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No. 501844
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I feel bad for Alieen and I'm sad that the media portrayed her as a madwoman yet portrayed the other male serial killers as smooth, calculating psychopaths.
Granted, she still killed, but she felt like a victim acting out against her abusers more than anything.
No. 501848
There is also a general true crime thread here
>>>/m/9088In case anyone wants to revive that
No. 501892
>>501844im so tired of people sperging about her being just as bad as the male killers. like
>>501880 said, even if they didnt try to rape her, going to a prostitute is inherently exploitative and
abusive. those men went to her to hurt her and she defended herself.
idc how bad it sounds, im not going to cry any tears for these victims because imo to a certain extent they had it coming. and going by how high the rates of rape and abuse for prostitutes are, her claims that they tried to/actually raped her are relatively believable she should have gotten a life sentence at most, but a mental institution would have been the best option. she was clearly extremely unstable.
its fucking infuriating that cunts like edmund kemper get to twiddle their thumbs in a jail cell and then get remembered as some poor misunderstood genius even though he committed multiple premeditated murders, while she was executed.
speaking of kemper, does anyone else feel like hes lying about some of the things he said about his mother? from what ive read he was a psychopath who abused his sisters and killed and tortured animals even at a young age, and yet he acts like his mother drove him to do everything. i think hes over exhaggarating some things about his mom so that people put some of the blame off of him and onto her like so many other psychopaths do.
No. 501896
>>501892Good god, yes to everything what you said. I find it so obnoxious that people apparently have no sympathy at all for Aileen and called her a crazy bitch, ugly, psychopath, ect, yet can muster up all the sympathy in the world for Ted Bundy (though he is more vilified than the others after this), Jeffrey Dahmer (suspecting because all his
victims were male minorities), and Edmund Kemper (suspecting because like half of his
victims were minority AFs). The true crime communities on reddit is the worst with this, since its full of scrotes who have latent misogynistic tendencies who just need to excuse every man in the book.
I really find it confusing how we're supposed to condemn and hate on Aileen for killing her johns who often times rape underage girls and trafficked
victims but feel bad for Edmund because his mom was a "bitch" and he ended up raping her throat or some stupid shit..
No. 501908
>>501896Agreed, most true crime aficionados cream themselves about "the research" that comes from the fanatic attention serial killers get, but surely by that logic it should have been vital that Aileen be kept alive to interview? We have so little studies on female serial killers. The truth is that her case is bleakly realistic, it's not kinky or outrageously gruesome so nobody cares.
>>501895As long as you're posting content for discussion then it's totally fine. From my experience the necro rule is just to stop people bumping dead drama threads with noncontributing shit posts.
No. 502243
>>501892I agree about aileen. she was victimised her entire life, her early years were filled with hardship and abuse (she even spent time as young teen sleeping in a fucking forest) and was most likely underage when she first had to turn to prostitution. she snapped after years and years of abuse at the hands of men. the men she killed we're all johns who, even though she admitted lying about certain murders being in self defence, were stilling fucking johns and like you said, probably did most of what she said they did. I don't have sympathy for them. I feel sorry for their families though.
I also agree how she should've been sent to a facility for the criminally insane or something, as you said, she was incredibly unwell, that was obvious from interviews.
No. 502285
Hard agree with everyone saying that Aileen Wuornos didn’t deserve to die. Sure, she deserved jail time, because murder is murder, but she wasn’t killing random people over some fucked up complex or just for the hell of it like most male serial killers and as such should’ve been offered resocialization and another shot at better life, which I think she would gladly take.
I’d also be interested in reading a well-researched study on female serial killers. What I find interesting is that they generally tend to kill family or people in their care, as opposed to male serial killers who mostly kill strangers and majority of whom are sexually motivated in some way.
>>501892I tend to believe Kemper, but only because bad mother-son relationship is sort of a common theme in serial killer biographies. Just goes to show how easily male psyche can go haywire. You dont hear of women murdering because of daddy issues nearly as much.
No. 502453
>>501892Wouldn't be at all surprised if Kemper exaggerated the stories of his mother to some extent. I can't recall if there's hard evidence on what he did to mommy's head or if it's just his own testimony, but I wouldn't put it past him to exaggerate his own alleged actions as well. He seems like the kind of guy who might do that.
On the subject of female serial killers, I recommend looking up Belle Gunness. Quite the lady, Norwegian immigrant in the US who made a living wooing and killing likely dozens of men during the 19th century. No sympathy for her though, unlike for Aileen.
No. 502610
>>502453Can't stand Kemper. He tries to paint his mom as some evil witch who hated men and unjustly locked him in the basement all night. He got locked in the basement because he was killing cats and attempting to rape his sisters. Everyone who knew/met his mom, her own daughters, said he was a lovely woman.
What's more annoying is comments on YouTube videos shit talking his mom as some monster. Way to go, you believed a serial killer, who lies to make himself the
victim to fit his narrative.
No. 502936
>>502610It's pretty telling that everyone jumps to defend him and not the woman who was of course brutally murdered and isn't around to defend herself. All of this also ignores that he killed his own grandparents even though by his own admission his grandfather at least did nothing wrong. It's one thing to listen to what he says about why he killed but it bothers me that people ignore how hilariously biased he is in trying to excuse himself and make him self look good when he murdered a bunch of innocent people.
Also an important note about the Wuornos case is that the first guy she murdered was a convicted rapist. I also think this is relevant:
>During an interview with filmmaker Nick Broomfield, when she thought the cameras were off, she told him that it was, in fact, self-defense, but she could not stand being on death row—where she had been for ten years at that point—and wanted to die No. 503063
>>502610>>502453I don't disagree that he's an unreliable narrator, but it is possible that both things are true. Let's not forget that the people raising children at that time were all tremendously fucked up by WWII, and were raised by WWI survivors themselves. It just doesn't really surprise me that some of the most prolific serial killers (Gacy, Kemper, Bundy, Manson, DeAngelo, Zodiac) were raised
by the fallout of WWII
in the midst of the Vietnam War. Doesn't justify their actions in any way, but it was just trauma birthing trauma birthing trauma at that point.
No. 519102
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Has anyone else here really shamefully felt attraction to a serial killer? Not in a ~he was MisUNdErsTOod~ stan way, but an involuntarily attraction that you feel viscerally disgusted over?
No. 519137
>>519131A couple of his
victims were kids, one of his
victims was found with a pile of shit next to her dead body cos he used some random object to rape her ass so violently her bowels emptied…
No. 519142
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>>519102honestly h. h. holmes is pretty attractive imo, I'm also a sucker for period pieces/old timey looking stuff so it makes sense. modern killers not so much. its purely a physical aesthetics thing though, i'd never wanna be his creepy accomplice or the one to "save" him like so many fangirls of serial killers are
No. 519148
>>519145I meant to reply to this
>>519131 and deleted the other shit because no one wants to see that
No. 519210
>>519135>>519145I think you need to look through the lens of the 1970s to see how he would have been considered attractive. Burt Reynolds was considered attractive at the time. There are some flattering photos of Bundy in the mid-70s where he's obviously not hideous. When the evidence wasn't as clear (in the earlier trials), he dressed better and smiled less freaky. He was obviously able to gain the trust of his
victims to some extent, so he was probably perceived as charismatic. He had girlfriends and wasn't a complete loner like other serial killers.
Obviously knowing what we know now, we look at him much differently, and there are a lot of photos of him with psycho eyes, but I can see how at the time people thought different.
No. 519212
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>>519210but burt reynolds is very normal looking and 'masculine' in a not so freaky way. he was just hairy. at best, this looks like an average dude. not handsome at all. yeah he gained the trust of his
victims because he pretended he was disabled, not because he had trustworthy eyes. he had snake eyes and a weird smile.
No. 519219
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>>519212>>519213I'll agree to disagree, anon. I get why you think he looks weird, but I think he was perceived differently at the time. He definitely looks normal to me in the first picture and could be considered attractive in some angles (pic related). I think it's mostly the unibrow that makes him look bad in a lot of photos. Objectively, I think he would have been considered attractive at the time.
Also, here is a random rundown of popular 70s actors that I googled for you to compare: are a lot of guys there who are obviously not conventionally attractive. I'd even say Bundy shares a similar "look" to a lot of them.
No. 519253
>>519210Little off topic maybe but Dahmer looked geeky and awkward as fuck in half of his photos and then in others he looked handsome and like a completely different man.
I've noticed that documentaries on him vary from 'he was a socially awkward loner' to 'he was a fetchingly handsome man with lots of admirers in the gay bars'
No. 519382
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>>519217>>519210I'm getting so tired of apologetic tards like you who say "LOOK THROUGH THE LENS OF THE 70S!!" like people in the 1970s had absolutely abysmal standards of what was considered attractive because the people who say this saw a few overly hairy looking men or greasy people. I don't even know what the fuck this comes from considering many 1970s stars (both female and male) look genuinely more attractive w/ a better bone structure and presence than many stars do today. There's a shitload of male celebrities and singers I can mention from the 70s-80s that absolutely shit on Ted aesthetically and in every way. Pic related is from the 90s but they were famous in the 70s.
Ted was only considered so attractive as he was because he lived in bumfuck Midwestern cities with boring people who weren't used to anything better and that's also who the women he was around, as well. Ted wouldn't be able to compete with men in cities like L.A, NYC, San Fran, ect at the time because he was basic in every way. Most of his girlfriends weren't that cute either and he was very awkward in getting them, and only could engaged in some strange borderline violent sex with them.
No. 519383
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>>519219Lol you're fucking delusional if you think that list is what was considered a heartthrob by women besides so maybe really trashy women who put more trust in "manly" aesthetics than beautiful aesthetics. Ted was """attractive""" in the manly, wrinkly "trustworthy" "goodboy" way not the heartthrob, pretty, stunning bone structure and gorgeous way that young women and normal women actually felt enamoured with and liked. Actually Ted looked "normal" not devastatingly handsome or stunning which is why it was so "shocking" at the time. Get your facts straight and stop revising the 70s for your stupid agenda.
No. 519386
>>519231Personally I'm tired of basic (obviously WASP or some type of anglo identification, cuz they're obviously always are and i never see the girls on LSA 4 example say ted is attractive because he's fucking ugly or plain at most by their standards) women saying ted is so hawt when he's just a 5 or 6/10 at most even in serial killer-land lmao.
And if we really wanna go far his
victim's beauty is also very exaggerated for a racist and classist agenda as well. Every time I see a girl obsessed with Ted Bundy she looks like she could be one of his
victims, or an older version of them. It reeks of ego masturbation and projection. It's disgusting.
No. 519418
>>519415Paul john knowles, rodney alcala, paul bernando are the ones off the top of my head
ill argue with anybody if they disagree
No. 519425
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>>519418I’m open to hearing your opinion , but anon are you serious with Rodney alcala. He is literally a composite of every ridiculous fashion and beauty fad that didn’t transition out of the 70s: that horrible dated feathery poodle hair, open disco shirts, weird gender nonspecific (not in a hot way but in that 70s fleshy way) longface, ect. Are you a super huge 70s disco culture fan? Lol
No. 519607
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>>519425he's not my type, but he had a jim morrison look when he had longer hair
i'm into weird looking men so somebody like david berkowitz when he was young would've been my jam, but i'm not attracted to losers who go around shooting people.
>>519592women are the primary
victims, i guess we want to know more about the men who try to hurt us and learn strategies for not being victimized. also society as a whole loves violence and tragedy, hence why true crime clashes with celebrity culture a lot
No. 519612
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>>519383ted is a solid 6/10 at best, he was neither hot or hideous. especially in the 70s, being in shape and groomed was just generally expected, so he was not special even looking back through the era's eyes. people like mama cass and john belushi used to be considered disgustingly obese in the 60s/70s, yet they're average today.
i have tons of screenshots of bundy obsessed women i've encountered online. most are not attractive and are extremely delusional about their and bundy's looks. Dahmer obsessed women are even worse especially since he was gay. someone should start a hybristophilia thread on /snow/
No. 519621
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>>519425>he's ugly because of his fashion!!!anon are you fucking serious? besides the fact he changed his style (like everybody else between the 60s and 70s) with the trends. ted also has 3x the head/face as rodney too lmao
No. 519623
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>>519621 I can’t tell if your arguing for or against me but as these photos clearly show, like a lot if people who peak in their early 20s he did not change his style lol
No. 519626
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>>519623i'm talking between the 60s and 70s obviously not after he was incarcerated also Alcala was 36 in my post so point proven lol
No. 519630
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>>519451OT but, since you brought him up…Andrew Cunanan really gets under my skin more so than a lot of serial killers. I just finished reading ‘vulgar favors’ and the guy legitimately had so many opportunities (that most people are never afforded) and he still managed to squander and fuck up every single one of them. He had a 147 iq, went to a prestigious high school , could’ve went to any university had he applied himself, had a sugar daddy that was worth hundreds etc.
His pathological lying was the catalyst to most of his relationships falling apart, he created this otherworldly facade that he couldn’t live up to , he started iv’ing crystal meth and lost his mind.
His childhood was also pretty bizzare to read about, his parents were batshit insane and raised him to believe he was the second coming of Christ, they gave him the master bedroom and bought him a sports car before he even had a license (they were not rich). His relationship with his dad ‘Modesto’ was really creepy and many speculate that he was sexually abused by him but it was never proven. He didn’t have the typical prerequisites of a serial killer, but at the same time it isn’t all too surprising he snapped.
In V.f it is stated by multiple sources that he had met Versace and they were seen together on at least on occasion in the early 90s, I wonder if that was it..
If meeting him one time was enough to to plant the seed in his head or maybe the crossed paths more than once.
No. 519633
>>519630Damn, he looks pretty solid as far as body goes and he's showing it off
But of course it's for a dude and not for a woman. Why are straight women so unlucky smh
But thanks for the write-up anon! You're greatly appreciated and it's very interesting!
No. 519634
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>>519629nta but alcala is pretty white passing imo, so idk how much of their taste has to do with race. alcala definitely had better facial structure than bundy, so did ramirez. dahmer had nice facial features. as far as serial killers go, i think he was the most conventionally attractive, personally.
No. 519646
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>>519629 My ideal is a basic/wholesome white dude, it’s even a downgrade if their are too striking/attractive (I.e lucky blue Smith) I totally accept its prob some racial fetish thing cause I look racially ambiguous myself. Alcala I just think is unattractive by today’s standards, and enjoyed a moment of popularity back then merely because he was lucky enough to be born into a time when it was instyle to be a super skinny underdeveloped features androgynous guy with long hair, whereas bundy is a universally average looking guy who was average 6 then and would be average 6 now.
No. 519649
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Speaking of weird crushes, I know he is not technically a serial killer since he only had one victim, but Stephen McDaniel was clearly on his way to becoming a serial killer, and I’ve always thought he was mildly cute. Like I would take notice of him if I was in the subway but would prob leave w/o saying anything. He was a necrophiliac incel who murdered and chopped up his dorm mate after stalking her over a period of months, then found out live on camera while being interviewed by a local news station that parts of her body had been recovered and had a nervous breakdown live on tv.
No. 519651
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>>519634Alcala is white as he's south european descent, but it's not the "good" type of white to delusional people who worship anglo and nordic features
Dahmer is indeed attractive and has good facial features but in no existence is he mogging Alcala to oblivion.
No. 519653
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>>519648>>519651again nta but i'm almost exclusively attracted to middle eastern men and idk alcala had high cheekbones, yes, but something was a little (excuse me in advance for using this stupid term) "derpy" about his face. something about it looks retarded, like string emil. for this reason, i think he's less attractive, though his features themselves are nicer.
>>519649anon, you must be dating some bizarre looking dudes.
No. 519659
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>>519653bro, first of all I wanna say you're so wrong for that LMAO kek
secondly, all serial killers, each and every one of them, look like they have something "wrong" with them because they're literally sexually deviant psychopaths. Again, you say this but I legit don't see how you can't look at Ted or Jeffrey's face and see it looks possibly more retarded or even odder.
This is just a bad argument i'm just tired of people saying bundy and dahmer was so hawt but suddenly alcala looks "weird" even though dahmer had 3 triple chins in some pics and bundy looked like a straight up caveman. Sorry nah not buying it. And I'm someone who pretty much mostly likes musicians or entertainers (in terms of famous people), and find e-guys pretty damn ugly and spergy lookng.
No. 519663
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>>519659i dont think ted is more attractive at all. i'm not the anon you were speaking to about ted being attractive. dahmer 100% looks less retarded than alcala. and alcala bares a resemblance to younger string emil, especially the shooped version. something about his face just looks retarded. ramirez when he was younger and not making stupid faces looked like a normal kid with very striking features, not deviant (even after committing the crimes). ramirez, dahmer, and alcala were all more attractive than bundy. it's not a particular face alcala makes, he just looks retarded. dahmer had objectively 'pretty' features, it isn't a function of his whiteness. ramirez had very 'pretty' features too.
No. 519672
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>>519663>dahmer 100% looks less retarded than alcala. alcala had a very high iq and was very well-spoken so nothing about your observations reflects in the reality of their character whatsoever
>and alcala bares a resemblance to younger string emil, especially the shooped version. something about his face just looks retarded.they have completely different facial compositions and face shape. the only similarity is the long haired, very 70s look alcala had in his pics in the late 70s.
>ramirez when he was younger and not making stupid faces looked like a normal kid with very striking features, not deviant (even after committing the crimes).i absolutely disagree ramirez didn't look criminally deviant even after committing crimes. while very good looking, his face signaled a very strong predator/hunter look that's even apparent to people who don't know him.
>it's not a particular face alcala makes, he just looks retarded. dahmer had objectively 'pretty' features, it isn't a function of his whiteness. ramirez had very 'pretty' features too.i just don't.. see how he looks "retarded" anon. I honestly am not understanding your perspective at all.
No. 519683
>>519639Op that anon replied to,
And yup…he was handed everything in his life,the retard even cut ties with his multi-millionaire benefactor because the man wouldn’t name him as the sole heir to his fortune in his will, but instead offered him a few hundred thousand dollars and to pay for his tuition (which Andrew rejected because he was delusional and felt entitled to more ). He was adept at absorbing information/trivia on a wide array of topics , but being a sponge is useless when you don’t have a conscience or a modicum of emotional intelligence.
Part of the reason he snapped (in addition to IV crystal meth addiction ) is that he fattened up and lost his looks lol… his shallowness knew no bounds.
No. 519684
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>high IQLol anon,he was actually a full 10 points below Dahmer, although I question what any of those scores actually mean as iq tests have changed over time making it more difficult to achieve higher scores. He just had some superficial charisma and basic social skills whereas dahmer was like a alcoholic basement dweller. And if you want to talk creativity, dahmers human body alter was weird in an hr giger esque way whereas alaca is your basic creepy ig photographer, trying to convince attractive girls to pose for badly shot “art photos” (both are horrible people)
No. 519686
>>519684>that piclol anon those "serial killer IQ" pics oftentimes draw from conflicting and confusing sources. Jeffrey Dahmer's IQ was actually 117 while Rodney Alcala's tested at 135 and 140.
>And if you want to talk creativity, dahmers human body alter was weird in an hr giger esque way whereas alaca is your basic creepy ig photographer, trying to convince attractive girls to pose for badly shot “art photos”hmmm ok, I don't blame you for not knowing much about alcala since there's much less info about him readily available online compared to the other killers but he didn't only kill women he wanted to take photos of, lmao. he was more of a torturer-sadistic sex murderer than anything. one of his
victims was a prostitute he picked up and tortured for hours. considering he took pics and videos of his
victims during and after their death and was in the hollywood scene he was probably involved in some other kinds of shit.
No. 519689
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damn thats crazy
No. 519697
>>519690we get it though.
you all want to fuck/deepthroat/gargle the cum of these guys and your favorite killer is more attractive than the others. this is not kpop where you will defend your idols to death because "my idol is prettier than yours!!1!!", this is actual crime shit and you people are getting so annoying instead of keeping this thread somehow interesting.
No. 519815
>>519813This. Girls creaming themselves over some of the most evil people on the planet, because god knows why.
Newish topic besides ~hawttness~, what do you think is the reason serial killers are mostly men? Because they get caught? Because if women kill its significantly less people?
No. 519842
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>>519841Half of them? At least the ones in the top 10 by
victim count.
No. 519876
I don't think he's conventionally attractive, personally. I agree with the anons who say the hype about his looks back then was mostly due to the fact the idea an average looking guy could be a serial killer was so mindboggling. He's not even my type. I also don't ever find serial killers hot besides him. I will never know the reason for my attraction to him, but it is indeed my great shame.
No. 542205
Just wondering, was anybody else here pretty obsessed with true crime as a kid/teenager in a morbidly fascinated way but now just find it horrifying as an adult, and are more concerned about the
victims? Especially when they just appear as little blips on articles about the killer? Really shows how empathy is developed later in life, but maybe that's just me.
Earlier today I was reading about Ramirez and what really stood out to me was one of his last attempted
victims, Bill Cairn. For those who weren't aware, Bill was shot in the head three times (with a smaller .25 handgun) and was able to survive at a heavy cost. A promising career, his partner, (she was raped by Ramirez and she looked after him for two years after the incident) not to mention his physical, mental and cognitive abilities.
Here's an 8-year old article about how he is now: No. 542332
>>542205I'm still interested in true crime, not actively seeking it but there are two podcast I'll tune in for every new episode. Main focus has to be respect for the
victim and their story, not cheap sensation.
I definitely used to be obsessed with morbid stuff though and tried to read everything that was out there about serial killers until one day I found out about Tool Box Killers. They taped their killings and the recordings are so disturbing they're used in the FBI training, and if i remember correctly some people that had to hear these tapes at court ended up with severe PTSD just because of how terrifying the conent is. There's a transcripion of one on the internet, I remember I've read just a little of it and the realization it's true and that poor woman actually went through hit me so hard that it completely ended ANY kind of interest in finding more about stuff of this kind for me. Some people really are monsters.
No. 542371
>>542259>>542205>>542332In my twenties, I was fascinated by both serial killers and profiling. I was interested in how these both of these groups of people thought and why. But as I got older I began thinking about the
victims a lot. The way true crime presents their stories is really reminiscent of hardcore pornography. It goes into all this detail and ultimately, whether you think it's the case or not, you're glorifying what these people did.
Peter Sotos is an author who talks about this hypocrisy in true crime circles. He'll basically admit that he uses it to jerk off but that most people try to cover up their interest with oh, but it's so fascinating! Then you see how chock-full the scene is with hybristophiles and it's just ridiculous and gross. I personally have zero interest in it now. I think that most people grow out of it, when you're in your twenties life is all about seeing how much fucked up shit you can handle but as life itself begins to throw real-world awful shit at you, the less interested you become in suffering in general, imo.
No. 542378
>>542371I think info about serial killers should be out there to serve a purpose, in how to recognize a theme in their actions so more killers can be avoided by civilians as well as caught by the police in the early stages, without losing so many lives.
People who just use it as entertainment and don't give a shit about the
victims and their families can go to hell.
No. 542823
>>542822Just want to add that it's disgusting how little attention is paid to these killer's
victims. Bring back burning at the stake and public hangings. God knows a lot of these murderers deserve much, much worse.
No. 542827
>>542823I've noticed that when men kill a bunch of women you get very surface level discriptions of the
victims like "oh she was so pretty" or "had a beautiful smile, was so young" and it just further treats them like objects. Tell me who she was, what she liked. List a single personality trait.
Most docs I watch are fuckin hours long and all you hear about the
victims is 'pretty'
No. 542829
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Alright this is a bit confession
I used to be really into the columbine shooters starting around when I was 16, that led me down to being obsessed with serial killers, starting first with Son of Sam and then Dahmer but my interest in him stopped when I learned when he was gay……….
anyway my serial killer obsession never went past that except for my on and off again interest for Jack the Ripper, thankfully I left my edgy phase after leaving high school and entering the adult world(necessaryspeed4)
No. 542831
>>542827I know, when I look at pictures of them I just want to protect them :(
A male detective working on the Toolbox Killings case killed himself after hearing the tape, and the Chief Prosecutor used to have nightmares about it for years. One of the killers died a natural death on Death Row at 79. Fucking Commiefornia…
(:() No. 542839
>>542205I prefer shows where they talk more about the
victims, and interview their families. For example, I think the cold case files were pretty good with this. The
victims are the most important people these documentaries should be talking about, they are the people that had to suffer and had everything stolen away from them. They are the ones that deserve to be remembered, instead of making documentary after documentary painting sadistic men as poor misunderstood geniuses, like how ted bundy almost has a cult following of both males who seem to think of him as some super interesting genius, and women who think he's attractive and that they could've "changed" him.
No. 542847
>>542371IMO, I was thinking exactly like this months ago, but then I realized how stupid of me to throw true crime away when general media is just as bad, with all the bottom of the barrel sex pests and psychopaths in the film/tv industry.
But I think the rise of true crime also comes as a distraction from the people like that, because society can dehumanize the average rapist-murderer , but can’t get their head around the seemingly “normal” famous or beloved people who do the same.
Sage for edgelording, but i think with this combination, along with the coronavirus fuelling our disillusionment, that there will be more assassins like Mark David Chapman in the future.
No. 542851
>>542829 >and then Dahmer but my interest in him stopped when I learned when he was gay…I feel bad but that line made me laugh, I mean one of the first things that stands out about dahmer is that he was gay.
He's the only serial killer where I've ever connected the dots and seen similarities in our childhoods and personality to the point where a tiny part of me can just about empathize with parts of him. Obviously not a sexual thing for me but shit it's uncomfortable to relate to someone like that on any level.
No. 542858
>>542849Wouldn't those gorehounds love that though?
>>542829>(necessaryspeed4)Lmao. Every single thread…
No. 542877
>>542831>A male detective working on the Toolbox Killings case killed himself after hearing the tape, and the Chief Prosecutor used to have nightmares about it for yearsSource on that? I googled but maybe used wrong search term as I did not stumble upon this info…
>>542849>>542858>Wouldn't those gorehounds love that though?also that's how you create martyrs lmfao
No. 542881
>>542877>also that's how you create martyrs lmfaoStop this fucking squeamish bullshit. You're against the death penalty because you think civilization = anti-violence. You've subconsciously internalized that the idea that it makes the society morally superior to a pig rapist-murderer if they treat him nicely and give him life in government daycare rather than killing him. It doesn't. That's not being civilized, it's called being a squeamish person separated from the reality of the world.
God I hate people who are anti capital punishment. They never admit they're just pussies who hate the idea of violence and death (except when they're hybristophiles COOMING to serial killers and school shooters of course)
No. 542883
>>542881Who said I am against capital punishment?
For the fact, I am against unnecessary cruelty and making a show out of death due to how it demoralizes the society and people watching it. I am all for death penalty, but there is no need to torture the criminals. It's about efficiency and not creating more gorehounds.
>God I hate people who are anti capital punishmentYou are just
triggered AF so I don't know why am I even trying. You read all this shit into my throwaway comment on the topic.
No. 542888
>>542886>>542887Stop samefagging lol.
I don't know what to tell you if you believe that cruelty for the sake of cruelty has a place in a civilized society. When you dispose of trash, you don't need to chop it up. What matters is that it's gone for good.
No. 542889
>>542886Do you actually believe that the people who would be in charge of executions are incorruptible?
>>542887How to desensitize a population to violence 101
No. 542890
>>542888>I don't know what to tell you if you believe that cruelty for the sake of cruelty has a place in a civilized society.Is putting someone in a isolated cell with no human contact for ten years not cruel? Your issue is with violence, not cruelty.
>>542889No institution is perfectly incorruptible. By this logic no institution should be allowed to perform any function where there's even a small chance the decision could be flawed.
No. 542894
>>542892Funny how you don't apply the same "but an innocent person could be killed!" rigor to, you know, the terrorists who were released from jail early and killed more people on London Bridge, or the thousands of people who have been killed by convicted murderers, manslaughterers and those convicted of extremely violent assault and were released from jail.
The former: "Oh no, we need to make sure nobody innocent is ever killed by a court, even if it's one in a hundred million!"
The latter: "Collateral damage"
No. 542901
>>542890>Is putting someone in a isolated cell with no human contact for ten years not cruel? Your issue is with violence, not cruelty.I haven't touched on that at all. Solitary confinement is cruelty as well, as you noticed which serves noone. Just send them to electric chair if they are deserving. Though at least nobody is jerking it to people in solitary cells like they do to extreme violence.
Having said that, I do worry about people being given unfair trials and being killed of no reason. I guess that's why it takes so many years for an inmate to actually get executed.
No. 542906
>>542901Refer to:
>Having said that, I do worry about people being given unfair trials and being killed of no reason. I guess that's why it takes so many years for an inmate to actually get executed.>>542894Innocent people die every day to violent scumbags released from jail.
No. 542932
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>>542898>I'd have to rely on my husband.My sides. This whole tirade is hilarious but this one really got me
No. 542966
>>542945The part of her story that confuses me is where she prostituted herself while living in their family home. Fred would have peep holes or hidden cameras in the room and some of the customers were policemen.
Always wondered how much she was truly down for that? Like she was evil but was she really enjoying the sex work. It was hard to tell who wore the trousers between her and Fred. Have read such conflicting ideas on that.
No. 542984
>>542945Considering Fred picked her up as a hitchhiker, he was probably considering killing her, too. I wonder what happened, like what kind of conversation did they have?
I remember a survivor said she was the sickest and disgusted her the most. Not excusing Fred, obviously, but Rose was a sadist, too.
No. 542987
>>542945like the other anon said
>>542966she is pure evil and irredeemable, i don't feel a shred of sympathy for her unlike aileen, and i hope she spends the rest of her days in misery.
but i do question who was in charge, because there are so many conflicting accounts of them, even though the media often portrays it as her being in charge and fred just going along with it. fred was already a piece of shit before he met her, while she was relatively normal until after she met him. she started dating fred when she was 15 and he was a grown man. he groomed her, and idk what he did to make her as sick in the head as she is.
i hope fred rots in hell forever, and i hope that rose will join him there soon.
I'm glad that most of their children managed to escape that nightmare. i wish them the best in life after all theyve been through.
No. 543072
>>543068A. We are only 20 years into it.
B. The active ones aren't caught yet
C. They're caught before turning into serial killers.
No. 543112
>>543068There's a theory that the serial killer boom in the 70s was a result of a generation of kids being raised by fathers who developed ptsd in ww2. I wonder if there were smaller booms with the kids of vietnam or gulf war veterans.'d say better awareness of their existence, advances in dna, phones and internet history making it easier to track people, security footage being digitised and therefore higher quality/harder to lose/more accessible all come in to it as well.
No. 543125
>>543112Let's not forget the rise and availability of pornography. Serial killers enjoyed violent depictions of sex, majority of
victims being female.
No. 543126
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>>543078I agree. I think many budding serial killers get caught on their first try and the story isn’t that attractive to report on. Like above pic, Jaime osuna. Steven McDaniel was also described as a future serial killer by the police who investigated him.
But I also think the nature of the news and law enforcement has changed, they no longer publicly report on random nurders that appear serial killer esque. I’m guessing it would freak people out way to much, and it’s probably to their benefit if there’s an ongoing investigation that the person have zero idea they are being investigated. There’s prob tons information on unidentified serial killings sitting in police vaults out there.
No. 543133
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mary flora bell was an interesting little kid. she killed when she herself was still a child, choked a younger boy to death, mutilated his genitals with scissors, murdered another boy. she wrote very creepy letters about the crime and left them around her home, i.e. "We did murder Martain brown, fuckof you Bastard" and "Fuch of we murder watch out Fanny and Faggot" and, reminiscent of the zodiac, said, "I murder so THAT I may come back."
she vandalized the local nursery school. police got the hint something was probably up when she hung around the dead boy's house asking to see him. when his mother told mary he was dead, mary replied, "Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in his coffin."
mary's mother was a prostitute, and mary was sexually abused by various johns of her mother's throughout her childhood. mary's mom also tried to kill her a few times. it's not known whether mary's mom was munching by proxy or just bpd fucked, but even while she was in jail, mary remained close to her mom and always said she loved her very much. she escaped from prison a few times, ran off to party and fuck guys, got pregnant herself. she was released from prison at the age of 23. she had a child in 1984 and both she and her daughter were given new names. she is now a 61 year old woman.
she was considered to be extremely manipulative and dangerous by court psychiatrists. they thought she would murder again.
in industrial music circles she's pretty famous, there's a song about her which goes
mary bell
child of hell
one half wicked
the other half good
small strong fingers
go round his tiny neck.
"Murder isn't that bad, we all die sometime anyway." eleven year old mary, talking to her guards.
No. 543267
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No. 543295
>>543232>caring about giving men "ammunition" (as if they ever needed any)Anon, they literally worship female killers. See: Nevada-tan,
>>543267, the Japanese woman who stabbed her boyfriend, Alyssa Bustamante, etc.
I agree shit like
>>543035 is trashy, though.
No. 545263
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>On January 29, 1979, 16-year-old Brenda Spencer killed two people and wounded nine when she fired on San Diego's Grover Cleveland Elementary School with a .22-caliber rifle from her family's house across the street.
>Spencer, the original high-school rampager, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. When asked why she did it, she said the often quoted: "I just don't like Mondays." At the time she also told negociators, "It was a lot of fun seeing children shot."
>In 2001 she accused her father of having drunkenly subjected her to beatings and sexual abuse. He said the allegations were not true. Spencer is said to have self-identified herself as "having been gay from birth."
>For Christmas 1978 he gave her a Ruger 10/22 semi-automatic .22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight and 500 rounds of ammunition. Spencer later said: "I asked for a radio and he bought me a gun." When asked why he might have done that, she answered, "I felt like he wanted me to kill myself."
As one of the first school shooters in the USA, I think her case is pretty interesting. Do you believe her claims about her father?
No. 545427
>>545263I can't imagine a reason why she's still behind bars.
Oh, America…
>>545287Most places don't give last meals and those that do give it out of tradition or as a sign of humanity in otherwise inhumane and cruel process nobody should be subjected to.
No. 545613
>>545268Agreed. Its very similar to Columbine in that regard. >Gee everyone is bullying us lets shoot a bunch of people that are ALSO bullied instead of shooting popular kids/jocks that hate us so much.
Its indefensible.
No. 545683
About The columbine killers.
and I don't trust the Dave cullen account where he says Eric and Dylan were popular and got easy pussy. They didn't. interviews from multiple people talk about how bad they were bullied. We have video evidence of Eric in the halls cowering at jocks, failing to even keep a girl's attention.
really reading into it, Dylan was the one to come up with the idea of a 'revenge' type of scenario on the school. He wanted his classmate zac Heckler to join in. reading the 11k document, first hand accounts from those who knew them have said that Zac and Dylan were a lot closer at one point than Dylan was with Eric. With Dylan and Eric it was a typical "I'm your best friend, but you're not my best friend."
Eric was always angry and wrote shit lists on people and made his hate known which is why in interviews his 'friends' distance themselves from Eric. Where Dylan was WAY more secretive in his hate and gave off a 'passive' vibe to others. A girl who knew Dylan named Robyn, never knew till after the fact that Dylan wrote how he wanted to kill her. Also Eric left his journal entries which you could tell he wrote hoping they'd be read by a lot of people. Dylan left some shit online but he destroyed his hard drive.
I can understand dylan's mom pushing the blame onto Eric but that doesn't change the fact, and journal entries, AOL postings that Dylan was just as much, if not more to blame for the shooting than Eric. Lady, your son was not brainwashed by the short angry kid into doing what he did. They planned for over a year. He wanted to kill people.
Both are fucking shit heads though. I don't believe Dylan ever wanted to get back at the 'bullies' but everyone in general. Eric was bullied and just pissed off all the time anyways, felt unliked by his own friends so of course he was down. They killed innocent people that day.
Fuck them. I wanna say they should have been arrested but death suits them better.
No. 545743
>>545701It's in the 11k document and there was, could still exist the columbine forum that had the image of a email written by dylan talking about wanting to kill robyn, his friend since freshman year or so. He was pissed woth her because she stole zac away from him. They didn't make up (dylan was giving her the cold shoulder) till about 6 months before the shooting.
She is not the same girl he went to prom with. Though the girl he did go to prome with was infatuated with dylan.
No. 545847
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>>545743Damn Dylan looks ugly asf here but I don’t think you’re correct, this is him and Robyn at prom?
No. 545848
>>545847yeah, the other anon is confused af. It's the same Robyn who bought them guns.
In regards to
>>545613 you have to remember that Columbine was never meant to be a shooting, but a major high school bombing (the survivors were supposed to be shot). Nobody was meant to survive as the idea was to destroy the whole CHS and start a revolution against schools in general. Columbine was a failure and for that reason it ended up a shooting with only 13 (15 w/ perps)
It is still insane and mindboggling that Dylan decided to single out minorities and vulnerable students instead of getting revenge on hus bullies. I can't believe retards see Klebold and Harris as guardian angels of the outcasts when the kids they killed were outcasts, not popular ones.
No. 545856
>>501892>going to a prostitute is inherently exploitativeThat's impossible, only things that you are forced into can be
abusive. There's a reason underground police officers aren't allowed to encourage and lure people into illegal things just so they can make an arrest.
If you make an offer to someone it can't be
abusive for them to say yes, unless your pimp is forcing you to do it. Even then it's not the customer's fault.
No. 545906
>>545854Yup my bad lol her name was devon. Was getting them confused.
Devon dated zac heckler and dylan wanted her dead. She had no idea till after shooting. She is one of those people who is still "poor dylan uwu" she knows what they did was bad but still thinks eric told him to do it.
Yes robyn went to prom with him and was super into him. He by accounts was not into her.
Dylan hid shit well let's just say that.
No. 546068
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>>545847He had some moments where he looked kinda normal and ok but most of the time he looked very…odd? Like he had some sort of undisclosed syndrome or something tbh.
No. 546409
>>546068dude was straight up ugly lol Tall, lanky, huge ass nose on a long face.
I hate that he gets the sympathy card. Dude was an asshole. Hit a coworker because she reprimanded him. Was just standoffish and gave off a "fuck you" vibe. He liked making people scared of him. oh yeah and he killed people.
>>546064I get the vibe that Dahmer was largely ignored during his childhood and not just his teen years. It was obviously worse as a teen. Mom favoured the youngest while dad was probably thinking "He is a man, he can fend for himself."
For both parents to straight up leave the kid in that house by himself was neglect. I get he was over just over 18 by that time but could his dad not say during the whole divorce situation "Okay, you better go look for a job and save up, I'm leaving soon and no one is gonna be taking care of you. Fair warning." It seems they just expected their social awkward, maladjusted alcoholic son to slide easily into life.
Also judging from the comic my friend Dahmer and other accounts dude was a loser.Bottom of the social ladder in school. I can imagine he made no effort to get to know anyone and I doubt anyone him. He obviously craved having someone.
I don't believe he didn't like killing.
I have no sympathy for him. Yeah sucks he was a loser but a lot of people were in high school. I think Dahmer is one of those cases where he was always going to end up killing.
No. 547862
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>>545847jesus. did he have acromegaly? dude looks like rondo hatton.
No. 559397
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Guys did you hear about this? I don't know if there is anything to discuss at this moment but that's scary
No. 559461
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Did anyone watch the HBO documentary on the Atlanta Child Murders? What are your opinions on Wayne Williams' guilt? The doc is very sympathetic to Williams, but I do think he committed some of the murders. Hearing him talk was like Ted Bundy levels of narcissism.
Parts of the documentary were so absolutely infuriating. There was a clip of a lawyer who BLAMED the children who were being victimized by local pedophiles. Fucking heartless.
No. 566729
>>566726Peter Manfredonia
He went on a rampage in Connecticut and killed two people. When he was a student at UConn he wrote a bunch of threatening stuff written on the walls of his room that other students found but the school didn’t do anything after it was reported.
No. 566809
>>566708This is an obvious bait but that's a similar response you get whenever you show crime statistics niggers commit. Somehow most minorities do fine in any society except for gypsies and niggers so you get institutionalized racism and whatever other excuse the media can come up with to make them
It's kind of hilarious.
No. 576598
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Not into serial killers, but I'm into history.
Why don't you hybristrophiles and True Crimers ever bring up people like Beria or Uday Hussein? Is the appeal lost when they have legal power?
No. 576617
>>576598Because serial killers are not the same as genocidal political maniacs who don't really profile their
victims or feel any personal attachment. I will admit international murderers aren't as documented, serial killers in Brazil make Bundy look like nothing.
No. 579464
>>576598>>577233Because history is boring.
Jk; Beria did kill women, tho. His villa is nowadays a Turkish embassy or something and during renovating gardens in the 90s they found several corpses of young women buried there.
However, Che Guevara has his fangirls, and a Heydrich fangirl was briefly discussed on LCF (I'm aware of several others). I also remember stumbling onto a Mengele fic a long time ago, lol.
I was always surprised Leopold and Loeb don't have their fangirls, since they kinda fit the fujo target profile: a pair of pretty, rich, intellectual gay boys and their tragic story. But maybe this case is too old and obscure nowadays.