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No. 2047486

Previous thread:

let it all out.
don't respond to bait edition

No. 2047488

I keep having dreams about my great aunt's son (my cousin?) raping me and I wish it would stop. This is probably the second or third time and it's genuinely making me upset.

No. 2047550

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What the FUCK is it with people lately that they think it's okay to touch me, a stranger, in any way?? No, you can't touch my sidecut, no you can't touch my tattoos, earrings or jacket, like wtf. It happened 3 times this week, I don't even dress that autistic so maybe I'm giving off some retard vibes or that I'm too approachable. Whatever this is I hope it stops because it makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

No. 2047592

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>Finished an interview that has a 70% chance of landing me a decent job after being a NEET for the past year.
>actually feel hopeful towards the future.
>enter through the door to tell family and instead the first thing I learn is that my mother got scammed for 1k and that we will get evicted if we don't cough up 2k by the end of the month to pay for the rent.
It keeps happening!!! Every single time I get closer to improving my life there's a giant setback, and 90% of the time money is the main cause. I wish the lack of it wasn't so soul and spirit crushing. Not to mention that even fast food places near me aren't hiring, so there's no chance at getting an easy position to help with the situation.
Almost started crying because I was looking through my reaction image folder and nothing comes even close to how dejected I feel right now.

No. 2047603

I really hate how I always get sick during my period, it's so annoying, this month it hurts a lot too, I keep going to the bathroom every 20 minutes to empty everything and I feel how my organs rearrange themselves, it's so annoying and it feels gross, sometimes it even hurts.
I've been literally rotting on my bed for two days already, I can't even study because all I can do is check my phone, sitting hurts a lot.
But tbh, laying on the bed isn't that great unless I fall asleep, I only feel slightly better if I put pressure on my belly, I kind of wish I had some sort of really heavy pillow so I could just put it there on top of the electric blanket.

No. 2047608

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I'm glad my mom was and is the hyper paranoid type around men. That's probably the entire reason nothing ever happened to us. I hate how much women are made to feel like they're unreasonable for being paranoid around men when they're always the ones doing terrible shit. I have a 1 year old niece and if being paranoid about the men around her makes me a feminazi femcel then so be it.

No. 2047609

Got a call from my parents the other day. They were laughing about their dog panicking when he saw them packing luggage, like every time they go out (they travel a lot and this dog is a rescued puppy mill breeder with serious anxiety and abandonment issues. It's fucking tragic tbh.) They thought it was hilarious that he freaked out hard when he saw them packing the bags, but relaxed halfway through the car ride when it finally dawned on him that he was going with them instead of being left at home this time. Left a really bad taste in my mouth because as much as I love my parents, this is the kind of people they are. They adopt things (dogs and people) with serious trauma and then do nothing to help those issues and in fact often just go about their lives carelessly in a way that exacerbates it. They think it's funny when the traumatized dog acts traumatized because he has no way to anticipate or understand what my parents are going to do or when they're going to leave next. The amount of carelessness borders on sociopathy sometimes. I genuinely hope they're done adopting dogs after this one dies, the last one got run over by a car because they didn't secure the door well enough one night (she had issues with bolting outside the entire time we had her and she was a small dog so it's not like she could break down the door herself.) The call was days ago, but it's still bothering me. They're callous and incapable of having empathy for anyone "lesser than" them. They didn't used to be like this either. Growing up we had a black lab mix rescue (that dog was more rottweiler and wolf than black lab, but anyway) and Dad worked night and day to help that poor sweetheart relax until he was finally as healthy as any other dog. Thirty years later and this is how they act. It sickens me but I can't say anything about it to them because when I do they lash out at me and whine about how they're not doing anything wrong. So I'm ranting here instead. It's bad enough that I'm reticent to adopt a dog as an adult because I don't want to become calloused like they are. Please pet your pets for me nonnies, I wish I could do the same for my parents' dog.

No. 2047612

Samefag, so I checked the prices of weighted pillows and discovered they're a thing but they're so expensive, I wonder if I could make one myself even though i don't know how go sew, or I could modify a pillow or a stuffed toy so it's heavy, I think it could weight like around 1 or even 2 kilos so I can put it on my belly during my period.

No. 2047613

If they ever call again, the SECOND they mention the dog, I mean, the exact nanosecond, hang up. They'll probably get all worried and call back. I won't dictate what you should say from there, but go with your gut feeling. Also I feel for you. My estranged mom's an alcoholic (and not the fun, happy kind) and decided to adopt another dog.

No. 2047614

The fucking leaf blowers are here AGAIN. They were here four goddamned days in a row last week and now this is their second day here. I don't get it, there aren't any leaves to blow, they're literally just throwing desert dust up into their air. And crazy bad emissions from their pathetic two stroke engines. I'm so fucking tired of this, every day they show up they're here for hours and wander around the whole neighborhood. It does not take hours to do any kind of yardwork around here because it's a FUCKING DESERT. I just wanted to sit quiet and talk with the anons here, but guess I'm just going to pack another lunch and wait for this whole thing to blow over. Literally.

No. 2047621

Fuck men. I was just sitting in the park talking to my mother on the phone when some moid comes to me, tells me his name and asks me how old I am because "I need to know your age before talking to you hehe" and then proceeds to sit next to me. Fucking creep

No. 2047626

What anime is the op pic?

No. 2047633

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I have a warmies stuffed animal that is weighted and microwaveable, so it also acts as a heating pad. Plus it smells of lavender. Had it for I think 5 years now and it's still in good shape. They're like $30, might be a bit pricy but you could at least look into how they construct them if you want to try and diy something.
Also I enjoy freaking people out at work when they see me violently fling a hampster into the communal microwave.

No. 2047635

Gunsmith Cats

No. 2047640

My date blew up on me today because I chuckled when he grabbed a pasta ladle and a gigantic skimmer spoon thingy to take a scoop out of the casserole dish I prepared. I thought it was cute and funny when he stomped over with those big plastic utensils but his ego was so MASSIVELY hurt that he took great pleasure in showing me that whole evening how little respect he had for me (patronizing questions, talking down to me, mansplaining gym exercises to me) and then said that there are "too many differences between us" when I called him out on his bs. This is a guy who prides himself on his intelligence and moral superiority. Also he had to pee every 15 minutes. I just feel extremely exhausted right now. It is as if a horde of elephants just stomped right over my brain.

No. 2047644

He could have just asked what’s so funny and then realized what you meant. Dodged a bullet though, he couldn’t even confront something little

No. 2047645

Some people act like having a dog with seperation anxiety is some type of cutesy ego stroke, look how much they love me!

No. 2047647

You dodged a massive bullet. He sounds like an immature retard

No. 2047655

Can't imagine having the confidence to be heading to the bathroom every 15 mins in the middle of a date and then returning to talk down to the other person. No shame. And god knows if he was peeing, farting or whatever else because youngish men are the ones least likely to have bladder issues.

No. 2047659

No. 2047671

>order cheap item on ebay
>seller sends me a message yesterday that they're so sorry for canceling my order since they don't have it
>ask when they'll cancel it since it clearly hasn't been canceled
>still no response or cancelation status
Just cancel the order. This is weird.

No. 2047683

Idk man it was weird. He is 26 years old and can't even clean his apartment when a woman comes over. There were also a bunch of lighters in every room, apparently he smokes weed. You guys should have seen the kitchen he just cooks stuff and then leaves it out for the whole week on the counter. Like how do you not get sick from that?! I don't even want to talk about the bathroom. There was a huge light brown stain on the ceiling as if a pipe burst or something like that and one time there was a poop stain in the toilet. He also doesn't do laundry and just throws all of his clean clothes into one corner of the room. His bed doesn't have fitted sheets on them. He also burped really loudly in front of me. We talked about stuff that we don't like and he said "loud chewing noises like you just did when we had dinner, it almost drove me insane" like wtf was he trying to neg me or some shit?

No. 2047693

So a typical manchild who couldn't take care of himself, probably shits on the walls and you went on a date with him? Nonita have some self respect please whyyy

No. 2047699

>pee every 15 minutes

He has an sti

No. 2047701

Islam/muslim people need to stop breeding because their scrotes are all coming to Europe and spreading and poisoning like the plague. They need to be thrown into the sea or burned alive(racebait)

No. 2047716

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I’m sorry for your loss nonita. My first birthday without my parent was hard too. We may be adults but we’re still our parents’ babies. Happy (belated) birthday.

No. 2047720

I thought his hobbies were interesting, he does a lot of volunteer work (which in retrospect is just so he can show off and say that he is a good person), has a well paying job, reads a lot (I now know better he is one of those weird stoicism dudes) and was really nice to me on the dating app (was my first time on there). He also looked really good on his pictures. They were kind of old though. When I saw him irl he was losing his hair. He is a complete dickhead irl who takes himself way too seriously and likes to unnecessarily criticize others to build himself up. I also don't think that he understands other people's feelings or can relate to them. It is weird. He told me that he likes to downplay his abilities because he wants to appear humble? Also he has a female best friend.
Jesus Christ I thought that he was just nervous or had bladder issues

No. 2047721

Please tell me you immediately blocked him right after.

No. 2047722

I hate sex dreams about family. I used to get them too but eventually they just went away. Our brains are so fucking weird sometimes. I wish you incest free dreams nonna, kek.

No. 2047727

How did your mom get scammed, nonna?

No. 2047731

Yes I blocked him as soon as I got home but I feel like I need some time to get over the emotional damage. I was really looking forward to the date and thought I found gold and then it was just a large pebble with a shit stain on it.

No. 2047735

If it makes you feel any better one time I went on a date with a moid after a few weeks and then he revealed he was a JW. I ran.

No. 2047736

Maintenance guy just almost walked in on me naked in my bedroom this morning even though I repeatedly told him "DON'T COME IN." I know he doesn't speak English well but that's an incredibly simple sentence. When I complained to the property manager, the bitch gaslit me and told me he "is very respectful" and "would never do that on purpose." Fuck dirty old moids and the handmaidens that protect them.

No. 2047763

>he just cooks stuff and then leaves it out for the whole week on the counter. Like how do you not get sick from that?!
I mean this is the same guy who went to the bathroom every few mins all while he'd company over..

No. 2047776

my roommate/ex-best friend is the most raging cunt I’ve ever met in my life. we have had a beautiful friendship since I met her more than three years ago, we’ve lived together for two years, we have cats from the same litter who have matching names, and I’ve shared so many wonderful moments with her. people outside of our circle used to squirm a little when she came up and many people have called her bitchy to me and I can kind of see it but she’d never behaved that way towards me. flash forward to february of this past year, I go over to another friends house (who she very expressly dislikes) to get help with my chemistry assignment and watch a movie. queue my phone blowing up about how she feels so betrayed that I’d leave her behind, she was having a rough day, she would never do something like this to me, etc. crazy as fuck but I try to placate her and say we can do something the next night, she refuses. since then she has been an entirely different person. she glares at me when I enter the house, refuses to be in the same room as me, and makes plans with our friend group but goes out of her way to exclude me from them. my other roommate whom I work with started telling me how she would knock on her door, say “is nonna home?” and then proceed to talk shit on me once she confirmed I wasn’t around. I tried talking to her asking her what was up and what she needed from me, she said that nothing could be done and that our friendship would probably never be the same. I started hanging out with my other friends more because I was being shunned at home, and she started using that against me too. flash forward again to late may, she tries to steal my fucking cat. she’s going to her hometown for a month or so and she starts packing up his shit and trying to take him with her. I put my foot down and say he’s not going, why would he, and she says her cat and my cat can’t be apart and he’d be happier with her anyway. obviously I didn’t let the psychopath take my cat. you would think that would be the end of it, but while she’s away she starts tracking my movements via our ring camera and texts me whenever I’m not home and asking where I am and why I’m not home with the cat. Mind you I was at work. She just got back from her trip and the first thing she did was organize a group hang out without telling me about it. I walked downstairs to everyone eating and drinking wine, sat down to join them, and not five minutes later the bitch tells everyone to go home then goes upstairs to bed. I’m so sick of feeling like a stranger in my own home and I can’t stand living with her, but the lease has already been renewed for another year. Nonnas give me the strength to not bash her fucking skull in the next time I see her.

No. 2047806

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Just thought of the possibility that out there is a gold star lesbian that got groomed and bullied into getting raped by a transvestite moid and I'm fucking sick

No. 2047820

You will probably get banned for this but I agree and can't help but notice that certain areas and communities fall apart once they decide to settle down in them.
Doesn't help that they're group thinking sexists who lack manners towards those they deem unworthy of respect.

No. 2047828

prob waiting for you to cancel it because it looks better if the customer cancels.

No. 2047848

my period is now 3 days late. usually it's right on time and usually i can tell when it's about to start but i haven't had that feeling yet. i haven't had sex in a couple months so i'm not worried about that but i wonder why its late. hmmm.
i'm sure it will come as soon as i forget about it and wear some cute white outfit in public.

No. 2047859

I guess it is time for you to put the white cotton leggings on while you are sleeping (mine always starts when I am asleep)

No. 2047880

Have you been under a lot of stress lately? It can cause late or even skipped periods. So can undereating, overexercising, and lots of other things.

No. 2047890

I don't think I even have an option to cancel it. The seller created a shipping label, and it's marked as shipped. It's on them at this point.

No. 2047902

kek i just bought a bunch of new white underwear, i'm sure as soon as i put a pair on it'll come
hmm maybe that could be it. there was a couple weeks where i was really upset and wasn't eating but i've been feeling better and eating normally since then, maybe that stalled it or something

No. 2047943

Did you roundhouse kick him while screaming ecchi?

No. 2047957


No. 2047968

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It does seem to be a lot of baiting today, but the love never goes away nonnka ♥

No. 2047984

I thought I had beaten depression, but I was wrong. I don't have the energy to do anything besides working. Sleep time is the highlight of my days, I hate being awake. I'll never do anything useful in my life because I'm too stupid and unmotivated to get an education. I'll never be loved because I'm boring.

No. 2048001

i hate when TCM is showing movies from post-2000, or stupid biopics like today, I don't want to watch the Babe Ruth story or the Jackie Robinson story, ugh. and later tonight they're playing Billy Elliot. whyyyy.

No. 2048005

Just saw a picture of a little Israeli girl getting raped by a hamas or maybe that wasn’t even the context and the sick fuck posted it to prove a point. I hate the internet so much

No. 2048010

I don't really enjoy being alive. There's nothing tragic going in my life, I'm just tired of being alone and a failure who never achieved anything. The life of a poor person is too difficult and there's nothing rewarding in the end.

No. 2048047

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I've always wanted to go to college for ceramics and fiber arts. As far as I can tell, that's never going to happen. It just isn't feasible. Not financially, geographically, and I have no support. I have never felt so alone and so full of heartbreak. I have given so much of myself to others, I have lifted them up and supported them through the hardest times of their lives. I'm not worth that? No one is willing to offer me that same support? Just some encouragement? Just someone to calm me down while I cry about surrendering my dream to the ether? I feel invisible. I feel useless. People are always telling me how positive and helpful I am, but I guess they must see me the same way they see like…a robot. They just expect it of me. But they don't see me as needing the same things. I'm not human, to anyone. I feel isolated. I feel empty. What is the purpose of building relationships with no reciprocation? I think I would benefit from actual isolation, more than being surrounded by people who don't see me as a person. Self educate in my isolated hovel. I've always wanted that crafting college experience. I have to accept and come to peace with the fact that that will never be me.

No. 2048051

You can take ceramics classes at a community college or studio

No. 2048055

I agree with you. Muslim are not a race of people but a culture and religion. We should ban islam in general. People get huffy and pearl clutchy about it, but it's true.

No. 2048057

Nona, I went through the exact thing you’re going through down to a T except with animation, and I can tell you that if you’re insane about something to that degree you will make that shit happen with or without a degree. You will figure something out, I promise. I did the same self isolation mad scientist thing and perfected my craft and it paid off, just don’t make yourself depressed nonni and stay on your grind. Let this fuel you. I taught myself a craft and went into a career full of nepo babies who had mommy and daddy pay for animation school. You can do this shit. Never underestimate the power of being autistic over something. Just know I was in your same spot and overcame, and many others have. I believe in you nona.

No. 2048059

contact ebay support. This person sounds like a scammer

No. 2048060

Nah, if you're a real lesbian, you dont even attempt to try dick

No. 2048061

I live in a very remote area anon, there are no colleges or community studios within hours of me. And unfortunately those colleges do not have student living accommodations. It's all bnbs and rentals that charge up to 700 dollars a week. I can't even properly learn to drive because there are no DMVs within miles and miles of me.
Thank you anon, this reply honestly means so much to me. You've reignited the motivation in me. I am way too passionate to let this slip away. I am saving up money for a mini kiln and for now I am setting up a make shift kiln to fire in that I saw on YouTube. Thanks for treating me like a person.

No. 2048069

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Spirit doesn't get enough hate. I had to fly out last minute and the only available flight was Spirit. So it was that, or Alaska Airlines the next day. My god I should have waited. I spent $70 on an uber and spent two hours getting there and through TSA only to be told my flight was overbooked and I'd have to fly out the next day anyway. BITCH!

No. 2048072

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I've never heard of gold star lesbian until today

No. 2048073

See, you’re making that shit happen! I’m so proud of you nonni. You’ll build on these steps and really get momentum going and soon you’ll have a solid routine to work towards your goal. Creatives like us will always have that fire under us, remember that. I’m rooting for you nona, have a nice day wherever you are.

No. 2048083

That sucks so much, anon!

No. 2048119

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So fucking sick and tired of the “rules for thee but not for me!” mentality my parents have. So fucking tired. Their cat gets fixed and he didn’t have to be locked up, my cat gets fixed and she has to be even though she is wearing her cone and their cat did not. My birthday was yesterday and yeah I got gifts and dinner but my mom gave my stepdad a father’s day present ON MY BIRTHDAY even though it’s not until Sunday. She also got upset at me for not looking for father’s day gifts on my birthday. I love my parents but my mom is such a borderline fucking narcissist. She will make everything about herself then will accuse you of doing that. She will treat me like shit then always pull the “ugh i’m tired (so it should be okay)!!!! ugh i didn’t sleep well i’m miserable okay?!?!?!” whenever it bothers me. My stepdad is always on my mom’s side and even when he isn’t he will never call her out because he doesn’t want her diagnosed bipolar rage. I can’t fucking do this anymore. The only one who sees my side is my bf. He sees it all, no one else will ever understand or see anything. I need to move out.

No. 2048142

Looking for rentals is fucking awful

No. 2048182

Hey guys I need help. My neighbor has been watching some kids and their very small dog. She's been tying the dog up by it's walking leash and it's surrounded by her patio chairs and table. It's tangled 24/7 with less than a foot of slack. I have a week's worth of photos going back to report her but she'd know it's me. The dog is sleeping in it's own shit and the kids are now complaining about it and yelling at the dog. The woman watching them kicks dogs, she told my boyfriend she was going to kick a little dog and asked if it was his dog first. The dog wails in terror when it's stuck and they come out and scream at it to shut up and then don't untangle it. It's been 90 degrees out this week and there's a heat wave. I'm in the deep south so it's also humid and there's no shade on her porch although she did finally hang a blanket up for a little cover. She leaves it out at night while dumping her leftovers into the grass near it and there's many wild animals that come to feed. This dog is under ten pounds big so a raccoon could easily kill or injure it. She makes gagging noises when the dog poops and now when the kids take it out for it's one lap around the building a day they make loud gagging noises when it goes to the bathroom. The dog cowers when it happens.

Also I'm in an apartment complex and I'm pretty sure it's not paid for in her lease and she lets it make noise all day and part of the night. Unitl she screams at it to shut up. She's got the kids acting abusive towards it now.

I have no idea what to do, the animal cruelty laws are extremely lax in this fucking shithole and I can't take it anymore, it's been going on for 2 weeks. I started documenting 5 days ago with photos.
They also left it without shelter in the rain for an hour but did get it eventually. It was also tangled and unable to reach it's water during a very hot day with the sun blasting down for hours until the sun set. I can't find anyone to call for this in my county.

I burst into tears before coming on here to write this because today they stopped caring to untangle it, shortened it's walking leash tie and screamed at it more while complaining it smells like poop (because it can't poop anywhere other than where it's stuck). The woman is extremely vindictive and mean and has called cops on neighbors for the slightest thing. I don't want her on my bad side. Should I sneak down and steal her dog? I don't know anyone who wants it. I thought I could turn it loose and maybe someone in the apartments would take it since she's cute and friendly but I think most likely she'd get lost and starve and at least she has her food once a day here. Also the kids aren't hers so I thought she was just babysitting and the dog would be gone soon but it's going on a bit long now, if they're here all summer I think the dog will likely die in the heat.

This is a vent but also, what should I do? The abuse isn't bad enough to report to police but it's also hurting the dog and potentially could kill it in the heat. I feel so guilty.

No. 2048226

Get the dog, find a home for it. Still report it to the police/dog authority

No. 2048233

Is there no animal control for your town/county that you can call?
If you do decide to take matters into your own hands and steal the dog, be very careful and make sure your neighbor doesn't have any doorbell or security cameras that could catch you in the act.

No. 2048237

i just did the math and my husband is working almost 95 hours a week. i know he is there because we live on a military base. i just needed to vent because it sucks so fucking much, i never get to see him ever, our schedules are completely opposite. it hate being alone in a place i don't know anyone and it's really isolating. they randomly change his hours and it messes with not ownly his circadian rhythm, but also mine and our cat. i have been trying to figure out how to solve this but really i am just pissed at the supervisors because my husband did their job before, and it's not fucking hard to schedule people in normal cycles instead of constantly fucking with their sleep schedules.

i say this knowing we are lucky, at least we don't have babies to worry about and he's not deployed but it's really fucking hard. they've also been randomly turning off the water and if i didn't have a bunch of camping bins full of water we wouldn't have been able to flush our poops, brush our teeth, or wash our hands. i'm fucking annoyed and just needed to vent, thank you for reading. there are also huge mosquitos here like the size of my big toe and i'm angry i can't spray at them

No. 2048248

i'm so sorry nonna, can you untie them and take them into your possession? that is full animal abuse and they might pass away if that is how they're 'taking care' of the dog.

you could also put out food and water for them and if you can reach see if you can untangle it? or just go to the crazy people and say "hey, know you're doing a great job taking care of donald, but i think he's tangled up. and might need water and food." if you pretend that they are the messiahs it might play into their ideology of how the dog is being taken care of. <3

No. 2048250

if it's the kind of family i think it is, come at as: "wow, i saw how great you took care of Buster!! I was really impressed with your skills and noticed he wanted some of my chicken(replace anything)! Would you be okay if i gave him a treat?? He's so cute!!!!!"

basically give them compliments and deflect from them being poor animal caretakers because they will double down

No. 2048254

I dont know how to be a filial daughter

No. 2048255

The worst tranny I know has started casually using the word "moid". It's so over

No. 2048273

No. 2048274

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>me realizing if my brothers were never born and it was just me, my older sister and my mother my life would’ve been easier, peaceful, clean, healthy, full of stability, no anger issues

I hate having this cruel fact circle in my mind all the time. I wish they were never brown and I don’t care how mean that sounds, don’t care. Men ruin everything. Boy children ruin everything. Men know for a fact they are virtually useless and spend their entire lives making their existence a nuisance for everybody else

No. 2048283

Man, fuck my brother and his wife. They're such asses. For the past 3-4 years they've been real stingy about letting my parents help them with their kids. Like anytime my parents wanted to babysit it had to be at my brother's house and never at ours. The first excuse was the fact that my parents didn't get the covid vaccine, ergo they wouldn't be allowed near the firstborn daughter for her first few months. My mom was sad about not being allowed near her first grandbaby, but she also understood why (this was during the lockdown). Some time passed and their second daughter was born and it seemed like maybe they'd allow us to babysit the older one soon cause at that point, no one gave a shit about covid. And yeah, my mom started babysitting their kids with my sister's help. Eventually my mom asked if she could babysit the kids at our house, but they gave some sort of vague excuse. I can't remember what it was at the time, but I hadn't really cared at the time. Fast forward to now and my sister-in-law is in the military at basic for the summer and my mom was stoked at the idea that maybe we'd be able to babysit at our house for once and not have to drive 30 minutes out just to babysit at their house for the whole day. And I guess today she popped the question as to why the girls weren't allowed at our house and my brother made some off-hand comment that we're "ghetto trash." My mom was pissed obviously. I'm pissed that he even had the gall to call us that.

Also to preface this, my mom has cancer and had to get major abdominal surgery to remove it during the end of last year and was on bedrest for a good month. You wanna know how many times they've visited since? Once. They visited us one time and it was right after she was released from the hospital and hasn't been back since. My sister has visited more often and she doesn't even have a car. Again, they live 30 minutes away and unironically visit my sister-in-law's parents every other week despite them being a good hour and a half away. Like I know my parents aren't fucking saints and have done retarded shit in the past, but fuck my brother and his wife for treating them (especially my mom) like doormats. Anyway, I'm glad he said that to my mom. I was getting tired and frustrated because she kept getting her hopes up thinking that maybe this time would be the one. I just want my mom to be happy in her last few years of life.

No. 2048289

these retards will do anything to skinwalk what seems most feminine. wish these men actually hated themselves enough to be less obnoxious.

No. 2048301

maybe he lurks lolcow to learn how to be more ~womanly~

No. 2048323

he probably browses that lame quirky "femcel" subreddit filled with trannies and pickmes

No. 2048325

People online will make you think all women are soooooo nice, but irl some women are so fucking nasty for absolutely no reason at all.

No. 2048334

why won't they just get vaccinated? i have three and i'm fine. i wouldn't want people who haven't even had one to be around my small children

No. 2048338

can they not take the shingles vaccine? yearly flu? if a bat bit your kids would they just accept they have rabies?

No. 2048342

you need to really personally explore why you are exploting your kids to being hurt by not getting these vaccinations and why your husband and mil are pressing you to make them into idiot dead kids

No. 2048347

Yeah. Speaking as an autistic fatty who’s always looked too young for her age, girls have been more vile to me than men. Nothing about internal misogyny or anything like that, it’s just literally how it was.

No. 2048349

I dont know what delusional lala land you live in, but most online spaces spend a lot of time shitting on women for breathing wrong. So.

No. 2048373

I don't like the Wednesday show.
Before that thing came out i used to wear my hair on pigtails and wear mostly black, it helped my hair was also already black, don't know where I got that style from (i did saw the OG Adams Family at least a dozen times) but i just really loved it as my "going out" outfit and now i feel like I can't go out dressed that way because the show turned my style into trendy shit, i began wearing more colorful stuff, the kind of things i don't wear while in public during the peak of the show's popularity and i have been slowly returning to wear black and make my hair into pig tails every so often but I'm sure that people see me they automatically think of that shitty Netflix show with a Latina Wednesday (it doesn't help that I'm also latina ).

No. 2048375

People would've called you Wednesday Addams regardless of the show if you are a grown adult woman wearing jet black braids. Time to move on

No. 2048397

Wednesday is canonically Latina

No. 2048400

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i want to scream and cry

No. 2048458

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I’m an alt girl with black hair and blunt bangs whose go-to was pigtails for my retail job. When that show was trending I was approached countless times from so many customers, especially children, saying I looked like Wednesday kek. Before that it was Jane from Breaking Bad. And before that it was Abby from NCIS. To be fair, that just comes with the territory when you’re a bitch with black hair and bangs. C’est la vie.

No. 2048461

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I hate how I like other women have to always feel guilty about every less then good thing we do whilst men are coddled for being the most deplorable things possible. I always feel guilty when i do something shitty like killing a moth instead of putting it outside, but then i hear about shit like the NTH rooms in South Korea and i wonder why I should bother having empathy when the world is like this. A male built Society favors Psychopathy and punishes empathy.. I genuinely believe all men are bad because it is literally their nature. Even male animals are more violent and fucked up. I I believe all males are inherently evil. The very few “good” ones just happened to never have an opportunity to act out the Y chromosome. Every time some moid becomes absurdly Rich, he always treats people like objects and does horrifically immoral and illegal shit. A man who was once good will “become” a terrible person once they are in a situation where they know they can get away with violence and degeneracy. Just look at how good smart male scientist suddenly become violent rapist when they are isolated in research centers in Antarctica.

cannot go outside anymore because i fucking hate being around people. It’s miserable. Recently i went to the mall with my mom and i was fixated on the people there. I see these dads and teenage boys acting normal and living life just drinking milk shakes and goofing off with their friends and family. But the entire time, i couldn’t stop thinking of how many of them are or will be rapist. How that dad carrying his kid on his shoulders might have CP on his computer. How that teenager probably bullies some girl at school. I felt miserable the entire time and wanted to leave. I’ts not like im even wrong. I single male celeb or artist or whatever i liked has at some point given into the Y chromosomes commands and abused a woman. I want to posion the rivers and end the world. Killing myself is not enough. Men have bastardized life.

No. 2048468

Reddit is the other way

No. 2048469

i mean shes not wrong, but constantly thinking about it is unhealthy kek

No. 2048470

Im so tired of retarded mudslim loving Jannies banning people for racebait when they rightfully call a shitty culture shitty. Lolcow hates men and wants them euthanized. Islam is the most sexist thing those creatures jizzed out of the little brain in their dick. Their not even a race its a damn religion ffs. If your gonna ban them then call it “Islamophobia bating” retarded woke Jannie’s.(baiting)

No. 2048472

i dont understand what moids get out of going on here and preaching about how terrible misandry is, we're not gonna change our minds

No. 2048473

Exactly kek. He’s definitely tranny or at least a handmaiden. Report and ignore.

No. 2048474


No. 2048486

its the cp posting pedo moid, ignore him before he starts posting his stash of mutilated babies again

No. 2048495

So it's time for my monthly post where I admit I had a private sperv out in my room only to find out that once again it is time for my menstrual cycle… You think a woman in her late 20s would learn by now, but nope…

No. 2048515

Cute moid I followed online took a hiatus to shave his entire head and get a tattoo covering the whole thing along with most of his face. What the actual fuck? Unfollowed.

No. 2048555

Fat women are genuinely so rude. When I think about all the rude shit I’ve had said about me for being thin and flat it’s usually from an overweight woman. I don’t get it, are their hormones imbalanced from eating all day? They’re always the ones preaching body positivity, yet say the most awful shit about skinny women. I’ve never had say, a skinny woman with big boobs or a normal weight woman shit on me for a body, it’s always fat women. One time some girl called me flat and I told her to develop an eating disorder and she wouldn’t have cottage cheese thighs anymore, yet somehow I was the bad guy despite her starting it. Speaking of which, I’ve had a lot of fatties assume I have an eating disorder which not only isn’t true but an awful thing to say. I’ve tried so hard to be supportive of fat women since I know they’re victims of the patriarchy as well, but they’re obnoxious and bitchy just like their moid counterparts

No. 2048562

Just say some shit back, who cares.

No. 2048563

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Why isn't everyone vegan? There's no good excuse to not be vegan. I never tell my coworkers that I'm vegan but when they eventually find out they always do the classic "I could never be vegan I just love bacon too much UwU" response and I just have to smile and say "haha yeah" but I really just wanna start a conversation about it with them. Is the taste of bacon more valuable than the life of another being? "Well yeah, cuz it's a pig and I'm a human so doy it just makes sense." Ok, would you eat a dog then? "OMG WTF no way I love dogs I would never eat one." Well why is it different? etc etc etc. Having these conversations is so fun because deep down everyone knows that eating meat and exploiting animals is wrong–but everyone hates change. And I get it, I was in their camp for most of my life as well. I used to think I could never go vegan. Now here I am, feeling nauseous when my friends eat chicken near me or seeing dairy trucks go by on the freeway.
It especially disappoints me to hear that a feminist is not vegan either. I'm not gonna doubt someone's feminism if they're not vegan, but if they ARE vegan…they're the superior feminist. Because the female reproductive system is horrifically exploited in every aspect of factory farming. Imagine being kept in a state of forced pregnancy (raped) for your entire (shortened) life, every baby you've birthed being taken away from you 24 hours after birth, and deemed nothing more than consumable flesh by the time your body has been so depleted of life that it collapses from disease and exhaustion on the shit-ridden floor of a government-funded "Our Cows Live Good Lives" dairy farm. This happens every day. And it's just one specific instance.
Please think about going vegan. Please think about what you value in your life. Please think about beings other than yourself. We're all on this earth together.

No. 2048566

I do, and yet I’m always the bad person in all these situations somehow

No. 2048569

nutrition. the dha from fish just hits better than supplements. factory farming is so fucked though i agree. we are all on this earth together, as part of a food chain.

No. 2048571

You’re a faggot

No. 2048573

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There are some places on Earth such as Greenland which aren’t well suited to agriculture, so meat consumption in the form of seal hunting and fishing makes up a large part of the local people’s diets.

No. 2048577

I didn't know people ate seals

No. 2048579

As modern people, we're beyond the food chain. Non-human animals participate in the food chain. Humans participated in the food chain for years and it made sense. But we have so many options nowadays that I can't help but wonder why someone would choose animal suffering vs just eating plants instead. Not denying the food chain exists of course. But we're smarter than that now.

Do you live in Greenland? I understand if say Inuit people who live in places where meat is their only option for sustenance are forced to hunt / eat meat. Because in situations like that I believe it's morally justified. But if you don't live in that situation then why are you not trying to reduce suffering where you can?

No. 2048580

this would have been better suited for the unpopular opinions thread

No. 2048582

There are certain nutrients vital for Humans which are only found in meat. Strict veganism is unhealthy and is a form of child abuse when inflicted on children.

> There are some essential vitamins found only in animal products: Vitamin A (Retinol), B12, Carnitine, Carnosine, Creatine, D3, DHA, EPA, Heme Iron, and Taurine.

No. 2048587

i wanted to be vegan but once i tried plant based shredded cheese and wanted to fucking kill myself

No. 2048589

I met this guy at a party and really hit it off, we had many things in common, he was handsome and flirting back at me hardcore. At some point we half-jokingly made plans to have a movie night together.
The following day I dm him about the movie night, he replies "let's do it" but then stops replying to all messages and it's been several days of no contact now. He's read the messages and he's been active on social media so it's not like he's too busy. Typical moid behavior, I know I know, but I really thought we had something going on cause we bonded over so many shared interests and he seemed really into me so it kinda sucks that he's ignoring me now. Idk what changed, maybe he wasn't interested in me in the first place and I was just an easy target for meaningless drunken flirting, which is something I do to moids all the time so I shouldn't complain. I just got a taste of my own medicine but it's really bitter haha.

No. 2048591

My mom never read anything so once she accidentally bought vegan Ben and Jerrys ice cream and it melted really fast and tasted like liquid cardboard. Never again.

No. 2048594

We can get all those vitamins from plants tho. Not to mention half of those are literally supplemented to the cows that you breastfeed off of and/or consume their flesh. I've been a strict vegan for almost two years and my blood tests always come back flawless. I think a lot of people go vegan and sort of struggle because they don't know how to cook or they only eat processed 'fake' meat, which, yeah your health will decline if you don't eat right so it makes sense.

Ultra processed fake versions of animal products are obviously gonna be underwhelming. The good news is that no one has to eat that regardless if they're vegan or not.

No. 2048596

I agree though im not really vegan im pescatarian. Factory farming is fucking evil and i only eat honey, sardines and eggs from my own chickens when they are laying.

No. 2048599

You’re in the right direction and I love that for you

No. 2048602

Same! A bunch of cashews blended together is fucking gross. I couldn’t live without delicious coagulated animal breast milk. Have you tried dog cheese? Dog milk has a really silky texture that really lends itself to cheese making. Amazing stuff!

No. 2048603

I agree though im not really vegan im pescatarian. Factory farming is fucking evil and i only eat honey, sardines and eggs from my own chickens when they are laying.

No. 2048604

For years, my diet was completely vegan, and most of my meals are still vegan. However, my body developed multiple deficiencies despite not eating weirdly or insufficiently. Cooking for multiple people, we all ate the same meals, yet only I experienced these issues. Taking supplements became tiring and expensive, with some causing side effects. As a result, my diet isn't entirely vegan for now. You are right, killing animals is wrong, and I wish people would at least try to eat fewer animal products. There are many amazing vegan recipes that are neither complicated or boring. I also wish vegan influencers weren't a thing. Most of them eat horribly and it shows.

No. 2048607

life's too short to give a shit about cows and pigs

No. 2048608

Being vegetarian is good, being vegan is akin to tattooing your forehead with the word retard

No. 2048616

> I'm not gonna doubt someone's feminism if they're not vegan, but if they ARE vegan…they're the superior feminist.
Better than feminists that campaign for protecting and gaining justice for victims of rape and domestic violence? Feminism is about gaining rights for female humans and that’s it.

No. 2048617

I don't give a shit either. That's why I leave them the fuck alone. I don't want anything to do with them. I think they should be left to do what they want, what nature intended, etc. We should have no say in artificially breeding them, raping them, mass murdering them, the list goes on.

>life's too short

If everyone had this attitude about everything, then nothing would change. Cringy edgelord defeatist mindset.

Haha! So raping a cow so she can have a child that you get to steal titty milk from is better than also killing and eating both of them afterward? When all of that is totally unnecessary in modern society?
The dairy cows used for milk and cheese are also the same cows being killed for Taco Bell meat and other beef products you see on the shelf at grocery stores.

Have you ever considered the fact that you can care about and advocate for more than one thing at once?

No. 2048619

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>I couldn’t live without delicious coagulated animal breast milk.
Neither could I, so glad we agree ♥

No. 2048620

You can advocate for animal welfare if you like, but it has nothing to do with feminism. Which is solely about advancing the rights of human females.

No. 2048622

if it helps you feel better i would eat humans and dogs if it was legal.

No. 2048624

I'll agree with you here. It's hard not to feel connected to female animals sometimes, especially as an SA victim and feminist. I understand it how it seems extreme to some.

Would you rape humans and dogs if it was legal?

No. 2048625

>taco bell
Ah so you're a burger. I don't care for the opinions of the mentally disabled.

No. 2048626

>Would you rape humans and dogs if it was legal?
not dogs because i am not a zoo but i would def anally fist some moids until they scream if it was legal

No. 2048628

Lol well I'll allow it if moids are exploited.

No. 2048634

why does every thread gotta be a debate club. love how op conviently ignored >>2048604

No. 2048639

I agreed with their last three sentences. 'Ignored' though because I've heard that kind of story multiple times both online and irl from people claiming to be vegan for many years but then oh no something crazy happens and they just HAVE to kill animals again. It's interesting how everyone agrees that killing animals is wrong though. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

No. 2048643

Okay but where did you get dog cheese from…wtf

No. 2048649

Nothing crazy happened, multiple deficiencies developed and it made me sick. Attempts to fix it with my general practitioner, who is vegan herself, didn’t work. Not everyone is out to get you. Most of my meals are still vegan and I help people go vegan.
>Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
How feminist of you to use the word "bitch.".

No. 2048658

Anons who use they/them to talk back to others they disagree with are super annoying. Seriously, stop trying to be edgy with they/them for people you dislike, it's cringe and misogynistic. Go back to tumblr with your negative iq.

No. 2048665

As someone with a chronic illness, I could never imagine willingly doing something that you know is making you sick. Stop before your deficiencies permanently fuck up your body and you actually develop a chronic condition. Yes killing animals is sad but it's not worth a life of pain and suffering.

No. 2048671

I'm confused, someone's using gendie pronouns unironically, but as an insult?

No. 2048673

Dating after 30 is fucking bleak. The average male spic hits the wall so soon, after 30 they're all bald or balding, fat or annoying gymbros and have no hobbies beside video games, rock climbing or cryptoscams.
I could date guys in their 20s which hit on me pretty often but they expect me to be their mommy and that sucks even more. Guess I'll stick to parasocial relationships and daydream about my flavor of the month celeb crush.

No. 2048680

That's why I eat meat and animal products now. I'm not going to ruin my health.

No. 2048689

Using they/them is actually pretty standard on imageboards. Stfu

No. 2048692

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Autistic men are losers a lot of the time I'm sorry. Why are they mentally 12 even near 30 and 40 and cannot watch any piece of media without assigning everything to random people for no reason? "So and so is like x and im like x and" no cunt. It's just a tv show. It is media for entertainment. You aren't any of these characters, they do not parallel other people, you are weird. Your obsessive nature hinders you and its embarassing. Enough.

No. 2048697

I must reply because I used to think like you. I was vegetarian for many years and tried going vegan for a while. But here are the reasons I switched back to vegetarian and then started eating fish as well.

>Many vegans experience health issues, and some are even more prone to them as others. I have heavy period and that makes me anemic. Not an expert on nutrition sciences, can be possible to be healthy on vegan diet but it is certainly harder than eating meat or just being vegetarian.

>Normies will eat meat anyway, having a handful on vegans doesnt really make a difference. Even when veganism was trendy couple years ago vegans were a small minority. More realistic option to make a difference could be reducing meat eating, like by taxation and developing plant based options, and requiring better conditions for the animals being farmed.
>Eating meat is natural, animals eat each other. That is how it is. I see more problem with how animals are kept in captivity, how cows are made to produce milk etc, than with the killing itself. Might start eating hunted animals.

No. 2048701

>talks with family about [thing] I wanna go to
>they nod and don't seem all that into it but understood my curiosity
>call mom today and asks what she is doing
>"your sister, her boyfriend and I are going to [thing]!"
>oh, I wanted to go too
>"Oh, well…I could maybe take a couple of pictures for you?"

No. 2048713

you're right and based for this

No. 2048721

>Eating meat is natural, animals eat each other. That is how it is. I see more problem with how animals are kept in captivity, how cows are made to produce milk etc, than with the killing itself.
That's how I feel aswell.

No. 2048746

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I'm trying my umpteenth meds for ADHD and the side effects are fucking killing me. It's hot here but I'm literally feel like freezing and my hands and nose are ice cold. I'm also having random body aches all over and heart palpitations. I wonder if it's actually worth to drive my body to its limits just to keep my job or maybe I should just give up, stop the meds and resort to be fired every 3 months

No. 2048748

retarded janny, imagine caring and defending islam and its scrotes enough to ban someone.(read the rules)

No. 2048749

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tooth ache so bad i dont even wanna look at the nudes i was sent. sheesh

No. 2048793

I fucking hate how even with casual wear, womens clothes are made with the male gaze in mind. It’s even spreading to girls clothes too, it makes me so fucking sick. All our shorts barely cover our ass, fucking t shirts have to accentuate our curves or whatever, even the pajamas Im wearing I have to fight to not show my asscheeks, and don’t even get me started on swimsuits which are essentially our bra and underwear. All of it honestly just feels like a worldwide attempt to sabotage us by succumbing to a moids public humiliation fetish with how skimpy even normal clothing is for us. Hell, I didn’t even realize this issue until a few months back when my ex told me I dress like a slut (I dress modestly) because of my shorts. Oh well, the good part is I’m investing in comfortable shorts and shirts that aren’t designed to show off my non existent cleavage

No. 2048797

weird. do they think you're going by yourself? are you far away?

No. 2048799

The moment I lay down to sleep my nostrils close. They don't open up with anti allergy medication, or first any reason actually. It givee me apnea and makes me have to breathe through my mouth so I wake up with it completely dry. I feel like a fucking pug.

No. 2048805

My joints have been hurting so much for the past week, why do I always get these random bouts of bad health/pain? I've been to the doctor several times and she always says it's nothing, idk anymore.
I feel you anon, hell I've been looking at muslim sportswear brands because 'regular' sportswear is always a set of fuggo leggings and a tiny sports bra.

No. 2048809

no genuinely my swimsuit is from a muslimah clothing store and idgaf, the sun isn't touching my pale shoulders and im super comfy. i would absolutely recommend this. also just 'gender neutral' fashion on pinterest can be a great place to find shapeless and modest clothes (pretty popular with teens wanting to escape having their bodies seen too much, been there)

No. 2048811

Maybe you have arthritis nonna? Has it been humid/cold where you live these days? Usually doctors dismiss it in young people but I've had it since I was a preeteen and I can tell when it will rain kek.

No. 2048816

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Honestly good for you anon, I love the type of clothing like picrel but I'm ~curvy~ so it doesn't work that well. Luckily the whole oversized thing does look good, happy it's becoming more popular/accepted among adults.
It's been raining non stop since june started and relatively cold too, I'll look into it. I hope it's just a random pain but thanks nonnie!

No. 2048822

>rainy and cold in june

No. 2048825

Those clothes would not be sold if there wasn’t demand for them.

No. 2048831

European swampland lol

No. 2048841

I'm at the point of pregnancy where my husband is kinda weirded out about having sex. Logically I understand and I'd probably feel the same but I just feel like a fat bloated undesirable blob.
He says he loves my body and bump, he rubs lotion on my belly to prevent stretch marks so I trust him when he says that but I miss being intimate. It's probably the hormones playing a part in my hurt feelings.

No. 2048842

Yes because there is such high demand from non pedos for childrens bikinis and crop tops. Retard

No. 2048856

In my country if you don't wear a tiny bikini or tiny one piece swimsuit that shows your back and cleavage you can be barred from many public swimming pool because the police thinks everything that's not embarrassing to wear is a burkini and burkinis are forbidden now. Even wearing a bikini with a bottom thag only fully covers the ass cheeks is specifically prohibited last time I checked my city's swimming pool because they look like tiny shorts and that's bad and againt our secular values or some shit so if you don't want to wax your bikini line but don't want to show your pubic hair either, too bad. I bet you could get arrested for indecent exposure if you wear a normal bikini with your pubic hair not being fullu hidden too on top of that. So the demand is kinda forced in some places. I haven't checked the rules in public beaches and don't plan on going to the beach anyway.

No. 2048857

What fucking country that sounds bleak

No. 2048859

Just because there’s demand doesn’t make it morally okay, sounds like you’re trying to defend it

Ew wtf, I’m sorry. What country so I can avoid it at all costs

No. 2048862

when i go clothes shopping i don't even really consider or look at the more revealing stuff. there's cute swim skirts or skorts if you want an alternative to bikini bottoms. and you can find longer shorts online by specifying the inseam length.

No. 2048869

France. To the French if you don't like being half naked and getting cat called you're not fun to hang out with. It's the same shit hole where a guy drugged his wife and daughters everyday for years to have a bunch of men rape them, and the same shit hole that made a divorced mother get arrested for escaping the country to protect her daughter from her rapist pedophile ex husband, since the judge thought it would be a great idea to force the daughter to live with her rapist one week out of two.

No. 2048875


No. 2048876

They aren’t the ones buying it you fucking Epstein elf(infighting)

No. 2048877

I'm not against banning those, but they're paranoid and think a non white woman who doesn't want to literally show her whole ass cheeks is a religious extremist sometimes, it's insane.

No. 2048878

Preach, Nonna. Sorry for selfsperging but when I was a kid I was pretty skinny, probably because I was too hyperactive to eat and didn't hit puberty until late. The amount of rude, nasty comments I got from overweight girlfriends was insane. I was always told to "eat a sandwich", accused of having an ED, that I looked "scrawny" in everything and had no boobs (I was 10-11???)

Even as an adult, the worst reception I get from people is from overweight women. I'm not even 'skinny' but I still get comments about how I'm "too thin" for their tastes (would they rather I be morbidly obese?) or don't look good compared to their ~womanly curves~. I refuse to comment back because I don't like making other women feel bad about their appearance, society does that enough already, but it pisses me off so much. And when I was slightly chubbier, the same types of women laughed at me for being "fat", when I was still far from overweight. It's bizarre.

No. 2048882

I've been having an almost comical string of bad luck since March I'm just waiting to fate to take me. I don't care much. Make my death funny though.

No. 2048891

Nevermind, you’re the serial scrote derailer shitting up unpopular opinions, kill yourself(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 2048896

retarded fucking "handymen", they're not even legit contractors, convincing my grandma that she needs this and that work redone in her house. they are there like every 1-2 months. they butchered the last job by shoddily taping shit up which almost led to a serious carbon monoxide leak, if we hadn't had our actual ac guy come in nobody would have known. but she's been working with them for like 15 years so of course she listens to their word over mine. nobody else in the family gives a shit that they're scamming her and that the work they're doing might end up burning the house down or poisoning everyone inside. family treats me like a crazy person for not wanting these men that have proven we can't trust inside the house with her. i got her gas alarms but idk what else to do. it's just a disaster waiting to happen, i have seen how shoddy their work is and she has paid them tens of thousands of dollars for it. but "nooo they're good men, they do honest work" and i'm the bad one for causing conflict about it.

No. 2048923

perhaps this is culturally insensitive but i think its really annoying when people bring kimchi into work and eat it at their desks,you are stinking the whole office up at least go into the break room..

No. 2048951

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people can be really cruel to other anons on here, I feel like a bpd bitch for actually getting hurt feelings

No. 2048953

Forget the man vs bear meme. The real test of a moid's ability to be empathic is if he sympathies with Skylar from Breaking Bad. I'm getting dragged into in a re-watch with my BF and he keeps calling her a bitch. She was right. Walt is a violent insecure psychopath. I don't get why this is so highly rated.

No. 2048957

/ot/ is just an angry board. I go to /m/ and /g/ for calm boards

No. 2048958

I don’t understand it either. It had never registered in my mind or my mom’s to ever hate Skylar. It’s so weird how predictable they can be. I can guess the type that’s addicted to podcasts too.

No. 2048959

I fucking hate people who make drinking and doing drugs their whole personality holy FUCK my close friend is like this and with every soju related instagram meme she posts on her story I can feel my own brain cells slowly being shaved off. You have to use substances to be funny. Actual bottom feeder activity

No. 2048962

Why are you still with him?? If he's calling other women (no matter if fictional) bitches to your face what do you think he's gonna be saying about you behind your back?

No. 2048963

I fucking hate myself so much and idk what to do, it's to a degree that it's absolutely something I can't fix on my own but no psychologist wants to help me.
>mom is ex-model that treated me and my sister like crap for not living up to her expectations look-wise most of our lives
>had a friend during mid-teens to early adulthood that had a habit of punching down with a lot of backhanded compliments or sly comments ("I'm only friends with good-looking people" turns around and look at me "…well, we all have our exceptions of course") but was manipulative enough to make you think she was the only one saying the actual truth because of her lack of filter
>first serious boyfriend would tell me I wasn't actually his type and that I was the fattest chick he's ever fucked (according to friends his usual type was apparently extremely underweight women)
>my various friend groups started getting addicted to online clout so if you didn't fit into their aesthetics or had any online presence they wouldn't want to acknowledge you publicly (example: old friend and I went to an event, I asked if she wanted to take a picture together as a memory, she just waved me off with a "mm later", turned around and ran over to some other friends with said specific aesthetics to take selfies with them)
These are just a barely handful of the things that together turned into a huge pile of reasons why I can't pick myself up or think I look even "good enough" no matter how I try, I feel disgusted by myself constantly. Any compliment falls on dead ears because even if I really appreciate it and want to take it to heart I'm completely unable to, because it feels like evidence shows I'm ugly and because of that worthless, even if it might not be true and I hate myself for the empty look I give anyone that compliments me because I legit don't know how to deal with it. I don't know how I actually look because my mirror image is so warped. I now have a much healthier and supportive circle of friends, but the damage done is still hanging over me like a hangover that won't go away no matter how much I try to ignore it.

No. 2048964

Yeah Walter is a murderer, drug kingpin and basically a terrorist after killing Gustavo but since Skylar is a bit bitchy after finding out she's the bad guy. It's double standards incarnate.
I haven't been with him for long. He was cool when we started out but then some "ironic" right wing jokes started seeping in and now this. I'm honestly thinking about sending this shit to his mother

No. 2048969

He’s falling for the meme. He’ll probably just think you and his mom are being bitchy if you try talking about it. They hate female confrontation and look down on their opinions.

No. 2048970

Nona just break up and don't look back. You have to know males don't change and tattling to his mother will probably just extend his anger for you towards his mom because she's a woman too.

No. 2048976

Oh I'm gonna
I still want to. She was pretty cool when I met her. In my experience the only women the moids naturally respect is their moms. Still though I don't wanna put her in a bad position. If he tards out I won't message but if he doesn't then maybe she can educate him on being a decent human.

No. 2048983

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Years of seeking validation from normal people that never came has turned me into a monster. It’s like I’m simultaneously a misanthropic schizoid hermit and a vain, self-absorbed narcissist

No. 2048989

I agree you should try anyway, he might reflect.

No. 2048997

Same nonna.

No. 2049013

I liked to believe all my problems would be solved if a rich strong man showed up one day and married me but I know it wouldn't and I would still be depressed as hell and hate life and this thought depresses me even more. Can't even read romance books without thinking about how I would take every little action the wrong way to feed into my insecurities and how I would kill myself if anything bad happened, even if everything else was great. I'm in a very bad place in life and it frustrates me that even the escapism shit doesn't make me feel better, and makes me feel worse even.

No. 2049019

get some nose strips!

No. 2049033

I wish everyone who's 65+ rn would just die in one swoop

No. 2049062

if there is one thing I did right was to stop seeking validation from normies really early on. I feel like seeking validation from people who inherently don't want to give you a chance for their arbitrary egoistic reasons is bad for the soul. I think I would be legit psychopatic and misanthropic if I kept trying, I realized early in my teens no matter what I did I would be always a weirdo, when I had a growth spurt and went from fat kid to well endowed teenager, grew my hair long and started wearing "normal" clothes. men hit on me (incredibly fucking gross because I was like 13) but my peers never treated me well, my classmates always avoided me but they were mean all the same from when I was a fat kid, except the comments were different but offensive all the same.

No. 2049064

boomers who work in public sectors really should go through a test to see if they're up with the current reality or if they're delusional things are still the way they were 40 years ago. the amount of retarded boomer politicians doing laws about things they know fuck all in my country disgusts me.

No. 2049072

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This shit makes me shake, this is good for a cosplay but not for a movie.

No. 2049095

Her nose is an important feature and she doesn’t have it

No. 2049097

File: 1718391801642.gif (1.36 MB, 500x250, giphy.gif)

I don't even think the actresses looks is the issue, it's her actin, the whole movie fucking sucks.

No. 2049100

i hate the things i did and beg for forgiveness every day. i don't even know who I'm asking to forgive me. i am just doing it in hopes i wake up tomorrow feeling better about it.

No. 2049107

I've come to the realisation that a lot of things I believed about myself last year were engrained in me from a really shitty bpd ex convincing me I was similar to him, whether it be in things we liked, general personality traits, beliefs, what we scored in random spiritual personality tests etc. I want a memory erasing gun or something. I wanna be myself. And the real me

No. 2049113

Sometimes I go by they them online because of my anxiety. I don't feel like I'm different or not a woman or any gendies shit, I just don't want to be perceived by strangers sometimes. If I get called a she then it feels like they know me personally and it's weird. Maybe I should larp as a moid instead, but doing that feels wrong too.
Irl my anxiety doesn't do anything though and I can interact with people just fine even if they call me by my full birth name or something. I guess it really is the phone causing all my mental bullshit.

No. 2049114

breaking bad fans when they have to choose between a murderous psychopathic child killing genocidal milk before cereal eater and a woman

No. 2049122

Too much main character syndrome.
I agree that Skylar was cold at times but Walt the broke baldy who gave her a retard son was way below her league. He acted like such an old insecure geezer, she was a saint for sticking around like she did.

No. 2049153

I vented to my mum on Monday about something that got resolved by the afternoon and it has somehow sparked something inside of her that she now feels absolutely entitled to give an opinion on everything and tell me what to do. Every day since Monday she has felt the need to text me a list of suggestions about my life and it's like please fuck off now. I asked for your input on an issue that has since been resolved I am not a child I do not live with you this is starting to become extremely fucking tedious I will never vent to her again just positive vibes please stop texting me

No. 2049158

I just turned 22, does life really end here? Does it really get boring with little to no excitement? I don't even know what to do at my age, I'm not a partier or drinker anyways.

No. 2049170

>does life really end here?
What? No. Who told you that?

No. 2049177

I hated college during it, it was only a little bit better than high school. After I graduated I'm much happier.

No. 2049178

Now you can have a job and be able to get any hobbies you want, anything, from sports to basket weaving, because once you make your own money everyone has to shut up.

No. 2049179

File: 1718398447206.jpeg (109.31 KB, 907x720, IMG_6196.jpeg)

I have two maintenance guys over to fix my shower and I just want them to finish up and leave! Oh my god I hate when they ask if I live alone too like why would I tell you that? Fix my shit and go!

No. 2049180

Kek do you live in Arizona? I have the same issue with them starting those damn things up at 6 am because they’re trying to get everything done before it gets to be 100 degrees but I’m always wondering what the hell it is they’re blowing away besides all the sand, dust, and dog shit?

No. 2049208

My boyfriend refuses to watch another season of Breaking Bad with me because he thinks Skylar is right and hates Walt for being abusive. Your bf sounds like the average misogynistic man-child who thinks it's funny to hate women. Don't stay with him, it won't get better.

No. 2049209

I really fucking hate those thousand leg centipedes or silver fish or whatever the fuck those nasty mother fuckers are called. I don’t understand why they exist do they even have a purpose other than terrifying women. Even when they’re dead I can’t look at them I just hate them so much

No. 2049212

I feel this way about narcissists can you imagine the world if they all just wiped out. Peace

No. 2049213

65 isn’t that old this seems kinda harsh. I get it though

No. 2049216

What are you talking about. You have your whole life ahead of you lmao go have fun

No. 2049219

What if you don’t like Walt or Skylar? They both suck

No. 2049222

i can’t drive so i know i don’t get it but car obsession is so weird. why risk getting a ticket and having to pay a valet when you could just take the shuttle that runs between two set points, two of which are where you need to be. more than that why treat me weird because i can’t drive. hate this bitch

No. 2049223

they are decomposers

No. 2049225

Yeah I just spent the weekend with someone like this and it was lame as hell. Literally could not enjoy themselves and was a cranky bitch if some sort of substance wasn’t involved at the time. Honestly it’s just sad.

No. 2049226

why not lie and say you have a roommate/a friend that’s basically a roommate because he’s over all the time and he has a key and he’s 6’4” and loves shooting people and is navy seals or a boyfriend with a similar description

No. 2049227

What does this mean?

No. 2049229

Yeah, what >>2049226 said. Never let them know you live alone. There are so many creepy disgusting men that get jobs as maintenance techs and get unfettered access to single women’s apartments and basically face no consequences for violating their boundaries.

No. 2049230

I hate hate hate boy racers. I was just walking to the shop to get a bottle of wine. As I was crossing the road some dickless wanker saw me and started speeding up. What's your endgame here? You kill me with your shitmobile and go to jail? Fucking useless prick in a shit car that you are larping in as a F1 driver because you took the muffler off.

No. 2049239

Why is she pulling this face, whats the context

No. 2049256

File: 1718402153019.jpg (2.77 MB, 4680x2160, IMG_20240420_024249_440.jpg)

literally do not have enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I need to do and also help friends move and maintain their houses and I hate being "the competent one" and "the reliable one" so so so so so so much

No. 2049261

okay holy SHIT I did not realize how huge this photo was

No. 2049262

Set healthy boundaries! Your friends will manage- you do not need to save them.

No. 2049377

Ugh ugh ugh we hooked up and I could tell as soon as we were done that he wanted me to leave right away and now I can tell he’s going to ghost me. He didn’t even make me orgasm kek. Never thought I’d be here at this point, amazing the way scrotes will give you all this attention until you let them use you like a human flesh light and then you’re nothing. so cliche and sad

No. 2049381

So are you the eldest daughter, or the daughter of a narcissist? Because that's a pretty destructive coping method you've got there.

No. 2049383

I'm a giant baby for being mad at a 13 year old (my brother) but god damn he pissed me right off. We were having fun on a cooperative, fun game and he started getting a soreass from "losing" and started hard attacking my lifelong insecurities..? Fuck do I know where a kid learnt that and why it hurt. Actually pissed me off but I haven't said anything to anyone because 1. He's a kid and 2. My family is full of manipulative assholes. Whatever… I'm a grown adult..

No. 2049385

KEK it's okay the filesize is really small. Take a solid week off and don't contact anyone during it. Being the competent friend is a good thing but giving away all your free time and getting burnt out is for chumps.

No. 2049388

Man the state of cgl is so sad..

No. 2049394

Wish I had female weeb friends to sperg about mecha with

No. 2049397

>need to cry
>just done skincare routine
Ffs now i Need to be stoic i hate life

No. 2049413

When I went from obese to a healthy weight by losing 100lbs in less than 6 months I looked and felt absolutely disgusting, but everyone in my life complimented me constantly and told me I looked the best I ever had. And I think about that a lot because it felt so shitty to hear at the time. To know that my loved ones would rather me look and feel so bad rather than be fat.
I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling like I was going to black out. So my showers consisted of mostly just letting the water run on me, because scrubbing myself really made me winded and I would get too dizzy. My skin was dry and flaky, my eyebags were so bad, hair greasy and dry, nails brittle and warped, lips constantly chapped and bleeding. I was horrible to look at and felt even worse, but I kept hearing how proud everyone was of me and how fantastic they thought I looked.

No. 2049416

Teenagers can be cruel and it's not babyish to feel angry and/or hurt by that. And you don't have to tolerate his behavior. Whenever he acts like that, just say, calmly, something like "I don't play with sore losers" or "I don't hang around people who disrespect me" and then leave. Don't be angry or hurt about it, cause then he will know he got to you and double down.

No. 2049425

>I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling like I was going to black out. because scrubbing myself really made me winded and I would get too dizzy. My skin was dry and flaky, my eyebags were so bad, hair greasy and dry, nails brittle and warped, lips constantly chapped and bleeding
Wtf. None of this should have been happening at a healthy weight. Were you at an actual healthy weight? Because what you describe sounds like you werevmalnourished. Glad you are better now. Sorry your family is not supportive and overly focused on your appearance.

No. 2049426

This belongs in the confession thread.

No. 2049433

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I have tried to make friends. I really have. I don't know what's wrong with me. When I try to befriend people I'm sincerely interested in knowing or people with similar interests, I end up ignored and looked over. Which I suppose is understandable. If I have standards for the people I wish to be friends with, then they have every right to the same. I just never meet those standards. When I settle for those who want to know me despite having no or minimal shared interests (which is something I value in friendships), the friendship never actually forms past a tenuous acquaintanceship. I have never had more than two or three friends at a time for my entire life, and as of the last handful of years, it's been only one person. And now I'm starting to feel as if this friendship is going down the drain, too. I don't know how to meet people anymore. I don't know where to find them, and I don't know how to seem likable or endearing to others enough to form a friendship with them. I don't know how to approach them, and I don't know how to seem openly approachable, or anything of that sort. All I've ever wanted in friendship are people with similar interests, who respect my need to recharge, and who can be a bit patient with me given how little socialization I've had in my life. Is that too much? I'm lonely, I guess, but I feel no different in losing this one singular friendship I've had for years than I have any other day of my life. Just the somewhat dampening realization that there's nobody to talk to who wants me to speak. I've always held my friends in extremely high esteem, but I don't think I've ever truly been someone else's number one reciprocally. I feel like it's selfish to want that at this point. Regardless, I'll cope with this. I'm happy to have had my friend for this long. I'll continue to enjoy this friendship for however long it slowly burns away. And between now and then, I'll work on feeling less jealous of those with friendships. I will manage. It just sucks a bit.

No. 2049450

Saw my boobs today and felt like crying they’re so saggy and ugly I’d rather just chop them off

No. 2049453

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Fiancé’s sister broke my expensive as hell sauce jar and then didn’t tell me about it, so I just happened to look up on the shelf and see it broken. I didn’t even get to use it.

No. 2049458

Are you me? I did the same exact thing today nonny.

No. 2049459

If it wasn't so expensive and gendie I might have gotten surgery.
I wish I was flat and a running machine.

No. 2049461

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me when a nonny I messaged hasn’t responded back but you can tell they are posting in that one thread

No. 2049462

god do I love having natural perky tits

No. 2049463

I had an amazing evening at my new job today. I made people laugh, I got complimented by a customer for my friendly demeanor, I visibly disappointed one of my moid coworkers when I mentioned being taken, and I bonded a lot with a sweet female coworker. Everyone liked me and literally nothing bad happened. And yet, two hours later, I'm lying in bed and am unable to sleep because I'm going over every time I interacted with people and CRINGE at everything I did. Even all the nice moments feel as embarrassing as if I shat myself in front of a crowd of 300.
Why? Why does my stupid ass brain have to be so fucking cruel to me? I know that these thoughts are dumb and stemming from my left over social anxiety, but ffs. I just want to go to bed happy for a change, and not feel nonsensical embarrassment for existing.

No. 2049470

kek that's kinda cute

No. 2049473

As an ex-muslim, I agree kek

No. 2049474

posting into the void anonymously and messaging a real live person are two very different things. don't get too bent they're happening at different times, you should be glad she's not hornyposting and sending you shit simultaneously, that's actually weirder.

No. 2049475

NTAYRT but i always forget a lot of the anons that post on here are literal autists that cannot experience empathy, thank you for reminding me though

No. 2049478

How long do you think they'll last?

No. 2049479

hopefully moids will be right about her hitting the wall at 30 kek

No. 2049481

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nevar because I have supreme genes and even older women have great perky breasts. bitterness doesn’t look good for any of you

No. 2049487

It's not selfish to want close friends. It's what the vast majority of people want. Try to be more compassionate with yourself. Friendships can be hard for some people and doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with you. The thing is it's really hard to get honest feedback about how you come across to others. Most people don't want to give that type of feedback. If there is anyone in your life who you think can do that, ask them. And, if you can, fight for the friendship. Be honest with them, tell them that you feel like the friendship is slipping away and you don't want to lose it, and ask if you need to do anything to improve the friendship. You have all my sympathy. I wish relationships were easy. We've been messing around on earth for a few hundred thousand years, they still shouldn't be this hard.

No. 2049488

cant speak for the other anons but im not bitter, im just in awe of how immature you are, theres no way you're over 18

No. 2049489

You are making her buy you a new one? Sorry about your jar and your cowardly future sister in law.

No. 2049493

>And yet, two hours later, I'm lying in bed and am unable to sleep because I'm going over every time I interacted with people and CRINGE at everything I did.
You can work in this, too. It's called ruminating in psych speak and there are ways to work on it so you don't do it as much or as long. Congrats on your wonderful evening.

No. 2049497

There is one (there could be more) anon that keeps responding in really immature and obnoxious ways to posts. I can't tell if they're a moid, a summerfag, or baiter (or a combination).

No. 2049500

you expected a pity party for your saggy tits

No. 2049503

I have no friends and no job I'm in school right now but I feel like I'm dragging it out to not go back to working. What is stopping me from becoming a lolcow? I'm already halfway there and at least they end up with some kind of partner.

No. 2049504

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Warning for blackpill vent: How do women actually love and fuck men I do not understand. How do they genuinely love and desire them and love to play submissive fuckdoll for them. It actually, truly, makes me want to fucking kill myself. To tear off all of my skin and die. It makes me want to disassociate entirely from being a woman. It makes me feel like I'm not human. I'm not a person, when I really think about it. Like I'm some failed woman. This creature that came out wrong for feeling this way. I actually have been fantasizing lately about the idea of having all of my internal plumbing being taken out and my lower bits being sewn shut. I used to fantasize about it a lot as a teenager during an intense stress period of my life, but the feeling is getting stronger now as I get deeper into adulthood and am again entering into a heavy stress period/poor mental health spiral due to certain events. I'm aware this is all actual insanity blackpill shit, but I can't help it. I really can't. Trying to avoid saying it or acknowledging all of this is just making me feel worse. It also makes me feel worse when people try to make me feel better about it, or say I'm just immature and need to grow up, that I just need to learn to love the touch of a man, or relax. It all feels like some sickening trick, some hideous lie I'm supposed to just fucking buy into to keep society running. Like I'm supposed to just bludgeon myself enough, damage my brain enough, stop thinking, so I can learn to submit and lay down like a good girl.

and yes I do have childhood sexual trauma, that likely feeds into a lot of it but It's not just that. But I can't say anymore because I feel my blood pressure rising and my stomach churning. Like this intense fear and dread. I actually feel like I can't be in society anymore. Like I need to go on some ascetic retreat in the mountains away from society. So I don't have to even think or see anything about men or having sex with men or their genitals or anything. Needed to just put this out into the void for my sanity.

No. 2049506

I swear I've seen this exact infight bait about skinny women with perky boobs being superior before, complete with white woman reaction gifs. inb4 my saggy cow tits are nasty, I'm a jealous fatty etc.

No. 2049507

File: 1718420943214.gif (1.61 MB, 258x194, 6d3.gif)

i dont have saggy breasts, but if i did i would not care because i do not buy into the fake beauty standards created by moids trying to take my money. try again

No. 2049509

ipad pencil broke or something in my bag and now i have to get a new one. it's going to take a week to get here. i can draw on my old tablet but it feels so shit now after using the ipad man this sucks i just wanted to relax after work

No. 2049521

>a "woman" saved this gif

No. 2049525

Sounds like something someone with a budding mind control fetish would write

No. 2049528

this is a sentence a gay man would write

No. 2049529

I feel the same way. Maybe not as violently, but I think that if this is what society is built on then maybe it should all burn.
I lost everything today but I think it will be ok. My anxiety is gone now that I don't have to worry about losing what I have anymore, at least.

No. 2049554

my retarded fat faggot of a father likes my shitty old desk so much he should shove the veneer peeling piece of shit up his ass, metal and glass shelf included since he gets off to it so much. i need to go to bed

No. 2049557

do you have any pics of him

No. 2049579

I feel the same way. I don't even have any sexual trauma at all, in fact i barely talk to any males that aren't family members unless it's for work or school. They have always felt like a mystery to me and tbh i feel like i prefer just enjoying that ones i find attractive from afar rather than having to accept that there is no way we could ever have any kind of relationship. I used to read a lot of romance stuff as a teen and thought i'd have a bf by 18 because that's what every other woman did, but i am almost 30 and never even spent time with a moid that isn't my family member. They never approach me and tbh, i have no interest in ever entering the dating market in my life. I'd rather just end up dying a virgin rather than risk being made a fool and having my body used and violated by being too trusting. Women never get the upper hand in relationships with men, it's always the man who wins and i just don't feel like playing a losing game i was unqualified to compete with in the first place. I always believed if i lived in an era were women didn't have as much rights, i'd probably marry the most disgusting man then murder him or become a nun. I can't comprehend feeling like you NEED to be in a relationship and most of my interest to ever be with a man is more of a matter of curiosity rather than burning desiring that's worth destroying my mental health over, like it's even in the best state to begin with. There is nothing more unrelatable than hearing another woman rant about their boyfriend/husband regardless of it being positive or negative, i literally don't understand why they think i care.

No. 2049588

I fucking hate being born, raised and stuck in the city it’s fucking soul sucking and how jobs and opportunities are centralized in cities. It’s such fucking bullshit I don’t want to deal with this retarded shit and these retarded people that I’m fucking stuck with. I fucking hate human civilizationnn and America is a fucking scam and the black hole of the earth.

No. 2049599

You are genuinely retarded for thinking small boobs won’t sag with age. Without physical exercise or surgery all skin of the body will sag with the loss of collagen with age regardless of breast size but you wouldn’t know that TiMothy

No. 2049629

File: 1718428896738.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1331x1331, image_2024-06-14_222027903.png)

TiMothy probably thinks perky breasts look like picrel kek.

No. 2049633

haha fuck imagine wasting money to get those shitti bolt ons

No. 2049642

File: 1718429843383.png (138.01 KB, 275x275, 1709448308888.png)

Im so tired of being the weird, quiet girl that has a hard time making social connections. There's something so off about me that I am very unable to make friends. Im around so much more normal girls at my work place that have a normal social life, going out with friends/a partner, etc. While I just go home and fucking sleep because Im always exhausted from work. I genuinely feel like Im cursed to always be alone. I just have my cats. And my coworkers already make fun of me for it. "Oh she's just going home to her cats". Like yeah, I already feel like a pathetic loser. Go ahead and make fun of the one thing I hold dear.
Im not mean or anything, just quiet. Im probably autistic and have a hard time socializing. I think Im just doomed.

No. 2049644

this is the worst possible response to my post. if i find you i'll shove pieces of my desk up your ass too

No. 2049646

I can see my weight gain and now I'm incredibly upset. As much as I crave it, no more fast food. Guess I'll save money

No. 2049654

mold growing in my toilet again lol i will never be free of this

No. 2049658

if its in the water have you tried a mold blocking primer? if its external i think there are disinfectant sprays for getting rid of mold.

No. 2049660

Thank u nona to be real this was a vent about being bulimic and growing mold from the food residue but this is actually really helpful < 3

No. 2049664

spoiler for tmi but I get bad mold too from chewing and spitting and the only thing that gets it off is pouring boiling water around the bowl, also I found making a vinegar solution for cleaning helps. Hoping you’re doing good wherever u are fellow bulimic nonni

No. 2049665

have this with a major grain of salt bc im a lesbian and every woman is different but i also have sexual trauma and just being around other women/being in relationships with other women is so helpful and healing to me. Even maybe joining a support group or women oriented sport or club like sewing etc. I joined roller derby recently and even though some groups are filled with tranvestites my organization is small and has a lot of lesbian and bi women as well as older women 40/50+ who live lifestyles that decenter men.

No. 2049667

this helps sm ty nona this means a lot < 3 I took a long break from lc but being back reminds me that I’m not alone in all these issues/there isn’t as bad groupthink/wrong thought I’m wishing you the best as well(< 3 )

No. 2049673

They know what they're doing when they say that, dicks

No. 2049677

When I got off the treadmill at the gym and turned around I found a man sitting on a machine immediately behind me who’d obviously been staring at me. That machine makes an annoying noise when it’s in use but had been quiet the whole time I was on the treadmill so he wasn’t even using it. There’s no way he could’ve only just sat down considering the layout of the gym because I would’ve noticed him walking towards it. Men will really go to the gym and sit down on a machine just to do nothing but stare at women. I’d noticed that many times before but never had one immediately behind me. I really wish there were women’s only gyms in my area.

No. 2049711

Can't stand the fucking tradthots invading lc thinking we're besties

No. 2049727

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>meet with old friends i have not seen in years
>talk about everything
>"anyway, how is your sex life, Anon?"
>said that i don't have a bf don't want one or a family and i'm voluntary celibate
>"ok, but doesn't it get lonely, Anon?"
>"yea, i don't want a bf, but i would like a friend i guess"
>"you have no friends, like at all?"
>"uh, no"
>"…well, you have us!"
Don't pity meeeee

No. 2049741

Sometimes I wonder if pedos are more low IQ than the rest of the population or if it's just because most are men. What makes them think it's a smart idea to trade cp with their full names and faces?

No. 2049748

Pedophiles face no consequences for their crimes, even if arrested. It might even be part of the thrill since modern men's sexuality is exhibitionist. Plus, people now use their real faces and names everywhere on the internet.

No. 2049749

Just lie and larp as a normie next time, that's what I do.

No. 2049755

I'm extremely jealous that I didnt spend my teens and twenties in the 90s and 2000s. I wish there was less technology and overt pride and black mirrorish vibes. Plus covid stole almost 3 years of my youth.

No. 2049758

I have two girl friends that were in a long relationships with two guys from my country, then they dumped them (or got dumped idk) to get with two muslim men.
Idk if the muslim moids are in cahoots or being muslim makes you act like a shitty hive mind but they never got married in 8 years with them but once these little shits came into their life they rushed them into marriage and I have this feeling that they're gonna baby trap them for visa reasons, because one of them now is pregnant (by a man she knew for less than a year) and the other keeps losing pregnancies and ofc its the moid who says it. Maybe they're naive but muslim men should be castrated, here in my country marriage is a serious thing because it involves life long laws and paper works and these two parasytes came from nowhere, claimed to be in love with them like medieval times and then immediately married the. They don't even speak our language and they communicate via Google translate, my girl friends say that they're "modern muslims" (wrong, its an oxymoron) but they barely understand each other, it smells like shit. I hope that they realize that once shit goes down they can't just throw the men away because the baby will be always linked to them and it will grow up and its around a 20 year commitment, I couldnt imagine sharing this responsibility with a man I barely know and I can't fully communicate with, with the cherry on top being muslim. Insane.

No. 2049830

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it pisses me off that people who did me dirty are doing much better in life than me. fuck you stupid cunt #1 for choosing your online orbiters over me and fuck you stupid cunt #2 for choosing stupid cunt #1 over me. it's been so long and i'm still bitter. fuck this gay earth. friendships are the worst

No. 2049831

Not a day goes by where I don't wish I died one of the three times I dodged death

No. 2049835

Nta but I'm open about being volcel because people's reactions is a good way to filter out the obnoxious ones, if they pity me or judge me I just won't bother with them anymore.

No. 2049870

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I've always been different to most girls growing up, but not in a good way. I was hairy as hell, my voice was deep and my hairline was far back even when I was just 6yo, giving me a high forehead (yeah I have bangs). Acne persisted after puberty, now I'm an adult with very crazy acne flare ups and a scarred face. Always been told I was masculine, either referencing my personality (extremely anxious, which made me easily irritable and angry) or physique, my voice would get others confused to the point they would think I was a teenager boy and people would directly point out how I sound like a "man" unprovoked, and yes you guessed it, i tried to troon out for a short while as a teen, because i was so detached from the average female experience and feminity in itself. Have to shave constantly yet it always grows back as quickly, periods were erratic yet not painful or particularly gorey so nobody thought something was way, way off.

Turns out I've literally PCOS, both ovaries, nothing crazy but it surprised me so much despite being so obvious, why? Because all these weird things were just part of my daily life, didn't thought for a second it wasn't supposed to be that way, I don't know a thing about this condition and apparently you can't cure it? I really can't imagine a world were all these "symptoms" disappear. What's next now? This is so crazy

No. 2049873

It's 4am rn and I just got jumpscared by screaming outside my house. I checked and all I saw was some lady on a knocked over bike getting attacked(?) by a dudes boxer as he's pulling on the leash. Hate living here

No. 2049886

like sillypoo

No. 2049893

same. they're a cancer

No. 2049897

Why is everyone so obsessed with food, diets and losing weight? Like, is it normal for people to just…think about food all the time then kill themselves at the gym days after? This sentiment is so pervasive you might as well call it "normie" culture atp because the amount of people that talk about hard dieting/eating unhealthily/ being suicidal about being overweight is worrisome. Why is everyone's relationship with food so fucked up like that nowadays?

No. 2049900

Post an example so I can laugh at them

No. 2049912

I really hate my dumb bitch of a sister holy shit

No. 2049913

Sadly, yeah. It's probably a combo of media and toxic friend groups/family, but it's upsetting. After I recovered from an ED I thought I'd fit in more with people but if anything it drew me further away. A lot of normie women bond by calling themselves "fat" and talking about diets, and it's so uncomfortable to watch people become obsessed with that mentality, especially when whoever disagrees/encourages body positivity is the weird one for it.

No. 2049915

sorry nonnie, your co-workers sound insufferable and rude. absolutely nothing wrong with going home to relax with your cats, if anything they're probably just being dicks because they feel ashamed of doing whatever they're doing (usually getting piss drunk every night)

No. 2049930

kek, I know that feel

No. 2049932

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My ex (from HIGH SCHOOL BTW, I'm almost 30 now) has apparently been accusing me of stalking or revenge posting about him to our mutuals. I'm married with kids living across the country. You haven't even been a thought on my mind for over a decade, I don't even remember his full name, I don't even remember the relationship at ALL. Idk how moids let teen relationships live rent free in their head like this

No. 2049933

I dont wanna be at my stupid job anymore i just want a fat joint and i cant even do that because i have to go see people tonight reeee

No. 2049942

I get the idea that if you keep having problems with other people, it's more than likely a problem with you, but it's hard to digest my taste being unironically bad.
The characters I like will always end up being unpopular and get (what I'd consider) nasty rants near constantly mentioned in random discussion, the same goes for shows, series, even genres I like will get the most constant and randomly dropped-in-conversation hate.
I've found that if I just don't mention the titles and talk only about content it's much better, but I do wish there was a way to discuss things I like despite my taste being abysmal. I get the answer is probably discord, but I hate discord.

No. 2049943

I really don’t think I’ve ever hated moids more in my life than I did last night. I was out having dinner with my lovely coworker, it was the first time her and I have hung out outside of work and it was really fun. We started walking around the town then sat down to have a smoke and some ugly freak of a man rolls up on his bike and offers to rub my feet in exchange for fifty cents. He plays it off as a joke but what the fuck even possessed him to do that. He takes forever to go away and when he does my coworker and I head to a karaoke bar that I love. It’s one of my favorite places in the world, it’s quaint and intimate and sweet. We get there and surprisingly find seating and are chatting and having a beautiful time when the biggest, sweatiest, ugliest moid I’ve ever seen in my life sits down across from me and interjects himself into our conversation. It was actually comical how archetypally reddit-user-hentai-gooner he was. Everything he said was a yell and he’s fucking spitting and blubbering all over the table, talking to us like we’re imbeciles, and then his degenerate friend comes and joins him. I was surrounded on all sides. I excused myself to go smoke outside and they jokingly whined “aw she doesn’t liiiiike us” I nearly vomited in my mouth. Despite them thinking I didn’t like them, which was fact, they both followed me outside and smoked with me. I was squirming and seething with rage because their sweaty presences made my cigarette taste like shit. I went and got my coworker and we left. I’m so mad I didn’t get to enjoy myself. Men ruin everything. I was supposed to have a beautiful and enigmatic night of girlhood and fun but men are everywhere and make it their mission to ruin everything.

No. 2049954

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Nona I don't have any advice for you, but know that I'm in the same boat as you. Even worse is when you know you have lots of things in common with someone but can't get close to them without feeling like you're being embarrassing and annoying. It really gets me down and I end up retreating into my antisocial shell against my will.

No. 2049962

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I won't (and can't) do anything illegal, so please don't think I'm fedposting, but I'm so angry. There are too many shit people in this world. What's the fucking point of scientific innovation, society and technology if we still haven't progressed to dispatching confirmed evil people without a second thought?
I think I'm too angry for most of the love and light hippy stuff, too. It's wrong that it's so easy to maim, rape and kill the innocent and just walk free. It should be the other way around. I don't hope for the redemption or rehabilitation of sadistic rapists, murderers, zoosadists, etc or the retards who'd defend them knowing what they've done lol. I want them to suffer and leave this world before they're ready, just as they've done to others. If it came down to it, I'd even be fine with removing them myself. I could do it as many times as necessary and go to bed relieved, because I know the greater good would be in permanently stopping their actions, and anything done to them in punishment could only be 1/1000th of what they've done to others and gotten away with under the negligent eyes of the law. I know that all I can really do is aid others in spreading information/making reports to the authorities and hope against hope for police or a "friendly cleaner" to hit up their area and take action unpunished, but it doesn't stop me from wishing more direct action could be taken.

No. 2049967

losing weight that fast sounds unhealthy. that's near 18 a month, no wonder you felt like shit.

No. 2049975

>What makes them think it's a smart idea to trade cp with their full names and faces?
some are stupid, some probably get off to the risk or being exposed like voyeurs

No. 2049982

>Why is everyone's relationship with food so fucked up like that nowadays?
EDs are tied to seeking control (can't control life but can control your body) and life seems out of control nowadays.

No. 2049991

I want her so bad and she gave me the perfect chance and I fucked it up. I want to die.

No. 2049998

Undiagnosed hormonal issues has become a mini epidemic essentially. A lot of people are noticing they can't get rid of the last bit of chub even if they eat healthy foods until they're full and move lots, people are out of energy all the time and there's always "brand new information" few mongering new food groups like how just a few years ago they told us to get low fat galore and now they're telling us to eat steak and butter to lose weight

No. 2050054

was going to write a mega novel length autistic sperg vent but there’s no way it won’t sound retarded. tldr is i need to stop being such a fucking doormat. even in low-stakes situations, i will very clearly know what i want and it will be achievable if i just self advocate but i just get embarrassed to draw attention to myself and i let all these opportunities pass me by. or if im asking for something i want, i only say part of it, or a weird incomplete version of 50% of my request, so i don’t end up saying exactly what i want and need and i just confuse other people and everyone is pissed off. and i feel nervous and like im being rude if im not deferring to other people with all of the decisions, so i have been realizing in my relationships, i let my partners walk over me. and it’s entirely my fault bc i just privately seethe about not getting to make any decisions or have any say in things that affect me too, but then i fucking tell them it’s okay and you’re probably right anyway. bonk me on the fucking retard ass head why am i like this . i’m in my 20s and i think my 3 year old niece is more opinionated and expressive than i am. i’m like a ghost who just floats through things and never reaches anything

No. 2050106

Young people are obese more so than ever. There are also more ED attention whores on the internet than ever. What you see online isn’t a reflection of objective reality.

No. 2050138

My mom almost caught me twice while I was masturbating today god I need to move out so fucking bad

No. 2050165

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one of my favorite accounts is run by a toonn

No. 2050170

Didn't you already post this

No. 2050174

the annoying bpdwhore account? no wonder, I blocked it so long ago for shitting my feed up

No. 2050282

i've been having to apply to multiple colleges to find the best transfer option for me and i just want to know who came up with this fucked up arrangement where you have to pay a $40-60 college application fee and then $15-$30 per previously attended school to get them to send your transcripts over.

No. 2050323

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>be me, a lil kid
>see mom cooking
>mom is cool i wanna be like mom
>ask her to teach me how to cook
>"there's no need, you'll cook so much you'll be sick of it when you get married"
>"can i atleast watch"
>"no, you'll get in the way"

>a few years later, i'm a teenager now

>hear all my friends casually mention cooking for themselves and their family
>feel like a useless retard
>ask mom to teach me how to cook
>"didn't they teach you that on google"
>look up some recipes and tutorials
>i need some time to figure things out
>"stop wasting your time, just focus on studying instead"
>kicks me out of the kitchen so she can cook herself

>a few years later, i'm technically an adult now

>learned to cook basic things, just enough to not starve
>still a little awkward with it
>come into kitchen to make myself a salad
>mom sits back and stares at me the entire time
>she starts laughing
>i'm uncomfortable
>she keeps laughing
>"what? am i doing something wrong?"
>"no, it's nothing, keep going"
>now i'm upset
>she's basically crying laughing now
>"no seriously what am i doing wrong? just tell me so i don't do it anymore"
>doesn't respond, just laughs
>i get angry and tell her to stop making fun of me whenever i'm in the kitchen because it's not the first time she does this
>"oh, of course, just run away to your room like you always do"
>what does that even mean
>lost my appetite at this point
>eat my stupid salad alone in my room and try not to cry

some time later
>i'm hungry
>come into kitchen and start heating up my mother's cooking she made specifically for me
>"you keep eating my cooking you're so fucking helpless when are you going to be a responsible adult how are you going to survive when i'm not around to feed you"


No. 2050326

I’m hoping you grow ovaries so you can tell those men to fuck off next time.

No. 2050327

My mom was like this.
My and my siblings started ordering fast food instead of eating her food.
I gained weight but she was miserable.

No. 2050328

you should totally kill her nonna she sounds like a pain in the asshole

No. 2050330

Man I fucking hate parents like that. I'm seeing a lot of parents straight up neglect teaching their own child how to drive, and then complain to talk shit when their kids don't have licenses. Shit like that pisses me off so much, I think that should count as a form of child neglect. If a parent doesn't teach their child how to cook, clean, or drive, they are setting their kids up to struggle when they shouldn't.

No. 2050331

Sounds a lot like my mom

No. 2050337

That's because in the last 50 years, left-leaning people and religious people alike got all weepy that prisoners were being treated like shit and decided they needed rights. And ever since then, they've been handled with kid gloves. Woke morals have softened the justice system.

No. 2050341

Hope your mom enjoys rotting in an old folks home!

No. 2050344

>work at an expensive med spa for rich ppl
>they have standing desks but no one uses them really until me and another new girl start
>the standing desks are quickly removed b/c someone complained they couldnt see us as easily
>summer is the busy season, they ask us to park off property but they will shuttle us in the 0.5 miles that the parking lot is from property
>a bunch of us at the med spa start walking instead of taking the shuttle b/c its gorgeous weather and free exercise
>shuttle is discontinued and we are told to park on property again b/c again, guests complained
i hate rich ppl bruh. literally just dictating things based on what they like and dont like to see, regardless of how little it effects them or how beneficial it is to others

No. 2050352

start watching cooking youtube videos when you can, even if you don't actually feel comfortable in your kitchen exposing yourself more to people cooking can help. there are super basic tutorials out there.

No. 2050359

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I was in town earlier and while walking to the bus stop i passed by my ex friend and highschool bully. Or at the very least someone who looked exactly like her.
She looked pretty as always and was holding hands with presumably her boyfriend.
I know it's dumb and it's been a long ass time, but seeing her dolled up with a boyfriend while i looked like shit and have been alone forever made me feel like shit. Like actually crying right now

No. 2050360

i always feel guilty for thinking and saying i was abused even though i was. my parents never deprived me of anything like food, shelter, etc, i'm from an upper middle class background, but my mom was emotionally and physically abusive and my dad was basically absent/avoided both me and her and stayed at work all day. my mom would beat me for doing things that she didn't care my brother did, cut me with a knife and herself in front of me, she would constantly call me ugly, insult me, refuse to let me see my friends and insulted them, and scream all the time and destroy my stuff when she was mad. she would always tell me that the neighbors hated and judged me, to kill myself if i didn't want to live with them, to kill her, then when she wanted to make up she'd say she loves me and that we're family. she'd give me money to buy stuff i wanted at least but she would always insult me and say i bought hooker clothes/stupid stuff kek and would break things. i know things could have been worse. but i wish my parents were normal and we were poorer

No. 2050367

my mom is pretty similar to this, she never does this shit with my brother though. but he doesn't even like her cooking and goes out to eat with his friends all the time. the only reason he eats her slop is because he's a bodybuilder and eats 3x the amount of a normal person. it sucks that she always negs me and not him, i feel like a lot of shitty moms just hate women in general and are/would be a doormat to their male children if they have them.

No. 2050371

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>Watch scary movie
>Now I can't sleep
I get why I do it. It's the only thing that gets a real reaction out of my cold black soul. I wish I could get the same level of reaction for anything else.
The movie was Mad God btw if any nonnies are interested in good stop motion and horror

No. 2050372

why would guests complain about you walking kek?

No. 2050378

What are the chances her moid is a piece of shit and she wishes she could switch places with you. Enjoy your saturday, nonnie

No. 2050425

>"oh, of course, just run away to your room like you always do"
Too relatable. Sorry you have to deal with that nonnie.

No. 2050501


No. 2050536

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Me when I realized I'm not a lesbian but a deeply traumatized bisexual. Feels like I can't even belong to any community. Like my pain and my trauma is something to just 'get over' so I can learn to be a 'proper' woman. That society would tell me I just need to find a 'good' man, that they're not 'all bad'. Hell. Truly hell. I hate sex and I hate that I ever had sex with anyone, even once. I only did it because I felt defective & immature for remaining a virgin so long. Plus self-destructive and miserable, I remember riding on the train there and feeling like I was going to my execution.

No. 2050555

I just accidentally ate a piece of plastic food wrap

No. 2050570

Relax. What do you get out of being good other than bragging rights?

No. 2050573

I know it’s easier said than done but all the societal notions you know are making you feel ashamed are all pushed by fuck ass men, don’t let that hold any value over you as a person. You are not broken and your sexuality is just a small factor of you, and you deserve to be around people who respect and love you. The last bit about your train ride made me really sad because I can relate too, I sort of forced myself to fuck a moid once just bc I felt so ashamed of not being into moids and being a weird autist, it was awful. I feel your pain and I’m gonna root for you wherever you are nonni.

No. 2050576

Use that mentality to make you practice more and then you’ll be a art god

No. 2050601

it's ok, most lesbian (not troon) circles will not shit on you for being a ~fake lesbian~ bc you're bi but don't want to date men. don't let weird anons on here with baggage make you feel bad about it either

No. 2050627

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any nonnas get these kind of flare ups underneath their armpits/groin area? mine is not severe at all but sometimes it just comes in full force, now it’s appearing under my left armpit and it’s so annoying. it’s red and inflamed but it’s hard to see because my skin is darker(spoiler this)

No. 2050653

Being bisexual is fine. Ignore retards, including the weird fake misandrist political lesbian(s) who post about dicksucking here all day.

No. 2050657

People hate on bisexuals because they larp as misandrist radfems but as soon as it's their bf getting criticized it's suddenly not all men or violent biphobia

No. 2050658

Do you wear deodorant with aluminum? Also spoiler this shit please

No. 2050660

Both sides are retarded

No. 2050661

maybe you have hidradenitis suppurativa

No. 2050672

You both are obnoxious, normal lesbians and bi women don't gaf

No. 2050675

yes and that’s probably why it keeps getting agitated the more I put my nice smelling deodorant on it lol but the ones that are supposed to be holistic make my armpits smell nasty ngl, do you have any good deodorant recommendations?
yeah it runs in my family so I probably do

No. 2050689

Normies will see someone with obvious boundary issues and if they're not assholes ignore >>2050536 regardless if you're hooking up with a man or woman it's better to be celibate until you stop feeling self destructive. You might end using sex as self harm

No. 2050706

>forcing yourself to fuck a moid
This is some mental illness

No. 2050712

Nta it's a common trauma response

No. 2050742

damn sorry I was hyper sexual as a result of being raped a child I won’t do it again

No. 2050750

What a loser. You're living your best life and the best he can do is stir up some fake scandalous drama because you're the one who got away all those years back. Peak moidery.

No. 2050751

I have worked so hard my entire life for nothing. None of my relationships, academic accomplishments, or professional accomplishments have meant anything in the end. I give up on love and I give up on friendship. All I want is to quit my job, have tons of lesbian sex with strangers until I run my savings dry, and then kill myself.

No. 2050778

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my favorite game announced its EOS is coming in a few weeks. it's been part of my day for the past 7 years and i'm heartbroken it's coming to an end. i don't care if it sounds pathetic.

No. 2050780

I’m curious which game is it Nona

No. 2050786

You have bubonic plague

No. 2050832

i grew up in the country but i'm terrified of bugs and pests. this is so stupid. but there's something buzzing (scratching?) in my wall and i don't know if it's a wasp or a mouse or what but i can't relax. what a shitty saturday this is turning out to be.

No. 2050841

I'm never having kids ever, I'd be happy to babysit my friends' kids honestly and I like taking care of my nieces right now but fuck raising my own child. My own mother tormented me enough to know it's not a good idea, I don't want to traumatize another human being on accident

No. 2050860

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I feel the same way and the sad thing is I'd actually love to raise a kid if I could 100% count on the father wanting to be a real father/husband and not just a sperm donor. If I ended up like the sad bitches on r/breakingmom I'd want to kill myself but couldn't because of the kid.

No. 2050975

I got extremely drunk tonight and beat up my couch and bed with a broom handle to the point my arm actually hurts. I actually need people to fucking die. I want to watch her cut her fucking throat open. I wish I had told her to fucking hang herself already and that she truly was a drain on everyone around her and no one would miss her. Fucking cunt. I know I'm going into a self-destructive spiral of pure rage and that she was just one part of it, but she's one of the people who really fucking triggered and hurt me. FUCK YOU. FUCK. YOU. It will never be fucking enough, I can never kill you fucking people enough. Holy shit. I'm ready to explode. If I could buy a gun I'd probably fucking shoot myself. Holy shit. Fuck. I'm going to drink some more and hope I can fall asleep and quell this intense fucking rage I feel.

No. 2050980

please tell us which game nonny

No. 2050991

i went on a date with a weeaboo. i am middle aged. so is he. save me. i like japan as much as anyone else, but it is not a defining identity trait

No. 2051012

I turned 22 a few days ago too, happy birthday to us

No. 2051077

Twice this year now, I've gotten the same cold/flu symptoms prior to my period and I'm undergoing another bout. These symptoms happen days before my period is supposed to arrive, delay my period by a day or two, then go away once my period actually happens. I really hope this isn't the norm for me. It sucks so bad and I just know if I bring it up to a gynecologist, they will likely just dismiss me and not offer anything of help. I exercise regularly and eat a good diet. Why is this happening now?

No. 2051115

Perhaps menstruation could be weakening your immune system? I seem to catch colds more often around my period (unless it’s just confirmation bias). It’s strange that yours goes away when you start bleeding though.

No. 2051126

i thought just caffeine was giving me anxiety but i get full anxiety attacks every time i eat anything now. drinking seems to be fine but eating sends me into a frenzy. heart palpitations, crying, throwing up, i am such a mess. what is even happening to me?

i get this too, nona. i found out it's a real condition that has to do with the hormone fluctuations. it sucks

No. 2051128

I hate it so much, I don't get why we must always get sick right before our period, it's like it's telling me to go fuck myself, sometimes I get the flu and some stomach issues at the same time during my period and it makes me wish I was dead even more than usual.
Last 2 weeks I wasted them entirely because I had some very high fever, I had to rot on the bed like a cup of plain yogurt under the sun, it always makes me feel so worthless.
I hope you find a way to make this stop, so you don't need to feel like shit every few weeks.

No. 2051217

iirc she received an award and she was so shocked when the announcer said her name she made this face and cried in the musicians' arms, the guys right behind her in the gif.

No. 2051233

My appearance frustrates me so much. My skin is oily, uneven and I get pimples even though I feel like I've tried everything under the sun including not having any routine. It just gets worse and worse. Same shit with my hair, I've tried everything you can imagine but it's still dry like hay. It makes me feel so insecure and "dirty" even. Maybe the problem is that I'm comparing myself to edited photos I see online but also the people I see in real life look so much better than me. I fully realize that these are all mundane issues but they still make me feel like shit.

No. 2051243

I just learned about the Miryang case in Korea and it makes me want to eradicate all men from the face of the earth. How can the justice system and mothers of these rapist pigs blame a middle school girl for being assaulted by 44 moids. Men are seriously disgusting no matter the country, I hate them all. Never trust a man no matter what.

No. 2051250

The builders working next door have been drilling all day and the stupid pricks have drilled through to our flat. There's bit of my wall on the fucking floor and two great holes going through to next door. Fucking shit cunts stupid moid twats hope they electrocute themselves

No. 2051262


magia record! i love so many characters that we got introduced to over the game's life and it's sad that we'll never see 99% of them ever again.

No. 2051281

I’m so fucking tired of straight women. No matter how much they claim to hate men, they always end up prioritizing romantic relationships over female connection. They always feel fake if there’s a male involved and completely change behavior once a male they’re interested in is in the same room.
Stop pretending to care more about your “girlies” when it’s blatantly obvious you only care for male presence.

No. 2051282

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I live with a male flatmate at the moment and I think he sees me as a sort of masculine rival? I'm bi and every time I've dated or had casual sex with a woman he gets super jealous and bitter about it, and he's constantly talking about "how hard it is" to find women as a straight man (it's not, some women will stay with serial killers and do their dirty laundry if they're desperate enough).
He often sneaks in comments about how he's spending lots of time with female friends, how rich women pay for him to go places and gets attention on dating apps, while my happy celibate ass is sitting there like "ok sweetie good for you" secretly laughing at him. His energy makes me think he's trying to get clout from me, and he's so worked up when I do anything (parties, staying out late) that it sends him into a panic for weeks.

Dude is 30 and it feels pathetic but I just ignore him. It's worse because he's talked about previous GFs with a dismissive attitude and told me gross shit about their bodies (which I quickly shut down). Does he think I'm some older boy he needs to impress? He's ex boarding school so I think that checks out, but I'm amused bcos I'm pretty pathetic and unattractive kek

No. 2051292

He sounds milky, you should post more in the personal cow thread.

No. 2051310

Dumbfuck boss scheduling me to stay an hour later for inventory and she is ALWAYS late. Last time she asked me if I could stay even LONGER, NO, how about your stupid ass gets here on time. Hurry the fuck up I wanna go home.

No. 2051387

How do I cope with a dad that would barely care if I died? He's helped me with alot of life skills and materialistically, like getting my first car and learning to drive one, but he stills seems like he could care less if I died in a fire the next day. He never expresses affection and talks very disinterestedly and apathetically at me, no matter what it is about. I tried to give him something for Father's Day but it feels like I have a dad yet don't at the same time.

No. 2051392

i tried customising my t-shirt and fucked up. i'm so upset. i might still be able to salvage it but it's not what i wanted

No. 2051399

I felt incredibly sick yesterday and I couldn't think of anyone I could tell about it. I just made a social media post and deleted it right after because I realized how pathetic it was to vent about something personal and have no one react. Today I woke up and stayed in bed for 2 hours when I suddenly thought that it would be nice if I had someone I could text a good morning message to and how it might motivate me to actually get up. I avoid talking to people, letting anyone into my life is scary because I can't know if they actually like me. I break off contact at the smallest issues even when I know they weren't purposefully trying to upset me and I start to resent people that tell me about their other friends. It's hopeless and I wish I could get over it. I should be able to motivate myself. I need to find a way to actually enjoy the time I spend alone instead of wasting away. No one wants to spend time with someone so lazy and miserable

No. 2051413

Can't text this to you but: Good morning Nona! Hope you're feeling better today. Remember to do something nice for yourself and know that anon's here for you when you're feeling down. Keep shining, beautiful! With love, Nonushka

No. 2051426

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I have this friend who tries to nitpick everything that I do or say, I talked with them and basically they told me they were acting distant because they felt I didn’t care for them. So I tried my best to show interest, to be there for them and basically making the effort to show my feelings because they’re pretty important in my life. All I received in return are passive aggressive comments, just emojis and always excuses justifying why they can’t hang out for me. Of course, also posting in their accounts all those messages about the perfect friendship and how we can’t expect too much of people who deceive us. Are you for real?
I’m trying my fucking best and is never enough, it will never be enough for them and it hurts because as I said, they’re important for me, I guess I’m just not that important to them if they can treat me as they do, just like shit.
I don’t get why I should be always the one trying to run after them, always feeling guilty or like a nuisance, having to put my priorities on hold to get the same fucking emoji, as if we were teenagers or something.

No. 2051439

Genuinely made me tear up, thank you nona. I hope you have a wonderful week

No. 2051441

I've been there and I can tell you from experience that the only thing that works- aside from getting rid of them as a friend- is to agree. Yeah, you ARE a bitch! Lol what can you do, you're just a callous cunt like that, lmao. Oh, now they're calling you sensitive? I guess you are! Tears flow like a river here, good thing they noticed!!! Now you're selfish for not paying for stuff. You sure as fuck are! Can you get them to pay for your stuff while they're here? Let them nitpick you all they want. They'll leave once you show you have a backbone.
As for the shit they post, pretend to be oblivious. Reply to their retarded vagueposts with something like 'Oh no, who backstabbed you? I'm always here if you need to talk, we can hang out at (place you went recently) if you ever need a chat, just like we did on (date)!'. It won't make them stop being a passive aggressive shitstain but these people are cowards, so it'll make them back down a bit.
Seriously though, leave. That's not a friendship, it's an unpaid nanny job.

No. 2051449

why are you friends with this person
waste of energy cut them off

No. 2051460

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applied to over 50 jobs just to get rejected from each and every one. out of all those jobs i only got 3 interviews and thought i had them in the bag just to get the same rejection email. i feel so drained i cant even be bothered to cry. just going to accept my fate and stay in bed all summer

No. 2051479

I'm so pissed off I've been constipated for 3 days now and I feel uncomfortable just all the time. I fucking ate 6 prunes and 2 doses of Miralax with shit tons of warm tea and water and not even the slightest movement. I am so uncomfortable I feel like I can't go out, eat, or do anything until I shit it's so over. I'm starving myself until this passes like this has never happened to me I feel so bad

No. 2051493

same nonny. I volunteer at a charity once a week and get onto a government program supposed to help people find jobs, and I still can't get employed. I'm working my ass off just for the opportunity to get paid peanuts

No. 2051506

Men never see women as rivals he probably is attracted to you and seethes at you practicing your own agency without giving him anything. Sleep with your doors locked, roommate is one of top fantasies for men

No. 2051507

22 is love island age, it only goes up from here.

No. 2051536

Get that smooth move tea and drink one or two servings.

No. 2051542

My dad is going to court soon and my mom mentioned the police saying that they might try to lighten his sentence. Fuck that, for the amount of shit he’s put us through and his crappy personality finally going public he deserves it. I hope he gets forced to go to rehab with all the other deadbeat assholes he’d loathe to be around.

No. 2051550

There is no-one I hate more than my grandfather, I sometimes wish I had guardianship of him or whatever to be able to send him to the worst, moldiest, dirtiest retirement home in the country. I would gladly pay a good chunk of my savings every month just to have him be there, neglected by the underpaid, stretched-thin staff, who wouldn't care if he shat himself 24/7 in front of a TV in some unheated room of the facility. Sometimes I get worried about thinking like this, I know it's unhinged and unhealthy to a degree, but how can I not? He's the reason that I've had to see my mother burst out crying at random ever since I was little, the reason she has relapsed into depression twice, see her barely be able to get out of bed for weeks, see her age years in the span of months, the reason she has had to take drugs that mess with her hormones and health. I've heard my mom break down behind closed doors, on call with my grandmother, saying that she can't take it anymore, and for what? Because he is a schizo control freak who can't stand my mother being anything but a yes-woman that short of worships the ground he walks on? I've written a much longer version of this post with the many negative effects this man has had in my life, but it quickly became a giant wall of text, too personal and detailed to be appropriate to really tell to anyone, regardless of this being an anonymous image board. I got too heated and overshared, but when I finally finished getting it off my chest and finally calmed down, I had a much lighter heart and clearer head, so I decided to cut that part out, and sum it up as: not only has he extensively harmed my mother (although that's the part that I hate most about him, I love my mother and would do anything for her), but many other family members and the relationship that I have with them and the relationship they have between them. I wish him the worst and the world would be better off with him gone.

No. 2051579

I hate how pcos ruined my body and fucked up my body weight for years and now I have to pay the price for it at the age of 25

No. 2051586

when my friend shows me stuff he made i give him feedback but when i show him something i made he says nothing or just says nice because he doesn't know what to say and it's mildly annoying

No. 2051626

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nonnas I got really depressed. Smoked weed n decided to read pixielocks thread and realised how much we are alike.

No. 2051631

It’s never too late to change things, nonnie.

No. 2051635

i am coping by at least giving me credit for working a 9/5 unlike her but… i feel like she is a mirror to a bad timeline

No. 2051644

if you're literally doing anything with your life you're not like her at all. just because you're a stoner doesn't mean you're a loser.

No. 2051647

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why do i latch onto people like a disease. i will never be normal no one will ever like me once they get to know me more, dying would really be the best thing for me to do.

No. 2051656

I want to change myself completely. I attract loser gamer jobless moids. I am trying to become fit and sporty after a life of being almost the opposite. When I tried to join sports in my youth, my mother shamed me because of autistic hymen-related worries, and because it wasn't feminine enough. Kek. I habe grown resentful of games and anime at this point because the men in my life who like those things are the bottom of the barrel. It's hard to leave them alone. Some are lonely and have no one else. I hate everything. Once I get a nice athletic bf, we can be fit normies together and run and swim together and go to games and stuff. We can cuddle after a sweaty gym session instead of me listening for hours on end about negative shit.

No. 2051665

No. 2051666

I feel like I'm similar level of losers to a lot of cows honestly, I just don't have social media.

No. 2051676

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About to start dumbass shitposting in here if it doesn’t get interesting

No. 2051703

i havent been diagnosed but i been thinking this more and more lately, idk what other explanation there could be for me being so creepily obsessive and jealous.

No. 2051717

hoyl shit anon the same thing happened to me… I honestly have a lot in common with her like the weed dependency, laziness and failure to become a functional adult. But I think that's a common dynamic. Maybe it feels cathartic to point at her and go "I'm also a NEET stoner but at least I'm not marrying an ABDL tranny and pretending to have a bunch of children in my head"

No. 2051748

I feel like such a kid saying this (i'm an adult), but snapchat filters are making me insecure as fuck, but not for the normal reason… it's not that the filters make me look so good that I wish I looked like that irl, but that the filters that make me look good STILL look bad. It's such a slap in the face to see myself with perfect skin and makeup, sightly tweaked face to look ideal - and it's still not pretty.

It's always been somewhat comforting to think I "could" look good with some effort, but these filters are crushing that hope. I feel so stupid for feeling like this.

No. 2051753

I'm sorry but this made me laugh
Unless you're also publicly making a fool out of yourself, pretending to be a toddler and that your loving parents abused you as a kid then you're not as bad as Jill. If anything you could use her as inspiration to get better!

No. 2051776

why is it when you're quiet and keep to yourself, there's always some stupid retard in your face bothering you? and these are the same people who are often mean to you when you try to be nice to them. i give up.

No. 2051834

Same nonnie. I wish I wasn't an annoying attention seeker, I know better than to give into it but boy does it make me depressed instead.

No. 2051891

Having a stoner phase, having a dead relationship with a low T boyfriend, dressing 'alt' awkwardly, being unemployed or drifting in adulthood aimlessly… all of these things are sadly pretty common plagues, Jill can be a pretty relatable cow. The special thing with Jill is that she's extremely coddled and has been all these things these at once, for most of her adult life. DID faking consumes her life and she's supremely reddit on top of that. Don't be too hard on yourself nona kek

No. 2051917

I'm continuing my benzo taper after being on the same dose for half a year. I'm looking forward to being more clear headed and not needing anything but I'm also dreading it so much, I have to start a week before my birthday so I probably won't be able to even feel alright. I can't get a new job even though I wanted to get one because my sleep will be completely out of whack, I'll probably have sensory problems again and have my tism be more noticeable. But I'll be able to actually study and retain information and have better health in the long run. I don't know how to feel about it, it just has so many sides. I might get super depressed and irritable again but I don't know in what quantity because I was still a teenager when I started using so it probably has naturally calmed down by now. I want to get off it but it's so scary to suddenly not be dumbed down, feeling like I lost some brain function made me feel horrible at first but it also made everything feel a bit more bearable because the past few years of my life have been a complete daze. I'm not tortured by memories anymore. I feel like it might be great for me and give me motivation for life again but on the other side make me horribly depressed and constantly on edge again. The last time I started a taper I couldn't continue all the way because I couldn't sleep, couldn't be around people, I couldn't do anything without being annoyed by everything. I'd randomly get angry at people in my head and be angry at the world and just couldn't stop. I'm trying to get into mindfulness and try to embrace all emotions but sometimes I get so set off in a millisecond, it's so irrational I can't embrace it. My doctor is forcing me to taper so I'll have to do it whether I like it or not but it's so suffocating. The worst part is being unemployed again, I live at home and have good savings so it's not even about the money just the lack of purpose. I'm trying to get out of bed early and do more cooking and housework to give myself some sort of feeling of productiveness but I still have a job now, if it's day in day out and I won't have money to go to events or really anywhere that's not walking distance I just feel so stuck in a loop and I really don't want that but I know holding down a job while on a taper will be impossible because I already have sleeping problems. Sorry for the wall of text but this is stressing me out so much, I know I should be happy to have the chance to get out of this addiction and move on with my life but it's really hard. I'm scared I'll never really feel normal again, like I'll always be chasing something but at the same time I'm super relieved to be able to live my life independent of any substance. In a few years I'll be happy I did it but right now it seems like an impossible goal. But last year I thought I would never come off it to begin with and I made such progress, I'm taking a 20th of the dose I took back then. Life is beautiful and horrible, I hope I find my way someday.

No. 2051926

i rolled and twisted my ankle the other week, and the last time i did that was a buildup to one of the worst months of my life 2 years ago. i feel like something weird and freakish is going to ensue a few weeks after the ankle snap exactly like last time, like a premonition in my bones and i'm not enthused about it

No. 2051998

idk why its so hard to find a fellow loser who just wants to chill and draw with me. like i used to find fellow NEETs with ease but now its like pulling teeth to get people to respond more than like 5 times a day… yes im a yapper and i wanna talk about nothing serious and have fun??? hello???

No. 2052034


No. 2052067

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I can't take it anymore. I can't continue being sane like this. I have a important meeting tomorrow any my face looks horrible. It could be worse, but it's so bad. I hate this illness so much. I wish there was a cure but it seems like the only way out of this is a bullet to the brain. It seems like no matter what I do, no matter how much I research and act out on it, it never clears up. You have faggot-schizo hippies in one corner shouting "Doood don't trust big phrama just rub gobugu cowshit extract oil on your face and it'll clear up and make sure to align your chakras and don't eat dairy and go vegan! That didn't work? Well eat nothing but red meat and eggs and rub cow fat on your face!" and in one other equally faggoty corner "Why don't you use these expensive and powerful steroids that will clear your skin but don't you ever stop fucking using them you hear me you little fucking pay-piggy slut whore. If you do not only will your eczema come back but it will come back way fucking worse to the point that you will wish you were dead and it will take months for that to clear up. Chop! Chop! Better get that prescription from Dr. Monneygrubs Mc Fuckface who's never had eczema in her god-forsaken life." and don't get me fucking started on having to FIND products to work for my skin. Looking up and researching is fucking torture because you have 12-billion different people telling the other 12-billion why their product is better than their product with the most confusing conflicting information. Nothing I use works, I use products with the most simplest of simple ingredients and my face is still a bumpy red mess and looks even more diseased when I moisturize because now I'm bumpy and slick and shiny. I can't even wear makeup anymore and before one of you troglodytes come out of the woodwork about how "Cosmetics are the devil and a way for the patriarchal forces above us to force insecure women into a capitalistic self-flagellation for the sake of pleasuring and pleasing our male superiors" I know, I know all of that however, I want to put the pretty pigment on my eyes, lips and cheeks because when I did have good skin, for the short time that it lasted, I looked downright adorable and I like how it elevated my features. I miss it. I miss looking at cosmetics and seeing the releases. I know it's stupid but I miss it. I haven't done that in years because why even bother when you look like an acid attack victim that nobody would touch with a 12-foot pole. I hate this so much. I can't leave my room outside of work because my family has dogs who shed hair and dander that trigger my eczema and would rather have my kill myself than get rid of their precious heckin doggorinos. I have to prepare at least four days in advance if I need to go somewhere important to make sure my skin is at least presentable. I've lost so much weight and so much money trying out so many different things to fix this over the years. I hate when people say "I don't feel comfortable in my own skin uguuguu" and how increasingly common it is to see that phrase nowadays. Fuck you, you don't ever deserve to say such a thing when you can wake up with your pillow not stuck to your face and have to peel it off, have children stare at you, people concern neg-you, and get bullied so fucking hard throughout your life that it's a wonder that you haven't shot yourself in the face in your adulthood when you realize that there isn't a cure. It's not even about looks anymore, I just hate that I'm on a constant scale of pain to discomfort and there's no reprieve from this unless I'm asleep. I feel so isolated with this, it hurts that everyone around me has nice undamaged skin. Even the people I know who do have eczema have it way less worse than I do, so I can't help but think about tearing off their skin with a carving knife and potato peeler when they go on and on about how hard they have it while having the most perfectly smooth and unblemished faces. I know it's horrible but I can't help it because at least they can cover it up. I can't even focus on my hobbies like drawing or writing fanfiction or even husbandofagging anymore because of how bad it is. The sins, atrocities, and horrors I would commit to rid myself of this condition have no limit.

No. 2052092

This is such a minor thing,but I'm really annoyed. My big thing after improving my mental health is getting actual sun light
Like I'll just sit in the driveway if I don't have time to go to the beach/park. I'm like a lizard and the sun just improves my mood. My sister went out of her way to tell me I am weird for this because I bob/wave my head to music. Anyway, I'm just annoyed that I'm enjoying outside life and my sister won't even let me have that. Like I know I look weird but can I be happy touching grass please?

No. 2052133

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this is literally you

No. 2052175

vitamin d deficiency

No. 2052223

I haven’t had penetrative sex, only grinding with underwear on and I’m freaking the fuck out that I got pregnant because lately I’ve been cramping on one side and in my fucking ass cheek and horrible low back/hip pain with some breast pain. My period isn’t regular either. Is it so over nonnas? I also just started Wellbutrin and that might be it kicking my ass.

No. 2052224

I have absolutely and fully beansed it with this stupid ridiculously sexy autistic man I was talking to online for years. We've been besties for a while and talked every day and he is trying out stuff like getting drunk. So we got drunk together while we did our nightly talking on the phone for hours and stupid ass drunk me of course had to act like a damn fool and talk about sexual things. He was drunk so he kind of went along but I can tell from his behavior today that he severely regrets everything/probably feels lowkey taken advantage of. He's been cold asf to me all day. We've been texting every day every minute for years and I can tell something is wrong. I want to kick myself for ruining this friendship in one single night. The fuck am I gonna do now. He was my everything

No. 2052226

scrotes have this thing called precum that can make you pregnant anyway so just make him wear a condom. I dont think you're pregnant but if you keep doing that you might.

No. 2052342

Bugs keep appearing in my room. Once I saw a tiny spider crawling towards me on my blanket. I pray that none of them end up biting me or crawling into my face holes.

No. 2052453

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I hate the trainwreck that is my 'friend group' and i hate myself for not being able to deal with interpersonal drama well as a sperg. I hate that trying to help with honest conversations gets me labelled a snitch, an idiot, a meanie. I hate how they all gossip and lie and refuse to actually confront each other because they actually enjoy their web of resentment.
I hate this blundering autistic TiM who only befriends women to try and fuck/date them. Shit-stirring because you can't even comprehend basic sarcasm, antagonizing other moids (competition), acting creepy and two-faced. You are lucky to be surrounded by weak libfems. I'm happy that my mere existence makes you uneasy and anxious because you know i know you're a creep.
I'm happy i said what i said for my friend's sake, i'm happy she's past it but fuck them all honestly. I'm utterly done

No. 2052488

I feel like I’m stuck on “healing” from my sexual trauma.
If anything, i feel like it’s getting worse as I haven’t had a libido in over 8 months, I don’t fall into panics as easily but still think about it every day and no amount of trauma therapy, EMDR, or coping skills has helped.
I miss just being able to live life and I can’t even drink around my current partner as I start panicking so easily. I was able to live life normally when I was still in denial and it feels like coming to terms with it and seeking help did more harm than good.

No. 2052497

my boyfriend is dying of cancer and my mom cant stop asking me to make sure im in his will because hes from a wealthy family. hes already taken care of this with me, ive told her that. she keeps asking to make sure i get it in writing and notarized and all this other trash. thanks bitch, the man ive been with for 5 years is dying and the only thing you can fucking care about is if i can get money from it. i fucking hate you. ive held it in and just trying to stay strong and just breaking into tears right now because she keeps fucking texting me this stupid shit i fucking cant take it.

No. 2052501

Shitting on straights is just so idiotic, especially when you identify as ~queer~. Sorry, but how are you better than a conservative biggot if you say you don't want to interact with straights anymore because they're so boring and lame?
It's even worse when this is coming from a mid-30 yo woman who has been indoctrinated by TikTok and Thai BL into believing she's actually a feminine Asian gay man. Normally, I'd love this kind of delusion off, but this person was once my best friend who has now all but ghosted me because she only wants to be friends with other ~queers~. Sorry for not pretending to be spicy straight because I don't have a personality.

No. 2052504

I am so pissed off. I had the house for myself and i really wanted to focus on my hobby(making youtube vids), but god hates me so he gave me the shits and vomits. Now my throat is destroyed from puking and i dont know if i will be able to record at all. Its my only chance to record audio without my family screeching, and i waited so long to have the house for myself. I feel so unlucky. Sorry for TMI.

No. 2052506

I need to stop drinking. I was talking with my brother in law (he's racist) about 90s cultural relevant media and i was saying Clueless was progressive because of how it portrayed female best friends of different races. But like, I'm retarded because I forgot how crazy Dionne's actresses is.

No. 2052542

I love my girlfriend but sometimes I really don't know what to do to comfort her. Often it's the case that no matter what I do, I make her feel worse. It hurts the most when she's insecure about some aspect of our relationship and no amount of reassurance gets through to her. It pains me to know that she goes through all that and I can't help her in any way. But it's starting to affect me too. It feels like I'm always accidentally doing something that makes her upset. I adore her and want to support her, and I'll always be there for her, but it feels like I can't go a week without her being incredibly sad and me feeling like I'm not doing enough.

No. 2052558

that's really ridiculously fucked up. i'm so sorry. i know there's no easy way to deal with mothers like this but hopefully if you ignore her hard enough she'll leave you alone. wishing you and your partner peace nona, i'm sorry ♥

No. 2052575

I'm so sorry anon. Maybe if you tell her she won't get any of the money (say you're gonna donate or something) she will leave you alone. Hope you get through this peacefully anon.

No. 2052632

I don't know what thread to use since I can't find a work/job/career/college thread, so here you go
Getting rich over time by investing in yourself and being smart with your personal wallet is advice that is rarely given to young people

No. 2052637

>I can't find a work/job/career/college thread
sorry but literally lurk more

No. 2052638

god why are men so fucking disgusting?! I'm looking for a new date, and by God men are not making this easy. Perhaps it is time to ditch them completely and graduate from bisexual to lesbian just to not have to deal with their inability to have one normal conversation without being weird and/or annoying.
Not to mention: I feel weird about my fave (date) outfit now bc a rando couldn't stop staring at my boobs and creeped me out. What the actual fuck. I'm just taking the fucking subway, surely you have seen better tits on the internet than my A-cup, hidden under 2½ layer ones.
…anyway, returned from an horrible date and figures y'all would love to witness my absolute misery.

No. 2052639

it's so hard to use the catalog or the search function isn't it

No. 2052655

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ADHD is making my worklife hell. Did not make the deadline with a few projects so had to work on the weekend, which I did with the help of alcohol, because otherwise I never would have started it. I also have that I feel like I don't have any time to do anything I like because I'm too exhausted on workdays and have to do the housework on the weekends

No. 2052685

>lrn2delete, lrn2delete, lrn2
SHUT THE FUCK UP. Lrn2fix your site. I'll stop double posting once you fix the Flood Detection message. Farmhands are out of their minds if they think I'm going to wait 5 minutes just to add 3 words.

No. 2052693

Sometimes I get glitches with the 30 sec timer when it’s been a minute and I have to reload the entire page or restart my browser. This website is built off of maxi pads and vapes, I completely get your frustration

No. 2052695

I'm sorry nonny, it's awful when you're at odds with your friends and I hope you can make some better ones soon.

No. 2052710

Everything got so bad in the last month that I finally made an appointment with a therapist. I've been struggling since february, thought about kms quite a lot and almost lost my job because I wasn't able to concentrate at work. I feel quite guilty now for having to take a break from my studies. I've already been to a few appointments and I am getting along well with the therapist. I am really scared that it is always going to be this way that that I won't be able to get better. One of my friends is constantly asking where I am and why I am not coming to class and I just feel so ashamed.
The depression thing did not scare me since it is something I've already suspected but on the form my therapist filled out it also says anxious avoidant personality disorder. It felt kind of humiliating when I read it tbh. Does anyone here have any advice or experience with that kind of stuff? How are my chances of getting better and beating this?

No. 2052721

As I was leaving the parking garage, some busted up car almost struck me driving like a lunatic. I was behind this person to get to the exit, and she started backing up right at the stop sign to leave. Almost hit me, so I honked to get her attention, and she lost her shit. Rolled down her window to yell at me. Just ignored it because I’m not fighting some white trash bitch in a parking lot. I was able to get past her to the exit, but she was still yelling and glaring at me. Wtf why do people get so feral in parking lots. I don’t want your precious space bitch I just want to leave

No. 2052730

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I really don't know why I even gave dating a second chance. In a few months this guy betrayed my trust two times already, in different manners. First he did something in bed I asked him not to in the past (it wasn't anything painful), and then got surprised I was mad, and tried to minimalize it like it wasn't a complete betrayal of my trust regardless of it being "harmless".
Then basically the same week we went out kayaking, a complete first for me, he had years of experience. I expected him to like know how much he can handle and have some regard for me too, I thought we might be on water like 4 hours combined, at most. We were out there for almost 8 full hours (29 kms total). He went way too far to "challenge himself", then it took us 5-6 hours to get back upstream. I told him I was out of strength when we turned around, he told me he'd get us back at first. Then he told me I needed to pull myself together. I could barely keep us from turning around going with all of my remaining residual strength against the current while he took his rests. I had tears streaming down my face from the pain to my forearms and the sheer exhaustion in the last 2 hours while he was still relatively fine. Might be overly dramatic but I started to imagine if this is what Hell might be like. He took zero accountability for putting me through this and talks about how "we" overestimated ourselves, when I couldn't even figure out how to paddle normally at first (zero instruction given).
I'm sure he'll deflect everything when we have the breakup talk and zero self-reflection will happen on his part, because he has been through 3-4 serious relationships, and no way he was never confronted.
He has grand family goals, and I'm willing to bet that in a few years I'll be hearing about him being divorced for mistreating/abusing his wife (we have quite a few common aquaintances).

No. 2052745

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I just spent like 200€ on summer clothing, I want to fucking die. I hate buying new clothes and I have to do it mostly online because none of the shops around carry enough sizes or even half the shit that you can find online. It's also mostly work related stuff so if I don't get a job in an office I'm going to scream. Fuuuuuuck

No. 2052749

Your pic reminds me of this song.


No. 2052750

Went to the post office super early to drop off a package since it was urgent and my period had just started so I wouldn’t be able to do it for a few days. Was leaving and this guy was opening the door as I’m exiting, he stepped aside so I walked through then as I’m at the other exit door he shouts “YOURE WELCOME” all snarky because he’s entitled to my praise for the simple matter of opening a door for one second? I laughed so hard in the parking lot, classic moid moment. I barely leave the house, have anxiety/other health issues and literally every time I do one little errand some man goes out of his way to be a complete asshole to me specifically and it’s like damn I’m misandrist already buddy don’t prove it to me so hard. It’s crazy that this same exchange has happened multiple times in my life. I open the door for others and rarely get thanks but I just do it as a normal kind gesture kek I don’t get personally offended and yell at someone because they didn’t thank me correctly

No. 2052752

At a family gathering right now and my god these people are boring.

No. 2052777

I went to a psychiatrist asking for help because I can’t focus for shit and it’s making me effectively disabled. Instead, she’s just been pushing super hard for me to take lyrica even though I already tried it, it didn’t do anything other than give me horrible withdrawal when I stopped taking it, and there’s no indication it might help at all with my particular issue. I said multiple times I’m uncomfortable with taking it and she keeps insisting. No I will not take fucking lyrica! You can’t make me! I don’t want the side effects, reeeee

No. 2052784

Strikes me as the kind of guy who overestimates his skills and kills himself and his family of exposure dragging them on an extreme hike. What an inconsiderate fucking jerk, you could have been injured…

No. 2052802

Message from NarcMom (with whom I haven't spoken for a week now):

'Happy Nameday. My gift to you is the training clothes I gave you a month ago.'
Kek I legit laughed out loud

No. 2052823

i got banned at troon cafe for reporting a troon fetish thread and a /r9k/ manlet who has been seething for days. bye bye tranny site and jannies

No. 2052859

Absolutely useless man. No protective or paternal instinct. Might as well behead him.

No. 2052865

They just had a half hour conversation about which train station in our county is the nicest.

No. 2052915

That seems like a pleasant conversation.

No. 2052926

That sounds good, what was their final decision and what were their reasons?

No. 2052939

I gotta stop accepting hang out invitations from people who hate me.

No. 2052946

into the trash he goes. the first part is unforgivable, because men always play dumb when they do shit they know breaks trust. its a way to test your limits.

regarding the kayaking… a lot of people think that to date a sporty guy, he has to be a drill sergeant type asshole but it's not true, we cant as women just relinquish our standards even more and let them talk shit to us while getting us hurt/lost. plus the VAST majority of these so called outdoorsy fit guys are full of shit and cant take care of themselves let alone their family. They just sort of larp at it and do things like kayaking and rock climbing for the bro appeal, take pics for the gram, and then half ass it.

You need to filter through these dudes and find the ones who are humble and autistically dedicated to doing it for the appreciation of nature and have a respect for you and safety, it shows humility and an understanding that they're not immortal (this hurts the narcissist).
After years of sporadic fail dates similar to yours I'm dating a guy who loves hiking and all things survival, if I come along he customizes the trails to be to my preferences not his, and prepares snacks and even gets me the right boots and equipment, then gives me a safety rundown in case we get separated. And I didn't train him for this, men come as they are we just need to remove the rose tinted glasses and analyze. You will have to sort through a LOT of garbage nonny if you persist in dating, but I hope you find the 1 in 1000 who know their limits and how to keep you safe and comfortable in all ways

No. 2052990

Yesterday my mom who is a former special Ed teacher told me she thinks my dad and I are autistic. Maybe he’s a bit autistic, but I am not, I’m just weird in an undiagnosable way. But it’s like wow even my mom thinks I’m so weird that she thinks I must have some condition. I don’t, but even if I did, she should have said something when I was a kid and not when I am 25. Why’d she even say it.

No. 2052992

Me too nona. But then I feel bad for saying no. I wonder why people even ask to hang out when they clearly don't like the person

No. 2052997

what retard takes someone on a strenuous trip the first time you kayak? men are retarded.

No. 2053006

To have a punching bag? Or more people for an event. I really gave this person the benefit of the doubt because I wouldn't treat someone like that but damn.

No. 2053068

>think about getting a cat
>parents go "You know, cats are a huge responsibility, I'm not sure you can take care of it. You'd have to wash it and stuff, theyre quite independent. "
I'm nearly thirty. Do they seriously think I'm too retarded to have a cat? And they still bitch about me not having kids.

No. 2053078

She's probably been watching ticktock

No. 2053083

Thinking it wouldn't be so bad to keep a moid around to use sexually and then having my ovulation pains start 2 minutes later; every time lmao

I'm over 25 now and I've never actually been able to tolerate one for long enough to do anything w them and I have been pursued HEAVILY in my life at times. Is giving it a shot worth it or is it just my uterus talking???

No. 2053084

>wash a cat

No. 2053086

>cats are a huge responsibility
>theyre quite independent
fucking pick one dummies

No. 2053088

Just masturbate

No. 2053089

no offense to your parents but unless your cat gets into something stinky, they don't need to be bathed by you. They clean themselves and giving them a bath fucks with their natural oil production unless you're taking about a hairless cat.

No. 2053100

Not worth it, something is wrong with most men nowadays and even if you just want a fling it’s not worth their bullshit and psycho behavior. That’s even minus the safety risk and assuming he can even satisfy you.

No. 2053104

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I don’t know about you guys but I am freaking tired of being ugly. It’s a complete lie that you glow up once you get older, I am in my very early 20s and I look just as ugly as I’ve always been just older with more skin texture and fat all around my body because I was born a woman. Every angle in the mirror I just look terrible but when I take photos in a certain angle I look okay but I hate everything about myself. I wish I wasn’t born like this and was born with nice white girl hair and photogenic features that look great from afar. I hate it… it’s not only bad being a minority woman but a minority woman who has no pretty privilege to fall back on. It’s over.

No. 2053111

The average moid's behaviour can best be described as stealth (or "stealth") violent BPD kek.

No. 2053140

No. 2053166

thank you anon i love that thread

No. 2053172

Went to the club with this new group of friends this weekend. They all got flirted with by every cute guy. The only time I was "flirted" with was when old men catcalled me on the street and rather than getting mad, the girls around me laughed. Am I dressing too old or am I just being an attention-seeker? I can't tell what I'm doing wrong because I know I'm not ugly, but maybe my fashion taste is only appealing to street bums.

No. 2053183

Did you have the same amount of make up as the other girls? Make up is the indicator to males that you're open to their attention. So if you were wearing less or none at all, the men likely assumed you weren't interested or were a lesbian.

No. 2053189

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i am so fed up!!! liars suck, idc if its for the sake of my health, don't lie to me.

No. 2053209

I believe society tolerates child abuse, and while it is still illegal, most people, normies, dont really see pedophilia as a bad thing.
I cant compreend how is chemical castration seen (in my country at least) as an extreme far right bullshit, and death penalty for pedophiles seen as a bad thing. Why the fuck ar normies so sympathethic to these fuckers? Most normies have kids, why are they defending child predators?
Kids deserve sympathy and to be protected, and the only people with strong opinions on that are always labeled nazi extremists.
Guess i am a nazi then.

No. 2053213

Caught one of my older brothers almost eating two slices from MY goddamn pizza. Fucking lazy ass pig who has never worked a day in his life and spends his time making furry commissions and could never support himself on his own without mommy's teat because he wasted thousands on a fucking USELESS ART DEGREE.

No. 2053224

you attract the kind of energy you put out in the world, nonna

No. 2053229

Moids, even when they’re the most blatantly evil people, are always given sympathy and benefit of the doubt like “Aw there must be some tragic reason that removes his own agency and he can’t help it and we shouldn’t judge.” Normies are also brainwashed to believe all criminals are victims of the system and all they need is a few therapy sessions to fully reform so we shouldn’t have any consequence for violent men because it’s muh society that failed them.

No. 2053236

This is so depressing. I hate scrotes and wish I could be invisible

No. 2053251

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No. 2053258

Missed the last 3 days of work because I've been sick. I was planning on going in tomorrow and fell asleep at 9pm but coughed myself awake and now can't sleep because I'm coughing every few seconds. It's so frustrating I just can't stop coughing and crying!!! I don't feel sick other than the cough and it's just not an excuse not to go into work but I genuinely can't fall asleep because of it and I have to wake up in five hours now. Don't know what to do

No. 2053260

You're either too attractive or too confident. Males will gravitate towards girl-next-door types with painted clown faces and slutty clothes. It's a compliment they didn't pick on you because they're attracted to low iq and submissive behavior

No. 2053263

Normies are uncomfortable with the fact that some people, regardless of how they ended up that way, are genuinely just irredeemable pieces of shit who would benefit the world by being removed from it. "Everyone deserves a second chance/there must be a reason" is a nice platitude which means you don't have to confront the reality that evil people are gonna be evil. Victims are also treated as some nebulous entity instead of human beings because "at least it wasn't me", and lastly it's probably a deeply ingrained holdover from the religious pressure to forgive.

No. 2053265


No. 2053266

>once you get older
>very early 20s
I didn’t like how I looked til I was like 28, the sooner you learn to appreciate what makes you cute in your own weird way the better off you’ll be, good luck

No. 2053267


I hate how every shred of happiness I get is so fucking fleeting. I’ve been dating this moid for 6 months and have literally turned his life around so much that his MOM sent me an out of the blue text thanking me for everything I’ve done… I do all the dishes, all the cooking (ornate meals), all the laundry, vacuum, etc. today he comes back home from a social event that didn’t go how he wanted and essentially has a passive aggressive rage meltdown on me because I don’t clean the bathroom or mop enough and he doesn’t feel like he should have to clean the shower on his days off. I haven’t been working the time we’ve been together & have been happy to take care of him bc he supports me, fuck I wouldn’t have even been upset about asking me to clean the bathroom if he’d just sat down and said “hey, would you mind doing this for me/keeping a better eye on it for me?” Like a human being instead of just dressing me down and basically telling me that I manipulated him into thinking he was getting a l”perfect housewife” and I’m actually a lazy hag. The part that hurts me the most is that I DID start working recently and the first thing I did with the money I made was order something nice for him to try to show my appreciation. It fucking shipped today and here I am sitting in the bathroom floor crying like an asshole.

No. 2053272

You’re only 6 months in and already sound like you’ve been miserably married for 20 years. Girl please leave, you should still be in the honeymoon phase.

No. 2053275

Wtf 2x is for the girlies, don't advertise it to moids, especially kiwiscrotes

No. 2053281

The thing is, usually he’s very sweet and we are in a “honey moon” phase… he had issues like this earlier in our relationship but sought therapy & seemed to improve.. until today when he ripped the bandaid off. It was like my boyfriend who loved me left this morning and some asshole who thinks I suck came back in his place.. I took my dog on a walk and came back and he didn’t say a word to me and then just rolled over and went to sleep so I don’t even have anyone to make me feel better. I cry very easily bc I’ve had a literal lifetime of abuse & of course he hits me with the “are you just going to cry every time I have some kind of problem with you?” … I wish I could be some stoic rock of a woman that doesn’t break when I get wounded but I can’t force that iron rod in my spine. Thanks for listening Nona… i know in my heart that you are probably right and I should walk away.

No. 2053283

If it makes you feel any better anon, realistically speaking it’s a little harder to get pregnant than most people would think.
Ideally before or during ovulation days, still needs to travel up to the cervix, reach the egg and get inside.
That goes to say it’s still possible with just precum alone but given your circumstance, that seems incredibly unlikely.
Also don’t Google “can I get pregnant through X?” because there’s always 1 person who always says “yes it happened to me/friend/cousin/great aunt” etc. and it’ll only freak you out more.
Good luck anon, you’ll be fine
>t. pregnancy hypochondriac

No. 2053286

>I’m just weird in an undiagnosable way
Iconic and perfect, I’m tired of everything being taken as an autistic trait from one weird girl to another. Can I just be left alone?

No. 2053291

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>2x tan
That's Elsie…

No. 2053294

>doesn't know about 2x-tan

No. 2053300

I was going to say the same, they probably get a vibe that you’re not “easy” or won’t be as receptive to their dumb shit so they don’t bother. I’m not a super bubbly smiley person so I deal with this same thing and men I do end up getting to know tell me they thought I was intimidating or seemed aloof.

No. 2053316

He fought so much his legs are all fucked up, man needs a break

No. 2053322

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trying not to fucking completely smash my laptop to pieces. someone make the ceos and higher ups at EA work in a labor camp to experience real excruciating pain and anguish i’m so done with this shit. sims is the only thing i have right now to escape my horrible life, FIX THE GD MOTHERFUCKING SERVERS DO THE BARE MINIMUM OF YOUR JOB FOR FUCK SAKES

No. 2053326

I’m obviously not talking about being a matriarchal housemaiden you idiot, not everything is about you and preserving the integrity of annoying menopausal women. I am talking about growing up through the hardest years of your youth and blossoming into young adulthood, are you stupid or some shit?

No. 2053333

sounds like he's testing if you'll stick around to be his maid, even if he's a complete dickhead to you- because if so, there's no reason for him to go to therapy or make any effort in improving himself. He could only keep up the sweet "honeymoon phase" for 6 months and now he's showing you what he really is. There's nothing wrong with crying or not being stoic about it, but you can't stay with him for your own safety. The way he treated you like an emotional punching bag then got mad at you for crying is chilling. You need to RUN, don't walk away, for your own physical/mental safety

No. 2053335

nta but do you think women go through menopause at 28? or am I misunderstanding. what a weird reply kek

No. 2053337

I'm a little confused about how you've been dating for six months and yet it sounds like you live together?

No. 2053341

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>pretending to be stupid to get on someone’s nerves

No. 2053344

We do. Basically I’ve had an incredibly shit run of luck (I was too physically ill to work for about 4 years) and had to move in with my mother who is a bad hoarder, abusive, and it was just an incredibly unhealthy and foul environment. So I moved in with him about 3 and a half months in… I didn’t have access to running water where I was living before and so no way out of my situation. I get that it’s dumb to live with a moid this early on… it was just my best option to get out of an even worse situation.

No. 2053347

just curious because the story sounded kinda fake with that in mind but no judgment, that sucks and I'm sorry.

No. 2053359

>dressing me down and basically telling me that I manipulated him into thinking he was getting a ”perfect housewife” and I’m actually a lazy hag
Please leave this bum when you're able to. He's clearly using you and taking you for granted. A man that loves you would not put you down and call you names. He would not think less of you for not doing some chore. I firmly believe that women who "fix" some loser they're dating are doing themselves a disservice because they're feeding his ego while he views them as inferior.

No. 2053370

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Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I'm like, "you know what? i actually have a nice face! wow!" But then I have photos taken of me by friends and I swear to god I have the side profile of the fucking Punch puppet, like I really deluded myself into thinking it wasn't too bad! Don't even think getting my witch chin shaved down would save the rest of my face, rip.

No. 2053451

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Your life would be so much better if you followed one simple motto: what would dark triad Stacey do?

>Option a) cry about a man and stay for as long as possible to wallow in yearning and pain every day

>Option b) act like everything is fine while planning your exit: immediatley look for better (more docile, servant like) men online if you insist on being a heterosexual, gather as much money and small sellable goods as you can from the apartment. Get a gig to make money asap and move back in with mum until youre sorted. The day you leave, take all your shit out asap and go to mums without any word to him. Shit in his toilet tank too since he had complaints about the bathroom. text his mummy and tell her you're concerned for her son's drug use and walked in on him wearing your clothes (make something up) and that you just wanted to be a good housewife but are having doubts about the relationship. Block her and him, enjoy the eventual chaos.

No. 2053535

more nonnies need to b like u

No. 2053651

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My existence has caused my mother a pain I can never heal. My mother didn't leave my abusive father because of me. My mother would cry because I would tell her how much I hated her and would never listen to her. I have caused my mother enough stress that she ends up in the hospital. My mother had to pick me up after I ended up in the psych ward. My mother, who had high expectations of me, is now burdened with a daughter who has no future career prospects or a chance at a normal life. All she has done is pick up the broken pieces of me and try to mend them back together by using parts of herself. I've spent my entire life aimless and depressed, hoping for a miracle that will fix everything and save me, but the truth is I have to fix myself, but I don't possess the willpower to do so. I am mentally ill, a college dropout NEET, have no friends, and I am a disappointment to my mother who risked everything to come to the West to give me a comfortable life that she never experienced for herself. All I do is disappoint her; I am a broken, useless daughter that has made my mother's sacrifices and giving up her dreams to take care of me not worth it. My existence is unjustified. I should have never been born.

No. 2053662

dried seaweed is the perfect low calorie snack but the packaging for it is so wasteful i feel bad.

No. 2053676

it's not your fault your mother stayed with your abusive father. being a single mother is not impossible. I could be wrong but even if she was in danger she could've gotten help. she didn't do it for whatever reason but it's not right to blame yourself for it. she might tell you she stayed because of you but that's her coping with her inability to try for both herself and you. as harsh as that sounds, it's not your fault she was a coward. you have to stop blaming yourself for something you had no control over.

No. 2053699

I get these awful obsessive, intrusive thoughts about my father who abandoned me. I'm obsessed with him and I hate it. I can't get over what he did to me but I still have all these weird fantasy daydreams about him that border on the romantic (I know, I know) and I can't stop. I'm thinking of contacting him, something I swore to myself I'd never do but I'm so close to doing it. I don't know what will happen if I do but I'm hoping it might break this awful spell. But what if it makes it worse and makes me upset? This literally runs in my head all day long.

But even with all this shit going on I agree with >>2053662, I love it but I hate that there is so much goddamn plastic in every single package. Why can't they sell it in bulk?

No. 2053700

Fucking hairdresser literally burned my scalp I can't even shave prettily anymore because it's so thinned out

No. 2053701

i am losing weight thanks to my anxiety now. i can't keep any of my food down, i have no apetite, and the only thing that makes me feel good is running. at least i'll be hot but i hate feeling this way

No. 2053705

Are you saying anon puts out old man energy and that's why she attracts them?

No. 2053723

I can never sleep right. I wake up tired, then I fight off afternoon sleepiness, then I get wound down and relaxed for bed but I can't fall asleep until dawn. I just spend all night twisting and turning. I hate summer and the heat. I'm so tired.

No. 2053766

I feel you nona

No. 2053810

When I was in 5th grade, my science class got to dissect pig eyes. The whole time I did it on the inside I didn't feel disgust but I distinctly remember faking it. I heard other kids go "ewwww gross" and I thought if I didn't fake it I'd be weird.

I grew up in a volatile household and my strongest emotion has always been anger. My parents always made jokes that I'd become a serial killer and throughout middle and high school I'd get called into the counselors office because I "didn't show emotion" in the halls. I feel like all my emotions are fake.

No. 2053812

It should be socially acceptable to beat up old people. Then maybe they wouldn’t be so fucking rude.

No. 2053814


No. 2053815

I feel like such a horrible person because when I see a little girl with a doting father I fucking hate her for it. I know this really bratty little 9 year old girl with a face like a fucking gargoyle and her father dotes on her yet she is never happy and I hate that little bitch so much. She doesn’t deserve him. I was a nice kid and I grew up into a bitter demented adult all because my dad never loved me. What is wrong with me?

No. 2053841

are you american?

No. 2053847

This is the second time that I see a ~lesbian~ making an "exception" for a dick. I hate the modern queer community.

No. 2053849

>What is wrong with me?
Daddy issues

No. 2053854

How do I get over it? I don’t feel comfortable with the amount of hatred I have for literal children.

No. 2053901

I was gonna masturbate since I have the day off and my moid roommate was at work but as soon as I started I heard the front door open, him greeting the cat and he went into the kitchen next to my room to have lunch at fucking 10 AM. Brb gonna commit a crime.

No. 2053902

How loud are you when you masturbate?

No. 2053903

Also, why do Americans say “roommate” when they mean flatmate? You have a separate room from him, don’t you?

No. 2053907

Flat is a British term, the equivalent of flat would be apartment and "apartmentmate" is kinda long

No. 2053909


No. 2053913

I don't make any noise but my vibrator kinda does and I'm paranoid. Plus the kitchen clatter was distracting and took me out of my mood.
I'm ESL so I just use the most common term, sorry for not being a stupid anglo I guess

No. 2053916

Play music from your computer or laptop or phone as you use your vibrator.

No. 2053920

Watched a video from China of a mother cat weeping because some piece of shit moid threw away her kittens while she had gone to find them food. I wish I hadn't seen it, I can't get the fucking sounds out of my head. I want to kill.
I really don't care how many coping retards insist animals don't have feelings, don't love or are just objects. Certain forms of suffering, especially distinctly female pain/loss, transcend species.

No. 2053953

think I need to delete some programs and just start over. my happiness is so far gone. there hasnt been any emotion in me for months.

No. 2053974

Crazy how hard men hit the wall and have no fear of showcasing it on their dating profiles. Or perhaps rather, they want to post the younger and more attractive pictures of themselves but realize they have to post current lest they be catfishes.

>I want a wife and kids someday

Bruh, you're 29 going on 40 and your hair migrated from your head to cover the shame of your pudgy body years ago.

No. 2053981

I just got a short haircut because inwas tired of brushing my hair, and know i look retarded because face is ugly. Im the ugliest person i know. I don't care if plastic surgery is anti-feminist i need i can't stand my face

No. 2053987

Hiding in the bathroom because im ugly

No. 2053995

It's going to be the end very soon. There is not a single second i enjoy being alive. I don't care about any career, nothing interests me, i don't like food, i can't stand the way i look, i hate bathing, I can't do it anymore. Having to pretend to give a fuck about shit a i don't care about. It's constant torture. My mom said if i ever left this world she will leave right behind me, but… i don't want to be here. I don't anything, nothing, to hold onto.

No. 2054000

how do i cope with failing my fucking math exam? i learned so much and still failed miserably, even getting the easiest shit ever wrong for no reason.

No. 2054002

Get a tutor.

No. 2054003

already got a tutor for three months before the math exams and still failed

No. 2054015

Damn I feel you on that nona. It's so jarring to spend so many hours studying only to fail. Hopefully the next one is easier

No. 2054037

There’s too much stuff to know. I feel like an idiot every time I talk to somebody and always end up being wrong in some way

No. 2054040

Break the societal conditioning that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. That is false, you can’t do everything and most people are pretty bad at math. College and education just isn’t for everyone, find something else where it doesn’t require rigorous math classes to be taken and don’t take life so seriously. What you thought was meant for you ends up not being for you in the end and that’s something you have to stomach anon

No. 2054042

yeah but no thanks i want an well paying job in the future to support my family. luckily i can take the exam again next year.

No. 2054046

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I envy women who never had to grow up with male family members in their lives, or at least didn’t have to put up with them in their home all the time. I know my bro and my dad leave me alone all the time, but somehow I just… detest living with them. At the very least I can tolerate living with my bro but living with my dad can range from feeling like a chore to just praying he doesn’t verbally abuse me or my mom during his angrier days. It’s just frustrating because I know he’s our main source of income but he works at home so the worst that happens to him is a co-worker who gets on his nerves and he always just lies on his fatass all day watching TV. Every time I’m home alone or it’s just me, my mom, and my bro I feel happier and safer. Maybe it’s because my mom cemented this idea in my head as a kid that my dad is the tyrannical head of the house from all the times she threatened that he was going to get angry and say unpleasant things to or about me if he finds out I did this or that which is true for most of the time and I always end up crying every time it happens. I fucking hate daddy issues and the only way I can vent about them is through shittily written whump scenarios of my favorite characters I project onto. This is just so frustrating for me to cope with

No. 2054049

Good luck failing again then kek, some things are just not meant for everybody

No. 2054050

This so much, I feel your pain

No. 2054053

i gotta escape this country or some shit.

No. 2054055

>decided to read sylvia plath
>feel my hatred for moids grow with every page
I'm on the bell jar right now, literally had to take a break between chapters.

No. 2054101

I’m tired of being ignored.

No. 2054106

Go find out where >>2054101 lives. You can marry her to escape your country and she'll no longer be ignored because she'll have a wife.

No. 2054134

kek anon

No. 2054141

My ex that ghosted me and was a complete asshole is back on the prowl posting his info all the time and it makes me so annoyed. My only solace is that he is uglier than when I met him last year I got his last year before he went completely post wall at least. And he did send me a half assed apology for ghosting admitting he missed me which I ignored but it still hurt. My new bf is nicer and more hung I just have such sour grapes. It pisses me off like our relationship never happened

No. 2054146

I'm giving birth soon (in third trimester) and the plan was for my mother to be in the delivery room also.
Original plan was for her to fly down when I go into labour, be there for the delivery and then dad come down and they get a hotel/air b&b since we live in a tiny one bedroom.

She's now told me her and my father plan on driving down (3 days drive).
I just dont understand the logic behind it. The average labour time is 12-24 hours for first time mothers.

Mum says they want a car down here, in a city that has one of the best public transport systems in the world. Their car is huge and will be hard to drive in this city, the parking will chew up money like crazy and that's assuming they can find parking (the hospital is notorious for lack of parking).

I feel like now it's a whole thing, if I'm in labour I will be stressed about them driving 3 days to make it in time which I doubt they will.
I want my mother there I think, but I don't want the stress around it.

The more I think about it just being my husband and I there the more I like it. It's common to make plans and then my mother changes them for whatever reason.
I just don't have the energy right now to deal with it.

No. 2054200

My bf is redoing our deck and discovered there is rot in the siding of the house, and it’s a huge wraparound deck so everything has to be torn out before it can be properly replaced. It’s also incredibly humid in our basement even though it’s a fully finished basement. Humidity + siding being ripped out mean there are SO many bugs and I feel like I’m losing my mind. The millipedes, the centipedes, the big black ants, I could deal with those and they weren’t so bad and I’m doing my best to manage the issue. But all of these bugs are attracting the biggest spiders I’ve ever seen and it makes me feel sick every time I step foot in the basement. I’m so anxious and on edge every time I’m down here cleaning. I hate it so much

No. 2054202

If your mom wants to miss out on the birth of her grandchild by changing plans, that's on her. Wishing you a safe delivery anon.

No. 2054215

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In the past I made the horrible mistake of getting in a relationship with a moid that turned out to be a bippie and when I told him to fuck off, I noticed that I had 2-3 more followers on my profile and they were his friends, one woman a man and most likely a sock puppet.
The first two are his actual friends, I met them but they clearly didn't like me and the third is him, ff two more months and I bond (meaning like they searched for me saying what happened and now we talk about anime - he searched for a specific type of girl so it's easy to be autistic together lmao) with two girls who were his exes, he did the exact same thing so now I understand who the fuck he was talking about when he made these schizo longposts but the thing is that now he's making them about me and them like we are a hive mind that secretely plots against him meanwhile he's the one that still sees my posts, I blocked him everywhere.
Keep in mind: I don't care shit about him making these little fake posts or checking my stuff because I'm not 12, I do not do smear campaigns plus I have a very boring work-home-autistic interests life and that's what I post, nothing else, so I'm waiting for them to get bored one day or another, but the thing is: I know it's a mental illness, I know that bpd makes you do weird shit otherwise it wouldn't be called a "disorder" but what the fuck is up with his friends. I'm not posting this in the mental illness thread but here because I do not understand how normal "people" could go "hmhm yes, I will follow your ex on social media and report to you her posts, ofc my retarded friend I am your salve"
Like…don't you have shit to do lmao, don't you have hobbies, work? How can you screenshot my posts about idk, me making me a tea, sending it to your bippie friend and then making me and the others (they are doing this to these two girls as well) for day after day? What brings these people together? Why do they suck his dick so much? I was the one supposed to do so lmao. If I asked my friends to follow my exes on social media they would rightfully ask me if I went mad or something. I do not want to hear about him or his shit but now I'm forced to keep an eye on him in case things get out of hand because I know he's spreading shit about me doing crimes and being dangerous but otherwise I'm not the one making sockpuppets or sending my friends to him, yet he's saying that I am the stalker like what lol
I keep an eye on him because he accused me of "touching inappropriately his nephew" (a hug on xmas day because the child wanted to play with me?) because I'm "strange with these cartoons so I am to not be trusted with kids" like sir you are the male and his friends are there doing absolutely nothing. Why does nothing click in their head? I can understand making schizo theories and shittalking me saying silly middle school shit, that's why I don't care on one part, but the moment that crimes are involved how can people still get along with his mental fucked up teathre? What power do some heavily ill male have that makes other people who supposedly arent believe them? Mind you they're all 30. What the fuck did I get myself into. He's accusing me of shit he's doing (classical projection) but since I don't care about him he's pushing things further and further to get a gram of attention out of me but doesn't he realize that even if I had cops on me they wouldn't find nothing on my devices and eventually he would have to explain why he did that? Do his "friends" don't care about him getting in serious trouble and not because of me but the law? I thought he was more intelligent than this….
Accusing me of being a pedo to get a reply somewhere (with his friends pushing to do so), males are truly a disease, damn me for being attracted to them in some way.

No. 2054242

We are living in the same hell! I am so overrun with spiders I'm losing my fucking mind

No. 2054251

Can't you block them and private your account? Bippie men and the crew they hang out with are creepy as hell. Enjoy your new friendship with his exes and don't give in to them stalking you.

No. 2054257

I wish I was born with no parents, like just created out of thin air with no relation to parents, siblings, I was just my own being where I don’t have to defer to any authority or worship any god/gods that barely do anything for us to begin with.

No. 2054268

Like minecraft Steve

No. 2054274

I am lonely and no one is responding to my texts or messages on discord. This isn't unusual it's the middle of a weekday and everyone is at work.
I am seething and frustrated. I am trying to draw but don't have much time cause my baby takes up so much fucking time. If I'm not paying attention they are trying to crawl off the bed or just shouting if I am not actively playing with them. I love them of course but it's literally CONSTANT. He's only 6 months but it's just annoying how constant it is

No. 2054307

Yes sure I can but a) couldnt' care two shits like enjoy my post about sunsets and teas I guess b)when I tried I got blackmailed (in the actual mail because he came to my house twice, he put random stuff in my mailbox saying that he was a step away to make copies and put them in my mom's mailbox - they were screenshot about me sadposting in the past when I was 20 way before meeting him) and I since I value personal safety and my parent's safety more, I'm waiting for them to get bored, I'm not limiting myself anyway since I don't post shit, the girls also said to not do that because one of them got into trial and I might get actually accused of cahoots, I'm living my life pretty normally pedo accusations to the side and I'm waiting for him to do shitty actions on his accounts (cops and lawyer said that it's better to act like he doesn't exist at all because if he pays a lawyer that's more schizo than him he could grasp about me "blocking" him and abusing him with silence, whatever the fuck that means, since he's sick and that would count as abusive…) so at least it's more fault on him but the point is why don't these men get castrated at birth, there should be some genetics to it, your brain can't become this fucked during grow, it has to be something more.

No. 2054348

Thank you nona! Ive calmed down since kek and revised my 'fuck them all' sentiment. I understand now their paranoia was justified (the friend who was rejected was really manipulative and creepy). A lot of what i was alluding to came from said insane ex-friend.

No. 2054423

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It's impossible to move out because everything is so expensive, especially rent. How do people do this? Even when there are places available, they won't rent anything to you unless you make 3-4k euros a month. How am I supposed to make that much money?? It is getting more and more appealing to just end it all. Life feels truly hopeless.

No. 2054480

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>playing league
>someone goes heartsteel Shen
>everytime he gets bigger with more stacks
>can't resist but have sexual thoughts about him
uuuuurrghh i wish 2d men could be real
im so ruined.

No. 2054481

It's not, more and more people are either forced to live with roommates or live with parents longer. We're in a cursed timeline.

No. 2054509

I bought a $130 pure white jacket on the weekend and for some retarded reason decided to wear it to work today. I've been sitting at my office chair pretty much all day and somehow have gotten scuff marks on it already. I tried to scrub them off with wet paper towel & soap and it just made the material start to pill. This is why I cant have nice things.

No. 2054510

What's the fabric?

No. 2054515

Wearing white feels like its only sustainable if you're rich

No. 2054518

The girl at the sub shop forgot my sauce and peppers on the side then acted smart alecky when I asked for them. She pointed to the sauce bottles on the counter and said, the sauce is right there. I said no I want it in a cup like I ordered. Then she sighs pulls one out for me from below. I go, and the peppers, she sighs and does it. I am victorious

No. 2054524

it's the lululemon define jacket, it says its nylon and lyrca

No. 2054525

i hate that moids are so fucking good at masking their real personality until they feel like they have the woman trapped, either living together or being married or having a baby or whatever. so many women think they've found a moid who's unlike all the rest of them until his mask slips and it turns out he's just like all the other men. but by then it's difficult to separate or the woman feels like she's invested too much or that she can fix him.
i think i may just swear off of scrotes. i'm tired of being taken advantage of and tricked by selfish scrotes. they don't love the same way that women do. i love so deeply, so passionately, i feel so much devotion and it's for nothing. the best that i get from a moid is only being abused a little bit rather than a lot. i wish i was a lesbian or even bisexual. i give up looking for nigel, it is not my fate.

No. 2054543

oof anon next time reserve that kind of money for nice natural fabrics

No. 2054554

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why must moids always have some major deal breaking flaw
why does he have to have a FUCKING KID
why didn't she get rid of it oh my god they weren't even together she kept the oops baby from a fucking hookup even though he literally offered her money to get rid of it
we could have had such amazing adventures together but I guess I should be grateful, I already at my big age know that scrotes are always bad news and the existence of the child will at least slow my retarded roll if not scare me off completely
still seems like a cruel joke though.
warning: chad will only want you when he's almost 40, fat and washed up with a baby mama

No. 2054556

>the woman feels like she's invested too much or that she can fix him.
We should teach women that they're literally better off being without their moids than with them even after all that investement, they will take more, they will make you mentally unwell, without them life is simply better. Even if you have a child, you better off being a single mother with a job than having a dangerous retarded ape to take care of like he's your additional child at the house and begging the thing for giving you money for kids.
>i think i may just swear off of scrotes.
You made a good choice, nonna. I wish you happiness without relations with those life-sucking demons.

No. 2054573

sigh I know you’re right but i am a basic consoomer when it comes to lulu

No. 2054589

It looks like I’m all approved for a short term rental while I’m doing an internship but I’m hardly excited about it. The housing market is abysmal and I have to live under someone else’s roof and pay them too much while I’m at the age where I should have my own house. I guess it’s a start towards getting a real rental but it feels so underwhelming

No. 2054674

Finishing a show off with boyfriend, both busy but he's off for 4 days so it's perfect. (His 3rd day off and we've barely spent time) Watch about 2 episodes and halfway into the second his mate texts him to go out to bar and then hop on game when they both get home and he instantly jumped at opportunity… like don't get me wrong I want him to have fun and he has his own freedom and choice but he was so fast about it, it killed my joy but I was happy for him, kept insisting he go but he protested. He kept expressing guilt about even considering it and hung around so it his departure wouldn't feel so abrupt which made me feel worse and now he left to do his own thing I just feel void

No. 2054681

How do people in 2024 not know what the word based means? This is why I feel a deep sense of alienation from society. I'm not even talking about people irl but literally terminally online retards

No. 2054814


What the fuck are these comments? Why are men like this?

No. 2054841

I've been having a recurring feeling of dread all day an it's not even my horrible-day-before-your-period day.

No. 2054891

this is an imageboard i'm not clicking on a fucking youtube short link

No. 2054908

Stop watching youtube shorts, it’s bad for your brain.

No. 2054915

How is the kid his fault? Should he have forced his ex to abort it or what?

No. 2054925

She doesn’t want to play stepmom.

No. 2054932

I mean it takes sperm to fertilize an egg, so. If he had taken appropriate precautions, he wouldn't have impregnated someone during a hookup. The kid is entirely his fault.

No. 2054967

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I'm not able to draw Bart Simpson and it's driving me crazy, I feel like a total loser

No. 2054974

Trace him nona

No. 2054998

He tried to, his story is she lied to him about taking her pill cause she wanted to baby trap him specifically
But yes, hooking up condomless with an ex is very retarded regardless of the untrustworthiness of scrotes, having a baby by a guy that doesn't want one or even committed to you is also retarded as fuck and I think everyone in this story is probably retarded especially me for even considering getting peripherally involved with this mess.

No. 2055000

Im so fucking ugly. Im an actual retard knowing my face looks retarded and i just got a fucking haircut short because i dont want to brush my hair and i now i look like shit HELP ANONS DONT IGNORE ME HELP ME PLEASE

No. 2055016

start with a rectangle then add his spikes and the rest of the details

No. 2055019

Get a wig.

No. 2055023

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Like the other anon said get a wig or you can get extensions too. Or just try to add more texture to the short hair (depending on how short it is) with sleep-in rollers, gel and mousse, or a curling iron. A lot of people with short hair look bad because there's no texture or volume, if you address that the short hair will look better like in picrel.

No. 2055026

I know for a fact I am ugly, like sub 5.
There are just little signs.
First, never getting bothered by males. I guess it's a perk, but yeah. I live in a big city where cute women constantly get cold approached by women to the point where it's a wide scale problem, but it never happens to me.
Second, several kids have called me ugly in the past. I've had two or three kids tell me to my face I'm really ugly.
Third, being rejected by a guy friend. People say all guy Friends want to fuck their girl friends, but that isn't true. Sometimes they just want to fuck their friend's friends (he asked for my best friend's number then dipped)
Fourth, my boyfriend never tells me I am beautiful, unless I am naked.
Fifth, my mom told me "you're not very very beautiful"
I guess that's it
I'm not even super difformed. I have straight teeth, no major acne or scars, normal proportions. If I had to get surgery done, I'm not sure it'd fix anything because there is no major flaw. There's just something uncanny about my face as a whole.
It hurts a little that I'll never experience what it's like to be a desirable young girl, like I've always dreamed as a kid. But I got over it and understood I wasn't meant to feel special.

No. 2055028

I used to try. For years I'd take an hour every morning applying makeup, jewelry, straightening my hair and picking my clothes. But it never changed anything. So now I make 0 effort. Saves a lot of time and energy.

No. 2055043

Funny caps needs to have a no reply rule like GIOYC because I'm so sick of seeing my favourite thread get bumped and getting excited to see another funny screencap but instead it's just a bunch of retards having a slapfight about nothing. Like oh my God stop fucking with me stop ruining my day.

No. 2055046

Op here. Im feeling suicidal. I have hair loss on the back and big forehead so i look like a serial killer. I don't have money or wigs near me, also my family are stingy as fuck will look down on me which will cause me distress.

No. 2055049

I have curly hair like this and it just looks worse. If youre white and ugly straight hair looks better.

No. 2055093

I can't vent about this to anyone I know because it is 1000% my own fault, I put myself in this situation. But I'm so sad and frustrated. I'm older (32) and have been in therapy for over a decade for various things but something I always struggled with was extreme people pleasing and anxiety and very low self esteem. Not an excuse but just as an explanation, it led me to make some pretty bad friendship and relationship choices- but not in a victim kind of way. I almost feel more like the villian because it's more like, I would have friendships and surround myself with people that I didn't even really like that much. But I genuinely hated myself so much and have such low self esteem that I would think "I'm so lucky that anyone even wants to spend time with me, I need to make this work because otherwise I will be alone". I've had crappy friends for sure because of this that were rude or thoughtless with me, but I had perfectly kind and genuine friends too that I didnt actually like… so I'd leave every hangout feeling distressed and upset and I was so in denial that I couldn't understand why I'd feel so bad. I'd pick apart our friendships in my head looking for reasons why they were a bad person, or I was a bad person, when really it was just so simple- I just didnt like them. I didn't hate them but I didn't like them either. I am very ashamed now that I stuck around just because of that and still have to actively fight that urge sometimes of not being honest with myself when I don't like people (and trying to demonize them instead in my head or demonize myself that I'm a bad fucked up person for just not getting along with another adult).

ANYWAY all that to say even though I am already so old, I am finally getting to a place where I recognize this and am (I think) breaking these patterns and getting better about admitting to myself when I just plain don't like people. I'm trying to be less fake even if it means being alone. and I'm STRUGGLING. Being lonely is justs as bad as I feared, it feels awful. Being single and alone with no friends is hard. Is it harder than when I had friends where I'd feel badly after we hung out? I'm honestly not sure. I don't know if one or the other hurts worse, they're both painful in different ways but also feel pretty similar.

Idk this is probably barely coherent but it's all weighing on me and I can't stop thinking about it. I think I need to try and make genuine friendships but I still feel like it's too scary and vulnerable to try and meet new people, or the fact that I'm 30 and haven't yet figured out how to make real connections and friends is a big giant red flag. Deep down, I actually don't know if I'm a good friend because of these insecurities and it tears me up because my biggest fear is being alone. I don't want to live life alone and would choose not to live over living into a ripe old age with no one with me. Not a friend, no family (i'm also estranged from them), nothing. It's so scary.

No. 2055097

even tho my best friend from HS lives across the country i feel like ive offended her by not being more involved with her during her pregnancy. we'd grown distant enough that we only talked maybe every other month now, but i messaged her before her baby shower May 25th and she never responded. i cant really blame her if she wants to end the friendship since we've drifted so far apart, it just makes me sad thinking ive let her down during a time when you need your friends the most. i might be over-thinking things, and maybe she's just too busy to stop and message me back, but normally im the one that needs 2 weeks to respond to a simple text, not the other way around.

No. 2055105

It's probably not personal nonny. At this stage in life I've had several friends now who had babies and for some women after they have one the baby really does become their entire world for a while. Like their identity just becomes "mom", and all their thoughts about their kid, and its really hard to maintain friendships. I've never had a kid so I can't speak from experience but I can say from the other side this is so, so normal. It sucks to feel distant from your friend and for some people they do come back around once the baby haze wears off (I hope it does), but don't feel like you let her down or feel too personal about the distance. That might be a little over-thinking.

No. 2055136

I feel like this site is getting populated by more and more anons who enjoy mini-modding and going on power trips. I don't even enjoy my favorite threads anymore because more rules keep getting added to it and anons are policing what gets posted. I know in my heart I'll never fully leave LC because it's the last place women can be free and anonymous together but I need to spend less time here for my sanity.

No. 2055186

thanks nonna. she hasnt had the baby yet but it's due the first week of july, so i really dont expect to hear from her for a while after that. she's not the type to take offense that easily so i probably am just over-thinking, id be way more sensitive if it was me so its projection too

No. 2055203

im so horny i need to be euthanized to end my suffering

No. 2055244

I've had trichotillomania for 10 years, it's pretty mild (started with my head, now i cope by 'brushing' my brows with my finger 24/7 and hoping holes never become permanent). I want to be free. I want to shave my brows but i'd look legitimarely scary and it would probably migrate somewhere else. But i constantly fantasize about touching that area of my face and feeling nothing but a smooth surface. The most retarded part is i 'caught' it by hearing a friend complain about it all the time and doing it once. My (then) extremely anxious self immediately latched onto it for self-soothing. Maybe it was dormant, idk. And now here i am, complaining about it to you nonas

No. 2055267


yep got banned for derailing even though it was like… one little comment

No. 2055310

I sincerely hope this doesn't come across as bragging but I always get questions about how I'm still single and I feel like telling them I. AM. MENTALLY. ILL. Like what part of that do you not understand? Yes I take staying in shape seriously but that still doesn't fix the fact that I have serious problems in my head and I don't feel like I'm ready to commit right now. But of course growing up in a backwards community starting a family is basically the only reason I exist. Sorry I didn't get married to some ugly frog faced scrote at 18 then have a litter of hell spawns ruining my body and any chance I had at my own life then making being a mother my entire personality because I have no original opinions or thoughts.

No. 2055353

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I would drop everything right now and sacrifice so much if they could make fictional men real. I've been reading so much mature lewd manga lately and I just can't help but imagine myself kissing and having sex with these fictional characters. They're so loving and gentle and not ugly. I imagine myself being stuck in a predicament and some husbando helps me out there and we kiss and make love.
I shouldn't be wishing these fantasies at 28, but here I am!

No. 2055362

I feel you anon, except i am forever pissed off that men do not style themselves after capeshit characters and refuse to get hair plugs when they need it.

No. 2055422

No. 2055461

I hate my Spanish class and I hate my teacher too. She gives us so much homework even though she knows damn well we have other priorities and exams are coming soon. I've been losing sleep just so have time to learn for her class only to not be able to memorize all the vocabulary immediately and have her berate me. "You were supposed to learn this at home" well I can't memorize so much shit in only 2 days you dumbass. If I didn't need the credit points for my major I would've stopped attending her course like 5 weeks ago I swear. Can't wait until today's class is over so I can go back home and actually sleep for more than 2 hours.

No. 2055503

My bf and I are in an open relationship where we can both see women. Not really my choice but he has a lot of promise and I’m still very young so if he can’t commit fully to me I won’t be wasting my time. As of now we’re only seeing eachother but he’s slept with another girl (didn’t have a good time but ik he’s flirting with / talking to other girls sometimes). I’ve been in a situation like this before but I wasn’t really in love with the guy so I didn’t feel any jealousy when he went on dates / slept around and I was allowed to see both men and women so it didn’t feel like that big a deal. However, in the wake of his use of the “open” nature of our relationship I’ve wanted to do the same but I have no idea what to do. It is so beyond disgusting to go on dating apps and say “I have a bf but I want to sleep with women” or even to admit that to a girl I speak to at a bar. I hate hate hate poly culture and have no desire to “bring a third” into our relationship but i now know how guys doing poly feel when their gf is getting play from Chad and they’re getting nothing. Gay/bi women who aren’t already poly and libed out would not want to touch me with a ten foot pole. I don’t blame them at all but at the same time I want to talk to sexy girls and at least give free love a shot. Besides my current bf and past situationship I’ve primarily dated women and so I don’t want to disrespect the sanctity of that sort of love and I do not want to become the kind of coomed out parasite that has infected the sapphic space in the last few years.

I know that I should just break up with him but he is truly the only other person I’ve met who sees the world the same way as I do. I really think we have a good future together if we can get through this weirdness.

Also: we are sometimes long distance. We’ve been together for about a year and half of it we have been cohabitating and the other we’ve been on opposite sides of the country. If we were just living together it would be much easier to supress my sexual urges but when we’re apart for months on end and he’s getting laid / flirting / chatting I feel the urge to do the same. HELP

No. 2055513

What do you need help with? You say you don't want to bother women who aren't poly and lib'd out, but there are so many women who are as poly and lib'd out as you are, so just go for them.

No. 2055518

You already know exactly what you should do:
>I know that I should just break up with him
Like I really don't get anons like you. It's a scrote. There's another 4 billion of them on the planet. Who gives a crap about this one in particular? Why do you want us to help you when you can't even help yourself? If you want to be a grown-up and have a good relationship then go do that, don't settle for shit you don't like and then whine about it for years and act like you're a victim in this instead of a willing participant. I really don't know what else you wanna hear because all I'm getting from your post is:
>My coomed out boyfriend doesn't respect me and likes having sex with other women so I agreed to an open-relationship because I don't respect myself but it's okay because I can have sex with other women but I don't really want to and now my whole relationship is a problem but I don't wanna admit that so can you help me by lying to me?

No. 2055529

danke nona. unfortunately the Nigel is truly unlike other Nigels and free love is literally a tenant of my religion but you’re right. Just needed to bitch and moan. There’s probably a way to make it work that isn’t cringe and embarrassing but it’s easier to cut my losses.

No. 2055530

honestly might just go for older women in similar situations.

No. 2055537

What religion?

No. 2055541

Broadly thelema but I’m not involved with any orgs and draw from other adjacent schools in my personal study/practice

No. 2055546

>My Nigel is truly unlike other Nigels
Have you personally met every single other scrote on this planet. All 4 billion of them? You can find 20 scrotes identical to your nigel in 20 minutes if you looked hard enough. Sorry if my post was mean it's just I really do not understand the logic of staying with someone if you don't like something about them. It's not like you're married with kids you can really just dump him and get another partner in a week without any loss to yourself.

No. 2055549

Why do you motherfuckers stay with this trash when there’s other men to date? I don’t get open relationships at all, just man up and break up.

No. 2055552

>Just man up
>Why do you people stay with this trash when there’s other men to date?
It's just a more elaborate and prolonged type of self harm. It's the philosophical razor.

No. 2055566

What? You're literally dating a man

No. 2055568

Lol I know. I’m going to ride it out for a few more months and pull the pin if it keeps happening. thank u kind nonas sorry I’m a coward lol

No. 2055569

agreed with other anons that this relationship sounds kinda shit, but… there's a billion bihet women out there in a similar situation as you. maybe they just like drunkenly making out with women at parties, or their moids think sex between women "doesn't count" as cheating. maybe try messaging unicorn hunters on dating apps? you said they're all libbed out but that's a bit hypocritical when you're doing the same thing lol.

No. 2055570

He sounds like a loser who doesn't care about you and thinks he scored by finding a woman who lets him fuck whoever whenever he wants. You deserve a lot better than that. Poly relationships don't make sense to me, it's just sleeping around and friends with benefits. Which is fine if that's your thing, but love and romance doesn't have any business being involved in that without heartache.

No. 2055574

I'm actually nta with the nigel I just said ew because using the phrase "man up" is gross. Then I was making fun of op and people like her by saying dating retarded scrotes is just an extrapolated distilled form of cutting yourself. Sorry for the confusion.

No. 2055575

I guess the point was that I don’t really want to engage in that sort of thing because at least in my experience the people who are involved are not people I’d like to get with. The conclusion I’ve hashed out is that I won’t get with anyone else unless a beautiful swinger cougar chick enters my eyeline. But realistically speaking I probably won’t get with anyone because my personal convictions are being strongly tested. Just sort of sexually frustrated right now.

No. 2055577

You’re dead on. I trauma bonded and am punishing myself. It’s a situation that I could have easily avoided but I didn’t. i am a fool but it will be a good lesson in a few months.

No. 2055581

Don't put yourself through that. It's not worth it at all.

No. 2055583

>My scrote is acting like a scrote, somehow it's my fault.
Girl just dump him really who cares we're all telling you and you're acting dumb listen to the crowd and dump him.
>I'm a fool wooooe is me I am so smart and different that I actually choose to hurt myself. I am but a victim to the world, as I cannot possibly choose to help myself!
You're not special because you choose to suffer. Everybody makes mistakes get over it and fix it.

No. 2055586

Yeah she shouldn't even call him a Nigel, he is just a plain old scrote.

No. 2055588


Wait so you can't date other men, just other women?

And he doesn't mind exposing you to a myriad of STDs which could cause all sort of issues like cervical cancer?

And he sees the world as you but doesn't mind seeing you suffering while he fucks around? Does he get annoyed by how you feel if it inconveniences him?

What would happen if you asked him to be loyal?

No. 2055590

At this point i have accepted my mediocrity. I will never be good at anything. I hate being like this, everyone around me is either pretty, funny or talented. And i am left being the retarded, uncharismatic moron who's years behind 15yo kids skill-wise. I put so much effort into things and it never yields results because there is something inherently wrong with me. I hate it.

No. 2055613

Bought a cute bra (from that brand Adoreme, it was cheap on the Target website) and it fit when I tried it on so I took the tags off. Now after wearing it for awhile my boobs are practically falling out and I have to keep readjusting to get my nipples back inside the damn thing. Why!!! I can't return it now!!!

No. 2055697

Nonas, she's bragging. That's it. She could easily leave the relationship, but there are a lot of women out there who are happy to bring up their shitty scrotes if it makes them look like they're suffering (virtuous). The 'HELP' at the end is a lame attempt at making it seem like she isn't simply going 'ooooh look at how hard my life is, yet i persist for my very special Nigel, am i not a good girl?'. Women who are stuck with cheating poly men for whatever reason try to hide the pain or do not bring it up because they're actually vulnerable. It's a way to stay on top of the feminine hierarchy in all-female conversations. She even added that she respects 'sapphic' spaces for maximum virtue. There's probably real pain in her situation but it doesn't outweight the deep compulsion to be a good martyr

No. 2055759

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT this time i actually waited several minutes before reposting in order to prevent the flood detected message and guess what happened?

No. 2055770

I feel retarded every time I end up deleting and reposting something more than twice. Like damn I hope no other anons saw me keep fucking it up over and over

No. 2055806

Can't fucking wait for my summer vacation, everything is going wrong at work, for one problem solved two more appear, I just want to give up everything.

No. 2055811

Nona I understand you. My circumstances weren't similar in that there wasn't any poly stuff, however I was also with someone who didn't treat me well and disrespected me on multiple occasions and I stayed for all of it. It chipped away my already low self-esteem and by the end I was a shell of my former self. I didn't think I deserved anything better and that because he didn't see my worth and treat me well it meant there's something wrong with me.
I'm sorry you feel like you need to punish yourself by staying with him and I hope you find the strength to drop him. You'll have a huge weight lifted off your shoulders even if in the beginning it's devastating.
I also understand other nonas getting frustrated reading about these moids and us staying kek. I don't know why so many women (myself included) let ourselves be disrespected and just don't leave when in today's world we have the power to do so. Then again it's hard when there's that bond and glimpses of good moments. I wish you'll be free soon!

No. 2055911

I really hate how the most basic bitches think they're hot stuff.

No. 2055928

None of my hobbies bring me joy anymore. Realising that terrifies me.

I’m not a jealous person and love seeing talent buf when there’s people that are so incredibly skilled and years younger it makes me want to just give up because… what’s the point. Art used to be fun, cosplaying used to be fun, but I’m riddled with anxiety about sucking at it to the point where I don’t try anymore.

Can’t even draw a stupid doodle of my husbando on a post it note during a slow period at work without feeling like everything I do is unworthy. I feel guilty for those I’ve done commissions for in the past.

Nothing I ever create will ever be noteworthy or inspire any feeling inside anyone if I can’t even feel it in myself.

No. 2055936

I'm high but ive been focusing on my body dysmorphia all day and I decided to take a trip down memory lane and try to find photos of me from when I was in middle school and high school at camp. I keep looking at the website, like scouring through their photos, and I look awful in all of them. I know im a literal child in these, but fuck i was so fucking ugly, especially compared to other girls (literally, I feel weird about this because, again, the are pics of literal children). Moreover, i dont appear anywhere except group photos, which makes me feel like I was purposefully avoided because I wasn;t "pretty enough". I still feel the same to this day. I still feel so sad that I used to feel ugly, but at the same time, I can't help but look at this pudgy androgynous kid and refuse to beileve I look like that. I wish girls didnt have to worry about how fuckable they are at 13, you should be able to have photos of you where you dont care about that stuff becuse you're a child enjoying life. I feel really bad for myself at that age but also, I still think that nothing changed and I'm still ugly.

No. 2055963

For the first time in my life, I have decided to put my foot down and not be a fucking doormat. I wasn't even rude or anything, just laid out all the rules and laws. As if I wasn't already feeling like shit for standing up for myself, I'm now about to lose my job because of it. Fuck my boss and his ego. Hope he comes up with a good enough excuse for firing me, because if not, I'm going to sue his ass into oblivion.

No. 2055979

Jessica what is your fucking PROBLEMMMMMMM. I have been nothing but professional to you ever and you are just the most miserable woman I've ever had the misfortune to deal with. Please learn how to treat people in a professional setting.

Side vent but it's insane how fucking awful people are to deal with in the white collar world these days. I swear to god it wasn't this bad before the pandemic. Everyone seems to have thrown basic human decency out the fucking window

No. 2055987

What did she do? Some people are just incredibly unprofessional and won't learn.

No. 2055998

Man I cannot take those tumblr girls seriously, a man can eat pussy for decades and they'll still insist he's gay because the homophobic society, in his progressive non-homophobic area, MADE him do it. The comphet MADE him have sex with women for his whole life, he was held at gunpoint! He just needed to try dozens of vaginas before realizing he liked dick! The comphet also made him flirt with women constantly lol. Can't wait for the excuses if he starts getting allegations.

No. 2056008

I hate everything so fucking bad right now

No. 2056010

I don't like talking with food delivery drivers. The guy delivering the food asked me if I was X nationality, but I told him I was Y. He then proceeded to say something I could not understand at all through his accent, and I shook my head and told him I didn't understand. He laughed, and we said our good byes. I could still hear him loudly laughing as I walked away. It was bizarre.

No. 2056024

fuuuuckk I'm so disappointed in myself I haven't been complaining about it enough. I always make a mess during import exams I totally zoned out today and I should have chosen a better thing. Always second guessing myself I hate this

No. 2056088

File: 1718816706883.jpg (390.35 KB, 3024x3250, bort.jpg)

Thanks nonna !

No. 2056096

Being rejected through indirect ways is so humiliating. My brain is playing tricks on me.

No. 2056103

Everyone and everything is pissing me off today. It's 10am and I need to go to bed for the rest of the day.

No. 2056144

So happy I don't use social media anymore so that this type of brain issue doesn't happen to me.

No. 2056148

I had the horrifying realisation that I act like a male on social media in the way that I follow and like hot guys and their posts but I would never date a man that posts himself as thirst traps on social media. Even having an empty account is a deal breaker for me even though I have one. But a man following hot women is a huge red flag. This should make me a hypocrite but I don't feel like one

No. 2056149

Regardless of whether or not you feel like a hypocrite, you are a hypocrite, your narcissism simply saves your ego from being bruised by your hypocrisy.

No. 2056150

no one ever believes me when i tell them that i have no friends. i get asked why i can’t have a wedding and i have to admit there would be no one to invite and they just react like whataaata?? i would totally want to go to your wedding! but i know thats not true because if i had friends wouldn’t you at least try to talk to me?

No. 2056163

No, she's correct. It's not the same dynamic. Beautiful moids should be paraded, objectified, and enjoyed and leered at.

Men who have social media and like influencers are, however, revolting. Irl they have all been bottom of the barrel.

No. 2056164

The way I stretched my ears to 10mm exactly to counter signs of aging is akin to men being able to grow moustaches to disguise the sagging of their upper lip and elongation of the philtrum. I most definitely will consider a lip lift in older life because i completely understand why Kim kardashian looks simian now by constantly shortening the tip of her nose. Anyway fuck men.

No. 2056167

>It's not the same dynamic

These are the words of hypocrites. Whenever a hypocrite is presented with a situation where their desires and their alleged ideals clash, they start speaking of “dynamics” to escape from such a clash. Another example of this hypocrisy and irrationality is how liberals deny that White people can experience racism.

No. 2056182

I would have literally no one to invite if I had a wedding either. Most people who say they have no friends don't really mean that.

No. 2056187

A lot of them are so cheesy and repetitive and I honestly don't care, however I tend to go on MangaPlaza, go check out the Mature section and go from there, my favourites are isekais honestly. I do not read it on that website, I go on those free manga websites to read it for free.

No. 2056198

What are they supposed to say instead "Oh right you look and behave like a friendless loser indeed"

No. 2056204

>my bf fucks other women
>but I can't fuck other men even though ~free love~ is my ~religion~
>but he's the nigelest of all nigels!!!!!
kek this has to be bait

No. 2056217

it just feels shitty being lied to

No. 2056220

if this isn't bait, dump him and get a std test

No. 2056223

Why don't you just lie? Normies don't get it and willingly showing them you're maladjusted doesn't do you any favors.

No. 2056236

i’m not sure what i’d say to her if i did choose to lie?

No. 2056238

File: 1718822210156.jpg (68.85 KB, 700x478, TUhGVm9tdmpQWFltR2VkbGNYdlM5T1…)

If you read this you're cool(not a vent)

No. 2056262

No. 2056290

>I don't want to marry
>I don't want to have a big wedding
>I don't know if I want to get wed yet
>We want to elope
>We don't have the budget right now
>We'd rather put the money towards a house/whatever
Or you pretend you want to get married in the future but you're not actively planning to right now. You're clearly not close enough to these people to know the truth about having no friends or to invite them to your hypothetical wedding. Same goes for having friends, just pretend you hung out with friends on the weekends or whatever if they ask, what are they going to do, stalk you to make sure you really do have friends?

No. 2056350

NTA But goddamn kek why are you grilling her so hard

No. 2056394

You're completely misinterpreting my post if you think that's grilling her.

No. 2056406

I think writing a whole essay about why she’s wrong for feeling bad about being friendless in a thread that exists for the purpose of venting is definitely grilling her kek

No. 2056409

>why she’s wrong for feeling bad about being friendless
Your reading comprehension is poor, read some books.

No. 2056437

What's wrong with you that you can't make friends? Women who can't make friends almost always end up being pick mes imo.

No. 2056439

No it sounds more like you’re backpedaling and trying to reframe what you said in an attempt to make it look like you were making egregious suggestions with the intent of trying to help her, when really if you read out your cynical
>uh why didn’t you lie
>what is she supposed to say?”oh you look and behave like a friendless loser”
>what is she gonna do? stalk you to verify if you have friends?
You’d have to be autistic as fuck to not see how thats a rude way to respond to someone’s vent kek, especially when she didn’t ask for your help with her situation.

No. 2056441

You’re asking this… on lolcow?

No. 2056445

Pickmes for who? How can they be picked if no one's around

No. 2056449

NTA but nonna there are a lot of IRL friendless users here, it’s literally something most of us can relate on lol

No. 2056460

It's rough if you don't make close friends in school or end up drifting apart from them. People don't make any effort to catch up at all once they're adults, it seems.

No. 2056461

I've been on lolcow for 10 years when it was Stamina Rose and I have friends. Do you have a personality disorder?

No. 2056467

reading the ugly man psyop thread and then remembering the ugly toxic moid my bff had sex with (who apparently was the best sex of her life),. like god nonnas,I couldn't believe how fucking ugly he was, it made me want to vomit, I would have rather died a virgin than have sex with a balding scrote with that face
I am still so fucking disappointed in her, while I can understand her relationship problems pushed her to cheat , girl, at least if you're gonna cheat do it with someone who AT LEAST looks fucking GOOD, not like a rodent
can't believe how mad this makes me and I can't wait to fucking slap her when we meet, her taste in men can be so bad and she's a pretty fit and good looking woman

No. 2056468

Whenever the first wave of hot weather hits my country I have these weird episodes where I get dehydrated. I fall asleep and then I can't fully wake up, some days I sleep for 16 hours because I keep going back to sleep. Eventually I recover but it's still awful

No. 2056481

There's nothing remotely interesting going on in my life and I hate to see so clearly that it's party due to my own fault. 50/50 between my own fault and my external circumstances (city I live, generation I'm from, family situation).

No. 2056487

I am incredibly terrified of gaining weight. I'm in burgerland, about 5'7" and weigh 185 lbs. I've never been this heavy before. I think I hold it well when I am standing up straight. I can't fit into most of my pants anymore. I am disgusted with myself. I used to purge as a teen but not anymore. My boyfriend and I got into an argument last night and he mentioned that I was fat. I cried myself to sleep. I am ugly in the face and my build is sort of muscular/unfeminine so being thin is the only thing I have to feel attractive. I'm fighting the urge to restrict/purge. I can feel myself spiraling. No I can't just dump him unfortunately kek as soon as I'm done with school and employed I'm going to pack everything I own and leave while he's at work. I am very upset right now and barely holding my shit together to study.

No. 2056489

NTA but she responded to the OP saying she wasn't sure what she'd say with suggestions of her own. I don't see any issue with her post. If you think this is considered grilling her then by golly, nonabuns. By golly.

No. 2056517

nonna you have to take control and lose the weight the healthy way, for your own health and well being!

No. 2056555

god I hate my stupid autistic brain with how much i hate people and socializing but I get so lonely anyways. Like i want a boyfriend, ive never had one, but i think about actually doing things to get a boyfriend and it makes me want to puke thinking about it. Ive literally never felt genuine romantic love for anybody until i met this boy online and I do really like him, he likes me too, but we live a few states away and I guess he doesnt want to bother with trying some long distance thing. And even if it did happen i worry that he wouldnt like me as much, or i wouldnt like him as much irl. I just feel shitty that the only person ive ever wanted to date has to live far away from me…

No. 2056586

ayrt sorry im back i have a lot of anxiety surrounding getting comfortable with other people, im scared of being made fun of and exposed. i wish i could have fun with others and just forget all my worries but it’s really hard

No. 2056594

File: 1718829367195.jpg (12.47 KB, 369x370, ed64886165e7cbb742a9d339f92911…)

I'm so full and so uncomfortable. I should've just stayed hungry instead of eating, being empty feels much better than this.

No. 2056607

>My boyfriend called me fat and I cried myself to sleep
And yet he's still your boyfriend and not your ex. Get rid of him and you'll lose some dead weight right there. Just remember to get your 10k steps in, drink a lot of water, don't drink sodas, and if all else fails start smoking cigarettes and taking edephrine and you'll lose the weight before summer is over.

No. 2056610

Stop shilling cigarettes

No. 2056621

File: 1718829859516.jpg (17.15 KB, 324x324, 1607814747735.jpg)

When I make new friends and they like me I just know I'm going to fuck it up and I'm already scared to talk to them and thinking up an exit plan because I should just stay alone. Why do I hurt people without even trying

No. 2056628

How am I shilling cigarettes I'm just saying they help you lose weight quick??

No. 2056630

Too many cooks do spoil the broth. If you have to work with more than one or two people someone needs to step up and take charge. You can't keep going in this wishy-washy "oh that's fine", "yeah that works" way. It'll end up too mild and won't have anything to distinct itself, no one will give a fuck just like you don't give a fuck.

No. 2056634

It's actually insane when you post something on here and a bunch of anons start screaming that you're another anon or whatever. I posted a one-off comment in the LJ thread and and anons started seizing up saying I was another anon and that I was retarded. Like what. I hate that some of the more retarded schizophrenics really believe that they can identity every anon on this site.

No. 2056641

They also make you age and die quicker. Someone who lacks self control with food will have even less control with smoking addiction.

No. 2056642

I know I do, ty for encouragement nonnie. I started depression meds while simultaneously beginning studies after having a very physically demanding manual labor job so all those things combined caused me to balloon out. I usually hover around the 155 lbs area and look thin, but this extra 30 lbs has completely fucked me. All I wear now is sweatpants like a NEET slob. No offense to the NEET nonnas here.

No. 2056644

You need to be in control of the situation that's why you self sabotage. You think if you leave someone first you took the smart route since they can't leave you first instead - not realizing that its a mental illness that sits in you and wants to self-preserve which it can only achieve if it keeps you isolated from everyone especially people willing to love and help you. Open your heart and dare it. Risk the crash and put your heart on the line. Else you will have a lonely one that makes everything in life so much worse. You dont need to be in control always, it's good to let go.

No. 2056645

Okay sorry for trying to help. This is what I get for offering kind advice.

No. 2056646

ok Paki-chan

No. 2056647

I'm the same height and was around the same weight about eight or so months ago. I know taking in the reality that your weight has gotten out of control feels like shit, but please do not give in to those feelings of wanting to binge and purge. I struggled with binge/purging and chewing/spitting the first time I lost weight, but I promise you losing it through better eating, getting back into moving more and tracking calories has made the weight lost feel much sweeter. I couldn't even enjoy when I reached my goal before I regained back up to 190 because I was so focused on obsessive exercise and trying to eat less than 800 calories a day. You can lose the weight in healthy ways faster than you think! Also fuck your boyfriend. Please definitely leave him as soon as you can and do not look back.

No. 2056648

hi cow

No. 2056649

>uh why don’t you just lie?
>you should start smoking to lose weight
lots of amazing advice being given in this thread today ladies! well done

No. 2056651

i think a lot of people forget how large the pool of users on this site really is sometimes

No. 2056653

ok rancefag

No. 2056655

No need to get defensive, my intentions are no less pure than yours.

No. 2056656

great now the actual rancefag is going to come in here thanks a lot

No. 2056657

Yeah, I agree. Even just posting that vent two freaks responded with a variant of "hi cow." It's really annoying at times. My post in the LJ was just a dumb joke about how I was glad LJ doesn't like troons and then two people responded saying shit like "Oh it's you again don't you realize it's wrong to hate troons?" it was weird. I think I struck a nerve with them maybe?

No. 2056660

don't let it get to you nona. the majority of this site is true diagnosed retards who are also terminally online shut ins. falsely identifying you was probably the highlight of their day

No. 2056662

that is weird as shit KEK, they were defending troons and accusing you of being a personalityfag?

No. 2056663

I found my ex friend's husband's twitter account and he is so fucking gay and annoying and self righteous why don't you tell your wife you kept trying to get off with me while she was sleeping upstairs and I was trying to smoke a joint in peace before having to sleep on the sofa.

No. 2056664

my hi cow reply was a complete joke I don't know you and I don't assume you're an infamous poster. Maybe don't take this site too seriously?

No. 2056665

Kek I can imagine them with the Sherlock hat smoking from a pipe giddy that they "identified" the anon that haunts their dreams. It's just frustrating because I hate realizing that some people are actually that braindead. I love most of the anons on here and I like using LC but anons like this are soo frustrating to deal with. Like itt even 3 people are claiming I'm like 3 different personalityfags all because I made a dumb joke on a thread. Weird!

No. 2056668

Thank you anon, you have a good way of putting it. I'll keep trying to make friends, I just want to be happy even if it hurts me sometimes.

No. 2056681

File: 1718831729852.gif (541.48 KB, 302x228, wonk.gif)

>Like itt even 3 people are claiming I'm like 3 different personalityfags all because I made a dumb joke on a thread. Weird!
psst they were joking back

No. 2056683

This should not have been as funny to me as it was kek

No. 2056684

She looks good here

No. 2056691


I feel like someone spiked my drink with a blackpill reading this thread. Women say they dont like sucking dick/point out how even succesful women are desperate for a scrote way below them and they inmmediately get shut down and are written out to be boring virgin polilez who can't sexually please a scrote, can't catch a man and never going to reproduce, as if this somehow important for a woman to do and if not she is an autist schizo. I know it's not new for women to put other women down for not conforming to standards but it didn't wasn't an intrasexual-competition phenomenon, they were policing and shaming women as if they comitted some war crime for not wanting to please scrotes.

No. 2056696

Why don't YOU? Hypocrite. You should call out shitty moid behaviour always. Being a girl's girl is important even if your friendship fell off

No. 2056706

File: 1718833102558.jpg (209.4 KB, 935x1054, 1717099684039.jpg)

PC will probably be in the shop for at least another week. I'm so bored.

No. 2056714

Samefag. The shaming has the opposite effect on me, it just makes me want to have sex even less even if im horny. It's like a chip was implemented in their brain or they get possesed or something.

No. 2056718

Same too, peer pressure has never worked on me kek. I love how enraged people get just after being told no.

No. 2056724

Because she was already a little frenemy shit talking bitch and if he was so brazen to try it on with me while she was upstairs then he'll do it every chance he gets. It's more his self righteousness I'm calling out. Capping for trannies on twitter and virtue signalling when he's a creepy cunt

No. 2056725

You both sound butthurt as fuck(infight bait)

No. 2056733

Schizo, is that you?

No. 2056737

ok fagfag(infight bait)

No. 2056758

My manager took it upon himself to tell one of our coworkers not to touch me after he grabbed my arm and said hi. I really didn't care or even think twice about it, have no problems with the guy and literally did not care. But my manager saw it and decided it was inappropriate and talked to him about it. Now he won't look at me or talk to me because he thinks I complained about him. I smile at him and he looks away. Way to make this fucking awkward

No. 2056772

i burnt the last patty i had in the microwave i'm so retarded and now i don't have anymore patties

No. 2056774

I’m so tired of being socially retarded. I’ve been going to therapy and getting help since elementary school yet here I am at 22 sobbing and stuck hiding under the fire exit stairs at my college. I can’t stand being seen by people or being around people despite desperately wanting to. I’ve Improved since then but I’m still so far from being functional and I hate it. I have a hard time talking to people especially since my struggles have made my life experience very different from the people around me. I was sped but pushed to be in normal class and was always on the edge of being sent to an alternative school. After graduating I feel like I’ve been pushed into the world prematurely. I feel so isolated from my peers because I’m so different and dysfunctional, I hate how everytime I talk to someone I can see how pathetic they think I am. I hate every moment of it. It’s so stupid, I’ve been stuck under these stairs for 3 fucking hours because I’m so petrified of seeing people and I’ve missed my midterm because of it. I hate having to constantly meet with accessibility I hate how I’ve exhausted almost every resource and I hate being such a burden on my family,. Even though I’ve made progress I’m still subhuman and I will never be human.

No. 2056776

Lolcow is a Stacy board. Most of us have a good circle of cute and interesting friends that we can rely on. Acting like most of us are friendless is moid cope

No. 2056782

Just pulled up at a services, it's midnight and seen a car with kids, two tiny babies and a 7ish year old in and no parents, sat outside it for a bit no parents came back, kid opening the door, it's not locked, rang the police, both parents drunk inside gambling. Holy hell I feel terrible but it's best for the kids I hope

No. 2056792

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stop posting dead kids on your fucking xitter between your porn! you are a fucking middle class art student, your opinions are garbage and what you believe to be political activism is a joke and an insult to mankind! people only follow you to stroke their egos or their genitals, not because you have any interesting ideas or have any kind of influence in their morals or beliefs, let alone on fucking conflicts older than your father's ballsack!

No. 2056838

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how can i spend so much time thinking "wtf is wrong with me" and yet i go to therapy and allegedly nothing is wrong with me? how can you feel so retarded and incapable and weird compared to others and not have any answers to why and therefore no solutions either?

No. 2056878

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Got my remaining three wisdom teeth removed on Monday and went under Anaesthesia for the first time. There was also a bone/calcium growth in my sinus that they cut out.
Apparently, whilst waking me up, I began to spasm. This happened three times, and each time they had to re place the tube down my throat (I think, I’m not a doctor nor was I conscious.)
Afterwards I was of course numb, and noticed some pain in my throat which they explained. They said that this has been more common amongst younger patients who smoke, or more specifically, vape. I wasn’t dead so I wasn’t too stressed however it was a bit of a wake up call.

The recovery is soo much worse than I expected. The pain is bearable but the swelling is literally insane. Considering they got into my sinus, one side of my face is puffy all the way to my eye. I have a swollen and black eye and bruising underneath it. My chin is bruised on either side. Theres stitches all along my gums and inside of my mouth, including where they got into my sinus.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being allowed to be retarded for a week with no responsibilities, but I also kinda want to smoke weed and not look like I got botched plastic surgery.

picrel is the closest thing i could find to my fucked up mug right now but mine is wayy more swollen

No. 2056896

called out of internship for 4th shift in a row due to sickness, this was supposed to be my last shift too.. just feel so anxious and scared and guilty they're going to fail me and not do my paperwork and i'll lose everything.

No. 2056911

>I'll write to you, alright?
So that was a fucking lie. It's 9:32, I'm going to bed without hearing, AGAIN.

No. 2056919

I'm having such a hard time getting people to hit me back for job interviews. Idk what else to do now anons. I've even tried lower "entry" level jobs and they won't take me either.. It's like you need to have a million requirements and 48 years of experience, but where am I supposed to get all of that when no one wants to hire? I'll keep trying but I'm just so upset, I've almost cried multiple times today.

No. 2056931

I'm breaking up with my moid tomorrow, wish me luck nonnies. It hurts to hurt someone who was once so close to my heart but I can't let myself be stuck like this anymore. I'll be free again, free to do what I want, wear what I want, no one to make me feel bad about myself. If he didn't want this pain he shouldn't have treated me the way he did. He should have cared and he never did.

No. 2056960

Good luck nona

No. 2056968

Bout to call a noise complaint on black people playing music too late on Juneteenth

No. 2056971

What does Juneteenth even celebrate?

No. 2056973

Something about the last slaves being freed. Personally, I think it further causes division.(racebaiting)

No. 2056974

It celebrates the emancipation proclamation, which was issued during the civil war (it wasn’t when all the slaves were actually effectively free though)
Lol who cares if black people celebrate the end of slavery? How does that deepen divisions?

No. 2056989

How do Black Americans (and non-Black Americans) reconcile their justified abhorrence of slavery with their reverence of George Washington and other prominent American “founding fathers” who were slave owners?(racebaiting)

No. 2056990

i have no idea

No. 2056995

I’m fucking cooked. If you search up my (old) online username on google search you can find other people talking about me being ~problematic~ or whatever the fuck. I can’t even request for it to be removed by google because it technically doesn’t even contain any personal information. I’m terrified of one day of either of my friend groups who knew me by that name searching up my old online handle and seeing what I’ve done. I genuinely don’t know what to do and I’m terrified, neither of them knew me by that name though which def minimizes my chances but either way I’m scared. Digital footprint is fucking real

No. 2056996

Your past crimes are catching up to you, xXxpossyslayer_69xXx.

No. 2057026

what did you do? i am glad i am terrible at names so i always picked dumb untracable ones

No. 2057030

Honestly? Just deny it.
If it's not who you are today then nobody will actually give a damn except for tumblrinas looking for a reason to cancel–and no one takes those types seriously.

No. 2057038

did you do something actually bad though?

No. 2057042

based stacy

No. 2057055


No. 2057057

Unless you were racist or something you should just own it. P.S. I would kill to be well known enough to have call out post about me

No. 2057103

File: 1718863763939.webp (112.88 KB, 1500x1000, sad-keanu-f37a06d8d89e49c5a9ee…)

>job interview today
>they haven't sent me a link

Guess I'm fucked

No. 2057106

call them

No. 2057110

>be sleepy
>in bed
>oh ya close eyes
>start thinking random thoughts
>think of about final exam
>most painful sharp pain in the world
>i pop my eyes open in anxiety

No. 2057114

I'm glad my old tumblr isn't connected to me but I'm scared someone will find it and cancel me still kek

No. 2057119

I would have freaked thr fuck out of a man grabbed my arm, moids are not to touch me without permission. I think a man telling another man not to grab women is a net positive in a work place

No. 2057121

I sewed late into the night and have to go to bed now. I'm right in the middle of my project and don't want to stop reee.

No. 2057137

There's no direct contact number since they don't have a physical office

No. 2057179

I hate this one guy in my neighborhood. He always talk s to my boyfriend and they went out a few times for beers. Every time we both meet him he entirely ignores me. Does not say hi, does not shake hand or involves my in any part of the convo. I’d be completely fine with only a hi, really but not even that is so disrespectful

No. 2057183

What's more disrespectful is that your boyfriend goes out to drink with him and treats him like a friend even though he ignores you and makes you feel small. In a way, your boyfriend is excusing and encouraging this other scrote's behaviours. Maybe neither of them respect you.

No. 2057186

Had a beer yesterday despite taking medication that I'm not supposed to drink one and I feel like I had 10+cocktails and my brain feels useless

No. 2057187

you should just get up and leave, you're basically sitting there as your bf's accessory, neither of them respect you.

No. 2057244

I’ve been feeling similar about drawing. I’ve reached a level in which I’m satisfied but I realized how I’m not even inspired to create anything and I see all these admirable creations made by other people, and then it makes me wonder why I spent so much time trying to improve when I don’t even have abundant ideas.

No. 2057249

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What is with gay men always claiming women as their icons? Picrel is a woman's interview after smashing a moid customer's car when he threw his drinks at her. I just don't understand why they don't choose moid icons or something (even though most moids just suck tbh)

No. 2057252

You said it yourself. Moids suck and they’re jealous of us. Did you watch the video? It was absolutely hilarious.

No. 2057254

she's a queen though I dont blame gay moids for it.

No. 2057258

I hate that one person that keeps bumping old threads and then deleting their posts. I wish that retard at least chose interesting threads to bump. I wouldn't be as mad if it was cool
threads we all forgot about, but c'mon, bumping shit threads like the birthday thread? What even is the point of that? Please someone explain the point to me I don't know why anybody would do that. Sometimes it's nice when someone bumps an old thread like the frog one, but most times it's just really annoying.

No. 2057260

If you're weak, speak for yourself. I don't need to be physically strong to get rid of a moid.(don't respond to scrote bait)

No. 2057264

I can't stand the amount of anons deleting posts lately, especially when they repost them 5-10 minutes after others have commented. We should just stop allowing post deletions if anons can't handle them

No. 2057292

The ones reposting them 5-10 minutes later are probably doing that because they keep getting hit with the broken “flood detected wait 30 seconds” message. I had that yesterday for about 5 minutes until I got fed up enough to open a whole new window and retype everything kek

No. 2057302

Thanks nonnie, I hope he won't be too upset but he probably will and me too tbh. It's never fun but it's inevitable.

No. 2057308

I got dumped by a psychotic moid (isn’t that all of them) so I’ve been doing the usual stuff like hitting the gym. So i live in the middle of nowhere so there’s only 2 or 3 gyms. I picked the one I’m posting from because it had classes and I wanted to show up and have like a bunch of people with similar goals as myself. Only thing is, the class is at 5am. So I woke up at 4am today. I go to the gym. And no class.

No. 2057310

Samefag but get this… the moid, I was friends with him for about a year before we dated for a month. He asked me to lunch, and we went from there. We ended up banging twice one night, and then he dumped me. He said the whole thing was pretend for him, he was never interested in me. And now after that bombshell, he can act like nothing happened and wants us to just act like faux friends for our mutuals. Like what kind of sociopath can fake that sort of thing? Scrotes really aren’t human.

No. 2057323

my asshole dad doesn't spend any money on me even though i'm still a -teen living with my parents because i'm in education. my mom pays for everything (clothes, meds, dentist etc) while he spends all his money on alcohol and cigarettes as if he doesn't even have a child. he recently outright teased me with his money (you need money? how much? you don't know how much? then you don't need it HAHAHA) and i'm so fucking pissed i'm going to get revenge. i'll get into his laptop and disconnect the battery and since he's retarded with technology he will come to me for help and i'll fix it for a price. you'll pay me one way or another you deadbeat piece of shit

No. 2057325

i'm sorry nonna. i hope one day you can fuck him over somehow. it won't change anything but it'll definitely make you feel better.

No. 2057334

how old are you?

No. 2057345

i'm old enough to use this website but not enough to act mature

No. 2057351

Thanks nona. He’s an extremely short otaku, like 5’1”. So I know that life has nothing good in store for him anyway. But even the knowledge that he is doomed to live a sad unfulfilled life doesn’t cheer me much. Imagine getting dumped by someone that pathetic? Mustn’t that make me just as pathetic, if not worse? Well, I’m just going to live in the gym from now on, it seems.

No. 2057352

it's because of what >>2057292 said plus the farmhands are super pissy over double posting in the last few months. if i had a dollar for every (learn to delete) redtext I'd have enough money to buy LC

No. 2057367

you're not pathetic. women are socialized to give even bottom barrel moids a chance whereas men are largely unempathetic, ignorant to their own flaws (yet unafraid to point out ours), and believe that they're entitled to treat women however they want even if they're a manlet otaku with no redeeming qualities. may you find comfort in the knowledge that by going to the gym you'll develop the strength to easily beat his short ass.

No. 2057378

I hate drawing. I made a sketch, it looked very cool, I liked the composition etc. Now that I'm almost finished, it looks like ass.

No. 2057379

You're not pathetic nona, sometimes the stars align and the trash in our lives take themselves out. That way they already did all the work to convince themselves to not go crawling back to you and harass you for a second chance. The manlet is already a walking abortion etc, and his otaku life - already so shallow that it's more like a ghoul possessing a body than a full human being's - will only get hollower.

You're an intelligent woman with a vast internal life and skills that can always be cultivated to a higher level. There's no real limit on your growth, and that's why women are a self-contained unit and the final word of the human experience. Your hurts will heal, scar, then fade, nona, while you find and learn the joys of maintaining a happy, accomplished life. Hope you have a lovely day.

No. 2057388

Thanks yall. I really appreciate your kindness. I hope you have wonderful lives full of love and as much kindness as you’ve shown today!

No. 2057407

so you'd rather let your daughter have acne and not continue to use products that worked for her because you 2 want to be vEgAn and cRuElTy fReE?
these reddit bitches are fucking stupid
if I had acne I wouldn't give a shit what brand I used as long as it kept the acne in control

No. 2057416

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No one wanted to talk to me today and the people who did reply were being curt. It's not that I was in a crisis to need to talk to someone right then and there, but I just wanted to yap to someone, I've been a little lonely since I moved from home a few months ago.
I know they didn't have ill intentions, people are busy with work but I was so bored I just went for a walk around the block, grabbed a coffee and did some people watching and I still felt like I wanted to talk someone's ear off when I got back home.

No. 2057449

I fuuuuucked uuuuup

No. 2057460

I get it, nona. Sometimes you want to connect with someone and feel less lonely. I hope lolcow can help alleviate your desires by a bit.

No. 2057494

I hate when you point out that a young kid shouldn't be wearing something obviously skimpy/adult and then people start telling you that you're just making it weird

No. 2057524

I understand you nonna, big fashion got 12-14 yr old girls wearing bras, silk lingerie and shit like that in public under the guise of "fashion"
it makes me vomit

No. 2057549

It's so obvious, isn't it? Of course the pedos and pedo apologists want to deflect and go "no you!" when it gets pointed out. Even the amount of makeup being used is shocking.

No. 2057579

No. 2057583

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No. 2057621

I'm annoyed because everyone (news stations, radios, etc) have been saying that this summer is going to be hotter than normal and I was excited about it because I love the heat. Only to find out that it's actually everywhere EXCEPT the one part of the country I'm in. It's been mild and fairly rainy here all month. I just wanted to sit at the beach and soak up the sun all summer

No. 2057628

Don't worry, nonnie, it's just the start of summer and there's plenty of time for it to get much, much hotter.

No. 2057631

I'll trade places with you, I hate the fucking heat. Its going to be 35C tomorrow and I'm already mad about it

No. 2057644

I think I'm officially too old for influencers. I watched one for years and watched her move into her dream apartment, took years to make it and customized for her specifically and it was her "forever home" and perfect for her in every way. And then she moved like less than 2 years after. Ifk why exactly but it shattered the illusion for me, like these people aren't being honest and are overselling everything.

No. 2057647

I hate being attracted to moids, I wish I was asexual or some shit.

No. 2057672

>walking through [place], walking tour
>nothing but jump cuts
I fucking hate this, if I wanted short jump cuts I'd watch reels or look at pictures

No. 2057679

my neighbor invited me inside today and we smoked and talked a lot and bonded, she's an amazing woman & she kept saying that she wants to curate more nurturing female relationships cus we were relating our bad experiences w men & i realized thats the void ive got in my life.. i felt unworthy of friendship but she gasped when i said that & said 'but youre so sweet!' i wanted to cryyy i hugged her and everything tldr i need to start listening when women tell me men arent my friends not even queer men (i just got burned really badly)

No. 2057706

Thank you nonnie, I ended up catching up on some threads and working on a personal project for the rest of the day, and tomorrow I'll be going to an art gallery so no more boredom for now!

No. 2057730

I finished my uni task of the day yet I don't feel accomplished at all

No. 2057733

Do you see that stereotype where women dream their boyfriend cheated and are upset at them later? Since I accepted I was abused as a child I have had recurrent nightmares where my husband abuses our kid. Of course he hasn't done shit, but when I wake up I can't even look at him. Just knowing all men are capable to do disgusting and vile stuff stresses me out. If he ever did something like that, I would feel guilty to no end, because I knew what men are capable of and still married one. I don't know what to do, I'm losing my goddamn mind.

No. 2057748

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I love hot and spicy food but I think I've over done it.

No. 2057755

i hate living in a city, i fucking hate this, i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate these idiots i hate this shit air i hate everything here, but as a lesbian living in country is shit torture too, i moved here because i knew i would have so much easier time living here as a gay person etc and it's true, it is so much easier here than in the country but i hate it i hate it i hate it i miss the forests i miss the lakes i miss the nothing but i can't be myself there and it rips me apart

No. 2057760

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I know I need help but I feel like I'm an incomplete person and that I'll always be some dollar store version of this other person. I'm bad at everything and I don't believe that I can learn. Affirming positive things feel like a lie but I guess here's to hoping things will feel easier, I'm sick of being insecure and feeling fundamentally broken.

No. 2057761

>craving some toxic, dramatic, pulpy (gay) fanfiction like pre Nigel times
>sift through a load of shit on ao3
>finally settle in with a fanfiction
>men do not talk or act like this
>enjoyment is sullied because I know I'm just reading some random he/they woman's KHV unrealistic fantasies about her husbando and the fag she self-inserts as
>turn off phone and Jill it to fantasies of my bf getting tied up… and crying instead
I kind of wish I could read embarrassing fanfiction when my bf and I are too busy with work but I feel like I just flipped a switch and now no matter what fanfic is always a little too cringe for me.

No. 2057762

and i mean it, genuinely the only thing stopping me from moving back to country is my sexuality because there is nothing there everyone who's gay moves to cities there is no dating there and no life other than rumors and insults.

but i still dream of the horse back riding on iced over waters and boating from island to island, i wish i could fit the country but no the people there are so cruel i still remember it

No. 2057764

i wish hypnosis was real and I could just be gaslighted into being less retarded

No. 2057766

My lips are so fucking pale these days. I dont like wearing lipstick or putting makeup on them because I feel like it just looks weird on me, but I also hate how they're almost the same colour as my skin. Maybe my iron levels are in the shitter again

No. 2057771

Do you have bangs? If not, you can try them I guess. Maybe they'll look good on you

No. 2057785

Preach sister, they use some porn description and you instantly know tranny hands wrote this

No. 2057788

File: 1718919166922.jpg (107.15 KB, 1000x642, Factor-Prepared-Meal-Delivery-…)

I saw that Factor Meals had started their business in my country and that they offered 50% off on the first order, so I got curious. Like many others I've seen youtubers run ads for them and I've had really good experiences with Hello Fresh (got a couple of coupons at my old job and was pleasantly surprised) so I figured that maybe Factor wouldn't be too bad either so I decided to at least check out what their website offered.
I signed up, took a look at the menus for the coming weeks and unsubscribed again within fifteen minutes. None of it looked all that appealing and the price was still a bit too steep for my taste even with the discount, however it turns out when you sign up for the first time an order is automatically placed and not automatically removed when you unsubscribe even when it's within the time limit, and I didn't realize until a week later when I got an order confirmation that they were soon at my door with the food package. Luckily they quickly cancelled the invoice when I politely messaged them about it, and said the this order was on the house.
I was a bit excited over getting what's for me is more than a week's worth of food for free, even if it looked incredibly meh on the website it might still taste decent, right? Haha, oh how naive I was. I've eaten maybe 5 meals so far and it's all just tasteless pig slop. Holy fuck do people actually eat this shit? It's overcooked to hell and despite each meal being vastly different from each other they still somehow taste the fucking same - bland. And despite it having a fair bit of greens and protein it's still somehow so void of nutrients you still end up hungry two or three hours later, something that otherwise never happens to me when I make my own food.
Worst part is that I know the curiosity still would have gotten the better of me even if someone had told me beforehand, at least this time I don't have anyone to go crawling back to and admit my mistake.

No. 2057791


No. 2057882

nonnie, same here and i just gave up. lipstick looks bad/strange on me. I can't help you, but you aren't alone in experiencing this. my iron levels are in the norm (i actually kinda pay attention to that because my mom and grandma both had some issues with low hemoglobin. maybe do some blood work just in case

No. 2057905

I need to get offline completely. I’ve been relapsing HARD after years and it’s rotting my soul away.
I don’t know if I can get off this site but I’ll try to

No. 2057929

I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about how I'm no man's ideal girlfriend. I have very small tits, literally no one likes that. It makes me feel like shit because not even incels like me that much, I've been told that I'm cute and pretty but I have zero sex appeal whatsoever. I might be loyal but my body is similar to a pre-teen boy. Everytime I talk to a new guy and I look in their list of friends and see hot girls with nice curvy bodies I want to kill myself because WHY would he choose me? When he can date them? I wasn't like this before, I used to be actually confident but lately my self-esteem has dropped so badly because I know I can't compete, it makes me so insecure and sad

No. 2057932

And I noticed how so many guys I talk like sexy emo/goth girls. I can't look as sexy as them, and emo aesthetic simply doesn't suit me. I don't know what to do, everyone says I should be myself and I will attract men but what men cause they all simp for the hot e-girls why would any of them even look my way

No. 2057937

Its so hard having autistic niche hobbies that mostly men are into. Scrotes do not make for good company, especially the greasy unwashed autistic ones that make up most of this hobby. Its lonely out here

No. 2057954

File: 1718924993318.png (261.99 KB, 488x508, just-death.png)

>Battling a stomach infection since last week
>Got a bunch of pills to take from my doctor last Friday and told to take it easy. They are rough on the whole gut bacteria
>WFH since Monday but my boss told my it's essential I come in today for a meeting
>Excuse myself halfway through and before I can get to the bathroom I empty the last two meals I ate in the hallway
>It's a stupid fucking modern plan open office building and everything is glass so they see me puke from the meeting room. It's like being looked at in a zoo.
>Grab my shit and leave
Nothing much to say here. I've showered and been underneath my bed cringe crying myself to death. My clothes and car smell like puke. This is no way I'm ever getting a promotion now. Just praying a meteor will hit me so I don't have to exist anymore. Just blip me out.

No. 2057955

File: 1718925225271.jpg (23.74 KB, 275x275, cat hug.jpg)

Wow this is actually a really horrible sad thing and I empathize with you. I hope you feel better soon. If I were in your shoes though, I'd really talk to HR about this. It seems like your boss knew you were on sick leave but made you come in anyway just for that to happen to you. That's really fucked up nona I really hope you feel better.

No. 2057961

I'm that bitch who shoves her way on the train because everyone is fucking retarded and bunches up near the doors so no one can get on. I'll even tell you off too if you don't make space for me to get on the train. Fuck off.

No. 2057965

I wasn't officially on sick leave just WFH. That's what you use unless you are completely debilitated. If I don't hear an apology from my manager soon with at least some compensation, I'm going to go to HR. I know she can't give me money but at least a week or two of extra time off would be nice or just WFH indefinitely. I don't know when I can show my face in the office again.

No. 2057968

The obvious answer is that your self-worth shouldn’t be based off of whether you’re any guy’s ideal type, but I’m sure you’re already aware of that and it’s hard to get rid of the way we’ve been conditioned. The truth is that all or nothing thinking is rarely true. Just because some men prefer curvy women doesn’t mean that all of them do. Same goes for the whole egirl/alt girl thing. I see plenty of guys irl with really normie looking girlfriends so idk where you get the idea that all men simp for alt girls. Just because some women have ‘desirable’ traits that you don’t have, doesn’t mean you’re less likable or attractive of a person. And if a guy were to find your attractive, would you really want it to be because you fit some shallow preference of his that has no reflection of your actual character as a human being?

No. 2057969

Nona it’s okay your career is not over. Send your boss a doctors note excusing you for as long as possible (basically however much PTO or sick time you’re willing to use, I would personally do five days but that’s me.) They should feel bad they made you come in but you may need to play to their sympathies to trigger this. Include some verbiage from you in the email when you send the doctors note that you tried your best and you thought you could come back to work because you love your job soooooo much but now your doctor says you pushed yourself too hard (again because you loooooove your job!!) kek

No. 2057976

this is just…not accurate at all. There’s a lid for every pot if you want to find it. I have a similar body type and have not had any problems so it’s more likely your mindset. Maybe you’re spending too much time on social media comparing yourself to others. Stop obsessing over your body and go live life

No. 2057977

Oh my god who literally gives a shit? Are you underage?

No. 2057981

nonnie there are tons of guys who like petite girls… and even so, other peoples perception of you shouldnt influence your self worth so much..

No. 2057994

>nonnie there are tons of guys who like petite girls…
NTA but they're always closet gays and pedos

No. 2057999

File: 1718928031618.jpeg (788.44 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_5651.jpeg)

I miss US Sanrio stores so bad. I know there’s Miniso and Boxlunch, but it just isn’t the same.

No. 2058000

I also miss the sanrio stores that were in my country, now everything feels like you're just buying salutations kitties and darkromis.

No. 2058005

You sound like Australia when they were floating around their small breast ban. Fuck off. Women come in all shapes and sizes

No. 2058007

We had just one of those in my entire country conveniently close to where I could go to it and they fucking took it away, I'm so mad

No. 2058008

Direct that towards the undercover gays not me.

No. 2058033

I told her about it and she didn't want me to go through the official channels because bureaucracy blah blah so it wouldn't effect my sick days. Guess that didn't work out. If I don't get some kind of compensation I will definitely do that.

No. 2058058

I punched myself for eating cake and now my jaw fucking hurts

No. 2058064

I punch myself too anon. You deserve to eat nice stuff though. You’re on earth for limited time and delicious food can be one of the very few nice things around sometimes. I think you deserve to eat cake and everything nice.

No. 2058068

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not a unique vent at all but i'm so stressed about money. money is the only thing that can save me at this point. i can't believe that's what it comes down to, money. money money money money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

No. 2058071

also trips me out that i'm making a middle class salary but i can't have a middle class life because of reasons i'm too tired to rant about right now. but fuck. only 3 hours left to turn up then i have to go back to work AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No. 2058086

Not to downplay your wretched feelings, but just for a little perspective. My sister caught one of those nasty 24hr stomach viruses where it comes out both ends and threw up in a wire basket in front of everyone and was a general mess and she still got her bonus and a promotion. All hope is not lost, just kind of gross at the moment is all.

No. 2058090

I hate how lolcow and crystal have actual intelligent conversation when 4chan and kiwimoids is mostly unfunny memes,coomerposting and trying to connect everything to sex/racebait/jews/womens fault.
God moids have ruined the internet

No. 2058099

Circumcision(do not reply to moids)

No. 2058101

NTA but in comparison to the other mentioned websites there is more effort and genuine thought put into the convos and even some infights here kek

No. 2058107

it's actually impressive how widespread coomerposting is on 4chan. doesn't matter how off-topic it is, every thread will have porn in it. doesn't that get boring?

No. 2058108

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i keep silently praying to die in my sleep im so tired of living i just want the pain to go away i hate this so much. unrelated cute picture to counteract any negative emotions felt by reading me whine

No. 2058113

nonna i can guarantee you that a man would like you over a curvy yet fat woman, the “curvy” they want is BBL 90lbs 80lb of ass delusion which is almost impossible, don’t sweat it and any man who is so defined in his preferences will end up alone and not worth your time

No. 2058130

>muhhh wahman getting hit and punched
keking so hard at the constant deleting so you don’t get banned because you know you aren’t supposed to be here. no1curr we’re on the internet, if no woman is going to touch your dick she sure as hell isn’t even going to touch your scrawny ass in any capacity. go away, 4chan is a few blocks down

No. 2058136

i dunno but it really does showcase the simplicity of the male mind. they are like actual apes/animals kek

No. 2058138

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fuck your boss, you basically did a malicious compliance. he got what he deserved. as for HR, of course they dont want to go through the paperwork and exist to keep you watched and compliant, not to help you.
you should not feel like you did anything wrong, you belonged in bed and I would be pissed off as fuck in your situation, probably would write an email and CC HR about how policies regarding illness need to be reviewed and all meetings can include remote participants unless youre the fucking united nations

No. 2058139

why do men think that admitting how badly they want to commit violence against women is some kind of dunk

No. 2058143

i know. scrote exposing himself as a low impulse control moron. low iq behavior honestly

No. 2058208

I don't want my friend to become a junkie but it's looking like there's nothing I can do at this point

No. 2058213

I just got fucking owned by a centipede in my house twice and I've failed to kill it as it skittered off both times. I can't tell if I'm more embarrassed or horrified. Send help, I just wanna sleep in my own bed safely.

No. 2058238

if it's a house centipede (small with very long legs) they are pretty chill. very freaky looking and fast but they can't bite, and are very shy. they usually prefer to hang out in dark corners and wouldn't want to go in your bed. However if you live somewhere that gets the real freaky ones like scolopendra… good luck

No. 2058276

I want to walk at night without thinking something bad will happen. The gym is getting stale and I don't have the budget right now to buy a vr headset. There's only so many times you can stare at a wall or yourself in a giant mirror before it gets boring.

No. 2058358

I'm so mad that tiktok got so popular cause I don't have anything against pretty girls posting themselves, it's just that beauty standards were NOT this extreme 10 or 15 years ago. Now literally every other girl on tiktok is goddess tier with perfect facial features and they raised the standards of moids to the stratosphere. There's always the nagging feeling that your boyfriend is also in love with these girls and would leave you for them if they gave him the smallest breadcrumb.

No. 2058361

Wow. I just spent all my life thinking that my belly was ugly but I have hourglass syndrome? I can't believe it. Fuck men so much for making me hate myself when I wasn't even a teen because my belly wasn't flat enough.

No. 2058391

What is the benefit from being this neurotic and hyperanalozing the way you look? It's beyond fucking retarded it's just a stomach I guarantee nobody is paying attention to the specific shape of your tummy except yourself. I watched the entire video and I don't even understand what the problem is

No. 2058402

Nta, I've never heard of "hourglass syndrome" until right now so I googled it and apparently you get it from constantly constricting your stomach in, like sucking in, and apparently it can exert force down on the pelvic floor muscles and potentially cause the pelvic floor to become overwhelmed, which could have consequences such as incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse

No. 2058403

>Girls and women are neurotic for caring about how their bodies look.
The problem is that girls and women stop themselves from breathing correctly to look a certain way. Not breathing from the belly can cause a lot of problems. Diaphragmatic breathing is crucial for reducing stress, improving lung function and pelvic health. Shallow chest breathing, on the other hand, can lead to increased anxiety, poor oxygenation and even digestive issues. Don't be so rude.

No. 2058408

OP said it's about her stomach being ugly though? Sounds rough that you were taught bad habits during childhood and now it's potentially causing medical issues but I don't see how it's an aesthetic problem

No. 2058414

I deleted my reply because I was too autistic to understand what you meant by your post but this post clears it up so I'm sorry that I was mean in my reply to you you didn't deserve it.

No. 2058416

You can apparently reverse it through exercise of the core muscles if you'd like to try that. Hope you don't feel too bad about it and get your desired look, nonnie.

No. 2058478

I don't see what she means, does the means the really faint creases on her skin that are literally just from sitting too much? Does she mean the bigger creases and pouch that are a fucking normal fat distribution of most women? This is some bullshit.

No. 2058485

Ame had a hard life
It's sad that the best ending is the one where you do nothing and she gives up on streaming and works at McDonalds

No. 2058486

I don't like attention and I don't like to celebrate shit that I was supposed to do in the first place, my reasoning is that I like to celebrate nice and cute things but not mandatory "life steps"
I had friends and relatives making up shitty excuses to not to come to my birthday, and I didn't ask for gifts or other stuff mind you, I also provided all the food and drinks but these people got mad when I didn't celebrate my graduation.
I graduated after long, shitty years of college, every day was dramatic because I didn't want to drop out and thus wasting money, teachers were pompous turds who barely spoke a word or two during classes and let internet downloaded slides do all the work and in my last day I got my degree and fucked off to rest at home right away, my friend asked me why I wasn't celebrating.
"I don't feel like it, I'm glad I got out and that's it."
"Aren't you proud of yourself??"
"Yes but I just wanted to go out"
"So no dinner? No party to come? You didn't organize everything?"
"No, I was focusing on studying and it was stressful, it's not something I would like to remember"
"Ah man but why tho :(( We were coming for you!!"
I had this exact conversation at least 4-5 times for different people, by the same people that wouldn't take 1-2 hours at night (we live in the same city) to come to my birthday, where usually graduation celebrations here take a whole day.
It's because they were expecting free food or something lol, why do people care about what other people do with their life milestones, graduating was not a milestone for me personally while it's a milestone that I'm getting old lol maybe I'm just a turbo autist but it irritates me that I can see that they care more about actions than who I am as a person as if the day I was put on the planet wasn't as important as a day where I got a piece of paper and stopped stressing out on books.

No. 2058487

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The video from the image. She's awesome.

No. 2058491

She is so iconic and deserves the world

No. 2058492

Absolutely based

No. 2058497

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Absolutely the right thing to do. Fuck accepting being intimidated by some entitled scrote just for working in customer service. Or doing anything for that matter. Some people only respond constructively to retaliation because their actions suddenly have immediate consequences. This should happen to bullies from all walks of life.

No. 2058498

Went through a huge fight with my parents as a grown adult. Went to spend a few days at their place (they retired to a nice, quiet village) as an escape from everyday work-related stress but it just made it worse.

Everything was fine for first two days and then I went to dinner with them. We went to a restaurant and a waiter came to help with seating and then started smiling at me and asked me (only me)what is my name. I told him, kind of uncomfortable, and he said "wow beautiful" and started winking at my mom telling her "she's good". I awkwardly moved to the table, I honestly did not like his vibe but I did not make a big deal about it.
But my parents did, they made a big deal - not about him but about me. That "why am I so visibly uncomfortable, why cant I joke around with him and be carefree, why do I judge people (i did not judge him, at least not in front of them, i just looked uncomfortable). How am I single for so long (I was in a long relationship and my ex cheated on me, gaslighted me, emotionally abused me and it took me a while of building self-worth to finally leave - they know that). Then a whole tirade about how my aunt (i am very close to her) and my female friends have ruined me because I have become too much of a "stuck up moralist who imposes rules on others". Then the discussion went to how I am taking everything too seriously and how relationships between people should not be taken seriously at all.
(My father cheated on my mother few years ago, i stood by my mother side and called him out but my mother took his side instead - he did not even want to admit he cheated until mom said "cheating is okay haha it happens, stop judging!" even though i saw her very hurt and she still has issues today.)
Anyway they not only trashed me, but everyone who is dear to me. In their eyes, my friends and my aunt "have bad influence on me" and it is somehow my best friends fault I gained weight few years ago (they said I blown up to morbid obesity but my BMI back then was on the border of overweight), that she constantly forced me to eat fast food - which is not true at all. I was overeating back then because I was going through few stressful times including toxic work environment and breaking up with above mentioned ex. I was asking her to go eat fast food with me. I have lost weight that I gained since then.

All that brought me, late-twenties adult woman, to tears -which made them even more mad. How I am now embarrassing them in front of everyone in the restaurant, how I am creating drama and how there is something wrong with me. Started saying how "I went hysteric because waiter asked me for my name" which is not true at all. I did fight back, in tears, about how they impose rules on and expectations on others but berate me for it, told them they are hypocritical and selfish which made my father so mad he started screaming for me to shut up or else. My mother stood by his side and sneered at me crying and then berated me for making my father mad, mentioned how much money they wasted on raising me.

I was supposed to stay two-three days more but I went home that night.
I live independently, I managed to make a career change and I earn a decent wage for my country but when I am in front of them, I feel like a piece of shit little child whose birth made their life more difficult. There is still a part of me who feels guilty of who I am even though I can see that I should not be in the wrong. Why do they dislike so much of who I am.

No. 2058503

>I just don't understand why they don't choose moid icons
Are you stupid

No. 2058505

nta but there are alot of gay dudes they could obsess over, i always wondered why they are so obsessed with us

No. 2058506

Nonnie my heart goes out to you. Can you not go no contact with them? Is it really worth still going back if they have a history of acting this way?
If you must visit them again maybe only visit them for the day and go home by night. Your aunt and friends sound like a good support group for you, maybe you can lean on them if you are stressed out with work instead of going to your parents'.

No. 2058538

Thank you nonnie
I usually do not rely on them for emotional support, but things have been going somewhat well before this and they have been complaining how nobody visits them, so i did, thinking i could enjoy a bit of a getaway and have a nice time.

I have been thinking of going no contact with them all day and i think i am going to do it, there is no point in trying to keep good relations anymore..

No. 2058546

>they have been complaining how nobody visits them
Gee, I fucking wonder why. I'm so glad you have a good support network with your friends and aunt. They don't deserve to have you around them if they belittle you and mock you. Since they lack morals, they have to sneer at you and attack you. You're the one who's apparently stuck up? Pure projection on their part considering the miserable life they have. I only wish the best for you. Cut them out of your life and be happy with the people who genuinely care for you!

No. 2058547

>I knew what men are capable of and still married one.
I mean, every child has a father anon. The key between being abused and not being abused is not “did your mother marry a man”, it doesn’t confirm your worries. You’re already having traumatic nightmares, don’t beat yourself up further with wacky standards. Be kind to yourself. You have a child, you want them to be “one of the kids that doesn’t get abused”, that group very much includes kids with dads, it includes your child, you haven’t somehow failed your baby by just creating them. I know you’re vigilant enough for red flags, have the right character to teach your kids personal boundaries, that they can trust you and that you will take action the second it’s needed. Therefore you can protect them from predators, whoever they are. That really is enough. Enjoy your family life anon, don’t run yourself wrought with fear. Dreams are not premonitions, it’s just your old trauma attacking you. You can overcome it!

No. 2058576

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MS teams is ruining my job interviews. The retarded shit just can't use a mic and headphones at the same time, no matter what I enabled in the settings. OOOOR it shows that everything is fine and then something stopps working mid meeting and I can't fix it because I'd have to tinker with it. It makes me look like an idiot to the recruiters and like I'm tech illiterate, even tho I worked in tech support for years. I even got new headphones with a mic and it's STILL not working as it should. Fuck

No. 2058580

Am I doomed to always feeling alone now that I have a chronic illness?
I'm diagnosed and on medication, and the meds did bring the pain down from daily, horrendous pain to usually monthly less painful flare ups. It feels like now that I'm on meds, everyone thinks I'm no longer in pain at all. Everyone excepts me to be super productive and positive even when I'm in pain. I get called lazy for not exercising when I have a flare up. I get advice on foods to eat and things to drink to lessen the pain, and none of them work, and I get told I'm not doing things right or trying hard enough.
It feels so lonely. I know everyone is alone with their pain, but god, I wish that when I told my boyfriend or other people I'm in pain they'd at least say "I'm sorry you're in pain," or "It's okay to rest". Everyone is tired of me being ill even though I try to keep it to myself as much as I can. I'm tired too, but I don't get to ignore it like they do. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be like?

No. 2058582

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I have a problem accepting my body structure.
I simply hate how stocky, curvy, short and frankly fat-looking I look, and yet I'm at an average weight. The word "fat" is like some kind of constant descriptor for my body, no matter how much I lose. Especially since women with this body type have to be pretty underweight to not look curvy. Don't even get me started on me in photos.
I do eat well and try to get as much exercise as I can, but I simply don't accept my body - I know I will never look cool and chiseled and sleek like, I don't know, Sarah Connor from terminator 2, and that fact really bums me out. I despise femininity and the aesthetic of it - I think it's excessive and tacky and impractical, yet my body looks really feminine, ergo, my body is fugly. Ive toyed with the thought of getting an amphetamine addiction to become underweight just so I could finally be thin.
It's a common opinion to find Marilyn the most beautiful woman on earth etc etc, but that really doesn't help me. Often when I do look at images of her to try to improve my self-image, I just keep nitpicking her body - I hate how her arms look chubby, how her legs are shapeless, how wide her torso looks - because I keep seeing my body in hers, it really is how I feel. I would do seriously heinous things if I had the chance to wave a magic wand and magically make my body structure naturally taller, leaner and skinnier. I know there are anons here who would switch with me in a heartbeat - I'd be ecstatic to trade places with you.
I thought I got over this when I realised "wait, I have big boobs and butt + men like big boobs and butt = I'm actually not an ugly hamplanet?!", but now that I have a Nigel whom I don't plan on leaving, the 'utility' of my body type is kind of gone. The only things I look good in are things that I frankly don't want to wear in public - bodycon shit with frills, suffocatingly tight jeans, etc. Its like my options are to show my entire naked body or accept the fact that I look fat in everything else.

No. 2058584

I will not let my mother gaslight and guilt trip me into staying excessive nights at her house because we are attending a 4 hour event why the fuck does that mean my entire weekend from Friday to Sunday have to be spent at her house. She treats you like a child the entire time. Never once in my life has this woman voluntarily slept over at her parents just to hang out in fact I vividly remember being told to hide when her parents would show up after she dodged all their phone calls. One night I can handle we can discuss the merriment of the event anything else and my stress levels will be through the roof.

No. 2058587

Nona no need to offend but it sounds like you have some internalized misogyny that needs to be weeded out.

No. 2058590

Go find a flowy maxi dress with a nipped waist (or a belt) and relax. God, you hate yourself so much for such a retarded reason it makes me angry. Sorry you don’t look like a gazelle and you hate/nitpick yourself and other women for it. Imagine unironically measuring the value of your body by its utility to attract men and that cope actually working on your mental state… work on your self esteem more.

No. 2058592

house centipedes are so cool, I love when I get to see mine. learning about the bugs in my house has made me fear them 10000% less.

No. 2058599

Im tall and skinny but used to hate my own body too. I felt like my shoulders looked manly and long limbs like spider legs kek. What helped was kinda taking this attitude "I dont care if Im ugly, there is nothing wrong with being ugly, this is just how my body is." Often women have this horrible preassure to always look good, instead of simply existing. Wear clothes that feel good to you, if it feels awkward it will make you pay more attention to your body as well.

No. 2058602

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I’m too retarded to hold a job. I want to kill myself. I hate what my trauma turned me into and I miss the old me back she would never be seen like this

No. 2058605

throwback when i got banned for ban-evading because the jannies thought I was someone else lel

No. 2058606

stfu you humble bragging faggot i pray you’re cursed with an egg/apple body. let’s see how happy you are then

No. 2058612

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>speaking about the utility your body offers only in terms of men's desire
>hating your female body for having female traits
>treating yourself as an ornamental object

No. 2058614

i wish finding a roommate was easier. i just need another quiet autist woman who won’t have men in and out of the house. posting this because i realized if i get a roommate i can put the money that won’t go towards rent towards transportation (i am probably never going to learn how to drive, and to be honest i don’t even want a car. what if it breaks down and i have to fix it. what if i crash. fuck that)

No. 2058616

>I despise femininity and the aesthetic of it - I think it's excessive and tacky and impractical, yet my body looks really feminine, ergo, my body is fugly.
This is your problem. Your body isn't inherently feminine; you and others perceive it that way.
>her arms look chubby
>her legs are shapeless
Maybe you should consider lifting or working out with the goal of gaining muscle. It sounds like you dislike how soft yourself and she look.
>now that I have a Nigel whom I don't plan on leaving, the 'utility' of my body type is kind of gone
Again, your body isn't supposed to be useful for that kind of thing. Women with all different body types find partners. I feel you, anon, but you really need to see your body and yourself in a different light. Comparing yourself to Marilyn is a tough way to cope since she was admired for her femininity. You should force yourself to see your body as an amazing part of yourself that allows you to accomplish what you need and desire. Stop looking at pictures of women to compare yourself and you will feel better.

No. 2058617

Start doing a lot of cardio then and shut up, seriously you’re complaining about something that’s a you problem, as in, in your MIND. You can get ripped like Sarah Connor if you stop being lazy it has nothing to do with your structural shape kek

No. 2058618

people like you confirm my suspicions that most people with body issues are judgemental freaks. also any body shape can be changed via the gym so maybe instead of starving yourself anachan style and becoming skinnyfat give lifting a try lazyass

No. 2058620

Your body isn't useful if you can't lift your weight, just consider that.

No. 2058624

I can no longer stand to do the dishes without pain, I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and so much more to do. Very annoying.

No. 2058625

>get ripped like Sarah Connor
LMAO. Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 is actually sickly underweight. No amount of cardio will achieve her look because she has naturally broad and square shoulders.
>any body shape can be changed via the gym
Not in the way she wants. Why are so many of you so misinformed about the gym? It's unreal.

No. 2058631

she describes herself as skinnyfat and the number 1 solution for that is the gym

No. 2058637

Yeah, but it won't give her the Sarah Connor look from Terminator 2. She might end up liking herself better, but it won't turn her into a tall, petite woman with broad shoulders and anorexia.

No. 2058645

why would you even want broad shoulders as a woman, it’s so ugly. speaking as a woman with broad shoulders, nothing ever fits you right and discussions about being a women with broad shoulders are always full of trannies online

No. 2058651

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my friend is such a whiney baby sometimes. her only job is streaming herself playing video games twice a week. she lives with her mom and dad and doesn't need to pay any rent or need to pay for groceries, all the money she makes from streaming goes on herself. yet she's forever taking mental health breaks that last weeks at a time, is always complaining about how she's sooooooo tired. she doesn't do anything except play games and nap. as someone with a full time job who is juggling mental health issues and still somehow manages to function like an adult, pay all my own bills, clean my apartment, AND make time for friends and hobbies,I just have no sympathy. oh boo fucking hoo you have to log on to twitch to chat with people whilst you play fucking animal crossing or whatever? grow up

No. 2058652

I would pity your self hatred if you don't try to spread it to other women. Shut up and be miserable someplace else

No. 2058655

I have broad shoulders and I love them. Women and men always compliment me on my beautiful neck and shoulders. They are one of my biggest motivations to work out, to keep my shoulders looking great. And fuck men who try to relate to us. They have much larger shoulders compared to us; we aren't the same at all.

No. 2058685

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I'm still sick from a cold but not sick enough to skip work…. i wish i could stay in bed and rest more

No. 2058686

this is the vent thread dumbass, go to the happy thoughts thread if you can’t stand seeing negativity

No. 2058693

I think my AC is broken. We're getting excessive heat warnings every day and I'm suffering bad. Fucking hell, I had to replace the whole thing not even three years ago.

No. 2058701

There was a tiny Sanrio store in the UK I went to as a kid (early 2000s), pretty sure it was the only one in the country at that time. I was always so happy to get to go there, it was like transporting to another world. Now I get that feeling from Miniso but agreed, it's not the same.

No. 2058712

Had, I dunno, a psychotic break or something because I haven’t had decent sleep for nearly a year thanks to my cocksucker neighbors. Just full blown sobbing and screaming and banging on the walls, I’m so over their shit, I’m so over this place. My health is suffering physically and mentally, I feel sometimes like I’m not even in my body any more and I can’t ever concentrate. Being at “home” fills me with a visceral rage because I know I’m not going to get to sleep or any kind of peace. Talking to the management yields nothing but a “fuck you pay us”. I’m scared if I stay here any longer I’m going to rip this dipshit apart on sight or start pulling apart the walls just to make them suffer how they’re making me suffer.
I never really got the whole sleep deprivation as torture or an excuse for violence but I fucking get it now, I can’t even stop myself from immediately defaulting to anger when I deal with people any more. I’m a completely different person, all I know is rage and endless painfully loud noise. I hate this place. I’m going to my moms, I’m fucking done.

No. 2058713

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Please pray, send good vibes, manifest for me that the family member (preferably both of them) that I don’t want here moves permanently and never comes back. Pls send manifesting thoughts for me to live in a clean, peaceful, quiet and stress-free environment when they mysteriously decide to disappear and move out of no where. Muslims, Christians, New Agers, Scientologists even Atheists send positive thoughts to make this happen!!

No. 2058716

Hey anon. It does not matter what you believe in. Buy hotfoot powder and place it all over the outside of their home, preferably their front door. Sprinkle enough where it doesn’t look too noticeable and make sure not to step in it as you sprinkle it. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

No. 2058735

Sending you extra cleanliness and serenity. Manifesting that your family finds good opportunities far away elsewhere so that you may find excellent peace. Wishing you an awesome night of relaxation and cozy personal rituals when they finally move! Love you nonny, you can make it through this and you'll have it good when there's more free time.

No. 2058736

I get you nona. I fucking hate people like this.
>but muh depresshuns

No. 2058746

My pompous coworker is annoying me and belittling me at every chance.
For some background, I'm part of a team that furnishes a hotel and I'm one of the painters. It's going to be "neoclassical" and the Big Boss specifically wanted art historians on the team. He wants to populate the bare walls with a shitload of paintings, essentially. I'll be doing a couple of portraits and probably a very tacky fresco (which I hope to politely decline working on).
We are "subordinate" (not on paper, but in practice) to a very snobby interior designer who finished the big art academy in their interior design section. He thinks he's hot shit for it. Taste is a subjective thing, but he's a "more is more" type, and the building itself is far too small to be turned into Versailles. Won't listen to concrit. One of the artists (who is also a licensed conservator of antiques, so he had every right to question the historicity of the design) ragequit already. He was close to tears. If I knew what was happening I would've defended him, but it was my first day and I just sat there, confused, while a grown ass man stuttered that he "doesn't think he wants to be part of this team".
Art schools nowadays care more for concept than technique. I studied art history to become an artist, not an art historian, paradoxically. I work as an artist professionally, and I specialize in historical styles thanks to my education. Well, the interior design fellow found out that I'm not "a real artist" (an artist that graduated art school, like his musty ass), and is constantly bringing up my "lack of credentials" (lack of formal art education). My art history background is very firm. I have a master's from the best university in this part of the world, so ultimately my "credentials" are superior to his. I'm not a "credential" person- you either have talent and skill, or you don't. This guy, though, I beat him even at his own game.
He asked me "what I bring to the table" in front of the boss (who personally employed me) so I got defensive and listed why I'm hot shit, on par with him. Then he says I "don't know how to be humble". Brother, I was merely answering your question. I don't know what his deal is. I think he fears I will be like the previous guy and tell him his Liberace ass designs are not historically accurate for this type of building, which would discredit him in the eyes of Mr. Big Boss. I won't. I'm here to do my paintings and leave.
We're meant to be a team, not competition. I have a feeling he wants exclusive bragging rights to this building, because it is a big deal, and doesn't want to share this glory. I also think he fears me. At first I thought he is asking so many questions because I came up from nowhere. I never assumed ill intent, until much later, when he made constant digs at my "lack of credentials", and saying "this isn't the style we are looking for" multiple times while flipping through my portfolio. Duh, fella. I specialize in neogothic. No shit.
I hate pompous pricks like this. He has that bitchy gay scrote energy, and a shit taste to match. Yikes!
The design prompt was "luxurious and classy", not "fucking Disneyland".
Furthermore, he doesn't know much about materials. You'd think they would teach them at fancy interior design school that lime walls need to breathe or else they hold moisture and crumble… This is why I don't respect him. Taste aside, he doesn't take genuine conservation concerns seriously. I wish I could go back in time and defend the other artist who ragequit. I see why he did.
Spite motivates me, and I won't quit. I always feel bad about ignoring the plight of a kindred spirit who respects history.
Sigh. It sucks being so much better than everyone else, right? I jest.

No. 2058754

Thank you nonna

No. 2058756

>all the money she makes
so 10 cents per stream, got it! kek

No. 2058766

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I am so damaged a new coworker was asking me questions about myself and I was stuck alone with them so I was slowly opening up and they seemed genuinely interested. when I drove home I was crying because no one in my life has taken an interest in my life in so long, not even friends or family give a shit anymore so it was jarring

No. 2058782

wtf theyre insane, honestly it sounds like they wouldve found some excuse to flip out on you even if that waiter wasnt being annoying. i hope youre okay…

No. 2058804

I have never met this man, but I hate him.
Once the job is done and the interior design is open to the public, you should go on fiverr and pay $5 to have a dozen people rate the hotel and mention how ugly and tacky the interior design is. Then he couldn't even put it on his resume.

No. 2058807


No. 2058836

I am laying in bed, it is mid-afternoon and I need to get up. Going at a snail’s pace usually works for me, I need to put one foot in front of the other and just start putting dirty things in piles, lay out my clothes for the day, drink a cup of water. I want to go back to sleep so badly though. I want a hug, but not from anyone I know, I don’t want a witness to this I just want to be held. I am trying but it still amounts to so little and I feel so pathetic and annoyed at myself for not just feeling better. Everything that helps feels so counter-intuitive. I feel like I handle myself with kid gloves and while it gets me to get out of bed I can’t help but feel like I am such a waste of space for needing to be babied (even if it’s me babying me). I will get up and I will write about how I feel. I refuse to rot but I am very sad and lonely in this moment

No. 2058848

I had to do 3 interview for a shitty retail job, the first two with the store managers went perfectly smoothly, they wanted me to start next monday. The last one with the regional manager was the worst job interview I ever had in my life, he tried to humiliate me and make me feel small just so he could be the big man of the room for 30 minutes of his miserable life. The store managers called me back apologizing like "we can still give it a go, I'm sure you'll prove him wrong", bitch I don't wanna suck a 50-yrs-old-balding-porn-addict-phenotype man's ass for a shitty retail job, he can go fuck himself, he himself told me they don't have anyone else and he still tried to shit on my head for his own little sick pleasure, now you don't have anyone for your monday shift you lame ass

No. 2058852

>hot as hell outside and at home
>I will go to the air conditioned uni library with my tablet to draw
>get to the town after 30+ minute drive and realize I left my laptop at home
>start having cramps while using one of the library computers and wind up having a bloody poo in the bathroom (not my period)
today sucks…I also stopped at a local food joint for a coffee on my way up and it was so damn annoying that multiple people were blasting videos on ipads and cellphones without headphones. In a restaurant.

No. 2058855

funny that my retail job was strict on you dressing business casual but my office job is like “come in jeans just be clean”

No. 2058856

No. 2058867

How much are the salaries? Don’t get cucked and at least find some places that pay $15 for that amount of humiliation and misery

No. 2058887

lmaaaao thanks nonnie. That's hilarious. I'm not that petty, though. But I am petty enough to complain about his stuck up ass online and to everyone I know IRL. His art sucks too, compared to mine, and I'm "uneducated".
I hate old men. If I ever have a husband and he ages, I will throw him in the bin.

No. 2058904

People donate to her all the time too, nona

No. 2058973

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my dolls leather belt tore and I just fucking opened and put it on last night. I should have put some conditioner on it or something especially since it’s never been opened before and has been in storage for years at this point before I got it. it seems so obvious now but I don’t know anything about leather and thought it would be fine since it was unopened. why am I so dumb why do I ruin everything

No. 2058980

i've gotten so lonely that I was about to resort to messaging the last "friend" I had, unfortunately a moid. looked at his Twitter and now I want to be sick. so many disgusting, desperate replies to nude selfies, and most of the women look like me. how did I consider him my friend and even look forward to talking to him? that's how low i've sunk? he never cared about me. I let that disgusting person take up so much of my mental energy and time. where do I meet female friends? I would chop off my ring finger right now if it meant I made just one (1) female friend.

No. 2058985

Feeling really unmotivated about life and the future in general… I feel like I'm never gonna be truly happy.

No. 2058989

You deserve to be payed attention to and listened. Most people are not good listeners and usually talk a lot about themselves, so they're listened to sort of by force. People who aren't like that have a hard time opening up, but I promise you it's not because you're not interesting, and it's not your fault either. If you want to, becoming a good listener may give you more confidence to talk openly about yourself, since you may feel like you earned the right to by paying attention to someone else. It worked for me, at least, and now I don't feel guilty or shy.

No. 2058993

>he's ill and got a flu
>yet still doesn't stay in his fucking bedroom
>walks around aimlessly, coughs all over the kitchen and cutlery instead
>pisses on the toilet seat, doesn't clean it despite a desinfectant placed right next to it, doesn't wash his hands either
>apparently can't speak properly as if it's too hard, unless he's asking for food then it's suddenly back to his normal speech
>makes disgusting moan sounds as if he's dying of the plague
>yet somehow still not sick enough to leave my cats alone
Please help me manifest a quick pneumonia death on this retarded manchild.

No. 2058994

i really wish i wasn't built like a fridge. been underweight most of my life but i still look ginormous because of my unnaturally broad, pointy shoulders, wide waist, thick long neck etc. there are so many clothes i just can't wear because i feel like a fucking bumbling ape, so i usually just wear huge baggy mens clothing because of how awkward i feel in anything fitted. i'm trying to focus less on my appearance because i can't change the things i hate so it just isn't conducive to living a full life, but sometimes it matters, and it always makes me feel incredibly depressed

No. 2058995

i hope this is a family member and not someone you're dating

No. 2059002

It's my mother's husband. I'd literally rather set myself on fire otherwise.

No. 2059004

I'm starting to think there might be something physically wrong with my brain

No. 2059008

I fucking HATE noise pollution and how hard it makes going to bed early. clearly people’s right to get drunk and scream at all hours of the evening and to own dogs that bark 24 fucking 7 is more important than like. Me being able to sleep, I fucking guess. It makes me wish I was fucking deaf sometimes. It feels like I’ve never lived a single moment of true quiet. I don’t even live in the city!

No. 2059019

Being on the internet is lonely. Talking to people in real life is lonely. Everything is so lonely

No. 2059027

Samefagging to say something I feel like I should, it's been haunting me for the whole day.
I have said something really hurtful to a lot of women. Pretty much as soon as I pressed the post button, I realised it was a bad idea, but decided not to delete because… Well, I'm not sure why, maybe I didn't think it would matter as much as it turned out to.
I know the post was filled to the brim with toxic attitudes towards women and female bodies. I do have internalized misogyny to work through. However, that doesn't excuse what I spewed in that godawful post.
I didn't realise that although I was talking about myself, I was debasing a lot of other women and their bodies, too. I'm really ashamed that I didn't take the time to consider if I'd contribute and reinforce other people negative feelings about their bodies here with the way I feel towards my own.
I guess I wanted sympathy or some understanding, but rereading what I said, I focused way, way, way too much on other women's bodies, and not enough on my insane and skewed assumptions.
I'm not here to justify myself after writing said shlock, I just want to say I've been really fucking cringe and embarrassing, I was so wrong, and I'm sorry.

No. 2059036

I know it's irrational and I would never tell her any of this but I hate how I'm not my best friend's best friend. I reply to her messages as soon as I see them and always make her my first priority. Whenever she recommends something she likes I make sure to like it as well. I hate it when she asks my opinion on something first and I accidently have a different opinion from her. I want to always agree with her. I want to spend every evening with her instead of only watching a movie together once a month. I want to offer to pay for her plane ticket so we can meet and take her to restaurants and show her my favorite places or she shows me hers and we go shopping together and I pay for everything. I buy her gifts from time to time. I wish I could do more but I don't want to be overbearing. When she mentions her other friends I get so jealous because I know I can't compare to them. I wish I was as important to her as she is to me. I always think about her. I really want her to like me, I'm retarded so sometimes I say the wrong thing and fear it will make her like me less. She is my only friend and I want her to have me as her only friend too. While I always put a lot of effort into past friendships she is special to me. She is so kind I don't deserve her. If she gets a boyfriend I'm going to kill myself I can’t handle her spending less time with me.

No. 2059040

youre a good soul nonna dont beat yourself up

No. 2059044

Going from having no friends to hang out with for 5 years to having my childhood best friend living half an hour away and wanting to hang out every weekend is kind of exhausting. I'm glad she's close and i enjoy hanging out with her but the constant hounding me every weekend just expecting that I'm free and asking when I'm coming over is driving me nuts. I just want to have a weekend by myself where I don't have to explain why I can't hang out. My weekends literally consist of 1 day cleaning my house and doing errands after working all week and 1 day for myself. 1 day to myself and she expects I spend it with her at her house doing things with her every week.

No. 2059050

Samefag. She's the type to try to work around your excuses too. If you say I can't hang out because I have to do xyz she'll be like oh well that only takes x hours so just come over after. Also the type to downplay anyone else being tired or just wanting a day alone because she's a single mom so she's 10x more tired than you and has it way worse yet she's still down to hang out so you should be too.
It just gets exhausting so fast. I need a break and a week to myself.

No. 2059056

This is completely off-topic of your post, but I think you're really cool for what you do and how you confidently hold yourself. One-up that mediocre fag for us, nona.

No. 2059057

I know people can just be bad texters but something about someone responding in a server on discord but not responding to question I sent them through a DM bothers me and especially if it’s already been a couple days. It’s like, did you ignore it? Are you putting it off? It’s not like I’m really wanting a full on conversation either with the question.

No. 2059088

Car dealership?

No. 2059111

I’m reading Rebecca, and googled if they have a movies made and they have a few, the most recent has Lily James, which is fine! But Armie Hammer is playing Maxim??? Why is an American playing him? A cannibal weirdo American!!!

No. 2059159

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Every time I get drunk I’m reminded why I need to stop drinking. I don’t even drink that much, just a cocktail or two a week at most, but I’m in a space where I could very easily become an alcoholic. I feel so lonely and empty all of the time but I’m slowly getting used to it. Getting drunk makes me feel so good but the immediate days after I feel awful. Not in a hangover way just emotionally I always feel awful and I have to be super careful I don’t drink more because I can very easily see how it could turn into alcoholism.

No. 2059164

Why did I skip my meds today I’m stuck at the movie theatre and everytime I go to any place that’s not the grocery or thrift store I am reminded horribly of how goddamn fat and ugly I am and how hunched my back is and I’m crying because I didn’t take my meds to help me regulate and I’m a grown ass woman with only my oarrnts to accompany to watch a movie I hateself I hate myself I hate myself.
Who else fat and ugly and retarded here??

No. 2059176

Do you have anywhere you can take a walk on your own, maybe a park people don't go to often so you can be by yourself? it's hard to break out of thinking about hating yourself if you only go to places that make you think about hating yourself

No. 2059193

Female socialization is such a curse like we hold each other to such high standards but men will be like “lol my homie cheated on his girl” and they’re friends with a dude with like 60+SA allegations and bond about sleeping with the same women as one another and joke about hitting or murdering or being a pedo but vice versa does not exist in fact even joking about something like hitting/cheating on a man will have other women be like “Omggg no I love my bf I would never! “ Or they’ll try to call you ugly that’s another thing about women I don’t like is how as soon as someone is being criticized for something morally they get called ugly because as a woman apparently the worst thing you can be is ugly. And it’s like when a man calls you ugly it’s whatever , they’re men they fuck anything and think anyone that doesn’t look like flavor of the month ethot is ugly but when a girl calls you ugly, she is spitting some straight vitriol at you, even on here where we can’t see each other’s faces, someone will disagree with someone will be like I bet you’re fat or I bet you’re ugly
And I know men are terrible, but I wish we had sort of the same solidarity as them.

No. 2059197

So fucking true I noticed I have to pad my vents about scrotes or the pickmes get triggered at me like incels would

No. 2059198

Do women actually abandon their friends for cheating on their wurstie? I would never. She could make him raise another mans child and I would stay silent no matter what. There are good people out there too anon, if it hels you feel better. You just gotta find them

No. 2059204

If I had a friend and she told me she drugs and robs men, I wouldn't even give a fuck. You're right. Like I said before on here, one of the core problems with women as a gender is moralfagging. They give too much fucks where they shouldn't.

No. 2059210

The housing crisis is making me feel so hopeless. People my age 10 years ago were moving out and it was completely normal and expected, now I can't even afford a rabbit hut on top of a grocery store.
Honestly within friendships I've had this type of solidarity, if a friend told me she cheated on her boyfriend or hit him or whatever it's more likely I would laugh about it than anything kek. Moralfags definitely exist but it goes away pretty quickly once you actually become friends ime, even zoomers.

No. 2059212

it sounds like you might be a little in love with her
the Hitchcock version is a masterpiece! how I envy someone watching it for the first time.

No. 2059232

I hate that literally every second of the day I'm only thinking about two things: food and/or money. If I eat I feel bad for eating and want to hurt myself or starve, and shameful for wasting money. If I don't eat I feel bad because I'm hungry. I am constantly stressed over finding work because I desperately need a new job but no one will hire me. I'm just miserable.

No. 2059257

i feel called out except i don't stream and don't whine about depression i was diagnosed with it but i don't feel depressed now. i'm just a lazy bitch

No. 2059288

Gay men are such pointless creatures. They take up so much space and they don't even eat pussy. Weird(bait, not a vent)

No. 2059304

It's too hot, I hate the city. Around here it's supposed to get cooler at night, but because there's so much damn concrete all the heat from the sun gets stored in the concrete and slowly released throughout the night, making a damn sultry mess. There's nowhere exposed enough for the Earth to suck up all the heat like the beautiful thermal abyss it is. Human progress is a joke, urban jungles are torture, retvrn to monke, etc. and so forth.

No. 2059327

I hate ugly men so much they are so disgusting. Even when i try to escape online from my dad following me everywhere around the house (except the bathroom) and his disgusting coughing and breathing, lame ass university, my mom pressuring me into studying shit idgaf about and her lame ass job, i am plagued at very corner by some disgusting creature barely resembling a human, a pedophile who died 20 years ago, even on goddamn pinterest. The way ugly and ugly old men are so normalized, i hate that stupid babygirl trend, these men look like an amputed limb covered in mold scrotum skin. They would NEVER do this for women. I hate the way these men get to be coddled for generations but if a woman looks anything less than a teenage pornstarn then its woke feminazi propaganda. I hate that these ancient rape ape creatures get to be treated like humans but women dont. I hate all of you fake ass misandrists chimping "ow no your just az bad as them". I hate all you lana coquette bimbo pedobaiters. When will you learn that scrotes will NEVER CAPE for YOU the way YOU do for them.

No. 2059332

God I wish my best friend felt this way about me

No. 2059333

Software engineers who make 200k/yr but just waste it all on consooming and partying and then complain how their lives are so "shallow" pisses me off so much. If I had that kind of money it would fix so many problems in my life.

No. 2059337

I HATE resident evil fans. These fucking dumbasses are so retarded i how a building falls on top of them. It is so clear how retarded they are the way they their ape brains are not brains but a chewed up stomped stinky gum can only regurgitate coom and parasite thinking. Fandoms made up of women will 2637227 analysis into their psycology and will often highlight their personality regardless of how they look but i cannot look at ONE resident evil video without men making degrading coom jokes towards the female characters, dumbass "wahmen am i righg hehe", or them trying to imply a character is jealous or blushed or some shit like that. "Ada is masculine, Ashley is waifu material" fuck you Ada has a fucking job so what of she manipulted leons ass i hope she does it again and steps on him. They can't pretend the female characters are their own person for not even ONE second.
I HATE the way leon looks like a post wall hagard moid in the last games but the female characters look eternally in their 20s.
Deborah's whole situation and i hope everyone who participated in developing it and the players have their dick fall off. A woman is kidnapped, tortured, drugged, and altered and turned into a cooming monster against her will. If this shit happened to some moid character women like they'll band up if you ever try to sexualize or make light of the situation.
And you people STILL insist that women are just as bad as men or that they still do bad things.

No. 2059368

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That'd fuck me up too because I've become so uninteresting and unmemorable that I've noticed that people are often surprised by something I talk about myself that I already told them about, like it's their first time hearing it.
No one retains any information about me or cares.
I should probably do this but I've gotten so bad at responding back to friends that reach out that I've dug my own grave by making no one care about messaging me first anymore. At the same time, I'm full of resentment about it so I cut off my former best friend because she hasn't gave a single fuck in ages, and two other remaining "friends" moved to Oklahoma for work and immeadietly conveniently forgot me and will clearly never contact me ever again. To be honest, I admit I've done this other people non-stop over the years so I guess I just deserve to be completely alone at this point.

No. 2059375

my life is nothing and i want it to be over with. such a fucking pathetic embarassing existence just let me die in my sleep already its all i want

No. 2059392

things got better and then they didn't and now I'm here again

No. 2059402

i just wish i wasnt so lonely

No. 2059423

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I have no friends, no romantic partner, no meaningful relationships with ppl my age. I feel lonely and have been suffering from FOMO for years. I try go meet people and nothing ever works out or goes well. I think I was meant to be an unfortunate girl that will just always be alone. All i have is my shitty job where all my coworkers are dating ppl and doing things with friends and I just go home and swipe away on some dating app that's never lead to anything anyway.
I wish i didnt exist so I didnt have to suffer my whole life being the lonely autistic girl.

No. 2059450

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One of the posts my work has released for pride month involves a story about someone complaining about being judged by "gold star gays" at bars

No. 2059453

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>mom angry because I was on the couch resting from an illness because she wanted the tv even though she has one in her room
>when she finds out it's because I'm ill she badgers me off the couch and to seek medical attention
>because I was in great pain I agree to go but it rubs me the wrong way since I know she doesn't actually give a shit and just wants the tv
>recently confessed to me that she doesn't like being around people who are not useful to her so this shit is not out of her character
>immediately seizes the couch to watch tv once I get up
>slightly distressed burger after phone call to insurance policy tells me my shit won't be covered until next month
>fuck it, bemoan how I will have to pay $200 to see an urgent care
>"Well I can give you some money but you will have to pay me back!"
>lol no thanks bitch I did not ask
>drive myself to urgent care, they refer me to the hospital because of how bad it is escalating and they cannot confidently diagnose without tests
>drive myself to hospital somehow
>get death panel'd and wait a whopping 4 hours for a room and an additional 2 hours to be seen by a doctor in complete agony
>text my mom to let her know my phone will die
>uh, why would I have? I had no idea this would turn into an overnight thing?
>she certainly does not offer to bring me one or check on me
>at least she apologizes for that
>get IV and scans, wait hours more for results
>spend night in a freezing, dirty hospital room awake, alone and crying because I feel like shit and calculating how stupid expensive this will all be
>dad and friends are far away so no one is with me
>mom uses her fear of driving and the late night as a safety excuse to not come see me
>get discharged, meds sent to pharmacy to fill later
>drive back home
>she immediately wants info and interrogates me with 20 questions
>I'm not insta-well and perky for her so this bothers her immensely
>lies to say how she called hospital for updates on me and to have them give me a phone charger, which obv did not really happen and just wants good mommy kudos
>demands to know where my scripts are
>explain that they are being filled at the pharmacy that I will once again have to drive back into town later for
>she offers to get them for me but then takes it back cause she is thinking about the ""traffic"" and it was a fake narcissist offer that I was not meant to take seriously but award her brownie points for ~le thought that counts~
>criticizes me for not making hospital send script to a pharmacy she would have been ok to drive to
>criticizes me for not getting them delivered even though there is no fucking med delivery option for out here
>I'm now annoyed so she retreats into angry victim mode claiming she is just trying to help
>so sick of her wanting me to be grateful for her unsolicited kindergarten tier "advice" and bullshit fakeouts to make herself look good
>collapse in bed cause I am finally at a pain management level where I can sleep
>wake up later
>want to fix a late lunch in kitchen, another activity my mother hates me to do for disturbing her space
>she comes into the kitchen to inspect what I am eating
>then tells me she wants to show me something in my bathroom
>she takes me to the bottom sink cabinet and points at a barely visible drip stain on the dark particleboard wood
>asks me if I know what the stain is, in a tone like I am a toddler who just got caught stealing from the cookie jar
>tell her the only way we can remove that is to lift the mark and then go over with matching stain, which is not hard
>repeats what I think it is in the same condescending tone
>reply with annoyance that it was clearly a hair dye stain from several months ago and that I would try my best to fix it
>"Anon why are you being so nasty to me?!"
I would kill for a mother who acted like a normal human being.

No. 2059533

I'm sorry you have to live with that, nona. I hope you'll be free soon enough.

No. 2059553

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My long distance fwb also posts on imageboards and I just found out that apparently he said anonymously that he has "never seen a vagina" when I have most certainly privately sent him pics of my pussy and even had e-sex with him with bluetooth sex toys. What the fuck??
Boy why the fuck are you lying and fishing for pity from losers who are worse off than you. He's not even a virgin and owned up to that in the thread.

This is someone that I once had feelings for, for over 2 of the 3-4 years we have known each other and he continually sabotages any reason for me to want to save up and go visit him. I've even offered it a couple of times only to get a wishy washy "ehhh, I dunnoooo…"

Everyone I have ever known has been telling me to drop him and it's getting easier lately because finally someone else is treating me better.

No. 2059555

Crying a little right now. I wish I didn't have to be so cold towards my mom. I wish I could just talk to her an laugh with her. But I also have to protect myself and do what's best for my mental well-being.

No. 2059558

*everyone that I have told about us, rather. Brainfart.

No. 2059569

I hate myself. I hate being ugly, hate being dumb, I hate being a failure, I hate that I’m 29 and can’t drive and live with my family, I hate myself so much I want to take a knife tk my face and slash myself up. I am worthless and selfish and I don’t deserve to fucking live.

No. 2059576

Anon 29 is still very young, you can still get an education of any tipe, land a modest job in a few years and eventually move out or at least have your own money to indulge in your personal hobbies like an adult. I understand your distress, I failed my drivers license exam 5 times a couple of years ago and I have developed serious anxiety to attempt it again (it's very expensive in my country), it's making me feel useless. We can make it, anon

No. 2059580

Thank you nonna. I wish I had a friend like you. I love you.

No. 2059593

I'm in your same boat (living with my family at 31) I don't know how much it might help, but I realized recently how much of a blessing it is to live with your family as an adult woman (provided you have a good relationship with them) I lived with my boyfriend until now being a "housewife" to avoid the stigma, until I realized that I was basically making myself a servant and prostitute while I could just… not do that, and feel useful helping out my parents at home with anything they need. You also really do have a lot of time. Think of it like this- you're just two years of work away from becoming the person you want to be, if you so choose!

No. 2059598

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No. 2059608

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My dad (step-father to be specific) is the type to straight up deny and try to change reality when he realizes he's caught being retarded. He will lie about you and to your face about what you know and don't know, about what you like and don't like, and about what you did or didn't do. All because he never wants to realize that he's wrong and swears that it must be everyone else that's crazy. How did I survive growing up with him in the same household? Oh my fucking god, even to this day he's insufferable.

No. 2059640

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I'm chilling in my downstairs office area playing Baldur's Gate 3 on this blissful and quiet Saturday afternoon when I hear the letterbox bang a few times. No one knocks at the front door so I'm like ok whatever it must be the wind. The downstairs window is open and I hear "HELLOOOO?" a few seconds later so I'm like what the fuck? Oh this must be some of my clients here to drop off some work for me maybe, or maybe someone has found my cat's collar again. Okay I'll answer the door.

Some random greasy-looking scrote covered in grass is at my front door and asking me if I want my front garden cleaned up for a few quid. I'm like no thank you, I already have someone sorting that out for me (I don't, I just don't want strange men on my property) and he doesn't even understand what I'm saying. Like he doesn't understand the English I'm speaking - I live in England. So I have to tell him five times over, NO THANK YOU and then he stares at me like I've just shit on his shoes. He doesn't even say goodbye or no worries or anything like that, just wanders off with his Asda bag full of weed trimmings in a huff because I politely declined his service.

This is why I need to get one of those ring cameras so I don't have random freak moids yelling at my front door. God forbid I decline your gardening service offer you weird little cunt. Literally, get off my lawn.

No. 2059645

4chan moids are pickme's for each other and lie about the most random shit for validation, that's why. On a related note I hate how common it is for scrotes to lie so they can get pity engagement ("I made this cool thing but my gf thinks it sucks, what do you guys think uwu.") It's the moid version of posting a selfie and captioning it like "I'm so ugly I'm gonna delete this later" kek

No. 2059655

I'm tired of feeling unwanted by even people who supposedly say they like me. My bf, family and friends just ignore shit I say constantly and barely put in any effort, then if I get upset I'm overreacting somehow and it's just "normal" to ignore people. Like no the fuck it's not? I literally only ever do that when I genuinely dislike someone or it's just a random person bothering me, not with people close to me?? And it makes me feel insane how people try to gaslight me into thinking actually ignoring means you like someone!! It's totally normal!!! Like no the fuck it isn't lmfao. I even had this one retarded male acquaintance who would constantly ghost me for no reason at all (even though he was the one starting conversations with me every time and I just replied normally) try to pull this shit on me and I'm SO fucking sick of how manipulative people are in general. Like if you hate me just say so or at least stop initiating conversations with me or pretending you like me and I'll stop talking, it really isn't that hard. I hate feeling like I'm just wasting my time on people who don't even fucking like me but want to keep stringing me along and manipulating me into still being there for them. For once in my fucking life I wish someone just treated me like I treat them and gave me similar energy instead of this shit where they say they love me, like me etc but then treat me like shit every single time. And then when I set boundaries or get upset by it I'm the bad guy

No. 2059661


Just return the energy. Ignore them and if they start gaslighting you do the same to them but worse. People who treat you like this don't deserve mercy.

No. 2059668

Yeah, that seems like the best option. I don't like ignoring people but it seems like unless they get a taste of their own medicine they are incapable of realizing how shitty they're being. That always baffles me because I don't need someone to treat me like shit to realize that, like wtf. They also usually end up villifying me and acting like I'm such an egotistical, selfish, bad person if I ever try to give them 5% of their own energy, which also feels so weird like what do you think of yourself then? Probably nothing since they have no self awareness to even recognize their own mistakes or don't think it's wrong (unless it happens to them), I guess. But yeah, honestly fuck it at this point I don't care anymore if people who are 500x times worse than me think I'm a bad person

No. 2059674

When all the faux joy drains and I'm left tired, I sit and think about how miserable and lonely I am. 3 decades and yet I've built jack shit. I'm so lonely and the only actual friend I have is my nigel and even that's going bad. I've just now realized the weight of this void and crying doesn't fuckin do it. Self pitying too much but it's more or less temporary realization
I don't want to kill myself anymore but I am considering going on several benders or just drinking every hour of the day. Wouldn't want to hurt nanna anymore than she already is though.. so back to bottling it up

No. 2059740

I have such a weird face. Sometimes I don't even look human.

No. 2059784

I'm a tinfoiler and I have yet to see someone who doesn't look human besides Mark lizardburg so hopefully this helps

No. 2059797

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when youre trying to get over someone b/c their absence from your life makes you sad but then they show up in your dream and say all the things you want to hear like "youre still my friend, i missed you." and then you wake up and start crying because you thought the ordeal was over but that was just your mind wishful thinking

No. 2059811

I won’t lie, in some pics he looks pretty… hot

No. 2059889

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>Tfw your closest girl friend turned out to be a tranny all along

No. 2059891

I planned with to go somewhere with my father and my mother commented "everyone is going to think you are his young girlfriend haha"
ew ew ew ew no fuck you go away ew

No. 2059893

No. 2059894

Ew your mom is weird

No. 2059922

I am literally losing my mind right now. Unfortunately I have an anxiety disorder, and the biggest issue that I have atm is that my neck feels so incredibly sensitive and borderline ticklish. I had to take off my cute necklace yesterday because I couldn't handle the sensation of it on my neck. I've tried numbing cream and patches and none of it works. Obvi it's all in my head but that doesn't make it any less irritating. I want it to go away!!! Fuck!!!!!

No. 2059923

Summer is coming and I wish I can look cute wearing dresses and halter tops but I'll always be self-concious of my hairy back

No. 2059925

How do you not know

No. 2059936

He is normal personality-wise. He is funny looking but so are many women and is also super short (like 153cm) so I never realized. We're still going to be friends but I am disappointed.

No. 2059937

I am so sorry nonna. Hope the rage and violated feeling passes soon.
I befriended a stealth tranny over a decade ago who I thought at the time was just a particularly rough older woman because the trans thing hadn't blown up yet. It happens sometimes and it's hard not to feel like an idiot afterwards. Hope your friend is at least good to you.

No. 2059943

Today I wanted to work on my important, almost due assignments and draw some sticker designs once I was done, instead I started researching and comparing prices and vinyl options on different sites(despite not having any designs to print yet). Then I got the bright idea to figure out how much it would cost to buy a printer and plotter myself, so I wouldn't have to decide on a manufacturer. I started watching printing process videos and printer reviews. Then I remembered that I like transparent stickers, but they need a white underprint to not be as translucent but white ink is an entirely different beast that barely anyone talks about so I started researching that. And since most of the printers I got interested in are pretty expensive I started calculating how much it would cost to buy everything I picked out and how long I'd have to save up for it.
Now the day is almost over and I haven't done my work or drawn anything. Not to mention that I already have a pretty passable printer that I could just buy blank stickersheets for if I really wanted to try it out that badly. I hate my brain, whenever I get one idea I have to obsessively pursue it until I "finish" it, I can't rest or do anything else. It's the worst when I start scrolling twitter or shorts/reels because I literally can't stop unless I finish watching everything which is impossible so I waste a crazy amount of time I don't have. And once I get out of it I need 20-60 minutes, if not more, to sort my thoughts and only then can I start doing whatever I actually wanted or needed to do. I can't tell if I have a mental illness or if I just lack basic discipline, I've wasted years being like this. I should be able to do tasks without constantly getting derailed for no reason.

No. 2059982

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i'm too weird to befriend normie women but every weirdo woman around me is some flavor of kweer genderspecial turbohandmaiden. i was already lonely before but peaking lowered my chances even more
i remember trying to attend a twitter hangout in my city last summer but when i got added to the groupchat it was full of he/she/they/its and all they talked about was their self-diagnosed mental illnesses, gender, mbti and yaoi pairings. everyone also just assumed that the hangout will involve alcohol (it was never stated anywhere) and i turned out to be the only person who didn't want to drink
honestly i can tolerate tifs and handmaidens as long as their personality doesn't revolve around it. the problem is they wouldn't tolerate me if they knew about my views
fuck this gay earth i wish i had some nonny-vision goggles that would show me hot nonnies in my area (there are probably like 3 in my country)

No. 2059997

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I lost a folder with my favorite drawings in it while moving, I'm going to kill myself

No. 2060013

I am in so much fucking debt. Been living outside my means like a stupid fucking idiot and it all caught up to me. Now I have to find a new job to dig myself out of this hole. Harsh lesson.

No. 2060044

Thank you nona. I didn't feel angry or upset, just felt like a fool for having been duped like that lol

No. 2060049

I was checking out the uni mental health service and imagined what it would be like to go to that first session and tell them what I struggle with and I immediately started crying. I don't think I can go there, I would not survive it if I sat there and bawled my eyes out about having trouble with basic tasks only for them to say that everyone has the same issues and I need to get more vitamin D or something. Is this the effect of emotionally neglectful parents

No. 2060074

Ohhhhh, I get it now. That makes sense. He is kind of an attention whore like that, lol. It tracks. Thank you. I was just absolutely bewildered reading that. I'm still debating whether I'll mention it to him or not. It might not even be worth mentioning, I feel like venting about it has resolved a good amount of the intial shock.

No. 2060085

I think I have hemorrhoids on top of my stomach hurting from stress

When I was having a difficult time (alcoholic parent + coworker committed suicide) I signed up for the counseling at my uni. I bawled my eyes out during the introductory session when I told them everything going on. I didn't cry during any of the sessions after and honestly I got along great with my (also female) counselor because we had very similar interests. It wouldn't hurt for you to try if you'd like

No. 2060115

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I’m literally just hoping on a miracle. Anything. The universe should just open up slightly in my favor to grant me this one miracle, that’s all I’m fucking asking. I’m not asking for a million dollars or to be famous, I just want them both gone.

No. 2060117

I also need a new job and I don’t care how backbreaking it is and it kills me like that pregnant lady who worked at that factory, I need enough money to get away from this hellhole once and for all to know what it’s like to really be happy.

No. 2060123

I think you should keep trying with these women. They are probably going to be more tolerant if you get close to them in private than the personality they portray. I say this because I live a miserable and friendless life despite multiple desperate attempts to make friends and I think having fake friends is better than not having them. Maybe it's because I'm kind of extroverted but every day I don't hang out with a person of my age is doing irreparable damage to my psyche. Also remember if you want them to be tolerant of your different views you have to be tolerant in kind

No. 2060134

i really do only come here when i'm at my most miserable huh

No. 2060136

I’m at a gig and stood outside because moids have 0 self awareness. I swear to fucking god I hate moids. They smell like shit, they’re annoying, they’re ugly, they’re ugly, they’re ugly, they’re fat, they’re balding, they’re ugly, KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM KAM fuck moids all moids die besides my brothers KAM KAM KAM I HATE SCROTES XY DIE XY DIE XY DIE XY DIE

No. 2060137

>i remember trying to attend a twitter hangout in my city last summer
No offense but this is the problem. Social media is fill with these types. You shouldn't try meeting up with people from social media because usually the only ones that go to those meetups are the most terminally online and annoying of them all. I made a lot more "weirdo women" friends by signing up for clubs or classes around me that interested me. I met way more friends through art workshops, recreation clubs, and yoga classes than I ever did through social media. If you're autistic I also recommend just biting the bullet and joining an adults with autism support group, I go to one once or twice a month and the people there are really nice and I enjoy talking to other spergs.

No. 2060139

office is caught up in a big political scandal and the vibe amongst everyone is so negative. and i have virtually nothing to do with it so of course i'm just standing on the outside while everyone else is saying shit like "we're bonding from this :) we're going to laugh about it once it's over." i don't gaf i'm just worried i'll get canned somehow from this, what if the company gets sued and there are layoffs. what if i'm not enough of a team player for them and they want a non-autist. i'm doing all my work correctly and well but i can't connect with my coworkers for the life of me, and i know how important it is to pretend you care about people's lives (which i do, i want them all to be happy and healthful as i have nothing against any of them, i just don't want to speak to them at length)

No. 2060143

$7 for these peaches and they don't even taste good. pain.

No. 2060150

Put 1/2 part lemon juice and 1/2 cold water in a bowl and soak the peeled peaches you want to eat in the mixture for 30 minutes, then take them out and run them under cold water for a few minutes and massage them. Sometimes that helps. I hate that all food is so expensive now even though it all tastes like garbage now.

No. 2060172

why do men only listen to other men. my bf told me all about these new realizations he had after talking to his friend. and he's telling me all about it and im like yea i know and he's asking me why aren't you freaked out about this? isn't this crazy? i already know and I have already talked about these stuff with him. THEN at some point he's fucking like oh you're gonna like this.." i really believe this,we were talking about how women are emotionally superior than men they just know way more". SO THENN I SAY REALLY? Because it seems like every time I tell you something you don't believe it or even bat your eye until a guy friend tells you it. at first he said no that's not true.. but I let it simmer and I stared at him and then he said wait you're right. BOING BOUING BOING> retardreatrd

No. 2060293

Thought I saw a moid I knew in highschool in a random parking lot, a week later he popped up in my facebook recommended friends so I blocked him and googled if people show up in your suggested friends when they search for you and they do! Which is just fucking great because I had my ex-friend's sister, her neighbor, and our former mutual friend who picked her side showing up in my recommended for months now and for whatever reason I'm so fucking angry about it. There's nothing interesting on my profile, I just update my picture once in a while. Yet for some reason all three of these people feel the need to check in on me for her? Was she scared to check herself because she knows about the search suggestion thing? We haven't talked in five years, why would she feel the need to check in on me?

No. 2060325

It's not always just them searching up your profile. If you have location services enabled for FB on your phone, it can also recommend you to people you pass by sometimes. If you're going to the same parking lot a lot (like at a grocery store for example), FB will start showing your profile as friend suggestions to other people that frequent that place. Turn off location tracking if you can.

No. 2060338

why do trannies have to stick their disgusting fingers into every pie and make everything about themselves? i just don't get it. video games? sure, but make it about US! personal webspaces? sure, but make it about US! literally almost any interest or hobby… but make it about US! i just wish they would find help for their brain issues or think of an exit plan

No. 2060341

they are like 1% of the population but ruin 100% of hobbies

No. 2060458

>long distance
Huh? What is the benefit?

No. 2060468

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Unforgivable how they're weaseling into female-dominated hobbies and fandoms like yaoi, "comfy games", arts & crafts, husbandofagging, etc to prove that they're "fem-brained" and get gassed up for being e-begging attention whores, fucking handmaidens man.
I wish TiFs would ruin male hobbies and spaces to the same degree but they don't because all TiFs are boneless with extremely female interests.

No. 2060471

I wish I had friends to talk at any time, like I used with online friends, but I have no online friends right now and my IRL friends aren't as available because we're all adults. I just want to chat about nonsense once in a while that it's not related to work.

No. 2060532

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I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
I just want to sit under my desk in the dark all day.
I'm not depressed or anything I just want to do nothing tomorrow.
But I need money so comfy desk day will have to wait.
My alarm is 4 hours away.
Working on Sunday should be illegal.

No. 2060611

Thank you anon that actually makes me feel a lot better ♥

No. 2060717

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Being an Ana Chan is so retarded and gay. It was pitiable and sad when I was in highschool, but I’m too old for this shit now. Fuck this I’m gonna start my journey to become a muscle mommy tomorrow morning and start eating 3 meals a day

No. 2060719

>muscle mommy
gtfo troon

No. 2060724

Oh my god you guys are so annoying I’m just a older zoomer I can’t help the cringe speak

No. 2060732

NTA but you deserved that kek. I wish you luck on your fitness journey, even so. You got this. Eat lots of protein!

No. 2060733

Nayrt, as a fellow older zoomer you can help it and I believe in you. Good luck on your recovery journey anon!

No. 2060742

I hate the bugs that keep coming into my room.

No. 2060764

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I got scammed. There was this woman with a kid who asked me to pay for baby formula and I didn't know how expensive it was so I agreed. When I saw the price I knew it was a probably some sort of scam, but I was too scared to say no outright and instead told her to only get two. I'm now down 120 dollars. I feel so stupid since I hardly ever spend money on myself yet allowed this to happen.

No. 2060807

Just saw a UK moid post a "happy fathers day" post about himself because he's a "cat dad". I love pets but it's retarded to pretend parent days are for you when you're childless and only have a pet, the fuck is wrong with people

No. 2060822

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Keeeeeeeek my reaction exactly. He's less than useless

No. 2060849

That was a popular scam some years ago in my city, gypsy women would stand outside of pharmacies and stores and ask for formula, then return it. I don’t think they let you return it anymore, or people wised up, because I haven’t seen this scam anymore. But also wow formula is so expensive

No. 2060852

My fucking god I am sick of shrinkflation bullshit. I imported a plush from Japan and the print job is horrible with low quality material and structure. It is a far cry from a similar one I bought just two years back and it costs more than the last one too. I bought it directly from the company and it looks like some shitty bootleg. Can't fucking escape this whole "pay more, receive less" bullshit with food, clothes, housing, medicine, and now even my fucking plushes from Japan that are marketed as higher quality. When will things stop sucking so much?!

No. 2060856

How has he never seen a vagina if he isnt a virgin lmao. Also ldr fwb made me chuckle, girl what the fuck are you doing

No. 2060861

God I am so sick of being expected to read people's minds. I'm not the nicest person ever but fuck man I try and it pisses me off how I feel forced into coddling people around me while my butch ass is pushed deeper into my shell. Like it's not my responsibility to take care of the entire world. Just take me at face value or assume the worst and move on already.

No. 2060862

>start putting your laundry in washing machine
>girl hears and walks in to complain she didn't have underwear and needs to wash clothes
>be nice and let her go first
>she takes 3 hours
>go on a walk and come back in time
>the washing machine is still going
>"Hey, are you done?"
>"I'm clearly hanging my clothes nona"
>she let someone else use the washing machine
I'm on a group vacation with a group of girls I don't really hangout with and one of them is such a bitch I can't stand it. This is only a few things she's done. She's lectured only me in front of the others for not remembering a subway route we've taken only three times on different days. Nobody else remembered it but 3 people. She's taken a seat on a train one of the girls offered me because she said i moved too slow. She was already sitting in a random seat. Funniest thing she's done is self invite to dinner and cried about how she couldn't get her autism diagnoses since she was 18 because her parents didn't believe she had it. She wouldn't stop talking about how she's a vegetarian who hates meat, called every movie I liked trash, and cried about her adhd, depression, anxiety and autism. Sorry for the blogpost but I really want to yell at her sometimes because she is such a cow and it's driving me insane.

No. 2060881

I genuinely want to kill myself when I see anons unironically talking about voting conservative just because of trannies. Don't come whining when marital rape is decriminalized and your access to abortion is revoked. Not to mention all the wealth going to the 0.1% and the rest of us having to live in borderline poverty choosing between food and shelter.

No. 2060885

Nona you must be a saint if you haven't snapped at her and beat the shit out of her yet, I hope you're having a good time regardless of her

No. 2060898

Whenever I get really angry I'll go and find as much information as possible on the person and their family. Then I'll think about all the ways I can fuck with them then I worry about what if they do it back to me then I make a detailed plan to write my obituary and move states then go by a different name, before all of this of course I'd used something like kanary to get my original info off of data broker sites then I do research on privacy based linux distros and make a plan to completely disappear– I'm talking only using tails and no phone disappear then I realize it'd just be easier to chill out and immediately my rage is calmed but I still keep the files of the people I hate. This goes for everyone, even customers I had disputes with while working customer service. but sometimes there's this little voice in the back of my head telling me to pull the trigger. "you've made like six different detailed plans, just do it." and I always have to remind myself that going to school and moving on is easier than revenge but the flame is there no matter how small it is the flame is always there and so are the files.

No. 2060916

Don't know where you are anon but all of that already happened in the US. Then again I guess both parties are basically the same thing here.

No. 2060931

>People vote for Trump because funnyman will save us from le refugees and troons glory to kekistan
>Trump puts all his conservative goonies in charge across the country and basically makes it nearly impossible to impeach them
>Abortion rights start getting revoked immediately
>Workers' rights start getting revoked immediately
>Turns out Trump had his hands in the pockets of Russian oligarchs (as if it wasn't already obvious regarding his stance on the war in Ukraine)
>Yes we want more of this just to own le troons!!!
Americans are so retarded beyond belief and I fucking hate how every political decision they make affects every other country globally.

No. 2060948

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I’m so lonely. Every time I make a friend at university i regret it shortly after. I befriended a group of girls but started noticing that they had a lot of tradwife-ish views. I shrugged it off at first because they’re all Muslim so some of it was expected. But it annoyed me how they centered every conversation about moids, what moids like, what moids are attracted to, what moids look for in a wife blah blah blah. The final straw was when they started saying homophobic stuff. That made me cringe so bad and I’m not even gay. I literally stopped attending lectures for an entire semester just so I could let the friendship die without outright rejecting them. Definitely never talking to muslim girls again.

Then I almost made another friend but she made me uncomfortable because she kept jokingly calling me her “wife”, joked about us getting married and made sexual remarks which made me deeply uncomfortable so I slowly ghosted her too. We are both straight mind you. I really do not understand this type of humor straight girls have nowadays where they pretend to be into each other. I used to hang out with a lesbian girl and she never made any comments like that. Why are straight girls so fucking weird nowadays

No. 2060949

making friends in uni fucking sucks and i'm sorry you stopped going to classes to avoid them. All i can say is that i think it took a lot of courage to recognize you didn't want to be friends with them and rather focus on yourself, most people hang out with classmates just not to seem lonely but actually hate each other i would also add that college is the best time to learn to love yourself by being alone, it's hard in the begining but you'll grow to be a much better human beings than those you always surrounf themself with people they hate

No. 2060952

The two party system sounds like hell

No. 2060963

I hate my boyfriend, and men in general. I hate them. They are selfish, stupid, lack empathy, and try to control everything and everyone around them. I hate how much i'm constantly being judged, criticized, and pushed to do things i don't want to do bc men always think they know what i need better than i do. You don't know me, sir. You know nothing about me because you don't fucking listen. You lack empathy and refuse to see things from a different perspective. Men think anything a woman says is negative or a complaint, but literally all they do is complain about women. I'm sick, i'm tired, and I hate them. I wish they would all just stop lying and trying to front like they want connection when they don't, they just want sex and someone who does all the things they do and listen to their bullshit. Talking all day about fishing or cars or whatever. They'll always claim that they don't care about material things, money isn't everything, but its all they talk about. They don't care about anyone's feelings, especially their own. They ignore everything genuinely important, claim its all "negative" and go on talking about stupid materialistic, superficial bullshit. I'm over it, i'm over men, bye

No. 2060974

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I'm so lonely that it feels it has become so hard to breathe

No. 2060976

>that make up most of this hobby
What's the hobby nonna

No. 2060984

I hate it when people say that all the love you give comes back to you somehow. It doesn't. Stop over-empathizing and start giving less of a shit about people and things that don't give a shit about you

No. 2060996

Dump him then

No. 2061025

AC's broken in the middle of a heatwave. I tried to be an adult and scheduled an appointment with a company to come and examine it and maybe do repairs. Still trying to be an adult, I call my parents to let them know what's going on. Big mistake. Immediately they cancelled the appointment I set up and set a later appointment with the company because apparently the AC unit is under a company-exclusive warranty and nobody told me about it. I can't set up an appointment with the company because it's my parents name on the paperwork, so I literally can't get any of these people to talk to me so I can handle it myself. And now my parents are mad at me for being frustrated that nobody informed me of any of this. All the while they think it's no big dang deal to just schedule repairs later because they aren't the ones sitting in a 90 degree house. And then Dad tries to hold the "well then you pay for it!" over my head like I wasn't already going to pay the damn mechanic bill. Apparently that's not good enough though. No. Instead they HAVE to pay for it because they want to keep the damned warranty. This unit is less than four years old, if they try to get us to replace it I'm going to legit taze the motherfuckers off of my property.

No. 2061034

Snap at her for being a bitch, it's time

No. 2061037

>my property
>AC is under parents' name
I'm thinking that's not your property

No. 2061051

At this point, I might. After their laundry, she made me wait until she took a shower so I didn't use all the hot water. I also realized my post made it seem like she was 18 but no, we're all adults. This was a celebration for us for graduate school, and she's a bit older than me.

No. 2061061

Do you have anything better to do than snark at other people's vents while completely missing the point?

No. 2061074

How is it fair to tell your daughter that she's ruining your life? It's such manipulative bullshit and they make it seem like it's well-meaning. Like woah you need to change otherwise your poor parents are going to die, you are ruining your father's life!! Meanwhile my dad has work issues and health issues that have nothing to do with me.
They genuinely have no other arguments every single time we talk it ends up coming to "you are ruining your father's life!!". It's so funny because they make it seem like they are sooo worried for me but obviously the only purpose of saying something like that is to destroy me psychologically and guilt-trip me. The claim that I can influence someone else's life by living mine is already far-fetched… like if this motherfucker had a life of his own, friends to hang out with etc. he wouldn't need to "worry about ke 24/7". It's not even like I'm a drug addict or something I simply have no friends and spend most of my time at home. It's funny because they are the ones who are friendless, never hang out with anybody, never invited anyone over, always shifty and evasive with other people (including me) when talking about themselves but somehow it's my fault I have no social skills and I should magically fix it.
I have already been to therapy and it doesn't help and I'm unironically doing fine. Like I'm looking for a job it's not my fault I'm struggling to find one. I just want to be left alone. Every time we have this argument it's because they take vacation days off work and they want to force me to hang out with them like bro you are a disgusting old person I don't want to go anywhere with you. I am literally a grown woman it's so insane that they feel this entitled to doing things with me. Like my mom took Thursay and Friday off work and we were stuck at home together. I've been praying all weekend that they would just go out and leave me home alone but they just don't get it. They want to force me to go out with them and when I refuse they act like I'm a basket case, super depressed, I can't go on like this, I am ruining their life. Meanwhile I was just hoping they would go out and I would be able to get a snack without them harassing me. Imagine being 25+ years old and not being able to get a snack because your parents will come to the kitchen and question you on what you're eating as if it's unreasonable to eat something at 4PM. Then they go back to work, somehow we stop fighting and my mental health magically recovers but they never seem able to put 2+2 together. These are the same people who never had a discussion about my feelings with me until I was 20

No. 2061079

So you live in their house and don't have a job?

No. 2061080

They keep doing this thing were they ask me to hang out with them. I say no praying to God they will just go out on their own and leave me alone. Instead they're like "no, we won't leave the house without you". I have to stay inside my bedroom because there are no other places I can be in the house. Meanwhile they argue loudly about me saying I'm mentally ill and I need to change. The mood of everyone declines as they force themselves to be stuck at home and I am forced to be stuck in my bedroom instead of having the freedom to walk around, make myself a cup of tea or something. So everyone gets more depressed and angry at each other. Meanwhile if they just went out without me I would be ecstatic and they would do whatever it is that they want to do outside

No. 2061081

>post about something I like
>anons proceed to pick it apart why it sucks and I should agree with them
Every time. Guess I'll never learn

No. 2061083

I’m invited to job interviews at multiple law firms next week and I hate it because as a woman in this business you’re expected to look as presentable, inoffensive and conventionally attractive as possible. Like your average instagram influencer: dyson airwrap waves and nude lipstick. It makes me want to gag. I hate having to imitate the appearance of a genre of people I dislike.

No. 2061086

I am going to school (masters so I could technically get a job). But I am not a retard amerifat and I could easily call the cops on them if they tried to kick me out of the house. Just because in the US you can shit out spawn from your vagina and then be rid of your responsibility towards it as soon as it turns 18 doesn't mean every country on earth is like that. I have tried to move out more than once but they are dependent on me to maintain their marriage stable so they always freak out when I bring up the topic

No. 2061090

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No. 2061095

This is a dumb excuse I’m sorry nonny, pick up a job with the bachelors you have, save up as much as you can, develop a smoking addiction like the rest of us and try to get out of that hellhole. It will never change and they will never have an epiphany that your contributions are the reason on why they haven’t died from a black mold infestation, just make a plan to leave and live your life please it doesn’t have to be tomorrow or the next month but make a plan for the tangible future to move away and please just stop making excuses your parents just don’t love you and you won’t get the apology you’re desperately craving for, respect yourself first.

No. 2061103

I do have a vague plan to move out (finish my education and get a job?) but I am genuinely stuck in an abusive cycle with them like a battered wife. When things get really bad I become so desperate to move out and I'm willing to do anything. Then they become normal again and I feel like I'm doing fine living with them, I don't even see what the problem was before. It's such a toxic environment we're three people and everyone here hates each other and has no emotional connection we're like 3 roommates who really don't get along. My dad bullies my mom constantly and is so rude to her. He harasses me constantly as well. I really dislike my mom and hate spending time with her she just has disgusting and annoying habits. She resents her husband for being a retard as well as me for not being the perfect daughter she wants but she's too lazy to do anything about it. The more I think about it the more it feels hellish but if you asked me a month ago I would have told you I love living with them

No. 2061159

I'm 21 years old and still an inexperienced virgin. A guy approached me some time ago and we exchanged numbers but it soon became clear that he just wants to hit it and quit it as he keeps suggesting we go to my dorm, instead of a real date. Today I saw a girl who looked a lot like me (average looking with a pear shaped body) with her boyfriend, and at first I thought they were well matched until the bf opened his mouth and I realized from the way he spoke alone that he was pretty unintelligent. Not very polite towards his girl either. And these two cases made me think if this is the best chance of intimacy and relationships that I'll get. Either be a random pump and dump, or end up settling for a guy who thinks HE'S settling for ME and treats me accordingly.

No. 2061166

Fuck off with the asexual shit. I'm a happily single person who is perfectly fine growing old alone but I'm still capable of understanding the idea of attraction and enjoying romantic stories. You are not super SPESHUL for shitting on other women who sperg about their 2D husbandos or who go "awww I wish I had a boyfriend/husband like that" when they read/watch about a sweet wholesome relationship. You do the same thing as the women you shit on, you just pretend that you are not straight despite going DADDY DADDY at handsome yaoi men. Having the bare minimum awareness that they are 2D and you can never date them doesn't cancel out your thirst for men, stop pretending that you are some unique creature that doesn't experience attraction.
I'm not against the term asexual to mean a complete lack of sexual attraction towards anybody, but I'm so tired of idiots using it as a synonym for celibate/abstinent/single.

No. 2061187

You have basically no experience, it's a bit early to jump to conclusions.

No. 2061206

I didn't get meaningful matches until I became a more powerful woman.

That sounds cheesy but it's true. When I went up in my career I got paid more so I wouldn't have to settle for underachieving and underemployed scrotes to have a roommate. When I gained that status, I caught the attention of scrotes who were better off themselves and could see my value. With age came a lot of maturing and realizing the bullshit games men play so that I could avoid or leave them quicker. Predatory men saw me as less naive.
The trick is: When you have power, you will attract scrotes who want to mooch. So be sure your self-esteem is in check too or you'll go back to your OP way of thinking that just because you look a certain way you don't deserve someone nice. Do you think for a second that fat, ugly, disgusting scrotes with wealth and power limit themselves to other gross women? Or are they not selecting fucking models and the upper echelon themselves? Exactly. Be as entitled as moids are, you deserve it if they do.

No. 2061218

best thing I have seen on the internet lately. This really lifted my spirits. Amazing woman

No. 2061321

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> one tra on stantwt finds my twt where i have pics of myself
> assembles all of their side of stantwt to start sending me death and rape threats and qrt
> goddammit.jpg
idc about the insults but holy fuck they are so annoying im just waiting for it to pass over so i can go back to my normal notifs

No. 2061325

Make sure to save links to their tweets and report them in a week or two so they don't connect the dots

No. 2061327

If you have any friends who can report the death threats they can get banned. A tranny told one of my moid friends to kill himself after an argument over some stupid shit like a video game and he and like 4 other people reported it and their account got suspended

No. 2061329

thank you both! my twt has radfem stuff but i post photos of myself on there as well bc i want more women to not feel the need to hide for saying the truth but it's rough, kek. i and a couple others have reported them but it's taking a while

No. 2061331

I feel awful about writing shitty assignments but I don't have the energy to do a better job

No. 2061369

i want to be friends with people like me… i want to dress up when i go out and talk about the things i want, do fun new things and not be made to feel weird about it… like everyone i know just wants to stay inside and watch tv and they judge me for wanting anything different. they think it's annoying that i want to walk around a park and wear dresses… it seems like a normal and fun thing to do or maybe i'm just crazy idk i feel so alone

No. 2061405

Once again I wasted the whole day doing nothing, I didn't even watch a show or read something. Just the Internet, help

No. 2061409

Sometimes doing nothing is ok nonna. Not everything has to be spent working towards something.

No. 2061427

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Someday, anon, someday…

No. 2061505

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I watched a movie with my friend that was supposedly "feminist," but it was perverse and filmed for the male gaze as usual. Are there any good movies that are satisfying in how men get their comeuppance and get beat the shit out of by women or something like that? Any truly empowering movies for women and, if possible, by women? I'm just tired, nonas. I'll probably ask the movie thread on /m/ later, but I remember it being slow and not so active.

No. 2061532

Booked a trip to England, yay. Except, the week I'm going also happens to be the week there's a MASSIVE HEATWAVE. Fuck this gay earth….

No. 2061534

It sounds like you're tired but also looking for stimulus to energize yourself with
- Put on music/audiobook and do chores
- Set a timer (I got an analog timer) and do pomodoros where you do either activity A or nothing. If you don't want to, just sit there and eventually your brain will decide it's so bored it would at least take a look at activity A and try something
- If there's a gym/treadmill, you can watch a movie scroll your phone while walking. Doesn't have to be brisk, it can be 3mph

No. 2061536

I liked Mad Max Fury Road and Birds of Prey lol. For just women-centered and women-focused TV shows, Derry Girls or We Are Lady Parts

No. 2061541

If you’re quiet and feel like you have to perform to socially “pass” in front of people, and don’t want to attend your graduation ceremony, but your bubbly mom wants to go and take pictures, what’s a nice compromise?

No. 2061542

Seconding Derry Girls. It's also nice to see a piece of media set in Northern Ireland that isn't just us bombing each other

No. 2061543

When your mum is old and has trouble remembering she'll always have those pictures to remind her of how proud she is of you for taking the time and effort to graduate. Put on the mask for one day, she'll really appreciate it.

No. 2061550

We're going through one right now, good luck nonny.

No. 2061552

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i've been doing a lot of thinking and i've decided that after i complete my bachelor's, i'm leaving france and moving to london for my master's. it's been a nice 2 years but realistically i can't see myself living in paris or any other french city in general forever, but i'm not ready atm to move back to the states. it just isn't for me anymore.

after the initial novelty and excitement of living in paris wore off, i started noticing a lot of negatives more than positives piling up and it's gotten to the point where i can't pretend any longer. to be brutally honest, i don't particularly care for french people. like they aren't terrible or anything, most of them are decent people, but their culture just isn't for me and there's a lot of little things they do that bother me. i dislike the food (it's too bland and there isn't much variety), i hate their banks, i am tired of having issues with getting packages delivered to my apartment, i'm just tired and bored in general. even with my university, it's fine but it's not challenging. my degree is very easy and i'm breezing through classes getting a's and b's without even trying. it's just a glorified party school for rich kids.

i've done the usual stuff like going to museums and trying new restaurants, shopping and traveling around and after a while it gets boring because the country itself is not really that dynamic. people dress the same, think the same, everyone seems to have the same politically correct opinions and is content with the mediocrity of it all so long as they're guaranteed a pension. of course if you're american then people give you a hard time, talk about you behind your back, look down on you, or refuse to fully accept you unless you're shit talking your country to make them feel better about their own country's issues. since i don't have a personal vendetta against my country, i'm not interested in playing those games or pandering to people's insecurities. it's hard to have a conversation with your average french person since they always seem to want to segue into ranting about our politcs (which they don't understand) while also getting mad at you for having an opinion on their's, even if you know what you're talking about.

i know someone french is going to get offended and i don't mean to upset anyone honestly. i tried to make france and paris work for me, and for a while i couldn't really put my finger on why i didn't feel as happy as i did when i first moved there. it wasn't until recently, being back home, that i started putting things together. i'm glad i got to experience it but i would like to live somewhere more vibrant and less culturally stuffy and i do genuinely miss london a lot. it has it's own issues but i know lifestyle wise, culturally, politically, even economically it fits better with me. i just hope i am doing the right thing, but only god knows that.

No. 2061567

My new bi bf is into bl anime is it over

No. 2061568

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Nothing wrong with changing places nona. If it doesn't agree with you then it's ok to leave. You've been in Europe long enough now that I'm sure you know that it not all Downtown Abby and more like picrel here. The romanticised version of England projected abroad is very much not the reality.
Also I'm not sure about the laws but with Brexit your visa to France might not transfer to the UK. I would recommend looking into that if you haven't already.
I've bopped around a bit of Europe. If you're looking for warmer people head south. If your looking for interesting things head to Amsterdam or Berlin.

No. 2061575

why. can't. I. forget. him

wtf it's been 2 years since I saw this moid and he actually treated me like shit (i was kinda crazy to though) but the sex was the best i ever had
no matter what i do, I cannot forget him. I literally had two other happy relationships and stuffs but nothing compares to him. wtf i wanna get rid of this demon, this is not normal. I have suicidal thoughts each night cause he is in a happy relationship

No. 2061576


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2061577

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All these stupid issues with my teeth are fucking me up. I had underlying tooth decay that I didn't feel or see, but I was dumb enough to agree to get a filling anyway. Now, just a few weeks later, that same one hurts whenever I chew something. I don't fucking get it, I feel like my problems all started once I went to the dentist. Literally nothing hurt in the decade I stopped going, then I remembered to get a check up one day and now it's one thing after another. After that first one my teeth were suddenly super sensitive and I had to start buying special toothpaste just to eat normally again. Two needed fillings. One needed a root canal treatment later on, now it needs to get filed down for a veneer because of the insane color change it went trough. Now this. I can't even chew normally now, I can only use one half of my mouth. I just want to cry

No. 2061593

I've been having the fucking WORST lower back pain that wraps around my hips and right side pain. It got kinda bad yesterday and I went to the ER and they had no clue what it is. They THINK it might be sciatica but hooooly fuck it hurts like a bitch. I was scared it was some ooga booga I'm gonna fucking die shit like an ectopic pregnancy/appendicitis but I'm not even pregnant and when the physician did the appendicitis tests it didn't hurt. What the FUCK

No. 2061607

I feel your pain nonna, I went for the first time after 6 years, told I need 4 fillings and to spend hundreds of pounds only to have one of them fall out twice. I give up.

No. 2061608

I have a vendetta against my piece of shit ex dentist too. I always took great care of my teeth and understood a lot because my grandma was a dental hygienist.
Anyways, let some shitty strip mall dental office near my ex house spook me into getting a crown on a molar (admittedly the tooth was worn down from stress, but normal). A crown is a process where they grind down your natural tooth and then cement a fake one over the stub. In any event, they made me feel like if I did not get this crown then my tooth would be subject to breakage or decay–in hindsight, complete BULLSHIT. Well, what the bitch didn't tell me was that after grinding down my perfectly fine tooth, was that there would not be enough surface left to have a normal retention of the crown.
Now, my """permanent""" crown constantly falls out of my mouth! I either have to pay $100 every 2-3 months to go get it recemented when it inevitably falls out, or alternatively, spend $$$$ to go to a specialist for "tooth elongating" where they cut up your gums and fuck with your jaw bone to expose more tooth. Then, I would have to get the crown redone $$$$ and hope that does the trick when they go to re-glue it again.
And that ground down stub? Completely fine, for the most part, even though there is no protective cap on it. Which is how I know these fuckers fleeced me, but they made me sign away my firstborn as a waiver so I cannot even sue if I could.
I'd find the curry scamming bitch who did this to me and firebomb her Tesla. Modern dentistry is a lot of scamming and messing with peoples' perfectly healthy mouths for a buck.

No. 2061609

If it extends down your leg it is likely sciatica, and yes it is that painful. A lot of people freak out and go to the ER about it. Sensations can be numbness, pain, urge to pee or poo, pain in the lower back extending to the side and so on. They will have you do some short exercises to determine what it is and based on that they’ll diagnose you. Good news is that sciatica is generally harmless except for the worst cases, bad news is that it will probably come back and it takes months for it to stop hurting (as does any nerve related injury). Good luck nonna, hope it’s nothing serious.

No. 2061610

my grandpa made bbq which i am happy about but he tossed everything back into the oven to warm it but left it in at 400 degrees. if i hadn't smelled it and took it out, all the meat would have been charred and inedible and it's a lot of food. this isn't even the first time he's done this! why why why are you like this

No. 2061613

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My only irl friend who I’ve known for years just told me he loved me after I tried talking and opening up to him about my emotions and how hopeless and suicidal I’ve been. I don’t know why I feel so gross, I really want to think that it was a platonic “I love you” but I don’t think so, and I’m not attracted to him. Now I feel like it’s just gonna be really awkward if we ever hang out again. You really can’t be friends with moids, I’m so sad.

No. 2061616

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I've been cooking alot lately as a way to stave off boredom, kick my urge to live off of Uber Eats/Door Dash, and distract me from my crippling loneliness. I never really liked cooking and still just see it as a PITA chore but I have been having quite a few successes recently..and I do like eating good food.

No. 2061618

thanks for being understanding nona. thankfully i've lived off and on in london over the years with my family so i don't mind the grittiness of it. i just miss the vibe and the last time i was there it felt more alive than paris in comparison which left me feeling really conflicted. idk what it is about paris but living in france just became very dull for me after a while. but you are right: my visa won't transfer over with brexit since it's only for the schengen area, so i've already started looking into the paperwork, where i need to go, what i have to do to get into britain since the process is a little bit different than france and the rules for how long i can remain are a lot more flexible than europe. i've also started looking at different universities and getting a feel for how things are, looking at different flats, what area i would like to live in, that sort of thing. it's bittersweet in a lot of ways because i worked so hard to move to france, did so much to get to paris and really thought i was going to get into the fashion industry, find my bliss and be at peace. but that didn't happen, so it's back to the drawing board. i'm excited for the change though, i need it.

No. 2061621

I got a permanent crown when I was a kid, the crown eventually fell out like yours only the cement didn't go with it. I went to the dentist as an adult and got it worked on and the dentist was pissed bc he was trying to drill the cement out and broke 3 bits on the bitch. He just removed what was left of my tooth and said there wasn't anything he could do. When I die, that chunk of blue resin is going to be cemented on my jaw, maybe I should donate my skull to science so people can study it. I've been swallowing microplastivs in my saliva for around a decade now.

No. 2061623

I'm so sorry to hear. It's such a total rip-off. How are we living in the 21th century and still dealing with fillings or crowns falling out

Oh my god, that's actually fucked up. Can you really not do anything about it legally? Is that not malpractice? But my situation was similar because she told me the decay was inside and would "soon" hit the surface so it would be best to drill it open immediately and get it over with but from what I'm reading it might need a total redo if not a root canal treatment now. Her assistant also talked me into getting the more premium type of filling that's not fully covered by insurance because the regular ones apparently tend to crumble or fall out. I'm definitely never going to a dentist again once this shit is over. Imagine going to a normal doctor and they tell you they need to drill a hole into your femur just cuz

No. 2061625

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I've been feeling like shit all weekend. No reason. Things are going great and despite all that I just feel like shit. I don't mind, being down is a part of life. I wish there was some rhyme or reason to my moods.

No. 2061628

Go to the dentist anon for routine cleanings but absolutely don't let them drill your mouth unless you are in actual discomfort and pain.

No. 2061631

failed my midterms, considering ending it all. if i fail the semester, i only have one more chance to retake these classes and it is one of only a handful of schools in state that offers these, and i can't afford the other schools. sucks i'm also going to be kicked out of my current housing soon, and i will have no ability to save up the money i had to spend on my cats surgery about a month ago. first time in my adult life my bank account is less than 4K, FML. literally have less than 700 right now. no friends, job keeps only giving me about two days and i barely make above minimum wage. its over.

No. 2061632

Not so much down my leg but definitely my ass cheek and sorta around my thigh? It’s so weird, I’ve never felt anything like that before. Thank you for your response nonna, it hurts but thankfully I can function and it’s all way better than the alternative. I wonder what I can do to help it though, they never said anything.

No. 2061674

Chiropractor and massage therapist can help sciatic pain. In the meantime use ice packs and gentle stretching.

No. 2061769

In hospital with fractured back. can't move lot of my body. slipped in the shower sadly. Back really hurts all the time….
Please send prayers for me nonnies…

No. 2061779

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No. 2061863

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I hated my birthday. I hate most of my family members, yet because it's my birthday, all the insufferable retards jump up about to say and do the absolute most that I never asked for. The only good thing about my birthday was me posting about it in the Birthday Thread and one anon telling me Happy Birthday. That alone was the actual highlight of my day. So you know what? Thank you, nonnie.

No. 2061867

I wish my family loved me and celebrated my birthday

No. 2061870

I wish my family members didn't pretend to give a shit about me once a year whenever I happen to get older.

No. 2061871

I made vegetable soup because I don't feel like eating. It's the go to food I make when I get in my stupid depressed mood. I pack a lot of veggies in it and after I ladle some up, I put nutritional yeast on top. I hate that I do this to myself. I don't really realize until I start getting headaches. At least I got food for tomorrow.
Holy shit. I hope you have a speedy recovery. ♥

No. 2061880

I was wondering why I felt like deleting all my work and destroying all of my belongings and feeling like I hate everything I loved. Then I checked my period tracker and saw I was two days into my luteal phase. Fuck PMDD. I can’t wait to have a full week and a half of feeling crazy, wanting to kill myself, severe cramping, and being miserable. I wish I could talk about this with others who understood and not judged for it. I see my GP in a few weeks and I want to ask her about treatment or medication, but I don’t know what she’s going to say, or even know what I’m talking about. I’m so tired of being a mess for 25% of the month. I have so much shit I have to do and prep for and right now all I can do is lay in bed and try not to feel completely awful.

No. 2061885

Talk to your doctor get some meds and feel better

No. 2061888

I wish I had the maturity I have right now when I was in my early 20s and going through college. I would have done better and maybe I would have had better friendships. I wish I could redo it

No. 2061918

My grandmother has always had this thing of offering things that don't even belong to her away and now that I live with her (cut costs, split rent) she is doing the same with all my food, drinks and items. I wouldn't mind giving food or drink away or sharing if- 1. I made them for visitors or 2. they weren't coming from my bulk groceries for the next month or so. Last night I made enough donuts for us and right now I hear her offering my last 4 to visitors without fucking asking me and it's pissing me off but I know if I tell her not to she'll bring up how she has bought me things all my adolescent life and not my mom, so she can do it. Also it's her house… she's so strange

No. 2061927

i hope a cancer cell is forming in the brain of the retard who has been bumping shitty loud music since early in the morning when everyone is still asleep because it's the day after victory day.

No. 2061931

Just had a mental breakdown in the shower because of how much hair I shedded. My hair loss has been going on for a couple of years now and at this point I can see my scalp through my hair if I pull it back. I cannot ignore it any longer and I don't care if I'll have to pay to see a dermatologist. I have to do something about this before it's too late.

No. 2061944

I love my kitten but he’s so exhausting to be around sometimes. I wish I had his energy dammit

No. 2061952

She is still not going back to work oh my God I want to die. An entire week wasted following the whims of insane people

No. 2061960

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I keep having the thought pop up that im still single/unmarried maybe because Im actually hideous in some way. If I was really pretty or had a great personality, i would have been partnered by now. I can get dates if i want one, but i think my personality kills most interactions I have with people. My brain sort of shuts off after spending time with someone for a super long time and I probably come off as uninteresting. I wish I was a bit more normie so a normal life path could be available to me. I could then get married to some below average male just to achieve that goal and not feel so left out at social gatherings while other girls talk about their ever widening, balding husbands. Maybe then I'd at least be happy feeling normal.

No. 2061965

I think you're great and very funny and deserve love! It's not you, it's them, I say this with confidence

No. 2061966

This is a very common experience for french people who move from the countryside to Paris, they get exhausted and bored after a few years, most end up leaving Paris, that city is extremely soul sucking to live in.

No. 2061968

Not being very pretty or social might stop you naturally getting a bf without much effort, but if you used dating apps and worked hard to find a moid I'm sure you could. That's my situation, I'm comfortable with not being appealing enough to easily find someone but I also don't want a bf enough to try at all so I will stay single.

No. 2061982

>that city is extremely soul sucking to live in.
Is Paris the L.A of Europe, but with more pee and cigarettes?

No. 2061988

Of europe I don't know, but it's basicaly it's own little country in the middle of France and it's filled with self important arrogant people who watch with contempt the rest of the country that they call "la province", which is basicaly anywhere that is not Paris.

No. 2061992

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I know you can't save someone from themselves and all that, but I'm venting/looking for advice on what to do about a friend in her late 20s with no hobbies. Her life is so empty her only joy is consoom-shopping and desperately browsing dating apps to find someone to fill the void inside her. As a friend it's sad (and a bit annoying) to see her waste her life like this.

I try to encourage her to do things but she always just says she's tired and her brain is too mushy to focus on anything "right now" (it's been years). I try to tell her you get what you put in, you need to do things to build stamina to do more things and doing nothing will only make her brain feel even more mushy.
The most annoying thing is she's a yes-man and she always agrees when I give advice (she asks, I never tell her unprompted) but then she always ignores it all.

She also nearly always want me (or someone else, whoever is around) to make all her decisions for her. If it resulted in her doing ANYTHING I'd be fine with it for now, I'd happily drag her out myself to do something to get her started. But of course something always comes up so nothing gets done. I've genuinely tried to make plans for her (again, when she asks) and trying my best to make her actually make the decisions for herself so she feels in control and like she's committed to them. For example she wanted to get more healthy so I suggested fully quitting some of her sugar-addictions for a period of a month to see how she feels (while keeping others so it's gradual). She started asking/bargaining like "Yes, that's great I'm gonna do that and fully quit eating my daily popsicles! …but can I eat it on Fridays and weekends? What if someone else bought it for me, am I allowed to eat it then?"
Girl what part of "fully quit" do you not get, and also idgf what you eat you don't need my permission, the fuck are you asking me for?

No. 2062001

I really think I'm a night owl since sleeping on time has always been an issue even if I didn't get enough the night before. Everything is closed, it doesn't feel safe to walk around outside, and I love the early sun but won't see it unless I'm still up at 5A.M. I'm sick of it though since I feel so abnormal. My clock always slowly ticks back to the same sleep time. If I were to push myself for a while I feel unrested. My skin goes to shit. The blue under my eyes gets worse. People call night owls lazy even though I work the same amount of hours at a different time. The one good thing is lack of noise from anyone being awake. Though it also means no one is around to talk or game.

No. 2062020

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How do you deal with a Narcissistic parent when they are bein unbearable? If I share anyghing positive with my mom, she will give me condescending remarks that ruins my happiness and if I want to share something negative, I will get the 'how dare you be tired when I'm old and been up and running around since 5am??!' response. I'm also treated like I'm a child and I'm naturally always wrong and she's always right

No. 2062022

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I've lost my daughter 4 month ago, I've been resting and trying to build myself up again since then. I've started looking for a job three weeks ago, the process is more excruciating than ever, interviews are exhausting me, I can't just be normal, I can't focus, I simply don't care about their stupid questions, I don't want to explain why I've been jobless for the last six months, It's making me lose my mind. I know I'm a good employee why do I have to pretend I love life and love their stupid corporating just so I can work.

No. 2062027

someone that passive doesn't need someone telling them what to do like you are, it's unfortunate that you mean to help but it's not helping. she's looking for a man or something to fill some kind of hole in her life hence the shopping addiction. when she finds a man, she's probably going to fall into that kind of leader-follower dynamic. what interests did she have growing up or like? you can't save every woman, maybe pull back and stop giving as much advice.

No. 2062032

Anon, you're not gonna like this, but you cannot save her, she can only save herself. She will only be able to change when she herself becomes fed up with her own passivity

No. 2062034

Stonewall all the way and work towards moving out, don't tell them anything anymore. There's no right thing to say and no way you can fix it.

No. 2062046

I think most interviewers would understand the pain of losing a child, be strong nonna

No. 2062055

I wish I was a straight man. One of my dad's friends who is a total bum and looks like a naked molerat has a 20~ year old girlfriend. They could be the poorest, ugliest, stupidest loser bums and mentally unwell girls 40 years their junior would throw themselves at them. And it's considered normal. Meanwhile I'm considered unloveable because my nose was broken as a child. Milimetres of bone being misplaced means you're a worthless slab of meat who will have to settle for a man who's so ugly you want to KILL him. Everything is so unfair. She will cook and clean and give him birthday presents and suck his balls. And he'll just enjoy his life because being a man means having an unlimited supply of crazy girls who will ruin their lives for you. If I spent all of my money on plastic surgery, I'd still end up with a boyfriend uglier than me and throws a mantrum if I didn't salt his food to his liking. It's ILLEGAL to find a man better looking than you or younger than you. If you did they'd leave you for someone else in a heartbeat. I'm so young and already disillusioned beyond imagination. The solution I've found is being as ugly as the man society sees fit for me. I don't shave or shower, my hair is short and ratty. I don't spend money on anyone else, never pluck my mustache or unibrow, chronically pick on my once clear skin. I eat whatever I want and drink until I vomit. Dress like a slob and all the skin I show is covered in body hair. And guess what? An ugly man will still HAVE TO marry me in this state. There is a lack of women in my country so they will have to tolerate my corpse breath or end their bloodlines. They will feel how I feel

No. 2062058

Ugly men suck. Hopefully she is there for the money.

No. 2062061

He's barely lower middle class

No. 2062067

I literally can't talk about it whithout crying I don't think it's appropriate for an interview and I'm worried they won't want to hire me for fear that I'll get pregnant again to "fix" what happened. It's not what I plan to do nor do I believe I can fix the hell I went throught by having another baby, but so many people think this way.

No. 2062074

>someone that passive doesn't need someone telling them what to do like you are, it's unfortunate that you mean to help but it's not helping.
She keeps asking and I don't know how to say no. It feels like if I do she'll take it as me having given up on her meaning she is also allowed to give up.
>what interests did she have growing up or like? you can't save every woman, maybe pull back and stop giving as much advice.
I really try to keep it brief nowadays, but like I said I feel like I have to actually give SOME kind of answer when she asks you know? She was a weeb so anime, manga and the sorts. Imo she should try being a creator of something as a hobby because she's just so passive in everything she does.
>Anon, you're not gonna like this, but you cannot save her, she can only save herself.
I know, I've literally told her this and it's why I TRY to keep her motivated to do things on her own when she seems genuinely interested in making a change. How else am I supposed to support her as a friend in the meantime?

No. 2062104

I feel like this too all the time but even I've had moids that I think showed interest in me several times. Some surprisingly cute ones, too. I never did anything but act casually friendly because of how scared I am from having anything more than a platonic interaction with a moid, though. Probably missed out on alot of moids I've talked to that could have ended up being my SO, had I not been so socially constipated and stunted.

No. 2062106

Sometimes I wish something so bad happened that I was finally pushed over the edge and can end my miserable life

No. 2062109

I hope I win the lottery one day so I can move somewhere without neighbors. Mine have been living here for 2 years already and still feel the need to start drilling morning to evening every single summer. I just want to sleep in shut the fuck up, even with earplugs it sound like they're in the same room as me.

No. 2062113

Holy shit all day power tool use is the worst and people like your neighbors are why there needs to be residential noise restrictions. Wishing your neighbors wonderful successes literally anywhere else so they move far the fuck away from you and grant you wonderful peace and restful sleep.

No. 2062127

My condolences for your loss, nona. I wish you the best in your job search and hope you may find something soon. Can you make up a lie about caring for an elderly family member instead? Being a caretaker can be considered work to fill in that gap. Anything to bypass talk about your daughter to them.

No. 2062143

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When we were younger and had moved out I was so amazed by how much more well-adapted and independent my best friend was. She seemed to have a lot of things under control and so incredibly intelligent, I even envied that she had the balls to move to a completely different town.
A year or so ago she decided she might have adhd (no actual diagnosis yet), and she's been on a steady decline since. Whenever she visits now she is messy, she doesn't help out with putting things away nor out, when I ask her for help I have to practically guide her step-by-step because she can't think for herself suddenly, when she cut up the watermelon she talked me into getting for us I had to ask her to do it several times and she fucking used the knife I had used to cut onions and garlic with previously which ended with her refusing to eat it because it tasted too much like onions (I couldn't taste it, but she can be a bit picky). And she blames all of it on her adhd. This is such a change from how she used to be so meticulous before.
I won't deny the possibility of her having said diagnosis, it does line up fairly perfectly with some of her habits and she might simply be relaxing her expectations of herself since she figured it out, but it's still a lot to handle for me some of the days when she's visiting because it feels like I'm dealing with a child.

No. 2062156

I get extremely bad cramping during my period and just bled on a pair of shorts but I'm so relieved that it started early so it won't fuck me over at my new job next week

No. 2062159

Some of these dogtors are super crappy. Why did this guy not drain this little toddler's abscess? Poor baby has been suffering for 3 days. Antibiotics aren't working.

No. 2062172

Sometimes mental illness gets worse with age if left untreated.
Could be psychosomatic, but maybe not. That really sucks for her.

No. 2062192

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seeing this is enough to give me another eating disorder. let me escape my hairy pcos flesh meat i can’t take it anymore i was set up for failure

No. 2062194


No. 2062195

Looks like she’s using a body filter if it makes you feel better

No. 2062197

Shes wearing a long shirt and "shorts" so shes a tomboy nona cant you see!

No. 2062198

it’s tiktok retard language kekkk just disregard

No. 2062201

I feel so sad.. It feels like I can't reach out and speak to people, even family members, I feel like a bother. Sometimes I just get so sick of the way I think and talk, and that I put so much pressure on myself to perform socially, but even being conscious of it isn't quite enough to make me cut it out. I really wish I could be cool and carefree. I feel rigid and suspicious.

No. 2062217

I think it's retarded to have a body like that and dress like a 10 year old fat boy at the water park

No. 2062220

i miss my ex and its annoying me

No. 2062225

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>when you wanna post something in the bachdel test thread but there's a blank face diagram drawing moid that appears for 5 seconds in an otherwise all women video

No. 2062232

You're retarded if you think that's actually real. Looks so obviously filtered

No. 2062242

Kek I dress like that when I swim

No. 2062243

guys im so stressed about money
i hate being poor, i hate that i worked this minimum wage job with mentally ill employees who thought everything was a trial from God and everyone was arguing with them, i hate having to balance everything with school, most jobs at this level have been degrading to some degree, i just want a degree already, i hate being 20 and having nothing to my name, i hate wondering if i can afford the bus, i hate that i keep having to ask my husband for money, and the price of visiting my family, my gosh i just want money so i can stop worrying. why not even become a stripper?

No. 2062245

She's on anti-depressants and has been seeing a psychologist since years back.

No. 2062274

Nonny this is so shooped she's blurry on like 3/4 of her body. You too can look like this with a heavy application of photoshop. But this lady does not actually look like a 30 year old with a barely pubescent teen's body I promise.

No. 2062295

I don't think my mother has ever comforted me in my life. Every memory I have of crying and being upset, I wanted to get away from her and she yelling, hitting, or belittling me. I just read something where someone mentioned crying in their mother's arms and that idea sounded so strange and dangerous. Like that's just not possible to my brain.

No. 2062304

My throat hurts so bad. I don't have any other symptom of anything, no snot, no pus, even my voice is unaffected, but it feels like there's a cut or something right where my throat starts and it makes swallowing and yawning super painful.

No. 2062310

Fuck these stupid people and their stupid lives and these rules made by retards. I want to go home, sit on the couch naked in the ac, and eat my last slice of pizza then take a nap.

No. 2062311

Could you have an inflammation of the tonsils?

No. 2062314

You can have an infection even without fever or other symptoms. It could be a viral infection so there wouldn't be puss.

No. 2062321

Maybe, I haven't had them taken out.
Do you think one of those sprays for sore throats would help? Or would it just treat the symptom?

No. 2062325

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I'm in my late 20s and I feel so cheated by having grown up chubby and "adult" sized even as a teen. I hit puberty at age 12 as a chubby kid and never even got to be a cute skinny/small teen. I just looked like I had an adult body right away. I don't get how other girls get to be petite, slender and pretty until their late teens and early 20s even and age slowly into maturity when I had to look like a dumpy mother of 6 when I was still a child myself. It makes me feel gross to even be upset about it, but even now I can't let it go. Women around me are still slender and pretty and I look so wide and dumpy even when I lose weight, because of how I'm built. I feel like I'm a different species than them.

I could never even really tell anyone how ugly and fat it made me feel because all I get back is "don't compare yourself to edited images and filters, they're not even real" when in reality I didn't look at those at all, I looked at the other girls and now women around me and they aren't edited so it only made me feel worse.

No. 2062333

might not help, but my mother is nice and would never hurt me but the only time i remember (attempting to) crying in her arms as a kid she just sort of patted my back awkwardly and it made me feel worse, i also cannot imagine ever crying in her arms ever again, the thought of it is weird and awkward and freaks me out.

i think because of it to this day i have no idea how to comfort someone else. i now also just kinda sit there like "well this is awkward, why would you embarrass yourself by crying in front of people (me)" though I would never say it out loud

No. 2062345

You are so relatable especially that jealousy of them getting to be small and enjoy actually being a child and young teen. I've always been big and it really held me back in so many ways socially and physically. I remember being on vacation and I wouldn't even swim I wore jeans the whole time because I was ashamed of my giant legs

No. 2062350

I am so tired of people just using me and then dumping me right after. I do not get it, I don’t understand why I’m so disposable to people. How do people live with themselves to treat me so badly, pretend I mean nothing to them.

No. 2062352

i had massive boobs when i was 9 and always got treated like a teenager, and then when i was 13 i always got treated like an adult. disgusting and now i have plastic bag grandma boobs at age 23

No. 2062359

i also don't have that type of relationship with my mom. sometimes i feel guilty about it because it's not like we hate each other but it's always been that way. she never really taught me anything about being a woman and i learned most of everything i know from random girls online or from my friends moms. i never trusted her to tell her anything about my life because she always would tell her friends/our neighbours and it would become a topic of discussion in the neighbourhood.

No. 2062363

Nayrt your response seems kind of selfish and innapropriate. Yeah it's related to what anon said, but anon needed understanding and support, not your personal anecdote that takes away from her suffering, and even focuses on something she didn't have and possibly wishes she did.

No. 2062367

If it's a viral infection they pretty much give you anti-inflammatory and pain meds, but if it's bacterial you could be making it worse by waiting. You should really have it checked nonna, especially if it's going on for days

No. 2062380

I made the original post and yeah, "my mother is nice and would never hurt me" made me feel bad kek. I held off on saying anything to that anon because I didn't want to respond in a bitchy or neurotic way while I was still feeling upset about the topic of mothers. But thank you for speaking up and understanding nona.

No. 2062381

You could have a pice of food stuck there. I had a piece of lettuce in my throat once and it hurt just like that. Try looking at it with a flashlight and poking with qtip to see if there’s anything there.

No. 2062394


No. 2062395

Wtf is it with teenagers??? A couple of weeks ago my friend had two teenagers stalking her through the mall into the convenience store where they would throw random shit at her, but would hide whenever she would turn around so she couldn't identify them properly to the guards. Today another friend of mine helped an overheated bunny that had somehow managed to find it's way into the city centre, and a group of teenage girls kept laughing and heckle her as she was going through town to relocate it. What is wrong with these people? What do they get out of it?

No. 2062402

Were they filming? Kids these days (I know I know) take tiktok very seriously and are desperate for some Karen action to post for clicks, so they try to bother women (always women) to get a reaction in an attempt to go viral.

No. 2062413

The bunny-rescue friend didn't want to give them attention so she didn't bother to really take a good look, and the other friend never managed to get a proper look at the ones stalking her since they were quick to hide. But I've honestly been wondering if it could be a tiktok thing too I just try to hold on to my sanity by not jumping to that conclusion too much because I desperately want to believe society doesn't suffer from THAT much brainrot kek

No. 2062439

It's been a month and I still cannot get over the asshole moid that I dated. I wish I was stronger and able to talk back and set strong boundaries, then maybe I wouldn't have wasted my time like that. I had such a fat crush on him that I ignored every shitty thing he did until it literally slapped me in the face. Sometimes I feel like I've dated two people - the guy I thought he was: the well-off teacher with a bright smile who has so many interesting and cool hobbies and cares about his community. And the guy he really was: A slob with low empathy who cannot clean up after himself, that constantly criticized me for every shitty little thing and who thinks that he is above everybody who isn't vegan and doesn't have a university degree. Not my problem that your daddy doesn't love you, asshole.

No. 2062521

a failed attempt to quit is still less cigarettes smoked. keep trying! you will feel better! it will be harder and then easier! i love you!

No. 2062525

Gonna sound old but 'stranger bothering' as a form of teenage entertainment has long existed, only it used to be way more of a boring/rough area thing where good samaritans would cry "someone please think of the youth and build them a youth center for crying out loud" in reaction to it. Like pre internet in your pocket days that was always the argument, whether to feel bad for the kids with nothing else to do.

It's kinda ironic that in the years since, the internet is more of a thing, in your pocket, in your house, whole world of shit to watch and do at your fingertips. What're teens drawn to.. public harrassment vids. Prank vids. Karen vids. Public freakout vids. Filming strangers for being a lil bit odd looking in public. Lowest forms of entertainment. People really used to think toys and tech and more entertainment options would stop it.. no it popularized it amongst kids who arent even stuck n bored in shithole areas

No. 2062536

Why did this make my eyes water… Thank you anon…

No. 2062543

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they need to get their ass beat like in the caveman times. no "wah I'm a minor DNI" as they throw shit at you… they just get a big ass animal femur whacked on the head. teenage boys especially. You don't see a teenage gorilla acting up without getting a silverback charging them breathing down their face and making them avert their gaze. I could be that silverback but the laws of this land are an obstacle to me yet again.

No. 2062549

Some kids tried filming me on the train once? I just sat down and started reading my book and they were setting up their phone to record me and possibly play a prank on me? A complete stranger 10 years their senior? TikTok has completely rotted their brains

No. 2062555

me too nonna. I just can’t tell myself no. it’s awful and was never supposed to get like this

No. 2062556


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2062624

new thread >>>/ot/2062621

No. 2062629

I’m so glad I was tiny and have small boobs and was petite and still technically am, would kms if I was fat as a young girl

No. 2062632

giving you the award for the most insensitive response possible

No. 2062635

No. 2063007

Kek tranny spotted

No. 2065114

>try cheering up a friend
>>easy for you to say, you have a good future ahead of you because you went to university while I dropped out
bro it's not my fault you were lazy and didn't want to tough it out despite being given 2 chances at it.

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