File: 1457558959184.jpg (142.07 KB, 1200x800, 1456603333447 (1)hhh.jpg)

No. 79246
File: 1457561588528.jpg (195.19 KB, 1200x800, image.jpg)

forgive me if its small, did all this on LINE camera
No. 79254
File: 1457562273704.png (188.21 KB, 1200x800, 11.png)

this shit took me way to much time
No. 79264
File: 1457565679299.jpg (261.88 KB, 1200x800, ISpentTooMuchTimeOnThis.jpg)

The future me is supposed to be a researcher, but I have terrible Paint skills so yeah.
No. 79267
File: 1457566270174.jpg (427.86 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 79271
File: 1457566762450.jpg (344.29 KB, 1400x828, 1456603333447.jpg)

seriously I wasted so much time in this. it was fun indeed.
>>79267my sides
No. 79275
File: 1457567355902.png (65.16 KB, 1240x816, aboutthing.png)

No. 79301
>>79275First straight person here
No. 79308
File: 1457570714970.png (185.37 KB, 1200x800, template.png)

im probably not smart enough to get my dream job, but hoping is nice
No. 79310
>>79308Whoops, forgot to update this as
>tfw no gfand
>khvno longer apply
Also, I'm reading the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and its bretty nice
>>79264gerich velith nin <3
No. 79382
>>79380are you
No. 79385
File: 1457581859167.jpg (10.52 KB, 250x191, Hermes_Conrad.jpg)

>>79308Anon you did this on purpose
No. 79397
>>79392Maybe most who go on chans
For the general populace I'd guess as 25% who go through a bi phase in their late teens to early 20s and maybe 10% who continue after that tbh
No. 79398
>>79397So you don't constitute being attracted to women and fapping to women as bi? You have to have a sexual experience for it to count?
That's your opinion, and you're free to hold it, I just find it interesting that homosexuality or bisexuality has to be "proven" whilst heterosexuality doesn't.
No. 79399
File: 1457584180077.jpg (26.26 KB, 540x508, 3b4a910f73fdb74714be69a5099657…)

>>79392I wish that was true
>tfw no gf to cuddle with No. 79400
Same with guys who fap to traps. It's a fetish but I really doubt it would actually escalate beyond that for most people if they met a trap in person. It's
Just a fantasy for most people.
My point is that many women who identify as bi have never actually dated a woman and just think they are because some yuri they read turned them on
No. 79404
Once they'd meet one irl they'd realize it's a dude in a wig and fuck right off
I've heard of this happening many times
No. 79423
File: 1457592743800.png (665.68 KB, 1200x800, _Template_ - Copy.png)

No. 79433
File: 1457595446147.jpg (298.77 KB, 1200x800, fuckdude.jpg)

I have Snoozy hair. It nice doe.
No. 79434
>>79433I ment the X's as no's btw
>>79423Hnng crash team racing is so damn good
No. 79437
File: 1457596410867.png (157.74 KB, 1200x800, 1.png)

No. 79438
File: 1457596841581.jpg (20.67 KB, 527x430, trigered.jpg)

No. 79440
File: 1457597432340.jpg (186.99 KB, 1200x800, anon_.jpg)

in my future id like to start dressing my age, whatever that means, Im still trying to figure it out. grow out my hair long. make at least a little money with my art and live in a 3 story house near the city.
No. 79449
File: 1457599104923.png (1.46 MB, 1187x899, facepalm.png)

>>79445Wait, nm. It was right.
No. 79467
>>79437damn you, now I miss my dreads again!
had them for 8 years, combed them out half a year ago
No. 79471
File: 1457608996291.png (110.23 KB, 1200x800, gay as fuck.png)

excuse the tiny writing
No. 79479
File: 1457610921166.jpg (394.54 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184-2.jpg)

No. 79508
File: 1457621179249.jpg (Spoiler Image,255.86 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

C-can I join?
No. 79509
File: 1457621204449.png (116 KB, 1200x800, Untitled.png)

No. 79522
File: 1457623344916.jpg (105.35 KB, 992x744, 705.jpg)

>>79520Get some iskender if you can find it.
No. 79558
File: 1457630175936.jpg (199.04 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

Might as well.
I don't have a tablet so i got too lazy to draw something not shit.
No. 79582
File: 1457635182322.png (158.71 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

Might as well, I guess.
No. 79585
File: 1457635590008.png (319.14 KB, 1200x800, fjadkslfjw.png)

No. 79592
>>79588/r9k/ here.
Multicolored hair is hot
No. 79598
File: 1457637994955.jpg (160.87 KB, 1200x800, mecooli.jpg)

thats fun
No. 79602
>>79479The worst drawing made me laugh
These are really fun to look at
No. 79604
File: 1457639060561.png (186.91 KB, 1200x800, NEW STATS.png)

Redid mine since I made the original one at like one in the morning on my phone
No. 79609
File: 1457641272318.jpg (208.68 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

>inb4 nigger
Also what the fuck is this /lgbt/?
No. 79667
File: 1457657709060.jpg (276.25 KB, 1200x800, ass.jpg)

I got embarrassed describing half the shit I like and paint was being a shit with me, but at least it's all truth
No. 79684
>>79674Most women are bisexual. Most women don't date other women however.
If you believe you need to have sex and fapping to women doesn't count, that's your perspective and that's fine, but a lot of people identify with bi if they feel sexually attracted to women.
No. 79686
File: 1457660785650.png (246.45 KB, 1230x792, 1457558959184.png)

Looking at all the posts in here has been pretty fun so I made one too
No. 79702
>>79684I'm not a woman so I don't claim to know this
But I have female friends (online ofc) who say they're more admiring other women than lusting after them and used to be confused about it and thought they were bi in their younger years (they're both upper 20s now). For example, they think "oh hey she looks really cute and I like her outfit" and mistake that for sexual attraction despite not actually thinking about them sexually. They just find them pretty and maybe try to take some notes for themselves. This is coming from like 2 online friends I have so I know it's not the biggest sample size. It's just becomes a trend I notice that most women stop identifying as bi after they're 25 or so which lines up with much of this thread.
I've fapped to traps on a few occasions and I consider myself straight. The key is fantasy=//= reality. I have no desire to fuck one irl because I know without all the makeup and complimentary lighting it would look like a man, smell like a man, and talk like a man.
No. 79707
File: 1457669361900.jpg (227.28 KB, 1200x800, kill me i want to die.jpg)

No. 79716
>>79702This is true, (straight) women are more open about appreciating the aesthetics of other women.
Similarly, straight men are definitely capable of appreciating the aesthetics of other men. I've met maybe only one or two straight guys who were secure enough to openly acknowledge that another guy is attractive. There's a social stigma attached to straight guys who recognize another guy's looks.
No. 79717
File: 1457671310681.png (155.75 KB, 1200x800, info.png)

I wasn't sure if the "at your worst" section was referring to bad days in general or a specific period in time, so I just decided to draw my tween emo wolfaboo phase.
No. 79722
>>79702I can't believe there are women out there that have this mindset.
I know damn well when I feel attracted to a person of my same sex and when I feel admiration for them.
No. 79726
>>79716As a straight guy I've found I'm really not good at judging male attractiveness at all. I mean I can tell obvious differences between say Leonardo Dicaprio and the average Joe. Most guys just look like guys to me
That being said I think the social stigma you mentioned really plays a huge part. The concept of masculinity is a VERY fragile thing and probably is why guys are so closed off about being perceived as gay and showing anything close to weakness. Being a bottom or sucking another guy off is about as submissive as you can get whereas as a woman you can still view yourself and others still view you as feminine even if you've kissed a few girls. If we're going off sheer sexual arousal I'd say most people are bi regardless of gender. Women would definitely be my first choice, but I'm sure if the wind can get me hard another guy could too.
>>79722Just relaying what they've told me. One thought she was bi and fapped to women regularly, hooked up with a girl and didn't get turned on at all and realized then she wasn't into women like that. My whole point here is you never really know until you try.
No. 79730
>>79726>most people are bi regardless of genderFor sure. Heterosexual people have to be somewhat comfortable with the same sex in order to even have sex with the opposite sex. Otherwise, you'd be too disgusted with your own body to do anything with it.
Imagine an apocalyptic scenario where everyone of the opposite sex died out. I don't think every heterosexual would just not have sex ever again.
No. 79735
>>79726I'll just add to this a bit. Women seem a lot more physical with their friends (doing eachother's makeup, hugs, nails, etc) and I think becoming aroused is a pretty natural response being up and close to any person regardless of gender. I mean maybe I'm bi, but I'm pretty sure if I was snuggled up to another guy in pajamas and we were touching eachother like girls often do I would get a pretty large and shameful boner. I prefer women by far. I'm comfortable with my sexuality and if the moment was right and for whatever reason I was sexually attracted to a guy I'd go for it. Hasn't happened yet and it might never happen, but I'd definitely never date a guy though.
I just find it kind of hard to believe that all women would be bi and still remain as friends with their mostly female friends. Do you all want to shag your friends?
No. 79737
File: 1457673836844.jpeg (508.12 KB, 1200x800, image.jpeg)

still wishing I was a kawaii white girl who had infinite bishie butlers
No. 79750
File: 1457681000518.jpg (366.97 KB, 1200x800, Mem.jpg)

I feel like a pretty boring person after filling this out.
No. 79753
File: 1457681622663.jpg (161.3 KB, 1200x800, Hi NSA.jpg)

I really should've just typed in the interest blanks, but this'll do.
No. 79769
File: 1457686111818.jpg (274.07 KB, 1200x800, emofaggit.jpg)

these are so fun
pls no bully
No. 79770
>>79753>>79264>>79275>>79433>>79437>>79443>>79479>>79558>>79585>>79582>>79598>>79604>>79686>>79707>>79717>>79753I just wanted to say that you all seem like very likeable, cool people and i share a lot of your interests (but I'm too stupid and forgetful to put them down.)
ya'll are the realest niggas
holy shit other people like emo trash music, 10/10 No. 79777
File: 1457688908526.png (363.93 KB, 1000x667, 554343251.png)

No. 79795
File: 1457701837463.png (427.89 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.png)

I tried.
>>79582>>79737I like you.
No. 79933
File: 1457730374927.png (160.1 KB, 1200x800, embarrassment.png)

I love making these.
No. 80041
File: 1457766370638.jpg (185.54 KB, 1200x800, 6465.jpg)

I'm sorry for this
No. 80051
>>80041>rosaceaIktf :(
What do you use to treat it?
No. 80054
>>80043You too anon
>>80051>What do you use to treat it?Nothing anymore unfortunately. All the pills and creams I got for it back in the day dried my skin out horribly and ended up giving me so many other skin problems.
I went to a cosmetologist for treatments while my wallet could handle it, but nothing changed for the 6 months that I was a patient there ):
I've cut all sugar from my diet which has helped keep it down a little bit, but all I can really do right now is make sure my skin is moisturised at all times and then very rarely cover it up with (expensive for sensitive-skin) make-up when I want to look pretty. Nothing has worked for me, so I'm really just waiting it out at this point. According to all doctors I've been involved with, it should go away at some point.
>tfw I used to have the most soft and clean skin ever.I hope you have better luck than me in treating yours <3
No. 80074
File: 1457775497453.gif (188.24 KB, 500x500, 1399073720901.gif)

You are all cute and wonderful human beings.
No. 80078
File: 1457776259298.jpg (282.46 KB, 1399x821, fixed.jpg)

No. 80094
File: 1457781671897.jpg (173.55 KB, 1200x800, n.jpg)

I'm starved for attention. Please notice me, a completely uninteresting, cancerous faggot
No. 80104
File: 1457788118458.jpg (301.49 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 80144
File: 1457797877019.jpg (236.61 KB, 1189x787, 1457558959184.jpg)

I made one but maybe I'm too high
No. 80156
we can be sucky together
No. 80200
File: 1457816688317.jpg (292.72 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

Forgot to add I like classical music even though I don't know shit about it. I just like to hear it. Makes me feel nice
No. 80204
File: 1457817788082.png (424.06 KB, 1200x800, things and stuff.png)

i posted this in the friendfinder but i'm also going to post it here bc i'm trash
No. 80211
>>80165Are you fat lad? You could add a bit if you lost weight. Just a though
If you're fit then 5" is still okay dude
No. 80220
File: 1457821229897.png (226.64 KB, 1200x800, 1122.png)

No. 80222
>>80204no prob bob and hatoful boyfriend was really nice
10/10 friend
No. 80226
File: 1457822187920.jpg (228.61 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184 (1).jpg)

Not too sure about my future self. It's either that or commit sudoku.
No. 80294
File: 1457839355424.png (125.62 KB, 1200x798, MGROSIGS.png)

inb4 edgelord
No. 80297
File: 1457840098555.jpg (238.88 KB, 1200x800, meh.jpg)

No. 80301
File: 1457842831252.jpg (265.8 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 80307
>>8030630 is pretty much the point of no return
Clock is ticking to start a family and if you haven't become happy by then you never will because it's all downhill from there if you didn't catch the train to normieville
No. 80308
>>80165No I'm fit and have a 5" dick. Literally the only reason why anyone would want to date me as a black guy is gone. The only chance I coild ever have at getting laid is if I muh dik a drunk white girl who wants fucking mandingo and I cant bring myself to do that. I cant imagine the look of disappointment when the pants would come off and even the thought of that fucking kills me
>>80201First off I wasnt complaining about the fact in that post, but now that you mention it I will complain a bit.
Being black isnt akin to women getting to the point that Chad and Tyrone arent enough for them so they also fuck eachother
Men arent "bisexual" and you all being special snowflakes is seriously damaging men. Not only do you only go for the top 20% of guys, but you also are increasingly dating and fucking eachother. Where does that leave guys like me? I wish I liked guys so I didnt have to deal with this garbage
LGBTQIAXYZU++ is a fetish community and a cancer and unnatural whereas being born a certain race is hardly that.
>>80304What's the same?
I feel for you regardless man
No. 80317
File: 1457849465149.jpg (260.24 KB, 1213x805, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 80319
File: 1457850997188.png (165.62 KB, 1200x800, oh god this.png)

here comes the ace brigade, party of 1
No. 80331
File: 1457854849865.png (293.72 KB, 1078x1372, tmp_28452-20160313_01385440083…)

>all these bisexuals
Are you all the 2% or something?
Does the internet make you gay?
No. 80334
File: 1457855052732.png (165.04 KB, 1200x800, zipzop.png)

No. 80337
File: 1457859819816.jpg (34.51 KB, 535x577, 1409884087617.jpg)

>>80334So many people want to die, please don't die fellas ;_;
No. 80339
File: 1457860964749.png (158 KB, 1200x800, jkjklñjk.png)

No. 80349
>>80341No, I'm a hafu Chinese who isn't white enough to be white but not Chinese enough to be Chinese
And that's the Australian flag
No. 80351
File: 1457868783699.jpg (263.92 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 80374
>>80360here most people with average or above intellect would call themselves feminists (or at least not look down upon feminists), everyone from middle aged white men to twelve year old girls. our state owned media is often very feminist/borderline sjw as well (it has been ruled by gay men since forever). i think the culture in sweden is quite different from most other contries, from an outside point of view some parts of sweden might seem super radical but it just comes natural for most swedes to se others as equal (sweden has had a very strong socialism politic for a long time). but recently we have had an upswing of crazy queer feminists/sjw, complaining about every little thing in media and trying to force other gender options on school papers and stuff like that. but as i said its not too common to meet someone like that irl, they just get a lot of attention on the internet. if you compare the average swedish chick to some girl from another country, chances are that the swede will be far more feminist, but not in a crazy way.
i think we are about 10% non white in sweden, so most people have friends of different ethnicities and also sometimes a partner. and while quite a few of the older and lower intellect swedes are becoming more and more racist, most of us see other ethnicities as equal. most of my girlfriends have had one partner who wasnt white as well as white ones.
No. 80392
>>80390Wonder if she'll be laughing 30 years from now, looking at Sweden's demographics.
Also this:
>Most of us are feministsThing rings a bit hollow when your country is going to be majority Muslim by the end of the century.
No. 80394
>>80374Almost everyone in the West agrees with equality between the sexes, so by the simple definition of feminism, yes most 'intelligent' people would be a feminist.
The problem is, feminism isn't a dictionary definition, but a movement, a movement of female supremacy and cultural Marxism. Prominent feminists have called for deathcamps for men, and have succeeded in gendering laws in several countries and have shut down male shelters.
If being an egalitarian instead of a feminist would make someone an idiot, I'd rather be an idiot than be part of the group who wants to kill all men (and the women who don't agree with them).
No. 80403
>>80392where do you get that idea? a very large amount of swedes are atheist
>>80394yes ofcourse. when our (+50% male) government calls themself feminist it means they are now using our tax money to build a new auschwitz for men
No. 80448
>>80442These are anonymous surveys though
Have you ever slept with another woman? Did you lie and say you were straight then lol
No. 80486
>>80479I don't like myself for several reasons, but not one is because I'm a woman.
Much like her (I assume) I would never call myself a feminist. The "movement" and word offers no benefit, no progress, no help for real issues, no equality, nothing but people like you who can't defend their arguments.
No. 80489
>>80484Oh really?
So VAWA never happened?
No. 80492
>>80486A feminist "group" I am in has raised a lot of money for women's and men's shelters, gotten some process (mainly informing people and getting people talk about it, but still) done to help male rape victims and dads in custody battles, we are teaching immigrant women that in our country they don't need a man to go out etc
But you know, w/e
No. 80493
>>80492>we are teaching immigrant women that in our country they don't need a man to go out etcYeah, good work. Keep on bringing more Muslims into our countries. That has been such a massive success so far…
Fuck sake.
No. 80498
>>80495you type like a 15 year old that cries about abbreviations trying to prove something to other people on the fucking neoboards. pls go
>>80497has it not since expanded?
No. 80500
>>80496>Molberg is the entire rightlol. Moldberg is just some libertarian jew who thinks SV should run everything.
And if you think immigration doesn't negatively affect native women, let me show you around Molenbeek. There are parts of European cities where if you show your face as a white woman, you will be harassed.
What are you doing about that? Organizing "Islam Means Peace" rallies?
>>80499What country are you from?
No. 80502
>>80492Right, great strides for equality compared to the overwhelming majority who ignore real issues, make up issues, twist words/facts to create issues, for the sake of…I don't even know what. Being special? Better? Making a name for themselves?
I'd say read some CH Sommers but I'll just be called a MGTOW again.
What's the name of the group/it's website? Does the word "feminist" or "feminism" even come up?
No. 80503
>>80501What's so funny?
If there's no such thing as a Native European, there's no such thing as Native American either, right?
No. 80505
>>80499>only bad things>false accusations>sperging aboutYou mean, "paranoia" like:…or perhaps:…no, maybe it was:, it was probably:, remember the:…or the:…and maybe even:…and also:"Paranoia", all of them.
No doubt that the UK's youth are safe in the hands of their police and social services, which totally have their best interests in mind; oh wait: at the very least, you'll be able to sleep better at night, knowing that there's little to no guns on the hands of those racist, law-abiding whiteys, eh?
No. 80509
>>80498Partly, but in practice it hasn't changed anything. Jan Brown, the Founder and Executive Director of the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women contends that the Act may not be sufficient to ensure equal access to services.
Also the police still always automatically assumes that the man is the perpetrator and the one that needs to be removed out of the situation.
No. 80511
>>80500Finland. And I messed the numbers up, it was 25 that were charged, and from them none was false, and the percentage is 0,08. Although all of them may not be muslims, because that statistic is only about immigrants.
>>80502It is a geek women's group, and "feminism" comes up in the description, so yeah.
>>80505None of these are from Finland. I was talking about Finland. Go back to /pol/ and I go back to tumblr or whatever you guys want rational people to go.
No. 80512
File: 1457906902699.jpg (1.66 MB, 1280x6318, 1453798395680.jpg)

>>80511There are countries where we have firm figures on immigrant criminality, for example, in Germany. And the figures are very clear about which groups are responsible for the most disproportionate amounts of crime in certain regards.
Picture related.
>I go back to tumblr or whatever you guys want rational people to go.>rational>believes Finland is unique among all European countries in non-western/east-asian immigrants committing grossly disproportionate amounts of criminalitylol ok.
No. 80513
>>80511>rational >feminism is gud, guiesCan not belong together.
If you're not egalitarian, you are not for equality.
No. 80515
>>80342Yeah, a little bit I guess
>>80343Thanks, you're pretty cool too
Half wondering if these were posted by the same person or not>>80481>>80482>>80483>>80484>>80486>>80487>>80489>>80491>>80492>>80493>>80494>>80495>>80496>>80497>>80498>>80499>>80500>>80501>>80502>>80503>>80504>>80505>>80506>>80507>>80508>>80509Aren't there already threads for discussing immigration and politics? Threads that aren't this one?
No. 80519
>>80512There were 25 rape charges for immigrants, and there were 17 attacks towards reception centres, out of which 4 were molotov coctails. Yeah, immigrants do bad things, but they're not unique in that. kek.
>>80513Kek, that's too bad. Maybe I shouldn't donate to men's shelters anymore, then.
Could we continue our autism in another thread, maybe?
No. 80521
>>80515>Aren't there already threads for discussing immigration and politics? Threads that aren't this one?I completely didn't even know what thread I was in tbh, oops. I saw
>>80472 on the first page and jumped right in.
No. 80523
>>80519Yes all people can do bad things
But immigrants disproportionately do bad things much more
No. 80526
>>80519>There were 25 rape charges for immigrantsWrong: in Finland account for rape at ten times their proportion of the population.
>2014-2015>what was last yearAre you implying immigrants went from committing rape at ten times their proportion of the population to being _less_ likely to commit rape in the space of a single year?
And you call yourself rational?
No. 80530
>>80519 we know how you people work.
In the video I linked you see feminists protesting a paintspray, which was created in reaction to the cologne rape attacks. Apparently wanting to defend yourself against rape attacks makes you racist. We should all just do what the mayor of Cologne proposed, right? -.-
No. 80535
File: 1457908522396.jpg (420.48 KB, 1200x800, La-da-da-da copy.jpg)

Break well wasted, ran out of time to add flag. It be america.
No. 80557
>>80223Bring the fucking sopaipillas
>choroy explota>>80306I wanted to kill myself at 33 because my father is really old, and back then the only reason I had to live was making him happy. I'm an only child, and my father is truly the greatest man I've ever met. I've never considered myself a good person, but being so selfish and doing that to the man who has never let me down? I wouldn't dare to even think about it.
No. 80563
>>80560are we even reading the same thread
look again
No. 80564
File: 1457917196673.png (56.12 KB, 1200x800, ghjghjghjghjg.png)

this took a lot longer than it should have
No. 80566
>>80565No one needs it.
But many people want it.
And that's ok.
No. 80573
>>80560They always do this shit. I wish they'd stay in their containment tumblrs. I wonder how they even found lolcow, and how do they live if they're getting
triggered here all the time.
No. 80578
>>80572Has he killed himself yet or what is eggman up to these days?
>>80564Love long car rides and roadtrips too.
No. 80593
>>80574Boob jobs are awful
That's the great thing about boobs, they're nice no matter the size
No. 80596
>>80578he got blamed for that shooting recently as a joke, and the media ran with it for a while ,was hilarious
I think he's a live and well
No. 80599
File: 1457926939160.jpg (16.94 KB, 330x321, 1406623784662.jpg)

>>80204>Darkest Dungeon>Shadowrun>Fire Emblemtop-tier taste
No. 80605
>>80604Yeah, I stopped going on /r9k/ months ago so no idea what's happening on there
all the woman bashing got to me i guess Damn, sucks for eggy though, what a ridiculous situation haha
No. 80606
>>80605He should have sued
He could have easily gotten a settlement out of that
No. 80613
File: 1457929718054.png (Spoiler Image,120.04 KB, 1200x800, 35565.png)

No. 81218
File: 1458095671953.png (185.59 KB, 1200x800, aboutme.png)

No. 81238
File: 1458107019886.gif (496.94 KB, 210x224, 1426640964015.gif)

>>81223Give it a shot, you don't really need to be too worried about the art
No. 81270
File: 1458128338774.jpg (78.03 KB, 634x478, 1366949600314.jpg)

>>80587I don't know anyone else who's watched it either! I don't usually like movies like that, but something about it is so charming
>also, dat river phoenix>>80599aww yiss
No. 81303
File: 1458143422182.jpg (220.87 KB, 1200x800, killme.jpg)

First time filling one of these out, it was strangely satisfying.
No. 81315
>>81303Forgot to add Fargo to the list of TV shows, this bums me out.
>>81311Hope you've checked out the new Miike Snow album, some amazing stuff on there.
No. 81316
File: 1458148306158.png (173.75 KB, 1200x800, mora di.png)

No. 81340
File: 1458153657094.jpeg (42.03 KB, 518x244, image.jpeg)

On my phone so cant really make one ;_;
No. 81346
File: 1458155163072.jpg (147.96 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

I am creeping out from my typical lurking. Here's mine. I enjoyed looking at yalls.
No. 81360
File: 1458159800092.jpg (128.63 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959185.jpg)

No. 81374
>>81355not that anon.
but, I know a lot of girls with low self esteem who sleep around bc it makes them feel better. One girl told me she felt like if she didnt fuck, guys wouldn't like her.
No. 81436
File: 1458173297268.jpg (303.41 KB, 1200x800, profile2.jpg)

I probably spent way too much time on this. I gave up when it came to coloring the dang thing.
No. 81584
File: 1458204113280.png (147.3 KB, 1200x800, done.png)

hello ive never posted i lurk
No. 81598
>>81315>Hope you've checked out the new Miike Snow album, some amazing stuff on there.I have not but I will now. Thanks.
>>81337Maybe also try Blind Pilot, Owel, Empires, The Whitest Boy Alive, Coconut Records, and The Morning Benders.
No. 81667
File: 1458231430394.jpg (447.84 KB, 1200x800, imahugefaggot.jpg)

I enjoyed doing this but I am fucking shit at drawing clothes.
No. 81675
File: 1458236495810.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.58 KB, 500x318, 1458115591624.jpg)

>>81672Please be an elaborate joke.
No. 81679
>>81677pressed reply too early
I meant to add a "warning: autism" image but there are no good ones other than the "autistic child at play" ones.
Maybe I'll print the template off later and try to improve the art on my end. I'd like to be a tad better than what I posted.
No. 81686
>>81683Not even a robot. I'm from old /cwc/. You guys had interesting cows for a long time. ED bores me nowadays, /cow/ is meh, and PT/chris chan were my go tos for years. I still laugh whenever i hear wind chimes. Kiwifarms is a joke.
>>81684ty, ily 2
No. 82127
File: 1458394040311.png (54.48 KB, 1200x800, bruv.png)

I also did a really huge one but I don't have the template to share so I'll just post this.
No. 82140
File: 1458403233476.jpg (271.16 KB, 1200x800, aaaa.jpg)

I made this in Paint.
No. 82172
File: 1458413211568.jpg (263.12 KB, 1200x800, wakemeupinside.jpg)

tfw you dont wanna die but blink out of existence and fade away, also when you bake something and eat it all in the same day
No. 82179
>>82178please don't play with my heart like that.
even if I smiled a little reading that
thank you m8
No. 82346
>>82273Honestly thats amazing to hear ty.
Its a lowkey reference to canada but its one of my fav films, same for howls castle and valley of the wind.
>>82297I dawwed a bit at being called senpai thanks
I'll go dark now though and lurk rather not be attention seeking, just nice to get some praise.
Two weebs and a tsundere oh my
No. 82371
>>82361kek honestly not me, I don't even care if it just trolls shitposting to wind up a robot
Getting a compliment is nice, you can go years without them
No. 83830
File: 1459236604229.jpg (229.91 KB, 1200x800, ohdear.jpg)

i suck at these so sorry if its jarring and barely legible
No. 83832
File: 1459238507878.jpg (208.29 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 83863
File: 1459256983053.png (204.49 KB, 1602x803, ihatemylife.png)

honestly if it wasn't for the shit tax in this country i'd be so much happier but god damn the alimony is killing me
i might get an arranged marriage though.
No. 83864
I don't pay alimony, but if I were to have a sex life and get married then i could lose half my assets
No. 83866
File: 1459257338174.png (47.68 KB, 1240x816, 1444691826468.png)

No. 83869
File: 1459259363278.png (79.77 KB, 1240x816, me2.png)

>>79228some points I want to add:
>Beard comes and goes, I never go full beard.>Being "interested in" a hobby doesn't mean I'm proficient or skilled at it. I'm just starting out with Linux/open source software for instance.>Sex life is at 4 but I never actually go around fucking women because I'm fucking weird and turn down casual sex because all I want is an actual relationship, So it's more like at 1 by choice.>Health is at 2 because although I'm living a healthier lifestyle, I don't feel I'm near optimal health. No. 83886
File: 1459274222275.jpg (191.3 KB, 1204x815, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 83912
>>83884trust me making money isn't always that good. i make top 1% and see a lot of action but you don't want the stress.
I've got white hairs popping out of my head.
No. 83968
>>79443Future you is waifu material.
I actually just watched Mulholland drive last night.
No. 83985
File: 1459324448816.jpg (298.02 KB, 1200x800, Catastrophically Boring human …)

>>79228Yeah, that place is three kinds of sausagefest at once.
It's like a German market.
No. 83995
>>83985you take the prize for most cringeworthy post itt
I wouldn't even expect this level of cringe on reddit
No. 84115
>>83995See? the system works.
You can tell at a glance that you'd find me annoying.
And I can intuit from your response that I wouldn't care to know you in any case.
Not bad for five minutes in paint, and neither of us had to sit through dinner with the other.
No. 84170
>>83985Hi anon I'm
>>82140Would you like to be my bf?I also listen to Tool and need help to open my third eye.
I'm highly intuitive and my english is also verry really bad.
We share so much in common!Please don't hesitate to contact me.
No. 84191
File: 1459456373328.jpg (386.85 KB, 1200x800, 4968493765493.jpg)

No. 84222
>>84220No serious man cares whether you are financially secure or not.
Just so long as you're loving, decent and have self control, which you obviously do.
No. 84227
>>84170I'd really have to get to know you first.
Internet relationships are far more serious business than smashing meat together right?
No. 84239
>>84170>>84227Although now I read your profile more carefully, you seem to like similar books to me, have you read Snow Crash?
I like cyberpunk as a sort of period piece thing, it's become a kind of retrofuturism: a window to past ideas about the future.
In the likely event that we do talk and you find I'm a thoroughly pitiable emotional wreck we should at least be able to wrangle some decent book talk out of it.
No. 84506
File: 1459702339142.png (53.22 KB, 1200x800, 1417456660780.png)

Bit old. But mostly relevant.
No. 85218
File: 1460078466128.jpg (166.49 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 85741
File: 1460288216976.jpg (270.08 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 85770
File: 1460319533151.jpg (539.68 KB, 1200x800, self.jpg)

>>80351would hang out with
No. 85775
>>85741bad memey qt
No. 85808
File: 1460350226123.jpg (6.58 KB, 200x194, images.jpg)

>>85779Hand over the gfs and no one will get hurt.
File: 1460412156902.jpg (561.27 KB, 1200x800, SIM.jpg)

No. 97369
File: 1465799192248.png (193.83 KB, 1282x798, trashcan.png)

I am gross, and I had fun.
No. 97389
>>97369Chopped is the bomb.
>>97386It's honestly not too bad, depends on your hair type though. I have really curly/wavy hair so I'm untangling it constantly. I also find it hard to style sometimes. Can't tie it up much because my pony tails are so heavy and I just give up most of the time.
No. 97407
File: 1465822260245.jpg (251.91 KB, 1200x800, hulp.jpg)

i am not an interesting person
No. 97430
File: 1465834694605.jpg (287.13 KB, 1200x800, imgarbagelmao.jpg)

well this was fun I guess. Who knows what the hell the future holds for me and my uninteresting self.
No. 97470
File: 1465844788492.png (161.44 KB, 1200x800, justendme.png)

this was fun but made me realize I really don't read that many books
No. 97495
File: 1465853837084.jpeg (403.19 KB, 1979x1364, image.jpeg)

No. 97519
File: 1465864912508.png (237.79 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

TIL i'm boring
No. 97531
How is that boring?
No. 97538
>>97531>>97531i was surprised at how charming so many of these are, i don't have anything particularly clever to contribute so i felt my sheet looked a little lackluster. it's the whole gestalt of it. trust me tho plenty of boring people are into taxidermy
sage for OT
No. 97576
File: 1465895284669.jpg (224.09 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 101203
File: 1467987890814.png (246.67 KB, 1200x800, MEm2.png)

No. 101274
>>101272Get away from steam a little and read some stuff instead
Nowadays everyone is so obsessed with steam anyway
No. 101275
>>101226you are so ultra cringe it hurts
everything about is just… holy fuck no just stop
No. 101730
File: 1468077698268.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.03 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

I'm bored.
No. 101877
>>101730Aren't you the weeb kebab who always lurks in here and I suspect complays about the terrorism in his country in the vent thread?
How are u doing, are u leaving soon kebabland?
No. 101891
File: 1468099832245.gif (370.91 KB, 322x240, 1468069177525.gif)

>>101886Well my skill set is very specific so I'm not sure what to do, not sure anyone would hire a non-native English teacher or a translator because Turkish is so useless.
No. 101892
>>101891You should try to get specialized somehow
Even if you start studying in your country you could then finish said studies in some european country if you have come up with a good plan
No. 101895
>>101894lol don't you guys have tons of turks?
>>101893You'd at least get out i guess
No. 101915
File: 1468107576440.png (168.94 KB, 459x475, 1465739939001.png)

>95% of users here have above average intelligence
>most of them don't even read normal books
No. 101927
File: 1468120800341.jpg (214.88 KB, 1200x800, 14575589591845.jpg)

Shit drawing skills sorry
No. 101955
>>101917I think you nailed it.
Yet people should be more interested in culture in general imo. Is sad seeing highly intelligent people rot away because they spend their lives shut in their homes, in front of a screen rarely doing nothing productive, or depressed. I like vidya but I feel like lately people are to dependent on them.
No. 101993
File: 1468163274028.png (95.13 KB, 1200x800, dsrfgdfhg.png)

No. 102055
File: 1468171715245.jpg (295.1 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184 (1).jpg)

fucking hell im a boring person
No. 102057
>>102055oops missed out hobbies
i draw shitly and play rhythm games
No. 102304
File: 1468215811603.jpg (193.46 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

This is me
This is real
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now
Gonna let the light
Shine on me
No. 102316
File: 1468227860323.jpg (263.08 KB, 1274x868, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 102319
>>102316I can tell from the "fucked up porn" and "airhead" comments that you must have shitty levels of self-esteem.
Fix that, or carry on watching gang-rape porn. Whatever. Your choice.
No. 102321
File: 1468232489260.jpg (228.94 KB, 1200x800, tfhghjgj.jpg)

No. 102324
File: 1468233768532.jpg (269.2 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 102328
File: 1468238380414.gif (1012.42 KB, 400x225, 594.gif)

>>102321>jojo's bizarre adventureYEAH
No. 102340
File: 1468244700142.png (170.36 KB, 1200x800, Thingus 2.png)

Yay, I did a thing. I wish I had something to blame me on, but I'm just a failure. Oh well, anyone want some walleye? Freshly dead and fresherly fried, straight outta' Wobegon. Got some sunnies too, if you ain't really hungry.
No. 102680
File: 1468360499314.png (531.73 KB, 1406x825, sontgetsabry wirb ursleef.png)

>finishes chart
>realizes its cringy
>remenber i am a fujoshi
Makes sense
No. 102718
File: 1468388850013.jpg (262.09 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

For some reason I decided to make the flag so I took a lot longer than planned
No. 102729
File: 1468392870218.jpg (398.67 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184 2.jpg)

I tried
No. 102733
File: 1468394333787.jpg (44.21 KB, 225x321, 75533.jpg)

>>102729I forgot the anime show "A Certain Magical Index"
No. 103240
File: 1468633611462.jpg (251.29 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 103252
File: 1468637783546.jpg (278.78 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 103256
File: 1468641532907.png (369.15 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

No. 103424
File: 1468738365117.jpg (15.13 KB, 250x252, kawashima.jpg)

>>103262I don't get why people are always hung up over high intelligence gauges. They don't reflect anything substantial; it's not asking the poster how fast they can solve a Rubik's Cube or how well they preform on an IQ test. The intelligence score is self-reported just like everything else on the chart.
There's nothing wrong with being secure in your own intelligence. Too many people rev up their inferiority complexes and throw common sense to the curb when somebody else thinks highly of their own brain. That's definitely not to say we should all start behaving like the conceited television dorks we've been taught to associate with self-assured brain function, but confident anti-intellectualism and the exact ranking of others is so ingrained in our behavior that it's gone from humbling to socially reinforced stupidity.
I mean come on dumbass, those are both really obvious trolls.
No. 103427
File: 1468739403490.jpg (533.88 KB, 2136x3216, M9hF2kA.jpg)

>>103424>but confident anti-intellectualism and the exact ranking of others is so ingrained in our behavior that it's gone from humbling to socially reinforced stupidity.Lmao.
People have never liked braggarts who look like they enjoy smelling their own farts, has nothing to do with 'anti-intellectualism' and insecurity. What you're saying is literally 'ur just jelly :(((' on roids.
No. 103429
>>103424Most people value emotional intelligence, which is something that those with a self reported high I.Q or claim to be an intellectual, a scholar etc don't seem to have much of.
Being arrogant or ignorant of others feelings isn't going to win friends
No. 103437
>>103429The mindset you're describing is a huge problem. The concept of emotional intelligence is bullshit, social compatibility isn't divorced from any other mental capability.
You don't need to be shouting out big foreign phrases from a STEM textbook or having a one-sided discussion about global politics to form intelligent relationships with other people and you don't have to lead with a hug to build a personal relationships. The middle ground between the two shouldn't be a balancing act, but everybody's so uncomfortable with being anything other than polarized one way or the other unless they're with somebody really close like family or a partner.
No. 103441
>>103437The concept of emotional intelligence isn't "bullshit", funny how self proclai,ed intellectuals discount psychiatry or just general common sense human interaction. Being in a two sided relationship with someone, not being selfish or not understanding how youyr behaviour or words affect another all matter.
You practice emotional intelligence with every person you meet, it's not something that as you put should be oreserved to close relations.
No. 103470
>>103441Psychology hasn't been a historically exact science. A lot of published ideas were highly speculative and were developed to interpret mysterious data, in this case the high variability between traditionally tested intelligence and perceived intelligence. I'm not discrediting any particular field, just ideas that can't stand up to a light breeze.
Emotional intelligence is just feel good trash brought up to pat mentally self-deprecating people on the back. I'd have said the same thing if you'd brought up the very similar multi-faceted intelligence.
You're not using a separate brain with its' own distinct intelligence when you make a connection with somebody else, you're tapping into the same well with a slightly different bucket.
No. 103474
>>103427>>103429Not quoted anon but in regards to that post in particular I get what they mean, and you're warping it beyond recognition, either out of bias or dishonesty. But then again quoted anon also ignored important shit, and is clearly an example of high logical intelligence and low social skills.
The renaissance created a major, MAJOR cult of high cognition and to this day we are still taught to believe "intelligence" is the most valuable, most important virtue of all.
Current social dynamics and media teach us about geniuses and glorify them, implying they're superior in some way. So we learn to treat highly intelligent people as inherently conceited, and the only way we allow them to show us they aren't is if they act extremely humble about it (here's where quoted anon is a social retard). And when they aren't humble, we demand they prove themselves (since they're claiming almost sainthood).
Social intelligence is a stupid term created to make people feel better, but not because it's not important to be good at interacting with others. It's dumb because it abuses the already loose definition of 'intelligence' so it includes such a wide variety of skillsets it becomes and anti-concept. It means nothing. And this is only done so people don't feel bad for not having the most coveted impressive quality of all - "who cares about booksmarts, you're totes intelligent at other stuffs!"
I had a more fleshed explanation but it was long and I feel like this is already too long and none of you will read it anyway.
No. 105419
File: 1469963636043.jpg (283.47 KB, 1200x800, 2016-07-31_05.36.01.jpg)

What's it like to be happy.
No. 105553
File: 1470006912368.png (300.87 KB, 1200x800, 7-31-16.png)

No. 105566
File: 1470012478382.png (207.29 KB, 1200x800, moi.png)

oh wow i love talking about myself
No. 105578
File: 1470022705223.jpg (268.45 KB, 1400x933, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 105581
>>105553>>105566Muh niggas
Great taste in music and movies.
No. 105598
File: 1470043096633.jpg (252.76 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 105648
File: 1470051467491.jpg (23.13 KB, 337x372, 1466314493461.jpg)

giving away bf ticket, lasts forever
No. 105723
File: 1470079407535.png (118.52 KB, 1190x783, tfwnolife.png)

No. 105762
File: 1470097110233.png (135.2 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

here i am
No. 105769
File: 1470101471582.jpg (337.71 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

i tried.
No. 105777
File: 1470108360659.png (204.75 KB, 1200x800, Unbenannt-1.png)

No. 106454
File: 1470285862172.jpg (335.59 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 106455
>>106454Underage b&
You're really dumb putting your real age on there for someone so intelligent :^)
No. 106465
File: 1470318433437.jpg (139.73 KB, 950x550, stats.jpg)

sorry this is so bad i cant draw and i had to use some shitty online version of paint
No. 106563
File: 1470401358416.png (1.47 MB, 1711x2534, 1470194817650.png)

No. 106577
File: 1470405943273.png (34.56 KB, 1200x800, nitka.png)

Have it saved from another chan.
No. 106618
File: 1470429855881.jpg (293.57 KB, 1200x800, template.jpg)

No. 106641
>>106606I rarely have crush on people. Could say I have fear of intimacy.
>>106587*/>>106586Karachan still exist?
No. 106684
File: 1470461980561.jpg (227.03 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

i am not an interesting person at all
No. 106747
File: 1470513974189.png (255.34 KB, 1200x800, plsnobully.png)

No. 106767
File: 1470528176229.png (194.72 KB, 1200x800, oricorio.png)

For added fun, try and count all the memes!
No. 106775
File: 1470541721814.jpg (527.73 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184 copy.jpg)

Y did this take so long.
No. 107219
File: 1470900398774.jpg (119.28 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 107545
File: 1471301263587.png (238.59 KB, 1200x800, shit.png)

inb4 kill urself tranny/faget/emu
No. 108175
File: 1471913807374.png (76.28 KB, 1200x800, me2.png)

ignore the typos
>>101927hello fellow hue
No. 108192
File: 1471925353920.jpg (8.03 KB, 2000x1000, Flag_of_county_Dublin.jpg)

>>105597Republic reporting in
No. 109200
>>105777>>106577Forgot to mention OTGW in mine, I'm kinda obsessed with it.
>>108175Nice to see a conterranean, where are you from? Paraense here
No. 109228
File: 1472899014949.gif (57.29 KB, 357x200, gina1.gif)

No. 109241
>>109204>Feels kinda pathetic to do it hereit very much is
it's infinitely more if you're a guy
No. 109380
File: 1472967333211.jpg (263.94 KB, 1200x800, IWUNNAPLAYTOO.jpg)

I dunno how I feel, I'm pretty happy with the way I am despite being more or less of a Velociraptor.
No. 109413
>>109410If I want a gf, I'd go out and get one. A person in physical contact is much more interesting than what you can fit on a screen. There are qualities that aren't expressed through internet media that can be expressed here. To judge someone based on what they slap together in a jpg is as flat and 2 dimensional as your comment.
Also, dating from an imageboard site is dumb. Don't do it.
P.S You're just jealous you can't be a velociraptor.
No. 109426
File: 1473015349926.jpg (116.56 KB, 1200x800, ^DBB3AB1D70B835A8F2644493FD393…)

No. 110399
File: 1473907938977.jpg (203.01 KB, 1200x800, 1457558959184.jpg)

No. 320710
File: 1541447176813.jpg (316.12 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5389.JPG)

Here is mine made it a while ago so I'm 17 almost 18 now(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 377951
File: 1550875493407.jpg (525.79 KB, 1200x800, punished.jpg)

Make way for grandma