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No. 2039249
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev
>>>/ot/2032638 No. 2039257
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>>2039254>looks at the state of /fujo/as a fujoshi, i humbly disagree
No. 2039279
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Idk why people say ugly people are rude. It's the 4-5/10s that are the rudest imo. Male version would be like this
No. 2039297
>>2039291That's true. The closest experience I have to this is highschool. The mean girls looked decent, but that'd because they always wore makeup. On those days when they would come to class without it, they looked like zombies. There's something particularly bitter about lower-average people who scrape
hard to even pass as cute.
No. 2039314
>>2039311the longest living cat in the world ate bacon and eggs, with occasional cat food so it didnt go blind. cats eyesight can degenerate if they dont get certain nutrients. I wanna alog your friend
>they polled cat owners and owners of cats on vegan diets said they're healthierno shit
No. 2039484
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He deserved the same amount of hate that Gabi gets. It's insane that even people who don't like Floch regard him as a good character, but then turn around and shit on Gabi for killing Sasha (mind you, Floch basically inadvertently killed Hange by being a Jeagerist) and refuse to sympathize with her at all.
No. 2039529
>>2039484Nah he was based. He was right till the very end. He wanted his country to survive and get protected at all costs, while she just wanted the glory of being a soldier who kills "her" country's enemies and proove she's "one of the good ones". But I actually like both characters, just for different reasons. Floch would've fought for me if he knew my situation, but Gabi would laugh at me and tell me I deserve it for not succumbing to it, and might possibly be the one to kill me to get glory and praise. But tbf I'm looking though this all from my personal lens. From the characters' lens, Floch sees himself and his nation as
victims and wants revenge and to defend themselves and be the last ones standing, while Gabi thinks she and her people who are living much better more comfortable lives are the ones who have worse and the only way for them to rest is to eradicate the weak peasants with no weapons or technology to protect themselves, to prove to the world she and her people are the better ones, but it probably won't go their way knowing how the world and Marley operates, they'd just double down on exploiting them and keeping them with less rights so they won't rebel or fight back. She sort of figured that out after meeting the Blause family and Kaya.
For Floch, the reason people like his character even if they hate him, is the way he was written as the opposing voice to the main self-righteous characters. He started as cannon fodder, saw the costs of the war and how the survey corps are handling it all first hand, survived the suicide charge, and decided he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through. And wanted a sure-fire way to end the war, hence joining Eren when the he revealed the rumbling plan, because from his perspective that's the most logical solution. He wanted the fallen soldiers before him's deaths to have meaning and lead to something, and wanted his country to be finally free. You can't not respect that or at least see where he's coming from even if you dislike him or disagree with him. Notice how he also celebrates the fallen soldiers during the Liberio raid, remembers their names and the number of them, and tries to keep their memory living on. Because he doesn't want anyone's hardwork to go to waste. He also has that "fuck it, I'll do it myself" attitude to assure what he wants to happen will definitely happen. And Hange understood that about him, and admitted he was right, which is why she mourned his death (Jean did, too.) I don't know how it's his fault she died though? That was Eren's wall colossal titans, and he could see the future but didn't let her live lmao. She's the one who charged at them to hinder them.
No. 2039672
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>>2039648>tfw no minion husbando anon talking about her crush on a minion in /g/ like the kirby anon >>2039665picrel looks like one of the jannies
>>2039667miss her so much
No. 2039889
>>2039721It sounds better than it really is. I dated a guy who used retinol and a dermal roller but he turned out to be a raging faggot Redditor who constantly was virtue signaling about what a "feminist" he was. Oh and he couldn't get hard either LMAO. NEXT!!
>>2039783Nona I'm so sorry. Kids seriously do not have the maturity to have unsupervised internet access. Phones and technology replacing parenting has been a disaster for so many people. In a way I'm one of the lucky ones because I kept to myself and listened to Vocaloid. Luckily a lot of older zoomers have realized that neonates don't need ipads so I think the zeitgeist is changing for the better.
>>2039392Social media is literally engineered to be addictive. It's sickening. I think if Silicon Valley burned down tomorrow the world would be a better place.
>>2039829I have an internet addiction which is as retarded as it sounds but how am I supposed to quit when all my schoolwork is online? And when I block sites I just migrate elsewhere. I know it's a pure skill issue but I've been chronically online since I was seven sooo I'm in real deep.
No. 2039945
>>2039892I don't get it either, I actually struggle to use social media. Like as in there are things I'm supposed to use it for (work related self-promo and art) that I constantly forget to do because I find it so hard to remember to open up some app and scroll through it liking and following other people's mundane shit on a regular basis and trying to ignore the more than 50% stupid ads I see while scrolling. I understand addiction to games or actual forums/boards where you are likely to get in arguments/discussions more.
My parents didn't give me a cellphone or even laptop until my late teens though and I think a lot of the younger people addicted to social media get addicted because it rewires their dopamine reward pathways at an early developmental age. I wasn't allowed to routinely watch TV either until high school and at that point I never really could get into it after, if kids grow up with real hobbies and not staring at screens they're more likely not to train their mind to want the rewards from screens. iPad babies had no chance.
No. 2040356
>>2040330AYRT and my point is you won't pay your food, rent, bills with it for more than a couple months in most cases. You'll be tricked into putting nude, lewd and degrading images of yourself on the internet that never go away just for 1-2 months' rent and bills and then if someone you knew stumbled upon your OF you might never be hired into a normal job ever again.
>>2040354This is the truth nona. Men don't pay good money on OF or camming websites to see women become independent and live good lives, they pay good money to see women destroyed. If you're not sufficiently destroyed they'll rapidly lose interest.
No. 2040367
>>2040265True, but i think the thing that keeps women out of sex work other than shame and not wanting to be exploited is that most women would have no idea how to even start or they know they would fail, which is something i feel like most people ignore about sex work. I know if i tried to become a stripper right now i would get laughed out of the venue considering a lot of strippers nowadays who actually make money tend to looks like instagram models.
>>2040354This is true anon, i've always felt like women who do the extra shit are doing it to feed their own ego, the scrotes don't care, they just want a decent camera, lighting and angles and that's it. I've also found that they don't like it when a woman does porn and is too beautiful or gets surgery of any kind, so trying too hard to look nice probably upsets them, yet these cam girls keep doing shit like that which only serves to make them look desperate. Maybe that's why some moids like that bimbo shit.
No. 2040374
>>2040367it's literally just stigmas, I've seen stripper anons in the sex work thread claim there were the highest earners who were chubby with tubular breasts. The more stigma you add around everything women do, the more women just give up. Nowadays there's people claiming women who work blue collar jobs are all thots who are just fucking other co workers on their breaks, female nurses get hate, lower end customer service work, etc. It just feels like regardless of what you do as a woman, you can and will be hated for it- so why not just do what makes the most money fast especially those trying to escape various situations like abuse?
>>2040370I'm not doubting you but I'd like to see statistics on this? I only knew a few strippers, none of them would dare do sex or anything
No. 2040388
>>2040378I can only speak for my area which is more affluent but even on local forms where they "review" sex workers,it seems very unusual for USA women at least to do full service? I suppose if you're in an area with higher prostitution rates you're essentially competing with other women who are doing it all for less. I guess YMMV but most strippers never did full service strippers don't ever do any sort of prostitution so there's that, It's probably more common among underground stuff like erotic massages and such
No. 2040408
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>>2040388This site doesn't even fucking list the "various academic studies, journal articles, and research papers" they cited from, anon. Plus, have you seen who founded the shitty site? Why the fuck would you pay attention to this obvious garbage?
No. 2040453
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>>2040438NTA but it's hard to get real statistics on sex work because most of the people providing the stats are people invested in sex work continuing. Usually you can't even get porn actresses to talk honestly about their experiences until once they have quit porn for good. It's very hard to find high-quality research with reliable numbers (see imgrel). So as with any underground type of career women form their opinions largely based on what they hear from other women. We also have the brains to realize some women are incentivized not to be honest about what they're experiencing, especially if they're given a platform online or by moid-run platforms like Pornhub or Reddit.
No. 2040542
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>>2040536I agree with you, mainly because i am 27 and i am still in the same life situation as i was when i was 18.
No. 2040552
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>>2040519Stripping is fine, and sometimes if that doesn't make a lot of money and you seriously need cash ASAP doing forms of sex work that doesn't actually involve sex is a safer option than just running to the street and hoping you don't get STDs or murdered. At this point in the economy, most girls aren't doing this just for the sake of easy money. Pushing the idea that most women in sex work are giving full service is literally pressuring women out of safety when plenty of women make money without actual sex.
No. 2040590
>>2040576I'm not saying it isn't possible, but you're promoting the idea like it's an easily attainable solution to being poor. It's like insisting that an aspiring actor can become rich and famous as long as they pick good roles… when the reality is they'll probably be an extra and make money waitressing on the side, unless they're particularly talented and lucky and in the right place at the right time.
Of course it's preferable if someone desperate for money aims higher than immediately prostituting themselves. If they can get a job at a strict, reputable strip joint and avoid it, great, and I suppose they have to know those places exist in order to find one. But if they are in survival mode and inexperienced I just can't imagine them being able to navigate those situations in the first place. Having the luxury to pick and choose amongst potential workplaces. Knowing whether a place "bans" full service for show, or REALLY bans it. Encountering men who really don't give a shit about the rules and will pressure or force or convince them to ignore the ban. Thinking that as long as they don't have full on sex, they won't be impacted mentally, physically or emotionally by SW. You can state that it is factually a possibility but there's really zero advantages to emphasizing it, unless you want to encourage regular women to think of it as a safe, glamorous alternative to a 9-5.
No. 2040599
>>2040580I guess I can speak about the handful I know
>one worked at a massage parlor, strictly wasn't full service, didn't even let clients touch her vagshe was also poor and needed something fast, idk how it works anymore but there was a whole "community" of erotic massages that never did FS and still made good money
the rest are the typical "stripper single mom" stories where they just get ditched out of the blue and need to think fast to make money before they get evicted once the first of the month rolls around, and ofc even if they got hired by somewhere the next day, the hiring process alone and time between their first paycheck will just result in them being evicted if they don't make money
No. 2040606
>>2040602technically, you're both wrong and right. there's definitely lots men out there willing to pay just for dates, maybe not big money just to eat dinner but it's something when you're trying to survive and its food. I'm not doubting there are moids who try to push women to go further but if you take safety precautions (only meeting in public, no real names, etc) it is a lot better than giving up and telling women who are in survival mode they should've just gave up and had sex
unfortunately we live in a world where bad things happen, it's better to educate people on how to be safe if they're going to do things like escorting anyway, especially since we're entering a lot of huge economic troubles and people would rather stand around screaming about how everyone just isn't trying hard enough than to do anything
No. 2040608
>>2040605first of all - let me get everything clear
I am not encouraging sex work, I do not want women to do SW, if it was up to me no one would have to do this to survive. On the same page? great
anyway - my point being is that women who DO need to do these things for survival should look into options that don't involve possible STD transfers or other dangerous situations if that's what they need to do, and that these types of things are completely possible. Do you understand now?
No. 2040610
>>2040606If you just need any kind of food idk how it is in third world countries but most wealthier countries have food banks where you can get free food without even needing any documentation about how much you earn or where you live, and it will be ebough food to feed you for a couple weeks instead of one fancy meal. Anyone who lives near a university or any Sihk community center can probably get free meals too. Literally no one in this thread told women to 'give up and have sex' they said to use precautions to avoid getting themselves in situations they weren't ready for, I'm willing to listen if you're able to quote the person who said 'give up and have sex' in this thread.
Saying 'look at sugaring apps to see how many men are willing to pay you a ton of money for absolutely nothing' is not educating women on how to be safe if they're 'going to do escorting anyway' it's literally just shilling sugaring as a safe way of money where 98% of the time men don't want anything physical from you which is blatantly not true.
No. 2040633
>>2040608NTA nothing wrong with minimizing risks but anons were just being realistic by pointing out that minimizing risks may be a lot harder than you make it seem with your argument.
>>2040627Yes and that's why it is the best website.
No. 2040642
>>2039484Maybe I can clarify if I try to put them into the lense of pickmeism. Gabi is a true pickme, killing her own race of people so that she will look good in comparison. If she kills all the people of her own race, then the world will think she isn't a piece of shit like they currently do. It's basically like a pickme putting down other women so that men think she's the better one, even though she
is still one of them. Floch would be the antipickme. He wants his race to stop being oppressed and killed just for literally existing.
No. 2040948
>>2040656Nta, but the world was actively genociding the wall eldians for 100 years, what do you think the point of sending titans on them was? In the beginning of s4 we get a glimpse at the true intentions behind the genocide, getting rid of all eldians on the island to steal the resources of it. It was never about revenge and a hate cycle, that was a cover up the whole time, and it worked in tugging people's heat strings and riling them up against paradis. Then iirc Tybur gave his speech and sort of admitted the truth and that paradis wanted peace this whole time, but Marley broke the peace treaty on purpose because of their greed, and Eren is their punishment and the consequences of their actions biting them in the ass. They deserved it and had it coming the whole time. Did you actually watch the show or read the manga or are you basing your opinions on twitter takes about it or something? It's bigger than just Gabi vs. Floch, it's the oppressed standing up to their oppressor, fighting back and taking revenge, while the oppressed tries to play
victim and get sympathy and beg for forgiveness they don't deserve and never bothered to earn. I don't know about you, but I prefer being on the oppressed's side because I see myself in them and it's very satisfying to see them destroy their enemies. But also, remember this is a fictional story and supporting the rumbling doesn't make you a genocidal maniac in real life, it's just an interesting way to explore that idea through fiction. That is before Isayama chickened out and made it about love all along or whatever. Also I'm not saying you're the bad guy for being on Marley's side, just explaining why I and many others are on paradis's side and like or agree with and respect Floch.
also he's hot. but the show has shown us the perspective of the paradisians this whole time, and made us sympathize with them for so long and made them the heros/protagonists of the story, and we saw their experience first hand for 3 seasons, so it's a bit hard to take the other side's story seriously in comparison because they have it waaaaaay better and are the aggressors. The show initially wanted us to be on paradisians' side until the very end, but the ending was retconned and that was dropped.
No. 2041012
>>2040642Ayrt, this is a terrible way to simplify it.
>Gabi is a true pickme, killing her own race of people so that she will look good in comparison. If she kills all the people of her own race, then the world will think she isn't a piece of shit like they currently do. Because she's a child who's been indoctrinated into that since birth and is literally being trained to be used as a weapon against her people. And she did not have this mindset for the entirety of the series.
>>2039529>Nah he was basedIt's not about who was more based. It's about the fact that they're both (pretty similar imo, when you really look at it) characters who have done terrible things for their country and were very annoying in the beginning but went though character arcs that changed them a lot. But only Gabi still gets hate for who she was in the beginning while Flock gets "wow, what an amazing, well developed character!".
>>2039533This is true.
No. 2041020
>>2040954>>2040999Humans are social creatures, we're meant to survive together. Now I'm not saying that has to be in relationships as we know them but
>If you can't survive on your own, there's something wrong with bullshit.
No. 2041029
>>2041002Nta, and I guess that's not a bad thing, but why would you need to be loved and love someone back so bad? What's in it for you? That kinda registers as a dependency to me, just a psychological one, and as sad imo.
No. 2041035
>>2041024Samefag, I just realized something, why would anyone want to defend Gabi so bad when she killed Sasha, a better and more interesting female character with cool themes and backstory regarding racism, classism, othering, internalized self-hate and so on? Gabi didn't add anything new, yeah she's from the other side blah blah, but we already have Reiner, Bertholdt, Zeke, Annie, Pieck, and Proco for that. I think that's enough perspectives lmao. They all were doing and believed the same stuff as her, but one felt guilty for it all, one betrayed Marley, many died fighting for Marley, and the rest joined the alliance to defend Marley. What's the point of Gabi's character other than her interaction with Kaya and realizing the other side isn't bad? We already had that plot with the warriors? And the same outcome of them still defending Marley and the world and oppressing the people of their race. I don't hate her but she's a bit redundant when you think about it. Points deducted for being the reason Falco exists, I hate that little shit so much he's so annoying. He's the other side's Armin or something. I also hate Porco, fuck Porco, fat ugly annoying pos who bullied my boy Reiner.
No. 2041042
>>2041033Ok but it's not really necessary like food and water and shelter? I don't think it's that big of a deal or important in life, it's so overrated. I can replace all of that with my hobbies, interests and bank account that will probably make me happier than any person obsessing over me could. I think someone being obsessed with you can be weird and uncomfortable, I don't like thag at all, and I had my fair share of people who act like they can't live without me, and it's such a burden and responsibility where you can't slack off or take a break so they don't get upset and start drama. Idk how could you like something so stressful like that. I prefer quite and solitude, and hanging out with my friends when I crave socializing. If I had to live with someone and wake up everyday to them being there and coming back home to them and never having any alone time or space and never get to experience the feeling of being alone ever again I'll go full psycho. It's just more freeing to be alone and have the option of being temporarily around someone or people in general and being able to opt out of this whenever you want without any consequences, which isn't really a thing in relationships since the person might be upset about it and make drama at best, endanger you at worst, or give you financial issues and not being able to find a place to live in if you're that intertwined with them. Sounds like a nightmare and a ground basis for abuse, no thanks, I'll spend my time alone and be safe for the rest of my life.
No. 2041044
>>2041036Because it’s just an illusion. Infatuation clouds your vision. Personally, I find all relationships stressful and am better off without them.
Also, you’re literally proving my point by saying being in a relationship makes you happier -> makes you healthier. People are too reliant on relationships.
No. 2041081
>>2041074Your original post that you shouldn’t be with anyone period, my post is saying that you shouldn’t be with someone
unless you’re going to be with them for the rest of your life. Is that what you meant in your original post?
No. 2041088
>>2041085Isn’t slavery when you’re being forced to do something you don’t want to do for no incentive? Thats not what being in a consensual loving relationship is though. Maybe if you’re in an
abusive, unloving relationship?
No. 2041089
>>2041081My point is that people both lose their identities and become too dependent on the other party in relationships. I also believe this to be true with friendships.
My conclusion is that people shouldn’t become too close to each other and only maintain diplomatic relations. Sorry for shilling scrote religion but as far as I remember, the cause if unhappiness is it’s pursuit in itself. Being in a relationship is a downward spiral in that very pursuit.
No. 2041104
>>2041095Ok well even if it’s crude it’s still correct. Thats not to insult them for being a
victim of someone else’s behavior, it’s simply pointing out cause and effect. Yeah, of course a
victim of abuse is going to think that every relationship is just like how there’s was. Much like how people who are in healthy happy relationships forget that there are
abusive relationships.
No. 2041112
>>2041101I don’t think it’s possible for most because they, like you, are already addicted to the drug - however, ideally, yes.
Also the way you describe things once again proves my point, you see through a tinted lens where the exchanges aren’t a fabrication when in reality all interactions are a play, an act.
Not advocating against support btw. We need food and commodities etc
No. 2041113
>>2041083Kek, I am above it. Even the friends I have aren't ones I'm actually close to who know everything about me. I keep to myself and know how to deal with my emotions and feelings on my own without any external help. You could never trust another person with that stuff because they can always use it against you, you can't read their minds or control them fully to trust them, it's very naive to think they'll be on your side and never wrong you when there's nothing for them in it. And even when they're well-meaning, they can't truly help you or fix your problems for you or make you feel better, that's your job and you'll always be better at it than anyone else, because you know yourself more than anyone ever could. Putting that much power and control over you in someone else's hands is retarded imo. There should be clear cut boundaries no matter what.
>>2041071Nta but this is so sad to read. You can't fathom an existence that doesn't revolve around a person feeling certain things about you? You can't enjoy anything or be happy and content without someone being involved somehow? Sounds like addiction.
No. 2041130
>>2041104That's a fair take, but in my experience, I had people obsessing over me and treating me like an entire support network because I was unfortunately good at keeping it up and giving life changing advice that genuinely helped them in their life, but it was stressing me out and draining me emotionally and mentally, since I'm the type that doesn't go to others for that stuff and prefer dealing with it on my own, and I never asked for help with anything in return because I doubt people with so much shit in their lives could help me and had the decency of not wanting to burden anyone. When I told those people their obsession and worshipping of me is exhausting, they were respectful enough and actually gave me the space I wanted, so I wasn't abused in the slightest. But I still concluded this is a negative thing and it's better to avoid it. It teaches unhealthy habits imo and makes a person too codependent for their own good that they'd get lost if they end up alone in any situation. It's like when parents do everything for a kid and control all their decisions, so the kid ends up too retarded to deal with anything on their own or decide anything in their life. Not necessarily
abusive, can be well-meaning, but still ends up fucking the person over long term. On a more personal blogposty level, my problems are too unique and complicated for anyone to actually help me with, so I refrain from opening up to others or venting to them or ask for help or support etc., and I know a huge part of long-term healthy relationships is sharing stuff like that with the other person so they'd understand you, but I prefer burning myself alive over revealing that to anyone, and they'll just think I don't trust them or love them and make it all about how they feel and it would be super annoying to deal with I'd probably end up beating them into a pulp. I just can't stand the kind of crybabies that are addicted to thats stuff, sorry.
No. 2041133
>>2041071I'm not any of the other nonnas upthread btw nor am I against women in relationships. Of course they can be fulfilling and a positive to your life but it gets dangerous when your basic (mental) health and your identity is dependent on having them near you. Especially if that person is a man. This doesn't just go for romantic relationships either.
>what fulfills your life for you personally?My hobbies, learning new and useful things, experiencing new things and places, gaining different perspectives on life while still somewhat emphasizing with them, living in harmony/low stress, being able to express myself and my ideas through various mediums, dedicating myself to things that are important to me, friends and just listening to people I like(mostly women kek), being able to help other people and animals, freedomz/doing whatever the fuck I feel like, like you said good food that makes me feel good is nice too, reaching goals/surpassing myself.
No. 2041147
>>2041127Good try, but I actually come from a villager farmer family and grew up doing child labor. The villager life is exactly why I'm blackpilled on this shit. They never loved me, they just wanted a little child slave to do all the work for them, and if I don't fo that, no food, no sleep, and not allowed to go inside the house, and that was the norm and how everyone older than me lived. Only lived in the city during the school year since the village didn't have schools, and the school kids were very obviously different from me and more "spoiled" and "softer" in a way. I'm happy for them though, they had massively better lives that whenever I talked about what my life is like they were just shocked, so I learned to never talk about it because I hate that look of petty and shock on their faces. And this is like 10% of the story kek.
>>2041128You know the country music sentiment of "I'll stay right here and enjoy the simple things"? That's me. Cartoons make me happy, cooking for myself makes me happy, drinking beer makes me happy, listening to music and dancing makes me happy, singing my favorite songs makes me happy especially when I nail it, discovering and learning new things makes me happy, having a nice relaxing shower makes me happy. It's that simple. But also I love money and being able to afford more luxurious stuff and lifestyle, like official merch of my favorite cartoons and bands and the such. These are too expensive so I buy them sparsely.
No. 2041158
>>2041155Speak for yourself.
No. 2041186
>>2041181Well because I asked what brings you joy in your life. I assumed that you were saying that your material items bring you
as much joy as having a child or getting married would for the colloquial normie woman. And I totally understand that, it is much better to abstain from having a bebe if you know you aren’t able to care for it wholly.
No. 2041233
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hamsters are kinda ugly. rats and mice are cuter.
No. 2041262
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>>2041222Depression on a plate.
No. 2041333
>>2041326>a little moid with a podcast-ishtiktok slang is ruining our lives
No. 2041344
>>2041322I get a little saddened by posts like that too. I just think to myself
Wow queen you live like this? I know it sounds corny but I just wanna give her a hug
No. 2041435
>>2041012Saying "male fans" are why he's popular and she isn't is retarded. If Floch was a woman, he would still be praised. If Gabi was a man, she would still be hated. In the end, they were on different sides
still. And the Yeagerists weren't the bad guys in the end, imo. Lots of other people think that, which is why he is liked. Gabi was still on Marley's side throughout the end, which is why she is disliked. Marley isn't likable in any way shape or form.
No. 2041440
>>2041322I have no dog in this fight because I'm engaged, but why does denouncing romance make someone a
femcel? Isn't that the female equivalent of incel? It doesn't make sense. An incel is someone who is involuntarily celibate. You know, want's to have sex but no woman wants to have sex with them, so they hate women. But somehow a woman not wanting romance or sex is the equivalent of that??
No. 2041464
>>2041322I don't disagree, but
femcels are volcels specifically. I do agree with the moid sentiment that women can't literally be involuntarily celibate, because men are just that easy. Though by the same token, any man can also get laid if he is willing to be with his fellow man.
No. 2041465
>>2041435I was agreeing with
>A male character can be complex and nuanced, any female character who isn't a perfect waifu doing the right thing all the time is an annoying bitch deserving of death.Which is literally true even aside from Gabi and Floch.
No. 2041523
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>>2041507adding on, when conservative online moids call people "sheep" I just think about how cute sheep are. I wish I was that pretty.
No. 2041562
>>2041112>when in reality all interactions are a play, an actJudith Butler is that you? I knew you were a secret
No. 2041650
>>2041559The first post you've made (assuming you're the individual I am replying to) enforces the status of a partner (either in a romantic or general sense) as someone who sponsors self-destructive traits.
>Longterm relationships, romantic or otherwise are unhealthy>the other party is only an enablerEnabler defined in the Cambridge dictionary means someone who allows or makes it possible for another person to behave in a way that damages that person
This is the guiding principal upon which your ethics of care is built on. People that may cooperate to advance their mutual interests encourage the other to be at their worst in order to ensure the partnership is a success. In the next post you either negate the possibility of love or advance the idea that it's an unfavorable state to be in since it's followed by a loss of identity thereby suggesting that the preservation of said identity supersedes the need to feel deep affection.
None of your arguments have made rational evaluations for why these things serve as obstacles to perfect ones person-hood. By minimizing the necessity of the core traits valued in civil society, you've essentially denied both men and women of having the necessary rational agency to make an informed choice concerning their well-being. This line of reasoning is eerily similar to how men subjugated women by denying them their rights by portraying them as being mentally unfit to exercise them in a beneficial manner.
No. 2041868
>>2041844Some of us don't want to either survive or be cared about, some of us genuinely find solace in solitude. The high quality vs. low quality relationship shit sounds like pretentious pseudointellectualism though even if that's not your intention. Yeah yeah we get it being social good, but that has its limits and it's not everything, being alone also has its merits and positive impacts on a person. Someone who turns out worse after spending time alone just doesn't have what it takes, people are different, not everyone is gonna benefit from relationships and socializing the same way regardless of the kind of people around them. And you keep bringing up that feral kids argument, I'd prefer living like them and dying extremely young than living the regular urban everyday life but that's just me. Their lives sounds more fun and interesting.
>>2041845Ok? But she's not responsible for the way you feel. She seems alright the way she is, and if that what works for her them so be it. And I don't blame her for living like that when this is the kind of response she gets for even declaring that. Like it struck a string with some anons and offended them so badly they had to write fanfiction about how she must've been abused and experienced great trauma!!1!!1! as if she said the most groundbreaking controversial take ever. Why does this shit rile up so many anons and make them go feral lmfao. Again, she's right you're addicted to it so badly you can't imagine an existence without it.
No. 2041888
>>2041868>she’s not responsible for the way you feel I never said she was? I was just answering your question
>she seems alright the way she is I don’t think she would be saying ‘every human being is weak for desiring social interaction’ if she was 100% all there, but we can agree to disagree
>they had to write fanfiction about how she must have been abused She did make multiple posts saying that she was abused and that she believes it shouldn’t be taken into consideration alongside her opinion
>you can’t imagine an existence without it You’re absolutely right nonners, I cannot imagine an existence without having people that I love and who love me back surrounding me.
No. 2041923
>>2041868What could possibly be intellectual at all about the idea that transient relationships with people you barely know are low in qualities you would want from a relationship? I don't agree there are merits or positive impacts of total solitude, it is probably the worst thing for all people other than going without air or starving. If you don't want to even survive then you're not talking about a lifestyle that's better and you can't claim to really think other people are harming themselves, you just admitted to not even wanting to live.
You're also projecting other people being 'offended' onto people who are just making simple, obvious points so it seems like this struck a nerve with you if anything. It's a controversial take because it's false, that's all.
No. 2041979
>>2041970Maybe here kek. But the cashier at the grocery market, the randos on my campus, or the 20 somethings on reddit etc. who cry ADHD makes me think otherwise. Plus they're handing out this diagnosis to people of all ages like it's free cotton candy at the carnival.
>>2041973>im going to smash their head into a wall.kek, I'm a little nicer so it'd be my own head.
No. 2041992
>>2041985Yeah I disagree that most autism diagnoses are NPD/BPD, just because they both share one trait (self absorption) doesn't mean they have anything else in common. People with NPD/BPD are often glib, charming, exceptionally good or convincing communicators, and even when they're not they tend to be outward focused, violent, promiscuous, obsessed with relationships, none of which is especially common for autists (except violence in some cases).
I do think ADHD (especially) and autism are somewhat over-diagnosed especially by people who self-DX but I also think they just genuinely are on the rise. It's not really just genetic I think autism is often caused by some sort of brain/brain stem damage that is more common in modern children and that's why you see a lot more of it.
No. 2042003
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>>2041962autism is contagious especially through the internet.
No. 2042005
>>2041997I don't think it's -all- screens as controversial, surprsingly i knew kids like this who grew up in the boonies with little to no internet access who still acted this way. I feel like it's mostly because we grew up in the "daycare generation", which is basically child anarchy, likes of COCSA and COC abuse in general, since the teachers often had loads of kids to chase there was nothing done about kids beating each other up and dog piling each other. Now we have zero tolerance policies which just gave asshole kids a boost and made children confused on morals
although these sorts of conversations require everyone to be extremely mature though, anytime you try to discuss the mental effects of bullying and how common it's gotten too many edgelords want to shut it down and claim we're all sensitive pussies like yes ??? messing up childrens psych leads to fucked up adults
No. 2042263
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The "wholesome furry" thread in /m is so retarded. Why even call it "furry" if it's not the gross sexual shit when that is at the very the core of what being a furry is?
It's the equivalent of calling a thread "cute non-offending pedo images" and it's just pictures of cute kids and babies. Like sure the images are innocent on thier own but you named it in a gross sexual way which literally ruins the point and implies they are still for pedos. Thinking stitch or simba is cute doesn't make you a furry for fucks sake
No. 2042283
>>2042263How do you feel about lolita fashion threads then? Cause like, doesn't everyone associate the word with a fetish and gee some of those clothes sure do look like a play on appearing as young as possible.
Anon I legitimately know autistics who like fursuits and art but aren't zoophiles.
No. 2042295
>>2042263I don't know how this happened but furries managed to convince normies that being a furry was not sexual at all and that it just meant you liked fictional anthropomorphic animals. See the other two retards who replied to your post as an example.
Whenever I see furries getting shat on on my social media, everybody in the comments is always defending them, claiming the fetish aspect of it is minimal or done by a minority, or trying to justify their attraction because they aren't real animals. As if them being 2D made it ok and not fucked up at all. These people given men the benefit of the doubt are so fucking stupid.
No. 2042298
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video game graphics peaked with the sims 1
No. 2042315
>>2042298i miss it so much
>>2042312kek i clicked the video even though i knew it was coming, it really is a special kind of scary
No. 2042319
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>>2042278>>2042314I wonder what the "nowhere girls" have to say about this. Probably some form of "NEET girls good, NEET boys bad".
No. 2042330
>>2042327Nothing wrong with welfare but the people who put the most into it a la taxed during their working years deserve the most from it when the time comes for them to need it.
Willful NEETs should get the least.
No. 2042367
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>>2042278Kekk. Wagies whine about a small percentage of people instead of figuring out you can all just collectively stop working as a form of protest, but no you’re just straight up envious of people who are able to stay at home or be NEETs. All about tearing each other down like crabs in a bucket and never about actually attacking the people who dictate work hours and wages, crazy! Also welfare is extremely hard to come by and you can be on the list for years and even if you technically qualify they can reject you for no good reason so no, people are not walking around willy nilly “wasting” your wagie tax dollars (that btw aren’t yours once it’s taken out of your paycheck) they are wasting that on inflated military budgets while neglecting every system where these tax dollars were supposed to be used on (education, infrastructure, social services, etc). The very fact you don’t want to acknowledge this tells me your rant is full of seethe and cope and this is why wagies should never ever complain about anything, you are unable to sacrifice anything to make your conditions easier. It’s all about “what about muh family and muh car and muh bills!!” when someone advise you to do something for the greater good, all about that reptilian lizard brain survival.
No. 2042405
>>2042367>collectively stop working as a form of protestAlright, so no electricity, water, gas, or Uber Eats for you.
Sound dandy?
No. 2042411
>>2042408Did you ever consider someone can hate both rich people and lazy assholes not helping the situation by hiding behind the smokescreen of only blaming the rich people?
You're still part of the problem of exploitation, you just handwave it because it's not on the mass scale of a billionaire but the village still doesn't like you.
No. 2042425
>>2042421Some anons here have education in STEM fields and medicine.
>>2042422working a wagecuck job like McDees =/= career employment
If everyone thought like you there would be no doctors, engineers, or scientists who are passionate about making the world better. Sorry you're the weakest link.
No. 2042427
>>2042421Or maybe you're coping by projecting.
And following the logic of your protest idea, wagies exist in the utilities and doubly so in the service sectors.
Would mean no internet or tv for you. Did you even think that part through or you gonna proceed to tinfoil about how everyone else must secretly be as underemployed as you?
No. 2042444
>>2042422You're able to do those things on the back of someone else's wageslaving that you're looking down upon.
That said I feel frustrated about this
>>2042370 as well.
No. 2042449
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I miss when mannish bodies were accepted on women. Now you have to look like a tranny with fat deposits hanging on your body like one of those fat goats from the middle eastern
No. 2042458
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>actually saying womp womp
No. 2042459
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>>2042403>You're incredibly retarded. Some people have no choice but to work or risk homelessnessWomp womp, then I guess nothing will change then. You’ll just work, complain and die, what a sad life while posting on an imageboard kek
>>2042411t. wagie who’s life mirrors the sisyphus myth
Wagie create their own prison and then point and cry when they see people who are free. Why not follow them instead of complaining?
No. 2042469
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Kekk, I’m not a NEET and it’s hilarious watching other wagies complain about this shit while doing nothing to make their lives worth living. Helpless little retards
No. 2042481
>>2042473>NEET relying on charity and benefits If only that was the case. The reality is that most NEETs have mental illnesses from rotting their brains being in front of the screens all day while they constantly stress out their own mothers about never having a future. I just feel bad for the mothers.
>>2042479>just whore yourself out in the mercy of a moid!This is not a good advice that you think it is.
No. 2042483
>>2042474>where do you think your food will be coming from, your clean drinking water, your clothes, even the buildings you live in if everyone just stopped workingIt’s definitely not coming from you, with your useless ahhh
>do you want to go back to an agricultural society where everyone works the land to have food on their plate at the end of the dayPretty much, sounds good. What’s wrong with that?
No. 2042491
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>>2042485And you’re barely surviving now with more technological advancements that should have made your life easier so wyd crying about NEETs when you should be grinding and being an outstanding citizen? Go and grind girlboss, what are you doing here wasting your time
No. 2042499
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There is nothing wrong with being a NEET so long as you are disabled to the point that you actually cannot work even if you wanted to. I genuinely think it's scummy for people to NEET for no reason other than being lazy. Even more so to have the gall to act pretentious and holier-than-thou while doing it. It is incredibly selfish and indicative of low-quality, forever-a-child behavior. I hate the system that we live in and I don't deny that there this genuine societal and economical reasons for why someone would wish to NEET. However, I think people who NEET and then go "Haha, stupid retard wagie have fun being apart of the system!" while not only being intentionally obtuse to the work and value of work people provide that allows them to NEET comfortably but taking advantage of it too are incredibly retarded. To NEET and have to rely on the everyday 'wagies' who work and do things so that you to have the things you need to be comfortable while badmouthing people who actively put an effort into such things are weird. It shows a general, almost psychopathic, disconnect from humanity. People who suckle on a benefits system meant for people who're actually in need for it and putting a strain on those who actually and genuinely need it because they can't physically work due to disability or chronic illness are scum. I wouldn't mind NEETs as much if it weren't for the fact that they're incredibly unaware and selfish. I swear, it's as most NEETs view themselves as modern day Diogenes.
No. 2042500
>>2042483>It’s definitely not coming from you, with your useless ahhh Terribly childish response to someone who's actually trying to have a meaningful discussion with you without condemning you for being a NEET like most other anonns here. Makes me think I struck a nerve.
You wouldn't have much time or money to put towards your valued hobbies in an agricultural society (nor is it likely you'd have many rights as a woman)
No. 2042510
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I support the NEETs on this website
No. 2042512
>>2042507Fair. However, there aren't any bitches here fresh out of Iraq or something missing their arms. They're just mentally ill (retarded) and have been coddled by their parents for far too long.
>>2042503Quit backpedaling and trying to cape for NEETs then. They're the equivalent of homeless people.
No. 2042518
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>>2042499if youre a neet you can neet, but you need to stfu when it comes to victimhood, economics or politics even if you have chronic illness or some flavor of anxiety (aka retardation with a faster heartrate), or one-no-leg. Living like royalty basically and should be grateful for it and stay humble. honestly should honestly be made to take calls for FEMA or other volunteer organizations but picking up the phone might make them explode ass-first from social anxiety and Chrons
No. 2042527
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>>2042510pic related is dumb for not being a NEET
No. 2042659
>>2042367Depending on who you are free money of some kind (not necessarily welfare) can be extremely easy to come by and tons of tax dollars are being wasted by these programs, even though welfare and disability are really hard to get. Illegal immigrants in many countries are paid more than a lot of the working population for nothing plus given free housing, certain regions have UBI for specific groups like troons that they can all get without much trouble, hell even a lot of government positions are practically welfare because they barely work but get lots of tax money.
>that btw aren’t yours once it’s taken out of your paycheckDeranged take though. Obviously once your money is stolen it isn't, strictly speaking, 'yours' anymore, but it should have been.
No. 2042689
>>2042684The dancing for me. Small but intentional movement.
(kpop) No. 2042827
>>2042811I just used an obvious example of two people with similar coloring which would be common to see out in the real world lmao no I'm not American and holy shit it seems like the other anons on this thread want to make it into a race discussion.
Okay, let's go with brown-eyed redheads (although they're much less common than blondes and I've never seen a two-redhead couple in my life). Do they look like siblings if they date?
No. 2042834
>>2042827Blond haired blue eyed people are significantly rarer than brunette people, so wouldn't it make more sense to use a similarly rare hair/eye color combo?
>it seems like the other anons on this thread want to make it into a race discussionBut you did that? I just don't see a point in dragging Asians and black people into it, blond isn't a race kek
No. 2042835
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No. 2042836
>>2042834Blonde haired blue eyed people are not that rare if you include people with dyed blonde hair which is a lot of people in many countries.
I am entirely uninterested in making this a race discussion and I'm starting to think this is just thinly veiled bait. If the original anon wants to answer the question though she should feel free, does this apply only to blonde blue eyed people or does it apply to the billions of people all over the world who date people with their same coloring? If this is just bait then stop baiting.
No. 2042839
>>2042838I didn't initially think it was and I don't want to get banned for reporting bait that might not be bait.
Anyway can we go back to actually interesting topics like NEETs or the fact that mixtapes and playlists destroyed music
No. 2042914
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I think it’s time for memes to stop being a thing. Everyone is so fucking unfunny and now just repeat the same reference over and over and over again to some unfunny image or saying or person. Like the chick fil a cashier making that dumbass face being treated as the peak of comedy. We’ve full circled all the way back to unironic Lel XD i’m seewww random and quirky haha can’t take me anywhere! humor
No. 2042949
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The moid in this picture didn't do anything wrong (if any of it actually even happened).
No. 2042961
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Ugly people should not reproduce. Ugly people often have diaseases and are weak so they just ruin the genetic pool.
Since there are more hot women than men, hot women should still fuck only the hot men (18-23) and women should team up with other women to raise the children like lionesses do. Men get euthanized by 28.
No. 2042964
>>2042955>cringe male feministAcceptable critique.
>interrupting an innocent man trying to flirtThe women saying this are dumb and need to go outside. Ain't nothing innocent when a man's flirting is bad enough to creep out the male bartender. Moids caping for predators is unfortunately not surprising though.
No. 2042989
>>2042975Yeah and restricting "ugly" women from having kids is just weird. The whole thing reeks of incel alpha fucks beta bucks nonsense but applied to women for some reason.
>>2042977Doesn't that just leave all of the hot young dudes to work in the salt mines though?
No. 2043026
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Sexyy Red is the hottest rapper right now. Her music is catchy and fun. I don't care if she's a minstrel show or ghetto! She reminds me of the nice ghetto girls I know in real life.
No. 2043038
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soyjaks are funny. i like soyjaks
No. 2043039
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>>2043038Agree, I'm still sad they got banned
No. 2043068
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>>2043039you get me
nonny. i understand why they were banned but still
No. 2043070
>>2043048Unironically: Go outside and touch grass. Please see some nature, away from people and off of the phone. All of these
>lanafags>ads with bearded ugly men>beautiful women being called mid>men in their 50s being paired with a woman that looks like their daughterare problems that only affect your personal life because of the internet and other humans. You will completely avoid them if you spend time off of social media and don't keep up with regurgitated celebrity slop. Most of us are having fun when we talk about killing off moids, you don't sound like you're having fun. You sound like this is a genuine stressor for you and I really hope you find peace.
No. 2043071
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I think neets should consider joining religious institutions.
No. 2043096
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>Male genital mutilation is just as bad as female genital mutilation
No. 2043111
>>2043089What did the nuns do to you
No. 2043126
>>2043103Being a mother isn’t inherently oppressive at all. Also
>gender roles Go back to tumblr kekk bye
No. 2043139
>>2043090Pregnancy is body horror
>>2043112>>2043113Acting like gestating a parasite is some wonderful experience
No. 2043159
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>>2043150Newfag. You just need to be carefully fondled and molded, you’ll wake up some day
No. 2043178
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>”it’s the innate purpose in a woman’s life to churn out babies!!!”
I just know it’s the chinless bitch from like a week ago bragging about her nigel. Kill yourself, I hate conservative women
No. 2043180
>>2043144I don't know her but I will look her up, this is a major pet peeve of mine. Relatedly I also hate the trend of putting literal ballet to unrelated music that doesn't match rhythmically or thematically and then calling it a cool fusion genre, traditional ballet already had a serious problem with lack of musicality in favor of technique but it's far more obvious when people try to superimpose a 'trad' pas de deux over some imagine dragons song or whatever is trendy now. The whole reason ballerinas used to be pretty good at musicality is they would rehearse with live piano accompanists and would have to match tempo and rhythm, it's so dumb to practice ballet to recorded songs that don't have similar rhythmic or melodic structures, throw in a lame hip hop move every 20 seconds and call it a fusion genre.
I think a lot of this started with modern dancers like Martha Graham but at least modern dance was usually done to appropriate music.
No. 2043181
nonnie, her chin is now on lolcow forever
No. 2043187
>>2043176This may be hard for you to understand but there are women in this world who do
want to care for our children, and do feel that our lives are far more enriched and fulfilling by taking care of a child as opposed to doing whatever the fuck else kek. Making the conscious decision to have a child is consenting to sacrificing your time and energy to caring for your child. Youre acting like women are being ostracized and forced into motherhood like we’re some burqa wearing muslimahs and that’s just not reality kek.
No. 2043193
>>2043176This may be hard for you to understand but there are women in this world who do
want to care for our children, and do feel that our lives are far more enriched and fulfilling by taking care of a child as opposed to doing whatever the fuck else kek. Making the conscious decision to have a child is consenting to sacrificing your time and energy to caring for your child. Youre acting like women are being ostracized and forced into motherhood like we’re some burqa wearing muslimahs and that’s just not reality kek.
No. 2043208
>>2043203>female experiencesSpending quality time husband and your children and your grandchildren as a loved and respected member of your community.
Would your prefer women do be blue-haired feminists screeching at the patriarchy?
>>2043192>>2043193I understand that but like
>>2043193 said
>Making the conscious decision to have a child is consenting to sacrificing your time and energy to caring for your child.Motherhood is not a fairytale. I have great respect for most mothers but the ones that think womens only purpose is to be an incubator and anything else is feminist brainwashing should go get off lolcow and just attend their babies kek
No. 2043214
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>>2043209uh oh, you’re retarded!
No. 2043215
>>2043187And how does any of that want or fulfillment negate any of the very real costs to her time, energy, and resources? Pointing out motherhood's legitimate detriments and costs does not shame women who become mothers, and in fact bringing these facts to life makes it easier for mothers to be properly compensated for raising the next generation.
>Youre acting like women are being ostracized and forced into motherhood like we’re some burqa wearing muslimahsI think you're mistaking me with someone else. There are multiple anons disagreeing with you.
No. 2043217
>>2043212I haven’t read any posts during this conversation that sounded as if anyone here thinks that’s women’s only purpose, there are posts saying that
biologically we only exist to reproduce, which is factually true, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the freedom to choose otherwise.
No. 2043258
>>2043257you are very naive if you dont think the anon posting shit like this
>>2043208 is a penis monkey
No. 2043263
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>>2043243He reminded me of this type of autist. Genuinely what goes on in their brains? They seem so empty and soulless. I wonder if they have hobbies, literally anything. True NPCs
No. 2043292
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>>2043090Aw damn that's crazy what kinda weirdos would do such thing
No. 2043302
>>2043276>But these are all things that you’re consensually walking into, it doesn’t feel like a costSo? That means we shouldn't talk about them so that women know what they're getting into or compensate mothers for their unpaid labor? I don't understand why every time women try to openly talk about the downsides of pregnancy and motherhood, other women have to come in and derail the discussion about how it's okay because it's all worth it.
>Also if you’re healthy before you have a child you’re far more likely to come out of pregnancy healthy, at least in my experience.But that's not everyone. Just because you have a good experience does not mean that every mother is so fortunate. Some women are perfectly healthy before pregnancy yet have terrible pregnancies and complications.
No. 2043307
>>2043270I’m incredibly blessed that I have the support of people in my life who love me, but I can’t imagine what it must be like for all of the women who only have their husband and their husband is constantly abandoning them at his job or doing whatever else.
>>2043283Kekk who is this queen
No. 2043311
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Oh wait, we're arguing about whether or not pregnancy is good and if mothers are "stupid whores" again? Well at least it's better than the hoard of NEETs unironically suggesting that people just quit their jobs to mooch on conveniently rich parents and welfare checks.
No. 2043329
>>2043318Every other week, one of you retards crawls out of the woodwork just to bitch and moan about pregnancy and the mere concept of women finding happy marriages and being okay with becoming mothers. When you're not explicitly calling them "stupid whores", you're implying it.
Don't be daft.
No. 2043336
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>>2043320Being upset about mammals being poorly built is one thing, projecting that on people who reproduce isn't the answer though
No. 2043342
>>2043319>every woman already knows, that motherhood is hardLook, if you didn't grow up in a place with subpar sex education and surrounded by little girls who get sold a false bill of goods about motherhood, then I'm really glad for you. But there's a lot of women who don't actually know how hard it is because they've never been exposed to those facts and that reality until some irresponsible moid impregnates them and they have to readjust their life. There's a lot of r/childfree transplant assholes who muddy the waters and are misogynistic pricks, but there are multiple anons who are trying to have genuine discussions about these things.
>“having baby hard” bait>acting like it’s just insane that women could have children is always going to be met with a negative responseMost replies to the "imagine shoving a baby" post were clowning on them.
No. 2043357
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No. 2043359
>>2043331I don't want to participate in the rest of the pregnancy sperging yet again but I agree that this is unfortunate. It's something most people eventually do so I don't think it should be so stigmatized to talk about both the upsides and the downsides. A lot of people have many complaints about their jobs but it's rare to hear 'well you shouldn't have gotten a job if you didn't want to experience those problems, idiot' whenever someone wants to discuss the downsides of their situation. There might be a disconnect here because most of the oldfags are getting to the age where they might have children but a lot of the newer lolcow members are young enough to find the conversation annoying, I know it's not a motherhood support website and probably not the place for it but I get why women would want a women only place to discuss their lives where they normally feel they fit in and the vitriol slinging is a little much.
This conversation on the unpopular opinions threads on the other hand is always tiresome and baity, it's never productive and always shits up the entire thread for like 6 hours with hundreds of posts that are just a rehash of the same conversation 2 days earlier, can we talk about literally any other 'unpopular' opinion that isn't the extremely popular (for lolcow) opinion that women who have children are all tradthot handmaidens cucked by the patriarchy? Like there were people trying to have interesting conversations in this thread before the pregnancy spergery started for the millionth time
No. 2043389
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No. 2043401
>>2042989Most women are dysgenic and unhealthy not as much as men but it's still pretty bad.
People forget that 45 - 65% of people are supposed to die before the age five because their genes are so bad.
No. 2043410
>>2043026Low I.q person payed by billionaire Larry Jackson to destroy black children and culture.
It's a long game to destroy African - Americans and people like Drake are all for it.
No. 2043413
>practice useful skills at a high levelIf it's okay to ask, who or what determines what skills are useful and their level? Like, I'd imagine someone going out survival camping but recording it to post on the internet would count as useful (edutainment content), but someone doing it by themselves for their own enjoyment wouldn't count? Although I guess the person posting online is probably profiting off of that content and therefore doesn't count as a NEET.
>even if they are supported by disabilityThe disability system is completely fucked over here in burgerland and makes it hard for people on it to do anything with their lives. Any money earned from places like part-time work gets taken out of your benefits, and if you earn over a certain amount you no longer qualify. The threat of auditors deciding that your involvement in hobbies or volunteering means you're not too disabled to work also encourages them to stay inside and keep their heads down. I wish there was more security for disabled NEETs so that they could more easily participate in society without risk of losing the benefits that enable them to participate at all.
No. 2043427
>>2043413It's okay to ask but I think that's highly subjective. In my opinion a 'useful' skill is anything that contributes value to other people in a concrete way. So obvious examples are volunteering at a homeless shelter or inventing things for people to use, less obvious examples like survival camping and posting it to educate other people also count imo. I think a lot of human activities have potential/inherent worth, for me the main factor to make something 'useful' is are you in some way sharing/spreading good to other people, and are you actually pursuing/building a skill or skills that you and other people could use later (e.g. if you stopped getting NEETbux or whatever)? I actually think even survivalist camping for your own enjoyment counts if you would be able or willing to survive off of those skills later and teach them to other people in a case of need. I'm using a pretty broad definition here but I still think a lot of NEETs don't qualify, since many of them spend time mainly passively consuming (media, products, the money their families bring in or tax money, drugs, etc)
>disability in burgerlandI don't live in burgerland but it's similarly difficult to be on disability here, that was just a theoretical example since I know most people on disability benefits barely make enough to survive. I was just using that as a theoretical example of why you might have money, probably not the best example.
No. 2043430
>>2043416I think it's more of people have an innate desire to have sex…
Here: sex feels good -> let's have sex -> man ejaculates -> woman becomes pregnant -> guess we'll keep it because of (no safe abortion/boredom or whatever reason). Obviously some women have a burning desire to become mothers. However, attributing 8 billion people on Earth for women having an innate desire to become mothers is incorrect. The introduction of oral contraceptives and other self-contraceptive methods (ie. IUD) has lowered birth rates around the world, especially in countries where the women are educated or actively receiving education.
No. 2043432
>>2043420The UBI discussion is interesting and I'm not against it in theory but I think in current conditions it would be disastrous/impossible to implement. I do agree that a lot of people who don't 'technically' count as employed or in education do perform useful roles in society, hell even SAHMs could be an example of this that someone upthread called a NEET even though childcare and cleaning is something you could get paid for if it wasn't your own child.
I wish we (not just on lolcow, in society in general) could have nuanced discussions on UBI because some of the ideas underpinning UBI aren't bad, but I don't trust the current government of any major country to implement it in a way that wouldn't just fuck most people over even more.
No. 2043463
>>2043454The American education system must have failed you if you really think men are the only ones responsible for reproduction like mpreg seahorses kek. No matter how it makes you react viscerally, we
all ,men and women both, exist solely for the purpose of creating more people and continuing life on earth. It’s not ‘sexual conflict’ that’s just life. If you want to do other shit and enjoy the luxuries available to you as a human instead of sacrificing your time and energy to create more life, that is always up to you, however it doesn’t change anything.
No. 2043493
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>>2043490The best one was the thread where that one anon turned out to be super racist to spanish-speakers and native-americans, which got her verbally bashed from front to back by a latina anon KEK
No. 2043503
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You know, as terfy as I am, I think most “cis people” are just as imprisoned by the gender caste system as trans people are. Bodybuilders and women who get so much plastic surgery they look like sex dolls are a good example. I’ve had so many women question me in the bathroom because I have short hair even though I’m quite clearly biologically female, they’re just gender cops
No. 2043552
>>2043546But you can't handle when people make fun of you. Laughing my ass of because I
know you're just some powertripping fag pretending to be a hardass when half your post history is you being an autistic sperg
No. 2043572
>>2043569>constantlyYou're getting very schizophrenic
>I know this isn't the first time you've done thisIt is.
No. 2043596
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they need to do this to moids next.
No. 2043622
>>2043586zoomers are a lost cause
>>2043578never fails to amaze the way some women are willing to waste money on Gwyneth Paltrow type shit…easily can do this for free.
No. 2043667
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>>2043660they are also very pretty
No. 2043668
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>>2043657>>2043667You have astoundingly shit taste.
No. 2043670
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>>2043668are you a jealous canadian? imagine not thinking this is pretty as hell
No. 2043673
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>>2043670Imaging having the o drive through pic related for two hours a day.
No. 2043676
>>2042283>How do you feel about lolita fashion threads then? Cause like, doesn't everyone associate the word with a fetish and gee some of those clothes sure do look like a play on appearing as young as possible. wtf furries and lolitas have NOTHING in common you sicko.
Men sexualizied animals and made a community out of it, some women joined and desperately try to say "b-but it's not all sexual" even though they joined a sexual sub-culture that won't ever change because men run it. Instead of making their own community they chose to enter a sexual one. Doesn't matter if you're a prude at the local orgy; you are now part of the orgy club. Doesn't matter if your friends sit in the corner going "well WE aren't having sex and we're at the orgy too so that means orgies aren't sexual". It's always been inherently sexual at the core.
Lolita was never sexual, it was always just fashion. Men sexualizing women for wearing non-sexual fashion isn't new nor is it the women's fault. Saying lolitas are sexual is like saying nurses are sexual just because men get off to it. Also what fucking lolita clothes are you even talking about that "plays on looking as young as poossible"? I've never seen anything sexual in actual lolita fashion, only in shitty ita fashion that all lolitas hate and that has never been accepted as lolita within the community to begin with.
No. 2043680
>>20436761. Your hobby is named after a fictional 12 year old girl who was groomed by a pedophile.
2. You dress like little girls.
Can you really blame laymen and laywomen for being weirded out lolita?
No. 2043689
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>>2043680>dress like little girlstf kind of little girls you know that look like this? do you live in an old mansion thats being haunted by the ghosts of victorian children or something?
No. 2043695
>>2043680NTA but lolita was never named after the book, it appeared as a dress-up fashion that went against the country's growing culture of seriousness where they were pushing students into mindnumbing wageslave jobs. it was about having fun. it was basically the japanese girls' punk of the time kek.
it's a loanword(?) in the same way in korean "sponsor" means prostitution, but in the west sponsor means to support someone. in the west lolita means something sinister where as in japan lolita means cutesy fashion. i'm not a lolita but i am into fashion in general so that's how i know.
No. 2043739
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>>2043703>Because the word lolita became associated with little girls in Japan as a result of the character lolita.okay so i actually searched up what you have been saying to see if there is any connection and i can't really find any. it seems to just be cultural associations. it still stands that in japan lolita acted as a counter-identity culture which became popular in the 70s onwards. (kek at the use of "cis-male" in the article because that phrasing implies lolita fashion has been, and still is, under an apparent trans-male influence. seriously just say "male.") the book "Comics as a Nexus of Cultures" an essay on Lolita by Dinah Zank said:
>Originally made famous as the name of a literary character, Lolita has today developed into a multifaceted term. Psychology, literature, comics or youth subculture—all these fields advance their own definitions of Lolita. This is especially true in the case of Japan, where affection for adolescent girls, as well as the development of a protected and idealized image of adolescent girlhood (shôjo bunka), has a tradition that can be traced back at least to the early Edo period (1600–1868), if not further. From this source has sprung a decidedly distinctive girls culture, which is nowadays characterized by a highly stylized, cute and childlike appearance and behavior (kawaii).so it seems that even if the lolita
term came from the book, it was repurposed to fit the culture at the time which had nothing to do with the novel, but just "kawaii" as a girls subculture. the essay goes on to say that the girls that call themselves lolitas that dress up in the fashion lolita is separate from the genre of lolicon/"lolita complex" which is the perversion of "kawaii" that men turned into something sexual.
ooh this is interesting:
>In Japan, by contrast, the development of the term took a slightly but significantly different route. The first Japanese version of Nabokov’s Lolita was published as early as 1956, but there are no signs that a problem-dominated discourse like the one in the West was ever sparked off by the book. One reason for this may have been that Japan had by then already developed its own, positively connotated kind of idealized girls culture (shôjo bunka) in the Meiji-period (1868–1912) and the first half of the 20th century. Neither child nor married wife, the adolescent girl, for a preciously short period of time, stood outside the rigid Japanese social structure, thus gaining an exceptional position of freedom away from the daily duties and usual expectations of society. The idealization of this status in shôjo bunka was influenced by the glitteringly romantic Takarazuka theater, which, to the present day, is performed only by female it seems that lolita fashion is more closely related with takarazuka than the western book… which is a relief. to respond to your statement i can see where you were coming from but fortunately it is not connected.
No. 2043776
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Anyways, while autists itt try to skirt the point–yes, if a normie saw picrel and heard it was called "lolita" yes they would believe you are into some kind of ageplay.
Normies don't care about the 2deep origin story of how it came to be, they only care about how it looks at face value.
The entire point is something can objectively not be a fetish even if outsiders would presume it to be one.
No. 2043843
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hopefully your dick gets cut off someday
No. 2043852
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me when a failmale doesnt kill himself and instead decides to troll female ibs for a crumble of female attention
No. 2043855
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me when a retarded scrote that should die in a war writes stupid gibberish
No. 2043967
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my unpopular opinion is i'm kind of a tif chaser, and it makes me laugh when clearly straight anons are disturbed by it. like, i'm a homosexual and you aren't, no surprise you think they're disgusting, to me they're just women with a certain type of internet experience and mental illness baggage that i'm compatible with and attracted to, that's what differs them from regular normie butch women (which i'm also attracted to). granted, i am against surgeries but tbh i'm not too bothered by top surgery. it's a permanent thing so detrans women have the scars too, and they're still hot to me. as sad as losing boobs is there's always other things. transgenderism is as real as transracialism to me, which is to say it's too ridiculous to take seriously. if anything i find their efforts to "be like men" super adorable and kinda hot if anything kek. whenever i come across cute ones i'm always hoping one day they'll come around and just drop the trans thing but keep looking the same. that's the problem when they do change their minds, somehow their tastes change too to be more gender conforming and tbh they lose their appeal to me… like where are the based detrans women?
saddest truth is they're somehow mostly superstraights contrary to what a normie would believe given the gender nonconformity. tbh there's not enough representation for people like me. in the days of yore tifs and lesbians were cool but now there's a division and it's unironically because of Woke kek.
No. 2043979
>>2043967god nonna are you me? I find
some Tifs hot for the same reasons. I'm friends with one and I want to date her so bad but I know she's got so many issues. She'd be a really cute butch. Sigh. It doesn't help she's into older, fat hairy men. (Typical TIF taste)
No. 2044135
>>2043967Kek the one ftm that I dated in my teens detransitioned because I hated men so much and spoke about it every day (that was the year I was sexually harassed at my job every shift and the bosses dgaf. The assistant manager was dating a 16 year old girl so no wonder his values were warped—the 16 year old hated that I knew she was dating a predatory moid too). Anyway it got so intense that after 6 months the ftm eventually said I could use she/her pronouns for her. Turns out the way to detransition your friends is to make the goal of their detransition genuinely the most disgusting thing you have ever encountered. Not because you actively want them to detrans (you actually weren't thinking of that at all), but because you genuinely just think about 'how you hate how all men right now and how they are just sexual predators and stalkers and molesters and the men around you don't care about their reputations and will just let things happen to you, and that as a result they deserve mutilation and castration.' And then saying "You're the only man I trust." really drives home that they're not men, apparently, and that they have the option to not be thought of like that. Apparently that gives them incentive to not transition. Who knew. For the record I have never dated a tif since because I do believe that attempting to transitioning out of the
victim-gender and into the predator-gender is a pointless endeavour. You cannot identify your way into another class and take any privilege or even lose privilege, because it's a system created by the people living within it, the privileges within any class relies on society giving it to you. This is why even "nice" men cannot live outside of their own privilege. This is why even mtfs keep their male privilege (and they make sure of it by upping the aggression/violence). Regarding tifs, their self esteem is already so low that the only thing they know how to be aggressive towards is other women. It's genuinely pathetic how women are so cucked even by our own sex. This isn't blackpill btw because I'm no fatalist, I believe that the only way to make changes is to alter the institutions and how we think of them.
No. 2044168
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Everyone is fat or/and a whore except for me(0/10 bait)
No. 2044178
>>2043967I agree,
nonnie. TIFs are so hot, especially in the frog voice androgynous stage. I had a crush on one for the longest but she was too much of a pick-me in the end for me to date. She was super sexy though.
No. 2044246
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>>2044236Never said I was radical or even a feminist. Sorry that you're a retard-fucker who'll eat out some crazy bitch that would want you to call it a dick. I would rather fuck a woman that's not psychotic, and actually knows she's a woman. Duce.
No. 2044266
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No fugly woman would have the audacity to act or would even be recorded as an advertising model with a GIANT FUCKING BANDAID on her forehead. What the fuck is this shit? Oh, it's pretty privilege, the thing all stacies and mids that wish they were stacies claims doesn't exist. If I showed up to an interview or a job with a GIANT FUCKING BANDAID on my face I'd be laughed out of the room
No. 2044292
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Am I crazy for saying or noticing that men have way more opportunities for employment than women and they still have the nerve to say they don’t? Every aspect of a woman’s job involves soul-tearing people schmoozing that dictate your career growth while men can just walk on to a construction site and provide for their families. Employment for women seems limited for women
No. 2044391
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I disagree with the whole notion that transition is conversion therapy for gender non-conforming children because if anything most young TIFs are more feminine than the average woman. Like you can’t tell me that the average woman wears more makeup and pink than this person. If anything it’s more like an alternative subculture
No. 2044432
>>2044428No nonna kek, wish to be a beautiful orca or something definitely not a man, you would be cursed like they all are
>even though mom nurses and other staffed are expected to lift fat people and wipe ass for 14 hours straight, often no lunch break and then go right into making dinner, cleaning, childcare as soon as they get homeThis reminds me of those tiktoks and yt shorts of these women making elaborate lunches for their working husbands and always making excuses that he “provides” and “works so many hours” but women manage to multitask while working long hours so what’s stopping him from making his own lunch? They love pampering and treating their husbands and bfs like toddlers who are unable to care for themselves
No. 2044440
>>2044434I don't think BC existing is bad for women because it may be the best option for some women, I'd rather it exist than not. However, I think it is strictly speaking 'bad for' most women physically, there are safer/better birth control options, it would never be approved if it was invented in the 21st century (the safety profile is too shit) and it's telling hormonal birth control was not developed for men if it's so great because shouldn't men have and want all the 'good' things women have? I know scrotes are less threatened by pregnancy but lots of them really fear and hate the idea of getting a woman pregnant too yet they won't subject their own bodies to this shit, they want us to. Hormonal BC is also bad for women who don't take it because it's in the water and affects us all.
I bring up the side effects of BC a lot because it absolutely destroyed my life. It is one of the worst things that has ever happened to me and I will never live a completely normal life again. Happy for you if you're one of the lucky women who isn't badly affected by it though, the worst part is I didn't want to take it and wasn't sexually active when I was forced to take it.
More research won't help because we already know that what these hormones do to the female body and there is no way to make them not do that. Instead there should be more research into alternatives that aren't hormonal. In fact there are already many non-hormonal alternatives but they are less profitable for the pharma industry and slightly more inconvenient for either women or men so they're discounted.
Also not everyone lives in the US. Abortion rights are only being 'threatened' in one country in the world right now to my knowledge. Not everyone lives there, people are just waking up to how misogynistic and deceitful medical science has been. And I don't even get to be truly happy for all the women who 'need' BC because the sheer number of women who take it causes it to pollute my water sources too and worsen my diseases.
No. 2044458
>>2043385I agree. I have no issue with taxes, just with how they're spent. We could've been on Mars by now if we gave more funding to NASA, for example. More libraries, more public parks…
>>2043739Lolita is the only based fashion subculture because it's the only one made by and for women, separate from male influence.
>>2043967They're hot. They're more pathetic than normal butch women, god they're so fucking cute and sexy (before they ruin their bodies kek). They're usually cock obsessed straight girls deep down but they'll let you fuck them since most of them become bi while identifying as men. I have to resist the urge to look for men on dating apps to hunt them, for my own sanity.
>>2044135I think I detransed an enby lesbian by having her watch me lose interest in a female after learning she's non binary. The other friend was like "does it really matter" and my response was "of course, I'm only interested in women" kek. She changed her pronouns on social media to she/her the next day.
No. 2044506
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Shaved pussy is disgusting and pedophiliac. Women with hairy vaginas shall rule the Earth.
No. 2044535
>>2044527 said. With heavy sweating it's just easier to stay clean without hair in the way, same goes for armpits.
No. 2044541
>>2044485I make my male lunch regularly and genuinely enjoy it but I didnt at first. He didnt ask me to, but it just saves us money if he isnt buying food outside and I can spend that money on ME and things I enjoy while hes out breaking his back doing manual labour. Its very possible to live on one income where I am (living together nearly ten years), but if a man expected me to stay home in a climate where it makes more sense for me to be working, I would leave him.
Unpopular opinion: He gives me money to save away for myself that he cant access, and all working men should do this for unworking wives or mothers to their kids, in case anything ever happens to him
No. 2044545
>>2044541>He gives me money to save away for myself that he cant accessgood, as well he should
>and all working men should do this for unworking wives or mothers to their kids correct. any man who disagrees does not deserve to date women
No. 2044561
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No. 2044562
>>2044561ive got to go to bed but if this is about my homestead posts maybe it would surprise you to learn I also make our electricity and biofuels and large scale projects that weren't worth mentioning… My first post on this site was years ago talking about living without electricity and I have come a long way since then.
my final unpopular opinion: There is no energy crisis
No. 2044643
>>2044637>only men make friendly racist jokes You’ve either spent your whole life online or surrounded by like women who only speak and say things that women are
supposed to say kek
No. 2044692
>>2043811Then you haven't heard much. Lesbianism is literally a degeneracy to worsen position of women and exploit the traumatised ones or push them into
toxic relationships. Supporting homosexuality is same as supporting veneral disease and
toxic behavior.
It's better than women should be alone than in lesbian relationships because they're unnatural.
(baiting) No. 2044704
>>2044692>veneral diseasevenereal disease rates are lowest among lesbians when compared to bi and straight women, and all moids. most STDs transmit easier through semen
>unnaturalyou're having this argument on an electronic device. who gives a fuck about unnatural
No. 2044715
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No. 2044721
>>2044700nta but it’s just a joke
nonny. i’ve heard women in my life make much worse unironic statements in person in front of other people, not just online.
No. 2044804
>>2044803We're on /ot/ not /snow/ or /pt/
nonnie. Not every single thread on this board needs to be smackdown
No. 2044939
>>2044934I actually do agree that like middle aged-ish moids with kids in public are some of the most annoying and entitled people, and I do not like it when people bring non-foldable strollers on public transport but I've noticed that fewer and fewer people do lately since the slings or like 'backpacks' for babies and toddlers are getting a lot more common instead of strollers. My mom always carried me in a sling way back in the day too since she used a lot of public transport so I've always found the people who bring their giant strollers and park them in the middle of the bus very annoying (although some buses here actually have a place that's reserved for strollers but it's still annoying).
Other than that pet peeve I never really find that parents with kids are ruining my day in any noticeable way or being a hassle, except when babies cry on planes I guess but that's not their fault.
No. 2044943
>>2044939I've never had to deal with unruly kids in a plane thank god.
>I've noticed that fewer and fewer people do lately since the slings or like 'backpacks' for babies and toddlers are getting a lot more common instead of strollers.It's weird because I did notice that they became very popular a few years ago and it's like everyone in my city stopped using them as soon as the pandemic started and went back to using huge strollers that can't be folded. I have no clue why. These things seem so much more convenient that a stroller and I'm sure the babies like being carried like this too.
No. 2044949
>>2044943Oh I don't mean unruly kids on planes for the most part I just mean crying/screaming babies and toddlers since the takeoff and landing makes their ears hurt.
I have like 3 neighbors who I see every day who had babies in the last 1-2 years and they all carry them in slings 90% of the time, same with my one actual friend who had a baby recently. I notice the women with strollers on the bus are often older, it seems like a trend in late 20s or early 30s people to have the slings/backpacks.
No. 2044979
>>2044974Poland is making steps to relegalize abortion rn so I wouldn't use the wording 'under threat,' and I am not aware of more tightening of the restrictions in Hungary (although they are fairly strict already) coming up. May be wrong.
At any rate neither of those are big countries so it seems strange to assume everyone on the internet concerned about BC is doing it suspiciously because they feel abortion is being threatened and now's their chance.
No. 2044982
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I think its disrespectful to use Joan of arc as a symbol for radical feminism and even just regular feminism in general, there's nothing wrong admiring her(I admire her as well) but pushing modern political views upon her that she would never hold is imo fundamentally desecrating her as a person, she was an intensely religions girl in the middle ages who would despise many modern values, there's this dumb narrative about how the catholic church hated her when she's always remained a popular folk saint with in France and many catholic communities
Joan of arc died only praising Jesus and God but picrel ahas her denouncing her faith in this and claiming it is a fact and its so utterly fucked up and disrespectful to do that
the stuff the author makes up and has her spout is just utterly ridiculous
>The play claims Joan was tortured during her trial, and then has Joan compare torture to "fat shaming", wearing a bra, making a woman "afraid of sex", ignoring women or interrupting them, etc. On the first point: several eyewitnesses said Joan was only threatened with torture, which the judge decided not to actually carry out. On the second point: asking us to believe that Joan of Arc would extend the definition of torture to include wearing a bra or being ignored is a tremendous stretch; and claiming she would link the issue to the disapproval of sex is even more of a stretch given her documented views on sex : eyewitnesses said she hated unwed mistresses and prostitutes enough to hit them with her sword in order to drive them away from the army's camp, and she constantly called herself "the virgin" because she said she took an oath of virginity.
No. 2045017
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>>2044982Interestingly enough, in France she has been used as a symbol of french fascists an for a century now, during the vichy regime, she was appointed as the national personification of France
No. 2045100
>raise the wages to livable!
Okay, but first implement laws and policies against the capitalist corpos or else your braindead demand will be the reason why everyone else's prices also go up because richfucks will increase the costs to adjust for everyone's fancy new wage.
And by the way, if you didn't get further education, learned no trade, and have a spotty work history at best because you cannot keep a job then you don't deserve the same pay as professionals and people who sacrificed to advance their earnings because you did not work for it.
Does everyone deserve to have a stabilized home, water, food, healthcare, and utilities? Yes.
Does everyone deserve fancy vacations, brand clothes, and luxury foods at their beck and call? Nope, earn it fuckers or go pound sand.
No. 2045107
>>2045085But which unfair and illogical religion is the correct one?
If someone starts a cult today, does it count towards the unfair and illogical religions we need to consider as potentially real if it survives hundreds of years from now?
>>2045096AI taking over would be the best, humanity is fatally flawed.
History repeats itself because we are the drivers, it's why our religions have no answers and are giant cope.
No. 2045118
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No amount of scrote fueled cancel culture can make me dislike Coco Chanel. She's a brilliant entrepreneur and her opinions on jews were shared by 95% of frenchies of her generation.
No. 2045125
>>2045109As long as straight (ie the majority of) women can't control their urge to worship cock, we'll never get anywhere. If I were a moid I'd act just like the rest of them, because there's no reason not to when the only thing women do in protest is "pwease don't rape us, it hurts our feelings! of course we don't forget about male vwictims, who are just as
valid as us, and how sad it makes you to remember that rape exists, just please keep it in mind that rape and domestic violence and sex trafficking hurt our feelings!! of course I'll still settle down and suck cock and wipe your ass and shit out breed spawn, so you don't need to worry about any inconvenient opinions for too long!" It's a miracle feminism has achieved anything at all with the way straight women are, honestly.
(blackpill outside of 2x) No. 2045156
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>>2045151Yeah, typically party elites can get away with more shit. That doesn’t change the fact that thousands of gay men who weren’t protected by the nazi party were killed during the holocaust. Picrel shows gay men wearing the pink triangle that homosexual prisoners were forced to wear. I hate you nonnies for making me cape for gay moids when you say stupid shit kek
No. 2045201
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>>2045195some of you weren't beaten enough as a child I swear to god
No. 2045203
>>2045195>Gay men WERE nazis, unlike women who were just persecuted housewives and not much else.Have you been following the discussion at all before chipping in? This entire discussion started because of Coco Chanel who was an active nazi collaborator and spy of her own volition, perhaps because of entrepreneurial ties to the Nazi party in occupied France. She was literally collaborating with the occupiers of her own country. I don’t disagree that fascist ideology is male worshipping and faggy, but women are not always subservient braindead slaves who have no will outside obeying their moid husband. I’m tired of anons on here that genuinely think women can do no wrong. It’s ironically pretty misogynistic and contradictory to assume that women are
always victims of patriarchal ideology and have
no free will
No. 2045229
>>2045083kek that gave me flashbacks from a bpd woman who said the same thing to me. she said i was amazing and so kind and empathetic compared to all the nasty horrible people she'd met her entire life and i was too naive to realise what it was but my gut feeling was still weirded out
four months later, absolute devaluation and pages of pure vitriol and hatred towards me
No. 2045294
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I hate it when pretty/beautiful ppl complain that being easy on the eyes has downsides to them. Given the chance, they wouldn't choose to be ugly at all lmao. I hope they can stfu for once, they had it easy.
No. 2045299
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>>2045229BPDs are incredible. They are so cute and bubbly until a light switches in their head and you become Satan incarnate forever. I had this happen to me because I ate part of her dunkin donut order. Giving her another donut the next day didn't fix anything and it eventually escalated over a few weeks to threats of arson.
No. 2045313
>>2045083I had a moid on Discord know me for literally 3 days where I'd give him the most basic therapy advice when he traumadumped on me and then he sent me two pages of how he'd finally found someone who understood and cared for him. My sides.
I should've laughed and broken his heart but I chose not to inadvertently create another incel
No. 2045325
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>>2045225Taylor, Lana, Selena, Sabrina etc are all talk/whisper singers and don't have SHIT on Adele in that department at least. Bring back Mariah Carey-esqe divas who are bitchy but earned it.
No. 2045349
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>>2045341coquette is just a psycop to groom young girls into thinking pedophilia and relationships with old men is cute/edgy
No. 2045369
>>2045361Women like this are definitely a result of what happens when a middle class white girl consumes too much coquette content in their youth. They grow up wanting to be soft pale little girls and end up in relationships with men old enough to be their dad and waste their youth pedo pandering. It’s sad.
No. 2045498
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>>2045497I'm not doubting that, but they're currently not trying to imitate Japanese. It looks super American to me
No. 2045547
>>2045406Yes, the chemical imbalance theory of depression is a lie, a quite egregious one at that. Eating healthy and exercising isn't always the correct treatment though. There are many possible causes for depression for example gut flora imbalances (which usually aren't fixed easily just by 'eating right' you often need to take specific probiotics or eat highly specific things, inflammatory/autoimmune processes (again these can be helped by diet/exercise in some cases but sometimes there's a serious underlying cause that won't fix), or environmental factors that won't go away just because you try to lead a healthier lifestyle. I do think many, many modern depression cases are just a result of bad lifestyle though and everyone being on their devices all the time instead of socializing, being active, and eating a good diet (also it's really hard to eat a truly good diet now, most of our food sources in the modern world are poisoned to some degree or another).
The thing about potentially affecting employment prospects and court testimonies is true though, I'd be very hesitant to get a mental illness diagnosis put on my permanent health record for that reason. It's not just employment too, it can also affect future medical care if your doctor assumes some other health issue you have is just a depression symptom.