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No. 51838
Old one reached limit
Old thread:
>>203794 No. 51840
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Still kek'ing at that one tard in the last thread who accused me of selfposting after I posted some fake transboi who went to my university who I thought kind of looked like Lana Del Rey with a moustache.
No. 51843
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>>51842Why post it twice? You seem seriously butthurt that people didn't like your post.
No. 51847
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>>51845That's nice. Stop posting now.
No. 51848
>>51846… about what?
Lol are you the person that accused me of selfposting and got pissed because I called you a tard :>
No. 51852
triggered by wearing wigs and makeup, so you decided to get into
cosplay? Find another hobby ffs
No. 51855
>>51854Next we'll need to stamp Ulysses with a whole pamphlet of
trigger warnings almost as long as the book itself to please these people.
No. 51859
>>51854I thought
trigger warnings are like age ratings/parental guidelines? All films and some other media have those i dont see the need for it to be renamed.
No. 51861
trigger warnings are for people who went through a huge trauma and some sounds or pictures might "
trigger" aka make them have a panic or anxiety attack.
Tumblrinas made the whole "getting
triggered" thing a laughing matter because they pretend they are
triggered for attention.
But lets say an ex-soldier who was in some war and has PTSD because all the horrors of war he experienced, gets
triggered by fireworks. The sound of fireworks remind him of shooting or explosions and make him go into a panic attack. That's an example of a real "
trigger". Not a tumblr picture of anime character pairing that you don't like.
No. 51863
>>51861A lot of the
trigger warnings I have seen are for violence/sex/strobe lightening etc basically, what would come under general warnings. Its a pity
triggering has been made into a joke-I dont think
trigger warnings in and of themselves are bad.
No. 51865
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>>51838>Toudou iconI love Yowamushi Pedal but parts of the fandom on tumblr and twitter make me so fucking mad.
No. 51866
>>51863>>51862They are a legitimate and useful thing. The problem is really just that idiots on the internet have turned them into 'everything that doesn't make MEEEE feel awesome needs a
TW' somehow.
No. 51867
>>51838I have spent at least ten minutes trying to understand OP's picture.
Being lesbian is now transphobic? I give up
No. 51869
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>>51843what the fuck is this
is this person possessed? wtf man
No. 51871
>>51867trans logic isn't real logic since they are mentally unstable idiots. They also think saying 'vagina' is a
trigger word because 'not only biologically women have vaginas' or some disgusting bullshit. Haha.
No. 51873
>>51847What a world we live in when you can't even suggest wearing wigs and makeup to a fucking cosplayer. Oh tumblr, never go outside. You'll wither and die.
>I'm a person with autismof course.
No. 51874
>>51853When I first started cosplaying in the early 2000s, all the good quality wigs were $50 and up. Now Ebay has some decent ass wigs for under $20. If that bitch can't afford that and some nyx makeup or decent shit from Sephora, and refuses to wear either one, she shouldn't be cosplaying.
No. 51875
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>>51854No! No, no, no. Why would this ever be allowed?? Because Ophelia kills herself? Because it has incest? I don't get it. If you are in college, you are in the real world- or at least stepping into it. There should not be fucking
trigger warnings for Shakespeare.
No. 51876
>>51861Pretty much this. A lot of rape survivors can't see films with depictions of sexual assault or rape (myself included) and that's a real
trigger for a lot of them to get anxiety or worse. Tumblr has made a fucking joke about
It's awful that real sufferings of PTSD are going to be overshadowed by this tumblrina garbage. I want to hit them all with a 2x4.
No. 51877
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>>51876>cant see films with depictions of sexual assault (myself included)>cant distinguish a fantastical depiction for artistic purposes from realitygrow up
No. 51881
>>51878No need to get all rustled Anon, you should know better than revealing you powerlevel here won't bring any good. That piece of personal information was unnecessary and you know it.
Seriously, we're here to laugh at melodramatic bitches, not to feel concerned about your problems, as far as we know, the ones that start complaining about their
triggers here could be bigger cows than the tumblrinas posted here.
No. 51882
>>51872 I hate when you know people like that irl and they're pretty nice to you. It sounds so petty, but everything they are and do make you hate them yet they aren't really an asshole and so don't 'deserve' it. It's such a conflicting feeling.
Also, if people need a laundry list to keep up with all your 'isms' and other 'quirks' there's probably something up. The only way I could properly excuse that is if there was some sort of weird culture barrier.
No. 51883
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Fuck 'pansexuals' who think that fucking anything makes them more open and less 'shallow' than people who are gay or straight. I saw a comment on facebook yesterday about how, "Honestly pansexuality is how the world SHOULD be!" Because fuck preferences and sexuality right?
No. 51884
>>51861>>51876Not to be totally unsympathetic to those who have experienced trauma like this, but honestly,
trigger warnings shouldn't be a thing regardless. In real life, there is no coddling and definitely no tws, so it is kind of silly to expect people to bend over backwards for you online and tag every single content that bothers you.
>>51854Mostly seems to be seeping into universities (the age group of Tumblrinas). Universities are always first to embrace stupid idealistic "progressive" shit like this. If you asked for
trigger warnings and to be addressed by ze/zim/zer pronouns outside class, most people wouldn't necessarily oblige.
No. 51886
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>>51885Holy shit, anon, you learn something new every day. Fuck.
To actually answer your question, I think 'pansexual' refers to having no specific preference in
It's more or less a term for people who are too snowflakey to call themselves bi.
No. 51889
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>>51885>>51888I bet hatoful boyfriend is one of those Tesla's hidden inventions that were never revealed to the general public because the world wasn't ready for them. Until now.
No. 51890
>>51884>In real life, there is no coddling and definitely no tws,What are you talking about? Almost every single movie has age restrictions or warnings about violence. The same with video games. Whenever they show things in school, they also put warnings on the content you are about to see.
Example, when we were shown Schindler's List back in high school some years back they'd warn that some of the scenes might cause discomfort and such.
It's not directly
TRIGGER WARNING!!!! hashtags, but you still get fair warnings.
No. 51893
>>51888That game is actually really fun though.
No. 51899
>>51891anon.. you don't have to get mad at rape jokes 'on principal' to have real life
triggers - I think someone acting out a rape in a movie or describing a rape/sexual assault in detail (that would probably be somewhat disturbing to a lot of people) is ok having a
tw or cw.
People also label gore, animal gore, abuse, nudity, sex etc for photos, articles and posts on otherwise sfw websites. We spoiler images here so people don't constantly have to see them and can choose to click if they want - it's not bending over backwards, it's just common courtesy.
A courtesy which, imo, does not need to be thrown out the window because some idiots are abusing
tw trying to seem special and fragile and get attention.
Obviously, there is a time and a place - being on a nsfw website means anything could come up. A college course, meant to push and teach you, should show you things that make you uncomfortable but this is also left up to the instructor - and your math class shouldn't have pictures of gore in the textbook. Time and place and all that.
A support group for rape, abuse, addiction etc survivors is going to be filled with people talking about their experiences,
triggers and feelings but that also comes with the support, so again, it's not the same as 'deal with it bitch no one's gonna coddle u irl!!!1'
No. 51900
You're born either male or female and there's nothing you can do against biology. This shit is not about filling in stereotypes of male is blue female is pink, is simple science, no matter how many times you bind your chest, you don't stop being what you were born with.
People should just learn to love themselves with all their quirks and defects a little more. Life is too short to think about defying biology, be thankful you were born healthy and move on.
No. 51901
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>>51894I used to be incredibly active in the jojo's fandom, and it was once the most bearable and level-headed place I'd visit on the internet.
Now, it's been shit up by 14 year Olds with trans headcanons and people obsessed with drawing dude characters as bishie husbandus.
No. 51903
>>51892Mentally you can be as fluid as you want, but unless you're a biological mistake you're always going to have either a penis and testosterone, or a vagina and hormones.
Them's the breaks.
No. 51904
>>51900So much this. Instead of being grateful they were born with working arms and legs and not blind- they wanna complain about 'whaaa, i'm not manly enough' and then proceed to get hormones and other garbage injected into themselves. they are brain damaged idiots. Trans people are actually
No. 51905
Everyone has hormones, anon
No. 51910
>>51843Cool, that pic actually made me puke in my mouth a bit.
No. 51913
>>51866Yes, until today like i said i had not seen any
trigger warning that i thought were silly, but to elaborate from
>>51871I have seen today some transwomen argue that speaking about menstruation is
triggering because they will never experience it. Now this is a huge problem because what they got upset over was a post about toxic shock syndrome saying its very insentsitive to them.
This is very dangerous as women do die from TSS and these assholes want people to stop talking aout it because it hurts their feelings? If people spreading vital info about a condition that kills women
triggers you then i say fuck your
trigger. sorry not sorry.
No. 51919
>>51915That's because this is what bisexual means.
No. 51920
>>51919And what is "all" exactly? Male, female and ??? Really that's a load of overly complicated bullshit.
Don't feel so special just because you can date a tranny without batting an eye.
No. 51926
>>51883Pansexuality doesnt exist.
It's just a way to say you're bisexual without having the negative connotations of being bi.
No. 51932
>>51838I remembered seeing this post a while back and it's always bothered me. Why has it become so complicated to try and think about why someone may not like penises? Thats one of the many reasons that people are attracted to a certain sex. I don't like vaginas, while I may like girls in terms of their personalities, I'd never want to have sex with one, and sex is very important to me. I'm not going to forgo that just to make my partner comfortable if it makes me just as uncomfortable not to in turn. There are other ways of having sex, but the thing is that I don't want to.
It's funny because they're trying to make relationships not be reduced down to genitals, but they're the ones who're focusing so much on cis women having to have their bodies available to everyone.
Also, have any of the people who think this way stated that it's transphobic for men to call themselves gay when they say they only like penises?
No. 51935
>>51933white people can't be racist!!
sex/ gender, is a construct!!
what next lol 'science is bullshit don't vaccinate' oh wait
No. 51936
>>51933If sex isn't real then where the fuck do babies come from? That's what I want to know.
You either produce eggs or you produce sperm. Never both, not even in intersexed people.
No. 51942
>>51923So much this. So many women are already shamed for talking about their periods. Fuck off, trannies.
>>51922haha. I like you.
No. 51949
>>51944As a lesbian I have been attracted to transmen before. I just like my soft butch hotties.
I think they did invent a word, something like vaginaphile or whatever.
But then again there's transwomen who insist "my dick is totally a vagina/big clit if i say it is" oh really then why do call it a dick before saying it's a vagina? Cause its a dick and you know that.
No. 51951
>>51933this is such a piss off
i am trans myself and im fully aware and okay with the fact that no gay man is going to like me back because i was born a woman. its fucking selfish to say otherwise. hell, i wouldnt date another trans person myself, does that make me transphobic too?
No. 51952
>>51950Same (except in the lesbian viewpoint)
I prefer a real vagina, with all its self lubricating glory.
No. 51954
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>>51949This is how they tend to answer that. I mean fuck biology and science right?
No. 51956
>>51954Just fuck logic.
Also, these types of people tend to be the most misogynistic sacks of shit when talking about how feminine they are in comparison to women. In comparison
to women, not
other women as they should say if they actually felt like one themselves.
No. 51962
>>51956omg this is reminding me of a website i saw-maybe it was posted on this site of a guy who only talked about how he was more of a woman than anyone else had uploaded pics of himself giving bj's to ugly men accompanied about how he was better at it all while wearing ugly silk underwear.
>>51959They also commit suicide at a high rate even after transition, sorta supports the theory that maybe surgery doesnt solve the problem.
No. 51963
>>51962I remember princess joules talking about how he still preferred it up the ass after getting a man made fussy.
I think he also regretted getting a fussy.
This dysphoria thing reminds me of those freaks that feel like their limbs don't belong to them and get them cut off.
No. 51968
>>51965Yeah it's ironic. They depend on the stereotypes because it'll be obvious to whoever is observing them that they are behaving like X, which may make you question if they are X, and if you were to go as far as asking them, they may introduce themselves to you as that gender. As a woman, I know that I, including billions of other women don't behave in purely stereotypical ways, and yet we feel like women. That's because we know that our behavior alone does not account for those feelings.
Being regarded as the gender you identify with plays a huge role. Being treated like a woman regardless of what I'm wearing or doing, purely because I look like one leaves me with no other options. I will only know what it's like to be a woman. Maybe that why trans women go to such extensive lengths to get others to treat them as women. Other people influence the way we feel.
No. 51969
>>51965The way I see it, most cis women are feminine and cis men masculine and trans people follow suit. The fear of not passing probably factors into it. That's why it's suspicious that majority of trans men on tumblr happen to be so overly effeminate since the majority of cis men do not wear makeup and skirts.
Honestly, most of this discussion belongs on the /b/ trans thread. There's a difference between discussing tumblr trans and transsexualism as a whole.
No. 51970
>>51965Because most of them are not actually trans, they just buy into the stereotypes or get off on it.
That is also why so many young women identify as "gender queer" or whatever.
Because they don't fit into the feminine mold. Back then they were tomboys and butch lesbians, proud women who weren't afraid to speak out against gender roles. Or just regular women who believed that women didn't have to shave their legs and plump their eyelashes in order to be considered feminine. The same women who fought for our rights.
Now these so called "trans" idiots have driven us back into the 50's and they are telling young girls that if they don't like lipstick and high heels, they aren't real women. They're "gender queer" or "fluid" or whatever. Fuck them. Seriously.
No. 51973
>>51882A lot of SJW people are incredibly nice and seem to be genuine in their emotional reactions to things (less so on tumblr, it seems?), so I sometimes feel bad about laughing at them, not that I really do it in real life.
The real problem with a lot of very basic SJW stuff is that it's pretty reasonable but the way they present it is so fucking ridiculous and then they get allied with people who get
triggered by the word "vagina" because they are penis otherkin or something and it ends up a mess.
By the way, since this is technically a tumblr thread, does anyone have any crazy fat people blogs on there? Any time you type in something relating to the crazies it's mostly just common sense bullshit.
No. 51974
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No. 51975
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No. 51981
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>>51978>>51979I want to play this.
No. 51997
>>51986Brutish puzzlequeer blogger who wears feminist pajamas and is kin with Turkey
What have you done, Anon.
No. 51999
>>51986Witty autofictional blogger who wears japanese blouse and is kin with Periodical
me as fuck
No. 52001
>>51986Caring homospirit blogger who wears weeaboo kilt and is
triggered by Beef
No. 52002
>>52000Saw it. He expressed his thoughts in a mature way unlike some other anti feminist youtubers.
That convention was just filled with Tumblr users. Disgusting how the underline different "issues" under the name of feminism and claiming that they are being oppressed. Bitch no. That wasn't even close to a feminist festival. A fucking SJW festival is what it was. The christ was fucking disgusting lel.
No. 52003
Sage for mild OT, I guess?
Fellow tumblr users and lurkers, especially those with EDs, I have a question for you. Former ED-chan here. I used to have a blog on tumblr when I was really ill (I have since pulled my head out of my ass and don't blog about that shit anymore) and I posted about eating disorder stuff there, followed ED-related blogs, and had followers who were dealing with EDs as well. One of these followers was a guy, in his 50's or 60's, and his username started with 'hank' and ended with a series of three numbers, like 'hank365' or some shit but I can't remember what the numbers were. He has a SERIOUS ED, his BMI had to be somewhere around the level of Aly's, and he posted a lot of weird/creepy/exhibitionistic old scanned photos of himself in various ~*thinspo*~ poses from over the years. They looked like they were taken from a disposable camera. He would also occasionally do text posts about his ED and from what I can remember, a little about his wife and kids. He followed a ton of other ED blogs, mostly young women. I know that men can get eating disorders too, but I've never in my life seen a dude that old with one. And the pictures he posted were eerie as fuck. He followed me for a long ass time, until I stopped posting. I know his name is Hank, but I'm pretty sure he's unrelated to Ash's Hank.
Anyways (sorry for the ramble) I was wondering if any other ED-chans ever encountered this guy on tumblr? Or even IG, I don't know if he ever had one. If you have, I figured he might be thread-worthy.
*I apologize for any errors in posting this, I lurk a ton but I still feel like a noob
No. 52008
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No. 52010
>>52008Have these people never heard of the concept "friends"? And that even if you are sexually attracted to whatever gender is out there, you STILL will not fall in love with each and every person?? There will still be lonely people, no matter how pansexual everone is.
God, this makes me so mad.
No. 52011
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No. 52012
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No. 52013
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~ trans boy~ tumblr user: tubegayarmy
"alex" (i think her real name is lucy)
anyway, just look at her blog, it's a goldmine No. 52015
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>>52013>undertale>pointless trigger warnings>dat sidebarHahaha oh wow
No. 52016
>>52015>tw clownThis is like telling people not to talk about monkeys because some people use "monkey" as a slur against black people. Everything is a
No. 52017
>>52016Duuude, don't you know? if you try hard enough, EVERYTHING you're able to express through your mouth can be a
trigger for some weak ass out there.
No. 52018
>>52015>>can you not use clown?It was a slur directed towards irish immigrants, making fun of their unruly red hair. It was also classist. Yeah policing people's language use so that they won't use beyond outdated and obscure "slurs" is beyond ridiculous.
I guess they'd rather everyone be mute so no one would get offended by something that has no relevance to them, no effect on their life at all or even this fucking time period. What's next? Are they going to go up in arms at someone quoting Shakespeare? These three inch fools need to be done away with.
No. 52020
>>52018An SJW I know literally takes these to heart. Whatever you say to
trigger you, she tags them. If you said she can't use the word rice because it's racist towards Asians, she'd believe you and stop using it or censor it. I don't understand how these people can even function. Don't they ever get tired of constantly watching their words and policing others?
No. 52026
>>52024>>52025Holy black on a Popo, so basically they
triggered themselves by being uninformed. This is delightful I hope tumblr SJW get
triggered on a daily basis.
No. 52028
>>52024Holy shit, please try to find it, I need to see that.
Ignorant fucks.
No. 52030
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>>52024pls find. i have a friend who did this instead of just enjoying the fucking trip
No. 52035
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Quality film reviewing right here. Apparently if a movie has no PoC it's automatically bad and racist.
No. 52038
>>52035So about 85% of all Disney movies. I honestly want to know how these people would react to real racism.
I live in the South and there are some places where I live that are still really racist…like you still get treated like crap. A movie with no POC is not racist.
No. 52039
>>52037Like Kung Jin from Mortal Kombat X being gay?
Maybe Mettaton is genderfluid~
No. 52042
>>52041Actually no. a lot of feminists on tumblr hate sjws, and a lot of sjws are anti feminist (alot being trans), tumblr is pretty messy when it comes to this and also they are arguing for her to be a transwoman not a transman because shes strong and near 6 foot she MUST have been born male. Like if you are gonna sperge at least get the facts right, I wouldnt be surprised if you were a neckbeard.
But to address your point yes it is sexist-people were arguing for this over on the mary sue as well saying Samus should be trans for being strong. Its the same as them arguing for Link to be female because hes very feminine looking-they think they are being gender fluid and breaking gender binaries and totally edgy but instead are enforcing them. They are pretty much saying if you do not fit your own gender category 100% there is something wrong and thats that you are transgender. That is insulting to everyone.
No. 52046
>>52044fursuits are expensive man, youll drop at least 2k on a full-suit or a couple hundred of a partial. i saw one guy paid around 10k for one that lit up and had a water-cooling system.
sage for ot and furry sperging
No. 52047
>>52045I kind of get it. A lot of people ask stupid fucking questions that you could easily just google or they play dumb on purpose wasting everyones time. But I agree if you put yourself out there as the voice of
whatever and, quite often, obviously bait people (in the sense of being antagonistic, dissing something a lot of people like etc.) you can't just yell harassment or demand people to pay you for answers.
No. 52049
>>52008Asexual ideally? How would we reproduce then? Artificial insemination?
People have preferences. That's just the way it is. I have a feeling people who would be totally blind to sex and orientation when it comes to choosing a partner are very rare. It actually goes against biology. Being attracted to just about anyone would not make for good reproduction with the opposite sex.
This honestly sounds a bit like Brave New World for SJWs. Everybody belongs to everybody. It's selfish to not share yourself with everyone else.
Just because you magically become bisexual will not prevent you from being foreveralone. You still may never find the right person. So I guess you'd settle for whatever looked at you longingly from across the room? Even if it's a male lesbian transgendered self diagnosed autistic gemkin with xe/xir/xem pronouns.
I think I'd rather die alone.
No. 52050
>>52042This is why i'm glad many of my favorite games are so old that no one's going to bother to make awful trans headcanons.
In the original english translation of Phantasy Star there's a mistake made where the Governor refers to Lutz with female pronouns. Given that he's effeminate looking and his localization name is Noah, which can be a girl's name these days, I imagine if this were a new game with that translation error he'd be labeled as trans despite the fact that the pronoun use was a translation mistake. Because you can't be a pretty and effeminate man and not be trans.
It is pretty insulting. I especially hate it when a strong female character like Samus is labeled trans. Or any tomboyish girl character in general. Like sports? Have short hair? Wear pants? Trans! Just look at the pics of Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls being drawn as a very masculine person full of body hair. She's a tomboy but still a girl like her sisters.
It's like a false progressive attitude when you claim you're breaking down the gender binary yet all you ever do is push characters back into predefined stereotypes. It's like you are saying that masculine traits are only good for females and feminine traits are only good for males. Anything else is boring and every character needs to be trans.
No. 52054
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No. 52055
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No words.
No. 52058
>>52055>I know more than trained professionalsAh, the classics. Instead of realising your own deathfat made you sick and almost impossible to properly operate on, due to trouble with anaesthesia etc, you will blame ALL the doctors in existence for not being able to save the live you ruined yourself by gettint morbidly obese.
I wish I had a good fatty in ER greentext to go with this, I now there are several ones.
No. 52061
>>52058>due to trouble with anaesthesia etcI'm going to detail some of the issues, because fuck it.
When anesthetized, the airways tends to close. People with fat necks already have added pressure on their airways. They have to be intubated to keep them from suffocating, which, thanks to the added pressure of the fat, is that much more of a pain in the ass.
Larger incisions are required. This means more has to be done to control bleeding, the patient will take longer to heal, and there's an increased risk of infection.
The doctors and nurses have less room to maneuver, meaning they have to use longer tools, can't get a very close look at what they're doing, and can't reposition themselves easily. They lose precision.
The incision site has to be held open. Fat doesn't like to be held in place. Chances are, someone is going to have to physically hold the fat in place. That becomes that person's one and only job. They're just there, taking up space, unable to help out in any other way, holding onto a pile of fat until their arms are too tired and they have to switch with someone else.
Surgeries on obese people, thanks to all of these issues, take longer, which means there's more time for something to go wrong.
Post-surgery, if the area has a lot of fat (such as the abdomen), the weight can rip the incision site open.
tl;dr Doctors know how to operate on fat bodies. They know that it's much harder than them for logistical reasons, and it's much riskier for the patient. It's 2015. Stop blaming the doctors when YOU are the one making their jobs harder and putting your own life at risk because you can't control your caloric input/output.
No. 52062
I'm having my wisdom teeth extracted under general anaesthetic because they've erupted into my mouth seven shades of fucked up and are cracked and infected and almost upside down at this point and I actually apologised when they weighed me because I knew I'd gotten fat.
I may not be having surgery on my actual body but even so for the anaesthesiologist being even a little bit over weight can present so many complications and potential for risk that they have to factor in and calculate in concurrence with your weight and height you when anaesthetising you.
Being fat when getting anaesthetised is just plain rude tbh. I was rude.
I'm actually going to have to get them to weigh me again before the surgery after Christmas because since the last consultation I was so embarrassed I went ahead and lost 17lbs.
INB4 they use the figures from my last weigh-in and accidentally kill me kek
No. 52063
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>>52060THIS though. We don't spend thousands of dollars on in-depth testing for doctors to "check a box" or talk about how many spoons we have or whatever. It's so much more than that and an autism spectrum diagnosis is not something doctors just hand out willy-nilly because "she flaps her arms gaiz obvs autism". These teenaged idiots are missing the point, and they're only enforcing an extremely negative stereotype by forcing themselves to fit it as a free ticket to act like a buffoon while the rest of us struggle to be perceived and respected the same way as the normies.
No. 52064
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>>52055>it's 2015ah, yes. the calendar wielder.
>>52060i find it ironic. for all tumblr is about misrepresentation and such, it is interesting to see the number of people that have no qualms with faking disorders for attention.
No. 52065
>>52063Yeah, I mean they don't decide within a day that you indeed have autism or not.
I struggle at uni because I can't handle any stress and struggle in group projects and I hate that I have to ask for help because if I don't then it's for sure I'll never get a degree.
Maybe a bit off topic but trying to work with those in charge at university made me realize most of them have no idea how autism works either. It sucks that the only time autism is ever talked about is when someone is 'special' with a talent or is so bad they can't function at all. And now those that will talk the loudest about it are self-diagnosed twats which sure as hell isn't going to help.
At least your pic related, as horrible as it is, at least tries to justify it, I"ve seen way to many posts where the only reason they say someone is autistic is because "they act weird!".
>>52064It's amazing how much they contradict themselves. The worst part is that there are people with forms of autism that go undiagnosed or seem to tick all the boxes, but it's so hard finding those that legitimately haven't been able to see a doctor about it yet, from those that are "I didn't cry when my dog died I'm so autistic lol"
No. 52068
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I know this was talked about earlier in the thread, but gender-trenders
are the biggest implicators of gender roles. "Right now I like pink and i wanna wear a dress therefore my gender is girl today uwu""I wanna wear pants and sneakers therefore GUY".
This is why I do not believe in actual gender fluidy because so much of it involves the use of gender roles and stereotypes which of course makes no scientific basis.
No. 52072
No. 52073
File: 1449953609755.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.01 KB, 1920x2560, its2015cmonnow.jpg)

>>52055Gee, I wonder how it could possibly be an issue to get to an obese person's organs? Just fatophobia.
Pic related: Meat hooks
No. 52074
>>52073This isn't obesity surgery though, this is him having his excess skin removed after a massive weightloss, hence they've shoved hooks through it, because it's getting cut off anyway.
They will not put hooks through otherwise healthy skin and risk further infection just for standard bariatric surgery, they have to hold it up by hand.
No. 52075
>>52071It's funny. I remember at least back when I was in middle school, there were sayings like "don't label me, labels are for soup cans." How different things are now. Now, there is label for any gender or sexuality you can think of, and if it doesn't exist, you can make up your own.
Using mental illnesses to stand out (this includes all of the transtrenders) is the stupidest thing yet to come from social media. Being fucked in the head isn't something to be proud of. Nor does it make you individualistic, especially if all the kids online fake the same shit.
No. 52079
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>>52013looool i was havin a look at her Tumblr and someone said to her thats she's been posted on Lolcow
No. 52081
File: 1449959223226.jpg (33.16 KB, 295x575, wtf.JPG)

fucking found this when I was searching around the fat rolls tag. Wtf are these people? That's actually a diaper.
No. 52082
>>52081please spoiler that its
triggering me
No. 52084
>>52080…a middle aged man living his dream of being a 6 year old little girl, claiming to be transexual and role playing a fucked up family with his friends while taking a piss on his 7 fucking children and wife for not wanting to take responsibility as a fucking adult its sweet to you?
You disgust me.
No. 52085
>>52081ever heard of adult babies? Yes, it's a fetish trying to pass as "muh identity!!"
Next time, please spoiler this shit.
No. 52092
>>52075I remember that too, but that's always been a poorly disguised attempted at being a special snowflake.
>Don't label me, labels are for soup cans and those preppy fucks!It's all the same shit like when every one was emo/scene but got upset when you called them that, but also followed the trend to the letter.
No. 52094
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I don't know if she's been posted before. She's not even trying to pass. a transboi. But likes to wear makeup. Except when mom forces her to.
She also reblogged one of those "Transwomen can be lesbians" posts. Arguing with someone who states the blatant fact that lesbians do not like dick.
I feel sorry for any lesbians being told by these transtrendy tumblrinas that they should love the cock if it's attached to a transwoman.
No. 52095
>>52094do you know how old she is? doesn't say on her blog
because she looks like a rough 30-35 year old, but i'm assuming she's actually a teenager
No. 52100
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How the hell is Xena trans? I guess she was Solas' father then instead of his mother?
transwomanoftheday is pretty lolworthy. Their explanation is that headcanoning characters as trans helps transwomen with dysphoria. However I would think that it would be damaging.
Most of the time there's glaring evidence to the contrary. Many of these characters are mothers. And a lot are just tomboyish. I'm so sick of seeing Sailor Jupiter being called trans. And FemShep? Come on! Every girl from Madoka and just about every woman from Twin Peaks.
One that really gets me is Morticia Addams. How do you headcanon a mother as trans? Her children aren't adopted and Gomez didn't give birth to them. She's even has a baby in the second film. Is it supposed to be because they are weird and have supernatural aspects?
I find it hard to believe that there are transpeople who's dysphoria becomes worse when they can't headcanon female characters as trans. Especially with Morticia. Because the Addams' are supposed to be abnormal. Everyone in town thinks they are weirdoes. Wouldn't that be coubterproductive? The Addams' stand out. They don't "Pass" as normal people.
No. 52101
>>52078this can't be real
trans-aging will be a thing now?
I'll become a 1 month old disabled POC baby transboi (xir pronouns pls), I guess.
No. 52106
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>>52015She's drawn a beard on her face, but still wears lipstick and eyeliner? So manly, very passing.
Definitely not just a confused girl who wants to be a snowflake.
No. 52107
>>52100I don't see how pretending non-trans characters/people are trans can help people with trans dysphoria. Like, cheers for trying to insinuate that any non-feminine female or any female that exhibits "male" personality traits is trans. That'll do a world of good!
I mean, Jesus, they act like there aren't hundreds of legitimate examples already No. 52111
File: 1450024293108.png (10.51 KB, 498x164, ss (2015-12-13 at 04.31.04).pn…)

Common sense? What is that?
No. 52112
File: 1450040752710.png (42.88 KB, 514x503, leftbians.PNG)

Transwomen come up with the wildest shit and they hate biological females soooo much.
The whole corner of tumblr where the transwomen believe they are lesbians and call themselves dykes and are obsessed with communism is a sight to behold.
No. 52113
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>>52112I fucking hate this "baaaawww trans womyn are the most oppressededest people in the world and need to be protected uwu ~ fuck trans men, they're horrible privileged oppressors" shit. It's unbelievable. Yeah, trans men are super "privileged" and have a huge role in "upholding the patriarchy and hold[ing] power over women." Yep. Fuck those evil trans men and their misogynistic schemes.
No. 52115
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>>52113It gets worse, this whole tumblr is dedicated to that idea
No. 52116
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The fucking delusion
No. 52122
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>>52117Heh I thought i was the only one who thought like that.
>>52118Truth. Hearing how transwoman talk about "cis" womens bodies they do not sound too different to many men in that they just view them as bts of flesh and not a real person.
I remember reading this one transwoman who was on hormones and insisted their "sudden" bitchiness, agression and moodyness was coming from "their period". Wild.
No. 52123
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BLM drama up ahead.
No. 52124
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No. 52127
>>52045Because they have no fucking idea what they're talking about.
They're never educated. they don't know what to say.
they're this fucking stupid
Feminist says she didn't want to bring "another monster into the world"
so proggressive!!!
No. 52131
the hero we need
No. 52135
File: 1450087436733.png (72.06 KB, 500x331, tumblr_nz2ti5FOEc1tke8nco1_500…)

I think twitter can be just as bad if not worse tbh
No. 52138
>>51986late to the party but
>Proud pictogender blogger who wears thrifted shirt and is triggered by CharacterO-oh.
No. 52139
>>51954They defended
>>52078 on twitter
No. 52149
File: 1450112883700.jpg (78.63 KB, 501x501, jennersaidwhat.jpg)

They are turning on each other. Also the fucking irony of all of that is enough to give anyone a migraine.
No. 52154
>>52149Thing is, Jenner is right by pointing out the reality.
Honestly, can someone explain how Banks thought Jenner was "appeasing cisnormativity or your a failure" in that quote?
No. 52160
>>52156This is nothing new. People love being ~oppressed~ while not actually being oppressed. It allows them to think they're special and holier than thou. It's why Stormfronters call race-mixing "white genocide," American Christians think that a company having their employees say "Happy Holidays" is proof that there is a war on Christmas, 10 years ago all the alt kids in my high school were pretending to be bi, and jobless affluent 20-somethings living off their trust fund brag that all their clothes come from thrift stores.
>>52158Your coworker is a fucking idiot. Being trans is awful. Hating the body you were born with - knowing that your biological sex is WRONG - is hellish. People kill themselves because it causes them so much suffering. You'd think any real trans person would know better than to try to convince a person that they should hate their body more than they already do.
Some women have big boobs. Some have small boobs. Some are totally flat chested. Wanting smaller boobs doesn't mean you want to be a guy. I wish my palms were shorter compared to my fingers. That doesn't mean I want to be a god damn aye-aye.
No. 52161
>>52158With that logic, all women that get breast reduction surgery for back problems are trans.
Leave it to trans people to take us back to the dark ages, reducing womanhood to breasts.
No. 52163
>>52160Hey, I am offense. I love my thrift stores, you judgmental oppressive asslord! How dare you police my wardrobe!!
>>52154>>52155Yes, hello, I speak fluent Tumblr, I'll be your translator for today.
The gist of it is that Jenner, who by all means only passes as well as she does because she's filthy rich and has access to stylists, surgeons, makeup artists, etc, (and basically never had to endure the "full" struggle of being trans because of this) is saying that any other transwoman who doesn't pass as well as she does, (forgetting that most transwomen don't come from adequate wealth) and look more masculine as a result make people uncomfortable. This is seen as cisnormative because it pushes the idea that a) to be a woman is to look and act a certain way, and b) to be a woman is to dress a certain way. This creates/reinforces the standard that trans people must look as cis as possible to be accepted or taken seriously. Consequently, trans people who do not meet this standard are seen as inadequate failures who make people feel awkward. This would be considered by most as transphobic or otherwise intolerant.
This is, however, to completely forget that the objective of most trans people is to look as cis as possible anyways. It is also to forget that cisnormative qualities (read: gender roles) are most HEAVILY prescribed by trans people, as has been discussed multiple times in this thread. (E.g. bracelet-chan from above).
No. 52164
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>>52061Thank. You.
Everything you said is spot on. Doctors know what they're doing, but operating on a fat person makes EVERYONE'S job harder and no one wants to get sued because the increased risk of death and complications due to being a fat, lazy fuck. I hate obese people and their lack of logic or any kind of actual knowledge.
No. 52165
>>52068No. Fuck you.
Colors don't represent gender. Aren't we done with all that bullshit? Oh wait, tumblr loves to promote gender stereotyping- I've forgotten.
No. 52167
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>>52100Xena warrior fucking princess is my hero from childhood. They can fuck right off with this level of disrespect.
No. 52173
File: 1450144017020.gif (1.31 MB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_nlkkfpbiBh1s2708…)

>>52172thats jontron and he didnt sexually assault anyone, where the hell did you hear that? he talks about video games for a living and was on game grumps, the only thing he did that insulted people was he said retarded on twitter and sjws shit themselves over it.
No. 52179
>>52175of course they dont want to adhere traditional gender roles!
traditional gender roles are sexist and oppressive!!!! damn, go educate yourself you ignorant truscum mysognystic!
No. 52180
>>52169how can you be
triggered by porcupine
No. 52183
>>52175Some people could be taking legitimate issue with Jenner's lack of empathy in her statement (she's basically assumed the role of being a voice for trans people while really not giving much of a shit about their struggles or experiences), which is understandable, but that aside I don't think there's any fluid logic to it.
In the world of SJWs, the same person will tell you that it's cisnormative/sexist/promoting gender roles to say that transwomen need to look or dress feminine to be seen as women, and then later turn around and say that today they identify as a girl and express this by wearing makeup and a pink dress. They'll say "women aren't just vaginas/tits/uteruses" but then try to change the terminology of any women-specific subject of healthcare or whatever from "women" to "people with vaginas" or "people with uteruses". It's truly ass-backwards. The cognitive dissonance of their politics is astounding.
For the most part, what
exactly their issue with Jenner is is pretty unclear, but I would summarize it as being pissed off that a trans celebrity did not validate their notion of gender as a fluid social construct in which you can identify as whatever the hell you want based on the merit of your words alone, and not your actions. In their mind, you can be a transwoman without doing a single thing to try and obtain hormones, implants, surgery, vocal training, or even feminine clothing, and deserve to be treated and regarded as a woman simply because you say you are. To say or imply otherwise is transphobic, transmisogynistic, classist, oppressive, and so on and so forth.
Now, why the hell they expected a member of the Kardashian family, a 50+ year old rich white republican, to magically adopt and agree with their far left, extremist, liberal, gender-abolitionist, backwater poppycock, THAT, I could not tell you.
No. 52184
File: 1450146864535.png (696.58 KB, 1135x835, 1448125294094.png)

>>52135Man, there are a lot of stupid fucks on twitter. It really appeals to the lowest types of people, I don't understand why anyone uses it. It's like shouting in a crowded room for attention. Why is it so popular with plebs? I'm honestly just curious, I don't get the appeal.
No. 52186
>>52154Leaving out the tumblrinas and their trans-delusions for a minute, there are some people who begin their transition then pause or slow down. They end up in a kind of limbo where they can't choose a dressing room at the gym, so to speak. Colour me ignorant, I only learned that about five years ago. But when I think back to the trans people I have met in my life, not one of them had completed transition.
Jenner should drop the spokesperson bullshit because she's just exploiting it and her story for more fame and dollars.
No. 52188
>>52176>>52177It's part of the Christian persecution complex. The reason most people find the whole "War on Christmas" thing so grating (aside from the obvious fact that Christians literally make up the largest religious group in the world, have the most social and political power of any religion in the west, and are the farthest thing from being persecuted) is that these people entirely fail to recognize or acknowledge the fact that other holidays and traditions exist outside of their own. There are over a dozen holidays that take place in December, Christmas is only one of them. When these people get ass pained about the phrase "happy holidays", they're basically saying "Fuck everyone else, my beliefs and my feelings are the only thing that matters".
>>52185I mean for one, read what I wrote above. Secondly though, why are you acting as if the commercialization of holidays or the removal of Christmas from it's Christian roots is a new thing, or even just limited to Christmas period? Easter has been secularized too, no one really gives a shit about that. Christmas and Easter both collectively lean heavily on elements of pagan traditions as well, so it's not like they were ever sacredly pure in Christian origin anyway. St Nicholas, the (credited) origin for Santa Claus, it like 1700 years old. Like where are you guys even getting this idea that Christmas has always been purely, solely, 100% a Christian holiday and only within the last decade or two was it corrupted by evil soul-sucking secular governments and, according to you, corporate jews?
That aside
>I'm 100% atheist>Countries all around the world have national holidays and festivals with religious origins, yet we can't have ours?>Ours?Why are you aligning yourself with Christians if you identify as an atheist? It's not
yours if you aren't Christian. I'm calling some bullshit right here.
No. 52190
>>52188When did I say it was restricted to Christmas? They've been trying to suck the soul out of pretty much everything for the sake of profit. They say that they do it to be "inclusive", and yet they advertise presents and merchandise relating to the holiday. The whole reason Easter is bigger than Christmas in the first place is because of corporations. They basically want to remove the religious and cultural aspects of holidays while simultaneously profiting from the existence of said holidays, they don't give af about being inclusive.
>Like where are you guys even getting this idea that Christmas has always been purely, solely, 100% a Christian holiday and only within the last decade or two was it corrupted by evil soul-sucking secular governments and, according to you, corporate jews?Whuh whuh whuh, back the fuck up. Why are you talking about how Christmas developed now? Pretty sure everyone is already aware of that. The pagan elements are still a part of the culture and the traditions, but no one gives af about preserving white cultures lol. Traditions take a long time to develop, and they don't evolve in a vacuum. The things you mentioned are still a part of Christian traditions. (And Western traditions as a whole, for that matter).
>Why are you aligning yourself with Christians if you identify as an atheist? I'm not, I'm aligning myself with white America. Christianity is and has always been a huge part of white American culture, eliminating Christianity is just another example of how the government is trying to separate whites from our cultural backgrounds. I'm not saying everyone should be Christian, but trying to stamp out all it's meaning while maintaining only the secular aspects is shitty and soulless.
No. 52193
>>52190Apparently I hate myself enough to respond to this.
>They've been trying to suck the soul out of pretty much everything for the sake of profitOk? This is a topic so much broader than Christmas though. Christianity is not alone in this. If there is a market for anything, there is money to be made, and exploitation to be had. Welcome to Capitalism 101. The existence of monetary greed does not constitute a war on Christianity, or Christmas, or white culture, or whatever the fuck you're on about.
> I'm not, I'm aligning myself with white AmericaHate to bust your balls, mate, but white America is not exclusively Christian, nor are Christians exclusively white or American. You're aligning yourself with Christianity, end of story.
>eliminating Christianity is just another example of how the government is trying to separate whites from our cultural backgroundsFucking lol. Christianity is not the be all end all of white cultural backgrounds. Hell,
America is not the be all end all of white cultural backgrounds either. American culture isn't even exclusively Christian, or white, and never has been. It's an amalgamation of multiple cultural aspects and influences, right straight from the days of Plymouth Rock and the native americans. And if you want to claim any kind of true core to what America was built on, it was fucking colonialism and genocide lol.
Christianity caused the
original destruction of white cultural backgrounds - in
Europe, not America. Historically it did irreparable damage to white culture, far more than corporate greed ever could. America is not the birth place of white people or white culture. And neither it, nor Christianity, has any claim to what is the cultural essence of white people.
>>52191This is such fucking bait but I'll bite.
>living in a Christian country How about you learn your own goddamn constitution lol. It's written right in there by the founding fathers that America is to have a separation of church and state. It's not a Christian country. Learn your shit.
>then why did you move to a country filled with people who don't share your beliefsLol insinuating that people who don't agree with Christianity couldn't possibly have been
born in America. Insinuating America
isn't and hasn't been a multicultural melting pot for hundreds of years.
Please leave.
No. 52194
>>52191While America identifies as an overall Christian country, it is not 'Christianity or die', is it? People are atheists, Hindus, Jewish, Breatharians.
What's so wrong with saying 'happy holidays'? It's not Christian enough for some, but it's not anti-Christian.
No. 52195
File: 1450154315331.png (14.6 KB, 525x63, priorities.png)

K now irrelevant religious shit aside, let's get back on topic.
No. 52197
File: 1450155420144.png (18.52 KB, 524x80, Avoidallmen2015.png)

>>52196Nah, she identifies as a radfem misandrist. Pic related, also from her. I wish I could remember her url.
No. 52199
File: 1450160460767.png (30.08 KB, 526x114, thatssomelogic.png)

Also from her blog.
No. 52201
File: 1450166591753.png (305.99 KB, 1440x2104, Screenshot_2015-12-15-01-31-42…)

No. 52203
File: 1450167536401.png (81.07 KB, 667x519, sigh.png)

>>52201I'm too tired to even add proper commentary to this. I don't think they even understand what they're proposing and the negative implications of it. Heaven forbid the day come where we can't fight for women's rights anymore because that's oppressive and cissexist.
No. 52206
>>52071I think some of them are just trying to rebel against grandma's idea of gender stereotypes. And rather than just go the obvious route and be themselves without attaching labels to it they feel the need to be special snowflakes. The rest are just crazy.
But there are kids out there who are adopting this nonsense and they do not realise how backwards it really is. The whole idea about breaking gender stereotypes is to make people feel comfortable about being themselves without ridicule. If a boy wants to play with Barbie or a girl wants to play football that doesn't make them trans, genderfluid or some made up tumblr sexuality.
People are labeling themselves with so many made up terms that I can no longer keep up.
I remember how many times I was told by older relatives that I was not feminine enough. I didn't even understand what they were talking about. I was just being myself. My mom telling me I needed to feminize myself. Kids don't understand when they are told things like this. You end up mixing them up and they don't know who they are anymore. Then they find tumblr and it all goes to hell.
I think that we're on the wrong path to dealing with outmoded gender stereotypes. But too many kids are getting indoctrinated into thinking they are trans or have to use a bunch of made up pronouns in order to express themselves.
No. 52207
>>52205Trans guy here, I went on birth control in an attempt to stop my periods (painful due to endometriosis) when I was still in the closet but I'm an obvious outlier. (It didn't work anyway. Depo and at least 3 types of pills)
Needless to say, I can't stand posts like
>>52203Trans guys don't want to be reminded of periods or their vaginas, testosterone kills off periods and fertility as long as you're on it, 99.99 percent of people getting abortions are cis women.
No. 52209
File: 1450182382695.jpg (132.43 KB, 1053x858, sdad.jpg)

Official Tumblr commenting starter t-shirt.
No. 52210
File: 1450204470649.jpg (87.5 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nookzvwdNH1rnuzv2o1_500…)

>>52207>wahhh trans guys don't want to be reminded of their periods or vaginasWhy do you people try so hard to escape reality? You are not a man and never will be. Just accept that you naturally have a womb, breasts, vagina, and periods. Not wanting to be reminded of this is proof that you're desperately using escapisim as a way to avoid dealing with your real problems and horrible lack of self esteem.
Stop mutilating yourself with hormones, surgeries, and toxic thoughts. It's self sabotage. Just accept that you're a female, and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a woman. If you weren't born as a male, you were never meant to be a man, and will never be a man.
Throughout your life you will constantly be reminded that you are truly a female. The resounding guilt/anger/sadness or whatever emotion you feel as a result of being reminded of your natural biology, is your subconscious trying to wake you up and make you realize that you're living a lie and it's not healthy.
Pleeease accept yourself and the reality that you will always be a female. I'm sure you will feel a million times better when you're not trying to keep up a facade.
What's the point of pretending when most people can see through it instantly?
You're only fooling yourself.
No. 52211
>>52210i love you for this.
i wish all of these tumblrtards and "trans" people would realize this and shut the fuck up. there are far more important things to be worried about. if you have a vagina you're a girl, if you have a penis you're a boy… and that's fine.
No. 52212
>>52210You typed all of this to upset a transtard.
No. 52213
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>>52210You're just as bad as these SJWs. Please leave my thread.
No. 52214
>>52212Not even that anon but we are on a gossip image board.
Typing a few paragraphs to reckt a tumblrtard is a lot of a better use of time than the few words in your useless cancer post.
No. 52217
>>52123Ha. Shaun King is fucking white! Kind of makes a lot of his tweet, oh, what do they call it?
No. 52218
File: 1450216643520.png (370.9 KB, 1161x745, fakeboi.png)

Not tumblr exactly but it's this same IMMA BOY bullshit.
She deleted a lot of her old posts but she used to tag herself as with shit like #transboy #trans #queerboy etc. She's my personal lolcow, and was a ~queer uke boy UWU~ until her boyfriend got up and decided being a dom wasn't for him. Now she's a LOUD AND PROUD WOMYN DOMME.
There needs to be a term for these kinds of obese landwhales who claim they're ~trans~. They all look the same.
No. 52219
File: 1450216745031.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, 133324490.jpg)

>>52218>50 DD>50bitch you don't need a breast reduction you need an everything reduction
No. 52222
File: 1450241187446.png (9.46 KB, 523x330, jesus.PNG)

This is sad. A gore blog (2edgy) I follow just started this shit. I can't tell how legitimate this is though considering it's Tumblr and I know nothing about multiple personalities.
No. 52225
Wow so even sexual trauma means you cannot say no to sex if a transwoman asks for it:
"We learned about this in psychology actually it’s a defense mechanism called rationalization. You come up with a fake excuse for your behavior to protect yourself from the real Bad Unacceptable reason you’re actually doing it
EX.) twerf lesbians who say they won’t be with trans women because they’re traumatized by penises but really they’re just transphobic and won’t admit it" step will be even being dead means you cannot say no. Lesbians have my total sympathy, what is with societies obsession to prioritise dick over everything?
No. 52229
File: 1450246018163.png (302.14 KB, 453x1558, vade.png)

>>52220I don't have a dick, retard.
Has lolcow ever heard of Vade? She has a giant thread on Kiwi Farms and was once the epitome of Tumblr. Here's some old screenshots I took of her thread back when her milk was plentiful.
No. 52231
>>52185>It's a Christian holidayLmao Catholics literally hijacked it from Pagans so they'd be more popular. It has no basis in Christianity whatsoever.
Fuck outta here
No. 52233
>>52232Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, the celebration of the "Christian" holiday–whose origins are centered around the winter solstice and two Pagan festivals: the Yule-feast of the Norsemen and the Roman Saturnalia–actually precedes the birth of Jesus Christ. And, iirc, Jesus never actually observed Christmas himself, cuz y'know, he was a Jew.
Look that shit up sometime, Anon.
No. 52234
>>52232Actually you can trace the roots of Christmas to Nimrod and even Ancient Egyptian practice.
Hell the who Christmas tree thing was a pagan practice and the bible point blank says don't do it. IIRC Jeremiah 10…? I'm not a Christian do I'm not completely sure.
No. 52236
>>52235The first recorded incident of Christmas happening on December 25th was during the reign of Constantine,
who was Christian. There's no evidence that early Christians merged Christmas with pagan traditions to avoid persecution. We don't actually know why it happened, but most hypotheses basically come down to regular ol' cultural assimilation.
No. 52237
>>52225Wouldn't SJWs consider this a type of rape? Telling lesbians they can't so no to sex with transwomen would pretty much be like telling someone they had no choice but to have sex even if they are completely against it i.e. rape. Are lesbians supposed to just lay there and take it from a transwoman's cock because it's transphobic otherwise? I'm really tired of this "some women have penises" thing.
You'd think that a group like SJWs who are so invested in calling anything penis related part of rape culture would see how badly they are contradicting themselves here. The lack of self awareness is just unbelievable.
No. 52244
>>52243It can happen that autism isn't exactly obvious. Some people are diagnosed when they are adults, as an example. It's a spectrum and shit.
This person though just wants to be autistic so they can be more of a special snowflake, pretty sure of that, the otherkin shit gives it away.
No. 52251
File: 1450389224970.png (31.37 KB, 680x454, welp.PNG)

Whenever I lose faith in tumblr a good post shows up on my dash that makes me smile and usually triggers SJW. That being said what make people turn into SJW? I had to unfollow 3 blogs that I've followed since 2011 because of the shit they have been posting.
No. 52252
File: 1450391368058.png (149 KB, 746x1114, Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 2.16…)

being a lesbian in 2015 is the worst and I know it's not going to get better in 2016 with the tumblr hivemind ever-expanding
I am so tired of being told that I need to be attracted to trans women in order to not be a terrible person. I have been gay my whole life. I do not want anything to do with a penis. and you know what, I'm not really interested in fake mutilated pseudo-vaginas either! those things are fucking terrifying! I can't believe I live in a world where I have actually been shamed for not liking dick by people who claim to be LGBT-friendly.
the dating pool is all kinds of fucked up now. the whole 'butch' thing is completely backwards– all the actual butch girls who might have identified that way in the past are fakebois now who insist on being referred to as men. at the same time, we're expected to be equally attracted to pre-op trans women who don't even pass. so we're frequently stuck between a rock and a hard place with dating options. do you like masculine women? you now have the choice between dating A. a man and B. a man! if you don't want either of those you're radfem scum
I really want to be accepting and tolerant. I sincerely followed tumblr politics for a long time and tried to understand. now it's just a farce. I'm sure I'm not the only lesbian who's more than a little salty
No. 52253
>>52252>I can't believe I live in a world where I have actually been shamed for not liking dick by people who claim to be LGBT-friendlyIt's going full circle.
they're literally the antithesis of what they loudly proclaim to be.
No. 52256
>>52252Trans activists can be extremely homophobic and I wonder if they even realize this. It is insane how much mental gymnastics they'll do just to say "you lesbians better suck my dick!" and taking the terms butch, femme, dyke, etc. from lesbians as well.
Some people have been advocating to drop the T from LGB but thats a shitstorm waiting to happen.
No. 52275
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The genderfluid and nonbinary tags really are a riot.
I keep seeing posts about how non-white indigenous peoples all had a third gender option and whites destroyed it via colonization. I have a hard time believing that all indigenous people have the same set of beliefs about gender. No one ever seems to specify a specific group of people. They just lump them all together under indigenous.
I've also never heard of third gender being something whites can't use.
No. 52279
File: 1450408277030.jpg (48.4 KB, 527x533, thingsthatneverhappened.jpg)

Yeah. I totally believe this. It doesn't sound fake at all.
No. 52284
>>52275I've seen a lot of indigenous transgender people explain that third gender in indigenous society meant more around the lines of gender non conforming people, such as men performing the role of women, and not so much transgender.
By their logic, aren't only indigenous people allowed to ~reclaim~ the term and not all PoC? But this person comes off as another spineless idiot with white guilt.
No. 52296
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No. 52298
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>>52227> It's almost like they think it's okay to fuck on group of people over just to make another feel better.
>almostit's been like that since day 1. all SJWs want is a power swap because they think it's 'deserved' they don't want actual equality, that's why that whole systematic racism thing took hold. but sure, lets punish the whole populous. SJWs refuse to every acknowledge that they only attack products of the system and never the cause of issues.
No. 52306
>>52304but that's the thing, it's sad but true, sexuality is chemical not emotional. the romantic part of it is though sure, but it's not something you choose. i didn't choose to like dicks and not like vaginas, just like i didn't choose to find specific traits attractive. you didn't choose to like vaginas so you shouldn't have to choose to like dicks to make someone feel better emotionally.
plus why would someone want you to fake that and hurt you over it. do they really think that's better? selfish…
No. 52309
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>>52296Immediately thought of Jessica from Club Papillon/Royal 17
No. 52317
File: 1450416953236.jpg (1.06 MB, 1920x1200, Michiko.To.Hatchin.full.203298…)

>>52296Its like this twat hasn't watched michiko no hatchin (the main characters are black/tan), also Cowboy Bebop had black characters. Fuck even Bleach had one or two black characters.
No. 52357
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No. 52358
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No. 52363
>>52246why are they all so ugly
is this a way for them to cope with their ugliness
No. 52364
>>52358I think this is a troll.
No. 52405
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>>52246>referencing that gender neutral tumblr undertale comic I physically cringed
No. 52446
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>>52357do people actually think this? is tumblr so bored they had to go back decades and even centuries to baww about privilege? i don't think we should be teaching people this shit if they're just going to think it still applies.
No. 52447
>>52443I don't care how bad their situation is I'm not going to let a stranger live with me. I just imagine one day I'll come home and they'll be stilling my shit and telling me how much I
trigger them.
No. 52517
>>52246this is so godawful. first of all, transtrenders really deligitimize the struggle that trans people face. transgenderism is incredibly complicated, and its encompasses so much more than faux outrage at being misgendered via incorrect pronoun. also, to some extent, i feel the recent gender obsession and obsession with being trans among young kids actually perpetuates sexism, binary genders, and gender roles. it's okay to be a girl and not wear make-up; you don't have to use he/him pronouns! in the same vein, it's okay to be a boy, and wear makeup and not use she/her pronouns! there's no reason to alter yourself or your identity just because you don't perfectly fit into your societal gender role.
i think if i was twelve or thirteen, i would've fallen trap (~no pun intended~) to the transtender fad. i was going through puberty and very uncomfortable with my body. (hell, i'm still not that comfortable with my body.) i was also very much a tomboy. i would've probably thought that this meant i
am a guy. perhaps, i would've pushed myself to transition or fit the male mold better, instead of staying true to myself. i'm still very much a tomboy, but i know that my non-conformance to strict gender roles doesn't dictate how i present myself or what my genitals should be.
i'm also so over the IM SEAUX SPECIAL FOR BEING BI AND GAY xDDD thing. being proud of who you are is really, really great, but if your sexuality is the sole crux of your personality, you need to take a critical look at yourself. then again, most of the kids in these vines, aren't even in high school, so I'm not sure how critical they're gonna get. they'll probably grow out this phase in a few years and understand that it was more damaging to the LGBTQ cause than it was helpful.
No. 52521
File: 1450517281089.jpg (24.04 KB, 527x242, lolwhitey.jpg)

You have got to be kidding me. This must be a troll. White people don't cook?
Where do people get this stuff from? Who makes fun of "black people food"? Whatever that is. Soul food? Fried chicken? White people fry stuff too you know.
No. 52523
>>52517What irks me about those begging posts is that they never explain their situation in detail or then clearly exaggerate everything that has happened, and most of the time they don't accept concrete help (like food/clothing donations or housing) but hard cold money that will probably go into makeup and etsy shops.
Like for example
>hi my name is prince and I'm a demisexual transgendered minor. my extremely abusive, transphobic parents scare me so I'm not safe at home at all but being a minor I can't get a job or move out to my own place so please donate for me so I can afford men's clothes for my transition thanks!!!!!!!!And the "abuse" and "transphobia" is some lemonteaflower-tier "my parents don't understand my unique made-up gender and want to help me feel better, DEM TRANSPHOBES" and them telling their kid to not stay on the computer all the time or yelling at them for skipping school.
No. 52525
>>52358>>52275Posts like these are intriguing in a sense that in their heads they have made "white people" into this devilish entity similar to Satan. They're responsible for ALL the suffering and pain in the world. Like if you replace the term white people with Satan, you'd pretty much get a crazy evangelic christian's rambling out of these things. Or if you replace the term white people with jews, you'd get stormfront posts. It's also interesting to note that in the 30's and 40's Germany they used the exact same reasoning to imprison, expel and finally kill jews - that the jews (the patriarchy) hold all the money and power and all of Germany's social problems are caused by them.
I don't know why these people just don't follow the simplest advice: If you don't like it, don't fucking watch it. If you want exclusively black people or the majority of characters to be black, just go watch in living color and bebe's kids or something. If you think that if you whine enough the japs will make black characters just for the sake of representation, you're going to be so disappointed.
No. 52533
>>52521>since the beginning?Since the beginning of what? What food?
Who are you?
No. 52553
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I'm still hoping it's a troll blog. But i don't think so.
No. 52566
>>52562like how black people count characters that are supposed to be okinawan or southeast asians and really really dark as being 'african' or w/e. they refuse to understand that dark skin doesn't make them black.
also anime characters aren't suppose to be realistic interpretations of anything in the first place.
No. 52567
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>>52563I could be wrong, but this particular mangaka tends to draw dark skinned characters (both male and female) with very stereotypical black features. Not to mention she has a habit of giving them stereotypical black attitudes (Jessica being a gold digger and a bit of a whore) and a group of dark skinned guys being thugs. It does say that Jessica was born in Kansai, but it doesn't give much info on her as she's not terribly important to the story line.
No. 52569
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>>52566There's always ore to akuma no Burūz.
No. 52570
>>52567isn't she like, a stereotypical gyaru/manba ganguro tho?
Like, she comes to me as that, as someone who judges people by their fashion choices and not for skin color.
No. 52573
>>52563 mentioned b-gal and i think
>>52567 doesn't know what that is.
No. 52575
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>>52567Nnnope, she's definitely B-gyaru. Also.
>she has a habit of giving them stereotypical black attitudes (Jessica being a gold digger and a bit of a whore)… I'm sorry???
No. 52576
File: 1450551324137.jpg (241.42 KB, 690x1069, royal-seventeen-1117876.jpg)

>>52573Her last name is Palel…so please tell me that's a Japanese last name.
No. 52578
>>52575If she is then I'm sorry for bring her up. Normally when I think of b-gal I think of that Hina girl.
I'm meant like the Jezebel stereotype black woman = loose. Didn't say I believed that crap.
No. 52583
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No. 52585
File: 1450553367125.png (21.59 KB, 508x271, rubyfruitjumble.PNG)

Feminists, it's time to prioritize DICKS. Don't let those sneaky vagina-having transmen oppress you! :~)
No. 52602
File: 1450564585614.png (64.87 KB, 505x536, fetish.png)

This post is your typical long winded Gender Tumblr drivel so I didnt screencap the whole thing but here are some choice bits
>Genitalia fetishization is what we see with the obsessiveness of genitals. That one’s sexuality is determined by what genitals a person has.
>Consider TERFs who obsess over genitals, specifically lesbian TWEFs who go absolutely wild about vaginas and can’t ever shut up about how important they are to being a woman.
>Imagine all the people who want to apply some sort of “I’m only attracted to people with certain genitals” sexuality to themselves and to otherstl;dr If you dont want to have sex with transwomen dick or their pseudo vaginal axe wound youre just a cisnormative genital fetish freak. No. 52603
>>52602God dammit, and so what if I like pussy and only pussy you whiny bitches, I've seen videos of trans "vaginas" still spurting precum and looking infected af even after "healing", that is shit they don't tell you when they preach "love ME not my genitulz!!1" do you think that with a stupid cosmetic butchering they will automatically grow fucking labia and a uterus and also smell nice too? Don't be so fucking naive, shit is nasty, vags can be nasty too, but is a sea of difference between an actual vagina and a mutilated dick and balls.
I'd rather deal with periods and cramps that taking care of a swollen, open wound, and that ain't no sin.
No. 52620
>>52357>it doesn't come from a place of power and privilegeWhat the fuck? Then what about all of those damn "check your privilege posts" that are always made in order to discuss issues exactly like this, in which people have certain rights/privileges over others that go beyond race, gender, sex, religion, orientation, etc??
If that person is saying that as a cis person, than yeah, it's coming from a privileged point of view according to tumblr because they're in the majority and hold most of the positions of power, regardless of race.
Not only that, but even if that wasn't true, a cis person can bring harm to a trans person anyway, which is one of the reasons suicide/death rates are so high among them.
That moron wants to blame white people for everything, at some point they have to realize that there is such a thing as accountability, and they will be held for it.
No. 52621
>>52246I genuinely dgaf if someone is trans, genderfluid, demi, whatever. I just really,
really wish people would stop confusing sex and gender.
No. 53567
>>52598I've seen teens go nuclear on tumblr over that because it "erases muh trans identity". Most of them look like the sex they were born as and make no attempt at all to pass. Because you can totally be a transman if you wear makeup and dresses everyday. You see the girliest girls ever writing about how hard is is to be transmen.
>>52602I'm really getting tired of this. How are genitals fetishized? They're made specifically for sex.
I'm really tired of everything being called a fetish if you want it, like it or use it. Fetish seems to be the go-to word for SJWs when they want to point out how maligned and oppressed someone is. You can't even like a bowl of rice without having a fetish for it. They're misappropriating the term and it's pissing me off. That and colonialism. Europe isn't one big oppressive mob trying to ruin everything for everyone who isn't white.
I hope their kids grow up to think their parents were backwards retards.
No. 53568
File: 1450614019779.jpg (49.22 KB, 529x500, language.jpg)

I've actually seen this in action on tumblr. People asking if it's ok to learn Spanish, Japanese, Korean, ect…
I really don't know why someone would think that a tumblrina's word is law. But they do. It's really frightening.
It's really counterproductive to the SJW ideology that all white people are are ignorant of other cultures and expect everyone in the world to speak English.
God forbid people can actually communicate with each other.
Sometimes I want to answer one of those posts by saying that they should not be asking tumblr for that kind of advice. But I don't want tons of hate by hypersensitive overly PC whales in cats eye glasses.
No. 53569
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I go to this thread whenever I want to feel angry and hopeless.
No. 53572
>>53568People on Tumblr have a very skewed perception of cultural appropriation.
It's a real thing in academic studies and not actually something Tumblrinas with too much time on their hands invented but somewhere somehow people have taken it to mean "don't learn new languages, don't be interested in other cultures!!!!" That's not what CA is but everybody uses it wrong.
I find it incredible that people ask complete
strangers on the internet for permission to wear cultural garb or make food from other countries so as to not "offend them". Who the fuck cares what people on the internet think.
No. 53583
>>53567It's always weird to me because it seems like they have some weird fetish for effeminate gay boys. Like, they want to be men but they want to be men who are petit and cross-dressed.
It reminds me of the early yaoi fandom that always wanted to put the uke in even more feminized situations (crossdressing, garter-belts and stockins, makeup etc.) because of how "cute" it is. As though the have this ideal of the girly twink as what they think gay men will find desirable.
I wonder if it doesn't stem from the constant berating of femininity in women as weak and femininity in men as empowering or transgessive. They want to keep the feminine part but identify as male to make it "powerful" or something.
I'm just bullshitting here though.
No. 53587
File: 1450626558681.png (22.94 KB, 470x223, kitty.png)

A girl on tumblr made a huge post about how feminist spaces are no longer safe for REAL women, and she makes a lot of valid points and isn't rude about it, but all of the sjw trannies are going apeshit about it and boycotting her online stores and stuff.
Pic is a tiny snippet of what she wrote, here's the link to the entire post - it's really worth reading. No. 53589
File: 1450629214653.png (13.52 KB, 549x144, retard.png)

>>53587wOw look at this eloquent and thought provoking counter argument!
No. 53597
>>53595I don't get why they cannot process that male and female bodies are different, regardless of the gender your brain is…
A transman would still need to visit a gynecologist, a transman is still smaller built and weaker than a transwoman.
A transwoman is still at risk of getting testicular cancer. She still has "cis" male problems because she was born male and nature intended for her to BE male, because really she IS male.
It's just the way nature is. Fucking imbeciles.
No. 53605
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>>52013This kid again. Kudos to whoever is asking her these questions and providing us with a bit of entertainment.
No. 53606
>>53605I don't understand why saying that some people don't like dick means more murders happen. Defending somebody's right to turn down sex because they don't want to have sex with those genitals isn't the same as saying "yeah you can totally kill them if it turns out they have a dick." You can keep "panic" murders illegal without making people have ride a dick.
I'm a lesbian that doesn't like dicks so if it turned out my partner had a dick, I would turn them down for sex. I feel like there's a massive difference between that and murdering them, jeez.
No. 53607
>>53606*without making people ride a dick
Dang, I massacred that sentence.
No. 53613
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>>53605Someone ask her if she'd fuck a tranny.
No. 53617
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>>53616what a wonderful world
No. 53626
>>53624At least in regards to the no caps thing, some blog themes actually have code built into them that turns all capital letters into lower case letters. I have no idea
why but it's an extremely annoying trend in theme coding.
>Knows this because I have had to go into my code numerous times to take it outThough it is definitely a trend regardless. Just saying that sometimes it's the fault of the code though and not the person.
No. 53628
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>Pronouns- Frogself/Ribbit
No. 53636
File: 1450659628781.png (754.7 KB, 925x662, dontreblog.png)

So they tag many of their posts as #Don't Reblog if Non-Black despite many of them being related to non-black issues. Like they glorify the shit out of South Korea and Kpop but have the nerve to as those posts as being exclusive to blacks.
No. 53642
File: 1450663772363.jpg (36.88 KB, 540x677, 1513234_1181288298552625_13566…)

love this
No. 53700
>>53583> As though the have this ideal of the girly twink as what they think gay men will find desirable. This is debatable, I'm a huge fujoshit and me and most of the other fujos I've come across realize it's not meant to be mirrored to actual gay people, it's just something that's made to please women who like seeing pretty boys. I like it for the humiliation factor because I quite simply get a kick out of it. And
>>53592 is kind of right in the sense that a lot of girls familiarize themselves with the "uke" getting pushed to the wall by the hot seme of the relationship.
Anyway, I realize that it's objectifying men and I admit it. However I also realize where the fantasy and real life part and that the guys in yaoi are no way comparable to actual irl men. A lot of tumblrinas don't realize this though and I've seen tons of self-important SJWs claiming that yaoi fetishizes homosexuals and romanticizes rape while I don't know if anyone over 15 ever thought of real life gay people being like in their Chinese cartoons. It's just a fantasy and most people are sane enough to realize it.
>>53587She is right though. I don't care how female MTFs are now, they have still grown up as a male and have been taught male behavioral patterns from a young age. The ones who are "translesbian" are the worst fetishist I've ever come across.
No. 53706
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Yoga industrial complex.
I've heard of schools and community centers who have stopped teaching yoga because "muh cultural appropriation". Mainly a bunch of white people got offended because they felt that yoga was cultural appropriation while some parents thought it would religiously indoctrinate children.
Where is this coming from? I've never seen any Indian American protests over yoga being offensive. I bet this is 99% white guilt SJWs.
No. 53732
>>53700I get that, and I don't have a problem with fujoshis so long as their mature about it. I meant more that I think a lot of the fake tumblr FTMs are taking the "identification with the uke" to a similar extreme as autogynephiles (autoandrophilia?) which might also tie into that theory of tumblr girls being non-binary due to just wanting to abdicate the label of female and still be feminine, like it would be better to be a girly boy than a girl.
The "cotton ceiling" thing is slowly creeping into gay circles too, and a lot of the loudest people are tumblr gender trenders who think that gay men are going to act similar to yaoi semes.
No. 53742
>>52089For people of that size that won't even operate unless it's literally then-and-there life threatening because the dangers of anaesthetising somebody that fat are so high they'd probably have a higher risk of dying from the anaesthesia.
They will not shove meat hooks through a person's fat during surgery because then they open up the risk of infection, sepsis or gangrene which also has a massively inflated chance of killing them.
I don't know where you heard otherwise but its wrong.
No. 53753
>>52112>supporting transman is wrong>but supporting transwomen is rightwhy do feminists and transwomen constantly shit on transmen? the fuck?
reminds me of how gays and lesbians shit on bisexuals.
No. 53755
>>52229I'm diagnosed with autism and it's fucking bad.
why the fuck would you want to be autistic? it's disgusting and people think you're stupid. smh
tumblrinas want to be oppressed so badly when they live perfect lives (99% of them are rich and have nice parents)
fuck this gay earth
No. 53774
>>53773>>53773>>53753>>53773From a radfem point of view, transmen are women who want to escape oppression by rejective femininity altogether.
So, on one hand they're victims of patriarchy and on the other hand they're just shitting all over the concept of womanhood.
No. 53779
>>53776I agree with you in that there are definitely some transmen who do suffer from dysphoria. It's just that gender dysphoria is such an incredibly rare condition that it's unlikely every person who thinks they're a transman/nonbinary/whatever actually is.
Similar to how transwomen confuse thinking life would be magically better and easier as a woman for "dysphoria".
No. 53793
>>53706it's fucking hilarious to see sjw idiots have the same views in the end as religious nutjobs.
but remember on tumblr, things can't evolve or exist simultaneously with other similar things.
No. 53796
>>53757then tell us about it
why is she so crazy
No. 53800
>>53779>>53776but in order to be trans, you need dysphoria.
you can't be trans without dysphoria
No. 53819
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The self importance is strong with this one.
No. 53820 case of university kids claiming "cultural appropriation" over something stupid.
Once the real world hits them, these Tumblr-type kids will see how insignificant their complaining is outside their safe zones.
No. 53823
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Neko Atsume call out on being racist
No. 53826
>>53800As I think somebody already said, that'd be equivalent to being Depressed without feeling sad.
Then again, I'm a cis white shitlord, so what do I know?
No. 53842
>>53755Fucking tell me this.
My brother has two kids, one of them has mild aspergers, tourettes and depression. Like, diagnosed. It took them MONTHS before the doctors gave them these diagnoses because in this country they are very reluctant to give out severe diagnoses in case it is a false alarm. Now, the other kid seemed normal, but there are signs of early schizophrenia in him (fuck my spelling). Both parents are STRUGGLING every single fucking day trying to teach and take care of these kids and the kids themselves live miserable fucking lives at times due to these disorders.
ANd now tumblrinas are all "teehee im self diagnosed with paranoia!! dont be mean to me uwu" and it makes my blood boil knowing they are abusing these disorders to make themselves seem more "special" and "interesting".
I hope they all get real disorders and cant function like normal human beings, then theyll know.
No. 53852
File: 1450791986493.png (121.98 KB, 420x662, preemptivesnowflake.png)

This person never even said they were going to use your precious Navajo gender terms. But you had to make sure you had a tantrum over it anyway.
Her tumblr is so tryhard racist that I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know how people like this get through every day. They must go around scowling at everything. No. 53857
File: 1450796032508.jpg (65.82 KB, 533x588, bigwhitelump.jpg)

She completely contradicts her first point.
>treating POC as if they are a homogeneous group.By lumping all white people together as a homogeneous group. Because "white people" is just a big lump of oppressive whiteness and we aren't diverse at all. POC are "hella diverse" but white people are just white people.
Link to video: haven't actually heard the term POC used offline yet. Maybe it's not in popular use in my area. But do a lot of white people really use POC to refer to countries that are not white? I know a lot of people are dumb and tumblrinas are very US-centric and would probably make that mistake in an attempt to sound as progressive as possible. But the average normal person?
Her video does start out with a good point. But she's just as ignorant as the ignorant people she's trying to "educate". The blind leading the blind.
No. 53886
>>53823tbf the English names
are lame
No. 53892
>>53889I hate that shit. I actually had a straight male ask me if I was worried my fiance would cheat on me because she's bisexual. And i looked at like "What does that have to do with anything?"
Yeah, real bisexuals do get a bad rap, but that only because of shitty fake ones who do it for attention and make it seem like being bisexual means being easy and ready for threesomes.
No. 53900
>>53857I live in the U.S., NYC to be specific and it's been used conversationally in the areas I've frequented. Mainly in reference to the demographics of the U.S. population and not the rest of the world since you'd refer to people from places like Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and the Americas by their nationality.
Anyway, their whole view on this is idiotic considering the whole point of creating the term "poc" really was to homogenize them. As a group they're meant to represent the power dynamics between poc and whites and how they're apparently at a disadvantage. If white people make up the majority, than every other race is said to be marginalized. By creating this umbrella term you can group them and thus creating a more powerful group of people who together can stand against their "oppressors" since this is in their shared interest.
Frankly I don't like the term because it insinuates that all of the people in this "oppressed" group experience the same type of discrimination/prejudice/racism and to the same extent. But for those who truly believe that white people hold superiority over non-whites, I understand why it is used. However, I don't get why they're holding white people responsible for this.
No. 53901
>>53899It's hilarious that they avoid the word culture in cultural appropriation. They also avoid the fact that cultural appropriation involves completely exploiting, not accrediting, misusing and bastardizing aspects of another culture by a dominant culture.
Wearing something that is highly glorified in another culture and takes them years of hard work to earn, then saying your culture created it as a fashion accessory while simultaneously demeaning the people from which that item originates is an example.
A Uni serving food categorized as Japanese food (albeit a mediocre version) is not. Fuck there are even 5 star restaurants in the US that serve sushi that get's scoffed at by sushi chefs in Japan. By their logic, unless it's made by a Japanese person who is also teaching you the history of said dish, it'd be cultural appropriation otherwise. I can completely see where tumblrinas lose logic and think that even eating the sushi as a non Japanese person, you'd be appropriating, because it's not that far off the mark.
No. 53916
>>53886The Japanese ones are boring as fuck you weeb.
I'd rather have cheesy cat puns for names than engrish bull
No. 53952
>>53924Because Italians are white and European. Not all Italians are dark haired and olive skinned, there are many blonds and pale people there as well. The "All Italians have dark complexions" meme needs to end. They look nothing like Hispanic people especially when they have such a diverse range of hair colour and skin tones like any other European country. That's like saying all white Americans have blond hair and blue eyes.
Take a trip to Italy some time.
No. 53962
File: 1450831481820.png (311.48 KB, 1275x483, 2.png)

>>53961Sorry, deleted original post to put this more completed one instead.
Here you go, farmers.
No. 53975
>>53952Hispanic/Latino people don't represent one race or ethnic group. They can be as pale, platinum blonde and blue eyed or as dark haired, eyed and skinned as you could imagine, and everything in between.
That's why the way the U.S. labels races and ethnic groups doesn't make sense to a lot of the world.
No. 54023
>>53968I used to know a bitch like this. People will always ask artists for favors. Get over it.
Also, that fake greentext is cringe.
No. 54031
>>54028Fuck no. I'm too much of a pussy.
I mean, wouldn't mods mind? It's hellweek and all and I really don't feel like getting banned.
Also, who knows what can she do, she'll probably doxx me for all I know. Tumblrinas are scary nowadays fam. Fuck no.
No. 54039
>>52075>I remember at least back when I was in middle school, there were sayings like "don't label me, labels are for soup cans." How different things are now.I've been thinking about this as well. It's the polar opposite now of how things used to be when I was Tumblerite age.
I still think we were right in abandoning labels, damn it.
No. 54090
File: 1450900016615.png (34.78 KB, 522x421, oh my god.png)

No. 54146
>>54130Holy shit, this video is gold. I love how every single person doesn't have a Goddamn clue what he's talking about.
The Chinese guy's rection is the best.
No. 54156
>>54090>>54130So, according to Tumblr, because less than 1% of the population choses to identify as made-up genders, we now have to ignore normal social conventions and proper grammar, and ask every person for pronouns. Lest that one in millions gets their fee-fees hurt when they finally venture outside their bedroom.
>>54146To be fair, nobody will know what you are talking about when you ask for gender pronouns. Only on Tumblr, or maybe some universities where Tumblrites attend.
>>54131Kek, someone use those pronouns, and point people to that Tumblr post when they get offended.
No. 54193
>>54156I'm deciding how I'll react if anyone ever asks me for my pronouns in real life. I'm thinking of acting
triggered because they don't think I look feminine enough. I'd love to see the reaction.
They don't really put this in perspective. Some people might get straight up offended. You ask the wrong dood his pronouns and you might end up in the hospital. Not that it's justified. But some people can get really mad if you say anything that even sounds like you are questioning their sexuality or gender.
No. 54205
>>52222I have DID and none of my alters would ever think to use a blog considering there's no need for it since there's no use for them. Alters are like walls you put up in the face of danger. Unless this person subscribes to the belief that alters = actual people that can have free time & hobbies, even so it's probably bullshit since you can't know w/o DX in early 20's. Someone with repeated abuse to the point of amygdalar and hippocampal levels fucking up (aka brain breaking in last defense) wouldn't ever run a
triggering blog, and they'd have other shit black listed because you can go black for months at a time from one tiny little accident.
Hope that helped.
No. 54222
Not exactly tumblr but I found the link there: knows if this will ever work out. But it's research on a way for people to avoid transphobic doctors by growing their own hormones.
I'd be afraid that it would foster the notion that you do not need dysphoria to transition. Maybe create a black market that minors can easily access? I don't know how easy tobacco is to grow. But I don't like the idea of grow your own hormones.
No. 54251
>>54250It's furthering the narrative that women are just the miscellaneous attached to the sex hole you're paying for.
Women who write articles about how much they "love" sex work are just playing 'I'm not like the other girls' and making men feel like not only are they entitled to stick their dicks into women who don't want dicks in them, but they are JUSTIFIED.
No form of sex work is woman-friendly.
No. 54253
>>54250It is an industry where women are treated very poorly. You are forced to take part in painful acts, have sex with people you don't like, work long hours, and be surrounded by people who are ready to take advantage of you. You are not respected in this industry. No woman should aim to be a porn star, as long as there are other opportunities out there.
From an ex-porn star herself- No. 54257
>>54203I could only make it about 2 and a half minutes, but is it all just preteen girls and old dudes?
Also one of them said something like
>Why are you so gay>If I ain't got gay what do I goexplains a lot, really
No. 54316
>>54255Speaking of sex work, can you believe tumblr trannies have had the nerve to coin the term "SWERF" (sex worker exclusionary radical feminists)? As if that's even a real thing. Any time a woman criticizes the porn industry, prostitution and sex trafficking, these transwomen will say YOU'RE SHAMING US AND YOU HATE US! WE RELY ON SEX WORK TO MAKE MONEY AND SURVIVE!
Like okay, most people are universally against sweatshops and recognize that they're bad and that pay and conditions are poor, but that doesn't mean they hate the people working in them??? Same thing applies to "sex work". But no. No criticism is allowed ever or you're a SWERF. No analyzing and no thinking either.
No. 54347
>>54031Doxx you how, exactly? Even if you were her friend, how would she know?
Hell, if they got a whole wave of SJWs here, it'd be a riot. Hellweek would have plenty of fodder to burn.
>>54325Anyway, her tumblr is garbage.
No. 54350
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No. 54353
>>54349That's the really dangerous part of Tumblr. Instead of accepting that others have different points of view, they censor by form of intimidation. If you don't conform to their bs, then they try to get you to lose your source of income.
Being in the real world must be hard for these type of people. They are powerless. There are many viewpoints out there, and they would have to actually refute them, and not just attempt to shut them down.
I don't even know what doxxing the girl would do. Her boss probably thought they were psychotic. It was not an unreasonable viewpoint. Lots of people share the same opinion as the girl.
No. 54368
>>54351>>54350tumblr: protect precious children on the internet
No. 54369
File: 1451082820455.png (157.73 KB, 500x359, 1429991249071.png)

>>51865>I love Yowamushi Pedal but parts of the fandom on tumblr and twitter make me so fucking mad.this
it's the same with Haikyu!!
No. 54379
File: 1451092264202.png (217.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-25-20-10-35…)

Obviously not Tumblr, but relevant.
No. 54390
>>54384Do I feel the disconnect? Yes and no, and for many reasons.
I don't think you should be afraid to express your preference. You can't really change what you're attracted to. (Funny that has to be mentioned considering we're talking about lesbians.) The vast majority of people will be very understanding of it.
I think the SJW thing just goes hand in hand with lesbianism. Like it or not, lesbians are a minority, and some (see: a lot) of lesbians feel really strongly about that fact. I don't think you should judge the lesbian community by what you see online. It's a bunch of keyboard warriors being loud on the internet. I'm sure you could find a bunch of chill girls to hang with IRL. Try hitting up a gay bar.
No. 54403
>>53924There's some SJW who was on here or staminarose sometime ago. She was Italian and kept insisting that made her POC. Misogyny Mermaid? I can't remember and it's driving me crazy.
But she was super bitchy about being called white an insisted that Italians were not white. She also said she had an auditory processing disorder and was bitchy about that as well. She had tons of daddy issues and was very whiny too.
It's amazing how people will post this stuff looking for sympathy and be completely blind to how pathetic and whiny it makes them look.
No. 54405
>>54279And most of them are about as fluid as a rock.
I don't get the misgendering thing either. If you are gender fluid wouldn't you be ok with either set of pronouns? Or does it have to be male pronouns today because you chose to wear pants. Then female pronouns tomorrow when you wear a dress and makeup? I'm so confused.
The thing about bathrooms is messed up. Would a teenage girl really want to use a men's public bathroom? Don't they realise how unsafe it might be?
No. 54406
>>54403For some reason all misandrists and 3rd wave feminists and other crazy SJWs have huge daddy issues. Especially FTM transtrenders and nonbinary snowflakes seem to always have a dad they feel distant to.
It doesn't necessarily have to be an issue caused by an abusive relationship, they can just make up shit and be forever bitter for one christmas present they didn't like.
No. 54445
File: 1451161340803.jpeg (122.69 KB, 600x900, image.jpeg)

No. 54449
>>54445They can't be serious, holy shit? I expected it to say "we're changing to content warning because it's more accurate/easier to understand for people who don't know what a
trigger is".
No. 54462
File: 1451169951304.jpg (42.57 KB, 458x610, tp5yfd-l-610x610-shirt-h m-fem…)

>>54219radical feminism is more like the old kind of feminism, with SCUM and all that. the new "queer feminists" as we call them in sweden put so much focus on "acceptance" and never ever being ~exclusive~ of opressed groups. radical feminist see it as "women are being oppressed by men" but you cant say that close to a queer feminist without them screaming at you because hurrdurr muh genderqueer oppression
as an example h&m sold this t-shirt a couple of months ago. in a radfem discussion group im in most said that it was nice that the word feminist is getting less stigmatized, young girls can wear this shirt and say that they are feminist and not being called ugly lesbians. some said that its not so nice to buy feminist shirts from a company who opress women in sweat shop. meanwhile queer feminists bashed out on every young girl buying this shirt because "its not WOMEN who are opressed what about trans men?? what about genderfluidqueervoids??
No. 54464
>>54445They had me until they starting spewing shit about '
trigger' is too violent. THE WORD
TRIGGERING PEOPLE? This is the world we live in. Wow.
No. 54467
>>54464Would buy a shirt with the word
TRIGGERED on it 10/10
No. 54468
>>54462I hate liberal feminism because it's all about being a self-entitled selfish shithead under the guise of "individualism". fuck that noise, nothing will ever get accomplished in a group setting if everyone is too busy thinking of themselves ~BUT I LIKE BEING A MIDDLE CLASS CAMWHORE, SO FUCK THE 89% OF SEX WORKERS WHO HATE IT AND WANT OUT~
liberal feminism
triggers me
No. 54481
File: 1451192337437.png (11.03 KB, 291x230, MRxj2Iw.png)

fuck this gay earth
No. 54505
>>53962>this fuckoHOLY SHIT I REMEMBER HER, she used to be semi in the same fandom as I before, I think she was friends with some of my skype buddies
She always had this air of superiority to her and she's always been kind of an arrogant tool, nice to see others are seeing it as well
No. 54663
File: 1451336784238.png (129.93 KB, 406x726, Clipboard01.png)

No. 54664
File: 1451336809842.jpg (150.03 KB, 1024x356, lmfao why.jpg)

>>54663 here's a bigger version of the picture
No. 54667
>>54663So if the underground tumblr?
Also they realize that Alphys and Asgore wouldn't "fit" what is acceptable by SJW standards right?
Asgore - white (also a transman so obviously misogynistic by nature)
Alphys - cis (bisexual which is transphobic according to tumblr)
No. 54669
File: 1451339499655.gif (438.83 KB, 300x188, 1450727395013.gif)

>>54664good lord
Do they just draw them all ugly on purpose or
I can't believe no one can actually see how try hard it is
No. 54685
File: 1451351935434.png (148.02 KB, 514x551, tumblr_nzr4dmkcbl1thczhlo1_540…)

>>54663I always think of myself as ugly as shit but at least I don't project that into what I draw.
>>54669 had a point, why do they do this on purpose?
No. 54688
>>54664>Mad Dummy- transmasc and demiboy, lithoromantic asexual>androromantic>aroflux polysexualFucking what
At least I got a good laugh out of this image. Thanks again, tumblr.
No. 54699
File: 1451357121407.png (406.91 KB, 620x570, sparkself.png)

Browsing otherkin tags
No. 54700
File: 1451357364058.png (418.9 KB, 731x509, mabel.png)

No. 54708
File: 1451359123257.png (54.25 KB, 1184x315, 1447216722441.png)

>>54685Maybe it's to make them more "real" or so they can relate to it or something dumb like that, keep in mind that there's a lot of ugly people on tumblr (not everyone has white skin, is thin and has a small nose that's unrealstic!!11!!it
triggers me!!111)
>>54688>transmasc and demiboy, lithoromantic asexualwhat in the world
why even put mad dummy here ayway? He's not even a good character or part of the main cast. Same with Gaster
No. 54719
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No. 54720
File: 1451364429061.png (860.11 KB, 1000x638, 2hDSDui.png)

No. 54721
>>54719Waiters, fucking waiters. Really?
I don't think not tipping someone only making 2-4$~ an hour w/o tip is going to "balance the power structures" or whatever the fuck this person is after.
>>54720>Don't compliment anyone. Might lead to a triggering thoughts/make them uncomfortable!! No. 54722
File: 1451364895172.png (23.24 KB, 542x474, lollie.png)

No. 54723
>>54721I partially agree with not complementing people on having lost weight unless they needed to or they expressed that they wanted to lose weight and accomplished that goal. If you're someone who was already at a healthy weight and I've known to be going through stress or depression, I think it would be kind of shitty to tell they they look good
because they're at a lower weight, because it may be a reminder of the shit that lead to the weight loss (if it was unwanted). Instead I try to complement them on how nice their outfit/hair/accessories are. Idk, I may be overthinking things when it comes to that, but I only do this when it concerns weight.
No. 54724
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No. 54746
File: 1451378674400.jpg (56.74 KB, 422x554, transtistic.jpg)

Of course this person is self diagnosed. What were you expecting? No. 54755
File: 1451387945477.jpg (53.05 KB, 535x703, crownbraids.jpg)

I see this style a lot in medieval and ancient Greek art. So I'm not sure how it's whites appropriating black hairstyles. The vast majority of googled images are of white women.
I remember the style being pointed out in art history class as being popular in parts of Europe. We saw many paintings of young girls with this style and that's why he brought it up. I think they were Dutch genre paintings and portraiture.
No. 54760
File: 1451394078446.jpg (95.14 KB, 510x1325, muhsafespace.jpg)

It's not racist because this time we're segregating ourselves.
No. 54762
>>54663You know, the thing that most bugs me about this kind of shit is that they take something SOMEONE ELSE created, turn and twist it around to make it into something completely different that's only made to serve their own selfish agenda, and yet have the gall to market it as something someone else created. Toby Fox already hates the game's fandom and clearly wants it to die, and looking at shit like this I completely understand it. I would go fucking nuts if someone did this to something I worked hard for and made something I wanted to do.
Like I understand AU versions as long as the characters identities, personalities and appearances are kept intact save for environmental changes (like they're all in high school or something). But to actually make it nothing like the original version - make your own fucking thing you selfish, entitled piece of shit.
And of course Undyne is a transwoman, cis women can't be physically strong and brave! And a man who has a wife and a biological son is of course a gay transman. Makes sense.
No. 54772
>>54719>given things for free/with no effortExcept working a job that's often tiring and low-paid?
They could just tip 'minority' waiters a lot more, but I guess that doesn't hurt the ebil whiteys aS mUcH!!!1
No. 54777
>>54772>>54719Out of all the WHITE OPPRESSORS™ to punish, why would you aim for the ones working hard at a fairly low paid job? I don't think they're in the 1% that actually have any monetary power and I really doubt they are personally responsible for any oppression, especially since THEY are doing the serving.
Plus I was a waitress and we had to split tips so tbh this top plan could impact POC too.
No. 54780
File: 1451411205327.jpg (96.46 KB, 596x628, 1448240492912.jpg)

>>54663>>54664Don't have a cap, but it reminded me: yesterday I've seen someone in the Fallout tag getting fucking autistic because NPCs refer to her female Fallout 4 character with female pronouns… because supposedly "her character identifies as genderfuild" or some shit. What?
No. 54798
File: 1451414970703.png (468.16 KB, 1280x586, itneverends.png)

>>54664>>54720another classic
No. 54805
>>54798Why does every tumblrtard draw Nozomi OBESE? I swear to god.
Eli looks like a man. Actually all of them do with their narrow pencil hips. It's like this person has never seen a woman before.
No. 54820
>>54818Cos "all whites are evil" apparently.
It's tumblr being its usual fucked up self.
No. 54821
>>54720So now complimenting people is
triggering? fuck off tumblr
No. 54822
>>54820Cos of things like this too, all this "whites r always the best", "asians are second best" and "Blacks r all ugleh"
It's nuts
No. 54823
>>54755Why are people offended by HAIR? Hair is hair. Blacks didn't invent anything. I'm puerto rican and let me tell you, I have a fro naturally and can't do much about it unless I want to straighten it every day.
I'm done with tumblr being offended by everything like braids and fros are somehow off limit unless your skin is dark.
No. 54829
>>54755These are probably the same people that think you need to ask permission before learning a foreign language. Its ridiculous.
I dont even think crown braid is a black people thing? Dreads and cornrows, maybe.
No. 54830
>>54829I'm curious.
Now, I'm mulatto (black/white) and I often question… why do black people get pissed off about Iggy and Miley wearing braids right. But blacks can wear braids and straight weave?
No. 54839
>>54838You're American aren't you?
Well, I'm British and our mentality is different.
In the US they like to go by the "one drop" rule which is a pile of shit. Slave mentality all over again. Obama, Halle Berry, Bob Marley, Mariah Carey, Alesha Dixon ect they're all mixed race aka "Mulatto". But America still calls them black because obviously they look closer t black than their white side. But you do get mulattos who look more white.
At the end of the day, you're mixed. Whether Asian/white, White/Black, ect ect
But because African Americans have such a fucked up history it's just easier to rope anything mixed with black as black apparently.
In the UK if you've got a mixed child parents will call it "mixed race". It's not an identity issue at all, well not here in the UK. I've never had that issue, I was told what I was from white and black side. That's it.
In America it seems to be a different case. You always get the mixed person saying "Well, I was never liked by ma white side but black side likes me better so k imma be black". Okay, fair enough if you want to identify as black then. Still, you can't cancel out your white side and even if people say you're "black" you're still mixed race.
If you've got black blood, blacks will always say "you're black and not mixed" even if you've got a non-black parent. Yet any other race for e.g Chinese and Indian they'd just say "mixed" or "not either".
African Americans don't do that. Nope. Only when you get the ignorant and self conscious types who say they're "mixed" because in the slaves days having white blood in you was like winning the lottery apparently. Lighter, the better. Still a problem in the black community today. It's pathetic.
It confuses things tbh.
Like in TV shows/movies they'll use the "black" women who's obviously a mixed race chick and use a full black guy who… is full black? But they're hesitant to use a full black woman.
This is the problem. US media should start using full black women instead of mixed women. It confuses what actual black women look like, the lighter skin thing and hair thing. Fucks with women's confidence. But god help me saying this because everytime I say this I apparently am a "self hating mulatto" or "ur ashamed to be black".
I'm just saying, mixed is mixed and black is black.
Allow black women to have a chance for a change.
No. 54850
>>54839I have a really good friend who is mixed but she considers herself as black for a few reasons:
1. Her mother raised her and she had very limited interactions with her dad/dad's side of the family.
2. The interactions that she had were very negative and they constantly referred to her a tar baby or a half-breed.
3. She's "passing black" and it's easier for her to identify as just a light skinned back person than as a mulatto as her "black" features are more apparent.
That being said. My great grandparents had 14 kids. Both are black but they ranged from light bright damn near white to dark brown and everything in between. My Great Grandmother was very color struck and played favoritism based on that. My grandmother was brown but had grey eyes so she was looked at a bit better than her siblings with dark skin and brown eyes. This also effected how my grandmother treated her kids. So yeah the race thing in the states a bit fucked.
No. 54853
>>54850Mul-chan here again.
I do understand why in America other mulattos do identify themselves as "black" though. 1. History, 2. People/opinions/drama (someone always has something to say) 3. features.
It's America I think. In the UK there probably about 30 years ago you'd get that kind of attitude and black lash off old Irish racists or some horrid white chav. But now it's so so common to see mixed people not just mulattos. So many interracial couples that it doesn't even matter anymore.
I've got good relationships with both black and white sides. Not a problem at all!
I know other mulattos who have the same too.
I have a few half white/indian and white/chinese friends too. Same thing, they're "mixed race" to their families/friends/society.
It's just America I think.
Idk I've been alive 22 years nearly and been calling myself "mixed race" all my life. So meh, I don't think my "identification" will change any time soon and if I ever come across someone who asks or says that I'll roll my eyes and walk on.
It's silly really.
But I can definitely understand when it comes to the US why mulatto do call themselves "black".
It's not a sad or bad thing obviously because you're half of being black. Black is only considered bad because of the shitty things like slavery, rachetness, brain washed media with the loving of "whiterrrr featuresssss".
I just simply think it confuses and messes the difference between a woman who is full black and a woman who is mulatto.
I'm just trying to be optimistic and helpful without sounding arrogant because when I've said all this to African Americans online they've gone off on one. All I am saying is that the media in the US should just stop pussying around and start using full black women. DARKER ones too and not just the light skinned ones or mulatto ones.
It's 2016 almost, I just want change and because I am half black, I do respect black culture and I do get quite hurt when I see backlash on darker tones. There is nothing wrong with it.
No. 54861
>>54850I agree. I'm a bit jealous of how things like this differ in the UK.
A lot of the problem with idea on what is considered as a beautiful black woman and a lot of the dark skinned actress don't fit mold. The flip side is that there are light skinned black women and mulatto that get grief from not being "black enough".
You don't come off as arrogant to me, so I don't know what they would be upset about.
No. 54864
>>54805Because she has big tits and curvy hips = CANON FAT SHE A LANDWHALE
Even though she has a flat stomach and a fit body.
No. 54954
>>54663I remember this nentindo guy from way back. Used to be/still is? a huge SJW
is he finally gaining sentience from this tumblr nonsense
No. 54966
File: 1451490171085.jpg (68.25 KB, 533x646, secondcoming.jpg)

Someone should tell this kid that most of the time when someone convinces themselves that they're God a mass suicide/murder is soon to follow.
The godkin tag is hilarious.
No. 54967
File: 1451491911587.png (100.75 KB, 574x531, fuck this gay earth i want to …)

For some reason I remembered transtalia and it still makes me realise why I left the fandom.
>>51838I also used to follow him as well and I think he's still an SJW but is sort of seeing the light now.
No. 54969
File: 1451493131292.jpg (70.09 KB, 492x560, why.jpg)

Someone liked this article on my facebook feed.. I feel like it's time to do a friend's list clean up.
No. 54971
File: 1451494866946.png (2.17 KB, 410x33, etsy.png)

Saw this on Etsy. When you click custom it gives you a box to write whatever you'd like. I wonder how many Tumblerina complaints it took for them to give up and add this option.
No. 54978
>People with schizophrenia experiencing religious delusions often develop the belief that they are special or have been chosen by God to be a saint or prophet. Sometimes they will believe that they are Jesus Christ himself. to go Tumblr to give these literal nutjobs a platform to live in their delusions.
No. 54981
>>54979Sounds like dumb, insecure kids trying to act "cool" and edgy in order to be accepted by their equally dumb friends. You see this shit in real life too, not just online.
Good for your brother, though, and the other two that actually reported it instead of being a tryhard.
No. 54982
File: 1451502108116.png (12.06 KB, 528x203, ss (2015-12-30 at 06.58.30).pn…)

I don't know, maybe because Phasma did fucking nothing and was clearly a half assed attempt to create a "cool" Boba Fett character?
No. 54987
>>54985Phasma is the shiny chrome stormtrooper played by Gwendoline Christie of Game of Thrones fame.
I wouldn't call Rey a Mary Sue, but she certainly masters her power far faster than Luke ever did. It took Luke two and a half movies to even learn to fight properly and Rey manages to mind trick a guy without much effort.
No. 54992
>>54982Seriously, with all the fanart sperging going on before the movie you would think that Phasma would've done something other than a few short dialogue scenes.
>>54985Thank fucking god someone else has the same opinion about Rey. I was really liking it all until she pulls out some master force shit at the end. No one seems to share my opinion though. They just say that she's supposed to be more powerful than Luke so obviously she would gain a better understanding of the force right away.
No. 54993
>>54720Eh, the art is really ugly and tumblr as fuck, but – don't crucify me – I agree with the message. There's really no reason to badger someone about their body or weight. If someone is proud of their weight loss/body change, I'm sure they'd make a point of showing it off if they're comfortable.
Then again, I have a history of disordered eating, so perhaps I am just sensitive to these types of comments. >>54798>>54811I also thought these were transwomen at first. Dem boxy upper bodies.
No. 54994
>>54975I didn't take a screenshot but there was one of Czech Republic where apparently she was quipo-something demisexual transgirl I believe.
No. 55001
File: 1451508146868.jpg (89.76 KB, 500x400, KillLakillitwithfire.jpg)

>>54798and here's the worst one of all
No. 55020
>>54839I agree about people identifying, it always makes me mad bc everyone can totally wrap their little stupid minds around someone being white and chinese, white and indian, but as soon as they are white and black it's 'black'. Do people feel this way about black and other things?
>>54932People treating black and white as ~opposites~ as if they are the two ends of the spectrum and nothing else matters is so fucked up and ignorant, and def not helping anything.
I personally wish people would be able to draw from whatever heritage they come from, and not have all the struggle which seems to come from both sides. But to me, it seems hard because I know to a mixed child I contribute 0% to their internal conflict and their community probably contributes 99%. I'm sure a lot of this like other problems comes from economic issues which you know, good luck.
Who are the people making the whole fuss about this in the first place? I can only imagine a bunch of bitchy moms and aunts and stuff watching the news or being on celebrety gossip and being like 'beyonce pretty but bitch looks white in that lighting' like who is bought into this shit?
No. 55049
>>55035 scouting through her insta and despite having a peanut shaped head I'm surprised she's quite pretty. Pretty than most of the contestants she was up against tbh…
She looks more Cambodian tbh
No. 55063
>>55059That was my point. When
>>55020 stated that
>everyone can totally wrap their little stupid minds around someone being white and chinese, white and indian, but as soon as they are white and black it's 'black'. Which I disagreed with seeing as Japan doesn't see it that way. I'm drunk af so I'm probably doing a shitty job of expressing what I want to say.
No. 55108
File: 1451540949468.png (20.22 KB, 515x249, 1.PNG)

>>55103This post on tumblr basically sums it up for me.
No. 55182
File: 1451547465203.jpg (90.52 KB, 1023x681, twins-non-identical-main.jpg)

>>55020>everyone can totally wrap their little stupid minds around someone being white and chinese, white and indianI disagree with this (at least in regards to the US). If you're white/anything and you look more white then you're "white". See: all the people on tumblr who get backlash for being white-passing and then getting accused of cultural appropriation or something equally stupid. Race and ethnicity in America is ultimately all about how you
look to other people, even though everyone tries to deny deny and deny that fact. Conservatives, racists, progressives, neo-liberal glitterkin will always treat you as X race if you look like X race. Racially ambiguous people will confound others, make them sweat until they know
for sure, until then they'll go for the closest approximation, so if you're kinda tan and have wavy hair you're black-ish maybe so let's go with that. Re: peoples' incredulous reactions when they found out Rashida Jones (Ann from Parks and Recreation) is half black.
I'm that black/asian anon and when I wear my hair natural (wavy/curly) I'm black, when I straighten it I'm Filipino or some other brown API. In middle school some kid asked my asian mom if I was adopted when she came to pick me up.
And I don't think this is a thing we as a human people will ever get past, at least not anytime soon. Pic related are a pair of twins. Same genetic make up, but could you ever get past the fact that one looks white and the other doesn't?
No. 55245
>>54969Just how does a non-binary transition? Gets a haircut and starts painting on thick tumblrite eyebrows?
>>55108This is pretty much it.
No. 55434
File: 1451667287707.jpg (27.66 KB, 556x326, whatspersonalpreference.jpg)

I'm really getting sick of this mentality. No one has to date anyone they don't want to. No one has to have sex with a tranny. Most people would be pretty uncomfortable with the concept.
No. 55435
File: 1451667558760.jpg (29.95 KB, 537x339, ohithinkyoucan.jpg)

Here's another one from the same tumblr.
This one is just hilarious. Because if you don't pass then people can tell. That's just the way it is. If they choose not to be with you because of that then why would you want to be with them anyway? That's part of what bugs me with this "You have to date trans people" thing. If you aren't attracted to a trans person why should both people end up miserable with each other? No one should feel pressured to have sex with or date anyone they find unappealing. I still can't see how SJWs don't consider this part of rape culture.
The whole tumblr is this bad too: No. 55453
File: 1451671454852.png (38.5 KB, 718x506, stop this shit.png)

No. 55456
File: 1451671983821.png (428.15 KB, 399x527, HELP.png)

Jesus CHRIST I heard about this chick before but actually looking through her blog now, I'm freaked the fuck out. I thought that was a literal doll.
No. 55457
File: 1451672053807.png (36.51 KB, 427x607, lord.png)

Where… Wh-where are this chick's parents?
No. 55458
File: 1451672441228.png (19.93 KB, 506x372, homo.png)

No. 55465
>>55434Since trans people are abnormal and fucking gross, no, it's not transphobia to not want to date someone who has mutilated their body with hormones and probably surgery.
Do trans people usually date other trans people or do they find pathetic people to date them?
No. 55466
File: 1451675982697.jpg (49.22 KB, 638x711, womynsworld.jpg)

Tranny wants to live in a world where everyone is female. Also claims to have a ton of disabilities.
Also against testing sperm donors for disabilities. It's not eugenics. It's wanting quality sperm so you don't have defective children. I guess he doesn't take into consideration the fact that a couple may choose a sperm donor to avoid genetic disabilities.
No. 55468
File: 1451676424971.jpg (29.23 KB, 598x523, tranny-and-fatass.jpg)

>>55435LOL trans people are easy to tell apart from normal cis people though. they look like clowns half the time. Example: Laura kate dale. the ugliest transwoman i've seen in a while. he's active on twitter and in video games. it sucks. we need more real women in video games journalism, not this thing.
No. 55482
>>55478You know whining that someone can't question your word usage is a really idiotic argument imo. The issue I have isn't with tranny or whatever but the ever present 'I care about real issues but bad trannies are gross'. It sounds more tumblr than anything because you are picking a side that is based on a small internet community of retards badly representing real people.
If you want to use the tired 'ur on the wrong site' line, maybe get a little less SJW-y with this shit also?
>>55473>>55474Also while I'm complaining
>>55459 'tbh fam' needs to be reportable
No. 55484
>>55482Like let me re-state I don't care about strong language but with the influx of retards we have more people acting like self-righteous 'but still internet savvy' users who 'don't like tumblr' but still 'care about feminism'.
>>55481I complained about people using tranny over and over, people said 'omg I should be allowed to criticize when people are being bad' and I said whatever since that's not actually a response to my first statement..
>>55483>blaming all the world's problemslet's try 'tranny and FAS is the new autism and everyone should learn a new word, just because tumblr is obsessed with them atm doesn't mean you have to shit up everything when I doubt anyone knows more than one trans person irl'
No. 55486
>>55484I am a feminist, so yeah I do have some strong feelings about things like this and how transgendered people are effecting the feminist movement.
>new wordtranny = mutilated genitalia havers and FAS = Suzy I'm fine referring to people that look like they have FAS as Suzy.
No. 55489
>>55488So much this.
>have trans friend, she's fully transitioned and a completely normal well-adjusted woman>have trender friend, they're a dude with pink hair who talks about nothing but "the struggles of being *~tru trans~*"Nobody has a problem with genuine trans folks.
No. 55493
>>55492Because a woman who is comfortable in her gender just doesn't think of it as a big deal? Do all the women in your life talk about nothing but being a woman, and all the men about nothing but being a man?
You know exactly what the point is here m80, stop pretending to be obtuse.
No. 55510
>>55435should we remind those motherfuckers how their precious ~trans babies~ actually look like downstairs post op? Like seriously with saying shit like "you can't tell trans people apart from cis people" shows how fucking ignorant they actually are about the subject.
(warning: gross as shit photos of an ex ballsack in the link)
>>35847 No. 55523
File: 1451692807300.gif (1.5 MB, 320x180, tumblr_inline_o08mbrpWjy1t6ayk…)

>>55510I was already nauseous because of the hangover and this made me fucking vomit.
God why.
No. 55530
File: 1451699448071.jpg (60.16 KB, 548x534, moneyfornothing.jpg)

>>55468Going through this tumblr I'm seeing that all the answers to asks about attraction are exactly the same thing. Sometimes they don't even properly answer the question. They just repeat the same spiel. That you can't be attracted to genitals because you don't know what genitals a person will have when you meet them.
That's ridiculous. You aren't very likely to meet many true trans people. If I meet a guy I like I'm 99.9% certain that he's gonna have a dick that he was born with because his chromosomes are XY. If someone who's attracted to women meets a woman they like then almost universally that's a woman from birth. So their reasoning makes little sense.
And if it turned out that said guy wasn't really male I'm sorry. But I'm attracted to masculine men with dicks. And they have to be biologically male. That's it. Not interested in anything else. That doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me a normal person.
They also advocate self diagnosis.
>yeah, people self-diagnose because there is already a problem, not because they’re searching for a problem to have.I beg to differ there. Just look at the laundry list of disorders most tumblrinas have decided to give themselves. I would imagine that much of the time they really aren't concerned about their health but are just looking for extra special snowflake bonus points. Considering how many people claim they are autistic, bi polar, have chronic fatigue, POTS and PTSD without ever going to a doctor I'm pretty sure they're using Web MD and Wikipedia like an all you can afflict yourself with buffet.
Say you self diagnose yourself with chronic fatigue because you are feeling tired. You never go to the doctor and just moan on tumblr about how many spoons you have. One day you end up so sick you can't even move. Turns out you have aggressive cancer and there's nothing they can do for you. Maybe they could have if you had gone to the doctor when you first started feeling ill. See how dangerous self diagnosis can be?
The person behind this tumblr also thinks that no one should have to work if they don't want to. With the idea that some sort of staple income should be provided then everyone who wants extra luxuries can have an optional job. So essentially put everyone on benefits. Where would this money be coming from? The taxes of the few people that decided to not be lazy and work? Some job sectors would be hurting badly because people would be loafing around due to guaranteed welfare. I can't believe this person's mindset. They're 100% serious about all this garbage too.
I'm sorry if I ranted too much about one person. It just blows my mind that people are this stupid. I know I should be used to it by now. But every time I see a new one I just get that mindblown feeling again.
No. 55539
File: 1451705091583.jpg (49.45 KB, 932x960, Wakemeupinside[saaavveemee].jp…)

No. 55556
>>55469Fuck off. Trans people have done nothing but make shit worse for women and the gay community.
And this
triggered by women talking about their vaginas and periods. they want to invade bathroom spaces and gym lockers. they can fuck right off. I don't care if I am hurting any trannies since they are the grossest minority.
No. 55565
>>55510I'm sure I was a better person before knowing how that axe wound actually looks like irl…
Fuck this gay earth this is just psychotic.
No. 55580
>>55488>'cause they're actually women Yeeeeeeah, no.
If they were actually women not just playing dress up, they wouldn't have to transition, have to take hormones, and their chromosomes would be XX.
They wouldn't be getting offended over vagina talks and safety neither
No. 55603
>>55565I'm on the second day of my period right now, bleeding like a stuck pig.
But it makes tubblr transtrenders cry, so I got that going for me.
No. 55614
>>55603One of the wonders of REAL vaginas is that when you bleed down there it's a natural process, not an emergency case because the stitches got infected and you're having an hemorrhage.
Damn how I love being a woman right now.
No. 55643
File: 1451763167650.png (9.78 KB, 495x148, ss (2016-01-02 at 07.31.15).pn…)

This sounds like an extremely healthy coping mechanism.
No. 55672
>>55658And self-cleaning. After looking at those photos, I couldn't imagine how hard it must be to keep that open wound clean and not smelling like death.
It is sad that this shit is encouraged.
No. 55674
File: 1451766532949.png (98.31 KB, 600x500, 1445728760525.png)

>>55672If you've ever had an infection, in a piercing or a wound or something, that's probably exactly how that neo-monstrosity smells permanently.
>they want lesbians to put their mouths on that No. 55727
File: 1451777055833.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.52 KB, 640x476, _f_01e.jpg)

>>55719(reposting because forgot to spoiler)
In crude terms the procedure involves taking a big skin graft from an arm or leg, shaping it into a tube, and sewing it onto the genital area. The results look exactly like a skin tube sewn onto the genital area (i.e. not like a dick and kind of sad).
No. 55730
File: 1451777185995.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.49 KB, 441x411, Capture.JPG)

>>55728Also the enlarged clitoris doesn't necessarily get incorporated into the neodick, pic related
No. 55733
>>55730Stupid question, but I guess the size of that thing is to compensate the fact that it will never get hard and enlarge itself on its own, right? Like if someone has stitched a dildo to you crotch…
Also what about the balls?
No. 55739
File: 1451778308304.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.54 KB, 506x537, ijps_2013_46_2_283_118606_f12.…)

>>55730i just googled phalloplasties.. dear god
No. 55742
File: 1451778850857.jpg (77.14 KB, 832x752, Two piece implant illustration…)

>>55736>>55733lol do you guys not know about the pumps they can sew into the faux-dicks?
For some of them you can request an inflatable cylinder that creates the impression of an erection when the testicles are repeatedly pumped.
No. 55743
>>55742Oh my god that's way too funny
No. 55781
File: 1451801540962.png (519.4 KB, 991x1824,…)

this is supposed to be feferi from homestuck…
No. 55839
File: 1451830952610.png (29.22 KB, 535x291, k.PNG)

No. 55840
>>55803I know a lot of consultants and general practitioners and after that Jazz Jennings show came out they were all incredulous about the idea that there were people saying they ought to prescribe mind and body altering drugs to children
As though children know what they want for dinner that evening, let alone have the capacity to make an informed decision that will stay with them for the rest of their lives
(Not to mention the social aspect of it, when I was a kid girls could just be tomboys but it looks like playing outdoors is now exclusively for "transboys")
No. 55849
>>55781>>55001I love that despite them desperatly trying to include fatties and make fatties a thing, they still draw every single fatty as a hourglass shaped body with nice tits, tiny waists, big hips etc.
>>54798 tried a bit harder, but in the end it looks like they drew the sameb ody shape for every character, than made the outlines a bit bigger/taller and patted themselves on the back for being so awesome.
But they think no one will notice because they add some body hair and (tiny) stretch marks (which both can be found on thin girls as well). ~So inclusive and progressive!!!~
No. 55855
File: 1451839690194.jpg (142.56 KB, 758x569, 1434553966541.jpg)

>>54759I'm getting immense satisfaction from the fact that this person will be dying alone and unloved.
No. 56015
File: 1451874970980.png (115.9 KB, 612x608, im done.PNG)

The whole "mettaton from undertale is trans" rhetoric is just snowflakes projecting their crap onto the game. Mettaton's meant to be a (fairly obvious) David Bowie parody.
Also, one of my friends drank the sjw kool aid a while back (pic related). She's beyond saving now. She's gone off the deep end with otherkin and headmate garbage.
No. 56042
File: 1451884203938.png (679.29 KB, 720x1280, phB01iq.png)

No. 56049
File: 1451886630169.jpg (26.14 KB, 435x326, absolute-disgust.jpg)

>>56042holy…fucking…shit. Even without the insane amount of facial hair, her bio alone is tumblrtastic.
>my name is PAiNthaaah
No. 56052
File: 1451888447821.jpg (71.62 KB, 540x795, image.jpg)

>>56015Yeah I'm getting real tired of that mettaton is trans head cannon
He's just a killer robot with killer moves
No. 56081
>>56015>"I use x pronouns">unironically using the word "cis"It can only go downhill from there. In a short time she'll use at least 3 adjectives to describe their gender, and 3 more to describe their sexuality.
God, I miss the days when th emost offensive thing someone said about a character was that they were gay/bi/hetero.
No. 56090
>>56042Ew, I know I shouldn't have looked at this thread when eating something…
She claims to be 24, shouldn't she have outgrown this shit by now?
No. 56099
File: 1451915687997.png (1000.32 KB, 1280x912, tumblr_nw1zcw3rdl1tjx5cmo1_128…)

>>56052lookie what i found while looking through tumblr
don't you dare draw fat chars skinny, but drawing skinny chars fat is awwwwight
No. 56152
>>56099I don't want to sound like the average Tumblr user, but it pisses me off so much when they said "this canonically skinny caracter is morbidly obese now, if u disagree ur fatphobic uwu" because I had an eating disorder, and sometimes calling skinny characters fat is
No. 56154
File: 1451936950329.png (117.21 KB, 364x390, 1432445550428.png)

>>56099jesus fucking christ
Mettaton really is the character that tumblr seems to fuck up the most, but why him? Is it because he's bishonen looking? He seems to attract a lot of fake bois too
No. 56164
>>56152>>56157Sage for my rambling tumblresque crybabyness.
It sucks when you see a skinny character drawn as a landwhale because it makes you second guess yourself. Like, is that fat? Is that obese? Some of these artists interpret things like boobs/hips/curves as traits of a fat character and sometimes that line of thinking is really similar to disordered thinking. I struggled with an ED years and years ago but I remember thinking that any curve meant fat.
I'm mostly over it now, except for these titchy little thoughts that don't really matter, so it's not like the fanart
triggers me. I'm not gonna be the bitch that demands artists draw what I like. I just think it's really weird how tumblr brand body positivity can seem really similar to the way a sick person thinks.
It's like how the whole genderfluid thing is made out to be super liberal and forward thinking but it just reinforces gender roles, like women must like pink and dresses and men must like blue and plaid. I feel like tumblr acts like this progressive group of people but they're just really backwards.
No. 56176
>>56172Mettaton's ghost form lived in a pink room and had pink things in it. Ghosts are also referred to as "them/they" in the game. Then, after he is put into a robot, he starts using male pronouns.
I'm a little insulted because tumblr is basically saying if you like pink you're a woman.
No. 56261
>>55727It's like some terrible birth defect. Worse even. I can't imagine the horror of having to have that thing sewn on and dangling there. I guess it's more of a psychological thing for the person. Does it have any sensation at all?
>>55730This one is the least ugly. But still bad. The clit looks like a weird growth. If I saw that I'd think the person had some kind of disease that could be contagious.
>>55739That's just horrific. There's no real way to make a decent looking dick. It's just not going to happen with modern technology. So why even bother? Why butcher yourself for a dick that has to be bionic in order to have any sort of function? You might as well use a vibrator or a strap on. At least then you don't have to butcher yourself.
No. 56275
File: 1451956116761.png (116.63 KB, 720x1114, tumblrstupidity.png)

No. 56669
>>56608She's a woman who draws humorous anti-sjw comics and who got involved on a discussion with a fatty some time ago. Fatty got btfo by Pleb uncountable times, Fatty goes nuclear, talks shit about Pleb even as far as to blame her for their alcoholism, Pleb laughs it off and lets them be, Fatty ain't taking it, finds her business account on Google plus with the direction to her workplace and starts harrasing her boss to get Pleb fired, everyone blames Pleb because "duh she doxed herself she bought it on herself", she disappears for a little after getting fired, 4chan makes Justice happen and it's revealed that it was all Fatty's doing, Fatty gets smashed publicy for stalking Pleb for over two years, then fans send letter to Pleb's workplace explaining the situation, Pleb comes back and everything comes back to normal after getting rehired, but tumblr is not pleased.
If there was an ask out there that would describe how much people on tumblr still hate her for not disappearing it would be this one. No. 56702
File: 1452034861010.png (31.64 KB, 516x338, tumblr_o0i1ybubYN1u00qgto1_540…)

That happened.
No. 56768
File: 1452042363647.jpg (422.61 KB, 1257x768, 1452029211037.jpg)

Kind of relevant
Went and saw a play in Chicago last week with a Black scrooge and mostly Arab/Black cast. Was surprised, but it was still decent. Couldnt help but thinking there's a huge double standard in theae sorts of things though
No. 56776
File: 1452044564642.jpg (1.14 MB, 1000x1500, 1451758377447.jpg)

>>56769>>56770I mean I dont think JK envisioned Hermoine as black at all and is just doing this for brownie points. I have much bigger things to worry about and I'm not about to get butthurt over a fictional character. I just find it hypocritical the amount of asspain that would have been unleashed if the reverse happened. Here's another example in the pic. It's all just so forced and dumb
No. 56780
File: 1452045519251.jpg (70.75 KB, 830x404, tumblr_n2gk588O9g1re0j75o7_128…)

>>56776>if the reverse had happened…The reverse has happened, and no one said anything at all.
No. 56781
File: 1452045648756.jpg (69.17 KB, 830x418, tumblr_n2gk588O9g1re0j75o2_128…)

>>56780Several times, too
No. 56797
File: 1452051037842.jpg (69.67 KB, 562x629, tubegayarmy.jpg)

tubegayarmy / whinygothbaby strikes again…
No. 56798
>>56797"luke skywalker is a gay trans boy & he's in love with han solo"
"finn & poe dameron are gay & in love"
No. 56853
File: 1452074302850.png (23.3 KB, 325x274, TMwASgv.png)

I don't know if this belongs here or in the fakeboi thread
No. 56856
>>56786it's about whether the actor can play the part.
A good actor/actress who doesn't look exactly like the character is preferable to a shitty actor/actress that looks exactly like the character.
No. 56861
>>56856I admit that Hollywood plays favourites with white actors but to be honest I don't care. They want to make money and they know that the countries in which this film will be a hit will have like 90% white people and they like looking at people who look like them. PoC countries make their own movies with actors who look like them. Just look at the film industry in places like India, Japan and Korea.
I don't get why whiteys need to be babying every single nation in the world. Can't they take care of their representation themselves? If there's a 5-6% minority of ethnic folk in a country, you can't expect big corporations to cater to them ALL THE TIME.
No. 56862
>>56842I mean, Santa is more like a mythical creature than an actual person. If you go by his place of origin then yeah he would be white, but I don't really see a problem with black kids having a black santa since he's supposed to be a magical elf man who lives at the north pole and brings presents for children and not an actual person.
That said, my understanding of the whole black Santa thing has been basically that black parents get the black Santa stuff for their kids but none of them really grow up thinking of him as black, probably since every other piece of media with Santa on it has the traditional white "Coca-Cola" Santa and most mall Santas etc are white and follow that image.
No. 56875
>>56786I'm not a fan of the series so I don't know much about it other than what you see on the TV and internet. But has the author ever stated anything about her race? Like in an interview or tweet? I know people were upset about Rue despite her being described as dark. But they weren't SJWs.
Olive skin could encompass a wide range of ethnicities, including Mediterranean people. I assume the criticism really is that no one who wasn't white was considered. Olive skin isn't really that dark either. It's darker than a really pale person. But they could still be white. Not all white people look like a jar of mayonnaise with hair.
Now people are upset over The Dark tower. But Roland is described specifically as white and that's actually a plot point with one of the characters. So it's completely different I guess.
No. 56876
>>56853>I'm sick of being misgendered>I misgender myselfI don't get this. If you can't even manage to get your own gender correct, why would you demand everybody else does? Why are they held at a higher standard than the person who supposedly feels and knows their own gender?
I try and get people's pronouns right because I believe trans is a real thing (it's only the tumblr trans that annoy me), but I'd be pissed off it I was getting called unaccepting and gross for not knowing the gender of a person who can't even get it right themselves.
No. 56880
>>56875I think the author was being intentionally ambiguous. "Olive skin" barely means shit. Authors put it in so they can be seen as inclusive without actually outright saying what race a character is. It's just skin with a yellow/golden/olive undertone that tans a little better than super white skin. Pretty much every race will have people will olive skin so it's not a great indicator of race, but it's the go to of YA authors who want to seem diverse.
I think people were mostly mad that the casting call only wanted white girls, not because a white girl was ultimately cast.
No. 56881
>>56877>>56702Even if it was true, it reeks of "I'm so edgy and special I can do what I like."
I love how OP was righteously annoyed by "frat boy ass" who wouldn't "shut the hell up" but thought it was totally okay for them to disrupt everybody else's learning by being loud, talking non stop and blocking people's views. What a fuckwit.
No. 56900
>>56897Yeah, at least in Europe, when people say "olive skin" it usually means Italians or Greeks since 1) they're tan and 2) both countries have a long history with olives. But nobody would ever consider them non-white.
I've even seen English girls called Hispanic because they have thick dark hair and Scottish girls part Asian because they have smaller eyes. At this point I'm starting to think that many Americans have no idea what white people look like beyond a Germanic stereotype.
No. 56932
>>56919It's a very grey area tbh (lol). A lot of Latin@ people are white, some are brown and some are entirely black. Same with hispanics. For example, my brother and I. He looks middle-eastern because he is so dark and I look like your average pasty white british person.
We're both Hispanic, we're both Latin@.
No. 57024
>>56876"Becuz it's society's fault!!!!!?!??!?!"
Well, that's how a tumblrina would answer you.
No. 57044
File: 1452171826601.png (134.05 KB, 720x1280, wqMF4OH.png)

No. 57059
File: 1452178099406.png (57.59 KB, 552x608, CIcP1M6.png)

>>57048lol sorry to announce but fatkin is already a thing on Tumblr.
No. 57061
>>57059thisisthinprivilege is satire.
a lot of things have been posted here as fact when they are blatantly satire, lately.
No. 57195
File: 1452225224793.png (39.03 KB, 528x539, dqt0E53.png)

If you are a solitary and independent woman you obviously have some mental illness
No. 57200
>>57044Even if they were from an alternate timeline they'd still be themselves right? This whole excuse doesn't even make sense. If alternate timelines/universes exist then you can't be someone else's double. You can only be your own. The only person you could be factkin with is your own sad alternate self. Then again, these otherkin are so pathetic I can totally see how they'd want to be another person.
Honestly, in a way this is scarier than Misery. Someone should make a film about a factkin who goes mad and kidnaps the celebrity they are factkin with.
>>57195Well I guess I'm autistic then. It's so easy to claim self diagnosis because many of the symptoms can be applied to anyone, real or fictional. But the self diagnosing snowflakes have no idea how to properly ascertain whether or not those individual symptoms add up to autism or whatever other affliction they, for some bizarre reason, desire. Yet they still think they are smarter than doctors.
You can claim any character is autistic by cherry picking a few traits. So it really means nothing.
The only autistics I've known were really bad off and couldn't function well at all. I know it's supposed to be a spectrum. But it seems that all of these tumblr "autistics" are very normal otherwise. Just whiny. Are the most mild autistics relatively normal? Like you wouldn't even know there was anything wrong?
No. 57212
>>57200Not at all, one friend of mine has an autistic (my friend told me low spectrum) little brother and he looked normal at first, but 5 minutes later it was pretty obvious he wasn't.
The poor kid is creepy as fuck and will never be fully functional without someone's help. Let alone live in a dangerous dump at the desert and working as a scavenger
No. 57220
>>57195do they even know what autistic means?
ffs according to tumblr every single character in every show is autistic, trans and its canon.
thank god the website has a block function and addons to avoid this shit
No. 57543
File: 1452376863512.png (236.18 KB, 800x352, 1452372213911.png)

This is a good one
No. 57561
File: 1452381469094.png (32.39 KB, 537x454, really.PNG)

Don't most SJW do the exact something the OP was complaining about. Guilt tripping people and making huge rants about how problematic someone is being?
No. 57575
File: 1452386274905.jpg (45.37 KB, 380x286, 1358465096615.jpg)

>>54759probably the most disgusting thing in this thread
No. 57576
File: 1452386353283.png (43.31 KB, 436x564, historyclass.png)

God help this person when he gets to college.
They/their pronouns of course. But he looks 100% male.
No. 57600
>>57576>god help this person when he gets to collegeHonestly, he'll be coddled A LOT more at university and he'll be applauded for his stance
I thought the uni memes were just memes, but holy shit they're worse than I imagined
The dorm I'm in had card packets provided on bulletin boards tk hand out to people using sexist, ableist, and racist language.
They had a list of offensive words (I used to have a pic sorry) and it included lame, dumb, blind, and other things like that. They also had speakers come in for an optional seminar I attended in which some Native Americans (hardly full either) said white people just need to shut up and let minorities police themselves.
There was a lot of dumb things said imo, but the best was one of them saying that white people were literally raping Native American culture by wearing moccasins. He also said that Native American women are raped the most per capita because they're heavily sexualized in media and white men think they have a right to their bodies. As an example of this he used the land'o lakes butter mascot.
I thought it was quite funny, but everyone in that room was eating that shit up
No. 57614
>>57600I was in Australia couple of months ago. There was this event we went to where we were told not to do ANYTHING RACIALLY OFFENSIVE since an aboriginal elder would come and give a talk.
It was weird as fuck all to be giving this warning to not engage in racism, since we normally don't engage in racism. Is being racist the default setting for Australians perhaps?
All the aboriginals we'd seen so far had been very dark, homeless people on the street. Lots of alcoholism, drug abuse, mental health issues, but it's apparently okay to act as if these people do not exist.
At the event, there wasn't a single person who looked in any way aboriginal. Then the elder took the stage. Bitch was whiter than I am.
Okay, Straya! You've killed, locked away, abused and ignored most of the original population of the continent, you care fuck all about those individuals rolling about drunk and disorientated in the street, but in liberal circles, let's all show how tolerant we are and kow-tow to this random old lady who has proof she's 1/16th aboriginal princess.
The hypocrisy is disgusting.
No. 57616
File: 1452392347963.jpg (46.02 KB, 535x430, dearwhitey.jpg)

Sounds like ableism to me…
Remember everyone, the whole world has to stop turning for black lives matter.
No. 57617
>>57614Serious question
>homeless people on the street.>Lots of alcoholism>drug abuse>mental health issuesAll these are obviously negative, but was the >very dark really necessary? Does it impact them as person such as having a drug addiction or mental health issues?
No. 57619
>>57600You know, I was thinking of going back to school and now I really don't want to. I thought it was all internet memes too. But it looks like it's 100% for real.
These are the future leaders of the world. Western society is finished.
I'm very surprised that the Land O Lakes mascot is still around.Maybe they're saying she's sexualized because of that box folding trick that turns her knees into weird potato shaped boobs? I don't think it's something intentional.
No. 57620
>>57614Kek never been told "not to do anything racially offensive".
Obviously this was a reminder for you stupid foreigners to keep your mouths shut.
If you knew anything you would know there's nothing wrong with an elder being white, their people have been the victims of rape by whiteys for centuries now.
You're saying she isn't worth the respect just because shes got white blood in her? Looks like you're the racist fuckwit.
And for fucks sake, most of the Aboriginal population are "rolling about drunk and disorientated in the street", you really don't grasp the situation here at all.
Stay the fuck home next time.
No. 57623
>>57619Definitely go back if you want to and dont let a bunch of whiny babies keep you from getting an education. Theyre easy to ignore and if you have to sit through a few lectures for a class just view it as a learning experience.
However some majors I dont even want to imagine how they are now. History seems like it would be awesome depending who you have, but I took a gen ed history couse and it was White People Are The Root of All Evil: The Class. Maybe they fade out that sort of rhetoric in more advanced classes, but I doubt it.
I was watching college debates on youtube from the 1960s and it's just insane how different higher education was back then. They let George Lincoln Rockwell present to thousands and then let MLK present his viewpoints at another time. Universities are just a hugbox nowadays and so many topics are just off the table for any sort of debate.
Obama summed it up well in this video I think
No. 57628
>>57617I mentioned very dark because the Australians in the street acted as if these people did not exist. They're a very visible minority, yet are treated as ghosts.
Strayans so tolerant, ya'll! Just never mind these people, they're an embarrassment?
Then the one person they do make a big deal about as representing Aboriginals is 100% white passing.
No. 57633
File: 1452397134270.jpg (120.31 KB, 700x420, 2000.jpg)

> a reminder for you stupid foreigners to keep your mouths shut.What do we have here? If it isn't a typical "Reclaim Australia!", racist outburst. Hit a nerve, mate?
No. 57634
File: 1452397496413.jpg (26.66 KB, 650x366, 926117-30d62da4-badc-11e3-a264…)

>>57628That's because full blood abbos look and act like degenerates. Takes some other blood to make them look and act normal.
No. 57636
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>>57634They look great mixed tho
No. 58035
File: 1452398903099.jpeg (109.03 KB, 760x1024, image.jpeg)

>>57634>>57636Not only the original population are ugly etcetc but they cant look good mixed too unlike other races because the trash the english shipped off were degenerants white snownegroes. How could they be pretty inside or outside if none of two were?!
I'm not lying look at the wannabe south-africans, they are so gorgeous! Their ancestors weren't shipped off trash like the current white aussies. Although Australia really sucks and should not be inhabited by humans in the first place so it was a very big mistake tbh. Maybe if the humans did not kill off all the cool species that lived in Australia it could have been preserved as an island for cool fauna?
No. 58097
File: 1452438085182.jpg (90.36 KB, 445x750, fuckyeahmenhera.jpg)

So, for anyone familiar with Jfash who browses Tumblr, this happened. It's not about one specific snowflake, but it's still interesting if you're a weeb like me.
>Menhera is a fashion style that incorporates pills, syringes, guro, BDSM, and other edgy stuff with pastel colors and cutesy imagery>"Menhera" as a term basically means "mental patient", and is often used in a derogatory manner in Japan>Fuckyeahmenhera posts clothing, art and accessories related to the style, sometimes posts Omocat sweaters and shit if they fit the aesthetic>At some point, a Tumblr user (umiushis) messages them pic related>Tumblr user claims that they themselves are Japanese and messages them again>They respond in Japanese, Tumblr user says they used Google Translate and are pretending >FYM ignores them and posts "It’s 2016 and weeb SJWs still try to pretend to us to be japanese telling us how we are wrong about our own culture, then get our “wall of text” wrong due to using Google Translate."Call-out post the Tumblr user wrote: No. 58111
>>57616>SOME OF US DON'T HAVE A CHOICE OMG CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGELol yes you do. If you're mentally ill and/or suffer from anxiety, there's a pretty low chance that you can make it to any sort of meet with lots of people without getting stressed as fuck, even if you're all gathering in support of a certain thing. If it's severe, sometimes you just can't go at all.
I don't get these people. They don't like when white people get too involved because that's considered silencing their voices, but at the same time, they want to attack mentally ill white art students for not getting involved. Disgusting and embarrassing.
No. 58112
File: 1452444341252.jpg (87.73 KB, 599x609, CYT-oTWWkAARYYO.jpg)

This has to be a joke
No. 58119
>>58115if this is serious i'll eat my own ass
sjws i s2g are so fucked
No. 58129
>>58112"your child's quality of life with be severely inhibited if you can't put down the strawberry daiquiri for a few months"
No. 58216
>>58112…Please be a joke.
Tumblr SJWs shouldn't ever procreate. They are selfish and will blantantly abuse their children, letting them get disabled, obese, and confuse them about their gender/sexuality, all in the name of gaining the most "oppression" points they can.
I imagine the next generations will have quite a few fucked-up children hating their parents for disabling them and convincing them their whole lives of being stargendered pastelunicornsnowflake-kin.
No. 58253
>>58097Fuck this bullshit.
Call out blogs are the scum of the earth. Let the weebs being weebs, it's a fucking fashion blog.
No. 58262
>>58240I actually believe this one's a troll, the blog was brand new.
Luckily all the notes are reblogs of people tearing her apart.
No. 58277
>>58261it seems somewhat newish. The sad thing is that there was some value to it at some point (e.g.
triggering could just be used as an indicator that an article/post has some graphic descriptions of rape or whatever - I can see the point of a
TW in that case, sort of like a NSFW thing) but the way tumblr, twitter, some "news" sites use it is just ridiculous. I can only assume people who use and demand never have left their bubble.
No. 58430
>>57561Isn't there some kind of vitamin deficiency where people have to eat red meat? My mom knew someone who had to eat a lot of steak because of something to do with B (I think) vitamins.
I'm anemic and sometimes I crave meat strongly. When I do I eat it because I assume that's what my body needs at the moment.
Animals eat meat so I really don't have a problem with humans eating it. We're omnivores after all. That's how we came so far. We can adapt to eating just about anything that's safe and non poisonous to us. Even if it means temporary malnutrition we can survive on more food types than most of the animal kingdom.
The only real issue I see with eating meat is mistreatment of animals and poor conditions at factory farms. But that's not good enough for vegans. They want everyone to stop eating animal products regardless of things like availability or health concerns.
You'd think that a post like this would be ok because ableism. Ableism only applies to self diagnosed autism though I guess.
No. 58472
>>57627the situation in the u.s has nothing to do with situation here, all races experience rape not just your precious redskins.
>>57628look at mother teresa here, shame on us aussies for not rewarding sitting on the kerb begging and sniffing petrol.
>>57636every halfcast girl ive met has been banging
No. 58568
>>58430Ah sure, it are the vegans who don't know their shit. It's not like they actually did research about nutrition and ethics before they actually became vegan.
You obviously know more about it, while you can't even name the specific B vitamin, have no clue how anemia works, don't know shit about ethics and the problem with welfarism and think that vegans would want someone who really can't go vegan, to go vegan.
Sure someone who didn't even do 1 google search knows more about this than people who actually have read numerous scientific articles and research papers.
Keep making the same arguments vegans have been refuting since the 14th century, go ahead.
No. 58574
>>58571No use in actually arguing with people who think bacon is more important than others their life. You could make all the reasonable arguments in the world, show all the proof there is, but then the response will always be: but, bacon.
Don't go bashing on vegans when you don't care, won't listen or accept facts, because bacon.
If people actually cared, they would've done some research and would've known simple things like iron isn't only found in meat, protein isn't only found in animal products and that 40% of the population has B12 deficiency anyway and needs to supplement.
No people just bash on vegans, because how dare you tell me that bacon comes from animals and that they had to die and that killing something isn't nice.
No. 58601
>>57532I actually knew a guy who did this sort of thing all the time. He was a prick.
This was literally in 10th grade, though. Thinking it might happen in a professional environment is pretty fucked.
No. 58607
>> iron isn't only found in meatEver heard of bioavailability?
I was vegan for 3 years. I ate healthy and also took supplements. Still ended up in hospital with iron and vitamin b12 deficiency.
Veganism is fine but not for everyone. My doctor explained that depending on the digestive system some people can absorb iron from plants and supplements while others can't.
Everyone should be able to chose their food according to whatever they like and need. No matter what vegan- and ana-chans think about meat or pasta.
No. 58666
File: 1452541752337.png (141.48 KB, 519x984, tumblr.png)

No. 58689
>>58666Can't see much wrong here, sorry. Da fuck is wrong with admitting Katniss is just being a fucking women, and not a "male hero with a vagina cause she's a strong independent womyn"? Such tumblr bullshit. Same with her crap about bisexuality. Nothing wrong with her being a tomboy, but bisexuality is not a gateway to lesbianism for everyone.
The only thing that's true is Hollywood describing her as fat (wtf) which is dumb as fuck. I won't touch the whitewashing of Katniss cause I give zero fucks about that, and the cotntless Harry Potter debates put me off discussing race in fictional ambigious characters forever.
All in all JLawrence is not the perfect cute quirky "not like other girls!!!" actress she always wants to present herself as, and I'm perfectly fine with people not believing in her perfect goddess desu-image. Sure this callout was a little tumblrish but over all, not entirely wrong.
No. 58699
>>58666I hate JLaw, but the whole "omg so transphobic she
triggered some1 omg ebil she ebil" is ridiculous.
Also, nice satan trips.
No. 58731
File: 1452558070436.jpg (85.61 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o0a3qhce8k1rjjiaeo1_128…)

This one likes to boast about how great she is at makeup and how she totally hasn't damaged her hair at all by bleaching the shit out of it, kek.
No. 58736
File: 1452558321696.png (78.69 KB, 440x611, Screenshot_2016-01-12-00-07-10…)

No. 58754
>>58574>>58568Jeez calm down, Anon wasn't even being rude, you volatile ass.
That's why nobody likes vegans, your holier-than-thou attitude is fucking obnoxious.
No. 58817
File: 1452569167130.gif (969.38 KB, 500x205, umbridge.gif)

>>58737This seems like an eerie brainwashing post, commanding people to write out "women have penises" hundreds of times until they unquestioningly believe it without actual reason. Some Dolores Umbridge type shit, a common tactic on Tumblr too, commanding people to repeat statements as truth before looking into them at all.
No. 58834
>>58731But the damage is so obvious… lol does she think people can't see it? Also (left side of the pic), is that part of her real eyebrow BELOW the one she drew on?? GREAT MAKEUP THO U SO FIERCE!!
…Anon, what is wrong with people like this? :( How do they look in the mirror with that shit on their face and go, "yup I'm hot shit!"
No. 58840
>>58817It really does feel like a cult. If you detransition you're cast out, if you question trans ideology you're a violent transphobe, etc. They always write utter nonsense like this and repeat it multiple times in capslocks, i.e.
and guilt others into believing it.
Tbh I thought TERFs/radfems were equally crazy as these Tumblr trans but I'm really starting to see what they mean.
No. 58862
File: 1452580694041.jpg (45.92 KB, 600x450, we tranny nao.jpg)

Tranny hate circlejerk? Tranny hate circlejerk! Fuck yeah niggers!
No. 58999
File: 1452628754455.jpg (125.09 KB, 514x1159, lolwhataresources.jpg)

I don't now how many of these are true. Because I'm not going to sit here for hours doing google research. Which is exactly the point here. When you present something as fact it's your responsibility to provide sources. If you cannot/will not provide them then people have every right to openly criticize your claims.
No. 59171
>>59152I thought this video was going to be absolute crap but it seems like you and half of the commenters didn't even watch it.
These two are being pretty reasonable and understanding towards both sides. They personally don't feel offended by "microaggressions", saying Japanese people are just trying to be nice, but they understand why some people are upset about them, like half-Japs or foreigners who don't even speak English.
No. 59183
>>59152…this isn't whiny and they're being reasonable. They're just discussing their natural responses to foreigners.
God, lolcow has picked up some incredibly unreliable narrators as of late.
No. 59184
>>59152Do you even know what is clickbait? They knew that a bunch of people where going to expect the worst from that thumbnail and click on the video, even if the content wasn't as whiny or sjw as people assumed.
They made some pretty valid points but more than whining, they're sharing their experience and stuff.
Damn it.
No. 59196
File: 1452707869216.jpg (50.67 KB, 531x608, reitistic.jpg)

I hate these headcanons more and more every day.
No. 59301
File: 1452739902791.png (69.22 KB, 568x537, 34970b48-1ba3-4177-b5ee-4e3e43…)

Has anyone seen this huge explosion of drama that someone named richynepp has just created? She keeps going on about how sick she is of seeing Captain Phasma being drawn as a skinny white woman and "Why not Asian Phasma? She's Asian to me!" And when people replied that the actress is a blonde, fit, white woman she had a fit. Telling people she didn't want to ever know who the actress was so that her WoC headcanon would be more real to her. She is serverly asspained atm.
No. 59362
File: 1452766752112.jpg (17.96 KB, 697x216, ablekin.jpg)

How is this ableist? All I can think of is how some otherkin think that being otherkin makes them neurodivergent and thus super special snowflakes.
No. 59405
>>59196I actually don't mind autistic headcanons when they make sense. But I'm confused when they say a character who clearly isn't autistic is autistic.
Like "Dr Temperance Brennan is autistic", yeah probably
"Will Graham is autistic" yeah that's believable, pretty sure they mention it once in the show
"Sheldon Cooper is autistic", almost definitely
But when it's random characters who don't exhibit any autistic symptoms, I get confused
And a little insulted as someone who actually has mild autism
No. 59596
>>59367I found this post about tagging other people's art as your kin: can see their point. It would be pretty irritating after awhile if you drew fanart of popular characters. Most fictionkin seem to claim all the popular characters too. Although i'm seeing more rare characters now. I guess it makes you even more special?
Fictionkin tend to get pretty pissy about their special snowflake identities. It's useless to even bother arguing.
No. 59599
File: 1452834719737.jpg (173.01 KB, 984x468, Ovt3u7Y.jpg)

Of course, SJW waste no time reminding everyone else that Alan Rickman was a white privileged man who lived a successful life and because of that, he doesn't deserve people mourning him.
No. 59647
>>59599It makes me really happy that when some nasty SJW on tubblr dies literally no one gives a shit. Not even a fart.
Some of her friends might do a muh fundraiser! for the funeral expenses, and then just end up spending all the money some suckers give them on Twinkies to snarf.
No. 59711
File: 1452887944556.jpg (154.54 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o0wnnycVna1tgb6wyo1_540…)

I am so glad councilors aren't putting up with this shit.
No. 59713
>>59711Lol, so the does the sky
trigger them too?
No. 59721
File: 1452890061497.jpg (29 KB, 320x371, image.jpg)

>>59711ffs. We are reaching a point of retardation where I bet soon science classes will even be petitioned against in classrooms. Because shit like fake skeletons and female/male biology is too
triggering for these babies.
No. 59799
>>59733idk. It was on someone's fb feed and the screenshot it.
I hope the person's trolling, but it's hard to tell sometimes with these
triggered sorts. :|
No. 59871
File: 1452921273203.jpg (19.78 KB, 898x125, pho.JPG)

>>59859Aye mate, sure she did.
No. 59910
>>54488omg she appeared on my dash too, and i've been keeping up with her story, recently shes been asking for a lot more money?? like 100 more and then 60 for her meds lol
idk if people are still donating but imo this is a lot to ask for
No. 60150
File: 1453036651382.png (11.5 KB, 425x239, wtf tumblr.png)

No. 60198
File: 1453055718192.jpeg (179.43 KB, 442x1158, image.jpeg)

Found this gem. Thought you guys would like to see it.
No. 60205
>>60198Sjw are anti radfem which is a type of feminist.
I might need to follow lion-against-sjw, cis-characteroftheday and hetchracterofthe day. They made it on this exclusionary list so they're probably awesome.
Other than Cis people who else would be "transaphobic" are they speaking about non-binary people or what?
Binary male…but shouldn't follow if Cis.
I kinda want to troll them.
No. 60329
File: 1453092800960.png (54.26 KB, 467x652, hm.PNG)

>>60273Capped from my dashboard. I think sjw is a different type of crazy. They think if you're black/latino/asian or whatever else then you have to share the same sentiments as them. A couple of ex-friends have gone total sjw…actually I unfollowed them which is what caused the breakup in our friendship. They keep asking me why I wasn't reblogging their stuff. I told them I didn't agree with it and I didn't want that crap on my dashboard.
Sorry wrong picture.
No. 60334
File: 1453093758008.png (36.96 KB, 476x581, 1.PNG)

>>60331radfems usually have a better leg to stand on when it comes to women issues. Sorry in advance for the pic spam.
No. 60335
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No. 60336
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No. 60337
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No. 60338
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That being I'm not a radfem, but I do agree with some of their arguments. Particularly when it involves female spaces.
No. 60368
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No. 60378
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No. 60379
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No. 60384
File: 1453106474778.jpg (46.06 KB, 426x607, hurp.JPG)

No. 60399
>>60379As long if you wash your ass after every poop going 3 days without showering actually isnt nasty at all as it seems. The reason why most people stink after 1 day of not showering is because of a stinky piss butt. Clean the butt and you can go weeks being fresh (wash the butt and face)
It's perfect for lazy autists as cleaning your asscrack and vagina with a showerhose only takes 1 min max 20 min if u are masturbating with it. Your welcome!
No. 60420
>>60407That's funny. I wonder how they would explain the semen since he's a gay ftm.
Ben is Luke's biological son and Mara birthed him. If Luke hates cis people then why would he marry a cisfemale. The headcannon doesn't make a lick of sense.
This actually reminds me of another stupid argument about Rey replacing Luke because she had his light saber. Idiots don't know that he still has his shoto lightsaber. The Star Wars fandom has always been a bit lulzy, but this crap is just borderline.