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No. 238819
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I go to, even if it's still slow. It's the comfiest, for me.
No. 255361
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Mewch Imageboard is nice No. 255379
>>255365>>255375i stopped like 3 years ago because the thread quality just got so bad. i also noticed some weird trend where the thread OP acts like the thread is her baby and will minimod it to death. i went on once after a con to check out the post con thread and i happened to see an argument between the thread OP and posters who apparently weren't posting to her liking. it wasn't even derailing, just posting posts she thought weren't good. bitch, it's not like when you make a thread it's just for you to enjoy.
i've also seen tons more cattiness than there was before.
No. 255380
>>255365I visit cgl sometimes, but since I don't wear lolita as much anymore I have no real reason to frequent.
I'll also browse wsg, ck, and co. I did visit other boards in the past…
But I'm definitely not going now because I hate that place's board culture similar to what anon said
Everyone acts like a fucking faggot and I'm over it.
No. 255385
>>255380>>255379I know. Have you been in any of the itabag threads? God forbid you ask a question or have a differing opinion on fucking badge arrangement. It's worse than a hivemind, like everyone is at each other's throats constantly over the most
useless shit imaginable. At least back in the PT days there was some sense of community. Sorry for the nostalgia goggles.
No. 255396
>>255385Besides the rampant tripfagging circlejerk I didn't mind the PT days and drama talk.
My pet theory is that anons vented their aggravations on the lolcows so less of that hostility spilled into other threads.
But tbh I remember people being shitty in the help threads too, and any kind of self-post/crit threads. I think the attitude has always been there but at least when drama threads were allowed it was concentrated mostly in one place and a lot of anons agreed on why the cows were posted.
No. 255402
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>>255398This is a huge problem for me too.
Whenever I want to post on certain boards I have to disguise my words as if I were a guy, because if I don't, immediately the threads will derail into a shitshow over my gender. Like I have to go as far as switching to male pronouns, saying my 'gf' instead of bf, etc. Otherwise I just can't ever post or interact.
>tit or gtfo>you're a GIRL REEEEEE! >no1curr>you just HAD to let us know you were a woman, didn't you?!>wahhhh attention whoreThere's so much sperging and then they accuse ME of fucking derailing if I let a pronoun slip or "sound" too much like a woman.
So much assblast. Besides cgl, there's maybe a couple other boards where you're
allowed to be female. Not that there isn't misogynistic shit that goes down on those too.
My biggest pet peeve is /ck/ because most of the men who post fucking SUCK at cooking!!! That's when they're not posting about fast food unironically, other times they're acting pretentious as fuck because they slammed a steak in a pan. They constantly jerk themselves off about what better cooks they are than ALL women because of cooking fails from instathots, and because their own moms burnt their tendies like once.Fuck them. They're absolute cancer.
No. 255409
>>255402This is exactly why I only browse lolcow now every so often, it's devoid of any visible male sperging and I like it that way.
Crystal cafe would be another option if it wasn't such a massive hugbox. I basically got banned for stating an opinion, never even violated any of the rules.
No. 255421
>>255402I usually just let people assume I'm a gay man, I'll talk about boys and people will call me a fag instead of assuming I'm a girl. I find that even if I do say something that shows I'm a girl, the responses depend on the board/thread quality. If it's a legit discussion and I make a legit contribution it's not usually that bad.
It's funny how my language usually changes on 4chan though. I'm much more aggressive, assertive in my opinions and I swear a lot because my default is to act like a guy.
No. 255455
>>255450do you think there's enough demand for it? a lot of girls online seem to enjoy the uwu hugboxes, even radfems.
edgy weeb terves are very hostile and judgemental, so they're some of the only ones who ward off that shit naturally. that's still a tiny demographic though… and you'll have to make the mascot some kawaii husbando material to get their attention kek.
>>255452first of all, gross
second of all, there's one on cc
No. 255456
>>255452I second this - it would be nice to have a female targetted lewd board. A lot of porn on 4chan and other imageboards are male oriented and get tiring to look through when all you read is about how some guy wants to 'stick his dick in some barely legal pussy'.
Granted, I feel like it would get quickly shut down by men but whatever. A girl can dream i guess
No. 255471
>>255456Would it even get enough traffic? The NSFW board over at cc is almost completely abandoned, and even though we have spoilers here I don't think we ever had a porn thread. The closest we have is the fetishes you're ashamed of thread on /g/ and even that doesn't get that much attention.
Also I hate seeing porn on imageboards because nobody ever posts the source and it inevitably leads to "lurk moar" or "google it faggot" which is frustrating as hell. The last thing I want when I'm horny is some dumb hipster holding their obscure porn hostage and demanding people do the heavy searchwork when they could have just posted it.
No. 255472
I used to browse 8chan boards, mostly unpopular ones like boards about tea or botany, and I'm sometimes making art and posting to scribblechan.
>>255407>>255448don't get me started, most of the guys who claim to like traps would have a shitfit if they found out they were seeing a girl with a dick (I'm implying that they actually know real girls/develop real crushes etc), and the ones who are serious are usually so devoid of any attention from girls that all they feel comfortable with is girly guys. It's kinda sad.
No. 255719
The main board I visit is lolcow, obviously. I'm usually checking the Onision thread but I love coming to /ot/ and /g/ for some discussion. I also really like keeping up with Chris Chan, Holly Brown, Toxic Tears, Abby Brown and I'll give other threads a browse if my usual ones are getting slow.
When I was younger, for almost a decade, I used to browse 4chan starting with /b/ and then getting into /x/ and /cgl/ later on. The last two went to shit within recent years and then I just abandoned the site altogether. I remember a time when /x/ had a lot of female posters and people took it more seriously, it was fun to stay up late and freak myself out with greentext stories. Now it's just the same "How do I summon a succubus" memes (that's a meme…right?). I also loved when /cgl/ was full of drama (I don't actually cosplay so it was the main reason I went there) and I ended up learning a lot about lolita and cosplay thanks to it. I even miss when /b/ used to be a more playful place. I know it's a weird opinion but I feel like when the internet was younger, all of this "edgy" humour was funny because imageboards were the only places that allowed that kind of freedom and anonymity. It was the fact that you could say anything that made you giggle. I feel like a whole generation of racist, sexist kids grew up thinking that their opinions were being validated by offensive jokes and now they make up the majority of the userbase. In other words, people who are genuinely racist and sexist. Now, nobody gives a shit anymore and they post offensive shit on Facebook with their names and pictures of their faces attached to those comments. Idk if I explained myself well.
I tried sushigirl at someone's recommendation and I liked it (despite it being really slow) up until I realised almost all of the userbase is male. I know that sounds stupid, but I've gotten to really favor female spaces (like here) and honestly once you've spent a lot of time around women who are generally more intelligent and respectful towards others, interacting with men becomes exhausting. The site is still nice, I'd still recommend it but knowing I'm interacting with men kind of turns me off it. Maybe if more from lolcow got into posting there, I'd get back into it.
That's also why I was very excited and hopeful for CC. In the early days, it was great but it's painfully obvious that it was advertised to men. They think they're being subtle but every post from a trans woman or man roleplaying as a woman is painfully fucking obvious and it ruins the experience. Not only that, but men have much, much higher aggression levels so any slightly controversial post gets met with a wave of vicious ones (which I also suspect are the same few people samefagging). I think what was really the last straw was getting banned for something incredibly stupid. To be honest, it was a blessing because it broke my routine of checking the site and I never went back!
I checked that tea board a few times but honestly it's not worth it. Because it is only open for a few hours, it will only get around max 20 posts and it's not even enough to get any kind of a conversation going. Don't really see the point, tbh.
I'm open to suggestions for any other boards that have a mainly female userbase.
No. 255744
>>255740Their way of talking is inherently fetishistic when they're trying to cover female experiences/subjects where female experiences count.
>inb4 every woman's experience is different!!They sound ridiculous, too much of a clueless outsider to be a woman.
No. 255758
I visited CC a lot last year because there was some shitty farmhand on LC last year that was banning for fucktarded shit. Imagine a "hellweek" that lasted for like three months and someone made up bullshit for ban offenses as they went.
I was really pissed off at this website last year, as I think a lot of anons were.
So when I went there it wasn't as slow because it was a farmer exodus.
One thing I hated though to answer the question
>>255740 was gender crit farmers who migrated there as well. At the time they were absolutely shitting up every thread with derails about trannies.
I personally agree with gender crit, but I frankly dgaf about trannies and I was sick of seeing them mentioned in every corner of that website. Plus some anons sounded legit crazy.
All I said was that there should be a containment thread and I got accused of being a troon just because I didn't agree with all the rhetoric or that tranny topics deserved to be in every single thread.
So idk, I think sometimes it's obvious when males invade but other times farmers/miners spitball unfounded accusations just because they're angry.
No. 255763
>>255375>Browsed /cgl/ since it opened years and years ago>Took a break after the mass drama exodus of maybe 2013-ish>Came back in late 2016/early 2017 >No cosplay related content>Males everywhere>People whiteknighting Jessica Nigri and other costhots>Full of either normie bullshit or tumblrinas being triggered over everything>"Cosplay is for fun lmao why do you care so much??? what a fucking nerd" mentality all around to justify shitty behavior and unwillingness to improvethat board can be nuked for all I care
>>255432I used to browse /tv/ actively too because it does have a great sense of humor and I'm a movie nut but quit for the reasons you mentioned. It's so fucking full of racism and misogyny it's more like /pol/ light with tired simpsons shitposting memes. And not even pretend "casual sexism" type of misogyny, just straight out stating that all women are whores and should be gassed.
>>255448It's disgusting because it's purely based on misogyny that's, like told by many others here, rampant on 4chan.
>Hate women? Have cute boys dress up as girls and start fucking them!>That'll show women how useless they are!>ew vaginas so gross! slutty boipussy is perfect uwuLolcow is the only image board I actively visit at the moment. I like how it's mostly female and more radfem slanted. I like how it's not full of handmaidens to force transwomen on us. I like how men saying "MALE HERE" is a bannable offence. I love how pissed robots and incels become at the thought of women having an autonomous space where their precious male feelings don't matter. I only watch a few cow threads and follow mostly /ot/, the female audience keeps drawing me in.
No. 255850
>>255763I'm used to misogyny so /tv/ doesn't affect me any more than another board in that respect, but the pedophilia is fucking abhorrent and runs unchecked. It's so blatant and I guess mods aren't gonna do anything about it unless it's actual porn, but it's full of scantily dressed pre-teen girls who aren't even actresses. I think a lot might be Russian rhythmic gymnasts from mentions I've seen, I don't open the threads.
And sneedposting is the fucking worst. I love the Simpsons, they really ruined their threads.
No. 255886
>>255872Honestly have no clue what you're talking about. I'm
No. 255888
this is dumb but can someone please tell me what OP's picture is supposed to mean? not knowing drives me crazy
>>255850>>255763i wish we had a female /tv/ for nitpicking and discussing bad tv and no feet or pedo posting.
i liked /tv/ years ago too. the shitposing was legit funny. and compared to reddit, it's heaven when it comes to discussing shows/movies. reddit tends to be autistic as fuck when it comes of tv show discussions in particular, they're so goddamn cringy. /tv/ is more laid back and stupid + image reactions.
but seriosly those fucking pedo posts scared the shit out of me. i browsed that place for years and they never stopped. whoever spams those threads creeps me out. cunnyposting, young ryan newman, whatever gymnastic underage flavor of the month the spammer found on instagram. i don't see why pedos decided that /tv/ was their home to terrorize, never got it. i ignored and reported the weird underage spam, and even though the threads got pruned after a few hours they always came back. for years. you cannot take them out, it's crazy.
i don't browse it anymore because /pol/ has infected every fucking thread on 4chan ever and i can't stand the autism they cause. containment boards were a mistake. i only use lolcow now
No. 255914
>>255850>>255853Sneedposting is fucking cancer. You can't discuss Simpsons seriously anymore because the thread will go down the toilet in a matter of seconds.
>>255888The pedo stuff is abhorrent. And the worst thing is that those threads never get deleted as fast as the ones making fun of marvel movies which are at least entertaining because I mostly hate capeshit.
I also like discussing the SJW shills in recent movies because I feel like you can't say it out loud without being branded as being paranoid and a conspiracy theorist. /tv/ was my lifeline during the release of Spiderman: Homecoming because everyone praised that movie to high heavens for its "diversity" while I saw it as a piece of shit film trying to ride the wave of social acceptance to hide what a flawed story it was. But the discussions get "kill all women" slanted so fast now it takes the fun out of it.
No. 255950
>>255886this video became a very large meme in the simpsons community, the origin of the popularity is a few subreddits and FB groups :>>255914>You can't discuss Simpsons seriously anymoreGood, rest in piss I say.
No. 255960
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>The pedo stuff is abhorrent. And the worst thing is that those threads never get deleted as fast as the ones making fun of marvel movies which are at least entertaining because I mostly hate capeshit. oh man, does anyone else also really liked when /tv/ discussed youtubers? It always got pruned too and i hated it! it was so fucking funny when they posted "AVGN is a cuck" memes and "TheGuyWithTheGLasses is secretley a complete douchebag" copypastas,
and it all turned out to be fucking true too. And the RedLetterMedia discussions are glorious too. I love my /shit movie reviewers on youtube / threads and i don't see why they're not allowed. its weird too cause sometimes they got deleted fast and sometimes not at all. the mods there give no fucks.
especially because when people like AVGN do shit stuff like that terrible movie, you can't ever discuss it because its too niche for your IRL friends to get it and if you go to an AVGN community they'll just ban you for calling it shit. oh man i miss my /tv/
No. 256059
>>256004no need to whiteknight the guy this hard, i just thought it was fun because everywhere else where you dare to critize someone like AVGN or Jontron gets everyone
the whole cuck thing was just a funny joke because his wife actually did force him to put females and black people in his movies and it felt try hard. and he asked for fans for money for a movie that turned out shitty. and mike matei is a legit cow. so yeah.
No. 257267
>>256004wait, bootsy got fired? i've been watching cinemassacre stuff since i was 10 years old in 2008, but i must have missed this. when did it happen? he was a favourite during board james…
also yeah i find it annoying how protective people are of cinemassacre/jontron/grumps etc. even though i love all of them to an extent, most criticism on them/their content is 100% valid (except for the 'jontron is a nazi' shit)
No. 257271
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>>257267samefag and sorry if OT but i just read up about the bootsy 'drama' and instantly remembered texting mike matei like 2-3 years ago when board james was airing (we're friends on fb)… this was way before bootsy was fired. looking back, my message probably
triggered him kek
No. 276310
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I hope this doesn't bother anyone, but can we have a /soc/ thread? I know we've had Friend Finder threads in the past, but I'd like something more group oriented.
I want to be in more groups (preferably discord servers) and have more outlets to find more lolcows.(It doesn't have to be a lolcow discord server though, whatever floats your boat.)
No. 276562
>>276559no one uses gendered pronouns to refer to
themselves lol.
No. 276575
>>255911That's trauma inducing. Seeing one picture was enough for me. :(
I swear because I've used 4chan I've had more contact with the evils of the world that I was happily ignorant to. 4chan and sites like it should be called 'the grey net'.
No. 276895
>>255375Yeah /cgl/ died the day after the drama ban.
Left after I got banned for saying something about fatties. Cant even remember what it was.
No. 276898
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i go on 4chan occasionally and the board i visit the most is /h/ (lol). sometimes i go on /r9k/ or /b/ just because i like to see what bullshit opinions those guys hold. i tried to go on /mu/ because i like music, but i wanted to blow my brains out after i read a thread about how women just can't appreciate the arts as well as men can because their entire identities and interests are based around pleasing men and not by a genuine connection to the medium.
anyway lolcow is the image board i frequent the most. even if it can be a bit toxic, i've never felt more among people who are like me than when i'm here. my irl friends aren't familiar with internet culture at all and it's nice to go somewhere where i can freely state my opinion and joke about things without being seen as an asshole. i know some people talk about how toxic this place is, but i'm glad i found a place where i can just be myself since most imageboards are male-dominated and i can't relate to a lot of my irl friends. (pic related is me @ y'all)
No. 276911
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I haven't regularly browsed 4chan in a long time. Do people still use that "2011+X shiggydiggydoo" meme with the Constanza reaction face? Or is that a dead meme now?
No. 276913
420chan and sushigirl are my dailies. Not sure why I bother with sushigirl, though. Shit is dead as af.
t. Krautchan refugee
>>255450I'd be down for that. btw, there's been a couple lesbian imageboards, none have lasted. Lchan still has a link on overchan, but it just gives off a 403 message.
No. 354890
>>354882>cc>sushigirlWhy are you hanging with trannies?
>lolcow.farmThanks for the suggestion, 9 months later. Would've never though to come here.
No. 355031
>>3549544chan will never be worth browsing again unless they ban /pol/ posters on sight (like they do hawkishly with all mlp content outside its containment board) as well as purging all the pedophiles especially on benign/blue boards like /tv/ where I shouldn't be wading through gross content to find discussions about fucking movies and tv.
I used to love 4chan but it's the same exact opinions over and over on boards that cover my interests. Even /an/ (the animal and nature board) has fucking race discussions and sick fucks that want animals that they don't like to be tortured and shit. WTF.
Overall there is way too much waifuposting as well. Most threads that aren't racebait or pedo are just LOOKATMYWAIFU. All threads get derailed with one of these 3 things I mentioned one way or another. I guess that's what you get with men online.
No. 355033
>>354954I used to love going to /co/ even if it had a lot of waifu obsessed weirdos and creepy fetishists, you could have a lot of good discussions and it had a lot of good artists.
Now it's just pretty much like every other 4chan board, fucking /pol/ lite.
No. 355093
>>355031I used to love /tv/ and they always had the best memes (Baneposting, (bend the knee) Stannis,…). I didn't even mind the feetposting because it seems like a pretty innocent and tame fetish to me.
But now the misogny on that board is out of control and the constant critique on actresses and how fat and ugly they got. (while they seem pretty normal to me) Every actress they praise, you just know that in a few months they will call her fat and ugly.
I do agree with them on some things such as political correctness being taken too far but they just seem on the extreme other end of that and that's just as bad.
No. 355221
>>355205/cm/ was created because male posters flipped out homophobically about male pictures with no girls on /c/. So that board became fangirl station, you'd think over a decade later it would be the one board where you didn't have to pretend to be a guy but no. I saw someone go "females get out" the other day but another anon reminded them that just about all of the art on the board is drawn by fujos heh.
I'd really want an imageboard aimed at women with specific fandom threads, that would be nice. I kinda dislike social media, all fanstuff seem to be on twitter these days.
No. 356499
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> checks Cc to see their cute threads
> Clicks B by accident
> “ iS AnYOnE ELsE a MiNOr ATrAcTEd PeRsON?”
>tfw this is posted next to Steven universe shota
>another person actually responds in disgust
>Op asks if the anon is disgusted because they were raped and defended himself by saying “I WoULd NEvEr WiTHOuT ConSENT”
> that’s enough for me
> never again trying
No. 357844
>>355205>>355221God, I feel both of you anons.
I've longed for years for some sort of imageboard thingy like lolcow, but focused on fandoms and fandom stuff. (4chan's userbase tends to ridicule all of these anyway). Somewhere where you can take a break from social media if you want to do fan shit, and that wouldn't be too reeking of tumblrinas if possible.
I'm just some 2000's internet era nostalgic bitch, don't mind me.
No. 357845
>>357844 This post was not meant for
>>355205 but for
>>355266 No. 387929
>>387928>>387927cause its /co/ they are the normies of 4chan
seriously they don't dare venture outside their little safe space
No. 387964
>>387930I absolutely hate how in the media and in a collective mindset, women must be docile and bubbly all the time. One moment you're not all Miss Sunshine, you get a bunch of demands to fucking smile. No, I won't smile, who the fuck are you to tell me to smile?
Seriously, it's so nice to have a space for women where you don't have to fake niceness if you don't want to or virtue signal because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. It's liberating.
Plus, any other place on the internet where you criticise men in the slightest you get a backlash, while women can be called derogatory terms all the time without people blinking.
No. 388004
>>387964>>387972Fucking emails that should be a one sentence note become a special dance to soothe the recipients ego.
Hi sweetie :) so good to see you at lunch ten minutes ago! :) just to let you know there's this knife in my back, I'm not sure how it got there, but i think I saw it in your hand last? Anyway if its not too much trouble I'd really like to go to the hospital :)
Thanks x
No. 388038
>>388008I’m pretty tired of the lonely virgin insult from both sides. Some of the most vicious woman-haters I know have long-term girlfriends or wives. IMO men who have women in their lives who they claim to love while simultaneously saying that women are all evil golddigging roasties are much worse than lonely basement-dwelling virgins. My husband just learned about incels and insists that my virulently misogynistic coworker must be a virgin who’s angry because never touched a girl. No, he’s had a girlfriend for over five years and even lives with her. He’s just a piece of shit.
Lesbianism used as an insult is hilarious to me, though.
>ew gross lesbians, you wouldn’t be interested in us anyw->wait No. 388140
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>>388008The most annoying thing is that they still won't fuck off after insisting we're ugly. Okay, let's say we're all ugly NEET femcels. When men see such women, they typically filter out their existence. In this case, though, that's not happening. They won't leave us "totally hideous femcels" alone to wallow in misery. They still come here and harass us daily on the off chance that they can "BTFO" us (lmao), or that they'll encounter some low self-esteem handmaiden who will throw themselves at them. It's that irritating pigtail-pulling thing from kindergarten, but this time it's done by manchildren.
They're trying to bring us down to their level by projecting their own physical and social deficiencies on all of us, but they're so misogynistic and sex-starved, they are actually still chronically incapable of not obsessing over any and all women on the internet.
It's like deep down, they're still imagining some variation of pic related, no matter what they call us. Their gflessness has made them desperate for any sort of female attention and interaction, even negative.
No. 388702
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being offensive is the 4chan board culture, for you cunts complaining about it, how about you stop going on there? Go to where all the other dumb bitches with no sense of humor go.
No. 389003
>>388983>Going to /tv/>EverAnon that's the first mistake right there, I tell you what.
Between the "ironic" posting of child models, Captain Marvel meltdowns and literal offtopic threads filling the board, I have no idea how you can browse it.
No. 389026
>>388990Why would you want to?
/gfd/ threads are like this, you can usually find one of those in /e/ or /h/
The posters are the worst, they don't get off to femdom, they get off to shota porn with forceful lactacting milf types
No. 389140
>>388983I feel ashamed to say this but, I've contributed the most to those Amber gif threads. It's a (You) minefield and I love seeing them bitterly arguing against their rhetoric
>duuuurr buuu only a beta man will still pine after Amber. She's a succubus roastie>no anon. If you pump and dump Amber successfully you're a Chad not a Beta>Based Amber dabbing on the metoo movement literally /ourgirl/It's so funny seeing them trip over themselves trying to reconcile their attraction for
abusive Heard with their typical Roasties can hang mentality.
No. 389415
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I enjoyed this post a bit too much. I wouldn't have to heart to pull this on someone in real life, especially if I'm not aware how much of an asshole they are in secret though.
No. 389423
>>389415That's mean as hell and I wouldn't do it to someone unless they had wronged me first.
But fucking hell robots are PITIFUL
>girl asks about your life>smiles and nods in response>I must have a chance with her!!! No. 389428
>>389427yes, first one at the ripe age of 22
he goes on 4chan and /co/ and i can tell him about the fanfiction i read without him being weirded out. he knows i ship south park characters. i'm so glad i found someone like him.
No. 389430
>>389428awwww, I'm really happy for you
I hope you two have a long and happy relationship
No. 389433
>>389415Wtf ok tell me how you did that I want that power
Also good to know people here post on /co/. Patrician choice.
No. 397864
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>>397836>/int/>Original and funnyWeirdly enough, it was in my top boards along with cgl.
No. 431519
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Unite under one image
No. 431528
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I love the mha thread on /a/. They like to argue on who "miriofag" is (aka person who spams Mirio Togata in every thread) and here are some highlights on who they speculate miriofag is
>a woman
>a woman who specifically self inserts as Eri
>a fujo
>a triggered hispanic
>a CIA agent
>a dedicated mirio shitposting team
>a lonely ledditor trying to red/bluepill /a/
>a filipino yaoi artist
>krumbs (female artist who shipfags a lot)
> a hispanic sperg who jacks it to mirio every day
>specifically a single person who samefags every thread
It's kind of funny, not going to lie. But if i'm being honest, i just really like Mirio Togata and i can self insert as Eri. Yaoi bores me to death and doesn't arouse me, so i don't see how i could be a fujo. But /a/ is infested with all kinds of spergs, so who cares?
/a/ is okay. It's as good as an anime focused board will be anyway. They don't need to know I'm a woman, I'm just there to shitpost and look at anime like everyone else.
No. 431574
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>>431528All those speculations gave me a genuine chuckle
Wish I could browse /a/ but the spergs on there get on my nerves real fast
No. 431582
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where do you fall?
No. 431599
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>>431582I love these things
No. 431600
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No. 431892
>>431862/co/ is literally the only board that makes me laugh on 4chan.
I can't believe I said that.
No. 431946
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>>431706/a/ has had some interesting autists over the years. I particularly Remember Komeiji who was some Canadian incel obsessed with Azusa from K-ON. The current /a/ schizo I sometimes follow is ACK.
No. 442100
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Who the fuck is this guy.
No. 442553
>>442508I browse /toy/ as well but their threads kinda suck content-wise, I think lcf could do it better. It could be a sister to the mech thread we already have? Toys, figures, statues, etc. Maybe a post-your-collections thing.
This suddenly made me miss old room inspo threads where anons actually posted their roomd for advice.
I collect Marvel Legends & MH/EAH dolls and it'd be funny to find another anon whose similar in collecting super varied stuff
No. 442625
>>442508>>442553Hi anon! I love Monster High! I collect a bunch of toys, nendoroids, pokemon, mh, douglas, mermicornos, and other random stuff.
There is a toy thread but its been dead for like a year now…
>>>/ot/201008 No. 442784
>>255452I'm a year late to this but yeah I want this to happen at some point, I'm fucking sick and tired of female sexuality NOT pandering to male gaze being policed and shamed everywhere. Either it's radfem faggots telling it's an unhealthy kink caused by terminal handmaidenism or libfem retards going off the rails about everything being
problematic and ~
abusive~. Men have a million spaces to be degenerate fucks in, women have none and they'll be invaded by trannies and straight men in fucking seconds.
>>255458This is literally the only way to keep men away but their place will be taken by moralfagging fellow women. Why the fuck are we socialized to be this way?
No. 443990
>>443989Then tf are you doing here
Sounds like you came from tumblr
No. 444038
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Come rape me right now then! Guess what, you won't even leave your room because you don't have the "balls" to do anything than type something online here. SAD!
No. 518759
>>518712>>518742You don’t know how retarded I feel lmao
I was Googling “8kun” which brought up a whole bunch of different shit and I never thought to type “ 8kun /miku/“. Thank you.
No. 544702
PLW (prolikewoah) and
>>442625>>442623>>442508>>442553I know these are almost a year old posts, but if anyone interested, there's alternative /toy/ board to 4chan in /animu/ bunker - No. 545040
>>544771So i finally decided to look up crystalcafe since i heard its also a female imageboard and after looking at it i feel pity for it.
The place is infested with male spammers, especially their random section which is r9k males spamming autstic memes/racebaiting/''evil roastie women deserve no rights''
No. 546127
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>>546052wait, really? i've only ever seen anti-mtf sentiment expressed on CC. is that part of the ruse? if so i feel so dumb.