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No. 2460876

A thread for venting about difficult, weird, or stupid stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>>/ot/2449812

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Please, do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2460877

I love LC, but I wish it was more active.

No. 2460883

Panick attack nonna
Go to the doctor to start benzos, to take only during panick attacks ; and maybe therapy
You really can't leave your job because you have panick attacks, because it's participating to the cycle. You need to have your body learn how to handle stress better. If you just isolate yourself in your own little bubble, it'll only get worse and soon you'll be panicking over literally nothing and be completely dysfunctional (I've seen it happen)

No. 2460885

vertigo from lexapro withdrawal ruining my life rn

No. 2460886

Unmedicated ADHD is ruining me, but nobody cares or takes me seriously because I'm still functioning and optically doing well, so it just sounds like I'm having a bad day whenever I try to speak up about it. They don't understand that it takes so much out of me to keep up. Everything mentally feels like trying to walk up a stupidly steep hill. By the time I'm over the hill, I have to walk up another even though I'm just so fucking exhausted from the last one, but I just keep going because I know if I let myself relax even a little I'll just give up and "relax" forever. My whole life, there has never been any middle ground for my brain, it has only ever been 100 or 0 effort into things, and I have too much to lose to let myself go back into that "0 effort" mentality.

No. 2460892

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Just looked at a calendar to schedule when I will need to work and get everything done by for my classes and I may as well kms. I fucking hate that I agreed to this bullshit project in January, it’s not even going to be good and just a huge waste of time. And all the projects I actually want to work on will suffer because of it. God fucking dammit.

No. 2460894

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I wish every smartphone would explode. They ruined the world

No. 2460897

It would be if people didn’t bitch about saging in OT threads. That way people would see threads be bumped and click on it to continue the conversation.

No. 2460902

I let a moid hurt me. It is absurd and humiliating.

No. 2460904

Is that a thing? I thought you only needed to sage for celebricows.

No. 2460907

She said LC. Not /ot/. /ot/ isn't LC.

No. 2460908

I used to bump threads sometimes, but then they get immediately buried within minutes kek

No. 2460912

It is yeah, they usually only bring it up when you’re arguing with them kek
I mean it’s a big part of lolcow? Also applies to G and M.
Also I don’t go on snow or pt a lot but the threshold for what milk is seems unreasonably high, although that’s probably a good thing, just like it’s a good thing that nobody is allowed to blogpost in those threads or we would end up like kiwi farms.

No. 2460924

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I don't know whats wrong with me but I fucking hate my uni friend. She barely even goes to class and always expects me to spoonfeed her information that she will never bother to ask the profs herself, and when she does come, I get so bored talking to her I try to zone out while she's having one of her 100 tangents. It wouldn't be even half as bad if she pulled her weight and didn't fuck up every single assignment we do together. She's not a bad person, just really fucking irresponsible and not suitable for me, but I feel like im stuck with her. Literally I find every single aspect of her personality bland and boring. She's starting to irrationally irritate me and I dont know how this is going to end. I'm scared I'm going to blow up in her face if i dont learn to draw boundaries.
And she takes forever to respond to texts when i ask her about important shit. Cherry on top.

No. 2460934

I don't understand the purpose of instagram anymore. They shadowbanned still photos in favour of reels, and fucked a bunch of other shit up, so now their userbase is a third of what it used to be from like 5 years ago. What is the fucking point of neutering their website so retardedly? It made everyone jump ship to even more retarded shit like TikTok. Nobody sees my artwork online. Do I start over? My account hasn't grown in fucking years. I hate this shit so much. Fuck the internet sincerely. I wish people went outside more.

No. 2460943

Dad sounds like a control freak who would push for full custody if you give him the slightest reason to doubt your competency as a mother. Give him that and drop the kid and start over. You don't have to spend 20 years in prison for a choice you were groomed into as a child. Child support payments would be preferable to having to interact with a man who shit talks you every time you have to meet him and ruins your self esteem. Plus the kid feels the same way so let the moid machine have him. This will sting, but the woman your ex winds up settling with may have better self esteem and he might respect her more, which would be a better situation for your kid anyways. It can't get much worse than being juggled between two parents, one of whom despises the other.

It's a nice idea but probably not right for her. She's got the right idea to branch out into ASMR. I fucking love ASMR when I'm in the mood, calms me down so much. The competition is high but the demand is there too.

It is absolutely a midas touch thing and you are correct, the baking gods hate you. If your baking karma was good you could wing recipes, ingredient swap, and make layer cakes and eclairs on the first try.

>will they read this. welp

No. 2460960

If we're critiquing ideas, asmr sucks and is for autists. Competition is high bc anyone can do it. You're suggesting anon transition to a dead industry, on the cusp of an AI coomer revolution. welp

No. 2460981

Well its a good thing theres an autism epidemic and everything else people like sucks too! What the hell, I'm gonna go tip an ASMRtist now in your honor, loser

No. 2461035

i was trying to look up other women's experiences with delayed periods since mine is late AGAIN, but the amount of pregnancy and moid talk is making me feel violent. i know it's just hormones and frustration talking, but i hate moids and nigel talk more than ever. the constant "are you sure you're not pregnant?" is so fucking infuriating like, yeah, no, i'm pretty sure i would've already killed myself out of shame if i had allowed a scrote's grotesque, biohazadrous dick to go inside my body, let alone if i was carrying his fucking parasite in me. not to mention i've had to cancel both a therapy appointment AND a class because i've been feeling like utter shit for a whole week now. if i don't get my period today or tomorrow morning at the latest i think i'm genuinely going to lose it, i can't take this shit anymore.

No. 2461041

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I'm so deep deep in phone addiction. The only thing that can persistently distract me is work. I don't even post on or use any major social platforms, it's all boards, blogs, ytube and maybe reddit. I think I really made it worse by getting a hacked addless youtube that lets you watch shit nonstop or have it play in the background + having phone as my only gadget for years after my laptop died.
When I'm home and don't have anything urgent to do, it takes a frankly stupid amount of willpower to drop my idiotbox and do something else. I only have a couple of friends to spend time with but we are all 25 and over and have jobs. I need to find some active hobby or became a volunteer at an animal shelter or something because I don't have an incentive to drop the screen otherwise. Summer getting closer is also good, last year I would go on a long hikes with only a podcast on and most of my phone functionality blocked with one of those anti-distraction apps.

No. 2461043

Dumb question, but are you using any new meds, nonna? My period was mad late and I felt like all that unshed blood is building up and rotting straight in my brain when I was using specific psych meds.

No. 2461049

Women choosing to have children with the worst moids on earth are a big part of the problem. Great now your children will only have to suffer or inherit your partner's shitty genes like I DID!! I have a faulty brain and trauma because my dad is a narcissistic emotionally abusive depressive bum and my mom still chased him even after he treated her like absolute garbage. I somehow even inherited his looks, while I look nothing like my mom. I know some children are the result of rape, but a lot of women willingly choose to mate with these defective creatures. And then people are like, oh this is part of your character development, how about I just set myself on fire. I beg women to stop being retarded pick mes and learn how to choose a proper moid, and if there's no one good enough, then don't give birth! Stop being fucking selfish

No. 2461051

Me too. I hope things get busier soon

No. 2461052

Even animals are better at choosing a suitable mate, because they want healthy strong cubs, in nature if you don't have what it takes you suck it up and never become a father and you never get to spread your defective genes, simple as that! Only men think they're entitled of having a gf/wife and us women of course we entertain them.

No. 2461058

a friend of mine in the last 2ish years has turned into a minimalist/zerowaster type of person and while I agree to some extent because I'm also the type to not like clutter, I wonder how sincere is that because when she needs something she buys it off shein and gets cheap stuff and when she has to make a gift, she goes through her drawers and gifts her old stuff to people.
That's the worst way to declutter (instead of donating idk to goodwill so people can at least choose and get what they need and want) and now I have stuff that I don't like nor use but I feel too guilty to refuse these "gifts" and I'm also moving out and don't need more stuff, usually when I declutter I make a post online so people can come over and get what they want and I can't seem to get rid of this extra stuff.
"omg nona just refuse the gift!" it's not easy without looking a complete asshole, in a nice moment the least thing I want to do is pushing back someone's else gift and making everything feel awkward, I just wish that she could realize that zerowaster/buynothing/minimalist etc doesn't mean that other people become personal landfills and you can walk away feeling also good about getting a gift. When I gift something I always make sure that the person will like/use that gift. fml.

No. 2461064

sounds like she's using decluttering as an excuse to be cheap

No. 2461074

I feel sad. Two months ago, my mom said one of our outside cats disappeared. We had two cats, a female and a male who we had in our house for three years. After we moved they became outside cats for the next seven years despite me and my brother’s protests. She said around the time the first cat disappeared, she heard a cat screaming. I asked her about it again and she said she’s still been gone and that the second cat also disappeared around the same time too. Then she said they’ve been hearing coyotes in the area. The cats became fucking food for the coyotes. I feel depressed thinking about how scared they must’ve been in their last moments. I wish my parents had kept the cats in the house or at least re-homed them. I moved out but it was several hours away and no pets allowed in the first apartment I got. The only thing that sort of comforts me is that there is another cat who shows up to our porch every now and then ever since he was a kitten several years ago. He’s definitely a lot more feral than the other two were but my mom says he still comes around so at least he’s all right and nothings gotten to him yet. I hope he keeps kicking at least.

No. 2461104

Maybe see a gyno to see if you have PCOS or another hormonal issue, nonna. There are many things that can cause late periods besides pregnancy, stress is the biggest one. But if it keeps happening (and you’re not sexually active) it might be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Good luck, I’ve been there and it’s super frustrating

No. 2461164

I'm going to fucking puke, I am now 100% sure my brother really did cheat on his wife AT LEAST ONCE. They have kids. To say I'm disgusted would be an understatement.

No. 2461187

It's actually kind of fucking annoying when you're depressed and your friend starts mirroring your mood. I feel guilty but at the same time PLEASE stop internalizing my bullshit, you are your own person.

No. 2461256

I frequently think about lighting my eczema ridden face on fire to stop the eczema or make my face look so bad that eczema is no longer an issue.

No. 2461269

I love my sister, and I love that she's into art, but I can't help feeling cringe or uncomfortable when I'm with her and her friends. For some reason, most of them act in a way that feels performative. Maybe I'm wrong. But god, I hate those pseudo-intellectual conversations about art. I hate how "deep" they think they are just because they are art students. I knows there's annoying people everywhere, I've met many medicine students who have god complex but art students, they make me feel so uncomfortable.

No. 2461270

are you on corticoids

No. 2461284

No. 2461285

I hate all the posters in the unconventionally attractive male thread. They're all disgusting pickmes who don't respect themselves. This website is full of pickmes. There is not one single space where mediocre scrotes are not praised. I don't have any respect for them and i hope they all get cheated on and suffer for being disgusting pickmes and suffer horrible fates.

No. 2461286

My tooth hurts so much right now

No. 2461313

I'm a terrible person and I'm jealous of all the good, hardworking people who try their best every day. I don't understand why am I like this, I noticed this problem from a young age. When I was in school I had very good grades however I was only doing the bare minimum, just doing my homework and studying like one hour the day before the test. Then I noticed that some other kids were the actual top performers, winning all sorts of competitions and achievements, and I remember being jealous as fuck because how can they actually be so hardworking and put so much effort in studying? Whenever I heard how many hours some of these kids were studying and how focused and motivated they were I was shocked cause I knew I could never have the patience and inner drive to do that. In a fucked up way I was super proud of myself for not having to study as much and still being able to ace all the tests, but deep down I was seething because I couldn't be hardworking and it's gonna bite me in the ass eventually. I knew that I was lazy, and the cracks appeared more and more as I got older. As expected, in the end I just turned into an unmotivated depressed adult who maybe had potential a long time ago, but now it's too late to fix all the bad habits I gained from years of procrastinating and lazing around. Now I even lost the ability to study properly and I feel dumbed down, as if my brain has rotten. I can't even last more than a month at a basic job. Meanwhile all those hardworking kids are now in med school, or they're studying computer science, while working part time.

No. 2461317

Same my period is always late. I think in my case I probably have a condition and have been suspecting endo. I hate it so much because you have to be so prepared just in case it happens since you dont know when. Also based nona

No. 2461328

try that before burning your face off

No. 2461358

Im drunk at 1pm on a Tuesday. Im at work. My dad recently died and I always considered him my best friend. The two girls that I always considered my best friends couldn't be fucked to support me through it so i cut them off. Now I'm pretty much alone besides my nigel, and it's driving me crazy. Absolutely fucking banana bonkers. I miss my friends even though I know they ultimately never cared about me.
Im in a slump creatively and im having an identity crisis. I don't know who I am when I'm not creating, but I know my grief isn't allowing this. I've been living in the dark, working at home in a dark room for weeks, I want to feel the sunlight but I don't know how.
Whats sad is ive projected my anxieties and insecurities onto my nigel, I'm paranoid that he's cheating even though he's always near me. My world is so small. So goddamned small. I want to blow it up. But even then, I wouldn't know how

No. 2461360

I don’t see how being kind of lazy makes you a terrible person anon. You sound like you’re still fairly young, and you’re able to recognize your own faults. That means you’re absolutely capable of turning things around.

No. 2461369

But steroids always makes my eczema way worse when I get off of them.

No. 2461371

Try deactivating shitty apps such as Youtube and replace them with a walk outside and a paper book

No. 2461403

>and I remember being jealous as fuck because how can they actually be so hardworking and put so much effort in studying?
I don't understand this. They just study. Why are there so many anons acting like these very simple things are massive years-long obstacles. If you're feeling upset enough to write a passionate regretful post, you would think this would matter enough to try, at all, to change? This reminds me of the anon who is jealous that her friends don't turn down moids and she does

No. 2461415

I believe people sadly know me by now.. I believe I just broke up with him. I can't do this shit anymore and I'm not responsible for his kid. Which i love a lot but she'll probably be fine.

Send my partner home just now, i believe I'd like to be without him, but it isn't as easy. Did send him home though. Already know if I don't reach out he won't either.
It's just not wanting to feel alone I suppose

No. 2461454

i'm not, but i did have some changes when i first started taking my meds some 2 years ago so i get where you're coming from. and i fully get the built up blood feeling, it's so nasty and frustrating, like why can't you just come out???
i'm currently in the search for a new gyno, and i probably do need my hormones checked since both me and my mom suspect that i have some (likely mild) hormonal imbalance. in my case, i don't think it's endo or pcos (good luck to you, potential endo nona! i've heard doctors are shit about diagnosing it), it may be pmdd but my symptoms are pretty inconsistent from month to month which confuses me. my cycle has been punctual to a t for the past year or two, but i did have a period (kek) where my cycle randomly went from ~26 days to 30-33 days and it fucked me up beyond belief (that was a few months after i started taking my meds, so likely cause?). this is just the first time it's been late in so long and i really don't wanna go back to that old long cycle because the stress of it almost broke me. thank you for your advice nonnas ♥

No. 2461462

Have you ever been on progesterone or a progesterone based birth control? I have PMDD and an increased sensitivity to progesterone is the running theory for what causes it. I was put on a progesterone based birth control and went absolutely mad, was almost committed it was so bad. Anyways, I hope you get some answers soon nona!

No. 2461465

ive been talking to this person on tumblr for a few months due to us being in the same fandom and likes the same rare yuri ship i do so i had somebody to discuss it with and i thought this was a woman and now i found a picture of him somewhere and turns out he's a TIM…. it shouldn't be a big deal oh wow online mutual isn't who they say they are move on but i feel really fucking weird after talking about explicit fanart ideas with him under the pretense he's a bisexual woman there's a knot in my stomach

No. 2461471

I hate how wide my face is. I'm dead center at a normal BMI so it's not fat, my face bones are simply w i d e, two hands wide to be exact. If I see myself in the mirror with another woman it's so noticeable. I know it's retarded and nitpicky but I can't help feeling self conscious about it.

No. 2461480

I'm so sorry nonna. Non consensual interactions with trannies are always scary and uncomfortable.

No. 2461486

>it shouldn't be a big deal oh wow online mutual isn't who they say they are move on but i feel really fucking weird after talking about explicit fanart ideas with him under the pretense he's a bisexual woman there's a knot in my stomach
it is a big deal, you thought you found a woman like you and it's actually a creepy man who is probably getting off on your interactions and you not realizing he is a man.

No. 2461502

thanks for the empathy i was still trying to be polite in my head i have to unlearn that

No. 2461504

You should tell his wife if you just found out and aren’t sure if she knows this

No. 2461507

cream steeroids?
if youve been taking corticosteroids as pills then yeah you'll get a flare up when getting off, but creams aren't supposed to do that
also youre supposed to have a very heavy moisturizer on the side that you keep up all the time even when not using corticosteroids

No. 2461509

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It just feels like nothing good happens. It feels like those who are evil get away with everything, and those who are good suffer endlessly. It feels like people's hatred for evil is entirely performative and they'll always go and support those who are evil if they are their friends, family, lovers etc. I wish something, anything really, could finally happen to those who are evil. It's so easy for them to ruin our lives but so hard for us to do something about it. Everyone who's ever hurt me gets to go on with no issue but I'll be stuck suffering their consequences, it's really not fair.

No. 2461539

I tried but I struggle with focus and concentration really badly. It was a problem even when I was younger, I despised studying with my entire being, and it only got worse with age. After half of hour of studying my brain is fried and I lose all my patience and need to do something else, anything, just to distract myself. I've tried the pomodoro technique, taking breaks, but it feels like a constant battle. I'm jealous because I've seen people study for hours and they're able to actually "lock in" while my retarded ass can't even sit still.

No. 2461558

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I know that feel. The world is unfair and bullies, psychopaths and narcissists win. The only thing good people can do is stay true to themselves, and keep doing good things not because they will result in a reward but because it's what they believe in. The only way solution would be to become evil yourself but if that goes against your core beliefs it's incredibly hard to change.

No. 2461593

Just one fucking thing after another. I just want some peace and quiet and time to work on my own projects. I'm so upset. I thought after holding on for so long that I'd finally get rewarded but not the case. I'll lose two weeks and hundreds of dollars for no fucking reason.

No. 2461600

I’m so sorry to hear this nonny. Please try to be gentle to yourself during grieving.

No. 2461613

Hate how tied my productivity is to my monthly cycle. Last week (probably ovulation phase) I was kicking ass and way ahead of things. This week (probably luteal phase) I’m exhausted and dragging my feet even with normal sleep and diet.

No. 2461628

You might have undiagnosed adhd nona. I was in your shoes once, can't concentrate on a single thing, feeling burnt out after an hour, not even capable of creating a habit or routine. All this changed once I bothered to get diagnosed and medicated and its worked wonders since. It doesn't work for everyone but you can at least try and see if it works for you.

No. 2461637

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Look anon, my impression of your fat cat! Dieting is no fuuuuun, I wanna snack on something, but the stuff that is most fun to eat has most calories, I'm not just dieting, I'm also dieing, waahwahwah. Just, this isn't only an impression of a fat cat, it's my actual life right now, too, waahwahwah.

No. 2461656

>dump the e-scrote i've been chatting with for scroting around too much
>bored instantly
fuck this

No. 2461667

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>Think "damn, I look cute today"
>Admire self in mirror like a narc
>Take a selfie
>Look at the picture
The unbreakable curse.

No. 2461684

I'm just so tired of people. Everyone is annoying in some way. I don't want to see or talk to anyone anymore. I'll do the bare minimum from here on. I know I tend to overshare whenever I get the opportunity to speak but nothing I say matters to anyone.

No. 2461686

I don't know who I am and I'm afraid that I can't undo what denial and isolation have done to my mind.

No. 2461687

No. 2461693

youre cute

No. 2461694

I just want to go home and do nothing

No. 2461697

I want to look pretty tomorrow but that means waking up earlier and fuck this

No. 2461700

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Thanks kind nonnie

No. 2461707

Today has been probably the worst day at work I've had since I started here. I'm so ready to quit. All day I've been dealing with a homeless junkie my work hired who got kicked out of the hotel I booked him. And now I find out my coworker (and friend outside of work) ratted me out to HR because she found it unfair that my boss approved my overtime and her boss would not approve hers, so now I'm probably not getting the overtime that my boss had already approved. I get that she feels it's not fair but at the same time she could have brought it up to HR without mentioning my name and ruining it for me. It's not my fault that she got stuck with a shittier boss than me.

No. 2461725

I just wish it was fucking over already

No. 2461736

what are you doing, work?

No. 2461751

I'm so done with everything that today, a little thing like a shoe breaking in the middle of the street ruined my day.
I don't know how to cope anymore with my life. I try to fake it till I make it, masking my apathy/dissatisfaction, and then I burst into massive rage like today.

No. 2461771

i've never been on birth control or any other drug that would affect my progesterone levels, but thank you for the info! i do think one hormone or another is giving me issues, whether there's a bit too little or too much of it or if i'm just particularly sensitive to it, but i haven't been able to figure anything out so far and i doubt anything conclusive would show on lab test results, especially with how much my symptoms fluctuate from one month to another. thank you for the well wishes nonna!

No. 2461776

Scary that you got both of my posts. It's work and my living situation. It's been so hard on me. I lost interest in all my hobbies since I moved to this city a few months ago, I just go home to shower, doomscroll and sleep and being around so many people all day is driving me insane. I thought I'd finally get a break next week but it fell through. I don't want to be here anymore, I miss my old college flat and my room at my parent's house. Just someplace quiet without so many people and where I won't have to go to work

No. 2461786

how are we supposed to bring new people who aren't scrotes or obnoxious?

No. 2461816

I literally regret every single time I spend money on fast food. I don't know why I keep doing it. Even buying groceries feels like a waste of money because of how bad I binge. food is a disease. If i wasn't so weak-minded right now, i would make myself vomit it all back up.

No. 2461837

>order starbucks drink
>starbucks worker writes "yum" on cup
>i think it's cute
>point it out to my mother
>mother starts going on a weird, crazy rant about how dirty that is and how they shouldnt have touched the cups with their hands
>continues her miserable schizo rant about how the workers must have touched their dicks and pussies and picked their nose before handling the cup using their hands
>ask her how she thinks they made the drink or any food anywhere we go out to eat
>no response
What kind of mental illness is this? It was completely unexpected. I'm so tired of this miserable, negative ass bitch.

No. 2461841

I'm sorry anon you have to deal with that. Idk what that is, but i'd recommend you just start avoiding your mother as much as you can. That negativity can be very draining.

No. 2461848

I've ruined my brain on mtv and celebrity. I've got the perfect personality to be watched and observed and to make quips to the camera and fuck all else.

No. 2461855

>They shouldn’t have touched the cups with their hands
How else does she expect the drink to get made? Fucking kek she sounds insane I’m sorry anon

No. 2461862

>have horrible headache that wont go away, due to toxic scrote roommate, and messed up sleep
>go to kitchen
>toxic scrote starts directly following me on the way
>shows me some unnecessary object (not food) that he bought that contradicts my worldview/ethical views, expecting me to fawn over it and praise him
>I gave a polite response, question if it is from animals or not, he confirms it is, I say, "oh.." and turn around
>pickme roommate says "Its (meaning my apparent negative response) because its from animal products"
>he then walks out
>pickme gets distant with me, ditches me, walks into other room and says the thing he bought looks nice
>he will probably act sad/hurt, and make me out to be mean, and we cant have that! even though he never wished me a happy birthday and he has anger issues, holds grudges for years
>now Im anticipating further ostracization for not kissing his butt while having a painful headache

No. 2461884

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Saw an African music video and all the hot girls surrounding the male singer were chubby. They had natural healthy bodies on the chubby side, it was actually so cute but damn does it hurt that that's seen as a niche weird thing here where skinny is the ideal. That's what it should be like, men should appreciate normal women and healthy and happy should be the ideal but it isn't.

No. 2461902

I hate how farmers here are always on their high horse about how uber feminist they are but then call anons every misogynistic slur they can think of when someone does something they deem not feminist enough. I see more slurs directed at women than moids. That and scrote are the only words used for them and it's so stupid.

No. 2461941

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Tired and my muscles are sore but I still have work to do

No. 2461958

God same. The amount of misogynistic slurs you get for not being feminist enough is insane. Hate it here.

No. 2461968

I've applied to so many jobs and even had an interview last week that I've been really nervous about. I had the mistaken hope that I could finally get out of this rut I've put myself in for the past 5 years but it's like the universe wants to shove it in my face about how much of a loser I am. I obviously didn't get it and got rejected from two places which I've received today as well to make things worse. Today was supposed to see my psychiatrist so I can finally ask for the meds I wanted and she cancelled on me last minute. Zero friends and zero things to do with my life. I stopped reading due to feeling too depressed and mentally exhausted. I can't meaningfully engage with anyone here or elsewhere on the internet despite pathetically trying to make internet friends before. I can't even get a cat because my mother is allergic. My life is entirely meaningless and I feel like a disgusting half formed defective thing. I'm barely human

No. 2461975

Nice to see that you like it, i am African and I was always used to that, plus they aren't super sexualised because the boomers would get upset by it. Throw away comment, but i recall some Nigerian singer who has his dad as one of his backup dancers, kek.

No. 2461980

I think everybody looks worse on the selfie camera than IRL or in a mirror if that helps

No. 2461992

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Wide angular people look better in selfies bc lens perspective and distortion. The closer something is, the softer and rounder it appears

No. 2461998

Are you talking about the amerifag thread? That anon going in on Israel and slanging anti-semitic slurs is doing far too much. I'm all for the fact that radical feminism gets us to ask tough questions about ourselves that potentially may hurt our own feelings, but just coming in with ad hominem makes me not take anyone seriously.

No. 2462007

This MV just showed up in my feed, and it made me realize that, in 23 years on earth, I've never fallen in love. I've never seen anyone I've actually been attracted to, let alone been in a relationship with. I think the thing with the MV is that the chibi guy is perfect without any vice. He would never get angry, or treat you wrong, or be lazy, or get bald and fat. And real 3D moids are so disgusting and do all that stuff, and that's why I've never even had a crush before. But seeing this MV made me realise how much I do want ideal love, and now I'm hopeless if I'll ever get it.

No. 2462012

samefag, but another thing is that the MV shows a kind of childhood friend/young puppy love. But because I've graduated from college, it's impossible for me to ever have that. But young love is kind of the ideal, isn't it? So I'll ever be wishing for it, so even if a meet the perfect guy tomorrow, it'll never be the ideal life that I have lived.

No. 2462057

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I fucking hate myself for letting this feeling hit me once again.
Can’t sleep and my stomach hurts for some reason, but I’m feeling the “life is a race and I’m losing” thing even though I shouldn’t. For the record, I’m a second worlder, so maybe that’s why I feel like this. I kinda dread turning 26 in a month because I feel like I can’t get away with a lot of shit at this point and I feel inadequate because I didn’t check most things everyone has by this age (ridiculous I know). On the other hand, I find it neat because I never thought I’ll make it to 15, kek.
I hate that I lived and still live by others’ rules, I did things I hated most of this life and putting my dreams aside, hoping that after uni I will chase them but now I realize that it will be more impossible with each passing day. No one wants someone who wants to do acting and art related stuff after 25.
Can’t even find my place tbh, maybe the graveyard is my place after all, but I don’t want my parents to live their worst nightmare - burying their only child.
This summer I’m graduating uni and I hope I’ll live this bumfuck place asap, maybe that will change my view. And I find it ridiculous to feel that way since I have a baby face still and can get mistaken for someone in highschool still, so I can get away somehow, but seeing people my age and younger living their dreams while I’m stuck makes me wanna kms since it’s gonna be downhill from now on I fear.
Fuck, I should get a therapist kek.
Although, I should remember and be grateful that I achieved 2 things by now: a better relationship with my parents and my last suicide attempt was almost 7 years ago, maybe that’s something.

No. 2462062

Not necessarily. I had a puppy love sort of relationship that began the month before I turned 25. You can still experience it, you just need to put yourself in a position for it to happen. It’s not the end of the world nona, just keep swimming.

No. 2462094


>>2459553 anon from last thread here. Nothing wrong with carefully weighing your options and their potential effectiveness vs. cost, both monetary and to quality of life. It's very easy to tell someone to do all the treatments available no matter what the cost when they're not the one paying for them and suffering the side effects. It's perfectly acceptable to say you're not willing to go through so much hassle for so little gain. Hair loss kind of puts us in an unwinnable position in that no matter what we do with it, someone who hasn't been through it always has a weirdly strong opinion on it.
And kek, I know exactly what you mean with thick-haired people looking us straight in the eye and complaining about how oh-so-awful it is to have thick hair. No doubt it can be a lot of work to care for and I bet it's very hot in the summer but… come on, now. Possibilities for thinning out thick hair and still have it look decent are near endless, but I'd love to see one of them try to work the kind of black magic we have to do to make our hair look even close to average thickness. They can get back to me once they've had to fill out their hairline and part with eyebrow pencil for a few years, lmao.

No. 2462102

Ice Spice had a body around that size and was considered attractive by most westerners until she lost weight

No. 2462110

I'm talking to this moid I met online and he told me about how his dad was in a band and was kinda famous. I believe him since he seems honest and I've been trying to put the pieces together based off everything he told me about his own life and dads (which wasn't a lot but a decent amount) and now I have been looking all day and wish I could know but feel too weird about asking him since i guess he doesn't want to dox himself. I'm quite positive I narrowed it down but I'm not sure still and have been looking all day ugh

No. 2462136

i wish i could stop being bitter over petty things i can't change like wishing i was born a rich kid in a big city living a frivolous life and never having to worry about money

No. 2462140

non-white non-asian countries tend to value a healthy body like this

No. 2462173

Nonnas I’ll try focusing less on trannies and put them in the back runner, I have the privilege of not seeing them or interacting with them and their yesmen everyday in real life thank god so I’ll just try to ignore any kind of content involving them, it just feels bleak and depressing each time, I’ll check in a year or two maybe.

No. 2462197

Thanks for saying that, I'm sick of talking about trannies so much on here too. I feel like it's better not to focus on the things you hate so much.

No. 2462199

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This is what all women who have peaked started out doing, but in naive loving way. I hope we are able to discuss troons less bc they are unable to infringe on women, their rights or spaces more than they already have, or that regresses due to social/peer pressure. Then everyone wins, most of all the troons

No. 2462201

I agree, I kind of reached “peak terf”, not in the sense I no longer agree with them, I just don’t think it’s really as big of a problem as they make it out to be, and I see a lot of so called feminists starting to lean right because they’re so entrenched in the anti tranny stuff, and they even start to distrust anyone at all who’s gender non conforming or even gay.

No. 2462205

>and they even start to distrust anyone at all who’s gender non conforming or even gay.
…Realize there were liberties and weird social allowances they were affording these groups for no other reason than they are gay and deprogramming that moid-wiring in their brains. Realizing TIFs are TIFs bc of internalized misogyny and not gay moids, etc

No. 2462209

>now I have stuff that I don't like nor use but I feel too guilty to refuse these "gifts" and I'm also moving out and don't need more stuff
Honestly, you can trash the items if you don't like or need them. If she didn't take the care to think about your interests and needs in gifting you something, you shouldn't be obligated to feel sentimental about keeping your friend's drawer trash.

No. 2462232

exactly! Even in the dress up game thread the anons are making mock trannies or genderspecials to make fun to. why not create a fun or beautiful oc that you like instead of wasting your thoughts on trannys!

No. 2462253

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I want a bf so badly. My life is so shallow. I just want to hug a cute guy while we watch a movie, or show him my shitty art while he praises me. I just want to have one good thing in my life, one thing that inspires me to wake up and try my best every morning. If i cant be a happy neet i want to at least be a happy normalfag. I am putting so much effort into things i dont give a fuck and i get absolutely nothing out of it. My life is so miserable right now. I get no time to focus on my hobbies anymore, my only friend got a job so we cant chat anymore, i spent most of my day rotting away doing something i hate, i have no future, i have no one that loves me. Just put me down already, my life is miserable

No. 2462273

I'm just so tired. I want to go back to regular life. I thought I'd finally get some stability and relaxation, but no. There are no fucking breaks. I miss my cat. Whenever I come back home it takes a while for him to get close to me and sleep on my bed again. Last time I saw him it wasn't even long enough for that to happen. I miss him so much.

No. 2462296

the way boomers and zoomers alike get emotionally invested in every little thing they see on the internet, therefore will refuse to admit when a video or something else thet saw is fake/edited, is really annoying. its just funny how millennials are truly the only ones that learnt from the saying "don't trust everything you see on the internet".

No. 2462323

Original nonna here, they are a big problem nonna and thinking that they’re just “oh poor 1%” is stupid because laws are currently passed for them , laws that put women at risk. It just feels bleak to always hear tranny shit, that’s why I’m disengaging with it mainly because I’m not a burger/canadian/brit nonna, trannyism isn’t super strong here (although they do surgeries too kek, I watched one since I did an internship) , not because they aren’t a real problem.
I’ll still support feminism obviously, just like I did before, but I’ll put my energy on focusing even more on other topics, my local city has a shelter and help center for domestic abuse victims, I think I’ll go there to volunteer or participate in seminars.
Don’t confuse my words thanks.

No. 2462325

>I hope we are able to discuss troons less bc they are unable to infringe on women, their rights or spaces more than they already have, or that regresses due to social/peer pressure.
I hope so too nonna

No. 2462326

Even a single woman raped/harassed or just made to feel uncomfortable by being in the presence of a male in a place where he shouldn’t be but where he is due to the complicit intervention of the government is one too many.

No. 2462362

I was raised two steps away from the full homeschooled isolated right wing trad psyop that's circulating nowadays and I'm emotionally and socially stunted. I've been screened for both autism and a personality disorder, the latter of which would be the result of such an upbringing, but I don't have either so I'm just retarded.

No. 2462383

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I need to go to the doctor again but like half of the doctors I've been to are fucking retarded and don't know what they're doing. Sometimes I can't sleep all for days at a time, no I'n not on drugs/take stimulants, I just know they're going to prescribe me a megadose of some SSRI 1. I've already tried 2. Isn't proven to help with insomnia and 3. and say it's not a thing when I say that every antidepressant I've taken makes my jaw start moving uncontrollably. I swear to god if they try to push picrel on me I'm going to lose it. Once I didn't sleep at all for 3 days and they told me to sleep with socks and said I wasn't trying to sleep and was on my phone. I genuinely could have gotten a better remedy for my ailment from a witch doctor or a shaman.

No. 2462398

Same here nona. I'm a romantic so there's so many romantic cute things I want to do that one would do with a partner. I'm also perpetual horny and sick of only masturbating so I need sex (Which I refuse to have outside of a relationship, because I'm not into that)

No. 2462409

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Same. It actually stresses me out. I was in homeschooling co-ops and my peers were all so behind, particularly in math. It's a thing among homeschooling parents to refuse to teach their child anything beyond basic artihmetric. And those were the products of parents who actually put in enough effort put them in a co-op.
The "data" claiming homeschoolers outperform regular students is NOT true. It's not controlled for the sampled population. And in my experience, a smaller % of homeschoolers even attempted higher education and taking standardized tests compared to the local public schools.
There's essentially no regulation where I live to differentiate from someone giving their child a classical education perhaps with a tutor, those who just shove low quality Abeka booklets at their kids, and those who register their neglected kid as homeschooled just to avoid truancy and hide abuse. They actually want even less regulation.
Speaking of which, why the fuck is picrel cult still allowed in America? I know why, but wtf.

No. 2462418

Technically you have to have the equivalent of an education degree in qualifications to homeschool but any ol' parent can claim that and then teach their children jack shit. The new trad homeschooling psyop is just a breeding ground for child abuse. The shit constantly parroted by homeschool shillers?
>The outside world is BAD
>Education is WOKE and EVIL
>Keep your kids always at home where it's SAFE
Statistically, who's more likely to abuse the child? There is friendship and kindness in the world and not everyone is out to be your enemy. Homeschoolfags are two steps away from paranoid schizophrenia

No. 2462423

I'm 20 years old, a student and trapped home with my parents and siblings. They forbid me from work or saving up my own money. I am financially dependant on them. They monitor my location 24/7 despite the fact we live in a walled off house in the middle of nowhere. I hate my life. My dad has spent the past few years being verbally and borderline physically abusive to me. It started when I, having undiagnosed ADHD, struggled with university applications at 16. Instead of seeing that I was struggling with studies, my dad would bully and shame me. He would sit at the table with the family and bark out vaguely academic questions before turning to the family and insist that they join in and 'call me out for sounding like an idiot' when I tried to answer. Every single mealtime, for months. When I continued to struggle, he would yell at me demanding to know why I was lazy and 'deliberately choosing to fail' only for me to cry in frustration (not knowing that ADHD was the issue) and him beating me for crying. Eventually, I scraped by and got into the 3rd best uni in the country. My parents then proceeded to spend the past four years of my life torturing me over it. In their own words, they would 'remind me of it every day until I die' with the flimsy justification that I should 'learn from my mistakes.' As a result and having been pressured to isolate myself from any potential friends by my parents, I have hated every waking second of my current uni experience. Then, after 4 years, I finally got into the uni my parents wanted. For 4 years, they promised me the abuse would stop. That they would finally 'forgive me' for 'abusing them' by failing their expectations. Nonas, I'm sitting here in tears. Nothing has changed. They were happy for a week, then immediately started gaslighting me about everything that has happened: my dad pinning me to my bed in a chokehold while my mum filmed and threated to call the police on me, my mum standing at my sister's graduation from The Uni and proclaiming how disappointing she was that it wasn't my own, locking me outside in the woods overnight, chipping at my self esteem and worth day after day, mocking my speech with 'retard' voices, etc. I brought it up once. Once. Yesterday, with the feeble hope that they might just apologise. Nope. My dad sat there and screamed at me, saying how dare I suggest they did any of that and how insulting it was to imply he was a liar. He kicked me out the housenow . His ultimatum to come home is to grovel at his and my mum's feet, knowing full well I have 0 options with no savings, no friends, no nothing. Otherwise he will take it that I'm 'choosing to leave the house of my own accord', no doubt so he can scold me for it later as if it was my own immature decison to leave. I've played this game before. I always give in. But I'm at my fucking limit now. I can't go back. I just can't. The way he spoke this time sent shivers down my spine, threatening that my younger brother would soon grow 'bigger and stronger and finally show me my place'(what the actual fuck?). I don't know what I'm doing in that house anymore except to play the role of punching bag. These people always make casually violent statements like that and then follow it up with 'don't you dare warp what we say, we still love you.' How is that love? How is any of this okay? I'm not ready to go back and let myself get gaslit for months on end again, not when freedom is this close. But to get a good job, I need to push through these last few months and gradute. I don't know what to do. For now, I'm just sleeping on campus and hoping for the best.

No. 2462430

I fully get it, but lc is the ONLY place I can be honest and even openly mock trannies to vent my frustrations and I know other anons feel the same. When you have to deal with them irl regularly it gets incredibly depressing and you have to let it out somewhere to not go insane.

No. 2462431

I’ve truly internalised everything that redpill men wanted. I feel worthless because I’m about to turn 30 and I’m childless. I feel like I have to throw out my entire wardrobe and get plain and frumpy clothes so that nobody has to see a 30 year old hag in a short skirt and tight top, I feel like my life isn’t worth living nor saving, I feel like I’m essentially living dead and waiting to die, I don’t deserve to exist unless I can have children otherwise I’m just a worthless dumb woman getting uglier every single day.

No. 2462436

I'm older than you and fuck them kids. I also doubt you look that old. There are way more fun things to do than raise children for a sense of pseudoimmortality, and maybe I belong on some antinatalism subreddit but all the other aspects of your life are undoubtedly interesting I'm sure

No. 2462441

>30 year old hag
Oxymoron. That redpill shit is messing with your sense of reality nonna. Mid 30s is when women are in the prime of our lives and are usually at our healthiest. Men hate it and demonize women our age because we've existed just long enough to get wise to their bullshit and they know that they can't use the same tricks on us that they can with a naive girl fresh out of high school. They're frightened of based adult women because we know what we want and lack patience for their immature fuckboy games.
>I don’t deserve to exist unless I can have children otherwise I’m just a worthless dumb woman
No offense nonna, but please don't have kids until you've fixed this attitude. Do you really want your daughter to turn thirty and feel the way you do now? She deserves a mom who loves herself and lives her life to the fullest. More importantly, you deserve to be that woman who loves herself and lives her life to the fullest. Fuck redpill. It's intended to be a salve for subpar moids; it's literally not meant for you and you can do better.

No. 2462442

Everything is so fucking exhausting for me right now but no one gives a fuck. No one cares how I feel. Not my family, not my friends, not even my most parasocial followers. I can literally tell them that there is immense pressure from all sides that holds me back from focusing on anything besides surviving and that I feel like I won't be able to handle it for much longer and people will simply gloss over it. "Oh, I see. Well, I hope you figure that out soon!" thanks. I'll try to finish all my obligations next month and then I'll stop talking to them. I can't keep it up anymore. No one cares about me. I've known it for a long time but I was able to ignore it. I feel silly for indulging in friendships and sharing anything about myself in the first place. It doesn't matter to anyone.

No. 2462443

>all the other aspects of your life are undoubtedly interesting I'm sure
They’re not. I still live at home with my family, I can’t drive yet, I have a shitty job, no qualifications and no friends. If I was accomplished and intelligent I’d probably not feel this way tbh with you but I do. I feel that at this point I’m so far beneath everyone else that I have no right to try and be better. When I catch someone looking at me I interpret it as being extremely hostile and disgusted by me.

No. 2462446

I mean I didn't get a job or learn how to drive years after everyone else did so it's alright I guess

No. 2462450

Why do I keep getting accused of lying? Is it the tone in my voice or general anxious behaviour or do I just look like a retard? At this point it's made me lie genuinely because I might as well go for broke.

No. 2462455

>Technically you have to have the equivalent of an education degree in qualifications to homeschool
Maybe where you live, but not everywhere. There are virtually no regulations for most states in the US. In fact you don't even need a high school diploma or GED in some states.

No. 2462460

Weird, we were just talking about this at school and I said that people seem to be reading our main autists lack of eye contact as lying. Could it be that?

No. 2462461

I wish I was eating 5 pizzas and 5kg of milk chocolate I want to binge on shit food so badly out of nowhere!

No. 2462464

Thank you nonna, this is really kind

No. 2462467

Why the fuck do scrotes with long hair either smell like fucking sweat and have greasy hair while looking like discord mods(in 80% of cases) or are actually handsome (maybe) but at least they don’t fucking smell and have great hair?

No. 2462469

I am literally sat behind this retard who smells like fucking sweat, old sweat, as if he’s been wearing the same sweater for a week back to back.
I also used to sweat a lot and smell too , but I changed my clothes or at least my undershirt everyday.
I hate smelly people that have no reason to smell, you have enough money to come into university and have an iPhone, clean yourself.

No. 2462471

> 30 and I’m childless.
Babe that’s freedom, they want to sell you the lie that a woman cannot be accomplished or happy if she doesn’t mammy a parassite (husband) and a parassite number 2.

No. 2462474

Because the first category of men let their hair grow because they're too lazy to go see a hairdresser so they're also too lazy to shower, and the second category have long hair on purpose and want to take good care of it. The guys in between just keep their hair short.

No. 2462476

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Of fucking course he’s drinking a monster drink, of fucking course.

No. 2462486

>I'm all for the fact that radical feminism gets us to ask tough questions
You don't sound like a farmer. You don't belong here.
No way the mossad agent found this thread. Obviously they're not talking about the amerifags thread you dumb fag what they're talking about happens all the time

No. 2462497

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i wish nonnies here would stop talking to moids on pedocord in the hopes of having a boyfriend or having the illusion of love and attention. bitches deserve better but they make the trap for themselves.

No. 2462498

What >>2462486 said. If u were an actual farmer u would know that lots of anons here aren't even anmerican and the behaviour I'm talking about happens on every board.

No. 2462502

I’m not sure where you’re based, but in burgerland universities have emergency housing or at the very least resources to support students in situations like yours. Have you reached out to student affairs and resources and asked? Bare minimum they may be able to connect you with organizations that can help you.

No. 2462513

You were defending pornography, pedophiles, and advocating for the bombing of Yemeni women: Stfu before I post the bibas family mangled corpses

No. 2462514

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Why do they keep pushing back the VPN poll? Kek. I’m going to lowkey miss this website when the vpn ban comes, even though I hate most of the people here I’m truly clouded by nostalgia and the great pandemic years of shitposting, shit was so good it was never going to last. I’m gonna miss the nonnies who actually gave a shit to respond to me, I’m going to miss the nonnies who are aggro, I’m going to miss the nonnies who like to post animal pics during infights in attempts to cool it down, I’m going to miss /m/ and the cartoon spergs in /snow/, I’m even going to miss the horny degenerates in /g/ which I can admit can be extremely funny when you get past their creepiness, I’m going to even miss the personalityfags. I’m going to miss the bait, the infights, the user-created memes hall is the blond one, the corpse husband FBI tracking done by home based spergs figuring out what he truly looks like along with dream, the creepshow art stuff. I’m going to miss it. I miss the old lolye, straight from the ‘go lolye.. goodbye, even to the anons who I truly hated will all of my heart to the ones you could tell who were not entirely narcissistic pieces of shit.

No. 2462524

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friend of mine blocked me because i told her to stop insulting me to open the convo, she thinks she's a chav or a low-lifer and tries really hard to imitate their moids, despite growing up with her and knowing she's middle class. told her she will never be a chav and must be thankful for it, and now i'm blocked. but she always forgive her moid friends, even if they say her music is trash. i fucking hate being a woman.

No. 2462525

was this an internet friend or a real friend you can actually depend on?

No. 2462528

real friend

No. 2462532

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I hate middle-class retards who pretend to be chavs. They're insufferable and classist.

No. 2462538

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The fact someone out there wants to be a chav/roadman is actually scary.

No. 2462539

People with privilege always want to be oppressed kek.

No. 2462540

where the fuck do you people find these people?? kek

No. 2462544

friend from highschool…she has always struggled with her identity, but this low lifer arc has been insufferable and doesn't seems to end, even if she unblocks me i don't think i can reason with her anymore

No. 2462554

Yeah. I really don't think they understand how disadvantaged those people are to end up in that spot of doing petty crime and being in low-income areas. They treat it as an aesthetic and it's cringe.

No. 2462555

Next thing she’ll do is become a nonbinary polyamorous demisexual.

No. 2462556

she already did that

No. 2462557

Why were you even friends with that kekkk

No. 2462559

Next character arc will be converting (or "converting") to some kind of religion, calling it. Based on my own experience with chronic identity crisis sufferers, they always do this after a low point where they regret the actions of their previous LARP.

No. 2462562

idk. it makes me kek but angry to know that she's always playing the same rude and harsh persona as chav/low lifer moids, but whenever i told her something like i just did, she probably seethes and cries like a baby, trying hard to not trigger another identity crisis. they're always harder with their female friends too, i will never get this, most chav women know trying to be like moids to "earn" their respect doesn't go anywhere.

No. 2462564

crusty and hateful disorder. stay away from her, it can become contagious

No. 2462570

I can't anymore, my mother has mentally abused me twice now, first because I took her medicine because I thought mine had finished and second time to respect her bottle of water and drink from another source, I had both mental breakdowns were I was crying and even injured myself by accident, I got insomnia too I cannot sleep.

She says she cannot handle a dumb bitch who acts like she is in a soap opera so that's why when she says something that hurts I cry in silence and don't respond, if she asks me if I am a dumb bitch worth nothing I tell her that yes I am.

She says she can't handle a retarded cunt anymore that I should leave the house and fend for myself because she can't handle me anymore being such a histrionic bitch with bpd I do everything to make her not mad, I don't make noises, I don't walk since it bothers her, I don't talk on the phone with other people since it bothers her, I don't take selfies anymore since she assumes I'm being a slut, I have dated only one person ghosted him after she told the whole family I was an easy prostitute. I do everything to appease her. How canI get rid of Histrionic Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder? I want her to be happy with me, none of my psychiatrics have diagnosed me with these things but she has been diagnosed with bpd and even being prone to murder but she says they are all lying on her.

How can I make her happy and get rid of these disorders I hate having them so much.

No. 2462575

Time to find new friends nonna

No. 2462579

you can't make her happy, you need to get away from her as soon as possible and not look back

No. 2462581

I have some news for you nonna and you're not going to like it but you do need to hear it, this is coming from someone who also has a very bad relationship with their mother.

Nothing you can do will please this woman. You could be on medication and work 60h a week and never date and be a perfect meek little mouse of a girl and she would still find a reason to pick at you. She picks at you because she hates herself and she hates you as an extension.
The only thing you can do is work on your health, get some form of money or income that will let you move out and live on your own/with a friend or another relative etc, and live your own life. You deserve to be happy and feel normal without living in fear of what your mentally unstable mother thinks of you. You are not a bad person and deserve to have good things.

No. 2462584

Getting away from this woman will benefit you, you can’t please her because you are her punching bag.

No. 2462594

This is so unimportant but I feel like I’m getting gaslit by the universe over bread recipes. I swear to God, every time I’ve wanted to make some sort of dough, every recipe calls for instant yeast when I only had active dry and I’d stress over somehow messing up the recipe while needing to activate the yeast in warm water. Now I deliberately got instant yeast and every recipe for pizza dough I’m looking at calls for active dry. I have both on hand so it’s not a big deal, I’m just annoyed and confused and cranky lol.

No. 2462602

>Go into office to plug in laptop last night
>Walk out and step on something that feels weird
>Turn on lights and see a spider that is at least 2.5” in diameter on the floor
>It scurries away
I didn’t have socks or anything on when I stepped on it. I can’t stop replaying the crunching sensation in my head. Let me die.

No. 2462606

U need to cut your foot off and burn the house down sorry for ur loss nonnie

No. 2462613

Of course you realize you just started a war right? RIP nonnie

No. 2462618

This, the others living in your walls are coming for you anon. Sleep with a baseball bat tonight.

No. 2462619

This is legitimately one of my worst nightmares I think I would never feel at ease there again I'm sorry nonnie

No. 2462621

At least it wasn’t a cockroach

No. 2462630

How old was he? And was he a virgin?

No. 2462637

> you just need to put yourself in a position for it to happen.
Yeah shut up. People like you are so annoying with your fake positivity, someone would say “I’m so alone despite the fact that I’ve tried dating and it has always ended badly. It’s really hard to trust someone” and retards like you will come with your shitty advice
>you just have to put yourself out there!
>it will come when you least expect it!
When dating is just a matter of luck, that’s all. And I’ll add another fuck you since I’m particularly irritated.

No. 2462638

Acting as if women want bums and to be treated shitty in the first place when that isn’t the case.

No. 2462645

Don't know if this is the right thread for this, I hope I'm not bothering anyone but my cat died today. He was the softest, cutest, most polite and chill tuxedo cat ever. He would have turned 20 this year. I love him more than anything and it feels like a piece of me died with him.
Goodbye Jerry, I miss you so much.

No. 2462651

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My heart pains for you nonna, hope your sweet boy is doing well in cat paradise. Take your time and let yourself be sad, the passing of a beloved pet always hurts. Even though this pain won't simply disappear, I'm praying for many good things to happen to you so your total happiness can be more than your sadness.

No. 2462653

I really don’t follows Chappell roan and know two songs, but why does this retard always talk about drag queens, her ex boyfriend, men and trannies wherever she’s on my timeline kek? I’ve seen that she went on a podcast , guess what her topic was?
>how hard it is to suck dick
Kekk . Even I don’t love dick that much despite being straight. I so bet that she’ll have a TIM boyfriend to continue the lesbian larp.

No. 2462656

I’m sure Jerry felt loved in all his twenty years nonna, even during the last bit of them. I’m truly sorry for your loss. Think that he’ll always be alive in you somehow, the memories you shared and the cuddles will always remain with you forever.
Hang on nonna.

No. 2462657

I wish I could go back in time to when I was friendless and had no life on the weekends. I spent my time cleaning and organizing my house, cooking and baking, doing crafts, etc. Right now I have 2 irl friends and I feel like I'm constantly drained. One of them always wants to do something every weekend and I just feel like I'm not able to do the things I want to do. I feel guilty saying no, because then I get to hear about how "I wasn't sure if you like me or are mad at me… you never ask me to hang out first". I never ask to hang out first because 9/10 times one of them has already asked me before I could even get the chance to, and so the odd time I do get a weekend to myself I try to take advantage of it. Having irl friends has made me realize how much I value my alone time. I feel like I need a year to myself with no hangouts.

No. 2462658

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Cured my kidney infection, period is over, yet feeling the brain fog and fatigue again despite taking it easy lately. Thought I'd be able to jump back into productivity and exercise but I just feel like doing the bare minimum. I feel head sleepy but not body sleepy, and I have some priorities I'd like to complete. All I can think is maybe some sleep debt or low iron/vit d. It doesn't feel fair. How can people eat like shit and sleep so little and still function? I'm only in my 20's yet feel my body just gets more and more sensitive with age. Not as sharp, not as energetic, not as able to get a great deal of things done in a day. Used to be so inspired, have so many projects, write so beautifully! I just simply do not get it. My life is healthier now. I wonder if it is the mood stabilizer I am on, maybe having long term effects, but the dose is INCREDIBLY tiny. I feel like I am in purgatory.

No. 2462659

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KEK hear that nonas?

No. 2462668

I’m sorry nonnie. 19 years is such a good long life for a cat and I’m sure he loved you and his life with you. Be good to yourself these next few weeks/months.

No. 2462676

Oh nonnies thank you so much for your replies, it means a lot to me. I'm looking at pictures of him right now and can't believe he's gone. But I remember the cuddles and kisses as I read your words and it helps ease the pain a little

No. 2462677

damn i constantly wish that i had a more active social life but i know deep down id feel the same if i was going out all the time. you gotta learn to express your boundaries nona

No. 2462678

This sounds actually exhausting. Maybe I should stop whining about being friendless.

No. 2462686

Two years older than me, I was his second girlfriend so no. It didn’t work out in the end but all things considered I am thankful I had the experience.
Kek it’s not fake positivity when you believe it anon. Being bitter towards others isn’t going to help you any more than just not trying at all.

No. 2462687

I feel this. Balancing a social life with everything else is hard. I wish I had more time for my personal projects sometimes. I love my friends though and would never wish them away permanently. You just gotta be honest with them. “Hey, I’ve kind of been needing some alone time lately, it’s nothing personal, I just need some time to myself to recharge.” Something like that.

No. 2462693

Bf kinda admitted that im unattractive recently. Kinda hate him and rethinking my whole relationship now.

No. 2462708

I’m fed up with retards like you who come and think that you are somehow a pot of wisdom for having been with a decent Nigel or being with one currently. Dating is luck, that’s it. You are just an asshole when you go on and say
>uhh maybe you haven’t tried enough, put yourself out there.
To someone who has tried already and who is simply venting.
I’ll add another fuck you too because you deserve it kek.

No. 2462711

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>it’s not fake positivity when you believe it anon
And I can also believe that tomorrow I’ll become a millionaire. As long as I truly , but truly believe it, it will happen right? Gee thanks.

No. 2462720

What a fucking asshole. Absolute loser behavior. Sorry that happened Nona. One day you will laugh when you think about him.

No. 2462721

And I can bet my eyebrow that he’s the ugly one out of the two.
Men open their mouth while having shit on their underwear, baldness, shitty low T bodies and try to diminish the esteem of their girlfriends to feel better about themselves.

No. 2462722

That's called negging, nona! Leave his ungrateful ass immediately.

No. 2462723

Nonna up there will just tell you that you have to keep swimming and that maybe next time you’ll need to put yourself out there, you know kek?

No. 2462727

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>shitty low T bodies
Because this is disgusting and disrespectful

No. 2462735

Dump his ass. He isn't worth it.

No. 2462740

Op here; now I’m just realizing him forcing me to eat these huge portioned meals and trying to “hype” up my body even though I’ve physically gained weight is probably his method to keep me with him because if i get fit and skinny again someones gonna swoop in and get me. He’s insecure about his looks and he’s admitted that to me, so i wonder if this is just some sort of mental manipulation to keep me tethered.

No. 2462778

I had a girlfriend who did similar to me. Get out if they're not encouraging you to be the you that you want to be.

No. 2462785

Not sure if this is the right thread but I've been so lonely lately in my relationship. My bf and I have been in a long distance relationship for over two years. We see each other once a month for one week each time but lately it feels like there's no end in sight for him moving here. I love him and he is on track to having a pretty great career, but I'm getting to the end of my rope here. It'll definitely be at least another three years until we can move in together, and I can't relocate because I start school again in a couple of months. I need some kind of concrete plan from him but so far he hasn't really given me one other than "if there's a job there for me in three years I'll move to you" which is extremely frustrating and open ended. This is genuinely ruining me, and I don't know how much longer I can go with our current situation. I just wish he lived in my city in the first place.

No. 2462797

Someone getting you fat is your enemy

No. 2462800

I’ll take take a break from my usual hating and try to be reasonable.
>if there's a job there for me in three years I'll move to you" which is extremely frustrating and open ended
But that is a plan nonna, it’s just that you don’t like it. He can’t know if he’ll get the job and it’s stupid to promise things that he might not keep.
I’ve not understood if he’s studying or already working, but since you said that he’s in a fast track to a good job he’s most likely going to earn more than you, which yes sort of dictates what he’ll do, love doesn’t give you food and a roof over your head.
If there’s a job in your city he’ll take the offer, but realistically speaking if he doesn’t get the offer there but instead where he is why should he be the one moving and not you for example? Or even a middle ground somehow, to me it sounds like you want him to sacrifice everything while you sit in comfort.
If you wanted an easy and more hands on relationships you shouldn’t have been with someone in a different city for two whole years. You might have reached the end of the relationship, but it's only you who knows whether you love him still or not.

No. 2462803

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I feel like if you loved him then waiting three years for him to see if he would get the job is reasonable. But I also think that you should actually sit down and think about
>waiting time
>if he gets the job how are you two going to arrange living together.
>the possibility of him not getting the job.
>if you would be willing to move yourself and change university.
Be proactive because it’s your future. If the cons outweigh the pros for you then you already have your answer.
But again , I’m just an internet stranger. Goodbye.

No. 2462807

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No. 2462810

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You made me think about my mom who is making me write her shitty thesis when I have my own exams to do, it’s her master’s, guess who did her bachelor’s? Yes me.
If she could have given a proper deadline I would be okay, but she wants to do it on May, it’s easy to open your mouth when you simply copy and paste stuff and expect me to add footnotes, change the words , align etc.
It’s so annoying.
Oh she also broke up with her ex and is in somehow in a crisis (can’t even sleep) so she isn’t even being helpful in the first place. I hate how male centered she is, but I think she came to a realization, that’s why she’s not coping well and I’m trying to be there for her.
Sorry for overriding your vent nonna, but yes, thesis are a fucking nightmare.

No. 2462811

Thanks nonna. That gave me a lot of insight. You're right, I'm not being very reasonable about this. I've spoken with him a lot about it and we've agreed to talk about it more in person when he comes to visit soon. I think I need to be more amenable to making sacrifices, and I'll keep that in mind next time we talk about it.

Thanks for the advice here too. I definitely have more things to think about and talk to him about. The only tough thing would be changing universities because of my specialized program, but in this case I think I just need to find more ways I can feel more emotionally intimate with him without the physical closeness. I'll try and be more proactive and think more about my own future and how that fits with his.

No. 2462814

Wtf, so she's graduating based on your stolen work? Why doesn't she just use ChatGPT like the rest of us. At this point I'm just a co-author to it KEK

No. 2462827

She loves using the excuse that she’s an immigrant, but she’s literally lazy, that’s it. She has done all her exams by herself and studied books with very little problems.
I would have proofread her work and corrected it gladly , but that isn’t what she’s doing sigh. It was basically forced on me.

No. 2462829

She does use it, but we aren’t in an English speaking country, so the translation aren’t really the best.

No. 2462832

But she’s paying me 500€ at least (she also saw if she could buy it in shady sites, but they were asking her 1000-1200€). The things is that I truly don’t have the time to sit for hours doing only her thing.

No. 2462844

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Hope you can talk it out, relationships aren’t easy at all and these are the moments that make it or break it nonna. And as much as I would have liked to say
>Reee he doesn’t care about you!
>He should move for you if he truly loves you!!
It would have been funny but not useful. I’ll be back to my usual hating though.

No. 2462860

maybe anon means farmers who make fun of tradfags? even though the trad types make fun of other women first. or maybe it's about some bait in unpopular opinions. idk these vague posts are always so confusing

No. 2462894

Got my paystub and my overtime that my boss approved wasn't on it. I know it's because my coworker complained that my time was approved and hers wasn't. So now neither of us got it. I feel bad venting because we are friends, but that really bothers me. It was totally up to our bosses discretion if they wanted to pay us the overtime rate or not because we had both missed one full day of work but then came in on the weekend for a few hours, so technically going by the book neither of us were entitled to overtime, but my boss said he appreciated me coming in and wanted to pay it. Her boss did not. I don't know why she felt that if she couldn't get it that I didn't deserve it either or why it even bothered her that much because if the roles were reversed I wouldn't have said a thing. It would have been a nice extra chunk of money and I'm really struggling with bills right now. I feel like I'm reconsidering our friendship a bit because she ran to HR to complain immediately after she asked me if my overtime was approved.
It was already kind of bothering me that she had openly told me that she thinks she should be paid more than me because she thinks she does more than me, despite us being in completely different departments and me having almost 2 years seniority. But now I'm getting the feeling that she really thinks I'm the bottom of the barrel worker and she's above me and so I shouldn't get anything that she doesn't get. I dont know. It just seems like a very childish thing for her to have done, especially since we have been friends.

No. 2462900

Why not just post without a VPN? Not shit stirring I'm just wondering

No. 2462911

kek she thinks a used goods moid is ideal love

No. 2462919

I want attention, validation and maternal love and care

No. 2462922

None taken, I hope you find what you want eventually nona.

No. 2462923

Everyday I catch myself thinking more and more like pixyteri.

No. 2462926

Sweetie. You are deeply valued, and you deserve love, care, and warmth. Your feelings matter, and I see you, and I appreciate you for who you are. I admire your kindness, your strength and your beautiful heart, it's like a whole world lives inside you and it's breathtaking. If I could, I’d wrap you in the softest, most reassuring hug and remind you that you are worthy of all the love and nurturing you crave. You deserve to be cherished, to feel safe, and to receive the gentle care that makes your heart feel full. You are enough, just as you are.

No. 2462928

This woman sabotaged you and saw to it that you were not paid for your time. It's none of her fucking business if you're being paid better than her. If a friend did this to me I'd be furious, but from what you are saying of her, I do not think she is your friend.
You should start distancing yourself from her and let her go. If she ever tries to ask about your pay again, say you don't know, you don't want to talk about it, or lie. Fuck her, I can't believe she cost you overtime like this. And she knows your situation as you are friends. That woman is not a friend, she is a crab in a bucket.
Read back on the VPN Poll thread in /ot/. A lot of VPN anons have talked about this.

No. 2462929

You can just post without your VPN nona. It’s not a big deal

No. 2462931

You're just beginning to shine!

No. 2462934

>for having been with a decent Nigel
He wasn't even decent kek it didn't work out in the end

No. 2462935

That's like 800 posts of mostly infighting Nonna why don't you just tell me what your reasons are for not wanting to post without a VPN, give me a tldr

No. 2462939

Same. Im kind of a sped and get trapped in dumb thought spirals similar to hers but then I'll think "WHY AM I OLD AND UGLY AND SMELLY IM A MAN I DONT WANT TO DIE" in her voice and laugh so hard it breaks me out of it.

No. 2462940

I don’t get this, just say you are busy and can’t hang out. You don’t owe them all your free time. Set some boundaries and if they respond poorly then they’re not friends you want anyway.

No. 2462946

I am truly grateful of moving in this country and studying here, but sometimes I wish I was just surrounded by people who look like me and not be the odd one out. Even my friends can’t understand my feelings. It took me my whole teenager years to actually accept myself and come to love myself and despite having done that I still struggle with the feeling of loneliness.’
When I say that my experience with dating (both men and women) and the fact that it has been abysmal is very much influenced by me being black I am not being self deprecating , no it isn’t a self fulfilling prophecy on my part , no I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’d rather stick to myself and be on my own than exposing myself to useless pain and disappointment.
I obviously don’t fault anyone for it, preferences are preferences, but I’m acutely aware that it takes a different kind of person to be with me, in the sense that 1. They must not care 2. They must not care about the judgement of others either.
I’ve had people looking at me , men asking me out in public and getting compliments, women calling me beautiful, but it never amounts to anything or they simply want to have sex with me and it’s just tiring. I don’t want to be the jungle fever ebony experiment for once in my lifetime.
I wish I lived in the UK or France at least c I’d have a chance. I hope I can move after university.

No. 2462947

A lot of anons are very upset today it seems, what’s in the water?

No. 2462948

No. 2462954

I was falling asleep and someone sent me a text at fucking midnight. I woke up and now I feel agitated and stressed and can't go back to sleep. I have a headache too.

No. 2462955

I start a new temp job in a few days and I'm getting kind of nervous

No. 2462956

>hate men
>also super slutty and submissive
is this the same phenomenon as racists who are into being humiliated for being inferior to black people or something? how do i cure myself?

No. 2462958

Hint hint: you don’t hate men

No. 2462959

You're just larping as a "femcel" because it's cool.

No. 2462960

You're ovulating, give it a week

No. 2462961

>gatekeeping femceldom
i don't find it cool..? whatever lol i'm at loss of words

No. 2462969

No such thing as a femcel and the fact that you think it exists says a lot.
What is with newfags who come up here calling themselves men hater when they literally aren’t?
There was the other one who hooked with his moid and she had to break into his house to pick her charger since he wasn’t answering her, she fucking cleaned up and made bread kek and she was talking about being low empathy and hating men.

No. 2462970

File: 1743026884158.webp (41.43 KB, 1080x854, at-times-like-this-i-guess-all…)

>boyfriend of 5 years ghosts me
>other ex who I think is the love of my life has a new girlfriend and tells me constantly about how great she is and all the trips they take together
>being replaced
>Same guy is always extremely critical of who I date but won't date me himself
>can't let go of him because he's my oldest friend and I don't want to lose him
>everyone leaves me in the end despite what they say
>trying desperately not to end up bitter, lonely and reclusive like my mother
>can feel it happening anyway
>know there's something deeply wrong with me because why else would this keep happening
>I know I find it hard to open up to people irl because they'll treat me like a victim or patronize me and the thought of that makes me feel sick
>also fear I'm missing out on experiences but OCD so terrified to have experiences in case a freak accident etc happens and kills me, meaning all of the sadness was for nothing
sorry for my loser ramblings

No. 2462971

>whatever lol i'm at loss of words
Kek , femcel nonna didn’t feel welcomed enough.

No. 2462979

Nta but do you seriously think you can't hate the opposite sex while simultaneously finding them attractive? Genuinely asking.

No. 2462980

Go back to X or TikTok please

No. 2462983

I've been here since 2018 and have never used tiktok. You'll be ok

No. 2462985

>think you can't hate the opposite sex while simultaneously finding them attractive?
Still doesn’t change the fact that these nonnas don’t hate men and just say it as a way to appear “cool”. Can weed them out each time because they’re recognizable kek.

No. 2462986

>No such thing as a femcel and the fact that you think it exists says a lot.
didn't say it exists just replying to another anon but i think it's funny how you plaster intentions on my post while barely reading it (such as plastering i have any opinion on femceldom when i'm literally just replying to another post)
>What is with newfags who come up here calling themselves men hater when they literally aren’t?
ok so you're in my head and you know everything that happens in my mind? kek
>There was the other one who hooked with his moid and she had to break into his house to pick her charger since he wasn’t answering her, she fucking cleaned up and made bread kek and she was talking about being low empathy and hating men
ok nice story? see you're doing it again
just an annoying useless post of someone who thinks theyre so special

No. 2462987

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It’s as useless as your
>reee I hate men so much but I am so slutty and submissive
So now what? We look at each other in the eyes?

No. 2462988

>gatekeeping femceldom
>gatekeeping hating men
some people sure have strange ways to make themselves feel unique
>noooo you dont know what hating men feels like only I know!
idk if i wanted to feel special id get a degree or make a piece of art, not try to win the hating men gold medal

No. 2462989

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Cant even kill their fathers yet thinking they hate men…

No. 2462990

It’s not a competition or a medal, words have meanings and you don’t hate men. Having a meltdown won’t change it kek, you just look ridiculous.

No. 2462991

it's called a vent, it doesn't have to be useful
your reply to my vent was not helpful and self aggrandazing (trying to etablish yourself as male hate ceo or soemthing) therefore useless

No. 2462993

Please answer the question -> >>2462979

No. 2462995

yeah, words have a meaning, hate is a feeling of intense dislike
i feel intense dislike which doesn't always contradict my libido
what's your point?

No. 2463010

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Hate is the closest thing to love? Is that what you wanted to hear? Again it’s kind of funny how quickly you got agitated when I simply said that you don’t hate men and there are other women like you and that’s okay.
But you took that as disrespect.

No. 2463016

We should be allowed to kill rude customers with hammers

No. 2463021

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Who would clean up the mess though? Exactly, you, so now you even have more work to do kek.
Joking aside, I think you should be able to sue a customer if they’re very rude to the point of causing disturbance.

No. 2463033

>>this lady

No. 2463034

No way you actually believe that femcels exist… Are you Kaitlyn Tiffany or something? Kek
>this lady
Go back.

No. 2463036

>claims he cares about personality and character more than looks
>entire following list is made up of cosplay thots, e-girls, onlyfans accounts, tiddy streamers, women who use filters to change their appearance, just more coomer stuff
Whats the personality here bro?

No. 2463038

>Hate is the closest thing to love? Is that what you wanted to hear?
no youre putting words i havent said in my mouth again.. you do that a lot
>Again it’s kind of funny how quickly you got agitated when I simply said that you don’t hate men
when i'm bored i like to see how far retards will take their retarded take, guess you went pretty far(infighting)

No. 2463041

How old are you? Please be honest

No. 2463042

Men like this are so disgusting, they literally have porn everywhere. On every single social media app. It’s just boobs and ass and boobs and ass. What a waste of oxygen.

No. 2463044

Classique moid right there

No. 2463045

Kaitlyn tiffany visiting us was 3 years ago nonna.. chances are high the unashamed newfags you're quoting don't even know what you're referring to.

No. 2463047

think what you want nonna kek, mine was an observation. Must have hit a sore spot or something.(infighting)

No. 2463050

I was biting my nails and accidentally bit off part of the nail that was attached to the hyponychium. It fucking hurts so bad goddamnit.

No. 2463052

I agree with you

No. 2463060

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>when i'm bored i like to see how far retards will take their retarded takes
This is literally you here nonna >>2462961
and here >>2462991 and here >>2462995
Acting all defensive for no reason.(reviving infights)

No. 2463063

Your body bites back! Have you tried using that nail polish that tastes bitter specifically to discourage nail biting?

No. 2463065

I knew it was bull as soon as I heard it. This guy is part of the riot police, a gym bro, obsessed with goth girls and weebshit and kpop girls, has yellow fever, pierced his tongue by himself then took the piercing out cause it gave him a lisp, has tattoos of anime characters, and THEN he claims he ackshually doesn't care much about looks and character is more important because he once dated a very beautiful girl but he broke up with her because she just wasn't it. Dude maybe you're just a fuckboy and no woman is good enough for you, but stop being a fucking hypocrite my god. None of these men would date a true caring, genuine, authentic woman because then she would be considered "too boring" for his ass.

No. 2463074

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I have been skipping math classes because of valid reasons(i swear) and i am super fucking behind everyone else. Holy fuck. Good thing about math is that there is basically no way to learn it wrong, so this weekend its going to be me, an entire box of gween tea, youtube and chatgpt against the world. I need to chat up to an entire month of classes, i am so fucking behind. Everything felt like an alien language today.

No. 2463082

He sounds like an absolute nightmare. Anime tattoos are the male equivalent of dangerhair except actually far worse.

No. 2463090

Why is this Iphone poster shitting in the vent thread? I can't even vent post at work now?

No. 2463092

Nowadays the biggest red flags for me are
>watched anime
>loves e-girls and goths
They are always weird, always.

No. 2463098

Specifically those who have a “waifu” , who watch those weird isekai animes, one piece and those who also love Berserk. Men who watch one piece are so damn insufferable.

No. 2463104

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I’m not sure what’s happening but it’s getting weird

No. 2463108

>found a nicely colored mug at a discount store in the US
>find out the brand doesn't sell the color here, but it's in Canada
>check the Canadian website and the specific mug is not listed at all
>the only website that has this mug is the one for South Africa
Huh…how on earth did it wind up here

No. 2463111

I don't even know him that well, but everything about him just screams red RED flag. Even the fact that he supported his friend into losing his virginity with a girl who was very drunk, sounded like she only barely consented in the story. It's just fucking annoying to see these people believe they're morally superior and pretending they care about character and integrity and principles when by all accounts they're terrible people who probably want to shoot minorities.
Of course this guy is also a one piece fan kek

No. 2463118

And it fucking annoys me that this faggot apparently has hordes of girls who want to fuck him, god I hate pick mes so much.

No. 2463123

>openly told me that she thinks she should be paid more than me because she thinks she does more than me, despite us being in completely different departments and me having almost 2 years seniority
That's no friend. That woman is a menace who has it out for you. She's putting you down in order to feel better for herself. Boo fucking hoo if she didn't get overtime pay. I sincerely hope you keep her at an arm's distance from now on. You really can't trust anyone at work and need to look out for your own back. Don't volunteer your crucial information to her. I hope you get a higher/better position either there or elsewhere and make her seethe.

No. 2463125

What does chatgpt do for you? Summarize your notes?

No. 2463127

i don't know what's more boring : talking to her or not talking to her
at least not talking isn't humiliating

No. 2463134

Explain stuff. I dont use it for other assignatures because its useless to give insightful summaries but for math its excellent.

No. 2463141

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I sometimes find myself missing this guy I used to talk to from a certain imageboard even though he had seriously fucked up interests in porn/fetishes and was one of those closet "progressive feminist" weirdos + a whore. I joined clubs at school and started going on and engaging in my hobbies more since, but think it's because I only talk to one person now. Like, while I love having them as my friend, they're sometimes obviously not gonna be available all the time. I have to remember all that, and the fact that he saw me as disposal enough to not care about me leaving. But reminding myself I don't like him as a person once I further think about the rationality of it all, and that the thoughts come from a place of desperation or desire to belong is hard sometimes.

No. 2463146

Self love saves lives and you do need more of that

No. 2463150

That mug has a story to tell, clearly.

No. 2463152

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caught up with my classmates from highschool. I knew this girl had died a year after graduation but because her family never disclosed the details, always asumed it had been a suicide or sth.
Well turns out this girl was always stressed because her parents would beat her for running out of pencils or notebooks too early because oh surprise, your child has to take notes and do homework (she only studied with us as a result of the headmistress taking her as her pet proyect because she wanted to run ofr major)they lived in a very small house (if you are Peruvian you'll know what I mean, the ones with the metal sheet roofs) in a poor part of the town. A year after graduation the house gets robbed while she was out buying groceries. She returns and starts freaking out, the neighbors call the police and she goes missing. A week later they find her: she had hung herself out of fear of facing her parents because the thieves had taken everything, including the money the parents saved inside the dressers and shit. We know this because she had a phone call with a close friend before she did this.
Rest in peace, and fuck that family for bringing a honest, hard-working child in this shitty country.
Picrel is the TYPE of poverty we're talking about, by the way

No. 2463177

im sick of my mother telling me to do things all the time and commenting on how i keep my living space. i'm trying to get my shit in order while horribly depressed from trying to get a job in this economy and i know things need to be done, but it just completely saps all my motivation to do anything. i wish she would just stop with her input and let me get on with it, or at the very least my brain would stop me from losing that motivation whenever it happens. i hate it here nonnies

No. 2463178

I know, I got told that the last time I posted a vent here. Knowing I deserve good company that are to my standards/my level and shouldn't settle is challenging emotionally, especially when I'm struggling. I never actually keep the bad company, though.

No. 2463179

Jesus christ, that's vile. Poor girl, she didnt stand a chance.

No. 2463198

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I needed to take a break from what I was working on but now I don’t want to go back to it. Please someone bully me into being productive again

No. 2463201

Do it before I doxx u

No. 2463212

Work you lazy bitch.

No. 2463222

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I had a day which was technically mundane, but it was very different from my usual routine and felt very strange.
>While I'm eating, a woman comes over and starts speaking to me in a hard tone
>I can't tell what she's saying because she has an extremely thick accent
>It sounds like she's passive-aggressively thanking me for not doing something, or she thinks I'm a wrongdoer?? That's just speculation though, I have no clue what she actually said
>She walks away as quickly as she arrived
>I notice her staring at me a few times as I finish my food, I'm not really concerned so I just ignore her
>Eventually she disappears
I will never know what she thinks I did. The miscellaneous weird things:
>SEVERAL people stopped on the street to ask me for directions or just have friendly interactions, which almost never happens
>There was staff on the tram actually doing their jobs (again, NEVER happens on my line)
>I found some dirt cheap earrings with the exact "dark iridescent" effect on them I've been looking for
>I found out a relatively successful local shop is closing down out of nowhere
>There were loads of police cars all over the place, even for my shitty area
>The city centre was just QUIET, it sounded empty even though it wasn't, I didn't like it
>I didn't see any dogs anywhere
>Most of the roads were empty and ready to cross on my way home
>I saw a couple more people staring at me after the strange woman did
Obviously those wouldn't be a big deal by themselves, but all together on the same day? It was a good day overall but it just seemed rather odd.

No. 2463231

Im actually breathing heavy from seething lol. Everytime I want to do anything outside my room, there he is! He WAS doing something else in his room, but no, now that Im going in another room, all of a sudden he follows me to whereever Im going.

He lurks around listening or watching me in the other room, "joking" about doing so. By his actions, he rubs it in my face that his pet is alive, laughing and playing, while mine are dead. He makes snide comments about not making noise when Im putting leftovers away, while he sits around doing nothing. He takes his time getting in the way, goes out of his way to walk near in my personal space near my butt, when he was going the opposite way. I cannot stand this moid.

I feel bad for thinking this, but he has me to the point where its like, why cant his crappy diet and exposure to harmful crap catch up with him to the point where he will leave me alone. I just want him to leave me alone.

No. 2463235

Picture the most disgusting, lazy, scrote rotting away from anime addiction. Dont be like an unproductive lazy moid, and finish whatever it is you were doing!

No. 2463243

My doctor is really nice, about my age and we get along very well. Should I ask if she wants to hang out? She's a specialist and I'm only seeing her temporarily so I don't think its too weird. I'm a shut in though, not a 'gets jealous of normies' type but I just think it could be awkward, I don't even know whats appropriate or what people do when first getting to know eachother. I think I may have blew it already by waiting too long, idekskfsjkdjkds

No. 2463258

I don’t know, for me it would be weird. I work in healthcare and I tend to have a persona at work, that isn’t the real me. Making friends with patients isn’t in my interest honestly kek.
Was she actually interested in you other than medically?

No. 2463270

Yeah, we talked about non medical things, like places we've lived, hobbies etc. She is clearly a very good active listener so she probably gets that from people but idk, she did seem very genuine.

No. 2463273

please don’t do this it would be weird and awkward

No. 2463289

You ask that to get an anamnesis nonna

No. 2463292

It’s called patient-oriented communication , the fact that she’s young justifies why she adheres and does so well in implementing the protocol.

No. 2463328

i hate my cousin so much; in the last few months
> she threw me a massive "surprise" party when i specifically asked to be left the fuck alone because i was dealing with a stressful work situation. she brought all her stupid in laws over to my parents house and then i had to spend the whole day doing chores and getting scolded for not being cheerful/grateful enough for something i didn'task for. i was anemic and irritated and it ruined my birthday
> following that, her and her annoying husband tried to force me to call them every week, i tried putting up boundaries becuase i need rest but she'd call me at 8 or 9am on weekends, turn it into a giant video call with her annoying in laws. i just stopped picking up her calls
> i was still TRYING to have a relationship with her like an idiot and went to visit her house, which is in a very rural area. i had a same day train ticket but her and her husband refused to drive me back to the train station at night. i had to beg and threaten to walk through the fields before they did. they wanted to force me to stay over
> during that same visit she told me her husband had a car accident and it would have been my fault if something happened to him because i don't pick up the phone for her
> later that year they tried to invite me over specifically for multiple days, and i turned them down becuase fuck no. so they DROVE TO MY PARENTS HOUSE and tried to force a visit on me. i was having my period at the time and i have awful cramps, but i got scolded for being ungrateful after they went all that way to see me (when i specifically asked them not to), i got called a slut for being in my pjs (giant t shirt and shorts) around my brother in law and for having a leak when i was dragged out of bed against my will
> to try "cure" me of my phone shyness she literally called me so much i had a panic attack and thought her dad died which was awful, my brothers had to talk me down. she called me literally dozens of times over a few days. the phone thing was to do with my work situation and i'm largely over that, and have no issues with other people but seeing her phone number ringing me makes my stomach hurt to this day
> i ended up getting fired (and i wonder how much the stress she put on me on top of everything else contributed) i'm in tech and i've been looking for a job for a while now but i'm sure you nonas have seen what the market is like. she keeps trying to "help" and getting her (non tech) friends advice and now she's learning the language i work in which i wouldn't care about in normal circumstances but on top of everything else it feels like a slap in the face. i've had a lot of trouble getting myself to code ever since i got fired and she made an app in the laguage i use.

it feels so schizo to be upset about something like that and i normally wouldn't but i feel like i'm being stalked or bullied or something. However when i express this to people in real life they just talk about how sweet she seems etc. my own family enable and encourage her behaviour and it's not easy to move out or put distance between us especially now i'm uneployed. i blocked her the other day and i felt so guilty but when i think of how much she's tormented me (even if it's her own twisted way of making friends) i get so angry and upset

she was always a little selfish but ever since she got married she's been absolutely insufferable, i thought she would have had less time to bother me but now it feels like she's dedicated herself to making me miserable.

No. 2463348

I dropped my phone from a really high place today and now my phone won't charge. I am so saddened by this because i have some gatcha stuff to do and some comps to submit, but now my rank is ruined because i can't. fuck my life man.

No. 2463351

I'm not going to do it, thanks for the advice from everyone. She really is a good doctor, which is so rare to me that I felt emotionally attached. Sigh

No. 2463354

ChatGPT is so useless at math.

No. 2463434

I'm really trying to be positive as of recently but I can't tell when I'm looking on the bright side or when I'm ignoring reality and it pushes me fast back into the other direction. I wish I could be happy without worrying about being wrong

No. 2463440

On second thought, perhaps YOLO..

No. 2463451

Honestly just fuck it, ask. The worst she can say is no, make sure you leave it very open so she doesn't feel pressured or uncomfortable. I sort of did this with my former psychologist and it worked out great.

No. 2463498

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>become a night owl to avoid my dad
>suddenly he takes a week off of work
>stays up all night every night drinking
>loud as fuck so i'd have trouble sleeping anyway

No. 2463517

Can I just skip increasing in increments and just go straight to 80mg? I can't take this fucking shit anymore

No. 2463524

I called one of those insurance broker numbers and the lady on the phone assured me that the plan I paid for would cover therapy, it was steep but it would have been worth it. that is until I found out it actually doesn't cover therapy, the money I spent on the insurance could have covered my therapy bills and then some. I've been paying for it for 7 months and really want my money back, but I have no proof that she said that because I didn't record the conversation, I haven't even used the insurance for anything else yet

No. 2463534

If you insist enough, you might get some sort of compensation.

No. 2463576

I feel like the older I've become, the more retarded I feel. It feels like I've genuinely become more stupid over the years and it scares me

No. 2463578

Its probably female socialization

No. 2463619

How are you gonna be Indonesian AND a zionist… make it make sense

No. 2463627

what are you taking

No. 2463652

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There’s nothing I genuinely like and all the things I used to do with a bit of joy I stopped doing, I left drawing, I can’t watch any shows, I don’t like baking anymore and I have just enough energy to study and keep face if I go out with my friends. I don’t really care about anything , but at the same time I feel like I can’t do much else, can’t disappoint my mom. I just wished I could disappear forever because I’m just tired of everything. I just want to let go.
I don’t really have any reason to feel like this, I’m not poor, my mother loves me, I have friends, I entered med school, I’m somehow good looking, maybe I’m just ungrateful I don’t know. I can never be happy about anything.

No. 2463653

There's this weird phenomenon that after the age of 23, most women where I live start dressing in this boring corporate beige business casual style of fashion, even when they don't work in corporate. Like dressing as full grown woman here means dressing like a manager or executive at a company, with some gold jewelry 30 kg pounds of makeup and, and they dress like this everywhere they go! And I wouldn't have a problem with it if just some women chose this style, but if you're in your older 20s and haven't adopted this style people say you're immature and it's frustrating because I simply don't vibe with it, it doesn't suit me, I don't feel comfortable wearing it.

No. 2463669

Being ill physically makes my mental health improve drastically, it’s strange. While I’m suffering physically, mentally I’m calm and at peace with my life, accepting the circumstances and thinking positively toward a future where I’m not ill and focusing on taking care of myself. When I’m feeling mental anguish alone I self destruct even further and do things that are terrible for be and think the absolute worst most pessimistic thoughts possible.

No. 2463674

Same. Somehow they just don't go together. Which can be a good thing and a bad thing. It's like my brain can't fit both at the same time

No. 2463681

I hate petty people or people with one sided hate kek. I don't even consider them some flavours of bullies, I consider them retarded but oh boy if they're annoying.
By now, I'm and artist, I have my fair share of support, I can make some money here and there (not like a career - I don't want to live off my art because I'm not up for the stress but it's nice to get gigs sometimes) but when I started drawing, there were these two people, whom I didn't know at all, who used to be randomly mean at me and then when I went into art school, they started to be even more mean and nitpicking about useless shit and then I discovered that the "Alpha" of the group hated me randomly and the beta just followed, just because I was accepted into art school. Seems like a teen problema right? No, they were adults at the time and I was like uuuh, weird? And they're adults now, they left me alone but for years I had these two 20-something people that I didn't know shittalking me. I admit, I'm a bit childish and I use this story to lift my mood (because imagine being like this) but sometimes, when I have to make art related content, I wonder how retarded, like actually stunted, you have to be to put up shit like this.
I'm not famous at all, I don't even like attention, I want to do my stuff and if someone pays me that's good and two people followed my small accounts, sent the posts to my friends (they didn't reply, it's just weird to point out) and they were unnecessary angry about me for years well over their adult age because…I went to art school. Where they could also apply. Adults acting like kids are creepy as fuck, I was never mad about them because that didn't make sense to me, this kind of attitude got usually bullied out of you in middle school, I think that once you're over 18 and you apply teenage level of "bullying" to other adult people and your hate is totally one sided towards a single person, you have to be forced into some kind of rieducational program. We're not talking about cows or celebrities, these people that can't grow up choose a person and make them their imaginary, personal enemy out of some magical thinking and expect everyone else to also do that. They have some kind of mental illness but I believe that the moment you annoy other people for some made up hate you have to be considered insane, paranoid people in psych wards are less dangerous than that.
They were also two males, like…? Idk, I'm over thinking about it but maybe I'm an autist and trying to make sense about it, they could simply…apply too. Instead of annoying me for years. Why.

No. 2463693

I hate having crushes, I wish the ability to feel crushes is completely destroyed in my body. Nonnies please give me reasons why going for a younger male who can go on about jazz music, collect archive fashion and is actually hardworking at work would be a bad idea. Please. I need to get over him.

No. 2463700

I mean if you see signs that he likes you

No. 2463703

But if you need a reason
>collects archive fashion
Fashion men are annoying as hell, they always have that superior conviction of having the best taste and they’re always so competitive when you’re with them, they want to be the woman kek. That or they’re bisexual.
There are definitely normal men who just dress well, but they never make it their whole personality, pick what your scrote is and gauge

No. 2463704

>I wish the ability to feel crushes is completely destroyed in my body
Be depressed, you won’t even have any libido kek.!

No. 2463724

The guy I was going to see on Friday has cancelled. Knew it was going to happen - second time this has happened with a guy, ironically both wanted something casual (guys who don't have been more reliable), but it irritates me a lot more than expected. I thought this would be my chance to have some fun after months without sex, and it's just confirmed that men can't be bothered with me. I should be happy because I don't even like most men, but instead I'm annoyed. If it's 'so easy' to get casual sex and men will sleep with anyone, why is it so hard for me?

No. 2463727

Well first of all, they are males so you can’t expect much mental maturity from them to begin with. Males simply don’t have to grow up because society coddles them and they come to expect to be the main character in everyone else’s life too.

>Adults acting like kids are creepy as fuck, I was never mad about them because that didn't make sense to me, this kind of attitude got usually bullied out of you in middle school

The sad part is, after an initial drop in that behavior around college years, the numbers stay the same and those who stay behaving like petulant children get even worse as they age.
On one hand, there’s significantly less jealous pettiness in my life because I’m not a teenage girl and most people are normal adults. On the other, when I do run into a mental case like that, they make me regret it and read into everything as some sort of personal slight against them which they use to fuel their fits of rage and jealousy which are at this point much worse than anything I saw in high school. A few of them are genuinely mentally ill and undiagnosed, but the rest are just unhappy with their lives and taking it out on me who took risks and made effort to be where I am now.

No. 2463730

He sounds pretentious and like he thinks he’s better than everyone. Will mansplain basic shit to you.

No. 2463747

Nothing ever started with Courtney Love.

No. 2463856

I'm so fucking stupid it's not even funny. I feel like a middle schooler pointing out grammar mistakes only to be told that it's actually correct the way it is. I wish I would just shut up forever but the second I gain some confidence I start saying unnecessary things. I'm glad no one seems to mind but I still feel so embarassed.

No. 2463860

It hurts so much having the perfect joke, but not being able to say it. The exact moment it leaves my mind and enters the world, there will be a witch hunt and a bounty placed on my head. Could anyone else ever understand the burden that I am suffering with?

No. 2463870

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I can't help but feel bad, angry and annoyed when I see people talking about how feminine women are superior. I have nothing against them, love them. But reading comments of people saying how they are superior makes me feel bad even if I'm okay being slightly tomboyish. I would never change myself or pretend I'm feminine just so people like me better, but I can't help feeling inferior.

No. 2463973

I was not made for working full time. I should have been born a trust fund baby. I would know exactly what to do with it and I wouldn't be obnoxious about it.

No. 2463974

You're not, those people are just prejudiced and and let their personal tastes control the way they view women as a whole. Tomboyish women are amazing and fun to be around, feminine women are only 'superior' in the sense they're more conventionally/socially acceptable in a world that hates women regardless of what we do

No. 2463993

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Which one of you was this???
>Go into public toilet
>Another woman comes in
>Wait…is she whispering?
>Suddenly I can make out what she's saying
>"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you"
>She goes into the cubicle next to mine
>I just want to stress that we were alone in this bathroom and the actual public toilet building itself is down a dark little side street
>She leaves
>Makes a deeply angry sounding sigh as she does so

No. 2464003

>Which one of you was this???
unpopular opinion or fujoinfight nona really feeling it today

No. 2464014

The world would be a hellhole if there were no tomboyish women anon

No. 2464020

She probably wanted to poop but was too embarrassed to do it with another person there and was banking on an empty toilet, you ruined her poop time.

No. 2464024

I've literally been called a larping femboy troon on LC because I called myself a tomboy once

No. 2464030

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I hate how even pushing 30 I constantly feel like a timid child when interacting with people. I’ve managed to overcome a lot and get to a good place but I still stutter and blush and completely lose my train of thought when put on the spot. I was getting really good at socialising in my undergrad but it feels like Covid reset all that progress and my abusive dad dying put me right back at square one. I give off a super anxious energy and shitty people love it. They either try and butter me up so they can manipulate me or take whatever anger they have for themselves out on me because I’m an easy target. I have a lot of opinions, know what I want, and used to be super confident but not any more. My dad was an insane narcissist and I basically had to completely remove my personality in order to not set him off. Even though his dumb ass is dead it’s like my nervous system can’t tell who is a threat and who isn’t. I shut down so often because that’s was my first line of defence for so long but now it’s just keeping me from living the life I want to live.

No. 2464074

I'm so sick of my final classes for graduating. My professor doesn't even teach anything, I also had them last semester and I don't understand why they have the responsibility to lead so many courses in this department.

No. 2464124

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I'd rather my co-worker not come into work at all than come and do fuck all

No. 2464137

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Lmao, I'm surrounded by idiots. I'd rather continue to be a loser NEET than live like the morons around me who seem to do shit just because and always live in competition with each other. So the other day my cousin came home talking about how she asked her boyfriend (with whom she has a baby with) about marriage. They've been on and off for years, lots of cheating and shit, and he straight-up told her he doesn't want to get married. She just said in a cheerful tone "Oh well, at least he's my boyfriend and the father of my kid!" I find this tragic. Imagine being with a fucking cheater, wanting marriage, and he still doesn't want you like that. And then she goes on and posts about how he is the best father in the world and shit lmfao. Also the girl he cheated on her with literally went to the fucking baby shower. And they acted like the girl was not there. I literally thought I was in a fucking TV show watching that shit unfold. I honestly don't know what's wrong with these people.
Also, after she shared this, a few days later (very suspicious. Very weird timing), her "best friend" finally got engaged… AFTER 8 YEARS. She has three kids with her nigel and had been bugging him to marry her for years. LMFAO. Also weird ass relationship, they were on the verge of breaking up, with her pregnant, and I remember my sister who is also close to that girl telling me "now that she's having a boy, they seem to be working things out". ???? Wtf. My sister too, tons of fucking red flags, her ex wanted to control her, moved in with him 4 fucking months into the relationship, being a fucking drunk piece of crap… result: he cheats on her and leaves her with a baby to raise on her own. Idk what's up with these women. Not to victim blame obviously but the fucking red flags were there all along. It makes me mad cause they deserve better but at the same time they're so fucking stupid. Like, they're intelligent women but can't see a certain type of nigel who I will not go into detail about as to not be hit with the retarded racebait red text, that they completely lose it. I hate this world, I hate stupid people so much.

No. 2464143

I don’t understand why women willingly have kids at all, let alone with deadbeats. It makes no fucking sense.

No. 2464246

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I cant get over this scrote who doesnt like me back. He's so fucking cute and nice. I kept being told that i should get over him but how can i get over him when he's always so nice despite me being so schizo and weird towards him. I really wish he was cold and distant and not absolutely adorable fuuuck. Cute scrotes are so hard to find, most scrotes are annoying tryhard edgelords or have the personality of wet cardboard.

No. 2464251

Is he taken or?

No. 2464252

I'm in my 30s and I feel this so hard. It seems like anything "fun" or different is considered immature, everyone in my area is dressing in the same Sad Beige Minimalist™/ Quiet Luxury™ style because it's supposed to look mature and classy or something. Like god damn, what if I don't feel like wearing a white button down with jeans or a boring beige sweater with a pencil skirt?
Also I think "fashion" right now is just kinda fucked, I don't know if this is the effects of the pandemic or what. I'm currently shopping online and trying to find outfits for spring/summer because the brick and mortar stores around me don't have much, and holy cow everything feels fucking boring. Just a few years ago I used to see outfits I really liked or would be excited to try on, and now that I actually need an updated wardrobe, nothing feels worth spending money on and nothing "calls" to me anymore.

No. 2464273

thinking about how in about a year i'll be moving pretty far away from my best friend. she's easily the closest i've been to someone since middle school since i have a difficult time meeting new people, let alone making friends. i want to live closer to my family and i hate the area i live in right now so the pros of it outweigh the cons, but still. obviously we'll still call/text but it's not the same.

No. 2464275

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>I think "fashion" right now is just kinda fucked
Ntayrt but I agree as someone close to 30. I have been putting off buying clothes for so long now just because I hate most everything available and don’t have time to hunt thrift stores or resellers online. I use to love fashion and dressing up but everything has become so drab and boring in recent years. Picrel was found randomly and embodies the exact kind of look I loathe.

No. 2464276

No. I am just autistic and i dont know how to approach him. I am the third wheel in and i dont know how to get in between him and this other girl hes friends with.

No. 2464277

I can't help but look down on Luigifags on here. How can you simp for such a mediocre looking man that is also a criminal. It's frightening how many posts this shit gets.

No. 2464278

All of these are literally the same kek why name them somethingshitcore. It's just beige.

No. 2464281

nayrt, isolate him then attack! I used to have a crush on a dude once that was so perfect for me. To make it short, I cried myself to sleep because I wanted more but was too afraid to make a move. Don't be me kek

No. 2464282

I wanna go back to being a loser NEET so bad, but I can't. It felt so fucking free.

No. 2464283

That’s exactly what a messycore girly would say, you’re really embodying the aesthetic nona kek

No. 2464286

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I've decided that 95% of them are not serious for my own peace of mind

No. 2464287

Fucking SAME. I wish I didn't need an income. The year that I was unemployed was the most peace I've had since I can remember. I want to actually feel rested and not dread the day, I want to hang out with my cats, read, go for walks outside and play Red Dead Redemption 2 all day. FUCK. I hate being a wagie so much.

No. 2464291

My back feels like shit. I just want to go home and lay down. I hate it so much.

No. 2464297

Had to witness a balding tranny in those retarded asscrack yoga pants at my university today. You could see his junk in the front too. I wish there weren't so many of them at my school

No. 2464305

I wish it was normalized for men to wear dance belts in the same way women are expected to wear bras.

No. 2464312

soemthing similar happened in Mexico, a girl lost (I cant remember if she dropped them on the floor by accident or if she got mugged) the tamales she was meant to sell for the day, rather than facing her violent parents she threw herself into a river.

No. 2464317

I don't want to be miserable but it's so easy. I want to wallow in self pity.

No. 2464327

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I'm going to college next year and after being denied any form of self expression (ultra poorfag + shitty parents) I want to start dressing as I'd like especially, but with the current fashion culture in the west I think I'm out of luck unless I want beige crap for $60 a piece or fast fashion from Temu that'll evaporate before I can even wear it and thrift stores on the west coast suck shit apparently so I might be out of luck there. I just want some cute dark/goth clothes for cheap, not even high fashion just stuff I can accessorize with. Was it really over before it could even start? I'll be stuck with hand me down graphic shirts and pajama pants five sizes too big for the rest of my youth won't I. Kms honestly.

No. 2464333

You go girl! Try checking mercari perhaps? I'm not a burger but I've had success checking for alt or goth clothes 2nd hand online.

No. 2464368

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Somebody bully me into pushing through and finishing work

No. 2464372

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my boyfriend leaves in two days and i wont see him again for 2-3 months. i cant stop crying instead of enjoying the moment. how can i be more positive and have more gratitude? a lot of my work is independent and i have no friends so it isnt easy to throw myself into something out of being forced to. i will look into more work and try to push myself to work on more hobbies outside of home/maybe find a friend, though i dont feel ready for that

No. 2464383

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Water seeks its own level. Don’t let it be the same level as scrotes with skidmarked underwear, a 3+ score on the Norwood scale, and loli anime defending tweets. That’s where you’re heading if you don’t get back to it nonny

No. 2464387

I used to have a friend that was the "if you have friends like her, you don't need any enemies". She was the most fucking vile woman I think I've ever met, and I can't believe I allowed myself to be dragged around by her for almost ten years. I don't think I've known anyone so gleefully manipulative and jealous, I have yet to meet someone that can look someone in the eyes and almost immediately know how weasel underneath their skin and utilize their insecurities so she can look down on them. I have so many tales of her fucking people over, so many nasty fights in overlapping circles of friends where the escalations could be traced back to her "helping out", etc.
But the thing that kept you around, despite all her toxicity, she could be a fucking AMAZING friend just as well when she chose to. Her friendship wasn't completely
unconditional now that I think back to it, but it didn't really matter at the time. It's been years since I cut her out of my life, but I still don't think I've ever had deep talks about life with anyone else or laughed as much as I did with her. I miss those things about her. But sadly, from what I've heard she hasn't changed at all. She is probably is too narcisstic to accept that she is he issue whenever she loses entire friend circles again and again or have people going out of the way to avoid her. This is what kept me from reaching out when I heard her mom died and that her childhood cat died soon after, it breaks my heart that she at 29 now have lost both her parents (her dad died when she was 14). I hurt for her.

No. 2464397

I had an early morning medical procedure today and took the rest of the day off. I was nervous and had coffee too late yesterday so I ended up sleeping less than an hour the entire night. I thought, it's okay, I'll come home after the doctor and just take a very long nap to make up for it. I'm so bummed because when I got home I saw two men on ride on lawn mowers setting up to mow the lawns and they mowed and weed whacked and trimmed the trees for 4 hours. FOUR HOURS. Now it's the middle of the day and I have a huge headache and allergies and it's hot in my room and I don't know if I should try to sleep or just push through the day. My eyes are so dry. Extra day off ruined.

No. 2464400

How about easy low income jobs?

No. 2464408

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A girl at my Uni has been acting extremely weird towards me and I just don’t want to be around her. I’m not into the fake niceness and she’s so over the top it really turns me off. I can tell she’s a massive pick me and seems so perfect on the outside but there is something weird about her. I think she wanted to befriend me because she thought I had more leverage over the moids in our programme than I actually do. I’ve only interacted with her a handful of times but several times she just kept fishing for compliments from other people but comparing herself to me. I’d think it was just female socialisation but her obsessive need for male validation (she literally makes rounds every day and talks to each moid individually and compliments them on everything) makes me think otherwise. There’s so much tension when we’re around each other and I just try and ignore her but she’ll engage when we’re alone but completely ignore me when moids are around. Sometimes I’ll overhear her conversations with other women and they’re always either about some moid I think she’s involved with or talking about other people’s looks. First I have some narcissistic moid try and manipulate me and now whatever flavor of ClusterBee this girl is is draining my energy. I’ve been working on building up my emotional resilience but I’m still pretty sensitive to this sort of stuff. I have a lot of female friends and no problem with other pretty women, I can just tell something is going on with her that I don’t want to get involved with. I’m so ready to move on from this programme.

No. 2464409

Me whenever the lanzafags, bostonbomberfags and samhydefags appear

No. 2464411

This is eerily similar to my ex best friend omg. We are better off without them.

No. 2464412

Ugh, imo they're objectively worse than the Luigifags. Their posts are always so performative too.
>KYAAAAAAA~ I can't help it, nooooo he's just too cuuuuuute!! I'm so sowwy I didn't choose to be so weeeeird
Like genuinely what the hell is their problem kek

No. 2464413

Why does my vag smell so strongly? If I sit with my legs criss cross I can smell it. I myself don't mind, it's my own smell whatever but it makes me paranoid whenever I go out so I always sit cross legged or with my legs tightly closed, which probably doesn't help.

No. 2464414

He was basically a fictional character for them. In the early threads you could see the fiction arising, they'd attribute personality traits to him with zero evidence. Now that more about him has come out much of the threads are hating him or coping.

No. 2464439

What kind of panties are you wearing? The material I mean.

No. 2464441

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>What kind of panties are you wearing?
I sounded like a creep kek

No. 2464446

Get tested for bacterial vaginosis.

No. 2464455

I keep seeing troons going on about how they're just one step away from a woman with PCOS. I'm so angry, gaslighting women with PCOS into thinking they are less of a woman than any other woman is disgusting and makes me feel sick. Little girls are female, they don't have a period. Women go through menopause, they are still female. Women have PCOS, endo, hysterectomies. They are still women. I'm genuinely upset that this has gained so much traction online. Getting a fat belly and a little bit of hair on your lip does not make you the same as a mentally deranged tranny who wants to wear school girl skirts and cat ears in public. This is turning into a more specific trans rant but I intended it as one that is defending women with hormone disruptions. Speaking of that the literal food we are eating is creating a lot of these hormone imbalances in women, it's not like someone is just born part man because they have cysts on their ovaries. OVARIES. Literally a female organ with issues and they're saying it's like being a man!!! What. The. Fuck.

No. 2464459

Nonna I’ll make you even more mad, TRAs are calling PCOS an intersex condition…

No. 2464463

nonna I have the same issue. It's not a bad smell, right? Mine is kind of acidic. It's normal as far as I'm aware, but I have heard the advice to drink more water and wear looser clothing.

No. 2464464

Both my coworker and my boss smell like mildew often. Why can no one fucking wash their clothes properly? I'm tired of my nose being assaulted

No. 2464468

Do you think this is done out of ignorance or is it like the typical man's way of twisting things to try to get their way? It seems like a manipulation to me in an extremely male way. It's too insane that anyone would say someone with cysts on their ovaries is intersex. Having PCOS proves you are a woman because only women have ovaries.

This made me laugh so hard.

No. 2464471

I need a new flat, I'm so done with living here. It's loud, it stinks, it's moldy and I'm living in a room that's smaller than my childhood room. It's too loud to sleep, the kitchen is so old and broken that I can't cook and I finally want a shower, not a stupid old bathtub. Why is living so expensive and why can't I win the lottery?

No. 2464474

The lore on that thread is so interesting though. The unhinged redditors and twitterfags, the korean girl who draws comics about Jesus tucking him in, fake or real response letters, the chick who wrote him a 40 page long letter, someone else who tattooed his signature. I wish someone would make a summary of the crazy shit that's happened and been documented there since the start. I occasionally check and there are so many orbiters, haters, lovers, etc.

No. 2464477

It's not bad but I think it's just because it's mine and I'm used to it.
Usually full cotton. Synthetic ones did worsen the smell though I think because they made me sweat more.
Gross I'm praying that isn't it but I will.

No. 2464566

I don't know how to improve more and I feel like I've capped

No. 2464568

Don't forget the sock saga kek

No. 2464575

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Dirty warez won't load…

No. 2464581

My period ended almost a week ago, but my mental state has been a mess ever since. Every day, I've been feeling the kind of exaggerated emotions that feel like they should only be happening on the day before my period, if at all. I'm crying over nothing and it's stupid and I hate it.

No. 2464602

Idk this site, is it a .org domain? It's redirecting me to a casino, maybe it was hacked.

No. 2464635

bored lonely and severely artblocked. and my head hurts. fml

No. 2464639

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i got coaxed into a hairdressing course and it was so embarrassing i think it is the devil's work. it makes me want to avoid hair salons and malls, because a perpetrator could be working there. why did i fall for this lure when i could have watched youtube tutorials and ask my friend to dye my hair? when i was a child, we had a salon on our street. it was not an ethical business because they got all their clients with gossip and sabotage. i forgot about this, because i was always happy to have had my hair done. it was rare, but felt good for a change. so, i thought, how fun would it be to learn this skill and join a salon with pretty people? but let me elaborate the level of manipulation that these stylists and salon owners do, so you steer clear of this profession. hairstyling is truly the profession of mean girls and manipulative psychopaths.
>having your hair messed with when you are asleep
i've got a thinning cut without my consent so they would laugh at this prank. i thought my hair was falling out because of sickness.
>unconsented, uninformed patch testing
this happened many years ago, a patch of my hair fell out after i fell ill at a party. a girl was doing a money piece but left.
>your teacher gets told you will become a hairdresser
naturally, your middle school teacher wants to help. they sat me behind people with different hairstyles, textures and colours.
>they introduce your hairdressing teacher in a dramatic and esoteric way
i was made to believe that this meeting will be very important or at least fascinating, which it was. i was blindfolded and lead into a room. there the teacher was working on a large beehive wig, before bridgerton came out. i never saw anything like that before in my life, it was amazing. somebody leading me there told me she was auditioning for a movie set.
>hairdressing teacher gets word of where you are going out on a date
i was asked by a girl on the way to the movie theater if i wanted my hair done. then, another girl asked if i wanted to model. this happened twice, they have an assignment. but i did not get it.
>facebook feed showing you vivid hair colors and braids even if you did not search for them or liked any hair pages
not only that but these hair models were usually in fetish gear or even working for onlyfans.
>when you sign up for the hairdressing course they withhold information from you, even if you already paid for the semester
not sending me emails about the 1st week, the course location, or the supplies. i asked the teachers and they acted clueless. turned out that another portion of the class got their introduction, school uniform, supply orders in, and sign-up sheets for clients done already, and were invited to parties where they could practice and socialize with professionals who have decades of experience.
>they sabotage you in getting clients from the mailing list, and are gaslighting you about your intelligence and abilities despite you wanting to learn
you are ostracized by teachers and a few students for not having clients, yet they sabotaged you from signing up, and when you have questions they ghost you. the few times they give you clients, those people are purposefully set up to embarrass you. people who don't even shower enough or properly, been told lies already to dislike you, change their mind hundreds of times, are farting and stinky.
>lying and being a fake friend gets you brownie points, nobody cares about your psychopathic behaviour if you are already the in-group
there was cringe fake drama, crying and even a fight between 2 girls. people with disabilities, like me, are accepted into the course so we can be a spectacle or a pet-project, and kept in the classroom for breadcrumbs. meanwhile we pay for the course, younger talent is getting free equipment and tutoring.

No. 2464650

I went to therapy today and ended up just whining about my parents the whole time which I've already done before, I won't be back again for another 2 weeks, fml. it was my entirely my fault though

No. 2464657

>t. Your friendly neighborhood schizophrenic from beauty school

No. 2464668

My current job is pretty easy and the pay isn't great kek. But I still wish I got to do whatever I wanted all day

No. 2464671

nona is your skin green and does this girl wear pink a lot

No. 2464687

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One of the best coworkers moved out of state and even though I'm happy that she's pursuing her nursing degree and getting a house, I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye in-person on her last day. I was upset about it, so I took it out on a male by being a stoic bitch to him. I even shoved the thermometer in his mouth when I did his vitals. He probably complained to my boss, but I don't give a shit. He was ugly, he was bald, he was a male, he was passive aggressive at the beginning of our interaction, and I needed something to take it out on.

No. 2464688

except it seems like she was singled out because she experiencing some bad treatment right away, like not getting basic information in spite of other students getting it…nevermind them "pranking" her by giving her a horrible cut against her will and laughing about it. like that shit is actually bizarre and it makes the other stuff more believable tbh.

No. 2464693

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when my dog dies, if my boyfriend leaves, when my mother dies, i will kill myself. i cannot imagine having to live without people to love and people who love me. i cant even enjoy the moment with them as is, knowing ill have to be without them for a few months again. i have too much free time with my job, maybe i need to wage just to feel less alone. i just love them so much. why am i so petrified of being alone forever when i am almost always alone? i love them. i would kill myself if it meant they could live on happily forever. i went a year without suicidal thoughts, wish they werent coming back and making me so emotionally immature. maybe having no friends or daily routine is getting to me. but sacrificing my nice albeit lonely job for shittier pay just to have a structured routine with people where i may feel even more alone due to not relating…well maybe im just glorifying that idea. maybe there is a way to deal with the daily loneliness. my heart hurts. i want to be with those i love everyday.

No. 2464695

Wahhh what’s your job?
I’d suggest you pick a hobby or follow a course of zumba or cardio, it’s fun and takes time. Add more to your routine.

No. 2464696

In the course you can even make friends. I do a cardio course three times a week and I’ve been doing it for two years , we are all women. I’m friends with all the girls there.

No. 2464699

i watch animals, take some courses online and volunteer. i have a lot of free and alone time still! i do cardio daily, but maybe i should change it up. im envious of people with wagie jobs yet when i had one i felt worse. i love my job but i have guilt and loneliness.

No. 2464700

In my experience making friends at work isn’t the best , I don’t see any reason to leave a good paying job to work in an office.

No. 2464704

I do a dance course 2-4 times a month but havent been able to afford it lately. the women there are nice but either have kids or are olde age so it has been hard to make any connection, i just appear meek and unrelatable . i cant even afford therapy anymore which helped me a bit with this!

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