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No. 2369971

There's already a food thread but I would like this thread to be centered around discussing the actual no meat lifestyle.

>how do people respond when they learn about you being veg?

>do you feel more or less healthier?
>do you miss eating meat?
>do ostrovegans have a leg to stand on?(there's a thread on this already)

No. 2369977>>2369980

Thread already exists on /g/

No. 2369980>>2369988

isn’t that mostly recipes with no room for actual debate or discussion

No. 2369988>>2369991

Read the OP
>challenges you've faced
>brands you recommend
>alternatives you recommend

No. 2369991>>2369993

>brands or alternatives
So, food and recipes.

No. 2369993

You can still have discussions and debates, I don't see anything that says otherwise.

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