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No. 2317297
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The late 1990s was the best time to be alive as an American, I'm so hurt that we will never again see those times don't confuse me for a faggot MAGAt, i just miss the simple times of the 1990s
No. 2317385
is a form of rejection though. if someone doesn't handle rejection well they will respond to ghosting the same way as if they were told upfront if not worse. i had some male stalking me for 6 years after ghosting him. ghosting just makes it easier at the time for the person doing it. women get stalked and harassed for doing both. much of the time ghosting is done between casual friends and it just reads as immature online behavior though.
No. 2317388
>>2317361No it’s actually being a coward. I can understand ghosting after a single date, you don’t know the person, but ghosting after you actually started to go out with someone or even slept with them, you owe them at least an ounce of decency.
If you can’t even have the balls to tell someone that you do not want to see them anymore then you shouldn’t even bother trying to get into relationship. I’m tired of the “you don’t owe anything to anyone” mindset that has been festering in our generation.
No. 2317400
>>2317395This. I was going out with someone and had my first time with them, guaranteed I wasn’t in love , it was my first experience and I just wanted to get the hangs of it. We talked , went out and he even opened up to me.
But when I had my first time with him he didn’t contact me the next day or even ask me how I was, it’s me who had to write him and he was dry replying. I confronted him a week after and told him outright that he could have just told me if he wasn’t interested in continuing going out and that I was disappointed on how immature it was.
It hurts much more when you disappear abruptly onto someone, I would have taken better a “I’m sorry I don’t think I want to continue seeing you”. Sure it could have hurt all the same, but it would have been different. You’re shitty people who are trying to justify your fear of commitment , intimacy and respect to other people. There are people on front of you, who have feelings too.
No. 2317637
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Alcoholics have a little more of my respect than potheads because between these two druggy wuggy assholes, potheads are the bigger liars about how unhelpful or even detrimental their drugs can really be. People who drink or even smoke cigarettes are much more likely to be honest and warn younger people that they shouldn't drink or smoke much, or shouldn't be doing it at all. Weed is safer than a load of drugs out there, but potheads will try to make you believe that it's Jesus in plant form, and that it'll cure cancer or force your neurons to multiply and increase your intelligence or whatever the fuck they like to say about it. They never talk about things like "brain fog" or instances of people freaking the fuck out when they're high, making their anxiety even WORSE. The only alright potheads I've ever seen (on or offline) ironically seem to be the anons in the Stoney Baloney thread. They'll even tell you to cut back or quit edibles if you don't have a good compatibility with being high.
No. 2317714
>>2317709Then stop whining about
>>2317378 and get over that as well (if it even happened) kek
No. 2317721
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There is no virtue or inherent value in music being "authentically working class".
I would rather listen to the most pretentious faggy theater kid indie than this disgusting manbaby's horrible schlock any day of the week. The fact that he is actually commercially mainstream is a reasonable argument that poverty is a sign that your music will be WORSE.
American poors clearly have nothing unique or interesting to say and I never want to hear about how "real" an artist is ever again, especially not from moids
>>2317637Disagree that they're worse than drunks but potheads do suck.
No. 2317728
>>2317703I met and know functioning alcoholics, and they'll tell you that they wouldn't recommend their own drinking habits. Serious alcoholics that drink every minute of the day? Then you'll see denial. Alkies have more diverse takes on what they think about drinking IMO. That's why I said
they're more likely than potheads to be honest about how harmful their habits are, because potheads are relatively more convinced that there's absolutely no cons about weed. It feels rare to hear a pothead admit that THC just isn't for everyone and can have some negative effects.
No. 2317742
>>2317737People won't just decide sobriety is the way to go, they'll switch back to drinking like anon's mom
>>2317733 I think younger anons have no idea how fucked the world was when drinking was still considered a social event that everyone had to take part in.
No. 2317776
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I refuse to belive picrel is the true taste of everyone. Growing up all my friends families had living rooms aiming for a basic look like picrel and now that I'm an adult I just can't wrap my head around it. Like it's "nice" ig but why is everyone wanting exactly this? And these aren't poor people or anything, they all chose it or similarly basic boring looks. I'm an autist so I guess that's why but I cannot understand or accept that normal adults are all genuinely actually so boring…? It's freaking me out a bit
No. 2317793
>>2317725Most cigarette smokers I know are antisocial, often belligerent assholes, not just in their smoking habit (e.g. blocking entrances to buildings by congregating in doorways, stinking up bus stops, purposely smoking in front of no smoking signs next to schools) but in many other aspects of life as well. They always act like
victims, too, just because other people don’t want to deal with their entirely self-inflicted stink.
No. 2317795
>>2317776this is just decor for people who don't have a personal taste. not everyone cares to style they're home in a specific way, so they just copy what is currently popular.
it's nice looking and non offensive, and "blank" enough that you can add any holiday decorations and it won't clash.
No. 2317835
>>2317644That tiktok that has been going around about the Netherlands right kek?
They’re acting as if not wanting and eradicating Down syndrome is being ableist and eugenics, extreme wokeism is a disease, people get so morally superior when in reality they don’t know shit. Wanting an healthy child isn’t ableism and aborting a fetus with a birth defect isn’t eugenics in anyway.
They always act as if people with disabilities have an easy life when that isn’t true, caring for them is often expensive and difficult and when their parents die of old age it gets even harder.
No. 2317962
>>2317835I was honestly kinda relieved when my bf said if we get a disabled fetus we should abort it. Obviously people who are already alive should get to live but I don't want to bring a heavily mentally disabled baby to life and then have to spend my life in some cope going "well s/he totally brings joy to ME so that justifies the existence of this shell of a person" while withering away as my life is now being a 24/7 caretaker and guilt whenever I do anything for myself. Honestly a real motivation to lose weight and not become obese because it comes with a much higher likelihood of mentally disabled babies.
It's frustrating that some people now think wanting a healthy baby is somehow immoral, but I nearly only see it from pro-troons who want to take their HRT drugs while being pregnant "men" so when they birth defected babies they can pretend that's not a cruel thing to have done to the baby.
No. 2318105
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Alice in Wonderland is the worst disney movie
No. 2318113
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>>2318105Totally agree nonna, also for some reason when I say Mean Girls is the worst movie Tina Fey ever created, everyone looks at me like I'm crazy?
No. 2318198
>>2317714That's not even me it's another farmer and i believe her even without the caps, you all derail threads because some women are
shivers born attracted to scrotes and can't do anything about it, like when you all shat up multiple threads bringing up bisexuals because they like dick too
No. 2318211
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>>2318208I'm chilling, and you clearly aren't. Reply to me again if you want to lick my entire asshole and take that plague onto your own bloodline.
No. 2318225
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>>2318211Chimping out cuz i'm right and you know it, you're the one who came crying here because a gossip board isn't your hugbox
No. 2318231
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>>2318225Thanks for the confirmation, enjoy your plague. I don't let closet cases near my body though, try replying again.
No. 2318261
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>>2318254That picture is from /snow/, retard. If you're so brainrotted that you associate it with Tumblr, you need to actually go back already instead of trying to larp as someone who actually belongs here lmao.
Reply to this one too telling me all about your Bebo and Reddit accounts. I'm sure that'll make you an oldfag.
(infighting) No. 2318266
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>>2318263>not knowing how to greentext correctlyWay to out yourself while trying to call someone else tumblr KEK
No. 2318277
>>2318265Agreed, but it should be allowed for burn
victims and the like IMO.
No. 2318289
>>2318277Definitely agree nonna. Donatella was on the red carpet recently and everyone is saying she looks amazing. She looks BETTER for sure but still horrendous. If shit like this is praised, a lot of people are going to be horrified by their faces in a few years time when trends change. I know not everyone is like me, but the amount of times I've almost gotten surgery only to realize I don't need it is scary. I can't imagine how many people do trendy shit to their faces and bodies only to cause lifelong damage and regret the way it looks. There are cosmetic cases where I think it's completely
valid, like in her case.
No. 2318303
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>>2317328>>2317369>>2317641Next time you all decide to reply to some schizo blackpill lesbian who thinks other women are out to get them remember they are like picrel or worse, just don't engage at this point because all they want is attention
No. 2318317
>>2317852Real. I don't like video essays, i hate how everyone thinks they have something interesting to say.
>>2318107how come you think so anon? I don't remember much of it
No. 2318535
>>2318425Now this is
definitely bait.
No. 2318603
>>2318556Until it happens to you. Getting cheated on isn’t a display of anything, it doesn’t reflect on you. I’m giving my trust into someone and if they chose to break it then it really isn’t my fault, I can’t control the action of others and I won’t let them reflect on me. I’m just going to leave.
You can be gorgeous, have a bombshell body, give your Nigel or girlfriend oral everyday and have sex 4 times a day and still get cheated on.
No. 2318792
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It's funny how Luigitards cope by saying that moids get angry about women liking Luigi so that's why they simp him but then you go to reddit and even /pol/ and the moids absolutely love him.
No. 2318823
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>>2318805>>2318819People will be people when they're horny. I think anons lusting hard over him is hilarious. I mean just look at this.
No. 2318900
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When right wingers uphold Sydney Sweeney as the epitome of "all-american (white) beauty" instead of any actual pretty blond women, it's their version of DEI where you have to agree with something patently false or else it means you hate white people or you're jealous or something.
She isn't ugly by any means, but the whole thing feels tryhard and forced, and when I saw a bunch of those same rightoid men bashing her looks, it wasn't surprising.
No. 2318901
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>>2318869>He’s hot. There’s no denying it. If he wasn’t, women wouldn’t care as much.Right, because women have never collectively thirsted over an objectively ugly killer with an unibrow. Being an XY is the only requirement for women to go insane over you.
No. 2318905
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>>2318792>using /pol/ as an exampleKEK I'm not a Luigitard but why do you even give a shit about what /pol/ thinks? Do racist moid opinions matter that much to you?
No. 2318936
>>2318901He's ugly, looks like a rapist, and is a rapist.
>>2318907Now what the fuck is this kek
No. 2319012
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"male sperging" and anons sperging about "male sperging" are so annoying. It's a Vietnamese basket weaving forum for Christ's sake not some place to show how anti-male you are more than other anons lol
No. 2319017
>>2319012i feel the same way, i wanna be able to tell a cute story about my husband or the men in my life without getting a
>They’re scrotes they probably went and watched childporn after type of response
No. 2319036
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>>2319030Me coming unprompted to steal luigis ballsack hair and touch his penis (i'm the black guy)
(Luigi autism outside containment) No. 2319042
>>2319025>>2319026>go to reddit go to regular social media but i don’t want to use reddit or regular social media, because i like being anonymous. and it also isn’t against the rules to have cute funny stories about your healthy happy relationship and it never has been
>you don’t deserve anything coming from feminism or female solidarity reactions like this make me feel confused. why would being married to a nice man who takes good care of me and our family mean that i don’t deserve my lady friends or the relationships i have with them?
>>2319031lolcow’s cow boards are for discussing cows, but /ot/ is just for talking about random shit so long as it isn’t being rude to other anons or malicious to our website
No. 2319057
>>2319054what the heck would a lesbian use a fleshlight for. practicing her pussy eating skills?
>>2319055>that forget about your existence once they orbit some dick thats just going to abuse them down the road Nta but i can see what the gripe is now, it sounds like a friend who found a husband/bf stopped talking to you as much and you’re angry about losing her attention. i’m sorry nona.
No. 2319058
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>>2319035>lolcow lesbiansSee, this is something I've been thinking about but I wonder how many of these posters are actual lesbians? Unpopular opinion, and it's something that kind of annoyed me but I dislike how for some people lesbianism is synonymous with 'male hatred' rather than 'sexually, and romantically attracted to the women'. I don't like how there are women who call themselves lesbians but are so centered around men both mentally and socially where the first thing that comes out of their mouths after saying their lesbains is that their exaggerated, almost performative, hatred for men rather than their love of women. I don't think a lesbian would care that much about men and constantly think about her hatred for them, or that there are women who like men at least that's just me. I care too much about women to care about men if that makes sense.
No. 2319086
>>2319077no, thats not the case at all nona, i can’t speak for OP who started this discussion but i articulated very well what i don’t like and for me that’s receiving egregiously rude responses when myself or other users post funny or cute stories.
>>2319081nta but do you know what nigelfagging is anon kek? the luigi fans ≠ nigelfagging
>>2319082no, that’s not what anyone here has said during this conversation, anon. OP did not say that she was upset about “not getting asspats”, its more about getting weirdly aggressive replies in response to normal posts. also, nowhere in the rules does it say that posting about your nigel or heterosexual relationships is only welcome on /g/. mods if you’re watching and talking about your husband is not allowed on /ot/, that should maybe be included in the rules in bold text sometime soon
No. 2319089
>>2319058Honestly lolcow rotates on bait-y posts like
>"DAE think lesbians are freaks and kind of like men?">"Pregnancy is submission to scrotes and there is no hope for women.">"All nigels watch porn and hate their girlfriends and if you disagree you're just a pickme.">Blackpill personalityfagging like bjchan sperg>"PiV sex is degradation I could never have piv sex unlike some degenerates">"I love porn and degrading sex" (normally seen on fetishes thread but sometimes on /ot/)>"I'm a lesbian but I like men. Am I still lesbian if it's only one man and I've slept with him btw?" (Normally on /g/)>"I'm a lesbian but I love imagining myself as a man and degrading women. Anyone who disagrees is homophobic."I love the nonnas here aside from the bait though kek.
No. 2319090
>>2319085>gasp shes on lolcow late at night11111!if you clutch your pearls too hard they’re gonna break nona, you should let them go
>>2319088divorce isn’t a thing in our culture kek, don’t worry about me
nonny No. 2319093
>>2319086Ayrt, I do know what nigelfagging is. I was specifically talking about retards like you who REEEEE when nonnies don't care about your heckin wholesome nigelfag stories. Can you even read? I never said nigelfagging outside containment wasn't
allowed just that it's not received well, which is what you yourself are currently bitching about. No one's stopping you from nigelsperging outside of /g/, just like no one can stop us from being rude to your reddit-tier retardation in response and reminding you no1currs. Welcome to LC, please integrate or stay in your asspats-guaranteed containment thread.
No. 2319106
>>2319093>REEEEE when nonnies don't care about your heckin wholesome nigelfag storieswell usually when you don’t care about someones post you just scroll past instead of responding with your fantasies about the OP being abused or getting divorced. why not just ignore and scroll by instead of huffing and puffing, anon? if no1curr, then why do you care enough to write an angry response? thats what doesn’t make sense to me
>>2319094>you’re just retarded for thinking you somehow leveled up could you please tag the post where i said i “leveled up” or was better than anyone after my life changed and i became an adult? i just said that my
priorities changed
>>2319097i wasn’t trying to “own” anyone
No. 2319118
>>2319110Someone just needs to tell tards like
>>2317369>>2317641>>2318303to stop gaslighting
No. 2319119
>>2319106>why not just ignore and scroll by?Idk, why not keep your nigelfagging to yourself or save it for your friends instead of expecting anonymous people to care? Because you simply wanted to post it, just like we simply wanted to reply to mock you. It's not that hard to understand, you must have the tism.
>Nigelfag REEEEING about nonnies being boolies for not caring about her heckin wholesome husband stories is the same bitch who thinks she's based for dropping her friends yet is still infighting on lolcowKEKKKKKKKKK
No. 2319121
>>2319115>thinks she's based because she dropped her friendsntayrt but i never once said that i “think i am based because i dropped my friends”, i actually said that once i got married my priorities changed.
>i think she’s more autistic than this entire userbase combined ok i’ve seen anons talking about this a lot lately, how zoomers have this strange attachment to autism and think that anything they consider to be separated from their idea of normal is ‘autistic’ and i feel so flabbergasted everytime i see someone use this term now kek. our current culture has forgotten what autism is.
No. 2319124
>>2319119did you forget that infighting is against the rules, because it isn’t contributive to the overall health of the board?
>you must have the tism this is a rich response, considering how grandiosely you’ve misinterpreted each one of my comments kek
>>2319123autism is a neurological disorder anon…scrolling on lolcow late at night doesn’t immediately mean someone has neurological damage.
No. 2319126
>>2319119>>2319123>infighting really i feel like the only users who are “fighting” or are trying to argue are the both of you, i thought we were just having a conversation about an unpopular opinion which apparently isn’t that unpopular.
>>2319125ayrt; samefagging is when you respond to your own post anon kek, unless you tagged the wrong post you might wanna familiarize yourself with lolcow terminology
No. 2319136
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>>2319132we’re going in circles at this point kek, the actual autistic people think that neurotypicals are the spergs.
>>2319135you do understand that the mods can see that you’re not me anon, right? you’re making yourself look very weird.
No. 2319140
>>2319136and samefag
>i did notice my typing style changed when i became happier why would my typing or writing style change after getting married? if you’re gonna pretend to be me at least try to be convincing kek
No. 2319145
>>2319136>>2319140um, yes? it’s clear that i am me, and you are you. i think or hope others can see it too. that’s kind of why it’s extremely strange of you to do this. i’m not really sure what you get out of pretending to be another person an anonymous imageboard, but thank you for defending me. i don’t know why you’re trying to discredit me on my own life stories either? i did experience a change in how i type when i noticed myself becoming happier. it wasn’t just my marriage, either. you don’t really know anything about me, just that i’m married and that sets you off for some reason, kek.
>>2319137that’s a neat little reference. i remember that quote going around the internet a long time ago. zoomers probably wouldn’t know it, though.
No. 2319150
>>2319141>means anything like they're gonna jump in to vindicate you and smite the copycat anonsorry but, what are you talking about? i never said that the mods would do anything? i don’t even know if its against the rules for anons to mr ripley kek so i don’t expect her to get banned, i was just reminding her that the mods and farmhands watching us can see for themselves when one user is pretending to be someone else.
>>2319145i hope this is at least entertaining for the mods because it is not for me kek
>>2319145>zoomers probably wouldn’t know it we literally came up with schoolyard comebacks like this?
No. 2319156
>>2319150i don’t think you understand how this website works. you don’t even know how to reply to people kek.
i was just talking about how zoomers are weird and ascribe everything to autism. if you’re going to claim you’re me, maybe actually read my posts.
No. 2319159
>>2319148probably cause /g/ is a ghost town besides the lugi thread
>>2319153>they expect every virgin in the farms to be awed by their nigels knowing how to wipe their asses or not beating themanon, thats not what this conversation has been about at all. if thats what you’ve gotten out of the words that have been spoken then i think you’d benefit from more social interaction
>>2319156>you don’t even know how to reply to people responding to multiple comments at once makes more sense than doubleposting
>if you’re going to claim you’re me, maybe actually read my posts well anon the farmhands are reading both of our posts right now and can see that that post is linked to my post history, so you might wanna drop the act (even though i’m sure its the most fun you’ve had all year)
No. 2319166
>>2319163ayrt; the acronym “ntayrt” means not the anon you replied to
>>2319162>Can you shut the fuck up with this "touch grass" retardation, disgruntled nigeltard?yikes, must’ve hit a nerve kek
No. 2319173
>>2319169>i’m not sure who told you that the farmhands would support you in impersonating me, or how that would even workanon, if you read my earlier post
>>2319150 you’ll see that i said i do not expect mods to do anything about anons who try to impersonate, and i do not know if it’s against the rules for other anons to try to impersonate each other for the sake of infighting, just that the farmhands can
see when you’re attempting to impersonate another user. you can’t really impersonate anons because the mods can see our post histories
No. 2319194
>>2319191anon, you responded to one of
my posts (which the mods can see is posted from my ip address and linked to my post history, not yours) and said “samefag” and wrote a string of words that you think i’d say. you sound like a very confused individual kek.
No. 2319195
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>>2319084Yes. I am a Luigifag and currently celibate because I don't want to see the other men happy or winning, at least until they do something impressive as well. We've also seen his penis through his slutty shorts and pants so he's raised the bar that way too
No. 2319224
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American food is truly the greatest cuisine there is. i’ve never been big on cornbreads personally, but cajun food is exquisite
No. 2319256
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Colored Christmas lights are better than neutral Christmas lights
No. 2319325
>>2319306NTA but I've been hounded by older women for being single and childfree. Younger women don't give a single shit, unless they're immigrants from a country where getting married and shitting out ten million babies is so ingrained in their culture that they honestly think something is wrong with any woman who doesn't want that.
Misery does love company, but the miserable ones will gloat about how you're tired sometimes despite not having kids, or can't afford a house despite having kids, so you DO need a man and babies, duh, and all women should go back to being chained to a stove while her man cheats because she's a sloppy excuse for a housewife. You can smell the rage on these women. They nitpick other women and talk shit about how they can't get a man, or their man will cheat, and that's basically all they care about. It's depressing but they're usually older and grew up in tradwife hell so there's no changing them.
The ones who have kids because it's culturally expected tend to go on about how every woman wants babies because it's in our nature and you'll grow out of the silly desire to remain childfree. They see it as a rite of passage, and a duty that they have, and if they really hate kids they just dump the kid with their parents and fuck off, but they have kids regardless. Depending on where they're from and how recently they immigrated they'll be more curious about why being childfree is even an option, because surely your parents are hitting themselves on the head and wailing that their useless child hasn't found a husband and continued the family line? Or they'd have sold you off to a geriatric scrote at the age of 9 so the neighbors don't point and giggle at the spinster freak? It's depressing to be around them tbh, so many have kids at 20 or younger and refuse to leave their moids because people might talk.
No. 2319384
>>2319379She’s the same level of beauty of Sabrina Carpenter. They’re both beautiful, but women are shitting on Sydney because her male fanbase is pretty loud on expressing their liking to her.
The “she panders to men” is a dumb argument because Sabrina does the exact same.
No. 2319416
>>2319233>not getting one is also just as enjoyableIf not just straight up better, safer and healthier long term. So many women end up in shitty marriages with
abusive husbands who suck their life away (or just murder them). My own older female family members have vented they regret getting married but will still try to push me into it kek
No. 2319434
>>2319233The childless women I know and who are single are thriving honestly. My aunt is like that, she loves a comfortable life and jogs with her dog and visits my mom or goes out on holiday with her group of friends when she can.
Seeing how they live has honestly inspired me to do the same kek. Married life and children are a sacrifice to women. Being with a scrote sets you back, quite literally and even having children.
No. 2319577
>>2319562most male
victims are children. you’re disgusting.
No. 2319582
>>2319577I don't think anyone here is making fun of child
victims, though…?
No. 2319620
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>>2319601honestly I don't like the rape comments either. although I see the humor, overall it brings down my mood to see them. especially when I remember males can post on here and it might be a man typing that, my face literally does picrel
No. 2319625
>>2319601Women can't rape men unless a lot of drugs and the use of a different male to subdue the potential
victim is involved. Boys are different from men because they're children. Both are male, but a man is a fully grown human adult and a boy is a child.
>>2319618I'm convinced/G/ is just filled with trannies larping and the occasional nlog female coomer
No. 2319627
>>2319553Look I don't want anything bad to happen to the guy but
>Erm guys what if. the genders were reversed?!What is this reddit
No. 2319668
>>2319603Sounds a bit like projection. Not every woman is hopelessly male centered or seeking meaning in their lives through reproducing (although many unfortunately do, which usually makes them entitled and awful parents who resent their children when they realize they can't
use them as an emotional crutch). Plenty of moms go petcrazy or are politically involved.
No. 2319743
>>2319677You can get one, you just have to pay them kek.
And slavery funnily enough pretty much involved women regarding household chores and child care.
No. 2319775
>>2319684They hated this
nonnie because she spoke the truth
No. 2319794
>>2319684This is the unpopular opinion thread, I said it here specifically because irl some handmaids would go "b-but the poor moid". Funny how it's not slavery but just normal and required for a married woman.
Moids are the ones who deep down seek and yearn for our attention and to be of use, hence why the muh protector meme and why they're generally behave like pests. It's just their ego and thousands of years of endorsed laziness that's in the way of them actually being useful. Just look at how moids handle being single and how women do. Their world literally revolves around us and if we could just channel that energy and meme them into service..
No. 2319829
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>>2319553when women say it, it's dark humor, if a man says it, it is a threat. think critically anon, jfc, this is why women will never truly be free because even with JOKES we have little fags like you going "ermm thats not very nice, lets not stoop to their level"
No. 2319995
>>2319984It’s fake empowerment. Having sex with men will never be empowering, even if they’re submissive because at the end of the day they are letting you do that to them. If the scrote didn’t like it from the ass he would have no problem overpowering you.
Apparently she’s also a lesbian kek and retards are praising her for switching the patriarchy. I used to call “lesbians” who thought about dicks and sang about dicks and fucking men another name back in my days.
No. 2320008
>>2319984wow, the coomer brainrot fucked her brain so bad that she thinks wearing a bikini bra four times under her size is sexy.
>pegging that man in the back of the busI can't even come up with a clever response to this shit.
No. 2320020
>>2319984I didn't watch the video but I get immense second hand embarrassment and huge discomfort from these types of women because it's like watching a CSA
victim acting out. Literally the equivalent to those kids who cut themselves and upload their pictures to tumblr/twitter.
No. 2320330
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Unpopular opinions around the entire world and internet (moid's crocodile tears make these opinions impossible to become popular) but it's somewhat popular here, being a man is easier than being a woman. Younger men are pretty much babyfied by older women, for example if a 20 year old moid does something bad women and society will forgive him and perceive his actions as silly , if a 20 year old woman does something bad women and men will crucify her.
Men don't have to go through pregnancy and typically barely take care of their momma's baby, but if a man is a single dad he is a "hero" if a woman is a single mother she is a "whore".
Men don't have to worry about aging while women get shit on for entering their 20s - early 30s even if they are pretty society will call them "walled", it seems men have a more neotenic-induced socialization with the world because society considers men to be young at 32 and women old when they reach 24, women are also forced to be mature women at 18 and get groomed by society into doing porn while men get treated like literal children at 18 and get more protected by society.
Adult men can not get actually raped unless they are unconscious or if another adult man rapes him, but they always bring that "b-but women rape men too!" it's fake and mimicryzation of actual problems so women stop blaming the male gender for a problem is mostly commited by men, tall adult men can not be raped by women because women are biological weaker than men, so adult women can not rape adult men unless he is a giga manlet 5'1 anorexic or an autistic retard.
If a man has a racial fetish he is based /pol/ approved , a real man since men are supposed to be le colonizators and rape women from other countries and if women from his race complains about it are just seething bitches, if a woman has a racial preference she is a race traitor and must be murdered for not breeding a man the same race as her.
If a 50 year old man dates 18 year old girls he is "natural" and men will say it's how nature intended but the other way around is seen as creepy and people will call the 50 yo woman an evil cougar hag (also other women will write fanfics in how the said woman will get cucked by her husband with her daughter because most women are pedo-ajdacent cuckquean hags and can not phantom women being with a younger man).
Old ass moids aren't jealous of 20 year old moids the way 40 yo women are jealous of 20 yo women, men don't get shit on by their older peers in fact older men treat young men very well because they project a son into them while older women project an enemy in younger women.
The list goes on but it's ridiculous of how easy being a man must be and how they project this shit onto women all the time by saying we have easy life because society treats us better but it's the other way around.
These phrases will never be acknowledged by the public eye because men and pickme's make up most of population and we live in a patriarchy.
No. 2320339
>>2320330Good points, but I'm going to have to disagree with
>Old ass moids aren't jealous of 20 year old moids the way 40 yo women are jealous of 20 yo womenOlder men are deeply insecure of younger and therefore, more attractive men. That's why they call them gay, faggots, pussies, etc, because they are intimidated by young men who look appealing to women. Old walled men sabotage younger men all the time by telling them to shave their hair, grow out a pube beard, and roidmaxx.
No. 2320349
>>2320347>3rd world country>the biggest problem I have is trying to pass my classesSo
>>2320343 is right.
No. 2320361
>>2320345>I have to hear about American women whining how she doesn't have the right anymore to have ONS without consequenceswho the fuck said that you disgusting porn addicted cunt? I think ONS is cringe and it will never be the same for men as it is for women. When a woman fucks someone it's an act of love and giving in to the person but when men fuck they think about their favorite porn star or children or their own mother and don't really care about the person they are fucking. Women who engage in tinder and hookup culture are either grooming
victims or destroyed in the head and are dumb. I garantee you nobody on this entire site is doing ONS with random scrotes.
>>2320347>>2320353>>2320357Scrotes from 3rd world countries are pretty evil indeed I should have mentioned it on my text, they treat women like objects because of their religions and stone age mentality and their trashy government. I don't know if you are from India but I heard indian moids have boymom mothers who will be crazy mother in law and blame you from getting abused by your husbands. I am sorry you suffer but all men are the same it just happends the men from your shithole of a country are allowed to be the monsters they really are.
>implying women aren't killed in europe east asia and US too everydayfunny fanfic, are you done being racist?
No. 2320388
>>2320373>Telling someone to "go to therapy" because you can’t handle their perspective is nothing but a silencing tactic.I think she is projecting whatever Muhammad told her to ,she was groomed into thinking men raping children and goats is normal, if she truly is from an islamic country then she was brain-washed into being a bangmaid for her scrote and accept the abuse that's why she is opposing.
>>2320378>“so what? These are problems you create for yourself”.are you a lesbian, aro-asexual or a man blaming women for things they can't control ? no one is safe from getting NTR'D because you can't control what your partner does, even if women wear a burka they will get sexualized.
>ungratefulabout what? being a pickme won't turn you into a pure beautiful waifu for moids, they will call you a shitskin whore and bully you into going back to your country, im not from US but im sure you will face racism. Also you really think you won't get to face societal problems when you turn old just because you refuse to date moids? they will bully you even harder for being childless.
No. 2320435
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I am not American so I don't know how things really are but Kamala is literally half black and half indian so your crying doesn't make sense, you can be a non white girl-boss in USA. The thing is society cares more about how many kids a woman has rather how many numbers she has on her bank account. Your persistence to admit that every woman on earth is screwed no matter her race or country she lives in is racist.
No. 2320456
>>2320435i'm south asian american and very few south asian woman of Kamala's generation are in such high positions of leadership, many of them will be housewives or needed time off to raise their kids. but with younger generations you will see more south asian women in positions of influence like Lina Khan, because south asian immigrants are often highly educated and push their kids to focus on it as well (sometimes too much).
>>2320449ntayrt but i don't understand your standards for hot, most privileged women can afford in beauty products, care, and have time/energy for exercise others don't.
No. 2320556
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>>2320544What if this has to do with how "lesbian bed death" isn't just a name for some british band back in the early 2000s?
No. 2320561
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>>2320550Maybe it’s just me but I noticed during my era when I tried to be normie and wear the tight spandex workout clothes most of them wear(pic related), go out in those tiny dresses to clubs/bars men acted so much more gross towards me. Those spandex work out clothes that are so popular with normie women now are scrote magnets.
No. 2320751
>>2320738The fakest thing in this story isn’t you going around without spectacles, but it’s
>My boyfriend is more shocked than I am by how men act around meKek
No. 2320829
>>2320817>>2320819I’ve tried all kinds of bras, and surprisingly, going braless works best for me. Most people assume I’m fat because I don’t have noticeable cleavage. I usually wear oversized t-shirts with thick fabric and layer something over them, which has made my life easier. But sometimes, I just want to look cute and feminine. When I wear something more revealing, I go for a workout bra. I’m not insane. lol
Working out has also helped. The contrast between my frame and my breasts is less obvious now, and I feel more balanced. But it sucks. I wish men were sane.
No. 2320921
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>>2317240>>2320915 we are keeping the fujo Nona’s who go without in our thoughts and hearts this holiday. Together we stand strong, and united we shall fall.
No. 2321214
>>2321211Not getting at you specifically, but why does this subject keep getting brought up? It's a stupid thing to have
any emotional stake in.
No. 2321229
>>2320330men also have an easier time fitting in, i will probably get called a pickmeisha but i don't even hang out with moids. It is just hard to connect
deeply with other women, we have such high expectations of ourselves that it extends to our friends.
No. 2321335
>>2321314Yep, like it's not that hard to not be banned, just keep topics in their designated threads, don't post dumb bait or start unironic infights, don't be a /pol/tard, sage on the cow boards or something. The only
valid reason to seethe about it is if your area's IP has been wrongly identified as a VPN.
No. 2321358
>>2321340Maybe. I don't have anything against them personally unless they're being genuinely obnoxious or something. I just wish I could relate since it seems nice to have fun together and enjoy the same thing with other women.
No. 2321378
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>>2320896>I've come across that don't actually include men are those where the women are coomers and talk about femdom/yaoi/shotaI don't know about the other two, but femdom scene is ironically dominated by moids, the ratio would be about 95% men and 5% women
No. 2321383
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>>2321376I'm sure there are subtle differences but at a glance they look quite similar and equally creepy but moids are open to the fact that they want to rape children
No. 2321396
>>2321387>the mental gymnastics they used to sidestep itWomen would never harm a child so it's ok when they're shotafags but women being lolicons is
problematic because moids like lolicon too (let's ignore the fact that men overwhelmingly like shota too and say that boys getting raped is not bad anyway when pressed about it).
No. 2321426
>>2321325I was super into BL before but I got suddenly repulsed by faggots having sex that I cannot read it anymore kek. It’s been like 3 years since I picked up a yaoi manga. I never was open about it because I found it fucking embarrassing kek, I wish I had my fujo phase too.
Blood bank was my fav though! I recommend it to the nonnas who want to get into BLs. It has plot too.
No. 2321439
>>2320989So you're telling me that the only communities for women are:
>makeup (putting chemicals on your face to appease and attract moids)>fashion (industry built by gay moids based on making women feel insecure so they can sell shit to them) >bl (fiction and porn centred around homosexual men having sex with each other)Yeah… women can't have one thing for themselves. Sad.
No. 2321446
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>>2321439Himestacies rise up!
No. 2321478
>>2321447That defeats her nlog worldview so she's not interested
>>2321452Damn im psychic
No. 2321494
>>2321439Scrapbooking, journaling, cozy games, knitting, nail art, flower arrangements, skincare, hair care, sewing, jewelry, yoga, joseimuke, doll making etc.
Also literally witchcraft. And tarot reading. In my opinion traditionally feminine hobbies are way more interesting and fun than moid shit like being into cars, football and shooters
No. 2321496
>>2321487Noooooo TiFs into yaoi are just poor girls brainwashed by the big troon, it's not a fetish they're just
No. 2321507
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>>2321446Reporting for duty!
No. 2321520
>>2321515Just answer
>>2321519I’ve also done this, successfully. I was a cringefag blessed with social skills somehow
No. 2321538
>>2321527Why are you assuming I have no friends just because I can acknowledge
most (not all!) women transition to a muh husband/boyfriend stage of life, which is true. Unless you disagree? Despite multiple anons who have also dealt with female friends who drift away due to scrotes and can’t find women who don’t centralise men let alone prioritise female friendships? Because this is my experience. The point was about “normie” women - I have friends, but they are not “normie” kek. Of course IRL there are plenty of women not like this, but I’d say it’s a good 50%
No. 2321548
>>2321487Maybe it has to do with the fandoms I follow (popular with Koreans and Chinese but not so much in the west, very ryona, lots of gore, shotacons are there) but most of the fujoshi artists I follow are feminist (as in they retweet
terf posts and mention protesting offhand). Might just be more that they're Korean though.
No. 2321577
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>>2321565It works for me,
even the dark eyed short hair tanned skin roided ukes No. 2321580
>>2321509The way non-normies end up being the most judgemental most of the time kek.
If you would take a look at me on the outside you wouldn’t tell that I’m into what I’m into.
No. 2321589
>>2321580>why am I so alone!Maybe because you immediately judge someone without even giving them a chance and label them as a “loser normie” kek?
I have online friends who I share interests with, which is mainly anime and mangas, but I spend much more time with my irl friends , who are quite lovely too. I go to the movies, study with them, go to restaurants and on summer we even go to my friend’s summer house (we’re university students) in south Italy and so on. They have boyfriends but their whole life doesn’t revolve around them.
No. 2321594
>>2321580>>2321582You’re being retarded, obviously you are not 50% of women. You are maybe the 5%, and that’s fine! Not every woman has to be an amazing perfect angel and we don’t have to act like it
>>2321566Pretty much. Denying this is a reality for most women especially in certain countries is disingenuous.
No. 2321599
>>2321589And surprise surprise we don’t even make dicks and scrotes our daily topic and we don’t go to clubs to kiss randos with herpes kek or have sex in the bathroom.
Male oriented women are insufferable, that’s true, but if you automatically think that any group of women who looks “Stacy” is a group of pickme, dickworshipping maidens and that judging them makes you superior since you’re “not like those stupid normies”TM, you’re insufferable too.
No. 2321682
>>2321677>There are normie women who aren't pickmesThose are the ones I become friends with, as I said
>you don't even know every normie woman in your countryI’m telling you about my experience and nothing you say is going to invalidate actual events in my life kekk. Obviously I don’t know every woman, nor do you, fucking duh. I wish I could be friends with every woman but that’s not reality for me and if it is for you consider yourself lucky. I’m also non-white in a place that isn’t exactly too welcoming so that adds a racial element too. But hey, I’m not going to argue too seriously about this any longer. It’s not like there’s anything to convince, I’m happy as I am and I’m sure you are too.
No. 2321683
>>2321669>I hate normie womenThis is literally you kek, there’s no need for you to backpedal and say “actually I mean!!”, I don’t care , you made your point crystal clear before.
I’m happy you found people who are like minded and whom you can share hobbies with really instead of a bunch of online trannies larping as women, but you’re still judgmental and behaving exactly like a “not like other girls!”, just in a different way.
I pointed out one thing and you’re getting so pressed about it kek.
No. 2321693
>>2321634NTA, but what if you end up killing them? It’s pretty easy to accidentally kill someone, you might push the person you’re fighting with and they might bang their head on the concrete and die, you might punch them right onto their spleen and rupture it, you could punch them in the heart in a specific time frame and cause cardiac arrest too, the possibilities are many. This is even easier for men, a punch can be deadly and many scrotes have ended up in prison for manslaughter because a single punch killed the person they were fighting with.
Violence isn’t really beneficial in the long run.
No. 2321713
>>2321704There was a poor girl on tiktok who got caught in the middle of a fight and the scrote punched her. Her eye socket was full of edema and it was purple , her capillaries in the eye also ruptured.
I wouldn’t want a scrote to do this to a woman (which they already do sigh) without facing no repercussion.
No. 2321746
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>>2321725Are there going to be coaches or something kek?
>nonna I challenge you to a duel since you’ve gravely offended me!>I’m accepting the challenge, nonna. We must wait for the referee>here I am young maidens to assist and umpire this duel. No. 2321752
>>2321710You can't be this naive lol
>>2321725I can get down with this though, but you know more men will just fake transition to try and get by this.
No. 2321766
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Putting aside the literal lesbophobia, do luigifags really not realize the irony of this?
No. 2321776
>>2321766Why do people always have to fantasize about lesbian fucking scrotes? Trannies, bidemons, fakebians, religious people. It’s so annoying and I’m not even a lesbian.
I think lesbians should actually become mean and create a terrorist group at this point, I wouldn’t blame them.
No. 2321781
>>2321777Honestly playing the bigger
victim and out crying their white tears works better than beating them up sometimes kek. But I can definitely relate to your sentiment nonna.
No. 2321783
>>2321775It was posted three days ago with no responses, how is it not bait.
>>2321776Cuz it’s bait.
No. 2321786
>>2321781I don’t wanna out cry then or play
victim. I wanna knock their teeth out so they’re scared to try it again.
No. 2321787
>>2321783Nta but how do
other anons’ responses dictate whether or not
they were baiting. Honestly I’ve seem some crazy shit on that thread and could totally see it being one weird nona.
No. 2321812
>>2321786Yeah but you need to be strategic. We’re put into much bigger scrutiny.
I’m not saying to be the bigger person, just to play your cards right.
No. 2321814
>>2321805I just don’t want to be made out to be the monster in the scenario is all. And idk in my experience I have been given more sympathy when I didn’t give them in any effort in retaliating
>>2321810Nta but I swear someone’s in here deliberately misreading/misinterpreting
No. 2321854
>>2321825I just don’t think it’s any more of an own to come at them than it is to just move on, if they’re going to make you out to be a monster either way. And honestly I never have been when I was just honest, it takes some turbo racists to hate on the person who clearly is the one being targeted and is visibly upset even if they were initially. Even showing weakness has in my experience shown some people how much it
does hurt and how it’s actually
not easy to shrug off, so people reach out and support you. I’m not afraid of my feelings. And honestly being told since you’re a young girl that it’s better to pretend to be strong is fucked up, I’m allowed to not be a stone statue.
No. 2323020
>>2323015They lost their rights when they chose to violate another person/animal and decided that their pleasure was more important than the
victim's well being.
No. 2323049
>>2323008I like Jordan Jensen
>>2323013The most disappointing day of my life was when I learned that chemical castration wasn’t like dipping a guy’s balls into a vat of acid or something
No. 2323074
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Klaus is a boring movie.Its well made but unfortunately very forgettable.
No. 2323298
>>2323278Longevity research consistently shows an inverse relationship between height and lifespan.
No. 2323380
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>>2323371It’s annoying because a female character who looks like that would never be dumped for publicity
No. 2323383
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>>2323380Samefag but seriously what could be sexy about this
No. 2323387
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>>2323380meanwhile, men are currently cancelling naughty dog for having an ugly fem mc in their latest game. This is why i dont respect monster fuckers and women into ugly fictional men. Its just not natural, you are just conditioned to find those faggots attractive because women are socialized to not be shallow and always be the prize of the relationship. Fuck those pickmes.
No. 2323388
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>>2323387The crazy thing is she’s not even ugly. She just looks like a human above average girl with no makeup or hair.
No. 2323397
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>>2323388I agree. She has 90s-dgaf-Jenny Shimizu energy emanating from within and it makes her more physically attractive
No. 2323398
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No. 2323394
>>2323390I guess it makes sense for people to want unrealistic beauty in media but it’s only men asking for it. Meanwhile women are simping for that
>>2323383 because “omg he gave a whole city the plague for her! So romantic!”. His body even hot, he’s depicted as emancipated with boils all over his body lol he’s not meant to be sexualized
No. 2323402
>>2323397She doesn’t even look that masculine tbh. I’m ok with scrotes wanting super pretty unrealistic waifus, it just pisses me off when women are thrirsting over the most disgusting people like it’s normal. Scrotes usually keep it to their fetish shit anonymously.
No. 2323410
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>>2323392I saw it and the movie was honestly aesthetically beautiful that’s it. It gave Tim Burton vibes.
No. 2323502
>>2323249>>2323244I think
true monsterfuckers are a pretty small minority who also tend to be husbandofags. A lot of the ones on social media give me attention whore vibes.
No. 2323518
>>2323495Streaming with an animated cartoon avatar is a good and fun idea in theory, and I follow a couple myself that do this and are just regular women (their audiences are tiny but that's ok for me). But the female streamers of this kind that call themselves Vtubers and get the standard moe anime Vtuber avatar are majorly pickmes, especially the more popular they are.
>>2323497I hate how most of them do the baby voice. It's grating as fuck, and the fans are annoying as fuck too with their shitty memes that consist of the steamer doing retard moe loli noises and dumb meme anime faces
No. 2323557
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This is stupid tiktok drama and she's a fucking retard but I can't blame her for pursuing a 19 year old at her big age when men hit the wall in their early 20's, better catch them while they're still young and ripe
No. 2323565
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>>2323559The vast majority aren't funny at all but there are a handful of genuinely funny comedians (or even unfunny comedians who have genuinely funny bits). You can tell within the first few minutes usually so I would never want to go to a live comedy show feat. random comedians. Not only would you offend them by leaving but you're also obligated to fake laugh at their boring jokes as well. I can't think of any other social activity that puts so much pressure and unnecessary burden on the audience
No. 2323725
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>>2323716You're actually right. They'll try to shit on you, but you're honestly right. Funny how anons here will act like Miss Trunchbull and be all "REEEEE ZOOMIES ARE RETARDED GET OFF MY IMAGEBOARD", yet have no problem wanting to get dicked by zoomer moids.
No. 2323727
>>2323716I’m 21 now and I don’t feel grown at all, but when I was 18 I really felt grown kek.
It’s kind of hypocritical because we (rightfully) say that 18 year olds aren’t as developed and experienced as 25 or 30 year olds.
I definitely think that young legal adults have a different level of maturity and responsibilities than say a 14 year old, but I can’t really see someone fresh from high school being as mature as a 30 year old.
No. 2323732
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>>2323716Cue to the ugly men psyop attacking you kek stand behind me nonna, I’ll protect you.
No. 2323736
In my opinion she's not a Becky for wanting to date a 19 year old scrote. She's a Becky for
embarrassing herself online for the attention of a 19 year old scrote, and also for
>>2323716 if it's true (ew.) You NEVER act desperate for a moid no matter how well he fits your type.
No. 2323780
>>2323777I don't even disagree necessarily but this is
such a Twitterfag post it hurts kek
No. 2323795
>>2323789inferiority complex that drives them make posts like
>>2323777 and
>>2323790 to bait and heal their wounds
No. 2323821
>>2323777Me enjoying my delicious
>pasta e polpette con sugo al pomodoro>gnocchi alla Sorrentina>mozzarella in carrozza>pasta e pesto genovese>pappardelle con ragù di cinghiale >tagliatelle ai quattro formaggi >parmigiana I’m too lazy to add more. But Italian cuisine is very rich, from delicate flavors to more strong ones.
No. 2323823
>>2323821Samefag, but food is way too good to say that one cuisine is the literal best, I love the food of my country but I don’t feel superior about it kek. Despite being Italian I still enjoy Indian food, Greek , Mexican ,Japanese and Chinese food.
Anyway food is yummy , that’s what I wanted to say.
No. 2323897
>>2323817if she was 19 i would. i only call teenagers little boy or little girl whats not clicking lol
>>2323827i wouldnt know because i dont actively try to seduce teenagers.
No. 2323914
>>2323910I agree. This is kind of how I'm starting to feel about PIV, too. Animals often hump eachother to establish dominance (even when they're same-sex), and the ones who "receive" are typically the submissive members.
There are other, human-specific social nuances involved to PIV, but from a raw, animalistic sense, there is a power play to it, and I can understand why some women would be against it.
No. 2324023
>>2324013>>2324020You two have never met an 18 year old scrote, they’re the worst and I bet the new generation is going to be much worse.
If you get to fuck one it won’t be the hot jock with a 10% body fat either.
No. 2324034
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>>2323716>Extremely annoying and over the top aka childish.I know you want to moralfag but men are literally like this at every age KEK
No. 2324044
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This was the best childhood snack.
No. 2324060
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Gen z men are going for women in their 30s because Gen z women won’t give them any sex
No. 2324084
>>2324060Im a 30yo woman who’s dated multiple mid-20’s men this yr. I do this because:
> Pool of men my age is much slimmer pickings, lot of Peter Pan syndrome guys and men who are single for a reason > Gen Z men tend to have better fashion and self care and hobbies than men my age, this is a generational difference > Many seem more feminist but still high-effort/chivalrous than men my age> They’re so fucking horny bc they’re younger> They’re very eager to please sexually I assume Gen Z men want to date me despite my age because:
> I’m still fucking hot > I’m probably a better conversationalist than most women their age > They’re men so they aren’t that discerning in any case No. 2324087
>>2324075I feel like most guys havent been psyoped since birth to innately enjoy it as much, or feel societal pressure to look better (unless its by lame moid standards). I also feel like most men look down on making themselves look pretty because they think its gay.
Tho, I still would love to psyop a guy into being my pretty boy. I just don't know if it would work.
No. 2324090
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>>2324060I view this in the same light as when white women try to gloat about them "stealing" black men from black women: these relationships are more common than 50 years ago, sure, but they don't happen enough to put any demographic dynamics in jeopardy. They're on the rise, but the average and vast majority of 18-20 something year old men aren't ditching zoomer women in waves to dive into some pussy that's old enough to have pushed them out.
No. 2324100
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>>2324073Men in general are awful gift givers since it relies on them both knowing and caring about the recipient to get an appropriate gift. I always read through the breakingmom subreddit around holidays and the posts there just reaffirm this.
No. 2324102
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>>2324100The second half of that post for those interested.
No. 2324120
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>>2324106In the comments she says it’s some sort of gun hobby. One of the gifts was fancy Bluetooth earphones meant to muffle the sound of the gun while at the range. The OP mentions that she hates over the ear headphones and would use this, at most, maybe once a year. Because these items are gun accessories there is the additional problem of how to legally get rid of them which is apparently challenging in her state. She also had picrel to say about him, so she’s got a real winner on her hands even without the useless hobby.
No. 2324142
>>2324124If life has taught me anything, it's that this is meaningless. Countries like the US and latin america have the youngest mothers and their societies are awful and filled with monstrous moids. Countries with older mothers/parents like nordic countries have far better societies and less
abusive moids. I'd rather risk the autism.
No. 2324195
>>2324060>>2324084I love women but I hate women like these ones
“I’m so better than this X year olds” the scrotes treat you the same fucking way kek. Chasing dick must be really and evolutionary defect, women would rather do that than develop female consciousness.
No. 2324237
>>2324221> only to turn around and scold other women for just doing the same thing that every family man doesAccording to your sentence family men have sex with other men? I didn’t know we were battling for down low men too now kek.
Go back to grammar school nonna.
No. 2324273
>>2324258You're not helping the argument here, adoption is extremely difficult and expensive and there are very, very few infants available. If you want to adopt a behaviourally challenged 10 yr old who was born drug addicted, that's one thing, but babies are in very high demand.
If you cant have your own child, the best alternative is accepting it and making a good life without one. Nobody is owed a child. Surrogacy is hideously unethical and adoption is not the quick fix people think it is.
No. 2324318
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>>2324310I didn’t screencap where she talked about the hobby since I’m phoneposting right now. I thought her stating she just expected him to be selfish was more noteworthy. An additional fun fact is that she has been with him for 10 years, was going to leave him, and became surprise pregnant. So she stayed.
No. 2324372
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>>2324366This was the lady. It’s so sad a lot of kids grew up knowing about their real mother and real name and feeling insane that someone else wants to call them mom and that their own mother abandoned them. She would target single poor moms and teen mothers. If they were doing this back then I can’t begin to imagine what they are doing now
No. 2324475
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If you can't dominate a man without resorting to faking being a man with pegging, then you're not a real dom, you're just really pathetic
No. 2324488
>>2324484It's because you amd other fetish trenders see domination as something that begins and ends in the bedroom. Real domination extends far beyond that.
Also I didn't know there was this entire conversation about it in the thread prior, I posted without reading the rest first. Funny coincidence.
No. 2324515
>>2324498Sorry. I mentioned you as in people who aren't into it but know the pop culture version of femdom.
I just saw a smut that was labeled femdom just to see it was just pegging and it boiled my blood.
Pegging is not dominating, it's a teat given to men with pornrot brains that want a futa fantasy or a bi-fantasy. It's never humiliating, they're men, you can get their dick to raise by touching fucking elbows. That's why casual sex femdom is a fucking joke. It's a lifestyle that exists outside of what casual sex provides. You can't dominate a man without controlling his life.
It's like how a hot pocket is more than just the sauce inside it.
No. 2324586
>>2324488At the end of the day you’re serving him. Even if you’re a “femdom” outside of the bedroom. You always have to play a character for the scrote.
It’s just the same as being a “sub”.
No. 2324596
My brothers, especially the youngest, came to a clutch for me when our mom passed away. The younger one started buying stuff I like from the grocery store that he used to never buy and I had to buy myself, but now he buys me anything I ask for as a thanks. Ths youngest started learning to cook and feed himself and our youngest sister when I'm not around to cook for them, and even make breakfast for my annoying elderly dad when I can't for what reason. He'd come to me and ask me to teach him how to make some dishes he like and are simple enough. The other day, he helped me prep lunch, cutting chicken and vegetables and stirring the pot while I was doing other stuff around the kitchen, and if we don't have enough time to cook he'd order food for everyone and sometimes pay for it out of his savings/allowance if dad doesn't give him money. Our dad is shitty, stingy, and annoying so my brothers try to protect us from him sometimes. He also tries to fix things around the house and he's quite good at it. Yesterday, the L Spark gun I use to light up the stove broke and he tried to fix it, but it didn't work so we started using a lighter, which I'm afraid of using, and he kept teaching me how to use it so when he goes to school I'd be able to make breakfast for dad and lunch later on today.
No. 2324627
>>2324622I agree with you. I was a TRA before but I never even thought about having sex with these deviants even once, despite being bi. You have to be a level of gendie or ultraretard to do that.
There’s nothing attractive about someone who constantly needs reassurance , whom you have to walk on eggshells around, who are self centered and egoistic and who need “gender validation” 254/7 along with deformed genitals aka atrophied penis that can’t get hard and megaclit , I also don’t want to interact with these deformed bits in a feminine way or masculine way. Being a partner to these freaks sounds more like a chore than something remotely enjoyable.
No. 2324631
>>2324596You merely got lucky then. Most brothers aren’t like that.
They bully you when they’re teenagers , your parents hold them to a different standard than you. Also they set off to be with their girlfriends when they get older.
Having an older brother isn’t this special thing kek. I’d rather have a twin sister, like this I can also see how people see me.
No. 2324637
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>>2324634you are talking about him aren't you?
No. 2324639
>>2324632Out of all the aspects of a relationship, it's the sex you're so fixated on. There are far worse parts about relationships than sex, things that affect you physically, mentally, financially and socially, yet it's always sex that you retards infight about. This just tells me you want it the most and think it's the only aspect of a relationship that matters or something. When the "meaning" of it, the look of it, the perception of it is all arbitrary and up to you. Why care about it so much? It being "humiliating" or "empowering" doesn't matter or affects your reality in the slightest. You know what does? Cohabitation, financial intertwining, social circles and the families of both partners, the decision to have kids, domestic violence and other things, yet I don't see infights about how relationships are humiliating because they tie you down and give someone else power over your personal life. It's always PiV this, blowjob that. It's an obsession and some weird gender war games you're all playing in your minds and it makes you all look stupid.
No. 2324649
>>2324639People share opinions and other people argue over them. It’s simple.
Although the dick discourse is present it’s not all that’s happening , it’s just you who’s fixated on it. The femdom bullshit wasn’t even about dick, it was about how women still have to perform a subservient role even when they apparently have control, it wasn’t about sucking dick. Have some critical thinking nonnita.
No. 2325108
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people who are purposefully mean to those who have unnatural bright hair colors are even more annoying than the people with the attention-grabbing hair colors, shockingly.
No. 2325111
I think people who hate on the English language are massive idiots, yes it has some retarded idiosyncrasies as a result of Germanic people being forced to learn French and having a majority population that didn't write for a good while but it's also an incredible record of history, of who English speakers interacted with and their environment. Even a word as simple as "toadstool" is very rich with historical context. Every language is like that (bar super isolated ones), every language is a little bit retarded because everyone that was, is, and will be are all retarded and while it does get singled out by virtue of being the lingua franca it's not uniquely stupid (also if you call it a coloniser language you should hate French as much if not more, and also don't forget there's countless other languages that took over areas; Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Dutch etc.)
toadstool sperging: it has a very long history so I'll just give you the TL;DR- the mushrooms have nothing to do with frogs, the word "toad" used to be a catch-all for anything poisonous or burning in a sickly manner, toads (amphibian) were called that because they were known for being poisonous and said poison was used in a lot of murders and assassinations. People in England and the North Sea were notable mycophobes until recently, so used the word toad (or equivalent in their language) to describe them. Interestingly, Fly Agaric was called such as it was believed to be potent enough to be used for insecticide, they're also not really that lethal and if you prepare them correctly they're quite yummy.
No. 2325197
>>2325108Shockingly a lot of people are just tired of looking at washed out ~quirky~ hair colours on adults. The fact that people are saying it to their face is just the tip of the iceberg. You can't force people to think your awful hair looks good so it's a consequence of the choice to dye your hair. It's not as if people are tossing danger-hairs out of wheelchairs, they're just saying that it's outdated/immature/ugly/whatever. Teenagers and young adults should get to have
one thing that certain older women aren't trying to siphon from them (is my unpopular oninion)
No. 2325211
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>>2325203NTA I think that's fine to do, just don't do it to strangers. Sometimes someone's choices look objectively shit, picrel.
No. 2325234
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>>2325217>underage TIFsThat makes a lot of sense, she has strong
femcel energy but simps for men so it's confusing. She reminds me of this character from Planet of the Apes but with the personality of a depressed moid. I would normally keep that to myself but if she lurks here then maybe she can use it to improve her content
No. 2325241
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>>2325237It doesn't impact my life in any way, I'm just being honest with you that I don't think it looks good. A lot of other people feel that way too, so it shouldn't surprise you that some of them tell you that. There are plenty of places online where people are discouraged from sharing their true feelings about danger hair and it still feels like 2010 again, like reddit but lc is not one of those places. Also you're choosing to dye your hair, it's not something you're born with and it's crazy to expect everyone to like or accept it (especially if they don't think it looks good)
Idk this feels like "Goth Rights" or something
No. 2325266
>>2325241you don't have to like danger hair but my original post was talking about people going out of their way to be an asshole to those who have that kind of style. and like
>>2325256 said, why do we feel the need to look good all the time? especially as women, shouldn't we criticize this?
No. 2325280
>>2325273girl i just said in another post that i have natural hair lol my hair color is 100% virgin and i still don't care if someone else wants to have danger hair. i could say the same thing about styles like dreadlocks, or mohawks, or people who must always have blow outs every single week, or whatever else you can think of. some things i really don't care for, but again, it doesn't and shouldn't prompt me to tell them they look bad because that's socially inappropriate.
>tattooed sleevesi don't have any tattoos either but again, if other people love it on themselves more power to them lol. i feel like this is deeper than appearances and something to do with maybe your desire to control people? idk
No. 2325285
>>2325279Not at all
>>2325280You seem young though so that makes sense. My post was referring to women over 30 who still wear Jack Skellington shein dresses, etc
>something to do with maybe your desire to control people? Again this is the unpopular opinions thread and I've explicitly stated that I too, am sharing my opinion. I don't think I've ever commmunicated with anyone on lc who seems more personally
triggered by a topic than you are right now, so I'll chalk that up to my impression of you being under 25. Otherwise you sound like exactly the kind of person the term "danger hair" was invented for
No. 2325291
>>2325108Irl I've mainly heard men being bitchy about it. The ones who like to tell everyone they like 'natural women' and the meaning of that is fuzzy because y'know they don't mean all that natural. The same guys that hate tattoos and piercings and weep because their precious dating pool apparently gets smaller everytime a woman gets a tatt or a non lobe piercing.
I've never had bright hair, I've weirdly had men be like "omg it's so rare to find a woman who doesn't do all that weird stuff to her hair!" When you're surrounded by brunettes and they're just a nutcase.
No. 2325296
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Why is it always discussion about hair and hair colour that devolve like this. Two things can simultaneously be true, you can like something and someone can not like something and say it. All this over dead cells that we evolved to have grow long in weirdly specific areas.
No. 2325367
>>2325358First of all, people are saying that in the beginning Orlock had sex with Ellen, and that it was sexual assault. You’ll see when you watch it, they physically do not ever meet. In general people are saying it’s a super “freaky” and sexual movie, my partner and I completely disagree. There are definitely scenes where characters appropriately talk about sex, but it’s in an alluding way and matches with the time that the movie is set. It does not come off as a freaky or overly sexual, these few scenes. They seem like genuine interactions between friends having conversations or husband and wife have genuine interactions. There is one actual sex scene and it’s not even sexy, it’s like a desperate moment between husband and wife, to get away from her demonic possession. People are also mixing Ellen’s possession with sexual desire, where it seems like she is truly being tormented by this intense demonic plight. Everyone on social media is describing her as wanting Orlock, when I just don’t feel like that is how the movie portrays her at all. Now the ending scene, oh people are driving me nuts. I don’t want to spoil anything so stop reading if you don’t want to know anything; but they definitely do not have sex. Orlock is a blood thirsty corpse he does NOT WANT TO FUCK. JESUS CHRIST, HE WANTS HER BLOOD! Yes, the language is romanticized and flowery; but people are misconstruing his desire for blood as desire for her vagina. It’s so fucking annoying, everyone is missing the bigger picture and just going “haha, sex”.
No. 2325378
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>>2325367…you…seriously think there was no sexual subtext in this movie?
No. 2325427
>>2325386Yeah fair, I think sexuality was definitely a theme but I don’t think she was in love with the count or attracted to him either. I think she was attracted to
death, which is essentially what the count represents. It’s like a metaphor for her mental illness or “melancholy.” Or at least that’s what I took from it.
No. 2325440
>>2325427I think that is a great take away from the movie. In my opinion, from what I can remember, I kind of felt like her mental illness was not an illness. She was being placed there by a figure, an entity. She talks at one point about the sea, freedom, vastness. I felt like she ultimately took control, in a passive way. But she was the one to dominate Orlock in the end, he was under
her control. She looked like a mother at peace with her child in the end, she brought him in and she took him out. She sacrificed herself by her own decision. She also gained freedom, while women at the time pretty much had none. Which she seemed to struggle with throughout the movie. At one point Aaron’s character says to her, “you cannot leave without a male companion”. I feel like this was also a theme that is being overlook because of the idiots going on about sex. There is many deeper themes that I’m disappointed people are not exploring.
No. 2325460
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It looks so dumb when people wear high waisted string bikinis. To me it doesn't give the illusion of curves, it does the opposite. It's like you're screaming "I have no hips and I'm insecure about it". It's makes you have a fridge body.
No. 2325488
>>2325367I like the way you described it, I've never seen the movie but I kind of want to check it out now.
I've never seen the original nosferatu, I watched the 70s version, so I know I'm not the best to speak on it. There was definitely sensual themes, but they are heavily entwined with the themes of death in the movie. I can't imagine the remake being different in that regard.
I'm not surprised with the popular interpretation on social media, though. You can't watch anything with a slight sexual allusion without people screaming "haha penis" "haha sex!" Like teen fucking boys. I legitimately feel insane when I go online and people act like retarded teenagers when they see any mention of sex or genitalia.
No. 2325508
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thongs ARE the most comfortable and also you avoid vpl
No. 2325557
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>>2325544The only woman in American history I can think of who is similar is squeaky
No. 2326089
>>2324582I have a brother and it's really not that good even if I don't hate him. We basically just banter and have a shallow relationship where neither of us really opens up to the other. I got lucky that he didn't turn out to be a porn addicted incel retard at least and is actually doing something good with his life but think about all the women who have brothers like that. So I agree with
>>2324631 and it also makes seeing incest in things like anime extra disgusting.
No. 2326156
>>2326150Then I’m glad you were able to come out good in your own eyes. The problem with saying “I had it bad, and
i turned out fine” is that no two environments are exactly alike. Even people that are raised in the same household have can experience childhood completely differently. There’s just a million different factors that make a person who they are. You really can’t tell at a glance if someone had it worse or better than you, you can only speculate. Who knows how you’d be if you were born into their exact shoes?
Sorry for sperging, I get maybe too defensive about this particular topic because of my relative with the head injury.
No. 2326157
>>2324582My brother is 7 years younger than me but he's ok. We aren't very close, but if i need a favour done he would do it. I have a sister who is 2 years younger than me and she was very evil to him as a child so they do not get along. She was rude to me as a child, but it wore off when he was born. My parents hardly did anything about it and it pissed me off, i had to tell her to fuck off.
>>2324523>Korean food is just slopIsn't that the truth, kek. But what makes it amazing is that it's easy to make at home and they season everything to perfection.
No. 2326189
>>2326156It's alright, I think your relative having that injury isn't really something she could control as you said in your post, I didn't mean to offend or say she should be better so sorry if that's how it came across. What I take an issue with are people who try to justify their fucked up behaviors with their circumstances and don't take any actual accountability for things that are under their control, while simultaneously acting like
I had it better and that this must be why I'm not like them. I don't think you can tell someone's whole life from a glance of course, but I do think you can get a general idea of if their life is better or worse than yours especially if know them for a long time. People can hide their trauma so it's for sure never 100% accurate, but whenever I think of being in the shoes of most people I know personally, all that goes through my mind is that I'd be better off since a lot of them had normal happy childhoods for example.
No. 2326205
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>>2326189That’s fair, also RIGHT after I made my last post I switched over to insta and scrolled past this, so nvm I take it back, some people are just born shitty kek.
No. 2326240
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>>2326229>I’ve read up a lot on the practice and I don’t believe your claim that it can be approved for Asperger’s. Yes, it can be (and was) approved for Asperger's syndrome. It doesn't matter what her individual health report was, now thanks to her case, it's been legally established that it can be used to "treat" Asperger's syndrome because that's what it was petitioned under. So now, we'll have psychiatrists that are sick of "dealing with" autists just recommend them assisted suicide. I don't think anybody is "treatment resistant," I think that they aren't receiving correct treatment and lazy professionals that are more concerned with money than proper care just like to blame the patient instead of the system.
>The tax dollars that go towards psychiatric and general care for these people are far higher than just letting them go in peace and with dignity.This is part of the problem. I don't mind my tax dollars going towards caring for the mentally handicapped or the insane, because they deserve care. They don't deserve death. I don't want my tax dollars going towards lazy doctors killing sick people that bother them.
>My former classmate attempted to take his own life and is now paralyzed completely.So, did he try again? Or did he realize he didn't want to die? Not to shit on your classmate, but it just goes to show that most people that are suicidal don't actually want to die, they just wanna escape whatever problems they're facing and they've deluded themselves into thinking that death is the only option. Suicide isn't the way to solve problems.
No. 2326255
I know someone who threw herself in front of one of those giant industrial trains after waiting for it for half the day and survived and is constantly beating herself up on how retarded she is and what a fuck up she is (her words) for not succeeding, most suicide methods don't have a 100% success rate and usually survivors will get so traumatised by their near death experience that they don't want to do it again. That is if they're not completely brain damaged and stuck on life support forever by their family.
No. 2326291
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>>2326287Samefag for example This girl. I can imagine she would look so much better if not for the wigs. The wigs people who can’t afford good ones or aren’t hair stylists look like trash.
No. 2326307
>wigs are easier to deal with than the hair that grows out of my fucking headthat anon does realize that saying this about their own hair just makes them look childish and lazy, right? I wish some black women would stop projecting their hair problems onto the rest of us just because we're black too. No, I like my hair even though it can be a lot. If you don't like your own hair, that's a you-problem.
No. 2326310
>>2326289From my understanding she was dragged under the tracks vertically so a lot of the train passed over her rather than directly running her over. She did get horribly injured and spent over a year in hospital but she seems to be doing okay health wise.
>>2326264I'm very sorry you went through that nona, I hope all is well for you right now. Apparently suicides on the track involving a train have 20 something percent survival rate, which seems insanely high.
No. 2326314
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>>2326307It’s easier to put my hair up in a up do like pic related and takes like 5 minutes, than the effort it takes to make a wig look good so I don’t look like Tracie Barbie.
No. 2326315
>>2326303There's nothing hard about putting a wig on your head unless you're braindead.
>>2326307Where did i say anything about hating my hair? I don't even wear wigs outside of cosplay but its easier to just slap one on when you're in a rush vs styling your own hair everyday. How about in 2025 we just let black women do what's comfortable for them? Another black woman wearing a wig won't make you go bald
No. 2326327
>>2326303Nta but for some people yes they are kek? Any protective and appealing hairstyle costs money and time. So does straightening black hair. Easier to just put on a wig.
>>2326291This is just a shitty wig and someone who has no taste nonna. There are affordable wigs and ways to make them look good.
No. 2326338
>>2326287Because natural black hair can be time-intensive, and both natural/free black hair and black hairstyles have been and still are treated as "rebellious", "unprofessional", "out of uniform" and/or "unkempt" at jobs, schools, etc. Fake hair that looks bad is still treated as more "put together" than real black hair that isn't Instagram-ready perfect because people are retarded, and "perfect" real black hair still gets people seething and projecting for some reason. If you're socially (or literally) being punished for something that's already difficult to maintain, it makes sense to take the path of least resistance.
It's pretty vile for one group to enforce rules that stigmatize and push unnatural guidelines something as minute as the natural texture of the hair growing out of a person's scalp or disallows their traditional (and often protective) hairstyles, but that's how it is.
Things are much better and more free now compared to the past, but culture doesn't always change quickly, and corporations have a vested interest in women wanting to change their hair, makeup, bodies, etc so oh well. Personally, I don't care either way as long as the person feels comfortable, and it's even better if they look pretty.
No. 2326347
>>2326343Well duh, I'm not talking about the wig warriors melting their wigs and gluing it to their scalp (horrible idea). I'm talking about women who just throw simple, easy wigs on before work or class to get through their day.
Not every black woman who wears wigs is like what you see on IG, kek.
No. 2326357
>>2326314Not everyone has an Afro like this though. I personally do braids and wigs on just winter, which is super easy because I have a simple glueless bob with a fringe kek, it takes me two minutes.
I locked my hair and I’m waiting for it to be shoulder length, but when I had my natural hair I still didn’t go out with it because it simply wasn’t as full as the picrel.
Some women like wearing wigs, others braids, others sister locs or their natural hair. I don’t see the reason on trying to control what black women are doing.
Even white women wear extensions and even wigs, it’s not that deep.
No. 2326369
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>>2326357Extensions look bad too if you don’t have money. They only look good for about a week before they start looking like they have a bird growing in their head. I feel the same way about white women who bleach their hair and wear extensions as I feel about black women wearing wigs. It looks bad.
No. 2326374
>>2326369So look away?
>>2326362She was ugly and bought shitty wigs but she seemed happy with them so who cares? As long as you like tour reflection other people's opinions don't matter much