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No. 2270607
Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS.
Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.
>But why?It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?If only.
>But what about-Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/2141150 No. 2270958
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I just saw someone with an onlyfans call a person "lowdown" and "moral-less"
No. 2272312
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Gym lockers are very stinky and it's refreshing to take a shower in private and getting tons of perfume after a solid workout
No. 2272346
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how it feels to talk on lolcow sometimes
No. 2273024
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I’ve been having a really rough go at it recently and think it’s because I am still in grief over life circumstances. I’ve been putting off stuff that I use to never even fathom putting off, I just am so spent I can’t bring myself to care about them. I need to be working hard to help future me but current me is a husk of her former self and can barely function in her day to day. I am so sad for my younger self, not just child me but the one from a year ago too. I usually try and work for them and to make them happy, but I just can’t right now. If nonnys could spare some kind thoughts for me I would so greatly appreciate it, I can’t talk about this too much irl for various reasons so most of my support has to come from me. It’s just really hard right now.
No. 2273483
>>2273024You can't rush grief
It's a process, trust the process
No. 2273536
>>2273024that grief can be really hard to let go.
it is not forming any direction, it just is an expanding room, it takes up space into the future, to the past and you kinda just sit in this space without any mobility. just have to accept of what is. i hope that does not feel disheartening to you.
i find it easier to allow it. eventually, that sorrow changes into acceptance, some kind of mellow simplicity. and if you reach that stage, try not to stay in there out of fear to be set back once more.
it sounds like you are just exhausted and need some rest. what you ahve put aside, will come back once you have recovered. give yourself some time to fill up your reservoir and let the passion of what you never wanted to put off, decides when it wants to come back. patience.
No. 2273919
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>>2273104>>2273483>>2273536Thank you nonnys, reading your responses made me cry. The issue recently has been that each time I feel like I am in a better spot a new event happens that just sets me back to square one. I’m in therapy with a grief counselor, I’m doing what I can, but some days are harder than others and I don’t want to use my life circumstances as an excuse. Thank you once again, your words mean more than I could really describe.
No. 2274696
>>2271966Joke's on you, I do that every five years like clockwork and this will be the fourth time. This time I'm entirely switching fields though, I'm so burnt out from working in veterinary medicine, Banfield just broke me.
>>2272317Yeah, it's a constant trap of either I have a job and have money but no time or energy, or else I'm unemployed and have time but no money. But I just become so withdrawn that I don't do anything even though I promise every time that I'm going to start yoga, taking dancing classes, or other self improvement stuff. Instead, I just girlrot like it's a full time profession.
No. 2275685
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This is me.
No. 2275730
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I feel this way about some of you
No. 2275752
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>>2275706>>2275716I used to make those kinds of quizzes, lol. I lost interest when the site was overrun by those "My Date with [anime character]" type fanfics.
No. 2276602
Had the saddest client today. She hired me to deep clean her house and I went in and the place was spotless. She greeted me, then said she was going to the gym.
Her house didn't look like a home. All of her furniture was new and from ikea, there was no color or personal touches, and the six pieces of art were all generic stuff that was brand new and untouched. There were two photos in the entire apartment, one from when she graduated college, and one that was a baby photo of her and another baby where the frame said "sisters." The only other touch was her work badge hanging from a key holder. The only thing in her trash was an empty glass bottle of vodka and an empty bottle of diet coke.
So I dusted and cleaned everything, and when she came back she was really pleased. I asked if she had just moved in, and she said no, she has lived there for five years. I prodded to see if maybe she had another house and this was her work house, but she mentioned this was the only place she'd lived since graduating college.
It was just lonely. Like someone had moved into one of those houses that are only show houses to advertise furniture, but then they never moved or touched anything. I hope she's doing okay mentally.
No. 2277359
>>2277156Real talk, I think there are subtleties and nuance to racism that most Americans overlook. Because my American grandma really looks down on Polish people and tried to dissuade my cousin from marrying a girl who's parents were Polish. And she has some strong thoughts about the Irish, yet Polish, Irish, and us are all white.
Yet her neighbor friend has an Irish mother, so my grandma excuses it by saying that she's one of the good ones. So I think that we're just prone to hate groups by the actions of the majority of the group, yet fully capable of seeing people we know as fully realized individuals.
No. 2277991
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>>2275730It's true. My mother had to return to the club, and so it was just me and the wet cardboard box at my birth.
No. 2278006
>>2277991Kek at your reply, you sound like a funny yn and I love that ♥ I like this art. I was once stuck in Bulgaria with my family before they all immigrated and there was f*ckall to do, so I drew stuff from reference and it was so grounding and fulfilling. My favourite drawing was my sister looking at her phone in the cockroach bedroom we were sharing lol.
How does one even learn to draw? Where do you start? Does it feel good to have such an ability? m
No. 2278101
>>2278006>How does one even learn to draw?Practice. Go on YouTube, search how to draw, and then you'll get step by step lessons. Or, if you want to learn how to paint landscapes, watch Bob Ross. After that, it's just practice.
>Does it feel good to have such an ability?If you don't take yourself seriously, is the best thing in the world. You'll be scrolling, think, I want to draw a moth enjoying a birthday party, and then you do a little sketch and get to look at it with pride. Plus, it's a hilarious party trick and it makes kids think you're magic.
But if you take it seriously and think, I have to get the shading on this face right or else I'm a worthless failure, then it makes you sad and that's sad. Because hobbies should be fun.
No. 2278956
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>>2278888Retard babygirl, you would screech that phrase at me no matter what words I used because you have no actual argument against what I have said.
No. 2279576
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Hello everyone!
No. 2280584
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I want to build a very simple app, but whenever I start the process of learning, it all becomes so confusing that I'm becoming overwhelmed. Plus, people will say an app is free, but when you search it up, it says it's like $65 a month so I don't understand how that is free.
No. 2281034
>>2280612Thank you! I love cross stitch that involves nature.
I'm making an app that tracks how many more hours of work you have to work in order to afford your goal (like buying an alpaca). I have moderate coding experience so I don't mind doing that, my main problem is finding a free builder.
No. 2282317
>>2282262You must be a young adult
Trust me one day you will feel nostalgia over current times too
No. 2283360
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I'm trying to breed mealworms, but I'm so scared for when I inevitably open up their container to find beetles
No. 2284150
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Nonnies, what do you think the Pantone 2025 Color of the Year will be?
I just voted in their prediction poll and mine turned out to be the most popular choice! I guess I have to wait 5 more days to find out. I just hope it's better than that godawful yellow/grey combo they had for 2021. If it's a nice color this time, I'm buying a Pantone Color of the Year mug.
No. 2284160
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>>2284154It's a tinfoil but I actually do think that a woman I don't get along with irl might be a farmer kek
No. 2284309
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I joined a craft exchange subreddit and this woman agreed to send me some glass goldfish if I crocheted her a narwhal but now that I've shipped the narwhal she's saying she doesn't have the money to ship the goldfish until she gets paid in two weeks. I hope she does not scam me and steal my narwhal.
No. 2284355
>>2284309I really like your picrel. I hope you get your glass goldfish
nonny. Do you do other crafts besides crochet?
No. 2285339
>>2284309It looks gorgeous
nonny, I admire you ♥
No. 2287219
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>>2286616This is so hopeful. Sending love your way.
No. 2287256
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>>2287223You can call it a couple of different things depending on what part of it you're focusing on. But if you search for paper collage, decoupage, or paper tole, you'll find similar examples of it. This particular example was done by Anne Rosat, a Swiss artist.
>>2287238Then I hope by continuing to follow the steps, that eventually the music will start back up.
No. 2287422
Working at a call center made me realize how scarily, easily obtainable someone's info is. Like we (the agents) were literally just given literally everything you could want to know about a person. Their full name, race, age, phone number, state, county, city, address, gender, EVERYTHING. Im surprised there hasn't been a serial killer who found victims through working at a call center. It's creepy and invasive as fuck.
No. 2288438
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Lovely and sweetness
No. 2289063
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I wish we could have small humans as pets. Not babies, but mini adults like the Sims. I would keep my mini human in a nice dollhouse, and she would also have mini goats and chickens in the back. She would also be on a vegan diet, I would make her fancy, veggie only meals.(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 2289455
>>2289290I do think this and I hate it. Because I can't afford a house yet, and I'll be playing Minecraft or Sims and building my dream house and having fun, and BAM! my brain will point out how I'll never be able to afford what was an extremely modest middle class lifestyle only twenty years ago even though I did everything right that adults told me to do. And then I'll get very depressed and will realize I'm just holding a fasimile of my dreams and it's nothing but pointless pixels.
But still, dollhouses are very pretty and some of them are amazing craftsmanship.
No. 2289515
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>>2289163I honestly didn't even know it was AI. Here's another dollhouse that's hopefully not AI to compensate.
>>2289155Wrong. She would be too small and full of love to make pipebombs. She also wouldn't have the same amount of intelligence as regular humans do, cause the only reason were smart is cause our heads/brains are big.
No. 2289545
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>>2289205I like the more fantasy dollhouses and would like to make one with a more whimsical charm. But I still feel that reflects what you said because I find reality very bleak and want to live in another world entirely, I could only ever live out those dreams through imagination.
No. 2290419
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Owning a reptile is spending a ridiculous amount of money on a 40+ gallon tank, wood, rocks, hides, decorations, lighting, even the DIRT…just for them to stay in the exact same spot every single day
No. 2291392
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this clasp on a necklace selling for 260 euro makes me mad
No. 2292206
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Color of the year nonna, 2025s has been announced, how are we feeling about it? I’m not sure. I kind of like it, but it bores me. I see brown everywhere. They haven’t picked anything exiting in a while
No. 2293853
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>>2292206That was me and I'm somewhat disappointed. I don't hate it as a neutral color but I don't know how much more exclusively brown/beige crap I can handle. Why do the tastemakers consider the height of luxury to be having an entire house and wardrobe that is just varying shades of brown and beige??
No. 2294002
>>2293953I will admit, it
looks nice. My eyes like looking at the picture. But I don't think I'd want to live in it? It registers as "comfortable" but I don't think I'd want that color scheme in my house, not even my bed.
No. 2294305
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God I wish that were me
No. 2294306
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No. 2294307
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God I wish I was Mimi
No. 2294904
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Recently reconnected with an online friend that I hadn’t been in touch with for a few years. She’s applying for residency now after finishing up med school and I’m still a retard who doesn’t know what to do with her life. I’m really happy for her, she’s a great person and I am so glad to see she is doing better in life these days. But I have mixed emotions about how I don’t have the same path and clarity, I can’t help but be a little envious.
No. 2294987
>>2291663I know the nature of geckos, but I guess I just hoped he would be out a little more. I just love seeing his little feet and seeing him walk around. I think I'll get a camera just to see what he likes to do at night. The only reptile I've owned before him was a turtle (which ate seen a lot more) so I think that's why it's a bit disappointing for me.
>>2292206>>2293853I'm a beige and modern interior color hater, but I actually don't mind this. It's a pretty lively color, it's looks very warm and comfortable. I love the way the sunlight hits it in the home examples.
No. 2297847
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Why would I ever listen to the opinions of a botch that's never had an ataulfo mango?
No. 2302583
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So I own a little house (680 sq ft) and it's a cute little cape cod. And currently, the previous owner decorated it in a very cottage way (simple white cupboards, chicken and vine wallpaper, yellow carpet) which is cute and I like, but every door is the original wood with the brass art deco style knobs and locks from the 1920s. And this makes me want to start changing the house's style to art deco. Do you think it would be stupid to style such a tiny cape cod like that? Do you think I should just leave it cottage style and encourage that decor?
No. 2302641
>>2302583If the house you’re describing is what I am picturing then yes I think it would feel out of place. That isn’t to say you can’t incorporate elements of art deco into your home, or that you have to stick with the country cottagecore feel. Ultimately it’s your house though
nonny do what makes you most happy!
No. 2304764
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I just feel like we should all chip in and get a pet cow together.
No. 2304770
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>>2304764Mods said it's my turn to feed the pet cow
No. 2304835
>>2302583How would you feel in each space?
Go by that, you'll have to feel it every day
It's really not a thing others can determine
No. 2305566
>>2304835I am completely neutral on both. Both are great ideas and both are cute. However, I do take pride in having a cute house and when people walk into my house, I want them to be jealous of how much they love it.
>>2304764I've done this before, it's called a milk share.
No. 2305599
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>>2305571There are symbolic cow adoptions, where you donate to "adopt" a cow. We should open the Ko-Fi back up and make the admins adopt a cow for us, it'll be their Christmas gift to us.
No. 2307408
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>>2306996kek, for some reason when I think of the name Megan I think of a slightly overweight 30 something year old.
No. 2307503
Being a Megan would be like finding a niche hobby that is feminine but not completely full of troons yet. I haven't met one with the name Megan yet and unironically think that character
>>2307408 made it less attractive to them
Couldn't imagine being named Alice or Emma in a leftoid city or college, I'd probably move or change my name
No. 2308868
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I like doodling on mspaint, i wish there was a layer feature though.
No. 2311557
>>2308868This is cute!
>>2311524I'm exhausted today and thought you meant beluga as in beluga lentils, I was wondering how that worked. I think I need to go back to bed kek.
Beluga whales are amazing. I love how squishy their heads are and how friendly and tiny they are. Disney needs to make a beluga animal companion stat.
No. 2313575
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Don't buy the mccormick seasonings with the snap tight lid. It's so fucking hard to get it off
No. 2313603
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>>2313575Have you tried these, nona?
No. 2313854
>>2313851Ntayrt but sometimes there's nothing really to "fix." The woman I was friends with for 9+ years and I just slowly drifted apart. She made her choices in life and I made mine, and so we just started walking in different directions. Sometimes we still talk, maybe a few hours every year, but at the zenith of our friendship we were communicating almost 12 hours a day. In hindsight, I think that type of relationship is really only possible in your late teens and early 20s. Nothing can stay the same forever. We have different lives, different passions, different ideas; we both grew so much during our friendship and learned so much about ourselves that in the end, we weren't even really the same two people anymore. I still think of her as a friend, I think I always will, but I know that trying to force something that isn't there won't work out in our favour.
Losing a best friend can be a really sad experience, but it taught me a lot about myself. Namely, I shouldn't even
have a best friend. Now that we aren't a part of each others' lives anymore, I have a lot of different really great friendships with people that would have been impossible to forge had I been so preoccupied with only one person. For me, I don't wanna be in that situation again where I rely on only one person for every social need, I want to have a group of different interesting people that I can hang out with and learn something new from.
No. 2313875
>>2313753This and the responses to it are genuinely making me cry right now. I've been wishing and trying so hard to have another female best friend who I was as close with as I was her. I know there has to be another woman out there like me who feels this way, who I would get along with, but I don't know where she is. Seeing other anons relate doesn't make me feel better, kind of makes me feel worse. Because it doesn't make sense. There's so many people in the world so how is it that I can't find another connection like the one I had with her? Are close friendships really that rare? If so that's insanely disheartening to me.
>>2313851She actually sent me a friend request recently so I messaged her but she's been ignoring that message for whatever reason, even though she's been online. I'm sick of feeling like I'm chasing after her. I don't want to freak her out by sending another message or whatever.
No. 2313885
>>2313851No. It was my fault the friendship ended. I’ve reached out to apologize but beyond politely acknowledging it she seems to have zero interest in talking to me again.
I also dream about her sometimes. I think there are too many memories of her tiedto places in this city, including my own apartment. I desperately await the day I can move out and hopefully get away from some of this, but I don’t want to forget about her either.
No. 2314228
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What's this body type called?
No. 2314506
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>>2313892I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope she has grown and now regrets her actions.
No. 2314525
>>2314516Not me
What are you getting it for anon
No. 2314618
>>2314545You're nervous because you're about to get a bunch of needles stuck in you for no good reason
Listen to your gut not your coworkers
No. 2314910
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I’ve got an interview tomorrow for a job that seems basically like my most ideal position. Really hope I get it and that it doesn’t turn out to be a dumpster fire. Fingers crossed
No. 2315039
>>2314910I hope it works out
No. 2315079
>>2314862Rock the look!
>>2314910I'm in a similar position,i hope it works out for both of us
No. 2315604
>>2315578Here's from an article, it explains why people join them better than I could
>A sorority is an organization on a college campus whose purpose is to foster friendship and community, among other things. There are chapters of Greek life spread around universities in both the U.S. and Canada>Each sorority has its own goals, rules, and expectations, but they’re generally similar across all Greek life. Membership to a sorority is gained if you can prove you have the qualities that fit with their specific requirements. The qualities they typically look for are usually based on things like your personality, your academic achievements, community participation, and campus activity.>Many new college students seek to join a sorority since it provides a sense of community and gives space for students to form bonds and friendships. Greek life is also associated with a certain type of lifestyle, which can help students feel like they fit in somewhere or help them integrate into campus life.>Greek life also provides an invaluable network that members have access to their whole lives. Sorority sisters are often encouraged to help one another, especially when it comes to their careers. This networking opportunity can help open a lot of doors to graduating students.>Additionally, sororities also set a high standard for academic achievement and behavior, which means members are held accountable for their performance and actions. No. 2315724
>>2315578Basically, you're paying and (at the beginning) humiliating yourself in order to get into an exclusive club where you'll have access to befriend people who are much richer and more connected than you. Once befriended, you can then call upon them for small favors throughout your life, especially if you continue to send each other Christmas cards throughout the years. The other month, I wanted to visit a city I'd never been to, so I messaged my sorority sister and she let me crash on her couch for four days instead of me having to spring for a hotel, and we hadn't spoken in over a decade, and I hadn't seen her since college.
How much of a ritual you have to go through in order to enter depends not only on which one you're joining, but the individual campus and location. So mine was pretty chill, we had to get drunk with our sisters and then serve the senior sisters brunch the next morning while we pretended to not be super hung over.
There's a couple other things you have to do in your first week, but one, bad bad hazing never really seemed to be a huge part of sororities (though I have heard of some people who went to prison and got their sorority shut down because they took the hazing too far, but that's make the news rare), and two, hazing has mellowed extremely in the past thirty years. Colleges have a very very strict no hazing policy now, so much so that some colleges ban my sorority's traditional scavenger hunt. My roommate joined a different sorority and her hazing was not being allowed to wear makeup for one week and she had to wear a shirt that said something like "I'm joining "sorority" and it's my first week!", but even that has since been banned because it's considered too harsh of hazing.
Then, once they let you pledge, you have do a little cult ritual where you dress up and there's candles and spookiness but it's just all play pretend because it's tradition. One girl took it way too seriously and cried afterwards because she was so happy she got in, but the rest of us were like, "Lol, that's gay, let's go to Denny's." and that was that.
No. 2315841
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I am trying to manifest my vision (sailor moon characters in 1890s beachwear) but the spiritual forces of evil (my hands) are impeding me (can't draw).
No. 2315882
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I have ADHD and can't be anywhere near normal without adderall, but I hate the nightmares it causes. Anyone else have issues with their adderall?
No. 2316197
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>>2315841I would like to see it
No. 2316849
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>>2316197Okay. I don't draw but I tried my best so please be nice.
No. 2316861
File: 1734815339994.png (482.89 KB, 677x677, 776600432.png)

>>2316849You have a natural skill for capturing nuance imo. Great work anon
No. 2317020
>>2316849This is cute
nonnie! I love how the feather looks like an ocean wave, great for the beachy vibes
No. 2321351
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I love my mom more than anything else and I wish she could live forever <3
No. 2323553
This video genuinely made me realize that mentally disabled people don't really know that they're disabled or different from other people
No. 2323965
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I'm starting to realize that some roaches are actually adorable. They just look like big isopods.
No. 2324010
File: 1735416789508.jpeg (999.78 KB, 1125x1085, FF8A515E-AC8F-4BE7-88AB-BF5823…)

I got both my covid and flu vaccine yesterday and have been feeling under the weather since. My entire day has been spent on my couch under my fuzzy blanket with hot tea and tissues.
No. 2324146
File: 1735424341255.jpg (16.71 KB, 617x497, images (3).jpg)

I'm sorry, but I don't really like knob tailed geckos. They're almost cute but their eyes freak me out so bad. It reminds me of the time I saw a deformed shark fetus.
No. 2324392
File: 1735441968823.gif (16.92 MB, 640x634, Hedgehog Dancing GIF - Hedgeho…)

I don't really attend the Tunesday anymore but I remember when I did, I would always feel so lame posting dance emotes to the songs I added to the queue.
No. 2324459
File: 1735450108387.jpg (28.43 KB, 372x372, green-witch1.jpg)

>>2324430The other nonna made some good points regarding her specific situation. I relate to being obsessed with my own looks since I was a kid. But it's a mixture of the environment I live in where everyone would tell me I'm ugly, from my mom, to relatives, to kids at school who were my "friends" at the time. With age the friends I got where more polite and wouldn't say anything about my appearance because it's inappropriate and they were a different group than the ones before. But it was an all girls school, and the truly beautiful or handsome tomboyish girls would get tons of attention and people crushing on them and giving them gifts and stuff, no one even looked my way. I was popular for my personality and academic achievements though and had good friends based on that, but never my looks. This carried on into the all girls university I'm in. All the people who approached me did so because they needed help with homework or a project, never to hit on me or something. Idk how to explain it but that's so frustrating. Because if I could get the looks I'd be perfect, looks, brains and personality, I'd have it all. But nope, the universe decided to take one away from me and it's making my narcissist ass seethe endlessly. Doesn't help that I'm 4'11 (151 cm) tall, have small tubular boobs, have a fat gut that never goes away, a flat ass, and a square waist. My face is both skinny, gaunt, boney and fat somehow, retaining fat in the worst spot possible making me look fat despite being bmi 18, being long and sqaure, tired uneven eyes with permanent eyebags, small round dark lips, crooked nose that has 2 different shapes depending on the angle/side (left vs. right with right being better), and an ugly toothy gummy smile that looks extra bad in pictures. Every time I take a picture with my friends on an outing I get depressed about the way I look compared to all of them. I'm clearly the ugly friend in the group. I don't care about dating and romance, I just want to do cute fashion and makeup photoshoots without looking like a goblin, is that too much to ask? Picrel is unironically what I look like, minus the green skin. I don't want to lean into it and act quirky as a cope or something because that's not who I am on the inside. On the inside I'm an elegant diva with ethereal looks out of this world, yet the outside doesn't match and it's so fucking annoying. Call it a mental illness or low self-esteem, but it's just so unfair. I deserve better, I am better than this look I have. Worst thing is it's the result of accumulated generations of incest, malnutrition, and abuse that disfigured me this much and made me inhuman looking. I feel like a monster wherever I go because I always stand out due to my grotesque looks, I don't even look like anyone from my ethnicity or my family members, and those "guess my ethnicity" websites and apps keep mistaking me for another ethnicity way too far away from my actual ethnicity. Maybe I was switched as a baby in a hospital or something, idk lmao. Sorry for the insane mentality unstable rant but out of all my 1000x worse struggles in life, it's this one that
triggers me the most, because it's sort of gathers it all in one place, my face. It's like I see all the bad things that happened to me on my face. And I fear other people see it, too, they know I'm not normal from my looks alone, and I hate it. Not to say there aren't uglier people, out there, but I'm still relatively ugly. I saw pictures of myself when I was around 15-16 and I lost it at how I look like a 60 yo auntie. How tf does that even happen, goddamnit. I was convinced it's just phone cameras or studio cameras not being good enough, until my sibling recently bought a sigma camera and a Sony camera, and I looked horrendous in both. So it's just my face after it.
>inb4 I find picrel cuteGenuinely shut the fuck up. You don't, stop lying, it just makes me feel worse.
No. 2324512
File: 1735452986275.gif (2.98 MB, 416x416, alien-mexico.gif)

>>2324010theres a sense of calm when youre sick but all cozied up under blankets. I remember the time I was under with bronchitis and I was suffering and coughing my lung out. I had to be moved into the living room and slept on the couch in order to get fresh air and my mother tucked me in with two blankets so I didnt get cold from the winter chills. It was an awful time but I felt content at the moment, like a dying victorian child being sent to hospice to live out their final hours.
No. 2325693
File: 1735557202783.png (334.44 KB, 456x480, 3.png)

>room temperature: 74°F
>soft blanket: check
>another soft blanket: check
>pillow: comfy
>eye pad: on
>clothes: away
>gas: passed
>scented candles: lit
>tea cup: on the table
>tea: in the cup
>figs: prepared
>biscuits: ready
>hunger: sated
>thirst: quenched
>hydration: acceptable
>female cat: sleeping under the table
>windows: barely open
>lighting: adequate
>noise: cancelled
No. 2325699
File: 1735557430566.png (146.61 KB, 304x348, kazooie.png)

>>2324459That's Gruntilda from that Kazooie game
No. 2328227
File: 1735756156212.webp (143.83 KB, 1440x817, s930630243877572093_p620_i88_w…)

I bought some tea and a tea strainer from the store magic hour and i can't wait to receive my order!!
No. 2328937
File: 1735790224441.jpg (146.62 KB, 736x981, ac7793394c709d61bd70cb1846bc08…)

I don't get people who are picky about holiday leftovers and won't eat the food if it's more than 1 day after the holiday. Fuck it, I'll eat thanksgiving leftovers a whole week after Thanksgiving if they last that long.
No. 2329717
File: 1735848469265.png (1.11 MB, 927x929, 1000003121.png)

Are you guys seriously singing to babies?
No. 2330427
File: 1735881453733.jpg (61.77 KB, 735x788, hamster.jpg)

I'm thinking about getting a hamster but I'm so scared of it dying. I've heard so many horror stories about hamsters dying and how they're super delicate. Like axolotl levels of delicate. I'm just a bit scared because the only pets I've had before (besides the lizard I have now) were turtles and honestly, since I was pretty young, I never truly formed a bond with them to feel pet grief when they passed on. I just know I would feel super guilty if a hamster died in my care.
No. 2330605
File: 1735891996518.jpg (97.49 KB, 720x960, 9dfec5d7faf83e4be9b5d85d3d2c81…)

>>2330427hamsters are really awesome pets but yeah they're fragile and prone to health issues from inbreeding during domestication. you get about a year or two before your hamster is old and ready to die, and you have to essentially babyproof their cage so they don't get stuck or hurt themselves. it is sad that they die so early but imo its still worth if you are adopting a lil baby in need of a home. hamsters also need an huge amount of bedding so they can dig to prevent stress which can get pretty expensive, but its entirely worth it to watch them dig their burrows. 10/10 little pet would smother with affection and bake tiny cookies for again
No. 2330658
File: 1735896819465.jpeg (68.47 KB, 600x806, rs=w_600,cg_true.jpeg)

Picrel not my ham but I want a calico Syrian someday
>>2330427They're really not, people are just fucking stupid and don't know how to take care of them. I've owned two Syrian hamsters and 3 russian dwarves, all at different times, never had one escape. It's really not that hard… the main thing is they cost more money than a lot of people are prepared to spend on a small animal. But it's more up front costs, like the first time you buy a really large good quality enclosure, and all the bedding to fill it up enough. From there you can just spot clean and replace bedding as needed, occasional full cleanings, your expense then is just food and litter if your ham uses a litter box. (Which yeah they often like to! My two Syrians did)
You won't kill your ham
nonny but I'd definitely recommend a Syrian instead of a dwarf for first time bc dwarves are less chill in general way more skiddish and hard to handle and more fragile
My hams lived their whole lifespans without any issues just naturally died of old age, well my current Syrian is still alive got him as a baby and is about a year and a half now. They're honestly a very low maintenance pet as far as small mammals go as long as you do some research and use common sense. I hate hearing ppl talk about the insane ways their hamsters died and painting it as "they just have a death wish" because most of the ways just mean u were a retarded ass owner who let your hamster squeeze through the bars or had dangling strings they could hang themselves on etc
>>2330605Such a cute ham
nonny No. 2330820
>>2330427I think it is true that small rodents in general are fragile pets, but people not properly researching the animal they're adopting is the bigger issue imho. They're often considered "for kids" or low maintenance compared to cats and dogs but it is not true in my experience. (I mean, it is true when they're just thrown in a cage and left to rot in a corner of the room I guess.) They can quickly develop health issues if they're not properly cared for (dirty cage, not stimulated, improper diet & environment). Plus they're small and fast so it's easy for them to escape and to get hurt. They chew everything they can which can also lead to accidents.
But if they have a good cage where they can chew/dig/forage/run around + some free-roaming time + your attention, small rodents make great pets (and they're not going to just randomly die anon, no worries).
No. 2333409
File: 1736042847273.jpg (20.22 KB, 640x552, 1000000147.jpg)

>>2333384If you're not stacking cash it's because you're personality disordered. You'd have all the cash in the world if you were normal.
No. 2333708
File: 1736062629933.jpeg (80.94 KB, 576x1024, IMG_1644.jpeg)

I fricken love birds
No. 2333717
>>2333705Omg really?????
>>2333698I have a lot of motivation to improve my mental health, so thinking of it as a mental illness has given me the motivation I need to continue working towards my career and financial goals.
No. 2334244
File: 1736107118347.png (197.21 KB, 586x330, suzane.png)

You're at work in the reserve
Everyone went to eat
Female boss calls you into the office
Two minutes to chat
Hi girl, today you look lovely
I would like to invite you to dinner
One evening I feel alone
Yeah I know you are already taken
But that's not annoying
Your pretty neckline tells me you're pretty up for it
We could do that here
Everyone left
We've known each other for a long time
You're still not going to refuse
That way if you say no
I will hear a yes
You'll see that I'm stupid
I will plead your hysteria
You won't be the first to go down
Girls like you are less proud
When they want to keep their job
So now you will shut up
You won't say a word about it
If you want to keep your salary
To feed yourself
No. 2338050
File: 1736298687455.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.67 KB, 768x538, 1000000809.jpg)

The outfits the aliens wear in Fantastic Planet look like something from Fashiona Nova that all the IG baddies with botched BBLs and lip fillers would wear.
No. 2338058
File: 1736299061328.png (411.7 KB, 500x302, 81c8408b0209ea0c3885c6e35388c6…)

>>2338050Those outfits always looked super porny, but I do love that movie and always thought Tiwa was sweet.
No. 2338081
Working out helps me feel better when im down so much faster than "talking it out" but since its winter the cold makes me not want to walk to the gym
>>2333384Real asf
No. 2338319
File: 1736317170339.png (82.7 KB, 600x500, 1000000811.png)

I was about to post that I'm glad tiktok wasn't around during Homestuck's peak popularity, but Tumblr was instead and that may be worse.
No. 2338321
File: 1736317366750.jpg (14.08 KB, 432x415, 1000000813.jpg)

>>2338319Samefag, idk who the fuck I'm kidding. Tumblr wasn't worse. I love Tumblr.
No. 2338322
>>2338319I'm skeptical whether this story was ever actually even true. Not because I doubt that someone is this insane, but because it would take an absurd amount of booze and markers to fill a bathtub. Like… it would be hard to fill a
glass with sharpie ink.
No. 2338332
File: 1736317828401.jpg (16.24 KB, 400x166, od97wden54jz.jpg)

>>2338322It's definitely a fake story. It's internet lore at this point though kek, that along with picrel
No. 2341847
File: 1736556800214.webp (252.9 KB, 1080x1440, vinnel.webp)

>>2338050Some years ago I found the vinyl for that films ost for 5 bucks. Super cool blind buy, I hadn't heard of the film before then. Not my pic but same record
No. 2342204
>>2341912The thing is that I went abroad five times in Europe up until 2016 and I enjoyed discovering the process of booking flights, navigating through the whole thing, and then finally arriving to the destination and enjoying all the things that were there, with no need for selfies and hundreds of pics. Just a vacation where you see things and enjoy things, plain and simple
After that I stuck to travelling inside the country and enjoying local cities, it's not bad and it requires less stuff to get ready and go
>>2341210>>2341821Wait, people get turned on when very angry?
That's what the call "hate sex"?
No. 2344194
File: 1736722634542.webp (805.41 KB, 1112x1111, IMG_0908.webp)

I'm a little envious of women that have slim, long nail beds. This same shape looks chunkier on me because my nail beds are wider.
No. 2344218
File: 1736723587075.jpeg (454.37 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0780.jpeg)

>>2344194Thank you nonna! I unfortunately don’t like getting long nails or acrylics and I think it’s a waste of mine for me (a set here is 40-60€)and I also don’t like the feeling of nail polish on my nails so I just keep them short and clean, maybe some clear nail polish if I feel fancy.
I wanted to be more cute and thought of starting to use press ons from time to time. My nails are like picrel.
No. 2344284
>>2341912I disagree with you on some things even though it's subjective. A lot of people do research before going anywhere, especially the ones who personally people who live or have lived in their next destinations. I like travelling and can afford it. It's a luxury though, I don't like how people take it for granted and treat people who don't travel because they lack time or money like they're stupid and uncultured.
>A few years ago i declined an offer to go to korea with some people and it was the best thing i ever did. It cost them hundreds of dollars, no one did what they wanted because everyone wanted something different, all they talked about was the problems they encountered.I've dealt with family and friends ruining all my plans before so now I travel alone. I can't see myself going anywhere with anyone after some of the things they prevented me from doing with excuses like "my feet hurt" or "I'm supposed to save money" and didn't tell me these things until it was too late. Once I planned to go to the beach for a few days close to my city for fairly cheap and a friend of mine inserted herself in all my plans, and started whining that she hates the beach and wants to save money so we both have to skip meals as soon as we left the train station and headed towards the hostel. Whenever anyone who had similar experiences tell me they don't like travelling I can agree with them.
No. 2346226
File: 1736820037841.gif (348.68 KB, 200x160, 1007183282275897374.gif)

>>2306996>parents give me a powerful goddess name>become a pathetic womanchilddamn
No. 2346493
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>>2346491Wait a minute, I can still post. Did they mean 8 AM or PM? Samefag
No. 2347067
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Tbh I think I'm going to become a NSFW artist and see if I can get enough of a following to make money from it. Is this rock bottom?
No. 2347084
File: 1736912311182.webp (928.29 KB, 2813x2110, shutterstock_2453740513-crop.w…)

I shop at Lidl a lot, and ever since last night I've been thinking a lot about how I NEVER see Lidl employees doing regular Grocery store stuff. E.g., stocking the shelves, organizing, sweeping, "Hey are you finding everything ok?". That kind of stuff. I literally never see anyone doing thank. Despite that, somehow lidl is always pretty clean and stuff is never out of place. It's almost like a grocery store in a video game, where you only see employees at the cash register. Is Lidl a simulation?
No. 2347117
File: 1736914543545.png (12.4 KB, 287x99, mug.PNG)

>>2347067I've been considering the same for a long while, just too paranoid of my actual name showing up in a transaction if someone pays me (or like pledges to Patreon or something) so I don't know how I would go about receiving the money
No. 2347872
File: 1736972226538.webp (56.37 KB, 1080x1080, 3zwqz4dvxqj81.webp)

I have a trial at a burger place tomorrow and i really want to get the job (the people are mostly women and it's near my place), do you have any advices (working at the cash register and making burgers)?
No. 2347875
>>2347084I think the employees at my local Lidl do that at night. I usually see them stocking shelves when I'm there within an hour of closing time. I try to go earlier in the day because they're often fully sold out of produce or meat items by evening, whereas they're better stocked even during popular times such as midday on the weekend.
I have never seen the bakery cases actively being filled, but I have picked baked goods fresh enough that they were still warm.
Lidl is my favorite grocery store; Aldi is nice, but I can't rely on them to have every random common item such as cream of tartar.
No. 2347889
File: 1736973363097.jpeg (35.25 KB, 300x400, IMG_3558.jpeg)

>>2347084This post made me realize there’s actually Lidls in the USA. Not sure if you’re from the USA, but everytime I go to Europe I really enjoy going to Lidl. It’s so cute, cheap, and less overwhelming compare to a Walmart. We just got our first Aldi in my town which is pretty similar, so at least I can larp that I’m at a Lidl
No. 2347897
File: 1736973821444.jpg (1.83 MB, 4186x6280, 1000000928.jpg)

>>2347895Samefag but I am pretty jealous that the Lidls and Aldis in the EU sell yarn and knitting/crochet patterns
No. 2349992
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Just realized the orange juice is OJ but apple juice isn't AJ
No. 2351125
File: 1737154321203.png (291.83 KB, 714x460, aliexpress.png)

Who else is getting stoned off the aliexpress kush right now?
No. 2352700
File: 1737242289557.jpg (36.83 KB, 736x736, fat cute wizard cat.jpg)

When it comes to my diet change, sometimes I feel bad because I feel like I'm eating as much as I do when I'm eating freely or bingeing. Then I just think about all the cravings I got throughout the day and realize I actually would've ate much more if I wasn't being mindful of my health. I think when it comes to dieting and body image, it gets so hard to stay grounded and realistic.
No. 2353607
>>2351947When I first started learning drums, my beats would always naturally tend to synchronise with my own heartbeat. I'd have to really strongly concentrate on the metronome or music I was playing over and I'd still drift towards that inner rhythm.
It's strange because I can't hear or feel my heartbeat while doing that but it still acts as a strong internal metronome even overriding outside influence
No. 2354502
File: 1737324229563.png (731.27 KB, 806x1282, labia.png)

Would you wear the labia top?
No. 2354545
File: 1737326121053.jpg (924.94 KB, 3464x3464, 1000114021.jpg)

>>2354502I wish the labia part was wider/bigger, and that it had a pearl on top, it would be cuter.
Kind of like my Pic related.
No. 2356934
File: 1737427783080.jpg (33.68 KB, 554x554, images-1.jpg)

How do you keep track of your period?
Apps? Notes? Journal? Calendar?
No. 2356989
File: 1737429571541.jpeg (251.96 KB, 970x591, 4B5E4857-AFB9-48F0-8D34-6009C2…)

>>2356927I think about picrel often because it makes me laugh every time. Your post is a good opportunity to share it since it doesn’t really fit in the LC caps thread.
No. 2358647
File: 1737495729868.png (97.19 KB, 629x497, Screenshot 2025-01-21 223946.p…)

Women's health and sexual education is such a joke. Every month I'm talking to some poor woman on reddit who can't tell if she has a normal clitoris or if she has phimosis/adhesions. I went 29 years of my life without a single doctor noticing them, so now I try to help other women in the same situation. But every fucking time they've been through several FEMALE gynos who don't even check their clitoris or are completely clueless. The other day one told me her gyno was grossed out and told her not to touch her clitoris. It's so frustrating.
No. 2361475
File: 1737612679213.png (307.46 KB, 1218x682, le moon.png)

this google banner honoring the moon is so fucking cute
No. 2363285
File: 1737724311434.jpg (354.72 KB, 1500x1500, 1000001400.jpg)

Does anyone else wish they could eat a terracotta pot? It looks so good, like an earthy chip. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It would probably be good in a stew as well. I would try to bite one, but they're too thick and don't dissolve at all.
No. 2366222
File: 1737853313958.jpg (36.33 KB, 427x346, 1000051487.jpg)

Went out with my friend today and grew closer as besties. We browsed lolcow on coffee shop wifi, google translated her new yumejo doujin, and giggled like schoolgirls.
No. 2371698
File: 1738193370623.gif (343.79 KB, 220x199, 1000001521.gif)

I keep forgetting that there's an incest thread in /m/ and getting jumpscared when I open the catalog
No. 2381261
File: 1738660228672.jpg (55.22 KB, 736x736, 487a19ff-602c-4bef-9245-212343…)

I just want to know if I'm going to be rich, but all the stupid places I go to get a free birth chart reading don't accept "will I be rich" questions so now I have to learn how to read astrology charts
No. 2382106
File: 1738698748375.jpeg (67.34 KB, 736x776, LES NOMBRILS, série de bande d…)

How do I find nerdy terf friends who aren't weirdos irl? I yearn for deep female friendships where I don't have to pretend.
No. 2382132
>>2382114>>2382117I guess using the term
terf wasn't the best to describe what I want in female friendships. The friends I do have in real life are very focused on politics/gender stuff. I haven't seen most of them since I graduated highschool. I just want to hang out with girls who have similarish beliefs.
No. 2382950
File: 1738743789575.jpg (51.62 KB, 490x539, 1000001596.jpg)

I saw a video of a baby chick snuggling up under its mama hen, and I almost cried. Motherhood is such a beautiful thing all across the animal kingdom
No. 2387241
File: 1738967569117.jpg (72.27 KB, 600x400, fgdgdg.jpg)

Some time ago I realized I always imagine the vanishing point towards the left whenever I read a book and a room gets described. I wonder why lol. The only exception I can think of is We Have Always Lived in the Castle; there the kitchen, and the kitchen only, had it's vanishing point towards the right.
No. 2387254
>>2382950that made me realize none of my hens have been able to have actual children and it made me sad. sometimes they would get really weary of their eggs and we had to forcefully pull them away from them so they'd eat. they put in so much effort in trying to have chicks. many of my chicken died so they will never have achieved their purpose.
i wish i could get them a rooster but my shitty neighbours would probably get mad at it chanting and ask us to kill it.
No. 2387570
When I was a child, I loved doing saltos on the trampoline. I never had any experience, I just thought to myself "Huh, can I do this?" and then I just went for it without any fear of breaking my neck. When I went on a trampoline some years later when I was a bit older, like around thirteen or fourteen, I was kinda worried but told myself since I could do it in the past with no problem, I should be able to do it now and then went for it again, this time with a tiny bit of fear of breaking my neck. I wanna go on a trampoline now, ten more years later and see if I can still do a salto, but I feel like this time for sure I'll be breaking my neck if I attempted to do that, and I'm kinda thinking my hesitation is the number one thing that would be responsible for it because I just wouldn't jump into it with all the vigor that seems to be necessary for it.
No. 2389621
File: 1739085975676.jpg (27.74 KB, 735x460, 1000001690.jpg)

>hates anachans
>ends up developing an eating disorder
Egg on my face. Now I just need to start hating on millionaires
No. 2390016
File: 1739102563003.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.26 KB, 615x410, 1000001694.jpg)

I always forget that feet don't gain much fat until I see a really obese person. Their legs will be like a big, floppy, gelatinous mass with a little Barbie foot sticking out.
No. 2390023
File: 1739103279294.jpg (107.2 KB, 423x474, 1000020090.jpg)

>>2390016I once thought the idea of obese people being legally required to stay indoors and only leaving the house if it's to go to the gym was ridiculous, until I started working again, running across so many obese patients that only make my job harder, and now being face to face with this image. We need to be more like Japan in that obese people should be fined. The Queens of Ancient Egypt were most definitely inbred, but they probably weren't obese and that's one thing they hold over the modern American population.
No. 2392545
File: 1739225306378.jpg (63.02 KB, 1200x675, julia-trubkina-90-day-fiance-4…)

She looks like a skinny version of Amberlynn Reid I think she's beautiful I just can't unsee it. Am I crazy?
No. 2392577
File: 1739226009792.jpg (38.91 KB, 351x583, R (2).jpg)

>>2392545the lips dont match but everything else is very similar
No. 2393426
File: 1739280355531.jpg (34.06 KB, 736x736, 1000001709.jpg)

Been here for 8 years, and finally made a thread too early like a newfag
No. 2393485
File: 1739282810014.png (61.58 KB, 500x500, 1000001710.png)

I want to buy a pair of cat headphones and turn the ears into Nepeta's horns.
No. 2396286
File: 1739412474210.jpeg (480.48 KB, 1358x2048, idk.jpeg)

>>2396049Is this what you're into? I don't see the problem with op's pic. Too many bones or something?
(kpop) No. 2396479
File: 1739417520864.jpeg (242.28 KB, 1200x675, 20250212222601189.jpeg)

>>2396049here. lc approved beauty standards
No. 2396535
>>2396471also nta but farmhand who redtexted is a
kpopfag for sure
No. 2400768
File: 1739617643087.jpg (102.71 KB, 1920x1080, -1x-1.jpg)

I need something like that Gamestop stock thing that happened in 2021 to happen again. I was too broke back then but now I have more disposable income. Redditards, work your magic again.
No. 2402569
File: 1739706468642.png (4.31 KB, 225x225, images.png)

I wonder what the future of education will look like with the rise of AI. I don't even know what effective methods could be used to combat AI usage in schools.
No. 2412146
File: 1740217452677.jpg (71.04 KB, 200x283, 62028.jpg)

I now understand why they gave her no mouth.
No. 2412216
File: 1740227582388.png (489.82 KB, 1200x1200, pngtree-funny-cartoon-kitty-cu…)

>>2412146Wtf why don't they just give her a normal cartoon cat mouth?
>>2407289I've thankfully only seen emails in combination with subject and username, so obvious newfags. Stay safe fellow oldfags
No. 2418399
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I’m hosting a ladies night/dinner party but my apartment is really small and people will probably have to sit on the floor. I’ll put down blankets and pillows, but I’m stressed that my friends will feel uncomfortable
No. 2424640
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its my birthday today but mostly i just wanted to say being born on the 1st of any month is pretty cool except for maybe January 1st so ill pour one out for those ppl i guess. hbd to any fellow march 1st nonnas!
No. 2424906
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>>2424640Happy birthday nona! Are you doing anything special for today?
No. 2425290
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Is it weird that I think Meryl Streep looks more attractive after 40 than she did before? Are these the perfect features for a woman or what?
No. 2426103
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>>2425290I think Gillian Anderson is also one of those women that look more attractive as they get older.
No. 2431498
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Can't remember what thread it was originally being discussed in, but I just wanted to recommend Adguard to all the anons having problems with Chrome no longer supporting UBlock. It's way better than Ublock Lite, imo.
No. 2431871
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am i tripping or does she not look like a thinner pt?
No. 2432129
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Not necessarily directed towards any anon in particular, but sometimes underaged users really show their age on this site and it's a little mind boggling. It's like they're not aware of how they sound.
No. 2432366
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>>2432152Ok actually after seeing this post I get what you mean
(this post does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2436921
>>2435172I got some gifts for myself: some
fancy olive oil, a granola bar, coffee and tea packets all stolen from work. Tomorrow I'll celebrate some more by stealing more granola bars and maybe some chocolate for my mom. I'd steal the toilet paper as well if it was good but it feels like newspaper. Fucking cheapskates think our asses are made of iron or something.
No. 2442572
>>2435326Sounds wonderful. Good for you!
>>2436921Very nice. I support your stealing from work just be careful.
No. 2443086
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I keked
No. 2443090
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I've started watching Yellowjackets, and I'm realizing that I absolutely cannot recognize Christina Ricci if she doesn't have black hair. I didn't know this was her until episode 3, probably would've gone on longer if I didn't google the cast.
No. 2443093
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>>2443090Samefag, even in Buffalo 66 I was able to recognize her but she still looked so different.
No. 2443239
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Am I crazy or is this insane
No. 2444419
>>2444410NTA. Wash underwear and towels in hot water. Everything else can go in cold, especially more delicate stuff. You can wash something on warm if it's a little dirtier than usual (I wash gym clothes in warm). Hand wash all bras!!!
I use tidepods or a liquid detergent because it typically has a scent. Dry your clothes on the lowest setting you can without your clothes coming out damp. This is so you don't burn the fibers.
You can also help your clothes smell good by buying dryer sheets. They're meant to go in the dryer (and are supposed to be anti-static, softening, and other bullshit, etc), but I put one sheet in each of my dresser drawers. They keep my clothes smelling like whatever scent I bought and last fucking forever, or at least mine do kek
No. 2445820
>>2426101And you are naked in front of strangers more times than you think in prison. All that strip search stuff, no privacy for bathrooms when everyone sees you doing number 1 and number 2, and practically most showers there are communal.
Oh well that sucks, but practically everyone there has to do the squat and cough thing
No. 2446705
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I just realized that I'm now the same my mother was when she had me. What the fuck was she thinking?
No. 2447120
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Gifrel is how it feels to see my languages version of a Wikipedia article being the only one with a silver or even gold star.
No. 2447150
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I don't know why but it's always so hilarious to me when I see someone misspell a food or dish name. Like flaming yon for filet mignon.
No. 2447385
>>2424640being born on january 1st is actually underrated
>you get gifts for christmas on december>you get gifts for new years>and you also get gifts for your birthdayalso fun fact, ice spices birthday is 1/1/2000. so strange
No. 2458230
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I'm insecure about a lot of things with my face, but I never really got why people don't like their tear troughs/eyebags. I think they give a cute, tired look. My mom used to try to pressure me into using different eye creams and stuff, but it's just a genetic thing.
No. 2458409
>>2458348That's super sweet to read!
I've wanted to be friends with so many nonas on here, knowing how much I've shared in common with them. Still afraid I might as a weirdo though.
No. 2464171
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I swear Dutch and German are just dark, twisted, fucked up versions of English. It's like if people decided to start actually speaking Simlish IRL.