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No. 500103

What better time to reminisce about the lost cows of yore than the beginning of a new decade?

>Did you belong to any old school cow-tracking communities like fandom_wank or Encyclopedia Dramatica?

>Are there any cows that you used to follow before places like lolcow and KF existed/became huge?
>Did a cow terrorize your local internet forum, livejournal group, IRC channel, etc.?
>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?
>Are you wondering what happened to an old cow or know what happened to one?

This thread is for the discussion of old cows and the communities they belong(ed) to.

No. 500116>>500123

Lolcows have always have been an obsession of mine. I started in ED and Livejournal. OP pic made me remember Littlecloud, anyone else remeber her?

No. 500123>>500125>>500558>>501996>>502011

Was anyone on Gaia Online "General Discussion" in the mid-2000's? That place seemed to attract a ton of attention-hungry cows; iirc one of them pretended to be a boy until her nudes were leaked or something.

Same. I got my start on ED too but unfortunately didn't get interested in LJ voyeurism until everyone had ditched the site.

I remember littlecloud; what a trainwreck. Apparently she's managed to move on from being a crazy internet person and has a job now, according to someone on KF.

Were you around during the spat between ED and Masochistic-Wolfie?

No. 500124>>500128

>Did you belong to any old school cow-tracking communities like fandom_wank or Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Maximum faggotry and StaminaRose before the "Pixyteri is a pedo!1!" scare that made the admin close it.
Used to lurk on early PULL and "truth blog" tumblrs at first

>Are there any cows that you used to follow before places like lolcow and KF existed/became huge?

UsagiKou but I lost interest,PT but she isn't active,Koots but she isn't interesting,Venus but she became just depressing to see, the list could go on but these are the main i followed

>Did a cow terrorize your local internet forum, livejournal group, IRC channel, etc.?

Lol no, but i will forever remember when Kiki Kannibollocks got caught posting on PULL,and got caught here again

>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?

Pixyteri and ChrisChan most of all.
That and the likes of Sepirothslave and other creepy weebs from LJ/Deviantart peak era. They were a riot,man.

>Are you wondering what happened to an old cow or know what happened to one?

I still wonder to this day what happened to Mintyminx and Ruaridoll although they don't truly qualify for lolcows

No. 500125>>500128

I vaguely remember that name but not any drama attached to it.

No. 500128>>500136

>That and the likes of Sepirothslave and other creepy weebs from LJ/Deviantart peak era. They were a riot,man.

It's a huge shame that they've pretty much all left the internet (though probably better for them). We're probably never going to get cows like them again because that shit is widely tolerated in fandom now and it has a different je ne sais quoi…once weird subcultures like otherkin and soulbonding got passed through tumblr and twitter, they became completely unremarkable, just labels that teens assign to themselves to feel special.
In re-reading her article, it's not very interesting. It must have been a 'you have to have been there' sort of deal, but the drama was fun when it happened.

No. 500136>>500142

>We're probably never going to get cows like them again because that shit is widely tolerated in fandom now.
I hate this so much. I hate how acceptable is using fiction as clutch now and how creators are hold responsable for the mentall well being of retarded fans. Social media was a mistake.

No. 500137>>500142

I used to spend time looking at ED articles and following blogs on Tumblr that were dedicated to stories about cringy people online.

I've always been fascinated by internet weirdos but my favorites were definitely Chris-Chan, Pixyteri, PeacockFeather.

I don't think we'll ever get the same kind of craziness that we did back then.

No. 500142>>500155>>500227>>500533

It's hard to tell whether people who get wrapped up in fantasy are boring now because it's been tumblrized and shallow or because it's so common. Back when Pixy et al were active, they were interesting because it was remarkable for someone to be so narcissistic, lazy, and delusional in a public setting.

Now not only are fantasy-prone men and women a dime a dozen, but they're protected by fellow adult children who call their nonsense "valid" instead of telling them to grow the fuck up and lay off the internet/anime/video games. It's crazy how quickly this kind of behavior has transformed from sideshow freakishness into something that's normal and even celebrated. It'll be interesting to see how this affects mainstream culture and society.
Who was PeacockFeather?

No. 500153>>500227

I forgot their name, but the german cosplayer that was filthy rich and would constantly dress up as Riku from KH or characters from Trinity Blood with their breasts photoshopped over.

No. 500155

No. 500220>>500884>>501674

File (hide): 1577949466561.jpg (145.28 KB, 500x666, FeliceFawn_ChooseLife.jpg)

all time fave has to be Lauren. her ~disappearance into the woods left so many fucken people hanging it was wild
lowkey hope she comes back when she sees all these egirls making bank but also am happy for her if she's living a better, sober recovered life.
I know she ripped off everyone and everything but in cow terms she was an OG to us back in the day


No. 500227>>500260>>500326

I always wonder how Chris-chan would fare if he first surfaced in 2018 or so. In 2005 the Internet would relentlessly bully delusional autists but now he would probably be elevated to the status of a community leader and validated as a True and Honest tranny. Like you said being a narcissist, borderline sociopathic lunatic has become so mundane and mainstream that instead of being hilarious it's now just scary and threatening.

NanjoKoji? I think she's still active to some point. She was the heiress to some unbelievably rich family and exploited the fuck out of that privilege, getting expensive luxury photoshoot locations and literally gilding her Trinity Blood cosplay props. And yes, she was the one who crappily photoshopped a nippleless male chest on her.

No. 500260>>500263

If Chris-chan happened today, either nobody would care or you wouldn't even hear about it. Also there'd be a huge slapfight of moralfags vs. bullies argueing over the ethics of fucking with a severely autistic guy. Back then nobody gave a shit. Chris is obviously a complete asshole but what was going on back then was straight up cruelty at times. Just relentless neverending cruelty. I'm suprised he didn't kill himself tbh and in recent years he has reached cult figure status with people taking pics with him at cons for fun. Apart from him trooning out he seems okay, which is very suprising because the shit that was going on back then was like nothing you'd ever see today.

No. 500263>>500271

I always thought the 00s had a very cruel understreak to it, ffs the media was bullying celebs like Britney Spears and Michael Jackson making them have public breakdowns/overdoses/or deaths. For chris chan level of autism and bullying what people didn't realize back then is that the 80s and 90s philosophy of "putting your child in front of Tv" and buying them the newest video games conditioned a lot of nerds with no type of social awareness whatsoever. If Chris was born 20 years earlier he would have just adapted to his surroundings much better.

No. 500269>>500270

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This thread made me go way back in the efagz archive for old times sake. I just found the first post about pixyteri in efanz from 2011. It's really sad looking at this post and thinking about her life now. I'd link the posts but you need to be a member of the community to see them. Here's some photos from the post that have survived. I hope 2020 is kind to her.

No. 500270>>500273

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No. 500271>>500276

My background: Been on the internet since 2000, born in the very late 80's
>Did you belong to any old school cow-tracking communities like fandom_wank or Encyclopedia Dramatica?
I did read and contribute to ED from maybe 2005 to 2007 or so and browsed fandom_wank. I also followed a ton of other cow tracking places but I think those communities are long dead or faded into obscurity because I can't even remember their names anymore. Something Awful used to do spotlights for the cows found from their own forums before they turned all woke in the 2010s.
>Are there any cows that you used to follow before places like lolcow and KF existed/became huge?
A lot of them. I always had people to "stalk" but they didn't have a dedicated term back then. A good share of the people I followed were from my local communities and fandoms, I mostly laughed at them with friends. One of them I witnessed growing up from a 12 year old to a 20 year old (I was only two years older than her) until she disappeared from my radar. I never interacted with her nor wished to, I simply observed her life she was sharing out in the open. It was like a reality TV show or a reoccurring story I was fascinated with. But definitely makes me think if someone has been tracking me for years which is why I'm paranoid about nuking all my traces. And not oversharing my personal life.
>Did a cow terrorize your local internet forum, livejournal group, IRC channel, etc.?
Some of them did, and that's how I found them. I used to frequent a forum and an IRC channel which attracted a lot of spergs.
>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?
Most of the cows that I miss are my personal cows I can't name. But like so many other people I miss PixyTeri. I miss the time of laughing at cows to begin with. A-logging has always been retarded and crossing the line but a bit of fucking around with them without causing any real harm is funny, like trolling Chris-chan with dickgirl Rosechus is hilarious but forcing him to stuck pieces of his Sonichu medallion up his rectum is sick and uncalled for. A lot of pearl-clutching people nowadays go straight to calling authorities and branding a cow as some sort of a criminal for just being an idiot or having a weird fetish. Vice versa they believe trolling is serious abuse when it's just teasing without any actual consequences besides someone throwing a temper tantrum.
>Are you wondering what happened to an old cow or know what happened to one?
Sometimes yeah, usually I've already stopped caring and assume they graduated from their cowdom and quit the internet or grew up. Some of them kinda had their novelty worn out so I ceased following them, there's only so many times you can laugh at someone drawing unimaginative Sonic OCs until it becomes repetitive and boring. Being appalled by Usagi Kou in 2007 was still fresh but now she's pretty much a sad 30something woman trying to stay afloat with pointless, stale drama.

Some of them age like fine wine though, like I would've never imagined that Dave Kelly/shmorky would be outed as a babyfur tranny preying on mentally ill young girls and this was only a couple of years ago. I always wondered why he never entered the actual animating industry because he definitely had talent when it comes to cartoony movement, but apparently it was because he was offered a lot of deals but only wanted to draw his Smurf ripoff OCs pissing and shitting on each other. Other ones remain as cows but learn to hide it better, then out of the blue there's a truth bomb dropped on people when some estranged ex decides to speak out or someone discovers their alt account.

>implying the media doesn't bully celebrities into near suicide in the 10's too
Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this. Especially when cancel culture is at its all time high at the moment.

No. 500273>>500400

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apparently this is when she was 18.

No. 500276>>500283

Cancel culture is an obnoxious and oversensitive stain for sure, but the Gen X and early Millennial people were literally telling female celebrities to kill themselves if they got too fat in public lmao. Going back to the internet, the 2000s internet was a weird place, you had your people who strangely took pride in being edgelords on the internet (unlike their parents and grandparents who were being edgelords IRL and took it to make some progress in the real world) and people who genuinely felt impassioned about whatever subject they were looking for and could talk about it for others which is why narcissistic autists like Chris Chan stood out when that is painfully common these days.

No. 500278

>Did you belong to any old school cow-tracking communities like fandom_wank or Encyclopedia Dramatica?
it was mostly e-celeb gossip blogs on tumblr, shittalking on anon forums, pull.
>Are there any cows that you used to follow before places like lolcow and KF existed/became huge?
it was mostly only one - i have followed her antics since we were both 13 and whoa it has been a fucking ride damn.
>Did a cow terrorize your local internet forum, livejournal group, IRC channel, etc.?
not really, it was lowkey where i was, and so minimal it was barely noticeable, but a cow got me banned from a website a few years back because i didn't put up with her shit lol.
>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?
felice, the old kota days, soeren when she was going off the rails, the old cows from mpa.
>Are you wondering what happened to an old cow or know what happened to one?
i'm thinking they either deleted everything and went back to a normie life or idk killed themselves/are dead.

No. 500283>>500387

>Cancel culture is an obnoxious and oversensitive stain for sure, but the Gen X and early Millennial people were literally telling female celebrities to kill themselves if they got too fat in public lmao.
Anon, this literally still happens. What the fuck. The beauty standards are even crazier these days, back then you "only" had to be stick thin but now if you don't look like a plastic Kim K you're a fat mannish bitch who shouldn't be in public.

No. 500291>>500292>>500400

SJWs and political correctness honestly fucking ruined the internet along social media past Myspace. It's depressing.
Fuck FB,IG and twatter (and tumblr)

No. 500292

I think it was the internet becoming available to 'normies', if you'll excuse the term.

No. 500326

Yeah that was the one.

No. 500351>>500400

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Anyone remember the drama from Awolnow? It was basically an internet hangout for emo and scene kids and tons of preteens catfishing.

No. 500387>>500449

Being stick thin isn't necessarily easy especially for races that have bigger butts and curvier bodies on average.

No. 500396

>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?
I have a confession, I miss Kiki and Dakota. I used to follow them in their early scene days and even interacted with Dakota once, she was my favorite when I was a dumb wannabe scene kid.
Even though I know they're not nice people (especially Kiki…) it's as if I have a soft spot for them. Nostalgia, most likely.

No. 500400

All of that shit is just a consequence of the stuff that is actually ruining the internet, largely including but not limited to the platforms that reward extremism and black-and-white thinking and allow extremists to organize and spread their beliefs. As soon as social media caught on with the mainstream, it was inevitable that popular ideological and cultural movements would be taken to their extremes by virtue of the fact that social media is designed to broadcast the loudest speakers and the most absolutist opinions, from leftists embracing vanguardism and authoritarianism to liberalism becoming narcissistic and fixated on identity to right-wingers embracing conspiracy theories/an alternate reality and celebrating terrorists to teens no longer being satisfied with asserting themselves by joining fashion- and music-based subcultures and seeking out more extreme measures like transitioning or hopping aboard weird fetish trends.
Wow, she looks decent here- much older than 18 but aside from the poseur accessories that was a good look for her.
That sounds like a pedo's paradise, what was the drama like?

No. 500449

i think that's why she put "only" in scarequotes. being stick thin was obviously difficult or impossible for many people but at least it was one cohesive body type that actually exists in nature instead of a mashup of skinny waist+huge fat ass+wide but round hips+big tits etc etc that almost no one has naturally even if some people have some of the elements that make it.

No. 500533>>500537


> It'll be interesting to see how this affects mainstream culture and society.

We are going to see more mass meltdowns like what happened with GoT’s finale. And it will be seen as completely valid and logical to bitch and moan that your waifu doesn’t look exactly like you imagined in your head, and let’s all burn down the movie studio for not confirming your retarded head canon.

No. 500537>>500591

I enjoyed the shit out of the Naruto finale meltdown but those meltdown have become more and more cringy and tedious. I hate how fans validate each others ridiculous reactions like crying and having panic attacks.

No. 500540

Anyone remember LJdrama? It was like a precursor to encyclopedia dramatica. I always think of that Meele girl who stalked the Canadian theatre actor who played the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera.

No. 500558>>500571>>500886

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>iirc one of them pretended to be a boy until her nudes were leaked or something

SLA / SithLordAli
I remember a period of time where she publicly listed her phone number on her profile and posted recordings of the voicemails people would leave.

No. 500571


ffff I definitely called that number and left a vm during a sleepover with weeb friends.

My intro to drama shit was mostly ED and the FreeJinger forum (focused on batshit fundamentalist christian family bloggers, the Duggars, etc.).

No. 500574>>500581>>500584>>500591>>507917

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The likes of gender-bending edgecows like SithLordAli being in this thread remind of Wolfie Blackheart/the Crimson Blood Wolf Pack from 2010-2011, if anyone even remembers the "teen werewolves" scene. The last I've seen of her online presence was in 2016 and I believe she's a TiF and taking testosterone now (she did identify as trans as early as 2010.) She was 16/17 when her "wolf pack" broke on local news, so she'd be 26/27 now.

This shit caused the formation of so many "wolf packs" by kids at my middle school during that time and they'd invent fake beef with the "vampire" kids even to the point of creating groups on Facebook where they'd all argue and threaten to kill each other. Good times, I guess?

No. 500581>>500585

fuck this brings me back!! teen wolf packs! i feel like they were adjacent to the otherkin community of the same time period, which was also a wild ride. didn't wolfie get in trouble a few times for animal mutilation? weird stuff, but the tv segment from the local news channel is still a treasure

No. 500584>>500586>>500591

I remember her! Heck, I also remember watching that news segment and hearing about how she had killed a neighbors dog. Apparently though she didn't actually do it? Or at least that's what people are saying.

No. 500585

I believe most of the members identified as otherkin and therian. I recall Wolfie calling herself so in an interview.

She was involved in a scandal like that, yeah, which is how the entire "wolf pack" got on the news - basically, she did taxidermy and preserved animal parts as a hobby, and after a friend of hers' dog died they consented to her cutting the dog's head off for it to be preserved. She uploaded the picture of the dog's severed head to Facebook in her "wolf pack" group, but it got into the hands of the wrong people who then reported her to local authorities thinking she murdered her friend's dog. A different friend of hers who was in that "pack" and was mentioned on the news for it (despite having nothing to do with the situation) ended up committing suicide because people at school recognized him and bullied him terribly. Crazy shit.

No. 500586>>507858

Samefag. That's actually him there on the thumbnail, Deikitsen Wolfram Lupus was his "wolf" name. RIP, my man.

No. 500591


Kek I enjoyed watching the GoT mass meltdowns despite how insane it was as well…it was pure glory of autism and "did you really think that shit was going to happen?" Fandoms in this era just seem to operate as surrogate mothers to people and it's extra annoying now that you have average joes jumping onto the bandwagon.


I remember watching that news segment on the group like >>500584 mentioned.

My cousin was also into the werewolf scene, called herself "pups" all the time and dressed exactly like this, fangs, dumb ass blue spiky hair, clip on tail, the whole nine. Seeing these pics brings back so many memories.

No. 500619>>500620

It's weird, I don't enjoy remembering the 'good ol' days'. It's almost like a negative nostalgia. I digress…

I was one of those born and raised on 4chan types, /CGL/ introduced me to cows, though I was unknowingly familiar with a few before that. I never got too into Chris-chan, but I used to lurk ED and loved going through random articles to read the fuckery (pre-the first shut down).

I can feel for the Gaiafags in here too, used to talk to SLA on AOL here n' there even. Never believed she was a he, but I sometimes wonder if many people 'really' did.

From CGL I remember mainly zerod0min or whatever her handle was, Pixy, some of the old trips, Charms (I knew 'of' her on Gaia but never really interacted)… I'm sure there's so many more I've forgotten. I remember for a time I'd only go to cgl to check out the drama… now I don't touch foot there, and lolcow feeds my drama-gossip magazine thrills just fine

No. 500620>>507858

Christ, what was that other DA one… Joji? For some reason I often conflate her identity with having 'become' Soren.

It's weird, how you see the repeating patterns in cow behavior/types.

No. 500884>>501674

Felice fawn was my favorite cow. I followed her antics for years on lolcow and tumblr. I wonder where the fuck she is now

No. 500886

Hah! I knew they were talking about SLA. I joined Gaia online back in 2003 and remember the height of her popularity then. She swore up and down she was a dude. it was hilarious

No. 501059

>Did you belong to any old school cow-tracking communities like fandom_wank or Encyclopedia Dramatica?
I didn't have an LJ or JF account, but yeah, I followed fandom_wank and bad_penny religiously since late 2000's until journalfen fucking died. Encyclopedia Dramatica less so, but yeah.

>Are there any cows that you used to follow before places like lolcow and KF existed/became huge?

Winter Rose Nightingale~Nickerson, Thanfiction/Amy Player/Victoria Bitter/whatever, Cassandra Claire and her many asslickers, some cringy weebs and otherkins. Also crazy Snape fangirls.
I was briefly interested in lolita fashion, but never got involved in it and just stayed on the sidelines to watch the drama in my country's lolita community.

>Did a cow terrorize your local internet forum, livejournal group, IRC channel, etc.?

Not really.

>Which old cows do you miss the most/wish were still active?

Pixyteri definitely. I also kinda wish for another fandom that would be as huge and as crazy as HP, but I guess it's not gonna happen anymore. I used to follow some Naruto/Bleach pairing drama, but it was not the same and they're both over now anyway.

>Are you wondering what happened to an old cow or know what happened to one?

I never followed any cow religiously and was never particularly invested in any of them, so nope. I wonder sometimes how Munchie Queen is faring now after her wedding, tho.

No. 501559>>501560>>501588

The only oldcow I remember with fondness was nana rapeblossom/Laura, she was such a combo of so insufferable elitism, edgelord attebtion seeking, daddy issues and unablity to deal with even basic aspects of adult life. I remember in her last days how she was just smoking weed all day with her welfare bf getting more and more paranoid and accusing everyone from mosh to lady Gaga of stalking her. Her old pics are still circulating to this day by aging goth edgelords who used to jerk off to her, if reverse facial image searching ever goes mainstream she is totally fucked.

No. 501560

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Samefag, forgot to include pic.

No. 501562>>501572>>501588

I miss all the old dA lolcows. SapphyDracases, SephirothSlave, Disneyfan01 (thought apparently she's still at it), Snapesnogger. Compared to the horrorcows of today they're so quaint but it felt like a more innocent time of giggling at ridiculous art and fandom delusion.

It also was a more autistic time because everyone was trying to troll instead of just observing the train crash though. Bittersweet.

No. 501572

I found Disneyfan01 quite late but it was still interesting to watch. I feel bad for her, she's like Pixyteri or Abby Brown in a sense.

No. 501588>>501601

Do you know what happened to her?
iirc snapesnogger's still active but part of some other fandom and much more low-key.

No. 501601


It doesn’t seem to be much, she has one active? FB profile under the name Laura L SN which has very little uploaded to it other then some edgey pics, seems like she still lives in Amsterdam with the same guy doing nothing. She hasn’t grown much in ten years it seems other then the fact that she doesn’t e-thot anymore.

No. 501674>>501691

Ahh yes Felice Fawn was my favorite too. I miss the old Tumblr drama blogs like freelice and iirc sometimesthingshappenontheinternet?
Whatever happened to Charlotte Free? I don't even know what made her so scandalous and milky in the first place. I remember seeing her model campaign at a Forever 21 years ago so she did have mainstream success at some point!
The latter blog was also how I also found out Kailyn Wilcher.
Kailyn hasn't produced milk in years either, it seems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last truly milky thing was her interactions with a fake friend/ "kaigent" and a shower picture where you see her naked reflection lolol. Kailyn threads are still pretty active on the YTT forum but I can't be bothered to read through all the sperging, in-fighting and the excessive Kai-isms.

No. 501691>>501737

Kai was a hilarious cow back in the day but as soon as she had a kid and the psychos on GG/YTT drove her off social media, she just became more boring/sad. Last I checked she was writing letters to prisons and trying to date inmates.

No. 501694

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She's really a munchie and attention whore more than a lolcow (she had real-life influence while most cows just wish they did, lol) but who remembers Belle Gibson and all the hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars worth of shit that went down?

I've always wondered what motivated her to lie on such a grand scale, about her age, upbringing, conditions, all of it, especially if just to make the "natural medicine" and "whole food" lifestyles look healthier and more credible than they actually were. Nobody, not even her family, knows why she did. She's got a kid, too, and I can't imagine the hell that that poor kid has to go through having her as a mother. The last I heard of her situation was that she owes somewhere around $410,000 to Australian courts and hasn't paid it, despite going on a nearly $15,000 vacation to Africa and constantly being seen shopping at outlet stores.

No. 501702>>501725

I can't remember her name for shit, but she'd always make porn fanart of her and that jack-in-the-box from Spyro(?).
I would sad follow her because, God, her case was sad.

No. 501725

LadyALT69, I think.
Everything I found funny about Chris Chan, I found sad when she did it.

No. 501728>>501731

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I really liked gawking at Valeria during her hay day. Not sure what she’s up to now, but damn she was delusional.
All the Dakota clones were fun too, but I can’t remember any of their names except for Mila mortice.

No. 501731>>501789

is this the barbie woman that wanted to photosynthesize for nutrients instead of eating?

No. 501737

I tried to catch up with Kailyn via Kiwifarms and YTT but it's the same online dating white trash/ fake tough guys, cheap hauls, and bad makeup tutorials. I thought she would be fatter too but I guess her mom does a good enough job of controlling her and her daughter, lol
Maureen is still obsessed with Kai. And now has two kids with James. But that's the only new thing that's somewhat milky.

No. 501789>>501866

Yeah, IIRC back then she also went on TV and said she was psychic and predicted that a giant meteor would catastrophically crash into Earth soon or something like that kek.

No. 501866

She is still the same, claims she is some magician and keeps believing her stuff. She looks much creepier now though.

No. 501996>>502011>>502013>>502461

Prommies like SLA, I remember those days. Former Gaia mod, the GD was a shitshow of a forum. The amount of nudes that got dropped and the drama that erupted from that place was nuts. I have no idea why the regs there trusted each other, it was fucking bizarre.

No. 502011

Didn't Charlotte Charms hang out there a lot back in the day?

No. 502013>>502461

Do you know if GD is still around and kickin'?
What is the biggest shitshows that you remember from those days?

No. 502461

won't out myself but I used to be a later-day prommie, and I always thought it was an open secret we dropped each other's nudes (or random google ones similar enough that'd get outed as 'fake' on purpose (people would even ask you to) to gainer attention

it was never actually accidental lol

weird in retrospect because very few prommies were of age, though I like to believe not too many nudes were outed of under 18, I'm sure there were, even accidentally.

I know you were asking the mod and not me, but it was a unique/weird subculture of the internet in my opinion in that prommies really did receive hundreds of dollars in cash and gifts from random fans… that part I'll never be able to explain… some cashed in and asked/begged for shit, but it would really just be offered.

No. 507338>>507552>>508155>>509554

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Does anybody remember that anorexic rich scene girl that just got made fun of constantly for not knowing how to do her makeup, and for having such a small upper lip that she was use lipstick, liner and even markers to make her top lip look huge? Chloe Cowlishaw? I wonder what shes up to now. The last I could find on her was her blog with her husband that was last updated in 2013, when she was pregnant. I wonder if she was actually able to sustain the baby and carry her to term considering she was anorexic.


No. 507552>>509554

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i have her on facebook. she’s basically just a stay at home mom now, she has two kids. she’s still editing her pics. her kids are really cute tho

No. 507788

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I saw a picture of a Norbert Beaver plush and every repressed memory I had of JohnofE flooded back to the surface of my consciousness. I completely forgot about him, he went offline around 2017 I think? I hope he's doing well, whatever he's doing with his life now.

No. 507858

That's so sad, I literally just watched the news segment now whilst thinking how cute it was that those teens had a perfect video of their awkward teen phases to look back on that showed them in a sympathetic light and wondered if they grew up to be normal. And then I saw your comment.
RIP wolf kid. That's such a shame for his mother too, she seemed to really care about him.

There are still some updates on Joji in /snow/, even though their thread is dead I think they will continue on with their bullshit for longer than Soren will

No. 507917

Omfg one of my ex-friend’s younger sister hung out with these people, they were literally always fighting over each other (like wolf fighting howling and hissing and shit) because they were just all fucking each other and then they’d fight to “claim” the one they wanted omg

No. 508155

She named her kids Snow and Horizon and makes tiktoks and uploads random Vicky Shingles tier selfies/videos. She tags all her posts and photos with #redhead and #hippy ect and is really into the bohemian aesthetic. I remember when she had her first kid and was showing off her new crib and said something on the post about decorating it with beads and her dad was like beads are a choking hazard. She seems mentally stunted from having kids so young and still seems like a white trash narc.

No. 509554>>509847

I remember her from Efagz, the recent picture is a vast improvement.

There was this one cow who went by bunny. She was your typical mess of a stripper with bad tattoos, fried hair and a disgusting boyfriend. I feel like I remember her rapidly cycling through phases and even wearing a hijab for a while. I wonder what happened to her

No. 509847>>509848

I think she's been mentioned a few times on a thread here, possibly the Shingles thread. iirc she's still a mess and wore the hijab after getting a shitty dye job, lol

No. 509848

>>>/pt/694347 is a recent update with her IG username. It seems like she was selfposting on that thread too.

No. 509931>>509941>>509962

Reading this thread as a 19 yo makes me feel sad. There was no interesting scene during my teenage years, only tumblr sjw and edgelords.

No. 509941>>509962

Same age, joined Tumblr when I was 11. Plenty of the 2010s SJWs, transtrenders, edgelords, "woke" leftists, mental illness/race fakers, kinnies, etc. are cows in their own right. I'm sure those who are preteens and teenagers now will later see the cows of our time the way we view the ones before ours.

No. 509962>>510194

On one hand, there are way more crazies to track now. On the other hand, that makes them much less remarkable.

No. 510194

you also can't replace that og pioneering spirit. lolcows now have websites dedicated to their niche subcultures, asskissers, coddlers, monetary opportunities, success opportunities, safety in numbers, and countless examples from the past to fall back on. old lolcows either had barely any of that or none of it. they bet on black when most people were afraid to even post one normal selfie on the internet let alone blab about their whole insane life. they were rebels tbh. narcissistic and delusional rebels, but rebels just the same.

No. 515974

My favorite one was Marina, who used to be a friend of mine until she started… anyways. The farmhands have been deleting my posts for a while now.


nice comeback. man /m/ and /g/ are truly fucked.

funny that you call me a radfem when i just point out the lolis and the ddlg shit

>gang bang doujins
totally not a male. this couldn't be more obvious

if only y'all could delete scat and gore as fast as my posts loll

my ban's reason was: lose some weight
why are anachans mocked when the farmhands call anyone 'hamchan' btw?
and isn't calling someone hamplanet infighting? or it's ok to insult someone you've never seen because they don't support blatant pedophilia?

No. 516370>>587206

Does anyone remember the cow who uploaded photos of her local comm's lolita meetup to a dollification fetish site? I've been trying to remember her name for a few days now, but it's escaped me.

No. 585385

Milk on Charlotte Free?
Oh you mean that tiny detail about her defending Terry Richardson and calling girls he sexually assaulted “stupid bitches”, dating her step-brother Gryphon, posting pics of herself smoking weed and bragging about it, bullying a girl on formspring. No milk here I guess.
She’s doing nothing with her life, living in Pasadena and posting Facetuned selfies because not even Jeremy Scott wants to book her.

No. 587206


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