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No. 2205883

Let's fix our lives.

No. 2205885

Kek that was quick

No. 2205888

shit thread

No. 2205889

i love being listened to. who is first?

No. 2205890

Are bpds allowed to ask for help or are we too damaged in a romantic tragic sexy way?

No. 2205893

oh baby girl you are my front line general. just wait until someone here needs help ruining a man’s life. we can weaponize girls like you.

No. 2205897

You wouldn't actually follow any advice given so why even ask.

No. 2205900

Is this a BPDchans only thread or are just regular lazy women welcome here too

No. 2205901

I think this could kind of be a little better than the vent thread actually

No. 2205903

shut up fed my dream is to be the first person to unionize crazy bitches and direct them into action for societal good and you will not stand in our way.

No. 2205904

I think just being lazy is enough, we need to unleash our untapped potential

No. 2205905

My affliction is mild symptoms of psychosis, am I getting messages from the Dimensional Merge?

No. 2205906

Half of you split on the other half while the other half cuts themselves because their FP split on them.

No. 2205909

no you will be easier to fix and inspire the rest. just pretend you started out crazy and made you normaler so i can use your story as an example of my success.

No. 2205910

yes but only the ones from me are real. the bad ones are from men.

No. 2205913

literally there are so many women on here with so many different traits and attributes and abilities and you all hate men. we cannot lose undivided.

No. 2205916

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this thread is ADHD nation lol jesus christ I waste day after day hour after hour without being ACTUALLY productive

No. 2205921

and spending just 15 minutes a day harming the worst man you know could result in hours of accumulated man destroying compared with what you are averaging now.

No. 2205922

Same. I am trying to get diagnosed so i can get my retard pills.

No. 2205925

Thank you Stacy fairychan, next time I feel paranoid I'll just visualise my thoughts being abducted by fujos kek

No. 2205926

i just ate a donut what does that say about me

No. 2205928

i do not know what that last word means but any thought that could be used to harm you or another woman is literally the cia with lasers. do not be distracted. they are preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. there is a woman near you who you are destined to connect with. they want to keep the girls from experiencing anything other than being underneath the boots of men. rise.

No. 2205932

you are just a girl who is having fun and living deliciously. make sure to eat a pan of roasted vegetables to balance it out. in buddism you d not aim for just good karma, things need to be balanced and the bad will need to then balance things. if you do an equal amount of good things to good people and bad things to bad people, we can all escape samsara.

No. 2205933

Request to OCD sisters: lend me your valuable cleaning knowledge. Is there a manual you use to figure out what products work best for different messes? Maybe a blog of some kind that details essentials and handy tools? I saw a magnetic window cleaner the other day and the genius of it broke my mind. I’m ready to upgrade from lazy slob to neurotic cleanfreak.

No. 2205937

can’t argue with that kek, now some roasted asparagus sounds really good…

No. 2205938

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same. I’ve had difficulty getting my meds this entire year and I always get so annoyed that my quality of life easily improves tenfold when I can routinely have them. I hate living this way.

No. 2205939

make sure to char the tips a bit my sister.

No. 2205941

what is barring you from access to your medication?

No. 2205946

OCD and ADHD powerhouse right here. I fucking love cleaning. The secret is to use products that are actually pleasant to use, like honeysuckle scented all purpose cleaner, that cool spinny mop that went viral awhile ago, listen to podcasts or whatever only when cleaning. If I’m in a funk I go to the CleaningTips subreddit and just sort by top posts for the past month. A satisfying before and after or weird cleaning quandary always gets me in the mood to scrub the bathroom tile

No. 2205948

vinegar and mrs meyers brand. do not fill your environment with chemicals that will harm your brain and body. going too far overboard will burn you out. start with the areas you eat sleep and bathe in. make those areas clean or nothing will be clean. start with cleaning all dishes and dirty clothes and removing all trash waste and expired foods from your environment. sanitize the areas i mentioned with natural cleaners and then organize your eating sleeping and hygiene items. the rest will fall into place naturally after that.

No. 2205950

i skipped all of my classes last week except for one because i couldnt bother to get up

No. 2205952

I’m a burger. The simple explanation is that the DEA is forcing a shortage of class II controlled substances for treatment of ADHD. It’s made worse by lax standards for generics due to changes in FDA policy from about four years ago which has just lead to a decrease in not only supply but also effective medication

No. 2205955

dear (professors name)
i’m a student in your (course and time) class. last week, due to unforeseen personal circumstances i was not able to attend class or keep up with my assignments. i’m terribly sorry to have not communicated this before i ended up missing class, but i would really like to make a plan to make up for what i missed if i can be allowed. could we please set up a time to talk about making a plan?
your name.

if you aren’t able to do anything more than this, just send that email to each professor. if you can do more, alter that email with a list of what you know you missed and a proposed date for completion and ask if you could submit those assignments for partial credit. they may just give you full credit. best is to quickly submit one easy assignment before you send the email with the plan to the professor to show you've already begun the work.

next lets discuss what kept you from class and either fix it or come up with a plan for managing it.

No. 2205956

Can you nonnas recommend jobs for an autistic adhd retard like me? I’m personable and sociable but I like being on my own, having a list of tasks to do and doing it alone and so on. I HATE being constantly watched and people breathing down my neck micromanaging me.

No. 2205959

i dont think i missed anything actually lol my classes this semester are so low-effort. but im just sad at myself for not even getting up early..this week i will be better

No. 2205960

ah okay yeah that. are you having difficulty getting it prescribed or is it the pharmacy itself that is having trouble stocking it?

No. 2205961

nigga i swerrrrr im a really good person im just autistically obsessed with another autist and she dont like mehhh ima kill myself homies she mad at me or somen i been watching yo tellonym i love uuuu your a cool bitch we used to be kangzzz omfg(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2205962

Technician, plumber, data analyst, accountant, carpenter, barista, etsy small business owner

No. 2205964

if you like being outdoors and nature look into natural resource field positions

No. 2205965

I dragged out reviewing this homework that should've taken 1 hour into 3 by wasting so much time. So glad to have a have safe space.

No. 2205967

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I feel so much for you ADHD nonnas. Is there an actual strategy any of you know for managing executive dysfunction without meds? I'm an Eurotard and my country prioritizes children when it comes to getting evaluated and treated for ADHD, so I've just recently been told it could take up to a year for me to get the diagnosis. ADHD seriously makes me feel broken, not even the classic "turn off your phone and stare at the wall" Reddit tier advice works for me because my mind will just default to daydreaming (not to mention most of my coursework is online, so I can't avoid technology completely)

No. 2205968

>draw for 15 minutes
>it sucks
>go back to listening to music in bed while i daydream about all the things i want to draw
Life is hell why wasnt i born chinese i would have been sent to art school at age 5 and forced to draw loomis heads for 23 hours straight until i got good or else i would have been beaten

No. 2205970

I take care of my grandparent 24/7 (they have dementia) but am trying to find some source of income on the side while I take care of them.
Any ideas? I am dogshit at dealing with people.

No. 2205971

I microdose shrooms

No. 2205972

give me an idea of your interests and skills. you could probably be the manager somewhere related to those interests and work on your own projects while half minding what a small group of competent people are doing if you play your cards right. you could also do something like dog grooming where you just focus dog to dog. if you have sewing skills being a tailor or working in a quilt shop could be an option. there’s something for every interest where you don’t get bossed around you could work towards.

No. 2205973

It’s the pharmacies around me. They have difficulty keeping the meds stocked and the majority of my medication is now produced by a different manufacturer that does not work as well for me. because the effectiveness of the med is through the delivery method which is patented and cannot be accurately replicated at this time

I cannot get the script filled with any other generic but the one that is trash, going brand name requires me paying $600 out of pocket each month. If I try to get a different manufacturer I have to argue with pharmacy staff about how yes, the generics are different. That is if they even try to help me because most will say they can’t discuss specifics about what controlled substances they do or do not have in stock due to company policy. I’ve given up at this point. I can’t spend 8+ hours every single month arguing with people and trying to track down a medication that actually helps me.

No. 2205974

errybody needs to get on that prolific grind niggas you can make like 100 bucks a month it's a survey website

No. 2205975

I can spend literal hours in bed doing absolutely nothing. I both love it and hate it at the same time

No. 2205978

have you looked into being considered their caregiver legally? some states provide a minimum wage level of wage for people who do caregiving for their relatives.

No. 2205979

I do have that going, I just feel like I could be doing more.

No. 2205980

>some states provide a minimum wage level of wage for people who do caregiving for their relatives
nta wtf I wasted 2 years taking care of my dying mother and I could have been paid for it if I was in america? jfc

No. 2205981

i'm not fairynonna, but maybe you can start furiously messily sketching your ideas out to match the speed in your head, also make sure to draw while listening to the music. try to focus in one scene or image that is specifically striking and encapsulates what you daydream. even if things are ugly and near unintelligble it's good, you're learning to connect your thought stream to actively drawing it.

No. 2205982

have you tried switching to one that isn’t a stimulant or have you tried them all and only one works. i would also gently examine if what “works” is it’s getting you kind of high. you take vyvanse right?

No. 2205984

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i used to suspect i might have adhd but then a bunch of cringe zoomie tards started self-diagnosing themselves with it so i defaulted back to hating myself for being a lazy bitch and thinking laziness is just a part of my personality. it doesn't help and i'm still miserable but atleast i don't have to associate with them
>I'm an Eurotard and my country prioritizes children when it comes to getting evaluated and treated for ADHD
same except mine doesn't diagnose adhd in adults at all afaik

if i do have adhd i probably inherited from my stupid retard dumb fuck father fuck him and fuck his retarded genes

No. 2205985

dude i know someone who got their retired mom that gig for babysitting their autistic grandchild. if you have no other form of income and are helping the government save money on a disabled or elderly person they will sometimes help cos the alternative is more expensive to them they just don’t advertise this.

No. 2205986

That's the thing. I don't want to mindlessly draw shit i want to study and get good.

No. 2205987

okay that’s a great start. what are your skills and interests, or other qualifications. there should easily be something part time we can find for you as well as side hustle options.

No. 2205988

I am actually a barista right now, and I am having my neck breathed down and micromanaged 24/7. I am also horrifically bad at math. Embarrassingly so.
I am very obsessed with coffee and brewing, I’m pretty people oriented and I would say I’m pretty good with computers. My strengths definitely lie in people and executing specific tasks, maybe some type of repetition but not TOO much repetition where it’s the exact same thing over and over or I will get bored. I also think I’m great at adapting and change and moving on the fly and like keeping busy. For example, I’m trying to move to Walmart as a personal shopper, from what I understand you’re told exactly what to get and where and what to do with it without a boss hovering you all the time. I’d like other jobs similar to that because my autism can’t handle authority and constantly being forced to do other people’s methods/be monitored by a boss.

No. 2205989

The only thing I can do properly without feeling like I'm going to die after a few hours is being a dj wish me luck nonnas…

No. 2205990

okay you need to have some discipline and draw things you don’t want to. you can try some art challenges for technique like the one that makes you draw like 50 cubes. you could enroll in an introductory drawing course at a community college.

No. 2205992

oh well you can sign up for insta cart and door dash right now and get a job being a shopper with no boss. also i would go for target instead of walmart it’s extremely cushy and you can get a job that’s entirely fulfilling online orders there. they will hire anyone right now for the holiday season they need a ton of staff. what is your living and savings situation? maybe you could work towards starting your own cozy little cafe. a themed one would be a dream.

No. 2205993

you should start dealing drugs.

No. 2205995

it's not mindlessly drawing shit, it's breaking the habit of daydreaming without getting work down. not everything you draw can be a finished clean piece, look at early concept art and storyboards. if you need to cycle through multiple iterations of designs, you need to become skilled at drawing quickly and simply get your ideas across. you can then use those sketches to plan out finished, detailed pieces.

No. 2205997

Yeah i did the 350 cube challenge. I am good at following a schedule but the problem its hat its impossible to find good ones and art education in my shithole sucks. I would love to have money to have some professional artist to guide me but sadly i am a poorfag.

No. 2205998

you need to ignore what others around you are doing. those self diagnosing people are their own thing and you are a separate complete entity. seek out a diagnosis if you think medication can help. seek out a therapist if you don’t think you need meds and just focus on solving problems and alleviating specific symptoms.

No. 2206000


No. 2206001

I don’t drive sadly so that’s out of the question… But yeah, I would love to own my own cafe! One time I talked about wanting a gothic cafe that’s open at night in the vent thread I think. I’d definitely have to save up money for management and hospitality classes though but worth it. I do live very close to both Target and Walmart, I applied to work at the Starbucks at my local one but they said they liked me but didn’t have any openings at that moment and they’d keep my name in, but I had no clue if that was a rejection or not and never heard anything since. Filling just online orders sounds great though, I think I’m gonna try that.

No. 2206003

When i do i get depressed because i am too self aware and i realize i suck and i don't know how to improve.

No. 2206004

I take Concerta or methylphenidate. Vyvanse and Adderall do nothing for me, I tried them both. Vyvanse literally makes me fall asleep and Adderall gives me a migraine while not even touching my symptoms. Nonstimulants like strattera are effective in about 50% of people who try them, I am not in the lucky half.
>is it getting you kind of high
Concerta is known for being difficult to abuse. I am on the lowest dose possible. I take it and am able to get dressed, brush my teeth, and respond to emails. It wears off about six hours later.

No. 2206007

AYRT here, I'm so sorry for both of us then. The system is so retarded and misogynistic. Little girls slip through the cracks because the diagnostic standard is moidlets who chimp out and fight their teachers.

No. 2206010

Microdose love

No. 2206011

Ngl I'm a pretty big loser in that department, only worked basic customer service jobs.
I'm thinking maybe this is the time to try and take online classes for something, but I got no idea.

No. 2206015

if you’re the person who posted about doing that you are actually the person who taught me about that so thank you. you helped me previously!! that’s kind of why i suggested community college - it’s basically free and you can get the government to pay for everything if you’re poor where i am from. have you tried looking on google for art studios near you OR art museums? i’ve heard of people getting to do lessons free in exchange for studio cleaning. pottery studios get filthy for example and you can offer to clean if you bat your eyes for some space in the next batch that gets fired.

No. 2206018

i am from a shithole nonny. my friend who went to art school here i kid you not was foorced to do mandalas as an assigment and she dindnt learn shit

No. 2206024

…okay hang on concerta was what i was going to recommend. i had the opposite experience on vyvanse and adderall and literally could only take adderall once and never again when it was prescribed it was so strong. i haven’t refilled my adhd meds for years so i had no idea concerta was also included in that shortage now. i had assumed it was people after the ones people abuse self diagnosing and the FDA slamming the brakes and there just being too many people. if i knew you i would just solve this by giving you some of mine damn. i need to think. oh god you’re gonna have to start buying drugs unless i think of a better idea.

No. 2206025

okay. new solution. nonnie.. marry me and come to vermont.

No. 2206030

only if i can take my two cats with me they sadly inherited my retardation and cannot live by their own

No. 2206032

I’m kind of a fat retard…

No. 2206033

How the fuck do I stop bring an avoidant loser? I've ruined too many friendships and potential relationships because I was too embarrassed to answer a text for some reason.

No. 2206034

Aren't we all

No. 2206038

i went to a ged class as an adult but was a procrastination master. i thought cutting out hobbies would help me focus on my schoolwork so i never did anything fun in my free time. i just ended up writing kpop fanfic in class kek. am i adhd or just generally retarded?

No. 2206039

oh i insist you bring the cats.

No. 2206040

Does anyone else here have DID and feel like you can't talk about it because you'd get roped in with people who use it as an excuse to make OCs and get attention on TikTok? The extreme memory loss is the most debilitating part to me and the only reason I noticed I have it so even though I know a lot of these attention seekers are troubled kids, I can't help but seethe at them because they've made something that genuinely cripples me into a fashion statement, and you can't call them out on it without being called ableist.

No. 2206041

do you have mountains near you

No. 2206042

thank you for your advice nona. i'm currently in therapy for depression and my new ADs are supposed to help with attention and concentration so that's a start. i remember bringing up adhd with my first therapist and she just said "you're smart and seem calm and collected. you can't have adhd" kek. apparantly only
>moidlets who chimp out and fight their teachers
can have adhd according to our medical system

No. 2206044

get yourself in the right mental and emotional
alignment to bring in new relationships into your life. think about things you would like to do with other people and imagine how it will feel to do fun things with people you feel close to and comfortable with. imagine things you want. a partner to hold you. a best friend to stay up all night shooting the shit with. a group of friends to do your hobby or favorite activity with. imagine the things you would like to bring to others lives. a shoulder to cry on and being the person your best friend trusts the most. now imagine who in your life you think would like to do those things and could fulfill those roles. if you can’t see those people being the friends you need or want, then you need to open yourself out to getting out there and meeting new people.

No. 2206048

yes i do i love walking

No. 2206050

oh then you need a new therapist that’s insane. i was even diagnosed at 17 and i was a well behaved kid. that’s absurd she’s so far behind she doesn’t sound very helpful or knowledgeable at all and that can interfere with your treatment entirely.

No. 2206052

No, I'm skinny

No. 2206056

there's tons of art advice and resources out there and it's slow. training your eyes to better notice details and relationships is part of how you get better, because you can catch your mistakes and improve your work. you can balance ideas and concept work with actual improvement exercises. people will have different relationships to art but if you can have fun while getting better, that helps build a lifelong relationship to regularly drawing and getting better.

No. 2206058

you two should get married at the ben and jerry's factory

No. 2206061

get on up em then. literally most efficient way to gain muscle on your whole body and change your body composition.

No. 2206064

Also European and wondering the same thing. I've flunked out of four different college courses due to having basically no executive function whatsoever. My mind just wanders off during lectures and when I'm trying to study I find it impossible to take in any more information than the first three words (that I end up reading over and over again because none of the rest of the sentence computes). Add that onto terrible time management and the world's worst sleep routine and you've got me.
In school I used to coast by by passively taking in information even when I wasn't concentrating and getting Cs on average. But college is nowhere near as structured as school was so I've been flopping like a fish out of water even though the first year of a college course isn't that much harder than the work in the last year of school.

No. 2206066

okay it’s settled. we could do it now while the foliage is pretty but it’s kind of cold to eat ice creams.

No. 2206067

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nta but the problem with posts like these is that if someone actually offered me this, i would actually do it. i take every chance i'm given

No. 2206077

we just need to figure out how to get the cats here

No. 2206094

do you have a history of trauma?

No. 2206098

my cats are fine with car rides and i have all the supplies

No. 2206101

Yes, how did you guess?

No. 2206106

because that’s why i can’t focus or function and i’m a good guesser. right now i’m doing emdr and ruining my abusers life about it. i’ve also considered giving myself a worse but more palatable trauma to cover up the first one.

No. 2206128

I dont have a friend group. And a boyfriend either. But moids are bad tbh, how do you "use" them?

No. 2206131

you don’t need men but you can always catfish them online for money.

No. 2206138

I have such a crippling fear of commitment that I don't start anything because the idea of following through terrifies me. It's so pathetic. There are so many things I want to do and genuinely enjoy working on but I just stop myself doing it for some bullshit reason. I've had therapy before but it didn't really help with it, and I can't seem to kick my own ass into gear and get over the fear of finishing anything. Sorry if this didn't make any sense, it's just so dumb. I'm also autistic but I've never spoken to another autist who has this problem to this extent so idk
NTA but nonna, are you me? I've also considered trying to traumatise myself to cover up the trauma of being abused kek.

No. 2206140

I'm listening…

No. 2206146

I think I unironically have schizoid personality disorder. I could (or believe I can) do most things but I'm such a hater of other people that there's no actual benefit of achievement. Girls should I kill myself

No. 2206148

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The temptation to splurge on expensive lingerie is strong. Real talk though why is this $1000 and how realistic is it for an unskilled sewer to make something like this

No. 2206153

commit mail fraud.

No. 2206155

why kill yourself when you can devote yourself to your hatred. find men accused of rape and abuse and ruin their lives to give yourself purpose.

No. 2206157

You’re so sweet nonny. Basically all stimulants are on a shortage now due to the increased demand. The DEA limits how much of X medication can be produced in a year and they believe there is no need to increase the amount from pre-pandemic levels. So we’re basically at a perpetual deficit of adhd meds in the country. Right now I am getting by with Ritalin 3X a day but it isn’t ideal.

Also if any nonnys are hesitant to pursue diagnosis I highly recommend it. Struggled with lifelong depression and anxiety, finally getting treated for my adhd basically solved all of my problems. Watch the lecture linked by Russell Barkley for more info about the condition.

No. 2206161

I feel like they'd like the female attention, men are subhuman and will die unrealised anyways- so it's like smashing insects where their lives and deaths mean nothing to me on an individual level. I won't say anything more because it is suspicious criminally nonny.

No. 2206165

don’t do it as a female. email their boss.

No. 2206169

if it's a luxury brand and/or custom sizing, they're upcharging for the branding and providing an "experience" to make women feel better splurging. even with these luxury companies, still products are produced by underpaid and undervalued seamstresses. i don't sew myself but like to watch videos occasionally (sorry for yapping) but if you have no skill or supplies it's unlikely you can do that at the beginning. sewing is a trade and to reach the highest levels of competency and craftsmanship would take years and specialized machinery but you could probably make your own versions in shorter than you might expect, and you can splurge on nice materials too. check out reddit for sewing discussion and patterns, and youtube for tutorials.

No. 2206172

nona that things ugly please

No. 2206175

how old are you people? hopefull still in early 20s. i cannot imagine mid/late 20s acting like this

No. 2206182

what is your problem? tell me, i help you.

No. 2206187

I'm afraid to socialize and have bad, BAD OCD problems. Like it's got to the point where the clothes I wore outside have to be washed when inside. Can't touch door handles, use public restrooms. I also have a massive 'noia about men's hands. You know, most of them have bad hygiene and they dont wash their ** and all? Ugh, I can't imagine living with one. God I hope the future comes faster and women create AI husbandos that are clean and sanitary. Would be great(do not self-censor)

No. 2206188

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Ok what about this

No. 2206189

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>acting superior on lolcow.farm

No. 2206194

i'm a hater. anyway i wonder if it's actually possible to change my personality. i took a CIA personality test the other day: https://www.pasf.org/pasq/index.htm and there was literally nothing good about my personality (IuFcUu).
apparently i'm emotionally detached, a narcissist, possess an underdeveloped emotional control (i'm in my late 20s), not loyal, incapable of emotional involvement unless it's for my own personal gains etc and many other abhorrent traits.

No. 2206195

What >>2206189 said. You probably have your own bugs in the head. Being resentful of something you have that you dislike is a part of the way our brains are wired

No. 2206198

Nta but this thread is complete cringe. Is this cause you guys missed a bit of school due to lockdown why are gen z so stunted mentally

No. 2206204

*IuFcUc i mean

No. 2206205

theres an age limit for being fat and dumb?

No. 2206209

there's one for being a loser at least. by the time you are 25 (being generous here) you should have established self discipline
>bbb-but muh made up adhd!!!
kill yourself

and have something you are working towards.

No. 2206210

How can I make myself actually start doing my homework and manage my time? Where can I conjure the motivation and organization to do these things?
I'm so lazy, I am about to fail Cal 2 the second time.

No. 2206211

Now imagine if you spent this much time being annoying and incessantly complaining on a male imageboard instead.

No. 2206212

Your guys gay shitposting is more moidlike than me calling you cringe.

No. 2206214

Tell your parents so they can keep you accountable and stop being such a baby

No. 2206215

god told me the cia would try to stop me from saving the ladies. this won’t work demon!!

No. 2206216

You sound cluster B.

No. 2206217

are you the one paying your tuition?

No. 2206218

take it out on men instead. we are focused on self improvement in this thread.

No. 2206220

Literally where is anyone giving actual advice to help you guys stop being spoilt and lazy. Here's an idea stop living off your parents if you lack motivation

No. 2206223

Do your homework or roaches will climb out of your drains tonight.

No. 2206224

That's a good idea tbh.
Kind of, I have several scholarships but will probably lose them if I don't get my shit together this semester.
This is scary

No. 2206225

all over this thread which is a mere four hours old. i suggest learning to read and leave when you aren’t wanted.

No. 2206226

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No. 2206227

if you flunk out you won’t be offered any scholarships when you go back to school again and it will make self fulfillment much more difficult.

No. 2206228

attention seeking behavior is connection seeking behavior. does that nonnie maybe need a friend?

No. 2206229

Literally dumbass anons leading the retarded

No. 2206232

my life is awesome and my thread has been very peaceful and productive i think you are just jelly

No. 2206233

She's already failed so her story has already fallen apart. What's this person's scholarships in? Sports lol. Paid for by parents

No. 2206236

you don’t always lose scholarships failing one class especially if you’ve been in school. the rules of this thread are work towards improving your life or improving other anon’s lives or don’t post.

No. 2206237

don't tell me what to do i can post whatever i want(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2206239

Oh right ok I'm sure the twitter speak all of this thread will improve you guys when ivd already been told what I gave as advice was a good idea. Your thread sucks

No. 2206240

Hide the thread instead of shitting it up with a-logging and derailing if you don't like it tard

No. 2206241

We’re failing upwards, don’t knock it

No. 2206246

exactly girls stay strong. they just want this thread to devolve into crabs in a bucket but we are helpful and focused in here. like a cat in a bucket who gets out of the bucket and carries all the other little kittens out.

No. 2206248

That's a good point! I only have one shot at this, if I fuck it up it will be significantly harder.
I don't really know why you would think I would lie about being a lazy loser on lc. I failed Cal 2 once, but it didn't bring my GPA down low enough to lose my merit based scholarships, which I earned from having a high GPA in HS and then another from the first few easy years in college. I just never really developed good study habits and I can't coast anymore and studying is so tedious and boring, but just going to the lectures isn't enough to truly learn the material.

No. 2206249

Idk if it's the autism itt but it smells like scote

No. 2206252

you can use anxiety as a motivation if you don’t let it paralyze you!! stay focused on your goals. you will have the life you dream of if you just do your homeworks. i am putting a smiley face here in spirit.

No. 2206256

I still live at home too, I think I might unironically print my schedule and put it in the fridge so my parents can make sure I'm studying. Which is ridiculous, but maybe it will be what it takes?

No. 2206258

Yeah the scrotes are currently derailing this thread, they literally can't help but to shit up every thread there is with random infighting/autistic buzzwords. This thread is for helping women and they just derail it stealthly.

No. 2206261

Guess some people can't handle uni. Lectures can be done at home only reason to go is cause the prof will highlight and hint what's on exams and what skills to be good at. If you've been in college 2 years already and haven't figured that out idk. Do you live at home during uni do you work like what are you doing

No. 2206262

i knew a girl who did this because she had adhd and a really loving momma who helped her keep track of her assignments! you could also give someone access to your online grading portal for accountability. we could even post accountability stuff in here if you wanted to!

No. 2206265

they want to keep us down but it’s impossible.

No. 2206266

looks like something a granny would wear if it's expensive maybe i just have poor taste

No. 2206274

oh well was just trying to help by telling the hard truth. this is what i get in return huh. maybe you guys are more receptive towards parasocial rimjob like what we are witnessing in this thread where you can tell each other how valid each of you are and cultivate a feel good ecosystem with therapy speaks and yass queening.

No. 2206276

i don’t have ADHD personally im just a loser

No. 2206277

A sewing anon here. Anything stretchy is going to be a pain in the ass especially as a complete beginner. The fact these pieces all have sheer speciality fabrics as well is going to make it doubly more challenging. How good are you at working with your hands nona? How beginner we talking?

No. 2206278

Even if I get an ADHD diagnosis idk if it will be worth attempting uni again. I'm not really keen on the idea of starting an undergraduate with a bunch of 18 year olds as someone in my mid twenties, and I don't really want to explain that what I've been doing all these years is flunking out of community college courses, being a shut-in and experiencing SA trauma symptoms.
But I also don't want to have to be a wagie forever and I feel like you kind of have to have a degree to have a shot at getting a halfway decent job. And it's embarrassing to not even have an undergraduate when most of the people in my school year got theirs 2-3 years ago and some are doing their masters.
I miss the 18 year old I used to be. She was excited for law school and had just as much potential as anyone else, and now she's posting on the Lazy Bitches lolcow thread.

No. 2206282

File: 1728867022231.jpeg (10.37 KB, 225x225, C8229C81-2CDF-4247-8DA4-5977D6…)

If you have adhd what you said is not new or novel advice. I already know I’m a loser that’s why I’m in the advice thread. Your crabs won’t pinch me anon

No. 2206284

at least you have taken the first step anon and i applaud that. slowly build a set of routines for yourself.

No. 2206287

Being condescending and rude isn't trying to help anyone, you were just trying to feel superior kek. Which makes you more of a loser than anyone in this thread, imagine trying to larp as Regina George on lolcow.farm of all places. If you're posting here you're a fail daughter like the rest of us lmao

No. 2206288

You're not wrong, I am battling extreme laziness to go through college. I do think you have too rigid of a concept of what lectures are though, often times they can be really rambling. I think my main issue is that I don't study at all, at all and this is what I need to change. I also always turn in my HW late because I hate doing it it.
I live at home, but I also have a campus job at my school.
It's a bit of a cop out I guess, but putting the responsibility onto my parents might actually be the trick. That's what got me through HS!

No. 2206292

Hey guys, have you tried like not having adhd? Have you thought of that?

No. 2206295

this isn’t even an adhd support thread. it’s a fail woman circle jerk. and it’s awesome. get it right.

No. 2206298

yes i might be a loser too but you people should be more critical to yourselves and stop blaming everything on your adhdh or whatever mental illnesses you westoids love claiming to have.(infighting)

No. 2206300

this isn't the ADHD thead…

No. 2206302

the premise of this thread is i can fix the people on the website. that’s it. the entire concept is literally whatever it is, it’s fixable. it’s not that deep.

No. 2206303

the adhd thread is only for autists really

No. 2206311

fairynona how can I inconvenience my ex moid as much as possible? Don’t have access to his apartment so can’t put sardines in the air vent or anything like that

No. 2206312

You could just leave people alone and mind your own business. You don’t think ADHD is real or that people can try and fix their lives after failing, well no one is forcing you to. But someone else isn’t wrong if they want to vent or ask for advice online. And no one is required to stop posting on this thread because you don't like it or think that a disorder that's in the DMS-5 is fake.

No. 2206313

Kill him.

No. 2206315

list his crimes and we will come up with fitting punishments. you can also always always dox him with an embarrassing post on 4chan and they will pretty much just do the work for you.

No. 2206320

The sardines in the air vent thing is a bad idea anyway. It feels good in the moment to play pranks like that but after enough time has passed he'll just start using it as a story about his crazy ex he can laugh about with his buddies. It's better to completely ghost and block him on everything.

No. 2206324

they say that shit no matter what you do. get his ass. make him scared to treat someone bad again.

No. 2206330

File: 1728868638488.jpeg (104.08 KB, 500x375, FA80D98F-5FA7-47D6-A875-694C35…)

he’ll easily trace a dox on 4chan back to me sadly since he’s pretty normie. Some crimes I have not forgiven him for
>cut me off mid sentence to tell me he doesn’t care what I had to say about my cat
>told me I couldn’t use my dad dying as an excuse to not go out drinking with him and his friends
>regularly had skidmarks in his underwear. I’m not sure he used soap actually when showering
>told me I was useless and lazy and blamed me for his high stress job. I was going to school full time, working 35 hours at a wagie job, and doing all the household chores

Please don’t make fun of me I know I was dumb and won’t do it for a moid ever again

No. 2206336

you are not dumb. you are good and he took advantage of your goodness. unfortunately the other anon is right and he does need to die for this. however this man is not worth ruining your life over. have you considered finding a witch to place a curse on him? i don’t recommend doing that yourself because it can misfire. you can also wait like two years and then dox him and he won’t know who did it. revenge is a dish best served cold and you can always just do wild shit to him two years in the future. i’m lucky i process things slowly for only that reason because it truly fucks with people to realize that people don’t forget and like remember bad things they do. it makes them wonder who else feels that way. his object permanence may have told him he got away with it and no one is talking badly about him but going after a rapist like five years after the fact is like life ruining psychologically. especially if they have more than one victim. the paranoia is a good cage if prison isn’t happening. you could always message his other exes, i did that once and we talked for a week straight exchanging stories. that ex wasn’t super abusive but it’s always super good when a group of women gang up on their abusive ex and come forward about what a prick he is at the same time.

No. 2206337

nta but how can someone trace your posts on an imageboard?

No. 2206340

they can’t but they can be like. well obviously that was my ex who has been saying shit like that. they can’t do anything about it besides like confront you. you could just do whatever and block him and if he’s not in your life what can he do? tell people you might have made a post and he can’t prove it? yawn.

No. 2206346

If it was as you said then yeah I would do it. I was able to force his hand and get him to pay me $250 a month for a few years. I don’t want to lose the $250 which I most certainly would if he connected sudden harassment with a random post on 4chan most likely made by myself. I’m playing the nice ex currently since it’s in my favor but am planning to do something for revenge in the future. And no I am not going to ruin my life over this

No. 2206358

Maybe you could anonymously post about him in one of those Are We Dating the Same Guy Facebook groups? I don't know if it's revenge exactly but it might make dating harder for him and save a woman from being victimised by him.
Overall I think it's better to just be the bigger person though. Not out of a sense of morality but because nobody can justify or blame you being mistreated on you being a bitch if you don't actually do anything messy.

No. 2206364

honestly taking his money is the worst thing you could do to him.

No. 2206373

i have terrible ocd which may be caused by my longlife daydreaming habit but i can't get myself to fix it because i dont see the point in life. Literally what the fuck people do with their lives? Most work is boring as shit and most peoples life resolution and goals is having a partner and family but i dgaf about that so what the fuck do i do? I dont see joy in anything or really the point of doing things. Maybe i will have to escape to an anglo or euro country to find other women like me but im literally retarded but i cant seem to fix my retardation because what is the point, for what

No. 2206375

I did this too and I got a type similar to yours. It's IuFuUu.

The efu has reacted against his autism and behavioral passivity, has developed a sense of responsibility, and recognizes the need to sublimate or displace most of his primitive self-centeredness and emotionality. However, very little of his displacement is toward active social-interpersonal relationships; it is more likely to be individual but socially relevant intellectual and procedural activities. His need to be active in a social sense is limited, but, as a result, his vocational or avocational interests are intense and compelling. In most instances, the efu will approach his interests with considerable self-discipline and will be dedicated, in one way or another, to efficiency and competence.

No. 2206379

Just act normally and succeed and vaguepost about people holding you back. Also make him a profile on gay dating sites screenshot it and make up fake texts saying it wants to meet up with a 12 year old and send the images anonymously to his family and job as a fake predator catcher, also DM him asking if it's true so you're not under suspicion. Buy a shitty 100 phone and Sim to do this or get a stranger overseas

No. 2206406

I might get heat for this but do not listen to the crunchy green bitches who say vinegar and water for everything. No. You will waste your time and energy trying to scrub scum off of dirty areas being relegated to that basic shit. Here's my recommendations:
>observe your space and take note of the filth, daily
>have a small cleaning routine every day to keep your place maintained, so when bigger messes happen it won't be overwhelming
My routine is based entirely on the fact that I work from home. When I was working an out-of-home job, I would do this routine before I relax for the night so I would wake up to a somewhat clean house. The routine is - dishes, sweep/vacuum common areas and room, and spot clean. Spot cleaning means - I see a greasy smudge on the microwave that will take two seconds to wipe off. I see a handprint on the bathroom mirror. I see toothpaste stains in the sink, I rinse it out. Anything simple that I notice, a sticky spot on the floor or maybe my cat threw up on the rug. This is a simple daily thing that takes some of the pain out of the "weeklies".
>once a week, clean the bathroom - toilet, sink, mirror, floor (sweep and mop)
>once a week, do a load of laundry, including drying and putting away
>once a week, mop the kitchen floor, especially around the stove and sink area, or any area where you trail food or prepare it
>once a month, clean the shower. Get a cleaner that is specifically advertised to be for tiles and/or showers. Get a melamine foam block (also known as a magic eraser, I buy "Mr. Clean Magic Erasers"). The melamine foam will make it easier to get the tough scum off of the shower, and makes the job faster and more satisfying.
>at LEAST once a month, dust your knickknacks, your tables, chairs, dressers, shelves, top of the fridge, anywhere that you can see dust. You can use a rag, I like to use polishing spray (Pledge, for example) because it makes the surface slick for a while, and prevents dust from building up as fast. Sometimes I'll do this while I'm trying to think of what to do for the day on my days off.
>Once a month, check your fridge. Throw out expired food. Clean up any spills or messes. Reorganize it for maximum space.
>Stay organized. I'm an unorganized person for the most part, but I need things to be in grouped areas. I put all my sewing things in a little box I purchased for them. I put my art supplies in a bookcase. I have a bureau where each drawer is its own assigned thing - bra/underpants for one, socks for another, pants for the third, bed sheets and towels for the fourth.
>once a month (at LEAST) change your bed sheets and pillow cases. I like spraying them with lysol for that fake fresh linen smell.

Finally, remember that this is a never ending cycle and it's all about maintenance. There are a lot of perks to maintaining this, including self-confidence and peace of mind, as well as looking impressive to random people.

No. 2206444

Love you. I’m in

No. 2206485

Lazy Cal 2 failure nona again. I had a test last friday and I wound up skipping it because I got test anxiety and was scared I would fail it. I am planning to email my prof and ask him if I can come in during office hours and take it.
Can I have a few pointers on like, how to ask this politely?

No. 2206542

"bpd" women are traumatized women with ptsd after being abused by males repeatedly. they are incapable of ruining any male's life in fact it's scrotes who ruined their lives. bpd as a diagnosis exist solely to let abusive males get away without punishment by branding the woman as a crazy liar trying to ruin the poor rapists life.

No. 2206546

but why do I have to do all this shit myself? why can't I get a submissive maleslave to do this for me like males get their wives to do all this neverending cleaning.

No. 2206553

>mfw have recurring retarded imposter syndrome like feelings about having bpd despite being diagnosed because i'm a kinsey 5 loser who hasn't had sex for 4 years and not a high fashion model with 800 ex bfs

No. 2206565

My fashion model friend is literally femcel.

No. 2206599

>hasn't had sex in 4 years
Rookie numbers.

No. 2206728

Ok girls this moid narcissist bitch followed me for a decade on social media and we talked off and on for years, he was desperate to meet me the whole time

Me being insecure kept saying no but finally said yes and we met, he romance bombed me and chatted with me day and night. We fucked around a couple times.

Said he’s talked to me in many of my moods and knew I have mental health issues and he would never be bothered by that

So I got all vulnerable and went a little nuts because he started paying less attention/acting distant because he’s self diagnosed autistic/feeling nothing

I went full psycho delulu but also rly sweet told him how much I still like him. Then he said he needed space, ghosted for two weeks, now he barely interacts with me at all while simultaneously baiting me online and saying he still wants to see me

How do I ruin this moids fucking life? It was a huge deal for me to be brave and meet him, and a big deal when I let myself have feelings for this lying piece of shit. Why obsess over me then romance bomb me, give me constant attention and then withdrawal and embarrass me?

HELP ME(integrate)

No. 2206732

Gonna throw in he’s a shitty artist and like 5’6 not even that hot and tiny dick and I still gave all of my effort and mutual obsession that he’s was begging for knowing my history full well and acting all stoic like he wants me to matter what fr dude had me crying and self harming for two weeks now that I’m over that I want to destroy him

Give me tips!

No. 2206733

Did you sleep with him?

No. 2206735

What’s he baiting you with? Does he say he still wants to see you directly?

No. 2206790

Nta but men are destructive and do you really wanna risk having your things broken. They make good landscapers

No. 2206863

why would you depend on a man for anything bitch get some pledge on a rag and start dusting off your knickknacks

No. 2206866

This is not a beginner project but the links above are fantastic resources and the kits are great. They'll give you a solid foundation for making something like your picrel. Be prepared to have a horrible time at first though, it's a steep learning curve.

No. 2206881

shit looks hideous. Gacha skin looking lingerie.

No. 2206887

Thanks for the links!

No. 2206902

To be frank it is entitled to use being lazy and anxious because of said laziness to retake a test, which can require a lot of extra work for professors. There's a good chance the professor will say no and be irritated. If you do have severe mental health issues preventing your academics, it really is your responsibility to get professional help, get accomodations and tell professors early if needed, or stop taking classes to deal with them. I say this as someone so depressed in college I would start crying in the middle of class and had to leave; I should have been getting real help or took a break from school. What are your specific grades for the class, if you can't retake the test do you have any chance of passing? If you really want to ask to take it later, for writing emails I find using chatgpt for ideas.

No. 2206915

Did some very bad stuff, didn't get caught thankfully. Teehee.

No. 2206916

you need to write disability accommodations at your school and explain the problem to them. do you have an anxiety diagnosis? i would have a dr write a note confirming that diagnosis and saying you need to be given accommodations to take your tests in a private classrooom. most schools have a tutoring center where they’ll stick you to take tests with a proctor. this will help your test anxiety and reassure your professor you have a valid reason for struggling. i would then email him that you’ve begun this process and ask if going forward he will give you permission to take your exams there if you can stay in the course.

No. 2206925

I'd like to know this too, I've had my ADHD diagnosis since I was a kid but I was too arrogant to accept help so I've never taken any meds, and now I'd have trouble getting them because of how trendy it is. I'm a fucking mess

No. 2206926

I've been spending the last few months trying to figure out a more polished personal style. My usual style is either leggings+hoodie or pyjamas, which doesn't help my laziness at all. Trying to dress more polished helps me feel more motivated just to go outside and take a walk or try to do something productive. Not full business casual or anything but wearing a nice sweater with some lipgloss honestly helps a lot with making me feel more alert.

No. 2206929

I just feel like rotting in my bed forever, I hate that I have to earn in order to exist
I didn't ask to be born and have to continue this burden called life but I have to anyway so why not be a nihilist NEET

No. 2206931

>>2206728 same happened to me but instead I was raped and ghosted

No. 2206938

find a real boyfriend maybe

No. 2206951

Get a job temporarily and find a husband kek

No. 2206961

Another adhd anon here. I’m going to be honest without meds I am a bit of a mess. I rely on untreated anxiety to help me get stuff done, but that also has its own problems obviously. I self medicate with a bunch of caffeine but I don’t recommend it either.

I think the biggest asset is understanding how your adhd works and knowing yourself. The people I know who manage alright despite untreated adhd do so because they have systems that they are very strict about adhering to. Stuff like they always work on schoolwork this set amount of time, no matter what. If they’re caught up on school they work ahead during that time instead. Essentially you have to micromanage yourself. An example for myself is that I only work on one project per hobby, I have to finish my current project always before starting a new one. If you’re interested I can try and track down the books that have been recommended to me about managing adhd. I haven’t read them, but it might be useful for you.

No. 2206986

I am not straight

No. 2206993

Find a career woman wife then.

No. 2206999

dont ignore me nonas

No. 2207001

Girl what advice do you even expect if you already shot down most of the possible advice people could give.

No. 2207002

Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets? I mean, nobody can just give you a sense of purpose or direction nonnie.

No. 2207006

>Maybe i will have to escape to an anglo or euro country
where you from nonny?

No. 2207052

File: 1728928784451.jpg (17.82 KB, 289x410, 9ef2433a405d9f3d1025547af60b94…)

Based and schizopilled. Talking with normies has me tearing the hair out of my head because my turboautist brain literally cannot comprehend common human desires and goals. Marrying a moid, having children, working a thankless profession for 50+ years all sounds like torture to me too. I will await your arrival at my house, let's be hermit freaks together, nonna!

No. 2207090

I follow the maladaptive daydreaming subreddit because it's similar to what I deal with. My number one advice to you is to solely work on yourself, finding out what you actually like, and take Prozac. Prozac is going to make it difficult for you to OCD fantasize about things. It will clear your slate, so to speak. It'll be difficult, but it will clear the path for you to finally figure out wtf you want to do.

No. 2207510

I feel like I'm always 'masking' I was raised conservative and religious and mental illness talk was ignored or laughed at by my parents and it pushed me to be really annoying and bpd. Always was the hot mess at school crying all the time and doing risky things/dying for attention but now I'm older I feel like I have been drained/lost my soul I can't communicate how I feel to my boyfriend or anyone close and I just have closed circuit freakouts and it feels like life is just going to be me stuck in this self torture spiral and I don't have the verbal infrastructure to say what I'm going through or understand. Life is so hard nonas I just want to cry

No. 2207518

why is lazy bitches pinned kek?

No. 2207549

>longlife daydreaming habit
puella aeterna.

No. 2207551

Very important thread. Make lazy bitches support to do better.

No. 2207556

>ill do it later
>ill do it later
>there's a deadline and i have the entire weekend to do it but ill do it later

No. 2207559

I need to not procrastinate making noodles, i am starving but i am lazy.

No. 2207560

do it now

No. 2207566

Do it or don’t, the time will pass anyway anon

No. 2207588

Not sure why is this thread pinned. I missed my classes today. Feel shitty, everything could be fine if I did homework in time, slept late, woke up in early morning in stress doing studies, fall asleep again, decided not to go at all because I'm tired and anxious. Hope nobody of staff would care for me missing one day in every week, I'm doing all the assignments eventually and some professors already know I'm confident in their subjects. Libraries are much more helpful for concentration but I hate not being at home.

No. 2207589


No. 2207599

Mods are inscrutable

No. 2207604

did mods pin this cause theyre finally fed up with the infight bait sperges shitting up ot this past month? kek

No. 2207608

How do you all get past the fear of being alone and disconnecting from a toxic friend group?

No. 2207609

why is this pinned lmao

No. 2207612

I’m so bored every day because I have no friends to talk to. I’m a horrible person to talk to though, because I do nothing and have nothing to say. It is a vicious cycle.

No. 2207614

I'm too lazy to do another painting even though I have so many ideas. Should I do one

No. 2207615

Practice hobbies you can do alone but also it helps a lot to make a friendly acquaintance or two that reciprocates your friendship overtures tbh. If your current support network is shit then you'll eventually have to improve it with better people. Put out feelers. That time and energy away from your toxic group might pay dividends.

No. 2207617

Its been three months since I decided to learn gamedev. I have made zero progress.

No. 2207623

I have the same issue. Something that helps is if you do things alone, so on the off-chance you get talking to someone you'll have something to say. Like if you went to an art gallery for example, you'd just be like "I saw the Andy Worhol exhibit at so-and-so gallery the other day. I never realised just how many cans of soup he painted, I only knew about the famous tomato soup one…" Then you just continue with what else you saw/did, and if the other person is normal they'll ask some questions throughout or share their own similar experience.
Something else I do is watching interviews with celebrities I find engaging. I prefer Old Hollywood interviews, they're polite but funny and interesting, and because they were media trained back then they gloss around anything awkward with ease. Plus if I end up quoting one of them word for word nobody will know where it came from because how many people in 2024 are watching Gloria Swanson being interviewed? I do the same thing with a podcast by a pair of women from my city who are very funny and normie who just talk about current events and the latest celeb gossip and other normie woman things. It's good because every week there's a new episode with three topics that are perfect things to talk about with normies, discussed by normies in a very normie way (maybe if I listen to them for long enough some of their normieness will rub off on me).
I read that prompting conversations seasonally helps too. Like currently it's October, so if you think of it in terms of the season, kids would have recently started back at school and Halloween is coming up soon. So if you're talking to someone with kids you'd ask about how back to school is going, and you can ask people about their Halloween plans and then talk about your own (even if it's marathoning horror movies while eating candy it's still something). I haven't tried this technique out yet though so idk if it's effective.

No. 2207635


No. 2207636

KEK they stole it from you…

No. 2207648

they were literally so mad someone finally came up with a productive idea

No. 2207651

nonna omg this is so genius, thank you so much! i’m gonna start trying this out!

No. 2207655

why would you get banned for this? it doesnt break any rules

No. 2207657

they didn’t specify. reacting too much. everyone was calling me a fairy. who knows.

No. 2207659

Any nonas have advice about being brave I guess trying things out of the first time? I recently started uni again after dropping out the first time and I've found myself totally isolated just going to class, coming home (I live alone) and working. I want to join some clubs or something but I get so nervous as I haven't made friends since high school and I was basically shut in after I turned 16.

No. 2207667

Wait what? Did a thread like this exist before?

No. 2207671

there have been different advice threads it started cos i posted the fairy pic and said everyone on here was fixable and i want to unionize

No. 2207677

I feel this. What kind of game are you thinking about making nonna? Or games you're inspired by if you don't have a solid idea yet

No. 2207691

mods are so tsundere

No. 2207694

…omg she was scared of being fixed wasnt she

No. 2207695

File: 1728972419233.png (233.39 KB, 540x302, 1756858.png)

>farmhand right now:

No. 2207697

she knows they’re going to perma ban me three times and then i’m going to be reborn as admin

No. 2207747

what are you even majoring in? if you can't take responsibility for a single class, do you think you can be responsible at work?

No. 2207761

Manic pixie mod confirmed
Remember that our brains are designed to fixate on the worst case scenario, especially if you have anxiety or whatever. Plenty of people before you have been just as scared, even if they don't show it, but they went on to try new things anyway and came out unscathed at the very least. Keep reminding yourself to focus on what is instead of what could be because chances are, your subconscious is worrying too much. It's a bit hard because a big part of bravery is internal, you need to push yourself to your limits where you can, but kind and sensible inner dialogue towards yourself can help a lot.

No. 2207765

Now it's unpinned. I'm confused

No. 2207767

Tsundere mod strikes again!

No. 2207789

Decide to do it.

It sucks but that's the only real answer.

No. 2208098

I had a big long comment written out before I realized this wasn't Love Disordered Personality Bitches. I should probably get some sleep

No. 2208102

What did you write? I'm curious now.

No. 2208111

I don't want the rewrite the whole thing but mostly that if anyone is a bit affectionate to me I get overly obsessed with trying to help them so they will be nice to me more. I've engineered small things to go wrong so I could solve them so I feel like I have worth in a relationship. Like hiding their keys and then finding them just in time. That kinda sad shit.

No. 2208116

That really is sad. I hope you have healthy relationships now.

No. 2208118

Thanks. I'm trying to work on being ok by myself at the moment but I hope I can have one in the future. If I keep going the way I was I could see myself going full yandere.

No. 2208208

I'm focusing on getting down the basics of how godot works right now. I'm gonna make some simple platformers just to get used to the technical side.

No. 2208260

They pinned it just to unpin it KEK

No. 2208262

my spirit is weak right now

No. 2208271

I use my bf as a lifecoach crutch, he comes over on the weekend and helps me with dishes dogs the yard and other chores. Also keeps me accountable with my drinking. Nobody else in my life will help me, my family just throws money at me and sneers at me for not being ok when I have reached out multiple times saying I am struggling and need help. I am developing a structure my own way. Today is a bad day doing anything feels like a huge task. That's why I am moving in my bf as soon as I can so he can be here to keep me ok. If I get on a streak I can get a lot of stuff done but I need encouragement. I never had reinforced routine or structure growing up so I have bad habits and trend towards squalor

No. 2208281

ADHD anons how long did it take for you to go from diagnosis to getting medicated? and what did you notice improved in your life?

No. 2208291

you might get a quicker response from the ADHD thread >>>/ot/2022269

No. 2208345

>Nobody else in my life will help me, my family just throws money at me
The first step to getting better is being able to see when you're in the wrong. Complaining that your family is helping you out and acting ungrateful because you want them to be your slaves is not helping. You might be able to depend on your boyfriend for now, but no one will put up with that behavior long-term. Learn to be self-sufficient now before your dependence bites you later.

No. 2208388

File: 1729016864310.jpg (17.34 KB, 300x311, 12055d8fada3153b08a959ffb39d23…)

Idk about other unmedicated ADHD nonnas here, but what really helped my executive dysfunction was just accepting that it's okay to be mediocre at something. Doing your homework and getting a C on it is still better than not doing it and failing a class. It's okay to just be "good enough" especially if you already start out with a disadvantage. A lot of ADHD treatment is just learning to manage the negative emotions you associate with the task, and what you believe failure says about you. Also learning to break down vague goals like "I have to study today" into more concrete ones like "I have to read 20 pages of this book" also helps. And of course, make sure you're getting enough sleep so your brain actually works.

No. 2208392

This only works when you’re a student and under 25, literally not advice that works for severe adhd when you actually have real grown adult responsibilities and aren’t just doing your homework uwu.

No. 2208393

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No. 2208394

File: 1729017043107.jpg (221.66 KB, 1083x1085, 1676591744614.jpg)

No. 2208395

Kek what are you trying to tell us nonny

No. 2208396

This picture is really fucking unnerving.

No. 2208397

gawd imagine what a ghoul she looks like irl without the filter. I think I’d scream if I was minding my own business and soaking up the sights of late night Tokyo and came across this creature one would think was relegated only to Junji Ito type horror manga.

No. 2208399

No. Other people get help from tons and tons of people especially scrotes and I'm allowed to want a person to rely on and help me get better aside from just tossing cash at me and telling me to grow up. You want me to suffer and I won't

No. 2208400

[redacted phone number]

kazu masserati1

No. 2208401

washing your own dishes isn't suffering. grow up

No. 2208402

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No. 2208405

Nonna, I have failed my first year in college 2 times, and I graduated high school 2 years later because my ADHD is actually pretty severe. Of course meds should be your first course of action, but if you for some reason can't access them, then the last thing you should do is cross your arms and stop trying.

No. 2208408

File: 1729017342414.jpg (29.77 KB, 578x716, 1598209170764.jpg)

I don't think you get what it's like to need help and for that I'm happy for you but tough love never worked on me. I need support

No. 2208411

Don't post your phone number on here Nnna!

No. 2208412

You sound young af and your bf sounds young too if he’s not just letting you basically live with him. Why are you not spending most nights with him? Good luck coasting by on this type of behavior when you’re actually late 20s+. Hint, you have to have a genuinely great personality, be very naturally adorable (everyone looks alright with youth but once that fades it’s obvious who is actually good looking), be fun to talk to, and have some interesting and unique qualities that make you some sort of NLOG, pick-me adjacent. It seems like you have none of these and are just a whiny little rich girl (and we all know rich girls tend to be mid at best bc unlike middle class folks rich men spread their ugly dysgenic genes cause they don’t need to use their looks to pull a woman like middle class moids). Enjoy only having your parents in a few years unless you work on cultivating a personality. I’m not even telling you to work or get a job just that you’re never going to have a nice partner with the attitude.

No. 2208413

Could you go have your schizophrenic episode somewhere else?

No. 2208417

File: 1729017671869.gif (2.29 MB, 480x480, tumblr_01229ff392e9de3960a91e9…)

Extremely inaccurate guesses so you just look like this to me

No. 2208424

NTA. I'm not saying you're wrong about needing to rely on yourself and be independent but it sounds like you're getting way too personally upset about this. Maybe take a breather from the thread for a minute or explain why you're getting worked up? Genuinely not trying to patronise you btw that response just seems very personal.

No. 2208425

Tell me what’s inaccurate kek

No. 2208428

No. 2208429

Nothing pisses me off more than a whiny little bitch with a rich family who gives her money

No. 2208430

Ignore it, either Venus or one of her orbiters seems to be having a meltdown on the site atm

No. 2208435

Rich girls we have problems too we're just like you except we're rich rich rich rich

No. 2208436

Can Tough-Love-Chan just disappear from this thread for a bit? You're helping no one by being a bitch.

No. 2208438

I've also flunked out of college a few times because I have ADHD that's not managed well. School was easier because I managed to coast by because of the structure, but when I was left to my own devices in college it was hard to just coast by doing nothing but passively soaking in some information because I didn't have the threat of the college calling my parents if I showed up late or didn't do homework or didn't turn up at all.
The most recent course I crashed out I'd actually been doing well at and wasn't ditching class to stare into space a whole lot, but then I had to do a paper on a subject that was so mind-numbingly boring it was just impossible to concentrate, and not just that but part of the exam was explaining the paper and our logic in writing it to the (rather crotchety) teacher, which I just couldn't stomach, so I stopped turning up altogether. I am glad I at least managed to stay in this course long enough to complete the work experience part and have a nice reference from the place I worked at.
I think part of the reason I'm like this is because when I was younger I was actually pretty good at a number of subjects, so my parents expected As and Bs and would have scream and shout if I came home with less than that on a test result. So my natural instinct when I'm faced with an exam I know I won't do well on is just to not take it at all even though logically I know just about passing with a D is better than failing because I didn't do it.

No. 2208440

Ntayrt but? what’s wrong with you kek

No. 2208443

I dropped out of college

No. 2208444

Me too

No. 2208446

kek at the replies to you

No. 2208448

There's an anon that's been on this thread since it started having absolute meltdowns at the idea of a thread for girls trying to get their lives together existing. She tries to frame her condescending messages as tough love but it's clear she's just seething that someone dare have parents or a boyfriend that loves them enough to help them out even if they're poorly organised or can't concentrate in class. Sorry that people on this thread have people in their lives who love and care about them unlike her, I guess?

No. 2208452

Imo this is the kind of anger which should be reserved for anons excusing pedos or something, otherwise it's just pointlessly expended stress.
I've never struggled with addiction so I'm far from an expert, but maybe thinm of all the things you would like to do at some point in your life, and then think to yourself, "that's why I want to get sober." Manage everything in your own time ofc but try to remember the rewards you've set for yourself. And it will be easier to attain anyway, with the money you'll have saved from not feeding your addiction anymore. It might help to think of them as rewards instead of goals so there's less inward pressure. Start small, do everything in steps, and soon enough time will have passed to see a noticeable difference. Like I said I'm not an expert but it's always good to try and change your mindset.

No. 2208453

she deserves to have that love too. this anger comes from a place of deep pain.

No. 2208456

what happened to venus angelic?

No. 2208463

Kek literally everyone in this thread is suffering. BPD chan is just ruining it for everyone.

No. 2208468

she got old and ugly

No. 2208470

Samefagging, there's also no time limit for getting your life on track. It took me so long to even pull a plan together when I desperately needed one. Other people don't know your life story. They don't NEED to know your life story. All that matters is picking yourself up. Even if something takes you longer than expected, so what? You can't control everything. Ignore the naysayers. You've still got years ahead of you to reap the benefits anyway.

No. 2208477

Shower cleaning tip for nonnies:
>when you take a shower, bring a scouring pad or cleaning sponge, or even use a washcloth that you can throw in the hamper later, to wipe down the walls and floor of soap scum and hair while you finish rinsing yourself off.
>this makes in-between monthly cleanings easier to do, and can reduce the time you spend cleaning exponentially.

No. 2208479

I dropped out of mine to continue a paid internship and then the fired me 3 months in. No one else will hire me with half a degree and college won't take me back.

No. 2208482

College and school are easymode. Real jobs and paying bills are when we fucking fall apart. School is only hard with adhd if you’re also retarded, if you’re intelligent it’s a face roll and you can coast by doing almost nothing and just having meltdowns the day before big shit is due and then getting it done in crunch time and still getting an A+ in high level courses at good universities. Speaking from personal experience. The only difficult classes were the in person ones with mandatory attendance requirements that tied to your overall grade.

The real challenge is keeping a full time job and actually going and being somewhere 8 hours a day. If you can’t do school you will never make it in the real world of 40 hour work weeks.

No. 2208485

you can’t get hired to make coffee with half a degree?

No. 2208486

>If you can’t do school you will never make it in the real world of 40 hour work weeks.
Then what are the options for wrecks like me who failed school…

No. 2208489

This is unproductive fearmongering. Everybody has different things that they find difficult and a place in the world which is right for them. Some people might find jobs easier than academia because they're older and their brain chemistry will have calmed down at least slightly by then.

No. 2208490

i don’t have any personality disorder but i am a lazy

No. 2208496

I’m being confused for multiple anons and not even trying to give anyone tough love. Most people here need a family or partner as a caregiver, not a job, independence is a pipe dream for us autists, we are at best a support character. My tough love is that whiny little rich bitches don’t actually have anything to worry about and they’re fucking fine. Hire someone to do your dishes you dumb bitch.

No. 2208499

Might as well kill myself then, right? How about sharing some advice instead of blackpilling.

No. 2208501

Disability payments, then cultivating a good personality and finding a partner. Never have children.

No. 2208502

Borrow from the ADHD advice. Instead of thinking "I need to wash the dishes", think about it like this.
>I need to go downstairs.
>Now that I'm here I might as well turn on the tap.
>Add soap.
>Okay, now put a plate in the sink.
>This is annoying to watch. I'll wipe it down properly and put it on the rack.
It sounds stupid but it works kek

No. 2208504

I'm a waitress now but no where would take me with that on my CV. I got lucky that my sister got me in somewhere but my chances of comfy office jobs are squandered right now. I'm going to retry college again when I hit mature student in 3 years. Big old waste of fucking time though.

No. 2208505

I don't have any kind of disability. I'm not dumb either. I just can't handle school mentally. It makes me want to shoot myself.

No. 2208506

Get medicated and/or get approved for disability. What were your magical dreams? Sorry for crushing them. You can also cultivate a fun and interesting personality and get a partner.

No. 2208509

You definitely have something wrong with you and literally any job you could get, ESPECIALLY the ones that don’t require a degree, you’re going to end up killing yourself.
>t. someone who can’t get a good job even with a degree from a great uni and couldn’t handle the job even if I ever got one and almost successfully offed myself while attempting to work a job because of how much more endlessly soul crushing it is than school could ever be

No. 2208510

>Whiney rich bitches
You are clearly samefagging. Also, why does needing support make you a supporting character? Especially in your own life? Even if some anons itt do need a carer, there are other ways to feel fulfilled than bootstrapping.

No. 2208512

And other people will be even worse off post 25 because of all the stress they’ve put themselves through and additional chronic issues they’ve acquired from it. Plus suicide attempts will fuck with your brain

No. 2208513

You’re esl or retarded or both

No. 2208518

But this is what I mean, we're fixating on "what ifs", which is the absolute worst thing you can do for every mental illness. Especially if you're giving up and wallowing. My own life is a mess so I'm being a hypocrite ngl but this "why even bother" mentality is pointless, reality never turns out completely good OR completely bad.

No. 2208521

Can we agree that all this defeatist thinking is going against the spirit of the thread? Believing you can get better is often what makes you get better (placebo effect). Telling mentally ill anons that they're lost causes and will never fix themselves is regressive.

No. 2208523

Why has every anon started saying this when they have no argument kek

No. 2208531

Hope for the best but expect and plan for the worst. Literally nothing is more soul crushing and world breaking than realizing nobody had the genuineness to tell you what could happen because of all this toxic positivity and telling people everything will be fine if they do x y z. Cause most of the time if you already have a bunch of problems, it actually will end up being some variation of the worst timeline. Even if you go above and beyond and are an overachiever who does everything right. I was the pinnacle of achievement until I was like 24 and then my life went to shit cause of additional acquired mental and physical health conditions. I wish somebody had warned me and I hadn’t been sold that I was gonna make it and be a successful person in life who could be mostly independent. Nope I’m entirely dependent on the goodwill of others and thankfully I’m pretty fucking fun to be around and knowledgeable and extremely genuine so I get by on my good personality. The soul crushing feeling when reality fully hit me just about fucking killed me more than once and I wish I had been prepared.

No. 2208533

I would disagree with the anon that says school is easy mode. It absolutely was not for me. I still graduated with maybe a close to C average and got a degree, but it was really rough and I called the suicide hotline a few times because of the stress of debt. That being said, after I graduated, I got a job in something that had nothing to do with my degree, where I talk to people over the phone and do information and referral services. It's completely online and over the phone, I was able to work from home, and I get at least 32 hours a week and health insurance, dental insurance, PTO and a retirement program.
What worked for me is:
>I can fuck around on my phone when I'm waiting between calls
>I can eat whatever I want when I want
>If anything gets too intense, I can connect to another coworker or ask to step away for a few minutes
>Bosses are pretty cool
>I call out probably once a month and there is no risk of being fired or attendance warnings as of yet, and I've been working there for 5 years.
Do not give up. I thought I was going to be stuck doing the same things that made me suicidal in college. I really thought it was going to be uphill forever. There is something out there that will click with you - I say this as a person who has worked so many stupid "busy work" jobs that seem to only exist because technology hasn't advanced yet. There is more to what is available than fast food or retail. You may need to suffer a bit in an unfavorable job opportunity before you can moe on to something better, but I have faith in you, and I would also agree with the other anon - explore your mental health, see if you are someone who can tolerate medication and get beneficial side effects from it, as that may help. Full disclosure, I am also on medication, I didn't get diagnosed with ADHD until AFTER college, and it made a world of difference once I started seeing therapists infrequently and taking meds.

No. 2208534

It's stupid anyway, because I assume anons would only post here if they WANT to improve themselves and at least subconsciously believe it's possible. That's like the opposite of a hopeless case.

No. 2208536

Who pays your bills? Mom and dad plus your bf? Cause we all know if you’re in the US your job isn’t paying for bills unless you live in a Midwest shithole.

No. 2208538

It's really insane that there are people (or just one person) who are so deeply offended at the idea of a thread for getting advice on pulling yourself together existing. Even if we are all retarded rich girls (kek), why be so mad that we're trying to better ourselves instead of wallowing and being happy living on Daddy's handouts forever?

No. 2208540

Because you stupid fucks should just be happy you have a supportive family and not make it seem like working is an actual viable solution for most of us. What most of us wouldn’t give to have a rich family. Eat shit honestly

No. 2208543

>Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Legitimately good advice. Much better than telling everyone their lives are over. I don't know why you're assuming that everything posted itt is an attack on you or that we're all rich with supportive families.

No. 2208544

Imagine having parents that care for you

No. 2208549

Me you fucking retard, and I don't live in the midwest USA. Why don't you calm down and eat a piece of bread and stop trying to pick a fight with me when I'm just trying to help. Reposted because I don't have a BF, I have a roommate, something that you should realistically expect to have to support yourself on your own.

No. 2208552

Literally just get off this thread then, nonna, you're bringing nothing to the conversation.

No. 2208564

Ayrt and I'm not rich kek, my family are lower middle class like most people. It's just that my parents actually love me and don't want me to starve even if I'm a faildaughter, which yours apparently don't. And I'm truly sorry about that but like, stop clogging up the thread about it kek

No. 2208565

Find your talent, get good at it and start your own business. It can be something like buying items at yard sales and flee markets to sell on eBay or Etsy. Alternatively find a husband and become a housewife.

No. 2208575

I can’t even eat bread anymore without it being stupid expensive and nasty because on top of everything fucking else wrong with me I have goddamn fucking celiac disease

No. 2208576

I hope you parents blow up

No. 2208577

No1curr tbdesu

No. 2208598

I know for a fact there are anons itt with intense trauma from 1 or both parents including me and yet it's only you sperging out and typing dumb shit like this kek. Also I saw that deleted post, so you DID get at least a little support from your parents? Even if they are abusive pieces of trash, that still makes your anger at everyone else's perceived "handouts" hypocritical. And again with assuming we're all rich for some reason.

No. 2208607

I’m not angry at their handouts I’m angry they want to work instead of accepting their parents good fortune. Save jobs for people who need them.

No. 2208612

>I'm angry that people don't want to be bums anymore!!
Anon…people usually want to pay back the good will of their loved ones by making them proud.

No. 2208615

I'm currently studying and trying to get a job because I can't afford to do that.

No. 2208617

That wasnt me retard.

No. 2208621

NTA but are you seriously so retarded that you can't comprehend that our parents aren't going to support us forever? My parents had me late and my mom is already retired. God, now I actually feel like I have the energy to fix my life, if only to not end up a retard like you.

No. 2208624

I'm the person she's replying to and I have trauma from my parents too. Dad made us live in his hoard and was emotionally abusive to my mother, and my mother was abusive to me both physically and emotionally, as well as blaming me when her friend's son nonced me, not reporting it or getting me professional help, and she also wouldn't let me go outside at all except for school or have any friends over or even birthday parties with anyone else other than her and my Dad.
So of course I grew up to be a failure but luckily my parents have mellowed out a lot and are actually nice now and give me the support I need while I'm trying to figure out how to un-ruin my life. Why shouldn't I accept help from them that I need partially because of their own parenting mistakes when I was younger because someone on lolcow gets offended?
I understand that it must be hard to read people talking about their family tiding them over if their own family doesn't do that for them but that doesn't mean she has to try and constantly instigate infights and accuse everyone she disagrees with of being a spoiled rich girl. The whole point of the thread is to uplift eachother and share tips on being more functional, not to wallow and seethe because someone has it a bit easier than you.
Reposted for typos

No. 2208626

Seriously. A 23 year old fuck up being supported by their parents does not mean they are going to support us at fucking 40. You use that opportunity to get back in track, not accept your loserness permanently.

No. 2208630

What is this logic keke

No. 2208633

Spite is a powerful motivator, embrace it

No. 2208635

My apologies then but the point still stands with how much you're seething.

No. 2208638

Why would you be angry about that?

No. 2208642

I wish all the best for you, anon. Absolutely take advantage of any opportunity you can get. I know it can be a mindfuck when an abusive family member mellows out and I have sexual abuse trauma so I know these aren't easy hurdles to overcome, but the point is they CAN be overcome.

No. 2208644

I'm a retard because I was born when my father was in his fifties and now he's in his 80s. I can't mooch off my family forever because they're not always going to be around, plus I also want to actually have money and freedom instead of living on a tiny allowance under my parent's rules because I'm dependent on them. I do need a job regardless of Dad giving me handouts unless I want to starve to death after he passes. Plus even if my parents live for a long time, they're going to get sick of supporting me one day. I'm in my twenties right now but what will happen when I'm 30 or 40? They're going to get tired of it one day (understandably) and I don't want to be thrust into the world of trying to find work with a résumé that has a 20 year gap.
It's so funny how so many cows get dragged for mooching off people (like Shayna getting handouts from her Dad) or for being unemployed for their entire adult lives (like Lillee Jean), and those threads are full of people writing essays on how they'd change their lives and giving them advice on what they could do to get out of the ruts they're stuck in, which theu then get dragged for because they never follow any of it and remain NEETs. But then when people try to actually get out of similar ruts and improve themselves suddenly anons have a problem with people attempting to better themselves? Topkek

No. 2208781

i’ve seen a ton of genuinely good advice given by people who want to help and i’ve seen a ton of people who need help. every good thing will get dark forces trying to destroy them and that makes me even more sure this could be one of the best threads on here. there are so many different people from different backgrounds with different areas of knowledge here and everyone needs help with something. i think that person secretly wants help but can’t bring themselves to be vulnerable.

No. 2208818

Is it worth lying on a résumé? I have literally nothing to put on mine. I have no degree or qualification because I flunked out of everything I tried studying, and the only work experience I have is a brief college placement.
I'm thinking of just lying that I worked for a few years somewhere that closed down during covid so that they can't call the place up and ask if I worked there, but if they ask me for a reference I have no friends who can lie for me because I'm an asocial NEET.

No. 2208819

Yeah, that nonna is most likely on disability, but she seems incredibly bitter about it and has an almost "crab in a bucket" mentality trying to convince other nonnas that we should just give up and get on disability as well. She also posted and subsequently deleted a long rambly reply (or I'm at least assuming that was her because she mentioned being on disability in it) where she said her parents were abusive. I wish her well, but she should definitely learn to curb her cluster-b behavior.

No. 2208850

Okay I'm getting really tired of moids fucking up their offspring because their dumb "muh age like fine wine" cope makes them think that past their prime is the time to start breeding.

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