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No. 753508

A thread for farmers with OCD, since it seems there are a few of us in here.
Discuss your obsessions, compulsions, therapy/recovery and how you live your everyday life with OCD etc.

Some topics of interest
>How strong is your OCD?
>How does your OCD manifest?
>What do you think of the stereotype of cleaningness?
>Do you have intrusive thoughts?
>How did you figure out you had OCD?

No. 753524

Nice to have a OCD thread, I’m just gonna share my story. I have contamination OCD and it started in early puberty, I was institutionalized with 14/15 which helped a lot.
My OCD is kind of strange since I rarely get intrusive thoughts and my fear of contamination is completely based on feeling, meaning that if someone who doesn‘t „feel right“ or who I believe is „dirty“ touches something I have to clean it/can‘t touch it. I have a bad relationship to my father and he physically abused me as a child, put me under cold showers to be specific, which I believe is somehow linked to my OCD motive. As a child, I already exhibited behaviour which in retrospect also looks like OCD symptoms, for example I absolutely hated giving specific children or people my hand in elementary school.
I took sertraline for 4 years but had to stop because I was developing heart problems. It helped a lot, but I‘m honestly not ready to sacrifice drinking alcohol and doing drugs to take meds, it‘s stupid I know, but I am functional and my OCD mostly manifests in my relationship. I‘m very controlling of my boyfriend in regards of contamination. He has to adhere to many rules to keep my „OCD system“ running.
My compulsions are mostly washing/disinfecting things, showering and some random things like having to wear socks in bed. But to me, the worst thing about OCD is having spent half of my life with it, it feels like a part of my personality. I‘ve almost grown comfortable with it.

No. 753541

Thank you for sharing your story!
I'm not sure if I'm 100% ready to share mine, but I'll continue visiting this thread from time to time.

My mom has OCD, although it's way better than it was before. I guess I just inherited it. I suspect my dad might have some sort of compulsions too, because he washed his hands a lot.

For me what triggers me the most is food and things that my brains deems dirty, plus I suffer from some intrusive thoughts and paranoid thinking, although those used to be way worse. I think I need to specify, a lot of people that have OCD tend to think of themselves as bad people because of their intrusive thoughts. Some people think they're criminals, sinners, murderers, incestuous, or pedophiles, even though there's no evidence to support this, your brain just keeps repeating that you are, and you both feel disgusted at the thought and you try to escape it as much as you can.

For me one of the things that made me feel like a pedo was watching/reading made in abyss even though I didn't like the pedoshit in it, I only like how cool the setting and story are. This series is completely ruined by the author and the fandom, or maybe this series was just doomed from the start. Now since learning that the author is an actual comfirmed pedo with a torture kink made me reconsider, and now I don't like it or support it anymore. And I don't feel guilty, the thoughts disappeared. So yeah. If you have OCD and have these thoughts, please get help.

No. 753622

I started washing my hands compulsively when I was 12 and my parents took me to a Psychiatrist about it. I’ve been on meds since then (I also have MDD and Anxiety/Panic Disorder so the meds are for that too). But looking back I had Trichatelomania (pulled out my eyelashes and eyebrows as a kid) which is a form of OCD.
I’m still a germaphobe and use a shit load of hand sanitizer and get anxiety about really dirty places or things and feel the need to sanitize things all the time. I also pull at my eyelashes and eyebrows when I’m stressed out but I usually catch myself before I pull a lot out.

No. 753639

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I can't stop making bets against extremely arbitrary

Something as simple as
>"If the light turns red before I get to the stop light, my best friend will die"
>"If I finish washing my hands before my boyfriend comes downstairs, we'll stay together forever."
>"If my boyfriend comes upstairs before I finish these dishes, he doesn't love me"

Writing these things down makes me definitely feel extremely mentally ill.

Other things that I do

>Tweezing my hairs on my body and scalp

>Sticking sharp things in my ears
>Fixation of death/people I love dying
>Sexually intrusive thoughts about literally anyone including family members and younger people
>Speaking of sexual intrusion, I used to have a ton of sexual compulsions when I was younger: making out with playmates, oral sex with playmates (NO I was not molested when these things started to happen, I watched way too may movies that I shouldn't have as a kid), masturbation, putting dolls mouth's on my vagina
>Violence intrusive thoughts about hurting people/fighting people
>If I don't pee directly before going to sleep (after lights out) then my body will keep me awake until I go pee And I won't even have the urge to pee most of the time. I just squeeze as hard as I can. Otherwise, I will literally be up for HOURS
>Hoarding anything, including trash

My hoarding is manageable because the people who love me help me. They are nice when I get very nasty about my stuff. I had a panic attack once and a complete meltdown because my parents hired maids to clean my room.

I have a multitude of other problems and I wish there was a world where there was a word for them being combined. ADHD, Autism, Paranoia, OCD…. is there one word for that? or is it just autism

No. 753641

My OCD was diagnosed as severe. It's been really debilitating and just hell on Earth. I have the more taboo OCD "themes" like sexual and harm obsessions. They've put me on the brink of an hero multiple times. Many of my compulsions are mental but I also knock on wood in increments of three as well as blink and twitch like I have tourette syndrome. I'm incredibly bad with reassurance seeking and I've reached the end of google search results.

I don't really care about the cleaning stereotypes, I know many people have contamination and/or the need to be just right. I just wish other manifestations were spoken about. I really only get contamination fears with raw meat or gas pumps.

One of my first compulsions was googling. I kept googling the same things over and over then I hit a google search result that said I could have OCD. I was going to go to a therapist but then I backed out last minute. A couple years later I watched a Netflix special in which a woman had harm OCD, I finally just said fuck it and went to get a diagnosis. When I was younger I was obsessed with my parents going to hell and would pray a certain way as well as ask them to stop doing certain things. I believe this was my first bout with OCD.

OCD can manifest in some pretty gnarly ways like the other anon said. Some people have fears they could be attracted to children, to their parents or animals. They might also fear they'll kill their children or partner, even that they might have abused someone without remembering it. If you genuinely struggle with intrusive thoughts about this, it's worth it to seek out professionals health.

No. 753645

You would think that with my OCD I would remember to double check my fucking posts but no.

*Seek out professional help.

No. 753647

don't feel bad, probably just thinking faster than your fingers move

No. 753654

Oh god, is making arbitrary bets an OCD thing? Is there official terminology for that? I thought everyone had those thoughts to some degree. I make bets just like you do, "if my boyfriend doesn't reply in 5 minutes he hates me" "if I don't walk a certain distance in a certain amount of time I'm going to die"
I was sexually exploited extensively in my childhood, I've also been diagnosed with PTSD and autism so I'm not sure if my intrusive thoughts can be attributed to that? I also have much darker thoughts like sexually abusing children/animals, posting my boyfriend's nudes everywhere and ruining his life etc. even though I would never ever do those things. It puts doubt in my mind though, that maybe I am really a horrible person and eventually I will?

No. 753657

Anon, I've struggled with those exact fears and I was molested when I was very young. I have gotten to the point of asking p*philes if they think I'm one and the answer is always no but still I freak out about that shit. Arbitrary bet is almost always part of OCD. If you haven't got a diagnosis already, you probably do have OCD. People with autism often also have OCD.

No. 753662

AYRT, people might have worries about things or make preemptive decisions in case something bad happens (saying goodnight to your loved one before bed just in case they die in their sleep) but very few people actually act on them or freak out of these things don't happen. To me it feels like if I don't do a certain action, something bad will actually literally happen. Drives me nuts.

No. 753672

One of my compulsions is hugging my mom with one arm and then the other or else it means that I didn't transmit my love to her in an appropiate way.

No. 753673

for me it's more like "if i don't finish this before a song ends i will not have a good life" or "if i don't get to this area in time i will die" it's so fucking scary because at some points i truly truly believe my life or future is at stake.
i do this all the time while on lolcow, fi if i'm listening to something and i don't post it before the song ends i feel like something bad will happen
it really gets in the way of me living sometimes, i hate it.

No. 753675

what song were you listening to while posting this

No. 753687

it makes my ears feel funny

No. 753690

Right now I just got an intrusive thought and I moved my neck head so hard that I think I pulled a muscle or something. TMI but masturbation is near impossible with this fucking disorder.

No. 753695

I have different anxiety disorders (generalized and social) but this thread confirms my suspicion that there's some OCD stuff… I'm not wanting to collect disorders or anything, so maybe it's a manifestation of my anxiety overall from the other things. Pretty mild anyway but I've been stuck for hours because I can't close tabs until I scroll to a certain point and then I get stuck again somehow, being afraid I'm unknown-to-myself a pedo, having to fidget a certain way, stuff like that. It could be worse

No. 753699

samefag sorry but Fuck it just hit me that I also have intrusive thoughts, I just really hate to think of them like that because the term gets overused by others. It didn't even register to me as a result that that's what my weird thoughts of incest and stuff were. Holy shit can you really have 3 anxiety disorders together what the fuck? This makes a scary amount of sense but I really don't want to be you know collecting disorders. Should I tell my psych, I kind of withhold these things because it's very shameful

No. 753701

Anon I think it’s pretty normal to have some overlapping anxiety disorders. I was diagnosed with all three. It doesn’t mean you’re collecting disorders or anything! Before asking your psychiatrist I would ask them what they know about OCD. Unfortunately, even psychiatrists sometimes only think that OCD pertains to perfectionism and cleanliness and they might react not so great to intrusive thoughts.

No. 753703

Samefag but I just want to be clear that you can have intrusive thoughts without having OCD as well. It really depends on if you have compulsions that follow the thought. These can be either mental or physical. If it turns out you don’t have OCD it doesn’t make you a bad person or anything because anxiety disorders do cause intrusive thoughts. If they genuinely distress you and interfere with your daily then you should talk to your psych for sure no matter what.

No. 753704

Thank you for your kind response. I am gonna ask my therapist first because I remember her commenting before about OCD but I brushed it off. I'll also do what you said, thanks so much. It's weird how I can be chilling on lolcow, and suddenly have this realization that those problems I have may not be the random quirks I assumed. Anyway I'm glad this thread exists and hope you're doing well! Anxiety is disheartening to deal with in any form it sucks that it affects us this much. I'm glad we can all help each other

No. 753706

Ah tbh this is where my uncertainty lies. Because it could be just my other disorders but I'm noticing this pattern. I guess I'll see what she thinks because I have held stuff back. It might be too important to hold back. Thanks for clarifying!

No. 753712

Some days ago I noticed I might have a big obsession and compulsion about food!

When I was younger I was very into the proana and promia stuff but never followed for more than a month or two at a time, because I would then binge eat a lot. Years later I still binged without the ED stuff going on but I did it out of self harm, just to stuff myself so much because I felt disgusted about myself. So maybe I had a bit of a binge eating disorder.

But through the years the thought of only eating "clean" food has stayed with me. I can eat anything if I put my mind into it, because I'm jobless (thanks pandemic) and I have no option than eat what my mom makes for me, aka fattening food. But if I had a job I know I would obsess over only eating chicken and berries. Since that's like the cleanest stuff for me. I think I hate most vegetables because of the weird textures and coldness they have, unless they're inside a sandwich or something. But I also obsess over the fact that I want to eat quick stuff because I dislike cooking everyday unless I put intention over it. Dunno, I think chicken and berries are my safe food, unfortunately I eat anything but that. I want to die tbh I want my mom to stop making me fat.

Like ok sorry I'm gonna make a list of safe food here
>milk -but it has to be good quality one-
>yogurt icecream (but not normal yogurt for some reason)
>mango only sometimes

and sometimes…
>club sandwich -it's good-
>some sushi, some noodles, but not all
>some pizza brands, not all
>some ice cream, but not all

Is it weird that I'm this weird with food? Should I take vitamins too? Sorry for this long stupid post.

No. 753777

anyone with OCD who suffers from body focused repetitive behaviour? i recently learned that this is a thing and that it’s linked to OCD. i‘ve been picking at scabs and eating them (sorry this is disgusting i know) for as long as i can remember, it‘s almost like a comforting thing to me. i also love squeezing pimples, it‘s gotten better but there definitely were times where i picked at anything on my face and scratched it over and over again so it couldn‘t heal for weeks. as a child i had a scab on the back of my head just from scratching and at the worst it was as big as a walnut, i absolutely loved scratching it and pulling the scab through my hair

No. 753812

yes, finally a OCD related thread!

my obsessive thoughts and compulsions tends to revolve around religion, safety/harm, and contamination.

• I don’t like getting real deep into the religious aspect of my OCD because Iv had some very significant and terrifying obsessive thoughts and compulsions behind it.

• The safety/harm aspect is the usual fear of things or people I love and care for being in harms way.

• And the contamination is me obsessively washing my hands and having to spray down the shower and shower head with clorox/lysol disinfect before getting a shower.

When I was younger, I would have to touch corners of furniture or rooms, have to repeatedly touch things, etc. It got especially bad in public places for some reason.
I’m almost twenty and while I still do those rituals from time to time, most have transitioned to mental rituals. Though I still tend to do physical rituals like knocking on wood.

I also have trichotillomania (hair pulling) where I pull out hair from my head if the texture feels different from other pieces of hair. It’s really embarrassing specially in public but I sometimes tend to not even notice I am doing it.
I had some times where I would have thoughts of reference like hearing a song on a radio say a cuss word and somehow my mind coming to the conclusion that I was saying that cuss word to God. This still happens from time to time as well but thankful not as often anymore.

I was officially diagnosed when I was 15 and have been in CBT therapy ever since, taking medication only helps so much. Therapy and learning to work though episodes has been a challenge but ultimately I am very thankful.

anyway, sorry for the long post and sorry to all anons who also have to suffer with OCD. Hope you anons stay safe.

No. 753814

I do not personally have OCD, unless trichotillomania counts (I don't think it does, though it's vaguely related).
My partner does and has been taking Zoloft basically all of the time. According to him, it helps… but from my limited POV, it probably makes the situation better by like a half. He still has plenty of symptoms that make his (and our) life difficult. IE when I pick up online orders, I make sure to dispose of the packaging either before I even arrive at home or when my bf is at work. Otherwise he will spend like an hour disintegrating the package: ripping of duct tape from the box, meticulously popping bubble wrap, separating any plastic foil from the cardboard etc. I order a lot of things online, so imagine what would happen if I came home with 5-10 boxes! He would spend the entire day 'preparing the trash for recycling'… Oh, and once he sees the boxes at home, I'm not allowed to trash them or he falls apart. He is a big control freak when it comes to keeping house clean. Things have to be done his way, in his order etc.
This is one example. My question is: is it normal for OCD meds to not completely remove sperging? Do you guys have any experience with Zoloft or replacing it with other medication?
Also I will appreciate any advice on living with an OCD partner because I am interested in hearing what other people with OCD have to say on the topic.

If I'm speaking out of the line, my apologies. Feel free to ignore this post then! or dunk on me kek

No. 753876

I don't have OCD, I have ADHD, but there is so much overlap with my symptoms that I wanted to post too I hope that's ok

I have the typical violent or disruptive type of intrusive thoughts like I'm going to stamp on a helpless animal or smash all the glassware in a store or jump off a train platform. I will need to get counseling if I ever have a child because of this. I feel kleptomanic urges and shake with anxiety when I'm going past security staff because I'm scared I'll have accidentally stolen somehow.
Also I know this is normal for most people with traumatic experiences or anxiety but I have intrusive flashbacks of those events or just really, really embarrassing ones even for no reason. Talking to people or podcasts can distract me from intrusive thoughts but nothing makes them easier to deal with when I'm alone. Sometimes I will shout or groan in public when I'm trying to shake the thoughts off and forget my surroundings which is embarrassing.

I'm ritualistic, I'll always use the same seat, toilet cubicle, mug etc even if I didn't originally choose it myself or even like it. I separate the components of certain foods out and eat them in an order or set arbitrary criterias for when I'm allowed to do certain things. I have the body symmetry compulsion an anon talked about before, where if I feel something on my body then I need to replicate that feeling to the same place but on the other side of my body.
I usually don't realise these behaviours exist until I'm around other people and discover I can't do them without looking weird. Fortunately there are no irrational beliefs that these rituals will lead to or stop anything but I don't feel right without them.
I also hyperfixate on random tasks, which is standard ADHD but also seems to overlap, I have given myself bladder infections because I couldn't stop what I was doing. This gets worse when I'm stressed and so can get in the way of important things.

Looking at this list I can see how people rack up so many diagnosis labels when there is so much overlap
I'm fortunate that these compulsions aren't that bad, my thoughts are with those of you with actual OCD who suffer from harmful compulsions

No. 753890

Yes, I mentioned in my post that I tweeze my skin a lot. I have some sharp pointy tweezers that I use to dig under my skin and pull the tiny hairs out, causing it to bleed. These are hairs you cant see with a naked eye so I used a magnifying flashlight app on my phone. Usually causes blood.

I have had full blown panic attacks when I could find my tweezers,so much so that I bought 3

Also I have a compulsion to stick sharp things in my ears.

No. 753902

>Though I still tend to do physical rituals like knocking on wood.
Got into a full blown fight with my boyfriend for not knocking on wood.

It's the one thing I absolutely refuse to fuck around with

No. 753905

I'm pretty sure I have the OCD where I'm a hypochondriac. OCD runs in the family and I'm also autistic. Doomed from the start. Don't want to say I'm OCD yet because I want to get formally diagnosed first but I suspect I did in fact inherit it.
After I turned 25 I started fearing I'm dying all the time for no reason. There's days where I can't even do my assignments or anything because of it. One time I thought I had covid and started freaking out because my breathing was hard but I was having an anxiety attack.

No. 753907

I was diagnosed with OCD a few years ago, albeit a mild case that’s contained okay by my bipolar meds (lamictal). It developed after a traumatic breakup and bout of depression where I was hardcore depression nesting. Basically decided to keep things clean to try and help my depression, and it turned into an obsession, ie “if my space is messy, my mind is messy, I will get severely depressed again, etc.” I’ve always had compulsions as well as quirks and “rules” even before that (like I haven’t eaten an orange m&ms since 8th grade bc “they’re bad luck” and that idea got stuck in my head; I eat all other colors in a certain order, though), and when describing them to my doctor, I think that’s why she identified OCD as well, not just being neat. It’s not so bad lately, I can function without things being completely pristine now, but I still stop to clean way more than the average person at work, home, etc and reorganize, disinfect, and refold things constantly when they don’t look right or I change my mind on how I want it to look. My OCD is very appearance and cleanliness based, but I’m not a total germaphobe in the sense that I’m not afraid to really get into gross stuff in order to get it clean, but if it looks or feels bad (dusty, sticky, I know something was spilled but not disinfected when cleaned) then it freaks me out.

No. 753911

Samefag I’m that annoying OCD bitch that cleans my friends’ spaces too kek once I cleaned my best friend’s bathroom when I was house sitting for her bc it was driving me nuts

No. 753925

My boyfriend has ADHD as well and there is a tendency to see overlap especially with intrusive thoughts. OCD, ADHD, and autism are all commonly diagnosed together.

Honestly, violent intrusive thoughts are scary but the first thing we learn in ERP is that a thought is a thought is a thought. They don’t mean anything either way. Unless you genuinely want to do these things/enjoy them and have to fight yourself not to do them then that’s an issue you should resolve. Everyone gets intrusive thoughts but not everyone gets severe distress. There are people with OCD who are so unsure if they’re trans or gay, they’re not actually trans or gay but they’re so anxious about the possibility that they will continuously get intrusive thoughts about it.

Also the fucking kleptomaniac fears lmao, I used to check my pockets and purse just to make sure I didn’t steal. I’m still very anxious about being accused of stealing.

No. 753949

anon, are you me?? The only thing in your list that I don't deal with is the hoarding, I tend to be overly neat. Are you on any meds? I got really lucky and zoloft works well for me now.

The arbitrary bets thing is so hard to talk about, just like you said it just feels so mentally ill??? I'm afraid someone will think I'm schizophrenic, even though I know the bets are all fake and they mean nothing. It's so hard to explain. Mine are like "If I don't correctly spell onomatopoeia by the time the red light turns green, my brother will starve." I've been doing shit like that since I was really young.

I'm starting to understand why OCD is being lumped in with ADHD, Autism, Tourette's, dyslexia etc. Unlike depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses, OCD can be observed in pre-adolescence or even as young as 5.

No. 754267

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Not saying you don't have OCD, anon, but people on the the spectrum tend to be hypersensitive (including a lower tolerance for pain and discomfort which can lead to hypochondria). This can be a potential explanation for extreme and overly fearful reactions to external stimuli, though I don't think getting an additional diagnosis would be harmful. It's one of the most common comorbidities anyway.

No. 755405

Anyone else here has ocd and food related ocd?

No. 755412

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as a kid:
>terrified of going to the bathroom alone, so much so i peed outside for a while until my mom found out
>ate just the same meal after school for years because i was scared of eating something new. (i was force fed as a kid too, so maybe this is apart of it?)
>couldn't eat in front of people because i thought we would disgust each other with our chewing (wtf kid-me why were you so weird).
>wore the same hairstyle for years because i thought people would stop talking to me if i changed it.

>doing the sign of the cross over and over again spontanteously. i just get the "feeling," i'm sure you all know what i'm talking about.
>saying/typing "satan" makes me really afraid, and i say "begone" multiple times in my head. (kek)
>intrusive thoughts that everyone hates me, i'm a bad person, my thoughts aren't genuine and i'm doing everything for attention or some sort of motive.
>can't have my hair completely up in front of people or they'll see my facial scars and be grossed out.

No. 755438

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which one of you ladies made a tiktok of this?

No. 755514

>How strong is your OCD?
If I give into the delusion, I am fundamentally hurting my health.
>How does your OCD manifest?
If I don't do x, something bad related to my trauma will happen to me.
>What do you think of the stereotype of cleaningness?
It is something I struggle with. I feel like I have to have my own toothpaste, my own shampoo, my own soap, my own leftovers… If I believe my boyfriend (or someone else) touched my portion, I have the belief he put drugs into it and I want to throw it away or see him use it first before I do.
>Do you have intrusive thoughts?
Yes, a lot of them are irrational and I get panic and anxiety attacks over them on a weekly basis.
>How did you figure out you had OCD?
I developed PTSD from something traumatic, it got bad enough where I developed agoraphobia, disordered eating, and neglect my daily hygiene because of these thoughts.

I've been going to therapy for my trauma for over 6 years, but just two years ago I started to recognize a lot of my issues stemmed from the resistance of intrusive thoughts. It's really helped me feel more in control pin pointing why the anxiety I go through is related to giving into irrational fears. It's still tough to go against my anxious mind. Like taking a big leap of faith.

No. 755538

Is anyone here on escitalopram to treat their OCD? I was on 20mg of escitalopram for 3 months but that did nothing for me, so a therapist recommended 30mg of it, I don't think that new does will work if 20mg did nothing for me.

No. 755560

I use citalopram and it's done great, but not escitalopram. They're kinda different. Also my OCD isn't that severe but pretty annoying so it's helping

No. 755577

Everyone has different tolerances re: medication, unless you have another reason not to take a higher dosage (for example you’re already struggling with significant side effects) then it’s worth trying. Typically you’ll be prescribed a low dose and build up to your personal therapeutic dose. Think about it like if you were hungry, ate something and still felt hungry. You would eat more because your body is not satisfied. Your body may need a higher amount of medication in a similar way. I know it feels pointless but give it a good go. I’ve felt nothing with some medications until the dose was upped, then it was like being on something completely different.

No. 755578

What dose of citalopram do you take? Has the incidence of obsessive intrusive thoughts decreased for you, or is it the same but those intrusive thoughts don't cause as much anxiety anymore? How long did it take from when you started taking citalopram for it to start working?

No. 755860

sorry for piggybacking on to your thing but can any anons who take ocd meds tell me what it's like? I never thought my ocd was that bad in terms of cleanliness or repetitive action compulsions, but my intrusive/repeated thoughts have gotten a lot worse and I feel like I'm going to go down the path of becoming a hoarder. are those ocd symptoms ones that medication can help?

No. 755861

wait did not mean to sage that

No. 755973

i know this post is a little old but skin picking is my worst OCD behavior, its like the only symptom that actually makes it hard to do everyday tasks. i pick and chew at the skin around my fingernails to the point that ive rendered my hands basically useless on a fe occasions. idk fully why i do it because it doesnt relieve anxiety its actually a behavior that creates stress in me because i know im only going to go overboard.

does anyone else with checking behaviors check things repeatedly because they just can't remember if they did something or not (as opposed to having to check or repeat things a certain number of times)? i dont have a bad memory in general but i feel like i have a blind spot when it comes to locking the door. i literally have to stop myself and say "you definitely locked the door, you JUST did it & its DONE" or ill get to my car and wonder if i forgot

No. 755975

the only meat i eat is chicken & recently ive been struggling with it because the word "flesh" comes into my head and makes me gag, or i think because this food is really just a dead thing, its not safe to eat like vegetables are. funnily enough i used to have a much more serious restrictive eating disorder thats mostly resolved itself now, but different food issues seem to have cropped up in its place.

No. 755977

>Has the incidence of obsessive intrusive thoughts decreased for you
>those intrusive thoughts don't cause as much anxiety anymore?
Some of them are still there, but I can manage them better. I think, being completely honest, lolcow made my intrusive thoughts go up, but now I can manage better and don't take anons here for face value. Therapy and friends also help me snap outta my stupid shit lol.
>is it the same but those intrusive thoughts
Sometimes, but thank god I haven't had newer ones. My intrusive thoughts are not so hardcore anymore I guess? Like, the thought itself.
>How long did it take from when you started taking citalopram for it to start working?
Like 2-3 weeks, daily, I started with half a dose and then went up the entire pill. A psycheatrist chose it for me because I also have depression and ADHD. I guess talk to your doctor to see if it works for you!

No. 755980

Hey anon I'm the one asking, could you please tell me about how it used to be vs now? sorry for asking if you're not comfortable with it

No. 755985

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Well, for me personally it has helped me manage my OCD thoughts better, but that's also because I have a good support of people and I've had therapy before. The pills are not magical, I won't lie and tell you they solve everything and magically you don't think about bad stupid shit anymore. My cleaning hands compulsion has gone up for example, but that's because of the pandemic we're living in. But citalopram has helped me be more optimistic, if sometimes I'm a bit more hyper. I used to take fluoxetine -prozac- and it made me feel miserable lol. I was either in a bad depressive sleepyhead mood or very manic and it didn't help. I think you should get the right medication, like I said it really does help but it's trial and error + therapy.

Also not to be dumb but this picture actually helps me out, there's many other methods and phrases like these, try to find the right ones for you or talk to your therapist and they'll tell you about similar coping mechanisms

No. 756001

ill tell, idk how helpful it will be for you.
i was obese all my life until i was 19 and discovered calorie counting. i thought i did things with a good mindset for probably that 1st whole year, then began dropping calories below 1000, and it just sort of became more consuming from there. i wasnt too fussed over what food i ate, i would weigh & measure things to make sure they fit my calorie budget. i stopped eating beef because of the environment, and i gave up pork because i had never really agreed with the texture. the latter could be ocd related i guess, ive always been sort of~sensitive~ to food textures. my behaviors were pretty consistent from like 2016 to the end of 2019, mostly high-volume low-calorie foods, but there wasn't any food besides the 2 meats that i straight up didnt eat. covid basically changed the restricting behaviors, i couldnt be nearly as picky when purchasing food, & i fell back on eating to cope with stress. staying under a certain calorie limit just fell off of my priorities list. i also live with my husband now & cook dinner for us both every night, so my focus has shifted to creating high-quality meals over any other focus.
so restricting issues OUT …. contamination issues IN? the "dead thing" issue with chicken obviously, but also worries over under-cooking the chicken, or not having clean enough hands when i prepare the chicken. if my husband cooks its even harder for me to eat the meat because i cant confirm how safe it is since i wasn't the one cooking it. he's never undercooked the chicken yet, but ive still psyched myself out of being able to eat it several times. i really dont have any anxieties with non-meat.

whew…. sage for wall of text

No. 756055

Ugh I hate chicken so much because of contamination issues, I totally get it
I feel more or less the same for every uncooked meat though

No. 756088

I hate anthony padilla

No. 756097

Thank you, I'll give the higher dose a try.
Escitalopram or other medication has helped a lot of people with OCD to manage their condition, but 20 mg of escitalopram did nothing for me.
I'm glad that you've been able to manage your OCD, I wish you success in keeping up the fight against it

No. 757087

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Some days ago I noticed that, whenever some minor inconvenience happens, my brain goes from 0 to 100 real quick, with a lot of intrusive thoughts

Example -not what happened but I'm gonna use it as an example-
I do a bad joke
Nobody laughs, or someone finds it offensive or whatever
I think I'm dumb, stupid, crazy, disgusting and beyond redemption, I should die and I feel guilty, thoughts racing super hard
I feel bad even though the joke was some minor mistake
But somehow making that joke means the parents of my boyfriend will never ever love me and they'll hate me (I haven't even met them kek)

Anyone with this problem? Is it my OCD or ADHD?? how the fuck do I stop making my own self feel like shit

No. 757101

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ocd really be feeling like this

No. 775222

I'm not sure if this is OCD related (my therapist suggested I may have it but I'm thinking it's more like tendencies) but I wanted to ask OCD anons specifically. Do your intrusive thoughts ever cause confusion about romance and attraction? Every single time I'm near a man, even if he's old and I know he's not attractive, or I hate his personality and find his looks boring, no matter what, I get forced thoughts in that vein. I'd rather not go into it but it also involves a fear of him thinking I'm attracted to him… like "Don't give him that idea, oh but now you're thinking about it so you want that don't you, just imagine if…" all while trying to physically act as distant as possible. It leads me to be very stiff and uncomfortable around men. Sometimes I even act in ways that encourage their advances even though I'm internally disturbed and scared. It's to the point I'm not even sure of my sexuality, because how much is these unwanted, fake thoughts and how much is real? It's torture regardless of that. I gotta bump the thread to ask do any of you relate? How do you even deal? I feel so stupid to struggle like this.

Reposting to add an example that affected me lately. I used to go to physical therapy for something important. My normal therapist was a woman but there was this man there who sometimes helped. It was a place where other patients are in the same room. I would get these thoughts around the man even though he is not my type or anything. It's purely since he was a man and in that kind of situation. I felt disturbed by them and I acted very nervous trying to focus on what tasks I'm given. Well some other patient got the wrong idea because I thought she pulled him aside and said something like I'm trying to impress him since I must have a crush on him. He looked at me with this grin and I felt humiliated and horrified. I may have misheard and they also didn't know I did, but since then I felt even worse around him. I stopped going for unrelated reasons but now I need to go back. I'm putting it off because I'm terrified he will be there and it could continue. So yeah this is a serious problem is this something anyone has experienced? Should I tell my therapist even though I really would rather not?

No. 877454

my ocd peaked last year and the anxiety and guilt i felt about absolutely everything made me quit lolcow for several months. i'd have nightmares about cows i follow and i just couldn't bear being on here and making fun of other people. i did cbt and am now on meds and back to posting on this site everyday. so i guess that means i'm doing well, kek. i still have a lot of checking routines, but those are a lot easier to deal with than guilt + intrusive thoughts about all kinds of unspeakable things that made me want to kms

No. 2391245

I know this is an extremely old post but I wanted nonna to know she isn't alone. It usually starts with someone saying to me "you should go out with so and so" or "so and so is attractive." The constant doubt of my own feelings and reality ramp up. The dreaded "what if's" and intrusive thoughts. I just brought the topic up to my therapist and am working through this theme. This disorder is absolute hell and really makes you question everything about your own identity.

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