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No. 2423503

For discussion about drugs, drug posting, et cetera.
What are your favourite substances?
What are your best/worst experiences?
What are your best/worst combinations of drugs?

Previous thread: >>46070

No. 2423910

I want to die while on morphine

No. 2423913

I'm so sad that I can't take MDMA. I've been on medication since I was 20 and taking it would most likely result in an awful death but I wanna try it so bad. Recently got off Sertraline and on quetiapine and I thought fuck yeah I can finally take fun drugs but no, I still can't. It seems like so much fun.
At least I can have shrooms and weed.

No. 2423915

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I’ve been thinking about the lyrics “high up in the Hollywood hills, taking violet pills” and its making me wanna try morphine…whats it like nonny?

No. 2423918

Completely serene. Everything just feels good and calm. Like there's no worries or pain anymore physically and mentally.

No. 2423942

I would also like to take some MDMA in its purest form but whatever's on the streets now ain't it. Furthermore how does anyone actually get a hold of the legit stuff without having prior connections or risking seedy/unreliable sources? It seems to be the hardest to acquire.

No. 2423952

ketamine makes so creative in the weirdest way. it’s like i can feel my neural pathways turn to jelly and form new, unexpected connections. just did a few lines and jammed out for a while, i feel inspired

No. 2423970

No. 2425989

i’ve taken it so many times, that just the thought of it almost makes me feel like i’m on the come up, and not in a good way. i never want to take that shit ever again. honestly speed is better.

No. 2438443

Thank you for the new thread!

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