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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2407864

Might as well, since there's a hate thread on just about every other major social media platform. Post about retarded tradwives, Christard grifting, straight-up neo-Nazi content, and other such garbage that makes up the platform.

No. 2407891

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Of fucking course the moid is ass ugly.

No. 2407896

I hate being attracted to women that look like this, they're always retarded in a personality disorder way or in a romantically and sexually way. Ugh but they are so beautiful to me.

No. 2407918

i hate instagram because you cant post images in any resolution you want and you cant save others' images either

No. 2407926

Are you into metalhead women, nona? On the internet it can be hard to find genuinely chill ones. So many are NLOG-y or reek of BPD.

There's websites you can use to save IG pictures.

No. 2407954

i think during it's peak years ago insta was more fun. Now it's become like a bootleg version of facebook and tiktok. Also im not going to get into the discussion of the very questionable content that instagram keeps showing in their explore feed… Out of all the popular platforms i think insta has the biggest issue when it comes to illegal content, there so much fucked up shit there that ends up escaping the filters and the moderators are non-existant or very slow.
Like there was a account that posted a video of a indian woman getting raped….and that account went viral and thousands of people kept reporting that account and it took the fucking insta moderators a WEEK until they took that account down.

No. 2407968

pedostash moids and alt girls are the worst couples irl never interact with them

No. 2407970

These women look like copies of each other to me, just with different hair and outfits.

No. 2407980

Its more like a hybrid between modern Twitter and tiktok. With the rampant blatant racism and the complete brainrot present on there.

No. 2407981

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Those are egirls anon.
t. metalhead

No. 2407984

All the ones on Insta seem to be e-girls into nu-metal now that it's "cool" again.

Also Storm of the Light's Bane is a masterpiece.

No. 2407986

NTA but can you tell ME where to find a girlfriend like this?

No. 2407987

How are women drawn to metal always having long-ass middle school horsegirl hair like this? Like not a single one of them had some sort of punk phase with a shaved head? Or had a pixie cut? It's like they've been growing out their hair since 2nd grade or something.

No. 2408021

Nona this is black metal. They all have long hair.

No. 2408024

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Having long hair is just a metal thing, metalhead guys have long hair so it's not surprising that female metalheads' hair is even longer

No. 2408036

No. 2408039

Go to a festival nonna.
Headbanging with long hair is a lot of fun plus it’s easy maintenance at least for me

No. 2408046

Holy shit, this guy wouldn't even deserve a girl who looked like pt, let alone two who look like that. I'm hoping for my own sanity that this is ragebait, like those weird tradwife cooking videos.

No. 2408059

No matter what content I engage in, and no matter how often I click the "not interested" option, my explore page is always 90% muslim content. It drives me up the wall. Does anyone else experience something like this too? Or does anyone have a solution? It feels like it's baiting me but I'm not even taking the bait.

No. 2408068

Do you follow a lot of muslims? Your explore page is influenced by who you follow/mutuals and what they follow/like.

No. 2408086

For whatever reason mine is filled with genderspecial shit despite me putting "trans" in my blacklisted words. It seems to intentionally push ragebait content.

No. 2408095

If I were, I wouldn't be confused by my explore page. I have any word related to islam blacklisted, follow nothing related (not even anti-islam accounts, I have my account just to keep tabs on local restaurants) and I click "show me less stuff like this" on every muslim post. I also have zero followers.

No. 2408102

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Sex tourists should be banned from wasting oxygen. Heard Thai prisons make American prisons look like a joke.

No. 2408112

Thanks, anon. Seems obvious in hindsight kek.
I will strike out every time because I am an autistic retard, but at least I will make friends.

No. 2408314

I keep getting ads for tranny shit despite hitting "not interested", blocking the accounts themselves, and blacklisting words related to it

No. 2408422

Why does the man literally always look like that

No. 2408425

>I have my account just to keep tabs on local restaurants
Are there a lot of halal restaurants in your area? It could explain it. I know it looks like a reach but I've had crazier coincidences on my explore page and recommended accounts back when I still used instagram. Nothing I liked or posted indicated I was from my ethnicity or exmuslim, but the app often recommended me only people from my own ethnicity or muslims, including family members I didn't even know had an instagram account and whose phone number I never had on my phone.

Speaking of the explore page, one of the things that annoyed me was how the posts always seemed related to my interests, but when instagram started competing with tiktok it kept showing me reels and reposted tiktok videos that were completely unrelated to what I wanted to see like people badly dancing to shitty rap songs or skincare hauls, no matter how often I tapped on "not interested". And as soon as summer started my explore page was full of photos and videos of young women in bikinis that were obviously too small and the camera was always focusing on their breasts or ass. It always stopped as soon as summer stopped and everyone went back to work or school. I have no idea if it's because I also posted my own vacations pictures (but no selfies, tags or captions though, just places and food) or because of people I followed were liking similar weird posts.

No. 2408539

Why even have the scrote in the equation at all? They are either fake bi and both retarded sister wives or need him for onlyfans content.

No. 2408546

Straight white people are bored of being straight white people. Yawn. That moid with his ozempic DarkSydePhil aura is smirking into the camera because he knows he was able to get two retarded suckers to fulfill his porn fantasy. Gross

No. 2408549

I've deleted everything else, but Instagram is the one social media I'm having a hard time getting rid of. I always catch myself scrolling through reels and getting pissed off at the comments, I have to remind myself that the kind of people who get into arguments in Instagram comments are either extremely emotionally damaged, or actual children.

No. 2408558

I removed all my followers from my IG and just use it to stalk celebrities and musicians for updates and gossip. Also to make profile photos for myself lol I get to post them to the grid so my phone saves it and no one gets to see. Idk who all I've annoyed in life but it's always in my best interest to have photos I haven't publically posted for when I have to denounce a catfish or something

No. 2408658

You can reset your suggest content on instagram
But yeah, I've noticed with the Instagram algorithm is way too heavy-handed

No. 2408804

they're quite ugly. i think this pseudo-goth egirl thing is cope for ugly girls

No. 2408957

I was once like you. It's extremely damaging.

No. 2409146

No halal restaurants except, like, the local kabab shop, but I don't follow that. Also no personal history of religion or being from an islamic region.

When I newly made my account (so zero activity yet) my explore page was already almost fully muslim content. I thought it'd change automatically when I'd start following the local restaurants and engage in those posts, but nope. So I have little hope for resetting it, but I am gonna try that in case it chooses another thing to show me, thanks Nona!

No. 2409232

Maybe it's based on your location then? I'm dying to know why this is happening, if you ever find out why please tell us.

No. 2409317

I HATE REELS! Especially when artists I follow make them I know they want to grow a following and it's sucks they have to do this way but I HATE IT. I prefer the old Instagram where it was just posting pictures and hashtags system works it's how i found other small artists and supported their works, now the hashtag system on Instagram barely works it's useless before the hashtags of the artists who tagged in it their works would show up in my feed now it's even rare. Once in a blue moon i would see the hashtags pop-up in my feed. I HATE what Instagram has become I want to leave this platform behind but to bad that most of the local artists I follow post there.

No. 2409386

I would also do this with insta and is what made me ultimately delete it. It's such a waste of your energy. I don't want to spend my time making myself upset by ignorant peoples comments.

No. 2409391

Agree. A woman I was following posted a photo of a fully naked child, not even their own child, their niece or something. I reported it and they did nothing. Disgusting app.

No. 2409481

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These stupid gen z bitches think you can say you're alt without putting in the effort to dress alt. Make it make sense

No. 2409486

Anon it's been pissing me tf off too. I get the no tattoos thing, because they're expensive and not everyone has a good artist nearby. But I don't understand wanting to live, breathe, and be the alternative scene without putting in any effort. The entire point alternative fashion is to challenge social norms and brave criticisms. These insecure kids have blocked every single criticism that hasn't ever came their way and they can't handle self reflection imo, which is why they're too scared to look the part.

No. 2409498

No matter what I'm looking at on the app I always get this womans' videos shown to me. Instagrams algo seems incredibly oppresive compared to other apps, like it completely ignores my interests and pushes the weirdest shit on me.

No. 2409502

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What does "alt" mean? How do you both dress? This is random but any time someone on lolcow talks about being "alt" I literally cannot imagine anything other than the stereotypical kind of cheapy, easy aliexpress accessories "goth".

No. 2409503

This mentality is pretty much everywhere now, all of these retards want to be part of subcultures without actually doing the things that are characteristic of them. They just want somewhere to belong to and will call you an evil gatekeeper if you don't want retards who aren't even like you in any way coming into it. It's just an extension of mentalities like you don't need to actually be gay to belong in the lgbt community and also very similar to how they'll try to take over fandoms without even consuming the source material for them. "Just be kind and everyone is valid no matter what!" type of mentalities are cancerous and very prevalent these days unfortunately. I would never call myself alt because I don't dress or have a lifestyle like that and anyone else who doesn't shouldn't either.

No. 2409504

Alternative fashion encompasses a large array of subcultures. The fact that you automatically associate it with generic fast fashion shows a great lack of understanding.

No. 2409506

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No. 2409509

I have a big ass forehead too but jesus christ. Get some bangs or something, especially if you're so obsessed with being a goff gf while rocking the Heather makeup.

No. 2409510

tbh i don't like that every subculture gets rolled up into alt as a designation. punk and goth and lolita and whatever else might share some overlap in a venn diagram, but rolling them all into alt does give the aliexpress vibes. op's picrel sounds like she's talking about goth, she could just say goth because all of her points are actually nbd if you're talking about like classic/country lolita

No. 2409526

And then she looks like that kek sounds more like she doesn’t want any more competition and so her followers can stay normie looking. Imo gatekeeping is fine and necessary but that’s not it.

No. 2409536

Then just say what the specific fashion is? How hard is that?
That's what I was thinking. Plenty of lolitas don't do super crazy hair, makeup, or have tattoos. I can think of other styles that wouldn't necessarily need them, either. The lumping of all alternative fashion under one big umbrella is really dumb I think, it's kind of treating these subcultures as interchangeable skins with the same kinds of inspiration and attitudes, which does give it a kind of aliexpress, fast-fashion sheen.

No. 2409550

It's also a great way to take anything that isn't aesthetic out of the subculture. If alt just becomes a synonym for weird fashion, you lose out on the very things that made the subcultures: Goth's music and club scene, punk's DIY drive and institutional distrust, lolita's street fashion sensibilities. I remember when people used to clown on lifestyle lolitas for being out of touch, but they were a lot closer to the goths who would dress up together with their friends to go to the local club or to the Bauhaus concert compared to most of the "alternative girlies" of today.

No. 2409666

Android nonnas, ditch the official app and get instander

No. 2409691

They want to dress in big shein sweaters and mini skirts and be considered alt, shoving their way into a community. It's crazy because I used to be heavy into vk/jrock 15 years ago and dressed up, got bullied or made fun of. I think the fact is so many of these gen z retards want to fit in, but not push any boundaries because they hate confrontation.

No. 2409818

>they hate confrontation
if they had to put up with a 10th of the bullying some of us did for being part of one subculture or another, they'd cry on instagram live and then rope themselves

No. 2409837

Tbh I didn't really deal with any bullying for being goth/alt. One time a car with two guys called me a "freak" and then his passenger smacked him in the head and said I looked cute. There was also a similar situation with a jock but I made fun of him too so it became like a running joke. This was the 00s in a small city. The alt/goth kids who were made fun were all considered "dirty". Small towns or religious areas would probably be bad no matter what though, my friend's grandma was born-again and seemed to have the biggest issue. She was still nice though. Mostly people just asked questions about me being "a goth". I did feel really annoyed when people phrased it that way for some reason but most people said positive things

No. 2409964

shocked it took so long to make an instagram hate thread

No. 2410064

this app's algorithm is so fucked. My reels feed is 99% fashion, pets, travel etc. But as an experiment I had my brother scroll on my account for ~30 min and the way the suggested videos changed so quickly was a bit weird. He watched some car and video game reels I'd normally skip, then got more car videos, dancing bikini women, and eventually redpill podcast clips kek. It's like the app starts feeding that stuff to you as soon as it realizes a moid is watching. At one point when I was watching elden ring clips it started suggesting "woman fail" and tranny videos no matter how much I clicked not interested

No. 2410194

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>instagram now shows people when you take screenshots/screen recordings of conversations
Kek I wonder what brought this on

No. 2410197

I would fuck the shit out of him

No. 2410268

come on nonna he probably fucked minors back in the day

No. 2410306

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People who think mainstream nu-metal is "scary" are the fucking worst. Same goes for the people in the comment section going "hurrdurr listen to slam" as if that somehow isn't even worse. Anyone who brags about listening to "edgy" genres is fucking annoying.

No. 2410307

I hate getting reels that are rage bait. Especially the ones that the OP stole from TikTok and slapped on a ragebait text over it for engagement.

No. 2410385

people like this always remind me of vidrel

No. 2410500

I kind of understand and agree with this, in the sense that it's not really about how you dress but more so about how you participate in your local scene - which I think is something this woman failed to mention making her argument extremely superficial. I've been into punk and everything mildly related since before I was a teen and I've been a part of the scene in my small eastern euro country since then. Outwardly you can't really tell, I do have a lot of tattoos and a face piercing but my dressing style is semi normie and always has been, I don't wear makeup and my hair has never been dyed. At most I'd wear converse, vans and band tees and most women around me did that too. I'd say a minority of women and men went above and beyond to style themselves but we all attend our local shows, events etc. Only once I visited richer countries with bigger scenes did I start seeing people with extremely alternative styles on a regular basis kek

No. 2411656

I have a private Instagram, not many problems but I feel like I'm hiding. If my account go public then I'll be bothered by moids instead of meeting art friends. I don't know what to do.

No. 2411669

I started getting religious content when I was for a month in Indonesia. Before that, I'd never get it, after I moved back home, again nothing. It might be what the country is trying to push or just what content is popular in your area.

No. 2413777

Finally managed to delete this shitty app. It sucks that it takes so many weeks for it to really delete your account. It feels great to have no social media at all. I was hooked on it for the last 7 years and mainly used it to stalk people especially my ex. I would frantically look at random women's accounts he would follow and compare them to me and search their likes and following to see if my ex liked them. I would always find something that upset me. Those women didn't even like my ex he was just an attention whore that needed an infinite amount of recognition and ass pats and instagram is the perfect app for that. I am done with this bs.

No. 2413858

I accidentally clicked on a tights fetish photo (no idea why that was in my feed) and it took ages of clicking on animals, science stuff, fashion, before I stopped getting recommended weird fetishy content. I also get some recommended stuff out of the blue, weird things like Indian men looking for mail-order brides. When I checked the comments, it seemed like that had been pushed to a lot of feeds, though. I wonder how/why. None of the strange stuff that has appeared like that seemed like they would pay for extra exposure. Another one was an ad for pre-built chapels (in some eastern European country). Just bizarre.

No. 2414549

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I especially fucking hate Instagram pickmes

No. 2414601

That filter removing half her face… just willingly giving yourself crazy bdd

No. 2415256

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The amount of people who cape for blatantly edited videos is insane.

No. 2415260

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No. 2415264

>tall girl proportions
Can the looksmaxing or whateverfags explain what this is even supposed to mean?

No. 2415270

“Supermodel” proportions. Thin, long legs, stuff like that.

No. 2415273

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Having a shorter torso with longer legs will give you proportions that are typically associated with tallness, regardless of your actual height. Note that along with the filter, she is also wearing platform shoes to further this illusion kek.

No. 2415274

it means she looks tall but she's short

No. 2415284

>"Erm… actually I have a body just like that and giant thighs you're just mad that there are people prettier than you"
Why is this type of coping so common?

No. 2415298

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It works on retards and people usually back off bc they're scared of having their own edits called out or a filterfag saying they're ugly

No. 2415508

Don't have pics for proof, but does anyone remember that "joke" morons would do on there where if someone asked for a person's @ someone would respond with some random gay dudes page that had pics of he and his lovers barebacking? I got trolled by that shit once and never forgot it. I saw that troll dozens of times.

No. 2415516

She's built like Nani in that video
Also she must live in a short as hell house if her head nearly touches the door frame. I'm 5'2 and have nearly a foot of headspace above me to the doorway. Boots are not going to give her that much height.

No. 2415616

>"I literally have a friend who [has traits that support my argument]
Average commentator "proof"

No. 2415731

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So cooked, such a gooner. She already sounds brain rotted with no original thought. Being a gooner isn’t funny. It’s peak repulsive and pathetic that someone would slowly lose their mind to porn. A good portion of this app is covertly shilling some OF in bio or even AI generated models that has thousands of the dumbest moids alive spamming emojis in the comments. I came across this account and the commenters are so stupid they never noticed a woman’s face got put onto the dog.

No. 2415746

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>Have you taken your antidepressants for the day? Perhaps your antipsychotics, even?

No. 2419178

I'm just trying to remember when Instagram got so vile. It was like 2022, right? It wasn't filled with Neo-Nazis, pedophiles and religionfaggots in 2021 iirc. Where did they all migrate from? Twitter?

No. 2419199

Zuck cucked to shitty ass scrotes because he's part of the new anti woke techbros who steal your data

No. 2419203

Anytime I click on those accounts they have 0-2 followers and look like some janky fake profile. Maybe it's Russian bots trying to stoke division?

No. 2419247

Yeah but where did they come from to begin with… wanna set fire to the original ant nest.

No. 2419603

actually they come from ifunny. A lot of big ifunny accounts moved to instagram during the "post reels on instagram we will pay you" push insta was doing to try keep up with tiktok, and ifunny became even more broken once the ukraine war happened and it got even more bloated with russian spyware

No. 2419621

Holy shit. That explains it.

No. 2419631

IME it is the exact opposite of this. I consume a lot of metal related content (or at least, stuff that's tagged as that) on IG because I follow so many metal bands. The female metalheads always have hair that's dyed unnatural colors and styled or side shaved, piercings, tattoos, wild makeup, fashion with tons of chains/accessories , fishnets etc. The guys just have long natural hair and sometimes a few tattoos and metal shirts. I have long natural hair like the girl in >>2407981 and I feel like the outlier.

No. 2419661

Nonna, I am blowing you a kiss.

No. 2420372

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I hate these kind of anti feminist posts so much. Pick me ass bitches

No. 2420385

This shit is such a psyop I swear. Notice how it started ramping up like crazy within the last two years. It's legitimately a psyop to destabilize western women's rights and you cannot convince me otherwise.

No. 2420387

The worst part are the comments made by some women going "I wish we could go back in time and stop certain things feminism did." Like nothing is stopping you from being a whore trophy wife abused by her husband?? I actually like having a bank account and an education as a woman. thanks.

No. 2420392

>working to support oneself, maintaining independence regardless of relationship status
>be productive member of society, paying taxes
I'm not saying that SAHM are parasites but that's what these memes frame it as (and in a positive way).

No. 2420396

I've only met two SAHM in my life time. One was a massive idiot who drove her husband to and from work, had no savings, etc. When they divorced, she had to go to court to deal with partial visitation of their kids. Then she moved way mid west because she couldnt afford anything in the east coast anymore.
The other person is my wife's friend, so I dont know her as well, but it also seems like she isnt doing anything with herself except raising kids and cooking for her husband. Who the fuck wants that kind of life? And no bank account of my own. I'd be damned if a spouse gave me an allowance. Yeah, I'm good.

No. 2420402

Raising kids the right way is super demanding work. If a parent wants to focus solely on that, then it's not a bad thing imo (if they can do it well). Financial problems are the biggest issue with that though so even a lot of SAHM end up transitioning to part-time work as their kids grow up and having their own bank accounts for their wages.

No. 2420412

That's because most female metal content creators on Instagram focus on mainstream radio metal (i.e Lorna Shore, Spiritbox, Jinjer, Sleep Token, Unleash the Archers, etc). There aren't that many that focus on black metal outside of actual black metal musicians. I'd say it's because of the notoriously toxic and fucking annoying black metal fan base but doom metal also doesn't have many despite having (imo) the most chill metal fanbase.

No. 2420480

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Hate getting bait like pic related in my reels. And you know exactly what the comments are going to be like

These women are so fucking dumb. Do they not realize trophy wives need to take care of kids (not dogs) in order to be taken care of by their scrote? Rarely do moids ever let their trophy wives live “ for free” and don’t want some freeloader hanging around their house. Hell, most trophy wives I’ve known would take care of kids AND have some kind of business on the side. Posting shit like that publicly is so embarrassing.

No. 2420492

Just because you're too sensitive and lazy to handle a corporate desk job doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't work anymore, Ashleigh.

No. 2420878

Be careful about going on Instagram reels today. Supposedly there’s a flood of gore/porn/etc. People are speculating that it’s because of a mod strike or hacking.

No. 2420885

I have not pressed the reels section button in over a year and I will forever be abstinent from it. I beseech everyone with a pained heart to do the same.

No. 2420920

>Gynecologists should only be women
This is based though

No. 2420978

Paid propaganda

No. 2421219

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Ty nona, I received it

That's basically what I figured, except I am a huge Unleash the Archers fan and I've never heard them (or any power metal) on the radio. Seems like women are into metalcore a lot more too which seems to have more people with bodymods etc. I could be wrong though.

No. 2421403

Right? This is true. If anything should be segregated, it's men from gynecology.

No. 2421569

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Fuckhead parents using their child as a political marionette.

No. 2421588

Poor kid is going to have these videos dragged up and used against him in the future because his parents are too cowardly to put their own faces in front of their beliefs.

No. 2421618

It's in quotation marks which usually means she's gonna disagree with it.

No. 2421631

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I cannot believe there isn't more outrage and news outlets talking about this. This is a pathetic response from Meta about a massive issue that exposed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people to gore, csam, beastiality, and more. There were minors exposed to it at school trying to one up each other with the worst reel they could find. "Oh sorry about that, anyways" like holy fucking shit. If this was on television every advertiser would cut ties with that network. Their AI moderation is trash and so is their response to the issue.

No. 2421688

Honestly after the stories broke about what facebook moderators were exposed to & how little they were paid I'm not surprised. It's crazy that people know how fucked Meta's moderation is and they just don't care

No. 2421717

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IM into black metal mostly and I see a lot of bm whores trying to be edgier goth gf basically. Otherwise I see a lot of girls into hair and thrash metal and they like to post themselves in skimpy outfits. Instawhores are all the same pick me cookie cutter material. I would love to see more women in metal but not as posers who are in it only for the male attention.

No. 2421719

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And blackmetalgirls as a search term. The sexy outfit corpse paint combo makes me cringe so hard.

No. 2421729

I’ve seen that reel and she’s actually bitching about people who say that even though it should be common sense.

No. 2421818

Just follow the musicians themselves. There's like one or two decent fan ones but most of them are either edgier e-girls with bootleg merch, obnoxious Per Ohlin fangirls, or pick-mes who pretend to be into extremely obscure music because they think it makes them look cool.

No. 2421823

Yea 90% i follow are bands and the rest music collectors. Kek at the Dead fangirls. Now that the censorship on meta has ended Ive been getting a lot of Barg fan/“meme” account recommendations but I just block them.

No. 2421875

Fr real metalheads have the laziest and comfiest outfits ever and don't walk around looking like a temu goth mommy gf. These are just poser ewhores looking for a niche fanbase and cash grab from retarded porn addicted moids. Let them live this way online. They won't be at the shows.

No. 2421879

Most women irl have this hair so what does this even mean? Also that hair takes only like a year to grow out. Plenty of women everywhere with different haircuts and styles.

No. 2421880

these whores are the worst. They are barely wearing clothing. The second girl looked like Suzy (Egorator's wife) for a minute. This doesnt help the whole 'girls are faking liking stuff for attention' crap men love to pull.

No. 2421911

I have no idea who the first one is. Seems to be a musician but I can't imagine her music is very good if she has to rely on doing the slut drop.

No. 2421922

YouTube Shorts might be extremely repetitive, showing me the same 5 content creators over and over, but I still prefer it to reels. Reels will go from completely innocuous content to outright neo-Nazi shit in mere minutes. Their "blacklisted words" function simply does not fucking work. I try to block out reactionary religious content and it just shows more of it. It seems to pedal controversial content because it gets the most comments.

No. 2421981

Every other video is either mysogynist, or has mysogynist comments. There will be a video of a woman trying to promote basic equality and the comments will be like "Well if you want to have equality, I should be allowed to beat the shit out of you hurrrr"

No. 2421983

top left is elize ryd, lead singer of the band amaranthe. she does come off as pickmeish but I don't know because I'm not an amaranthe fan, I'm just always seeing pics of her doing stuff like that

No. 2422009

So is the gore/CP spam over?

No. 2422036

I try so hard to not have nlog/internalized misogynistic thoughts but holy shit do people like this make it difficult. I know a lot of chill women who like metal but it's like for every cool female metalhead there's five more attention-starved retards shitting up the place

No. 2422076

instagram is notorious for having the meanest/most toxic/hateful comment sections, youtube is annoying because of how censored it is and how many comments get deleted but I almost prefer it to that. it doesn't help that instagram basically prioritizes ragebait and videos about controversial topics.

I was on instagram for like 2 hours yesterday before I saw that comment and I never saw any.

No. 2422086

It's what happens when you combine rabid, repulsive 3rd world moids with fuckhead teens raised on manosphere content because their parents refuse to fucking take charge. Love seeing them seethe when I tell them Jesus was a brown Jewish socialist who would've despised megacorporations. It's almost like they don't care about that shit at all. They just need something to feel "superior".

No. 2422089

I never saw any, thankfully my explore page just shows me puppies and Leon Kennedy kek

No. 2422113

Amaranthe are essentially your average poor woman's Nightwish mixed in with some of your average uninspired melodeath. Would be bland but inoffensive if the vocalist wasn't the metal equivalent of Sabrina Carpenter. "Oh, I'm into metal but I'm hawt!" as if these Tarja Turunen wannabes aren't an absolute dime a dozen in symphonic metal. At least most other Tarja wannabes have some degree of class.

You know a band is going to be shit if the vocalist dresses like a Hot Topic model and as much makeup as your average Taylor Swift music video.

No. 2422121

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>leon Kennedy
Based, I prefer wesker tho

No. 2422142

>instagram is notorious for having the meanest/most toxic/hateful comment sections
I fucking despise insta comments so much it is unreal. It’s the most npc shit ever, repeatedly saying the same thing over and over to get in the insta hall of fame. ‘Bro did xyz’ ‘bro is gonna get touched’, ‘brick by brick’ etc etc. and lmao the comments are not ‘mean’ either, these niggers act like saying the n word (without the hard r btw) is the most le cool, different, edgy thing ever. Grown ass men act towards insta the way I used to act about 4chan when I was fucking 11, they act like it is some hidden gem hardweb site and not one of the most downloaded apps. Insta comments are the most generic, retarded unfunny Down syndrome babble there is and there are fucking yt videos titled ‘horrendous Instagram comments skull emoji’ and the comments are just the same thing repeated over and over again without any context just to seem le out of pocket and edgy.(racebait)

No. 2422154

Yeah I didn't wanna sound mean but Elize Ryd is like the least talented female vocalist I can think of, I think she tried out for Nightwish once and there's a cover of her singing Nemo and it's…. not very good.

No. 2422165

I think since reels are so addictive and evaporate chunks of your time, people cope by referencing other reels or common said things from reels and comments. It's why every video of a car crash or traffic blunder that has a woman in it will have the comments full of shit about women screaming and how they're stupid for screaming. Even worse when it has a man in it, the comments will all be about how men are so smart and glorious for being quiet and how women need to take notes. Nuclear grade retardation. I literally saw a reel where a woman was quiet, only gasped once, and yet the comments were still full of men complaining that women scream and it's so annoying hurrr why do women scraem?? All because that's the running in joke. I hope this doesn't come off as I'm refuting you, I'm agreeing, it's just that this phenomenon makes it even more obvious.

No. 2422187

Just listened to it and she's so off-key and can't hit any of the high notes whatsoever. I don't even feel too bad about it because from what I can find she came from a rich family.

No. 2422196

The jokes are almost always about child rape because that's peak comedy to scrotes.

No. 2422206

I believe she's wearing high heel boots

No. 2422219

What wrong woth the one on the left? If my Nigel """came out""" I'd castrate him myself for wasting my damn time, is this like a thing you need to know the Instagram context for or something?

No. 2422325

nta, but it might be because when I open instagram it's more to unwind like "I'm gonna see some funny cat videos" but then it bombards you with a bunch of stressful topics, like the other day it showed me one of this lady who supported her wife through medical school then the wife cheated on her and dumped her and left her with a bunch of debt, or another time of someone talking about how her daughter died from SIDS. I don't interact with stuff like that but it still promotes it to me, then right after it will show you something cute/funny and give you whiplash

No. 2422572

The platform just sucks. Promotes unrealistic expectations, bad comment section moderation, and its as addictive as tiktok

No. 2422614

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Found it

No. 2422620

What a stupid pickme bitch. I was sexually assaulted by the first ever (male) gynecologist I visited when I was 16. Pickmes like her are intentionally handicapping themselves and putting themselves in dangerous situations just to cape for moids with this rhetoric, and the sad part is when something happens to them the same males will say that it was their fault for not being careful.

No. 2422624

Male gynos have literally any other field they could have studied and they chose gynecology. Really says something.

No. 2422625

There's currently many criminal charges against a male gyno in my state for raping many of his patients. Seriously, I am getting ads on social media talking about any woman who was affected by him to please come forward. More and more cases constantly popping up from this fucker. But sure, yeah, males clearly aren't the problem like this pickme states.

No. 2422636

God why would your parents send you to a male gyno though. Holy f that is bad.

No. 2422642

But its shocking to me ANYONE would chose a male gyno. Even my mom had a female gyno who delivered my sisters in the 80s…

I will never believe anyone who says its just a medical profession like any other. My trust goes through the floor at the mention of a male gyno. Its not rocket science why.

No. 2422647

For some reason every female one I’ve had has just treated me with no respect. They just wrench you open like a fucking car door. It sort of left me traumatized. The male one I saw had really good bedside manner. Just my experience obviously but for me it feels almost like they treat you less delicately because you’re both women.

No. 2422650

I think it's gender equality psyop in the "if all genders are equal, then men are as unlikely to rape you as women are!" kind of bullshit. A lot of libfems feel the need to parrot that there are good male gynos or else it would go directly against their pro-troon, anti-misandry beliefs.
And also stories like this >>2422647 kek. I don't really understand how you can be "wrenched open like a car door", it's a vagina. They just slip the medical instrument in and open it, you can't tease a speculum. You aren't paying her for foreplay.

No. 2422651

Nta but these are the types of posts that make everyone sick of you.
>anon harmlessly talks about her experience
>it must be a lie!1!
You sound nuts.

No. 2422654

What’s hard to understand, it was way too rough and fast. I’m only sharing this cause you asked who would ever go to a male one.

No. 2422656

I didn't say it was a lie. I said stories like hers also make women nervous because she's implying female gynos are the problem and not that her experience of rough treatment can come from gynos of either gender. I also said I personally didn't understand her experience because what she was saying doesn't make sense to me, from my experiences with gynos. I just don't have an issue with my vagina being opened with a speculum, maybe she has vaginismus.
You and her need to stop being so defensive and accusing everyone of being other anons.

No. 2422659

I think a specific kind of female is the problem yeah. The kind that’s overly dismissive of all your problems because you’re both women, like saying oh toughen up when you have period cramps. Not really sure how you’d detect someone is that type of person beforehand.

No. 2422661

They open the cervix and yeah it hurts when they wrench it open as quickly as possible.(underage , scrote or both )

No. 2422662

They always bring up some female gynos being too rough as if it’s on the same level as male gynos raping their patients.

No. 2422665

Of course it isn’t..

No. 2422668

I'm sorry, but I think you've been misinformed. Your cervix is not "opened" by the gynecologist at any point. They open your vagina to access the cervix. Unless you were undergoing some specialized procedure I am not aware of?

No. 2422674

Oops, mb, but it definitely ended up pressing against it cause it was that specific pain you only get from there.

No. 2422678

If you were getting a pap smear, then yes, it can hurt. When they collect the cells, they need to use a stiff brush to scrape enough cells off to get a proper sample. I'm not sure the speculum could have reached inside to your cervix.
Because every woman is different, pap smears don't feel the same to everyone. I felt absolutely no sensation whatsoever. Some women hate their pap smears because it is one of the most uncomfortable sensations they experienced. It sounds like it was the latter for you, and unfortunately, there's not much the gyno can do to lessen it for you. They truly are doing their best to just scrape a small amount of cells for the lab, but they need enough to be able to actually use the sample.

No. 2422683

No it wasn’t even that. It was a pelvic exam. When they put the speculum in i felt it against my cervix and they did it really roughly. Maybe I’m short down there idk what to tell you

No. 2422684

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No. 2422697

Glitch? They could've come up with any other lie.

No. 2422698

Why don’t you think it was a glitch?

No. 2422705

there is no use in pushing gore content to a vast normie audience. It shoots you in the foot

No. 2422706

Meta purposely tailored ragebait neonazi pedoscrote shit everywhere on Reels long before this supposed "glitch" happened, look at Threads too. This was probably a raid and they're saying this to do damage control because admitting it was one would be obviously bad for their image. Or maybe I'm wearing a huge tinfoil hat and smoking twenty tonnes of crack

No. 2423405

More likely it was just an issue with moderation. If you’ve ever been on crystal.cafe, you should know that sites randomly get spammed with explicit content that you wouldn’t see if the site were well moderated.

No. 2423426

Cuckerberg is a neo nazi and wants to be muskrat so bad.

No. 2423432

He's never gotten over the lizardperson bullying kek

No. 2423571

What kinda glitch only pushes gore to people though?

No. 2423640

He wants to be an Emil Maurice.

No. 2423678

maybe a dumb typo, like
>show if content.sensitive?
>hide if content.sensitive?

No. 2423936

Nta but yeah, no. It's a billion dollar company, I highly doubt it's going to get glitched. This was either a raid or a psyop.

No. 2425962

I thought I had missed all the violence and gore related content when Meta fucked up, but I opened my instagram feed today and it's quite literally all over my page. WTF happened. I thought Meta fixed it, why is it happening to me still? I don't see anyone talking about it still happening? I'm taking this as my sign to delete any Meta apps I have, so at least there's that.

No. 2426002

I never noticed this, was this perhaps only in the US? What I get suggested the most right now are cringy or provocative reels and not only by cringe compilation accounts but real people. I saw an old man dressed in little girl clothes and tons of deathfats doing stuff like rolling around or being fed. Or people trying to film thirst traps but they look deformed or you´re not sure what gender etc. . I always click not interested but they always come back. Good for my screen time because it makes me browse the app much much less.

No. 2426396

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May God strike him down

No. 2426720

It's been years and I'm still missing when you could scroll through "newest" for a hashtag. Or when tags worked in general.

No. 2426722

this happens all the time. shit coders break stuff because they're cheap and stupid.

No. 2426835

both giant and small companies have outsourced a lot of costumer service and coding to india, and this is the quality you get. I can understand pushing political content being intentional, but pushing gore makes no sense. It makes people a lot more likely to close the app from gut reaction.

No. 2426982

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Moderation or no, this was obviously planned by edgelord trolls, no different from shit like the blue whale challenge or the jonathan mouse image shit. Maybe a psyop if you're tinfoil enough.

No. 2427327

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Is the coomer shit really necessary?

No. 2427457

Why are these types of videos so popular? The punchline is usually some overdone joke with tits, they're never funny

No. 2430554

Because moids are literal apes

No. 2442277

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>Self-proclaimed "Midsized curvy body fitness coach"
She actually does have a clientele (shockingly) and their "transformations" are as expected. Imagine paying this morbidly obese woman to be your personal trainer and actually expecting results

No. 2442291

God forbid fat women try to work out and build some muscle/get healthier.

No. 2442293

That's not at all what that anon was saying

No. 2442297

ayrt and I get it, the anon was saying this 'morbidly obese' (probably not, probably just regular obese since morbidly obese is a technical BMI category she doesn't look like she belongs to) woman can't possibly be good enough at fitness training to train other fat women, because she's fat herself. I get that's what that anon was saying.

It is still stupid though because many fat women are in fact strong and good at certain aspects of sports/fitness (e.g. many weight lifters, track/field athletes, etc) and they could have a better grasp on how to deal with fat patients than a trainer who has always been thin since obesity/overweight can lead to a limited range of motion, certain hangups about exercise, needing to target different muscle groups or eat differently than a thin person would to have ideal results. The average American woman now is a size 16 or something (so probably obese) and many young women have PCOS and hypothyroidism or other conditions that make weight loss harder for them but may still want to work out and get healthier and may feel more comfortable doing that with a trainer who understands their issues with exercise better. Clearly she gets clients and likes working in fitness so what is the problem? I know competitive powerlifters fatter than this woman.

No. 2442301

>many fat women are in fact strong
As a former big fattie but now a bit slimmed down can confirm. My glutes and my legs are much stronger without any training than my thin friends (who has gone to the gym for years) because I used to carry around all that weight kek.

No. 2442328

Honestly I can't hate this. HAES has fucked over so many women, and if working out with a fat personal trainer is the only way they can get themselves to exercise, that's still so much better than not doing anything at all.
The transformations might be underwhelming but her clients are presumably eating less fast food, improving their heart health through exercise, and getting their necessary vitamins and minerals for the first time in god knows how long. Even correcting their posture through exercise can have a massive impact on their mental health.
I'm not a fan of fat personal trainers either, but their clients tend to be the deeply insecure type who'd eat themselves into an early grave otherwise.

No. 2442367

When I go to the gym, in my case mostly group stuff like bodypump, the girls that have the heaviest weights usually are a bit fat, even as much as this one. I feel like you just don't go to gym much if you don't know this, nonny.

No. 2442379

Also a former fattie (though I did used to also do boxxing so that may be why as well), I’m on the low end of weight now, and I do miss that I used to be able to carry things and my old strength, because I also completely lost my grip to open things. My arms can’t even carry anything above 10 pounds for more than 8 minutes, when I used to be able to carry water jugs easily.
I’m not entirely against this, I think women would probably feel comfortable with this. I probably wouldn’t have minded a trainer like her to do it with me, especially since I’d be a newcomer.

No. 2442532

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…i'm at a genuine loss for words

No. 2442538

No. 2442544

Ugh when I was in high school some moid showed me that video during gym class and I wanted to die.

No. 2442550

somehow both horrifying and hilarious at the same time

No. 2444331

why are people doing this to themselves. Is this self destuction on speed?? Yes I know men are degens

No. 2460537

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This just makes me sad

No. 2460539

I'm getting munchie vibes from this.

No. 2460604

KEK I remember that awful video but I had no idea the man was an engineer. You’d think engineers were smart and would know that a horse would literally fuck up your organs and cause internal bleeding. Guess the moid was too horny to care kek rest in piss

No. 2460621

I hope that's the case, I know that OF is a voluntary thing but the idea of a woman doing it to fund hospital bills so she doesn't die is depressing

No. 2460712

Whenever incels say that women are degenerate or whatever, show them picrel.

No. 2462084

do not be fooled, i bullied this fat pickme in the past (i recognize her from those hideous pants) this is all for attention

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