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No. 2326419
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No, i’d rather put on my wig
No. 2326438
>>2326432Kek, I'm sorry anon but I think there's too many substances and harmful behaviours that are far worse for masturbating to contend. I definitely see how one could consider it as much, it would be incredibly embarrassing and uncomfortable and these people do need help
however there's people who are addicted to fermented human feces so to me that statement does sound a little silly.
No. 2326440
>>2326432"One of" would imply being part of, say, the top 5? However, it's not anywhere near as bad as nicotine, opioids, alcohol, meth, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, benzos, barbiturates, or literally any other addictive substance.
>m-marijuana isn't addictiveYes it is
No. 2326445
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Was reading a comment in Amerifags earlier, and honestly the fixation on mean and/or stupid jock characters is so strange. It was the nerds that were vile and would say weird sexual shit back in high school, the athletic moids were normal for the most part. Most athletic types aren't stupid either, they were expected to be on top of thier grades.
No. 2326455
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>>2326453Laugh at this nonnachka, she's so old
No. 2326459
>>2326456I’m staring to see people calling 23-24 year olds old. Thank god it’s your turn.
No. 2326462
>>2326461I remember back in the 2010s I started getting called old at 24. It’s your time now.
No. 2326497
>>2326445The athletes at my school
were mean, but they were mean in the typical shitty Britbong male way, not like in a movie way. Plus the nerdy scrotes who orbited my group were so much worse. This trope is usually just catty revenge fantasies written by moids kek
No. 2326527
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>>2326524People usually start getting the old/uncool label by people once they hit their mid 20s . It’s your turn now ahhahahahah. It has nothing to do with internet, even in the Victorian age it was that way.
No. 2326533
>>2326445maybe it's dependent on where you are? I grew up in the south and the jocks were indeed mean, stupid, and sexist. student athlete girls were mostly ok. nerd/high achieving girls vastly outnumbered the boys and the few boys in AP/honors courses were pretty mellow and friendly.
The low achieving self proclaimed nerds that were into edgy stuff but weren't smart/hardworking enough to get into advanced courses were the most vile, sexist, and racist though.
No. 2326542
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>>2326527>varied by time and reasonWhat a conveniently vague and limp dicked
possibility of standard to suit the mental gymnastics of a 24 year old being "super fucking old". Like, wow. You did it. You can go back to coping with any pregnancy you make technically being classified as "geriatric" now.
No. 2326547
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I legitimately don't care if teens or children think I'm old kek. Kids think everyone is old. Society's obsession with youth is bleak and gross, but the ones making fun of you right now will either get over it as they age or have their own mental issues to deal with. It's one of those things that can only hurt you if you let it.
No. 2326567
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>>2326554You're saying that like boomers weren't the ones to go crazy over botox.
>>2326557I am so jealous of gen alpha and them getting to have picrel, you're so right anon. I don't think zoomers care that much, and everything mainstream studios make is shit so.
No. 2326589
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>>2326567>>2326570>You will never experience the magic of injecting Pea Pea Explore Black Pink Oreo Vending Machine directly into your developing brainWhy live.
No. 2326632
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I think monolids are really cute and I’ve always been a bit jealous of my sister’s. If I was more insane I’d probably look into reverse blepharoplasty
No. 2326782
>>2326429>>2326444I hope you understand that the issue is not people deciding to conform to stereotypes of the opposite gender for whatever reason. It's the way trans-identified men insist on being considered women, being allowed in female spaces and pushing HRT/surgery on children. If your trans friends/acquaintances don't invade female spaces and understand that they can't change their sex, that's great. Unfortunately, in Western countries, the trans epidemic has lead to very real legal changes which harm women and children. Opposing gender ideology doesn't mean you hate all trans-identified people. Their belief that they should be women/men based on gender stereotypes is inherently misogynistic, but I mean, if that doesn't bother you, that's fine. Also, if you're "conflicted" just because the troons around you don't act in public the same way that the worst cows posted on the MTF thread do, the bar is truly in hell. Should be the
bare minimum for males to keep their fetish/paraphilia in check when they're at school/work. Repost to add that there's a study that shows that incarcerated TIMs have a higher sex crime rate than other incarcerated males, so the idea that they are as dangerous as other males and possibly more does not come from nowhere either.
No. 2326935
>>2326429If they could do what they do without expecting society to bend their perception of reality I wouldn’t give a fuck:
>Women are women, transwomen aren’t women>language to describe females should be kept as such>males don’t belong in female spaces>they should pay for their own surgeries and medication>puberty blockers should be banned, if you want to transition you can once you’re an adult>laws shouldn’t be changed to favor themFor every good tranny you meet there are 20 shitty trannies, but that isn’t even the point. I don’t care if an adult is delusional enough to chop their dick or shut their vagina close, I don’t want to pander to them.
No. 2327040
>>2326905>Her based mom SAVED her by being a pickme and trying to invite a trashy moid with allegations into their life out of spiteSome of you are
too eager to defend women kek
No. 2327043
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Society lost something when we stopped doing coming of age rituals for boys. I believe such rituals, particularly the brutal ones, were necessary because men don't menstruate and therefore need an external reminder that they're growing up and need to get their shit together. Women don't need such rituals because our bodies do it for us.
No. 2327134
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In police vs. Karens/male karens I never take the cops side. All I see is 2 contemptible retards from the bottom rungs of society fighting.
Cop was probs starting fights in Wetherspoons a week before being sworn in. Pleb on pleb crime kek
No. 2327170
>>2327166Most men start looking questionable around 25, so that’s why women with high sex drives usually end up having secret hook ups with 19-22 year olds. A month ago santos was ripped and in shape, only a month after seeing him he’s already getting a Hispanic dad bod and ruining his body with tattoos. If you’re an older woman with a high sex drive and you want someone hot you basically have no choice but to be a cougar because men hit the wall so fast.
No. 2327171
>>2327157Nonna that opinion is unpopular here, a 50 year old should totally roam around colleges to pick up 19 year olds kek. Let them be, you’ll just he dogpilled by them.
And I honestly don’t mind it at the end of the day, I just find it ridiculous. Scrotes do much worse anyway, the 19-20 year olds will be fine , they’re not being preyed upon, the ones who go after older women do so to simply use them or they have a fetish about that.
No. 2327176
>>2327156>>2327159Bear in mind either this thread or the vent thread (basically the same userbase let's be real) had a big insight yesterday because apparently,
anons laughing at a potential rape victim and saying they should take her phone away so she can't get out of the situation she "put herself in" was just "encouraging women to take accountability uwu" but no apparently we just HAVE to defend the honour of some retarded ragebaiter kek
No. 2327180
>>2327171In the sense that at the end of the day they’re getting used in the same manner.
I don’t think that there are dynamics where a scrote is truly taken advantage of by a woman.
No. 2327184
>>2327171Scrotes definitely do much worse, but it's weird for both sexes. Adults can make whatever decisions they want to, and if they post them publicly other adults can judge them for it. If you're a proud cougar own it, but its pathetic how hard they try to justify it because they know its weird.
>>2327174I've actually seen this justification with the shotafags Tbh. It's part of why i don't use /g/
>>2327175There's this thing called being an accountable trust worthy adult.. and what you do in that situation is tell the scroteling to fuck off. If you're a horny cougar however, go for it and accept the fact that everyone is going to judge you for sleeping with someone that much younger than you. It goes for either sex. You can turn 50 and fuck as many 19 year olds as you wish, but mostly all of the other 50 year olds are going to be weirded out by you and tell their sons not to talk to you.
No. 2327208
>>2327207Thats fine. As long as he's not 19 and you're not over 30 who gives a shit?
>>2327202Most men age like shit so that's probably why. 10 years isn't the worst age gap anyways. If you're in the U.S he's now legally an adult so whatever. You know, unless you were picking him up from highschool while you were in your late 20s.
No. 2327225
>>2326516Burger moids are retarded incels obsessed with muh free speech and muh gunz, and they take themselves way too seriously. They're loud as fuck and don't understand the concept of personal space. They have a weird obsession with status symbols that nobody other than Redditors cares about, and get really mad when nobody cares about his overpriced shoe collection.
Britbong moids are retarded incel mouthbreathers who are drunk and stoned 100% of the time and don't have enough brain cells left to string together a sentence about anything that isn't weed, beer or Ibiza, although they sometimes go on drunken tirades about immigrants. They all look like sunburnt feet and smell like rancid kebabs and chips.
>>2327043It made men want to stop being seen as permababies and gave them a clear cutoff point for when their shit would no longer be tolerated, we need to bring them back.
No. 2327235
Is the whole "actually 18 year olds aren't adults!!" thing symptomatic of a larger cultural psychosis? Is it tied to the stagnating economies of the West; the housing crises in developed nations; the commodification of illness; the flourishing of perverted psychological dogma; and the development of the internet as a substitute for material reality?
A long time ago, when I was 18, I knew that I was an adult. I knew that I was an inexperienced, naïve, stupid young adult. I lived life, and faced challenged, and made mistakes, and I fell down and I got back up too many times to count. Now, if you're 18 and you make a stupid choice, instead of just picking yourself back up and learning from it, they refuse culpability.
Why do older Zoomers and younger Millennials feel the need to spew this farce? Is it some sort of defense mechanism? They live such stunted lives, in a chaotic and confusing historical era, that they're afraid to grow up and admit to themselves that this is all adulthood is, and this is all adulthood ever was. Their minds are twisted from living in the digital age, and they turn around and make it society's fault because they're incapable of taking responsibility for themselves - they refuse to admit they've grown up. They can't admit they've grown up because they imagine that childhood is a shield for all that is wrong with them, they can't process that growing is lifelong.
I've never seen age gap "discourse" before the Zoomers reached the age of majority. Before then, we all knew that dating outside your general age range was stupid and a bad idea. That was a given. There was no need to comment on it, like how it's pointless to talk on whether the sun is bright.
No. 2327242
>>2327226That's illegal. Don't give an underaged scrote the ability to fuck you up like that
nonnie. All it takes is for him to have a karen mother and now you're labeled as a sex offender who gets minors drunk
No. 2327257
>>2327248I agree with this. I mean it explains why it’s so stigmatized on one side.
But generally speaking I also think that women value maturity more than men do. Not that 30-40 year old scrotes are all mature, but the mindset of a college age man is…yeah and some scrotes don’t even grow out of that. While men generally care about getting the youngest possible woman.
No. 2327292
>>2327281That's basically always been the case, idk what type of scrotes
nonnie interacts with because in my area half of them started drinking, smoking and having sex at like 15
No. 2327384
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>>2327377Do the nonnas like Johnny Depp here? I think he was a hottie back in the days.
But still the 20 year olds around me don’t look like him. Men in general are ugly , I’ll see an attractive guy once every week while I’ll see pretty women everyday, and they’re all borderline porn addicts and they don’t even fuck well. For the older nonnas the dating scene isn’t good here either kek.
No. 2327422
I know how many nonnas here are fond of attractive guys, but lately I've begun thinking…what's the point? This is coming from someone who's lost all desire to date. Unless you are the type to indulge in no-strings attached temporary fun (which I'm not) I don't see how attractive guys are different from usual men in any meaningful way. Even if you did manage to score one, and were attractive yourself, he'd still see himself as the prize in the relationship. And in the coming years, he'd lose all of his looks due to the nature of male aging anyway. I've heard from older women that your priorities for what you want in a man changes with age anyway, as looks become less relevant and you seek stability.
There's also the fact that men are incapable of loving women the way women love men and wish to be loved in return by them. I believe men can think they're in love, can mistake their feelings of affection, lust and protectiveness as love, but we all know where all of that goes once the woman gains weight due to pregnancy or becomes terminally ill.
The only successful relationships I've seen, are where the guy loves the girl way more, and that unfortunately seems to only be possible if he's ugly and she's beautiful. Because of what her being with him means to him, and how it raises his status ('how can such a beauty be with an ogre with him? He must treat her well or be rich')
I've just lost the hype for men, attractive or not. I can't feel much of anything at all when looking at them anymore, even if they are considered attractive. Just wariness and apprehension.
No. 2327441
>>2326614>People with autism are singularly focused on their interests and can come up with detailed and unorthodox solutions to novel problems.That's true but a lot of autistic people aren't even that intelligent. A lot of people with autism can't even graduate college much less solve problems. Or they come up with weird solutions that make sense to nobody else.
>our potential benefits to society are squanderedI think autistics get the short end of the stick. But a lot genuinely are difficult to work with. I don't want to work with people if they disrupt things with meltdowns.
No. 2327451
>>2327447Also if you noticed the longest relationships scrotes have is if there’s an huge age gap with an older woman who is bat shit insane/emotionally
abusive or if they’re with a pretty bpd girl. Guys say they want a girl cooking and loving them but they actually don’t want that forreal lol
No. 2327468
>>2327422>>2327447i think i've said this before in a previous unpopular opinions thread and had a woman scream the fuck out of me just because i said that to date a man, you have to have some level of psychopathy because that's the kind of language moids communicate and understand. but i won't say that here again, instead i'll just say this. dating men requires women to look at dating as nothing more than a business. marriage is a business, the marriage certificate is just a business contract. that's how it always used to be for centuries and for so many generations now. but even in dating, if you're able to emotionally control yourself, stay distant, and see men as decisions from a logical and pragmatic standpoint instead of with your heart and sexual arousal, then being with men wouldn't be too bad. but because majority of women sees love as something to be felt emotionally and prioritizing romance (nothing bad in of itself of course), this is how so many women end up traumatized down the road. the women i've seen who seem to have success in dating are the ones who sees men and asks herself, okay, what is he good for? what can he bring into my life? can he impress my friends and family? is he healthy and can i have a healthy family with him? is he attractive and will my family tree benefit from adding him onto it? none of these are romantic or even sensitive, but the women who run their dating lives like this pretty much win in the end.
because guess what? that's EXACTLY how men approach dating. that's why they aren't too worse for wear after a break up, that's why they can have another shot after a divorce, that's why they hardly even wait a year after their wives pass away before getting remarried. the tragedy of the heterosexual love dynamics is that women love purely while men love pragmatically.
No. 2327503
To a degree I understand why incel moids think being a woman is “so easy”. It is not, especially when it comes to wider things that actually matter in society, but on the smaller social scale, yes. People feel less threatened by me and assume my innocence for much longer. I can get away with more if I laugh it off and smile, especially if my friends do the same. People treat my nicer and more delicately by default, and are more smiley with me. Granted I think being above-average attractiveness or having a high-trust face is a contributing factor but I’m also South Asian and not a white woman, so that’s a detracting factor. This is something that starts in childhood: boys are guilty until proven innocent while girls are innocent until proven guilty. I’ve noted that the sex differences in double standards are as follows: men are more important and “deserving” whereas women are more “valuable” and worthy of protection so long as she isn’t unattractive. Since boys haven’t gained their “importance” yet and are just annoying snot-nosed kids they internalise this difference in treatment with girls being treated like sugar, spice and everything nice all the way until adulthood and still apply that to every woman even though things have changed. There are no “adults” to not give you favouritism now, just homosocial men and heterosexual women who will cater you.
So to summarise, I think incel moids believe women have it easy because to them, attractive women are the only women, and people treat women nicer more outwardly (while male privilege is more covert). Women are also more likely to have other factors that contribute to this (ie being a thin, small-bodied woman, having a sweeter face - it’s just that it’s a fraction of women and far from everyone)
No. 2327532
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i dont even know if this is an unpopular opinion but any woman who relates to/uses asuka as a persona is bound to be annoying as fuck and a pick me
No. 2327535
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>>2327532As a persona, yes. But she really is better than Rei.
No. 2327559
>>2326478I think socialization actually harms autists. It's a condition that makes one vulnerable to manipulation. Forcing them into social environments inevitably attracts the attention of people who want to hurt or abuse them. They're unironically better off in a tard unit being left alone to do their hobbies.
It's a weird one because they're overestimated because they're usually not mentally impaired. But if you zoom out they have similar employment rates and lifestyles to people with down syndrome.
For autistic women this applies double. Let them just pitter at their grandmas playing animal crossing and gardening. Don't force them into social environments only for them to get groomed.
No. 2327564
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>>2327562Based psycho cunt with mommy issues. Instead of Misato (I like her) I really like Ritsuko more.
No. 2327568
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>>2327564Holy shit YES Ritsuko is definitely one of my faves she was so smart and kept Misato in check. Too bad she fell for Shinjis trash dad. I need to watch Evangelion again to do my rankings properly.
No. 2327570
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>>2327568I could have saved her.
No. 2327597
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The reason we will never progress is because of women, not moids. Vindicta and “redpill” type women are testament to that. It’s changes in women’s behaviours that will lead to progress, not men’s, so I don’t see why we keep acting otherwise.
Picrel is from r/RedPillWomen, talking about Emma Watson “hitting the wall”
No. 2327622
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>>2327597r/Vindicta women unironically cater to men who make shit like picrel. I left that sub when people were unironically giving advice on how to get procedures to look more like a teenager since men objectively prefer teenage girls. Grown as women in their 20s and 30s. How you can sleep soundly after posting/doing shit like that is beyond me.
No. 2327642
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>>2327637’s the link to the thread if you want to assess yourself. It can’t all be men. (adding a screenshot so a janny doesn’t mistakenly redtext with “this as an imageboard”, happened too many times)
>>2327638Yeah, I find this so odd. Why are they coming for white
women specifically? The only reasoning could be that women are held up to higher standards. But white men objectively age very badly, especially since their hairlines start receding in literal adolescence, and some phenotypes even go red and inflamed with age. Very odd psy-op.
No. 2327876
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>>2327642The most milquetoast version of the feminist movement threatens them. I don't remember Emma Watson's beliefs being super out there, and yet she's seen as some bitchy man hating feminist. Do women have to constantly suck off men to get rid of the misandrist label?
No. 2327918
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>>2327819Personally when I want to insult white women it’s because they did something nefarious and usually anti black women but that’s just me. White women deserve to be called out when they uphold white mediocrity disguised as supremacy not for simply aging that’s just dumb, sexist, and cheapens the harm they actually help cause as a whole (not as individuals before you cry)
I also don’t think white women would look bad at aging if they didn’t inject fillers in their face by 27 and just allowed themselves to age gracefully. If you watch Jersey shore look at Angelina’s face vs Sammie’s. Sammie despite having some wrinkles looks stunning in fact the wrinkles add to her beauty to me. Angelina has 0 wrinkles and looks like Big Ang from mob wives. Invest in skincare ladies not filler and Botox
No. 2327920
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>>2327918Just to drive my point home. This is how Angelina and Sammi looked during the original airing of Jersey shore. Let’s all stop touching our faces. Botox and injections should be for men not us women
No. 2327932
>>2327925Libmoids will say the most misogynistic shit and replace women with white women and it's all flowers and rainbows. And I hate it when
woc eat it up as well. Moids have picked white women as their target thanks to passport bros and "modern society bad". White women fuck dogs, white women fat, so funny now laugh everyone. Meanwhile 99% of beastiality cases are moids.
>t. woc No. 2328141
>>2328133Yeah, women get bullied for their appearances so often they attach emotional value to weight and diets, it's understandable but frankly distressing. Can't talk to fatties without
triggering their guilt over eating too much, can't talk to anachans without
triggering their weird obsessions with fat and aesthetics
No. 2328166
Stuff like the bop house makes me glad men don’t prefer dark skin black women. At least little black girls won’t be in there doing porn and ruining their lives as soon as they turn 18. Leave this stuff for the white girls.(racebait)
No. 2328169
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>>2327532But I love Asuka, she’s transphobic
No. 2328181
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>>2328166I didn't know this existed until now wtf
No. 2328183
>>2328181They’re gonna wait until the girl turns 18 to join the bop house. So her life’s ruined straight out the gate.
No. 2328184
>>2327627True, and the fact some women not only
care about these moid's opinions but actually BELIEVE it is incomprehensible.
No. 2328186
>>2328166Sorry anon, but the child sex trafficking and prostitution rates don't reflect this. No matter what "preference" spergs on the internet say to try and encourage pickmeism, the most vulnerable women and children tend to be the most targeted for exploitation, and non-black men are actually overrepresented re: buying sex.
Some demographics of women may get more attention for doing it (whether good or bad), but women and girls of your group face even more of this kind of abuse from men. IMO, the femicide stats (especially black femicide stats) are too high for these stupid race games. A certain brand of retarded moid or mentally ill pickme will convince random black girls/women "Well, nobody likes women like me, so I must be safe from kidnapping and all sorts of other horrible things", but real life shows that isn't even slightly true.
I suspect part of it is intentional to keep all groups of girls and women easy targets and easier to trap through different tactics, but it's also just a bunch of incels and neurotic pickmes saying whatever and adding race for attention. Either way, all of it is a dick-centered waste of time. Whether or not you ally yourself with women of other races, 2025 will be even worse if women let themselves get distracted.
No. 2328207
>>2328198>If first world nations are so lazy don’t you think that’s by design? So why do you think that is? There are more barriers for immigrant professionals to become qualified to work in their target country than native citizens do, and yet they still manage to do it.
>There aren’t even that many families that have generational wealth, most don’t even have assets that’ll be inherited.That doesn't explain why they can be allowed to be NEETs
No. 2328209
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>>2328205>you're just as annoying as the people you complain about!!!1Hmmm….sure.
No. 2328212
>>2328209Mmm I wanna be a weed, pull me out
Seriously though can someone link me a single post, ANY post/s of actual bihet or fakebians shitting up the threads because at this point it's just grasping at straws
No. 2328225
>>2328217This reminds me I'm like permabanned on cc but not for any posts but just for
triggering the weird autoban filter that gets set off at the strangest most mundane words. I miss hellmas though already
No. 2328259
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>>2328244Just don’t bother, they all have the same fucking typing style, they do this every day. They never fucking read your replies and try to twist it
somehow into you being a bisexual larping as a lesbian but fucks men and hates goldstars. Like where the fuck did I say that? Kek. It’s depressing that the one lesbian space I like on the internet has to turn to this
No. 2328263
>>2328171>This is because they often come from family who has already amassed a ton of wealth and can rely on their parents for the passing of that generational wealth. They can be NEETs, or go into worthless toilet paper degrees without worrying about job prospects because they can always fall back into their parent's supports. Why be a nurse that wipes old people's asses when you can get someone else from the third world to do it? What they really want is an underclass of slaves and now they're getting fucked over by their own selfishness and capacity to exploit those lower than them.I actually think this is a total projection from people in the third world because western culture has a very strong egalitarian streak to it. We've looked after our poor for longer than anyone else, racism is actually taboo here and we've had centuries of Noblesse oblige. I know how the higher classes in the third world treat their poor, it's very common for Indian women to sit around gossiping about how to better command their lower caste servants. A Hindu temple got built here recently and they brought in SCs ands STs to build it, took their passports and enslaved them, and in the court records were calling those Dalits "worms". And it's those higher caste ones who disproportionately do come to the United States and then spread rumors about lazy westerners just wanting others to serve them, it's projection.
I think we really should reframe how this conversation is taking place. It's people from the upper class of their societies, where poor people of the lower class were historically beaten to death for even standing in their shadow, telling the lower classes of another society that they're lazy and privileged.
No. 2328281
>>2328263>racism is actually taboo here This is one reason mass immigration isn't a good idea. Nearly every third world country has a massive racism problem, and both classism and casteism are viewed as normal/justified or they deny it even when it's extreme.
I wish more leftists would speak out against mass immigration, because in quite a few ways, it's basically importing racism, misogyny, homophobia and insane behaviors en masse. I agree with helping innocent people who just want a better opportunity at life, but it should either come with scrutiny so the fucked up aspects of other cultures don't end up being some sort of accepted "norm", or with in-depth education on western values.
No. 2328286
>>2328281I agree. I don't mind helping people who are suffering in war zones or extreme poverty and letting them have good lives but mass immigrating dozens of them when they refuse to integrate into the new country they got accepted into is just pitiful.
I'm a bit biased, maybe humble bragging kek but my own parents were immigrants and they taught me to be thankful for the country that accepted you and to do that by integrating. If you have immigrants who bring over their shitty misogynistic and casteist beliefs and expect everyone to cater to them, that's going to be a problem.
No. 2328361
>>2328207> So why do you think that is? There are more barriers for immigrant professionals to become qualified to work in their target country than native citizens do, and yet they still manage to do it.There aren’t more barriers, you’re again being lied to. Look at the recent discussion about H1B visas in the US. A lot of those weren’t skilled positions, they were indentured slave positions because big corpos don’t want to pay fair wages or be expected to maintain conditions. Third world governments and expats also facilitate this slave trafficking by falsifying documents and connections. Just because someone comes from a poor nation doesn’t make them stupid, they’re still capable of lying and working out loop holes in a first worlds immigration process and once they do why wouldn’t they exploit it if they’re making money for themselves and their nation? Why wouldn’t corpos exploit that if it lowers their expenses and responsibilities. They want workers they can force to work under threat of deportation, it’s not a kindness.
> That doesn't explain why they can be allowed to be NEETsThat’s a lot of people you’re making a sweeping generalization about. Just like not every skilled migrant is gaming the system not every first world citizen is a neet. The internet self selects for a certain type of person, you really think the hard working go getters are online? You really think the working poor are online? They’re out there doing what they need to get ahead and survive.
First world nations are also currently doing a disservice to their youth with the changes to language and math learning and the deemphasis on family. We’re seeing the upcoming generations becoming increasingly illiterate, especially in the US, because again the global elite don’t want upward mobility.
They want everyone stupid and unable to come together to oppose their claims. It doesn’t matter if you’re stupid or skilled, the only thing that matters will be wealth and they want to leech that from the first worlds citizenry so there’s no longer an expectation that you too can become better off. It’s bad for everyone because as you imply why shouldn’t hard working migrants see benefits for their hard work? But those benefits go away if the first world becomes the third world which is again the goal of the actual wealthy. Why aren’t we leaving skilled workers in their home nations to improve their homes? Why aren’t third world nations being brought up to first world quality of life? Could it be that the actual wealthy like having desperate people to exploit?
I’m more concerned about what happens once they’ve siphoned all the wealth and resources, what will they need peasants for then? We’ll just be extra mouths to feed and look at how callous they currently are.
Why are you more mad at first world neets than the third world leaders for stealing aid or being corrupt dictators? Why aren’t you mad at the wealthy corporations that exploit third worlders? You’re mad at lazy people but lazy people are a dime a dozen even in third world nations too.
No. 2328463
>>2328282>>2328263The concept of a welfare state has deteriorated since the era of Reagan and Thatcher. First world nations are now at a state of neoliberalism where profit is paramaount and every person has to fend for themself. Firsties don't have the moral high ground anymore when it comes to upholding social welfare values as they grow to increasingly hate each other every day (just look at how much they seethe when they have to pay their taxes). Hence my original point that firsties are also engaging in this modern slavery and their own form of caste system, whether they are consciously aware of it or now. Except their exploitation is now just backfiring on their own people.
>>2328361>Why aren’t we leaving skilled workers in their home nations to improve their homes? Why aren’t third world nations being brought up to first world quality of life? The answer to this is pretty obvious: colonialism. Nations who've never had their own run of exploiting underdeveloped regions for resources in the world have stayed poor and will always stay poor. Look at Eastern European countries, look at South American countries. Argentina and Venezuela for example have had so so much natural resources to give to the world, but never developed into a proper first world nation due to bad economic decisions that gave them costly setbacks. First world nations can make bad economic decisions with minimal consequences because they will always have their own coffers from their colonialism days to fall back from.
You're looking at this from a position of class warfare. I am looking at it from a perspective of first worlds (the colonizers) vs third worlds (the colonized). The former is a relatively new concept borne out of industrialism but the latter has been a kind of slavery that has existed for a very long time now. The role of firsties exploiting an underclass of thirdies is just a modern extension of that.
No. 2328471
>>2328460Yeah, I understand it for children but I wish people like that would stop feeding into it. Joking once or twice about how you're old is fine but it does get…
Old to do it so much. Something that put things into perspective for me was thinking about how if someone dies and they're in their mid 20s, everyone says things like "they had so much left to life" and treats it like they were too young to die (true), but if you're alive you'll be told you're too old already by those very same people kek. It's just silly
No. 2328530
>>2328463>Firsties don't have the moral high ground anymore when it comes to upholding social welfare values as they grow to increasingly hate each other every day (just look at how much they seethe when they have to pay their taxes)Yes we absolutely do have the moral high ground here. People from undeveloped countries exploit each other mercilessly. For all the talk of how people there are family orientated and stick together, they mercilessly rip even relatives off. There's no solidarity either, the second we turn our back they fight like alleycats. They bring their problems to our door, like Khalistan in Canada, that fight in particular should be taken back to India, where it belongs. Caste abuse is rampant in western tech companies now to the point where laws are having to be passed against it. These are six figure highly paid professionals and they're still doing that shit. Lying and cheating to get ahead aren't seen as bad things in much of the third world, in fact they celebrate it.
At least we pay our taxes. Tax fraud is rampant in third world countries, as is taking bribes, as is asking for bribes. I know they stereotype us westerners as being gullible and trusting, they laugh and joke about our honesty. Even kindness and compassion are difficult in those undeveloped countries because it's seen as a sign of weakness, even gift giving is seen with suspicion because it's seen as buying influence.
>The answer to this is pretty obvious: colonialism.Right, never the people in the country that are responsible. South Korea went from one of the world's poorest to a developed nation in thirty years. All the East Asian countries (but one) have become developed industrial powers now, places like China were the world's poorest in the 1970s. Colonialism was a boon for most of the third world, the evidence is obvious, the places least touched by colonialism are the most undeveloped. Our culture has done nothing uniquely evil.
Undeveloped third world countries are filled with envious people. Envy is shameful in the west but rampant in the undeveloped world, to the point where other westerners are ignorant about how bad it is. Dependency Theory, with the rich countries somehow magically locking the conditions of trade, rendering poor countries forever poor, is a glossed up academic version of the Melanesian farmer thinking his neighbor cast black magic to whisk yams from his garden.
I'm seething but millions of people who blame us for their own failings are coming to live alongside us, like you.
No. 2328584
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>>2328479What animated movies do you like nona? Picrel was a childhood favorite of mine.
No. 2328604
>>2328449>>2328471I agree with you
nonnie. What annoys me is that in my late teens and early 20's I never made fun of people's age or called people old. I would always do the opposite if they called themselves old. I always felt like it will happen to me so I don't want to make people feel bad. And it genuinely didn't seem old to me.
I also never cared about current trends even when I was of the age to care about those things. So I don't feel old and out of touch for not caring now. Anyone feel this way too?
No. 2328621
>>2328601I think better class consciousness makes people unite better since we're all in this shit together. Not that other races don't have it more shitty though.
>The American dream was designed to benefit everyone but Natives and Black people.It was never meant to benefit anyone. It was a lie to make people complacent and believe they could work towards something better. It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it.
No. 2328623
>>2328530>Our culture has done nothing uniquely evil.Calm down anon you act like I'm attacking those virtuous white people. I am simply saying that the
the cush lifestyle that first world nations have enjoyed up until now had to come from somewhere. It's funny how you used East Asian countries as an example for developed first world nations when they all benefited from colonialism and exploitation of another group one way or another, or being close buddies with one (see Saudi Arabia). SK wouldn't have become so developed if it weren't for US imperialism pumping millions of dollars into it to fight the commies. China has a vast geographical advantage because they were able to subjugate many ethnic groups into one nation. Singapore is the most egregious example of my point because it was created as a tax haven for the elites while exploiting the labour of the third world nations around them to develop it's early economy. Much like how Western nations have amassed generational wealth over the centuries from the countries they exploit to prop themselves up. And now that it's running out of colonialismbux to feed on, they are turning on their own people as it's slowly eating each other from the inside because of their own greed.
>with the rich countries somehow magically locking the conditions of trade, rendering poor countries forever poor, is a glossed up academic version of the Melanesian farmer thinking his neighbor cast black magic to whisk yams from his garden. No I think you fail to understand how colonialism has a far reaching impact than you think.
No. 2328709
>>2328623I don't know, I studied west african economies and was surprised to find the truth of colonialism there. The wave after the berlin conference was mostly welcomed as the africans were eager to get their hands on western technology, and most of the colonies were ran at a massive deficit. Kaiser Wilhelm's Cabinet had meetings about the public demand to take "useless" colonies, they tried to get private companies to do it but none could make money. It was mostly driven by a jingoistic craze of map painting, because it was easy to bribe a few tribes and to paint the map a funny color. French cabinet meetings in the 1950s showed the same thing, they were just talked about as these useless money sinks that nobody wanted. After Europeans ended slavery, African tribal leaders travelled to London to whine about their right to have slaves and how it's their culture.
>SK wouldn't have become so developed if it weren't for US imperialism pumping millions of dollars into it to fight the commies.Seems like a massive cop-out honestly, South Korea was a mostly static theatre of the cold war after 1960, American focus was on SEA and Vietnam. Taiwan was half dropped by the Americans too after they made good with China, and Taiwan still managed to develop to a first world country. Japan developed after the Menji Restoration organically in the late 19th century, where they sent researchers to western countries, then proceeded to mimic the technology and institutions. China did the same thing in the 1980s.
>No I think you fail to understand how colonialism has a far reaching impact than you think.There's just no real evidence for dependency theory. You can read up on the stupid economic decisions undeveloped third world countries make, you can read up on how corrupt they are. India overregulated their economy from 1947-1991 and it didn't even grow on a per capita basis. The more brutal pill is that much of the undeveloped third world's economic growth is actually coming from The Green Revolution, a lot of it is just increased farm output from modern fertilizers, developed in western countries.
Other westerners shouldn't take the whining about slavery and colonialism too seriously. They'd still hate us and blame us without those things because envy is the root of their problem.
No. 2328717
>>2328712It was moral blackmail and shaming that allowed them to get in there, and to proceed to rape and groom european kids. I think something like 1/60 pakistani men in Rotherham were part of those rape gangs. It's absurd.
I agree Europe is being colonized by them, although the joke is on us for being stupid enough to believe everyone can live to our standards.
No. 2328737
>>2328715Yup. The colonization defense is pathetic.
>wah wah we dindu nuffinIt's insane how some people are too low IQ and self-victimizing to stop at "Mass immigration is not a good thing", their egos need them to repaint "their kind" as the blameless heroes and saviors of the world. It's really /pol/tards and other white nationalists' fault that we can't discuss so many issues, and it'll never not be funny and sad to me. Lovers of rape, theft and murder mad at other rapists, thieves and murderers.
No. 2328756
>>2328616>We're hard wired to be racist, it's how our ancestors survived.I always see retards say this, but I don't know. I've managed to not be racist all my life. The worst thing I've learned are racist insults, and different aspects of cultures/societies I dislike without somehow believing it's genetic and someone being white, Asian or brown dictates their personality. I've met other people like me, too. I think you guys are just low-intellect and lack empathy, and that's the problem.
If we buy into racist logic for a second, it even explains why /pol/tards are overwhelmingly brown. Their ideals, which end up being misogyny, racism, religious obsession, etc create shit countries everyone ends up wanting to leave. No. 2328761
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She would be the best /snow/ poster ever, would provide the best milk and would definitely be anti-cow tipping. Would eventually have her post history exposed and all of it would be posts in the femdom thread or a personalityfag who’s only known for simping for one celebricow ezrafag.
No. 2328767
>>2328743>we've done nothing uniquely evilCongo begs to differ
>>2328709Yeah colonization had some beneficial aspects like the formal end of slavery but it coexisted with slave labor aimed at extracting value from colonies (which is still ongoing under imperialism). Anyone who's been around european investors and govt workers in Africa knows they have no problem employing child maids and enjoying backward cultures when it benefits them. This moral grandstanding is really embarrassing kek, you could make the case that western people
in the West are uniquely tolerant and humanistic but all of this melts away when you take a look at what western elites do abroad. Besides, colonization is over, we're in the age of plain old imperialism
No. 2328773
>>2328767There isn't even anything -uniquely- evil in the Congo. Slavery, butchery and genocide have been done all over the world at different points of time, in different ways. It's not whataboutism either, it's a consistency of standards.
I think we're arguing at crossroads. We simply don't deserve the guilt everyone loads onto us for the past. White children especially don't deserve to be in schools where white guilt is fed into them. They deserve better than that. And they certainly don't deserve to live in a society where there's millions of other people blaming them for their past failings and shortcomings.
No. 2328775
>>2328767>Congo begs to differCases like Congo, the continued "colonial tax" on some countries, introduction of new disease from Europeans, etc.
Even if it wasn't unique, why would that make them suddenly good or okay? I don't defend Muslims either. In fact, Islam should be wiped out, but since all racial chauvinists and colonialism cucks are spiritual Muslims who want to turn the whole world into a shithole with their own skin color at the top of the toilet, they'll spend 100 years claiming colonization and abuse good when they do it to others, bad when it's done to them.
I hate these brain-dead men and the even more brain-dead women who follow them.
No. 2328783
>>2328773Congo was exceptional given the sheer amount of deaths
and just how absurd the violence was. It featured industrialized murder of workers in the service of completely pointless tasks, among other things. You don't see much of this in prior wars and invasions. It wasn't like the classic schema of invade-steal some people-make them into slaves or domestic slaves (wives) or annexing land to make your kingdom bigger.
>We simply don't deserve the guilt everyone loads onto us for the past. White children especially don't deserve to be in schools where white guilt is fed into them.I would put a big question mark on 'the past' (it still occurs today, but not in a colonial framework). But agreed, white guilt is disgusting and has never helped anyone. It's a literal psyop. Much could be said about how 'antiracists' use it to beat normies/poors/whatever with a stick when they are themselves racist (thinking of rich immigrants)
No. 2328784
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>>2328780>white flightMany black neighborhoods were destroyed due to white people being jealous though. Black people wanted their own stuff at first but white people were mad about it. White people didn’t want black people to have their own spaces, they wanted black people around just not with freedom.
No. 2328794
>>2328780Then why not go back to Europe en masse, stop your governments from interfering in the politics of non-white countries for economic/resource-based gains, and stop letting white men travel to poor non-white countries to rape little girls and women and produce some of the worst CP known to humankind? Why not stop your religious right wingers from continually pumping money into anti-LGBT laws in different countries, and attempting to fight abortion both in and out of the US re: non-white women seeking bodily autonomy instead of keeping these amazing and beneficial ideas to yourselves?
It's so stupid and sheltered how you (not even white people as a whole, specifically you retards, most of which aren't actually white) insist your team keep to yourselves and never did anything wrong, don't do anything wrong, etc, but you refuse to practice your claimed preferences out of greed and lust for power. None of the things you're complaining about would've happened if it wasn't for the greed, evil and entitlement of your trad daddies. Take the bad with the good, or end all of the bad, take the "losses" that come with that and practice the isolationism you claim you're all about. You won't.
No. 2328798
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>>2328796Black Wall Street was a comfy town too. There was no reason for them to do that, just hating.
No. 2328801
>>2328800New prime bait topics:
>Age gaps>Gold star>RacismCan't wait to cycle through these three topics for the next 3 threads until the retards find some new material to bait with.
No. 2328802
>>2328784I do think you're overestimating how much white people think about or care about black people. Most go through their day not thinking any particular thoughts at all about blacks, positive or negative.
Do your really think most whites want you to be poor and miserable? The same culture that grants you affirmative action, disproportionate media influence and has programs specifically tailored to uplift your people? The second a black african country starts looking like it's doing well, Westerners gush and praise it as the great hope, the next singapore. They did it with Seirra Leone in the 70s, they're doing it with Rwanda now. There's a weird streak of afro-philia in white culture that's bizarre if anything.
>>2328789>and stop letting white men travel to poor non-white countries to rape little girls and women If you killed them in your country I'd be fine with it tbh, one thing I can agree with. Although I'd want to string up all the pakistani grooming gangs here in the same way.
>insist your team keep to yourselves and never did anything wrong, don't do anything wrong, etc,We did nothing uniquely wrong. Again, it's not right that millions of people around the world blame us for their problems but still demand a right to move to and settle in our countries. It's specifically the ones who have a chip on their shoulder about colonialism that I'm talking about. Why should we want to share a society with those of us who blame us for all their problems, regardless of absurdity?
No. 2328808
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>>2328802Whyd white people make laws for example to ban black women from wearing their hair out in public if they wanted them to be happy?
No. 2328810
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>>2328805These are the type of people a VPN ban deters
No. 2328827
>>2328808None of this is unique, even European Peasants had Sumptuary laws they had to follow.
I'd go even further and say at least white people had to moralize things like slavery to themselves before they could partake in it. Arabs and Blacks just practiced it without self reflection at all, in fact, both groups are still enslaving today in large numbers.
No. 2328839
>>2328830>Why does it matter whether or not it's unique?Because we're the only group of people loaded with intense racial guilt.
>Also, most of the thirdies moving to white countries are overwhelmingly right-wing, anyway. Right wing in that they advocate for their own ethnic and group interests at the expense of everyone else. Plus I like Scandinavian styled social democracy where we all look after each other and have safe and comfortable societies. Why would I want Salafist moids ruining that? Even there they're losing it because they opened up to Somalians, who have carved off neighborhoods of their own where they assault even paramedics and firemen who come in.
No. 2328849
>>2328827>I'd go even further and say at least white people had to moralize things like slavery to themselves before they could partake in it. Arabs and Blacks just practiced it without self reflection at all, in fact, both groups are still enslaving today in large numbers.NTA. Nope, all three groups used the same logic of themselves being chosen (typically from a religious standpoint) and others being inferior. Arabs still live under their religion and its disgusting values, and the Africans engaging in slavery aren't government-ordained, they just don't get caught.
There's also still slavery in the US and Europe via illegal immigration, and human trafficking/kidnapping both in and out of the region(s), but of course no one cares about poor white people, or the little brown kids your politicians want to exploit.
No. 2328858
>>2328839>Because we're the only group of people loaded with intense racial guilt. Only shitty cultures defend bad things they've done.
>Right wing in that they advocate for their own ethnic and group interests at the expense of everyone else. No, they believe in most of the same things as you (eg women shouldn't have rights, caste systems good, classism good, religion good, atrocities good, might makes right, etc). The Scandinavian system is left wing in nature and relies on people who don't believe in those things, but a shared sense of community and fairness (and this is why immigration works when people actually assimilate).
If you are a right winger, the absolute best you can hope for is modern day Russia.
No. 2328864
>>2328849As far as I'm aware Europeans were the only ones to grapple seriously with the morality of slavery. Europeans are really Kantian, they find it hard to have double standards, they typically believe in universal morality. There's just no equivalent with africans ever posing the question as to whether it was right or wrong for them to enslave people. As I wrote earlier, leaders from Dahomey sailed up to London to cry to the English about it ending.
With Islam I know a bit less, but I see the same lack of grappling with the morality of it from a cursory outside look. I guess it's mired by the fact that Mohammad was a warlord who owned slaves himself, and he's the most "perfect man". Christianity has specific references to slavery but never endorsed nor condemned the practice either way, it just said for slaves not to revolt against their masters.
There was a third group who practiced it in the Americas, Native Americans, who burned effigies of Abraham Lincoln when he ended slavery and freed their slaves. I think they even transported slaves with them along the trail of tears when they were relocated.
>>2328858Only shitty people with a chip on their shoulder try to instill racial guilt in other people, and they're usually prying for their own advantage. White people just can't comprehend how much the world hates them. There's so much mainstream contempt and envy towards white people. You don't actually see this coming from the Japanese or Koreans, so it's not all other races, but it's a fair amount of people coming from third world countries that feel this intense hatred towards us.
and I'm actually pretty left leaning and like looking after the poor, want people to have good access to healthcare so they can live their life with dignity. What I want isn't radical, it's like Sweden from the 1970s, or even Canada from the 1970s would make me really happy as a typical place to live.
No. 2328907
Moids like thick, meaty cocks sliding in and out of women's mouths, vajays, butts. They never bother to finger a woman or go down on her. Have you ever wondered why? Because pleasuring a woman would be deeply gay. Instead they stare, transfixed, coom-brained, able to do nothing except watch that masculine, turgid rod throb like a cancerous tumor as it pumps once, twice if we're lucky, sending a spunk-shower over the woman being paid (not nearly enough) to pretend to be turned on by this steroid-abusing beta freak.
A dick interacting with a woman is all they care about. You could get rid of the woman and they'd still stare at that dripping, engorged dick. They can deny it all they want, but deep down, they crave that dickening. They want to be in that woman's place, doing whatever they could to bring pleasure to that epsilon-level todger. "Straight" porn is the most homoerotic activity for moids they will never admit to.
No. 2328984
>>2328903Somewhat true, but only because it's a coffee cup society and it's stratified that way. They're macho people and respect strength, and whites were the conquerors there. But there is still a tremendous amount of racial resentment in those societies. Peru and Bolivia since the 2000s have had presidents racebaiting on indigenous ethno-nationalist, anti-white programs. The American styled black nationalism is starting to seep into Brazil, where they're organizing along racial lines for their own interests.
Plus even there the white areas like in Paraguay, Uruguay, Southern Brazil and Argentina are being swamped with Bolivian and Peruvian indigenous migrants. And the same moral shaming is happening there to prevent them from acting against it. In Argentina the Amerindian migrants are actively hostile to the white Argentinians, commit a disproportionate amount of crime against them, and openly brag about it being them reclaiming back lost lands.
>>2328884I just find it weird how we're the only people everyone tries to load up with guilt. I grew up with it and it really isn't fair on us. We deserve environments where everyone isn't trying to come at us with guilt and shame. I do think it's because we're typically more compassionate and trusting that it happens to us, the same reason nice and kind people get targeted for confidence tricks.
No. 2329038
>>2328767I know this argument is dead but to add: if colonization is so good, why is India still like that?
What we really need to discuss is how British people can't do anything right, not even colonize.
No. 2329051
>>2328884Yeah the persecution complex is really embarassing.
>muh wy pipo are so oppressed and hated all around the world. Can't believe I'm sharing a site with these people.
No. 2329068
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>>2329032I’ll add the context for nonna kek she kind of became cringy when she started applying this theory (which isn’t new by the way, it has been years that scientists have correlated smell with memories and emotions) to everything. Smelling piss on the road and being disgusted doesn’t mean you’re elitist and hate homeless people, it’s just smells bad; finding someone’s odor bad cam just be that kek.
No. 2329265
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>>2329252I know right? He's better looking than most moids I have to see in-person, but gosh damn does he really need that many thirst threads in /g/? Kekk
No. 2329289
>>2328228I don't necessarily disagree but
>husbands can't reciprocate because they rarely struggle with the need to live through relationships I feel like men get into relationship because they're trying to fill some gap. It's probably the same gap causing them to be overdramatic about being single, or the whole "muh legacy! I want a family, a loving wife and children to be happy or I'll literally kill myself!!!" bullshit. Imo pursuing relationships is a man thing, and romance is for males. But they manage to brainwash women into thinking and acting the same.
No. 2329424
>>2329348Here's my unpopular opinion, female friendships suck and women honestly suck in general
I used to fall for the girl power propaganda, but most women are just extremely stupid, cause a lot of drama, create their own problems, and will backstab you over nothing. I'd easily take my relationship with a scrote over 1000 female friendships. That shit ain't worth it.
No. 2329430
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>>2329424women always gossip and backstab you yes yes.
No. 2329442
people are stupid, cause drama and their own problems, ect.
No. 2329459
>>2329446Japan may be weird but had an extremely low rate of actual rape, your country is likely worse
Korea is the most feminist society in the world right now, it was literally run by a matriarchal cult for years. Maybe women in power don't magically fix issues like you think.
No. 2329472
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>>2329459>extreme low rate of rapeThis is wrong, actually. Try listening to Japanese feminists discuss rape, the culture that pushes against reports, the fact that men can evade jail on the grounds that a young girl "did not put up a fight", etc. logically. In a country where prostitution and "child idols" are rampant and everyone looks away, do you genuinely believe rape is being reported accurately and regularly? Do you think women's safety is taken seriously? Sex-segregated public transport may have been a relief, and Japanese men still seethe about that kek.
>Korea is the most feminist society in the world right now, it was literally run by a matriarchal cult for years. Maybe women in power don't magically fix issues like you think.KEK, this has to be bait, down to the delusion that the cult was some kind of matriarchy (it wasn't). Stop playing gachaslop and watching porn, try actually watching the news and looking at factual information instead of the ramblings of Korean incels.
No. 2329481
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"Korea is the most feminist society in the world right now">Korea ranks low in global indexes of gender equality, such as the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report. Incidents of violence against women, including domestic assault, workplace sexual harassment, rape and murder have become alarmingly frequent. In a 2015 study by the South Korean government, 80 per cent of respondents — the vast majority of whom were women — reported they had been sexually harassed in their workplace. Human Rights Watch reported that nearly 80 per cent of male respondents admitted to violent acts against an intimate partner in a 2017 survey.
>Women constitute more than half of South Korea’s reported homicide victims — one of the highest gender ratios in the world. In September 2022, a female employee of the Seoul subway system was beaten to death in a subway station restroom by a male co-worker who had stalked and threatened her for three years. Similar deaths occurred in prior years. According to the South Korean Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, 90 per cent of the victims of violent crime in 2019 were women, a significant increase from 71 per cent in 2000.
>Digital sex crimes have become an epidemic in one of the most wired nations in the world. Men have set up spy cameras in public bathrooms, women’s locker rooms, stores and subways to film women, distributing the videos online without consent. Less than 4 per cent of sex crime prosecutions involved illegal filming in 2008, but the number rose to 20 per cent in 2017.
>Thousands of women’s lives have been impacted, but the prosecution of digital sex crimes and the punishment of convicted perpetrators are notoriously low and lenient. The overwhelming male grip on the police and judicial system — where women comprise only 30 per cent of judges and 4 per cent of police — contributes to the problem.>A man in South Korea has been arrested for a late-night attack on a female convenience store worker after thinking she was a feminist.
>CCTV footage showed the man in his 20s entering the store in the south-eastern city of Jinju after midnight and punching and kicking the woman.
>He also assaulted another customer, in his 50s, who tried to intervene.
>Police said he had attacked the woman because she had short hair, and so assumed she was a feminist.
>"Since you have short hair, you must be a feminist. I'm a male chauvinist, and I think feminists deserve to be assaulted," he told her, according to the police.
>He continued his assault until he was stopped by police who arrived on the scene. Authorities said he had been in a drunken state, and was previously diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia.>A husband who confined and starved his wife to death was sentenced to two years in prison. At the time of her death, she weighed only 20 kilograms.I could keep going, but this is an imageboard. Koreaboos seriously need to kill themselves.
No. 2329482
>>2329424You are half right. My biggest issue with female friendships is the constant moralfagging and hivemind which is bad in itself but is made worse since it's based on selfless and kind but really it's just being sacrificial and putting everybody's needs above your own. Im tired of the constant coddling and benefit of the doubt which comes at women's expense. But you are wrong to think a scrote can be your friend and will act in your best interest even if you are in a relationship. Women are truly alone. The best way to about life as a woman is like
>>2327468 said.
>>2329474Why do you want this place to be anti-radfem? I have my own conflicts with radfem and feminism in general but id rather have bj-chan over an adamdriverfag.
No. 2329492
>>2329482No, no, I don't want this place to be anti-radfem?? I'm just wondering because /2X/ looks like it's going into that direction. I'm radfem myself. When I talk about the golden days, I'm talking about 2018, when radfem threads were allowed on ot. Things have changed a lot since then, that's why I'm wondering if in another 5-6 years we will see a change in the userbase. I'll be sad if it happens.
Also, personally I would prefer 100 adamdriverfags over 1 bj-chan kekw.
No. 2329495
I like Seeing women compete for scrotes because it is so entertaining to me. They just think they’re so bad ass with it “I dare you to take muh man gf snaps fingers”. I bet this is why scrotes do shit like this to women because we are so funny when we are in love.
No. 2329572
>>2329565My post quite literally says
>It's not even the thirstposting that makes me feel that way, In their threads and the Amerifag thread, I've seen a few times where anons shit on women that are associated with Luigi in some way.
No. 2329631
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I don’t understand why despite black people being the most disliked race, we still attract people like pic related who are like 25% black or less but go crazy if they aren’t called black. I don’t ever see people with Asian or Hispanic mixed in them acting this way, if they look white they just say they’re white and move on. Wouldn’t you be happy that your black side is under the radar? I don’t get it.
No. 2329652
>>2329631Attention-seeking, same as with Brittany Venti. Also, the opposite of love isn't hate or dislike, it's indifference. The current racial norms of society make it so very few people are actually indifferent to black people (so many people are like, weirdly fixated on whatever black people are doing, obsess over their pop culture/music and try to copy them aesthetically/beauty-wise while playing dumb and pretending they totally want it all gone), so if you're 25% black and have borderline or histrionic personality disorder, you can get more eyes on you and scrutiny by insisting "Guys I'm black btw, genetics are just so weird but I'm a trve black person haha". They also likely don't recognize that much privilege in being read as white because it's normal and boring to them.
I'd like to add that black people tend to be the most welcoming and accepting community when it comes to mixed people, and some people get entitled about it instead of seeing it as what it is (kindness).
No. 2329672
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>>2329666I would consider a rich white girl who only has white friends, only dates white people and the half black parent looks mostly white, far removed from being black but because of the one drop rule she can say she’s black. She’s as far removed from being black as a white person with a Chinese relative from 200 years ago.
No. 2329683
>>2329675>>2329652Brittany Venti is just a pickme who tries to distance herself from the other mixed girls by dunking on them extra hard for her racist fanbase.
I don't think it's super deep.
No. 2329689
>>2329675It's insane to me, because no matter how much they go full pickme and how many bitter black men bash black women to pedestalize them, they statistically end up being beaten single moms if they seriously date black men, just like the black women they thought they were so above.
Pickmeism is pathetic in all cases, but how low self esteem do you have to be to target the easiest race of moid to attain with the highest abuse rates and lowest financial status in the US? There are factions of black women literally trying to evade association with black men for better life outcomes, but these weird mentally ill women flock to them. The only thing worse would be to pander to
abusive Arab moids and convert to Islam (I know many do this).
No. 2329710
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>>2329697There are plenty of white people who are 25% black and claim they’re black. Pic related.
No. 2329757
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>>2329424Not all women, ok? Remember that you can CHOOSE your friends anons.
>>2329724Tbh I agree. Years ago I always thought it was weird that pornstars were married because scrotes would constantly screech about sloppy seconds and whatever weird rules they make up in their heads. But I've realized men are schizo liars. They complain about muh virgins and purity only to obsess over pornography and the women involved in it. They drop everything once the promise of sex comes along. And of course the money and reputation that comes with it.
No. 2329763
>>2329724I think it's mainly scrotes and delusional women who think that being "good" who think this. Men pimping out their wives/girlfriends is not a new phenomenon in the slightest. Seeing moids have a mental breakdown over a pornstar having a family makes my eyes roll, i can't believe they are still holding onto the delusion that being whore is a deal breaker for most men.
>>2329716I find that you are implying that male friendships are essentially more fulfilling than ones with females. Most men have zero intention of befriending women in any capacity, they only see women as their mother or a sexual partner. You would REALLY have to go out of your way to make a male friend because of it and it's not worth it. I've gone my whole life never befriending moids because they don't really want to talk to me and i am supposed to believe that a group of people who have shown disinterest in me secretly will give me fulfilling interactions? Absolutely not. Women definitely suck, but at least they are far easier to interact with and i feel more fulfilled digging for women to talk to who are like me than taking a risk with moids who will find me annoying and gross, hence why i continue to talk to anons on lolcow. Nobody could ever convince me i'll ever be better off with a moid "friend" than just being alone.
No. 2329931
>>2329926i just think it’s especially annoying when it’s obvious nepotism, like the child obviously isn’t educated or talented. nepotism actors who don’t do a very good job (unlike Bill or Lily-Rose) piss me
offf kek
No. 2329935
>>2329744I’m SSA and agree, I also think the reverse is true to a degree but that’s because of a phenomenon I’ve observed (twice, with very attractive women in the top like 1% with a masculine energy). Just a disproportionate amount of women liked her compared to the sexuality statistics. I don’t actually think these women are straight, just like Kinsey 5.9 and thus not true heterosexuals, but I feel like that’s the default sexuality. Very high specific standards for the same-sex, and a psychological aspect in how they perceive themselves is at play.
That isn’t to say actual SSA identifying women have to be attractive.
No. 2329973
>>2329926It literally makes sense to favor those genetically close to you, it's why we love our own children over other children.
The real pill is nepotism literally works for social climbing for everyone involved, and is the way to get rich. How do you cheat an individualist? You pretend to be an individualist and act as secret collective. I don't think there's been any game theory that has not showcased this to be true.
Mormons are notorious for nepotism and have accumulated quite a bit of wealth and power because of it.
Light nepotism is fine too even on a fair playing field because of genetics, the child of a good painter is likely to be a good painter herself. Not always, but is more likely to. That's why I'm okay with legacy admissions at universities.
Where it gets bad is when it's an egotistical parent being unable to admit their child is untalented. Like Will Smith trying to meme his children into fame.
No. 2329980
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>>2329971Deep breaths nonna
No. 2329990
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>>2329982Everything in between is just bullshit , each person has different standards , nuances , whatever you call it, trying to find a label that fits you perfectly in that specific moment is useless.
>but nonna I feel too ugly to be a lesbian or to like women>but nonna I just like a very specific type of woman that represent 1% of the population.>but nonna I am sooo romantically attracted to women, I just can’t be with them.Ok, do you or do you not eat pussy? That’s the fundamental question.
No. 2329991
>>2329926I don't blame parents for setting up their offspring with what they can but I do judge their children harshly as competitors. In my company, the worst of our management region are the nepo hires. They don't do shit and get away with account suicides, and yet they are afforded protections that I wouldn't get away with if I offended with an ant's toe of what they do. They also lack expertise and knowledge because they were not forced to "climb up" and row with the rest of us serfs. These weaknesses, because weakness is what it is, are detrimental to everyone involved including the business itself.
Plus they tend to be entitled shitheads on the basis of their parents having given them the world without the merit of having earned it. Only people who like nepo are the nepo profiteers kek. Makes me wanna create an "empowerment" grift for these little bastards just to take their money by feeding their bruised egos because everyone hates em.
No. 2329992
>>2329990I went out with one of you retards on bumble , took her out on a date and she started sperging about her ex and about how she had given up men. I hooked up with her and she couldn’t even eat and she fingered so badly, useless , 0/10.
Finding one of these dumbasses is one of the most annoying thing, because they never flock together. Stick the fuck together please and stop disturbing women who love women in reality and not only in the metaphysical realm.
No. 2329993
>>2329976>romantic attraction can exist without sexual attractionI really disagree
>Are you okay?No.
No. 2330027
>>2328815Agreed. I think it can only help people who barely had any problems to start with, for anyone else it's basically just a distraction at best and doesn't solve anything. I touch grass and talk to others irl and it hasn't fixed any of my issues.
>>2328819You can be misunderstood and treated in a cruel way both irl and online, it may be easier to avoid irl because there's more consequences to people's actions especially compared to being on an anonymous imageboard, but if you happen to be weird or autistic or something and you are surrounded by people irl who aren't they'll be cruel to you as well, just in different ways than online and it'll hurt even more because it's face to face. Also, some people can still empathize even online and if you can irl but never online then you probably aren't a very good person to begin with because an actually good person wouldn't suddenly act like an asshole just because the other person isn't seeing them irl.
No. 2330050
>>2330042Do they still do PIV? Do they get sexually aroused by seeing a male body? That’s your answer.
I feel like we’ve honestly over complicated sexuality at this point, it used to be more simple, might be the Troonism agenda or the need to be special dunno.
No. 2330057
>>2330052And what about straight women who get off to lesbian porn, that feature
real women, not even drawn and impossibly-figured for their gender?
No. 2330076
>>2330057Then my question is adjusted to
>>2330065. Femboys are at least drawn, but lesbian porn is the most popular category for straight women.
No. 2330077
>>2329424I agree with you. Having a relationship is 100x more rewarding than having friends. I’ve only had one female friend who isn’t the way you described. You just
triggered the women who chose shitty men and had bad relationships. I guess they don’t realize you also pick the men you date.
No. 2330078
>>2330057Also not straight.
Bisexuals keep claiming monosexuality. I can understand why, but it needs to stop.
No. 2330084
>>2330077Same can be said about friends, you’re not really making any point. The truth is that people like you prioritize men and don’t bother to deepen the relationships around you. It’s obvious you’re not getting the best friend treatment if you aren’t available and out zero effort kek.
Having friends is the same as dating, you cultivate it. Platonic love can be as fulfilling as Eros.
Men aren’t even better friends.
No. 2330094
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>>2330085Sometimes I wish we could just go extinct like the dinosaurs.
No. 2330096
>>2330093Noo tell us
nonny! Even if baiters reply you can just ignore. I’m curious about your opinion
No. 2330104
>>2330099Anons already do that. And as previous infights have proven
>>2328713 when they go mask off, they hate the women too.
No. 2330109
>>2330099Agree. Nowadays you can’t call
POC men out due to racism kek. I’m black but I find black scrotes degenerates and violent. Same goes with Indians , Koreans etc…
Not that I’m protecting the white scrotes (who are pedos at a higher percentage by the way) but sometimes I feel like criticizing white men is much more easier kek.
No. 2330117
>>2330113You act like men are these empathetic beings who are so in tune with you and capable of listening to you. With the a mouth of effort you put into finding a suitable scrote you can find an appropriate friend. It’s just that you don’t wanna.
No need to bring up “women are all bad and shallow, friendship is useless”. It’s a skill issue on your part. Finding a partner is much easier than finding a good friend, because you can’t open your legs to get into their their grace kek.
No. 2330133
>>2329889Sometimes I want a good looking woman to do this to me but only if I look like her as well
No. 2330140
>>2330122Even worse: she probably
knows that men aren’t any better socially, morally, or intellectually; but the fact is that they’re simply
easier to maintain than a platonic friendship because they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear for easy access to regular sex. Her scrote is probably exceptionally average if not outright mediocre, but he’s easy and that’s what matters.
No. 2330142
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>>2330099But the mods will ban you for racebait for even being critical of non-white moids beyond surface level comments because they often think and act like sensitive normiefags who learned how to be a janny like one week ago. Despite the testerical-tier racism on KF, I can at least admire that they're free to point out dumb shit that different races do. Whereas on here, even in the Black Girls thread where you're free to discuss anything black-related, there's guaranteed to be at least one anon who's ready to jump down your throat for
simply not finding black scrotes that attractive, even if you're black yourself. I almost still can't fucking believe I got dogpilled AND spanked with a ban for literally just critiquing the scrotes of my own race because too many faggots don't know what a
real racebait looks like.
No. 2330166
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These things are so ugly I have no idea why they are popular
No. 2330189
>>2330174Porn sick and pretending to be pure, innocent and romantic the whole time if you're also north african or visibly muslim, if not they'll see you as a whore and show their degeneracy a lot faster. I really hope your bf is an exception to the rule, they exist but they're very rare, and some of them become new born muslim when they get a little bit older. If your bf isn't love bombing you and is treating you like a normal woman you should be fine.
>>2330176You don't even know what or who you're talking about. The vast majority are native africans in denial after being colonized by the arabs and then by european countries. I wish islam never made it in the continent in the first place.
No. 2330200
>>2330192I'm less familiar with Egypt than with Maghreb as a whole, all I know is that I'd never go to Egypt, the country seems more horrible for women in general than in Morocco or Algeria based on news articles I read from time to time.
>>2330194I heard about that too, it's literally what anon said, European explorers eating mummies for some stupid reasons I forgot back in the days.
No. 2330250
>>2329716Go back.
Also, I’m sorry to break it to you but the majority of scrotes are closet pedophiles. It’s been proven. It doesn’t matter if they’re nice or not.
No. 2330318
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I think the really awkward elephant in the room is there is no “better male”. There is no example. No matter what they look like, they will always be an ugly man psyop. Now I have no horse in this race as a lesbian, so every male will look unsightly to me regardless; but I have to wonder if the non-ugly male is just a mythical creature.
No. 2330355
>>2330344I’m not disagreeing, just pointing out that when anyone asks to post someone good-looking then no one ever can.
Honestly? I think actually objectively attractive men are just extremely rare, especially nowadays. 1 in a million and only in their early 20s or before. Outside of that, everything is subjective, female heterosexuality is just about what your type is - the nerdfuckers want ugly paul dano, the “masculine man who can protect me” enjoyers want the ogreish men, the feminine man enjoyers like the twink whores (which are probably the most objectively attractive group out of the three, only just falling short, but cannot survive childhood without being abused so are usually fags)
>>2330350Why are you bringing up italians
No. 2330356
>>2330318The idea of a perfect male is a very complex thing. It's not just about looks which is something that is obviously very overlooked when discussing female sexual attraction, but there's a whole load of other conditions that need to be met in order for that part of your mind to "click". I don't think i could ever be attracted to anyone just off one picture, i need to know how their mind works and see them in natural lighting, hear their voice ect.
>>2330320It's true and it shouldn't be a controversial opinion. It had to be the skincare, a lot of millenials weren't doing that kind of stuff as teenagers, so a lot of them look older and more mature looking even to compared to zillenials who aren't that much younger than them.
>>2330334There's definitely a psyop trying to force the idea that women don't care about looks, but some of the anons there have unrealistic expectations of men by expecting them to look like final fantasy characters or look like 16 year olds when they are 40. I personally just believe that most men are not styling themselves in ways that are flattering and mens trends right now are just incredibly ugly and remove sex appeal, aside from the fact that most men just have shit personalities.
>>2330347I never understood why that specific thread makes some anons so mad when their is numerous threads dedicated to famous men such as paul dano, adam driver ect and they are very silent on that. The unconventional attractions thread has anons express attraction for literal degenerates and fat shit men and they are only mad about that thread. I agree with them being pickmes because i've seen them insist that luigifags should get dicked down to cure them of their thirst. What other reason would they be mad that women would rather bond over one man rather than settle for an ugly irl scrote like they did other than pickmeism and seething? Nobody with an ugly husband/bf can tell me SHIT about what i should find attractive.
No. 2330360
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>>2330355Not even into light features, but you could argue jensen ackles is someone everyone can agree is attractive regardless of their "type."
>>2330355NTA, but because he's italian? KEK
No. 2330392
>>2330386Don't be willfully obtuse
No. 2330411
>>2330407I guess my question is, do you think jewish people look white? Like ashkenazi jews? It would be the same argument, no?
>>2330408The difference though is that these women are seeking female centered pornography. I assume they get horny and think, "let me put on some lesbian porn."
No. 2330425
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>>2330417Just the fact that when you look at him you don't see a white man. But yeah ashkenazi jews are migrants from europe (Sephardic jews are middle eastern and therefore very obviously not white). Ethan Klein is an ashkenazi jew, for example. His wife is Sephardic from what I remember. I remember her saying her ancestry is tied to libya (I don't watch either of them anymore and havent for years)
No. 2330439
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>>2330430>>2330434OP. I agree. Which is why I also see Luigi as white. They all look the same to me. But here is the brother of Hila (the girl on the left). To me he is very obviously not white. Hila is just..white passing I guess.
No. 2330446
>>2330439Why is Trisha Paytas' baby one of the cutest I've ever seen.
>>2330445You're retarded
No. 2330460
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No. 2330466
>>2330461I never said that.
>>2330460 is my first time contributing to the conversation faggot.
No. 2330472
>>2330465No, the retards who get all their information from tiktok are parroting the same incorrect statements. Jews originate from the Levant. They were exiled from Judea (former kingdom of Israel) and spread to different regions around the globe. The different groups ashkenazi, sephardic, and mizrahi are distinctions of the traditions they developed in the countries they ended up in, but because they were continually exiled from different countries, they moved around a lot, sometimes moving back and forth between Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. Some Sephardic Jews (which denotes Jews who were for a time in Spain until their expulsion in 1492) ended up in places like Morocco, Egypt, and Libya.
No. 2330517
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>>2330492I don't think it will ever happen. Honestly i just don't know how women don't see through the bullshit. If it isn't "sex work is work!" Then it's "I'm just a girl teehee", a teenager i can understand but even i at that age felt uncorfortable deep down. Even for the most disgusting slobbering retard degenerate there is a specific pickme catering and defending his every need and ready go throw women under the bus for him. It's natural selection at this point.
No. 2330525
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>>2330521I’m surposed woman haven’t started fighting back with violence and mass suicide yet
No. 2330533
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>>2330531Women aren’t gonna fight back so they can do as they please unfortunately
No. 2330544
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>>2330536With how incel tier men are getting and how submissive women still are, we can’t judge them because in the next 200 years we could be them
No. 2330557
>>2330535 and I think mass suicide is retarded. Even solitary suicide is retarded. Afghan women don't want to die, they want to live. Have you talked to those who have left since Taliban came to power or those who are still there and use the internet? Imo your way of thinking is not realistic. Also, Afghanistan will never run out of money. It just won't happen.
No. 2330594
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DAE engage in boycott maxxing tranny shit on social media?? Mutual, celebrity I like, childhood friend, artist I’ve admired for years, I don’t give a fuck. If I so much as see a pride pin or cis person joke, I forever cast them into the annex of the internet and memory hole them. Completely eliminating any traces of gender ideology and pro-tranny shit in my environment has been liberating, and is now something I’m ardently committed to. I believe icing people out completely for stuff like this could be enough to turn the tides of social discourse. No tolerancy policy for this shit from me, not ever.
No. 2330695
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>>2330531Erm men's rights matter too sweaty x
No. 2330726
>>2330705is meat based diet different from regular non specific diet? do you only eat meat? or only around veggies or something?
people who get mad at allergies are so dumb, I'm sorry you have to deal with that
No. 2330742
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There needs to be a second chart like this but for "normie" women and pickmes who downplay the abuse and rape of other women.
In general, more should be said about the pickme problem and the proliferation of pickmeisha behaviors, because a lot of of those women aren't just victims of patriarchy trying to get by via appeasement. They'll outright defend abusive, predatory men and do their bidding. We can't even escape them on Lolcow (remembering the Ezrafags who tried to run defense for his abusive cult shit and predation). Some women aren't even just pickmes, they're outright sadists and pieces of shit themselves who use the fact that men are generally worse to try and deflect from it. I would like to have class solidarity with other women, but it feels like there's too much evil.
No. 2330769
>>2330024Ironically a lot of anons in the MTF threads seem to think that. Two male trannies could be living together, fucking together, even getting married and they will still call it prison gay "it's all just a fetish about performing femininity". Literally agreeing with troons that people could be attracted to gender rather than sex. Lonely males will shoot up schools, pay for prostitutes, pay for sex tourism, but we're supposed to believe that trannies who proudly take it up the ass are 100% straight, just lacking options.
>>2330516Based nonna
No. 2330825
>>2330722And after people use it long enough, it will be considered pejorative and insulting. Same for mentally deficient, handicapped, and even some jobs like janitor. Ironically, people's own prejudice against these categories of people make them think the word is insulting, or make them use it as an insult, and it will happen no matter how many times we come up with a new word for it.
>>2330705>>2330712If you tell them "I don't eat X because I'm allergic to it", why would they get mad at you and make assumptions? "Carnivores" encouraging people to eat a block of butter and raw organs for breakfast are rightfully ridiculed but obviously you're not the same.
No. 2330910
>>2330056100% agree. My first boyfriend was 6'5 with a huge dick and he could literally never give me an orgasm despite me actively being into him and turned on at the time. Sometimes sex hurt and I had to actively calm myself down in my head to not "panic" and feel like it was rapey. This guy tried really hard to please me, so he wasn't a fuckboy who just didn't do it right. The big dick was just too "uncomfortable" so it never worked out. The way I describe it to my female friends now is that while I truly love eating chocolate cake, if you shove the entire cake down my throat in one go it's no longer a good experience on any level.
After that I got with a guy who had a really small dick, I'm pretty sure it's way smaller than average (though my only other comparison is the first giant). I was a bit disappointed when I saw it for the first time, but then he gave me an orgasm with 0 pain at all within minutes. I was in shock, I legit didn't even know sex could be that good and painless, which is so scary to think about now. Since then I've been convinced big dicks are something only males care about, and the number of women who cannot even have piv orgasms speak for that too. Size matters but it's the opposite of what I had always been told, bigger is the worst and smaller is so much better like wtf.
No. 2330997
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Any woman who says they would fuck a male sex doll is lieing. Honestly idk how men fuck these things, they're spooky as shit. You'd really look into that things glassy eyes, see nothing looking back, its stillness, touch it's cold plastic skin, and want to fuck it? There are certainly necrophilic undertones. I just don't think women are capable of viewing men the way some view us, and pretending we can is coping with it. No I would not fuck a giant hunk of plastic No matter how much it assumes the shape of a sexy man, the man's image is not the appeal, its the way he moves and reacts and behaves because I don't see men as objects. I'd rather fuck a vibrator than a plastic abomination
No. 2331014
>>2330997No, I 100% would fuck one. All you have to do is starfish while you get dicked down by a silicone hottie. You don’t have to do any of the ridiculous performing you do with human men to show them you’re enjoying it so they don’t lose their erection, I could watch the TV at the same time. Robot hunk would never get offended. I can stop him the second I’m done and don’t have to worry about his lousy orgasm.
If they’ve got good thrust action then I would fuck one. Unfortunately they cant even get robots to walk like a human yet so it’ll be a while before they’re pumping their hips adequately.
No. 2331025
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>>2331013ADHD can be treated and managed, even without medication. It requires a lot of willpower and adherence to routines but it is possible to be a completely functional adult with the disorder. That said people like picrel claiming ADHD now that they have to be an adult are annoying as hell and I hate them.
No. 2331081
>>2330997The price is not worth it kek. I’d rather buy a vibrator and get it done with.
Scrotes who buy sex dolls are pathetic.
No. 2331098
>>2331022Friends can drift apart but moids can up and leave any day too so.. it's not really an argument for prioritizing moids. Actually if a friend leaves or changes, at worse you miss them but you can still cherish your memories with them and find other friends. If the man you've centered your life around leaves, you have to relocate, come up with a new life plan, your financial situation will change, you'll be lonely and feel like you wasted years of your life. Plus in most cases you're also left with some kind of trauma (due to his porn addiction, cheating, rejection, etc). Don't get me wrong, I understand that a lot of women want a family which is why they prioritize their relationship over everything else, I just mean that it's not a safer route or a more logical route than prioritizing friends.
No. 2331125
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>>2331110They’re the closest thing I’m going to get to my fantasy in real life
No. 2331222
>>2331098I know all of that, it's more that I can see where some women are coming from when they say they care more about their boyfriends or husbands than about friends. Although, a lot of women call mere acquaintances "friends" so obviously they're not going to care about them as much as they're going to care about their bf/husbands if the guy is somewhat decent.
>Actually if a friend leaves or changes, at worse you miss them but you can still cherish your memories with them and find other friends.I agree with you about breaking up with a guy or divorcing, but with friends it really depends. There are anons saying the wildest things happened to them because of their ex friends. And I don't want to go into details but I've had times when my friends accidentally fucked me over in ways that still impact me, my daily life and my career to this day. There's that one thing I would have changed in my life if I could go back in time, but doing this would mean I wouldn't have met my current friends, but if I could I would still do it.
No. 2331607
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Paulo Cohelo books suck and I'm tired of seeing picrel everywhere. Tao of Pooh is also overrated and on the same level as that idiotic paper about how mentally ill all the characters are and diagnoses Christopher Robin as a TIM.
No. 2331647
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>>2331584I'm morally opposed to beards because it's a bit like hatfishing for baldies, a man could have a totally fucked facial structure beneath that beard and one day he may decide to shave it and you get shocked by his very ugly mug.
No. 2331669
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>>2331647Nah you can tell this man is ugly though. Good beards are often really short and neat trimmed, solely to make them look like they have cheekbones and to hide their chins. Random example but for a period Sean William Scott would do the thing where there's a gradation along the cheek area for faux cheekbone definition, a lot of men with good facial hair do this. That's why it's jarring when they shave.
No. 2331737
File: 1735955529879.png (6.46 MB, 4036x1180, faces-agriculture.png)

>>2331647Its horrifying what agriculture did to the male face. It allowed resource hoarding which made dysgenic moids able to pass on their ugliness by bribing girls' fathers with their resources. I follow anthropology accounts on X and the hunter-gatherers and pastoralists are mostly chiseled whereas the agriculturalists are subhumans
No. 2331746
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>>2331694I agree,it is especially when it's hands and feet.reminds me when I went to the supermarket and this woman had sandals on and her toes and fingers were super pink or red? and the rest of her skin was white and I was clearly disgusted.reminds me of rat feet and hands yuck
No. 2331782
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>>2331765Even worse from the side profile. These are all reconstructions btw, based on real skulls
No. 2331833
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>>2331782He looks a bit like Jerma from the side, nasty as fuck.
No. 2331836
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I will never understand (or agree with) the hype this lady is getting. She's average in every category you could put a singer in, although perhaps being ridiculously plain is a part of her appeal. I didn't even realize she was so famous. Of course she's always been a huge popstar but it's like she completely exploded with the tour she's currently on.
No. 2331839
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>>2331833>>2331813>>2331829Yeah compared to his front face, but I'm comparing his side profile to the other side profiles. I'll show them so you can see what I mean.
PS the guys in the middle (pastoralists) apparently wiped out all the guys on the right (farmers) in Europe and 100% replaced their male lineages in 3000 BC. So it has been done before and should be done again
No. 2331856
>>2331836I think her plainness is why she's so big. I genuinely don't mean it in a judgemental way but almost every fan of hers I've met is super conformist, likes to follow trends, and is mostly friends with very similar women. During her tour it was a trend to wear something sparkly, some cowboy boots and go to her show so that's what every woman who wants to be trendy did. Plus there's a giant stan community online so it's a good way to make friends with similar interests. I don't understand how this makes everyone seethe so bad it's like the female counterpart of men who are really into watching a sport and go to games in their team hats and jerseys
No. 2331857
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>>2331841There are more of them, they are all long-faced and asymmetrical uggos with small fragile chins
>>2331844>>2331852In terms of pigmentation and some fleshy parts like nose shape, there is room for speculation. But the bone structure is very clear, you can clearly tell a gracile skull apart from a robust skull. The Ancestral Whispers ones are forensic reconstructions
No. 2331873
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>>2331856I wouldn't say Swift is plain, but she has that sort of rare pheno where she has masculine features but they work for her in a non-masculine way. Like Jeri Ryan or Angelina Jolie (I'm dating myself with these references keke)
No. 2331874
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>>2331857I'm seeing other farmer reconstructions that look relatively normal.
No. 2331877
>>2329472>actually, Japan is just as bad as everywhere else>no proofSerious question, but why are so many people here so determined to argue that every country is equally bad to women? It's obviously not true, it makes it impossible to look for solutions, and just seems like arguing in bad faith
Like what's your solution if every country is equally bad to women and there's no model of a better country. What do we do that isn't "kill all men"? Is it just blackpilling?
No. 2331887
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>>2331868The big difference, I think, is in the lifestyle and economy. Graincel / ricecel / corncel produces a lot of grains and barters those grains for wives versus a hunter-gatherer who hunts and kills to survive or a nomadic pastoralist who has to defend his herds from other pastoralists on the wide open plain (no walls or mountains to hide behind)
>>2331874Neolithic Iranian farmers are hunter-gatherers who adopted local agriculture. It changed them over time to become potatoheads like the other farmers, but the early ones are good looking (I will admit this theory is entirely unscientific and pulled out my ass but I'm sticking with it)
This is a later farmer from the Caucasus and he looks okay until he looks sideways and then OH FUCK
No. 2331892
>>2329424100% THIS.
I only disagree with your last statement though, I don't like scrotes or want to be friends with them either. Both scrotes and women suck and make bad partners and friends, most people do in general. That's why loving yourself is the most important part
No. 2331905
>>2331893Nta but we would be chilling in meadows. The hard work is getting food to survive. That's what survival is, you wouldn't lay down and die like everyone is programmed to do today. You certainly wouldn't be forced to sit in boxes all day to make coins that buy diseased slaughterhouse meat.
>>2331902No there wouldn't be citizens or rapeslaves because there wouldn't be a society. Women would be free to kill anyone that's a threat just like how it was back in neolithic times.
No. 2331907
>>2331877>my glorious nippon would never abuse wahmen!!! Post what I deem as proof and badly recorded statistics from corrupt officials who can’t be assed to do their jobs and have a history of not protecting their victimsThe fact Junko Furuta’s grave was constantly defaced from the perpetrators parents for “ruining their sons lives” and that those moids are still walking around free is telling enough of how terrible the country is
>>2331888You can’t even go on a train without getting molested by some nasty moid, you can buy gravure videos of young idols in AV shops, and women are gendifying themselves to escape misogyny. For a country with none of the brown moids you hate it sure sucks ass
No. 2331924
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>>2331921my hunter gatherer bf will just murder the rapist scrotes with a spear
No. 2331929
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>>2331905>>2331924tfw you'll never have hunter gatherer bf who hunts bears so you can wear their skin fashionably
No. 2331943
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>>2331906Btw pic is from the Natufian culture, which invented agriculture. Now you know why they needed it
No. 2331946
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>>2331938i'm not afraid of my hunter gatherer bf's musk. and short hair on men is disgusting, all men should have long flowing locks like tommy wiseau
No. 2331949
>>2331937I don't think that's the case with all hunter-gatherers though. The further north you go, the harsher the climate and the more male investment would be needed which would mean more nuclear families with parents paired off together
Hunter-gatherers in southern climates without harsh winters were promiscuous though
>>2331946Something really funny about European hunter-gatherers is that despite being massively outnumbered they somehow took over the Y chromosomes of Neolithic farmers in Europe by the copper age. My theory is they made much better bfs so the farmer women would run off and join their tribes, bringing agriculture knowledge with them. I believe it because I can fantasize about it
No. 2331954
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>>2331948You'd never guess where Natufian ancestry peaks today, and how that ancestry coincides with enslaving women
No. 2331955
>>2331930Prehistoric moids aren't that different. Stop living in delusion land.
This is not factually true either. The reason why you think that is due to a debunked stereotype where if there wasn't blunt force trauma to the skeleton then it wasn't rape. Same goes for how archeologists lied about women only being gatherers and now new evidence is showing that was false.
The truth is somewhere in the middle, of course it wasn't a mass rape, that would make no fucking sense but it would also make no sense to claim they were egalitarian either. The truth is they were raping at the same level they do now which is somewhere in the middle.
Stop being mentally unstable and thinking in black and white, the truth is in the middle.
No. 2331960
>>2331877there's porn everywhere in japan and lots of very young women selling themselves to earn something because they ran away from
abusive homes or trying to. it isn't a paradise.
No. 2331963
>>2331949I think the rise of nuclear family was much more tied with agriculture and land ownership. As far as I'm concerned it was an attempt to give every man his own feudal patch of land to lord over so he wouldn't rebel against his actual lords. Male investment is kind of a meme anyway on terms of actual utility.
>>2331955I'm not sure why you think acknowledging some societies were more equal (not saying they're perfect, just better than chattel slavery) means were thinking in black and white or that the real enlighteneed truth is that its always the same. I guess I'd agree with you that moid urges are always the same no matter the society and everything flows downstream of that.
No. 2331964
The blunt force trauma is a actual thing they would measure when looking forrape and archeologists/anthropologists fed this false narrative that men only did the hunting and women did the gathering until recently after they discovered that some of the skeletons they falsely labeled as male were actually female.
What did I make up? Am I talking to a moid or a retard.
No. 2331972
>>2331963Polygamy is tied with land ownership and agriculture, not monogamy, because with agriculture huge disparities in wealth are possible and women become a commodity to be bought and sold like anything else. Monogamy would be the best model for hunter-gatherers in a cold climate because you need high investment parenting for children to survive winters (especially when young) and the ability to plan ahead and strategize for those winters.
And to buttress this point, the only place in the world where monogamy was the historical norm was Europe, and its also the only cold climate region where hunter-gatherer ancestry outweighs farmer ancestry
No. 2331975
>>2331963You do NOT know if those societies were equal though and that's the problem. You are writing fanfiction. Their existence is barely documented and especially for something like rape or human-right. Though if we take evo psych into consideration they estimate rape in humans started more than 100.000k years ago so if that were to he true caveman moids were raping too.
>>2331966One of the anons defending glorious Japan is literally a racebaiting poltard so I don't know why you are entertaining him or giving him food with your replies. The moids probably a pedọ too like most weeb moids.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2331977
>>2331970Yes I remember seeing something like that. I would call that Neolithic mass killing or serial killing.
Yes I remember reading about a group of murdered buried Neolithic children or women once in some hut.
No. 2331979
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>>2331220>Interestingly, they never place this requirement of "proof" on men who spend their time fantasizing about dick but don't have sex with men in real life.The problem is that fakebians and bi women who will ultimately gravitate to men are a real problem in lesbian communities and dating pools, leading to lesbians wanting to gatekeep more. Meanwhile "fake gay" doesn't even exist for men, as there's no social benefit for them. There are probably many bi guys around in gay male communities, but those communities are so sex-centered that nobody even cares what anyone's true orientation is, they're just looking to get their dick sucked by a stranger in a parking lot.
No. 2332007
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>>2331996Scratch beneath the surface and you see the Japanese are operating with very different hardware to westerners, their similarities in living standards notwithstanding
No. 2332013
>>2332007Trying to disprove the fact Japanese women are less likely to report SA with a video of them talking about sex workers and cheating is weird but ok
>>2332009>inb4 reddit isn't a source!People in the comments are chiming in and citing their sources, retard.
No. 2332029
>>2332018Oh alright, sorry for assuming then. That's true though, honestly Sweden supposedly being the "rape capital of the world" probably speaks more for how much better women are treated there considering they actually feel safe and cared about enough to report it.
>>2332026 hope he picks you nonna because no woman would ever feel safe around someone like you and he's all you'll have.
No. 2332056
>>2332045>it's retarded to claim that Japan is some blissful land where women aren't harmedNo one in this entire thread has claimed this. The only thing anyone has been claiming is that Japan, despite its faults, is better for women than most countries on the planet.
Tell me when women get raped for 40 minutes straight while onlookers take videos in Japan. fact that there are only-women cars isn't some neg against Japanese safety. There are rapey men on public transport everywhere, but there women have the option to avoid men on public transport, and that option doesn't exist in the US unless you have the money to buy a car. It's a good thing that they have women-only train cars.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2332057
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>>2332040If Japan has 124 million people and if we believe the Cabinet's reports to be 100% accurate that 1 in 14 women are raped in Japan, and if the US has 334 million and 1 in 6 women are raped there, could it be that the larger country with more people in it it will have more rape cases?
Anyways if you want sources, here's some; No. 2332068
>>2332056Japan has a serious and deeply ingrained culture of shame. 13% of schoolgirls are exploited, but because their laws are too shit to protect young women, it continues. In general, the cultural attitude toward women, young girls, and the sex industry is normalized and extremely disturbing.
>The fact that there are only-women cars isn't some neg against Japanese safety.Japan was the first country to have to introduce these because of the extent of the problem. Go ahead and read through all the other countries listed, most of the countries that have these train cars are middle eastern and asian countries with misogynistic attitudes toward women.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2332082
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>>2332060You learn basic statistics, if you double a population size you can at least expect a increase in crime rates of maybe twofold or more. The opposite is likely true. to that but related to prior discussion, look at picrel, this is in the second site I linked.
>>2332074Evidence for that is mixed, more commercial density leads to higher crime rates while higher residential density leads to lower No. 2332113
>>2332106bold of you to mention critical thinking when you refuse to take culture & socialization into account and only rely on statistics to prove something that is
not reported.
No. 2332137
>>2332117>about a culture you have not lived inUh ok, I'm assuming you are talking about yourself here.
>cherrypicking things you dislikeBy "things I dislike" are you perhaps referring to issues like pedophilia, prostitution, sexual assault, sexism etc. which you keep ignoring even when anons provide stats on them? Granted, some of these are things that you as a foreigner going there for your two-week vacation or your working holiday are less likely to be confronted to. I guess that is why you're only focusing on your chances to get assaulted right on the street and official rape stats rather than women's issues as a whole. In that sense yes Japan is safer than countries where you're not even allowed to walk outside, or countries with mass immigration. But people still have a far too idealized version of it and of Korea. Not sure if you're the anon who said that Korea was a feminist country but the delusion is strong.
No. 2332143
>>2332131>If Japan's population was doubled it would also mean smaller provinces and rural area's population sizes would doubleThis assumption is false, Japan has the opposite trend of people leaving rural areas and moving into cities.
The caveat of commercial versus residential density is based off population studies in the US suggesting a link between alcohol use and cannot be extrapolated to Japan. Regardless, all of this is deflecting from the initial argument that the US is safer than Japan. Every datapoint you've shown has pointed to the opposite, and you are now attempting to claim that akshually, the data does not matter because population size (not true, the population density in Japan is greater), or because commercial density leads to higher crime (inconclusive evidence solely based on the US and theorized to be due to high rates of alcohol consumption in commercial centers), and keep in mind this paper is speaking on crimes in general, including petty theft, and not assaults targeted to women as we have been discussing this entire time.
>>2332135>Uh ok, I'm assuming you are talking about yourself here.No, I'm responding to an anon who said herself she hasn't lived in Japan.
>By "things I dislike" are you perhaps referring to issues like pedophilia, prostitution, sexual assault, sexism etc. which you keep dismissing and ignoring even when anons provide stats on them?All of those things also exist in the US (and in most countries barring legalized prostitution, but even in places where it is not legal, there is covert and forced prostitution). Sexual assault occurs at higher rates in the US. No one has provided evidence that any of these things occur in Japan at higher rates than in the US. And no, I was referring to the constant assertion that women are socialized to be more demure in Japan as an argument for why it is worse than the US, while failing to consider any of the cultural issues that make the US a difficult place to be a woman.
>But people still have a far too idealized version of it and of Korea.Idealized how? For pointing out that it's better there than in a lot of other places? Keep in mind this discussion only began in the first place because an anon tried to argue there was no difference between men in Pakistan and men in Japan, in the context of immigration.
>Not sure if you're the anon who said that Korea was a feminist country but the delusion is strong.Nope, the only delusion here is that there's any utopia society where women don't face sexism, assault, rape, but rather than addressing the fact that some nations have worse men, you'd rather meander about women being socialized into meekness or some bs.
No. 2332146
>>2332009I hope you idiots know that police data all over the world is skewed to benefit the country and make it seem safer than it is. Japan is not safe for women, children or the elderly. It’s only safe for Asian men and White men to do whatever they want to the women their with impunity. That’s why white men love Asia so much they can unleash their degeneracy on the Asian women (usually children) there because white men are always assumed rich.
Not to mention the Japanese men are always met with sympathy. There was a case where a brother killed his own sister cut her up into pieces and stuffed her in the family closet. At trial the parents defended their son’s actions and stuck by his side. You guys should actually follow Japanese women on Twitter who talk about this stuff. They, like South Korean women are actually suffering in silence. They aren’t paid the same as their males and when they get married and have kids it’s career suicide. You get hired based on your looks too. Imagine having to take a professional headshot just to be a receptionist. I think until very recently Japanese women had to wear heels for damn near every job. And once you do settle down and have children you have to put up with your husband working long hours to binge drink and cheat on you with his coworkers, bartenders, little girls, you name it!
12 year olds sell themselves outside of school to these same salary men who are supposed to be married. And also one of the largest demographics of imprisoned women in Japan are actually old ladies because Japan also has a terrible senior culture where there is more seniors than young people and no one wants to take care of them (usually boy moms have this problem). So these old ladies purposely do petty crime like stealing an apple so they get sent to jail so someone can finally take care of them and they have something to do. A lot of times though they just rot in their apartments or their sons just take their SS checks kek. But yes Japan is so nice for women. The women there are not traumatized into silence. Their constant rape and sexual harrassment being so normalized that it’s a soft power for Japan is not at all bad for these women it’s actually a net positive because at least they are represented as sexy!
No. 2332149
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>>2332146>Japan is worse because murder happens sometimes!Meanwhile, in the US…
No. 2332167
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>>2332163I’m not blinded to other woman’s suffering because I as a Black woman know we suffer most and literally no one cares because our rape and constant murder is so normalized by literally every 1st world nation. I just don’t want any other race to have their abuse be normalized like ours is. There was a mass suicide of 100 women in Sudan because all of the men in the village died in the war and the women knew that they would just be raped so they set themselves on fire to avoid their fate. I doubt any of you even know about that because no one cares about African women if they aren’t Arabic.
No. 2332169

>>2331877>no proofAre you retarded? Japanese women discussing what they go through isn't enough for you, the news isn't enough for you, documentaries aren't enough for you. What is enough? Anime and video games? Kek
>>2331910>>2331888>>2331953>>2331991I love how you retarded weebs' only defense is "b-but third world!" (and your love for ignoring data that doesn't suit your fantasy narrative, reminds me of a certain group you claim to hate/be against). Imagine if the only way to defend most of Europe's gender relations was to bring up Pakistan because you couldn't actually think of anything good to say. Grim.
Also, it's wild how you think everyone must bow down to a normalized pedo misogynist country because they make things you use for escapism, while claiming to be against degeneracy or whatever the fuck. You would probably love Egypt and Pakistan and go on about how the west needs white sharia if they made cartoons and porn, too. You're the same subhumans who love to watch rape on tape and probably think you deserve government-issued wifeslaves. I can only hope both you and the worshipers of the Arab pedophile blow eachother up and that sane women the world over are somehow unscatehd.
No. 2332172
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>>2332167Speaking of Japan and Africa did you know that Japanese male doctors go to Africa to impregnate the women and children there. But once the children are born they take them and kill them for being Black? It happens all the time in Congo. All of these 1st world nations do their most heinous crimes against women and children in Africa. From Europe to East Asia all the way to the Middle East. Africa is basically a continent of normalized rape and murder of women and girls. But no one cares because Africa deserves it for having dark skin I guess .
No. 2332187
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>>2332167>>2332172That poster is actively fighting the urge to say you and all those other women deserve it because you're black and go on about their racial extinction fantasies and need for a 12 year old Aryan tradwife and similarly aged concubines of every other race. It probably freaks him out to see you or any other black or non-Japanese woman say you don't want Japanese women's pain to be normalized because he thinks female class consciousness is non-existent, only petty female jealousy and whatever he can apply to his narrative about "muh importing the third world" as if we don't all despise men from those countries too.
They accuse you of not caring about women in other countries or actually recognizing female suffering because they're projecting (or, they covet the unfettered male power at play and want it for the future). These "people" don't care about women except as cargo, they just pretend to do so for as long as it's convenient. Wherever there is injustice and abuse on women, they have an excuse and deflection, and that's because from their POV, we're glorified property at best (and cattle at worst). They love prostitution, they love abuse, they love murder, they love all forms of exploitation. There's no way to reason with them. Their very deliberate ignorance to Japanese feminists talking about how the country treats women and young girls tells you just about everything. Even more appalling than the men are the mentally decayed hags who think they'll get top coochie position by throwing all women and children under the bus to worship dysgenic ideals from dysgenic men.
No. 2332193
>>2332191Are you a nationalist? Why would anyone be jealous of a country's reputation, is that how you operate?
It's telling that you view Japanese women's issues as a "PC" way to "shame you for your hobbies" (because the important thing in the world is clearly your anime and manga and kpop, not how actual humans live and are treated kek). The dehumanization is insane. Neither Japan or Korea are safe havens for women unless you're a tourist (even then, drunken moids often sexually harass women and the police don't care because local men take precedence over all women). Japanese and Korean women will continue to discuss their problems while you obsess over pop culture and run defense for subhuman rape apes because you're a witless consoomer.
No. 2332196
>>2332193Samefag, my main question is why these people always deflect. When first world women talk about misogyny, it's "Well what about women in the third world? You are privileged, you don't have any problems, stop talking", when third world women talk about misogyny, it's "Well you're literate and still alive, so can it really be that bad? You are privileged, you don't have any problems, stop talking", and when all groups come together and talk about misogyny
around the world, the immediate strategy is some divide and conquer nonsense that only works on autistic, insecure men, eg some variation of "You're just jealous of eachother!".
You ignore women talking about their own country's misogyny, and when women outside of them talk, you switch up. At what point do you just shut the fuck up?
No. 2332199
>>2332197Who said they're the only ones? Why is misogyny and abuse faced by women in Japan okay as long as other women are suffering too? All of it is fucked up, and none of it should be defended, retard.
>Not a single person has defended rapists in this thread idiot.You're defending cultures that actively dissuade women from reporting rape, and let rapists walk free on the basis of "She didn't fight back hard enough". All because you love anime, lmao.
No. 2332207
>>2332205>to shame them for appreciating other aspects of the cultureBitch
huh? We dgaf that you like k pop or anime
No. 2332209
>>2332205First, find a single post saying it's wrong to like anime or manga. I watch American movies and anime myself without getting
triggered and plugging my ears when American or Japanese women talk about the shit they go through in either country. You and the other anons doing this are the only people conflating the two, because you think pointing out real life issues is an unfair distraction from your hobbies. Again, it's dehumanizing and fucked up to prioritize your entertainment over human lives. If you don't care about women being raped and abused, keep quiet when those things are discussed instead of crying that everyone's just shaming you for your weeb and koreaboo interests.
No. 2332213
>>2332211Responding to
>>2329446 with
>>2332191 is doing just that, try reading the thread instead of crying that everyone's just mad you like animu.
No. 2332386
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>>2331938A lot of them were clean shaven as well, and had good teeth. I would assume ancient people farther from tropical climates may be less coloful due to less plant biodiversity (thus diversity in dye), but I imagine they would compensate with other materials they had available.
No. 2332401
>>2332372If it comes from a woman they'll just goon to it. What'll make them really uncomfortable is if big ugly gay moids start doing all that to them lmao, make male rape subreddits and send unsolicited dick pics etc
All of a sudden consent and harrassment laws will be the most important thing ever kek
No. 2332425
>>2332358>Growing up means losing empathyYeah. How sad.
>>2332376You're very right.
No. 2332504
>>2332484No. Men don't get tested for hpv and the reason we get vaccinated against it is because men are disgusting ugly cunts that won't stop spreading it.
Women only get checked for hpv during a smear. Prostitutes are not checking for stds after every client and sure as fuck aren't getting a smear after them. We essentially have a vaccine because men fundamentally cannot stop cheating on their partners that even if you contract it, medical advice is you don't even have to disclose it to your sexual partners because we've given up trying to control the spread.
No. 2332511
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>>2332479>ricecels express frustrations with asian women online, but they rarely reach the levels of muslim and stormfront moids who routinely threaten to kill women.LOL
Okay, I'm just going to leave this here. I think its obvious to everyone what's going on now
No. 2332576
>>2332541Both sides need to do fucking chores tbh.
Like come the fuck on, this shit has been going since last night.
No. 2332584
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Regarding the gold-star infighting I believe the majority of lesbians in here, just like the farmers that use this site are virgins and are freaking out about a problem that is much easier to avoid in real life. Their neetdom has warped their view of the dating scene. I have slept with a man and that's what made me realize I was a lesbian. He was nice and everything but that experience helped me realize that I will never be attracted to men no matter how hard I try. Women simply rock my world. It's annoying how some of the lesbians here think that penis ruins womens sexuality forever like our sexual attraction is on a thin line that can be easily tainted. I know I'm a lesbian, and I don't think any retard screeching can change the fact that I am. I know there's the other problem about bisexual women who are unfaithful to their girlfriends or claim to be lesbian when they've had a long history of willingly sleeping with men but the polarization has completely made any ideas of an in-between essentially non-existent.
No. 2332595
>>2332584Ngl from an outsiders pov it just seems like more general "muh blue eyes/muh brown eyes" superiority complex.
It's human nature to want to be more exclusive in identity and better than other people.
No. 2332602
>>2332597Ngl this whole argument just sounds like being a pickme for your own country's men.
Please, go outside. Maybe you'll reason 90% of people do not give a shit about anime and just think you're retarded for defending men over other men.
No. 2332616
>>2332610Meds, now you're literally talking to yourself and typing stutters like a schizo. However angry you get, Japanese men will still be rape apes, and they deserve to be called as such until Japanese feminists as a whole decide they don't. Same goes for Russian moids, Korean moids, Chinese moids, Indian moids, Pakistani moids, Britbong moids, German moids, burger moids, Kenyan moids, Algerian moids, etc. This is Lolcow, we insult men lmao.
No. 2332624
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>>2332589That's true. Though the causes are different imo. Porn influence on IRL sexuality is male mediated, with men pushing to try sex acts they see in porn onto their girlfriends/wives, and also gay men introducing themselves (and by extension, their bizarre lifestyles) into the mainstream as normal via media.
Reddit ricecels seemed to think that they could directly reprogram women to find them desirable, as if white women seeing Asian men in pornography would somehow make them more attractive. Its just a total lack of theory of mind, which is characteristic of these block-headed aspie types.
Personally I think there are huge fetishization problems with WMAF (its not a surprise that so many "white supremacists" end up being exposed for having Asian wives or girlfriends) and I consider it a red flag if a white guy has dated exclusively or nearly exclusively Asian women in the past, but ironically the ricecels poison serious criticism of WMAF relationships with their incelly nonsense.
I guess this is a big enough lecture to qualify as an unpopular opinion in and of itself, at least my last paragraph
No. 2332649
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>>2332633keep harping dear kek
No. 2332653
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It's crazy to me how moids the world over can acid attack women and children, rape, murder, sell CP, create Telegram groups dedicated to sharing their mothers', sisters', daughters', etc nudes, and some retarded women will still put in overtime to defending them online because she's consoomed their pop culture or thinks it's somehow racist to prioritize women's plight instead of letting them suffer because they're from a different community.
Even white nationalists who defend Japanese men under the idea that they're not the same as thirdie men prove their hatred and disregard for white women when they pretend they don't know about this shithead scrote who walked free after killing and cannibalizing a white French woman. Little white girls have also been exploited for Japanese CP, and some continue to be used for their child gravure industry. These white men don't care, because they want to participate in the degeneracy too. Men have insane solidarity when it comes to despising women, and women just let it happen and make excuses for them. I'm forced to conclude that some of you bitches hate your own sex and get off on seeing us all suffer, too.
No. 2332659
>>2332632>Anyways it feels nice knowing the real reasons on why asian women go for white men and it’s because they have a genetic/historical similarity to each other.What? They're about as far away from each other genetically as is possible, other than black Africans.
And from the outside looking in, WMAF is mostly mutual fetishization and grass-is-greener mentalities from both sides. Whenever you see some white moid talking about his Asian wife he will inevitably ramble about "entitled white women". Because their entire relationship is centered around seething about white women
>>2332642Of course not, they can't even build a mental model of a woman's thought process and motivations in their minds. Look at the redpill and blackpill, its literally just males inserting their Machiavellian, sociopathic brains into womens' bodies and concluding female nature is what they would do if they were women.
>>2332653Males will always take the side of males over their own women, unless they are in some kind of direct conflict with the other group of males in question. American moids love white sharia and "Islam is right about women" because they aren't in conflict with Muslim moids, for example
No. 2332665
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Bubbles is for pickmes
Buttercup is for NLOGs
Blossom is for gigastacy's
No. 2332666
>>2332642It all makes sense when you realize how gay these men actually are. They want white women to prove to the white man that he's as powerful and desirable as himself. They want porn like that not to appeal to white women, but to convince white men that they're strong too.
That's literally all these psychotic race games are with men. Dick-measuring contests and homolust, and women are the bargaining chips, trade objects, stepping stools and punching bags every time.
No. 2332690
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>>2332666>pic related>>2332677If your character is already flawless, they can't grow or change, and they don't have vulnerabilities that can create drama in the story. Their relationships with other characters don't have the same impact because they don't need anything from anyone else to grow, they are already fully self actualized. Just creates boring characters imo.
No. 2332703
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>>2332699Its mainstream science, look up any PCA showing genetic distances. Europeans and MENAs are on one corner, Asians are on the other corner and Africans are in the third corner, with everyone else intermediate between them.
No. 2332723
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>>2332714Yeah, that's a separation of 40k years ago, so what? Going by genetic distance, you can argue that literally everyone outside of Africans are a closer genetic match for Europeans. Its a silly argument to make.
Besides, this is what Europeans looked like during and after the West Eurasian / East Asian split
No. 2332738
>>2332624So many women are going fully insane over other races of women being "preferred" by whatever stinky moids they fixate on, or seeking out self-esteem in the belief that they're inherently better than other women. The entire time, the men involved just wanted to drill eachother in the ass, put eachother in skirts and compare penis sizes.
Misogynistic Korean moids like to tell Korean women they're going to "replace" them with white women because they're "superior and not feminists". Meanwhile, Asian-American moids on Reddit spend all their time looking at interracial cuckold porn of white or black men with Asian women, complaining that white men get Asian women's attention, etc. The other two races of men do the same thing with their own and eachother's women, by the way, and Indian, Turk, Arab and all other men join in, posting and reposting the porn and specializing it to their own groups where they can. The porn addicted, racist male's dream world is one where they all get to rotate and spitroast women one day, and get into gay sissy orgies the next until the end of time.
Meanwhile, women like to fool themselves that it's all about being desirable and pretty enough, and all this shit signals privilege or protection instead of it being more of the same dehumanizing, ancestral male sickness that lead to women being sold as sex slaves and concubines by their own men to other men throughout history, rape as part of war conquest, etc. One of the hardest pills to swallow for so many women who think about race and dating is that there is no real pedestal for women. You're just a thin veil for men to bumfuck and fantasize about eachother while still insisting they're "straight", and you'll be switched out with other women or even children as necessary.
No. 2332772
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>>2332738>>2332749Part of what made me realize this is true is seeing the exact same weird madonna/whore fetishization that white men do to Asian women being done by black men to white women and of course Asian men to white women primarily but also other non-Asian women or Asian women from a different ethnicity than theirs.
>The porn addicted, racist male's dream world is one where they all get to rotate and spitroast women one day, and get into gay sissy orgies the next until the end of time. I love this and am going to steal it for future use. Attributed to the nonna collective
No. 2332782
>>2332749Yup, some 4B Korean women posted a lot of screenshots of Korean moids saying white women are better than them and that they (Korean men) are "loved" by all races of women, so they have no need for Korean women. The posters seem to have deleted their accounts after harassment from Korean incels, but at least you can see the comments here is what confirmed to me that this is all just gay shit.
No. 2332802
>If your character is already flawless, they can't grow or change, and they don't have vulnerabilities that can create drama in the story. Their relationships with other characters don't have the same impact because they don't need anything from anyone else to grow, they are already fully self actualized.And that's amazing and perfect and so satisfying to me. I love Mary Sues because I aspire to be one irl. Relying on others to "actualize" is stupid imo.
No. 2332822
>>2332484I would pay for a sexualized massage with happy ending. he stays fully clothed and only services me.
I would never pay to interact with a penis.
No. 2332832
>>2332764NTA. I don't think the world is going to revert to caveman state anytime soon, and even if it does, if people are actually bonded regardless of race, it'll be more natural to help someone you know/love of a different racial background than a stranger of your same race anyway.
It's only in controlled, small-scale environments where everyone's a stranger and also male (like male prisons) that they start racially segregating.
No. 2332847
>>2332832The piece you're missing is that if everyone around you is segregating, you will also experience social pressures to segregate. When things get bad, you will have to really on communities for survival. You don't control how these systems respond, and not falling in line could mean your own death.
>>2332841That's the thing. There won't be enough resources for everyone. You're delusional if you think the few places on the planet that will remain habitable will let in billions of migrants. They'll have their own internal issues when this goes down, and beyond that, sustaining populations of that scale would be impossible.
No. 2332848
>>2332841They say these things because they want them to be true. A lot of racists have no real direction in life, just a mild anxiety about their place, and they crave war and destruction so they can feel like something's finally happened.
Every few years, some retarded loser always tries to spark off the race war they swear is totally on the horizon too ("it'll happen for real this time, guys, let me just kill a bunch of innocent people, we need the boogaloo").
No. 2332853
>>2332847>if everyone around you is segregatingWhy are you so convinced this will happen and "everyone" will do it? If you have a family and a town, you have your own community ready-made. Where do you place people of South American ancestry (for example) born in the US (or even illegal immigrants who think of themselves as different/better) who don't care about "their own people" and prefer the host culture? If they've decided they prefer allying with white people, and other minorities with more cultural identification with non-refugee populations do the same (and yes, diasporas do fight eachother, race isn't the end-all be-all), where does that leave the race stuff?
Will interracial couples be killed off? Where will mixed race people go? Will DNA tests for the racially ambiguous be mandated (though I guess there'll be no resources for that, kek)?
No. 2332860
>>2332847None of what you're saying is even about racism you retard. You're arguing about resource hoarding and assuming only a small part of the planet will be habitable because the billionaires have fucked over all ecosystems for capitalistic gain. Why do you equate refugees being a racist thing; because you're obviously a racist. There is more genetic diversity within Africa than any other continent on earth but you probably just assume all Africans are the same. I can't stand brain dead cunts like you. You don't even seem to understand what the fuck you're even on about.
>>2332851You're a twat too.
No. 2332862
>>2332851If you respond to "Racism is moronic" with "No it makes sense because we'll lose resources and everyone will pick their own race", then you're following the logic I described with extra steps. They always have a list of excuses that the boogaloo will totally happen this time guys. If you're so brain-dead that you don't know what these people are like by now, don't post lmao.
>>2332852The current situation isn't similar to history. People will die, survivors will show up, they'll probably be placed in ghettos, life will be a bit shittier and everyone will move on if the species doesn't go extinct.
No. 2332884
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>>2332873You can draw the line wherever you want and decide what is a race, sub-race, ethnicity, sub-ethnicity, whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that there are distinct clusters of people who share common genetic drift, common characteristics and usually a common language and identity.
No. 2332891
>>2332873>>2332872You've fundamentally misunderstood the point of the question. And by the way, a species is a social construct in the same way that race is. The issue is that people recognize distinct races, and often fall into tribalist mindsets in times of hardship. The point I'm getting at is that racism is an interaction and result of things that occur in material reality. Social constructs are not separate from our interactions with material things, they are derived from them.
>>2332875You can't predict what happens on a very small scale. What I am suggesting is that there will be instances where communities divide along race, and this will be more true if they were somewhat segregated to begin with. It could be that some communities will remain mixed, but racial tensions can only increase in these situations.
No. 2332917
>>2332895>DNA exists>that means we're basically different species and are destined to be in enmityWhen did I say that?
>>2332898>You're trying to equate culture with genetics which just isn't sound science.Culture didn't just fall out of the sky, genetic predispositions influence culture and culture influences genetics. Whatever traits a particular culture identifies as high status will get magnified over time as the people with those traits will be more reproductively successful within the culture. For example, Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 112 because in their traditional culture, Torah scholars had access to the best marriages and reproduced the most. Bronze age steppe pastoralists in Europe were found to have the highest degree of selection for height among all populations in the world at that time, and modern Europeans with the highest steppe pastoralist ancestry (northern Europe primarily) are also the tallest on average in the world.
>The more humans mix and do not interbred the more homogeneous they actually become which we are currently witnessing.But throughout human history we see the exact opposite happening, where as soon as a group grows large and broad enough in its territory, it splinters off into new ethnic groups and new languages. For example, Indo-European -> Indo-Iranian and European -> Indo-Aryan, Iranic, Greek, Balto-Slavic, Germanic, Italo-Celtic, etc etc. This is the common theme throughout human history, and artificial empires are required to hold large groups together under a common identity
No. 2332923
>>2332917DNA and genetics is 100% relevant in a conversation debunking race as a biological construct. Next you'll argue trannies are
valid because of the man made constructs we've invented around naturally occurring colours and a boy liking pink makes him a real and true female human.
No. 2332928
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>>2332923I already agreed that race isn't a biological construct in the same way that species isn't, its a category humans impose onto the natural world for the sake of understanding it. Race happens to fit well with human population clusters, however.
>>2332926Agreed. This is because sex evolved long, long before humans ever existed. The fact that a single chromosome causes the profound differences between women and men is evidence that even small genetic differences between groups can have major impacts, depending on the genes in question
No. 2332929
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I don't care if mothers commit infanticide of newborns. Women should be the ones who decide who gets to come into this world.
No. 2332931
>>2332926I'm tired of arguing when someone doesn't understand the science being presented and simply cba trying to condense a genetics module into a unpopular opinions debate. Race is a social construct. Scientists and geneticists much smarter than you and that anon who can understand the data have wrote many papers on it and I implore you to read them if you care on being corrected. It's Saturday night and I'm not wasting it trying to explain these concepts to someone determined to think phenotypes are a
valid reason to hate entire groups of people because they're "biologically" inferior but will then argue well actually its not about race it's about them living near the resources I want claim to when industry fucks up the global ecosystem. Go suck off elon musk or something
No. 2332940
>>2332933i hate women who date rich fucks because they're need money. If only they could pool money with female friends. why are so many women like this
even in college there's the whole "i'll marry a rich guy" joke, stfu
No. 2332949
>>2332931You realize you aren't convincing anyone when you say "my degree (that no one can verify) says I'm right and if you don't accept that you're just dumb lol"
At least address the arguments being made
>>2332934Its small relative to the entire genome. The implication from a lot of race denialists is that the volume of genetic divergence is more important than the genes themselves (I'm thinking of people who go on about how we are 99% genetically identical to Bonobos).
No. 2332957
>>2332954I couldn't imagine doing that myself. And especially if I wanted children, I would feel so guilty if I had a daughter that turned out ugly because I wanted to have an easy lifestyle (not saying I'm a supermodel by any stretch but I'm talking
really ugly)
No. 2332958
>>2332940I don't even want to hang out with them because all they talk about is the money or the guy they're dating. Like they're whole personality is the ugly mf they're dating. I look down on them.
I agree, there are different ways to live without sleeping with these degenerates. I'd rather live in a cute cottage with two or three other friends in a cute life than being reduced to a blow up doll while my rich boyfried cheats on me and dumps me for a 17 year old.
>>2332954I think I need to hang out with different people then. I was so worried cuz all my friends were judging me like "So she wants to be taken care of, who cares? Now she doesn't have to work. You sound jealous you're not in a rich car."
I was looking at them with disgust.
No. 2332961
>>2332957Most moids who are rich look deformed. I don't blame you Nonna. You're rarely going to find a rich and sexy one. If you do higher chances of him being a Narcissist.
I can barely stand sitting next to an ugly mf. I just can't sleep with one, no matter how much money is thrown at me.
No. 2332968
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>>2332959Why do we see these social constructs clearly separate when we measure genetic drift then? Its fine if you want to argue about the details, but pretending that humans don't cluster into distinct groups is ridiculous.
And these distinctions are significant. People are more than happy to acknowledge east Africans dominate sprinting and long distance running due to genetics, and that is a distinction of their particular group.
No. 2332975
>>2332961I'm the nona from last night with the agriculture theory of male ugliness:
>>2331737>>2331782>>2331839And I stand by it. Money ruined the male genome by giving subhumans a way of subverting sexual selection
No. 2332989
>>2332984NTA. This doesn't make people equivalent to separate species.
>>2332987Then you're the other /pol/tard fantasizing about muh race war, and should also go back.