >>>/ot/514463

Like most other whiptail lizards, the New Mexico whiptail is diurnal and insectivorous. They are wary, energetic, and fast moving, darting for cover if approached. They are found in a wide variety of semi-arid habitats, including grassland, rocky areas, shrubland, or mountainside woodlands. Reproduction occurs through parthenogenesis, with up to four unfertilized eggs being laid in mid summer, and hatching approximately eight weeks later.

No. 526256>>526263>>526265>>526269>>526303>>527631

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I know I'm late with this but I'm just so fucking disgusted by the media narrative concerning Depp & Amber. Should I honestly believe that a big & rich white guy like Depp could get hurt by someone
like Amber? Depp is 6' and Amber is 5'6. Amber has actual marks form him hitting her but media still builds an narrative of her being the abuser, just because Depp is a rich and popular male.

It's such fucking bullshit.

No. 526263>>526320

There's new clips on youtube of her berating him and talking in these bpd level circles and tbh she didn't seem like someone trying to work through an issue. She admits in the recording that she'd been hitting him and that he'd tried to get away from her and keep her away but she hounded him. She's a nutcase with a previous history of being a nutcase in relationships. I'm all for acknowledging how often it's men abusing us but this ain't a good example.

The media didn't seem to want to pick up on these newest clips strangely, so again not a good example. This woman is actually fucking us all over with her bs

No. 526265

I hate talking about it, but I believe Depp is a violent addict, lacerated his own finger and is a scumbag. I don't care if Amber retaliated or whatever, I've read enough about the case and evidence to hate Depp.

No. 526269>>526288

Women can be as strong and as violent as men. And Amber has a past of violence, like her father and her past as a drug addict stripper is not really as pure as her fans say. They are both nasty scumbags but at least he is not trailer trash material like she is.

No. 526288>>526320

> And Amber has a past of violence

She has female exes and also an ex assistant all claiming that she would go into blind rages.

Police were called to a domestic incident where she assaulted her then wife. She didn't like that so she claimed that the officer who showed up to deal with the incident was being homophobic… despite her being a lesbian too! The officer had to make a statement against the claims. She's been full of bullshit for years.

No. 526303

What I don't like is the insane thinking that Depp is somehow a perfect angel if Amber show shitty tendencies herself. No. Depp is still a violent alcoholic.

No. 526320>>526368

that's untrue. your post is full of bullshit. she wasn't married to her, she also corroborated the story about the witnesses being homophobic then, and many years later, and witnesses being homophobic =/= arresting officer being a lesbian. johnny has the long history of violence and aggression, not her. though i am sure she is physically reactive too. i just don't buy that she's an evil succubus and he's a helpless, abused baby just trying to escape her npd/bpd/whatever else people claim.

where was she even berating him? she was trying to soften their interaction by telling him he was her favorite person and he'd just say "no, we argue and you tell me you dislike me when we disagree, so this means you don't like or love me", essentially. they are both toxic but she seems like she's an anxious attachment type and he has no interest. depp admits his alcoholism and that he spends $40,000 a month on alcohol. she seems anxious and on edge on the tape, trying to get reassurance that she doesn't get because he's simply not interested. there really is no real trace of her alleged narcissism in the tape, just overly reactive behavior seemingly due to anxiety and her emotional needs being unmet. people are truly blind. that's not to say she isn't guilty, i'm sure she is physically reactive, but so is he, apparently, and from that tape, she's doing all the emotional labor to keep them together and is flailing to get him to give a shit, imo.

No. 526363>>553843

I'm concerned that an abusive ex of mine is dating a woman with four young kids. He was physical with me aswell as forcing sex acts. Now even though he cheated on me with this exact woman I still worry for her safety. He's been with her 18 months now and I know that 18 months in with me he'd dropped any sort of nice guy act and was pretty savage even with his kid in the next room..

He knows where I moved to so it's not like I could warn her without fear of him retaliating. I looked at her fb and she's gone from actively posting about herself and her kids to only posting twice this year when he'd bought her something and she praised him. He used to only ever buy me gifts when he got physical to the point of leaving alot of marks.. it was his way of rewarding me for lying to people about the cause of my injuries. I'm really worried now.

I hate that I couldn't tell her, he forced himself on me two times after they'd already started dating and after I moved he sent me fucking teddy bears for weeks in the mail to either keep me sweet or just remind me that he knows my new address. What do I do with all this guilt that I never warned her?

No. 526368

To be frank you have emotional problems yourself if you can listen to an hour long audio of her insulting him for leaving the room when she gets violent, mocking him for trying to get help, admitting she won't stop beating him and him meekly justifying walking away from being hit but wanting to continue the relationship and come away thinking she's the needy one and he's the one mistreating her.

No. 526370>>526430>>526836

the thread pic and everything about it is shit op

No. 526430>>526442>>526836

This. Wtf OP. Did the anons who made all the good threads leave with GC?

No. 526442

they went to other websites/discord.

No. 526515

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The previous thread reached the maximum number of reptiles, but fear not: the hybridization of these species prevents healthy males from forming. Parthenogenesis allows the resulting all-female population to reproduce and thus evolve into a unique species capable of reproduction.

No. 526585>>526701

I hate my brother. I hate the way he treats my mom.

No. 526701

Why is that anon? XBoys are usually so coddled by their mothers vs girls, and they’re so miserably ungrateful. Mummy’s boys are the worst.

No. 526836

Don't be picky
Share your experience with terrible, worthless, pathetic men here. Share advice on how to avoid and deal with shitty men.

No. 526936>>526973

can people stop sperging about amber heard and johnny depp already? it's clear to everyone with more than 2 brain cells that they were 2 toxic people abusing each other. also, the thing about her abusing a previous girlfrind isnt even true iirc, the ex girlfriend said herself that it didnt happen and that the situation was an airport security guard being homophobic against them. although i might be wrong, its been a couple of months since i reaad this so if i am wrong then feel free to correct me

also its funny that all the johnny depp stans act like he's some innocent little angel victim, and then ignore those texts he sent about how he wanted to murder amber and then rape her corpse, which is not something a normal, non abusive man sends to their friends. not to mention that he has alcohol problems, which are known to make people significantly more aggressive and violent. they are both abusive, toxic ass people, but only amber is being held accountable for her potential actions, which is very telling. this is why i always have a good laugh whenever somene claims that male abuse victims aren't taken seriously. this case literally proves the opposite.

No. 526973

I think it's a combination of Depp's cringy fanbase and the woman-hating redditors who will bend over backwards to see any man in a relationship as the true victim. They love stories where they can even remotely infer that a female abuse victim may have been lying.

No. 527371>>527374>>527380

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>I am entitled to try to change people


No. 527374

my iq dropped 75 points reading his post lmao what a mong

No. 527380>>527403

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>I acctually formed my opinions throughout 5 years of reading mainly Nietzsche, some other books and doing military service.

No. 527403

Nietzsche stans are retarded confirmed

No. 527523>>527529

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Random but I fucking hate coomers. A female character gets created and this is all anyone ever reduces us to, fap fodder. It was even worse with the Pokemon shit….

No. 527529

This doesn't phase me anymore. It's expected of men to sexualize characters no matter what.

No. 527631>>527643>>527658

I can't believe how retarded you are. I get now why you all end up as misandric incels and that is sad

No. 527643

>misandric incels

No. 527658>>527664>>527725

Several anons already argued that they do believe she was abusive based on the newest recordings. Anons were pretty divided in their opinions, but go off

No. 527664>>527725

It's the guy posting lolishit in the art thread, he said it himself lol

No. 527725>>527730>>527731>>527733>>528234

What are you even talking about? Do you need to use that pathetic trick to invalidate my opinion?

Yes and this is the first place ever where I see people actually blaming JD saying that the media is on his side because he is rich and a white male. Y'all forgot that actually the media was on Amber's side WITHOUT ANY KIND OF PROOF. This website is sickening

No. 527730

Chill out and read the other thread. Besides, this was brought up way back and most anons were on Johnny Depp's side so don't worry about him. I'm sure he won't cut his wrists because of some people online

No. 527731

>Y'all forgot that actually the media was on Amber's side WITHOUT ANY KIND OF PROOF

no proof except for all the marks she had on her from where she was hit? are we even talking about the same media though, because the media immediately started a smear campaign against her by falsely claiming that she abused her ex gf.

the media IS on his side, always was and will be because he's a powerful man with money. they are both abusers, that deserved each other, that is plainly clear from his texts, history and alcoholism, but she is the only one being held accountable. he is trying to paint himself as an innocent victim so that his career does not suffer.

No. 527733

Maybe stop saying 'you all' in your posts when you are addressing like two posters in a discussion where opinions were very mixed.

I've listened to all the recordings and I'm certainly not defending amber. I said that already but it's not something we're all going to agree on. It's a topic that leads to talking in circles on here.

No. 528234

First off, the marks on Depps face were faked. There is no way Amber could have had inflicted those on a grown ass man. Secondly, Ambers "testimony" is a shitty ass recording taken under immense duress and unspecified circumstance. It was taped by DEPPS
fucking lawyers and was definitely altered

No. 528305

Anyone else have pickmes on their social media praising their unemployed "stay at home" bfs/husbands for taking care of the house and kids while they risk corona going to work?
I feel like chiming in that it ought to be so routine already, that it shouldn't merit a post. It should be expected of men who don't work that they cook, clean, and perform childcare. They live in the house and helped create those kids, IT'S WHAT THE SHOULD DO BY DEFAULT! What else are they gonna do, play video games and sulk all day? They should be deeply fucking ashamed and emasculated that their women are risking themselves to pull an income while they twiddle safely at home.

Also I'm sorry, but these pickmes are just conditioning these loser men that they deserve praise for routine behavior. They think they're bragging when they make these ass kissing posts about what their men do, but all it tells me is that their men don't do routine unless they're given participation trophies and asspats.
I fucking hate it. Men nary blow smoke up our asses on social media because we're just expected to be self sacrificing mommies.

No. 529651

Isn't it strange that porn websites are now being talked about openly?

No. 553843

She doesn't deserve anything extra from you after basically taking your man and keeping a cheater around. Warning her will only open you up to getting harassed again. Even if you told her you would just look like a jealous ex.

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