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No. 2143477

Since the jannies don't check /meta/ despite telling us to "take it to /meta/" after every single complaint we have, I decided to create a thread where we can air our grievances with the culture of the site should we have problems (ie, the anons in specific threads and the current code of conduct that seems to change every year) and grievances with moderation, if we run into problems with that (inconsistent modding, dumb bans, dumb redtexts)

No. 2143479

Thus thread isn't for appealing to the senses of the moderation team but as a specific kind of vent thread pertaining only to the board culture and moderation.

No. 2143484

It's almost like this site is becoming more and more autistic. Anons don't understand sarcasm, or they become overly pedantic when other anons use a different word than they would use and refuse to make the connections in their mid when it's clear what the original anon meant. I'm tired of stupid, pointless SaSsY redtexts. I'm tired of inconsistent moderation.

No. 2143486

they say take it to /meta/ because they don’t care OP kek. they need to stop playing around and lift the autosage curse off of dumbass shit. regardless I personally hate website moderation it doesn’t matter where you go it could even be 4chins, kiwi, all of those other websites where you can pretty much say anything and nobody cares, it’s always the worse types of people always pining to become moderators and they’re always losers trying to get into higher positions to ban people they personally have a vendetta against

No. 2143487

>it’s always the worse types of people always pining to become moderators and they’re always losers trying to get into higher positions to ban people they personally have a vendetta against
fucking word

No. 2143490

there’s desperate attempts at grasping for humor is like when the place you work out promises to do something nice for the coworkers hoping it’s a promotion or a bonus and it ends up being one box of cold pizza poorly sliced waiting for you in the break room. it makes me want to bomb myself into bits seeing smug strangers ban your shit and think they’re in on the same joke, pigmods will never be on the same wavelength as the userbase

No. 2143492

You're so right. But still I cannot recall a time where moderation had such soft sensibilities. It's almost like they contribute to threads and ban anons they think are kind of annoying. I remember a time where you could actually appeal a ban you had if it was retarded. Now you constantly get the "take it to /meta/" or the don't appeal the ban because they're just annoyed with you.
Now that people are responding to this thread watch it get locked in a few minutes.

No. 2143496

The janny that sits in Jill's thread 100% participates in the thread and bans anons who annoy them. There is no other reason for such piss poor moderation.

No. 2143498

fuck the mods and fuck their bootlickers too, it amazes me how much defenders and whiteknights they have when these mods are miserable randos who we don’t even know are genuinely women, they could be a bunch of moids borrowed from kiwi or their uber secret discord nobody here is allowed on again showing how elitist they are when this website leaned in nobody’s favor kek. i honestly couldn’t stand one of the mods or admin for that discord, she was always bragging about her fugly fiance lacking self-awareness that it’s two self-owns if you’re modding a discord and marrying a sasquatch
someone else said this before, they create certain threads and are very quick to ban you if you say something that goes against the thread rules they created. it’s definitely getting locked, just saw a screencap in the caps thread where one of the anons told them they’re a gay retard and got banned (muh unsaged)

No. 2143500

>i honestly couldn’t stand one of the mods or admin for that discord, she was always bragging about her fugly fiance lacking self-awareness that it’s two self-owns if you’re modding a discord and marrying a sasquatch
Woah, any screenshots? I bet she's still here and moderating like a sped because her marriage sucks.

No. 2143506

I'm sick of angry retards jumping at any opportunity to be bitchy and agressive at you. So many anons are gratuitously bitter and joyless.

No. 2143508

They're making up bullshit rules, remember when anons could sperg about the lolcow following of cows in the real opinions of cows thread? I was banned for complaining about Jillian's thread and the gendies in there, then I was banned, then anons were confused because anons have complained about the lolcow following for other cows before, THEN the newest thread had "this is not a place for complaining about the cow's thread", for no reason aside from I'm pretty sure a retarded janny made the thread and implemented the new rule.

No. 2143509

Samefag, I just think it's weird how it seemed that the rules changed when I started complaining about Jill's thread. Almost like the Jill janny wants to reside over their own little piece of tumblr sjw heaven.

No. 2143510

I hate the retarded bans that are just based off how the janny is feeling. Whats the point of being an imageboard if anything that isn't super serious and polite posting is banned?

No. 2143513

There’s so many things wrong with this thread. 1) Meta exists 2) We already have a LC complaints and suggestions thread 3) If you weren’t an obvious autistic newfag you’d know that.

No. 2143514

They do not give a single shit about moderating correctly. They want anons to give them asspats for sassy redtext comebacks.

No. 2143515

>thinking jannies read the suggestion and complaints thread
>thinking that anons are newfags for being upset with the retarded moderation
>thinking jannies do their jobs
You're funny anon.

No. 2143517

Read the posts above from the samefag. It’s the same sperg having a melty in /meta/ currently because she got a temp ban. I’ll never understand anyone but a newfag getting so butthurt over a temp ban and expecting asspats for her attentionwhoring

No. 2143518

You’re far too identifiable. Learn2integrate and stop being a little bitch

No. 2143519

Just because you don’t like getting banned for being obnoxious doesn’t mean shit kek. If you hated the moderation of this website that badly, you would stop using it. Get over it. If you’ve used this website, then you’d understand that lolcow has always been moderated by a group of retarded men.

No. 2143520

I've been here for about a decade. I'm just fed up with how piss poor the moderation has gotten over these ten years. No janny reads /meta/, much less the suggestion and complaints thread. They don't answer because they know they suck at moderation. I'm sick of it. Other anons are too.

No. 2143521

Woah, weird how hostile anons get in relation to a wrongful ban in the Jill thread. Weird how different the culture in the Jill thread is compared to the rest of the site. Very strange.

No. 2143522

>no janny reads meta
This isn’t true? Whenever I take concerns to /meta/ or complain about baiting it usually gets dealt with?

No. 2143523

Like what. Whenever I complain they don't do shit.

No. 2143525

>didnt read OP description
>immediately dialing up your bitchiness for no reason

No. 2143526

Second ayrt, cows have nothing to do with this discussion. Cow-esque behavior because you’re upset about the rules being enforced against you (such as making a thread like this) is obviously going to be met with criticism.

No. 2143527

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i had this thought recently. i've considered "taking it to /meta/" several times, but whenever i go in there, i lurk a bit and notice how nothing is resolved and nothing seems to matter when it's posted in there.
i've reported multiple instances of racebait and alogging that never got banned, especially recently. but yet i'll see shit like picrel which is very clearly a very insecure janny trying to use bans just to argue with anons they disagree with. there will be some really stupid and petty bans handed out, meanwhile i see several cases of alogging go unbanned and racebait stay up for hours. i'm fine with rules and board-etiquette but more and more it feels inconsisent, and like it just matters on the jannys mood more than anything

agreed. i lurk /meta/ regularly, it's just people yelling into the void. i've never even been banned, i'm just surprised that "take it to /meta/" is even a ban to give out, considering taking it to meta does nothing as far as i'm concerned

No. 2143528

I have issues with the moderation too, but genuinely take a breather. You’re acting retarded. I stopped following Jill a while ago, so I don’t really care about how persecuted you feel over a temp ban. However, I do find it annoying how you’re shitting up MULTIPLE THREADS with your obvious samefaggotry expecting anything to be done about this ~injustice~

No. 2143529

Ayrt and no, I definitely read the description; which is precisely how I know this thread isn’t necessary KEK?

No. 2143530

I don't care about criticism tbh, this thread is needed and other anons agree that the moderation is shit and needs to improve.

No. 2143531

I think you’re not understanding. Sure, a thread for complaints and suggestions is needed; however it already exists.

No. 2143532

I noticed that they stopped banning the racebaiters on /ot/ too. Not to mention how unpopular opinions is completely unmoderated and basically acts as dumbass shit thread part 2

No. 2143533

NTA but once again, if you think the moderation sucks that badly, then leave

No. 2143534

And anons do not use it because there is no point to it if the jannies don't even read it. This one isn't for jannies to read it's a vent thread.

No. 2143535

Kek please.

No. 2143537

We already have a vent thread too though? Do you think these posts wouldn’t fit in there, for some reason kek? Or the get it off your chest thread? Or, I don’t know, the actual complaints and suggestions thread? I’m seeing whinging about “mods not checking it” when that’s a blatant lie/cope.

No. 2143538

Hi farmhand

No. 2143539

>acts as dumbass shit thread
There is nothing wrong with that thread, stop fucking thinking it’s a cancer you’re so damn ignorant with that newfaggotry believing everything the mods say.

No. 2143540

I’ve applied to be a farmhand literally every single time they’ve been hiring and they’ve never once accepted me sadly. I really thoroughly believe the staff is 100% male (which is gross) but that doesn’t change the fact that if you don’t like this website then you should distance yourself from something you do not enjoy.

No. 2143541

They don’t understand this is a thing that’s made when the previous thread isn’t working. God we fucking know already there’s one in /meta/ if you can’t read this was created because people are fed up and to get attention. The people on this website are just so fucking retarded and eager to defend the farmhands with no foresight or intelligence

No. 2143542

It would be hiring if it were a job. You should never moderate any online place without getting compensated, you’re practically wasting your time and powerfagging along with that.

No. 2143543

The other thread does work perfectly fine, and it has for the years we’ve been using them kek.

No. 2143544

I remember when I was a newfag I would be sent into a fit of rage whenever I got ban that I thought was unjustified. Then I realized it’s not that deep and appealed when necessary. If the ban was unfair, my appeal was usually successful. Call me a bootlicker, idc. I’ve never been in a part of the lolcord and I don’t know the farmhands personally. But eventually you lean that sperging out doesn’t actually help your case, and it doesn’t add anything of value to the board.

No. 2143547

Kek at the janny bootlicker itt, if not actual jannies.

No. 2143548

And it’s also so easy to ban evade kek. Just turn your wifi off before you hit post and then turn it back on after you make the post. Problem solved!

No. 2143549

>reeee bootlicking!!!
its not really bootlicking to be annoyed at a /meta/ thread being shoved into /ot/ by obvious newfags

No. 2143550

The problem isn't just ban evading, the problem is that jannies are retarded and issue retarded bans and redtexts for no reason. And anons are fed up.(samefagging)

No. 2143551

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No. 2143553

Bottomline, get over it. Anons and mods aren’t going to stroke your hair and pat your ass. If you’re not having fun then leave kek!

No. 2143555

The mod here makes sense to me, tbf.

No. 2143556

Does the janny know what samefagging means…?

No. 2143559

The problem is newfags. LC is their first and only image board after probably crawling in from some shit hole site like tumblr or reddit, where literal trannies delete and ban anything they disagree with.

Moderation on any image board is going to be bad because it's an anonymous image board. The only way to identify posters is by IP and IPs are easily changed. There's nothing much to be done about it because anonymity is an innate part of image boards.

No. 2143560

samefagging is when you either reply to yourself or make multiple posts back to back, i always referred to it as doubleposting but i could also be wrong kek

No. 2143563

The /w/ farmhand is the worst farmhand on the site, holy shit. If /w/ really needs that type of moderation, then get rid of the board and integrate the threads back to /snow/.

No. 2143564

Unless my tab is bugging then that anon wasn't replying to anyone

No. 2143566

Because the jannies pick whatever arbitrary "rule" to decide to ban anons, whether or not the rule actually applies. They ban based on mood and vibes.

No. 2143575

This thread was made by an anon having an autistic shitfit about her ban and rageposting about it in several threads on /ot/ and /meta/, as well as by abusing the reports system. She has also samefagged and doubleposted prolifically in this thread (almost half the posts are her). As this thread is primarily the result of one ban evading retard's personal vendetta, we are locking it, although we acknowledge there were other users genuinely posting in here as well.

If you want to vent about moderation, site culture, or anything else relating to the site itself, it should be done on /meta/. There is also the Retarded Bans Thread here on /ot/ for venting specifically about bans:

If you feel like you have been banned unfairly, please have more patience as you wait for the appeal to go through before going off the deep end.

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