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No. 2387369

Inspired by a comment in the grief and loss thread >>2385778

>What is existential OCD?

> Existential OCD involves intrusive, repetitive thinking about questions which cannot possibly be answered, and which may be philosophical or frightening in nature, or both. The questions usually revolve around the meaning, purpose, or reality of life, or the existence of the universe or even one’s own existence. These same questions might come up in a university philosophy or physics class. However, most people can leave such classes or read about these topics and move on to other thoughts afterwards. Similar to other forms of OCD, individuals with Existential OCD can’t just drop these questions.

Ice breakers
>Do you struggle with constantly asking existential questions there may never be an answer to?
>What sets off these feelings for you?
>How do you cope, calm down, and/or find comfort in these situations?
>When did you start feeling this way?
>What advice would you give to others struggling with the same feelings?

No. 2387371

Ill start
>A lot, I wonder about it much of the time
>Usually thinking about the vastness of certain things
>I usually try to indulge myself in hobbies or fixations I have
>I’ve felt this way much of my life, especially since my mid-late teens
>Be open to talk about it

No. 2387410

Isn't it better for a general OCD thread?

No. 2387426

There’s already an OCD thread >>753508
I made this one specifically because it’s a much lesser talked about type of OCD and I’ve seen many nonas who struggle with specifically this type

No. 2391628

How can one go about curing this sort of mentality?

No. 2392318

The advice I’ve mainly gotten over the years is “just don’t think about it” it doesn’t really help because even when I manage to distract myself the thoughts always just end up creeping back in. It’s been like this much of my life and I don’t know what to do about it, it’s especially been bad since 2023

No. 2392364

Oh I didn't see this until now. I'm >>2385778 for reference. Here is the second link in my original comment that actually works, my bad for phoneposting

Honestly the main thing that helped me was getting medicated. It doesn't make the thoughts go away completely but it helps. I also see a therapist routinely who specializes in grief and anxiety. For me a lot of my thoughts were rooted in grief and the expectation it would all end one day. Understanding how to cope with those emotions has been key for me to become functional.

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