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No. 2203166

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like, then, please, lovingly, learn2scroll.

No. 2203170

Some of you here are kids that definitely sucked on their necklaces and ate paper

No. 2203175

ntayrt but you sound confused as hell

No. 2203179

Stop bringing old discussions into the new thread, newfag. It's over.

No. 2203180

It’s actually never been against the rules to respond to comments from the old thread in the new one? People have done this for a long time with no issue

No. 2203183

every time I see this word used in this thread I can't shake the feeling that it is being typed by tiktokfaggies who learned it recently and are eager to keep using it kek

No. 2203184

i was anorexic as a child and my mom bought me a spy club subscription from the book fair. one of my boxes included candy paper to write edible notes on in different flavors and i was delighted that i could eat calorie less sheets of flavored nothing.

No. 2203185

Wrong, it's always been frowned upon to drag out infights from thread to thread. Write it in a diary next time, and stop shitting up the thread because words we use here trigger you.

No. 2203186

This is the real newfag alert kek. Lurk moar. It has never been frowned upon or disallowed to respond to comments from the previous thread, read through old threads of you truly disagree so much.

No. 2203187

trying too hard

No. 2203188

killing a tree is as bad as killing a person

No. 2203189

Please integrate

No. 2203190

I love watching an infight where users are accusing each other of samefagging but the time stamps make it clear that realistically, it has to be a group of people because of the flood detection kek

No. 2203192

TTfags who've been here for two months thinking theyre lolcow experts kek..

No. 2203193

this isn’t unpopular nonny

No. 2203194

>n-no u

No. 2203195

coquettes being self aware about their pedo baiting automatically means they have the exact opposite personality they are trying to say they have. pursuing older men sexually intentionally and then acting pure innocent and chaste is crazy.

No. 2203196

There exists this magical invention called a VPN, you can use it to bypass the flood detection. But be careful!

No. 2203198

if it’s not allowed to respond to old comments then uhh i guess i’ve been breaking the rules for the last 6 years kek?

No. 2203199

oh thank god i finally woke up in the good time line

No. 2203201

>responds with a tiktok phrase
oy vey..

No. 2203202

nta but i don’t really think that an anon would be capable of typing up an entire post, hitting the post button, navigating to their VPN, changing the VPN they’re using, and then posting another response within less than 10 seconds

No. 2203203

I think you could’ve come up with something better but instead of infighting why not go finish your homework?

No. 2203204

To be fair, we had obnoxious discord users running rampant and baiting as a team yesterday. The pattern is always the same with them, and they're easy to spot. Reply 1-2 times, then make a third reply complaining about whoever they're mad at so it looks like the board is in consensus, all over the span of like 10 minutes. They accuse random people who reply to them of being the first person they replied to, too.
The last three replies are them. It might be one person, but either way, it's pathetic.

No. 2203205

Most of the time I think it's retarded when people call the main character of a piece of media "Mary Sue." Sometimes it's warranted but like, they're the protagonist, they need to have SOME special enough quality to justify why the story follows them kek

No. 2203206

This kek, i know VPN hopping is popular but some posts are too close together for it to be one person bouncing through IP's. Its sometimes hard to remember that lolcow is a pretty large website, because everyone is anonymous.

No. 2203208

>baiting as a team
Didn't someone just post an unpopular opinion that other users happened to agree with?

No. 2203209


No. 2203210

Are there a lot of main characters named mary sue or something…?

No. 2203211

they’re delusional if they think the world at large can’t tell. whenever you see coquettes in public they immediately come off as dorky internet-obsessed losers.

No. 2203214

This should be illegal, i hate seeing grown fucking adults in public eating their jewelry

No. 2203215

agreed and i also think it’s weird that it’s almost always only female characters that get called this. yes a lot of female characters are poorly written but like can we be honest most writing isn’t even good and there are so many shitty one dimensional male characters that are way more over the top. no one coined a phrase for them until they started doing it to female characters

No. 2203216

I would say it's actually worse to chop down a tree depending on who you're killing. Between killing a man that's raping kids or is just a general threat and waste of space and chopping down a tree I'd always choose the former and see the latter as a bigger tragedy since trees actually contribute to something

No. 2203217

Where do you live where you see coquettes??? I only see the grungey alt tiktok trendfags or the cottage tradwife type.

No. 2203218

someone said they didn’t care about internet archive and other anons agreed and mods came out saying that there was a school of fish plotting against lolcur

No. 2203219

It amazes me that people exist who have never heard of this term kek it's still used nowadays. It's a term for a character who is way too powerful/"perfect" for their setting without a justified reason, usually in ways that derail or break the narrative.
They have WAY more in common with the manipulative femme fatales they hate so much kek

No. 2203220

I'm not really much of a content consoomer kek so no I had not heard of "mary sue" whoever she may be

No. 2203222

nyc area. they’re pretty rare though, and mostly only see them at malls in the suburbs.

No. 2203224

and also male aligned and porn brained. there are ways to like everything in that aesthetic including the book lolita in a sexually neutral way. even attention whores online in the past come off as more innocent than they do because there is just so much awareness of what you are doing in that aesthetic that it is repulsive to me. honestly makes me worried for actually innocent girls around that age who men will prey on and blame them saying the other girls were aware why weren’t you.

No. 2203225

>internet archive
It's temporarily gone I guess

No. 2203226

how hard is to believe there are retards from the T's social media that go here to bait and epicly own the TERFS/hags/prudes/whatever? most team raiders on the internet are unironically underage

No. 2203228

Nta but kind of because it was a really harmless and unimportant unpopular opinion? anons just got angry for reasons i cannot name

No. 2203231

>bait and epicly own the terfs
…on the topic of internet archive and omegle? disagreeing with someone is perfectly fine and always acceptable, but not everything is bait anon.

No. 2203234

nta but you don't really have to be a consoomer to have heard of the term, it's just a general trope

No. 2203236

Is that what people are upset about KEK? Anons are calling users who confused a cow for Chepelle Roan without makeup baiters??

No. 2203237

every time i see a forest or orchard cleared to make room for another community i hope there is a large fire and it all burns down and can go back to being woodland. hundreds of lives lost just in trees not even including the animals and other plants, just to house a few dozen people, and if any of them are men they are probably rapists. makes me so angry. i wish people would go the fuck away.

No. 2203240

nta but you do have to consoom media to be familiar with the trope, i think that’s what she means

No. 2203241

NTAYRT but anon, not everyone in the world is one person.

No. 2203242

Where did this idea come from? So now every time you post an unpopular opinion it’s written off as discordfagging? I don’t get it at all

No. 2203244

I'm pretty sure the eurofags are sleeping now anon lol

No. 2203245

NTA, but you're replying to one of the Discordfags. Weird, hostile replies at the weird samefagging, infight baiting and sperging being acknowledged, and defensiveness over the Internet Archive argument are them. Just like it was mentioned before, it's always 1-2 replies from them at once because they're new and don't understand how this board flows. They also really want it to look like we all agree with them.

No. 2203246

I wholeheartedly concur

No. 2203247

if we all just keep having a conversation around this boring shit eventually they will stop

No. 2203248

once again, i'm pretty sure the euro discordfags are sleeping now nonny. you need to stop having hallucinations about how every person who you dislike is a group of people trying to fuck with you

No. 2203251

Why don't you build them, anon

No. 2203252

Where was it said they were eurofags?

No. 2203254

Well I was reading last nights thread and all the posts were made at like 3-4 am burger time kek, I'm pretty sure it was either bongs or some other breed of euro that has probably hit the hay since then

No. 2203255

Samefag, note the 3 angry replies at once within a minute of me posting this the first time. They're really bad at this.

No. 2203256

ayrt this basically >>2203254 it’s 11 am in burger land now kek, our demographic changes a little bit as time goes by during the day

No. 2203257

i genuinely pity you

No. 2203258

> oh my god, people are responding to me!!!!!
? were you expecting to be be ignored or something kek

No. 2203259

NTA but this is a busy thread?

No. 2203260

coquettes are female auto whatever it’s called

No. 2203261

it's mostly an aesthetic, they don't do it to please you anyway

No. 2203263

Auto like car fans or? What?

No. 2203265

no way. dude no one sees you as virginal

No. 2203266

NTA but who said anything about sex?

No. 2203268

you look like you’re thirty and creep everyone out

No. 2203270

Anon meant to say Autobots.

No. 2203274

i'm not a coquette, i'm saying your opinion on how they try to look is irrelevant since they're trying to attract men, and it usually does work on them.

No. 2203277

okay good sorry i thought you needed bullying. to be fair anything will work on a man

No. 2203282

well that's the point. women usually do different aesthetics to attract men or to make themselves feel a certain way. it's stupid to bully women on fashion choices imo though, it's all just clothing. none of it actually makes any difference to anything.

No. 2203283

what about women who like both

No. 2203289

some women on lolcow are so cancerous and petty, but some are very nice and have that sisterhood spirit on them

No. 2203291

I feel similarly. It always annoys me when I see more trees being chopped down and nice nature areas I used to go to ruined to create more space for houses or some shitty buildings with people who are most likely subhuman scum. People will call you a hypocrite for this since you're also a human but I'm not the one pushing for higher birth rates (and thus more destruction to make places for the new people) and destroying nature
When a natural disaster takes you out we'll see how godly human beings are lol

No. 2203295

i cant imagine being this miserable and close-minded

No. 2203296

The end slice of bread is the best, I love how crunchy and crusty it is when it's toasted kek

No. 2203298

Now this is a shit take.

No. 2203300

It comes off as so arrogant and naive to me. Imagine thinking humans are anything but ants in the face of nature and the universe and not knowing your place and that you need to co-exist with nature even with technology expanding and human achievements making us less primitive and able to achieve new things. This kind of mentality is also how we got troons thinking they can surpass nature and become women/men through le godly human power and tech advancements and trying to rewrite basic biological facts

No. 2203305

>This kind of mentality is also how we got troons thinking they can surpass nature and become women/men through le godly human power and tech advancements and trying to rewrite basic biological facts
>lolcow tries to not to mention troons for 5 second challange
This board is full of trads who call women with big bones men ain't it?

No. 2203306

not being able to go out into nature and find relief from humans must be fucking hell no wonder they’re so angry

No. 2203312

Not even a trad but ok. It's literally the same mentality if you have two braincells to rub together, it's men thinking they can surpass women and biology and by extension nature. You're just retarded

No. 2203313

I wonder why the word trad is used to describe everything now

No. 2203315

Reminds me of twitter and other social media where if you say anything someone disagrees with= nazi, bigot, fascist etc

No. 2203317

I've have never seen someone so broken as you.

No. 2203322

can you get some brain scans and upload them real quick i want to study your brain

No. 2203324

Is it weird for me not to care all that much about pronouns/names? I've been called a guy/son/dude/him before on accident and it's not really bothered me much. I know I'm a chick and I know you know I'm a chick and you're talking to me, it'd be an issue if you were talking about someone somewhere else, but it just feels awkward when people apologize for stumbling on their words and there's been a few times when I tell them it's fine they seem to think I'm a tif.

No. 2203332

can you name some things you take pleasure in

No. 2203333

Uh nonny bugs are attracted to food and sugar? Over the decades of my life I have never once experienced bugs flying into my eyes? You must seriously need a shower…

No. 2203336

Not really, most normal people don't care about pronouns nearly as much as troons do. I get called male all the time cause I'm gnc, and it's never bothered me because I'm secure in my gender. If someone calls me a boy, it doesn't bother me because I know I'm not a boy. Troons secretly feel insecure in their gender, they know they're just pretending, so they get defensive when others perceive them differently.

No. 2203338

not defending her but bugs do be like that sometimes. if you have good vibes they’ll leave you alone though it’s always the worst people i see bugs getting obsessed with

No. 2203340

Not a troon and hate to be misgendered. Not everyone is a retard like you

No. 2203341

how are you guys even getting misgendered

No. 2203343

I look masculine. Also have broad shoulders. People sometimes thinks I'm a troon because of that. I know deformed looking women who get attacked for being tranny

No. 2203345

the computer? technology? implied that in my post, lol brainlet. this is your mind on grass(ban evasion)

No. 2203346

This isn't me trying to start a fight, but why do you care so much? If you know you're a woman, then why do you care if other people don't immediately recognize you as one? Other people's perspectives don't change who you are as a person, but if there's a deeper reason, I'd like to know so I don't stay retarded.
I'm GNC, and small chested, so with short hair, my build, and the way I dress, I can sometimes be mistaken for a tween boy. At least until I talk, then it's obvious I'm a woman.

No. 2203348

It's normal, most people do not give a shit. Only troons act like being "deadnamed" and called "he" is a violent crime

No. 2203349

Because it means you're ugly. Means you have no value. Means you're not a real woman. Means you have low social status

No. 2203351

>Other people's perspectives don't change who you are as a person
You're stupid if you think that(infighting)

No. 2203352

>is purposely gnc, dresses and styles hair like a tween boy
>gets mad when misgendered

No. 2203353

That anon is either retarded or acting obtuse, can't believe you gotta explain such an obvious thing

No. 2203355

I grew up in a male household so I guess my body language and speech comes off as masculine, I'm also used wearing male clothing due to that being my handmedowns.

No. 2203357

all it means is that you look androgynous.

No. 2203359

that’s it? cos everyone can already tell that cos you’re here you didn’t need to even post about it. your life seems small.(taking the bait)

No. 2203364

Are you autistic? If you look masculine and not "androgyne" it will lower your status in society. There's nothing worse than looking like a man as a woman. Then maybe you'll suprise why those trannies are seen as more woman in society

No. 2203365

I swear some of you guys love to flex how andro and ~gnc~ you look at every opportunity. We get it, damn

No. 2203368

Ntayrt but she's saying she doesn't understand why people get mad.

No. 2203387

Posted this on CC sorta as I was waiting for posting to come back but Maria SH2 is an extremely good allegory to how men try to force and mold women into their own desires.

No. 2203393

I was expecting autism not a recounting of the literal allegory in the game.

No. 2203394

Referring to randoms as "girl" or "sis" is so obnoxious. It always come off as passive aggressive, even if that isn't the intention, I'm not your sis, pal. And if it's meant to be passive aggressive, it's so lazy and dumb that that it offends me more for being lazy and dumb than for being passive aggressive. Also, stop coming up with new "biodegradable" plastics and just recycle the plastic that is around already.

No. 2203399

No. 2203410

most women love making everything about how kawiwi they are and no one says shit. let us have this.

No. 2203414

Sounds like a you problem

No. 2203426

do you mean kawaeyeie nonna kek

No. 2203436

we don’t need to accept furries we need to demonize people into that shit

No. 2203439

There's nothing with book purists or similar groups. It's actually really weird when people who are fans of a book or whatever story that gets an adaptation are ok with the story they supposedly like not being reflected in the slightest and characters just sharing their name.

It used to be that it's fine if a movie or show wasn't word for word the same as a book because that's unrealistic but now adaptations get made and they don't even follow the narrative of it's source material and for the past 10 years people have convinced themselves it's ok

And then people have the audacity to bitch and moan about toxic fans

and they keep doing it over and over and expecting fans to not be angry at changes

It's actually retarded

No. 2203456

This really grinds my gears, especially when the adaption is downright terrible and they blame the books for being shitty, but turn around and call you out for being a book purist for trying to explain that the show is what fucked shit over.

No. 2203466

i think being gay is natural and being straight is natural but being bisexual is caused by mental illness because humans are a monogamous pair-bonding species

No. 2203481

just because my soul mate could be any gender doesn’t mean i don’t mate for life

No. 2203483

>any gender
I smell a TRA/enby.

No. 2203490

It’s just twitterfags not integrating, don’t bother

No. 2203493


No. 2203497

What thread are you talking about?

No. 2203505

Tbf there have been troon lovers and enbies on this site for a really long time, there's no real rule against them as long as they are not male. Plus some have outed themselves for having used this site to torture themselves.

No. 2203510

They all peak eventually OR they are the type to overdose on meth. There is no in-between and only time will tell which one they are.

No. 2203515

I saw some faggot talking about how she had a shaved head and was fine with being mistaken for a male or some shit and I just can’t help but think to myself like why do you feel welcome here?

No. 2203518

your bait is so poor quality i'm not even gonna look up one of the bait images to attach to this reply

No. 2203522

>monogamous pair-bonding species
I think those are swans or something

No. 2203542

It’s the lesbians from /g/ who keep lusting after them because their dating apps have been dry for months, they’re getting desperate and making those loonies seem hotter than they actually are. It grossed me out so much, who gives a fuck if she shares a vagina with you she’s gutter trash why are you so horny for terrible pussy

No. 2203546

I don't think there's a "true" human diet other than eating enough fibre and not being a fatass. The vegan diet is as fulfilling as an omnivorous one, pescatarians are as healthy as mediterranean dieters. The people who think they've cracked the code are delusional if not outright narcissists who want a cult following.

No. 2203548

>Women who don't perform femininity aren't really women, uwu!
It's your kind that don't belong here, fuck off

No. 2203552

ntayart but stfu and go shave your arms(infight bait)

No. 2203554

NTAYRT but that post doesnt say that she isn't a woman kek?

No. 2203560

Go deprogram yourself libfem

No. 2203561

you are dumber than a fish anon, learn to recognize obvious bait.

No. 2203563

Haven’t you ever cringed at gendies performing their self-humiliation rituals anons? Also I don’t think she isn’t really a woman what I’m saying is that I don’t understand why gendies come here when this isn’t fucking tumblr

No. 2203564

When are we gonna stop replying to obvious bait

No. 2203566

Tell us why you think a woman shaving her head makes her a gendie.

No. 2203567

I want them all to post the year they're born are the youth still buying into trannies

No. 2203568

TIL that being a woman with a shaved head makes you a gendie. I better pack up and move into a queer polycule housing group

No. 2203569

are we at a point in time on this website where now not being into gendies is considered bait?

No. 2203570

Is it not blindingly, blatantly self evident that the 'ideal diet' cannot be the same for everyone because humans evolved in different places and had different food sources as a result of climate and environment and so on?

No. 2203575

nta but she identified as having a "masculine personality" in her posts upthread, sounds gendie-ish to me

No. 2203576

It's really not hard to get nutrients and vitamins from easy food I honestly hate the chore of meal prep and planning I'd love a dog food for humans like a fortified pizza or something

No. 2203578

File: 1728696426974.png (359.24 KB, 685x379, plar.png)

Chop chop nonna! Your husband and wife are waiting!

No. 2203579

Imagine a world where lolcow enforces a challenge 25 rule and we ban those that don't hit the mark.

No. 2203581

What does challenge 25 mean

No. 2203587

uh no, its all about DOS dumbass

No. 2203589

Maybe more familiar to brits, you get asked for id if you don't look 25 or older. In this case we have to use their retardation as a metric

No. 2203591

If you're talking about these then that's just you being ridiculous.

No. 2203594

I’m just tired of pretending like i want to see some hacks fanfic
No i want to see the book i like or the book that received critical acclaim

I also think the backlash these retarded studios always face for doing the exact same thing over and over is completely justified

They’re cowards for not trusting directors and writers. Just let them have their own ip

Sorry but an article was released by variety and every problem it cries about can be solved by just making original shows/movies

No. 2203815

feels like I'm one of the few nonnies who likes traps on lc. yes, even the moeblob waifu types. they're appealing to me because they're cute boys who know they're boys and don't have to claim to be girls to be cute and feminine, plus I like characters who exaggerate their non conforminity

No. 2203824

Megan Fox is unattractive and Jennifer's Body sucks.

No. 2203895

You're coping

No. 2204193

Sometimes humans need a little strict control to act right. We started letting people wear whatever they want, and now men and women look like shit or women just go outside basically nude. We took away state run asylums and now the people who would’ve been locked up in the crazy bin back in 1940, are now the homeless population and free to destroy any community they go in and no one stops them.

No. 2204216

I don't think we need stricter rules or punishments we honestly need better world leaders that don't just become memes we need better role models and people we celebrate. People can be very dense and dumb and they yearn for direction and leadership. Get good leaders and people would act right.

No. 2204357

all of those problems can be solved by a more compassionate society

No. 2204372

*by killing men

No. 2204374

Sane human detected.

No. 2204384

Naive. Any system will be taken advantage of, including a “compassionate” system (for who? Victim or perpetrator because you do have to pick?) someone will take advantage of it. That’s why systems need to be created with the greatest harm someone can cause manipulating that system being baked in or curtailed.
The other thing you don’t seem to realize is there are people who want to harm you, for whatever reason they’ve justified in their heads; youre female, youre black, you have a bigger house, whatever. Those people do exist, often times the only thing preventing them from doing something wrong are rules and punishment that have little regard for compassion.
Also what you view as compassionate isn’t so for others. If someone burns your house down the compassionate take someone might have is “oh well, it’s just things” but you’re broke and homeless now and your insurance is refusing to pay out because you left the door unlocked so the lunatic could burn it down. What about cases of rape? Well he’s just a sad boy who had a bitter life and grew up to be a man that raped a nine year old to death but have some compassion!
Grow up.

No. 2204408

I used to think “stupid people shouldn’t have kids.”
Then I thought “poor people shouldn’t have kids.”
At this point, the way society is set up I’m pretty sure 90% of people should not be having kids, myself included.

No. 2204451

It's as important as gatekeeping to preserve the quality of communities. Sometimes humans need force to control our reckless, animalistic side. In this case, two "negatives" make a right. This is how order can be maintained.

No. 2204467

But if I say this should include immigrants, foreigners, people of other ethnic groups I’m suddenly racist for it? If you want trannies restricted then let’s not stop there

No. 2204468

File: 1728757621639.jpeg (291.06 KB, 1800x900, IMG_7776.jpeg)

I hate the anime artstyle. I hate the males being ugly effeminate twinks and the girls having those retarded bug eyes and acting like autistic children. Theirs is also very little variation and im getting bored of seeing this style everywhere and every artist trying to draw in it. I think i mostly just hate the child like proportions in the face and the HUGE eyes. I know the big eyes are suppose to be cute but they make me want to get a fly swatter because they look like bugs.

No. 2204471

You’re going to trigger the fandomfags with this hot take, I agree with you

No. 2204476

Yeah true I hate the worship of neoteony. Think of how many autists grew up on anime and adopted it into their worldview. Now they're retards that are even more softened by being conditioned to feel sentimental towards fucking cartoons. Children need to be raised outside, in the fucking wilderness, and be taught how to fucking chainsaw trees in half and throw wood into a fireplace to maintain the fire. Now theyre fucking consoooming what are basically Barbie dolls with sooper deep backstories. Go the fuck outside, Jimmy and breathe that fresh air instead of staying inside your dusty room gaining fat as you stuff your face looking at these demonic blobs that are NOT real people. It's such a psyop. Why are you humanizing a DRAWING. Fandoms are cults full of wimpy babies. Imagine if they spent hours cutting wood instead of watching Japanese cartoons, holy shit, Japan should've been bombed twice, imagine how much our past generations could've been improved. I love nature. Anime is demonic satanism.

No. 2204477

File: 1728758178826.jpg (58.82 KB, 752x1062, 1000027832.jpg)

The average anime side profile in particular looks absolutely retarded kek

No. 2204478

Go jerk off hag(infight bait)

No. 2204482

in what way is tanjiro effeminated KEK

No. 2204484

I Don’t know who that is as i just pulled this image from google, but he has twink proportions. If he were not a fag then he would be ripped and not a self insert for twink incels.

No. 2204485

NTA but the way Demon Slayer characters look is legitimately offensive to my senses kek

No. 2204487

resembles a baby, kind of weird when you think about it

No. 2204488

> Japan should've been bombed twice
they were

No. 2204489

No I'm humping my pillow rn

No. 2204492

fags are ripped anon, look into bara. Women normally like twinks.

No. 2204494

>Women normally like twinks
You may be closeted trans

No. 2204496

It reminds me of MLP except way less endearing because they're flesh coloured. It's sad because there are SO many legitimately good "anime art styles" but it's the safe, bug-eyed shit with eye swearing colours that gets the most popular.

No. 2204497

never heard of twilight or kpop?

No. 2204501

girls dont have dicks

No. 2204504

Are you a baiting 4chan moid again? Since when is fawning over twilight and kpop a lesbian or troon thing

No. 2204506

File: 1728759576416.jpg (51.73 KB, 480x480, 1000003237.jpg)

>cute guys are basically women
stop right there criminal scum

No. 2204508

I could seriously never get into Jennifer’s Body, it’s just gross to me

No. 2204509

NTAYRT but some kpop band gentlemen do look kind of effeminate in certain lighting. especially if you can tell that they’re wearing a lot of makeup

No. 2204511

>anime reaction picture
You're a scumbag, scumbag. Go wank off to anime on 4chan with your other dysgenic food sensitivity having dopamine hit craving compatriots….(infighting)

No. 2204517

Is there a shortage of decent bait on the market or what?

No. 2204518

Literally looks like Rosé if her makeup artist gave her blocky eyebrows and put a short wig on her I cannot tell a lie

No. 2204521

It's obvious that anons in this website projecting their own internalized transphobia(bait)

No. 2204522

They have the money for penis lengthening surgery just pressure him and tell him it'll restore his honor or something.

No. 2204528

He passes as butch lol

No. 2204530

NTA but calm down kek
Trust me, nobody on this website is "internalising" their troonphobia. Probably just bait, but part of me thinks these could be the fatfags/barafags being salty that no one liked their posts.

No. 2204531

File: 1728760433277.jpg (69.75 KB, 1400x700, 1000014485.jpg)

Honestly I agree, the shitty moe style that is popular among LARPing zoomers is especially jarring. I think there are hidden gems in anime but it's not worth sifting through the sea of psuedo incest and shounen slop shows out there. I can enjoy anime a little more if the art style tones down all the exaggerated facial features, sorta like picrel, but chances are there's shit writing and nearly butt naked female characters.

No. 2204537

Then why are they into men who dress like woman?

No. 2204540

> Internalized transphobia

No. 2204542

Inb4 this turns out to be assmad TIFs projecting their neuroses onto us again kek

No. 2204544

File: 1728760954903.jpeg (11.41 KB, 275x172, ed sheeran.jpeg)

Why would I internalize my transphobia, retard? keek

No. 2204546

> these could be fatfags being salty that no one liked their post
nta but what does post likes have to do with kpop guys looking like women? is this a reference to something i'm too elderly to get kek

No. 2204549

I dont care about dick size, PIV is retarded anyways look at those delicious clit sucking lips awaiting to be used.

No. 2204550

>but part of me thinks these could be the fatfags/barafags being salty that no one liked their posts.
It's definetly the fatfags and barafags they get super salty despite liking the most realistically attainable type of scrote.

No. 2204590

my compassionate society is actually based around protecting victims. no rapists of any kind allowed.

No. 2204602

so female only society?

No. 2204621

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I will say an opinion that is already popular here, but is becoming unpopular outside of Lolcow and it honestly makes me sad. Sweet emotional needy guys are way better than dark triad manipulator toxic bad boys, I hate how most women nowadays have a fetish for evil moids and let them act like shit towards them and to other humans. If you ever look at instagram reels you will see that many women are obsessed with guys who treat them like crap and cope by saying that they are their " twin flames " and psyop themselves into chasing evil moids. I wish society started to fetishize sweet wholesome bubbly men instead of Patrick Bateman clones, women would be so much happier if they chose to do so.

No. 2204628

guys who are emotional and needy are not sweet tho. theyre just as manipulative and love to play the victim

No. 2204629

because genuinely sweet men rarely exist, women cope by fetishizing "bad boys".

No. 2204631

i can dream can’t i?

No. 2204632

Yeah, this. I think Nona meant emotionally intelligent rather than needy. Like guys that are in touch with their emotions enough to not be constipated but aren’t constantly crying all the damn time either.

No. 2204635

this the type of shit that had me thinking i needed to save my abuser

No. 2204658

I think the fetishization of toxic and "dominant" men has many reasons. One of them I never hear being mentioned is that it's so looked down upon to have any standards or needs as for women that they cope by imagining men that force them to enjoy these things. I am specifically talking about media tropes here though. Fictional men that buy their love expensive gifts and don't accept a no, that kidnap them to nice locations where they don't have to work and do chores (not being a gold digger but still getting to enjoy these things, not having to wageslave and do chores all day), that just do stuff in the bedroom and it feels good (not having to train your moid for months until he maybe realizes where the clit is, not having to explain him every little detail like he is some retarded child). This also leads to these fictional men being manwhores because we can't fathom a man who is emotionally intelligent enough to realize what a woman likes in the bedroom by watching out for her reaction instead of having had 10000 sex partners before. They also never respectfully interact with other women because we can't imagine a man that is friendly with other women but never cheats.

No. 2204659

This. I am so tired of the ''i can fix him!'' narrative, i want a cute manic pixie guy to fix me instead.

No. 2204676

Those omegaverse fanfic writers are fucking misogynistic. That “secondary gender” shit is genuinely degrading.

No. 2204679

Still better than an aggressive “alpha male” scrote. And it’s more attractive for a man to be sweet and dreamy anyway. Modern men are so shit, can’t even court right.

No. 2204681

I used to eat toilet paper (unused). I don’t do it anymore but even as a teenager I used to treat myself sometimes, tastes good.

No. 2204744

Nah I rather have a dominant scrote make me submit to him than some man trying to act like a female friend. A lot of men are unironically as exactly what you described with soyboy men, they all pretend to be hypermasculine but they are always whiny and bitch made. I need a scrote to at least be honest and smack the shit out of me when I get out of line but a lot of scrotes are actually weak and pathetic and get weirded out when I want them to actually be a man. Real men don’t fucking exist, I am basically the “real men” of society and I’m not even a man just by the way I act compared to other women. I don’t want to be involved with a man in any sort of fashion anymore and it’s more to indifference and need to separate from their toxic energy that’s not even sexy to begin with.(bait)

No. 2204747

i will never understand women who think this way kek you sound unhinged

No. 2204750

Weak men are for insecure bitch made women, like two peas in a pod so it’s befitting that you like sappy crying twinks

No. 2204752

yeah you are definitely crazy

No. 2204757

such a loser mindset. any man that needs to use his body to dominate me is a weakling and i could dominate him by stabbing that loser to death in his sleep. boring. you want some low tier form of man to play daddy dom to you, don’t you?

No. 2204760

In the real world all the good couples I see are complete normies who are simply best friends and also partners, they have fun together and don't have weird chronically online templates to follow for their personality traits or relationship dynamics.

No. 2204765

>i could dominate him by stabbing him
Righttttttttttttt sure totally. Yeah I rather have a toxic dominant man kek, if he kills me I don’t really care at least he had the balls to kill me.(bait)

No. 2204766

No. 2204767

you sound like a hsts

No. 2204768

So you want an abusive scrote? What the fuck, do you have brainworms? You think a man isn't a man unless he'll slap you around? I hope to god you're a troll or a man, if you are a woman, I pray you never have a daughter

No. 2204769

File: 1728773288380.gif (1.38 MB, 498x460, ew.gif)

ok weird bitch

No. 2204771

>I need a scrote to at least be honest and smack the shit out of me when I get out of line
gws nonners

No. 2204772

it doesn’t take balls to fly into an abusive tard rage and kill a woman lmfao what that is like base level for an ape man. i could run circles around a simple minded creature ruled by his penis and it would bore me. you sound like you’re just into gross kinks and want to be roughed up in bed or something and ask a beta male to like whip a belt at a bed to turn you on.

No. 2204773

Not all stress is bad for you.

It's the opposite of what we're constantly told. Of course too much stress can be bad for you, but I think "too much" isn't a good measurement because what the heck does it mean? Imo it's not really the stress itself, it's the quality of it. I think things that are/feel out of our control is bad stress that affect us negatively. It's not the stress in of itself.

Humans are made for stress, we're curious and we like to problem-solve. We're not plants meant to sit still in one place, we constantly interact with everything around us in a dangerous world. That is the default state. In fact most people relax by putting themselves in stressful situations: exciting games, murder mystery books, action movies. These things induce stress but are instead fun and enjoyable. People work themselves into a wall and burn out, yet it doesn't ever seem to happen to gamers who play stressful high paced games for 100h+ hours a week or people who binge tv shows every night. Exercise is good for your health, and it's both physically and mentally stressful for you!
Another thing is the placebo/nocebo effect. We know for a fact if you tell people something is bad for them, they will literally manifest those bad effect physically even if it's not true that the thing is bad for them. I feel like stress is part of the nocebo effect. If someone is told "wow you must be stressed, that's so bad for your health" they suddenly start actually doing worse even though they had been fine for years. And of course their thoughts are then "omg I didn't realize I was stressed all along!" even though they weren't, they just manifested it recently and now construct a narrative backwards.

If you're worried about the effect of stress on your health, all you have to do is to realize you're actually naturally "extra resistant" to stress. You even thrive in mildly stressful situations, it increases your brain activity which is good for your health. Just knowing this will make the negative effects go away or minimize them by a lot, because placebo is real. By letting me tell you that stress doesn't affect you in a bad way, it will literally stop affecting you in a bad way. It's insane that it works, but it does.

No. 2204774

Kek a man hitting a women is about the most unmanly a man can get.
> What’s that bitch boy? Going to get testerical and hit someone weaker than you because they hurt your feefees? Waaaah. I need violence to make people act how I want!!!
Now a man that beats the shit out of another man for spitting/groping or harassing a women, that’s a man. But a man who’d raise his hand to women or children is a toddler that never grew out of the hitting phase when baby doesn’t get what he wants.

No. 2204776

THANK YOU like you can’t use your words? that’s so fucking embarrassing lmfao

No. 2204777

Homelander is the same weak sopping little bitch that anon wants in a man, my point still stands. Any woman who likes weak sensitive men gross me out and are always narcissists looking for someone to fuel their ego with constant showering of compliments, it’s just insecure women seeking insecure retarded scrotes I would stomp on. Fuck them

No. 2204780

i love how neet women can only think in black and white. yeah girl there’s only two options. you’re so right. you’re sooo smart.

No. 2204781

I meant needy in a "i love you so much please stay with me i do everything!" and not in a " TALK TO ME YOU CHEATER BITCH IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF AND SEND YOU PICS OF MY CORPSE" way. Imagine having a sweet boyfriend who buys you flowers, chocolate, jewels , makes you drawings without you having to ask for it. Sounds like paradise right?
yes they rarely exist unfortunately but if we make a sweet wholesome bf psyop will moids adapt to it?
I hate the "twin flame is le abuser that needs to be fixed " meme, why don't these spiritual women just chase their soul mate instead of the abuser flame ? Some tarot readers tell women the man they are asking a reading about is a piece of shit but they won't listen to the readers and they will keep chasing the shitty abusive moid like he is some sort of victim mysterious boy.

No. 2204782

Are you unmedicated nonny kek

No. 2204783

You seriously think words are solely going to get you out of conflict? No wonder a lot of women are always victims, you seriously think being a deer in the headlights and trying to console people with words is how you get things done. Even the most evil of scrotes figured that words don’t do shit, they eventually just escalate to action. Most women are such weak cowards like the men they chase after, disgusting

No. 2204785

girl i literally said if a man tried to beat me i would wait until he fell asleep and kill him lmfao

No. 2204786

I think the worst stress is when humans get no good experience out of being put under stress. There needs to be some reward in one way or another.

No. 2204789

We don’t use that language here LSAfag, go and use that urban language somewhere else please and integrate(calm down)

No. 2204790

alrighty then, have fun getting beaten to a pulp by abusive scrotes

No. 2204792

sorry did you just say urban hahhahah what the fuck

No. 2204793

I was engaged to a pussy vegetarian and if he wasn't having fucking tantrums over fuck all he was constantly shoving me around or he use to do this thing were he would push his forehead against my head he was like 6ft2 and I'm 5ft7 and he was just an annoying cunt and he would baby talk to me in front of others and it was complete cringe. I thought he'd be nice because he liked animals and painted but he didn't work on his art and when we lived together I discovered how short tempered and shit he is with animals. He had a massive ego for not eating livestock but didn't seem to notice the disconnect in how poorly he treated his pets so much so the cats he took in our separation shortly passed away.

Rip to my stepdad but he was a great partner to my mum. Tough, tall, compassionate, was happy to dance and watch romcoms with us, you knew you could go to him with any problem and knew how to read a room. Idk. Maybe gentleman ran out when gregory peck stopped making movies

No. 2204794

I am sorry but the internet is turning into real life normies are becoming twitter/instagram addicted

No. 2204795

pickme bfs are the natural state for male humans, but we've been cheated by shitty moid psyop. i support this retvrn to make moids pickmes again.

No. 2204796

emotional and needy men dont threaten you, they cry and whine "oo it just feels like i do so much and its never appreciated. ooo youre so pretty why are you with me? ooo i feel like i cant do anything right im trying my best"

No. 2204798

Stop with the blogposting nobody would care if you died tomorrow
Yeah I said that twitterfaggot, we know your kind can’t really read without some letters missing from the words(calm down)

No. 2204799

Sorry you've never had a date

No. 2204800

I hope you get your wish anon, preferably before you or the moid reproduce.

No. 2204801

Rest assured that this isn't true. The vast majority of women do not want to date "bad boys". The ideal for women has always been a sweet, emotionally connected man. The reason you see women online chase after bad boys is… because those are the minority of women who constantly stay single due to only wanting assholes who don't commit to relationships. So they chase after those bad boys who are also single, due to being shitty and unable to keep long relationships. If they had actually been able to date, neither would be visible online in the same way. You do not see the vast majority of women who are in happy stable relationships, because they're focusing on their own relationship and family and doesn't publicly thirst over men online like the crazy singles.

No. 2204806

cool story anon but what's the unpopular opinion? is it that veggie moids are shite or that gentlemen dissipated after gregory peck?

No. 2204807

I couldn't be assed tagging every post about sensitive vs tough moids I just came in. Fuck off lol(infighting)

No. 2204808

Algorithms are becoming so sophisticated at manipulating people. Instead of reading a book to gain holistic knowledge of a subject with the added benefit of training your attention span, they manipulate people by showing them bits of trivia-level information to get them to click on their posts and gain a view. "Oh that seems useful to know, spending hours scrolling on Twitter and Tiktok is a worthwhile activity after all!" This motivates people to stay addicted to these apps.

No. 2204809

i was genuinely asking but it's cool that you wanna be a salty bitch. you do you.(infighting)

No. 2204810

I don’t want to reproduce and have babies with scrotes who can’t even wash the dishes, unlike you nigelfags projecting positive delusional fantasies on to your scrote thinking that dude loves you. I’m not going to engage in a tireless fantasy where he pretends to be a sweetie pie when his kind is a bunch of disturbed monsters, they should just stop lying just to get into the pants of naive women (like yourself) and live in their truth.

No. 2204811

You freaking retard you know a man can dominate you yet be sweet and lovely at the same time right? you are so braindead you think if a man shows affection towards a woman he must be a submissive beta, god you are such a pickme handmaiden it's cringy. There is nothing better than a protective moid who is obsessed with you but in a loving way.

No. 2204813

I mean if you're going to camp in an active thread at least lurk.

No. 2204814

Just stop you retard

No. 2204815

you're the one that didn't tag your posts retard

No. 2204816

Yeah no, that’s not how that works. Men aren’t sweet, they’re excellent actors and know how to mix truths with lies. Everything they do is just to count more tally marks on how much you’ll allow him to get into your pants or to see your weak spots, men are not women and don’t think like us no matter how much you try to write them up to be. They act and think like full blown predators even the ones mascarading as “chivalrous noice nigels”, once you finally stop avoiding this objective fact you’ll be free from your ignorance

No. 2204818

that creature could not get a man to be obsessed with her thats why she’s acting like a pick me lol. such a desperate trait

No. 2204819

What makes you think some women aren't using their nigels too

No. 2204821

File: 1728774835785.webp (532.84 KB, 720x960, IMG_6315.webp)

In my mind Lana Del Ray thinks like this. Do you want the swamp man too nona?

No. 2204822

File: 1728774866734.jpeg (40.56 KB, 265x320, IMG_3837.jpeg)

"I need a scrote to at least be honest and smack the shit out of me when I get out of line"
Bait used to be believable.

No. 2204823

The scrote is pretending to be obsessed to get unlimited all you can eat buffet access to your vagina, you’re a literal retard if you think otherwise. Stop falling for their lies you sorry bitch

No. 2204824

Nonna I think sometimes you might wanna consider copy and pasting posts that you’ve typed out and putting them in your notes instead of posting them

No. 2204827

I don’t get it. Why would he need to smack you if men are stronger than women? Is that not weak of him? Do you want him to smack your children for being out of line too? God we are humans not uncivilised animals. These are the women I don’t feel sorry for biting off more than they can chew and getting beaten/raped by a scrote.

No. 2204828

How the fuck did she even meet him kek

No. 2204829

Unpopular opinion but virgins shouldn't advise on experiences they've never had

No. 2204830

>ooh ooh ooh! i let a scrote penetrate me! i even sucked his cock!
Nta but stfu(infighting)

No. 2204831

She’s disgusting and that man looks like a spit roasted pig that’s been churning on a stick over an open fire for a few hours waiting to be eaten at a Hawaiian luau party. I actually want a handsome older scrote who doesn’t look like he’s going to take me to a pride event

No. 2204832

You sound like someone I know. Are you 18 perchance, with a history on twitter?

No. 2204833

the best hook up with a man is before you fuck them and they’re still trying to earn it. they all start sucking in bed when they feel entitled to your body.

No. 2204834

Sorry about the bad sex or lack thereof

No. 2204835

Aw do you think grasping for straws about my age is going to make your orgasmless sex anymore better? Kek

No. 2204837

are you the anon you said she likes hairy bald older men who are “dominant” with “more experience” and less testosterone than a 20-year-old woman

No. 2204838

NTAYRT but please, for your own good, shut up(infighting)

No. 2204839

Sex isn't scary, you don't need to be so triggered(infighting)

No. 2204840

No, because the person I’m thinking of is 18. If you’re not her than whatever, but she typed like you and I’m pretty sure despite being incredibly cowish (was even posted here once 1-2 years ago) I’m pretty sure she went on LC.
>orgasmless sex
How is your “dominant scrote” giving you orgasms

No. 2204841

File: 1728775364879.jpeg (147.14 KB, 523x463, IMG_2755.jpeg)

The harshest truth an anon could have is that most anons would fuck a Hunter Schaefer tranny just by their standards alone and it makes me cringe

No. 2204843

why do you think so many nonas would fuck a troon

No. 2204844

Would you?

No. 2204845

Anon no one thinks sex is scary you’re just obnoxiously newfagging all over the place and being really annoying

No. 2204846

If you’re still thinking of her I think you should tell her you love her and had a long time crush on her being that obsessed, so heccin adorable! ♥

No. 2204847

where did this come from?

No. 2204848

Everyone answer my poll

No. 2204849

I do actually have a crush on her yeah, so I was hoping it was her
Please stop, even as a joke.

No. 2204850

Are you the retard who was throwing a hissy fit about pretty Kpop moids in the fandom thread

No. 2204851

Have you not been here when Euphoria was still getting episodes? Plenty of them were practically lusting after him just because he was white with milky skin and anorexic.

No. 2204852

yeah i’m somehow on this persons side now. not even as a joke dude. and i do think it’s so romantic she’s thinking of her when she’s brushing her teeth and everything too

No. 2204853

I was the first to answer but I’m a febfem, realistically anyone who has had a boyfriend has had a porn addicted scrotes because they’re all porn addicts (or future porn addicts, once you have a daughter unfortunately)

No. 2204854

>i do actually have a crush on her

No. 2204855

This is the gayest post I've read here today

No. 2204856

Why are you inserting an ip tracker into your poll?? What the fuck is wrong with you?

No. 2204858

VPNs are banned from Strawpoll if you choose that option

No. 2204860

Bit hypocritical of you

No. 2204861

ntayrt but lolcow has an IP tracker too nonna

No. 2204862

How come I could vote with a vpn then?

No. 2204863

She is the most beautiful angel I’ve seen, I would post her but I can’t bring myself to. If you’re reading this please do the bpd switch again and deconvert from Islam, I would take care of you much better than that scrote. I know you want babies but I can figure it out.

No. 2204864

oh shit she’s gonna get her violent scrote to come to our houses

No. 2204865

You can look up Strawpoll and try making a poll yourself, you can see for yourself that it's one of the options. But maybe your VPN just isn't identifiable for some reason?

No. 2204866

unironically hot

No. 2204867

i am so fucking sorry

No. 2204869

I hope you two become happy nona

No. 2204870

Who are we talking about sorry I lurked and still don’t understand what is going on

No. 2204872

interesting. I guess I choose the right one then?

No. 2204873

I'm not that anon

No. 2204874

No. 2204875

I’m actually crying laughing at how people think you’re that other person why are you lying KEKKKKKKK

No. 2204876

>lesbian or virgin

No. 2204877

Which VPN do you use?

No. 2204878


No. 2204879

If they're either of those things then they probably wouldn't have had a porn-addicted boyfriend.

No. 2204881

I mean…

No. 2204885

Lesbicel bitter that her straight crush didn’t reciprocate her feelings so now you’re trying to out her, damn no wonder she probably doesn’t talk to you anymore(infighting)

No. 2204888

I'm straight

No. 2204889

can we have more strawpolls they’re fun

No. 2204894

It would be more fun if we could get more anons to vote.

No. 2204895

Quick say something about cocksucking so they come back

No. 2204899

File: 1728777426752.png (264.27 KB, 1034x1992, reeesults.png)

I think if your bf has a porn addiction that must mean he’s secretly gay, usually straight normalfag guys in relationships will just communicate their sexual needs to you and get the party goin’ instead of going straight to the computer

No. 2204901

To be fair 4 anons answered that they're virgins/lesbians, 2 of them aren't though.

No. 2204902

I voted no because I've never had a bf desu.

No. 2204913

Kekkkk all of these anons lying when the stories being told in the vent thread and /g/ says otherwise. They’re all full of caca

No. 2204916

Kek, nonna
I'm convinced those 2 (3?) are just coping/naive. Also, i kind of expected more anons would vote, would be fun.

No. 2204934

Anon you have to take into consideration that there’s a massive pool of lolcow users and /g/ is seriously one of the least used boards on our site as a whole. I’m pretty sure /ot/fags were the ones answering here. At least I can only speak for myself kek

No. 2204949

I'm surprised that anyone is shocked that even one drop of alcohol is bad for you. Of course alcohol is carcinogenic, you're literally poisoning yourself when you get drunk.

No. 2204986

Agreed, but the closet alcoholics get so triggered whenever you say anything about it

No. 2204992

Exactly theres a reason your body vomits up alcohol even if you don't feel sick

No. 2204994

People don't care. Extremely toxic drugs like cocaine are favoured by retards because it passes through your system rapidly because your body tries its hardest to expel it; so it's also easier to evade drug tests

No. 2205004

okay let me know if this is an actual unpopular opinion or i’m a retard who doesn’t understand movies. but in Brokeback Mountain… aren’t they cheaters and basically wasted those poor women’s’ lives? like yeah yeah i get it one of them was terrified of being lynched for being gay but they still habitually cheated on their families and made everyone around them miserable for decades. it’s not a beautiful love story and i mostly just felt bad for their wives. am i stupid here?

No. 2205006

you're not stupid at all, cuckback mountain fucking sucked slimey boil ridden ass

No. 2205010

It’s really common in real life, so many women found out their husband or boyfriend was cheating on them when they went on hunting trips. I just saw a video of a woman saying all the men in her family (related by blood and by marriage) go on multiple hunting trips per year and her ex husband used to go with them, then when her current husband went he said they were all hooking up with each other and also went to stripclubs. Then the comments had tons of women saying their ex cheated on them with a male cousin or someone on trips like that. I’m pretty sure that most men are bi and closeted.

No. 2205011

Aren’t most people just bi and closeted/denial, in general?

No. 2205013

It's not that far off. There's a reason men are always constantly making jokes about circle jerks and brojobs and whatnot. It's because those jokes sprung from truth. Women may be much more comfortable expressing affection to female friends, but rarely does it ever cross into sexually charged language and scenarios as it does with men, unless those women are genuinely gay/bi. Men are all latent homos.

No. 2205014

NTAYRT but no, nonna. they're not kek

No. 2205016

Kek but it’s funny because both sides are always saying the other gender are actually just all bi, there has to be some kind of conclusion to be made from that

No. 2205017

Hint: it's men projecting onto women like they always do.

No. 2205019

So women are the straighter sex?

No. 2205022

Tbh I think bisexuality is the most common orientation, I know some anons will seethe at that opinion though. I think it’s bi > straight > gay
So many women end up finding grindr on their “straight” moid’s phone, kek. A lot of gay and bi men also love DL men and have almost a fetish for them cheating on their girlfriends and wives with men. They especially love if both men seem straight and the woman thinks the other man is just a friend or coworker. It’s really common too. Also remember when conservative men were gathering to see Trump (or some republican I don’t remember) grindr crashed from having too much traffic in that city

No. 2205024

Yes, the more you observe both sexes the more obvious it gets. Makes sense from an evolutionary perspective too because men are more superfluous than women. We can afford to have more gay men in the gene pool than gay women.

No. 2205025

There was some study done in like the 50s where women were questioned on their orientation, and most were homophobic and denied being attracted to women but answered certain questions in a way that proved they were attracted to women and lying or in denial about it. Around 30% of them were attracted to women, and I’m sure there were even more who knew how to answer the questions intelligently instead of outing themselves. It seems like a lot of women claim to be bi for attention but I think bisexuality is common but people are just in denial or repulsed by themselves

No. 2205032

i mean there’s that whole r/goonercave or whatever sub where those men just jerk off each other to porn and pretend like it’s not the gayest shit ever because they’re looking at breasts and asses.

No. 2205052

If you think about the ways people vehemently deny bisexuality existing it makes sense how few people want to admit it.

No. 2205080

Men who watch porn deserve to get raped

No. 2205108

Can we all agree that Gisleine Maxwell was as much of a victim as the other women abused by Epstein?(bait)

No. 2205111

No we cannot.

No. 2205114

Wow this is some weak bait. At least spell her name right

No. 2205120

I would say it is more mentally ill for men to be bisexual. It is a red flag for me if a man is bi. Fags are already more prone to be mentally ill add that bi men are more of a threat to women. Plus, I remember reading that narcissism and other pathological disorders tend to be common in bi men.

No. 2205127

All humans are bisexual

No. 2205152

Most men have narcissistic traits and tendencies and almost all of them are degenerate so that tracks

No. 2205154

I think bi men are more likely to cheat since other men throw themselves at them

No. 2205157

Don't be pedantic nona.

No. 2205160

Bi men are pedophiles. People often talk about gay moids molesting kids but when you look closely they molest both boys and girls. People use this to mean pedophiles have no preference and that it's about power, when in reality it just means they're bi. And gay male culture makes it easier for them to get away with it (look up the term chicken hawk)

No. 2205162

>Also remember when conservative men were gathering to see Trump (or some republican I don’t remember) grindr crashed from having too much traffic in that city
KEK why are self-hating gay and bi moids the most embarrassing demographic in existence

No. 2205386

religionfags are the OG schizos. and no i dont mean culturally religious people but people who take the bible literally and think the end of times is coming soon or that people can speak in tongues, that there is spiritual warfare happening etc. when you would say all this normally people would call you a schizo but when it's your religion its okay? okay schizo

No. 2205477

Poor people be littering

No. 2205482

>religionfags are the OG schizos.
Not even just schizos, they also act like they have OCD.

No. 2205486

rich people litter the worst but focus on the brokies like they want you to

No. 2205495

Being poor doesn’t make you better or more morally righteous than rich people. There are plenty of poor people I’ve seen out in public and observed their behavior either deserve to be in an asylum or in a gas chamber just as those billionaires funding coca cola militias. It’s a damn shame we made them feel as equal as the rest of us

No. 2205500

I laugh every time someone starts going on about how evil rich people are. It’s always the poor bitches who don’t shower, smell like ass, are rude for no reason, dumb as rocks, ugly (probably from not showering), and waste whatever money they do have on dumb consoomer shit they don’t need, all while blaming everyone else for their problems. Any time I let poor people in my circle, they ignore advice, act rude as fuck, and a couple tried to scam me. One acquaintance even asked me to pay her rent. The entitlement some of them have is insane. Cutting the broke bitches out of my life has brought me a lot of peace and I’d recommend the same to anyone dealing with leeches.

No. 2205514

Me when I’m in a bad mood and start baiting people for fun

No. 2205533

Most creepy children in horror movies are just autistic and autistic children aren't scary, just annoying and I'm not sure they are more annoying than non autistic children anyway, cause those are pretty bad too.

No. 2205544

Men can't be mature, because masculinity lacks femininity, autism can make women masculine mentally which literally turns you into a sensitive baby and a relationship where you're the mother or nurturer is literally impossible. So a woman in a relationship with a man is his mommy always, no exceptions here. Some women even see pedos or rapists as a poor baby and not a monster, cause it sexually turns them on to empathize with men and give them a princess treatment. Autistic masculine women are screwed. I remember seeing teen girls post pics with their bfs lying on their chests like a baby.. It always made me mad, but they were defensive of babying their bfs

No. 2205570

This could probably apply to “horror” movies that come out today but I don’t really think Reagan from the Exorcist is written to be autistic KEK

No. 2205581

What’s your advice to your poor friends anon? To ask their dad’s for money? Kek

No. 2205596

i’m not even rich and this is so real.

No. 2205599

normally it’s to get a job or apply for social services and they never do. or theyre already on them but bitching about their place being small and having to be inspected/kept clean and still having to pay $20 a month. it’s mostly former middle class that feels entitled and used to leech off their old friends and family but mysteriously no one from their old life will help them i wonder why? and now people they barely know should do that for them? like nah what i’m struggling myself

No. 2205630

This website is a hot steaming pile of garbage and you couldn’t convince me otherwise. The admin from before should have honestly just pulled the plug before it got worse

No. 2205632

File: 1728844101950.jpg (46.53 KB, 736x720, 1000000994.jpg)

the only correct and based way to have sex as a woman is having sex with hot young lean moids with good skin, long thick hair on their heads, symmetrical and proportionate features and non dysgenic skull. dont go below picrel looks wise otherwise youre a pickme.

No. 2205636

No. 2205637

Only ever known of rich people to litter because they care more about their “nice car” than the natural environment but nice bait

No. 2205638

earring on the gay ear

No. 2205649

literally go to a homeless camp and let me know how that looks

No. 2205652

Yeah at this point even 4chan is better. This site is full of unlikable spergs who get banned everywhere else, it's a hugbox echo chamber for miserable nobodies. I used to love coming here because the average farmer was at least funny, now she's just bitter and ugly.

No. 2205654

then why are you still here

No. 2205655

mackenyu arata

this type of thinking is what leads men to not take care of themselves bc "gay". Masculinity is a gross and ugly downward spiral in all areas physical and mental. I don't care about what a moid thinks or wants, if he is hot i will objectify and sexualize him, stop handing over the hot men to faggots.

No. 2205656

Weird of you to denounce autistic women as if they are not inherently feminine for being born a biological woman, and instead erasing their identity and essentially making them men. And why are you conflating autistic women with automatically being in support of serial killers and shit? Your hatred for autistic women is why women like me have struggled with their identity forever. And explain how this turns autistic women into babies….and why the fuck SHOULD women be automatic mothers to grown men?

No. 2205663

The absolute need to be edgy spergs makes it difficult to actually talk about anything for fun, people here seriously act like they're laying down some hot take on a reality TV show.

No. 2205667

Its gotta be underaged newfags

No. 2205673

the term "tomboy" is retarded. a woman not wearing makeup, not doing elaborate hair, wearing non reavealing clothing and comfortable shoes, that isnt overly empathetic and is direct and firm about her beliefs and desires does not make her boyish or masculine. a woman is not a performance.

No. 2205674

1. there is no such thing as "inherent" femininity or masculinity. if you disagree AT ALL you implicitly support trannies. feminine = stereotypes/behaviors/etc. associated with women. masculine = stereotypes associated with men. that's it.

2. men have all the emotional complexity of a woman, all of it. if a man ignores or belittles a woman or treats her carelessly he isn't doing it because he just doesn't know any better, he isn't a mindless dog – he simply understands she'll STILL mommy him or crawl back or otherwise make excuses for him. women are punished for feeling things – a spiritual flinch is encoded into every woman's dna. men don't have that flinch, that's the only difference.

No. 2205675

Apples and oranges homeless people living in homeless camps aren’t just poor people they’re feral “people”

No. 2205676

ugly male psyopers make me cringe so bad i promise you no moid cares about an ugly woman on the internet sexualizing him, grow up and move past your scrote obsession. you're not sticking it to men you're just centering them in a more pathetic way by slavering over them like a bitch in heat

No. 2205677

Taking care of yourself and having good hygiene is not at all the same as having your ears pierced as a moid, dumbass. And the earring is literally on the gay ear too KEK?

No. 2205680

I’m an autistic womanchild and according to this site I guess you’re kind of right since apparently my bf is a pedophile

No. 2205682

nta but uh what

No. 2205683

im not trying to stick it to them. i literally said idgaf what men think or want cant you read

No. 2205685

too bad he's a rapist

No. 2205686

Do gay men even do that still? Hadn't it fallen out of fashion in the 90's or something?

No. 2205687

femininity = being a woman
being born as a female = being a woman
What is there not to understand here? You’re saying biological women need to act the way you want or else she’s not a woman? This is how troons are made.

No. 2205688

Please say sike but he's a manlet so i wouldnt put it past him

No. 2205689

two of the poor people i knew who talked shit about the homeless turned out to become homeless themselves when they spent all their money on drugs and got evicted or kicked out by their ex partners so no actually. homeless people aren’t just magically different. they are the exact type of scum that leeches off of people in their final form when people won’t help them anymore.

No. 2205691

obviously they still are if gay guys still have them

No. 2205692

i think its hot and moids should do it. stop assinging gender stereotypes to clothing and accessories.

No. 2205695

>ugly male psyopers
She's doing the opposite of shilling ugly men?

No. 2205696

Nah, real people would off themselves in those situations. So those were never real people.

No. 2205697

clothing has no gender or sex. a moid in a dress is still a moid.

No. 2205698


No. 2205699

i hate to break it to you but everyone is real. including the people you hurt and who hurt you.

No. 2205701

Disagree I think people with no shame count as feral and non domesticated humans so that counts as not real to me

No. 2205703

Jesus was a woman

No. 2205704

what kind of neet or weeb are you. just curious. unrelated.

No. 2205706

if jesus had been a woman there would have been parts of the bible canonizing all rape victims

No. 2205707

based but the even more based thing to do is to ignore men all together. wink wink, all men are the same

No. 2205709

Autistic NEET weeb and I’d kill myself before I’d litter or live in a homeless camp

No. 2205710

We will never truly leave the patriarchy as long as handmaidens and moids cling to their stereotypes about how men and women are supposed to be. Handmaidens are arguably worse in this argument because why the fuck are you, as a woman, judging how other women present themselves?

No. 2205712

ill lock him up in my basement and beat him up and have period sex with him

No. 2205713

That's how I feel about people who don't share my taste in anime

No. 2205714

none of those people were neets who became homeless. you are delusional because you have never had to work for a living or even work to study a subject, you are literally the parasite i’m talking about babe.

No. 2205717

you could become homeless faster than any of those people because your life is limited to the parents you’re leeching off of. those crackheads worked shitty jobs and could hustle and sell drugs for a bit to delay their homelessness. you would literally die because you wouldn’t even be able to find shelter for one night or feed yourself. you wouldn’t kill yourself because you’re better you would kill yourself because it’s that or die from the elements or starvation. you are not better than crackheads, you’re on a drug yourself.

No. 2205718

I’ve studied and have a degree and have attempted to work full time. Im disabled but technically that means I’m NEET. Already tried to kill myself multiple times but my family likes me too much so they won’t let me die but if I were homeless I’d have nothing stopping me because I have enough shame to not litter and be homeless

No. 2205719

girl you are worse than people who partied and ended up that way.

No. 2205720

Homeless druggies who don’t want to suicide and don’t commit their lives to extra judicially punishing evil doers are scum

No. 2205721

Feminine and masculine is just another way of saying fruity and hardboiled.

No. 2205722

like grow the fuck up oh my god. if you could complete a degree you could hold a shitty minimum wage job. you just threaten to kill yourself and make people support your nasty lazy ass out of guilt. that is literally exactly what the crackhead who lied about being sober tried to do when she called me past the time hotels closed saying she needed me to pay for a place to stay. your parents are your abuse victims.

No. 2205723

im not saying they are different and i dont think any moid is human either. women will continue to be straight regardless (although i wouldnt mind if humanity ended) ans i think moralfagging over women being horny is kind of retarded. women just need to reciprocate treating men like meat to use like men hace been doing to women and things will improve but if women just want to ditch men altogether thats fine too. torturing men with the wall and beauty standards or not giving them any attention at all is all the same based to me

No. 2205724

this is like half based. they might as well just kill rapists and pedos and balance it out karmically from the people they scanned.

No. 2205730

let me guess. associates degree and you live at your parents with a child they also have to pay for using your “sciatica” money on korean skin care and they pay for your food and kid.

No. 2205731

i bet you have a cushy life and watched one too many neet videos on tik tok and decided you hit the jackpot. We know what you really are….A WELFARE QUEEN

No. 2205732

DEADASS LOL like i at least respect a crackhead is out there hustling. she’s a lazy baby laying in bed all day for sure.

No. 2205733

cocaine is good

No. 2205734

NEET/Hikkikomori is just white people getting away with being welfare queens by using japanese terms while leeching off their well off parents(unnecessary racebait)

No. 2205735

not unpopular

No. 2205736

Except I’ve left myself to die and not told anyone about it and almost did die multiple times I don’t do it for attention I’d rather just be dead kek I have so many physical conditions on top of mental ones. I’d happily poison or shoot myself because no I truly cannot work and everyone close to me sees and knows that to be fact. But people like me I guess so I’m not allowed to die. I’ve also tried to run away to kill myself and nobody will let me and assures me I’m not a burden but hey if they ever decide not to I’m fine to stop existing

No. 2205738

yuuuupppp. like okay neet. who are you living off of and why do you think that’s different than panhandling.

No. 2205740

Gross I’m not a breeder I have already listed my issues in the vent thread I’m not listing them again

No. 2205741

They have rich parents AND are on welfare?

No. 2205742

you need to work a day in a soup kitchen and see people with every problem you have and then some because that’s your future if you don’t stop being a fucking baby with BPD getting everyone to cater to you or else you’ll kill your self. poor you, you are more loved. do something with that instead of whatever it is you’re doing. what’s your degree in. i will literally fix you since you wanna be so complicated.

No. 2205743

Always wagies mad as fuck they can't game the system

No. 2205744

>moids should do it
>stop assinging gender stereotypes to clothing and accessories

No. 2205746

>poorfag doesn't understand the concept of welfare

No. 2205747

Nah I can’t stand for long or deal with delusional people who are only alive because they believe in god but are too gross and lame for anyone to house them. Couldn’t be me. I hate the homeless they need to either commit their lives to vigilantism or do the right thing and stop being a burden

No. 2205748

That's what the Japanese terms mean? Just because it's in Japanese doesn't mean it's some deep nippon katana shit, it's still losers living off their parents money.

No. 2205749

you are literally the homeless. you do not have a lease or mortgage or own property. if your parents kick you out you will be on the streets.

No. 2205750

being a neet ia understandable actually. I would be more motivated to go outside if it wasnt full of ugly disgusting moids, its literally resident evil except without leon

No. 2205751

no one games the system better than the rich you retard.

No. 2205753

Stop talking about men you likely have no chance of fucking, nobody cares. I’m tired of hearing about men for the millionth time

No. 2205754

Anon, you're a burden too

No. 2205755

crackheads and neets think panhandling and earning $20 for drugs or getting pathetically little on disability is gaming the system while compassionate people who know exactly what they’re on and why they can’t pay their own bills keep them alive out of pity.

No. 2205757

moids should do it because it looks sexy not because its more "masculine" or "manly". Also i never said women shouldnt do it. It looks hot on both sexes.

No. 2205758

I would kill to get on disability, but I’m too young and not severely disabled, but I’m not qualified for sitting jobs and I have really bad plantar fasciitis along with a slew of mental issues. Partial disability would be nice because all I can handle is part time.

No. 2205760

more women should beat men tbh

No. 2205761

so true. Men get boners when they are about to die

No. 2205762

girl you shouldn’t qualify for literal any kind of disability with that shit at all and you clearly haven’t even been ambitious enough to look into it because even full disability gives people like a grand a month max lmfao

No. 2205763

you could literally sit in a toll booth all day this is fucking crazy you haven’t even googled potential jobs

No. 2205764

Laziness isn't a mental disorder.

No. 2205767

sorry neets don’t even exit the house? i knew work or school was too much but that’s crazy those people should be put to sleep what is even the point of them.

No. 2205768

i dont find joy in anything

No. 2205769

everyone is depressed you fucking idiot stop whining and make some meaning in your life like everyone else around you. i literally almost died when i was being raped and tried to end my life when i was a child you people have zero excuses.

No. 2205770

I literally said I’m too young and not severely disabled, what made you think I said I deserve it? I also work so you can hold back your aggression a bit. I just wish jobs would actually accommodate disabled people and it would solve a lot of issues, including NEETs. My last job I was fantastic at and was well liked, but management REFUSED to give me an extra break or let me sit for 5 minutes during downtime.

No. 2205771

agreed. People tgat have tried more than 5 different ssris and are still neets should be given euthanasia.
>t. a neet

No. 2205772

saying you would love to be on it and i thought you were the other person who doesn’t work. are you under 18 because otherwise you would qualify.

No. 2205773

ok but like what is there to do

No. 2205775

that’s literally insane you think you should get extra breaks cos your feet hurt do you think your coworkers love being on their feet all day? you would literally have been allowed to sit if you had a real medical condition and a drs note and could have sued them for wrongfully firing you if any of this was real

No. 2205776

why are you bootlicking her former employer's?

No. 2205779

what do you mean? you could dedicate your life to helping other people in your position or helping to solve these social issues. you could go to school for anything. you could buy a van and make money playing the guitar on the side of the road and traveling. literally anything that seems interesting and then if you don’t like it change your mind and do something else. girl i was beaten and raped and couldn’t drive and still escaped that house with actual ptsd and made it work. you have to be uncomfortable for like one minute and then you are free. let yourself be uncomfortable and then you’ll end up actually being fully comfortable once you have your own space and freedom.

No. 2205781

There is nothing to do as a thirdiefag. I wish i was born american and i wasnt so retarded and shy and actually tried to become a popstar or something hollywood related i would be at least somewhat happy

No. 2205782

honestly fair.

No. 2205786

Im just too retarded to navigate through life. When i was younger i tried my hardest to be disciplined but im actually not that smart so i dont know how to socialize amd climb the ladder and i struggle to get any interest in anything. I was supposed to die young

No. 2205787

Yeah, it would nice but it doesn’t mean I think I deserve it, just like I would love a million dollars but we all can’t get what we want obviously. I’m 22, and I actually do enjoy working and productive I would just like a little bit of reasonable accommodation, and I think other disabled people deserve it too.
I had a note and it was denied by my workplace for being “too vague”. A lot of the times you don’t even need an official doctor’s note and I still had one. A lot of the time all you have to do is fill out a form at HR. I didn’t get fired, I quit because of this and other things that ruined my mental health and now have another job. Where did I ever say I was fired?

No. 2205789

>thinks the average american has a chance of becoming a popstar
KEKKKKKKKKKKKKK thirdies are just as low IQ as they are stereotyped as. you have to have a certain bloodline or get raped by diddy and kanye in a recording studio with nobody to help you to even step further up the ladder in hollyweird, i wouldn’t even wish that on a thirdie

No. 2205790

you at least have a good reason. have you tried to apply to leave? wherever you are you don’t deserve what men have made of your country. are you allowed to have a bank account?

No. 2205791

shut up man. she knows all that shit she’s just dreaming.

No. 2205792

Bisexual women should be shot(bait)

No. 2205793

you quit your job because your feet hurt and you had a bpd freak out.

No. 2205795

Forgot to add this but yeah, I do think people who need the accommodation should have it. If I wasn’t disabled and another disabled coworker needed an extra break, then they should have it and it wouldn’t bother me. Big believer in setting up your employees for success and to bring their best to the workplace.

No. 2205796

there are literally services that you call a free number and everything is navigated for you if you qualify.

No. 2205797

you wish you could have a chicken sandwich with fries and a ice cream dessert with some red40 in it and then go to an outdoor movies without bombs being dropped on you don’t you thirdie-chan

No. 2205798

why do you believe you have more problems at 22 than all your coworkers lmfao

No. 2205799

i live in vermont where i use my job to buy legal weed and vegan fried chicken lmfao

No. 2205800

how much do you weigh

No. 2205801

you do not have a disability you fucking baby. oh wah my feet hurt. so do your coworkers. some of them have actual serious injuries and are working on a broken leg with ptsd and being oppressed more than you could understand and you think you are worse off than them

No. 2205802

Why are we letting this nonna keep instigating and infighting assuming shit about other people kek

No. 2205804

Does it actually resemble chicken?

No. 2205805

can you send me some weed
i weight 100% proud to be an american where at least i know i’m free
and i won’t forget the men who’ve died
who gave that right to me

No. 2205806

Curiosity maybe? The other anon's coworkers' lives she's inventing are getting so complex

No. 2205807

lol fat

No. 2205809

ntayart god nobody gives a shit you bitter nancy bitch, why is it the most miserable cunts always playing oppression olympics with people if you fucking hate your job just quit instead of making your poor attitude everybody else’s problem. “how dare these people have limitations!!! they aren’t as worse off as poor little me who likes to struggle until i’m not longer useful” you’re a fucking retard who’s “working hard” while others are working smarter not harder and getting ahead of you, kys

No. 2205810

I'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA

No. 2205811

it’s shockingly good. if the breading and seasoning is on point it’s better and less gross cos low quality meat will have tendons and fat blended in. you can buy the unbreaded fake chicken in the frozen section and do it yourself or you can find a restaurant that offers it and it’s as good or better than any fried chicken sandwich. the stuff you can buy premade is just okay it’s honestly just bland and needs spices.

No. 2205812

can you stop looking at my ass and saying that? weirdo

No. 2205815

File: 1728850406326.gif (83.04 KB, 566x640, fat peter.gif)

No. 2205817

File: 1728850512178.gif (2.34 MB, 350x350, download (1).gif)

No. 2205818

why don’t you rub your anachan bones together to make yourself a fire and cook something to eat, skellie

No. 2205821

i live in one of the best states and went back to school for my dream career after having the shit being beaten out of me i can’t relate i’m sorry. either lay there and feel sorry for yourself quietly or fix it. you can’t leech and feel superior to others. i’ve had a worse life than most and laid down to die too but guess what when i didn’t die i got bored of it and wanted something else and fought for it. get up and fucking bite the people who did whatever to you and move on to the next thing.

No. 2205824

No. 2205825

not an anachan. ur still fat

No. 2205830

you have to be at least 18 years or older to post here

No. 2205835

Why the fuck is the new youtube link I copied not working, am I cursed

No. 2205836

The funny thing is, you could call any nonny in this thread fat and approximately 60% of the time, you’d be right.

No. 2205837

i could seriously fix every one of you lazy personality disordered bitches if you listened to me and then we could defeat the patriarchy with your autism and man hating abilities but noooooo. such bores.

No. 2205838

not underage either…… fatty!!!

No. 2205846

Please use your powers to fix me, nona.

No. 2205847

fix me nonny, I want to defeat the patriarchy with you

No. 2205848

File: 1728851178867.png (574.31 KB, 500x553, IMG_6658.png)

No. 2205851

by that logic fix yourself first, retard

No. 2205852

maybe we need a lazy personality disordered bitches support group

No. 2205853

No. 2205855

Why do you want anon to wagieslave so bad? What do you gain from it?

No. 2205856

someone make me a thread i’ve had it i’ll do it. you all hate men so much you are literally the most fixable group of people on the internet.

No. 2205857

weird answer but im from latin america so no bombs here. there is just nothing to do around here. Everything is full of trash and tge culture around young people is hypersexual so people just fuck and have a family. There is just not much to aspire to.

No. 2205858

I didn’t assign it kek, that’s literally what it culturally means. If a man has one ear pierced it means he’s gay

No. 2205860

i don’t want her working a minimum wage job i want her out of fucking bed finding something she can do enjoy doing that betters society for women. like fucks sake first she has to work a shitty job to escape her situation then she can work her dream job eventually.

No. 2205861

i fucking did bitch!

No. 2205862

Not involved in stupid infighting prior but I think anyone who says kill yourself in a argument should kill themselves, and that includes me too I guess for stating that.

No. 2205863


Im >>2205781 >>2205786

No. 2205864

Kek this entire site would look like Jonestown

No. 2205865

okay then let’s make a thread. nonnies can state their problems and situations and dreams and we can help them. retarded neet bitches rehab thread. let’s go. and then i will organize you and we can defeat all men.

No. 2205866

Samefag im also >>2205786 im on mobile sorry

No. 2205875

i cannot make any of you famous though you need better dreams than that

No. 2205877

Can you make me infamous instead? I wanna be a bad girl.

No. 2205878

I keep having dreams about nukes exploding near my house and killing all the farm animals and wildlife, what are my career prospects?

No. 2205882

you don’t need me for that just post yourself on here

No. 2205884

woman who inhales vapors and spits out prophecies in a cave by the sea.

No. 2205887

you might be getting prophetic dreams, we are approaching war after all. this is unironic btw

No. 2205891

I think telling other people to kill themselves is wrong no matter how much you dislike them or disagree with them. I hate a lot of the things that posters here say but that’d never make me wanna wish death or sadness upon my nonnies

No. 2205895

do you see a lot of content about destruction or loss of control? cause that could be influencing your dreams nonners

No. 2205898

Underground botanist, we’ll need you in the aftermath.

No. 2205902

No those things don’t do shit but ableists looooove throwing them out like they actually help

No. 2205908

Is that an actual field of expertise? Sounds cool

No. 2205912

Okay bootlicker normie ass neurotypical retard

No. 2205915

Perfect! I'll start trying to find a good cave. I could be like Baba Vanga.
Geographically and geopolitically it'd be dumb to nuke where I live (because my country is a nothingburger trade post) but maybe I'm taking it too literally.
Used to research everything about nukes and Chernobyl when I was a teen but not recently. It's been an on and off thing since and I'm not really sure what the triggrs because I don't follow the news or anything like that.
Unfortunately I'd kill all the plants by accident but if we get chickens and geese in the bunker I'd be pretty good at dealing with those.

No. 2205920

some of us have loving bfs and issues besides mental ones

No. 2205923

Oh my fucking God, who keeps posting John of all people on my LOLCOW?? Why do I've to be subjected to him on my dear LC?! I was chilling scrolling, enjoying the infighting and then there's his face itt WHY, I swear God is punishing me for torturing his ass at ca.i a week ago jfc I'm sick and tired

No. 2205929

none of your boyfriends love you otherwise you wouldnt be on the farms.

No. 2205936

don’t listen to this one. come and join my cult if you have a lamb like moid who will do our work from the inside.

No. 2205942

No nonnas think my bf is an unforgivable pedophile

No. 2205949

My boyfriend loves me because I psychologically manipulate him to. It’s actually a good thing because men get depressed and worthless when they don’t have a woman to whip them into shape and give them purpose.

No. 2205951

he was 15 years older niggaaa and she was 17 das crazy mah nigga

No. 2205953

KEK are you the pedo guarding anon from the vent thread?

No. 2206008

NEET is a term originally used by the British government that Japan happened to start using

No. 2206054

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How do people think NEET is a Japanese thing when the acronym is made up of English words KEK

No. 2206062

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Yet another example of why race bait is allowed, but only against white people.

No. 2206070

most women are bisexual and heteroromantic. most men are bisexual and homoromantic. this explains a lot of behaviours, imo.

No. 2206074

>welfare queens
>leeching off well off parents
pick one, braindead twitterfag

No. 2206080

>apparently my bf is a pedophile
? explain
Being a hikki or NEET is the only reasonable reponse to society. That is my unpopular opinion. The fact that wagies have the audacity to look down on their nose at it like I wasn’t happier back when all I did was chat to online friends, play video games and worship my husbandos than whatever the fuck I’m doing now. Jealousy

No. 2206082

File: 1728858824599.png (14.88 KB, 784x118, kfjncmdl.png)

Yes I agree but I don't think the split attraction model is real I just think the average person leans towards the opposite sex. IIRC when moids get drunk they tend to feel more attraction towards other scrotes or something like that. I think that the average person is technically bisexual they just suppress it. I also think homosexuality is real, just very rare (coming from a homosexual myself) and that the pandemic and the rise of social media has led to more people falsely calling themselves gay because they think ANY form of same sex attraction makes them gay. This is shown in studies too where some women, despite still acknowledging attraction towards scrotes, still call themselves lesbian. I don't think any sexuality should ever be the "norm" but we need to start recognizing the fact that bisexuals probably make up ALOT of the population

No. 2206096

For me it’s that men don’t seem to be capable of romantic attraction to women, that makes me believe in the split attraction model. Whereas bisexual women will always choose an unattractive scrote over an attractive women they are more sexually interested in, simply because they fall in love with scrotes and inevitably turn into limp mindless babymaking machines with no will of their own, due to “love”.

No. 2206112

Women aren't capable of loving either

No. 2206115

untrue i am love personified

No. 2206118


No. 2206126

NTA but the post anon was responding to was accusing white people of stealing the concept of being on welfare from the Japanese. Also racism against white people does exist, ask Croatians what they think about Serbs.

No. 2206144

yeah but apparently she’s reporting him to the fbi and claiming to be 14 currently so I don’t even know what to think. I told him and he seemed unbothered so I don’t know what to think. goddamnit all I’m getting wasted tonight

No. 2206154

damn no one gaf about women, no wonder they troon out

No. 2206242

bubble tea is fucking nasty and overpriced bitch I'm not spending $7 for some sugar balls buried in a cup of syrup leaf and water

No. 2206250

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No. 2206343

File: 1728869361497.jpg (74.41 KB, 564x705, 266184fb096c4fa44abf1b09f46c02…)

lesbian "femcels" exist. the "men fuck anything" argument used to disprove the existence of heterosexual female incels does not apply to lesbians. I've literally never seen an argument used against the existence of lescels that cant also apply to male incels.

No. 2206349

They’re two sides of the same coin.

No. 2206355

I don't mind the number of cctv around the UK if it helps identify sex and human traffickers, rapists etc. As long as I can still buy my weed behind closed doors like a civilised person I could give a fuck if pedos or men thought it was orwellian gone too far they can all fuck off

No. 2206365

Absolutely, I am definitely a lescel. Women will fuck ugly scrotes but not me, how is that not incelpilling

No. 2206483

why does this faggot keeps repeating this in every thread. we're not your incel forum full of scrotes who have never interacted with a woman other than their mom. I'm a woman and obviously I know I have loved before and also seen women uterly devote themselves to their unnatractive undeserving nigels. what a cocksucker.(infight bait)

No. 2206562

Clubbing culture and the quote unquote “dancing” is extremely weird. You are literally dry humping each other in public? Is that not very odd? Also how do you not get turned on?

No. 2206563

Samefagging but even weirder is people thinking it’s weird to expect your partner not to do that. Are you seriously ok with your boyfriend/girlfriend being butt to crotch with someone else? Wtf. That is not controlling.

No. 2206566

Sending nudes is weird. If you’re in a LTR I get it somewhat but it’s still retarded since scrotes share it online anyway. Otherwise though? Not only will other men be passing it around, you are also sending something for a man you are not with to jerk off to your body to. For what, him to send a disgusting picture of some disembodied penis? The fact I hear some women talk about sending nudes to guys like it’s something normal is genuinely disturbing to me, so gross.

No. 2206578

I'm not a cocksucker, there's no way someone who calls women cocksuckers for disagreeing with them goes outside anyway. Women don't love those men, they have no self respect and prostituting themselves to those men. Stop calling everyone who doesn't praise women incels. Women aren't angels or virgin mary, they are humans just like men are. We all here for our own selfish interests. Accept it(bait)

No. 2206586

>white people aren't systematically opressed
>so you're saying white people can't face with racism

No. 2206618

NTAYRT. That's because you have to be a cocksucker to engage in society. Men get mad when other men are simps and call them out, but when women do humiliating degrading shit and you call them out, then the psychology of the responses you get is the weirdest shit I have ever seen in my entire life, I believe other women would perpetrate a real with hunt against you as a revange for you calling them that. On top of that you are insulting women who find a selfless
towards men, degrading act gross, then talk about how we all are selfish as humans therefore women don't love men, contradicting your point. Women love men deeply and unconditionally, if they didn't they wouldn't even be cocksuckers, but instead call other women cocksuckers as men call other men simps. The reason why men aren't selfless in sex, because they have a different position in sex so their sexual attraction to a woman doesn't equal love, submission of selflessness duh. Women supposedly don't love men in your mind, but also women who hate degrading acts that revolve around servicing dick are a losers who don't go outside.

No. 2206630

Women still don't love women in your narrative

No. 2206870

The best type of sibling to have is an older sister, especially as adults.

No. 2206876

All bearded moids should die. The only type of facial hair moids should have max is sideburns.

No. 2206879

If you had a decent one lol.

No. 2206880

It's pathetic for a woman to openly thirst over a man on social media. I just feel secondhand embarrassment every time.

No. 2206886

As someone who has three older sisters, two of whom were physically abusive to me, I have to disagree hard.

No. 2206904

It’s just a matter of personal life experiences

No. 2206908

My older sister is awesome, too awesome. Like she's literally an international pageant queen (she went to MISS WORLD AND MISS UNIVERSE) with a masters degree kind of awesome. I like her but she makes me seethe tbh. It's not good to have a perfect older sister, really weighs on your psyche.

No. 2206912

I’m sorry nonna, I hope you can distance yourself from them. Sibling abuse sucks, given the fact that it’s also downplayed very often.

No. 2206923

You sound extremely low iq. saying that women are capable of love doesn't equate to calling them perfect. It's just a basic emotion that even animals are capable of. The only ones who can't experience it are your beloved fags.

No. 2206934

Olders sisters suck if they are the oldest they end up resenting their younger siblings because they got the short end of the stick. I think middle sisters are better because we (me) got to understand what its like to be both an older and younger sister so we know what is needed to make both our younger and older siblings be at ease. Middle sisters are the best because we are the most understanding but the least remembered until the going gets tough.

No. 2206940

im the youngest sister and i’ve never been able to connect with my older sisters

No. 2207022

only virgins think they enjoy being choked because they have been psyop'd into it and when you get choked in real life it's just so unsexy and cringy

No. 2207026

this should be true but unfortunately with so many families using their eldest daughters for labor and to raise their other kids, it can make them resent their siblings. i wish i understood that earlier because my parents treated my sister like my tard wrangler and she deserved better. she can be a bitch and i'll tell her it though.

No. 2207037

I'm the oldest sister in my family and I have a great relationship with my sister so I say this ego boosting post is objectively 100% true.

No. 2207063

Rocko's modern life>Spongebog
Spongebob is retarded and ugly, hate the yellow bitch.

No. 2207068

What if you like choking men?

No. 2207071

Wrong, unfortunately I love being choked. Inb4 hope some dumb scrote kills you someday, me too.

No. 2207075

How do masochists live with themselves? You're disgusting at the atomic level.

No. 2207082

I mean what part of it is erotic to you? having power over the moid and watch him beg to be set free?
I don't get how it can be hot I was choked and it felt cringy and I wanted to laugh, im not hating I used to think being choked would be hot but turns out I didn't find it hot

No. 2207083

Based, because men were made to endure violence.

No. 2207087

I think it's just a normal part of sexuality. Power imbalances turn people on.

No. 2207097

how could the average woman seriously choke a healthy man unless he were mentally retarded in some way

No. 2207103

Use rope or a cord or something + consent. Or disable him with a taser, then choke him.

No. 2207110

Wanting to get choked is not normal sexuality

No. 2207111

Do you really think women are so weak that their arms will snap if they apply pressure to someone's neck?

No. 2207137

This sounds like i'm fighting for my fight to get away from an assaulter. None of that shit is sexy. Women who are into this are sick in the head

No. 2207161

Sorry to all of you who have had bad sisters and don't agree, especially those of you who struggled/struggles with abusive sisters, I do hope that is not a situation that you have to confront often. I was speaking more in a general sense and not on individual experiences. I will say the nonas who bring up the emotional labour older/oldest sisters have to burden themselves with is a very valid point, this definetly happened to my older sister but she has grown from that (while still being caring as a loved one should).
I know what you mean nona, mine is the same with her being successful. It used to make me feel bad too and I would feel awful in comparison but maturing/aging naturally made me feel happier for her success rather than sad for my lack thereof. I hope you have the same development too, being siblings doesn't mean you'll be a 1:1 copy, you're your own person and naturally so will your life accomplishments and success.
Sorry to hear, I don't have much I can say other than I do hope it improves for you and you can eventually have a good relationship with your sisters if that's something you'd like.
Yay! ILY nona, nice older sisters are awesome.

No. 2207166

I like the feeling of slowly greying out and then coming back. The power thing is hot too. But I’ve also done auto erotic asphyxiation cause I just like the feeling of fading out and coming back.

No. 2207170

Be careful not to get brain damage, nona.

No. 2207171

you don't have to literally asphyxiate them to be choking, you can cut some air supply by lightly choking with one hand and it's still hot

No. 2207172

Nah it's just sensual power-play. The second thing is if it's non-consensual. Hypothetical of course.

No. 2207193

>having power over the moid
Probably that. I think it stemmed from when I was a kid, I used to get into physical fights with my male relatives a lot.
It's just a matter of using your weight, really.

No. 2207198

I could probably use some tbh I wish I was more retarded. Feels like I’m just retarded enough to do retarded shit but not retarded enough to not second guess and worry about everything always

No. 2207214

Technique, leveraging their bodyweight or your bodyweight against their carotid artery.

No. 2207225

my most unpopular opinion especially here on lc is that no good man is submissive sexually. if a guy is “submissive” he either has a fetish for it and is definitely creep, is physically ill or mediocre, or is otherwise low value.

No. 2207227

or very short ,some manlet men develop femdom fetishes because of insecurity.

No. 2207228

yeah and your daddy dom moids don't have any fetishes and are super mentally well. glad you've never met one.

No. 2207232

and hubba hubba masc baddies are any better?

No. 2207234

True. I don't fucking get it. Seems like low IQ behaviour.

No. 2207236

All men have fetishes. If i was forced at gun point to pick the submissive moid who's into women in latex electrocuting his balls or the normie scrote who's into anal, i go with the submissive scrote.

No. 2207237

That's a pretty popular opinion normally, especially if you ask men.

No. 2207239

Before the era of internet brainrot most people did NOT have fetishes

No. 2207241

No man is ever, will ever or was ever, good. End of.

No. 2207242

This isnt true in the slightest. There are reports of men into feet fetishes back in the fucking 1900

No. 2207246

Groom a normal man into it.

No. 2207249

No. 2207251

Go back to Twitter, zoomer.

No. 2207259

I used to have a fetish for submissive men but realized any man into this fetish is as you described.

No. 2207260

File: 1728939568967.png (286.87 KB, 680x543, stop feeding the trolls!.png)

I dont have a problem with bait instigators its the tards that bite it and start 100+ posts about it that annoy me. i mean you could argue it would never happen had the batier not baited in the first place but I get a kick out of people ignoring it and the baiter ends up looking insane and retarded.

No. 2207263

File: 1728939619193.jpeg (23.08 KB, 264x400, Dorothea_Baird.jpeg)

This, feet had a huge trend back at that time.

No. 2207264

It was on some french book about fetishes. I cannot find it right now.

No. 2207266

Because of course it's them.

No. 2207268

There were also furries and transformationfags in the 50s/60s. There isnt a single man who isnt into some weird gross shit.

No. 2207280

People like this were extremely rare now everyone is a freak with some kind of fetish or mental illness, I think it's meant as a le quirky XD substitute for a real personality.

No. 2207281

>extremely rare
you are crazy if you think men were less degenerate back then

No. 2207283

all of those stupid and restrictive "cultural traditions" forced on women till today are fetishes. hope it helps.

No. 2207284

This. Try finding one single men that doesn't get disgusted at women who don't shave. All men are degenerates, there is no point in arguing which degenerate is worse.

No. 2207288

More people who can should work/go to school in the afternoon/evening. I think a lot of people today are mentally unwell because we’re being forced to wake up unnaturally before the sun.

No. 2207297

No, it doesn't help. You are retarded. Never reply to me again.

No. 2207301

you're retarded enough to blame internet for making moids bad, they've always been like this. you must be retarded and naive enough to believe everything they say

No. 2207304

Yeah you're so right the internet has had no impact on human sexuality.

No. 2207311

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Little more context to the pic I posted

No. 2207314

Imo porn didn't change or worsen anything, it just gave an outlet to men who 50 years ago would have kept their degeneracy either as a secret, in the bedroom or with prostitutes.

No. 2207319

David Lynch's movies suck major ass. Twin Peaks as a franchise was a fluke. If he never made Eraserhead nobody would have given him any thought. Tired of his drug addict shills trying to force his fake genius onto people with working brains.

No. 2207327

Thank you for sharing your stupid fucking opinion

No. 2207344

There are literal studies on how porn consumption affects the brain and increases violence towards women. Why would you think that unlimited access to hardcore pornography wouldn't affect a culture?

No. 2207345

you are welcome

No. 2207347

On men only. Which shows its only a moid problem, women arent watching porn and raping men.

No. 2207369

twin peaks is super gross to me now that i'm old and realize just how weird the storyline is. david lynch having daydreams about a daughter getting raped and murdered by her father and trying to turn it into some fantasy franchise isn't art in any way.

No. 2207384

By this logic, wouldn't women be more pedophilic than men or at least on the same level? But an interesting theory nonetheless.
I agree, this isn't normal. Everybody should wake up with the sun instead of artificial time. You're right, it'd be so much healthier.
Kekkkk. Next thread pic, plsss.

No. 2207398

Twin Peaks as a narrative and story was leagues above everything else he's ever splooged out, Eraserhead was fun and what I expected most of his work to be like but instead it's like some octogenarian with alzheimers behind the camera with a posse of pretentious art students who manage to convince him to add this retarded detail and this retarded idea into it. I agree that Twin Peaks, the story of it, is fucking strange with the incestuous rape of Laura, as well as Lynch's other weird fetish of some dark haired femme fatale trying to seduce the innocent man, this time she's a high schooler and he's a detective, oh what fun! His male characters are extensions of himself while 50% of his female characters are essentially personal waifu wankbait and the other 50% are devious darksided waifu wankbait. There's always some element of the woman having her innocence destroyed and ruined in whatever old-ass coomer way. I guess Twin Peaks only gets applauded because it was the normie's first introduction to Lynch and the story is really dark for normie TV, but still. Lynch is a misogynist pig who hides behind shitty avant garde screenplays. Plus he's into that meditation cult. He's a fucking joke and a hack fraud and I'm so fucking tired of people claiming he's some mastermind. I don't want to watch what is essentially some old fuck's boomer wet dream filtered through the lens of phony arthouse aesthetics.

No. 2207400

I did not like legally blonde it's not as good of a movie as everyone makes it out to be.

No. 2207401

Because women develop humiliation and CNC kinks directed towards themselves from watching porn.

No. 2207404

This isnt true, those cringe ass maledom fetishes have been a thing since bodice ripper novels in the 60s plus men already being super rapey in bed.

No. 2207405

To add onto this, Lynch's dogshit filmography is basically a shorthand to signal to people that you're ~not normie~. He's like the selfhating normiefag's way of signaling that they're really into movies and that they like obscure and strange movies which means they like good movies, yes, better movies than YOU! It's so annoying. They could not tell you a single thing Lynch is conveying through his shitty movies but they will tell you it was GREAT! OMG!! WHAT A MASTERFUL DIRECTOR!! He throws shit at the wall and some of it sticks with some people trying to give him a chance. It's like pop astrology, Lynch is pop experimental cinema.

No. 2207455

We need to bring hate channels back. Remember when people in 2016 used to hate everything and critic everybody’s move and instilled some form of shame into people’s cringey/bad behavior? We need to seriously bring it back, we’ve become too accepting of things

No. 2207461

I enjoyed Twin Peaks but his other movies were kind of meh to me. Mulholland Drive is his worst film. He's like a surrealist arthouse Tarantino, in a way.

No. 2207464

>Power imbalance turn pickemes on
I thought beating the shit out of women would be considered bad here. Anon was right, you retards do need to be shamed and women should shame each other like men do for being simps or we end up with retards like you speaking abuse into existence.

No. 2207477

Skill issue. Women being masochist pickemes with zero dignity is not a new problem due to porn or male depravity. The norm here is to forget that women have free will in their actions.

No. 2207491

You're forgetting patriarchy has existed forever so opinion discarded.

No. 2207500

You will reincarnate into one of the women you incessantly criticize and feel superior over

No. 2207511

I prefer the vast majority of foods at room temp. Most things that people prefer piping hot, I’ll enjoy more when they’re cooled to a significant degree. It just tastes better to me, room temp food seems more flavorful.
I do like fries and most soups to be hot though, and for tortilla chips to be warm.

No. 2207514

If being short is such a death sentence for a man then why should we fuck them them and birth short sons? It's not even just a sexual appeal problem, tall moids bully manlets for their height. I deserve a 6ft male.

No. 2207516

Moids are autistic and love eugenics but not when they're the targets. They don't understand that if women were to freely pick their husband's that short fail males would be incredibly rate.

No. 2207520

Basically a man can’t imagine the consequences of what they’re advocating for they only care that their needs are met. Obviously none of them want short ugly fathers or give a fuck what happens to their kids after. Just that they got theirs.

No. 2207619

i also feel this way about bald/balding people men. greasy shiny heads are gross. male pattern baldness. M hair lines are gross, why should i reproduce with you and curse my bloodline like that

No. 2207632

File: 1728965219992.jpeg (55.99 KB, 503x305, IMG_7259.jpeg)

People who love all foam beds (which is most people at this point) got played big time by marketing.
>they’re so superior in quality and cheaper than traditional mattresses to boot!
No they’re not fool you got psyopped. You really think some rolls of foam that’s like 90% air cost more resources or effort than double layer pocket springs, layers of foam and other Material, more microcoils and gel foam topped with a pillow top? They’re cheap because they’re ass. They are ALL either like sleeping on your grandmas parlor plank feeling couch or doing a belly flop off a 20ft diving board

No. 2207644

i like sleeping underneath my mattress sometimes and i disliked how the springs would dig into me whenever i did it. the only pros to foam mattresses are to satiate freaks like me that like to take the step further from a weighted blanket

No. 2207682

why are people trying to convince other people that this rapey shit is what ideal sex is now it makes me feel crazy if someone hit me or choked me during sex i would be like why are you mad at me i’ve literally never even had someone raping me hit me or choke me during it like how much do your boyfriends all fucking hate you call the cops!!!

No. 2207686

>i like sleeping underneath my mattress sometimes

No. 2207839

would you describe yourself as highly sensation seeking? do you or have you done drugs a lot?

No. 2207857

99% of men are pedos and that’s why as a woman you need to be careful who you have kids with because once you end up a single mother, you can kiss your dating life good bye because most men you interact with are just plotting to get to your kids

No. 2207858

Samefag also another unpopular opinion is I think women who allow sa of their kids to go on for years need to be charged with neglect and sterilized

No. 2207914

Kinks can be changed and it's extremely harmful to tell people that kinks are an immutable part of their personally. Men especially should be shamed for getting turned on by anything that harms women, so that they fucking stop. Everyone knows men meme each other into having degenerate fetishes all the time, that alone is proof that kinks are learned behavior.

No. 2207916

It's very common for people to be disgusted by their own fantasies after they get to "try it" irl. I used to scroll Reddit and so many users would cry about how disappointed they were with their kinks kek. Kinks can definitely be changed.

No. 2207917

Wish this wasn't unpopular. Women manage to prove every damn day that we can have fetishes and not let it interfere with our lives.
>"hurr durr it's just a part of muh personality"
Wish it was acceptable to tell those folks "Then your personality needs work."

No. 2207948

The cat haters on this site are way more deranged than the dog haters
Dog haters: my neighbours pitbull lunged at me when I was walking through the neighbourhood. Why can’t they train it? I hate seeing dogs being allowed to foul the streets.thank god this dangerous dog got humanely put down

Cat haters: cat owners are the scourge of the earth and every one of them should be tortured. Look at this disgusting beast I want to put it in a microwave and urinate on the corpse. This scrote who threw a plastic bag full of kittens into a river is based.

No. 2207977

im pretty sure its just one deranged moid samefagging

No. 2207999

Anons here are as sensitive as twitterfags

No. 2208012

gay top men are disgusting and brute but bottom gay men are nice, beautiful and kind.

No. 2208016

you have never met a gay bottom irl have you?

No. 2208036

I have, he was my classmate and he was always nice to me, while the gay top men were always pedoish and larp as heterosexuals to feel better about themselves. Bottom gay men never bothered me as much as top gay men that say "I fucked my boyfriend but I don't even consider him a man he is a faggot that takes it up the ass so he is a woman to me" type of things.

No. 2208041

maybe unpopular on lc but twerking is fun. but i would never do it around men, just women

No. 2208047

I don't know if it's unpopular here, but it seems to be in IT circles - AI will replace a lot of programmers, and while programmers will still exist, they will be paid a fraction of what they are currently. Everything else is a cope to me.

No. 2208049

My gramma was a single mother and a whore in her youth. According to my mom's recall of everything that has happened to her, sadly you are right.

No. 2208051

God i hope. Tranny code monkeys will get replaced by their own creation while furfag artists will keep raking in 10k grands a month from selling sparkledog closed species ocs

No. 2208073

Considering how LLMs work, I very much doubt they can fully replace programmers.

No. 2208079

File: 1729001406635.jpg (454.78 KB, 1750x1400, tumblr_dcb738d953d4920713ac2ce…)

My unpopular opinion is that I strongly prefer OCs, marysues, self-inserts over (racialized) projection. I just hate seeing my favorite character turned into a tumblr mockery. In pic rel, she would be better off as an OC, inspired by a favorite charcter

No. 2208083

Nah they’re both gross. The bottoms are way too confident in talking about women as if it’s their place. The top ones are annoying too.
A man who takes it up his shithole and one who puts it into a shithole has no right to talk about women.

No. 2208153


Its crazy how something reasonable like this would get you swatted by losers

No. 2208252

Saying the reason you don't get approached is because you look intimidating and independant is 100% come, I refuse to believe my scrawny ass is in any way intimidating.

No. 2208259

I think a lot of the time, artists want it to be provocative. Calling them oc or inspired would lead to a kinder reaction, but that's not what they want .

No. 2208263

I genuinely don’t understand what causes people to take pictures of themselves and post them online as if anyone fucking cares what they look like. Why do people do this? And even more when they’re insanely mediocre looking and they have a bunch of their friends hyping them up in the comments as if their mere presence was a gift from God.

No. 2208268

cause they crave attention, nonny. i remember way back in 2011 or 2012 when instagram first became a thing and tumblr was really starting to take off, and suddenly everyone was posting themselves and trying to become popular kek. and mind you this was also back when “social media” was actually for the purpose of socializing, not trying to uphold an aesthetic or build a business or career. Everyone thought they were a model all of a sudden, and it’s only gotten worse since then lmfao

No. 2208274

I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but some people do actually use social media to keep up with friends and family, and some people do want to see what their friends and family are up to, how their lives are going, etc. Especially if they haven’t seen each other in a long time.

No. 2208277

ntayrt but i dont think she was asking why people talk to each other nonna lol, she was asking why posting selfies has become a thing. you don’t need to post selfies to remain in contact with those you love

No. 2208279

It's pretty obvious you have little to no social life at all and I'm not the least bit surprised, you sound like such a miserable bitch. Have you never taken a photo with a loved one when you're both doing something fun? Have you never looked in a family photobook before?

No. 2208296

Taking a picture for the purpose of making memories and storing them to be admired personally isn’t the same as taking pictures to post online or share globally

No. 2208303

You don't always keep those pictures of nice memories hidden away, people like to show them off and talk about them because it makes them happy. Same goes for selfies on socmed, wether it's an OOTD picture or just a nice potrait of themselves. It works as a documentation of ones life too, which I understand isn't for everyone, but that doesn't make it strange or weird. Anon probably doesn't have friends who have any interest in her, having people listen to your life updates and hype you up is just what friends and families (healthy ones at least) do.

No. 2208306

But don’t people usually talk in private as opposed to posting everything on the open internet?

No. 2208310

File: 1729014049536.webp (51.48 KB, 482x698, Image_Yamine_Aku_byXai.webp)

The point of Vocaloid is free, creative reimagining, so I think you picked a bad example for this. Might as well yell at the Japanese people behind Calne Ca or Yamine Aku.
Anyone who'd be provoked by that drawing would be going against the intent of the franchise and its characters as a whole.

No. 2208317

File: 1729014236499.png (82.34 KB, 210x326, 1000028005.png)

Miku even has a canon edgy recolour kek

No. 2208318

No, not really. People share memories all the time on social media. I mean, there's plenty of apps that have a feature to show you your old posts from years ago. Facebook is a great example of people showing off all their great memories, think engagement, pregnancy announcement, graduation, promotion posts, etc.

No. 2208329

Seethe harder. This Miku is peak

No. 2208331

I understand having private accounts where you communicate with your family but I think that anon is talking about people who try to publicly share their personal life across public social media accounts in attempts to garner attention or status.

No. 2208332

>not their faces I get boner on

No. 2208335

There was a trend to draw Miku as different countries. Odd that you only got mad at the black one and not the dozens of other non-Japanese fan pictures people made.

No. 2208337

I don't get it either. Especially when they take the same selfie every 4 days or so.

No. 2208343

I don't see anybody complaining about the million recolors of Miku like Neru or Haku. Quit being an incel

No. 2208364

File: 1729015778876.jpg (233.47 KB, 1365x1870, somalimiku.jpg)

NTA, I thought that trend was a lot of fun, way better than most of the other art trends. It was nice seeing all the different cultural interpretations. The only people getting mad at it were weird racists, and they don't create anything, anyway

No. 2208368

being exposed to porn and fetishes gives people fetishes. people regularly exposed will seek out that content and then those experiences. it’s a well known fact that abusers will test the waters and then escalate their actions. therefore people who make rape porn or who encourage or roleplay with these men should be arrested for inciting violence. sick of being sexually harassed and having men justify it to me that their pick me ex was into it. she should be in jail right along with him for telling him that women are into shit like that.

No. 2208369

File: 1729016183464.jpg (109.36 KB, 850x1133, __hatsune_miku_and_brazilian_m…)

I'm sure they got mad at the trend's originator as well.

No. 2208375

No. 2208378

Never trust when they say an ex liked it.

No. 2208380

Sorry anon I am that ex

No. 2208398

Women look hotter in jeans. Hottest in jeans

No. 2208414

but skirts are so much comfier and your legs feel more freedom

No. 2208415

True. The "ex" is very likely to just be porn he watched although of course women like this exist as well.

No. 2208431

he cited you as a reason his next victim was lying

No. 2208432

Pickme NLOGs exist unfortunately (I kind of am one)

No. 2208445

I can't imagine encouraging a guy with his rape fetish but I know there have to be some women who actually do. It seems like a sorry existence. How do they manage their lives without a moral compass, just letting themselves be controlled by their shitty rapist boyfriend's whims? It's a gruesome world.

No. 2208447

Nah, jeans are more comfy. Wear baggy ones

No. 2208454

No. 2208579

Like nonna kek. It’s funny how she just pointed out the black miku.
It’s not fucking deep, especially when you don’t keep the same energy with Caucasian people who do cosplay. You retarded weeaboos are always the same.

No. 2208585

it's an okay movie and funny t times but I hate the tumblr narrative on femininity attached to it. Stuff can't be fun anymore

No. 2208611

I dislike fat women with pretty faces. What a damn waste, they’d look 1000 times better by losing fat. I’m not even saying to become Ana Chan or anything like that, just get to an healthy weight.

No. 2208663

Looks good tbh

No. 2208664

Patriarchal take, as long as they are mobile enough to take care of themselves then I hope they enjoy all their food

No. 2208666

Well it's unfortunate that people don't exist to please you then isn't it kek

No. 2208669

I get kind of sad when I see a huge fat obese bitch with nice eyes or a sweet face thats destroyed by buckets of fat

No. 2208675

Electric angel, bitch

No. 2208676

For real. Better yet, no one should be able to talk about vocaloid at all unless they can list 10 songs and 10 producers off the top of their head.

No. 2208679

Pickmeism is a mid girl's game.

No. 2208685

obesity is bad but im all for women living their lives however they choose and doing what makes them happy, if thats being a bit overweight and eating burgers then so be it. who cares about 'pretty face' what does that get you, 10-20 years of creepy moid attention tops and a few more likes on tiktok?

lets be honest, most people dont care about womens weight out of health concerns, its always men reeing because a woman has dared to be unattractive to their tastes. fat moids dont get shamed or body policed anywhere near as much as fat women do, even though men are fatter on average. society really hates when women dont appeal to conventional attractiveness. they hate when women take up space.

No. 2208726

I never said I found them ugly, I even said they are beautiful kek. I just think that it’s wasted potential and health. You get to live only once, take care of your body at least.

Being fat is unhealthy, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, from high blood pressure , coronary disease , diabetes and so on. Carrying extra weight is not healthy and will never be, body positivity isn’t “yass you look amazing! Who cares! Eat ! Eat!”.

Fat men are ugly and gross, unlike fat women though, them fat men always speak on women when they should just shut up.

No. 2208736

I’m tired of abstract quirky art. We need to bring back “boring” art and the discipline and beauty in it. I’m sick of AI generated Adventure Time looking slop

No. 2208747

im a 10 but have crippling mental and physical disabilities so im actually a 5 so yeah you’re exactly right actually

No. 2208762

they accuse their exes of being pedos in the same breath as they perform bdsm ddlg shit for the new one and then say the actual rape victims are lying.

No. 2208763

I find it cute when parents asks for help with technology.
My mom is young still, but she’s not really good with some things such as excel or word, given that she’s also a first generation migrant. She has picked up studying again anyway, she got her bachelor degree last year and she’s been doing a master right now (so proud of her! She’s so smart) I’ve helped write and page her thesis as well as taught her excel when she needed it.
I think we should give our parents more grace and get less annoyed when they ask for things, they literally lived a time where internet wasn’t as advanced as it’s now.
Anyway I love my mom, she’s the best.

No. 2208779

Is it really that unimaginable that some women enjoy cnc on their own accord? I’ve been asking bfs to do cnc rps with me since I was 15, and before you assume, I’ve never been a consumer of pornography. I just came with degen fetishes cooked in that activated once I hit puberty.

No. 2208780

Lol you're too pure for this thread

No. 2208782

i wonder how many victims you’ve helped create.

No. 2208785

Rejecting compliments should not be a big deal.

No. 2208788

Sorry but just bc some scrotes can’t separate fantasy and reality doesn’t make me complicit in possible future crimes they could commit based off fucking roleplay games. What a stupid argument. Reminds me of people saying FPS games and GTA type games will make people want to commit crimes when they are GAMES. That’s like saying bc I banged another 15 year old when I was 15 what if they’re always going to be into 15 year olds and how many pedo victims did I create. It doesn’t track and that’s not how accountability works.

No. 2208791

It's stupid because why would it be your fault when it's always the male's fault.

No. 2208792

You have low self esteem

No. 2208797

you encourage men to rape tell them women secretly enjoy it and then when they go on to use that as their excuse to harm actually innocent girls, you think it has nothing to do with you? terminal levels of male-alignment.

No. 2208826

>I just think that it’s wasted potential and health. You get to live only once, take care of your body at least.
>Being fat is unhealthy, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, from high blood pressure , coronary disease , diabetes and so on. Carrying extra weight is not healthy
This is what I also think about fat people, but then I remember I vape and drink and tell myself to stop being a hypocrite
Everyone has their own vices
It's just a lazy ego-boost to feel superior over some dumb shit that is none of my business anyway

No. 2208834

Everyone has a secret side of themselves they never let others see. They keep it caged, but they can't control it.

No. 2208838

Gosh what a retard you are

No. 2208841

It’s the normalization of this bullshit that brought us here in the first place. Kinks should stay behind doors, not normalized. Choking, slapping and pretending to rape isn’t fucking normal, I don’t care if it gets you off. Don’t come here acting as if it’s not harmful and just something cutesy and fun.

Men now assume that any woman likes this bullshit, blame it on porn, media and retarded women like you.

No. 2208845

What Asmongold said wasn’t wrong it’s just another case of right message wrong messenger because he’s a disgusting piece of shit twig that’s eventually going to die from kidney failure and possibly some rare Ice Age disease from drinking his moldy sodas that’s been cooking in his house’s humidity.

No. 2208851

So stay away from them, the beast is ugly. They feel the rage, and they just can't hold it.

No. 2208853

Blame it on men

No. 2208855

I don't appreciate how public kink culture has become. I don't want to see people wearing leather O-ring collars walking down the block

No. 2208857

Some LC users are just as bad as some Tumblr wokescolds.

No. 2208863

ayy fellow Skillet fan
Tbh I think cnc isn't good either tho it's true you're not responsible if the moids go on to commit crimes. Just curious, did none of the moids that did those kinks with you ever become abusive or coercive?

No. 2208865

Seriously, some anons have clearly never left their twitter/tumblrtard phase and should've stayed there

No. 2208872

you dont see how men into rape play are fucked up in the head? jesus.

No. 2208919

yeah the secret side my rapist never showed anyone but me was that he was a rapist who raped me. i’m aware!!

No. 2208923

I need examples of what you both mean to see if it correlates to what I've seen

No. 2208926

Theyre complaining about the people wokescolding them for being into CNC with their boyfriends

No. 2208928

Just KYS faggot. You're literally always wrong about something.

No. 2208930

my rapist actually could have helped what he did he took many actions showing he was capable of thinking clearly planning ahead and even destroying evidence to get away from shit. he wasn’t mad.

No. 2208932

if they had she’d care about the girls who said no. she was saying yes to everyone. why would they do anything but the already fucked up shit she was agreeing to do and telling them all women liked?

No. 2208933

>Men now assume that any woman likes this bullshit
They were going to rationalize raping you one way or another.
Not our fault.
>blame it on porn, media and retarded women like you
Blame it on anything but the men lol

No. 2208937

just because it’s his fault doesn’t mean you aren’t helping and defending rapists. complicit is guilty.

No. 2208966

I'm the reply anon, I have nothing to do with the rapist nigel debate. I was speaking generally. I just hate the posters who use this site as a way to anonymously own the people in their internet friend circles that they have a vendetta against (see any thread about cowish internet communities), or anons who start chimping out schizo style against the fotm lolcow boogeyman they don't like instead of just closing the tab in their browser. You can see it when you examine the people who are annoying enough to publicly post about being le based lolcow user on those sites. They can't just point and laugh at retards on this site and leave it at that without turning it into an infight

No. 2208980

You don’t understand what complicit means.

No. 2208996

Long legs look awful on women but especially skinny long legs.

No. 2209002

limbs can both be too long and too short

No. 2209007


No. 2209010

I miss “weird” sounding music like Devo, No Doubt, B-52s because they were just weird while we have weird artists like Melanie Martinez and Chappell Roan and the others who always inject some garbage queerio agenda into their music, it must be exhausting. They didn’t have to constantly doll themselves up into some larger-than-life persona they were just fucking weird bands and artists who made weird music. Even say even in the 1980s-1990s and 2010s artists sometimes made music with experimental elements in it without them being “IM A BAD GIRL KINKY QUEER LESBIAN PEGGING” so annoying. My tinfoil is that they’re seriously trying to replace Lady Gaga with Chappell kek, everything is so lame nowadays.

No. 2209012

The way farmers talk about women's weight is absurd. She's always too fat or too thin, they have like a 3 milligram window of acceptable weight

No. 2209013

We need to bring back men singing like crooners

No. 2209016

I miss minecraft youtube

No. 2209018

I honestly wonder if there is a cow that has an acceptable body type for farmers. Maybe TND?

No. 2209052

Hell yeah. But only if you mean 20s-30s crooners, not that Frank Sinatra shit.

No. 2209090

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thigh gap = loose pussy(bait)

No. 2209092

File: 1729045610913.jpg (66.82 KB, 656x678, frog (36).jpg)

also farmhands need to get a real job or kys

No. 2209101

thigh gap = best pussy

No. 2209102

File: 1729046177225.webp (17.83 KB, 480x270, 5267973225790.WEBP)

No. 2209108

i agree and DEVO rules

No. 2209112


No. 2209141

nobody with a life worth living is moderating lolcow i fear

No. 2209157

>implying that the post, in any capacity, is a woman
lol lmao even

No. 2209166

I think you're making this up

No. 2209276

Go back to whatever shithole site you’ve come from . Using the n word won’t make you edgy, you’re just disgusting.

No. 2209279

anons will call you a racist pickme but your point is kinda valid since black women are very agressive towards white women(racebait)

No. 2209280

Schizo rant warning kek. You sound retarded as fuck.
None of what you said is true and made any sense, you don’t even know what radfeminism or any kind of feminism by what you’re saying. Also type properly rather than writing like a deranged teen scrote who left high school.
Black women, Arab women and Jewish women don’t envy you retard and are way too busy with their counterparts to think about abortion fetish and getting white women killed.

No. 2209282

you do not get to throw around "low iq" as an insult when you talk like a fucking neanderthal kekkkk

No. 2209283

Some of you really think that you’re the epitome of greatness just for your skin color and that any POC women envies you kek and that any man so badly wants you. Wish you could put this energy in actually something concrete. Scrote of any ethnicity are misogynistic and a potential threat to any woman and yet you’re here focusing on hypothetical angry black women. You’re just a bunch of racists.

This is why I don’t believe in any kind of female solidarity in the first place. Fuck you all.(taking the bait)

No. 2209285

Correct. Fighting against a few other women (which are hypothetical too) does nothing

No. 2209286

White men kill more white women
Black men kill more black women
Middle eastern men kill more middle eastern women
Yet you are here pointing your fingers in the opposite direction.(samefagging)

No. 2209289

File: 1729064356040.jpg (401.99 KB, 1024x1820, 1000018499.jpg)

I wonder how other mixed anons feel when stupid ass race war debates happen. Watching two groups fight even though my DNA came from both, yet I have no real say in the matter. Cause I'm just a little half-breed baby. Yeah I'm just a little half-breed baby. Listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me!

No. 2209291

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Might not be an unpopular opinion here but death of the author is not a real thing. An author is a human being, their beliefs and opinions are going to bleed into everything they make because that's their perception of the world and that's what they are creating from, and so separating the work from a creator just because you disagree with them is fucking retarded in that sense. Even in cases where the creator of something has committed horrible crimes that's stupid, they made that work you like and as unfortunate as it is horrendous, disgusting people can be smart, they can be funny or interesting etc. The Australian head hunter Chopper Read immediately comes to mind to me as a good, though slightly schizophrenic, example.
I'm not saying you have to agree with what they do/did or you must be beat over the head to remind you of what they've done continuously and guilted for liking it (unless it's like Lucifer Valentine tier bullshit, then you should be bullied mercilessly), but pretending something exists in a vacuum just discredits your critical thinking and the work the author put in. Most of the men who wrote the classics or painted the most recognised artworks or composed the most historically important songs were vile and worth less than the sole of a shoe, but that context shapes where they came from when they made what they did, and I think it's important to recognise that even the people considered the best can be pieces of shit. Again, not endorsing anything they've done, personally I'd beat Dotoyevsky with a hot poker if I could despite the fact that I really like The Devils.
Pic unrelated I just wanted to share it.

No. 2209295

Black people aren't less racist than white people, you guys are even racist to those who are darker than you kek. Most racist and misogynistic people I encountered were black women, coming from a Poc

No. 2209296

Samefag, I forgot this was an abnormal thread not to be posted in.

No. 2209300

Girl learn to speak your language first

No. 2209301

>the use of "wahmen", a slang that mainly white scrotes use online
anon, that's not a woman or even a female at all.

No. 2209302

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No. 2209304

Yeah it's a trolling scrote probably
Anyway, my unpopular opinion is that food with fillings is overrated. Especially cream or jam fillings. Jam donuts I really don't like.

No. 2209308

i hate hate jam fillings so much

No. 2209310

What about pop tarts?

No. 2209312

NTA but out of all the food with fillings you could have suggested…

No. 2209315

I think it's interesting that this white supremacist is going around, losing his shit about nonwhite women being "dangerous and unhinged" when that's really just how he's making himself look. Didn't even pull out stats to back anything up. He's not very good at his job.

No. 2209317

Just copy and pasting the same thing too. Very lazy.

No. 2209318

I feel like it's the guy from last time who'd randomly come on here and make ai threads of black women eating spaghetti

No. 2209319

>randomly come on here and make ai threads of black women eating spaghett
Kekk wtf

No. 2209323

I keep asking and nobody ever gives me an answer: what is the punchline to that thread? It said "Everyone in the restaurant when the black woman starts ordering spaghetti"
Is this some cultural stereotype unknown to non-burgers?

No. 2209327

I'm American and idk what it means either. It's just senseless /pol/fag babble.

No. 2209333

I don't think so, all I remember was a different thread of him saying that black women eat their spaghetti aggressively. So I think that's supposed to be the punchline? Assuming he's the same guy behind "white women when they turn 30" (or some other age) paired up with the kiki kannibal photo then dude seems to just say nonsense in hopes of replies

No. 2209349

Cream is delicious though

No. 2209351

ayrt and I hate them hate them hate them

No. 2209380

I like cream but I hate custard

No. 2209435

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Too many women invest themselves in listening to men's opinions, and going out of their way to do the opposite of what those men say they want. It's a fun little troll or whatever every once in a while, but then some of them turn it into their whole MO, and it gets stupid. You're still enslaved to men's desires and commands, dummy, and we all know they pretend to hate things they actually like all the time. It's even dumber when it's done by a certain brand of straight women who still looks to men for companionship above all else. I'll always hate retarded pickmes who attack other women for male crumbs far more, but this kind of behavior irks me too.
It's better in the long run to just ignore men, figure out what you actually want, and do that without being concerned about some scrote's useless dick and whether he'll like it. I get that there are also a lot of girls and women who struggle with that because their entire understanding of themselves is tied around men's opinions and "gaze", but idk, you have to leave that phase at some point and exist for yourself, whether aesthetically, in your hobbies, lifestyle, career, etc.

No. 2209438

bugs me as well that death of the author is also often used to enable wildly off-base analysis that's more about the person writing it (ironic, I guess kek) than the work they're using as a springboard for their soapbox/pet issues. I also don't like the idea of going out of your way to ignore any clarifications/further discussion by the author of a work post-publication when doing analysis/critique, as while the work should stand on its own for the average audience, once you start taking it seriously enough to discuss in a more academic/intellectual way, ignoring those things feels more like a petty disinterest in researching and maybe having one of your cheap arguments undermined (eg if you decide a fantasy creature reminds you of a race of people, but the author says no, it's kinda odd to me to run with that as an argument without changing tack at least a bit in response). Some people just want their own 'interpretations' to be king, and death of the author and similar concepts are just an easy way to make that so.

Lovecraft is a good example imo, since so many have recently profited off of his ideas/shtick through games and novels etc, while also being sure to publicly denounce and ridicule him for his beliefs and behaviours– ignoring that him being a wretched spaz is a core element of why his stories are the way they are and have the themes/ideas that they do. I don't care for him/his work, but the behaviour surrounding it is interesting.

No. 2209448

i love this post so much especially the last sentence!

No. 2209455

Listen to this nona, for she speaks the truth.

No. 2209457

>I'll always hate retarded pickmes who attack other women for male crumbs far more
Isn't that what you're doing right now?

No. 2209460

>post criticizes the behavior of desperate women who attempt to attract men at a detriment to their personal development
>"umm anon by criticizing a woman aren't YOU a pickme that performs for the mail gays?"
go back to school

No. 2209488

>It's better in the long run to just ignore men, figure out what you actually want, and do that without being concerned about some scrote's useless dick and whether he'll like it.

No. 2209510

incredibly based

No. 2209516

I like zoomer speak. Especially how confusing it appears to much older people (50+). I enjoy the funny "Gen Z filmed my advertisement" shorts although I know it's probably already beaten into the ground. I also think it's funny when little kids say shit like "that's cap" or "that's on cream of mushroom soup" because it's just amusing. It's the best when you use it on your bosses for whatever reason, just something casual, and never speak like it again. It keeps them on their toes.

No. 2209537

Managers and coworkers who insist on making everyone in the team socialize with them and each other need to fuck off. I hate them, they're the same annoying kids at school who would harass anyone introverted for being alone and playing video games or reading a book during recess because they thought these kids were lonely and potential school shooters as opposed to just minding their own business. I'm so close to quitting my job over this but most office jobs work the same way, which is why I think my post belongs in this thread. I can't be weird for wanting to work only during the time described in my contract and to leave as soon as I can, right? And for not wanting to answer personal questions about religion or if I want kids or a husband to my coworkers who start telling me about their sex life for no reason?

No. 2209547

its not zoomer speak its AAVE that has been intentionally bastardized as a way to further disenfranchise and delegitamize black culture. AAVE is its own language if anyone stopped to learn it hence why it sounds cringey when people who arent familar with the lingo say it and how it can so easily be turned into "zoomer speak" When black people have been saying a lot of this stuff for literal DECADES if not centuries. AAVE was originally "ebonics" which is just code for how most black americans talk amongst each other. Argue with a wall.

No. 2209548

I have to admit I'm a late millennial and I've adopted a few zoomerisms into my vocab because of how convenient they can be to explain what I mean.

No. 2209549

I feel the same lol. We're part of both sides but neither side will ever see it that way, so materially we are neither. Or more accurately we are on a specific side only if we do something they like, or we are Actually the other side because we did something they don't like. Whatever's more convenient

No. 2209552

jfc thought i was on shitter for a sec

No. 2209565

>AAVE is its own language
Isn't it more of an English dialect? It's not too different from English from what I've seen, it's not like you have to learn new words or grammatical rules to get it if you already speak English.

No. 2209566

Nobody was saying "no cap frfr bruh imma be hitting them lixxx" centuries ago, stop it.

No. 2209568

Anon… nobody was saying "DAE Stacymaxxed and mog the moids at wagie job" centuries ago either.

No. 2209572

Yes, and if somebody told me incelspeak was a language and an important part of white culture with things white people have been saying for centuries, I'd think they were setting white people up to get mocked.

No. 2209587

NTA BUT Yeah, it's a dialect with its own consistent grammar and rules (some are actually really similar to a couple of different English dialects too). But it's not its own language. There are characteristics of AAVE that have emerged from African languages though. Plus a lot of Standard non-English languages have characteristics that AAVE shares like using double negatives (some languages have triple negatives kek) and zero copula. It's a very consistent dialect with historical value to linguists. Sorry for language sperg but I think it's really interesting

No. 2209588

Women look sexier with less muscle and a bit of chub. The softness also keeps the face youthful.

No. 2209593

I agree tbh, but they have to have the right body shape for it

No. 2209594

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No. 2209595

nta but she looks like a rotisserie chicken

No. 2209598

Pretty privilege is real BUT beauty doesn't keep a man. And the harsh truth is, sometimes not even personality is enough. It's literally just luck. Well another option is to become toxic and manipulative and attract moids with anxious attachment who won't leave you because of trauma.

No. 2209599

it's not luck, you have to use your brain and weed out shitty men. hard, i know

No. 2209605

And I'm going to suckle those muscles like I'm eating one

No. 2209648

This isn't unpopular opinion retard

No. 2209681

The site became worse after summer ended.

No. 2209684

No. 2209689

Ok so it’s socially acceptable to drug your pets before traveling so they’ll sleep through the trip….i think it should be ok to give a toddler a little gabapentin before a flight. As a treat.

No. 2209699

>some languages have triple negatives kek
Which ones? Sounds confusing as hell.

No. 2209709

Japanese has double and triple negatives. It's so confusing kek. I'm not sure about any others off the top of my head

No. 2209720

Same. Also if you’re ever on a mostly empty flight and a lady with a baby is about to sit near you say “oh please no, I’m autistic” and she will do her best to sit as far away from you as possible.

No. 2209750

I think so too. Everyone will be happier, including the baby.

No. 2209756

No. 2209759

Personally I've noticed more infighting and retardation. A lot of the threads that didn't involve that are now dead.

No. 2209764

Oh yeah I keep forgetting because I'm not fluent about that kek, and yeah it's confusing.

No. 2209814

Coomer women disgust me just as much as coomer men.

No. 2209815

Dentists should be hot if you are going to dentally torture me you better be good looking.

No. 2209820

I agree. And no obese dentists or dental assistants it's bad enough to get work I don't want them leaning over me crushing me

No. 2209842

The only hot doctors I’ve had were eye doctors

No. 2209845

Come to think of it, me too kek. Every eye doctor I've seen has always been very well groomed at least.

No. 2210146

Hard agree

No. 2210176

I had a good looking dentist that would turn on the radio, crank up the volume and sing along merrily while torturing me, it always looked like he was having a good time and it did make the experience much more bearable

No. 2210194

America vs Europe arguments are really boring unless it's about how tax laws are different or something like that. Idc about differences in food or air conditioning.

No. 2210214

I dated a dentist, was an 8/10 fit but short. Dude made like 300k and could not keep a gf because he was a weird ass. Dentists have psycho energy, at best theyre NPD, at worst they're the kind of dudes who meekly joke about dismembering you, then put on a professional smile and ask the waiter for more water. Dental school fucks them up somehow.

No. 2210227

File: 1729121259800.png (2.87 MB, 1025x1442, sucks.png)

The madagascar franchise is the worst dreamworks series

No. 2210229

You don't like to move it move it?

No. 2210244

you're saying this when the croods is right there?

No. 2210247

boss baby takes the crown, bitches

No. 2210274

The 1st movie is fine, but I've never been able to sit through any of the sequels without resorting to booze.

No. 2210391

I didn't think I ever would have to reveal my embarrassing secret on lolcow but I am a Madagascar autist. I agree that the second and third movies are awful but they exist for the extended Dreamworks lore, like the Sun Gods are the ones who made animals intelligent and able to talk and they feed off dancing and that's why the lemurs like to move it move it and Mort is a real bush baby in our world dreaming about every Dreamworks movie. I'm diseased and I need to be old yellered.

No. 2210401

I want Sarah Boone to get NG solely because I think Torres is an unsympathetic victim.

No. 2210420

Her biggest crime is being incredibly annoying.

No. 2210436

Woah how is Torres unsympathetic? I've tried to watch the dreading videos but I can't kek.

No. 2210443

he's been arrested multiple times for domestic abuse

No. 2210463

Damn and then he dies being zipped in a suitcase… KEK

No. 2210472

I feel like AI art is just as valid as art made by an actual person.

No. 2210478

natural selection

No. 2210489

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Can you explain your reasoning? Personally I feel like it doesn't really fit any of the criteria in picrel.

No. 2210490

i dont think it has any validity considering the fact that ai "art" is basically just other photos of art put in a blender

No. 2210521

I’m saying it mainly because I feel like it really is going to replace real artists and it kind of frightens me. Look at how it’s basically everywhere now, shits fucked
Wouldn’t this cause copyright issues down the line?

No. 2210524

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I think these types of posts and the people who post them are incredibly insufferable. I'm not denying that they probably got fucked over by bad people but constantly having to post about how you were the good person just gives off an annoying victim mentality in the long run. The same type of person who posts about how they're such a sweet empath who's hunted every day by today's evil narcissistic mean society.

No. 2210525

It's just fearmongering, AI is going to be used for easy to consoom content and that's about it, like memes, visual filler and that's about it, it's how it's being used.
Otherwise anyone with some gray matter knows that it has zero value unlike the art made by someone with some skills.
It's like the people saying that libraries will stop existing, that translators will be bots and that teachers will be replaced by AI, the human part is needed whether we want it or not.
At some point, this need to use technology as a crutch for everything will bring consequences, I don't know when or how, but something that may not be the most favorable consequence will happen, and I hope I can see someone fucking up really bad after using AI, it will be funny kek.

No. 2210527

I love posting shit like that because I know I'm an autistic unlovable bitch.

No. 2210530

You're an exception and I love you nonny

No. 2210537

the only reason why i'm trying to go back into art and learning it is because of this whole AI art fiasco

No. 2210548

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AI is getting to the point where the people using it who aren't engagement farms or tech bros or porn addicts are saying they're getting fatigued because they don't know what to do with the hundreds or thousands of images they've generated. It's very hard to get fatigued over real art.
Also to answer that last part, yes it does cause issues with copyright. Apart from deep fake porn and generated CSEM, both of which need way more coverage than they get, that's one of the big problems with AI generated images.

AYRT, similar to you it's made me serious about my own art and pushed me to just make stuff because I enjoy doing so. AI has made me appreciate real art way more and I've been doing autistic research about it's history and all the different movements and frames etc.

No. 2210553

I'm a cynical person by default so I can sniff out red flags like nobody's business so I try really hard to not judge people who are more trusting but holy shit, sometimes it really is exhausting listening to these people because jesus fucking christ how hard is it to learn? Like how can you keep trusting the wrong people all the time. They must be trusting every single person who crosses their path I genuinely can't imagine being so blind to everyone's intentions, surely you just know after a few times?

No. 2210558

Samefag, I could look at hundreds of retarded looking medieval horses and still appreciate them because it has sovl and medieval art was full of weird symbolism and that's why every animal looked so fucked even though the artist definitely saw that animal in their daily life up and Jesus came in every colour of the rainbow. If AI generated a hundred of those, I wouldn't feel much besides the fact the prompter should have used "+normal legs" or whatever.

No. 2211126

Italy ate with the anti surrogacy law , faggots don’t have the right to rent and exploit a woman’s body. And this goes for hetero couples who are infertile, children aren’t a right.
Adopt don’t shop kek.

No. 2211140

always creeped me out that rich women figured out a way to create reproductive slavery and acted like it was a normal wholesome thing. men shouldn’t be able to buy coerced rape and women shouldn’t be able to do their fucked up version of that either. i hate seeing a smug surrogate mom knowing she’s self assured she’s escaped all negative consequences and pain and permanent health and body changes for her choice to have a child. smugly and gleefully controlled that woman and even sometimes they punish the surrogate for carrying that child in a way getting to make so many decisions during the pregnancy and birth that just are not hers to make at all. it’s not their child and never will be. it will always be the surrogates and the child knows this.

No. 2211179

Is this really unpopular? Media shills it as a normal thing, but everyone I know irl thinks it's creepy and exploitative

No. 2211190

Those women really did pave the way but it didn’t become such a sticking point until gay scrotes and single moids started crying about their inability to have a baby accessory and that’s it’s unfaaaaair.
I feel so bad for the kids who will come of such coercive reproductive methods. It’s not fun growing up feeling like no one loves you and that the only reason anyone wants you is as a status symbol/emotional support pet (or sex toy like I suspect is the main motivation for a lot of the scrotes jumping on board). It’s also got to be strange for the infant to go from hearing their mothers voice and environment to a strangers and some unknown place.

No. 2211201

>It’s also got to be strange for the infant to go from hearing their mothers voice and environment to a strangers and some unknown place.
This is a well researched phenomenon with at-birth adoptees. Adopted kids who grow up in stable loving homes still routinely grow up to have attachment issues and unresolved trauma because it's legitimately traumatizing for an infant to spend their entire existence with one set of people-stimuli and then be shuttled to a completely new environment after birth. No surprise that some of the loudest voices against surrogacy are adult surrogate children and adoptees.

No. 2211206

I completely understand why a woman wouldn't want to go through pregnancy/childbirth, even a rich one who would have access to the best healthcare, but imo it's still extremely selfish because there's already an alternate option. Why don't they adopt an infant and give it a better life? Yes I know adoption isn't a perfect system either, but taking a child out of a completely hopeless situation and at least trying to give it a better life is more ethical than the reproductive slavery of third world women. But then I guess they wouldn't have "muh genes" in their narcissistic tailor-made living dolls.

No. 2211276


No. 2211280

Kittens are cuter than human babies.

No. 2211304

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No. 2211325

No. 2211349

Babies under about 3 months are NOT cute

No. 2211350

replied to the wrong anon but you know what I mean

No. 2211354

Most babies up for adoption are FASsy or otherwise developmentally fucked up

No. 2211355

Tbh fair. Newborn baby humans are usually hard to look at. They need a few months to get cute.

No. 2211363

human babies are the ugliest creatures in this world. Not saying this to be hater, seriously, there's nothing cute about them. Even baby monkies are cuter because they have hair. Human babies are alienishly hideous

No. 2211370

>Even baby monkies are cuter because they have hair
Strange to compare them since monkey babies are said to look alot like human babies

No. 2211377

Most baby animals are, humans come out undercooked cause otherwise our heads would grow too big to fit.

No. 2211430

the womb wizard is adopted and obviously a FAS baby. Except rather than being a bit slow she’s stuck at the mental age of 12 and curses teenagers online at the age of 36

No. 2211487

I don't think STDs are all that common or even real and it's just a morality psyop to keep us all from being bonobo sex freaks

No. 2211489

Are you a gay man?

No. 2211491

No just bodycount in 30's and not even herpes so I find it weird

No. 2211496

That’s just luck and probably a certain level of self selection within the community you prowl… that or you have/had something and just never noticed, could also be you have a selection criteria that’s so far managed to screen out the diseased. Wouldn’t recommend people fuck around though, your experience isn’t universal.

No. 2211546

ive have convos with normie women it is def unpopular

No. 2211581

Kek , easy to say this until you get
>resistant gonorrhea. Did you know that green and smelly discharge will come out of your vag? Fun right?
> syphilis
> HIV, which you can never get rid of.
> papilloma that can trigger cervical uterine cancer and again you can never get rid of. Also you’ll have warts in your cooch too kek.
>herpes that never goes away and you’ll have frequent flares up.
>Hepatitis B

And fun fact you can get them on your throat too kek.
Fuck around and your genitals become fucking disgusting and you get sick too. People are fucking dirty, given that they sleep with others too and don’t even bother to get tested, protect yourself. You’re a retard nonna kek.

No. 2211584

Are you saying that you’ve had unprotected sex with 30 people kek? You’re a toilet.

No. 2211587

I don’t care about women complaining about ageism because they had no problem throwing other women under the bus, dating men way older etc when they were young and cute but now that they can’t get benefits anymore they want a pity party

No. 2211588

You can become infertile too with some of them!

No. 2211595

I think that some women are like that sure. But most women calling out old scrote don’t do it our of jealousy, but to call out the behavior and protect young women.
Money isn’t worth exposing yourself to abuse. These relationships are often very imbalanced in favor of the man. These 60 year old go after 20 year olds, it’s fucking gross. And someone recognizing how they got deceived years on and then calling it out isn’t jealousy.

No. 2211599

Unpopular opinion but if you’re in your 20s, fucking 60 year old man you’re more mentally ill than the man. At that point it’s pretty much elder abuse.

No. 2211601

I remind you the AIDS epidemic nonna.

No. 2211603

Weirdly and ntayrt but the only std ive ever had was really easy to get rid of and also rare af kek. Like an obscure hipster std that usually isn’t an std but can be in rare cases. Usually only kids get it from like playground equipment or tussling with each other.

No. 2211604

Nonnas , matter aside, do you think you could fight off a 60 year old male kek? I’m asking out of curiosity.
I’d like to say yes for myself, hit them hard on the joints, but I dunno. Does strength decline to the point that they can be easily fought off? I might start beating elderly men if it’s a yes, they would deserve it since they certainly committed shitty things against women in their earlier years.

No. 2211605

I’m not talking about rape I’m talking about a consensual relationship. I would never want to be with a wrinkled, spotted man and I would question the sanity of any woman my age who ended up in that situation willingly.

No. 2211606

Yeah but how do you have sex? Protected or not, that’s the difference. If you use condoms then duh, if you take the pill and rawdog people left and right then you’re simply playing Russian roulette. It goes well until it doesn’t.

No. 2211607

You could seriously wound a 60 year old male but no you probably couldn't fight him off if he's of average male height and stature and doesn't have any frail old person illness like being hunched over and needing a cane or w/e. A 75-80 year old male you definitely could kill just by bumrushing him.

No. 2211614

Why are you dating some old fuck

No. 2211615

In situations where the man is super old and the woman is younger, I don’t see it as a groomer situation. How can a 75 year old man groom anyone unless they’re retarded lol

No. 2211618

Probably fucked like 8 guys raw but usually after mutual testing but not always? The guy I got the hipster std from we always wore condoms kek. I do think if you’re someone who stays with the same dude for a while it’s unlikely but if you’re engaging in hookup culture not wearing a condom is retarded

No. 2211622

My dad is pretty weak and old but he could still easily overpower me. Even guys older and shorter than him could.

No. 2211624

every woman looks better with a fringe, assuming it isn’t too thick on her

No. 2211627

Reading this thread really makes me sigh in huge disappointment for the state of women. Just so slovenly, pathetic, groveling to the most base desires just because men are doing the same. Can you do better retards?

No. 2211629

Do you engage in hookup culture because you're mentally ill or what? What do you get out of it?

No. 2211630

If they have gunk on their fingers or tongue they can pass it, that’s how you probably got it.

No. 2211632

Not every old gets dementia or becomes weak. There are in fact many elderly predators.

No. 2211636

>but not always?
See, it only takes one time nonna. You get with the wrong scrote once and you either end with the itchiest pussy and burn while you pee and are forced to take antibiotics for two weeks or you fuck up your immune system forever. It’s not cute or quirky.
Some of you are so retarded and play around as if you have 9 lives in order to chase dick.

No. 2211638

How are they gonna groom you date them? They’re ugly and nasty looking. If you’re 21 and can get groomed by an elderly man there’s something wrong with you.

No. 2211662

twerking is fun when its just women. im also fine with sexy stuff like Britney spears but scrotes have monkey brain so they don't get it. I wish we lived in another planet

No. 2211676

Are you trying to become a personalityfag?

No. 2211678

Twerking looks painful and retarded to me but that's probably because I associate it with the Sims

No. 2211679

I can’t understand the mechanism of it at all. I have the equipment to do it, my ass just doesn’t move, it’s not giggly.

No. 2211683

I wish i could twerk tbh, it feels so unfair that i don't know how. I'd do it the first thing i get home from work.

No. 2211732

I don't think it's such a big deal that I have no empathy. I've never purposely hurt someone, and even though I had to actively train myself to have a moral compass, I still have not done anything. I made the mistake of being retarded enough to tell someone that I don't feel empathy and she acted like I was hitler. Why am I treated worse for what I could POTENTIALLY DO BUT HAVE NOT DONE AND HAVE NO INTENTION ON DOING but moids can go rape and murder until the sun goes cold BUT because they cry and kill themselves about it sometimes afterwards they're better than me?

No. 2211737

What your friend fails to realise is that most people lack empathy. Being stupid makes people lack empathy and a lot of people are stupid (not to say you are), that’s why there exists punishment and consequences. Relatively intelligent people can understand consequences, you’re probably here even if you’re smart, which means that they can be relied upon not to do something antisocial on pain of punishment. Stupid people though can’t even square consequences, this is where most moids are, so they have to be given empirical evidence (like an immediate punch to the face) in order to understand. Your friend should be glad you’re smart enough understand your own lack and seek to create a prosocial model of behavior. Also how unempahetic of her kek.

No. 2211752

i’d trust you more than my friend who thinks she has normal levels of empathy and then complains about people texting her any menial problem when she does the same and it’s like a bonding thing? and has told me every traumatic thing she’s heard of a female friend going though like a rape or traumatic birth was like that persons fault partially and could not even feign emotion when telling me these peoples secrets.

No. 2211832

The fatal mentality flaw of a black woman is wanting solidarity from anyone. From black men, from women, from other POC. She should only interact with likeminded women and keep her energy for herself.

No. 2211988

I hate how people pretend that weight isn’t different for different people. My family were joking about how I used to be chubby (I was a BMI of 22, like the same as them now) and it made me feel like shit but it’s true that I seriously looked it, I looked like a scaled down obese person. Now that I’m severely underweight I look “normal” and no one would believe it if I told them my BMI. On the internet people will be like “oh my gosh that’s terrible you’re disordered gain weight” but wouldn’t say the same if they saw me irl and my blood sugar and health has improved. I hate it so much whenever it comes up, just pisses me off.

No. 2212014

Sanefagging but I think most like real anorexic people (started restricting in preteens/early teens) are people like me, to a less obvious degree (or maybe since most are white so have larger frames so it doesn’t look as bad). The girl I like is the same, looks soft/normal at BMI 15-17 and healthy skinny at like BMI 12-13, and people would never guess it. Usually these people never go over BMI 18 their entire lives but because I have shitty parents I got fat enough to look extremely round even though I “should” have been a normal weight. This is why i fucking hate BMI, you’re the one who knows what’s good for you, most of us know intuitively.

No. 2212020

infighting is a massive part of imageboard culture and is honestly required. sure, it bothers me when that’s all i see but you can hide threads and learn2scroll. we’d all be lying if we said we don’t engage and lurk on certain infights kek

No. 2212035

infights have gotten so much dumber, i want an interesting one!!

No. 2212113

BMI is total bullshit that doesn't take into account important factors like muscle mass and bone density which vary greatly from person to person.
I wish people would stop taking it as gospel, it's too reductive a metric to be universally applied. It's just a broad reference point, not a law.
But people are quick to grab onto simplified concepts even when it's something as important as their health

No. 2212158

I'm not saying the climate crisis isn't real and I 100% think it needs to be mitigated (as well as pollution and unsustainable farming practices etc.) but I think people forget that there's always been bizarre weather events and natural disasters.
Examples are; the devasting floods in England and the Netherlands in 1099, 1287, 1421, floods in China during 1939 that killed half a million people directly and then potentially millions died of the famine caused by it, New England Hurricane of 1938, Hurricane Hazel in 1954, Hurricane Fifi in 1974, Johnstown Flood- and I'm not cherry picking the worst of the worst these are just random ones I remember, I could go on and on and on. You could argue that poor preventative measures, government support, housing materials and lack of proper healthcare could have greatly blown up the number of casualties and the damage caused, and I wouldn't disagree but you also can't really predict when like forty tornadoes will spring up on a single day (April 11 1965). The danger of climate change is that it will cause more of these events to occur, however sometimes there's just absolutely fucked natural disasters and all you can do is heed warnings and try to take preventative measures.

No. 2212173

BMI works just fine for 90% of people. It's far more likely these girls with poor self image, body dysmorphia and eating disorders are seeing themselves as fat at a low weight and normal at a very low weight. Their perception of themselves is less trustworthy than a fairly simple metric that compares height and weight. It's absolutely bullshit that anyone can look "healthy skinny" at 12-13 BMI, no offense to anon but she is an admitted anachan and her idea of what looks skinny and healthy is not likely to be accurate.

No. 2212179

Adult cats are cuter than kittens. I've said this opinion about thrice on this site. Something about quiet older cats just cuddling into you.

No. 2212180

So you have cognitive empathy and that's perfectly fine.

No. 2212227

File: 1729239192739.jpeg (139.85 KB, 1080x794, IMG_9722.jpeg)

Nonas on this site commenting on female bodies and faces calling them mid or ugly when they are conventionally attractive are jealous and bitter women who think this site is the female 4chan or moids trying to cause infighting.
>b-b-b-but looks are subjective!
Shut up you know there is a clear difference between an ugly woman, average woman, and a gorgeous woman go to therapy for your self esteem issues and stop projecting your personal insecurities. Any appearance nitpicking on women should be an instant 30 day ban and any threads made to shit on women for their appearance should be culled. We hear it all the time from the world at large, there’s no need to bring it here. Go to twitter to moan about xyz celebrity or cow being butt ugly in your eyes, you’ll get the attention you crave jaundiced chans.

No. 2212229

I mean I agree with this in principle but the cow boards are there for a reason

No. 2212239

And we can comment on cows for their actions, but the appearance nitpicking just shits up threads and adds nothing to the conversation. Cool, you think Kiki/PT/Momo are gross looking. So? Nothing of value added in the thread and now any real milk is buried. It’s a scourge on the site.

No. 2212292

Couldn’t have said it better myself nona. I get that we have cow threads etc but shitting up their threads with nitpicking their looks literally contributes nothing. Especially when we have so much ammunition to shit talk them for. Afaik, a lot of these celebrities that the insecure anons sperg about have practically no milk on them at all. If they truely were bad people, I wouldn’t mind the nitpicking as much, but it just reads as bitter and jealous. It is definitely a stain here and makes us collectively look like idiots.

No. 2212333

I sincerely do not give a fuck if ‘vulva art’ gets caught up in porn bans. I can’t believe some feminists argue against banning filmed rape because it might also affect artists who are fixated on painting pictures of their own genitalia. Find another subject, weirdo.

No. 2212370

Having people stuck in the education system where they are drained of money when they are at their most productive age, but raising the age of retirement and having people who are at their mental and physical decline work is ASS FUCKING BACKWARDS
We don't need so many people to have a University diploma. It's gotten out of hand, at first a uni degree got you ahead in the job market, then it became almost mandatory to have one for a proper job, then a masters degree became the advantage, now it's almost required… When will it fucking stop, it is needless, the universities are profiting off of it to the detriment of the entire society. But it's not actually only the Universities profiting off of it, companies are known to make use of the free labour of students by using their research for free and exploiting internships.
It is also a factor in the insane trend of babifying grown adults, people in their prime being considered as undeveloped (hurr durr frontal lobe) and acting as such instead of being the powerhouse of society
The idiot "solution" is "retire older!" and "make more babies!" instead of freeing up and making use of the enormous workforce we already have that is stuck in the education system.

No. 2212376

Also how are you even going to "make more babies" when in your prime years you are spending money on education instead of earning it to provide for said baby

No. 2212380

getting a master's degree these days is for a lot of kids just a way of delaying adulthood. and you are 100% right about the for profit universities profiting off of free labour and skyrocketing tuition costs. nothing you said was wrong

No. 2212386

Speaking of celebrities and I don't mean to drag infights from another thread or anything. But I think I actually like the Sabrina Carpenter whiteknights? They say the most out there shit, it's so funny, a while ago one said that Carpenter is the height most women wish they were, sometimes I randomly remember that and start laughing in public.

No. 2212397

>or maybe since most are white so have larger frames so it doesn’t look as bad
Huh? So white women should keep themselves malnourished to psychically appeal to you. Gtfo here

No. 2212412

That’s hilarious because she’s the same height as Danny Devito and Snookie

No. 2212415

NTA, but I think that anon was just saying she's white, so are other anorexic people she's seen and she doesn't think they look as bad at lower BMIs because their frames might be larger (idk if it's true, maybe for some groups). Not that they should be ana, or have to do it to look good.

No. 2212418

Your eating disorder made you retarded, my condolences

No. 2212422

Do people not like Sabrina carpenter for legitimate reasons or just random stupid ones? I’m not caught up, I just think she’s pretty and her music is fun. She’s a pop star that seems a lot cuter and more fun and has wayyyyy better music (to my ears) than swift or Ariana grande and she’s not ugly (to me) like grande and swift are.

No. 2212466

she dresses like a sexualized child to court controversy.

No. 2212470

legitimate question, why use this site if seeing intense appearance-based criticism upsets you? it’s been a consistent part of lolcow culture from the very beginning.

No. 2212485

I hate that wearing cute things as an adult woman is considered to be some horrible sinful thing deserving of ridicule.

No. 2212486

Because it does

No. 2212488

Nta but it's her team pushing her to do this, and she's not just "wearing cute clothes" as a grown woman she's being marketed as this weirdo midget (IE kiddy coded) sex kitten. She even did a Lolita themed photoshoot, come on now. Every time she's been photographed off the stage in real life she's been dressed like an average normie woman in their 20's (just with the copious cake face which tbh I don't care about as much as other anons). She's not wearing her toddlers and tiaras baby hooker pageant clothes off the stage in real life, and she is not wearing anything remotely close to it either kek.

No. 2212489

Who says it's horrible and sinful? It just makes you look like a fucking retard. You don't see adult men dressing like little boys, because adult men like to be taken seriously.

No. 2212496

File: 1729264631591.jpg (41.39 KB, 474x524, angus_malcolm_young_09[1]-2988…)

No. 2212498

>wearing cute things
she wears the ugliest hooker clothes imaginable she's lie shayna with a budget

No. 2212500

Compare this to literally most pop girls and you will see your retardation in front of your very eyes.

No. 2212502

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No. 2212503

If only it was more common for male musicians (well, actually attractive ones) to dress like schoolboys. I totally understand why men like women in schoolgirl uniforms.

No. 2212505

ngl this made me kek loudly

No. 2212508

When you pay attention to the discourse in this thread you just know 99% of you are just tiktokfags. Get off my imageboard please you sound retarded and young

No. 2212521

Yeah it would be hot on hot guys. MCR looks hot dressed as schoolboys in the I’m not okay music vid kek

No. 2212529

I'm an oldfag but I think that's just a general internet culture shift. Zoomers are now 18, 20 etc so of course you're going to be seeing way more of their presence online.

No. 2212530

I wouldn't assume that they're waiting until they turn 18. Ask me how I know.

No. 2212532

Anon the oldest zoomers are like 25.

No. 2212533

Kek exactly

No. 2213056

women can fantasize about men without literally wanting to fuck them and interact with them. a lot of women are celibate and just have fantasies about men in an ideal world where things would go 100% according to their fantasy. that doesn't mean they would fuck the man irl. i understand the /g/ anons because of this. fantasy really is not reality. just because i make up a fantasy about a moid in my head doesn't mean he would be fuckable irl. the concept of 2d husbandos also applies to 3d men in this aspect. i can fantasize for example about fucking daniel radcliffe in my fantasy where he's showered and dressed in a suit and speaks to me in a smooth posh accent but in reality where he's pasty and skinny fat with fucked up teeth i would probably just ignore him irl

No. 2213223

Vhaeraun should be CN and the fact that WOTC and others ignore how he actually wants a better life for all drow and believes in quality between the sexes just to prop up Eilistraee is fucking lame. The drow are a mirror of reality, with male drow being the women of drow society. Even in the supposed "good" church of Eilistraee, male drow (women) were excluded or forced to have a sex change to be a cleric until fairly recently both in game and irl. Eilistraee is only liked more by the (male) gamers because shes a naked elf who dances under the moonlight with a sword. Vhaeraun seeks equality, for drow to be liberated from Lolth's tyranny, and his portfolio represents the things 99% of what the drow of the underdark must resort to. Drow society beats the goodness out of its children, literally everyone is a victim and probably has elf ptsd. Eilistraee's dogma excludes the drow who are not "good", who've had to rob and steel and cheat and murder. Who are still kept "trapped" in the under dark by their past even if they have physically escaped. If the powers that be knew what they were doing, they'd have made Vhaeraun CN and have him and Eilistraee work together to undermine Lolth. But noooo Drizzt has to be special and big tiddied elf has futa clergy so gotta ignore good story telling. Also Corellon isn't good he's chaotic neutral and a major asshole to boot. I will not take criticism.

No. 2213227

i dont know what any of these words mean

No. 2213229

Is this some new age cult shit? Tell me more anon

No. 2213232

Is this from Baldur's Gayte

No. 2213233

I feel you anon! I think it's nigelfags and some lesbian anons who struggle to understand this concept. Honestly, the fantasy is so much more fun that the reality, that's why romance novels essentially write moids who practically do not and could not exist.

No. 2213234

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I hate Elistraee. I just don't like her and hate how WOTC flogs the heck out of her. Literally every fan I've met of hers is also creepy and greasy. Vhaeraun is infinitely more interesting and I like his plans for the drow better.
>Also Corellon isn't good he's chaotic neutral and a major asshole to boot. I will not take criticism.
You'd better not. You're completely right.

No. 2213244

Snark is a cringe word.

No. 2213247

kinda glad i didnt read more of this series tbqh matriachy is based but not when men depict it as the most evil shit in existence. idc about misery porn of men suffering when its a copefic about how women can and will be just as evil as men

No. 2213379

Girls who make growing up without a mom/among brothers their personality are so annoying. They act like they’re the only ones with a male presence in their life and will suck up to men more than girls with so-called “daddy issues”. This isn’t helped by the way that males will exclusively treat female family members well but remain misogynistic to women as a whole otherwise. It gives these girls an inflated ego and it’s exhausting for other women, at least in my experience.

No. 2213419

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I find that just like boymoms acting like they want to fuck their own sons, brothergirls act like they're the only ones who can understand their brother(s) and act like they want to date them.

No. 2213431

Straight women who want to involve themselves with men should follow Shera Seven’s advice kek, minus dating uglies. There’s no love, just benefits, seek the one who benefits you the most or don’t at all.

No. 2213506

Long distance relationships are stupid and people shouldn't entertain them unless they're actually 1/10 hikki level of unattractive. Even then, you're better served by a vibrator. There are two women in long-distance relationships in my friend group. Both women are so hot. Both women are so smart. Both women have so much value. And who do they decide to waste it on? Some worthless fugly scrote who plays video games and jacks off for 20 hours out of the day. Lives in bum fuck nowhere 1400 miles away. Why? Like why? I mean I guess there's a benefit of not having to fuck it? But why not just be single? Like what could they possibly bring to the table that an AI chatbot couldn't?

And every time I meet up with these people, they are like hehe oh my boyfriend wanted to play gundam breaker instead of facetime with me. And I'm like oh okay time to pretend I give a shit about your long distance babysitting duties for your long distance piece of shit. Did you remember to tell him to brush his teeth before he blew you off to play a video game? Maybe wipe his ass? One of them literally wakes up earlier than she needs to so she can give her boyfie a wake up call, says he can't wake up without an alarm. She told me this story like it was cute.

No. 2213718

Anons who go "I can't look at X the same again because of porn" or are worried about liking some things because a moid might also like it and potentially sexualize it just as porn addicted as moids. They can't let themselves enjoy things without fear of it potentially being sexualized by others. It's like a madonna/whore complex directed towards hobbies kek

No. 2213758

Someone's primary hobby being a form of role-play (including video games) is a red flag.

No. 2213791

You're right but I also get why they feel that way. Knowing that someone gets off to something you like in a non-sexual way is gross. I had to block all social media mentions of this game I play because seeing so much meaningless porn of the characters started to make me feel bad whenever I looked at them. I just have to actually remind myself that coomer opinions or dicks don't matter and with time I forget and move on

No. 2213860

I like Sphere Hunter's videos.

No. 2213871

what about people who read tarot?

No. 2213879

No. 2213883

Schizo asf, but in a different way. Bad sign if it's their main hobby.

No. 2213887

Red flag to what

No. 2213892

Why? Explain yourself.

No. 2213893

what if they have a youtube channel and read for different people

No. 2213900

It's not a good thing when someone's main hobby is escapism. Occasionally their life is actually that bad and warrants it, but most people just use it so they don't have to develop real social skills. There's a difference between people who make it their whole life/main hobby and people who have it among other hobbies, which is why I said it's a red flag if it's their primary hobby.
>t. someone who has been in these spaces for over 20 years

No. 2213913

isn't that a job?

No. 2213938

What do you think about acting?

No. 2213945

Professional and hobbyist actors are fucking crazy. There's a nice sweet spot between amateur and professional theater where the troupes are comprised of chill people, but you still have to deal with everyone knowing each other and most of them having slept together. Self-importance, predictably, runs rampant in performance circles and that's true regardless if it's theater, music, stand-up, dance, or whatever.

No. 2213952

The fuck do you do for fun?

No. 2213959

Craft, hike, travel, and shockingly, online RP and irl D&D. I used to perform too. Like I said there's a difference between being in an escapism hobby and having it be your main hobby or make it your whole life. I used to be way more involved in escapism hobbies and saw firsthand how unhealthy it is to be too "into it" and can see secondhand how unhealthy it is for my friends who never tapered their time in the scene.

No. 2213975

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Muscles are ugly. It makes the thighs look horse-shaped and it just looks so unnatural and uncanny. Women are supposed to have body fat.

No. 2213984

you posted the same thing yesterday give it a break

No. 2213985

i want so badly to look like this that i'd take anavar to achieve it

No. 2213989

no unless it's about private paid readings, the tarot readers on youtube do it for free

No. 2213992

If that doesn't look feminine to you, I want to see what you think is masculine.

No. 2213993

>It makes the thighs look horse-shaped
idgi is there supposed to be something wrong with that?

No. 2214007

Kek, women with muscles aren’t masculine, they’re simply muscular.

No. 2214060

She looks chunky. I think having light toned muscle but staying small and agile is ideal.

No. 2214091

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She probably has those muscles built up for a reason because you would have to focus on them quite a lot to get that muscular.
Also I don't know, in comparison to moid's weird steroid legs her's look normal as muscly legs go.

No. 2214094

How is this unpopular opinion tradhoe?

No. 2214104

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Honestly, I agree. You can really tell which comments are being said by the type of person to larp as a perfect 10/10 IRL. The type of person who never learned that a person being retarded and full of shit doesn't necessarily mean they're physically unattractive.

No. 2214157

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No. 2214159

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saw this on tumblr, and notes are divided between people screeching ABOOOOSE and people agreeing with post. but, as an adult, if i knew some coworker or friend said that to their kids, i would lose any and all respect for them.
Bitch, YOU are the adult and YOU made the kid, you HAVE to provide for them. "hurr durr, they will live in my house for free and i will have to spend a lot of money on them". like, no shit retard, you will have to provide for another human being for at least 14 years if you spawn. how fucking stupid can you be. and then, instead of growing up and dealing with the fact that they are parents, they bitch and moan about it to their children. where the fuck is your self respect? how much of a little bitch do you have to be to lose face in front of a fucking kid?

No. 2214170

Dumb af. This is extreme. Most women dont build muscle like this unless they are massive gym rats. Women look better with some muscle. No muscle skinny fats are the worst.

No. 2214176

Agreed. It’s an abusive rhetoric. If you feel that way about your child you shouldn’t have a fucking child. My parents made sure I never fucking forgot and privacy was never allowed because it was their house. Did they think that would somehow override my disabilities and lack of independence? Nope, made it worse, congrats on having a dysfunctional 30 year old living with you. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling just so I could have been the golden child and mooch off my sibling but then only having one kid was one of the few things they did right. Still blows my mind that I wasn’t a mistake and was planned. I’d feel more sympathy for them if I was a mistake but no they purposefully wanted a kid to abuse. “We did so much better than our parents and weren’t as bad as the absolute pieces of shit we were friends with!” Hate that excuse

No. 2214186

there was such cultural pressure to have kids until recently that people don't even consider themselves to have made the decision to have children and take on the responsibility, and simply as an inevitability. children are possessions and investments for the future and should be status symbols.

No. 2214187

Too much cosmetic surgery makes a woman look masculine.

No. 2214228

men who are overly invested in female lolcows are weird, especially older men who orbit the 18-22 year old cows. it's not about laughing at a retard for them, it's about laughing at a WOMAN being retarded.

No. 2214247

You're right,even the cosmetic surgeries that don't really touch the face make the women look manly.

No. 2214252

Most males invested in female lolcows seem to be homosexuals.

No. 2214384

That’s only because men started doing it. Before men started larping as women cosmetic surgery was seen as an older female thing. Goes to show how the moment men are involved in something they become the default.

No. 2214726

i think those people obsessed with identifying narcissists ARE narcissists or suffering from some sort of paranoid fixation, like delusional parasitosis but for NPD because they really think everyone is out to get them

No. 2214740

the men who made fun of me when I was a lolcow at the age of 10-16 seemed to be mysognistic pedophiles who wanted to destroy my mind and laugh at my misery, like it was their fetish to mock a " little retarded girl"

No. 2214742

samefag but some of those guys sexualized me and leaked my face pics in a group when I was a kid ,it was very weird.

No. 2214745

Every once in a while people on social media will make a half-assed attempt to stop this because "stigmatising ANY mental illness is wrong" but ultimately they enjoy diagnosing everybody else with narcissism too much to care kek

No. 2214747

The latest surgery trend seems to be turning heads into minecraft bricks so that tracks.

No. 2214756

DA Those moids are fucking disgusting. I'm so sorry you had to go through that Nonna, that sounds so upsetting and distressing

No. 2214771

Those kids who lied about "muh eyes change color" all grow up to be munchies.

No. 2214782

having sex with a man is very cringy/akward and makes me wanna laugh whenever I get intimate with a guy on bed they also look stupid when they are about to kiss you.

No. 2214784

You’re right and you should say it.

No. 2214785

Yeah, they all seem to be getting those ugly manjaws
They all end up looking like Jeffrey Star
Manjaws+jigsaw cheeks+lip filler= Jeffrey Star

No. 2214787

thank you nonna I still think about it sometimes sadly, but at least I am happy knowing that the main guy who cyber-bullied me became even fatter and is hitting the wall fast, he deserves it.

No. 2214799

Shipping is inherently sexual and people who are invested in ships between child characters are essentially shota/lolicons, even if they tell themselves otherwise and claim to be against it.

No. 2214818

I understand why people might think a child ship is cute and even why they'd draw like, a few wholesome pictures of them hanging out, but being a legit huge fan of one as an adult is weird imo kek

No. 2214820

Munchies, TIFs or pretentious art hoes, there's no alternative option.

No. 2214833

This is so not true, there are so many literal children shipping cartoon characters from children's shows and I doubt that for every one it's a sexual thing.

No. 2214836

This is shooped, right? One of her thighs is almost the width of her torso.

No. 2214838

I don't know how more women don't burst into laughing when they have sex with moids and how sex is viewed as "females being dominated" the reality is that men look goofy and cocks look weird

No. 2214862

I thought riding someone in reverse would be fun and hot until I did it and the only thing I saw was gross male toes.

No. 2214869

My dad did this to me and my other sibling, only thing is that he was pretty violent about it. It wasn't just a small "you owe me, and I own everything you have" it was harsher than that. I would explain more but I always try to suppress those memories as much as I can.

No. 2214878

Parents who do stuff like this don't even know why they bothered to have kids, they didn't reproduce because they genuinely wanted to raise a child. I'm sure they just see their offspring as extensions of themselves.

No. 2214881

I hate dog and cat hate threads. The people there are psychopaths. I have some issues with dog owners and pitbulls but I still love dogs, and don't want them to die. I also feel like people treat cats worse because their association with femininity but it doesn't mean I hate dogs. I just hate how extreme the threads are.

No. 2214884

This is 100% a tell for emotionally immature parents. They think parenting a child is transactional or something and not preparing an entire human being for living in the real world. This is also a shorthand way to bypass actually nurturing a child because they can say "see! Look at all your material things I have allowed you to have, and I haven't kicked you out of my home!! clearly I'm a good parent!!"

No. 2214886

All 10-16 year olds are "lolcows" at the age. Part of being a kid

No. 2214887

This is why young people are entitled. We all owe our lives and wellbeing to society, most of all our parents, from the very moment we were born.
Nobody asked to be born and it's not fair to be indebted from the start, but life isn't fair.

No. 2214890

I agree with you anon. I don't trust anyone who dislikes animals. It's one thing to feel indifferent or to be afraid of certain ones but hating them? They're subhuman in my eyes. I hate it when dogs chase me when I ride my bike but I don't want them to be harmed or die.

No. 2214894

Okay but nobody forced these retards to create a dependent whom they're legally required to take care of for 18 years

No. 2214898

Kek right. There is ENDLESS resources about how difficult child rearing is and these retards shit some kids out and decide to play overlord with them? Like read some self-help books and get better.

No. 2214902

It used to be you are endebted to your parents, and you pay the debt off by raising your children.
But then good contraception was invented and threw the whole thing off

No. 2214905

Yep, before contraception and sex ed people would just do this exact same thing but towards the retard babies they got from cousinfucking.

No. 2214909

I think it's pretty clear that the dynamic being described in the quote isn't an ungrateful child breaking the cycle of connectivity that we all live in as a society where we all owe each other and support each other but parents having a complete double standard and not respecting the humanity of their kids.

No. 2214926

What if I didn’t want to be born nonna kek?
Parents owe it to their children, it’s not the other way around.
If you had a child now , you seriously think that child should be indebted to you because you had sex and decided to keep your offspring even if you are piss poor and can’t afford shit?

No. 2214940

People who become parents could've gone childless, but they wanted the social prestige and feeling of "life completion" that came with having kids. For some of them, it's just a matter of refusing to use contraception, or they just didn't want to make the hard choice of aborting. That's not the child's fault, so they shouldn't be indebted.
I'd even go as far as to say that if you have a child while poor and lacking in resources/mental health to give them a great outcome, you owe them for wasting their life just so you could say you "have a kid" or "have kids". Too many stupid men impregnating women in a narcissistic bid to clone themselves, and idiot women thinking having a baby will solve a bad relationship, then relying on said kids in emotionally incestuous entanglements (especially if they're sons).

No. 2214955

Well you are wrong. You are presuming some level of parental work is free. Nothing you expend energy, effort and time in is free. This goes for all beings, but should have been made clear to you by the feminist movement. Parents don't owe you shit, it's the other way around.
>What if I didn’t want to be born nonna kek?
Tough luck
I agree

No. 2214974

Nta but you'll die soon enough anyway, nihilism is just whining the whole time instead of being like the animals and enjoying the senses. We live in abundance, just enjoy eating good food and touching grass. Stop thinking, it's overrated.

No. 2214976

>We all owe our lives and wellbeing to society
being part of a well functioning society comes with duties and responsibilities. a child is a parents responsibility. by speaking of debt and "you own me your life!!!" these parents are acting like they are doing a favor to their kids. no, they are doing their minimum duty as functional members of a society by keeping their spawn taken care of and out of the streets.
it's like picking your own dog's shit and then posting on facebook "i am such a great person, keeping the street clean for the street sweepers!!!!"

No. 2214983

You literally owe your life to your parents. Literally. They made you and raised you.
Comparing children to dogshit is… something

No. 2214992

NTA, but they didn't have to reproduce. They made that choice for themselves.

No. 2215007

They didn't have to take care of your ass either. This is why I am all for artificial wombs, people are ungrateful but feel entitled to their parents care because "nature".

No. 2215009

So? That makes you entitled to all their subsequent work?

No. 2215011

Parents holding the debt of life over their kids is a very stupid, retarded idea. You end up with kids with no ambition of their own, worst case scenario caretakers that will probably just kill themselves as soon as the parent is gone.
A kid should not see themselves as debt slaves for the parent.

No. 2215012

I'll never get this thought process, like ok my parents fuckef and now I'm here, so what now? They knowingly gave me their deffective genes, should I sue them for all the loss of opportunities in my entire life as a result of my congenital health issues? Since everything is transactional in your mind.

No. 2215013

There's no point in arguing, the user base here doesn't know who PT is and was 10 when this site was made. Theyre still mentally children in their "mommy daddy bad!" stage and need to work through it

No. 2215014

Okay but this is a retarded hypothetical because someone will still have to raise those robot-born babies kek

No. 2215022

Do you think that suicide is selfish?

No. 2215025

It makes them entitled to basic shit, like their own space and some possessions. It's backward to choose to have children, then tell your offspring "Alright, little bitch, I did so much for you just by virtue of your existence, you owe me" when you're the one that wanted a kid. No one forced you.

True, a lot of kids get put up for adoption. Parents rightfully lose out on relationships and rights for things like neglect and child abuse, as well. In reality, just use a condom if you're not ready to raise a kid. They're not organic slaves or servants, kek. Caring for your child is nature, you aren't entitled to continue your "bloodline" or whatever for free with no work.

No. 2215026

>M-mommy and daddy could never be bad! My mommy and daddy were nice to me. There's no such thing as a mean mommy or mean daddy

No. 2215033

>They knowingly gave me their deffective genes
Tough luck

No. 2215037

how does saying this contribute anything

No. 2215038

The robots and their uncaring handlers will. FUck them kids.

No. 2215039

No, I was here from the beginning and I still don't think parents should be entitled. Sorry, part of society's fabric is that you have to care for your children. If this is undesirable to you, don't have children. It's that simple.

No. 2215040

nta but no counter-argument? Kek

No. 2215042

So? Should I sue them or not? I'm still waiting for your opinion on the matter.

No. 2215045

If youre mad about your genes you should just become a eugenecist and make sure every couple only recieves state sanctioned pre-perfected embryos implanted

No. 2215046

>Parents don't owe you shit, it's the other way around.
t. Some lazy entitled bitch whose kids will never speak to her once they’re older

No. 2215047

>Caring for your child is nature, you aren't entitled to continue your "bloodline" or whatever for free with no work.
Continuing the bloodline is the main reason why sexual reproduction exists in the first place. If your child is mentally/physically defective or useless you don't have to care of it either. Kids in the past were seen as working cattle so you are wrong.

No. 2215049

It's the counter-argument
>but life isn't fair
You were gifted life. But nobody promised it would be fair.

No. 2215052

People in the past also believed that butchering animals and children would compel God to make more rain, that's irrelevant kek

No. 2215053

Children suing their parents for being born is funny and I want to see that happen.

No. 2215056

It's not about suing retard. If you have a child willingly it's your obligation to take care of them. It's not about giving them money , coddling them and cleaning their ass until they die, it's about being a damn parent and being there for them, not just tossing them away as soon as they're 18 or hovering the fact that they owe you 24/7.

I'm grateful for my mom because some of you nonnas suck so bad, I hope you'll never have a child kek.

No. 2215058

Life isnt fair for the parents either since they arent entitled to their children "paying off their debt"

No. 2215060

How is it irrelevant? If taking care of your child was totes natural, people in the past would not have these mentalities towards their own children.

No. 2215061

You may as well sue the grandparents too. And the doctors for not strangling the baby at birth.

No. 2215062

Life isn't fair for anybody, never was

No. 2215063

No I'll just avoid reproducing, that's a lot more realistic. I'm not even mad about my health issues, they're just very inconvenient sometimes.

I'm sure some people tried that at some point.

No. 2215066

Okay, then go back to the past and die before reaching the age of 40, kek. Have no indoor plumbing, 7 children, most of which will die of poor health, a husband who beats you and molests the surviving kids, broken dreams and no literacy.
It's not optional to raise your children in this day and age. It's not charity or saintly work, they aren't indebted to you. Those are just the rules. You can go to jail and lose your kids for life if you don't treat your child with at least a base level of respect and humanity. No one told you to reproduce, stop pushing the blame on the offspring you made for your own irresponsibility.
People did care for their mentally/physically defective children in the past when they were materially able, by the way. There are even records of cavemen doing it. If you're less developed than a caveman, it's more proof you shouldn't reproduce.

No. 2215067

You should not reproduce with moids older than 25

No. 2215068

>I hope you'll never have a child kek
Me too, these bpd doomscrolling bitches would keep a kid in soiled diapers because she doesn't owe it shit

No. 2215072

It's true that old societies had a more pragmatic attitude towards their kids, but we also weren't totally uncaring selfish machines towards them either. Otherwise ancient civilizations wouldn't have kept shit-talking their enemy nations by accusing them of child sacrifices and shit.

No. 2215073

>they didn’t have to take care of you
They literally did though kek. That’s their basic responsibility. Having a kid and deciding to give it up for adoption later on is social suicide. I owe them nothing and they owe me everything.
Nope bitch, I’m 30, been here before you most likely. just not entitled enough to think if I choose to have children that they owe me anything at all. They would owe me nothing and I would owe them everything. That’s how being a parent works. Maybe you’re just salty bc you are seeing a look into your future where the kids you have or want to have will rightfully resent and hate you for being a shit tier parent and acting like your kids owe you something (they don’t, especially not if you act like they owe you anything for the bare minimum).

No. 2215075

And women were seen as breeding cattle, fathers would find proper husbands, trade money and bloodline for his daughter property.

No. 2215078

You should not reproduce without pristine sperm from beautiful fit elven nubile 18 year olds which would be given to all willing women by the state. Within two generations, malding and autism would be eradicated.

No. 2215081

NTA, anon is also ignoring the basic fact of nature that if you don't care for your child, they will die, meaning you carried a pregnancy for 9 months and had your pussy torn open for absolutely nothing.

No. 2215082

No. 2215083

i acknowledge female superiority in everything but i always go to men for sandwich and burger recipes

No. 2215085

Maybe the child wanted to die, did you ever think of that

No. 2215088

>People did care for their mentally/physically defective children in the past when they were materially able, by the way. There are even records of cavemen doing it. If you're less developed than a caveman, it's more proof you shouldn't reproduce.
Plenty of people are also mentally retarded and lead with their emotions instead of logic. Taking care of a mentally defective child doesn't make you more "developed"(whatever that means) but simply makes you appear stupid for wasting resources that could be used for a healthier child. Sustaining a community isn't about putting all the hard work on the parent if the child wants to act like an ungrateful useless brat then I don't see the point of wasting my time with ZERO payback. Either earn your keep or fuck off to the adoption center.

No. 2215089

I'm actually going to call my mom and tell her I love her kek after all these schizo rants. Mom thank you for not being a BPD and for keeping me here in university.

No. 2215091

>I'm 30 and my parents owe me everything
Uhhhh ok

No. 2215092

Women's recipies: balance nutrition with time and ingredient constraints as well as budget and having to feed numerous leeches after a days work

Men's recipes: full tasty slop meal for one, max indulgence max calories max gunt

No. 2215094

I hope you one day get pregnant and that you're so happy about your child, only for them to have an incapacitating disease that doesn't kill them and it's too far to abort.
I would wish that if I was as shitty as you, but I won't for the sake of the poor child.

No. 2215095

And people today think surrogacy, chopping off your tits, taking hormones to change your gender and watching randos on the internet have sex is completely normal. Do you agree with all modern ideals of today if you think women deserve to have voting rights??

No. 2215097

No. 2215099

And I hope you're stuck with plenty of mentally retarded children to take care of. Stay stupid.

No. 2215104

Alright nonny, you're free to retvrn to tradition, no anesthesia or women's rights or anything silly and irrational like that. No one will follow you besides other abusive crazies, though, and you will eventually go to jail if any kids you have figure out how to run away or use a phone.
Even in the child-labor society you're holding up as more rational, you'd be beaten for not taking care of your kid and called a lazy useless whore if you don't ball-polish your son up until he finds another woman to do it for him, kek.

No. 2215105

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I make sure to punish my parents for birthing me by siphoning off as much of their money as possible and I suggest every nona do the same

No. 2215107

kek you nailed it. corpulent

No. 2215109

If children are in the debts of their parents and considered property then the parents are allowed to do what they wish. You should be glad to pay back what you owe to your father by marrying who he chooses for you.

No. 2215116

not having a job is only fun for like a week to a month tops. After that it is an abysmal nightmare and if other people arent looking down on you for not having a job you yourself are looking down on you. Life really revolves around work. If you arent working you arent living to society's standards and you will be made to feel like a freak/waste of space. IM TRYING TO WORK INDEED IS TRASH REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 2215118

Lol, you refused to get the abortion only to find out it wasn't the precious little miracle you'd been promised, didn't you? That it's endless, grueling work that never ends and has no reward.
Let your life stand as a warning to other women and girls, if it's retarded, abort it. You can literally just make a better one next month. Also, mentally deficient boys become sexually aggressive once they reach puberty. So that's another thing to look forward to.

No. 2215119

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There's so many strawmen in here, very spooky season

No. 2215124

I can no longer believe in slippery slope being a fallacy because I've been alive the last twenty years and it keeps happening.

No. 2215125

Boomers have psyop'ed everyone into thinking this wasn't normal for all of human history. Everyone inherited their wealth (or lack of), connections, skills and property since ancient history. Boomers then decided to pull the ladder up and say you need to gtfo at 18 and get into massive debt, good luck on your own.

No. 2215127

>"As a parent, you are obliged to look after your child. They are not "indebted" to you for basic care."
>"So you think we need to bow down to our kids and give them everything they want?!?! Entitled zoomers ugh"

No. 2215134

This isn't an opinion as much as a painful truth.

No. 2215136

Ok by your own logic then, all children today should be allowed to change their gender without their parents consent. Women should be encouraged to start an OF the minute they turn 18 years old. Children watching violent pornography eould be considered very normal. Gay couples are entitled to surrogacy and MtFs are basically biological women.

No. 2215137

>what you owe to your father by marrying who he chooses for you.
Debt by taking CARE of them but its clear you are an ungrateful privileged brat yourself.

No. 2215139

You played out >>2215127 perfectly, that's amazing lmao

No. 2215140

Indeed. Having to start from scratch at 18 in every generation is a quick way to turbo your family line into abject poverty. How can you build generational wealth if you don't pass it down to the next generation?

No. 2215141


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2215142

My point is:
Parents are not obliged to take care of their children. That's a privilege and shows the exact entitled mentality a lot of you have.

No. 2215143

Every time I've left/lost a job I was excited to at least enjoy my backlog of books and games, and every time I ended up rotting in bed for weeks to months on end. Then when I go back to wagie life, I'm up at 6am, tired af by noon, and mad at myself for not enjoying my backlog or going on walks and cooking. This has happened 3 times.

No. 2215144

Boomers participating in this should be punished for their greed.

No. 2215147

Go argue with CPS, the people of the past, and children dying of neglect by nature's hand itself, not me.

No. 2215148

You're taking care of your father by marrying into a family that will give benefits back to him, either through property or connections. You must be privileged if you don't understand what it means for a traditional father to choose a marriage partner.

No. 2215149

It's literally in the law kek what are you a sovereign citizen?

No. 2215150

This whole bullshit reminds me of when I saw some women online talking about the "black tax", basically they're forced to give a shit ton of money to their older relatives in Africa because they have a salary and their relatives are bums who think the younger generation owes them something, so these women are struggling even when they earn a lot of money. My own mother went through this because her parents forced her to work in a sweatshop instead of starting high school so they could use all her money to pay for her older brothers' university tuition and for her parents' holidays. But hey she's not allowed to dislike this situation because she owes everything to her parents, right?

No. 2215151

Don't have to argue with anyone. Give the child up to the state where it will be more useful and less whiny.

No. 2215154

Ever heard of adoption? Also it's quite easy to legally get rid of a child if you dont want it.

No. 2215155

Ngl this reminded me of a discussion I got with a moid over whether or not a father can give his daughter away to P Diddy as long as she was his property. He couldn't understand why it was wrong so I ended up just saying that he shared the property of his daughter with the government and they expected a certain standard of care.

No. 2215158

You can do your homework and work unless you are too mentally handicapped to do it.

No. 2215160

Good arguments everyone, I want you all to hug and kiss it out before the next thread.

No. 2215163

Thoughts on sterilizing useless manchildren/womanchildren who are too mentally/physically incompetent and irresponsible to raise a child, but refuse to use contraception and keep putting a strain on the adoption system? They're basically grand NEET children, if you think about it. They owe the state everything and leech harder than anyone else, should be culled tbh

No. 2215164

Many underprivileged women do house cleaning, work in factories, sell non sexual services and items to provide for their families. You must be quite privileged to think selling your daughter to an older moid is the only option people in poor countries survived.

No. 2215165

Yes giving up your child for adoption is also in the law. So you either take care of your child (which you are obligated to do by virtue or the law) or you give it up. Not sure what gotcha you're trying to do here.

No. 2215166

*only option they had.

No. 2215168

Being forced as a 14 years old kid to work at least 50 hours a week in a third world country sweatshop by your abusive parents who don't want you to be too "smart" and independent by going to high school isn't the same as some zoomer American high school student having a part time job to get more pocket money. I thought the context here was obvious. But there are anons here stupid enough to think my mother or anyone else in this situation should still be grateful because they owe something to their parents, whatever that is, so who knows.

No. 2215170

It's not the only,but the debt you owe to your father is something that calls for more than just working a factory job kek.
You do that and you agree to what your father wants for you. If he doesn't want you to work, you don't work. If he wants you to be his caretaker, that what you do. If he wants you to marry, then you can't go "b-but I worked a factory job for you"

No. 2215171

Go change your father's diaper alone, tardthot.

No. 2215172

Courts can order financial support but they can't force a parent to raise a child. Children today don't even work. They are basically ungrateful bums who provide nothing but more misery.

No. 2215173

Tardthots just romanticise this scenario because they're all lazy faildaughters who never shook off the hetero bodice ripper desires they claim to be above kek

No. 2215174

So you wouldn't? Is that how far your debt goes? Ungrateful child.

No. 2215175

Courts can order financial support but they can't force a parent to raise a child. Children today don't even work. They are basically ungrateful bums who provide nothing but more misery.

No. 2215176

>Parents are not obliged to take care of their children
lol. lmao even. kek.

No. 2215177

Courts can order financial support but they can't force a parent to raise a child. Children today don't even work. They are basically ungrateful bums who provide nothing but more misery.

No. 2215179

are you fucking me!? i was thinking i would be able to get so much that i couldnt get done working a full time job but i am so overcome with guilt and depression from losing a great job due to burnout that i feel like because im not working i dont deserve to read/watch what i want. i've been rotting and getting passed up on every job. but like you said the second i do have a job i wont have time to do it either. life is so ghetto kek.

No. 2215180

Of course they can, kek. They compel you to raise it properly or they take it away and put your ass in prison for child abuse neglect and endangerment.

No. 2215181

Ntayrt but taking care of your parents when they reach their elderly stage of life isn’t being trad, that’s just loving them and wanting them to be comfortable and well taken care of during a time where they do need an extra hand. I’d much rather change my parents diapers than allow them to live in a hospital or nursing home with random characters who could hurt them.

No. 2215183

Why did you ignore me here: >>2215163? Are you a NEEThag, sucking on the state's teat and demanding we all raise the children you won't stop popping out because you value Nigel's cooooom too much?

No. 2215184

>Children owe their parents everything
>Except ew, changing diapers?

No. 2215186

samefagging but the rule of always adding something pickled changed the game

No. 2215188


Wtf are u idiots talking about.
>Me:children should not be ungrateful to their parents and actually provide them care and love.
>You retards: oh so you think children should be abused and work 50 hours a week and be sold by their fathers for profit!??

No. 2215189

It's part of your debt. Pay up, selfish one.

No. 2215193

>you literally owe your parents everything
>wtf I didn't mean you literally owe your parents everything

No. 2215196

Point t EXACTLY where I said that that children owe their parents everything.

No. 2215198

File: 1729448076879.png (475.04 KB, 1170x714, Joshie Diary of a Wimpy Kid W…)

Respect your parents nonnas!!

No. 2215199

so children are part of a family network who are obligated to care for and support each other, and asking basic dignity is too much. but parents are NOT part of a family network who are obligated to care for and support each other, and you should grovel for the fact that they generously paid your bills when you were young and vulnerable and unable to exist autonomously because there's a tragic lack of job openings for 5 year old chimney sweeps nowadays. so silly! fortunately, it's obvious to reasonable people that the mutual familial debt we exist in can coexist with respectful treatment of your family members, but I guess the best we can do for people unfortunate enough to be related to people like you is to provide the support their family doesn't, model healthy interactions, and always be ready to extend a thanksgiving invite, and I'll be doing just that.

No. 2215200

>You literally owe your life to your parents. Literally. They made you and raised you.

No. 2215201

I hope you live the rest of your life completely alone and in misery.

No. 2215203

If you're indebted to your parents just for being born, then your parents can decide what the proper payment is. Why can't your father decide you should be sold to another man? Why are you against tradition? If it's what you were taken care of for, how can you say no? That'd be ungrateful.

No. 2215205

I hope my mom dies

No. 2215206

I'm not accusing you of agreeing with this kind of cases, but there are thousands of people who do and apply these principles in their own lives and traumatise their kids that way and it's normal for anons to point that out.

No. 2215207

That was not me. My point is that you SHOULD provide your parents with love and care and not let them rot alone and with no help when they get older but of course retarded anons want to twist it to some sort of justification for abuse and getting sold for profit kek

No. 2215208

I’m sorry for whatever trauma or issues you’ve experienced with her nonnie

No. 2215210

Nta but ignore the retards who are trying to bait you into an argument kek. They know exactly what you mean, it’s just a regular reaction on lolcow for someone to post an opinion and have it be met with
>Oh? So you think insert absurd, barely related statement?

No. 2215211

Ok since you do not think that kids owe their parents are you also a proponent of fucking up your sons hormones if he likes pink and dresses or your daughters if she doesn't like makeup? Cause clearly you think we should abide by ALL the rules.

No. 2215213

try a little harder anon

No. 2215219

Your point and their point got molded together because it's still in the same discussion, the original argument was about children oweing their parents their lives. "Literally".
Loving and respecting your parents and "oweing them a debt" are two separate things anyway, though it is funny that as soon as the idea that it could mean "changing your dad's diapers" that it suddenly got dropped.

No. 2215222

This is the unpopular opinions thread nonny, vent is upstairs

No. 2215223

You're really just cursing yourself. My family are sane and healthy enough to have cared for me all my life without treating me like I'm in debt for being born. We care for our parents and arrange the best personal caretakers we can find for them out of love, not because we're natural born serfs. This is how it should be for everyone, and if/when I have kids, I would never be so evil and selfish as to tell them they "owe" me just for existing, that they don't have the right to anything, or any of the other stupid bullshit you said.
I don't have to hope for anything for you (and I wouldn't) because someone with your mindset will definitely die alone and miserable in an old folk's home after burning your children and making them resent you.

No. 2215225

This whole child/parent convo reminded me of how I've always thought it's kind of retard logic that some poor ass parents pride themselves in kicking their kid out at 18 or making them pay rent for living at home, which just leads to them getting a wagie job and not having much time for studies, essentially cementing them for a life as a perma-wagie. This according to some parents "teaches them how to work hard." Meanwhile, middle class kids live at home during university and focus on their studies, maybe get a summer job to get some pocket money, but otherwise they tend to graduate earlier and acquire a higher income. This is in the context of an EU country where studying is free but housing is expensive, btw. The "muh work ethic" parents are actually doing a huge disfavor for their kids.

No. 2215228

Confidence comes from your looks

No. 2215234

Agreed. If you look like hell, the treatment you get externally for it will influence you internally

No. 2215247

>someone with your mindset will definitely die alone and miserable in an old folk's home after burning your children and making them resent you.
Plenty of loving parents end up being thrown int cheap nursing homes and dying alone for giving their all to their children. A childs love is conditional and useless.

No. 2215249

Is that what you did to your parents?

No. 2215250

Is what a LOT of children do their parents.

No. 2215253

Unfortunately doesn't apply to ugly men.
This entire thing is some kind of psyop for poorfags cause meanwhile the children of the rich will build businesses with their families resources and be painted as self made entrepreneurs. And the poor will be acting as if providing the basic is an act of mercy.

No. 2215292

Women should be encouraged to be just as ugly as men. If even a beautiful woman will settle down with an ugly/mediocre man why on earth should I spend so much money on makeup, hair, nails, body hair removal, cosmetics, objectifying and impractical outfits if the men will continue looking like hairy frogs?
In be4
>I do it for myself!!!!
No you don't.

No. 2215295

Personally I find women treat me better if I bother more, but I still agree

No. 2215311

wow this parent talk gave me a brain aneurysm

No. 2215332

yeah lookism is a real thing. man or woman against men and women, you'll get treated better by all if you're attractive

No. 2215341

I think everybody loves beautiful women, including women

No. 2215354

Women are the ones who push beauty standards further. Women like to be objectified

No. 2215385

>including women
But not beautiful men.

No. 2215388

That's the worst part. They cry about the harsh beauty standards but then ostracize you if you tell them that you think makeup is useless and don't shave. Perpetual victims of their own doing.

No. 2215395

As an adult you should be allowed to dress up in a costume and go out to trick and treat without people judging you or calling you childish. What moron would seriously turn down free candy???

No. 2215414

If adults all did it, who would put out the candy

No. 2215417

Sorta but you can be delusional about your looks too

No. 2215439

I agree with you anon, I went trick or treating still when I was a teen and even in my 20s. As long as you're respectful and let the kids go first I don't see an issue. Now I've been wanting to return the favor for years by handing out candy but sadly my neighborhood has no trick or treaters. I would welcome anyone as long as they had a costume.

No. 2215452

I do think the day you stop being able to go trick or treating does mark an end to an energetic, social, and youthful era of your life.
The longer it takes, the better off you are tbh.

No. 2215480

Adults going trick or treating gives me a weird feeling. If a group of people my age knock on my door to ask for candy this year I’m not opening it kek

No. 2215484

Yeah it’d make me think that they’re trying to rob me unfortunately kek

No. 2215495

A group of adults, possibly a group where men are there too? hell nah. They might be organized to rob me and if it’s a group of only men they might rape me too. You can never be sure nowadays.
I wouldn’t even open to children kek, maybe an adult might be hiding , waiting to ambush me.

No. 2215522

I’ve never met a woman who earnestly places and puts women on a higher importance in her life with the exception of my female family members who I can only count on one hand kek. As much as men only care about their little boys club I’ve never seen women go to their exact extreme, I’ve never seen them really only care about women in that kind of way. There’s always a caveat and there’s always a male included, it makes me a little sad. I don’t care how much of a weirdo or retard I appear, I don’t want my life dictated by men nor do I want them included in our world anymore. I’m tired of seeing them around walking around empty-headed with no souls and I’m tired of their supporters and lovers cheering them on while other women rot further into her loneliness and despair.

No. 2215535

nothin wrong with hittin the bong before work

No. 2215593

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This game should have had more than one ending.

No. 2215615

I agree with you, it sucks so much. But i think it's possible for many women to start playing this game after they fully realise how moids are and how they play it and stop being fair or whatever. I changed my behavior in this regard after this website has opened my eyes (relatively easily, by the way), i am now petty and only team women and our interests and more aggressive towards men, as far as i can. I think we have plenty of anons here who are the same, it's not impossible to reverse for a not small number of women, imho, it's my little hope. I know it's fucking grim, i guess we can only show an example for now. Love that you have some female family members like this, you can be a team!
P.S. Wish the Personal Accountability thread on 2X was more popular, it's a good thread for sharing instructions.

No. 2215700

Disabled people really are a burden to everyone. I don’t understand why this is so rude to state, it’s true. They are a financial and mental burden to everybody in the family, wish they didn’t exist. Nature is cruel

No. 2215701

I’m gonna take a look at that thread, thanks nonna

No. 2215707

it is true, this isn’t unpopular in peoples minds but it is unpopular to state verbally

No. 2215710

no, you shouldn't. put the unicorn horn down.

No. 2215718

yeah we need to put these guys down

No. 2215719

The people with the fucked up arms freak me out..

No. 2215723


No. 2215728

It wasn’t some random singer it was a male, that’s different. Why do these retarded farmers keep ascribing humanity to men??

No. 2215735

The topic of korea is banned anon

No. 2215739

Anyone born after the 2000's shouldn't use imageboards, they will never understand what is it like to go on forums and talk to other autists, they never experienced the internet the way anyone born before the 2000's did and it shows.

No. 2215740

Maybe you should make your own imageboard to try to enforce this nonnie

No. 2215741

I once got into a big disagreement with my wife's friend about this. I said if there is a way to actual detect most severe mental illnesses in utero, then those babies should probably be aborted. Big, violent male autists are the worst. I know you cant detect autism until after the birth, which sucks, but fuck.. I feel for these poor mothers scared of their own sons. Wtf are they gonna do when they die? No one wants to take care of that

No. 2215742

big burly autistic guys are fucking horrifying, should be illegal

No. 2215743

It's just the truth, you can see how annoying turned the people, both in moid chans and the sorts, right after the kids born in the 2000's began using the internet and even turning 18.

No. 2215745

When I saw that video of an autistic teen beating his teacher almost to death because she took away his switch during class, I knew these types of men needed to be put down. Or at least put away in an asylum. They cant function in society. They are a danger to women.

No. 2215746

I wasn't saying that to be an asshole kek

No. 2215748

NTA but that neanderthal was sentenced to 5 years, should've been the death penalty

No. 2215759

Every autistic male has tard rage and are always fat, selfish and borderline sociopathic like my “brother” it’s disgusting. I would rather have an autistic sister than an autistic brother it makes even more if their XY defectiveness worse

No. 2215760

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No. 2215767

Truly horrifying, not to mention many of those male mass shooters seemed like undiagnosed spergs and autists. Just empty and have virtually no emotions but the rudimentary ones just like sociopaths

No. 2215768

Because 1999 and 2000 is such a huge difference.

No. 2215770

Many cases of kids killing their parents over the most mundate shit ever

No. 2215771


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No. 2215783

A not so fun fact is that a 1960’s outbreak of rubella, which causes severe birth defects in fetuses, helped pave the way for abortion to be a constitutional right in the US.

Dortha Briggs sued her doctor for “wrongful birth” because if she had known she had rubella early in her pregnancy, she would have terminated it. Her daughter was born severely disabled physically and mentally. Dortha still does interviews and said the following
>“I would have given anything to have never been born. Because had I not been born, she [her daughter] would not have been born and suffered.”

No. 2215786

Yup, the same people who go online unmonitored and look at real kills or dead bodies. they become so unphased Men should be monitored at all times.

No. 2215788

I can’t believe we’ve made a lower standard of living into some social justice identity. No sane person wants to be disabled, even the ones who are somehow functioning in society. That is awful jfc

No. 2215793

Good on her. It's gross negligence to not tell the mother that her child will be born with a severe disability. It's always the mother's right to make this choice. No one wants to be born disabled. There is so much capping going on to justify severe disabled people, sometimes born without limbs or proper motor functions.

No. 2215796

They should be caged and used for manual labor, like intended. They couldn’t stand their natural role of being slaves for women so they started making fake stuff like the economy and McDonalds chicken nuggets and kicked women out of the church and persecuted the ones who actually did witchcraft (basically being midwives and herbalists) and persecuted the others for no good reason but thinking a woman simply existing makes her a demonic entity kek. Those evangelicals/protestants were two steps from becoming Islamic fundies when you think about it.

No. 2215800

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That's what I've been saying for years. I know how hard my aunt breaks her back to take care of her adult son with the type of Down Syndrome that makes the person mentally on par to a literal child. She has to carefully plan and worry tirelessly about what's going to happen to him when she's inevitably gone, and it breaks my heart to know that's her life instead of having a normal son that can actually grow up, help her, and take care of himself. Every person who says they would LIKE to have a disabled child is either bluffing to moralfag, or is a genuine, naive retard themselves.

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