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No. 2090915

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching
prev >>>/ot/2079804

No. 2090919

I win automatically because I'm on neither side.
So stop treating it like one.
Also why is Stan a tranny, you're going to make the Stanons angry

No. 2090922

No, it means you're hating from outside the club. Debatestacies and Argumentqueens are the heroines and protagonists of every unpopular opinions thread, while you are an NPC.

No. 2090923

stanstacies we win
I watch this show with my girlfriend like every night he's not a tranny, he was magically turned into a woman in this episode.

No. 2090924

I think staniel should be the threadpic motif cause my unpopular opinion is that I would fuck him

No. 2090935

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Oh okay, that's reassuring. Stanons I wish you the very best in your endeavours

No. 2090972

I care about animals more than humans. I’d sacrifice numerous human lives to make the planet better for animals.

No. 2090980

Same, Nonnie. I think this every time I read threads talking about how incurably depraved moids are. Animals only do what they need to do to survive, they don’t harm others for fun and sexual gratification. Humans are a trash species.

No. 2090997

I don’t like black peoples movies because they’re traumatizing. I wish I could go back in time and never watch precious or the color purple.(bait)

No. 2090999

No. 2091000

I love the color purple, I legit see it as a movie of a woman coming out strong, creating hee own family and loving herself after a hellish existence. I also love the idea of a "ugly" woman and how she's treated, how she can find hee own happiness. I personally find precious to be trauma porn but I think the actress is a sweetie pie.

No. 2091004

Im not into anime or weeb shit, but I do find it interesting how women who sexualize their hobbies/make being a web their personality get hate for it or even get called a lolcow but when you point out that Megan is kinda doing the same thing it's
>no she's a weeb need for real!
>no she really loves it
>it's different
I watched a video that was based on a bunch of games she made and she was legit naked in it.

No. 2091011

While I almost fully agree with you, animals can be quite cruel to each other. There's necrophilic penguins and peguins who will randomly steal chicks to then get bored of and allow to starve to death, male dolphins kill babies and gangrape female dolphins, male otters will rape pups to death, chimpanzees kidnap female chimps from other territories and kill her babies, alpha meerkat will kill another colony member's babies and force her to be a wet nurse to the alpha's babies or be at risk of getting kicked out, etc. etc. Naturally animals should be placed on the same level of importance as humans or vice versa but believing they're these wholly harmless beings isn't great either. Not all animals are bad or act this way, but some do

No. 2091014

The issue with humans is we do fucked up shit and we know it’s wrong. Like scrotes know raping babies is wrong but they do it anyway.

No. 2091024

That's a very good point, you can't really compare it in that angle except dolphins, dolphins have advanced enough cognitive ability to be self aware and potentially have morals, but they're pretty important to the ecosystem so not much you can do

No. 2091042

The constant scrotefoiling is ruining this website for me. A bunch of a newfags keep clutching their pearls at every little thing you say or do it’s so fucking annoying

No. 2091059

Being ugly kind of good when you’re young and raised in poor areas. It definitely saved me from ending up a single mother because none of the scrotes liked me. All the cute girls from high school I know are fat single mothers and heir baby daddies are in jail. Being pretty is kind of not a good thing for young girls.

No. 2091068

I agree. Looks on women unironically don't matter, and can infact be detrimental.

No. 2091074

As do I nonnie

No. 2091095

If you get called a man that often then yeah, leave and don't come back.

No. 2091101

Only works if other uggy boys aren't looking to smash with who they can get. The most ugly/plain girls were the majority of who had teenage pregnancies because they needed that validation, a shame none of their moids stuck with them. I don't think I've ever seen a moid grow with the girl who he got pregnant as a teen though, pretty or not, so that would seem more like an exception and not a rule. Most teen moms are fated to be single due to guys abandoning their responsibilities and heavier due to hormones and weight gain from pregnancy. Great arguments against teens having babies.

No. 2091104

i grew up poor and this happened to many of the girls i went to high school with regardless of whether or not they were pretty. if you're cute you may have more scrotes pursuing you but moids also love going after young women who were raised in poverty and aren't conventionally attractive because their predatory brains view them as easy targets with low self esteem and few options. they also don't care if they get her pregnant because it either makes it easier for them to control her or they aren't planning on sticking around to deal with the consequences anyway

No. 2091105

I can get behind this opinion and I think it applied to me. In our current culture, we've raised girls in this weird situation where they are told to not have sex (understandably) but they are constantly bombarded by media messages and peer pressure that cool and sexy girls have sex and they're ugly little frozen prudes if they don't. And their boy peers have been consuming porn since eight so they're demanding and pressuring the girls constantly and meanwhile our patriarchal culture repeats the mantra that girls are stupid and should listen to men in their life and that a woman's only value is her sexuality.
But we also no longer have the culture where the parents are monitoring girls constantly and never allowing them to be alone with boys without some form of supervision, so it all ends up falling on these young girls to hold the line and say no to all this pressure from all directions. So I understand why some of them give in to sex and then end up pregnant.
So while being ugly and ostracized is its own bag of trauma, it definitely has its advantages.

No. 2091109

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The entitlement scrotes have to pretty women is staggering. With wishful thinking full of cope and gaslighting to make women insecure so she could potentially mate with them. It's honestly harder than them just ignoring your existence because they view women as a cost based trade off. I'm going off track but it's so funny when they call women complicated when in reality 99% of them just have the most beastly, lacking of emotional intelligence, homo-romantic mindset.

No. 2091172

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If you’re crypto you’re complicit.

I made a habit a few years ago of making my derision of porn-watching/pro sex-work moids (and women) known any time objectification was present. I would often call it prostitution-lite, that is disgusting and pathetic, that it’s destroying women and men’s relationships with women, etc. The response they always had to me was kind of surprised quietness. I can remember only one time that I got a weak push back, and he didn’t seem confident in his muh empowerment claim. Four times I have had to meet with a scrote I said this stuff to at a later date, and all four times they have said that my words changed their lives and their views and would start telling me all the shit they learned about prostitution and trafficking. One of them even said that my words stuck with him so much that he started to question other leftist stuff that never felt quite right to him, like trannyshit. I work in tech and I don’t even try hard to hide my views and I’ve never been fired, though I am a burger. So there’s no excuses to be crypto in the US, quit being so cowardly.

No. 2091179

Having some personal responsibility and principles would suffice. Don't have sex with a moid if you're not fine with him being the father of your children, simple as.
Inspirational if true.

No. 2091190

what kind of situation does this come up in? porn never really comes up when I talk to people especially at work. would love to know more details like what exactly you said to them that they felt so strongly about it they brought it up at a later date. you must have a good way of phrasing it.

No. 2091191

>Don't have sex with a moid if you're not fine with him being the father of your children, simple as.
I wish there were better ways to undo the actual grooming that libfems (most of whom are moids) inflicted on a generation of girls. It used to be common sense that PIV sex (or touching dick at all tbf) was only for after a moid has made a binding commitment to you and you're okay with the possibility of getting pregnant. Sexual liberation ruined at least two generations of women by pretending that you could decouple sex from consequences and that it's totes okay and liburatun' to get down with rando moids who have nothing to offer you.

No. 2091197

Most of them have been normal social situations, like friend circles or someone I was thinking about dating. I don’t bring up politics myself at work, but when other people do I plainly state my opinions at a high level. Usually men at work are like “huh, interesting” and it doesn’t go much past that because they probably realize how retarded it looks to argue with a woman about sexism politics at work kek. Twice I have had a closer working relationship with guys at work and gotten more into details about my views and one of them was pretty receptive, while the other one kinda disagreed (but he was anti-porn) and was a devils advocate old man who just liked arguing kek. Honestly I’ve met so many petty right leaning moids who have no problem making everyone uncomfortable with their political spergery who never get called out on it. If they’re retarded enough to fire you but not those types then let them. They will have to face affirmative action and answer why they have no female workers
It’s true and it really surprised me. I was so certain that men all know that porn is evil and do it anyway and just beat women into compliance. But it turns out that some of them are just plain old retards who never bother to question something if the majority is in favor of it, and all they needed to hear was one left-wing woman say her real opinion. It kinda gave me hope. And if men are capable of switching that easy, imagine how many women and girls would! Women are only hurting ourselves by not being honest.

No. 2091200

if you watch porn it should be pretty obvious the women are faking and don't actually enjoy it, more of those men are probably playing stupid or simply don't see women as human

No. 2091228

Acceptance of trannys as an actual thing probably radicalises narcissists who use it as proof they literally are smarter than everyone because how the fuck do people literally think you can be born in the wrong body. Stop being so fucking retarded. Kids growing up with authority problems aren't going to trust fucking anyone because this world is a fucking sideshow

No. 2091233

I agree. I am loud and proud from here on out. I don't care how people respond anymore. Good riddance if you're not on board.

No. 2091244

divorce and suicide should both be way less stigmatized and taboo as general topics. No one should be judged or looked down on for leaving a fucking relationship. And if someone really wants out of this life then let them. Life is hard, not everyone can take it and that should be accepted. When I hear about a moid commiting suicide especially, I don't feel sad. I think, he probably did the world a favor, there's probably some valid reason he can't live with himself.
I don't get why with both of these things there is still always so much push to "make it work." Save the marriage or make the person not want to die. But why. Who cares

No. 2091247

It's not that I disagree but I just want to say that for most people it's still fairly common sense and people back in the day had no better sense than now in this regard. There were enough girls getting pregnant out of wedlock they had homes they'd get sent for the duration of the pregnancy and to give birth (I know in some cases this was also due to abuse/incest, but that's also not untrue for girls and women getting pregnant nowadays either) and come back as though nothing happened.

No. 2091248

Agreed. Thinking of all the men I've known who have offed themselves, they were all abusive and terrorized the women in their lives. Sure, they were in pain, but also until they killed themselves they were making it everyone else's problem.

No. 2091250

The way people react to suicide is wild to me. I've told 2 moids I wanted to die at some point in my life (due to physical illness) and they both acted like I had said something bad. One got angry and the other said I couldn't tell that to people. So are people just supposed to shut up and kill themselves, so you can later feel bad and wish they had told you they were feeling sad?? I don't get it.

No. 2091284

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After a certain age women need to just stop trying to be skinny because it just gives skeletor

No. 2091293

she looks lovely anon, u crazy

No. 2091294

why do you care that much though? she looks happy

No. 2091301

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Her whole brand is selling diet food and she looks like shit now

No. 2091303

Looks better than being fat. She's probably a bit underweight tho, not just skinny.

No. 2091304

Is that the same woman? She looks better and younger in the picture with the guy.

No. 2091307

oh, didn't know she's a diet shill. thanks nonna

No. 2091308

There’s an in between being fat and skinny. When they’re trying to be 94-100 lbs like when they were 16, instead of looking 45 they end up look like fragile 84 year olds.

No. 2091316

Yeah she sells diet books and alcohol

No. 2091322

>There’s an in between being fat and skinny.
Sure but the majority of 50+ women is fat, hence why I said that specifically.

No. 2091326

They look like shit being fat and super skinny. Young women can get away with being underweight a little because their face still has more fat in it. Being slightly overweight is probably better than being underweight in older age because they live longer.

No. 2091329

I unironically love looking like a scarecrow (no anachan).

No. 2091340

agree. I feel like the skeletor look only gets praised by people who are so accustomed to obesity that any kind of thinness seems rare and inherently desirable. You never see people praising anachand with jutting bones and withered skin in thin countries.

No. 2091345

I don’t see anything wrong with it, It’s her body not mine yours kek

No. 2091351

When I lived in Japan thin girls were common but there’s definitely a difference between being thin and looking like a 70 year old with osteoporosis

No. 2091448

The worshipping of medical/academic professionals as some sort of all-seeing geniuses who you cannot question because they went to school and memorized the points of 30 year old academic papers written by proto boomers goes against the scientific method and only hurts our trajectory of improving medicine.

I've been so very fucked over by doctors who did not have the time nor patience to listen and consider my ideas (that ended up helping a lot) and pushed prescriptions onto me. They are literally backwards facing yet want to throw out the word "scientific". I now consider 99% of medical professionals just pharmaceutical frontline sales. (Reminder that the average doctor in the US took about 2 credit hours of dietetics- even though food is your compulsory daily medicine. They are fucking clueless).

No. 2091454

Same as korea and china, they're very short and have small bone structure so even the slightest gain shows very much on them. This leads to kinda squat/chubby proportions at the medium to upper limit of normal healthy weight. Hence they get super immersed in ED life because it's the only way to make your legs and arms look longer.

No. 2091457

Howard sterns show was funny in the 90s

No. 2091471

She looks good for her age and it's way better than being fat. Stop picking on grandma

No. 2091477

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No she doesn’t look good for her age. She looks elderly and she’s only 53. Pic related is the same age. Pic related is a decade older and looks younger because she’s not a bag of bones.

No. 2091506


Yeah, she looks scary thin to me
I feel like calling her a grandma when she's not even 60 is not helping her at all lol. She clearly doesn't look that great if she looks grandma aged to you in her 50s.

No. 2091563

What value do these things provide? Why do we keep them alive? Kekk, this is unbelievably cruel.

No. 2091568

I don’t buy it that vamping is harmless. Yeah it’s better than cigarettes but everyone I know who vapes still can’t breathe after a 30 second jog.

No. 2091569

Angela doesn’t necessarily look younger she just looks her age

No. 2091571

then they’re probably lazy people who don’t exercise very much to begin with

No. 2091576

cause they’re pretty chill

No. 2091580

It isn't. It also makes my lung feel 1000x worse than smoking cigarettes, every time I smoke I get popcorn lung but I had pretty minimal coughing with cigs.

No. 2091637

I'm perfectly fine with paying more money to play video games on console as opposed to dealing with computer BS.
Any time I say this around men they lose their shit about how I should be pirating everything and getting the very bestest experience and I'm kinda just over it. I want to plug a console in and play a fucking game. Even when I tried playing games on steam something always caused technical difficulties and it's just not worth it.

I think the way scrotes feel entitled to "experience" every video game that ever existed without paying for anything is disgusting.

No. 2091661

i love lesbian stan threadpic kek

No. 2091666

Holy fuck I just realized this is another American Dad threadpic.

No. 2091669

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I don’t get why people think elle is the attractive fanning sister, or why people think kylie is the ugly Jenner. There’s a weird obsession with hating round faces and instead preferring the pinched tiny face look.

No. 2091729

there was a lolcow meetup and no one invited me? rude

No. 2091755

No. 2091757

no they’re not

No. 2091759

From ANY positive trait you maybe could say, "chill" isn't really convincing. Given the fact you can't even film 1 min of video without random screeching in the background.

No. 2091774

Honestly that video is sad in some respects but what can you actively do? Do we kill people? Fair play to all those that work and help those people I'm sure it's an extremely difficult job but I think anyone who watches that and immediately thinks those people should be put down are also not mentally sound. The narcissist in me believes I could get down to each of their level and effectively communicate but I haven't a clue I'm just a person that feels bad and there were a couple of old ones going to the party and they seemed happy so if we all get one shot at life only why take away that happiness from them, they're already here and aren't doing wrong.

No. 2091777

She also looks like a grandma except fat and full of botox

No. 2091786

Imagine policing what women in their 50s look like. Go back to making dinner for your husband

No. 2091788

Some of them look happy, but to be honest, they really freak me out. Severely mentally disabled people make my skin crawl. I don't hate them or think they should die at all, but for some reason they make me uncomfortable. I'm grateful that I'm mentally competent enough to be self sufficient.

No. 2091802

They make you uncomfortable because you can't read them as well as other people
Just think of the many weird grudges humans hold just for people that are socially awkward. It's your brain not computing and maybe mistaking them for hostile.

My dad's got MS and I hate when people even just recoil at a wheelchair with a perfectly sound looking person sitting in it. I feel hostile towards those types of people and have had to stop myself from making a scene to snobby looking people. You don't always get born with a disability imagine losing function of a body you once had full control of then some cunts give you stink face over it

No. 2091815

>What value do these things provide?
If we start putting monetary value on humans to that extend, that doesn't bode well for the rest of us either. What would come after severely handicapped people? Demented elderly people who are a burden on the health care system? Chronically ill people who can't work?

No. 2091819

The one person who keeps shrieking almost gave me a fucking heart attack

No. 2091826

What value does a cunt like taylor swift add with her private jet raping the planet of resources?

No. 2091849

I think a woman going topless is inherently less sexual than a woman showing cleavage or even wearing a bikini top and I kinda wish it was socially acceptable for a woman to go topless if moids weren’t weirdos

No. 2091883

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I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you but this just reminded me how ugly some bikini designs look like. I always found these kinds of bottoms to be weird looking. Looks like a wedgie.

No. 2091916

I agree with you I always liked Dakota. I loved The runaways. Or whatever it was called, the movie she did with Kristen Stewart actually think I need to watch it again. And Kylie looks fine to me, I mean too much surgery but she’s not ugly.

No. 2092055

My dad grew up in Congo and he told me before it got overly influenced by western culture it was normal for women to walk around topless and this must have been in the late 60s-early 70s. A lot of cultures never sexualised breasts the way it has been right now and it's primarily a result of evangelical christianity that infected Europe and spread throughout the world. This is a very long winded way to say i agree lmao.

No. 2092060

Thong bikini bottoms have to be one of the worst trends in women's fashion ever. Ass, no ass, even a shapely ass looks horrible in these. Plus they look super uncomfortable and very unsexy. It's just a way for fast fashion companies to cut corners by selling us a rectangle of fabric on some string that does nothing to flatter the female form.

No. 2092104

Only fatties are offended by these types of clothing.

No. 2092106

Did anyone else think this thread pic was a gif? I swear I saw it move

No. 2092108

Honey there can be so much wrong with an ass aside from being fat.

No. 2092113


No. 2092115

NTA but I think it looks worse on skinny women.

No. 2092117

Everyone seems nice except for the screeching one, I hope they had a nice day sharing their chocolates together

No. 2092118

100% agreed

No. 2092164

I don't really feel the same sentiments. At least these people can probably wipe their own asses, have passions and interests and experience actual joy brought by having autonomy despite their deficits. I say this because i have a brother who has lived his whole life severely paralysed and cannot do a single thing on his own. he can't talk, he will die without medication or a caretaker. That's why i don't really have an issue with such people having getting handouts and being allowed to live. At least they can be happy. There's a lot worse means to live than simply being mentally disabled like a lot of these people. The only reason why such facilities even exist is because of how modern society is structured away from farming/hunting/foraging, i believe that a lot of those people probably would have done better then because nobody would give a shit if you're a little retarded in such an environment. That's why autism and adhd is a huge deal now whereas back in those times people would have been more willing to ignore it and worked around it. Fitting a certain mold socially wouldn't have mattered as much.

I've seen multiple youtubers with this issue, it's horrific. I'm honestly quite scared of doctors, surgeons in particular because there's a lot of psychos who manage to ace medical school and will abuse their positions to purposely hurt people or get a kick out of having control over people's lives. I tend to find that nurses who do this tends to get over reported because a lot of people look down on nurses in comparison to doctors who are treated like gods. I have gained a lot of sympathy for a lot of people who turn to alternative medicines in recent years because of how fucked up egotistical and demonic doctors are, i hate how such people are made fun of with little to understand that their paranoias are valid.

No. 2092171

I hate doctors with all of my heart. I was violently raped by someone who went on to get his MD and a friend of mine was molested very young, as a baby/toddler, by a heart surgeon who threatened to sue her family into oblivion when she told her parents. I don't believe in alternative medicine and think healthcare is a necessity, but I try to see only female doctors whenever possible.

No. 2092179

that's what i'm saying

No. 2092321

i think you have to be mildly perverted to be an ER doctor or a usrgeon

No. 2092326

ER doctors just all have that weird like hero complex/fantasy thing of someone screaming on a plane 'we need a doctor someone's dying over here!' and being like 'me I am a doctor!' I am not kidding this is objective fact.

No. 2092327

ER doctors love cutting all your clothes and underwear off of you and groping you while youre sedated

No. 2092329

Probably that too but most of them are just narcs.

No. 2092333

Men who work in the morgue section of a hospital too. I swear at least 70% of them only work there to get off, while 20% are just morbid weirdos and 10% are doing research. Funnily enough I rarely get that slimy gut feeling with male embalmers or coroners or pathologists (although I don't doubt that they grope corpses and there's a lot of cases regarding that)

No. 2092347

When I was septic and out of it, I remember a male icu doctor strangely rubbing my back down to my bottom, idk if he was trying to comfort me or if he just wanted to cop a feel lmao

No. 2092351

>nobody would give a shit if you’re a little retarded
They would die because they would have to exercise some form of independence and they’re parasites living off of other people’s compassion and virtue signaling. I wish they would be culled honestly, disgusting sight to behold making shitty genetics proliferate on this planet.

No. 2092354

I think this is a little harsh and I don't agree with your general sentiment (of wanting genuinely mentally retarded people culled) but I think you're correct about the hunter-gatherer societies. In fact I'm pretty sure mental retardation was disappearingly rare in children from these societies and even if someone with such a severe disability was born they would likely not live past infancy. Hopefully they won't be passing on shitty genetics since most of these people don't become parents.

No. 2092376

Omg four Stan thread pics, we are livin la vida loca ladies

No. 2092431

I love it when mentally ill people hate on mentally disabled people.

Like yas bpd schizo queen euthanize that down syndrome bitch.

No. 2092484

my unpopular opinion is that I hate mermaid style dresses

No. 2092493

>so how do I stay so thin

kek at all of the people here acting like she's totally normal. Eating disorder + cocaine. Come on, people

No. 2092497

Unpopular opinion: I hate american dad

No. 2092508

Oh nonny be realistic

No. 2092669

That's not how opinions work.

No. 2092758

I don’t care what kind of crap pads hae in them, I’m still going to wear them lol. This is also being spread around by pro-makeup wearing retards who don’t understand most of those products are toxic for them as well. They’re all about making choices until they realize you can’t always make a choice about what’s being marketed and bought by women. I’m tired of these fucking retarded stupid bitch ass libfems acting surprised about it

No. 2092773

Imo screeching about how all disabled people are parasites who needs to be culled or w/e puts you in the same area of mental illness as the animal hate thread posters and (the worst of) r/childfree.

No. 2092783

Why do people get so offended that people don't want dogs (cough pitbulls) attacking and killing children and old ladies and other dogs/cats? Imo it is a lot more 'mentally ill' to want mentally disabled human beings 'culled' than to dislike that people keep animals in cities that attack and kill people and other animals constantly.

No. 2092788

Disabled people shouldn't breed, or if your husband has a condition that'll increase the chance of deformities or mental illness you shouldn't breed.

No. 2092790

That's a completely different discussion.

No. 2092793

I always wonder how little those people contribute to feel so threatened by cripples just living their lives.
Screen people for recessive genetic disorders first. Plenty of healthy people making tay-sachs babies but nobody comes after them.

No. 2092796

File: 1721136992993.jpg (131.72 KB, 2388x1348, 0fh95te3v9r91.jpg)

No. 2092797

>Plenty of healthy people making tay-sachs babies
The point is to eliminate the disabled from ever being born, so yeah, that should absolutely be done and if they have it, they should be sterilized.

No. 2092800

Agreed. We need selective breeding of healthy, beautiful people. We’ve let dysgenic reproduction run rampant to appease scrotes who wants babies they won’t even take care of and ditch. We need to be like those African village women who choose the beautiful scrotes who show genes of childrearing and submissiveness, not roidpig rape apes with caveman hair and receding hairlines during their early 20s

No. 2092801

Just let them die then.
Did you break your back making such a mental gymnastic leap like retard? Kek

No. 2092803

Plus, a lot of people with disabilities weren't born like that. Should we just throw them away the moment they're done being useful cogs in the machine? If the people advocating for their euthanasia suddenly got sick/into an accident and became crippled themselves, would they hold themselves to the same standards or would they suddenly have a "change of heart" and argue that their case is totally different because of Reasons? They like to accuse everyone else of being bleeding hearts but they just run on blind emotion because they can't handle differences kek

No. 2092805

Nonna tay-sachs is completely fatal before age five. Only healthy-seeming adults who carry a recessive gene for the disorder can make tay-sachs babies. The problem is that most communities don't test for it along with other serious genetic disorders that are recessive. The majority of adults go their whole lives without knowing they have these genes and don't know such disorders exist until they get together with another adult who has the same recessive genes and they have a sick baby. If you want to limit the number of disabled children born, you have to screen healthy adults before they're able to reproduce.

No. 2092806

Most of those people are very gung-ho about how they'll kill themselves if they ever become disabled, but then you find those folks five years after a serious car accident and they're still kicking around for some strange reason. I wonder why?

No. 2092809

The more annoying version of moids who insist they would spinkick a mugger and then fold immediately when they get robbed by a crackhead kek

No. 2092810

Ugly women should be able to get plastic surgery for free. If trannys can get plastic surgery for free we should too.

No. 2092812

Ngl I think it's legit cruel that medically deformed people usually don't get surgery for free

No. 2092814

True, if troons uglyness gives them gender dysphoria, how is mine for being ugly any less valid

No. 2092819

There are plenty of things that modern societies consider immoral that were done in hunter-gatherer societies, I don't know why the fact old or sick people were left to die in hunter-gatherer societies means we need to do it now we have civilization.

No. 2092824

File: 1721138467874.png (Spoiler Image,718.36 KB, 646x413, burial9vietnam.PNG)

>I don't know why the fact old or sick people were left to die in hunter-gatherer societies means we need to do it now
The hilarious thing is that old people were often not left to die in hunter-gatherer societies. Multiple skeletal remains have been found where obvious disabilities and injuries were present, but bone growth showed that people continued to live through these disabilities, even ones that would have rendered them unable to care for themselves and require assistance from others. Leaving our sick to die does not appear to be natural human behavior going by prehistoric remains:
>The people who took care of Burial 9, for example, scratched out a precarious existence using stone tools to fish and raise pigs in prehistoric Vietnam. Signs of malnutrition in the bones of people buried nearby suggested famine was a constant threat. "In a small society which was very stressed, that means somebody who couldn't contribute or go out hunting or undertake a lot of tasks was supported, accommodated, and adjusted to," Tilley says. "That tells us people mattered. They were valued."

No. 2092835

I don’t care. People are extremely afraid of healthy, attractive, tall, beautiful and intelligent citizens. You’re defending those mutants for a weird reason that I just don’t care about, empathy doesn’t bring results or make things better it’s basically pooling a bunch of these ugly tax-sucking creatures away from natural selection. They would have died without modernization, they are deadweights.

No. 2092839

Bitter because many people don’t want to be around disgusting mutts and children who haven’t been cared for by their parents which turns them into insufferable brats. People pathologize normal reactions to ugliness, filth, dysfunction because just like a nonna said there’s selfish benefits to keeping these subhumans and mutts alive. Everybody keeps quiet about their real feelings about disabled people because it’s the same thing when you can’t speak out about trannies and gendies.
>what about those who become disabled?
They want you sickened, fat, crippled, retarded (like a farmhand), they can get a two for one if they can continue to churn out cripples and artificially create them by the inhumane work culture.

No. 2092843

I hate people like you. You aspire to nothing and don’t want anything to be better. You have the motivation and goals of a fatty sipping Cola and eating a burger. Modern society is about appealing to the lowest common denominator and if you dislike it it’s suddenly a pathology or mental illness to not want trannies, cripples, and filthy scrotes around you.
>”as long as they aren’t hurting you!!!”
This is why social infrastructures have gone to shit, it’s all individual and personal now kek

No. 2092846

you're trying too hard nonners. right now you sound like a high school moid who just discovered Nietzsche.

No. 2092847

>I don’t care.
Come on, you could aleast try and answer the question.

No. 2092851

Most people hate the mentally retarded not out of disgust but out of an intense seething envy. I don't blame them as the average mentally retarded person feels more happiness, faces less stress and is more content with their lives than all of the users of lolcow.farm combined.

No. 2092853

I don’t care about Nietzsche either, the truth is the truth and anybody can observe how useless and borderline gross it is to keep them alive. It says everything about you and not the people who hate them and hate being around them, hate being born normal where your sibling has a broken brain and wouldn’t be able to survive it wasn’t for industrialization. They are parasites, end of story.
Nope because they’re bad questions meant to trap and derail you from the main point. It had nothing to do with normal people becoming crippled from work but you made it like that. You know exactly what I’m talking about

No. 2092854

You can just say "I can't answer the question" instead of that tail-chasing excuse.

No. 2092855

We get it damn, you’re mentally retarded and crippled bound to a wheelchair and entertaining a discord/4chan moids to pay your medical bills. That’s not something to brag about or something you should announce on an imageboard though

No. 2092856

The status quo of women feeling like shit about themselves in a social value heirarchy must be maintained. That's why they will never give you reasonable or free access to surgery to improve your standing.

Trannies got it and we didn't because their movement has grassroots funding and campaigning by rich men who want additional holes to fuck but need to change them to such an extent in order to forget that they are fucking other men.

No. 2092858

You already know what needs to be done if you don’t want people to be disabled and crippled from arduous labor. Same solution with disabled and dysgenic mutants walking around making society more inefficient. Those very people or cabal are the same ones who benefit from disabled people being born and pampered, connect the dots nonna it’s not hard

No. 2092861

>thinks the Nietzsche part was literal
Self-hating retard who thinks she's better than cripples confirmed.

No. 2092864

>me when I can’t read for shit and didn’t comprehend the part
I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NIETZSCHE. How in the fuck did you retards pass college? That must have been an impossible feat

No. 2092866

>thinks passing college makes someone any less of a retard

No. 2092867

If you can’t read or can’t even comprehend the words you’re reading you can’t pass college, let alone even fucking make important voting decisions… starting to figure out this was a mistake for

No. 2092871

File: 1721141212220.jpg (109.84 KB, 1000x1000, f.jpg)

No, no. Let me explain before you rage out on me with that colorful insight to your own life. I believe in a sense that mentally retarded people live on a higher plane of existence than us normies. Retards are closer to God than anyone else. They're happier than anyone else. They have reached a biological nirvana of pure instinct and a lack of nuanced attachment to the world that bogs the average person down. I genuinely believe that most of the seethe directed at the mentally retarded comes from a place of instinctual envy over this. I don't blame anyone for feeling it, hell I used to feel it too at times. Anytime someone pulls some edgelord "ooh the genepool oooh they're icky" I see it as pure unironic cope. Imagine, for a moment, you're a retard and I mean a real retard. You would not give a single shit about 85%-95% of the shit that makes most people want to fucking kill themselves and depresses them. Do you think the average retard thinks about the pains of modern day-to-day life in this society? Fuck no. The retard doesn't even know what the hell that is. The average retard's life is simplistic and straightforward, thus happier. The retard doesn't busy themself with trivial matters like society. No. What the retard cares about is finishing their shift at Goodwill and then going home to watch Spongebob which will instantly make their day. The average retard does not need much to be happy compared to us normies and for that, I envy them.

No. 2092874

I mean apparently you can't read because you're reeing about disabled people dying en masse pre-industrial revolution when >>2092824 already showed archeological evidence that proves such people were cared for by their community. But by all means, keep going off like an edgy tween moid.

No. 2092876

Kek I still fucking hate disabled people but this made me laugh. Thanks anon!

No. 2092879

>lack of aura posting
couldn’t be me. also don’t care that people in the past made the same mistakes we keep making, that proves nothing to me

No. 2092883

I'm glad I made you laugh, but I genuinely hope for the worse in your future endeavors.

No. 2092887

This feels personal, are you disabled?

No. 2092889

You seem disabled. You wouldn't be included in the "to keep" group if it came down to it.

No. 2092894

Nope. Just sick and tired of them

No. 2092898

Who told the middle school boys about this website?

No. 2092899

No, I just have no respect for someone who asserts me as a retarded e-whore prostitute who panders to moids. That's genuinely sickening to imagine. Gross.

No. 2092907

Let me guess, they're cupfags right?
You know I tried menstrual cups but it wasn't for me. It's messy as hell and I bleed heavily for the first 2-3 days that it fills up too quickly. I can't just go to the restroom every 2 hours to empty it since I have a job where I'm on my feet all day long.

I say you wear what you want to wear, anon. If it keeps you feeling clean/secure with your period

No. 2092949

File: 1721148787743.jpeg (261.94 KB, 1290x846, IMG_6401.jpeg)

Thin eyebrows look better than thick ones (as long as they’re not weirdly shaped)

No. 2092953

I think drag queens are less offensive than troons. Drag queens mock gender roles, whereas troons embrace them with open arms

No. 2092958

This doesn apply to me, i have naturally thick eyebrows and i look ugly with thin eyebrows, it makes me look like i have a massive brow ridge because you can tell where the eyebrow was supposed to be.

No. 2092959

Drag queen to troon pipeline is very prominate for hsts though. Not all drag queen seek to mock gender roles, a lot of them are purposely trying to look as womanly as possible.

No. 2092963

File: 1721149641512.jpg (283.74 KB, 2048x1536, 1000005287.jpg)

Furbies aren't creepy. I agree they're not very cute but they're not SCARY, idk what everyone is talking about.

No. 2092966

File: 1721149690181.jpeg (1000.55 KB, 1250x830, IMG_6404.jpeg)

I believe you since it’s different for everyone but I feel like on average most women look a little better with thinner brows

No. 2092967

i have a memory of my sisters furby somehow knowing to scream out
> ahhhh!!! monster!!!!!
when my dad started yelling at my sister one time kekk

No. 2092970

Picrel is cute and perfect but the new ones are soulles and disgusting

No. 2092972

File: 1721149875923.jpeg (155.91 KB, 545x247, IMG_1758.jpeg)

Nooooo, not your respect being lost on me noooo!!!!

No. 2092974

>retards live on a higher plane of existence
I’m a retard and no we don’t. Having a seizure everytime I get scared is definitely not living on a higher plane of existence

No. 2092976

Worse, it’s probably the tamponfags as well which is equally just as worse and messy as wearing a tampon. Yup menstrual cups are inconvenient for the working woman while pads you just take off, dispose, and place another one and this takes seconds to do. I honestly feel like other women are completely out of depth when it comes to understanding their own periods and the amount of blood flow that comes out. If they’re so concerned about toxins in their pads why don’t they boycott makeup and skincare? Kek

No. 2092980

File: 1721150404617.jpg (39.36 KB, 338x450, 1000005288.jpg)

Samefag, I don't think picrel is creepy either, it's just a ragdoll. I remember seeing these advertised when I was a kid and kinda wanting one.
Jesus, I googled them and you're right, what a huge downgrade.

No. 2092995

File: 1721151031414.jpg (143.52 KB, 1054x1500, Suzette_La_Sweet_2021.jpg)

I had this one as a kid.

No. 2093001

That one is my favorite.

No. 2093006

when I was in school I had to observe a day in the OR. The thing that stuck with me the most was the way the doctors and nurses and ER staff talked about the person on the table. Just no dignity, making fun of them, talking shit, like they weren’t a human being just a body. It’s so unnatural. Making someone unconscious and cutting up their body parts is wild.

No. 2093007

ntayrt but the operating theatre has always been so fucking unnatural to me too, even though it’s for students and stuff I still just think it’s a little invasive

No. 2093024

If you go on certain subreddits for doctors, nps, nurses you will read some horrid shit about the way they talk about and treat patients. I remember a discussion about how it's legal for hospitals to perform pap exams on unconscious women without their consent as "practice" (sometimes several on the same women) and all the med students were defending it being all "how else will we get experience there aren't enough volunteers/patients need to deal with it". They don't see us as people. Also why I'm not an organ donor, once I'm in the hospital I'm just a body and I don't trust those sharks to decide my fate especially if they are thinking Joe down the hall needs my heart more than I do. Fuck that I die with EVERYTHING INSIDE OF ME

No. 2093033

my mom is a nurse and every single story she tells me makes me not want to be pregnant or be in a hospital. i also highly regret putting myself as an organ donor on my id kek

No. 2093034

I'm in nursing and some people do talk about patients but not all of them. I get why some do it because some people are really rude but most people keep it to themselves. We talk more shit about each other.

No. 2093041

If you regret it you should just take it off, the process isn't that hard depending on your state. You used to have to fax in a form in my state now you can just do it online. You never know what tomorrow will bring

No. 2093042

I wish black media was more balanced. There were more comedies, romances and non-slavery dramas back in the 1990s. It’s like millennial filmmakers have forgotten other categories I

No. 2093044

Check out Nigerian movies. Even Tubi movies can be a fun watch.

No. 2093064

File: 1721154772947.png (1.26 MB, 808x1045, p grier .png)

there are a lot of fun movies from the Blaxploitation era kek

No. 2093074

Doctors deserve more scrutiny

No. 2093083

I hope this thread keeps moving a little slow so that we have Lady Stan as long as possible kek

No. 2093092

A drooling tard with no self-awareness will never experience love, see beauty or create art. There are no avenues for it to explore, nothing which makes life worth living, only the inescapable state of being a burden that it doesn't even realize. You can't be serious when you describe this as an enviable existence.

No. 2093096

gonna get called a tradthot but submissive men and/or men in retarded stripper costumes are ugly, gross, and not arousing, and I don't want to see the newest tiktok husbando in 20 different variations of a bunny suit and fishnets

No. 2093103

No. 2093109

>I genuinely believe that most of the seethe directed at the mentally retarded comes from a place of instinctual envy over this.
that is retarded.
you're retarded.

No. 2093119

Certain celebrities are simply not attractive, and every time mainstream media tried to push them as good-looking, it was an act of gaslighting. Orlando Bloom and Jennifer Lawrence come to mind.

No. 2093129

File: 1721158304710.gif (1.59 MB, 420x451, download.gif)

american dad is like family guy for women

No. 2093130

it's the legolas effect. people thought orlando bloom looked good bc he was passable when he was all dolled up with long hair in lotr. take the wig off and the illusion disspates

No. 2093132

There are no good animes.

No. 2093133

Since there's literally no such then as a chick with a dick and it's literally men with tits I think it's extremely sexist that y chromosome havers can get boob jobs on the NHS and I can't. Maybe I'll experience gender euphoria with a boob augmentation I'm sure I could pull enough evidence out of my ass too to make it as credible as the trans argument

No. 2093139

Why do you say so?

No. 2093144

For real kek, my husband says family guy is funny for dumb people and american dad is funny for smart people

No. 2093146

I don't see how you need to be smart to think of american dad as funny

No. 2093149

your husband doesn't sound very smart

No. 2093162

you could raise awareness for this brave endeavour by doing the sun/lorraine/the daily mirror circuit. I believe in you, nonna!

No. 2093163

Dude yes. I once thought I had a crush on Orlando Bloom because I thought Legolas was so hot when I was young, and then after seeing regular ol Orlando Bloom without the long blonde hair and not dressed as an elf I was like “oh nevermind I guess”

No. 2093166

I don’t know anon, I’m ugly and I was teased for my appearance and it just made me desperate and kind of a slut

No. 2093169

Black don’t crack you’re cheating nona anyways Bethany frankel has always been emancipated and scary looking she’s always looked like shit imo,

No. 2093176

Same, I got in to multiple abusive relationships because I thought I wouldn't get or deserve anything better because I was ugly. It's so disingenuous to pretend being ugly is a blessing somehow when the only thing that gives value to a woman in many peoples eyes is how pretty she is and "worthless" women get treated as such.

No. 2093187

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a terrible movie. Despite its visuals, the story is bland and Jack's motivations to do things like kidnap Santa Claus make no sense. It also has more forgettable songs than memorable ones. Shitty overrated style over substance film.

No. 2093189

Does he also watch Rick & Morty?

No. 2093211

Why does anytime an anon mentions their husband doing or saying something it's always something stupid or wrong?

No. 2093212

Coraline, ParaNorman and Corpse Bride >>>>>> The Nightmare Before Christmas.

No. 2093215

Legolas' dad was also hot when he was dolled up in elf cosplay.

No. 2093220

Who cares about what a moid says or thinks? Damn, I hate when anons bring up their retarded pets unprompted

No. 2093284

nah, the big dark eyebrows looked retarded with the blonde hair.

No. 2093292

i think it’s cute when babies scream in a fun way kek

No. 2093311

No that’s for literal retards, miles worse than family guy and the cleveland show combined kek
Is there a reason why you’re so triggered by another anon having a partner?

No. 2093312

I don’t think he meant that like american dad is for intellectuals or some shit like that just that even though the jokes are easy for everyone to laugh at many of them are more layered than they sound. Sorry. I probably should’ve just said that on its own I didn’t think I’d hurt anyones feelings…

No. 2093315

You didn't do anything wrong anon, you're just surrounded by lonely freaks.

No. 2093316

>my husb-
OP’s post was a little dumb but cmon guys kek

No. 2093320

what about aqua teen hunger force?

No. 2093324

funny for high people

No. 2093334

Aqua teen hunger force rules, I will stand by this

No. 2093338

I’ve never seen it before kek I don’t think he has either

No. 2093359

number 1 in the hood G
Hmm, well, I don't know if he could like it based on his reaction to Family Guy. Its sense of humour is retarded and weird, but that's where the appeal comes from. One of the funniest episodes is about a dog raping a guy. 

No. 2093644

I get the r/childfree people.

No. 2093645

>my husband
gross as fuck, I hope your husband dies in a car accident and you get his insurance money(a-logging)

No. 2093646

Girls who pander to 4chan types deserve every bad thing that those men do to them. They don't give a shit that those men abuse girls, they just care because it happened to them and hurt their feelings.

No. 2093647

It’s hilarious, they open their legs wide to take dick from these kinds of monsters. Trash meets trash ig

No. 2093652

seriously, kek. the characters are just much funnier too. I don't know why, there's just something very bland about family guy that isn't there for american dad

No. 2093657

Jesús christo anon

No. 2093661

Agreed, kind of a blogpost but I remember this one girl, she was terrible. I was talking to her sister and apparently she had been laughing at real child porn with some moid. I was so disgusted. I feel no sympathy for women who pander to moids like that, i dont care if they have BPD or some shit because they always hurt innocent women for their moid. I will bully them into oblivion

No. 2093668

File: 1721187752906.gif (578.93 KB, 200x113, IMG_1775.gif)

there’s a rudefem in every woman

No. 2093671

does being heterosexual make a woman trash now nonnie? everyday users on this site come up with new reasons to distance themselves from other women

No. 2093675

no I don’t blame the disabled for being born disabled, it’s a deficiency born into every woman but it is always some slobbering, lowly pathetic man these anons keep around them like pets. it also disgusts me she listens and actually remembers the stupid shit her husband says and even finds it endearing but probably never even listens to any woman ever, i have no sympathy for those who marry scrotes(take your meds)

No. 2093708

no one's stopping you from liking men but tying yourself to one in marriage is suicidally stupid.
also what's with all the normos here crying about how anons are mean to them for being het and married? there's got to be a thousand websites out there where you can get validation for your nigelblogging.
you're not being repressed because some neets made fun of your nigel on a manchurian carpet-weaving forum.

No. 2093717

but why does a one off post about an anon mentioning something funny her nigel said entice this reaction

No. 2093728

i wonder if gay men on 4chan sound like this too

No. 2093729

Those anons are straight and hate themselves so they're taking it out on other anons kek. Everyone is so uppity and holier-than-thou on this site now.

No. 2093732

Lolcow makes me homophobic

No. 2093733

Don’t worry nonna they might just be in bad moods kek

No. 2093734

Nta but there's thousands of posts of anons discussing what moids say and think. There's like at least 50 posts a day talking about what moids say or think. It's probably 75% of what anons even talk about these days.

No. 2093743

I wish people would remember that talking about how much you hate moids and sperging at women dating moids is still living with moids rent free in your head.

No. 2093752

you reminded me of the annoying faggots that keep derailing every art thread whining about how nobody is drawing sexy bishies and how female artists who don't draw bishies are whore failure pickmes like shut the fuck up and learn to draw then! or just enjoy the art and stop sperging about men when they're not even the topic! this blackpill spergery is starting to sound more like womanhate/moids trolling.

No. 2093755

>rent free in her own house

No. 2093758

kek anon

No. 2093759

Sorry nonnas don't like your fat/ugly/old "cuntboy" art.

No. 2093760

>Corpse Bride
He didn't get with the dead chick, so it's shit to me

No. 2093771

what a bizarre reach. thankfully you don't have to be literate to do master studies, good luck nonny!

No. 2093829

Both love interests deserve better than that retard Victor/not fat and ugly Johnny Depp. I wish Victor died but the corpse lady still went to heaven so he wouldn't have to waste the air or space around either woman.

No. 2093906

Straight women could be happy in relationships if they would just accept men don’t think like them. Most of womens issues with males.,Stems from the fact that they can’t accept that men think differently. For example I was on the topic of teenage boys are not scarred by having sex with older women and men do not care about you doing sweet gestures for them on two separate occasions, these women just really refused to accept how men think in these situations and just flat out ignore what they’re saying. Women say all the time they don’t know why their scrote acts the way he does, well men tell you all the time what they’re about but you don’t listen to them and proceed with them like you would another woman.

No. 2093916

I agree. It's really tiresome how they refuse to see them as men, they just refiuse. Are they unable to truly comprehend it? When we treat men like men, they start to treat us like we're evil men and completely shut us down. I'm not sure they can be all that happy in straight relationships though, but definitely there would be much less stress when you're aware of what you deal with.

No. 2093921

It's because it's fundamentally unfulfilling to be with a beast who cannot relate to you emotionally the same way you relate to them. It's akin to wanting a babby and buying a dog instead, a pale imitation of the type of connection you truly desire. So to cope these women have to pretend they are in the kind of relationship they desire and crave, even though it's not biologically possible

No. 2093936

nta and I know this opinion is unpopular on lolcow but I do know a fair few men who can relate to me emotionally, not in exactly the same way women can but in most important ways. I don't think they're all like beasts with no humanity, although all the pornsick coomers are.

However when it comes to straight relationships I agree with ayrt in the sense that a lot of women seem to naively think men will appreciate them more if they act 'nurturing' or sweet with them the way they would with female friends, when in fact this makes moids lose respect for you. For men to respect you and feel fulfilled in relationships with you, you basically have to 'use' them (not as in manipulate, but as in give them opportunities to be useful to you) as moids need to make themselves useful to be mentally healthy. Caretaking them always makes the relationship worse unless they are literally disabled and actually need care of some specific kind. Moids also lose respect for women who give up independence for them or otherwise do many of these 'trad' things women think gets them respect from moids. All the women I know who are in 'patterns' of repeatedly dating abusers or otherwise awful manipulative scrotes are the specific type of woman who wants to be nurturing, motherly, etc. and has basically no expectations of the scrote in return. Wanting to be 'domestic,' give up your own goals or hobbies to help a moid, not protecting your own ego, etc. is the best predictor of being in a string of exploitative relationships with the worst type of man imo.

No. 2093954

AYRT and I actually agree with you. I know men are human and they can relate to you emotionally. But it's not 100% and some women have this idealized idea of what they can obtain from a male that is completely unrealistic. You can rely on them to help you, to give you advice, if they like you enough they'll even listen to you venting, but it's hard to bond with them in a way where you completely understand each other, you have a connection that goes much deeper than surface level, etc. I made the post you replied to because I disagree with the premise that women will be happy if they accept men are different, in reality if they accepted that a lot of them would stop trying to get into relationships.

No. 2093955

The worst thing you can do to a man, according to them, is being friends with him. What you call a wholesome chungus friendship moment is proof that you’re an evil whore “friendzoning” him in the eyes of a man. He’s tolerating you for the possibility of getting his dick sucked and he resents you for leading him on. Keep lying to yourself

No. 2093959

I think anon was agreeing with you

No. 2093960

I see what you're saying, I think you're right that many women (like the type I described who just wants to be appreciated for being a sweet nurturing mommy gf type) would just never be happy if they accepted the nature of moids because moids don't want that from them or respect them for it. However if you are able to realize what moids are like, and also develop a personality where you're happy with your own independence and not doing those specific types of things for moids, then you can be happier interacting with them. I think I have very low 'emotional connection' needs for friendships overall so I have always had a pretty easy time being friends with moids since I'm not befriending them in order to have deep talks about our feelings lmao, and would actually be annoyed if most of my male friends wanted to do that. I will say though that 2 of my 'deepest' connections in my life were with moids, I don't think I have had a connection as deep with any women in my life except family members, but again my personality is a bit weird and I'm not very 'emotional' so maybe that's why.

The friendzoning whatever sexual orbiting thing stopped happening to me (in general) a long time ago anon, it is far less likely to happen if either you are long term partnered, they are long term partnered, or you are just not that attractive. Also if the friendship is based on something concrete like a shared interest/activity and you keep it within those confines and don't try to get all emotional touchy feely with moids, they can usually sense right off the bat it is never going to become sexual unless they are retarded.

No. 2093962

I hate when fat people see a skinny person eating junk food or a lot of food and they’re like “BUT IF A FAT PERSON DID THAT YOUD BRING UP THAT ITS UNHEALTHY”. Well, duh the skinny person has room to gain, your big ass is not in their situation.

No. 2093963

Why would anyone want to “be friends” with a man they don’t find sexually attractive? If I’m tolerating a man I expect compensation in the form of eye candy at least. If not I’d rather be drinking with Da Girlzz

No. 2093967

The same reason you'd want to be friends with anyone else? Someone to do activities with, have conversations with, help each other out with stuff in life, etc. I don't see why I would want to fuck all my friends or what benefit that would bring me.

No. 2093969

I think it's ridiculous when people act like women are wrong when they get mad at the other woman after being cheated on. If they're ONLY made at the other women and not their boyfriend/husband then yeah that is wrong, but otherwise you don't get to interfere with someone else's life and then get mad when they don't like you or insult you. Plus, a lot of the time the other woman is a pickme herself and in competition with the girlfriend/wife kek.

No. 2093975

Women can do all of the things you listed but ten times better. If I need emotional support, unconditional love or entertainment women will always be there for me. Why entertain a man? I honestly can’t even look at them if they’re not attractive. Their faces ruin the vibe. I would love to drag along a hottie to show him off, maybe drive drunk together or take him to the movies. But I don’t have access to them KEK

No. 2093977

Women don’t owe you shit. Your man betrayed you but you’re scared of him and are a cuck, so you go after the woman. You’re too weak to go after the cheating whore that is your man, and weakness is disgusting.

No. 2093979

Actually I'm the same as you when it comes to friendships with men. But then you can understand why it would suck if they weren't friendships and instead you were allowing a man inside your body, living together and spending the majority of the time with him. There's only so much independence you can have when you're in a committed monogamous relationships for years, especially in a society where it's expected to be the most important relationship in your life and you become more and more distanced from other women as they also pursue their own scrotes. You would have to force yourself to be ruthless, emotionless and exploitative in a way that feels unnatural for most women, nevermind that some are literally incapable of it.

No. 2093983

Illiteracy rates are skyrocketing on /ot/
>If they're ONLY mad at the other women and not their boyfriend/husband then yeah that is wrong

No. 2093984

I have to look at ugly men anyway lmao, they're everywhere.

Sure women can do the same things but it's not like the number of friends I am allowed to have is limited. I befriend the people around me who are worth befriending, male or female, and I am usually in mixed-sex/male-dominant environments. I don't see the point in limiting the number of people who could improve my life just because some people are better than others.

No. 2093985

Nta but I think as a woman who doesn’t do scrotes I will have to keep forming new friendships with younger women to have an active social life. They all turn into mommy bangmaids after marriage or so I’ve heard. I already have a good sense of humour and can entertain the people around me, but I want to improve it even further. I need to Entertainer Comedymaxx

No. 2093987

Literally I know of so many couples that have broke up because of cheating and the affair partner was aware of the relationship or a friend. So yeah they're a cunt and so's the man.

No. 2093988

I get what she said but a truly powerful woman would be too busy killing him than to ever think about the woman.

No. 2093991

Agreed in certain cases, when the "other woman" is the pursuer. It's mean-spirited for a woman to get involved with a taken man just to validate herself and prove that she has better looks or sex appeal than the woman who gets cheated on. Like realistically if an extremely attractive woman was trying to seduce me I would have a hard time resisting her, obviously I would restrain myself and cut contact if I was in a committed relationship, but it would still be hard. It's a fucked up situation to create and act like you have no responsibility over it.

No. 2093993

File: 1721223354827.jpg (35.46 KB, 384x384, 295c205d642dea83001046db48cee4…)

I wasn't even one of the Sonicfags, but it's insane that they got lashed for making a bunch of Sonic threadpic threads a few years back but when Stanfags do it everyone just accepts it. Justice4Sonic.

No. 2093996

Anons try to gaslight women with "moids living in your head rent free!!!" Every single corner of the internet and irl im surronded by ugly men and degradation of women and this is the only place where we can vent our frustrations. How am i supposed to enjoy things if almost everything is infested with degradation of women? Even those fuckass "female rage" movies are just full of shit like "im no prewtty im no sex symbol" and its just about women whininh because they arent the perfect object. I just fucking hate being a woman sometimes. What is the life of a woman? Everything about a woman is being pretty or ugly or getting married and i just struggle to look at the future because i dont want to do those things but i have no insight of anything else. No wonder women troon out.

No. 2093998

Clownmaxxing is never worth it my friend, it just takes away your sense of identity.

No. 2093999

They're little tests aren't even truly validating. Throwing yourself at a man has less to do about what you're going to offer him outside of a sexual relationship and more about how easy you're letting him have nsa sex. An official relationship only ever occurs when the cheater gets found out and tries to save face by going public with the affair partner. The entire relationship I would assume would just feel so performative for outside validation and they probably go and cheat on each other and continue the cycle.

No. 2094001

Oh well, I can play into being a wealthy aunt type of person. How about that?

No. 2094015

Any anon who gets mad at this post is a pickme who's only here because she's in her "Nigel pissed me off" era btw

No. 2094017

There truly is so much more to life than being pretty/ugly and marriage nonna, I know it's harder for women to avoid thinking about things like this than it is for men but you can go most (by percentage, not years or whatever) of your life not thinking about these things if you have other things to think about.

No. 2094032

Im just tired of being bombarded with… everything. So much of the "i want to be a teenage girl forever" (which i also internalize/i lost my teenage years) is due to the fact that women dissapear after 25. I feel as if 13-17 are the only years in which girls can have girl-focused relationships. But even in movies like thirteen daddy issues have to make an appereance. I feel inhuman. After a woman turns 18 she can on only evolve to super hot girl preocuppied with being sexy and getting with a scrote and her inner self vanishing. I cant picture two grown women together having a platonic relationship where they prioritize each other.

No. 2094039

Shailene woodley is just an example of how most women are gonna drop all that feminism stuff as soon as they’re ready to have babies and get married because most men won’t tolerate it

No. 2094041

I agree with you. I'd never be mad at the woman if she was lied to and blindsided or even simply not aware that she is being pursued, both of which happened to me with one shitty ex. In the first case the girl herself told me as soon as she found out, the second one I found out later when snooping but the girl he was simping for had a bf and didn't know he liked her. I'd even have some degree of sympathy if he told her I was a bitch and he was leaving me.

I just don't feel sorry for retards who go after taken men on purpose and cry when they catch hands from the wife or gf. They deserve it kek, I'd clap one myself for the sheer disrespect. The man is irrelevant atp.
Girlbosses can multitask

No. 2094045

Your analysis is correct I think. I've known some "muh real baddie" type girls who would go with taken men, and they were all painfully stupid pickme's with no self-esteem or real sense of personality, and they'd get their hearts broken every 2 weeks like "he PROMISED he would leave her for me but he DIDN'T!!!" So anyone who knowingly goes with taken men gets no sympathy from me, they would NEVER stick their necks out for the nonnas here who are defending them kek

No. 2094053

A truly powerful woman would skin the whore alive before the eyes of the moid to inflict maximum emotional damage on him, then slowly torture him to death as well. If she knowingly participated in destroying my life and happiness, I would destroy her entire existence. The fault is ultimately that of the moid, though, so he wins the most painful death in comparison.(a-log)

No. 2094056

good lord nonna

No. 2094059

No no a truly powerful woman would disfigure the woman’s face making her ugly/deformed forever because male validation is important to her, it would hurt her more to take away her beauty and then she would chop the scrotes dick and balls off and feed them to a dog, he can never cheat again or have sex with anyone…and he will have to live that Way.(a-log)

No. 2094064

You would go too easy on the scrote. There would be ways for him to have sexual encounters still, not to mention that he would be able to emotionally cheat on you the moment you leave him be.

No. 2094067

You wanna do some drugs recreationally nonna that might lift your spirits

No. 2094071

The life long health issues that come with being castrated are worse than being ugly.

No. 2094073

I am a hopeless romantic, and the realization that men are different from me is what makes it certain that I will never be happy in a relationship, ultimately meaning that I will never be truly satisfied with life, no matter my other accomplishments. I want an otherworldly connection and someone who is utterly devoted to me, and all I or anyone else can get is someone who is looking to get his dick wet. Men and women simply are not compatible.

No. 2094076

We're out there anon, it's just that our narratives are not what's popular to the majority.
I actively choose not to center men in my life (despite actively dating/fucking them) and instead what you would hear me focus about are my interests, career, or general culture or politics.
We're so much more interesting and complex than just being objects of fancy for men.

>men and their apologists saying the darndest things about harming women they don't like

No. 2094077

Thank god I'm built differently.

No. 2094080

Just try to minimize your exposure to the people or media that are saying 'I want to be a teenage girl forever' etc. because it's not good for your psyche. Women don't disappear after 25, and most of these thoughts will probably seem increasingly silly to you as you get further away from your early twenties. Real platonic female friendships of course exist after the teen years as do many other things that don't center around your appearance or men.

Honestly compared to my teens/early 20s where I thought about my looks a lot, in my late 20s/early 30s I barely have time to think about what I look like because I've been way too busy (overwhelmed even) with other stuff completely unrelated to my looks, dating or media. You will probably never have friendships of the type you had in high school ever again (where you see each other literally every day because you're forced together 8 hours a day) unless you somehow work with your best friend, but it's not like friendships go away.

No. 2094084

That is some pathetic cuck mentality. Solidarity goes both ways. If a woman feels free to hurt me, I will not hesitate to hurt her back.

No. 2094085

I hate this new fake girls girls culture where women think just because they’re women they can get away with fucking other women over. You want to be able to sleep with other peoples bfs or husbands and hide behind”welll….its not my responsibility to care. I wasn’t in the relationship!”

No. 2094087

You could probably fulfil most of that 'hopeless romantic' impulse just by having a really emotionally connected devoted platonic friendship with another woman, even if the sexual component is missing. Otherworldly connections are rare in general (platonic or romantic), and are sold by the media more than they really exist imo. I actually experienced way more disappointment about female friends than I did about men because I think the idea of those otherworldly platonic friendships appealed to me more in childhood, and it was equally rough realizing that kind of truly 'special' platonic girl friend group/relationship is ultra rare. Most people are just self-focused ultimately, and not utterly devoted to others unless it's their children.

No. 2094092

Her and I are born the same day

No. 2094093

Being in a relationship with a man who is so emotionally and spiritually checked out from you is not the preferable alternative.

In a perfect world where women weren't lied and lovebombed to by scrotes looking to step outside their relationships, and every woman he chased one after the other successfully put down his advance, you'd still be stuck with a moid who fucking hates you and doesn't actually want to be with you.
Men who resent you that much don't tend to be fun and available.
You'd stay with that just because he wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to pork it with another woman?

You are blaming women for your shitty men and the decision to be with them. Delulu.

No. 2094098

What you're describing is the opposite of "girls girls culture", even the tiktok tier. Didn’t the whole girls girls shit start with Ariana Grande sleeping with a married man or something?

No. 2094102

Yes there are women who are lied to but let’s not sit here and pretend that being a home wrecking isn’t rising in popularity and there are even songs about being a bad bitch who can take your man etc. just because someone has a vagina like me, I’m not going to be all “tehe let’s be friends. Women support women!” If she fucked my husband or bf and knows I’m in the picture. A lot of whores these days have this mentality that “welp I’m single so as long as I get my money or man it’s not my problem to care about his wife!”

No. 2094104

I hate both ends of the “women who center their entire lives around men” spectrum. Pickme’s are obvious, but I also hate the women who will not shut the fuck up about men, even if it’s to say they hate men. Can’t tell you how many times I’m on a date with what I think is a lesbian, and she spends the entire dinner talking about how much she hates men. I hate men too, but I’m here to eat dinner and get to know you, not listen to your 2 hour ramble about the scrotes in your life who you can’t stop seething about. And that’s not to say women shouldn’t talk about how much they hate men, maybe just not 24/7??

No. 2094105

>Anons try to gaslight women with "moids living in your head rent free!!!"
It's at least partly moids. One of them who got his post history nuked spouted the same shit a week or so ago.

No. 2094108

>home wrecking
Your man wrecked his own home, he did not need any help. And like stated, even if every woman were to turn him down he would still not really want to be with you and would only fake staying with you out of convenience or financial threat.

It's okay, your man not really giving a fuck about you does not actually speak about your value but please don't muddy other women in an attempt to soothe yourself from this reality. Just abandon men and don't look back, keep your dignity.

No. 2094114

A lot of women like to wash their hands of being in fucked up situations with scrotes because “well I didn’t directly harm anyone so I did nothing wrong. I just knew about but I didn’t do anything.”. It’s like moms who are aware their husband or bf is sexually abusing their daughters and still think they’re good moms because they didn’t directly do it, they just didn’t say anything. Women engage in scrotes toxic behavior and when shit hits the fan hide their tail. It’s cowardly.

No. 2094115

Woah there anon, where the fuck do you get off pointing out sham relationships and telling the desperate pickmes to just move on?!

No. 2094116

Nobody is arguing that the man isn't shit or that you shouldn't also be upset with him though, so what's the point of these posts

No. 2094117

Why are you avoiding addressing the fact that other woman or not, your moid hates you and is not with you in good faith?
Please explain how this is a relationship worth keeping.

No. 2094118

>desperate pickmes
Women who fuck men in relationships are also usually desperate pickmes kek

No. 2094119

Because if you truly accepted that he was treating you shitty regardless of the opportunity to cheat, you wouldn't be so assblasted at other women breaking the illusion that you ever had something worthy.
Sorry, anon.

No. 2094122

Idk what you’re talking about because I’ve never been cheated on(not that I’m aware of) but if I did get cheated on I’d hate him and her equally, if she knew about it.

No. 2094123

I know this is gonna sound super crazy, but you can dislike both parties.

No. 2094124

If a man is too much of a spineless retard to exit a relationship he's unhappy in that's on him.

No. 2094125

True but I would be grateful another woman would be taking away a problem for me while vindicating the fact that I was with a disingenuous loser. No way I could feel as strongly as you do towards someone doing me a favor.

No. 2094126

But it's silly to dislike the other women, as explained. Goose.

No. 2094127

>as you do
I'm nta

No. 2094128

No. 2094130

Or she could tell me about it before fucking him. You never know what diseases she could have that he’s passing on to you and she doesn’t care.

No. 2094131

Thanks for the encouragement, nona. I agree with you, such connections are incredibly hard to find, platonic or otherwise.

No. 2094132

Weird of you to step in for anons ferociously calling other women whores and describing graphically how they would harm them.

No. 2094133

It’s definitely a good reason. The other woman could have stds for all you know and you didn’t consent that.

No. 2094134

Most affair partners are known to the couple so it's a betrayal of two against one. Why thank some bitch for engaging in unfaithfulness as if she's doing me a favour when she went to lengths to do it behind my back

No. 2094137

I'm not "stepping in" for other anons, this is an imageboard built around discussions so anyone can reply to anything. Plus I literally started this whole conversation, and I thought the a-logging posts were weird anyway so it's not about defending anyone.

No. 2094139

Most men would hate the man their wife is cheating on them with too. You’d never see a man saying “well I hold nothing against my wife’s side piece because he’s not in our relationship”. Usually he would just go find the guy and beat his ass or kill him. This be the bigger person is some cuck queen shit only women engage in

No. 2094140

So now you're pretending that women like you don't go into complete denial mode and call women lying whores anyway when they do try to warn you about your Nigel's cheating proclivities? Kek. Also don't assume the other women he admits to having an affair with gave you the disease, he was probably paying sex workers to fuck. If he admits to one, there is several more. Gonna breastbeat towards all the women he cheated on you with? Aren't you exhausted from expending all this energy?

No. 2094141

> Breastbeat

No. 2094142


No. 2094143

In fact I had an ex bf who had women throw themselves at him in front of me. At least that shit is upfront and you can make decisions. Weird enough he never actually cheated but he got dumped for other reasons. Some of those girls even though that relationship ended nearly 4 years ago still have animosity towards me because they couldn't impact my self esteem the way I clearly have fucked up theirs

No. 2094145

>Weird enough he never actually cheated
That you know of.

No. 2094146

That's fair enough he was dumped anyway and I didn't get an std but he never fucked those desperate girls because they wouldn't be so bitter and put out if he did.

No. 2094147

This, the anons posting violent revenge fantasies are disturbing ofc but idk why the other anons are so determined to double down on the "DEFEND ALL WOMEN NO MATTER WHAT" rhetoric, these types of women would never do the same for them kek

No. 2094149

I've known women to be very bitter when they did give up the goods but the man didn't leave his relationship for them…
Weird that he did nothing and random women would just seemingly throw themselves at him. Post him anon, he must be a rich Adonis with charm to boot. And you dumped him? Yikes.

No. 2094150

>these types of women would never do the same for them
So fucking real.

No. 2094152

Your whole argument is just saying that the cheaters would still want to cheat even if there were no one to cheat with (which is true and fine), but that doesn't change the fact that women who get cheated on still are not somehow in the wrong for not liking the woman they were cheated on with. Especially when in a lot of cases, the woman knows he's in a relationship (there's so many people who have fucked their friends girlfriend/boyfriend) and sometimes is even smug about getting picked.

Truthfully, a lot of anons are just delusional as fuck about how some women are IRL, but that's a whole different convo.

No. 2094153

He was 6'4 and was part of the swim team throughout highschool we met moutainbiking. We broke up because of his drug addiction, mismanagement of money, being violent on his comedowns and losing his job and wanting me to be put on the deeds of his shitty house.

No. 2094156

Anons are so eager to cry pickme at any woman who plays gacha games, writes cringe sexual music or does sexy cosplays, but when they actually hurt other women it's suddenly "that's what you get for dating a moid" and "actually she's doing you a favour." Hmmmmmmm.

No. 2094162

Oh yes this type of man would never cheat……….

But I totallyyyyyy would understand your going after the other woman if he did, what a prize!

No. 2094166

Well anon I've no knowledge of him cheating and he was dumped and the little gaggle of hags that followed his team around still didn't get picked, womp womp

No. 2094167

>women throwing themselves at an umemployed drug addict just because he had some residual skinnyfat abs from high school
Please anon, he was cheating on you, you just never found his dating apps and Snapchat.

No. 2094169

Yea him losing his job being a catalyst of why he got dumped meant he was unemployed throughout the 6 year relationship

No. 2094170

Woman are human and therefore have the potential to be immoral and do immoral deeds. I am posting this here because it clearly is not something everyone agrees upon lmao

No. 2094172

Probably because most women have slept with guys in relationship or have friends/family who have did so they can empathize with them. It’s hard to empathize with a sexual rapper like ice spice or whatever because most women will never be in that situation.

No. 2094173

What's sad is that most of the users who hold this opinion aren't even radfems (or feminists at all tbh) they're just BPDettes who get mad when we don't blindly validate their bad bitch LARP kek

No. 2094174

If you're fantasizing about how much you would harm other women and play into what men what (women fighting over men) by calling them misogynistic names, yes, you do deserve to be called out.
And you won't get away with trying to change the goalposts to make this about merely "disliking" the other woman because that's not what was being discussed and won't be what you're gonna turn it into now that your argument has failed brilliantly. Embarassing.

No. 2094178

>but other women would have done me the equal to worse turn by cheating with my moid who made me his caretaker for several years

No. 2094179

File: 1721233365433.png (31.99 KB, 316x240, 1000005351.png)

> Most women have slept with guys in relationships
Hetty betty moment

No. 2094180

Men actually murder men who fuck their wives or gfs. Does that mean they hate men? No that just means they hate that one particular guy. I can hate one woman and not hate all women.

No. 2094182

>Does that mean they hate men?
It means they go to jail or get executed for a relationship they would have gotten over completely in a year had they just let it go.

You're a retard.

No. 2094183

>you won't get away with trying to change the goalposts to make this about merely "disliking" the other woman because that's not what was being discussed and won't be what you're gonna turn it into now that your argument has failed brilliantly.
Except that literally was how the discussion started, you guys made it about the torture fantasy posts.

No. 2094184

>Probably because most women have slept with guys in relationship or have friends/family who have did so they can empathize with them.
literally what

No. 2094185

My point is you’re trying to make this about gender and it’s not. Men fight and kill each other all the time but you wouldn’t say it’s because he hates men.

No. 2094186

??? You're just typing shit to respond to that has fuck all to do with anything I've said? Women who throw themselves at taken men aren't doing anyone a favour they're embarrassing themselves.

If the affair partner knows both persons in the exclusive relationship then they are untrustworthy and not actually doing anyone a favour by exposing the disrespect of the cheating partner. It's done behind the back of the clueless faithful partner. By that merit it's clearly nefarious otherwise why hide it

No. 2094188

I replied to the a-log posts, and you replied to me trying to defend your opinion which I never attacked in the first place.
You doth protest too much, methinks.
You certainly align more with the a-log posts than you do with mine, it's okay, just don't sit near me psycho lady.

No. 2094190

That anon was right, it is a lot of BPDchans itt

No. 2094192

What are you talking about? I'm not even sure what anon you think I am. You sound schizo as fuck..

No. 2094193

Ikr, this entire thread is a classic hetero woman L kek

No. 2094194

Ntayrt but I guess this approach does make sense. You'd have to be mentally ill as a woman to do unto others that you wouldn't want done to yourself

No. 2094196

>embarassing themselves
You're the queen of embarassment, guess there is no better judge than you. At least you got picked? Unlike those other silly whores throwing themselves at your unemployed drug addicted ex who was totally faithful to you while you went to work or school.
slow clap(infighting)

No. 2094197

I'll simplify: Unless you're the cavetroll defending the a-log posts you can stop replying.

No. 2094198

Almost every woman I know in real life has messed with a taken guy at least once

No. 2094199

whats up with anons writing fanfiction about the lives of other anonymous people who they do not know kekek

No. 2094200

Emm how are you judging my taste of moid when getting all defensive and weird about the ones that couldn't get him. Bet you couldn't even ride a mountain bike. Maybe athletic men don't want a shit fuck with someone that looks like they have trouble with stairs idk(infighting)

No. 2094203

"Athletic" is the least he could have been for being addicted to drugs and unemployed. What excuse would he gave to get fat while you supported him for several years?
You wanted to bring him up, wear your clown shoes and little red nose with pride.

No. 2094204

Insecurity kek they're still dreaming of their first kiss.

No. 2094205

File: 1721234002921.gif (699.51 KB, 200x190, eastowdod.gif)

Is that what you do anon?

No. 2094206

I dumped him when shit hit the fan kek

No. 2094207

You seemed so sure that I am the anon defending the a-log posts (whoever that's supposed to be) though, cuckoo bird. Just know that not every anon who replies to you is the same person. I don't even know what other posts are yours.

No. 2094208

You are one of the anons that >>2094173 was talking about btw
You're replying to the wrong poster, I'm not the person who was a-logging
I can picture exactly what your friend group looks like nonna kek

No. 2094209

File: 1721234103489.gif (4.95 MB, 406x202, 1000015298.gif)

>nonette behind the a-log posts about other women being pickme whores is actually a loser who supported an unemployed drug addict for six years
Omg why would you admit this…

No. 2094211

Those aren't the same posters anon

No. 2094213

True but the opposition is admitting to >>2094172 so I guess the answer is that moids are poison to the mind

No. 2094214

I've noticed that anons do this a lot. They will either make up shit about the anon they're arguing against, or they'll make up super specific situations for the sake of an argument (this happens a lot in the sex work arguments that keep happening in these threads.). Its so crazy to watch in real time how anons go from arguing about actual shit to just arguing fanfic, I just cut myself off from the convo once it gets to that point.

No. 2094216

Samefag but also, what even makes you think you can just tell anons besides one specific anon to stop replying to you? I swear a forum or twitter or anywhere where there are names and profiles would be better suited for some of you.

No. 2094217

And you would know that how?
Moidchan hasn't exactly condemned the a-logging.

No. 2094218

I agree that the relationship with a man who would cheat is effectively over/worthless no matter what, but it would still actually feel like more of a betrayal in many situations to have your friend, sister, etc. deliberately try to get into a relationship with your moid than the moid betraying you would. Like I think most women intuitively expect more empathy and morality from other women they're close with than they do from men, so I understand that women get extremely upset when other women deliberately throw them under the bus especially if they had a relationship with that woman to begin with. If moids are morally inferior why would you feel more hurt and blindsided by them cheating than you do by the women in your life betraying you?

No. 2094219

Because you reported me for infighting and my ban says infighting not ban evasion. Maybe samefag some more though.(ban evasion)

No. 2094220

Projection of themselves or they're mad at a certain group/person and are pretending you fit that bill.

No. 2094221

Because they confused themselves and seem to think my beef is with anyone who has feelings about other women and not a-logging and being a nasty piece of shit to other women just because a man hurt them.
I just don't want anon to be needlessly upsetting herself if she isn't meaning to defend a log and misogyny.

No. 2094222

If it helps you, I didn't report (you) or anyone itt.

No. 2094223

Honestly this is why I don't think being in friendships with women in LTRs or married women is as bad as a lot of lolcow nonnas say. Usually friendships with women who are long term partnered pass the bechdel test and are just generally chiller whereas friendships with single women in my experience so often ended up revolving entirely around me playing therapist for their endless revolving door of scrote problems. A lot of women talk about how you can't have such good and close friendships with your friends anymore after they partner up with a moid because they have less time for you and while that might be true during the honeymoon phase or if they have young kids or something, they are also way less likely to spend all their time and mental energy thinking and talking about men in your presence.

No. 2094224

Fair enough not even sure how I was infighting when someone starts writing fanfic and derailing and the worst I said was you can't even ride a bike when they're bring hostile because I said women that throw themselves at taken men are embarrassing

No. 2094227

A king has his reign and then he dies

No. 2094230

cackling at this. love you

No. 2094231

I'm bisexual but in a completely platonic friendship with my best female friend that a lot of people joked and teased us about as seeming kind of 'romantic' specifically because we did a lot of these 'sweet' things for each other that a lot of women want to do for their moids but don't get appreciated for, it's actually really nice and does scratch the itch to be sweet and devoted with someone (even though both of us are in LTRs now, but when we first met we were both single for many years). We did all that kind of 'cute' stuff with each other like throwing little valentines get togethers where we'd buy each other thoughtful gifts, decorate, bake cakes for each other, pay for each other's dinners at nice places when we had extra cash, get together when one of us was feeling sad or going through something, even throwing parties for each other's birthdays and I think it felt just as 'good' to have a friendship like that as it would probably feel to have a romantic relationship like that. We even did the whole meeting each other's parents and trying to impress them thing lmao, and planned trips together. I know women want this from their romantic relationships but they're not actually less fulfilling coming from a friend if you get out of the headspace where being 'sweet' to someone is reserved for romantic partners. Of course friendships like that might also not be easy to find and maintain, but at least you're not worried they're going to cheat on you or watch porn in the bathroom on a sleepover lmao.

No. 2094232

Gay men aren’t oppressed. They have ruled humanity since ancient times and to this day have an iron grip on it. Just research faggotry in Ancient Greece and you’ll see what I mean, homosexuality was put on a pedestal and women were treated as literal cattle. To this day, they want to feign oppression because they’re such degenerate sex addicts to the point where they create new diseases yet still find a way to victimize themselves. Hell I’m pretty sure gay men on average have higher iqs and excel at education yet we’re lead to believe they’re totally oppressed. The real minority is homosexual women, who are extremely underrepresented and persecuted as is.

No. 2094237

I remember that kek, that’s actually a good point

No. 2094247

Daily reminder that to get HIV, statistically you'd need to have anal sex 1,000 times with a positive partner to ensure 100% infection.

No. 2094269

Straight women love gay moids and laugh at all their sexist jokes while openly voicing their disgust for actual lesbians

No. 2094276

Being a fag is literally the norm now, I hate when they pretend theyre soooo discriminated against.

No. 2094277

Maybe we should have both?

No. 2094281

This. They run the fashion/entertainmemt industry and have a lot of power in various communities. They were never oppressed, they are just bitter because nobody wants their neighborhoods overrun with AIDs and molestation

No. 2094282

> Thinking straight moids aren't the real rape apes

No. 2094289

So are fags, what’s your point?

No. 2094292

Who said anything about straight guys

No. 2094298

Why not just admit it's both?

I think gay men do face real legal discrimination in certain countries but in the West they haven't faced that much recently, and even in the past they could get away with a lot as long as they kept it vaguely on the DL or made it seem like some noble artistic homosocial ubermensch shit. Gay men not being allowed to marry is mostly a meme as most of them don't want monogamous marriage anyway, unlike lesbians.

No. 2094313

old post but there is actually evidence that ancient people took care of their disabled, like you can see from skeletons that they were seriously injured or disabled but still lived long lives that meant that someone had to take care of them because they couldn't have done it alone

No. 2094317

It depends on the society and the type of disability I think. There's significant evidence that heavily nomadic tribes did leave severely old and disabled people behind eventually, this even happens in extant tribes today, however I think caring for disabled (especially injured, etc) and elderly people seems to have been the norm for less-nomadic tribes. These fossil records of older or skeletally disabled people probably wouldn't have applied to severely mentally retarded people though, although I think extreme mental retardation in adults in pre-industrial societies was actually comparatively rare. You need usually multiple tard wranglers for a single heavily mentally disabled person to just keep them alive and not harming themselves which would likely have been impossible in small tribes, unlike someone with for example a bum leg who can basically just take care of themselves even if they don't do their share of the hunting/gathering.

No. 2094320

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>and even in the past they could get away with a lot as long as they kept it vaguely on the DL or made it seem like some noble artistic homosocial ubermensch shit
Reminds me of how I saw some faggot on insta complaining about how he can’t birdwatch his favorite ones in African because he’s gay, he even brought up how he himself could hide his gayness but chose not to because faggots are just that entitled. I love parrots, they are my favorite animals but I will never be able to even see most of them in the wild because of the misogyny and serious danger that’ll be present if I ever visit a lot of those countries. You can hide being a queermo, you can’t hide being a woman.

No. 2094345

I'm convinced that fags desperately want to try and emulate misogyny for themselves. I mean, the twinky ones already try to copy black women (and do a bad job)

No. 2094352

i think the homeless should be put in concentration camps where they can either learn life skills to be a normal human being, or live forever and contribute to society. Either way, they shouldn't be out here with normal people.

No. 2094353

I feel the same way really. Either a work camp where they’re able receive attention, therapy, and assistance, and learn new things. Reawaken their brains. Either that or be put in a mental institution. Living in a city with a massive homeless population has shown me this.

No. 2094362

After seeing my city get overtaken by trashy homeless who harass you for money and leave everything a mess, I agree. They roam the streets without shirts or shoes like zombies.

No. 2094365

most animals are just living algorithms and don’t understand anything. they feel “pain” because they are driven to eat, shit, and fight and pain may signal death and if they can’t ESF if they’re dead. but an animal has no honor or dignity

No. 2094367

they're not people

No. 2094369

Retards are hated innately by normies because of the risk they pose to society at large. Just look at your average retarded moid like Chris chan. That's what happens when (male) tards aren't handled properly. Female tards are also dangerous to society, but they're less of a burden. Simple.

The average tard aint a 24/7 happy machine, they just don't understand why they're sad or mad and lash out at the person standing nearest to them.

No. 2094382

I hate living in a very liberal city though because my mayor has warned the police to not arrest the junkies in our town square. nobody wants to go there anymore to eat/chill/etc because it’s full of losers in fentanyl comas spread out on the benches.

No. 2094415

Chris is the best warning against old people having kids

No. 2094429

so basically labor camps? kekk I unironically agree with this but maybe when a more humane approach. they already tried doing this with programs but they rather run out going back to doing drugs because they rather have unabashed freedom than get assistance that can help them reintegrate back into society, it’s ridiculous.

No. 2094466

chris chan wouldve turned out virtually the same way whether he had been this hounded on the internet or not

No. 2094485

No they haven’t.

No. 2094892

tbh i think after enough rejections, he would’ve gone on to rape and/or kill a woman. the trolls gave him an outlet for better or for worse.

No. 2095084

Usually women who date terrible guys are low key terrible people themselves. Bird of a feather flock together.

No. 2095087

I don't find the idea of demolishing tipping bad, but I notice people who are militantly anti-tip are some of the most mentally unstable and egotistic people you'll ever meet in your life. I want to meet at least one of them who knows how to act level headed for once in their life and then they'll have a decent point

No. 2095090

Usually women who date terrible guys are low key terrible people themselves. Bird of a feather flock together.

No. 2095092

I only feel this way about the woman if children are involved, at the same time I know single moms often get gaslit into accepting whoever. Single moms should be the #1 women who get exceptions for being as picky as possible tbh

No. 2095101

I wish I understood tipping etiquette a bit more. Like I used to tip at the counter even if I was just getting a coffee, but apparently a lot of people only tip if they have a server or get food delivered. So now I just round up my change if I feel like it but I don't tip on my online pickup orders.

No. 2095113

This would be heaven for shitty parents who abuse/rape their kids and then kick them out.

No. 2095115

I don't think tipping is expected for baristas and such, I don't really judge people for not tipping them, of course a living wage should be taught for but let's be honest the people on social media sperging about how they can't tip but their doordash is totally medically needed and it's actually the entitled evil drivers that are the issue don't actually care if the driver can afford to eat or not. It's just become a dog whistle for broke people who want to indulge in luxuries like eating out often and ordering food delivery, and if it's not that it's because they're part of the loud but small group of people who, for whatever reason, get their rocks off at seeing people beg and pled for pennies

No. 2095116

God I wish my mum had that mindset. She can't cope being single for more than a few months. I remember one time a man wouldn't fucking leave our house when even my mum got bored of him. She managed to get him out the front door and be sat on the door step for hours begging to get back in I was like 12

No. 2095118

The extreme homeless yeah, but there's also a bunch of homeless normies living in their cars or the new age "van lifers". I was actually shocked at how many normies I found out were legally homeless. Of course if someone is able to act normal in society and is still homeless, camps and such won't do anything unless we instill laws regulating the job market, regulating rent and inflation, etc

No. 2095120

If I became a single mom I personally wouldn't date at all after or only date other women with children. My only exception would be if the man is extremely rich and always working/out of town

No. 2095123

Yea I'm of the same opinion, kids come first. I even had a bunch of potential step siblings at times. My mum was literally so accommodating to literally anyone else but her two kids who she would regularly beat and put down for speaking up about feeling uncomfortable or god forbid a man ended up dumping her it was our fault

No. 2095150


Tipping a barista is definitely expected. If you're just getting a regular brew coffee or cold brew that has been premade, then there is less an expectation. But espresso beverages, etc, there is definitely an expectation.

No. 2095171

Voice memos are glorified voicemails and no one to my knowledge enjoys those

No. 2095176

I think that's a pretty popular opinion nona. Voice memos just waste time for the person receiving it, either call or write.

No. 2095177

I wish this was a popular opinion. I fucking hate when parents complain about how their child doesn't get along with their stepparent and is rude to them. The kid never asked to have a stranger invading their living space and start pretending to be their parent.

No. 2095179

Then I know too many weirdos

No. 2095209

Beards and body hair on men are disgusting

No. 2095229

You're correct nonna. The only men who seek after beards either have jawlines so bad it's grotesque or think it'll give them some kind of masculinity badge. (It doesn't.) Clean shaven men forever, lots of bearded men probably have nasty food crumbs and spit stuck in their gross chin manes

No. 2095279

British people have no room to talk shit about Americans. Yeah we have racism issues but at least we arent attacking black peoples in a the streets because our favorite food ball teams lost. Yeah we have obesity but at least we aren’t a first world country with no ac.

No. 2095283

It was recently proven that a lot of them have POOP in their beards. I’ve never felt attracted to a man with facepubes in my whole life and see them as ugly bastards.

No. 2095285

I don’t get the nostalgia for the early 2000s. People were really nasty and mean, it was boring as fuck because no internet etc. I wish I was born like an upper middle class zoomer because things are just more convenient for them and young people get paid more than we did back in the day.

No. 2095292

Samefag and also see zoomers whining about rent prices. “Reee rent used to be 600 a month!”. Well, that doesn’t really mean shit when you’re making 800 dollars a month kek

No. 2095303

i will take livejournal and myspace over tiktok any day

No. 2095307

honestly i think they just want old flash games and emos again

No. 2095308

I like TikTok because it keeps me up to date with all the current news without having to try

No. 2095309

I kind of get the nostalgia mostly because most people had somewhat decent childhoods I guess. I would like to retvrn sometimes but mostly because my home was cozy and most of my family was alive. Stuff felt more genuine and new because that's what happens when you're a kid, everything is new.
Otherwise I think it's just people looking at the past with rose tinted glasses after all, everyone is forgetting how openly racist was everyone else, how bullying was basically the same (sans it being published online for the world to see).
Something else I kind of miss is how, particularly in my country, things weren't as bad as they are nowadays, so I just wish that economical period came back kek.

No. 2095320

Kek people are still nasty and mean except now they can actually find out where you live.

No. 2095321

I don’t mean just online. A show like this would not fly now days lol

No. 2095322

I liked it because no one took the internet too seriously and no one gave a fuck about the wrong think

No. 2095326

That I can agree on. Early 2000s shows had a really shit attitude.

No. 2095330

>thinking there was "no internet" in the early 2000s

No. 2095332

Yeah the people who spread wrong think didn’t care but the people on the receiving end did. I’m sure if you’re a white teen being an edgy asshole being racist and making rape jokes it wouldn’t bother you if you aren’t black or a victim of rape.

No. 2095333

You also have to consider being a terminally online person back in the day was more of an upper middle class thing. We couldn’t afford a computer and when we did it was dail up and they’re not gonna let you hog the phone all day.

No. 2095335

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nostalgia aside, it was objectively much more affordable to live back then, literally everyone I went to school with has to live with their parents, are you really going to pretend that the economy was as terrible as it is now?

No. 2095337

I wasn’t a white teen lol. Being edgy is a teenager thing tbh. Even now teens are still making edgy racist jokes they just stay in their corner.

No. 2095338

Yeah they stay in their corner instead of people having to deal with them when they’re just trying to have a chill fun time on the internet and just watch silly clips or some shit

No. 2095343


No. 2095353

Yeah that’s why I said being an upper middle class zoomer would be so much better. They can shop and order whatever they want and have to shipped to their door, they’re making 16-18 dollars an hour so if they’re living at home with no bills they can have more than 10k in savings in less than a year, can get anything with just a cell phone etc etc…. I’d definitely prefer being upper middle class now compared to when I was young. Being poor in the early 2000s was lame because there was nothing to do.

No. 2095362

those zoomers are also getting groomed on discord and memed into chopping their tits off

No. 2095364

>it was boring as fuck because no internet
People have had internet access on home computers since the 1980s. The internet was very much alive in early 2000s.

No. 2095372

Okay, but having lived through that era, rent and food were way cheaper, even in proportion to your paycheck. Rent has just gotten insane since they show collusion between the major companies now.

No. 2095377

Nta but I had one friend with internet in the early 00s. Alot of parents were still like why should I pay for this extra thing? What does it actually do? You better not bring viruses into this house with that thing or my fave.. They can't see what we're doing through the screen can they? Idk who 'they' was meant to be

No. 2095420

I don't care how good any media is, I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole if it has even the slightest hint of coomshit or fanservice. If that means I never touch another anime/game/whatever ever again, so be it.
Honestly nonna this isn't just scrotes being entitled, I'm not spending money on something I'll get tired of in a few weeks or days, or something I might not like at all, or something that self-implodes because the devs churned it out like fast food. You don't need to whiteknight for the poor oppressed multimillionaire game companies that keep making worse and worse slop with more and more money. Pay if you want but honestly I'm fine waiting for a good pirate.

No. 2095449

Maybe it's just my area? I've had baristas straight up tell me they dgaf if I tip or not

No. 2095454

Maybe their employer is stealing/mixing tips so they don't care.

No. 2095456

Being a sex worker is better than being a girlfriend since your getting paid to put up with a man.(bait)

No. 2095465

I wasn’t old enough to consciously live through the 90s but I do recall the aughts and I understand better now why people who were alive in the 90s thought that the tumblr 90s aesthetic shit was so cringeworthy kek

No. 2095476

Sleepwalking is not a real thing. I think it was coined by some doctor who probably wanted to make an excuse for why he was leaving his bed with his wife at night. People who pretend to have it just want attention.

No. 2095511

I've seen a lot of SW unable to date normally because of this tbh. The average moid is just as bad as sex, dating, etc as most sex buyers, but at least you can't to walk away with your pockets full and no emotional attachment

No. 2095519

Pick something to study and you won't have to do either.

No. 2095521

Not really when their customers are the lowest common denominator of men

No. 2095584

wouldn't they have poop in their regular head hair (those that have it, anyway) too? I never see the long hair loving nonas discussing this.

No. 2095629

Jeez nona I wish you could see my uncle sleepwalk. Shit is creepy.

No. 2095646

while all hair is good at retaining bacteria, the rates of bacteria in mens beards is notable because they transfer bacteria to their face with their hands and via eating, and then their neckbeards sweat and incubate all that nasty shit. a majority of men wont even fucking wash their hands after pissing, so of course they have staph and shit in their beards. not to mention most men with beards have disgusting folliculitis so their face is also covered in pimples and infected ingrown hairs, making it just a goldmine of bacterial garbage. it's definitely not just a "bacteria is everywhere!" thing

No. 2095658

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This is just something I noticed. There’s two types of traumatized adults:
1. the one who accumulated so much genderspecial alphabet identities, heavily consumes a lot of video games and media targeted for children, chronically on twitter, becomes mods on a website that fosters an equally robotic autistic group personality
2. edgetards heavily occupied on the lower reaches of the internet (including this place), aggressive/abrasive/nihilistic speech and tone in everything they do, “do or die” mentality, everything is grounds for gossip and to be laughed and mocked. it’s so hard to explain but these groups have the same issues I obviously fit the latter group but maybe an anon knows what I’m getting at kek one is concerned on larping as a sacred lamb and the other larps as a wolf. the true dionysian vs apollonian manifestation on the internet

No. 2095757

Some adults went through trauma but end up being basically completely normal, I don't think trauma always has these effects.

No. 2095760

How do you know if they’re normal? How do you know what they’re doing behind closed doors? Plenty of normal presenting people in real life but come to found out they post edgy shit on 4chins

No. 2095789

I went through significant childhood trauma and am basically normal, I also have friends I'm quite close with who went through even worse experiences than me (like years of CSA etc) who are extremely productive, not online, kind/empathetic, levelheaded etc. and based on their lifestyles I'm pretty sure they don't spend a bunch of time online at all let alone on 4chan. Like the kind of people that don't even know about social media/internet memes and trends because they spend most of their lives outside of the house doing productive shit. I guess you can never 100% know but if someone's living a good life and seems to have a normal, levelheaded and kind personality I don't think they really can fit into one of your categories.

Conversely I've known people who I'm almost 100% sure didn't go through any significant trauma (close friends who talked to me about their childhoods and past dating experiences and would tell me pretty much everything) who had the personality traits you're describing anyway, especially the first type. I think some of the people who are deep in alphabet identity communities, video games and shit like that are just like that because they're awkward and struggle socially, not necessarily due to trauma.

No. 2095794

I guess my unpopular opinion is that I wholeheartedly believe this is untrue. I personally don't believe it's possible to be "traumatized" without it leaving some kind of permanent mark on your psyche. even if people work extremely hard and eventually succeed at overcoming trauma, what that really means is they have established healthy coping mechanisms + emotional regulation; not eliminated it.

No. 2095798

You aren’t everyone. You seem self-centered thinking your experience is the same other people will have. Neither are the people you know. I’m tired of people bringing up anecdotes acting like you and your little friends are a representation of massive amounts of people. CSA is just one type of trauma anyways and it’s ignorant to believe that very few coming out of it unscathed should be viewed as the norm when it’s not.

No. 2095800

Of course it leaves a permanent mark on your psyche of some kind but that doesn't always result in having one of the two personality types described above, and it can even barely affect your personality overall once you've worked through it. Like I will probably never not have night terrors or some foibles related to trauma (which a lot of people have honestly so it's not that abnormal to have signs of trauma) but it doesn't really express much outwardly in my personality or lifestyle and I know other similar people as well.

I didn't say that my experience is the same as everyone else's, I said trauma doesn't always have these effects not that it never does. Where are you getting that I was generalizing about everyone?

No. 2095813

NTA but aren't you generalising and putting people into two groups? I'm not going to give anecdotes but I'm definitely not dealing with trauma well but feel alienated by both groups. Like you've said a person's experience doesn't dictate the lot and trauma impacts people very differently but it seems reductive to make boxes that only terminally online people fit into.

No. 2095817

Exactly, anon. I do think she accurately described two types of reactions to trauma but those are not the only reactions people have to trauma. A very large number of people have been traumatized throughout their lives and their reactions to it and how they cope is widely varied. There are also people who did not live through significant trauma who have those same traits for whatever other reasons.

No. 2095819

tbh your insistence on using terms and language such as "basically completely normal" and "trauma can even barely affect your personality at all" sounds a bit like a(n unhealthy) cope and is not the language a trauma informed person would use. not trying to argue; just food for thought, b.

No. 2095834

I don't make efforts to be 'trauma informed' and use 'correct' therapyspeak language because I am uninterested in pathologizing people based on experiences outside of their control and painting everyone with a broad brush. I just personally don't find it helpful to view myself as anything other than (basically) normal and I have spoken to other people who feel the same way. I don't think there's anything healthy about excessively ruminating and defining yourself by some past experiences either if you are able to function well without doing that. Most people I know have been through some kind of trauma or another so in that sense it is not abnormal to have been traumatized by something, some people are more heavily affected by it than others but there isn't one way to deal with it. Why are you interested in people like myself viewing ourselves through this lens of 'I can never be normal again' and how do you think it would benefit us/them?

No. 2095838

It’s obvious as day they’ve experienced trauma. I’m not going to go down into every little specifics and details because you spergs love to nitpick and drag the context so far out like a gay man’s asshole. I’m also annoyed when the traumafags use their trauma as a way to stop you from making any opinions you want, “they’re the REAL ones who went through trauma so listen to them!” absolutely not because I don’t care about anons trauma, it was just an unpopular opinion.

No. 2095842

based and true

No. 2095848

Lol no one in this conversation made any arguments like that anon, they just disagreed with your opinion

No. 2095851

I genuinely wonder how many of lolcows users are schizo in some way. With the way literally every other post in every thread is someone accusing another user of being some buzzword you’d think it was more than 50% and the other part is all the supposed moid lurkers, /pol/fags, tranny larpers, nlogs, tradthots, or whatever demographic they happen to have stuck in their heads. Im so fucking tired of how literally any discussion is basically impossible now because as soon as someone posts an opinion that’s even slightly different, these rabid retards are there to shit the whole thing up in an instant. What the fuck is even the point of discussion threads or forums if only one opinion is allowed and you’re only allowed to agree to not risk getting reported and banned?

No. 2095852

nobody says you have to ruminate or practice "therapy speech"(??), it's just healthy to be self aware. this overt and condescending defensiveness regarding this specific point seems pretty antithetical from someone who "chooses not to let trauma define them" or whatever, js.

No. 2095856

I don't know where you're getting condescension from, I just disagreed with an opinion saying all traumatized women develop one of two personality types and said that many traumatized people don't. If anything I'd say your post talking about how it's an unhealthy coping mechanism to view myself or others as 'basically normal' is far more condescending than anything I said, I didn't generalize or project on anyone and said that people are varied and have varied reactions to trauma. Feel free to answer my question though about how it would benefit traumatized people who view themselves as normal to not view themselves as normal and act/speak in a 'trauma informed' way rather than just living their lives normally.

No. 2095859

It's annoying when nonas accuse you of being a trump supporter or something like that and starting writing word salads of shit they saw on twatter.

No. 2095860

God literally this. Not everyone is from /pol/ or a tranny, they just can’t handle other women not acting like a meek sweetie cake

No. 2095866

I think a lot of lolcow anons have reading comprehension issues or issues projecting on other people, there's also a habit of assuming every anon who says something vaguely in the same vein are all the same person which makes some threads impossible to navigate because they just turn into people getting accused of being people they're not over and over again and arguing about it.

If it makes you feel any better I don't think this is lolcow specific, it's historically been a problem with basically any female-only community that had vaguely feminist leanings. There's essays from the 1960s by second wave feminists talking about this too (women accusing others of being moidbrained/traitorous for not being meek/empathetic/nurturing/otherwise affected enough, leading to the total breakdown of discussions). I think women are just used to tone policing and socially policing each other to a greater extent than men are, so when people form an (especially anonymous) women's community or one that is supposed to be more uncensored and some women have different opinions or text tone than other women, it tends to devolve.

No. 2095867

Like even if some poster MIGHT actually be one of these things, does it even matter? Does any discussion need to be halted and derailed because it needs to be called out? There aren’t even any rules explicitly stating that anyone who isn’t a radical man-hating woman is disallowed but I swear everyone acts like there is.

No. 2095868

If anything the only 'explicit' rule I can think of relating to political/feminist opinions on lolcow is the 'no blackpill posts outside of 2X' rule but blackpill-leaning anons will act extremely aggressive toward any anon who doesn't have a completely blackpill mindset and call them all tradthots or moids lol. I don't even mind the content of blackpill posts themselves as much as some anons seem to but it is aggravating when they start accusing anyone who disagrees of being trad and not belonging here. Like this is an imageboard that has both makeup threads and anti-makeup threads on /g/, 'unconventional male attractions' threads and 'ugly man psyop' threads, etc. so I'd assume a variety of takes on feminist talking points are implicitly allowed/encouraged. My personal pet peeve is when posts get redtexted for baiting that seem like pretty normal opinions my irl girlfriends have, maybe the mods know something I don't about the user's post history but I see pretty normal/common views redtexted as bait frequently.

No. 2095869

Just because you enjoy a hobby doesn't mean you need to be on social media. I get it if you're really talented and you can make profits off your hobby, but if you know you're a hobby artist who does it for fun, then why post at all? I've felt so free even since I stopped thinking I could be like an artist that went to school or that has been drawing since the womb, everyone else should just do the same too.

No. 2095871

This is going to seem controversial but there’s literally no way to prove who’s a woman and who’s a man on here. You can only go by pattern recognition but there are many regular scrotes and trannies who are able to integrate and conform if they desperately want to invade and takeover a space. I’m pretty sure some of the jannies are males but we’ll never really know and none of it can be proven. It’s the saddest shit when anons have truly been convinced this is a 100% foolproof save haven for biological women, it’s a free for all for anyone who can learn to integrate, it’s virulent moidspeak that’s banned here and if you “speak” like a moid in a subjective way even you, an actual woman, will get banned.

No. 2095872

It's frustrating to me because I do an art thing professionally, and another one as a hobby that people have suggested I monetize, but I hate hate hate using social media and it really frustrates me that it's become the only way to promote yourself. I think if people are happy just doing something as a hobby there is no need for them to do it on social media, and I wish there were other avenues for self-promotion for people who do these things for money too although I know that's a pipe dream.

I guess some people who do hobbies for fun just want to brag about how good they are at it and they get a sense of community from posting on social media, which is fine I guess. I just wish social media wasn't the main/only way to do this lol but I know that's just my personal frustration speaking.

No. 2095873

Lol people have always assumed I'm a moid on other websites/forums just because of my typing style, I haven't been scrotefoiled much here but the prevalence of scrotefoiling here based on text tone does make me censor myself/type differently than I otherwise would and I agree many moids can probably do the same and effectively integrate. I think most of us know there can be moids on here but I don't know why they'd even want to be besides some brief trolling, like what would they get out of it?

No. 2095875

This made me recall Steven.

No. 2095878

There’s shit tons of men in /snow/, most of them are from 4chan and kiwifarms and you can usually tell because of the way they type. They come here to read the gossip boards

No. 2095880

Lowkey I think it’s just because most anons are autists

No. 2095881

I've seen a few schizo-tier posts where anons will claim they're being sTaLkEd by some nonna who called them retarded once kek

No. 2095882

That makes sense, but I also see a lot of scrotefoiling on /ot/ and /g/, sometimes on pretty random posts that don't seem scrotey to me at all and where I just can't imagine what a moid would get out of posting something.

No. 2095886

I remember a few weeks ago some anon was going into a delusional rant about some other anon not renaming her image files and it somehow made them a personalityfag or something, it was hilarious

No. 2095944

Like the bimbo look and I wish I had the money to look that way

No. 2095955

But why?

No. 2095964

You're supposed to rename files?

No. 2095974

Women not holding men in their lives accountable for their bad behavior is a huge problem that needs to be talked about, but no one ever wants to talk about it. Anytime something bad comes out about a man and someone questions why the women in their lives were okay with them abusing other women, it’s always “why are you more mad at her than the actual abuser?”.
There’s never going to be a good time to talk about it. Too many women let their boyfriends, brothers, dads, friends, etc get away with all kinds of horrific abuse. Too many women are traitors to women. And they deserve to have some amount of blame placed on them too, just like the male abusers and all of their disgusting male friends

No. 2095976

1st rule of misogyny

No. 2095982

I think women who claim to go years not knowing their children are being sexually abused by their bfs or husbands should be charged with neglect. Most people whole pull the “but what about the man!” Card when I say that.

No. 2095991

The answer is obvious. They are more concerned about the men in their lives not liking them more than random women they don't know or care about. Trying to remain in their favour will always be more important than not being a traitor to your sex. Women have zero loyalty to other women in most situations like this. This is primarily why women are weaker than men and have very little power in this world.

No. 2095995

they force women to lay on their backs during birth so that they have a harder time pushing the baby out and they need to do unnecessary interventions such as cesareans or a lot of medications, pitocin and epidurals make it so much harder to push and BREATHE effectively during your birth process. i also fucking despise that doctors don’t let moms giving birth eat while we’re in labor. giving birth is basically the same as running 2 marathons. why does a mother not deserve nutrition while trying to push her child out? it’s like they want women to be ill, uncomfortable, and petrified during birth so that it’s unnecessarily traumatizing and we never want to do it again. i don’t want to sound like a crunchy raw milk fag, but i do think giving birth in your own environment, being able to move and shift how you need to, being able to FEED YOURSELF are all things that make giving birth definitely not easier per se, but so much more comfortable because you feel like you are in control. not some fucking doctor

No. 2095997

You'll probably be banned for baiting but it's absolutely true. Female loyalty exists purely for males. I'd bet 90% of the "man hate" on this site are just women who had a fight with their boyfriends or a bad breakup. Women don't truly hate men, which is what makes male whining about "reverse sexism" even more sour.

No. 2096002

Anorexics are all just narcissists

No. 2096005

Nona, you realize that even in first world western countries like the UK, less than 2% of reported rapes end up leading to conviction, right? My own father was a pedo and serial child molester/pornographer. He was reported countless times, and every single time, the police concluded there was no physical evidence, because he was smart about it, and he’s still a free man. If I were to talk the law into my own hands and harm him, I’d be the one sitting in jail. The only way we’re allowed to pursue justice is through the legal system, and the legal system fails women and children time and time again no matter how many reports are made, look at all the shit Savile and Epstein got away with for instance. Unless your moid is actually doing something illegal there’s no consequences for him, and even if you report him, there a 98% chance nothing will happen to him.

No. 2096007

There is a male tranny janny here, he was the one who made the infamous ‘I want him to fuck me in my boypussy’ post while his farmhand handle was still on.

No. 2096008

holy shit caps?

No. 2096012

File: 1721358539146.jpg (5.83 KB, 275x80, 1719539677014.jpg)

NTA but I think anon meant this

No. 2096015

oh my god KEK thank you nonna

No. 2096016

this was April fool's 2019, nice try

No. 2096017

This makes it obvious it's satire

No. 2096019

fun fact: using uwu for satire will now get you banned for "emoji use".

No. 2096038

i miss this lolcow era

No. 2096068

further proving most of the farmhands are newfaggots from after the pandemic

No. 2096071

I do realize, I’m moreso talking about continuing to date men who have allegations of abuse against them. Or vehemently defending a moid you know because “He’s always been such a good father/brother/friend, and I just know he would never do that”.
I obviously don’t expect women to just start killing abusive men, or even going to the police on another woman’s behalf. But if there is a male in your social circle with abuse allegations towards him that you haven’t cut off I don’t trust you and I think you’re a bad person. And if you’re out here defending that male for any other reason than “I was physically present and I saw the allegation from start to finish and I undoubtedly know the truth” then I outright hate you. Both contribute to the problem of male violence a lot more than any of us admit

No. 2096081

That sucks because I love using uwu in sarcastic messages

No. 2096120

No one wants to admit it but this also applies for the "why didn't you leave" argument. Majority of abusive scrotes exposees have turned into a circle jerk of blaming the woman (oh but not actually blaming her but making the entire conversation about how bad she is) instead of shitting on the man. Men need to be SCARED when they're being exposed as abusers, they need to see us grab our pitchforks not shitting on their victims for calling them out

No. 2096136

You’re not allowed to eat or drink while in labour so that if you need to be put under anaesthesia for an emergency surgery, you won’t aspirate food and drink into your lungs. Epidurals are also not mandatory, you can request to not have it.

No. 2096141

>Women don't truly hate men
Speak for yourself.

No. 2096153

I dunno, it kinda is. We just say "scrote", "moid", or post manhating memes.

Misogynists on the other hand go around killing and raping women they despise. We don't do that here, we're not writing manifestos on how to when and where to shoot up the local male gym like 4channies do.

We have too much empathy for our own good.

No. 2096173

You’re glowing a little too brightly.

No. 2096231

burger king fries are better than mcdonalds fries

No. 2096249

>let me autistically ignore that giving birth on your back is dangerously and not the easiest and natural way women should be birthing infants
ntayart this is exactly why women can’t have shit, there’s always a bunch of birdbrains in the corner defending every single thing these doctors and nurses do to pregnant women. it’s not normal to give birth in your back and have men dig desperately into your fucking uterus to get the baby out because they’re that desperate to keep the child to “save the mother” yeah fucking right kek, men in medicine have created newer ways to control female reproduction by the caesarean surgical procedure. if only women stopped birthing their babies for them they wouldn’t be risking their lives in the hospital in the first place

No. 2096254

More like we aren't retarded enough to throw a decade+ of our free life away for a moid.

No. 2096257

I think having a mental illness is very similar to having a disability. Mentally ill people aren’t that autistic but I see the similarity of dysfunction

No. 2096267

that’s just male socialization vs female. whenever i feel hate towards someone i don’t really think “i gotta rape and murder that” because i’m not retarded like the average male. that doesn’t make my hatred any less. men are not the default or the standard.

No. 2096273

That's just the truth

No. 2096274

honestly i think it’s less bleeding heart and more self preservation. if a man goes around punching women in the head, few of them are willing to risk jail time by shooting him or personal harm by fighting back. but no woman with a lick of sense is going to start punching men in the head, or otherwise bullying them as men bully women. if he gets mad it’s over

No. 2096275

>What the fuck is even the point of discussion threads or forums if only one opinion is allowed and you’re only allowed to agree to not risk getting reported and banned?
learn to evade and you can use lolcow however you want within reason

No. 2096277

nonny you’re gonna get banned for admitting what everyone here does kek

No. 2096279

There's no point in ban evading when the bans here are a few hours at the most.

No. 2096282

I don’t know why you guys take those accusations so personally when to me it indicates that the pathetic faggot couldn’t come up a real argument, so they cope with “y-you’re actually X or Y”. It’s in an indirect concession. Laugh at them and move on.

No. 2096288

they can make the site turn backwards and unusable if you keep getting banned btw

No. 2096295

Bootlickers need to be lined up and shot. Why the fuck are you stupid fucking morons constantly shutting down people about to riot to IMPROVE the economy? Like how fucking stupid can you be that you don't want things BETTER for yourself? Are you a masochist or something? Did you want the government to rape you? It's like anytime you bring up how horrible housing prices, wages, etc have gotten some retarded fucking pussy needs to come in and deny all of its happening. The funniest fucking part is when all the bootlicking they did ends up biting them on the ass. I know multiple boomers who went on Facebook screaming about how housing prices aren't bad and we all need to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, guess who's retarded asses are all going to work at Walmart on their deathbed

No. 2096376

Women who glaze on other women’s looks for being pretty are secretly jealous and over compensating with the girls girls “omg you’re so pretty” “I look at girls with my man!” To hide they’re jealous

No. 2096379

Ghosting and not messaging someone is okay. People don't have to be available via phone, and if you really enjoy someone's company you can go see them. Texting shouldn't be taken seriously at all. I hate texting and I think it's a way for many to keep up a "false" relationship that would otherwise even die because at least one party is not actually interested enough in the other person, they just like to have someone to chat with and they feel entitled to the attention.

No. 2096384

Kek at complaining about "buzzwords" but then using one yourself in the very first sentence.

No. 2096387

This thread has genuinely the worst posters on this entire website and it should be used as ban-bait instead.

No. 2096388

I hate this mindset and women who do it because it makes it impossible to give a genuine compliment without someone thinking you're trying to Regina George 4D chess insult them. Like girl no, I just think your nails look neat.
But women who say things like
>“I look at girls with my man!”
are definitely just trying to cope with their bfs being shitty coomchimps who refuse to not ogle booba in front of their girlfriends.

No. 2096393

I have no sympathy for the current state of the American animation industry. Animators can whine all they want about adults being hooked on nostalgia but the reality is that most people are becoming aware of the amount of freaks in the industry. Parents don't want their kids watching shows made by pedos and adults who like animation can continue to rewatch old media or stuff for adults from overseas studios.

No. 2096527

I always tell girls they're pretty because im bisexual and really think so lol but I try not to come off as a creep so I just give fairly basic compliments when I would otherwise want to flirt with a girl I know is probably straight

I thought the whole point of texting was so that people can take their time responding or not respond at all if the thing you sent doesn't require a response, idk what is with the zoomer attitude that people owe it to you to treat texting like a live interaction or phone call. I literally go days without even touching my phone at all so I feel like a lot of people would assume I 'don't like them' or 'don't care about them' with the attitudes many people have about texting, but luckily many of my friends are the same as me and don't get offended that I am slow/sporadic to respond. I always think texting is more like email where you only need to respond in a timely manner if you're actually expecting a text or planning something, otherwise it's an open invite to speak to you when you're eventually free.

No. 2096533

Food that's a little burnt tastes better than if it was perfectly cooked. I love the crunchiness of a burnt edge and it makes the flavor of the item pop out. I always purposely allow a little extra time on my cauliflower/broccoli, meat, potatoes, bread, etc.

No. 2096538

I think it depends on the food and how it's cooked but there is a reason why fire/charcoal grilled food is so popular and that's why (the crunchy burnt bits). People freak out about acrylamides causing cancer but apparently this can mostly be prevented by just cooking foods like this with herbs.

No. 2096543

I talk a big game about how I think fathers should take more care of their kids which is something I truly believe in but I also get viscerally grossed out when I see a man with a baby strapped to him. Like I bet the baby probably wants to be held by her mom

No. 2096546

Ayrt and yeah desserts fall into the category of not tasting good while burnt unless it's a meringue or something. Savory foods with burnt edges are the best though.

No. 2096549

There's plenty of time after the infancy stage for moids to bond with their children, but yes babies mostly benefit from being with their mothers. Although I don't get grossed out by moids giving their wives/gfs a break and taking care of infants for a while, women get so exhausted having to do it 24/7, but I would find it weird if a moid was doing most of the bonding with an infant.

No. 2096597

very weird take ngl. That's his kid too. I'm sure the baby is happy to be held by either parent and probably doesn't have enough consciousness to care

No. 2096603

I guess it’s just weird to me because I prefer to always have my bebe strapped to me when we’re out in public as a family kek

No. 2096609

Get out of my imageboard normie incubator

No. 2096610

Not this again, nonnies.

No. 2096611

You sound like a 4chan faggot.

No. 2096613

Why’d you have to make it weird

No. 2096614

speaking of whoever runs this imageboard do any of you ever wonder what kind of people the owners are or could be

No. 2096615

I ponder it every time someone accuses a janny of being a tranny.

No. 2096616

right? like what if there is actual troons who are our overlords.

No. 2096620

I don't like it too, to be honest. I don't feel like the kids are safe with their fathers because they're kinda retarded, women are always aware of their suroundings for their children, but fathers aren't. I don't trust them with pets too.
I remember some anon said at least one was actually outed as an actual tranny? but i don't know when or how.

No. 2096625

I wonder if any of the Putin avatarfagging Russian spies got into a janny role

No. 2096628

File: 1721423627983.jpeg (293.34 KB, 1443x2048, IMG_6110.jpeg)

Being a tradwife is becoming trendy now, i do not like this, it makes me feel less unique, I'm kinda glad the normalfags NPCs will become this way for a few years but there's something so odd about this whole thing.

No. 2096647

I think it's a reaction to the steady economic decline and general uncertain future. It's become harder to purchase property and make ends meet so the fantasy of a rich guy taking care of you becomes more appealing to some women. That's probably not the full picture but I'm certain that's part of it. Or that's my theory anyway.

No. 2096648

what the hell are you even saying?

No. 2096655

>i do not like this, it makes me feel less unique
>I'm kinda glad the normalfags NPCs will become this way for a few years
??? Are you a tradwife? I can't see any other reason why you could see this as positive?

No. 2096661

>becoming a wife and mom is odd
nonna when you open up a history book you're gonna be so shocked. also i've seen other anons say this before too but i think the term 'tradwife' is really dumb? just being married, having kids, and cooking doesn't make a woman religious or traditionalist at any rate kek. i don't really know what happened in the last 15 years that made parenthood and marriage so foreign to young people to the extent where they think that just doing normal stuff is some weird trad aesthetic shit

No. 2096670

I think it’s retarded how everyone feels the need to record themselves doing everything and make their whole life about adhering to some aesthetic!!1!1 instead of just living. Why do you need to be broadcasting your duties dressed in lavish outfits? Is it possibly to appeal to the gaze of males who will scroll upon your account? Thats not very trad of you, Melinda

No. 2096671

As a former weeb I realised that 90% of anime is shit and that I only liked it cause I was a impressionable adolescent

No. 2096672

I do not like Scott Pilgrim Vs The world it’s so shitty and stupid and lame

No. 2096673

Ok empathchan

No. 2096674

fucking stupid movie

No. 2096675

Ramona is cute. Other than that it's stupid. Especially with that fag named wallace or whatever.

No. 2096746

That's not ghosting imo. if you're just friends you don't NEED to talk every single day for no reason. Hell I've reached a point where I don't even talk to my friends unless we're making plans irl. The only exception to this rule is that you should be expected to reply to your romantic partner, or at the very least let them know if you're going to be unable to respond

No. 2096755

Anime appeals to immature people because it’s highly sexual, flashy, the characters usually look teens/early 20s and the plots aren’t overly complicated. It makes sense it appeals to young or immature people.

No. 2096756

My thoughts exactly. Childcare becoming unaffordable, job searches aren't regulated so a lot of people end up doom applying on indeed, unaffordable housing, cars, our dollar is having less and less buying power, etc. it also doesn't help a lot of western families kick their daughters out too young and refuse to offer support. For most girls trying to make it on their own it's just closed door after closed door, a lot of them give up and resort to trad life

No. 2096758

there is nothing wrong with being a disney adult

No. 2096760

People don’t like Disney adults because they’re jealous that they have extra income to spend on frivolous shit. All their money goes to kids and bills and they’re pissed about it.

No. 2096768

I don't have kids either and I think Disney adults are cringe purely because consoomerism is not a personality. It's ultimately harmless cringe though, it's better to be a Disney adult than it is to be a furry or a crypto currency faggot.

No. 2096771

Wallace is only in the movie for a couple of minutes total. Of all the shit to complain about, why that?

No. 2096775

nta but he's memorable
i dont like disney adults not because of their expansive mickey ear and DVD collections but more because overconsumption of anything is weird behavior. like weeaboos, people who collect funko pops and watch TV all day, women who collect makeup and slather themselves in it. thats only me though

No. 2096797

I agree with what you said but I also find it personally hard for me to resolve. I have a nagging feeling that the more I improve, I'm supposed to show it to people online and then eventually later or not take up commissions or land a job. Otherwise "what's the point in making art if you're not going to share it to the world"/the skills I worked up on amounted to nothing. I'm at a moment in my life where I want to take a break or at least shift my relationship with it because I asked myself why I started to take it seriously in the first place and realized it was because I wanted to improve so I can wow people and continue some validation-seeking cycle by posting on the internet. Gain some name for myself. I want to shift more into improving for my own sake.

No. 2096846

>let me autistically ignore that giving birth on your back is dangerously and not the easiest and natural way women should be birthing infants
I didn’t acknowledge it because I agree with it, giving birth on your back isn’t the best way to do it.
>desperately into your fucking uterus to get the baby out because they’re that desperate to keep the child to “save the mother”
C-sections have saved the lives of countless women and children, it’s not always possible to give birth vaginally and without a c-section the baby and mother would die. While there are doctors that over-prescribe c-sections and do them only for their own convenience not for the benefit of the mother and baby, that doesn’t mean that the surgery itself is bad and that there are no cases in which it’s necessary.

No. 2096849

I like Lillie's movies, i die laughing. They are so good. I wish she was just a weirdo making videos instead of the whole mom shit.

No. 2096863

The anime series was better than the movie

No. 2096869

I think the point kind of flew over your head that if a mom is laboring on her back she’s more likely to need unnecessary interventions like that. If she’s able to move and adjust into positions that help her relax her pelvis as much as possible, then it’ll greatly improve her ability to give birth as effectively as possible.

No. 2096876

Read my other post, >>2096846 I agree that giving on your back is not the best way to do it. But I think you and the other anon are missing the point of what I was saying, which was explaining why women typically aren’t allowed or eat or drink during labour.

No. 2096880

I get that and stuff but I still feel like I should’ve been allowed to eat a burrito while shoving out a twelve pound baby kek

No. 2096972

Cynical posts make me sad

No. 2096981

I don’t care how abusive etc men are because there are always going to be a drove of women willing to date him regardless. If ya can’t beat em join em.

No. 2096984

Going to a club, getting drunk and then forgetting the rest just to wake up on your or someone else's bed isn't fun and if you find it fun i bet that 80% of all your problems are your fault.

No. 2096987

I’m an alcoholic but I drink on my own because I hate shit like you described

No. 2096992

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was insane that woman beaters are never single.

No. 2097005

I don't think it's shit, but most of it is written for kids or teenagers. I wish I consumed more of it when I was younger because I never realized how much of it is only good if you're the right age. There's something sad about realizing you've grown out of something that used to be a big part of your identity.

No. 2097013

Getting drunk with friends at a bonfire and doing random hillbilly shit is way more fun than that

No. 2097099

Shia labuff or whatever his name is has herpes and a case pending against him for abuse and that’s never stopped him from getting women

No. 2097303

celebrity moids can commit some of the most vile acts on earth and still find women who will throw themselves at them. look at the pick-mes who gave their own children to ian watkins. being attached to a famous man is an enormous badge of honor for some women and they'll stop at nothing to achieve it.

No. 2097333

I think showering more than 3 times a week is kind of a waste of water

No. 2097363

Infeasible for me imo because I live in a warm climate and have a physically demanding job and am fat . I am concerned about water waste because my city has to import water so I take fast showers but I think the worst offenders are the retards who use lawn sprinklers especially set to auto and then it automatically turns on in the rain and shit.

No. 2097378

>the worst offenders are the retards who use lawn sprinklers
Any burgerfag who maintains a euro-native grass lawn (Kentucky Bluegrass ain't from Kentucky) has no right to talk about another person's water waste. They need to remove the log from their own eye before poking out the speck in a daily bather.

No. 2097448

Honest to god it was easier to make friends and find decent men when I was younger. People were more open to share their personalities and young adults aren't so fucking awkward about having fun because omg that's so childish, fun is a quiet activity now. At what point did men and women growing up and being able to talk to each other stop happening why are men so fucking weird is it the porn rot because what the fuck

No. 2097466

it's the internet. it encourages strange behavior and people forget how to be normal.

No. 2097467

I don't think women are any better than men morally, I think the consequences for women are simply greater, and the support is often less, and so they're more apt to stay in line. Men can rape kids and get a slap on the wrist but Jodi Arias is going to die in prison.

No. 2097470

Evolutionarily speaking it makes sense for women to have developed loyalty to select males rather than other women. Men are also the ones who were responsible for a family's livelihood and protection until the rise of the state and women's rights. Being loyal to women would not have provided any great benefit, whereas towards men it would have been necessary for survival.

No. 2097479

I'm talking about irl too though. Men at my work literally talk to me like I'm another species and I'm genuinely baffled how they grew up to their big ages and have forgotten the women are people.

No. 2097485

Nah, this is just factually wrong. Say there are no concequences to your actions and no one will ever know of what you do. You're left alone with a little girl or a little boy. Almost every single woman will do nothing bad to them, even if there are no concequences. Men? Their first thought would be rape/violence/murder/abuse, you could bet on it.

Nta but I wouldn't say that it makes sense evolutionarily. If you're talking about monkey days/early humans, it would make sense for women to stick together in groups and helping each other out for as long as they live while having very little males around for reproduction/protection, but the male is expendable and had to be substituted regularly, so it wouldn't make sense for women to be so loyal to a single male while distancing themselves from other women. A woman's extreme loyalty to a single male is the product of male-made society as a way to artificially guarantee a woman (aka opportunity to pass down genes) to every man and bypass their selection.

No. 2097509

It's insane these men can live normal lives. I also blame the "why'd you stay" reactions. Once I outted a man for abusing me from when I was 12 and got the "why'd you stay dumbass" reaction and everyone who said that continued praising him and everything else. Not even being happy I did eventually leave and got better but I didn't do it sooner so he's innocent and everything else. Men need to be SCARED to get outted for abuse, not happy their victims get told they were stupid

No. 2097527

I think people are starting to lose empathy for women in abusive relationships because of social media showing the types who like being in toxic relationships. It’s hard to admit but there are women who enjoy toxic relationships and they make the women who actually want to get out look bad.

No. 2097535

Samefag also there are a lot of women who are losing patience with other women making us look retarded

No. 2097553

Yeah but a lot of people seem unforgiving to women that are eventually able to get themselves out because "she didn't do it sooner". I can see why a lot of women stay if they're going to treat women that left the exact same as women that stayed just because "it didn't happen sooner"

No. 2097561

I agree with the “why’d you stay” for many adult women who have the means to get out. I don’t feel bad for them at all, they are just incredibly weak-willed and saddening to see

No. 2097565

The reality is we already expect men to be trash which is why the focus is on wanting women to want better for themselves. Men are never going to stop being abusive, unless other men step in to tell them to stop(kek which will never happen). If women want to stay in abusive relationships because they aren’t getting ass pats from other women, then that’s on them for not valuing their own lives.

No. 2097570

As long as if they left they should get props for leaving. A lot of women may be financially trapped or if she grew up with abusive parents she may not even know what happened to her was abuse. It's also important to note heavy, heavy manipulation is often involved with abuse, most women being abused think everything that happened to them is their fault

No. 2097571

This mindset isnt going to help anyone, if anything it makes abusers thrive since if victims were to out them, it ends up being the victim that gets hate. If a woman outs a man for abuse we need to be grabbing our pitchforks and chasing him not jumping on the first opportunity to hate on a victim

No. 2097574

nta, but loyalty or favour towards a single or select few males makes sense biologically, since humans have such long developmental and rearing periods. Humans likely operated in 'monogamous' pairs within greater groups rather than being a true harem-ing species (one of the main potential indicators of this behaviour is our low level of sexual dimorphism in comparison to non-monogamous hominids and other mammals, though this could be caused by other factors, of course) . In such a system, other, non-related females would likely be relegated to competition and so of less priority than maintaining a bond and alliance with partnered (or useful side ho) males. The population would likely be quite mixed as well since humans take a ridiculously long time to reach potential dispersal ages (both male and female), and adolescents in many social species often have unique niches within group activities so there's less reason to chase them off (basic culture also wouldn't have been able to develop if everyone scurried off to make a new family group at 15 or whatever either, it requires longer lived and more stationary communities).

>the male is expendable and had to be substituted regularly

On this point though, where are these substitute males coming from? Resident males would become increasingly more likely to be related to resident females as their population dwindled (if a community is made up of a small group of families), and stranger males both wouldn't necessarily be tolerated by resident males and would offer greater risk to resident females and their offspring. I'm not even arguing against males being the more 'expendable' sex (they are, just like females are always the more reproductively 'expensive' sex, even in unusual reproductive arrangements like eg seahorses), it's just something that doesn't really line up as an optimum social strategy, and again 'loyalty' and caring for in-group males would be beneficial to a female in this case, since her efforts help maintain a known and therefore predictable male's existence who may be helping to rear her offspring. Unless the idea is that females would be off shagging males at the edge of their territories, but not inviting them home kek.

Sorry for the turbo sperg, guess I got a little enthusiastic kek
(also just in case, yes female selection reigns supreme in most forms of sexual reproduction, and it's very likely that sex has had a social aspect within our lineage as well, but I was focused on the reproductive behavioural aspect here and so didn't touch on that. apologies if anything I said is severely out of date as well, humans aren't really my biology focus lol)

No. 2097575

Around 1960

No. 2097576

The women staying aren’t staying because they’re not getting enough support from women, they’re staying because they’re in love with their shitty scrote lol. Usually the women in their lives who try to help these abused women end up getting killed or abused by the scrote as well. It’s not worth getting into the drama with them.

No. 2097577

I’m not one of the psychos who’s against heterosexual relationships but I also don’t think men and women should fraternize as friends

No. 2097579

From what I’ve noticed in these friendships is if you’re hot they secretly want to fuck and if you’re ugly they keep you around as like a little jester to throw nasty jokes about your looks/comedic relief

No. 2097580

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For a generation that loves to armchair diagnose everyone around them and abuse pop psychology buzzwords, a lot young people have internet-induced narcissistic personality disorder. It pisses me off so much when people say “I don’t owe you anything” or “Google is free.” You do owe other people something by virtue of existing in society. You shouldn’t feel obliged to smile because some creepy old guy told you that you should smile more, but you should feel obliged to smile at people because it is polite.

No. 2097585

Yeah but the sad truth not everyone is going to save you and that unfortunately many of them have to hit rock bottom until they figure out they have to get out of their own prison. A lot of them ignore the obvious red flags and still go into the relationship.

No. 2097587

I don’t understand when women say they were manipulated by scrotes or they hide their true personality. Scrotes are so stupid and narcissistic that I don’t understand how anyone can be manipulated by one. They also have the lying skill of a 5 year old and their lies never make any sense.

No. 2097600

I'm referring to women who left, but still got the "why didn't you leave sooner" comments. Even then there isn't enough anger guided towards abusers

No. 2097603

Unfortunately most women are taught to believe men constantly and women's niceness gets abused constantly

No. 2097700

>Usually the women in their lives who try to help these abused women end up getting killed or abused
I wouldn't say most of the time

No. 2097714

Another post for my "farmers hates women more than they hate men" exhibit
Anyway, why do so many anons keep misunderstanding that anon(s?) posts so hard? The topic is clearly women who have already left but so many replies just keep talking about women who haven't left.

No. 2097756

I support Palestine purely because whites don't belong in the middle east(racebait)

No. 2097759

Middle easterners and arabic people are caucasoids, that is white. Stop racebaiting.
Go back to /pol/. How are you comfortable supporting a culture and religion that actively harms, mutilates and kills women for existing, just because you’re twitterracist?

No. 2097762

Israeli jews aren't white

No. 2097763

you're retarded lmao

No. 2097764

Silence, I don't interact with porkskins in my daily life and intend to keep it that way.(back to /pol/)

No. 2097766

>Middle easterners and arabic people are caucasoids, that is white.
Nta but this isn't true and labeling arabs as "white" is based on an arbitrary premise. There's brown arabs so would you consider them white? But yeah people making Israel and Palestine a white and brown issue are retarded because israelis and palestinians literally look the same lol

No. 2097844

"girl code"/"female code" is not real

No. 2097849

Dogs are male coded and cats are female coded. Please don't sperg at me about misogyny I'm obviously just being playful with the personality traits I've observed from animals paired with well known stereotypes of both sexes.

With dogs they instantly like their owner without much work being needed, but it's sort of a one dimensional bond. They are also extremely needy and annoying, and can sperg at a moments notice and nip someone or worse, often for no reason or no understandable reason. They have very little awareness of how clumsy and clunky they are, often knocking people over, scratching them when jumping up on them, sticking their face in crotches, knocking shit over with their tail. They get jealous of anyone their owner talks too, especially other animals. They're also very loud and stinky, and also I do not like them.

But with cats they are very cautious with strangers, need a lot of time to get comfortable with them, but once that bond is there they are extremely affectionate and loving. Even the ones that aren't fond of cuddling will show their affection in other ways, unless they're just an all around cranky cat. Which happens because they're animals and they all have different personalities and sometimes illness or chronic pain can also impact their mood. They're careful about where they're sitting/standing, careful about who touches them, gentle about touching people. They're independent and don't get in peoples faces or personal bubbles, and they often give fair warning before sperging out in attempt to stop whatever behavior is making them spergy. They're voices are softer and less grating, they don't nag, don't leave spit stains and stinky smells everywhere. Also I love them.

No. 2097855

Does that make you a flatworm? Since you're one dimensional and no one likes you?

No. 2097857

caucasoid doesn't mean white only

No. 2097861

Kek, well cats like me and that's enough for me

No. 2097862

israelis are mixed but they're still mostly white.

No. 2097878

Doctors are fucking pigs

No. 2097881

That’s crazy how you came to that weird conclusion over anon’s opinion kek

No. 2097916

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watching full lets play's of videogames is morally the same as pirating them

No. 2097921

Whatever the fuck is in picrel should count as biological warfare. I sort of agree with you, however pirating takes a little effort (if you don't want malware) and you actually play the game. Watching let's plays is lazy and thus even more morally wrong.

No. 2097989

Pirating isn’t morally wrong, and how would watching someone play a game they (presumably) bought be considered morally wrong?

No. 2098045

I had a male friend who was ok with troon shit, but after I told him it was all fetish shit and horrible for women's rights, he changed his views about it and started seeing it for what it is. It helps that he's balkan so they're already skeptical of that stuff, though. I also discussed porn with him before, he stumbled upon it as well as gore as a kid and it traumatized him and he has weird nightmares because of it, he stopped watching it when he grew up and understood it was wrong before meeting me, but it was refreshing to know he doesn't like that stuff and we make fun of loser weirdos and porn addicts online together sometimes. He even hated poly shit before I peaked on it and he helped me see what's wrong with that stuff, not that I actually was into it or practicing it irl, but I used to think it's not that bad in theory, but after seeing it in practice, I understood why it's considered degenerate and bad.

No. 2098049

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No. 2098064

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Cannibalism is fine actually. Not in a moral sense but in a health sense.
>Kuru/other prion diseases
Well, first of all Kuru is extinct and the only reason it existed is not because of cannibalism but because they ate someone who sporadically developed the Kuru prion, if they never developed there never would have been an issue. Secondly the chance of eating someone with a prion disease is the same rate as you getting one anyways, not a lot of people are getting vCJD (sporadic form of mad cow that mainly targets younger people) and the other types are even rarer, there's like five families with FFI worldwide.
>People are literally full of shit
Yeah, and so are wild animals. If you can eat venison from a hunted deer or wild rabbit you can probably eat a person because they carry similar risks, the meat could be full of worms or poison or the animal was sick etc. Also you don't eat the entire animal, do you? Most of the time you're eating the muscles, which are the best parts to eat typically. Now a human isn't that good for you calories wise, we tend to be quite lean so you'd need to eat a lot to get to a similar caloric intake as other types of meat. But maybe that'd fit in with your dieting plans.
Can't argue with this one. Just try not to eat a gay moid I suppose

No. 2098066

youre right, i roll my eyes every time i see the first point as a rebuttal because its not how prion diseases work

No. 2098070

Right? People think it's a zombie disease or something when it's a "just" a protein in your brain being shaped weird that causes other proteins to be shaped weird and start fucking up cells.

No. 2098079

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I know what you are

No. 2098081

to be fair since we don't typically eat other humans, there could be a billion different diseases we get from other humans we just don't know about because it's never been tested. even different farm animal meats get called back for having diseases fairly often

No. 2098083

I don't get your way of thinking there. A game is not a movie, playing it is the function of it and by only watching you are not doing the function and purpose of it. If I watch a girl with a cool outfit walk by that doesn't mean I've used her clothes just because the outfit was meant to be looked at.

No. 2098089

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I love my cat, but vocal "cat people" are generally insufferable.

No. 2098090

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>Eating people is totally fine

No. 2098091

Humans have been eating and consuming other humans for medicinal purposes (in Europe as well as many other countries) for ages though, even up to the 19th century people were doing it. We're even a contributing factor in the neanderthals extinction because we used to hunt and eat them so much. I don't exactly disagree though, there's a chance that it could create a totally new disease or infection similar to how analingus has created a very steep uptick in sexually transmitted parasites.

Aww man, you guys see right through me.

No. 2098092

Ayrt, kek alright I feel you. I'm only vocal online at least, and only occasionally

No. 2098104

I wish technology progresses so much that women won't need to physically give birth anymore. Childbirth can fucking kill. Harvest eggs and semen, grow a baby on the outside, constant monitor it without complications (and need for the mother to physically go and do weekly and monthly check ups), without any unnecessary medicines or invasive procedures, always well fed, no FAS or other in womb diseases and when the baby is ready you have a well-rested, not ridden by pain mother ready to take care of it, who had all the time to nest and prepare the house, directly abort without "responsibility" fetuses who are incompatible with life and there, perfect.
Maybe it's my childfree ass speaking, meaning that I don't want a pregnancy by my own, but every fucking time I hear a mother talking about their son or daughter, they always end up with some shit like "OOhh but the pain!! Ohh but I didn't want an epidural! After 20+ hours of labour I was put in for an emergency c section! The back pain! The breast pain!! All the check ups, the blood tests, the genetic tests!"
Why would I want to go through that? To carry some child that could potentially have deadly diseases? Aside from all the pregnancy, the thought of labour makes me go nuts because I have very heavy sleep problems and the thought of staying up because of pain makes me insane, I would be able to cut myself open just to get rid of the cause and leave the child there because fuck no, that's only the beginning, not to mention that also a lot of complications come up in labour and childbirth itself, from tears to children suffering lack of oxygen and getting hurt. I don't know, pregnancy and motherhood are a horror to me, no one could ever convince me that's worth it.

No. 2098107

If/when technology progresses that far it'll be abused by wealthy men. There's already cases known of wealthy businessmen purchasing hundreds of surrogate babies, imagine what they'll do if they can create babies in artificial wombs. There's no winning.

No. 2098113

of course in an ideal and utopic world, only women have a say in that and only women have authority on children born from said practice. I already know that wealthy men and faggots buy wombs, I'm not talking about that horror.

No. 2098114

Women who marry military moids are all turbo pickmes, no exception.

No. 2098161

When you alienate women from their bodies in such a way, you allow the marketization of physical processes like birth. Wealthy men and women will be the only ones able to take advantage of such technologies, creating a two-tier experience of birth. The women in poor countries with the highest levels of maternal mortality would never see this technology. You also provide an argument for the removal of sex-based rights as technology outsources (embodied) sexed experiences, but not men's proclivity for violence or physical strength. I honestly believe no good can come of this (but I also believe transhumanism is a mistake and has the same underlying logic as trannyism)

No. 2098163

No. 2098169

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Nothing encapsulates the mood and vibe of this website like this movie does. I’ve been to a mental hospital before (blogpost no one cares everybody goes there once in their life yah) and being sex-segregated in one of those rooms they place you in you end up having convos/arguments that match the ones that are made on /ot/ and /g/.

No. 2098173

nta but I'm not really seeing how women being in charge of it makes it good. it would still create a two-tier system as the other nona said

No. 2098174

I think women suffer mental illness solely because of men.

No. 2098177

Which is fitting because military are pick-me's for the government and would shoot their fellow citizens if an old man with high enough rank told them to, after which they'd ask you to thank them for their service.

No. 2098186

Considering that this shit is already happening, just using surrogates, the main customers and clients are faggot and rich women usually forced by their husbands.
Don't make men or rich couples be able to buy children. Harvest your own, grow your own, period.
pregnancy and childbirth care will never improve anyway. Women still die of childbirth or complications and no one bats an eye. If a woman wants a child, only the woman must check in and only that same woman might have the baby.
But that's not the problem. It's not about being a transhumanist, it's about going to the root of the problem, that being a woman's body, do not forget that men also baby trap women out of spite and then use the child to be still in contact with them. Remove men in the entirety.

No. 2098194

No. 2098195

oh okay so this is like an alternate reality fantasy ideal situation for you and real life doesn't apply. got it.

No. 2098210

>everybody goes there once in their life
…Really? Is that the demographic here kek, that everyone has been to a mental hospital at least once? I've been here 8 years and this is news to me, now I feel left out kek

No. 2098211

Being around a bunch of crazy cluster B shrills who are incapable of self-soothing and using their words to mend conflicts can wear on your psyche.

No. 2098218

Atayart, to be fair I only went there once because I was still in high school and having distressing panic attacks (not the weak shit people think it is like actual room spinning, shaking, impending doom, hyperventilating) with no cause and it kept leading me into the emergency room. One of the doctors came in and asked me if I wanted to end my life and I said “yes”, you never say yes to those questions because they’ll just ship you off without even giving further thought that you’re young and don’t know what the fuck is going on and might change your mind. That’s how you accidentally end up there for a week kek.

No. 2098221

you can marry someone in the military and still dislike the military

No. 2098224

Ayrt, I sympathize and I feel you completely on the panic attacks. I had to drop out a bunch of times and do online school for months at a time because I had the same kind of anxiety, the panic attacks got so bad one time when I was like 12 I fainted and peed myself in class. I hope yours is better now though, true anxiety is so fucking life ruining and scary.

No. 2098279

I don’t like women who get a ton of plastic surgery and makeup because they make the playing field hard for other women. We all know men would fuck other dudes and animals if they get horny enough and if these bitches would stop over doing it, the beauty standards wouldn’t be so toxic.

No. 2098288

Unfortunately lookism is too intrinsically tied to being treated better by both men and women.
The only plastic surgeries I don't get behind are for troons/pornified looks for men. Everything else I damn well understand.
Ugly and fat women are treated horrifically and there is nothing wrong with making moves to better one's social position.

No. 2098293

>dont say ya'll if youre not from the south
thanks, person who has never lived in an urban area their whole life. every type of person under the sun says "ya'll"

No. 2098304

>every type of person under the sun says "ya'll"
People all over the world only started saying it recently, and you can't even spell it so you don't get to have an opinion

No. 2098308

It’s spelled y’all nonny. It’s a contraction of “you” and “all”. You all = Y-apostrophe-ALL.

No. 2098314

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I don’t care about the moral implications of piracy and people who moralfag about it can politely shut up and pay for the content because they can. Let poorfags and people who see no point in filling up the pockets of greedy companies enjoy some good stuff from time to time. Torrent that game, get that free Spotify premium .apk etc. lol.

No. 2098331

I say yous or yiz occasionally. English really got messed up once thou was dropped and you had to pull double duty as the singular and plural accusative.

No. 2098336

>I am interested in a story based game
>I read the store page and it looks cool
>big youtuber makes a full playthrough of it so I just watch that instead of paying for it
>no longer want to play/pay for it

No. 2098339

Unironically what’s wrong with modern game design

No. 2098340

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I hate how the LGB(zyklon-T) community ruined the rainbow. Now I can’t even wear cute rainbow clothes without some annoying normie pointing it out and thinking it’s pride shit. No, it’s not, it’s far from your low blood cell count activities. This is excluding lesbians and bisexual women ofc

No. 2098344

Focus on graphics over gameplay so they make a lot of pretty walking sims or copy paste environment sandboxes that are big but empty. I can see why the console makers need to justify their new hardware but the leap from PS4 to PS5 is minuscule compared to PS1 to PS2. Nice graphics also mean looooong and expensive development time.
All this means that it's never been a better time to be a indie game player. I'm playing Hollow Knight and it was made by three Aussies. Probably messed on VB and ice the whole time. Still better than Sony's Spider-Man 2.

No. 2098348

True, but this will probably sting some military wives here kek.

No. 2098356

I just pretend not to know that the rainbow is a routine pride symbol and give weird confused looks to people who ask me about my sexuality/"identity" because of my clothes. TQ+ and degen moids can take the bright colors from my cold dead hands.

No. 2098369

Pride rainbow is only six colors if that helps. Indigo got kicked out.

No. 2098540

The Smiths is music for whiny faggots and has always sucked.

No. 2098659

Why though? The military is such an ungrateful environment to grow up and live in as a civilian, and military moids tend to be low IQ conservatards. I would instantly lose all attraction towards a crush if I learned they were in the military.

No. 2098903


No. 2099280

Dear hairy nonnas, shave your pits!
You nasty ass bitches!

No. 2099282

No. 2099283

Nuh uh, I shower at least twice a day and it's cold so don't need to. Maybe you should clean your armpits better so they don't stink

No. 2099284

Absolutely not. I love being a hairy ape-woman.

No. 2099285

whys that nonny

No. 2099286

no, its dangerous to shave your armpits and pubes. hair grows on your body to protect you.

No. 2099289

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Pride should not be allowed to go on through July. Why is it the end of July and its still "pride month"???

No. 2099290

Samefag and I don't want to sound mean but if your armpit hair smells so bad to you that you have to shave it, I shudder to think what state your asshole hairs are in

No. 2099310

If you're not an atheist I respect you less. All religious thinking is embarrassing to witness from an adult, especially when it's a woman worshiping a moid religion, that's some weird pickme shit to mold your life around a man who sees you as a lesser being. if you have religious beliefs that just signals to me you're probably not as smart as you think you are, but oh my fuck do you ever THINK you are. grow tf up


No. 2099315

Agreed, I think women should do everything they can to pirate media unless they actively support every person who profits from said media. Or just doesn't want to figure out if she does or not. Honestly we just deserve the peace of saving money and avoiding ads.

No. 2099317

People are still saying it's pride month? Where

No. 2099322

I'm an atheist too but most of the most severely retarded people I know are atheists, especially the kind who make it part of (or all of) their personality. Plenty of smart people are religious because they just grew up with that as their culture, whereas the worst types of people often will make their whole personality revolve around how they're not religious, like it's some weird quirk even though it's honestly the norm in the west.

No. 2099329

It's not the matter of how much you wash, people are just simply using the wrong products to wash themselves. When i swapped to using a soap with salicylic acid in it, my BO stopped entirely.

No. 2099331

nta but I’m guessing you have never lived in devout religious neighborhood. i grew up in a jihadfag town and i will take any edgelord r/atheism retard over a hardcore religious freak

No. 2099336

Mostly Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Seattle, the shithole countries of the US

No. 2099337

i don’t get paying for media. you should be grateful i consume YOUR media over a million other ones available, tf you mean you want me to pay?

No. 2099338

gay people existing or hanging random rainbow flags isn’t pride retard

No. 2099340

Are you stupid? I'm talking about actual pride parades and bar crawls happening

No. 2099343

I'm not saying hardcore religious freaks are good lol I'm just saying there are a large number of people who are just 'religious' because they grew up in it. Also some religions are better than others, I don't hang out with Muslims period because Islam is far and away the most misogynistic major religion, but random cultural Catholics or Sikhs or Buddhists or whatever are usually fairly normal. Most of the edgelord atheists I know are actually former cultish religious people who just wanted to do depraved shit without feeling guilty but took their insane cult religious attitudes with them after deconverting.

No. 2099355

Do agnostics annoy you too? Or do you just hate Abrahamic religions, which is understandable but there's other smaller religions that aren't as retarded or oppressive typically. Also Satanism is an atheist ideology and there's a reason why there's so many troons and sex pests involved with it

No. 2099376

When I feel like it, maybe

No. 2099384

Are you American? I've lived in multiple places in my life that were culturally catholic and most cultural catholics (and even some devout ones) are incredibly normal people who barely even mention their religious background even after years of knowing them. American catholicism is a whole other thing though and extremely devout catholics can be kinda crazy (I have some in my family) but they still tend not to impose their religion on you much and are possible to talk to normally about most topics, don't really try to convert anybody, etc. Same with Anglicans and other non-evangelical protestants and several of the Asian faiths and most reformist jews. A lot of the nuttiest people I know on the other hand are now atheists who used to be Mormon or Pentecostal/Jehovah's Witnesses etc. and basically were like 'wah I don't want to follow rules and I want to be a total degenerate' but they have no idea how not to make their identity and personality and all their social interactions revolve around their religious beliefs so they treat atheism like a cult too, I find those people extra obnoxious when they try to 'relate' to me over being atheist as though it was a faith itself and not just an absence of belief in religion.

No. 2099399

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I know some anons hate Yudori but she's my ultimate guilty pleasure. I absolutely love her artwork, and she has such a straightforward yet complex understanding with human relationships. I know she's incredibly pretentious and one of the worst examples of being a libfem but I just finished reading Pandora's choice and It left me at complete awe from how well she writes messy people.

No. 2099400

But the guitar is so good though!

No. 2099405

I’m not super familiar with her work, but I saw some of her controversial stuff back in the day and I really respected her artistic skill and her willingness to make art that genuinely causes strong and complex emotional reactions in people. I think we’ve become way too used to the idea of “counterculture” art just being whatever everyone already totally thinks, and we have masses of people pretending to be cutting edge and radical, but they’ll become Puritans at an inkling of something really blunt and daring that gets at the ugly truths of terrible experiences and unpalatable real feelings. I like seeing art that isn’t just dressing up sainthood in edgy clothes or celebrating some Disney villain image of darkness. And it’s rather beautiful. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff she’s made that’s not so great, that’s more trite or whatever, but so what.

No. 2099407

Exactly, I have pirated media my entire life so I’m immune to stuff like “noooo, you’ve/I’ve been supporting this or that problematic artist/director/game developer.”
I’m not a burger so I find paying for media, especially that now it’s mostly digital and not physical anymore pretty pointless. Same with streaming services - I find it baffling when I see TikToks of people/influencers who cry cost of living but in the next breath they mention the 10 streaming services they can’t live without. But then again, the way I grew up shaped this thinking, but still…
Another thing, I hope that with the recent Spotify controversies, people will go back to actually owning their files and not own them in the form of a “cloud”, wether pirated or not.

No. 2099435

what's this referencing?

No. 2099441

I remembered a lot of people making fun of her abortion comic and it just felt incredibly real to me. IIRC she made that comic about the internalized male gaze too. Yeah she's a pickme, but when I read her work, more often than not, I agree with most of her takes, or at least sympasize with her. She feels like someone who would be a farmer herself lel

No. 2099444

NTA but Pandora's Choice

No. 2099454

File: 1721632983370.png (737.75 KB, 1080x1080, GeLRHf8.png)

>and she has such a straightforward yet complex understanding with human relationships
She's the opposite though, chasing after self-destructive crap and pretending it's some deep, profound journey like every addict who ever walked the earth.

No. 2099457

nta but your pic example seems pretty complex. I don't follow her though so I have no theory on what she thinks, but that panel has me thinking a lot of thoughts. maybe it's like a separate the artist from the art situation?
is this that woman that did that famous comic where she's having sex but realizes she's concerned about whether she looks good, not whether she's enjoying it or thinks the guy looks good, or is that someone else?

No. 2099458

I like that she draws her Asian characters as actually looking Asian instead of the dorito chin bug-eyed ghosts most KR artists do.

No. 2099459

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No, that was Dakota Bardy. Yudori was the one that did NLOGception parody comic.

No. 2099462

I love her (don't judge me). Just wished she wouldn't pick such mediocore scrotes in her life. Though if I remember, one of her Instagram posts mentioned being CSAed in the past. So I believe her hypersexuality stems from that.

No. 2099467

Iirc, anons in the art salt thread disliked her because she made weird loli-ish art, a glaring white fetish, generally edgy, and I believe there was also something about her trying to encourage a young girl from a 3rd world country who was living with her family to sell her body
Anyway, I personally feel like her art is lackluster and not really anything special or interesting to look at.

No. 2099483

I have no idea who Yudori is but I agree with your general sentiment a lot, I think it's ruining art that everything that is supposed to be 'thought provoking' or 'cultural commentary' in art that's actually accepted now is just what most people in academia/art communities already agree with but it's shilled like it's super revolutionary. I would legitimately prefer to see art that makes me uncomfortable/I don't agree with (unless it's extremely coomerish or misogynistic) than another commentary on 'gender mental illness queer something' at this point.

No. 2099486

I resent that people won't directly pay for art that people go broke making, but it's not like paying for streaming services or major video games even helps the people that made the art. I wish people would go back to realizing that someone should be compensated for the art they're consuming but idc if people pirate music that they would otherwise pay a streaming service for when streaming services don't pay artists, or when someone pirates a movie with a multimillion dollar budget. Like who cares

No. 2099490

I'm not really into pirating video games (I did it with Sims 4 for a while, but I honestly just don't care for game pirating), but I hope people aren't pirating indie games and shit. I think pirating should be reserved for companies that can take the loss.

No. 2099496

I agree. I am an 'indie' musician though and it literally makes no difference to me if someone straight up pirates my music or listens to it on spotify/whatever, the money I recently made from spotify was like 10 dollars for the month and doesn't even matter. Just a handful of people going on bandcamp or coming to the show and buying the album does way more for me financially than someone streaming 'legally.' For video games it's a bit different and I always pay for indie games from small developers, but I wouldn't bother paying for a Hollywood movie or a game from a major game developer or something.

No. 2099560

Most women hate the idea of women protecting themselves against abusers and taking responsibility for their own lives because they want to date scrotes. They hate having to take responsibility for their own lives because that would mean 99% of their dating pool would be gone, so they just screech that telling women to protect themselves is victim blaming. It’s easy to say “buttttt men shouldn’t abuse!”, because you can absolve yourself from all responsibility of what’s happens to you and your kids by placing all the responsibility on men.

No. 2099564

I like amber lynn. She’s so funny and loves milking being obese for money.

No. 2099584

I never liked the way "fakeness" is so normalized with women as a social group. All the mass fake complimenting, condescendence, refusing to acknowledge stuff just because it may be "uncomfortable". As a objectively ugly woman, I wish other women were just honest about the way they feel about me instead of lying, even white lies are hurtful and I don't see it as a "kind" thing to do, i don't respect it neither

No. 2099588

I like her too, I watch all of her videos and I'm a genuine fan. A silent fan though cause I won't bother with that mess of a comment section, but I'm always silently rooting for her no matter how messy she is.

No. 2099592

At risk of getting my ass beat again, I always thought this is one of the reasons why people don't usually take most DV victims seriously. It's far more easy to feel bad over let's say, an animal or a kid, getting abused because they don't got a single say on what happens to them in any sense nor can they work out of their situation at all. But even if you want to help a DV victim, you cannot force an actual adult out of a situation they keep crawling back themselves, some do fuck up their life over dick and literally refuse to acknowledge the fact that they're as dangerous to themselves as their moids

No. 2099594

>I’m immune to stuff like “noooo, you’ve/I’ve been supporting this or that problematic artist/director/game developer.”
I feel like I'm the opposite because that's what stops me from caring too much about pirating all the movies/tv shows I watch and music I listen too. I always think 'why would I want to put more money into the pockets of people I hate?' However if it's a movie I genuinely love and will rewatch I always buy a DVD version of it, so I guess that counts as support. And with the very few music artists I like that aren't terrible people I always buy physical copies of their CD's as well as t-shirts and other merch, and occasionally attend concerts when I have the option too.

No. 2099611

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Short hair only looks good on textured hair (I'm talking curly or even wavy hair). Straight short hair rarely looks good, just plain and homely, because of the lack of volume and shape, some people can pull it off but most women can't pull a straight short cuts, it gotta have some shape to it

No. 2099618

i hate stroopwafel

No. 2099623

I have short wavy hair and it sucks to style most of the time since it looks like an afro unless I use serums to style them. Straight hair is much better suited for short hair I think

No. 2099624

One thing that always surprised me about her is that she's clearly does not give a shit about appealing to her haters. In fact I feel like she actively trolls them, kek. Compared to other cows who have meltdowns when people dislike them, she clearly is fine with it and embraces it even because the more clicks the more money. She was doing ragebaiting before it was cool.

No. 2099628

Wavy/curly hair needs products regardless of length tbf though my pixie was far easier to style than longer curls, in my case. I think every girl should try a pixie at least once it was a fun experience, I do miss my short hair but I live in a 3rd world country where moids decide beauty standards and religiously hate on women cutting their hair in general, I hate men so much they ruin everything

No. 2099630

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It's all about the face

No. 2099633

You should get your ass beat again.

No. 2099650

Hmmm, it's like financial abuse, complete social isolation, flying monkeys, and psychological torment and gaslighting tend to go hand in hand with domestic violence or something. Especially the type of gaslighting where the moid makes you think you're the abusive one for reacting negatively (hitting, shouting) to the abuse.

No. 2099667

>but I live in a 3rd world country where moids decide beauty standards and religiously hate on women cutting their hair in general
Why do you care for that nonnie? Making moids seeth is the best part of having a pixie cut. Dont limit yourself because of moids,go have fun!. im a thirdiefag myself I would know kek

No. 2099668

my only real problem with her is that she doesn't take very good care of her pets. at her size she really shouldn't have any animals. people complain about how she treats those around her but most of them are willing to accept it if it means they benefit in some way (like going out to eat on her dime and having her purchasing things for them) so my sympathy is limited.

No. 2099669

I simply said abused kids are literally born into fucked situations, paradoxically caused by the type of women you're defending, because they always bring miserable kids into it too, of course. That's why is considered a more sad case

No. 2099674

>why do you care for that nonnie?
Look, I know you got good intentions, but not everyone wants to experience constant harassment, public mistreatment and misogyny over a haircut. It was fun but socially I was getting treated like absolute dirt left and right by everybody. I'm not doing that again just to "dunk on moids" I'm sorry

No. 2099715

I think it depends on the game, watching playthroughs of games that are mostly story and don't really require the player to make decisions or fight or use any type of strategy are probably the same as pirating them. Because the game itself is sort of a one time play and once someone has seen the story and ending then their probably not going to want to buy it and play it. But watching games that have multiple endings or require you to actually put effort into the game like Bioshock or GTA or something that's long and can give different results depending how it's played I don't think is the same as pirating because the person is still probably going to want to play the game themselves instead of just watching it. Also I've noticed with gaming channels people who watch them will often have already played the game in advance and then watch the gaming channel because they want to see their favorite youtuber or twitch streamer play it too.

No. 2099772

Is sadder to be in a situation that you had no choice in over being just a woman with no back bone

No. 2099780

I don’t care if women wanna sell sex, it’s their body but I don’t understand why some of them have pimps. I’ve met prostitutes before and they all say it’s because of “money management and protection”…..how is he managing your money when he spends it all on himself? How dumb are you that you need a pimp to selling your own pussy.

No. 2099788

You can really tell some posters here don’t go outside. I got told that I’m a pickme for shaving my legs in the summer. Sorry I don’t want to get bullied by strangers and told I’m a hairy monkey every day when I’m wearing shorts? Not everyone lives in a rich liberal bubble full of blue haired gendies
>inb4 just move lol
Okay, as soon as you venmo me money for my rent, deposit, uhaul and find me a new job and new friends in a better more open-minded city. And while you’re at it pay for my family to move too, otherwise shut up.

No. 2099801

They don’t choose to have pimps or prostitute themselves willingly. Women who have pimps are usually forced into prostitution by said pimps, who first posed as their boyfriends. They threaten to kill their family if they don’t, or they steal their passports so they can’t leave and go back to their family. They are not dumb whores who can’t manage their money, they are victims of trafficking and violence. Hope that helps.

No. 2099813

I enjoy watching video games because I'm super busy with work and sometimes I don't have the energy to engage with the game. I think it's a fine way of staying up to date on video games, but it isn't pirating. There are some silent full walkthrough gaming channels that SUCK at the games they're playing and it ruins the experience to the viewer. It's an art. For games I want a good experience with, I'll try to find channels specifically devoted to it because in my experience, channels that "specialize" in full walkthroughs aren't always the best person for the job.

It's deplorable. Fuck jump cuts and combo/button mashing, I want a person who knows how to play the game complete the walkthrough. I had a walkthrough I was watching of God of War (2018) & its sequel, and the iptw clearly didn't understand the (simple) combat system. He button mashed the whole game and cue various jump cuts when the dummy couldn't figure out a simple puzzle or boss. It ruined the viewer experience. I am glad I never had the misfortune of watching this individual's playthrough of RDR2, I can only imagine how insane it would be to watching him try to slog through that game. I fortunately watched that game (to be fair, I play RDR2 on its own as well) by a player who only was interested in R* games so he was actually good at the game. The only fail was that he insisted on using a teeny tiny Morgan for Arthur to ride on, but it is somewhat forgivable because it may have been done ironically.

My point is, there's nuance to watching playthroughs of games. It's its own art form. I sometimes watch playthroughs to figure out if I want to play the game. I can see with walking simulators how it's a loss, but honestly, most walking simulator games are really not that great. I find it fascinating how you can tell when the gameplay is boring and flat as a viewer even if you haven't played the game yet. Either way, it's an interesting take you have. I was talking to someone the other day how I wouldn't be surprised if gaming companies started charging rental fees for people to watch official playthroughs that are well edited and not played by some inept faggot.

No. 2099815

The problem is payment. What do you do if the guy decides he doesn't want to pay/takes back payment?

No. 2099817

I’m sure that’s the case for some women but not all. The ones I’ve met weren’t forced and they also look down upon women who do sex work and don’t have pimps. Their reasoning always boils down to money management, even though none of the money will be saved and will be spent by their pimp. I think a lot of them want some kind of fucked up parental relationship and need a man controlling them to live life.

No. 2099820

I guess that’s true but even if they’re being paid they’re not getting the money. In my mind they’re essentially slaves.

No. 2099833

Putting water in your eggs is a game changer. It tastes like diner eggs which I like

No. 2099840

I agree with this but it is just as/even more true of men.

No. 2099846

Being pretty is usually a skill and not something people are naturally born with

No. 2099850

Lol what. How?

No. 2099857

short hair only works if you are actually pretty. which is why most of butch lesbians are ugly

No. 2099858

Knowing what to do to have nice skin and hair, now what kind of clothes will make your body type look the best, being knowledgeable about the best ways to stay thin, knowing how to do your hair in a way that looks pretty. Not everyone has these skills.

No. 2099860

You uggo-chans love talking about looks and appearance, just relax.

No. 2099863

Most women have the potential to be attractive but they lack the skill or money to achieve it

No. 2099866

Having nice skin and hair is mostly genetic and I don't consider good style to be part of prettiness, it can sort of boost whether people think you're attractive but it's not really the same thing. Staying thin is also largely genetic and environmental although people don't want to admit it, if you're born with good genetics for it you will stay thin easily and if you're born with bad genetics the best way to stay thin is to be rich and not develop any stress or shitty food/environmental pollutants caused diseases.

If we all just accepted the reality that looks are mostly genetic maybe people would relax more and stop acting crazy about plastic surgeries, skincare, hairstling and all this shit that barely does anything except eat up their time, money and energy. The best thing you can do to maintain as much 'prettiness' as possible is to maintain good overall health but women who spend too much time obsessing over their appearances paradoxically screw over their health by doing that.

No. 2099872

I don’t think looks are mostly genetic. There are plenty of celebrities I thought were ugly before they got the money to look good. Also being thin is not genetic, anyone an be thin unless they have health issues. A normal person with no health issues can be thin by putting down the fork.

No. 2099878

Deodorant and bath soap shouldn’t be $8-$15 dollars that’s high way robbery. Pads should be completely free and not sold, it’s practically a necessity for women.

No. 2099883

Which ones? I don't think most celebrities look good, no matter how much money they have they can't escape their genes. Money/lighting/stylists at best helps them look a little less plain using tricks, but in reality if you actually hung out with them normally they'd still look bad.

Having health issues related to weight is largely a genetic predisposition thing, and is becoming more common because of environmental pollutants. The people who stay thin even if they experience pollutants and stressors are just genetically lucky, this usually runs in families, whereas as the environment is more prone to disrupting hormones weight problems will be more and more common for genetically unlucky people.

No. 2099889

Most people don’t have genetic issues causing them to be fat. They’re fat because they eat family sized bags of chips and eat fast food daily. It’s not the stress making them fat, it’s the eating junk food to self soothe that’s making them fat. Also, a lot of fat people are extremely childish about food and won’t eat vegetables because they don’t like the color or texture.

No. 2099891

Agreed, same with dental hygiene products. Especially in Canada it's retarded.

No. 2099894

There are plenty of women who would be pretty if they had the money to deal with their skin issues, bad teeth or just stopped being fat. That’s why you rarely see attractive people in poor areas or white trash neighborhoods. Natural beauty is rare. It’s rare I’ve seen someone in real life who made me stop and look who hasn’t done something to achieve their look.

No. 2099900

Skin issues, bad teeth, fatness are nothing but add-ons if your face in general is just ugly, speaking as a true and forever uggo, my only chance would be PS or a lot of makeup. I'm not going to do that, so I accept the ugly, at least you attract the most genuine people when you're ugly but not a pushover.

No. 2099905

I’ve seen some people who can only be helped with plastic surgery but that’s not the case for most women.
They might not be wearing makeup but they are paying for skin treatments to give them glowy skin, they’re spending money on hair products to have full bouncy and shiney hair. Not all beauty regiments include makeup.

No. 2099908

Samefag when I’m in wealthy neighborhoods I see more attractive women than when I’m in poor areas. It’s not a coincidence.

No. 2099909

There are plenty of women who would still be considered ugly be societies standards without those enhancements though. Before they do all that they wouldn’t be considered pretty.

No. 2099918

Except rich people have more resources to lead a healthy, stress-free life style, purchase products and time to groom themselves well and get plastic surgery.

No. 2099921

As someone who owns a house I only purchased a house because it’s cheaper than renting.instead of paying 1200 a month, I pay 600 a month. I think that’s probably why most people who can get a house want one.

No. 2099924

>there's nuance to watching playthroughs of games
kek not really, and walkthroughs aren't concerned with a seamless viewer experience because they exist for brainlets to watch so they can see how to get through the game instead of figuring it out themselves. Or were you confusing them with let's plays/playthroughs?

No. 2099926

Most of those rich women don’t look like that because of genetics though. They can afford to go to dermatologists, they have money to get their hair done etc. most women with that smooth glass skin everyone likes now days don’t achieve that naturally.

No. 2099929

It’s cheaper than paying rent and atleast when I’m 50 I’ll own it instead of being 50 and having a landlord decide to raise my rent every month

No. 2099930

How high was your deposit for your monthly to only be 600?

No. 2099933

I live in a lower middle class quiet neighborhood in Ohio. It’s not la or anything but it’s nice for me.

No. 2099934

I knew a very rich girl who when she was young had a pizza face but she could afford to get on accutane and her parents paid for her skin treatments. A poor girl wouldn’t have that option they’d just have to deal with having a pimply face.

No. 2099947

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Mind you, these are what the rich people look like

No. 2099949

A landlord typed these posts, don't buy into the rent cuck mindset. If you can get a house in the current market, get that fucking house. people will complain about upkeep but as long as you maintain it well and maybe buy appliances and lawnmowers at cheap garage sales you'll be way ahead of the rent cucks. FUCK RENT CUCKS FUCK LANDLORDS

No. 2099951

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Samefag, these are the men of the Ambani family that's $120 billion rich kek

No. 2099957

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Explain the kennedys and vanderbilts, both of their current descendants are pretty hot(yes im aware anderson is a fag)

No. 2099959

You're speaking of imminent domain, and that always with adequate compensation. And it’s not so common it affects everyone.

“So, something on the order of 50 parcels of real estate per million are subject to eminent domain proceedings in the United States each year”

No. 2099964

Rich people can be attractive, but it's not cause they're rich. Its cause they got lucky and got good genes.

No. 2099969


No. 2099973

>nobody is moving to ohio
Are your eyes open? ohio is being prepared for the continuous migrants from foreign countries and from california, texas, new york, and the south once these states are overpopulated and have out-priced their native populace. And renters have been rising their minimum income to like 4x the rent and you truly never own where you live. If that asshole decides to sell your building you have to hope somewhere nearby you work isn't more expensive than what you already pay for.

House you own and can one day pay off mortgage>>>> 4ever rent cucked.

No. 2099984

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can you also explain why most kpop idols looked ugly/average before surgery but now look pretty? is it because of their "good genes"?

No. 2099986

she was already pretty before

No. 2099993

That's not really true, a lot of fat people are fat because they eat too much but plenty of thin people eat the same foods and stay thin, which is just their luck. And increasingly more and more people are fat not because of overeating but other factors (as environmental pollutants increase). But the point is the lucky people not predisposed to weight gain are lucky one way or the other. Same with things like good skin, yes there are things you can do to make your skin better but some people are just genetically blessed with good skin no matter what they do and those are the people that will reliably have the most attractive skin.

I think you're right about teeth being a big factor actually but with the other things, I still think it's mostly genetic. Plain people can sometimes make themselves look a little better with the right styling but people who are naturally ugly or naturally attractive will be ugly or attractive no matter what. I see tons of naturally attractive women around and it doesn't really matter how they dress or style themselves, whereas people who put a lot of effort into styling but aren't naturally attractive just look like people who put a lot of effort into styling.

No. 2099998

It's not a coincidence but it's also mostly not because they spend a lot of money to be attractive. Attractiveness correlates with intelligence (which correlates with SES) and also growing up wealthy means you got better nutrition your whole life, grew up with (likely) less stress, are less likely to have a bunch of diseases or drug problems, etc. It's not like those women from trailer parks or poor neighbourhoods would suddenly look great if they just got a bunch more money for styling. Poor people's genetics and environments growing up are both usually worse.

No. 2099999

Even in places like la or nyc a mortgage would probably be able the same as rent or less. Just because you can’t get a mortgage doesn’t mean it a bad idea for people who can. Paying rent is pretty much just throwing money in the trash.

No. 2100000

I’ve seen tons of crack heads and homeless women with cute faces but they’re gross looking because of meth scars and saggy skin

No. 2100001

>is it because of their "good genes"?
Kek what? And since you're asking me to explain so much, can you explain why these people are rich but still ugly?

No. 2100005

I'm not even lying she was way prettier before she just had crooked teeth, now she's botched and looks uncanny, wtf is wrong with Koreans and excessive surgery??

No. 2100007

because they do not give a fuck about being ugly, especially men do not care (especially since rich men already have lots of women giving them pussy, not matter how they look)

No. 2100008

Accutane is covered by government insurance in most countries that aren't the US lol

NTA but she looks better in the before picture. Surgery does not make people look more attractive, basically ever.

No. 2100009

I will shoot them but thank you! Enjoy your muslims and trannies

No. 2100014

in korea she was considered ugly before and now shes worshipped together with wonyoung as a "top korean beauty"

No. 2100015

So then they don't have better genetics that make them more attractive than poor people. Glad we could reach an agreement anon.

No. 2100018

post chin, weight, body proportions and hair density before thinking anyone will take you seriously.

No. 2100019

Yeah I agree with you, I don't think 'poor people are uglier on average' means that just getting a ton of money to style yourself better will make you turn beautiful. Your childhood environment during your developmental phase probably matters a lot too but once you're late teens/an adult you won't be able to change your attractiveness level that much unless it's through something like massive weight gain/loss.

That's because Koreans are mindfucked by their plastic surgery industry, she objectively looked better before and looks freaky and uncanny/unhealthy now. All she 'needed' to look great was braces and growing up, and she would have looked a lot better had she not had all those surgeries.

No. 2100022

dont open this

No. 2100025

kek no she didnt look "objectively" better before. she looks better now and its fine to admit that (although i do admit her lack of jaw is kinda freaky sometimes, the face is still absolutely beautiful though).

No. 2100026

god i wish i were chantal to be tapping that

No. 2100027

She looks greyish and tired, just look at that nose bridge jfc Koreans really need therapy

No. 2100030

>she looks better now and its fine to admit that
Your brain on constant kpop brainwashing

No. 2100031

would fuck 24/7

No. 2100032

You have been brain rotted by watching too much media with PS. She has a weird, pinched looking nose, freaky clown circle lenses and a weird webtoon ass looking tiny head due to her lack of jaw, which does not look good to any normal mentally healthy person. The only improvements are the straighter teeth (although her teeth were pretty fine and cute before) and bangs to cover her fivehead, but otherwise she looks uncanny and freaky in the second pic and super cute in the first with a much, much better nose and jaw/face shape

No. 2100037

No they're not ugly as sin wtf this girl in the before pic is just a cute pretty teen girl who likely would have grown up to be quite attractive had she not done anything.

No. 2100047

It has nothing to do with 'kpoop' that I don't think all asian women are ugly as sin, they're just not. There are attractive and unattractive women in every ethnicity and the girl in the before pic looks cute, in the after pic she does not. Do you think you're winning something by nitpicking the appearances of cute healthy looking middle schoolers

No. 2100058

jewsh keeps getting fatter nonnas….

No. 2100067

The job market has been getting better IMO. I vividly remember literally starving and going homeless directly after high school in 2017 because I wasn't able to get a job fast enough, applying to 2k jobs monthly for the entire year, little to no interviews despite bending over backwards to apply, just to get a job that didn't even pay 100 a week. It's rough still but nowadays it seems to take 1-3 months to get a job that can pay rent rather than a literal year or more for basically nothing

No. 2100069

Are we not allowed to say kids are cute now? It's better to talk about how they're so ugly their parents 'need' to send them to get cut up by psychopaths on their 18th birthday?

No. 2100082

It could just be that you have prior job experience now, it is always way easier getting a second job than your first one.

No. 2100101

>most asian women are ugly as sin
I hate you low water brained people

No. 2100106


No. 2100115

I had references and had been working at the family shop since before I was 14, it wasn't the first time I heard of the same experience of others at the time that job seeking just felt like screaming into the void

No. 2100123

Most people I know with experience job hunting around those times say it is much, much worse now than in the 2016-2019 era but it could also depend on your demographic, what types of jobs you are seeking, etc. I've never seen so many layoffs around me as in the last couple years.

No. 2100127

She does look unrecognizable lol. If you showed me the first picture and told me I'd be worshipping her like a goddess in the future I would think you're insane

No. 2100136

The verbiage I see on these videos is "walkthrough", but they are silent and it's pretty obvious given that they're the entire length of the game and the player usually only goes for story beats that it is meant for people to watch. I suppose if you want to call that a "playthrough" as opposed to a "walkthrough", that's fine. I've seen that term used interchangeably. Like I've said, the annoyance is that some people think it's sufficient to struggle and I feel like the point of watching a nice playthrough is you get a feel for how the game is supposed to proceed. It's pathetic when the viewer can figure out puzzles before the player in the video. My issue is that a lot of these players are just trying to dump as many videos of playthroughs of multiple games on their channel, but I have realized I prefer players who clearly have a preference for the game they're playing because otherwise, it's an annoying experience as a viewer. I've never used a walkthrough to figure out a game before.

No. 2100218

Birthday month is such a stupid concept.

No. 2100228

Could also be because of my area. I moved from more of a ghetto area in the south to an uppity suburb in the Midwest. If I were to lose a job I wouldn't be unemployed for more than a week here

No. 2100243

It's for people with more friends than us.

No. 2100248

I know it's not really my place to say this but it makes me so sad how Asian women feel the need to get eyelid surgery. Their natural shape is beautiful.

No. 2100260

Let me be clear I was one of the og radfems on here, moidhating for the past 15 years, scrotefoiling on here since 2017, a "femcel" in many regards and I don't mean to throw stones in a glass house… But i feel like so many farmers went so misandrist they now became misogynists. Or rather, they use a simulacrum of misandry to justify their misogyny. I think it's a result of extreme social isolation and rightful ressentment but it's getting pretty bad. In the last year, I saw innumerable farmers blame victims for abuse and sexual assault (not just cows but women in general) because "it wouldn't have happened if they weren't involved with men). Yesterday I saw several anons (although it's possible they were just /pol/tards pretending to be women) argue in favour of abortion bans because women shouldn't be having sex with moids anyways. A lot of you have to take a hard look at yourselves and realise that by doing this, you're just giving men an easy pass and putting all the blame on women and women exclusively. You're also being just as cruel as the women who were cruel to you and made you feel alienated etc.

>inb4 cockhungry pickme

i've been volcel for the past 7 years

No. 2100262

File: 1721674264577.jpg (73.41 KB, 750x752, EmFQlrLWoAMaA28.jpg)

she was pretty in hs

No. 2100269

I've seen a lot of anons say some pretty vile/passive aggressive shit about pregnant women too. What these posters need to understand is that we don't dislike them because their FAX AND LOGIC are too edgy for us, we find them annoying because they literally sound like faggots kek

No. 2100272

There’s just more men and troons here now trying to model being a pickme hoping other women conform to it. The redscare method.

No. 2100274

yes because she already had palstic surgery at that point

No. 2100278

I honestly think it's only like two women. There's a self admitted incel on here who comes and goes. But whenever she's here, she does nothing but start fights and since she didn't have a job, she spends around twelve hours per day on here, posting multiple times in a row.

No. 2100279

There's also a high likelihood of actual pickme's migrating here from twitter and LARPing as radfems because their favourite "wholesome" male influencer unprivated his likes/follows kek. And now they're struggling to understand that posting like a womb-envying moid isn't gonna give them the validation that they got back on their home pastures.

No. 2100286

I dont think those are radfems anon

No. 2100305

Is it? I thought it was some narcissistic shit, I've only read about it online.

No. 2100306

She's right, though. I've also been around since 2017 on here and it wasn't this insane back then. I am childfree but the hate towards women who have children on lc is dripping with misogyny. It's like these so called "radfems" are seething at women who engage in regular biological behavior (sex and parenthood) instead of being mad at males who have created a society that places the onus on women for those issues when they are all very clearly a male issue, too. I completely understand anons who despise plastic surgery, surrogacy, etc. but like, despising a woman having sex, a regular biological process since the dawn of time, that is going too far. It starts looping back to ideas like women can't really be sexually fulfilled and all this other garbage and it starts to look like "men can't help themselves, let's just jump on other women".

No. 2100312

I'm not saying the posts aren't more insane than they were in the past, I'm just saying I don't think those posts are written by actual radfems. Some of them are probably scrotes and others are extremely mentally ill self hating women. I don't know why anyone would associate these types of posts with radical feminism honestly, I don't think they fit the ideology.

No. 2100313

I legitimately believe they're tradthots/"I used to be a tradthot and now I'm a communist" types who mistake this site's distaste for sex work as a free pass to sperg about how all other women are whores.

No. 2100319

That one anon or anons who constantly judge women and say anyone with bpd must be a camwhore come to mind

No. 2100323

No they're likely not, the posts she's referencing I think are extremely angry at women who have children or who date men, which would be the opposite of a tradthot's attitude. Some of the women complaining about prostitutes deserving it might be tradlarper types but I don't think the blackpill type posters are.

No. 2100333

criticizing a woman's actions is fine but misogyny is cringe no matter what sorry

No. 2100334

Personally I've seen a few tradthot personalities seethe at women who are happily married/have kids because they're envious, or the other woman is somehow "doing it wrong" or "she's a slut who doesn't deserve to have a family" so I wouldn't be surprised kek

No. 2100338

LARPing libfem detected.

No. 2100347

I'm too autistic to tell if that's supposed to be an example of the libfem I'm talking about or some kind of gotcha aimed at me kek, either way PLEASE do not invoke the wrath of BJ-chan.

No. 2100349

Lots of non-heterosexual women and celibate women also have these problems, women can get raped, they can be abused and mistreated by men they aren't in romantic relationships with (family members, employers, etc), they can get kidnapped and trafficked, drugged, harassed, stalked. It is literally retarded and misogynistic to blame problems with men on the women who happen to have romantic relationships with them.

No. 2100352

I think it's blackpilled straight women who don't have friends or leave the house much. It leaves plenty of time to plumb the darkest parts of the internet and reinforce how terrible the world is. Then they get mad at any woman who isn't as "enlightened" as they are because those women are out living their lives (and sometimes having an okay time doing so) instead of seething on the internet all day. They're too blackpilled to have fulfilling friendships with bihet women, and too straight to seek relationships with lesbian women.

No. 2100361

You can also struggle with abuse/sexism from moids you're not in ANY kind of romantic or sexual relationship with, such as family members or pushy bosses and coworkers. You'd think muh jaded posters who are deprogrammed from teh Matrix would be able to think outside the box a little bit and realise that their victim blaming makes them look mentally challenged.

No. 2100365

Most of the world has husbands, it's not a specific type of feminism to have or want a husband or relationship with a male. It's in fact not related to any 'brand' of feminism at all. Even many OG second wave radfems were married or had relationships with men, including some of the polilez/lesbian LARPing ones. 99% of people are heterosexual. Radical feminism is not and has never been mainly about ending the human population entirely through expecting 100% of women to stop reproducing either.

Yeah it probably is. Some of the blackpill ideas/mentality made more sense to me when I considered that most of these people are probably just not living active social lives.

AYRT and that's what I'm saying nonna. Almost 100% of the abuse and sexism and sexual violence I've experienced from moids was moids I had no choice about interacting with and was not in any kind of romantic dynamic with, I also experienced the most sexual predation and abuse from moids during a period of several years when I exclusively dated women. The most abusive moid in my life was a boss (couldn't quit the job for complicated reasons and had to put up with it for years until I managed to find a way out).

No. 2100367

NTA this is why I don't like coming here anymore, this mentality is actual insanity. The internet breeds extremism, nothing can ever be nuanced on the internet. Everything is black and white, good vs evil. I don't know how you live day to day. You must be constantly exhausted exerting so much energy into being a raging freak.

No. 2100369

The moidisms. You're just baiting.

No. 2100370

On a similar note, I suspect there are anons on this site who are "deprogramming" from radical/conservative ideologies which gave them a shitton of internalised misogyny and these types of posts are just a natural consequence of the anger that comes with it. They're lashing out because they recognise that society is deeply unfair to women, but their internalized bullshit means they sperg out about the wrong targets. It's in the same vein as transvestigators who insist that any figure other than a perfect hourglass absolutely must belong to a troon.
Libfems are also very likely to put misandry and misogyny on the same level btw.

No. 2100373

It's the same anon from 2X who is obsessed with talking about dick sucking. Just ignore.

No. 2100376

I always notice married straight women hate men the absolute most. Men like to spread the idea it's only lonely old cat ladies when in reality the ultra traditional SAHMs with long term husbands are the first ones who are allergic to men

No. 2100377

> Just stand up to moids in positions of power over you bro ugh it's so easy
This is literally, LITERALLY the most moidbrained post in the thread kek. Also I'm personally not doing any of those things for any moid, it's kinda creepy of you to write debasing sexual fanfic of anons you've never met before just so you can justify looking down on us kek

No. 2100381

>sexism would be over if you'd just stand up to men!
wow. nobel contender right here

No. 2100386

>99% of people are heterosexual
Are you baiting or do you actually believe this

No. 2100389

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Anon frankly I don't believe you have the life experience or the intelligence to understand anything. Your words mean less than nothing. I'm living in paradise over here nonnie.

No. 2100390

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I fucking warned that one nonna about summoning BJ-chan.

No. 2100398

I'm currently giving a blowjob to three ice cubes stuck together, if all penises where this small it would actually be enjoyable to suck them

No. 2100402

>men being more intelligent and strong
They are stronger than us, that's what makes them a threat.

No. 2100405

You seem more obsessed with sex with moids than that anon you're replying to, kek.

No. 2100406

I'm honestly wondering if the posters you're responding to have been homeschooled their whole lives kek

No. 2100411

KEK I hope you come to your senses one day. Anon you're surrounded by people who are in happy marriages. People who have been together for over 30 years and are still deeply in love. It happens, too bad!

No. 2100412

i agree with you that women shouldn't date or fuck moids but any woman is going to encounter her oppressors bc there'll still be moid employers and moid customers and moid coworkers and moid teachers and mpid cops. and they'll abuse their power

No. 2100413

Do you not know the difference between physical strength and intelligence?

No. 2100415

The entire reason men are chimping out en masse right now is because we DON'T inherently need to depend on them despite their retard strength kek. Also the aspect of our oppression we "celebrate" is being able to overcome it. I'm sorry that we can't fix every problem in society at the exact same time kek

No. 2100418

To repeat a post up thread,
> it's kinda creepy of you to write debasing sexual fanfic of anons you've never met before just so you can justify looking down on us
Like literally who do you imagine you're talking to when you type out these screeds lmao

No. 2100421

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No. 2100428

Tbf I suspect that a lot of /g/ posts are LARPs.

No. 2100429

>lolcow is a hive mind
You really hate women and it shows. You think all women are the same.

No. 2100430

Kekkk nonnie

No. 2100431

Nona when was the last time you got some sun? Interacted with someone offline? Ate something healthy? I'm not saying this as an insult, I'm serious. You don't sound well.

No. 2100432

Good, they're allowed to be. Im sure you've noticed that many of them have sexual encounters and aren't beaten and killed as a result of it kek

No. 2100438

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No. 2100443

Dworkin married and lived out the rest of her days with a moid, Catharine MacKinnon dated several moids and was married, those are just two of many. Just because they criticized comphet doesn't mean many of them weren't having relationships with men themselves or somehow dependent on them. You could try to read about the people you idolize yourself instead of telling other people to do so.

I actually believe 99% (or around there) of people are heterosexual, yes? This is common knowledge. I mean I guess you can say most moids are 'bi' but they're really just opportunistic predators, unlike women who are not predatory and thus won't just fuck/rape whatever.

No. 2100445

dawg how can you say women are "useless" for building civilization when you mention two seconds later that we're incubators
even following this logic you're contradicting yourself

No. 2100446

This isn't even good bait man

No. 2100447

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No. 2100450

are you even trying

No. 2100453

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No. 2100455

>implying women aren't predators when human beings are persistence hunters

No. 2100457

You know that's not the sense of 'predator' I was using, anon. Don't act obtuse.

No. 2100458

Thank you jannies

No. 2100460

be nice shes just autistic

No. 2100463

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70s movies/tv shows inspired by 50s nostalgia are better than 2010s movies/tv shows inspired by 80s nostalgia

No. 2100464

We all are, that is no excuse

No. 2100466

I think it's because 50's nostalgia was based on appreciation for the culture and aesthetics, 80's nostalgia is primarily about music and vidya kek

No. 2100469

That's an insult to autistic people.

No. 2100475

Ice cream is overrated. I like it but I don't think it's THAT good.

No. 2100483

It's dessert edging, all sugar and water and no substance

No. 2100484

That's how I feel about chocolate.

No. 2100571

og anon that started this whole debate, and I'm personally not sucking and fucking them or bearing their children, I don't even interract with men beyond collegues and grocerie store clerks or whatever but I still have enough sense and humanity to feel empathy for women who do, and when I hear a woman was abused by a man, I feel sadness and anger not comptent and dissmissal. Where does your mindset go? Who does it benefit? Is any normie woman gonna be changed by your words? Do you think that any woman in the world ever would change her ways because you told her it was her fault for not standing up for herself? Are you more interested in a sense of superiority or in the safety of women?

No. 2100580

I think it’s possible to find a nice man who loves you. There I said it

No. 2100582

yes but hes going to be ugly, ew

No. 2100583

Inhaling oil vapor from vapes is significantly more dangerous than inhaling marijuana/tobacco flowers

No. 2100584

kek is a Nigel still considered a Nigel if he's ugly or can only hot men be Nigel's

No. 2100588

only hot men deserve the title of nigel

No. 2100590

Ugly men are rarely nice, there is a higher chance of finding a cute/attractive nice man than an ugly one

No. 2100591

> Dessert edging
Kek. Also personally I don't think eating it cools you down on hot days.

No. 2100596

99.9% of ugly males are equally ugly in spirit. Every anon who wishes so will be blessed with a hot nigel with a heart of gold. So it is posted, so it shall be.
Hank Hill-ass ladies are metal.

No. 2100598

I honestly don't care if a woman has a flat/flabby ass, it's never stopped me from thinking a hottie is a hottie kek

No. 2100612

what do you call a man who loves you but is ugly. basically an inversed nigel

No. 2100620

I think most nonnas just call those their nigel too

No. 2100631

how did the term nigel come about on here?

No. 2100636

I think it used to be a common term on radfem forums, 'not my nigeling' etc. to make fun of women who would talk badly about most men but not their own son, husband/bf, etc. and then it just turned into a snarky word for 'male partner' on some internet communities

No. 2100666

i'm sorry but i just don't give a shit if a moid gets cheated on. a lot of people (especially women) feel some weird need to be like, oh we must never cheat on men because then that makes us just as bad as they are. and it's like, girl, you think acting so good and pious will prevent the moids from hurting all of us in some way, shape or form anyway? men will leave a woman who has done nothing but stand by his side through the thick of things and love him in a way that even his mom wouldn't get it. men will trade their wives for a younger model even if the wife has been a good woman since the day they met. men cheat on the most gorgeous women on the planet without an ounce of concern for her well being after the fact. so no, i don't care if a woman cheats on some moid. in fact, if he was mistreating her, her cheating on him and him finding out about it will help humble him and the other moids who are looking on. men aren't afraid of losing women because women are out here making shit too easy and pleasant for them.

No. 2100670

I don't think women think that 'behaving well' toward moids will make the moids treat them well, I think women just have a sense of inherent morality. If you have a sense of inherent/intrinsic morality/ethics then it doesn't matter if the moral actions 'get' you something, you do them for their own sake.

Also I think a lot of people would find your argument silly just because general trends can't be generalized to every single specific individual, some moids would never cheat while other women are manipulative and love cheating on both men and women to hurt them or feed their own egos, so just because 'most moids would' cheat doesn't mean women want to cheat on a moid they think is loyal or devoted. I usually don't particularly care about men who get cheated on because like you said, many of them probably mistreated their wives/gfs, but I still think cheating is wrong and completely unnecessary, and honestly, undignified. It is far more dignified to just leave. Why would I want to act like a disgusting bottom of the barrel scrote? I am better than them.

No. 2100672

The only reason I dislike it is because moids like to use it as a talking point, muh female hypergamy, all women are whores type of thing. I agree with you for the most part that men aren't afraid of losing women enough. Women have been psyoped into treating men well out of fear of being cheated on but you don't often see the same happening in reverse.

No. 2100674

To make men afraid of losing you, you have to actually leave them, not sick with them while secretly banging some other disgusting moid on the side. The whole point of cheating is for the moid not to find out that you're cheating, otherwise you would just break up, so what are you 'teaching' him by staying even though you don't like him anymore? That he won't lose you lmao.

No. 2100680

I think you could definitely do more damage to a male's ego from within a relationship. Breaking up is the route you go to take the high ground and be good to yourself but when you want to make a man suffer, you need to be close to him. This isn't life advice or anything I just meant in this specific context.

No. 2100682

Cheating doesn’t scare them enough though. At least not in the way you’d want it to. Moids only actually change once you leave them, and even then not really. Scrotes are pretty useless.

No. 2100683


i can respect that nonny but at the same time, i'm just tired of seeing women getting hurt and wondering what it is that they've done wrong to deserve it. it is true that having morals are great to have, and if you want to see a positive change in the world, you have to be the first to be the change. i get that. but moids can't and won't change. so many of them are fundamentally broken beyond repair. and if they get cheated on, oh well, too bad, so sad.

now if he's the rare unicorn who doesn't cheat and actually treats women well, then i obv don't want him to get cheated on.


i mean tbh men thought women were whores even during time periods when nearly the majority of women stayed virginal till marriage, so there's no changing their minds even if all of us followed their stupid fucking rules to a t. men have decided thousands of years ago that we are inferior to them - no changing that opinion, i'm afraid.


yes, leaving them is good and all, but i doubt the moid will feel too hurt about it, especially if he's got some other woman in line to step in anyway. cheating on him will hurt his ego because it teaches him that he's replaceable, a fear that is well founded in nearly all men. simply leaving him might make him mad in the sense that taking a plate of unhealthy food away from a child, but no lessons have been learned, no newfound fear can blossom inside of him.

men always traumatize women for shits and giggle. some of them need to get traumatized right back. just my opinion, of course.

No. 2100685

But why are you fixated on 'damaging the male ego' rather than living your own life in a dignified manner? If you don't like a scrote don't subject yourself to him anymore. Also moids are retarded and while finding out you cheated might hurt their feelings a bit it will also stoke their egos that you 'chose them' by staying with them while fucking around. Lots of moids actually have cuck fetishes anyway, many of them will even enjoy it.

No. 2100691

> but i doubt the moid will feel too hurt about it
Not true, all moids care about is having physical proximity and control over a woman. Scrotes have been so conditioned to think that women will stay no matter what crap they throw at us because that’s actually been the norm for decades. Breaking that narrative is the scariest thing to a man.

No. 2100692

>now if he's the rare unicorn who doesn't cheat and actually treats women well, then i obv don't want him to get cheated on.
I'm assuming these are the only moids women feel bad for when they get cheated on lmao, is anyone feeling sorry that some cheating abusive scrote got cheated on back?

>yes, leaving them is good and all, but i doubt the moid will feel too hurt about it

If he doesn't feel hurt about being left then he 100% won't feel hurt about being cheated on. So who cares at that point, leaving is still the good thing to do for yourself. Leaving him teaches him he's replacable while staying with him and fucking around on the side teaches him that he's still the most important person to you, moids don't morally operate the same way women do, especially shitty moids. You seriously think that leaving a moid is preferable for him over staying while fucking someone on the side? Moids struggle to find women and are the ones harmed by being broken up with or single while women are usually better off single/after leaving a moid.

No. 2100693

Joyride by Kesha sucks

No. 2100696

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you've all given me a lot to think about. perhaps i am wrong and need to think about this some more. thank you.

No. 2100705

I don't understand what this is supposed to imply. Does incel-kun think women don't have friends and hobbies or what?

No. 2100711

Joyride by the killers is fun thhough

No. 2100718

I like how ginger men look, they are cute.

No. 2100720

90% of all insulin pump related deaths are either suicide or due to ineptitude.

Typically, an insulin pump will have you input an insulin cap. That means if you set the insulin cap to 20 units of insulin, you cannot inject more than 20 units at a time. This is a safety feature meant to prevent accidentally overdosing/over-bolusing.

It would be incredibly easy to set the cap to something like 70 units, then enable a "quick bolus" (IE, you are able to inject a set amount of insulin with just the push of the power button) and do that until you die.

Fear mongering about how insulin pumps can't be trusted only hurts type 1 diabetics.

No. 2100798

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Probably not an unpopular opinion, but I don’t believe male abuse victims have it harder in any way. Especially not after the Depp/Heard trial. If anything society sympathizes with male rape victims more because it’s something that’s not “supposed” to happen to men. Women are trained to defend themselves against rapists from day one.
Imagine if a woman made Baby Reindeer. If a woman made a show where she went back to her rapist’s house multiple times, stood by and watched as her stalker attacked a trans woman she was dating, followed her stalker home and peered in their window, and masturbated to the thought of fucking her stalker she would never be granted the privilege of being considered a victim. Plus everyone thinks women gain social capital from making false rape allegation, but they don’t have the same bias against men who make rape allegations because of course women are hysterical attention whores.

No. 2100814

Other than bitter incel/MRA moids who unironically thinks male abuse victims have it harder?

No. 2100827

Yes that's what it implies which means he's a retard because women are better at almost everything and much less likely to have purely consoom hobbies or completely empty, boring conversations with each other than moids are. Male projection strikes again.

No. 2100831

i had a friend recently pass away after being switched to the insulin pump, but she was elderly and frequently had blood sugar crashes. i'm not sure what happened, but my father swears it was the pump.

No. 2100833

same! all my fictional crushes growing up were ginger.

No. 2100839

The idea that women gain social capital from false rape allegations has to be one of the most stupid ideas moids have ever came up with. I saw one fake rape allegation that led to a conviction in the UK a couple of years ago and the conviction only happened because the people on the case were too lazy to look into details of the case and just decided to convict the man despite a text message that could have exonerated him immediately. No gender politics were involved at any point of this situation. They are also very quiet when it comes to the lovely bones author helping to get a black man falsely convicted after being pressured to do it by racist men in the legal system, granted the man who raped her was black, so they would have convicted one either way, instead it would be been the right one. The issue is that a lot of men who get false allegations are often never perfect victims and are often abusive in other ways or have straight up taking advantage of a mentally ill woman. For as much as they can bring up the excuse, i can hardly think of many landmark cases in regards to false allegation that weren't as a result to corruption in the legal system and investigators just wanting to either close the case quickly or be racist.

No. 2100863

Any recs?

No. 2100865

I've seen men bring up the Lucky/Lovely Bones author many times. Saying she should be in prison, prosecuted, etc.

No. 2100919

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British food isn’t the worst cuisine. It’s not my favorite but some dishes are good. Sometimes I just want something simple and meat and potatoes fill that craving.

No. 2100930

In theory meat and potatoes are fine but have you actually been to britain and tried to eat there because…

No. 2100949

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take all of ice spice’s fame and give it to her

No. 2100952

YEEESS. Her songs are actually entertaining because she's an insanely good lyricist for the topics she usually raps about. Ice spice doesn't even like being a rapper, i bet she would rather be working an office job.

No. 2100962

She paved it and nobody cares because she isn't conventional. Love her so much.

No. 2101115

Yeah, it’s pretty good.

No. 2101211

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Cartman was in the right here

No. 2101274

Ayrt, I have a pump and my 2 cents is that her profile was all fucked up. If the carb ratio was way off she might have gotten incredibly low and because you can set the volume for high/low alerts she might have turned those alarms to low/vibrate since she went low all the time and probably didn't want to deal with hearing all the beeping.
Switching to an insulin pump to control blood glucose crashes also doesn't make the most sense. In that case it would have been easier to back off the amount she gives with each injection. If she was crashing all the time, a device that is meant to more or less automatically pump insulin into you just doesn't make a lot of sense.

No. 2101275

i don't mind kids crying and screaming in public. in fact i often find them hilarious if they're just making loud noises for no reason and not crying. even when they are crying and i am having a bad day i most of the time just think it's funny that of course the fit throwing baby is there too to spice up my misery. i don't give a shit.

No. 2101277

watch happy days richie is my husbando

No. 2101279

Samefag and of course the families of diabetics with pumps who have passed will all swear "it was the pump" because diabetes is one of those things normies have no idea about, and they have even less of an idea of how a pump ACTUALLY works. Sorry but 9/10 times it is either a suicide or ineptitude. She should not have been on a pump if she was so insulin sensitive and had frequent crashes. Typically diabetics with very high a1cs will benefit more from a pump.

No. 2101280

I appreciate and agree with your sentiment, screaming kids are funny and overly dramatic

No. 2101287

their brains are literal mush, why do adults expect them to have the emotional maturity of an adult? that’s their only way of communicating

No. 2101299

I think it's cute when you can hear kids playing and laughing but a lot of people seem to find it annoying.

No. 2101302

They only bother me if they're like RIGHT next to me but any sane parent will take them outside to not bother people right away anyway. My friend is the opposite, she'll hear a baby cry from across the room and immediately roll her eyes and say shit like "omg they should just stay home if they have a baby" and be an ass about it, it's so embarrassing

No. 2101310

If I'm already in a bad mood it gets on my nerves but any other time I don't mind. But I'd never say anything and I always think like if I'm annoyed by these little kids screaming for 15 minutes I can't imagine how the parents must feel kek

No. 2101315

one time i was grocery shopping and saw a dad trying to calm down his toddler son who was having an enormous wailing meltdown in the store. suddenly the kid pulled his head back and slammed it full-force right into his father's nose and glasses. the dad cried out AHHHHH in pain while his offspring continued to wail at the top of lungs kek

No. 2101317

Related to the ongoing baby talk, but if you're a kid-hating adult usually most kids can kinda tell. You are as scary to them as men are to women and when you're in the same space as them you're playing the "oppressor" role.

No. 2101319

I don’t think it’s possible to love an ugly man who’s not your father. I feel like I’m covered in maggots during everyday interactions with incel looking freaks. If he stands next to me at the bus stop strangers might think we’re together and just THE THOUGHT of a stranger thinking I’m dating an ugly man is enough to make me want to gauge out his eyes with my pocketknife. Ugly men are waging a war of psychological terrorism against us normals. I never meet their gaze and move away when they come near me but I can’t shake off the feeling that I need to KILL them. They’re ticking time bombs who will inevitably rape someone. I have never loved an ugly man in my whole life even in a family context. I’m not a believer but I pray to God daily that my male cousins will be run over by sixteen wheelers. Not because they’re bad people but because I don’t think any woman is evil enough to deserve a man that ugly. I hate knowing that ugly men are allowed to be horny and we’re not allowed to blow their brains out as sport. This is literally a violation of the United Nations human rights council or something in the NATO. I would be ready to die on the cross if it meant deleting the existence of ugly men from the past, present and future. I hate these monsters more than anything else in existence.

No. 2101322

Please be our president

No. 2101337

kek so true

No. 2101340

I wish that was true.

No. 2101371

im not in the setting where i start people on pumps and my interaction with them is infrequent but id be hesitant to point fingers. it goes both ways. its a clinicians job to be adept at assessing a persons health literacy and level of appropriateness for certain interventions that require an “advanced” level of patient education. patients also should be following regularly with a doctor, being diligent enough to notify someone or bring up a concern if they’ve noticed signs of pump malfunction at home, and performing regular finger sticks (even a good idea to do occasionally if you have a continuous glucose monitor for calibration or malfunction detection). there are many factors to consider, including mental health, history of hypoglycemia unawareness, history of noncompliance, etc. that can indicate someone may not be a good candidate for an insulin pump despite being perfect on paper. brittle diabetes is not a contraindication whatsoever to an insulin pump. WITH a caveat that social factors have to be weighed, especially if the patient doesn’t have a continuous glucose monitor or (rarely) a hybrid closed loop automated insulin delivery system (which is ideal and I hope it becomes more available to people in the future because it’s very cool!!).

No. 2101377

God why are there so many people who can kill themselves easily while I'm here contemplating the rope

No. 2101426

It's normal (in the sense of "healthy"/sensible) to not want to share your photos online. There is 0 reason to do it if you are a literallywho.

No. 2101427

>They're so lucky, I wish I had diabetes

No. 2101428

>You are as scary to them as men are to women and when you're in the same space as them you're playing the "oppressor" role.
Most kids can tell when adults don't like them but normal kids don't feel personally oppressed and victimized by it (unless they're hated by their parents but that's a whole other conversation). Most kids are resilient enough to cope with the fact that some adults are cranky or standoffish. Normal kids don't feel oppressed and victimized by random adults not liking them, the only kids who feel personally victimized by adults not fawning over them are kids with preexisting emotional issues.

No. 2101431

God I fucking wish

No. 2101446

Ayrt, how does this contradict my statement that insulin pump related deaths are mostly suicide or due to ineptitude. Yeah it's foolish for a healthcare provider to not consider the risks of a neglectful personality but a neglectful personality that affects insulin pump maintenance is literally ineptitude.

No. 2101449

You're a joke.

No. 2101476

It’s not that hard anon, just do it! I believe in you

No. 2101477

Really hope your life improves soon because wishing you could kill yourself with an insulin pump is bleak.

No. 2102315

Deathfats who claim to be Anorexic. It’s embarrassing that they’re trying to claim this eating disorder while they’re actually suffering from just binge eating.

No. 2102335

Every time I try I've failed and probably only ended up with brain damage so I feel your pain. I'm too afraid to try again even when the suicidal ideation creeps back up

No. 2102371

was this meant for things you hate nonna kek

No. 2102464

Manacled was depressing, not even really a love story (she manipulated him, he raped and impregnated her), and plagiarized too much.

No. 2102587

I'm a huge hypochondriac and I've never attempted despite having suicidal thoughts for years, because as you point out you could end up with catastrophic brain damage and end up as a vegetable entrusted to the loving care of your aging parents. Things would be much simpler if I could just quietly slip into a coma and leave the mortal realm. I still think the rope is the best method but I am too much of a retard to figure out the physics/anatomy of hanging with full confidence.

No. 2102654

>>2101377 (I've already replied to this one so don't ban me for samefagging jannies)
The rope is literally one of the shittiest options, it's hard to get the tie properly so often times the death is extremely delayed. In that time the body goes into some hyper survival mode and kicks and swings about, the rope can loosen or break and then you're left paralyzed and brain damaged. I can't remember the site name but I saw statistics once on a pro suicide website and hanging is like decent but when the person survives they're left with horrific injuries. Not to mention it can actually take a pretty long time to die that way, leaving too many chances to be found when your half dead and leaving a vegetable for your parents to care for like you mentioned. Jumping from a great height has way better chances of killing you, but scarily enough even with crazy fatal heights there's still a one percent or less chance of survival, at least short term survival. Carbon monoxide is extremely fatal but difficult to rig and could potentially harm others in your pursuit to die. Arterial cutting is probably one of the least affective methods, I guess also in part because it's the route people take when they're not entirely certain they want to die. The best method on that list was poisoning and overdose, and the best drugs for that were barbiturates and opiates, often time mixed with other things like pain killers or alcohol. Don't hang, it's like the 4th worst method.

No. 2102708

Most women don’t want to face the reality of men because they will give birth to sons one day. They think their parenting will make a difference but most girls get abused as children but don’t grow up to do fucked shit so….

No. 2102723

The music industry is more shallow in regards to women’s looks now more than ever. Lauren hill is a beautiful woman but if a woman who looks like that released an album now it would have went no where lol female artists are just porn stars/escorts now and that’s not even mens fault, that’s women’s fault.

No. 2102724

To be honest I've had some people in my life die from the rope so now I feel like it's my destined method of suicide? I am too much of a coward to meticulously plan a suicide and then go through with it, whereas hanging is the typical method of the person who just snaps one day and they need to kill themselves asap, so they find a way to rope. In the past I even tied a noose but the metal bar collapsed just by sticking my arm into it so I figured it wasn't ideal. I know buying poisons on the internet is a better method but I genuinely don't think I have the foresight to kms that way, I would probably buy them and by the time they get to me I've already changed my mind and then I would throw them away

No. 2102728

>by the time they get to me I've already changed my mind and then I would throw them away
why do you want to kill yourself then if you're gonna change your mind anyway, imagine you change your mind mid attempt and there is no going back you are going to die a cursed restless death

No. 2102729

>lauryn hill
She looks fine to me? She would probably dress sluttier but the base material seems fine

No. 2102735

She doesn’t look just fine, she’s model tier but if we look at the female rappers we have today, no one would’ve invested in her or paid her any attention. She’s aloof, unambiguously black and not slutty and that’s not men’s fault we are fucked like we are today, that’s women’s fault.

No. 2102736

It's just an intuition I have that I am destined to die by suicide. I just know I'm going to keep fucking my life and making it worse until one day I die by my hand. If there was any evidence things could get better by this point I would have found it, they only become worse.
It's also a way to cope with the uncertainty of life by making sure I can always escape. For example… plenty of people have reasonable reasons for not wanting to have kids, mine is that you are never going to be able to kill yourself once you have kids, you are trapped forever (unless you want to traumatize them forever lol).

No. 2102738

>that’s not even mens fault
Who sits at the head of record labels?

No. 2102739

Women dont have to say yes to it. how long are we going to keep blaming men for things we accept?

No. 2102745

>In the past I even tied a noose but the metal bar collapsed just by sticking my arm into it so I figured it wasn't ideal.
So you've already tried the rope and it fucked up, this is why this isn't an ideal method. Worst case scenario you end up a comatose vegetable draining your families finances, time and hope.
>by the time they get to me I've already changed my mind and then I would throw them away
So you don't actually want to die, go to therapy you sound like an annoying teenager.

>by making sure I can always escape
You want to have a method of escape but if you got access to something that could actually kill you like fentanyl you'd throw it away? Right. I don't think you want to die at all I think you want some pathetic excuse to wallow in misery, "oh I've tried multiple times but it failed, but I'm destined to die by my own hand…" Either try harder or shut up kek.

No. 2102747

why are you angry at her it is nothing but a good thing she has failed and doesn't actually want to die

No. 2102748

I'm not angry, I'm just being honest with her. If you think my reply is angry you should have seen how anons used too respond to suicide baiters kek, starting to miss those days tbh.

No. 2102749

Nta but whiney attention whores are annoying. They need to realize the people they’re bitter with, dont care if they off themselves. The best revenge is success.

No. 2102752

you call her an annoying teenager, how is that not angry? what's honest about that, that's just your mentally ill opinion

so what if you find them annoying? it is still a positive thing that they don't actually want to die

No. 2102753

I'm being genuine here but, are you new? Namecalling and snark is pretty usual here, I said she sounds like an annoying teenager because her posts sound like something a teenager would say. And if I'm being mean feel free to call me out, it's sort of just what we do here.

No. 2102756

Nonas can yall stfu about suicide methods and go to therapy instead this makes for shit reading

No. 2102758

It doesn’t matter if I find them annoying but I’m just letting them know what’s real. The people who you’re attempting suicide over don’t care if you kill yourself, they will be more pissed if you live and surpass them. If you’re attempting suicide for attention it’s pointless because no one gives a shit.

No. 2102759

i bet i've been here longer than you kek i just think some of you might be blinded by your suicidal ideation, because that's what your thinking sounds like. you idealize suicide and think that committing into it is the less annoying, noteworthy thing to do even if staying alive and not wanting to die is objectively the positive thing

No. 2102763

Cry about it, you're too sensitive to be here. And I didn't say she should commit suicide so I don't even know what it is you're whining about, are you done with your little moralfag yet?

No. 2102765

honestly, what's wrong with my opinion? also then why do you say "i bet you don't actually want to die at all" at her in such an accusatory tone as if that's a bad thing?

No. 2102770

also saying things like this
>Either try harder or shut up kek.
so a suicidal person kinda sounds like you're egging them on but might just be me misunderstanding what "try harder" means lmao

No. 2102773

>"i bet you don't actually want to die at all" at her in such an accusatory tone as if that's a bad thing?
I didn't say it's bad she doesn't want want to die. She literally sounds like a teenager baiting for attention, so that's what I said she sounds like.

Again in comparison to what anons used to say when people suicide baited my comment is nothing, and who cares anyway this has never been a hugbox for suicidal people and I hope it never becomes one.

No. 2102775

isn't that kind of childish way to think, could almost say teenager-like, to explaining your own bad behavior with well others are doing it too? o the ancient one.

No. 2102776

>omg you guize!! don't tell suicidal ppl to kill themselves on an imageboard!! they might actually do it!!!
kill yourself, young summerfag. kill yourself(infighting)

No. 2102778

learn to sage + you sound like a redditor + this is my house and i've lived here longer than you you just barged in and shat on the carpet(infighting/trolling)

No. 2102783

I'm not saying "it's okay cause nonnies do it" I'm saying how can you claim to be an oldfag yet be this pearl clutchy about such a tame response to a suicide baiter when harsher reactions are much more commonplace here, you should be used to it by now.

Nta but
>telling someone to sage in ot
Newfag confirmed.

No. 2102785

are you trying out a suicide by vlad the impaling yourself right now because there is a huge huge stick up into your butt right now(infighting/trolling)

No. 2102786

I don't really enjoy going to the beach.

No. 2102789


>are you done with your little moralfag yet?
apparently she is not done and she's going to keep dishing out tumblr insults, can't wait till summers over