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No. 2215750

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.

No. 2215753

nobody cares you’re not a mod nobody should listen to you

No. 2215757

where does it say to ignore the rules anon? it actually says the opposite by discouraging infighting

No. 2215765

>Scroll past posts you don’t like instead of arguing

No. 2215769

no ignore them pls don’t give powertrip-chan any leeway
not listening2you!!!!!!!!!!! how2about2that2?(sperg)

No. 2215773

anybody can make a thread nonna kek its not powertripping to add the rules to the new thread

No. 2215779

literally why what’s going on how’s your family how’s your neighbor how’s your brain how’s your food how’s your water how’s it going literally why this why now why this moment why this year why this month why this date Why Christ? why Jesus? Why Pepe? Why farmhands? Why eat………. why live? I’m sad

No. 2215787

NTA but I think pepe as an apostle is kind of cute keeeek

No. 2215794

People who knowingly give birth to disabled children are selfish and evil. If you have the choice, why would you willingly bring someone who will have a worse quality of life into this already miserable world? They aren’t saints for giving up their lives for their half-baked kids, they’re virtue signalling.

No. 2215799

There are good arguments against the death penalty, but "they could be innocent" is not one of them. By that logic no one should be punished ever.

No. 2215801

Do you think if jesus was so used to being covered in blood that he would eat a woman’s pussy while she’s on her period

No. 2215802

this reminds me of how when acacia brinley found out one of her kids was regarded she did a whole song and dance about how she was going to be a mother to a disabled child, and then when R was born she just totally disregarded her and only ever gave her positive attention for virtue signaling purposes as you said

No. 2215803

Women unfortunately can’t detect what they’re going to give birth to. Genetic testing is incredibly expensive and not accessible to most women as well. Also the whole retarded “human rights eugenics” thing because apparently freedumbs and tranny rights triumphs healthiness, order and sanity.

No. 2215807

Poor rosie..

No. 2215808

Hence ‘knowingly’ and ‘willingly’.

Exactly, it’s fucking evil and you know for a fact they will most likely abuse or even abandon the child once it doesn’t serve them anymore.

No. 2215830

Many people have noticed those mothers get off on being the "warrior mom" on instagram or the one who proved all the doctors wrong because their kid lived past two years.

I always thought the mother of the Hartley Hooligan's reasoning for having Lola (the second child) was interesting. She has the opportunity to abort, but said she refused because if she chose to do it, it would be like saying Claire (the first one) shouldn't have existed.

No. 2215832

Her story is truly awful. She lived in Texas at the time she gave birth to her daughter and still does today. A few years ago the state legislature overturned the law allowing for patients to sue for wrongful birth. She was asked if she still wished her daughter hadn’t been born and she said yes, followed by
>“Because I have had the joy of loving her, but I’ve had the sorrow of watching her suffer. She has suffered so much of her life. If she could have come through the suffering and come through it and be able to enjoy her life more, I think it would have been a different issue.
But, no, I could never have said I want her to experience this – just to be born. Anyone who would say they thought that was the right thing to do has not stood and watched a child suffer like this.
I could never have made the choice to have terminated the pregnancy for me or the hardships that it would bring on me. But I could have in a heartbeat for her – knowing what she was going to go through.’”

Minor blogpost but I was born with a defect that is disfiguring. This isn’t BDD or anything, I have had corrective surgeries and am noticeably disfigured. On the scale of minimal to severely affected I am in the middle. My quality of life is fine for the most part, but looking at those on the severe end of the scale I can’t say I would want to go through what they do. Everyone I know who is actually disabled or has been affected by disability like this agrees some people shouldn’t be born. It isn’t cruel to believe that but an act of true empathy and love in my opinion.

No. 2215834

Nta but that’s actually not what happened at all, she pretended her kid had no health issues for years and was totally fine while people could see that the baby was not meeting typical developmental milestones and looking very frail.

No. 2215837

NTAYRT but that is definitely false kek, I was keeping up with her posts as she was finding out about this stuff; and I recall very well her and jairus posting a video during her second pregnancy when they found out she wasn't healthy. I can't find it now but I do vividly remember them finding out she had a disability, and they tried to spin it into some kind of positive "why not us?" thing kek

No. 2215858

I don’t like the banners that come from i.e. Shayna because they come from literal porn. It’s like those ads on a porn website and feels very off-putting when I’m just trying to browse an innocuous thread like unpopular opinions or dog love thread where NSFW stuff is SPOILERED!!!!!

No. 2215859

I actually agree with this. Those banners are always in bad taste to me.

No. 2215860

They are funny i like the one where she dissapears out of nowhere.

No. 2215907

Theres no NSFW banners?

No. 2216119

same, or the pt ones. I just refresh the page kek

No. 2216201

Using terms like "malewife" or "husband wife" is proving that many still think that being submissive is the work for the woman and if any moid acts like a decent human female terms are used for him which means you still uphold gender roles which only takes accountability from women

No. 2216207

Couldn't you use Inspect Element to get rid of it?

No. 2216215

I wish banners were specific to whatever board you're on. I don't want to see Shayna swirling her tongue like a cow while I'm discussing relationship advice on /g/, keep that shit in /snow/ or /w/. Likewise I want to see the glittery cute banners with animals or animu girls on /g/ for example

No. 2216226

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I feel a degree of resentment toward women who worship old, ugly men. They look like monsters, and some of them act like monsters, but they're deluded and have been coddled by idiotic women all their lives. If they just kept it to themselves and admitted their taste was a bit weird, that'd be one thing, but instead, they constantly try to gaslight any other women and girls around them, and say shit like "When your frontal lobe develops, you'll understand" to try and cover for their complexes. Don't even get me started on when they nitpick anyone female for having a single line on their face, saggy tits or a stretch mark. One of the most disappointing things is when you catch them in an honest moment, and they admit that they personally have a crippling fear of aging and being abandoned for not being "young and pretty" anymore. I guess dating older men feels like a cheat code for them, but then they just end up getting dumped for some other younger pickme (or grooming victim), and she won't even have to be particularly attractive. Just young. Then they seethe at the girl, and the cycle begins again. It's even worse when they have daughters they instill those values into. Abuse is allowed to proliferate not just because of male power, but because pickmes keep enabling it and making excuses because they don't give a fuck what happens to other women or even little girls. Some will even help their moids abuse others to gain favor.
Some retarded piece of shit will look at this ugly demon and say "He's handsome". He looks like a chewed up piece of bubblegum, but from the pickme POV, "Men age like wine! He's a real man, not like those numales who actually have hairlines and have showered at least once in their lives", and the real eyesores are those hags in their 20s who dare to have nasolabial folds or eye bags anyway.

No. 2216238

men would literally love to sled all the way to the bottom of that slippery slope. look at what immediately happened with the free the nipple and no slut shaming sex positivity movements. people are saying you’re a fascist if you say it’s fucked up people are wearing butt plug tails and being led around on dog leashes in public in front of kids and people who aren’t consenting to be a part of their sex life. which they become if the people doing this include getting off to being watched by innocent people. which they clearly do. i do think the death penalty is archaic and the state should not have the right to end a life. but i’m really not concerned because most states that still have it don’t even execute anymore and aren’t really looking to start again. countries where it’s a problem are so far past the scope of what if they kill an innocent person that everyone knows already they are and are fighting it. rehabilitation in like the case of a kid who kills their pedo groomer or their pimp are great. but now we are actually talking about how rapists and pedos are misunderstood and um. that’s like first thing that’s going to happen if they get their way. no more punishing thieves and people who assault and rape only coddling them. you’ll get homeless men committing crimes on purpose like they already do only now they can do any crime and it’s cushier and the consequences which already aren’t real will stop even pretending to be.

No. 2216242


Isnt this the man who raped and abused his daughter?

No. 2216249

Yes, and there are still stupid bitches with female pfps/usernames in her comments telling her she needs to "move on and forgive", muh "both sides of the story", that she "has a vendetta", etc. I don't feel bad using his face because he is one such monster.

No. 2216299

Anyone who makes positive statements about BDSM and kinkfaggotry should be forced to attend their local community's parties for at least a year and witness the crazy firsthand.

No. 2216354

when the retards who chose only fans instead of careers or college end up burned and struggling and wanting to compete for the same programs and jobs i worked my entire life for without being a pick me lazy whore, i will have no pity whatsoever when they can’t get the same things i worked hard to deserve. even if they eventually complete a degree and other candidates are chosen for their character instead of them. women who don’t decide to sell their bodies and live off of men struggle enough and are discriminated against themselves. whining it’s hard now that you aren’t shielded from what normal people think of you is crazy. we have no sympathy. you are finally be oppressed for being your gender for the first time after you sold your gender out for easy drug money. we have not been shielded this entire time and have faced harassment and having to prove we aren’t all brainless bimbos. because of whores like you making the rest of us look cheap.

No. 2216440

BDSM is weird and wrong

No. 2216449

That is correct.

No. 2216451

it’s literally men trying to normalize beating and raping their partners

No. 2216614

Samefag wanna add I’ve seen people wearing all kinds of kink related bullshit in public like leashes, collars, those skin tight latex puppy masks, and it’s just more disturbing each time I see it.

No. 2216629

I think there’s a weird association between pain and pleasure definitely. But just because it happens doesn’t mean that they are okay.
I hate the normalization of extreme kinks like BDSM, choking, beating, rape pretend.
If you need to be beat up to enjoy sex you need to see a therapist kek.

I would be profoundly disgusted if the person I’m with is excited by the thought of hurting me. It just makes me viscerally repulsed.

No. 2216631

This is from the POV of the person who is the M in this situation (is that how they get called?). Regarding the one who does the beating/rape/name calling I just can’t fathom how one stumbles on that without the desire of actually doing those things.

No. 2216650

I feel like the focus these past years has just been on prostitutes and how “sex work is work!!” , with little to no regard on women in the working place or in colleges who are actively being discriminated. Just look at how women are treated in STEM , tech and economics kek.

No. 2216653

Or mothers , no one gives a shit about mothers kek.

No. 2216675

No woman objectifies women and upholds the patriarchy more than overweight women

No. 2216678

I missed the fatties hate

No. 2216684

no one cares about discrimination against women at all anymore really and it’s jarring to notice as abortion rights are being taken away. and sorry but what is actually going to happen to us if trump becomes president again? like no one talks about women’s rights at all anymore except like yas kween slay fuck the system just be an only fans thot and that’s like. not for our benefit but for men’s.

No. 2216689

random but i hate when people just drop their unpopular opinion without explaining. stop making me ask!! let me know why nonna give me the insight into your mind

No. 2216693

What is Kamala going to do for women now that we’re talking about the presidential run kek? I obviously think she’s the lesser evil and she isn’t comparable to Trump, but is there truly a politician rn who is pro-women? All of them seem to put TIMs over us.

No. 2216696

It’s just like the libfems who just end up not speaking about women at all, but just advocating for TIMs. It’s pathetic to watch. Women’s rights have been co-opted by gender ideology and now
>abortions rights are trans rights!
>a woman is a woman who identifies as a woman
>sex work is work!

No. 2216697

LC is weird, it’s probably the only imageboard I’ve seen that not only doesn’t discriminate against fatties but actively defends them. Having double digit proana threads and not one fat people hate thread is crazy work

No. 2216698

It’s because there are tons of fatties here nonna.

No. 2216703

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I was about to say, I recall fat people hate being a lot more open and common here. Now, you can't say as much about fat people without some faggot going "rattle rattle". I was gonna ask if the demographic of LC changed, but you just answered my question.

No. 2216706

Whenever I see a woman encourage sex work, objectify other women and encourage it (just see the Sabrina carpenter shows), say disgusting sexual things about female bodies, etc. they’re always fat. This doesn’t just affect the normie side of the world either, in weeb communities it’s always overweight women who love rape vns, ugly bastard hentai, loli etc

No. 2216708

i’m an ex anorexic and i’ve got to say mentally telling myself okay bitch rattle rattle whenever i have thoughts about starving myself for being a normal weight and having crazy body dysmorphia has been more helpful than using the phrases my therapist suggested i counter those thoughts with.

No. 2216710

It’s funny. Hambeasts genuinely think anyone critical of overweight people are anorexics instead of being a normal and healthy weight. Wonder where all of them came from.

No. 2216711

Ntayrt but I agree with this kek, I remember in 2018 if you made fun of someone for being fat on here everyone would just join in but now they take it personally

No. 2216712

yeah not gonna lie i assume so many of the people attacking normal looking women must be ugly fat women coping by being like see? this woman isn’t so perfect looking either. i feel like insane nit pickers always assume we must think they’re 20/10s but that’s never my first thought.

No. 2216715

i’ve gotta say the only people who ever made nasty comments when i was severely anorexic were fat girls. a pregnant bitch at my high school literally pointed to me walking past her like i used to be thinner than her before this! she’s not even skinny and when i glanced over at her for screaming at me and pointing i made a what the fuck? face because of her behavior and she started shoving me whenever she passed me in the hall or the bathroom afterwards.

No. 2216719

Im very thin and flat (not anorexic, no eating disorders you get it) and the women who made unnecessary comments about my weight or chest were without fail always overweight. One of them downright admitted they were jealous of me but it’s still weird.

No. 2216720

nta but i don’t think the autistic nitpickers think that anyone imagines that they look like anything, cause we can’t see each other nonna

No. 2216724

Phoebe Tickner threads were wild if you want a fat cow.

No. 2216727

why don’t we start one?

No. 2216728

Yummy I want to lick your trunk and boobs

No. 2216731

Mean talk actually works kek

No. 2216733

i’ve had a decent amount of boob always except when i was so underweight i was near death and fat women would call me a flat toothpick at a normal bmi. it’s like a weird cope that we aren’t as feminine as them because they have a higher body fat percentage. i think maybe op meant that kind of attitude and that real men want curves.

No. 2216744

also samefagging but oh my god have you ever seen how nasty a woman who goes from morbidly obese to “small fat” gets? especially towards women who were thinner than them their entire lives. it’s like one of the only times skinny shaming is actually real, them pretending that women without as much curve to them are men or when they start nit picking women now that they’re almost a similar weight and feel that because of that confidence boost they are way hotter than they actually are, they just aren’t used to being able to see their own facial features or look at their naked body without gagging. so they cope because now they get some compliments but probably still not as much sexual attention as they feel entitled to and start listing off the people they think they are hotter than now because those other women “are just skinny not actually pretty.”

No. 2216746

The difference between how people reacted to Ritard vs Rancefag’s face reveal really solidified this for me kek

No. 2216753

Do you live in anime land because I have never heard another woman comment on my boobs or commented on another womans boobs ever positively or negatively even close friends

No. 2216767

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I don't think circumcision is comparable to FGM and while I don't agree with the concept of circumcision the men who bitch and moan about it come off as envious crybabies.

No. 2216776

Fuck off yuripedo

No. 2216777

It’s totally not nonna. FGM removes function and often makes sex without any kind of feeling at best or painful at worst. It’s also solely practice to further oppress and punish women.

My mom recently came out with her story about it. We are from a country in Africa where it’s still practiced, at least our tribe does that. They did the grade one on her, so they didn’t sew her up or cut her clit completely, but they cut part of it.
She told me that she doesn’t really feel much sexual desire in the first place and that sex isn’t that enjoyable to her and that she can only orgasm with internal stimulation, which takes time. She didn’t talk about in a weird or disgusting way by the way, I’m just really open with her and I don’t have any problems in talking about these kind of topics.

It was really eye opening for me and I even cried about it when she told me, especially when she told me how they brought her there against her will and how scared she was. Thinking of her as a little girl experiencing that just breaks my heart over and over again.
She also told me that they also pressured her to do it to me too and she actively refused because she didn’t want me to experience it.
Anyway I love my mom and I hope I can one day repay her back for all the sacrifices she made for me.

No. 2216780

They also don’t do it while they’re infants, but when they’re older.
Scrotes barely remember anything, while women who went through FGM often have PTSD about it. Mutilating healthy bodies for no reason is never right, but the two situations aren’t comparable.

No. 2216789

I'm not yuripedo, I just like warm flat chests with hardened nipples mmm~(bait)

No. 2216798

Stop trying to cyber with poor anachan anon

No. 2216809

Nta but some fat girls and women are super fixated on breasts, I guess because they think that’s the one thing they have going for them. My best friend in high school constantly negged me for my b cup and tried to convince me that any guy interested in me was a pedophile. When I was into EGL it was also extremely common for fat women to make snide comments about women with smaller busts who fit into the dresses better.

No. 2216832

Aren't b cups mid?

No. 2216842

Kek, this made me think about that fat actress on Bridgeton.
She’s pretty, but she’s fat. A pretty woman is pretty regardless, but being fat keeps you from reaching your full potential

No. 2216847

Before the fattie crusade comes after me, I find fat scrotes ugly , unlike fat women, and they deserve hate.

No. 2216855

Unpopular opinion: I'd take 100 retarded anti-cut redditors over 1 pro-cut American male any day of the week. Insisting on doing something because it was done to you with no insight is viscerally disgusting.

No. 2216873

No cut men dicks off from its roots

No. 2216979

I’ve experienced the same things. I didn’t understand it at first and took the attacks personally, until somebody else close to them explained why it was happening. Since then, I’ve been able to notice it myself too. Upon moving to another country with more fat and burly women than where I’m from, I’ve experienced unnecessary coldness from colleagues that were fatter and overall “burlier” or “manlier” than me. I look younger than I am and sometimes people that maybe have insecurities about their femininity would be unnecessarily rude to me and even do petty things like gossip behind my back or outright degrade me to my face. Interestingly, the few fat women who were joyous looked feminine despite their weight and they weren’t mean to me at all. It’s typically when their size indicates they’re more “masculine” that I’ve noticed coldness and jealousy.

No. 2217096

Yaoi/yume porn/ any other erotica created by women doesn't count or register as porn to me, like, technically it is porn, but i just cackle everytime an anon is talking about her "severe, shameful, nsfl porn addiction" cause I'd be picturing them watching some fucked up shit with real humans or trafficked women like rape fetish stuff or something, whole time its just some emaciated animu twinks fucking, can't take it seriously fr

No. 2217125

>it’s like a weird cope that we aren’t as feminine as them because they have a higher body fat percentage
Hell nah don't get me started on that insufferable anon who keep posting the same damn copypasta about fat woman being more feminine cause apparently "more fat storage= feminine" and "lean/toned=masculine" kek. We women store more fat than men, that much is true, but that doesn't justify being overweight at all wtf extra copium

No. 2217141

I know what you mean, nonna. I think especially because most of the time it's some over the top tumblr sexyman fantasy that makes me laugh my ass off. It seems more creative and autistic than it does harmful like male-orientated porn is.

No. 2217162

Yeah, don't get me wrong, there's people that get addicted to 2D stuff and well, it is an actual issue for some. But when I think about porn and porn addiction, I picture a person so jaded and miserable they cannot stop cooming to illegal content with real humans

No. 2217189

Wow nona, it's so sad your mom had to go through this, but I'm glad she protected you from experiencing the same and broke the cycle. I wish you two the best! FGM is one of those practices that deeply horrified me when I first heard about it, I can't imagine how traumatizing it must be to experience this as a little girl.

No. 2217190

Same, and yeah, I know 2D porn can have some fucked up stuff, like shotacon and such, but anons could probably say that instead of just saying that they like yaoi a bit too much or that they like to read erotica daily.
Like, they have plots and retarded stuff but it's not porn searched with a tor browser that leads people to a website in, idk, Russian that has illegal shit and masked men in a basement.
I think that's true porn addiction unlike liking to read manga a bit too much or enjoying something like a husbando fantasy or even a selection of retarded videos on rule 34.

No. 2217195

i should be allowed to nuke earth

No. 2217203

I agree

No. 2217205

Please do

No. 2217206

Only if you nuke me first.

No. 2217213

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No. 2217215

Old women should eat my pussy and pay me for that(not an opinion)

No. 2217241

Why even the zoomer men have this sugarbaby attitude now even when they mid with a speed impediment

No. 2217249

Desserts ain't all that, salty snacks FTW

No. 2217265

You're right. I will piggyback off this and say salty and buttery popcorn is way better than sweet popcorn. Eurofags have it all wrong. Americans did it right.

No. 2217270

I like both equally, balance nonnie, ying and yang

No. 2217281

yes. it also explains why people love to say “get this male character pregnant!!!”. i hate it.

No. 2217334

fiction affects reality, it just affects females and males differently. Males are much more malleable therefore the media that they make or consume will likely be a reflection of their true violent intentions. The same can't be said for women, women have morals and are much less likely to actually act violent fantasies out on people. I'm not wrong, look at how porn addiction makes scrotes more violent.

No. 2217342

I turn into a big fat pig for heavily peppered jerky kek

No. 2217348

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what is your opinion on chicago mix

No. 2217359

I think it's partially affected by how someone was raised.
If you teach a kid that fiction affects reality then they'll placebo themselves into thinking it's true and they'll start looking at signs everywhere to construct their identity.
If you smash that down and deny it then it won't, at least not as much. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't also cut things, especially for moids.

No. 2217521

this website has become so soft since 2018, we had fat hate threads in /ot/ back in the day. I'm not against it but I doubt the current mods would allow it

No. 2217626

>if you organize your things youre autistic
>if you fastforward your music youre autistic
>if you have hobbies that you stick to you have autistic hyperfixations
I understand mental illness is common but I'm tired of how normalized its become to the extent where everyone thinks they're mentally ill or neurodivergent. and then when they encounter an actual neurodivergent person they're like "uh wtf is wrong with you"

No. 2217640

My mouth is watering.

No. 2217641

They never mention the only important factor of autism which is a social deficit because it's not cute. I speak as someone who has unabomber typer autism, i cringe when people who are in my class irl brag about being autistic and meanwhile they avoid me like the plague because i'm weird.

No. 2217653

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The second you let "woke twitter" or some tumblr art influence you to think you're trans, you just made your life 10 times harder. No, money is not going to rain on you the second you post your gofundme for a transition. You just made the goal of your life your transition. If you don't have the personality, you're not going to end up on media with unwavering support. You'll be told "all transitions are valid" but if you lack any sort of gender affirming care, trans people from other countries will just see you as a cross dresser and nothing more. Your deadname will still have to be used for just about anything important. Some jobs will not take you seriously and people have will have labeled you as a predator behind your back. You'll be influenced to be offended and have panic attacks over the smallest things. Hormone therapy is going to be costly and bothersome to jump through hoops. And your own friends that you'll have won't even be genuine. Replacing your hormones is such a huge deal because sometimes you won't look like what you want to in your own head. Thus causing more issues. So think about all that before the furry with a trans flag in their bio that harasses who they deem "problematic" influences you into thinking you have dysphoria because you have depression or think you're ugly.

No. 2217660

how is this unppopular here

No. 2217665

My cousin poops on the floor because she’s autistic but that would never make a relatable tiktok

No. 2217680

Nuke Atlanta, GA first please

No. 2217701

Autism is the new depression, give it a couple more years and they’ll latch onto another condition to romanticize and latch onto.

No. 2217706

Kek people are “autistic” and act shocked when they see an actual autistic having a melt down or having clear difficulties just like when fake depressed were bewildered when someone with depression didn’t shower for weeks on end and pissed in a pee bottle.
Self diagnosing is the most retarded thing.

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