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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2303329

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.

Previous: >>1904216

No. 2303365

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Should I go to bed or keep making autistic spreadsheets? It's 5am and I haven't slept yet.

No. 2303369

Depends, how autistic are these spreadsheets

No. 2303374

The spreadsheets need to be filled out anon, whos going to do it if not you…

No. 2303390

Literally autistic, I like compiling information about my special interests in spreadsheets.

You are right, I can't neglect my responsibility…

No. 2303414

anon after my own heart. there's a YouTube channel, theofficelab i think, and he uploads 3-4 hr long excel tutorials for putting together these feature rich, really well-made workbooks. I've learned more following along to them than from probably any other source. took my conditional formatting game to the next level

No. 2303421

Should I get better or go insane.

No. 2303424

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Have a final tomorrow and need to study. Do I stay up tonight and study or do I just get up early tomorrow instead?

No. 2303426

go batshit insane. be free. jk pls just be normal.

No. 2303429

Study a little tonight and a little before you go in. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket

No. 2303530

should I go out now if I haven't left the house in 2 weeks

No. 2303531

Go out, nona. You will feel a little better even if you just go for a walk around the block.

No. 2303568

Should I stay ADHD (not take meds) and go into humanities or should I take my ADHD medications and go into finance? I have a high possibility of getting a comorbid heart condition

No. 2303569

I also haven't left the house in 2 weeks exactly, wtf.
Nonna..love yourself and take your medicine at the very least.

No. 2303583

should I check my work email and answer work calls on my days off (the next two days) or should I NOT do that? maybe even turn off my cell phone

No. 2303588

Nona, are you me? I have ADHD and risky cholesterol genetics, kek. Go into finance, the field was built for people like us who need that gambling high while outpacing everyone else by being unconventional and strategic. That’s what I plan to do at least.

No. 2303596

Don't do that, you're not paid for it. Turn your phone off and enjoy your time off.

No. 2303597

Unless your job specifically requires you to be on-call, don't check and enjoy your days off

No. 2303609

It's almost 5am. Should I try to get a short nap in before the day starts or just drink red bull? It's my day off today but I have shit to do.

No. 2303650

Slewwb. Don't ve like me.

No. 2303887

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Should I marry Sophia or the Wizard in Stardew Valley (with SVE mod)?

No. 2303902

How can you choose a cute image of Sophia and expect us to not tell you to marry her? Fuck the wizard, he's used goods kek. If only you could marry his ex-wife.

No. 2305678

Do I make a cup of coffee or a cup of tea?

No. 2305694

Should I cut lolcor out of my life? I really need to focus on studying but I feel so lonely when I don't get to talk to my nonnies.

No. 2305700

Probably. This place is fun for killing time but it really shouldn’t be your main replacement for social interaction. Not to the point that you’d get lonely without it.

No. 2305703

No. 2305710

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Kek same here nonnie I started browsing this place for hours instead of studying. Let's take a break from lolcor together.

No. 2305723

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What christmas gift should I get for an 11 year old girl?
I have only seen her once so I'm not sure about her interests, I only know that her parents won't allow makeup and she doesn't have a phone or much access to screens, also she's already getting the classic bath/skincare pack. I was thinking a pretty bracelet and some scrunchies, maybe a keyring too? I want to make a nice gift since she's still at an age where Christmas is important but I have no clue what a girl that age might like. At that age the best gifts I had were my first mascara ever and some video games so I can't use that as inspiration.

No. 2305741

I got a message out of the blue from my sister whom I have, shall we say, a very complicated relationship with. Basically we haven’t spoken for over a year because I’ve had her blocked on most everything. She reached out to let me know that she loves and misses me, and while that tugs on my heartstrings a bit, she also made no acknowledge of why we’re not in contact anymore or any indication that she’s sorry. That said, we both had a fairly abusive/neglectful upbringing and I understand so much of why she is the way she is. I understand maybe better than anyone else on the planet. But on the other other hand, she’s just been so fucking shitty and abusive to me and other family members over the years. She’s had a lot of mental and physical trauma that’s kept her in arrested development for so long, and so I get it, I really do. And I’ve heard through the grapevine that she’s made some improvements in her life in the last year and I’m glad to hear it. But I don’t want to run the risk of letting her in again just to get verbally blasted again the next time she has one of her mood swings. But maybe she’s learned not to do that? Maybe getting cut off finally taught her. I don’t miss her because there’s never been a time in my life we’ve been close. But I really do wish things could be different between us. I wish I had a sister.

Should I respond to her message or just keep letting it sit in my inbox?

No. 2305742

Oolong tea, just like me, and then we'll kampai.

No. 2305748

>Secret diary with a lock
>Cute stationery
>Modelling clay
If you buy them with cash and she doesn't like whatever you bought, her parents can use the receipt to exchange them for something else.

No. 2305755

Get her a picky pad. It's all the rage with teen girls at the moment.
I think you should acknowledge the message, and depending on how you feel, even go so far as to express what positive emotions you feel towards her, but I don't think you should reestablish true contact yet. Let her apologize first before you're willing to do that. But by acknowledging her message, you let her know that you received it, and you're not outright hostile towards her, but that you're not ready for a relationship until she does more work.

No. 2305792

Thanks anon, that’s a good measured response.

No. 2305796

Oolong tea is my absolute favorite. Thank you for your suggestion nona!

No. 2305800

does your name start with j

No. 2305812

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Don't tell anyone but I drink it with honey.
No, but when I was in elementary school I wanted my name to be Janice.

No. 2306086

Maybe a funny math-related gift? Like a mug or something with a calculus joke on it. You could try searching Etsy for “Gift for math teacher” or something like that.

No. 2306374

Should I go work in the office and focus better? Or should I stay home and suffer from my period here, and not risk ruining my clothes in front of everyone while working in my room?

No. 2306378

Is just taking a day off not an option?

No. 2306380

No I have things to do and I plan on using my PTOs for appointments. I can work but, I'm not supposed to work from home on Fridays because we don't choose the days in my company, but my stomach hurts and I have to go to the bathroom all the time.

No. 2306385

I say pop some Midol, work from home, and do your best to focus there. It’s the best medium ground between working and just taking the day off altogether.

No. 2306392

I'll do just that then. I'll also take a nap during lunch break.

No. 2306467

ntayrt, but how late is too late for finance

No. 2306997

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What should I make for dinner? Pasta with vodka sauce or pan-fried tofu with stir fried vegetables, served over rice?

No. 2307008

Pasta with vodka sauce!

No. 2307010

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That’s the easier one to make, thank you nona

No. 2307012

do I waste all the money I have left from my last job to buy a bunch of doujinshi (of my husbando getting fucked) or do I waste it on a new expensive figure of him

No. 2307018

Save it for something important.

No. 2307028

Get the doujins but only if you know you won't regret it.

No. 2307108

Doujins can be read AND looked at, a figure can only be looked at

No. 2307405

they don't allow makeup, but what about something like lipgloss/nail polish/nail flyer maybe? Alternatively if you have some extra money there's a lot of craft kit type stuff, like jewlery making/candy making sets/slushy kit/etc.

No. 2307949

What christmas cookie should I try to bake? We don't celebrate christmas where I'm from and there are so many different types of cookies and I don't know which are the best/most unique. Suggestions?

No. 2307953

Gingerbread cookies are over-rated, try sugar cookies instead.

No. 2308069

Nonnys were sharing their recipes in the cooking thread the other day. Why not one of those?

No. 2308297

So for christmas I'm already cooking a decent amount for my family (lasagna, pot roast, peach cobbler, banana pudding), should I also make 4-5 different types of cookies? I would distribute some of the cookies as gifts to my extended family and friends, but most would be consumed by my immediate family. Would it be too many desserts?

No. 2309798

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It is currently 8AM. I accidentally stayed up all night and need to run some errands today. Do I stay up or attempt to get some sleep before I have to go out?

No. 2309806

No, you fucked up so now you have to deal with the consequences. You have to go out and do your errands and suffer. This will be a learning experience for you in the future to stop staying up until 8AM. Let this be your wake-up call: You are NOT a vampire. You are a human being and we are meant to sleep during the nights and be active during the days. It's in the bible. Just think about how rejuvenating and relaxing it will be when you finally go to bed at a proper time tonight, that anticipation will help guide you to make better life choices and take better care of yourself. Namaste.

No. 2309847

Nonna, I’m going through the same exact thing. I’m unemployed currently so I just stay up and lose track of time. The ONLY way to stop this from fucking up your sleep schedule for the next month is to stay up. It’s the only way. Drink a lot of coffee and don’t lay in your bed. You’ll hit a wall where you feel like it’s impossible to stay awake, but I promise it will pass and you’ll almost feel energetic. Let’s report back to one another on whether we fell asleep or not.

No. 2309856

is baking them brings you joy without breaking the bank, go for it.

No. 2309861

You have to sleep otherwise you'll look ugly.

No. 2309880

Just don't drive anywhere if you haven't slept, it's actually extremely risky.

No. 2310069

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Thanks nonnys, I compromised and slept for about three hours. I’m not driving anywhere so the general public’s safety isn’t at risk due to my own dumb decisions.

No. 2310334

Yay! well done ♥

No. 2311634

Should I read Pachinko or Midnight's Children?

No. 2311906

Pachinko but only because I just started reading it too.

No. 2312025

should i watch a horror movie or comfort movie

No. 2312034

Yes, I just finished Savageland. I dunno how comforting that movie will be though. I liked it. Mockumentary style like Lake Mungo and The Bay.

No. 2312338

What language should I learn? I'm thinking between Japanese (because I am a weeb), Korean (useful), Russian and Czech (I am slavic so they would be easy I think)

No. 2312340

Learn whichever one is most useful and most relevant to your life. I studied Japanese for 4 years just to never have the opportunity to use it and have almost completely forgotten it now.

No. 2312373

Depends. Do you want to read manga, manhwa, or komiksové knihy?

No. 2312390

My reasoning for every language is:
- Japanese would help me communicate with japanese artists, I could translate my favorite songs and I'd like to see this country one day
- Korean would help me get a job, also I could lurk on Korean radfem sites
- Russian maybe would help me not die in a war???
- Czech is fun and I could visit Prague often

No. 2312403

learn polish, you will develop an additional brain

No. 2312414

I am already polish, the additional brain did not come

No. 2312565

Learn Korean if it helps you with your job. Knowing a language to visit a country is cool but only if you plan to go there frequently or stay for long periods.

No. 2312998

I don't know where else to post this but can someone tell me what YouTubers I should watch? My recommendations are basically filled with uninteresting and irrelevant stuff now. I need recs for any quality YouTuber that speaks English, has relatively long videos (30 mins to several hours) & is also preferably a woman

No. 2313002

Just Trish podcast

No. 2313009

We have a female youtuber thread on /m/ iirc
Recently I've gotten into Madison Clysdale videos, she does solo hiking stuff which is nice to watch but her videos are on the medium side (15mins). I also like clickfortaz, her videos are random weird stuff that no one would normally do but that's kinda the fun of it kek
repost for formatting

No. 2313010

Jordan Jensen, she's a comedian who does hours long podcasts with guests. Sometimes the topic is heavy things like trauma, abuse, struggling with mental illness, but in a real way.

No. 2313033

Thank you. Even though I didn't specify podcasts I appreciate your recs, I'm checking out their channels now

No. 2313162

Ntayrt but I also really recommend Just Trish. If you're trying to improve your English skills, Trisha is a great option because she speaks so incredibly fast. It's like, if you can understand Trisha speaking then you can understand anybody speaking. I know for myself, audio exercises were the most annoying part of language learning. I could always understand it if they spoke slowly, but nobody really speaks slowly IRL.

No. 2313325


No. 2313349

hear me out. mid-tone peachy pink/coral. it makes a bedroom lively and cheerful. get different bedspread and curtains to whatever u think will look good

No. 2313412

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do i go get chocolate and eat it or do my little home workout instead? i want to do the workout but no motivation help

No. 2313431

do your workout, shower and then get your chocolate, you'll enjoy it way more

No. 2313434

Eating chocolate will give you energy and boost your mind enough to motivate you

No. 2313439

Do the workout and then eat the chocolate to replenish glycogen reserves

No. 2313489

thanks nonas! chocolate is en route and im gonna do 100 sit-ups (jk more like 50)

No. 2313492

workout first, chocolate after

No. 2316367

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Should i get drunk and play dress up

No. 2316369

I like watching annikasleaf, cozy lifestyle vlogs are my weakness

No. 2316391

Why not? Yolo

No. 2316405

Should I throw away my morals and start dropshipping too? 9/10 times I reverse-search something on etsy, I find an aliexpress/alibaba/temu/taobao link for 5-15 times higher the price. Yet these sellers have hundreds of reviews selling their slave labour garbage. The whole website seems completely useless now. I'm so sick of doing nightshifts all week and still not finding an apartment for myself, having to live in this shithole all day, eating garbage and being either anxious or angry 24/7.

No. 2316418

Yes. Enjoy yourself

No. 2316461

Honestly, at this point it's legal and fine by etsy's own rules.

No. 2316477

it's a ton of work now anon, because everyone does it.

No. 2316738

i can’t believe that etsy allows this shit now. you used to be able to report shops like that. i remember the first few times i bought from shops and realized they didn’t have anything to do with the items despite writing descriptions as if they were the creators. so disappointing.

No. 2316746

Honestly, if it’s something you’re very opposed to ethically, I wouldn’t. You probably wouldn’t get much return on investment, at least not at first, because it’s still a lot of up front work. Plus it’s oversaturated in general on the internet. You would likely end up even more frustrated than you already are. Sorry nonnie but there aren’t a lot of “easy money” routes left anymore.

No. 2316771

Same Anon who probably has or doesnt have ADHD (i probably have it but the doctors dont take it seriously enough to medicate me or something) should I try to rawdog law or accounting?

No. 2316784

I believe accounting would be better because you have a wider net of opportunities afterwards.

No. 2316856

Shit third world passport but with a schengen visa, I need to disappear and live somewhere alone which would be cheap and livable on a lower wage. Don't mind where as long as it's not south asia/middle east/muslim countries. Where should I go?

No. 2316887

Not sure if you’re a burger, but if you are do not get a law degree unless you are able to get into a very good law school and or lots of scholarships. Do you find law interesting at all? If not don’t do it.

No. 2317455

Should I go to the city to pick a Christmas gift for my brother despite the shitty weather or should I wait tomorrow to go during my lunch break?

No. 2317484

accounting sounds worse, but as someone who tried that with law i ended up having to find a psychologist to prescribe meds later anyway because it gets too hard. better get diagnosed sooner than later, i regret putting it off. but law is cool

No. 2317489

living in Czech Republic is cheap so maybe that. spain used to be the go-to but i heard it's not that affordable anymore

No. 2320865

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Should I get a blue tongued skink? Majority vote wins.

No. 2320866

Lizards and reptiles are cool so yes

No. 2320878

No. 2320892

Yes, you and that gecko nona can be friends.

No. 2320919

Yes but you must name it after me

No. 2320927

No. 2322264

Nonnas should I buy a digicam or should I buy the Sony ULT WEAR headphones?

No. 2323352

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the next anime i'll be watching :
>full metal panic
>gundam (like every single entries)
>michiko to hatchin

No. 2323354

are you asking us to pick one for you or what

No. 2323357

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Horrid taste

No. 2323361

the point is that i didn't watch any yet retard, please enlighten me Ronarudo kun

No. 2323367

gundam but only if you start with the 70s anime with the sexy 70s bishies

No. 2323370

kamille anon is that you ?

No. 2323373

Sorry, i am more into amuro and his sexy 70s curls

No. 2323395

Monster but you could just read the manga (if you like manga)

No. 2323396

No we must FREE THE LIZARDS. Do not cage the lizards.

No. 2323418

Join me on my gundam watch nonna I’m working through UC now and just hit ZZ! Its really enjoyable

No. 2323424

nayrt but which one should i start with

No. 2323438

If you’re good with 70s anime then the original mobile suit gundam 0079 is where you start

No. 2325083

should I take out the garbage now (its noon) or at night? I need to do multiple trips

No. 2325084

Don't take it out. What will the rats eat if all the trash is gone? Think of the rodents and stop being a heartless bully.

No. 2325118

At night but make sure you let us know you got back alright nonnie

No. 2325187

Should I quit my job in 2025? Pros: money (it’s only 21 per hour). Cons: toxic coworkers and poor management. I’m also fairly unhappy there. I’m only really there because I don’t feel like looking for another job at the moment. I’ve only been at this company 6 months so I’m not sure if I should wait another 6 months so it doesn’t look bad if I put it on my resume.

No. 2325188

Start looking for jobs now. If you find one that pays more and you get hired, quit your current job. Never quit a job without having another one lined up first. Terrible management and coworkers is more than enough reason to quit.

No. 2325627

Should I go to the concert alone?

No. 2325650

red or green nail polish?

No. 2325651

Should I repost that video where anon is drinking a glass of urine while eating dinner

No. 2325672

Pretty sure that was just a webm of a random porn video + no please don't.

No. 2325733

Green polish.

No. 2325750

No. 2326034

I hate you ninnies.

No. 2326050

tiebreaker: red

No. 2326056


No. 2326059

Solve it by getting one hand green and the other red

No. 2326061

No. 2326087

mix both and wear brown

No. 2326921

Red it is. Toes are gonna be green though.

No. 2327356

Do I wash my hair today or tomorrow? There's something so appealing about starting the new year with clean hair, so that's why I'm leaning towards tomorrow, but it could use a wash right now.

No. 2327361

>Should I wash my hair??
>Should I put foreign chemicals onto my scalp and massage them so that they leak through the dermal barrier and can impact my skull?
>Should I inject my brain with dangerous toxins so that Big Pharma can control my mind?
Seriously? It's so shocking seeing the absolute sheeple on here these days. You realize that these "shampoos" are just another form of chemical warfare, right? You think washing your hair is natural? News flash, there is no shampoo in nature. When Big Pharma was trying to figure out new ways to poison people after people switched from fluoridated tap water to bottled spring water, they decided to start injecting stem cells harvested from discarded mammalian fetuses to create a super weapon that is responsible for over 80% of all automobile accidents. You need seriously psychological help if you think "shampoo" is good for you. Shampoo can cause: diabetes, high blood pressure, swelling of the liver and adenoid glands, brain lesions, hydrocephalus, early-onset dementia, and more. You should not be washing your hair at all, and if you do, you should be saying it like it is - committing acts of chemical terrorism on your follicles. Look it up, you can find a lot of information about this on the deep web.

No. 2327362

Wash it now since it’s already dirty

No. 2327366

Thanks, nona. That makes sense.

No. 2327368

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No. 2327440

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Of course nonny. Think of it as being able to ring in the new year without the grease of 2024.

No. 2327894

Should I buy Rimworld or Crusader Kings 3?

No. 2327908

I love this post so much

Crusader Kings

No. 2328238

Honestly, I went through a phase 20-22, of not washing my hair as much as I should of because I was scared to close my eyes, while standing, while being wet. I always had to have someone help me wash my hair or be in the room while I bent over a sink.

No. 2328427

Should I cut my bangs again or let them grow long? I'm really unsure about what to do with my hair

No. 2328440

How long have you had the bangs?

No. 2328450

Since I was 16, im 22 now

No. 2328525

Cut them nonnie

No. 2328629

Grow them out

No. 2328883

grow them nonnie!

No. 2328975

i am hungry and no food in my house except ramen. but i am very tired and in bed. should i make and eat the ramen or go to sleep?

No. 2328977

Just go to bed. You can be hungry tomorrow.

No. 2329644

Should I make a cup of coffee or oolong tea?

No. 2329650

No. 2329651

which one you had the least lately, I myself am on such a tea overload rn

No. 2329653

Thanks nonas, oolong it is.

No. 2332462

Should I go to the library or stay at home? I need to get some work done.

Pros of staying at home:
>My cat lives here
>I can be my authentic self
>I can sit in my bed
Cons of staying at home:
>My cat lives here
>I can get easily distracted
>I will smoke a lot of cigarettes

Pros of going to library:
>I usually get more work done there
>I can experience society
>The ambience of the library brightens my day
Cons of going to library:
>I will have to style my hair
>Maybe there will be a fire or I will be injured
>I'll have to go outside to smoke cigarettes

I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. My life is ruled by psychotic tension. I'm a water sign. Someone help me make my choice.

No. 2332468

Go to the library

No. 2332469

Okay I will thank you, but if there's a fire then I'm blaming you. I always need someone to blame. I can't take responsibility for myself. It's why I can never cut my own bangs. I'm sending 5DD waves of prosperity your way through the astral plane.

No. 2332473

go the library and get work done!
>I will have to style my hair
do you? can't you put it up quickly, who cares?
>Maybe there will be a fire or I will be injured
this is unlikely, you could bring some bandaids and try to sit near an exit though.
>I'll have to go outside to smoke cigarettes
annoying true, but if going to the library helps you get more done it seems like a fair tradeoff.

No. 2332475

That’s okay I am willing to take that responsibility. Pet your cat when you get back home for me nona

No. 2334342

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Doing my nails, pick a shape. Medium square or long stiletto?

No. 2334344

My brain says square but my heart says stiletto

No. 2334345

long stiletto for sure

No. 2334361


No. 2334364

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Now pick a design. Blue chrome or insects?

No. 2334369


No. 2334370

should i run tomorrow early morning around 6 or wake up later and run at around 10-11

No. 2334374

Insects! I love the dragonfly and ant ones.

No. 2334382

Bugs is a obvious winner

No. 2334418

No. 2334517

run later, not sure what climate youre living in but isnt it colder now that its the winter months? hopefully its a bit warmer in the noon

No. 2340391

Should I buy a spy camera? I unfortunately have to live with my mom and her husband for the time-being and I suspect that her husband (repressed-aggressive, constantly lying, manchild who gets defended by my mother whenever someone criticizes him) is harming my cats when I'm away.

No. 2340399

Yes, you need evidence in case he is.

No. 2340509

Get multiple nanny cams, they're disguised as normal everyday items like pens, photo frames, alarm clocks etc. You can leave them out in inconspicuous places and nobody will notice.

No. 2342163

Just found out that the pos I went on a date with has a younger brother who still has all of his hair and isn't a vegan. Should I accidentally run into him?

No. 2342169

No if he was a piece of shit. Younger brother has the potential to become bald in the future.

No. 2342174

Should I study German (I'm behind on homework) or work on my job (I'm behind) or do some knitting (it is weekend)?

No. 2343279

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I have to provide two songs I like as part of a class exercise. It’s going on a class playlist. I don’t listen to music outside of vocaloid and I am not putting that on there. What two songs should go on my class playlist nonnys?

No. 2343281

pick something so mundanely normie like savage love or the middle. please dont make the mistake of being unapologetically cringe because it will haunt you for the rest of your life no matter how much you make amends with it
t. someone who shamelessly played jpop in front of the entire class during middle school

No. 2343288

Put some electronic music that you could like but that isn't weeb shit.

No. 2343293

Easy. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga and Rock N' Roll McDonalds by Wesley Willis

No. 2343301

pop stars like taylor swift, britney, etc. or choose some sick jazz

No. 2343310

>anime schoolgirl
>lady gaga and a 80s retard
>gay tweaker music
Is CC still down?

No. 2343311

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>please dont make the mistake of being unapologetically cringe because it will haunt you for the rest of your life
I cape as normie irl especially at school and work. I’m in STEM and don’t want any moids to talk to me about weebshit or other adjacent interests so I keep it very well hidden.
Before I posted I was thinking of Debussy and some jazz but then I wondered if that was too weird. Usually I just tell people I don’t listen to music and I avoid this problem altogether. I feel like picrel
Thanks for all the suggestions so far!!

No. 2343314

how do you not recognize miku
yeah I also say I don't listen to music because of my taste. but to some people not listening to music is sociopath npc behavior so idk, I've gotten some weird reactions. I think classical music or jazz would be safe, or just whatever's the most popular

No. 2343316

Jazz and classical will make you seem cool, tbh. If you said that in a class I was in I’d think you were smart, and maybe unapproachable. Probably exactly what you want, right?

No. 2343321

i like this song and skeeter davis end of the world

No. 2343718

Something off Björk's debut, do it for me nonnie.

No. 2344241

Should I treat myself and pay 4 dollars to be able to view some reality show commentary videos on patreon? I watch him on youtube way too often.

No. 2344802

You reminded me that I use to love this recording of her back in high school. I ended up mentioning it and a classical piece on the mandolin that I enjoy. Thank you!

No. 2344803

No. 2345474

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Gonna order Chinese, should I get general tso's chicken, orange chicken or sesame chicken? And should I get egg drop soup or cream cheese rangoons for my side?

No. 2345475

General tso and soup

No. 2345483

>gay tweaker music
KEK i have nostalgia for early 2000s pop and listen to it a lot, i thought britney and taylor are normie enough.

No. 2345496

I'm sorry anon, I ordered sesame chicken and rangoons. Idk why I even asked. Forgive me.

No. 2345499

If you get a fortune cookie, that fortune is now mine!

No. 2347939

My manager isn't there at all for a few weeks and I'm supposed to be working at home tomorrow. I have less work to do than usual and nobody checks what I do as long as I do it, should I finish a few things in the morning and go on a few errands in the afternoon? Or should I be more careful and do these errands the day after once my shift is over?

No. 2347963

I think option one is better because you have more of a deadline and something to look forward to after the work.

No. 2347966

Do them in the afternoon

No. 2348022

I'll work hard in the morning then. If anyone is trying to contact me before I'm back home I'll pretend I either extended my lunch break or moved it to another time and the only coworker who could catch me lives nearby but she's not even supposed to work from home so we can cover each other, I'm not too worried.

No. 2348024

Kill myself or stay alive for a few years gang?

No. 2348108

Stay alive another 5 years minimum

No. 2348521

Should I further myself into debt (15k currently) and buy $500 worth of Lolita clothing that I’ll probably won’t wear because I’m actually fat and ugly and have no confidence of wearing but they’re so beautiful and I gotta have them?

No. 2348522

Don't do it. If you must only get one item of clothing.

No. 2348527

Stay alive and keep yourself enriched via experiences. Go for walks, try new foods, try new hobbies, enjoy books and shows and movies. Love you, nona.
Don't do it and look at all the other things you bought so far instead. If they don't bring you joy, that's only double the proof that your impulse purchases by themselves aren't worth it.

No. 2348546

Don't do it at all.

No. 2348607

Don't do it. I did it. Four years later I donated the dress just to get rid of it finally (a fake one, but exact same situation)

No. 2348790

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I'm a socially anxious and avoidant retard and a girl I used to go to elementary school with reached out to me to ask me how I am and how my life was going etc but I procrastinated on responding to her for literal MONTHS even though she used to be one of my best friends. Should I still write to her or should I just let it go?

No. 2348794

reach out. it's fine and normal to take a while to reply after not talking for a long time with someone from childhood. you could literally reach out to her two years later and it would be fine honestly.

No. 2348841

You should reach out. If you want to, you can say something like "sorry it took me a while to respond, but it's really nice you sent me a message."

No. 2349289

No. If you simply must have them, go for a walk until you lose enough weight to fit into them, and then buy them second hand. Even better, get therapy instead.

No. 2352148

Should I shower and clean the house? I have been so depressed lately (no reason)

No. 2352149

If you're not going to wear it then no. Back when I was a struggling grad student I didn't mind using some of my student loan towards a lolita dress because I wore it and it did bring some tangible happiness to my otherwise bleak student existence and I have nice photos to reminisce on and be proud of.

No. 2352152

Yeah I did that today and now I feel like drawing. This will happen to you too.

No. 2354477

Should I call out of work today? My last day is tomorrow (I may or may not be working that day) and I honestly just don't want to work today so I can do my hair instead. Be quick, my shift starts in 10 minutes

No. 2354479

If you're going to ask them for a reference for a new job in future then go and be a good employee

No. 2354484

Eh, I won't and honestly they don't pay enough for me to care. I called out.

No. 2354507

Nice. Enjoy your day nonna.

No. 2356022

Should i learn python or javascript? I have a bit of HTML/CSS experience (that I need to brush up on too) that javascript could enhance but I heard python is a good beginner language.

No. 2356223

Yes my bf said do HTML and add Javascript onto that.

What project will you be working on to practice? I’m in the same predicament and I honestly have too many side projects going on. After I finish that I’ll see if I can brush up my HTML and CSS again to then add JS.

No. 2356583

JavaScript will add nicely to HTML/CSS. How comfortable are you in the latter? Do you get discouraged easily? JS would round out your skillset better but if you’re truly a beginner and or not very confident then I would recommend Python instead.

No. 2357259

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Do I take a shower before or after I do my readings for class?

No. 2357261

Before, you will be able to focus better if clean.

No. 2357372

Should I really go and burn the rest of my mental health on a minimum wage shitty job? I'm retarded and my parents don't mind helping me, but I want to at least cover my own meds expenses. I feel like working 12h away from home will only make me worse and I'm scared of it. The catch is, I have a relatively big following on social media being an artist and I think I can make it work doing comissions. I didn't do it before because i saw art only as a hobbie but I think I'm being a supreme retard not using of that privilege. Bonus that I'd receive in dollars instead of my shitty country's currency

No. 2357527

You should focus on recovery/whatever your current responsibilities are before adding more onto your plate. If it's a choice between minwage hell and online art commissions, do the latter. At least you won't get abused and fired if you sleep in or take a week off work. Read art salt threads and ask anons in there for advice if you're worried about how to manage commissions.

No. 2358676

Do commissions and open a Kofi and Patreon. It sounds like a lot but it doesn't have to be, you can make some Patreon exclusive art as coloring pages and downloadable backgrounds and have just one tier if you think you might burn out. If it's an option in your country, and if it's safe, link a giftlist too.

No. 2359764

I’ve been sick with some sort of virus the last couple of days, my head is still very clear but I get physically exhausted easily, I have no appetite and it’s hard to look at a screen for too long. Luckily my mom came by with some eye spray that makes it easier to look at screens without making my eyes ache. Since I am still clearheaded and with this eye spray at hand, should I get some work done from home, or should I rest more? I very rarely get sick so idk how to tell how much I should rest or when enough is enough. I’m a programmer and I really need to wrap some things up with my project (I also feel like a lazy piece of shit just laying around listening to audiobooks).

No. 2366762

Okay so right now I have an iPhone SE 3rd gen and I want to upgrade. Thing is my cringe phone service never has any deals for existing customers, just new customers. I can finance a phone like I did with my current one because it helped a lot with my credit and that’s never a bad thing, but paying monthly is annoying. I also don’t really want to pay outright full price for a new one. Kinda want to explore other phone companies that usually have some nice phone deals but there’s nothing really wrong with the one I have now and I’m also on my mom’s plan with my stepdad and boyfriend. What should I do?

No. 2366860

Take a shower or go out smelling of sweat

No. 2366866

Wash up stinky

No. 2367117

I saw a cute handmade plush that I'm sure my friend would love, but it's around 200 bucks (without shipping and VAT) and she would definitely not gift me something this expensive, also shit happened between us and things have been a bit a iffy since then so I don't know if it's worth it to do it. Should I still buy it or not? I just love gifting stuff to my friends.

No. 2367127

No you will feel very silly putting more effort in than is received. As a fellow gift giver I feel your pain but just get her something similar for cheap. Trust me

No. 2367129

Don't buy. Get her something else.

No. 2367147

Yeah you're right, I have this tendency to go a bit above and beyond with gift giving and never getting the reciprocation, I'm just going to stick to my siblings now for expensive gifts.
It's not even her birthday or anything, just the plush reminded me of her and I would have kept it for Christmas or something, but whatever.

No. 2367176

200 is ridiculous.

No. 2367194

Should I drink Whisky today even though its Sunday and I work tomorrow and have to go into the office? Its 12:42pm so its still early that I could not have a hangover.

No. 2367199

No. 2367208

God I wish that were me. Go for it if day drinking doesn't make you feel sick/get poor sleep

No. 2367400

No, wtf? That's not 'a bit above and beyond' that's downright retarded. Just going by what you wrote, it sounds like you try to buy people's affections. Stop that. Your friendships and relationships are worth more than the money you spend on these people, and you might make things worse if you dump an expensive gift on your friend when she's not expecting it. If you want to go above and beyond add a box of fancy chocolates to whatever reasonably priced gift you're giving.

No. 2376905

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I have a lot of work I need to get done this weekend. Which should I do first?
>Edit/modify the proposal document before my group meeting
>Catch up on my weekly readings and reflective essays
>Watch instructional videos on a piece of software
>Catch up on emails
>Spiffy up my resume and write a CV for a grant application

No. 2376917

>then emails
>then resume
>then meeting work
>then video
i know from experience once you fall behind even slightly on readings it’s so much harder to catch up, even if you think you have the time

No. 2376918

start with the one you're dreading/want to do the least. the rest will follow after you get it done bcus it will feel much easier

No. 2376925

Damn I wish I could be productive like you nona, good luck! I think catching up on emails is most important imo but I like the case >>2376917 makes for readings

No. 2376939

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Thank you for the outline and advice nonnys I appreciate it so much!
Kek trust me I’m not as productive as I should be, but I appreciate the compliment regardless. Just go to grad school and you can be like me. Thank you for the well wishes nona I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

No. 2377053

Should I spend all my money on a cute young stallion? I can't even ride.

No. 2377119

No. 2377155

Not the answer I wished for, but you're right.

No. 2377178


No. 2377199

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If this is about a man: no, what the fuck are you doing being a sugar mama to a man?
If this is about a horse: no. Horses are expensive and a big responsibility, they shouldn't be an impulsive decision. You need to have the proper accommodations for them too. You don't have to ride it, but just make sure you really want one before you get one.

No. 2377481

It's 1:43am, should the late night meal be cereal, or kraft mac and cheese with a lil bacon?

No. 2377483

Mac and cheese with bacon sounds delicious, nonna.

No. 2377486

Thanks anomaly!

No. 2377645

do I go through my clothes and bring them to the donation box today or do I vacuum and do the dishes today? The thing is that the clothes will spread fuzzies anyways

No. 2377686

I was so quick with the clothes that I can also vacuum today so yay

No. 2377690

good job nona! i was gonna reply earlier saying do your clothes but you already did it, wat a troopa!

No. 2377745

its 6.30am and I want to take the garbage out. I live in an apartment building which means heading down to the last level. Should I do it now or wait until its later? I don't want to bother my neighbors and I'd have to make two trips.

No. 2377917

Do it now if you don’t do it and forget to do it later then you are stuck with garbage

No. 2377929

Do it now

No. 2379328

I'm going to be late for work no matter what and I don't have anything to do these days, for once. My manager left for two weeks and won't be checking anything related to work. Do I stay home a few more minutes and maybe grab something at a coffee shop on my way to the office or do I hurry up?

No. 2379382

I’m late but I hope you stopped at the coffee shop nonny

No. 2379387

I did because I saw my most hated coworker get out of the subway station right in front of me and wanted to avoid him so I took another longer path and bought a croissant and a delicious hot chocolate.

No. 2382293

I'm going to Rome for 5 days, flights are €125 but that only includes a 403020cm under seat bag. It would cost an extra €70 all round to bring a proper carry on suitcase. Should I spend the €70 or save it for fun Italian stuff and cram all my stuff into a tote bag?

No. 2382296

Packing lightly and low volume is a valuable skill, I think you should challenge yourself to an underseat bag. Put together an efficient capsule wardrobe where everything matches, decant toiletries, wear your biggest/heaviest clothes on the flight etc.

No. 2382308

Can only speak for myself but I hate fucking with luggage on international trips. I did Japan in 14 days with just a hiking backback. I'd say you pack light and save the money and less the headache. It's doable.

No. 2382321

Go get those vacuum sealed plastic bags to put your clothes inside them, they will take less space in your bag or suitcase and you'll save money instead of paying more to carry one more suitcase.

No. 2383062

Should I use a pic of my yaoi OTP as my screen saver? It's not explicit, they are not even kissing but I don't want to get some remarks at work.

No. 2383072

Thank you for the encouragement nonas, I thought it would be the best idea (I'm also leaving from somewhere super cold so layering up would feel fine), but my Dad was convinced I would have a worse time. Only issue is I would feel less secure staying in a hostel, but I could use the extra €70 for a private room anyway!!!

No. 2383300

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do i go to my attendance-optional class or go to the gym

No. 2383334

Go to class, then go to the gym afterwards.

No. 2383689

Not sure which to do today;
– vacuum, clean floors?
– if so, mine only, or the other rooms too? a moid roommate refuses to not wear his filthy shoes throughout the house, so it feels pointless. OTOH, I want a clean house, and it will never happen otherwise.
– sewing, finishing alterations. But it feels too boring, but the 1st option will probably make my current headache worse.

No. 2383725

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my mom has been terrible to me since i was about 6 or 7 and then my parents divorced a few years later, and she married a new man who completely changed her as a person to become even worse. but i went out with my grandma yesterday and she told me about how her husband has gone totally mask off and is making her life hell and borderline abusing her now and leaving her alone with their foster kids for months. (she adopted foster kids after i left) i feel worried for her because shes basically alone now (shes barely ever had friends, and i left her to live with my dad as a teenager) i offered to go eat lunch with her, is this a bad idea? i dont forgive her for all she did to me and shes never apologized but i still dont want her to be completely miserable and alone

No. 2383762

I think you’re a very good person Nona but if she does anything off at all during the lunch you should probably cut her out. Some people don’t change, even when we want to love them.

No. 2383877

It's very sweet of you to have this patience and care for her. As long as you keep your distance like this, I'm sure it will be fine. Having a touch and go relationship with the adults who wronged you is generally the only way to do it and keep your sanity. I am the same way with family and like you, I care for them very much but the way they hurt me was unacceptable and I know they would probably be the same if I got closer. An occasional public meetup sounds fine, and you'll know if she starts alluding to things that hurt or make your alarm bells chime.

No. 2383884

Should I get Pizza or Raising Canes?

No. 2383898

No. 2383901

i've never had raising canes so i say pizza

No. 2383905

Thanks nonnies. I'm getting pizza

No. 2384025

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No. 2384030

Leopard print, unless it's actually made from furry material in which case I'll go for pink with cats.

No. 2384031

First. Easiest to clean. Material of the furry one looks unhygienic and the other two look like they have that thin veneer that peels off very quickly

No. 2384052

thank you for your advice i think ill go out with her and if its bad ill just stop talking to her again. idk if she will even appreciate it because shes a major pickme who choses shitty men over her own kids but, ill try one more time

No. 2384160

The one that says nice with the flower

No. 2384700

the cats is the cutest one but for functionality i'd go with the first one, i've had cases similar to the two on the right and unfortunately they peeled and got damaged just from sitting in my purse. i dislike animal pattern prints (besides cows of course) so the cheetah one is a definite no for me

No. 2385297

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Should I get this mechanical pencil nonnies, or is it just a waste of money? It's 21 euro. I think it looks sleek and sexy.

No. 2385302

I gotta say, this is the only pencil on earth that would have made me click from the main page. get it and draw or write a lot, I'm jelly now

No. 2385305

That’s a really nice pencil. What’s the brand anon?

No. 2385315

What's the eraser situation?

No. 2385316

looks like there's one of those long screw-upward erasers protected by a clear cap.

No. 2385318

Asking the real questions here. Eraser makes or breaks it.

No. 2385319

I know right? I need it…
It's the Uni Alpha-gel Kurutoga mechanical pencil in 0.5 Mm
There's a small eraser on top like >>2385316 said

No. 2385946

It's 2am and I still haven't ate dinner yet, should I make bibimbap or baked mac and cheese?

No. 2385964

Bilbo Baggins or however it’s spelled. I bet it would be more filling than the mac

No. 2385983

Kek thanks nona, bilbo baggins it is

No. 2386353

Which Sims 3 expansion should I buy out of these two: Island Paradise or Into the Future?

No. 2386357

Into the Future
It's a masterpiece

No. 2395817

Should I make korean gochujang noodle soup or just cook a pack of indomie mi goreng and add toppings? It's 10pm and I still need to eat but I'm feeling lazy. I also don't have any egg noodles left for the soup so I would have to use glass noodles.

No. 2395834


No. 2395844

Indomie! And maybe after you eat it or while you're waiting for it to get done, you can prep the ingredients for the gochujang soup, like chopping onions or something.

No. 2396876

nonnies, today is my crush's birthday. i want to wish him a happy birthday but we're not very close and i'm not supposed to know about it. i found out by stalking him obsessively a few months ago kek. i also got his phone number this way. should i try to send him an anonymous text to get his attention? or is he just going to find it creepy and weird? i heard men like crazy stalker bitches

No. 2396897

If you're going to remain anonymous I guess you could, but don't if that isn't your plan.

No. 2397118

i just want to create an opportunity to talk to him irl. we see each other every other day or so but i can never find a reason to start a conversation. maybe if he receives a weird text, he'll come ask me if i'm the one who sent it? and i'll deny it, of course, but then i could be like "oh, didn't know it was your bday, so what are your plans for tonight?", etc. maybe mention that it's just one day before valentine's day, too. surely it's better than nothing?

No. 2397126

Go for it, I just wasn't sure if you meant you'd possibly tell him the text was from you, because that'd be a terrible idea kek

No. 2397129

Don't do it, that's crazy.

No. 2398175

Do it, what’s the worst that could happen?

No. 2398240

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Should I buy these triangle earrings? Or are they ugly? Kek

No. 2398243

I have a pair of these that are more like imitation diamonds and I like them

No. 2398249

i think they're cute! i say go for it

No. 2398250

If you like them then go for it. I wouldn't say they're ugly, just plain.

No. 2398251

get em, theyre cute

No. 2398257

Thanks nonnies, I'll get them!

No. 2398586

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Should I buy chewable pepto bismol or the regular liquid kind? The reviews don't mention any differences so I guess they work the same?

No. 2398589

The liquid kind is fun to drink imo

No. 2398617

Chewable, it's less messy and you can bring it with you anywhere. The cost per dose is probably also less.

No. 2401879

Should I spend $170 on makeup I don't need as a Valentine's gift to myself? I'm poor but my favorite brand is on sale until Monday.

No. 2401881

No. 2401884

No. 2401893

No wtf buy something more tangible you can store 5ever if you really have the need to consume

No. 2401931

No, most expensive makeup is a scam and it's especially retarded to buy if you're poor. The fact you're also able to buy several products from that single brand shows that instead of trying out various cheaper products to figure out what actually works best for you, you're just blindly defaulting to the expensive brand. Get something that isn't a consumable or is more affordable if you insist on spending money, but really if you're poor, you shouldn't be buying anything that you don't need.

No. 2402949

should I go on two overnight trips two weekends in a row, or use one trip to flake on the other? (basically one of the trips is not set so I can ask to change the date easily)

the trip that can't be rescheduled is with people I don't know well but want to know better, but I'm in my ugly hermit hobgoblin era so extended social stuff is more difficult.

No. 2403117

Where should I go on vacations this summer? I have a mandatory 3 week break in August (which is the worst month to go vacationing but it is what it is), I went to Japan the past two summers and while I can't wait to return there I'll never do it again in this season. I'm in western Europe if you have some ideas.

No. 2403208

You are rich. Let me be your girlfriend nonna.

No. 2403222

The best way to choose is to start with what you don't want to visit and why. First, what would be your budget? How long do you want your trip to last? Do you want to visit one city or country or several? Do you want to go far away or stay close to Europe? Will you travel alone or with family or friends, and if so, how many will you be in total? Maybe you could even visit your own country if there are cities you've never been to.

No. 2403301

Should I use a credit card to invest in curtains, light, and maybe a room divider? I'm broke but I struggle sometimes to do uni and work from my bedroom. I can't always go to the library or use the patio (I live with family). Other areas are full or cluttered. I adore my bedroom, but its tiny and I struggle sometimes to not go sit in my bed, which makes me want to slouch and get distracted. I'd like to make my environment and desk comfortable and divide my room, but I do not have much money for that!

No. 2405401

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should i buy this, it’ll be on credit card, i wanna start going to gym at my workplace and thought maybe having a suit would make me feel better about going

No. 2405404

Depending on where you live, you can join those buy nothing/free group (location). I've donated (And received) so many things that helped me. Trading groups good too.
Don't use credit if you can't afford to pay it back.
I just got out of debt and I plan on never going back.

No. 2405406

It depends how quickly you will pay off this purchase. Tbh, this purchase is completely unnecessary imo, but i won't judge if you go ahead and buy it.

No. 2405407

thrift these. Adidas supports trannies

No. 2405415

Buying stuff won't make you want to go to the gym. A lot of people want to buy motivation but you can't. Put on whatever sweatpants and tshirt you have and just go if the goal is to work out. If you can consistently go to the gym for 1 month, then you can reward that effort with buying a new set of workout clothes

No. 2405419

Both my coworkers did they, as in 400$ CAD hauls for gym wear and they aren't fully dedicated. I tried offering a middle ground (a cheaper local brand). I don't think they'll stay a long time.

No. 2405421

No, wtf. You can buy all of this shit at a significantly lower price on somewhere like ebay, just without the tags/packaging usually, or even cheaper if you look for listings that are used but basically new. You shouldn't ever spend this much on shitty quality fast fashion.

No. 2405422

why would you wear a tracksuit to work out in a gym

No. 2405432


oh fucking gross, i know that is typical for these companies but i bought some shoes from them in december and i will never do that again. thanks for the awareness

No. 2405440

No. 2405797

I have a job interview on thursday but also an ear/throat infection and an appointment with the dentist to look at my wisdom tooth which is probably causing it on the same day but earlier. Should I call the interview off? I'm scared they might not select me because I really need this job but my tooth hurts so much and I don't know if I'm going to have to have it extracted.

No. 2405857

If it's just an inspection they likely won't extract it the same day anyway. A dentist usually has other patients lined up and won't be able to stay longer to do that without any prep.

No. 2405996

In this capitalistic hellscape, you should go to the interview but "slip up" and mention/exaggerate your earlier dental appointment, but then cover it quickly with some bullshit about how you wouldn't let it keep you from this interview! Managers will salivate at the prospect of an employee that won't prioritize their health over the job.

No. 2410529

there are rumors going around that my college is going to get shot up tomorrow, but it's a pretty big college (statistically speaking low risk of me personally dying) and i have a pretty big test. should i risk going to class?

No. 2410530

This is so much pressure to throw into the make my decision thread.

No. 2410635

Has anyone contacted the police? Can you call the teacher and ask if the rumor is substantiated or if they've heard of it?

No. 2410653

The average American experience

No. 2410661

Are you retarded? How is your first thought not to contact the police? No wonder this shit keeps happening.

No. 2410666

Samefag, drop the name of the college and I'll report it myself if you don't care enough to.

No. 2410716

File: 1740140014323.jpg (155.08 KB, 1280x847, jvgjtfr.jpg)

Should I go to a concert by myself and pay €200+ for a hotel and public transport or just stay home?

No. 2410718

If it's really important to you, it's safe for you to go and you can afford to pay that, sure. If you need to put that on a credit card/Afterpay and you're planning on living off ramen to afford it, stay home.

No. 2410719

Yes. You will make friends there and it will be a fun experience

No. 2410734

I didn’t know they supported trannies kek. But in this day and age everyone is queerio if they want to be marketed, just wait for the troonism to die down. It’s not really a big deal.
But I would not spend any penny on these polyester stuff. It’s way too pricey for the quality they’re giving you.

No. 2412166

It's 5:50 AM, I started sleeping wt around 2:40. Should I get up, shower, and start doing my nails OR should I attempt to go back to sleep (unlikely to happen tbh)

No. 2412195

should I take an appointment with a psychiatrist? I feel anxious all the time but I don't want to be on antidepressants so I don't know what to do

No. 2412215

you could try to go to a psychologist instead? someone that can't prescribe you psychiatric medications if you're nervous about it

No. 2412414

I do that all the time, I love traveling for concerts and discovering new places, I do it alone because I don't have any friends who listen to the same music as me lol.

No. 2413239

File: 1740274542695.jpg (135.49 KB, 648x907, 6.jpg)

Which one should I make? I only have ground pork and Italian basil, so will need to swap the beef or holy basil out in those recipes.

No. 2413248

File: 1740275027315.webp (52.37 KB, 648x463, Vietnamese-Pork-Bowls-ingredie…)

>Thai Sweet Chilli Beef Bowls
Best final result
>Vietnamese Caramelised Pork Bowls
seems pretty straight forward afa ingredients and looks tastier than the pad kra pao

No. 2413471

Finish my project (a week late at this point) or go to bed and get a nice good nights sleep (10:54pm)

No. 2413487


No. 2413488

Finish. It's a Saturday, pull through.

No. 2413493

Drop out and join a Mormon missionary group

No. 2413497

I'd rather become a hare krishna buddhist than join any shit with mormons. those people are horrible despite all the niceness and hospitality, they legit spook me.

No. 2413500

Drop out and join Hare Krishna missionary group

No. 2418719

I have a little over an hour until my class. Do I..
>work on my assignment due on Thursday
>take a little nap

No. 2418726

No. 2418733

Nap nap nap

No. 2418862

Work on that assignment! Then draw.

No. 2419761

Later today, should I get a vanilla milkshake or oreo mcflurry?

No. 2419765

Oreo McFlurry

No. 2423323

I started the process of seeing a counselor at my university recently. I definitely need to work through some shit but they basically informed me that there is no way for me to see anyone but a trainee student who will record our sessions. I actually have past experience seeing a "counselor" (in a church) who didn't keep anything I shared confidential and it was humiliating. I know the situation is different but I seriously feel uncomfortable being forced to see a student about my issues. At the same time it feels kind of depressing backing out and changing my mind about the whole thing. I can't decide what to do about it.

No. 2424303

I’m two weeks behind on my schedule for my final assignment.
I had a mental breakdown because of finances I did do some work this week and then the breakdown happened, overall I’m just slow with the work..
Do I try to fully recover first it’s gonna take a few more days. Or do I try doing the work little by little but risk burning out for months. I wanna do the work little by little and take a break this week by a few days so I do progress just not quick but I’m doubting. I wanna progress fast.

No. 2424542

Do I eat blueberry or strawberry yogurt for lunch today

No. 2424556


No. 2424570

File: 1740848255817.jpeg (413.21 KB, 618x779, EA58607A-7B03-451A-B37B-4D45F1…)

Thank you anon

No. 2424581

File: 1740848587732.png (102.55 KB, 1006x736, Screenshot 2025-01-25 at 10.57…)

Should I drop my differential equations class? There's no extra credit to be gained. The class has four tests and the final exam. I failed my first two. I am advised by academic advisor to push through, even though there's a option in the summer I can take. I'm just juggling a lot of courses and I want to know what I can cut out.

No. 2424668

Do I go outside tomorrow morning and get a drink in a coffee shop where I can relax and read a book or do I stay home and don't worry about issues when commuting like late buses? Both options seem very appealing right now.

No. 2424698

File: 1740854027268.jpeg (137.18 KB, 1064x1330, 05549718-A6CF-4CBA-96E0-043FFE…)

I wish I could go out to a coffee shop, it's snowed like crazy here. Go tot eh shop and enjoy yourself nonnie

No. 2424704

Looking at that image is actually causing me pain

No. 2424708

>integrate and solve for y
Damn even math professors are yelling at anons to integrate these days

No. 2424710

File: 1740854562612.jpeg (28.47 KB, 720x474, B0092D4C-1783-468D-B92C-BFC25A…)

I haven’t done any high level math since high school I don’t feel like I am qualified to make anon’s decision

No. 2425086

File: 1740872560037.jpg (10.71 KB, 300x300, GkWuiR6W0AAwDd3.jpg)

OMG I'M SCREWED (even the gals on lolcow can't help me)

No. 2425149

Should I file a police report against my ex bf for choking me repeatedly during sex and telling me to shut up

No. 2425150

No. 2425151

Depends. You're going to have to recount sexual trauma to strangers in detail and prepare for his lawyer to try and argue against you if it goes to court. Big if, because only 26% of reported rapes go to trial. If you report it and they decide not to prosecute, will it hurt you more?

No. 2425186

Considering getting an Information Tech b.s. degree but I have a full-time job. Should I do it anyway? It would be online.

No. 2426073

File: 1740937823149.jpeg (518.57 KB, 1125x1397, 36A003BA-1F5A-45E3-92A0-339483…)

Do I get a second cup of coffee before I begin working?

No. 2426079

summer classes are usually harder because they’re paced much faster. also, in my personal experience my will to do anything in the summer completely dissipates and I end up doing worse in those classes. up to you but I’d buckle down and get it done sooner rather than later.

No. 2426081

Whenever I ask myself this I usually consider what time it is and if it'll affect my sleep. But sometimes I also don't care kek, like I'll get my work done and if I have any excess energy afterwards I'll just go for a brisk walk and try drinking a lot of water to get it out my system and that always helps.

No. 2426634

not doing well now but i have the textbook and notes. Maybe I'll reduce my summer load.

No. 2428148

Im 21 and have never had a boyfriend, also live in a Muslim country. Should I lose my virginity?

No. 2428192

to a Muslim moid? never

No. 2428193

Only when you're comfortable,not because some pressure to have sex until a certain age. But generally it's better to loose it later than sooner.

No. 2428317

File: 1741098573366.png (61.52 KB, 1726x527, 2ju4hy4ihmme1.png)

UBlock is kill. Guess it's finally time to migrate from Chrome to another browser. Should I get Brave or Firefox?

No. 2428328


No. 2428329

Firefox changed its privacy policy and terms of use to basically let it spy on you and sell your data. I've ditched it for LibreWolf, which is some privacy focused fork, but I'll keep looking.

No. 2428332

Brave, Firefox is dying.

No. 2428359

I've been hearing that for years. I don't doubt you, maybe this is truly the end, but I feel like it's just part of its lifecycle and it will reemerge at some point.

No. 2429309

No. 2430396

do i shlick it tonight

No. 2430410

The only dumb bitch here is you, thinking that you have to announce that you are saging, especially in an /ot/ thread of all places.

No. 2430413

Sure, why not

No. 2430417

The absolute state of /ot/ now

No. 2430484

File: 1741214052269.png (3.21 MB, 1932x2351, amerifag1.png)

Help me make a new Amerifag picmix. Which photo do you like nonnies?

No. 2430485

Yes to Luigi fanfic

No. 2430498

4 and 7

No. 2430500

No. 2430502

samefag but also 2. I was thinking in what's the most picmixable rather than which alfred is the cutest.

No. 2430503

2 might be cute but I want to see 7 on the catalog

No. 2430506

I think 2 would be the best for picmix

No. 2430557

File: 1741217728993.png (1.08 MB, 1833x950, amerifag2.png)

No. 2430574

No. 2430576

No. 2430591

No. 2430650

File: 1741219780056.jpg (13.66 KB, 275x210, 1000007692.jpg)

Just fucked up a recipe that cost me $30 USD, should I forgive myself or go lay down in a pothole puddle

No. 2430658

Is it at least still edible? What was it and how'd it get fucked up?

No. 2431035

No. 2431051

Forgive yourself. I feel you though, I fucked up and put too much water in the sauce I was making last night for dinner. It was all watered down tasting, I wanted to get run over by a car as punishment

No. 2431080

don't feel too bad.

No. 2432813

Ughhh, I seriously cannot decide which meds to take for my stupid ADHD-PI. My doctor told me I have to choose, but I still have no clue. I kinda like the dexamphetamine ones since they don’t mess with my body as much, but my doc said that might just be because of my weight. The methylphenidate ones actually make me get things done, but the whole racing heartbeat thing is sooo annoying.

GODDDD why is this so hard?? I just wanna pick the right one and be done with it.

No. 2433921

File: 1741408740613.png (883.93 KB, 1080x1081, choosetwo.png)

Please choose two from each row nonnies

No. 2433927

1 and 4
2 and 4
2 and 4

No. 2433931

1 & 3
3 & 4
2 & 3 (if specifically those pictures anyway, otherwise floral and stars are best)

No. 2433932

Reposting because I'm illiterate
1, 3
4, 2
1, 3
3 is the most American but 2 is so cute, I can't decide

No. 2433936

1, 3
1, 4
2, 4

No. 2433938

shit im also illiterate KEK
1, 4
3, 4
3, 4

No. 2433948

>if specifically those pictures anyway, otherwise floral and stars are best
Don't worry too much about the specific pictures, they're just examples!

No. 2435080

Going grocery shopping today. Should I get cookies and cream ice cream, or cheezits?

No. 2435084

>1 and 3
>CHIP! and the croissant
>2 and 4

No. 2435091

1 and 4
1 and 4
1 and 2

No. 2435139

get cookies OR ice cream
and cheezits
something sweet and something salty

No. 2435231

1 and 4 (pillows shouldn't be too detailed imo)
3 and 4 (love animal crossing, the other too look too pillowy)
3 and 4 (tie the floral color in with the strawberry pillow)

No. 2435287

I can't decide what to do with my nails. Should I get acrylics, a gel manicure, or stay natural? Also choose a polish color for me please?

No. 2435348

You should get gel, with extensions, and get aurora blue.

No. 2435420

I'm feeling extremely stressed out like 7/10 stress and I can't chill. Should I take a benzo or wait for it to go on its own?

No. 2435426

Can I enjoy the pain of staying where I am for 3 more years?

No. 2435432

Try some anti-anxiety coping skills or whatever they're called first. Sometimes I lay in my bed with the lights off, maybe with a fan blowing lightly over me, and try to breathe deeply and slowly. I've heard doing the full body clench and slow release technique really helps. If you fall asleep, that's a plus, naps are like an emotional reset.
Nothing against benzos, I just feel like you should save them for a more pressing emergency and practice calming yourself down first. That way you can help yourself if you're ever in a situation where you can't take a benzo until later.

No. 2435438

Do the advice >>2435432 gave but also have a beer

No. 2435957

Should I go out with one of my gfs tonight? She invited me out but I feel tired/lazy

No. 2436445

File: 1741529642640.jpg (264.76 KB, 1200x795, 1338921.jpg)

Should i go get
a) forest soil for my potato garden?
b) cowpoop hay for my bean garden?
I already went to get one of each yesterday and today morning but what should i go get in the evening? It will be my last trip to get these things as i am still fucking sick but i gotta fertilize my bad soil.

No. 2437640

This is late but if you haven't decided yet I would go with the cowpoop hay

No. 2438183

File: 1741615047928.png (453.64 KB, 777x777, 1-Monza-Dual-EN-Device_1080x10…)

Should I get a black or white Kobo Libra Colour?

No. 2438187

I might be autistic but I think the white one makes the reading experience smoother. The black one is too hard of a contrast to the screen

No. 2438189

white, it has a sleeker look imo

No. 2438193

I also think the white looks better.

No. 2439026

do i buy myself new demonias or a piece of jewelry? im buying something nice with a bit of my tax refund.

No. 2439033


No. 2439042


No. 2439070

Jewelry for sure

No. 2439286

I'm about to have some useless online meeting for work, should I order something in the coffee shop nearby for breakfast after that? I'm hungry and didn't eat anything before going outside.

No. 2439307

Of course, get the breakfast sandwich of your dreams nonny.

No. 2439312

I had things to do so I can't go yet. I'll eat for lunch there instead to compensate and avoid eating with everyone else, I'm already checking what I want to eat.

No. 2439350

I'm cursed, the coffee shop was closed because they don't have anymore electricity in the building and I have no clue when they'll be open again. I'll eat a salad and cry that I can't drink a macha latte.

No. 2444472

File: 1741984331003.webp (38.43 KB, 800x800, L_g0214803352.webp)

Buy Tamagotchi lip balm $7, yes or no?

No. 2444478

i cant stand lip balm you have to apply with your finger but these are cuteee yes

No. 2444485

Yes, please buy one, oh my god they're so cute.

No. 2444718

should I book the one way flight

No. 2444730

To where and for how long

No. 2444778

No. 2444796

Don't do it unless you have a job lined up, a friend to hang out with there, and speak the language

No. 2444949

File: 1742006897481.jpg (11.67 KB, 612x344, 1y32ms.jpg)

SHould I pursue a parasocial relationship with this trust fund token white woman writer from my Latin American country? She sperges out about her book no one but 20 ppl have read in our country so I want to be her friend because Im a writer too , we're the same age and shit

No. 2444951

You need to do some more ecsplaining.

No. 2444965

You've probably seen me vagueposting about her in other threads, she's a literal nobody outside our country but managed to have her books published with Pinguin editorial because her family is old money here. Her actual fanbase is almost nonexistent because no one in this fucking country reads much, let alone obscure fantasy authors.

No. 2444969

Are you saying a gringa got a deal with Penguin to sell a shitty fantasy book? If it isn't good, why bother

No. 2444974

girl has a shitton of connections
My cousin works in animation, she got cushy WFH animation job because she meet a well connected token gringa in her old job.

No. 2444975

You would probably make her very happy, but it would be awkward if you are not truly a fan. Imagine if she went out of her way to meet you, kek. With her wealth, you really run that risk.

No. 2444976

Ahh you wanna play bestie in hopes of finding some ties. Do you think that would even be plausible through parasocial communication?

No. 2444977

You should be her friend because being friends is good and it would be nice to have another friend to get coffee with

No. 2444982

My dumb ass ESL misused the term, it is more like just reaching her through social media and trying to create a friendship since she did made some vague complains on her tt lives about not having anyone to talk about

No. 2444985

We have meet in person during one of her book signings and chatted a bit about her book and worldbuilding. I am an artist and think that some free fanart would do the trick..

No. 2445238

File: 1742024771169.jpg (140.35 KB, 985x315, Screenshot_20250314_232112_InC…)

Should I do the one on the left or on the right?

No. 2445243

Neither cause this stupid as fuck

No. 2445267

File: 1742026675913.jpg (345.77 KB, 1080x869, Screenshot_20250306_082548_Tik…)

No. 2445276

I'm sorry.

No. 2445293

File: 1742028901051.jpg (88.28 KB, 800x500, walrus-facts-3346717660.jpg)

Don't let that anon manipulate you. Everyone else was going to let her go through with it. You're the only one who cared

No. 2445294

why would anyone get this? one wrong prick and youre dead

No. 2445297

gonna be real with you nonna seems like it'd lead to problems later, plus isn't there accessories you could use to achieve this effect without piercing?

No. 2445311

What the hell is that

No. 2445314

It's okay!
I figured the pricks can't be that deep, but >>2445297 made a great suggestion. I need to see if there's something like rhinestones I can put on my neck, but that look like the piercings

No. 2445316

> I need to see if there's something like rhinestones I can put on my neck, but that look like the piercings
but it looks ugly

No. 2445318

It's for a tradgoth look, I'll look like a creature regardless

No. 2445322

Maybe you could look for some sheer fabric for your neck and glue/sew the rhinestones onto it? You could go crazy with the design then

No. 2445324

I think close call-anon wants to look like she has been bitten by a vampire

No. 2445325

File: 1742031109101.jpeg (88.79 KB, 1013x1000, 31C11567-A745-4AC9-A541-F03042…)

Look for fake piercing studs and use eyelash glue or spirit gum to attach them, that should work

No. 2445332

i'm sorry nonna but neither, your clothes (especially scarfs, turtlenecks or any other piece of clothing with a high collar) and hair are going to get stuck on them all the time which will irritate the piercing causing it to never properly heal until you finally take them out and might be left with a scar. like >>2445325 suggested, just glue some studs on your neck whenever you feel like it.

No. 2445333

>look like she was bitten by a vampire
Exactly! Hence the "balls" being in pairs
You guys have great ideas tbh, I could get/make one out of fishnet and combine it with those >>2445325 fake piercings

No. 2445339

There's no way it won't reject. Even dermals on the neck would be prone to infection. Her lymph nodes would remain swollen in her face and neck. Plus it looks retarded

No. 2445448

Should I go out?
>I can continue my walk that I had to cut short last week because my mp3-player ran out of battery
>The only thing I'm doing at home right now is reading, and it's not like my books can run away
>I can buy even more books on the way
>It's likely going to rain a bit later in the day
>I think I'm coming down with a cold again
>I'm going to spend money

No. 2445481

Yes. Only bring a couple dollars and leave your card at home if you can. Bring an umbrella

No. 2446309

Should I make french toast? I did already have dessert today….

No. 2446315

Yes. I love and miss french toast. I should make some, too.

No. 2447028

For breakfast: breakfast sausage and French toast, or yogurt with fruit and oats?

No. 2447032

Breakfast sausage and french toast.

No. 2447105

I did it and now my stomach hurts. Why would you do this to me, anon?

No. 2447190

I'm so sorry, nona. I didn't know your stomach couldn't handle the glory of grease and tasty carbs. Forgive me.

No. 2447242

File: 1742146249007.png (251.73 KB, 497x470, 9yofi.png)

Anything to gain an edge over your enemies.

No. 2456220

File: 1742604955726.png (515.83 KB, 888x569, nails.png)

Pick a shape

No. 2456222

No. 2456225

Thank you

No. 2456229

Left always

No. 2458555

File: 1742749560671.png (1.12 MB, 761x757, image (3).png)

Should i buy this dress? the shop still have one my size

No. 2458556

Unless you have giant titties, no

No. 2458558

I can’t tell if it has straps or not but if it doesn’t then don’t. Dresses like that always ride down and it’s not only obnoxious to pull back up but looks bad too

No. 2459088

Ignore the other anons if you genuinely really like it, a strip of fashion tape will keep it up

No. 2459845

Should I drink another coffee? It's 4 pm

No. 2459909

File: 1742832733127.jpeg (696.63 KB, 1125x713, 2FDB86AE-8878-4975-A304-1AED02…)

Yes! The half life of caffeine is roughly six hours, you’ll be fine.

No. 2459918

File: 1742833299999.webp (19.13 KB, 512x640, tape.webp)

its really cute, i can't tell the fabric composition or the stitch quality in photo but i reckon you'll see to that yourself, you should get it and do what >>2459088 anon says

No. 2461763

A have a skein of scrap yarn the I tied together. I've been planning to use it for like a year or 2 for a pillow or just some sort of project so it doesn't go to waste. should I just throw it out?

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