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No. 342250

Cheated on my boyfriend with some guy at school who I thought was going to stay with me, turns out he didnt, of course. Then eventually word got out because he told his friends, they told their friends blah blah. My boyfriend found out, he called me and said he was sad and disappointed, but that he wished me luck and goodbye. But.. now the entire school knows, its my senior year and people are weird with me now. Most of my friends have kind of stopped talking to me, and the other guy I wanted to date for a while (a different guy) acts weird and is always busy and never wants to hang out. No other guys seem interested either. I think I just ruined my reputation for life in this town, the fuck.. shit wasn't like this 5 years ago. what the fuck do i do.

No. 342251>>342252

No. 342252>>342253>>342255

oh look! another person who thinks posting on the farm means going thread to thread policing and posting links elsewhere!

fuck off mkey

No. 342253

Why the hell is this on /pt/, as it's own thread nonetheless. Do you know where you are or what this place is? Read the rules, lurk before posting and reconsider your life choices.

No. 342254

People will forget and move on and so will you. It's liberating to accept that people don't really care about you that much if you're not family/close friends. Learn the lesson and let it go, ho

No. 342255>>342256

just trying to help, why so bitter

No. 342256

youre retarded?

No. 342259

>what the fuck do i do.
Fuck off and kys, you absolute retard. Learn how to fucking post.

No. 342275

the dumbass thread has been reported, wether its a shitpost or you`re forreal I do hope you kys retard.

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