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No. 380700
/r/FemaleFashionAdvice is a women's fashion subreddit that is a magnet for snowflakes, troons, and generally unfortunate looking people. Let's use this thread to discuss ugly WAYWTs, obvious humblebrags, circlejerks and more.
Feel free to post from similar subreddits like /r/MakeupAddiction, /r/TodayIWore, and /r/MaleFashionAdvice!
Links: (parody)
No. 380701
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A fucking tragedy, all of this girl's outfits are so unfortunate
No. 380703
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>>380702Honestly the first one I posted was mild, this one is beyond tragic. Keep in mind she's 27 years old and wore this to a christmas tree lighting
No. 380704
>>380701the boots are cute, but what the fuck is that top and skirt combo?
>>380703>27 years oldfuCK
i hate these people who wear wholesale quality yesstyle skirts and think it's fashion
No. 380705
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This link isn't included in OP, but referenced. There's lots of milk:, a fitting user for this forum who is upvoted a lot named mooology
No. 380706
>>380703I can't claim to be sophisticated, I think it is cute. It is too pale though. if the skirt or shirt were a darker color I think it would look more balanced, everything is so pale it washes her out.
>>380705I think I would have had a better impression of this in the 2000s, its the type of twee you don't see anymore. The skirt fabric is just too light for the thickness of the other clothes she's wearing (guessing it is cold)
No. 380707
>>380703Meh, this isn’t a perfect outfit but it’s almost cute
Farmers all have awful fashion sense, myself included. We’re all either wearing alt/Jfashion shit or normie wear.
No. 380709
>>380703imo this is bad because, as the other anon said, everything is the same washed out shade of pink. On top of that, the belt and black/blue hair clash with it. And everything is skin-tight polyester, which means no shape, no variation, no balance.
You absolutely can be close to 30, wear pink and be cute without looking ridiculous. If I were her I would:
- Swap the tennis skirt for an A line mini skirt (because short legs). Maybe pick something of a more saturated/darker color like prune, black, dark dusty pink, wine, etc.
- Have the socks a darker color. Bonus slimage of the legs.
- Ditch the belt. If you want an edgy look, wear a (faux) leather piece or find a belt that doesn't look like it comes for free with a pair of wholesale pants.
- Swap the clubbing top for something more daytime friendly.
- Use a hair bow that doesn't look like a kid's. Something metallic would already be a step in the right direction.
- Have a loose/textured/patterned piece in there.
No. 380711
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>>380705Some of her outfits have an interesting idea behind it, like the pairing of turquoise with red in pic related, but the execution is just… it's like she picks at random from five different wardrobes. But hey, if she likes it, she likes it. I wonder if she's tried posting in femalefashionadvice and how she reacted to the comments.
>>380710Ah yes, the silver sneakers. How could I miss them. In itself it's not bad, but with everything else, it's just too much.
No. 380712
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>>380709the tennis skirt could probably still work if it was a preppy/school style outfit, or something more simple like pic related.
even the outfit would look better if her hair looked better and she removed the belt. a lot of these outfits just need to be polished better. if her hair was styled, smoothed, and without the bow it would look a million times better. its the little things that really make or break an outfit.
No. 380714
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>>380709to me it just screams "i'm almost 30 and can't come to terms with it"
No. 380716
>>380714this woman seems like she wants to dress alt but is only going half way. this looks like an attempt at something cyberdog style. she should just go all the way and not half ass it.
>>380715you're entitled to that opinion. i disagree and think its cute. this thread is just going to become infighting of farmers hating on eachothers personal tastes. what i think looks good is going to be considered "forever 21 childish yesstyle korean fashion shit" to most farmers and i accept that.
No. 380719
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ITT: lets shit on women who don’t wear black smocks after they turn 24.
No. 380721
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>>380719there are plenty of tragic black smocks to shit on
No. 380723
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>>380720potentially controversial, she's an occasional lolita and dresses in alternative girly fashion but fannyrosie is a great example of looking youthful, girly and age-appropriate.
No. 380724
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>>380723i don't know what magazine is from, these are all really simple denim looks but they aren't frilly or girly, perfectly fine for an adult
all my examples are going to be jfashion shit though, so other anons have any recommendations for non-weeby adult looks?
No. 380729
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If you search by controversial-all time, it's a bunch of posts from the same girl kek
I actually admire her taste, even though I wouldn't be caught dead in her looks
No. 380735
I don't lick ass often but Fanny Rosie is honest to god perfection.
No. 380736
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>>380735a lot of her stuff still looks tacky though imo
No. 380744
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>>380740ntayrt, but I think the problem here is that her style is a very mixed bag. On one hand you have looks like this which are not everyone's piece of cake (certainly not mine) but are well coordinated and can be considered classy in a dress up - ish, alt fashion way.
But then you have looks like pic related, which are ridiculous, even on a beautiful woman like her.
No. 380745
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>>380742i disagree. if you guys cant tell that this clothing is cheap (regardless of price), poorly designed, and tacky, idk what to tell you guys. this pairing, these pieces, all of it could be done better. this is not classy for reasons other than it being a subculture thing.
No. 380746
>>380744The photo you chose is the most normal look she has on her instagram though. It's a plain nude colored dress styled 3 different ways. Minus the one where she has socks with her shoes, the other two looks are normie as fuck.
>>380745Can you please show us an example of what you consider to be luxury, well priced clothing then? Not to mention a majority of what she wears recently is genuine vintage. You're pulling out old looks of hers, if you looked at the screenshot of her instagram posted upthread you'd see that her style has evolved.
No. 380747
Those clothes would make a supermodel look frumpy
No. 380748
>>380746You can't be serious anon. A 30yo woman in little girls dress with a bow on her head is not normie as fuck, she look mentally challenged.
The outfit with cardigan is the least offensive but still the proportions are fucked, the colors wash her out and the shoes ruin everything.
No. 380749
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>>380746a lot is hot topic tier, anon. her accessorizing is terrible. all of them are very cheap looking. skirt is cheap, too. this is recent. this is better, but not great. it's just too much cheap crap.
No. 380752
>>380750It's not about the dress not being bodycon, it's mostly about the length. It's too short for her and paired with cheap accessories. That doesn't scream "adult woman" to me, sorry.
>inb4 I'm a prudeNah, short dresses can be awesome, but I don't understand why so many women think that tiny flared skirts suit them and make them look 'quirky'. No, they work only with tiny childlike silhouettes, they don't look remotely good on your clearly adult 5'7 ass. You can look perfectly quirky with a knee-lenght skirt, come on.
Sure, we have different tastes but here's my reasoning I guess.
No. 380754
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>>380752>"short dresses can be awesome […] why so man women think that tiny flared skirts suit them […] they don't look remotely good on your clearly adult 5'7 ass"Lmfao, imagine thinking tall women HAVE to wear knee-length skirts. Imagine thinking only women with "tiny childlike silhouettes" look good in short flared skirts.
No. 380756
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>>380754the entire history of runway fashion begs to differ on the debate of whether short skirts look good on long legs. i bet anon wanted to say "if her legs were thinner" but knew there would be backlash.
No. 380758
>>380754anon, pls.
I'm not saying no women should wear mini skirts, I even said that they can look awesome.
This outfit is not too great either Imo, but at least the short dress is countered by classy shoes, bag and Taylor's mile-long legs, not accessories from kids section. My main point was that short skater dresses that barely cover your ass don't compliment the proportions of vast majority of women.
No. 380761
>>380758Well yeah, you said only "childlike"(?) sub 5'7 women should wear them
>>380752>"No, they work only with tiny childlike silhouettes">onlyAnd I countered that with saying your figure is irrelevant on whether you can look good in flared mini skirts.
No. 380763
>>380761but both examples you posted looked absolutely tragic. horrendous. both paired with fucking patent platform shoes, too, mind you. their legs are nice but they both look like hookers. taylor literally looks like a hooker in a hooker's idea of 40s cosplay in the photo you posted.
>>380762wearing things out of convenience because you have a busy life =/= not having good taste. not everyone has a life where they're able to wear their ideal clothing, or anything close to it. fashion bloggers do, but it's not like people can't have preferences that they will utilize in appropriate environments or times.
No. 380765
>>102159>bothI only posted one?
Why are you so anal to consider certain women "too tall", "too adult" to wear short skirts? Have you never left your basement? Do tall/muscular/fat women around you wear exclusively mumus and office skirts in the summer?
No. 380766
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>>380760usually some kind of blouse, skirt, and small heel combination.
No. 380767
>>380764honestly anon, i don't think you know anything about fashion if you don't see a problem with pairing patent leather platform heels with an already too short dress. it has nothing to do with a modest lifestyle, or even height.
>>380765i'm not the same anon you were speaking to before. but you guys have truly trashy taste if you're defending either of those outfits and their hemlines, especially paired with those shoes. at least instahoe leg-bearing fashion is trying to be shamelessly trashy for sex appeal. if you guys think this isn't trashy and would figure yourselves classy for going out with 'retro' minidresses and platform heels just because you're wearing fingerwaves and think everyone else is a prude for disagreeing, wow.
No. 380770
>>102164Yeah, and obviously a 5'6 woman in that same dress is suddenly not trashy? Alrighty then.
Listen, if you're not that anon from before then we're obviously not talking about the same point. If you consider the outfits trashy that's fine. I'm just curious why that other anon thinks putting the same dress on a shorter girl will suddenly make it look good.
No. 380771
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>>380769showing leg isn’t as big of a deal in japan as it is elsewhere.
No. 380773
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>>380769agreed. honestly, this is the perfect way to not be taken seriously at work, especially given that it's paired with heels. terrible burlington coat factory tier fabric, too. pic related is more likely what they wear being that most japanese female office workers aren't 22 yo fashionistas. they're just normal-ass ladies..
>>380771this is such a weeb's distorted dream. one girl on a fashion blog is not going to be representative of japanese office fashion. that's an incredibly inappropriate outfit, and we don't even know if she's wearing that to work?
No. 380774
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>>380772since when above the knee means two inches below your ass?
Here, have an example of an above the knee dress that actually looks good and proportionate, unlike that pale monstrosity from earlier in the thread.
No. 380775
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>>380773I got it from an OL style blog, that posted some content from style arena. Take it up with the tags then, but I doubt all office ladies dress like your photo, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. No. 380778
>>380776I just posted this one was an example of a style that is more adult-appropriate and still attractive, it's not like there aren't plenty of less formal dresses in this style.
but i see you're really hell-bent on wearing a cheap skirt that looks like it shrunk in the wash. you do you i guess.
No. 380780
>>380779actually the first person who brought up being a prude was this anon
>>380752. No one else on the ohter side of the argument has used that phrase.
No. 380786
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Wow I'm so glad I made this thread so that everyone could fight with each other over mini skirts and not for its intended purpose, which was posting screenshots from fashion subreddits (pic related)
No. 380787
>>380786thank god. anons need to take it to fashion general.
those shoes and wtf is her phone upside down?
No. 380788
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>>380721I honestly don't mind this…the shoes are cute. She just needs either a shorter skirt or a differently shaped top.
>>380786This would be okayish if she did an a-line skirt and tucked the sweater in at least halfway. And those shoes are hideous
>>380787I think holding it that way makes your legs look longer/corrects the foreshortened angle you'd normally get from a mirror pic
pic related (from WAYWT? idk how to reddit) is what I imagine most farmers dress like tbh
No. 380789
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>>380788lol I saw that pic, but didn't post it because I figured a ton of farmers get
triggered over it bc they dress like that
This doesn't match at all, nor does it make sense
No. 380791
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Tons of comments complimenting this troon and telling him he looks great(this belongs in gender crit)
No. 380794
>>380791fugg I bet he was a cute guy once, for shame.
That isn't a bad dress but it is very oudated
No. 380798
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>>380791I seriously got a ban for this? Fuck you mods, this thread is about the FFA subreddit, where I got this from.
I can't believe someone would wear this to work
No. 380805
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>>380802It's fine for going to the grocery store or class. Not for work
No. 380811
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half of them would look 2x better if they could just pose in a way that doesn't look like caveman spongebob meme
No. 380815
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>why yes i watch Doctor Who, how did you know
No. 380817
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I think this is cute
No. 380821
>>380798>>380805>>380811Are you telling me these bland not-leaving-home-today outfits are actually getting posted as fashionable?
Damn, I must be a fashionista then, maybe I should post there and be worshipped lol
No. 380823
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>>380813what do you not like about muacjdiscussion?
No. 380825
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>>380824I don't know about you but I'm not planning on dressing like those bland redditors when I'm 40.
No. 380828
>>380825I don't, either, but I also don't plan on yelling at young people for dressing young when I'm that age, lol.
>>380827I doubt any well dressed, accomplished adult in their 40s is on LC talking down to people 16-25 on anon. I'm not even a Lolita, the sperging about anything certain anons wouldn't wear themselves is just unreal.
No. 380830
>>380829Tbh this is a site for unstable women who are weebs and/or shut ins. What do you expect?
Anything else should be considered a LARP.
No. 380832
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A few posts from r/malefashion
No. 380833
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No. 380834
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No. 380835
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No. 380836
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>>380834>>380833>>380832THANK YOU FOR MAKING AN MFA HATE THREAD i hate stalk that and /fa/ sometimes just for a chuckle
No. 380838
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Hm…looks bad
No. 380839
>>380837they have opposite problems imo. /fa/ posters are so afraid of looking gay/autistic/sjw/stupid that everything is so fucking bland and same-y.
Reddit FA posters are so gleefully nerdy/diffrunt/bodyposi that anything goes and they act like being understated would mean they can't ~express themselves~
Both end up looking clueless and tasteless because they overthink what their outfits represent symbolically instead of using their aesthetic eye.
No. 380851
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>>380849this. my roommate recommended pic related for my interview/office outfit and i was surprised considering it's bright ivory and pink.
No. 380853
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>>380838honestly the stripes would be salvageable if she picked a color on top and stuck with it, and then kept the other shit neutral. still looks like a cheerleader, but I guess that's the style.
also the arm holding the phone is the same width as the right leg lol.
No. 380856
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i'm scared
No. 380857
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>spent the day cleaning
why would you post this jfc
No. 380860
>>380853sorry but it's really the stripes that bother me, not as much the colors.
She has 3 items with stripes, that's 2 too many. Pick one stripey piece and stick with that.
No. 380861
>>380857I admittedly like homely-core and like velour outfits but yes, this is not worth posting in any fashion circle.
>>380858>We Support A Woman in a velour sweatsuitGo away Jill
No. 380862
>>380832Seems like a of fashion conscious males go out of their way to be pretentious.
>that alcohol shelf in the back to let you know how ~sophisticated~ he iskek
No. 380865
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>my boss told me I looked nice :~)
No. 380866
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No. 380867
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The return of the too-small pants.
No. 380868
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I feel like this could be done better.
No. 380869
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No. 380874
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>>380873First one is. He dresses like an ugly office lady and should dye his hair a better color. Second one is just ugly I think. Don't veer off too much into gender-crit though. Someone got booted last time talking about this guy.
>"The dress code was ugly christmas sweaters.">wears a short dress No. 380880
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>I'm in the middle of overhauling my wardrobe and trying to be more minimalist and cohesive with finding My Style. I'm really embracing solids and neutrals after a lifetime of my mom telling me that I need to be wearing more color. Also just trying to look more pulled together in general.
Pulled together, sure… it's never appropriate to wear ripped jeans to work
No. 380881
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No. 380882
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another track suit
No. 380884
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No. 380885
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No. 380888
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outfit's fine, but the facial expression… and he makes the same face in every picture
No. 380889
>>380880>ripped skinny jeans, hoodie, unstyled hair>My StyleI didn't know "high school" was a style anyone sought after… like it's fine for errands, but why on earth would you think it's appropriate for a fashion subreddit, and also stylish? What?
>it's "minimal" and "cohesive"kek
No. 380891
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>Defector: Russian Ballerina in 80s NYC off-duty look
Delusional frump is the best kind of frump
No. 380894
File: 1544332897966.png (601.23 KB, 685x571, Screenshot 2018-12-08 at 11.17…)

>>380884I like the general idea behind this but those are the wrong goddamn shoes. The colors really don't mesh either imo, cool toned jacket looks weird with the warmer toned outfit underneath. But those shoes
pic related it seems like a better iteration of this loose minimal style but those leggings are fugly
No. 380903
>>380888This man looks so unfortunate, like a midget bobblehead. Even wearing heeled boots doesn't help him…
>>380884Nursing home chic? This is what I'd expect an unsupervised grandpa to dress himself in.
Men are so rarely fashionable it hurts.
No. 380904
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No. 380905
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No. 380906
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No. 380907
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No. 380908
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j-fashion is absolutely HIDEOUS
No. 380911
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No. 380913
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No. 380917
>>380908Sorry your fit was posted
>>380880, angry /ot/ anon
No. 380919
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>trying to keep it fun yet cosy
No. 380920
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Not a good silhouette for her body type imo.
No. 380921
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No. 380922
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>>380921Actually all of hers were pretty bad.
No. 380924
>>380904>>380913How the fuck was this worth posting on the internet? You wear this type of outfit to run errands or something, why would anyone try to flaunt it in front of strangers?
>>380920Eh, the outfit in itself might be fine, at least this shade of blue fits her well and the purse looks nice from what I can see. Basic but in a good way. But she’s posing very awkwardly in this photo, so its honestly hard to tell if that top flatters her at all. It’s amazing how good posture can improve the whole look. She needs to vacuum her damn rug tho.
>>380919>drab grey sweater, limp skirt, what looks like orthopedic shoes, zero accessories >fun No. 380932
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This looks so terrible, why would she do that
No. 380933
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How does someone put this on and go "yeah looks good!"
No. 380934
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>>380933this woman really is a goldmine, damn
No. 380938
>>380933it really looks like she's wearing two christmas tree skirts kek
and that bow…
No. 380942
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>>380884Honestly I would like this if he was wearing socks and shoes that weren't so cheap looking. If you're going to do a zoot suit, tuck your shirt in and go all the way
No. 380944
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>>380884I feel like he's trying to imitate this hobo style, which I can't remember the specific name of it, but it's so poorly thought out. His clothes are way too loose.
No. 380947
File: 1544552520064.jpg (129.39 KB, 441x800, 45538132854_d25109313e_c[1].jp…)

fuck I think I made a new thread instead of replying. hope it's deleted.
No. 380948
File: 1544552599176.jpg (203.37 KB, 790x2646, sJR2DFr.jpg)

this is literally a potato sack
No. 380949
File: 1544552667626.jpg (835.64 KB, 1536x2048, WcmG5cj.jpg)

No. 380952
>>380949top half: matilda
bottom half: wednesday addams
No. 380954
File: 1544616933656.jpg (112.62 KB, 640x751, amb3sidjv5321.jpg)

What is going on here
No. 380958
>>380954it looks like a kind of punky look so if shes going for that its fine
its just not special enough to be posted in a public group online lol
No. 380962
File: 1544638779109.jpg (1.65 MB, 3456x4608, RIBREo9.jpg)

Also to put this out there, most of the outfits in the WAYWT are pretty nice. I personally just post the ones that I think don't belong there at all, that could use improvement, or are on the cusp.
>such fashion
No. 380963
File: 1544638857309.jpg (579.96 KB, 1319x2048, Fjiq5tm.jpg)

No. 380964
File: 1544638936589.jpg (514.49 KB, 957x2048, ymvzEF9.jpg)

elements are cute, but the overall execution is sloppy
No. 380965
File: 1544639028562.jpg (538.49 KB, 887x2048, WhKefSd.jpg)

No. 380966
File: 1544639111082.png (1.26 MB, 766x1033, kD8xVae.png)

No. 380967
>>380909Imagine washing a HDD
>you just need to dry it fullylmao
No. 380968
File: 1544639353837.jpg (502.01 KB, 1166x1808, sHJYlX4.jpg)

And a couple guy ones
No. 380969
File: 1544639396989.jpg (1.55 MB, 1488x2188, 6Ss6eY5.jpg)

No. 380970
File: 1544639466335.jpg (397.93 KB, 1466x2443, 9jjQY3c.jpg)

No. 380971
File: 1544639573130.jpg (1.49 MB, 1595x2048, vaHn680.jpg)

No. 380974
>>380963ot but she's really pretty
bland af outfit though
No. 380975
>>380967I'm glad I wasn't the only one who's been thinking about that post.
>soap and water>not damaging a computer "as long as it dries fully"Doesn't make any kind of sense. It's not a car, ffs.
No. 380983
File: 1544673675519.jpg (29.54 KB, 400x533, 1544645954958.jpg)

/fa/ is funny, apparently looking like a cosplay of a soviet character in an anime is 10/10
No. 380987
File: 1544686166220.jpg (163.67 KB, 2000x631, Aidan_stance.jpg)

>>380970P O W E R
No. 381002
>>380773lol I like how you're calling it a distorted dream when based on ur pic of people who look like they work at a train station or something, you've clearly never been to Japan LOL.
Women DO dress very nicely for work and short skirts were common.
No. 381003
File: 1547238373595.jpg (99.9 KB, 1080x1080, 49417833_2108291025896637_3546…)

Well, since it's been revived, let's put a few recent waywt ones.
No. 381004
File: 1547238470405.png (1.39 MB, 845x1164, 3iSoSpw.png)

No. 381005
File: 1547238513802.jpg (1.27 MB, 1439x2184, 741f5cq.jpg)

No. 381006
File: 1547238637820.jpg (184.11 KB, 685x1082, VXG8Xvl.jpg)

this is a fashion subreddit btw
No. 381007
File: 1547238852756.jpg (521.88 KB, 2160x2160, 34ZxBlU.jpg)

this whole picture makes me laugh
No. 381021
>>381019>decentare you fucking blind? no she doesn't. she looks like a wreck.
the thing about these chunkier girls, they could look good in something, but the refuse to wear stuff that doesn't make them look stubby
No. 381022
File: 1547431373841.jpg (749.18 KB, 2285x3427, g4kgaXI.jpg)

No. 381023
File: 1547431566686.jpg (369.74 KB, 1474x3146, tgWDPag.jpg)

No. 381029
>>381023I actually really like the basic idea behind this tbh I just feel that it could use some better color coordination.
It's like everything that could clash has been made to clash.
No. 381042
File: 1548263484007.jpg (169.79 KB, 615x921, gray-leopard-sweatshirt-1.jpg)

>>381039At least with a leggings/sweatshirt outfit it's more of an athleisure look, which for an 8 am class or something is more than acceptable. Wearing a sweatshirt with jeans somehow looks worse, IMO. Frumpy.
No. 381044
>>381042>thinking you look athletic in leggingsGirl in OP isnt even wearing a sweater, it's a fleece jacket. Are you American? If you went out like that anywhere else, it's considered lazy and everyone can see your panties. You know jeggings and black jeans exist, right? Those look leagues better than dressing like a lazy 13 year old in high shool in teeny bopper leggings.
The real problem is her ugly boots and oversized 80s fleece jacket though. Whole outfit is yikes.
No. 381045
>>381044Ikr. Even if pic in
>>381042 is hideous, it's still a lot more appropriate and put together than whatever
>>381006 this is. At least you can wear the ugly leopard outfit to work on casual friday but good luck doing that with the other horrid mess
No. 381046
>>381045are you retarded?
>>381042 screams sexless lady who reads young adult fiction in her 30s
No. 381049
File: 1548309940435.png (230.25 KB, 782x686, 1.png)

>>381044>>381048The fact that you solely associate leggings with "sloppy dirty crackho with dickcheese breath who looks less fashionable than a 14 y/o basic instathot" is…. disturbing. Have you ever heard of the concept of exercise? I
do look athletic in leggings because I'm not a fat fuck covered in lumpy cellulite. If you buy quality leggings no one will be able to see your underwear, you should try it
Wearing jeans with any sort of of frumpy sweatshirt or t shirt immediately makes you look like an irl femcel meme lmfao. Jeans are only acceptable when correctly accessorized or dressed up at least a bit.
No. 381051
File: 1548315448100.jpg (590.45 KB, 1500x1144, laugh.jpg)

>>381042lol no it doesn't
>>381049>>381050>no one wears jeans anymore>she's actually serious about this No. 381052
File: 1548316270994.jpg (35.09 KB, 544x514, DhwqbcTUwAE5VNS.jpg)

this thread is making me wonder if i'm just walking around everywhere looking like absolute shit and no one's bothered to tell me
No. 381053
File: 1548317752249.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1125x2066, EA4B999D-D940-4B28-A2F4-209053…)

Let’s average the age from everyone on this thread (24/22is)
>What would be the best possible outfit to wear on a daily basis?
>”5’4” middle upper class 22-26yr”
On the workplace (assuming they work at an office)
Everyone here is infighting about how much better they could look like but no one has posted any decent cords (assuming that they aren’t landwhales)
No. 381054
>>381049Derail but.
Fuck, that meme is a slap in the face this morning. I'm still a khv but I know this will be my future. Rejected by incels…hoping to be the female equivalent to a beta provider…
>>381052I feel the same. I think I look okay…but do I?
No. 381057
>>381052I had a short period a few years back where kept a outfit diary, took pics every day and thought that I looked cool and trendy and fashion-forward. I took a glance at them a while back and. Oh good god. Why. Most of them could be posted in this thread, why didn't anyone bother to tell me that I looked like a dumpster fire. I actually was an active FFA lurker back then so it might have contributed to it a lot lol.
It'd be nice to have a place where you could post your looks for harsh critique, without the unnecessary hugboxing, I want to know if I look like shit or not. My friends are all too nice, can't trust em.
No. 381058
>>381057Why not have a thread here? I cant see any rules against it. We have a thread for face shape and eyes, I don't see it as too different. Just block out the face and clear the exif data lol.
The fashion/outfit template thread just doesn't cut it when it comes to judging if something matches body type.
No. 381059
File: 1548341761415.jpg (232.48 KB, 1200x1200, wyOD3xo.jpg)

No. 381060
File: 1548341802498.jpg (238.28 KB, 1456x1941, imuOpy5r.jpg)

No. 381061
File: 1548341856908.jpg (179.61 KB, 1456x2184, OguIqIcr.jpg)

The stomach showing… dear god
No. 381062
File: 1548342039950.jpg (4.21 MB, 3120x4160, 2f264nj.jpg)

No. 381063
File: 1548342165355.jpg (909.64 KB, 1162x2800, H8h42dn-1.jpg)

No. 381064
File: 1548342296077.jpg (85.26 KB, 1080x1080, 49858760_315444855754627_23992…)

No. 381065
File: 1548342368977.jpg (91.92 KB, 1080x1080, 50585232_1381842512169320_7401…)

No. 381066
File: 1548342432546.jpg (562.98 KB, 828x2048, ghmVxnv.jpg)

This girl's poses are always cringeworthy
No. 381067
File: 1548342613701.jpg (1.05 MB, 1251x1564, Uadsy3K.jpg)

No. 381071
File: 1548355464332.jpg (718.61 KB, 1530x2048, nBYws3R.jpg)

i used to lurk the waywt threads all the time for the laughably bad outfits
i'm just glad i've never had the money to actually wear all the horrible fashion phases i've been through
No. 381073
File: 1548375049358.jpg (759.77 KB, 1458x2667, BIy9hii.jpg)

No. 381078
>>381062What's going on with that top?
>>381063>harem pants and uggs>>381066Why did she post this online in a fashion sub?
No. 381079
File: 1548388284001.jpg (400.95 KB, 1125x1494, xA3CgU1.jpg)

No. 381080
File: 1548388312355.jpg (87.55 KB, 728x970, h-NrQvliWGjV3OBob-NsbSVTg5s4at…)

No. 381081
File: 1548388485503.jpg (764.21 KB, 1536x2048, RaWka47.jpg)

No. 381082
File: 1548388530750.jpg (832 KB, 1536x2048, THRBzSG.jpg)

No. 381083
File: 1548388580458.jpg (629.02 KB, 1500x2000, vhNQ7be.jpg)

No. 381085
File: 1548391440071.jpg (606.36 KB, 1500x2000, lLlxorz.jpg)

No. 381086
File: 1548391474024.jpg (724.11 KB, 1500x2000, mDDvC78.jpg)

No. 381087
File: 1548391506691.jpg (614.35 KB, 1500x2000, wLpDeWV.jpg)

No. 381088
File: 1548391571344.jpg (1.11 MB, 1536x2048, tuEJtg6.jpg)

Fatness aside, this outfit does her no favors.
No. 381089
File: 1548391772460.png (1.1 MB, 374x1202, BU3rhz9.png)

No. 381090
File: 1548391850191.png (1.2 MB, 644x995, UxF8bbs.png)

No. 381092
>>381071Ah yes, the Han Solo style.
>>381086>>381087These just seem very normal and bland. Like it's not fashion and no one will look at her twice but it's not good either.
No. 381093
>>381081>>381082I like this, it suits her body type.
>>381088I'm not sure if an other outfit would look better on her. the top seems to hide the problem areas.
>>381091The sad part is that the sweatpants/slippers/tracksuit people probably tried just as hard as the try-and-fail ones.
No. 381095
File: 1548492283092.jpg (10.47 KB, 236x353, 923236e70a0929635dcc2c4e05934e…)

>>381088>>381093The top lacks structure, it makes her look bigger. Maybe a wrap/empire cut blouse with slightly longer sleeves would work? Pic related. The length of the second layer of peplum makes her legs look shorter as well. peplum in general isn't going to look good on anyone carrying a lot of weight in their midsection.
A solid colour on the bottom would look better than the pattern too. And the shoes need to go.
No. 381096
File: 1548546166003.jpg (31.17 KB, 570x570, 31_173634.jpg)

Is there a term for those cardigans that don't swamp you but finish on the thigh, are still form fitting, and look adorable?
No. 381097
File: 1548643230760.jpeg (116.22 KB, 1080x941, 0F8E63C6-6C16-4D45-89B6-03458A…)

They’re just so bad
No. 381098
File: 1548652442608.jpeg (1.48 MB, 3024x4032, A702FD10-9B43-4D18-AAF3-AA661A…)

No. 381100
File: 1548653609017.jpeg (1.53 MB, 2448x3058, BC86D475-3CC1-4D69-B0B2-FE9471…)

>>381099A competition in looking dumpy
No. 381101
File: 1548653744994.jpeg (495.04 KB, 1229x1625, A3D31AC7-A6DB-4E82-AF5A-BEB48A…)

Sorry for dumping photos but she looks absolutely retarded
No. 381103
>>380700Hey this is pretty cool found this from the fashion thread
I want to post an outfit but I feel like it's going to derail the thread
No. 381104
>>381103>Hey this is pretty cool found this from the fashion threadAre you a kid?
This thread is for horrible fashion from reddit don't self-post here
No. 381106
File: 1548741833926.png (220.55 KB, 355x436, Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 00.58…)

Not from the subreddit, but from a girl's instagram (who shall remain anonymous) who is so beautiful but imo, doesn't know how to dress for shit.
Those pants are pajama pants and she matched them with some ruffly blouse which doesn't really go together… and those shoes…
Please tell me I'm not crazy and her outfit is actually shit, because people praise her for her "style".
No. 381107
>>381106You're not crazy, this is shit
People praising her are probably "art school studends"
No. 381108
>>381106Jfc the ruffled blouse with elastic waist pants..
The colours, the fit, the Velcro shoes for retarded kids, the makeup that doesn’t not match.
She looks like hot garbage.
No. 381109
>>381106I feel like any one piece of this is ok, and
could look alright paired with a more simple outfit. But all of them together is just a clusterfuck
No. 381111
File: 1548883933852.jpg (1.11 MB, 1992x2885, WZLxPA6.jpg)

No. 381112
File: 1548883997263.jpg (1.14 MB, 2217x2998, CLX0Io1.jpg)

No. 381113
File: 1548884051617.jpg (492.79 KB, 2091x2854, Hb2uL8h.jpg)

No. 381115
File: 1548885984823.jpg (328.46 KB, 727x1135, eFccKtf.jpg)

No. 381116
File: 1548886408232.jpg (1.44 MB, 2420x3227, zYHkNIV.jpg)

No. 381119
>>381102my thoughts exactly
>>381118ahahaha! it could be
No. 381120
>>381111I get what they're going for here, but it would look better with a smooth velvet top instead of the cheap textured kind. Also, maybe sneakers or chunkier boots?
>>381115>stained pantsvery ~fashion
>>381116nitpick but turtleneck should have been beige/cream
No. 381121
File: 1549305657912.jpeg (211.06 KB, 1500x1498, 2153BE05-3A86-4057-8CB5-B6422C…)

No. 381123
>>38112175% of the problem here is her face and figure not being even slightly suited to the outfit. The outfit itself is pretty basic and inoffensive.
>>381113Goth hobbit.
>>381111Pants look like dollarstore cheap fabric awkwardly made into someones very first sewing project. Nothing she wore with those shiny sumbitches would look good but the top length and the bland chunk of the shoes just really ties together the whole everything bad about Rick Owens on a strict budget look.
>>381112Get to absolute fuck that’s barely an outfit.
No. 381124
File: 1549322073318.jpeg (711.02 KB, 1920x2560, 2592278B-9CD3-4E0E-8A0F-9C1ED0…)

She made the sweater like this. Stupid AND impractical!
No. 381125
File: 1549322215322.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1966x3234, F2BCEBBB-3833-4405-B561-769AEB…)

Sorry for incoming dump but I keep finding winners.
No. 381126
File: 1549322588289.jpeg (126.18 KB, 750x746, 3D07DBDC-88B2-4347-8357-FC288E…)

No. 381127
File: 1549322857477.jpeg (903.5 KB, 1935x2576, 0E64BABF-E8CF-4E21-A068-FB17E2…)

No. 381128
File: 1549323011611.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 901AABA0-49E3-4CF5-90F5-151751…)

No. 381129
File: 1549323391492.jpeg (661.69 KB, 2976x3968, E4814EB8-9727-43FB-B4AA-A27892…)

No. 381131
File: 1550258394574.png (406 KB, 338x586, wat.png)

tbf i saw this on amazon (not r/ffa) as a girl's attempt at dressing like Cher from clueless and i died a lot inside
No. 383866
File: 1551858926791.jpeg (1.46 MB, 3024x4032, 933C882F-74DE-49B0-90BA-F31ECB…)

Sorry for necro but there’s nowhere else to dump these horrific r/womenstsreetwear stars.
No. 383867
File: 1551859022835.jpeg (435.21 KB, 1080x1345, 5112AF15-FBC4-4C4B-AB1B-7BA16F…)

No. 383868
File: 1551859155830.jpeg (253.18 KB, 2048x2048, 4390255C-0EED-42F5-AFC8-1AD036…)

No. 383870
File: 1551859272926.jpeg (1.43 MB, 2896x4128, EDEB2199-674E-429F-A688-60746A…)

Skateboarders are known for their love of ruched shiny polyester and hairdressing smocks.
No. 383872
File: 1551859376160.jpeg (370.83 KB, 890x1334, 91322399-53FE-41AD-A48A-FB16D2…)

No. 383877
File: 1551860191474.jpeg (2.43 MB, 3456x5184, 546A6ACA-C41C-48E8-B3A8-AA7A3D…)

Once more just because donkaka makes such amazingly shitty quality garments.
Uneven seams, uneven sleeve setting, the collar fur isn’t attatched the whole way around, wrong zipper style, poorly cut pockets with dreadful stitching, misshapen and uneven hems and seams around the zipper,loose threads everywhere.
The guy can’t sew for shit and had the balls to say he’s not opening his store publicly until he gets a cult following.
No. 383922
>>381059kind of cute
>>381060bad but not offensively so
>>381065looks dumb but weirdly cute
Do I have hideous taste?
No. 383979
File: 1551895421497.png (303.61 KB, 350x525, disgust.png)

>>383877that is painful to look at wtf
it reminds me of yeezy season 2. i have disproportionate hatred towards that collection.
No. 384047
File: 1551913528102.jpeg (123.07 KB, 750x1125, 818FB804-8E8A-4495-BD2F-B1B83C…)

>>383979You think that one is bad, look how the fucking sleeves are set here. Charging $600USD for something that would fail as a textiles class assignment.
No. 384450
>>383870are they larping Billie Eilish?
>>383866oh no….oh no no no no
>>381065kind of cute, she looks like a pokemon trainer
No. 386713
File: 1552590211696.jpg (101.28 KB, 900x900, jzmav5bs52m21.jpg)

200 upvotes on /r/womensstreetwear. No, she doesn't have a skin condition. How could she think this was a decent photo to post?
No. 386750
>>386713She looks like blond margo
the individual pieces are fine but the sweatpants suck
No. 386772
They’re all dressed like clowns.
No. 386790
File: 1552606455430.png (683.9 KB, 686x689, ugh.PNG)

No. 412087
>>381049>wearing jeans makes you a femcelLMAO WHAT
This site I swear..
No. 539197
>>538205thanks for bumping, i'd never seen this and it's hilarious.
I'm 29 and feel sort of surprised at all the sneakers. when i was growing up sneakers were for little kids and working out. interesting.