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No. 2373765
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>2350339 No. 2373826
>>2373771their heads swell up from all the ugly thoughts they have throughout their lives. basically what
>>2373784 said
No. 2374144
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did anyone ever actually find him hot? he is so gross and skeevy looking to me. i hate his mole so fucking much. i get that he was young and kinda dorky in rushmore but he still looks gross and rapey and always has. his face repulses me, i struggle to look at him when he's on screen. nasty nasty fuck
No. 2374159
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to whoever called me a pedo (baiting asshole) for saying joe rogan was hot at 29, stfu.
also what is this? is joe rogan gay?
No. 2374164
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>>2374155Yeah I was totally calling everyone pedos because of my giant narcissistic insecurity of being 30 anon. Foiled again.
No. 2374188
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okay ata that said he looked hot in
>>2373702 i kept looking at photos and i guess that lighting and angle did him immense favours, he was gross af even at like 20
No. 2374199
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>>2374191when did i lust, i think he's ugly as sin? i said he looked better then(in that specific photo) and also he actually had hair
>he was gross af even at like 20 No. 2374423
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>>2374154I get what you're saying and that's fine, but I can explain why a lot of women who post in the UMP thread might have a problem with this. I have my own opinions, but I can sympathize with the more 'extreme' nonas. It's because of the double standard placed on women and men sexual preferences when it comes to age (and looks as well, of course). I also suspect most of the anons here are younger themselves, but regardless, this is one of the few places women feel safe to discuss their actual feelings without having to police themselves. Moids will constantly tell us their preferences and they are remain pretty consistent regardless of their actual age. If you find moids your own age most attractive, that's fine, but keep in mind that moids your age on average will still find a woman a decade younger than you more attractive than you.
You don't have to change your own preferences if you honestly prefer moids your own age, but for a lot of women, it's a crushing blackpill to realize that this is not the same in reverse, despite women on average aging far better than moids. That's another reason women in this thread focus so hard on moids in their 20s, it's not that they are waiting to see if they still look decent years from now, it's that they're probably going to age poorly anyways and so it's not worth it to wait and see. Moids certainly don't. Your preferences actually align with the average woman as shown in picrel, which an image women in the UMP threads tend to be very familiar with. I do understand that this chart represents what's the average age either sex messages most on dating apps, but that's somewhat more depressing considering this is not what they
say is most attractive, it's the actual age of the people they actively
pursue. 50 year old men are still pursuing women in their early 20, while 50 year old women are far modest with a mere 4 year age gap in comparison to that nearly 30 year one for moids of the same age.
If you don't want to adjust your preferences to match moid depravity, that's understandable to me, and this isn't even a most comprehensive chart of moid preferences, but it's saying something and a lot of women here don't like what it's saying. Naturally, they're going to push back because this is probably one of the only places they
can push back, when the general consensus is that it's 'natural' for women to be most attracted to older moids, and moids to be most attracted to younger women. You see this double standard everywhere, so it shouldn't be surprising anons in the UMP thread have a problem with it and do whatever they can to counter this narrative, whether their attractions are sincere or not. Not only that, it's almost expected for moids to be attracted to young women regardless of age, but if a woman does it, they're singled out as an anomaly and even a predator, despite the fact most post-pubescent moids are capable of overpowering the average woman with ease. I would cut these women (who are probably pretty young as well) a break and not take it so personally, with that in mind. If you want to post 30-something year old moids who you find attractive, there's other more appropriate threads to do it in.
No. 2374432
>>2374423Men are literal pedos that's the final blackpill, if it was legal they would all be marrying 10 year olds like they do in Afghanistan.
Age of consent in the US was 10 years old until feminists, christian groups and child health campaigners requested it be raised because so many kids were being used as sex slaves and contracting syphilis. Same in the UK, victorian England was rife with child brothels, all these kids were dying by their late teens and early 20s from incurable stds, only feminists, a small group of doctors and Christian groups stepped in to help them.
No. 2374435
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When left to their own devices men will always legalize pedophilia and cape for each other. Pedophilia unites moids of all races. White scrotes gave black scrotes the right to vote long before they let women vote.
No. 2374469
>>2374464i wasn't referencing that picrel, i was ref
>>2373702 and i legit said he's ugly he just looked a bit better in
>>2373702 No. 2374485
>>2374475people try to claim the girls families would protect them but you only have to look at all cultures both modern and old to know how quickly moids would sell the women of their family out to other scrotes
moids literally honor kill their own sisters and daughters, sell their children off to rapey old men for a buck or two. men used their sisters and daughters as bargaining chips and let them be used as rape fodder when colonisation or invasion was occurring, would offer their women as tribute to violent rapey invaders from another tribe. hell moids even brainwash pickmes to join in and help kill like those two recent honor killing cases where the mother helped try to kill the daughter.
No. 2374487
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i know the sexiest man alive thing is always bullshit but he genuinely looks like an orc
No. 2374493
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>>2374487English women have some insane obsession with ugly black moids (especially footballers) and the media pushes them hard to meet that demand. And what's sadder is these attractive women always end up getting cheated on anyway.
British black moids always seem to be especially ugly for some reason, at least the US has some good looking ones.
No. 2374495
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>>2374432>>2374435I wrote about this in the last thread as well, because picrel in my previous post isn't even entirely accurate. I'm pretty sure if it was socially acceptable to fuck 15 year old girls and they were on dating apps, the age would be much lower and we would see it in the teens. Even child pornography was still legal until the late 70s. "Barely legal" is an extremely popular porn category today. Meanwhile barely legal moids are commiting war crimes like rape, and moids pretend teenage girls are innately capable of the same depravity teenage moids are.
But we can just look at places where there is no moralizing from humanitarian groups, moids always electively choose younger and younger females, pornrot or not. Even in less primitive nations where the AoC is 16, moids fight it when it's ever considered raising the AoC.
Some moids (and women coping with the unfortunate reality of moid nature) will say it's only the pedophiles, who are a minority of the moid population. They might even signal their virtue by pointing out the pedophilia of enemy moids, but they are quick to defend their own when accused or at least overlook it. Most of the time, I suspect the only reason moids oppose pedophilia (when they say they do) is resentment, that they can't have their own child brides and are jealous other moids who do.
Picrel is the Scorpions Virgin Killer album cover. This one is censored, but originally it wasn't. Just an example of how acceptable the sexualization of children use to be to be. That was released in '76. Child pornography was only outlawed in '78 in Western countries. This was sold in stores.
We honestly take it for granted how common this use to be.
No. 2374505
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>>2374487Skepta is more handsome when we are talking about British black men.
No. 2374507
>>2374495I am not surprised in the slightest. I've seen and heard so many boomer women talking about how nonce shit was basically completely socially acceptable in the 60s and 70s, getting groped by your uncle or boss or whatever. We don't even have to mention the Jimmy Savile shit. Every single rock band of that time had groupies that were like 12 years old and these moids in their 20s and 30s were raping them. That's why I don't like listening to classic rock, it was just one big child rape movement.
60s and 70s media is nothing but ugly older men grooming and self inserting themselves with young girls, Serge Gainsbourg for instance.
I remember my mother talking about magazines from then and how they creeped her out even though it was supposed to be normal, since there was basically softcore CP in many of them of nude teen girls, these photographs and films would be framed as 'artsy' or something but really it was just free CP.
No. 2374517
>>2374502I don't know, I don't want to get into race-baiting territory, but I don't think it's their whiteness that makes them more attractive. There's plenty of ugly lightskin moids who get gassed up for simply being lightskin. I think it might be the kind of African they descend from. Even
>>2374493 has more Caucasoid features and he looks like a nebbish dweeb. Northeast African moids sometimes have this lightbulb head shape and long face that just looks goofy as fuck. It's crazy because the women possess almost a noble beauty while the moids look like ayy lmao Jakub types.
No. 2374518
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Can you believe this hideous bug eyed fish faced Svengali was considered a sex icon and epitome of coolness? No wonder scrotes feel so entitled when all they see in media is hideous men with gorgeous young women. Gives them a completely false sense of abundance and entitlement.
No. 2374538
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Does anyone else think people saying women have no personality and only men are actually interesting a psyop? so many women say that and i dont understand why. All of the moids i met are literally the same, their only difference is the kind of retarded useless shit they obsess over. I legit dont get it, i used to think i was a lesbian in hs because, despite not finding the female body attractive, i wanted a bf that had the personality of one of my friends and found moids talking about the autistic useless shit they like super boring. I got laughed at once because i told to a friend that i find women into makeup and crotche way more interesting than men into history or warhammer. At least the women got some skills to show off.
No. 2374540
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>>2374517the only fully african men who ever look somewhat okay are horn africans, and even then they look better mixed
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2374542
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>>2374518>>2374507I've heard one of him and his daughters' songs together (Charlotte Forever), out of context, and I never realized that song was about his daughter. I also didn't know he made a song called Lemon Incest with her when she was 12, I am going to hurl. The fact this was somehow produced, sold, and peaked at number 2 on the charts when it was released as a single, instead of being immediately stamped out says a lot about society at the time.
No. 2374571
>>2374538It's to undermine feminine interests as irrelevant, like they dismiss everything we do, and to pretend that moids have something to offer even if they don't have looks.
The same things can be said about women not having a 'sense of humor' (which is retarded in the evolutionary explanation) or women being 'less intelligent'. Obviously women have a sense of humor even if they don't think it's funny and women are usually more sensible than the average moid. Moids just don't think it's worthy of praise because they're too self-centered to connect with people who aren't like themselves, and to make these highly subjective relational traits (like comedic sensibilities or knowledge on specific subject matters) something worth selling you in place of their lack of physical attractiveness.
"He has a good personality" or "he has a good sense of humor" or even "he's really intelligent", people will outright say that the reason are moids are smarter/more interesting/funnier than women and that we lack these traits is because moids
had to develop these traits to attract us, especially if they were mid or ugly. They're right in a way, but it's not that they developed these characteristics in actuality; they just keep repeating these tropes until we believe it. Literally psyop tactics, yes.
No. 2374576
>>2374423You posted picrel, but I want to point out that the lowest age in that study was 20. Meaning that men of all ages chose the youngest option possible with the lowest being capped at 20.
I saw another graph like that with ages from 10 to 30 and the most attractive age for men was something like 15, I think? Anyway, if somebody has it, please post it. A true blackpill.
No. 2374596
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>>2374576Yeah, I pointed this out here. This is just the age that was
available to them.
>>2374495 I've seen the image you're talking about though, but I don't have it saved, sadly, but I wish I did.
We don't really need charts though, because we can just look at history. I don't think there's any reason to believe moids have changed that much sense we've illegalized pedophilia, especially given their current habits anyways. There's a frequent cope that it's culture, or even race, but it was such a widespread cultural norm across the globe that it can't really be separated to only one type of moid.
Ironically I think I saw it or something similar to it originally in the extremely scrote-y documentary "Are All Men Pedophiles?" They were trying to use moids' natural inclination towards pedophilia (under the le 'it's hebephilia, not pedophilia' trope) as an excuse to possibly lower AoC since it's 'inevitable', and it's even presented by a 14 year old girl.
No. 2374654
>>2374505Would look better if he shaved the beard and that unibrow.
>>2374538It's just another projection from men. I've talked to so many of them and they're always the same even down to their hobbies and tastes like 90% of the time. It's always gaming, anime or sports. If they do art, almost always garanteed to be coomshit too. They all make the same jokes and post the same shitty memes, and they only come in a few select types. Rarely ever do I meet a guy that actually breaks the mold and surprises me in a positive way, they're so predictable it feels like talking to NPCs. Life as a moid finding male friendships seems really easy since they're so similar to each other even when they're autists, meanwhile as a woman I struggle to meet other women that are similar to me.
No. 2374680
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>>2374625Yep, they rather waste their time on 'self-improvement' instead of actual self-improvement, waiting for the day when they're post-wall and they've become the very same old scrotes competing for 20 yr olds as well. Which they believe will be easy because 'women prefer older men'. That day comes, women still don't want them and then it's feminism's fault for ruining women or whatever.
really hate it when you suggest, as a woman to other women (especially young women), to be very distrustful of moids because they don't want us ruining their chances. They'll just say older women are just jealous they're unwanted, but it's not hard for any woman to get laid, we just realize it's tiresome to deal with them, and their preference will still be teenage girls even if they have a relationship with a more age appropriate woman. In every way conceivable it's a bad idea for young women to settle down, especially so early and to a much older moids, and they go fucking rabid if women point this out, more than anything else.
UMP includes
every ugly man, young and old, but the old part is the most critical because they're banking on the hope that at least by the time they're old, they'll accumulate enough resources to basically purchase the interests of a young pretty woman or girl. The idea that young women might prefer men their own age or the idea that even older women might prefer younger moids because youthful beauty in males is just as important as in female beauty, is more wounding to their ego than anything else, even more than being just plain ugly. Anything that attacks the cope that younger women really are attracted to maturity u gaiz!!1! puts a dent in the delusion, because they still want to believe they are actually sexually desirable. Nevertheless most of them can't handle the truth and would rather buy a woman than be alone, even when they've internalized reality. This is catastrophic when it comes to old, ugly scrotes who actually
are successful. The moids who have fully embraced that they are undesirable and that the beautiful young women who entertain them only for their money and status are always the fucking worst. They resent the fact they are unattractive to women and become utter degenerates, even when women accept them. They feel like a rapist, so they embody the rapist. I think this is also why ugly bastard hentai is so popular too, as an aside.
Neil Gaiman is a good recent example of this, he knows he's not conventionally attractive despite trying to shill it in Sandman with his self-insert, so the way he approaches sex and relationships is completely centered on how much he can destroy the woman he's with. He has had plenty of of weird girl groupies, but he hates himself and knows how actually unappealing he is, and he wants to project that hatred on women who aren't interested in him despite his options.
No. 2374698
>>2374625>lie to them and make them believe if they just grind bro and buy their crypto coin once they reach 35, they'll be swimming in pussy! It's just a lie, a carrot on a stick to make them feel betterThis is so true - men are so stupid to fall for the rat race trap when it's everywhere (workplace, education). Grindtards are even more insidious and detrimental to the society that MRAs. You won't EVER see the benefit of your grind, since you'll be replaced by AI/Indians soon - meanwhile you'll lose your health, friends, hobbies and extinguish your spirit.
>>2374680The only women they'll get post-wall are scammers/golddiggers and basket cases of 'daddy issues'. Continuous drama and break-ups are guaranteed.
No. 2374710
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Nonnies what do you think about uggos having plastic surgery?
No. 2374750
>>2374612In some tribal cultures young men are completely barred from marriage. The older men take every girl for themselves at menarche and tell the young men to wait their turn in a decade or two. These cultural norms developed and endured even though they obviously upset the most violence-prone part of society. You'd think it'd lead to rebellion or war with other tribes wiping out any group that practices this, but no. The men are willing to let older men fuck them over as long as they can fuck over the next generation.
In more advanced societies you can still see this in a diluted form, though now it's supposedly based on the man's ability to provide for a wife, not an arbitrary age threshold. Redpill moids want to recreate some of the most primitive social norms out there so they can be guaranteed access to pussy.
No. 2374754
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I’ll never find bill skarsgard hot and the people saying they want to fuck him as count orlock are just doing it for attention, what an ugly fucking moid
No. 2374766
>>2374710He needs to shave and get follicular hair transplant as well, but it's an improvement at least.
I'm conflicted. On one hand, this is deception. They still have ugly genes, and they're withholding this knowledge from women.
On the other hand, women go through all sorts of unnecessary procedures amounting to thousands of dollars (or its equivalent) in the pursuit of beauty. It's insane that some parents make their children go through cosmetic surgery to perform in K-pop groups in Korea for example, but at the same time, at least it's fair? In the States at least, standards for moid beauty are abysmal.
Aside from that, most women are still going to settle down with a moid anyways, whether or not they have children. They should at least be attractive. Even if you're not dating, exposure to ugly moids can ruin your day. I have to interact with ugly moid after ugly moid, and it's depressing. Maybe it would be less depressing if they weren't so ugly.
At the same time, the kind of moids who get plastic surgery are absolute nutjobs. They still contribute to an industry that harms more women than men, for satiate their own need for validation.
There's a lot of back in forth in mind on reasons for and against that I won't bother to mention here, but I think I'm leaning towards this being a bad thing.
No. 2374898
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Why do you think men are so reluctant to pickmemaxxing for women? you see tons of men pickmemaxxing for other men(roidpigs, femboys) but all of the male pickmes i know of are gay, like vidrel, yet drown in pussy. Why is it that all of the male cosplayers who do sexy cosplays of anime guys are gay? I also see a lot of gay men making BL vlogs for fujos. Its insane to me that straight men dont capitalize on women pointing out, no, SCREAMING their fucking preferences. But no, men would rather claim trying to be sexy for women is gay, ackshually, and then go back to drinking their choccy protein shake and sweat at the gym for other moids instead. Insanity. At this point i am convinced all ''straight'' men are actually bisexual because wtf would you consider looking good for women is gay??
No. 2374910
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>>2374907Unrelated, but why are so many men obsessed with stoicism?
No. 2374924
>>2374910Everything that
>>2374917 said is true. This way they are able to maintain an illusion of superiority while avoiding emotional depth and accountability.
No. 2374929
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I hate most men because most of them are at least one of the next:
> Ugly
> Stupid
> Closeted gay
> Disgusting
> Porn addicts
No. 2374930
>>2374907To be fair, I trashtalk fiction as well, and I've to tried to get into literature. I can't stand reading fiction written by moids. It's the most self-aggrandizing bullshit in the world, and the way they write women is fucking disgusting. It's also hard to read fiction written by other women, since it's usually romance. I don't inherently have a problem with romance, but if we exclude the obvious trash, the rest feels more or less still panders to moid sensibilities, albeit less gross. Then you have the anti-booktok pickmes who are say shit like, "I enjoy REAL fiction" then they name the most scrote-y author you can think of, like Hemingway.
I am open to taking suggestions though. The only thing is I won't read moid authors anymore.
>>2374910A few reasons, but honestly? Most moids would benefit from a little stoicism. Moids are extremely emotional, irrational, and frivolous. Pretty much everything they accuse women of they are guilty of in spades. The other reason is stoicism is a relatively easy philosophy to follow, especially in comparison to modern and post-modern philosophy. Stoicism is perhaps the least offensive philosophy for a moid to be interested in. The only problem is like any moid interested in philosophy, it will inflate their heads, but at least it doesn't openly try to promote pedophilia. It's just an easy-to-read set of instructions for being less parasitical, but they can pretend to be cultured.
I think the biggest reason though, and they won't ever admit this, is because it's easy to delude yourself into believing you're moral (as in free from materialism and excessive consumption) when you don't have the resources to waste in the first place. They're slumming it and it makes them feel good about it. It's not all that impressive unless they are fabulously wealthy and influential and still choose to live modestly. It's even easier to detach yourself from others when you don't have friends and you're unpopular. It's kind of like how some incel-adjacent right-wing moids will extol their purity and how they are supposedly waiting for marriage to have sex, but really, it's not like they're drowning in pussy and being tempted anyways so it's not difficult to avoid for them kek.
No. 2374997
>>2374984If the daddy issues in question forced them to become hyper independent and responsible. You ever meet those men who were basically groomed to be a surrogate husband (not in a sexual way) once their dad left? They are so put together, emotionally intelligent and have the best work ethic. If you mother them even slightly and let them be vulnerable every now and then they’ll take a bullet for you. That’s the kind of daddy issues I like. I don’t like the daddy issues that made them desperate to impress or emulate their absent father.
One thing I hate more than anything is men who refuse to grow up. When a woman does it it’s cute and endearing. Men who cling to their childhoods should be shot I’m so serious. Women who mollycoddle their sons are just creating a man no woman is going to want who will never succeed. Women who force their sons to grow up early are creating a man who will be successful in his professional and romantic relationships. If I ever have a son he’s getting a paper round at 12 the way men back in the day did. That’s how it should be.
No. 2375004
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Also I suspect 'dumb' hot moids aren't as dumb as people assume since attractiveness correlates with general intelligence,
especially in males. They probably just come off as stupid because they're not constantly sperging about the little factoids they collected from pointless YouTube videos. 'Smart' moids are just midwits parroting things other moids discuss in long form videos essays.
No. 2375007
>>2374710I support it as long as they don't have kids.
>>2374715Yeah, I used to feel bad that I picked men based on their looks because I fell for the psyop and thought I was being shallow, but nowadays I don't care at all. They do the same to women and way worse anyways so why should I feel bad.
No. 2375011
>>2375009But anyway this made me also think about the fact that ugly men are the ones who have nothing to lose and therefore approach any women, it’s a matter of trying until they are successful. They’ll disturb you even when you are speaking to your girlfriends. Back when dating apps weren’t as popular , at least where I lived, uggos would come up to me and my friends trying their luck, it was disgusting.
With attractive scrotes you sort of have to give a signal , engage with them through eye contact and if it’s mutual they’ll approach you, at least that’s what I do.
No. 2375012
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>>2374493Black moids have potential to age nicely like Asian scrotes, but like most moids they don't take care of their skin and choose to have scruffy facepubes.
No. 2375013
>>2375009Nta but they’re often very good looking.
Men like this
>>2374929Have a higher chance of having BPD than some fat ugly bastard because what’s gonna happen when the uggo starts seeking attention in the way that bpds do? They’ll get ignored, obviously, making them either kill themselves or get over it. Nobody will let a beautiful man suicide bait without doing something about it, thus reinforcing the behaviour. That’s my hypothesis anyway.
No. 2375014
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I heard some guy talking about how x girl isn't hot because her butt isn't that great. Sir, you have a concave butt. I'm tired of this lie that says only men care about looks, and women don't. Fuck that, I love men with nice butts, instead of spending do much time talking about women's bodies men should put some effort to look good for us.
No. 2375022
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>>2375014It’s always scrotes with concave butts and an empty space in the behind of their jeans who love talking about “muh and muh preference!”
No. 2375025
>>2374968Agree. I like when they're humble and of average intelligence. Them being honest and empathetic is more important to me. "Intelligent" moids tend to be either autistic or sociopathic, since in our moid-centric society, intelligence is often either 1) Being a socially inept, coddled savant with the privilege to dedicate all of his time to "intellectual" endeavors or 2) Being a con man who excels at taking credit for and capitalizing on others' achievements. There's a really good essay about Linda Nochlin on this topic; moids throughout history have only been able to achieve all these great things because some thankless woman in their lives was taking care of all the "busywork" of child rearing and daily life. A woman is expected to achieve great things without eschewing these "duties," therefore a lot fewer women have made achievements in these areas even in cultures where they weren't blatantly denied an education. We also didn't (and still don't) have the same financial resources due to disparities in income.
This is why I hear about men dying "deaths of despair," or being disproportionately unemployed, or going to college in low numbers, and I fucking laugh. I relish that fact. They're getting a taste of the shit they've forced us to deal with for thousands of years.
No. 2375026
>>2375004The whole "handsome jocks are both dumb and the devil incarnate" trope psyop in movies was insane.
Asocial moids who were at the bottom of the barrel in high school think that life is like a RPG, where some spend points in wisdom, strength or intelligence and that's It.
No. 2375042
>>2375006This is relatable I am in pain. I also stopped indulging in more moid-centric hobbies because of sexpestery, and I'm not that attractive.
Please be safe though, I get it's rough out there and from a purely lust-driven desire it
feels like it is worth it, even if for one night, but it is not worth it at all. Go for a boring hottie instead. Haven't had a relationship with a BPDemon moid, but I'm related to one unfortunately and they're a nightmare.
>>2375013That's how my brother is now.
Even the moid in the post you're you're replying to looks eeriely similar to him. It's actually kind of freaky you said this. He's very conventionally attractive and used it to slut around. The women he'd fuck would always coddle him in his psychotic meltdowns because they thought they could fix him and it would be worth it because they found him hot and maybe he'd choose them after all their devotion. Of course he never did. But he's getting older and his bad decisions are catching up with him physically, so I worry what's going to happen when he no longer has a harem of desperate girls at his beck and call.
No. 2375058
File: 1738346891501.jpeg (21.25 KB, 678x452, 36738289292.jpeg)

Can someone explain me why is that the most hideous men seem to be also the ones with the biggest ego? Picrel looks similar to a guy I met years ago, he used to talk about how handsome he was, how he could be a model because he's tall, he also implied that I should feel lucky for being able to enjoy his long monologues about history and feminism kek.
No. 2375069
>>2375050I think so too. Anytime they like something they always have to take it too far and oversexualize it to a grotesque extent. You can tell by the way they draw porn and make the body parts super exaggerated and how they go back and forth between wanting to fuck children and wanting a mature mommy with giant boobs. I don't really take their physical preferences seriously because they'll talk about preferences all day long but are repulsive themselves and in reality they would fuck anything that moves if it gave them a chance. I see men who talk about what they prefer too much as just annoying and arrogant because they're the ones that are supposed to get picked by women, not the other way around. Yet women get way more demonized for talking about our preferences.
>>2375058Tall men think just because they're tall it immediately makes them a chad. Same thing with having a big dick. I knew this ugly fat moid who thought he's a chad just because he supposedly has a big dick. That and mst men don't see ugliness as a blow to their ego because their value isn't as tied to their beauty in society compared to women.
>>2375063Pretty much, it's having an ass and thighs but also a small waist.
No. 2375097
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Aging double standards is such a big part of the psyop. The expectation is that every woman is supposed to spend their life trying to look younger, while scrotes get bloated and have terrible skin because they have no expectation to maintain their youth. And on top of that women of all ages are pressured/psyoped into finding older scooter attractive and we get called shallow if we want men our own age.
Picrel is a prime example, a woman says a scrote age terribly and people aggressively defend his looks. Meanwhile his costar who is the same age still looks good
No. 2375122
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>>2375097Samefagging again trad pickmes are masochist, not only are you aiming to be completely submissive to a scrote. That scrote doesn't even have to bother staying attractive for you.
>>2375114You are right visibly aged women still have to workout or wear make up. Meanwhile scrotes can be bloated alcoholics.
No. 2375125
File: 1738349298088.webp (17.76 KB, 439x612, london-england-kate-winslet-at…)

>>2375097I am so fucking glad lolcow exists because i used to feel insane when moids would gloat about aging like wine and then i would google how the cute hollywood moids i used to lust after look nowadays and they were always hideous. Pic rel is how kate winslet looks in 2023. Compare her to dicaprio, which moids claim aged like fine wine. At this point i am convinced moids are homosexual with daddy issues and thats why they are attracted to old, walled guys.
No. 2375129
>>2375122What is wrong with these freaks?
Even trad women from the past weren't this much cucked
No. 2375135
>>2375128Now I want a hot jock.
Kinda related, has someone noticed how ugly men tend to be meaner than attractive ones? All of them can treat you like shit of course, but in my experience is the ugly ones who always tried to make me feel bad or made fun of me.
No. 2375140
>>2375125If you compare women stars they look the same, just more mature, with some lines wrinkle, but that’s it, even when they don’t do Botox. While you can tell that the years have been rough on scrotes.
I honestly love aged up women kek.
No. 2375141
File: 1738349712867.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.06 KB, 1200x800, Gie3OAPbYAQxGgl.jpg)

>>2375097Oh my God.
That transformation.
No. 2375145
>>2375128I feel like you nonnas just mean a man who is still capable of having a conversation and who is smart enough but not pretentious and obnoxious.
Stupid people are very annoying kek, no matter the gender.
No. 2375156
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Do you think we as women should care less and even not taking part in beauty rituals, or should we force men to follow them?
No. 2375181
>>2375145You know what? I've just thought about it, and no, not really. After a while you can predict what they're going to say with 99.9% accuracy. I genuinely can't remember the last time I've heard a male take that would surprise or engage me, or provide any intellectual stimulation a woman couldn't, once you've talked to 10-20 of them you've basically talked to them all. YMMV, but depending on your own braincells and level of enrichment, males become remarkably boring remarkably fast.
Therefore, the "conversation" factor becomes nearly irrelevant compared to looks and compliance.
No. 2375183
>>2375156There's a difference between spending hundreds on your appearance, having a neurotic routine, and permanently altering your body and taking care of yourself. WASHING YOUR FACE, WEARING SUNSCREEN, AND DOING PILATES ISN'T THE SAME AS BEING A SLAVE TO BEAUTY STANDARDS. It's NOT ANTIFEMINIST to have
respect for your body and the human form. IT'S NOT WRONG not to want to look like you were left out in the sun for 50 years. Taking care of yourself shouldn't be a gendered act. God gave you the gift of being a beautiful, intelligent human not a fucking warthog.
(integrate) No. 2375188
>>2375179You’re right I really am blessed by not having had to deal with scrotes honestly. Thanks angry
No. 2375195
>>2375188Nonnita it’s okay to feel sad about not being asked out and expressing it. I’m on your side , don’t worry.
I’d say that it’s much more harder to be approached in real life now than years ago. I used to get approached a lot some two years ago, but now it happens less, although I like it since better people approach me now, so I would also factor this. I’m also a college student so it’s easier for me, it might be more difficult if you’re not.
No. 2375198
>>2375156Well look around you, we live in this world now where
supposedly there's body positivity and
supposedly women are allowed to deprioritize beauty. What did that get us? Beauty standards for women are more extreme than ever, with women (even young women) opting for more extreme procedures, procedures which were normally reserved for rich middle-aged women. The only thing the body positivity movement did was make it politically incorrect to criticize
men for their looks, when it was already considered irrelevant at best and inappropriate at worst before it's rise.
We're still going to be held to this standard whether we choose to pursue it or not, so we might as well hold moids to it too.
No. 2375204
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I hate when I see women dumb like her doing this stupid shit, it's thanks to them that some people tend we have to go as far as possible to be look good. For who? I've never seen men doing this, they would never do it. Also, I hate when women say they do it for themselves, sure.(off-topic)
No. 2375221
>>2375215eh i am sad because i liked doing all that, except shaving, and i am pissed we dont live in a society where i can find a man that shares my love for wearing make up and cute clothes
>>2375219lol they dont exist, i am 22 and all men my age are already walled and super sexist.
No. 2375278
File: 1738354447469.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait used to be believable els…)

>>2375272>baiter brings up 16yos before in the thread>everyone calls them out for making up bullshit>suddenly this bait post comes upyou need to try harder, retard
No. 2375304
File: 1738355288897.png (1.61 MB, 1333x1077, Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 20.25…)

Both these scrotes are haggard and ugly imo but Kevin Costner's ex wife is so based for leaving him for a man 20 years younger than him. Normalize women doing this.
No. 2375309
>>2375288See? This is what I meant, some of you are weirdos.
The one who simply want a younger scrote who has hair and no beer belly are normal, but others ..not so much.
No. 2375315
>>2375309kek i guarantee absolutely no man on earth would ever shame another man for dating a 17 year old girl unless he's doing it for views/virtue signalling
women are our own worst enemy, we moralfag each other for things men would never moralfag each other for, ever
No. 2375318
>>2375303It is the expectation of having to wear it that’s bad
>>2375301Im 24 and my dad suggested I get with this 17 year old family friend’s son and
make him my slave. Yes I talk about enslaving males to my dad. I don’t even like the spoiled fag. Males do not care so I am not surprised if this is real.
>>2375313You are not very smart
No. 2375396
File: 1738359145769.jpg (105.49 KB, 1037x1600, IMG-20250129-WA0001.jpg)

Look who's apparently deserving of being a male model now (of course immediately debuting in Paris) - Heidi Klum's absolutely busted 19yo son, who just looks like a slightly younger but exact copy of his dad Seal who might has one of the roughest faces on the entire planet…
Her daughter has a total doll face and nevertheless (rightfully) get's shit for being a nepo baby, meanwhile so many moid nepos completely fly under the radar.
No. 2375417
>>237539690% of celeb kids are fugly
brad pitt and angelinas biological kids are ugly as hell
No. 2375428
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>>2375417Lily rose kinda. She’s not ugly but she’s extremely mid compared to her parents
No. 2375431
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>>2375417Shiloh is beautiful
Thank god her parents didn't put her on hormone replacement therapy
No. 2375484
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>>2375428Irrelevant, but I'll help you out and make it relevant again, Johnny Depp is busted beyond belief. He was like 30 years older than Amber Heard and somehow his PR campaign was so good, they actually convinced the public that somehow the mistreatment was at least equivalent. It's insane to me he looked this busted and still had fangirls simping for him.
I never found him attractive, even when my friends would gush about him in the Pirates of the Caribbean. I just didn't understand. I think the height of his attractiveness was probably before my time, so I didn't have that association with him, and UMP never had a huge influence on me, even in a time I was more naive and we didn't have a phrase for it yet.
No. 2375510
File: 1738363177761.jpg (145.11 KB, 800x1039, Finneas_in_2023.jpg)

>>2375396Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas are both industry babies. He's an obnoxious, talentless hack. He's only 25 here and still looks like he walled twice.
No. 2375534
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>>2375518No clue. I've seen a lot of people try to claim Billie is ugly or whatever (while at the same time sexualizing her as a minor when she first started getting popular), but they completely ignore her troglodyte brother. Picrel is from 2014, so he's like 17 here somehow? It's so bad I'm starting to think there must be some secret conspiracy about his actual age for some unknown reason. It's honestly baffling. I can't imagine why a teenager would have wrinkles like this. He's vegan, so maybe that has something to do with it?
>>2375272Replying to bait, I know, but here's your 17 year old 'shota' kek.
No. 2375536
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>>2375510Never found him attractive but its crazy how much beards can uglify a man.
No. 2375538
>>2375518Probably because she has a distinct sense of style. The layers and oversized items work really well for her, because she's apple-shaped and it can be tricky to find flattering tight clothes for that body type. Also, she's probably had work done on her face, like fillers and potentially a nose job, so obviously she's put more effort into her appearance than her brother.
>>2375534Veganism is absolutely terrible for your appearance unless you follow a regimented, balanced diet. I've heard that it can cause premature balding in men.
No. 2375541
>>2375537Whenever I see a cute ginger moid, I get sad because I know he's going to get obliterated by the wall at like 25. Men already don't wear enough lotion and sunscreen, and gingers in particular
need those products because of how delicate and translucent their skin is.
No. 2375554
File: 1738364648939.jpg (84.97 KB, 415x752, brendan-fraser-sons-leland-hol…)

>>2375417One of the non-fug celeb kids I know of is Leland Fraser. God DAMN. Too bad he's a ginger and gingers age badly, but for the time being he looks very tasty. His only issue is that he has really weird looking nipples.
No. 2375558
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>>2375541>>2375536Reminds me of Bartek Borowiec. I don't know about his skin quality now, obviously these are both retouched photos, but he use to be the ginger prettyboy everyone loved back in the day.
The beard
definitely did a number on him though, now he just looks like every other nerdy techbro who'll scrotepost at you about the subtle intricacies of his favorite metal genre and how they differ from another metal genre that sounds exactly the same.
This photo isn't even the latest, because I remember seeing this one years ago. No idea what he looks like now.
No. 2375567
File: 1738365153180.jpg (236.46 KB, 960x1281, 20230718_BGBeuUVh9XsTcm_M.JPG)

>>2375556He's male but his nip placement is giving TiF. Love those pants though, I kinda want a pair like that.
No. 2375589
>>2375518Males are genetically deficient. I'm not saying this in a meme way, they literally are. If there is something wrong in the genome, it's more likely to actually be expressed in the male offspring due to lack of recombination, poorer DNA repair mechanisms and a myriad of other factors. And I'm not talking about diagnosable diseases, just overall health and genetic quality. The outward proxy for that in humans is facial symmetry and beauty.
The same set of donor genes that may create a mid to pretty woman may (and often does) easily result in a deformed sped male.
No. 2375608
File: 1738366767510.webp (45.65 KB, 600x750, rami_malek_0601_mr._robot_13.w…)

The ugliest actors always get pushed to the forefront.
No. 2375609
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>>2375573>>2375597Supposedly he also forced his wife to bathe in the blood of the executed gladiator after asking them to fuck in front of him. Then he fucked her while she was covered in his blood, after just straight up killing a man she was fucking, while they were in the process of fucking. I don't know if any of this is true, I just think it's funny.
No. 2375614
File: 1738366978286.jpg (625.7 KB, 1776x2400, s1trtse854j41.jpg)

>>2375612no, that's just how his eyes look. he has such a weird head shape too, it's like someone removed his cheekbones
No. 2375631
>>2375608The companion piece to
>>2374754. The next time a nona posts one of these haunted human-skinned predator portraits, we'll have a triptych.
No. 2375643
>>2375628A lot of the time they can't, even if they wanted to. I live in the US, and I've heard Asian moids bemoan how they can't grow a beard. They think I'm just being nice when I say this is a good thing.
The worst thing is when they actually
can, but only sort of. It's not like the beards white moids usually grow. Asian moids tend to grow theirs very patchy and stringy. You'd think less beard = less bad, but it definitely looks worse than a full bush. Most of the time they realize how ugly this is, so they just shave it off, but some of them will cling to what little they have, and they keep insisting that'll 'grow in'. It always looks grody and never 'grows in'. They always look better clean-shaven anyways, but for the most part, they do want to fit in with other western moids.
No. 2375655
File: 1738369093758.png (1.75 MB, 1396x1322, minox.png)

>>2375643this page is full of asian guys rubbing chemicals on their jaws to grow beards
No. 2375658
File: 1738369225343.jpg (Spoiler Image,479.91 KB, 1897x1494, 1000019702.jpg)

>>2375643Yeah when they can grow facial hair, it usually looks like this:
No. 2375659
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>>2375590Your only ayrt. I like shorter faces like picrel
No. 2375661
>>2375658nta and kek that is so fucking true. all of the baby-faced asian moids
always look like that once they have a slither of hair and they think they're tough shit
No. 2375690
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>>2375655He's not exactly Asian though
No. 2375722
>>2375698Beards are so for the scrote gaze its not even funny. It almost always makes moids look worse unless they are chinlets compensating in which case they are trading hideous for slightly less ugly but still unattractive.
If they expect women to shave their pussies they need to shave their face pubes.
No. 2375767
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>>2375717I personally think it counts, even if they aren't being marketed as heartthrobs. If they're on television, in movies, even fictional media, they are still being marketed. They represent what one can and should expect moids to look like. Fiction
is fantasy, even if it represents a world the creator doesn't want to exist, it represents elements they think are relevant to the story they want to tell. An average or even ugly male cast isn't necessarily bad depending on the context, the characters they play, the tone and subject matter of the show, etc.
This wouldn't be problem in it of itself, until you contrast this with the way female characters are cast/draw/written, no matter what the role is or what the show/movie/cartoon/anime/book/whatever is about. If moids can look ugly, handsome (rare), old, young and have the vast gradient of their characteristics represented, and the less conventionally attractive individuals of their sex are not penalized for it or made to play only side characters, you should expect to see this with actresses as well. Except we don't see that at all. Picrel only includes Hollywood, but this trend is seen across tv shows and the like as well.
Instead, women actually receive more roles than moids in the beginning of their careers during their 20s, and then in their 30s there is a very sharp decline. For actresses, their careers peak at 30. For moids, this is the opposite. They might receive less roles in the early 20s, but they steadily gain more as their career advances and they peak 46. They continue to still have many more prominent roles, where as women have a sharp reduction to the roles they are offered. These roles are given to younger women at the beginning of their career, and the cycle continues, now that the 'old' set of actresses have aged out of their 20s.
I don't think I have to mention how actresses are always selected for their attractiveness, it's pretty clear that they favor young, pretty, thin women. Moids are not held to this standard, and you see a wide range of different kinds of moids in different kinds of roles. The fact that moids are allowed to have successful careers throughout their entire lives, while actresses have a mere decade, says a lot without having to say anything at all. They don't need to spell it out for you when you see that moids can look like anything, old, fat, or ugly, and yet still be paired off with women who are young, thin, and pretty. The message is implicit that women
must look a certain way to get roles on screen, and whatever moid they're given to, they have to accept. Moids don't need to look like anything in particular, though you can infer that perhaps youthful is actually something they
shouldn't look like, since they receive less roles in their 20s and peak in their late 40s, even if their female co-stars are half their age. You can probably further infer this might go for other qualities too, like actual attractiveness. It's just not fair, and it's not meant to be. They want to manifest this into reality, so they'll keep doing shit like this until life imitates art.
tl;dr ugly men on screen (or even other forms of media) is an implicit endorsement of ugly men, especially if the women alongside them are beautiful.
No. 2375871
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>>2375631Add this to the trifecta
No. 2375873
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>>2375871where are my buscemi nonas at we must defend our honours
(>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs) No. 2375921
File: 1738390839407.jpg (374.09 KB, 1857x2048, 1000014083.jpg)

>>2375900The whole ashbie and pepe thing is ugly scrote entitlement
No. 2376027
File: 1738401400056.jpg (45.24 KB, 640x422, 1665082464233.jpg)

>tfw from south america
>when we greet someone we are supposed to kiss eachother on the cheeks
>every single moid save children have beards or those recently shaved pubes on their faces
>everytime i get a kiss from a bearded moid i get a pimple or rash the day after
this is hell, and if i say no then i get scolded by people for being unpolite. This stupid tradition only exists to make women suffer.
No. 2376057
File: 1738404729519.jpeg (41.11 KB, 479x641, IMG_8027.jpeg)

i want to talk about this ugly fuck again. he’s so putrid to look at. i remember when he had this haircut in every movie and i wanted to punch him so hard. as a kid i remember wanting to cut his fugly mole off. how do men like this ever make it in the industry? what other moid celebs give you this vibe nonnies
No. 2376077
File: 1738406407156.jpeg (33.51 KB, 739x415, IMG_8028.jpeg)

>>2376073wes anderson needs to get his dick out of ugly scrotes assholes. we get it, you’re kinda weird and ugly too, you don’t need to force it down all
our throats.
also, ramona flowers two love interests being ratman schwartzman and michael cera? give me a break, fuck you edgar wright while i’m here
No. 2376110
>>2374144>>2376057Why is it I can only imagine a JAP(Jewish-American Princess) behind these posts. One whose mother is constantly trying to hook her up with "nice jewsish boys" who look like Schwartzman, which has in turn made her develop a deep hatred of him and his phenotype. Said mother which has also prpbably commented on "what a cutie he(Schwartzman) is" whenever she catches him in media.t. someone who's been in a similar situationYou do you nonna.
Either way I feel like he had some appeal in things pre-2010, after that he began to hit the wall full speed when his skull began to expand and boyish looks faded. His stupid expression he makes only exacerbeated his fall in looks with the forming of his forehead wrinkles.
On similar note can anyone tell me why moids force stupid expressions that age them so bad. I think the saying, "keep making stupid faces and your face will get stuck like that," could not hold truer than today with all moids making soi face and forcing other dumb expressions they think are "cool."
No. 2376121
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imagine being one of the most gorgeous actresses on earth and having to marry some shiny bald 50 year old haggot who looks like he has aids
No. 2376163
File: 1738414403017.png (1.47 MB, 1440x1868, bdca13d9-6bb7.png)

Why are men so obsessed with their dick size when studies show they cant use them right(most women dont come from PIV)? why cant they obsess over something that matters to women like having hair and a fit body instead?
No. 2376306
File: 1738420981305.webp (74.56 KB, 860x1295, SamFugwell.webp)

My first hint at the existence of the UMP was that I got in a HUGE fight with my high school bf about whether this ugly rat was attractive. I remember being totally dumbfounded that he gave a shit whether or not I thought this guy was hot. He was SO fucking butthurt that I didn't. He gaslit me into thinking I had "unusual tastes" because I liked "pretty boys" (see: slender, attractive young men), it took me years to realize that I (and every other girl I knew) had been meme'd into thinking we were freaks for liking actual cute guys.
No. 2376429
File: 1738425824098.jpeg (226.5 KB, 1054x1374, IMG_1085.jpeg)

Apparently Dylan o Brien is in a faggot movie and a scene has been going around on X where he is fucking the protagonist…and I just don’t get women fawning over it? Do you nonnas find human male on male sexy?
Dylan is ugly too nowadays.
No. 2376493
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>>2376488it's like his whole face got washed out and gay
No. 2376518
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>>2376507I feel like sometimes men just want to look uglier. They don't like it when a bunch of women are fawning over them, so they uglify themselves.
No. 2376523
>>2376446There are actual decent looking faggots making content for women. I think women into ugly men like
>>2376429 are TIFs self inserting.
No. 2376590
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>>2376487i know you're joking but still
No. 2376595
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>>2376590i'm not joking, look up photos of her before the plastic surgery
No. 2376785
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>>2376199>Like i dont think any woman is going to pick an ugly guy for their dick like how men sometimes date mid women for their boobs and ass.apparently some women do because this fourth member of the bug eyed brigade used to get shilled
everywhere a few years ago and was dating women out of his league nonstop just because of that "big dick energy" meme and because of some joke ariana put about his dick in one video
No. 2376795
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No. 2376811
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I just realised what bald men remind me of. Vultures.
No. 2376814
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Baldonis so ugly he's so ugly he is so fucking ugly I cannot stand seeing his face everywhere ew
No. 2376842
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>>2376816NTA but i think you are being a contrarian only because you know it makes men angry. But honestly she's 100% right. I dont care if a moid feels bad about having a tiny pp when him having a big pp wont change anything about how i feel about him and wont make him hot either. Men with big dicks are utterly useless if they dont come packed with a nice face, body and clit sucking lips, and idagf about them and their gay little dick measuring contests only other scrotes cares about. Men instead should develop an inferiority complex over things that do matter, like having hair, having handsome faces, perfect fit bodies that arent too roided nor too skinny, being good pussy eaters, etc.
No. 2376846
>>2376819Yeah, just do whatever works for you.
>>2376827Ty nonna. I agree, the big dick thing seems like it's partially because they want to hurt women too rather than pleasure them. Though I've also seen some who seem deluded and think just having a big dick means they'll automatically pleasure every single woman even if they suck at sex.
>>2376828The thing is I don't care at all about their feelings, I still insult them over all these other things and they get hurt and seethe over it (especially the bald thing), it's just that I don't see the point in pretending I care about the dick size thing and would rather insult them about things I actually care about instead. Not like they listen either way though, they still think I secretely want them just because they have a big dick anyways.
>>2376835Me saying I don't really care about big dicks isn't the same as telling them small dicks are cute though kek? I simply say size doesn't matter to me that much, I don't go around praising small dicks or something.
No. 2376869
>>2376849are you prescribed medication? i think you need some.
>>2376828 read this again.
No. 2376875
>>2376871"Stop caring about your dick size" translates into "I literally love micropenises and you're perfect." in the male brain. You're thinking like a woman right now.
>>2376869You sound fat
(infighting) No. 2376895
>>2376883However, dicklets should feel bad and constantly compensate to you even if you don't care about how big a second hand meat dildo is. Also, they need to care about the way it
looks more - disgusting bovine coloration, callused texture, saggy skin, etc.
No. 2376910
>>2376895yes, they do need to make up for their shortcomings (lol) in every other way possible. preferably with money and good grooming and hygiene
No. 2377123
>>2377114i’m getting close to it!
to get back on OT, i remember so many girls in highschool fawning over my dad.
only because he is a younger father and i guess ‘dresses well’? (he asks me for advice) he’s not objectively attractive at all, tbh, and i’ve told him to his face that he ruined my genes.
it was and is so strange to me that just because he is a young father so many girls made it a whole ‘daddy’ thing and constantly made remarks about my dad. a couple of the girls and one gay guy had running bits that they were in love with my dad and would fuck him someday. makes me want to gag, and i would tell them that! every single new person i meet will make a comment on my dads attractiveness, but I KNOW that he isnt even attractive, its just because they dont expect that of a dad
No. 2377126
>>2377092if he does that he probably has the same thoughts himself if you didn't know, it's called Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP). there are other people with TIM fathers and trans widows you could connect with if you're interested.
>>2377123it's really disgusting and pornbrained people are calling your father hot to your face, what do they expect you to say? sounds like they get off on your discomfort, nasty coomers.
No. 2377275
>>2376846>the big dick thing seems like it's partially because they want to hurt women too rather than pleasure themnta but i've thought about this for years, it all coincides with the facefucking shit too. i've seen moids with 'big dicks' saying that it doesnt feel all that good because it's literally too much ground to cover. i feel like the men who obsess over it the most are probably below avg or avg, maybe slightly above. seems like dudes w actually oversized penises can
miss out on sexual opportunities because it's like a deformity. for me personally, if i talked to a guy and his penis was abnormally sized, i would probably lose interest. i'm sure its the same for most of you nonnies but i prefer stimulation not being fucking rammed, it doesn't even feel good
No. 2377294
>>2376842If there were a button that turned all of the guys with 8+ inch dicks into gorgeous dudes with average dicks, I would slam that shit. If there were a button that would delete male pattern balding from the human genome, but all of the guys with 8+ inch dicks had to be sacrificed, I would do it in a heartbeat. Microdicks and STDs are gross, but aside from that, the qualities of a guy's penis are an extremely low priority for me. It's a million times more important that he look hot with his clothes on, because that's what I'll be seeing most of the time.
Also guys with big dicks tend to be bad at sex because they think their retarded crotch hose automatically makes them good at it.
No. 2377421
>>2376493the pedostache
Why do moids think its attractive? It just attracts gay moids. The gays love pedostaches and overly masculine men or the ones with faggoty filler filled lips and twink looks
No. 2377474
>>2377449because inevitable painful phimosis due to what lives inside dicks
>inb4 just was it moids don't even wash their asses and hands in 2025, literally 0 of them washed their wursties before running water existed
No. 2378103
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crazy that this ugly inbred looking weirdo has every quirky millennial woman in a chokehold
hes ugly and you can tell by how unfunny his solo work is that Julian Barrett/Rich Fulcher wrote nearly all the funny lines in their show
also he dated Pixie Geldof when she was 16 and he was 33 and laughed about 'how angry her dad was'
No. 2378214
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More women waking up to the psyop and how much ugly scrotes get coddled
No. 2378225
File: 1738527090095.png (188.56 KB, 523x518, least insecure moid 2.png)

Men are throwing a tantrum over an otome game adding a period tracking function where the guys comfort you and ask to buy you pads. Men are acting like its in any way comparable to their little girl rape simulator games.
No. 2378325
File: 1738530345056.jpg (118.43 KB, 736x1045, calebmc.jpg)

I love when LADS makes scrotes seethe. Me and millions of other women have various fictional boyfriends including a yandere who works full time and does all the chores including cooking.
No. 2378357
>>2378325They’re calling it a goon game when it’s just romance. The stories are very sweet (apart from the fighting kek) and there is no explicit , crude scenes, it’s just implied kek. I might even put it again.
Meanwhile you have games where scrotes literally have characters open like rotisserie chicken.
No. 2378411
File: 1738532390021.jpg (597.58 KB, 1000x654, basedwomen.jpg)

>>2378384True, sadly they can't make it overly sexual pretty sure due to app store guidelines and they're based in Shanghai. Pic rel is some of the worker's desks!
No. 2378672
>>2378626a lot of names i enjoy have been co-opted by tifs kek. ezra, adrian, michael, alexander, noah.
i love pretty much all female names and especially "old" names, but old male names are usually ugly.
>>2378639these sound a little stereotypical. also bob wtf
No. 2378753
>>2378639Well, none of those names are
English. I can't comment on them because I don't have cultural context, like perhaps hispanons see them the way we see Bob. The sex appeal of an obese accountant
No. 2378764
>>2378375Men truly have no self awareness at all if they think this is even comparable to the PETITE 18YO FORCED ANAL GANGBANG shit they watch for hours every day.
I can't wait to see endless male seething and coping over this game as it gets more popular.
No. 2379008
>>2378103Yes honestly, Julian Barrett was the true genius of The Mighty Boosh
>>2378131Noel Fielding
>>2378639Sneaking Bob in there is crazy
No. 2379063
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>>2378411when are they going to open a USA office?
No. 2379479
>>2375655>using minoxidil on beard and not on his receding globular hairlineit looks so bad too, looks like that video of some Hispanic scrote in a club kissing a woman and getting his beard paint on her kek.
Need to start convincing scrotes of any race to do actual looksmaxxing and not fagmaxxing by telling them the fagmaxxing methods are all a ploy by the ebil foreigners to reduce their ethnicity/nationality's population.
No. 2379495
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>>2376121even fiction isn't an escape. 4 seasons. 4 seasons of shilling this man and other mid and walled french scrote actors as being "hot", the show tried so hard to pretend that picrel is capable of making a woman ruin potential friendships and humiliate herself for him and other retarded shit, i'm not fucking buying it.
No. 2379505
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>>2378411>mfw i'll never be a based game dev Stacy making cute boy games for womenwhy even live
No. 2379526
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>>2379511second ayrt and you’re right, much closer than my tilda swinton pick kek
>>2376117>think how a female him in terms of looks would never make a careerwasn’t implying that you were wrong with that! there is something to be said though that there are so many ugly men, and then there are 3-4 female actresses that are typecast in these roles for either just being old or gnc or lesbian or something, and still miles more attractive/appealing and better, kinder people
No. 2379566
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>>2379495picrel is more of what i was talking about, this character sends Emily lingerie as a "gift" and she just "haha yikes a tad inappropriate"s it off, i'd have sent him a lifetime supply of minoxidil and waxing strips and dry shampoo for his greasy head.
No. 2379574
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my poor retarded nonnies
No. 2379709
File: 1738599886601.jpg (144.88 KB, 2560x1440, GigDsypX0AIb-5b.jpg)

>>2378225How dare women have standards?
Same shit over and over again because deep down they know how ugly and insecure they are,so they make retarded posts like this. The more I read in this thread,the more I came to realize that most,if not all men,are literally the same.
>>2378325based,real moids could never
>>2378602pic related
No. 2380629
File: 1738625215710.png (1.14 MB, 1275x713, 1644431699975.png)

>>2379505I am trying to make my cute anime boy re-skin of Advance War. But i was sadly cursed being a NGMI poorfag that has to go to college. So far i only have some barebones art of the protagonist and some mild godot engine knowledge. Fuck i wish i was rich so i could work on my dream project without being bothered.
No. 2381314
File: 1738664444357.png (326.23 KB, 697x670, right.png)

>severe widow's peak
>it's literally just male pattern baldness
They are so delusional and not one person in the comments pointed out it's just his hairline receding.
Imagine if a woman tried this shit.
No. 2381483
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>>2380629incredibly based
nonnie, based beyond belief, i admire you so much for even starting, i strive to have even half the dedication you possess.
♥ No. 2381727
nonny i wish i was you, i broke up with a guy once because he looked visibly uncomfortable when i talked to him about my period and that made me think of him as a faggot kek
No. 2381756
File: 1738686583602.png (74.23 KB, 595x845, 1738641583326.png)

How men and pickmes are reacting to something as harmelss as LADS is honestly ropefuel. Where is this concern for women when men make stuff like playboy, the porn industry, all the coomer games with underage anime girls, all the movies with fanservice scenes? Its one of the most blackpilling things i have ever seen. Its like the century long struggles of women to compete with the unrealistic and harmful standards of men dont exist. All those heroin addicted models dont exist, anachans and miachans dont exist. Only when men's feelings are hurt and women's standards raise, that's when its harmful. The worst part is no man is going to harm himself and develop harmful EDs thanks to LADS. They arent going to try and become appealing to women after seeing how popular the game is. They are going to find a way to victize themselves and blame women instead. There is no harm being done at all to men thanks to LADS, because crushing beauty standards dont exist for men and never will. They are such baby whiny faggots.
No. 2381795
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>>2381756But pandering to scrotes using a virtual anime girl that has cleavage is le moral? Jfc pick mes never prosper
No. 2381809
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>>2381795Samefag, she's live right now playing Wuthering Waves. With notorious fan service and even tweeted this shit. But LADS le bad! and women are raising their standards tooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 2381840
>>2381756I personally see it as lifefuel. I remember when the idea of AI sexbots first became a remote possibility and incels were leaping at any sign of women being upset by this to screech about how
>women are SO totally seething about how this means we won't need them anymore!!!11!!1 We hold all the cards now!!!!And now that the tables are turned they're absolutely shitting their pants. Men need to be reminded more that we have enough sperm frozen up in banks that if every man on earth was eliminated tomorrow (
inshallah) we would be completely fine as a species.
No. 2382099
File: 1738698594931.png (Spoiler Image,681.99 KB, 479x595, 2025-02-04 14_48_15-GQ _ Chanc…)

can't believe i saw this actual gremlin featured in gq on instagram today…
No. 2382110
File: 1738698841981.jpg (22.04 KB, 668x81, reply.JPG)

>>2381756wait,this is a woman?
>>2381795>overweight average looking woman>uwu vtuber that is clearly underagewow color me shocked,no wonder she's a fucking pickme
No. 2382125
>>2381756>>2381795Her saying this while being a vtuber who banks on lonely people forming a parasocial relationship with an english speaking pornified anime girl is insane. No self awareness.
Sounds like she's just salty because she was being an annoying moralfag nitpicker and the rest of the LADS community told her to fuck off. As if it were shocking that people don't want you around if you're going to criticize them for enjoying something.
No. 2382350
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>creates spectrum of 'attractive' male faces
>90% of the moids shown are walled
No. 2382422
File: 1738711194239.png (1.15 MB, 1337x896, 1738698573536199.png)

>>2374542Pedo shit literally was THE norm back then until it became taboo later due to feminism.
'Pretty Baby' came out with Brooke Shields playing a baby prostitute and scrotes went wild for it.
Adult male journalists referred to the 12 year old actress as a whore.
Men used to go watch Shirley Temple videos just to jack off to children dancing. Cinema workers reported hearing men groaning and pleasuring themselves when she was 'accidentally' sprayed with milk or showed her underwear while doing kicks.
All men are pedophiles.
No. 2382433
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>>2382350Only guy I liked was Alain Delon
No. 2382477
File: 1738713820914.png (Spoiler Image,147.66 KB, 1602x336, Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 00.00…)

male entitlement is genuinely amazing kek
No. 2382482
>>2382422reminder that suffragettes wanted the age of consent to be 21. Never let these faggots talk about how "it was a different time!!!"
It was always disgusting to fuck a child.
No. 2382545
>>2382477I would only ever post something like this if I was pretending to be someone else that I absolutely
hated. Are men honestly
this shameless?
No. 2382588
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the women in the comments are going wild. maybe it’s because i’m a lesbian but i don’t get it at all? i usually don’t post but i’ve been force fed posts on tiktok, reddit and twitter from this shoot today and it’s bizarre.
No. 2382609
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>>2382588i'm straight and i don't get it either. holy fucking conehead
No. 2382624
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>>2382588Never in life have I been able to surpass the hurdle that is his fist and last name combo
No. 2382654
>>2382647>>2382588He was in a TV show called the unicorn where
he was supposed to be the "perfect dreamy rare unicorn". Bro that is Walter fucking Goggins.
No. 2382878
File: 1738737751769.png (342.16 KB, 1024x3277, IMG_2071.png)

this reddit thread about cruz beckham dating some socialite is so bizarre, they really seem to think that a 19-year-old fit male having a brief fling with an older woman is going to cause some detrimental long-term damage, when it's just mutual fun for both parties that might develop into a long-term relationship, or it might not, but it won’t ‘damage’ either of them. In fact, she’s more at risk from him, just like any other woman dating a moid
No. 2382879
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>>2382878this is who they're talking about, btw, this is who they're claiming looks underage
No. 2382963
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>>2382477>worship my bodyBuddy you’re 30,000 years too late.
No. 2383371
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>>2382350only guy i liked
No. 2383658
File: 1738785105918.png (146.49 KB, 746x598, noitsnot.png)

Another psyop to get women to be into mid men
No. 2383747
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>>2383736by remembering that, regardless of how they look, they all see you as less than human so it's not a loss if you don't date them
No. 2383759
File: 1738788601422.jpg (173.72 KB, 700x595, 1654007102123810007.jpg)

>>2383737Ok, gave a (View) to this slop article so you all don't have to:
>Another notable finding was the curvilinear relationship between self-perceived attractiveness and hostility towards women. Men who rated themselves as either very attractive or very unattractive were more likely to show hostility toward women compared to those who perceived their attractiveness as average. This indicates that both extremes of the self-perceived attractiveness spectrum may foster negative attitudes toward women, though the underlying motivations might differ. For instance, men with high self-perceived attractiveness may exhibit narcissistic tendencies, while men who consider themselves unattractive may externalize their frustrations, leading to hostility towards women.Fugly moids who think they're hot and fugly moids who don't think they're hot hate women! Wow!
No. 2383771
>>2383739Yeah, nonna. They all look like shit, bald, moonfaced and fat or skinny-fat, there’s no inbetween.
>>2383747Not surprising. A bunch of broke troglodytes.
No. 2383780
File: 1738789241956.jpg (350.77 KB, 1080x1142, Wew.jpg)

>>2383759This is what I was talking about when I mentioned the ubiquitous political correctness in any research involving penile sensibilities. Absolutely incredible how this is reported vs what the article actually says, or how cucked and carefully worded the article itself is. This is what passes for science and actually gets funding, truly incredible:
>Male attractiveness is determined by whether the moid personally believes he can attract pussy No. 2383816
For a more scientific and somewhat encouraging study: of it is not very relevant to this thread, except this part:
"An allele at missense SNP rs11803731 (A>T) in TCHH is a strong predictor of straight hair and male pattern baldness in Europeans. The derived allele T is rare in African and East Asian populations, and has been hypothesized to have been positively selected, analogous to the straight-hair EDAR allele in East Asians35. We observe an opposite trend: the derived allele was negatively selected (s = −0.9%, π>99%), decreasing from ∼50% to ∼20% in the past 7000 years. This implies a 1.8% decrease in predisposition to baldness over this period."
Women have been doing their best to select against baldness for thousands of years. Never let yourself be gaslighted by a scrote or handmaiden, your ancestresses all knew baldies are gross. Let's keep the trend up!
No. 2383823
File: 1738790902402.jpg (27.73 KB, 414x545, somali.jpg)

>>2374493>that somali headshape
>British black moids always seem to be especially ugly for some reason, at least the US has some good looking ones.It's because some of them come from different parts of Africa. Afro-americans come from west Africa, like the brits with Jamaican and Nigerian ethnic background. But then they have Africa's horn immigrants like somalis who look completely different.
No. 2384253
File: 1738808548834.jpeg (768.07 KB, 880x1237, IMG_0962.jpeg)

Did anyone else see that post on r/AskMen or something that reached the front-page today that was something like "Men, what celebrity couples do you think are the hottest?" I think it got deleted because I can't find it again, but one highly upvoted comment had this picture of Gene Hackman (94 years old) and his wife (early 60s) and claimed that they're somehow "an ideal looksmatched older couple" and praised her for "locking him down at her ancient age" and everyone was agreeing with them. Someone even said that he's a "Chad" and he could get way hotter women as she's a "6", apparently. Bro his crypt keeper looking ass is NOT a looksmatch with this woman. He needs to Hurry up and die already so she can be released
No. 2384271
>>2384253Way hotter women that understand he has 5 years left at the absolute maximum, sure. The only time men even approach something that can be called "getting better with age" is when they're rich, 99% in the grave and (most importantly) willing to sign everything off to you.
From a settling down perspective, a walking cadaver is unironically preferable to a walled moid between 30 and 80. Within that range you get the worst of both worlds - already completely unfuckable, but with plenty of time to be your burden as he decays.
No. 2384603
File: 1738833858704.jpg (667.6 KB, 1170x1231, former moid enbies.jpg)

I wouldn’t say the left photo is attractive, but he had a cute face and at least looked like he cared about his looks. What’s tragic is he thinks the right photo is a glow-up. Does leaving your ~queer nonbinary~ phase as a moid mean you have to grow patchy facial hair, get dumb face tattoos, and dress like a slob?
No. 2384653
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>>2383823reminds me of khadija mbowe's (a black breadtuber) boyfriend who appeared in one of her videos, like I could never imagine ever being with a man so ugly
No. 2385355
>>2383736Bit of a vent but I have my 2d and 3d boys
nonnie,our moids are fucking awful and the entitlement they have that they deserve a hot girlfriend enrages me. I chose to remain single even if I'm pressured to be in a relationship because "it's the normal thing to do", there's no fucking way I'll be in a relationship with an ugly guy. It's funny when I see the married bitches thing they're superior because they married and also popped a kid kek. Meanwhile I'm single and enjoy my peace,quiet and lack of a balding troglodyte.
The women here are hot and it's a fucking crime we're condemned to procreate with subpar men. I've seen some decent 20-25 year olds but most get hit by a truck at 25+.
And also,the fucking beards. It makes me puke. The corporate IT rats all look the fucking same. I hate face pubes so much.
No. 2385707
File: 1738884472614.mp4 (644.47 KB, 720x1280, AQNCiVsS4ML6D4Ba_ELczpaSQINADD…)

Here's a nice video to cheer us up. Men really don't give a fuck about their "friends" lmao
No. 2385937
>>2385667That's female socialization for you. Women try to protect each other by constantly critiquing one another into falling into line because nonconformity = social ostracization = danger. It's the same reason why women police other women for not dressing, acting, talking, and thinking right. Moids don't understand this so they think we're all catty jealous bitches trying to tear each other down but it's actually a preservation tactic.
In the case of ugly moids, it's because women have internalized from men that the ugly man is the sensitive, better off, kinder, more interesting one, whereas the hot young man is a shallow jock who will mistreat you. Of course, it's a total lie cooked up by rich ugly men who want to literally buy themselves wives, but they've memed women into fighting this fight for them.
No. 2386015
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>>2385937>>2385954Nta but Thank you for putting it into words. I hate when women defend ugly men but I get that they do it because they fell for the “surely the ugly man will be nice and sensitive“ meme.
No. 2386084
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Moids will complain about vidrel as if hooters restaurants and strip clubs aren’t littered everywhere
No. 2386088
File: 1738901991144.jpeg (32.7 KB, 480x453, Gi_91M0boAA-7FH.jpeg)

>>2386084True anon, it's not fair that this could never be a thing in the west. And if it did exist, all the men would be fucking ugly and there would be a dei frog voiced tif on the roster and gay moids would probably sexually harass the staff. I can't take this suffering.