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No. 2232560

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.

No. 2232567

mombods are hot althougheverbeit

No. 2232568

You know the rules. Whatever infight happening dies with the last thread

No. 2232570

They do get much nicer hips

No. 2232571

oh my god why are these thread pics allowed but the american dad ones aren’t?????

No. 2232576

>This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.
What's even the point of putting this disclaimer here when nobody ever follows it? And if you're not allowed to debate an unpopular opinion, are you only allowed to agree with it? What is the point of the thread then when you can't critically interact with the people who post the unpopular opinions. Really makes you think.

No. 2232577

i seriously hope the OP of this thread drops dead or kills themsleves so they don’t always make this the same threadpic. nobody gives a shit about ugly ass jesus and that scrote pepe meme

No. 2232578

a lot of women purposely put their children in bad situations so they can get ass pats for being a “strong mama bear” and be praised for their resilience/doing the best they can with very little. If a woman does stuff like claim she starves so her kids can eat, that’s a red flag. The struggles they have are usually created on purpose for attention.

No. 2232579

the american dad ones are allowed? people just stopped doing them kek

No. 2232580

Because Jesus is the best American, not Stan

No. 2232582

Remember to ignore bait

No. 2232583

Not OP but I think we should keep using the Jesus pics until you all find Jesus. Because these threads are seriously demented.

No. 2232586

And Jesus was hot

No. 2232587

>This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.
This should have never been included. Fuck you, fuck Jesus and fuck pepe.

No. 2232593

what a stupid bitch
>a lot of people ask me why i keep having kids with no space
>my answer: don't judge me
>people who dun been stay living LIFE don't go judging others!
fucking hillbilly cunt oh my god i'm gonna a-log so bad

No. 2232594

No. 2232595

>Shilling 30 year old bearded moids

No. 2232596

remember to reply furiously to bait otherwise where's the fun really?

No. 2232597

Anon, eventually you have to mature as a user and learn2scroll.

No. 2232601

True, it needs to get spiced up

No. 2232602

And the comment sections are always a bunch of other dumbasses applauding her saying “you go mama!!!!!” “please rest mama” kek, mothers deserve no applause because they actively chose to fuck a scrote with no condom

No. 2232606

retarded tranny. you can't help but bring the fighting from the previous thread into this one?

No. 2232607

>Nobody gives a shit
Good thing I also don't give a shit about your opinion. If you don't wanna see Jesus then you could always take the initiative to make the thread before I can

No. 2232608

Oh my god the argument is over.

No. 2232611

Something that really pisses me off about this aside from the glaring obvious is that they must have been fucking in front of those kids. Like in the same room as them while they’re asleep or worse. Fucking hate this with every fiber of my being.

No. 2232612

everybody made fun of them but some reason these faggots decided to not make fun of the obvious christfag?

No. 2232613

NTA but did you forget that kids go to school anon

No. 2232614

You make it too fucking fast thats the problem.

No. 2232617

The hell do you mean I make it too fast? You make the new thread after the old one has reached 1,200. I waited until 1,203.

No. 2232618

Those kids don’t look old enough to be in school, at least in the video—and if they are, what the fuck are the parents doing then? Do they not work???

No. 2232619

File: 1730344342419.png (Spoiler Image,4.91 MB, 1722x2395, image-asset.png)

Serious question. Do you think Jesus is walled?

No. 2232620

Trannies are usually the ones who shill motherhood, you are two peas in the same pod. Go wipe that snot of your child’s nose instead of talking to strangers on a 4chan ripoff for women kek
Go take care of your kids
It’s because she isn’t employed so “she” has time to refresh the page and post it before anybody else does kekkkk

No. 2232621

Nta but based off the other videos I’ve seen they don’t work. The dad doesn’t work because he has a kid with another mom and doesn’t want child support taken out of his checks.

No. 2232623

>Anyone who wants you to stfu about mothers is a mom themselves
The projection, kek. I'm childfree and I still want you fags to stop fighting about mothers.

No. 2232624

Nonna OP here, it's 9pm my time zone kek…not all of us are eurofags

No. 2232626

trannies shill motherhood? that's news to me. you spend a lot of time around trannies don't you?

No. 2232627

Before I could even click the post button, you had already uploaded it. You have no life.

No. 2232628

>trannies are the ones shilling motherhood
oh ok, my bad. didn’t know that

No. 2232629

Old thread locking thread timestamp: 31/10/24 (Thu) 02:59:16
This thread timestamp: 31/10/24 (Thu) 02:58:57

No. 2232630

Your husbando Stan would objectively approve of it being Jesus. Respect his wishes please.

No. 2232631

No. 2232632

i hope you keep making these threads. if its making the "mothers have gross broken bodies" tranny seethe then its working.

No. 2232633

>Ugly beard
>Bulbous nose
>Small lips
>Terrible haircut
>Hooded eyes
>Faggy stare

No. 2232634

Nta but no. Trannies run around screaming at mothers about how "they look like shit after pregnancy" and rip apart moms

No. 2232635

Stop being a whiteknight for mothers, they don’t want to fuck you
There’s an MtF thread here in /snow/ that’s showcases their usual behaviors and fixations, they love fixating on the same motherhood loving garbage that you breeders do. I think a lot of anti-tranny breeders only hate trannies not because they are dangerous to eveey single woman and they destroy our spaces but because they act like mirrors to your self-fetishizing behavior.

No. 2232636

Well not a lot of places I like to go to are open right now so…my sincerest apologies for contributing with some gorgeous threadpics anon, it will definitely happen again

No. 2232637

No, they idolize motherhood and shitting on babies just like tradfags

No. 2232638

Adult Swim should have stuck to their older genres, which would have totally welcomed Smiling Friends and ilk with open arms. They should have spent money on their audience's demands instead of strictly rerun licensing fees. ATHF won't be dismantled.

No. 2232639

wow look at this pathetic unhinged freak that calls others unemployed but spends his days here knowing the nuances of tranny posters and his posting habits, equating trannies to mothers and people who want to have children. yowza i have not seen this level of mental illness in a while.

No. 2232642

I hex your internet provider.

No. 2232643

They have the bedroom to themselves and the kids sleep in the kitchen/dining room and living room.

No. 2232644

Tiktok is so backwards. They'll screech at good moms for things like having a date night once a month but constantly defend neglect. I've learned if you're being bashed on tiktok, you're doing something right, if tiktok is praising you, you're doing something wrong

No. 2232645

Why is criticizing mothers and pregnancy a forbidden topic? It’s unpopular opinions for a reason and motherhood has been forced on us as part of patriarchy since the beginning of time. I think we’re allowed to critique it.

No. 2232646

Trannies and mothers are the same kek. Now I've heard it all. Are we being raided?

No. 2232647

Is it just me or is the level of mental illness on lolcow increasing with time? I swear a few years ago the average anon wasn't nearly as mentally ill. Did they all come from somewhere in particular or is it just a reflection on humans as a collective generally becoming more unhinged?

No. 2232648

I love eggnog

No. 2232649

>Shitting on babies

No. 2232650

This is not an unpopular opinion. Eggnog is delicious, nonnie.

No. 2232652

The reasons that anons were bashing aren't feministy though, if you bashed pregnancy and motherhood from a feminist approach it would be a whole other ordeal. It was just moid tier shit like muh "ruined" body, muh aging, muh annoying moms, etc

No. 2232653

Because you're on a website for women and the majority of women in this world are mothers

No. 2232655

Its taken me a long time to warm up to eggnog kek

No. 2232656

I find eggnog disgusting. Why would I want to drink a bunch of eggs with sugar? You might as well eat it raw.

No. 2232658

Since the start of this site anons would be ready to slit each other's throat over boob size or something like that. The issue is that these arguments or more serious since they're continuing the routine of bashing mothers during possibly one of the worst time for postpartum women's mental health

No. 2232659

I don’t care, this isn’t high school you can’t gather a bunch of other retards and trying to put them against me. I said what I said and it’s pretty much true, mothers have a whole host of fetishes and kinks from martyrdom, self-sacrifice and submission. No wonder BDSM feels like the average heterosexual relationship kek

No. 2232660

There are fat people on this site, autistic nonnas, anachans, and all of those things get shit on here and yet those people don’t get to be offended. Why do we have to tiptoe around mothers?

No. 2232661

there has been an influx of false flagging and trolling for sure, i would not believe every retarded thing you read here, as if even the most vile type of childfree woman here would say mothers and trannies are one and the same.

No. 2232662

I think the name puts people who haven’t tried it before off since they expect it to taste like eggs

No. 2232664

>faggy stare
ugh! unbelievable nonny

No. 2232666

nta but being autistic, starving yourself, etc isn’t the same as creating people

No. 2232667

Because literally everyone in this world came from a woman. There's probably some attachment and respect there for the vast majority of people.
Then there's the totally insignificant fact that most women want children, so you're criticizing their future plans.

No. 2232668

Men have brain washed women into thinking pregnancy is noble and a sign of strength and men don’t even believe that shit themselves

No. 2232670

Boob jobs are not only dangerous but stupid. The fact that they are not seen as weird and grotesque makes me feel like I live in a parody.

No. 2232671

you're not very good at online trolling. keep your day job (if you have one)

No. 2232672

Because other women get to be made fun of but if you dare touch the right hand women (handmaidens) of the patriarchy who have some kind of privilege and high status for being mothers and being married it’s seen as a taboo. Mothers can never be criticized or made fun of because they assume it’s coming out of the same vitriol that a male has for mothers when it’s clearly not. It’s so retarded, we should be able to make fun of trailer trash, tradfags, I mean there’s even a thread for both of those topics on /snow/ and the latter one called tradfags tradthots. Imagine if you dared to use to word tradthot in this thread, they would be heaving and screaming about misogyny. It’s funny because they want both the benefits of dick sucking men and the benefits that other women who don’t fuck suck them fight for

No. 2232673

NTAYRT but pregnancy doesn't have anything to do with mens opinion. Reproduction is an innate desire

No. 2232676

how dishonest of you to pretend women of the past who fought for rights (not you, you don't fight for any rights, you're a waste of space) also weren't mothers. how funny to pretend being a mother automatically means you're a tradfag? is tradfag just code for normal family now? i would alog you for being so dishonest and an evil cunt but you're not worth the ban.

No. 2232677

From what I’ve noticed most men don’t genuinely desire it to the extent women do

No. 2232679

It's perfectly fine to make fun of tradthots, what are you on? The issue is when you refer to all mothers as pigs, sluts etc. whose only care and purpose is sex. You are then essentially branding all mothers as tradthots. Which is not the case. Many women who have children are still independent thinkers with career and hobbies. Being a mom doesn't automatically make you trad.

No. 2232681

Yeah exactly. Again, has nothing to do with mens opinion.

No. 2232689

Most men see having kids as a list of shit they need to check off on their to do list before they die, just to say they did it. You don’t see men dreaming of having babies and marriage like women do, most men see these two things as the worst thing that could happen to them during their prime. Women don’t desire babies because of nature, they want it because they’re brain washed from birth to believe being a mother is the most important and noble job a woman can have. If men were honest with how they genuinely feel about pregnancy and weren’t always told they’re a strong mama bear for having kids they wouldn’t want it.

No. 2232691

lol someone has mommy issues

No. 2232693

>Brainwashed from birth to believe being a mother is the most important and noble job a woman can have
Well what do you think is more noble nonna? Being a firefighter?

No. 2232694

Yeah I think going into burning buildings to save lives is more noble than being a mom lol

No. 2232696

Then why aren't you doing that right now instead of going on and on about how horrible mommy is

No. 2232698

Either a firefighter or a stock broker, go big or go home baby

No. 2232699

i need pussy bad actually

No. 2232700

why did you ignore the posts saying how retarded you are for implying mother = tradthot?

No. 2232703

Men are the ones who fuck with you, but inside of you and create the child. Why do female breeders have a dissociated mindset about sex and reproduction? Even you know that having sex with an XY beast is disgusting and it’s ridden in your language and desperation to detach men from the equation.

No. 2232705

>Men are the ones who create the child
Yeah I bet you feel that way

No. 2232706

the firefighter wins this one

No. 2232707

if you actually are a mother ITT can you explain why you chose that

No. 2232708

Oh stfu, you knew exactly what I was trying to say

No. 2232709

I’m not ignoring anything because I didn’t say that. That’s why you don’t assume you’re always talking to the same anon kek

No. 2232710

Cause I wanted a baby and I wanted to give someone a good life

No. 2232711

inb4 fake ragebait replies

No. 2232712

lol you think you're slick but i can see very clearly that it was you

No. 2232715

You genuinely think you’re that important that I need to lie on an anonymous shit posting forum? You’re nobody hun

No. 2232717

yeah you're continuing to lie so i guess i'm pretty important. what kind of retarded self own was that?

No. 2232718

File: 1730346270787.jpg (118.38 KB, 680x615, FwuV-qlWYAEiaiv.jpg)

Your entire existence is one of seething at men. Literal slave mentality. KEK you suck at life.

No. 2232719

based tbh, you wont get through to tradfags because caring for their children causes documentable brain damage. does anyone remember the halloween bunker where an anon posted a photo of her child? imagine being so brain damaged by raising your own child and babying your nigel that you post your child on a basketweaving forum for nitpicking camwhores thats rife with pedos and cp raids. honorable mention to skelehands who posted a video of her troony boobs lactating, iirc it was after having a meltdown for an entire thread because she couldn't get a post to delete and blamed it on pregnancy hormones. these are the people you're trying to talk sense to kek, its a lot cause
theres just more normalfags trying to colonize lc as of late. you usually see a few seething replies when someone makes an anti natalist statement, and any statement that talks about the risk or stupidity of the choice is just relegated to durrr ur a woman hating troon

No. 2232720

Ntayart but
>female breeder actively choosing to be shackled to a male, carry his children and perpetuate his progeny and by that ruining her body and personhood
>female firefighter doing dangerous tasks and saving the lives of the innocent including the children of retarded mindless breeders who leave their children unattended which is very taxing, hard and painful and thankless with no benefits, no tax breaks, no maternity leave, no people cheering you on for doing what a cow does so people can eat beef because it’s their job
Yeah the firefighter gigastacies mogs weak breeder women any day.

No. 2232721

Honestly I respect mothers because I'm not brave enough to be one myself. I know I would fuck up a kid so I don't think I'd ever have one. If you are raising a kid with love and respect and making sure they grow up happy and well-adjusted, then I think that's admirable.

No. 2232722

>honorable mention to skelehands who posted a video of her troony boobs lactating
What the absolute hell are you talking about

No. 2232723

>your entire existence is seething at men
>uses japanshit lolislop as a reaction image
And we’re told not to scrotefoil, why???

No. 2232724

What reason do I have to lie about what posts I did or didn’t make? What would happen if I did make those posts?

No. 2232725

We officially summoned bj-chan and she can’t even answer to the correct people KEKK

No. 2232726

>erm ackshually I seethe at anime girls too!

No. 2232727

lollll there is barely any such thing as gigastacy firefighters, most firefighters are men. is that what this silly shit has been reduced to now? pretending women can exceed at every possible thing to own those "breeders" LMAO

No. 2232729

>does anyone remember the halloween bunker where an anon posted a photo of her child?
Wtf when did that happen

No. 2232730

>theres just more normalfags trying to colonize lc as of late. you usually see a few seething replies when someone makes an anti natalist statement, and any statement that talks about the risk or stupidity of the choice is just relegated to durrr ur a woman hating troon
It's the opposite. This website was not made for people like you. It was made to make fun of people like you. Lolcow has gotten increasingly less normie ever since random tiktok nihilist fags started infiltrating and posting the most deranged takes everywhere.

No. 2232732

i'm sick of these freaks thinking they are the norm

No. 2232733

But holy shit breeders are such irrational creatures who get upset at the most littlest things, they seriously can’t handle when other people especially women exist out of their glass bubble house they seek to destroy it, they not only fetishize themselves (like you said there was some weird ass anon who posted her lactating breast for validation on a website mainly used by women wtf?) but they love the motherhood role because it’s the only thing they have that resembles some kind of power even though the power is created by men and society, not them. It’s the saddest shit I’ve ever seen and I see this facade destroyed when people disrespect mothers because mothers are just as conniving, destructive, selfish and evil as their moid counterparts

No. 2232734

Actually kind of the opposite has happened during the last thread and this thread. OP started the conversation with a post about how homemaking is perfectly acceptable and career stacies started kicking and screaming in response to civil comments from the tradfags

No. 2232735

>this was not made for people like you
Go make fun of the husbandofags and fujoshis then, imageboards were always occupied by very weird people, even in /cgl/ even though some retard claimed they did “meet-ups” but so do redditors, 4chan users, etc. and those boards weren’t exclusively used or catered to women because 4chan has always been a website predominantly used by males. You people have some strange romanticism about the past, this was always a website for weird women, and you’re also weird if you claim to have a husband and kids and talk to other women who you deem as “weird” and need to be treated differently than preshush mama bears

No. 2232736

>mothers because mothers are just as conniving, destructive, selfish and evil as their moid counterparts
so did mommy not let you go to becky’s sleepover or something

No. 2232737

>even though the power is created by men and society, not them
You could literally make the same argument about anything? Why should women want to be anything in life then when we all live under the patriarchy? Why should I aspire to be a lawyer or a stockbroker or scientist when men created these roles in society? I'm not shilling tradthottery but your argument doesn't make sense.

No. 2232738

Your child is shitting and pissing in his diaper while you’re talking to women who you deem as undesirables and trying to troll trannies on discord. Go wipe your crotch goblin’s ass and stfu

No. 2232739

lolcow isn’t really a hotspot for “very weird people” though kek, its actually a place where criticizing weird internet personalities is welcomed and encouraged.

No. 2232740

anti-natalists need to shut the fuck up forever, they always come across as totally unhinged weirdos and end up hurting whatever their cause is

No. 2232742

i don’t even have a child you just sound like you’re angry at your parents and taking it out on other parents you encounter

No. 2232743

koreans are scum. someone pointed out that everything koreans do down to their most base level is performative and aesthetic, once you realize that fact then everything you see them do or say is the most jarring thing. everything is superficial, everything is low quality in some way or another but just appears decent on the outside. literally the smelliest turd spray painted in gold. i just hate them so much as a collective and i wish they'd go back to being irrelevant.

No. 2232744

Just because 4chan is full of neets and incels doesn't mean lolcow is. You can't just think every imageboard is 4chan. You're disrespecting the culture of lolcow by assuming it's the same as that retard male imageboard. Literally just scroll on the catalogue on /ot/ and you can see how the women on this website were more normie compared to the male board counterparts before some wave of zoomers started trying to make it into a cool blackpill hangout for deranged women.

No. 2232745

people who act like ib's don't attract weirdos are extremely delusional. I'm sorry but the tards who screech "MOTHERPHOBE" and then get on autistic women are extremely hypocritical

No. 2232746

Kek, literally this. Even if they are right in some ways, nobody wants to listen to them because they come off as completely unhinged weirdos.

No. 2232748

Because a lawyer, stockbroker and scientist actually provide something to society and unfortunately keep the breederism train chugging alone with new inventions and economic development. I guess you could use that argument for everything but specifically in the case of mothers, they assume their role is powerful because of some mystical ability of creation and pregnancy (when nothing about it is mystical at all) innate inside of themselves but it’s a role created externally by men to keep them from fully seeing their entire personhood. It’s even more disturbing when you realize that a lot of women fuck, birth and die without even getting to know themselves entirely because they have society’s programming constantly switching in their heads while men get to walk around getting to be whatever they want, and plus at least with those roles they were created outside of the constraints of what mothers and women are tied to and again, have some prestige and influence to it.

No. 2232749

So today I learned everything here is insult-able even if it hurts people reading is okay except for insulting mothers.

No. 2232752

the last time anons on this board could hide behind "autistic woman" was… never. that excuse doesn't fly when you get called out for your retarded deranged opinion.

No. 2232753

My unpopular opinion is smacking down mothers or Jesus is not okay

No. 2232756

They think this website is like twitter, instagram, any other Web 2.0 mostly occupied by normies. I mean the very term “normie/normalfag” is used constantly to differentiate from the main userbases that occupy imageboards and forums people who use shit like reddit. It’s so easy to understand who is just a delusional normie and people who actually use imageboards and know the history of them kek

No. 2232758

I don’t have a problem with mothers but I know pregnancy is constantly shilled as powerful, beautiful and the most important sacrifice but I don’t think it is. I think pregnant bodies look gross and child birth looks gross, I don’t even think it’s that big of a sacrifice because if you know how to work the system, pregnant women and mothers get more help than healthy, single and childless women.

No. 2232759

Again, just because lolcow is an imageboard doesn't make it 4chan. Why are you guys acting like farmers and channers aren't dramatically culturally different? They were exiled from /cgl/ for a reason.

No. 2232760

yeah freaks like you gravitate to imageboards since you're so insufferable and incapable of havinf real friends because no one wants to be around you, you can pester anonymous people all day long without getting iced out or forced to fuck off. sad that you will continue to pollute this board.

No. 2232762

Pregnancy is scary, yeah. Most moms agree they hate being pregnant

No. 2232764

Nope, it’s full of very fucked up, weird women and that’s just the way imageboards are tbh, they are mainly used by people whose viewpoints are different from the mainstream. And yes I’ve looked at past threads and posts and honestly they are the same kinds of posts being made today kek, nothing has changed but everything has changed at the same time weirdly enough. I even posted a screenshot from a thread from 7 years ago and the same quality and quirks of the posts was the same being done today. Weird, overly personal, mentally unstable posters, that’s who uses imageboards. That is not an insult to anybody even though Ive been insulting everybody kek that is objective fact and common sense, I have eyes and a brain and that’s what’s clearly happened and is still happening.

No. 2232765

Nigga shut the hell up

No. 2232767

You're starting to get it

No. 2232768

You aren't black

No. 2232769

No, they’re pretty much the same and that’s probably why a lot of farmers use 4chan even though they don’t like to admit it, the style and verbiage of it both are very similar and that’s because even though some behaviors can be board specific there’s generally a global personality adopted by every user. And they were probably dejected from it for reason kek and it wasn’t because they were culturally different, what I’m going to guess is that scrotes don’t like women gossiping about shit and the very few women on that board had to go

No. 2232772

Um, yes I am? Prove it.

No. 2232773

I feel for the daughters because no doubt the closed proximity to older/younger male siblings will result in them being diddled.
CPS should be called. Several children have no business living in a one bedroom apartment. Terrible.

No. 2232775

Women who are super beautiful and have babies with ugly men are being selfish. Take Adriana Lima and beyonces daughters, even though they’re cute kids they’re always gonna be compared to their moms and Shat on because they didn’t inherit their moms insane beauty and look more like their dads. Their daughters are always going to compare themselves to their mom because they’re never gonna get the same pretty privileges.

No. 2232778

It's too rewarding for ugly males.

No. 2232781

Beyonce is ugly as well, don’t ever compare her to Adriana Lima and any other kinds of models who are actually beautiful and skinny.

No. 2232783

beyonce definitely looks better than the average everyday woman.

No. 2232788

I have a pass

No. 2232789

No she looks aggressively average when you see through the obscene amounts of shooping, wigs, camera angles, skin bleaching and surgeries she’s had. She also has big dumbo ears kek

No. 2232794

File: 1730348994825.jpeg (223.76 KB, 867x1390, IMG_4429.jpeg)

The average woman looks more like that >>2232643. Beyoncé would look like an angel up against me and every woman I know irl.

No. 2232799

ntayrt but whats this weird obsession that chronically online people have with Beyonce

No. 2232800

Imagine a woman who looks like beyonce walking through Walmart on a regular week day. Are you seriously saying she wouldn’t be the best looking person in the store?

No. 2232802

did you reply to the wrong person?

No. 2232803

a mixed skinned woman with brown eyes and amber hair…? i've seen that before anon kek

No. 2232805

Being mixed doesn’t mean pretty. Beyoncé looks better than the average woman.

No. 2232806

what makes her look more special anon

No. 2232807

NTA but I think they were just describing her appearance

No. 2232809

There’s a whole foods employee I know who looks kind of like Beyoncé and she doesn’t get special treatment for it. I’m sorry to disappoint you

No. 2232810

Nothing wrong with this. My mum grew up like this in a rural part of Eastern Europe, one of 8 brothers and sisters, in a house with like 3 rooms, they all slept in a sort of a large dorm room. She said it was cozy and lots of fun.

No. 2232823

>Mothers can never be criticized
Bruh the moms in the baby thread are literally getting traumatized from how much they're criticized

No. 2232826

It's not the most favorable situation imo but the commenters are literally claiming their parents abused them or something because they shared a room with 1(!) other sibling. Like I get if it was a crowd but crying bloody murder over a shared room is ridiculous
>But but don't have kids if you can't give them their own rooms!!
Kek if you claimed college dorms, co habs, sororities, etc were abusing teens for making them share rooms you'd get laughed at. What changes on your 18th birthday that no longer entitles you to a single room?

No. 2232832

stop deluding yourself weirdo no one gives a fuck what you think

No. 2232835

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Scary movie > scream. Scream is only favored for the fake-gay relationship at the end

No. 2232839

This was a really shitty way to respond to a very valid point

No. 2232841

There is a huge space difference between a 3 bedroom rural house (even considering Europe's smaller house sizes) and a 1 bedroom apartment. This many people living in a 1bed violates the residential fire code in most cities and for good reason. And there's no way the bedroom in an apartment is in any way comparable to "a large dorm room".

No. 2232846

Lol he's triggered

No. 2232851

No. 2232852

Samefag I somehow missed the part where the parents are sleeping in the one bedroom, and the kids are scattered around the kitchen/living/dining areas (which in most burger apartments are all in the same 'room' because amerifag designers love open concept homes for some reason.)

No. 2232853

>What you think
I'm just repeating what others say

No. 2232859

Nta but there was a theory in the tinfoil thread about how small town people look better on average because they're forced to breed with people who are naturally pretty where as rich people breed with other nepo babies or rely on surgery, which checks out cause a lot of women from small towns are drop dead gorgeous, just don't have a lot of time/funds to invest in their appearance

No. 2232861

If he can't handle me at my worst he truly does not deserve me at my best. I will not put on a mask. I am more brave and honest in being earnestly crazy than a bpd trying to hide it and fake normal

No. 2232865

I hate the smell of vanilla perfume. My sister used to have a bottle of the most artificial smelling vanilla perfume and it reeked so much, it made me want to hurl. Any time some person wears anything with vanilla scent, I have to cover my nose not to gag. Bloody hate it, vanilla perfumes need to be banned.

No. 2232869

Ptsd from your sister is not our problem

No. 2232872

Queen. Be unapologetically crazy. Men don't deserve whatever nice girl mask you want to put on for them anyway

No. 2232884

men love crazy, despite what incels say about "damaged goods" or whatever. You can literally make a moid uproot his family and career by being the hot broken girl. the jokes they make about "all the hot girls being crazy" is because they find craziness hot, not that hot girls are crazy

No. 2232886

Normies are just as transphobic as this userbase, just for different reasons.

No. 2232896

Unironically this, you didn't see insane retards screeching about "BREEDERS" back then, just search up old threads

No. 2232910

The way people write reviews on perfumes is so fucking cringy and pretentious.

No. 2232913

Fuck Jesus he’s a piece of shit that is literally just the “good cop” version of Yahweh’s nasty ass. Worst deity.

No. 2232915

I don't care about this monthly oldfag larp infight but all of you need to remember that most of us have been teens and young adults when Lolcow opened, so there wasn't even many "normie" topics to talk about. Or just serious topics in general that teens lack the introspection for.

No. 2232922

Why do all the tiktok moms of many children sound slow like that? Not denying the decreasing grey matter allegations.

No. 2232931

>decreasing grey matter allegations.

No. 2232941

NTA but apparently studies indicate that grey matter in the brain decreases during pregnancy. Some anons have taken this to mean that moms literally become retarded.

No. 2233021

People say ugly man psyop should be shut down bc it brings newfags, but I think it is one of the best threads on the site to show to normies. Not as extreme as pinkpill/blackpill/radfem stuff, not as controversial as anti-tranny stuff. It's something almost any normie woman can be peaked on. It's the perfect gateway topic for women who aren't exposed to feminism imo.

No. 2233035

>lolcow is for retarded women
>lolcow is to make fun of retarded women
Why can't it be both? As long as every party makes an attempt to intergrate and sticks to their circles there's no reason "weird women" can't be here too. Too many of you have been spoiled by homogenous safe spaces that restrict both speech and criticism, and spaces catering to GC women from any community are few and far between.

No. 2233041

Not when most of the nonnas there are retarded and delusional. It doesn’t do much , it’s just women thirsting over 18-25 year olds and their dicks, it’s just like “men you find attractive” thread, but at least nonnas there aren’t schizos.

No. 2233042

It’s centering men all the same , different picture, same point.

No. 2233058

>Not when most of the nonnas there are retarded and delusional.
the whole site is filled with retards.
>t’s just women thirsting over 18-25 year olds and their dicks
The thread is mostly shitting on mens look. It peaked me and its the only thread where I feel sane when the rest of lolcow and any other online space shills walled and ugly men.

No. 2233060

Its just a bunch of fags and women who feel offended for attacking their subpar standards for men.

No. 2233063

Imagine an entire board like the Bechdel thread.

No. 2233066

The only problem I have with the thread is that it feels more like a /2X/ thread than an /ot/ thread. Moving it to /2X/ would also curtail some of the newfaggotry because newfags can not into hidden boards.

No. 2233072

The moment you move it to /2X/ it will be ruined. The ugly man psyop isnt about feminist discussions, its about unattractive and old men being shilled to straight women and feeling frustrated about it. Why only that thread bothers you that much?

No. 2233073

The threads become what you contribute to them. Instead of feeding retarded baiters we could opt to not respond. Make a new post. Scroll by.

No. 2233075

Why the fuck is that thread so controversial anyway? Some people don't want us to talk about anything

No. 2233080

>Why only that thread bothers you that much?
This statement makes two false assumptions. Where in my post does it imply I'm bothered by the thread? If anything my post infers indifference. Why are you also implying that it's only that thread that apparently bothers me when no opinion of other threads was presented?

Stop getting offended and trying to infight over nothing.

No. 2233082

>People say ugly man psyop should be shut down bc it brings newfags
They're saying this because it worked with dumbass shit even though it made no fucking sense.

No. 2233083

You probably only briefly scrolled through the thread to think that it should be moved to /2X/. Hide the thread if you have a problem with it instead of acting like an annoying fag about it.

No. 2233089

If you in any way don’t praise it the hoard of nonnas from there will attack you kek. It’s kind of funny.

No. 2233090

>You probably only briefly scrolled through the thread
Again why are you making assumptions? I haven't mentioned if I regularly post in thread or not.

>Hide the thread if you have a problem with it instead of acting like an annoying fag about it.

You're the one getting offended and trying to start an infight because I suggested the thread would be better off on /2X/. What about that is offensive?

No. 2233093

You’re just a pickme who is salty about women who haven’t fallen for the psyop , enjoy your balding scrotes.

No. 2233096

Tiktok zoomers totally googling "ugly man psyop" and opening LC. No one ever complained about ugly men being shilled before, must be the newfags

No. 2233099

>You’re just a pickme who is salty about women who haven’t fallen for the psyop , enjoy your balding scrotes.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a pick me
Mental illness reveals itself.

No. 2233108

A lot of people complain about newfags here, but sometimes im glad they discovered this website so maybe they can be peaked. I don't know if in the last thread multiple anons were geniunely pro-SAHM or that one tradfag "im always beside my nigel" baiter who never gets banned for some reason, but the whole argument is retarded because it includes a moid. So many of these discussions and way so many anons are against motherhood and marriage is because moids are not people and for every 1 "good" nigel there are 50,000 default parasitic scrotes. The reason why women are pushed to get jobs and be financially independent is because the very majority of moids treat women like shit and she ends up doing all of the work anyways. I respect mothers but it's also ignorant to dismiss the very real side effects that pregnancy causes just because it didn't happen to you, that's how women's health concerns get ignored and they suffer and die from complications. As for ugly man psyop, i don't understand what is wrong with it. How are they schizo? because they write hateful (although not factually wrong posts about men? Why do you care about men being hated? Im gonna be honest, the less women date men the better, since most moids are beyond ugly and literally unhygenic and the more women shame men better. Why do you give a shit if women are hating on men for any reason kek

No. 2233110

>but sometimes im glad they discovered this website so maybe they can be peaked.
I agree. Newfaggotry is temporary, but peaking is forever. Just praying the newfags learn2integrate faster.

No. 2233119

You’re ugly and you had to settle, that’s why you’re so mad.(infighting)

No. 2233129

This is a cosplay drama site, not a political website for feminist evangelicalism.

No. 2233134

nta but dealing with cosplay scrotes and the convention scene is a great way to fast track into feminism

No. 2233135

it doesn't matter if nonna is ugly, even ugly women shouldn't have to settle. scrotes are the ones who kill themselves over not getting laid, they should be the ones making themselves better.

where else can we openly talk like this tho? also this is /ot/

No. 2233137

They don't "peak", they just start directing the anger and bitterness they feel at men towards women. They start policing and moralfagging over what other women do while hornyposting in the numerous Nigel threads or complaining about their shitty boyfriends they will never leave.

No. 2233138

kek nonny where did you get glasses that let you see through the computer screen? I want a pair.

No. 2233140

File: 1730381803010.png (95.63 KB, 498x816, ot.png)


No. 2233143

not trying to infight, but what do you mean by policing and moralfagging? not saying it doesn't happen, but can you give me examples of what you mean? most infights that resort "moralfagging and policing" were started by bait over things that are opposed to here for valid reasons.

No. 2233149

the best peaking always happens when interacting with said thing like with trannies, but i always wonder how anons have peaked about moids, so much of what they do is culturally acceptable and misogyny has bled through every corner possible

No. 2233150

>it feels like more like a /2X/ thread
>pick me, ugly loser that can't get a scrote

While this is very true, the same can be said of trannies. Using the site as a platform to encourage newfags does nothing for post quality and gives the mistaken impression that this is a purely feminist website when it isn't and never was.

No. 2233151

there should be more vtuber material. the scrotes are ruining the scene as always.

No. 2233155

>but i always wonder how anons have peaked about moids
AYRT and I peaked on moids by coming here and reading what anons have to say, and then I thought through interactions I've had with men and refused to apply any of the usual mental gymnastics I used to do to excuse their awful behavior in my mind. Also it's impossible to read through the News Stories That Fuck With You thread and leave with anything less than disgust and hatred for males by default.

No. 2233157

One downside is other ot threads have been bombarded by this almost non stop 'this physical trait is sooo ugly in a woman' posting as if it's settling the score for us talking about uggo men. Never read the word ugly so much and it's shitting up 3 ot threads all at once some days. Anons just talk in circles with them every day as if it's not the most transparent bs.

No. 2233158

If you know any milky ones, post them

No. 2233159

A lot of them aren't interested in talking about things such as how the patriarchy affects our lives and like >>2233149 said how misogyny bleds through society, and they would rather blame other individual womens' actions (for being "collaborative" with scrotes) and attack them over actually hating the moids who perpetuate misogyny, because they're still hung up on wanting to look appealing to men and desiring them in their lives. It's too much for them to admit that men actively hate and despise us because they still want to believe the best out of their Nigels or Nigels-to-be. So they attack anons over petty things like having male friends or acquaintances, liking something traditionally masculine, lesbians not interested in men or screech uncontrollably about sex workers (and nitpick their bodies and looks) rather than the Johns and perverts and the structural misogyny keeping the porn industry alive.

No. 2233164

>or screech uncontrollably about sex workers (and nitpick their bodies and looks) rather than the Johns and perverts and the structural misogyny keeping the porn industry alive.
I have to tell myself that every anon reeing about "whores" is a scrote or a lost newfag just so I can maintain my faith in my nonnies.

No. 2233170

Only ugly women who have ugly balding boyfriends seethe about the psyop thread.

No. 2233185

AYRT i see your point. I think it's a case of not being able to call out or know how to do anything about those scrotes in power, although the women who enable them don't help, so it's very bleak and lonely when even the women around attack you for calling out men's misogyny and how they perpetuate it, so it becomes a vicious cycle. I've come to realize that women who can go without relationships are very few and most women want to have relationships and be loved and desired which is obviously normal, so it's very crushing to realize that "love" and "romance" isn't real and men actually hate them. There is nothing wrong with hornyposting or thristing about men being hot, but you can't really expect much out out dating them. I myself don't have the answer for this, because i can't really blame women for wanting to be loved, women don't want to be loved because they see men "loving", they do it because they themselves are capable and want to respect, admire, cherish someone in their lives so they go into relationships in hopes of this being reciprocated, only for it to never happen so they either go into this website portraying the behaviours you've said or like the majority end up doing, they cope and buy into choice femininism which is just misogyny repackaged, constantly trying to "fix" their mindset and bodies to endure relationships and society at large. I never wanted to marry and have children, but i feel depressed over the women who work so hard and give so much only for nothing in return, so they end up in a cycle of coping and trying to "play the game" and "improve themselves" only for it to avail to nothing.

No. 2233188

I agree strongly with the rest of your post but
>screech uncontrollably about sex workers (and nitpick their bodies and looks) rather than the Johns and perverts and the structural misogyny keeping the porn industry alive.
How do you reconcile this with the fact that /snow/ and /pt/ exist?

No. 2233189

>I thought through interactions I've had with men and refused to apply any of the usual mental gymnastics I used to do to excuse their awful behavior in my mind
This. At a time when men (and plenty women sucked in by it) have taken to parroting
> Women don't take accountability
> B-but imagine if the roles were reversed and a woman did this awful thing instead! Because that'd totally mean she'd be excused or judged less harshly..
When we're the ones who have been or are still being memed into finding any possible excuse for men and their actions. Without even realising it most of the time because it's that intricately weaved into what we've been taught to do. To poor-guy the fuck out of them when that suits them or respect the hell out of them as being so capable when that suits instead. Grown men exist on a pedestal or in a baby crib depending on what would serve them in the moment. Mental health never gets taken more seriously than when a man needs to use it as an excuse for doing something horrendous that's only gone and fucked someone elses life up. Their victims mental health, met by the sound of crickets. Using up empathy on men while we judge the hell out of other women.. only for men to turn around and add insult to injury by saying "yeah umm askually women are the ones who get excuses made for em"

No. 2233193

I want….. your pussy anon(shitposting)

No. 2233195

> B-but imagine if the roles were reversed and a woman did this awful thing instead!
I'm just waiting for the next time a moid or handmaiden brings this up, because the obvious response is "Yes, but women aren't doing this thing. Men are."

No. 2233203

>screech uncontrollably about sex workers (and nitpick their bodies and looks) rather than the Johns and perverts and the structural misogyny keeping the porn industry alive
You lost me here tbh, fuck them hoes

No. 2233204

But that's what most of the drama boards are? Screeching about camwhores and nitpicking their bodies. I remember when Belle Delphine was still relevant and her thread had anons "calling her out" for "scamming her customers" as if degenerate moids deserved a modicum of the porn she put out.

No. 2233216

But aren't most camwhores threads full of rival camwhores posters?

No. 2233218

Not even camwhores like other camwhores kek

No. 2233219

They want them johns

No. 2233222

This new apu jesus thread pic is so fucking ugly and retarded

No. 2233229

Ugh…well Jesus thinks you’re beautiful and retarded, so

No. 2233240

The AD! thread pics are allowed we just got bullied out of stanfagging…

No. 2233243

He's so fucking mspaint fried superimposed on shitty jesus art even my religious great grandma would call tacky

No. 2233247

NTAYRT but you wanna show us a better Jesus threadpic? Be my guest!

No. 2233254

But don't you dare post the one where he's raped by Romans

No. 2233266

Poor Jesus getting diddled…

No. 2233279

nowadays women have more options and can do better for the kids than cramming that many into an an apartment. and in the past, large families were still because men felt entitled to sex and kept fucking their wives despite how many children they already had and struggled to feed.

No. 2233280

i feel like fags and scrotes took it over or something. yes it always was kind of a shitshow but recent threads have been much worse quality wise (though same can be said of the whole of lolcow honestly).

No. 2233334

Cosplay and lolita is on its death bed, it's not 2013 anymore. One does not exclude the other anyway.

No. 2233337

God I fucking wish newfags would be the kind to gravitate towards the psyop thread. Instead we get baiting polfags of questionable gender.

No. 2233371

Nta but as much as I feel bad for sex workers I just can't. So many of them are just heavily traumatized women acting out in ways they've been taught their entire lives to do. I genuinely want them to stop and be able to support themselves without sex, but I know just villianizing them would do more harm than good

No. 2233375

>respect mothers but it's also ignorant to dismiss the very real side effects that pregnancy causes just because it didn't happen to you, that's how women's health concerns get ignored and they suffer and die from complications.
The issue is that anons get defensive because majority of the time health effects are brought up, it's used to laugh at or demean the women for having health issues, instead of just raising awareness. Like the anon that keeps foaming at the mouth about how stupid moms (and pretty sure she said that she would turn away a female doctor if she found out the doctor was a mom?)

No. 2233409

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I could sound like a schizo but I came to the realization that men can only either be freudian mommyfags (big boob big ass woman that takes care of them while she is simultaneously a slut for them and teaches them how to have sex fetish) or pedophile groomer (into submissive flat/small chested younger woman that is pure and chaste but is secretly a slut for them and lost their purity with them fetish). Yes male sexuality is that simple but nigelfags or normie nonnas will disagree with this I think.
I don't 100% hate moids but they can't seem to like partners who are their age group they always chase neotenous younger women or sexy older women, unlike women who enjoy males their own age range. If you ever spend a couple of hours in 4chan boards you will see posts that are either "loli cunny child" or "big boob sex teacher momcest hag " in all the boards, literally all the boards have this weird theme of "sex with a mother" "sex with a child" shit, from /a/ to /v/ to /r9k/ to /tv/ to /vt/ they are all the same. Why do men have to be so freudian , was Freud right?

No. 2233423

I agree with you nonna, but I also think that 4chan isn’t the representative of the male population.
I think the average man is passive, in the sense that he benefits from patriarchy and just enjoys it, while keeping comradeship with other men. Men don’t care about women , the majority of them don’t see us as people evens, capable of having emotions, thousand dreams.
I don’t think they’re capable of love, the love that they feel is just them liking the things you do for them, men are just capable of taking and taking, while still desiring and chasing new sensations, hence why you see men who cheat on their pregnant wives after 10 years of marriage.

These extremes that you talked about are present, but not all in all the majority.

No. 2233437

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>but I also think that 4chan isn’t the representative of the male population.
I think it represents many men and it's a place where they reunite themselves to be brutally honest and express their feelings without being shamed since they are all anonymous, just like how lolcow farm is for women.
>the majority of them don’t see us as people evens
I have noticed men categorize women into porn categories " asian loves white cock" "ebony loves to get gangbanged by kkk members" "white bbc lover slut" "loli raped by her teacher pedo professor hentai" "teacher raped her son hentai", men are autistic as fuck and will look at you and try to categorize you in what porn fetish you are either you have big tits or small, either if you are tall or short, ginger or blonde… does not matter they will fetishize you anyways that's how men operate even normies.
>hence why you see men who cheat on their pregnant wives after 10 years of marriage.
Those men are either pedophile fuckboys who don't like the fact their wives get more womanly bodies when they get pregnant or they hate the fact they have to grown up and be men who father their own childs, as I have mentioned men are absolute freudian forever momma's boy babies and it could also come from a place of wanting to be a boy forever. Maybe I am trying to understand how males work but if my theories aren't right then it just means men are oversexual creatures who want to fuck everything that is female and I am being retarded by trying to understand the logic behind male sexuality.

No. 2233447

>claims to hate men
>browses 4chan
But why?

No. 2233457

I don't like using social media and I like looking at certain topics like anime or politics but I hate the coomerish shit 4chan threads always becomes into, I never said I hated all men tho are u blind nonna

No. 2233458

scrotefoiling being banned is too funny lmao you’re not fooling anyone

No. 2233468

can you post it? please?

No. 2233473

samefagging but I don't want to leave my anonymous hobbies discussion place just because pedo / freudian scrotes habit the website I use, I despise those pigs and wish 90% of men would die but imageboards are addictive.

No. 2233490

I don’t like men with high body counts and I’m tired of other women saying it’s okay and their past is the past, when men won’t give us passes like that and shame us for not being virgins. I keep seeing stories of women on Reddit finding out their bf did porn or slept with hundreds of women and the comments are full of pickme’s saying not to judge him, but I think men like that are extremely disgusting and will probably never love you and will always want other women. Also men with high body counts just means they don’t respect women if they can sleep around so much without promising a relationship, basically they’re just a sex toy for these men. I will never date a man who’s slept around ever and I’m very thankful that im my boyfriend’s first for everything

No. 2233492

They’re fucking disgusting nonna. They lack discipline and they don’t even bother to test themselves, they’re a walking STD toilet.
Getting with the community bicycle is a downfall for any woman.

No. 2233494

>and the comments are full of pickme’s saying not to judge him
those accounts are men larping as women, I don't think real women would write mysognistic shit like that on reddit.

No. 2233497

> but I think men like that are extremely disgusting and will probably never love you and will always want other women.
I agree, they start viewing you as a number after 10 kek.

No. 2233648

I won't tolerate being anything but a man's first serious love, as in no valentine's with another woman before me ever. Otherwise you are competing against an invisible woman for the rest of your life and he will name your daughter after her. Men imprint like ducklings

No. 2233650

Kek nonna, they obsess over someone they fell in love in high school and never get over it. And even that same very girl won’t measure up, because they’ve just idolized her.

No. 2233652

This is reminding me of that really retarded tumblr post about "loving how men love" or some stupid shit and every example is the man creating something or changing himself only after someone in his life dies. Men are retarded apes.

No. 2233655

>You don’t see men dreaming of having babies and marriage like women do
Idk I feel like this might've been true in the past especially with how many of them talked about their wife and family being a ball and chain in boomer type jokes, but nowadays I see more men crying about how they wish they had a tradwife and kids and feeling suicidal over not having these things like it's this huge void in their life and unironically get depressed over it even when they're in like, their mid 20s. While women the same age just post about how they're happy being single and childless and 99% of them wouldn't kill themselves over not having kids or a husband, even despite all the brainwashing.

No. 2233657

I don’t give a fuck about what goes on In the inner machinations of a man’s mind.

No. 2233667

Its not against the lolcow rules to be a tradfag, anon

No. 2233668

Like the other nonna said, even if you end up being the first love, you won’t be that very same person he fell in love in that instance. Five years down the line, you might live together, you aren’t as young as before, you have more responsibilities , the honeymoon phase isn’t there anymore and there’s the tranquility of monotony and suddenly “I don’t feel the spark anymore babe..”
Romance is a scam nonna, that has been sold to women to appease us and make us believe that there is truly an exception.

No. 2233678

I've noticed this too. They can't compute that an older woman wouldn't be a mommy type or baby them. They claim to like tall, older or more curvy women but only if they fit into that specific archetype they've built in their head. And if you're a flat chested, small woman but you don't really act submissive and don't have cutesy aesthetics they get weirded out by that as well since you're not fitting in the role they made up for you in their head after consuming hundreds of hours of hentai. Either that or they still infantilize you or see it as "cute" that you even try to be taken seriously. A lot of these types genuinely see real women like they're anime characters or some sort of porn category instead of full fledged humans with nuance. I've had this happen to me when a guy said he thought my appearance didn't match my personality and that he thought I would be a more passive type due to not being very tall, as if my height says anything about my actual personality. I've also been put into the box of being a "loli" by men like this solely because of my height even though I'm barely below average, just because they simply HAVE to put you in a box of some sort due to their terminal porn brainrot, no matter how many times you try to deny it and tell them you're not even that short and assert yourself as an adult woman, because they've already formed that image of you in their mind. That said, there's still guys (especially ones who aren't deep into anime and imageboards) who still date within their own age ranges and with people similar to them rather than looking for extremes, and aren't as retarded with this stuff.

No. 2233712

File: 1730414700199.jpg (31.62 KB, 680x478, ryan-gosling-eating-his-cereal…)

i'd rather be average weight and frumpy looking and continue to enjoy making meals i find rich and delicious every day than be skinnier and have a meaningless relationship with food in order to restrict and maintain the weight.

No. 2233736


you might be jesting but this shit is so real. looking back all of the young women ive known growing up who seemed to have the most men lining up the block were female psychopaths, some bpd ones, and the schizophrenics. maybe some bipolars and edchans in there too for good measure. if you were only mildly depressed or anxious, men just cheated on you because you’re too boring.

No. 2233760

Do you think that skinny people don’t eat kek? You can have a great relationship with food and still enjoy great meals.

No. 2233776

i'm probably skinnier than you are. don't try to start with me lol as if you don't know what i'm referring to when i say restricting.

No. 2233807

Anon saying really thin women aren't restricting what they eat is like fatties telling us they're totes not eating over their TDEE. We know the truth.

No. 2233808

enlightened thinking and I'm so glad for you nonna. I had the same realization. I would rather be a couple pounds heavier than my ideal weight eating that slice of cheesecake and not giving a fuck. It's divine.

No. 2233812

Ehh depends. I would rather be a little fat than live on a model's diet. Being truly fit is hard work if you don't work a labor job.

No. 2234168

File: 1730438624319.webp (6.69 KB, 420x315, grandoa vibes .webp)

This is cute

No. 2234173

> i'm probably skinnier than you are
Sounds like what a fattie would say

No. 2234174

Most women who complain that they can never make female friends and how women are "mean" to them should probably examine themselves. Imo most of the time those women are unlikeable and act like scrotes but don't realize it.

No. 2234180

Only if you're self conscious as fuck.

No. 2234182

I can't believe he would eat the child… I expected better than this

No. 2234183

Enjoy your food nonnies. I have gasteoparesis & a bunch of other health issues and I’m getting skinnier every week. It’s so uncomfortable. I would give anything to be able to eat normally again.

No. 2234188

Also if you are seriously mentally ill you can engage in more risky sex acts making yourself more “hot” to men. Add body dysmorphia to the equation and you’ll get plastic surgery, put on lots of makeup and get your hair done every day. A narc or sociopath will also be more looks conscious and spend a lot of time and money on their outfits.

Being a peaceful self respecting woman looks “boring” to men or at least they see you as the wife material whom they can occasionally cheat on with these “hot women”.

No. 2234245

I dont have a problem with normies/IRL husbandofags integrating into the website, you can't expect the userbase of the website to be weirdos just because the thread subjects are

No. 2234247

I agree and I think the userbase is very diverse in that regard, way more diverse than some nonas are willing to acknlowledge.

No. 2234251

ntayrt but lolcow is one of the few internet melting pots left that haven't gone to shit. it's because LC bans men and troons

No. 2234254

its literally one of the only worthwhile sites left since the internet went to shit

No. 2234264

it bans the most obvious ones, there are definitely males among the userbase

No. 2234286

I say I can't make friends because other women are too mean, but the reality is that I'm practically traumatized from making friends. Two of my former best friends trooned out at the same time during my teens and I've never really gotten over it. Prior to them trooning out it was like we were friendship soulmates. Other connections I've had with women feel drastically superficial compared to what I lost.

No. 2234295

What does "act like scrotes" even mean

No. 2234322

If you have to ask you probably act like one

No. 2234326

It often means you insist on expressing value judgements when it is not pertinent or useful to do so

No. 2234332

If I got a dime each time I saw a pickme analyze another woman to set her up for scrote judgment, I'd be able to buy a froufrou coffee every week.

No. 2234340

There are a lot of ways somebody can be mean to you that has nothing to do with you being "scrote like". Some women are mean because they feed of negative energy. Half of you on OT is and can't lead a normal conversation without making themselves feel better. I know only one women like this irl but for some reason they concentrate on OT.

No. 2234350

Halloween is the worst holiday and I don't understand why anyone other than children celebrate or look forward to it

No. 2234352

and lots of autismas don't have a lot of normie friends but have strong friendships with other autistic women. those gals aren't usually scrotey, just autistic

No. 2234354

It just sucks that autistic women are at risk of being or becoming gendies. Finding other "sane" autistic women irl can be like seeking for a needle in a haystack, while there are also aids infected syringes hidden in there.

No. 2234361

This is my case I have very strong bonds with my female autistic friends but I never got along with normie women my age range, I like genuine connections over whatever fake shit normie women have tho so I don't think nonnas should feel sad about not having many friends. But I do get along with much older women they are nice to me and treat me well.

No. 2234364

>whatever fake shit normie women have
anon, normie women have genuine connections with each other just like us autists do. please don't be like that.
>But I do get along with much older women
old ladies are fucking metal. i have problems relating to normies my age but my weirdness doesn't faze older women, next to nothing bothers those badasses

No. 2234367

Yep, that's exactly the answer I expected.

No. 2234387

hahahahahahahahahha oh my god this is rich
do you know where you are?
this entire imageboard was created to nitpick and judge women
but its somehow worse when you do it in front of men? lol
what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to pretend you don't care about men's opinions but then get mad if women include men in talking shit about you
anyway my 2 cents is that women expect a ton more emotional labour in friendships than men do, and its easier for me to have very casual friendships with men on average than it is with women. in the past i'll always hit a wall with women where they expect me to talk to them constantly in group chats or go out with them and get mad when i don't participate.

No. 2234391

They tend to generalize all women and they basically are the ones being judgmental in the first place each time.

No. 2234394

I’m so sorry nonna, this sucks so bad. Are you able to get nutrients via nasogastric tube? Might be a viable option. Maybe you can just chew the food and spit it out when you want to taste things, although the fact that it isn’t the same still.

No. 2234396

> I like genuine connections over whatever fake shit normie women have tho
See? This is what I meant. You automatically paint all “normie women” the same and have this “I’m so superior and they’re so lame and fake”, no wonder you can’t get along with them.

No. 2234405

But it's not generalising to say women who can't make female friends are unlikable and deserve it?

No. 2234407

Nah, the issue is that most women engage in performative femininity and constant male pandering (plus with the added victim mentality on top, god forbid they get involved with a scrote), and if you don't do these things they become spiteful and jealous towards you. It's pretty hard to find a woman IRL who doesn't care about these things. This is coming from someone who has female friends but it took years to find like-minded people.

No. 2234411

Nonna’s first statement never generalized
> Most women who complain that they can never make female friends and how women are "mean" to them should probably examine themselves.

No. 2234414

People being friendly online is fake and performative.
Old people tend to be easier to get along with because they stop giving a shit. If more people stopped giving a shit the world would be a friendlier place. I don't want to know your entire life story just to hang out with you, I just want some company to enjoy life with sometimes. That's how most friendships should be.

No. 2234430

I guess I'll take your word for it but I really doubt this is really about remembering to use a qualifier.

No. 2234437

After a certain age most women complaining about having difficulties making new friends give as number 1 reason that women who are partnered up hardly have time anymore for friends. That or they center all their conversations around their men and/or children. Disliking that is not behaving scrotey.

No. 2234499

If you are broke or poor don't date and don't get into a relationship and most importantly do not have children as well. Relationships and "love" are not necessities but distractions, I can't believe we live in a society (lol) that seriously thinks sex, love, and relationships are a need or a "human right" they are not, the most important "human rights" are the right to work, the right of privacy, etc. not sex or love.

No. 2234506

I hope you do differentiate between romantic love and love in general. Like love from family or friends. You don't exactly get the most well adjusted people if they've literally never received love in their entire lives.

No. 2234517

I hope you know that’s not what I was clearly talking about in that post, annoying little retard. You get the most unbalanced, obsessive, codependent and unfocused people because of the kind of love shilled in our world, broke people who decide to fuck, date or marry could’ve spent all of that precious time learning how to not be broke and develop themselves. Love is not a requirement or need of life and it’s not a real thing, it’s an illusion that keeps normies happy, placated and angry. Rich people or those with a clue know “love”, “family” and all of that other nonsensical jazz is just code word for business or transactions that have no deeper value or relevance. Just like a job, your family can abuse you, just like a job, it causes drama. None of these things ultimately matter but accruing power, status and money and manipulation just so people can finally listen to you. Most people haven’t cracked the true rules of this life, it has nothing to do with precious morals that everybody else expects to uphold, it’s always about power plays and power draws. You manipulate, you actually have a higher chance of getting what you want and need. Love will get you absolutely no where and will leave you vulnerable, I actually kind of think that one of the reasons on why love is seen as a higher value is to make people more enslaved, more open and willing to take and withstand abuse and injustice and to indulge into vices which is mostly sexual degeneracy and kinks. I’m sorry if I come across as a sperg and none of you clearly know how to read or understand what people are saying so I’m sure you don’t care but this is somewhat of the truth, encouraging love and relationships is purely a distraction, mainly shilled to us women, and also a business. “Love” is put into songs, movies, music, stories because it’s esoteric codeword for money, business, shares and transactions and nothing else.

No. 2234519

Samefag shit I didn’t mean to put angry kek

No. 2234522

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Jesus Christ get a fucking grip kek

No. 2234524

You proved my point.

No. 2234528

Actually lol'd. Perfect response to her.

No. 2234534

Atayart picrel is right though and basically what I’m saying?? Poors and brokies (and I am one of them so I’m not looking too down on my fellow poorfags) love filling their lives with sex, friends and love, meanwhile the people with the actual power and ability to move how they please prop those things up as a business front. Once you finally get rid of those things like family and love and shit, you’ll find where the actual enjoyment is which is not being broke and attached to a dirty disgusting child and a dirty disgusting husband to clean up. I’m a brokie who eventually wants more money and power so I never have to be vulnerable, impoverished and enslaved again. What’s wrong with what’s being said in that pic… I’m lost

No. 2234543

Can you put this shit in the ugly man psyop thread? Just because that thread is going slow doesn’t mean you have to go and jumpstart a previous infight topic. We know, it’s disgusting, go sperg about it in your containment thread jfc it’s almost like you scorned newfags don’t know how to integrate

No. 2234544

You know, I used to think like you when I was younger. It didn’t actually get me anywhere. In fact the pursuit of money over everything only ever drove me insane and led to bad choices trying to fill the void where a support structure should be. You’re probably not going to take this random IB comment to heart because you’re probably going to have to learn the hard way but trust me, people need people.

No. 2234545

there is nothing more broke and ghetto than "fuck love, i get paper" mentality
really just cringe and embarrassing
i don't really care what comes out of your mouth either way because you're an overcompensating, coping poorfag but you're just so funnily unaware how rejecting the idea of love and family because "money" and "business" is what you're trying to affront to is a totally poor person trying to get out of poverty thing to do

No. 2234547

I judge the women in age gap relationships more than the men in them. It shows a lot of bitches would do anything for money. The. A few years when he throws them away from a younger girl they want to come crying to women that they were groomed. Go away.

No. 2234549

You should apply to be a mod since you’re really passionate about this websites rules and regulations. Good job.

No. 2234551

Is she also a pick me?

No. 2234552

What bad choices? Also having a support system bogs women down, having love and care for other people will never be appreciated and underlooked. No matter how much you smile, perform, pretend to be the “good one” to contrast the hideous demonic laziness and shittiness of the males around you will never be appreciated and when you do decide to be vulnerable in the pursuit of “love” especially with a very close female you feel like you can confide in and be supported by they hug you, play the same social interaction buttons but it still feels robotic, empty and pointless and at the root of their advice and their helpful platitudes it’s really just encouraging you to take the same shit they have took because suffering is always justified in their eyes, even if it always hurts more than it’s enjoyable or educational and most of it could’ve been prevented if people weren’t so fucking retarded. It’s all lies and a waste of time, I understand what you’re saying because hermits don’t keep society from running but there’s always miserable caveats to maintain social relationships because the mechanical force is always transactional, take and give, do this for me and do that for me, it’s just like going to a job except it’s people you’re suppose to care about because they sadly decided to shit you in this world or you’re related to them.

No. 2234555

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No. 2234556

Random thought, but I wonder if there's a relationship between women who date moids way older than them, and women who've been molested as kids. Armchair theory, but what if women who were molested often go for dudes sizably older than them because even though being groomed and taken advantage of was a traumatic experience, the exposure to an older scrote in such a personal way has still imprinted the age gap onto their brain.

No. 2234558

chihuahuas & chihuahua mixes ARE the superior, cuddly dog breed. bug eyes=best eyes. large dog fans need not reply.

No. 2234560

There’s something very ghetto about prioritizing relationships than being able to pay your bills, being a leader, having your voice heard and not being a doormat. Yeah, sure jan

No. 2234561

That looks like a hair bonnet for a table

No. 2234563

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Whatever you say, kid. Godspeed.

No. 2234564

I’m just seeing the future, you’re only occupied with quick fixes because you can’t help but have old ugly bastards swirling inside your head. Take it to your containment and stop creating the same annoying retarded infights over something people universally agree on this website it’s disgusting, it’s been said, shown a million times, pick a new fucking topic or just go suck dick already if you’re that obsessed with men

No. 2234566

Nayrt. It wasn't even that long. Get off Tiktok and maybe you can understand concepts that are more than a tweet length.

No. 2234567

there's something very ghetto about living in the ghetto and being surrounded by people like those which you described and since you wanna climb out the ghetto sewwww bad you overcompensate by trying to be nothing like them, but you don't know how people who aren't impoverished act so you just default to "fuck love!!! fuck relationships!! money get da bag!" because that's what you think people with more money than you are like. fucking yikes stay in the ghetto girl.

No. 2234569

She didn’t feel like getting up to put her dentures and hubble telescope reading glasses on to read my post, sorry granny! plus I’m in my mid-20s kek
Go back to LSA

No. 2234570

>having a support system bogs women down
The point of a support system is that it supports you, it per definition doesn't bog someone down. If it does, then it's not a support system.

No. 2234573

listen men are trash but you need connections in this life or you will die from misery no joke. People need people. There is someone out there for you that will make it click for you one day. But maybe you just don't have it right now. You are on an IB because you crave human interaction. We all do even when we say we dont.The proof is in the pudding. This is coming from a hermit who got rid of her friends. I didnt get rid of them because I never wanted to make friends again, I got rid of them because we were no longer compatible and that is okay. Love exists not only is it within you but all around. Have you ever seen an elephant mourn for its child? Not even just elephants so many animals mourn their loved ones when they pass.Love is real and I hope you get to experience it.

No. 2234574

Support systems don’t exist

No. 2234575

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NTA but I think we should bully more anons who can't be bothered to read in arguments they chose to get in. Like you said, this isn't twitter. A part of me genuinely wonders if these people ever read any long books when they were growing up.

No. 2234579

Yeah but elephants are better than humans kek there’s no motivators for them to support someone. But I guess you’re right but many people die without that so I rather place my bets on material fulfillment and not relationships that’ve burned me and set me back further than I would like to be. Thank you anon ♥

No. 2234580

ntayart it’s because they are twitterfags kek

No. 2234581

Reading a book is a far cry from reading some mid-20s edgelord’s rambling, trite, and poorly articulated word salad, especially when you have enough life experience to have encountered the exact same type of comment time and time again. I already know what it says and it’s still retarded.

No. 2234584

>salad, especially
Probs should've whipped out a semi-colon here if you wanted us to think you were extra smarty.

No. 2234592

>having a support system bogs women down
>to contrast the hideous demonic laziness and shittiness of the males around you
Well no shit Sherlock. Moids don't belong in a woman's support network because males by default are parasites until they prove that they consistently give more than they take (very rare but technically does exist among a tiny subsection of moids.)
>very close female you feel like you can confide in and be supported by they hug you, play the same social interaction buttons but it still feels robotic, empty and pointless
And have you ever told them this? IDK about you but I'm able to tell my friends "Hey, XYZ doesn't help me. Can we do ABC instead?" If a so-called supportive friend can't handle that, you know that you need different friends. Hopefully you're a good enough person to be around that you're able to make those kinds of friends.

No. 2234595

Nta but yes they do? Maybe not in the extremely cynical way they're being described by some anons. If someone in my support system (group of friends and a few family members with whom I share mutual trust and love) behaves like an asshole and takes out their personal stress on me when I try to help them, then they're out. I'm not helping them again. Doesn't matter if they're blood-related family or anything. If I need help, I have lots of people I can ask, and we won't be nasty to each other in the process. It takes time to weed out who is worth it (I wasted a lot of energy on trying to support absolutely shitty people who only wanted attention and not actual support). But to say they don't exist is weird.

If you can behave like an adult with some grace and understanding for others, you can form meaningful relationships wherein everyone helps each other when needed. If you behave like a caged animal and snap at the nearest person with good intentions, perhaps over the years there will be no one left who wants to help you.

No. 2234596

If it's so retarded that you don't want to bother reading, then why are you still participating in the conversation? Walking away is both free and freeing nonny

No. 2234597

No. 2234599

You have life experience but don’t have the common sense to figure out that people don’t have the same life experiences as you and you’re in the unpopular opinions thread. You’re hopelessly retarded and weirdly condescending, you can simply check out of the conversation if you think it’s so “above you” and shove your meaningless “life experience” up your ass and none of that was word salad, if long words and sentences are word salads then you surely have never read a fucking book in your life unless you were forced to. Someone saying they have life experience on the internet is the equivalent of somebody claiming they are trained in gorilla warfare

No. 2234602

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>gorilla warfare

No. 2234609

>being a leader, having your voice heard
Look I'm an autist who prefers stuff over people too, but what's with the corporate life coach speech? You know what really makes someone rich? Being born rich.

No. 2234611

300 confirmed kills
I wish I was born into wealth so I had money and connections to ruin men’s lives and get away with it

No. 2234613

its retarded how its cute and quirky if an american or similar has a 2x2 house or cabin and "downsizes" their life but if someone from another country lives in a tiny house or cottage then its just being poor as if they have no autonomy over their life and don't choose to live small. like people from wealthy countries get praised for living in mansions and praised for living in a quirky shoebox but people from poorer countries are only valid if they live in a mansion.

No. 2234615

Also notice how supercomputers exist but there are no superphones
What would they even do, set a record in scrolling TikTok kek

No. 2234639

Ok baby mod. I’ll make sure to follow the rules next time!

No. 2234719

There's quantum computers out there though. They use qubits to crack encryption instantly. Encryption standards like RSA, AES or DESU are so secure that it's published how it works publicly so everyone trusts it. Once it's revealed that they can crack it the entire internet goes down. Even this site uses oAuth to sign posts. We're in an internet cold war right now. Quantum computer's require country level resources and once they reveal their hand it's all over.

No. 2234800

I think it’s weird how many people are choosing to live in vans and cars now. Now, it’s not a reasonable decision to make.

No. 2234802

Isn't it more to do with not being able to afford or rent anywhere to live rather than being a choice?

No. 2234822

Everybody who I see online choosing to live in a van or a car does it sheerly out of their own desire to do so, in order to “save money” that they already have so they can spend it on funko pops and mcdonald’s toys they keep in their glove compartment instead

No. 2234826

How big is that glove department

No. 2234916

If any group has people frequently wishing death on the children of people they disagree with, then that group is automatically invalid and wrong by default

No. 2234923

What people are you "seeing"? Definitely not even close to what I've seen + it's weird to try to convince everyone people who stick with the most minimal form for living are the true consoomerists

No. 2234928

>t's weird to try to convince everyone people who stick with the most minimal form for living are the true consoomerists
Anon, did you read my post in its entirety? They’re not “sticking with the most minimal form of living” KEK? They’re living out of a car for tiktok views and spending their money on shit they don’t need. You’re probably thinking of actual homeless people, and not regular, working class citizens who just choose to adopt a semi-homeless lifestyle.

No. 2234929

Coconut smells and tastes disgusting. It makes me want to puke.

No. 2234933

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No. 2235056

I think male homosexuality is some sort of humiliation fetish, they aren't attracted to men the way people are supposed to be attracted to each other. They hone in and exaggerate masculine traits in grotesque ways, which is why they're prone to gross fetishes. Tops are sadists who get off on overpowering men and bottoms are masochists.

No. 2235061

Wait til you understand how male heterosexuality works.

No. 2235063

Fuck. True

No. 2235065

Agreed, coconut water is the worst thing ever

No. 2235074

What your witnessing is pure undiluted male sexuality, that’s why it’s so disconcerting.

No. 2235081

Not really, if anything the women that are mean to me are 100 times more scrote pandering than I am and usually get butthurt that I'm not. I got bullied as a child by girls for just being the shy tomboy kid at the time for example, while if I was conforming and normal like they were I probably would've been fine. I try to be nice to every woman I meet despite this and other bad experiences, so I really don't think I'm the problem. I just struggle to meet women who are on the same wavelength since either they're normie and center their life entirely around men and we have nothing in common so I have to adapt to them way too much and it's tiring for me, or it's people like some women on this website where they're too weird and autistic even for me and always jump to extremes, moralfagging and infighting every 5 seconds. It sucks and I wish finding other women I actually relate to was easier.

No. 2235121

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statistically speaking, in terms of looks the average person MUST be a 5. the vast majority of people then fall between 4 and 6, thats just how normal distribution works. additionally the average person DOES still usually find a partner to marry at some point in their life (about 70% of ppl in america, probably even higher in other countries) so even someone who is a 4 is not so ugly that its unlikely they will ever marry. the average person would find it insulting to be labeled anything lower than a 7, but statistically most will be 5s and 5s are perfectly datable because the average person can still get dates. thank you for coming to my TED talk.

No. 2235123

Whats wrong with hetero males anon enlighten me

No. 2235135

>implying that the distribution of physical attractiveness is a normal
>implying that the scale of 1–10 is evenly spaced and centered at 5
>implying "worth dating" and "able to get dates" are the same

No. 2235147

unironically yes to your first two points. and i never said anything about "worth dating". a man can be a 10 in terms of looks and still not worth dating because of everything else about him. im just asserting that the average person IS a 5, AND the average person still marries at some point in their lifetime. when i walk down the street and look at people i dont think "all these people are hideous" i think "these people are average" and average =/= ugly

No. 2235153

a person's personality completely changes how physically attracted I am to their features so I really have no problem believing that plenty of women and maybe even some men can think that an "objectively" unattractive person is the most beautiful person on earth. I've certainly felt this way

No. 2235196

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Lavender is a pretty flower, but it stinks

No. 2235203

It either smells really good or like undiluted cat piss

No. 2235217

Lavender fields smell lovely

No. 2235220

I used to hate it and I started drinking lattes with lavender syrup all the time and it rewired my brain so now when I smell it I think "yummy". I love it. I will say that the piss smelling ones tend to be the old essential oil bottles in those barely visited hippie stores. I think they're rancid or something.

No. 2235229

Not me I'm undateable.

No. 2235256

Everything. I’d me more quick by pointing out what’s not wrong.
They’re the same as the gay men, only that they’re attracted to us, but still dislike women at the same time.

No. 2235262

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When you go outside you’ll usually see 5s,6s and 7s and less 8s,9s,10s and 1s,2s,3s,4s. It’s a Gaussian distribution.

No. 2235271

it honestly makes me so upset to see how some anons talk about men. there's nothing inherently "unattractive" about being bigger or bald or hairy, and i think it's obvious that more men have these traits because there's at least some degree of sexual attractiveness to them. i honestly get a little bit annoyed when i see the ugly man psyop thread, it feels like a bunch of regina george wannabes trying to control what women are allowed to find attractive. they're no better than the women they hate.(bait)

No. 2235274

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>implying that fat bald hairy men meant to be attractive in some way

No. 2235276

File: 1730507715684.jpg (132.81 KB, 800x776, 1657287367112.jpg)

This is like getting mad at people saying poop is nasty because you like eating shit. Nobody is stopping you but everybody else knows it's nasty and you aren't winning good girl points being a happy poop eater here unlike every other website ever

No. 2235278


honestly as a lesbian, this entire topic got me thinking in two ways: one, that i think it is a conspiracy that women have been shamed for so long for having the audacity to desire certain traits in a male partner (tall, handsome face, cleanliness, etc) that now we see women with men far less attractive than she is and it isn't fair because its not like he treats her any better than some thunderchad that everyone seethes over…

but then on the other half, i've also seen super happy couples where a guy was quite heavy and the woman is slender, but he treats her so well that it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. but i see haters coming on top of the her and claiming things like OH YOU KNOW SHE'S WITH HIM FOR THE MONEY when it's not even true. ultimately its just misogyny doing its thing and if you like some guy who isn't conventionally attractive, as long as he isn't as asswipe to you, stop caring for what other people think.

No. 2235282

Literally why are you on lolcow dot com of all places then kek if you think you're so much better than us.
do you have a fat and balding Nigel or something

No. 2235283

Go back. Now.

No. 2235284

I love these stock images

No. 2235285

The amount of seethe this post generated in less than 25 minutes is impressive.

No. 2235296

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No. 2235298


10/10 ragebait kek

No. 2235299

are you trying to revive him from his diabetic shock or is he eating your soul out of your body

No. 2235302


No. 2235304

i find it so retarded that young adults these days act like u gotta dress or look a certain way to enjoy a genre of music. like if u listen to emo music u dont need to base ur entire identity around that, it's so cringe. i think it's bc the influencers are so young and say the most weird shit (addyharajuku for example) like ohh ur not emo if u listen to panic at the disco or linkin park thats not emo !!! bitch foh imagine just listening to one genre and acting as if liking sub genres makes u less than. fuck off ima listen to la dispute and limp bizkit that doesn't take away my emo card i've been to way too many mcr concerts to even deny being an emo despite how cringe it is, it's just where i fit in(integrate)

No. 2235307

He looks so fat and scraggly. I hope this is just a nonny revengeposting a pickme cause if not damn girl love thyself more.

No. 2235309

this person kind of looks like Lorena

No. 2235310

File: 1730509918368.gif (1.03 MB, 498x280, 1000018650.gif)

This is like watching someone willingly eat gas station sushi that was sold by some local crackhead who you just know laced that shit with fentanyl and some smegma. I'm not seething. To seethe means that I give a real fuck about you, and I don't because I don't know you. I am cringing because a part of my intellect is still aware that this is a stupid idea regardless of whether or not a really give a fuck about you. What's most important is that I'm also entertained by your stupidity to even tongue fuck this laced gas station sushi human equivalent, so go nuts kiddo.

No. 2235311

You gave enough of a fuck to reply, so you do give a fuck.

>my intellect


No. 2235312

I kind of understood what you meant cause some bald guys can have decent bodies, some men can carry a little extra weight well if they are tall, etc.

This neckbeard ain't that. Does he have decent cock or money? If not, then I don't get it.

No. 2235313

It's either that or someone with a humiliation fetish. I literally gagged opening the spoiler.

No. 2235314

The man is not washed with visibly greasy skin and ungroomed sideburns. I bet his breath smells like milk even right after tooth brushing

No. 2235315

Kek anti-psyop thread nonnas will NOT live this down.

No. 2235316

The jealousy this post has triggered in less that 25 minutes is also impressive.(bait)

No. 2235319

This is beastiality. You being in jail.

No. 2235320

Call animal control NOW

No. 2235321

You called it kek

No. 2235322

Anons here look exactly as I expect, explains the e-girl worshiping

No. 2235323


No. 2235325

That isn't a nonna

No. 2235328

the only thing thats triggering here is the epi pen in that moids lard

No. 2235330

Anon why

No. 2235331

Sorry nonna, my nigel isn't fat and scraggly LMAO

No. 2235333

>"you replied so you do care"
Not particularly about you. More about caring just enough to express how much I'm kekking and cringing at you.
>"you have no intellect"
oh you sweet, summer child. The fact that I'm not the one defending scrotes that look like they have stashes of all types of CP on their computer says enough about our IQ. One of ours is in the single digits, and it's not mine.

No. 2235334

You both have numerous vitamin deficiencies

No. 2235337


No. 2235340

All of you need some self respect, i forced my bf to lose weight and he looks cute now, stop settling for fat fucks unless they are gonna put the work to change

No. 2235341

Are you mouth-feeding him?

No. 2235342

It takes some extreme cojones in the first place to post a face and nigel reveal but…still doing it confidently even when you know hes fat and gross?

No. 2235344

nta but
>oh you sweet summer child
>caring about iq
>thinking iq represents intelligence
nonna do you browse reddit, specifically r/gifted?

No. 2235347

NTAYRT and not to sound like an asshole but doesnt the acronym IQ stand for the words intelligence quotient

No. 2235348

And HP stands for horsepower, what's your point?(infighting)

No. 2235349

This has to be some r9k troll using some random girls pictures

No. 2235350

um no it stands for harry potter

No. 2235351

File: 1730512116853.gif (669.32 KB, 154x190, 1ocrky.gif)

>more seething because of "muh nigel"
yawn, go lick the smegma off your nigel's saggy balls, miss retard. Maybe if you're careful, your yeast infection record can stay as blank as your brain.

No. 2235352

Well yeah because the term horsepower was supposed to literally be comparable to horses?

No. 2235353

>didn't even post a full body shot knowing we're already clocking his rotund corpulance from the "best" closeup angle possible

No. 2235354

Samefag the term started being used around the late 18th century, and they chose to compare the engine power to horses because that was and had been the transportational method for centuries(??) at that point.

No. 2235356

lmfao maybe she didn’t know that

No. 2235358

why is an anon having a different opinion now considered "bait" kek

No. 2235359

Are you blind kek? The bait in the post you tagged was that anon claiming that the responding users are jealous of her fat comatose boyfriend, not "having a different opinion"

No. 2235360

well first of all, that anon wasn't me. you guys DO get aggressive and rude whenever anyone doesn't share the same tastes as you. you're just as bad as the men who want all women to be perfectly shaven and anorexic but also with a BBL.

No. 2235361

>you are just as bad as men because you think my obese boyfriend is ugly
Opinion discarded KEEKKK

No. 2235362

>"women just as bad as men"
Yeah, we know what time it is

No. 2235363

>you're just as bad as the men who want all women to be perfectly shaven and anorexic but also with a BBL.

No. 2235364

This, I've made a couple males I wasn't even dating lose weight, shave and fix their money problems just by making fun of them and being honest in group chats about how unattractive they were. It cannot be that difficult to train a male who's actually allegedly in love with you

No. 2235366

like it or not, it's still an opinion and not bait. glad we agree.

No. 2235367

Moids would never cape this hard for fat and ugly women

No. 2235368

An opinion can be bait ♥

No. 2235369

keep calling others ugly and wondering why you're alone. everyone can see how ugly your heart is ♥(ban evasion)

No. 2235370

I'm not alone nonna kek, my nigel isn't the shape of a beanbag chair. Being grossed out by obesity and balding doesn't make me the ugly one. Cope and seethe

No. 2235371

Did you know that the human male has much denser and more muscle mass as well as bigger heart and lungs for the purpose of living life as an athlete? They're born to run prey to death and haul it back over their shoulder. A fat man, who has 2x your metabolism, sitting around and estrogenically gaining fat like a prehistoric fertility goddess is an absolute failure.

No. 2235372

your chubby chasing and claiming that women are as bad as men (impossible) is bait actually yeah

No. 2235373

damn nta but you can’t post an unattractive photo of your boyfriend on lolcow and then get angry with other nonnies for not swallowing what you’re feeding them

No. 2235375

File: 1730513401205.jpeg (14.76 KB, 768x425, ONhsZmWaWa6qyUVI.jpeg)

why does he look like salmon andy kek

No. 2235377

>just as bad
Damn I hate this. Just go back to r9k.

No. 2235383

1. idc, i'm happy and he eats the pussy disrespectfully
2. he can carry me over his shoulder and break your nigel's neck(ban evasion)

No. 2235385

>break a man's back
and the chair, and the sofa, and the bed, and the floor if he falls, thr ceiling if he jumps, and eventually your spinal cord if he doesn't stop.

No. 2235388

It's genuinely so easy since moids are obsessed with female validation, society coddles them too much

No. 2235390

Are you twelve? Also this is a tale as old as time. Only teenagers care about that shit.

No. 2235391

File: 1730514313112.gif (5.47 MB, 500x500, 1691964022817.gif)

This is bestiality.

No. 2235392

File: 1730514325627.png (15.56 KB, 680x605, GbUgiLrW0AAG-Oo.png)

the nonnas seething at the ragebaiter's ugly nigel probably soyface at this dynamic

No. 2235393

He's a fatty so of course he should have no problem eating pussy. What's sad is the microdick situation and that you think it's impressive that bomblatty can lift a quarter of his body mass.

No. 2235395

>eats pussy disrespectfully
>cant even be respectful about it

No. 2235396

File: 1730514437601.jpg (9.31 KB, 260x194, images (3).jpg)

No. 2235397

Lol one kick in the back of your nigel and hes on the floor crying for air

No. 2235398

anon, how old are you…?

No. 2235399

imagine wanting PiV lmao. can't even hide your obsession with cock. I hate straight women

No. 2235400

Damn I miss this show

No. 2235401

I hated Eustace so much when i was younger

No. 2235404

He was a dick to courage

No. 2235405

hot. this is the way

No. 2235407

Unironically based because fatties actually have to work for their eye-candy unlike fat men who have pick-mes settling for them out of self-hatred

No. 2235408

He was mean to Muriel as well, always asking for his dinner. But it's because he needs to heal his bald inner child.

No. 2235409

File: 1730514891288.jpg (47.5 KB, 405x720, 1000019382.jpg)

Mmmm yeah baby come ere and sit on daddy's face so I can spell the alphabet with my yeasty tongue~

No. 2235411

Is that your boyfriend

No. 2235412

Dudes who are ungroomed lardasses and ones who are muscle-atrophied shamblers are both fugly. But of course if a woman dates a man she should at least date a good looking one, since being ugly and out of shape doesn’t make them better people, but statistically it does mean they are also dumber and poorer.

No. 2235414

File: 1730515110996.png (1.41 MB, 701x1131, magnus.png)

Yes, his name is Magnus

No. 2235416

i've seen so many fat women who seem to have a jabba the hutt like control over their scrawny, dysgenic moids

No. 2235417

File: 1730515205172.gif (2.91 MB, 275x275, 1000018593.gif)

He can probably spell the recipe for KFC chicken and mashed potatoes on anon's pussy since that'll be the main thing he thinks about when it's time to "disrespectfully" eat her.

No. 2235418

File: 1730515243642.gif (1004.61 KB, 343x498, discord-mod-kawaii-anime-boy.g…)

Kawaii anime boy (him)

No. 2235419

He's sexy

No. 2235420

All scrotes are ugly and I mog each and every single one of them. This is why every woman wants me, every single nona's issues are caused by not being able to date me. Every single nigel is ugly and unfit compared to me. So dynamics like these make me sad because I know the woman will always be thinking about me

No. 2235431

Wheres the healthy + healthy option

No. 2235434

My brother is like this kekkk he only dates fatties

No. 2235439

File: 1730517171964.jpg (217.17 KB, 1105x1350, Screenshot_20241101.jpg)

>break your nigel's neck
sorry I only fuck fit dudes in their early 20s

No. 2235441

The tongue is clean but the tat screams chlamydia

No. 2235445

I feel like this thread is just the rebranded shitposting thread at this point.

No. 2235457

Woahhhhhhh black triad Stacy woah

No. 2235478

I think all of you would be happier if you found love

No. 2235480

No. 2235551

I would be happier if I had $15k

No. 2235555

All the fatties flocking to this kek

No. 2235559

She in fact had a fat and balding Nigel

No. 2235566

Being fat is ugly. Fat men are hideous and fat women are ugly too.

No. 2235630

No I have other shit to do.

No. 2235666

It's all media conditioning. There are tons of tiny women 30+, arguably more of them than statuesque buxom women in the same age range but they're pretty much never represented in any form of media accurately. I think these kinds of men never spend time outside otherwise they'd know better. IMO if you're short you have to be a bit mean to men or they will try to steamroll over you just because of your height.

No. 2235687

You're right, there are plenty of short actresses but it's not obvious in movies or tv shows so everytime I learn some Hollywood actress is around my height I'm shocked until I see random paparazzi pictures of them where it's really obvious. Like when I learned Natalie Portman is very short but didn't notice because they tried to hide it in the first Thor movie when she's next to the main guy by putting her on boxes or using different camera angles. And I never saw her in previous roles.

No. 2235704

I really don't get why they do that unless it really comes down to making shots easier to compose because it isn't as if men dislike short women. Women don't dislike short women either so why does film artificially increase the actresses' heights? If you need a tall woman hire a tall woman (unless this is all because of discrimination towards tall women?). I've seen negative comments towards short performers like Ariana Grande and Sabrina Carpenter for 'looking too young' and I think people only think that because they're stupid and don't realize they are (mostly) reacting to their heights. Neither Ariana or Sabrina can do anything about their height, are they not supposed to perform or have careers? They don't look like kids, they're just vertically challenged adult women.

In the context of anime/manga and hentai and Western animation it comes down to height being used as a visual shorthand to indicate age. A lot of Anime/manga characters continue to grow until they are 18. Most women are actually done growing by 12-14 but this isn't accurately reflected in the majority of illustrated styles. So when you think about it men with these misconceptions are EXTREMELY dumb and/or autopedos because most of them will have outpaced their mother's height when they themselves were 12-14.

No. 2235713

Nta but
>I really don't get why they do that unless it really comes down to making shots easier to compose
It is literally this 99% of the time. A frame of two people where one is like 2 feet taller staring down at the short one will always look really stupid unless the short person is like a child, putting shorties on boxes helps to make the shot look more aesthetically pleasing and less distracting.

No. 2235745

>If you ever spend a couple of hours in 4chan boards
have you tried spending a couple hours outside anon? i guess you're right if we're talking about 4chan moids but there's plenty of normies who aren't like that. they can be bad in their own ways because they're still scrotes of course but what i'm trying to say is basing your opinion on men on imageboard users is not a good idea

No. 2235809

File: 1730558291028.webp (18.34 KB, 731x538, IMG_7572.webp)

Most anime boys do look like girls/women more than men. I often see people post barashit like Free in response to this but in the end most anime boys do not look like this, especially clothed. The face shape/jaw, feminine arms and necks read as female more than male. Not to say that husbandofags are all gay, because so long as you’re imagining a dick it’s straight (and often I see them drawn more masculinely in nsfw anyway)
This is like not much to do with your discussion but I don’t think women are done growing by 12-14? I can think of like 2 girls I know who were, but the tall girls especially were not that tall. People who are done growing at 12 are usually 5’2 or under. I also know women who grew until 20 (I am one kek). Maybe it’s a regional thing, but to me anime has definitely portrayed age well (girls being slightly shorter than women until ~16, which was standard for my school at least).
>most of them will have outpaced their mother's height when they themselves were 12-14
How… tall do you think 12-year-olds are? Kek. But at 14 yeah, they would usually be taller.

No. 2235810

File: 1730558539079.jpg (14.79 KB, 552x539, 465.jpg)


No. 2235821

Free looks like barashit, no? Even if it isn’t actually bara.

No. 2235823

Lolol no they aren't. They're bishies with a muscular build. Bara men are tanned, fat and hairy, and sometimes bald.

No. 2235834

it's barashit-lite, shit for fags and pseudo-fags (ugly fujos)

No. 2235845

I would support war if it meant all of the males go to some empty field and kill each other over it not invading other countries just to rape children and women and destroy everything a woman has likely maintained a built, if only. They could do this every 4 years and go and kill each other in some isolated space, thinking about them dying is the most cathartic thing I’ve ever felt

No. 2235853

thanks for the greentext and cofirming I shouldn't read all that

No. 2235867

No it's fucking not, and I say this as someone who can't stand KyoAni slop.

No. 2235871

Many disagree but this is true

No. 2235877

Please look at what barashit art looks like before using a term you dont understand

No. 2235879

no shit but moids can’t love. lol.

No. 2235883

>just get a husband lol!!

No. 2235885

File: 1730565376605.jpeg (150.62 KB, 750x1000, IMG_7575.jpeg)

That anon isn’t me (original opinion) but when I look up bara it’s just muscular dudes. How is this inaccurate

No. 2235888

Yes, just as God intended.

No. 2235889

White girls who stan kpop women always feel weird. Like they are never not slightly creepy.
Kek wait this is so funny

No. 2235890

I thought this was part of the bara conversation and was ready to alog you.

No. 2235894

I'm currently photoshopping your boyfriend into gay porn to post on scroteboards

No. 2235897

Nigelfags do not interact.

No. 2235901

I agree as well, I think the problem is that nonnies are jumping to conclusions and think that by love = moid companionship. People need love, it makes them bitter assholes without it.

No. 2235906

Seeing this as a lesbian makes me so mad, the woman looks cute while the moid looks like this ugly hairy turd creature that looks like he carries mutated deleterious sperm that will pass down a porn addiction and a receding hairline to every one of the sons in your bloodline. You know he’s probably gloating that he “scored” too while simultaneously still believing he is out of your league. I hate to see straight women engage with their hybristophilic urges because to them their behaviour is “normal” but witnessing this is like looking at a photo of a beautiful human making out with a pile on manure on the floor.

No. 2235911

Bara is a specific art style and genre by and for gay men. I doesn't matter if they're muscular, that's just a common body type in bara, and having a musuclar body doesn't make bishonen/biseinen characters bara. The way gay moids draw muscular guys is different. Baras can't be bishies and vice-versa, they're two different art styles that cater to different people. It's like moe vs. shoujo.

No. 2235912

I'm always curious if people from the ugly man psyop thread actually get with any men who are actually attractive according to their standards. It's so rare to see any men who are vaguely attractive at all. I was once in a friend group where everyone agreed that person x's boyfriend was super hot but he looked gay and ugly asf to me. I had a boyfriend that was "handsome" according to everyone else (super ripped, blue eyes, smooth skin, shaved, etc.) but I felt like he looked kind of ugly. The only guy I ever was close to getting with that was actually extremely handsome, I had to nope out because he was so stupid. I know men are stupid in general, but this guy was having trouble passing math classes at our university and I couldn't stand our conversations because he wasn't interesting to talk to.

No. 2235918

I don’t know why everyone is so fixated on the misnomer though, you know the body type I’m talking about like there are bishie men who weren’t designed to be bishounen too. But it isn’t even to do with my opinion so kek

No. 2235933

>you know the body type I’m talking about
Yeah, we know you meant muscular or masculine. Why not use those words instead of an unrelated term?
>I don’t know why everyone is so fixated on the misnomer though
Because they're conflating muscular with bara even though they're not even the same category of thing at all? It's not our fault that you don't know the difference, anon.

No. 2235942

My point is that it has nothing to do with my opinion and multiple anons have already replied saying the same thing. Jesus

No. 2235958

ntayrt but in neither of those posts does she specify husband or boyfriend. she just says fall in love…

No. 2235966

>uh moids cant love!!
Well yeah, obviously you're not gonna find your own nigel (if you are straight) with that attitude? kek

No. 2235969

I’m not going to either way kek. Males don’t feel love I don’t know why it’s so controversial to state the obvious

No. 2235970

Ok edgelordess try not to cut yourself

No. 2235971

ntayrt but it’s not controversial at all it just makes you sound kind of depressive

No. 2235973

Why is there an infestation of normies? Zoomers need to stop shilling imageboards on TikTok.

No. 2235976

This has been said before and I'll say it again, just because the thread subjects on this website are freaks does not mean the userbase is made up of similar personalities kek.

This isn't an unpopular opinion IRL I know, but yeah it is basic human science that people who feel loved and supported (by whomever they may choose) are happier kek. Responding with shit like "well that'll never be me!! normies gtfo!!" just makes you sound like you choose to be mentally unwell

No. 2235978

sounds like something a newfag would utter

No. 2235981

One day in this site would tell you that it is fact populated by people even more cowish than the cows lol

No. 2235983

Are you referring to personalityfags or to the lolcow demographic as a whole

No. 2235986

Describe /ot/ before the newfag infestation

No. 2235987

Is it a newfag infestation or is it oldfags getting older

No. 2235992

I think it's disgruntled zoomers looking for a new home but they don't understand the concept of gatekeeping. Their drama-fed brains cannot comprehend that if they act they way they do on twitter this place just becomes twitter and they're back at square one.

No. 2235995

Anon, how does that relate to the current discussion though? This is the unpopular opinions thread, and someone posted the (obviously) unpopular opinion that many anons would likely be happier if they felt loved. I don't see how that comparable to xitter bait.

No. 2235998

I'm not refering to the current infight, I'm referring to the shift in culture as a whole.

No. 2235999

>reddit spacing
Yeah, we know.

No. 2236000

nta i have been using lolcow since 2018 so i’m not technically an oldfag but ive definitely seen dramatically worse bait on this website than
>you’d be happy if you fell in love with someone nonny
and really this response just kind of makes you sound like a newfag who considers lolcow to be a “femcel website”

No. 2236001

How is putting a break inbetween the paragraph where I'm making two different points in any way reddit

No. 2236004

The fact you don’t even understand what I’m talking about shows you never cared to integrate. I’m just pointing it out.

No. 2236006

i wonder if kids in public school get marked down any points for the reddit spacing when they’re writing an essay

No. 2236007

>Critiques my post and compares it to content from a different website
>Asks how a break in a paragraph is related to the mentioned website
>Pfft you don't even understand what I'm talking about
You're right, I don't understand what you're talking about. Which is why I asked for an explanation kek…oh Lordy

No. 2236009

They don’t, but kids in public school also don’t get banned for mentioning that they’re moids. This place has its own culture. I’m no oldfag, but back when I joined I would have got banned for not integrating but it seems like jannies don’t care anymore. It’s small things but they become bigger (like Twitter-lingo being mostly allowed now) and even I can see how the place is changing.
What do you expect? Lurk more.

No. 2236012

Well I've lurked and contributed to this website for years and I've seen a break in paragraph used thousands of times and usually anons just continue discussing the actual content of the conversation instead of just saying "reddit spacing" and then being incapable of contributing further to the discussion.

No. 2236013

Read my response >>2235998

No. 2236014

i was joking sperg relax

No. 2236016

Where do you see twitter lingo being used anon

No. 2236017

NTA. Less autistic, more self aware, irreverent, more humourous, less cringe, less infighting, more homogeneous.

That's two paragraphs, not reddit spacing. Paragraphs are basic post formatting that makes a post easier to read. On image boards paragraphs are spaced with a line break because pressing tab doesn't indent. We have newfags claiming to be oldfags while posting newfaggotry.

No. 2236019

you have to be a twitterfag yourself in order to be capable of recognizing twitter language, though.

No. 2236027

What? All I did is point it out since it was relevant, I wasn’t a part of the conversation before. If you’ve been here for a while, are you seriously going to act like this wasn’t considered unintegrated? Really?
I mean, I was banned for less in the past. Paragraphs are good for formatting, but usually for longer posts.
Ok? I just responded to your reply. What did you expect me to do kek
I hate on TikTok and 4chan too and I definitely don’t use them. Retarded logic.

No. 2236029

i didn’t really expect you to be incapable of detecting the unserious nature of my comment but then again i forgot that the majority of this website is autistic kek

No. 2236031

ok sure but how can you know “twitter lingo” if you don’t even use it? lmfao

No. 2236032

>All I did was point out a break in the sentence and call it reddit spacing cause it was relevant
Relevant to what, though?

No. 2236033

Ignore them anon, its probably another twitterfag with a courtney love pfp

No. 2236034

What unpopular opinion are you actually discussing?

No. 2236035

Lurk moar

No. 2236036

the discussion started here : >>2235478

No. 2236037

I’m asking how the fight is relevant to anything. It’s just retarded back and forth.

No. 2236040

The same retarded shit because apparently these people can never use their correct containment threads. It’s always the same fujo/ugly man/fandom slop because these newfags don’t know how to use the website and like arguing about useless shit right after school, it’s so fucking annoying that the farmhands don’t do anything about it because they’re likely participants of it as well

No. 2236041

What are you talking about? also
>arguing about useless shit right after school
It is 11 am in burgerland.

No. 2236042

There’s your answer, stuff like this. Personally I don’t care about it since it’s so minor but in the past that would have gotten an (integrate) or (twitterfag), that is just an observation.
Are you actually… dumb? I’ve interacted with people who use Twitter before. I’ve seen screenshots of Twitter. Coincidentally I also have a superpower that lets me know how to recognise incel scrotes without even going on incel forums! Curious! Use your fucking brain.
It was >>2235976 before this dumb discussion started. I don’t even have an opinion on the actual topic.

No. 2236046

Thats not really reddit spacing anon thats just two sentences

No. 2236047

it’s actually 3

No. 2236049

The tagged one is one sentence and the second one is one long sentence, either way its not "reddit spacing" or whatever the chronically online are upset about now

No. 2236052

?… But it actually is just three sentences…

No. 2236055

So you agree? Either way, it's not reddit spacing? Glad this conversation can be over now

No. 2236059

what do you think reddit spacing is then

No. 2236060

Nta but stfu

No. 2236061

Estrogen causes the growth plates to ossify and the bones will be fully ossified about 2 years after a girl starts menstruating. Since the average age of menstruation now starts at 12 that means those girls will have reached their adult height by 14, usually they can get 1-2 inches in height between then. The later you start your period the more years of growth you get. Stunted height is a concern with precocious puberty for that reason.

When I said girls were done growing by 12-14 I didn't mean they were done growing at 12 but that their growth capped out between those two ages.

No. 2236063

High-waisted jeans look really bad.

No. 2236064

I have no idea what reddit spacing is because I'm not a reddit user, but after googling it it seems to be that "reddit spacing" is when a user hits the enter button between each sentence in some type of attempt to build suspense?

No. 2236067

I can't stand the short torso look either. Especially if she has big boobs.

No. 2236069

unpopular opinion but so long as they integrate I don't care about zoom zooms using the site

No. 2236072

It’s easier to read than a whole block of sentences and bad grammar kek.

No. 2236073

I feel like zoomers have to be using the website considering they're pushing 30 now

No. 2236075

I think they look nice on certain bodies. They look best on someone with short hips and a long torso and medium sized boobs. I have a really short torso so I've only ever owned one pair of pants that was actually high waisted on me. I personally find them less comfortable than lower rises because they squish your stomach when you sit.

I prefer skirts to be high waisted though.

No. 2236079

It's a shame they never do and using the site feels more like babysitting

No. 2236080

I get what you’re saying but I’m the ayrt, I got my period at 11 and am still growing about to turn 20. I grew 3 inches in the past like year. So… Yeah idk. Don’t trust it much. Anecdotally most girls got their period at 12 but continued to grow until 15-16, whereas the friend who got her period late (15) had already stopped growing before then (like 13-14)
Thinking about it though, it’s interesting that even though there are lots of people who stop growing in their early teens how much other parts of you change kek. Like you could cap at 5’1 at twelve but you’ll still look so different by 20.
Zoomer is a mindset

No. 2236081

how so anon? are you a mod or something

No. 2236083

The concept of reddit spacing started on 4chan somewhere around 2011. It was speculated that reddit spacing looked like this -

This is reddit spacing.

It features a line break between each sentence.

It is different to using paragraphs.

It was supposed to be a habit of reddit posters due to quirks in the formatting on reddit at the time and anyone posting like this was a redditor that didn't belong on 4chan. If this was ever true or not I don't know because I've never posted on reddit. The constant paranoia over reddit spacing was so bad that when moot created /q/ he word filtered "reddit" to "ribbit".

LC being a /cgl/ splinter still maintains it's distaste for reddit spacing, as do most image boards.

No. 2236084

>what about this anon? how so anon?
You’re so clockable, funny that, after larping as an oldfag too.(infight bait)

No. 2236086

…did i say something wrong? kek

No. 2236087

Someone forgot their meds

No. 2236088

Different parts of the body stop growing at different ages. Your skeleton may stop growing vertically but in women will start to spread horizontally (hips spreading).

No. 2236089

Unpopular opinion I don't care about reddit spacing it depends on what you are writing and what makes for more legible text.

No. 2236090

No, they just type the same. They keep ending their sentences with anon and never sage (not that you need to here) so they’re recognisable.

No. 2236093

ntayrt i’m from this post >>2236081 and yeah i have made multiple posts in this thread and do use the term anon regularly? i’m not sure if you think you’re like solving a mystery or something but all i asked was if you’re an actual mod who does choose to take on the job of babysitting all of us, or if you’re just a regular anon who tries to minimod kek…

No. 2236097

Oh lord whatever will we do?

No. 2236101

I’m not the anon you were replying to before, I’ve just been reading this thread and you’re annoying. Please become unrecognisable. And anons will jump on me if I tell you minus the keks you type like a twittard. I hear your little droning valley girl voice in my head and everything. But yeah no I’m sure I’m just being schizo and you’ve actually been using LC from circa 1999 or something.

No. 2236103

>anons will jump on me if I tell you minus the keks you type like a twittard. I hear your little droning valley girl voice in my head and everything. But yeah no I’m sure I’m just being schizo and you’ve actually been using LC from circa 1999 or something.
Jesus fucking Christ. NTA but what even is the problem at this point? And it gets kind of annoying after a while to see so many anons repeating
>twitterfag lingo
>you type like its twitter!
But still not even be able to specify what twitterfag lingo is? It sounds like you just want to infight but don't have any material.

No. 2236105

>I hear your little droning valley girl voice in my head and everything.
you might wanna tell your psychotherapist about that at your next appointment, instead of complaining about it on lolcow

No. 2236106

Lolcow hasn't even been around since the 90s though

No. 2236108

nta but maybe you don’t visit this thread often, but this retard likes to perch here and just interject with useless quips like >>2236081 >>2236046 >>2236016 that are all formatted the same. there are other posts of theirs i can recognise too but even though they’ve not exactly said anything wrong they’re always in infights and yeah, it is kinda grating. if i couldn’t pick up on it i wouldn’t care either

No. 2236110

Nonny please…

No. 2236113

Those all happened within the last like 20 minutes though? Also, just to clarify, you're saying that every time you see a post end with the word "anon" you think its the same user?

No. 2236114

Yes it has?

No. 2236115

No it hasn't? Joshua was like a child in the 90s lmfao what are you talking about?

No. 2236118

I guess you just weren't there for it, newfag

No. 2236122

Sometimes, your attempts at being a comedian just aren't funny or necessary.

No. 2236124

There was a previous lolcow that’s been around since about 1998. It’s not the same as this one though and went by a different name.

No. 2236126

LC didn't exist until like, 2013?

No. 2236128

They make me laugh and you confused and that's all that matters(baiting newfag)

No. 2236131

NTA but they don't confuse anyone nonna they just make you look like the kid who eats clay

No. 2236132

They don't confuse me, and no you just look like a autist trying to be the class clown but still just a autist

No. 2236137


No. 2236138

newfag alert KEEEEK

No. 2236139

She googled josh moon and is trying to pretend to be a comedian

No. 2236144

I think you might be confused. The anon pretending like lolcow.farm has existed since the 90s in the one trying to make the audience laugh, not me for pointing out that JCM hadn't rolled out his carpet yet

No. 2236147

I thought lolcow was an all female moderation team?

No. 2236150

Joshua Connor Moon is the guy who created kiwi farms and eventually branched off into lolcow.farm
That is what we're told, yes. But we have no legitimate way of knowing this for certain.

No. 2236153

i thought shaymin was a dude…

No. 2236156

Kek but that’s just how you type.
I thought they were funny.

No. 2236171

Pirating is better than actually buying 90% of the time. I don’t get why people do it unless it’s a franchise they really like or indie. These corporations are richer than me.

No. 2236174

someones gotta buy that shit so more gets made so i can steal it. i only support piracy if you cant afford the product

No. 2236176

>who created kiwi farms and eventually branched off into lolcow.farm
Am I understanding this correctly but are you saying that lolcow is a KF splinter? I always thought it branched off from /cgl/

No. 2236177

Reminder that you're not "buying" digital products, you're "licensing" them.

No. 2236182

Well it’s kind of both, because JCM oversaw KF and both 4/8chan

No. 2236188

Ok that I didn't know kek

No. 2236194

Where the fuck do you people come from? How do you find lolcow? I'd heavily argue that it's better to be alone when the average moid looks like the jabba the hut upthread kek.

No. 2236196

I feel like as long as you're not fat yourself you should have no problem finding a healthy nigel

No. 2236201

>Edgelord responses
>Bait, ironically, at the exact same time

No. 2236202

File: 1730579033254.jpg (80.42 KB, 600x599, 1658039944440.jpg)

Based and true but the anon very obviously equals love with moids and posted it as a passive aggressive reaction to nonnies rightfully bullying the fat ugly balding moid.

No. 2236203

No. 2236204


No. 2236207

If your standards are this >>2235383 sure kek.

No. 2236211

Why would anyones standards be fat dudes?

No. 2236213

Florence welch is unironcially beautiful idk why anons call her ugly

No. 2236215

NTAYRT, but what do you mean? My post just says "I think you'd be happier if you fell in love", which tends to be true for everyone

No. 2236230

Romantic love is not the key to happiness you're just a cunt

No. 2236232

Once again anon, my post does not say "romantic love is the key to happiness" kek. It says "I think all of you would be happier if you found love"

No. 2236234

did you get dumped nonners. i’m sorry

No. 2236237

No, are you 12? Also that was my first post in this dumb debacle

You know what that implies you mong omg this whole website is a merry go round of autists

No. 2236238

She probably just looked at domestic violence statistics.

No. 2236240

But my post doesn't say "You'd be happier if you got into a relationship" though. Thats how you're actively choosing to read it. "Finding love" doesn't mean finding a mate. It means finding love.

No. 2236243

File: 1730580384045.jpg (53.45 KB, 850x400, quote-we-found-love-in-a-hopel…)


No. 2236247

You're literally just backtracking

No. 2236252

Yes. I am backtracking to remind you of what the actual post says instead of what you're imagining and projecting onto a harmless positive post.

No. 2236257


No. 2236274

>you’d be happier if you found love
ok buddy kek no one will force you

No. 2236279

This site is women, act accordingly d00d

No. 2236286

don’t worry i’m using buddy in the way that elementary school teachers do when the autistic kid is having a meltdown

No. 2236288

NTA. Love can mean different types of love such as that between a romantic couple, between family members and between close friends.

No. 2236299

NTAYRT but all of the worst cases of autism I've encountered have been kids of gay couples

No. 2236301

please go back

No. 2236304

I see that condescension is your brand but it makes you look low IQ rather than the oracle you seem to think you are

No. 2236311

You're schizo

No. 2236312

reading the responses to the original opinion kind of do read as unnecessarily upset at the mention of having a support system. i wonder why that is

No. 2236323

NTAYRT but I think she's just asking you to stop shitting up the thread with your little "Hmmmmmm" 's

No. 2236331

When you're posting it repeatedly yeah that becomes shitting up the thread

No. 2236332

> And your infighting about literally nothing is normal?
nta but are we really gonna start pretending like this isn’t what the unpopular opinions thread exists for kek?

No. 2236336

Uh, it shouldn't be.

No. 2236337

is buddy male only? What's the female version then?

No. 2236343

I've only ever heard someone use buddy when they're speaking to a young boy or when a moid is trying to emasculate another moid. Maybe it's where I'm from, but calling an adult "buddy" is considered fighting words.

No. 2236352

You keep posting a lot. Your posts stick out like a sore thumb, and you keep using retarded phrases like ragey, ragie cagie, "hmmm", "interesting", "buddy", repetitive nothings. You're just annoying and that's no one else's fault.

No. 2236359

Doubling down. You stick out, bad.

No. 2236361

This is how you can tell someone is a newfag:
>makes new threads and thinks the subject line is to create the title
>makes threads too early
>asks the farmhands to get rid of vpns in /meta/
>constantly freaks out about “raids” in /meta/ when they could simply ignore and report and stop reaction like it’s the end of the world
>uses the words “girl” and other twitter/tiktok lingo instead of integrating properly
>talks about retarded internet garbage like yumes and fujoshis
>if an infight involves talking about pop culture girl drivel like ex. races of women being represented in media it’s a newfag from somewhere else
>infights about a woman’s beauty
>tonepolicing people
>defending males for no definitive reason but to defend them
>asks why the website looks flipped
>asks what “NGMI” means
>never lurks just rushed head first into an conversation and never reads any of the replies anyways
>transformed the amerifag thread into a liberal subreddit instead of a thread for americans of all ideologies to talk about their beliefs
>incessantly bootlicks the mod team and the admin for no definitive reason
>mass reports posts they don’t like
>is the main reason why mods now ban posts that would’ve never been banned in the past as “bait” and “shitposting”
>creates threads based on an overplayed infight topic
>incapable of reading long posts and paragraphs because of their mush brained attention spans
>creates infights because their mush brains demand constant stimuli and dopamine and are used to getting quick rewards
>99% of the new userbase consists of newfags and summerfags who still use the website during school time
>tries and often succeeds on getting decent threads deleted/locked/autosaged
>making posts harder and less fun to do every single time you use the website
>are the exact same people posting this website on other imageboards and websites to attract negative attention and then crying about the influx of retards coming in

No. 2236365

>t. newfag

No. 2236370

>constantly freaks out about “raids” in /meta/ when they could simply ignore and report and stop reaction like it’s the end of the world
Didn't finish reading the rest but I agree on this

No. 2236371

A lot of this just seems like posts you personally dislike, not necessarily newfag behaviour.

No. 2236372

But when I call it out I get dogpiled. Anons do not integrate anymore.

No. 2236374

File: 1730583642742.gif (683.38 KB, 220x164, girl-freaking-out-screaming.gi…)


No. 2236378

You okay nonnie

No. 2236380

it's hilarious on a meta level kek. bunch of low iq low empathy unfunny, hyper-bitter high t "female" spergs going at it for hours and hours ← embodies most lolcow "discourse"

No. 2236388

whats so hilarious about it?

No. 2236389

>t. shut up
they seriously think soyjaks are the end of the world but not gore or cp that's been spammed here constantly before
nope it's clear newfag behavior and they're being coddled by the mods
seriously they really don't and of course you get dogpiled because most of the users are just newfags who are being catered to. damned are the people who actually used this site including the ones who even used it 4 years ago and know what common lolcow etiquette is

No. 2236392

>t. no argument

No. 2236396

I don’t agree with everything but my biggest is mod coddling. I was a cringe newfag before and I’m glad I was forced to integrate. But these days the moderation sucks and it’s damaging the health of the site. I also think there’s a new mod that bans really inconsistently/selectively.

No. 2236397

>makes new threads and thinks the subject line is to create the title
I like this, sorry
>talks about retarded internet garbage like yumes and fujoshis
been a part of LC forever
>asks why the website looks flipped
no idea this was possible and I've been on this site forever
>incapable of reading long posts and paragraphs because of their mush brained attention spans
agreed but I think this is a general change in internet culture bc people are too self conscious to effort post anymore. I guess people think that is cringe now or they don't want to effortpost unless they can monetize it

idk I think I'm just too chill and loosey goosey to care about a lot of the things you listed I just scroll past

No. 2236402

Anons be like
>I’ve been on this site foreverr!!
and they have not been on this site forever.

No. 2236406

Something I've been considering is that the trajectory of LC is going to be that of 4chan.

What changed 4chan from a nerd hobby website for weebs and neurodivergents was that moot allowed politics and even created a dedicated board for it. This brought users that where coming to the site purely politics. Stormfront infiltrated /pol/ changing the board from edgy libertarianism to pro-Nazism. This would then leak out into other boards that weren't even political. moot realized his mistake far too late and it wasn't until gamergate started that he finally made an effort to contain it.

No. 2236412

that's why the old admin made /2x/ a hidden board and why they got rid of the male hate threads but they fucked up when they split /m/ from /ot/. They moved over a bunch of the happy, drama-free threads to /m/ so the stuff that was left over on /ot/ was the sort of stuff that made people big mad. Would have been better to just ban the threads she disliked or put them on autosage or force them to lay fallow, but splitting the board contents apart was a terrible move. I know people like /m/ but it was probably not a good idea at the time.

No. 2236423

>Something I've been considering is that the trajectory of LC is going to be that of 4chan
god i hope not.. its depressing theres so few lolcow gossip sites anymore the world became so politicalized everywhere ..i just want to laugh at retards man..

No. 2236425

I've always had this idea of a way to fix LC and make everyone happy to an extent.
>Merge /ot/ and /m/ into a board for specific topical threads both cow and non-cow related.
>Reintroduce /sty/ as a board for more random, vague, or open-ended threads.
>hide /sty/, /g/ and this new hypothetical board to lower the amount of tourists
>the only boards that wouldn't be hidden are the actual cow boards which keeps in mind lolcow's original purpose to newcomers and would force them to lurk to find the non-cow boards.
>make a page that showcases all bans

No. 2236433

Its quite simple: merge back /ot/ and /m/, the way LC used to be. That's it. All that said I understand that sounds like a bad idea in light of the recent attack on /ot/. But I do think it would be better for board culture. I'd also allow people to hide threads they dislike in catalog view and permanently filter/hide threads based on thread title keywords.

I would move all nation/foreign language threads to their own board and the screencaps thread would be moved to /meta/.

No. 2236455

Cookies and cream is not good

No. 2236457

>they seriously think soyjaks are the end of the world but not gore or cp that's been spammed here constantly before
And they're still going at it lol. Like yeah we get teens are annoying, just ignore it

No. 2236464

>What changed 4chan from a nerd hobby website for weebs and neurodivergents was that moot allowed politics and even created a dedicated board for it
And yet some retards seriously think this website isn’t for weird women like weebs, fujoshis, lolitas, autists, it makes me kek when they claim this website isn’t for us it’s to make fun of us, it’s mainly to make fun of lolcows but there aren’t any normies on here and most of them just lurk. Also the political shit has turned it to cancer, allowing /2X/ is extremely justified because where else on the internet can you fully laugh at males without getting banned or chastized there’s nothing wrong with 2X or the manhate threads the mods just don’t even bother to make sure the resident personalityfag is deterred from using the website because they personally hate feminists and man-haters.it’s the same mods who ban people with a certain political affiliation in the amerifag thread while letting the other side of the spectrum shit up the entire thread, you can’t even talk about american stuff in there anymore it’s just devolved into some Kamala thread which makes me tinfoil they have people who go on here just to explicitly advertise their politicians to get them to vote, it’s so annoying and transparent.

No. 2236467

To be fair the problems started before the old admin. I think /m/ has had mixed results. While it removed some of the more relaxed threads from /ot/, it probably saved these threads from the political infighting that plagues the rest of /ot/.

Burritomin is also an example of why appeasement doesn't work. Political ideologues don't care about the site or it's intended purpose. They care about having a platform to spread their political opinions and intentionally seek to bring in more ideologues. Again this is exactly what happened on 4chan. During the 2016 election /pol/ brought in thousands of newfags that weren't interested in anything other than politics. It drove out whatever remained of the original user base and the entire site went to complete shit because everything was politics.

LC isn't quite at that point but it's getting there.

No. 2236468

>it wasn't until gamergate started that he finally made an effort to contain it.
And it was far too late by then.

No. 2236471

>they claim this website isn’t for us it’s to make fun of us
This is such a dumb claim for them to make. The only people who'd get invested enough in weeb, fujoshi, lolita, etc milk and cows to post on a literal imageboard about them are those who are already deep into the subject matter as a hobby or interest. Normies don't give a shit. They see someone funny walking down the street, film it and move on. The most sleuthing they'll do is link a friend a TikTok from some ugly/annoying person and have a laugh, they don't need an anonymous space and would likely be creeped out by one.
Cow culture is for "weirdos". Imageboards are for "weirdos". Normie LARPers need to get the fuck out.
I do agree that /pol/tards and misogynists should be banned, because they want to turn this place into an outpost of their shit spaces.

No. 2236481

>devolved into some Kamala thread which makes me tinfoil they have people who go on here just to explicitly advertise their politicians to get them to vote, it’s so annoying and transparent.
I am not a burger and I don't pay that much attention to the thread, so it's not really my problem, but I'm seriously weirded out by the posts that are "Kamala did thing (picture of Kamala doing thing)", who the fuck cares? Are you her secretary? If something like that happened in my country's thread, I'd tell them to eat shit

No. 2236489

the reddit spacing thing is so bullshit. people using ibs have always done spacing for more readability and this "go back to reddit!!" shit that newfags do to pretend that they've been here since the beginning is so funny to see

No. 2236492

I integrated here from PULL around 2017 personally and I can concur that post quality has taken a drastic downturn since then

No. 2236498

It reminds me a lot of twitter stan accounts, I honestly think they are twitterfags.

No. 2236502

i miss PULL. there isn't enough gossip sites around anymore in the likes of it or lipstick alley. there was a divide between the type of people/things posted such as youtuber drama or celeb gossip which was nice if you weren't the type to care much about going on a deep dive on specific autists like lc or kf but was still entertaining
dnc propaganda is insane to witness. i hate conservatards too but you can't convince me that what you see over there isn't very contrived kek

No. 2236507

My unpopular opinion is that celeb/internet celeb drama is wayyyy more interesting that lolcow drama

No. 2236515

cant believe this needs saying: if you are not attracted to the male BODY you are not attracted to men.

No. 2236523

It better be a paid shill, cause imagine doing that for free

No. 2236531

What if I'm only attracted to twentysomething years old men who lived prior to the 1950s? Modern moids do nothin' for me but their ancestors were hot.

No. 2236533

that counts, past generations of men did have nicer bodies on average

No. 2236534

Makes you wonder what's going on worldwide. Every country has busted ass men these days when those same men's great-grandfathers were pretty. It's not just the clothes because reenactors never look as cute.

No. 2236537

people used to walk more and eat less junk is what i think it boils down to. emphasis on the walking, i think thats 75% of the reason why ppl used to be in better shape on average

No. 2236553

File: 1730595550711.jpg (396.14 KB, 1600x1200, 1000018811.jpg)

I can kind of see why some people are scared of rabbits or hares. Their ears are wildly big in proportion to their bodies. It's trippy when you think about it like that.

No. 2236556

what a cute image

No. 2236565

"Femboys" should be bullied to the point of suicide.

No. 2236566

Rabbits scare me because the energy they exude feels like one random fart could scare them to death. They all have the souls of deeply and horrifically traumatized children and it's very unsettling.

No. 2236570

>And yet some retards seriously think this website isn’t for weird women like weebs, fujoshis, lolitas, autists
The problem seems to stem from a misunderstanding, non-normalfag refers to people who are interested in typically nerd hobbies and generally don't participate in pop culture. It doesn't mean asocial NEET that never goes outside. It's possible to be a friendless shut in and still be a normalfag because non-normalfaggotry is defined by interests, the ability to discuss those interests and the ability integrate.

>allowing /2X/ is extremely justified

I thought /2X/ was a great idea at the time it was created. I expected it to depoliticize /ot/, reduce infighting and be a dedicated space for discussing gender critical, various forms a feminism and the erosion of women's rights. Instead it exists as a corpse and shows why trying to appease ideologues doesn't work. Note that by ideologue I'm referring to the posters that only come here for politics, not actual farmers that just want to discuss women's political issues without moid harassment.

>devolved into some Kamala thread which makes me tinfoil they have people who go on here just to explicitly advertise their politicians to get them to vote, it’s so annoying and transparent

I agree. The level of shilling is like nothing I've ever seen on LC before.

No. 2236579

I don't think it gets used enough to warrant maintaining it. I think it's better it get shuttered and archived. I thought it getting made was a bad move, it didn't please anyone. I think the ideal would be to hand the archive over to someone else to spin if off into it's own board fully apart from lolcow.

As for Kamala eh I don't think it's that strange, USAnona's want a Total Woman Victory and Trump is really bad and his running mate is a weirdo. I hope in the future we can get a competent Republican female candidate and a more moderate political climate in general. I like for my politicians to be boring.

No. 2236580

Holy shit, that is such a good way to put it. It is disturbing how easy it is for a rabbit to have such a mental breakdown at any sudden loud noise. They are the first animals I've ever heard of to possess the ability to be literally scared to death. Like, what in the fuck? Even wild rabbits are like the incarnate of pure, unfiltered anxiety. They are one of the most psychologically broken animals I've ever seen, and yet people widely agree that they are one of the very cutest. What a strange fucking species.

No. 2236582

My sister's hamster was scared to death once. She left her window open for a breeze and a stray cat got in and tried to kill the hamster. Our own cat intervened to protect the hamster from the intruder. The stray was chased out but the hamster had had a heart attack.

My sister was able to bring him back by doing chest compressions.

No. 2236585

>Chest compressions on a hamster
lmao wtf your sister must have magic hands

No. 2236588

Your sister deserves an honorary doctorate

No. 2236591

File: 1730597131318.jpg (77.81 KB, 564x550, 1000018754.jpg)

what the fuck? You can do chest compressions on animals that fucking small?

No. 2236606

You can think they're capable of love, be the naivest woman ever and still not find it anyway

No. 2236630

Yes, she and my mom took turns giving it chest compressions. Both my mom and I have also had to give chest compressions to kittens before. With the kittens we were also able to breathe air into them as well but I'm not sure if that happened with the hamster and I'm kind of doubting so because it's so small. You have to give the compressions at a faster heartrate than with a human.

Between the two I think my sister resuscitating the hamster was more impressive. I know it was at least 15 minutes of chest compressions. The hamster was rezzed and was perfectly fine after and lived a good while.

No. 2236958

having children is inherently cruel regardless of you economic status

No. 2236959

How sau

No. 2236961

Because you’re forcing a person to deal with the trauma to live and die

No. 2236982

That is a bunch of whiny bullshit.

No. 2236985

Seconded. We are babysitting some nihilistic teenagers here

No. 2236988

>B-because we have to live life!
Get over it?

No. 2237041

trauma doesn't mean anything any more. most people process the worst of life and get through it. (i am unsure about including men in people here, i mostly mean women). even if miserable in ways most still build connections and would rather be alive. people with trauma are notable because they are unable to process life like others. lots of women have been sexually abused but still go on to live mostly normal and happy lives.

No. 2237085

Sometimes it's better to have not been born, and this applies especially to people that ruin the lives of others. It's just a fact that you're creating more suffering when you give birth.

No. 2237149

please justify yourself?

No. 2237158

Aww you wrote all that to be wrong kek. Imagine saying being a Fujo makes you a newfag you probably learned the term fujoshi THIS year from tik tok and have the audacity to act like knowledgeable on anything. I’m crying laughing. Weebs are the backbone of IBs show some respect.

No. 2237160

NTA but that shit is nasty a lot of ice cream places don’t even use Oreo they use like cheap no name brand knock off oreos and I can always tell. Plus vanilla ice cream is trash

No. 2237184

good vanilla ice cream is divine maybe you've only eaten the bad stuff

No. 2237190

Stop this is so cute, onesies are so cute

No. 2237191

This is how I know that you cannot control or change your sexuality. I like the male body, but I don’t like men, how they behave, the lack of compassion and empathy towards women, how they operate in general.

No. 2237193

The man that I like in my head doesn’t exist kek

No. 2237198

You know what you could be right. Do you have any recommendations of elite brands? I had genuine chocolate ice cream for the first time from a local chocolate shop and it was insane how good it was compared to normal chocolate ice cream.

No. 2237262

Friends shouldn't come before your family and partner

No. 2237266

70% of divorces are initiated by women, and that shows that men would rather cheat on their wives than divorce them and be with someone else, they want all the benefits a heterosexual marriage can offer (free cooking, free sex, free house chores, free emotional support) without having the decency of respecting its 'morals'.
Many men don't even want a family, they just like the aesthetic of having a wife and children, they're accessories, to be brought out to shine like jewels do on special occasions, don't marry sisters, it's a doomed affair, and your best case scenario is a divorce, the other option is much more devastating, because most women who are murdered, meet such fate at the hands of their husbands or a close male they knew.

No. 2237271

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This is such a sweet story, I'm glad your cat stepped in to protect the hamster, and that your sister could revive him nonna

No. 2237286

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The internet archive is shit
"Stop killing games" is shit
anti-intellectual property moids are shit

The Internet Archive is a piracy mill of creators works, porn, and nothing of value to the average person that can't be accessed in legal ways like a library or illegal but largely singular instances of piracy through committed research online. Also Intellectual property and its facets of copyright, trademark and patents are good. Those seething from it are usually losers with no skills or work to offer the world and therefore no stake in any of the matter other than consumption. They feel entitled to everything that the skilled producers of works produce. Entitlement comes from the consumer being flooded with media of all kinds constantly while not producing anything of value themselves. Add to this the access of media freely available for consoomption by piracy like the internet archive and you have retarded movements like the moid vidya game "preservation" movement of "stop killing games" or rather "stop killing my entitlement to your games".

Time, effort, talent and skill are hard earned and used this is understood to be the cost of intellectual property but consoomers don't care about this, they think because a computer can make copies of things they're owed everyones photographs, art, code, videos and all. This entitlement quickly turns into an entitlement to rape and strip women naked digitally using deepfakes and an entitlement to child abuse material. I can counterfeit currency but its not legal or just. Counterfeit is more respectable than bemoaning others protection over their skills and products. Anti IP moids often use big bad Disney, EA, Ubisoft or other big corpo company strawmans as excuses to steal peoples work, when you could also just not consoom Disney and EA slop. The mentality of anti-intellectual property always comes down to control and power of the producers skills and products to maximize consumption for the consumer and erase effort of the producer. Its essentially "this product should be free for me to consume but not for thee to produce".

Something that stuck out to me from the stop killing games "movement" is that the moid organizing it when being presented the idea of boycotting the companies that "destroy games" argued that boycotts wouldn't work and that they prefer to "vote with their votes" instead of "voting with their wallets" as if everyone need be drip feed the sustenance of Ubisoft or we'll all collapse like Type I diabetics without an insulin shot. This is not a vital need like food and water; its video-games, creative works for consumption. As if voting with your wallet isn't the primary way to kill the business of a company. The internet archive going down has been a massive wake up call to me that moids possessive need to consume can never be sated. I've heard few women say shit about the autistic "stop killing games" shit, likely because women aren't retards who obsess over video games and instead play them for fun, but some here have expressed negative sentiments about the internet archive being hacked. I'm curious what others think.

No. 2237289

>Pirating video games is just like watching porn!
What a weird reach.

No. 2237290

i completely agree that moids ruin everything and have a massive sense of entitlement but i like using the IA to read obscure books i've had difficulty finding elsewhere. it functions similarly to a library for me since I'm borrowing the books rather than pirating them

No. 2237291

Everyone should pirate games more

No. 2237293

read the post again. If you don't know anything about the things in my post like stop killing games I'd prefer if you didn't engage much.

>and nothing of value to the average person that can't be accessed in legal ways like a library or illegal but largely singular instances of piracy through committed research online.

I've got no problem with piracy on a individual level like we all do, the problem is entitlement to others work without compensation outright. Pirating should be encouraged for companies like Adobe kek.

No. 2237299

I love piracy. Whenever possible, I will pay after I've decided I like the product, not before. I'm glad that shitty corporations are no longer as able to force advertising on our eyes and shill aggressively to make people pay money for garbage before they know it's garbage. This is true meritocracy. Loving a movie, book, album, game, etc enough to want to support and fund the creators yourself, not being tricked into funding trash. I wish large record labels and Hollywood would take a much bigger hit so they'd be forced to make things of actual quality, but that'll probably never happen. Access to studies and scientific data should never be paywalled to the general population, either, especially since the actual researchers are rarely ever getting the biggest cut.
I'm not familiar with any videogame-specific movement, but in most cases, preservation is good, too IMO. Moronic boomer-run companies deciding no one should be able to play a game or read a book because it doesn't make them as much money (especially when they're going against the creator's will) can and should always be subverted. I love The Internet Archive because I enjoy having access to rare books and the "old" internet.
I disagree with equating piracy to porn and deepfake addiction. Playing a game, listening to a song or reading a book isn't even close to rape or spreading CP except in the minds of rapist and budding serial killer lunatics who would've had the same entitlement regardless, as we've seen throughout history.

No. 2237300

Anon although I’m pretty sure you’re right I want to be able to access old websites and videos

No. 2237301

>As if voting with your wallet isn't the primary way to kill the business of a company.
But piracy is the prime way to "vote with your wallet". I don't buy anything unless I find it worthy of my purchase. Piracy is great because you get to basically trial things and decide if you want to support the creator without risk of being scammed. In addition to this, I hate companies like Nintendo who basically sell you just the right to rent their game on their preferred hardware. If you mod the game, bam legal action, if you want to play it on an emulator or another console, bam legal action. Even if you "own" the game. These companies are basically saying that you don't own shit when you purchase the game. Nothing seems permanent anymore, especially with digital purchases. And I firmly agree with the sentient that if buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing etc.

No. 2237302

Online-only games are retarded and classist.

No. 2237303

I agree. My parents had enough money to raise me and I still ended up just suffering my entire life. Economic status definitely isn't everything even if it's worse to be born into a poor family that can't raise you at all. There's so many other factors that can fuck up your life, and I wish I just didn't really exist in the first place, since now it's too hard and painful to kill myself. While if I was just never born I wouldn't have had to deal with this in the first place.

No. 2237308

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No. 2237311

NLOGs should just troon out rather than whining about how they ~can’t relate to women~ they’re basically halfway there.

No. 2237315

Some people have abusive parents. Sick of faggots with normal parents making fun of people who went through hell just because they got unlucky. You have no fucking idea

No. 2237322

This is basically a-logging. Also, you’re retarded.

No. 2237326

This is a popular opinion now thanks to tranny ideology spreading. Weird girls should be able to complain about social pressure to fit in without idiots shoving hormones down their throats.

No. 2237328

Explain in what way having children isn’t selfish? Even if you’re a good parent, having children is still selfish. Your kid is going to have to deal with terminal illnesses like cancer etc, seeing you die one day or other people they know die, they will have deal with come to terms with their own death and old age etc and if you still have kids without even thinking about any of that, you’re selfish.

No. 2237337

Same logic that keeps the tist to tif link going strong

No. 2237339

Good parents are the exception not the rule. In real life I know like one person who has parents I’d consider good. Most women have kids to keep a man or live through their children and try to fix any failures they had in life by making the kid do it and most men just have kids because “muh legacy”.

No. 2237342

There are valid arguments against having children but this "life is hard sad face" shit ain't it

No. 2237346

It is a valid reason but most people who want kids don’t want to acknowledge that they’re creating more suffering because it makes them feel bad and they want their cute baby, they don’t really care about the inevitable suffering they will eventually face

No. 2237348

Your philosophy of consuming media is largely identical to mine.

>Access to studies and scientific data should never be paywalled to the general population, either, especially since the actual researchers are rarely ever getting the biggest cut.

While I agree this will always persist, higher education will always be gatekept. Its gatekept even when you're a student at institutions but lets not kid, the internet archive has as much porn as it has educational content on it. Terry Pratchett and 50 Shades isn't "educational content" and can be easily picked up at brick and mortar stores or thrift shops in decent condition or pirated anywhere as a pdf. The issue is not availability. The excuse that the internet archive is archiving "valuable information" as a digital library is weak and its no surprise it lost its court case. pdfs are widely easy to pirate everywhere.

>Moronic boomer-run companies deciding no one should be able to play a game or read a book because it doesn't make them as much money (especially when they're going against the creator's will) can and should always be subverted.

Does this ever happen? going against the creators will? Nearly everything can be pirated across the web. Very often this goes against the creators will (not that I'm cursing it) its just fact. If the argument is that boomers gate keep creators work and this goes against creators will doesn't piracy also do that often for some creators?

>Even if you "own" the game.

No one reads the EULAs of software that state you own a license to the game not the game itself. With Valve games you own a license to Counterstrike and Gmod but if you are VAC banned you have broken the EULA and are banned from playing the games. They are basic rules for using a software that you bought and have chosen to use, made by the developer. This movement seeks to remove and get around EULAs despite them being basic grounds for all software, not just video-games. No one respects the EULA of Adobe (and that's a good thing) but online games in particular have cheating as rules explicitly forbidden in EULAs. Some EULAs are shit and predatory and the writing of them should be regulated but they exist for a reason in the case of online games and the wishes of the developer. Before you download a software or before installing it they often pop up and you have the option to accept or refuse them, its just that consumers don't read the shit that they buy and consume. Its also because the majority of people are tech inept and retarded.

>I'm not familiar with any videogame-specific movement, but in most cases, preservation is good

Preservation is not yours to decide though, I agree with the sentiment but I feel its used by the moids in this movement to control access to works solely for maximum consumption of authors works and not preservation. Some games become vaporware and are preserved well like No One Lives Forever, they're taken off shelves and are unable to be accessed by consumers but the primary argument in the movement seems to focus on live-service games and moids entitlement to the dopamine drip fed content of them, not preservation. Nintendo cracks down on emulation but it will never stop its games being pirated. Someone committed enough will always preserve them. Preservation is only a issue in specific cases where the game is so old there were finite copies available, or the game is re-released and the previous is taken off shelves for purchase, or the server dies in live service games. The former are solved by the open and availability of the internet and the latter is not the problem to be solved by producers. MMOs die and with no playerbase they're dead. Games like The Crew have sequels, though the original should be made single player and playable offline but you cannot mandate videogames be made with a particular ruleset in mind since they're creative products of many peoples labor and effort drawing from multiple disciplines, much with copyrighted works. Videogames have art in them which is copyrightable too.

>I disagree with equating piracy to porn and deepfake addiction. Playing a game, listening to a song or reading a book isn't even close to rape or spreading CP except in the minds of rapist and budding serial killer lunatics who would've had the same entitlement regardless, as we've seen throughout history.

This is not what I said or meant. The skirting of peoples privacy and ownership is similar to the entitlement that these moids have to others work including private photographs, writing and other creative works. The non-stop entitlement to consumption and flagrant disregard for others labor begets entitlement which causes skirting of the boundaries of women and children. The amount of times I've seen men say if your photos are public they're mine, including those of children and rape. The right to be forgotten clashes with the bullshit idea of the "preservation" of media. Moids will "preserve" the rape of women on camera and CSAM as much as they'll preserve their vidya. I may have a cynical attitude towards this but the data doesn't work against me. CSAM consumption is at a all time high and the prevalence of revenge "porn" and rape in porn is incredibly common place now. Its also worth mentioning that rapes have been steadily trending upwards since 2013, so none of this is imaginary concern.

>But piracy is the prime way to "vote with your wallet".
I guess it wasn't a successful movement because no one knows about it here kek. Not what I said nor whats being argued. I support piracy like you've described, it is the best way to vote with your wallet. The movement is against this since its seen as ineffective. Instead they want to regulate that developers put in place long life plans for video games that the consumer purchased. For context the video linked has the quote I was talking about in my original post at the 24 minute mark. You've confused different things like most here and think my post was just shitty anti-piracy propaganda since no one knows about this movement. I guess women largely don't give a shit about video game shit seeing as how artistically entitled this "movement" is. I have an interest in it because I feel like it ties in with the concept of intellectual property and AI slop exploitation as a whole in its shitty treatment of creators and entitlement to their creations. I think the idea of entitlement to creators work and the discrediting of intellectual property is increasing in the modern age of mass media availability and consumption.

No. 2237353

I hate how people with this opinion (that's popular as another anon already pointed out) basically made it impossible to say you genuinely don't relate to other women without stupid women and men making it a NLOG thing and demonizing any woman that genuinely doesn't fit in with her peers. Being an autist weird woman is already bad and isolating enough as is, at least when men are autistic and weird they don't instantly get this retarded shit saying they must just be pretending to be autists and friendless to not be like the other guys or some shit. Saying you never really had good female friends and that you're an autist or anything even remotely gnc instantly gets you branded as evil and your own moral failing somehow, even when it's not your fault and you weren't a pick me or NLOG or anything. People just assume you are automatically and it's retarded. Like sorry I wasn't born a normie conforming woman and that women (and men) treated me like shit all my life despite me not really doing anything to them but being different. I never wanted it to be this way and trooning out requires you to be mentally ill to the point you believe this bullshit that if you aren't like other women it must mean you're a man, so congrats on agreeing with trannies.

No. 2237357

>I guess women largely don't give a shit about video game shit
Oh fuck off, I’m sick of anons on here trying to make their personal, autistic, crusade about whatever into something that women as a whole instinctively agree with. Why imply that only men care about preserving media? Or that only men care about video games? It’s so lame and sexist.

No. 2237358

One of the worst things about being a female autist is ppl see your self isolating behavior as just being a bitch/stuck up. If I were a dude people would just think I’m weird and fuck off.

No. 2237361


No. 2237362

Agreed 100%. I've bought a lot of stuff after pirating it first, such as manga which I read online before it was released in my country. Not having paid a fuck-you amount of money beforehand also lets me be more open minded in enoying things I normally wouldn't, because if I paid upfront I'm going to want to feel like I'm "getting my money's worth" which is sometimes counterproductive to really enjoying something (I love short, atmospheric games, but I always pirate them first so I don't play them with the idea of "I have 2 hours to figure out if I like this or not so I can ask for a Steam refund" which usually leads to not enoying the plot and atmosphere, or giving up on something potentially good because the devs didn't consider this time window when making the game)

No. 2237369

NLOGs are the girliest women I've seen so that's unlikely to happen. I'm not talking about girls and women who are just tomboys and can't relate to the general population which includes other women, I'm talking about actual NLOGs though, the ones who brag about how they're one of the guys and only hang out with guys and they assume a lot of things about other women just based on the fact that they're women and nothing else.

No. 2237379

I've known many parents and parents-to-be and ask them why they want to have kids. I've yet to hear a single reason that isn't profoundly selfish in some way. The friends of mine who opted not to have children tell me reasons that regard the hypothetical child's well-being more than the parents' reasons. I always find that really weird that ime the people who don't want kids care more about a child's quality of life than the people who want children.

No. 2237384

I wouldn’t want kids because I’ve dealt with racism, colorism, sexism etc my whole life and on top of that I’m an autist. My parents have complained about how hard life is/was for them for the reasons above and I’m just like “if you already fucking knew what this is like why’d the hell you wanna put me through it too?” Lol

No. 2237394

I genuinely don't get that logic. Like
>Face oppression your whole life
>See no improvement from childhood to adulthood
>Do nothing to help yourself or others
>Have a kid who will face the same hardship as you
>Still don't do anything to help society because now you're too busy raising a tiny human
>Tell kid about how hard your life is
>Kid faces oppression same as you did
>Predictably, isn't happy about it
>Surprise Pikachu face

No. 2237412

They derive some sense of power from it, bringing someone else into this world and watching them suffer the same way they do gives them weird satisfaction and I-told-you-so syndrome. Told me what? They could’ve prevented so much of their burdens if they learned to rebel from their parents and society’s expectations, that’s not the child’s fault that is completely their own. I will never understand this…

No. 2237480

It's not an 'elite' brand but do you have any La Michoanas near you? They sell Mexican style ice cream and other frozen goods. I prefer Mexican style ice cream to regular ice cream, it's worth a shot.

For store accessible brand Dreyers makes a good one. There's a difference between 'Vanilla Bean' and 'French Vanilla' and you will have to try both to see which you like better. I think your best bet will be to go to an independent ice creamery so you don't have to commit to a whole tub.

No. 2237484

This is just life in general kek. Some get over it, some don't. The answer isn't to stop creating more people.

No. 2237487

My issue with The Internet Archive is how it is used for AI training and looking at the Internet Archive's creator's past interviews in shit it sounds like that was the entire point of the Internet Archive this whole time. It's depressing because the Archive is so useful for historic research so if you have issues with AI in order to be consistent you have to be against the Archive itself.

I don't agree with all of your points but I do agree with a lot of them. The anti-copyright people without fail turn out to be extremely annoying and entitled and mostly male (what a coincidence). But you should always pirate Adobe.

No. 2237501

>I wish large record labels and Hollywood would take a much bigger hit
That has already happened, the music industry is a shell of it's former self
>so they'd be forced to make things of actual quality
Demonstrably, that is not what happens. Instead they go harder on generic appeal. In the context of music that means the Taylor Swifts of the music world. In the context of Hollywood it means films becoming more generic in attempts to appeal to as many demographics as possible.

Film/tv has not adjusted to streaming well. There's not enough money in it and production costs are high. Long term this means we are due a massive contraction meaning a lot less stuff gets made (so less to stream, let alone pirate). The most popular stuff, what actually gets watched, is usually dumb shit because most people are dumb shits and that dumb shit subsidizes the production of good stuff (that a minority watches). So if Hollywood has to trim down the dumb shit is what survives because it gets more views. There's no possibility of Hollywood suddenly consistently making things of actual quality because that requires viewers be smarter and have good taste.

No. 2237548

>La Michoacana

No. 2237551

>This entitlement quickly turns into an entitlement to rape and strip women naked digitally using deepfakes and an entitlement to child abuse material.
That's a moid problem, though. Not a problem with being anti-copyright or anti-intellectual property itself.
But that aside, I do agree that the way they treat stuff like video games as if those were so vital is mega cringe, and I like video games. I pirate a lot, and I hate current copyright laws and how rich big corpos can fuck you over if you use their product in a way they don't like, and how they keep coming up with the most predatory ways to drain their customers' wallets and sell your info to advertise more useless bullshit to you (i.e. Microsoft), but I don't promote or discuss that "stop killing games" shit or anything of the sort because I don't give a fuck about that specific movement.

No. 2237555

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Aliexpress isn't a bad website for clothing shopping, you just have to dig a little deeper. You can find independent shops located in usually China that sell their clothing for cheaper there.

No. 2237559

I'm generally anti piracy and get so fucking tired of people's entitlement to everything. They always say it's like a museum or preservation but guess fucking what? Museums are physical places you need to travel to and some cost entrance fees. Libraries are maintained by employees paid for by the government and they have to be donated or buy copies of books. There is already such a thing as a digital library it's called the fucking library and you can access it by putting your fucking library card in an app called Libby. Handing out endless copies for free for forever is not a library or archival it's just piracy. It's not Liderallee Fahrenheit 451 to take that shit down.

I think copyright exists for a very valid reason and every single copyright abolitionist I've had to suffer through has always been a pathetic, poor, or stingy man baby who didn't want to pay for anything because he got used to it before the internet got bigger. For example music covers: I don't think covering rights for songs should cost as much as they do but if you think of it, is it not the right of the copyright holder to yank down your cover if they see fit? You go through the effort of making a song and somebody sings over it and what if people download that instead of yours. You should have the right to take it down or claim the revenue.

The only other thing I can agree with pirates on is DRM. I have a different eReader than my girlfriend so we can't read each other's books on our own devices. It's a BOOK I bought and paid for I should be able to have in on any device. At least for video games they need to be tuned to work on each system.

Sometimes media just disappears from memory and thats ok.

One last vent is I really DGAF if Nintendo protects their copyright more than other companies. It's their prerogative, they have something of great value they can do what they want with it.

No. 2237569

>thinks the subject line is to create the title
what's wrong with that? isn't this how the subject line is meant to be used?

No. 2237589

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I'm happy you're able to find hideous clothing at a cheap price.

No. 2237626

I stopped going to the library a bit before starting university long ago because they have the shittiest opening hours ever, I simply couldn't go back there anymore until very recently. That's when I started reading fan translations of manga I was interested in now that I think about it. I wish they could be open all day long and even maybe on Sundays or on Mondays but that would be too good to be true. Not directly related to your point but just thinking about libraries pisses me off.

No. 2237639

Where are you located? I live in CA and libraries over here are open all days of the week.

No. 2237645

Somewhere in Europe. Public services are all like that, if you have a fulltime job with office hours or you study fulltime good luck getting anything done. I already found it annoying when the many libraries in my city would close down during some school breaks and like half of the summer break, but I checked it out and now they're also closed almost every afternoon during the summer because there's almost always a heatwave and there's no AC in these libraries. If you mean that the libraries near you are even open every Sunday then you have no idea how jealous I am.

No. 2237650

The American thread's been hijacked for a while now and the mods couldn't give less shits about it.

No. 2237656

>high t
Trying to start an infight, I see.

No. 2237660

Piracy is also a way to preserve stuff that's being "revised" by the current owners of certain properties. Like how Disney tried to cut certain parts of "The French Connection" out, or how HBO/TCM don't want to air "Gone with the Wind" anymore.

No. 2237666

This is horrendous nonna

No. 2237675

Most of the time that I pirate a movie it's some 90's or prior, often non western movie that isn't in any streaming service nor being sold as dvd anywhere or at least anywhere that would ship to me. So I guess they have little to no monetary value anyway but piracy bad

No. 2237679

I don't think you should praise someone's body if its the result of plastic surgery.

No. 2237681

samefag, unless its correcting some kind of deformity or removing loose skin after weight loss.

No. 2237683

If they can't be assed to improve their products even when they're industries are shrinking, then they deserve to collapse completely.

No. 2237684

grandma ready for bed ass fit

No. 2237703

I'm not a parent so I don't know shit but I feel like the entire "kids hate vegetables" thing only happens when you feed them slop

No. 2237707

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I hate tourists who go to a foreign country and don't even bother learning one word of the local language (went to Japan recently, saw a lot of tourists do this exact shit). Or when they go to a foreign country and don't like the food there. Saw a Spanish-speaking couple do this in a restaurant I was in (the scrote was eating this ice cream with matcha powder sprinkled on it, and he called it "weird" under his breath to his gf).

No. 2237722

kids are more sensitive to bitter tastes and have to get used to eating. we only start with appreciation for fat, salt, and sugar.

No. 2237727

True, but you can season vegetables and fruit is generally sweet. Part of me wonders if "kids hate healthy food" thing is at least partially pushed in the media by food companies, because I didn't know fruit and vegetables were supposed to be "gross" until I saw that opinion expressed on TV.

No. 2237774

The overuse of the word "soy". It's annoying.

No. 2237784

Yeah it was funny at first but like any joke it was ran into the ground.

No. 2237835

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Not everyone lives near a library or has access to a digital library. And besides no library is going to have access to every book, and their collection depends where it’s located. My local library is very small and doesn’t have access to the sorts of books I want to read, I pirate because I don’t want to spend exorbitant amounts of money buying them and having them shipped to me. They also don’t have access to books that are out of print, like Andrea Dworkin’s books have only this year been reprinted, the only reason women have been able to read her work is because people pirated them and shared them. Her work may have been lost otherwise.

I do like playing video games, especially older video games that are out of print and thus aren’t sold anymore either in stores or on digital storefronts. I pirate them because it’s too expensive to buy them second hand, take picrel for instance $460 for a used copy and that’s the cheapest listing I can find, it regularly goes for over $1000. And that’s just the game not including the console itself, it’s not reasonable to expect people to drop hundreds to thousands of dollars to play older games, especially since none of the money goes to the developer anyway.

No. 2237838

Not everyone is american. My local library doesnt have shit

No. 2237843

It's not sexist for moids to complain about the attractiveness of female actors/video game characters/whatever if the role is meant to be attractive. Example: a romanceable character in a BioWare game being ugly as fuck is a problem as you're supposed to want to date them.

No. 2237845

Very unpopular opinion, take my updoot fellow man of culture B)

No. 2237847

They are sexist because they're the same people who shit their pants when women ask for pretty male LIs.

No. 2237862

i really hate christmas and i have no legitimate reason to

No. 2237874

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i don't get the hatred against gypsy rose right now, especially since everybody online outside of LC are foaming at the mouth over the menendez brothers from their murders after 35 years in prison. the brothers and gypsy both were severely abused by their parents, yet one are heralded as heroes, while the other one should be stoned to death. i just love how men can murder people in cold blood and still have endless fans after them, but a woman tells SOMEONE ELSE to do the deed for her, and she deserves to die in prison? not that i'm saying i don't believe any abuse happened to the brothers, but i find this to be hypocritical of normies to hate gypsy but masturbate over the brothers getting out of prison this christmas. either you believe all victims, or none.

No. 2237891

I've noticed the women complaining about her either are pickmes crying over the fact that the rapist autist is in prison for life while she's free (good), upset she's not a perfect victim and is attention-seeking and manipulative, or believe she was in on the scam with her mother.

No. 2237905

improving their products won't make them money, they will continue to cull the good content because as it turns out shit is what is most popular and successful

No. 2237908


RIGHT like the killer is this fucking weird ass rapist who is definitely pornsick by the sound of things and i can't for the life of me understand why they'd rather see gypsy die in prison versus that fucking demon lmao. even if gypsy lied at some points or was manipulative, she is literally the product of her upbringing which was incredibly fucked up to begin with. it just blows my mind that people would be like, "well she still shouldn't have had her mom killed like we all have crappy parents but you don't see me put a hit on my shitty mom do you?" like okay faggot does your mom force you to take medication and have surgeries and have you pretend to be disabled for fame? i wish there was a thread or something about this because the misogyny she's getting is making me mad

No. 2237914

What is with so many of the gay scrotes using this website calling everybody “girl”?

No. 2237916

Whenever I feel the urge to say "girl" the way I would during an exchange IRL I just replace it with nonny/anon kek

No. 2237918

There's a conspiracy that Gypsy was sick in truth and her mother was demonized for providing her life-saving medical care.

No. 2237919

I don't think these video game 'preservationists' realize that a lot of the multiplayer games they want to preserve don't entail a simple matter of companies offering a program for interested users to download. It's more complicated than that and would require the companies to continue to spend money to keep these moribund games on life support. And as you said, with no player base there's no game even if the servers are running.

Things change and things die. People have to accept that not everything can be preserved. Document what you can and move on.

No. 2237920

agreed, idc that her mom was murdered, she literally used her daughter for money and attention

No. 2237928

I'm glad JKR is so protective of the Harry Potter property. Copyright abolitionists scream and seethe about it because they want to be able to sell their shitty Harry Potter yaoi fanfiction or whatever and that TERF BITCH JKR is getting in the way.


Maybe being unable to profit off of her intellectual property will force people to come up with their own ideas.

No. 2237932


i'm no doctor so in the end i can't say much about her condition right now, but the wheelchair thing really made me realize how much her mom lied so much over the years that at this point i don't think i could ever believe that gypsy was truly that sick to be begin with. maybe she's born with some abnormalities, sure, but her being supposedly unable to walk or having full blown cancer were just wild ways to obtain media attention on her mom's part i think.

whatever, once the menendez brothers get out and everybody inevitably turn their backs on them i hope they never bring up gypsys's name again.

No. 2237935

Copyright does nothing for this. Those seething fanfic writers will just ctrl+H the names and release their slop as the next product viral on Booktok.

No. 2237937

The brothers didn't kill in cold blood, it was a spontaneous and emotionally driven murder. In either case though I couldn't care less that these abusers were killed. People actually hate when the abused enact revenge, it shatters their pea-brained idea that surely nobody who could just kill them or orchestrate their murder in the first place could ever be abused.

No. 2237948

>Document what you can and move on.
That’s exactly what they’re doing by pirating games and making it easier to pirate games. I’m sick of temporarily embarrassed copyright holders moralfagging over piracy or people wanting to preserve media for the future.

No. 2237957

I think you are misunderstanding the base of OP's contention. There's a movement called "Stop Killing Games" which is trying to pass legislation to obligate studios offer end of life patches so people can play games without needing to connect to servers. In the context of single player games that is understandable but it doesn't work so well for multiplayer games. Lots of multiplayer games can't be run homebrew you need access to special software (which can require special licenses) and even if all that could be sorted out the game is dead when the playerbase has moved on. This isn't a matter of pirating an .exe file.

I think the sentiment is nice but at the same time I do think there's an unwillingness to let go that isn't healthy. It's like a digital packrat mentality. In the case of games that can't be adequately preserved we need to develop standards for alternate means of documentation like organizing matches and recording them (for instance).

No. 2238002

I think it would depend on the strength of nostalgia for the game, though. Look at WoW: people started making private servers for it back in the 2000s, and eventually dedicated blizzlike ones sprung up enough (and got sued enough by Blizzard, a la Scape Gaming) that Blizzard took notice and cashed in on it. And now WoW private servers are even more sophisticated. I'm trying to think of which other online games/mmo's would warrant such dedication.

No. 2238015

Add pedo and necrophiliac too. He played porn and masturbated in the middle of a mcdonalds with kids present while carrying a concealed knife and was arrested for it, at age 23. On record for anyone to find. The report and local news articles on it.

Wanted to rape deedee as part of the attack that night and had to be talked out of that part. Had talked about necrophilia fantasies before and saw it as his chance to make the fantasy real. Talked about wanting to impregnate gypsy, wanting to.. 'fuck her daughter' Not hearsay convos that rely on her recollections. It was evidence shown in court, messages taken from their devices that people used to know about before this new flood of tards rushed in wanting to have strong opinions on it but only wanting to base their opinions off of tiktoks and youtube vids. Then they wonder why he was sentenced the way he was. Skipping ever looking into the court case yet declaring it was a travesty

No. 2238047

Average autistic male

No. 2238063

File: 1730694425413.gif (2.56 MB, 374x374, floreyonce-kamala-harris.gif)

I'm glad that zoomer twitterfags are bringing the art of the GIF back even if they're cringe and gay. I love GIFs, they're so expressive and bring life to any forum/site. I will always use twitterfag GIFs, 'till the day I die.

No. 2238067

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my mistake yeah the brothers weren't acting in their right minds at the time of the murder since they strongly believed that jose and kitty were about to do them in first so they did it out of self defense. i absolutely agree with you on the rest, if anything these two cases makes me wonder if i should've acted on my vengeful feelings when i got abused by people before instead of listening to assholes telling me "noooo you should just forgive your aboosers they are human beans too!" because now its like… they got their forgiveness and can continue living their lives abusing other people freely. saging for emotional sperging kek but you right nonnie you right.

No. 2238086

I think WoW is an example of a game that wouldn't be moribund because there are still people who are strongly interested in using it (and do). My issue is more with the entitlement of people who expect private companies to continue to pay for servers for a game that no one uses anymore, they just happen to also heavily overlap with piratefags.

No. 2238105

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Did the art of the gif ever really die?

No. 2238114

idk if this is an unpopular opinion maybe by virtue of being a niche one, but i found this stupid retarded penguin so annoying, total incel-type, activated my sleeper bully personality just looking at him

No. 2238121

Please tell me more, I never played Club Penguin.

No. 2238138

File: 1730699274233.gif (16.49 MB, 1449x2216, 85y00x00iigd1.gif)

KEK incel type?! Why? Just the way he looks?
Dont listen to her, I likely know the lore better than she does. Gary is not an incel, he's just a scientist although on your second ever mission he does almost kill you by making you ride his prototype sled down a mountain and you get lost in the wilderness. He is not an incel, and his inventions are mostly pretty neat. Maybe she's a Rookie fan?

No. 2238144

Kek, such an impassioned reply. Thanks for explaining. I like characters with glasses kek, real autist hours

No. 2238145

I honestly forgot how cute the Club Penguin penguins look. It makes me want to play it again.

No. 2238185

I just don’t see what’s so entitled about wanting to keep using a product that you paid for. It’s like how a lot of digital storefronts you buy a book or song and they can take it away whenever they feel like and you’re shit out of luck if they do. If you pay for something it should be yours to own. And if it isn’t then there’s nothing wrong with piracy.

No. 2238225

girl is not gay lingo it is black women lingo that gay men co-opted. Me and my black girl friends call each other girl all the time.In fact most of gay lingo is from older black women that gay black men were raised by and often imitated. They wont let you know this because no one gives women their flowers. It sucks that black people's own coded language gets co-opted as gay lingo or gen z speak. I wish we could go back to calling it EBONICS so people will leave us alone kek.

No. 2238249

Gay men constantly try to steal black women's nachos and it's nauseating. Nobody wants to hear that shit from your annoying little mouth dude.

No. 2238251

I think it is entitled to expect a company to foot the bill to indefinitely maintain servers for 5 people to use every now and then. Things don't last forever. Bread molds, clothes fray, and multiplayer live service games lose playerbase and companies lose the financial slack to support the games forever and ever. Don't spend stupid amounts of money on in-game cosmetics and battlepasses and learn to move on.

The Stop Killing Games thing has suggested games being advertised with how long the games will be supported for at minimum and I think that's a good suggestion.

No. 2238263

I understand what she’s saying, she’s conflating the people from the ‘stop killing games’ movement with everyone that pirates media and thinks that everyone that pirates is a bunch of entitled men. If she only means that she doesn’t agree that companies should have to pay to keep running servers indefinitely then that is what she should have said to begin with, not claiming that pirating as a whole is bad.

No. 2238309

Online friendships are real and have value

No. 2238444

I'm actually the only poster on lolcow. All of the "replies" that I don't remember posting represent my subconscious. I've been entertaining myself on this imageboard medium since 2016.

No. 2238495

Remember to take your multivitamins

No. 2238611

Impossible because I am the only poster on lolcow.

No. 2238618

Stop it Sarah I know it's you.

No. 2238627

I wish you had the ability to hide posts. You don’t know how much posts I would be hiding with the words “husband” “boyfriend” “nigel”, my experience using this website would seriously improve. I’m tired of seeing the nigelfaggotry everywhere

No. 2238630

Scrolling is free and currently available.

No. 2238635

How is this an unpopular opinion? You just stated a wish for a new site feature…what's the unpopular opinion here.

No. 2238644

File: 1730737879600.jpg (28.43 KB, 500x500, 1000052680.jpg)

My unpopular opinion is that I'm fucking hilarious. No one thinks I'm funny. Nobody laughs at my jokes but it's okay because I laugh at my jokes.

No. 2238656

As long as you enjoy your own company nona you can never be truly miserable

No. 2238697

That poopsie unicorn surprise shit is retarded and 100% for low-empathy iPad babies but anons who think it's an insidious pedo psyop are retarded in my opinion. I loved Bratz as a kid and I have only ever had one romantic and sexual partner in my entire life, and every adult back then were saying that Bratz were going to turn little girls into demented whores, so. I really don't think manufacturing ugly gambling blind box dolls (who poop slime, which is gross but poop and slime were two crazy hot fads in children's media just a year or two ago) is the most productive way of grooming children.

No. 2238737

What part of this is appropriate? Who would depict a bunch of baby ponies this way? Pedo males, of course

No. 2238766

The fact that this was greenlit in a boardroom for children. All men are pedos

No. 2238767

I don't think any coomer is gooning to this shit over actual child porn. This is riding off the popularity of the Elsagate shit, which if you define it as "weird, and human waste/gross out/surgically focused" has always been around even before the Elsagate youtube stuff. It's retarded but no I do not think this is a deliberate grooming psyop. It's a gambling psyop that makes kids addicted to the thrill of getting/not getting the toy they want, but I don't think it's to make kids sexually aggressive perverts.

No. 2238778

>I don't think any coomer is gooning to this shit over actual child porn
>she doesn't know about that literal pedo fandom that sexualized a bunch of colorful ponies

No. 2238779

I understand your point wrt to Bratz, but this is a whole different beast. The lyrics are the weirdest thing about it to me. There's something clearly wrong with it even though I can't quite describe it.

Lyrics: https://genius.com/18766631

No. 2238792

The lyrics are just a retarded play on poop kek, what's even the "pedo" part of this? Is it a pedo psyop or is it just a product for iPad gambling babies and the song is an earworm and retarded kids love poop and slime?

No. 2238808

I agree that the creators of the poop unicorns aren't pedos. I think it's a case of extreme misinterpretation of marketing charts. Ponies are popular amongst little girls, dolls that emulate trendy teenagers/young adults are popular amongst girls and (for some reason) baby dolls that shits and pees are popular amongst girls.
Some executives for a toy company thought that combining a bunch of trends together would result in maximum profit, completely unaware of how disturbing the end result is

No. 2238828

Molly Rutter is not that bad, and so much of her snark page just seems like actual jealousy. To unironically say “there’s no way she’s getting that many dates because I’m way better looking and I don’t get that many dates” is downright embarrassing. The molly Rutter redditors are much bigger cows than she will ever be, she’s simply not that interesting

No. 2238830

Dark humor shouldn't be so normalized in the medical field. They say the most vile things about patients and apparently it's necessary to "let off steam" but there's no way the constant jokes and dehumanization aren't impacting patient care. The reason they're so comfortable brushing off women with serious health issues is because they're all laughing at the nurses station about how all the female patients are fat bitches with Karenitis.

Also half the time they do it in areas where patients can hear them. And then get offended when patients complain. Sociopathic behavior.

No. 2238831

>We munch on my poop pizzas
>Gonna get loopy off my poopy!
Are they talking about consuming the poop-slime to get high?
>I drive my parents crazy, the poop I need every day-ay-ay-ay (ay-ay-ay)
This is probably just to encourage kids to nag their parents until they buy their product but:
>She's smelling fart shake up swag
What the hell does this mean?
>Whenever we get down
>We spread sparkly poop for brown
And also this???
Tbh that's probably the case, but I'm also convinced at least someone involved in the creation of this was getting off to putting their fetish out in the open.

No. 2238837

>Gonna get loopy off my poopy!
Howling. Please tell me that wasn't a jenkem reference in a kid's unicorn slime toy.

No. 2238841

People who go into the medical field because they want to help or heal people are a tiny minority. Most people do it for the status, recognition and money. So from the get-go, you already know it's very likely your doctor doesn't give a shit about your well being. You're just a tool.

No. 2238844

The healthcare field is filled with bullies who peaked in high school (nurses), know-it-alls who think they're smarter than they are (doctors), and literal sociopaths with sharp tools (surgeons). The only routinely decent people are techs, and med students who haven't finished marinating in their own awfulness yet.

No. 2238862

I know of at least 5 people in the medical field that should be in jail, either for malpractice or physical/ psychological abuse against patients, people outside the field, their families and even animals. I'm mad at the fact that I gotta refer to these "people" as anything but mockeries of the human race, malformed psychopaths, wicked beings

No. 2238883

People who say the opposite are either genuinely retarded, normies who always easily met like minded individuals irl, or possibly sociopathic since they see anyone online as not real or some sort of npc. Online people are still real humans (except bots obviously) and it's always going to be preferable to have some online friends you enjoy talking to vs having absolutely no one, or just forcing yourself to talk to irl people you don't mesh with at all no matter what anyone says

No. 2238926

I find it borderline cringe when anons here try to keep it safe and politically correct by going "oh nuke all of " insert country but only the men of course since we need to save the women from insert country who are victims".
As someone who comes from a country that is third world i find that so tone deaf and I know what you want to say but you are holding yourself back. It takes two to tango and the women are just as misogynistic as the men there and help them uphold the patriarchal system. Whenever I see privileged westerners try to act like the women and men from the same country are separate species is so funny because here I was literally bullie and outcasted by other women for 2 years because I defended myself against a man that was sexually harassing me. Where I'm from the women are huge boymoms, protecters of men, very judgemental towards women and call women sluts over everything.
Where I live alot of women are also kpop fans and they also seethe over female idols and slutshame them and call them prostitutes over every miniscule thing. Like if you live in a uber shithole you realise that the women are just as bad as men and they aren't these poor little victims that you are trying to make them out to be. Even when these women move out of their countries they try and force their culture on other countries the same way the men do.

No. 2238962

Yeah but I'm going to guess they've been historically restricted from schools and made to be bangmaids and mommies at like 8 years old. I don't blame women from third world countries who are misogynistic like that but obviously they're just not good people at the end of the day. Women can be severely influenced by the patriarchy but still just be horrible people.

No. 2239012

File: 1730746431926.jpg (72.13 KB, 670x503, 1726296014314222.jpg)

kamala is probably going to lose tomorrow, unfortunately. there's no good polls or news to look at (both sides are saying there's bad voter turnout for the opposite side) but if you look at it logically
>red voters are more rabid and less doomers than blue
>there are way less men likely to vote for kamala than for trump
>more men are going to vote for trump
>plenty of NLOG, bible thumping, pick me, boymom trumpets are going to vote for trump
>all kamala is left with is a chunk of woman voters and a handful of male voters
i just seriously cannot believe hoe a country like america, what is supposed to be the most "developed" nation in the world, has allowed itself to get swindled by fucking trump of all people for a SECOND time. AFTER already seeing how he accomplished absolutely nothing the first time he was president.

No. 2239141

And there are retards who aren’t voting Kamala for Palestine kek. But let us not lose hope nonna.

No. 2239147

As a med student I agree kek

No. 2239151

I was treated like shit when I did an internship by a teacher (who was also yelling at a patient, who by the way didn’t fully understand the language). There’s many people in the field who lack basic empathy.

No. 2239188

NTA But I dont like kamala either but at least she is a better option than trump. Any woman voting trump deserves the worst

No. 2239235

Me neither nonna, but it’s better than nothing like you said.

No. 2239237

i agree but have you seen the amount of women on lolcow alone that are rimming trump's asshole? its a lot more grim than you're imagining. there's TONS of women actively voting against their own interests. they are just too persuaded by "masculinity" or what they think is masculinity.

No. 2239247

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Constitutional rights should start being taken away from those who can be verified as anti-social misanthropes. They should be backhandled and forced out of their childish way of life and looking at the world by higher institutions. Don't care if they pay taxes. In fact laughing at them for "paying for nothing" until they bend the knee is righteous and based.
Why should you be allowed to vote if you don't actually want whats best for your community?
Why should you be allowed to speak if there's an inherent duplicity to any constructive rhetoric you might have?
(Especially) Why should you be allowed to own weapons if you inherently desire to inflict harm on others?
The only real counter to this I can think of is that the current government absolutely cannot be trusted to carry out such a task without mostly going after harmless innocent people.
Otherwise, in a just world: "Introverts suck" is state policy.

No. 2239274

People are being incredibly retarded about the Tyler the Creator lyric controversy, speaking as a woman. Yes, he made retarded lyrics and incredibly weird tweets like 15 years ago. Yes, none of those are okay and he never said they were and since then he hasn’t made any other weird lyrics or statements like that. I hate that in my generation (Gen Z) there is no redemption. You are not allowed to change and better yourself and move on. You are not allowed to have bad moments and everything must be black and white because bippie GenZs said so. There is no nuance and there is no growing up. Retarded controversy and retarded generation all around.

No. 2239286

gen z's are at most 28 years old right now. majority of gen z's are 18-20 years old. why are you expecting forgiveness or redemption from children? who cares

No. 2239293

Med professionals treating eachother like shit seems to be a common workplace complaint. Related story, I talked to a paramedic once who said that (in my country at least) people in his field were technically allowed to use hospital amenities, but the doctors and nurses always got uppity about it so nobody ever bothered. That just seems crazy to me considering what paramedics actually have to deal with on a consistent basis.

No. 2239312

This is the Unpopular Opinions thread not the Things People Care About thread and even if it was, I care, plus I’ve been seeing this shit all over social media. I’m 22 so not entirely too far off from that age range and I understand nuance and non black and white thinking, why can’t others my age? My post was moreso about hating my generation.

No. 2239316

because there's always a few kids who mature faster than others

No. 2239347

I dont know what TTC said, but I've pulled off some massively cringe shit I said 9-10 years prior off my social media. The fact that retarded online zoomers think no one is allowed to change their mindset is insane, and I agree with you.

No. 2239377

Tyler's new music is so horrible it frankly undoes any "growth" he's had as a person. And he hasn't changed anyway, he adapted. The edgy Tyler was just him doing what he wanted, gay fantano watching twitter tramny approved Tyler is a by-the-numbers fraud.
He just went from being a controversial trend setter to a safe playing trend follower.

No. 2239438

are you retarded

No. 2239465

It’s called democracy, even people who you don’t like have the right to vote.
And I’m saying this as a moderate leftist. As much as I would life people from the far right to lose the right to vote, you can’t pick and choose.

No. 2239470

>possibly sociopathic since they see anyone online as not real or some sort of npc.
I think this too. It's bizarre how many people seem to forget there's another living being on the opposite end of the screen and it only becomes "real" to them if they see that person, hear their voice or meet them irl.

No. 2239505

I know it’s wrong but I’m 30 and I love guys age 18-21 but I’d never date one though. That’s the cutest age group.

No. 2239513

They’re insufferable, sincerely as a 21 year old.

No. 2239516

nta but have you met an 18-20 year old recently? they're not exactly mature adults.

No. 2239520

an inmmature adult is still an adult

No. 2239523

I know but they’re physically adorable/sexy

No. 2239542

I guess, better than the older men kek. Keep them as eye candy and toy boys nonna. You should even go for it for a casual encounter, they sleep with anything and anyone.

No. 2239551

It’s the Twitter trannies who are the ones pissed at Tyler right now actually

No. 2239588

my husband is 22 he's so cute his face is still very babylike

No. 2239690

Men at my age (29) are just as insufferable, but actually probably worse because they are set in their ways. At least young men are hot (and have potential).

No. 2239700

Every surgeon I've worked with had a god complex and couldn't control their outbursts. Even the really good surgeons had terrible bedside manners, too. Or rather especially the good surgeons were like rude autists to the patients.

No. 2239761

I fucking love Young Sheldon, especially the early seasons. Sheldon and Missy are so cute, it pulls on my heartstrings and makes me want to be a mom kek. It's honestly pretty funny too.

No. 2239765

File: 1730767422322.jpg (143.09 KB, 928x1232, 8326895267005.JPG)

Clerith is infinitely better than Cloti and female Tifa fans are all pick-mes.

No. 2239799

banana flavored laffy taffy is the best

No. 2239808

strawberry kiwi and sour apple akshually

No. 2239809

So true anon it's a very endearing show.
I don't know anything about final fantasy but you're right.

No. 2239864

If I could be born asexual I would honestly love it. Abstaining from all relationships and the idea of “love” (which isn’t real by the way) makes me feel like I’m on a higher level than scrote lovers, get on my level bitch

No. 2239881

No. 2239905

Your fave’s entire character is coombait. Cope.

No. 2239999

Aerith can do better than Cloud. She should be with me instead.

No. 2240043

File: 1730784317186.gif (256.73 KB, 400x300, rapture me jesus.gif)

Late but why can't we have both? There are many parallels between American Dad and the Bible

No. 2240154

I'm not asexual but I'm still totally celibate, it's so easy, I don't get why anons say it's an unrealistic lifestyle and impossible because of urges, if anything finding a decent partner and taking precautions for sex is way harder than just not doing anything.

No. 2240170

File: 1730793890993.png (62.14 KB, 900x386, aYLELgu.png)

he's right

No. 2240278

I'd faster feel genuine sympathy for autistic/ retarded women than the bpdemon whores anons are always forcing me to like in the name of sisterhood or feminism, there are some groups of women I'll never fuck with tbh. Unless they're like, from thirdie hellhole countries like me, I know better than to defend such an unlikeable bunch of people as they're very often mega pickmes at best and actually dangerous at worst. There's a reason nobody fucking likes them

No. 2240279

Nobody on this site defends bippies what are you on.

No. 2240287

>than the bpdemon whores anons are always forcing me to like in the name of sisterhood or feminism
Now are they really doing that? Are you sure?

No. 2240289

bpd isn't real. males have brainwashed you to see their rape victims as manipulative psychopaths.

No. 2240291

You don't have to like any woman in the name of feminism because feminism isn't about liking women. It's about furthering women's rights regardless of how those women make you feel, even when an individual woman wastes her hard-earned rights and you think she's a dumbass. If you're doing that, no one cares that you don't like bippie chans. Most of us don't either.

No. 2240292

>makes me feel like I’m on a higher level than scrote lovers
Associating morality to sexuality and fantasizing with changing an inmate trait such as attraction is tranny behavior. Anyone delusional enough to believe they can morph their sexuality into a new, shiny one will soon troon out. I'll not elaborate

No. 2240294

>Associating morality to sexuality and fantasizing with changing an inmate trait such as attraction is tranny behavior
This makes no sense because trannies are the most sex-obsessed degenerates and their entire identity is predicated on a fetish. You’re so retarded, talk to me when you get rid of your dick obsession and fear of loneliness

No. 2240296

>Associating morality to sexuality and fantasizing with changing an inmate trait such as attraction is tranny behavior.
You know, we really did see a massive troon spike after the whole 2010s "UR EBIL IF UR HET" side of internet culture took root.

No. 2240297

Sexuality is so fake. Lesbians are so sex-obsessed, gays are definitely the most sex-obsessed and heterosexuals make sex a whole parade just like male gays. All of these sex-ualities surround their entire lives on fuckability, sex, and more than platonic relationships, so sad. Sex and dating is one of the things humans have to be doing less, not more of to fill in the empty void of this new era

No. 2240299

oh fuck off baiter

No. 2240300

Criticizing the inherent unbalanced nature of heterosexual relationships isn’t the same as a bunch of retarded trannies thinking their identity makes them “queer rights” or whatever the fuck queer means. I guess reality is too harsh for you to dwell in anon

No. 2240301

That's not what was going on in 2010s sjw internet circles and you know it.

No. 2240304

File: 1730809391343.jpg (58.54 KB, 749x711, 1000018844.jpg)

NTA but I was going to say. It's obnoxious when scrotes like to armchair diagnose random women or girlfriends with BPD as a way to smear them with blame. But at the same time, I've seen both moids and women with fucked up personalities so genuine that I did see the patterns of the BPD symptoms list. In short, I believe scrotes deliberately abuse the term "BPD", but I do believe it's a real thing. Just like with ADHD.

No. 2240306

It's literally the same principle. You cannot change your sexuality, no matter how you feel about it, at some point you gotta make peace with it instead of thinking you actually have any control over it. Thinking sexuality can or can't be based in itself it's stupid and as delusional as to think you can actually "evolve" into a superior clown poli gender

No. 2240308

… What??? I’m not talking about THEM and explaining their motivations, read you fucking retarded bitch(infighting)

No. 2240310

>actually BPD is the new hysteria for women! I'm totally not fucking insane nor do I display all the stereotypical symptoms and insufferable personality traits!!

No. 2240313

BPD is both a real diagnosis and the new hysteria.

No. 2240314

>if we think sexuality is forced/fluid/socialized/social contagion it will let our little LGBT myths crumble
No, sexuality is not purely innate and that doesn’t make me a gender bender, tranny or sex pest for stating. Heterosexuality can clearly be reinforced in women. I find it very disturbing and disgusting that you care more about finding every little -ism and -phobias in people’s words than trying to understand the message because you care more about avoiding muh “it’s snowballing into gay conversation therapy and offensive implications about gay people” or whatever. It’s not an erasure of lesbians, so calm the fuck down, me stating my unpopular opinion is not seeking to erase your identity. I really don’t care, fuck off with your tone policing retardation I don’t give a shit if you think I’m a “homophobe”. I said what I said, cry about it.

No. 2240317

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no offense, but did you read anything I just said? I said that I believe BPD is real, just that scrotes like to abuse the term to make their ex-girlfriends always look like the villains. You faggots really need to learn how to fucking read, man. You argue like a bippie I know, can't listen for shit and never know what the fuck you're talking about at all.

No. 2240321

You said
>Criticizing the inherent unbalanced nature of heterosexual relationships isn’t the same as a bunch of retarded trannies thinking their identity makes them “queer rights” or whatever the fuck queer means.
in response to my post where I said
>we really did see a massive troon spike after the whole 2010s "UR EBIL IF UR HET" side of internet culture took root.
Where I was obviously talking about sjw internet circles during that time period (tumblr and shit), who were not having nuanced discussion about the harms of heterosexuality. They were primarily shaming teenage girls for not being "qweer" enough. Tranny shit took off shortly after this, probably because those same girls couldn't meme themselves into being bi.

No. 2240323

>You argue like a bippie I know, can't listen for shit and never know what the fuck you're talking about at all.
nta, all who seem to detest bpd are always like this in the end

No. 2240325

nta but yeah anon, pattern recognition does that to a person

No. 2240329

It doesn't matter if someone's a survivor or not. Acting unhinged towards people and splitting on them is going to lose you friends, even if you're a rape survivor. People will be sympathetic to trauma up to a point, but they will get frustrated if someone's acting the same way for years.

No. 2240331

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People on here have chronic reading and comprehension difficulties. Even when you fully understood what they said and are even able to go the extra mile to read inbetween the lines they always say “you didn’t understand what I meant!” which is just codeword for “you didn’t agree with me all the way so I will pretend to be retarded to discredit you!” It’s like nobody reads anymore and when you actually can draw conclusions (something taught in elementary and middle school) from someone’s perspective they act like you’re the retarded one. These are the women seeking degrees and joining academia which frightens me with the amount of stupid women being encouraged to do so and it’s probably to silence the ones who actually know how to apply the basic knowledge they’ve learned and turned it into something greater which is just plain common sense. Being autistic and rote memorizing a bunch of useless slop about monkeys or computers says nothing about actual valuable intelligence, if they can’t apply it and actually use the information they learned then they are a done deal. I’m not saying stupid women will ever be on the same level of stupid men but holy shit…. I can’t take this anymore kek I’m sperging

No. 2240334

Let me simplify this out for you since common sense isn’t your forte. Somebody accused me for being a tranny for what I said, point A. Then we go to point B, the reason why they accused me of being a tranny is because they falsely equate trannies who are mad that straight men rather enslave straight women than their gay asses to women who are critical towards sexuality especially heterosexual dynamics are the same when they are not. If you weren’t so dense you would’ve figured out it’s the same person constantly popping up whenever people make fun of hets coming to tell us how wonderfulllll~~~ it is to be a handmaiden to males which is just being a straight woman. This website is not occupied by thousands of people, it’s used by the same people every day, I don’t know why you delusional retards think this website is as popular as it used to be back then

No. 2240338

Yeah yeah, sure, go play captain save-a-hoe for people you secretly hate all you want but don't guilttrip people into joining your retard brigade

No. 2240341

Dude all I said was feminism is about women's rights and not about liking individual women. No one's making you be a feminist, probably for the best that.

No. 2240342

>Let me simplify this out for you since common sense isn’t your forte
Damn you sure showed her kek

No. 2240344

yet they’ll stand by a rapist with multiple victims. it’s interesting.

No. 2240349

>yet they’ll stand by a rapist with multiple victims.
AYRT. Who is they? Are you talking about a specific person you know, all bippies, or all people who encounter rape survivors? My post was referring to average people who encounter bippie behavior (saying that it doesn't matter if someone who behaves that way is a survivor or not because most people won't care after a certain point), but I'm not sure who you're referring to?

No. 2240351

>No one's making you be a feminist, probably for the best that
Oh c'mon spare me this bullshit, why don't you go fuck your discord mod bf instead of acting pretentious at an imageboard?

No. 2240353

I'm voluntary celibate and don't have a boyfriend, but whatever helps you sleep at night. You're right though, that last line was really catty of me and crosses the line. I'm sorry nonna.

No. 2240354

>no infighting
Every time without fail I open this thread to infights

No. 2240355

It's funny because this post was about first world "sex workers" (who usually got bpd) and not about bpd specifically, now everyone's fighting over bpdettes, damnit I should've specified but trying to "fix" an already inflammatory post wasn't worth it tbh

No. 2240357

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shut up TWERP

No. 2240362

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Aww, this is so cute. My unpopular opinion is that cats are a liquid.

No. 2240365

No I disagree they’re clearly food to be eaten!!!!! Ack!!

No. 2240366

I wanna rub his belly

No. 2240369

Why the fuck are you misgendering that cat???

No. 2240371

I wanna rub HER belly, please don't cancel me nonna, I'm a cat ally

No. 2240374

I have known three separate individuals who were not raped and were diagnosed with BPD actually. Don't conflate it with PTSD or trauma because it's not the same thing at all. Some people are just genuinely fucked in the head

No. 2240376

Dome cats do be feeling liquid, like you grab them and you can feel their bodies kind of bending around your hands, it's actually impressive

No. 2240378

you are officially canceled biatch

No. 2240381

Their insistence on pretending BPD as a diagnosis it's just a male psyop kind of minimizes the very real and unique type of instability such disorder causes on women. It's such a weird disorder too, unlike PTSD, not all BPD patients are traumatized, sometimes people are just…kind of born with it? Or at least are prone to developing it

No. 2240431

ntayrt instability is an issue but the BPD diagnosis itself is a mess. it's often used to label patients and then lead to no doctors ever taking them seriously or believing them.

No. 2240447

AYRT And yeah, that is often true but it doesn't mean the label itself is completely useless/some kind of moid psyop. Sometimes it's used against people but sometimes people really are just like that. Basically, I agree with what >>2240381 said

No. 2240472

my unpopular opinion is Pentatonix sucks. horrible music, reddit tier and insufferable. now Christmas is coming and someone at my work added all their Christmas music to our playlist. awful

No. 2240503

Nobody has listened to pentatonix since the pitch perfect movies ended

No. 2240608

i didnt think anyone liked pentatonix except my mother

No. 2240637

i believe the current state of higher education is designed to brainwash susceptible young women, elevate stupid women while destroying critical thinking skills, and leave women with a large amounts of debt they have difficulty paying off. a woman who is exhausted by her struggles and easily conditioned into believing whatever moids want is an ideal victim for them to exploit

No. 2240661

Popular here but unpopular outside of lolcow, saying older men are more mature than young men is dumb as hell and sounds like a psyop. Men don't mature they only get old, a man only changes at 35 because he is no longer hot enough to sleep around so he looks for a trad wife and acts like he is pure and a family guy.

No. 2240698

This. For males, mental maturity doesn't depend on age it depends on personality.

No. 2240722

I know so many boomer men who are so emotionally stunted, it's crazy. I get the feeling it's because things were too easy for them so they never had a real need to self-reflect and grow in order to adapt.

No. 2240731

I don't even think people who say that actually believe older men are more mature; it's just that at a certain age they're kinda forced to get a car, a job and they can't get drunk to the point of vomiting and partying all night without punishing hangovers and aching bones afterwards. Moids keep lacking empathy and common sense at any age, but at least an older moid will have the decency to buy you dinner and drive you home afterwards instead of inviting you to chill at home with his parents and leave you walking. Always depends on the moid, though.

No. 2240865

I'm not talking about right wingers or people I disagree with as a whole. I am specifically saying anti-social individuals with a misanthropic worldview. These are the people who become terrorists and violent. It's one thing to disagree over policy. It's another thing to hate your community as a whole and only enjoy suffering. Such people don't deserve to exist.

No. 2241057

I don’t like work from home jobs and only want in person or hybrid. When I work from home I am completely unable to get any work done. I’m usually a very diligent worker and am known as an efficient and quick employee, but if I’m working from home I do basically nothing and I can’t seem to force myself to work no matter how hard I try. I would get fired if my job was 100% work from home. I don’t know why I can’t do it but I’ve accepted it’s impossible for me.

No. 2241078

>female Tifa fans are all pick-mes
And all female Aerith fans are NLOG pick-mes

No. 2241373

Gosh you’re annoying as fuck and still a tranny

No. 2241381

Me when I lie kek

No. 2241426

Holy shit I'm so fucking sick of all the moralfagging around 2D characters here, I mean the site was already pretty moralfaggy but the ugly male psyop thread was the final nail on the coffin. You can't go anywhere in the off-topic boards without having the mood ruined by newfags that think women being held to insane beauty standards while getting chained to real life misogynistic moids that look like toads means they get to shit on any woman that doesn't share her taste. They give you shit just for thinking a handsome guy with some stubble is attractive, yeah I'm sure that's the result of patriarchal brainwashing and you're super oppressed by that hornypost. Thanks for derailing the thread and stopping that evil agent of patriarchy!! These posters are taking true criticism of beauty standards and double standards and taking it to an unrealistic extreme. They don't even have a clear definition of what is part of the psyop other than "anything I don't like". To these clowns, EVERYTHING is part of a psyop, so no fun allowed, guys.

Like none of those characters are even remotely realistic to begin with, they're 100000000000 times more attractive in both looks and personality than the average 3DPD scrote and you have the audacity to say that ackchully it's part of a psyop to brainwash you into worshipping irl hideous males just because the fictional man has a bit of facial hair or muscles or some other trait you dislike?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Go be the fun police somewhere else. Nobody even collectively shat on bishies, maybe you're just mad because some anons said your husbando has a poor and cluttered design or someone said she doesn't get the popularity, but nobody was persecuting you here for your taste in anime twinks except for the schizos that call everyone a pedo. You should have the mental capacity to tell those people apart from the ones that just like 2D """"roidpigs""" and aren't judging anyone, but since you don't maybe that means you're too young to be here? It would explain why you take the UMPO logic to such ridiculous extremes because younger people are more prone to using retarded black and white logic.

It reeks of having been bullied in middle school for liking anime bishies and now having a powertrip to dogpile women with taste that differs from yours, with the excuse that you're actually doing it for the good of womankind, fucking mental insanity. Aren't there more pressing matters IRL than what specific flavor of cartoon man body type is more morally right to like you fucking hypocrite?

I'm so fucking sick of these newfags man.. Like, I don't hate radical feminism or those who make fun of ugly seething men irl, why do they have to ruin things for everyone else on this site? And I'm posting this here because it is now an unpopular opinion on lolcow. We need to bully these newfags more for their retardation

No. 2241453

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No. 2241460

I agree the thread has deevolved into nlog nigel yume wars which is hilarious because in the same breath they say moids are shit while praising some teen moid for his "pre wall" looks which is just before they actually reach adulthood kekkkk so that should tell you what kind of posters these are I would recommend not caring what they say and keep enjoying what you like

No. 2241466

This kek, but they’ll call you a pick me bitch with an old scrote when you tell them that

No. 2241470

I’m ok with women making fun of women for their bad taste. Men literally dump women if their friends don’t find her hot and it keeps women on their toes and ugly women in check. Women need to keep that energy.

No. 2241479

You're no different from moids then though?

No. 2241483

Why would I want to be different from scrotes in that regard? If we acted like men in regards to looks we wouldn’t have to deal with so many ugly men

No. 2241489

Aren’t all women beautiful?

No. 2241490

Things like racism, sexism etc will never end. People aren’t dumb and they know most stereotypes aren’t true most people just enjoy having someone beneath them. Most discrimination isnt due to ignorance, it’s just getting to feel superior at someone else expense.

No. 2241493

No. 2241494

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Made it more accessible my momma said I'm not allowed to say that word

No. 2241499

No all women aren’t beautiful and I’d love to live in a world where ugly women act entitled to young attractive men and hound them, unlike the world we live in now where women spend thousands on hair, makeup etc just to date someone who looks like they live in a sewer.

No. 2241500

Zoomer detected

No. 2241502

No. 2241504

>where ugly women act entitled to young attractive men and hound them
The ugly moid psyop thread is in the hallway to the right

No. 2241510

Almost every man you’re ever gonna date or be attracted to is probably a pedo. Maybe that will help you feel better the next time someone calls a man you like ugly.

No. 2241511

The USA election doesn't affect me and I'm tired of hearing about it as a non-american, where's this energy for my local elections? I'm tired of IRL people saying if the wrong side wins it will be terrible and I just ask what are we supposed to do about it and how will it affect our daily lives and they start doing olympic gymnastics.I miss when no one gave a shit, now it's like a sport.

No. 2241518

I'm gay anyways so kekkk

No. 2241523

America media and culture tends to do that. It’s funny how other countries aren’t as broadcasted.

No. 2241527

But all women are more beautiful than men and therefore any woman can get a young , handsome scrote. It’s the mentality you have to change, young men like older women nonna.

No. 2241535

>I’d love to live in a world where ugly women act entitled to young attractive men and hound them
Be the change you wish to see in the world but you're here so you're a gigastacy by default. ily

No. 2241538

Meh there are definitely some ugly ass women out there but that’s ok. Women are allowed to be physically unattractive.

No. 2241540

yeah it sucks ass, everyone's acting like the world is gonna end, no joke I had people tell me seriously in despair if the wrong party wins the world is gonna end because of (bullshit), from both sides of the aisle. I never see this energy for local political activism and I hate how news only broadcasts america's shit and keeps having predictions, when we have a huge political scandal/tragedy going on.
I hate how normalized americaboos are.

No. 2241544

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No. 2241561

I'm right and you aren't funny

No. 2241563

Margot Robbie's feet are ugly.then again long,big feet are ugly in general.

No. 2241566

It's ok to admit some women aren't physically attractive because even the ugliest woman has more inherent value than the most attractive scrote.

No. 2241567

She’s ugly in general imo. Her head looks like a Lego head or Roblox.

No. 2241572

I disagree with that. I’d rather have my cute dream bf around than some fat smelly woman who abuses her kids and does meth.

No. 2241586

>Keeps ugly women in check.
Hmm. Also the anons who have 2D husbandos aren't eager to throw themselves into a marriage with a 3DPD scrotes anyway kek

No. 2241588

>even the ugliest woman has more inherent value than the most attractive scrote
>I’d rather have my cute dream bf around than some fat smelly woman who abuses her kids and does meth
Kind of weird that you're equating ugly to doing meth and abusing children? Physical unattractiveness isn't the same as moral failure.

No. 2241590

The UMPO thread is either hilarious and based or retarded depending on the time of day.

No. 2241591

Usually physically ugly people do those kind of things

No. 2241595

Nta but you sound low iq

No. 2241596

Meth lady has more value than dream bf

No. 2241602

I mean, you're talking in hypotheticals. Your cute dream bf probably doesn't exist and probably has watched porn his entire life.
>who abuses her kids and does meth.
What the fuck does that have to do with being ugly? Plenty of attractive women do drugs and abuse their kids.

No. 2241605

If a person doesn’t take care of themselves that’s a sign that they don’t respect themselves and you can’t expect someone who doesn’t respect themselves to respect anyone else. That’s why morbidly obese and ugly people are usually terrible people(men and women)

No. 2241612

I’ve met tons of women that I think are ugly inside and out but that’s fine because women are human, and not all humans are pleasant. I’m not going to lie and say all women are beautiful sweet flowers just to be politically correct.

No. 2241621

Low iq

No. 2241628

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Being fat is actually associated with having a low iq btw. Which makes sense because it takes someone pretty dumb to not know how to lose weight.

No. 2241630

there's some cum hoc ergo propter hoc going on here

No. 2241631

If it's a moid you might have a point considering incels and undesirable males go on shooting sprees when they don't have female attention or feel ugly, but even less ugly and even attractive moids do it too. Ugly women are usually out there just existing, some might go down bad paths but women usually just end up being low self confidence and still capable of respecting other people even if they're ugly. I didn't care about how I looked and was fat years ago and it didn't make me treat anyone else like shit or do meth and abuse kids kek. You could also take care of yourself and still be ugly if you're just hideous to begin with, what are they supposed to do about that. Not to mention all the normal but ugly older people who aren't really doing hurting anyone but are still ugly and fat anyway.

No. 2241641

So is being emotionally retarded

No. 2241646

There are exceptions to the rule but in general ugly people have terrible personalities and no self awareness

No. 2241664

How odd that you just described scores of people who aren't ugly as well.

No. 2241665

I feel like there's too many exceptions for that to really be the case, and lots of bad people I've met were attractive. I don't think I was special for being someone who didn't care about my looks but still didn't treat others like shit, it's just female socialization (internalizing you're ugly and bad but not really taking it out on others compared to a male). Also, if I look at older women (let's say middle aged) a lot of them will be ugly and fat by conventional standards yet still not really be terrible people on average at all. Just normal moms or aunts or something who can't be bothered to put in the effort for their looks and let themselves go, that doesn't automatically change their character into becoming horrible, stupid people though.

No. 2241667

Imagine being so retarded that you fall for the halo effect

No. 2241672

ime rough-looking middle aged and old women are often the biggest sweethearts. nonjudgmental and they have take-no-shit attitudes. all the ladies i know are funny as fuck too

No. 2241675

Yeah that's been my experience too

No. 2241679

There are plenty of in shape and nicely dressed old people. I’ve seen plenty of people like that in wealthy areas because they have good careers which means they have the money to take care of themselves. Old doesn’t mean ugly, it usually just means you’re poor and made bad choices in life.

No. 2241685

rolling my eyes at this

No. 2241688

Also middle aged isn’t that old. If you look run down and big as a house at 40, that’s not because of age.

No. 2241690

Why do you sound like the prosperity gospel people in my neighborhood

No. 2241691

I actually agree, you can be old and good looking still. I just brought up the age thing since it's more common to see older overweight people who aren't all rich (like an average person) and it's not like the average older woman is automatically an asshole just because they aren't super well dressed, put together, skinny, etc.

No. 2241695

Samefag, middle age isn't that old sure but it's pretty common to see say, moms in their 40's and 50's who let themselves go or something and it doesn't make them all horrible people all of a sudden.

No. 2241708

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I wouldn’t say they’re assholes but ugly white trash/ghetto people have a look to them. Most of the time they don’t even know the stuff they do is morally wrong because they’re dumb.

No. 2241709

People have children way too willy nilly, if you are not married or unsure about your relationship you should just abort. A child deserves two loving parents

No. 2241711

I feel like a lot of people conflate taking care of yourself with "vapid" stuff like skincare and nice clothes instead of just keeping yourself healthy, it's okay not to care about your appearance.

No. 2241725

If you’re doing stuff like eating healthy, working out and wearing clean/presentable clothes you’re going to usually become pretty doing that alone.

No. 2241732

If they're ghetto/white trash types I can see it being more likely for them to be like that, but you can still just be ugly or fat and not be that type of person. Like if you're just a fat/ugly/unkempt woman that came from a