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No. 201008
Hey, I'm 22 years old and I still like "childish" things like toys and cartoons. Fiance(23) doesn't understand why I like this stuff, he just calls me childish and it really hurts. I still love legos, dolls and cartoons like Barbie, Miraculous, Winx club, Teenage mutant ninja turtles, Gumball and Penny, etc..
My fiance does not know anyone like this and we've gotten into fights over how much of a kid I am. I don't see why it's a bad thing, it's not a kink thing, I do not dress like a child nor do I believe I am one. I'm just a regular adult that likes to indulge in these kinds of things that I wasn't able to completely enjoy when I was a kid.
Any anons out there that still like toys or cartoons? If so does anyone know and how do they react?
No. 201009
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Hey, anon. I'm 25 and still love tons of "childish" things. I still have my old Pokémon stuffed animals, I still watch nostalgic 90s-00s cartoons and anime series, I still collect cute stickers and Sanrio stuff, I love Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse, and until a year or so ago, I was still playing Neopets. I've seriously considered getting into dolls as a hobby recently, too.
I think a lot of us on the farm love things that are deemed "childish" by others. There's no shame in it. I'm married, and my husband loves to rewatch old cartoons with me (we just binged As Told by Ginger together) and he always tries to get me to buy cute but useless toys haha.
For me, it's nostalgia mixed with a love for cute shit. As long as it doesn't interfere with your ability to live a responsible adult life (e.g. You're not maxing out credit cards or living at home just to fund your hobbies) then who cares? Do what makes you happy!
No. 201010
>>201008>legosUmmm, please use the official name: Lego building toys.
Also, like what you wanna like, don't give a fuck.
No. 201011
>>201008Your fiance sounds super sheltered/insecure.
Granted, I don't enjoy Monster High anymore or watch CN or the Didney Channel, but a lot of people I know would probably say I'm a 'kid at heart' since I've still got that childish optimism and wild imagination. I also love CanCam-style fashion, playing cute games on my 3DS, Pom Pom Purin and girly, frilly nipponese clothes (Titty&Co, Misch Masch). I grew up with Japanese magazines and Jfashion and I still love them.
That might be perfectly appropriate in Japan (lots of my friends who still wear Liz Lisa and the like complain that I only read 'normie magazines'), but where I live (W. Europe) it's overly twee and girly and a lot of people will get weirdly aggressive about my not caking on brown matte lipstick or wearing heavy eye makeup with chunky eyebrows like they do.
I really don't give a shit. I'll never be 24 again, so I intend to make the best of it. When I was in my late teens I wanted to wear gyaru, so I wore it until I got bored. Before that I wanted to be an emo kid so I wore a poorly executed version of that until I got bored. I don't regret any of it, I'm really glad I got to have fun and dress weird. Most of those idiots BAWWing about my wearing childish clothing end up lamenting growing up and wishing they'd stayed kids longer. I was close to growing up too soon as well but I'm glad my mum put a stop to that.
Do what makes you happy OP. You'll never regret having harmless, innocent fun that's hurting no-one.
No. 201049
>>201008I'll bite and am gonna be kind of rude to your fiance, so forgive me in advance: why are you marrying someone who disrespects and belittles you for your passions and hobbies? What on earth gives him have that right?
I still love the games I've played since I'm a kid and watched Jem the cartoon as an adult while I was with my exes. I don't collect or play with toys anymore but completely understand it and sometimes look at pretty dolls longingly. I still like to get vidya related toys like stuffed animals and have a lot of my childhood toys.
My fiance knows I'm into some really dumb kiddie shit like Catz/Dogz and stuffed animals, less dumb but still kind of kiddie shit like Kirby, sometimes watching cartoons or anime aimed at teens or kids, "cute" video games or games aimed at children in particular, etc. He watches some cartoons too and teases me about the childish things I like, but I think he things it's quirky and kind of cute. My family and friends are used to it and see it as just my quirkiness because I know a lot of adults who watch cartoons and play with legos, I'm talking fully grown heterosexual men too.
No. 201142
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>>201123Yup! We're going to a convention soon,though he's only doing it for me. I hope he'll change his mind from the experience
To all the anons; thanks for your concerns! My fiance is not as terrible as it seems, he is more vocal about his disapproval when he's off his antidepressants, normally he keeps his opinions regarding the toys and cartoons to himself unless if he gets super annoyed. I love what I love because in some ways it helps me cope if I'm going through a hard time and it cheers me up!
A few months ago I bought 6-7 Winx Club dvds and I'm trying to hunt down the last 2 by 4kids. Anyone by chance know where I can get the sacred season 3 part 2 dvd?
No. 201145
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I still collect webkinz, but I haven't told anybody
I also rlly like the more cozy kidcore/toywave blogs on tumblr like this one: or the ones that post, like, low quality pics of homemade cakes &shit. it sucks that everyone has to brand their stuff to keep those ddlg freaks away from it now (pic related)… I hate being reminded that they exist.
No. 201187
I'm 22 also and I'm most definitely still a child at heart and I don't see anything wrong with it. Someone told me recently that adolescence is better descreibed as being 13->25 and I agree because I still feel like an adolescent. I love dollhouses and dolls, it's so relaxing to dress and pose them. I've always been fascinated by miniature things. I collected Bratz dolls as a kid and I've considered buying some more online (because I hate the modern designs). I've also always wanted a few Monster High dolls because they're more posable.
It also explains why all of my favourite tv shows were made for teens (Riverdale, Vampire Diaries, Shadowhunters, True Blood, Glee, Roswell…) although I wish the protagonists were similar in age to me (or a similar age to their actors since usually they have people in their mid-20s playing teens, which always struck me as weird). I like making little crafts like friendship bracelets.
Tbh your fiancé sounds boring af. What does he even do in his spare time? Even my boyfriend has hobbies that would probably be considered childish (playing video games, building models) but that's just what he does to relax. We support each other's hobbies and encourage each other to continue with them. If that's such a bother to him now, imagine the miniscule things he'll argue over when you're married? Leave him and find someone who loves and supports you, you deserve it.
No. 201202
>>201193I also work in the finance industry. He's just a self-important prick who thinks he's hot shit and likes talking down to people because he didn't get hugged enough as a child. Plenty of my coworkers enjoy things like anime and Disney and we're not childish, I'd say we're even less so for not being insecure little twats and knowing you can have any hobby you want and still be a responsible adult.
Sadly, we get just as many people like your fiance, too. I hope this changes in the future.
No. 201206
>>201016Absolutely this. I think this is the most important difference between an immature adult and an adult who likes children marketed hobbies and items.
I'm 24 and love Disney. I have Disney all over my room and love the classics. But for me, it's more Disney was the only thing of my childhood that was positive. Same thing with games. It's also a passion I can pass onto my kids. Plus Disney is ridiculous with their branding so it's easy to get everyday life things with Disney characters on it.
I also love the designs for Monster High and Lalaloopsy (spelled wrong prob). If I had the room and disposable income I'd totally collect them.
No. 201215
>>201193Jesus op, that sounds miserable. Like seriously, who gets upset over seeing their S.O. happy? When my bf upsets me, he tries to figure out why it's upsetting me so he can avoid it in the future. We have a really long talk and at the end we're both happy because we've gotten something off our chest or we'be discovered something about ourselves that we didn't know before. Someone who deliberately shuts down conversation to avoid taking responsibility for upsetting you and going out of his way to shit on something you enjoy doesn't seem like he loves you much.
Idk who you are, op but your hobby is cute af and you deserve someone who thinks that too and wants to comfort you when you're upset, not push you away.
No. 201235
I'm the same, and I don't think it's really "being a kid", or that these things are necessarily for kids only.
I like anime and so does my bf, and we both collect figures and I fucking love stuffed animals. But our relationship towards these hobbies is not the same as a kid's, I don't play or sleep with the plushies, they're just decoration and collection. Watching cartoons intended for kids is literally the same as watching Netflix series - both are empty entertainment, you're not more of an adult because the show you watch has guns.
I don't get why people care so much about which hobbies others are into. Unless you're doing volunteering work, charity, or something productive of the sort in your spare time, you have no room to talk.
>>201229That's great, anon! If it makes him happy and doesn't get in the way of imports things then you shouldn't say negative this 6
No. 201241
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>>201193I feel really bad for you, anon. As many of us can vouch for, there are plenty of people with "childish" hobbies who have supportive SOs even when they don't have similar interests. I don't want to discourage you about your relationship, but someone who really cares about you would want you to be happy regardless of your interests.
I've been in a similar position to yours and it really sucks the life from you.
No. 201244
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me and my fiance collect nendoroids and plushies together. i have a sylvanian families collection(pic related) as well and he likes mecha and action figures(transformers etc) I love having the overlap of liking plushies, so we can feed into our toy love without having to guess what to get each other.
No. 201245
>>201235i think the kid sentiment comes from the idea that you need to 'give up' childish things when you're an adult. that's part of the reason things like furniture, decorations and clothing become exceedingly mature for adults.
i think that in general liking things kids like is seen as immature, even though many people do like it. a lot of parents, especially moms sometimes funnel their love of 'kids' hobbies into their children because they're embarrassed, but that shows their just suppressing the interest.
No. 201251
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>>201244I'm so jealous haha. I love Sylvanian families so much. I think a lot of the "childish" things I like now are inspired by things I couldn't have as a child becuase I couldn't afford them. So in a way I'm treating my inner child to what she couldn't have and satisfying an urge I've had for many years.
I had a friend who had a whole bunch of Sylvanian families houses, caravans, hotels, playgrounds, a little school, a treehouse etc. and she had them pushed into a corner of her playroom that she didn't play with anymore. I wanted to take them all out and set them up like a little village and give all the animals a job and a house to live in. But she had grown bored of them so she never let me play with them. I didn't even get to play with that massive collection of vintage Sylvanian families, anons! (╥_╥) I begged my mom for a collection like hers but we honestly couldn't afford it.
Then another friend had this huge collection of Polly Pockets (she had a few older sisters so I guess they were passed down to her). I legit only had one Polly Pocket set my whole life. Then when I got a little older and had some money, I looked into buying one but they had stopped selling the original ones I grew up with because some children had swallowed the tiny dolls. They started making these weird 2 inch ones with jelly clothes and they just didn't appeal to me.
No. 201270
>>201245You're right, but that's an attitude I dislike and wish would disappear. Adulthood is seen and expected to be a briefest where you do nothing but work, raise kids and throw dinner parties - acceptable hobbies include sewing
for your kids, yoga, cooking and mountain climbing/camping if you're male. And even then, most of your money should go towards your kids and their college funds and most of your time should be spent working and caring for kids.
No wonder 30 is the new 20 and young adults are basically teenagers. There's no room to have fun once you're an Adult. I imagine our generation will keep making it more and more acceptable to like fun stuff well into your 30s and 40s when they grow older.
I wish everyone would read Tolkien' s essay on fairy tales. He only talks about literature but it applies to everything else. Fun things are fun, and if you're going to try and fit into a boring mold because adults can't like fun things because they're "for kids" you're going to have a boring ass life
No. 201399
>>201337>to be fairIt's not fair IRL. Not even close.
Why would you grasp at straws to make that post.
No. 201596
So glad I saw this thread, I've been going through a bit of an identity crisis due to my love of "childish" things.
Many of my favorite shows are children's cartoons, I love Barbie movies/shows (Life in the Dreamhouse is a masterpiece) and collect dolls, I like to look around the toy section at stores, and I'm really into coloring (one of my favorite pastimes). Tbh I wasn't insecure about it until I started college.
I met a lot of people that were like how
>>201443 described. I had a friend who loved to brag about how she spent her free time drinking wine and watching Grey's Anatomy like a "real adult". She was very condescending to me and made me feel bad for liking non-adult things, always telling me I should 'grow up'. It made me feel really guilty about my hobbies and I actual thought there was something wrong with me.
Threads like this help me feel less ashamed about my interests. I still get kinda embarrassed when people find out I color or spend a lot of time watching cartoons, but I'm working towards having a "I don't give a fuck" attitude.
No. 201622
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>>201596The problem is entirely with her. I'm not sure there's a solution though other than to wait for her to get over it.
No. 201652
>>201596Life in the Dreamhouse isn't even childish though, it's fucking hilarious. I really appreciate that a lot of modern children's shows/films have plenty of adult humour and innuendos. I happily watch shows like Gumball for that reason. The running "schlond poofa" joke from the Dreamhouse show, for example.
Recently my boyfriend and I watched the lego Batman movie and we laughed non-stop through the whole thing. I have no shame in admitting I love kids media lol.
No. 202100
>>201652I am so glad other people find LitD as funny as I do. I think it's genuinely got some pretty great writers, I hate that my friends judged me for trying to get them to watch some of it.
And Lego batman had some really clever writing, too. I liked it a lot more than I liked the Lego movie
No. 260437
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No. 260842
>>260743Dude what the fuck why are you so salty?
Also how does writing that make me sound like a transperson?
For someone calling me retarded you sure don't sound really bright kek
No. 260983
>steven universe>animes>calls me a big nerd (she's a goth)back to pull/tumblr you go
>>260787your collection sounds so cute anon! i collect g3 my little pony, care bears, bratz, and furby mainly, once i have more money to blow on things i don't need i hope to start a tamagotchi and popple collection, and if i can find some cool vintage sanrio shit i'll sell my soul for it
No. 260989
>>260983omg anon I collect furbies too! What's your fave gen and how do you feel about tumblr transtrenders making the most of the active furby fandom?
I collect MLP too (mostly g1 but also G2-3, random fashion dolls and toys like Zelfs. I would love to talk to you more.
>tfw when no fellow toy collector friend girl No. 260992
>>260983shit sorry I meant that it was what I was actively looking for, even though I have some I'm just starting ahah ! Some of these are actually kinda hard for me to find irl (baguette fag not living in Paris sooo…)
(I might post a pic when I get back home)
I also look for more recent stuff like Ojamajo Doremi related items (it was really big in France for some reason and stuff can be quite easily found compared to other countries)
No. 260993
>>260983(same anon as
>>260787 and
omg yes vintage sanrio stuff would be incredible to have, good luck on finding some anon !
No. 260995
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>>260992French here too. I'm not really into collecting anything in particular but if you have enough money and if it's possible to order from France you have the brand Super Groupies. They released some Ojamajo Doremi stuff and I wanted the watch they made but it's too expensive for me.
No. 260998
>>260995yes anon this watch is super cute ! knew of it bc the ~~lord and saviour uwu~~~ Pixielocks bought it
Bit too expensive for me too though
No. 261000
>nofunallowed.jpg>>260989i love the furbies that came out in 98 and 99 the most, and i like shelbies also even though they kind of scare me lmao, still super cute though! i got one as a present this past christmas from a fellow furb collecting friend
i'm not too heavily involved with other collectors online so i didn't know it was like that, i honestly didn't know there were even a dedicated group of people who still liked them, when'd you first get into collecting them and which ones are your favorite? what was your very first furby (that you either got as a kid or your first one you bought as an adult, either way)
i'll totally be your toy collector friend btw No. 261003
>>260999samefagging but i do, i only collect the older ones even if it can get a little pricey. my collection is mostly the bratz lines released from up to 2007, i stopped liking the designs after about that point
you could get into modifying them, i've thought about doing so myself but i don't want to risk accidentally ruining any of them
No. 261004
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>>260999I miss the old Barbie, Bratz and MyScene (the franchise is discontinued though) dolls and the accessories that came with them. I feel like with the old ones the creators put genuine effort into making dolls’ outfits and furniture and everything which is part of the reason it took me so long to grow up from playing with them. They used to make outfits and furniture I genuinely wouldn’t have minded owning myself lol.
Now everything is at the same price as back then or even more expensive but super simple, plastic and cheaply made. I guess the creators figured out kids don’t give a fuck about the quality of the dolls so they got away with selling grossly overpriced garbage while putting in minimum effort and money. Still makes me sad.
Pic related is from one of my favorite collections as a child lol. Seeing how Barbie dolls look these days I’m kinda bummed I didn’t buy all of them while I still could. Oh well.
No. 261009
>>261003I've actually heavily considered that! But I'm not really very artistic so I'm not sure how well I'd do. Even dolls in second hand shops near me are being sold for almost the same price as the new dolls even though they're missing shoes and have knotted hair!
I remember really liking the Rock Angelz, Sweet Dreamz, Candyz and Midnight Dance collections. I think they started making them look less slutty after that ugly Bratz doll repaint went viral, they've never looked good since.
>>261004I remember MyScene too! They kind of looked like the big sisters of Bratz. I'll admit I was still guiltily buying and playing with Bratz into my early teens. In fact, I kind of regret just not giving a shit about what other people thought and buying more, they're so expensive now.
No. 261017
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>>260999I wish I could recommend you some doll series, but nothing comes to my mind. All of the new ones look much more girly and innocent then Bratz (Project MC2, Moxie girls, Liv, Star Darlings etc). However I recommend you to check out the Toybox Philosopher blog. The lady made in-depth reviews of pretty much every huge (or not so huge) fashion dolls released in last ten years. Maybe you will find something to your liking?
I think the LOL mini dolls resemble Bratz Babies, but that's not what you are looking for.
>>261000Of course the 90's Furbies are the ones I love the most, though I think that the 05 ones are adorable too in their own way (though extremely limited when it comes to what they can do… though voice recognition was a new technology back then). I also own two 2012 Furbies (normal one and Boom), though they are my least favorite, I think. Haven't got the pleasure of experiencing the newest one, though I'm not really excited. Seems like a slight upgrade on Boom with the whole app thing.
My fave Furby is the original Leopard one (pic related). I got it in childhood as a gift from my parents and dying grandfather. Unfortunately, it stoped working after 10 years for no reason whatsoever. Sadly, I didn't spot a Furby of this type on local auction site, and I would love to replace him (tried to fix him, but nothing works). I also adore Furby Babies because they are so tiny and cute! Shelbys are cool too, I have the yellow and green one as well as a Gizmo (bought him for like half a dollar at a thrift store).
The Furby community suddenly became a huge thing on tumblr last year (or two years ago?). It's full of gender specials posting how all Furbies are trans or nonbinary or whatever lol. However there are also some great blogs with information on how to fix Furbies or differences between quality of factories (this is a thing, some factories made very poor quality Furbies that break down easily). I recommend checking furbytech if you ever want to see how Furbies work or try to fix one.
There is also a huge trend with modding Furbies but I'm not a fan (same with G1 MLP). I admire the skills, but I prefer Furbies to stay as they were, as sooner they will become rare. IDK I am just not a fan of customized vintage toys (dolls are a different matter).
You are so goddamn lucky to have a Furb collecting friend! I've started like 3 or maybe 4 years ago when I had excess pocket money from uni scholarship (though I bought a Furby every now and then earlier). I have about 15 or so at the moment, most working.
do you maybe have a throwaway email or something so that we can talk?>>261004My Scene were amazing till they became too hoe looking (Not joking, check the bling bling or rollerskate series). I prefer the earlier series like Masqureade Madness (I still hope I will get the mermaid Chelsea MIB, she's gorgeous).
I enjoy the new fashionista line with different body types, cause most of the dolls are really cute. The Made to Move series is quality too. Can't stand other playline Barbie dolls. Can't believe they make Barbies with molded plastic tutus or dresses! I think the shit quality might be related to plastic being more expensive. That's why MLP are becoming smaller and smaller, even though they cost the same or higher. At least that's what I've heard years ago on MLP Arena.
No. 261021
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>>261017 Also I want to shamelessly brag that the Jewel Girl Barbie has been my Holy Grail ever since I've been a little girl (both of my childhood friends had her). I finally got her a few months ago with box and all her accessories. Can't wait till I clean my house and display her along with my other dollies.
and thanks to pic related I reminded myself I REALLY wanted that Barbie with the dog. BRB got to look on Ebay No. 261022
>>261004Agree entirely
>I feel like with the old ones the creators put genuine effort into making dolls’ outfits and furniture and everything which is part of the reason it took me so long to grow up from playing with them. They used to make outfits and furniture I genuinely wouldn’t have minded owning myself lol.
>Now everything is at the same price as back then or even more expensive but super simple, plastic and cheaply made. The reason why everything is made so cheaply now is simply money.
A bratz doll from 2003 cost $15 and had 25 (very detailed, well designed) accessories. The same set now costs $15 and has one doll with barely any detail, thick cheap plastic and NO accessories. One decent quality doll (say the Mattel superhero girl dolls that were out in the last couple years) is around $30 with only doll and outfit. If you want a nice quality doll you need to buy a collector's Barbie, etc.
One reason for the new cheapness is because MGA and Mattel spent ten years taking each other to court over ownership of Bratz. Otherwise it's a general economics issue. I advise trawling through eBay and looking for dolls from the good eras.
No. 261023
>>261022I meant the DC superhero dolls, which are decent quality but way overpriced. There's also Collector Barbie Superman etc, I have a Barbie Superman and he's very good quality. The playline stuff is bad from every line Imo now.
Did anyone buy anything during Toys R Us closing down sale a few months ago? There were 0 dolls when I went, only own-brand styling heads and baby dolls.
>>261017I have this one, the best design imo
No. 261049
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I have an obscene number of American Girl dolls. We're talking over 20. I got my first when I was six and the most recent I got were two from a thrift store for a total of $26. They each have names and personalities and I dress them up and use them as mascots for various artistic projects. They're my little doll cheerleaders.
Pic not mine but I wish it were.
No. 261108
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Almost 30 and still collecting dolls. I have a decently sized collection of MH and EAH dolls, though I'm cutting down what I have. My favorite things to collect now are Nendoroids and Azone Pureneemos. The latter are especially endearing, I'm always impressed with how detailed the clothing is.
I can't buy things as freely as I used to (adult responsibilities and all that), but that's probably good so I limit the frivolous shit I buy.
>>261055I might be interested in something like that.
No. 261109
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I don’t collect them but I wish I could: Sylvanian families. They’re just so expensive but so god damn cute
No. 261129
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>>261128do it anon! And I will live vicariously through you.
No. 261130
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No. 261135
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I collect Dollfie Dream and outfits for them. It has gotten to a point where they have more clothes than I do. Dolls were always banned from my home as a kid so I really gravitate towards them now.
No. 261171
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>>261109These really are high-quality toys. Even when I wasn’t playing with Sylvanian figures but other toys you could buy the toy sets etc. separately so I got this one to go with some other figures I had. One of my best toy buys ever tbh.
No. 261172
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>>261004If I could go back in time one of the first things I would do would be to get everything from the Barbie Posh Pets collection. I fantasized so much about it as a kid.
No. 261177
>>261109For my birthday one year my boyfriend bought a Sylvanian family dollhouse, repainted the roof and put dollhouse wallpaper on the walls. It was so sweet, I love him.
I'd love to take up a project like that again. Maybe by using lollipop sticks to create a new floor or hooking up my own light fixture. I watch
a lot of channels on YouTube that do miniatures lol. We're lucky enough to have a dollhouse shop in my city that sells all of these kinds of things but they're so expensive.
I watched Hereditary recently and I related so much to the mother who creates mini scenes from moments in her life haha No. 261193
>>261172Slight weird derail, but I had this exact set in first grade. My main memory of it is trying to befriend a girl who had the dog set only to be brutally rejected by her. She continued to ignore me for years in Elementary school until I eventually gave up in and found a fellow loser best friend in fifth grade.
On topic, I was collecting EAH, MH, Novi Stars, and Lalaloopsies for a while before my mother's disapproval got the better of me. She wasn't mean or anything and made good points (waste of space and money), so I got rid of most of them.
Then with the money I saved doing that I got a BJD, which is what I truly wanted anyway. When I move out I'll probably start collecting cute playline dolls again, though.
I think I can usually get away with liking childish shit because I draw as a hobby. So if someone finds out about me going to see a kids movie or catches me reading Archie comics, a quick "yeah! I love the art!" gets them off my back.
No. 261197
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>>261172Talking about toys we wanted to have as kids but never did get…I always wanted Barbie and Kelly woth feeding chair. All my friends had it. I wish I could find old commercial for it, it was releaswd in late 90s iirc
No. 261213
I still love a lot of the old toys I had as a kid and still either have them or want them. Luckily my husband understands. I adore miniatures (though I don't know if it is on the same level) too. Unfortunately my family always hated this sort of thing and would frequently throw away or get rid of my stuff behind my back. I went back and bought a few of the things they had thrown out that I really loved and it strangely kind of helped.
>>261177Your bf is wonderful, also I felt the same way about Hereditary. Her miniature workshop room is my dream.
No. 261335
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i guess this goes here; i collect tamagotchi! kind of ashamed of how much i've put into the hobby since i got back into it last summer, i keep it lowkey irl (usually get the standard oh haha i had one of those once, it always died haha reaction if anything) but the retro aesthetic is really cute and they're really enjoyable to play since there's such a variety, especially in the vintage japanese versions from the late 90s. there was even a mothra/godzilla edition!
No. 261710

I was reading the thread out of curiosity, mostly because I'm happy I'm not the only one who gravitates towards cartoons.
While I love looking at toys I don't really own any anymore (I mostly collect gashapon and maybe a yearly plushie, post pt 2).
I'm too sentimental to buy toys again, particularly dolls. I had a lot of childhood trauma over treasured toys being thrown out without my consent, and thinking they were sentient a la Toy Story style. My mom would shame me, and I felt pressured into selling/donating/throwing away a lot of stuff I wanted to keep. Even when I post about a plushie or new gasha every now and then, my mom will comment on my social media saying something like "Oh I thought you were over stuff like that…"
The Barbie nostalgia itt cut me real deep.
I think I even owned
>>261197 at one point. Y'all got me on youtube watching 90s era Barbie commercials and then I saw her…video related.
She was my very first Barbie I remember owning, and I repressed the memory of her for years. Yet I remember that pink glitter outfit, the hoop earrings, the untamable frizzy hair I could never quite brush fully.
It makes me so depressed thinking about the memories. I'm just glad I found this or I never would have thought about her again.
No. 261711
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>>261710Anyway, like I mentioned I mostly collect gashapon, they occupy my bookshelves. Sometimes I splurge on a Pusheen plushie.
None of my friends really question me having them because they're cute, but like I mentioned about my mom…she judges me. I don't know what her hangup is about it, especially since I haven't lived at home for years now.
No. 261733
>>261710>>261711no offense but your mom is an asshole. you don't live under her roof and you buy this stuff with your own money. she has no business shaming you and she sure as hell didn't have any business throwing out your stuff without your consent and then being a dick about it.
i'm sorry anon this got me protective lol
No. 262164
>>261055>>260787 anon here.
I made the discord ! This is my first time making one with several topics so feel free to chime in , ask for other topics ! No. 262436
>>261711Just ignore your mom honestly its such a harmless thing especially when its not even under her roof. Continue enjoying the cute things in life.
Do you look at places like ebay and aliexpress for the gashapon? Asking for a friend
No. 262438
>>262436nayrt but I found authentic Ojamajo Doremi gachapons on eBay and saw plenty of others too.
I'd be wary of aliexpress though (if you're looking for specific stuff from brands I mean)
>>262421which tsum tsums ? plushes, or mini figurines ?
No. 262440
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>>262438Personnally i think the plushes are much cuter to display, the figurines are kinda meh (blind boxes are fun though)
No. 262449
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Ah! I’m pumped to have finally discovered this thread! I was really uncomfortable openly embracing anything too “girly” when I was a kid, and my toy stash reflected that - but I still secretly loved a lot of the pink sparkly things my friends had. I’m an absolute slut for all kinds of 90’s girl toys now. Like, give me all the Hollywood Hair Barbies and all the Spice girls merch, stat.
My biggest scores to date: new-in-box Polaroid Spice Cam, and also NIB Barbie And The Beat doll (with the cassette & everything!)
No. 262463
>>262436I find the ones on eBay a bit overpriced unless it's a specific set you want and can't find it elsewhere.
Rakuten is great. I used to have a really great store bookmarked but I misplaced it? If I find it again I'll link. I also order from Candysan, the prices are reasonable and sometimes I order snacks.
No. 262470
>>262440yeah the plushes are cute to display, I feel like the figurines are a bit too small but I love them anyway (I don't collect those,my sister does)
>>262449 holy fuck anon those a are some great finds I'm kinda envious ahah! That's honestly so cool, hope you'll be that lucky again in the future !
>>262463agreed. The shipping is often the price of the gachapon itself on ebay
Candysan is great anon thanks for mentioning I had forgotten about it !
No. 262472
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>>262470 (samefag)
Barbie anon makes me think : one of my dream items is the Jem Wrist Rocks especially this one (pic related), found them on ebay still in box for like 45$ but being a student I can't really spend that much on this ;_;
No. 262510
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Oh man, the amount of hours I've spent looking on eBay, Bonanza, Facebook marketplace, Varage Sale, my local Salvation army and Goodwill, basically any secondhand shops online and offline… I've found some very good deals on plushes and figurines. I currently have 3 bookshelves showcasing my slowly growing collection.
My most recent good find was a Powerpuff Girls talking Blossom plush I found for $1 at Goodwill, pic attached isn't mine, but this is exactly what she looks like. All she needed was new batteries and she still works. She's missing a glasses headset thingy the original ones come with, I can find one online, but it's just nice to have her.
But seriously, I love collecting. I got into Tamagotchi last year for a bit. It kinda died down after I got a good condition Ps for about $30. I expected my search for it to be longer, but I was lucky lol. I might get the next Japanese Tamagotchi release, I hope it's more interactive with connection like the Ps was. The m!x seems fun, but it looks like it's a bit limited.
I'm always looking for cool vintage video game and anime merch. A few months ago found a set of 7 Virtua Fighter plushes for $25 and I bought that so quick.
This all takes so much patience because you can buy those certain items for way more, but once you find a good deal, it's so rewarding. And I genuinely love everything I collect, I'd never buy something just to sell it at a higher price.
No. 262595
>>262510Old video games with complete boxes are a pain to find omg, why were N64 games in cardboard boxes
I feel like vintage anime merch might be quite hard to find out of Japan, or am I wrong?(and excluding Sailor Moon stuff obvs)
Fully agreed anon, it's all about patience and (sadly for them) people not looking up what they're selling. I found a Doremi tap SIB for like 16 euros, when on eBay it's usually for 99 dollars in the same condition. I feel bad for buying this type of stuff at such a low price but at the same time it feels so good ?
It's such a great feeling to own something so rare and expensive tbh and to have it on your own shelves
No. 262644
For anyone looking for Japanese collectibles, Mandarake will become your best friend/worst enemy. can find some pretty good deals there since it's all second hand stuff, but a lot of it is nib so you're pretty much getting a new item for potentially less.
No. 262766
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>>262472Ohh it's realy fancy stuff,
No. 262796
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I just want those Breath of the Wild amiibos but there's like 20 and they'd cost over 200 bucks… But they're so cute…
No. 262832
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>>262707Good luck!
>>262783It's a little weird, but pretty easy to get the hang of. You will have to register with an account. And just a tip: use Paypal balance or funds directly from your bank. Myself and others have had difficulty using certain cards and my bank has shut my card down for perceived fraud, so it's simply easier to avoid that misstep.
Another important thing to keep in mind: Mandarake is actually a series of second hand stores and all of these items are at various locations. You can see which shop you're buying from underneath the Cart button when you're viewing different items (as pictured). If you plan on buying multiple items, make sure it's from the same shop or you will be paying for shipping from each place you order from, and it'll add up fast.
No. 262837
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>>262832Each individual page will list details like condition, if SAL shipping is available, and sometimes multiple images of the product. In my experience, "box damaged" means there is maybe a scuff or small dent on the box. I've received "box damaged" items where they actually looked perfectly fine.
But I'm blabbering, onto the actual ordering experience: It's pretty straight forward. You confirm your address, move onto payment (card or paypal), and then choose shipping. I've never used DHL, but registered SAL takes a month or two, but you can track it, and EMS will get to you in a week or two (latter is obviously more expensive). You won't know the price of shipping until after you're asked to pay. Speaking of which, after you confirm your order, you will have to play the waiting game as the people working there check to see if the item is still available. If it is, you will receive an e-mail giving you a link to confirm payment from your Paypal. Then you're set!
No. 262838
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>>262837And because it's worth noting, always scroll down the item page and check out the "Same Items in Different Stores" section. Some stores will charge more/less for the same item, but you have to read carefully since cheaper items sometimes means they're missing a few things. Always look for "parts complete" in the condition description.
Hope this helps!
No. 263816
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>>262707Here again. Just got an email it will be here by the end of the day. 10-year-old me is so hyyyype
No. 442659
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anyone else wanna revive this thread?
a toy thread/general would be nice
to start it off, i just got some cheap figures off of mandarake with the plans to repaint them
i've so far only repainted MH dolls, which is pretty fun but they're pricy
you can get a bunch of these banpresto figures for old series for really cheap, besides the godawful factory paint they're pretty nice tbh
No. 442671
>>442659I'm working on an OP for it dude
Man I wonder if anyone thought those figures looked good at the time because they sure haven't aged well. The paintjob looks bootleg tier by today's standards.
No. 442683
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>>442671Agreed on making a new thread for this.
I'm a sucker for Calico Critters. I think it's because they remind me of Animal Crossing.
No. 442743
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i have been collecting antique and vintage dolls ever since i fell in love with a vintage doll at 11 that i came across at a 'doll hospital' and shop. she was a 'homeless' doll (like, she was supposed to be literally homeless). she was discontinued verrrrry shortly after production (1965) by hasbro because kids were terrified by her. she was supposed to rouse empathy in kids. the box hasbro packaged her in said "i need someone to love me. i want to learn to play. please take me home with you and brush my tear away." omg it broke my heart. she had a removable plastic tear on her face. idk why blythe is so famous when she's so much more interesting and like, emotionally stimulating.
i have some realistic animal plushies that i love. i don't like to play with dolls and never have, i just like the craftsmanship and history behind old toys. i don't think liking kid stuff is bad at all unless you spend obscene amounts of money on it or something or are autistically obsessed with them like those people on TLC.
>>442683i love calico critters. they're so cute.
No. 442752
>>442659I'm working on an OP for it dude (can't think of a pic to use though)
Man I wonder if anyone thought those figures looked good at the time because they sure haven't aged well. The paintjob looks bootleg tier by today's standards.
No. 443331
>>442683I bought a 3pack of baby ones and shared two of them with two people close to me. We carry them in our pockets as good luck charms.
The pack had baby versions of the chocolate dipped looking bunny, a chipmunk, and a white cat.
No. 454989
>>261004I agree 100% with you.
Looking at the new Bratz dolls makes me kind of sad that girls nowadays won’t have the same quality that we had growing up.
On a related note to Barbies, I’ve been collecting the Holiday ones since I was four or five and I’ve been severely disappointed with the last few years. My mom still buys them for me because it’s a tradition but I don’t look forward to them as much as I used to.
No. 455116
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I was born when USSR fell apart and as a result, spent my childhood years in an extremely poor country. Our family living in America brought me a Barbie (which was a luxury back then) and a Barbie catalogue. I spent HOURS staring at this Kelly. I have imagined day after day how I would play with her. I just saw this thread and found her. All the feels!
No. 455130
>>262510I know this is a year old post but
>Virtua FighterI'm insanely jealous
No. 455164
>>455116This is so wholesome! I want to send you all the barbies, anon
(also, if you like barbies, you can check out Azusa barbie on youtube. she's got great stuff)
No. 455274
>>455163This. I had an ex who compared me to adult babies cos I like plushes and figures but my childhood was a mix of not being able to afford things and then my dad (with some lifelong undiagnosed ocd type problem) would from time to time throw out the few toys I did have while I was at school. He'd throw out the things I was most sentimental about, like the toy I cuddled to get to sleep at night.. and he had these strange expectations of how quickly kids should grow up. I developed an anxiety problem, and a stronger love of toys.
No shame here either
No. 455315
>>455163Same, anon! After me family immigrated and I grew up, I now buy everything I want. It's such a good feeling.
>>455164Aww, thank you anon! I was lucky to immigrate to a wealthy country, and now that I finished uni I'm buying all the toys I want, nothing is safe from me anymore haha. I really loved the new Barbie fashionista line, although I didn't buy anything from them because my space is limited at the moment. Thank you for the tip, I will definitely check her out!
No. 455433
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>>455274>>455315Feeling toy deprived in the childhood is how I ended with a shopping addiction that I am trying to manage, haha. I do love a lot of my dolls and I will never let them go. I know it's stupid but it makes me so sad to think that one day I will die and they will remain and either get thrown into garbage or passed to someone else. It makes me feel strangely depressed, like there is no point to it all if it doesn't last.
Pic related is one of the Barbies I was absolutely obsessed about as a kid. I manage to buy one, but she's missing her accessories, so I hope one day I will get her MIB (and sell the extra).
No. 455451
>>455433Maybe you could make it your mission to find a way to donate your less-needed dolls to loving homes? There are organisations that aim to give toys to poor kids at Christmas etc
It's really good that you're free to enjoy whatever you want now, but it's important to strike a balance between having all these wonderful things that you can finally afford, or being trapped in a hoarders cave of dolls that you feel unable to part with. It's up to you whether that means investing in a biger space so that you can display your full collection, or whether that means you need to operate a one-in-one-out policy.
If any anons are collecting valuable or vintage pieces, you can look into keeping a catalog in your will so that relatives will know the value, or alternatively allocate funds so that they can be donated to specific toy museums etc.
No. 455502
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There's now a doll general. 4chan has them, but the janitors on /toy/ don't do their job and the doll threads always go to hell.
I'm like you, OP. I never grew out of toys. I tried to force myself out of it during my teen years but failed. Thankfully my boyfriend is a big nerd, so he related. He's more into gundams and model kits though.
No. 551594
hate to bump an old thread, Enjoyed reading through this one. a lot of it reminds me of this friend I had who had older sisters (80s kids) so therefore had the coolest toy collection, starcastles, my little pony, polly pockets, pound puppies, fluffy surprise, keypers. all the retro things that are worth a ton now. I inquired about her collection recently in the hopes of buying it but was absolutely livid to learn they have been passed down to her 4 year old niece.
>>261109you can generally pick up lots of them second hand sites, facebook ads. Collections kids have outgrown (god I can't imagine having outgrown these, but I never had any) Usually still kinda expensive but nothing compared to what they are new. Still, never can quite justify the cost myself though.