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No. 2167095

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous: >>>/ot/2149139

No. 2167097

File: 1726535622058.jpg (14.64 KB, 206x187, tumblr_inline_p7idchPbtE1r664i…)

Women who reveal lolcow.farm to their boyfriends and nigels should be permabanned.

No. 2167098

is that a petz 4 screenshot? nice

No. 2167099

File: 1726535795681.png (93.6 KB, 587x253, plush_all.png)

Hell yeah, unfortunately Petz is very popular now with all those web 1.0 neocities retards, so it's infested with aidens. Wish they'd all 41% already

No. 2167100

I would assume that the anons who do make posts confessing to that do get banned? I hope so at least

No. 2167102

don't worry nona I have the power to teleport them to narnia with my mind everytime they do that
I love oldweb faggotry to be honest

No. 2167104

No, I’m speaking about a man, not a person.

No. 2167105

not everyone who wants to be pretty feels that way because they want scrote validation. some people want to be pretty for themselves.

No. 2167107

Women who paint everything in white, grey or beige (especially historical furnitures) feeds my internalized misogyny

No. 2167110

Women committing crimes is often due to moids in their life, including things like murder. Shoplifting is typically from housewives who's husband won't spare them a couple bucks for hygiene items, women murdering their children is often from their moid toying with their mental health for years, assault/battery is often times from moids pinning women against each other, that's why you only ever see lesbians going to jail for drugs where as straight women go to jail for everything

No. 2167112

Women who go to the gym but refuse to lift any kind of weights are retarded

No. 2167113

I think its kind of weird how women let men have this much hold over their emotions and choices. I cant imagine killing my own little girl for a scrote.

No. 2167114

damn, im not even surprised but its still disappointing kek. its almost impressive how troons ruin everything they touch.

No. 2167115

I don't think it's right to just take away women's responsability and sovereignity, if we push the logic too far it means women are just weak and gullible by nature and therefore childlike.

No. 2167116

anon…i wish i could reach this level of cope

No. 2167117

this pisses me off as a woman into lifting especially when they say muscular woman are gross. it's not everyone's cup of tea, i'm a masculine lesbian so i don't really care about the stuff they complain that comes with being muscular. but it still pisses me off soooo much when they only focus on their glutes or some shit like come on

No. 2167118

Well, some people focus on cardio and are not interested in lifting, different goals that's it. For a while i was not interested at all in cardio as i was focused on weight lifting and now i only go to the gym for my 5k goal.

No. 2167119

It shouldn't be a women vs men thing it should just be a human thing. But generally speaking, if a moid is evil it's because he's born that way, if a woman is evil it's often because she was abused and traumatized until she became that way. It's not sexist to understand basic psychology

No. 2167121

pardon me for not wanting log arms

No. 2167122

You need to lift a lot to get log arms

No. 2167123

i know, i'd prefer not to lift period

No. 2167124

especially as a woman without any supplements

No. 2167125

Unfortunately no.

No. 2167126

There are a lot of women who want to be seen as children and want to take no responsibility for their actions which makes men take us seriously even less. Women like that make us look like losers.

No. 2167127

I respect people aesthetical and health choices, i was defending people having different goals. I just needed to say to lose your tits and have huge arms you need to inject and lift like crazy.

No. 2167128

Imagine asking a moid to open your water bottle

No. 2167129

we should honestly start pushing for it to be ban worthy

No. 2167130

Anons keep shitting on me when I mention this and there is nothing wrong with the opinion itself. On it’s own, whatever. It’s just… this place feels more underage lately. It’s not even the actual contents of the post, just the vibes.

No. 2167131

its funny you say that because im probably older than you kek

No. 2167132

This probably isn’t an unpopular lolcow opinion but it is an unpopular IRL opinion I don’t understand why everyone always sucked Bourdains dick and reacted like God just died when he pussied out and killed himself

No. 2167133

i can open a water bottle!!

No. 2167134

Can you all stop just lying? I don’t shoplift for scrotes, I shoplift because I want free chocolate. I’m not a pathetic little baby that can’t have accountability sometimes. Oo women can do no wrong kek shut up

No. 2167135

NTA but men can't even open jars kek. They don't know the fork/knife trick.

No. 2167136

And no I wasn’t abused and traumatised, unless you’re going to argue that I actually shoplift because I got raped and just can’t remember it.

No. 2167137

>Thats why you only see lesbians going to jail for drugs
???? What kek

No. 2167138

It's not exclusively a woman thing but years of trauma and abuse can completely change ones brain. Most women, at the very least, are being emotionally abused by their scrotes, if a few months of an abusive relationship can alter ones head imagine what decades of it can do, a lot of times including sexual abuse too. I also predict this is why women get the "Karen" stereotype since it's women being affected years and years of being abused by scrotes
>Inb4 women this men that
I've definitely seen males be affected similarly by abuse (I use to work in a behavioral hospital for children). But boys in these situations often feel more comfortable with acting out because they're surrounded by people who understand their situation, women are often given the "no excuses" type deal in all walks of life, even over minor stuff, so even if they face severe trauma from the day that they're born, they still won't be as bad as a moid blaming all his issues on being a middle child or something

No. 2167139

I shoplift from time to time just to test my principles, would i break rules if it was ever necessary? (i stole eggs and cheese)

No. 2167141

Girls (hbo) is THE best sitcom/30 min comedy series.

No. 2167142

Right. I steal because Im poor and I’m one of the lucky women who have never been traumatized or abused by a man ever in my life. Im not going to spend 20 dollars on a flimsy phone charger when I can just steal it.

No. 2167143

I once saw a moid try to open a jar by twisting it in the wrong direction and he ended up breaking the glass and splitting his hand open

No. 2167144

i love rereading that Lena Dunham article about how she begged for a hysterectomy just so she could receive attention

No. 2167145

Go to a jail, all straight women being arrested are there for murder, robbery, or whatever else type shit some scrote got them to do. Even women being arrested for sexual crimes often do so because they were pressured by a scrote (not justifying it). Find the biggest butches there and 9/10 times its just cause they had weed in their car or something

No. 2167146

Then they should get therapy and keep their legs closed. As an adult if you decide to murder your daughter because you have daddy issues, that’s inexcusable.

No. 2167147

I'm confused because I've been to jail and this is not reality kek

No. 2167148

I'm not saying 100% of the time but typically this is the situation. Also if you're shoplifting out of necessity you can thank the retarded moid leaders for letting the economy get this bad

No. 2167149

Not all women have learning disabilities and allow scrotes to out them in dangerous situations

No. 2167150

Lesbians in jail are probably there for battering like.. no lesbian hate here, but it's a common occurence

No. 2167151

Why do I pirate video games?

No. 2167152

General question but why aren't stan twitter trannies,gays, fag hags, thembies and girls not holding Chappel to the same accountability that they hold other female celebs.
All her fans are such enablers. She has been acting a mess and there is no one tell her that she needs to dial it down because her fans praise everything she does.

Stan twitter bullied Taylor Swift so hard just because she was friends with someone that was republican to the point where Taylor had to make a post saying that she is voting for Kamale to appease them.

But when Chappel says that you be with friends with people who are conservative then those same twitter stand are like "yesss queen mother, she is not chronically online", "she is righht".

Just wondering why Chappel gets passes to behave like this and other female celebs don't.

No. 2167154

Why do people think pointing out most issues in women are rooted to moids = women shouldn't be held accountable? You can acknowledge what caused trauma without excusing actions lol. But I guess we can understand how repeatedly calling abuser women stupid isn't "not holding abusive moids accountable", but pointing out traumatized women who act out are typically traumatized by scrotes is suddenly not wanting women to be held accountable. It's like deep down you knew damn well the whole "abused women are stupid" argument was an attempt to dodge moid accountability all along

No. 2167155

God I wish a lesbian would batter me
What for…

No. 2167156

File: 1726537392561.png (136.05 KB, 310x297, britt.png)

Brittney Griner comes to mind and now im pissed off because she heightmogs me. wonder if playing basketball+xtra testosterone is what made her so tall because I heard that playing basketball does have an impact on height (from a young age of course) im probably wrong though

No. 2167157

Because retarded moids think their shitty video game needs to cost 60

No. 2167159

>why does she get passes

She’s a white girl with a big butt and makes some cute songs. No one cares about her morality when she’s on stage jiggling her ass around and once they grow tired of looking at her ass she will be thrown away like ice spice.

No. 2167161

If you can understand how insulting abused women isn't not holding moids accountable, you can understand how pointing out men are typically traumatized criminal women isn't not holding women accountable

No. 2167163

She looks like a chubby clown

No. 2167164

Attempted murder kekk

No. 2167166

she's so troonlike.

No. 2167167

To be fair most men who grow up to be criminals were raised in toxic abusive households as well

No. 2167168

Wish i had a cute ass like that, but yes she is a freshly new star, she'll get her downfall in due time (look at ice spice), but honestly i like the mindset of saying you should keep ties with conservative people -it's refreshing actually-, but that's because i hate twitterfags, woke and trannies

No. 2167169

Not all women who assist their bfs in crime are being abused by them. You’ve never been to jail have you?

No. 2167170

Men will have their parents get divorced or something and use it to forever wreak havock on the population. Women have to face bizarre and unimaginable trauma's before they even start slightly acting up

No. 2167172

Ok but her butt is nice… wow

No. 2167173

"Not all this""not all that". How many times to have to repeat "generally"?

No. 2167174

>abused women are bad
>But abusive women are also bad and moids who traumatized her to the point of insanity shouldn't be held accountable

Always women's fault, never mens

No. 2167175

I’ve never been physically, sexually or mentally abused by any scrote, my father is a boring middle class white guy and I still ended up committing crimes. I was shoplifting before I even had my first kiss….because shocker women aren’t retarded babies and we can make choices for ourselves.

No. 2167179

i'm envious

No. 2167180

No. 2167181

I’m curious, do you think women can have mental illnesses? Like BPD, or antisocial personality especially? Because some women are just born with the capacity to hurt people, no moid intervention involved, some women would still murder.

No. 2167182

That’s only because she’s fat

No. 2167183

>women arent retarded babies and we can make choices for ourselves
>i shoplift
kek get a job.

No. 2167184

anachan spotted

No. 2167185

She thinks all women are naturally submissive and sweet. She doesn’t think our little rat brains would be capable of evil without a man.

No. 2167186

I mean yeah but it’s also just shaped nice. Most chubby women have saggy gross asses. I’m not envious though (prefer a small butt on myself), honestly just checking her out.

No. 2167187

This is just the nature vs nurture approach. I'm sure it's possible but it's almost impossible to truly test this theory because so many women face some sort of trauma throughout their lives. In rare situations I'm sure women can be ill without trauma, but how do we test that if so many women doing something wrong have faced trauma?

No. 2167189

Im neither of your anons but when I was fat my ass did not look good, I looked like an upside down beer bottle KEEK

No. 2167190

She is overweight. Acknowledging that doesn’t make me an anachan.

No. 2167191

Not any of the anons in that conversation but I have a personal experience like that. My mother was fucked up by my grandfather and my pedo father who groomed her and it's really horrible that that happened to her and she had to go through it, but it doesn't excuse the way she acted towards me or my sibling growing up and even to this. Moids should be held accountable, and in my case they were (father is in jail and has been most my life) but I think my mother should as well. Nowhere near to that degree but she should at least acknowledge that she fucked up her children's lives.

No. 2167193

File: 1726538142299.jpg (104.88 KB, 1280x720, 01201091151074-web-tete.jpg)

there are so many anachans on lc i'm surprised, you'll see that and call it overweight, you have tiktok brainrot

No. 2167194

"Trauma leading to bad behavior" isn't anything new anon. Do you scream "you think we're stupid rats!" In your college psych course because how trauma effects people is one of the main things drilled into that form of education?

No. 2167195

so is she an industry plant or what? i listened to her pony song and it sounded like shittier marina and the diamonds

No. 2167196

If you’re a woman who knows she has bad trauma from childhood then you shouldn’t have kids unless you’re prepared to do the work. The kids shouldn’t have to suffer because of your trauma.

No. 2167197

Why women? How about no one with trauma bad enough to effect them horribly reproduce?

No. 2167198

i feel like she has to be another industry plant or tiktok plant

No. 2167199

I assume anyone who blows up on tiktok overnight is an industry plant

No. 2167200

>call that overweight
Not the anon who said that, but it’s not “calling anything” anything, just some things are, she’s probably slightly overweight, Olivia Rodrigo’s probably slightly underweight technically, etc. So weird how defensive people get over this.
Imo though, I don’t really care about that metric even. Normal weight =/= average and overweight =/= above average to me, someone could be a “normal weight” and fat or “overweight” and not fat, if my brain goes “that’s fat” that’s fat to me sorry kek, nothing will change that. I guess that’s my unpopular opinion.

No. 2167201

Her songs suck ass, i don't disagree with that lmfao it doesnt fit her aesthetic at all

No. 2167202

nta but i think because the conversation is about traumatized women, nonners. but thats just my earnest guess kek

No. 2167203

stupidest post i've read today

No. 2167204

Men and women with trauma shouldn’t have kids but people act like they’re entitled to have children. If you’re diagnosed with shit like bpd etc you know you’re not gonna be a good parent.

No. 2167205

File: 1726538342914.png (1.28 MB, 1000x816, S07kpfx.png)

That’s just a flattering angle. Here’s a better view. Not fit at all.

No. 2167206

She reminds me of the Tramp Stamp plants and every time I bring up to my normie friends they call me schizo.

No. 2167207

I just call her chappig because her face looks like a potato and I have a massive hateboner for fakebians shitting up the lesbian community

No. 2167208

Are you guys seriously still asking? They always are. It’s not even up for discussion.
Not the one that says women only shoplift because of trauma? Kek

No. 2167209

File: 1726538422113.jpeg (6.34 KB, 190x266, hagarmeister.jpeg)

God she looks like Sammy Hagar

No. 2167210

How do you see that and call it overweight i can't comprehend how damaged your standards are

No. 2167211

Nta but not being super thin doesn't mean you're fat. She's midsize.

No. 2167212

This entitlement being retarded is my unpopular opinion. If you so much as imply that someone shouldn’t reproduce people look at you like you just said heil hitler.

No. 2167213

Can someone please point to me where this woman is chubby at besides her ass ?

No. 2167215

Nta idk how to break it to you but midsize is like a bmi of 24-28. I feel like the anons disagreeing are probably around this weight themselves too. It’s not bad, personally I think chubby women look pretty.

No. 2167216

If you showed this woman to a fit prehistoric human they would think gosh what a well-nourished and plump female with copious amounts of flesh

No. 2167218

Most women aren't super fit anon. Do you even hook up with women? This is just what most young women look like who aren't fit, aren't fat, and aren't super skinny
>Inb4 American!!
Nope, I slept around in Europe and SK too

No. 2167219

She's definitely in that BMI lol

No. 2167220

She is annoying but she does have a gyat. I think part of the reason she blew up is because she developed and grew a big ass, that’s why she’s always wearing thongs. She’s the white indie gendie version of ice spice.(integrate)

No. 2167221

File: 1726538684763.png (122.12 KB, 1308x422, i am so confused.png)

NTAYRT but yes i agree she's kinda chubby, however according to the published stats of her she's only bmi 22 which I fail to beleve kek, also they all refer to her as a he which makes no sense to me. Is she a troon or something?

No. 2167222

>I slept around in Europe and SK
Are you some kind of fucking sex tourist

No. 2167225

File: 1726538742194.jpg (34.65 KB, 600x469, 1000000218.jpg)

What do you think prehistoric women looked like anon? Humans in colder areas purposely loaded up on fat to survive winter what even are you on about. Are you trying to convince us cave women were Bella hadid?

No. 2167226

what kind of anachan copium is that?

No. 2167227

leave this place at once.

No. 2167228

Samefag she’s always wearing thongs during her lives and it’s not a coincidence as to why

No. 2167229

File: 1726538809600.png (2.02 MB, 1170x1551, homoerectus lady.png)

Kekk we've talked about prehistoric stacies a few times I think

No. 2167230

Is that shayna on the right

No. 2167231

>but she does have a gyat.
Get the fuck out. Aren't schools open already?

No. 2167232

Idk it's believable to me. Fat percentage is better to tell than BMI. I've seen women who were damn near underweight BMI that looked fleshy

No. 2167233

no, just gay and scared of commitment

No. 2167234

>it’s not a coincidence as to why
It’s because she wants a moid to notice her kek

No. 2167235

File: 1726538890400.jpg (6.71 KB, 200x200, modelisation-3d-du-visage-d-un…)

Representation of what the average peasant viking woman looked like

No. 2167237

What does this mean..?

No. 2167238

Im not an anachan so I don't know what BMI is supposed to be fat or skinny. When I say midsize, I just meant that she's in the middle. Not thin nor chubby.

No. 2167239

Price how she grabbed her ass and started wiggling it at the start of the performance? She’s really no better than ice spice when we really look at it

No. 2167240

the cavewoman on the right is doing things to me

No. 2167241

Damn, it is juicy tbh.

No. 2167242

Just a better stylist

No. 2167243

I was mostly joking, human physique is almost entirely dependent on whatever diet they’ve adapted to. Hence why the average adult western human is about a BMI of 22-30 on our current diet. But I’m the anon that said the brain thing, some things just register as fat to me. It’s not learnt - even young babies far from haven been affected by media preferred to look at thin adults, the lower side of the healthy range to the upper side of the underweight range, or what’s considered as such today. It’s a tough pill to swallow but it’s innate imo. Fat is in exaggeration, but she is chubby, she looks chubby, you can see she has slight excess fat, but is probably in good cardiovascular health.

No. 2167245

It stands for get your act together, and is used for women with a big ass

No. 2167246

It's because that opinion is usually said by teenage libfems wearing "bimbocore" or whatever they call it now.

No. 2167247

I'm genuinely concerned and confused that some nonnas would see that and call it fat, do they even go outside and look at how humans look like? Or do they stay inside to stay as pale and skinny as possible while feeding on their nutrient-empty dry noodles?

No. 2167248

they’re just anachans

No. 2167251

>t. 200lb woman with several nutritional deficiencies
Always is. I’m used to being shamed by fat women for being fit, it’s funniest when their diet almost entirely consists of fast food but apparently I’m the undernourished one.. hm

No. 2167252

It's the 3rd time i meet anachans on unpopular opinions

No. 2167253

rattle rattle

No. 2167254

they transported from the 2000s, or are kpoops

No. 2167256

And Kayleigh is a fattychan

No. 2167257

being not muscular/fit doesn’t equal to fat. she’s at a healthy weight but clearly doesn’t lift or anything. plus people keep forgetting she’s really short

No. 2167258

To me she looks great, not a fan of her music though

No. 2167260

5'9" is considered short now kek?

No. 2167261

Did you pull that out of your ass she’s like 5’1/5’2

No. 2167264

Dude lurk moar >>2167221

No. 2167266

I had to scroll up to see who this was. Granted its not the best sound quality but is this the pop artist everyone is hyped about. What a shit decade for music

No. 2167267

Maybe its because I never had luck socializing, but I don't think there is such a thing as female solidarity/sisterhood, at least when compared to men.
No matter what, at some point or another it always ends up falling into feelings of superiority over another.

No. 2167268

File: 1726539821799.jpeg (37.84 KB, 500x341, IMG_3103.jpeg)

retard she said on her own TikTok she’s 5’2. Olivia is 5’5 and here is both of them together with chappel wearing heels

No. 2167269

NTA but I haven't listened to a new album since 2019, literally nothing good has come out

No. 2167273

Oh well pardon me for not keeping up with her tiktok kek

No. 2167274

Nine-month-old infants prefer unattractive bodies over attractive bodies

" Because unattractive body shapes are more common than attractive/athletic body shapes in our everyday environment, a preference for unattractive body shapes at 9 months of age suggests that preferences for particular human body shapes reflect level of exposure and familiarity rather than culturally defined stereotypes of body attractiveness.'

No. 2167275

Those random sites that post feleb heights and whatever are mostly never accurate. It's literally calling her "his" kek

No. 2167276

babies loove ugly people cause they make them laugh kek

No. 2167277

you should apologize for posting ai generated false celeb facts on the celeb hate website first. tsk tsk.

No. 2167279

I blame covid. I've been revising the music of my youth from the 2000s and I'm happy to stay out of touch.

No. 2167280

the absolute state of modern female musicians.

No. 2167281

it’s wild to me some of you looked at this and thought “yeah that’s a 5’9 woman”. you guys really don’t leave your rooms huh.

No. 2167283

thats a 5'9 FAT woman according to anachans kek

No. 2167284

I’m jealous of women who can be overweight and still look normal, I’m only anachan because my face is extremely round above a BMI of 14 and I have I kid you not a 30% body fat no matter how much I work out. I don’t think people understand how not everything is the same for everyone.

No. 2167285

No offence nonny, but you only think this because you have basic and boring music taste.

No. 2167286


No. 2167288

Ah yes I am definitely basic and boring for not feeling tittilated by Sabrina Carpenter, Madison Beer, Megon The Stallion, Ice Spice, and now Chappell Rowan kek

No. 2167289

Having a round face doesnt make you fat, that's just because you have distorted standards for yourselF and idealize certain traits like defined cheekbones.

No. 2167291

All of it is trash and drives me crazy, i had hopes for Doja cat but her music is already in decline if it was ever good.

No. 2167295

Kek, very sweet of you but if I posted a picture of what my face looked like at a BMI of 20 you would think that is an obese person. My face isn’t even thin now mind you, just not round. God I couldn’t imagine ever having prominent cheekbones, I’m lucky to have a jawline now

No. 2167302

Ohh my god I almost forgot about her kekk. When that Moo! shit came out when I was in high school even back then I just felt so ugh about it

No. 2167303

Well i don't know how bad it is, so i'm gonna assume it's some kind of dismorphia, that being said as long as you're happy and healthy it's what matters

No. 2167304

Having a round face doesn't make you fat per se but it does make you look fatter

No. 2167308

I liked the fact that she is a true kid of internet like all of us chronically online nonnas, i liked the very pushed and niche aesthetics, i mean it changed the whole game tbh, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, chapell roan all of those stars started curating their style super hard because of Doja. I was hoping her music would mature with time, she's attempting an indie brand change but i don't think its working.

No. 2167318

anafag retardation is always so embarrassing kek
I’m pretty sure she meant that there’s more variety (and better music) outside of mainstream pop

No. 2167319

>I stole eggs
…where did you hide them?

No. 2167320

Naughty nonna… I just put them in my bag, i'm european, and it was self check out, just pretended i forgot

No. 2167321

Literally what is retarded about that comment? People bring up anachans 24/7 and I’m convinced it’s compensation or something.

No. 2167322

File: 1726541944301.jpg (244.57 KB, 638x393, guybrush.jpg)

No. 2167324

Kek. I like to get organic produce from the grocery store, do self-check out, and ring it all up at the regular price. It's not quite shoplifting, but…

No. 2167326

Sometimes i forget to ring up the cherries, oopsie!

No. 2167327

I can't think of any music being made outside of mainstream pop/tiktok music

No. 2167332

I like Zheani, she was the one who actually called out Die Antwood for being creeps and abusers.

No. 2167333

ugh, i remember when she came on the scene in 2019. she's an ex OF whore who prostituted herself to Ninja and the tried to act like she was a victim of sex trafficking

No. 2167337

File: 1726543042425.png (Spoiler Image,638.8 KB, 1208x1280, dude why??.png)

Samefag, and KEKK she's not even an ex-OF whore. She's still a prostitute. https://onlyfans.com/zheani

No. 2167343

I watched a recap of the VMAs and I actually didn't know a lot of the artists even in the best songs or whatever categories or heard any of the music. MTV was such a big deal growing up in the 2000s. In the UK you had to get satellite to get access. It was such a status symbol to be hip to mtv. Now. It's a different time. I'm going to donate some clothes I've been holding on to tomorrow. I need to navigate aging better.

No. 2167346

Taylor Swift also looked like a fish out of water. As someone older than me I will use her as an example to not stay stuck in a highschool young person mentality. Her styling and plastic surgery is terrible.

No. 2167348

I had no idea she was a prostitute, i just like her music kek

No. 2167351

Samefag but wasnt she like 16 when it happened? Doubt she was a prostitute at the time

No. 2167354

She wasn't then and die antwoord abused their own children too.
Anons here just like victim-blaming other women especially if that women is a "slut".

No. 2167358

You're right

No. 2167361

I know you’re joking but this still sounds pathetic

No. 2167364

I'm not joking. I'm being serious.

No. 2167365

No, she's 31 now. She was like 22 when it happened kek.

No. 2167366

Well its not really victim blaming if she wasn't a victim of anything and actually is a whore and continues to choose to be a whore

No. 2167367

Is this a baiting moid or do we actually have die antwoord supporters on this site???
Yet another reason to use this site less.

No. 2167369

Anon, I don't support die antwoord. I know they're abusive to their children. I'm talking about Zheani. She is not a victim of their abuse the way that their children/adopted victims of grooming are. Zheani has been an internet whore for the last whole decade kek.

No. 2167371

are you baiting or do we actually have OF whore supporting newfags on this website kek? fucking hell…

No. 2167372

For real kek. Don't sell your body if you don't want to be called a whore!

No. 2167374

Samefag, funny she has a song called "I won't sell my soul" but she will sell her body? Lmfao

No. 2167375

Why do you think just because someone is a whore that means that they can never be a victim or abused. Weird moid or pickme mentality.
This started in 2013 mind you and she never did any prostitution back then (which you seem to be hyper-focused on). Literally Yolanda contacted her first and was spamming her with messages to ha ng out and then when they did Ninja used that as a excuse to rape her and then abuse her.


Stop samefagging you retarded male. No one is supporting prostitutes, im just saying that just because someone currently does onlyfans that doesn't mean they lied about their past sexual abuse for fucks sake.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2167376

Talentless and a whore. She needs to get a job.

No. 2167377

When did the libfems choice-ists start using lolcow? We don’t live in a vacuum unaffected by others nigelfaggot

No. 2167378

> reee pickme!!!
Anon…she purposefully traveled to Africa of her own volition with the intention of selling her body for sex kek. Not sure why you're caping so hard for a random prostitute who doesn't know you…

No. 2167379

Kek what, are you retarded or something did you even read the post you replied too or was your pea brain unable to compute since you see women as children.
Probably the same type of bitch who defends mothers who pimp out their children.

No. 2167380

File: 1726545976090.jpeg (261.33 KB, 750x853, IMG_2530.jpeg)

the women in russia are absolute gigastacies wtf? all of these other eurocuck nonnas could never do this shit, they scream at the sight of seasoned food and gun ownership

No. 2167381

Ntayrt but
>just because someone currently does onlyfans doesn’t mean they lied about their past sexual abuse
it’s not sexual abuse if you’re consenting to it though, and she consented to doing stuff with them that she later on regretted and decided to publicize for the purpose of gaining attention. she’s a prostitute who lied about being sexually abused, and continues to choose to sell her body.

No. 2167383

Women who do sex work gross me out just as much as the men who pay for it

No. 2167384

"women have agency" "omg you're so liberal" KEK touch some fucking grass you mongrel

No. 2167385

Accusing other users of samefagging and scrotefoiling on top of obsessively defending gross whores..zoomers pick a fucking struggle

No. 2167387

The person who contacted her first was literally a woman (Yolandi) and they were a big name back then and their dicussions were about hanging out and friendly before Yolandi introduced her to Ninja on the trip where she got assaulted.

I don't know why you are trying so hard to paint her as a liar or why you even care about her or this irrelevant milk, seems like someone has a vendetta.

No. 2167388

nta but its not really vendettafagging to point out that someones a gross slut kek

No. 2167389

I agree. They just seem like brainwashed zombies and I'm sorry to the nicefems here but they always give off low IQ and reckless impulsive decision making and it is so offputting.

No. 2167391

Anon, in the kindest way possible, if some random alien faced rapper sending you DM’s is enough to get you to fly yourself out to some shithole third world country to do illegal drugs and sell your body for money then the only thing you’re a victim of is your own stupidity.

No. 2167392

Nta but she can be incredibly retarded and be a victim of a rapist sex pest trafficker, the two facts can co-exist.

No. 2167393

i personally think they should also be labelled as sex offenders and be put away, for their own good.

No. 2167394

When they decide they want to give up sex worker they’re always offended when men don’t wanna marry them because of their past….im sorry to side with the scrote but I wouldn’t wanna marry a woman who had sex with 1000s of men for money as well. No matter how pretty this woman is I’d always see her as nasty and repulsive after everything I’ve heard her do.

No. 2167395

File: 1726546587129.png (666.06 KB, 515x1067, dafuq.png)

did she get a bbl or why is her body so weirdly shaped?

No. 2167396

You seem mentally ill and very clearly have a vendetta against this whore/prostitute that you keep talking about. Don't wory i won't bother you anymore so you can keep posting about how you think she is a worthless whore who lies about raped while same-fagging yourself. Have fun.

Don't bother trying to talk sense into the vendetta-chan

No. 2167397

But, she wasn’t a “victim of sex trafficking” kek…I’m not saying that yolandi and ninja are innocent at all in any situation because they’re disgusting for existing period, but you do have to understand that the whole reason she went there to party with them in the first place was because she saw it as an opportunity to give them something that could garner more attention from famous people (like sex) so she could continue to feel special and desired by them.

No. 2167399

ntayrt but truly, there has to be something severely wrong with you in order to commit crimes against yourself like that. women should be institutionalized for trying to sell their bodies.

No. 2167400

He newfag we have the costhot thread for these types of discussions. Maybe take a look at the cow board dialogues so you can sperg.

No. 2167401

I agree. Women who get caught doing escorting etc should be put in a sex registry and banned from having children or being around them.

No. 2167402

Jesus that's… an unfortunate build

No. 2167403

Yes they should have lobotomies performed on them. I really miss the 1950's

No. 2167405

You know it's obvious that you're pretending to be two nonnas right?

No. 2167406

File: 1726546799906.jpeg (52.49 KB, 325x333, IMG_2531.jpeg)

Were you pimped out by your mother and still sad about it until this day? Some daughters just don’t know how to step into the shoes of their struggling mothers. It’s repulsive and male-identified behavior but you come to understand why many women choose this route even though it’s the most immoral option, if men were completely ruled out of the equation on planet earth there would be no pimping, no trafficking, no porn, no prostitution, no sex abuse or rape, we know women’s motivations are influenced by the depravity and ethics of men, that’s why many of them become fat camwhores fucking so many people getting a bunch of STDs, being a horrendous BPDemon and an enabler, when women are being led by men as examples in every facet of society: economics, culture, art, media, etc. with male ethics such as dog-eat-dog machiavellian death and sex obsessed values you get women who are chasing to be identified and respected by them to adopt these behaviors and that’s why they seek the crime, compiled with the fact that they face oppression and economic disparities. Naturally we already dont commit as much crimes as men in a global scale but the world culture practically being phallocentric forever is going to influence and change women’s behavior and make them join male causes, male crime, male battles and wars. A female pimp should assume all responsibility for what she has done but it’s a bit more complicated than that, there would be no pimping if men didn’t exist. Most women are male-identified because most women are heterosexual and because of their sexuality they seek out of the validation of men and by doing that they joined their depravity and are rewarded doggy treats for doing a few flips for them and become a virtual avatar to the man’s power like Ghislaine Maxwell even though it’s not true, raw power, it’s still coming from a depraved and corrupt male. Racism, wars, would not exist if men didn’t exist. Women want men around so therefore pimping, rapes, wars, misogyny will continue to exist until we’re all death. If you want women to accept the responsibility of adding on to the suffering that us women have to endure then we must all collectively understand that we enable males to continue to destroy the planet but most of us will never do this. So basically, we’re fucked!

No. 2167407

File: 1726546846492.png (92.5 KB, 1374x506, learn your english.png)

Nonny you do know there's a difference between having a conversation where you take all of the facts about someone into consideration, and actually having a vendetta against someone?

No. 2167408

Nta it’s not immoral it’s just nasty. I see selling sex the same as taking a shit and rubbing it all over your face. It’s just something nasty and disgusting to do.

No. 2167409

I'm embarrassed to share a space with you

No. 2167410

ayrt, i think you misunderstand what i mean. i don't think they should be harmed or something what i mean is that they should be institutionalized for their own safety. if you don't have the mental capacity to work a job, to the extent where your mental illness is making you think you should sell your body in order to support yourself, then yeah at that point you should be put in some kind of psychiatric hospital.

No. 2167411

It's a weirdo pretending to be two persons so he/she can feel validated and cope. It also started posting random videos of a random prostitute kek.

No. 2167412

NTAYRT but what do you mean by
> Some daughters just don’t know how to step into the shoes of their struggling mothers.
Like you think there are some women who prostitute themselves because its…generational?

No. 2167415

I mean the things they do to people in those forced psychiatric facilities and the drugs they pump into them is not that different from lobotomies. Stop acting like you are the bigger person (well you probably are physically)

No. 2167417

Yup I agree, it’s basically just women larping as men, the only thing that’s on their mind is drugs, money and sex and they’ll throw away or corrupt anyone who gets in their way. They promote “sex work” as empowering and cool to the detriment of young girls and women just like a scrote promotes it, they have no good intentions for anyone and I’m tired of seeing these thots on my phone and computer. I think it’s a bit extreme wanting to have them be registered as sex offenders because this is simply a supply-demand chain issue of heteronormativity and it’s likely her male gooners who deserve to be registered as such rather than her, but there’s just something so disgusting and mentally fucked about these women that makes me want to stay far away from them just like I love to stay far away from men and their female sycophants.

No. 2167418

That's not me retard. The mods can check that its not me. Dont blame me for other anons you have argued with.

No. 2167419

So do you read mental hospital fanfiction or something because that's not reality, anon

No. 2167422

Women who do that kind of work are not human so i don't care what happens to them.

No. 2167423

NTAYRT but what makes you think that just because someone should be institutionalized that it means they should be abused? Why is that the conclusion that your mind drew first?

No. 2167425

Any anons who are typing up their disagreement essay to this, I suggest you go lurk Shay's threads before you hit that reply button kek

No. 2167426

Yeah it likely is generational and that’s the saddest part, how do women learn to break out of it with no help? It’s encouraged by our hypersexual society kek and when women are critical of it we’re told to stfu and not speak about it because we’re being pickmes judging other women for “expressing themselves” and doing a “necessary job” like selling your own child or young girls to get practically raped and battered by loser men.

No. 2167427

Men actually feel the opposite kek. What is happening to this website.

No. 2167428

Not human? How is it that some of you are completely incapable of understanding female socialization and indoctrination when you are female? Is it a superiority thing?

No. 2167429

Women who do sex work and men who pay for sex should be sterilized after they are caught and arrested. We don’t need to worry about them passing down generational trauma if they can’t have kids.

No. 2167430

All men do is talk about how much they hate whores, why are you being disingenuous to win an internet argument?

No. 2167431

Shay is wild, the caked pussy still haunts my thoughtw

No. 2167432

I mean, based off how much money men give whores I assume that they must really love them. But I also don’t communicate with men so I can’t really speak to what their opinion would be

No. 2167434


No. 2167435

What do you mean "female socialization and indoctrination"? Do you think being a female just…means you wanna be a whore kek?

No. 2167437

Do you disagree kek? Because if I opened up twitter right now I’m sure I could locate many onlyfans whores with oceans full of sailors who throw coins at them

No. 2167439

supremely based, and many of them claim that they hate children and don't want them anyways. if Shayna had a daughter, my God…

No. 2167440

Yeah, you're just being disingenuous. So much for this discussion. You can't be that ignorant.

No. 2167441

I'm suspecting a moid has been steering shit up in this thread for the last hours

No. 2167442

You're not a good troll anon, sorry to break it to ya.

No. 2167443

Men only claim they hate whores in the public eye because they don’t want the women they marry or their daughters to be ran through cum dumps but in their private life they love whores. They don’t care if other women are whores if the white lets them have a taste, they just don’t want the women thet love to be like them.

No. 2167444

He's the one who revealed it to me, I don't even remember the context but he said he found an imageboard that I'd like and he was right

No. 2167445

They think all women are whores, dumb ass.

No. 2167446

I asked a question, do you not have an answer? I didn't understand the post that was made so I asked a question in response in hopes to clarify whatever point the other anon was attempting to make. I don't see what part of "female socialization" would result in women defaulting to prostitution.(infighting)

No. 2167447

Not going to answer a question asked in bad faith, I don't even think you're a woman.

No. 2167448

I’ll be completely honest i guess i am ignorant to what actual men think because i don’t spend time around them and don’t speak to them, so no i’m not trying to be disingenuous or try to derail the conversation. I’m just stating what I know about men based off my (albeit limited) life experience with them

No. 2167449

they’re based for hating babies and motherhood, throw that little XY scrote off the cliff!

No. 2167450

Why did the entire unpopular opinions thread turn into a redpill forum "women, women women,". It hasn't even been 5 hours yet and there's hundreds of posts crying about everything women do wrong. Why not talk about mens wrong like they do ours since this is the only place we can do it without the "not all men" idiots coming in?

No. 2167451

Lolcow users shouldn't be allowed to vote.(infight bait)

No. 2167452

You're sacrifying your voting rights to let us know that?

No. 2167453

> How are you incapable of understanding female socialization
> How would female socialization make a woman want to become a prostitute
> I'm not answering that I don't think you're a woman
sigh…now I'm not a woman because I don't comprehend how being a woman would make me want to be a whore…

No. 2167454

>everything women do wrong

Not all women sell pussy. I don’t like sex workers but it’s not because they’re women, it’s because they’re gross.

No. 2167455

I don't vote anyways lmfao

No. 2167456

What the fuck does "not all men" bullshit have to do with not liking prostitution kek what?

No. 2167457

It's because you're being willfully ignorant to rage bait.

No. 2167458

I think only lolcow users should be able to vote

No. 2167459

i don’t even think hating whores is an unpopular opinion kek

No. 2167460

I'm gonna vote don't you dare look at my ballot

No. 2167461

You'd just have anons voting to give other women labotomies and executions for not falling in line.

No. 2167462

Anon, that's a napkin.

No. 2167464

Don't accuse me of being that weirdo retard, i was the miserable naive person who brought up Zheani's music bc i like some of her stuff

No. 2167465

I honestly wouldn’t mind sex workers and their tricks being executed….

No. 2167466

How? How is it being "willfully ignorant" to not understand something and then ask further questions in an attempt to better understand what someone else is saying? That is actually the opposite of willful ignorance, that is making an active attempt to comprehend what others are expressing. Are you ragebaiting me right now anon kek? Because its working

No. 2167467

for not falling in line KEK…thats a gentle way to put it

No. 2167468

I can't believe you're still pushing at it. I don't have any attention left to spare you anon.

No. 2167469

I think onlyfans whores would be better off lobotomized and living in a halfway house.

No. 2167470

Most anti-male related posts on this site are just woman hating under the guise of man hating.

No. 2167471

Is it weird that my first thought was that pegging men wasn't as bad as other sex work?
It's not the woman's body being penetrated, at least.

No. 2167472


No. 2167473

Good job proving the point nonas.

No. 2167474

Sex workers aren’t women in my eyes. If they want to live their life as sex toys for scrotes, that’s how I’m gonna see them.

No. 2167475

Don't cut yourself with that edge champ.

No. 2167476

And so many whores are troon lovers too..

No. 2167481

Um because we’re women and this is how we gossip and talk shit about each other kek, stop concern trolling you’re bad at it

No. 2167485

Do you have like a little book full of moidisms you reference whenever you want to post or what?

No. 2167487

…that's really sad.

No. 2167488

How? Just stop alogging shayna and other cowish women and all of that “woman-hating” on a basket weaving forum will go away quickly

No. 2167489

nta but if you think being here is sad..why do you join us?? kek

No. 2167490

post examples of moidisms, because if you suck many dicks and put dicks inside of you multiple times through casual sex and paid rape that’s what it is, sucking many dicks and putting dicks inside of you. there’s no putting that in politically correct language anon kek

No. 2167492

You're so embarrassing. This is how you spend your time anon.

No. 2167493

Well fuck I don't know, anon

No. 2167495

samefag i’m not the anon calling other prostitutes whores or anything even though that’s accurately what they are, it’s just odd how we’re allowed to be as mean as we want to women on the gossip boards but this is somehow disallowed on the off-topic boards? wut

No. 2167496

I think you should decrease your porn consumption since you cannot talk to other women without imagining them sucking dick or doing onlyfans.
Not everyone posts the retarded shit as you.

No. 2167497

I don't know how some of you make it day to day being so low functioning.

No. 2167498

I refuse to believe that “women” who think and look like this are the same species or gender as me

No. 2167499

File: 1726549395275.jpg (164.91 KB, 1300x856, view-of-roaring-jaguar-lying-i…)

I really hate the recent wave of unfunny gifs of cats "reacting" via camera zooms, or their owner obviously moving them around/getting up in their face with their phone. Fuck off.

No. 2167500

Way to break it down to the bare essentials and miss the point entirely neanderthal

No. 2167502

commenting before the incomming "if you don't like it close the thread"

No. 2167503

Thers nothing wrong with calling them whores and just being straightforward about what they do
Ntayrt but anon what are you talking about? This discussion is not about "talking to other women and imagining them sucking dick" it's about online prostitution and how it should be criminalized/taken more seriously…

No. 2167505

You sure spend alot of time looking at porn, porn stars and porn content. Huh.

No. 2167506

Those are literally the best ones. Totally devoid of fun.

No. 2167507

So cut your tits off and become a man.

No. 2167508

i'm scared to hit play

No. 2167510

How old are you? Just wondering.

No. 2167511

I don’t think it’s scrotal or “moidish” to dislike whores and treat them as such kek. Where is this sudden slutoid defense force arising from?

No. 2167512

There’s nothing pornographic, it’s just a sex worker explaining why she does her job and claiming her clients wives are just cold bitches who dont love their husband enough

No. 2167513

I wasn't referring to the prostitution posts, but as soon as I enter the thread the first few posts are talking about everything women do wrong like painting with colors they don't like (?), not lifting weights, etc.

I get it's an unpopular opinion thread but it just gets so mentally exhausting since every single corner of the Internet just seems to be hyper focused on all of women's faults lately. Moids damn near Jonestowned because of the bear vs man argument and it's valid apparently because "it made men feel like people think they're dangerous" yet women are expected to be treated as literal Hitler if they breathe the wrong way and we're supposed to just get use to it or adjust to everyone's ever-changing demands of women

No. 2167514

oh i don;t like that one bit kek, yeah whores should be locked up

No. 2167515

Are you just the same idiot typing the same thing over and over? Those are some great contributions anon.

No. 2167516

Most of Gen z has done sex work or wanted to at one point

No. 2167517

You can dislike whores without sounding like a psychopathic unhinged moid, no one is calling out disliking whores what they are calling out is the moids who cannot integrate.

No. 2167518

Who defended prostitution? What?

No. 2167520

But that’s what most women do, they suck dicks and fuck dicks, that’s not a thing that always belonged in porn. Unless you want to give me words that mean “sex between a man or a woman” that make you feel cozy inside, even though sex is mainly degrading and a dissociative act that most women pretend to love like scrotes despite them statistically feeling displeasure/pain/infection from sucking dicks and fucking dicks then you’re free to tell us smartass. Males are whores as well, they’ve just projected their entire behavior on to women and gave it a word.(blackpill goes to 2X)

No. 2167521

Kek can't even help yourselves but use moid language. They live in your head rent free.

No. 2167522

Did you tag the wrong posts?

No. 2167523

i think it makes the most sense to see anons primarily referring to women at least here because lolcow is a site for women and most of us can only speak to our own experiences/opinions about womanhood and what we see other women do

No. 2167524

KEK manifesto schizophrenic

No. 2167525

Imo when women act like that it’s usually because there’s an underlying issue going on. It’s hard me for me to actually hate them because I just feel bad for them. I also don’t like going on about “muh sluts” because they get enough of that from men and society in general.

No. 2167526

Nta but I want to use disgusting and rude language towards sex workers because that’s how I want them to feel. I want them to feel disgusting and unclean because that’s what they are.

No. 2167527

File: 1726549950705.jpg (5.18 KB, 284x177, 1000000219.jpg)

>Women deserve to get tortured and raped to death because they had sex with people who aren't me!!!!
I have a great online community you'd fit right in …

No. 2167528

That makes me so fucking angry.

No. 2167529

What’s so schizophrenic about that?

No. 2167531

Wait a minute is this…bj-chan.
Eitherway whether youre them or not, thanks to admitting to being a incel who imagines every women you talk to being dirty and having…gasp….sex

No. 2167532

How many of you actually have friends? How many of you spend more than 20 minutes a week outside of your homes? Non job related outside.(derailing)

No. 2167533

Sex workers don't care about you. You think they aren't dealing with the millionth a-logging hatemail from incels and angry wives?

No. 2167535

Most Gen z has probably sold nudes as a minor or did only fans as soon as they turned 18, failed at it and realized it’s not a lucrative career etc. they have some empathy for whores because they were once in their shoes.

No. 2167536

Anon if you were insane, you wouldn't actually be able to tell.

No. 2167537

Ntayrt but i don't think thats what she was saying, I think the point thats being made is its difficult to feel any pity for someone who consents to selling their body for money

No. 2167539

Then she doesn't understand basic human psychology and that's her own problem.

No. 2167540

>thanks for being an incel
what the actual fuck are you talking about?

No. 2167541

I hope they all die from aids

No. 2167543

I'm sure if it wasn't whoring you'd find some other reason women who you deem to be inferior deserve death.

No. 2167544

They don't care about themselves either

No. 2167545

I also hate women who abuse children and think they should be executed

No. 2167546

This is vastly due to a combo of the economic crisis + western parents normalizing the "throwing you out at 18 thing" so moids and other groomers swoop in convincing those girls they'll totally make loads of money via OF and they don't even have to meet johns or reveal their identity. I'm more angry at manipulators using pimp tactics than I am at girls who were dumb teens trying to make money for college or survival

No. 2167547

File: 1726550238927.jpeg (51.22 KB, 523x586, IMG_2532.jpeg)

ntayart but just stop selling your fat whore body, it’s not a necessity anymore most women can go and apply for a mcdonalds job. picrel

No. 2167549

Not all women are whores. There are gay scrotes who sell ass too and I think they’re disgusting. Sex workers are repulsive and it has nothing to do with them being women.

No. 2167550

>Won't shame abusive men because "it doesn't matter to them, those men won't care"
>Sperges about sex workers who also won't care or change because ….??

No. 2167551

inb4 that one nigelfag mod comes swooping in kek

No. 2167552

Not a fan of SW but you're making anti SW anons look unstable

No. 2167553

Piss poor bait.

No. 2167554

Why do you correlate being a whore with being a woman? Let’s unpack this.

No. 2167555

Who the fuck said anything about not shaming abusive men? You can hate multiple things at once anon

No. 2167556

Take your schizo meds if you got that out of the post

No. 2167560

Anons in the previous thread said there was no point in calling out or shaming abusive men because "they won't care", but 50+ sperges about sex workers who also won't care. Anons hate women taking pictures of their boobs for money online more than moids who traumatize women for fun

No. 2167561

having sex with men makes you a whore, there i said because nobody else wanted to say it

No. 2167562

Are you a SWer trying to make anti SW anons look bad?

No. 2167564

You’re implying that hating whores is sexism/hating women. How is hating whores sexism when not all women are whores?

No. 2167565

Are you some kind of ana chan? Why are you calling anons fat kek. You sound insane.

No. 2167566

Kek i i absolutely can't the only insult this absolutely retarded moid/pickme. Can come up with is calling anons fat or whores. Whores live rent free in your mind you pornsick loser

No. 2167567

No. 2167568

not all users feel the exact same way about stuff anon

No. 2167569

It's a sex worker LARPing as someone who is anti sex work, likely so they can use it as an example or something in the future like "teehee see how CRAZY SWERFs are"

No. 2167570

i didn’t know you had to be a skellie to not be fat, that just shows how extremely delusional and removed from reality a lot of whores are(infighting)

No. 2167571

> fatty
> fatty
> fatty

No. 2167573

I don’t care about the opinions of anyone who thinks km crazy for thinking sex work is gross. I wouldn’t want them around me because they probably have herpes or hiv.

No. 2167574

>Anons hate women taking pictures of their boobs for money online more than moids who traumatize women for fun
It's true, they do. They know they won't bother trying to hold men responsible so they chimp out at brainwashed ignorant women because they can act superior to them. It's not even about sex work, it's just about feeling good about themselves personally, it's about feeling superior to the whores. But they don't have the guts to actually say this shit to a man.

No. 2167575

I'd appreciate SOME sort of thing around here shitting on abusive men? But no it all turns into non stop sperging about female victims or whatever the hell women do wrong. Even when we had the pink pill thread it turned into a shitfest of anons sperging at an thirdie in an arranged marriage about how she was either "stupid for staying" or "a larping moid with an abuse fetish" for getting upset about her husband beating her into a miscarriage

No. 2167576

File: 1726550738229.jpg (75.6 KB, 1000x500, la-story-du-clip.jpg)

nonnas, smash or pass Mylene Farmer?

No. 2167577

You sound like a 14 year old kek

No. 2167578

bjchan is obese herself

No. 2167579

No smash, only gentle loving

No. 2167580

I highly doubt it since ive see other swerfs (anti-sw) chimping out like this on social media. Unfortunately this was one of your own.
Whores are bad but treating them inhumane because of your intrasexual comptetitive biterness is also bad.

No. 2167581

Male sex workers are nasty too. If you would let a big sweaty hair man pump on you while he’s sweating and grunting, you’re disgusting and I don’t care if you cry that I hate women.

No. 2167582

Oh no anon, they think men should be held accountable, but they'll only be like "Yah sure he did wrong but he won't care- anyways–" and then continue hour or even day long sperges about women

No. 2167583

im not really sure what we're supposed to do now anon kek. should we stop our conversation about not liking whores to change the subject to abusive men?

No. 2167584

I'm not talking about male sex workers. Are you dumb?

No. 2167585

this isn't the smash or pass thread nonny

No. 2167586

Yeah, like a post or two or even just sending hate mail to the SWer they caught their Nigel with. Never spamming threads and attacking anyone that replies kek

No. 2167588

File: 1726550869678.jpeg (80.71 KB, 228x320, IMG_2533.jpeg)

anons with husbands are just fat whores for free with conditions of the buyer using her womb as incubation for his parasite, it’s inevitable that the moid drains and sucks her gynergy out of her like a mosquito rendering her to bragging about her pregnancy in discord chats to greasy trannies while her husband walks past a pile of dirty diapers and dishes piled up in the sink. you have to be the most giant cuckween of the century to let a man turn you into a whore for free and then step out of the house protesting to get rid of your scrote’s proof of degeneracy and impulsivity(blackpill outside containment)

No. 2167589

But I am. My hate for sex workers had nothing to do with their gender, I only hate the em because they’re nasty animals.

No. 2167590

NTA but all sex workers should be registered sex offenders/institutionalized. Male and female both, you have to be severely mentally ill to participate in sexual sales.

No. 2167591

File: 1726550912212.jpg (64.16 KB, 633x482, tv-1987-026.jpg)

I would say i'm straight but pictures of her younger just does something to me

No. 2167592

didn’t valerie solanas have a boyfriend

No. 2167593

Oh there she goes! There she is!

No. 2167594

Not rn obviously cause it would be forced but it's tiring just seeing non stop sperging about women when men are literally raping babies to death and we're sitting around wishing death on women posting nudes for bucks

No. 2167595

To be honest….this is why i stopped being a feminist. All branches of feminism in one way or another just end up becoming a place to shit on women and covertly protect men.
Manh radfems are also covertly right-wing and think abortion is less important than hating on trannies.

No. 2167596

there’s probably a farmhand who’s some fat camwhore on the side while modding for this garbage dump and it makes me smile knowing the same retards who canned dumbass shit threads are the ones being used as garbage disposals for scrotums, fuck you(salty ban evader)

No. 2167597

True, but unpopular opinion is like an open chat and the debate is getting boring

No. 2167598

Probably only makes 100 dollars a month like most onlyskanks

No. 2167599

Male sex workers are not the issue at hand you retards it's the men who BUY sex and create the demand. It's the men who abuse, coerce, and control and you know that's what we're talking about.

No. 2167601

> fat
What makes you think they're obese?
> whores
Can't really argue with that
> for free with conditions of the buyer using her womb as incubation for his parasite
This I disagree with, the majority of women feel the innate desire to reproduce kek
> it’s inevitable that the moid drains and sucks her gynergy out of her like a mosquito rendering her to bragging about her pregnancy in discord chats to greasy trannies while her husband walks past a pile of dirty diapers and dishes piled up in the sink.
That's a really vivid fantasy anon

No. 2167602

You're undiagnosed with something anon, just totally insane.

No. 2167604

Men who buy / consume "sex work" are just as disgusting as people who contribute to it, anon.

No. 2167605

Doesn’t matter if there’s a demand. Sex workers are still nasty for doing sex work. They’re the type of people who go to Dubai and let rich Arabs shit on their face for a few thousand. They’re not human.

No. 2167606

Thats so mean

No. 2167607

How much do you guys wanna bet this was one of those retards who were on the imageboard with the cuckquean board during the lolcow downtime kek

No. 2167608

>the majority of women feel the innate desire to reproduce
doesn’t mean they should

No. 2167609

Pretty much. Libfems sit around shitting on other women for not catering to trannies non stop, radfems are sitting around wishing horrible things on women for falling into SW, it's almost never about moids anymore which is crucial that moids get called out since they're slowly becoming more and more dangerous. Western men can literally start shooting up by the masses and "feminists" would just be at other women's throats for deadnaming a retarded moid or working at hooters. It almost feels like moid propaganda to distract us as they slowly start becoming more dangerously oppressive towards us

No. 2167610

File: 1726551195724.jpeg (456.16 KB, 499x846, IMG_2527.jpeg)

didn’t you ever think about not being bitch-made?

No. 2167611

I don't really think people are just gonna stop reproducing

No. 2167612

>cuckquean board
yup, that’s definitely a board that exists in lolcow

No. 2167613

Oh my sweet baby Jesus in fucking heaven yeah I know that you retard. The point is that you put more energy into hating the women who are indoctrinated all their lives to become sex objects than you are at the ones DOING THE INDOCTRINATING. You're a lazy hypocrite and you'd rather use your energy raging and seething about other women who are completely brainwashed over decades than you would trying to hold a male to the same standards, because "men don't care" NEITHER DO YOU

No. 2167614

oh fuckkkkk I meant crystal.cafe im sleep deprived idc

No. 2167615

Anons when losing arguments will pose as the anon they fought with for the purpose of making that anon look bad. Mods have called this out multiple times and it wouldn't shock me if this was the case

No. 2167616

and a son KEKK

No. 2167617

Oh my God, you're slow as molasses.

No. 2167618

Anon…you still have time to delete this kek

No. 2167620

As opposed to figuratively? Learn to use the word correctly, anon.

No. 2167621

i’m crying laughing because I gotta go to slleep

No. 2167622

Shut the fuck up nerd

No. 2167624

What is this 2012? You're grammar nazi-ing me?

No. 2167625

File: 1726551446264.jpeg (700.98 KB, 828x1306, 1640129946441.jpeg)

>the foundation of this imageboard was built upon making fun of a fat whore

No. 2167628

Mfw i shit my pants while walking home

No. 2167629

As soon as I see the word dicks in your posts I stop reading, you're mentally unstable, why would I listen to anything you have to say? You're obsessed with penises.

No. 2167630

>the majority of women feel the innate need to become pregnant
i feel the innate need to drink myself to death but does that mean i give into my desires? you’re no better than an animal sticking to its basic functions except animals don’t need to cope and lie and make a million justifications on why they need to keep pumping out kids especially daughters in this hell world, we may be animals but we’re not fully animals, you don’t have to become a breeding mare just because it’s biologically programmed and who really knows if it is? honestly motherhood is just practically forced on to women because of the existence of men via the patriarchy so basically, motherhood is rape and sex with men is rape

No. 2167632

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No. 2167633

Ok I’ll censor it for you kek

The concept of having sex and exchanging body fluids with someone you don’t know numerous times a week is disgusting to me. I think tricks who let random whores who have sucked 1000088 pickles , suck their pickle and then go home to their wife and put that same infected pickle in their wife raw are DISGUSTING! It’s nasty, that has nothing to do with sexism.

Are you happy little gentle snow flake?

No. 2167634

This site was not built on Shayna.

No. 2167635

> you’re no better than an animal sticking to its basic functions
That is kind of what humans do to survive, anon..

No. 2167636

Wow anon so quirky and funny.

No. 2167637

'Cause you don't know how to use a word properly? Yes.
I think there's a cock out there somewhere with your name on it, retard

No. 2167638

you’re right. shayna built this site.

No. 2167639

I feel the inate desire of stuffing you like a duck destined to be a foi gras so you'd shut the fuck up

No. 2167640

>moids are literally killing us and denying us medical care as we speak
>But but women do NASTY with a MAN ewwww!!!
Sometimes your worst enemy is other women

No. 2167641

Take a nap, spaz.

No. 2167642

And you’re a nasty whore

No. 2167644

Honestly doubt it's one, or it'll transition soon

No. 2167645

Yes, allowing men to rape you for money is gross and you don’t deserve rights. You need to be in prison.

No. 2167646

What do you think about women who actually do want to reproduce children, though? i understand being disgusted by selling your body for money but most human beings feel and follow the urge to reproduce

No. 2167647


No. 2167648

I took a hard to swallow pill and i think that humans are controlled by biology and the patriarchy is human biology. Because every single feminist movement gets turned into a worthless shit-show that dies nothing to help women and instead spends their time gossiping on or trying to hurt other women while barely giving that same energy back to men. That is why women lost roe v wade so easily. Feminism is so weak its scary because if all the higher ups decide to take away all women rights there is absolutely nothing women can do because they are not organised and their biological intrasexual competitiveness towards each other makes it impossible for alot of women to truly want to distance themselves from men or to stop sabotaging other women or themselves.
Many race activism groups are strong and make changes in this world, so do the gendie ones. Feminism is the only group who is sp fucking weak and can barely make a change that if we all had our rights taken away tommorow there is nothing we could do about it.

No. 2167649

File: 1726551784430.webp (5.32 KB, 390x280, 3826964707415.WEBP)

>Sometimes your worst enemy is other women
Correct. Now swallow these.

No. 2167650

the newfag was wrong but their message still stands, this website was built off of making fun of fat, retarded, vulnerable attention whores and if you don’t like it you can go to twitter or any social media where you can curate everything you see if you’re that sensitive. this was never a website where people hold your hand and care about your feelings, if it was i wouldn’t be called a retard just for hating men practically any time i decide to post here kek

No. 2167651

You can hate men and whores at the same time
Do you need a xanax?

No. 2167652

>and if you don't like it blah blah blah
Yeah whatever commander, fuck off.

No. 2167653

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I understand that this opinion would only be considered unpopular in chronically online circles but I actually knew a couple of these people IRL when I was younger so I feel like I have a right to talk about it. If you call yourself “aromantic” but you don’t identify as asexual you are just addicted to porn and you need therapy. Imagine a man looking you dead in the eyes and telling you he’s heterosexual and aromantic. Makes your skin crawl, doesn’t it?

No. 2167654

Feminism changed a lot of things, i don't know what you're talking about.

No. 2167655

i hate how this conversation is actually entertaining me kek

No. 2167657

It just means they're either a narcissist, sociopath or psycopath that are basically incapable of love kek.

No. 2167658

This is not even true, I'm not going to let chronically online mentally ill fuck up no lifes dictate what feminism is or isn't. These anons are the bottom of the barrel, their opinions mean less than nothing, they have zero impact on the world. It doesn't matter how much their hate other women or men, they are self destructive unproductive losers who were never going to create change regardless of their opinion.

No. 2167659

Well where's the man hate then? The single post of "oh abusive men are bad too I guess, anyway more about those evil whores"

No. 2167660

what is galaxy gas? i don't get why i keep seeing it everywhere kek

No. 2167662

Lots of farmers could've been lolcows themselves, maybe in a different universe they are

No. 2167663

Telling you not to suck random dick for a few cents isn’t abusive

No. 2167664

Do you expect us to change the topic of conversation just because you don't like it kek? We were talking about prostitutes

No. 2167665

yeah but are other women are going to finally notice that they’re being whores though , we already know men are whores we just need women to admit that being a whore and promoting jezebel content to other women to their detriment is poisoning them

No. 2167666

The freshly cia-introduced drug, ghetto niggas are asphixiating their brain to get high

No. 2167667

>radfems are also covertly right-wing and think abortion is less important than hating on trannies.

????? Where are you guys seeing this. Unless you’re just being exposed to tradfags who slap on the “radfem” label.

Keeeek women “lost” Roe v. Wade becaus our government is full of moids trying to get women to breed .Why else are they also trying to get insurances to cover IVF? Cmon. Plenty of women are protesting and speak up about it.

No. 2167668

There’s plenty of them who post here and they’re all cow aloggers, they’re just more aware to keep their cowish behavior anonymous and off the internet

No. 2167670

>when are women gonna admit they’re being whores

I’m literally tired of seeing sex empowered women do stuff like tiktok related and thinking it’s not repulsive.

No. 2167671

File: 1726552231166.jpg (66.54 KB, 253x441, dfg.jpg)

nonnies, we did it again

No. 2167672

go back to kiwifarms

No. 2167674

I hate how literally every female musician is just a whore

No. 2167675

now imagine if dumbass shit thread and the absolutely retarded shitposting thread was still around, it would practically just be these three threads running /ot/ lol

No. 2167676

It's literaly the truth though, a rapper made a song about it and in majority it's black kids being caught doing it

No. 2167677

No it didn't, the industrial revolution did.
Im confused are you talking about me or other anons because i used to be a very active feminist and yes i didn't just stick to online bullshit. This is just the conclusion i have come to after being disappointed.
I don't think i said anything inflammatory in my post, instead you should keep a eye out on the things your fellow radfems are posting because the terf to tradthot pipeline is crazy lately.

No. 2167678

How can these whores promote this kind of degeneracy with no guilt….

No. 2167679

I mourn dumbass shit and retarded shitposting daily. The bunker threads were the closest we've gotten to recapturing their magic

No. 2167680

she’s gone off the deep end but i can’t really hate doja, she reminds me of a lot of farmers on here (including myself). also she’s a whore so she’ll fit right in, she would likely be a chronic confessions thread poster

No. 2167681

Yes the industrial revolution in 1970 KEK

No. 2167682

She'd probably post her nudes in confessions just like that other fat whore

No. 2167683

Modern music is a fucking joke. All the guys are fucking ugly faggots like Post Malone and all the women are just sex objects. It's like pop culture is just trying to get us to hate it and reject it all.

No. 2167684

She’s definitely the kind of girl who posted nudes for 4chan scrotes just like the average lolcow user

No. 2167685

male whores deserve to be stabbed and beaten and thrown to the necro anons in /g/ to be eaten though, they’re just not wearing sparkly glittery outfits and making it seem glamorous like they convince women to do

No. 2167686

Shut the fuck up weak retard. When something race related happens people shut down literal cities and destroy them they even help make bills fast to protect themselves and they SUCCEED in passing them. They are successful.
All feminists can do is cope or bitch online about women or troons while they are losing their human rights in real life.

No. 2167688

Again, despite the sperges, I'm not a prostitute nor do I support them, but the extreme anger is so misdirected hence why I'm not responding to the spergy "kys prostitute" post. Plus if you'd know how to follow a comment chain, you'd see I'm the anon the mentioned the weird hate boner for everything women do referring to the first few posts in this thread, not the prostitute hate specifically

No. 2167690

Man, this conversation is popping off

No. 2167691

the crystal.cafe bunker threads from the other week were lame as hell, just a bunch of people getting autobanned because of a spiteful mod/admin which decreased the amount of people posting in it. it will never live up to what it was like when the previous admin was here, i fucking hate cerbmin and i just know they’re a faggot ass male running the website

No. 2167692

File: 1726552602076.jpg (560.11 KB, 1080x1440, fucking ugly faggot.JPG)

It was the same back then. Don’t delude yourself.

No. 2167693

>people shut down literal cities
Not people, anon. Thugs and criminals.

No. 2167694

Hard pill to swallow

No. 2167695

It's definitely worse

No. 2167696

Unpopular opinion but not all women are tricked into being whores by men, some women genuinely enjoy sexual attention and getting paid for it. For example someone like Lana del ray definitely enjoyed being a whore and having sex with older men for money when she was younger and hanging with Harvey Weinstein.

No. 2167697

/shelter/ was heavenly ngl

No. 2167698

Oh no here comes the racebait

No. 2167699

ugh he was so ugly

No. 2167700

true but let’s be real, they do it because they think being as bad as a man means it’s trve equality, just like how normies think men and women are on the same page while men rape and kill at high rates

No. 2167701

Child porn was legal until the 1980’s but the CIA really wants you to forget that

No. 2167702

No, I think they just like the attention. They think sexual attention means they’re pretty and they’re a bad bitch if they can get paid for it.

No. 2167703

that’s an anon’s husbando!!!!!! desuuuu

No. 2167704

>I used to be active in feminist group
>The industrial revolution changed everything

Feminist activist but don't know her fucking history. You might aswell say it's WW1 et WW2 because women were allowed to replace typically male jobs kek. What a retarded take. Women fought to be able to have bank account up until the fucking 70's.

No. 2167705

We're talking about the music industry, not CP??

No. 2167706

Cause women are at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of social support of groups that get discriminated against frequently. You can say the word tranny and you'll have people showing up at your house and attempting to murder you yet moids never face consequences for anything they say online. Hell neurodivergent nate or whatever that faggots name is just shits on women all day, demanding they be sterilized, tortured, have rights taken away and be forced to be housewives, etc and no one gave a shit and he still gets financially supported, still gets his career, etc. like imagine if a woman said anything he said but replaced "women" with "black people" or "gays" or even "men", someone would probably literally shoot her

No. 2167707

Nta but I think they're referring to the amount of musicians using naked pictures of children as album covers (?) I could be wrong. Wasn't just nirvana either a few artists did it

No. 2167708

the CIA just shifted it to the black market/dark web, it was probably because of the new advents of technology in the 1980s that made them stop being so transparent with their terrible shit like they were in the 40s-70s

No. 2167709

I don't feel bad for whores

No. 2167710

File: 1726552955520.webp (8.64 KB, 250x322, fucking ugly faggot 2.WEBP)

Thought it was him

No. 2167712

Wow his skull looks malleable

No. 2167713

>bj sperg is still going
Who's gonna tell her?

No. 2167715

You do realise the industrial revolution started much earlier than ww1 right and that many scholars see the industrial revolution as the beginnings of feminism in the west. Maybe if you read feminist books that arent by just pedo-incest dworkin or by hypocrite valeria solanas, you would realise how many of the incidents that helped free women were not even started by feminism.

No. 2167716

it’s hilarious how much you can get trannies riled up if you’re a woman while men go only posting 41% memes and making fun of trannies but trannies go on these same websites and imageboards where this “transphobic” material is posted. it’s all about trying to remove and replace biological women in society because they view themselves as a better, evolved version of us

No. 2167717

I hate when you call them out their first response is always “WELL YOU HAVE SEX FOR FREE IDIOT, AT LEAST IM GETTING PAID!”. I have sex with one man in attracted to, I’m not being raped by 100 men I wouldn’t even piss on if they were on fire. They’re so fucked in the head they can’t understand having sex without payments.

No. 2167718

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No. 2167720

This reminds me of when that one white girl got mass canceled on tiktok for saying some shit like "they're all broke ass niggas" or something as if there isn't entire fucking accounts on tiktok dedicated to shitting on black people or even trying to uprise groups like the kkk. But sure, a 100 lb nobody white woman saying "my friends are all dating broke ass niggas" is the REAL danger against black people and not moids trying to uprise the groups that lynched them

No. 2167721

Stuff like this proves white feminists only care about themselves

No. 2167722

>Having sex with a man

No. 2167723

>just pedo-incest dworkin or by hypocrite valeria solanas
kek you’re such a liberal feminist in disguise, that pedophile claim was a vicious unfounded rumor and nothing that valerie solanas said was hypocritical because her book and writings technically weren’t feminist theory and just uncensored vents about how shitty men are

No. 2167724

i think everyone is retarded

No. 2167725

Yes i do realize that it happened much after, my claim is that it's a stupid to say it wasnt feminism but the industrial because: to for one, you had feminist movements that absolutely precedes the industrial revolution, and the industrial revolution kicking off feminism literaly implies that it helped it, not that the industrial revolution would have done it anyways without feminism. And that, if we're talking about the liberation through work, it only really started in WW1 and WW2 where the west actually lacked males because they were all fucking dead or deployed

No. 2167727

File: 1726553412208.jpeg (Spoiler Image,68.35 KB, 1920x1017, IMG_5304.jpeg)

(weird shitposting)

No. 2167728

They care about what gets views and what's easier to tear down. It's much easier to destroy women's careers and such over mens since jobs, relationship partners, friends and families of moids are much more forgiving and loyal where as women are often in extremely conditional terms of all aspects of life
>Inb4 but women CHOOSE
Not exactly. I've seen multiple jobs that will constantly forgive moids while being hypercritical and firing women over the smallest mistakes, even friend groups that will disinclude women over small things but forgive moids constantly

No. 2167729

That retard keep bringing up Valeria Solanas as if there wasnt other famous feminist writer and advocate like Olympe de Gouges.

No. 2167730

KEK I remembered that, I think she’s trying to pivot her 15 minutes of infamy into some neocon grifter career now spitting classic conservative grifting talking points like “i’m being cancelled guis!!!” but I agree with you, there was basically nothing offensive about what she said and it’s rich seeing people from my own community complaining about some random ass white woman saying nigga as if they don’t constantly lick the ass of any white woman/light-skinned woman pretending to be a black woman for views and likes saying she’s invited the cookout, they’re such hypocrites and focus on the wrong things

No. 2167731

Naw I mean saying nigga is no big deal without acknowledging how it would make black women feel. Not everything revolves around white women.

No. 2167732

literally why anon

No. 2167734

Unpopular opinion: moids doing SW isn't the equivalent of women doing SW since most men ore more intimidating, aren't pressured to do dangerous acts, and the demand for male sex workers isn't as high as it is for women. I feel like the equivalent would probably be drug dealing (dangerous drugs, not like weed or anything) since they're still harming others and possibly themselves and are pretty gross in exchange for money. Most people would go to a moid for drugs over a woman anyway

No. 2167735

why not

No. 2167736

Kek what? Im far from a libfem. This is the first time i was called one. I kind of notice your type is like a npc bot all you can call others is "libfems" "whores" "troons" "handmaidens".

And about the Amdrea thing..she was even called out by other radfems and Valeria is absolutely a hypocrite like cmon be so foreal.

No. 2167737

It’s probably the same tradfag shilling pregnancy as being natural, healthy and good for us gals and we should just give in and pump babies out woo-hoo!! God I wish they would just be fucking banned just for that psyop retardation

No. 2167738

I only brought her up once dumb fuck. Number one rule of imageboards, not everyone with different opinion is same anon.

No. 2167739

Black women did respond to her though, she didn't hurt anyones feeling per se, but it was more of a "wow you can't say that word because social norms" type deal than people being legitimately upset, or in danger. Personally I'm more scared of the white college moids trying to uprise the KKK than I am of a little white girl saying "nigga"

No. 2167740

Wtf is this some mental gymnastics. I was one of the anons calling out the tradfag and the weird "whores are not human" poster. Lmfao i can't believe just because i said that feminism is weak now im being lumped in with them.

No. 2167741

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Those little racist white girls are going to be supporting their dangerous kkk scrotes and trying to push trad wife content though. They’re dangerous in their own way, she’s not going to go out and kill anyone but women like her for sure aren’t harmless.

No. 2167742

>But but you can care about more things at once!!!
Clearly not if they're using their career and relationship ruining skills to shut down randoms over menial mistakes than people that are actually dangerous

No. 2167743

They should've used their energy to take down the scrotes then, not "well she MIGHT become dangerous or support a dangerous man!!" take down the dangerous men tf. It's like if we started euthanizing the wade wilson simps instead of euthanizing wade himself. Make it make sense

No. 2167745

those women were so lame and retarded, if only they put on their pickets “SEGREGATE ALL WOMEN AWAY FROM MEN” they would be so baseddddd but they had to be pickmes to white supremacists

No. 2167746

She said nigga to be antagonizing and to offend people. She got what she wanted and got fired. No empathy for her just because she’s a woman.

No. 2167748

Am I remembering the right poster? She said "nigga" when referring to her friends (?) husbands as broke and shitty. I agree she was wrong but it was just an example of people overblowing every other mistake women make where as moids get forgiven or, a lot of the time, even zero consequences for being as racist, sexist, violent, etc as they want online. Hell there's probably loads of moids in the public eye that said the n word way back when and no one cared. My point isnt that she didn't do anything wrong, just that I wish moids faced even remotely similar social consequences when they fuck up, that women do when women fuck up

No. 2167750

>She got what she wanted and got fired
So when can we start firing moids saying sexist and racist things online?

No. 2167751

File: 1726554740835.jpeg (325.24 KB, 1284x1050, IMG_4025.jpeg)

It wasn’t an innocent little mistake, she did it on purpose.

No. 2167753

I don't care about this idiot, I care about why there was so much mental energy spent on here when loads of moids say and do worse daily and never face consequences. Do you understand that or are you going to continue to be part of the problem by directing the attention away from the actual issue?

No. 2167754

Why would she expect as a 30 something year old woman to say nigga when she works a a company owned by a black woman? I know people think women are idiots and can’t use common sense but come on lol

No. 2167756

Idk. The company she was fired from was a black owned company owned by a black woman.

No. 2167759

File: 1726555116780.png (352.17 KB, 1079x1399, 1000000220.png)

That's understandable but I was referring to death threats and stuff like picrel. No one will dare say shit like this to moids bragging about raping babies online but a white girl says nigga and all hell breaks loose
>But she did this and that
Do you not understand I'm referring to the fact moids never face the very needed social consequences women face when they fuck up?

No. 2167760

I think all racists need to be put in a pit and burned alive. Fuck her. I don’t care about muh women solidarity bullshit, as a black woman she would help her white moid rape and hang me up on a tree. She deserved to get fired and punched in the fucking face.

No. 2167764

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>women get death threats over formula vs breastfeeding, not returning a shopping cart, tipping vs non tipping
>Women get their kids taken away for asking for makeup tips online
>Moids can say shit like this with their full legal name and suddenly no one cares other than women who immediately get brushed off as "nobody libfems"

No. 2167766

Great! Maybe you can cause outrages for men saying even more racist stuff? Right? Right?

No. 2167768

Yeah I’m outraged by racist men too. I don’t have to like a racist bitch just because we both have a pussy. I hope she dies in a ditch and I’m sure the feeling is mutual.(alogging)

No. 2167770

You're not understanding, the point isn't that the white lady that said the N word didn't deserve consequences, it's that everyone just got too worked up in attacking her that they completely missed moids that needed to be attacked and called out as well. Why do you think so many men are able to post "rage bait" scott free or even being supported where as if a woman tried that she'd get shot

No. 2167771

If it were up to me she would’ve gotten worse than just fired. She would’ve been stoned in a ditch like the witch she is.

No. 2167774

>Yeah I’m outraged by racist men too
You sure don't act like it, we could've all had a fun and glorious circle jerk in hating these racists together but you couldn't pass up the opportunity to wish death on a woman (and you probably wouldn't have ever done the same for a man if you hadn't been called out for being bias), and then kept insisting that the anon "demanded you to like a racist for having a pussy" when it was pretty obvious what message the anon was trying to pass.

No. 2167776

Go stone a racist man trying to murder you then. Oh wait you won't you'll just stand around whining about women online

No. 2167778

>>2167770 why not talk about the female victims of racism instead of some racist bitch then. Both her and racist moids should get skinned and gutted. Not raped tho.

No. 2167780

I would lay her down on the ground and run over her head with my truck and watch her head pop like a balloon. If not caring about a racist bitch makes me a woman hater, I guess I hate women then. Fuck off.(a-logging)

No. 2167781

>People spend so much time punishing women that they forget to punish women who say way worse, see here's an example
>"Ummmm clearly you're demanding me to like this racist lady who needs to be stoned and would rape me!! Go talk to victims of racism!!"

How about you talk to victims for racism, black women are more likely to be attacked by a group of neo nazi moids or racist cops than any sort of damage some random white girl saying nigga online will ever do. But you don't actually care about acknowledging this or protecting black women, since you know who's more likely to hurt them but since it doesn't give you a chance to write out weird death fantasies against women, you won't acknowledge this anything more than "oh, them to ig"

No. 2167782

Where's to murder fantasies about racist cops then?

No. 2167783

Like I said, if not caring about a racist bitch means I hate women, then I hate women.

No. 2167784

I'm racist, but just against men.

No. 2167786

We know parents raping and killing their kids for "not doing homework" was never about not doing homework in the first place

We know husbands killing their wives for "not doing dishes" was never about dishes in the first place

We know cops killing people "for looking suspicious" was never about looking suspicious in the first place

We know some rando wanting to kill women for sex work, saying the n word, etc isn't about those things in the first place, and if it was you would've done it unprompted without anyone needing to point out your suspicious bloodlust towards women only and nothing about men

No. 2167787

"Make murder fantasies about men too please""that's it! I hate women"

No. 2167788

A person could say they feel the same thing about moids but you’re just gonna respond with “oh no no but what about scrotes”, “I bet if a scrote did it you wouldn’t care!”. Why even have this conversation if you’re not going to listen to people anyway? lol

No. 2167789

Ok name a racist scrote and I’ll come up with a murder fantasy about him kek are you a minor?

No. 2167790

The point from the getgo was that scrotes don't face the same consequences that women do when they fuck up, a "what about scrotes" defense when an anon is getting her rocks off to killing some lady for saying the n word is pretty valid when she attempted to throw the whole conversation off to do… Well exactly what the anon was talking about

No. 2167792

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Well for starters, the scrotes that have been spamming "13-52" anytime a black person is mentioned

No. 2167794

She’s on racist white scrotes side and tries to pander to them so I don’t care if she deals with sexism. Abe most likely doesn’t even care about sexism herself, so why should I?

No. 2167796

Again - the point was that she wasn't facing the same consequences that moids do when they say or do way worse. Do you understand that? Apparently not

No. 2167797

Well, she wants to be apart of a white man run society where white women are treated like second class citizens and she’s getting treated the way she wants to be treated. I don’t care lol

No. 2167800

You can think she deserves more, or less consequences and it still won't be my point. I'm on your side in terms of her consequences. You would've known this if you read instead of apparently living in a schizo victim fantasy where we're all forcing you to like some lady we all agree is bad since you can't seem to understand what the example is or was for

No. 2167803

>yeah her consequences weren't the same as scrotes consequences when they're racist
>Wow clearly I'm getting raped by all of you, and you're holding a gun to my head and forcing me to like a racist lady that wants to wrangle up scrotes to rape me in mass!!!

I can't take this bait seriously

No. 2167804

She wants to be a part of a conservative white culture and in those cultures women get harsher punishments. She’s being treated exactly the way she should be and the way she deserves to be within the culture she wants to be apart of. She wants to be apart of a sexism and racist culture, then it’s not my job to defend her. She can have her white trad wives and white men save her.

No. 2167806

When a racist bitch defends black women from racism I’ll defend her from misogyny. Oh wait no you expect women to betray their own interests for this random woman. This is the exact train of thought men have when asking women to defend misogynistic men, because they’re the same race or political ideology. You act like a man.

No. 2167807

I don't want you to defend her I want you to hold men on the same level if they say the same things too. It wasn't that hard to understand

No. 2167809

Nta why shouldn’t she get harsher punishments? The kind of white men she wants to be associated would feel she deserves harsher punishments because she’s a woman. She chooses to be apart of that community and she has to deal with the discrimination she gets.

No. 2167812

I doubt any person who cares about racism from women are going to react differently if it’s from a man. However, people who care about racist women tend to not give a shit about men being racist anon.

No. 2167813

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The people punishing her while not punishing even-more-racist scrotes were all libfems though. Even cultures that disguise themselves at pro-woman will punish women unfairly. Since you're apparently incapable of understanding I'm using this lady as an example of punishments that women receive that men don't , how about we move onto this lady. Got failed for saying "biological woman" and received loads of death threats for it. I don't even think the moids who said they wanted to rape the troon child madz faced consequences but this lady gets the boot for saying "biological woman"?

No. 2167816

She doesn’t care if the men in her life are voting against women’s rights, hate women etc and she still wants to pander to them and be around them. Why do you expect me as a black woman to feel more empathy for her than the white conservative men she wants to be around and defend?

No. 2167817

It's not about what they say it's about their actions. If people are willing to completely destroy some racist lady for saying the n word I'd expect at least ONE of them to make men face consequences for being racist online. Is this reality though? Unfortunately nope

No. 2167819

Say it with me "the lady didn't not deserve consequences, just that scrotes who are equally or more racist deserve the same consequences". On the same page? Great

No. 2167820

How do you know anons have never said these things about a man? How do you know we don’t hold them accountable? You don’t live with us.

No. 2167821

Then do your part to cancel men instead of complaining on behalf of racist women. The way you wrote it made me think you wanted racist women to not face consequences.

No. 2167822

Dumb bitch, how do you know I don’t think men deserve the same consequences? You keep saying “YOU WOULDNT HOLD A MAN TO THAT STANDARD!”, but how the fuck do you know what I would and wouldn’t do?

No. 2167825

Where are all the men getting fired or being held socially accountable and getting death threats from being racist online? Nowhere to be found

No. 2167826

I’m talking about myself. You keep saying what I wouldn’t or I’m not holding men to accountable. How the fuck do you know? You don’t know what I do retard.

No. 2167829

I'm trying to, I even named racist men we can all circle jerk and attack but the conversation immediately got turned into insisting I was "forcing people to like her for being a woman" despite me basically screaming I was against the lady
Because when I posted a scrote being racist it got swept under the rug, when I posted a woman being racist it was insisted I was racist myself somehow, I was "forcing women to like her" and then murder fantasies I'd rather not see

No. 2167830

Why didn't you say anything about the moid being racist then?

No. 2167831

Everytime I say I would feel the same way about a racist scrote, you keep saying “no you wouldn’t”. How do you know I wouldn’t? Do you have a magic ball that makes you able to see my thoughts or every post I’ve ever made online? You can’t say I don’t hold men accountable or expect them to have consequences because you don’t know me you arrogant asshole. I hate people like you who just say any bullshit just to be annoying as hell. If you wanted to annoy me you did it.

No. 2167834

Because the topic is the woman receiving death threats and I’m saying I don’t care. You want to keep changing the topic and bringing up shit that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. I know youre esl or underaged so you can’t read but damn bitch your conversation style is annoying. Jump in traffic.

No. 2167836

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No, but I did post a scrote being racist. Perfect chance for you to prove me wrong and really show those racist moids. Did any of that happen? No

On the topic of women facing inequal consequences when compared to moids though - this also affects black women more commonly. But instead of acknowledging the issue most people would rather continuing punishing the woman than anything else

>Inb4 omg being late isn't being racist!

Since I know your incompetent ass will pull just that, no she didn't deserve to be fired, yes racist lady did

No. 2167837

>Jump into traffic
Why do you like fantasizing about women being gored?

No. 2167838

And there you go talking about shit that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. I’m done talking to your dumbass.

No. 2167841

You’re not a woman, you’re a scrote trying to be annoying to turn women in to trad wives and you know what…it’s working.

No. 2167843

Great, maybe someone who's capable of staying on topic can talk then

No. 2167844

>Racist scrotes should be punished as bad as racist women
>Umm you're a racist trad wife!!
Be so fr

No. 2167847

Everytime I think farmers can't strawman even harder I get proven wrong

No. 2167848

You’ve successfully made me into a traditional wife. If feminists are as annoying as you, I don’t wanna be apart of it.

No. 2167850

If you want to live in the delusions you created that badly you were going to become a trad wife with no help from me . You already got the self-victimization part down, now you can be like ballerina farms

No. 2167851

I’m joining the Mormon church and in the Mormon church we don’t care about women or their opinions. Maybe if she was in the kitchen serving her white husband instead of being a slut online trying to get attention from men she wouldn’t be getting death threats.(bait)

No. 2167854

Great now you can write a whole fantasy about how your husband was totally raping you for not doing dishes or some shit cause he brought more dish soap. Considering the mental gymnastics you played to to strawman, this wouldn't be that big of a stretch

No. 2167856

Her craving for male attention got her fired and receiving death threats. That’s what she gets for being a ho and women aren’t supposed to use the internet unless they’re doing wholesome content like Nara smith and ballerina farms.

No. 2167857

>Still letting racist lady live rent free in your head
Is this a fetish or something?

No. 2167859

I agree with her conservative opinions but she shouldn’t have been on the internet in the first place. People like you are why white girls end up in bad situations like that.

No. 2167863

??? Did you think I was white?

No. 2167864

No because if you were white you wouldn’t be so fuckin stupid(infighting/racebaiting)

No. 2167868

No. 2167872

cerbmin is shit but you're kidding yourself if you think the previous admin was good

No. 2167875

A lot of man hate comes from a place of still wanting date men but being pissed off that Prince Charming doesn’t exist. Being indifferent to men is better because you don’t care what they do and if you don’t fit into societies standards of beauty, it’s pretty easy to avoid them completely if you live in America.

No. 2167878

Hm? Can you give an example of this? Most man hate is typically revolved around men being pedos, violent, causing wars, etc

No. 2167880

Based off what I’ve seen in America most women start up with the man hate stuff after being treated badly within a relationship and then get red pilled and they become obsessed with thinking about men or they become like Chappell roan and try to be lesbians. It’s all a cope because they want a man to love them.

No. 2167885

>Only women out of relationships hate men!!
You don't know married women lol. No one hates men more than married women
>Women are becoming lesbians clearly to cope with not having me

Anyway unless there's seriously something wrong with the woman it's not hard to find an ideal man. Just look at all the sprinkle sprinkle bitches who are goblinas with nothing more than a servsafe certification that end up with rich chads. Hell I'm a solid 5 and boring as a rock and even I was able to cop someone following the 6 figs-6foot-6inches rule. And you can't be mad at women most men are desperate

No. 2167890

From what I’ve noticed bad romantic relationships with men is the gate way to becoming black pilled. Lucky women like myself who never really interacted with men, just feel indifferent towards them and don’t think about them. To me a woman being super obsessed with hating men is someone dealing with rejection or heart break, it’s the same reason incels hate women.

No. 2167891

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>moids think American women are struggling getting dates
Literal fat retards in America are somehow making tall rich moids fight over them kek. American women are not struggling with dating choices I promise you

No. 2167892

Point out where I said that

No. 2167894

>To me a woman being super obsessed with hating men is someone dealing with rejection or heart break
Please interact with women more..I feel like it's the exact opposite with women. Married women tend to hate men openly more where as typically the ones defending men are single and rejected women like pearl, Lauren Southern, etc.just look at any notable misandrist influencer, 9/10 times they're married

No. 2167895

Are you a moid? Why did you claim I said you said something when I was referring to what moids say?(report and ignore)

No. 2167899

>it's pretty easy to avoid them completely if you live in America
What are you talking about kek

No. 2167900

You can be married in a bad relationship. For the most part this is how becoming black pilled happens to most women
>get into a shitty relationship with a scrote and he fucks their life up
>find fds or the sprinkle sprinkle lady and start listening to them
>go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole >become black pilled because they realize they’re never going to find a good man because all men are terrible people

Becoming black pilled starts with a broken heart 99% of the time. It’s the harsh reality that the nice Prince Charming in movies do not exist in real life and that presents its self in anger.

No. 2167902

I don’t have any men in my life and men also don’t approach me because I’m frumpy looking. I’ve found it pretty easy to avoid them completely outside of work, they pretty much don’t exist to me.

No. 2167905

Kek exactly what I was thinking. Moids fetishize and sexualize everything that walks. If you're ugly men will fetishize it, if you're a mom or grandma men will fetishize it, if you're fat or underweight men will fetishize it. There's whole forums and boards dedicated to women who have deformed tits ffs. There's no escaping male sexualization

No. 2167907

I have not been approached by a man in like 6 months. It happens sometimes but it’s rare but I like it that way.

No. 2167909

I'm a depressed fat mom and wear baggy clothes, no makeup, and don't brush my hair or wear makeup and still have loads of moids thirsting after me and bothering me. Even if you have one good feature like a nice nose or nice boobs it's enough to pull dozens of moids. If there was a foolproof way to make men avoid us we would've all figured it out by now

No. 2167910

From my experience it’s been pretty easy to avoid men because they don’t talk to me and I also work a pink collar job. I’ve been able to make a comfy life where I barely interact with males.

No. 2167911

"Prince charming" often implies women are asking for something unrealistic. I've seen women get accused of "wanting prince charming" for asking their man to text them back sometimes or to not emotionally abuse them kek

No. 2167913

What's your pink collar job? Do you not go grocery shopping, coffee runs, etc? Unless you're very old or something is seriously wrong it sounds unlikely you never get approached by moids

No. 2167914

It’s not unrealistic to want a decent man who isn’t a pedo, evil or abusive but the reality that’s what most men are. Women become black pilled because they’re faced with the reality that the average man is a degenerate and theyre not the way the media has brain washed us to think they are since birth.

No. 2167915

I get approached but it’s rare. Probably like a few times a year but it’s not enough for it to be an annoyance to me.

No. 2167916

This is such a confusing narrative. First women go blackpill to cope with not finding a good man, then they're blackpill because all men are bad.

No. 2167917

I'm fat and ugly and constantly get approached, maybe the area you live in is just more modest with courting?

No. 2167918

What is confusing to you? I said women become black pilled because they realized they’re not going to find a good man , because good men don’t exist and they become overly obsessed with thinking about men. I never said they can’t get a man at all. Reading comprehension is key.

No. 2167919

I live in an area where cat calling is pretty common. I’ve been out with friends and they have gotten cat called but not me. I’m not sure why that is but I’m glad that’s the case.

No. 2167921

Hey anons I slept for four hours, I trust we're still having the same infight?

No. 2168001

This post singlehandedly ended the infighting. So powerful.

No. 2168106

Every women around me has a story of being approached or catcalled, except me (except a few times only when I'm traveling abroad), I don't why, I think I have a negative aura or something.

No. 2168111

A lot of men have told me I look mean/strict. Men know who they can fuck with.

No. 2168112

Oil pulling does great things for your teeth, fluoride doesn't, and some corporations don't want people to realize that.

No. 2168120

Gatekeeping is necessary and there isn't anything bad about letting bitches stay mad when they're acting entitled to information that isn't meant for them.

I don't care to share to a stranger my past, my bodycount, which procedures I had done if I did, how much I spend on my wardrobe, what my workout or makeup routine is, what my religion is, what my ethnicity is, what my sexual orientation is and who I'm dating now because it's none of your business and there's nothing I could gain from being honest.
Even if I were to be completely upfront about everything, envious busybodies will still accuse me of lying or hiding something anyway and males will use it against me, as if I am obligated to tell them anything at all. So I just won't. Seethe!

No. 2168121

Tell me your breath reeks without telling me
They deserved it

No. 2168126

I only enjoy cardio. I am aware lifting wont make me look muscular ect, i just dont enjoy it

No. 2168128

I'm never being pissed off at a young person for being annoying. The world's shit. They've been born into a shitter more violent hateful world than I was and I'm sorry. I'll probably never have a family, I'm too mentally incompetent and economically deficient due to bullshit outside reasons I didn't choose. Some people did choose this world though and fuck them. Humanity is my family fuck everyone that does crimes against us.

No. 2168133

A lot of young people use their youth to be rude and annoying towards older people because they know we can’t slap the taste out of their mouth because they’re younger and their parents will ape out

No. 2168136

Nah, they need to be taught to behave. These hands are rated E for Everyone.

No. 2168137

I'm 34 next week and I've literally never had little kids be annoying shits to me in person. I've been annoyed by them screaming obnoxiously, but literally I haven't had a child instigate with me on the street ever.

No. 2168138

It’s their parents job to teach them how to behave. Kids go to school abusing their teachers to the point they quit, harassing random adults on the street and they know the older person can’t knock them in their teeth because “hur dur be the bigger person”. Fuck kids.

No. 2168139

I’m 32 and I quit child care because I got sick of peoples insufferable brats

No. 2168140

Like school aged people. I've had younger colleagues try to be sarcastic and scathing but honestly I've never felt like their attempts have ever landed on me. I'm possibly autistic though. I wayches Fahrenheit 11/9 and the bit about the school shooting and the kids getting politically active felt very bittersweet and the end has me ugly crying. Kids are the future. Another elementary boy was arguing in favour of teacher pay rises and he said no politician could be where they are without a teacher and honestly true.

Humans have lost their humanity and we are becoming weird violent angry bitter robots. Truth from the mouth of babes has me ugly crying on a Tuesday afternoon. Kids are the future
Fight me

No. 2168141

That's because of their internet addictions. I think the other anon, like myself, prefer to understand than to hate. Understanding is where the seeds of change take root. Put that shit on a tshirt.

No. 2168143

I prefer to bring back beating kids ass and stop coddling them. Take away their iPads and punch them in the back.

No. 2168144

Lmao you make me laugh nona.

No. 2168145

605 posts for 15 hours??? what the fuck????

No. 2168146

Yeah childcare is a whole other issue of parents having to be dependent on outside guardianship so they can work long hours for shut pay. Families are time poor and kids feel that since they can't be forced into jobs yet so are stuck actually living through systems older generations have created and never lived through

No. 2168147

I feel like working in child care or teaching is kind like working with retards. They can be as mean and violent as they want and you can’t do or say shit back. It’s not because they’re kids, they’re just terrible people and they’re gonna grow up to be the same pieces of shit they were at 12. Parents think because Billy and Britney is at home punching holes in the wall and calling mommy a whore and kicking her ass that they should be able to treat other adults like them.

No. 2168151

Guess they should do empathy checks on people wanting to work with young persons and not call those starting out in the world retards for not knowing everything or bring born to dickhead parents.

No. 2168154

I’m not calling them retards. I’m saying it’s like working with retards. I remember I was working with a a teen and they pulled my braids out from the rot and I still have a bald spot. I can see why teachers are leaving working with children because these new humans are trash.

No. 2168156

I don't know about you anon but I was a complete spaz as a teenager, angry and hateful. Mostly because I was being abused at home. You don't know what's happening in someone else's life. And that's why >>2168151 is completely right. If you lack empathy and understanding you're better off not working in childcare because you're just going to contribute to the problem.

No. 2168162

Good, that's exactly what I said, don't do it.

No. 2168164

I don’t care. I’m not going to deal with brats who wanna shot up the school and hit me. They’re not my kids. It’s my job to teach, I’m not a therapist or a baby sitter which what parents need to understand. I’m here to teach kids to write an essay not deal with their temper tantrums.

No. 2168167

If people want teachers to be therapists and baby sitters they need to pay more than 16 an hour. I know many people who quit to go work at Walmart. It’s not worth it to deal with peoples stinky obnoxious children for Pennie’s.

No. 2168169

Why are you aggressive? I'm glad you're not working with children.

No. 2168172

Expecting teachers to be therapists and baby sitters is a modern expectation. Back in the 50s or 40s, kids causing trouble in class would just get smacked by the teacher or kicked out of school and no one cared about what’s going on at home, at school they were going to act right because teachers actually had some authority.

No. 2168177

Nope, I get complimented on my breath a lot, actually. Do you think all toothpaste uses fluoride, or just that coconut oil gives bad breath? Kek. Fluoride is linked to decreased IQ by the way, nonny

No. 2168179

Get well soon.

No. 2168180

>I get complimented on my breath a lot
That's on the list of weirdest brags

No. 2168181

Idk why pregnancy is shilled as beautiful. It’s kind of gross and pregnant bellies look nasty to me.

No. 2168182

Really less and less people want to work with children because their parents refuse to discipline them and often side with the child

No. 2168183

don’t we have this conversation like once a week kek? i don’t think this is a very unpopular lolcow opinion

No. 2168186

Kek yes, I love it and I'm a zoomer, it still holds up great despite being very much about and targeted towards millennials.

No. 2168187

I have never dated a moid, never even befriended one, went to all-girls schools my whole life and I still hate them deeply. I don't need to get into a relationship with one to see what they do to women. I hear my female family members and friends' stories, I watch the news, I lurk 4chan and other male forums, I read their comments on Instgram reels and youtube, etc. Their true nature is laid bare for all to see. They're the casue of most of the world's evils and problems. Why wouldn't I hate them kek. They're also ugly as shit and an offense to my eyes. I would have also felt indifferent towards them, if I wasn't aware of their true, evil, soulless nature.

No. 2168193

Words have meanings retard, she's not overweight by any medical definition.

No. 2168200

There are women who look way fatter with her with BMI around 24. I swear, no one here knows how weight criteria actually works.

No. 2168201

The post got deleted before I could reply with my response to it but to the anon with the student who was always biting you; I hope she gets expelled because what the actual fuck

No. 2168202

KEK. True though, my parents were strict on me and I grew up with manners, now they're too soft on my gen alpha brother and he's a fucking brat. He even shoplifted once but I beat the shit out of him.

No. 2168203

Same exact situation here.

No. 2168209

She didnt get into any trouble at all. I just quit and found a new job. The principal even told me it would be a waste of time pressing charges.

No. 2168211

I honestly think we should bring back allowing teachers to hit students

No. 2168214

What the shit I am so sorry anon. Has the definition for “autistic” changed or something over the years? Because I remember autistic kids not being physically violent and agressive when I was in school and autism became popular
My third grade teacher got fired for smacking a girl with a ruler who deserved it

No. 2168215

Idk what’s going on now but a lot of autistic kids are for sure violent. This is unrelated to autists but shit like TikTok related is what teachers have to deal with now and if you don’t take it with a smile “you’re not empathetic they might have a bad home life”.

No. 2168219

I went away to smoke weed and came back and just want to say, love you to >>2168156 that op.

However, I just want to ask, why the fuck are you so passionate about writing a fucking essay as a teacher than helping create a beautiful empathetic society. Like don't be a teacher if you get frustrated kids aren't fucking excited about grammar and get all uppity around their peers when most people's home life is an economical disaster zone. Get a different job if you hate humans so fucking much. Go do office work fuck off lol

No. 2168221

it's a misconception that children are acting out now because of no discipline, most of the children acting out are actually being physically abused, so taking "discipline" way too far, and it's even worse now since people are hyper-focused and point the finger at gentle parenting when in reality it's the kids getting their ass beat over every little thing acting like little devils as soon as their parents arent around. not sure why no one seems to be capable of calling out this though

No. 2168222

Teachers are in school to teach and prepare children for the work force. If you want empathetic and nurturing, that’s what therapists and parents are for.

No. 2168227

No teaching is not actually about the workforce it's supposed to prepare kids for the fucking world. You're a hunan being not a fucking automaton destined to work. This is why adults suck. You've lost the fairytale and romance of being alive. We gather young people together to teach them standardised curriculums so they're all theoretically suppose to get the same leg up in the world as everyone else. We're suppose to be the most intelligent animals on the planet and we have no respect for each other or our young that have to shoulder the shite society we have passed on to them. You sound boring as fuck, please do not create another person like you

No. 2168228

> Like don't be a teacher if you get frustrated kids aren't fucking excited about grammar
I think what the teachers are frustrated by is getting attacked by mentally incapable kids

No. 2168229

Ntayrt but anon? What are you talking about kek? It is the parents job to raise the children and prepare them for the world. It’s the teachers job to educate them about random topics like math, science, history

No. 2168230

Blame politicians for putting lead in the water and okaying ingredients not fit for human consumption.

No. 2168232

So…you think kids are biting teachers because there’s lead in the water?

No. 2168233

No, school is there to teach children the basics of education so they can go over to higher learning or the work force. Parents treat school like glorified baby sitting now which is why none of these dumb lil fucks can even read and count now.

No. 2168236

Most boomers have lead poisoning but they didn’t act like this in school

No. 2168237

We create society and governments to meet the needs as a collective. School is to give children at their most vulnerable time in life to be nurtured and educated. Teachers are suppose to care about their students at a guardianship level. University prepares you for the workforce. Having highschool education is usually a bare minimum requirement. Female children in third world countries have been found to be the most fruitful investment if they get an education it's a basic human right. Any teacher that gets on like a jobsworth over grading averages needs a new career they've lost sight of themselves.

No. 2168238

How are they going to get to university if they can’t read, write and count? Teachers don’t have time to teach properly anymore because they’re too busy having to deal with assholes who distract the class.

No. 2168240

I think our governments our failing us. We work the longest hours ever, pay barely catches up with inflation and we wonder why society falls apart because no one wants to take responsibility.

No. 2168241

> Teachers are suppose to care about their students at a guardianship level
I don’t know what country you live in but, this is not the case in America. It’s not the teachers job to be a “guardian” over their students, it’s in their job description to educate their students about the topic that they specialize in. That’s literally it. It is not their job to “take care of them” or nurture them, and never has been. I have no idea where this thought process has come from kek, teachers have never been held in this regard.

No. 2168242

When was the last time you were in a classroom. Fund schools and you'll see improvements

No. 2168243

I think people are starting to confuse school with daycare now.

No. 2168246

Just shows the lack of humanity is clearly a huge indication why USA specifically has a school shooting problem. When did you graduate clearly something wrong with your highschool

No. 2168248

Huh? The USA has a shooting problem because psychotic children are given access to weaponry that should only be available to adults. I don’t know if you think that school shootings happen everyday in Burgerland or something but that is not the case anon kek. My teachers weren’t babysitters, they weren’t therapists, they taught their classes and did their jobs and my school (at least) never suffered a tragedy like a shooting.

No. 2168249

>if you don’t take it with a smile “you’re not empathetic they might have a bad home life”
I had a bad home life myself and and a few friends with bad home lives too and we would never dare to disrespect teachers or be mean to our peers, let alone physically hurt someone. Maybe I'd think a few mean thoughts in my head, but I'd keep that shit to myself. This crap isn't about a fucking "bad home life", these kids are just huge pieces of shit, that will grow to be shitty adults.

No. 2168252

You can’t expect teachers to be second parents if they’re not allowed to discipline like a parent. It sounds like you want teachers to be punching bags for 8 hours while their parents are at work.

No. 2168253

>The USA has a school shooting problem because of autistic kids
There I fixed it for ya

No. 2168256

Psychotic children. You're a fucking retard and you're not even child age, you've been through school so where did it all go wrong for you that you're such a cunt? Americans have lost the run of themselves blaming kids. Kids mirror their elders. America has a fucking home grown terrorist problem. You are one of the most hateful societies on the planet no respect for life if the person grew up differently to you. Stop being so fucking obtuse. Anyone that goes into teaching and is shocked that kids aren't perfect little disciplined robots shouldn't have the smarts to be in the job. Retards. If you work with kids you hopefully do not have the mindset of calling them psychos and having no empathy or compassion for what could be going on at home. More respect for a job title than persons.

I know there's people that actually get the point. You want to help shape society stop being a cunt.

No. 2168257

That would be incredible. But I do think there are some kids who turn autistic overtime depending on the kind of parenting/attention they’re receiving

No. 2168261

> You're a fucking retard and you're not even child age, you've been through school so where did it all go wrong for you that you're such a cunt?
Anon, what? Seriously not even trying to be mean, what are you saying?
> Americans have lost the run of themselves blaming kids. Kids mirror their elders.
You’re right, kids do like to mirror things they see others do. I feel like this has more to do with violent content, and their parents (not American society as a whole, their specific parents) not putting in the time to pay direct attention to them and protect them from getting in reach of weaponry that they could use to harm others.
> You are one of the most hateful societies on the planet no respect for life if the person grew up differently to you.
Oh okay so you’re not even from here and you’re just stating your opinion based off what you see online and on TV. Got it!

No. 2168262

there's so many autistic kids running about because there's so many adults addicted to drugs and not having protected sex, it's actually very fucking simple. And those same addict parents put their needs first and kids get relegated to an afterthought.

When I was growing up I could take the bus by myself before I left elementary school and go into town with my friends. Walk about the seaside, eat in at a fast food restaurant or cafe. I'll walk around the same town and it's derelict and homeless drug addicts.

No. 2168263

How do you figure there's so many deaths by guns and school shootings if Americans are happy and respect each other

No. 2168265

Back in the 1940s kids weren’t coming to school shooting up the place because they didn’t get coddled as much

No. 2168266

Nonna, there’s 345 million Burgers. I can’t explain what would make someone want to commit a mass shooting, I don’t have an answer to that. However on the topic of children committing large scale shootings/what are essentially terrorist attacks against their classmates, that literally without fail, always is influenced by the way they’re raised by their parents. It’s not the teachers job to raise the students.

No. 2168267

Nta but I never considered that. Interesting how as soon as kids stopped getting spanked they start trying to kill each other

No. 2168270

No one thinks teachers are responsible for how parents are raised. It's actually so sad that good teachers get burnt out from lack of support and resources. The funding to get those kids that need it into therapy. To have working social services. There are achievable solutions if people gave a shit, but by the sounds of it everyone wants to pass the problem on to someone else and everyone gets disenfranchised and bitter. Kids are not to blame, they should be treated with respect and compassion. No wonder so many fall foul to grooming probably the few times someone gave a fuck about them.

No. 2168271

Okay, teachers do need to be able to talk with the kids from time to time and offer support if for one reason or another the kid gets attached to you like a duckling that follows a random cat.
But it's not our job to straight up raise a child, we can try and add values and shit to classes, because it's kind of common sense to do so, but we are not the guardians of the students, those are the literal guardians and parents which are the ones who need to teach their kids how to be decent people and how to behave in society.

No. 2168272

Nta but I don’t think school shootings have anything to do with the parents but everything to do with white male entitlement. Before entering school they get told by mommy and daddy that they’re special and deserve everything just for existing then they get out into the real world and discover they’re below mediocre in everyway and they can’t cope. Ever notice how most school shooters are white males from live in upper middle class neighborhoods?they have a boy mom who gives him whatever he wants and a dad who just goes to work and is a push over.

No. 2168273

*how kids are raised. We all know parents should deign to be great at nurturing but it's not the case. Responsible people usually hold off on children until they can provide the upbringing they had or better. So we get a larger injection to the population from those more reckless, not taking precautions, already down and out and drugs and sex is their only joys. Society is broken and it ain't because of kids.

No. 2168274

That one troon who shot up a school would feel so validated by this post KEK

No. 2168277

I think students who get attached to teachers are weird. Thats like getting an attachment to the cashier who’s selling you your McDonalds

No. 2168279

That’s kind of why I didn’t like teaching. I don’t wanna be someone’s second mommy or give them one on one life advice. I just wanna teach and then go home. I don’t want any personal relationships like that with students.

No. 2168282

Why are you do passionate about teaching others if at the end of the day you don't care what they do with the information? Is it the methodology? It's like someone saying they hate people but go to school to make sure they have a front facing customer service role. Like. I actually don't get it.

No. 2168284

Ntayrt but anon I’m just gonna go out on a limb and assume it has nothing to do with “passion” or “methodology” it has more to do with her needing a job to pay her rent.

No. 2168286

I care about teaching the subject I enjoy. Do I enjoy it when a student of mine is taking an interest in art and showing their creative side? Yes. Do I want to comfort them through a crying session or give them relationship advice or know about what they’re doing on the weekend? No.

No. 2168288

There are so many other jobs for better pay. You have to invest a lot of time training for the role before you even get paid and you'd presumably understand that being a teacher meant you'd have to be sat in a classroom for hours with young persons who might dare ask you a question. Also there 100% should be a duty of care. UK consent law even makes the distinction that someone with a duty of care to a young person would commit a crime to pursue any type of inappropriate relstionship. That would include teachers. We use to have assembly's in my elementary school annually about going to a teacher if there was ever issues at home. Like it's taught at least where I'm from teachers have a duty of care to the kids in their charge. I don't know the American legalities surrounding this. Just seems an odd career choice

No. 2168292

I disagree, I mean kids see their teachers everyday, and apprentice-mentor relationships are important.
The problem is kids are getting overly attached to teachers due to the lack of more mentor-like figures in their life, including parents, I had uncles, aunts and grandparents serving as those types of figures as a kid instead of my teachers, the lack of big family structures nowadays is creating situations like that.

No. 2168295

Ayrt, teachers (at least where I grew up and went to school) weren’t training for and taking the teaching job for the purpose of fostering caring relationships with their students, it’s really just because they need a job and elementary education/a “teaching degree” are fairly easy to retrieve here rather quickly. And I’ve also found that there are less and less teachers who work long term. You don’t really hear about a teacher who’s been teaching for 20 years anymore kek

No. 2168297

It’s kind of the same reason people become nurses. It’s just a quick job to get some kind of stability, so you can get to pay bills and fund the career you actually want in life. It pisses people off when they realize this reality because they thought nurses and teachers picked those jobs because they just love helping people.

No. 2168302

Well as you said if people who don't even fundamentally like kids or making an impact when they have them in their care, end up being teachers why would they stay in it? I remember all my great teachers and not all of them even had a personal relationship with me but the vibe of the classroom along with the subject fostered so many happy memories. There were shit teachers to, usually men or my weird female teacher that had an agenda against juniors which she admitted once you reached senior level. No one liked her. She was fucking psychotic none of the kids. I was caught foul of her once as a junior and then she was my form tutor in senior year. She would wait at the door during classes and call out anything minor, she brought a junior in once to apologise to us for laughing in the hall and screaming at him. She was fucking unhinged

No. 2168303

> why would they stay in it?
Well, I think just because they’re only worried about paying their bills for the month nonita, that’s the attitude most adults have.

No. 2168305

No offense….but based off your grammar you probably needed a strict teacher to actually teach you, instead of trying to be your friend(I’m not the one to judge my grammar is shit too but I’m just pointing that out).

No. 2168306

That's fair. I'm high and my screen cover has cracks so I can understand the criticism.

No. 2168312

see how its always a moid? kek

No. 2168313

I think adam's apples are disturbing and everytime I look closely at a men's neck i wanna yank it out. Men should wear turtlenecks or scarves or something, I find them really gross.

No. 2168318

Men are not incapable of enjoying Bjork, but they are incapable of understanding her work.

No. 2168320

I wonder what they’re for? Protection?

No. 2168321

Keeping a pregnancy from an ONS is trashy behavior.

No. 2168322

People who keep denying America is hurdling into a crisis and believe everything is fine are extremely retarded and should be diagnosed with a disability.

No. 2168323

And that sounds very dangerous too

No. 2168342

I agree. I wouldn’t care or mind if they end up being those women who end up dumping their baby in the trash can.

No. 2168357

This is why conspiracy theories happen. Idk why so many Americans are going out of their way to NOT improve their own conditions

No. 2168361

No idea, but just looking at them makes my neck ache

No. 2168362

America already is in crises kek

No. 2168384

some mens are so pointy it looks like it's going to break through the skin of their neck. it looks painful
this made me google them and google is telling me women have them too just usually not as prominent. and that they contribute to having a deep voice. i never knew any of that

No. 2168410

File: 1726602121450.jpeg (260.93 KB, 800x1066, IMG_2539.jpeg)

This ugly creature definitely has down syndrome, so fucking ugly. People care more about people’s skin tones than how objectively pretty they are and in this case the former has won.

No. 2168420

I'll be honest I don't get her either.

No. 2168451

Ugly women getting noted as attractive is kinda a good thing though. It paves out ways for women with unconventional features

No. 2168452

lmao I have never listened to a single one of her songs and only know about her from twitter but wtf is wrong with her skin? I’m white and she’s paler than me. She literally looks gray.. is she albino? She doesn’t have the purple eyes so I don’t think so.

No. 2168458

Did she dye her hair with mustard?

No. 2168459

She’s so cute to me honestly. I don’t understand why people act like she’s hideous and is only popular because of muh colorism

No. 2168462

Be so serious

No. 2168470

I’m being 100% serious kek. I’m curious if it’s straight women who consider her ugly? I know she’s popular with moids, and personally I can also see the appeal. I like cute women

No. 2168481

File: 1726605153793.jpeg (78.83 KB, 736x1308, IMG_2306.jpeg)

>moids like her
black males 16-20?
She has a nice body but her face is so fucking ugly. She looks like she has downs.

No. 2168483

They see fat ass and white skin and that’s enough for black moids

No. 2168484

Samefag but they will turn around and call someone like lupita ugly

No. 2168485

what the fuck is that edited? Does she legit have some sort of disease what is this

No. 2168486

File: 1726605493461.webp (102.3 KB, 1581x1054, icespice.WEBP)

This is just a bad pic of her kek

No. 2168488

She looks like central c without makeup

No. 2168490

Her wig is placed way too far back or something

No. 2168491

Still would

No. 2168494

It’s inappropriate to let kids go to fan meets and take photos with celebrities who are in their thongs, bras and strip club attire. You wouldn’t let your child go and talk with half naked prostitutes on the street so why would you let your kid listen to or be around someone like ice spice? It’s child abuse and their parents need to be reported to cps.

No. 2168495

agreed. she's not like drop dead gorgeous or anything but i think she has a cute look. and i find some of her songs catchy no matter how stupid they are

No. 2168496

>child abuse
Dramatic as fuck. Anyways she looks so pretty here

No. 2168497

>she looks good in this grainy pic of her at a distance with makeup

No. 2168499

She’s literally naked with a mesh body suit covering nothing

No. 2168500

I totally agree with you. I think Ice Spice looks really pretty in this video though.

No. 2168516

because female sexualization is so accepted and encouraged. Shes so trashy looking i hate music thots so fucking much.

No. 2168518

America, if not most of the world needs a child limit. No more than 2 unironically.

No. 2168524

>Anon doesn’t understand how welfare payouts work
Look how the one child policy worked out for China. This policy would lead us to economic collapse

No. 2168526

I have a theory that women in the music industry just use music to promote their escort services. They really don’t make most of their money from music. A rich Arab sees someone like ice spice shaking her ass and rubbing her genitals in public and contacts her people to set up services.

No. 2168536

America is a weird case. I feel like people here either have no kids or 7 kids. There’s no in between.
lmao it was bad for China because they kept killing off their daughters. That’s not a thing in America.
>economic collapse
The economy shouldn’t have to rely on infinite population growth.

No. 2168537

I don't doubt it that's already a case for idols

No. 2168543

Unfortunately that’s just how our economic system works, anon. Perhaps you can lobby congress for an entire overhaul of our social security system. Let me know how it goes kek

No. 2168545

It's not even about the welfare, our welfare is shit anyways, it's more about the overpopulation and our resources that are running out. I would also argue that single mothers with like 5 children are draining the economy more than anything.

No. 2168546

What if i wanna have 5 kids nonny

No. 2168551

Why does no one ever talk about how truly mean and horrible women are to other women? It starts in childhood and it keeps going through adulthood. Speaking as a weird autistic woman who got bullied by girls all my life, where are these girl's girls? And don't get me wrong, I don't hate women. I myself have learned from mean girls to never be mean to other girls, and I'm not. I just think it's a discussion that people need to have more and really break down why these things happen.

No. 2168552

Arab sheikhs usually marry women from their clans. They’re not gonna marry a crusty rapper from America.

No. 2168556

It's internalized misogyny. Same thing that makes NLOGs be NLOGs. There's not much to talk about tbh.

No. 2168557

Wdym no one talks about it? Everyone talks about it, there’s even a popular movie made about that very thing. There’s lots of girls’ girls out there, they just don’t hang out on lolcow. Once women get out of their teens there’s even more of them because most grow up and don’t let their own insecurities lord over them. Again, not on lolcow. You need to go outside for this one.

No. 2168559

Who said anything about marriage? They can pay a rapper a few thousand just for a night of sex or to shit on her face

No. 2168560

Automation means you don’t need birth 10 kids nor do you need to import third world immigrants.
China is going to keep adding industrial robots and automation faster than any other country in the world. Those robots work 3-4x as hard as a human being doing the same task. They've already been able to cut 90% of the labor from their ports this way, while turning ships faster than in the West. Their automated factories are making entire cars with just a skeleton crew doing robot maintenance. Their mines are run with a handful of operators controlling multiple robots each. And these robots are AI driven with sensors that automatically adjust to work conditions in real time. They'll be fine.
America, not so much. There's basically no automation of similar scale and sophistication. That's why America has an open border policy to help push the line up for infinite shareholder profits.

No. 2168564

I think you’re missing the main issue here. Robots don’t pay taxes. China has an aging population that is reliant on the welfare system. All that tax money could be going into other sectors, but instead the CCP will have to put billions into elderly care, unless they decide to start euthanizing the elderly

No. 2168570

Anytime I see restrictions on children all I can think is that young people should stop paying into social security if others aren't willing to invest in our future. We need to start shutting down businesses that aren't 100% essential. Malls, arcades, parks, movies, etc. only canned food and that's it

No. 2168574

But I like arcades

No. 2168575

Just stop being fat and weird.

No. 2168577

You’re not black, just shut the fuck up anon, you probably think you were oppressed because you were born with brown hair and brown eyes instead of being born blonde with blue eyes kek

No. 2168580

correct, but once that bloated elderly population dies it becomes stable again and we consume less resources. The world cannot take infinite growth, which is what the bankers want and they do not care about overpopulation or the worlds resources running out.

No. 2168581

The fact that people are defending Ice Spice “miss poopy” la creatura tells me how many anons truly have bad taste and you should never listen to anything they have to say and should be shoved in fucking labor camps. I’m so tired of people

No. 2168583

lord she is fucking hit in the face in everywhere, dare you state reality and the obvious that a woman is fucking ugly you’re bombarded with “w-well w-well um scrotes are ugly!!!” like that’s what we were talking about, there’s plenty of hideous women and they’re just as disgusting to look at like ugly men, fuck off with that censorship kumbaya shit you’re ugly, fat and unkempt and being all of those things isn’t empowering

No. 2168584

Anon is seething because I want to have sex with ice spice. It’s ok nonny, my taste in women doesn’t mean no one finds darker skin women attractive too

No. 2168586

But why, and how does it happen? How do little girls learn this internalized misogyny?
Who said anything about being fat? Fat girls bullied me too the fuck?
Mean Girls is heavily pushed as a dramatic comedy. No one takes it seriously.

No. 2168589

To be honest you can say this about anything. Like is it child abuse to go let your child see their favorite vkei or metal band because they look evil and satanic and devilish? As long as the child isn't trying to follow after her then it's fine, then it becomes a parenting issue.

No. 2168593

nayrt but the same way little girls learn every other expression of internalized misogyny: it's enforced on them as a byproduct of growing up in a patriarchy. little girls who don't fall in line are given a harder time by both men and patriarchy-brainwashed women than the girls who do, and those girls who fall in line either wise up when they get older, or become the next generation of brainwashed women enforcing those same expectation on the next generation of girls

No. 2168596

Mean Girls is based on a book written by a teacher that observed the social dynamics of elementary school girls in the classes she taught, which itself was based on a study she did.

No. 2168600

Late but what the fuck are you talking about? A handful of Gen Z, sure, but not most. Weird assumption.

No. 2168607

File: 1726610956926.jpeg (421.64 KB, 1284x2154, IMG_4037.jpeg)

You wouldn’t let your kids take fan photos with a naked man so why would you let them take pictures with a naked adult woman? This is literally what she was wearing with nothing but a lace body suit that covered nothing. Her ass was completely exposed.

No. 2168610

If people aren't having children who's gonna work at arcades once gen alpha/beta age out of the "working at the arcade" age? I highly doubt people are going to give up corporate/good paying positions to keep arcades staffed

No. 2168619

idk working at an arcade sounds fun id trade a corporate job for it
except chuck e cheese fuck that mouse

No. 2168620

I had two best friends by the end of highschool and I thought they stuck by me when another girl I use to be friends with instigated all this bullying and I felt like I witnessed a band wagon effect. I thought the other two girls were my friends yet they would remain friendly with the instigator of the bullying campaign. Would go to hang outs with my bullies. Wasn't until early 20s a friend I met at work came out with us and she pointed out all the little passive aggressive remarks. I remember a few weeks later my friends added her in Facebook and my work friend noticed one of the girls would only post unflattering candids of me on her FB and the especially heinous ones as the album covers. This was back when millennial would document every event with a plethora of digital camera photos. I honestly think they were my friends because I was dating a guy who's brother was in the popular group and I basically lived at his house. I've had so many weird run ins with female coworkers. My friendships with women usually don't survive a routine change like changing jobs or relocation. I've never had a blow up with any of these woman I considered friends at one point we just ghosted each other. I still have them on social media and the woman from school I considered a best friend has had a new bestie post every few years which has been more cringe the older we get obviously. I knew we were on the outs when she made a fb announcement of her best friend that wasn't me. It was a photo of her and her friend from work at her wedding. She wasnt a bridesmaid but I was and she posted that a month later. She didn't let me wear mascara as a bridesmaid because she wanted her eyes to pop and mysteriously the night before the wedding she told me there was hiccup with the dresses and only my dress was the wrong size. Two sizes down. Maybe she was mad I didn't post many photos from the wedding but I looked awful. I was instructed to wear heavy brown smokey eyes without mascara and a very tight fitting irregular dress with the wrong fixtures for the fabric so it pulled up everything and added inches to the waist and hip on one side, while also shortening the length on one side it looked awkward as fuck. Honestly the ugliest dress ever. I may have went off on a tangent. I got attacked by a drunk woman at the end of a concert during the summer. She wouldn't let go of my arm and kept trying to get me to listen to her drunk ass talk about her daughter or something and I kept asking her to leave me alone and once I tried to physically remove her hand she just saw red and grabbed my hair and tried to take my top off lol luckily other concert goers got her off me but some women are crazy weird

No. 2168621

File: 1726611386236.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1112x1621, IMG_4038.jpeg)

Makeup definitely helps her a lot

No. 2168625

She doesn't look much different imo

No. 2168626

Nta but damn what did us brown eyed brunettes do to get dragged into this?
She looks very slow… I'm sorry. She just always has this blank stare idk it kinda creeps me out a bit

No. 2168629

The girl who she bullied on tour said she has a very blank dark aura about her

No. 2168631

This photo seems edited to me. Her eye area doesn't look right, I would need to see a vid or something to believe this

No. 2168634

Unpopular opinion for this conversation, I just don't get shitting on women's looks. Who gives a fuck if Ice Spice is ugly?

No. 2168635

You're such a spaz lmfao

No. 2168636

This wasn’t even what she was wearing in the video though kek. Like what psychological abuse do you think is being inflicted to the child posing innocently with a woman in tight clothes? I wouldn’t take my child to an ice spice concert personally, but alleging literal child abuse is wild

No. 2168642

Go back and look at the TikTok again. She’s wearing that same bra and thong with a see through lace body suit. During live performances in that outfit, her ass is completely exposed. You’re used to seeing women being sexualized so you don’t see it as alarming for an adult woman to be around children in lingerie. You’re brainwashed.

No. 2168643

That adds up. I remember seeing a TikTok I think, of her twerking to a crowd and she still had that very blank stare while doing it. It's very creepy

No. 2168645

I’m not afraid of the female body, personally. There was nothing sexual about that interaction. But ok, feel free to teach your children that women showing skin is inherently shameful and deviant

No. 2168646

the same anons defending ice spice would scream in horror if it was a a kid next to a drag queen or trannoid. Just stop exposing kids to degeneracy for god's sake that girl should be listening to disney idols like hanna montana not a talentless hooker

No. 2168652

Well we might as well start bringing little girls into the strip club to watch the show since seeing women in thongs and twerking is no big deal

No. 2168653

Kek, sure. I wouldn’t let my children around just any man in general because moids are much more likely to be pedophiles. Show me the stats about female popstars molesting young girls and I’ll buy into your fear-mongering

No. 2168654

Sorry if this is weird as fuck but does anyone know where her bra is from? I like the color kek
Anon you know damn well there is a difference between skin showing and lingerie wtf

No. 2168656

Again with the false-equivalencies… your arguments are so tired lmao

No. 2168657

Welp let’s start letting little girls go to strip clubs. There’s no difference between a strip club and most of these female rappers performances anyway.

No. 2168658

Tbh she's unironically more covered up than Taylor Swift in her eras bodysuits

No. 2168659

>Show me the stats about female popstars molesting young girls
you cant read, that wasnt even my point

No. 2168660

What’s the difference between these kind of performances and what you would see at a strip club?

No. 2168661

hookers bad because they get money from moids but generic industry plants? girlbosses actually!!! it makes me laugh when anons here defend generic pop singer pickmes

No. 2168662

NTA but what even is your point? You just keep making weird statements.

No. 2168663

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It's some kind of creep passage female celebs have to go through, I guess. Doesn't make it less odd.

No. 2168665

She’s got full blown escort gear around 8 year olds

No. 2168666

Why are you ok with exposing little girls to degeneracy? i wouldnt want children to be next to lot lizards, drag queens or these thots. All of them are degenerates.

No. 2168670

Ayrt, I already said I wouldn’t bring my theoretical child to an ice spice concert, so I’m not sure what your point is. But if you are genuinely confused about the difference between this concert video and a strip show, strippers actually strip to the nude kek. Hope that helps
Maybe it’s time to lay off the Matt Walsh

No. 2168671

so taking a child to a strip club is okay as long as you take them out when they start stripping? lol

No. 2168672

I'm not one of the anons in the argument but imo there's a difference between a bling dance bodysuit and lingerie meant to be worn for sexual reasons

No. 2168675

what the fuck does matt walsh has to do with anything? isnt he some conservative scrote?

No. 2168678

Um. Learn2read

No. 2168679

Just what this rhetoric is reminding me of

No. 2168682

Been watching true crime videos recently and its depressing when I see this happen.

No. 2168685

I just joined this conversation, you don't know what I think. All you know is that I'm struggling to follow.
I don't even like Ice Spice but how is this anything different to what you'd see at a beach? Obviously shouldn't take a kid to a concert but like this also isn't David Bowie's dick being outlined for everyone to see in that weird rubber suit.

No. 2168691

A lot of these concerts are just as raunchy if not more than actual strip clubs these days imo

No. 2168692

Because it’s assaulting my eyes and I don’t want to close them just so I don’t have to see their ugliness, I like keeping my eyes open.

No. 2168694

So don't look at her? I literally only see her face on lolcow so it's not hard to avoid

No. 2168695

You’d be cool with a woman twerking in a thong like this in front of your kids at the beach and rubbing her tits? That’s what kids see at ice spice concerts

No. 2168696

Pickme's dont deserve rights and those granted by feminism should be rescinded.

No. 2168697

She’s everywhere though

No. 2168698

No one is saying this, sperg

No. 2168701

Waitttt… fuck whores though? Ntayart keep that moid-controlled whore shit away from innocent children

No. 2168702

You’re comparing it to the beach and you know it’s not the same thing. If a kid is at her fan meet they were at the concert, and witnessed her in that same thong outfit tweaking and grabbing her genitals. It’s context, don’t play dumb.

No. 2168703

You love telling other people they can't read and not reading yourself.
Stop looking her up to post pictures of her so the algorithm stops pushing it to you. Hope that helps.

No. 2168705

conservative men are okay with female sexualization though, its the complete opposite

No. 2168708

Samefag also most women in the USA don’t wear thongs to the beach. I’ve been to some countries where scrotes and women are ass naked in front of children and I still think it’s nasty.

No. 2168710

I’m not even the anon that made the beach comparison. You honestly just sound retarded repeating the same points with 0 reading comprehension

No. 2168715

how can anyone defend this talentless hack is beyond me. They have probably never listened to a female singer that isnt performing almost naked and for men. Disgusting. No wonder so many young women troon out nowadays.

No. 2168716

Not Matt Walsh, which is why I mentioned him. He starts out based criticizing troons and drag queens, and then derails into blatant misogyny telling women to cover up and stay in the kitchen because women are apparently just as degenerate as literal troons for not being the perfect tradwife, according to him

No. 2168717

What can even be done at this point to make a difference in the music industry? I’m tired of seeing ass and humping

No. 2168722

You’re baiting too much

No. 2168723

Listen to other music?

No. 2168724

how is it misogyny to tell pickmes to have some shame? you dont see men performing in thongs for a female audience. These pickmes would literally never defend a woman's right to not shave or not look like a bimbo for men, and they will always choose their moids over women.

No. 2168725

Great idea until you have to live in your car or with 10 different strangers to afford rent

No. 2168726

>everyone that disagrees with me is baiting

No. 2168728

Nah but you in particular are baiting. You’re the esl nonnie who has been baiting the entire thread kek

No. 2168731

I’m not going to argue with you over whether or not Matt Walsh is a misogynist lmfao

No. 2168732

They’re baiting

No. 2168734

Being a tradfag or moid who hates trannies will never be the same as a woman who hates trannies. Remember the classic saying - we are private property to right-wing scrotes and public property to piss on like a duchamp urinal piece, a lot of normal scrotes think trannies are just confused faggots who either need to ‘go back into the kitchen’ or ‘go to a contstruction site and start lifting’ or the equivalent of drag queens which amazingly there’s no difference between the two kek

No. 2168736

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Maybe it's a cultural difference but every time I go to the beach I see at least ten women wearing something like picrel. Some of them being mothers.

No. 2168740

You’re being obtuse on purpose

No. 2168744

I’m ESL now? Kek, keep reaching. It’s ok if you disagree with me, but you’re trying and failing to pinpoint me as some other anon

No. 2168746

I’ve never liked sheerlings coverups like that, it’s just better to throw on some shorts and a tank top over your swimwear

No. 2168748

You’re baiting and you’re bad at it.

No. 2168749

Stop replying then if you think I’m baiting. I can only assume you’re an illiterate newfag now

No. 2168750

Women have a fetish for motherhood and pregnancy and that’s why they feel the need to practically advertise it everywhere and make sure everybody knows they have a parasite clinging for dear life inside of her. They get off to the results of heterosexual PIV rape and claim it was consensual, if women are afraid of men because of the possibility of saying ‘no’ or rejecting him which could result in social ostracization, violence and control becoming pregnant and sex that causes pregnancy is practically rape.

No. 2168751

If you aren’t baiting its clear you’re a scrote with a really bad porn addiction(scrotefoiling)

No. 2168754

How? It's the same amount of skin, again, kids shouldn't be going to her concerts putting this is bold text so you don't ignore it, but I don't see what the issue is with being less than a metre for like thirty seconds.
Yeah, I don't get them either. They seem annoying to deal with if they get wet and sandy and you're going to burn anyways if you forget to reapply.

No. 2168759

The amount of reaching because I dared disagree with you. Genuinely unhinged. Scrotefoiling isn’t going to win you any arguments, retard

No. 2168760

I don't think it's ever going to be fixable.

No. 2168761

I’m not going to argue with you as to why a thong and bra and a bikini is not the same thing. You’re playing obtuse on purpose.

No. 2168765

Any normal person who doesn’t have brain rot from porn can see how >>2168494
is inappropriate to wear around children. Those kind of clothes are tame and age appropriate because you’re use to seeing porn stars wear and do worse. Don’t try to act like your porn addicted brain is normal.

No. 2168767

I don't even like Ice Spice, I don't even know what her music sounds like, I'm just saying the claim of "literal child abuse!!!!" is a bit far. I can understand it being unhealthy, and I would agree with that, but it's not child abuse.

No. 2168776

At this point I don’t even know who it’s for because the scrotes arent interested because they’re becoming desensitized to sexual images of women. When people like Doja cat etc come on the stage my male family members aren’t even looking at the screen or paying attention to them. None of these women ever sale more than 30k albums but people like Taylor swift are the highest paid pop stars. They’re whoring for no reason.

No. 2168779

>They’re whoring for no reason.
They're not. They do it because many celebs literally are escorts that use hypersexual music to advertise their services. Nobody makes money from music anymore, you're either an indie doing it for passion, a megastar who has touring capabilities and advertiser pull, or a literal prostitute to make ends meet. Even the men have to whore themselves, they just don't do it on camera like the women do.

No. 2168782

Anon that is a regular degular two-piece swimsuit and a swimsuit cover-up. Like this is normal beach attire in burgerland.

No. 2168795

as terrifying as it is, and sad that innocent civilians died as well
what isreal has just done in lebanon is actually really impresive

No. 2168804

You’re probably right. This performance reminds me of a prized cow being paraded around for potential buyers.

No. 2168810

What actually happened i saw apparently israels blew up pagers remotely somehow which seems impossible lol or it was a failed suicide bombing.

No. 2168816

What exactly do people expect other than that an ice spice concert. Like she's known for twerking why are parents bringing their kids to something that would be r rated at the cinema

No. 2168821

They actually did blow up like 2000+ pagers instantaneously that were carried by Hezbollah members. Not too much news about it has been released yet, but I assume they must have tampered with the pagers beforehand and secretly sold the tampered pagers to Hezbollah?

No. 2168822

so isreal got so good at tracking hezbollah members through mobiles, hezbollah ditched mobile phones and swapped to pagers
somehow isreal got their hands on the most recent pager shipment and planted remote explosives in the pagers then the pagers were distributed to hezbollah members
today isreal detonated the explosives in the pagers simultaneously
~2,800 people are wounded with 9 dead

No. 2168827

Lol and how did they manipulate them to be full of enough explosive to be damaging a lithium battery ain't doing that shit. There's been frequent suicide bombing in Lebanon isn't it more likely that than them apparently being able to remotely code a device into becoming a bomb lol

No. 2168830

There’s a lot of videos that have been released. Check KF if you want to see them, but it’s graphic. It clearly wasn’t suicide bombings

No. 2168832

Do terrorists usually buy bulk communication devices from one seller seems retarded

No. 2168836

I saw a pretty tame video of one in Reddit. A guy shopping in a market and the pager went off in the bag.

No. 2168838

bbc news has non graphic one

they didnt remotely code the devices, security experts are saying it was a type of 'supply chain sabotage' where they took the pagers planted the explosives then put them back into circulation

No. 2168839

Yeah, I was just reading about it on KF. It’s pretty crazy. I’m glad they exclusively targeted hezbollah terrorists rather than aerial bombings that would have led to much, much higher civilian casualties. Though I know some watermelon emoji tiktokfags will mourn the loss of any terrorist, even the ones that have helped make Lebanon a failed state in perpetual civil war (repost to edit typo)

No. 2168845

Sure don't cia and other western agencies supply arms and shit to basically every different region in the middle east. Israel loves expanding into other countries, as long as no women were hurt

No. 2168847

sadly nonna among the confirmed 9 dead, 8 were hezbollah but one was a little girl who was next to her father when his pager detonated

No. 2168851

I hate drag queens and every little slang they come up with, I have no idea if that's unpopular but I desperately want to stop hearing about them as if women should listen to a bunch of moids just because they're gay.

No. 2168853

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No. 2168856

Yea i was reading the BBC article and saw that. Load of shit. Watch Fahrenheit 9/11 it's free on YouTube ridiculous how relevant it still is today. The Iraq war was a complete mess, united States killed thousands of civilians and babies who did nothing. George Bush has ties with the Saudi royal family its actually ridiculous they instigated a war and civil conflicts on behalf of Saudis for money into their private oil business. Same shit still happening. Israel keeps openly committing crimes against humanity and you're treated like a racist for saying so

No. 2168857

Ugh my skin is crawling.

No. 2168860

What a gay couple

No. 2168863

Those people archiving /g/ threads made me never want to post there again. I wish /ot/ and /g/ deleted threads when they fall off a certain page.

No. 2168865

holy shit you found her boyfriend kek

No. 2168869

Kiwitards need to be gas chambered.

No. 2168871

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No. 2168874

Giving me PTSD flashbacks from some posts in the bunkers.

No. 2168880

There were traitor cunts giving real time updates on nonnas in the bunker.

No. 2168884

Yeah that was just bizarre. I don't know what was happening in that anons head that she thought it would be okay to post what we were doing on KF like we're lab rats. Fuck her.

No. 2168900

The idea that "most young women do OF" is so weird to me. I see moids do it to discredit women's success as well

No. 2168903

It's just regular moid delusion due to being porn addicts and having a poor grip on reality. Just like how moids are convinced every 20 year old woman has a body count of 100+, they see porn actresses who are like 45 being labeled as 20 years old having orgies and think it's something women do on the regular. Typical retard moid moments.

No. 2168906

I don’t like stuff like this.

No. 2168909

Sometimes I look at our KF thread when the website is down but I find it so shitty how other farmers who update the KF thread act as if they’re somehow better than us? When they’re literally using the exact same website kek?

No. 2169014

While scrolling on the Chapelle Roan i thought, i think celebrity culture is fucking vile and she's right to tell fans to fuck off. You have to be mentally sick in the head to harass people for pictures, or to be aknowledged just because you like their music.

No. 2169019

My sentence doesnt make sense forgive me kek

No. 2169021

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This is her most recent take on fame. Getting chopped up to pieces by your husband is just like walking the red carpet

No. 2169023

She can’t just say that it’s exhausting and she doesn’t enjoy it? She needs to compare it to heterosexual domestic abuse? Especially as a woman who claims to be a lesbian? Just fuck off kek

No. 2169027

she's so tryhard

No. 2169034

Fame is abusive. Thousands of people will stalk you, try to ruin your life, slander you, doxx you, harass you in the street, monitor how you look, you can't go to public spaces without hiding your identity. It may not be like being chopped by your husband (she didnt say that either), but it is abusive.

No. 2169040

Well first, i think we can all agree men tend to be much more abusive in relationships, second, she was public about her heterosexual relationships, and third, even if she didnt word it correctly i'm all for celebrities to tell fans to fuck off. Because they're humans and empathize with how it must feel but also because it grants them (celebrities) power they shouldnt have to begin with. I know celebrity culture has always existed but if celebrities openly fight it, to me it's a win.

No. 2169047

Being a celebrity is her job. Surgeons don't get to hate on their patients for bleeding, celebrities don't get to hate on their fans for making them famous. Get real

No. 2169052

You get real lmfao, fans consume their art because they like what the artist is making, they don't owe shit to their fans, this is a purely equal exchange. Just because it's the social norm doesnt make it good. There's so much entitlement coming from parasocial weirdos and people like you that are empathetical to that weird ass behavior. In fact it's like if patients were harassing a doctor for saving their lives, that'd be weird as fuck.

No. 2169061

then dont be famous? a woman in an abusive relationship cant leave. She can just retire if she hates it so much. Shes also rich and can afford a body guard and a mcmansion in the middle of nowhere. Literally suffering from success how awful.

No. 2169064

She's not an artist, just a singer. An overpaid, glorified hooker.

No. 2169067

I didnt know singing wasnt an art! Really got me there.

No. 2169069

Why doesn’t she just retire and delete her social media if she doesn’t like it?

No. 2169072

"then don't pick an abusive boyfriend"
it's all the same rethoric, she's the one at fault for how people shitty are, she has to pay the price when it's the normal thing to call it out. Why do you guys want her to shut up about things you'd consider immoral to do to another person?

No. 2169074

It really isn't. She's dirt on the shoe of any mid sculptor. Moaning into a microphone has been given too much value due to entertainment factor.

No. 2169075

People consume her content, whether or not you find it shit doesnt really matter, she makes music, albeit shitty music but it is legally art.

No. 2169077

NTA but i don’t really think being in an abusive personal relationship is the same as realizing that you don’t like your job and weren’t mentally prepared for it

No. 2169082

How are you supposed to prepare to be stalked and harassed?

No. 2169085

Art is not content to be consumed was the point I was making but your brain is fried on audio dopamine so I excuse your ignorance

No. 2169088

By seeing what other celebrities experience via social media and the news circuit that’s surrounded famous people for decades? Why would you purposefully try to become famous after seeing what other actual famous people go through? And, why would you pretend to be surprised that it’s happening to you after having access to this information? Especially because her whole brand is via the internet and she could use the internet to educate herself about what her predecessors have experienced

No. 2169093

Art can absolutely be content to be consumed and artist is absolutely legal status, just because you have a delulu transcendatalist take on what art is doesnt change the fact that it almost always has been a commodified good.

No. 2169107

Islam was right about music. While I don't agree with the reasons behind forbidding it, the ban is a net good for society from a secular standpoint. It fries your dopamine receptors, humiliates the arts by turning it into ready to consume pop culture and steals your time on earth. I despise the culture music has created. Concerts, fandoms, celebrity-gods… I'm trying to wean myself off it, or at least the popular version of it. The least evil genres are house music and electronic dance, I can't explain it with words but they're ancestral and don't stop you from performing tasks. They give you the power to do things you don't want to do, meanwhile mainstream slop make you stop what you're doing so you can pay more attention to the music. Repetition of simple beats purifies, complex melodies stain. My first goal is to give up on any melody that's too complex with multiple layers of instruments or with humans talking over the melody. Those two things must never be combined. My final goal is to strengthen my mind with brutal rhythms and give up on flimsy melodies altogether. Vidrel is a piece of modern music I find morally tolerable (Im atheist btw)

No. 2169108

Black myth Wukong is overrated. It's just famous for being pretty and has no micro-transaction. The game is super closed, the invisible walls are so fucking akward. The rendering of the Tiger was awful you can barely make out the feature of the face.

No. 2169110

Schizopost that isnt internally coherent, complex melodies humiliate the art and pop songs which are by any standards, not complex melodies, also humiliate arts. Whatever the arts are within that brain rot.

No. 2169112

I will personally find Chappell Roan and beat her to death. Happy?(a-logging)

No. 2169115

Write a manifesto and sign it for me once you're in prison pls, will make bucks out of your misery

No. 2169120

From what I could decipher from your schizopost I think you'd be happier with music if you looked at old records.

No. 2169124

This song is a bopper, thanks (not the schizoposter)

No. 2169142

Music is the only reason I want to be alive

No. 2169145

How much drugs have you done?

No. 2169152

Separatism and celibacy is good and I wholeheartedly support women who do it. However, some blackpillers here just feel like they got scorned by r9k/soc/discord moids and put down all other women and call them whores because of it.

No. 2169159

also important to remember that many "blackpill" whore-spergers on lc are confirmed men, baiters, and schizos. and agreed, some are obviously having an embarrassing, deranged vent session. the actual celibate women (especially in the 30+ thread) who have level headed conversations about decentering men have really helped me!

No. 2169160

That's been the case with most celebrities though.

No. 2169163

if you think modern is too musically complicated then your standards are really low. try bvw 1052 or hammerklavier lmao

No. 2169175

Mental. Posts like this make me understand a little more how there are people sexually attractive to inanimate objects. Like that documentary about the guy that married his car. Like put more safety pins on your jumper, all that edgy metal is that a statement you want to be a robot. Don't breed

No. 2169201

as yet another thread devolves into church road infighting, I am increasingly amazed at how talented she is at making people furious and rabid over the occasional dumb line from an interview or a tiktok that certainly isn't genuinely more annoying than the stuff any other kinda dumb pop star says. I know all the angry posters aren't just lesbians who are mad at appropriation, I know all the defensive posters aren't just bihet queerios who love drag, and I know nobody is just genuinely defensive of paparazzi and annoying stans. my unpopular opinion is that it's impossible to look away because she makes horny music for theater kids and it's distracting like a sexy billboard.

No. 2169214

Unironically based

No. 2169216

I think there’s a contingent that blames “evil whores” for moidry even though moids are all the same in every time period and country.

No. 2169222

Starting to think there are reasons beyond just misogyny for this. Like moid degeneracy is pretty much identical across time and space, to the point where I wonder if the contingent who blame women just get bored of repeating the same old lines about moids. But patriarchy gives us endless and novel ways to hate women so they latch onto those.

No. 2169297

A celebrity is one who is known to many persons he is glad he doesn't know.
-Lord Byron

No. 2169341

I don’t think whore spergers are male. I think it’s actual women tired of other women in the media dragging our gender through the mud. I know I’m tired of the shit.

No. 2169357

It's not a big deal to put down a dog or cat for behavioral problems and it's an owner's right to do so. It's more ethical than taking it to a shelter to make a dangerous or life-ruining animal someone else's problem. Just like how some humans aren't meant to exist in society some pets are just lemons. I love animals but people go too far and give too much grace to those that would be better off euthanized. You have to look at what is best for the animal too, if it's constantly anxious aggressive or uncontrollably voiding it's bowels it probably has no true quality of life. But people go to great lengths with thousands of dollars worth of trainers and petitions for animals that have caused distress and injuries. At a certain point you have to just say, enough

No. 2169363

Humans need to start euthanizing their rapists, sex traffickers and murderers before euthanizing animals for bad behavior. Also, if you kick a cat or dog and it bites or scratches you in return, you have it coming and the animal shouldn't be punished.

No. 2169367

How is this a unpopular opinion? I disagree slightly with cats because feral and/or traumatised cats can be rehabilitated but I do agree that some are far too traumatised that it's just unfair on the animal. I like animals too, I get upset if skinks die or a fictional cat is implied to be hurt or lost or wild animals get disturbed, and I hate it when people assume you're a horrible person for suggesting euthanasia is a humane way to deal with some issues that can't be fixed and will make the animal's quality of life horrifically worse. It's like equine prosthesis, you're just delaying the horse's death in the most painful way you possibly can.
Anon is most likely talking about animals who have been through long term abuse and/or brain damaged from her descriptions. There's dogs who have been in breeding mills or dog fighting rings that have both physical and behavioural issues that can be extremely painful for the animal to go through. People do the same with horses and other animals and no one kicks up as much of a fuss, despite them having similar intelligence and empathy.

No. 2169369

>You have to look at what is best for the animal too, if it's constantly anxious aggressive or uncontrollably voiding it's bowels it probably has no true quality of life.
The same is true of humans, but no one wants to accept that, for some reason. State sanctioned suicide isn't evil, some people really do have no hope of an enjoyable life, just like other animals might not. In fact, humans are the only ones that can literally physically tell each other "It's enough, I don't want to live anymore", go through the mental evaluation and paperwork, and get it done, while with pets, you genuinely don't know if they're just lemons or if they could get better with help.

No. 2169415

“Fake it until you make it”, or anything similar, is horrendous advice. Either you learn or are born with whatever “it” is; your deception will always show itself.

No. 2169418

glances at my massive bjork poster in my office

No. 2169433

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No. 2169449

The problem with human euthanasia is that it quickly gets abused by any and sometimes all of the following:
>Family members pressuring an ill person to choose euthanasia
>Medical professionals pressuring a person whose illness is treatable, but the treatment is expensive.
>The above pressuring people with completely treatable (NOT curable, treatable) mental illnesses like depression or high functioning autism to choose euthanasia.
>Sick people who are too sick to work are pressured by economic strain into choosing euthanasia.
We're seeing most of these in Canada right now. In theory, humans should have the right to choose to end their life, but in practice the system quickly becomes a government sanctioned way to weed out social undesirables

No. 2169495

Canada is a scary place.

No. 2169721

The fake it is the learning it part dumbass.

No. 2169723

Shopping second hand isn't that sustainable. Instead of overconsuming yourself, you're relying on other people to overconsume for you. Thrift shops and online platforms like depop and vinted don't work without people mass overconsuming and dumping their shit so they can consume even more.

No. 2169724

That's how I feel about Togawa Jun.

No. 2169758

Some people are born evil. It’s not always the parenting that’s the problem.

No. 2169761

Another reminder to always abort male fetuses.

No. 2169763

The child in the TikTok is a girl who killed her mom because she found her vapes

No. 2169777

letting a kid vape is bad parenting

No. 2169779

Depressing. This era is probably the worst to have kids at.

No. 2169780

How is finding a kids vapes, letting them vape?

No. 2169782

A lot of kids these days are narcissists due to social media and thinking they’re special snow flakes. I’m never having kids.

No. 2169783

Why is this footage on tiktok?!

No. 2169785

Yeah, the mom removed the kid's vape and that's what got her killed. She was trying to be a good parent.

No. 2169829

NEETS are wasteful and should be given euthanasia

No. 2169834

Narcissists use to do very well back in theday. But now a days they're failing because they're too many of them. It's narc vs narc now. Another issue is they no longer have impulse control anymore. That's why you see a common pattern of one person cancelling another, only to find out the person who made the original call out post was doing the exact same shit and just wanted to get rid of a competitor. I don't take anyone seriously anymore and think everyone is just dramatic as fuck, espicially anyone under 20.

No. 2169882

American men are obsessed with black women. They talk about how they dislike black women more than they talk about the women they actually like at this point.

No. 2169904

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In all animal groups there are slackers we all have our place

No. 2169966

Except most people don’t learn and wind up in situations they don’t belong in. Then they say they have “imposter syndrome”.‘ it’s a weird cycle a lot of people fall into.

No. 2169975

backyard breeding is fine. obviously there are situations where it's bad, like lunatics breeding mothers with their sons repeatedly for profit, and i understand that it's unregulated. but frankly my old dog had puppies and someone left us a nasty letter saying we were responsible for dogs in shelters and terrible dog owners. as if a beloved family pet having two puppies that were claimed by loving families that we knew personally is animal abuse. or somehow it's preferable to have a 'professionally' bred dog that has seizures 24/7 and whose mom would be used for puppies half a dozen times before finally being allowed to die. or that everyone should just adopt a shitbull mix from the pound that will kill their cat.

No. 2169987

I stimulate the economy by spending your tax money on niche hobbies. So many etsy storefronts would cry if I died.

No. 2170099

>have a nice, big home
>family is able to afford two large dogs
>more electronic shit in the back
>seems like a somewhat nice lifestyle
wtf lol and lmao

No. 2170163

I think Christianity is an inheretly effeminate religion. The idea of a straight man on his knees worshipping the image of an faggy dude makes me gag. It's just completely inappropriate for a man

No. 2170164

it's even worse in islam when they bend completely over with their asses in the air to pray. getting buttfucked by allah

No. 2170165

I love that France banned hijabs.

No. 2170167

I've been wanting to have a son so bad… Little boys are so cute… I know in reality they're probably be hellish disrespectful creatures but…….. Idk when I see a ten year old boy my uterus screams at me MAKE ONE RIGHT NOW

No. 2170170

you people are like an alien species to me, thank god i will never relate to you

No. 2170171

oh my god, why?

No. 2170176


No. 2170177

Just don’t end up one of the boy moms who wants to fuck their son when they hit puberty

No. 2170179

same watching chucky always wakes up my maternal instincts because the kid so so, so cute. Also, if i had a son i would force all my autistic hobbies upon him. I wouldnt do that to my daughter because they are moidish hobbies and i dont want her to get bullied for being a female nerd like i was. If i had a daughter i would probably try to get her into stacy hobbies like gymnastics and piano.

No. 2170180

I could maybe understand super young children but by age 10 the boys at my school were already sexually harassing girls and acting edgy.

No. 2170181

thats such a pornsick thing to say, gross

No. 2170182

Ew I can’t imagine a 10 year old but the other day I was driving home from school and saw a mom walking her preschooler home from preschool, they were holding hands and he was so tiny and sucking his thumb and I’m on my period so I just cried cause it was so cute. I really want a child one day and my unpopular opinion is that people who have severe gender disappointment shouldn’t have kids. I only one want kid so I’d have to be fine with having a boy or a girl with no do overs, and I’m 100% fine with that.

No. 2170183

Cannot wait for you to call yourself his girlfriend once he's in his teen years and get terrorital over him having a potential gf.

>daughter needs to be into typical feminine shit many little girls get pressured into
>boy gets the joy of sharing hobbies with his mom

I hope you never have children.

No. 2170184

File: 1726708855252.webp (6.52 KB, 640x318, 932F9E80-BF92-4214-84AD-BE32A2…)

I always thought Jesus washing the disciples’ feet was incredibly homoerotic growing up

No. 2170186

As long as you know that your uterus is lying to you. You know that, right?

No. 2170193

I think you are taking it too personal nonny. Piano isnt a feminine hobby and gymnastics is awesome and for both genders. You are the one being weird about it and making it about gender when its not. I wish my dad had signed me up for piano or gymnastics but he was too lazy to drive to clases so i ended up developing useless hobbies like vidya and model painting.

No. 2170197

complaining about fame when she’s an industry plant is hilarious

No. 2170203

>useless hobbies like vidya and model painting
Only one of those is useless and produces nothing.

No. 2170204

my unpopular opinion is i don't get people saying she's an industry plant. she's clearly not media trained and a mess. virality is the means to fame nowadays and she actually had enough of a catalog and appeal to make the transition to big popstar because of the state of pop music. her drag queen simping fits the niche of appealing to gays, weird theatre kid types, and normie women who just like femininity and pop music.

No. 2170205

wageslave seething

No. 2170206

I can kinda understand,kids are cute in general

No. 2170207

model painting is useless, autistic and expensive to top it off. Plus the hobby is filled to the brim of moids and trannies and finding other women in the hobby is hard. You dont learn any skill that could be used irl.

No. 2170214

most men are stuck on highschool girls because they never get over their highschool relationships

No. 2170216

They didn't though.

No. 2170219

Russians make the best rap music.

No. 2170220

lmao poor baby fever nona
It's crazy how moids are becoming predatory at younger ages. One of my kindergarten classmates flipped up my skirt and screamed out the color of my underwear to the entire playground. It's hard to find a solution when the crop is already poisoned.

No. 2170221

Why don't they just forget then? It really can't be that important. Only once in a blue moon do I even remember the moidlet who took my virginity.

No. 2170223

Can you recommend me a few artists (preferrably women)/albums please?

No. 2170231

I think shitting on women for masculine features and transvestigating only hurts women like me with PCOS and intersex people.

No. 2170232

Go make a baby, if you’re meant to be a mom then one will be conceived nonny

No. 2170233

Boys have been creeps for decades. I remember in school when I was about 7 or 8 a boy in my year would line the girls up and idk why we would and then he would check us for leg hair and ask about our pants. That's weird behaviour their bringing from home to the playground like wtf idk if it's older siblings or parents I can see older brothers doing that shit. It was older male kids that told us about sex and started mocking us for being frigid before we'd even had our periods start.

No. 2170251

I hate that this is even an unpopular opinion, because it's true. The transvestigating and transfoiling needs to stop. That article about the 15 year old British girl who was forced to strip in front of male security guards because she had short hair and a boyish face is the tip of the iceberg for what this shits gonna lead to.

No. 2170253

I unashamedly love trashy russian edm hardbass shit

No. 2170260

So much transvestigation is completely fueled by racism too. Also, when was the last time they managed to get one right? Imo, it's not that big of a deal if you're gender critical and can admit that some troons can slip through the cracks, trying to say that you can always tells 100% of the time is simply false, 99% is more accurate for irl, but on the internet, troons shoop themselves into new people.

No. 2170263

I do not think transvestigation is the reason Egyptian security guards forced a 15 year old girl to strip, sorry anons.

No. 2170264

I also have PCOS which leads to hirsutism due to my Mediterran background and I've seen a lot of women straight up imply that if you have a lot of body hair = you're a man and all women are hairless petite bimbos or if they do have body hair it's just a little bit, nothing more. I remember one time I sent a picture of me holding something to a Discord group chat of women and you could see a little bit of my arm hair, I had people immediately ganging on me and asking me if I'm secretly a man.

No. 2170290

Literally same nonna, I have higher testosterone and hirsutism is one of my symptoms too. Can’t escape the body hair especially if it’s dark and it’s so messed up how people equate body hair = man. It’s natural!! Everyone has it and it came free with your endocrine system. I’m really sorry that happened to you nonna.
I agree with everything you said, it’s a shame that poor British girl was stripped because god forbid you are gender nonconforming though I would bet it was also for other horrid reasons sadly.
Literally. Some races are just more predisposed to having more/darker body hair and that’s just simple biology, but god forbid you tell that to any man. It’s all rooted in misogyny and racism and pure ignorance of women’s bodies and systems.

No. 2170293

Post covid lolcow is the epitome of every bad stereotype about women.

No. 2170295

I would 100% support my friends cheating on their Nigels

No. 2170300

Lmao I also got PCOS and I'm balding asf my hairline is tragic since ever, I didn't mind that much until I read some anons trying to "clock" trannies by checking their receding hairlines and bullying them for getting bangs to hide them, which is exactly what i do 24/7 i wear bangs almost religiously. No bad feelings about it, I just wonder if those anons would try to "clock" me too just based on my hair density kek

No. 2170318

Thank you nonna! I swear it's such a struggle, I even went to laser appointments for a long time and yet the results are nowhere to be seen so I must shave my face every day before I'm about to go out. I hate being like this, I wish I was like those women who naturally have very blonde and little body hair instead of being cursed with a dark body hair and pale skin combo.

Also same nonna. PCOS is truly such a cursed thing.

No. 2170334

people who use women reproducing as pawns in favor of roe vs wade but then turn around and autistically screech at how women deserve everything bad that happens to them for having children is stupid. show your true colors

No. 2170356

Hard agree especially the obsession with integrating and tone

No. 2170414

This is one of my worst fears. The possibility that my child could be a fucked-up sociopath almost makes me too scared to have kids

No. 2170418

File: 1726730340487.jpeg (58.26 KB, 739x415, Slums.jpeg)

Some sects of the population like the poor should be completely sterilized (both male and female) like what we do with cats and dogs so they'd stop breeding like rabbits and bringing in the next generation of degenerates with them.

In fact, bringing kids to this (shitty) world should be a privilege—not something you do because you want to. If you're too poor to adequately care for a child then snip snip you go.

No. 2170419

Measure of innocence determines one's capacity to love.

No. 2170420

The Boomers were right—phones are bad. I think deep down we all knew this, we were just too prideful to admit that "the man" was right.

No. 2170425

It's supposed because being poor isn't always a permanent state, some poeple have kids when they can afford it and then become dirt poor when their kids are already born and still dependent on their parents for at least a decade, and some poor people manage to stop being poor one way or another, either by being lucky enough, having way more and better job opportunities than their parents, learning how to not waste money, etc.

No. 2170438

we need the poor to do jobs no one else wants to do, if you kill them how will i order shit from temu i don’t need?

No. 2170449

In my observations there are some perks to having a son, sons are less likely to selfishly abandon you after growing up and less likely to exploit your motherly instincts to treat you as a free nanny once he has his own kids.

My grandparents were poor peasants in Eastern Europe, they had five kids who grew up in poverty, three of them became millionaires through their own efforts.

No. 2170457

Damn baby fever really rots your brain wtf.

No. 2170460

>sons are less likely to selfishly abandon you after growing up and less likely to exploit your motherly instincts to treat you as a free nanny once he has his own kids.
are you sure you dont mean the daughters? i have never seen this once

No. 2170461

Our experiences differ.

No. 2170465

I encourage transitioning only to people 18 and above despite being a terf, because I really dgaf anymore. I think that there's like there's a threshold for all these people to meet before the great peaking begins. The pendulumn will swing the other way, just like how there needs to be destruction before something new to be built upon. They can live in regret in the future, I will just continue to use my energy to support women in my immediate area instead.

No. 2170467

>motherly instincts to treat you as a free nanny once he has his own kids.
Yes because men already pushes most of the responsibilities on the mother so they doesn't have to.

No. 2170468

This was already done in the early 20th century, it's called eugenics. It's major practitioners were Nazi Germany and the US government.

No. 2170472

>I encourage transitioning
But why?

No. 2170475

I wouldn't gaf either if it were taxpayers financing this shit in my country and other countries. Troons should pay for it with their own money.

No. 2170477

>wealth as a marker of high genetic stock
You are dumb and poor larping as rich.

No. 2170482

People will look for things that support their biasness inevitably. They're free to do whatever they want, I only feel apathy in their choices to transition. If a dumb male wants to do so, I will gladly encourage them. Lmao if ur dumb enough to transition from porn then you can spend the rest of ur life chasing the impossible.

No. 2170483

Who do you think is doing the labour to generate the wealth for the wealthy kek

No. 2170492

Taxpayers pay for this over there? I live in asia so the outspoken troons here I see online probably pay out of their own.

No. 2170493

>encouraging moids to transition into trannies which always leads to real women getting harassed by them and their safe places taken away

wow such a great and smart terf, you really think with your brain

No. 2170494

Fair enough. Its better for society if those who fail to retain sanity in face of all the propaganda check out from the gene pool themselves.

No. 2170499

Personal experiences aside, female children are statistically more likely to care for their parents. Not even sure why you’d think all that, did you “selfishly abandon” your mother?

No. 2170502

Can i see those statistics?

No. 2170504

Ya I encourage the idiots to transition and still fight for female-only spaces at the same time, what about it. Tbf, the troon epidemic isn't as prevalent here, I've seen hons get arrested with my eyes lmao.

No. 2170519

File: 1726745675621.jpg (106.58 KB, 1170x1317, victoria-win-and-v.jpg)

Victoria Monet is prettier than Beyonce.

No. 2170531

dawg look at our radfems dawg

No. 2170538

There are links to multiple studies within this one.

No. 2170550

Yes in many European countries it's paid for by public healthcare. In France troons had to be allowed to get surgery after 2 years of pretending to be the opposite sex in public and being followed by a psychiatrist ot therapist and an endocrinologist at least, now I think there are less restrictions, which means more money spent on more people by taxpayers for dangerous plastic surgery.

No. 2170552

Coomers trooning out and male access to women's spaces are independent concepts. If trannies weren't obnoxiously trying to insert themselves into places where men don't belong, no one would care and they would be dying alone.

No. 2170555

The kids thing is probably because has his own wife to dump his kids off on. Here dudes will gladly use their doormat mothers as a 24/7 daycare.

No. 2170567

Islam is never right

No. 2170568

Men even commonly view taking care of their kids in the absense of the mother as 'babysitting'. Not 'taking care of my kids'. It's that bad.

No. 2170602

Women don't even have safe spaces, even in radfem areas. Most people are too obsessed with what women do wrong even if it should be about men

No. 2170610

So you can't show me the statistics? Why did you lie?

No. 2170612

I'm not the anon. There are statistics within the studies.

No. 2170613

>backyard breeding is fine
No, all it does is churn out more poorly bred dogs with a myriad of health issues that nobody wants and eventually get dumped into an overcrowded shelter. I’m sick of idiots breeding their pet dogs with whatever dog is closest to hand because they think it’d be cute to have puppies. There are enough unwanted dogs as there is, we don’t need any more.

No. 2170618

Just because it’s “harder” for women to lose weight doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to lose weight. I’m tired of the fatties on here saying “women hood more weight than men!!!” making up more excuses on why they need to be a whale, it’s actually so pathetic

No. 2170619

>wants a sage space for her to constantly talk about her stupid fucking nigel and dumb baby
you have plenty of female “safe spaces”, you’re free to not take up the one very space that isn’t preoccupied by mindless zombie-like nigelfaggotry

No. 2170620

Rattle rattle.

No. 2170621

Fatty fatty

No. 2170635

I could say the same about anachans who keep crying over how they can never gain any weight. Just keep eating kek it's not that hard, all you need to do is eat

No. 2170636

Being skinny is now being an anachan? Kek wut

No. 2170665

Doesn't matter. Males have to lose weight.

No. 2170682

My doctor told me to gain weight and I'm trying but it fucking hurts to eat when your stomach feels very full. I had a big breakfast earlier and felt like shit after it breathing all labouriously. I don't even think I'm that underweight my bmi is like 19 or something and I'm not fatigued or weak I like to graze. I also got put on sertraline or whatever and my appetite isn't really there

No. 2170701

Being skinny without any toning is lazy too

No. 2170706

Shut up fatass, being skinny doesn’t mean you’re anorexic

No. 2170707

Breaking Bad is dogshit

No. 2170710

She's cute.

No. 2170713

I didn't ask for those statistics, i asked for statistics confirming her statement that daughters are more likely to take care of parents than sons.

No. 2170719

>anons when they watch anything that isn’t some hyper-obscure /m/ approved animu slop they think has genius writing and pretend the characters don’t suffer from same-face syndrome

No. 2170724

>t. anorexia finally got rid of your last remaining braincells

No. 2170735

Skinny = anorexic riiightt, only to people who can’t put the food down and spend time being a stupid bitch on lolcow kek

No. 2170742

yawwn, don't you have a fast to finish?

No. 2170744

No. 2170747

Weigh yourself before you decide to respond to my comments, fatty. Also the coping “yawnnn” as if you weren’t exposed for samefagging with that gay shit

No. 2170751

In threads we weave our tales and dreams,
Each nonnie more than what she seems.
Behind the screens, no names, just hearts,
A sisterhood where all take part.

We squabble over who looks best,
Who's skinny, who's not like the rest.
But what if love became our call?
In every shape, there's room for all.

Let's lift each other, not just fight,
For every nonnie holds her light.
No matter size, we're here to stay,
Together strong, in our own way.

No. 2170753

Pet owners have really bad hygiene and I imagine they smell more than the average person who doesn’t own a pet. If you really let that dirty disgusting creature walk all over your clean kitchen counters and lay with them in your bed you might as well just stick your head in a used toilet. Just filthy, unwashed, lazy, grungy and dumpy people I can’t stand seeing in public or going to their houses, put that thing in a fucking cage and only release it when it needs to be fed or needs to go to the bathroom.

No. 2170755

File: 1726763011695.jpeg (157.16 KB, 1500x844, IMG_3470.jpeg)

I actually like the contemporary modern aesthetic for buildings. Some of them look like shit when they lack symmetry or are just one color and aren't very geometric , but some of them look really nice in my opinion and blend well with greenery. Most people hate the modern McDonalds store design but i think most of their stores look better compared to its old gaudy design.

No. 2170756

File: 1726763083697.jpg (51.74 KB, 800x534, meow.JPG)

Get well soon

No. 2170759

Kill yourself(calm down)

No. 2170763

File: 1726763313115.jpeg (36.12 KB, 933x870, IMG_0509.jpeg)

Who let the goddamn bard in here?

No. 2170769

File: 1726763667757.gif (1.42 MB, 400x300, 5710560666e31a7c7e67db5301241b…)

A bard I am, with tunes so light,
Wishing peace for nonnies' plight.
In words and song, I hope to mend,
So hearts may heal and spirits blend.(shitposting)

No. 2170775

>there's room for all.
miss anachan herself would argue otherwise

No. 2170779

there’s no room for all of us but you took up took up too much of the space biggie-chan

No. 2170780

Hello…it’s me >>2170499, also anyone can say no to babysitting and it’s you who’s the damn liar. The following is literally common sense:

Daughters provide as much elderly parent care as they can, sons do as little as possible
> “Sons reduce their relative caregiving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase theirs when they have a brother,” explains study author, Angelina Grigoryeva, PhD. “This suggests that sons pass on caregiving responsibilities to their sisters.”

Only children more likely to care for ageing parents…
>Only daughters in their mid-50s reported the most time caring[…]while men with at least one sister reported the least time, on average, in their early and mid-50s.
This is a completely different study than the above one btw.

Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, and Sons: Gender Differences in Adults’ Intergenerational Ties
> In the older cohort, midlife sons and daughters were equally involved with their aging parents, except with regard to emotional support and listening. In the younger cohorts, young adult daughters were more involved than sons on the same dimensions (e.g., telephoning, emotional support, listening) as well as in advice. As such, daughters’ family roles appear to be fairly consistent across generations.
Not even care related, just general relationships.

Older parents enjoy better filial piety and care from daughters than sons in China

Daughters take on most of the burden of arranging care for parents

No. 2170781

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No. 2170797

It's a samefag

No. 2170801

So many sons in China and they are all this useless.

No. 2170816

All men are pedos

No. 2170820

That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.

No. 2170827

Never underestimate the stupidity of your average heterosexual woman

No. 2170828

Yes I agree. Many of them offer their own children up to them just to keep him around.

No. 2170830

Pedos should be castrated.

No. 2170841

All men would have to be castrated then. I think if men could have a 14 year old with the Brian of a 30 something year old they’d love that. They’d get their mommy bang maid who can take care of the house and run it but also someone who looks like a kid.

No. 2170857

You're right but I don't think it's a conscious thing, more subconscious probably due to their shitty home environment as a child. In any case it's both sad and frustrating.

No. 2170868

Otome and BL games are safe horny trash that don't even pander to women. Especially otome where the mc is usually a battered wife, the focus in cgs is usually on the women, the men are treated with respect as opposed to their female counterparts, and in the 18+ ones the cgs don't even focus on the man or have equal focus. I want games that are actually for women.

No. 2170872

File: 1726767270336.png (3.28 MB, 1170x1864, my real mom.png)

I’ve never been much of a red scare stan and I know this is gonna fall flat with a lot of you but she’s sexy as hell.

No. 2170898

No they would hate any 14 year old who thought like a 30 year old. Half of the appeal is that they can manipulate her and grind her into the ground. The other half is the idea that they’re so hot or alpha that they can “score” a girl, it’s a status thing. You will see this when you’re in your mid 20s and guys approach you all flirty asking if you’re a teen, when you say you’re 25 they suddenly become uninterested. Men don’t even know what 14 year olds look like.

No. 2170946

File: 1726769944088.jpg (201.41 KB, 1000x1620, 4932636838569.JPG)

She looks like a caveman

No. 2170950

it looks like minecraft

No. 2170959

I think she’s beautiful

No. 2171011

Any type of architecture can look good when it's well designed and made with materials of adequate quality. I think one of the reasons people prefer old architecture is that only the well designed and constructed buildings survive.

No. 2171031

This this this this exactly. How do I know? I’m a thirdie who had a shit life and had to become independent pretty early. I genuinely was “mature for my age” but I still lacked life experience, which allowed me to get manipulated by a scrote in his 30s when I was barely in my 20s.
He hated me talking back and arguing with him and would conveniently use my age against me to call me childish when it suited him, but my youth was self-admittedly one of the things that attracted him to me and he bragged about scoring a “barely legal” girl to his buddies.

He acted as if he was my dad most of the time with the authoritative tone and the endless nagging, challenging him in any way resulted in a mantrum and being called a child. Yet he somehow also expected me to contribute to the household 50/50 despite him being a better paid fat whale who ate us out of house and home and me being a student with a McJob.
They want the perks of a bangmommy with the pedo clout and agreeableness of a much younger girl.

No. 2171049

she looked better before she got work done

No. 2171057

I can’t identify any work she’s had done other than minor lip injections (maybe, some women’s lips get bigger after being pregnant) and losing an unnecessary amount of weight

No. 2171087

i'm just glad she kept her nose, women with big noses rock my pathetic world

No. 2171097

I know some anons on radtwt are farmers but sometimes I get uncomfortable with how quick words like “moids” and “scrotes” are getting picked up by non-farmers. Don’t have a problem with male slurs obviously they’re much needed, just worry they’ll get popularized enough that the origin will get tracked back here and raise our visibility more than it already is.

No. 2171098

Moids have terrible tastes in movies. A guy hailed Superbad (2007) as one of the funniest movies of all time and a masterpiece yada yada, but I just don't get it. It's retarded and boring and all the guys are butt-fuckin-ugly. I didn't laugh, I didn't even smile. Muh porn, dick, pussy and alcohol ha ha so funny. Actual funny movies from the 2000s was stuff like She's the Man, White Chicks, Zoolander, Team America, whatever. I doubt moids even have ANY taste in movies. They just look up the top movies on imdb and pick 10 from there to seem cool and knowledgeable.

No. 2171100

Scrote is a common insult used in Dublin kek

No. 2171101

I'd be more worried that they'd get diluted and ruined (trannies on reddit have already started picking them up)

No. 2171102

Is there anything these lowlifes don't try to fucking steal from us?

No. 2171123

Men who get cheated on 9/10 times are shitty people and deserve it (especially if they claim multiple women cheated on them)

Almost all men cheat to some degree, and the serial cheaters tend to cheat on great women. In fact id probably say the better of a partner you act, the more he will cheat

No. 2171134

Fine, i concede.

No. 2171139

I don’t understand women who dress sexy and then get upset when scrotes cat call them or look at them. Isn’t the point of those booty shorts that look like underwear and push up bras meant to turn men on? I mean they aren’t wearing it for comfort(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2171144

I have no problem with seed oils, the hate is unwarranted and canola oil is extremely useful for baking. People who say they lost weight from seed oils really lost weight from unintentionally eating less processed and lower-fat diets. It's the new keto and now I have to use avocado oil for baking pumpkin bread because my mom is scared of canola oil.

No. 2171149

File: 1726778103580.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1475x1776, IMG_0764.jpeg)

Catcalling and looking at are two entirely different things. Must be bait.

No. 2171151

File: 1726778138483.jpeg (112.26 KB, 640x736, IMG_4068.jpeg)

Come on. Let’s be real, what is the point of dressing like this if it’s not to turn scrotes on?

No. 2171152

I think the way they’re posing and purposefully drawing attention to themselves is their attempt at sexually signaling but most women don’t wear a sports bra and yoga pants/shorts just to turn guys on; it’s really just to wear something that’ll keep you cool when you’re working out in a sweaty hot gym full of other people’s breath

No. 2171155

what if I'm dressed sexy because I'm on the way to see my partner or we're out together and they're just not currently by my side? how far does my relationship partner be away from me to allow catcalling

No. 2171156

Men don’t wear tight booty leggings to the gym and crop tops unless they’re fags(which makes sense because they want men to look at their ass). So the “hur it’s for da gym” excuse doesn’t make sense.

No. 2171158

Yes, because men totally JUST look and don't ever harass women or excessively stare like they have no home training.

No. 2171160

so what? Moids can look or even compliment, screaming at women like fucking toddlers rather they are showing booty cheeks or not is annoying. Men act like fucking monkey's seeing some tits/ass, meanwhile if a woman sees a very rare physically attractive guy with his shirt off, we don't scream, rape or harass.

No. 2171161

I don’t know who those influencers are or keep up with them so I actually don’t know what their experience was when they went to the gym in their outfits, unfortunately I can’t answer that. But when I go out in public or go to the gym in shorts/tank tops (and this could just be because I’m ugly) I don’t really experience harassment because most people who are out exercising are too busy focusing on that. I also don’t consider staring to be harassment even though it is definitely obnoxious and annoying, but if you go out in public period you gotta understand that there are gonna be weirdos who can’t focus on themselves kek

No. 2171162

They are shirtless and showing their arms. Gay men don't cat call gay moids in the gym, so why do straight men do it to women who may or may not want moid ATTENTION not

No. 2171165

They want their cake and eat it too. They want to be seen as sexually attractive but also they want to larp as girlbosses. Most women will never deprogram themselves from seeking male validation. Its why we are never ever going to get out of this shit, because other women dont want to put in the effort for the well being of the genre. Men would bully eachother if they were to show up to the gym like that.

No. 2171166

Yeah but you’re giving them a reason to yell at you when you’re wearing thotty clothes. If you were dressed like Adam Sandler and still got stared at or cat called I’d feel bad for you because it’s unwarranted. If scrotes can’t control themselves even looking at a clothed woman, what makes you think it’s a good idea to go out pretty much in your underwear?

No. 2171167

we are never going to get out of this shit, until men learn to control themselves.

No. 2171169

The OP was not specifically about the gym, that was tagged on after
>I also don’t consider staring to be harassment
I did not say it was
>if you go out in public period you gotta understand that there are gonna be weirdos who can’t focus on themselves
So we just aren't allowed to complain when men are being weirdos then?

No. 2171171

they arent going to, so why keep feeding into the degradation of women?

No. 2171172

You can complain all you want, I never said you aren’t allowed to. What I’m saying is that what you’re complaining about can be prevented.

No. 2171176

File: 1726778889268.jpeg (55.18 KB, 300x300, IMG_4069.jpeg)

Wait until you get to your scrotes house and change into your prostitute cosplay there. If you got out like pic related, don’t be shocked when men yell creepy shit or stare.

No. 2171180

No one but a moid has this many legging thirst trap pics saved to their iphone

No. 2171183

Stupid argument. Men have the freedom to do that, they just choose not to. Their choice doesn't make women's choice to do it sexual. If men get triggered by it, they just need to learn to shut up about it and seethe by themselves or go jack off somewhere. That's like saying women shouldn't have a certain hairstyle because men don't like it, and men voicing that opinion in public to the women should be tolerated because men just can't help but voice their opinions in public.

No. 2171184

Nta but how are you finding these pics so quickly kek

No. 2171186

Anon I dress pretty modestly and still have been catcalled and harassed by men. When the fuck has clothing choice ever prevented anything?

No. 2171187

I don’t think men are triggered by it because they love seeing a hot woman half naked. They get a free show that they don’t even need to pay for. What I don’t understand is women who dress in a sexual fashion and then get mad that they receive that kind of attention. Isn’t the point of booty shorts, short skirts etc for turning men on?

No. 2171188

If that's one of the anons who participate in Ice Spice spergfests every other day, they probably already have hundreds of pics of her saved.

No. 2171189

We’re discussing women who dress in revealing clothing in public, not normal clothes. The statement that sparked this conversation was in regards to women who partially dress in public being aghast at being catcalled

No. 2171190

I remember literally getting off my high school bus, with a book bag and a ID around my neck with my school's name on it, in jeans in a hoodie getting cat called/beeped at when i was 15. It has to be a moid, because men will harass/cat call anything vaguely female shaped, even other moids with big asses/showing skin if they think it's a woman.

No. 2171191

Does Gen z not know how to use google?

No. 2171192

Anon, that’s not what that comment was asking.

No. 2171193

>Adam Sandler and still got stared at or cat called I’d feel bad for you because it’s unwarranted
This comment is probably why people are talking about this

No. 2171195

If you understand men cat call women even when they’re fully clothes what’s the point of the booty shorts and crop tops if that’s the kind of attention they want to avoid?

No. 2171197

Because it takes less than 2 seconds to google and save a picture? Wtf are you even talking about idiot lol

No. 2171199

I understand that completely. But, we’re not discussing normal dressed women being “catcalled” we’re talking about women who dress like whores getting upset when men treat them as such, nonny.

No. 2171200

…right and I'm responding to this
>What I’m saying is that what you’re complaining about can be prevented.
You can wear "normal" clothes and still get harassed. It just makes no sense to act like clothing choice can prevent disgusting men.

No. 2171201

Exactly. I hate shopping since women’s clothing is so sexualized. Always skin-tight with the sheerest fabric. Just the other day I went to forever21 and saw a skirt that was literally two inches long.

No. 2171202

no, they've been psyopped by fashion industry as seeing it as fashionable and well-fitting rather than strange. prime example is mini skirts, women with butt cheeks hanging out or near hanging out in the new recent hyper short style.

No. 2171203

I just wonder why it is you have a google tab open searching for thirst straps. Much to think about.

No. 2171204

Yeah. I’m so tired of this sperg reeeeeing about “whores.” Their bait is so repetitive.

No. 2171205

I wear tight leggings or shorts to the gym to watch my own body and progress, not to get attention.l from men. I bet many do. Again, would you say the same thing to the women who have a certain haircut or any other feature and are receiving harassment from men because of that feature? Why do women have to change their clothes because a group of people can't just keep their feelings to themselves? That's immature of men, and it's okay to be annoyed about it. Somehow there exist tribes that are okay seeing boobs and asses every day, but so called "developed" men can't deal with it?

No. 2171206


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No. 2171207

If you’re wearing normal clothes and still get cat called your complaints are valid, if you go out dressed like a hooker and claim then you make 0 sense to me. What is the reason for being dressed like that if you don’t want to be sexualized

No. 2171209

I can’t lie I kind of admire Ballerinafarm’s discipline

No. 2171211

Same here nona. I wear baggy clothes and I still get creepy comments from old scrotes at my job. I hate the culture of being overtly sexual because scrotes are already made to think everything sexual is made specifically for them. Hell there's plenty of women who will cater to their degeneracy and they still go out of their way bothering women minding their own business. They don't know how to turn off their creep dial.

No. 2171213

Well if you’re wondering it’s because you’re slow. I’m using those pictures as an example of what I’m talking about.

No. 2171215

I understand what the discussion is about anon. Im just saying it's retarded to act like what you wear will prevent men from acting how they want to. You cannot prevent men from doing anything unless you have a weapon (and every woman should).

No. 2171217

> i-i i need to post vulgar photos so everyone has an example of what i’m talking about!
Ok little brother kek…

No. 2171218

What do you mean?

No. 2171219

Because we live in reality not lala land. In the real world those kind of clothes are meant to turn men on.

No. 2171220

Oh, so you consider those pictures vulgar? Exactly

No. 2171221

She was a ballerina for most of her life (extremely difficult, abusive sport), and her parents forced her to be a pageant kween, and she had like 8 babies without painkillers like a decade before being a tradwife mommy was the trend. And she’s also mormon, which requires discipline on its own kek.

No. 2171223

Well yeah? Because they’re pictures of attention seeking whores kek? That’s the whole reason the images are taken and posted at all, to receive sexual attention.

No. 2171226

right? Posting pictures of women tooting their asses out fot pictures, or a booty rapper isn't proving anything

No. 2171228

They are not meant to do anything. If a woman dresses in tight fitting clothes and her intention is to lure a man, then a man can approach her maturely about it. You did not answer my question.

No. 2171229

I hate that everything is cropped or a belly shirt these days. It’s hard to find cute tops that cover your whole damn stomach. Not everyone wants to look like a hooker.

No. 2171233

Like I said. We live in reality. In lala land a man would come up to a woman dressed like that and say “hi miss you look beautiful today”, but in real life what’s most likely is going to happen is he’s gonna scream “nice ass!” from his car window and speed off.

No. 2171236

Again, would you say the same thing to the women who have a certain haircut or any other feature and are receiving harassment from men because of that feature? Would you tell them to avoid having that feature and blame them for the attention if they didn't want to get rid of it?

No. 2171239

I’m not naming races to avoid racebait, but it’s really gross that certain races refuse to say “women” and both genders say “females” and they never go checked for it.

No. 2171241

kinda weird that you saved this image as my real mom dot jpg, considering all that

No. 2171243

Of course not. Having a certain hair cut or facial feature is not the same as putting on boy shorts or a mini skirt with no underwear on. That’s not even a good comparison.

No. 2171245

Armenian excellence

No. 2171246

I've seen a lot of BW call that out, if you are talking about black women. I even do it in real life

No. 2171247

How come? The haircut really riles up men, they hate it and harass her for it. Why is it different?

No. 2171248

I’m a retard casual goth who loves a good ol oversized band/graphic shirt and short shorts, but I literally cannot shop in normie stores. It’s always fucking tank tops and wide jeans with crop tops. I somehow found a very long flowy skirt at Walmart the other day as I was shopping for work and it felt like I hit gold. It might be a good idea to look into non-American fashion like J-Fash since it tends to be way more modest.

No. 2171250

depends because it's not always meant to be offensive but yeah it kind of irks me

No. 2171253

Again not trying to target a race but they are one of the ones I was talking about too but BM are the worst offenders for sure, and I wish BW didn’t follow that either. One time I asked a black lesbian why she was calling women females and she was really pissed and asked “why not???” and didn’t seem to care when I explained why it’s kinda wrong.

No. 2171254

I’m not even going to go into that with you because that’s a dumb comparison lol I have a pretty huge ass but I’m not going to go out in booty shorts or those leggings that make it look like you have wedgie because I don’t want sexual attention.

No. 2171255

Yes, because you don't have a good argument against it.

No. 2171257

Considering all what..? It wasn’t meant to be serious kek I was just calling her hot

No. 2171259

People harass her for the pennywise haircut? Good kek

No. 2171262

I love her nose too kek, it fits her face and tickles my fancy as a fellow large nosed broad

No. 2171264

What is there to argue against? A hair cut isn’t intended to be sexual, revealing/tight clothes are.

No. 2171271

she definitely got botox but i don't think she had any major work done besides that. she looks great for her age

No. 2171272

I would argue the problem isn't dressing that way, the problem is parents pushing that onto their daughters, who as minors think its okay to dress that way. And of course monkey brained men who teach their sons it's not wrong to oogle women and girls like this. Seriously, if you have girls you should not dress in overly provocative ways. More and more teen girls are dressing and acting older than they actually are due to societal pressures and all that starts at home.
Unfortunately dressing and acting certain ways makes you a target, and as a grown woman you have more defenses that a child does not have. If you have kids, especially daughters, please don't have them grow up with this mentality they can wear super low crop shirts or short as hell skirts and shit, it's like you're preemptively making them a victim. I stand by what I said.

No. 2171274

They're not inherently sexual. Women dress in gym leggings for comfort. Will you tell a Muslim woman to put on her niqaab lest she arouse the minds of the men around her? She should just accept the prevailing attitude of the men around her or else she's asking for it?

No. 2171275

If you ever say this the first thing people are going to do is call you a sexist or imply you’re a pedo for sexualizing children. That’s usually the response people give to being told not to let their daughters dress like that.

No. 2171278

I know this firsthand. Social media is a blight on humanity. More and more people are loosing their common sense.

No. 2171281

Just because something is comfortable doesn’t mean it doesn’t look whorish.

No. 2171283

Yeah it is kind of inherently sexual to wear skin tight short chopped clothes

No. 2171285

Yeah but somehow tribes in the Amazon don't find a loincloth whorish, so maybe that’s somewhat of an attitude problem.

No. 2171289

They also marry 12 year olds and cut off their womens genitalia sometimes. They’re not the best people to look to on what’s appropriate behavior.

No. 2171291

It inherently isn’t. Where's your argument for that? Just because some people find it sexy doesn’t make it so, just like nudity isn’t inherently sexual. I dress in shorts and a sleeveless croptop in the summer to stay chill and sun my body, not to be sexual. It's just my body in the sun. I don’t actively think about men. But Europe is more lax about these things, I suppose you’re American.

No. 2171292

I don’t think all leggings are slutty but this new style of leggings where the leggings go up into your ass crack are

No. 2171294

Nta but there’s a difference between regular tight workout leggings and the leggings with the butt scrunch or the weird ass contour like >>2171151

No. 2171296

File: 1726782650409.webp (45.73 KB, 1000x1360, IMG_4070.webp)

Nta but not all shorts and short sleeves are sexy for example pic related is clearly not meant to attract sexual attention

But here is

No. 2171298

I'm not saying all women dress in leggings for comfort, nor denying that some women dress in them to be sexy.

No. 2171299

i hate when some people act dense like this because you know what you're doing lmao. that doesn't excuse moids behavior either but cmon

No. 2171301

> europe is more lax about these things
Europe is also pretty lax about pedophilia

No. 2171307

What’s dense about it? Showing your hair is seen as immodest. That's why I made the comparison. I don't know what you mean by that I know what I'm doing. You're free to explain. A Muslim woman can show her hair on purpose to arouse feelings in men, but that doesn't make it inherently immodest.

No. 2171311

stop entertaining the special needs anon lol, everyone knows she's wrong and she's going to keep playing by herself anyway

No. 2171314

like acting as if wearing tight ass leggings which are literally meant to accentuate your ass isn't sexual. i don't care about what muslims or what others deem immodest but that's literally seen as risque everywhere just some more than others. idc what you wear but at least own up to it instead of acting dumb

No. 2171325

I said there's a difference, but just because some woman dresses in ass leggings doesn't mean all women have to quietly accept harassment for theirs. But yeah, this is indeed a stupid, moidy argument so it's time to stop.

No. 2171326

If you wear the booty leggings, what’s the point if you don’t want to be seen as sexy?

No. 2171328

Thanking god everyday I wasn’t born a Muslim what the fuck is “showing men your hair to arouse them”

No. 2171332

Just because some woman dresses in ass leggings for attention doesn't mean all women have to quietly accept harassment for their normal leggings.

No. 2171333

Who said they did? Not all leggings look whorish

No. 2171334

I never understood what’s so sexy about head hair to those weird fags

No. 2171335

No. 2171342

>tfw wearing leggings because i’m autistic and extremely picky about pants and they’re comfy is me being slutty/sexual
damn sorry won’t happen again

No. 2171345

Anon there’s a difference between just wearing leggings and wearing leggings and a bra shirt and purposefully posing sexually for photos and then posting said photos of yourself for sexual attention

No. 2171351

Normal non-ass-crunch leggins are not whorish, neither are crop tops, sport bras and shorts for working out if its hot. Wearing loose clothing is annoying and distracting. Tight clothing allows you to monitor your form for any mistake in posture and positions better. Do you think ballet dancers are whorish too?

No. 2171352

We all know how cringy it is to call yourself a "girl gamer" but I also don't think it's wrong to be prideful of being a woman in a male-dominated hobby. For example, I love fighting games and I'm competitive. If don't know anything about the FGC, it's all moids and ESPECIALLY troons. I think it's great to be prideful of being a woman in such a male dominated hobby, and that can go for literally anything.

No. 2171353

> do you think ballet dancers are whores too?
Yeah, I do actually LMFAO

No. 2171354

I agree, it takes mental fortitude for a woman to thrive in male dominated spaces and I respect that.

No. 2171355

At this point in history I wouldn’t call video games a “male dominated hobby” women have been playing video games and capitalizing off of them since the early 2000’s?

No. 2171358

Video games themselves aren't a male dominated hobby, but for my example fighting games in particular are 1000000000000000000% are. It's an entirely different subset of it's own.

No. 2171360

Things are only male dominated because there are more men than women, I assume is the most reasonable answer

No. 2171364

No. 2171365

I think any profession that revolves around your body and other people consuming/observing you using your body to gain attention, money, etc is attention whoring. Whether it’s dancing, gymnastics, athleticism, etc. Usain Bolt is an attention whore just as much as a random ballet line dancer.

No. 2171367

And when women try to thrive in those certain spaces they get shit on and harassment if not worse. When people say "male dominated" it obviously means there are more men, but the women should be allowed to thrive and be uplifted just as much.

No. 2171371

This is crazy for me to read as someone who has a professional ballerina aunt. She had to go to school and move countries just to pursue her dream at like 15. I don't think being a ballerina is all about your body, it's a ton of skill and physical endurance. Most professional ballerinas don't even get the same amount fame of where they're known by name like most other types of preformers.

No. 2171372

I'm pretty sure my bf stopped playing games with me because I think he thought I was just trying to get picked by him when I said I've been gaming since about 4 on my Sega genesis. I have more game sense than him and pick shit up much faster. I reckon it kills his moid pride. I've experienced this many times. It's off putting tbh

No. 2171374

But it’s still continually showing off your body in an attempt to impress others and garner their attention, which I consider to be attention whoring. You can practice ballet without being all
> eeee look at me! look at me with basically no clothes on jumping around teehee!!
it’s not whoring in the sexual way, it’s just attention whoring kek. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect a child at her dance recital to do. Not a 30 year old woman lmao.

No. 2171378

Why would you admit this on lolcow girl KEK

No. 2171380

I think you've lost the run of yourself. Sure there's atrsntion whores at the gym and anyone denying that is lying. Ballet is a tough discipline and form is obviously extremely important. I don't think they're at all comparable to a woman claiming she needs wear to wear clothes that leave nothing to the imagination so she notice her gains. Like what's the point in taking progress photos immediately after a workout when you're swole lol

No. 2171381

Cause who tf cares?

No. 2171382

Eh, in that case then pretty much any profession or hobby that anyone tries at and other people witness in any capacity becomes attention whoring. You’ve gone so far that anyone unironically doing anything is cringe and narc

No. 2171388

> Eh, in that case then pretty much any profession or hobby that anyone tries at and other people witness in any capacity becomes attention whoring.
This is basically how I feel, if your profession is substantial to other people offering you specifically (not your product or something you’re selling) their consistent attention, I think that’s annoying attention whoring.
I do agree that ballet, gymnastics, etc do require great discipline and what is literally lifelong education/training, and I don’t think that practicing it on its own is inherently attention seeking, but I do think that attempting to make it your career (especially when the benefits are so slim, even for those who are worldwide famous for their work) is a choice that someone who craves attention would make. Thats only my 2 cents though.

No. 2171390

Your man doesn’t respect you and thinks you’re pickme and you tolerate that?

No. 2171392

Thats kind of mean of him. He’s your ex boyfriend right? Also why would he be turned off by you wanting to get picked by him that’s dumb as hell, usually a man who wants you is thrilled when you make it clear that you want him too

No. 2171393

Men are thick and he's never called me a pickme I think he's a typical man and thought I was over estimating my gaming ability in comparison to his. The words I used were intentionally reread it

No. 2171394

What are the pure non-attention whoring jobs then

No. 2171395

Agreed and modeling is attention whoring too

No. 2171397

Customer service, other forms of assistance, factory work, receptionism, stocking, other stuff

No. 2171399

Nta but the medical field, teaching, science careers

No. 2171400

Ugh don’t even get me started on acting and modeling. I feel like we’re past the point of needing acting and modeling. Everything is a remake or reproduction of something else, trying to squeeze the last bit of attention you can get out of the mindless audience.

No. 2171401

>there are two types of jobs
>attention whore and suicidal

No. 2171402

Lol customer service is full of attention whores the men especially good god

No. 2171403

Does chopping up cheese or stocking shelves make you feel suicidal anon? Then I recommend finding a husband

No. 2171404

I'll go a step forward and say that people who like to socialize are attention whores.

No. 2171405

Customer service, (most) medical careers, and teaching are all jobs where people (other than your coworkers) witness you work and have to give you attention of some kind. Nta but I'm confused.

No. 2171406

If you’re referring to the customers needing your attention then yeah, obviously kek.

No. 2171408

In what way is helping someone return their frozen peas the same kind of attention as people sitting in an audience to come watch you perform?

No. 2171409

Yeah, but those jobs all revolve around the customers needs and wants, not yours.

No. 2171410

I really hate adults who always try to be the class clown in every situation. Seriously fuck off we’re not on the office

No. 2171411

No I'm talking about every office everywhere will have attention whores. You put people in a room together and you'll find an attention whore. I also worked in a factory as one of the few women and male peacocking was retarded and frequent

No. 2171412

Honestly, attention whore being an insult is kind of retarded. Humans are social creatures, we all want attention in some sort of way. Even people who claim they don't like attention are usually trying to garner attention for being NLOHs.

No. 2171413

That’s not the same thing imo. Being a model, cheeerleader, pop star, dancer is more like “LOOK AT ME ARENT I SO SPECIAL AND IM WILLING TO DO THIS EVEN IF I GET ABUSED FOR LOW PAY!”

No. 2171414

Sure those jobs result in you receiving passive attention, but the majority of the work is you giving your undivided attention to the student/patient/customer; not the other way around.

No. 2171415

That's the same thing they said to 17 year old me when a fat 40 year old man yelled at me after I ignored his flirts.

No. 2171416


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No. 2171418

> YOU’RE an attention whore!
> no YOU’RE an attention whore!

No. 2171420

Nah calling someone an attention whore in my day made sense. It was for people that were so self absorbed they'd constantly take photos of themselves and find reasons to keep posting them. Not this is common so people get offended that attention seeking brainrot is seen as bad because so many losers think they're photogenic

No. 2171421

If you hate working then find a way to not work, is basically the only thing you can do if you truly do hate it.

No. 2171423

Yes, but most people only require attention from their family and friends to feel fulfilled. If you go out of your way to get it from more people than that, you're an attention whore.

No. 2171425

The original post was a joke but saying "lol just fuck a man if you hate it so much" as a reply is just stupid.

No. 2171470

I'm neutral about tipping but anti-tippers are 9/10 times some of the biggest lunatics I've ever seen, even when comparing to people that spit in food when not/low tipped

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