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No. 261462
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I've followed Paz De La Huerta for a while and she's shown strong past and present cow potential.
>Is famous for reoccurring role in Boardwalk Empire and being one of the women sexually assaulted by Harvey Weinstein >was fired from Boardwalk Empire for throwing her bloody tampon on the ground and asking a PA to pick it up>Was arrested for throwing a glass and punching someone in 2011 >tried to sue production company on her last big role for three times for $50 million because they used a different actress to provide narration dialogue and she claimed it ruined her career>claims a fall from being sideswiped by a car rear view mirror caused her to have over 40 back surgeriesMore recently:
>Has no means of income and doesn't act anymore but can afford to live in a nice apartment and wear designer clothes>ran out of monies for fillers from decent injectors >went through a psychic/great spiritual leader phase>Has recently learned how to ebeg, wasn't getting enough monies so she started calling out random people demanding they give her money >takes all her selfies from the same strange, unflattering angleInstagram: No. 261583
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Ariana Grande. Mostly because she recently got engaged to SNL's Pete Davidson after they've been publicly dating for like 3 months. They've been super public with their relationship (think Shoe0nhead/Armouredskeptic levels) and just bought a $16mil apartment together. They've gotten two pairs of matching tattoos, too.
He also fucked over Larry Davidson's daughter. I think he cheated on her?
Not to mention she's a serial cheater who happens to act like a 14 year old on Stan Twitter. She now frequently argues with her fans on there if they don't agree with her relationship.
>>261462Her makeup irrationally
triggers me. I hate the red lipstick with little to no eyeliner
No. 261618
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>>261583Wow he’s not the kind of guy I would’ve pictured her with at all. Kinda goofy looking
I’ve disliked her since she licked those donuts. Strikes me as an entitled brat
No. 261622
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>>261528even her 'good' pictures are…yeah
No. 261629
>>261618Really? To me its quite the opposite, she strikes me as the type of person to date weird, goofy but strangely cute looking guys, looks wise I feel hes a step up to Mac Miller.
>>261605I mean along with his problems and them being engaged after 3 months of dating its a no brainer that their relationship is probably not going to end well
No. 261633
>>261629I pictured her dating someone like The Weeknd. Someone in her field with similar sounds, style, and popularity.
Then again, I’m not a fan of hers. I just know her controversies and songs
No. 261699
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I tried to focus on the main aspects but that was very milky.
Ebegging dump 1
No. 261700
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No. 261701
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No. 261702
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Actual results
No. 261714
>>261583I think Pete's sort of cute in a dopey way but she's out of his league. I wasn't aware he had BPD but that's a red flag all on its own.
>>261702>0%lol rip. The only thing I've seen her in is that porno short film Nothing Personal and all I remember from it is how distractingly weird-looking she was lol.
No. 261740
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Azealia Banks!
>attacks pretty much everyone in the industry, is toxic towards other people
>uses bad (racist, homophobic…) slurs when fighting, always is over the top when attacking others
>is opportunistic as well, beguiles ppl she harassed before as soon as she sees an opportunity (e.g Nicki Minaj)
>is extremely self-righteous: always blames others, never herself
>reveals everything (vendettas, sex life, mental breakdowns, manic phases) on social media
>frequently announces big changes™, "forgiving everyone and being peaceful from now on", attacks ppl again 10 minutes later
>killed chicken in her closet to sacrifice them
>once visited a party without pants, has weird outfit choices in general (what's going on with her nipples in "Anna Wintour"?)
>insists on being misunderstood and a misjudged genius these days, is very smug about being educated after giving one lengthy, well-received interview (and nope, her intellect is not extraordinary)
I used to be her fan, but I just can't take her seriously anymore. Even her music reflects her madness these days; her overdone singing parts in AW really fit (it's still a bop, though). Newest gossip: She met up with Grimes this week and, according to AB's Instagram, got drunk while working with her. She deleted those posts afterwards and didn't mention Grimes again lol
No. 261771
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It's so bad.
No. 261785
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>>261771Healthy and not objectifying at all
No. 261786
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No. 261800
>>261794And he
just got his tattoos of his ex covered up.
I think he’s fairly funny in a frat boy type of way at least for SNL
No. 261825
>>261803I don't feel bad for her at all.
She talked about Mac being the love of her life and their future together up until APRIL 20TH and then the engagement to Pete came out BEGINNING OF JUNE.
She cheated on him and she deserves everything bad this relationship brings her from here on out.
Poor Cazzie and Mac.
No. 261853
>>261618They look like they could be brother and sister. Gross.
>>261583Don't forget Ariana talking shit about her fans and calling them names in the elevator. She's for sure a cunt.
No. 261862
>>261740kek'd at
>killed chicken in her closet to sacrifice themjust being casually thrown in there. I remember when that happened, I thought my brother was pranking me when he read the headline.
>>261771holy shit she actually does talk like Shoe.
No. 261868
>>261853I was SO sure Ariana was a little bitch.
I hate how people portray her as a beautiful angel when she's a two faced wigga hoe
No. 261928
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Frankie is starting to seem like the stable sibling.
No. 261945
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>>261622>>261622She was pretty when she was really young, before the insane amount of poorly thought out out fillers and surgeries It's sad but I feel like she couldn't accept being a willowy classic beauty, she had to be porn star chic. She also has horrible scarring on her breast from a tumor since early age which probably ruined her self-esteem.
No. 261957
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>>261956He had veneers done all because of a small gap
No. 261959
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>>261957Meant to reply to
>>261955Here's a better pic of his teeth for good measure
No. 261972
>>261825She cheats on all of her exes. This relationship will eventually go down in flames too.
Also Pete's voice is weird. It's a minor complaint but wtf
No. 261984
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I'm most triggered by the old lady perm. Just that makes her look 10 years older …
No. 261999
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Brought up in the art salt thread, but Emerson Barrett Kropp of Palaye Royale. I dig the music, but
>pretentious and patronizing and his art is mediocre at best.
>for some reason girls swoon over his weird, alien, lopsided face.
>instagram caption abuse with his “deep” and “philosophical” thoughts. Fun drinking game: take a shot every time he mentions “metaphysical thoughts” without actually understanding what metaphysics is.
>his band charging ridiculous prices for merch. $20 for a four-inch patch
>dresses like a damn fool
>he and his brothers produce “Royal Television” which is a really long YouTube series of them doing basically nothing and filming it
>pals with Bella Thorne so I’m waiting for the coke addiction to show up any day now
He and his brothers seem to run with a lot of cow or borderline cow people in general. They’re newer to music scene, but I’m just waiting for one of then to fuck up big time and cement cow status. My money’s on Emerson.
No. 262018
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>>261984She literally looks like a guy in this one. Like a transgender prostitute.
Googling her I found exactly one picture in which she looks good and it's 9 years old. Wow.
No. 262113
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>>261583>>262091she's so obviously underweight and has hinted at being ana chan before. i really do believe she had an ED, the media/PR pretended that she looks healthy and she's just "tiny teeehee" as if its not harder to look thin when you're super short. the whole vegan excuse for dramatic weight loss is the oldest one in the books. also her hair got thinner and people use "its her ponytail!" theory but lbr its probably the "she's malnourished". now she always has her hair in so many extensions to hide it and wears a lot of sweaters/loose dresses to hide her figure, unless its a photoshoot or a music video than can easily be altered. according to the internet she's like a 19 bmi but, as a similar height i can tell you she clearly isn't lmao.
now after the manchester thing. i feel for her. imagine the mental stress that people getting
murdered at your concert must have caused her. a fucking 8 year old fan died. that's so fucked up i don't think she's ever going to be the same.
add that "20 people died because of you" ptsd with her ana chan tendencies, her erratic dating and cheating tendencies, and you have an absolute mess of an era with her getting married to someone as destructive as her. i actually like her music but seems like dangerous woman is gonna be her last good album/era/looks/everything. now she has shit music, shit looks, and a shit mental state probably
No. 262115
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>>262113another shit quality picture but not as old
not saying she's precisely ana chan or still is, but she def looks underweight to me.
No. 262120
>>262113I just remembered she also wore that red string bracelet that was a trend among proana Tumblr users, and claimed it was something Kabbalah related. This was back in the My Everything days, I think. Personally, all the signs add up to an ED. I dunno if she's proana anymore, but she's probably restricting like hell still.
And yeah, that and her self-confirmed anxiety on top of the Manchester trauma make a really bad combo. It doesn't help that she's surrounded by yes-men, too (like the four or five other people who also got matching tattoos with her and Pete).
No. 262126
>>262113traction alopecia is definitely responsible for the hairloss around her hairline. it's pretty textbook for someone who wears extensions and tight ponytails 24/7. but she's definitely underweight. your sternum doesn't show so prominently when you're at a healthy BMI.
i feel bad for her about the manchester thing, that's definitely traumatic and i'm sure she legitimately does have PTSD from it. but she sounds like a bitch otherwise.
No. 262127
>>262113THIS. spot on,anon.
only my opinion but I feel like fame fucks people up in general. The whole Manchester thing + her huge following… Wouldn't want to be in her shoes at all tbh.
No. 262409
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>>262193Me too! I felt so bad because I hated her in Kickass and she was just a damn kid. Idk what’s wrong with me kek I seriously wanted to punch her for the entire movie
No. 262410
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>>261618>>261789>>261800>>261957>>261959Up until recently I had always thought Pete was some really lightskinned mulatto, to my suprise he wasn't black at all. For somme reason he reminded me of Dvae Chapelle in whiteface from his news anchor skits.
Even then something else about his appearence seemed familiar, then it finally came to me. He literally looks like Mr. Fuccon from The Fuccons/Oh Mikey! shorts!
Polite sage for not really contributing to the thread.
No. 262430
>>261785She goes on some huge ass rant about how women aren’t prizes or objects then dates a fucktard who talks about her like this?
But imo the part of all of this is she’s obviously paying for everything, he’s been on snl for a hot minute like he could afford a $100 000 Ring or be able to chip in for a 16 million dollar apartment.
I can’t wait to watch this relationship burn out.
No. 262432
>>262430Out of all the complaints about these two this one is the most bizarre.
How many guys make more than their girlfriends and no one bats an eye? Does she HAVE to go for someone as rich as her? Or do you always rate a relationship on how much each person spends? wtf
No. 262443
>>262439i don't understand why people hate bandwagon on some poor 14yo girl
the faggot memes were so distasteful.. i also find it funny that when the shitty people who made these memes were called out, they turned self victimizing literally having no remorse about potentially ruining the public image of a child
No. 262447
>>262443It was straight up cruel. A bunch of adults harassing a little kid and defending it because ‘it’s just a prank bro’
People expect far too much of child actors. Of course they’re going to be annoying and sometimes silly and sometimes stupid. They’re 14. They’re supposed to be stupid and annoying because that’s where they’re at developmentally.
No. 262450
>>262447Wait what happened? I don’t follow the drama of preteens/teens as a general rule but adults harassing a kid is actually fucked.
I feel for
>>262439 cause I’m
>>262409. Irrational hate of child actors is a bitch. I don’t get disliking them as an actual person. But god damn I wanted her Kickass character to stfu. Obviously I didn’t harass her about it though, reminds me of that poor Star Wars prequel kid.
No. 262549
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>>262546The original joke was pretty funny in making fun of that happened style stories, and obviously lying SJW were the punchline, not Millie
No. 262551
>>262546I totally agree anon, I'm
>>262439 and I wrote that kind of harshly without thinking, sorry for sounding like a bitch. Of course shes a kid, but I feel from watching interviews that she let it get to her head, and the other kids from the cast are obnoxious too. but I'm so annoyed when stumbling upon insta videos, the way she talks just screams "full of herself"
But tbh she's so young and so famous it's not that surprising.
(I thought she had disabled comments because of the creeps, not trolls, wtf)
No. 262580
>>262578she used to say she was half black and biracial now we know her dad is biracial so she's only 1/4 black lol.
her lying about being homeless is definitely cow worthy
No. 262582
>>262551It's fine; I understand being annoyed at her because I was too but then I remember being really cringy at her age and the fact she has so much fame and the internet to broadcast her weird moments makes her alot worst than it seem.
I just hope the best for her. Because it's always uncertain when it comes to child actors because they can hit a certain age and be forgotten so quickly.
Same thing happen with Chloe Motez and I used to hate her too until recently.
No. 262587
>>262582Well yeah to be fair it probably has to do with how idolized she is on internet too.
And good point, didn't think about that. Child actors can get pretty fucked up, that and growing up with so many predators easily brews disasters later on.
No. 262589
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Anyone want to do Manson? There was info/discussion on him and his milk in the Lilith Levisis thread for a while but I don't know enough to do it myself not a fan.
No. 262599
>>262589well he's definitely milky and fucked up but is there enough to build a whole thread ? Genuine question cuz the worst thing I can think of is when he punched John 5 on stage for no reason but it's frow a while back
the most recent thing I heard was this (see the link, also u should probs watch it at higher speed, guy is too slow)
No. 262602
>>262587I think the internet in general idolized the whole entire ST cast because of how the media pushes them to be portray as 'mature' for their ages. Though I still think things are getting better for child actors in the industry because of how people are more aware of how fuck their well being can get for them constantly having to deal with fame.
I still remember the shitstorm that came when Finn got hit on that 27yo model and she rightfully got shit for it.
No. 262611
>>262602depends imo, the constant internet ovation they get over breathing can get detrimental bc of the constant eye the public keeps on them.
Having to deal with so much pressure is probably really hard tbh
But I agree, the industry as a whole got better. It's still exploitative af and far from perfect, but we probably won't see another Judy Garland case (smoking so she stays thinner etc) or Judith Barsi.(as in, with today's avid watchers her levels of stress could've been noticed and investigated, and she could have been taken from her abusive dad in time)
(saged for weird comparison)
No. 262646
>>262580Really? I know people who are a quarter black can definitely look it but she looks super white.
I’m not denying that she’s mixed race, but
given how white she looks, she probably doesn’t experience much racism, if any.
No. 262679
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>>262658Didn't she straighten her hair a lot though? So to someone who doesn't know her she would appear completely white. I understand that she might have done that to fit in but her biggest race struggle growing up was now knowing if she should have listened to TLC or Britney Spears. The most black thing about her is that her nipples are brown. She just tries too hard to show everyone that she's black but at the end of the day she looks like any other white person and she has never experienced life the way a black person did so I don't know why she keeps calling herself a black women. Unless she's talking about stereotypes associated with black women but you would think that someone as sjw as her would be against racial stereotypes.
While her hair is extremely curly it doesn't struck me as black curly hair either. I've seen white people with equel curly hair.
No. 262684
>>262658>not white enough to hang out with the white people She hung out with white people exclusively in HS. is not biracial or anywhere near black. She just has a little drop more of black in her than the typical American Euromutt. She has absolutely no claim to black culture, and any sane person would laugh her out of the room if she claimed to be the victim of anti-black racism.
If she's black because of her half-black parent, Obama's daughters are white because of their half-white parent.
No. 262820
>>262756Cool. Doesn't change the fact that she has never
and won't ever experience anti-black racism.
No. 262857
>>262679You’re all fucking stupid.
She’s mixed race. What is it with Americans and race? It’s simple. One black and one white parent creates a mixed race person. She just looks more light and it can happen.
Zendaya… AGAIN. Same mix but looks darker. She’s beautiful won’t lie.
Both are mixed.
end of jesus
No. 262860
>>262857She doesn't have one black parent, stupid. She has one parent that had one black parent. 75% white, <25% black.
It doesn't matter if she's technically mixed, she
looks 100% white.
No. 262877
>>262857Siblings can inherit completely different genes from parents than other siblings do. When genes get divided out they're reshuffled, can create new variations and pigments such as eye and hair colour. Heck some people end up more resembling a different blood relative such as an uncle or grandmother more than their parents because of the way genes are divided and passed on.
Snoop Dogg has more European ancestry than Charles Barkley. Racism is a term to describe discrimination on skin colour, Halsey is white. Zendaya has a much more noticeable darker complexion in comparison. So weird how race gets treated as binary but 700 genders are up for grabs.
No. 262878
>>262877There's theories that the Neanderthals from Europe that breed with Homo Sapiens introduced the lighter pigmentation. Homo Erectus is the human species that has lived longest on earth and we overlapped with them too. They're from Asia and were extremely intelligent and more docile.
There have been many other human species before us and our species has been in contact and wiped out most. Homo Sapiens are destructive. I think if we were able to map the genomes of other human species we'd find a hell of a lot shared DNA. The concept that the colour of our skin can be used as some type of arbitrary judging factor of the potential of a person is ridiculous and insulting.
No. 263058
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>>262878Nayrt buy I read a theory once that said akin pigmentation was derm 8i need by geographic location, and people with paler skin are from higher altitudes and mountain ranges where its dark more often than in warmer areas, so their skin became lighter to absorb more vitamin d from the sun. I also read that may be why white people less often have lactose intolerance, because the ability to drink milk/eat dairy as an adult allowed for more calcium in their diet. Sage for ot and nobody probably cares.
No. 263185
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Lindsay Lohan. Her current Muslim phase is Miranda Constable-tier.
No. 263236
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>>263185 Too much purging, drugs, starving, etc. but that is also a terrible photo. She looks strange and a lil pudgy on her belly but not so deformed
No. 263240
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He's not extremely famous but I can't stand him. He and his wife call their relationship queer despite them being a man and a woman aka a heterosexual relationship. His wife even claims that she's a lesbian.
No. 263255
>>263185Despite drug addled behavior and such I'm convinced after watching her trainwreck reality TV series that her main issues is with alcohol. She couldnt even be half assed to hide bottles of wine in the bg of her self film sessions despite claiming she was going to AA.
She looks like a typical functional alcoholic entering middle age.
No. 263273
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>>263240I've spotted this guy around. Had no idea he had a wife? It looks like he just figured out how to get 10x the attention and money, because he's good looking, from the gay community, instead of just being a mediocre actor.
from his insta:
>“I’m stuck in a really interesting place right now in my own education and journey and it’s something that I work on every day, but it’s exciting. It’s
explorative. My fluidity far transcends my sexuality and my gender identity.
It’s everything I am, and every–thing I stand for. It even saddens me that
we’re in this place in the world that we have to fight for these things right
now. I think really with social media and the interconnectivity of all of us, we are able to talk about it and find our tribe in a way that hasn’t really existed before and that is so beautiful. We’re living in the last generation that will ever know what life was like before the Internet, which is fucking crazy to
think about. The exponential rate at which we’re moving towards this
singularity is so magical but so crazy. I think gender and sexuality are just
part of that.”
try hard. what a cow.
No. 263280
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>>263273I checked his instagram and he's so flicking pretentious and full of himself. He's not breaking anything just because he wears dresses sometimes.
No. 263693
>>263185>>263236who the hell wears a bathing suit like that when your boobs obviously need more support.
A supporting bikini would've been so much better despite showing the little bit of pudge.
No. 263934
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>>263240Funny you should post him so soon after Lindsay. He's fucking insufferable, as other anons have said.
No. 264225
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>pretty lil thing holds her own in a room of men in suits ♡
if she were an internet celeb instead of a traditional celeb she would def have her own thread here
No. 264228
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>>264225She's so embarrassingly full of herself.
Her character is super cute tho.
No. 264299
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>>264279Except she posted this BEFORE Manchester. This has nothing to do with the attack, it's literally just what she's like.
>#cute #butalso #CEOCringe.
No. 264300
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>>264299Girl has been annoying long before Manchester. I feel bad for her when it comes to that incident but otherwise….
Pictured: promise me u won't buy weed uwu~
No. 264307
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Nicki Minaj. She's always bragging about her accomplishments. That doesn't sound bad on paper but she comes across as incredibly insecure in actuality. She recently had a meltdown over some girl's completely benign tweet. she supports her pedo brother.
No. 264339
>>262860Yeah to an eurofag like myself I find the american "my great grandmother was half black so that makes me black" mindset retarded, Zendaya looks 100% white to me. Just with a slightly darker complex similar to mediterraneans.
>>264307jesus christ this narcissistic hoe is insufferable. She's gotten a ton of plastic surgery done and flaunts her achievements every chance she gets, acts like a racist bitch and spits on everyone else despite her music being so goddamn bad.
No. 264342
>>264339As an American myself, I don’t deny our racial politics and identity can be retarded but Zendaya does look pretty mixed to me. She’s darker than your average Mediterranean, at least.
>>264340I find Taylor Swift to be annoying and overrated but I also think the criticism against her is too much as well. As much as I hate saying this, I honestly think it’s because she’s this “basic” white girl, people see her as an easy target. I also agree about the double standards with Kanye but at least he got a lot of backlash when he interrupted her at the MTV movie awards (and rightfully so).
And God, I hate Chris Brown so much. The fact that he still has a decent career after beating the shit out of Rihanna and still has a huge victim complex over it enrages me.
No. 264364
>>264352What are you talking about?? Nobody would have a problem with her being
petite (read: actually just short af) if she wouldn't act so "uwu I'm such a sm0l child teehee"…
It would be the same as some VS model using the caption "so tall and skinny in a room full of average people" - that's simply obnoxious.
Am I replying to bait?
No. 264368
So talented.
No. 264369
>>264353Yeah, because your entire ribcage poking out like this
>>262115 is so healthy and normal. Also the legs:
>>262113Inb4 "ur just a jelly fatty uwu" I don't give a shit, anyone who isn't an ana-chan too can clearly see she starves herself to stay so thin.
No. 264391
>>262113I have thought she was anachan since the donut saga. My tinfoil is that she projects her unhealthy relationship to food into others and redirects her self hate towards others. Her statement after the incident reflects this IMO
>"food is very important to me and I sometimes get upset by how freely we as Americans eat and consume things without giving any thought to the consequences that it has on our health and society as a whole"So its tl;dr "Americans are gross fatties who eat donuts and it disgusts me"
No. 264404
>>264369I'm literally that thin and I don't starve myself or anything. people here need a reality check.
>>264391but like… Americans ARE gross fatties
No. 264405
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>>264404If you’re so thin your rib cage is showing, you need to do targeted workouts on the area to build muscle. You can be slim without being bones. Considering she has all the time and money for a personal trainer, her being so slim
is a choice. She could be fit instead.
No. 264406
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>>264405*is showing to an extreme
Not just showing, my mistake
No. 264407
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>>264404Sure, but Ariana likely isn't that small naturally like some people. Before becoming a pop star she didn't look petite, she just looked like a normal girl
And if she hates gross American fatties so much, then maybe don't go into a donut shop? Just a thought.
No one forced her inside the bakery filled with gluttonous food
No. 264412
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>>264408No, hers show basically always. Google it, I don’t want to spam with pictures of her
No. 264416
>>264414>>264405Like the other anon said, if you're posing like that your ribs are going to show if you're reasonably thin.
>you NEED to change your body if you're thin this is ridiculous. If she exists like that in her normal state then it's okay. I'm just saying that she doesn't necessarily starve herself to look like that. relax.
>>264407her frame actually looks like it's more suited to being thin. some people naturally have a frame that looks better when it's fatter.
>don't go into a donut shop >implying that the two choices are "be a fatass" and "never eat donuts ever". you guys are like cartoons
>>264412>>264414these are rib-showing poses again
No. 264419
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>>264416>is just the pose!!! Has literal photos of her skeletal chest itt
If every pose makes you look malnourished, and you used to look fine before you became famous, I doubt it’s “natural”
No. 264425
>>264417/??? her collarbones are showing, that's true for a lot of people who aren't anachan.
>>264419you thinking that that's "skeletal" basically confirms you're a fatty.
>used to look fine No, she looked chubby. it didn't look right with her frame.
If you look at someone like Rihanna, she looks good when she's chubbier. She didn't look good when she was skinny.
No. 264426
>>264307Everyone forgetting that Nicki Minaj went bowling with her rapist brother (who raped his prepubescent step-daughter) after their family bailed him out with her own money is fucked up.
>>264405>>264412Ribs are going to show in these poses for many people who are just average weight, but it's pretty freaky to see such low body fat to the point you can see the skin wrapping around cartilage and that much caving inwards unless it's someone doing stomach vacuums or sucking in. It's not like she's doing yoga or hyperextending–she's just got her arms above her head and arching her spine.
That much rib showing is natural for some people, but Ariana's not someone who is waify from a naturally low appetite. Considering her weight loss, hair fall out, and how much she plays up being tiny, it's more likely she's got disordered eating in one way or another.
No. 264439
>>262423Ariana seemed a little more genuine in her Victorious days. She was still kinda cringey but she wasn’t kekworthy than as is she is now. I guess this is what fame has done to her.
Her vocals also seem to be on a decline. I’m not an expert of singing/vocal techniques but there seems to be s dofference between her voice before and now.
No. 264443
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>>264425>thinking Ariana was ever chubby The left is before. She was a normal weight
No. 264444
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>>264425>She didn't look good when she was skinny.Uh..
No. 264450
>>261937I always thought they went a bit oot with her characterization on Boardwalk Empire, but now I think they wrote that role specifically for her. She has a seriously punchable face.
Also I checked her Wikipedia page out of curiosity, and I was surprised to learn that her father is apparently a Spanish duke.
No. 264451
>>264448That's edamame, which still isn't a lot, personally.
Also she got a tattoo that matches Davidson's, which is in remembrance of his dad. This would be cute if they've been dating for longer than a few months and if she actually met his dad. It's just weird in this context.
>Eagle-eyed fans have noticed the singer has the number 8418 inked on her foot; it is the badge number of New York firefighter Scott Davidson, who died during the terror attacks on September 11 2001.
>reformatting a post because of annoying repetitive phrases No. 264452
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>>264451Til thanks, I’ve never heard of that before and her meal looks exactly like sugar snap peas to me.
On another topic, I feel like Demi Lavato is a cow. Her “documentary” keeps popping up on YouTube ads and I’m wondering if any anons have seen it?
No. 264472
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>>264452Haven’t heard of a documentary about her coming out until now. I just know that she’s a huge hypocrite who’s really rude to her fans. Oh, and she also admitted that one of her “funniest pranks” was getting a prostitute to sexually harrass her friend.
No. 264473
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>>264307Nicki is over. She never recovered from Shether. She's supposedly "living her best life" and "being kween" yet she's out here writing dissertations to nobodies on twitter while on vacation. She's insecure and it shows. She pushed her album back twice and bombed her BET awards performance. She looked like a rotisserie chicken when she was on that pony. She needs to lay off the fat transfers because she's starting to look matronly, out here shaped like Aunt Jemima. And her hair stylist has been asleep at the wheel for some time. Chun-Li is one of the worst songs ever produced. The beat sounds like a depressed elephant.
No. 264478
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>>264475Kek is this bait or a troll? If you genuinely think this is fat, I feel really bad for you.
No. 264483
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>>264479>how the fuck does stuff like this just fly under the radar?Easy. She’s famous and her friend is an irrelevant dude. People also feel sorry for her because she’s talked about being hooked on drugs before and recovering (even though there are rumors out there that she’s lying about being sober).
She also deleted that tweet by the way and responded to criticisms with a shameless plug for her music and a non-apology.
No. 264485
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>>264484>sorry if YOU reacted to my bullshitCow confirmed
No. 264486
>>264483jesus. she’s the fucking worst. cognitive dissonance to the max, she needs to understand that just because she’s been sexually abused it doesn’t mean she’s incapable of doing it to someone else or being part of the problem.
low key kinda hope she just fucks off into drug-addled obscurity and keeps her fat ass out of the spotlight, just another irrelevant ex disney mess. the fact that people will still stan for someone like this is fucked, i hope they grow out of that.
No. 264498
>sHe SaCrifiCed ChiCkEnS!!!>eats hormone riddled factory slaughtered McChickens on the dailythe amount of fake outrage over that incident.
Troll on azealia troll on
No. 264521
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>>264520So much this! It was bizarre to see her on social media like this, same goes for her parading around without pants. That's what I meant when I wrote that she reveals everything on social media. I don't think it's normal to kill chicken in your closet, but hey, you do you, boo. However, discussing this on your Instagram account AND sharing pics of it shows that you're delusional. Her talking about her man's dick and things like that is pretty similar (not that bizarre though). I think she probably didn't really have a team for a long time and now, they still don't seem to know what they are doing. Her PR is horrible and I cringe every time I read her posts.
>>264473Wouldn't put it like that because I am a fan, but I also thought she looked… weird… at BET awards. And it's true; she really seems insecure most of the time. It especially shows in her non-choreographed Instagram face filter clips. Those make me really aggressive as she keeps fixing her hair in those and is always busy with checking her looks.
>The beat sounds like a depressed elephant.I kek'd
No. 264523
>>264520I don't get all the Azaelia stans on here, she's objectively nuts, and the chicken closet is objectively disgusting. Even if you don't care about her casually slaughtering chickens, she was literally killing them in her house? And…not even cleaning up? What?? You stan this mess? lmao.
>>264483She also was (is?) a cutter etc. I kind of like her music but she's such a wreck. I have no idea what would inspire a #metoo abuse survivor to talk about a guy being groped without his consent like it's a funny prank.
No. 264546
>>264369 and oops, I guess I meant sternum not ribcage, English is not my first language. My bad. I know well that ribs will show up on pretty much anyone even at normal weight if they stretch their arms up and arch their back a little, like here
>>264417 >>264419 this kind of sternum you literally only see on either a) sickly, frail old ladies or b) anas. Yeesh, that chest and shoulder area IS skeletal. Also lmao
>>264448 what sane person calls a box of edamame a dinner. Especially after doing a show. This is some Fit Vegan Ginger shit.
However her being the ana is not the main issue, it's the pedobait uwu smol Lolita act and how cunty she actually is irl behind that cutesy facade that REALLY makes her a cow.
No. 264549
>>264546At the risk of sounding like a 32”-waist-chan, her upper body looks a lot like mine and I’m definitely not ana. My upper body just doesn’t hold onto fat and it all goes to my lower abdomen, hips and thighs instead (+ I have no upper body muscle). Not everyone with a visible sternum is emaciated, different people have different fat distribution.
This particular person might be ana though, idk. I also agree that she’s pretty obnoxious from the little I’ve seen of her.
No. 264555
>>264549>My upper body just doesn’t hold onto fatOk that’s nice but she’s not always looked like this which is the point.
>>264523Even as a vegetarian, the “not cleaning it up” part is the worst for me. How sick must you be to not mind the smell or presence of rotting blood. Gag.
No. 264605
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>>264578i trust what she says on twitter more than those guessing game height estimations. majority of the time, they're off.
No. 264606
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>>264605samefag but kek, no wonder those height reports are saying she's 5'0, she's a fucking shoe0nhead 2.0, magically going backwards in height the more she obsesses with being tiny. i think it's more likely she's the height she claimed to be before she had an obsession with being a loli thot
No. 264635
>>264631Where I come from being under 5 ft legit counts as disability and you're not allowed to drive unless their changing your car, so that your short legs can reach properly lol
Not sure what's she finds so great about that…
No. 264637
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>>264631>>264631i dont think 5'3 is dwarfism. it's only one inch below average. more like she knows she looks young, bodily and facially, and wants to capitalize fully on that by playing up the uwu tiny girl image for gross men. she lies about her foot size too. she claims to be a 6 and says the same shit "theyre just tiny uwu" but they look pretty big relative to her height, and larger than a 6 for sure
No. 264639
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>>264631Nah just pedo-bait trying to capitalize on the freak fans she picked up while working for Disney
No. 264644
>>264444that anon probably thinks this is chubby.
(nice quads)
No. 264659
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Pete stated that Ariana was more famous than Britney Spears because "Britney Spears didn’t have a terrorist attack at her concert".
wew. let's see how this turns out.
No. 264700
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See, this is an example of why I feel so grossed out about the way she acts. Like wtf it's that face with that pose? all innocent but also im a thot fuck me. It's creepy tbh
No. 264703
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this is her with taylor swift who is only 3 years older than her, and she is acting like a goddamn toddler.
sage for samefag and cause im basically just raging at her pedobait
No. 264706
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>>264700God that’s her go to look
I also think it’s fucking insane she only let people take photos of one side for years.
No. 264707
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>>264706Also her school girl shtick is icky imo.
No. 264709
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>>264700Her first album cover was super creepy. She had to change it to something more normal due to fan backlash.
No. 264717
>>264709Yuck, but I'm loving the discussion on ~*Baby Ari*~. For some reason, it doesn't look like this was shot for female 10-35 fans lol.
Also I really wish someone would come forth with receipts about the timeline of her and Pete's relationship!! NY Mag and other outlets have made articles kinda alluding that Pete cheated with Ariana.
Also her ring is not well-designed imo.
No. 264726
>>264724She def has a lot of younger fans, just look at her Twitter/Insta replies. I assume most of those bratty accounts are run by 14 year olds.
But yeah, she wouldn't have made it as far without the Nickelodeon loli shtick. I think the whole ~next Mariah Carey~ angle helped her a bunch as well, though at least her team had the sense to drop that early on.
I wonder how long she can keep being cutesy. She's 25, which isn't old by any means, but it's too old to be acting like this.
No. 264746
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>>264745>all those stupid fucking tattoos, too…he probably thinks he has the deal sealed.Surely he's not that stupid. He got a tattoo for Larry David's daughter when they were dating and look how that ended…
No. 264773
>>264747imagine dating a guy who did this… an UGLY guy who did this… ariana get some therapy girl it was not your fault we promise.
>>264744there have been rumors of ariana cheating since forever. i remember hearing that the weekend's the hills is about sleeping with ariana (when he dated mac miller i think). i didn't believe it at first but all these rumours have popped through the years like, there has to be a reason why. ariana sleeping with a guy in a relationship (maybe even she was in a relationship too) would not surprise me.
No. 264775
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>>264709>>264723man, that really puts it to perspective uh?
miley was naked showing her tongue out after disney. but somehow ariana after nick dressing as a nymphet seems more fucked up to me. she's just, she looks too legit in the underage and underweight uwu getup, i get the creeps
>>264707 No. 264776
>>264775Even if Miley used cutesy imagery she always looked like a woman, so that's probably why it didn't weird us out.
On the topic of Miley why did you guys thought of her baby talk video? I kinda unironically liked it. Only because the lyrics are clearly about being sick of a dude treating you like a little girl and baby talking to you.
No. 264780
>>264776you know she clearly did the dumb full grown baby costume as a joke because it's a sarcastic tongue-in-cheek song.. and the people who have legit baby and diapers fetishes probably still liked it for all the wrong reasons. when she's clearly mocking the idea. oh man. its like reverse melanie martinez too.
hey, its probably ariana's favorite miley song too!
No. 264814
>>264724Do older men really like her that much though? I'm the first to acknowledge that men are obsessed with young girls and think old pervs are disgusting, but I've never got the impression she's particularly popular with men or they make up a significant part of her fanbase. I don't really see regular guys talking about how hot she is either. I'm sure they would say she is if asked, but they seem to focus their attention on other girls.
Actually I just don't think men are inclined to be fans of female pop artists no matter how they look. When they want their fix of hot young girls they go with actresses.
No. 264822
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>>264818Really? She looks a lot better when she's not pulling the loli shit. Her ~teenage attire~ always looks rather dated.
No. 264853
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>>264826Thought she was mexican in side to side tbh
No. 264904
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Anyone interested in Lily-Rose Depp? I don't think she has public milk, but girl seems to be balding. She's had her hair up in all photos this summer, and wasn't invited to walk in Chanel. Vanessa is so much more beautiful imo.
No. 264917
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>>264776I loved it. It’s like “you want to infantalize me as a grown woman with stupid baby talk? Fine, then I’m going to creep you the fuck out and show you how weird you’re being.” It felt very intentional and sassy. If it was anyone else, I’d be like “wtf” but with Miley it just like “oh ok she’s making a point and being a bit of a sarcastic brat.”
But maybe I’m just biased. I went through a hate phase with Miley when she was doing Bangers. Then I realized she’s just doing her thing. Plus I like how she walks her talk. She’s all about ~women supporting women~ and when Selena was getting shit (someone the press pitted against her since they were teens) she was the first one to be like “nah she’s hot.” I appreciate that. Plus she scored the hottest partner of all the Disney/Nick kids. Shame about her shit tattoos and how terrible Hannah Montanna was. I really don’t mind Miley. I think she’s just a no-bullshit young woman doing her thing, getting high, and doing yoga. Not much to hate really.
No. 264918
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>>264904Those cankles. Damn. And her face is kinda mediocre considering how beautiful her mom used to be.
Johnny and Vanessa have such gorgeous bone structures that I expected their daughter to be some sort of otherworldly goddess, kek.
No. 264933
>>264927haha yeah let's talk shit about johnny depp
i hate him
No. 264937
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>>264933perfect example of how "men age like wine" is absolute bullshit.
No. 264938
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>>264937Does he even shower anymore? He was so cute when he did the Oprah show.
>TFW you wed a mega cutie and end up with en alcoholic coke head uggo who's friend with mega trash like Marilyn Manson No. 264954
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>>264952Leonardo is another good example of a pretty dude who lost his look extremely quick.
We need to end the "men age like fine wine" meme.
No. 264969
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>>264959Another contender
No. 264971
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>>264959Anyone who disagrees can fght me. Bonus points for being a crazy Scientologist
No. 265044
>>264904She's really beautiful to me. Sadly she suddenly got into the spotlight at a young age and it affected her body, so imho she should go low profile for a while until she heals and learns to handle it.
Who cares about her cankles, there are even runway models with them.
>>264933I never liked him tbh. Never saw the appeal, at all
No. 265110
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I'm so glad you all are talking about Ariana Grande being a cow. I do think she's a beautiful girl but I really wish her stylists would do some new hair and outfit styles on her.
Also I noticed pic related as of recently. Stop it Ariana
I think all in all she's an abused person and I feel bad for her. The kid's network industry and all the pervs that come with it really fucked her life up. You can google and see how much suggestive shit she was made to do on camera in her Nickelodeon days. And that's documented…imagine what else she prob had to do. Imagine your family selling you and your body out at such a young age. And then she had the bombing in Manchester which I'm sure traumatized her further. Idk I'm rambling at this point
No. 265116
>>265110lol is she using bangs to hide her traction alopecia now? girl, just quit with the fucking ponytails. that shit is forever.
i agree she's just another casualty in a long line of abused child actors, but i think her insufferable personality is all her.
No. 265126
i was a fan of ariana's music but this
>>264225 shit right here is gonna make me unstan
No. 265130
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Does anyone have any idea why she continues with the high ponytails?? She has access to world-class stylists.
Speaking of stylists I wanna sperg about her outfits that are all the same. Does anyone else care?
No. 265132
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>>265128>>265130She said in an interview in like 2014 that her hair was destroyed from dyeing it red for that nickelodeon show and thats why she started wearing it in a ponytail, dunno why she continues to do so though in 2018.
No. 265143
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She sounds insufferable and delusional. I think she's snorting a bunch of coke tbh. No. 265153
File: 1530682334405.png (180.4 KB, 747x539, Untitled.png)

fucking barf
No. 265160
>>265132sage for kind of off topic but damn I was rewatching old Nick shows and Ariana was fucking horrible. Drake & Josh and iCarly are somewhat rewatchable but Victorious is bad especially because of Ariana…
>>265153spumoni is like a type of neopolitan ice cream but the emojis are just…ariana blease, tmi
No. 265172
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>>265151samefag but i found the pic and shes just naturally hairy. she has a lot of terminal hair on her cheek near her mouth. i know shes annoying and self obsessed but ngl id feel so shitty about myself if i had this much facial hair on my cheeks. not that it's abnormal, but i would feel too self conscious about myself to be as conceited as she is. i think that's kind of cool that she doesnt care enough for it to deter her from thinking she's the shit or whatever. props to her for that.
No. 265182
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>>265172Wtf. She can afford to get that taken care of.
Agreeing with those who say she’s way better looking with her hair down. Ironic she’s putting her scalp through hell and losing hair just to look worse.
No. 265190
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>>265186Can’t you just pluck like eyebrow hair?
Idk what they did to her for British vogue but she looks a million times better. She should fire her stylist
No. 265199
>>265190Plucking somthing like
>>265172 would probably hurt a lot but yeah, he could.
>>265192That's good to know, now I'm actually considering laser for myself when I'll have the money.
No. 265301
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Honestly im just curious what shes had done because she looks so different
No. 265305
>>265301Most likely her nose obviously. Something about her eyelids and brow bone also look different. Then there's the tanning and different styling choices that could account for quite a bit of it.
Not like I think she's a complete fugly hag now, but she already looked cute and more like a genuine person how she used to be.
No. 265416
>>264822>>264823>>265182eh she kinda looks generic without it? like this could be any random chick at starbucks. she looks her age and normal.
but with the ponytail she can eat those idiots telling her "omg ariana you look so
yoooooung and cuteeeee and tiny!!!" when its literally just because a ponytail is a style that's makes you look young and cute cuz its what kids wear.
without it she doesn't look 12. so she kinda loses her pedo bait shtick and becomes every other thot. not saying its right, its just what i think is happening.
No. 265514
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One of them has to be a cow with their constant on and off relationship. I’m betting it’s Bieber.
No. 265531
>>265514i hate this shit so much. they get back together like every year or so. before this selena was only known for being nick jonas girlfriend (when the jobros were cool). then she became known for jelena. then she was known because she was bffs with taylor swift. then she was known because she dated the weeknd when he was huge. and now he's back with jelena shit. it never ends. selena is legit the
least talented disney girl, fucking demi should be more popular than this bitch. and demi is fucking obnoxious!! but goddamn at least she isn't a famewhore.
No. 265532
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>>265515One of these days there's going to be a great Hillsong exposé. Aside from Bieber, they have Selena Gomez, that Hailee Steinfeld girl, Vanessa Hudgens and Chris Pratt even though he's a bit older than they usually target.
And yeah, you can't throw a stone without hitting a picture of the Hillsong "pastor" and Bieber in each other's personal space.
No. 265544
>>265515>>265514>>265532can you guys give more milk about this cult thing? what did they do? is it like scientology shit?
i've heard people say its a cult and bad but no idea what the "controversies" surrounding it are. i'm intrigued.
No. 265551
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Don’t forget Bieber is an animal abuser who abandons his pets when they’re not convenient
No. 265569
>>265544Australian based church that sells itself as contemporary and cool. At best, it's a hipster megachurch with concerts during sermons, and at worst, it practices predatory behavior like telling congregants to cut off family if they disagree with their religious worship and covering up abuses.'re very involved with marketing themselves, like they produce a lot of "secular friendly" religious music that gets airplay on secular radio apparently. Them recruiting celebrities into a fold to attract mainstream interest reminds me a lot of Scientology.
No. 265587
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>>265576That can be said for most soundcloud rappers tbh.
Speaking of bad rappers, idk if Joji counts as a celebrity, but I think he's ugly and his music is trash for middle class white and asian preteens. The fact that rap monster likes his music speaks volumes about both of them.
(pic unrelated)
No. 265591
>>265588I remember there being a thread on here about him, idubbbz, max, etc. and like half the posters in it wanted to fuck him… But he's
so ugly. I usually side-eye the people who scream yellow fever every time someone finds an asian guy attractive on here, but some farmers
must have a fetish for pale asian guys if they're into Joji.
No. 265596
>>265588Oh my god, he's so ugly. Like what happened with his nose? I just googled and he's 25, he looks 10 years older. Is he a druggie?
The lyric itself is also so self-explanatory idk why they had to disect it.
No. 265621
>>265596he almost definitely does drugs but he also has some condition/health issue that gives him seizures and has left him physically worn-down. he was venting on twitter the other day about how he's been ill his whole life and his body has been giving him problems (though he deleted some of the tweets so idk if he was just being dramatic).
>>265591I totally wanted to fuck him when I was like 16 but even then I knew he wasn't conventionally attractive, my brain just tends to meme me into liking any guy who makes me laugh a lot.
No. 265626
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>>265621Lol he sounds like a tumblrina.
No. 265639
>>265587i really like lil uzi as a person & in interviews but i dont like the soundcloud rap stuff at all
imo all the 'lil ___' rappers suck & idk how people like listening to them save for the beat
No. 265647
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>>265639Agreed. Love him, but xo tour life, money longer, and sauce it up are his only decent songs. Ugly God is in the same boat only he has more than three good (or at least funny) songs.
No. 265681
>>265626I like Joji and his music but his bitching and moaning online gets annoying. He hasn't done it in awhile so I thought he grew out of it but I guess not.
He also likes to whine about how sick he is yet he treats his body like shit. A few weeks ago he was practically bragging about rapidly gaining and losing alot of weight in a fairly short amount of time for a 3 minute video. That shit is hard in your body and if you're already ~so sick uwu~ like George then it's even worse.
No. 265699
>>265132>>264443Yeah I remember reading something about how she wore a wig in the spin off show but in victorious her contract or something stayed she had to dye her hair.
I also wouldn’t be too worried about her bones and ribs showing. 5 3 isn’t that short but with it being on the short end you can be pretty skinny and still be in a healthy weight. I’m 5 3 and 120lbs and my ribs and sternum poke out similar to hers so I’d say she’s around 100-110. On the thinner side but still a normal BMI.
Also if you don’t gain weight around 17-23 you tend to thin down in the face and arms when you go from teenage to young adult. Also I imagine she was stressed after she left Nickelodeon and trying to launch her career and some people loose weight from stress.
No. 265756
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>>265739They get off on another person's desire for them. Plus they are always sexualized and always around sex.
Also I feel that very famous celebrities don't really have natural connections with anyone. Their lives are too unrooted and contrived for natural relationshipd to form. So what happens when a being is pushed into this lifestyle at a very young age?
You have to be self-absorbed to be a celebrity. Once I realized that, everything started making more sense.
They have to be overly confident; they are surrounded by yes men for years–sometimes their WHOLE lives– which inflates their ego EXPONENTIALLY. They have to believe they are the best, in fact that's the purpose of yes men; if the celeb believes they are hot shit they perform better. All the while execs are making way, wayyyyyy more money off their talents than they themselves are. Humiliating right? Since they are convinced they are beloved by all and their behavior is never challenged, they don't think they're an asshole, or rather they think they
deserve to be pushy, demanding, and rude. It's not even conscious behavior for some of them… it's just the wqy things are.
I went a little off topic from serial cheaters, my bad. Celebrity lives fascinate me bc they are so unnatural and they are all clearly suffering bc of it.
No. 265757
>>264447the definition of chubby is plump and rounded
her arms and legs look average, no double chin, flat stomach, assuming she has no health issues she looks pretty healthy and it would be safe to assume she has a good diet
whether or not she's ana, it's definitely a possibility especially due to her being boney, and the hair thinning thing is definitely suspicious
I shouldn't really waste my time anyway since this plan is full of ana chans and the last thing an anorexic will ever do is admit they're anorexic
No. 265763
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>>265757My guess is she has a decent plant-based diet regime but she does a lot of drugs as well.
No. 265765
>>265763well yeah, if she's hopping on the vegan trend, vegans tend to be malnourished if they don't know what they're doing
the vegan diet itself can be pretty healthy, just most people don't know how to keep a healthy vegan diet simultaneously
No. 265911
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These two for sure. Apparently they both got interested in crossdressing and transitioning after being dommed by a mistress called Ilsa Strix who bragged about shoving 333 needles into a single penis. she subjected them to major humiliation and sissification type shit. They both allegedly got fucked by Buck Angel (who was married to Strix) around the same time too.
No. 265956
>>265951No like what are their names..
No. 265979
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>>265972Wasn’t op anon but why ask who they are when the file name tells you?
No. 265984
she had to issue an apology for something
he said. All he did was have his publicist say something about how ~no subject is off limits~ in comedy. What a good couple. No. 266030
>>265979>>"he uses comedy to help ppl feel better ab how f-ed up things in this world are."yeah I'm sure the people who lost their children felt so much better after his joke
>>"we all deal w trauma differently."It's not his trauma to deal with? Or was he at the concert too?
>>"it was months ago"Doesn't matter to the relatives of the victims now does it?
No. 266139
>>265911A quick googling brought this up: sure about the veracity.
Also kek at anons asking to be spoonfed info
No. 266442
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Cardi B is rumored to be breeding pit-bulls. She owns two pit bulls that recently had a litter, all with cropped ears and docked tails and none of the puppies have been sterilized…. she also kept one of the dogs on a leash in her yard that broke yesterday. In her instastory she says the dog got off the leash and chased after another dog which resulted in the police being called to her house.
No. 266444
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The puppies are always shown outside and look like they’re hiding under her car for the shade in her story in instagram
No. 266447
>>266442>>266444More reasons for me to hate her, yay. Her music is annoying af and she's talentless anyways.
Why do people get dogs (especially breeds like pitbulls) when they can't take care of them properly? I feel bad for the dogs…
No. 266495
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No. 266496
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She definitely gives me that “tie your dogs up outside cause they’re just animals” bullshit thinking that trashy people have. Just cause someone has money now doesn’t mean they aren’t still a gross trashy bitch on the inside.
No. 266622
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>>265301I'm not the best at making gifs, but I can't figure out if she got some work done on her chin or if this is just a "chin forward" picture. Her face definitely slimmed down though, from weight loss?
No. 266661
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I can't bring myself to criticize Ariana Grande's childishness or ED, she's been traumatized long before Manchester.
The toes knows.
No. 266663
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>>266662He's never been not a fat nasty fuck. He should be more than fired, he should be in prison.
No. 266664
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>>266663Bonus, for anyone skeptical.
No. 266709
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Why does she talk like a 17-year old on stan twitter
No. 266711
>>265301Here's an analysis from an author who has also analyzed which procedures other celebrities have had done.
tl;dr brow lift, rhinoplasty and possibly Restylane lip injections. of other celebs No. 266716
File: 1531108212304.jpg (47.63 KB, 580x514, fake couples.jpg)

this is either publicity for new music or a beard relationship to hide homosexality. either way, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake as fuck. way too fucking convinient to be true, with all this mess going on around it.
scooter braun manages both ariana grande and justin bieber. he's known to overwork artists and make them promote way too much. kanye recentley fired him and might be because scooter is again very PR and commercially focused.
this theory has been going around on twitter and its not that crazy
>>266709 . ariana gets engaged with pete because they both insane rebounds. believable. but now justin, who scooter also manages, is suddenly on a rush wedding with hailey baldwin. hailey baldwin is classic hollywood beard. she """""dated"""" shawn mendez who has been rumored to be gay A LOT and is kind of an open secret among LA gays. but, similar to bieber when he started dating selena, he had to shut the gay rumors up because his fanbase is straight 12 year old girls and is still growing.
and surprise suprise justin is suddenly dating this hailey chick without the media finding out and getting married. now its this huge thing blowing up like ariana's wedding. scooter knows the engagement has helped ariana in popularity. justin's only other relevant girlfriend was selena who he has been dating on and off for years. and who has been rumored to be a fake publicity relationship since the beggining of time. bieber and selena still hanging out 10 years later is for paparazzis and nothing else
No. 266718
>>266716and trust i was never one of those edgy kids to call bieber "gay" because i thought it was funny. i actually never considered it
but didn't he also got caught swimming with a ""priest"" recentley and it looked very suspicious?
>>265515 i don't know, jelena only ever happened when they had music out, and this new chick was shawn's beard… c'mon this is weird, right??
No. 266723
>>266718>this new chick He’s been with Hailey Baldwin on and off for years, too. She’s not new.
Justin’s a religious nut now and so is Baldwin’s dad. She’s 21 and he’s 24. They’re dumb kids being dumb kids and probably tied up in religious weirdness. It’s far more believable that he’s a dumb idiot (given all the stuff up thread) than he is gay.
No. 266726
>>266716>>266723Yeah, his relationship with the Baldwin kid has been known for years. My favorite part of their relationship is that 2016 GQ interview with Bieber where Hailey's literally been doing nothing but waiting for Bieber to come home:
>Hailey is in his room. She is the only one in his room (except for Esther the dog, who smells incredible). When we enter, Hailey is wearing a black crop top and tight black pants, sitting on a pristinely made bed. She is doing nothing—no TV, no book, no phone, no computer, no music, no oil paints, nothing.>She is pretty and polite and 19 and asks me, “What’s up?” I am impressed she does not hide in the bathroom with the shower running, which is what I would do if my super-famous rumored boyfriend showed up unannounced with a journalist in the middle of my day. I feel guilty for keeping Justin from her.The interview is weird in general:
>JB orders chicken tendies when it's not on the menu and doesn't even eat them> No. 266736
File: 1531122984665.jpg (13.13 KB, 400x282, dan.jpg)

>>266663Reminder that Dan "get in the van" Schneider once said this
How hot was Monique (Diane Franklin) in person?In a word: very. I was thrilled when I found out she was playing Monique because I had a big crush on her when I was teenager, seeing her in The Last American Virgin.
She was very much my "type."
She was small and cute with dark curly hair and cute face. And she certainly fit the bill. I thought she was incredibly cute. And when I first met her it was a pretty tough time.
Were you sad you had to play Ricky in front of her? Did that make it harder for you to make a play for her?Let's put it this way, if I hadn't been playing Ricky, I knew that my odds were zero. By playing Ricky, all I could assume was that my odds had to have improved because they couldn't have gotten worse.
By playing Ricky, at least one of the lights from the set could have fallen and hit her, and knocked her unconscious long enough for me to make out with her or something, so even through the chance of some sort of misshap during film, I knew I had a better chance of enjoying myself with this girl than I did without the movie.
The thing about Diane Franklin, I don't think she was ever perceived as "hot," so much as extremely cute and loveable, so I was extremely smitten by her. Or is it with her? You pick the preposition. You know what I mean.
Did you make a play for her anyway?Well, in my mind, alone in my hotel room: Yes. Publicly: No.
No. 266936
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>>266718>>266716Btw Shawn Mendes bff Teddy Geiger is trans now. He dated Emma Stone 10 years ago who was also allegedly bearding her ex Andrew Garfield. Don't know what to think about those rumours other than that there must be a whole bearding industry.
No. 267036
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>>266936what the FUCK. do you guys remember this dude from like 2006? why do any of these normal looking men troon out to become whatever the fuck this is?
i'd rather be a good looking guy than an ugly girl any day. these fetishists are so blinded by their dicks.
No. 267040
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>>266936Kind of looks like Hila Klein from H3H3
No. 267043
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>>267041no idea but based on this ridiculous writing style that he has seemed to adopt from every exaggerated teen girl movie ever, i'd say he's probably a creepy transbian
No. 267047
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>>267043more bc holy shit hes embarrassing.
No. 267083
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>>267047>>Being 29 years old>>Typing like thattroons are disgusting
No. 267119
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>>267036Does anyone remember that old MTV show about Lizzie Grubman's PR agency called PoweR Girls? That one assistant who got in "trouble" for stealing his phone to snatch his personal number.
No. 267142
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>>267041Last year he dated this girl. They posted regulary pictures together until he started to transition. So I think he is at least bi
No. 267149
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>>267047oh. that's… interesting
No. 267156
I have a question. If a transwoman wants to achieve a female sounding voice, she has to take hormones and train her voice right? Does it affect her singing voice too or will she sound male forever? Because I heard Teddy's new song and she sounds the same from like 10 years ago.
Here is the song: No. 267241
>>267216I think it depends. I have a MTF friend who sounds really feminine, even though her voice isn't super high pitch.
(inb4 >her sperging)
No. 267395
File: 1531374300226.jpg (2.21 MB, 2560x1920, 18-07-12-02-41-13-784_deco.jpg)

Getting the thread back on the milkiest from the industry, can she just stop doing this fucking face for crying out loud! She's been doing it in every pic lately, and whatshisname's hair jesus
No. 267399
>>267036holy shit i remember putting a magazine poster of this dude up on my wall and my mom saying "what the fuck, he looks like a girl." I was so offended and defensive smh.
>>267395This dweeb is a shaky rung above michael cera and he's dressing like bieber
No. 267402
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>>267395the dangerous woman tattoo behind his ear wew
>>267400some people swear up and down that his kids were biologically his. wonder how they feel about this news
No. 267578
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>>267043WTF?! I used to be in love with his music. He went from hot to fucking freakish…
No. 267617
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No. 267730
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>>267402>some people swear up and down that his kids were biologically his. wonder how they feel about this newsThe youngest kids does look like him though. Maybe one of Michael's brother donated sperm.
No. 267931
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why does she have this expression in all of her videos
No. 267955
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>>267931what the fuck is going on with the sfx in that video? it reminds me of this gif
No. 267968
File: 1531547832899.png (252.66 KB, 324x433, ArianaTongueL.png)

>>267931I'm not from an english speaking country, is it normal to stick your tongue out like pic related when you prononce an "L"? It look so retarded and unnatural.
I liked God is a woman's music video, but Ariana's inability to close her mouth and her dead fish expression seriously made me want to punch her, watch the video, she never ever closer her mouth, I guess she is going for the sultry dying-for-a-dick -in-my-mouth look?
No. 268070
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The God is a Woman video was garbage. What the fuck was up with the screaming groundhogs???
It was the epitome of fake-deep. She throws a sledge hammer at a glass ceiling ~~uwu FeMiNiSm~~ but the whole premise of the song is that she'll fuck a dude so well he'll believe god is a woman.
The whole video wasn't cohesive. Also also Ariana fingers the actual planet earth.
>a mess
No. 268073
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>>268070Also yes those are udder-tiddies….
No. 268358
File: 1531685997875.jpg (257.95 KB, 2000x1333, ariana-grande2.jpg)

I think she's too thin atm to be marketable so her stage costumes and outfits are more bulky and cover up her abs. Pic related- why the robe? It's a sexy video after all…
No. 268363
Same anon as
>>268358 but
I meant her abs and her sides. I suspect the image above with her in the udder suit is photoshopped to give her more shape than she really has, particularly in the hip area.
Also i just realized Nicki also has a robe on in the video pic, and I think that is to minimise her body so Ariana doesn't look comically small next to her. Notice how it's closed, pulling the eye inward? While Ariana's is pulled open, drawing the eye outward, making her "appear" wider.
Don't put it past these stylists and celebs to be slick like that, it's 1000000% contrived.
Anyway just my two cents
No. 268364
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>>268070>>268073This scene was a rip-off too
No. 268405
>>268386The song was too bland imho. I like a lot of Ariana's song, but this one had this feel of… I don't know, familiarity? Like she's plagiarizing herself, I don't know.
Couldn't watch the whole thing through, not for the video nor the song.
No. 268695
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She's only 16 but still wtf
No. 268699
File: 1531751279200.jpg (86.46 KB, 669x770, DHeifixXsAAD5Rz.jpg)

>>268695god, this industry plant chick is so annoying. she's way too young and irrelevant to have an ego so big. but watch her become big because
waaaahhhh r&b but its a chick with blue eyes singing waaaahhh i love!!this fucking edgelord cried when xxxtentacion died too. i know shes young but my god she's so annoying to me.
No. 268994
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>>268699she's some homeschooled rich kid. i tried getting into some of her music, but her 'edgy' persona really kills it for me.
No. 271307
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She keeps making this face
No. 271308
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No. 271326
>>271310he's having a BPD meltdown over something stupid. he will be back in a week.
>>271308shits about as cute as her receding hairline.
No. 271340
File: 1532465241543.png (155.36 KB, 446x598, demi.png)

what is with demi lovato
how can she be so drugged out supposedly and still fat as fuck?
No. 271351
>>271341I was shocked to see heroin as well, I wonder if it was white heroin or something. although I'm sure a celebrity wouldn't have any bother getting actual cocaine.
Can't believe Miley is the one to do the tame hippy drugs out of Selena and Demi. Always thought Selena and Demi were cokeheads, but heroin is mental.
No. 271357
File: 1532467949497.png (240.2 KB, 303x358, lovato-demi_body_say_ver2.png)

>>271340Is this bait? She's wide and pear shaped, but "fat as fuck"? No, her body fat % looks pretty healthy, maybe if you look at ana chan models all day she seems fat but medically, no
No. 271370
>>271340She's not fat, she's just very muscular and has an unfortunate shape. I think she said in the past that she worked out every day
>>271357She's not pear shaped imo, in most photos she seems more top heavy
No. 271377
>>268363Nah, that makes sense to me. I feel like the contrast would be jarring, even though Nicki's whole character is "thicccccc" she would still look huge next to Ari.
Might be overthinking it, but I could totally see it also being used for that shitty comparison guys like to do of "I like WOMEN not GIRLS"/"A REAL WOMAN has curves"/"I don't want to fuck a prepubescent BOY". Neutralizing it was probably a good move.
No. 271389
File: 1532471058711.jpg (234.46 KB, 467x525, Demi-VMA-Evolution-467.jpg)

>>271340You're obviously comparing her to when she was literally ana-chan. She was only that small before because of her eating disorder, she's been outspoken about how dangerous that is for years now. I'm not even a Demi fan but, jesus grow up.
But anyways, it certainly seems like she has an addictive personality and struggles with vices. Eating disorders, Drug/Alcohol Addiction, Mental Health struggles, Rehab, Relapses. Seems like a real bad place to be in. Maybe this will actually make sobriety stick?
No. 271391
File: 1532471587897.jpg (39.42 KB, 644x429, demi-lovato-shares-stretch-mar…)

>>271357you chose a very flattering photo of her lmao. I guess her body shape just sucks
No. 271396
>>271392The picture on the right in this post
>>271389 describes her shape the best
No. 271402
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>>271340I still can't believe that cute girl from Camp Rock turned into this…
No. 271404
File: 1532472831856.jpg (30.66 KB, 330x583, DaL9D3bX0AAmaye.jpg)

idk why but she rubs me the wrong way, seems like the type of person to call every girl skinnier than her anorexic to feel better about her weight
No. 271406
>>271340shes not 'fat as fuck'.
i knew demi lovato had mental problems, but seriously, heroin?
No. 271407
File: 1532473688907.png (68.29 KB, 745x481, 15yo.png)

>>271396Yeah I know, I posted it.
>>271402Cool of you to idealize her 15 year old body. Seriously, I'm not a fan of her by any means but this shit is how people end up with eating disorders and nearly dying from a heroin overdoses. She's obviously not a role model but at least she's been an advocate for healthy weight loss/exercise in recent years as opposed to her previous bulimia. I'm sure she's a cocky shit like
>>271406 says, but girls do need to at least see someone in the media who doesn't hate their totally normal "weird shaped" body every once in a while.
No. 271419
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Something I've always wondered is if Nicki Minaj is part Asian. I've never been able to find confirmation of it and whenever I google it I just find tumblr pages stating that her grandfather was Japanese or whatever with no source. She's a huge weeb though.
No. 271437
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In light of the Demi news, greasy fuck G-Eazy can have a post too. Hook up with him and have your very own public drug scandal.
No. 271441
File: 1532478759066.png (96.36 KB, 549x411, Screenshot 2018-07-24 at 7.31.…)

Does she ever shut up
No. 271447
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>>271391>her bodyshape just sucksbitch where
No. 271450
>>271389i feel like demi thinks shes fat because of her face & arms, she collects a decent amount of fat there that makes her look like a bigger girl
however looking at her actual body she isnt fat
she has a pretty round chubby face & arms that are not toned, but obvious theyre a little too big for her frame thus the illusion of being " bigger "
she always reminded me of the tia look you would have in the family
very mature looking imo
No. 271459
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>>271447that picture is 8 years old, go back to twitter to defend demi please
No. 271464
>>271391it's fine, you're on lolcow so they probably think women need to have 6 inch wide shoulders, a 20 inch waist, huge hips, and 5 inch circumference arms to have a nice body
in all honesty, despite her arms, she has a nice body, good proportions, nice skin, nice stomach, since like most women, they obviously aren't going to look like hentai characters, it's like these anons think you need to have a porn star body before anyone even dare acknowledge your body to be something more than awful, but I'm sure they can tear apart porn star bodies as well
maybe she's a tiny bit chubby in some photos, but "fat as fuck" no, even then chubby bodies can still look nice if they're proportioned well, this place is truly crawling with anachans
No. 271472
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The photos posted here are not recent. This is how she looks right now.
No. 271477
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>>271474im pretty sure lots of people think/thought she was conventionally pretty, anon. she wouldn't have gotten famous otherwise, anyways
No. 271478
>>271444dude, she overdose on
heroin that's very fucking serious.
she milks her mental illness and drug issues because she's been struggling on and off and on and off with them for yeeeears. but i don't think she does it for attention honestly, its like not selena gomez and her publicity relatoinships. demi talks about this stuff any given day of the week just because. i think she's obnoxious, but i don't think she's a faker at all.
No. 271522
>>271419iirc Nicki is part Asian, just not East Asian. Her dad is part South Asian/Indian. But yeah for some reason people like to claim she's part Chinese or Japanese and the whole "her grandfather is ____" thing has been going around for years. That's definitely never been proven. Maybe it was started by fans to justify her weeb-ness?
It's funny how people recently were/are shocked and angry over 'Chun-Li' and accuse her of appropriating Asian culture, as if this woman didn't have a whole phase in her career where she was obsessed with Japan. Plus she only as one tattoo and it's in Chinese. Pretty obvious that she really likes Asia.
Speaking of Nicki, anyone else heard the news about her doing a song with some rapper dude who has a reputation for liking underage girls/being a pedo AND she's going on tour with him? You'd think having brother in jail for viciously assaulting a 12 year old girl would cause her to avoid someone like that but nope. It comes across as her being desperate for media attention.
No. 271543
>>271472She's chubby, but not landwhale status like anons are acting, I also feel like it could be muscle since usually when I see legs and arms like those with lack of face/back/stomach fat it just reminds me of more heavier set girls who are athletic but have a normal fat %
I'd shag her though, don't know why anons think any woman who isn't extremely thin can't be cute, she has good features, not everyone only finds petite uwu cookie cutters attractive you know
No. 271582
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>>271522>>271532Just found this tweet. inb4 she's pulling an Angela and claiming to be part Japanese when she isn't
No. 271588
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>>271572so is the rest of demi's
demi's styling is really bad/severe now, that's the biggest difference
No. 271591 was treated with Narcan, an emergency treatment for narcotic overdoses. Her condition is unknown at this time.
She spoke about cocaine abuse in the 2012 MTV documentary Demi Lovato: Stay Strong and again in the 2017 YouTube documentary Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated, in which she revealed that she was under the influence of cocaine while being interviewed for the earlier documentary. She spent time in a sober-living facility in 2013 and publicly celebrated five years sober in March of 2017. Last month she released a new single called “Sober,” in which she apologized for returning to substance abuse and expressed a desire to get help.
No. 271616
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>>271522I also thought it might not be the best career choice to work with 6ix9ine, especially after she was criticized for supporting her pedophile rapist brother. Then again, no-one seems to care and 6ix9ine is pretty much everywhere right now. It makes sense to collab with him to stay relevant and fraternize with the younger generation of (soundcloud) rappers.
No. 271656
>>271639Has she ever had morals?
She built a career on being a stereotypical hyper sexualised black girl trope, sings about how everyone wants to fuck her ass, and defends her pedophile brother.
No. 273339
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>>271927Aside from being 2edgy4u, someone pointed out in a thread I read about her how she kinda weirdly sexualizes herself on social media despite being a minor. I had to check out her Instagram myself and the captions she posts and comments she gets are gross
No. 273551
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I hate the year 2018.
No. 273560
>>273340>>273339Imagine having parents that just dgaf about you like this. A good parent wouldn’t even want their teen daughter to become famous and exposed like this, much less egg it on. I guess her parents are actors or something sooo.
Maybe I’m just getting too old and out of touch.
No. 273582
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>>27357515 year olds will behave how they are taught. If the tv and internet raises your kids, don’t be surprised if they act and dress like fools.
We’ve all become so materialistic, we have to work our asses off all day to have vacations and tech and cars and clothes. The social media just perpetuates the “keeping up with the Joneses”-ness of it all. We are exposed to all these material goods and covet them. So we work to fill the emptiness with things and our children’s are raised by these things.
It’s a vicious cycle. Not sure who benefits or if anyone even does as we are all part of it.
No. 273591
>>273575There's also the sister of the actress who plays Violet in the new Unfortunate Events show, I don't know if she turned 18 now but she's been posting very creepy and porny pictures of herself (closeups on her crotch while spread eagling on her bed with only child panties on, full nudes with emojis on nipples, pictures with her nipples poking through shirts…) since she was 15/16 on instagram. Like, it actually felt like CP. I was creeped out and reported the account, but instagram didn't do shit.
Some parents just don't care.
No. 273926
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>>273340to be fair though, the caption for this is a reference to a line in vince staples' verse in their song together &burn. seems to be more in a ring context than a sexual context?
No. 274020
>>273339>>273340I can detect "bitch" on people just by looking at them (eg Ariana Grande and Poppy), and this girl practically radiates it.
She's pretty and her music isn't unlistenable, though. I don't think the sexually charged captions and cursing are that out of the ordinary for a 16 year old. Just…realistic. Even rich, privileged kids are often crass and trashy, it's been like this for a while. If she were 12-14, that'd be a real eyebrow raiser. Danielle Bregoli is way worse IMO.
No. 274324
>>273926Oh come on. It's not her just innocently referencing that line. She obviously knew that talking about herself as a girl down on her knees would be sexually provocative. It's an obvious attempt to be edgy and get attention from her fans (the male ones in particular who already love to creep on her). I know teenagers are horny and talk about sex and shit. They also try to be edgy all the time and she's no exception. But it's just really gross how no adult in her life seems to see this as a worrying to do, especially on such a public platform, where actual adult men make gross ass comments about her all the time. She hangs out with adult male rappers all the time too as a 16 yes old girl and no one seems to be concerned about that either.
Her persona she puts on is pretty annoying, but I can forgive her for being like that at her age. I just see a tryhard, albeit very talented, kid surrounded by predatory adults.
No. 276094
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I know posting Kardashians-Jenners is basically cheating but jfc Kendall…
No. 277573
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No. 278580
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Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray is a bit unhinged. I’ve seen her posted on /tv/ all the time.
No. 278686
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>>278580>>278582Pic related is her working in a hair salon in 2011. Apparently she was also working in a shoe store that same year. I kind of feel for her, Hairspray was a shitty movie but she was decent in it. It's a shame she couldn't manage to move into theater work or something afterwards.
No. 278707
>>278580Yeah we all know that >one fat girl
that acts like this. Always in theatre. Always obsessed with Disney and Harry Potter. Always obsessive about gay men.
No. 278710
>>278686She seems like an upstanding citizen at least compared to other celebs. Seems very humble too.
When she inevitably reads this: good job girl, get your life however you want!
No. 278721
>>278580>>278582>>278686This genuinely shocked me. I was sure when you were in the US and got a lead role in a hit movie you would’ve locked down a career for life- or at the very least a sizable source of income.
I know people always joke about how celebrities would be flipping burgers once they’re irrelevant but I didn’t think it actually… happened.
No. 278793
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>>278710>>278721Questionable talent levels aside, Nikki had an overbearing stage dad who contributed to her getting frozen out of Hollywood before she really made it into the town.
She and Stage Dad did get into a holiday family brawl with a Top Model contestant's mother so at least there's that. Bonus points for turning up in court with a neck brace and junior drama student pain all over her face.
No. 279925
>>279921>the cute girl Google her, expect some tiny Asian girl to show up: she's older than him, what are you talking about anon…?
Also, she's just half Asian and living in the US, what's got that to do with his scandal in Japan? She's probably just as dumb…
No. 279932
>>279926I hate Musk more than I hate Banks, but there's no way in hell I'll believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
Banks is always making up stories or telling half-truths.
No. 279952
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>>279926i was just about to post this. 2018 is the gift that keeps on giving for messy celebrity relationships
No. 279986
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I'm laughing so hard
No. 279990
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>>279984Because she's nuts? She has a history of being unnecessarily hostile to people for no reason. She's always looking to pick fights for publicity, she's physically assaulted people, etc. She also told a similar story about Rihanna and Kanye not too long ago.
If any other celebrity said this about Grimes and Musk I'd believe them. But not Banks.
No. 280012
>>280011Simmer down. There's no need to get riled up about Azealia Banks of all people. I said it was similar not exactly the same thing.
Another anon brought it up too
>>279961 No. 280024
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>>280020Not riled up at all. Just confused as to why anons are praising her when her behavior is worse than most celebs. If Ariana Grande or any cow acted like this the tune would be a lot different.
No. 280030
>>280024lol maybe because Azealia has more talent in her right toe than little ponytail could only ever dream of having. Seriously, Its boring and tired now. No one cares. Being
triggered over Azealia Banks is seriously an obsession at this point.
No. 280034
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what timeline are we living in
No. 280035
>>280030>lol maybe because Azealia has more talent in her right toe than little ponytail could only ever dream of havingDebatable, but that's not even the point. Farmers are mostly praising Azealia for her actions, not her music. She can be talented and still be a celebricow.
>Seriously, Its boring and tired now. No one cares.If people didn't care then she wouldn't be making headlines.
>Being triggered over Azealia Banks is seriously an obsession at this point.It's not any different than being
triggered by other celebrities/ecelebs.
No. 280085
>>280041>>280043stop samefagging. it's super obvious.
>>280047ding ding ding
No. 280217
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>>279986The anon above is right, she really sounds like a farmer. If her stories are always this funny I might give her a follow
No. 280282
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ariana being an immature cunt to her fans on twitter
No. 280283
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>>280282the original post (a leak of her album packaging that she's only spreading around more by replying to it)
No. 280452
>>280355She has a lot of time to kill since she doesn't do promo or leave the house much at all lately.
Her mom is right there too, but it's probably like the Cyrus clan situation. Say something and get cut off financially.
No. 281273
File: 1534445498098.png (43.98 KB, 1086x252, gq.PNG) according to this interview he started looking for engagement rings the day they met, as in, TWO YEARS AGO.
I can't get over the absolute crazy these two exude, he started talking about marrying her WHILE she was dating someone and she was cool with it.
Celebrities live in a whole nother world I swear.
Another highlight:
>"We're learning how to be adults. We're having a really fun time.">25, rich, learning to "adult"Jesus
No. 281427
>>280045sounds funny but did a quick goog and couldn't find any. more?
i'm team azealia, she's a no shits given farmer. i don't care if she lied about the threesome, it just makes it funnier. grimes said on twitter some time ago that she was flying to nyc to collab w/ yung rapunxel, but i guess they tried to have an la session….
No. 281599
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>>281362Why do we have to discuss this every time AB is brought up? Yes, the slaughtering itself might be weird for bystanders, but the issue actually is her doing it in her apartment and showing off her dirty closet on Instagram like an absolute lunatic. She hit rock bottom at that time, don't try to turn it into something it's not.
>>281427I also think the story is pretty entertaining. However, I'm not sure about AB's statement tbh. When she met up with Grimes, she made an (almost immediately deleted) post about getting super drunk around Grimes. The post itself sounded like damage control and pretty insecure; something definitely happened there and back then, it sounded like it was AB's "fault". A few weeks later, she came up with that Musk/Grimes hostage story and that's what she usually does: Kissing someone's ass and trying to be friends with them, fucking it up eventually, coming up with a weird story where she is the victim. As much as I enjoyed the Musk fairytale, I think Grimes probably abandoned AB, who can't handle rejection and usually starts slandering people as soon as they ditch her.
No. 281640
>>281362>>281599this, idgaf why AB was killing chickens, I grew up on a farm where chickens who stopped laying eggs became that night's dinner. what's fucking vile is that she killed chickens
in her apartment and left the closet encrusted with gore. AB stan pls go.
No. 281650
>>281649From what I’ve seen in the movie Babe. Killing of animals
is done in a special area.
Rats are attracted to blood. Rats are everywhere and carry disease. Hopefully her closet had a drain that she could hose all the blood down.
No. 281657
>>281655Anyone who defends this is mental.
People who slaughter animals for shamanistic reasons, like the Hmong, actually do it in a safe manner.
AB is just an edgy nutcase.
No. 281667
Y'ALL Elon is a pretty milky cow. He just did a massive damage control interview w/ NY Times where he references everything Azealia said basically: is such a cheap attempt at humanizing him. In an older interview, he takes pride in his young children following Tesla stock and talking about money like they're CFOs. Man-child has issues other than being ~overworked~. That aside, the funniest part to me was "to be clear, I wasn't on weed."
Also why is it that he's described as "choking up" and getting "emotional" in like every interview? Either he can't get his shit together or is purposely manipulating the press, don't know which is worse. Thin grey lips beta male kek.
No. 281675
>>281659>>281657She's mentally ill and was obviously in a particularly awful place during the chicken thing. Honestly, she's still mentally ill. It doesn't even feel right to hold a lot of the shit she does/says against her, really.
Probably worse than Amanda Bynes at her worst, but nobody seemed to hold Amanda's fucked up comments/behavior against her, they were just worried and/or entertained. In the same vein, I'd rather Azealia get help, but watching her antics is a mix of worrying and entertaining.
No. 281689
>>281687nta but if she lived in a house, fine kill chickens. But if I found out my neighbor was killing chickens in their nyc apartment next door, I’d have a big fucking problem with it.
>rats>maggots>roachesMaybe that’s okay for you, but most don’t want to live with vermin.
No. 281931
>>281786she accidentally soaked the dog in gasoline, tbf. the rest isn't even that bad in comparison to azelia. bynes def needed help but really, it's not comparable to slaughtering chickens for 3 years in your nyc apartment closet and attacking passengers on planes for literally no reason.
>>281925pete is going to bail so fast. i feel bad for the kid but tbh this will be hilarious.
No. 282050
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>>279986based azealia, my fucking queen
No. 282051
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>>281990I'm still wondering why the woke angel is dating a piece of shit like Musk kek.
What do they even have in common beyond that stupid joke?
Wouldn't be surprised if it was a PR stunt from the beginning
No. 282059
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>>282055She used to have "anti-imperialist" in her Twitter bio and took it out after Musk came into the picture.
I think that's about as far as her "activism" goes kek.
No. 282066
>>282059she does things for attention and because they're cool as she's always done. just like i'm sure she thought dating elon musk would make her look cool in the "get money bitch" crowd but look how that turned out lel
this is the same woman who said she's jealous of asian girls
No. 282067
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>im tired of being referred to as ‘cute,’ as a ‘waif’ etc
>i dont want to be infantilized because i refuse to be sexualized
No. 282071
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>>282055>>282059>>282064Obviously she attempted to appeal to the tumblr feminist sjw crowd.
From what I know she put back the anti-imperialist after people noticed that she removed it due to dating Elongated Muskrat
>>282063That's what I meant. He gets to appear cool by dating an indie darling and Grimes gets the press coverage and other benefits of dating a millionaire.
From the interviews with his ex wives, he collects gfs like action figures. If he wants blondes, she will dye her hair blonde. Maybe now he wanted a ~weirdo~ indie gf.
No. 282270
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She's ruthless lol (context: AB just posted this and other messages from Grimes in her Insta story)
No. 282303
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P4k criticized Nicki Minaj for working with some pedo Soundcloud rapper and she threw a temper tantrum. Reeks of insecurity.
No. 282309
>>282270those are some interesting messages… grimes comes off as insufferable
>>282303why does nicki keep doing this, arent rappers supposed to be impervious to da haterz
No. 282311
>>282270poor gwimeth :( the mean crazy black woman is picking on an innocent little girl :(
>>282303she's honestly over and should focus on creating good music if she wants to have any longevity to create a "legacy"
>>282308yes. google? it's on his wikipedia page too
No. 282340
>>271451This is some incel nitpicking….
>>279986Is everyone just ignoring that last bit? Is this weird bitch going off on some Nation of Islam sounding shit?
No. 282344
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>>282340>going off on some Nation of Islam sounding shitthey're called jokes
No. 282348
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No. 282350
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>>282346and yet, it's being slowly revealed that azealia is telling the truth
No. 282351
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No. 282366
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>>282344>>282343Sure jan. She's gone off on racist tangents but she's just joking now.
No. 282396
>>282374Obviously you do??? Don't reply if you don't care.
>>282376So it's cool to make shitty ass racist jokes if she's making fun of people you don't like. Cool, got it. Slay kween.
No. 282495
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>>282284>>282270>>282351Did she deleted those or leaked anywhere else? I hope she dump moreeee, i love this bitch, she is devil as fuck. She could be a liar before but has the receipts now
>mfw fantasea the second wave may never be released No. 282502
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>>282404She complains when people make racist jokes against her though
No. 282505
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No. 282683
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>>282680Remember when she said this and made a bunch of black men angry? I bet they're still mad about it.
No. 282972
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Nicki had another meltdown because her album charted behind Travis Scott. Which isn't that big of a deal? Who gives a shit about charts in this day and age.
Social media and celebrities don't mix well.
No. 282996
>>282991>FunMaybe for you and all of Silicon Valley, but a couple of us disagree.
Grimes used to brag about doing psychadelics
No. 283010
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>>279986oh my god she really does talk like a farmer. this is great
No. 283012
>>282972Wtf Nicki is sooo pressed and immature… Safaree was right when he said something like she could be enjoying her album release but just can't let shit go.
And it's hilarious that she and that other cow Ariana call each other "sisters" when their managers likely forced them together. She sure as hell couldn't save "Bed"
No. 283048
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People are saying Nicki sent this to herself
No. 283051
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idk why it's so funny to me that the song ariana dedicated to pete on her new album has 4 writers for these lyrics
No. 283057
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>>283051Sweetener was also an absolute disaster of a song. Are ariana’s fans really going to pretend this song doesn’t straight up sound like bop-it?
No. 283427
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>>282972never mind guys, she wasn't having a meltdown after all!
No. 283432
>>283429Uhh anon he was obviously fucking for roles!!! He should of filed police reports. kek.
I wonder if the muh innocent till proven guilty brigade will apply the same to Asia. Probably not.
No. 283437
>>283051I honestly thought this would be the most touching/meaningful song on the album….. But it's so shallow lol, just like their relationship.
>>283427Unconvincing damage control time! Are these histrionics a way to get more viewers for her radio show? Nicki needs to sit down, also think it's funny that she dropped a line about Super Bass on Queen. Like that was 2010 hunty!
No. 283456
>>283437I'm shocked that after such a traumatic event her view of life seems to not have changed at all. Almost the entire album is about sex plus a side of materialism (Successful).
She said about the song 'Sweetener' that it's about bringing light to a situation…I'm sorry Ariana but if 'the way he licks your bowl' is enough for that then I don't think there was that much darkness to begin with.
No. 283512
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>>283510Apparently Grimes unfollowed Muskrat before she unfollowed Banks kek
Edit: This tweet was made before she unfollowed Azealia
No. 283526
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me reading this thread like
No. 283596
>>283594It’s pretty sad when even some psycho who lives in old chickenblood and smells like a used tampon fire has stans just for being a female rapper.
How fucking low is the bar?
No. 283598
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What's up with Nicki's buttocks
No. 283600
>>283598Implants shift.
I’d love to hear an inner monologue from someone like nicki, just to know how they really feel about their plastic surgery deformities. Is she happy after making herself look like this? Are any of the people with big tumour-looking butt implants happy?
Since she’s made such a massive deal out of her ass, will she remove them when her skin inevitably sage off the plastic?
Does she regret making a massive ass the majority of her persona and career?
Is she mad at her surgeons for doing such a shoddy job with them?
No. 283601
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>>283598ass implants are fucking horrifying
No. 283606
>>283601She has the cellulite ridden ass of a middle aged obese mom and the legs of a skinny fat teen who never works out.
Literally the worst combo possible.
No. 283652
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>>283650>>283601No one wants an add which looks like a full frumpy diaper hanging down. Therefore she began to pay media outlets to photoshop her sad ass. These pics are 3 days old and it looks staged and photoshopped to hell. She wants to look like Kylie so badly kek
No. 283656
>>283048>You are the ONLY artist I know whose quality has remained consistent from the start of your musical careerlol wut? i like nicki but her rapping
was absolutely trash at the start of her career, it was atrocious
>>283598she makes me so uncomfortable in the ganja burn MV, her body looks wrong
No. 283688
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Jesus, I actually hope Kim Kardashian unfucked her ass through plastic surgery instead of just shooping it, cause it really does look like she shit herself.
No. 283691
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Could there be some truth to this, and if so, does Kanye West have some sort of Bimbo fetish?
It's from this rag: No. 283694
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>>283691She looks so incredibly disgusting, like she's half rotisserie chicken.
No. 283698
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>>283694Reminder of how cute she used to be. I was never a fan but she looked like a princess in 2007.
No. 283707
>>283691Yeah. Kanye is severely pornsick. Lots of tea on it has been spilled before not to mention Nicki Minaj said that he was openly watching porn in the studio while they were recording. Making Taylor a sex doll. Rapped about wanting to fuck all of kims sisters.
I feel so sorry for his daughters.
No. 283742
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>>281273>and I was like "Sick"Jesus christ. Ya know, maybe we're looking at this all wrong. They're both so stupid and immature, it's a good match. Maybe their stupidity will carry them all the way!
No. 283745
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>>283510>Elon Musk, 47 year old man involved in instagram unfollowing drama like a 15 year old high school girlSage for ot, but Gavin Belson (the antagonist in Silicon Valley) isn't based on Elon, but now would be a GREAT time for them to pivot into that. He already looks like Elon and is crazy. Other than that Elon is following the exact trajectory of Belson in whatever season that was where he goes crazy and the company kicks him out.
No. 283750
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>>283742Lmao they're literally irl Brittany and Kevin
No. 283756
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>>283750Except way meaner and millionaires in the limelight influencing young girls.
I honestly don't understand why people stan her so hard. Just cause she has a song that said god is a woman she's a feminist icon? I've seen this video from her doing Jimmy Fallon circulating again since she released her album, and there's no doubting she's a talented singer and her impressions are always good (her Amy Lee/Evanescence was spot on) but this is the most ridiculous babythot outfit I've ever seen.
Sauce: No. 283770
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Asia Argento is now saying that Anthony Bourdain was the one who made the payout and told her it was best if they keep it quiet. That works out really well because he’s dead, of course. she’s just a nasty piece of work.
Is anyone interested in discussing CDAN blinds in this thread as well, or would that work better in a separate thread?
No. 283771
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‘my love until I die’
37 year old woman 17 year old dude
she knew him since he was seven and played her cross dressing hooker son in a terrible adaptation of a terrible JT LeRoy book
just wow
No. 283777
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>>283770Honestly, in hindsight, Asia's
been giving low-key pedophile creep bitch vibes. Looking through her IG, it's like she doesn't want to accept she's a middle-aged woman or something. Who dresses up in a sexy sailor fuku to do karaoke with their underage kid?
If anyone here has seen The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, it was loaded with overly gratuitous child rape/abuse scenes, and she seemed
way too into it, even by acting standards. Even one of the covers for the movie (with Dylan or Cole Sprouse) was just skeevy.
No. 283780
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>>283777Found the pic. The whole implication of the way the photo's taken is like she's offering him up to a john, and that never happens in the movie (or the book it's based on IIRC). So, this shot came from her own head, and she liked it enough to put it out publicly.
I really, really wouldn't be surprised if she molested/groomed the kid who played younger Jeremiah long before he was 17, and if he just blocked it out. There's no other way you end up having sex with a woman you call "Mom". Probably the Sprouse twins, too, but I doubt they'll tell.
No. 283781
>>283777Maybe her kid is a weeb and asked her to wear it though.
I don't know about this, it really sucks if she actually molested the guy and can undo a lot of the trust in the mee too movement.
Statistically female pedos are not common at all, but damn, the insta pics are really not helping at all.
I'm really hoping it's all a crash grab scham on the guys part and a sad middle age crisis on her part.
No. 283784
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>>283781>M-Mom, could you dress up in one of those anime schoolgirl uniforms with a short skirt? To be honest, him asking her to wear that would just be even stranger. I sure as hell hope that's not what happened, kek.
I feel like female pedophiles are honestly just underreported (and/or don't offend as often as male ones do). It'd be great if this didn't necessarily undermine the #MeToo movement, but instead shined a light on the fact that it's not just grown women being abused. It's kids of both genders, too, and the culprits are sometimes the ones you flat-out just wouldn't suspect. Dan Schnieder was the first to fall, and many more need to come after. Hollywood is a fucking sick place.
No. 283785
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>>283781>trust in the me too movement>trustme too was just hollywood pedos throwing allegations at each other and now the head of it all was just exposed as one and accusing her dead boyfriend, not really a trustworthy movement/trend now is it :^)
>>283770i might be tinfoiling but i'm thinking the Bourdain probably punched in his own ticket maybe after finding out this, of course he has talked about his other issues over the years but i'm thinking this was the final thing that pushed him. also this crazy bitch seems like the type to be involved in satanist/cultist crap so i won't be surprised if someone exposed that.
No. 283787
>>283785>satanistCalm down with the 80's tinfoil anon.
But yeah, I can see Bourdain suicide having something to do with guilt.
No. 283790
>>283746not gonna lie that hit me in the feels
but i just broke up with my boyfriend so theres that
No. 283791
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>>283785Chill the fuck out. Don't use Argento's guilt to downplay Weinstein and other big-shots being abusers themselves, that's just backward as fuck.
They can all be disgusting. Weinstein is a scummy predator, and so are some of the celebrities pointing fingers at him. They are all complacent with abuse, or abusers themselves. That's the nature of the industry.
>>283787>Calm down with the 80's tinfoil anon.Look at her IG. She's not exactly secretive about being involved in Baphomet shit, witchraft, etc.
No. 283792
Bourdain and Argento – who were dating for over a year before Bourdain's death – texted each other about Jimmy Bennett, referring to him as a "donkey" and Bourdain writing that paying him is "no admission of anything, no attempt to buy a cover up, simply an offer to help an obviously tortured soul whose desperate and trying to jack you for money."
Bourdain goes on to say, "Or you just tell him to f
* himself. Either way, I am with you."
In discussing the settlement – which ended up to reportedly be $380,000 – Argento confesses, "I am also broke." Bourdain makes it's clear he's handling the negotiations, instructing Argento to take a call from a rep who is involved in the matter.
Asia, at one point, seems to contradict her claim she never had a sexual relationship with Bennett, saying, "It wasn't raped (sic) but I was frozen. He was on top of me. After he told me I had been his sexual fantasy since he was 12." No. 283794
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>>283770MRAs are so dumb though, as if 2 people can't be terrible at once. Abused people turning into abusers is nothing new, there's a neverending history of that. Even if we "remove" her from the MeToo movement all together, it doesn't make any other accusers or claims any less true. I don't know a single woman who hasn't been uncomfortable by a male coworkers' actions at one time or another. That's not even counting inappropriate work behavior, assault, harassment, rape, etc. I'm sure her assault did nothing to help her mental state. I feel bad for Anthony Bourdain being dragged into all of this. Of course he can't defend himself, let the man rest.
No. 283795
>>283781why would a kid ask their mom to dress up?
>>283792why the fuck would you pay someone $400k because your girlfriend of one year asked you to? never was a fan of Bourdain but i feel bad that he couldn't say no for some reason
No. 283797
>>283791My dad has a bunch of those stupid occultism books he bought during his mid-life-crisis and he's not in a cult or a rapist, just mental unstable and emotionally underdeveloped.
I think that's what is going on with her.
No. 283804
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>>283792To be clear, this is the plot for the movie directed by and starring a woman who we're to believe is
totally not a pervert and was just extorted by some guy looking for a quick buck:
>Sarah (Asia Argento) becomes involved with a series of men who treat her and Jeremiah (Jimmy Bennett) poorly, and she uses them as an excuse to abandon her son. She disappears to Atlantic City with her boyfriend, Emerson (Jeremy Renner), and then abandons him; Emerson returns to their home and rapes Jeremiah. After a trip to hospital, Jeremiah's grandmother (Ornella Muti) takes him to a West Virginian radical Christian cult led by his grandfather (Peter Fonda). After he has been three years with the cult, Sarah returns to reclaim the 11-year-old Jeremiah (Dylan and Cole Sprouse).>Sarah's current lover, Kenny (Matt Schulze), a truck driver, eventually abandons them at a truck stop while Sarah is soliciting. Sarah realizes that if she is going to keep her men she cannot say Jeremiah is her son. She persuades Jeremiah to cross dress so he can act as her "little sister", and Jeremiah's cross-dressing evolves to include his mother's seduction techniques. After dressing up as a "baby doll" version of Sarah which consisted of her makeup, her white nightgown and her red high heel pumps, Jeremiah seduces Jackson (Marilyn Manson), his mother's latest man, who initially tries to rebuff the boy's advances, but then gives in. Sarah is furious with Jackson for giving in to the boy's advances and with Jeremiah for ruining her panties with drops of blood on them, and she takes Jeremiah and leaves., Asia Argento and Jimmy Bennett. He was 7 years old when he was acting in this film. This, in combination with everything else…You decide if you'd trust this woman around kids or teenagers.
No. 283807
>>283792Same source.
>Asia Argento, Jimmy Bennett Smoking Gun Photo … Shows Post-Sex BlissA 37-year-old Asia Argento snuggled with then-17-year-old Jimmy Bennett on a bed, shirtless, their foreheads pressed together, her arm over his as they lay with satisfied smiles … that is the photo that Asia paid $380,000 for – a photo TMZ has now seen.
The photo was taken on May 9, 2013 in a room at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Marina del Rey, California. Our sources say the selfie was shot by Jimmy after the 2 had sex. Jimmy claimed Asia liquored him up, began kissing him, pushed him onto the bed, performed oral sex on him and then climbed on top of him and had intercourse … this according to documents obtained by the New York Times.
The photo is not overtly sexual, however a casual observer would clearly conclude it looks like a post-sex pic as the 2 faintly smiled while they lay on a shared pillow.
Asia – who is one of the first alleged victims to come forward claiming Harvey Weinstein raped her – has not been reachable since the recent story broke. What's interesting … she still has up the Instagram pictures of her at the Ritz-Carlton that day … saying in one photo, "Waiting for my long lost son my love."
We also have information as to why Asia did not have Jimmy sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in return for paying $380k. Fact is, she couldn't, because in California confidentiality agreements are not enforceable when they involve allegations of child sex acts … even if the victim is now an adult.
Weinstein's lawyer, Ben Brafman, lashed out at Argento, saying it was the height of hypocrisy for her to secretly cut a deal involving her own alleged sexual misconduct at the same time she was going after his client. She settled her case with Jimmy in April.
The L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. is now investigating and will be reaching out to Jimmy. No. 283808
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Grimes is nuts
No. 283809
>>283804>Jeremiah seduces Jackson (Marilyn Manson)>ruining her panties with drops of blood on themEven though this is just a movie I feel like vomiting…
Whose sick idea was that?
Marilyn Manson always seemed like a creep to me and agreeing to play a role like this…yikes
And what mother allowes her little children to be exploited like this?! It's a miracle the twins seem to have turned out rather normal…
No. 283810
>>283808>ideally it won't happen for 3 monthslol, did she meant years?
I'm not sure if I'm ready for a Grimusk baby.
No. 283816
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>>283808>so we can be pregnant at the same tomeAzealia would be a terrible mom. She'd probably bleach her kid's skin or something
No. 283822
>>283756maybe ariana has some body issues. she's always snapped in massive hoodies and thigh highs when in public, and her event stye is also pretty covered up.
>>283808omg can grimes stans accept that this is what their baby art angel talks like? i thought she was visionary in high school when oblivion came out and now this lame shit. i smoke weed and don't get "entertained by 420" lol. love that azealia had to add her weirdo occult bit. i love these caps of celeb convos.
No. 283828
>>283792She is such gutter trash.
Ugh, this is so horrendous. Is she really going to put all of this on both Anthony Bourdain and on the kid? Come on.
I think it’s important to be aware of female pedos. No, statistically there aren’t as many, but they do exist and they are capable of some shit. It really bothers me to see women preying on people, like fuck, you know what it’s like, you can make a choice to continue the cycle or to knock it off. No one held a gun to her head where this boy was concerned. Depressing.
No. 283831
>>283811Evan Rachel Wood agrees with you re: MM. I still can’t believe he got away with that.
More fucked up is how Asia continually took to social media to make AB’s death all about her when the person really suffering here is his eleven year old daughter. Asia has two kids herself which makes all of her fucked up behavior about a thousand times more disgusting.
No. 283834
>>283792Holy shit, from the comments section,
>You are a powerful and inspiring creator and it is a miserable condition of life that you live among s—-y individuals who’ve preyed on both your strengths and your weaknesses.”That’s a direct quote from ASIA’S lawyer calling her a shitty person, wew.
No. 283840
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No. 283841
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No. 283845
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No. 283847
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No. 283848
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No. 283864
>>283863No. She only recently started using that excuse.
Back when she first started bleaching she never mentioned using it for acne.
No. 283878
>>283863there are so many treatments for hyperpigmentation that don't include bleaching your entire body lmao. it's not like she hasn't shit on dark skin girls
>>283848she sounds like a sped
No. 283896
>>283822I'm almost leaning on the pregnant thing in
>>280301. She wasn't always so into baggy clothing.
No. 283901
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>>283896I really doubt it because of this pic she put up yesterday and I feel she's so immature with how she's been with Pete that if she was pregnant she'd broadcast to everyone in the most obnoxious way.
No. 284023
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Asia Argento says she did not have sex with then 17-year-old Jimmy Bennett, but a photo and various text messages between Argento and a friend tell a very different story … she flat-out says she had sex with him.
This is one of 4 photos Bennett, now 22, took in a Marina del Rey hotel room back in 2013. The then 37-year-old Argento and Bennett are on a bed shirtless, their heads on a pillow and their arms entangled. Sources tell TMZ the pic was taken after the 2 had intercourse. It's a crime in California for an adult to have sex with a person under 18.
Bennett later threatened legal action and, in April, Argento settled with him for $380,000 … which her boyfriend, Anthony Bourdain, paid.
Argento released a statement Tuesday, saying, "I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett."
Above are partial text exchanges between Argento and one of her friends. Argento and the friend went back and forth in the midst of the backlash from the New York Times story that ran Sunday about her and Bennett. Argento's messages are in grey … her friend's are in blue.
Argento says Bennett wrote this note (above) on Ritz-Carlton stationary – the hotel where they hooked up – and said, "Asia, I love you with all my heart. So glad we met again and I'm so glad your in my life. Jimmy." She texts her friend the note, saying, "He wrote me this afterwards and kept sending me unsolicited nudes all these years up until 2 weeks before the attorneys letter.
She goes on to say … "it wasn't raped (sic) but I was frozen. He was on top of me. After, he told me I had been his sexual fantasy since was 12."
Argento has accused Harvey Weinstein of rape and is one of the first women to come forward in the #MeToo movement. Weinstein's lawyer, Ben Brafman, lashed out earlier in the week, saying, "This development reveals a stunning level of hypocrisy by Asia Argento, one of the most vocal catalysts who sought to destroy Harvey Weinstein."
As we reported, the L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. is reaching out to Bennett to determine if a criminal investigation is warranted. No. 284027
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>>284023>I didn't know he was a minor Even though she'd known him since he was 7, they called each other "mom"/"son" and she kept up with him and talked about his birthdays on social media?
>When I was 17, I was with a 33 year old man If she didn't know he was a minor and it was some sort of one-off mistake, not a full blown sexual relationship, why is this relevant? Make it make sense.
No. 284030
>>284023she always seemed like a cluster b nutcase, tbh. sad that this is going to do so much damage to the metoo movement, though it really is irrelevant.
sorry to say but ngl, all of these women that say shit like "people's attitudes about sex aren't healthy anywhere, except maybe in those tribes where they go around naked."
and "what you might see as depravity is, to me, just another aspect of the human condition" turn out to be like, legit pedos or just, really predatory.
No. 284041
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>>284039Last image from the article.
No. 284072
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>>284024I was more so showing that for those who think she's pregnant because she's started to wear baggy clothes. She's been doing that long enough to show at this point.
No. 284073
>>284043That's my issue as well (and that gross movie).
Maybe it's because there I live that wouldn't be illegal, but I don't think it's that big of crime if he was already 17 and wanted it too. Creepy yes, but not punishable.
No. 284077
>>284072What azealia said about elon in cap 2 of
>>279986 also applies to pete. He looks unevolved.
No. 284081
>>284062I'm more talking about the power balance rather than the gender balance, like priests and boys, producers and child actors, boss and employee, government officials and covering up child trafficking.
100% the sex rings are all real, need to dismantle the power structure that keeps these types of cunts safe. I really wish governments and the media feared their demographics more, guess they've got us all segregated and disorganised.
No. 284087
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>>279986I want to print this pic and hang it on a wall. 9 days later it still sends my sides in another dimension. Her wording is just fantastic
No. 284096
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>>284075I hate Ari but I do personally find her really pretty and cute so for me the fact she does settle for these guys really says something to me too lol
No. 284104
>>283790It was meant too, Anon. Elon is a little bitch that tries too hard to make people like him.
Poor rocket jesus, so lonely, so unloved despite his millions!
Interviews are always written in a way to shill the celebrity in question and sell you a certain image of them.
No. 284116
>>284039>>284059One thing that bother me with the 15 is the age of consent is that it's not allowed if the older party is a person that has a power dynamic in the couple : ie teacher or even instructor. You can check on those laws, or at least in France, and I think this would apply to Asia because she was clearly a mentor to the kid.
So she can shove her disgusting lies up her ass.
I don't think it's bad for 16-17yo to sleep with someone older, it's icky but they're not literal children. But grooming is grooming ! She's disgusting and a predator, that's all.
How do you call someone your son and agree to blow him ? Fucking pervert, she deserves no compassion.
No. 284800
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Soooo…her bf can make jokes about dead kids but others can't make lighthearted jokes about her bfs eyes?
No. 284805
>>284800why does her pr team let her do shit like this?
also, the picture with pete's wonky ass eyes… yeah i'm convinced she's got lip fillers at the very least, even though iirc she's denied having anything done
No. 284841
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>>284791I keep thinking that too. The first couple of interviews I understand because she was gone from the public for awhile but they still keep asking about it as if she'll stop crying about it. This is gonna cause a huge breakdown eventually if they keep forcing her to "open up" about it.
No. 284955
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No. 284962
>>284955OT, but why do Americans get engaged and married so young?
Them or Justin Bieber and Hailee Baldwin, too?
No. 285014
>>284962Isn’t Bieber Canadian?
It’s really not common to great married really young in America. At least in urban areas. It might be different in the boonies.
No. 285023
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>>285019>the doctorimagine being so petty that you use your medical credentials to prove that autoimmune diseases don't make you look like an ugly fuckboy i love it
No. 285031
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My fucking sides
No. 285033
>>284640If the kid were getting directed by Harvey’s legal team or whatever than the most damaging thing would have been to charge Asia with statutory rape from the get, not to have the matter settled behind closed doors with what is frankly, a pittance by AB’s lawyer.
Making excuses for Asia’s behavior is just shit imo. She’s a fraud and a nutcase and this whole thing reminds me in some ways of Mariah’s bullshit and recent decline.
No. 285109
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>>285033I didn't say it was Harvey Weinstein lmao, another anon did. I said what she did was wrong.
It just seems convenient that a young failed actor who is trying to start a music career (kek at him being signed to bella thorne's "label") chose to come out with the allegations now.
He forgot about it until this year and then threatened to come out with the info unless she paid him? I'm guessing after Bourdain died the $10k/month started dwindling.
No. 285479
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>>281655>>280030>>279995>>279985>>279981>>279930>>279976>>279993>>280026>>280041>>280043>>281352>>281362>>281649All you anons defending AB…. this is literally what her closet looked like, when she finally cleaned it AFTER 3 YEARS. Lmao "fake outrage". She posted a video of it, it's not that hard to find. This is clearly a mentally ill person, I don't care how entertaining she is. Honestly, I don't know anything about Grimes but my first thought after seeing the story pop up about AB was "Wait she was collabing with Azelia? Isn't that career suicide at this point?" If she was really doing it for "religious purposes" and it mattered to her that much, why wouldn't she move out to the country or a farm or something where it would make sense, instead of doing it in a apartment closet? Because she's an insane person.
Other things she's done.
>Spit in/Punch the face of a passanger on an airplane for not letting her cut in front of everyone to get off>Called the Delta employee who tried to break up the flight a "fucking faggot">Attacked a female security guard (this is whose boob she bit, but she also punched her and spit at her. She pled guilty.)>Threatened Sarah Palin on twitter: called for "the biggest burliest blackest negroes" to run a train over her and film it. Palin almost sued her.>Known for being racist and homophobic twitter, some quotes: "LOL, black girls in the UK make themselves look bad w/o my help,", "Those teeth? and terrible weaves?!?!? HAHHAHA.">To Zayn Malik on Twitter: "U.S.A IS ABOUT TO TEACH YOU WHO NOT TO FUCK WITH!!" "When your entire extended family has been obliterated by good ol the U.S of A will you still be trying to act like a white boy pretending to be black? Do you understand that you are a sand nigger who emulates white boys' renditions of black male hood? Do you know how lost and culture less you are? "Lol u a bitch nigga for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel dick u hairy curry scented bitch.", "Imma start calling you punjab you dirty bitch," "You a dick rider for real for real. Ride this dick until the wheels fall off Punjab.">Called Cardi B: "illiterate, untalented rat” and a "caricature of a black woman"I don't feel like listing everything, but since yall can't google here's ever more people she's started shit with:'m not saying she's not entertaining, and I'm not saying that what she's claiming about Elon and Grimes isn't true and they don't deserve it, but you're an idiot if you think she's anything other than a mentally ill racist and homophobe. She's controversial and starts feuds with people because it's the only way she's still relevant.
No. 285487
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>>285484Lmao, nobody made you come to this thread.
>We've already been over this shit a million timesAlso bitch where? None of what I posted about has been talked about in this thread. The first time she was posted about was
>>261740 and the discussion has just been wether or not it's socially acceptable to slaughter chickens in your apartment closet? Where's your receipts?
No. 285493
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>>285490>>285489My dude all I asked for was proof and you still haven't shown me one single example. In fact, it seems like any time she's been brought up has just been pure ass kissing, or in threads from years ago. There's a few comments here and there, but I still don't see any real discussion of how batshit she is. Honestly I'm just looking for one piece of proof that you're not actually AB samefagging all over the place. Which wouldn't surprise me because she's obviously insane.
Also sorry I forgot we already established Momokun was fat so we don't ever need to talk about it again or have 78 threads on her.
No. 285500
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No. 285503
>>285493lol you got me. i'm azealia banks.
i've legit never listened to her music or follow her much at all, but it's honestly annoying when you sperg out over how much you hate her. you wrote a damn essay with citations over her ffs. pretty sure everyone here knows how crazy she's is, it's common knowledge and most of it happened a while ago hence why we aren't discussing it. she's intentionally provocative. it's what keeps her relevant, as you stated. regardless, the milk she's spilling on elon musk & grimes is top notch
>this is clearly a mentally ill person, I don't care how entertaining she isso are 80% of cows on here kek
No. 285512
>>285503If it's annoying then leave? Again, literally no one is made you come here or is making you stay? You're only hanging around to whiteknight someone you've "never listened to or follow her much at all" and start fights with people who don't like her? Sure, that makes perfect sense.
>so are 80% of cows on here kekJesus christ it's like you don't understand how any of this works. That comment was obviously directed to the people who where trying to defend her, are you honestly illiterate? Go home newfag, you look like an idiot.
No. 285516
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>>284955Jesus he sounds like a fuckboy. I'm not saying she should go for someone who writes her sonnets everyday but "my dick's hard" nice dude
No. 285520
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>>285479Why are you trying to make the thread about something no one gives a fuck about. Ur the one clogging up the thread, have you noticed you're the only one who cares?
BAck on topic: does anyone else find Jennifer Lawrence super cringy? Her "just like you" constantly tripping and talking about how much she loves eating act is so tired and forced.
No. 285523
>>285520>does anyone elseOnly literally the entire internet for the exact reasons you specified.
I've come full circle, personally. Finding her down to earth and relatable for a celeb -> finding her mildly annoying for trying so hard to convey that image -> getting sick of the OTT hate directed at her for such trivial, inoffensive shit while some celebrities (especially men) get away with murder.
No. 285527
>>285520>thread about shitty celebrities>post about a celebrity with vast history of being shitty who is topical and in the news right now for being adjacent to other shitty celebs>clogging up the thread no one cares!!!!!>bringing up a celebrity literally no one gives a shit about anymore>isn't it annoying that she falls!!!!ok op
>>285526She wasn't even talking about AB. Why can't anyone read in here?
No. 285529
>>285528Oh, sorry. I just woke up and thought you were that same person crying about ab
Didn't read your posts about jlaw and don't care. That was a blog though, an unsaged one at that.
No. 285533
>>285500Holy shit. What were all the others stories at the top? What was she hoping to achieve by posting this? Prove that she can be a "grownup" after saying he was on the down-syndrome spectrum? Also ending it with "fanfiction" and an emoji? She is absolutely batshit. All this does is make it look like she's lowkey trying to catch him on the rebound. Elon will look like even more of a cuck if he engages with her after what she said about him.
>>285529How is yours any less of a blogpost?
>does anyone else No. 285556
>>285536Yikes everything about this is so uncomfortable. She publicly talks so much shit about everyone but can't even take some mild teasing? Also her rebuttal of
>Have you guys seen this one guy on instagram? You're like….that guy.Is so bad an nonsensical. I feel like they were really hamming it up for her pretending what she said was actually funny so her feefees wouldn't be hurt. What a buzzkill.
No. 285564
>>285556I'm not trying to defend but she said she did this to change peoples perception of her image which is always being vicious and cold hearted. She wanted people to see she could be vulnerable and "feminine".
There is a method to her madness. She has got to have some personality disorder.
No. 285567
>>285564not to burst your bubble but she said different things before the feminine bullshit.
she like to change her narrative.
btw, what is this thing about encouraging people write a fanfiction of her and elon musk to make a 30 min video lile wtf? she’s so desperate
No. 285582
>>285536huh, weird. where's all that energy that you use to tear other people down on instagram? makes me think that she spends an awful lot more time writing out those posts online than she wants to lead on. having an awfully difficult time thinking of any rebuttals.
>that was very anti-blackbut you ripping your peers apart constantly isn't? how many times have you called black people niggers and coons? only pro black when it caters to her. only pro female when it's in her favor. only vulnerable when the bully finally gets backed into a corner. go figure.
No. 285640
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Now Azealia is offering 1.000 USD for the best fanfiction. Considering she is using Tesla name, Elon and her are in good terms. I wouldn't be surprised if elon hits on her for a rebound. No. 285678
>>285564Even if that was what she was going for she did a terrible job. She just looks like a huge wet blanket who can't take a joke. Also her saying the Cardi B thing was anti-black….the joke was the AB was a cheaper version on Cardi, not that they were equal and should be pitted against each other. She didn't even get the joke? Also like
>>285479 said
>that was anti-black!!>Called Cardi B: "illiterate, untalented rat” and a "caricature of a black woman"uh huh, ok Azealia.
>>285640Christ. Elon has truly fucked up his image badly enough as it is, fucking around with Azealia (or acknowledging her in any way) would be the worst possible thing he could do now. Also wait, did she create a separate instagram to ride this as much as she could? @elon_azealia_drama? She's so desperate.
No. 285696
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I know AB is furiously milking this drama and potentially lying about any number of things (tho I believe her), what about Grimes?!?!
Maybe AB is just trying to throw her under the bus to make it look like she's stealing Elon, but it's too strange… AB doesn't refer to Grimes by name, and one of her stories said "hopefully no one has to go to court or prison." She's scared for herself for sure, but that kinda sounded like Grimes was in trouble too. There has to be something more happening with Grimes and Elon, but I guess we'll never know :^(
No. 285698
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>>285500>>285696Ok sry but this alone is fucking insane. I don't know if this is all one day or if she just posts this many stories every day?
No. 285704
>>285698They're quite frequently always that long. Her stories are a wild ride.
I like AB's music but if drama follows you literally everywhere you go and EVERY collab ends in a mess then maybe just maybe the common denominator is YOU.
I feel like her family completely enables her, too. I don't think anyones actually genuinely cared about her. I use to follow her cheapyxo twitter when it only a 1,000 followers and she'd say that she was a severely angry depressed child who wanted to die. She said she thought about suicide when she was just 5 years old. Also said her mum would call her ugly and humiliate her all the time so thats probably why that guy on wild n out calling her ugly
triggered her so much.
Oh and everyone is too scared to tell her she can't sing. It makes me cringe.
No. 285706
>>285696I think Grimes was just dumb. She was revealing some aspects of Elon like the SAC demand and his large dick (lol) even tho the dick stuff can be flattering, I don't think muskeet wanted to have this aspects of his life in the public eye. Especially the SAC thing. He trusted Grimes and she picked up the worst person alive to keep a secret.
Also: a lot of people is saying that this emo tweet confirms Elon and Grimes broke up No. 285778
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>>285728>>285706Stole from the Poppy thread, Grimes was supposed to collab with her as well. Azealia and Poppy are both controversial figures at this point…is she really just that stupid or does she do this on purpose?
No. 285795
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remember when grimes tweeted that she wouldn't participate in the water bucket challenge because als research is tested on animals?
remember when she went on about how she's a vegan, posted about eating ice cream on tumblr, got called out and then proceeded to bitch about people policing her?
remember when she wrote some faggy thinkpiece on how to be your own boss as a female and then signed to roc nation?
>>285778she's just that stupid. she hops onto anything trendy.
No. 285807
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>>285795Speaking of fake vegans…
Ariana goes on about how she's vegan but frequently wears fur/leather and posts a bunch of non-vegan shit on her food insta: her Mac line was tested on animals.
No. 285857
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Why is Nicki becoming a fullblown celebricow lmao. CDAN has written a lot about her ridiculous escapades.
No. 285892
>>285857She's finding it really difficult to come terms with her career being near the tail end in terms of how influential she is. She's like Lil Kim now to these new kids, they have new idols and she can't handle it. Also her brother whom she loved a lot being locked up for child rape.
I often wonder if he ever touched her cos its very obvious she still supports him. She might have some type of Stockholm syndrome.
No. 285932
>>285912Omg that's legitimately sad and I hope she has good irl friends to support her, the only famous one I can think of is Nick Jonas.
The sadder thing is that the music industry or media at large still doesn't give a fuck about overdoses and harm reduction :/
No. 285983
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>>284962Celebrities aside (I think they get married young in every country) just from an American standpoint, we need healthcare lmao. I've had friends get married just because their partner had good health insurance through their job. America is a nightmare and we have the biggest celebricow in charge.
No. 286072
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>>286056>it's not "boomers", it's america's capitalist systemmy dude who do you think did this to America? Who do you think is running the system? Who do you think benefits most from a privatized health care system? Millennials/Gen Z are just coming into voting and the political climate, Boomers are the ones who have been running it/in charge/voting this whole time. Also they don't need healthcare because they have it through their jobs that they got when they were 20 with no experience and refuse to retire from to make room for us. Are you really that brainwashed?
No. 286140
you're the brainwashed one here. "generations" aren't real concrete identities, they're a marketing scheme. it's capitalism baby and millennials will be the ones running it soon, don't worry.
No. 286270
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>>286140Literally no one said Millennials would save the world, christ. Learn to read and take your tinfoil hat back to /pol/, we don't need your conspiracies here.
No. 286789
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when the bpd hits
No. 286851
>>286140your thinking is so dualistic holy shit.
yes many people are nothing like the stereotype of their generation, yes it's often overused as a marketing gimmick, but are you really denying that a large portion of the people born in the same era often share tendencies, behaviors, and problems different from people born in other eras? Wtf is a "real concrete identity" anyway? You don't need muh identity to notice that many (but not all) people who grew up in the same decade share similar behaviors and traits, different from people who grew up in a different decade.
No. 286862
>>286818let's all remember naya rivera calling ariana out for those uninitiated:
>“I walk in, go downstairs, and guess what little girl is sitting cross-legged on the couch listening to music?…” she wrote. “It rhymes with ‘Smariana Schmande.’”btw, big sean has gone through high profile relationships with so many women… wish i had some of the milk he's hoarding
No. 286900
>>286789already? I can't wait for this trainwreck
>>286878literally google it, it's not even a secret
No. 286977
>>286789It’s so painfully obvious that his Variety cover is paid for, especially when Amandla Stenberg and Shawn Mendes are the two other people in this “young Hollywood” edition.
>>286818I think the next one will be more famous, it’s crazy to think she has never been single the entire time she’s been a celebrity, girl must’ve had issues pre Manchester.
No. 287662
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No. 287691
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Ariana just got a decent sized tattoo on her arm, wonder who inspired this impuslive decision
No. 287747
>>287691is this Chihiro?
Since when Ariana is a weeb or a Ghibli fan?
No. 287757
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>>287747She's always been a weeb. She put out cat ear headphones as official fan merch, casually wears/wore cat ears, dressed in very anime schoolgirl clothing for a long time, and literally had herself placed into a Final Fantasy game.
She basically did all she could without screaming "I love anime".
No. 287803
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>>287801Bonus: a typical weeb comment kek
No. 287941
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>>287664>peteI can't wait till this idiot fades back into obscurity. He's repugnant.
No. 287949
>>287946disgusting, thanks
love how ari is tryna be all feminist and then dates this trash
No. 287974
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>>267041Late but here's your answer
No. 287977
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No. 287978
>>287941 of him saying it, and then "[She] yells at me like a black woman". Doesn't Ariana Grande have a lot of young black girl fans? He's really doing the most to not only mess up her personal life, but her reputation/career on all fronts, too. He can't even manage to make himself look handsome next to her, it's more like he's progressively transferring his physical ugliness to her with each couples photo they take together, like some disease.
At this point, what good has he done for this girl, and what merits does he have? Dating him should be considered self-harm on Ariana's part.
No. 287993
>>287978He's such a fucking retard holy shit. And why does he talk about sex so fucking much? "UHH MUH DICK SO BIG UHHH MY PEANUS WEANUS IS HARD 24/7" like shut the fuck up you sped, no one gives a shit about your microcock that all the women in your life asspat you about to make you feel better.
I can only assume it's a gross combination of mental illness and trauma that keeps Ariana on his ~huge dick~. It's going to be hilarious when the lovebombing turns into hysterics and accusations on his part and she'll cheat on him like she does with every man. He's going to melt the fuck down. No wonder he's trying to expedite this engagement, he wants as much money and pussy as he can get before she ditches him.
No. 288217
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Cardi B is so fucking stupid. Why do these idiots gets such a big platform to advertise these dumbass thoughts? I feel bad for her kid who's going to grow up under horrible people like her and Offset. No. 288281
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What a darling he is.
No. 288372
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>>288339I wouldn’t be worried for Ari, she’s not really a delicate flower or anything. She kind of put herself into this position by dating this piece of human shit. Tbh, if it ruins her career (which I highly doubt it will) then she’s equally to blame. She’s not a teenager. I’m sure she’ll dump him soon enough anyways.
No. 288548
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No. 288574
>>288406This fucking cow. Who comes to a funeral dressed like that? Aretha deserved better. I actually hate this Lolita baiting cunt.
>>288281typical bpd. Have fun Ariana, couldn't of happened to a better person.
No. 288597
>>288579She dressed like that for attention. Point Blank. I woke up this morning and all the headlines I saw on Aretha's funeral were not about Aretha but Ariana and how bill Clinton and the other men couldn't stop staring her up and down and being "fondled" by the pastor.
Couldn't give up the lolibopper bait for one day, not even for the Queen of soul's funeral. MUST MAKE ABOUT MEEEE. She's a narcissist though and through. What's the bet she'll go on a big feminist tirade on how women should be able to dress how they want! And she's the victim again.
sorry for rant she just truely repulses me.
No. 288691
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she's trying to change and not be such a personal trainwreck lads
No. 288693
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No. 288741
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Well, this explains a lot - Ariana too is a cokehead.
No. 288766
>>288217i'm still cracking up at the coretta scott king backlash and that snapchat video she posted of offset fingering her.
breaking news: trash acts like trash. idk why anyone would except otherwise.
No. 288781
>>288406lol she getting fat
how will she keep up with her "uwu im so smol"-shtick if she keeps giving into the weed munchies at this rate?
No. 288949
>>288281This is 10000% believable.
I used to think he was really cute before this thread and finding out about what garbage he is.
Also, there isn't a lot of people in general that genuinely make me feel bad about myself/jealous, but Ariana is one of them. It's really offputting how much of an attention whore she is with her looks and body. She makes me feel
some type of way. Like disgusted by her and uncomfortable about myself.
Sorry for the blog post. I used to like her, but never listened to her music. When I heard about her God is a Woman song, I was expecting some cool feminist concept and it's just about sex? Like, okay? In 2018 you're releasing a song about sex that is supposed to be "empowering"? I've just never seen a girl be able to get away with such behavior before, and for it to be acceptable with both women and men. And everyone knows it's just because of her looks and her voice.
I honestly hope she gets what is coming to her, especially with her impulsiveness with Pete. Okay, she has PTSD from Manchester. She can cry into her wads of cash, what do normal people have to deal with something like that? The people that actually lost someone to something like that?
No. 288981
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>>288406Just the fact that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson were even there in the first place, let alone VIP.
She's talented and I feel for her about Manchester, but she's so overhyped.
Also why has no one told her to lay off on the fake tan? I'm convinced she does it because she doesn't want people to realize she's white. So many people I know, including myself, thought she was Latina or something at first. It just looks ridiculous at this point.
No. 289077
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>>289011yeah she is actually white lmao
No. 289559
>>288406Anyone else kind of grossed out that Franklin's funeral turned into a contest for singers to out-diva each other? Just like Etta James and Whitney Houston's funeral, it never feels like
paying tribute with a powerful song it's just a performance to get attention and to get compared to the deceased singer.
I've never felt it was respectful for a tribute, just publicity. And when Diana Ross and Tina Turner die you bet your ass there's going to be all these pop stars who barely knew them pretending to cry and trying to be the bigger diva.
No. 289985
I was surprised that Ariana chose to wear what she did and act how she did, because on the Tonight Show performing Natural Woman, she kept it very… I don't know, respectful? to Aretha, it was a reeled in, on-point performance, more modestly dressed (I know, muh feminism, but .. come on). WAY better than the funeral.
She and Pete seem to both think they're cool people with idgaf attitudes, but it actually comes of as fuck-everyone-but-me and god is it off-putting
>>289233She said in an interview (pre-death) that they'd talked on the phone just once. I don't see how that makes them "friends," but ofc whenever someone dies, attentionwhores have to come out and claim to have been a bestie
No. 290116
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>>288597>>288579This "man of God" straight up groped her on TV, regardless of what you think of her dress she was still assaulted
>inb4 but she deserved ittt No. 290137
>>289132>>289077>>289011Man, Victorious was becoming popular when I was growing out of my Nick/Disney years and even I forget that she's entirely white.
Unrelated but it's also wild to see how much younger some farmers are now
No. 290155
>>290116Eugh. What a pig. Even if she deliberately dressed inappropriately for attention (which is tacky and disrespectful on its own, don’t get me wrong), that still doesn’t give him the right.
Why isn’t there more outrage over this?
No. 290165
>>2901551. Ariana herself does not care but expect her to talk about it soon to promote some faux woman empowerment even though she dates a chauvinist pig.
2.. She has let men do worse to her to get to where she is now.
3. Cos he's black.
No. 290170
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>>290116Yeah I bitched about her dress a little bit - more so out of celebrity gossip and Ariana's awful fashion sense in general, not because I think it excuses this gross fucking bishop.
All her dress should've garnered were some side eyes and church lady gossip after the fact. I hate that people are using it to justify Bill Clinton eyeing her up and down like a piece of meat and the bishop straight up groping her.
He knew what he was doing and she looked very obviously uncomfortable.
No. 290175
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>>290170I thought people were exaggerating but wow I just watched it. At first she tries to like laugh and brush it off but then she visibly gets more uncomfortable and tries to get away but that dude held on. What she wore was for a club yeah but it didn't warrant all of that. It's so bad
No. 290179
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>>290116You really think he intentionally touched her tits lol? Clearly he was just trying to put his hand on her side which is completely normal, unless I guess you're ultra liberal and cry "sexual harassment!!!1111!!!1" every time a man innocently touches a woman. Her arm was around him too, she's just a fucking foot shorter than him jfc.
No. 290188
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>>290179there's literally no reason for his hand to be near her tits.
No. 290200
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>>290116>>290175yes, this is fucking gross and sexual assault. I don't like ariana as a singer or whatever, but no woman deserves this level of creep. wtf… ew!!!! his fingers are moving on her breasts
No. 290211
>>290188>>290198>>290204Lol if he put his hand on her waist people would be screaming assault. You really think he would be purposefully feeling her up, at a fucking funeral broadcast live? it's one thing if he's blatantly grabbing her ass but dear god how do you people get through daily life without making police reports every time a man touches you if you think this is sexual assault
>>290175she made that face because he called her an icon and she was trying to look humble, and before that he was making a shitty joke about how he though an "ariana grande" was a meal at taco bell
No. 290216
>>290211Wiggling your fjngers upward on a woman's breast is assault you autsmo. The only reason you don't want it to be is because you're either an incel or a femcel who can't get men to touch her. Making endless reaching excuses for creepy men like this is so cliche. I dislike Ariana Grande but despite that this guy
was being inappropriate and knew it. The only reason this is an argument is bevaise modern America is so invested in normalizing rape to make it easier and easier for ugly, sleazy fucks to get away with grabbing women like kids with sticky fingers in a candy store.
No. 290218
>>290211>You really think he would be purposefully feeling her up, at a fucking funeral broadcast live? it's one thing if he's blatantly grabbing her assthe thing is tho he blatantly groped her teet but I guess only butt touching is frowned upon
thirsty, star-struck dude had to hold her close and reach around her to play her side boob like a piano
especially at a funeral live broadcast you should be aware of the bodies of your guests and respecting them. In public transport or at work or everyday life, that's another story
No. 290227
>>290155Her wearing a tacky dress to a funeral is a whole other thing to the minister grabbing her boob. It wasn’t accidental, look how his fingers squeeze and fondle her.
Her poor choice doesn’t justify his assault.
No. 290232
>>290226I honestly wish Ariana would have just grabbed his hand and snapped his fucking fingers. I was raised religious in tje deep south and LOTS of so called "holy men" will do shit like this and play it off as an accident or something innocent and cheeky like flirting. Yes, even on camera, because
nobody would be ballsy enough to do
that right???? Even if it
accidentally happened it surely can't be the man's fault because he didn't
mean to do it.
Thats the number one defense when men get caught being gropey and rapey- feign ignorance and innocence, act like a helpless kid and smile sheepishly while they make plans in the back of their minds to fap over their experience later.
No. 290265
>>290179Fucking Bill Clinton in the back is the cherry on top to this whole thing.
That pastor is disgusting, especially since he calls himself a "man of God" he should know better. I hate hypocritical men like this. Ariana would've been felt up even if she wore something more modest.
No. 290306
>>290232This is a very normal reaction, because i'll tell you, as a survivor or sexual assault– when it is happening to you in the moment, your body freezes and you go into a form of shock. I feel really bad for her because this IS sexual assault.
I hope she says something about it> She will be attacked by incels regardless, but it's better to have a voice.
>>290265Exactly. Her clothes have zero to do with it. Her breasts are her breasts and no one has a right to touch them without her consent. Also, that man is god means nothing. he's a man. How many catholic preists raped children but they're also 'men of the cloth' aren't they?
No. 291099
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>>261583shes been fucked up by guys way before this. She used to do foot fetish stuff for Dan Schneider when she was on Nickelodeon. If she did stuff like this on TV and sent pics to him of her feet on insta, who knows what else happened.
Her b/f is way into drugs. She got coke with her most of the time, it's why she looks like a skeleton now.
No. 292152
>>292142That picture is really old anon, she was a teenager there. Even if you don’t like her, you can’t deny she has a great body for her height now.
You’re right about her boyfriend tho kek
No. 292309
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> Accuse innocent man (who rescued children from near certain death) of being a pedophile
> Tweet about taking your company private before consulting your board
> countless accusations of inhumane treatment of your workers
> Have your product either not be delivered to customers at all or faulty as fuck
In the middle of all this? Just smoke weed on a podcast. Just do it. What's there to lose 420 420 420
God this company is fucking hilarious
No. 292343
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>>292338Elons mother for reference
No. 292360
>>292338>>292343what a fucking creep
>>292328because all white tech nerd dudes dream of being a famous billionaire who dates much younger women after having a vomit-inducing flirting session with them over some nerdy joke on twitter
No. 292401
>>292309tbh I'm super disappointed in Musk. Was a fan of him before (astrophysics-fag, so the landing boosters and how SpaceX is so far ahead of NASA made me admire him). he started to irk me when I turned his notifications on on Twitter : his constant edgy tweets were pathetic. Like in between sharing spaceX related stuff he'd just spam random shit ugh. He's trying too hard to appear quirky.
ngl, I still admire the engineering behind SpaceX,
especially considering how the SLS rocket that NASA plans to launch in 2019 will be so much more expensive and won't be reusable but the cherry on top of the asshole cake truly was the accusations.
He's such a manchild, full of himself and thinks he's hot shit !
obvs saged, sorry for the space sperg, but are some anons here ex-fans too ?
No. 292450
>>292401I thought highly of him too until I started reading everything he wrote and said.
Just read this excerpt from an interview:
> Musk grabs a coffee-table book published by The Onion and starts leafing through it, laughing hysterically. “In order to understand the essential truth of things,” he theorizes, “I think you can find it in The Onion and occasionally on Reddit.”
> Afterward, he asks excitedly, “Have you ever seen Rick and Morty?” And the conversation bounces from that animated show to South Park to The Simpsons to the book Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.His tweets are cringe and I don't get the impression of a smart man when I listen to him but that of a narcissist that tries too hard to be hip and cool like the other kids.
Aside from PayPal, what did he actually do?
No. 292456
>>292401If you don't mind me asking: Why were you a fan of Musk instead of the actual engineers that work at SpaceX?
I never got the Musk worship, he's a CEO filling his own pockets, it's not like people are worshipping the head of NASA (or any other company-heads for that matter). So why does Musk get this celebrity treatment/worship for SpaceX's achievements?
No. 292463
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>>292401I still admire him for being a selfmade billionaire but that's it. Everything he said is conceited, he has a god and mommy complex, he has an ill relationship to women plus he looks creepy. Plastic surgery can't hide the crazy!
No. 292516
>>292456His ideas, and also how he overcame all of his failures and tried and re-tried (cuz I'm not a model of perseverance kek)
I think the boyinaband video influenced me too, at the time (yes that's dumb but BiaB was kind of reinforcing the impressions I had, ya know confirmation bias in full force)
No. 292522
>>292463Calling Elon Musk a selfmade billionaire is on the same level as calling Kylie Jenner a selfmade almost-billionaire.
He comes from a millionaire family. His father literally owned gem mines in Africa.
No. 292557
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So, Ariana's ex just OD'd
No. 292564
>>292557Far too young.
I wish he had gotten a second chance the way Demi did. With all the people around them, celebs still seem to not have anyone to give them the proper help when they need it.
I am scared for all his peers as well. Selena, Justin, Ariana, they all have these coke/drug rumors following them, why won't anyone reach out and help them?
No. 292567
>>292565Post got into a car accident just today
Crazy shit
No. 292569
>>292557Damn, what a bummer, he made some pretty good music. You gotta stay away from the blow & mixing xanax & alcohol. Stop playing with fire, like damn, how is your life that bad that you need to be high all the time?
>>292565Was just about to say wouldn't surprise me if Post drops dead next
>>292566Maybe it's a sign to get your shit together dude
No. 292576
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im fucking dead
No. 292584
>>292581Take a joke, autist. I was referring more to how often male celebs have been dying in the past couple of years than ODs anyways.
>>292582Hanging out with H3 is shitty enough. Tbh I don't know or care to know much else about the guy. I only called him a roach because he won't die.
No. 292589
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>>292585To clarify for other anons this is about their breakup not about his death which I can imagine will only speed up her breakdown. They had been best friends before going out.
No. 292591
>>292590what was the milk with the cheating? did she cheat on him with pete? are we sure she cheated?
all of these famous dudes tend to cheat and still play the victim anyways so…
No. 292592
>>292590It's crazy because I would've thought this would've been how Pete was gonna go once Ariana inevitably cheats on him.
Mac seemed to be taking it relatively well (at least in interviews he didn't speak negatively of her).
Ariana needs to grow up and learn that her actions will have consequences, especially when her actions involve toying with other people's emotions like that.
No. 292594
>>292591Mac didn't say she cheated.
She was accused by one ex previously (Jai Brooks?).
She moved on from another ex (Ricky) to her next (Mac) within days, so people assumed she cheated.
The same happened with Mac and Pete. She was talking about "spending the rest of her life" with Mac in APRIL and then in MAY the engagement to Pete was announced.
No. 292596
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>>292589I definitely sense a britney 2007 style meltdown coming on. I honestly feel terrible for her, probably because I grew up watching victorious and saw her grow up too on nickelodeon, but still so much shit goes on in her life in the public eye and I can only imagine how much more chaotic it is from her own perspective. Pic related is what he said about her and Pete.
No. 292597
>>292594tbf, it's possible to just have your next bfs lined up without cheating. that is, realize you have crushes on other people, drop the one you're dating, then move on. it doesn't require cheating to do so.
she totally could be a cheater though.
No. 292615
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>>292614I was hoping for something of Ariana in the cow costume since most of the posts tend to be about her lol
No. 292619
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>>292614>>292615You can't go wrong with cow Ariana or smoking Elon.
No. 292641
>>292343>>292463She's goddamn cute. How come she gave birth to such unfortunate-looking creature?
On the other hand, I'm pretty glad our generation has an equivalent of Howard Hughes. Even more lulzy, considering all the social media.
No. 292649
>>292646Agreed, everything around her seems to just be rumors, whereas elon is straight-up 100% confirmed cow material.
The cow costume though man……..would give me a chuckle.
No. 292674
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No. 292675
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No. 292676
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No. 292680
New thread:
>>292678>>292676Jfc this is disgusting
No. 292751
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>>292152I don't think she looks bad but she's definitely not skelly at all. She's pretty thick now (not in a bad looking way but definitely not uwu loli like she pushes 24/7)
No. 368139
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I have a lot of milk on Marilyn Manson. Everything is so tasty about Marilyn: his appearance, messy personal life but I will start with his girlfriend who is rumored to be a total psycho and an interesting things is I suspect that he is the main source of these rumors on social media. If people here will find it interesting I'll bring more milk here.
Source of screens No. 368141
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This is old (2015) and theres is new shit on Insta on Usich and him
No. 368725
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Wow what people are talking on Manson and his gf Lindsay Usich. I researched on Insta, this is hilarious. Hashtag #lindsayusich and @marilynmansonnews just killed me
No. 368728
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I believe one of these wild rumors source is 666fearless. Manson tagged this account once so he's definitely aware but they deleted now most of comments on @marilynmansonews posts. But I saved screens!