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File: 1736031254519.jpg (36.98 KB, 564x376, cat-thought.jpg)

No. 2333093

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

prev thread >>2326379

No. 2333098

File: 1736031325572.png (198.09 KB, 1125x330, unpopular opinions.png)

You figured out how to make a thread properly, huh?

No. 2333101

She's just trying to have a thought

No. 2333103

File: 1736031486226.jpg (715.47 KB, 956x820, green-gables.jpg)

Yes, it was my first time please be gentle

No. 2333112

Nonnina you did a great joob, don’t worry

No. 2333120

Are the cat's legs shaved in that pic or am I just blind as a bat

No. 2333121

I'd definitely consider having a child more if it were considered normal to have abortions for "frivolous" reasons. Not a convenient time, not my preferred sex, anything I can think of that isn't health related and it doesn't mean the child is necessarily unwanted, just not right. This wouldn't be controversial at all if women's role of bringing life to this world was respected and not taken advantage of and controlled. But the father - selfish dick - would be all "but muh baby" if I decided I wanted this level of control over the life I bring. Family and friends may think the same.
>inb4 their opinions don't matter
I in fact do want plenty of support around me when having a child. The disadvantage this puts me at is another reason not to have children as a woman.

No. 2333126

File: 1736032235644.jpg (309.22 KB, 1136x1524, emperor-meiji.jpg)

The themes anime portrays as Japanese have no relationship to actual Japanese culture at all, and are recent western imports. Actual Japanese culture was as gruelling and brutal as other East Asian cultures and concepts like love and romance were non-existent.

The modernization of Japan under the Meiji emperor gutted 90% of Japanese culture and replaced it with modern western style social and cultural norms underneath a Japanese skin, and you can even see it symbolized in the Japanese emperor and upper classes all adopting western style clothing.

All the weebs glorifying Japan because of anime are just looking at their own cultural reflections and would hate Japan in its traditional cultural form.

No. 2333127

it just has grey/brown fur on the legs
Honestly based opinion and would be the case if men were the ones to get pregnant, they'd have drive-by abortions in every second store for men. I will never judge a woman for having an abortion, I do not see a fetus as a human being when it literally doesn't even have a functioning brain yet and it's literally not even living at that stage

No. 2333133

Aw I used this pic about a week or two ago in a post, seeing it as a threadpic makes me happy.

No. 2333135

It makes me so sad when cultures abandon their own cultural identity in favor of another one. I just love traditional (aesthetic) stuff from any culture and I'd love it if everyone dressed in their own country's traditional clothes all the time because I find it all so pretty, but I just get called racist or separationist or some stupid shit if I say it out loud

No. 2333147

What would you consider acceptable term limits on abortion if it were normal to have frivolous abortions? Because outside of online politics echochambers the argument is more about whats the acceptable limit to termination rather than the ethics of abortion itself.

It seems to me like the abortion issue in America has mutated into such an abomination because both sides use it as a political football, so you have the right wing that wants to ban it everywhere including rape/incest and the left wing that wants partial birth abortions at the 9th month. Europe is so much more sensible in this regard

I agree on the aesthetics, I think Japanese people look best in Japanese traditional aesthetics rather than modern western clothing, but in terms of social norms if I were a Japanese woman I'd be thanking kami-sama that I was born in the modern era instead of the 17th or 18th centuries. People romanticize the past without actually reading the material at the time and seeing what life was like

No. 2333155

Modern western culture is also a reformation of earlier western cultures. They change over time. The past is gone, it’s time to move on now.

No. 2333161

The japanaboos are still going… It's been days… please…

No. 2333177

Yeah but a culture gradually changing on its own is different from imposing a completely alien culture from the other side of the world in a top down fashion. They had to do it in order to keep up with Europe and America but its still not their authentic culture. I just find the bugman memes attacking Chinese and to a lesser extent Korean cultures annoying because Japan is treated like this deeply divergent exception to the rest of Asia when its not

No. 2333189

I'm going to choose to answer your question in good faith but know I think your question is retarded and scrotey. A woman's body imposes natural limits. To put it simply, late term abortions don't exist. That is just having an unwanted pregnancy. There is no procedure to terminate the life of a baby in its final weeks, you simply induce birth early if the woman really no longer wants to be pregnant or let it take its course. Unwanted pregnancies are usually unwanted from the getgo, which is why it's important that we have access to abortions and birth control. Anything in the middle is usually a tragic terrible decision due to risk to mother or baby's life. You really sound like you're underage or a moid because your questions don't make sense if you have any idea how pregnancy works.

No. 2333200

We should bring back kindergarten level insults. Or medieval insults. Calling someone a fucking bitch dumbass retard cunt is just typical language these days, it doesn't have the power anymore. I would feel more offended if someone called a grown adult like me a smellybumbumhead or a dastard raggabrash.

No. 2333212

You're going to moidfoil me just because I think there should be sensible limits on abortion? I was prepared to agree with your first post if you weren't extending that "frivolity" to when there's a fully developed living baby involved. I guess most of Europe is underage/moidfoiling because they don't allow abortion up to the 9th month, even in the most liberal countries

No. 2333214

This is the second time this week I've saw a post with this sentiment and it makes me want to double down on calling stupid cunts retards

No. 2333216

Thou beslubbering hedge-pig!

No. 2333219

try reading my post again. What the fuck is a 9th month abortion? Answer this question seriously and in relation to the real world. I'm telling you it doesn't exist, retard. That's called just giving birth

No. 2333234

Are you killing the baby at birth or letting it die of exposure? What are you even arguing for at that point. The abortion I'm talking about is the killing of the baby at a point where its viable outside the womb.

No. 2333237

File: 1736035234484.jpg (67.12 KB, 736x718, 1000000271.jpg)

Dost thou bite thy thumb at me, sir?

No. 2333240

No I called you a wiggly wormface with cooties.

No. 2333244

File: 1736035436279.jpeg (132.36 KB, 736x884, IMG_6610.jpeg)

I do not bite my thumb at you sir but I bite my thumb

No. 2333247

I am going to kill myself tonight I didn't think it was reasonable that people had this little reading comprehension and intelligence. Am I going crazy? Are you fucking with me?
>The abortion I'm talking about is the killing of the baby at a point where its viable outside the womb.
This doesn't happen. Try reading my post for a third time. If you can? What are you talking about!!! There is fuck all you can do about an unwanted pregnancy at this stage, the only choice is to give birth, or induce birth early, either way just give birth to the child. Late term abortions do not exist. Are you from one of those rural places in Europe where they don't have schools or something? Don't burger me I'm european too, you're just really slow.

No. 2333248

No. 2333260

File: 1736035787229.gif (Spoiler Image,851.79 KB, 220x218, 1000030937.gif)

Unspoiler this to see some real power.

No. 2333265

Read a book, Zoomer.

No. 2333267

File: 1736036050745.jpg (160.08 KB, 1024x1024, img261.jpg)

My favorite book is Anne of Green Gables because my mother's family is from there and it seems like such a romantic setting. When I saw there was an anime I had to watch it

Did you also get this image from lolcow or did you find it somewhere else? I may have downloaded it from you as I got it from LC originally

No. 2333281

the "japanaboo" anon is back

No. 2333283

So you're suggesting giving birth and then putting the baby up for adoption? I'm assuming that we both agree that babies have human rights and should be taken care of in a civilized country, even if the mother doesn't want them, right?

No. 2333319

Are there really people in the world who don't know this quote?!

No. 2333328

Surely you studied the play in ninth grade English or something…

No. 2333336

I don’t consume any British media at all, because I don’t want to support a culture that accepts transsexuals as women and does not bring rapists to justice. Check yourself, Shakespeare lover.

No. 2333348

Kek are you the anon who hated on British shorthair cats in the bechdel thread.

No. 2333349

I really hope there is at least one anon here who takes the anti-British memes as serious business, it would be so fucking funny.

No. 2333364

>What would you consider acceptable term limits on abortion
None, abortion should be legal at all stages of pregnancy.

No. 2333367

c'mon now

No. 2333374

File: 1736041017901.png (472.78 KB, 800x648, pregnancy-trimesters.png)

Well you're out of the realm of normal people and into the permanently online lunatic asylum now.

First trimester is perfectly reasonable, second trimester is highly debatable and third trimester is infanticide.

No. 2333376

No. 2333380

Well this is unpopular opinions so that's based ig

No. 2333381

people will say you're baiting but you're right, there are medical reasons for abortion up to birth and it should be legally protected and not a crime

No. 2333382

If I was in living in antiquity and I had a baby and it gave me a funny look or if it pissed me off, I could just take it and walk to the outskirts of the city limit and put it in the designated discarded baby hole. Maybe it'd die from the elements or maybe a slave trader would trade me 2 or 3 quadrans for it and I could go to the local amphitheatre to watch two moids captured from Hispania or Gaul kill each other.

No. 2333383

NTA, but women should have the right to choose abortion at any point in pregnancy because bodily autonomy is a fundamental right, and literally nobody is happily aborting their babies in the third semester kek. Third trimester abortions are already heavily restricted and allowed only in cases of medical necessity. To call it infanticide hugely misrepresents third trimester abortions and why they exist in the first place.

No. 2333386

desperate housewives is one of the greatest shows of all time, the soap opera cannot be beaten!

No. 2333390

Literally. How is this unpopular

No. 2333391

nta and agree
only naive teenagers, moids, and old maids (aka people who can't get pregnant or seriously don't believe they can get pregnant believe in abortion restrictions.
>>2333374 use your fucking brain. what kind of woman is going to suffer through 8-9 months of pregnancy only to decide at the very last minute that she wants to change her mind? Months of nausea, fatigue, muscle pain, at the point where she might've already lost a tooth from calcium deficiency, where her abdominal muscles have already separated, at the point where she already has stretch marks, where her bladder and intestines have already been squeezed to her limit… what kind of woman suffers through all that only to decide to change her mind?
Do you really think women are that stupid or capricious? 3rd trimester abortions are either out of medical necessity or from women/girls who never wanted them in the first place but didn't have access to abortion until it was too late.

No. 2333395

i remember when the episode where Mike gets murdered aired live on TV back in 2012, history was made

No. 2333401

If you were living in antiquity you'd also have a high chance of getting captured and made a sex slave by roaming warbands of scrotes that periodically ravaged civilized lands. And your likelihood of being a slave in antiquity is vastly higher than your likelihood of being a free citizen.

We're talking about when a human is defined as a human and where to place that arbitrary limit. And its a serious question, not something that should be made into an ideological football. Because if you are defining babies that can survive outside the womb as not having basic human rights, this has consequences for how we define the human rights in other areas. The higher the bar you set on when human rights are given, the greater the risk that loopholes will be abused.

Also, this is about "frivolous" abortions, not medically necessary ones. Its a completely different judgement call when the mother's life is threatened or if its under some other similar circumstance.

You can't make human rights policy on good feelings, the policy has to be tested against any possible abuse. You should assume the absolute worst cases in every scenario so you can test how your policy would protect against such an abuse or facilitate that abuse. I'm Canadian, I've spent the last 10 years seeing my country be destroyed by naive policies that were ruthlessly taken advantage of by bad people.

No. 2333402

You saw ads for that show on the back of every tabloid. I took the shows running time so seriously

No. 2333403

>go to the local amphitheatre to watch two moids captured from Hispania or Gaul kill each other
Kekk I would love to watch that with you

No. 2333405

>If you were living in antiquity you'd also have a high chance of getting captured and made a sex slave by roaming warbands of scrotes that periodically ravaged civilized lands. And your likelihood of being a slave in antiquity is vastly higher than your likelihood of being a free citizen.
Typical Gallic cope.

No. 2333407

Nobody cares when women are killed, raped, abused, have ai porn made off their faces, set on fire alive, get payed less, young girls are harassed by their moid classmates and the moids have no consequences, get sexually harrassed by coworkers and withheld promotions, people doubt their intelligence, that there are online groups and real life gangs specifically to sexually harass and rape women, that there is billion dollar industry based off women being raped and brutalized on camera, that no matter what political party a woman chooses she has to choose between private property or public property, both political parties reduce women to a set of characteristics as if they are a fetish stripping them away of their thoughts and the people that enforce these beliefs are a protected class and any woman who dares speak against or even acknowledges it is gaslit and told it's all her fault, that she should forgive or even that she deserved it, and you want me to give a fuck about women aborting a thing she was the one who suffered carrying said thing sucking up all her bodily resources and imposing body changes (often irreversible) for the worse that she is going to have raise and basically give up her own personhood for? I even don't care if some women who wanted an abortion but couldn't get it killed the baby in frustation.

No. 2333411

Recognizing that a fetus develops over time and isn't the same at every stage doesn't devalue human rights elsewhere, it reflects the unique nature of pregnancy.

>frivolous abortions

You are retarded. Most abortions aren't taken lightly, let alone frivolous, ffs women get so much shit for even thinking about getting one. Women seeking abortions often face harassment from bigoted protests outside clinics, online shaming, condemnation from political and religious leaders, and guilt from family and friends, all of which contribute to the stigma and emotional toll of their decision - you are acting like women are willingly getting impregnated and then abort it because they think it's a fun past time.

No. 2333412

>We're talking about when a human is defined as a human and where to place that arbitrary limit.
If the woman or girl doesn't want it, it's not human and it should die

No. 2333414

more explanation since you've clearly never been pregnant before or done any sort of research on pregnancy. 2nd trimester is where you find out if your baby has severe birth defects that can't necessarily be detected by genetic testing. like literally not having a brain. unsurvivable heart defects. all that other fun stuff.
legit who gives a shit. a mom is more important than the unborn. the end. politicians have never been qualified to make the judgment call to determine if a mother's life is threatened so why the hell would you give them that power? Worry more about moids killing their pregnant partners, which happens way more often anyway, than about what your hypothetical evil women want to do.

No. 2333417

I admit I'm half French so there's some genetic memory there

I have no idea who you are arguing with because my position wasn't that abortion should be illegal, but just that it should have a time limit on when it can be done. Because we need to draw the line when human rights apply to humans, and "at birth" is a horrifying place to draw it.

I didn't use the word frivolous, the original post I was responding to used it. And once again, this is taking the conversation away from where it matters. If we are going to draw the line at birth, why can't we permit abortions after birth? Why don't we set the requirement for human rights at the ability to take care of yourself? Then any dependent child or disabled person can be abandoned to die in the streets or even killed, and you have no rational argument against it

No I haven't been pregnant, but I was almost aborted myself and am sensitive to people trivializing my life's value. I was fortunate my mother wouldn't even consider it despite my father's demands at the time

No. 2333418


No. 2333422

>why can't we permit abortions after birth?
if it's already born how can it be aborted kek

No. 2333423

well. there's your problem. you're still seeing yourself as a fetus which is insane behavior for an adult human female.

No. 2333425

I agree with you. I feel more insulted being called a poopface than I do when I'm called a bitch

No. 2333426

No. 2333427

>No I haven't been pregnant, but I was almost aborted myself and am sensitive to people trivializing my life's value. I was fortunate my mother wouldn't even consider it despite my father's demands at the time
So? Your mother gave birth to you because she wanted you, like it should be, and it would have been fine if she didn't want you and would rather abort you instead, it's her decision.

No. 2333431

>I was almost aborted myself and am sensitive to people trivializing my life's value
>my life's value
Anon, you are just a random nobody, and your personal experience of almost being aborted doesn't make you some angelic figure with the right to dictate women's choices. You're just grasping for attention and relevance kek.

No. 2333433

If I was in an economic circumstance where I couldn't have a child or the father was a piece of shit, or even if I just didn't feel it was my time, I would abort. But I wouldn't wait until 2/3 of the way through my pregnancy. This isn't rocket science.

I mean in the sense that human rights don't apply to them.

This whole debate is about when a baby is entitled to the same human rights as any other human being. A baby having zero rights until its born and then suddenly it can't be killed is ridiculous and arbitrary. The line needs to be drawn further back than that.

We're not talking about the morning after pill or a 1st trimester abortion here, we're talking about a fully formed baby that can survive outside the womb. If you say that baby's right to life only applies as long as she's wanted it has huge implications throughout your society. This is how we end up with euthanasia programs killing off the impoverished elderly because it would be more efficient and "humane".

No. 2333434

My unpopular opinion is that the "abortion debate" topic is the most painfully obvious bait. You know what topic I noticed never came up while vpns were banned? Abortion.

No. 2333436

i miss the VPN ban…

No. 2333437

You're right, I let myself get baited into the topic and will stop replying now. I don't think anyone can be convinced to change their minds no matter what they think on the topic

No. 2333439

File: 1736044151950.gif (1.21 MB, 275x275, 1674968988107.gif)

you are right but sometimes the bait is so alluring i need to reply

No. 2333443

Pregnancy is not comparable to euthanasia and is a unique circumstance only experienced by girls and women of childbearing age. Women and girls are the ones that are going to suffer carrying, birthing, breastfeeding and sacrificing their personhood to raise the child so they are the ones who have a say on who will be born.

No. 2333448

>A baby having zero rights until its born
How it should be

No. 2333463

File: 1736045234223.jpg (171.11 KB, 1600x1004, 861eed4c6b157b315b402dc9ce5c9d…)

Why doesn't the board itself have an abortion debate ban? Posting about Korean music is discouraged, which is much less annoying than ~the abortion debate~. I don't care how anyone feels about it (except for lawmakers) and if you're anti-abortion you're a fucking retard for coming here in the first place

Not for the captive audience it's not

No. 2333465

fetus-chan, you're making a loooot of assumptions about your capabilities here so let's try some other scenarios. you moved somewhere rural and your car broke down so you couldn't get to a hospital until months later. your hypothetical piece of shit baby daddy traps you so you can't even leave the house until 6 months in. your cycle became unstable or unpredictable due to issues like PCOS or even stress so you had no idea you were pregnant until you started showing, deep into the 2nd or even 3rd trimester. you were doing fine when you were pregnant but then you suddenly lost your job and are now homeless and got yourself deep into debt. need I go on?
also morning after pills don't cause abortions dumbass. they prevent fertilization and implantation.

No. 2333469

Imo, abortion is something you only call when it's not viable outside the womb. Anything past that, call it euthanasia and it should be debated on those terms.
Its not like euthanasia is a forbidden thing nowadays regardless. What would be the issue with calling it that?

No. 2333470

do you know what the word connotation means nonny?

No. 2333472

It's so painfully obvious. They use the exact same material every time. Once anons stop replying to the current topic, they move on to the next one, like clockwork. Half the time I think that the only people sperging in this thread are two baiters that have ensnared each other in an infight.

No. 2333475

My unpopular opinion is i don’t care about abortion

No. 2333476

Yeah I think a lot of people have genuinely stopped taking this thread seriously and it's gone two retards fighting mode

No. 2333485

You are a

No. 2333486

File: 1736046788038.jpg (111.44 KB, 736x1104, redhead-guy.jpg)

My unpopular opinion is that ginger men are actually sexy when they have handsome faces, and 99% of the anti-ginger sentiment towards men is because they are ugly gingers

No. 2333487

well that’s an interesting preference!

No. 2333488

Eww why is it orange

No. 2333491

It's the same action either way. "Euthanizing" might make it feel bad but it's an appropriate neutral term. Also thinking about criminal cases where a heavily pregnant women is a victim, wouldn't it be easier to count as two victims instead of just one if "abortion" and "euthanasia" are seperate stages?

No. 2333497

Blue eyed red head men are always ugly. There are some handsome red heads with brown eyes.

No. 2333498

this is how i feel about Marcia Cross

No. 2333499

File: 1736047306056.jpg (511.57 KB, 1920x2560, rupert-grint.jpg)

Ask yourself if this guy would be any more attractive with brown or blond hair. I do think they've been casting ugly gingers to make everyone associate gingers with ugliness though. Its a conspiracy

No. 2333506

File: 1736047905427.jpg (350.61 KB, 1920x1200, handsome-boy.jpg)


I do think brown eyes with red or blond hair is GOAT though

No. 2333509

How is this unpopular? Everyone knows there are two types of gingers (both male and female). Hot as fuck or ugly as sin.

No. 2333510

I'm not sure how it's cope, name one attractive redhead man with blue eyes. You aren't allowed to say Caleb laundry Jones, he walled a decade ago.

No. 2333516

What the fuck "is GOAT" means

No. 2333518

File: 1736048623327.gif (1.9 MB, 498x267, cillian-murphy-28days-later.gi…)

Cillian Murphy in 28 days later
He hit the wall so fast its unreal tho

Greatest of all time

No. 2333536

I hate naked models

No. 2333542

Most modern day American popular culture is complete mindless slop. Movies, music, tv, books, etc. most of it is garbage.

No. 2333552

File: 1736052614221.webm (2.6 MB, 720x720, 1640747468520.webm)

Unpopular opinion: I don't like deep voices on men. Boyish voices are the best, so long as they aren't nasally or effeminate.

Caveat: has to be cute and with a good jawline.

I think that's a pretty popular sentiment nonny

No. 2333559

File: 1736052833950.jpg (719.1 KB, 1500x1125, 95413_3631_cillian-murphy-wins…)

>He hit the wall so fast its unreal tho
What are you talking about anon? This is the face I see hovering above me during my sleep paralysis. He must be some kind of angel..

No. 2333565

He suddenly went from 28 days later Cillian to old man Cillian in Oppenheimer and it reminded me of my mortality

Just kidding, I never aged a day between then and now

No. 2333567

he’s so fuckin vomit inducingly ugly

No. 2333573


No. 2333578

Most actors live in and around LA, who look infinitely more refreshed than this man, who (allegedly) lives a wholesome and healthy lifestyle in cloudy and dewy Ireland. They always make him sound like some kind of Luigian figure in the media, because he seethes and glares at the Royal Family (literally behind their backs) and farms sheep or something. He looks like an empty vessel or a husk of a his former self, which is typical of addicts and deviants (Hollywood men)

No. 2333586

Feel the same way tbh.

No. 2333612

alcohol mogs recreational drugs. the effects are just much more enjoyable in general than something like weed, lsd, shrooms or crack. and being drunk lasts a good amount of time. obviously being an alcoholic is bad kek I'm talking about actually recreational use like one night on vacation

No. 2333613

He wouldn't be, but he'd be shilled like that.

No. 2333615

The weegee anons are so funny, I can't take them seriously.

No. 2333618

No way. Alcohol doesn’t last nearly as long as edibles, and it tastes disgusting. When it’s in a cocktail and actually tastes good, it means drinking basically pure sugar to maintain the buzz all night, then feeling like shit the next morning. I’ll stick with my weed.

No. 2333622

edibles are nice but are way too hit or miss for most people. When it is hitting in a good way the long lasting effects are sweet but god forbid its a miss and you're stuck wondering if you're schizophrenic for 10+ hours lol

No. 2333626

he’s so sexy

No. 2333640

He really hit the wall at full speed after that movie. The only other movie he looked okay in was Batman Nolan trilogy and maybe Red eye. But I do too distracted by Rachel madams to care

No. 2333653

That’s fair. Has only happened to me once but I’ve known a few people who just freak out on them, unfortunately

No. 2333804

File: 1736076171063.jpg (29.05 KB, 260x371, 66D8BB8A-E4E8-4422-9242-603110…)

Norbit is a hilarious movie and I love it

No. 2333812

it's a classic

No. 2333814

>drive-by abortions in every second store

No. 2333815

I love you. You understand me. I want a irl ginger hunk with green or gray eyes who speaks in Irish or Scottish English and wears kilts so bad. Who are your favorite handsome gingers? I need some handsome ginger content in my life. Even my husbando is ginger with gray eyes, he gave me the fetish to begin with.

No. 2333823

Here you go. Silly bitch

No. 2333826

My opinion on men with red hair depends on one criteria: if the guy has invisible, pale eyebrows he's going to be ugly no matter what, and if his eyebrows are visible then he's more likely to look good, or even just normal.

No. 2333831

I hate this fag

No. 2333835

He haunts me. I hate him so much. The way he says failte and tilts his weird hourglass shaped dome at the camera while holding a houseplant… like it stuck with me

No. 2333844

That's kinda cute be he need to lose the beard.

No. 2333852

Gross, this is like a k pop stan calling Kim Jong Un oppa. Fire fever

No. 2333857

You’re more concerned with the abortion laws that actually allow women to escape abuse than literal male migrants wandering and raping women.

No. 2333858

It's the unpopular opinions thread…

No. 2333865

ugly ginger megamind. Embarrassing.

No. 2333866

how is that a ginger. honestly sometimes usa/uk etc anglo lizard people's definitions over hair color are weird sometimes you see straight up brunettes being called blondes

No. 2333878

I wish you were aborted so we didn’t have to have this stupid talk

No. 2333917

ugly people behave in a certain way and it is possible to see from someone's posting style that they are not a good looking person. especially mid women suffering from dunning-kruger effect have that certain type of wannabe regina george type of attitude.

No. 2333943

an ugly woman made this post

No. 2333973

yeah and i'm fat too

No. 2333977

Visible abs are unhealthy for women and require us to drop to a body fat percentage that is unhealthy for us to maintain. More body fat = increased estrogen production which is why women should neither be too lean or overweight and men should be much much leaner than women. For example, women will be very healthy at 20-28% while men will look doughy and skinnyfat at the same body fat percentage. I'm tired of the meme that visible abs is a sign of health and fitness for both sexes when it only applies to men.

No. 2333986

Not really an unpopular opinion but I find it weird when people come on here, make a thread, and claim it's a safe space for one group of people. Like the black girl and various race threads, lesbian and bisexual threads on /g/, and sometimes even the amerifag thread on /ot/. It's an anonymous imageboard so how could anything be a safe space? There's no verification, anyone can post anywhere without really being black, or lesbian, or American. I feel like nonnas need to be real and stop pretending titling a thread "Strawberry Lovers Thread" means only Strawberry Lovers post there. Same thing with people who think this is an imageboard for women. That would be nice and all but it really just can't be because there's no verification, half of you could be men (this is not scrotefoiling, mods, just stating statistical probability)

No. 2333989

Unfortunate. I would love to be ripped.

No. 2333990

I feel bad because those threads feel like a signal for trolls. Like all the reasonable people who don't fall into those groups will just avoid posting there because it's not for them, but that obviously won't stop trolls from shitting up the threads and trying to stoke controversy. The only way to suppress that on an anonymous imageboard is to shun and report any posts that seem off. Which does the job, but can reinforce groupthink and make it harder for someone who is in those groups to discuss takes that are unpopular with the group.

No. 2333992

>I feel like nonnas need to be real and stop pretending titling a thread "Strawberry Lovers Thread" means only Strawberry Lovers post there
Is this a euphemism for something or am I a degenerate

No. 2333994

kek i think that was just supposed to be an example

No. 2333996

Exactly. It's like moths to a flame. Especially if you're a minority group on lolcow, it's just inevitable that a huge majority of posters will be larping, trolling, or posting disingenuously. I guess I don't really see the point in trying to have a safe space for x group when there's not really any reassurance you're actually talking to others from that group. Any social media app with profiles and pictures at bare minimum would probably be better. You can't really gatekeep an imageboard.
It doesn't mean anything sinister it was just the first thing that came to mind kek

No. 2334001

I think we really need to stfu when it comes to calling every race discussion “racebaiting” or /pol/ transplants, do you seriously think women don’t talk about retarded shit like that, especially autistic ones? If women are into politics then they definitely talk about race/ethnic stuff. I think a lot of the normies here assume that women are free-loving, egalitarian, peaceful people while that is somewhat true we wouldn’t exist in such a divisive world if it weren’t for race-obsessed women enabling race-obsessed men. Women love to gossip, talk shit, be bitchy and talk about race, cry about it

No. 2334008

The burger thread is one of the easiest to troll

No. 2334012

I don't think people are men for talking about race constantly I just think they are annoying. Racism is the most low IQ conclusion that one can come to when thinking for a reason to criticize any part of the general population imo. It's like cheap junk food that requires no critical thinking. Instead of thinking of societal and cultural factors, history, and economics you just blame it on race…low effort and lame.

No. 2334020

Yeah because it does boil down to genetics and race, the problem is that there’s one camp who thinks race doesn’t matter annd we’re blank slates completely influenced by our environment and the other that believes in the way race is constructed and that somehow through the false construction there is some birthright for them to rule the world or something. There’s more nuances to “race” than we think, crying about racism 24/7 is super annoying actually

No. 2334022

This isn't unpopular here probably but it definitely is in the putside world. I fucking HATE Bill Burr. This smug mick Masshole piece of shit. He is an unfunny, woman-hating worm who practically invented the meme of hiding your general hatred for women by only complaining openly about white women specifically, and him being married to a black woman is not fooling me. Practically every man who hates women is somehow still chose to get married to one so that doesn't change anything, and he is not somehow a better man for marrying a woman of another race. It almost creeps me out like he did it to be immune from criticism. His disgusting open hatred for white women alone is nauseating to behold. Every man who makes a living getting popular saying horrible things about women and stereotyping them, making money by fanning the flames of hatred their male audience feels toward women and validating their preconceived opinions, should be denounced as the retarded ape they are and given no more attention yet everyone sucks this guy's dick like he's their Irish smartmouth buddy who works at the convenience store with them and they just love him. For fucking what? The dude isn't funny he's literally just a hateful blowhard, like that's his entire routine. Men are not funny and should be banned from comedy.

No. 2334024

I’m black and when I was young in a white schools teachers constantly kept trying to put me in retard classes. I always felt stupid and was shocked when I got to college and was getting all a’s. Maybe if I was white teachers would’ve been more patient with my social awkwardness.

No. 2334025

At the risk of racebaiting I will say it's really funny when people call immigration restrictionists white supremacists. Like hello I don't want the top 1% of India to take over my country and outcompete us for jobs, that's the opposite of supremacy. We're like red squirrels that need a safe space so we don't go extinct

No. 2334031

Both points of view can be true. Race can be meaningful in explaining some things and racism can also explain some things. I don't get why people think these things are mutually exclusive

No. 2334034

I think people should have the right to exclude others. I never understood abolishing segregation tbh, I think it’s because black men wanted more opportunities to continue knocking up white women without the legal repurcussions. Getting rid of segregation didn’t benefit my race in the slightest

No. 2334036

I don’t understand why race realists only focus on iq differences and not the health differences we have that can actually help people. There are differences in race, for example Asians are more likely to get stomach cancer and black people are more likely to have blood pressure but we all get the same treatments as a white man.

No. 2334037

>We're like red squirrels that need a safe space so we don't go extinct
made me kek

No. 2334042

I think the differences are interesting in a very neutral way. The way people living in hot climates have bodies made exactly to deal with heat and sunlight even down to tiny details like the size of your lips and nose, and people in cold climates have bodies made to deal with that is super interesting to me. I never saw one as better or worse, because everyone is basically perfect for one environment and worse for the other. The problem is nobody wants to talk about it because it's too "racist" to even mention there's any difference

No. 2334043

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Segregation had nothing to do with keeping black and white people separate though if you really think about it. They wanted black people in their own shitty ghettos and to only be seen in their homes as workers or sex slaves.

No. 2334044

I think people are wildly misguided when it comes to racism. Most "race" problems are actually cultural problems. I've met a fair share of immigrants that don't cause problems because they've adapted to the local culture. Immigrants from developing countries are a mostly a problem if they refuse to accept the culture of the country they moved in and become insulated in their communities and cause the same problems they caused in their homecountry. I've noticed it's mostly an issue with moids, women have no issue adapting unless they're bound by marriage and have a retarded scrote. I really think we should only accept children and women from war torn countries though.

No. 2334047

Racist and racism is not noticing differences in phenotypes, it's an ideological practice were you think someone is lesser or more than someone else based on those differences. It's retarded

No. 2334048

That has nothing to do with intelligence and capability though. The appeal with Asians for whites people especially white men is that they’re meek and courteous and way too loyal to authority while black people are seen as the opposite. What I’ve noticed though is that Asians and Arabs are clearly treated differently than black peoples nowadays. If you even dare to make a joke about East Asians you’ll get crowds of fetishists, weeaboos, kshit fans hounding you for committing some unspoken social faux pas against a higher class kek. Certain races are now punchlines (white women - being called Karens, black women and the attack on their hair and femininity) while others are deemed almost as untouchable gods, it gets even more complex on why certain Asians and Europeans (whites) get along easier than other races while Americanized whites who are seen even less than the annoying purists of Europe are more likely in modern times to be tolerant of black people, it’s because there’s an unspoken hierarchy full of unspoken connections between ethnicities and races thatve probably existed for a very long time.

No. 2334050

the reason why asians excel at most things is because their culture is highly focused on praising people who overperform and overwork and socially excluding those who dont contribute. asians are actually the most physically frail race so if whites or blacks suddently adopted asian culture they would succeed at a higher rate because better physical traits that favor overworking and exertion.

No. 2334051

race realists dont actually care about helping anyone, they just want to say blacks are retarded and asians have small dicks. race realists are 99% white men trying to compensate for one or another genetic failure blaming on their race instead of doing something about it. women who are race realists are some type of tradtard pickme who got imprinted professional racism by some of their exbfs.

No. 2334055

then why are cross cultural adoptees so fucked in the head? they can try to assimilate, but don't live in a vacuum. they don't cause social problems, but they're not well adjusted people

No. 2334056

This thread is such a cancer

No. 2334058

File: 1736098916280.webp (94.57 KB, 511x853, husband.png)

Sephiroth did nothing wrong and is fully justified.

No. 2334060

No they wouldn’t kek, you and I both know they wouldn’t.

No. 2334064

For real. First thing I saw when I opened /ot/ and scrolled down was race sperging. Didn’t even have to check what thread it was.

No. 2334066

Something hit a nerve

No. 2334069

cry on /meta/ for vpn removal again, this thread feeds on vpnfags.

No. 2334071

You know it’s definitely coming, might as well talk about what you want before the perma(vpn)ban comes because a bunch of concern trolls wanted to punish people for doing wrongthink kek.

No. 2334074

I hate hate HATE IQ and what it's done to evolutionary anthropology. Personality differences netween groups are so much more important than IQ. IQ is a one dimensional metric like height, its the same thing no matter what race or culture we are talking about. I'm much more interested in genetic group differences in things like introversion vs. extraversion, individualism vs. collectivist cultural values, differences in sociosexual values between groups, etc, and how those differences can be explained by environment (culture) vs. genetic predisposition. And also how these genetic predispositions in personality types may influence how culture develops, and how culture can then reinforce and amplify those genetic predisposition.

Why do introverted white people like Japanese and Korean entertainment? Maybe its because Asian people are more introverted than white people on average, and therefore white people who are on the introverted tail of the bell curve relative to other whites will gravitate to Asian cultures that appeal more to introvert tastes.

This is much more inclusive and non hierarchical than obsessing with IQ, which only allows for winners and losers with no distinctions. Besides, IQ can't explain history anyways, or else it wouldn't have been the Greeks, Roman's and Europeans who discovered and colonized the world but the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. It's absurdly reductionist

No. 2334075

That you Elon?

No. 2334077

Yup, want a free Tesla nonny?

No. 2334078

Yeah because it’s clear who has a reasonable IQ to maintain society while others are too stupid and are struggling..

No. 2334082

I didn't say IQ wasn't a meaningful metric, it's just a single metric that can't be used on its own to explain differences between human groups through history. Why did most of human achievement come from the Middle East and later Europe, instead of China, despite China's higher IQ? Probably it has something to do with the Chinese being much more agreeable and less open to experience than Europeans, which means less going against the grain and experimenting with new ideas. Just an example.

No. 2334084

No, I'm Toyota loyal

No. 2334094

It's easy to get sick of constant race sperging and being told you are less/unwelcome for being brown. Online racism is so annoying lately

No. 2334106

I wish it was possible to talk about these things in a neutral way without stepping on anyone's toes but I guess when the topic is so foundational to peoples identities that's impossible.

No. 2334115

I think Korean men are super attractive a lot of the time, but they ruin it by acting like little girls. People like T.O.P. Could be sexy as fuck if he didn’t do the standard cutesy girly bullshit that is the norm in Korea. His instagram pictures look like a sad gay puppy but then his acting in squid games was super hot/masculine imo. Same with basically all men there. When they act masculine, amazing, sexy. Aegyo is so cringe. It causes a physical recoil reaction from me.(kpop)

No. 2334117

the average korean men are not only gross manlets but also extremely misogynistic. kpop was a mistake.

No. 2334124

Proud to say I saw in theaters on my friends 13th bday. Yes im old

No. 2334125

File: 1736101976499.png (50.86 KB, 236x360, 1000030950.png)

My unpopular opinion is that (most of) the Undertale protagonist's actions in the "bad" runs are perfectly reasonable self defense and the fandom can cry about their blorbos harder.

No. 2334126

I never understood people who are keen on saying that a whole race or ethnicity is ugly/attractive. Ugly people are everywhere and so are beautiful people.
I don’t get those who are especially keen on praising Japanese and Korean people. Just pick the average person and they won’t look like Lee Hyori or Parg Go bum kek.

No. 2334130

File: 1736102138301.jpeg (120.55 KB, 640x397, IMG_0704.jpeg)

Average group of Japanese college students

No. 2334135

Aren't they the tallest EA?

No. 2334136

File: 1736102387905.jpeg (134.41 KB, 858x572, IMG_0705.jpeg)

Average American college students

No. 2334137

Because white men don’t want other races dating out the way have on the entire planet. It’s all a psyop so white men can be seen as the most ideal males so everyone can turn a blind eye when they rape little girls of the global south, Asia, and Africa with impunity. Because white men so smart look at all the money they have!

No. 2334139

File: 1736102449339.jpeg (121.07 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0706.jpeg)

Average Korean college students

No. 2334140

They cute and diverse i don’t get it

No. 2334141

File: 1736102476397.jpeg (780.39 KB, 993x859, IMG_5003.jpeg)

Nta but I don’t think they’re ugly. Just average looking, a group of white epooe don’t look like super models either.

No. 2334142

The Japanese students are mid cheer while all the other students are posing for a photo. The average human is alright and that’s okay

No. 2334144

File: 1736102605428.jpeg (97.47 KB, 600x450, IMG_0708.jpeg)

Average South African college students

No. 2334145

File: 1736102607936.jpeg (786.32 KB, 1102x829, IMG_5004.jpeg)

So what?

No. 2334146

Exactly at least the Asians and Americans aren’t balding kek

No. 2334147

This is what I’m saying. I’m not calling anyone ugly. I’m just saying that humans in general tend to look average at best. When you go outside you don’t see the 1% of super beautiful people or super ugly people kek.

No. 2334148

U popular opinion but hot Asians are better than hot white people

No. 2334149

All these photos show me is that everyone is average af when it comes down to it and that’s what makes humanity so beautiful

No. 2334151

That’s what I meant nonnina. Glad that someone at least got it kek.

No. 2334154

Seeing normal faces is actually pretty uplifting somehow? I wish social media was like this too.

No. 2334157

People also look better in real life. A girl can look ugly or average in a photo but be hot in motion.

No. 2334166

I legitimately find pretty much all human beings physically attractive, and it makes me feel like a slut. Every single race/person can get it kek. Just act super confident and I’ll fold.

No. 2334167

Go make your own website or go to LSA if it bothers you so much

No. 2334169

File: 1736103458042.jpeg (174.62 KB, 1280x992, IMG_0709.jpeg)

Hi nonnita

No. 2334175

It's usually some level of cope kek, like the people who assume they'll be worshipped everywhere they go overseas because they're from X country.

No. 2334177

Not Asian or a burger, but Asian cultures generally promote discipline and conforming, that’s why they’re so “successful” . It’s a you get eaten or you eat others kind of mindset. Look at how children are pushed to excel in these countries, simply because exceeding academically makes or breaks their whole life. Don’t compare with the people that are shown in media , but to actual citizens, you would understand the high rates of suicide if you’d do that.

No. 2334178

That's not an unpopular opinion. Except with terminally online low self-esteem weirdos, so I guess it's fine to post itt anyway.

No. 2334179

Anons would know this if they actually went outside and stopped looking at facetuned selfies all day.

No. 2334181

Hmm, no.

No. 2334190

I get not being attracted to other ethnicities because everyone has a bias towards their own people due to growing up around them, but supremacists who shit talk entire races strike me as doth protesting too much. Like the white supremacist moids who often seem to end up with Asian wives or girlfriends

No. 2334207

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No. 2334210

the tallest east asians would for sure be north koreans and northern Chinese people

No. 2334236

No. 2334240

I agree with this
My second unpopular opinion is that Tifa is better. I don't hate Aerith though. Sephiroth is still justified.

No. 2334247

How about you go back to the 50 websites where you can obsess about race freely?

No. 2334257

>Tifa is better
Oh you’re double retarded.

No. 2334259

Singularly retarded, because I understand the argument between the two, but Sephiroth did nothing wrong. I played the original version and not the remaster if that changes things, I don't know if the writing is any different.

No. 2334268

Anthro forums are all overrun with ethnonationalist moids who are obsessed with their particular supremacism arguing with each other. There's nowhere to have an actual detached anthro discussion because males are too emotional and egotistical, and female spaces are overly politically correct (albeit for understandable reasons given the above problems)

No. 2334276

I really, really, really, really liked the new Nosferatu. Most of my friends disliked it but I found it very spooky and thrilling.

No. 2334278

The fact so many furries are also troons AND racespergs makes me kek so hard. Life shitted them out into the bad end of the gene pool where the water was dark and curdled, and these retards grabbed a snorkel.

No. 2334279

i actually have been shocked to see how well it’s being reviewed by people and wasn’t planning on seeing it before. my unpopular opinion is i want to see lily rose like full come out against her father, gain fifty pounds of muscle, marry her girlfriend and turn off her phone. like abandon the pro ana fan base she low key has been trying to shrug off but can’t because it’s all she had for a minute. they loved her as a child and want her to lose the rest of her hair and die. she needs to be free. i sense that she’s actually cooler than her fan base and father.

No. 2334282

does anthro mean furry? are you saying you’re a furry? maybe the fact all furries are also racists apparently should be like the ten millionth red flag? like hello it’s a group of people into beastiality what is not clicking that they are to be avoided? it’s 2024 not 2005. we know it’s not just bright funny costumes and acting silly like a clown now. it’s a sex thing revolving around animals.

No. 2334290

File: 1736109076817.jpg (56.36 KB, 1024x768, mfw.jpg)

NOOOOOOO! I mean anthropology, not anthropomorphism! GAH

No. 2334294

NOOOOOO cat nona i’m so sorry!!!!! i literally read the response talking about furry stuff before your post and like scrolled up like how did the topic change to furries but anyways fuck furries. i am so sorry you caught a stray there. bless your poor heart that actually sounds so hard to have to deal with i can’t imagine a single non racist male going into that field. and then you get people assuming you’re a furry nooo it’s like you’re falling down a flight of stairs and can’t stop.

No. 2334301

Its really funny actually, reading my posts thinking I'm talking about furfags makes it hilarious. Could apply though, I know there are a lot of neo nazi troons.

Anyways its a shame because I love anthropology but the mainstream interest groups are all very woke whereas the ones that allow talk about genetics and evopsych always get taken over by racial supremacists of one type or another

No. 2334307

You reminded me I saw a picture from local furry meetup and there was a pink wolf in a nazi uniform but the illegal symbols were taken down. Everybody could tell it was a nazi uniform anyway. Gay nazis.. only in furry fandom.

No. 2334313

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>gay nazi

No. 2334319

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People say that you get treated better after having a physical glowup, and while I’m sure “pretty privilege” benefits you in a lot of ways, I feel like people are ruder to me now that I’m more conventionally attractive. I used to be overweight and lost a lot of weight, and while men are nicer to me now (probably because they want to fuck me), a lot of women are nasty to me, much meaner than they were before. Yesterday an overweight unattractive woman who I’d never interacted with before commented on my post calling me a bag of bones and telling me I looked like a man completely unprovoked.

No. 2334321

love this picture of the Donald and joey

No. 2334323

KEKAROO I'm so sorry anon, I didn't even question why someone would take the moral fibre of the furry community so seriously.

No. 2334329

saw this on the front page and came here at the speed of light to save it. also sorry to hear about that shit because it sounds exhausting.

No. 2334330

Why couldn't they just hang out like this

No. 2334354

I’d rather be skinny than a fattie every time sorry

No. 2334360

in my experience i haven't noticed that much of a difference with how women treat me but men definitely treat me nicer.
overall you definitely benefit more from being skinny than fat in society. it's been proven that being skinny psychologically has more positive connotations and being fat has negative connotations. like for example, to an employer a skinny person will seem more reliable, put together, organised, while a fatty will seem sloppy and lazy

No. 2334396

Larping is a problem, though if its agreeing with actual sentiment from the community, I don't care much tbh. Being able to vent about specific stuff like colorism and misogyny in Asian cultures is really refreshing, even if mentally ill white girls are larping alongside us. Actual moids are easy to spot because they don't type like women and expose themselves when they either cape for their own group or attack men/women from another group in the threads.

No. 2334401

Fat people do tend to be more lazy and less capable though, same with people who smoke weed

No. 2334404

honestly i agree with this. after i grew out my hair with my natural color and started dressing more like a normie at work or going out to get the groceries/to the dentist/mundane every life situation settings instead of alt people have gotten much ruder and meaner towards me. even when i dress up in my preferred style people are more rude and mean compared to when i had my head shaved for example when i dress in feminine way. when i dress more masculine people just think i'm retarded so i'm not saying you get treated nice when you look butch but people still aren't nasty they just think you are a childish moron and kinda leave you alone.

No. 2334412

File: 1736114179627.jpg (138.11 KB, 1280x979, smokingvsobesity.jpg)

Unpopular opinion: smoking should be mainstreamed again because smoking related disease is less costly and harmful overall than obesity related disease, and obesity rates shot up in parallel with smoking rates crashing.

People need a vice and if they can't get their ciggies they'll go for twinkies instead. Also there is lot less meanness and introversion in society when everyone is thin and attractive.

Oh and smoke breaks are a great way to force socializing and break the ice between strangers

No. 2334419

>people need a vice
*stupid people.

No. 2334421

If you were born fat then you are meant to be fat. There are billions of people on the planet our bodies vary for a reason. It would be boring if everyone weighed 105 lbs. also fat women are beautiful as fuck. Some of the prettiest women I met facially were fat. It actually pisses me off that they are often bullied into losing weight because more often than not they are met with the trauma of loose skin and an older looking face. I hate it let fat people be fat damn

No. 2334427

I can’t imagine sharing a cigarette with a complete stranger is this why herpes is so rampant in certain communities

No. 2334429

that's not what sharing a cigarette means you are cute

No. 2334430

I've legitimately been walking with a smoker, passed a cigarette someone had thrown on the ground OUTSIDE, and she picked it up and lit it and started smoking it without hesitating for a second. I was dumbfounded. Smokers are degenerates who truly do not give a fuck kek

No. 2334431

>born fat
american education

No. 2334432

need a crusty queen like that

No. 2334433

File: 1736114912502.jpeg (35.71 KB, 624x625, nana-osaki.jpeg)

If you can rawdog life in current year without any copes my hat's off to you, you're a badder bitch than I'll ever be


My tinfoil is that the gov pushed anti smoking to break down social circles so we are fat, depressed and more easily controlled

No. 2334434

fat people smoke anon

No. 2334435

I think the diference is how we categorize fat. Fat doesn't mean what is used to mean to most americans at least. Being an extra 20-40lbs over weight is manageable

No. 2334436

what on tumblr is this lmao

No. 2334437

Kek, she was a nice person but she did so many things that just made me think "why."

No. 2334439

I feel like these anons are Tumblr/Twitter skellyfags who think smoking is kewl miracle weight loss magic kek.

No. 2334442

Smoking rates went down, obesity rates went up, almost in tandem. Its not 1:1 but its obvious a lot of people swapped from smoking as a habit to snacking or drinking sugary drinks. If you controlled for race its probably even more stark, as Hispanics tend to have higher obesity rates than whites and would skew the statistics compared to the 1980s when America was whiter

No. 2334446

you're so right bestie, let's make lung cancer trendy again!

No. 2334462

>In 2019, the global age-standardised point prevalence and death rates for type 2 diabetes were 5282.9 and 18.5 per 100 000, an increase of 49% and 10.8%, respectively, since 1990. Moreover, the global age-standardised DALY rate in 2019 was 801.5 per 100 000, an increase of 27.6% since 1990. In 2019, the global point prevalence of type 2 diabetes was slightly higher in males and increased with age up to the 75-79 age group, decreasing across the remaining age groups. American Samoa [19876.8] had the highest age-standardised point prevalence rates of type 2 diabetes in 2019. Generally, the burden of type 2 diabetes decreased with increasing SDI (Socio-demographic Index). Globally, high body mass index [51.9%], ambient particulate matter pollution [13.6%] and smoking [9.9%] had the three highest proportions of attributable DALYs.

Obesity is over 5x as harmful to public health than smoking! If it is proven that aggressive anti-smoking legislation and taxation on cigarettes drives up obesity, it makes more sense to let up on smokers than to allow the fatpocalypse to continue.

No. 2334463

i kinda blame billie eilish for dating that ancient moids. If it was any normal girl i would not blame them for getting groomed but she literally had the entire internet telling her how weird it was and she doubled down again and again. Her recent "i like girls too" shit just pisses me off because of how much she insisted on sucking the dick of men almost 10 years older than her. I listened to her since middle school (when her youtube channel hadnt even reached 1mil subs) and it really made me give up on her music.

No. 2334464

>fat women are beautiful as fuck

No. 2334469

It's because they're an individual and have their own preferences. For example, some people don't like dark skin, so of course they'll find more light-skinned ethnicities more attractive.

No. 2334491

File: 1736117462263.jpg (91.55 KB, 1200x675, 2b2bf83890faf68b81c92202f60cb4…)

This is the unpopular opinions thread so here goes mine: Furry are only bad if they're moids. Worst case they're zoos, "best" case they're pornsick degenerates with a laundry list of awful kinks. Furry women on the other hand are usually weird autists who never grew out of cartoons and plushies, but they're mostly harmless. I find a lot of furry art made by women to be very cute and pleasant to look at.

No. 2334495

this isn't cute, it looks retarded and cringe

No. 2334502

File: 1736118323984.png (300.17 KB, 1024x1024, 4279532688426.PNG)

Anachans usually get thin because they think they can compensate for their genetic ugliness (it doesn’t work).
>inb4 fatty accusations
Fat people are unhygienic and ugly too.

No. 2334505

Sure, but being ugly is still better than being fat and ugly. If you're living in a fat country, you can punch above your face/body looks in quality-of-life if you thin yourself out.

No. 2334507

It looks like that cat is eating reese puffs and now I want that

No. 2334512

File: 1736118921835.jpg (225.94 KB, 1152x896, 1000037777.jpg)

Careful, the reason for anachans to be ana are varied and you might start an avalanche of bone rattling as they all rush to tell you their specific reason(ai outside of containment )

No. 2334515

you scroll down to see the rest of the image and it’s hips are ballooned out five feet on each side. i don’t trust any of you.

No. 2334521

File: 1736119288544.png (1.97 MB, 1573x1104, 1000000740.png)

As someone who likes women, tbh I always think that a fat girl with a pretty face that dresses nice looks better than a skinny ugly girl. Picrel are both models

No. 2334523

there’s no such thing as being born fat

No. 2334529

It's an aspect of control actually

No. 2334530

Every person is different actually, and many are also the way she described

No. 2334531

My grandma was a chain smoker and never weighed less than 200 lbs god rest her soul

No. 2334533

an analanche

No. 2334535

Yes there is be serious

No. 2334538

Do you idiots not realize people are smoking use vapes now. Most peoples vapes are filled with nicotine not weed and they are still fat as fuck. Give it up

No. 2334540

no, there’s definitely not kek? you have to eat to become fat, it doesn’t just appear on your body anon

No. 2334541

Vaping is taxed to hell just like smoking. Where I live vape juice is capped at 3% nicotine content to avoid addiction. A lot of places are pushing very aggressive legislation against vaping, even more aggressive than the anti-smoking campaign of yesteryear, which fuels my tinfoiling.

Let us max out nic content to cigarette levels and stop persecuting and taxing vaping the way they do with smoking and you'll see obesity go down, I'd bet money on it

No. 2334542

Smoking messes with your metabolism and it can actually make you gain weight. It also makes you more prone to developing diabetes

No. 2334573

Tell that to 10 lb newborn babies

No. 2334575

ah, yes. 10 pounds is fat now

No. 2334582

Push out a 10 lb babies head from your punani and then tell me what is and isn’t big

No. 2334584

i get that and everything but when you said “born fat” i imagined like 200 pounds not 10 kek

No. 2334585

I was born 7lbs 3oz

No. 2334586

I was born 3lbs like a skinny queen

No. 2334590

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6 lbs 7 oz, weighing in
I'm having fun, we should create a whole community and lifestyle around this

No. 2334596

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Turns out I was the fatty all along

No. 2334605

No. 2334721

lardasses will gorge themselves on 5x the calories they need then say it's because they were a chubby baby

No. 2334723

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I actually am grateful for fast fashion. I buy shit I actually use and keep.. Fast fashion as a whole had made my style easier to access for me because I was diy-ing my whole life and got tired of doing it for so damn long. I still do make my own accessories, but fast fashion giants had made it easier for me to get the supplies much faster and cheaper. I don't hop on every single style trend that's shat out by the algorithm and when fast fashion stops producing stuff in my style/interests I would probably go back to diy and reusing everything I did get.

Pretty much everywhere uses slave labor and the influencers who got shein/romwe deals that helped them build their following shouldn't be shitting on them afterwards. I see everyone cry about Shein and Temu and it's nothing but performative to me.

No. 2334732

Idgaf about bad working conditions in these countries because they won't improve conditions even under a boycott anyways. Usually these fabric places are in countries too poor to afford higher standards, if the garment factories moved out those workers would end up in even worse conditions somewhere else. Just virtue signaling opportunities and self congratulation

No. 2334735

It looks cheap and ill-fitting 99% of the time. I'm not sure why you're moralfagging about slave labour or have no awareness of how bad it looks. I would also choose picrel for this post but I don't think your opinion is unpopular since most people wear fast fashion, instead of quality clothing. If they did, it wouldn't be so hard to find

No. 2334736

>Fast fashion as a whole had made my style easier to access for me because I was diy-ing my whole life
You're buying a pale imitation of it kek

No. 2334738

the only people who give a shit about that are the same people who do nothing with their lives and exist to be empty consumer husks

No. 2334743

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Anon is pointing out that fast fashion is a cheap imitation of high end or runway fashion. So OP saying they "prefer" fast fashion, is actually her admitting she can't afford the "empty consumer husk" version. Most people on this board probably dress according to their body type, budget and preferences but prefer to choose quality clothing over shitty and trashy fast fashion rip offs

No. 2334744

I wish that was actually unpopular. I've been growing up poor and realizing that high quality items aren't just "paying for a brand" and "made in the same factory so it's just as good" but actually are much better quality and last an eternity was a true eureka moment. I'll never go back to bargains and cheap shit, I rather save up. There's also something really dystopian about first wordlers happily buying ugly useless trash on temu while the woman who sewed it for less than a cent gets to go back to her cramped slum home at the end of the day.

No. 2334748

I'm a pinkpiller, aesthetics is in your looks primarily and any beautiful girl will make a cheap outfit look good

No. 2334750

I’m one of the tinfoil-chans so bear with me but you notice how normalfags are always chastising other regular people to live subpar? The problem was never truly “overconsumption” the problem is the distribution of resources and money to balance the amount of consumption. If only a certain amount of the population can feasibly pay for these items (also encouraging debt culture with credit cards, loans, klarna) of course most shit is going into a landfill, except for thrift stores there’s nothing else that’s cycling and sustaining these things because most people are renters even with their own money, we are renter citizens now in the West. The decadent rich have honestly won this argument, people are now policing and infighting about how us peasants are really the ones causing overconsumption when it’s really these companies who mass produce so much products they end up sitting on the shelves for so damn long because wageslaves with their wages that haven’t caught up with the inflation and also using fake money (debt money and loans) can’t buy so much to again balance it all out, so then these products also end up in the back inside of trash cans perfectly fresh and still good, expiry dates are very important but also psyops because the average consumer is heavily reliant on the company to process and manufacture products, clothes, etc. without really knowing how to preserve items outside of the expiration estimate period. The real problems that causes controversy is the booming birth rates (despite the propaganda in the media saying it’s slowing down) and also the inability to catch up to rising prices and excess production but in many cases what people haven’t found out that many popular companies have been downscaling their items and products because even they in their greediness are getting caught in their own scam kek. I’m so annoyed whenever retards try to moralfag about child slavery, it’s always these foreign countries who allow these American companies to do whatever the fuck they want but they’re coincidentally never mentioned or held accountable, it’s always a convenient way to dunk on Americans because apparently Americans who are by far extremely different from the ruling classes in our country owe poorfags and third-worldies everything we have when we don’t. I don’t feel a damn bit bad

No. 2334753

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Tbf the high end brand worker also goes back to her slum shared living space but they've relocated the factory to Milan or Paris, so they can say it was "made" there. I think most of the time the product is still produced in a third world factory (Bangladesh mostly now) but the final details are completed in the pop-up Italian factories. I think the only way forward is tech-advancement and replacing the workers with robotics, since no one seems to want to do in the west, even when offered above average wages. There's a lot of costs that go into importing/exporting all the components of a pair of jeans (for example) so theoretically could be used to offset wages but the government should be subsidizing nationalized industries like clothing manufacturing instead of dairy and corn.

No. 2334790

>tfw you love the feeling of plastic clothes
couldn't be me

No. 2334793

I have probably purchased the majority of my clothing from thrift stores as an adult. It feels like it's the only place to get good quality and a decent price so long as you know what to look for.

No. 2334797

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Everyone should but I'm lowkey worried that schitzo anon >>2334750 has a point and that we're being cow-prodded into reducing our expectations for the owner class. They would rather see us walk around in tattered clothing worn by hordes of other people than invest in their own industries and people, so I'm not even sure if "vote with your wallet" will take us in the right direction anymore. I hope some greedy fuck capitalizes on American-made clothing, it's crazy that no one has yet. The amount of degeneracy Dov Charney was able to squeeze into one mid-life crisis making basic t-shirts and tights should inspire any ambitious moid. I'd prefer a woman did it tho

No. 2334798

How psychiatry has shaped the way that we relate to mental illness and our psyche is utterly bullshit. DSM V is incredibly badly written. The symptoms of the illnesses overlap so much to the point where they almost blend into each other. The standard that we have set for what is being autistic or having ADHD is also stupid.

No. 2334837

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Not the one who posted this weird looking scrote nor do I like K-pop but saw this scrolling through /g/. I understand banning any discourse of them especially on /ot/ but it feels weird to ban literally any picture of them. Almost borderline racist considering every Korean artist is going to be considered K-pop kek imagine banning every mention of Indian pop singers or something. Also kind of funny because how do the mods know the difference between K-pop celebrities and others like actors, are they fans too or do they reverse image search every Korean that is posted? Both of those options seem fucking hilarious LMAO

No. 2334838

agreed, I also think that it’s erroneous that they’re supposed to be based on psychological and neurological theory, when they hardly are. the diagnosis for ASPD is just a checklist for criminals. there is no attempt to properly and accurately describe the human brain, it’s just for convenience.

No. 2334843

It's this autistic over-adherance to the rules without considering why they were put there. Admin banned kpop threads because they were cancer, that translates to no kpop mention.

No. 2334849

The majority of women self-infantilize themselves.

No. 2334851

I support kpop ban because I find the extremely effeminate makeup wearing kpop guys very off-putting. Like uncanny valley tier. Maybe I'm just getting old.

No. 2334853

I was posting about this today itt kek I agree

No. 2334856

NTA. China falsified its IQ stats by focusing tests in urbanized areas. Rural people are extremely low IQ on average, and the worsening environment is probably making everyone lower in that metric. Cheating isn't frowned upon in a lot of Chinese communities, which plays into academia as well.
Racists don't talk about these things because they want to use Asians as a buffer race between themselves and black people. However, they don't want Asians filling up their universities or actually taking their place in society (hence the affirmative action debacle and how East Asian associations are complaining because they aren't filling up the uni spots they thought they'd get in return for helping right-wingers get rid of it).
As a disclaimer, I personally don't buy into IQ as the end-all be-all. People who think it's some in-born, concrete metric are either retarded or misinformed. There's a lot of dishonesty and politics around it, and those who fixate on it tend to ignore the fact that you can also literally study for an IQ test (lmao). I'm just pointing the China thing out because it was one of the first things that made me question all this.

Because "race realists" don't want to help anyone, they want to feel superior. They're willing to screw over other white people to this end as well, by the way.

No. 2334860

>there’s one camp who thinks race doesn’t matter annd we’re blank slates completely influenced by our environment
But then what are the differences you’re talking about? I only ever hear people talk about IQ. What is it that you want to talk about?

No. 2334874

China may or may not have falsified IQ results but Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan and South Korea all score similar to China's alleged IQ so I doubt it's far off. And even if it was, the case remains that the other Asian countries didn't do much either, whereas tiny Portugal was already sailing all over the world a couple hundred years after its creation.

Personality differences for example. East Asians score lower on self reported empathy than Caucasians, and this also shows up in genetic markers associated with high empathy being less common in East Asia than Europe. However the genetic traits associated with psychopaths are entirely absent from Asians but do exist in Europeans at low levels. Also there is a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4 that has a direct impact on openness to experience, with the higher repeat variants being associated with more extraversion and novelty seeking than lower repeat variants. Northern Europeans and Latin Americans of all races have the highest number of repeats, with northeast Asians and South Asians having the lowest number of repeats, with the rest of the world being intermediate. This may have played a huge role in the culture of these groups because the most nomadic and exploratory peoples also have the highest repeat variants, and the most long settled people have the lowest repeats. There's all sorts of fascinating stuff to sperg about with genetic anthropology but racial supremacists ruin everything by making it all about who's better or worse

No. 2334877

That only happens if you're illiterate and don't read the description for the material or the reviews to see what it looks like irl. You pretend to know what "quality clothing" looks like but I bet you don't actually spot shein/temu/aliexpress stuff irl as you claim and would only know if you were told it was. You just want to pretend to be some elite fashionista who buys expensive brands, as if it matters. Most people shopping on Shein don't give a shit about brands, they're looking for cheap alternatives in the first place, telling them "but it's cheap??!!" won't deter them from buying at all. The whole point is that it's cheap. The things I bought off Shein have lasted me for 5 years now and I still use them and wear them, no one can tell where it's from or even cares because they're not mentally ill and Shein isn't on their mind rent free 24/7.

No. 2334897

But where is it relevant? Especially since in-group variation is always much larger than between group variation.

No. 2334901

Being able to buy my shitty sweatpants and hoodie for 30 bucks on shein was such a lifesaver, i just moved to a new country thats much colder than my original one and it was getting unbearable, i think fast fashion has it place and sometimes you do need something quick and cheap, as much as id rather have a nice patagonia hoodie the circumstances dont allow for it and id give myself pneumonia if there were no other options.

No. 2334913

>Shein isn't on their mind rent free 24/7
This is probably the weirdest and most personally attacked I've ever seen an anon on lc. I don't care that you wear ugly and cheap clothing, your tacky friends probably think you look amazing too so you have nothing to worry about. Not sure why you care that some people disagree and understand that reviews mean nothing on sites like shein and they lie about the blend percentage of fabrics too (plus they're always sheer/thin). There has always been discount or affordable versions of "name brand" clothes, where you're missing the point and sperging for no reason is that all clothing is trash currently. But go on being a triggered moron defending the shittiest brand in existence, we also need more smug bpd bratz memes itt

repost for ESL

No. 2334918

Halloween is just cosplaying for normies

No. 2334923

Yeah but also cringe. Halloween has a rich tradition of old ass religions blah blah, cosplay just reminds me of e-sluts. Sorry?

No. 2334936

apple is so FUCKING RETARDED for syncing itunes and making everything need to be EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKK OFF and for removing song ripping fuck apple so much and fuck them for removing 3.5 mm too

No. 2334939

I can sperg about non-IQ race differences.

There was a time back in the 2000s when the "warrior gene" was discovered. A double repeat of the MAOA allele, which is a strikingly accurate predictor for violent crime and anti-social behavior. It's now called the warrior gene, but originally it was called the "thug gene" because it was common among criminals. It influences the metabolism of serotonin apparently, and even in mice it's found that a similar gene predicts aggressive behavior. The historically most tribal and polygamous parts of the world are today the same parts of the world with massive violent crime. And that gene is clustered pretty heavily in those populations. The polynesians, West Africans and Native Americans in particular. Cannibalism and torturing people to death slowly over a long period of time were commonplace historically in those areas, and shocked the europeans when they arrived. They even commented on how native american kids would commonly be found torturing animals. Even today you see this linger. African soliders commit horrific warcrimes, cartel members are brutal and polynesian societies all have problems with criminal gangs. A cartel member slicing apart a victim with a chainsaw is really just a modern gimped up version of an aztec ripping the heart of a victim, it's the same people doing a similar thing.

West Africans, the population african americans are derived from, are the most polygamous people on earth, taking 15+ wives, well beyond what even islam allows. Philip Rushton, a biologist writing back in the 90s, applied r/K selection theory between the races and uses East Asians and Africans as the two extremities, with Europeans lying in the middle. The reason African babies crawl earlier, grow up faster, have puberty earlier, grow to be larger is because they had to grow up fast and burn themselves up in intense tribal warfare, the winner getting a ridiculous amount of wives. The weakness of black families was noted by every historical explorer, from the Dutch to the Arabs. African men would win an intense tribal war, form a harem, and basically pawn off their kids to their less successful siblings to raise. Dutch explorers in west africa used to be shocked that women did all the work farming while the men literally reclined and gossiped all day. The soil was easy to turn and didn't take much intense labor. The relative economic success of black women over black men in the united states may be due to this, because women there really did work more.

It's also weird to notice tropical areas with settled farming produced some really small people. Bolivia, Philippines, India are three areas of the world with a similar climate, where people noticeably shrank down in average height. They adjusted for famine conditions. That's why Indians put on weight so easily and get diabetes pretty quickly if they don't watch what they eat, and struggle to put on muscle mass. Fiji is a tropical island but there people there very large, some of the largest in the world, there was no large scale settled farming where people had to wait out famine. Instead because the population was low and tribal warfare was constant, the stronger and bigger ones had more kids. Take a strong and large Fijian to Feudal India in a rice paddy and he'd starve to death during a bad monsoon season, muscles are expensive.

No. 2334943

With the first paragraph in mind, it's interesting how all the most extreme zoosadists and child pornographers happen to be of white/European and East Asian descent.

No. 2334948

People pit East Asians on the end of the extreme but they also have higher rates of the MAOA allele. It doesn’t fit the narrative. The Rape of Nanjing doesn’t fit the narrative either,
>have puberty earlier, grow to be larger
What? Europeans and Native Americans are the largest races. Also, puberty happening earlier is directly tied to insulin resistance. It’s not a racial trait when you exclude that factor/obesity rates.

I think it’s interesting that with the way modern society paints a picture, you would think the torture and dehumanisation of peoples considered “other”, especially during colonisation, by the Europeans never happened. Kek.

No. 2334954

True, East Asians do tend to have it higher than Europeans. I apologize for speaking so authoritatively and getting an aspect wrong. But regardless, it's an instance of a gene we can see working on an individual level, I think one study showed gang members with the gene present were more likely to have used weapons and be in prison for violent crime.

Isn't American football filled with african blacks, and same with Basketball? In terms of muscle strength I think it's eastern europeans that are the strongest, going by power lifting stats. But there's a trade off a bit between raw muscle strength and twitch fibre reflexes, so that doesn't tell the whole story. But it seems like polynesians are a large part of the rugby teams in the Australian/New Zealand parts of the world. Blacks seem to punch well above their weight athletically wherever they go, aren't the European football teams filled with them?

No. 2334955

>I don't care if you wear ugly cheap clothing!1!1!
Then why complain about people buying off shein just because it's cheap? If you didn't care, you wouldn't be hellbent on criticizing it and anyone who buys off it on the basis of "it's cheap!!!", you'd just carry on with your life and not care about who wears what from where. You're probably busy looking at strangers' outfits and analyzing them to spot if it's "cheap" or not. None of you anti-sheiners even explain why is it cheap exactly and what are some substitutes to it, you just want to moralfag over clothes to feel better about your overspending on clothes.
>they lie about their fabric blends
I don't live in the USA so we have actual restricted on imported goods, all my jeans and cotton clothing are legit the material they are, the reviews has people wearing the clothes and describing any issues if present. It's not that hard to find quality items for reasonable prices. None of it was ever sheer either. The clothes I buy from brands like Breshka ended up being sheer, funnily enough. While cheap clothing shops that import from China have nice pieces that lasted me for decades.

No. 2334956

Yeah, cannibalism as a form of medicine was common in Europe too. Even philosophers of back then talked about it being hypocritical to consider the Native cannibalism to be savage when they did it themselves.

No. 2334962

Cannibalism was common in Europe in prehistoric times and the Greeks and Romans wrote about violent Germanic tribes. There were also mass graves found in Germany I believe where one of the remains showed clear signs of torture so your statements doesn't track

No. 2334966

>torturing people to death slowly over a long period of time were commonplace historically in those areas, and shocked the europeans when they arrived
Idk nonna, Europeans in the middle ages were perfectly fine with that too.

No. 2334969

Nta but she's right, you're ridiculously defensive.

No. 2334971

It’s interesting, the conversation started because someone said they were upset that you can’t have racial discussions without people accusing you of being racist, but when asked about what racial differences there are they started immediately trying to cherrypick history to support an agenda. It’s so interesting because even though the sentiment of racial superiority and nationalism is ubiquitous, for some reason white people specifically are so obsessed with this. Asians who are arguably more xenophobic, even they don’t do it to this degree - if anything they’re self-deprecating; certain types of white people are always searching for justifications to uplift themselves, confirmation bias, even if it means skimming over the details.

No. 2334975

As if people against amyone wearing shein stuff aren't ridiculously aggressive about something they seemingly "don't care about".

No. 2335016

I’ve posted Korean actor/models with no issue before. Anon probably got a ban for mentioning his concerts.

No. 2335047

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>check thread days later
Bloody hell. Anyway, my unpopular opinion is that "pansexuals" are just people who think they're too speshul and quirky to identify as bi. I don't think it's unpopular here but it is everywhere else.

No. 2335052

Pansexuals are retards, so are demisexuals.
But I guess that in these new times being pansexuals means that you’re also open to trannies kek.

No. 2335054

They were doing open air guillotines kek or dangling the dead bodies in the cities.

No. 2335057

Yeah, they're more likely to be chasers or even spicy straights because hey, it means they're open to dating gender-conforming members of the opposite sex who use CUTE PRONOUNS kek.

No. 2335059

People in the middle ages were hardcore as fuck, we should go back to doing that for serious (moid) offenders.

No. 2335064

Nooooo, pansexuals are attracted to cis men, pre-op trans women, and agender, bigender and pangender AMABs! They're totally not straight women who want to be quirky for internet points, that's such a silly thing to suggest. They're definitely not the evolved bihet of the tranny age.
I remember when there was massive drama over bi people on Tumblr identifying as bi instead of pan. We can all guess why.
No lie, that would actually help a lot. It would shock the moidlets into being less openly shitty.

No. 2335068

This is another reason why I hate them, they were so openly shitty towards the LGB for repackaged ~moral righteousness~ bullshit (and still are tbh, just quieter)
>No lie, that would actually help a lot. It would shock the moidlets into being less openly shitty.
You may be right. Scrotes still acted out back then due to the hyper-religious culture and shit, and they'll always be scummy, but nowadays this could shock them straight kek

No. 2335069

trannies have such bad game that they think that not having sex with them is oppression kek, TIMs and TIFs alike. If you’re a weirdo , who is mentally ill and destroying your otherwise healthy body, your dating pool is just going to be restricted to other weirdos, prison T4F, chasers, closeted homophobes etc. Notice how the greasy group of transbians always flock together? Kek
Few TRAs even venture into that, it’s always TRA in the street and TERF in the sheets kek.

No. 2335071

I’d say that they’re more bold now though, see them calling sexualities “genital preferences” and accusing lesbians of being transphobic and TERFs for not liking male appendages. They wail and throw tantrums like the men children they are and always go into rapey.

No. 2335072

Not only that but also torturing people on suspicion alone, even if that suspicion is just your neighbour shittalking you or you not immediately defending your honor going "n-no u!" in a verbal tardbattle.

No. 2335094

I'm such a natural beauty bitter ass bitch that I hate any celebration of a woman for shallow reasons when it's clear as day she has plastic surgery. Like congrats on not needing to go to the ombudsmen for your purchase working out you skank ass slut

No. 2335101

Kek nonna. But I guess they have money to do that.
I also think that uggos should remain as uggos.

No. 2335105

Why don't you want ugly people to succeed and not be ugly? This is an infringement of my ugly human rights.

No. 2335107

Because they make ugly children and fuck up the world lol

No. 2335114

beauty is in the eye of the beholder. even if all "ugly" people dropped dead today another group of people would be labelled as "ugly". it never ends and being shallow is looked down upon for a reason. get a grip.

No. 2335120

Also they skew the perception of aging gracefully with their fake ass demi moore looking ass faces and bodies. Normalise not spending thousands on making yourself more pornified for sexual currency

No. 2335128

I've had people label me as demisexual because I'm not desperate for sex and wouldn't fuck on a first date. As if that isn't normal especially for women
I agree

No. 2335137

smoking seems way worse, at least if you get fat you can just lose the weight by exercising but if you smoke everyday wouldn't it fuck up your lungs permanently even if you stopped.

No. 2335151

David Lynch sucks, his movies are the epitome of im 14 and this is deep, get better taste.

No. 2335157

Apparently if you quit smoking, within a year or 2 your health profile goes back to what it would be if you never smoked, or at least very close to it. Vaping is probably even less harmful yet we make it as difficult as possible

No. 2335164

I was almost going to defend him (cringe) because you might just be describing his fans and not his movies but then I remembered he signed a petition to free a pedophile so he deserves to die. The internet wiped this fact cleaned btw, all Hollywood moids are proven to be pedophiles, sex pests, pimps, and gang members

No. 2335271

the baby voice my old roommate put on when her boyfriend was around was unreal. she even started lisping a bit. made her sound retarded, I wonder if that's how she talks around him all the time?

No. 2335272

Bi women are just considered straight in the eyes of most, while bi scrotes are just faggots. Call it penis centric or something, but to most attraction to penis makes your sexuality , in the sense that even if you like both the penis is just going to prevail.
this phallocentrism is the very reason why lesbians are the ones being shitted on the most by the straight and the LGBTQ+ alike since they don’t want males.

No. 2335274

It's the one drop rule but for penises. If you ever touched a penis once as a man you are gay and once as a woman you are straight, don't really get why sexuality is so dicktated by dicks

No. 2335278

>dicktated by dicks
Kek nonna, that was clever

No. 2335285

There's good reason for it. Male sexuality is violent and it's only constrained by female sexuality. If a man is bi there's no telling what kind of depravity he will get into, its best to code him as a fag just for the sake of disease risk if nothing else.

No. 2335292

I don't trust people who change their whole personality when their s/o is around kek it's so weird. Women who suddenly start acting like helpless babies when their bfs come are so off-putting, they literally change their entire personality even though they act perfectly normal around everyone else. Fym you're suddenly an invalid when your dorky rude redditor wannabe dommie bf walks in.

No. 2335298

Unfortunately women have a hand in bi women not being taken seriously, given how many bihet women there are and how popular it is for straight women to pretend to be "gay" for two months after breaking up with their bfs. Straight women have like noo respect for gay women and limit their "unfff im so gay" to big tittie anime girl pics and think it makes them bicurious or bisexual. These kinds of women also happen to be the loudest and want attention for pretending to be bi for the social currency or whatever. A lot of men don't take bi women seriously because so many of them just happen to be in ltr with men, or not actually bi at all. meanwhile, when a man says he's bi, men know that means he will suck dicks.

No. 2335314

A lot of adult animals are cuter than their baby counterparts. I don't care about kittens, they're kind of ugly to me, but a big snuggly adult cat has me gushing. Same with rabbits and sheep.

No. 2335316

it's similar for women too though.

people treat proud carpet munchers differently from "teehee boobs are bouncy" SSA women.

grab ass locker room homoeroticism isn't gay, but yeah a man proudly talking about sucking dicks is definitely a fag.

it's just that bicurious women are t talking about the vaginas they want to interact with

No. 2335317

I think this is why the west should treat sexuality more like the east. In asian countries being gay is considered more of a lifestyle choice, and people only call themselves gay when they are actively fucking/dating members of the same sex. In the west we like to talk a lot about attraction without any action or lifestyle changes which leads to a lot of fakers or perceived fakers.

No. 2335318

men are obsessed with the idea that their penises have some life-changing properties. you touch one and you change forever (the concept of virginity etc) it’s so self-centered and funny

No. 2335320

i agree with this 100%

No. 2335321

Tbh I feel like gay women are treated worse and straight women just assume they're like magnetically sultry and attractive to lesbians so they act uncomfortable around them kek. Literally just the "how a fake gay bitch look" meme.

No. 2335322

Kek, nonnie. I never thought of it this way but I think you're right. This is even a common theme in a lot of porn fantasies where women become "cock-obsessed" but you never see the reverse, ie. pussy-obsessed even it's objectively more common

No. 2335323

I feel like every man who has told a lesbian "you just haven't had the right cock yet" is a mega creep

No. 2335327

I was just thinking about this the other day, "bisexual" people that have only ever dated the opposite sex aren't fucking gay, lick a pussy suck a dick and then you can have your precious oppression points.

No. 2335342

I think kpop should stay banned in this website but i'd rather see botched plastic moids with makeup and actual hair on their heads than the ugly decreipt rat faced ogres we have in the west. Also what is "effeminate" of them? That they don't go "bruh" or talk about "bitches" every five seconds? What even this "masculinity" in the first place? I don't understand women's vague language around their requests of a moid having to take control or be leader and i'll always give the side eye for that. I don't like moid worshipping but i have way more respect for idol fans who bully their moids to starve themselves, get plastic surgery, act cute and respectful on camera, chimp out whenever there is a hint that he is being disrespectful or misogynist and a moid is considered a whore just for rumours that he may be dating girl and can dump and make their husbando jobless if it does turn out to be true.

No. 2335348

Female Sasaengs are lowkey based. A lot of these male idols are misogynistic bullying sluts. I used to pity them when the brainwashing was in full effect now I just feel like its well deserved for how Korean men as a whole view and treat Korean women no matter what their occupation is.

No. 2335357

there is this one idol i like that gets teased over his weight (he’s not even fat ) and his group members mentioned him starving himself and it makes me so euphoric to see a man starving himself to seem more attractive. the western celebs could never.

No. 2335358

Nta but I stopped seeing male idols as human a long time ago. I still think there are too many women who worship them and treat them too kindly but the strict standards on them are a good thing.

No. 2335373

Most women enjoy the pedophilic context behind straight relationships just as much as the men do. For example the guy being older, wanting to be significantly shorter than their bf, wanting the man to take care of them like a father. Most men are pedophiles but most women are autopedophilic but it’s so normalized for women to be like this so its not considered odd.

No. 2335377

Originally I was talking about actors and the general population as well. Not just K-pop idols. I just mentioned one and got red texted kek. But yeah, I just don’t like aegyo. It’s cringe for adults imo.

No. 2335378

Wanting your man to be bigger than you isn't pedophilic. It's about feeling protected or whatever and I'm pretty sure it's linked to biology.

No. 2335382

If you’re 5’0 and you want a man who is like 61+ that’s autopedophilic imo. Why do you want to be that much shorter? What’s the point?

No. 2335384

That has more to do with our socialization. Sex in general has been treated as penis centric, even if it's racid and unpleasurable dick on the average.

No. 2335385

A bit OT, and I agree with your point for the most part but is "autopedophilia" even a real thing? I see this mentioned a lot in DDLG cow threads. I don't get why seeing yourself as small or cute or child-like or dainty is pedophilic, since you're attracted to the idea of yourself and not an actual child. It seems harmless but anons bring it up often. No I'm not a DDLG fag, just curious since this gets brought up on lolcow a lot and a lot of people compare people like Shayna to real irl pedophiles

No. 2335386

This lmao it really isn't pedophilic to want a partner who can protect you or do physical labor for you.

No. 2335389

>Also what is "effeminate" of them?
Proceeds to describe male kpop idols acting effeminate
If a scrotoid looks like I can beat him up, he's way too effeminate. If he uses more makeup than I do, he's way too effeminate. I guess if you're into girls too then I can see the appeal but I'm not.

Knowing how much rape and exploitation happens behind closed doors in the kpop and jpop industry, seeing these moids with a flame under their ass is refreshing.

Is it "pedophilic" though? Like what's even the use of a male if he can't do things for you. And you need your nigel to be at least big and scary enough to keep other moids away. Though personally I would take a handsome face over tallness 10 times out of 10 as long as he's not too short

No. 2335393

Liking a man for being strong and tall doesn't mean you're into ageplay and want to be treated like a retarded child. Men being tall and strong is like the bare minimum of expectations we already know we'll talk circles and out think them.

No. 2335395

Autopedophilia is absolutely real

No. 2335396

I mean if you're pretending to be a child getting sexually abused by your caretaker like Shanta, people are going to think you child sexual assault as something "sexy" and if you find children being sexually abused as arousing, they're going to think you're a pedo too. It's not really hard to understand…

No. 2335398

Korean actors are bloated and look like a deformed boiled egg. The idols look better.

No. 2335400

Why do you want a man to be bigger and stronger than you? Most of the time he’s not going to use his strength to protect you, usually they’re using it to beat your ass everyday.

No. 2335406

I never understood the “I want a man bigger than me to protect me cope” because when there’s weapons or dangerous animals in the situation, the scrote is definitely going to run and leave you to die.

No. 2335407


This. 8/10 the moid is going to use his strength to harm you before he uses it to protect you. Most times when women need male protection their chosen scrotes won't be anywhere around. It's yet another lie men use to try and manipulate women into cock worship.

No. 2335408

Because I find it attractive when a man doesn't look like a faggot.

No. 2335410

I have this disgust reaction to small, weak men that I can't overcome. Its probably ancestral viking memories from my scandi side.

Also weak men develop passive aggressive personalities to cope with it, this is where napoleon complexes come from. If you ever seen that 5'0 tall bagel guy blow a gasket and get punted you know why. They shouldn't be allowed to breed.

The smaller and weaker the male is, the more likely he is to be a bitch who will run at the first sign of danger because that's how small, weak males survive.

No. 2335411

>And you need your nigel to be at least big and scary enough to keep other moids away.
>believing the protection psyop in 2025
Moids don't care about protrecting women and you are more likely to be abused and killed by your own partner.

>If a scrotoid looks like I can beat him up, he's way too effeminate.
But you can't. 9 times out of 10 the scrote is bigger, stronger and faster than you even if he looks "effeminate".

No. 2335416

Small man complex is so cringe look at that little tiny faggot Dan Bilzerian. I'm also tall for a woman and when I've dated men my height they act more insecure about it than I do. I also like big hands and arms and get turned on when a man has a physique I'm attracted too

No. 2335417

Because you're thinking too hard about it? Of course you don't have to like what other women like, no one is forcing you

No. 2335419

I agree short scrotes are diagusting to look at but depending on men for "protection" or anything at all is completely retarded

No. 2335420

Holy shit you autists, its just about finding it physically attractive

No. 2335421

Slightly taller is fine but if you’re like 4’11 wanting a 6’2 man so you can look like the smallest bean next to him, that autopedophilic imo

No. 2335422

You take shit way too literally, it's almost frustrating how some of you need to be spoonfed simple concepts

No. 2335423

It may be retarded but when I'm checking out men in public the first thing I notice is their size and posture. A short man barely gets a look in and that's instinctual lol

No. 2335425

This, lol. People don't spend time justifying their attractions or preferences some guys just look sexier than others and those ones statistically happen to be taller on average

No. 2335426

Yeah short men are just all around unpleasant

No. 2335428

>it’s so normalized for women to be like this
Because that's the goal. They've been literally groomed into it since childhood by media and society. I'm sure some nonnas in the ugly man psyop thread could write a whole manifesto on it. The good news is that nowadays women grow out of it and see it for what it is by the time they reach their 30s. I really really hope zoomettes will too, because they seem to be hit by this shit the worst, thanks to the internet.

No. 2335433

>Moids don't care about protrecting women and you are more likely to be abused and killed by your own partner.
Yeah but you answered your own argument. A moid has like 50% more upper body strength on average than a woman, they aren't even in the same bell curve. Except maybe Indian moids vs white and black women keke. So at least if a moid is big and strong enough to intimidate other moids, his ego will also make him mate guard you and keep them away. 5'6 90lb Kyong-poo with a grip strength of a 70 year old woman won't do shit, you might even get moids fucking with you to bully him by proxy.

I will be nuanced and say its also about physical shape, not just height. My sister's husband is a 5'8 Italian guy but he's naturally burly so it kind of works for him. But 9 times out of 10 manlets are also physically scrawny so this doesn't apply anyways

No. 2335437

It's not just a visual preference for a lot of women. A lot of them are expecting a moid to beat out all the bad guys and sacrifice his well being for a woman when in reality a scrote who is willing to beat and kill another scrote is very likely to not exonerate you of his violent tendencies and you'll become another one of his victims and if you have too much "baggage" he will leave you for another woman who won't cause him as much trouble.

No. 2335440

A man crazy enough to attack you isn’t going to be stop by a big strong men. He would just blow his head off and rape you anyway.

No. 2335441

Or maybe it's because a tall handsome well built man looks good. Holy shit some of you have no idea how deranged your mental gymnastics are.

No. 2335443

It's not like the alternative is better either, manlets often have anger issues.

No. 2335447

Yea obviously physicality matters but it's more common for a tall man to have the more favourable proportions. It's not like shorter men never get laid, I've dated some than my preferred preference but I usually had to know them as an acquaintance first and then develop the crush. Instictually though I check out the tall men over the shorties because visually they are more appealing

No. 2335452

You're hyperfocusing on the "short" part of OPs post and missing her point. It's about infantilizing ourselves, seeking authority figures in moid partners and going for older men that a has a lot of psyoppinh behind it.

No. 2335453

File: 1736186233031.jpeg (236.22 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0716.jpeg)

The “person” typing this probably

No. 2335457

She’s trying so hard to be a contrarian

No. 2335458

Yet you're basing women infantilizing themselves because they're dating someone tall. Just because someone dates someone tall doesn't mean they want to be treated like a child

No. 2335459

Every troon on sight

No. 2335460

Its not just attacking, its also harassment in general. Moids who would otherwise pester or harass you will stay away if they feel intimidated by your nigel. But if you are with some scrawny femboy they might just go out of their way to harass you just to get at him, because moids are like hyenas and will tear each other to pieces if they smell weakness.

Yep it is what it is, I'm not criticizing anyone's preferences and my preferences are similar to yours anyways. That said my first and final concern is always going to be his attitudes about women's issues and his politics. A pretty face and nice body is useless if its attached to a subhuman brain

No. 2335463

That post was stupid and this entire debacle is stupid. If that's what the post was about then good God why has it derailed into sperging about how women aren't allowed to like men who are genetically gifted jfc

No. 2335464

Not even op but please learn to read posts in full.

No. 2335469

File: 1736186492944.webp (72.38 KB, 627x640, IMG_0718.webp)

No. 2335471

the only times men don’t cat call women with their man isn’t because they’re scared of the scrote, they’re doing it out of respect for another man’s property….. That’s how they see it but if they’re crazy and want to harm you the scrote isn’t gonna stop it.

No. 2335473

>So at least if a moid is big and strong enough to intimidate other moids, his ego will also make him mate guard you and keep them away.
Uh yeah in some dark fantasy booktok mom slop. Men don't give a shit about protecting you from other moids, in fact they value and care more about their scrote coworkers they have a drink with than their girlfriend or wife busting her ass with emotional labour and cleaning the skidmarks out of their underwear. If a moid is cares about you so much AND is violent enough to fight other scrotes because of what he perceives as danger, you will get the worst of it. A moid that wants to "protect" isn't doing so because he doesn't want to see you get hurt, he does because he doesn't want to see his possesion get tanited.

No. 2335474

>Moids don't care about protrecting women and you are more likely to be abused and killed by your own partner.
Ok? The modern demoralized male being useless doesn't overwrite thousands of years worth of evolutionary psychology. I want a large and powerful partner because they're physically superior in all situations, not because I'm a "auto-pedophile" or whatever retarded shit you're projecting on other women.

No. 2335478

File: 1736186579220.png (22.05 KB, 1200x630, IMG_0717.png)

I don’t really care other than the fact that very big height differences look silly. But this would be my ideal difference, 180 is fine too.

No. 2335481

Or maybe, just maybe… tall men can be attractive. And all of your ranting is elaborate and ridiculous and going in circles about a nothingburger.

No. 2335482

Even this height difference between me and a scrote feels huge kek. I still support (most) tall moid seeking ladies because they make incels suicidal.

No. 2335483

in early days being small and agile was evolutionarily superior, and that’s why many early humans were shorter. the obsession with tallness is new. go pick a real evolutionary science book instead of quoting reddit threads kek. it’s ok to like tall man but stop pretending it’s an evolution thing. it’s a modern perceptions thing and it’s fine.

No. 2335485

I'm sorry but have you met tall men? most men above 190cm look like fucking orcs. Also they're either lanky or obese for some reason. 180-190 is the peak male height, anything above that is disgusting. Also a lot of ugly tall men coast by using their height. I've seen a lot of beautiful women dating ogres because they're tall.

No. 2335486

No one gives a shit. Big sexy man look hot

No. 2335487

If you like tall men because they look visually better that's fine but the whole "i wanna feewl protected" is retarded.

No. 2335488

This looks cute.

No. 2335489

Likely because anons come to this thread to argue just for the sake of arguing, even if they completely loose track of what they argue about kek.

No. 2335492

File: 1736186872979.png (251.64 KB, 626x1036, negheight.png)

Okay, lets assume you're right about that. That still keeps the other moids away which serves the purpose, and a femboy will not be respected by other males and therefore they won't respect his "property".

Negative height gang

No. 2335493

considering most women who get killed are killed by their partners I would be afraid of dating anyone 15cm above me. knowing a man can easily kill me with their bare hands is not sexy, I don't feel protected.

No. 2335498

Go announce that gay shit on Reddit I'm sure you're inbox will be flooded by ugly men

No. 2335499

Curvy body with a small waist / flat stomach (even if overweight) > skinny with some tits and ass > skinny shapeless body > "curvy" with out of control fat spilling out

No. 2335501

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No. 2335502

Holy shit you fucking obnoxious autist they don't mean it literally, women are biologically prone to seeking out genetically optimal males and that includes well proportioned tall men. You just want to yap about dumb shit, nobody cares

No. 2335503

It doesn’t keep the actual dangerous scrotes away though.

No. 2335505

reddit is ugly men central I bet even the tall ones are ugly

No. 2335507

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No. 2335514

The same scrotes women feel soft and protected by, are bucking up in their face screaming and punching holes in the wall at home kek

No. 2335515

File: 1736187275811.png (183.5 KB, 636x762, neolithicvssteppe-height.png)

Indo-European men were like 5" taller on average than the Neolithic men in Europe, and they overran Europe and genocided the entire Neolithic paternal line. We have actual physical history that shows why tall, big men are evolutionarily advantaged

No. 2335524

Can you stop being schizo and making up fake scenarios in your head. All men do that regardless of height or build you guys are genuinely talking in circles like retards.

No. 2335526

File: 1736187467465.jpg (813.78 KB, 2165x3261, 1000002935.jpg)

Women being autopedophilic is not just about the moid being 180cm and having nice proportions but him being taller and having a bigger frame and bigger everything in contrast to the woman being significantly shorter and thinner, the scrote LOOKING older with wrinkles and gray hair while the woman is on her weekly botox appointment, the scrote being often older by 5 years or more, and wanting him to be "masculine", like be a "leader", take "control" and having money to spend on her often extending to being able to support her financially.

No. 2335529

This is one reason I don't like males that are too tall. Above average but not by too much is ideal, because the very tall ones grow up never being challenged and end up with the emotional stability of a toddler.

Also its just a fact that there are a subset of women who will let them get away with horrible behavior because they fetishize their tallness, which makes them entitled towards women generally.

Manlets are on the opposite end of this, where they are passive aggressive and resentful.

No. 2335530

Overweight and flat stomach don’t go together silly nonna.

No. 2335531

How are these super specific guidelines in any way an unpopular opinion? Sounds like you just want to complain about women. Boo hoo, would you just think of the poor manlets.

No. 2335536

i got red texted too in the IRL husbando thread like wtf? That seemed racist especially since the idol i chose sings in Japanese too kek.

No. 2335537

It’s not an unreal situation because it happens. You’re more likely to beat to death by your scrote in your house than some random scrote on the street that you claim scrotes can save you from….

No. 2335538

I want to fuck that man so bad, he is so fucking sexy. Don’t worry anon, I’m 5’11 so it’s okay.

No. 2335539

You retarded faggots were the ones who got triggered and staring hyperfixating on height when >>2335373 described a combination of other behaviours and preferences in addition to height.

No. 2335541

Women will say men who want tiny, skinny, young looking girls are pedos, so I don’t understand why women who want the reverse aren’t auto pedophiles

No. 2335546

>having money to spend on her often extending to being able to support her financially
I see no problem with this. Go date poor manlets

No. 2335547

wanting to fuck masculine men is fine, wanting to be a uwu smol little girl to your big daddy is mental(emoji)

No. 2335548

Thinking a tall and big man is sexy doesnt automatically mean you think so because you want to be a child. Some of you are legitimately out of your minds and on the precipice of schizophrenia kek

No. 2335550

nta but its kinda sexy to have someone with bigger hands and arms than you touch on you. I dont like men to be too strong though but yes i like men to be toned and taller than me and no I dont like act like a smol bean. In fact Im pretty sure it gives me a Napoleon Complex kek.

No. 2335551

there’s a rapist that’s been posted on ot in ugly men and elsewhere that is literally five feet tall. no one is safe. the little ones are mad about it and dying to try violence like the other men.

No. 2335552

Popular opinion.

No. 2335553

definitely not, have you seen the comments on that cap nonna posted? most people are fine with young women pimping themselves to old men.

No. 2335554

Are you retarded? Women who say this are probably gushing over some dark romance fantasy book so they want a tall handsome guy like that. Men who say they want tiny young girls to date/fuck most likely want to fuck children, so a skinny and innocent looking adult aged woman is the closest thing to "legal" pedophilia they'll ever get, and probably have a stash of CP somewhere on their computer.

No. 2335555

They're absolutely retarded.

No. 2335558

what part of wanting to self insert as a smol daddy's little girl is the same as wanting to fuck a big masculine man?

No. 2335559

i feel like a short man is posting this to deter women from liking superior taller men

No. 2335560

Rolling my eyes at this point, you guys will shake your fists at dumb shit at any excuse to whine and complain about women meanwhile men like, molest kids and kill people.

No. 2335561

the women are so gross, they are the kind of women that pimp out their children to pedo moids

No. 2335562

no it was just me being retarded and typing the wrong thing kek

No. 2335563

I am a hand girl, is that the same thing as males being foot fetishists? He's gotta have big meaty bear paws

No. 2335564

Honestly kek

No. 2335565

Women like this want to be the young, tiny girl in these situations getting it on with a big, strong, controlling man. They don’t want to have sex with the kid, but they want to be the kid.

No. 2335567

Manlet lives matter. I'd never hurt you babygirl. Those big tall scary 6 foot tall men? They'd PUNCH you square in the FACE til you DIE.

No. 2335568

I'm sorry I don't support enablers and people who think old men fucking young women can get away with it because the women want to do it? get therapy for your daddy issues instead of getting into an age gap relationship.

No. 2335570

Okay you are sincerely schizo

No. 2335571

It's completely natural and humane to want your moid to coddle you and make you feel secure. It has nothing to do with autopedophilia. It's instinct.

No. 2335573

This is such a reach, child stfu

No. 2335574

>Why do you want a man to be bigger and stronger than you? Most of the time he’s not going to use his strength to protect you, usually they’re using it to beat your ass everyday
Every male is stronger by default, this arguments applies to all moids yet you focus on tall men for some reason. Plus, manlets are literally far more aggressive than the average tall man, not to say there aren't tall abusers but short men are overrepresented as short tempered, angry and vicious because of their bruised egos as failed moids. If you date males you're already exposing yourself to violence anyway, why go for the worst option possible?

No. 2335576

I think there is a difference between being the small spoon and being treated like a retarded womanchild who can't do anything on her own because it turns on both parts. I can't believe I lived to see people defend age gap relationships and DDLG in lolcor

No. 2335578

Who says its some psychiatric issue? If a man is still hot in his 30s or even 40s thats a peak genetic signal. Only hot men should be allowed in age gap relationships though, uggos with money should be banished to the shadow realm

No. 2335581

So? We know all scrotes rapeape subhumans what's new. This isn't isn't about women wanting a tall muacular moid it's about them wanting someone to halo them and make them look like a helpless waif coquette tiny girl

No. 2335582

Nta but if you’re with a man who is a little taller than you, you’re the same age and you want your scrote to show you affection that’s fine. If you want him to make you feel small, run the house hold and make all the decisions etc etc you have a fetish for being a little girl.

No. 2335583

a man being in their late 30s and 40s wanting to fuck a young woman in their early 20s is a clear sign of immaturity no matter how good they look or how much money they make. I feel like some of you have never been in actual relationship with a moid.

No. 2335585

For real. No amount of mansplaining why tall men will kill me is going to make me think some shrimped dick moidlet is hot

No. 2335586

We aren't defending it. You whingy freaks are literally talking in circles and being dramatically exaggerative to the point you sound like jealous manlets larping.

No. 2335588

the worst manlet i’ve ever seen had the ugliest hands i’ve ever seen too. i could post chewed up paw pics that would make you gag. it’s definitely a manlet or the gf of one. “i actually feel a lot safer being half a foot taller than mine it doesn’t make me feel more masculine and if that bothers you to be larger than your bf you’re a pedo.”

No. 2335590

>men in their 40s should have age gap relationships
>men in their 40s
I knew it was a coquette degenerate getting triggered KEK

No. 2335591

ok freak, go pimp yourself to an old man and see no problem with it since he's so "genetically superior".(infighting)

No. 2335592

Okay and? I'm supposed to care why?
>men rape women and kids
>sometimes women are annoying and want to larp as invalids
>reeeeeeee women are the devil why aren't you all mad about this

No. 2335594

I'll never date a short weak moid, ever. You can cope, and alternatively, seethe about it, too

No. 2335597

my problem is knowing nothing else about this couple ppl on this site will assume theyre together for ddlg/pedo reasons and not, you know, just happen to be two people who are together b/c they are compatible.

No. 2335598

You have to be 18 to post here

No. 2335599

Based. Give me Chad or give me death.

No. 2335600

i was shorter than the manlet i dated and i still regret ever giving him the chance. genetically defective.

No. 2335601

cool but I'm not talking about short weak moids. I am talking about older men who act excessively masculine. you're free to fuck all the lankloids you want, nobody is stopping you.

No. 2335603

Wanting a man to financially support is realistically a bad idea kek

No. 2335604

We don't care what you're talking about

No. 2335606

There's a maturity issue, I do agree with you there. But I'm thinking a 25 or 26 year old woman dating a 35 year old man. If he's attractive I don't see a problem with it, and you should always do your due diligence on his background so you know he's not fucked in the head or hiding something.

If men where you're from are so subhuman that there are no GL ones in their 40s I pity you nonny

No. 2335607

File: 1736189027843.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1284x2071, IMG_5011.jpeg)

Dating a scrote taller than you is fine but if you really want him to be significantly taller, that’s auto pedophilic

No. 2335608

eugh that's disgusting

No. 2335609

Do you want a gold star sticker or something

No. 2335613

40 year olds are starting to look young as fuck now a days. In general.

No. 2335614

He probably bought her, but in general tall man are hot. Having a man being able to lift you up and fuck you is hot.

No. 2335615

Men get plenty of shit here if anything worry about the ddlg enthusiasts on this thread shilling 40 year old moids as attractive as if they aren't jerking it to a trafficked girl their daughther's age getting raped on tape

No. 2335618

the ideal height difference is like 8 inches

No. 2335622

That's a bit of a reach but men embrace taking care of themselves more these days. 40 year old men in the 90s looked like they were about 60 because they didn't wash their faces, have good dental hygiene or know when to let go of their awful hair

No. 2335623

I like when guys are the same height as me. It’s really fun to have sex that way.

No. 2335624

There’s definitely some pedophilic context behind how short women and taller scrotes interact with each other. Women don’t wanna admit it because they willl look like the bad guys to.

No. 2335626

No 40 year old moid looks good

No. 2335628

You love to make up scenarios about men beating up and raping women a lot, you know that's not what this thread is for right

No. 2335630

can’t remember if i’ve said this before but calling a man king feels good, while calling a woman queen makes you feel creepy

No. 2335631

Manlet psyop will never win.

No. 2335633

you can't tell me that moid doesn't look disgusting. his only quality is that he's tall but he's not even buff and he's skinnyfat and dresses like a manchild. he was only able to bag a filipina because he's tall. the standards are on the floor for tall men, they can't keep getting away with it.

No. 2335634

They used to smoke a lot more, and also there was less awareness about how sun damage ages your skin. Ironically basement dwelling is keeping a lot of moids younger than they would have been decades ago when everyone went outside

No. 2335635

Autopedophilia = imagining yourself as a child. You can have a fetish for height and mass without doing the former.

No. 2335636

You know those accounts are made of men who bought their wives or script these gay ass clips specifically to get more engagement from retarded men. Go outside

No. 2335638

lol at the replies pretending not to understand, probably upset because faggots who work in the fashion industry convinced them they need to starve themselves to be attractive

No. 2335639

how tall are you nonna? i'm 5'3 and if a guy was that short i probably wouldn't give him the time of day kek

No. 2335640

I get you're a femlet and want to fuck tall men and feel attacked but at least apply a modicum of standard to them. being tall doesn't automatically mean being hot or husband material.

No. 2335641

Everyone shut up

No. 2335642

I don't believe I suggested he was hot. He's got a fucking double chin and gay face

No. 2335644

Nobody says this bitch you're just crazy

No. 2335645

dating actual double digit IQ disabled men doesn't count

No. 2335647

stop feeling attacked and saying there is a manlet psyop then you absolute psycho

No. 2335648

Nobody said anything about short weak moids. If you like a tall moid woth muscles good, but if you want a moid a whole foot taller than you to order you around the house so you can larp as a helpless waif alana champion you are weird as shit

No. 2335650

you seem bothered by women not wanting to go for manlets, why is that?

No. 2335651

stop falling for ragebait

No. 2335655

Calling other people psychos when you're the one sperging out doesn't exactly make much sense.

No. 2335656

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they look like boogie2988 and his 18 year old girlfriend kek

No. 2335657

coquette DDLG femlets ITT are seething because some people don't think their type of relationship is healthy. shocking seeing this in lolcow to be honest

No. 2335659

If that's true you shouldn't have any problem with women choosing to date them

Tall queens ITT trying to gatekeep their ogres from the femlets

No. 2335661

I'm not bothered I am literally saying APPLY STANDARDS. yall cant fucking read
dont call me a bitch then, bitch

No. 2335662

Nobody here does that. Go soapbox to booktok or something.

No. 2335663

Not having a huge height gap is not promoting manlets. For example a 5’6 woman with a 5’11-6’1 man looks normal, he’s a bit taller than her but she doesn’t look like his child.

No. 2335664

You are foaming at the mouth

No. 2335667


No. 2335668

fine then go fuck some lanky disgusting creep because he is 6'5 he will get away with being gross and fat/lanky just because he is tall. how is that any better than dating someone 5cm shorter with much better overall stats?

No. 2335669

This. I'm 5'7 if anyone thinks I'm a fucking child for dating a man over 6ft they're simply retarded

No. 2335670

You're on the wrong site if you think anyone here thinks a fat man is hot.

No. 2335671

Oooooh you're mad MAD, moidlet

No. 2335672

You're malding. I myself actually like short men I just think you're acting retarded, Scrappy Doo

No. 2335675

Let's settle this debate by only dating average height moids (5'10)

No. 2335676

I dont think anybody ITT said dating tall men is inherently and automatically auto pedophiliac
apparently to that nonna it's okay if you date some disgusting moid as long as he's tall it compensates

No. 2335677

Oh so you are retarded you can't even read

No. 2335678

I don't wanna have kids though

No. 2335679

KEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK I’m taller than that. Don’t tell the other nonnas but my boyfriend is like 4 inches shorter than me.

No. 2335681

femlets dating tall men also ruin their gene pool fyi

No. 2335683

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>how is that any better than dating someone 5cm shorter with much better overall stats?
>Much better stats

No. 2335685

yeah i think we would have had peace twenty minutes ago if nona’s temporarily had their own heights in their responses because that makes it make sense for the most part. like yeah i want a dude with a height difference i don’t want to date someone else five feet tall as a man. like are you joking can you imagine how insane a man that short would be. dating a man who isn’t a midget is a height gap for me no matter what. i dont think that makes me into ddlg but i also hate women who are into that shit so. literally this argument is dumb i think we all feel the same way deep down and then there’s just nonas who wanna hurt man let’s and say no one under six feet. which is noble and important. tall women making short men feel bad is a noble tradition that reminds them of their place.

No. 2335687

is he handsome?

No. 2335688

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No. 2335689

Nobody said anything bout manlets but someone mentioned women wanting to larp as a little girl amd you got triggered

No. 2335691

I don't think 190cm moids are manlets, where do you live, netherlands?

No. 2335694

i agree it's totally different if there's no height difference and you're both 5'11 or if you're 5'0 and he's the same height as you kek

No. 2335695

I think you're nuts actually

No. 2335696

Yes. Other women seem to like him in public.

No. 2335697

how do you cope with that on a daily basis. can you only see the top of his balding scalp most of the day.

No. 2335700

Surprisingly, no.

No. 2335702

no they don't much of male height is conferred through the y chromosome. a woman can never give a moid the short y genes, that only comes from the father. it's why some races have larger height discrepancies between men and women. if you stop having sex with short men, you will eradicate short y genes over time, and end up with a population where men are more significantly taller than women.

No. 2335703

then i support it nonna. if you guys want kids i hope you have a beautiful tall daughter inshallah

No. 2335704

I think femlets actually don't know how tall their moids are. I have this friend and she is around 155 and her moid has said he is 180cm but I am basically his height and I am 175cm. it's funny because she can larp she is so tiny uwu and he can get away with feeling taller so they both win. in reality a very short woman like my friend would feel out of place with a 190cm man unless she was one of those autopedophiliacs or just had a size difference kink.

No. 2335706

Knew it. Short men are a plague we can get rid of

No. 2335710

You're insane if you don't think that video is weird and gross

No. 2335711

that's wild and I had no idea, can you link some study about this?

No. 2335713

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We need more Amazonians tho, they scare moids by heightmogging them.

If that were true, Indians would be as tall as eastern Euros because they carry Euro Y DNA. And Finns would be as short as Asians because they carry Asian Y DNA

No. 2335715

Nta but how does a moid "dominate you"?

No. 2335717

so if a short moid has a son there's no chance the son can be tall?

No. 2335718

you're not thinking about it the right way. euro moids were a lot shorter millenia ago. they selectively bred the short genes out over time. avg euro man used to be ~5 ft tall. we can do the same with today's moids.

No. 2335722

there are other factors that could affect height, for example if the dad was malnourished growing up or had some other endocrine issue, it could have "masked" his true tall genes. but why risk it on a short moid when you already know the tall moid has good height genes?

No. 2335731

Agree. I'm 5'7 and I'm pretty much fine with moids down to 5'8. Problem is moids add inches to their height to fluff so a "5'8" moid is actually 5'6.

Personally I've noticed the manlet mental health problems start cropping up around the 5'7 mark and take off exponentially below 5'7

No. 2335733

I've seen so many moids lying about their height, it's always the 180cm lie (or 6 foot for amerinonnies) when they're always around my height or less, I got tired of calling them out but it's always funny to me.

No. 2335735

>using your tall friend as a prop to highlight how uwu smol you are

No. 2335737

no i'm busy reading webtoons, you can just look up articles on google scholar if you're interested

No. 2335738

tall people also like using short people to look bigger, it goes both ways.

No. 2335739

By being on top when having sex

No. 2335742

No not necessarily if you've other tall men in the family. Some kids can come out looking more like an aunt or uncle depending on dna recombination

No. 2335745

It was the other way around. Neolithic Euro moids were midgets and they were invaded and genocided by the steppe pastoralist moids in Ukraine who were much taller. Then the pastoralists interbred with the Neolithics and modern Euros are mutts between them, with the tallest Euros having the most steppe pastoralist ancestry

No. 2335748

Tinfoiling but sometimes I wonder if incels use this new fear of being a "pick-me" to concern troll terminally online women into believing dumb shit that benefits them.

No. 2335752

I'm 170cm and have had dates with men who lied about their height and get mad at me for not having lied about mine. One memorable date had a fucking retard spend the entire time walking on his tip toes to compensate the entire time and then tried to call me fat because I wore a coat when I didn't give him a 2nd date. I'm 56kg.

No. 2335757

Lol, what? Why would they assume a woman lied about her height? Those men sound like turbotards kek

No. 2335760

I didnt find a single article actually saying that, actually most articles say there is a formula to calculate the median height and it takes mother's height in consideration as well.

No. 2335761

Uh no anon. You can definitely still be the less dominant on top. Like if you’re on top of a man, riding his dick or whatever, he can hold your wrists together behind your back and be the one thrusting. Or he can grab the back of your hair, etc. but yeah. Sorry anons I’m a slut.

No. 2335762

I STILL REMEMBER THIS STORY OMG. the tip toes was classic. i can always tell when i’m witnessing a first date like that or a relationship where one or both people lied about their heights/didn’t talk about it happened and it bothers them but they can’t say it out loud and don’t have a real excuse for rejecting the person. so it just kind of continues. it’s so awkward in photos with couples like that where they are like contorting at each other oddly or always posing stepping ahead of their partner or some shit.

No. 2335765

>tried to call me fat because I wore a coat when I didn't give him a 2nd date.
kek wtf. did he say it to your face or through text after?

No. 2335766

The Indo Europeans were the genocidal ones and they were the tallest people in the world at the time. They became tall because they were always fighting and killing each other on the steppes. Also they were very scary looking ogres

No. 2335767

so your manlet identifies as a power bottom

No. 2335768

No. 2335772

they definitely do, havent you seen the ugly man psyop thread? there is a push for young women to date old and/or busted men.

No. 2335773

Lol it was so embarrassing and he kept sending me topless photos of himself working out and doing tongue out selfies as if he was cute I called him a retard in the end and went mask off lol

No. 2335776

No a man being on top of you but good for you

No. 2335783

that's an estimation used for all children including daughters, reality is more complex than that. you're looking at the wrong thing

No. 2335784

By text. He said well I couldn't even tell if you were fat! And I was like ok you opted for our date to be at a nature reserve in the winter. I didn't even care to prove myself because I never wanted to see him again lol

No. 2335786

i would hate always having to be on top cos i’m dating a manlet omg

No. 2335788

daughters and sons have different formulas but yeah, could be easier if you just posted the study

No. 2335790

The brain developing at 25 is kind of scary to me because my bf is 22 and I’m 35 so what if in a few years his brain clicks and is like nah and he dumps me

No. 2335792

not your research monkey, learn to look things up yourself lazy bones

No. 2335796

replying to bait but that might happen if he decides he wants kids, otherwise chill

No. 2335797

Where's the opinion?

No. 2335798

feels like you came up with it and cant provide proof but okay

No. 2335799

you should be more afraid of his inevitable twink death and male pattern baldness tbh.t makes you age like milk he will look like shit very soon.

No. 2335803

where did you meet him

No. 2335807

probably roblox, fortnite or some other child activity like that

No. 2335816

the burden is not on everyone else to prove known scientific facts to you specifically by spoonfeeding you. learn how to research or not, idrc. you just sound incompetent if you're looking at height formulas that are used for the specific purpose of detecting abnormal heigh values i.e. ones that could be due to malnutrition or other disorders. the discussion we were having is related to genes affecting height.

No. 2335817

Anon should take him on a romantic date to Bloxburg

No. 2335820

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Aaron Taylor-Johnsons wife was 42 when they had their first baby

No. 2335826

speaking of age gaps do you think it's weird for a 21 year old woman to date an 18 year old moid? i know if the roles were reversed no one would bat an eye but it seems like moids are way more immature at that age than women

No. 2335829

I'm fine with dating younger in theory but I just don't see much you can do with a 22 year old other than fuck I guess? At that point why even call it a relationship

No. 2335835

They are way more immature and stay that way until well into their 20s, if they ever get out of that phase at all. Exceptions exist of course but that proves the rule

No. 2335837

it depends. like if he’s a senior in hs and you are old enough to drink and have graduated college that’s crazy. a lot of development happens in those couple years after high school for normal people.

No. 2335840

I think it’s weird, 18 year olds are straight up teenagers imo. It’s weird for any gender combo.

No. 2335843

mulholland drive is too good for you to be saying this

No. 2335847

It’s not weird if he’s one of the rare scrotes that treating you right. It only a 4 year age difference.

No. 2335850

Idk why you guys say this as if the fact that penetration is involved wouldn't affect peoples perception. Like no shit having a dick in your ass or pussy will make people think you prefer that then licking a pussy

No. 2335890

As a lesbian in her 30s, I've been told this garbage too many times to count in my dive bar years. It's super gross and tries to invalid lesbian relationships because men arent involved.

No. 2335891

Its actually making me sick that there is an active war going on in South Sudan. So many tall beautiful men and women are being killed when they could be marrying me

No. 2335892

if you already know what research it is, it could have taken less time to write this than to post it so it feels to me you're straight up lying or just cherrypicking data.

No. 2335895

lol that is literally what is going to happen 9/10. Or he will become your pet where you fit the bill for everything, either way you're fucked.

No. 2335896

This is disgusting. Isn't Boogie in his 40s?

No. 2335898

i hate boogie so fucking much not only because he's a fat moid but because he's just a shitty person and his girlfriend deserves better

No. 2335899

he's 50

No. 2335901

Apparently he was well known in Arkansas for soliciting prostitution and creeping on women generally.

It doesn't matter how disgusting and depraved the male is, if he has any kind of notoriety whatsoever there will always be some kind of pickme ho out there to wipe his ass

No. 2335902

samefag and her girlfriend ran away from her family to live with him and be his caretaker. and his excuse is that "she's an adult" kek. their relationship is so creepy

No. 2335906

are you faggots really arguing about what kind of gene is passed down from what parent? Nigga, didn't school teach you that everyone inherits 50% of genes from their mom, and the other 50% from their dad? I'll browse this place and save interesting research, but thinking that a moid can only get their height from their dad is easily retarded if you go outside where moids are taller than their short dads or both parents. This is like that huge cope that children get "most" of their intelligence from their mothers. Or that dumb "fact" that the average person deepthroats a gazillion spiders a year in their sleep.

No. 2335910

>Or that dumb "fact" that the average person deepthroats a gazillion spiders a year in their sleep.
Wait it's fake?

No. 2335916

I don’t save random articles about genetics. You could have easily looked it up if you were halfway competent but you’re malding cause other people aren’t doing the work for you. Sorry about your retardation but that’s not my problem.

No. 2335927

>Wait it's fake?
yes it's actualy a statistical error. the average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

No. 2335929

i feel sorry for his gf she has to live with a fat retard that faked having cancer and being molested by the whole neighbourhood. He's honestly so cringe. He isnt even rich why is she even with him.

No. 2335932

It’s her karma for fucking uglies. Every ugly fucker should receive penalty.

No. 2335935

She's ugly and I hope Boogie2988 dies

No. 2335939

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to remain on topic my unpopular opinion is old memes were better

No. 2335949

I don’t understand why people hate the kardashians so much. They’re not anymore slutty than all the other sluts in Hollywood. I think the hate is unwarranted.

No. 2335951

Because people are bitter that they’re successful. If they were exactly as they are minus the wealth and fame no one would give a shit.

No. 2335952

I'm curious of what their kids are gonna turn out like. People are already saying that North talks just like her dad. What if that one anon is right? What if North is going to be the biggest celebrity lolcow this world has ever seen? Kanye is a bipolar schizotard and North's mom is, well, Kim. It'll be a miracle if North doesn't end up more embarrassing than both of her parents.

No. 2335956

nicole kidman is really ugly and scary with her surgeries

No. 2335963

They have 0 talent. At least other hoes pretend to be good at music or acting.

No. 2335967

They're just nouveau riche trash. Basically trailer park people but with millions of dollars. People don't hate then because they're successful, they hate them because they have zero class but are rewarded by society and taken seriously because they have money

No. 2335975

>4 year difference

No. 2335983

I never understood this take. If this was a normie woman i would just roll my eyes and be like ok whatever, but assuming most nonas here know moids don't give a shit about women outside of having sex with them, what do you do in a relationship? Geniunely asking, Do you think the scrote actually gives a shit or is interested in what you're saying? do you think he actually respects you?

No. 2335989

Nta what's the issue

No. 2335990

it's 3 years

No. 2335991

anon, other "high class" people are also just trailer trash with money

No. 2335992

The best part of moving to another place is you get a new IP which means a fresh start to posting on the farms without a VPN kek. How do you get a router that gives you a dynamic ip address? I’m retarded soooo

No. 2335994

If we're talking about a relationship, I'm assuming nonnas would abstain unless they found a unicorn. Otherwise it would just be a FWB basically and should be described that way.

I'm not personally into that sort of thing but if other women want to do it, that's fine. But it shouldn't be called a relationship.

No. 2336003

What is 18 plus 4

No. 2336005

Touche. But we shouldn't be signal boosting them as an example to other girls. We need an aristocratic dictatorship that violently imposes taste on pop culture

No. 2336014

no we don't and go fuck yourself dictator wannabe

No. 2336025

What’s 9 + 10?

No. 2336030

Never seen that one but it's probably shitty too. Artsy movies that don't make sense aren't deep it just means the director can't write a decent script to save their life, and then the audience connects dots that aren't there and call it "profound".

No. 2336038

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So just before you move, you outta post the absolute, rage-inducing, permanent-ban worthy shit on your old IP before switching to the permanent new one? Cool. It's like a bomb you left in the city hall going off only right as you're already on your way to Italy.

No. 2336042

The way you guys talk about ips feels so underage. I know zoomers are tech illiterate, but you can't just use google?

No. 2336051

Because they've heavily influenced today's hyper-sexualized, surgery-obsessed culture, exploit other cultures, and run countless unethical businesses that feel like desperate grabs for cash. Kris Jenner, acting as their madam, orchestrates everything, making it even worse and adding to the disgustingness of it all. They’re annoying, refuse to step away, and perpetuate harmful trends and lifestyles.

No. 2336052

You have no idea. I'll tell you that.

No. 2336053

Me and my husbando be like

No. 2336058

I’m a very casual K-Pop fan at best so don’t come for me too hard, but I don’t think K-Pop should be banned entirely on the site. I think if it stays contained to a couple threads or so it’s fine and should be immediately banned outside of threads, but I wouldn’t mind letting them have a small space. That being said, actual K-Pop fans are batshit anachans but on the other hand there are still batshit anachans here with or without K-Pop.

No. 2336068

Ideally you wouldn't date a scrote who doesn't give a shit about you. And if you do end up with one you leave him once you figure it out..i don't think it's unreasonable to want to date a man you can enjoy serious conversations with, share hobbies with, just hang out with, etc. you have a pretty bleak view on relationships nonnie

No. 2336072

File: 1736200893268.jpg (291.74 KB, 2000x1333, kitten-000017380158_Smaller-63…)

Kittens are cute when they look like this but the infant ones used in reaction images are extremely ugly and not cute.

No. 2336073

Of course she does. Most LC users seem like the type that don't even leave their house unless it's to go to work or get necessities. You think the average user here is going to clubs, talking to people, and in serious relationships?

No. 2336075

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Sorry you can't see their beautiful souls

No. 2336078

About how illiterate you are? Clearly. Why did you even post this in the unpopular opinions thread. For fucksake why are you all retarded

No. 2336080

Well, you find one who’ll stay with you even if you aren’t having sex, obviously?

No. 2336086

Idk I just assumed that everyone was larping about hating everything (NTA)

I mean I hate most people and especially most moids but even I've seen good relationships. A lot of nonas use cynicism to avoid feeling guilty about never trying.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be cynical at all either, but cmon now there's a middle ground and true love does exist

No. 2336090

Exactly. I’ve also posted a cute girl in an /m/ thread before with no issues, and I’ve seen other nonnas do the same. But the moment you mention a concert, it sparks a whole discourse about the forbidden topic that can derail the thread. I can't help but wonder if the jannies are fans, because that moid isn’t really recognizable to the general public, but he’s a legend in the community. Surely it’s not just because he’s asian. They have to know who he is kek.

No. 2336091

It's funny because some of them probably don't even work or go to school. Just doom scroll and doom post all day long. Cuz wtf, why would you even bother with trying to get into a relationship if you think that? It's honestly pretty sad

No. 2336097

>Why did you even post this in the unpopular opinions thread?!?!
It's a discussion thread where retards argue about certain genes in moids only being expressed by their dads with no proof to back that up whatsoever. It's not that serious, calm your hysteria. Go get a tampon.
>For fucksake why are you all retarded
I could ask you why you and other millenials are always in denial about it being a geriatric pregnancy if you were to get knocked up by a scrote right now. Funny how you act like you're the only ones who understand imageboards and shit like IP addresses but suddenly don't know the biological realities of any baby you conceive right now most likely going to end up as retarded as how you act in this one-sided competition with the zoomies. I think it's funny that the same retards who brag about being so internet-savvy on LC are the same ones who had to suffer the technological incompetence of getting up back up after it was left down for MONTHS. But I'm just a teenage dirtbag. Bye now.(infighting)

No. 2336098

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>It's funny because some of them probably don't even work or go to school. Just doom scroll and doom post all day long.
I do this but its only for the aesthetic I swear

No. 2336115

You’ve gotta be racist or just jealous not to admit beyonces talent

No. 2336117

omg im the poster i was shocked i was going to curse out the farmhands for being racist because i mainly like his japanese songs. Like its the irlhusbandofag thread why cant i simp for kpop idols in there if bitches can simp for ugly dudes so long as they are white i guess

No. 2336122

Are boomer moids more interesting? i have never found a walled moid worth talking to, they all got gay ass hobbies like watching soccer and using facebook. I dont understand the meme of older men being more interesting, they are always so depressing to me. At least younger guys still have hopes and dream and hair.

No. 2336132

There's a middle ground between 22 and boomers tho nonna.
I would never date a guy who was into sportsball tho, its weird to cheer some other men kicking a ball around like it has any relevance to you

No. 2336138

Younger guys are better because they still do cute stuff like hickys. Older guys hate those.

No. 2336141

So you nonas actually believe "good" men exist? I don't think it's impossible to be in relationship with a moid where you, as a woman, actually benefit, but you would have to see and pursue relationships in terms of how much you can get out of it like a moid does, instead of "true love", sacrificing yourself and dedicating yourself to take cate of the other person like women usually do. I just don't think men are capable of love. I also don't believe men don't watch porn, which is bad not only because he is jerking it to other women but because he is supporting an industry profiting off women's objectification and abuse. There is no moid who doesn't hold misogynistic beliefs. I literally never seen or heard of this "good relationship" or whatever it's always the woman making herself look like the perfect woman and bending over backwards for the moid's needs while the moid is always more physically unnattractive and nowhere near as empathetic and caring as the woman is.

No. 2336143

Shut up.

No. 2336146

Relationships only work for women who are pure evil. I think those are the only women men can genuinely love, they follow women around like that like little puppies. Normal women with no substance abuse problems, who want to communicate and show appreciation and trust….men don’t really care for those.

No. 2336149

File: 1736204097879.webp (63.61 KB, 640x521, IMG_0723.webp)

Nonnita don’t worry, I will stand by you

No. 2336152

What did i do kek

No. 2336155

Samefag but my mom was a crazy alcoholic and my dad stuck beside her until she died from drinking too much. He paid for all her treatments, rehabs, bailed her out of jail everytime she ended up there etc. the worse you are the easier it is to keep a man.

No. 2336157

You have to be 17 to find hickeys hot

No. 2336158

This kind of theatrical schizobabble makes you sound like a deranged incel

No. 2336159

Back when I made efforts to yap at women about women’s land, WGTOW, etc, every hettie would say that it was fine for lesbians and bi women, because they would still have a chance at finding love and experiencing romance, but a heterosexual woman would be giving that up. They don’t get it. They have the illusion of choice right now, a women’s land would only remove the illusion. There is no hope for romance in men’s land, just go to women’s land already.

No. 2336160

Shitty women get the doormat scrotes. If I ever want to date one I’ll make sure to be on my worst behavior, I’ll verbally abuse them to kek.

No. 2336162

Men find nice women annoying because they don’t relate to them. They find you stupid or manipulative.

No. 2336163

I mean it's just facts that men treat you better the worse you treat them, doesn't mean you necessarily have to be a bad person to keep them around. Just be mean to them

No. 2336166

some women are attracted to men and not women

No. 2336171

i dont get how people can say being a lesbian/gay isnt a choice but force Heterosexual women to give up their attraction to be with lesbians and bi women that they are not attracted to. its weird and almost like coercive control of our sexuality

No. 2336173

I think they think that hetero women should choose to be celibate because there is no such thing as true love with men. Which, even if I were to agree is true, doesn't mean that the attraction magically goes away

No. 2336174

>I don't think it's impossible to be in relationship with a moid where you, as a woman, actually benefit, but you would have to see and pursue relationships in terms of how much you can get out of it like a moid does, instead of "true love", sacrificing yourself and dedicating yourself to take cate of the other person like women usually do.
See this is what I mean. You're talking with the exact same language that redpillers do.

Of course there are shitty evil men, and more of them exist than do shitty evil women, but you have to internalize the bell curve for all your judgement calls. Men exist on a spectrum and there are men like Hilaire Belloc, though they are fairly rare. I know this is "not all men" but its true.

I need actual trust and identification in my relationship, not just material and sexual benefits. If I can't see myself in my nigel (I mean in the ways where men and women aren't deeply different) then there's nothing for me to attach to.

No. 2336175

We have a couple of the most hateful and weird polilez here and anytime they're called out they claim we are homophobic.

No. 2336176

High empathy people with abandonment issues get a savior complex and deeply identify with damaged people because they see themselves when they were abandoned and want to comfort the other person. It isn't quite codependency but pretty close.

No. 2336177

You generally need to shut the fuck up. The straight women of lolcow are not going to go celibate or les for you. You aren't "teaching" anyone anything, you sound like a weird 4ch incel being obsessively rude and aggressive to women for their sensuality.

No. 2336178

I mean, there is no true love with men, that is true. But like you said, attraction does not go away. However, after so much exposure to male degeneracy and hatred of women, you can become partially repulsed to men, once you peak there is no going back. I can appreciate a handsome guy but if imagining myself into a relationship with him i kind of do a double take.

No. 2336180

I’m straight though. I’ve dated enough men to see patterns. Most straight women see these and are just like “well I was unlucky” and keep trying and trying.

No. 2336182

True love might be a meme but love exists and males express it a lot of you never seen your brother heartbroken before and it shows.

No. 2336185

Everyone does this not just straight women kek. Lesbians do this shit all the time actually with each other.

No. 2336187

Idk about what lesbians go through because I’m straight. From my experience with men, they find women’s general nature annoying or they think you’re being nice because you’re trying to manipulate them.

No. 2336188

DA I'm a lesnonna but women's land needs to act like its own society where younger women will take care of the aging members, without this the aging members will just die. Cultural feminism (where the feminists that would buy land to be self sufficient on) was only a temporary solution that was at max a 2 year thing. A lot of "Lesbians" advocating for women's land were actually celibate heterosexual women who were survivors of sexual abuse from moids and wanted a place away from them. I know this because I researched into it and wanted to know how feasible it would be kek. An all female village/block of apartments would actually be more realistic because everyone would still have electricity and running water and can still pursue romantic relationships outside of it with the support of the women within their own homosocial communities/environments.

No. 2336191

AYRT, I never said or even implied that they should go les or bi, because that’s not possible. What I said was that there’s no hope for romance for straight women whether they’re in men’s land or women’s land, so why not go to women’s land? I thought that was pretty clear, but I guess I should have known better.

No. 2336192

Okay, and? Some of you are legitimately so condescending and deranged that you belittle women for wanting to be in relationship and it's weird as fuck. Grow up.

No. 2336195

Last time I posted about loving my brother on this imageboard and about how he loves his wife and kids a bunch of anons mocked me and said my brother probably secretly hires prostitutes and will abuse his kids. I was like wtf is wrong with you all. Kek. I really really hate to not all men but literally
That statistic is proven fake nonnie. Lesbians do not have higher rates of domestic abuse, it's been debunked several times in the lesbian threads.

No. 2336196

>I wasn't saying that!
>so why not woman's land?
What part about being a straight woman don't you understand? Trying to force women into celibacy is insane

No. 2336197

Women get warned time and time again about men and then when something bad happens you expect people to care

No. 2336198

Nonnas see males behaving in a stupid self destructive way that they usually regret and take it as innate deliberate wickedness. A certain fraction of males are evil but its a small minority, most of them just need controls on their behavior and they'll be good people. Problem is the only ones who can put those controls on are other men because we don't have the power to do it ourselves

No. 2336200

oops ill delete my post! sorry lesbianons

No. 2336201

Oh they're fucking crazy, you know they have barely one foot in reality. I myself post a ton if misandry here but I would never talk like these psychos, it's very interesting to me that they resort to dogpiling and belittling you lik miserable autists

No. 2336202

The one in New Mexico has electricity and running water, but I get what you mean. It was pretty far out of the way though.
You never said anything about forcing you into celibacy, you said forcing straight women into being with lesbians and bi women, so maybe you could be a little more clear about your outrage. I don’t know why you’re even this upset, it’s like you’re making up people to be mad at.

No. 2336203

>small minority

Idk any women in real life who haven’t been cheated on

No. 2336206

Tell your friends to stop dating French men then

No. 2336208

You can hope for love all day just don’t come crying victim blame when he turns on you

No. 2336209

And if something bad happens to them, I will care. Because I'm not a rude, whiny, Eeyore cunt like you that tries to suck all the joy out of other people and selfishly label it "helping" them like an evil, manipulative emotional vampire that is so angry you see other women having hope or seeking happiness that you try to immediately stamp it out of them. Bitch.

No. 2336210

So you are basically saying women choose their fate when they fall in love with a man? Nasty

No. 2336213

Do you not know anyone in a healthy long-term relationship? I know many people who are long-term relationships where the only thing they fight about is mundane shit like groceries and not porn and infidelity and abuse like you think.

No. 2336214

Oh, I don't have to make you up. I'm not mad either. Believe it or not, someone can call you out without it effecting them emotionally. BTW the more you preach and try to force women to be like you, the more they will hate you and imo deserved.

No. 2336215

This dumb cunt is literally saying "you're ASKING FOR IT" and expecting us to believe they're mentally sound in any capacity.

No. 2336216

I mean, don't we kind of do? There is just so much evidence they are nasty beings. Even the ones who everyone says is nice and sweet. Sometimes those ones do the craziest shit. It's always a gamble to deal with XYs

No. 2336217

I think what’s really the most interesting about the reaction straight women have to being told not to associate with males is the projection of male typical abuse patterns onto the Cassandras telling them to stay away from moids. It’s always been super fascinating to me that despite their ability to recognize “abuse” from random internet posters, they’re unable to see it in their own personal lives.

No. 2336218

I don’t think you deserve anything but if you deal with men you should expect to get hurt and it’s your fault for trusting them

No. 2336219

>It's funny because some of them probably don't even work or go to school.
Don't call me out like this.

No. 2336220

So go post it in 2x, your routine is OTT and tired

No. 2336223

Celibacy is so easy though, most people are just weak willed.

No. 2336224

Oh. You're the weird purity sperg because of course you are. You're literally a misogynist lmao

No. 2336226

Listen even if you go your whole life as a spinster if a man wants to hurt you he fucking will me denying myself romance will not magically make that not a reality. I just saw a video of a 90 something year old lady who lived out her widow years alone until a 16 yr old scrote broke into her house murdered her and raped her corpse. I guess she chose her fate by marrying a man and him dying before her.

No. 2336227

Yeah women chose their fate because of their arrogance(blackpill baiting)

No. 2336228

Are they heartbroken though or do they just miss the privileges and benefits that they had when they had their girlfriends?

No. 2336230

Because you're not understanding that not every single woman who is in a relationship gets abused. Statistics can even prove this to you. The domestic abuse statistic is 1 in 3. So naturally that means 2 in 3 women have never experience abuse in their lives. You are basically telling hetero women to be celibate for their entire life because there's a chance they might be abused. That's like saying you should never drive because you might get in a car crash?

No. 2336232

i guess i chose my fate when i was assaulted as a minor. my bad

No. 2336234

Don't give them the attention, they love it. They're just a run of the mill misogynist that gets off on telling women men want to hurt them.

No. 2336235

Nta but they’re not being abused but they’re still doing stuff like dating men who watch porn or making them do all the child care/cleaning. Women don’t recognize bad behavior because they think if the guy isn’t knocking them out that he’s a good dude.

No. 2336236

It's just the truth. Most if not all moids hold misogynistic beliefs and see themselves above you.

>You're talking with the exact same language that redpillers do.
Redpill scrote's cause of distress is not having a bangmaid fleshlight to play his personal prostitute and mommy. Feminist's or really women's cause of distress is being physically and mentally abused, raped, killed with no support system, being at risk getting their education, income, voting and reproductive rights stripped away by half of the population which happens to be in positions power.

No. 2336237

You were a minor so no. At 30 if you’re still being tricked by scrotes its your own fault.

No. 2336238

File: 1736206522300.png (5.81 KB, 633x187, 1000047555.png)

>this thread

No. 2336239

he did everything for her she dumped him to focus on school. Why do you guys think every woman is a cooking and cleaning doormat? Just because thats what you saw from your mom doesnt mean its every woman's lived reality. A lot of women run their men

No. 2336240

this killed me. God i miss neopets

No. 2336243

Nonna is definitely exaggerating but I agree on with her on the fact that romance and love are sold to us to keep us docile.
I’m heterosexual too and I used to really believe in finding the one and having a nice romance, getting old together with someone kek; but time and time again I have been proven otherwise and I’ve become disillusioned.
I don’t think that it’s a sin to fall in love or to want a relationship, I just think that it’s a shame that us women put much more effort and even risk more.

No. 2336244

You make great points, so thank you for that. I still think it’s a net positive for women to not associate with men in any way. Even the ones that aren’t abused are still exploited in some way, or many ways. (Also I personally think it’s fine to pump and dump scrotes, just don’t have any further relationship with them than that, celibacy isn’t really attainable)

No. 2336245

now this i agree with. I think its better to start teaching heterosexual women going forward that romantic love isnt the end all be all in this life. If we put more emphasis on familial and platonic love from birth women wouldnt have this problem. Romance is harpooned into damn near every female genre. The indoctrination is real and its sick. Men need to be indoctrinated with true love more than women. Thats where we went wrong as humanity imo

No. 2336248

We have the stats on cheating, yes men do it more but its not an enormous difference. And I'm not in any way saying men shouldn't be held accountable for their shitty behavior or that we shouldn't make society-wide changes to improve them (or even eugenic engineering of ideal males, I can get really utopian too) but you need to have some nuance or you just look ridiculous to normal people.

For example, the early feminists made enormous strides in changing the world for women and children, securing the right to vote and legal equality, protection against domestic violence, eradicating prostitution, right to gainful employment and education, etc.

Men held all the power back then and only made those changes to the culture because we had the moral high ground. If men are all evil, why did they allow us to make these changes?

And again, I'm not saying things are good or that we shouldn't make things better, I'm rejecting this idea that they are all irredeemable.

No. 2336254

The anons here saying a woman getting raped or beaten is the woman's fault are fucking crazy and probably baiting. But it is a fact that most if not all men are misogynistic and engage in subjugation of women.

No. 2336255

I would never tell a normie woman my thoughts because I know she’s gonna start saying “MUH MAN WOULD NEVER” “MY BROTHA WOULD NEVER!”.. Most normie women in my environment still think it’s normal for a man in his 20s, to date 16-17 year olds so I wouldn’t expect them to be able to grasp what I’m saying.

No. 2336257

Legitimate question, do you not have a single male in your life that was good to you? Like family, or even a friend? That's really sad if it's the case but you can't deny the lived experience of other women having valued and non-terrible male partners/friends/family.

No. 2336258

My bf is actually pretty good to me but I still don’t trust him and im just enjoying him until he fucks up.

No. 2336261

maybe change your environment idk

No. 2336262

Lol, I mean. I'm happy for you. It's fine to be skeptical and I hope that he doesn't fuck it up?

No. 2336264

All the ones that have been “good” have ended up disappointing me, not to be a sad sack, but on the whole men are not humans the same way women are. They’re just not able to be. But I’m glad you have had a different experience, and maybe at some point it can become the norm.

No. 2336265

I don’t care if he fucks up or not but I’m not naive enough to think just because he’s nice to me now he’s going to be that way forever, because like I said I notice patterns. Numerous women before me had a sweet guy who buys them gifts, flowers, tells them they’re beautiful etc to only hurt them. I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m special from another woman that it wouldn’t happen to me.

No. 2336266

Not nonna. But if I have to compare I’d say that the female figures in my family were much more important, mainly my mother.
My dad was a violent drunkard, we ran and moved country, he’s sober now though and I talk to him just out of courtesy because my mom goes back to our country often to do business.
I had a stepdad who raised me but ended up cheating on my mom after 10 years, I took it as a betrayal and stopped talking to him altogether.
The scrote I had my first ever relationship with ended up ghosting me after taking my virginity despite me taking all the steps in order not to get fooled kek.
The “good men” I met were good in the sense that they didn’t do anything , not that they ever went out of their way to do anything extraordinary.

No. 2336267

Reminds me when radfems get doxxed and it turns out they're happily married with kids
Thou dost protest too much etc etc

No. 2336268

>If men are all evil, why did they allow us to make these changes?
Capitalism, so they have more wage slaves. If moids actually respected and considered women people they wouldn't have a 90+ billion dollar industry based off the commodification of women's bodies. You wouldn't be able to take a woman's photo and make deepfake ai porn of her without her consent. Abortion wouldn't be a constant morality debate. A rapist wouldn't be able to become president. Rapists would actually go and stay in jail. Technology keeps advancing yet they always find new ways degrade and subjugate women. Nothing changed, we just went from private property to public property.

No. 2336271

So you’ve been sperging about “muh evil men, bitches are stupid for being with scrotes”, but you cozy up with a scrote yourself kek?

No. 2336272

lol women are so silly to think men actually gave us a little rights because they care about us and not because they needed more wage slaves to stack up debt and work

No. 2336275

I never said women had to stop dating or fucking men, you just have to be realistic about it. Just have fun with him and not get too attached.

No. 2336276

They all do this. Its the same as conservative women who shit on unmarried women who have abortions meanwhile they are on their 3rd as a married mother of 3. Their scrote just refuses to wrap it up. All these women are larping while going home to suck the dick of their racist scrote

No. 2336277

I think it’s ok for women to date and have fun if they’re real about male nature but most women are gonna fall in love and end up a bang maid, for the average normie woman being celibate is a better option.

No. 2336279

how can you have fun with someone you think is going to oppress and harm you? why do you even want to have "fun with them" in the first place if you hate them so much and think they are evil. Why do you want their evil dick cheese inside of you please explain

No. 2336281

Men hate women but they still fuck, marry and date women. Why cant women do it?

No. 2336282

it's like saying i hate dogs but then go to an unleashed dog park everyday kek. Do you really or are you just deep down waiting to get picked too?

No. 2336283

why do you want to be like the evil men that oppress you is my question

No. 2336284

Men like fucking women too but they still hate us. Having to love and respect men in order to fuck them is a male brain washing tactic.

No. 2336285

>Capitalism, so they have more wage slaves.
But feminism was a thing long before women were in the workforce in large numbers. We didn't even see large scale participation in the workforce until the 1970s.

And pornography was officially illegal until the repealing of obscenity laws in the 60s and 70s, and these were top-down impositions by the elites against the generally conservative majority. Nobody actually wanted pornography unbanned in the 1960s except radicals like the hippies

No. 2336286

Why wouldn’t I want to be? Being the bigger person and trying to do things morally has gotten women no where

No. 2336287

In a situation where a moid hurts a woman be it ranging from disrespect or neglect to rape and murder, the majority of scrotes men will still side with the moid somehow. Men get radicalized into fascism just so they can keep themselves as a class with power above women. Men do not think of themselves as equal to women and they do not want to be.

No. 2336293

why do you want to be like the scrotes you hate so much. That is my question. If i hated men i would be doing the exact opposite of what they do not being just like them. You only copy the people you admire in some way shape or form. So clearly you admire men's depraved ways and want to be like them. So what does that say about you?

No. 2336294

You don’t get to go on a rant about how women are stupid for being in love and then having the bad luck of getting abused because apparently they didn’t see it coming and yet cozy up with your boyfriend kek. You’re a “dicksucker” too my dear, the same as the “stupid” women you point your finger at.

No. 2336295

I don’t want to be like scrotes, this is just how I naturally am. There are some women who can have fun with scrotes and not fall in love with him in a month and want to pop out his cumlets, clean his house and wash his shitty undies.

No. 2336296

blackpiller on blackpiller violence

No. 2336298

I’ve actually never been abused or cheated on(that I know of) but I still wouldn’t put it past a man to do it. I wouldn’t be shocked if it ever happened.

No. 2336301

Your power is in the sex you have to give, that’s not where my power comes from. Don’t compare us.

No. 2336303

I’m not even one but I hate hypocrites. If you’re going on a tangent about women being retarded for daring to be with men then you should at least preach what you preach and be celibate.

No. 2336304

Why are you sleeping with your oppressor though? men are not sleeping with their oppressor when they lay down with women they hate. But you sure are. Why do you do that? Is your pleasure more important to you than the oppression you face at the hands of that scrote you just want to "have fun with". IDK sounds like a dangerous and very cumbrained game you are playing if what you say about men being evil inherently is true.

No. 2336305

Take it out of male vs female for a sec and look at it as good actors vs bad actors. We can even assume there are more male bad actors than female because its irrelevant to the argument

The solution is to have a system (or social norms, whatever) that punishes bad actors and rewards and protects people who do the right thing and are honorable, not to just accept things as they are and be cynical and miserable.

No. 2336308

I can have sex and date as many scrotes as I want but he can’t take away the town house that I own, the car that I own, the degree that I have and the money in my savings account because I’ll never be his bang maid.

No. 2336309

This moron is lecturing you but once she puts the phone on the table she’ll jump like a bunny on her scrote’s dick kek. I just can’t take them seriously.

No. 2336310

but he can take your life away bro which is more valuable than anything you mentioned

No. 2336316

If he wants to go up against a gun then he can be my guest

No. 2336320

File: 1736208953184.png (17.13 KB, 200x266, IMG_0725.png)

Honey these were your literal words
>I still think it’s a net positive for women to not associate with men in any way. Even the ones that aren’t abused are still exploited in some way, or many ways
Don’t play dumb now. According to your own words you’re being exploited too kek.

No. 2336323

Like another nona said trying to be the bigger better person gets women nowhere. Part of the reason of why got where they are is because they just take and do what they want to their own benefit. Men don't justificate or moralfag like you're doing "you're sleeping with the oppressor! whore!" They just do and take what they want and if shit hits the fan their other moids and even women just blame women instead. Romance is a scam because men are incapable of loving women, but if a woman wants a cute boyfriend to play as her prince and he fails because he wasn't empathetic enough or ends up being an absuive sex pest i'll get behind her and shame the moid for not being good enough

No. 2336324

wait until you find out a lot of gun owning women died at the hands of their own gun by a scroe. But keep having random relations with random scrotes thinking you are doing something better than the average straight woman instead of playing an even more dangerous game than a straight woman who takes her chance with one scrote at a time kek.

No. 2336325

The average woman can’t be around men without falling deeply in love with them and becoming their slave. For the rare women who can do it, I say go girl date as much as you please but for most women they should be celibate. Most women dealing with men are just going to end up being financially abused or something and we will have to hear their sob stories for 100 years.

No. 2336328

No. 2336331

She probably meant normie women who believe in romance and that being a doormat will finally make the moid love and respect her

No. 2336333

i didnt call her a whore dont put words into my mouth especially if its a slur. Not being like the men who oppressed you is not taking the moral high ground its just common sense. if you are still giving them sex which is ultimately what all men want from women you arent winning the gotcha olympics you are actively losing

No. 2336335

They want your wombs and your labor too which you usually happily give if you get a little taste of good dick.

No. 2336338

NGL I am actually the obsessive codependent type so this applies to me, if I get love bombed and emotionally intimate I am like melted butter. But I'm self aware so I avoid that altogether

No. 2336342

These nonnas don’t understand that you cannot win the nonchalant act with men when they don’t care. If you like sex have it sure, but it’s not like you’re giving a middle finger to the patriarchy by sleeping with men, they end up having sex anyway which is a win in their book; you’d rather say that you just like sex and therefore have it, no reason to put morality and a “gotcha” around it.

No. 2336343

every time you have sex with a random scrote you are giving him that opportunity. Let me guess you only work and live around 100% women. Men never even sign your checks.

No. 2336346

If I got knocked up I’d just go get an abortion and if I wanna keep it because he’s rich, I’d put him on child support and he couldn’t live with us

No. 2336349

you have to be 18 to post here.
THIS a real blackpiller wouldn't even let a scrote touch her. She would just use her gun to shoot them on site.

No. 2336350

You are still playing the moral high ground if you care about what you do is a "gotcha" And why does it matter what men want? Why is their opinion so important? Why is their opinion the end all be all?

No. 2336353

Why would I care what scrotes think? When I’m dealing with scrotes I’m thinking about my own well being, not rather or not they care or not. Me not ending up a bang maid is for my own protection and me dating them is for my own fun.

No. 2336359

Most states allow men to waive their parental rights if they don’t want to pay child support so I’d be careful with that. There’s also ways to dodge child support payments like asking your boss to give your salary in small checks weekly so you can mislead the courts into thinking you don’t make a lot of money by sending only one of those paychecks in, or send in self employment slips and say you only get paid $100-$200 so the courts don’t bother to check what other types of income they have

No. 2336362

Holy shit america cucks its women so much. 4B isn't enough, women need to castrate moids with a rusty knife so they get sepsis and die.

No. 2336367

this is so funny baby by the time trump is done in office abortions will be illegal nationwide

No. 2336369

Well look at that fake blackpill nonna, american women can’t do 4B kek. The most they’ll do is look in contempt and criticize other women and then silently go under the covers with their Nigel and do the same thing they criticize others of.

No. 2336370

American women definitely can't do 4b look at who the majority voted for. They can't even vote in their own best interest if it means disappointing their racist scrote

No. 2336380

Your only hope to find a loyal man is to find a disabled one who doesn’t know where he is or how to take care of himself

No. 2336382

hes fat so whats the point

No. 2336410

>The average woman can’t be around men without falling deeply in love with them and becoming their slave.
Lmao this is such a wild take, its like something you'd read in some PUA rag. If you didn't know these were radfem separatists you'd think they were Victorian maidens

No. 2336411

Don't forget bald

No. 2336420

Life isn’t too short. It’s too fucking long. Wrap this shit up.

No. 2336424

File: 1736214920716.jpeg (137.16 KB, 1500x2248, IMG_8389.jpeg)

I think it's a red flag if an adult man is a drinker of chocolate milk. Every adult male chocolate milk enjoyer I've met has been either:

- a sex pest
- a Coomer/porn addict
- a tranny/"non binary"/furry/abdl
- immature
- an annoying Redditor type who collects Funko pops, says "hecking" unironically, and calls chocolate milk "choccy milk"

Women can drink anything they want. But men should be banned from anything except water.

No. 2336427

No. 2336428

Picky eaters are just doing it for attention. They want everyone fawning and stressing over their food preferences. You are an adult you can handle a pickle or a tomato, grow up.

No. 2336429

There's plenty of ways of making it short.

No. 2336435

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Lifecels on suicide watch

Interesting theory but all those traits also apply to the general male population

No. 2336460

The patriarchy will never truly be demolished nor will feminism or 4B ever progress until women stop being so mean to each other. The way women are to other women is a huge obstacle to progression.

No. 2336462

I think child support is evil and shouldn't exist.

The existence of child support and alimony just discourages people from seeking long term relationships. Breakups can also happen for any reason, therefore we should just pay it with taxes. Since who and with whom people have stable families is a roll of an dice we should have actual safety nets instead of court battles and drama.(bait)

No. 2336467

I’m not attracted to men so it’s harder to grasp anyway but I do wonder, if you think tall, big moids are “superior” what do you think of yourselves? Inferior? Almost feels like some sort of road to the blackpill.
Anyway, I’m >>2334849, and I agree with >>2335271 and >>2335373, the horror I feel when a perfectly capable, intelligent woman I can have a fun and interesting conversation with magically transforms into to some uguu wuugu girl baby once she gets a boyfriend is genuinely disturbing. You can see the switch when the boyfriend leaves the room too, every time, so many women. Harrowing. What do these women think of themselves, and women?
To act like self-infantilisation and autopedophilia isn’t a normalised phenomenon is completely disingenuous. I don’t know why the conversation fixated on height to skim over every other instance. When women fixate on a man making them feel “feminine and desired” it is almost always things like age gaps, acting helpless and incapable around a “capable” moids, exaggerated size differences beyond finding large moids attractive. I’m not attacking being attracted to capable moids; it’s the idea of wanting to make yourself appear less capable, like that is what “femininity” is. I’m not attacking being attracted to large moids; it’s the idea of wanting to feel small, “fit into your pocket” coquettish way of thinking. The focus isn’t on the moid here or his attractiveness, it’s you. I mean, just go outside. It’s not about “tall moids being more attractive”. So many big moids have fucked up features from the excess growth hormones, a lot of them look lanky and weird - it doesn’t matter if they’re ugly, they’ll still get the ground they walk on worshipped… so how would it be about them being “attractive”? Surely you would want a moid that is attractive and tall, not just larger for the sake of it? To “feel” feminine? Being a lesbian around straight women is so bizarre because I just see women as fellow human creatures like everybody else is but it almost feels like subconsciously they phrase themselves in a certain way, almost. I don’t know how to describe it.

I wonder if it’s just inherent heterosexual biology at this point, “powerful” maleness and “childlike” femaleness. Women play into this just as much as men do.

>A moid has like 50% more upper body strength on average than a woman, they aren't even in the same bell curve. Except maybe Indian moids vs white and black women keke
Why are people skimming over this kek. The whole idea of the argument women can’t rape adult men is based on the idea that every scrote is stronger than almost every woman. In fact, I’ve tried to bring up I think some women can overpower some men in a fight, and anons piled on me relentlessly and called it troon logic. So is that not true now? Is it every moid minus Indian moids, can women rape them too? Also kek at the implication that asian women are just so small and weak lmao.

No. 2336469

File: 1736218096537.jpeg (Spoiler Image,908.15 KB, 1284x1040, IMG_5018.jpeg)

I don’t think women not being nice to each other is the issue because men treat each other 100x worse and it didn’t stop them from getting what they want.

No. 2336476

I’d like to add that men have done some horrendous stuff to each other through out history, not nearly as bad as what women do to each other. Can we really blame what we are going through on us not being nice enough to each other? We can blame it on many things but us not being nice enough isn’t it.

No. 2336485

Tone Indicators are a good idea actually, people just hate them because they're a Zoomie thing. Lolcow in particular could really use a /s or /jk because bitches on here can't understand jokes kek

No. 2336488

nta but men might treat each other like shit but have intrinsic solidarity with each other, theyll empathize with a rapist that "might be falsely accused" over a woman. men will always defend the hypothetical man first. women lack that level of soldiarity.

No. 2336491

Theyre not empathizing with him they’re just taking his side so they can keep doing their own dirt. It’s not genuine compassion, most women aren’t going to go cape mode for a female pedophile or something because most of us aren’t doing that on the low.

No. 2336492

Not really. Men love accusing other men of being subhuman rapists as long as they are of a different race

No. 2336544

Nu metal is the best genre of rock music

No. 2336557

I'll challenge your unpopular opinion with another unpopular opinion and say it's actually black metal.

No. 2336560

Both of you are gay

No. 2336570

People really hate when I suggest this so I’ll put it here. Personally I find being a lesbian much harder to deal with than racism (especially since people of my race are more likely to be homophobic towards me).

No. 2336586

oh my god i miss the vpn ban

No. 2336597

Responding to posts you dislike with muh vpn ban is obnoxious and contributes absolutely nothing.

No. 2336598

Nice try, I’m not on VPN. I don’t even think anything I said was crazy either.

No. 2336605

People try to push black people and asian people as two opposing extremes, with Caucasians in the middle. It isn’t true and it’s also white-centric.

No. 2336607

Who are these people anon. Why do you want to discuss nonsensical race politics so bad

No. 2336618

Because I’m feeling sad.

No. 2336621

Kim Wexler is a boring nothing girl character.

No. 2336623

Well if it helps I have no idea what you're talking about at all and maybe you're consuming content of/ listening to the wrong people

No. 2336631

>listening to the wrong people

No. 2336634

Its a normatively white society, so we will see blacks and Asians with those stereotypes, but if you have a black majority society whites will be seen as the nerdy introverts and Asians even moreso, and the reverse in an Asian society.

Also imo this is why introverted black and white people gravitate towards Asian culture, and for extraverted whites and Asians they tend to gravitate to black culture

No. 2336645

Damn you just said a whole lot of nothing

No. 2336659

>whites will be seen as the nerdy introverts and Asians even moreso, and the reverse in an Asian society
I’ve found that black people get along with asians more than white people.

No. 2336673

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Not a moosechan so no bully pls but seeing your guy cry about resigning kinda made me sad in a maternal way kek

No. 2336681

After seeing a number of posts confessing to changing the pronouns on posts about their boyfriends so people won't sperg about them nigelfagging, I think a good 10-20% of the people who post about being lesbians are women larping, half the people who post about being lesbians are men larping, and 100% of the people who use weasel wording like "I'm not interested in men" are men larping, and once you realize this, a lot of posts make more sense

No. 2336683

KEKKK he actually cried? I couldn't stand to watch his resignation video for more than 1 minute because this man makes me sick

No. 2336690

I mention that I’m not interested in men a lot because a lot of discussions revolve around men unfortunately and if I want to give my two cents I have to clarify that I don’t relate to the experience of being attracted to men in the first place.

No. 2336692

Lean Nona here who was in Ottawa when the honkening happened.
It was annoying and should have been dealt with legally but at the same time I remember grown ass middle aged men, city councilors, literally crying on camera because the honks kept them awake at night. MIDDLE AGED MEN. I was never so furious than when I saw that because it made me realize what a ridiculous unserious country we are. We're governed by mental 10 year olds playing pretend government in the sandbox who know there's not going to be any real consequences for their fuck ups and denial of reality. It was then that I knew we were doomed as a country

No. 2336698

It's also true that the angriest seethe towards men often comes from women who genuinely are passionate hets and would fall in love madly if the right moid came along. Seen it happen in my own circle of friends before

No. 2336742

It's often said that the opposite of love isn't hatred but apathy and I think that applies here. A lot of women hate men so much because they have the capacity to love them and have been in situations where men have hurt them on an emotional and romantic level. If you really didn't care about men at all you probably wouldn't hate them as vehemently either, it would just be disgust and disinterest

No. 2336753

That's my feelings on the matter too. Like there's a lot of things to complain about with men generally, but you can tell when its a woman with experience who is exasperated (or a genuine lesbian who is disdainful but detached) versus an inexperienced het nonny that wants a man but is frustrated with the current year options (I fall into this camp if I'm honest)

No. 2336758

I do that kek, but you kinda have to

No. 2336766

File: 1736237127900.png (110.9 KB, 275x271, 1663564389001.png)

>teheee silly foid, you don't truly hate men, you just haven't been dicked properly yet!
The vpn ban can't come soon enough.

No. 2336772

Fake tears, actor/drama teacher. I don't even care either way but everything this moid does is disingenuous. I thought he would at least summon a self-pitying memory for this moment but he went full zoolander again. He's such a narc, he can't even do the one thing he is actually qualified for. I guess I do hate him actually, be careful if you have sons anon

No. 2336773

Oh shut the fuck up. As if. Why are other women so obsessed with claiming women who don’t like men like men! It’s like you get off on it. There are misogynistic scrotes for fuck sake, is it so believable that women who actually have a reason to hate men fucking hate men? And get out with the opposite of love is apathy bullshit, straight women constantly put up with men’s shit so fucking obviously the biggest manhaters are lesbians who can see them for what they are without the love goggles that’s why there’s a whole stereotype genius. If anything I hate men more because I’m jealous of the attention they get from women not because I want a dicking you fucking freak

No. 2336774

Wanting heterosexual sex has no bearing on whether one is sexist or not. Plenty of men actively hate women despite badly wanting to fuck them, that does not diminish their hateful feelings or actions. Same goes for women.

No. 2336777

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Aw man

No. 2336788

>the biggest manhaters are lesbians who can see them for what they are without the love goggles
Yeah this may sound like a "mean stereotype" but it's true. One of the reason actual lesbians are so fun to be around is their unabashed hatred of men, which is based af and rare. Since they hate them for reasons like rape/abuse and don't go seeking them out to cause issues (like moids do to them) it's a pretty central part of the ~lesbian community~

No. 2336789

I think Chinese weight standards are the correct ones, I don’t wish I lived there but I wish the attitude towards weight was the same and I don’t like being surrounded by fat people / think it disturbs my quality of life and at the very least it should be acceptable to honest about people’s weights.

No. 2336792

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A scrawny woman can never be more beautiful than a curvy woman

No. 2336794

MM was probably 105-110 in this photo anon

No. 2336796

She'd be considered severely obese in China

No. 2336798

I used to feel like this when I was young, but tbh, unless you have to take care of your morbidly obese family members, it's a pretty retarded way to feel. People, who always advocate against fat people often don't realize it is indeed their skinniness, that gives them a sense of superiority, especially in "fat countries" and that would not exist if most people in your country are thin. Also, your perceived attractiveness level automatically skyrockets if you are thin, and it is often the only prerequisite to being "conventionally attractive" in the West. Just live your life, be happy, and stop being so hateful kek

No. 2336799

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Nah China's getting fatter since they dropped the pretend communist-utopia (for the most part), they love their kfc and greasy western fast food. Plus the colonel was like 3/4 chinese, as you can clearly see in picrel

No. 2336803

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Still their beauty standards is akin to picrel and it's very ugly(ai slop outside containment)

No. 2336804

Exactly, have you seen the “lesbians” who still act like pickmes for men? They’re the ones that might be bi if anything, not the reverse. So weird, gay scrotes don’t get accused of liking women for being misogynistic despite having no reason to be. People are so phallocentric, straight men and lesbians alike will always be accused of liking men because people love making men the centre of everything.
I mean not China but have you seen Japanese gravure? This body type is popular, tiny but soft (as opposed to skinny and lean). I’ve seen a lot of women in the smaller size range with body types like Marilyn, they are in no way “curvy” at least not in the way the word is used today.

No. 2336808

Yeah this reminds me of The Ring when the little girl comes out of the tv. I don't mean this AI model(?) specifically but when the proportions are trying to be adult but still artificially underdeveloped like that, it looks so off and unhealthy

kek yes, they're all TIFs now

No. 2336814

Not Canadian either but he seems just very pathetic in general. Also super botched now.

No. 2336818

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Monolids are so pretty and I don’t know why asians don’t like them. Same with other Asian features like a broader jaw, lower nasal bridge. It’s always sad to see Easterners online shit on natural asian women who are popular in the west (like with Hoyeon Jung, Devon Aoki) who they deem “ugly” because they don’t fit their standards

No. 2336821

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Would knowing Vikings/Europeans have them too stop them from getting the dumb surgeries or is this an east vs east thing?


No. 2336823

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Africans having them probably cancels it out or something

No. 2336824

ntayrt but is the article you linked written by AI? It provided next to no information.

No. 2336825

those aren’t monolids kek, you can see her double eyelid. those are epicanthic folds. i think double eyelid surgery keeps the epicantic fold right?

No. 2336826

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Aw she looks like the black Strawberry Shortcake with them. Prob why Blasian is a really nice blend, at least more often than not

No. 2336832

His coach turned into a pumpkin!

No. 2336839

Fat people = bad is not an unpopular opinion nonna, but it definitely is a weird take to say that fat people existing lowers your quality of life. Learn to stop giving a fuck, or if your life is so simple that you can afford to worry about random people then you should cherish what you have kek.

No. 2336840

Those are Khoisan people. I wonder if they have Asian DNA.

No. 2336843

File: 1736243685206.jpg (39.5 KB, 637x531, -148235742.jpg)

I appreciate them anon. I enjoy laying on a fat person's belly and imagining I'm on a waterbed or adrift at sea

No. 2336845

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No. 2336847

You're a pedo

No. 2336850

I agree that there are reasons to dislike and even hate most men regardless of sexual orientation. But there's a difference between the kind of dislike you see from genuine lesbians, which is more like the dislike between members of mutually hostile countries, and the passionate anger you see from hets (and I guess bis in theory too). I'm saying this because I sort of became self aware after some reflection as a hetero man hater myself. Also it's not about sex. It's about the naive romance you wanted in your heart crashing hard into the reality of male nature and making you deeply bitter, knowing you'll never experienfe what you need the most. At the risk of sounding dramatic, it sort of trivializes life if you're this kind of romantic.

Like I'm over it now consciously but I know subconsciously I'll always have this sourness that I'm self aware of.

No. 2336851

Surely their moids can see that the women they trash are pretty, though. I genuinely don't get it. It must be a cope for them because she's out of their league.

No. 2336853

Who cares what's more beautiful (aka appealing to moids) just find balance in life in a way where your eating and exercising helps you maintain your health but also mental wellbeing.

No. 2336855

Healthy radiant smiling woman who looks like an adult

Underweight woman starving herself in order to pook like a 12 yrs old to fit the beauty standards of faggots fashion designer (probably pedos) lobotomy tier facial expression to signal her submissiveness

No. 2336860

Asian DNA is found in the Horn of Africa. You can find monolids across Africa, and it isn’t uncommon for black people to just have epicanthic folds either, not about Asian DNA. Features are varied across the globe

No. 2336861

Most people don’t get fat the second they hit adulthood.

No. 2336862

Nta but I hate this argument. A beautiful thin adult woman looks like a beautiful thin adult woman, not a child. Same with fat children but the reverse. The weights people can pull off varies from person to person but thin people that can regardless of sex looks best imo. I think the same of men too.

No. 2336864

Aw, she does. Very cute kid. Although I feel the need to tell you this character is called Orange Blossom kek

No. 2336865

Asian moids have some of the most absurd standards I've ever seen. Like I can get a really hot guy having equally high looks expectations for women but these kpop guys look like pre op troons and are calling anyone over 90lbs fat

No. 2336866

I just think it’s funny how it’s perfectly fine to say “curvy is better than skinny!” But you post a skinny woman and the fatties get so upset they start calling you a pedo. Plenty of women are built like twiggy without having to starve themselves. This board is very Americanised so none of you can understand that.

No. 2336868

I don't know why anorexia is associated with pedophilia. I think it makes you look older. It makes you gaunt in the face.

No. 2336869

What a backwards racist comment. Whites also hate their naturally pink skin and thin hair, are they trying to change races when they get spray tans or fill their eyebrows? The world doesn’t revolve around you. All cultures find rarity sexy, and double eyelids are just a modern iteration of that.

No. 2336871

She looks like someone who is fragile and sickly, lies in bed all day because she lacks energy to live. Waits for prince charming to awake her from slumber like Sleeping Beauty - except in original version of the story (and not Disney one) prince charming is a rapist and adulterer

No. 2336872

From what I can remember of Tumblr, a lot of anachans wanted to look like kids and hated their adult bodies. It wasn't necessarily for autopedo reasons though, some of them obviously had other issues.

No. 2336874

That pic >>2336845 is giving 60s lolita (pedo) vibe you can be skinny and look like an adult but ana chans have a weird obsession with looking underaged as illustrated by their picture choices

No. 2336875

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No. 2336877

Saying this as a chub myself, but you're right that it does affect you. When it affects your health it affects ALL of society too. When you can't work as well, take up more space and resources, healthcare wasted on your self-inflicted weight related problems instead of people with diseases, fatness greatly increasing odds of babies being born with physical and mental issues etc… fatness IS bad for society.
I'm not in any way mad at fat people for being fat, I'm mad at governments for letting every food company put a shit ton of unhealthy addictive shit like sugar in every food while pretending like they don't, I'm mad at obesity and food addiction not being taken seriously. If we had an anorexia epidemic I'm sure people would panic more and take it seriously, but people see it as normal rather than deeply disordered that a fat guy eats like 8000 calories a day.

I don't even know how it would be fixed. Maybe heavily tax food companies for putting unhealthy addictive things in food and make it a luxury item, give less tax to natural whole foods and make that cheaper. I know people would be mad (and the companies even madder) because people aren't rational when it comes to their addiction, but something has to be done.

No. 2336878

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This is so disingenuous. If rarity was sexy foreigners would be the ideal of every country. You’re telling me asians prefer large eyes, pale skin (which isn’t even rare there and I’ve specifically seen them online idealise the specific pink skintone white people have, not just pale), high nose bridges, smaller jaws, smaller FACES, all of these hyperspecific features that happen to be the opposite of theirs and more common in another race is a “coincidence” borne from rarity? A coincidence that for some didn’t exist pre-globalisation? Hm. Just be honest. White people aren’t overtly the ideal but don’t be dishonest and pretend Europeans aren’t idealised. There was a conversation in /m/ that I agreed with about their obsession with white children too, if you can read Japanese and go on their twitter you’ll realise they love blonde-haired blue-eyed white boys and have whole pages dedicated to them, whole reason there’s an anime/manga trope for them.

No. 2336879

? I’m confused, she looks like an adult to me.

No. 2336880

bones rattled i see

No. 2336881

They say this about any thin stylish woman that they’re jealous of, if she decides to wear a dress and socks instead of a Hilary Clinton pantsuit. She looks like a woman in her early 20s. They’re so mad about being passed over for beautiful slender women they have to throw out pedophillia accusations.

No. 2336883

Someone brought up that’s it’s sad there’s disproportionately hardly any natural depictions of natural asian beauty in media before. It sucks, imagine growing up as a girl and being told what’s beautiful is exactly the opposite of you.

No. 2336884

Flab wobbled I see

No. 2336887

>They’re so mad about being passed over for beautiful slender women they have to throw out pedophillia accusations.
passed over by who ?

No. 2336889

It's obvious you didn't understand what I was asking and misunderstood my post entirely, but the other anon seems willing to waste her time with you

No. 2336893

I looked like that when i was in my early 20's. Didn't feel sickly and didn't lie in my bed, I went to uni every day from 7am to 7pm and hiking at the weekends, ate a lot of beef…just had a good metabolism at that time. I miss being skinnier i could just get up from the ground so easily.

No. 2336895

>i could just get up from the ground so easily.
Kek no one talks about this, it’s like gravity just lifts you up. I honestly don’t care about aesthetics, but for some reason there’s a huge difference between feeling heavy and feeling light. Feeling heavy makes me want to do nothing.

No. 2336897

You went from twiggy skinny to obese ?

No. 2336899

No that's exactly the way a lot of women would describe being pregnant versus not. Or fat versus not-fat. It feels better to not have weight straining on your joints, even if you have healthy muscles. Fat people are much less likely to have healthy muscle tissue than young people who happen to be skinny.

It does seem like fatties projecting in this thread, not trying to infight though

No. 2336900

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It’s called the triangulation of Asians. They only did it because they didn’t want to pay black people to work the railroads but they also needed more workers. Fun fact: Asians had the exact same stereotypes as Black people when they came to America. They were called lazy, stupid, and that they didn’t want to work. But again white people didn’t want to pay black people for our labor so they quickly changed their stereotypes to be the opposite of ours so that way they can pay them less than white workers and arrest black people for loitering and have them work in chain gangs for free. Hence why Chinese Americans were able to keep their wealth from the railroad era meanwhile most Black Americans who worked on it ended up being indebted to the railroad.

Ronald Reagan pushed it even further in the 80s by giving Asians business loans over Black people in predominately black neighborhoods because white people didn’t want Asian businesses in their neighborhoods. I’m dating an Asian American rn and I have more in common with him than the average white American kek.

Pic related is a political cartoon that is titled “The Nigger Must Go, The Chinese Must Go” which refers to how white people wanted Black people out of the south and Asians out of the west.

No. 2336901

I'm genuinely asking because I used to be a skinny teen and now am an average weight adult, and I've never had a hard time getting up from the ground, I thought only obese people struggled with that.

No. 2336903

I'm like the marylin monroe picture and i can feel the difference in my joins when i'm getting up, also running. When i spend all my life in light mode it's noticable. I'll be 30 soon so i guess it's natural to get like that. My mom was the same way.

No. 2336907

I think it's about your frame honestly. If you have a small/petite frame, too much weight on top makes you feel heavy and tired

No. 2336908

I think this is the result of an inactive lifestyle you're not supposed to have joins pain, a hard time with running and struggle to get up a 30 years old

No. 2336911

Why would exercise be more prevalent than the stress of having too much weight on a small person? You should be able to observe the public and recognize that people have different body types without assuming they're neets

No. 2336912

I'm not saying i have pain, i'm just saying it's more difficult. Before i just send a signal to get up and i just woosh without even leaning my hand on the ground, now i would fall if i didn't lean on my hand and i have to use some sntrenghts of various musles to do it.

No. 2336914

I don't think saying either is perfectly okay, hence why i replied to both of you. arguing which bodytype is sexier is retarded

No. 2336916

File: 1736248330256.jpg (141.6 KB, 736x1177, OOF_fd.jpg)

Anon is claiming she's got the same body as MM in picrel and that she can't get up from the ground without using her hands and can't run aynomre, the only logical conclusions are
>anon is a lot fatter than she claims
>anon is extremely unfit

No. 2336917

Nta people obviously have a stronger reaction to people saying skinny is beautiful versus curves. That being said it makes sense, despite what people say most people do think thinness is better so they see it as punching down. It took me a while to realise this as a skinny person because I thought they were just genuinely bodyshaming.

No. 2336919

Use some nuance, gain some weight after being thin all your life and it’ll feel different… people who lose weight say the same kek

No. 2336923

>Nta people obviously have a stronger reaction to people saying skinny is beautiful versus curves.
I agree, well from my perspective there are two types of women who have a negative reaction to that statement: the first one who is fat/curvy and just insecure and then the second one who feels like saying skinny is more beautiful than curves is perpetuating harmful stereotypes that cause women to diet and hate their bodies.
My original point was that health should be the main priority regardless of how your body looks, though I can agree that being skinny is usually healthier than being overweight

No. 2336924

>despite what people say most people do think thinness is better
exactly, you guys keep moralfagging us into lying and then getting mad when it's not convincing enough. It follows us everywhere

No. 2336925

>I'm saying this because I sort of became self aware after some reflection as a hetero man hater myself.
So you're projecting to feel better about it.

No. 2336927

I don't kow what else to tell you, i guess you can't imagine being me or don't get what i mean exactly. "Can't run anymore" where did i say that? I said running is more difficult, which it is because your joints literally cary more weight and i can feel the gravitational pulls are just stronger and i'm slower.

No. 2336929

Both pretty. You're all retarded who fucking cares about this shit.

No. 2336930

Not to mention places where "white feature" like japan are worshipped also typically have abandoned their local traditional fashion and instead use western clothes, they clearly like and embrace the western aesthetics. At the same time they're nationalists so in practicality it translates to them wanting those features on themselves rather than them actually worshipping westerners

No. 2336932

I have the same body type. I wonder if people seethe when they see I can run up the stairs kek. I’ve seen people on LC talk about le stronk woman who actually has muscle and can do things but most people can’t even climb stairs without getting winded… (I don’t think thin people look better than others though, it’s all down to your face and apparent health. I’m a lesbian and prefer curvy women!)

No. 2336933

Nta but it's just basic logic that having more weight makes running harder on your joints, you should adjust your training regimen as your weight goes up to protect your knees and ankles. There's a reason why runners are usually thin, it makes you faster.
There's nothing wrong with looking like the Marilyn Monroe picture but for a runner it's less ideal to look like that than to be say 5-10kg lighter

No. 2336934

>I wonder if people seethe when they see I can run up the stairs
>most people can’t even climb stairs without getting winded
Only in america

No. 2336935

I’m a bong, unfortunately it exists here. People seem to balloon out once they get to uni and drink alcohol like water like the old days haha

No. 2336937

I prefer slender-curvy tbh

No. 2336938

I am honestly appalled by the amount of beetus on this site lately

No. 2336942

File: 1736249373443.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.1 KB, 460x528, a07ZOPd_460s-1238339818.jpg)

how dare you insult my nationality and illness anon, I was hospitalized for anorexia last year and barely made it off the plane I was so weak from hunger and exhaustion

No. 2336943

Sorry I don't live in a country with such a huge amount of hamplanet that I wonder if people are jealous of my ability to climb stairs

No. 2336946

File: 1736249651418.jpg (9.86 KB, 480x360, hq2-1736037270.jpg)

>that I wonder if people are jealous of my ability to climb stairs
kek I can't stop laughing at this anon

No. 2336947

I don't care

No. 2336949

Weirdest humblebrag attempt I've ever heard lol

No. 2336951

You're also rude to people who agree with you?

No. 2336957

It's another anon, I personally enjoyed your joke kek

No. 2336960

I know why…well at least in South Korea. During the Korean War. The Korean government used comfort women as a political pawn and they were often used to keep the American soldiers "satisfied" until they got back home from the war. Only the American men complained their eyes were ugly compared to their wives back home. So they hired a white plastic surgeon who was tasked with making the comfort women appear more "western" hence double eyelid surgery . Its all white supremacist brainwashing. At least in South Korea idk about the other countries. It's actually insane that nowadays white people are asking why Asians get it as if they werent forced/traumatized into it by them KEK

No. 2336962

This sounds made up

No. 2336968

maybe it is maybe it isnt either way blame the tyra show

No. 2336969

It feels like no matter how much Asians remind you they actually don't want to look like westerners, you still make shit up. they just want taller noses and more defined eyes because it's considered beautiful, it has nothing to do with white people. Its just considered a more defined face. They even state pretty often that the fair skin they want is not that of white people, who often have weird undesirable flushing issues.

No. 2336970

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>blame the tyra show
I could never, it must be true if the Queen declared and monetized it

No. 2336974

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Samefag but why is this thread so full of bullshit?


No. 2336976

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No. 2336977

I'm referring to rosacea and the fact that so many white people are literally pink and turn red. The alcohol flush has to do with your genes and being unable to process alcohol. You are delusional. Asians don't want to be white.

No. 2336979

Pale skin was associated with wealth, nobility, and leisure. Asian culture also abhors freckling of any kind, something white people are very prone to. They didn't even know white people existed back then yall are crazy. They don't want to be westerners.

No. 2336981

>Asians wanna be me
Asians think you're fat and masculine please settle down

No. 2336984

Tall nose and big eyes is a recent beauty standard for them, they used to like their slanted eyes and bigger less defined faces

No. 2336987

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>more defined
makes me think of masculine and asian women want to appear soft and demure. They keep their flat noses or only raise them slightly imo. This is what google says are ideal beauty standards for the three main countries westerners sperg over:
>Female Chinese beauty standards have become a well-known feature of Chinese culture. A 2018 survey conducted by the Great British Academy of Aesthetic Medicine concluded that Chinese beauty culture prioritizes an oval face shape, pointed, narrow chin, plump lips, well defined Cupid's bows, and obtuse jaw angle.

>The ideal beauty standard for Japanese women includes having flawless skin, a slim figure, slender legs, and a quiet personality.

>Korean beauty standards prioritize maintaining a youthful appearance, rather than looking matured. A combination of clear skin an even skin complexion, slim v-shaped jawline, and pronounced puffy Aegyo-Sal (fatty, bag-like, deposits under the eye.

No. 2336990

You’re fixated on the pale skin when arguably that is the least self-hating standard of East Asians. Pre-modern asians did not want huge eyes and V-faces kekk they liked beautiful asian features. What a cope.

No. 2336993

I am not saying the beauty standard isn't ridiculous and self hating. All I'm saying is that they don't want to be white people kek

No. 2336995

I don't like deep fried food and crispy foods. I like my fries soggy and oily. And my fried chicken covered in a sweet sticky sauce of some sort that the curst soaks up and becomes tender after.

No. 2336996

No. 2336999

Curvy isn't the same as fat

No. 2337001

>I like my fries soggy and oily.
you need to be studied nonna

No. 2337002

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Mushy fries and gravy are great (or poutine I guess)

No. 2337003

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I’ve seen them fawn over even high, crooked nose bridges, even. Usually on whites though, I’ve hardly ever seen asians with this specific type of nose. I don’t see what the point is in trying to gaslight me because I’ve read the opinions in Eastern online spaces.
>All I'm saying is that they don't want to be white people kek
No one ever claimed that, ever. You’re being overly defensive and arguing against someone no one said. All that’s been said is that European features are idealised and fawned over, and that they weren’t always. Even the preference for European models reflect this. Imagine being a young girl growing up surrounded by this.

No. 2337010

The crispy dry ones have an unpleasant mouth feel and end up scarring my weak gums and mout rooftop, so I grew to hate them. Oily soggy ones seem more flavorful as well. Same reason I stopped eating chips a long time ago. I also like my bread soft and warm, not toasted. I dislike toasted bread in sandwiches, it's impossible to eat for me. When I make my grilled cheese, I make the toast soggy with butter so it doesn't crisp up too much, same goes for french toast. The only exceptions are biscuits/cookies and rusk because I dip them in a warm drink like tea or coffee and get them softened up that way. I am grandma maxxing.
Exactly, I'm having tuna with tons of mayo with some soggy fries together.

Another unpopular opinion I have is white people are right for loving mayonnaise so much, I love putting it in sandwiches, salads, on tuna etc., it adds great moisture to a dish without affecting the flavor too much and being too overwhelming like olive oil, salad dressings, vinegar etc. And it tastes nice on its own, too.

No. 2337011

i'm not part of this discussion but wow she looks really beautiful i'm jealous. blog/no1curr i'm half southeast asian and my nose isn't sharp like that, especially not the tip. very nice mouth/chin/jawline too…

No. 2337017

Anon you provided no evidence for your claim that sounded untrue to me so I typed "ideal asian beauty standard" into google and c/p'd what came up. I've never seen an asian person with a nose like that (except biracial ones), so I guess I'll have to take your word for it that asian women prefer to have "defined" features, instead of trying to look like blurry living dolls. No one is trying to "gaslight" you, there is a burden of proof you have to meet even on shitty imageboards like this. do that first so that you can avoid being gently challenged in the future

No. 2337018

My unpopular opinion is that I love crooked/hooked noses on women. Picrel is very pretty but I like it on average-looking women too.

No. 2337022

This is not unpopular at all, we discuss it nearly every week (if not day) and post picrels of hook-nosed hotties in the "attractive women you want to have sex with" thread

No. 2337024

i dont really care about the crookedness of the nose but i do prefer small noses over big noses

No. 2337033

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? You seemed to take this as an attack on you. I wasn’t even slightly aggressive to you. I admit the gaslighting comment was speaking generally to the people in the discussion, not you specifically. But I do think online results especially in English water it down somewhat.

No. 2337035

>I don’t see what the point is in trying to gaslight me because I’ve read the opinions in Eastern online spaces.
You were replying to my comment so of course I assumed you meant that I'm trying to gaslight you but okay

No. 2337036

This is sad ngl, I like the "before" picture more. She was cute and had nothing wrong with her features. The after picture is well done, I guess, but still.

No. 2337038

Again I acknowledged that I wasn’t referring to you so I don’t know why we’re still arguing kek. Let it go.

No. 2337042

Kind of verifies that an "obtuse" jaw angle and pointy chin really are ideal >>2336987 but I think the biggest difference is the "defined" makeup kek
This one is really pretty >>2337003 though (repost/wrong asian)

No. 2337055

This is what I mean when I said I blame Tyra KEK.

No. 2337056

Man I forgot how beautiful Tyra is, like a doll. The other woman (Liz) is really beautiful too.

No. 2337057

No. 2337058

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kekkk it genuinely sounded fictional before you mentioned tyra but this was great. The way she made everything about herself and didn't let the guest speak, the hands, all of it. Ty anon, I miss this woman

No. 2337062

Tyra is such a narc its so funny. Do you remember when she confronted Naomi and made her walk out without a studio audience because she didnt want anyone to clap for her on her show KEK.

No. 2337065

I'm a woman of my word, dammit. If I'm a liar then so are many other nonnies here like >>2337022 said.

No. 2337072

They're all patronizing liar who pretend to like ugliness because of their crab in a bucket mentality where they don't want anyone ever to improve their looks. And they only pretend to like ugliness because they either don't have to suffer from it, or because they do so and don't like it when someone else can get away from it.

No. 2337075

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No. 2337077

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Calling someone a liar over this is genuinely pathetic. I mean it. I don’t know what fucking problem people like you have but you should probably shove it unless your goal is to be miserable

No. 2337079

Alex Jones is a fraud now but they took him down for nothing. If you saw the Sandy Hook exposé videos you would believe the conspiracy theories too.

No. 2337082

Anon don't get baited. Even if that person is serious (doubtful), it just means more hook-nosed hotties for the rest of us
I love the Naomi saga, Tyra deserves her own thread. Even if it's just vintage-milk like this

No. 2337084

Soul vs Soulless

No. 2337086

Sana is so cute

No. 2337087

I’ve always wanted to taste this. How is it?

No. 2337089

>unaltered/intentionally unflattering photo
>shooped and filtered to the point of looking ai
Yes the eyes are the windows to the soul. Very profound, sensei-anon

No. 2337091

I have a hooked nose I'd like to get rid of, and I encourage and support people who want to get rid of their own ugly features, unlike the liars who pretend to like it.

No. 2337095

I actually do like it but support/understand people who want to have (well-researched and well-funded) rhinoplasty, by Jewish surgeons in NYC who understand nuance and facial harmony

No. 2337100

I mean, "I support their and your right to get a rhinoplasty" and "I like unconventional noses" are two statements that can mutually exist.

No. 2337101

I'm still not convinced because that kind of nose shape is objectively ugly and throws off the facial harmony of the face, and always comes with a plethora of other ugly features since it's a sign of/caused by genetic defects and improper growth as a child. I think it's a bad thing to pretend features caused by horrible genes and/or health are "beautiful", thag just encourages disgenyic-ness being spread and normalized in society. Big and hooked noses are disgusting and ugly on both men and women, makes anyone with them looks like a total legitimate retard immediately.

No. 2337104

>I'm still not convinced
NTA but we're not writing graded essays for you kek, this is an opinion thread.

No. 2337105

Unconventional makes me think of something that's beautiful, just not that trendy, not something straight up ugly. But sure.

No. 2337106

Anon people with flat noses get called downies because they have flatter face. Life is what you make of it, Idk what else to tell you

No. 2337107

Well yeah, but I'm not convinced of your opinion being genuine. Doesn't help that many anons' definition of "hooked nose" is tiny unnoticed bump. That adds to the disingenuity of it.

No. 2337109

No one here is personality fagging so they have no reason to lie to you. I enjoy being mean to people and making them feel bad if they're acting dumb, which you are - and I still can't say you're ugly bc you have a main feature I think is attractive. How's that

No. 2337111

okay but how are you going to get rid of your ugly personality?

No. 2337114

It's possible to lie even in an anonymous setting just to feel better about yourself. This is the same website that makes fun of mentally ill women and nitpicks their looks. Moralfagging over ugly features to be contrarian isn't far fetched.
You can't because there's no ugly personality to get rid of, I'm an awesome beloved person.

No. 2337118

The after picture isn't "well done" nor subtle. She looks like a wax figure or a Gangnam unnie. Real people don't even look like that

No. 2337120

or maybe your personal opinion isn't gospel retard

No. 2337123

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Jesus Christ woman the world doesn't revolve around your nose bump

No. 2337126

>unlike the liars who pretend to like it
Why are they liars pretending, though? I'm sure there's some people who pretend to be more accepting than they are, but to act like anyone who likes a physical feature is lying just reeks of insecurity.

No. 2337128

I hate the saying “men are dogs”. Dogs are empathetic beings , capable of reading someone’s gestures and body language. Dogs are very much in tune with their emotions.
And I’m not even a dog owner kek.

No. 2337131

i would smooch your giant snoz and that's a fact

No. 2337137

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I make fun of all kinds of facial features and the anon acknowledged that we make fun of mentally ill people too, which is extra annoying.
You're accusing us of being liars or callously indifferent so that you can maintain your weird self-pitying nose cope. Actions and personality are a huge part of any attraction so your mind and soul are causing you to be perceived by others as picrel

No. 2337141

Rushing home to watch this after school was the shit. The only episode I remember is when she had a guest on that intentionally ate a tapeworm to lose weight. Crazy times.

No. 2337166

The fact that people play into it and genuinely believe all the stereotypes is more evidence to me that the populace is fucking stupid. Like, we have people claiming to be big brain high IQ, but they never bothered to look into history and ask themselves why the black stereotypes were first applied to Asians, or acknowledge Reagan's actions.

No. 2337177

you are weak and pathetic. women like you give such a bad name for us beaked up queens. i carry my witch snoz with pride. if your nose is ugly, fine, but keep us beauties out of your dirty mouth, posting shit like this >>2337101

No. 2337210

Two beautiful parents will inevitably make an ugly child. But if only one of the parents is super beautiful (don’t make children with ogres) and the other is average or above average then the child will come out beautiful too.

No. 2337236

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I love living in the city, being anonymous and invisible feels great.

No. 2337238

me too

No. 2337243

Women need to stop getting rhinoplasty. It never ever looks good.

No. 2337264

No. 2337279

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she looks like one of those one piece women but without boobs

No. 2337281

It's a child

No. 2337282

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more a snake imo i always think that one piece females look like snakes with boobs with their long limbs and slithery bodies

No. 2337287

the word you're looking for is dependency

No. 2337291

The model is a child.

No. 2337292

isn't that twiggy

No. 2337294

Yes, she was a teen model.

No. 2337298

still in my mind she looks like someone sailing the seas with the retarded homeless boy

No. 2337322

Uncircumcised dicks are ugly and look mutilated.

No. 2337325

All dicks are ugly but circumcised penis are also offensively dry

No. 2337336

some dicks look nice

No. 2337338

I thought this was popular among the lc users but I guess not. Lib-fem porn has always been boring and terrible. It's modern-day Skinemax with less attractive people because there's no professional casting so anyone can do it. I would rather not watch porn at all but if I did, I would rather watch a 6 guy bukakke gangbang than an OF couple gently stroking each other's hands (or tying a feminized moid up in ropes). I truly do not understand the appeal and can only think of the irl couple posing and trying to make everything perfect, while desperately seeking money and/or attention, which is the exact opposite of "sexy"

No. 2337340

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to continue twiggy sperging i realized that i have never seen photos of her where she were older, kinda like you always see photos of audrey hepburn only when she was young and she actually used to be really cute compared to her snake era

No. 2337341

word. i hate how everyone knows everyone in small towns. my family lives in a small-ish town and i can never feel chill when i go outside there, knowing that i'm probably gonna run into someone that knows my family. suburbs lovers always bring up how cities don't have a sense of "community" but fuck that, i don't wanna be a part of a community. in the city that i live in i'm just one person among millions and i love it.

No. 2337344

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70s Twiggy was more conventionally attractive but she was literally called "the face of the 60s" by Time magazine (or something) so she's a symbol of an era more than "hot". She was androgynous and "twiggy" during a time when most models were statuesque and womanly. The haircut was a big deal as well, no one else (popular) was wearing hair this short and simple at the time

No. 2337346

My unpopular opinion is that all women who find a lot of meaning in their weight are simply ex-normal/fat women. Being skinny is nothing special when it’s all you’ve known, bone rattling is akin to newmoney behaviour. It’s so desperate and try hard. You’re not a fairy princess now that you can wear low rise jeans honey.

No. 2337347

She looked like a preteen boy

No. 2337348

And that’s a cute thing

No. 2337351

>Being skinny is nothing special when it’s all you’ve known
tell that to the perma anorexics