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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2270607

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS.

Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.

>But why?

It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.

>Isn't this thread redundant?

If only.

>But what about-

Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2141150

No. 2270613

I always make fun of my cat when she's licking so much that it's egregious. I'll watch her and make a loud slurping noise. It pisses her off so badly, but she overgrooms sometimes and it's the only way I've found that makes her stop. How do you gyns annoy your pets?

No. 2270619

Feline OCD?

No. 2270629

Yeah, she has that, but the over grooming also stems from her being mildly allergic to something in her environment and then being stressed about that. It's a no win cycle for cats.

No. 2270632

My late dog used to be annoyed by a certain sound bite from a certain game I was playing, he'd always groan when it happened

No. 2270686

I poke my dog until he straight up walks away and looks at me with a gaze filled with hatred. That takes hours to happen, like a rare event kek.

No. 2270844

Has anyone ordered from shien? What are your favorite online stores?

No. 2270846

Finally omfg I loved this pic when it was proposed

No. 2270847

one thing I adore about these threads are the threadpics of old timey photos of women just doing stuff. its very sweet

No. 2270852

Youre better off ordering directly from taobao now that shien upcharges the hell out of their products but the quality doesnt align with its price. Use a proxy agent or a reseller site if youre using shien for clothing products.

No. 2270858

Lol, I have been waiting for three months to get these threads back on track. Our time has come!

No. 2270869

What are you thinking of ordering? Because nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand, shein is utter garbage shit. You won't get what is advertised, and on the small chance you get what the pictures look like, it's made out of such cheap materials that it dissolves in the washer after three or four washes (no exaggeration). However, sometimes you can get deals, especially if you're ordering something small made out of metal. Like I ordered a chain of metal cactus charms and they came as advertised.

No. 2270958

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I just saw someone with an onlyfans call a person "lowdown" and "moral-less"

No. 2270964

I've been shopping around for those shower-attachment water filters and learned today that they don't actually do shit for hard water and it's all marketing. Oh well.

No. 2271030

Damn, at least the water pressure gets fixed with the attachments. though theres probably fixtures that do the same for half the price so i still got scammed anyways

No. 2271061

No way! Well I guess it saves money.

No. 2271108

Rats fighting rats.

No. 2271313

i was recently at a relative's birthday party where i had the chance to reconnect with a cousin i haven't seen in many years. she's had a huge glow up, graduated from university (don't recall the major), has a good paying job, and is living on her own. all of this before 30 too.
she was a scrawny, kinda ratfaced kid and doesn't come from the best home, so seeing her now and knowing where she's at made me really happy

No. 2271922

Passed my working interview and now I start my training today. Sucks that I don't get to lay around and do nothing all day, but I was going absolutely insane in a bad way.

No. 2271966

3 to 5 years from now you'll start to get feelings of burn out and you'll have to manage them

No. 2272312

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Gym lockers are very stinky and it's refreshing to take a shower in private and getting tons of perfume after a solid workout

No. 2272317

CONGRATULATIONS. Im trying to be like you OP I had an interview today for a perfect job and as much as I will miss the NEET lifestyle I miss having money and something to do. I pray I can get this job I didnt even do anything in the months i've been unemployed because I've felt so guilty about being unemployed. Does anyone else ever feel that st4upid feeling?

No. 2272346

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how it feels to talk on lolcow sometimes

No. 2272357

kek true

No. 2272373

keeek too accurate

No. 2273024

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I’ve been having a really rough go at it recently and think it’s because I am still in grief over life circumstances. I’ve been putting off stuff that I use to never even fathom putting off, I just am so spent I can’t bring myself to care about them. I need to be working hard to help future me but current me is a husk of her former self and can barely function in her day to day. I am so sad for my younger self, not just child me but the one from a year ago too. I usually try and work for them and to make them happy, but I just can’t right now. If nonnys could spare some kind thoughts for me I would so greatly appreciate it, I can’t talk about this too much irl for various reasons so most of my support has to come from me. It’s just really hard right now.

No. 2273104

Past yous carried you to where you are now. They don't need you to work as hard; they can have their rest. Future you will show clemency and kindness and be proud of all your hard work. So let yourself breathe deeply and enjoy being the you that you are now. Take care of yourself and give yourself each day something that makes life sweeter: the rays of sunshine on your face, a warm drink in the evenings, The simple joy of a laugh.

No. 2273459


No. 2273465

dont you get tired of hating women for having hobbies that you don't approve of

No. 2273469

We don’t call undiagnosed autism “hobbies” anon

No. 2273479

I guess for you the only acceptable hobbies are when you produce something for the capital or (redacted) kekk

No. 2273482

What are your hobbies and interests

No. 2273483

You can't rush grief
It's a process, trust the process

No. 2273494

The only acceptable hobbies are makeup, browsing instagram/Tiktok, and gossiping about people

No. 2273536

that grief can be really hard to let go.
it is not forming any direction, it just is an expanding room, it takes up space into the future, to the past and you kinda just sit in this space without any mobility. just have to accept of what is. i hope that does not feel disheartening to you.
i find it easier to allow it. eventually, that sorrow changes into acceptance, some kind of mellow simplicity. and if you reach that stage, try not to stay in there out of fear to be set back once more.

it sounds like you are just exhausted and need some rest. what you ahve put aside, will come back once you have recovered. give yourself some time to fill up your reservoir and let the passion of what you never wanted to put off, decides when it wants to come back. patience.

No. 2273855

The only acceptable hobbies are mcdonalds, charge their phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie

No. 2273919

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Thank you nonnys, reading your responses made me cry. The issue recently has been that each time I feel like I am in a better spot a new event happens that just sets me back to square one. I’m in therapy with a grief counselor, I’m doing what I can, but some days are harder than others and I don’t want to use my life circumstances as an excuse. Thank you once again, your words mean more than I could really describe.

No. 2273927

My wife and her friend took me out to ramen for my birthday. I had a great time. I love having an all girls night out. It's the best feeling

No. 2274009

>she never answered
Thought so.

No. 2274040

I find it sweet that nonas still have sage etiquette even on ot boards but damn does it suck for my LC addiction. Ive been missing whole conversations because the entire thing has been saged so now ive been shifting through the pages crazily seeing if I missed any and have 15 tabs up on threads i like

No. 2274212

i sage out of habit more than anything but i also just don't want to bump threads. i wonder if it's the same for other nonas

No. 2274351

It is kek, I'll then write out a relevant post with new information and be like 'oh wait I can erase the sage! Yippee!'

No. 2274696

Joke's on you, I do that every five years like clockwork and this will be the fourth time. This time I'm entirely switching fields though, I'm so burnt out from working in veterinary medicine, Banfield just broke me.
Yeah, it's a constant trap of either I have a job and have money but no time or energy, or else I'm unemployed and have time but no money. But I just become so withdrawn that I don't do anything even though I promise every time that I'm going to start yoga, taking dancing classes, or other self improvement stuff. Instead, I just girlrot like it's a full time profession.

No. 2275685

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This is me.

No. 2275691

how it feels to have leverage to start a massive infight but you choose to be the bigger person and not post it.

No. 2275706

I miss quizzilla, they always had results like these

No. 2275716

I used to take tons of quizzilla tests to figure out what my anime hair and eye colors would be.

No. 2275730

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I feel this way about some of you

No. 2275752

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I used to make those kinds of quizzes, lol. I lost interest when the site was overrun by those "My Date with [anime character]" type fanfics.

No. 2276602

Had the saddest client today. She hired me to deep clean her house and I went in and the place was spotless. She greeted me, then said she was going to the gym.
Her house didn't look like a home. All of her furniture was new and from ikea, there was no color or personal touches, and the six pieces of art were all generic stuff that was brand new and untouched. There were two photos in the entire apartment, one from when she graduated college, and one that was a baby photo of her and another baby where the frame said "sisters." The only other touch was her work badge hanging from a key holder. The only thing in her trash was an empty glass bottle of vodka and an empty bottle of diet coke.
So I dusted and cleaned everything, and when she came back she was really pleased. I asked if she had just moved in, and she said no, she has lived there for five years. I prodded to see if maybe she had another house and this was her work house, but she mentioned this was the only place she'd lived since graduating college.
It was just lonely. Like someone had moved into one of those houses that are only show houses to advertise furniture, but then they never moved or touched anything. I hope she's doing okay mentally.

No. 2276621

Does anyone know where I can buy swimsuits like OP's pic?

No. 2276705

If you search the phrase "Victorian women's swimsuit" or "Victorian women's beach attire," you'll find some places that will sell it in your country.

No. 2276867

That’s really interesting. I think some people who tend to be extreme minimalists have issues with control and it manifests in their environment like that. I hope she is doing okay too.

No. 2277156

Sometimes I wonder if the anons being nice in one thread are the same ones saying terrible things about my race in other threads, and if they would stop being nice after finding out that I'm black. I don't think it's just outsiders baiting because a regular anon admitted (twice, almost bragging in a way) to posting racebait in a different thread, and saying nona like any other poster. Am I still your nona if I'm someone you're against?

No. 2277359

Real talk, I think there are subtleties and nuance to racism that most Americans overlook. Because my American grandma really looks down on Polish people and tried to dissuade my cousin from marrying a girl who's parents were Polish. And she has some strong thoughts about the Irish, yet Polish, Irish, and us are all white.
Yet her neighbor friend has an Irish mother, so my grandma excuses it by saying that she's one of the good ones. So I think that we're just prone to hate groups by the actions of the majority of the group, yet fully capable of seeing people we know as fully realized individuals.

No. 2277381

With the anonymous format it is hard to say, it probably emboldens them. I've had the same thoughts when people here post memes about how everyone from my ethnicity is subhuman and deserves to die.

No. 2277991

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It's true. My mother had to return to the club, and so it was just me and the wet cardboard box at my birth.

No. 2278006

Kek at your reply, you sound like a funny yn and I love that ♥ I like this art. I was once stuck in Bulgaria with my family before they all immigrated and there was f*ckall to do, so I drew stuff from reference and it was so grounding and fulfilling. My favourite drawing was my sister looking at her phone in the cockroach bedroom we were sharing lol.
How does one even learn to draw? Where do you start? Does it feel good to have such an ability? m

No. 2278101

>How does one even learn to draw?
Practice. Go on YouTube, search how to draw, and then you'll get step by step lessons. Or, if you want to learn how to paint landscapes, watch Bob Ross. After that, it's just practice.
>Does it feel good to have such an ability?
If you don't take yourself seriously, is the best thing in the world. You'll be scrolling, think, I want to draw a moth enjoying a birthday party, and then you do a little sketch and get to look at it with pride. Plus, it's a hilarious party trick and it makes kids think you're magic.
But if you take it seriously and think, I have to get the shading on this face right or else I'm a worthless failure, then it makes you sad and that's sad. Because hobbies should be fun.

No. 2278186

This is genuinely good advice! In 2025 im going to plunge headfirst and start with youtube tutorials like you said, because honestly, being able to, for instance, draw moth parties sounds so cute and fun and an expressive outlet. You can put your head images on paper? Amazing! You’ve genuinely inspired me, thank u!

No. 2278689

I like being nice and giving advice to other nonnies. Makes me happy.

No. 2278700

you guys are my heroes and make this site so much more bearable, thank you for your work.

No. 2278873

I am a stranger in a strange land and I miss my culture. These people are not cruel, but their customs are strange and ring hollow. I just want to celebrate with my people again.

No. 2278879

No. 2278883

Then gtfo out of their country and quit being such an ungrateful bloodsucker

No. 2278887

Babygirl, America is so big that it encases several cultures, and some of those cultures have distinct regional subcultures. I was born in this nation, as were my ancestors for several generations, but I can still feel lonely when I'm two thousand miles from home.

No. 2278888

Integrate more retard

No. 2278929

im so separated from my ancestral cultures I feel this too. That being said i feel like i belong anywhere because i am a daughter of mother earth. I'm trying to trace back (or forward?) to a genuine "human" culture without the needless separations.

No. 2278956

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Retard babygirl, you would screech that phrase at me no matter what words I used because you have no actual argument against what I have said.

No. 2279575


No. 2279576

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Hello everyone!

No. 2279578

the intense cold sweaty panic I have whenever the site won’t load… love you nonnies!

No. 2279587

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Long time no see!

No. 2279603

Goodness, finally!!

No. 2279605

What happened why was the site down? I was in the middle of reading old Venus threads

No. 2279618

just technical difficulties with the hosting service. There shouldnt be another outage. You can find the admin statement on meta

No. 2280584

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I want to build a very simple app, but whenever I start the process of learning, it all becomes so confusing that I'm becoming overwhelmed. Plus, people will say an app is free, but when you search it up, it says it's like $65 a month so I don't understand how that is free.

No. 2280592

I seriously cannot imagine what it must be like to be in public school during this era

No. 2280612

I love your picrel. What type of app are you thinking of making? Do you have any programming experience?

No. 2281034

Thank you! I love cross stitch that involves nature.
I'm making an app that tracks how many more hours of work you have to work in order to afford your goal (like buying an alpaca). I have moderate coding experience so I don't mind doing that, my main problem is finding a free builder.

No. 2281851

I put in my new set of braces and they're not fitting right. This keeps happening. My braces start out great,but as the sets go on, certain teeth just refuse to move and so they become less and less in line with the new sets. I told my orthodontist, but she doesn't know why it's happening. I think she thinks I'm not wearing them enough, but even though she changed me to only switching sets once a month instead of once a week, some teeth just aren't moving.

No. 2282012

I hate the feeling of nostalgia

No. 2282050

Why? Is it because the passage of time reminds you of the impending doom of death?

No. 2282262

No because I can never enjoy something again the way I did when I was a kid/teen. Stuff isn't the same as an adult.

No. 2282317

You must be a young adult
Trust me one day you will feel nostalgia over current times too

No. 2282528

I'm in my late twenties lol

No. 2282565

Oh, a young adult then.

No. 2282973

I get it. It's kind of sad

No. 2283360

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I'm trying to breed mealworms, but I'm so scared for when I inevitably open up their container to find beetles

No. 2283983

Do beetles scare you? I have a huge mealworm farm going that I feed to my chickens.

No. 2284010

I just remembered that when I lived with my mother, I would sometimes walk in the bathroom to see her sitting on the toilet in complete darkness. Like not even the light of a phone screen. I so badly want to ask her why the hell she did that.

No. 2284150

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Nonnies, what do you think the Pantone 2025 Color of the Year will be?

I just voted in their prediction poll and mine turned out to be the most popular choice! I guess I have to wait 5 more days to find out. I just hope it's better than that godawful yellow/grey combo they had for 2021. If it's a nice color this time, I'm buying a Pantone Color of the Year mug.

No. 2284154

I often wonder if any of my irl acquaintances post to lc and I have no idea

No. 2284159

>I just voted in their prediction poll and mine turned out to be the most popular choice
Eyy me too inb4 they just go with the most popular answer kek

No. 2284160

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It's a tinfoil but I actually do think that a woman I don't get along with irl might be a farmer kek

No. 2284183

Isn't that what they do? I'm not familiar with this color of the year thing

No. 2284228

I've never interacting with one IRL, I'm just a bit nervous because I know they're faster and more active than mealworms.

No. 2284231

My coworker caught me looking at it and wanted to know who I was following. And then there was this long moment of confusion while I remembered that there are boards other than /ot/ and that's actually what the site is mainly about.

No. 2284232

They definitely are, but they don't bite, they tend to run away from your hands and if they do run on you, it's only a little bit ticklish from their legs.

No. 2284235

I think you're supposed to guess what they've already chosen, going by the whole "predict" thing.

No. 2284309

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I joined a craft exchange subreddit and this woman agreed to send me some glass goldfish if I crocheted her a narwhal but now that I've shipped the narwhal she's saying she doesn't have the money to ship the goldfish until she gets paid in two weeks. I hope she does not scam me and steal my narwhal.

No. 2284355

I really like your picrel. I hope you get your glass goldfish nonny. Do you do other crafts besides crochet?

No. 2284368

I mainly crochet but I also make ladies' hats, and very rarely I'll make tiny animals out of polymer clay.

No. 2285319

She was meditating.

No. 2285338

nta but that's so cute, what kind of hats? one of my favourite exhibits i've seen was on early 20th century millinery.

No. 2285339

It looks gorgeous nonny, I admire you ♥

No. 2286616

For years my grandmother has made small, occasional comments about my body/weight that really hurt me. A while ago, I told her to stop and that I didn't appreciate it. Instead of getting defensive, she sincerely apologize and now our relationship is actually better than it was before. Anyway, it was just on my heart to share this because I wanted to say: if you love someone and they love you, it's not worth it to harbor any sort of resentment with them. Just address your problem with them, 9/10 the situation will never go as bad as your mind makes you think.

No. 2286647

this is so lovely I wish I had this skill. On my list to learn how to sew and crochet in 2025

No. 2287219

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This is so hopeful. Sending love your way.

No. 2287223

What do you call this type of art? Collage?

No. 2287227

I have mentioned this in other threads recently but I'm rereading the Lillee Jean threads and I'm surprised by how much nicer nonas were and how little redtexting there was. There were some comments I was fully expecting to be replied to with the usual "stfu retard newfag kek" comments but weren't. I myself have been guilty of stfu retard newfag kekking but I wanna try to be nicer from now on.

No. 2287238

Those were the days when the old culture was still strong. The LC of 2024 is a cheap facsimile of the LC before the pandemic. It has no charm, or reason, or joie de vivre. It's just empty farce. We're all still trying to dance, but the music stopped playing a long time ago.

No. 2287256

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You can call it a couple of different things depending on what part of it you're focusing on. But if you search for paper collage, decoupage, or paper tole, you'll find similar examples of it. This particular example was done by Anne Rosat, a Swiss artist.
Then I hope by continuing to follow the steps, that eventually the music will start back up.

No. 2287292

Board culture skews towards rude in general, but there's also the aspect of integrating and acting in a sort of amorphous manner, so I think if we start acting a little nicers it might influence others. Be the change etc etc.

No. 2287422

Working at a call center made me realize how scarily, easily obtainable someone's info is. Like we (the agents) were literally just given literally everything you could want to know about a person. Their full name, race, age, phone number, state, county, city, address, gender, EVERYTHING. Im surprised there hasn't been a serial killer who found victims through working at a call center. It's creepy and invasive as fuck.

No. 2287761

what the actual fuck there's yet another pussy poster AGAIN, who's also a butthole poster too this time. why. it's in /g/ if you dare to look

No. 2287762

which thread

No. 2287764

"celebrating our natural state" or whatever it's called

No. 2287860

I stared at that thing for way too long fml

No. 2288043

can you tell us what color you voted for?

No. 2288046

why are you calling attention to it? its obviously a disgusting troll.

No. 2288438

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Lovely and sweetness

No. 2289063

File: 1733297201004.jpg (179.21 KB, 736x920, 1000000273.jpg)

I wish we could have small humans as pets. Not babies, but mini adults like the Sims. I would keep my mini human in a nice dollhouse, and she would also have mini goats and chickens in the back. She would also be on a vegan diet, I would make her fancy, veggie only meals.(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 2289155

She would resent you intensely and venture out like Stuart little, returning only after she learns to make pipe bombs to exact revenge on her captor

No. 2289163

Is that picture ai

No. 2289185

yea it is, fooled me at first

No. 2289205

That's great inspiration for a dollhouse. I always wanted to get really into decorating a dollhouse, but it just felt sad to me. Like I couldn't achieve my real life goals and dreams, so I had to resort to making it happen to dolls.

No. 2289213

That is such a dark way to look at it omg but I feel that.

No. 2289290

couldn't you say this about a lot of things though? like playing the sims is basically the same thing, living vicariously through an imaginary thing lol

No. 2289328

i really want to make a dollhouse one day but all of the miniatures are insanely expensive on top of some other hobbies and bills i have. maybe ill buy one miniature every couple of months and have a nice dollhouse when im an old lady— babbling, unable to walk, and regressing enough just in time to play with it

No. 2289390

There’s tons of videos on youtube that give guides on how to make your own dollhouse miniatures if you’re interested. Buying some uv lamps, resin, pla plates, and modeling paints could be a better investment if you have more weeb tastes in mind that stores don’t carry

No. 2289455

I do think this and I hate it. Because I can't afford a house yet, and I'll be playing Minecraft or Sims and building my dream house and having fun, and BAM! my brain will point out how I'll never be able to afford what was an extremely modest middle class lifestyle only twenty years ago even though I did everything right that adults told me to do. And then I'll get very depressed and will realize I'm just holding a fasimile of my dreams and it's nothing but pointless pixels.
But still, dollhouses are very pretty and some of them are amazing craftsmanship.

No. 2289515

File: 1733336730686.jpg (150.63 KB, 736x981, 1000000275.jpg)

I honestly didn't even know it was AI. Here's another dollhouse that's hopefully not AI to compensate.
Wrong. She would be too small and full of love to make pipebombs. She also wouldn't have the same amount of intelligence as regular humans do, cause the only reason were smart is cause our heads/brains are big.

No. 2289520

>I didn't know it was AI
At first I couldn't tell either, but it's because I was looking at the centre of the image. I've noticed with a lot of AI pictures, the centre of the image of other focal point is a lot more "clear" than the other bits. As soon as I started looking at other parts of the image, I could tell. Look at upper right-hand side of the dollhouse, you can see it's clearly AI from the weird shit going on with the roof and the window. Then, upon looking closer, you see all these other weird things like the shutters on the front door.

No. 2289545

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I like the more fantasy dollhouses and would like to make one with a more whimsical charm. But I still feel that reflects what you said because I find reality very bleak and want to live in another world entirely, I could only ever live out those dreams through imagination.

No. 2289642

you might light this channel nona

No. 2290419

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Owning a reptile is spending a ridiculous amount of money on a 40+ gallon tank, wood, rocks, hides, decorations, lighting, even the DIRT…just for them to stay in the exact same spot every single day

No. 2290878

am i tripping but didn't you post this exact post word for word yesterday? maybe on different thread or have i gone insane

No. 2290879

also i'm pretty sure you are the gecko anon

No. 2290962

My hats are very American 1910s, but I haven't made any of the giant ones yet. Honestly, they're really expensive to produce and take up a lot of space so I'm afraid I'll spend all that time making one, and then I'll never be able to sell it.

No. 2291251

>due to stress and 14 hour shifts only eat like 1200 calories across the last three days
>wake up this morning and feel hopeless, hate my life, everything is pointless
>eat a burrito
>feel normal again
Am I the world's stupidest animal? Why do I neglect basic animal functions and then act surprised that I am mentally unwell?

No. 2291255

yes but then you can brag about having a cooler pet than a cat/dog

No. 2291392

File: 1733427536432.png (55.66 KB, 411x455, dgf.png)

this clasp on a necklace selling for 260 euro makes me mad

No. 2291472

that looks like it would come off easily?

No. 2291662

yeah ive seen someone posting a lot about this topic lately in differnet places you're sane don't worry kek

No. 2291663

what did you think it was going to do?

No. 2292206

File: 1733496475358.jpeg (298.43 KB, 750x714, IMG_0947.jpeg)

Color of the year nonna, 2025s has been announced, how are we feeling about it? I’m not sure. I kind of like it, but it bores me. I see brown everywhere. They haven’t picked anything exiting in a while

No. 2292268

I love the color brown but I don't like following trends so I feel conflicted.

No. 2292272

poop in a bowl

No. 2292278

I wish they'd chosen a richer shade.

No. 2292284

i had the same thought kek

No. 2292289

It's a slight upgrade from the greys I constantly see being used in interior design, but I can easily see this becoming inescapable.

No. 2292553

What a stupid image

No. 2292606

I actually like the color but did they have to go with something so wet brown and poopy as the image?

No. 2292627

well the years been quite shitty so its a appropriate color

No. 2292634

yeah like why not a nice looking cup of coffee or chocolate cake. Nah just a pile o shit will do

No. 2292639

as opposed to…the other kind of shit

No. 2293818

It's not mocha or mousse. Mocha in mousse would make it darker, no? The color is too reddish/orange for mocha mousse name. It looks like sunburn skin color

No. 2293853

File: 1733542945547.jpg (168.11 KB, 1383x836, relaxed elegance.jpg)

That was me and I'm somewhat disappointed. I don't hate it as a neutral color but I don't know how much more exclusively brown/beige crap I can handle. Why do the tastemakers consider the height of luxury to be having an entire house and wardrobe that is just varying shades of brown and beige??

No. 2293902

I feel like I'm looking at a beauty influencer's color palette, jeeze. The secret life of bronzer.

No. 2293931

The color looks far better in those photographs than in the pic of the mousse. That said I bet that every other time of the day when the natural light is not such a perfectly matching shade, it looks a lot less flattering.

No. 2293936

I wish they summarized a year with a color instead. Like how the year might’ve felt to the zeitgeist as a color. For instance 2020 felt red hot to me, complete opposite of the Prussian like blue they chose. That’s actually when I stopped following since the chosen color felt strangely out of touch idk how to explain it

No. 2293937

It is chill, but it's more of a desert nature vibe, when I like forests better. Needs some pops of green.

No. 2293953

I like it ngl. It's warm, cozy, and elegant. Everything is clean and orderly, but soft and inviting. A lot of sad beige houses don't really get it. The warm lighting is key.

No. 2294002

I will admit, it looks nice. My eyes like looking at the picture. But I don't think I'd want to live in it? It registers as "comfortable" but I don't think I'd want that color scheme in my house, not even my bed.

No. 2294291

I still want to know what color you voted for

No. 2294305

File: 1733586079226.gif (1.73 MB, 540x360, e8c888c2f08566d5efd8ter.gif)

God I wish that were me

No. 2294306

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No. 2294307

File: 1733586167591.png (118.4 KB, 1235x378, Greta-Garbo's-Hidden-Letters-R…)

God I wish I was Mimi

No. 2294315

Wait kek what the hell was "redacted"? Is this not a screenshot from an article?

No. 2294324

Kek I added that in, because that part was referring to the banned thing Mimi was married to (I think? unless I misinterpreted)

No. 2294401

That's a terrible color. A C-list color. Probably goes great as an accent, but terrible as the focus.

No. 2294437

Cooking dinner for my mother tonight. Gonna make us both steak.

No. 2294500

That's wonderful, happy for you and your mom! How do you like to do your steaks nonna?

No. 2294604

I love adding rosemary to the butter that I sear my steaks in.

No. 2294775


No. 2294904

File: 1733605974159.jpeg (42.13 KB, 563x557, 5A2DBD90-3830-462C-8C9B-E36236…)

Recently reconnected with an online friend that I hadn’t been in touch with for a few years. She’s applying for residency now after finishing up med school and I’m still a retard who doesn’t know what to do with her life. I’m really happy for her, she’s a great person and I am so glad to see she is doing better in life these days. But I have mixed emotions about how I don’t have the same path and clarity, I can’t help but be a little envious.

No. 2294987

I know the nature of geckos, but I guess I just hoped he would be out a little more. I just love seeing his little feet and seeing him walk around. I think I'll get a camera just to see what he likes to do at night. The only reptile I've owned before him was a turtle (which ate seen a lot more) so I think that's why it's a bit disappointing for me.
I'm a beige and modern interior color hater, but I actually don't mind this. It's a pretty lively color, it's looks very warm and comfortable. I love the way the sunlight hits it in the home examples.

No. 2295053

green would be nice

No. 2295063

a camera is a good idea. i always wonder what my pets do when i'm not there

No. 2295378

Here's a video about lolcow. I jest but I also love all the girls in this video

No. 2295434

They did a reunion in 2013!

No. 2295587

Scaryish dark patch on my arm turned out to be the remnants of presumably a mild burn. Weird that it didn't wash off and it was a very thick piece of skin but everything seems normal so no further investigations are needed.

No. 2295594

Burns can look super weird. I've had a few minor mystery burns from cooking/frying huge batches of stuff where I didn't realize I was hit with oil or something and I'd spend a few days wondering wtf is going on with that area until it starts to peel. Least favorite is when the burn looks like it has a bunch of microscopic tears in it like a close up of ground beef, shudders

No. 2296893

I took a week off of work and flew up to see my mom and sisters and I've already had to yell at my mom twice for her boundary stomping. I'm so glad I'm using up all my vacation for this, this was totally worth it.

No. 2297468

I want an emerald tree skank. They're just so pretty

No. 2297847

File: 1733703396871.jpg (123.57 KB, 736x1287, 1000000326.jpg)

Why would I ever listen to the opinions of a botch that's never had an ataulfo mango?

No. 2298994

She's so pretty! I think you meant skink though.

No. 2302583

File: 1733867479517.webp (152.56 KB, 865x1280, art-deco-bathroom-interior-des…)

So I own a little house (680 sq ft) and it's a cute little cape cod. And currently, the previous owner decorated it in a very cottage way (simple white cupboards, chicken and vine wallpaper, yellow carpet) which is cute and I like, but every door is the original wood with the brass art deco style knobs and locks from the 1920s. And this makes me want to start changing the house's style to art deco. Do you think it would be stupid to style such a tiny cape cod like that? Do you think I should just leave it cottage style and encourage that decor?

No. 2302641

If the house you’re describing is what I am picturing then yes I think it would feel out of place. That isn’t to say you can’t incorporate elements of art deco into your home, or that you have to stick with the country cottagecore feel. Ultimately it’s your house though nonny do what makes you most happy!

No. 2304764

File: 1733968128524.gif (13.02 KB, 256x213, abfbd4a441167df62658b6e77dd4ee…)

I just feel like we should all chip in and get a pet cow together.

No. 2304770

File: 1733968503060.jpg (58.53 KB, 512x640, 803712ff6b090c8744a4821bdec560…)

Mods said it's my turn to feed the pet cow

No. 2304835

How would you feel in each space?
Go by that, you'll have to feel it every day
It's really not a thing others can determine

No. 2305566

I am completely neutral on both. Both are great ideas and both are cute. However, I do take pride in having a cute house and when people walk into my house, I want them to be jealous of how much they love it.
I've done this before, it's called a milk share.

No. 2305568

Cows get depressed if you keep them alone, we need two at least.

No. 2305570

And that’s how lolcow.farm became an actual irl dairy farm.

No. 2305571

or…we could fundraise for a whole farm..the real lolcow farms..

No. 2305599

File: 1734029084444.png (942.2 KB, 1495x793, cow.png)

There are symbolic cow adoptions, where you donate to "adopt" a cow. We should open the Ko-Fi back up and make the admins adopt a cow for us, it'll be their Christmas gift to us.

No. 2305622

That's bullshit. Send me the money and I will adopt a real cow and stream it from it's barn instead of paying money to fake adopt a cow.

No. 2305627

we could do both and donate to cow sanctuaries and become a website that does a lot of good for them. and also have our own real one.

No. 2306273

i thought these were song lyrics

No. 2306601

If I actually bought a cow and set up streaming, do you think the mods would allow a thread dedicated to her? It's a cute idea.

No. 2306996

I do think there is a correlation between names and looks/personality. The name you give your child is like choosing their life path. For example, I've never seen an ugly woman named Megan (or variations of the name Megan).

No. 2307001

>For example, I've never seen an ugly woman named Megan (or variations of the name Megan).
Okay well I actually have known incredibly unattractive Megan's. Like not just average and unconventional but actually unattractive and ugly Megan's. They were really nice people though.

No. 2307027

Dude what. Megan is such an ugly name. Also Megan Fox is not very good looking despite Hollywood consistently trying to push her onto the masses.

No. 2307141

I like the name Megan but I think I just prefer 1 or 2 syllable names. Mine is 3 and I hate it but it’s also ugly on me

No. 2307408

File: 1734155754498.png (54.85 KB, 229x340, meg.png)

kek, for some reason when I think of the name Megan I think of a slightly overweight 30 something year old.

No. 2307503

Being a Megan would be like finding a niche hobby that is feminine but not completely full of troons yet. I haven't met one with the name Megan yet and unironically think that character >>2307408 made it less attractive to them

Couldn't imagine being named Alice or Emma in a leftoid city or college, I'd probably move or change my name

No. 2308554

I didn't know the writer for Attorney Woo was a woman, I was watching the actress winner speech and she thanked her reminiscing how they cried at the last episode. Plus the way they hugged before the speech when Eunbin hugged females only I had to look her up kek she looks pretty based with her short hair and no makeup at an award ceremony.
The story is so perfect and each episode and plot line make the character grows with no useless details it's such a big inspiration to me.

No. 2308868

File: 1734293611141.png (18.05 KB, 403x301, mm silly face'.png)

I like doodling on mspaint, i wish there was a layer feature though.

No. 2308880

This is really good anon, especially for ms paint

No. 2308952

Because of this post, I looked them up and read all about them and I want to cry.

No. 2309000

tysm nona

No. 2309519

As someone who is a human, I just don't really get how other creatures can efficiently drink by just basically dipping their tongues in the water. I do notice that most species (e.g. cats and reptiles) who have to drink like this usually get most of their hydration from their food sources though.

No. 2309526

It's because they're more delicate and dainty probably. To them seeing us gulp water down must seem barbaric and frightening.

No. 2309534

what a fucking cute cat seeing her shlurp water away fixed my shitty day

No. 2309557

their tongues effectively form a tiny shovel for getting the water in

No. 2309562

She's so pretty! Imagine being this adorable just by existing

No. 2309649

Today I gave my cat a mini-spa day. I trimmed her nails, brushed her, gave her treats, cleaned her face and ears with a warm washcloth. She was happy!

No. 2311237

My memory of the first time I ate a pomegranate, is eating it on the toilet. I genuinely can't even remember or tell if I actually did some shit like that.

No. 2311267

Westoids dying on the streets like rats because the chinese devils poisoned their heroin supply with fentanyl is crazy. What no border with Iran does to a mfkker hahahah

No. 2311524

i had a beluga whale named after me. i just remembered that.

No. 2311532

Belugas are the cutest. I love them so much

No. 2311536

Cute! You're such a good owner.

No. 2311557

This is cute!
I'm exhausted today and thought you meant beluga as in beluga lentils, I was wondering how that worked. I think I need to go back to bed kek.
Beluga whales are amazing. I love how squishy their heads are and how friendly and tiny they are. Disney needs to make a beluga animal companion stat.

No. 2311566

Opium wars 3.0

No. 2311646

They’re even now

No. 2313290

Idk about those posters because I don't condone racism or "practice" it kek, but while I do have some negative perceptions of certain races they don't often extend to women, and they definitely doesn't stop me from liking and supporting people who happen to be that race but don't have those negative traits. So idk, maybe you'd still be their nonna.

No. 2313575

File: 1734575132193.jpg (63.38 KB, 1110x624, 1000000420.jpg)

Don't buy the mccormick seasonings with the snap tight lid. It's so fucking hard to get it off

No. 2313603

File: 1734576232492.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.64 KB, 1080x1080, 1000002578.jpg)

Have you tried these, nona?

No. 2313613

File: 1734576606308.jpg (38.31 KB, 691x593, 1000000421.jpg)

Fuck you

No. 2313729

I am high, and I am dearly missing my best friend. How she’d come over and we’d watch a movie, and then pause it and talk the whole time anyways, making each other laugh for hours on end. We don’t talk anymore, and after a year and a half my heart still aches for her company.

No. 2313738


No. 2313742

okay the spoiler was a funny move i did smile

No. 2313753

I feel the same about my ex BFF. It’s been about 5 years for us and just thinking of it being that long hurts. I truly consider the dissolution of our friendship to be the worst heartbreak I have ever suffered. She occasionally shows up in my dreams, and waking up is so depressing

No. 2313754

7 Years checking in and it never gets better btw

No. 2313773

my ex bestie and i stopped speaking in 2016 and i don’t think i’ll ever have another friendship like that.

No. 2313779

I guess I feel a little more validated knowing that I truly did have a once in a lifetime friendship and that other people have mourned the loss of this too. It’s dramatic of me, but I feel that we were almost soulmates in a sense. I wish our paths hadn’t diverged as they did.

No. 2313782

i feel the same way. i think it’s important that we recognize that friendships CAN be that deep. women are always taught to value romantic relationships and it’s normal to mourn those. but my best friend and i went through more in a decade supporting each other and even forgave each other through more than any partner i’ve had. that has to count for something but probably not to hee which breaks my heart.

No. 2313787

Im late to the mourning party but add me too. That friendship truly felt like something special and irreplacabld

No. 2313810

My ex BFF and I always called each other our platonic soul mates. We each had aspects of our respective personalities that bristled against each other and let to us going our own ways, but I don’t think I will ever know anyone who knew me as well as she did.

No. 2313812

Same here. "Broke up" with my best friend 10 years ago. We had a fight and ended up never speaking again. She was amazing and still occasionally appears in my dreams too.

No. 2313818

It's been 5 years for me too. She can still talk to me but she hurt me way too much and was a handful so I limited contact. The longer I go without having a best friend, the more I realize just how rare it is to have a connection that deep and we were lucky to experience it, but it still doesn't make me feel better. It also doesn't help that most of the friends in my circle have besties too and I'm an odd one out.

No. 2313850

I met this 20 yo kid about a month or two ago at a night out with friends. Turns out she's work adjacent to several of them so i've been seeing her at a lot of outings.
She's a good kid, has her head on straight. Pretty too, i like how she dresses.
Problem is she's developed a crush on me and i just… why can't she be around my age? Why couldn't i have met someone like her when i was in my 20s myself. Ugh. I'm twice her age, ffs
I just hope she doesn't try to act on it or anything

No. 2313851


I’m curious, have any of you ever tried to reach out and repair things with your ex besties? If so, how did that go? I guess I just don’t understand why you’d still feel this way after so long if it was ultimately for the best.

No. 2313854

Ntayrt but sometimes there's nothing really to "fix." The woman I was friends with for 9+ years and I just slowly drifted apart. She made her choices in life and I made mine, and so we just started walking in different directions. Sometimes we still talk, maybe a few hours every year, but at the zenith of our friendship we were communicating almost 12 hours a day. In hindsight, I think that type of relationship is really only possible in your late teens and early 20s. Nothing can stay the same forever. We have different lives, different passions, different ideas; we both grew so much during our friendship and learned so much about ourselves that in the end, we weren't even really the same two people anymore. I still think of her as a friend, I think I always will, but I know that trying to force something that isn't there won't work out in our favour.

Losing a best friend can be a really sad experience, but it taught me a lot about myself. Namely, I shouldn't even have a best friend. Now that we aren't a part of each others' lives anymore, I have a lot of different really great friendships with people that would have been impossible to forge had I been so preoccupied with only one person. For me, I don't wanna be in that situation again where I rely on only one person for every social need, I want to have a group of different interesting people that I can hang out with and learn something new from.

No. 2313875

This and the responses to it are genuinely making me cry right now. I've been wishing and trying so hard to have another female best friend who I was as close with as I was her. I know there has to be another woman out there like me who feels this way, who I would get along with, but I don't know where she is. Seeing other anons relate doesn't make me feel better, kind of makes me feel worse. Because it doesn't make sense. There's so many people in the world so how is it that I can't find another connection like the one I had with her? Are close friendships really that rare? If so that's insanely disheartening to me.
She actually sent me a friend request recently so I messaged her but she's been ignoring that message for whatever reason, even though she's been online. I'm sick of feeling like I'm chasing after her. I don't want to freak her out by sending another message or whatever.

No. 2313885

No. It was my fault the friendship ended. I’ve reached out to apologize but beyond politely acknowledging it she seems to have zero interest in talking to me again.
I also dream about her sometimes. I think there are too many memories of her tiedto places in this city, including my own apartment. I desperately await the day I can move out and hopefully get away from some of this, but I don’t want to forget about her either.

No. 2313888

I miss having someone to talk to literally all day long. We’d see each other more days than not (this was in college) and others had joked about her practically living in my apartment. I have friends now but no one I can really text every single passing thought or funny thing or whatever.

No. 2313892

she told me she felt nothing for me anymore except for “concern” in a condescending way after being friends for almost ten years. i had been raped and was a mess. she didn’t know that because she had been extremely condescending to me for a year at that point. she clearly felt she outgrew me and was above me.

No. 2313967

i actually feel the opposite. i tend to get over friendships (even close ones) fairly easily. i've had at least 3 huge "friend breakups" with my besties throughout my life, and i rarely think about them now. sometimes i'll see stuff that reminds me of them, but i don't get sad about it or hold a grudge. i enjoy my friends while i'm with them, but when it's over, it's over. i guess i'm the weird one here.

No. 2314228

File: 1734620098107.png (Spoiler Image,990.72 KB, 1008x864, ku.png)

What's this body type called?

No. 2314234


No. 2314243

I love all the IG horse girls that share videos of their gorgeous horses. That's all I ever want in my feed and pigeons. I think pigeons are absolutely adorable and I feel so bad when I see people be disparaging towards them. If you were to ask what success looks like, it is owning a horse and rescuing pigeons. Uber success is having more than one horse. God I know you pick your favourites but please deliver on to me that life.

No. 2314247

Praying that She gives you a horse. Somewhere in the future, She already has. So mote it be. Amen.

No. 2314248

God bless!!!

No. 2314498

I snorted. Get owned.

No. 2314506

File: 1734630851979.jpg (76.65 KB, 640x688, LUFohv2RISHHFgbs77lmh-67tOolDR…)

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope she has grown and now regrets her actions.

No. 2314516

i booked my first acupuncture appointment for dec 31st and now im nervous lul. have any of you ever done acupuncture?

No. 2314525

Not me
What are you getting it for anon

No. 2314545

im only having it done b/c i work at a drs office that provides acupuncture among other things and the appointment is free. my coworkers who have tried it are all encouraging me and saying it will help me relax (ig im pretty high strung according to most), im not worried it will hurt or anything so idk why im nervous

No. 2314618

You're nervous because you're about to get a bunch of needles stuck in you for no good reason
Listen to your gut not your coworkers

No. 2314698

I got ear acupuncture before that was meant to be for stress/anxiety. I was sceptical but also only got it because it was free. Wasn't worried about the needles anyway but barely felt them. I'd usually end up almost asleep by the end. Then I slept well the nights after it'd been done. All in all I'd do it again if free.

No. 2314718

the sad thing is, she was really really struggling and i think that was the reason she acted like that and not her inherently. i started typing out everything that was affecting her at the time intending for it just to show how hard she had it and it became an actual paragraph as i remembered more and more and it’s too personal to post her problems on here. it was actually a lot more than i remember when i think of her usually and that made me feel really guilty for not giving her more patience. she also had just found out she had pcos and i will say that she rarely used it as an excuse but said that her hormones were making her aggressive and i could honestly see a genuine change in her that hadn’t been there before. i will still kind of defend her to the death. we had stopped being friends and then come back to our friendship multiple times and every time we reconnected things would start so good and i felt like soul bonded to her. i wonder now if she ever felt the same way and feel stupid when i remember she had other friends she was probably just as close with. maybe more and she just didn’t tell me cos she didn’t want to make me look stupid idk. i knew i could go back but i had to break the cycle. and she never once reached out which just told me she did not care and didn’t want to be friends either.

No. 2314738

nah, i want to be better at my job and it helps to know what im talking about if a patient asks

No. 2314852

that's not what you said the first time

No. 2314862

I got new pants and my butt looks amazing in them

No. 2314910

File: 1734647334866.webp (25.65 KB, 600x438, IMG_5398.webp)

I’ve got an interview tomorrow for a job that seems basically like my most ideal position. Really hope I get it and that it doesn’t turn out to be a dumpster fire. Fingers crossed

No. 2314957

Good luck lady!

No. 2315013

Rooting for you!

No. 2315039

I hope it works out nonnie!

No. 2315079

Rock the look!
I'm in a similar position,i hope it works out for both of us

No. 2315136

I think most people are like you really. I feel like I'm the odd one for how attached I get to people, I don't have many other people in my life like me in this regard

No. 2315391

It's kinda hard for me to respect or take women who are in sororities seriously because I know they probably had to do something crazy humiliating to get in one kek. Like get tied into a ball, covered in honey and rolled down a muddy, ant-infested hill or some shit. Then you have to friends with the "big sisters" who hazed you, and you can't even get back at them because they already got hazed too. All of that cult shit just for women you could've befriended normally.

No. 2315578

can you explain sororities for non-amerinonny? i know its a girls club but why do they sound so batshit insane

No. 2315604

Here's from an article, it explains why people join them better than I could
>A sorority is an organization on a college campus whose purpose is to foster friendship and community, among other things. There are chapters of Greek life spread around universities in both the U.S. and Canada
>Each sorority has its own goals, rules, and expectations, but they’re generally similar across all Greek life. Membership to a sorority is gained if you can prove you have the qualities that fit with their specific requirements. The qualities they typically look for are usually based on things like your personality, your academic achievements, community participation, and campus activity.
>Many new college students seek to join a sorority since it provides a sense of community and gives space for students to form bonds and friendships. Greek life is also associated with a certain type of lifestyle, which can help students feel like they fit in somewhere or help them integrate into campus life.
>Greek life also provides an invaluable network that members have access to their whole lives. Sorority sisters are often encouraged to help one another, especially when it comes to their careers. This networking opportunity can help open a lot of doors to graduating students.
>Additionally, sororities also set a high standard for academic achievement and behavior, which means members are held accountable for their performance and actions.

No. 2315613

Tl;dr it makes networking easier

No. 2315724

Basically, you're paying and (at the beginning) humiliating yourself in order to get into an exclusive club where you'll have access to befriend people who are much richer and more connected than you. Once befriended, you can then call upon them for small favors throughout your life, especially if you continue to send each other Christmas cards throughout the years. The other month, I wanted to visit a city I'd never been to, so I messaged my sorority sister and she let me crash on her couch for four days instead of me having to spring for a hotel, and we hadn't spoken in over a decade, and I hadn't seen her since college.
How much of a ritual you have to go through in order to enter depends not only on which one you're joining, but the individual campus and location. So mine was pretty chill, we had to get drunk with our sisters and then serve the senior sisters brunch the next morning while we pretended to not be super hung over.
There's a couple other things you have to do in your first week, but one, bad bad hazing never really seemed to be a huge part of sororities (though I have heard of some people who went to prison and got their sorority shut down because they took the hazing too far, but that's make the news rare), and two, hazing has mellowed extremely in the past thirty years. Colleges have a very very strict no hazing policy now, so much so that some colleges ban my sorority's traditional scavenger hunt. My roommate joined a different sorority and her hazing was not being allowed to wear makeup for one week and she had to wear a shirt that said something like "I'm joining "sorority" and it's my first week!", but even that has since been banned because it's considered too harsh of hazing.
Then, once they let you pledge, you have do a little cult ritual where you dress up and there's candles and spookiness but it's just all play pretend because it's tradition. One girl took it way too seriously and cried afterwards because she was so happy she got in, but the rest of us were like, "Lol, that's gay, let's go to Denny's." and that was that.

No. 2315780

DA kek and here was me thinking it was just to get alcohol from the older members before the legal drinking age over there

No. 2315829


Thanks nonnies! I think it went really well but I’ve had good interviews in the past and they still ended up going with another candidate. So who knows, we’ll see!

No. 2315838

the only embarrassing thing you have to do to join a sorority is pay money to have friends. hazing is for fraternities

No. 2315841

File: 1734713834399.jpg (7.01 KB, 150x336, images.jpg)

I am trying to manifest my vision (sailor moon characters in 1890s beachwear) but the spiritual forces of evil (my hands) are impeding me (can't draw).

No. 2315882

File: 1734715505777.jpg (1.01 MB, 4000x4000, stretching at your desk.jpg)

I have ADHD and can't be anywhere near normal without adderall, but I hate the nightmares it causes. Anyone else have issues with their adderall?

No. 2316197

File: 1734736657639.jpeg (301.1 KB, 942x1153, GdPrHg8XsAAlD6p.jpeg)

I would like to see it nonnie!

No. 2316678

There's a little storm going on outside, winter has finally arrived!!

No. 2316694

Nta but your picrel is such a good advice I am genuinely in awe of. You're right, no need to get insecure about my stupid little crafty stuff anymore. I'm gonna make them anyways. Thanks for this post.

No. 2316849

File: 1734814717112.png (693.18 KB, 2000x3500, sailor mars copy.png)

Okay. I don't draw but I tried my best so please be nice.

No. 2316852

NTA but I needed this. Thank you.

No. 2316861

File: 1734815339994.png (482.89 KB, 677x677, 776600432.png)

You have a natural skill for capturing nuance imo. Great work anon

No. 2317020

This is cute nonnie! I love how the feather looks like an ocean wave, great for the beachy vibes

No. 2317139

That's cute, she looks so elegant.

No. 2321351

File: 1735239303486.jpeg (59.03 KB, 686x386, IMG_7814.jpeg)

I love my mom more than anything else and I wish she could live forever <3

No. 2322365

I often see memes I wish I could send to my grandma but she wouldn't understand I think and she isnt that fluent in english. Sad

No. 2323553

This video genuinely made me realize that mentally disabled people don't really know that they're disabled or different from other people

No. 2323588

Answering questions from people who don't fluently speak english stresses me out so much. Not like I'm fucking Jane Austen, I'm actually not very eloquent which is probably why I have this issue, but I always imagine how I would want someone to speak if I was conversating in a language I don't fully grasp. I feel like I have trouble simplifying what I say so that it's not confusing.

No. 2323604

Poor woman, she seems nice, it's a shame she's addicted to tiktok, it won't be good for her.

No. 2323734

Don't over explain things, keep your sentences short and sweet, and get to the point. Don't assume they're incapable of understanding what you're saying unless you use baby words and pictures. I appreciate where you're coming from, but as an ESLfag, please don't tie yourself in knots trying to have a basic conversation.

No. 2323737

It makes me sad to think she's probably getting bullied for something she has no control over.

No. 2323940

Nitpick but since you're talking about proper english I think it's relevant. "Conversating" is nonstandard english. I'm ESL btw.

No. 2323946

So is "fucking", it's not about using non-standard words anon.

No. 2323965

File: 1735413489548.webp (222.53 KB, 2856x2100, photodune-3859411-cockroach-ag…)

I'm starting to realize that some roaches are actually adorable. They just look like big isopods.

No. 2323988

my work bestie who hates shopping but needs new stuff that fits her agreed to come to the goodwill with me monday since we're both off! we havent done something outside of work together since may im looking forward to it

No. 2324010

File: 1735416789508.jpeg (999.78 KB, 1125x1085, FF8A515E-AC8F-4BE7-88AB-BF5823…)

I got both my covid and flu vaccine yesterday and have been feeling under the weather since. My entire day has been spent on my couch under my fuzzy blanket with hot tea and tissues.

No. 2324146

File: 1735424341255.jpg (16.71 KB, 617x497, images (3).jpg)

I'm sorry, but I don't really like knob tailed geckos. They're almost cute but their eyes freak me out so bad. It reminds me of the time I saw a deformed shark fetus.

No. 2324148

File: 1735424417308.jpg (128.81 KB, 800x481, Pale_Knob-tailed_Gecko_(Nephru…)

No. 2324382

thank you lord-nonna that i spent my teen years smoking weed and making mspaint comics with my friends after school and not arguing on the internet about what fictional characters are and arent white. awomen

No. 2324392

File: 1735441968823.gif (16.92 MB, 640x634, Hedgehog Dancing GIF - Hedgeho…)

I don't really attend the Tunesday anymore but I remember when I did, I would always feel so lame posting dance emotes to the songs I added to the queue.

No. 2324422

My sister has the hissing ones. She actually got a bilateral gynandromorph

No. 2324430

When women in the "coping with being ugly" thread post about their struggles, I find it hard to understand. I have seen maybe 2 people in my life that I think are really ugly, 3 if you include Dana from the poly cows thread. The two irl are in happy relationships, one with a bf, and one with a gf. I truly think these people have severe self esteem issues and rejection anxiety.(bfs are males)

No. 2324431

I should clarify: I've only seen three women my age in my life that I think are really hideous, and one has a gf. I think people get it in their heads because they don't have this one advantage, their life is over, but that's just self-sabotage. Most of us weren't born to millionaire parents and will never have that luxury… but so what? It kills me to see women be so self-defeating.

No. 2324438

As someone who posts on that thread, you really cannot talk someone out of it IMO. I've been obsessed with the idea of having a glow up/transformation since i was 12 and now i am nearing 30 and i still have a hyperfixation on this. In my own case, i get zero attention romantically and i have a schizoid type personality people find off-putting or creepy. The halo effect is real and i can't help but feel i could love myself more if i wasn't hideous, i could probably forgive myself for having an awful personality and be better at faking a persona that can navigate the adult world more successfully. It seems shallow, but there's not a damn thing that could convince me i am wrong or illogical. I personally believe that if i was to live in pure isolation where i wasn't forced to interact with other humans i would not have these thoughts at all, but i am forced to be a cog in the capitalist machine and forced to submit to its will.

No. 2324459

File: 1735450108387.jpg (28.43 KB, 372x372, green-witch1.jpg)

The other nonna made some good points regarding her specific situation. I relate to being obsessed with my own looks since I was a kid. But it's a mixture of the environment I live in where everyone would tell me I'm ugly, from my mom, to relatives, to kids at school who were my "friends" at the time. With age the friends I got where more polite and wouldn't say anything about my appearance because it's inappropriate and they were a different group than the ones before. But it was an all girls school, and the truly beautiful or handsome tomboyish girls would get tons of attention and people crushing on them and giving them gifts and stuff, no one even looked my way. I was popular for my personality and academic achievements though and had good friends based on that, but never my looks. This carried on into the all girls university I'm in. All the people who approached me did so because they needed help with homework or a project, never to hit on me or something. Idk how to explain it but that's so frustrating. Because if I could get the looks I'd be perfect, looks, brains and personality, I'd have it all. But nope, the universe decided to take one away from me and it's making my narcissist ass seethe endlessly. Doesn't help that I'm 4'11 (151 cm) tall, have small tubular boobs, have a fat gut that never goes away, a flat ass, and a square waist. My face is both skinny, gaunt, boney and fat somehow, retaining fat in the worst spot possible making me look fat despite being bmi 18, being long and sqaure, tired uneven eyes with permanent eyebags, small round dark lips, crooked nose that has 2 different shapes depending on the angle/side (left vs. right with right being better), and an ugly toothy gummy smile that looks extra bad in pictures. Every time I take a picture with my friends on an outing I get depressed about the way I look compared to all of them. I'm clearly the ugly friend in the group. I don't care about dating and romance, I just want to do cute fashion and makeup photoshoots without looking like a goblin, is that too much to ask? Picrel is unironically what I look like, minus the green skin. I don't want to lean into it and act quirky as a cope or something because that's not who I am on the inside. On the inside I'm an elegant diva with ethereal looks out of this world, yet the outside doesn't match and it's so fucking annoying. Call it a mental illness or low self-esteem, but it's just so unfair. I deserve better, I am better than this look I have. Worst thing is it's the result of accumulated generations of incest, malnutrition, and abuse that disfigured me this much and made me inhuman looking. I feel like a monster wherever I go because I always stand out due to my grotesque looks, I don't even look like anyone from my ethnicity or my family members, and those "guess my ethnicity" websites and apps keep mistaking me for another ethnicity way too far away from my actual ethnicity. Maybe I was switched as a baby in a hospital or something, idk lmao. Sorry for the insane mentality unstable rant but out of all my 1000x worse struggles in life, it's this one that triggers me the most, because it's sort of gathers it all in one place, my face. It's like I see all the bad things that happened to me on my face. And I fear other people see it, too, they know I'm not normal from my looks alone, and I hate it. Not to say there aren't uglier people, out there, but I'm still relatively ugly. I saw pictures of myself when I was around 15-16 and I lost it at how I look like a 60 yo auntie. How tf does that even happen, goddamnit. I was convinced it's just phone cameras or studio cameras not being good enough, until my sibling recently bought a sigma camera and a Sony camera, and I looked horrendous in both. So it's just my face after it.
>inb4 I find picrel cute
Genuinely shut the fuck up. You don't, stop lying, it just makes me feel worse.

No. 2324512

File: 1735452986275.gif (2.98 MB, 416x416, alien-mexico.gif)

theres a sense of calm when youre sick but all cozied up under blankets. I remember the time I was under with bronchitis and I was suffering and coughing my lung out. I had to be moved into the living room and slept on the couch in order to get fresh air and my mother tucked me in with two blankets so I didnt get cold from the winter chills. It was an awful time but I felt content at the moment, like a dying victorian child being sent to hospice to live out their final hours.

No. 2324530

i wouldn't care about my appearance as much if people irl treated me normally and didn't point it out

No. 2325693

File: 1735557202783.png (334.44 KB, 456x480, 3.png)

>room temperature: 74°F
>soft blanket: check
>another soft blanket: check
>pillow: comfy
>eye pad: on
>clothes: away
>gas: passed
>scented candles: lit
>tea cup: on the table
>tea: in the cup
>figs: prepared
>biscuits: ready
>hunger: sated
>thirst: quenched
>hydration: acceptable
>female cat: sleeping under the table
>windows: barely open
>lighting: adequate
>noise: cancelled

No. 2325699

File: 1735557430566.png (146.61 KB, 304x348, kazooie.png)

That's Gruntilda from that Kazooie game

No. 2325841

same, i cannot imagine caring that much about being pretty. All i care about is staying fit because its healthy. Otherwise, who cares? being pretty doesnt give you any advantage in life.

No. 2325852

>being pretty doesnt give you any advantage in life.
Never heard of the halo effect? It's easy to get away with certain things if you look attractive tbh

No. 2325946

Is it really? Jodi is still rotting in jail so it didnt help her very much.

No. 2326116

That's an extreme case. Anon probably meant casual stuff like being bitchy or being able to cry/flirt your way out of a traffic ticket.

No. 2327816

All my life I've been the type to wear looser, baggy clothes because I didn't like being sexualized for being curvy, but these past few months I've really been embracing my shape. I have a really womanly body and I should wear clothes that flatter it rather than hide it. Plus, I've been exercising more so my body is becoming better in every way. Feeling healthy and beautiful inside will truly make you realize the potential your outer appearance has.

No. 2327817

So real. I'm happy for you, anon! Keep up the good work.

No. 2328132

That's hot as hell

No. 2328227

File: 1735756156212.webp (143.83 KB, 1440x817, s930630243877572093_p620_i88_w…)

I bought some tea and a tea strainer from the store magic hour and i can't wait to receive my order!!

No. 2328235

It's like 22°C so room temperature

No. 2328937

File: 1735790224441.jpg (146.62 KB, 736x981, ac7793394c709d61bd70cb1846bc08…)

I don't get people who are picky about holiday leftovers and won't eat the food if it's more than 1 day after the holiday. Fuck it, I'll eat thanksgiving leftovers a whole week after Thanksgiving if they last that long.

No. 2328947

i broke my foot and the er doctor i saw was so nice to me. she had pink scrubs and was so short lol.

No. 2329186

i get sick easily even from fresh food

No. 2329713

I honestly am starting to think that people accusing every woman who loses weight of being on Ozempic are just envious. Like a "you did something I can't, so it must've been because of Ozempic and not actual willpower and effort".

No. 2329715

Leftovers taste so good to me.

No. 2329717

File: 1735848469265.png (1.11 MB, 927x929, 1000003121.png)

Are you guys seriously singing to babies?

No. 2329719

British shorthair cats are the cutest.

No. 2329909


No. 2329921

Only baby girls.

No. 2330427

File: 1735881453733.jpg (61.77 KB, 735x788, hamster.jpg)

I'm thinking about getting a hamster but I'm so scared of it dying. I've heard so many horror stories about hamsters dying and how they're super delicate. Like axolotl levels of delicate. I'm just a bit scared because the only pets I've had before (besides the lizard I have now) were turtles and honestly, since I was pretty young, I never truly formed a bond with them to feel pet grief when they passed on. I just know I would feel super guilty if a hamster died in my care.

No. 2330605

File: 1735891996518.jpg (97.49 KB, 720x960, 9dfec5d7faf83e4be9b5d85d3d2c81…)

hamsters are really awesome pets but yeah they're fragile and prone to health issues from inbreeding during domestication. you get about a year or two before your hamster is old and ready to die, and you have to essentially babyproof their cage so they don't get stuck or hurt themselves. it is sad that they die so early but imo its still worth if you are adopting a lil baby in need of a home. hamsters also need an huge amount of bedding so they can dig to prevent stress which can get pretty expensive, but its entirely worth it to watch them dig their burrows. 10/10 little pet would smother with affection and bake tiny cookies for again

No. 2330658

File: 1735896819465.jpeg (68.47 KB, 600x806, rs=w_600,cg_true.jpeg)

Picrel not my ham but I want a calico Syrian someday
They're really not, people are just fucking stupid and don't know how to take care of them. I've owned two Syrian hamsters and 3 russian dwarves, all at different times, never had one escape. It's really not that hard… the main thing is they cost more money than a lot of people are prepared to spend on a small animal. But it's more up front costs, like the first time you buy a really large good quality enclosure, and all the bedding to fill it up enough. From there you can just spot clean and replace bedding as needed, occasional full cleanings, your expense then is just food and litter if your ham uses a litter box. (Which yeah they often like to! My two Syrians did)
You won't kill your ham nonny but I'd definitely recommend a Syrian instead of a dwarf for first time bc dwarves are less chill in general way more skiddish and hard to handle and more fragile
My hams lived their whole lifespans without any issues just naturally died of old age, well my current Syrian is still alive got him as a baby and is about a year and a half now. They're honestly a very low maintenance pet as far as small mammals go as long as you do some research and use common sense. I hate hearing ppl talk about the insane ways their hamsters died and painting it as "they just have a death wish" because most of the ways just mean u were a retarded ass owner who let your hamster squeeze through the bars or had dangling strings they could hang themselves on etc
Such a cute ham nonny

No. 2330820

I think it is true that small rodents in general are fragile pets, but people not properly researching the animal they're adopting is the bigger issue imho. They're often considered "for kids" or low maintenance compared to cats and dogs but it is not true in my experience. (I mean, it is true when they're just thrown in a cage and left to rot in a corner of the room I guess.) They can quickly develop health issues if they're not properly cared for (dirty cage, not stimulated, improper diet & environment). Plus they're small and fast so it's easy for them to escape and to get hurt. They chew everything they can which can also lead to accidents. But if they have a good cage where they can chew/dig/forage/run around + some free-roaming time + your attention, small rodents make great pets (and they're not going to just randomly die anon, no worries).

No. 2333384

I've started looking at being broke as a mental illness and it's helped a lot.

No. 2333409

File: 1736042847273.jpg (20.22 KB, 640x552, 1000000147.jpg)

If you're not stacking cash it's because you're personality disordered. You'd have all the cash in the world if you were normal.

No. 2333424

This is very late but who is the artist?

No. 2333698

Tell me more about this cope please

No. 2333705

I mean it can be a symptom, but it’s not a mental illness itself. Like there’s no Broke Bitch Syndrome in the DSM-V kek…

No. 2333706

why spamming emotes is the best part of tunesday

No. 2333708

File: 1736062629933.jpeg (80.94 KB, 576x1024, IMG_1644.jpeg)

I fricken love birds

No. 2333717

Omg really?????
I have a lot of motivation to improve my mental health, so thinking of it as a mental illness has given me the motivation I need to continue working towards my career and financial goals.

No. 2333729

This photo is so freaking cute

No. 2334244

File: 1736107118347.png (197.21 KB, 586x330, suzane.png)

You're at work in the reserve
Everyone went to eat
Female boss calls you into the office
Two minutes to chat
Hi girl, today you look lovely
I would like to invite you to dinner
One evening I feel alone
Yeah I know you are already taken
But that's not annoying
Your pretty neckline tells me you're pretty up for it
We could do that here
Everyone left
We've known each other for a long time
You're still not going to refuse
That way if you say no
I will hear a yes
You'll see that I'm stupid
I will plead your hysteria
You won't be the first to go down
Girls like you are less proud
When they want to keep their job
So now you will shut up
You won't say a word about it
If you want to keep your salary
To feed yourself

No. 2338050

File: 1736298687455.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.67 KB, 768x538, 1000000809.jpg)

The outfits the aliens wear in Fantastic Planet look like something from Fashiona Nova that all the IG baddies with botched BBLs and lip fillers would wear.

No. 2338058

File: 1736299061328.png (411.7 KB, 500x302, 81c8408b0209ea0c3885c6e35388c6…)

Those outfits always looked super porny, but I do love that movie and always thought Tiwa was sweet.

No. 2338068

Sometimes I fantasize about shaving my whole head and how freeing it would feel but I'm too much of a coward to actually do it and I think I would look terrible.

No. 2338081

Working out helps me feel better when im down so much faster than "talking it out" but since its winter the cold makes me not want to walk to the gym

Real asf

No. 2338087

i did it, i looked terrible and that's why it was freeing

No. 2338168

Just do it anon, it'll grow back anyway
>t. Shaved head twice

No. 2338171

you can always wear cute wigs if you don't like it. some wigs look better than my real hair tbh i always considered going bald because of that kek

No. 2338177

How feasible is it to take gap years as an adult? I have two years left of postgrad and I'm trying to figure out if I could finish school, sublet in another city off of my current savings for a few months, come back and look for a job, work hard as fuck for two years (field I'm in would be paying USD100k+ for entry level) and then quit and move to a different city for a year. Would no one hire me if I had like 18 months of gap in my resume by the time I'm 30? Has anyone done anything similar

No. 2338181

same!! this has always been my fantasy. i want to feel how smooth my scalp is but i'm afraid that it will take too long to grow back my hair to my current length

No. 2338202

I did it and not having to worry about hair styling was so nice. Also when it grew back the texture had changed (went from slightly wavy to full curls)

No. 2338252

It takes some people who graduate that long to find a job anyways…

No. 2338319

File: 1736317170339.png (82.7 KB, 600x500, 1000000811.png)

I was about to post that I'm glad tiktok wasn't around during Homestuck's peak popularity, but Tumblr was instead and that may be worse.

No. 2338320

Nah Tumblr was way better because at least it encouraged creativity, writing, art etc. Tiktok doesn't encourage young people to create anything but retarded dances and thirstposts. It's way more vapid

No. 2338321

File: 1736317366750.jpg (14.08 KB, 432x415, 1000000813.jpg)

Samefag, idk who the fuck I'm kidding. Tumblr wasn't worse. I love Tumblr.

No. 2338322

I'm skeptical whether this story was ever actually even true. Not because I doubt that someone is this insane, but because it would take an absurd amount of booze and markers to fill a bathtub. Like… it would be hard to fill a glass with sharpie ink.

No. 2338332

File: 1736317828401.jpg (16.24 KB, 400x166, od97wden54jz.jpg)

It's definitely a fake story. It's internet lore at this point though kek, that along with picrel

No. 2338364

i hate tumblr for ruining internet humor

No. 2338641

I used to like tumblr humor, but looking back I realized how retarded it was. Still beats the stupid reddit humor though.

No. 2340932

How can people get into an argument with their partner, and then fuck them less that 24 hours later? If I argue with someone, I'll be too disgusted and angry with them for a minimum of 3 days before they can even kiss me.

No. 2340945

It would depend on the nature and subject of the argument I suppose.

No. 2341210

Passion leads to lust

No. 2341533

Most women are insane and will absolutely let themselves be used sexually even if they're angry with someone. Don't fall for it. If you're emotionally aggressive towards someone for various reasons (and they're aggressive towards you) being in a vulnerable position to them is the last thing you would do if you're a sane individual.

No. 2341821

Sometimes the tension is relieved with passionate sex

No. 2341847

File: 1736556800214.webp (252.9 KB, 1080x1440, vinnel.webp)

Some years ago I found the vinyl for that films ost for 5 bucks. Super cool blind buy, I hadn't heard of the film before then. Not my pic but same record

No. 2341912

i hate how travelling is seen as the best thing you can do with your life. It's so expensive and fucking useless, no one ever does any researches on the contry so everyone does the same things at the same places to take the same pictures with people you don't want to be with. I took a gape year to reflect on myself and put some money to the side and everyone think i'll the year to travel. No, i want to buy a house and a car you retard, not take pictures to brag to people on instagram. I'm not working a full month to afford plane tickets. A few years ago i declined an offer to go to korea with some people and it was the best thing i ever did. It cost them hundreds of dollars, no one did what they wanted because everyone wanted something different, all they talked about was the problems they encountered.
That may make me a loser but i'm a sincere and financial responsible one

No. 2341942

I don't think travelling has any value if you are introverted and have no friends. I regret my last vacation because of this, it was pretty lackluster and i am very over it. That being said, i think i will visit japan and that's a wrap for any travelling i do.

No. 2341954

traveling with a big group is awful tbh. Did it once and never again. Going solo or maybe with one other person who you're sure has the same plans/goals as you can be so much fun though

No. 2341955

>traveling with a group

No. 2341959

>you should travel in group
>you should travel alone
always the false dilemma, maybe traveling itself is dull and boring ? We don't need to travel, why should we choose between one or the other we can just not

No. 2341972

I think people just need to take their personalities and interests into account more. Some people enjoy seeing new places, immersing themselves in new cultures, sometimes their hobbies lead them to want to/need to travel… And then sometimes people only do it because it's seen as a milestone or wealth signifier. If everything you could want to do is in your city/country and you're not really that curious about exploring new places.. yeah traveling probably isn't for you.

No. 2342017

Travelling is overrated and most people just do it for instagram photos. That said if you're going to use money for fun it is a better use than spending it on plastic consoomer crap.

No. 2342204

The thing is that I went abroad five times in Europe up until 2016 and I enjoyed discovering the process of booking flights, navigating through the whole thing, and then finally arriving to the destination and enjoying all the things that were there, with no need for selfies and hundreds of pics. Just a vacation where you see things and enjoy things, plain and simple
After that I stuck to travelling inside the country and enjoying local cities, it's not bad and it requires less stuff to get ready and go
Wait, people get turned on when very angry?
That's what the call "hate sex"?

No. 2342225

I don't want to travel and spend most of my time driving around not knowing where the hell I'm going. It just sounds more stressful than anything.

No. 2342279

>Wait, people get turned on when very angry?
yep, that's why i love infighting kek it's hot

No. 2343044

True, I’m a weird person and I was born with a weird name, I have yet to meet anyone with the same name

No. 2344194

File: 1736722634542.webp (805.41 KB, 1112x1111, IMG_0908.webp)

I'm a little envious of women that have slim, long nail beds. This same shape looks chunkier on me because my nail beds are wider.

No. 2344218

File: 1736723587075.jpeg (454.37 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0780.jpeg)

Thank you nonna! I unfortunately don’t like getting long nails or acrylics and I think it’s a waste of mine for me (a set here is 40-60€)and I also don’t like the feeling of nail polish on my nails so I just keep them short and clean, maybe some clear nail polish if I feel fancy.
I wanted to be more cute and thought of starting to use press ons from time to time. My nails are like picrel.

No. 2344222

Travelling is fun kek. Getting to visit and eat local food is fun and the more you are rich the more fun you have.

No. 2344257

>parents gave me a frilly ass long girly princessy foreign name
>became a bland tomboy
what did they mean by this

No. 2344269

Same. I hate mine and I want to change it though.

No. 2344284

I disagree with you on some things even though it's subjective. A lot of people do research before going anywhere, especially the ones who personally people who live or have lived in their next destinations. I like travelling and can afford it. It's a luxury though, I don't like how people take it for granted and treat people who don't travel because they lack time or money like they're stupid and uncultured.

>A few years ago i declined an offer to go to korea with some people and it was the best thing i ever did. It cost them hundreds of dollars, no one did what they wanted because everyone wanted something different, all they talked about was the problems they encountered.

I've dealt with family and friends ruining all my plans before so now I travel alone. I can't see myself going anywhere with anyone after some of the things they prevented me from doing with excuses like "my feet hurt" or "I'm supposed to save money" and didn't tell me these things until it was too late. Once I planned to go to the beach for a few days close to my city for fairly cheap and a friend of mine inserted herself in all my plans, and started whining that she hates the beach and wants to save money so we both have to skip meals as soon as we left the train station and headed towards the hostel. Whenever anyone who had similar experiences tell me they don't like travelling I can agree with them.

No. 2346221

I've never understood retail employees who go out of their way to follow people around. Even if they are stealing, you're not getting paid enough to care kek.

No. 2346226

File: 1736820037841.gif (348.68 KB, 200x160, 1007183282275897374.gif)

>parents give me a powerful goddess name
>become a pathetic womanchild

No. 2346229

Ayrt, it's so funny you say this because I plan to name at least one of my daughters after a goddess. I'm sure you're very powerful in some way even if you don't realize it.

No. 2346232

people assign me as the mom of the group everytime. it's very tiring because I wanna be babied sometimes. but also it fits my goddess name somehow

No. 2346491

Last post. See you guys!

No. 2346493

File: 1736841708172.jpg (69.54 KB, 720x692, 1000000904.jpg)

Wait a minute, I can still post. Did they mean 8 AM or PM? Samefag

No. 2346498

Nah my name is a synonym to happiness but I'm chronically depressed kek

No. 2346499

We're back early! Yay!

No. 2346517

Im bothered because my gf will spend time with me, have sex, cuddle and then out of nowhere tell me she is mad at me. I usually deserve it tbh, but all this time and this is what she chose?

No. 2346531

Your name is gay?

No. 2346532

>out of nowhere
>I usually deserve it
Conflicting statements anon

No. 2346861

I bought my pet hamster a massive enclosure, took me ages to build it but she lovess it, shes always burrowing somewhere and I love my little rodent so much

No. 2346905

This is making me smile, anon! You're so sweet, I bet she's really enjoying herself in there. I wish you could show us pics, but maybe you can describe it?

No. 2347067

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Tbh I think I'm going to become a NSFW artist and see if I can get enough of a following to make money from it. Is this rock bottom?

No. 2347084

File: 1736912311182.webp (928.29 KB, 2813x2110, shutterstock_2453740513-crop.w…)

I shop at Lidl a lot, and ever since last night I've been thinking a lot about how I NEVER see Lidl employees doing regular Grocery store stuff. E.g., stocking the shelves, organizing, sweeping, "Hey are you finding everything ok?". That kind of stuff. I literally never see anyone doing thank. Despite that, somehow lidl is always pretty clean and stuff is never out of place. It's almost like a grocery store in a video game, where you only see employees at the cash register. Is Lidl a simulation?

No. 2347117

File: 1736914543545.png (12.4 KB, 287x99, mug.PNG)

I've been considering the same for a long while, just too paranoid of my actual name showing up in a transaction if someone pays me (or like pledges to Patreon or something) so I don't know how I would go about receiving the money

No. 2347119

If you can make it work do it, especially if you already have a fanbase you can convert but be warned it's fierce competition out there because of ai. It was hard before competing with third worlders but now it makes more sense to pick up shifts for a delivery app instead

No. 2347809

Oh fuck I didn't even consider AI. I seriously need that shit to fade out soon somehow

No. 2347872

File: 1736972226538.webp (56.37 KB, 1080x1080, 3zwqz4dvxqj81.webp)

I have a trial at a burger place tomorrow and i really want to get the job (the people are mostly women and it's near my place), do you have any advices (working at the cash register and making burgers)?

No. 2347875

I think the employees at my local Lidl do that at night. I usually see them stocking shelves when I'm there within an hour of closing time. I try to go earlier in the day because they're often fully sold out of produce or meat items by evening, whereas they're better stocked even during popular times such as midday on the weekend.
I have never seen the bakery cases actively being filled, but I have picked baked goods fresh enough that they were still warm.
Lidl is my favorite grocery store; Aldi is nice, but I can't rely on them to have every random common item such as cream of tartar.

No. 2347885

Try to learn many positions as possible. Otherwise they might just stick you in one spot for eternity. That’s what happened at my old burger job to people

No. 2347889

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This post made me realize there’s actually Lidls in the USA. Not sure if you’re from the USA, but everytime I go to Europe I really enjoy going to Lidl. It’s so cute, cheap, and less overwhelming compare to a Walmart. We just got our first Aldi in my town which is pretty similar, so at least I can larp that I’m at a Lidl

No. 2347895

Ayrt, yes I'm in the US! I love lidl too for the reasons you described. We have Aldi in my town too but I don't like the "vibe" of it as much as lidl. Plus the produce is better quality than walmart. Nowadays, if I go to Walmart, I just get a few items and then checkout in the electronics section lol

No. 2347897

File: 1736973821444.jpg (1.83 MB, 4186x6280, 1000000928.jpg)

Samefag but I am pretty jealous that the Lidls and Aldis in the EU sell yarn and knitting/crochet patterns

No. 2347910

My mom gave me a foreign name that no one but Spanish people pronounce correctly and she spelled it wrong. I do be feeling like i don't belong

No. 2347934

>eat a waffle
>stomach suddenly feels empty and growls like crazy 10 minutes later
>eat fruit
>stomach AND head acts likes i haven't ate in days and whole body becomes weak
what the hell. i'm not even fat, but my body spiritually is. nothing's ever enough for her huh

No. 2347951

Maybe try eating some protein anon?

No. 2347985

Eat a boiled or fried egg.

No. 2349691

I keep coming back to this post and cackling, thank you nona for my gif of the week.

No. 2349992

File: 1737093567635.jpg (64.72 KB, 612x409, istockphoto-470828098-612x612.…)

Just realized the orange juice is OJ but apple juice isn't AJ

No. 2351125

File: 1737154321203.png (291.83 KB, 714x460, aliexpress.png)

Who else is getting stoned off the aliexpress kush right now?

No. 2351150

That seems like a recipe for ripping a babies head off and waking up in a prison with a death penalty when you sober up after you smoke the PCP laced "weed"

No. 2351151

It's a pillow

No. 2351265

Sick… A pillow full of the good kush… Never say aliexpress isn't a good bargain.

No. 2351293

i don't care if someone went on ozempic, if they lost weight, good for them

No. 2351420

The algorithm knows even when I suddenly woke up for a spooky dream and recommends hours long relaxing videos to sleep when it never did

No. 2351422

These are amazing pillows

No. 2351432

I've been listening to this video while I sleep and honestly I've been getting some of the best sleep I've had in a while with this. The lady's voice and the music is so relaxing and, since I have OCD, repeating the things she says helps curb my intrusive thoughts.

No. 2351947

I wonder if your moms average heart rate during pregnancy influences wheter you prefer fast-paced or chill music.

No. 2352700

File: 1737242289557.jpg (36.83 KB, 736x736, fat cute wizard cat.jpg)

When it comes to my diet change, sometimes I feel bad because I feel like I'm eating as much as I do when I'm eating freely or bingeing. Then I just think about all the cravings I got throughout the day and realize I actually would've ate much more if I wasn't being mindful of my health. I think when it comes to dieting and body image, it gets so hard to stay grounded and realistic.

No. 2353607

When I first started learning drums, my beats would always naturally tend to synchronise with my own heartbeat. I'd have to really strongly concentrate on the metronome or music I was playing over and I'd still drift towards that inner rhythm.
It's strange because I can't hear or feel my heartbeat while doing that but it still acts as a strong internal metronome even overriding outside influence

No. 2353609

I like both so what does that mean

No. 2353611

Your mom jogged in the mornings and meditated in the evenings

No. 2353700

>rest your head on a girl's chest
>feel her heartbeat

No. 2353706

Baked cookies, but when i was making them some of the eggmass touched the kitchen table and the sink. Now i'm afraid to eat them bcs there might be some chemo or garbage in it. OCD?

No. 2353885

If chemo is just shorthand for chemicals, you'll probably be fine as long as the table was clean. If you mean chemo like chemotherapy, then play it safe. Chemo is rough enough that you have to clean the toilet after using it just so you don't poison other people using the same toilet in your house when undergoing therapy.

No. 2353905

i love fiercebusinesswoman i saved all of her tiktoks before the ban but i will miss her posts

No. 2354172

I just hit a week sober without even thinking about it. Previously, it was always a total struggle to make it through a week without at least thinking about how I wish I was doing something else. I was even at a concert on Friday where I was offered mushrooms & weed by friends and I turned it down. I feel so hopeful for the future, 2025 is gonna be my year.

No. 2354454

>Chemo is rough enough that you have to clean the toilet after using it just so you don't poison other people using the same toilet in your house when undergoing therapy.
nta I live with a family member who undergoes chemo and who doesn't even flush when pissing even if the water in the toilet bowl is bright orange… Is it over for me?

No. 2354494

If you have access to any other toilet, please use it.

No. 2354502

File: 1737324229563.png (731.27 KB, 806x1282, labia.png)

Would you wear the labia top?

No. 2354523

Seems comfy so yes

No. 2354524

No. 2354539

No, there's only one toilet in the apartment.

No. 2354545

File: 1737326121053.jpg (924.94 KB, 3464x3464, 1000114021.jpg)

I wish the labia part was wider/bigger, and that it had a pearl on top, it would be cuter.
Kind of like my Pic related.

No. 2354565

It looks like a bow very beautiful, I would buy this

No. 2354573

I'm looking everything up right now and my family is far too disgusting to follow all these instructions. On top of that the internet became so awful I keep finding lists of how to clean your bathroom and laundry without leaving residues but nothing on what exactly can happen if someone else gets exposed to residues despite looking for this for 20 minutes.

No. 2355169

I keep getting sad about not really having pictures of myself through the years, but I always feel so ugly and unphotogenic. When I'm old and wrinkly, I honestly probably won't even be able to remember what my face looked like. Even now, I wonder how much I've changed from teenager to adult because I simply don't have photos from that period of my life.

No. 2355289

I've been thinking about this too and regret deleting the few pictures where I felt cute.

No. 2355298

Take pictures of yourself. It doesnt have to be special, just take a pic of yourself whenever you have a cute outfit on or if there's a cool mirror around. You don't have to look at them right after you take them, not in a year or even 5, just when you're ready. They're just for posterity, so that when you do want to look at photos of yourself, or if you need them even, you'll have them to look back on and remember what you were like. Believe me, you will regret not taking pictures of yourself later in your life, because there's a surprising amount of detail you forget about yourself as time goes on, and it doesn't feel good to forget about your own life.

No. 2355352

No that colour looks atrocious on me

No. 2356927

At risk of sounding like a Tiktok zoomer, farmers are really only what I can describe as "savage" kek. If I went to high school with some of you I feel like I would be bullied all the time, like the retorts and comebacks are just impossible for me to ever compete with. I would instantly turn into spaghetti. Serious mean girl, Regina George sort of energy from a lot of you. It's kind of hot

No. 2356934

File: 1737427783080.jpg (33.68 KB, 554x554, images-1.jpg)

How do you keep track of your period?
Apps? Notes? Journal? Calendar?

No. 2356947

The Fitbit app

No. 2356953

I think a lot of us (myself included) only got the capacity to become so mean after being boolied ourselves and needing to retaliate. And some IB users tend to be slightly less illiterate than the average person so we can come up with wittier responses. Pair that with this being a gossip site, it's a lethal combination.

No. 2356989

File: 1737429571541.jpeg (251.96 KB, 970x591, 4B5E4857-AFB9-48F0-8D34-6009C2…)

I think about picrel often because it makes me laugh every time. Your post is a good opportunity to share it since it doesn’t really fit in the LC caps thread.

No. 2357055

God I hate when some of you talk so much like redditors that I can't even have good faith about your posts you just sound like a neckbeard

No. 2357322

i don't, i get pre-warning cramps ahead of time

No. 2357501

Keeping a record is good though specially if you're irregular

No. 2358209

I track mine in clue, although I always forget so my tracking is probably off by a day or 2. I have to track mine, otherwise I'll literally forget if I had my period that month.

No. 2358495

Nah, farmers are just passive aggressive. They're not gonna do shit besides talk behind your back and write mean things in their journals.

No. 2358647

File: 1737495729868.png (97.19 KB, 629x497, Screenshot 2025-01-21 223946.p…)

Women's health and sexual education is such a joke. Every month I'm talking to some poor woman on reddit who can't tell if she has a normal clitoris or if she has phimosis/adhesions. I went 29 years of my life without a single doctor noticing them, so now I try to help other women in the same situation. But every fucking time they've been through several FEMALE gynos who don't even check their clitoris or are completely clueless. The other day one told me her gyno was grossed out and told her not to touch her clitoris. It's so frustrating.

No. 2358658

if i wipe and i see blood, i know its time

No. 2358665

LC helped me learn that I was the bully growing up, and it has helped me to become more creative in my current bullying.

No. 2358816


No. 2359200

No. 2361475

File: 1737612679213.png (307.46 KB, 1218x682, le moon.png)

this google banner honoring the moon is so fucking cute

No. 2363285

File: 1737724311434.jpg (354.72 KB, 1500x1500, 1000001400.jpg)

Does anyone else wish they could eat a terracotta pot? It looks so good, like an earthy chip. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It would probably be good in a stew as well. I would try to bite one, but they're too thick and don't dissolve at all.

No. 2363293

there’s sellers on etsy that you can buy edible clay chips from if you really do want to eat terracotta lol

No. 2363295

Holy shit, thank you anon!

No. 2363297

God that is wholly blackpilling. Just goes to show nobody gives a damn about female health at all meanwhile scrotes cry about themselves being seen as expendable but it’s almost like science and medicine tries their darkest to extend their busted XY existence and make sure women are as crippled, unhealthy and detached from life which is why they also shill pregnancy which is just gambling with death. Vaginas are somehow disgusting but some scrotes nasty penis full of dick cheese and unwashed filth and looking down their prostate isn’t? These women make no sense imagine saying “ewwww!!!!” to the job they fucking signed up for(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2363364

Why is it so hard for anons to follow the only rule of this thread?

No. 2364855

If you like pussy say hell yeah!

No. 2364861

As the Twitterfag would say, they're obsessed and rent free yada yada yada. That one anon who said the opposite of love is apathy and not hate, because hate implies passion was right once again.

No. 2364866

We're also getting an influx of newfags who don't read thread ops. See retarded bans thread and /meta/ where they keep complaining about bans for replying to anons in get it off your chest.

No. 2365043

On the pro designs app in animal crossing, I was playing around trying to make a usable design and inadvertently made a vulva flower Georgia O'Keefe style.

No. 2365063

File: 1737787510532.jpg (62.8 KB, 960x619, nom.jpg)

HELL yeah

No. 2366070

I think it's bullshit that I can't claim pets as dependents on my taxes.

No. 2366084

You can claim me as a dependent

No. 2366154

I hold myself back from posting so many shitposts. This place would be unreadable if I unleashed my full potential. However cowardly farmhands constantly breathing down my neck would never let me have that much fun. We need anarchy.

No. 2366157

Are they actually funny though

No. 2366168

No. 2366212

Definitely not. They say that like it's a brag tho.

No. 2366222

File: 1737853313958.jpg (36.33 KB, 427x346, 1000051487.jpg)

Went out with my friend today and grew closer as besties. We browsed lolcow on coffee shop wifi, google translated her new yumejo doujin, and giggled like schoolgirls.

No. 2366234

Same, nonna. Same.

No. 2368032

It's weird how the term "pick-me" has become so mainstream that I even hear normies and libfems using it. I remember pick-me used to almost be exclusively used by radfems and on lolcow in particular and then somehow it became mainstream. It always surprises me in particular when I hear libfems using it because I thought it would be one of those things that would get people cancelled because it's a "tErF DoGWhiStLe"

No. 2368036

The word "pick-me" was never a radfem term. It was a term started by a black girl on twitter 8 or more years ago, who was making fun of girls desperate for moid validation by mocking them with the "pick me, choose me, love me." video. Unless that black girl was a radfem, it was 100% always a normie term and was predominantly used amongst black women until the popularity spread to all other parts of the internet, as it usually does whenever a black person comes up with a creative phrase. Whenever lolcow used it, was likely years after it was made(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2368040

My sister and I put a new ceiling fan up in her room today. It was surprisingly easy to do!

No. 2368063

everything hurts, and i'm not talking about my body

No. 2370820

I think I'm seriously gonna get my tongue split (that is, if I can find a surgeon/body mod artist who'll do it). I was worried about how it'll look in a professional setting, but a tongue is so easy to hide and I'm not "alternative" otherwise since I have no tattoos, piercings and I dress pretty normal. I'm getting excited now even though I have no solid plans.

No. 2370828

Yeah, you can hide it until you have to open your mouth to talk. And couldn't it give you a speech impediment or something because you need to use your tongue to make certain sounds.

No. 2370834

Idk about you but my tongue barely shows when I'm talking. From every account I've heard, you're lispy at first but then you get used to using speaking with the split tongue.

No. 2371698

File: 1738193370623.gif (343.79 KB, 220x199, 1000001521.gif)

I keep forgetting that there's an incest thread in /m/ and getting jumpscared when I open the catalog

No. 2372254

KEK glad I'm not the only one

No. 2372347

I wish they would take that shit down it's literally a porn category. Fucking vile no one should even have to read the title of it

No. 2372354

Nona its more than just a porn category its a literal crime that goes against nature kek.

No. 2372472

Same nona, same. I swear it would have been locked if it was posted 2 years ago.

No. 2373545

I was thinking the same. I saw there was some debate about it in /meta/, so I wonder if staff addressed why they're keeping it.

No. 2373742

Have any nonas listened to Sylvaine? She's one of my favorite artists

No. 2375748

Isn't Sylvaine those animal toys

No. 2375755

i miss her so much everyday

No. 2375758

You're thinking of Sylvanian, Nona. I got confused and looked up "Sylvaine toys" and found a music box doll on Etsy.

No. 2378592

Just realizing that hen I was chubby, I should've became a feeder so I could've at least had someone paying me for my poor eating habits.

No. 2378612

feedee, nona

No. 2381261

File: 1738660228672.jpg (55.22 KB, 736x736, 487a19ff-602c-4bef-9245-212343…)

I just want to know if I'm going to be rich, but all the stupid places I go to get a free birth chart reading don't accept "will I be rich" questions so now I have to learn how to read astrology charts

No. 2381741

I met a German girl recently and I stayed over at her house and in the morning she was like
>Ok, you have to try this breakfast I invented. You're going to think it's really weird but trust me, it's sooo delicious!
And proceeded to make me a piece of toast with peanut butter and jam. It was super cute, she really thought she had invented the combo and was crestfallen when I told her I had eaten PB&Js basically every day of my life from kindergarten through 8th grade lol.

No. 2382106

File: 1738698748375.jpeg (67.34 KB, 736x776, LES NOMBRILS, série de bande d…)

How do I find nerdy terf friends who aren't weirdos irl? I yearn for deep female friendships where I don't have to pretend.

No. 2382114

What does a good friend have to do with terfs honestly. Im lucky to share the same views with my mom and sister but its not like life goes around that topic, I neverr talk about trans shit with my friends because we have many other things to talk about

No. 2382117

A lot of women are terfs at heart; they just don't make it the focus of their friendships.

No. 2382121

I used to love this comic

No. 2382132

I guess using the term terf wasn't the best to describe what I want in female friendships. The friends I do have in real life are very focused on politics/gender stuff. I haven't seen most of them since I graduated highschool. I just want to hang out with girls who have similarish beliefs.

No. 2382138

Yes maybe you need friends and life that doesnt focus so much on this bullshit gender stuff. Which continent are you from, I'm curious? I feel like US is the most focused on this and on my european country it's just a small bubble that goes on and on about it. Rest dont care

No. 2382145

I live in the bluest most progressive state in the US, the gender stuff is unavoidable.

No. 2382950

File: 1738743789575.jpg (51.62 KB, 490x539, 1000001596.jpg)

I saw a video of a baby chick snuggling up under its mama hen, and I almost cried. Motherhood is such a beautiful thing all across the animal kingdom

No. 2383566

My scalp getting it's 4th dry shampooing today

No. 2383569

Just had some really good arroz con pollo

No. 2387241

File: 1738967569117.jpg (72.27 KB, 600x400, fgdgdg.jpg)

Some time ago I realized I always imagine the vanishing point towards the left whenever I read a book and a room gets described. I wonder why lol. The only exception I can think of is We Have Always Lived in the Castle; there the kitchen, and the kitchen only, had it's vanishing point towards the right.

No. 2387246

>tfw the op of the thread fails the bedchel test

No. 2387254

that made me realize none of my hens have been able to have actual children and it made me sad. sometimes they would get really weary of their eggs and we had to forcefully pull them away from them so they'd eat. they put in so much effort in trying to have chicks. many of my chicken died so they will never have achieved their purpose.
i wish i could get them a rooster but my shitty neighbours would probably get mad at it chanting and ask us to kill it.

No. 2387570

When I was a child, I loved doing saltos on the trampoline. I never had any experience, I just thought to myself "Huh, can I do this?" and then I just went for it without any fear of breaking my neck. When I went on a trampoline some years later when I was a bit older, like around thirteen or fourteen, I was kinda worried but told myself since I could do it in the past with no problem, I should be able to do it now and then went for it again, this time with a tiny bit of fear of breaking my neck. I wanna go on a trampoline now, ten more years later and see if I can still do a salto, but I feel like this time for sure I'll be breaking my neck if I attempted to do that, and I'm kinda thinking my hesitation is the number one thing that would be responsible for it because I just wouldn't jump into it with all the vigor that seems to be necessary for it.

No. 2389621

File: 1739085975676.jpg (27.74 KB, 735x460, 1000001690.jpg)

>hates anachans
>ends up developing an eating disorder
Egg on my face. Now I just need to start hating on millionaires

No. 2390016

File: 1739102563003.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.26 KB, 615x410, 1000001694.jpg)

I always forget that feet don't gain much fat until I see a really obese person. Their legs will be like a big, floppy, gelatinous mass with a little Barbie foot sticking out.

No. 2390023

File: 1739103279294.jpg (107.2 KB, 423x474, 1000020090.jpg)

I once thought the idea of obese people being legally required to stay indoors and only leaving the house if it's to go to the gym was ridiculous, until I started working again, running across so many obese patients that only make my job harder, and now being face to face with this image. We need to be more like Japan in that obese people should be fined. The Queens of Ancient Egypt were most definitely inbred, but they probably weren't obese and that's one thing they hold over the modern American population.

No. 2390216

This woman at least lost that weight, didn't she? I feel like I recognize her from My 600 lb life. Seeing fatties get that big always makes me sad cause there is always trauma involved, and living in a deformed body like this has to suck.

No. 2390555

My ear finally popped!

No. 2390643

I have to clean pet stores now. There's a certain amount of fur laying around which gets tangled in the broom, and the smell of certain pet foods is quite powerful, especially some kinds of packaged hay

No. 2390838

You a put some vaporub or peppermint oil inside of a mask and wear it to hide the stench.

No. 2390842

I don't get why people hate anachans so much

No. 2390845

A lot of anachans don't keep it quiet, that's why. On social media they tend to be BPDchans too and maliciously spread their propaganda everywhere.

No. 2390860

I used to be like this until I met one

No. 2391017

I feel like I joined a cult in a parallel universe, or I will in the future. I'm not looking at any or wanting to it just seems like something I'd do in a weak moment.

No. 2391024

Maybe because they congregate in spaces where they flex the sheer brevity of their malnourished brain induced mental illness and have one-sided competitions with the women around them. All anachans may larp as meek and harmless/helpless, but only a percentage is actually self-contained. It's far too common for women and girls with anorexia to outright hate and verbally berate other women for not being sick like them. We don't want to deal with the chimpouts, we are tired of anorexics with deeply disturbing internalized misogyny and autopedo cope infesting online spaces with their vitriol and nonsensical bullshit

No. 2391036

Anorexia is one of those diseases where it's everyone else's problem. An anorexic becomes completely consumed by their mental illness to the point that everything and everyone around them is brought into their sickness with them. Every anorexic I've ever met has the exact same personality, and it's not a good personality. They are incredibly egotistical and selfish.

No. 2391066

They start spending all their time on spaces that glorify sickness and view hospital regalia as a goal and accessory. They don't care that they are putting the people who love them in anguish, and regularly mention how they get sick satisfaction from others worry or commenting that they look unwell. Anorexia is an extremely selfish condition for the most part.

No. 2392545

File: 1739225306378.jpg (63.02 KB, 1200x675, julia-trubkina-90-day-fiance-4…)

She looks like a skinny version of Amberlynn Reid I think she's beautiful I just can't unsee it. Am I crazy?

No. 2392549

Holy shit nona you're right, julialynn

No. 2392550

you're right, i also can't unsee it now

No. 2392573

I really like her hair color. It complements her really well.

No. 2392577

File: 1739226009792.jpg (38.91 KB, 351x583, R (2).jpg)

the lips dont match but everything else is very similar

No. 2392581

Kek anon she's using one of those freaky alien snapchat filters in this picture.

No. 2393426

File: 1739280355531.jpg (34.06 KB, 736x736, 1000001709.jpg)

Been here for 8 years, and finally made a thread too early like a newfag

No. 2393442

any oldfag can fall into their newfag ways nona..we all are learning

No. 2393448

I've been newfag-foiled twice now, it can happen tragically and unexpectedly to anyone

No. 2393449

may cerbmin protect us from our newfag ways amen

No. 2393453

ntayrt but may cerbmin do anything, amen

No. 2393485

File: 1739282810014.png (61.58 KB, 500x500, 1000001710.png)

I want to buy a pair of cat headphones and turn the ears into Nepeta's horns.

No. 2394230

Dobermans are probably the coolest looking dogs ever. Just witnessed one mog a shitbulltto death . God damn it was like Naomi Campbell vs the local crackhead

No. 2394618

You're probably better off buying normal headphones and making the horns yourself, it'd be cheaper and last longer

No. 2395303

Does Cerbmin pass the Bechdel test?

No. 2395938

You know the answer.

No. 2396040

I cut my hair! I love it, I feel so stylish and I'm finally free of this stupid attachment. For some reason I held onto my uwu natural long hair for so long, I'm sick of having part of my self image revolve around something so dumb. I'm free nonnies!

No. 2396049

She looks hideous as shit. What is with the homely looking white female anons obsessed with cro-magnon cave women? Pick a better example kek(infight bait)

No. 2396273

I like Dobermans, especially when their ears and tails aren't cropped.

No. 2396286

File: 1739412474210.jpeg (480.48 KB, 1358x2048, idk.jpeg)

Is this what you're into? I don't see the problem with op's pic. Too many bones or something?(kpop)

No. 2396348

Dieting really isn't so bad when you realize that you can eat junk and still lose weight

No. 2396471

Not this anon, but this ban is so retarded. It's a picture, and it doesn't even discuss kpop, out of context it's just a picture of four women.

No. 2396479

File: 1739417520864.jpeg (242.28 KB, 1200x675, 20250212222601189.jpeg)

here. lc approved beauty standards

No. 2396535

also nta but farmhand who redtexted is a kpopfag for sure

No. 2398452

bought a package of russian tea at the international store that was called "strawberry marshmallow". Don't know what I was expecting it to taste like but it's just normal green tea. Smells amazing but i'm super disappointed.

No. 2398476

>Don't know what I was expecting it to taste like
Probably strawberry marshmallow

No. 2398479

well I knew it was bags of green tea so I wasn't expecting a super strong artificial flavor. I did think it would be sweeter than it is though. I like green tea well enough but strawberry marshmallow was enough to entice me into buying it.

No. 2400768

File: 1739617643087.jpg (102.71 KB, 1920x1080, -1x-1.jpg)

I need something like that Gamestop stock thing that happened in 2021 to happen again. I was too broke back then but now I have more disposable income. Redditards, work your magic again.

No. 2402569

File: 1739706468642.png (4.31 KB, 225x225, images.png)

I wonder what the future of education will look like with the rise of AI. I don't even know what effective methods could be used to combat AI usage in schools.

No. 2402639

Well not to be retarded but you can't AI your way through a pen and paper Chemistry exam. So I think it'l probably be a second order thing of the educational standards themselves sliding (which they already are).

No. 2406330

The only thing that stuck from history lessons from middle- and high school is my brain immediately going windowsXPshutdown.mp3 whenever I see any number between 1914 and 1945.

No. 2407289

I wonder how many newfags that entered their emails were actually just anons who acidentally autofilled and didn't realize.

No. 2407292

New phobia unlocked

No. 2407299

I remember one time when I double-clicked the email field, I misclicked and accidentally chose an email instead of sage. It was just one of those ten minute throwaway mails, and I noticed before I posted, too, but ever since then I've been typing sage by hand.

No. 2409287

Just a thought, but I can't believe that when I was young I used to wish I was another race. I didn't go on a self love journey (at least not in regards to my race) or anything, I just naturally became comfortable with myself and found beauty in my culture and people. I can't imagine being anything but myself now, thinking back on my own thougts feels like looking into the mind of a completely different person.

No. 2409546

I honestly hate that lipstick shade

No. 2409647

I've done that but the other way around, gone to put my email into a completely different website and it autofilled with sage instead. Very funny

No. 2412146

File: 1740217452677.jpg (71.04 KB, 200x283, 62028.jpg)

I now understand why they gave her no mouth.

No. 2412216

File: 1740227582388.png (489.82 KB, 1200x1200, pngtree-funny-cartoon-kitty-cu…)

Wtf why don't they just give her a normal cartoon cat mouth?
I've thankfully only seen emails in combination with subject and username, so obvious newfags. Stay safe fellow oldfags

No. 2413834

Everytime I've had a mental health evaluation, it says I have mild depression. I find it do strange because I don't feel depressed at all. Anxious and hopeless? Yes, but not depressed. I'm not sure what that says about me.

No. 2413988

Symptoms of depression.

No. 2414046

But what is "symptoms of depression"? What separates having symptoms of depression from having actual depression?

No. 2414066

Don't you think you just have a misguided idea of how depression is supposed to feel like? I didn't recognize my own depression when I had it either.

No. 2418399

File: 1740507661189.png (2.67 MB, 1206x1580, dinner party.png)

I’m hosting a ladies night/dinner party but my apartment is really small and people will probably have to sit on the floor. I’ll put down blankets and pillows, but I’m stressed that my friends will feel uncomfortable

No. 2418404

People go to mcdonalds willingly even if its crummy and gross, anon. I dont think they will care. What food are you serving?

No. 2418406

This sounds cute. I wish I had friends that did stuff like this. I’m sure everyone will be fine and have a good time. I wouldn’t care about sitting on the floor

No. 2418407

Probably pasta, fruit salad, wine. I’m not a very good cook, but my friends will bring dishes too thankfully

No. 2418408

Don't stress too much (unless your friends are elderly women with knee issues?). I used to host dinner parties with my friends where we sat on the floor on pillows around a short table I had and it was fine. Mostly they were just happy to be hanging out and eating! I miss it and wish I could still do those dinner parties but we all live in different countries now. Hope you'll have fun!

No. 2418411

that sounds lovely. Now i want fruit salad with cream.

No. 2418413

Thank you nonnas! Perhaps I was overthinking. My friends are all in their 20s, but I feel like a fail adult for asking them to sit on the floor for dinner kek. But hopefully I can make it comfy and fun for them still

No. 2418419

maybe you could change the food so its easier to eat in the floor? but i dont think they will mind tho, i bet you can find some boxes or soemthing to use as a makeshift table so they can put their plates there and eat more comfortably.

No. 2424336

I usually feel like lolcow hasn't really brought anything good to my life (even though I've been here for so long), but tbh I think the anons here really saved my mental health. I used to think you had to see a shrink to get help for mental disorders, farmers are the ones that informed me that all you need is a primary care physician. I genuinely didn't know getting mental health aid was so easy. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm grateful that I'm at least on this journey.

No. 2424640

File: 1740850861473.gif (684.88 KB, 275x182, 1000001927.gif)

its my birthday today but mostly i just wanted to say being born on the 1st of any month is pretty cool except for maybe January 1st so ill pour one out for those ppl i guess. hbd to any fellow march 1st nonnas!

No. 2424906

File: 1740863674222.gif (1007.45 KB, 892x940, 1623620306168.gif)

Happy birthday nona! Are you doing anything special for today?

No. 2424974

I'm happy for you, nonna. I have mixed feelings about this site too, but sometimes it has given me such a sense of belonging that I haven't found elsewhere. I'm glad anons were able to help you and I hope your journey to good mental health goes well!

No. 2424984

Miki Miki★Romantic Night is my favorite Night song but I suck at parapara, like Can't-Even-Do-Night-Of-Fire levels of sucking at it. I can do the choreos for all the other Night songs I like, but this one…

No. 2425290

File: 1740884333997.jpeg (54.39 KB, 480x600, ihzfsvo8h87d1.jpeg)

Is it weird that I think Meryl Streep looks more attractive after 40 than she did before? Are these the perfect features for a woman or what?

No. 2425311

Not at all. I think people who look really good in one age range don’t necessarily look good in the others. Child stars are an obvious example, the features that make you an adorable gerber baby don’t necessarily look as amazing on a 30 year old. I think the inverse is true, some people just look really great as they get older like her.

No. 2426096

When you stay in jail long enough you kind of get used to pissing and shitting in front of other people. There's just one bathroom in each cell and no walls to keep the lookers away

No. 2426101

I think that would be the worst thing for me if I ever ended up in prison. There are times I've cried from pain because my bladder's too shy and I couldn't piss even though, realistically, nobody could hear or see me.

No. 2426103

File: 1740939423297.jpg (53.49 KB, 300x450, download.jpg)

I think Gillian Anderson is also one of those women that look more attractive as they get older.

No. 2426554

Seems like flat face + small mouth and small nose are the key to aging the best

No. 2426629

(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2429192

I wanna make art for 8M but I'm afraid it could be "too girly" or "too infantilizing". I still have time thankfully…

No. 2431498

File: 1741263421622.png (7.31 KB, 220x220, 1000001956.png)

Can't remember what thread it was originally being discussed in, but I just wanted to recommend Adguard to all the anons having problems with Chrome no longer supporting UBlock. It's way better than Ublock Lite, imo.

No. 2431503

Just switch to Firefox, it's way better than Chrome.

No. 2431504

When I was struggling with fear and anxiety last year I was given the same advice and following it made me feel so much better. I had my last session with the mental health doctor at the GP's office recently and I feel so grateful to her, she's very kind and empathetic and good at her work.

No. 2431663

My job was supposed to start today but I had the hr lady tell me days ago to wait for confirmation. Today I send them a message asking if I should still go today but they don't fucking answer it. I just need a yes or no! The fuck is so hard?

No. 2431871

File: 1741287333503.jpg (1.12 MB, 3840x2160, homework_demo.jpg)

am i tripping or does she not look like a thinner pt?

No. 2431880

what course is this?

No. 2432129

File: 1741299180258.jpg (40.09 KB, 736x896, 80s style pet portraits.jpg)

Not necessarily directed towards any anon in particular, but sometimes underaged users really show their age on this site and it's a little mind boggling. It's like they're not aware of how they sound.

No. 2432140

Being lobotomized comes packaged with being underage, we just need to (affectionately) beat them to stimulate the growth of grey matter.

No. 2432152

Idk I get accused of being underage a lot despite being 29, it could just be a regular retard

No. 2432361

I know what you're talking about but I think a lot of people in their early and mid 20s sound like little kids nowadays as well.

No. 2432366

File: 1741307913842.png (22.37 KB, 1281x86, u u uu u u.png)

Ok actually after seeing this post I get what you mean(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2435172

Happy Women's Day Nonas. Everyone do something to celebrate yourself today

No. 2435307

Happy Women's Day! I love you all so so much!!

No. 2435326

Taking a nap. Thank you. Gonna have some delicious pastry and tea after my nap. Then I'm gonna play some dress up games and listen to music.

No. 2436763

I just used a filter and it made me feel ridiculously insecure. Idk how people constantly take pictures and videos of themselves with filters and don't go insane.

No. 2436849

>leave clean laundry in a basket in the middle of my room for weeks
>finally put everything up
>"wow! That took no time at all! Next time I'll immediately put it up!"
>do laundry again
>leave clothes sitting in basket again
Every time.

No. 2436921

I got some gifts for myself: some
fancy olive oil, a granola bar, coffee and tea packets all stolen from work. Tomorrow I'll celebrate some more by stealing more granola bars and maybe some chocolate for my mom. I'd steal the toilet paper as well if it was good but it feels like newspaper. Fucking cheapskates think our asses are made of iron or something.

No. 2442572

Sounds wonderful. Good for you!
Very nice. I support your stealing from work just be careful.

No. 2442577

I do this too kek. I hate putting laundry away. I wish I could Mary Poppins or Matilda and just point my fingers at things to go to their place.

No. 2443086

File: 1741891395810.jpg (Spoiler Image,418.32 KB, 1080x1268, smelle.jpg)

I keked

No. 2443089

If she didn't spend all the day on the computer pretending to be a little girl, she wouldn't get those fat rolls on her back when she turns around. That's from poor posture

No. 2443090

File: 1741891585018.jpg (40.65 KB, 620x419, 1000002029.jpg)

I've started watching Yellowjackets, and I'm realizing that I absolutely cannot recognize Christina Ricci if she doesn't have black hair. I didn't know this was her until episode 3, probably would've gone on longer if I didn't google the cast.

No. 2443093

File: 1741891741043.jpg (22.53 KB, 500x269, 1000002030.jpg)

Samefag, even in Buffalo 66 I was able to recognize her but she still looked so different.

No. 2443098

There's a pretty big difference between these two photos. She is immediately recognizable in Buffalo 66. In this Yellowjackets cap, she looks like a corporate execute that has been hired to find financial redundancy on set

No. 2443239

File: 1741897881494.png (944.11 KB, 1582x690, alligator.png)

Am I crazy or is this insane

No. 2443241

idk anon tons of thin, normal postured people get those

No. 2443242

Definitely crazy if that alligator doesn't seem worth $25,000 to you. I'm going to be thinking about it all week

No. 2443244

Definitely, I'm more or less pointing it out bc it can happen to anyone who spends a lot of time hunched over and I fucking hate her, so don't mind pointing it out

No. 2443292

she's a more put together version of michelle pfeiffer's selina kyle in batman returns. and i love her for it. i've had a crush on her since her wednesday addams days

No. 2443294

That is accurate anon, I knew she reminded me of someone and that's probably who I'm thinking of

No. 2443369

It's definitely a cute gator, but $25k???? Especially when you consider that it's an alligator so its gonna get big as fuck. Maybe the seller is intending for a zoo to buy it though.

No. 2444410

I need tips on how to do laundry because I keep using clothes which smell of sweat

No. 2444419

NTA. Wash underwear and towels in hot water. Everything else can go in cold, especially more delicate stuff. You can wash something on warm if it's a little dirtier than usual (I wash gym clothes in warm). Hand wash all bras!!!
I use tidepods or a liquid detergent because it typically has a scent. Dry your clothes on the lowest setting you can without your clothes coming out damp. This is so you don't burn the fibers.
You can also help your clothes smell good by buying dryer sheets. They're meant to go in the dryer (and are supposed to be anti-static, softening, and other bullshit, etc), but I put one sheet in each of my dresser drawers. They keep my clothes smelling like whatever scent I bought and last fucking forever, or at least mine do kek

No. 2444435

If you have access to Arm & Hammer oxiclean detergent, i really recommend it. There's also enzyme laundry detergents or a cleaner with enzyme in it (like Nature's Miracle), and laundry sanitizers to remove the bacteria from the sweat.

No. 2445363

>just woke up
>feel like i've been ran over with a truck and high on weed while having never slept in years
it's like the fourth morning I woke up like this

No. 2445820

And you are naked in front of strangers more times than you think in prison. All that strip search stuff, no privacy for bathrooms when everyone sees you doing number 1 and number 2, and practically most showers there are communal.
Oh well that sucks, but practically everyone there has to do the squat and cough thing

No. 2445907

And if you really need some stuff you need to hide it in clever places (not just mouth, vagina, and rectum) but in like deodorant containers, book bindings, unopened plastic bottles, and more stuff

No. 2446705

File: 1742095684024.jpg (53.84 KB, 564x752, 1000002117.jpg)

I just realized that I'm now the same my mother was when she had me. What the fuck was she thinking?

No. 2447120

File: 1742139415224.gif (1.49 MB, 346x261, 1679862803936.gif)

Gifrel is how it feels to see my languages version of a Wikipedia article being the only one with a silver or even gold star.

No. 2447150

File: 1742141024043.jpg (1 MB, 2794x3725, 1000002132.jpg)

I don't know why but it's always so hilarious to me when I see someone misspell a food or dish name. Like flaming yon for filet mignon.

No. 2447169

Oh my fucking god I thought this was something else KEK

No. 2447317

What did you think it was?

No. 2447329

NTA, but I also thought that it was some Asian word for soft tacos because that's what they look like to me.

No. 2447385

being born on january 1st is actually underrated
>you get gifts for christmas on december
>you get gifts for new years
>and you also get gifts for your birthday
also fun fact, ice spices birthday is 1/1/2000. so strange

No. 2447389

what happened?

No. 2447867

Do you guys wanna see something gay?

No. 2447875

Yes please nonny

No. 2447877

File: 1742172658094.jpg (74.31 KB, 703x1000, 71VNZjzE1TL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

No. 2447880

Ngl you get me

No. 2447888

Are you all redditors ffs

No. 2447899

>t. gay

No. 2447900

It's okay anon, the nonna in the mirror can't hurt you.

No. 2447903

Kek I used to open my front camera, ask people in school if they wanted to see something disgusting, then showed my screen.

No. 2447933

only one of these is true. my relatives who were born on that day actually end up with less gifts on every non-christmas day precisely because of that kek

No. 2455788

Nothing in particular happened, it's just crazy to me that she chose to keep me.

No. 2455860

What is the lesbian scene in Germany like? Planning to move there in the future.

No. 2458230

File: 1742736094842.jpg (109.45 KB, 1024x1024, 1000002250.jpg)

I'm insecure about a lot of things with my face, but I never really got why people don't like their tear troughs/eyebags. I think they give a cute, tired look. My mom used to try to pressure me into using different eye creams and stuff, but it's just a genetic thing.

No. 2458234

honestly, im fine with the eye bags but the drakness next to my nose bridge is kinda too much, i only want that part gone

No. 2458262

i like mine so much i dab a bit of black eyeshadow on my eyebags most of the days

No. 2458348

i just love women and being around women i just love all the nonnas here and imagine all of you as stacies

No. 2458409

That's super sweet to read!
I've wanted to be friends with so many nonas on here, knowing how much I've shared in common with them. Still afraid I might come.off as a weirdo though.

No. 2458538

I'm having a discussion with a friend. Please tell me which one of us is the reasonable one. This is not a serious fight, so please don't worry about breaking up a decade old friendship by judging. I'm not saying who's who to keep you unbiased. One of us uses a bedspread over her bed and whatever you call the same thing for a sofa on her sofa. She puts them on every morning and sits on them if she hasn't showered and washed her hair yet after being outside. The other one says this is too much–your bed, sure, that's where you sleep but you should be able to sit normally on your sofa even if you're "dirty" from the outside world and putting it on every morning and off every evening is the other ones germaphobia showing a bit too much.

No. 2458539

It really depends. Did you go out and drive in your car to just stand and shop at the grocery store? Sure, sit on the couch. Did you go out to eat at Taco Bell? You should probably change into house clothes before sitting on the couch. It all really depends on the context and how many dirty surfaces the seat of your pants have touched.

No. 2458542

Any kind of outside and no touching of the naked couch unless you're clean, even if you're in house clothes.

No. 2458549

I think both of you are reasonable here, as long as neither of you are being rude to each other about your preferences. But also I never thought of putting a comforter on my sofa as a kind of washable cover and I love the idea.

No. 2458551

I wish I'd covered my couch in a special couch sheet. I moved out when I was 21 and have cats. I didn't know better at the time, and did not anticipate how much they would like taking over the couch, nor how much hair they would leave behind. A sheet that I can take off and throw in the wash would have saved me so much grief. You have no idea how hard it is to clean down couch fabric.

No. 2458575

Then that's stupid.

No. 2459192

Because it makes me look 40 year old on drugs and I accidentally scared children and random people with it

No. 2460270

So randomly, this woman who has followed me on tumblr for about a year, well we found out we work in the same building. Which is insane. We are meeting up for lunch tomorrow and I hope I don’t come off like a loser compared to who she imagined I would be. And since coincidence has already struck twice in this situation, (we drive the exact same model of car too), at this point I am scared she uses this website and will see this. So if you do, DO NOT MENTION IT to me on our first meeting or I will shit bricks in embarrassment.

I’m sad because I’ve worked here for 2 years and only now, a week and some change before I am leaving for a new job in a different geographical area, do I find out I could have had a friend this whole time. WTF!

No. 2460299

Aren't tear troughs common in South Asians? My friend had them since she was a child. I don't see the big deal either.

No. 2460470

nona we live the same life… thankfully my glasses take away the attention from my drug addict like eyes

No. 2460643

Today i thought about buying a bunch of yarn online because it was on clearance. I've used and loved this exact yarn, but the only colors they had left weren't very nice. Spent about an hour convincing myself i'd bleach and re-dye it and then I managed to talk myself out of it at the last second. I'm probably still gonna blow my tax refund on expensive yarn, but not today!

No. 2460658

Good job, anon!

No. 2461278

Not sure if there's an applicable thread to post it in but I'm complaining about something written by a woman so whatever. Am currently in a course where each student has to sign up to present on one of the readings for the week. The one I'm reading is so poorly written, I'm suprised it was even published. The tense changes throughout, bad comma usage, and some terms that aren't quite slang but aren't professional enough either. I'm a grad student and I'm pretty shocked this is an assigned reading. Lazy professor probably didn't even read it before assigning it.

No. 2464171

File: 1743096939932.png (7.49 KB, 235x97, dutch.png)

I swear Dutch and German are just dark, twisted, fucked up versions of English. It's like if people decided to start actually speaking Simlish IRL.

No. 2464176

I read this in such a scathing tone and kekked way harder than was warranted

No. 2464190

KEK I also laughed when I saw it

No. 2464194

les bike bike so cool?

No. 2464315

My VPN was set to Amsterdam unknowingly, which meant my YouTube playlist suddenly blasted a Dutch microwaveable taco ad at me. Took me a solid minute to decipher what was happening between the Spanish, Dutch, and suspiciously English-like words. I thought I was having a stroke.

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