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No. 49248

thoughts on lilypichu? never paid much attention to her but i did watch a few of her videos one day a long time ago. I heard some people think her voice is fake?

I think it's quiet enough not to be annoying, but maybe it's just me, but i feel like she's also like nyanners in the sense that she's kind of pushing the loli shit?

No. 49249

I think she has a bit of a history of doing pornographic audio recordings like nyanners, but someone else would know more about that than me.

No. 49251

it seems fake to me

hate these league attention whores man

No. 49258

i have a semi nude of her saved somewhere, and her voice is fake.

No. 49259

post it

No. 49262

Moved to >>>/snow/67871.

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