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No. 2333098
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You figured out how to make a thread properly, huh?
No. 2333103
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>>2333098Yes, it was my first time please be gentle
No. 2333126
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>>2333093The themes anime portrays as Japanese have no relationship to actual Japanese culture at all, and are recent western imports. Actual Japanese culture was as gruelling and brutal as other East Asian cultures and concepts like love and romance were non-existent.
The modernization of Japan under the Meiji emperor gutted 90% of Japanese culture and replaced it with modern western style social and cultural norms underneath a Japanese skin, and you can even see it symbolized in the Japanese emperor and upper classes all adopting western style clothing.
All the weebs glorifying Japan because of anime are just looking at their own cultural reflections and would hate Japan in its traditional cultural form.
No. 2333127
>>2333120it just has grey/brown fur on the legs
>>2333121Honestly based opinion and would be the case if men were the ones to get pregnant, they'd have drive-by abortions in every second store for men. I will never judge a woman for having an abortion, I do not see a fetus as a human being when it literally doesn't even have a functioning brain yet and it's literally not even living at that stage
No. 2333147
>>2333121What would you consider acceptable term limits on abortion if it were normal to have frivolous abortions? Because outside of online politics echochambers the argument is more about whats the acceptable limit to termination rather than the ethics of abortion itself.
It seems to me like the abortion issue in America has mutated into such an abomination because both sides use it as a political football, so you have the right wing that wants to ban it everywhere including rape/incest and the left wing that wants partial birth abortions at the 9th month. Europe is so much more sensible in this regard
>>2333135I agree on the aesthetics, I think Japanese people look best in Japanese traditional aesthetics rather than modern western clothing, but in terms of social norms if I were a Japanese woman I'd be thanking kami-sama that I was born in the modern era instead of the 17th or 18th centuries. People romanticize the past without actually reading the material at the time and seeing what life was like
No. 2333189
>>2333147I'm going to choose to answer your question in good faith but know I think your question is retarded
and scrotey. A woman's body imposes natural limits. To put it simply, late term abortions don't exist. That is just having an unwanted pregnancy. There is no procedure to terminate the life of a baby in its final weeks, you simply induce birth early if the woman really no longer wants to be pregnant or let it take its course. Unwanted pregnancies are usually unwanted from the getgo, which is why it's important that we have access to abortions and birth control. Anything in the middle is usually a tragic terrible decision due to risk to mother or baby's life. You really sound like you're underage or a moid because your questions don't make sense if you have any idea how pregnancy works.
No. 2333237
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>>2333216Dost thou bite thy thumb at me, sir?
No. 2333244
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>>2333237I do not bite my thumb at you sir but I bite my thumb
No. 2333247
>>2333234I am going to kill myself tonight I didn't think it was reasonable that people had this little reading comprehension and intelligence. Am I going crazy? Are you fucking with me?
>The abortion I'm talking about is the killing of the baby at a point where its viable outside the womb.This doesn't happen. Try reading my post for a third time. If you can? What are you talking about!!! There is fuck all you can do about an unwanted pregnancy at this stage, the only choice is to give birth, or induce birth early, either way just give birth to the child. Late term abortions do not exist. Are you from one of those rural places in Europe where they don't have schools or something? Don't burger me I'm european too, you're just really slow.
No. 2333260
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>>2333244>>2333240>>2333216>>2333200Unspoiler this to see some
real power.
No. 2333267
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>>2333133My favorite book is Anne of Green Gables because my mother's family is from there and it seems like such a romantic setting. When I saw there was an anime I had to watch it
Did you also get this image from lolcow or did you find it somewhere else? I may have downloaded it from you as I got it from LC originally
No. 2333374
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>>2333364Well you're out of the realm of normal people and into the permanently online lunatic asylum now.
First trimester is perfectly reasonable, second trimester is highly debatable and third trimester is infanticide.
No. 2333391
>>2333364nta and agree
only naive teenagers, moids, and old maids (aka people who can't get pregnant or seriously don't believe they can get pregnant believe in abortion restrictions.
>>2333374 use your fucking brain. what kind of woman is going to suffer through 8-9 months of pregnancy only to decide at the very last minute that she wants to change her mind? Months of nausea, fatigue, muscle pain, at the point where she might've already lost a tooth from calcium deficiency, where her abdominal muscles have already separated, at the point where she already has stretch marks, where her bladder and intestines have already been squeezed to her limit… what kind of woman suffers through all that only to decide to change her mind?
Do you really think women are that stupid or capricious? 3rd trimester abortions are either out of medical necessity or from women/girls who never wanted them in the first place but didn't have access to abortion until it was too late.
No. 2333401
>>2333382If you were living in antiquity you'd also have a high chance of getting captured and made a sex slave by roaming warbands of scrotes that periodically ravaged civilized lands. And your likelihood of being a slave in antiquity is vastly higher than your likelihood of being a free citizen.
>>2333383We're talking about when a human is defined as a human and where to place that arbitrary limit. And its a serious question, not something that should be made into an ideological football. Because if you are defining babies that can survive outside the womb as not having basic human rights, this has consequences for how we define the human rights in other areas. The higher the bar you set on when human rights are given, the greater the risk that loopholes will be abused.
Also, this is about "frivolous" abortions, not medically necessary ones. Its a completely different judgement call when the mother's life is threatened or if its under some other similar circumstance.
>>2333391You can't make human rights policy on good feelings, the policy has to be tested against any possible abuse. You should assume the absolute worst cases in every scenario so you can test how your policy would protect against such an abuse or facilitate that abuse. I'm Canadian, I've spent the last 10 years seeing my country be destroyed by naive policies that were ruthlessly taken advantage of by bad people.
No. 2333407
>>2333374Nobody cares when women are killed, raped, abused, have ai porn made off their faces, set on fire alive, get payed less, young girls are harassed by their moid classmates and the moids have no consequences, get sexually harrassed by coworkers and withheld promotions, people doubt their intelligence, that there are online groups and real life gangs specifically to sexually harass and rape women, that there is billion dollar industry based off women being raped and brutalized on camera, that no matter what political party a woman chooses she has to choose between private property or public property, both political parties reduce women to a set of characteristics as if they are a fetish stripping them away of their thoughts and the people that enforce these beliefs are a protected class and any woman who dares speak against or even acknowledges it is gaslit and told it's all her fault, that she should forgive or even that she deserved it, and you want me to give a fuck about women aborting a thing she was the one who suffered carrying said thing sucking up all her bodily resources and imposing body changes (often irreversible) for the worse that she is going to have raise and basically give up her own personhood for? I even don't care if some women who wanted an abortion but couldn't get it killed the baby in frustation.
No. 2333411
>>2333401Recognizing that a fetus develops over time and isn't the same at every stage doesn't devalue human rights elsewhere, it reflects the unique nature of
>frivolous abortionsYou are retarded. Most abortions aren't taken lightly, let alone frivolous, ffs women get so much shit for even thinking about getting one. Women seeking abortions often face harassment from bigoted protests outside clinics, online shaming, condemnation from political and religious leaders, and guilt from family and friends, all of which contribute to the stigma and emotional toll of their decision - you are acting like women are willingly getting impregnated and then abort it because they think it's a fun past time.
No. 2333414
>>2333374more explanation since you've clearly never been pregnant before or done any sort of research on pregnancy. 2nd trimester is where you find out if your baby has severe birth defects that can't necessarily be detected by genetic testing. like literally not having a brain. unsurvivable heart defects. all that other fun stuff.
>>2333401legit who gives a shit. a mom is more important than the unborn. the end. politicians have never been qualified to make the judgment call to determine if a mother's life is threatened so why the hell would you give them that power? Worry more about moids killing their pregnant partners, which happens way more often anyway, than about what your hypothetical evil women want to do.
No. 2333417
>>2333405I admit I'm half French so there's some genetic memory there
>>2333407I have no idea who you are arguing with because my position wasn't that abortion should be illegal, but just that it should have a time limit on when it can be done. Because we need to draw the line when human rights apply to humans, and "at birth" is a horrifying place to draw it.
>>2333411I didn't use the word frivolous, the original post I was responding to used it. And once again, this is taking the conversation away from where it matters. If we are going to draw the line at birth, why can't we permit abortions after birth? Why don't we set the requirement for human rights at the ability to take care of yourself? Then any dependent child or disabled person can be abandoned to die in the streets or even killed, and you have no rational argument against it
>>2333414No I haven't been pregnant, but I was almost aborted myself and am sensitive to people trivializing my life's value. I was fortunate my mother wouldn't even consider it despite my father's demands at the time
No. 2333427
>>2333417>No I haven't been pregnant, but I was almost aborted myself and am sensitive to people trivializing my life's value. I was fortunate my mother wouldn't even consider it despite my father's demands at the timeSo? Your mother gave birth to you because she
wanted you, like it should be, and it would have been fine if she didn't want you and would rather abort you instead, it's her decision.
No. 2333433
>>2333418If I was in an economic circumstance where I couldn't have a child or the father was a piece of shit, or even if I just didn't feel it was my time, I would abort. But I wouldn't wait until 2/3 of the way through my pregnancy. This isn't rocket science.
>>2333422I mean in the sense that human rights don't apply to them.
>>2333423This whole debate is about when a baby is entitled to the same human rights as any other human being. A baby having zero rights until its born and then suddenly it can't be killed is ridiculous and arbitrary. The line needs to be drawn further back than that.
>>2333427We're not talking about the morning after pill or a 1st trimester abortion here, we're talking about a fully formed baby that can survive outside the womb. If you say that baby's right to life only applies as long as she's wanted it has huge implications throughout your society. This is how we end up with euthanasia programs killing off the impoverished elderly because it would be more efficient and "humane".
No. 2333439
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>>2333434you are right but sometimes the bait is so alluring i need to reply
No. 2333463
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Why doesn't the board itself have an abortion debate ban? Posting about Korean music is discouraged, which is much less annoying than ~the abortion debate~. I don't care how anyone feels about it (except for lawmakers) and if you're anti-abortion you're a fucking retard for coming here in the first place
>>2333439>alluringNot for the captive audience it's not
No. 2333465
>>2333433fetus-chan, you're making a loooot of assumptions about your capabilities here so let's try some other scenarios. you moved somewhere rural and your car broke down so you couldn't get to a hospital until months later. your hypothetical piece of shit baby daddy traps you so you can't even leave the house until 6 months in. your cycle became unstable or unpredictable due to issues like PCOS or even stress so you had no idea you were pregnant until you started showing, deep into the 2nd or even 3rd trimester. you were doing fine when you were pregnant but then you suddenly lost your job and are now homeless and got yourself deep into debt. need I go on?
also morning after pills don't cause abortions dumbass. they prevent fertilization and implantation.
No. 2333470
>>2333469do you know what the word connotation means
No. 2333486
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>>2333475My unpopular opinion is that ginger men are actually sexy when they have handsome faces, and 99% of the anti-ginger sentiment towards men is because they are ugly gingers
No. 2333491
>>2333470It's the same action either way. "Euthanizing" might make it feel bad but it's an appropriate neutral term. Also thinking about criminal cases where a heavily pregnant women is a
victim, wouldn't it be easier to count as two
victims instead of just one if "abortion" and "euthanasia" are seperate stages?
No. 2333499
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>>2333487Ask yourself if this guy would be any more attractive with brown or blond hair. I do think they've been casting ugly gingers to make everyone associate gingers with ugliness though. Its a conspiracy
No. 2333506
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I do think brown eyes with red or blond hair is GOAT though
No. 2333518
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>>2333510Cillian Murphy in 28 days later
He hit the wall so fast its unreal tho
>>2333516Greatest of all time
No. 2333552
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Unpopular opinion: I don't like deep voices on men. Boyish voices are the best, so long as they aren't nasally or effeminate.
Caveat: has to be cute and with a good jawline.
>>2333542I think that's a pretty popular sentiment
nonny No. 2333559
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>>2333518>He hit the wall so fast its unreal thoWhat are you talking about anon? This is the face I see hovering above me during my sleep paralysis. He must be some kind of angel..
No. 2333565
>>2333559He suddenly went from 28 days later Cillian to old man Cillian in Oppenheimer and it reminded me of my mortality
Just kidding, I never aged a day between then and now
No. 2333804
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Norbit is a hilarious movie and I love it
No. 2333986
Not really an unpopular opinion but I find it weird when people come on here, make a thread, and claim it's a safe space for one group of people. Like the black girl and various race threads, lesbian and bisexual threads on /g/, and sometimes even the amerifag thread on /ot/. It's an anonymous imageboard so how could anything be a safe space? There's no verification, anyone can post anywhere without really being black, or lesbian, or American. I feel like nonnas need to be real and stop pretending titling a thread "Strawberry Lovers Thread" means only Strawberry Lovers post there. Same thing with people who think this is an imageboard for women. That would be nice and all but it really just can't be because there's no verification, half of you could be men (this is not scrotefoiling, mods, just stating statistical probability)
No. 2333996
>>2333990Exactly. It's like moths to a flame. Especially if you're a minority group on lolcow, it's just inevitable that a huge majority of posters will be larping, trolling, or posting disingenuously. I guess I don't really see the point in trying to have a safe space for x group when there's not really any reassurance you're actually talking to others from that group. Any social media app with profiles and pictures at bare minimum would probably be better. You can't really gatekeep an imageboard.
>>2333992It doesn't mean anything sinister it was just the first thing that came to mind kek
No. 2334031
>>2334024Both points of view can be true. Race can be meaningful in explaining some things and rac
ism can also explain some things. I don't get why people think these things are mutually exclusive
No. 2334043
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>>2334034Segregation had nothing to do with keeping black and white people separate though if you really think about it. They wanted black people in their own shitty ghettos and to only be seen in their homes as workers or sex slaves.
No. 2334058
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Sephiroth did nothing wrong and is fully justified.
No. 2334074
>>2334036I hate hate HATE IQ and what it's done to evolutionary anthropology. Personality differences netween groups are so much more important than IQ. IQ is a one dimensional metric like height, its the same thing no matter what race or culture we are talking about. I'm much more interested in genetic group differences in things like introversion vs. extraversion, individualism vs. collectivist cultural values, differences in sociosexual values between groups, etc, and how those differences can be explained by environment (culture) vs. genetic predisposition. And also how these genetic predispositions in personality types may influence how culture develops, and how culture can then reinforce and amplify those genetic predisposition.
Why do introverted white people like Japanese and Korean entertainment? Maybe its because Asian people are more introverted than white people on average, and therefore white people who are on the introverted tail of the bell curve relative to other whites will gravitate to Asian cultures that appeal more to introvert tastes.
This is much more inclusive and non hierarchical than obsessing with IQ, which only allows for winners and losers with no distinctions. Besides, IQ can't explain history anyways, or else it wouldn't have been the Greeks, Roman's and Europeans who discovered and colonized the world but the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. It's absurdly reductionist
No. 2334077
>>2334075Yup, want a free Tesla
No. 2334125
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>>2334058My unpopular opinion is that (most of) the Undertale protagonist's actions in the "bad" runs are perfectly reasonable self defense and the fandom can cry about their blorbos harder.
No. 2334130
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>>2334126Average group of Japanese college students
No. 2334136
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>>2334126Average American college students
No. 2334139
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>>2334126Average Korean college students
No. 2334141
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>>2334130Nta but I don’t think they’re ugly. Just average looking, a group of white epooe don’t look like super models either.
No. 2334144
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>>2334126Average South African college students
No. 2334240
>>2334125I agree with this
>>2334207My second unpopular opinion is that Tifa is better. I don't hate Aerith though. Sephiroth is still justified.
No. 2334278
>>2334268The fact so many furries are
also troons AND racespergs makes me kek so hard. Life shitted them out into the bad end of the gene pool where the water was dark and curdled, and these retards grabbed a snorkel.
No. 2334290
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>>2334278>>2334282NOOOOOOO! I mean anthropology, not anthropomorphism! GAH
No. 2334301
>>2334294Its really funny actually, reading my posts thinking I'm talking about furfags makes it hilarious. Could apply though, I know there are a lot of neo nazi troons.
Anyways its a shame because I love anthropology but the mainstream interest groups are all very woke whereas the ones that allow talk about genetics and evopsych always get taken over by racial supremacists of one type or another
No. 2334319
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People say that you get treated better after having a physical glowup, and while I’m sure “pretty privilege” benefits you in a lot of ways, I feel like people are ruder to me now that I’m more conventionally attractive. I used to be overweight and lost a lot of weight, and while men are nicer to me now (probably because they want to fuck me), a lot of women are nasty to me, much meaner than they were before. Yesterday an overweight unattractive woman who I’d never interacted with before commented on my post calling me a bag of bones and telling me I looked like a man completely unprovoked.
No. 2334360
>>2334319in my experience i haven't noticed that much of a difference with how women treat me but men definitely treat me nicer.
overall you definitely benefit more from being skinny than fat in society. it's been proven that being skinny psychologically has more positive connotations and being fat has negative connotations. like for example, to an employer a skinny person will seem more reliable, put together, organised, while a fatty will seem sloppy and lazy
No. 2334412
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Unpopular opinion: smoking should be mainstreamed again because smoking related disease is less costly and harmful overall than obesity related disease, and obesity rates shot up in parallel with smoking rates crashing.
People need a vice and if they can't get their ciggies they'll go for twinkies instead. Also there is lot less meanness and introversion in society when everyone is thin and attractive.
Oh and smoke breaks are a great way to force socializing and break the ice between strangers
No. 2334430
>>2334427I've legitimately been walking with a smoker, passed a cigarette someone had thrown on the ground OUTSIDE, and she picked it up and lit it and started smoking it without hesitating for a
second. I was dumbfounded. Smokers are degenerates who truly do not give a fuck kek
No. 2334433
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>>2334419If you can rawdog life in current year without any copes my hat's off to you, you're a badder bitch than I'll ever be
>>2334420My tinfoil is that the gov pushed anti smoking to break down social circles so we are fat, depressed and more easily controlled
No. 2334439
>>2334434>>2334436I feel like these anons
are Tumblr/Twitter skellyfags who think smoking is kewl miracle weight loss magic kek.
No. 2334462
>>2334446>In 2019, the global age-standardised point prevalence and death rates for type 2 diabetes were 5282.9 and 18.5 per 100 000, an increase of 49% and 10.8%, respectively, since 1990. Moreover, the global age-standardised DALY rate in 2019 was 801.5 per 100 000, an increase of 27.6% since 1990. In 2019, the global point prevalence of type 2 diabetes was slightly higher in males and increased with age up to the 75-79 age group, decreasing across the remaining age groups. American Samoa [19876.8] had the highest age-standardised point prevalence rates of type 2 diabetes in 2019. Generally, the burden of type 2 diabetes decreased with increasing SDI (Socio-demographic Index). Globally, high body mass index [51.9%], ambient particulate matter pollution [13.6%] and smoking [9.9%] had the three highest proportions of attributable DALYs.Obesity is over 5x as harmful to public health than smoking! If it is proven that aggressive anti-smoking legislation and taxation on cigarettes drives up obesity, it makes more sense to let up on smokers than to allow the fatpocalypse to continue.
No. 2334491
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>>2334282This is the unpopular opinions thread so here goes mine: Furry are only bad if they're moids. Worst case they're zoos, "best" case they're pornsick degenerates with a laundry list of awful kinks. Furry women on the other hand are usually weird autists who never grew out of cartoons and plushies, but they're mostly harmless. I find a lot of furry art made by women to be very cute and pleasant to look at.
No. 2334502
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Anachans usually get thin because they think they can compensate for their genetic ugliness (it doesn’t work).
>inb4 fatty accusations
Fat people are unhygienic and ugly too.
No. 2334505
>>2334502Sure, but being ugly is still better than being fat
and ugly. If you're living in a fat country, you can punch above your face/body looks in quality-of-life if you thin yourself out.
No. 2334512
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>>2334502Careful, the reason for anachans to be ana are varied and you might start an avalanche of bone rattling as they all rush to tell you their specific reason
(ai outside of containment ) No. 2334521
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>>2334502As someone who likes women, tbh I always think that a fat girl with a pretty face that dresses nice looks better than a skinny ugly girl. Picrel are both models
No. 2334540
>>2334535no, there’s definitely not kek? you have to
eat to become fat, it doesn’t just appear on your body anon
No. 2334541
>>2334538Vaping is taxed to hell just like smoking. Where I live vape juice is capped at 3% nicotine content to avoid addiction. A lot of places are pushing very aggressive legislation against vaping, even more aggressive than the anti-smoking campaign of yesteryear, which fuels my tinfoiling.
Let us max out nic content to cigarette levels and stop persecuting and taxing vaping the way they do with smoking and you'll see obesity go down, I'd bet money on it
No. 2334575
>>2334573ah, yes.
10 pounds is fat now
No. 2334590
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>>23345856 lbs 7 oz, weighing in
I'm having fun, we should create a whole community and lifestyle around this
No. 2334596
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>>2334586>>2334590Turns out I was the fatty all along
No. 2334723
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I actually am grateful for fast fashion. I buy shit I actually use and keep.. Fast fashion as a whole had made my style easier to access for me because I was diy-ing my whole life and got tired of doing it for so damn long. I still do make my own accessories, but fast fashion giants had made it easier for me to get the supplies much faster and cheaper. I don't hop on every single style trend that's shat out by the algorithm and when fast fashion stops producing stuff in my style/interests I would probably go back to diy and reusing everything I did get.
Pretty much everywhere uses slave labor and the influencers who got shein/romwe deals that helped them build their following shouldn't be shitting on them afterwards. I see everyone cry about Shein and Temu and it's nothing but performative to me.
No. 2334743
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>>2334738Anon is pointing out that fast fashion is a cheap imitation of high end or runway fashion. So OP saying they "prefer" fast fashion, is actually her admitting she can't afford the "empty consumer husk" version. Most people on this board probably dress according to their body type, budget and preferences but prefer to choose quality clothing over shitty and trashy fast fashion rip offs
No. 2334750
>>2334723I’m one of the tinfoil-chans so bear with me but you notice how normalfags are always chastising other regular people to live subpar? The problem was never truly “overconsumption” the problem is the distribution of resources and money to balance the amount of consumption. If only a certain amount of the population can feasibly pay for these items (also encouraging debt culture with credit cards, loans, klarna) of course most shit is going into a landfill, except for thrift stores there’s nothing else that’s cycling and sustaining these things because most people are renters even with their own money, we are renter citizens now in the West. The decadent rich have honestly won this argument, people are now policing and infighting about how us peasants are really the ones causing overconsumption when it’s really these companies who mass produce so much products they end up sitting on the shelves for so damn long because wageslaves with their wages that haven’t caught up with the inflation and also using fake money (debt money and loans) can’t buy so much to again balance it all out, so then these products also end up in the back inside of trash cans perfectly fresh and still good, expiry dates are very important but also psyops because the average consumer is heavily reliant on the company to process and manufacture products, clothes, etc. without really knowing how to preserve items outside of the expiration estimate period. The real problems that causes controversy is the booming birth rates (despite the propaganda in the media saying it’s slowing down) and also the inability to catch up to rising prices and excess production but in many cases what people haven’t found out that many popular companies have been downscaling their items and products because even
they in their greediness are getting caught in their own scam kek. I’m so annoyed whenever retards try to moralfag about child slavery, it’s always these foreign countries who allow these American companies to do whatever the fuck they want but they’re coincidentally never mentioned or held accountable, it’s always a convenient way to dunk on Americans because apparently Americans who are by far extremely different from the ruling classes in our country owe poorfags and third-worldies everything we have when we don’t. I don’t feel a damn bit bad
No. 2334753
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>>2334744Tbf the high end brand worker also goes back to her slum shared living space but they've relocated the factory to Milan or Paris, so they can say it was "made" there. I think most of the time the product is still produced in a third world factory (Bangladesh mostly now) but the final details are completed in the pop-up Italian factories. I think the only way forward is tech-advancement and replacing the workers with robotics, since no one seems to want to do in the west, even when offered above average wages. There's a lot of costs that go into importing/exporting all the components of a pair of jeans (for example) so theoretically could be used to offset wages but the government should be subsidizing nationalized industries like clothing manufacturing instead of dairy and corn.
No. 2334797
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>>2334793Everyone should but I'm lowkey worried that schitzo anon
>>2334750 has a point and that we're being cow-prodded into reducing our expectations for the owner class. They would rather see us walk around in tattered clothing worn by hordes of other people than invest in their own industries and people, so I'm not even sure if "vote with your wallet" will take us in the right direction anymore. I hope some greedy fuck capitalizes on American-made clothing, it's crazy that no one has yet. The amount of degeneracy Dov Charney was able to squeeze into one mid-life crisis making basic t-shirts and tights should inspire any ambitious moid. I'd prefer a woman did it tho
No. 2334837
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Not the one who posted this weird looking scrote nor do I like K-pop but saw this scrolling through /g/. I understand banning any discourse of them especially on /ot/ but it feels weird to ban literally any picture of them. Almost borderline racist considering every Korean artist is going to be considered K-pop kek imagine banning every mention of Indian pop singers or something. Also kind of funny because how do the mods know the difference between K-pop celebrities and others like actors, are they fans too or do they reverse image search every Korean that is posted? Both of those options seem fucking hilarious LMAO
No. 2334856
>>2334082NTA. China falsified its IQ stats by focusing tests in urbanized areas. Rural people are extremely low IQ on average, and the worsening environment is probably making everyone lower in that metric. Cheating isn't frowned upon in a lot of Chinese communities, which plays into academia as well.
Racists don't talk about these things because they want to use Asians as a buffer race between themselves and black people. However, they don't want Asians filling up their universities or actually taking their place in society (hence the affirmative action debacle and how East Asian associations are complaining because they aren't filling up the uni spots they thought they'd get in return for helping right-wingers get rid of it).
As a disclaimer, I personally don't buy into IQ as the end-all be-all. People who think it's some in-born, concrete metric are either retarded or misinformed. There's a lot of dishonesty and politics around it, and those who fixate on it tend to ignore the fact that you can also literally study for an IQ test (lmao). I'm just pointing the China thing out because it was one of the first things that made me question all this.
>>2334036Because "race realists" don't want to help anyone, they want to feel superior. They're willing to screw over other white people to this end as well, by the way.
No. 2334874
>>2334856China may or may not have falsified IQ results but Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan and South Korea all score similar to China's alleged IQ so I doubt it's far off. And even if it was, the case remains that the other Asian countries didn't do much either, whereas tiny Portugal was already sailing all over the world a couple hundred years after its creation.
>>2334860Personality differences for example. East Asians score lower on self reported empathy than Caucasians, and this also shows up in genetic markers associated with high empathy being less common in East Asia than Europe. However the genetic traits associated with psychopaths are entirely absent from Asians but do exist in Europeans at low levels. Also there is a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4 that has a direct impact on openness to experience, with the higher repeat variants being associated with more extraversion and novelty seeking than lower repeat variants. Northern Europeans and Latin Americans of all races have the highest number of repeats, with northeast Asians and South Asians having the lowest number of repeats, with the rest of the world being intermediate. This may have played a huge role in the culture of these groups because the most nomadic and exploratory peoples also have the highest repeat variants, and the most long settled people have the lowest repeats. There's all sorts of fascinating stuff to sperg about with genetic anthropology but racial supremacists ruin everything by making it all about who's better or worse
No. 2334877
>>2334735That only happens if you're illiterate and don't read the description for the material or the reviews to see what it looks like irl. You pretend to know what "quality clothing" looks like but I bet you don't actually spot shein/temu/aliexpress stuff irl as you claim and would only know if you were told it was. You just want to pretend to be some elite fashionista who buys expensive brands, as if it matters. Most people shopping on Shein don't give a shit about brands, they're looking for cheap alternatives in the first place, telling them "but it's cheap??!!" won't deter them from buying at all. The whole point is that it's cheap. The things I bought off Shein have lasted me for 5 years now and I still use them and wear them, no one can tell where it's from or even cares because they're not mentally ill and Shein isn't on their mind rent free 24/7.
No. 2334913
>>2334877>Shein isn't on their mind rent free 24/7This is probably the weirdest and most personally attacked I've ever seen an anon on lc. I don't care that you wear ugly and cheap clothing, your tacky friends probably think you look amazing too so you have nothing to worry about. Not sure why you care that some people disagree and understand that reviews mean nothing on sites like shein and they lie about the blend percentage of fabrics too (plus they're always sheer/thin). There has always been discount or affordable versions of "name brand" clothes, where you're missing the point and sperging for no reason is that
all clothing is trash currently. But go on being a
triggered moron defending the shittiest brand in existence, we also need more smug bpd bratz memes itt
repost for ESL
No. 2334939
>>2334874I can sperg about non-IQ race differences.
There was a time back in the 2000s when the "warrior gene" was discovered. A double repeat of the MAOA allele, which is a strikingly accurate predictor for violent crime and anti-social behavior. It's now called the warrior gene, but originally it was called the "thug gene" because it was common among criminals. It influences the metabolism of serotonin apparently, and even in mice it's found that a similar gene predicts aggressive behavior. The historically most tribal and polygamous parts of the world are today the same parts of the world with massive violent crime. And that gene is clustered pretty heavily in those populations. The polynesians, West Africans and Native Americans in particular. Cannibalism and torturing people to death slowly over a long period of time were commonplace historically in those areas, and shocked the europeans when they arrived. They even commented on how native american kids would commonly be found torturing animals. Even today you see this linger. African soliders commit horrific warcrimes, cartel members are brutal and polynesian societies all have problems with criminal gangs. A cartel member slicing apart a
victim with a chainsaw is really just a modern gimped up version of an aztec ripping the heart of a
victim, it's the same people doing a similar thing.
West Africans, the population african americans are derived from, are the most polygamous people on earth, taking 15+ wives, well beyond what even islam allows. Philip Rushton, a biologist writing back in the 90s, applied r/K selection theory between the races and uses East Asians and Africans as the two extremities, with Europeans lying in the middle. The reason African babies crawl earlier, grow up faster, have puberty earlier, grow to be larger is because they had to grow up fast and burn themselves up in intense tribal warfare, the winner getting a ridiculous amount of wives. The weakness of black families was noted by every historical explorer, from the Dutch to the Arabs. African men would win an intense tribal war, form a harem, and basically pawn off their kids to their less successful siblings to raise. Dutch explorers in west africa used to be shocked that women did all the work farming while the men literally reclined and gossiped all day. The soil was easy to turn and didn't take much intense labor. The relative economic success of black women over black men in the united states may be due to this, because women there really did work more.
It's also weird to notice tropical areas with settled farming produced some really small people. Bolivia, Philippines, India are three areas of the world with a similar climate, where people noticeably shrank down in average height. They adjusted for famine conditions. That's why Indians put on weight so easily and get diabetes pretty quickly if they don't watch what they eat, and struggle to put on muscle mass. Fiji is a tropical island but there people there very large, some of the largest in the world, there was no large scale settled farming where people had to wait out famine. Instead because the population was low and tribal warfare was constant, the stronger and bigger ones had more kids. Take a strong and large Fijian to Feudal India in a rice paddy and he'd starve to death during a bad monsoon season, muscles are expensive.
No. 2334948
>>2334939People pit East Asians on the end of the extreme but they also have higher rates of the MAOA allele. It doesn’t fit the narrative. The Rape of Nanjing doesn’t fit the narrative either,
>have puberty earlier, grow to be largerWhat? Europeans and Native Americans are the largest races. Also, puberty happening earlier is directly tied to insulin resistance. It’s not a racial trait when you exclude that factor/obesity rates.
I think it’s interesting that with the way modern society paints a picture, you would think the torture and dehumanisation of peoples considered “other”, especially during colonisation, by the Europeans never happened. Kek.
No. 2334954
>>2334948True, East Asians do tend to have it higher than Europeans. I apologize for speaking so authoritatively and getting an aspect wrong. But regardless, it's an instance of a gene we can see working on an individual level, I think one study showed gang members with the gene present were more likely to have used weapons and be in prison for violent crime.
Isn't American football filled with african blacks, and same with Basketball? In terms of muscle strength I think it's eastern europeans that are the strongest, going by power lifting stats. But there's a trade off a bit between raw muscle strength and twitch fibre reflexes, so that doesn't tell the whole story. But it seems like polynesians are a large part of the rugby teams in the Australian/New Zealand parts of the world. Blacks seem to punch well above their weight athletically wherever they go, aren't the European football teams filled with them?
No. 2334955
>>2334913>I don't care if you wear ugly cheap clothing!1!1!Then why complain about people buying off shein just because it's cheap? If you didn't care, you wouldn't be hellbent on criticizing it and anyone who buys off it on the basis of "it's cheap!!!", you'd just carry on with your life and not care about who wears what from where. You're probably busy looking at strangers' outfits and analyzing them to spot if it's "cheap" or not. None of you anti-sheiners even explain why is it cheap exactly and what are some substitutes to it, you just want to moralfag over clothes to feel better about your overspending on clothes.
>they lie about their fabric blendsI don't live in the USA so we have actual restricted on imported goods, all my jeans and cotton clothing are legit the material they are, the reviews has people wearing the clothes and describing any issues if present. It's not that hard to find quality items for reasonable prices. None of it was ever sheer either. The clothes I buy from brands like Breshka ended up being sheer, funnily enough. While cheap clothing shops that import from China have nice pieces that lasted me for decades.
No. 2335047
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>check thread days later
Bloody hell. Anyway, my unpopular opinion is that "pansexuals" are just people who think they're too speshul and quirky to identify as bi. I don't think it's unpopular here but it is everywhere else.
No. 2335052
>>2335047Pansexuals are retards, so are demisexuals.
But I guess that in these new times being pansexuals means that you’re also open to trannies kek.
No. 2335064
>>2335047Nooooo, pansexuals are attracted to cis men, pre-op trans women, and agender, bigender and pangender AMABs! They're totally not straight women who want to be quirky for internet points, that's such a silly thing to suggest. They're definitely not the evolved bihet of the tranny age.
I remember when there was massive drama over bi people on Tumblr identifying as bi instead of pan. We can all guess why.
>>2335059No lie, that would actually help a lot. It would shock the moidlets into being less openly shitty.
No. 2335068
>>2335064This is another reason why I hate them, they were so openly shitty towards the LGB for repackaged ~moral righteousness~ bullshit (and still are tbh, just quieter)
>No lie, that would actually help a lot. It would shock the moidlets into being less openly shitty.You may be right. Scrotes still acted out back then due to the hyper-religious culture and shit, and they'll always be scummy, but nowadays this could shock them straight kek
No. 2335069
>>2335064 trannies have such bad game that they think that not having sex with them is oppression kek, TIMs and TIFs alike. If you’re a weirdo , who is mentally ill and destroying your otherwise healthy body, your dating pool is just going to be restricted to other weirdos, prison T4F, chasers, closeted homophobes etc. Notice how the greasy group of transbians always flock together? Kek
Few TRAs even venture into that, it’s always TRA in the street and
TERF in the sheets kek.
No. 2335101
>>2335094Kek nonna. But I guess they have money to do that.
I also think that uggos should remain as uggos.
No. 2335128
>>2335052I've had people label me as demisexual because I'm not desperate for sex and wouldn't fuck on a first date. As if that isn't normal especially for women
>>2335059I agree
No. 2335316
>>2335298it's similar for women too though.
people treat proud carpet munchers differently from "teehee boobs are bouncy" SSA women.
grab ass locker room homoeroticism isn't gay, but yeah a man proudly talking about sucking dicks is definitely a fag.
it's just that bicurious women are t talking about the vaginas they want to interact with
No. 2335322
nonnie. I never thought of it this way but I think you're right. This is even a common theme in a lot of porn fantasies where women become "cock-obsessed" but you never see the reverse, ie. pussy-obsessed even it's objectively more common
No. 2335389
>>2335342>Also what is "effeminate" of them?Proceeds to describe male kpop idols acting effeminateIf a scrotoid looks like I can beat him up, he's way too effeminate. If he uses more makeup than I do, he's way too effeminate. I guess if you're into girls too then I can see the appeal but I'm not.
>>2335348Knowing how much rape and exploitation happens behind closed doors in the kpop and jpop industry, seeing these moids with a flame under their ass is refreshing.
>>2335373Is it "pedophilic" though? Like what's even the use of a male if he can't do things for you. And you need your nigel to be at least big and scary enough to keep other moids away. Though personally I would take a handsome face over tallness 10 times out of 10 as long as he's not too short
No. 2335410
>>2335400I have this disgust reaction to small, weak men that I can't overcome. Its probably ancestral viking memories from my scandi side.
Also weak men develop passive aggressive personalities to cope with it, this is where napoleon complexes come from. If you ever seen that 5'0 tall bagel guy blow a gasket and get punted you know why. They shouldn't be allowed to breed.
>>2335406The smaller and weaker the male is, the more likely he is to be a bitch who will run at the first sign of danger because that's how small, weak males survive.
No. 2335411
>>2335389>>2335386>>2335378>And you need your nigel to be at least big and scary enough to keep other moids away.>believing the protection psyop in 2025Moids don't care about protrecting women and you are more likely to be abused and killed by your own partner.
>>2335389>If a scrotoid looks like I can beat him up, he's way too effeminate.But you can't. 9 times out of 10 the scrote is bigger, stronger and faster than you even if he looks "effeminate".
No. 2335433
>>2335411>Moids don't care about protrecting women and you are more likely to be abused and killed by your own partner.Yeah but you answered your own argument. A moid has like 50% more upper body strength on average than a woman, they aren't even in the same bell curve. Except maybe Indian moids vs white and black women keke. So at least if a moid is big and strong enough to intimidate other moids, his ego will also make him mate guard you and keep them away. 5'6 90lb Kyong-poo with a grip strength of a 70 year old woman won't do shit, you might even get moids fucking with you to bully him by proxy.
>>2335416I will be nuanced and say its also about physical shape, not just height. My sister's husband is a 5'8 Italian guy but he's naturally burly so it kind of works for him. But 9 times out of 10 manlets are also physically scrawny so this doesn't apply anyways
No. 2335437
>>2335417It's not just a visual preference for a lot of women. A lot of them are expecting a moid to beat out all the bad guys and sacrifice his well being for a woman when in reality a scrote who is willing to beat and kill another scrote is very likely to not exonerate you of his violent tendencies and you'll become another one of his
victims and if you have too much "baggage" he will leave you for another woman who won't cause him as much trouble.
No. 2335453
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>>2335314The “person” typing this probably
No. 2335460
>>2335440Its not just attacking, its also harassment in general. Moids who would otherwise pester or harass you will stay away if they feel intimidated by your nigel. But if you are with some scrawny femboy they might just go out of their way to harass you just to get at him, because moids are like hyenas and will tear each other to pieces if they smell weakness.
>>2335447Yep it is what it is, I'm not criticizing anyone's preferences and my preferences are similar to yours anyways. That said my first and final concern is always going to be his attitudes about women's issues and his politics. A pretty face and nice body is useless if its attached to a subhuman brain
No. 2335478
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>>2335469I don’t really care other than the fact that very big height differences look silly. But this would be my ideal difference, 180 is fine too.
No. 2335492
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>>2335471Okay, lets assume you're right about that. That still keeps the other moids away which serves the purpose, and a femboy will
not be respected by other males and therefore they won't respect his "property".
>>2335469Negative height gang
No. 2335515
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>>2335483Indo-European men were like 5" taller on average than the Neolithic men in Europe, and they overran Europe and genocided the entire Neolithic paternal line. We have actual physical history that shows why tall, big men are evolutionarily advantaged
No. 2335526
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Women being autopedophilic is not just about the moid being 180cm and having nice proportions but him being taller and having a bigger frame and bigger everything in contrast to the woman being significantly shorter and thinner, the scrote LOOKING older with wrinkles and gray hair while the woman is on her weekly botox appointment, the scrote being often older by 5 years or more, and wanting him to be "masculine", like be a "leader", take "control" and having money to spend on her often extending to being able to support her financially.
No. 2335529
>>2335514This is one reason I don't like males that are too tall. Above average but not by too much is ideal, because the very tall ones grow up never being challenged and end up with the emotional stability of a toddler.
Also its just a fact that there are a subset of women who will let them get away with horrible behavior because they fetishize their tallness, which makes them entitled towards women generally.
Manlets are on the opposite end of this, where they are passive aggressive and resentful.
No. 2335539
>>2335502>>2335524You retarded faggots were the ones who got
triggered and staring hyperfixating on height when
>>2335373 described a combination of other behaviours and preferences in addition to height.
No. 2335574
>>2335400>Why do you want a man to be bigger and stronger than you? Most of the time he’s not going to use his strength to protect you, usually they’re using it to beat your ass everydayEvery male is stronger by default, this arguments applies to
all moids yet you focus on tall men for some reason. Plus, manlets are literally far more aggressive than the average tall man, not to say there aren't tall abusers but short men are overrepresented as short tempered, angry and vicious because of their bruised egos as failed moids. If you date males you're already exposing yourself to violence anyway, why go for the worst option possible?
No. 2335590
>>2335578>men in their 40s should have age gap relationships>men in their 40s>hotI knew it was a coquette degenerate getting
triggered KEK
No. 2335606
>>2335583There's a maturity issue, I do agree with you there. But I'm thinking a 25 or 26 year old woman dating a 35 year old man. If he's attractive I don't see a problem with it, and you should always do your due diligence on his background so you know he's not fucked in the head or hiding something.
>>2335590If men where you're from are so subhuman that there are no GL ones in their 40s I pity you
nonny No. 2335607
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>>2335594Dating a scrote taller than you is fine but if you really want him to be significantly taller, that’s auto pedophilic
No. 2335624
>>2335608There’s definitely some pedophilic context behind how short women and taller scrotes interact with each other. Women don’t wanna admit it because they willl look like the bad guys to.
No. 2335656
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>>2335641they look like boogie2988 and his 18 year old girlfriend kek
No. 2335659
>>2335626If that's true you shouldn't have any problem with women choosing to date them
>>2335647Tall queens ITT trying to gatekeep their ogres from the femlets
No. 2335661
>>2335650I'm not bothered I am literally saying APPLY STANDARDS. yall cant fucking read
>>2335655dont call me a bitch then, bitch
No. 2335676
>>2335669>>2335663I dont think anybody ITT said dating tall men is inherently and automatically auto pedophiliac
>>2335670apparently to that nonna it's okay if you date some disgusting moid as long as he's tall it compensates
No. 2335713
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>>2335679We need more Amazonians tho, they scare moids by heightmogging them.
>>2335702If that were true, Indians would be as tall as eastern Euros because they carry Euro Y DNA. And Finns would be as short as Asians because they carry Asian Y DNA
No. 2335731
>>2335685Agree. I'm 5'7 and I'm pretty much fine with moids down to 5'8. Problem is moids add inches to their height to fluff so a "5'8" moid is actually 5'6.
Personally I've noticed the manlet mental health problems start cropping up around the 5'7 mark and take off exponentially below 5'7
No. 2335761
>>2335739Uh no anon. You can definitely still be the less dominant on top.
Like if you’re on top of a man, riding his dick or whatever, he can hold your wrists together behind your back and be the one thrusting. Or he can grab the back of your hair, etc. but yeah. Sorry anons I’m a slut.
No. 2335820
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>>2335796Aaron Taylor-Johnsons wife was 42 when they had their first baby
No. 2335829
I'm fine with dating younger in theory but I just don't see much you can do with a 22 year old other than fuck I guess? At that point why even call it a relationship
No. 2335901
>>2335898Apparently he was well known in Arkansas for soliciting prostitution and creeping on women generally.
It doesn't matter how disgusting and depraved the male is, if he has any kind of notoriety whatsoever there will always be some kind of pickme ho out there to wipe his ass
No. 2335939
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>>2335927to remain on topic my unpopular opinion is old memes were better
No. 2335983
>>2335829I never understood this take. If this was a normie woman i would just roll my eyes and be like ok whatever, but assuming most nonas here know moids don't give a shit about women outside of having sex with them,
what do you do in a relationship? Geniunely asking, Do you think the scrote actually gives a shit or is interested in what you're saying? do you think he actually respects you?
No. 2335994
>>2335983If we're talking about a relationship, I'm assuming nonnas would abstain unless they found a unicorn. Otherwise it would just be a FWB basically and should be described that way.
I'm not personally into that sort of thing but if other women want to do it, that's fine. But it shouldn't be called a relationship.
No. 2336038
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>>2335992So just before you move, you outta post the absolute, rage-inducing, permanent-ban worthy shit on your old IP before switching to the permanent new one? Cool. It's like a bomb you left in the city hall going off only right as you're already on your way to Italy.
No. 2336072
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>>2335314Kittens are cute when they look like this but the infant ones used in reaction images are extremely ugly and not cute.
No. 2336075
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>>2336072Sorry you can't see their beautiful souls
No. 2336086
>>2336073Idk I just assumed that everyone was larping about hating everything (NTA)
I mean I hate most people and especially most moids but even I've seen good relationships. A lot of nonas use cynicism to avoid feeling guilty about never trying.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't be cynical at all either, but cmon now there's a middle ground and true love does exist
No. 2336097
>Why did you even post this in the unpopular opinions thread?!?!It's a discussion thread where retards argue about certain genes in moids only being expressed by their dads with no proof to back that up whatsoever. It's not that serious, calm your hysteria. Go get a tampon.
>For fucksake why are you all retardedI could ask you why you and other millenials are always in denial about it being a geriatric pregnancy if you were to get knocked up by a scrote right now.
Funny how you act like you're the only ones who understand imageboards and shit like IP addresses but suddenly don't know the biological realities of any baby you conceive right now most likely going to end up as retarded as how you act in this one-sided competition with the zoomies. I think it's funny that the same retards who brag about being so internet-savvy on LC are the same ones who had to suffer the technological incompetence of getting up back up after it was left down for MONTHS. But I'm just a teenage dirtbag. Bye now.
(infighting) No. 2336098
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>>2336091>It's funny because some of them probably don't even work or go to school. Just doom scroll and doom post all day long.I do this but its only for the aesthetic I swear
No. 2336115
You’ve gotta be racist or just jealous not to admit beyonces talent
No. 2336132
>>2336122There's a middle ground between 22 and boomers tho nonna.
I would never date a guy who was into sportsball tho, its weird to cheer some other men kicking a ball around like it has any relevance to you
No. 2336149
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>>2336141Nonnita don’t worry, I will stand by you
No. 2336174
>>2336141>I don't think it's impossible to be in relationship with a moid where you, as a woman, actually benefit, but you would have to see and pursue relationships in terms of how much you can get out of it like a moid does, instead of "true love", sacrificing yourself and dedicating yourself to take cate of the other person like women usually do.See this is what I mean. You're talking with the exact same language that redpillers do.
Of course there are shitty evil men, and more of them exist than do shitty evil women, but you have to internalize the bell curve for all your judgement calls. Men exist on a spectrum and there are men like Hilaire Belloc, though they are fairly rare. I know this is "not all men" but its true.
I need actual trust and identification in my relationship, not just material and sexual benefits. If I can't see myself in my nigel (I mean in the ways where men and women aren't deeply different) then there's nothing for me to attach to.
No. 2336195
>>2336182Last time I posted about loving my brother on this imageboard and about how he loves his wife and kids a bunch of anons mocked me and said my brother probably secretly hires prostitutes and will abuse his kids. I was like wtf is wrong with you all. Kek. I really really hate to not all men but literally
>>2336190That statistic is proven fake
nonnie. Lesbians do not have higher rates of domestic abuse, it's been debunked several times in the lesbian threads.
No. 2336202
>>2336188The one in New Mexico has electricity and running water, but I get what you mean. It was pretty far out of the way though.
>>2336196You never said anything about forcing you into celibacy, you said forcing straight women into being with lesbians and bi women, so maybe you could be a little more clear about your outrage. I don’t know why you’re even this upset, it’s like you’re making up people to be mad at.
No. 2336208
>>2336206You can hope for love all day just don’t come crying
victim blame when he turns on you
No. 2336236
>>2336192>>2336196It's just the truth. Most if not all moids hold misogynistic beliefs and see themselves above you.
>>2336174>You're talking with the exact same language that redpillers do.Redpill scrote's cause of distress is not having a bangmaid fleshlight to play his personal prostitute and mommy. Feminist's or really women's cause of distress is being physically and mentally abused, raped, killed with no support system, being at risk getting their education, income, voting and reproductive rights stripped away by half of the population which happens to be in positions power.
No. 2336238
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>this thread
No. 2336248
>>2336208We have the stats on cheating, yes men do it more but its not an enormous difference. And I'm not in any way saying men shouldn't be held accountable for their shitty behavior or that we shouldn't make society-wide changes to improve them (or even eugenic engineering of ideal males, I can get really utopian too) but you need to have some nuance or you just look ridiculous to normal people.
For example, the early feminists made enormous strides in changing the world for women and children, securing the right to vote and legal equality, protection against domestic violence, eradicating prostitution, right to gainful employment and education, etc.
Men held all the power back then and only made those changes to the culture because we had the moral high ground. If men are all evil, why did they allow us to make these changes?
And again, I'm not saying things are good or that we shouldn't make things better, I'm rejecting this idea that they are all irredeemable.
No. 2336266
>>2336257Not nonna. But if I have to compare I’d say that the female figures in my family were much more important, mainly my mother.
My dad was a violent drunkard, we ran and moved country, he’s sober now though and I talk to him just out of courtesy because my mom goes back to our country often to do business.
I had a stepdad who raised me but ended up cheating on my mom after 10 years, I took it as a betrayal and stopped talking to him altogether.
The scrote I had my first ever relationship with ended up ghosting me after taking my virginity despite me taking all the steps in order not to get fooled kek.
The “good men” I met were good in the sense that they didn’t do anything , not that they ever went out of their way to do anything extraordinary.
No. 2336267
>>2336262Reminds me when radfems get doxxed and it turns out they're happily married with kids
Thou dost protest too much etc etc
No. 2336285
>>2336268>Capitalism, so they have more wage slaves.But feminism was a thing long before women were in the workforce in large numbers. We didn't even see large scale participation in the workforce until the 1970s.
And pornography was officially illegal until the repealing of obscenity laws in the 60s and 70s, and these were top-down impositions by the elites against the generally conservative majority. Nobody actually wanted pornography unbanned in the 1960s except radicals like the hippies
No. 2336305
>>2336293Take it out of male vs female for a sec and look at it as good actors vs bad actors. We can even assume there are more male bad actors than female because its irrelevant to the argument
The solution is to have a system (or social norms, whatever) that punishes bad actors and rewards and protects people who do the right thing and are honorable, not to just accept things as they are and be cynical and miserable.
No. 2336320
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>>2336308Honey these were your literal words
>I still think it’s a net positive for women to not associate with men in any way. Even the ones that aren’t abused are still exploited in some way, or many waysDon’t play dumb now. According to your own words you’re being exploited too kek.
No. 2336349
>>2336346you have to be 18 to post here.
>>2336342THIS a real blackpiller wouldn't even let a scrote touch her. She would just use her gun to shoot them on site.
No. 2336380
Your only hope to find a loyal man is to find a disabled one who doesn’t know where he is or how to take care of himself
No. 2336424
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I think it's a red flag if an adult man is a drinker of chocolate milk. Every adult male chocolate milk enjoyer I've met has been either:
- a sex pest
- a Coomer/porn addict
- a tranny/"non binary"/furry/abdl
- immature
- an annoying Redditor type who collects Funko pops, says "hecking" unironically, and calls chocolate milk "choccy milk"
Women can drink anything they want. But men should be banned from anything except water.
No. 2336435
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Lifecels on suicide watch
>>2336424Interesting theory but all those traits also apply to the general male population
No. 2336467
I’m not attracted to men so it’s harder to grasp anyway but I do wonder, if you think tall, big moids are “superior” what do you think of yourselves? Inferior? Almost feels like some sort of road to the blackpill.
Anyway, I’m
>>2334849, and I agree with
>>2335271 and
>>2335373, the horror I feel when a perfectly capable, intelligent woman I can have a fun and interesting conversation with magically transforms into to some uguu wuugu girl baby once she gets a boyfriend is genuinely disturbing. You can see the switch when the boyfriend leaves the room too, every time, so many women. Harrowing. What do these women think of themselves, and women?
To act like self-infantilisation and autopedophilia isn’t a normalised phenomenon is completely disingenuous. I don’t know why the conversation fixated on height to skim over every other instance. When women fixate on a man making them feel “feminine and desired” it is almost always things like age gaps, acting helpless and incapable around a “capable” moids, exaggerated size differences
beyond finding large moids attractive. I’m not attacking being attracted to capable moids; it’s the idea of wanting to make yourself appear less capable, like that is what “femininity” is. I’m not attacking being attracted to large moids; it’s the idea of wanting to
feel small, “fit into your pocket” coquettish way of thinking. The focus isn’t on the moid here or his attractiveness, it’s
you. I mean, just go outside. It’s not about “tall moids being more attractive”. So many big moids have fucked up features from the excess growth hormones, a lot of them look lanky and weird - it doesn’t matter if they’re ugly, they’ll still get the ground they walk on worshipped… so how would it be about them being “attractive”? Surely you would want a moid that is attractive
and tall, not just larger for the sake of it? To “feel” feminine? Being a lesbian around straight women is so bizarre because I just see women as fellow human creatures like everybody else is but it almost feels like subconsciously they phrase themselves in a certain way, almost. I don’t know how to describe it.
I wonder if it’s just inherent heterosexual biology at this point, “powerful” maleness and “childlike” femaleness. Women play into this just as much as men do.
>>2335433>A moid has like 50% more upper body strength on average than a woman, they aren't even in the same bell curve. Except maybe Indian moids vs white and black women kekeWhy are people skimming over this kek. The whole idea of the argument women can’t rape adult men is based on the idea that
every scrote is stronger than almost every woman. In fact, I’ve tried to bring up I think some women can overpower some men in a fight, and anons piled on me relentlessly and called it troon logic. So is that not true now? Is it every moid minus Indian moids, can women rape them too? Also kek at the implication that asian women are just so small and weak lmao.
No. 2336469
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>>2336460I don’t think women not being nice to each other is the issue because men treat each other 100x worse and it didn’t stop them from getting what they want.
No. 2336634
>>2336605Its a normatively white society, so we will see blacks and Asians with those stereotypes, but if you have a black majority society whites will be seen as the nerdy introverts and Asians even moreso, and the reverse in an Asian society.
Also imo this is why introverted black and white people gravitate towards Asian culture, and for extraverted whites and Asians they tend to gravitate to black culture
No. 2336673
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Not a moosechan so no bully pls but seeing your guy cry about resigning kinda made me sad in a maternal way kek
No. 2336692
>>2336683Lean Nona here who was in Ottawa when the honkening happened.
It was annoying and should have been dealt with legally but at the same time I remember grown ass middle aged men, city councilors, literally crying on camera because the honks kept them awake at night. MIDDLE AGED MEN. I was never so furious than when I saw that because it made me realize what a ridiculous unserious country we are. We're governed by mental 10 year olds playing pretend government in the sandbox who know there's not going to be any real consequences for their fuck ups and denial of reality. It was then that I knew we were doomed as a country
No. 2336753
>>2336742That's my feelings on the matter too. Like there's a lot of things to complain about with men generally, but you can tell when its a woman with experience who is exasperated (or a genuine lesbian who is disdainful but detached) versus an inexperienced het
nonny that wants a man but is frustrated with the current year options (I fall into this camp if I'm honest)
No. 2336766
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>teheee silly foid, you don't truly hate men, you just haven't been dicked properly yet!
The vpn ban can't come soon enough.
No. 2336773
>>2336742Oh shut the fuck up. As if. Why are other women so obsessed with claiming women who don’t like men like men! It’s like you get off on it. There are misogynistic scrotes for fuck sake, is it so believable that women who
actually have a reason to hate men fucking hate men? And get out with the opposite of love is apathy bullshit, straight women constantly put up with men’s shit so fucking obviously the biggest manhaters are lesbians who can see them for what they are without the love goggles that’s why there’s a whole stereotype genius. If anything I hate men more because I’m jealous of the attention they get from women not because I want a dicking you fucking freak
No. 2336792
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>>2336789A scrawny woman can never be more beautiful than a curvy woman
No. 2336798
>>2336789I used to feel like this when I was young, but tbh, unless you have to take care of your morbidly obese family members, it's a pretty retarded way to feel. People, who always advocate against fat people often don't realize it is indeed their skinniness, that gives them a sense of superiority, especially in "fat countries" and that would not exist if most people in your country are thin. Also, your perceived attractiveness level automatically skyrockets if you are thin, and it is often the only prerequisite to being "conventionally attractive" in the West. Just live your life, be happy, and stop being so hateful kek
No. 2336799
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>>2336796Nah China's getting fatter since they dropped the pretend communist-utopia (for the most part), they love their kfc and greasy western fast food. Plus the colonel was like 3/4 chinese, as you can clearly see in picrel
No. 2336803
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>>2336799Still their beauty standards is akin to picrel and it's very ugly
(ai slop outside containment) No. 2336804
>>2336788Exactly, have you seen the “lesbians” who still act like pickmes for men? They’re the ones that might be bi if anything, not the reverse. So weird, gay scrotes don’t get accused of liking women for being misogynistic despite having no reason to be. People are so phallocentric, straight men and lesbians alike will always be accused of liking men because people love making men the centre of everything.
>>2336796I mean not China but have you seen Japanese gravure? This body type is popular, tiny but soft (as opposed to skinny and lean). I’ve seen a lot of women in the smaller size range with body types like Marilyn, they are in no way “curvy” at least not in the way the word is used today.
No. 2336808
>>2336803Yeah this reminds me of The Ring when the little girl comes out of the tv. I don't mean this AI model(?) specifically but when the proportions are trying to be adult but still artificially underdeveloped like that, it looks so off and unhealthy
>>2336804kek yes, they're all TIFs now
No. 2336818
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Monolids are so pretty and I don’t know why asians don’t like them. Same with other Asian features like a broader jaw, lower nasal bridge. It’s always sad to see Easterners online shit on natural asian women who are popular in the west (like with Hoyeon Jung, Devon Aoki) who they deem “ugly” because they don’t fit their standards
No. 2336821
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>>2336818Would knowing Vikings/Europeans have them too stop them from getting the dumb surgeries or is this an east vs east thing? No. 2336823
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>>2336821Africans having them probably cancels it out or something
No. 2336826
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>>2336823Aw she looks like the black Strawberry Shortcake with them. Prob why Blasian is a really nice blend, at least more often than not
No. 2336843
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>>2336839I appreciate them anon. I enjoy laying on a fat person's belly and imagining I'm on a waterbed or adrift at sea
No. 2336850
>>2336774I agree that there are reasons to dislike and even hate most men regardless of sexual orientation. But there's a difference between the kind of dislike you see from genuine lesbians, which is more like the dislike between members of mutually hostile countries, and the passionate anger you see from hets (and I guess bis in theory too). I'm saying this because I sort of became self aware after some reflection as a hetero man hater myself. Also it's not about sex. It's about the naive romance you wanted in your heart crashing hard into the reality of male nature and making you deeply bitter, knowing you'll never experienfe what you need the most. At the risk of sounding dramatic, it sort of trivializes life if you're this kind of romantic.
Like I'm over it now consciously but I know subconsciously I'll always have this sourness that I'm self aware of.
No. 2336851
>>2336818Surely their moids can
see that the women they trash are pretty, though. I genuinely don't get it. It must be a cope for them because she's out of their league.
No. 2336855
>>2336792Healthy radiant smiling woman who looks like an adult
>>2336845Underweight woman starving herself in order to pook like a 12 yrs old to fit the beauty standards of faggots fashion designer (probably pedos) lobotomy tier facial expression to signal her submissiveness
No. 2336874
>>2336861>>2336862That pic
>>2336845 is giving 60s lolita (pedo) vibe you can be skinny and look like an adult but ana chans have a weird obsession with looking underaged as illustrated by their picture choices
No. 2336877
>>2336789Saying this as a chub myself, but you're right that it does affect you. When it affects your health it affects ALL of society too. When you can't work as well, take up more space and resources, healthcare wasted on your self-inflicted weight related problems instead of people with diseases, fatness greatly increasing odds of babies being born with physical and mental issues etc… fatness IS bad for society.
I'm not in any way mad at fat people for being fat, I'm mad at governments for letting every food company put a shit ton of unhealthy addictive shit like sugar in every food while pretending like they don't, I'm mad at obesity and food addiction not being taken seriously. If we had an anorexia epidemic I'm sure people would panic more and take it seriously, but people see it as normal rather than deeply disordered that a fat guy eats like 8000 calories a day.
I don't even know how it would be fixed. Maybe heavily tax food companies for putting unhealthy addictive things in food and make it a luxury item, give less tax to natural whole foods and make that cheaper. I know people would be mad (and the companies even madder) because people aren't rational when it comes to their addiction, but something has to be done.
No. 2336878
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>>2336869This is so disingenuous. If rarity was sexy foreigners would be the ideal of every country. You’re telling me asians prefer large eyes, pale skin (which isn’t even rare there and I’ve specifically seen them online idealise the specific pink skintone white people have, not just pale), high nose bridges, smaller jaws, smaller FACES, all of these hyperspecific features that happen to be the opposite of theirs and more common in another race is a “coincidence” borne from rarity? A coincidence that for some didn’t exist pre-globalisation? Hm. Just be honest. White people aren’t overtly the ideal but don’t be dishonest and pretend Europeans aren’t idealised. There was a conversation in /m/ that I agreed with about their obsession with white children too, if you can read Japanese and go on their twitter you’ll realise they love blonde-haired blue-eyed white boys and have whole pages dedicated to them, whole reason there’s an anime/manga trope for them.
No. 2336899
>>2336889No that's exactly the way a lot of women would describe being pregnant versus not. Or fat versus not-fat. It feels better to not have weight straining on your joints, even if you have healthy muscles. Fat people are much less likely to have healthy muscle tissue than young people who happen to be skinny.
It does seem like fatties projecting in this thread, not trying to infight though
No. 2336900
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>>2336605It’s called the triangulation of Asians. They only did it because they didn’t want to pay black people to work the railroads but they also needed more workers. Fun fact: Asians had the exact same stereotypes as Black people when they came to America. They were called lazy, stupid, and that they didn’t want to work. But again white people didn’t want to pay black people for our labor so they quickly changed their stereotypes to be the opposite of ours so that way they can pay them less than white workers and arrest black people for loitering and have them work in chain gangs for free. Hence why Chinese Americans were able to keep their wealth from the railroad era meanwhile most Black Americans who worked on it ended up being indebted to the railroad.
Ronald Reagan pushed it even further in the 80s by giving Asians business loans over Black people in predominately black neighborhoods because white people didn’t want Asian businesses in their neighborhoods. I’m dating an Asian American rn and I have more in common with him than the average white American kek.
Pic related is a political cartoon that is titled “The Nigger Must Go, The Chinese Must Go” which refers to how white people wanted Black people out of the south and Asians out of the west.
No. 2336916
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>>2336911Anon is claiming she's got the same body as MM in picrel and that she can't get up from the ground without using her hands and can't run aynomre, the only logical conclusions are
>anon is a lot fatter than she claims>anon is extremely unfit No. 2336923
>>2336917>Nta people obviously have a stronger reaction to people saying skinny is beautiful versus curves.I agree, well from my perspective there are two types of women who have a negative reaction to that statement: the first one who is fat/curvy and just insecure and then the second one who feels like saying skinny is more beautiful than curves is perpetuating harmful stereotypes that cause women to diet and hate their bodies.
My original point was that health should be the main priority regardless of how your body looks, though I can agree that being skinny is usually healthier than being overweight
No. 2336933
>>2336927Nta but it's just basic logic that having more weight makes running harder on your joints, you should adjust your training regimen as your weight goes up to protect your knees and ankles. There's a reason why runners are usually thin, it makes you faster.
There's nothing wrong with looking like the Marilyn Monroe picture but for a runner it's less ideal to look like that than to be say 5-10kg lighter
No. 2336937
>slender-skinnyI prefer slender-curvy tbh
No. 2336942
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>>2336934how dare you insult my nationality and illness anon, I was hospitalized for anorexia last year and barely made it off the plane I was so weak from hunger and exhaustion
No. 2336946
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>>2336943>that I wonder if people are jealous of my ability to climb stairskek I can't stop laughing at this anon
No. 2336970
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>blame the tyra show
I could never, it must be true if the Queen declared and monetized it
No. 2336987
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>>2336969>more definedmakes me think of masculine and asian women want to appear soft and demure. They keep their flat noses or only raise them slightly imo. This is what google says are ideal beauty standards for the three main countries westerners sperg over:
>Female Chinese beauty standards have become a well-known feature of Chinese culture. A 2018 survey conducted by the Great British Academy of Aesthetic Medicine concluded that Chinese beauty culture prioritizes an oval face shape, pointed, narrow chin, plump lips, well defined Cupid's bows, and obtuse jaw angle.
>The ideal beauty standard for Japanese women includes having flawless skin, a slim figure, slender legs, and a quiet personality.
>Korean beauty standards prioritize maintaining a youthful appearance, rather than looking matured. A combination of clear skin an even skin complexion, slim v-shaped jawline, and pronounced puffy Aegyo-Sal (fatty, bag-like, deposits under the eye. No. 2337002
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>>2336995Mushy fries and gravy are great (or poutine I guess)
No. 2337003
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>>2336987I’ve seen them fawn over even high, crooked nose bridges, even. Usually on whites though, I’ve hardly ever seen asians with this specific type of nose. I don’t see what the point is in trying to gaslight me because I’ve read the opinions in Eastern online spaces.
>>2336990>All I'm saying is that they don't want to be white people kekNo one ever claimed that, ever. You’re being overly defensive and arguing against someone no one said. All that’s been said is that European features
are idealised and fawned over, and that they weren’t always. Even the preference for European models reflect this. Imagine being a young girl growing up surrounded by this.
No. 2337010
>>2337001The crispy dry ones have an unpleasant mouth feel and end up scarring my weak gums and mout rooftop, so I grew to hate them. Oily soggy ones seem more flavorful as well. Same reason I stopped eating chips a long time ago. I also like my bread soft and warm, not toasted. I dislike toasted bread in sandwiches, it's impossible to eat for me. When I make my grilled cheese, I make the toast soggy with butter so it doesn't crisp up too much, same goes for french toast. The only exceptions are biscuits/cookies and rusk because I dip them in a warm drink like tea or coffee and get them softened up that way. I am grandma maxxing.
>>2337002Exactly, I'm having tuna with tons of mayo with some soggy fries together.
Another unpopular opinion I have is white people are right for loving mayonnaise so much, I love putting it in sandwiches, salads, on tuna etc., it adds great moisture to a dish without affecting the flavor too much and being too overwhelming like olive oil, salad dressings, vinegar etc. And it tastes nice on its own, too.
No. 2337033
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>>2337017? You seemed to take this as an attack on you. I wasn’t even slightly aggressive to you. I admit the gaslighting comment was speaking generally to the people in the discussion, not you specifically. But I do think online results especially in English water it down somewhat.
No. 2337042
>>2337036Kind of verifies that an "obtuse" jaw angle and pointy chin really are ideal
>>2336987 but I think the biggest difference is the "defined" makeup kek
This one is really pretty
>>2337003 though (repost/wrong asian)
No. 2337058
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>>2337055kekkk it genuinely sounded fictional before you mentioned tyra but this was great. The way she made everything about herself and didn't let the guest speak, the hands, all of it. Ty anon, I miss this woman
No. 2337065
>>2337057I'm a woman of my word, dammit. If I'm a liar then so are many other nonnies here like
>>2337022 said.
No. 2337077
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>>2337057Calling someone a liar over this is genuinely pathetic. I mean it. I don’t know
what fucking problem people like you have but you should probably shove it unless your goal is to be miserable
No. 2337082
>>2337077Anon don't get baited. Even if that person is serious (doubtful), it just means more hook-nosed hotties for the rest of us
>>2337062I love the Naomi saga, Tyra deserves her own thread. Even if it's just vintage-milk like this
No. 2337114
>>2337109It's possible to lie even in an anonymous setting just to feel better about yourself. This is the same website that makes fun of mentally ill women and nitpicks their looks. Moralfagging over ugly features to be contrarian isn't far fetched.
>>2337111You can't because there's no ugly personality to get rid of, I'm an awesome beloved person.
No. 2337123
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>>2337114Jesus Christ woman the world doesn't revolve around your nose bump
No. 2337137
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>>2337126I make fun of all kinds of facial features and the anon acknowledged that we make fun of mentally ill people too, which is extra annoying.
>>2337107You're accusing us of being liars or callously indifferent so that you can maintain your weird self-pitying nose cope. Actions and personality are a huge part of any attraction so your mind and soul are causing you to be perceived by others as picrel
No. 2337236
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I love living in the city, being anonymous and invisible feels great.
No. 2337279
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>>2336845she looks like one of those one piece women but without boobs
No. 2337282
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>>2337281more a snake imo i always think that one piece females look like snakes with boobs with their long limbs and slithery bodies
No. 2337340
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to continue twiggy sperging i realized that i have never seen photos of her where she were older, kinda like you always see photos of audrey hepburn only when she was young and she actually used to be really cute compared to her snake era
No. 2337344
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>>233734070s Twiggy was more conventionally attractive but she was literally called "the face of the 60s" by Time magazine (or something) so she's a symbol of an era more than "hot". She was androgynous and "twiggy" during a time when most models were statuesque and womanly. The haircut was a big deal as well, no one else (popular) was wearing hair this short and simple at the time
No. 2337353
>>2337346Honestly you sound like a
triggered fattie who assumes women must feel that way because they're not fat tbh. You could have kept the seething to a minimum for this one post, to make your point. Fatties have been sperging itt for days and some anons occasionally mention that thinner people tend to be more attractive, which I think is the "fairy princess" attitude you're referring to
No. 2337370
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i still think that at certain point you end up looking like a deranged cartoon character, it's goofy
No. 2337376
>>2337364We just need to take anorexia as seriously as obesity. Anorexia is more acutely risky than it is to be fat for any number of years–young women die too early from anorexia. Both have unaddressed mental illnesses that society would do better to quit ignoring rather than seek to profit from such image issues.
is the unpopular opinions thread, you know..
No. 2337378
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>>2337370She was a high fashion model before the time of coomsoomerism. They're not there to be "pretty" or "fuckable". See picrel (grammar/forgot picrel)
No. 2337394
>>2337389I'm pretty sure there has been research on this and men like thinness but not where it looks like the woman is wasting away, because that's a signal for disease and low fertility. I do think that a lot of men see obviously anorexic women as mentally unstable and easier to manipulate and control though.
>>2337390I haven't really looked into them much so idk how batshit they are, I was going by the assumption that they just had a weird sense of what was attractive
No. 2337400
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>pitting two beautiful women against eachother like neckbeards
>then proceeding to once again sperg about fattys/anas for 10 hours
The same derails. The same bait. Every day.
No. 2337401
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>>2337397Don't give your opinion if you're an uncultured swine
No. 2337402
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>>2337400I wouldn't mind if we could actually get a real fatty next time and not a skinny woman before her period. That might be somewhat interesting
No. 2337407
>>2337401Illiterate and retarded
>>2337404^Fan club
No. 2337428
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>>2337416It's a hardened woman who believes she can gently astroturf the world into thinking tranny-faced women are hotter and sexier than feminine ones. Before anyone simps picrel, she was a Woody Allan apologist so she gets to be my example
No. 2337436
File: 1736276882008.png (1.77 MB, 1170x727, no thank you.png)

>>2337418androgyny is really not a good look for women, cutting your hair all short and overdieting or overexercising so you’re too skinny/too muscular in a way that makes you look like a man is just unnatural and not super attractive
No. 2337445
>>2337424oh well pardon me i guess
>>2337440no but i didn’t say that emma stone is a man, i said it makes her look masculine she looks kind of like a teenage boy with this haircut and the 90lb body
No. 2337449
>>2337442anon did you forget that this is the
unpopular opinions thread
No. 2337461
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>>2337444Cope harder anon, no one is getting their face filled with "bone structure". Look what happened to the actress from The Boys, she has all the "bone structure" anyone could ask for but even her male fans think she looks like shit now. Weird how a botched pillow-face actress can still attract loser moids (the lowest common denominator) but handsome squidward can't
No. 2337468
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>>2337445>She looks like a teenage boy…what is it with you creatures and trying to gaslight everyone with your weird teenage boy fetish. This sounds like the Roman towelboy Twitter posts. Nobody except brainrotted "ironic" pedo scrotes think that grown women with pixie cuts look like teenage boys. Go back.
No. 2337469
>>2337458How is having short hair "trying to look like a man"? Do you get
triggered by women wearing pants too?
No. 2337480
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>>2337435All these people are falling apart and dying of disease with their weak, mushmouth jaws, undeveloped frames, negative canthal tilts and bug eyes. Retards see beautiful women and are like
>nooooo why doesn't she look like muh brittle kpoop surgery addicts with contractually obligated eating disordersBloodline dying out, men are estrogenized chinlets with fat deposits in their hips and "milk" leaking from their nipples, teeth misaligned and weak, women too short and squat to weave through crowds with ease and we're all told to fetishize fragility and try to prolong childhood because males are so wimpy shrimp-like that we need to compensate by being extra smol. It's disgusting. Bring back the physiognomy of people who exude natural sovereignty and actually look like they'd win wars. No more round-faced villagers, potato peasants and sickly waifs.
No. 2337483
>>2337470Norm-defying in the public sphere and yes they were. If you wasted your money on fashion school they'll tell you about it for hours and old people will confirm it happened.
No one is trying to get into a debate of why people do things for money bc that's a stupid discussion. I originally said "
coomsoomerism so that could be why everyone is discussing the idea of marketing now like some people think it's a new concept
No. 2337492
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>>2337444So there's no distinction between blobface and Gina Carrano?
Pic is a feminine face that is not a "blobface"
No. 2337498
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>>2337489Suuuure being tall and having gorgeous long leg is very awkward on women
No. 2337500
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>>2337490Oh anon. I have to go now but will leave you with these so you don't get worked up again
No. 2337522
>>2337511ok I can’t speak for other anons but
I’m not a trad kek I’m just one of the millions of people who thought grace jones was a man
No. 2337524
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>>2337514Yes, delicate but defined features are western beauty standards. The circle shaped blob face is an Asian thing (vid related)
No. 2337530
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>>2337509>>2337489>"b-being tall and beautiful is awkward ackchually">"t-tall, attractive supermodels with symmetrical faces and well-sculpted bodies are trashy guys!"Cope, Squatamala.
No. 2337534
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>this is about the trashiest example you could have picked. are you trying to tell me you think she looks good?(scrotefoiling)
No. 2337538
File: 1736278718047.webp (21.77 KB, 320x480, beauty-celebrity-beauty-2015-0…)

>>2337532yea, anon must be some deranged grace jones superfan or something. this is an example of a model that's feminine and actually pretty btw
No. 2337545
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>>2337540>I know that’s a fact that can be hard to grapple with on an imageboard that is anonymous(nta)
(scrotefoiling) No. 2337549
>>2337538aww gg is cute
>>2337543>everyone who disagrees with me in the thread for unpopular opinions is a male!!!!!!!1please, get over yourself kek
No. 2337551
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>>2337518NTA. The crazy thing about supermodels of the past is that they could even exude natural beauty and grace in skimpy clothing. The current crop of sallow, lightly dropping anachans in dd/lg wear and BBL IG women either with extreme lip and face fillers or unsightly cheeks empty of buccal fat can't do the same.
No. 2337557
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>>2337538She would have been considered a catalog model in the past but sometimes they become well-known like picrel, nothing new
No. 2337559
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>>2337531>>2337544Jealousy and cope lmao
>>2337538You're setting up that woman to be insulted, I see what you're doing and it's cruel. I won't participate, I'm just going to encourage you to go on a diet (a real healthy one, not starving and puking) and exercise more. Women are supposed to be healthy, glowing and fit.
No. 2337561
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>lolcor arguing about if grace jones is hot or not or if she's a troon
the tiktards have truly infested this site haven't they
No. 2337576
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>>2337569compared to actually pretty and feminine models, yea, she is.
No. 2337578
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>>2337569Nobody talked about black women generally, this is about Grace Jones, you're just projecting that onto the conversation. FWIW there are plenty of pure African models that look very feminine like Ducky Thot (unfortunate name though) and if there was someone attacking BW in this thread I'd pull more of them out
No. 2337580
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>>2337576Sorry but she looks like a crackhead
No. 2337600
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>>2337582>she was in playboy, so she did at the timeSince when was playboy the standard for feminine beauty? They didn't do polls on who to put in their magazines, it was the editor's choice.
What you're calling insecurity is just revealed preferences now that males have internet access. In a lot of cases it is pedophilic (particularly in places like Japan) but generally speaking the preference has been the same since modelling and film became a thing, faces like pic
No. 2337602
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>>2337576NTA but you can't even post attractive, healthy white models to racebait with. That's how much you dislike the female form, even though you claim to want women to be "pretty and feminine". You posted a sickly woman who's been made to resemble an underage boy forced to crossdress.
You share the taste of a neurotic gay man fixated on androgyny, or a skinnyfat 5'6 Indian man who seeks out the weakest women he can find because he wants to be able to beat them. If you want to die out, do so already instead of trying to attack those of us who don't.
(racebaiting) No. 2337605
File: 1736280288582.jpg (306.48 KB, 1227x1513, Clara_Bow_by_Edwin_Bower_Hesse…)

>>2337600>Instagram face has been the beauty standards since forever !There's no way you're not underaged
No. 2337606
>>2337603Based on averages for humans? She's on the masculine end for women when it comes to her features
>>2337604Look at playboy now, they put literal troons in to virtue signal
No. 2337614
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>>2337602the woman you posted is ugly though, that's why she has to keep her head at 3/4ths views to hide her facial asymmetry. also what's with you retards thinking the existence of white people is racebait? here's another actually feminine and pretty model since you have to be retarded
No. 2337615
File: 1736280487126.jpg (131.88 KB, 638x800, grace-kelly.jpg)

>>2337605I'm not talking about how airbrushed the face is ffs, I'm talking about the overall facial structure. Its always been delicate but defined for women
No. 2337623
>>2337606That's now, we're talking about back then. Face it, everyone knows that tall, Amazonian women are beautiful, but those are extinct because everyone's sick, short, fat and hormonally imbalanced now.
>>2337615The kinds of aethetics uplifted now don't look like Grace Kelly, don't lie.
No. 2337625
>>2337621anon, you're the one making everything about race. i posted one white model and you retards immediately jumped to
>how dare you call a white woman pretty! racebait!like actual tards. go outside
No. 2337628
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>>2337623>>2337624Sometimes the emphasis drifts but beauty is innate and has been demonstrated mathematically. And there's also deliberate tampering with beauty standards by postmodernists who hate heirarchy in order to impose ugliness as equal to beauty
No. 2337630
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One face I really can’t stand is Felicity Huffman
No. 2337631
>>2337628You have no leg to stand on since you find this shit
>>2337580 to be peak female form kek
No. 2337638
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>>2337632>roslyakova is well known for being doll-faced and angel lookingWhy tf does she looks like an evil haunted doll then ?
No. 2337639
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>>2337638you chose a photo where she's making a funny expression, you could do that for any model and say they look crazy
No. 2337641
>>2337632>roslyakova is well known for being doll-faced and angel looking.By who? Gay men and other disordered women?
>that doesn't make her face any less pretty, and she is still miles prettier than grace jones who is just as skinny as her, dumbassYou are genuinely blind. Grace Jones was healthy and fit in her prime, Vlada Roslyakova was deliberately underweight. And yes, anorexia necessarily makes a woman less pretty because it heavily degrades her health. Covering yourself in makeup and using bright lights will not change how fucked up and sickly your face gets when the ED hits hard (especially if you're doing drugs).
>>2337638That anon probably thinks she looks fat and haggard now, but she actually looks better/healthier (if older) in that photo.
No. 2337642
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>>2337639Sorry, here's one where she has a neutral expression
No. 2337662
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>>2337661yeah, lip filler sure is peak beauty. how could i be so wrong